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Solid Rocket Motors serve as the propulsion back-bone for
strategic and tactical missiles as well as satellite launch vehicles. They
impart required velocity to the vehicle at burn out of stage. The
specification of rocket motor with respect to thrust versus time will be
decided after detailed system study considering maximum allowable
acceleration of the vehicle and burn out altitude from the point of view
of dynamic pressure. Since most missions do not require
sophistications of multiple restart and throttling operations, solid
propulsion becomes overwhelming choice because of its inherent
safety, high reliability, handling ease, simplicity, high density impulse
minimum maintenance, packaging efficiency, effective system
integration and low cost. The solid rocket motors inherently have high
reliability and lower costs because of the following reasons:
Minimum number of components.
No moving parts required to provide propulsive force.
No complex electronic control systems for operation or
No need for pressurized fluids which may leak or require venting
hazardous gases.
No maintenance of the rocket motor.
Many solid rocket motors use movable nozzles for steering or
TVC [87-89]. These TVC systems can be operated with hydraulic,
pneumatic or electromechanical systems. The solid rocket motors
used in long range missiles and launch vehicles are fairly large in size
compared to those used in tactical missiles and sounding rockets. The
design principles remain the same irrespective of the size of the solid
rocket motor. However, there is a vast difference in the aspects of
design choices, performance prediction methods, analysis, choice of
materials, manufacturing facilities, casting facilities, inspection,
testing and qualification, handling, transportation and storage in case
of development of large solid rocket motors compared to the smaller
ones. The issues related to the design and development of large solid
rocket motors are discussed in this chapter. The solid rocket motors
(Figure 1-1) having diameters more than 500 mm and propellant
loading of a few tons to several tons may be classified as large motors.
The basic inputs for the design of solid rocket motor are as follows
Average thrust
Burn duration
Take off thrust
Altitude bracket of operation
Deployment temperature range
Tolerance on performance
Flight loads
Vibration, shock, acceleration environment
Handling and transportation loads
Envelope of the motor (i.e., diameter and length)
Weight of the motor
Thrust vectoring requirements
Configuration of the rocket motor has to be designed to meet the
above mentioned requirements or operational conditions. The grain
architecture in case of large motors is essentially case bonded where
as it can be free standing / cartridge loaded in smaller motors. In
almost all the metallic cases, the motor configuration is segmented.
However, composite motors will be of monolithic configuration. The
number of segments and the length of each segment depend on the
following considerations.
Take-off thrust and thrust versus time requirements dictate the
grain configuration in each segment and the length of the
segment in addition to the availability of heat treatment facilities
and propellant casting facilities.
If the number of joints is more, the weight of the hardware will
be higher. Keeping the above considerations into account, it is
always better to minimize the number of joints and hence the
number of segments. The lesser the number of joints the higher
is the reliability.
Mass ratio is defined as the ratio of propellant weight to total
weight of rocket motor. This is one of the important parameters,
which is used to compare different solid rocket motors. This
parameter will serve as a guideline for the design and influences
the choice of materials and design aspects. The mass ratio of
motors with metallic case is the order of 0.86, whereas in the
case of composite casing, it is 0.9 - 0.92.
The grain configuration is to be so designed as to obtain near
neutral or M-type thrust time profile and also meeting initial take-off
thrust and maximum expected operating pressure (MEOP). This is
possible by choosing deep STAR configuration in the head end
segment and cylindrical in other segments. STAR parameters can be
varied to obtain desired thrust profile. Finocyl configuration is also
used in case of monolithic configurations with composite motor cases.
Near neutral thrust versus time curve can be obtained with finocyl
configuration. Table 2-1 gives the details of the rocket motors with
respect to motor configuration and grain configuration. Issues in
performance prediction are discussed below.
Table 2-1: Configuration Details of Large Solid Rocket Motors
Parameter Titan Shuttle SRM
Ariane -5
Diameter (m) 3 3.7 3
Length (m) 16.4 3.8 26.8
Weight of
propellant (T)
250 500 236.5
No. of segments 5 4 3
HE seg. STAR
other seg.
