Leslie Robertson Mateer, M.A. 136 Ritenour Building The Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA 814-571-2614

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Leslie Robertson Mateer, M.A.

136 Ritenour Building

The Pennsylvania State University
University Par, PA
Le*turer +,-tended .ull Ti!e/, Progra! in 0riting and Rhetori*, 1e$art!ent o2 ,nglish,
Penn State University, University Par, PA. 3ourses taught4 ,nglish )5)3 Te*hni*al
0riting, ,nglish )5)1 Business 0riting, LA1516 6onors Rhetori* and 3ivi* Li2e,
,nglish 1" 3o!$osition and Rhetori*, ,nglish )5)B Advan*ed 0riting in the
6u!anities, ,nglish )5)A Advan*ed 0riting in the So*ial S*ien*es, ,nglish " 0riting
Tutorial. )551 to $resent.
Assistant 1igital 6u!anities S$e*ialist, 1e$art!ent o2 ,nglish, Penn State University,
University Par, PA. )51& to $resent.
Advisor7,valuator, Paterno .ello8s ,-*ellen*e 9n 3o!!uni*ation 3erti2i*ate. 3ollege o2
Liberal Arts. Penn State University, University Par, PA. )511 ' Present
:raduate Assistant70riting 3enter Tutor, Sli$$ery Ro* University, Sli$$ery Ro*, PA.
,nglish )5)3 Te*hni*al 3o!!uni*ation.
,nglish )5)1 Business 3o!!uni*ation.
LA1516 6onors Rhetori* and 3ivi* Li2e.
<A!anda M*=ittri* Ros and the 9nlings,> *o'authored 8ith Pro2essor Anita :or!an,
$ublished in Mythlore4 A ?ournal o2 ?.R.R. Tolien, 3.S. Le8is, 3harles 0illia!s, and
Mytho$oei* Literature, ,dited by ?anet Brennan 3ro2t, .all70inter )55;.
@The Mediu! 9s The Message4 Bus!anAs 6oney!oon as Play, Bovel, and .il!,@ *o'
authored 8ith Pro2essor Anita :or!an, $ublished in CLUES: A Journal of Detection,
Su!!er )55". A$$ro-i!ate length4 &"55 8ords.
-Measuring U$ to the Tas4 3herry A!es as Burse and Sleuth,> *o'authored 8ith
Pro2essor Anita :or!an, to be $ublished in Ban*y 1re8 and 6er Sister Sleuths4 ,ssays
on the .i*tion o2 :irl 1ete*tives, edited by Pro2essor Mi*hael 3ornelius, 0ilson 3ollege,
3ha!bersburg, PA. Su!!er )55%.
<Business 0riting Re!i-.> Presenter +8ith ?eannette Bovaovit*h/. Sy!$osiu! 2or
Tea*hing and Learning 8ith Te*hnology. Penn State University, University Par, PA.
Mar*h )515.
<A!anda M*=ittri* Ros and the 9nlings,> $resented +8ith Pro2essor Anita :or!an/ as
the Annual 3on2eren*e o2 3.S. Le8is and the 9nlings So*iety, :rove 3ity 3ollege,
:rove 3ity, PA, &'" A$ril )55%.
-Measuring U$ to the Tas4 3herry A!es as Burse and Sleuth,> $resented +8ith
Pro2essor Anita :or!an/ at the *on2eren*e, Ban*y 1re8 and :irl Sleuths4 Past, Present
and .uture, 0ilson 3ollege, 3ha!bersburg, PA, 16'1( .ebruary )55(.
@The Mediu! 9s The Message4 Busman's Honeymoon as Play, Bovel, and .il!,@
$resented +8ith Pro2essor Anita :or!an/ at the A*ade!i* Sy!$osiu!, Sli$$ery Ro*
University, A$ril, )551.
@The Mediu! 9s The Message4 Busman's Honeymoon as Play, Bovel, and .il!,@
$resented +8ith Pro2essor Anita :or!an/ at a *on2eren*e, 1orothy L. Sayers, The
Ro!an*e o2 .aith, :rove 3ity 3ollege, :rove 3ity, PA, )(')% C*tober )555.
M.A. in ,nglish, Sli$$ery Ro* University, Sli$$ery Ro*, PA, )551
B.A. in ,nglish, Bryan 3ollege, 1ayton TB, 1;%&.
Beighbors Page ,ditor73oordinator, Allied Be8s$a$ers, :rove 3ity, PA. 1;;3'1;;6.

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