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International Scholarly Research Network

ISRN Nanotechnology
Volume 2012, Article ID 102783, 9 pages
Review Article
A CNTFET-Based Nanowired Induction Two-Way Transducers
Rostyslav Sklyar
Verchratskogo st. 15-1, Lviv 79010, Ukraine
Correspondence should be addressed to Rostyslav Sklyar, [email protected]
Received 15 December 2011; Accepted 28 February 2012
Academic Editors: C. A. Charitidis and J. Sha
Copyright 2012 Rostyslav Sklyar. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
A complex of the induction magnetic eld two-way nanotransducers of the dierent physical values for both the external and
implantable interfaces in a wide range of arrays are summarized. Implementation of the nanowires allows reliable transducing of
the biosignals partials and bringing of carbon nanotubes into circuits leading to examination of the superconducting transition.
Novel sensors are based on the induction magnetic eld principle, which causes their interaction with an ambient EM eld.
Mathematical description of both the signal and mediums denes space embracing of the relevant interfacing devices. As a result,
a wide range of the nano-bio-transducers allow both delivering the variety of ionized biosignals and interface the bioEM signals
with further stages of electronic systems. The space coverage and transducing values properties of the state-of-the-art magnetic
interfaces are summarized, and directions for their future development are deduced.
1. Introduction: Biophysical Signals,
Transducing, and Interface Applications
A biosensor is a device that incorporates a biologically active
layer as the recognition element and converts the physical
parameters of the biological interaction into a measurable
analytical signal [1]. Understanding of biosignals (BS)
nature and properties of their mediums are a basis for
eective design of magnetic interfaces (MIs). Rapid progress
in the advancement of several key science areas including
nanoscale interfaces has stimulated the development of
electronic sensor technologies applicable to many diverse
areas of human activity. For example, the conceptualization
and production of electronic nose devices have resulted in
the creation of a remarkable new sector of sensor technology
resulting from the invention of numerous new types of
olfactory-competent electronic sensors and sensor arrays [2].
The growing variety of biosensors can be grouped into
two categories: implantable and external. In turn, the last one
has two existing paradigms: wearable sensor and noncontact
sensor. A wearable sensor had potential to be intrusive,
and noncontact sensor methods may still be intrusiveness
to a certain extent, while a noncontact sensor is limited in
its capability of acquiring physiological signals [3]. Voltage
potentials of the living organism and its organs are measured
by both implantable and external electric eld probes of high
sensitivity [4]. Information on organ activity is obtained
by measuring biomagnetic signals. For such purposes a
multichannel high-temperature superconducting quantum
interference device (high T
SQUID) system for magneto-
cardiography (MCG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG)
of humans, with high magnetic eld resolution, has been
developed [5, 6].
The most current sensing devices give us the possibility
to receive a full scale of both the internal and external
control BS. The internal ones are picking up by polymeric
microprobes, CMOS chips, and nanoneedles, while the
external by electromyography and neuroprosthetic (elec-
troencephalogram (EEG) and MEG) systems. Improving an
informational capability of the interface is implemented by
the application of the advanced superconducting transducer
and electromagnetic (EM) transistor/memristor [7, 8]. These
elements are arranged into the arrays of a dierent cong-
urations and can cover the order of spaces from macro- to
There are a number of methods and devices for transduc-
ing dierent BS into recordable or measurable information.
The transfer of nerve impulses (NI) is the main data ow
that carries sensory information to the brain and control
signals from it and from the spinal cord to the limbs.
2 ISRN Nanotechnology
Moreover, the complex view on BS requires further stages of
precise processing in order to decode the received or control
information. There are dierent kinds of transducers/sensors
for picking up NI: room-temperature and superconducting,
external, and implantable. Development of such devices
is increasing the penetration into bioprocess while simul-