HE seg. STAR
other seg.
Case material D6AC D6AC 48CDN 4-10
Mass ratio 0.855 0.883 0.89
2.3.1 Incremental Analysis
The propellant specifications viz. burn rate, pressure index,
temperature sensitivity, specific impulse are finalized to meet the
required thrust versus time envelope after detailed system study of
motor. Global analysis method, where the overall mass generation at
any instant of burning is determined by applying a uniform burn rate
over the complete burning surface area and is then equated to mass
discharge rate through the nozzle to solve for pressure, serves the
purpose for small motors. But for large motors incremental analysis
has to be applied for performance prediction. In this method, the grain
is divided into a number of elements. The mass generated from each
element of burning surface area is calculated separately based on the
local conditions accounting the variation of burning rate. The gas
dynamic equations are solved over the length of the grain.
2.3.2 Propellant Port Deformation
In ballistic predictions, the burning surface area is calculated
starting from the initial un-pressurized grain. For accurate prediction,
internal motor flow field simulations should be coupled with the grain
structural analysis. The propellant burn surface area at each instant
of time should be evaluated considering the deformed grain geometry
under internal pressure.
2.3.3 Nozzle Throat Erosion
Large solid rocket motors have longer burn durations (of tens of
seconds) and hence throat diameter of the nozzle will enlarge
considerably due to erosion. Initial predictions are based on the
erosion data from the static firing of similar class of rocket motors,
which will be verified/modified subsequently from the test data of the
same motor firings.
2.3.4 Mid- Web Anomaly
The actual pressure in many of solid motor firings when
compared to predictions, is found to be high in the middle of the
motor operation and low at the end. The difference expressed in terms
of burn rate for surface area is up to 2 to 3%. It is termed as "hump
factor" or "Mid-web anomaly".
2.3.5 Tail-Off Transient
Tail -off transient has a bearing on the mission and hence needs
to be predicted accurately. The tail-off transient will come not only due
to the taper provided in the propellant grain port and erosive burning
but also due to the pyrolysis gases of the insulation after the
propellant burn out which will be more predominant in upper stage
motors. Large rocket motors in the terminal stages of a mission and
generally operating at high altitudes, generate thrust even after
complete propellant burn out. This thrust results from out-gassing
from the thermal insulation and is termed as residual thrust. Residual
thrust evaluation is essential for estimation of total impulse and
precise computation of retro impulse, if a stage separation is desired
for the mission. The out-gassing is predominantly due to pyrolysis
gases being evolved as a result of long heat soak periods of the
thermal insulation during motor equilibrium operation. The chemical
kinetics model is used to study the decomposition reactions in the
thermal insulation, which results in determination of gases evolved
during charring of the insulation.
Aluminized Hydroxyl-Terminated Poly-butadiene (HTPB) [90]
based composite propellant with 86 to 88% solid loading is the
workhorse propellant in all operational solid rocket motors. The
standard sea level specific impulse with this propellant is 245 sec
which has reached plateau. Propellants with Ammonium di-nitramide
(ADN) as oxidizer in place of Ammonium perchlorate (AP) gives 8 -10%
improvements in specific impulse and 5 seconds improvement can be
obtained by adding Cyclo tetra methylene tetra nitramine (HMX).
Russians are using the ADN propellants. Its development in INDIA is
yet to be realised.
Rocket motor casing can be made of metallic or composite
materials. The choice of casing materials is governed by the
availability of fabrication technology [91], availability of raw material
in the required sizes and forms. The material influences the mass
ratio of the rocket motor.
2.5.1 Design Input
The first step in the design of rocket motor casing is the identification
of structural loads as given in Table 2-2.
2.5.2 Material Selection
The motor case material selection is based on the following
High material yield and ultimate strength.
High weld efficiency (90% min.)
High fracture toughness to tolerate large flaw sizes.
