Health and Safety Policy - Part 4 Mechanical Equipment

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Produced by the Health and Safety Department, the University of Edinburgh

Health and Safety Policy - Part 4 Mechanical

1. Introduction:
This document forms Part Four of the University of Edinburgh Health and Safety
Policy, the current section titles of which are listed below. Each part of the Policy is
issued with the approval of the University Health and Safety Committee and upon the
authority of the University Court.
Part Seven:One: RADIATION PROTECTION: Ionising Radiations
Part Seven:Two: RADIATION PROTECTION: Non-ionising Radiations
Part Seven:Three: RADIATION PROTECTION: Laser Equipment
It is the duty of all employees and students to observe those parts of the University
Health and Safety Policy that are relevant to their own work as well as observing any
additional local rules and regulations on health and safety published at school level.
1.1 Administrative Procedures for Achieving the Safe Use of
Mechanical Equipment:
The University Court is responsible for setting the Policy to be adopted for
implementing legislation relating to the use of mechanical equipment at work. This
responsibility derives from the Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974. It is the duty of
all Heads of Schools to ensure that all aspects of the Court's Health and Safety
Policy are complied with, within their area of responsibility.
Each Head of School must take appropriate measures to ensure that all mechanical
equipment is safe, and suitable for the purpose intended. All relevant persons should
be made aware of the associated hazards, and of the requirements to adopt working
procedures designed to keep the risks to their health, and to the health of other
persons, as low as is reasonably achievable.
The University Health and Safety Policy on the safe use of mechanical equipment
must be supplemented by local school rules for safe workshop practice, so that,
when read in conjunction with this Part of the Policy, the two documents form an
effective means of securing the safe use of mechanical equipment.
2. Supervision and Control of Mechanical Workshops
Accidents when working with mechanical equipment, particularly workshop
machinery used to machine wood, metal and plastic, may have consequences which
range from a minor cut to the loss of a finger, hand or eye. Great care is therefore
required on the part of all machine operators to avoid either personal injury or injury
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The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336

Produced by the Health and Safety Department, the University of Edinburgh
to colleagues nearby. The immediate responsibility for the health and safety of all
users of all mechanical workshop facilities rests with the person in charge of the
workshop area, normally the laboratory superintendent, chief technician or workshop
manager. However, every person who works in a workshop area has a duty to
ensure that work is carried out in a safe manner and without foreseeable risk to the
health of either himself or other persons.
School rules for safe workshop practice must be formulated and must be strictly
adhered to. Copies of all relevant Regulations, Codes of Practice and Health and
Safety Executive Guidance Notes relating to individual activities within a particular
workshop should be readily available, and copies are obtainable from Health and
Safety Department, Charles Stewart House, 9-16 Chambers Street. Smoking, eating
and drinking are prohibited in mechanical workshops.
Workshop machinery should be classified into two categories:
1. Machinery which needs no specialised training to operate and requires the
operator only to receive basic instruction from qualified and competent workshop
personnel before commencing unsupervised use.
2. Machinery which requires specialised knowledge and experience for its safe
operation, and for which clearance must be obtained on each occasion, before
unsupervised work can proceed, or on which unsupervised work is not permitted,
except by highly skilled workshop staff.
Before using any piece of machinery or other workshop equipment, the prospective
user must have received adequate instruction in its method of operation, and on the
health and safety precautions which are necessary, and must fulfil the requirements
of any Permit to Work system which may be in operation within the workshop.
Restricted access to certain workshop areas or machines may have to be
implemented, and such areas and machines should be clearly designated by warning
notices, or machines locked off, where necessary.
Training and supervision must be provided by skilled and competent persons, who
can ensure, by teaching and example, that only healthy and safe methods are learnt
and subsequently used. Trainee workshop technicians must be fully supervised until
judged by the workshop manager to be competent to work on their own on a
particular item of machinery. The importance of using the correct tool for the job and
not taking short cuts must be impressed on all workshop personnel. Where
appropriate, maintenance of written training records is advisable.
2.1 Physical Precautions
The workshop manager must ensure that all items of equipment, including
machinery, hand-held power tools and hand tools, are properly and regularly
maintained and serviced, and that records of all such maintenance and servicing are
kept. Tools must be kept sound and in good condition, edges of cutting tools must be
sharp and kept covered when not in use, and any defects in tools and machinery
should be reported immediately to the workshop manager. Hand tools which have
the potential to cause injury should not be carried in pockets, and all tools must be
returned to their proper storage areas after use. When maintenance and repairs to
machinery are in progress, warning notices must be posted, particularly on electrical
isolators. Whenever possible, as an additional safeguard, fuses should be removed,
or switches physically locked off.
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This document is intended for use by the University of Edinburgh staff and students only
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336

