Reason Religion Plato Orphism Theurgy and Greek Sacred Mathematics

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The document discusses the rise of literacy and its impact on philosophy and religion in ancient Greece. It focuses on the development of Orphism and its relationship to Plato's philosophical ideas.

The thesis examines the relationship between Orphism and Plato's philosophy, arguing that Orphism and the mathematical mediation between being and becoming influenced Plato's ideas.

Chapter 2 discusses the advent of literacy and the alphabet, their impact on memory, abstraction, and morality. It also examines the pre-Socratic philosophers and their role in the development of philosophy.



A thesis
submitted in fulfilment
of the requirements for the Degree
Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy
in the
University of Canterbury
Stephen Peter McNicholl
University of Canterbury
TABLE O.F CONTENTS .................................................................................................. iii
TABLE OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................... vi
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... vii
A CKNO WLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................. ix
NOTE REGARDING TRANSLATIONS ..................................................................... xi
Chapter One: Introduction ............................................................................................... 1
1.1 Statement of Purpose ................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Summary of Content. ................................................................................................. 7
Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy ......................................................................... 15
2.1 Overview: From Orality to Literacy ....................................................................... 17
2.2 Myth-making, Mnemonics, and Mimesis ...................................... ; ....................... 19
2.2.1 Myth ............................................................................................................................ 19
2.2.2 Mnemonics ................................................................................................................. 21
2.2.3 Mimesis ...................................................................................................................... .22
2.3 The Advent and Adoption of the Alphabet.. .......................................................... 24
2.4 The Ascent to Abstraction via the Alphabet .......................................................... 27
2.4.1 Redundancy of the Scribe Literacy in Education ................................................. 27
2.4.2 Alphabetic Attack upon the Art of Memory .............................................................. 29
2.4.3 Abstraction .................................................................................................................. 30
2.4.4 The Transformation of Truth Toward Timelessness ................................................. 33
2.4.5 The Theoretical Attitude of Thought ........................................................................ .40
2.5 Making of a New Morality ...................................................................................... 41
2.6 The Pre-Socratic Philosophers as Precursors to the Platonic Paradigm ............... 45
2.6.1 The Presocratics as Philosophic Pioneers .................................................................. .45
2.6.2 The Milesians (fl. c. 585 - 545 Be) .......................................................................... .46
2.6.3 Xenophanes (c. 570 475 Be) .................................................................................. 48
2.6.4 Heraclitus (b. c. 540 Be) ............................................................................................ 50
2.6.5 Pannenides (c. 515 445 Be) ................................................................................... 52
2.6.6 Empedocles (c. 495 435 Be) .................................................................................. 55
2.6.7 Literacy Among the Presocratics ............................................................................... 56
2.6.8 The Presocratic Achievement. .................................................................................... 57
2.7 Plato the Champion of a new Cultural Form .................................................... 58
1 9 MAR 1,004
Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism ...................................................................... 68
3.1 The Religious Setting .............................................................................................. 70
3.2 The Orphic Movement in Ancient Greek Culture ................................................. 71
3.3 The Apollonian - Dionysian Dual Religious Impulses ......................................... 71
3.3.1 The Apollo - Dionysus Duality as an Interpretive Framework ................................ 71
3.3.2 Dionysus ..................................................................................................................... 74
3.3.3 Apollo ......................................................................................................................... 76
3.4 The Apollonian - Dionysian Synthesis
in the Advent of the Orphic Movement ............................................................. 78
3.5 The Orphic Shift in Anthropology .......................................................................... 83
3.5.1 The New Myth of Mankind ........................................................................................ 83
3.5.2 The Holism of Homeric Man ..................................................................................... 84
3.5.3 Orphic Body-Soul Dualism ........................................................................................ 92
3.5.4 The Immortality of the Soul .................................................................................... 102
3.6 The Cultural Importance of Orphism .................................................................. 103
Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher .................................................................... 105
4.1 The Orphic Bard Turns Philosopher .................................................................... 107
4.2 Presocratic Orphism ............................................................................................. 108
4.3 Pythagorean Orphism ........................................................................................... 116
4.3.1 The Orphic-Pythagorean Philosophical Synthesis ................................................. 116
4.3.2 Interpreting the Early Pythagoreans ........................................................................ 116
4.3.3 Pythagoras as an Orphic Philosopher ...................................................................... 119
4.3.4 Tonal Transposition: From Orphic Mousike to Pythagorean Harmonic Theory ... 124
4.3.5 The Pythagorean Mathematical World-Order ........................................................ 128
4.4 Platonic Orphism .................................................................................................. 130
4.4.1 Plato as an Orphic Philosopher ............................................................................... 130
4.4.2 Explicit References to Orphism in Plato ................................................................. 131
4.4.3 Plato as the Champion of Orphic-Pythagoreanism ................................................. 134
4.5 Philosophical Anthropology: The Orphic Soul becomes RationaL .................. 137
4.5.1 The Priority of the Rational in Man for the Presocratics ........................................ 137
4.5.2 The Pythagorean Rational Soul. .............................................................................. 138
4.5.3 Reason as the Highest and Immortal part of the Soul in Plato ............................... 139
4.5.4 The Way of Philosophy as the Purification of the Soul in Plato ............................ 142
Chapter Five: Mathematics in the Making ............................................................... 144
5.1 Mathematical Practice among the
Ancient Babylonian and Egyptian Cultures .................................................... 146
5.1.1 Ambiguity of Mathematics ...................................................................................... 146
5.1.2 Egypt and Babylon as Precursors to Greece ........................................................... 147
5.1.3 Egyptian Mathematics ............................................................................................. 148
5.1.4 Babylonian Mathematics ......................................................................................... 149
5.2 The Shift Towards the Mathematical Practice of a Philosophical Culture ....... 153
5.2.1 Mathematical Abstraction among the Presocratics ................................................ 153
5.2.2 The Contrast with Euclid ......................................................................................... 158
5.2.3 Effect of the Literacy Shift upon Mathematics ....................................................... 160
5.2.4 Effect of the Anthropological Shift upon Mathematics ......................................... 162
5.3 Classical Greek Mathematics: Toward a Deductive Geometry ......................... 165
PART Two: PLATO AS ORPHIC MATHEMATICIAN .................................. 167
Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato ...................................................... 169
6.1 Mathematics as the Medium of the Cosmos ....................................................... 171
6.2 Platonic Cosmogony ............................................................................................. 172
6.2.1 Cosmo gonic Context ............................................................................................... 172
6.2.2 Timaeus Theogony .................................................................................................. 173
6.2.3 Timaeus Cosmogony as Orphic Theogony ............................................................. 178 Chronos ............................................................................................................ 178 Anangke ............................................................................................................ 180 The Elements .................................................................................................... 186
6.3 Being, Becoming, and the Receptacle-Space ..................................................... 189
6.3.1 Myth as the Language of Becoming ....................................................................... 189
6.3.2 Being Imaged into the Receptacle ........................................................................... 192
6.4 Mathematics as the Way of Imaging ................................................................... 198
6.4.1 The One, and the Indefinite Dyad ........................................................................... 198
6.4.2 The Mathematical Proportions Between the Elements ........................................... 206
6.4.3 The Geometric Basis of the Elements ..................................................................... 209
6.5 The Mathematical Cosmos ................................................................................... 220
Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis ................................................................ 221
7.1 Plato's Mathematics as Katharsis ........................................................................ 223
7.2 The Philosopher's Preparation for Death: Phaedo ............................................. 224
7.3 The Ascent to the Divine: Symposium ................................................................ 230
7.4 The Education Syllabus: Republic ....................................................................... 237
7.4.1 Mathematics in the Syllabus ................................................................................... 237
7.4.2. The Way that Mathematics Purifies the Soul, and Guides it to Being .................. 240 The Five Mathematical Sciences as the Guide to Purification ....................... 240 Arithmetic (Republic 522c - 526c) ................................................................. 240 Geometry (Republic 526c - 527c) ................................................................... 245 Solid Geometry (Republic 527d - 528d) ......................................................... 246 Astronomy (Republic 528e - 530c) ................................................................. 247 Harmonics (Republic 530c - 531 c) ................................................................. 248
7.5 The Divided Line: Republic ................................................................................. 249
7.5.1 The Divisions of the Line ........................................................................................ 249
7.5.2 The Question of Mathematical Intermediates ......................................................... 252
7.6 Liberation from the Cave: Republic .... : ............................................................... 261
7.7 The Macrocosm - Microcosm Mediation ........................................................... 263
Chapter Eight: Epilogue .............................................................................................. 265
8.1 The Platonic Vision .............................................................................................. 266
8.2 Plato and Myth ...................................................................................................... 267
. 8.3 Concluding Remarks ............................................................................................ 275
WORKS CITED ............................................................................................................ 277
FIGURE] From, Guthrie, Orpheus and Greek Religion, plate 6 ...................................... 81
FIGURE 2 From, Guthrie, Orpheus and Greek Religion, plate 4 ...................................... 81
FIGURE 3 From, Guthrie, Orpheus and Greek Religion, p. 223 .................................... 110
FIGURE 4 From, Fide1er's introduction to Guthrie,
The Pythagorean Sourcebook, p. 27, fig.7 ..................................................... 126
FIGURE 5 From, Gillings, Mathematics in the Time of the Pharaohs,
p.I37, fig. 13.1 ................................................................................................. 149
FIGURE 6 - AO 8662, copied by Neugebaur, Mathematische Keilschrifttexte II,
Table 35. Reprinted, van der Waerden, Science Awakening, p. 64, fig.I7 .. 150
FIGURE 7 From, MEDhelpNET,
www.medhelpnet.comlcaduceus.html. (3 April, 2003) ................................ 182
FIGURE 8 - From, Cornford, Plato's Cosmology, p. 233 .................................................. 217
FIGURE 9 From, Cornford, Plato's Cosmology, p. 234 .................................................. 218
FIGURE 10 - From, Cornford, Plato's Cosmology, p. 238 ................................................ 218
FIGURE 11 - From, Cornford, Plato's Cosmology, p. 238 ................................................ 218
What does religion have to do with philosophy? More specifically, what does a
long-abandoned 6
c. Be Greek mystery religion have to do with Plato, to whose
intellectual contribution all the rest of western philosophy is sometimes said to be
footnotes? I argue that the role played by mathematics in the philosophy of Plato is
integrally influenced by Orphism. Plato transformed the distinctive Orphic
anthropological, eschatological, and theogonic concepts into a philosophical system. His
work largely secured the cultural conditions necessary for the very practice of
In Part One I delve into just how different culture was before Plato from what it
must be like in order for there to be philosophy. I consider Orphism as a novel
mythological form, synthesising Apollonian and Dionysian religious motifs. I examine
some of its intellectual effects. In Part Two I consider what was to come from this under
Plato's own masterful influence. In these ways I resuscitate a once traditional emphasis
on Orphism in the understanding of Plato. But I bring a greater than usual attention to
bear upon mathematics.
I would like to thank the following people, without whose varied assistance this
thesis would not have taken shape.
Special thanks is extended to my supervisor, Dr. Philip Catton, of the Department
of Philosophy and Religious studies, University of Canterbury. Dr. Catton has laboured
long and hard in his supervisory role. The very many discussions, interactions, and
readings of my material, were utterly invaluable in ensuring that this thesis finally
materialised. I am deeply grateful for all his guidance and support in this long process of
writing a dissertation.
I also extend warmest appreciation to my co-supervisor, Dr. Paul Studtmann, of the
Department of Philosophy and Religious studies, University of Canterbury. He took upon
himself the gruelling task of reading through my whole thesis as it stood in its very first
draft form, and provided invaluable comments regarding my interpretation of Plato.
Particular thanks are also bestowed upon Dr. Patrick 0' Sullivan and Associate
Professor Dr. Robin Bond, both from the Department of Classics, University of
Canterbury. Dr. 0' Sullivan provided much needed direction regarding secondary sources,
as well as comments and advice, throughout the course of numerous discussions (most of
which involved free food and drink which was also lovely). Dr. Bond assisted me with
some obscure questions regarding the Greek in Homer, and also provided helpful
comments and thoughts along the way. In addition, he very kindly passed on to me a
copy of his own translation of the Greek tragedies.
I am indebted to my two external examiners: Dr. Dougal Blyth, of the Department
of Classics and Ancient History, University of Auckland, New Zealand; and, Dr. Dirk
Baltzly, of the Department of Philosophy, Monash University, Australia. Both Dr. Blyth,
and Dr. Baltzly made extensive comments and criticisms concerning my thesis, well
beyond the call of duty. Many of their helpful recommendations have been incorporated
into this final version.
Two further names need special mentioning, with regard to academic
acknowledgements. Dr. Tom Bestor was one of my undergraduate lecturers (from
Massey University at the time). It was he that inspired me to continue further studies in
the area of ancient Greek philosophy, and Plato in particular. Without his wonderful way
of teaching and presenting material I would never have decided to continue in the
direction I have. Dr. Chris Gousmett, now resident in Upper Hutt, set aside a weekend to
discuss this thesis with me whilst it was in its very earliest stages. Dr. Gousmett's own
expertise lies in patristic anthropology, theology, and philosophy of religion, and many
themes from these fields have rubbed off into this thesis. I am most appreciative not only
for that initial conversation, but for the many times we have met and conversed over the
To the University of Canterbury itself, I offer my sincere gratitude in granting me a
Doctoral Scholarship from 2000 until 2003. Without this much needed financial support I
would never have been able to begin, let alone complete, this thesis. To the Department
of Philosophy and Religious studies of the University of Canterbury, I am most thankful
for the many hours of wonderful experience they supplied for me as a teaching assistant,
in both first and second year philosophy courses, and in particular second year ancient
Greek philosophy, which provided a wonderful opportunity to dig deeper and further into
my own field of study.
To my family, more than anything, lowe my deepest heartfelt gratitude and
appreciation. Their undying commitment and support over the many years has been
beyond compare. To them I shall always owe that wondrous debt of love.
Finally, I extend a generous thank-you to all of the other various people who have
helped me, each in their own unique ways, during the process of writing this thesis. The
list of names in this regard would be too long to mention here. But to each and every one
I am truly grateful.
Throughout this thesis I have had recourse to refer, in English translation, to three
main bodies of ancient texts: The Presocratic philosophers, Plato, and Aristotle. The
English editions I have employed for these three main bodies of texts are as follows:
(1) The Presocratics all references use the DK (Diels and Kranz, Die Fragmente der
Vorsokratiker) citation system. Where not noted, the translations are from Cohen, et
al (eds.), Readings in Ancient Greek Philosophy from Thales to Aristotle, and,
Freeman, Ancilla to The Pre-Socratic Philosophers. Translations are also taken from
Kirk, Raven, and Schofield, The Presocratic Philosophers, and McKirahan,
Philosophy Before Socrates, and these are noted in the thesis where they occur.
(2) Plato - all references to Plato use the Stephanus numbering system. Where not
noted, translations are from Hamilton and Cairns (eds.), Plato - The Collected
Dialogues. Translations are also taken from, the English editions of Plato from the
Loeb Classical Library, John M. Cooper (ed.), Plato - Complete Works, WD.
Woodhead, (ed. and trans.) Plato Socratic Dialogues: Containing the Euthyphro,
the Apology, the Crito, the Phaedo and the Gorgias, and F.M. Cornford, Plato's
Cosmology. These are an noted in the thesis where they occur. In general I have
compared the quoted passages from Plato against other English translations of them
(as well as comparing them, to the limits of my ability, against the Greek) in order to
ensure as far as I can the fidelity of my interpretation to the original.
(3) Aristotle - all references to Aristotle, including the fragments, are from Barnes (ed.),
The Complete Works of Aristotle.
All editions are cited in full in the Works Cited section of this thesis. Further
references to other ancient Greek or Latin sources not covered here are cited where they
occur in the thesis.
Chapter One:
In my beginning is my end
- T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets, East Coker, I
2 Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Statement of Purpose
This thesis focuses on the role that mathematics plays in the philosophy of Plato. I
argue that in order to interpret deeply, or even faithfully, how mathematics figures in
Plato's philosophy, we must study Plato's philosophy in the context of two crucial
cultural influences, namely:
(1) the shift from an oral-mythical way of life, to a literate-philosophical way of life,
which occurred c. 600 BC in ancient Greece;
(2) the advent of the Orphic mystery religion, also c. 600 BC in ancient Greece, and its
effect upon the then developing philosophical way of life.
Ancient Greece gave rise to a nexus of novel cultural enterprises. A written
alphabet first occurred, the mystery religion of Orpheus began, philosophy itself took
shape, and mathematics as a theoretical discipline entered the stage of western history.
All these cultural changes, I argue, are not disparate and isolated historical contingencies.
Rather, they feed off and intertwine with each other to such an extent that they fashion an
integrated complex whole. In order to understand faithfully this shift in Greek culture we
are required to set each change in connection with all the others.