Ease of machining, welding and forming.
Availability of fabrication expertise and infrastructure.
Simple heat treatment cycle.
The Table 2-3 gives mechanical properties of materials used for large
solid rocket motors.
Table 2-2: Structural Loads
1 Internal pressure Mainly dictates the basis thickness
sizing of motor case hardware
Critical design driver wherein the
buckling of end closures under
internal pressure play a role
2 Linear acceleration Critical in staged propulsion
Critical in slender configuration
(high L/D) which may be
susceptible to buckling
3 Structurally
transmitted vibration
During transportation and flight
4 Acoustic loads Due to propulsion
5 Flight shear force and
bending loads
Depending on trajectory design
6 Shock loads Depends on transportation and
stage separation conditions
7 Thermal loads Storage, external aerodynamic
heating and propulsion
8 Slump loads During storage
9 Handling loads During fabrication, casting of
motors and articulation
Table 2-3: Mechanical properties of materials used In Large Solid
Rocket Motors
Titan Space
Material D6AC D6AC
150 150 150
Yield strength
130 130 130
Fracture toughness
MPa m
100 100 85
Heat treatment
Harden and
Harden and
2.5.3 Safety Factors
The choice of appropriate safety factors depend on the
confidence levels in material properties, propellant formulation and
fabrication uncertainties. There are various standards like the military
standards, the aviation publication (AVP-32) etc., which set guide
lines for a proper choice of factor of safety. The design factors are
applied to maximum expected operating pressure (MEOP).
Table 2-4 gives the safety factors proposed by AVP-32 and MIL-
STD and those used in some of the large solid rocket motors.
Table 2-4: Safety Factors - Guide Lines
1.15 X MEOP for pressure vessel
1.2 X Structural load for other structural members
1.25 on yield
1.33 on UTS
When the weapon system in the
vicinity of the launcher
1.5 on UTS
1.125 on
When the weapon system is in the
vicinity of launcher and the MEOP
can be predicted with adequate
1.25 on UTS
1.125 on yield strength
1.1 for proof pressure
2.5.4 End Dome Selection
Any typical rocket motor hardware comprises of a cylindrical
shell, end domes and various joints and interfaces. The end domes are
generally of three types, viz., Ellipsoidal dome, Torispherical dome and
Spherical dome. The characteristics of these domes are as follows:
Ellipsoidal Dome:
Varying meridional radius and hence difficult to fabricate
especially for large dimensions.
Torispherical Dome:
Ease of manufacturing
High compressive stress in the knuckle portion.
Spherical Dome:
Minimum stress due to discontinuity
Deep domes
2.5.5 Joints and Sealing
In large rocket motors, performance reliability will be decided by
the efficiency of sealing of joints. Challenger failure is due to segment
joint failure because of its 'O' ring performance at low temperature.
Various joints in large solid rocket motors identified are:
Igniter-to-motor interface
Nozzle-to-motor interface
Motor skirt-to-inter stage joint
Segment joint (tongue and groove joint)
Key joint
Figure 2-1 shows typical joints in large rocket motors.
All the joints require a reliable sealing scheme. Usually 'O' rings
made of silicon rubber or viton, having a shore hardness of 65 - 75,
are used. The major criterion for 'O' ring material possesses good
quality of low and high temperature properties, maximum shelf life (of
the order of 10 years) and low glass transition temperature. The joints
must be designed with such features so as to ensure minimum risk of
damage to O' rings while assembly and dis-assembly. From
operational point of view, the 'O' rings are designed for a compression
of 15 - 25 % to provide a leak tight joint. Key joint can be used in
place of bolted flange joint as well as segment joint.
2.5.6 Segment Joint
The configuration of segment joint is finalized based on bearing
load of the shear pins. Design considerations in the segment joint are:
Leak tightness under operational conditions.
