Word Portfolio Guidelines and Sample Projects

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The document outlines the requirements for a portfolio project involving creating a resume for a historical figure and an advertisement for a new business. The project aims to assess skills in using Microsoft Word templates, typography, and graphic design.

The portfolio consists of a one-page resume about a historical figure and a one-page advertisement for a new business.

Guidelines for the resume include using a template, including contact information, education history, work experience with most recent first, and listing references. Experiences should begin with action verbs and be written in complete sentences.

Microsoft Word Portfolio

Project #1

First of all, If your project is late, your grade drops a letter grade every day late
including weekends.

The objective of this assignment is to assess your understanding of the basic functions
involved when using Microsoft Word. Templates, typography, and graphic design are a few
of the elements of MS Word that the project incorporates. This project also reinforces the
use of the WWW for research.

Follow your directions closely! If you have any problems or need any help, please feel free
to contact me. Your portfolio will consist of two parts, a one-page resume and a one-page

1. A Rsum

The rsum is to be a one-page document and will be judged on content as well as visual
appearance. You must use a resume template. See How to Use Resume Templates"
in the following pages for step-by-step directions on how to access templates using Microsoft

Gather personal information about one of the following people: a present or former
president of the United States, a present or past political leader whose platform you
support or a famous historical figure whose lofty accomplishments you admire. Your
choice must be approved by your professor before beginning the assignment. You
will email me your choice by the end of Week Three.

Use the WWW to find information about this person's education, work experience, skills,
hobbies, current address and contact information. This information will be used to make up
the content of the rsum. Search engines such as Google would be a good place to

Here are some guidelines for creating professional resumes:

1) Always include contact information for the person. In this project you may have to use
your own address, since the person you are researching may be deceased.

2) Your objective should be a long, lengthy statement that gives a detailed description of
what job you intend to pursue. For example, a good objective may start out by saying To
obtain a position as an executive of a diverse, business-oriented corporation, to enhance
communication skills, promote leadership and teamwork within divisions, and to provide
consultation to accounting departmentsetc.

3) Avoid use of pronouns such as my, his, etc. Remember, you are writing this resume as
if you were that person.

4) Put the most current dates first.

5) Statements and experiences should be long lengthy statements that ALWAYS BEGIN

6) Be consistent with formatting of dates, cities, states, and titles.

7) Always use correct grammar and punctuation.

8) Use correct formatting when entering data on the persons education. Never include
educational data in which the person did not graduate.

9) Always put the highest degrees first (Doctorate, Masters, Bachelors, and Associates).

10) Use a consistent tense throughout your document.

See the sample resume in the following pages with markups that gives you some
suggestions on how to create a professional resume. Put your mouse pointer over the notes
icons for suggestions to complete your resume.

You will include a second page that contains the URLs where you collected your data.
Any project that is submitted without references will receive a zero. Any project
submitted in which a student has used word for word statements, which is
plagiarism, will receive a zero.

The first part of your portfolio will be one word document named
firstinitial_lastname_resume.doc. This Word file will be a two page document with the first
page being your resume and the second page being your references.

2. Advertisement

The second part of your portfolio will be to create an advertisement. Assume that you are
opening a new business. It can be any business that is relevant to your interests. Your
assignment is to create a one page advertisement for your grand opening using Microsoft
Word. Some suggestions would be to include the date and time of your grand opening,
specials that you are offering, the type of store you are opening, discounts and etc. You
will be graded on creativity and the following criteria must be present.

o You must use bullets.
o You must use at least three different fonts (including serif and sans serif).
o You must italicize.
o You must underline.
o You must show different justifications. (center, left, right, justified.)
o You must insert a picture using clip art AND the WWW.
o You must use the bold feature.
o You must have a border.
o You must insert a hyperlink at the bottom so that the customers can find out
more about your business.
o You must have a small table inserted into your document.

See the Advertisement Assignment sample in the following pages for an example. Be creative,
but make sure you include all the requested components.

You will include a second page that contains the URLs where you collected your data.
Any project that is submitted without references will receive a zero. Any project
submitted in which a student has used word for word statements, which is
plagiarism, will receive a zero.

The second part of your portfolio will be one word document named
firstinitial_lastname_advertisement.doc. This Word file will be a two page document with
the first page being your advertisement and the second page being your references.

You must complete both assignments! You must name your files correctly. All late projects
will be penalized a letter grade every day late including weekends.

I emphasise, you must include references for each part of the project. List the URLs
where you got your information on a separate page for both the resume and the
advertisment. All pictures and sources must be cited.

Please do no procrastinate. I am available to answer questions at any point up until the
day before the project is due. Good luck and work hard!

Please take a look at the Word Portfolio Grading Rubric.

