1' Cerere de Inscriere - Actualizare Date - Persoane Juridice - Format A4

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The document outlines the requirements for client enrollment or update of information for both resident and non-resident legal entities at Raiffeisen Bank in Romania.

The document lists various documents that may be required such as articles of incorporation, tax registration certificates, declaration of start of activity, representation documents, etc. It also specifies if originals or copies are required.

Detailed information is required about the customer such as address, phone, tax residence, main activity, origin of capital, average employees, annual turnover, total assets, etc.

Raiffeisen Bank S.A. Administra]ia Central` Pia]a Charles de Gaulle nr.

r. 15, sector 1, Bucure[ti Cod 011857 Romnia Telefon +40 21 306 1000
Fax +40 21 230 0700 E-mail: [email protected] www.raiffeisen.ro C.U.I. 361820 Num`r de \nregistrare \n Registrul Comer]ului J40/44/1991
Num`r de \nregistrare \n Registrul Bancar RB-PJR-40-009/1999 Cod de \nregistrare fiscal` RO361820 Capital Social 1.200 mil Lei
Societate administrat` n sistem dualist Cod BIC RZBRROBU Raiffeisen Direct: 0800 802 02 02 apel gratuit din re]eaua Romtelecom
solicit \nscrierea / hereby apply for enrollment
solicit actualizarea datelor / hereby apply for update of enrollment data
confirm c` informa]iile nu s-au modificat de la data ultimei actualiz`ri / hereby confirm that there are no changes on the data
Sediul /Head-office: Str./Street ______________________________________ Nr. /No. _____ Bl. /Bl. _____ Sc. /Entry _____ Et. /Floor ______
Ap. /App. ______ Sector /District _____ Localitate /City ______________________________________________________ Jude] /County
____________________________ }ara /Country ___________________________ Cod Po[tal /Postal Code ________________
Telefon sediu social /Office Phone ______________________ Telefon suplimentar /Alternate Phone _____________________
Fax / Fax __________________E-mail ____________________________
Reziden]a / Country of Residence: ______________________ Reziden]a fiscal` / Fiscal Residence: ____________________
Pl`titor TVA / VAT Payer: DA/YES NU/NO
Cod \nregistrare Registrul Comer]ului/Registru public ]inut de ordinul profesional/Num`r autoriza]ie
Trade Registry/Public register issued by professional order/association: ___________________________________________
Cod CAEN / NACE Code: __________ Obiect principal de activitate /Main activity:__________________________________
Provenien]a capitalului /Origin of capital:
privat autohton privat str`in privat autohton + str`in
local private foreign private local + foreign private
integral de stat minoritar de stat+stat str`in minoritar de stat+privat-autohton+privat str`in
fully state owned state minority+state foreign state minority+local private+foreign private
minoritar de stat minoritar de stat+privat-str`in majoritar de stat+ stat str`in
+privat-autohton state minority+foreign private state majority+ state foreign
state minority+local private
majoritar de stat majoritar de stat+ privat str`in majoritar de stat+ privat-autohton
+privat-autohton state majority+ foreign private + privat str`in
state majority+ local private state majority+ local private+ foreign private
Pentru Forme de exercitare a profesiei \n cadrul ordinelor profesionale / For Professionals customers independent of
legal organising form
Medical Juridic Veterinar Contabilitate Arhitectur` Media Notariat Executor judec`toresc
Medical Legal Veterinary Accountancy Arhitecture Media Notary Bailiff
Altele /Others __________________________________________
Num`r mediu de salaria]i /Average Employees No.: _________________________
Cifra de afaceri anual`/ Annual Business Turnover (RON) ____________________ nu este cazul /not the case
Active totale / Total Assets (RON) ______________ nu este cazul /not the case Pentru Anul *)/For Year _______
*)Datele cu privire la num`rul mediu de salaria]i, cifra de afaceri anual` [i activele totale sunt cele aferente ultimului exerci]iu financiar
\ncheiat; The information regarding Average Employees No., Annual Business Turnover and Total Assets are related to the last
financial year ended.