taneously simplifying the exploitation of the measuring
systems in order to bring them closer to the wide range
of applications. For this reason, the magnetometer with a
room-temperature pickup coil (PC) for detecting signals,
which can clearly be detected in higher frequency range, was
developed in order to simplify the SQUID system. The PC is
set outside the cryostat and is connected to the input coil of
the SQUID [9] or a channel of superconducting eld-eect
transistor (SuFET) [10]. On the other hand, implantable-
into-nerve ber transducers are evolving from the ordinary
Si-chip microelectronics devices [11] into superconducting
and nanodevices [12, 13].
The recent achievements in nanoelectronics can be
regarded as a further step in the progress of BS transduction.
They give us the possibility to create the most advanced
and universal device on the basis of known microsystems.
Such a sensor/transducer is suitable for picking up BS
NI, electrically active (ionized) molecules, and the base-
pair recognition event in DNAsequencesand transforming
it into recognizable information in the form of electric
voltage, or a concentration of organic or chemical substances.
Moreover, this process can be executed in reverse. Substances
and/or voltages inuence BSs, thereby controling or creating
them (BS) [14]. Steady and rapid progress in the robotics
eld requires ever quicker and better human-machine inter-
action and the development of a new generation of interfaces
for intelligent systems. Such advances give rise to markedly
increased biophysical research on the one hand and the need
for new bioelectronic devices on the other. Transduction
and measurement of BS are key elements of MIs design.
There are two means involved in signal transduction: (1)
biochemicalby hormones and enzymes; (2) biophysical
by nerve impulses (ionic currents). Let us consider the
biophysical ones as useful for the said interfaces design above.
There are two valuesvoltage and electric currentwhich
characterize the pathway of transduction [15].
Calculations of PC arrays were performed with the
primary sensor ux transformer sites distributed uniformly
on a spherical sensor shell, extending from the vertex to
a maximum angle max [16]. The radial magnetometers
and gradiometers occupy one site each, there are two
orthogonal planar gradiometers at each site and there are
three orthogonal magnetometers at each site for vector
magnetometers. Coverage can be achieved by designing some
kind of density control mechanism, that is, scheduling the
sensors to work alternatively to minimize the power wastage
due to the overlap of active nodes sensing areas. The sensing
area of a node is a disk of a given radius (sensing range). The
sensing energy consumption is proportional to the area of
sensing disks or the power consumption per unit [17].
There are two broad ways of brain-computer interface
(BCI): invasive and noninvasive. The invasive technique can
capture intracortical action potentials of neurons and thus,
provides high signal strength spatiotemporally, for example,
prediction of movement trajectory. In noninvasive tech-
nique, EEG and MEG have emerged as viable options; both
of them have time resolutions in milliseconds. Any activity
in brain is accompanied by change in ionic concentrations in
neuron leading to polarization and depolarization. Such an
electrical activity is measured by EEG, while MEG measures
the magnetic eld associated with these currents. Electric and
magnetic elds are oriented perpendicular to each other [18].
Application of organic-, chemical-, and carbon-
nanotubes- (CNT-) based FETs for design of the
superconducting transducers (SuFETTrs) of BS into
dierent quantities (electrical and biochemical) is the
proposed variant of interfacing [19]. The placement of the
devices can be carried out both in vivo and in vitro with
the possibility of forming the controlling BS from the said
quantities. The range of picked up BS varies from 0.6 nA to
10 A with frequencies from 20 to 2000 Hz.
A further step should be the synthesis of the said two
methods in order to develop the internal (implantable)
nano-bio-interface arrays. This means wrapping of molec-
ular nanowired PC around the axons of a nerve bre or
synapses of neurons in order to obtain the natural biosignals
from the nervous system and brain. This leads to sensing
access across a vast range of spatial and temporal scales,
including the ability to read neural signals from a select
subset of single neural cells in vivo. Moreover, this process
can be executed in reverse for introducing the articial
control signals with the local neural code into the single cell