So far as I am aware no major work which treats of the function of mathematics
within Plato's philosophy has brought together, into an historical synthesis, all these
various cultural, religious, philosophical, and mathematical changes each occurring in
ancient Greece.
The atomistic temperament of our own generation of scholarship, which
I here resist, urges i!lvestigators to treat of these aspects in isolation from one another.
Contemporary scholarly works on the subject typically attend almost exclusively to
mathematics. At best, these consider simply in relation to Plato's broader metaphysics the
mathematics that was dealt with by Plato's contemporaries and known to Plato.
There is
1 Morgan, Platonic Piety, is very good, and comes close to such a synthesis, in that his discussion of Plato's
. religiosity takes into account the importance of mathematics. His treaunent of mathematics in Plato's own
piety, however, is tantalisingly brief, and invites unpacking in a fuller way. Although expertly placing Plato
and the dialogues within the political context of ancient Greece, Morgan does not deal with the shift from
orality to literacy, which I consider to also be of paramount importance for understanding Plato.
2 For examples of book length works, see, Pritchard, Plato's Philosophy of Mathematics; Wedberg, Plato's
Philosophy of Mathematics.
Chapter One: Introduction 3
a tacit and, in my view, objectionable assumption that the wider kind of consideration I
undertake in this thesis would be irrelevant.
Michael Morgan, in his own study on Plato, rightly notes this reluctance of much
contemporary philosophical scholarship, to understand Plato in his own historical setting.
Morgan states,
At the same time, within the broad circle of philosophical readers, one tendency has
become dominant, at least since the mid-1950's, and that is the tendency to approach
Plato (and not only Plato) as if he were a contemporary philosopher dealing with
current, indeed timeless philosophical problems, whose work can be translated into
or at least interpreted by contemporary philosophical terminology, and whose
arguments, distinctions, and claims can best be identified and assessed against the
background of contemporary philosophical discussion.
Morgan views his own work as breaking this a-historical trend, and emphasises the
need to interpret Plato radically, and thoroughly, within Plato's own cultural and
historical context. He further states,
In one sense [Morgan's work] might be viewed as an attempt to revive an older
mode of reading Plato, a mode of reading associated with such outstanding
classicists as Burnet, Taylor, Cornford, Hackforth, Bluck and Guthrie. In another
sense, however, [Morgan's study of Plato] could be conceived as a contribution to a
recent movement, an attempt to treat Plato as others have treated Machiavelli,
Hobbes, Locke, Hegel, and Bentham, among the great figures in the history of
philosophy.... There is a contemporary "movement" toward rethinking great
philosophers in their historical context. ... 4
Along with Morgan, I identify my own thesis here, as an attempt to enter into this
task of refashioning an interpretation of Plato that does full justice to his cultural,
historical, and religious context. As such, and again along with Morgan, this thesis also
hearkens back to, and draws upon, the scholarship of the great classicists, in particular,
F.M. Comford and W.K.e. Guthrie. Whilst not agreeing with them on all points, I
consider their more historical scholarly method to have greatly inspired my own
approach to Plato.
In the area of Greek piety, extant works on Orphism primarily discuss what today
would be classed as the religious side (in a very narrow sense) of ancient Greek life,
without expanding upon how this merges together with ancient Greek political, social,
3 Morgan, Platonic Piety, p. 4.
4 Morgan, Platonic Piety, p. 5.
4 Chapter One: Introduction
and philosophical life. Plato is occasionally set in this Orphic context, but most often not
with any strength or clarity.s
Scholarship on the subject of Orphism in ancient Greece has itself undergone a
rather turbulent history. In the 19
century, scholars often maintained that in the 5
century BC Orphism had exerted a robust cultural influence. They urged, furthermore,
that Orphism significantly affected Plato. In the first half of the 20
century, scholarship
tended towards a more reactionary, minimalist mindset.
By and large a distinctive
Orphic religious movement was relegated to being merely a rumour, or a later Hellenistic
invention. It was essentially disregarded as a significant religious influence in the 5
century BC.
Scholarship since that time has adopted a more cautious path. New light has been
shone into the scepticism of Orphic scholarship, due to crucial archaeological discoveries
within the previous generation. In Derveni, January 1962, a fragment bearing a theogonic
hymn was discovered and later identified as Orphic in both origin and content. It has
since been dated to the 4th century BC.? This provides for us the long needed textual
evidence that there was indeed a vibrant Orphic movement dating back to at least the 5
century BC.
Along with this is the evidence from Olbia, of 5
century BC graffiti (first
published in 1978) which contains the term 'Orphikoi' (or 'Orphikon'), along with such
phrases as 'soma psuche,.9 Contemporary Orphic scholarship is now once again
5 Guthrie, Orpheus and Greek Religion, is rather disappointing in this regard, in that it devotes far too few
pages to the place and role of Plato in relation to ancient Orphism. Exceptions to this oversight are to be
found in, Feibleman, Religious Platonism; McGahey, The Orphic Movement; and of course, Morgan,
Platonic Piety, which skilfully emphasises the Orphic background to many elements within the Platonic
6 Scholars such as: Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Der Glaube der Hellenen (1932), IT, pp. 193ff; Festugiere,
Revue Biblique, 44(1935), pp. 372ff, Revue des etudes anciennes, 49 (1936), pp. 306ff; Thomas,
'ElTEKEll/a: Untersuchungen uber das Ueberlieferungsgut in den lenseitsmythen Platons (1938); Linforth,
The Arts of Orpheus (1941). All cited by Dodds, The Greeks and the Irrational, p. 168, n. 79. Dodds also
makes this same point, concerning the reactionary minimalism of early 20
century Orphic scholarship. He
further notes that a 'spirited counter-attack on this "reactionary" scepticism was delivered in 1942 by
Ziegler, representing the Old Guard of pan-Orphists'. Dodds himself, however, sides more with the
sceptical approach, than these defences against it.
7 See, West, The Orphic Poems, pp. 75ff, for a discussion of this.
8 The Derveni papyrus, written in the 4th century BC, represents the later codification of an, at least, 5
century BC Orphism. See, West, The Orphic Poems, p. 108.
9 See, West, The Orphic Poems, pp. 17-18; Kahn, Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans, pp. 20, n. 37.
Chapter One: Introduction 5
vigorously open to the historical study of a classical Greek Orphism, predating the
Hellenistic age.
The time is ripe, I believe, to renew and reinvigorate this kind of historical
framework for understanding Plato, namely, one that interprets Plato as essentially an
Orphic inspired philosopher.
In particular, I believe the time is long overdue to propose an interpretive
framework for Plato's treatment of mathematics that breaks through much of the
atomistic and isolating contemporary scholarship on this matter. This framework must
not only elucidate Plato's own metaphysical scheme, but also consider the broader
cultural forms of Orphism, and literacy, newly arisen in the generations leading up to
To this end, I propose in this thesis to bring together the disparate strands of
scholarship, both on Platonic mathematics proper, and on Orphism and literacy. I shall
present an historical framework through which, if I am correct, we may more deeply,
more faithfully, and more fruitfully, interpret the role of mathematics within the
philosophy of Plato.
An initial concern to the reader, in approaching Plato within his own cultural,
historical, and religious setting, rather than in terms of the perennial issues of philosophy,
is that this might suggest that Plato has little relevance to contemporary philosophical
Such a concern, however, is entirely misplaced. It is analogous to gazing at an
example of great architecture, such as the cathedral of Notre Dame, and remarking that it
is only a contingent product of a bygone age, and therefore has nothing important to say
to us today.10 The inadmissible nature of such an attitude should be obvious to us on at
least two fronts. Firstly, the cathedral of Notre Dame represents such a commanding
achievement, that we may be greatly benefited by admiring and studying it in its own
right. Secondly, we simply cannot adequately understand contemporary architecture if we
are ignorant of such formative monuments as Notre Dame.
10 lowe this Notre Dame analogy to Dr. Paul Studtmann, who suggested it to me in the course of our
discussions concerning this thesis.
6 Chapter One: Introduction
Similarly, to appreciate Plato's philosophy in its own context is a valuable end in
itself. But further to this, Plato's philosophy speaks so eloquently, from such a privileged
original standpoint at the outset of western philosophy, that we are to some extent quite
unable to understand the issues of contemporary philosophy, unless we properly
understand the foundational and pioneering influence of Plato.
I contend that we may, in fact, better understand Plato if we view him not as having
been dropped down from an unchanging heaven to voice a timeless, ahistorical,
philosophical message, but rather as firmly rooted in his Greek context, yet able for all of
that to have made an exemplary and original intellectual contribution to western
philosophy. By recognising him thus as an historically situated but inspiring figure, we
may more deeply appreciate his real significance for western thought.
Just as with any historical figure, Plato must be understood in light of his own age.
Yet within this domain, Plato originally and creatively seized the contingent cultural and
religious forces of his day, and refashioned them, by transforming them into a
rationalistic philosophical system. By so doing, he laid the foundation for a significant
historical transition, fostering the growth of western rationalism.
In Part One of this thesis, then, the reader is asked to enter into a journey through
the advent of literacy, and the advent of Orphism. The details there unravelled are
intended to enable the reader to understand what it would mean to be an Orphic
philosopher, particularly with respect to the formative role played by mathematics in this
regard. In Part Two of this thesis, I apply the details of Part One to Plato's own
philosophy, firstly at the macrocosmic level of the cosmos itself, and secondly at
microcosmic level of the soul. In so doing, I construct a framework by which, I suggest,
we should interpret Plato, namely, that of a literacy-inspired Orphic philosopher.
Thus the central purpose of the present thesis is to explain how the role of
mathematics within Plato's philosophy is grounded in the cultural revolutions of ancient
Greece, revolutions that were both cognitive and religious in nature.
In appreciating this, I also hope that the reader recognises that theoretical thought
does not function as a monolithic cultural norm, constant for all peoples, times, and
places. Instead, much that touches upon what we even mean by a theoretical disposition
Chapter One: Introduction 7
arose out of the nexus of cultural forces, and world view pioneers, fIrmly located within
classical Greece. Only then did it evolve out into the history of western civilisation, as a
new cultural form.
This latter proposal will no doubt appear controversial to many. That this is so has
actually provided impetus to my placing of Plato within his own cultural and religious
setting. Over against a common philosophical tendency to take the possibility of
philosophy for granted, I insist that philosophy arose out of a contingent cultural matrix.
Understanding the nature of philosophy, and in particular understanding Plato, means
placing them both firmly within this nexus. I maintain that only by fIrstly understanding
how Plato transformed the contingent features of his own culture, can we then proceed to
grasp some truly defIning features of our own overall cultural situation today, including
a]] those that are necessary for the possibility of philosophy itself.
In this thesis, I enter into the scholarship of that first task, namely, understanding
Plato within his own cultural setting. This will inevitably require me to focus upon details
that may seem far removed from our contemporary concerns, or indeed the perennial
concerns of philosophy. However, it is hoped that by attending to these historical
features, we may better appreciate the role of mathematics within Plato's philosophy in
its own right.
1.2 Summary of Content
The argument of this thesis, III the ensuing chapters, is constructed along the
following lines:
In the First Part of the thesis I concentrate primarily upon the advent of literacy and
Orphism. These, I believe, form the necessary background to the advent of philosophy,
the advent of mathematics as a theoretical discipline, and the context in which Plato's
treatment of mathematics must be located.
8 Chapter One: Introduction
Chapter 2: The Advent of Literacy
In this chapter, I examine the shift from an oral-mythical to a literate-philosophical
way of life. Myth is the distinctive story that provides direction and cohesion to an oral
culture. The culture functions as a collective whole by participating in the myth, through
the practice of mimesis. The focus is upon the concrete, actors making actions, or the ebb
and flow of practical life.
A cognitive shift was engendered in ancient Greece through the introduction of
alphabetic literacy. The art of memory, a mainstay within an oral culture, was replaced by
ever more varied and ramified uses of literacy. The role of myth within the culture
became redundant. Cognition was instead directed away from the concrete actors making
actions of the myths, toward the abstract, systematic, and timeless categories of rational
theory. Truth was divorced from actors, and invested instead in propositions. To this
extent, it no longer carried the personal connotations of trustworthiness and faithfulness.
Instead, the very idea, or rather the involving ideal, of literal truth was born. This ideal
essentially functioned as a metaphysical connection between language and reality. A
theoretical attitude of thought, or the way of philosophy, resulted from this cultural shift.
The Presocratic philosophers provide linguistic examples of this shift in cognition
from oral-mythical to literate-philosophical. They pioneered a new philosophical way of
life. Plato himself must be understood as having championed this new philosophical
cultural form.
Chapter 3: The Advent of Orphism
In this chapter, I focus upon the religious shift engendered by Orphism. I argue that
Orphism synthesised the older Apollonian (Olympic) and Dionysian religious impulses in
ancient Greece. Importantly, through the advent of Orphism, a dualistic anthropology
arose in the popular Greek mindset. The individual self was newly understood as a soul
entombed in a body. This contrasts with the older Homeric anthropology, which
understood humans as essentially holistic beings.
The Orphics likewise transformed the idea of immortality. Traditionally,
immortality had meant that the name, and fame, of a hero lived on in the community
Chapter One: Introduction 9
memory. The hero was immortalised in the songs of the bard, or through the honours
conferred upon him by the polis. The Orphics, however, connected the idea of
immortality to their idea of the soul. It was the soul, as an individual essence, which was
immortal. All souls originated from the Divine. Through some act of injustice, each soul
was sentenced to a cycle of reincarnation, transmigrating to a new body when the old one
died. This cycle could be broken, however, by entering into the Orphic purification rites,
and living the Orphic way of life. If this was successful, then at the body's death the soul
could be finally liberated to return back to its original home - the Divine.
Chapter 4: The Orphic Philosopher
In this chapter I examine how Orphic doctrine was philosophically transformed in
the Presocratic philosophers and especially in Plato. Pythagoreanism, in particular, was
closely connected to the religious mystery of Orphism, and essentially expressed
Orphism as a philosophical system.
Music (mousike), the art of the singing bard, functioned as a crucial element within
Orphism. Within Pythagoreanism this became theoretically expressed as a system of
harmony and mathematics. The philosopher-bard now sang with the voice of the logos
(reason), using as his instrument the mathematical harmony (ratio) of the universe.
In the philosophy of Plato, we discover the Orphic synthesis of Apollo and
Dionysus transformed into the philosophical synthesis of Being and Becoming, or
Changelessness and Change. The Orphic anthropological shift of human beings as
immortal divine souls entombed in mortal bodies, was transformed into the immortal
rational soul (Being) entombed in the mortal irrational body (Becoming).
For Plato, philosophy was understood as the religious quest to free the soul from its
tainted condition in the body, and to reunify it with the Divine reality (Being) behind
Plato championed and perfected in his own unique way the Orphic-Pythagorean
10 Chapter One: Introduction
Chapter 5: Mathematics in the Making
In this chapter, I investigate the mathematical shift in ancient Greece from concrete
counting and measuring to an abstract theoretical science of deductive geometry. I
compare pre-philosophical Egyptian and Babylonian mathematics with philosophical
Greek mathematics.
Pre-philosophical cultures relied upon a concrete, non-abstract, understanding of
the arts of counting and measuring. These were integrated and woven into the fabric of
their society. They did not function as a separate theoretical science, with a proper
abstract domain of their own. This is in stark contrast to the shape that mathematics took
in classical Greece. Here were realised, for the first time in western history, the
conditions for the possibility of a theoretical science of mathematics. This science took
the form of an axiomatic deductive geometry, and was exemplified in the Elements of
The development of such a deductive geometry resulted from the cultural shifts
occurring within classical Greece, namely, the shift from oral-mythical to literate-
philosophical ways of life discussed in Chapter Two, and the Orphic-philosophical
religious shift discussed in Chapters Three and Four. This also provided a foundation for
the Platonic cosmogony, with its reliance upon geometrical construction, discussed in
Chapter Six.
Here I concentrate primarily upon Plato himself. I seek to portray how we must
interpret the role that mathematics plays in his philosophy as epitomising the effects of
literacy and Orphism. Part Two is divided into three chapters. Chapters Six and Seven
naturally progress from the ontological macrocosm of the cosmos, to the epistemological
microcosm of the soul. Chapter Eight presents an epilogue, containing a final statement
concerning myth in Plato, as well as the concluding comments to the thesis.
Chapter One: Introduction 11
Chapter 6: The Mathematical World of Plato
In this chapter I examine how at the macrocosmic level mathematics is, for Plato,
the medium through which the world of Being is imaged into the world of Becoming.
Through mathematics a synthesis is obtained between Being and Becoming.
The Platonic cosmology can best be understood to express a grand philosophically
transformed Orphic theogony. The Divine Being, pure Reason, emanates out into the
Chaos, and brings about an ordered Becoming. Through the rational generations of the
Divine (i.e. a theogony), the cosmos is born. But the Divine Reason achieves this order
through the use of mathematical principles and forms, number ratio and geometrical
The focus of this chapter is to analyse the dialogue Timaeus. I argue that Plato had
in mind a distinctive Orphic theogony as the background to this dialogue. This theogony
he then developed, and transformed, upon the basis of mathematics. By so doing, Plato
aimed to synthesise Being and Becoming, inspired by the Orphic religious synthesis of
Apollo and Dionysus.
