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International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163,

www.ijtra.com Volume 2, Issue 4 (July-Aug 2014), PP 127-131

127 | P a g e


Sami M. Halawani
Faculty of Computing and Information Technology,
King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Abstract The automation of fault detection in material
science is getting popular because of less cost and time. Steel
plates fault detection is an important material science problem.
Data mining techniques deal with data analysis of large data.
Decision trees are very popular classifiers because of their simple
structures and accuracy. A classifier ensemble is a set of
classifiers whose individual decisions are combined in to classify
new examples. Classifiers ensembles generally perform better
than single classifier. In this paper, we show the application of
decision tree ensembles for steel plates faults prediction. The
results suggest that Random Subspace and AdaBoost.M1 are the
best ensemble methods for steel plates faults prediction with
prediction accuracy more than 80%. We also demonstrate that if
insignificant features are removed from the datasets, the
performance of the decision tree ensembles improve for steel
plates faults prediction. The results suggest the future
development of steel plate faults analysis tools by using decision
tree ensembles.
I ndex Terms Material informatics, Steel plates faults, Data
mining, Decision trees, Ensembles.
Materials informatics [1] is a field of study that applies the
principles of data mining techniques to material science. It is
very important to predict the material behavior correctly. As
we cannot do the very large number of experiments without
high cost and time, the prediction of material properties by
computer methods is gaining ground. A fault is defined as an
abnormal behavior. Defects or Faults detection is an important
problem in material science [2]. The timely detection of faults
may save lot of time and money. The steel industry is one of
the areas which have fault detection problem. The task is to
detect the type of defects, steel plates have. Some of the defects
are Pastry, Z-Scratch, K-Scatch, Stains, Dirtiness, and Bumps
etc. One of the tradition methods is to have manual inspection
of each steel plate to find out the defects. This method is time
consuming and need lot of efforts. The automation of fault
detection technique is emerging as a powerful technique for
fault detection [3]. This process relies on data mining
techniques [4] to predict the fault detection. These techniques
use past data (the data consist of features and the output that is
to be predicted by using features) to construct models (which
are also called classifiers) and these models are used to predict
the faults.
Classifiers ensembles are popular data mining techniques
[5]. Classifier ensembles are combination of base models; the
decision of each base model is combined to get the final
decision. A decision tree [6] is very popular classifier which
has been successfully used for various applications. Decision
tree ensembles have been very accurate classifiers and have
shown excellent performance in different applications [7].
It has also been shown that not all features that are used for
prediction are useful [8]. Removing some of the insignificant
features may improve the performance of the classifiers.
Hence, it is important to analyze the data to remove
insignificant features.
Various data mining techniques [9, 10] have been used to
predict the steel plate faults, however, there is no detailed study
to show the performance of different kinds of decision tree
ensembles for predicting steel plate faults. The advantage of
the decision tree ensembles is that they give accurate
predictions [11]. Hence, we expect that decision tree ensembles
will perform well for steel plate fault predictions. As there has
been no study to see the effect of removing insignificant
features on prediction accuracy for steel plate faults, it will be
useful to do this study for better prediction results. There are
two objectives of the paper;
1- There are many decision tree ensemble methods. In this
paper we will find out which method is the best for steel plates
prediction problem.
2- To investigate the effect of removing insignificant
features on the prediction accuracy for decision tree ensembles
for steel plates faults.
In this section, we will discuss various data mining
techniques that were used in this paper.

Decision trees
Decision trees are very popular tools for classification as
they produce rules that can be easily analyzed by human
International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163,
www.ijtra.com Volume 2, Issue 4 (July-Aug 2014), PP 127-131

128 | P a g e

beings. A decision tree can be used to classify an example by
starting at the root of the tree and moving through it until a leaf
node, which provides the rules for classification of the
example. There are various methods to produce decision trees,
however C4.5 [6] and CART trees [12] are the most popular
decision tree methods.