electrical activity.
2. Biosignals and Nanoelements for Their
As an electrical signal, the biosignal has two components:
electrical potential or voltage and ionic or electronic cur-
rents. The rst component is suciently developed and
does not require penetration into the substances of biosignal
propagation. The marketable progress in transducing of the
second component began when the necessary instrumenta-
tion for measurement of micro- and nanodimensions had
been created [14].
Short platinum nanowires (NWs) already have been
used in submicroscopic sensors and other applications. A
method of making long (cm) Pt NW of a few nanometers
in diameter from electrospinning was described [20]. Those
wires could be woven into the rst self-supporting webs of
pure platinum. Double-gated silicon NW structures (DG-
SiNW), where the position and/or type of the charge could
be tuned within the NW by electric eld, have been studied
[21]. Self-assembled molecular nanowires were found to
be composed of a single crystal, allowing good electrical
transport with low resistivity [22].
An interesting structure is that of helical CNT or
nanocoils for PCs. Nanocoils oer unique electronic prop-
erties that straight CNT do not have. The plasticity of
CNT will be relevant to their use in nanoscale devices [23].
Carbon nanocoils (CNCs), as a new type of promising
ISRN Nanotechnology 3
nanomaterials, have attracted considerable attention because
of their potential applications, such as parts for nano-
or micro-electromechanical systems, EM wave absorbers,
reinforced composites, nanosolenoids, and eld emission
devices [24]
Integrated CMOS image sensor device for in vivo
neural imaging has been developed. Improvement in the
packaging process has resulted in a compact single-chip
device for minimally invasive imaging inside the mouse
brain [25]. Application of the SuFETs modications such
as CMOSuFET (low T
) [26] and coplanar SuFET (high
) [27] broadens the range of requirements, which are
being satised by the SuFETTr. Alternatively, an FET-based
neurotransducer with CNT or PC kind of input circuit
for the nerve and neuron impulse has been designed. A
CNTFET with a high-temperature superconducting channel
is introduced into the nerve bre or brain tissue for
transducing their signals in both directions [28].
Flexible antennas have the potential to enhance the
emerging eld of exible electronics, which is primarily
motivated by the desire to incorporate electronics into
exible substrates such as textiles, displays, and bandages
[29]. The ability to reversibly deform antennas may also
enable new capabilities (e.g., rolling and unrolling for remote
deployment, enhanced durability). Relative to conventional
copper antennas, uidic antennas have several advantages
[30]. Furthermore, it has been shown that ultrathin layers
of metal can display superconductivity, but any limits on
the size of superconducting systems remain a mystery.
On the other hand, (BETS) 2GaCl4, where BETS is bis
(ethylenedithio) tetraselenafulvalene, is an organic super-
conductor, and in bulk it displays a superconducting gap
that increases exponentially with the length of the molecular
chain [31].
Graphene-solution-gated FET (G-SGFET) fabricated on
copper foil oers outstanding electronic performance, is
chemically stable and biologically inert, and can readily be
processed on exible substrates. Not only were the action
potentials of individual cells detectable above the intrinsic
electrical noise of the transistors, but these cellular signals
could be recorded with high spatial and temporal resolution.
The analysis of the recorded cell signals and the electronic
noise of the transistors conrm that graphene transistors
surpass state-of-the-art devices for bioelectronic applications
An organic FET (OFET) is characterized by textile
process fully compatible size and geometry. This transistor
has shown very interesting performances, with typical values
of the electronic parameters very similar to those of planar
devices. This result is very promising in view of innovative
applications in the eld of smart textiles [33]. Also FETs with
single- and doublewire channels (NWFET) were fabricated
to give some indication of the potential application of
the molecular wires [22]. Finally, inkjet-printed FETs using
carboxyl-functionalized nanotubes as source, drain, and
gate electrodes, poly (ethylene glycol) (PEG-) functionalized
nanotubes as the channel, and PEG as the gate dielectric
were also tested and characterized. Considerable nonlinear
transport in conjunction with a high channel current on/o