Provision of redundancy
Inter changeability of segment rings
Easy assembly and dis - assembly
2.5.7 Composite Motor Casing
The major advantage offered by composite casing is the low weight
compared to the metallic one. The normally used composite materials
for large motor casings are fibre glass, Kevlar and graphite (carbon)
with epoxy matrix materials, Table 2-5 gives properties of composite
materials used for the construction of composite rocket motor casings.
Table 2-5: Properties of Composite Materials Used for Rocket Motor
Ultimate strength 106 Kgf/mm
(1040 MPa)
146 Kgf/mm
(1432 MPa)
EL (fibre direction) 5530 Kgf/mm
(54.23 GPa)
13020 Kgf/mm
(127.68 GPa)
ET (Transverse to L) 300 Kgf/mm
(2.94 GPa)
601 Kgf/mm
GLT 94.8 Kgf/mm
(930 MPa)
261 Kgf/mm
(2560 MPa)
Failure strain 20000 12000
2.5.8 Failure Modes
The generally identified modes of structural failure are: brittle
fracture, yielding due to overload of the cross-section, leakage of
containment vessels, corrosion, erosion, corrosion fatigue and stress
corrosion, instability (buckling) and creep or creep-fatigue interaction.
Two types of failure criteria recognized by rocket industry are yielding
and fracture. Failure due to yielding is applied to a criterion in which
some functional of the stress or strain is exceeded and fracture is
applied to a criterion in which an already existing crack extends
according to energy balance hypothesis. Experimentation with a
variety of materials would show that the theory works well for certain
materials but not very well for others. Designer has to establish a
suitable failure theory for the intended materials. For any given aero-
spaced pressure vessel material, exposure to any known corrosive,
stress corrosive or embrittling environment must be avoided. Fracture
mechanics methods should not be used to design a pressure vessel to
contain such environment.
2.5.9 Stress Corrosion Cracking and Storage
The phenomenon of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is
environmentally assisted When certain materials are exposed to
corrosive environment while at the same time are subjected to an
appreciable continuously maintained tensile stress (residual stresses),
rapid structural failure can occur. This is known as stress corrosion
cracking. Systems meant for defence applications require long storage
time (10 years or more). Hence it is essential that proper protective
coatings are applied that separate the environment from the stressed
2.5.10 Thermal Protection System
Technologies in design and development of insulation for rocket
motor casings and nozzles have considerably improved to meet the
ever-increasing demands of mission requirements of pay loads and
range or the stage incremental velocity.
2.5.11 Ablation and Thermal Analysis
Ablation and thermal analysis is essential to understand the
thermal behavior of insulation in the entire rocket motor from the
temperature distribution along with virgin, char and erosion profiles.
This information will be useful for the effective protection of back-up
materials and confirms the presence of sufficient virgin material at the
end of motor operation.
The thermal analysis procedure follows a number of steps. The
process begins with computation of free stream transport properties,
using propellant formulation and motor chamber conditions. As
suitable insulation is selected from the previous experience on rocket
motors of similar class and size. A quasi-one dimensional analysis of
fluid flow in the rocket motor is carried out to generate velocity,
pressure and temperature profiles.
A one-dimensional thermal analysis code is used to analyse the
insulation in the rocket motor chamber, where axial thermal gradients
are not predominant. The heat flux input to the insulation is
computed using standard empirical relations. Rapid acceleration of
flow in the rocket motor nozzle results in axial thermal gradients for
which a two-dimensional procedure for in depth thermal analysis is
used. The convective heat flux is calculated by an empirical relation as
proposed by Bartz. The final thicknesses of insulation are obtained by
applying a factor of safety over the char and erosion depths in order to
account for uncertainties in heat transfer coefficients, material
properties, etc. With the advent of more efficient algorithms and faster
processors, analysis techniques are moving towards three-dimensional
models for accurate thermal predictions.
The motor case of large rocket motors currently in service, use
Rocasin rubber for thermal protection, due to its high percentage of
elongation. Carbon-phenolic (CP) is used in convergent-divergent
nozzles due its erosion resistance in hot gas flow, while Silica-
phenolic which has low values of thermal diffusivity is used as back-
up material.