Chapter 7: Mathematical Katharsis
In this chapter, I examine the microcosmic concomitant of Chapter Six, namely,
how Plato incorporates, and transforms, the Orphic mysteries with regard to the soul. At
the macrocosmic level, mathematics bridges the gap for the cosmos. It enables Being to
be imaged into Becoming, and so bring it into a semblance of order. Likewise, at the
microcosmic level mathematics bridges the epistemological gap for individual souls,
between Being and Becoming.
The practice of mathematics, for Plato, must be understood in light of the Orphic
philosopher's religious quest to obtain katharsis (purification). This amounts to the
epistemological need to purge the soul of all reliance upon sense-experience (Becoming),
and to unify the rational soul with the world of Being, the unchanging Reality behind
experience. Mathematics functions as the medium that bridges this epistemological gap,
and directs the soul from Becoming to Being. Mathematics is pursued as a theoretical
enterprise by the rational soul.
12 Chapter One: Introduction
I analyse key texts in the Phaedo, Symposium, and Republic, in order to substantiate
this proposal.
Chapter 8: Epilogue
This final chapter presents an afterword reflecting upon some possible reasons for
Plato's use of Orphic myth, as a means of philosophical expression within his written
This concludes the thesis, in which I have argued an historical and textual case for
the way in which both literacy and Orphism exerted a pivotal influence upon the role of
mathematics within the philosophy of Plato.
Part One:
Literacy, and the
Rise of the
Orphic Philosopher
Part One: Literacy, and the Rise of the Orphic
Chapter Two:
The Advent of Literacy
He was specially interested in a collection of rolls, seemingly of skin, covered with
characters, which were clearly books; but he gathered that books were few in
'It is better to remember,' said the sorns.
When Ransom asked if valuable secrets might not thus be lost, they replied that Oyarsa
always remembered them and would bring them to light if he thought fit.
'The hrossa used to have many books of poetry,' they added. 'But now they have fewer.
They say that the writing of books destroys poetry.'
- C.S. Lewis, Out of the Silent Planet
16 Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
In this chapter, I examine the shift from an oral-mythical to a
literate-philosophical way of life. Myth is the distinctive story that
provides direction and cohesion to an oral culture. The culture functions
as a collective whole by participating in the myth, through the practice
of mimesis. The focus is upon the concrete, actors making actions, or the
ebb and flow of practical life.
A cognitive shift was engendered in ancient Greece through the
introduction of alphabetic literacy. The art of memory, a mainstay
within an oral culture, was replaced by ever more varied and ramified
uses of literacy. The role of myth within the culture became redundant.
Cognition was instead directed away from the concrete actors making
actions of the myths, toward the abstract, systematic, and timeless
categories of rational theory. Truth was divorced from actors, and
invested instead in propositions. To this extent, it no longer carried the
personal connotations of trustworthiness and faithfulness. Instead, the
very idea, or rather the involving ideal, of literal truth was born. This
ideal essentially functioned as a metaphysical connection between
language and reality. A theoretical attitude of thought, or the way of
philosophy, resulted from this cultural shift.
The. Presocratic philosophers provide linguistic examples of this
shift in cognition from oral-mythical to literate-philosophical. They
pioneered a new philosophical way of life. Plato himself must be
understood as having championed this new philosophical cultural form.
Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy 17
2.1 Overview: From Orality to Literacy
To investigate the cultural and historical background to Plato, and in particular the
role that mathematics played in Plato's philosophy, one must of course look at the advent
of philosophy itself.
According to the standard historiography, philosophy originated in Greece, in the
c. BC. Traditionally Thales of Miletus (fl. c. 585 BC) is accorded the honour of having
been the first philosopher.
The path was prepared for the giants of Greek philosophy,
namely Plato and Aristotle, by Thales and the other early Presocratic philosophers. A
contrast may be drawn between this new philosophical movement and the earlier Greek
poets such as Homer (fl. c. 800 BC) and Hesiod (fl. c. 735 BC).
This standard historiography largely leaves out of account what I take to be one of
the key elements in the shift from Homer to Plato. This is the question of literacy. In the
space of a very few centuries Greece moved from a culture that was primarily oral to one
into which the technology of writing had been extensively assimilated.
Although an art of writing existed in the Mycenaean era (pre-1250 BC), it was lost
to the Greek mainland during their Dark Ages (1250 - 875 BC) when the Greek lands
suffered the Doric invasions (c. 1100 - 1000 BC).12 Writing was re-introduced into
Greece through adapted models of the Phoenician scripts (c. 750 -700 Be). The Greeks
commandeered the phonetic aspects of these predominantly syllabic scripts and thereby
for the first time in history invented a completely alphabetic form of writing. In this way
they helped create a form of writing that was as flexible in its expressive powers as the
entire spoken language, and yet at the same time singularly easy to learn.
By contrast with what was to come, the poems of Homer (fl. c. 800 BC) represent a
stage of predominant orality within Greek culture. The early Greek poets (such as
Homer) composed their epics with great creativity. Through the success of their oral
11 See, for example, Cohen, et aI. Readings in Ancient Greek Philosophy. Specifically the Introduction
section, pp. 1-7.
12 It should be noted, however, that this early Mycenaean Linear B script, was used primarily for the
compiling of inventories. It was not until the later classical Greek script, that we find extensive use of
writing in the literary arts.
18 Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
compositional style and the arts of memory, the entirety of these works were able to be
memorised and recited, not only by the poets themselves, but by later professional
rhapsodes, all without the use of writing.
Attendant upon the shift from orality to
literacy in Greece, was a movement to orient oneself away from pictorial, concrete,
poetic, and mythical ways of life, and instead embrace a predominantly literal, abstract,
prosaic, and rationalistic disposition.
This radical cultural shift unfurled itself in a particularly emblematic way with
respect to mathematics. Ancient Egyptian and Babylonian mathematics involved the
practical weaving of counting and measuring into the fabric of ancient culture, often
attended by particularised examples. By orienting themselves towards a literate-
philosophical disposition, however, the Greeks essentially invented mathematics as a
theoretical discipline. By their use of geometrical abstraction, and their programmatic
insistence on the pursuit of rational demonstration or proof, the Greeks established these
endeavours as the stock and trade of all future mathematicians. This will be further
discussed in Chapter Five.
It will undoubtedly seem controversial to propose that abstract theoretical thought
is not a common feature of all human cultures throughout time, but arose uniquely in the
ancient Greek situation. It would appear equally controversial to contend, as I have, that
literacy played so formative a role in the advent of philosophy, that before alphabetic
writing was adopted there was no philosophy at all. My aim in this chapter, therefore, is
to provide good evidence first as to why we might at least consider these two contentions,
and second as to why they are indeed the case.
As such, I shall here endeavour to argue the following: that theoretical thought
became possible, for the first time, due to the advent of literacy; and that Plato must be
accredited as the champion of this new rationalistic way of life.
13 The creative genius of the poet in composing a poem, should of course be distinguished from the art of
the professional rhapsode, whose ability lay in his commitment to being able to recite (in full) the poets'
great works. For example, consider the figure of the rhapsode Ion from Plato's dialogue Ion. Nevertheless,
the work both of poet and of rhapsode within the Greek culture must be considered in relation to wider arts
of memory.
Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy 19
2.2 Myth-making, Mnemonics, and Mimesis
2.2.1 Myth
Myth plays an important integral role within an oral culture. In the endeavour to
define myth, however, one must approach in a sensitive and careful manner. In particular,
one must not understand myth as a literally false or unreasoned story, which primitive
people express because they do not have the tools with which to construct a true and
rational account. The possibility of a literal truth or falsity only makes sense from within
a culture already dominated by literacy (a point further elucidated in section 2.4.4). If this
category obtains at all within an oral culture it does so only by a kind of projection by us,
of our understanding of truth onto some of the ways that people in oral societies appraise
what is thought or said. By making such a projection it might be that we can make better
sense of some things; but of much we will make worse rather than better sense, especially
the ways of evaluating thoughts or sayings core to the mythological memory arts. It is
more appropriate to think that peoples whose cultures are oral are not literally minded.
The category of literal truth is not so much of fleeting and partial significance within
their cultural form, as it is misconceived and irrelevant.
A considerable range of possible definitions have been bestowed upon the term
'myth', dependent upon who is using it and to what purpose it is employed.
these, G.B. Caird offers an inviting approach, which I consider, with qualifications, to
helpfully indicate what the term 'myth' entails,
It is performative, a 'living reality' which commits its adherents to a pattern of life. It
is expressive and evocative, appealing to the imagination through a sense of the
impressive, the enchanting, the sublime and the mysterious. It is par excellence the
language of social cohesion. Above all it is referential in the same fashion as
metaphor is referential. It tells the story about the past, but only in order to say
something about the present and the future ... the user of myth says to his audience,
'Here is a lens which has helped me to understand the world you and I live in; look
through it yourselves and see what I have seen.' 15
14 Helpful summaries of the various approaches to mythology, are found in, Caird, G.B. The Language and
Imagery of the Bible. See especially, Ch.13 "The Language of Myth", pp. 219-242; and in, Kirk, G.S. The
Nature of Greek Myths. See especially Part One 'The Nature of Myths", pp. 13-91.
15 Caird, G.B. The Language and Imagery of the Bible, p. 224.
20 Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
At least two important qualifications need to be made in response to Caird.
Analysing the use of language within an oral culture in terms of the metaphorical
provokes an implicit contrast with the literal. This effectively reads back in,
anachronistically, linguistic distinctions that become meaningful only within a literate
culture, as I shall later explain. Further to this, Caird seems to suggest a cognitive
distance from the myth-teller and the audience, i.e. an I - them distinction. This, I
maintain, would not occur within an oral culture. Rather, I propose that myth functions in
collective terms, such as, 'here is the lens by which we understand the world we live in;
all those who form part of our society live by looking through this lens together with us'.
Of course, even here, we must not presume that an oral culture would be in a position to
make such a self-reflective statement.
Werner Jaeger notes that the Greek term I-lV90L (muthoi) originally was a 'harmless
designation for any speech or language.16. This word became transformed in its meaning
through the philosophers (especially the Milesians), so that almost universally by the time
of Thucydides (c. 460 399 BC) it came to connote 'the mythical in the sense of the
fabulous and unauthenticated, as contrasted with any verifiable truth or reality'. This
clearly expresses the shift from an oral to a literate mindset.
I suggest that myth be understood in the following manner. It forms the fabric in
which an oral culture is sewn. It is something that is very distinctive about pre-literate
oral cultures. The myth functions as the story that directs, coheres, and identifies the tribe
or culture that embraces it. It is spoken in terms of concrete, pictorial images, involving
actors and their actions whether these are gods or heroes.
By embracing the myth, members of the society identify themselves with the
whole. So much so, that any given members of an oral culture would not consider
themselves as individuals, rather they would consider themselves as nodes of the tribal
whole. Their identity would not be so much in terms of an individual personality, as in
terms of a collective personality. The tribe thinks, acts, and behaves, remarkably much as
an organic whole, and to that extent not as a collection of isolated individuals.
16 Jaeger, The Theology of the Early Greek Philosophers, p. 19.
Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy 21
The myth therefore acts as the glue that binds such an oral community together. It
will consist of a story, and for the members of that society to be able to function
successfully and productively, they must live in terms of that story.
2.2.2 Mnemonics
Myth is constructed within a poetic form. That is to say, it is composed
rhythmically, in verse. By committing it to memory each member of the culture is able to
participate in the myth. The myth becomes a living part of who they are.
The art of memory is very important in this regard. As each member of the society
must be able to own the myth, then it needs to be composed in such a way as to aid
memorisation. It also needs thickly to incorporate internal checks against elision or
distortion, to reduce the risk of an incorrect retelling.
By the use of a regular, rhythmic, poetic style (whether that be a meter, assonance,
alliteration, or other poetic devices), the myth can take on a definite form. This lessens
the risk of error in transmission, for the poetic style would be lost if accidentally altered.
It also means that embellishing or purposefully altering the myth needs to be. carefully
thought through and composed in a deliberate manner.
For many early cultures the arts of music accompanied the art of myth telling. The
bard or rhapsode would often sing or recite the tale with the accompaniment of the lyre,
harp, or other musical instrument. So much so, that even the very melody used could be
committed to memory, and reproduced when intoning the story.17
The fusing together of the arts of story-telling, music, and dance, was termed
'mousike'. This name derives from the goddess Muses who gave their name to the craft,
and were also called, 'the daughters of Remembrance' . This characterisation of the Muses
solidifies the idea that it is through the arts of mousike that the memory abilities of an oral
17 Eric Havelock states this point well, ' ... what we call "poetry" is therefore an invention of immemorial
antiquity designed for the functional purpose of a continuing record in oral cultures. Such cultures normally
follow the practice of reinforcing the rhythms of verbal meter by wedding them to the rhythms of dance, of
musical instruments, and of melody. A poem is more memorizable than a paragraph of prose; a song is
more memorizable than a poem.' In, Havelock, The Literate Revolution in Greece and its Cultural
Consequences, p. 186.
22 Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
culture are achieved. Through this memorisation via mousike, the myths can be passed
down, and give guidance, to the future generations.
These myths were not just read, but actually sung according to set melodic
structures and accompanied by instrumentation.
This would give even stronger support
to the person who is to memorise the stories, in that not only does the story work within a
very definite poetic structure, but also within a definite musical structure. Memorisation
would be enhanced, and errors in recitation would be reduced to a minimum, or be
removed altogether.
One only has to consider the figure of Orpheus, the immortalised singer and poet, to
understand the importance that the role of mousike had in Greek legend. This importance
carried through into Greek philosophy, with the transformation of mousike into harmony
(as discussed in Chapter Four), and in particular into the philosophy of Plato (as
discussed in Part Two, Chapters Six and Seven).
2.2.3 Mimesis
Not only does the member of an oral culture participate in a myth through the arts
of memory, they participate in an even stronger way by identifying themselves with the
characters of the story as it is being told.
In ancient Greece, this took the form of what is termed 'mimesis', or imitation. It
was the task of the poet in reciting the myths to enable his audience to identify itself with
the characters in the story, both emotionally and sympathetically. In this way, the cultural
story of the society was relived, imitated, rather than analysed or rationally understood,
as is usually the case today in literate cultures, where drama and stories are studied:
Through repetition of the very bodily mnemonic techniques of the rhythmic use of
words, song, and dance, a pleasurable state of euphoria was induced. This could even be
described as a semi-hypnotic state, as the listeners became part of the re-enactment of the
18 For an example of this see, Haik-Ventoura, S. The Music of the Bible Revealed: The Deciphering of a
Millenary Notation. Haik-Ventoura argues that the Hebrews of the 2
temple period sang (or chanted) the
texts of the Torah rather than merely reading them, and that these melodic structures are preserved in the te'
amim of the medieval Masoritic tradition, as cantillation markings.
Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy 23
I propose that it was through this imitative participation in the societal myth, that
the villagers came to learn the way of life of that society. The villagers learned how to
live their corporate life acceptably, in terms of their society, through the means of the re-
enacted story. The story, or myth, became so much a part of who they were, that in their
daily life and regular routine they acted in ways that were in concord with that
foundational directive myth. 19 But this life-directing manner was not necessarily
deliberative, or self-conscious. A villager did not necessarily think to himself, or herself,
'now, what sort of action should I perform here - what do the myths say? .. ' Rather, by
mimesis of the re-telling of the myths, the villager's life was so fashioned that by learning
the sorts of acceptable behaviour in the myth, he readily and automatically repeated these
actions in his daily life. Not even under a close scrutiny as to why the villager acted in
such and such a way would a reflective response in terms of the myth be necessarily
The whole-bodied identification with the myth, in giving direction to a villager's
life and the life of the society, did not require what we might describe as intellectual
reflection upon the nature of their response to the myth. Rather the story or myth of the
tribe could be re-enacted in their own life and communal experience, without ever self
consciously reflecting on the fact that this was the very thing happening. It was so
ingrained as a way of life, that there was no alternative for it to be set in contrast to, and
therefore no need and no impetus for critical self-reflection on their activities.z
19 For more detailed analysis on the role of myth, and participation in the myth, within the life of a culture,
see, Ong, Walter J. Orality and Literacy, especially, Ch.3 "Some Psychodynamics of Orality", pp. 31-77,
Ch.6 "Oral memory, the Story Line and Characterization", pp. 139-155. Also, Havelock, Preface to Plato,
especially Ch.2 "Mimesis", pp. 20-35, Ch.3 "Poetry as Preserved Communication", pp. 36-60, ChA "The
Homeric Encyclopedia", pp. 61-86, Ch.9 "The Psychology of the Poetic Performance", pp. 145-164. See
also, Thiselton, Anthony C. New Horizons in Hermeneutics, especially Ch.13:2, pp. 479-486, Ch.15:3, pp.