Produced by the Health and Safety Department, the University of Edinburgh
In all mechanical workshops, the working area must be kept clean and tidy and the
floor must be kept clear of all obstructions and be free from oil and swarf. Waste oily
rags or cotton waste should always be put in an enclosed metal container, separate
from other waste materials, to avoid the possibility of spontaneous combustion.
Overcrowding leads to accidents and must be avoided. Non-slip mats should be used
in front of machines where necessary, and machines should be sensibly placed to
avoid overcrowding and suitably anchored to ensure stability and to prevent vibration.
Lighting and ventilation should always be suitable for the work in hand. Warning
notices must be fixed near to or on machines to indicate any special hazards, any
precautions to be taken, and the type of protective clothing or equipment to be used.
In some circumstances, it may be necessary to paint mechanical equipment in such
a way as to highlight dangerous points. Exposed moving parts are often painted in
characteristic colours, a common standard being alternate bands of yellow and black.
2.2 Protective Clothing and Equipment
Necessary protective clothing and equipment must be kept available at all times and
returned to its proper place of storage after use. The workshop manager must ensure
that appropriate protective clothing and/or equipment is worn or used wherever it is
assessed as necessary. Long hair, ties, jewellery and clothing must never be allowed
to hang loose, since any of these items can easily become entangled in the moving
parts of machinery, and hence cause serious injury.
3. Safeguarding of Machinery
The basic principle to bear in mind when considering safeguarding of machinery, is
that all machinery with exposed moving parts which could be a source of danger,
must have these parts effectively guarded, to eliminate, or satisfactorily reduce,
danger, unless the machine's moving parts are "safe by position". This phrase means
that, though potentially dangerous moving parts have not been physically guarded,
they are not accessible to personnel, and so cannot cause injury. All machines must
be maintained in a clean and efficient working condition. All machines must be fitted
with guards and/or other safety devices to an appropriate standard during the time
that the machines are in use. Guards must be of suitably sound design and adequate
strength. Wherever practicable, a movable guard, cover etc., when used as a
safeguard, must be electrically interlocked with the drive mechanism of the
dangerous parts, and should be of a fail-safe design.
All safety devices, interlocks and emergency stop buttons, etc must be regularly
checked/tested to ensure their continued effective operation and it is recommended
that a record is maintained of all such checks.
Employees who deliberately circumvent guarding systems are breaking the law. If for
any reason whatsoever, conventional guarding is impracticable, some other means
of equally effective temporary guarding must be employed.
Machine beds, tables and slideways must be clear of tools and materials, and chuck
keys which are not spring-loaded must be removed, before the machine is started up.
Suitable protective clothing and equipment must be worn, not only by machine
operators, but also by any other persons in the vicinity who could foreseeably be at
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The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336