Newer insulation schemes for motor casings include
interposition of carbon cloth layers with rocasin, use of high melting
point low-density fillers and, Kevlar filled Ethylene propylene diene
monomer (EPDM) insulation. Use of sprayable insulators as an
alternative insulation scheme can result in reduced labour costs and
better quality control. Large rocket motors currently use graphite or
carbon-phenolic throat inserts. Carbon - carbon as throat material is
a possible future candidate due to its reliability, better performance
and lesser erosion rates.
Control and guidance [92, 93] of the missile is required basically
to: compensate for flight disturbance and vehicle imperfection
(misalignment, C.G shifts and wind) which affect the missile attitude
and stability and to achieve the required flight trajectory. TVC systems
used in large solid rocket motors are
2. FTC
3. Flex nozzle
4. Fluid bearing
5. Ball and socket swivel nozzle.
Movable nozzles are generally linear response systems (i.e.,
turning moment is proportional to vector angle although power
requirement may not be directly proportional). Choice of system [94]
depends on vehicle performance requirement, system weight, cost,
reliability, development risk and envelope constraints. The flex nozzle
system is most generally used in most of the large solid rocket motors
[95-104] because of its simplicity and reliability.
Most of the large solid rocket motors use flex seal based control
system having configurations using Aft pivot point or Forward pivot
point, Conical or Cylindrical bodies, Spherical or Conical shims.
Basically the flexing element is the seal with alternate layers of
metal/composite and elastomer pads axisymmetrically distributed
over the throat area, connected at one end to the motor casing
through the intermediate dome and aft end connected to movable part
of nozzle throat housing. Hydraulic or electromechanical actuators are
used to deflect the nozzle through the pivot point with respect to
motor axis. The degree of turning and other related specifications used
in the current large nozzles and launch vehicles are given in Table
Table 2-6: Flex Seal Configuration of Different Motors
Mission Flex seal configuration
Seal OD
1 Shuttle SRM
Conical body, spherical
5 2275
Cylindrical body,
spherical shims
5 1600
3 P80
Cylindrical body,
spherical shims
4 S200
Cylindrical body,
spherical shims
5.5 1650
2.7.1 Design and Development of Flex Nozzles
Critical issues to be addressed during development are
Establishing the envelope for movable nozzle.
Estimation of the actuator power requirement and sizing the
seal in available space.
Specification of allowable properties of elastomer and
Strength analysis of seal to calculate axial deflection, offset and
Adhesive bonding of elastomers to reinforcement and related
moulding operation.
Development of thermal boot to protect the seal.
Establishing the ageing properties of elastomer.
Test methods that adequately simulate the motor operating
Tooling & fabrication.
Quality Control of moulded joint.
Leak proofness of the joint.
After preliminary flex-nozzle-configuration design is carried out
based on above considerations, the number of shims and elastomers
are arrived at using empirical methods and manufacturing
considerations. The flex nozzle torque comprising of Spring torque,
Boot torque, Offset torque, Gravitational torque, Inertia torque,
Aerodynamic torque and Frictional torque are evaluated by empirical
relations and experience to estimate the actuation requirements.
The preliminary design of flex seal is subjected to a thorough
analysis using standard Finite element analysis (FEA) tools for the
ejection load (effective load on the seal due to rocket motor chamber
pressure integrated on the convergent-divergent nozzle contour) and
actuation loads. Shim stresses and strains, axial compression,
angular deflection for the design loads and seal stiffness will be
evaluated prior to various tests for acceptance and qualification.
2.7.2 Materials and Properties Governing the Design of Flex Seal
Reinforcement shims are made of steel or composites. The
important properties required are compressive and tensile yield
strength, ultimate strength, Modulus of elasticity, peel and shear
strength of adhesive bonding. Failure criterion is either compressive
yield failure of shims or local wrinkling with debonding. 4130 steel,
304A stainless steel, 17- 7PH annealed stainless steel and l5CDV6
steels are proven in usage.