Assignment : Cisy 1105

1403 West Baker Street
Douglas, GA 31535 Monday - Saturday
(912) 384-HAIR 10:00 a.m- 5:00 p.m.
[email protected]

Assume that you are opening a new business. It can be any business
that is related to your major. Your assignment is to create a one page
advertisement for your grand opening using Microsoft Word. Some
suggestions would be to include the date and time of your grand
opening, specials that you are offering, the type of store you are
opening, discounts and etc. You will be graded on creativity and the
following criteria must be present.

You must use bullets.
You must use at least three different fonts.
You must italicize.
You must underline.
You must show different justifications. (center, left, right, justified.)
You must a picture using clip art AND the WWW.
You must use the bold feature.
You must have a border.
You must insert a hyperlink at the bottom so that the customers can
find out more about your business.
You must have a small table inserted into your document.
It may advertise special prices! For Example
Womans Red Wig 120.00
Womans Blonde Wig 240.00

You can find more information about
Willies Wigs at
Welcome to

1234 Ford Drive
Grand Rapids Michigan 32111
Home (912) 888-8888
Fax (912) 389-1234
[email protected]
Betty Ford
To obtain a position as an executive of a diverse, business-oriented corporation,
to enhance communication skills, promote leadership and teamwork within
divisions, and to provide consultation to accounting departments.
Experience 1982-present Betty Ford Center Rancho Mirage, CA
Founder and Co-Chairman
Served as Chairman of the Board of Directors which supervised
patients recovery process from alcoholism and drug abuse.
Used former chemical dependency experience to motivate patients
at the center.
Improved understanding and treatment of alcohol and drug

1974-1977 United States Government Washington DC
First Lady of the United States
Worked diligently toward promoting the passing of the Equal
Rights Amendment.
Supported womens rights issues including the legalization of
Raised the nations awareness of womens health issues including
the seriousness of breast cancer.

1948-1973 United States Government Alexandria, VA
Congressional Wife
Served as a member of the Congressional Wives Club, the 81

Congress Club, and the National Federation of Republican Women.
Aided in the many political campaigns of husband, Gerald R. Ford.

Education 1939-1941 Graham School New York, NY
B.F.A., Dance Performance.
Became a member of the renowned Martha Graham Auxiliary
1936-1938 Bennington School of Dance Bennington, VT
.B.F.A., Modern Dance

Publications Autobiography, The Times of My Life, 1978

All statements should
be long, lengthy
statements. Most
should go to the second
line. This avoids white
space which looks


o www.ford.utexas.edu/grf/ bbfbiop.htm
o www.whitehouse.gov/history/firstladies/ ef38.html
o en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betty_Ford
o www.firstladies.org/biographies/ firstladies.aspx?biography=39

You must include references.
Failure to do so, will result in
a zero.
How to Use Resume Templates in Word

1) Open Word and Select File from the drop-down menu. Select New.

2) Your Task Pane will appear. In the middle of the Task Pane you will see Templates.
Select On My Computer.

Click Here!

3) Click on the Other Documents Tab. Select from the following three Resume
templates: Contemporary Resume, Elegant Resume, or Professional Resume.
Microsoft Word Portfolio Grading Rubric


Used appropriate software, Microsoft Word (2 PTS) ______
Resume was one page (5 PTS) ______
References included (5 PTS) ______
References listed on second page (3 PTS) ______
Used template (Professional, Elegant, Contemporary) (5 PTS) ______
Presence of template remarks such as {click here } and etc. (5 PTS) ______
Completed the assignment using approved subject (2 PTS) ______
Name, Address and personal information of subject was listed (5 PTS) ______
Objective was adequate (5 PTS) ______
Experiences were listed with most current events listed first (5 PTS) ______
Experiences were bulleted and aligned (5 PTS) ______
All experiences began with past tense action verbs (5 PTS) ______
Experiences were complete, lengthy statement (5 PTS) ______
City and states were listed in correct format, (City, ST) and lined up (5 PTS) ______
Dates, Companies and Titles were listed and in correct format (5 PTS) ______
Education was in the correct format (5 PTS) ______
Highest education was listed first (3 PTS) ______
Interest and Awards were listed correctly (5 PTS) ______
Content was adequate (10 PTS) ______
Overall appearance was professional (10 PTS) ______

Additional comments:


Used bullets and formatted appropriately (5pt) ______
Used at least three different fonts (serif and sans serif font) (5pts) ______
Italicized information (5pts) ______
Underlined information (5pts) ______
Used different justifications (center, left, right, justified) (5pts) ______
Inserted a picture using clip art AND the WWW (10pts) ______
Used the bold feature (5pts) ______
Inserted borders and formatted correctly (5pts) ______
Inserted a hyperlink at the bottom (5pts) ______
Inserted a small table into document (5pts) ______
Used correct grammar and spelling (10 pts) ______
Spacing and formatting were correct (5 pts) ______
Advertisement was professional and creative (5pts) ______

Additional Comments:

Total Points: _____________

Project Average: _____________

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