Figure 1: Diagnostics of the biomedium with the necessary drugs
ratio of 70 was observed with PEG-functionalized nanotubes.
The positive temperature coecient of channel resistance
shows the nonmetallic behavior of the inkjet-printed lms
Finally, FETs with single- and doublewire channels
were fabricated to give some indication of the potential
application of the molecular wires. Substantial progress has
been made in dening the performance limits and exploring
applications based on NWFETs [22]. A ve-channel FET
structure is composed of two double-gate transistors and a
bottom single-gate transistor on a silicon-on-insulator. 3D
transistor structures such as multiple-gate FETs have been
proposed and extensively studied as a promising solution to
overcome the scaling limitations of planar bulk devices. They
oer excellent multigate control of the channels and higher
current drive [35]. In high-performance n-channel OFETs,
charge carrier injection at the interface between the organic
lm and source/drain electrodes plays a crucial role [36].
3. An SuFETTr-Based Magnetic Interface
The advent of semiconductor devices with nanoscale dimen-
sions creates the potential to integrate nanoelectronics and
optoelectronic devices with a great variety of biological
systems. In such a case, it is possible to substitute the
microcomputer in an object-oriented problem solution
scheme by the natural processing organ-brain or spinal cord.
As a result, the software component will be eliminated and
the most general characterization of the measurement prob-
lem in one-coordinate-dimensional measurements could be
acquired naturally, according to the feedback reaction on the
input exposure. Moreover, the organs of the senses of living
beings could be regarded in the same way as the natural
4 ISRN Nanotechnology
Ionic currents
Channels i
Figure 2: Transducing of the nerve impulses and introducing of the
relevant articial signals [15].
Figure 3: PC for two-dimensional gradiometer that detects both
axial-second-order gradient and planar-rst-order gradient of MF
[37]. Copyright 2007 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.
biosensors of the relevant physical and chemical quantities
[19, 39].
The proposal to measure the biosignal values of dierent
origins with advanced nanosensors of EM quantities is
justied when allowing for superconducting abilities of the
devices. They are composed in full-scale arrays. The said
arrays can be both implantable into ionic channels of an
organism and sheathed on the sources of the EM emanation.
Nanowired head sensors function both in passive mode for
picking up the biosignals and with additional excitation of a
dened biomedium through the same head (in reverse) [40
3.1. The Arrangements of a NanoFET-Based Delivery and
Transducing. The advances in nanotechnology are opening
Figure 4: Comparison of the discrete geometry of three self-
assembly models. (a) Unfolding an HP chain. (b)(d) Several
representations of unfolding a cube [38]. Copyright 2011 National
Academy of Sciences, USA.
the way to achieving direct electrical contact of nano-
electronic structures with electrically and electrochemi-
cally active subcellular structures, including ion channels,
receptors, and transmembrane proteins. The method of
combining the bioelectric nature of the nerve impulses NI
and synaptic currents between neighboring neurons with
body-temperature PC and zero-resistance-CNT-based input
of the SuFET device in order to obtain most advantageous
biosensor/transducer was recently advanced [43]. On the
other hand, neuroelectronic systems for two-way interfacing
of the neuronal and the electronic components by capacitive
contacts and by FETs with an open gate were developed.
A nanoSuFET with a high-temperature superconducting
channel is introduced into the nerve bre or brain tissue for
transducing their signals in both directions.
Such a sensor/actuator is suitable for picking up BSNI
and electrically active (ionized) moleculesand transform-
ing it into recognizable information in the form of electric
ISRN Nanotechnology 5
Brain, spin. cord
Figure 5: Interaction of the natural and articial processing bodies
trough a SuFETTr-based interface.
voltage, or a concentration of organic or chemical substances
(Figure 1). Moreover, this process can be executed in reverse.
Substances and/or voltages inuence BS, thereby controlling
or creating the said media (Figure 2).
As a result, we have achieved SuFETTr that is suitable for
ascertaining the variety of values. Two directions of SuFETTr
function enable decoding of the NI by comparing the result
of its reaction on some process or organ with an action on
them of the simulated electrical or biochemical signal after
their reverse transducing through the SuFETTr(s) [44].
3.2. Arrangement of PSs in Arrays. An MF sensing array
consists of primary sensors and, optionally, reference sensors.
Primary sensors use ux transformers located in a close
proximity to the scalp or chest surface, where they couple to
the brains or hearts MFs, respectively [7, 45]. The reference
sensors are used to subtract the environmental noise fromthe
primary sensor outputs. The ux transformer design dictates
its relative sensitivity to near and distant sources. Thus, the
primary ux transformers can, in addition to detecting the
brain signals, also provide various degrees of the environ-
mental noise rejection. Flux transformers (magnetometers)
have the highest sensitivity to both near- and far-eld
sources. Thus, they do not reduce the environmental noise
(and must rely solely on the references or other techniques
for the noise cancellation) [16].
Wire-wound gradiometers are the most conventional
and are commercially available for EM systems. The PCs
of wire-wound gradiometers are wound in opposition
and balanced so that a uniform eld links the zero net
ux [37]. Conventional gradiometers, such as wire-wound,
thin-lm, or electronic gradiometers, are axial or planar,
that is, one dimensional that detect the gradient of a
MF in one direction. These one-dimensional gradiometers
eectively reduce the ambient MF as their order increases.
However, they also reduce the biomagnetic signal. A two-
dimensional gradiometer detects the gradient of an MF in
Ions Ferro Induct. Dynam.