Composite shims have been formed with S-glass filaments /
epoxy resins and S-glass filament-Phenolic resin. The failure mode
when composite shims are used is rupture through thickness,
interlaminar shear failure between laminae or compressive failure.
Elastomer pads may be made of materials like natural rubber,
Neoprene/polybutadiene, polyisoprene and silicon. The exact choice is
based on shear modulus, shear strength and adhesive bonding of
elastomer with shim apart from environmental conditions. Low shear
modulus elastomers give low joint spring torque which in turn amount
low actuation requirements.
Acceptance, Qualification and Integrated testing are usually
involved in development of flex seals. The objectives of acceptance
testing of flex seals are to:
Evaluate bonding between shims and elastomers.
Pressure sealing capability of seal.
Vectoring capability under pressure load
Axial deflection and strains due to pressure & vectoring.
Spring torque.
Structural integrity of seal.
Hysterisis characteristics.
The above objectives are to be met by designing suitable test
fixtures to carry out: a pull test for clearing bonding between shims
and elastomers, proof pressure tests simulating proof pressure
usually 1.05 to 1.1 times MEOP of motor and actuation tests
simulating individual and simultaneous actuation in pitch and yaw.
Extensive instrumentation may be required in terms of strain gauging
on shims, axial and angular deflection, actuator load and stroke
measurement during developmental phases. Limited qualification
tests with incorporation of extreme duty cycles are to be carried out
before the flex seal is used in a flying mission. Control system design
has to be validated in integrated nozzle control tests carried out on
ground to characterize the flex nozzle control system.
The materials generally used for nozzle throat inserts are high
density graphite, carbon phenolic and carbon-carbon. The throat
insert is subjected to high thermal and pressure loads during motor
operation. Thermo-structural finite element analysis of throat insert
has to be carried out considering the temperature distribution in the
throat insert (obtained from thermal analysis) and pressure
distribution along throat. The induced stresses under MEOP and
maximum burn duration should not exceed structural capability of
insert material.
A Pyrogen igniter is basically a small rocket motor that is used
to ignite large rocket motors. Conventional pyro-technic igniters are
generally not used to ignite large rocket motors due to short operating
durations and generation of considerable amount of condensed phase
particles, which may not suffice to pressurize the free volume in large
rocket motors. The free volume of the large rocket motor has to be
pressurized to a level so as to ensure stable propellant combustion.
Another advantage of a pyrogen igniter is that the charge can be so
tailored as to generate the required mass flow rate pattern by suitable
grain design.
The modeling and understanding of ignition dynamics has
become important with increasing sophistication of rocket motors and
mission requirements. The possibility of pressure over- shoot due to
erosive burning phenomenon, the visco-elastic nature of propellant,
particularly at low temperatures, sensitive pay loads/instruments and
structural responses to dynamic loading, all require a detailed
knowledge of the ignition transient. Incidentally, the development of
large rocket motors at high unit costs also do not allow for an
empirical solution or trial and error techniques.
The ignition transient predictions will be made considering the
heat transfer and fluid flow phenomena. The heat transfer coefficient
is based on empirical co-relations both for impingement and
convection based heat transfer. Two-dimensional heat conduction
equation is solved for the propellant geometry. The criterion for
ignition of propellant is attainment of auto-ignition temperature.
Quasi one-dimensional flow model is solved in the port of the rocket
motor and empirical co- relations are used for estimation of erosive
burning rates. Ignition transient predictions for high performance
large rocket motors have to be made considering two-dimensional
fluid flow phenomena (particularly for segmented rocket motors and
three-dimensional propellant geometries), burning rate variations
under rapid pressurization and visco - elastic interactions under
dynamic loading conditions.
