نموذج التقييم الذاتي للاداء
نموذج التقييم الذاتي للاداء
نموذج التقييم الذاتي للاداء
Employee Information
Employee Name: Date:
Position: College/Unit:
Using the performance guidelines below, please rate your performance on each item in the UIC Core Competencies and
Essential ob !unctions sections" #ou are also encouraged to pro$ide written comments on each item to help your manager
learn more about your perspecti$e related to your performance in each area"
Performance Performance Defnition
Exceeds Expectations
%ignificantly and consistently &more than '() of wor* hours+ e,ceeds e,pectations and role re-uirements
defined in the ob Description &if a$ailable+
Demonstrates e,ceptional depth and breadth of *nowledge, highly recogni.ed by others within the Uni$ersity
Demonstrates role model beha$ior for other super$isors/staff to emulate
Meets Expectations
/eets and occasionally e,ceeds e,pectations and role re-uirements defined in the ob Description &if a$ailable+
Demonstrates willingness to collaborate with peers, managers, students and customers consistently
Does Not Meet
Does not meet e,pectations and role re-uirements defined in the ob Description &if a$ailable+ on a consistent
basis &more than '() of wor* hours+
0e-uires more than the e,pected le$el of super$ision
E,hibits consistent &i"e", one or more documented actions per month+ inappropriate wor* beha$ior while
interacting with peers and/or management
#ou are encouraged to complete the self re$iew" 1his information should be shared with your manager and considered as
input to your annual performance re$iew"
I do not wish to complete the %elf 0e$iew form" I understand that I am gi$ing up my opportunity to pro$ide
written input during the UIC Employee Performance 0e$iew process"
Please Sign and Return to your Manager
Employee Date
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Section I: UI ore ompetencies
Customer Service: Is dedicated to listening and meeting internal and e,ternal customers4 e,pectations and needs5 responds to the
customer in a timely manner5 and demonstrates respect for all indi$iduals regardless of their bac*ground, culture or organi.ational le$el"
Expected Behaviors:
Demonstrates respect for all employees
6ssists customers with their needs in a positi$e and timely manner
Understands internal and e,ternal customers needs
6ddresses customer re-uests in a professional, positi$e and effecti$e manner
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Does Not Meet
Opportunities for Improvement:
Integrity: Instills mutual trust and confidence5 creates a culture that fosters high standards of ethics5 is consistent and follows7through5
and demonstrates a sense of uni$ersity responsibility and commitment towards the UIC $alues: 8nowledge, 6ccess, 9penness,
E,cellence and Collaboration"
Expected Behaviors:
Upholds the UIC $alues: 8nowledge, 6ccess, 9penness, E,cellence and Collaboration
:eha$es ethically through responsible use of time and UIC property
:eha$es in a fair and ethical manner toward others
!ollows7through on professional commitments
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Does Not Meet
Opportunities for Improvement:
Cooperation: Establishes and maintains effecti$e wor*ing relationships within the college/unit and with supporting colleges/units5 ma*es
suggestions to impro$e efficiency and effecti$eness of the wor* team5 demonstrates fle,ibility and willingness to assist by ta*ing on
difficult or challenging tas*s or pro;ects"
Expected Behaviors:
/aintains a positi$e approach, wor*s cooperati$ely with others as a team
Demonstrates a constructi$e response to criticism
<or*s with other colleges, units and/ or departments to resol$e issues
6ssists others in completing their tas*s as needed
Understands and effecti$ely ad;usts to change5 assists others in understanding and accepting change
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Does Not Meet
Opportunities for Improvement:
Accountai!ity: <hile addressing ;ob7related responsibilities, confirms established processes are followed" 6ccomplishes ;ob related
tas*s and goals by adhering to policies and procedures" 6ccepts responsibility for actions and engages in appropriate beha$ior to
address wor*7related issues associated with ;ob"
Expected Behaviors:
Demonstrates ability to notify others of his/her actions that may conflict with UIC4s processes
1a*es responsibility for wor* products, ser$ices and results5 does not shift blame on others
Confirms measures to assess college, unit, department, program or pro;ect effecti$eness
/onitors goals and ob;ecti$es in a systematic, timely manner and ta*es necessary action to address areas of concern
Encourages others to ta*e ownership of wor* products, ser$ices and results
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Does Not Meet
Opportunities for Improvement:
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Communication: E,presses ideas and information in a written and/or oral manner effecti$ely5 facilitates an open e,change of ideas and
fosters an atmosphere of open communication5 shares information and resources with others as appropriate in a timely manner"
Expected Behaviors:
Presents $erbal e,pression in a clear, positi$e and appropriate manner
Presents grammatically correct written material
!ollows up as appropriate to ensure understanding
6dapts communication for target audience
Exceeds Expectations Comments:
Opportunities for Improvement:
Meets Expectations
Does Not Meet
Section II: Essential !o" #unctions
"o #no$!edge
Expected Behaviors:
Demonstrates the *nowledge and s*ills necessary to perform the ;ob
Performs responsibilities in accordance with ;ob description, procedures and policies
6cts as a resource person &as necessary+ upon whom others rely for assistance
Understands the e,pectations of the ;ob and remains current regarding new de$elopments in areas of responsibility
Demonstrates s*ills necessary to meet ;ob re-uirements
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Does Not Meet
Opportunities for Improvement:
%or& 'ua!ity
Expected Behaviors:
Completes assignments in a thorough, accurate and timely manner achie$ing defined outcomes
/eets established goals successfully
E,hibits concern for the goals and needs of the department and others that depend on ser$ices or wor*
>andles multiple tas*s and uses wor* time effecti$ely to ma,imi.e personal producti$ity
Deli$ers high -uality wor* product with few errors
Prioriti.es responsibilities based upon the changing needs of the college/unit
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Does Not Meet
Opportunities for Improvement:
Section III: Performance $oals (Instructions: In the space provided, document the job related goals you target for
achievement in the next fscal year (e.g. before the next annual performance review). ll goals need to be in support of (and lin!ed to)
the college"unit overall objectives.)
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