Compania face parte dintr-un grup de clien]i afla]i \n leg`tur` cu o cifr` de afaceri consolidat` pe grup /The company is part of a
group of connected customers with a consolidated business turnover of : ________________(EUR), din care fac parte urm`toarele
entit`]i (Denumire [i CUI, respectiv Nume [i CNP) /which includes the following entities (Name and URC or Name and PNC):
* v` rug`m s` bifa]i ultima c`su]` din tabel \n cazul \n care respectiva entitate are [i calitatea de client al Raiffeisen Bank SA/
please check the last cell of the table if the respective entity is also a Raiffeisen Bank SA client
Nr. operator \n Registrul de eviden]` ANSPDCP:
1967 pentru activitate bancar`; 189 pentru activitate de marketing, reclam` [i publicitate
Denumire client / Client Name
Cod unic de \nregistrare (CUI) /Unique registration Code (URC)
Cod de \nregistrare fiscal` /Fiscal code
Raiffeisen Bank S.A. Administra]ia Central` Pia]a Charles de Gaulle nr. 15, sector 1, Bucure[ti Cod 011857 Romnia Telefon +40 21 306 1000
Fax +40 21 230 0700 E-mail: [email protected] www.raiffeisen.ro C.U.I. 361820 Num`r de \nregistrare \n Registrul Comer]ului J40/44/1991
Num`r de \nregistrare \n Registrul Bancar RB-PJR-40-009/1999 Cod de \nregistrare fiscal` RO361820 Capital Social 1.200 mil Lei
Societate administrat` n sistem dualist Cod BIC RZBRROBU Raiffeisen Direct: 0800 802 02 02 apel gratuit din re]eaua Romtelecom
Persoane Fizice / Private Individuals
Persoane Juridice / Legal Entities
SURSA FONDURILOR / SOURCE OF FUNDS: __________________________________
Prin prezenta declar/declar`m pe propria r`spundere, cunoscnd dispozi]iile legale \n vigoare n ceea ce prive[te Fondul de
garantare a depozitelor \n sistemul bancar, ca depozitele pe care le de]inem sau le vom de]ine \n viitor la Raiffesen Bank SA se
\ncadreaz` \n categoria depozitelor/We hereby declare that all our present or future deposits are,
Garantate /guaranteed p Negarantate /not guaranteed p potrivit pct _________din Lista depozitelor
negarantate - Anexa Nr. 1 la OG 39/1996 cu modific`rile [i complet`rile ulterioare, pe care banca mi-a pus-o la dispozi]ie la data
prezentei./ according to point _______ of the List of Not Guaranteed deposits Addendum no.1 of Goverrment Ordinance no.
39/1996 with subsequent amendments, supplied to me by the Bank at current date.
Prin prezenta, declar/declar`m c` mi-a/ne-a fost pus la dispozi]ie Ghidul de completare a formularelor pentru clien]i persoane
juridice./ We hereby declare that a copy of the Legal Entities Form Guide was made available to us.
Se completeaz` de c`tre banc`/Data to be filled in by the Bank
Agen]ia /Branch __________________________________________ Cheie CIF/CIF Code
Segmentare /Business Segmentation: Micro Micro - Profesii Liberale IMM Medii Corpora]ii
Nume [i Prenume/Name and Surname CNP/PNC Participa]ie / Quota (%)
Denumire/Name CUI/Unique Registration Code Participa]ie / Quota (%)
Nume [i Prenume/Name and Surname CNP/PNC
Persoan` Contact Principal (obligatoriu) / Main
Contact Person (mandatory)
Persoan` Contact Secundar (op]ional) /
Secondary Contact Person (optional)
Denumire / Name
CUI/Unique Registration
Num`r de \nregistrare \n Registrul
Comer]ului / Trade Registry
Nume [i Prenume/
Name and Surname
Semn`tura Reprezentant Legal/
Legal Representative Signature
Nume [i Prenume Reprezentan]i Legali /
Legal Representatives Name and Surname
Semn`tura Reprezentant Banc`/
Bank Representative Signature
Nume [i Prenume Reprezentant Banc` /
Bank Representative Name and Surname
Anexa 2 - List` documente necesare pentru \nscrierea/actualizarea datelor clien]ilor [i
deschiderea contului curent persoane juridice/entit`]i f`r` personalitate juridic`
1. Pentru \nrolarea clien]ilor persoane juridice (inclusiv entit`]i f`r` personalitate juridic`) sunt necesare urm`toarele documente minimale,
la care se vor ad`uga dup` caz, cele specifice fiec`rei categorii de clien]i, conform celor men]ionate la sec]iunile 3 - 13
/ For the
enrolment of legal persons (including non-legal entities) the following minimum documents are required, to wich, on a case-by-case
basis, the specific documents mentioned below (paragraphs 3- 13) will be added
a) Actul constitutiv actualizat cu toate modific`rile efectuate pn` la data \nrol`rii clientului, \nregistrat la Registrul Comer]ului/ alte
registre publice de eviden]a. |n cazul \n care nu exist` varianta actualizat` a actului constitutiv, se vor prezenta actul constitutiv ini]ial,
\mpreun` cu actele adi]ionale prin care s-au adus modific`ri/complet`ri actului constitutiv [i dovada \nregistr`rii acestora la Registrul
Comer]ului/ alte registre publice de eviden]` / The up-dated Articles of Incorporation registered at the Trade Registry/other public
evidence registry. If the updated version is not available, the initial Articles of Incorporation, together with all addendums and proof of
their registration at the Trade Registry/other public evidence registry, will be presented.
