This document is the dissertation submitted by Dhanesh C.S. to the Mahathma Gandhi University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Commerce. It discusses brand preference for laptops among residents in Muvattupuzha Thaluk. The dissertation was done under the guidance and supervision of Assistant Professor Madhusoodanan Kartha N.V. It includes certificates from the Principal of T.M. Jacob Memorial Govt. College, Head of the Department of Commerce, and Assistant Professor confirming the authenticity and originality of the work.
This document is the dissertation submitted by Dhanesh C.S. to the Mahathma Gandhi University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Commerce. It discusses brand preference for laptops among residents in Muvattupuzha Thaluk. The dissertation was done under the guidance and supervision of Assistant Professor Madhusoodanan Kartha N.V. It includes certificates from the Principal of T.M. Jacob Memorial Govt. College, Head of the Department of Commerce, and Assistant Professor confirming the authenticity and originality of the work.
This document is the dissertation submitted by Dhanesh C.S. to the Mahathma Gandhi University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Commerce. It discusses brand preference for laptops among residents in Muvattupuzha Thaluk. The dissertation was done under the guidance and supervision of Assistant Professor Madhusoodanan Kartha N.V. It includes certificates from the Principal of T.M. Jacob Memorial Govt. College, Head of the Department of Commerce, and Assistant Professor confirming the authenticity and originality of the work.
This document is the dissertation submitted by Dhanesh C.S. to the Mahathma Gandhi University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Commerce. It discusses brand preference for laptops among residents in Muvattupuzha Thaluk. The dissertation was done under the guidance and supervision of Assistant Professor Madhusoodanan Kartha N.V. It includes certificates from the Principal of T.M. Jacob Memorial Govt. College, Head of the Department of Commerce, and Assistant Professor confirming the authenticity and originality of the work.
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Dissertation Su!itte" To T#e MAHATHMA GANDHI UNIVERSIT$ In %artia& 'u&'i&!ent o' t#e Re(uire!ents 'or t#e A)ar" O' t#e De*ree o' MASTER OF COMMERCE B+ DHANEESH ,C ,S Re*, No, -./001 Fina& +ear M2o! Finan2e Strea! Un"er su%er3ision an" *ui"an2e o' Asst, Pro', Ma"#usoo"anan Kart#a N,V DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE T,M 4ACOB MEMORIAL GOVT COLLEGE MANIMALAKUNNU MARCH 56/- T,M,4,M GOVT, COLLEGE MANIMALKUNNU7 KOOTHATTUKULAM A''i&iate" to Ma#at!a Gan"#i Uni3ersit+7 Kotta+a! CERTIFICATE T#is is to 2erti'+ t#at Mr D#anees# C,S #as un"er*one t#e M2o! De*ree 2ourse o' T,M,4M Go3t, Co&&e*e7 Mani!a&a8unnu an" #as un"erta8en t#e "issertation un"er t#e *ui"an2e o' Asst, Pro', Ma"#usoo"#anan Kart#a N ,V7 M2o! De%art!ent o' 2o!!er2e, Pri2i%a& T,M,4a22o Me!oria& Go3t, Co&&e*e7 Mani!a&a8unnu Mani!a&a8unnu POST GRADIATE DEPARTMENTOF COMMERCE T,M,4,M GOVT, COLLEGE MANIMALKUNNU CERTIFICATE T#is is to 2erti'+ t#at t#e 'o&&o)in* is a ona'i"e re2or" o' t#e %ro9e2t )or8 "one 2arrie" out + Mr D#anees# C S a 'ina& +ear M2o! stu"ent in t#e "e%art!ent o' "urin* t#e a2a"e!i2 +ear 56//:56/-, He #as 2o!%&ete" #is %ro9e2t un"er our *ui"an2e an" to t#e est o' our satis'a2tion, T#e %ro9e2t re%ort re%resents t#e in"e%en"ent )or8 o' t#e 2an"i"ate, Pro', Ra"#a8ris#na Pi&&ai Hea" o' t#e De%art!ent o' Co!!er2e T,M,4a22o Me!oria&Go3t, Co&&e*e7 Mani!a&a8unnu Mani!a&a8unnu POST GRADIATE DEPARTMENTOF COMMERCE T,M,4,M GOVT, COLLEGE MANIMALKUNNU CERTIFICATE T#is is 2erti'+ t#at t#e "issertation )or8 entit&e" ;BRAND PREFERENCE FOR LAPTOS AMONG RESIDENTS IN MUVATTUPUZHA TALUK; is a ona'i"e %ie2e o' resear2# "one Mr D#anees# C,S M,2o! 'ina& +ear stu"ent in %artia& 'u&'i&!ent o' t#e re(uire!ents 'or t#e a)ar" o' t#e De*ree o' !aster o' 2o!!er2e un"er !+ *ui"an2e an" su%er3ision, Ma"#usoo"anan Kart#a N,V Assistant Pro'essor o' Co!!er2e T,M,4a22o Me!oria&Go3t, Co&&e*e7 Mani!a&a8unnu Mani!a&a8unnu DECLARATION I7 D#anees# C S7 'ina& +ear M2o! stu"ent7 De%art!ent o' 2o!!er2e7 T,M,4a2o,Me!oria& Go3t, Co&&e*e Mani!a&a8unnu7 "o #ere + "e2&are t#at t#is "issertation entit&e" <Brand preference for laptops among residents in Muvattupuzha thaluk; is a ona'i"e )or8 "one + !e an" no %art o' "issertation %resente" e'ore7 'or an+ "e*ree7 "i%&o!a7 asso2iates#i%7 'e&&o)s#i% or ot#er si!i&ar tit&e or re2o*nition o' an+ uni3ersit+ to t#e est o' !+ 8no)&e"*e an" e&ie', Mani!a&a8unnu D#anees# C S ACKNOLEDGEMENT First o' a&& I a! 3er+ !u2# t#an8'u& to !+ *ra2ious *o" 'or !a8in* t#is )or8 %ossi&e, T#is "issertation )or8 #as een "one un"er t#e su%er3ision o' Asst, Pro', Ma"#usoo"#anan Kart#a7 )#o #as een "ire2tin* !e )it# #is 3a&ua&e *ui"an2e7 su**estions7 2orre2tions an" a"3ises at e3er+ %&a2e o' t#is stu"+, Let !e re*ister !+ 'ee&in*s o' *ratitu"e to !+ institution T,M,4a2o,Me!oria& Go3t, Co&&e*e Mani!a&a8unnu7 Koot#attu8u&a!7 an" to our #onoura&e Hea" o' t#e De%art!ent o' Co!!er2e Pro', K,S Ra"#a8ris#na Pi&&ai an" ot#er estee!e" tea2#ers 'or t#eir 3a&ua&e *ui"an2e an" en2oura*e!ent, I a! a&so t#an8'u& our %rin2i%a& Pro', K Prasanna7 I ta8e t#is o%%ortunit+ to e=%ress !+ sin2ere t#an8s to !+ 'a!i&+ !e!ers7 'rien"s an" )e&&:)is#ers )#o #e&%e" !e "ire2t&+ or in"ire2t&+ 'or t#e 2o!%&etion o' t#is )or8, I a&so e=%ress !+ sin2ere t#an8s to DTP 2entre 'or t#eir 3a&ua&e ser3i2e ren"ere" + t#e! 'or t#e 2o!%&etion o' t#is "issertation, Mani!a&a8unnu D#anees# C S
Le Rapport Au Savoir - Émergence, Propagation Et Institutionnalisation en Tant Que Notion Dans Les Domaines Des Sciences de L'éducation Et Des Didactiques - Cavalcanti - Academia - 2020