Illinois Attorney Disciplinary Complaint filed against Thomas Gooch and Michael Gauthier alleging that they engaged in fraud and violations of the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct. The Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission declined to prosecute the attorney disciplinary Complaint. Published by Chris Stoller
Illinois Attorney Disciplinary Complaint filed against Thomas Gooch and Michael Gauthier alleging that they engaged in fraud and violations of the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct. The Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission declined to prosecute the attorney disciplinary Complaint. Published by Chris Stoller
Original Title
Attorney Professional Misconduct filed against Thomas Gooch and Michael Gauthier.
Illinois Attorney Disciplinary Complaint filed against Thomas Gooch and Michael Gauthier alleging that they engaged in fraud and violations of the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct. The Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission declined to prosecute the attorney disciplinary Complaint. Published by Chris Stoller
Illinois Attorney Disciplinary Complaint filed against Thomas Gooch and Michael Gauthier alleging that they engaged in fraud and violations of the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct. The Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission declined to prosecute the attorney disciplinary Complaint. Published by Chris Stoller
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--------------------------------------------------- ) In the Matter of: ) ) ) Supreme Court No: ) ) ) Thomas Gooch ) Michael Gauthier ) ) Respondents ) --------------------------------------------------- NOTICE OF FILING ARDC COMPLAINT RESPONDENTS: Thomas Gooch Michael Gauthier Gauthier & Gooch 20 S! Main Street "auconda# I$ %00&' (R)C *+2**'' &,--'2%-0++0 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on the _________ day of Jun! "#$%# I filed .ith the Cler/ of the (R)C the attached (ttorne0 )isciplinar0 Complaint
Christopher Stoller
+ ATTORNEY REGISTRATION AND DISCIPLINARY COMMISSION IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS --------------------------------------------------- ) In the Matter of: ) ) ) Supreme Court No: ) ) ) ) Thomas Gooch ) Michael Gauthier ) ) Respondent ) --------------------------------------------------- ATTORNEY MISCONDUCT COMPLAINT AGAINST THOMAS GOOCH AND MICHAEL GAUTHIER The Respondents # T&o'a( Goo)& and M*)&a+ Gau,&*- are all char1ed .ith 2iolatin1 (R)C Rules *!*3a) ma/in1 numerous misstatements of material fact and4or la. to a Tri5unal# a Circuit Court 6ud1e 2iolation of the Illinois Rules of 7rofessional Conduct *!*3a) and &!,! in Case No! +*-'0+2 -% on 6une +-# 20+,!! The (ttorne0 Re1istration and )isciplinar0 Commission .as esta5lished 50 the Illinois Supreme Court to deal .ith issues of professional misconduct of attorne0s! The serious alle1ations of professional misconduct that the Complainant 2 has raised re1ardin1 the Respondents are issues that are not 5efore the Illinois Court in Case No: +*-'0+2-%0! The issues of professional misconduct raised 50 this (ttorne0 )isplinar0 complaint are issues that the Commission is solel0 empo.ered to act upon under the Illinois Rules of 7rofessional Misconduct and N8T an0 State Court 6ud1e! PARTIES R(.ondn,( Thomas Gooch Michael Gauthier Gauthier & Gooch 20 S! Main Street "auconda# I$ %00&' (R)C *+2**'' &,--'2%-0++0 Co'.