b) Certificat constatator de la Registrul Comer]ului sau de la un alt registru public de eviden]` valabil
/ Valid certificate of Ascertainment
from Trade Registry or other public evidence registry
c) Documentul de \nregistrare \n eviden]ele fiscale (dac` este cazul) / The document of fiscal registration (if case)
d) Actul de numire a reprezentan]ilor legali (dac` nu au fost numi]i prin actul constitutiv), dovada efectu`rii publicit`]ii prev`zute de lege
\n registrele de eviden]` specifice, \mpreun` cu formulare pentru definire/actualizare date persoane fizice [i copii ale documentelor de
identitate pentru Reprezentan]ii Legali / The nomination of the legal representatives (if they are not nominated in the Articles of
Incorporation), the proof of advertising required by law in specific registers, together with personal individual enrollment forms, filled in
and signed by the Legal Representatives, with a copy of their IDs
e) Actul care atest` dreptul persoanelor autorizate s` semneze documentele bancare /Confirmation of the authorized persons to sign
the bank documents;
f) Delega]ie pentru persoanele care vor efectua opera]iuni la ghi[eu
[i copia documentelor de identitate ale persoanelor men]ionate \n
aceste documente / Delegation for the persons authorized to request teller operations and ID copies for all individuals mentioned in the
above document.
g) Declara]ia privind beneficiarul real
[i copii ale documentelor de identitate ale beneficiarilor reali. |n cazul \n care beneficiarul real
provine dintr-un ac]ionar persoana juridic`, se vor anexa [i documente din care s` rezulte calitatea de ac]ionar/asociat (extras/certificat
constatator eliberat de c`tre Registrul comer]ului sau alt registru public din ]ara de reziden]`, dup` caz, \n original). |n cazul \n care clientul
declar` c` nu exist` un beneficiar real \n conformitate cu defini]ia legal`, acesta va prezenta b`ncii documente care s` ateste cele
declarate / Beneficial owner statement and ID copies for the real beneficiaries. If the real beneficiary derives from a legal entity
shareholder, documents proving the shareholder structure and final ownership of that legal entity shall be required (Valid certificate of
Ascertainment from Trade Registry or other public evidence registry, in original, if required). If the client declares that there is no real
beneficiary in accordance with the legal definition, certifying documents will be presented.
2. Pentru deschiderea de cont, \n completarea documentelelor de \nrolare men]ionate \n prezentul document, sunt necesare [i
documentele enumerate \n cadrul prezentei sec]iuni, indiferent de momentul la care intervine deschiderea de cont (la data \nscrierii sau
ulterior \nscrierii Clientului Persoan` Juridic`) / In addition to the list mentioned above, the minimum documents specified below are
required for the opening of the current account/saving account, either at the moment of Legal Entity enrollment, or after enrollment:
a) Decizia organului statutar competent prin care se aprob` deschiderea contului [i desemnarea persoanelor cu drept de semn`tur` pe
cont (dac` este cazul) / Decision of the responsible statutory organisation, approving the opening of the account and accreditation of
the persons entitled to sign/to operate on the account (if applicable).
b) List` Reprezentan]i Autoriza]i pentru Persoane Juridice \mpreun` cu formulare pentru definire/actualizare date persoane fizice
completate [i semnate de c`tre Reprezentan]ii Autoriza]i (cu semn`tura reprezentantului legal pentru certificarea
autenticit`]ii/conformit`]ii datelor completate, \n cazul \n care acestea nu sunt completate \n prezen]a reprezentantului B`ncii) [i copii
ale documentelor de identitate pentru ace[tia / List of authorized persons for Legal Entities, together with personal individual enrollment
forms, filled in and signed by the Authorized Representatives (countersigned by the Legal Representative, in case the documents are not
filled in the presence of a Bank Representative), with a copy of their IDs.
