This document summarizes the process for selecting and approving methods for the 20th edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. Joint Task Groups composed of experts reviewed existing methods and proposed new ones. Methods then underwent a ballot approval process by committee members. The Joint Editorial Board classified approved methods as Proposed, Special, Standard, or General based on their validation and use. This process aims to present consensus standards that represent the best and most widely accepted procedures for water and wastewater analysis.
This document summarizes the process for selecting and approving methods for the 20th edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. Joint Task Groups composed of experts reviewed existing methods and proposed new ones. Methods then underwent a ballot approval process by committee members. The Joint Editorial Board classified approved methods as Proposed, Special, Standard, or General based on their validation and use. This process aims to present consensus standards that represent the best and most widely accepted procedures for water and wastewater analysis.
This document summarizes the process for selecting and approving methods for the 20th edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. Joint Task Groups composed of experts reviewed existing methods and proposed new ones. Methods then underwent a ballot approval process by committee members. The Joint Editorial Board classified approved methods as Proposed, Special, Standard, or General based on their validation and use. This process aims to present consensus standards that represent the best and most widely accepted procedures for water and wastewater analysis.
This document summarizes the process for selecting and approving methods for the 20th edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. Joint Task Groups composed of experts reviewed existing methods and proposed new ones. Methods then underwent a ballot approval process by committee members. The Joint Editorial Board classified approved methods as Proposed, Special, Standard, or General based on their validation and use. This process aims to present consensus standards that represent the best and most widely accepted procedures for water and wastewater analysis.
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Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater
Selection and Approval of Methods For each new edition both the technical criteria for selection of methods and the formal procedures for their approval and inclusion are reviewed critically. In regard to the approval procedures, it is considered particularly important to assure that the methods presented have been reviewed and are supported by the largest number of qualified people, so that they may represent a true consensus of expert opinion. For the Fourteenth Edition a Joint Tas !roup was established for each test. This scheme has continued for each subsequent edition. "ppointment of an individual to a Joint Tas !roup generally was based on the expressed interest or recogni#ed expertise of the individual. The effort in every case was to assemble a group having maximum available expertise in the test methods of concern. Each Joint Tas !roup was charged with reviewing the pertinent methods in the $ineteenth Edition along with other methods from the literature, recommending the methods to be included in the Twentieth Edition, and presenting those methods in the form of a proposed section manuscript. %ubsequently, each section manuscript &except for 'art ()))* was ratified by vote of those members of the %tandard +ethods ,ommittee who ased to review sections in that part. Every negative vote and every comment submitted in the balloting was reviewed by the Joint Editorial -oard. .elevant suggestions were referred appropriately for resolution. /hen negative votes on the first ballot could not be resolved by the Joint Tas !roup or the Joint Editorial -oard, the section was reballoted among all who voted affirmatively or negatively on the original ballot. 0nly a few issues could not be resolved in this manner and the Joint Editorial -oard made the final decision. The general and quality assurance information presented in 'art ())) was treated somewhat differently. "gain, Joint Tas !roups were formed, given a charge, and allowed to produce a consensus draft. This draft was reviewed by the Joint Editorial -oard 1iaison and subsequently by the Joint Editorial -oard. The draft sections were sent to the %tandard +ethods ,ommittee and comments resulting from this review were used to develop the final draft. The methods presented here, as in previous editions, are believed to be the best available and generally accepted procedures for the analysis of water, wastewaters, and related materials. They represent the recommendations of specialists, ratified by a large number of analysts and others of more general expertise, and as such are truly consensus standards, offering a valid and recogni#ed basis for control and evaluation. The technical criteria for selection of methods were applied by the Joint Tas !roups and by the individuals reviewing their recommendations, with the Joint Editorial -oard providing 2 ,opyright (333 by "merican 'ublic 4ealth "ssociation, "merican /ater /ors "ssociation, /ater Environment Federation Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater only general guidelines. In addition to the classical concepts of precision, bias, and minimum detectable concentration, selection of a method also must recogni#e such considerations as the time required to obtain a result, needs for speciali#ed equipment and for special training of the analyst, and other factors related to the cost of the analysis and the feasibility of its widespread use. Status of Methods "ll methods in the Twentieth Edition are dated to assist users in identifying those methods that have been changed significantly between editions. The year the section was approved by the %tandard +ethods ,ommittee is indicated in a footnote at the beginning of each section. %ections or methods that appeared in the $ineteenth Edition that are unchanged, or changed only editorially in the Twentieth Edition, show an approval date of (335 or (336. %ections or methods that were changed significantly, or that were reaffirmed by general balloting of the %tandard +ethods ,ommittee, are dated (337 or (338. If an individual method within a section was revised, that method carries an approval date different from that of the rest of the section. +ethods in the Twentieth Edition are divided into fundamental classes9 '.0'0%E:, %'E,I"1I;E:, %T"$:".:, "$: !E$E."1. $one of the methods in the Twentieth Edition have the speciali#ed designation. .egardless of assigned class, all methods must be approved by the %tandard +ethods ,ommittee. The four classes are described below9 1. '.0'0%E:<" '.0'0%E: method must undergo development and validation that meets the requirements set forth in %ection ()6)" of Standard Methods. 