Phys. value
Figure 6: Interfacing ability (power) of the specic input elements.
It depends on two groups of space characteristics (form and
direction) for the available transducing media.
two orthogonal directions to achieve high SNR. It focuses on
a two-dimensional gradiometer that detects both the axial-
second-order and planar-rst-order gradients of an MF.
Figure 3 shows a PC for the two-dimensional gradiometer.
The discrete conguration space is a graph. Each node in
the graph corresponds to an intermediate, and its neighbors
are intermediates to which it can be folded or unfolded
[38]. A common feature shared by folding of hydrophobic-
polar chains on a lattice and self-folding a net through
vertex connections is that in both cases the process of
folding is driven by the formation of secondary links between
topological neighbors (Figure 4). The best 2D arrangements,
called planar nets, to create self-folding polyhedra with
dimensions of a few hundred microns are determined, and
optimal congurations for creating 3D geometric shapes
have been found.
The importance of being able to address nanoscale
elements in arrays goes beyond the area of nanocomputing
and will be critical to the realization of other integrated
nanosystems such as chemical/biological sensors. A regular
crossed-NW FET array that consists of n-input I
and m-
output U
NWs, in which outputs are the active channels
of FETs and the inputs function as gate electrodes that turn
these output lines on and o [46, 47].
3.3. Multisensor Data Fusion from Arrays. A further step
should be synthesis of the said two methods in order to
develop the external (nonimplantable) MCG&MEG signals-
to-processor connection. The EM sensors are surface PCs,
which are used in regular conguration where PCs with a
small distance between each other are distributed under the
heart or brain surface to pick up the local signals within the
place of interest. The problem of sensing the EM signal for
amplication/switching/memory with a speed of light in a
Published: October 04, 2011
r2011 American Chemical Society 17923
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 1792317933
Transduction of GlycanLectin Binding Using Near-Infrared
Fluorescent Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Glycan Profiling
Nigel F. Reuel,