c) Cerere de deschidere cont curent Persoane Juridice (se pot deschide max 5 conturi pe o singur` cerere)/ Contract Cont Acces Plus
Application for Current Account Opening for Legal Entities (maximum 5 accounts can be opened on the Request)/ Acces Plus Account
3. Societate comercial` rezident` / Resident Company
I Certificatul de \nmatriculare/nregistrare la Registrul Comer]ului / The Certificate of registration with the Trade Registry
I Hot`rre judec`toreasc` privind nfiin]area societ`]ii / Court decision regarding the incorporation of the company.
4. Organiza]ii non-profit de tipul funda]ii, asocia]ii, partide politice, organiza]ii sindicale, federa]ii, asocia]ii de locatari/ Non-profit
organizations (foundations, associations, political parties, trade unions, federations, owners associations)
I Certificatul de \nregistrare n registrul public specific / the Certificate of Registration with the applicable public registry
I Hot`rre judec`toreasc` privind nfiin]area organiza]iei non-profit/Court decision regarding the incorporation of the non-profit
organization company.
5. Persoane juridice nerezidente/ Non-resident entities
I Certificatul de nmatriculare/\nregistrare a persoanei juridice de la Registrul Comer]ului/alt registru public de eviden]` din ]ara de
reziden]`/the Certificate of registration with the Register of Commerce/other public evidence registry in the country of residence
I Certificatul de reziden]` fiscal`/the Certificate of fiscal residence
I Scrisoare de bonitate de la principala banc` a clientului
/Letter of creditworthiness issued by the client's main bank.
6. Filial`, Agen]ie, Reprezentan]`, Punct de lucru, Sucursal`
/ Subsidiary, Branch, Agency, Representative Office
I Actul/actele constitutive ale societ`]ii (companiei/organiza]iei) mam`/ the Articles of incorporation of the parent company/entity
I Hot`rrea societ`]ii mam` de a constitui o filial`, sucursal`, agen]ie, punct de lucru, reprezentan]`/ the parent company/ entity
decision to set up a subsidiary, branch, agency or representative office
I Certificatul de nmatriculare/dovada \nregistr`rii la Registrul Comer]ului/alt registru public de eviden]e (pentru societatea/organiza]ia
mam` [i pentru filial`, sucursal`, agen]ie, punct de lucru, reprezentan]`) / Certificate of registration with the Register of Commerce/
other public evidence registry (for the parent company and the subsidiary, branch, agency or representative office)
I Scrisoare de bonitate de la banc` unde entitatea mam` are deschis contul principal
/ Letter of creditworthiness from the bank
where the parent company has its main account - doar \n cazul filialei, sucursalei, agen]iei, reprezentan]ei unei persoane juridice
I Hot`rrea Guvernului prin care se autorizeaz` func]ionarea n Romnia a filialei respective (dac` este cazul)/ Government decision
authorizing the operation of the respective branch in Romania (if is necessary) - doar \n cazul filialei, sucursalei, agen]iei,
reprezentan]ei unei organiza]ii non-profit nerezidente
7. Regie Autonom`, Companie Na]ional`, Societate Na]ional`/ Autonomous Regie, National Company
I Regulamentul de organizare [i func]ionare (dac` este cazul) / Rules of Organisation and Operation ( if case)
I H.G. sau Hot`rrea Consiliului local privind nfiin]area regiei/companiei/societ`]ii/ Government Decision or Decision of the Local
Council for the establishment of the regie / company
I Cod SICOMEX (unde este cazul)/SICOMEX code (if applicable)
I Certificatul de nmatriculare de la Registrul Comer]ului / Copy of the Certificate of registration with the Register of Commerce.
8. Institu]ii publice (ministere, agen]ii guvernamentale, unit`]i publice de \nv`]`mnt, unit`]i sanitare publice, unit`]i administrative-
teritoriale, unit`]i militare, institu]ii de cultur` [.a.m.d.)
/ Public Institutions (ministries, government agencies, public education, public
health units, administrative-territorial units, military units, institutions of culture and so on)
I Actul normativ care reglementeaz` organizarea [i func]ionarea institu]iei publice / Normative act (law or government decision)
approving the organization of the public entity
I Decizia intern` de aprobare a deschiderii contului curent / internal decision for the approving of the current account opening.
