Molecular Weight by The DAumas Method PDF
Molecular Weight by The DAumas Method PDF
Molecular Weight by The DAumas Method PDF
One of the early methods for the determination of the molar mass of volatile substances
was through the measurement of the density of the vapor of the substance. The method is
reliable and convenient and is still employed in some situations.
In this approach, the sample is added to a small flask, the flask is heated and as the
sample evaporates, the air is swept out of the container. Then flask is cooled again, and
the mass of liquid which condenses must be equal to the mass of vapor that filled the
flask in the previous step. A little skill is required to judge the point at which the flask is
just filled with sample vapor.
The combined gas law is given by the equation;
p V =n R T, [1]
where p is the pressure of the gas in atmospheres, V is the volume of the gas sample in
liters, n is the number of moles of gas present, T is the temperature of the sample in
Kelvin, and R is the empirically determined quantity known as the gas law constant
which has the value of 0.0821 L atm mole
. This relationship describes very well
the behavior of gases at ordinary pressures and moderate temperatures.
In this experiment we rearrange the original combined gas law into a form more
convenient for our calculations. Recall that the number of moles of a substance is equal
to the mass of the substance divided by the mass of a mole of that substance:
n =wt / M, [2]
Where wt represent the mass of the sample and M is the molar mass of the substance.
Substituting this relationship inot the combined gas law:
pV =(wt/M) RT [3]
And rearranging to isolate the molar mass yields
M =(wt R T ) / (p V) [4]
You will recall that the ratio of mass to volume (wt/V) is commonly known as density.
Thus equation 4 may be rearranged to:
M =(wt/ V) (R T / p) [5]
This is sometimes called the vapor density form of the combined gas law.
The basic outline of this experiment is to add a small amount of a liquid sample to a small
pre-weighed flask. The flask is then submerged into a boiling water bath. As the sample
evaporates, the air is swept out of the flask, and we finally have a flask containing only
the vapor of the unknown substance. If at that point the flask is cooled, the vapors will
condensed and their mass may be determined by reweighing the flask. One may repeat
the process and obtain an average of replicate measurements. Subsequent measurements
are the made to determine the volume of the flask, the temperature of the boiling water
bath, and the prevailing atmospheric pressure. Those values and equation 5 are used to
calculate the molar mass of the unknown liquid.
1. Determine the mass of the DRY flask to the nearest milligram.
2. Add about 5 mL of your unknown to the flask. Cut a small square of aluminum foil
and wrap over the top to the flask. Make a small hole in the foil with a needle.
3. Immerse the flask in the boiling distilled water bath using a clamp and ring stand. Be
sue the flask is submerged at least to the neck.
4. Heat the flask until you no longer see a Schlieren pattern emerging form the hole in
the foil. Schlieren patterns are like the watery lines seen rising from a heated surface.
Remove the flask when the pattern disappears. The flask should contain no liquid at this
point. (Some people find that holding a paper towel or shiny surface over the hole can be
helpful. When vapor no longer condenses on the towel or shiny surface, vapor is no
longer emerging and no liquid should remain in the flask.)
5. Cool the flask to room temperature and the vapors will condense into a small amount
of liquid.
6. Dry the exterior of the flask with a paper towel and weigh the flask and contents to the
nearest milligram. Remove the foil just immediately before weighing.
7. Repeat the vaporization and condensation steps (2-6) twice more so that you have three
values for the mass of the condensed vapor.
8. Obtain the atmospheric pressure from the barometer in the laboratory.
9. Determine the volume of the flask by filling it completely with water and then
measuring the volume of water contained in the flask with a large graduated cylinder.
10. The temperature of the boiling water bath can be interpolated from the following
table (taken from the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 41st Ed.).
735 740
745 750 755 760
Boiling Point
99.07 99.26 99.94 99.63 99.82 100.00
11. From the average mass of condensed liquid and the temperature, volume and pressure
data, calculate the molar mass of your unknown liquid. Students are reminded to handle
significant figures properly.
12. Obtain the accepted value of molecular weight of your unknown from the instructor
and calculate the absolute and relative error of your result.