Produced by the Health and Safety Department, the University of Edinburgh
3.1 Lathes, Milling and Drilling Machines
The stationary and moving parts of each machine must be properly secure, and
rotating parts should be balanced, if necessary. Operating speeds must never
exceed those recommended by the machine tool manufacturer. Each machine must
be provided with a set of keys and clamping tools, and spring-loaded chuck keys are
recommended for use with lathes and drills.
The machine operator should ensure that the work piece is always securely clamped
without excessive unsupported overhang. Any part of a stock bar which projects
beyond the head stock of a lathe must be guarded, unless it is in such a position as
to be safe to every person in the workshop. Hand holding thin metal workpieces on
drilling machines is extremely dangerous, and suitable clamps should always be
used. Light tubular workpieces should be plugged to prevent "spring out" when tool
pressure is applied.
The safety stops on each machine must be clearly indicated and easily accessible,
and their location should be known to the operator. Large vertical milling machines
should be fitted with suitable DC injection brakes to rapidly stop the motor in an
emergency. Machines must be stopped when performing servicing functions or
taking measurements.
Accumulated swarf should be removed from the machine by means of a brush and
not with the hands. Rags and dusters must be kept well away from rotating work
pieces and tools. Extract ventilation hoods on machines used for dry machining, and
other operations where dust is produced, should be connected to an efficient filtered
exhaust system, which should be regularly tested and maintained, by a competent
person, at least on an annual basis.
3.2 Woodworking Machinery
Every year in industry, woodworking machinery causes a number of serious injuries.
Only mechanical workshop based staff, who have a thorough knowledge and the
necessary experience of the operation of woodworking machines, are permitted to
operate such machinery. It is illegal for untrained employees to operate woodworking
machines. Details of courses available to train personnel in the requirements of the
Woodworking Machines Regulations, are available from Health and Safety
Department, Charles Stewart House, 9-16 Chambers Street.
A copy of the Woodworking Machines Regulations, 1974, F.2470 must be displayed,
so that it can easily be read by all persons operating woodworking machinery, and
the workshop manager must ensure strict adherence to the detailed statutory
requirements of these Regulations.
It is fundamental to the safe operation of all woodworking machines that each
machine is fitted with approved guards, and that each guard is adjusted by the
operator, so that the machine cutters and any other moving parts are enclosed to the
greatest extent practicable. Guards must not be adjusted whilst the machine is in
motion, and an emergency stop button must be conveniently sited and clearly
indicated adjacent to the machine, particularly at circular saw benches.
Machine operators must always use push sticks, jigs, holders and back stops in
accordance with the Regulations, and must wear suitable personal protection, which
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The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336

Produced by the Health and Safety Department, the University of Edinburgh
will normally include suitable eye protection, hearing protection and respiratory
protection; the latter is particularly important when machining hard woods.
3.3 Abrasive Wheels
Abrasive wheels must be mounted and dressed only by a competent person, who
has received specific training and information on the correct handling and mounting
of abrasive wheels (including pre-mounting and storing procedures). Details of
courses available to train personnel in the mounting and use of abrasive wheels are
available from Health and Safety Department, Charles Stewart House, 9-16
Chambers Street.
To minimise the risk of bursting, abrasive wheels should always be run within the
specified maximum rotation speed, if wheels are large enough this will be marked on
the wheel (in accordance with Regulation 23 of Provision and Use of Work
Equipment Regulations (PUWER)). Where small wheels are used there should be a
notice fixed in the workroom, giving the individual, or class maximum speed. The
power driven spindle should be governed so that its rotation speed cannot exceed
Guarding must be provided to contain fragments of the wheel if it did burst, so as to
prevent them injuring anyone in the workplace. The guarding has an additional role in
aiding to fulfil the requirements of Regulation 11 of PUWER Dangerous Parts of
Machinery); it should be designed, constructed and maintained to fulfil both functions.
PPE in the form of high impact resistant eye protection (BS EN 166 with 'A' impact
rating lens) must be worn at all times during grinding operations.
3.4 Printing and Bookbinding Machinery
All potentially dangerous moving parts of printing machinery, guillotines and
trimmers, shredders, stitching, sewing and bookbinding machines, must be
adequately guarded either by means of a physical or a photo-electric guarding
system. Machinery must never be used without these guards in place and in working
order, unless an alternative equally effective means of ensuring that the machine
operators are protected from the moving parts can be employed. No attempts should
be made to adjust or clean such machinery whilst it is in motion. All printing and
bookbinding machinery must be regularly serviced by a competent engineer.
An adequate means of local exhaust ventilation should be provided in all printing and
reprographic areas, where vapours from the solvents used to clean the machines
may build up. This is particularly important where large numbers of such machines
are housed together.
3.5 Centrifuges
All new centrifuges must conform to the safety requirements set out in British
Standard BSEN12547:1999 "Centrifuges. Common Safety Requirements", (or an
equivalent standard for imported models) and older models should be brought as
close to this standard as is practicable. Advice in this regard may require to be
sought from the suppliers of foreign-made equipment. Thereafter, the maker's
instructions and the recommendations for use given in BSEN12547 should be
carefully observed, and routine servicing by a competent engineer must be arranged.
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The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336