9. Ambasade, consulate, reprezentan]e oficiale
/ Embassies, Consulates, Official representative offices
I Actul normativ (legea sau hot`rrea guvernului) prin care se aprob` nfiin]area ambasadei/ consulatului/ reprezentan]ei/ biroului
consular/ reprezentan]ei organismului interna]ional respectiv / Normative act (law or government decision) approving the
establishment of the embassy/consulate/representative office/consular office/office of the international body
I Scrisoare Minister Afaceri Externe din ]ara de origine c`tre Ministerul Afacerilor Externe din Romnia privind acreditarea
conduc`torului autorizat s` desf`[oare activit`]i preliminare pentru deschiderea ambasadei/ consulatului/biroului
consular/reprezentan]ei oficiale / Copy of the letter issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the country of origin to the Romanian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the accreditation of the authorized manager to perform preliminary activities in order to establish
the embassy/consulate/consular office/official representative office
I Scrisoarea de acreditare a ambasadorului nso]it` de acceptul M.A.E. din Romnia / Letter of accreditation of the ambassador
accompanied by the acceptance of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
I Comunicarea M.A.E., Direc]ia Consular` din Romnia privind confirmarea persoanei care exercit` func]ia de consul general n
Romnia / Letter from the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Consular Division regarding the confirmation of the person holding
the capacity of general consul in Romania
I mputernicire dat` de persoanele acreditate, salaria]ilor ambasadei, consulatului etc. pentru semnarea documentelor bancare /
Power of attorney issued by accredited persons to the employees of the embassy, consulate etc. to sign the bank s documents.
10. Organisme [i organiza]ii interna]ionale, inclusiv BERD, Banca Mondial`
/ International organizations, including EBRD, the World Bank
I Act de nfiin]are (statut - aprobat prin Hot`rre de Guvern ca n cazul BERD) / Articles of incorporation (by-laws - approved by
Government Decision, like for EBRD) -
I Actul de autorizare a func]ion`rii n Romnia (scrisoare de confirmare din partea Guvernului Romn)/ Authorization to operate in
Romania (letter of confirmation from the Romanian Government)
I Actul de numire al [efului reprezentan]ei/biroului/misiunii din Romnia / Appointment of the chief of the representative
office/office/mission in Romania
I Confirmarea din partea M.A.E., dup` caz / Confirmation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, if applicable.
11. Companii Offshore
/ Offshore Companies
I Certificatul de nmatriculare / Copy of the Certificate of registration
I Documente atestnd capitalul social, cifra de afaceri, structura ac]ionariatului / Documents reflecting the share capital, the business
turnover, the shareholders structure
I Certificatul de nregistrare fiscal`/ Copy of the Certificate of fiscal registration
I Declara]ia managerului privind identificarea ac]ionarilor
/ Manager's statement for shareholders identification
I Documente atestnd adresa, fax, telefon, e-mail societate / Documents reflecting the address, fax number, telephone number, e-mail
of the company
I Declara]ie din partea clientului privind dreptul B`ncii de a ob]ine referin]e de la banca clientului
/ Client's statement authorizing the
Bank to request information from the client's main bank
I Scrisoare de bonitate de la principala banc` a clientului
/ Letter of creditworthiness issued by the client's main bank
12. Alte persoane juridice rezidente (societ`]i agricole, societ`]i cooperative, unit`]i de cult [.a.m.d)
I Actul constitutiv (actul de asociere/actul normativ de organizare [i func]ionare, dup` caz) / the Articles of incorporation of the legal
I Dovada \nregistr`rii la Registrul Comer]ului/ministerul de resort/alt registru public de eviden]`, dup` caz / the prove of registration
with Trade Registry/ ministry/ other public evidence registry.
13. Entit`]i f`r` personalitate juridic` (Persoane Fizice Autorizate/|ntreprinderi individuale/|ntreprinderi familiale/Forme de exercitare a
profesiei \n cadrul ordinelor profesionale
/ Authorized individuals/family association/liberal professionals
I Certificatul de nregistrare la Registrul Comer]ului/\n registrul public al ordinului professional / Copy of the Certificate of registration
with Trade Register/Copy of the Certificate of registration with public register issued by the professional order/association
I Decizie de primire n profesie a titularului/asocia]ilor din cadrul formelor de exercitare a profesiei n cadrul ordinelor profesionale /
authorization for practice issued by the professional order/association.