20 On this point Havelock states, 'The poetic performance if it were to mobilise all these psychic resources
of memorisation had itself to be a continual re-enactment of the tribal folkways, laws and procedures, and
the listener had to become engaged in this re-enactment to the point of total emotional involvement. In
short, the artist identified with his story and the audience identified with the artist. This was the imperative
demand made upon both of them if the process was to work. You did not learn your ethics and politics,
skills and directives, by having them presented to you as a corpus for silent study, reflection and absorption.
You were not asked to grasp their principles through rational analysis. You were not invited to so much as
think of them. Instead you submitted to the paideutic spell. You allowed yourself to become "musical" [i.e.
story, music, and dance] in the functional sense of the Greek term.' In, Havelock, Preface to Plato, p. 159.
To this one could add that in such a pre-literate culture you were not invited to learn ethics or politics at all.
24 Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
It is this mimesis or imitation, then, that enables the members of an oral culture to
identify and embrace the myth or story for themselves, at the deep level of communal-
2.3 The Advent and Adoption of the Alphabet
From c. 1100 - 700 BC, Greece was a non-literate society. Culturally, it had the
markings of sophistication.
Yet this did not depend upon literacy as a necessary skill.
The use of exo-somatic symbols to convey the meaning of the spoken word had
predated this period of non-literacy in Greece. The Mycenean period (pre-1100 BC) had
its famous Linear B script, finally deciphered in 1952.
Also, many other cultures, such
as the Semitic peoples, had their various written scripts as a way of recording words.
But all these pre-Greek scripts share in common one important difference from the
writing system developed in classical Greece. Namely, they all can be described as a
'syllabary', in distinction to the Greek system, which can for the first time be called an
'alphabet'. An alphabetic writing system appears for the first time in the archaic Greek
These intellectual disciplines only occur, and make sense, in terms of an abstract theoretical disposition,
one that was not possible within an oral culture.
21 Havelock, Preface to Plato, pp. 159-160, 'The minstrel recited the tradition; and the audience listened,
repeated, and recalled and so absorbed it. But the minstrel recited effectively only as he re-enacted the
doings and sayings of heroes and made them his own, a process which can be described in reverse as
making himself "resemble" them in endless succession. He sank his personality into the performance. His
audience in tum would remember only as they entered effectively and sympathetically into what he was
saying and this in tum meant that they became his servants and submitted to his spell.'
22 This was also a time of the grand formation of the Greek polis or city-state. Iron working, and smelting,
were cultivated. Temple and other building constructions anticipated in wood, what was later preserved in
stone during the archaic age (c. 625 - 480 BC). It was a time of great cultural establishment and
development. See, Havelock, Origins of Western Literacy, pp. 4-6. See also, Forrest, George, "Greece: The
History of the Archaic Period", in, Boardman, et al. (eds.) The Oxford History of the Classical World, pp.
23 Parker, Robert, "Greek Religion", in, Boardman, et al. (eds.), The Oxford History of the Classical World,
~ P 258-259.
It should be noted that there is some debate in the literature concerning the exact designation of the term
'alphabet' and when it first arose. In this thesis I essentially follow the school of U. Gelb, who
distinguishes between an alphabet and a syllabary, in that an alphabet is a complete system of consonants
and vowels, first developed by the ancient Greeks. Previous systems of writing can be therefore designated
as syllabic. This distinction, of course, should not be read simplistically, and there is a close continuum
between the Greek achievement and the achievement of other surrounding cultures. For details on the
debate in this area see, Goody, 1. The Interface Between the Written and the Oral, pp. 40-48. Debate also
Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy 25
The difference between our modern alphabet, and the ancient syllabaries is that
with an alphabet linguistic sounds are broken into atomic components, so that each letter
identifies one phoneme. Inevitably, this procedure is not necessarily exact but it
nevertheless functions as the principle of construction of an alphabet. A syllabary, on the
other hand, differs from this in that each letter seeks to identify a syllable, a group of
phonemes, a vowel sound started or stopped by consonants. It focuses upon each
pronounceable block of sound. However, in this case, the sheer number of pronounceable
syllables runs into the hundreds. If economy is sought by reducing the letters of the
syllabary down to a manageable size, then each letter takes on an ambiguity where it can
represent any number of possible sounds. The reader himself, or herself, must decide
which is the correct sound, dependent upon his prior knowledge of the text, and context.
An alphabet, however, removes this ambiguity by delineating not pronounceable
blocks of sound, but the more basic building bricks that go to make up each
pronounceable block or syllable.
The Greek alphabet arose as a simplified adaptation of the Phoenician writing
In this regard the Phoenician. script prepared the way for the transformation of
the systems of exo-somatic letter symbols into an alphabet. Phoenician, chief of the
Northwest Semitic scripts, although still being a syllabary, nevertheless organised the
syllables into common groupings, each of which was indexed by the consonantal sound
that began the syllable.
exists regarding the exact date of the development of the Greek alphabet. Some, such as Narveh, suggest an
earlier date of c. 1100 BC. Yet there is no archaeological evidence to support this claim, and the argument
rests only upon epigraphical considerations. I here follow the predominant archaeological evidence for an
c. BC development. For further details on this point see, Goody, op. cit., pp. 46-47.
25 For the history and methodology behind this adaptation of the Phoenician syllabary by the Greeks, see,
Havelock, Prologue to Greek Literacy, pp. 5-13; "The Pre-Greek Syllabaries" and 'The Greek Alphabet",
in The Literate Revolution in Greece, pp. 60-88; Origins of Westem Literacy, Ch.2-3, pp. 22-50. See also,
Goody and Watt, 'The Consequences of Literacy", in Kintgen et al. (eds.), Perspectives on Literacy, pp. 3-
27. The Greek fashioning of the alphabet was not so much a piece of creative genius, but rather a
serendipitous opportunism. Not possessing a writing system of their own, the Greek communities borrowed
from the sy llabary of the Phoenicians, and further simplified it for their own purposes, specifically adopting
those aspects more easily learned.
26 Havelock explains this point, 'Phoenician grasps the principle that "ba be bi bo bu" constitutes a set of
"b" syllables. Previous syllabaries would have used five unrelated signs for these five sounds. Phoenician
uses one, the consonantal "index" of the set. In a sense therefore Phoenician prepares the way for the
recognition of the consonant as a theoretically separate element of speech, and the system is able to reduce
the number of signs used to something over twenty ... But its obvious drawbacks are: (I) it is less flexible
26 Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
The Greek script newly embodied what it meant to reproduce a language in written
form. Now, for the first time, an alphabetic system was in use and development. This
meant that, also for the first time in western history, literature, properly understood,
became possible.
The reason for this is that in a pre-alphabetic syllabary, the extent to which the text
can be used is primarily as a record of an oral speech. Given the ambiguities present in a
syllabary, the reader needs to have a familiarity with the context and intent of the writing
in order to be able to render successfully the potentially ambiguous symbols with the
correct syllabic sounds. As such, it is common for such syllabaries to contain idiomatic
and formulaic constructions. An attempt to be daring in the range of expressible content
will only result in an increased ambiguity in decipherability. The result of this will be the
inevitable reduction in written vocabulary, and reduction of semantic arrangement, so that
ambiguity is lessened. This however means that the rich range of the spoken vocabulary
will not be translated into a workable written vocabulary.
It is highly likely that the richness of an orally recited story was simply not
reproduced word for word in such a pre-alphabetic syllabary. Rather, a more
standardised and linguistically simple version would have been better suited to be
recorded. Into this a living and creative oral tradition could inject a more expansive
freshness in the spoken, or sung, retelling.
This potential ambiguity in a syllabary meant that the reader of the text not only
had to be trained in the art of writing, but also had to be trained in the art of being able to
make the correct syllable renderings Le. he had to be able to interpret the text. The
task of the scribe then was not just limited to reading and writing, but also involved a
thorough working knowledge of the interpretative traditions engendered by the syllabic
ambiguities. As such, a scribe had to be an expert trained in the craft of reading, writing,
and textual interpretation.
than the Greek system, being designed to index only syllables beginning with a consonant; (iz) it is much
more ambiguous, since it requires the reader to infer whether vocalisation has to be supplied and if so how
much.' In, Havelock, Origins of Western Literacy, pp. 31-32.
27 Such expert scribes were still in use in the 1 sl c. Palestine, as interpreters of Torah written in Hebrew, and
Aramaic, syllabaries. The New Testament gospels, to cite just one instance, refers to these scribal experts.
Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy 27
It would be anachronistic then, to describe these pre-alphabetic syllabary texts as
literature, when by literature we mean a literate craft in which the written words and
symbols are manipulated into a rich semantic tapestry. This is only possible, in any
meaningful way, once an alphabetic craft is in place. Only when the full richness and
variety of the spoken word can be readily translated into a written format would poets be
encouraged to experiment with this medium. This they would do, initially, by a simple
transposition of the oral to the written, with the exactitude newly possible with an
alphabet. Later, they could experiment in composition that takes its impetus and genius
from what was written, rather than from what was spoken, i.e. that which was composed
as written, and designed to be read from, rather than merely stored in a written form but
composed and received orally.
It is, then, with the advent of the alphabetic craft into ancient Greece, that we have
for the first time in western history, a very rich recorded literature. The obvious
explanation for this is that the Greeks now had at their disposal, in distinction from the
syllabaries of the surrounding cultures, a written alphabetic technology that allowed for
the full range of vocabulary and semantic diversity within oral speech to be recorded in
written form. The alphabetic midwife had now ensured the birth of the literature baby.
2.4 The Ascent to Abstraction via the Alphabet
2.4.1 Redundancy of the Scribe - Literacy in Education
With the introduction and adoption of literacy, and in particular the newly possible
alphabetic literacy, into ancient Greece, there came a dramatic and thoroughgoing radical
cultural shift.
Regarding literacy itself, with the adoption of an alphabetic rather than syllabic
system, the role of the scribe or expert interpreter of the syllabaries becomes redundant.
Texts are no longer potentially ambiguous. If a person learns the art of alphabetic writing
Later the Jewish medieval Masoretic scribes would establish a system of vowel pointers to help codify this
scribal tradition of syllabic textual interpretation.
28 Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
then they can simply read a text quite without having to have an extensive working
knowledge of context and interpretative traditions.
This opening up of the access to texts may also be seen in relation to the education
of the Greek population. It is most likely that the first fashioners of the alphabet, and
those who primarily made use of it, were the lower classes the craftsmen, artisans, and
traders. The children of these artisans would have laboured with their parents in their
shop or work place, prior to the age of adolescence. It is here that they would have
learned the art of alphabetic writing, which was then under development.
The upper
classes of Greek society, however, would have still maintained an oral education, even up
to the beginnings of the classical age?9
It took some time then, for the art of alphabetic writing to become assimilated into
the life of the prominent citizens, or upper class, of Greek society. It was not until c. 390
Be that we have definite evidence of its use in the formal education of the upper
28 See Havelock, The Literate Revolution, p. 187.
29 Havelock, The Literate Revolution, p. 187, 'rrhe upper class education] consisted in the memorization of
poetry, the improvisation of verse, the oral delivery of a prose rhetoric based on verse principles, the
performance on instruments, string or wood, and singing and dancing. For a long time after the invention of
the alphabet, letters were not included, and when they were first introduced, they were treated as ancillary
to memorization and recitation. There is ample evidence that in the sixth and fifth centuries B.C. this
curriculum was identified in Athens by the term mousike, as previously defined, and no hard evidence that
in this period it covered reading. Organized instruction in reading at the primary level, that is, before the
age of ten, cannot have been introduced into the Athenian schools much earlier than about 430 B.C. It is
described in Plato's Protagoras, written in the early part of the next century, as by then standard practice, as
it indeed had become when Plato grew up.'
30 Plato's own remarks may be used as a fixed historical reference-point in which to date the use of the
alphabet in education. Plato wrote the dialogues Parmenides and Charm ides most likely c. 390 BC. In these
dialogues we have the very specific, even if incidental, references to a cultural practice of education in
literacy the reading and writing of texts.
Later on when they send the children to school, their instructions to the masters lay much
more emphasis on good behaviour than on letters or music. The teachers take good care of
this, and when boys have learned their letters and are ready to understand the written word as
fonnerly the spoken, they set the works of good poets before them on their desks to read and
make them learn them by heart ...
All this is done by those best able to do it - that is by the wealthy and it is their sons who
start their education at the earliest age and continue it the longest. When they have finished
with teachers, the state compels them to learn the laws and use them as a pattern for their life,
lest left to themselves they should drift aimlessly. You know how, when children are not yet
good at writing, the writing master traces outlines with the pencil before giving them the
slate, and makes them follow the lines as a guide in their own writing ...
But which is better when you are at the writing master's, to write the same letters quickly or
Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy 29
The result then, of the alphabetic script, was that those who, by the time of Plato,
could read and write included both lower and upper classes. This primary education in
letters was sufficient to equip the Greeks with the necessary literate skills, without, and
aside from, having to progress through any scribal school.
2.4.2 Alphabetic Attack upon the Art of Memory
Once a society has in its grasp a technology able to exo-somatically record, with
exactitude, the intricacy of oral speech, then this technology threatens to overthrow the
previous oral-memory systems.
We must bear in mind, from the above sections, that in an oral culture the myths or
stories that gave direction and cohesion to that culture were, by necessity, poetic,
mnemonic, in order to aid the art of memory, recitation, and transmission. If into this
nexus a new technology is introduced, one that promises to be able to store accurately
what previously had to be memorised, then this very art of memory in the oral tradition is
If it is no longer necessary to memorise the myth or story in order for it to be
retained, then the concomitant necessity for mnemonic devices is also lost. No longer is
there a need for rhythmic syntax. No longer is there a need for poetry. Prose can
effectively undertake a linguistic COUp.31 The need for the art of memory is lost, as one
can successfully refer, and rely upon, an exo-somatic alphabetically recorded text in order
to recover the message.
And to read quickly or slowly?
Quickly again. (Plato, Protagaras, 325e, 326c-e; Charmides, 159c)
To this we might also add the account from Democritus of writing being taught as a part of the standard
education syllabus,
If children are allowed not to work, they cannot learn letters or music or gymnastic, nor that
which above all things embraces virtue, (namely) reverence. (Democritus, 68 B 179 DK)
Dating this fragment presents a more difficult task. The last possible date would be c. 370 Be, the death of
Democritus. However, it may have been written much earlier than this, and even possibly predate the
textual evidence from Plato.
31 Havelock, Origins a/Western Literacy, p. 49, 'The important and influential statement in any culture is
the one that is preserved. Under conditions of non-literacy in Greece, and of the craft literacy in pre-Greek
cultures, the conditions for preservation were mnemonic, and this involved the use of verbal and musical
rhythm, for any statement that was to be remembered and repeated. The alphabet, making available a
visualized record which was complete, in place of an acoustic one, abolished the need for memorization
and hence for rhythm.'
30 Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
Plato himself was well aware, it seems, of the ramifications of this cultural shift. He
recounts the story of the god Theuth (who dwelt in the region of Naucratis in Egypt), who
invented the art of writing. Theuth presents his invention to king Thamus (or Ammon).
Thamus proceeds to offer comments upon its good and bad points - which
predominantly focus upon the potential loss of arts of memory within a society.32
2.4.3 Abstraction
Once a poetic concrete story is no longer needed in order to give direction and
cohesion to a community, the role of prosaic writing can effectively take over.
This development in turn lays the groundwork for one of the most significant
intellectual revolutions in the history of western culture, namely, the possibility of
abstract theoretical thought.
An oral myth is always told in terms of the time-bound actions by time-bound
actors. It deals with particular characters and their actions as bringing about new
situations. It is in this sense that it is imaginative _. a story in the primary sense of that
term. It is concerned with the complex unfolding of Becoming, of the change within the
experience of life.
A purely oral culture has stories, and stories arranged in terms of the activities of
actors. This is the language of Homer. It is not until the arrival of alphabetic literacy that
we start to observe a linguistic shift.
Hesiod, for example, now privy to the early technologies of literacy, does not
attempt a carbon copy Homeric drama, but rather regroups the story of the myths into
non-storied categories - collections of the generations of families. This, of course, is
still very much a concrete approach. A dynasty or family is a very real tangible thing. But
32 Plato, Phaedrus, 274d - 275b. This passage will be discussed in more detail in section 2.7 of this chapter.
33 Havelock, Preface to Plato, p. 173, '[t]he content of the poetic record can thus be viewed on the one
hand as an endless series of actions, on the other as an equally endless series of births and deaths which
when applied metaphorically to phenomena become "things happening" or "events" ... But it can fairly be
generalised that the saga ... is essentially the record of an event-series, of things-happening, never of a
system of relations or of causes or of categories and topics.'
Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy 31
it is a significant novelty to restructure the myth III accordance with a non-storied
category. 34
It is this quality of temporal boundedness that really marks out the story of an oral
culture. It is the pressing need for memorisation and poetic construction that gives the
story its temporally bounded qualities. This syntactic mould of temporal boundedness
shapes the structure of the way of life and mindset of an oral culture. They eat, drink, and
breathe, in terms of the concrete, in terms of actors making actions. And all this in terms
of persons living and acting in some time and in some place, with change and
development over time?5
All the elements needed to be maintained by the tribal memory were embedded in
terms of a story. Timeless truths about a science of boat handling, for example, are not to
be found. Rather we find the necessary technical skills about boat handling told in terms
of a story, for example, about a king giving orders concerning the nautical transportation
of a girl back to a shrine.
The details of the story here embody only what was needed
for a general education. The poet was no expert in matters of boat-handling, but rather
acted as the teacher of the community, the one who encapsulated what everyone would be
expected to know. The finer and more complicated details of activities, such as boat
handling, would be part of an established techne passed down orally from generation to
generation among those who took up the nautical arts as their vocation.
Once you have a system of literacy in place there is simply no need to retain the
poetry of oral forms. With prosaic forms come the tools to rearrange material according
to new mindsets, according to structures that anticipate the a-historic.
34 Havelock, Preface to Plato, pp. 179-180, 'The activity of Hesiod, the first extant cataloguer, therefore
heralds the first beginnings of a later style of composition which craft literacy had rendered possible. Only
with the growing help of the written word would catalogue material begin to be separated out from
narrative contexts and appear in a more harsh, informative, and less memorisable dress.'
35 Havelock, Preface to Plato, p. 180, ' ... the data or the items without exception have to be stated as
events in time. They are all time-conditioned. None of them can be cast into a syntax which shall be simply
true for all situations and so timeless; each and all have to be worded in the language of the specific doing
or the specific happening.'
36 See Iliad, 141ff, 308ff, 432ff, 48Off. See also Havelock's discussion of this, in, Havelock, Preface to
Plato, pp. 81-86, 175. Havelock notes as another example, that within an oral setting it is just not possible
to make a universal timeless utterance such as, 'human beings are responsible for the consequences of their
own acts', Havelock, Preface to Plato, p. 181.
32 Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
In short, the possibility for a new way of thinking has arisen. Abstraction and
abstract thought is born into the matrix of Greek civilisation. The skill, and desire, to
transform narrative into the terms of ahistorical categories grounded the advent of
philosophical abstraction.
Etymologically to abstract is to draw away, to detach.
And this is exactly what
takes place in the art of literary abstraction. From an oral poetic narrative, material is
drawn away, or detached, from the becoming, from the time-bound unfolding of the
story. Next, this material is rearranged in terms of timeless categories, categories that
may be prosaically recorded not in the memory, which would be a difficult task, but
through the means of an exo-somatic, alphabetic medium of writing. The exact nuances
of such re-formation of material are completely amenable to the new literary art.
This technology opens up new ways of viewing material. Once we have a timeless
category under view, then the possibility of exhausting that category is open. For
example, it is conceivably possible to compose the definitive treatise about boat
handling, detailing a complete and sufficient collation of all the words that are necessary
in order adequately to canvas the subject (now treated as a non-narrative category).
Not only this, but with such an array of ahistorical categories, the concept of a
systematic approach is also given birth. An historical narrative follows the contingent
time-bound actions of experience. A system, or (JUOTT][lU (sus temai 8, is a putting
together of these various categories into a new unified whole. Unified, that is, upon the
basis of ahistoric categories.
This is a radical and subversive way of approaching one's experience. Radical in
that the possibility of very definite abstract thought had no precedent in archaic Greece.
Subversive, in that in the hands of the philosophers this mind set was to dominate the
Greek culture to such an extent that it would forge itself into a very distinctive,
37 In English usage this term 'abstract' dates back to the 14th c. It is derived from the Latin 'abstractus',
which is the past participle of 'abstrahere' which means 'to draw away'. It is a composite of 'ab(s)' =
'away', and 'trahere' = 'draw'. See entries in An Etymological Dictionary of Modern English, Barnhart
Dictionary of Etymology, and the Oxford English Dictionary. See also the Online Etymology Dictionary, as
a web-based etymological source:
38 GUGTTlIlU (sustema), is defined by Liddell and Scott, as 'that which is put together, a composite whole: a
composition: a college, assembly'. Liddell and Scott, Lexicon (abr.), p. 683.
Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy 33
philosophical, Greek worldview.
This new philosophical worldview overthrew the older
oral-mythical ways of life.
2.4.4 The Transformation of Truth Toward Timelessness
Not only did an abstract way of thinking arise with the advent of alphabetic
literacy, but a fundamentally new concept of truth and knowledge was also engendered.
In an oral culture, the idea of truth is able to be connected intimately with persons.
Essentially the concept of truth is that of trustworthiness, a primarily personal quality. It
is due to the strong communal relationships that obtain between the members of the myth
making culture, that a feeling of mutual trust and integration exists between these
members. This is, of course, given to them by the almost uniformly shared form-of-life
that they have, expressed not only in their common myth-making, but in shared ways of
acting, and shared symbols, such as artefacts.
With this strong communal identity, each member of the culture is seen as part of
the organic whole. This would mean that each member of the culture is to be trusted, and
respected, relative to the role that they play within the community. Specifically, tribal
leaders, the poet-musician myth-tellers, or the priest-guardian (representative head) of the
tribe, would be understood as in some relevant sense completely trustworthy in terms of
their oral pronouncements. What it meant to belong to the community, was that these
oracular judgements were directive, and inherently trusted. Because the person speaking
was trustworthy, they held a position of trust and respect within that community. As such,
39 In fact, for the first time in Greek history what can be called a worldview arises. That is to say, a
systematic understanding of all, gathering the multitude of experience together under an abstract whole,
became part of the collective way of life of the Greek people. This increased all the more, as philosophical
endeavour became both more sophisticated and widespread, penneating almost every aspect of Greek
40 Havelock, Preface to Plato, p. 220, 'Theoretically this world [i.e. the new world of knowledge
engendered by abstract thought] can be regarded as systematic and exhaustive. All the abstracted essences
somehow gear in with each other in a relationship which is no longer that of narrative but of logic. They all
fall into a total ground plan of the universe. It is theoretically possible to exhaust the area of the known; at
least the mind of a Supreme Knower might manage this. For the known, in order to be known, must be
definite; it cannot go on forever as the story could. It must be a system and a system to be such must be
closed. Hence in its over-all aspect the world of knowledge itself furnishes the supreme example of a total
integration, within which a thousand minor integrations disclose themselves in ascending and descending
hierarchies. The abstracted object per se is a one, but so is the world of the known taken as a whole.'
34 Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
an isolated utterance or statement could be held to be true, if by 'true' we were to mean
But even this would not necessarily be how an oral culture would act on the matter.
Rather, it is because the person who speaks is a trustworthy person, not only as a fellow
member of one's tribe but also as one recognised as having authority and respect, that
each of their verbal pronouncements is acted upon as being trustworthy. One can act in
complete accordance with the pronouncement, and by so doing enact out in concrete
fashion that the person is to be trusted.
The spoken utterance of someone was not divorced from that very person. There
would have been a tight holistic unity of person and pronouncement, which meant that to
deny one, would be to deny both. And denial, if it were even thinkable, would mean to
cut oneself off from one's tribe, and in a very real sense, cut oneself off from one's own
life, as life was bound up with the tribe.
However, once writing becomes a more dominant technology within a society, then
a shift away from this is able to occur. In particular with an alphabetic literacy, writing is
not merely a means for the preservation of poetic form, as with much .ancient syllabic
craft-literacy. Rather, the written word takes on a life of its own. Once an oracular
statement can be recorded in an exo-somatic medium, then it is able to have an exo-
personal existence. It is now possible to divorce persons from what they say. A
proposition can now be understood as associated with the alphabetic etchings on a piece
of papyrus, not with a person who uttered something. It is no longer living, in this sense,
but takes upon itself a static nature. It becomes fixed in its existence.
Thus is engendered a new understanding of what truth means, in key respects
profoundly different from that of an oral culture. It is now possible for there to be a
science of how sentences work. The question can for the first time be raised in a
theoretical vein, 'what does it mean for this exo-somatic, exo-personal, proposition to be
true?' In conjunction with the advent of Greek philosophy, people are for the first time
deeply exercised by this theoretical question. According to their new perspective, truth
takes the form of a kind of metaphysical correspo'1dence between, on the one hand, the
Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy 35
various semantic elements of the proposition, and, on the other hand, the various items in
the cosmos to which they refer.
Plato himself, spends much time unfolding his own particular understanding of the
truth of a proposition in his dialogues, an understanding that relies integrally upon his
entire philosophical schema, and not surprisingly for this reason an understanding that
would be completely unintelligible from the perspective of an oral culture.
We have a shift then, in the meaning of truth, from the trustworthiness of persons,
to the level of success of metaphysical correlatively between sentence and cosmos. With
this shift we have the birth of the concept of literal truth. A literal truth is one that,
suggested by the very words of the phrase itself, relies upon the art of literacy. A literal
truth is one where there is the correct successful metaphysical correlation between
sentence and cosmos. Which correlation is correct, and which is not, is dependent upon
which philosophical system is being assumed.
Now there can also be a contrast with metaphorical truth. This is where there is an
incorrect metaphysical correlation, but where this incorrectness is semantically
deliberate, and can be explained by the transformation of the sentence into a literally
correct one. The contrast between literal and metaphorical is for this reason only
intelligible within a literate culture that has the philosophical category of literal truth
under its belt.
To suggest as I have just done that the concept of literal truth figures only in
literate-philosophical societies is a radical thesis, but in advancing it I need at the same
time to be clear that it is not so radical as it may seem. Over against the view that the
surfacing, for the first time, of the concept of literal truth represents a completely
discontinuous change in cultural form, I should say that this change is scarcely noticeable
with respect to much that people say and think. If in an oral setting various
pronouncements are lauded as true, and in a literate-philosophical setting various
pronouncements are lauded as true, I expect that there is considerable correlation or
continuity between the meaning of 'true' in most of those cases. For example an answer
41 This is the fuller explanation, therefore, of why earlier I had to amend the otherwise helpful definition of
myth offered by Caird.
36 Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
to the question 'was my sister here this morning?' would count in either kind of society
as either true or false just in accordance with whether or not my sister was here this
morning. So the difference between the two kinds of societies with regard to the concept
of truth is scarcely detectable with respect to pronouncements as mundane as 'my sister
was here this morning'. However, I do insist that a theory of truth, or a theoretical
understanding of what it means for a proposition to be true, became possible for the first
time only within a literate-philosophical culture. With respect to less-than-mundane
pronouncements, for example, the elements of an important myth in the case of an oral
society, or the key tenets of a mathematical or cosmological theory in the case of a
literate-philosophical society, it will mean something very different in the one or the
other society to laud the relevant pronouncement as true. Why this matters is that with
respect to the general understanding of 'is true' , the mundane cases connect with the less-
than-mundane ones seamlessly.
In a myth-making, art-of-memory based society, lauding a particular
pronouncement is a matter of saying that it is something worthwhile to say or to think.
But in the context of such a society the worth of the pronouncement may wen have a lot
to do with the fact that it is memorable, or that it helps render a package of
pronouncements memorable. Probably memorability is not the significant concern if the
pronouncement in question merely answers the question whether my sister was here this
morning. But it will be a chief concern if the pronouncement conveys a key part of a
myth. By contrast, in literate-philosophical society, memorability is no longer an
important issue. If a pronouncement is worth lauding, that is because it is literally true.
This will be the case if the pronouncement answers the whether my sister was
here this morning. But it will equally be the case if the pronouncement concerns a fine
point of mathematics, or a speCUlative surmise in the sphere of cosmology.
The point I am attempting to make might be challenged with the following
Iliad, 19:95-133, contains the story of the delusion of Zeus. Expecting the
birth of Herakles from Alkmene, Zeus pronounces that,
42 I am indebted to my thesis examiner Professor Dirk Baltzly for pointing out this passage from the Iliad.
Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
This day Eileithyia of women's child-pains shall bring forth a man to the light who,
among the men sprung of the generation of my blood, shall be lord over all those
dwelling about him.
Hera sees this as an opportunity to beguile and deceive Zeus, so she goads him into
taking an oath to confinn his declaration.
This is a good example, as noted above, of the
truth of a statement being intimately tied to the trustworthiness of the speaker. The
veracity of Zeus is tied up with the truthfulness (in the sense of trustworthiness) of what
he has proclaimed.
There is a sense here then, in which Zeus' statement can be discovered to be true or
false. His words contain a certain definite meaning, understood by his community, such
that those who heard his pronouncement may judge for themselves whether Zeus has
spoken truthfully - i.e. whether Zeus will be true to his word.
Hera then proceeds to alter the circumstances without Zeus' knowledge. She holds
back the expected birth of Herakles, and instead precipitates the premature birth of
Eurystheus, son of Sthenelos, descendant of Perseus. Thus, completely contrary to Zeus'
intention, Eurystheus and not Herakles is the only child who may fulfil Zeus'
pronouncement, and Zeus is held accountable to ensure that Eurystheus is ruler, if Zeus is
to keep true to his word.
In her study on lying and deception within Homeric poetry, Pratt has uncovered a
series of principles detailing when deception was in fact condoned and admired within
the Homeric mindset.
Of these, the case of Zeus' deception above exemplifies at least
two of these principles. Firstly, taking advantage of one's competitors is good, and a
greater licence is accorded to the gods for such behaviour.
Hera here exhibits her
prowess in being able to deceive such a powerful god as Zeus, and not by her own
speech, but in fact by the speech of Zeus himself. Secondly, the ability to make an
43 Iliad, 19:103-105. Lattimore translation.
44 Iliad, 19:106-113, 'Then in guileful intention the lady Hera said to him: "You will be a liar, not put
fulfilment on what you have spoken. Come, then, lord of Olympos, and swear before me a strong oath ... "
So Hera spoke. And Zeus was entirely unaware of her falsehood, but swore a great oath .. .' Lattimore
45 Pratt, Louise H. Lying and Poetry from Homer to Pinaar, pp. 56-63.
46 Pratt, Louise H. Lying and Poetry from Homer to Pindar, pp. 57-59.
38 Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
enigmatic pronouncement is deemed praiseworthy.47 In this case, however, there is an
ironic twist in that Zeus considers his statement to contain one simple intention -
namely the lordship of Herakles. Yet Hera is cunningly able to turn Zeus' declaration into
an ambiguous proposition, in that by altering the circumstances, she forces Zeus to
appoint Eurystheus instead of Herakles to the lordship.
The hearers of the poem would have recognised then, that contrary to Zeus'
expectation Eurystheus was the only candidate who could make the statement true
concerning the declaration that 'this day women's child-pains shall bring forth a man to
the light who, among the men sprung of the generation of my blood .. .'. In that sense,
both an oral and a literate culture share a common understanding of how a statement can
be legitimately brought about.
But what is really at issue in this passage from the Iliad, in terms of dramatic
purpose, is the idea of truth as trustworthiness, as detailed above. The audience wants to
know, will it be true that 'this day shall bring forth a man to the light who, among the
men sprung of the generation of my blood, shall be lord over all those dwelling about
him.' In other words, will Zeus be true to his word, i.e. will he prove himself trustworthy,
in declaring that whoever fulfils his pronouncement of 'this day among the men sprung of
the generation of my blood' , shall be the ruler.
What we do not have, in this example, nor in the Homeric corpus as a whole, is a
theoretical reflection upon the nature of truth. It is this new ability to transform, and
understand the idea of truth in a theoretical way, that distinguishes the literate-
philosophical mindset from the oral-mythical.
In contrast, a good example of a theoretical notion of truth, and its new potential
for abstract transformation within the literate-philosophical mindset, is Plato's treatment
of true versus false judgement in the dialogue Theaetetus .48 There he renders a series of
possible accounts for the difference between the truth and falsity of a judgement, which
take their impetus from his own theoretical psychology, ontology, and epistemology.
47 Pratt, Louise H. Lying and Poetry from Homer to Pindar, p. 62.
48 Plato, Theaetetus, 187b-210d.
Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy 39
Concomitant with this shift in the meaning of truth, is the shift in the meaning of
knowledge. Knowledge, just as with truth (trustworthiness), in an oral culture, takes a
typically personal meaning. To know someone, is to have a close and intimate
relationship with them. It is not the ability to expound a lengthy scientific definition of
them, but rather to be in personal communion with them. This is preserved today, in
English, where 'to know one's spouse' functions as a euphemism for 'to have intimate
and sexual relations with one's spouse'.
By extension, to know what someone says is true, is to have some degree of
personal intimacy with the person who spoke, and to see them as trustworthy to such an
extent, that you act in relation to what they say with complete confidence and trust. You
hear what they have to say, and because of the intimate personal bond between you both,
you then act upon that statement, in such a way as to affirm its trustworthiness.