Produced by the Health and Safety Department, the University of Edinburgh
Care must always be taken to ensure that centrifuge tubes are not cracked or flawed,
and that all heads, trunnion rings and buckets, as well as other working parts, are
regularly inspected for defects by a competent person. Centrifuge tubes should not
be filled more than three-quarters full, especially if an angled head is used, and loads
must be correctly balanced.
The lid of a centrifuge must not be opened whilst the rotor is still in motion, and
flammable liquids should never be centrifuged unless it is known that the centrifuge
motor and control gear are sparkproof. Arrangements should always be made to deal
with tube breakages and mechanical failures before either event occurs. (See also
Part Six: Biological Laboratories).
3.6 Materials Testing Machines
All materials which are under a test must be suitably guarded, in order to prevent the
scatter of material, should fracture of the specimen occur.
3.7 Hand-Held Power Tools
The essentially portable nature of these tools renders their effective guarding very
difficult, and though many are now in common DIY use, it is vital that their associated
hazards must not be underestimated. Care must be taken to fit and properly adjust
safety guards where these are practicable. A system of control of use of hand-held
power tools when these move outside the workshop environment must be in place
and adhered to.
Regular examination for mechanical and electrical defects is essential, and a tool
which is defective in any way should be withdrawn immediately from service,
preferably disabled, and should be suitably labelled until repairs have been effected.
All hand-held power tools should bear an electrical test label to indicate that they
have been inspected and tested for electrical safety within the previous six months,
and passed safe for use. (See Part Three: Electrical Equipment).
Some portable tools such as grinders and circular saws are extremely hazardous,
and must only be operated by highly trained workshop staff, who are fully aware of
the dangers and the necessary safety precautions. Trailing leads from portable
power tools must be properly secured, and regularly checked for damage, and
soundness of electrical connections. Wherever practicable, low voltage power tools
must be used.
4. Welding and Brazing Operations
Appropriate protective clothing, in the form of heat-resisting gloves (non-asbestos),
fire-resistant overalls (not nylon) or aprons, fire-resistant footwear and welders spats
all to approved designs, must be provided where necessary, and used at all times.
Protective goggles or face shields, specially designed for welding work, are
absolutely essential, for both the welder and any person assisting. Failure to wear
suitable eye protection will result in an extremely painful condition of the eyes which
may result in partial or total blindness.
All types of welding and brazing produce some degree of toxic fume and it is
necessary to ensure adequate ventilation of each working area. Many silver solders
contain cadmium, which produces extremely toxic fumes. Efficient local exhaust
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The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336

Produced by the Health and Safety Department, the University of Edinburgh
ventilation here is essential, and the operator should take every precaution to avoid
breathing these fumes.
Fire-resistant screens should enclose welding operations, in order to prevent these
being accidentally viewed by other personnel, and, at places where welding
operations are carried out frequently, the nearby walls should be painted matt black
to prevent reflections.
Consideration must be given to specific fire precautions during welding or brazing
operations. Such operations should never be undertaken close to areas containing
flammable liquids, vapours or dusts. Before commencing any welding operations,
make sure that an appropriate fire extinguisher is readily accessible. A model "hot
work" Permit to Work system is available from the University Works Division, or from
Health and Safety Department, Charles Stewart House, 9-16 Chambers Street.
A strict Permit to Work system must be operated for welding or cutting tanks, barrels
or other containers which may have at one time held flammable materials. This
Permit must contain details of safety procedures, including thorough cleaning,
purging and venting of the container, prior to "hot work" commencing.
Welding should never be carried out inside confined spaces without a strict Permit to
Work system, specifying ventilation requirements and standards of respiratory
protective equipment to be employed, as well as appropriate physical precautions.
[Further information on welding and contact lenses can be found at 4. (supplement)
Welding and Brazing Operations]
4.1 Oxy-Acetylene Welding
Acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be installed and used vertically, chained to a
wall rack or secured in a welding trolley. Flash back arrestors must be fitted on both
the acetylene and oxygen supplies, to prevent explosions from blow backs.
Cylinders, regulators, hoses, nozzles and guns, should be regularly inspected and
leak tested using soap/water solution. Users of gas welding equipment should be
acquainted with the particular hazards associated with both acetylene and oxygen
cylinders, particularly the necessity of keeping all oxygen equipment free from oil and
grease. Valve keys must be kept in position on each cylinder at all times to facilitate
immediate shut off in the event of a malfunction.
4.2 Electric Arc Welding
In addition to the general precautions applicable to all welding processes, all
insulation and earthing arrangements must be maintained to a high standard,
regularly checked, and defective equipment taken out of service until repaired. Arc
welding must not be carried out in damp or wet surroundings, and the operator's
hands and clothing must be kept dry. Earth leads must never be connected to
electrical conduits or to pipes containing flammable liquids or gases.
Care must be taken to prevent the uninsulated part of the electrode holder from
coming into contact with the earthed workpiece or the earthing clamp, whilst the
current is switched on, as the resultant flash is extremely hazardous to the eyes. The
arc must never be struck without an appropriate face shield in place, and such eye
protection must be kept in the protective position until the arc extinguishes, as even
momentary flashes are very hazardous to the eyes.
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The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336