Classifier Ensembles
Ensembles [5] are a combination of multiple base models;
the final classification depends on the combined outputs of
individual models. Classifier ensembles have shown to produce
better results than single models, provided the classifiers are
accurate and diverse.
Several methods have been proposed to build decision tree
ensembles. In these methods, randomization is introduced to
build diverse decision trees. Bagging [13] and Boosting [14]
introduce randomization by manipulating the training data
supplied to each classifier. Ho [15] proposes Random
Subspaces that selects random subsets of input features for
training an ensemble. Breiman [16] combines Random
Subspaces technique with Bagging to create Random Forests.
To build a tree, it uses a bootstrap replica of the training
sample, then during the tree growing phase, at each node the
optimal split is selected from a random subset of size K of
candidate features, then during the tree growing phase, at each
node the optimal split is selected from a random subset of size
K of candidate features. We will discuss these techniques in

Random Subspaces
Ho [15] presents Random Subspaces (RS) ensembles. In
this method, diverse datasets are created by selecting random
subsets of a feature space. Each decision tree in an ensemble
learns on one dataset from the pool of different datasets.
Results of these trees are combined to get the final result. This
simple method is quite competitive to other ensemble methods.
Experiments suggest that RS is good when there is certain
redundancy in features. For datasets where there is no
redundancy, redundancy needs to be introduced artificially by
concatenating new features that are linear combinations of
original features to the original features and treating this as the

Bagging [13] generates different bootstrap training datasets
from the original training dataset and uses each of them to train
one of the classifiers in the ensemble. For example, to create a
training set of N data points, it selects one point from the
training dataset, N times without replacement. Each point has
equal probability of selection. In one training dataset, some of
the points get selected more than once, whereas some of them
are not selected at all. Different training datasets are created by
this process. When different classifiers of the ensemble are
trained on different training datasets, diverse classifiers are
created. Bagging does more to reduce the variance part of the
error of the base classifier than the bias part of the error.

Boosting [14] generates a sequence of classifiers with different
weight distribution over the training set. In each iteration, the
learning algorithm is invoked to minimize the weighted error,
and it returns a hypothesis. The weighted error of this
hypothesis is computed and applied to update the weight on the
training examples. The final classifier is constructed by a
weighted vote of the individual classifiers. Each classifier is
weighted according to its accuracy on the weighted training set
that it has trained on. The key idea, behind Boosting is to
concentrate on data points that are hard to classify by
increasing their weights so that the probability of their
selection in the next round is increased. In subsequent iteration,
therefore, Boosting tries to solve more difficult learning
problems. Boosting reduces both bias and variance parts of the
error. As it concentrates on hard to classify data points, this
leads to the decrease in the bias. At the same time classifiers
are trained on different training data sets so it helps in reducing
the variance. Boosting has difficulty in learning when the
dataset is noisy.

Random Forests
Random Forests [16] are very popular decision tree
ensembles. It combines bagging with random subspace. For
each decision tree, a dataset is created by bagging procedure.
During the tree growing phase, at each node, k attributes are
selected randomly and the node is split by the best attribute
from these k attributes. Breiman [16] shows that Random
Forests are quite competitive to Adaboost. However, Random
Forests can handle mislabeled data points better than Adaboost
can. Due to its robustness of the Random Forests, they are
widely used.

Feature Selection
Not all features are useful for prediction [17, 18]. It is
important to find out insignificant features that may cause error
in prediction. There are many methods for feature selection,
however, Relief [19] is a very popular feature selection
method. Relief is based on feature estimation. Relief assigns a
value of relevance to each feature. All features with higher
values than the user given threshold value are selected.

All the experiments were carried out by using WEKA
software [20]. We did the experiments with Random Subspace,
Bagging, AdaBoost.M1 and Random Forests modules. For the
Random subspace, Bagging and AdaBoost.M1 modules, we
carried out experiments with J48 tree (the implementation of
C4.5 tree). The size of the ensembles was set to 50. All the
other default parameters were used in the experiments. We also
carried out experiment with single J48 tree. Relief module was
used for selecting most important features. 10-cross fold
strategy was used in the experiments. The experiments were
done on the dataset taken from UCI repository [21]. The
International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163,
www.ijtra.com Volume 2, Issue 4 (July-Aug 2014), PP 127-131

129 | P a g e

dataset has 27 independent features and 7 classes; Pastry, Z-
Scratch, K-Scatch, Stains, Dirtiness, and Bumps and Other-
Deffects. The information about the features is provided in
Table 1. We compared the prediction error of all the methods.
Low error suggests better performance.