Jin-Ho Ahn,

Jong-Ho Kim,

Jingqing Zhang,

Ardemis A. Boghossian,

Lara K. Mahal,

Michael S. Strano*

Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, United States

Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University, Ansan 426-791, Republic of Korea

Department of Chemistry, New York University, New York, New York 10003, United States
S Supporting Information
Understanding the interactions between glycans and carbohy-
drate recognition domains (CRDs) found on cellular and protein
surfaces is vital to the elds of glycobiology, immunology, and
pharmacology. Glycans decorating the surface of proteins sub-
stantially inuence function, such as folding pathways, signaling,
retention, and pharmacokinetics.
The ecacy of protein-based
therapeutics is largely dictated by their glycosylation,
and thus
de novo design of drugs that interact with known CRD sites, such
as cell-adhesion modulating galectins,
requires a greater under-
standing of the kinetic parameters between glycans and CRDs.
Despite this importance, robust assays of protein glycosylation are
underdeveloped, with the dominant proling technologies falling
to frontal anity chromatography
and mass spectrometry.
Recently, the concept of the lectin microarray has emerged as a
promising approach to investigating glycan-lectin interactions. These
arrays take advantage of multivalent interactions to overcome the
weak monovalent binding of lectin-glycan pairs (typically 10
M < K
< 10
M) but are limited in their ability to transduce weak
mono- or multivalent interactions and also require uorescence
An emerging concept
is to use multivariate
responses of glycan binding to a library of lectins to discern their
identity, but this requires detection methods that are necessarily
sensitive enoughtotransduce the presence of weakly boundproteins.
Label-free methods, which reduce sample volume requirements,
have a distinct advantage in this approach by decreasing the absolute
detection limit. Herein, we develop a uorescent single-walled
carbon nanotube (SWNT) sensor
for glycanlectin interactions
with the ultimate goal of proling glycans.
Our approach is to couple band gap uorescent SWNTs to
receptor lectins, which are a host of naturally occurring carbohy-
drate binding proteins.
We benchmark the sensor by evaluating
the kinetic parameters between the anti-His tag antibody and
comparing it to literature surface plasmon resonance (SPR)
parameters. We then demonstrate the detection of fucose (Fuc)
Received: August 16, 2011
ABSTRACT: There is signicant interest in developing new
detection platforms for characterizing glycosylated proteins,
despite the lack of easily synthesized model glycans or high
anity receptors for this analytical problem. In this work, we
demonstrate a sensor array employing recombinant lectins as
glycan recognition sites tethered via Histidine tags to Ni
complexes that act as uorescent quenchers for semiconducting
single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) embedded in a
chitosan hydrogel spot to measure binding kinetics of model
glycans. We examine, as model glycans, both free and strepta-
vidin-tethered biotinylated monosaccharides. Two higher-aned glycanlectin pairs are explored: fucose (Fuc) to PA-IIL and
N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) to GafD. The dissociation constants (K
) for these pairs as free glycans (106 and 19 M, respectively)
and streptavidin-tethered (142 and 50 Mrespectively) were found. The absolute detection limit for the current platformwas found
to be 2 g of glycosylated protein or 100 ng of free glycan to 20 g of lectin. Glycan detection (GlcNAc-streptavidin at 10 M) is
demonstrated at the single nanotube level as well by monitoring the uorescence from individual SWNT sensors tethered to GafD
lectin. Over a population of 1000 nanotubes, 289 of the SWNTsensors had signals strong enough to yield kinetic information (K
250 (10 M). We are also able to identify the locations of strong transducers on the basis of dissociation constant (four sensors
with K
< 10 M) or overall signal modulation (eight sensors with >5% quench response). We report the key nding that the
brightest SWNTs are not the best transducers of glycan binding. SWNTs ranging in intensity between 50 and 75% of the maximum
showthe greatest response. The ability to pinpoint strong-binding, single sensors is promising to build a nanoarray of glycanlectin
transducers as a high throughput method to prole glycans without protein labeling or glycan liberation pretreatment steps.
17925 |J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 1792317933
Journal of the American Chemical Society
programmed to dispense alternating layers of chitosan-SWNT (0.25
wt % chitosan (CHI), 1 vol% acetic acid, 30 g/mL suspended (6,5)
SWNT) and cross-linker (10 vol% glutaraldehyde). The suspended
SWNT was made from Southwest Nanotechnologies, Inc. CoMoCAT
nanotubes sonicated in 0.25 wt %chitosan (CHI) and 1 vol% acetic acid
for 45 min at 40% amplitude with a probetip sonicator (Cole Parmer,
Model CV18). For each sensor spot 10 alternating layers of SWNT-CHI
and cross-linker were printed at 100 nL per layer, resulting in a highly
uniformgel of 1 L of SWNT-CHI material. The chips were printed in a