The dominant image for knowing in an oral culture is therefore, not surprisingly,
associated with the aural. '1 hear what you say' _. has the overtones of '1 acknowledge
your saying, and shall act in accordance with it', or, in the more popular phrase 'to hear is
to obey'.
Once the shift to literacy has taken effect, however, this dominant image moves
from the aural to the visual. As truth and knowledge are no longer strongly connected to
persons and their sayings (audible things), but to exo-personal written propositions
(visible things), then the image for knowledge is no longer connected to the aural but to
the visual '1 see' - has overtones of '1 acknowledge the truth of this proposition'. The
concept of a theory which developed in Greek philosophical thought, and is now a
common epistemological term, has its etymological roots in the Greek word 9EWptU
theoria, which means a spectacle, or something that is seen.
This shift also transforms the basis for knowledge no longer as a communal
activity, but as something the individual must achieve as an individual. Rather than
working within the community praxis for knowledge in an oral culture, the person is
invited to construct knowledge for himself, or herself, even apart from this community.
49 8EWpta (the8ria), is defined by Liddell and Scott, as , 'a looking at, viewing, beholding, observing'. In,
Liddell and Scott, Lexicon (abr.), p. 317.
40 Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
To see cognitively, is to see for oneself. This, for the philosophers, became to see the
rational cohesion of the object of thought for oneself. This naturally anticipates a shift in
anthropology, or a new understanding of what it means to be human, from an integral
member of a tribe to a rational individual soul. This will be examined in Chapters Three
and Four.
2.4.5 The Theoretical Attitude of Thought
What arose in ancient Greece then, for the first time in its history, and as the
foundation for western culture, was what may be described as a theoretical attitude of
thought. This is central to the philosophical enterprise.
A theoretical attitude of thought, is one in which one's experience and knowledge,
now understood in a philosophical sense, is to be systematised according to abstract
categories of thought. In other words, one reflects on one's experience, and explains or
interprets this, upon the basis of abstract categories of thought.
Theoretical thought, then, is another way of describing the process of abstraction
employed in the cognition of a philosophical culture. It should be contrasted with a
concrete attitude of thought, which is indicative of an oral-mythical culture. Concrete
thought has an understanding of experience in terms of narrative, story, and concrete
time-bound objects, images, and symbols.
It is not the case, however, that every culture or time-period, that has had
theoretical thought as central to its way of life, universally accepts the same abstract
categories. For example, at the concrete level, all cultures can experience holding a rock
and watching it fall to the ground. A culture given to a theoretical attitude of thought will
seek to interpret, or offer an explanation of this experience, in terms of abstract
categories, i.e. offer a theoretical explanation. But here, the form that this theoretical
explanation takes will depend upon the larger world view presuppositions that the culture
holds. Historically, for example, Aristotelian theory would interpret the event in terms of
a teleological abstraction, where the abstractly construed elements that compose the rock
tend toward their telos, or natural place in the cosmos. A Newtonian theory, by contrast,
would interpret the event in terms of the abstract concept of gravity, which would involve
Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy 41
an analysis in terms of a mathematical description of the events. Here, the mathematical
aspect, in tum, has been abstracted from the situation and systematised in terms of the
abstract explanatory concept of gravity. Whether the Aristotelian schema is
commensurable with the Newtonian is of course a debatable question. What is of
relevance here, is that both the Aristotelian and Newtonian schemas rely upon the
foundation of a theoretical attitude of thought.
It is this theoretical attitude to one's understanding of experience that is
concomitant with the understanding of truth and knowledge, which are central to a
philosophical culture.
2.5 Making of a New Morality
The shift toward a new understanding of truth and knowledge, with a disposition
towards a theoretical attitude of thought, must in turn be correlated with the advent of
what can, for the first time, be called ethics.
In an oral culture, which does not maintain a theoretical disposition, there can be no
science of ethics as we might understand that today. In what sense, however, would the
oral culture maintain an understanding of good or bad, in relation to their behaviour?
Building on the previous discussion in the above sections, I would like to suggest that the
behaviour of any particular member of an oral culture would be understood in terms of a
collective personality, andfaithfulness to the group praxis.
That is to say, the tribe as a collective whole, would prize faithfulness to family,
and tribe, as the basis for acceptable behaviour. This, of course, would n?t necessarily
take any universal form among oral peoples, but rather be quite dependent upon the
founding myths, symbols, and praxis of that culture.
In particular, for the Greek culture, traditional poetry, such as the Homeric poems,
would have acted as foundational myths. However, the citizens of the polis would not
have based their praxis upon these myths in the sense of replicating exact situations. The
Homeric myths were, by the time of the archaic and classical era, reflective of a then
bygone age. Not only this, but they were also reflective of an era fraught by heroes,
42 Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
monsters, and mythical creatures. But one need not have encountered a Cyclops in the
classical age in order for the Homeric myths to have supplied a relevant moral paradigm.
Rather, the Homeric myths functioned by instilling values and ideals within the
Greek communities. They were the primary source material for arete excellence and
virtue. By learning how a hero acted in the Homeric situation, and by imbibing the nature
of the hero into one's own praxis, one was able to almost intuitively act in any given
moral situation, as the Homeric hero would have acted if he were in that new situation.
The recognition of the dependence of ethical norms upon the shared values, myths,
and stories of a culture - in light of the variation in cultural praxeis encountered by the
Greeks in the classical period - may have led to the development of sophistic relativism.
For example, Herodotus notes the graphic contrast in praxis regarding the treatment of
deceased fathers between two different ancient cultures.
Coming to realise this cultural
difference would lead many sophists to be critical of such praxeis. This ability for
theoretical reflection on the nature of nomos (law or convention) was newly possible as a
result of the theoretical philosophical disposition arisen in Greece at that time.
For a member of an oral-mythical society, to act unfaithfully to the tradition
(expressed in myth, symbol, and praxis), would be to place oneself outside of the
community, and hence to set oneself against the community. Furthermore, as one's life
was identified and defined in terms of the community, then in effect it would be to set
oneself against one's very life.
Such a community was not understood as a conglomeration of individuals. Each
member of society would have their place and role to play in a societal hierarchy, of
families, tribes, and so forth. An act of treason or unfaithfulness against the society may
50 Herodotus, Histories, III "Thalia", 38. Rawlinson translation. Herodotus states, 'That people have this
feeling about their laws may be seen by very many proofs: among others, by the following. Darius, after he
had got the kingdom, called into his presence certain Greeks who were at hand, and asked - "What he
should pay them to eat the bodies of their fathers when they died?" To which they answered, that there was
no sum that would tempt them to do such a thing. He then sent for certain Indians, of the race called
Callatians, men who eat their fathers, and asked them, while the Greeks stood by, and knew by the help of
an interpreter all that was said - "What he should give them to bum the bodies of their fathers at their
decease?" The Indians exclaimed aloud, and bade him forbear such language. Such is men's wont herein;
and Pindar was right, in my judgement, when he said, "Law [Custom, i.e. nomos] is the king o'er all.'"
Rawlinson has translated nomos as 'law' in the final sentence. A better rendering given the context,
however, is 'custom'.
Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy 43
very well mean not only cutting oneself off from that society, but also cutting off those
over whom one has responsibility, such as a household, group, guild, or tribe.
The primary disposition involved in such a setting is that of shame. Where 'shame'
is understood to mean an act of treason, or unfaithfulness against those to whom one is
socially bound. It is to act in a way that sets oneself against the community personality.
At the intra-social level it could mean to set oneself against a fellow member of the tribe.
It was to negate the person involved, and that meant to negate the tribe itself, which gave
identity to its members. Shame then, was a community oriented, and community focused,
negative disposition.
In terms of knowledge and truth, as previously delineated within an oral-mythical
setting, to act shamefully meant to act untrustworthily (un-truth-fully). It was to set
oneself against that intimate trustful communal bond (i.e. knowledge), by treasonous and
traitorous dispositions.
The linguistic images also are extended easily in this direction of community
faithfulness. I noted above that to know is often pictured as to hear. But further to this,
the image of to hear also connotes to act in a manner faithful to. This is still present
today in many uses of our English word 'hear'. 'Do you hear what I am saying?' said by
a flustered parent, can well have the connotation 'Will you act in a way that is faithful to
what I am saying?' Or in medieval Europe when the town crier announced 'Hear ye, hear
ye ... ', he is expecting not only the attention of the townsfolk, but also their obedience to
the king' s edict. To hear then, is to know, which is to act faithfully, trustworthily.
When these concepts of truth and knowledge, are transformed in a literate-
philosophical culture, then a new platform for understanding negative behaviour arises.
As truth and knowledge are abstracted from persons, and given a new metaphysical
setting (i.e. the correlation between the various semantic elements of .the proposition and
the cosmos), in a similar manner the concept of negative behaviour is abstracted from an
understanding of communal personality. With the advent of an abstract or theoretical
attitude of thought, the idea of abstract moral or legal principles is now possible.
This must be correlated with the new understanding of what it means to be human,
discussed in more detail in Chapters Three and Four. To anticipate this discussion here,
44 Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
along with the oral - literate shift was a shift in understanding of what it means to be
human, from a holistic community orientation, to a dualistic body-soul individual
Conceiving what it meant to be human in this strongly individualistic manner
helped lead to the concept of a new morality, or better, the possibility of what we, in the
western tradition, could for the first time fully recognise as ethics. Here the individual
soul is correlated to a non-personal ethical standard or telos. The philosophical quest was
to account theoretically for the good to which the individual soul should strive.
In the philosophical tradition, the concept of arete is linguistically transformed.
Arete a p E T ~ ) essentially means an excellence or goodness. For Homer, it essentially
connotes manliness, military prowess, and valour. By the time the Greek city-states were
being firmly established, arete came to have what we would now call political
connotations, namely, the ability or excellence to function politically well as a fully
active citizen of the polis. Through the tradition of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, it came
to denote what we would describe as distinctly moral or ethical concerns, laying the basis
for our primarily ethical understanding of virtue today.51
This shift in meaning of the term 'arete' embodies the shift in culture - from a
communal military or political excellence, to an individual ethical excellence.
Rather than a disposition of shame accompanying this new cultural form, there is a
disposition of guilt. Guilt, in distinction from shame, is an emotion within the individual
that their soul has acted in opposition to the good, however the good may be theoretically
conceived. Guilt is an emotion that depends upon conceiving of oneself as an individual
moral agent. Thus someone can feel guilt regardless of whether their actions are known
by others and regardless of whether the community at large approves or disapproves of
their actions. They evaluate themselves primarily in light of their own individual actions
with regards to what they consider the good.
51 For a fuller discussion on the semantic shift of the term 'arete' in ancient Greece, see, Guthrie, A History
of Greek Philosophy. Vol. III, "The Fifth-Century Enlightenment", Ch.lO, "Can Virtue be Taught?", pp.
Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy 45
This moral weighing or accounting is a process that relies upon the ability to
abstract. Namely, to take a given situation and abstract from it an ethical aspect, which
then can be set in either positive or negative correlation to a timeless ideal of the good.
2.6 The Pre-Socratic Philosophers as Precursors to the Platonic
2.6.1 The Presocratics as Philosophic Pioneers
Having outlined the general shape of what the transition from oral-mythical to
literate-philosophical looked like in ancient Greece, it is necessary to document this shift
in the actual characters of the cultural drama.
If Homer stands as a bastion of an oral-mythical way of life, and if Plato stands as
the champion of the new cultural form of philosophy, then we would naturally expect
there to be precursors to Plato. We would expect transitional figures. We would expect, in
other words,some thinkers who were moving toward the newly emerging philosophical
disposition, yet still struggling to shed the shell of the oral-mythical way of life.
This expectation is confirmed by the so-called Presocratic philosophers. It is these
figures who were the first to forge a new philosophical disposition. They are the
forerunners, the prophets crying in the wilderness, announcing to their Greek audience a
message to tum from the ways of Homer and embrace a new philosophical way of life.
It is, however, still within the context of the Homeric way of life that the
Presocratics speak. Their forms, and structures of speech and thought, demonstrate a
partial working within the Homeric framework, only to be pushing out of it, and beyond
it, into the new philosophical framework which was to develop through their pioneering.
One of the chief difficulties in handling the Pre socratic material is that it comes
down to us only in an incomplete form. To speculate about what each particular
Pre socratic philosopher might or might not be saying, given the, at best, scant evidence,
has proven itself to be a Herculean task, resulting more often than not in unresolved
46 Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
debates. Even though this is so, I believe it is possible to glimpse the movement from
oral-mythical to literate-philosophical in these Presocratic works.
Significantly, the indications are that the earlier Presocratics were primarily
composing orally, and still maintaining the poetic forms of speech, for a listening, not
reading, audience.
2.6.2 The Milesians (fl. c. 585 - 545 Be)
The early Milesian philosophers, namely, Thales (fl. c. 585 BC), Anaximander (c.
612 - 545 BC), and Anaximenes (fl. c. 545 BC), are not easy for us to interpret
philosophically. We have few if any authentic fragments which refer to their
compositions without paraphrase or re-rendering.
Regarding Thales, it is generally doubted that he left any authentic recorded
Simplicius states that the only recorded work he left was a 'Nautical Star-
guide' ,53 whereas Diogenes Laertius testifies that many consider that he left no works at
all - the star-guide being perhaps written instead by Phokos the Samian.
On those
occasions where written works are ascribed to Thales, the reports indicate that these were
in verse form. The Suda report from Hesychius states that Thales wrote about celestial
matters in epic verse,55 this also being noted by Plutarch, who reports that the star-guide
was in verse form.
If Thales was creating written material, then it would seem that this
material was still cast in the forms of oral-poetic style.
52 See particularly, Kirk, Raven, and Schofield, The Presocratic Philosophers, pp. 86-88.
53 Simplicius, In Aristotelis Physica commentaria, p. 23,29 Diels. Quoted from, Kirk, Raven, and Schofield,
The Presocratic Philosophers, p. 86, 'Thales is traditionally the first to have revealed the investigation of
nature to the Greeks; he had many predecessors, as also, Theophrastus thinks, but so far surpassed them as
to blot out all who came before him. He is said to have left nothing in the form of writings except the so-
called 'Natucal Star-guide".
54 Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Famous Philosophers, Book 1,23. Quoted from, Kirk, Raven, and Schofield,
The Pre socratic Philosophers, pp. 86-87, 'And according to some he [Le. Thales] left no book behind; for
the 'Nautical Star-guide' ascribed to him is said to be by Phokos the Samian ... '.
55 Suda (from Hesychius) [11A2 DK]. Quoted from, Kirk, Raven, and Schofield, The Presocratic
Philosophers, p. 87, ' ... he [Le. Thales] wrote on celestial matters in epic verse ... '.
56 See, Plutarch, de Pythiae Oraculis,18, 402e [llBl DK].
Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy 47
Similarly with Anaximander, a few book titles are ascribed to him, but such
testimony must be taken with some reservation.
It is thought that at least one book
containing the works of Anaximander must have existed at some point, given the one
genuine fragment concerning Anaximander, from Theophrastus (reported by Simplicius).
This fragment contains what ostensibly appears as a quote,
The things that are perish into the things out of which they come to be, according to
necessity, for they pay the penalty and retribution to each other for their injustice in
accordance with the ordering of time, as he [i.e. Anaximander] says in rather poetical
It is not certain, however, to what extent Theophrastus was paraphrasing or directly
quoting Anaximander.
Nor is it certain whether his source material for Anaximander
was itself written by Anaximander, or compiled by a later writer based on oral reports.
Even so, the extant Theophrastus report indicates the 'rather poetical language' being
employed by Anaximander.
With Anaximenes we also have only one ostensibly authentic fragment, a report
from Aetius,
Just as our soul, being air, holds us together and controls us, so do breath and air
surround the whole kosmos.
It is debated whether or not this fragment represents a direct quotation from
Most likely it is a later paraphrase. The only account we have concerning
his actual linguistic use is a report from Diogenes Laertius, that Anaximenes employed a
'simple and economical Ionic speech' .62 This is tauntingly vague, and it would be
imprudent to draw too strong a conclusion from this statement.
57 See, for example, Kirk, Raven, and Schofield, The Presocratic Philosophers, p. 102, 'The book-titles
ascribed to Anaximander ... presumably from Hesychius, should be regarded with reserve. It was the
custom with Alexandrian writers to supply titles, in the absence of definite evidence, to suit an early
thinker's known interests.' The Sud a reports (and should be taken with reservation) the following titles by
Anaximander, On Nature, Circuit of the Earth, On the Fixed Stars, and a Celestial Globe. See, Kirk,
Raven, and Schofield, The Presocratic Philosophers, p. 100.
58 Anaximander, 12Bl + A9 = Simplicius, Commentary on Aristotle's Physics, 24.18-21.
59 See for example the discussion in McKirahan, Philosophy before Socrates, p. 43, and, Kirk, Raven, and
Schofield, The Presocratic Philosophers, pp. 106-108, 117-122.