Produced by the Health and Safety Department, the University of Edinburgh
Electric arc welding equipment should be subject to inspection and test, as required
by the Electricity at Work Regulations (See Part Three: Electrical Equipment).
4. (supplement) Welding and Brazing Operations
The urban myth regarding welders, who are contact lens wearers, sustaining serious
eye damage as a result, has once again surfaced. The story goes that a welder, who
momentarily raises his welding visor, is hit in the eye by a spark, which painlessly
"welds" his contact lens to his cornea, which is then stripped off when the lens is
removed, rendering him instantly blind in the injured eye.
Local Authorities in the North of England have recently been perpetuating this fear by
circularising their own staffs with this supposed hazard information, without verifying
the veracity of the story. A number of employers in Edinburgh, including this
University and GEC Marconi, have received the circular, which Derbyshire County
Council have now had to shamefacedly retract.
Anyone who is concerned should contact the Health and Safety Department, who
can supply a copy of the documentation which debunks this myth.
Naturally, the fact that this particular fear has no foundation in fact, does not affect
the advice given on precautions to be taken by persons engaged in welding
operations, outlined in Part 4 of the University Health and Safety Policy.
This Note is supplementary to, and not a part of, Part Four of the University Health
and Safety Policy: Mechanical Equipment.
5. Lifting Equipment
All items of lifting equipment (such as lifts, cranes, beams, pulley blocks, chains,
ropes and slings), must be notified to the University's Engineering Insurers, who will
inspect each item of equipment at the statutorily required interval. Notification of the
addition or deletion of such items should be made to the Insurance Office, Finance
Department, Charles Stewart House, 9-16 Chambers Street ([email protected]),
noting details of the equipment (serial number, model, location, etc) and the contact
name and telephone number of a person responsible for the equipment (e.g.
Workshop Manager, etc). Notification of newly installed equipment is required before
it is brought into use. Fork lift trucks must be operated only by fully trained staff.
The safe working load (SWL), indicated on the insurance certificate, must be clearly
marked on each item of lifting equipment, and these limits must never be exceeded
under any circumstances. No lifting equipment with any visible defect should be used
at any time. When lifting large weights, the load should be lifted initially only a few
inches from the floor, to check the safe condition of the lifting apparatus and the
security of slings, etc, before the full lifting operation is commenced.
Consideration as to the necessity of providing suitable foot protection must be
assessed, bearing in mind the hazards of each individual task.
5.1 Manual Handling:
Moving or attempting to move objects in the wrong way is the cause of a large
number of minor and more serious disabling injuries every year. The observance of a
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The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336