14. Reprezentan]i fiscali ai persoanelor juridice impozabile \nregistrate \n str`in`tate/ Fiscal representatives for legal entities registered
I Act constitutiv actualizat al reprezentantului fiscal, persoana juridic`, \nregistrat` \n Romnia
/ The updated Articles of Incorporation
for the fiscal representative of the legal entity, registered in Romania
I Copia [i traducerea legalizat` a actului de constituire \n str`in`tate a persoanei impozabile / Copy and legalized translation of the
articles of incorporation of the foreign registered legal person
I Declara]ia de \ncepere a activit`]ii (data, volumul [i natura activit`]ii pe care o va desf`[ura \n Romnia), ata[at` la cererea de
desemnare a reprezentantului fiscal, depus` la organul fiscal/ Declaration for the start of the activity (date, volume and nature of the
activity that will be carried out in Romania) attached at the application for a legal representative
I Certificat de \nregistrare fiscal` atribuit reprezentantului fiscal (diferit de cel atribuit pentru activitatea proprie a reprezentantului
/ fiscal registration certificate for the legal representative (different from the one assigned to the fiscal representantive for its own
I Act de numire a reprezentan]ilor legali [i copia documentelor de identitate ale acestora pentru persoana juridic` nerezident` / The
nomination of the legal representatives (if they are not nominated in the Articles of Incorporation) and a copy of their IDs for the non-
resident legal person.
Documentele vor fi prezentate \n original [i dup` efectuarea de copii de c`tre Banc` vor fi restituite clientului, cu excep]iile cazurilor \n care se men]ioneaz` \n prezentul
document c` se depun \n original; \n cazul documentelor redactate \n limb` str`in` se va depune o copie legalizat` [i apostilat`/supralegalizat` (dac` este cazul) a acestora,
precum [i traducerea legalizat` \n limba romn` (\n cazul \n care traducerea este legalizat` \n str`in`tate, aceasta trebuie apostilat`/supralegalizat` (dup` caz)/ The original
documents will be provided to the Bank which will return them after making copies, unless the present document states that originals for those documents will be kept by the
Bank; if the document is in a foreign language, a legalized and apostilled/counter legalized (as the case may be) copy will be provided, along with the legalized translation to
Romanian (if the translation is legalized abroad, it must be and apostilled/counter legalized (as the case may be))
se va depune \n original, cu excep]ia certificatului constatator de la Registrul Comer]ului emis \n format electronic, \n cazul \n care clientul opteaz` pentru serviciul Interogare
RECOM [i achit` comisionul aferent/ the original document will be provided; not applicable for Certificate of Ascertainment from Trade Registry if the customer applies for
RECOM interrogation service and pays the related commision;
formulare tipozate ale b`ncii / bank standard forms
\n aceste cazuri pentru \nscriere/ deschidere de cont este obligatorie completarea de c`tre societatea-mam` a unei cereri de \nrolare, \n baza c`reia banca va \nrola
societatea-mam` \n sistemul s`u de eviden]`/ in these cases, for the account opening it is neccesary to registrer the parent company into the bank's evidence, based on the
parent company enrollment request;
nu se vor solicita documentele prev`zute la pct. 1 lit. a), b), c)/ the documents mentioned in paragraphs 1), subparagraphs a), b), c) will not be required
nu se vor solicita documentele prev`zute la pct. 1 lit. a), b), c), d), e)/ the documents mentioned in paragraphs 1), subparagraphs a), b), c), d), e) will not be required
\n cazul entit`]ilor unipersonale nu se vor solicita documentele prev`zute la pct.1 lit.a); \n cazul formelor de exercitare a profesiei \n cadrul unui ordin profesional nu se vor solicita
documentele prev`zute la pct.1 lit.b), clientul avnd obliga]ia s` prezinte \n original legitima]iile titularilor emise de ordinul profesional corespunz`tor, vizate la zi, dup` efectuarea
de copii de c`tre Banc` acestea urmnd a fi restituite clientului/ the documents mentioned in paragraphs 1), subparagraphs a), will not be required in case of unipersonalone -
man entity; the documents mentioned in paragraphs 1), subparagraphs b), will not be required for the liberal professionals, only the valid professional identity card in original.

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