60 Anaximenes, 13B2 DK = Aetius, 1,3,4. .
61 See for example the discussion in, McKirahan, Philosophy before Socrates, p. 54, and, Kirk, Raven, and
Schofield, The Presocratic Philosophers, pp. 158-162.
62 See, Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Famous Philosophers, Book II, 3.
48 Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
What can be said, is that from the very scant evidence we have regarding the
linguistic activity of these Milesian philosophers, they were at the forefront of the
transition to written composition, still composing within an oral-poetic linguistic
framework, but now perhaps with an eye to the written recording of this oracular
2.6.3 Xenophanes (c. 570 - 475 Be)
Xenophanes' fragments all consists of lines of poetry. He has forty-nine lines of
hexameter, sixty-nine elegiac, and one iambus. The fragments attributable to him, clearly
identify him as an oral itinerant poet:
Already there are sixty-seven years
Tossing my thought (phrontis) throughout the land of Greece ... 63
It is often assumed that this refers to his exile after Persia took Colophon. But he
nevertheless puts himself squarely in the context of a panhellenic poet. What
differentiates him from his Homeric counterparts is his description of his compositions as
phrontis (thought). With this term Xenopharies is setting himself apart from the poets
Homer and Hesiod. It is the new way of life called philosophy that he is spreading, not
the older mythical way of life.
He identifies himself as having a skill (sophia), no doubt the skill of a poet-orator:
Better than brawn
Of men or horses is my skill.
But his skill is not that of a Homeric poet. Xenophanes directly opposes the older
Homeric way of life and replaces it with his new philosophic wisdom.
Give us no fights with Titans, no, nor Giants
nor Centaurs - the forgeries of our fathers -
nor civil brawls, in which no advantage is.
But always to be mindful of the gods is good.
The 'forgeries of our fathers' is nothing but the older mythologies of Homer and Hesiod.
These two come under direct attack in the way they portray the Divine,
63 Xenophanes, 21 B 8 DK.
64 Xenophanes, 21 B 2 DK.
65 Xenophanes, 21 B 1.21-24DK.
Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
Homer and Hesiod have ascribed to the gods all deeds
which among men are a reproach and a disgrace:
thieving, adultery, and deceiving one another .66
Xenophanes sees himself as propounding a fundamentally new way of life, and
especially a new conception ofthe Divine,
No man has seen nor will anyone know
the truth about the gods and all the things I speak of ... 61
The 'no man' in question here, is no doubt the Homeric minded common Greek among
Xenophanes' contemporaries. It is this mentality that can know nothing of the new
philosophic way of life espoused by Xenophanes.
This new philosophic mentality is reaching toward the idea of a timeless
abstraction. Xenophanes states,
God [theos] is one, greatest among gods and men,
Not at all like mortals in body or thought.
All of him sees, all of him thinks, all of him hears.
He always remains in the same place, moving not at all,
nor is it fitting for him to go to different places at different times.
Here there is a stark contrast to the mythical mindset. In the oral culture of Homer, it is
the gods (theoi) who are the performers of events, actions, within a time-bound
environment. These are the narrative, storied, descriptions and details of mythic culture.
Xenophanes opposes this and speaks of the Divine (theos) as being unitary,
integrated. Not in the sense of just one thing out of many things of experience, however.
Rather theos is now thought to be that which encompasses, integrates, and unites
experience together. All of theos 'sees and thinks and hears'. Theos is the abstracted
wholeness of experience, integrated together.
The dynamic time-bounded activities of the Homeric theoi are denied. Theos, for
Xenophanes, is not dynamic, it 'remains in the same place, moving not at all', and it is
not bound to a certain place and time, 'nor is it fitting for him to go to different places at
66 Xenophanes, 21 B 11 DK.
67 Xenophanes, 21 B 34 DK.
68 Xenophanes, 21 B 23, 24, 26 DK.
50 Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
different times'. Theos is a timeless abstraction, the matrix out of which all time-bound
activities unfold. It is impossible to speak about theos in terms of narrative or mythos.
Once the first step has been taken towards understanding one's environment not in
a narrative context but in terms of the abstract unity of all things (theos) , then it is
possible to think about the environment in terms of abstract categories constituting a
systematic relation to the one unified environment (theos). It is these abstract terms that
will eventually form the basis for a philosophical worldview - a set of categories in
which the unified whole of one's experience is analysed. The Greeks were to establish
eventually such abstract categories we now know as, substance, quantity, quality, void,
form, matter, body, element, motion, universal, particular, eternal, to name only a few.
All these are the abstract aspects of the one abstract and unified whole, the theos
according to Xenophanes.
2.6.4 Heraclitus (b. c. 540 Be)
Heraclitus, along with Xenophanes, also composed and communicated orally as a
This logos holds always but humans always prove unable to understand it, both
before hearing it and when they have first heard it ...
[Rebuking some for their unbelief, Heraclitus says,] Knowing neither how to hear
nor how to speak.
Uncomprehending when they have heard, they are like the deaf. The saying
describes them: though present they are absent.
Listening not to me but to the logos it is wise to agree that all things are one.
Once again, it is poetry that is breaking tpe bonds of Homer, and pushing toward a new
philosophical rnindset. The extant fragments of Heraclitus come to us in the form of the
poetic aphorism. They employ the devices of repetition, assonance, antithesis, and
symmetry. 70
69 Heraclitus, 22 B 1, 19,34,50 DK. Emphases added.
70 For elaboration and examples of this, see, Havelock, The Literate Revolution, pp. 240-247.
Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy 51
Diogenes Laertius reports that Heraclitus wrote a book, entitled On Nature, and
dedicated it by placing it in the temple of Artemis.71 However, criticism is levied at this
report, given the rather generic title, and later, Stoic influenced, threefold division of the
work. Diels held that Heraclitus wrote no consecutive book, only making aphoristic
pronouncements. These are certainly reflected in the style of the fragments we currently
possess. Kirk, Raven, and Schofield, suggest that Heraclitus may have composed in oral
apophthegms, and in gaining fame as a sage, these aphorisms were then collected
together in a book, with a special prologue.
Just as in the case of Xenophanes, the Homeric-Hesiodic way of life is strongly
Heraclitus said that Homer deserved to be expelled from the contests and flogged ...
Most men's teacher is Hesiod. They are sure he knew most things - a man who
could not recognise day and night; for they are one.
Much learning does not teach insight. Otherwise it would have taught Hesiod ...
What understanding or intelligence have they? They put their trust in popular bards
and take the mob for their teacher, unaware that most people are bad, and few are
Heraclitus propounds the new way of the logos and opposes the myth os. The move
is from the narrative-mythical to the abstract-philosophical. With Xenophanes, we saw
the redefinition of theos, to embrace the totality of the environment. This is also the case
with Heraclitus. An abstract terminology is being developed, and with Heraclitus the
abstract idea of a total-encompassing system is prominent. He states,
The cosmos, the same for all, none of the gods nor of humans has made, but it was
always and is and shall be: an ever-living fire being kindled in measures and being
extinguished in measures.
71 Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Famous Philosophers, Book IX, 5. Quoted from, Kirk, Raven, and Schofield,
The Pre socratic Philosophers, pp. 86-87, 'The book said to be his [i.e. Heraclitus's] is called 'On Nature',
from its chief content, and is divided into three discourses: On the Universe, Politics, Theology. He
dedicated it and placed it in the temple of Artemis, as some say, having purposely written it rather
obscurely so that only those of rank and influence should have access to it, and it should not be easily
despised by the populace ... ' .
72 For details see, Kirk, Raven, and Schofield, The Presocratic Philosophers, pp. 183-184.
73 Heraclitus, 22 B 42,57,40,104 DK.
74 Heraclitus, 22 B 30 DK.
52 Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
Importantly, the term 'cosmos' has here been transformed in meaning. The term comes
originally from epic poetry, where the ordered (cosmos) array of an army is under an
'orderer' (cosmetor)?5 But for Heraclitus the term is employed in a new transformed way
to mean something abstract. It introduces the concept of what we would call a world-
order, or indeed a cosmos in the contemporary sense. The entirety of man's environment,
inclusive of the past, present, and future, just as with Xenophanes' theos, is encompassed
together as an abstract system, a whole. This cosmos, can only truly be spoken of in terms
of logos a new philosophical vocabulary and grammar. To speak in terms of the logos,
is to speak not in terms of mythos - of the narrative sequence of Homer. Rather it is to
speak in terms of a-historical categories, the parts that make up the systematic whole of
the cosmos,
Wisdom is one thing, to be skilled in true judgement, how all things are steered
through all things.
Right thinking is the greatest excellence, and wisdom is to speak the truth and act in
accordance with nature, while paying attention to it.
Listening not to me but to the logos it is wise to agree that all things are one.
0" [O]ut of all things there comes a unity, and out of a unity an things.
Speaking the truth is not to speak in a way that is faithful or trustworthy to the societal
group, but rather to align oneself metaphysically with nature, with the cosmos, with the
abstracted systematic world-order.
2.6.5 Parmenides (c. 515 - 445 Be)
It comes as no surprise, in turning to Parmenides, that he also, along with
Xenophanes and Heraclitus before him, stands strongly within the oral-poetic tradition of
ancient Greece. Along with his Presocratic predecessors he is expounding and promoting
a new philosophical way of life that runs counter to that of Homer.
The source material we have concerning Parmenides is itself cast in the form of a
hexameter poem in which the goddesses reveal the way of truth.
75 This point is made by, Havelock, "The Linguistic Task of the Presocratics", p. 24.
76 Heraclitus, 22 B 41,112,50,10 DK.
Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
The mares which carry me as far as my spirit aspired were escorting me, when they
brought me and proceeded along the renowned road of the goddess, which brings a
knowing mortal to all cities one by one.
The itinerant nature of Parmenides' poetic-philosophical quest is also brought out, as he
is taken 'to all cities one by one'.
The poem itself in revealing the way of truth is unfolding the nature of the sayable
- the way language is to function, if it is to be true, in the new philosophical paradigm,
That which is there to be spoken and thought of must be ... 78
The contrast is drawn between the new philosophic way of truth embodied in the
poem, and the way of Parmenides' contemporary culture, under the sway of an Homeric
mind set,
This road (for indeed it is far from the beaten path of humans) .. .
And the opinions of mortals, in which there is no true reliance .. .
... but next from the way on which mortals, knowing nothing, two-headed, wander.
For helplessness in their breasts guides their wandering mind. But they are carried on
equally deaf and blind, amazed, hordes without judgement. .. 79
. With Parmenides the message is very strong that the fundamental problem with
Greek culture as it stands is conceptual and linguistic. There are two ways, the poem
declares - the way of truth which is the way of the thinkable and the sayable, and the
way of mortals as they are at present. This latter way embodies the old Homeric mindset,
and is actually a way that is unthinkable, unleamable, unknowable, and importantly
... the only ways of inquiry there are for thinking:
the one, that it is and that it is not possible for it not to be,
is the path of Persuasion (for it attends upon Truth),
the other, that it is not and that it is necessary for it not to be,
this I point out to you to be a path completely unlearnable,
for neither may you know that which is not (for it is not to be accomplished)
d 1
. 80
nor may you ec are It.
So what is the distinguishing feature about the new way of language and
conceptualising, the way of truth, in opposition to the older Homeric way? It rests
77 Pannenides, 28 B 1 DK.
78 Pannenides, 28 B 6 DK.
79 Parmenides, 28 B 1, 6 DK.
80 Pannenides, 28 B 2 DK.
54 Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
primarily in the nature of the sayable as consisting in abstract, timeless, categories of
It is the verb to be (einai) that takes on the important role in Presocratic
philosophical language, as denoting that which is timeless, not part of the time-bound
narrative of Homeric language. It is an ever present is, or more accurately, an is that
partakes of no time-boundedness.
We have seen this idea already being reached for in Heraclitus,
The cosmos, the same for all, none of the gods nor of humans has made, but it was
always and is and shall be ... 81
Here Heraclitus appears to be stretching, under the limitations of the oral time-bound
language he inherited, to the concept of timelessness. He speaks of the cosmos as
embracing all of temporal experience, as encompassing all of past, present, and future.
Note, the language here is still constrained under the temporal, in that it is a past time,
present time, and future time, of which he speaks. Yet it binds all these times together
under one unified concept - a cosmos. The cosmos, this systematIc all-embracing
environment for men and gods, transcends both men and gods. It has no origin, such that
a man or god brought it into being. The cosmos itself does not partake of becoming. The
plurality that makes up the cosmos has becoming. Various particular things come and go,
in the flux of past, present, and future. Yet the cosmos itself, embraces all these together
into a unified whole. In this reaching out to the idea of eternity, the cosmos is seen as an
abstract oneness, 'it is wise to agree that all things are one' .82
For Parmenides the verbs is (esti), and to be (einai) function as a description of the
cosmos. The way of truth is all about the way of the timeless is,
... that it is and that it is not possible for it not to be ...
That which is there to be spoken and thought of must be.
For it is possible for it to be,
But not possible for nothing to be ....
... mortals, knowing nothing ...
for whom both to be and not to be are judged the same and not the same, and the
path is all back-ward turning.
81 Heraclitus, 22 B 30 DK. Emphases added.
82 Heraclitus, 22 B 50 DK.
Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
For in no way may this prevail, that things that are not are.
There is still left a single story
Of a way, that it is. On this way there are signs
Exceedingly many - that being ungenerated it is also imperishable,
Whole and of a single kind and unshaken and complete.
Nor was it ever nor will be, since it is now, all together,
One, continuous. For what birth will you seek it?
How and from where did it grow? I will not permit you to say
Or to think <that it grew> from what is not; for it is not
to be said or thought that it is not..
Thus it must either fully be or not.
Parmenides sets the timeless abstract language of the is (esti) in contrast to the narrative
generations, births and deaths, time-bound mythos, of Homer and Hesiod. The
philosophical language of the abstract is contrasts diametrically with the older narrative
This new mindset regarding the sayable, for Parmenides, coheres with what we now
call ontology and epistemology. Being (on) is to be thought of in terms of the static
timeless is, the cosmic world-order. As such it is a theoretical abstraction, and it is this
abstraction that has the cognising and interpretive priority over naIve concrete
But this theoretical disposition of thought is itself a new outlook, a new way of
treating the concept of knowledge (episteme). To have knowledge, is itself to cognise in
terms of the is, in terms of the static timeless on or being - the systematic world-order as
a whole. You may not know that which is not,84 you may only know the timeless is.
2.6.6 Empedocles (c. 495 - 435 Be)
Empedocles must also be included amongst the oral Presocratic philosophers. He
too composed in hexameter verse, in his two philosophical poems On Nature and
Purifications. He invokes the gods to give his poetic utterance guidance,
But, ye gods, avert from my tongue the madness of those men, and guide forth from
my reverent ps a pure stream.
83 Parmenides, 28 B 2, 6, 7,8 DK.
84 See, Parmenides, 28 B 2 DK.
85 Empedoc1es, 31 B 3 DK.
56 Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
He further develops the method of abstract philosophical cognition pioneered by
such figures as Xenophanes, Heraclitus and Parmenides. Along with Parmenides, abstract
Being is the abstract order behind experience, which is used as a theoretical explanation
of experience,
From what in no wise exists, it is impossible for anything to come into being; and for
Being to perish completely is incapable of fulfilment and unthinkable; for it will
always be there, wherever anyone may place it on any occasion.
But he (God) is equal in all directions to himself and altogether eternaL .. 86
He also deals with the abstract question of the relation between the one and the
many - a problem to be taken up by Plato, most particularly in the Parmenides 136a,
137c, Philebus 14c - 17a, and Sophist 251b. This question arises in that once theoretical
thought establishes the categories of plurality (many) and unity (one), then how are these
two concepts to be harmonised together? Empedocles is one of the first to deal
specifically with this issue,
I shall tell of a double (process): at one time it increased so as to be a single One out
of Many; at another time again it grew so as to be Many out of One ...
Thus in so far as they have the power to grow into One out of Many, and again,
when the One grows apart and Many are formed, in this sense they come into being
and have no stable life; but in so far as they never cease their continuous exchange,
in this sense they remain always unmoved (unaltered) as they follow the cyclic
process ...
Whilst the cosmos remains the one unchanged abstract world-system, there
nevertheless can be a harmonisation within this, of unity and plurality.
2.6.7 Literacy Among the Presocratics
Although we see a clear trend among the earlier Presocratics, on one hand, to
maintain an oral-poetic medium, they nevertheless exercise, on the other hand, a clear
desire to forge a new vocabulary, or perhaps more accurately, a transformed vocabulary
and grammar.
This was the period when the literary art of alphabetic writing was starting to make
its presence felt in Greek culture. The Presocratics stand in the middle of this cultural
86 Empedoc1es, 31 B 12,28 DK.
87 Empedoc1es, 31 B 17 DK.
Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy 57
shift. It is not too long before the Presocratic philosophers themselves start adopting this
new cultural form more self consciously.