2. %'E,I"1I;E:<" procedure qualifies as a %'E,I"1I;E: method in one of two ways9 a* The procedure must undergo development and validation and collaborative testing that meet the requirements set forth in %ection ()6)- and , of Standard Methods, respectively= or b* The procedure is the >>+ET40: 0F ,40I,E?? of the members of the %tandard +ethods ,ommittee actively conducting the analysis and it has appeared in T/0 '.E@I0A% E:ITI0$% of Standard Methods. 3. %T"$:".:<" procedure qualifies as a %T"$:".: method in one of two ways9 a* The procedure must undergo development and validation and collaborative testing that meet the requirements set forth in %ection ()6)- and , of Standard Methods, respectively, and it is >>/I:E1B A%E:?? by the members of the %tandard +ethods ,ommittee= or b* The procedure is >>/I:E1B A%E:?? by the members of the %tandard +ethods ,ommittee and it has appeared in T/0 '.E@I0A% E:ITI0$% of Standard Methods. 4. !E$E."1<" procedure qualifies as a !E$E."1 method if it has appeared in T/0 '.E@I0A% E:ITI0$% of Standard Methods. "ssignment of a classification to a method is done by the Joint Editorial -oard. /hen maing method classifications, the Joint Editorial -oard evaluates the results of the survey on method use by the %tandard +ethods ,ommittee that is conducted at the time of general balloting of the method. In addition, the Joint Editorial -oard considers recommendations offered by Joint Tas !roups and the 'art ,oordinator. 2 ,opyright (333 by "merican 'ublic 4ealth "ssociation, "merican /ater /ors "ssociation, /ater Environment Federation Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater +ethods categori#ed as >>'.0'0%E:,?? >>%'E,I"1I;E:,?? and >>!E$E."1?? are so designated in their titles= methods with no designation are >>%T"$:".:.?? Technical progress maes advisable the establishment of a program to eep Standard Methods abreast of advances in research and general practice. The Joint Editorial -oard has developed the following procedure for effecting interim changes in methods between editions9 1. "ny method given proposed status in the current edition may be elevated by action of the Joint Editorial -oard, on the basis of adequate published data supporting such a change as submitted to the -oard by the appropriate Joint Tas !roup. $otification of such a change in status shall be accomplished by publication in the official Cournals of the three associations sponsoring Standard Methods. 2. $o method may be abandoned or reduced to a lower status during the interval between editions. 3. " new method may be adopted as proposed, speciali#ed, or standard by the Joint Editorial -oard between editions, such action being based on the usual consensus procedure. %uch new methods may be published in supplements to editions of Standard Methods. It is intended that a supplement be published midway between editions. Even more important to maintaining the current status of these standards is the intention of the sponsors and the Joint Editorial -oard that subsequent editions will appear regularly at reasonably short intervals. Reader comments and questions concerning this manual should be addressed to: Standard Methods Manager, American Water Works Association, 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, ! "#$%&' Acknowledgments For the wor in preparing the methods for the Twentieth Edition, the Joint Editorial -oard gives full credit to the %tandard +ethods ,ommittees of the "merican /ater /ors "ssociation and of the /ater Environment Federation and to the ,ommittee on 1aboratory %tandards and 'ractices of the "merican 'ublic 4ealth "ssociation. Full credit also is given to those individuals who were not members of the sponsoring societies. " list of all committee members follows these pages. 4erbert J. -rass, A.%. Environmental 'rotection "gency, served as a liaison from E'" to the Joint Editorial -oard= thans are due for his interest and help. The Joint Editorial -oard expresses its appreciation to Fernando +. Trevino, former Executive :irector, and +ohammad $. "hter, +.:., current Executive :irector, "merican 'ublic 4ealth "ssociation, to John -. +annion, former Executive :irector, and Jac /. 4offbuhr, current Executive :irector, "merican /ater /ors "ssociation, and to Duincalee -rown, Executive :irector, /ater Environment Federation, for their cooperation and advice in the development of this publication. %teven J. 'osavec, %tandard +ethods +anager and Joint Editorial -oard %ecretary, provided a variety of important services that are vital to the preparation of a volume of this type. Ellen +eyer, :irector of 'ublications, "merican 'ublic 4ealth "ssociation, functioned as publisher. Judy ,astagna, also with "'4", served as 2 ,opyright (333 by "merican 'ublic 4ealth "ssociation, "merican /ater /ors "ssociation, /ater Environment Federation Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater production manager. %pecial recognition for her valuable services is due to +ary "nn 4. Franson, +anaging Editor, who discharged most efficiently the extensive and detailed responsibilities on which this publication depends. (oint )ditorial *oard 1enore %. ,lesceri, /ater Environment Federation, ,hair "rnold E. !reenberg, "merican 'ublic 4ealth "ssociation "ndrew :. Eaton, "merican /ater /ors "ssociation "t several places in this text, a manufacturer?s name or trade name of a product, chemical, or chemical compound is referenced. The use of such a name is intended only to be a shorthand reference for the functional characteristics of the manufacturer?s item. These references are not intended to be an endorsement of any item by the copublishers, and materials or reagents with equivalent characteristics may be used.