humidified enclosure (85% RH) at 25 C and allowed to cross-link
overnight in the same environment. Nickel-NTA groups were intro-
duced as previously reported.
Briefly, the chips were washed with a
dilute basic buffer (0.01 M NaOH) and water three times. Carboxylic
acid groups were introduced to the chitosan wrapped SWNT by bathing
the chips in succinic anhydride (0.1 M) overnight (Scheme 1, step 2).
The chips were then washed three times with water, and the carboxylic
acid groups were activated via N-(3- dimethylaminopropyl)-N
carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC, 0.1 M) and N-hydroxysuccinimide
(NHS, 0.1 M). The chips were bathed in this solution for 2 h at 25 C
and examined for the expected formation of bubbles. The chips were
again washed and allowed to bathe in a solution of a linked tricarboxylic
acid group (N,N-bis(carboxymethyl)-L-lysine aka NTA, 33 mM)
overnight (Scheme 1, step 3). The chips were washed in water again and
stored in a 100 mM solution of NiSO
to allow maximum binding of
nickel to the NTA chelating groups (Scheme 1, step 4). Thus in each
experiment the SWNT sensors start in their maximally quenched state
due to the close proximity of the nickel. During experimentation the
excess NiSO
is washed away with water and the sensor protein, His-
tagged lectin, is tethered to the SWNT sensors via the chelated nickel
group (Scheme 1, step 5). The large protein groups cause the nickel
group to move away from the SWNT sensor, due to steric loading
(discussed below), and part of the quenched uorescent signal returns.
2.5. Ensemble Measurements of Sensors. A custom-made
near-infrared inverted microscope (Zeiss D.1 Observer) setup allows us
to probe the fluorescent emissions of our SWNT sensors (Figure 1a).
The chips are secured on the microscope stage, and the objective (50/
0.7 Zeiss) is pushed into contact with a blank portion of the glass slide
(no SWNT-CHI) to obtain a 5 s background spectrum, which is
subsequently subtracted from the response spectra. The objective is
then moved under an SWNT-CHI gel spot and again pushed in contact
with the glass slide. By placing the objective in the maximum z-axis
position, the microscope can image a higher plane of the SWNT-CHI gel
where more analyte response is observed. The SWNTs are excited by a
785 nm laser (B&W Tek, 495 mW), and the emission is sent to a
spectrometer (Princeton Instruments Acton SpectraPro 2500i Spectro-
graph) and accompanying nIR camera (Intervac MOSIR Camera 350).
The spectra are collected via WinSpec software (Princeton Instruments)
and analyzed with custom Matlab (Mathworks) code. To maximize
signal stability, the spectrometer is cooled with liquid nitrogen 2 h prior
to experimentation and the laser is allowed to reach peak stability for 2 h.
The SWNT-CHI gel has a small transient region when first exposed to
the laser due to local heating and further permeation of Ni
in the gel;
thus each spot is pre-exposed to the laser for 5 min before data are
gathered. Data are gathered in the form of emission intensity spectra
(9501250 nm) integrated for 5 s.
A typical experiment was run for approximately 1000 frames (at 5 s
each) and included a few addition and washing steps to detect lectin
glycan binding (Figure 1b). First NiSO
was again added to ensure that
the SWNT sensors were responsive and that the NTA chelating groups
were fully loaded with Ni
groups. The nickel was then washed away
with PBS three times, leaving 20 Lof PBS on the sensors. The His-tag
lectin was then added to the sensor (20 L at 2 mg/mL) and allowed to
bind for 300 s. Excess lectin was again washed by PBS three times, and
20 (1 L PBS were left to bathe the sensor. The sensor was allowed to
equilibrate for 100 s, and 20 L of analyte were added. The analytes
tested in this paper include free biotinylated glycans, glycans tethered to
streptavidin, and anti His-tag antibody. Each of these, upon binding,
causes an increase in SWNT luminescence (Figure 1b). The sensor
response was recorded for 500 s. It is essential to record stabilization
frames before and after the analyte addition in order to correct for any
focal drift caused by the tension of the objective in contact with the glass
slide (see Results section).
2.6. Single SWNT Sensor Measurements. A second custom
microscope was used to collect emission intensities of single SWNT
sensors. The SWNT-CHI gel was diluted to 3 g/mL of SWNT and
spin-coated (3000 rpm for 30 s on Laurell Technologies Corporation,
WS-650MZ-23NPP/LITE) on glass-bottom Petri dishes (MarTec
Corp). The Petri dishes were then placed on the microscope platform
(Zeiss D.1 Observer), and the oil-immersed objective (Zeiss 100/1.46)
was focused on the SWNT sensors on the glass surface. The SWNTs
were excited by a 660 nm laser (Crystal Laser, 100 mW), and the
emission intensities were recorded by a nitrogen-cooled InGaAs array
(Princeton Instruments). Again WinSpec software (Princeton In-
trsuments) was used to collect the data in the form of a stacked Tiff
Scheme 1. Processing Steps To Tether a His Tag Sensor Protein to SWNT
(1) Wrap SWNTin chitosan, (2) functionalize chitosan with carboxylic acids, (3) attach tethered NTAgroup, (4) chelate nickel with NTA, (5) add His
tag sensor protein to SWNT.

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