Stock-Picking Strategies - Introduction - Investopedia2

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Stock-Picking Strategies: Fundamental

By Investopedia Staff A A A
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Ever hear someone say that a company has "strong fundamentals"? The phrase
is so overused that it's become somewhat of a clich. Any analyst can refer to a
company's fundamentals without actually saying anything meaningful. So here
we define exactly whatfundamentals are, how and why they are analyzed, and
why fundamental analysis is often a great starting point to picking good

The Theory
Doing basic fundamental valuation is quite straightforward; all it takes is a little
time and energy. The goal of analyzing a company's fundamentals is to find a
stock's intrinsic value, a fancy term for what you believe a stock is really worth
- as opposed to the value at which it is being traded in the marketplace. If the
intrinsic value is more than the current share price, your analysis is showing
that the stock is worth more than its price and that it makes sense to buy the

Although there are many different methods of finding the intrinsic value, the
premise behind all the strategies is the same: a company is worth the sum of
its discounted cash flows. In plain English, this means that a company is worth
all of its future profits added together. And these future profits must be
discounted to account for the time value of money, that is, the force by which
the $1 you receive in a year's time is worth less than $1 you receive today. (For
further reading, see Understanding the Time Value of Money).

The idea behind intrinsic value equaling future profits makes sense if you think
about how a business provides value for its owner(s). If you have a small
business, its worth is the money you can take from the company year after year
(not the growth of the stock). And you can take something out of the company
only if you have something left over after you pay for supplies and salaries,
reinvest in new equipment, and so on. A business is all about profits, plain old
revenue minus expenses - the basis of intrinsic value.

Greater Fool Theory
One of the assumptions of the discounted cash flow theory is that people are
rational, that nobody would buy a business for more than its future discounted
cash flows. Since a stock represents ownership in a company, this assumption
applies to the stock market. But why, then, do stocks exhibit
such volatile movements? It doesn't make sense for a stock's price to fluctuate
so much when the intrinsic value isn't changing by the minute.

The fact is that many people do not view stocks as a representation of
discounted cash flows, but as trading vehicles. Who cares what the cash flows
are if you can sell the stock to somebody else for more than what you paid for
it? Cynics of this approach have labeled it the greater fool theory, since the
profit on a trade is not determined by a company's value, but about speculating
whether you can sell to some other investor (the fool). On the other hand, a
trader would say that investors relying solely on fundamentals are leaving
themselves at the mercy of the market instead of observing its trends and

This debate demonstrates the general difference between a technical and
fundamental investor. A follower of technical analysis is guided not by value,
but by the trends in the market often represented in charts. So, which is better:
fundamental or technical? The answer is neither. As we mentioned in the
introduction, every strategy has its own merits. In general, fundamental is
thought of as a long-term strategy, while technical is used more for short-
term strategies. (We'll talk more about technical analysis and how it works in a
later section.)
Putting Theory into Practice
The idea of discounting cash flows seems okay in theory, but implementing it in
real life is difficult. One of the most obvious challenges is determining how far
into the future we should forecast cash flows. It's hard enough to predict next
year's profits, so how can we predict the course of the next 10 years? What if a
company goes out of business? What if a company survives for hundreds of
years? All of these uncertainties and possibilities explain why there are many
different models devised for discounting cash flows, but none completely
escapes the complications posed by the uncertainty of the future.

Let's look at a sample of a model used to value a company. Because this is a
generalized example, don't worry if some details aren't clear. The purpose is to
demonstrate the bridging between theory and application. Take a look at how
valuation based on fundamentals would look:

The problem with projecting far into the future is that we have to account for
the different rates at which a company will grow as it enters different phases.
To get around this problem, this model has two parts: (1) determining the sum
of the discounted future cash flows from each of the next five years (years one
to five), and (2) determining 'residual value', which is the sum of the future
cash flows from the years starting six years from now.

In this particular example, the company is assumed to grow at 15% a year for
the first five years and then 5% every year after that (year six and beyond).
First, we add together all the first five yearly cash flows - each of which are
discounted to year zero, the present - in order to determine the present
value (PV). So once the present value of the company for the first five years is
calculated, we must, in the second stage of the model, determine the value of
the cash flows coming from the sixth year and all the following years, when the
company's growth rate is assumed to be 5%. The cash flows from all these
years are discounted back to year five and added together, then discounted to
year zero, and finally combined with the PV of the cash flows from years one to
five (which we calculated in the first part of the model). And voil! We have an
estimate (given our assumptions) of the intrinsic value of the company. An
estimate that is higher than the current market capitalization indicates that it
may be a good buy. Below, we have gone through each component of the
model with specific notes:
1. Prior-year cash flow - The theoretical amount, or total profits, that
the shareholderscould take from the company the previous year.
2. Growth rate - The rate at which owner's earnings are expected to grow
for the next five years.
3. Cash flow - The theoretical amount that shareholders would get if all the
company's earnings, or profits, were distributed to them.
4. Discount factor - The number that brings the future cash flows back to
year zero. In other words, the factor used to determine the cash flows'
present value (PV).
5. Discount per year - The cash flow multiplied by the discount factor.
6. Cash flow in year five - The amount the company could distribute to
shareholders in year five.
7. Growth rate - The growth rate from year six into perpetuity.
8. Cash flow in year six - The amount available in year six to distribute to
9. Capitalization Rate - The discount rate (the denominator) in the formula
for a constantly growing perpetuity.
10. Value at the end of year five - The value of the company in five
11. Discount factor at the end of year five - The discount factor that
converts the value of the firm in year five into the present value.
12. PV of residual value - The present value of the firm in year five.
So far, we've been very general on what a cash flow comprises, and
unfortunately, there is no easy way to measure it. The only natural cash flow
from a public company to its shareholders is a dividend, and the dividend
discount model (DDM) values a company based on its future dividends
(see Digging Into The DDM.). However, a company doesn't pay out all of its
profits in dividends, and many profitable companies don't pay dividends at all.

What happens in these situations? Other valuation options include analyzing net
income,free cash flow, EBITDA and a series of other financial measures. There
are advantages and disadvantages to using any of these metrics to get a
glimpse into a company's intrinsic value. The point is that what represents cash
flow depends on the situation. Regardless of what model is used, the theory
behind all of them is the same.

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