Even though the primary design of propellant grains is based on
ballistic considerations, structural integrity of propellant grain is to be
ensured to achieve the predicted performance. Large solid rocket
motors essentially use case - bonded propellants cast insitu in the
motor casings or segment of motor casings. Typically HTPB binder
based composite propellants are in vogue and the behavior of
propellant is visco-elastic in nature (i.e. materials display relaxation
under constant strain and creep under constant stress at room
The propellant materials are nearly incompressible in nature
and the Poissons ratio is nearly equal to 0.5. The dynamic properties
(Storage modulus and Loss Tangent) are determined at different
frequencies over a wide range of temperature using visco -
elastometers to generate the master relaxation modulus curve. The
propellant usually characterized for its mechanical properties (Tensile
strength, Percentage elongation, Modulus) at different temperatures
and strain rates. Failure envelopes are generated based on these
characteristics. The stress - strain values inside the failure boundary
are safe.
The loads to be considered while analysing the behavior of
motors are due to cure shrinkage, cooling, temperature cycling,
vibration, shock, transportation/handling, storage, acceleration due to
gravity, ignition pressurisation etc. Of these loads, the critical loads
governing the structural integrity of propellant grain are the cure
shrinkage (thermal), ignition pressure and acceleration loads.
Solid propellant grains cast in motors are usually thick
cylinders with propellant, insulation and casing materials as three
cylinders. Large rocket motors generally requiring high initial
velocities have grain configurations such as star, wagon wheel, finocyl
etc. and in simplest form a circular port. Complex geometries of
propellants meeting the ballistic requirements are not generally
amenable to closed-form / analytical solutions for margin estimations
under thermal, ignition pressure and acceleration loads. Finite
elements (viz., axisymmetric element, 2-D plane strain element and 3-
D brick element) based on Hermann`s formulation will be more
appropriate to carryout viscoelastic stress analysis for solid propellant
grains in rocket motors.
Modulus of propellant, casing and liner at upper and lower
bound operating temperatures are considered for analysis. The
induced strains due to thermal loads are compared with the dewetting
strain capability of the propellant. The strains induced due to
pressure loading are superimposed on strains induced due to thermal
loading and compared with the strain capability of propellant. For
Acceleration loads, the shear stresses at the interface are obtained
and compared with the shear bond strength of interface. The
maximum slump displacement under the acceleration load is checked
against the envelope of nozzle and other parts for interference. In case,
the margins are below minimum required values as is the case with
high web grains during thermal cooling, loose flaps are designed and
introduced between the propellant insulation and casing to allow free
shrinkage of propellant without inducing high shear stresses.
Effect of non linearities like moving boundary of geometry due to
burning and deformation, Bulk Modulus variation with pressure and
stress concentration effects have to be considered to accurately
predict the propellant behavior. Adequate margins against Port
Cracking, Interface debonding, and excessive Grain Deformation have
to be ensured before usage to ensure success of mission. Typical
margins of safety are in the range of 1.15 to 1.25 during preliminary
analysis for acceptable design and considering ageing degradation, the
margins of safety will be reduced to 0.25 to 0.5.
The shelf life of solid rocket motors used in missiles must be
very long of the order of 10 - 15 years unlike for those used in launch
vehicles. The shelf life of rocket motor depends on the life of
propellant, bond between propellant and insulation and seals. The
ageing and the surveillance studies are required to be conducted to
ascertain life of various subsystems and hence the overall rocket
motor. Aging studies will give an idea of life of propellant and seals but
surveillance studies are essential to estimate the life of bond between
propellant and insulation. The method of storage either vertical or
horizontal will also decide the shelf life. In case of horizontal storage, it
is generally required to rotate the motor periodically.
The capability of any country to develop intercontinental Ballistic
Missiles depends on the capability to design and facilities available in
the country. The reliable and successful operation of a strategic
weapon delivery system is dependent on efficient design and analysis
of solid rocket motors. There are many critical issues, which need to
be tackled in design and development of large rocket motors. The
design of a flex nozzle system and the detailed design of the flex seal
will be covered in the next chapter.
Figure 2-1: Typical Joints in Large Rocket Motors

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