+a*nan, Christopher Stoller + + Christopher Stoller has of (ttorne0 o2er nephe. Michael Stoller to deal .ith all of his $e1al Issues! * /ACKGROUND Respondents T&o'a( Goo)& and M*)&a+ Gau,&*- represent # Nan)y J0 R*)&! 12! 23$1 4(,5ood D-*6! E+'5ood Pa-7! IL 8#2#2! -0&-,-+-2002 in a reple2an (ction Case No 20+* MI '0+2-%# .here Nan)y J0 R*)&# a defendant# 3M*)&a+ S,o++-! "" is the 7laintiff) has refused to compl0 .ith a court order3s) since 6anuar0 of 20+, to turn o2er 9""!### in sa2in1s 5onds that 5elon1 to her son Michael Stoller! Respondents# T&o'a( Goo)& and M*)&a+ Gau,&*- are Ms! R*)&:( attorne0s# .ell familiar .ith all of Ms! R*)&:( le1al issues for the last 8 ya-(! The0 5oth ha2e pre2iousl0 represented Nan)y J0 R*)& in numerous prior proceedin1s includin1 a di2orce proceedin1 a1ainst $eo Stoller 2 Case No: #1 D ##2"$8 in .hich Nan)y J0 R*)& had paid her di2orce la.0ers9 includin1 4ndy Mo-;an# o2er 9<##!###0## in le1al fees durin1 the course of the di2orce proceedin1 .hich she initiated on Ju+y "! "##1 a1ainst $eo Stoller0 ) Nan)y J0 R*)& and M*)&a+ Gau,&*- are in communication on a dail0 5asis! Nan)y J0 R*)& upon and 5elief! had informed M*)&a+ Gau,&*- and T&o'a( Goo)& that she has filed a 7etition for Guardianship of Michael Stoller# 2 $eo Stoller %&# is the 5rother of the complainant# Christopher Stoller# %' and father of Michael Stoller ! , pro se# on or a5out 6une %# 20++! Neither M*)&a+ Gau,&*- nor his partner# T&o'a( Goo)& can den0 that the0 /ne. or should ha2e /no.n that their client# Nan)y J0 R*)& .as the 7etitioner# in a 7etition for Guardianship of her son Michael Stoller and not $eo Stoller# Michael9s father! In an0 e2ent the court file Ca( No0 "#$$P ="2< spea/s for itself # as to the fact that Nan)y J0 R*)&# .as the 7etitioner in 7etition for Guardianship of Michael Stoller that .as filed on Jun 8! "#$$ 50 Nan)y J0 R*)&. COUNT I MISTATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACT TO A TRI/UNAL >IOLATION OF ARDC RULE =0=?a@ In a court hearin1 in .hich the complainant# C&-*(,o.&- S,o++- attended in the Reple2an (ction Case No! +*-'0+2-% on Jun $2! "#$% at the )ale0 Center# .ith Respondent Michael Gauthier# appearin1 on 5ehalf of his friend and client# Nan)y J0 R*)&! Mr! M*)&a+ Gau,&*- made a clear misstatement of material fact and4 or la. in 2iolation of (R)C Ru+ =0=?a@ .hen he stated in open court that :,&- 5a( f*+d a .-oAa, a),*on 7no5n a( "#$$P="2< Ay Lo S,o++- a++;*n; ,&a, &*( (on! M*)&a+ S,o++- 5a( a d*(aA+ .-(on and (7*n; ' a..o*n,'n, of &*'(+f a( ;ua-d*an0; See also a true and correct cop0 of T&o'a( Goo)& and M*)&a+ Gau,&*-:( pleadin1 Motion to dismiss Reple2an 7etition at B $ pa1e 2 of Respondent9s 5rief! Mar/ed as EC&*A*, $ Mr! M*)&a+ Gau,&*- and Mr! T&o'a( Goo)& /ne. or should ha2e /no.n that it .as Ms! Nan)y J0 R*)& .ho filed the petition for 1uardianship of Michael Stoller NOT $eo Stoller! Mr! M*)&a+ Gau,&*- and Mr! T&o'a( Goo)& /ne. that this statement .as # .as a clear mistatement of material fact# a 2iolation of (R)C Rule *!