Table 1. The information about the features of steel plates

Feature Name Feature
Feature Name
1 X_Minimum 15 Edges_Index
2 X_Maximum 16 Empty_Index
3 Y_Minimum 17 Square_Index
4 Y_Maximum 18 Outside_X_Inde
5 Pixels_Areas 19
6 X_Perimeter 20
7 Y_Perimeter 21

Table 2- Classification error of various methods with all the
features used for the training and prediction.

Classification Method Classification Error in %
Random Subspace 19.62
Bagging 19.93
AdaBoost.M1 19.83
Random Forests 20.76
Single Tree 23.95

Table 3- Classification error of various methods with 20
most important features, calculated from Relief method, used
for the training and prediction.

Classification Method Classification Error in %
Random Subspace 20.60
Bagging 19.19
AdaBoost.M1 18.08
Random Forests 20.04
Single Tree 23.13

Table 4- Classification error of various methods with
15 most important features, calculated from Relief method,
used for the training and prediction.

Classification Method Classification Error in %
Random Subspace 21.32
Bagging 21.70
AdaBoost.M1 21.38
Random Forests 22.35
Single Tree 24.67

0 10 20 30




Number of Features

Fig. 1. Prediction error vs number of features graph for
Bagging method.

0 10 20 30




Number of Features

International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163,
www.ijtra.com Volume 2, Issue 4 (July-Aug 2014), PP 127-131

130 | P a g e

Fig. 2. Prediction error vs number of features graph for
AdaBoot.M1 method.

The results with all features, 20 most important features and 15
most important features are shown in Table 2, Table 3 and
Table 4 respectively. Results suggest that with all features,
Random Subspace performed best. Adaboost.M1 came second.
Results for all the classifier methods except Random Subspace
improved when the best 20 features were selected. For
example, AdaBoost.M1 had 18.08 % classification error with
15 features, whereas with all features the error was 19.83 %. It
suggests that some of the features were insignificant so
removing those features improved the performance. As
discussed for Random Forests, the ensemble method is useful
when we have large number of features, hence removing
features had adverse effect on the performance. With 10 most
important features, the performance of all the classification
methods degraded, it suggests that we removed some of the
significant features from the datasets that had adverse effect on
the performance of the classification methods. Results for
Bagging and AdaBoost.M1 are presented in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2
respectively. These figures show that by removing the
insignificant features the error first decreases and then
increases. This suggests that the dataset has more than 15
important features.
The best performance is achieved with AdaBoost.M1
(18.08 % error) with 20 features. It shows that a good
combination of ensemble method and feature selection method
can be useful for steel plates defects. Results suggest that all
the ensembles method performed better than single trees. This
demonstrates the efficacy of the decision tree ensemble
methods for steel plates defects problem.
Data mining techniques are useful for predicting material
properties. In this paper, we show that decision tree ensembles
can be used to predict the steel plate faults. We carried out
experiments with different decision tree ensemble methods.
We found that AdaBoost.M1 performed best (18.08 % error)
when we removed 12 insignificant features. In this paper, we
showed that decision tree ensembles particularly Random
subspace and AdaBoost.M1 are very useful for steel plates
faults prediction. We also observed that removing 7
insignificant features improves the performance of decision
tree ensembles. In this paper, we applied decision tree
ensembles methods with Relief feature selection method for
predicting steel plates faults, in future we will apply ensembles
of neural networks [22] and support vector machines [23] for
predicting for predicting steel plates faults. In future, we will
use other feature section methods [17, 18] to study their
performance for steel plate faults prediction.
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