Produced by the Health and Safety Department, the University of Edinburgh
few common sense rules for lifting and carrying could reduce greatly the effect of
incorrect manual handling techniques.
Suggested rules for safe lifting and carrying appear in Part Two: General
Precautions. Details of courses available to train personnel in safe manual handling
techniques are available from Health and Safety Department, Charles Stewart
House, 9-16 Chambers Street.
6. Pressure Vessels
6.1 Legal Requirements
All autoclaves and other pressure vessels (such as air receivers, boilers, calorifiers,
pressure cookers and other gas pressure vessels, such as gas cylinders owned by
schools) must be notified to the University's Engineering Insurers, who will inspect
each item at the statutorily required interval. Notification should be made through the
Insurance Office, Finance Department, Charles Stewart House, 9-16 Chambers
Street ([email protected]), by sending details of the equipment (serial number,
model, location, etc) and the contact name and telephone number of a person
responsible for the equipment (e.g. lab manager, etc). Notification of newly installed
equipment is required before it is brought into use, so that the requirements of the
Pressure Systems Regulations may be complied with.
The safe working pressure (SWP), as indicated on the insurance certificate, must be
clearly marked on each item of equipment, and these limits must never be exceeded
under any circumstances. All pressure vessels should be cleaned out regularly, and
residues which might cause corrosion should be removed. Maintenance of all
pressure vessels must be arranged so that a competent engineer inspects each item
of equipment frequently.
The manufacturer's instructions must always be closely followed, and the various
safety interlocks must never be tampered with or over-ridden. Older autoclaves which
do not have interlocked doors or lids should be fitted with an appropriate device
which will prevent the chamber being opened when residual steam or boiling water
are present. (See also Part Six: Biological Laboratories).
6.2 Compressed Air Supplies
Never direct a compressed air supply at yourself or at any other person; a high
pressure jet of air can maim or kill. Do not use compressed air for cleaning purposes
unless there is no alternative. Where it is essential, use suitable eye protection to
offset the effects of flying swarf and dirt particles.
7. Occupational Health
Wherever substances which are potentially hazardous to health are employed, the
requirements of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations must be
complied with, and suitable risk assessments formulated. Workshop staff have been
known to develop industrial dermatitis unless sensible and adequate protective
measures are taken, to avoid excessive and prolonged contact with some
substances, such as mineral oils, solvents, degreasing agents, synthetic resins and
other chemical substances. The possibility of using commercial cutting oils from
which potentially carcinogenic components have been removed should be
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The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336

Produced by the Health and Safety Department, the University of Edinburgh
The simplest way to avoid any skin disorder is to pay close attention to personal
hygiene by washing hands, forearms, face and any other exposed areas regularly
with a good quality proprietory skin cleanser. Never use abrasives. Any skin
problems should be reported as soon as possible to a medical practitioner, and to
your workshop manager. Wherever practicable, the use of suitable gloves and/or
barrier creams should be considered, to prevent a problem occuring in the first place.
Machining of toxic metals (e.g. lead, manganese, nickel, chromium, beryllium,
cadmium and vanadium), alloys containing these metals, and some plastics such as
PTFE (Teflon) must only be carried out in strict accordance with the procedures laid
down in the school rules for safe workshop practice, which will specify the ventilation
and respiratory protection requirements. Smoking must not be allowed in the vicinity
of such machining.
Acute respiratory sensitisation has been associated with two-pack polyurethane
paints and lacquers in which the hardener contains small amounts of isocyanates.
When such two-pack systems are in use, work must be carried out under suitable
local exhaust ventilation, which is subject to regular maintenance and performance
testing. Written records should be maintained of all such tests.
7.1 Paint Spraying Operations
Paint spraying presents both a toxic and a fire hazard, and must only be carried out
in a suitable well ventilated enclosure, away from all sources of ignition, including
static electricity. Filters on ventilation plant must be checked regularly. Efficient
personal respiratory protection, as well as skin and eye protection, must be worn
wherever necessary.
7.2 Noise
In any area where the noise level is thought to be excessive or uncomfortable, Health
and Safety Department should be contacted, so that a noise monitoring exercise, as
required by the Noise at Work Regulations, may be carried out. A good rule of thumb
to indicate a potential noise problem is the need to raise one's voice substantially, to
communicate with another person standing 6 feet away, whilst the noise is present.
Depending upon the results of such a survey, decisions can then be taken on the
requirement to provide appropriate ear defenders, display warning notices, or, where
practicable, to control the noise at source.

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This document is intended for use by the University of Edinburgh staff and students only
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336

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