*3a) and .as made to pre<udice the 7laintiff# Michael Stoller# 5efore the court in order to unla.full0 o5tain a dismissal of the Reple2an Suit on 5ehalf of their client# Nan)y J0 R*)& and to impress M*)&a+ Gau,&*-:( friend Nan)y J0R*)&# the defendant# her attorne0 M*)&a+ Gau,&*- lied to the court! T&o'a( Goo)& and M*)&a+ Gau,&*- cannot den0 that the0 /ne. or should ha2e /no.n that Coo/ Count0 Jud; C&-y+ C(a-*o issued an 8rder on D)'A- $%! "#$$ dismissin1 the petition for Guardianship of Michael Stoller# filed 50 Nan)y J0 R*)& .ith pre<udice! See attached true and correct cop0 of the said Court 8rder mar/ed as G-ou. EC&*A*, " and a cop0 of a Motion to )ismiss the Guardianship 7etition 50 $eo Stoller! % COUNT II MISTATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACT TO A TRI/UNAL >IOLATION OF ARDC RULE =0=?a@ In the same hearin1 in .hich the complainant# Christopher Stoller attended in the Reple2an (ction Case No! +*-'0+2-% on 6une +-# 20+, at the )ale0 Center# .ith Respondent M*)&a+ Gau,&*-# appearin1 on 5ehalf of his friend and client# Nan)y J0 R*)&# Mr! M*)&a+ Gau,&*- made another clear misstatement of material fact and4 or la.# in 2iolation of (R)C Rule *!*3a) in order to impress his friend and client# Nan)y J0 R*)&! .hen he stated in open court that :$eo Stoller has a some.hat nefarious reputation .ith the Circuit Courts of Coo/ Count0 and the =nited States )istrict Court for the Norther )istrict of Illinois ha2e filed so man0 fri2olous la.suits that he 5ecame su5<ect to a :Mac >ar; in the =nited States )istrict and remains su5<ect to that 5ar to this date!; See also a true and correct cop0 of Mr! T&o'a( Goo)& and M*)&a+ Gau,&*-:( pleadin1# Motion to dismiss Reple2an 7etition at ? 2 pa1e 2 of Respondent9s 5rief! Mar/ed as EC&*A*, $0 Respondents9 T&o'a( Goo)& and M*)&a+ Gau,&*- /no. or should ha2e /no.n that on O),oA- "<! "#$" the Se2enth Circuit Court of (ppeals +*f,d ,& Ma)7 /a- a1ainst $eo Stoller! (nd on No2em5er %# 20+2 )istrict Court Jud; - A'y J0 S,0 E6 ac/no.led1ed the liftin1 of the $eo Stoller9s Mac/ 5ar in )istrict Court Case +:+2-c2-0,2& See G-ou. EC&*A*, = 0 Therefore# .hen M*)&a+ Gau,&*- as .ell /no.n to his partner T&o'a( Goo)&# made the false statement in open court on 6une +-# 20+,# in order to impress his friend and client# Nan)y J0R*)&# that :$eo Stoller is the su5<ect to a Mac >ar in the =nited States )istrict and remains su5<ect to that 5ar to this date@; M-0 Gau,&*- 5a( +y*n; -*;&, ,o ,& fa) of ,& I++*no*( C*-)u*, Cou-, Jud; *n ,& &a-*n; on Jun $2! "#$% *n Ca( No0 $=-1#$"28 *n o-d- ,o *'.-(( &*( f-*nd and )+*n,! Dfndan, Nan)y J0 R*)&0 4HEREFORE! Complainant pra0s that the InAuir0 >oard immediatel0 assi1n this matter to a hearin1# panel# that a date for hearin1 5e immediatel0 set# that the hearin1 5e conducted and that the panel ma/e findin1s of fact# conclusions of la. and a recommendation for such discipline as is .arranted 50 its findin1s! ! C-,*f*)a, of Ma*+*n; I here50 certif0 that this motion is 5ein1 deposited .ith the =!S! 7ostal Ser2ice as first Class mail in an en2elope addressed to: Illinois (ttorne0 Re1istration and )isciplinar0 Commission +*0 N! Randolph Street# Suite +'00 Chica1o# Illinois %0%0+
Defendant Scott Nago's Counter-Motion for Summary Judgment; Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Plaintiff's Motions for Preliminary Injunction and Partial Summary Judgment and in Support of Defendant's Counter-Motion for Summary Judgment, Democratic Party of Hawaii v. Nago, No. CV13-00301 JMS/KSC (Sep. 16, 2013)
Puente - Arizona - Et - Al - v. - Arpai RESPONSE To Motion Re MOTION For Summary Judgment County Defendants' Joint Response in Opposition To Plaintiffs' Motion For Partial Summary Judgment