Many of the Presocratics were making the shift towards composing primarily in a
written medium. For example, Diogenes of Apollonia (c. late 6
- early 5
c. BC),
probably a contemporary of Anaxagoras (b. c. 500 BC) wrote his philosophy in a treatise,
rather than first composing it orally. He states,
Further, in addition to these, there are also the following important indications: men
and all other animals live by means of Air, which they breathe in, and this for them
is both Soul (Life) and Intelligence, as had been clearly demonstrated in this treatise
[sun- graphe -literally 'written composition'] .88
Even though we do not possess such an obvious example as this amongst other later
Presocratics, it is nevertheless possible to surmise that they too were adopting writing as
their primary medium.
Zeno (b. c. 490 BC), Melissus (fl. 440 BC), and Anaxagoras, all compose, not in
poetry, but in prose. However, many of the fragments can be understood as still
containing aphoristic influences.
Of the later Atomists, Democritus (460 - 370 BC), for example, also gives
indication that he is now writing his philosophy, rather than composing orally,
If any man listens to my opinions, here recorded, with intelligence, he will achieve
many things worthy of a good man, and avoid many unworthy things .
... and no one has ever surpassed me in the composition of treatises with proofs ...
By the time we arrive at Plato, who is essentially the next generation after
Democritus, we have a settled tradition of written philosophical prose.
2.6.8 The Presocratic Achievement
The above brief analysis suffices, I contend, to enable us to interpret the
Presocratics as having pioneered a new way of life - a new philosophical vocabulary,
88 Diogenes of Apollonia, 64 B 4 DK. Emphasis added.
89 Democritus, 68 B 35, 299 DK. Emphases added. It should be noted that fragment 68 B 299 is generally
considered to be spurious. It does however preserve an ancient witness to us that Democritus was
considered to have written his philosophy in treatises. Given that Diogenes, living at an earlier period,
58 Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
grammar, mindset, and worldview. They were breaking the mould in terms of the Greek
mindset of Homer, and introducing something quite radically new into what will become
the history of western civilisation.
Much more could be said, as is invariably the case in any scholarly investigation,
on the nature of the Presocratic pioneering. For the purposes of this thesis, however, the
main interpretive point, I maintain, has been raised for serious consideration.
One other important Presocratic, namely, Pythagoras, and the school associated
with his name, I have not here examined. This is intentional, as I consider the
Pythagorean influence upon Plato to be of such significance as to require a separate
treatment, to be found in Chapter Four.
2.7 Plato - the Champion of a new Cultural Form.
It is in this historical context, of a shift from oral-mythical to literate-philosophical,
that we must understand the figure of Plato.
Plato, I propose, should be understood as the champion of this newly arisen literate-
philosophical cultural form. Yet he is a champion who stands on the border. There is a
sense in which the history of western philosophy lies open before Plato. The development
of culture along the lines of a theoretical attitude of thought has begun. Just as Socrates
claimed the task of a midwife for his bringing to light the philosophical thoughts of
others, so too Plato can be understood as the midwife who brought a philosophical
disposition to full birth in the history of western culture. This is said, in light of the
previous section, with the understanding that it was the Presocratics who impregnated
Greece, and gave rise to the child.
Plato composes for us written dialogues. The dialogues are a superb and fine
example of quality Greek literary craftsmanship. In this regard Plato stands in the literary
wrote in treatises, this fragment may still incidentally recount for us this aspect of Democritus'
philosophical composition.
Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy 59
The question might naturally arise, however, that there seems a prima facie tension
in Plato regarding literacy. I have submitted that Plato is championing the cultural form
that was newly possible as a result of the literate shift, namely, philosophy. Yet, Plato
appears to express regret or possibly caution at the introduction of literacy into Greece.
In particular Phaedrus 274e - 275b represents to us Plato's own critique of writing.
But when it came to writing Theuth said, 'Here, 0 king, is a branch of learning that
will make the people of Egypt wiser and improve their memories, my discovery
provides a simple recipe for memory and wisdom.' But the king answered and said,
'0 man full of arts, to one it is given to create the things of art, and to another to
judge what measure of harm and of profit they have for those that shall employ
them. And so it is that you, by reason of your tender regard for the writing that is
your offspring, have declared the very opposite of its true effect. If men learn this, it
will implant forgetfulness in their souls; they will cease to exercise memory because
they rely on that which is written, calling things to remembrance no longer from
within themselves, but by means of external marks. What you have discovered is a
recipe not for memory, but for reminder. And it is no true wisdom that you offer
your disciples, but only its semblance, for by telling them of many things without
teaching them you will make them seem to know much, while for the most part they
know nothing, and as men filled, not with wisdom, but with the conceit of wisdom,
they will be a burden to their fellows.'90
This polemic against the written word was not something novel with Plato. As one
can imagine, in a society where the written word was taking on enormous significance,
and where people were beginning to think self-critically about their cultural institutions,
then critiques of writing itself would soon emerge.
Alcidamas (fl. late 5
- early 4th c. BC), III his written work Peri Sophiston,
ironically draws attention to the problems of the medium of writing. Among many points
he makes is the following:
Therefore I shall undertake the following criticism of those who write speeches ....
In the first place, one would despise writing on the grounds that it is exposed to
attack, and is an easy undertaking, available to anyone whatever natural ability he
happens to have. . .. In fact, when speeches are fashioned with verbal precision,
resembling poems more than speeches, have lost spontaneity and verisimilitude, and
appear to be constructed and composed with much preparation, they fill the minds of
the listeners with distrust and resentment ... I do not even think it is right to call
written texts "speeches" (logoi): rather, they are like images or outlines or
representations (mimemata) of speeches, and it would be reasonable to view them in
the same way as bronze statues or stone sculptures or pictures of animals. ... a
written speech, which has just one form and arrangement, may have some striking
90 Plato, Phaedrus, 274e - 275b.
60 Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
effects when viewed in a book, but for a particular occasion is of no help to those
who have it because it cannot change ... a speech spoken extemporaneously from
one's own mind is animatcd and alive and corresponds to actual eveuts, just like a
real body, whereas a written text by nature resembles the image of a speech and is
totally ineffective.
Alcidamas sees that in some sense a written text is, as it were, fastened in concrete. It is
not animated, the soul of the writer is unable to self-move through it.
And yet, here the paradox arises, how can he write a speech which opposes written
Perhaps some might say it is illogical (a-logos) that I criticize the ability to write
while I present my case by this very means ... 92
Alcidamas resists this paradox, and offers as a reason for his action that,
... I have uttered this speech not because I do entirely reje<.-i the ability to write but I
consider it inferior to the ability to speak extemporaneously ... 93
This, to some extent, also appears as Plato's dilemma. The theme of the inflexibility of
the written word is no less apparent in Plato himself. A written work in fact freezes the
text, so that there is no ability to move.
This is important when put in relation to Plato's concept of soul. One important
aspect of soul is self-movement.
A spoken dialogue can be moved by the soul, but a
written text cannot. It is forever fixed regardless of the condition of the soul.
Plato attaches importance to the idea of recollection. In the Meno, and later
Republic, Plato presents us with the idea that knowledge is based upon recollection. That
is to say, it is in remembering, or recalling, a prior familiarity with the Forms behind
sense experience, that we think we are learning. It is not the assimilation of new things
however, but the remembrance, or recollection, of old. The soul must, in an act of the
self-moving agency, get itself together, in terms of recollecting the Forms that it knew in
9] Alcidamas, Peri Sophiston (On Sophists), or On Those Who Write Speeches 1,3,12,27,28. From, Gagarin
and Woodruff (ed. & trans.), Early Greek Political Thought, pp. 276-282.
92 Alcidamas, Peri Sophiston (On Sophists), or On Those Who Write Speeches 29. From, Gagarin and
Woodruff (ed. & trans.), Early Greek Political Thought, p. 282.
93 Alcidamas, Peri Sophiston (On Sophists), or On Those Who Write Speeches 30. From, Gagarin and
Woodruff (ed. & trans.), Early Greek Political Thought, p. 282.
94 See, Plato, Phaedrus, 275c - 276a.
95 Plato, Phaedrus, 245c - 246a, 'And if this last assertion is correct, namely that "that which moves itself'
is precisely identifiable with soul, it must follow that soul is not born and does not die' (246a).
Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy 61
its pre-incarnate state.
The original condition of the soul was one of complete rational
systematicity. That is to say, it knew the systematic and exhaustive groupings and inter-
relations of the particular time-bound elements of sense experience collected by the
Forms - a prior grouping of the aspects of sense experience, under an ahistoric timeless
set of abstract categories, open only to rational cognition. To re-collect is to once again be
cognisant of this original state of affairs.
True wisdom calls for the ability to look not to the flux, or change, of the world of
our senses. Rather, we must turn to the non-sensate abilities of our rational mind, and by
rational reflection come to wisdom.
This lays the groundwork for Plato's attack on the oral poetic mimesis, namely, that
it is not knowledge (episteme). At best, it is merely a right opinion (ortM doxa). Along
with Recollection, this contrast between episteme and doxa is also brought out in the
Once again, however, this discussion was already anticipated by certain
Sophistic philosophers. Gorgias (c.480-375) in his Defence of Palamedes sets episteme
and doxa in stark contrast.
He correlates truth with knowledge. To have a mere opinion
(doxa) is not to be trusted relative to having the truth, and thus knowing.
Plato opposes what he takes to be the false view that wisdom and knowledge may
be achieved as part of the external, sense-experience, task of reminder via exo-somatic
markings. Instead, real wisdom is through memory - that is to say - the looking to
oneself, and to one's non-sensate rational cognition, in order to come to wisdom.
One side-effect of alphabetic writing was that people did not seek knowledge, or
intellectual togetherness, through self-reflection but rather through reliance upon
external, exo-somatic (or better yet, exo-psychic) texts as reminders. This was anathema
96 See, Plato, Meno, 80d - 86c.
97 See, Plato, Meno, 96d - 100a.
98 Gorgias states, 'It is thus clear that you do not have knowledge of the facts of your accusation. The only
thing left is that you have merely an opinion without knowledge. Well then, most audacious of all men, do
you dare to prosecute a man on a capital charge trusting only in an opinion, a most untrustworthy thing,
without knowing the truth? How do you know he has done such a deed? All men have opinions about
everything, and you are no wiser than others in this regard. One must not trust those who have an opinion
but those who know; nor should one think opinion is more trustworthy than truth, but the reverse - truth is
more trustworthy than opinion.' In, Gorgias, Defence of Palamedes, 24. DK lla. From, Gagarin and
Woodruff (ed. & trans.), Early Greek Political Thought, pp. 199-200.
62 Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
to Plato, who saw any reliance upon sense-experience as inherently dubious. One could
only rely upon the self-reflection of the non-sensate rational soul.
Of course, ancient pre-literate Greek society did not rely upon the rational
reflection of the soul either. This idea was something only newly possible through the
direction that the philosophers took in developing a new mindset. Even more so, it was
something of which we must see Plato as being the culmination and cultural champion.
Pre-literate Greek society simply did not have the same understanding of what
mankind was that the philosophers, and Plato specifically, later developed. In particular
the anthropological understanding of man as an immaterial immortal rational soul was
something quite new that arose through the Orphics and Pythagoreans, culminating in and
championed yet again by Plato - as we shall see later (in Chapters Three and Four).
As noted above, the anthropological understanding of the oral, pre-literate, society
of Greece was that of a communal personality. It would be by way of a reliance upon
others, and the shared myths of the community, that wisdom would be found. Yet the
traditional poets did not know the unchanging reality behind experience. They only spoke
about the flux, the change, of sense-experience. They were esteemed as the teachers of
Greece, but in reality they themselves knew nothing of the new theoretical way of life -
the life of philosophy.
Here we must carefully distinguish between Plato as champion of the new
philosophical way of life brought about by the oral- literate cultural shift, and Plato as a
champion of literacy per se. He is most certainly the former, but not the latter.
For Plato, true knowledge may only be acquired through the self-movement of the
soul, through the process of philosophical dialectic. The art of writing may encapsulate
something of this (and hence the reason Plato employed the dialogue form in his writing),
but writing is limited in that it is frozen into one set meaning, and cannot interact
dialectically with its reader. It speaks the same message to anyone indiscriminately, and
is unable to ascertain the level of understanding of its reader, and hence unable to
comprehensively lead that reader on to knowledge, as dialectic should.
As such, writing
99 Plato, Phaedrus, 275d-e.
Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy 63
itself is at best only the image of the living, breathing, discourse of the man who
The traditional oral poets did not have knowledge, as they did not treat of
unchanging reality, but only ofthe flux of sense-experience.
This is played out dramatically in the dialogue Ion. Here we meet a rhapsode, one
who has committed to memory the entire corpus of Homer. Socrates engages with him in
conversation, and seems to almost exude a perverse pleasure in showing that Homer, and
the poets, and rhapsodes in general, really do not have anything knowledgeable to say
about the various crafts and professions of the polis. In fact, the poet does not have any
art or knowledge at all, rather he is possessed of a god.
This is a common theme among the dialogues. In the Apology, Socrates states,
So I soon made up my mind about the poets too. I decided that it was not wisdom
that enabled them to write their poetry, but a kind of instinct or inspiration, such as
you find in seers and prophets who deliver all their sublime messages without
knowing in the least what they mean.
Only the philosopher has true knowledge, and this may itself only be acquired
through the self-movement of the soul, i.e. through the theoretical reflection of the soul,
and not merely through the reading of a philosophical text.
For this reason, Plato should not be considered as championing writing per se.
Nevertheless, paradoxically, as the elevation of theoretical thought only became possible,
in ancient Greece, on the basis of the new art of literacy, then Plato must be considered as
championing the new philosophical way of life, engendered through the advent of
100 Plato, Phaedrus, 276a.
101 Plato, lon, 533d - 536d. This passage speaks of the poet as losing himself under 'inspiration', much in
keeping with the details given above in the section concerning mimesis.
102 Plato, Apology, 22b-c. Emphases added;
103 This fact has led those scholars of the Tiibingen school to emphasise the fundamental importance of an
esoteric oral philosophy for Plato, not expressed in the dialogues - in particular a philosophy regarding
'higher principles' (archai). Regarding this oral philosophy, Plato was able to communicate it dialectically,
defend it, and direct it towards those who were prepared in their philosophical training to receive it
profitably. The dialogues then, function as texts that 'point beyond themselves' to Plato's unwritten
philosophy. See, for example, Thomas A. Szlezak, Reading Plato, and Hans Joachim Kramer, Plato and
the Foundations of Metaphysics: A Work on the Theory of the Principles and Unwritten Doctrines of Plato
with a Collection of the Fundamental Documents.
64 Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
Plato then, not only expounded the new understandings of literal truth, and
knowledge, which arise out of a literate-culture. He in fact combined this with the newly
arisen anthropology to the extent that he was actually looking ahead, philosophically,
past his contemporaries' assimilation of alphabetic literacy and reliance upon exo-
somatic (exo-psychic) reminders, to complete (intra-psychic) rational comprehension via
the philosophical self-reflection of the rational soul.
However, Plato's criticism of the traditional poets, particularly at the end of book
two, along with books three and ten of the Republic, has been subjected to various
interpretations amongst the commentators.
Havelock, for example, argues that Plato's criticism is an attack on poetry per se,
which in turn is an attack on oral culture per se.
Havelock's insight into the
fundamental importance of the oral - literate shift, and the role that the traditional poet
played in Greek society as educator, is excellent without exception. Yet he overstates his
case when it comes to role of poetry and myth in Plato. He envisions Plato as at root
attacking all poetry as poetry, along with its accompanying mythological framework.
This leads Havelock to suggest that Plato himself was not completely true to his new
philosophical way of life, and in fact at times betrayed himself, especially in a strongly
mythical dialogue such as the Timaeus .105 This is an extremely controversial judgement
to make, and is driven by, what must in the end be evaluated as, an anachronistic
dichotomy of philosophy verses religion. Havelock's appraisal then, of Plato's
relationship to poetry, cannot be accepted as it stands.
It utterly misses the core
religious dimension of Plato, and merely focuses exclusively upon the cognitive oral -
104 Havelock, Preface to Plato. For example, Havelock urges that, 'Plato's target seems to be precisely the
poetic experience as such .... He seems to want to destroy poetry as poetry, to exclude her as a vehicle of
communication.', p. 5.
105 Havelock, Preface to Plato, p. 271, 'The Timaeus is Plato's final tribute to this kind of speculative
vision. But it is a vision, not an argument. Dare we suggest that in the Timaeus, for this very reason, he also
accomplished the final betrayal of the dialectic, the betrayal of that Socratic methodos which had sought for
formulae in order to replace the visual story by the purely abstract equation? There is to be sure a kind of
algebra in the Timaeus. But it is well overlaid with the dream-clothes of mythology, and precisely for that
reason the dialogue became the favourite reading of an age which clung to faith rather than science as its
guide.' For a better, and in my opinion, more faithful, interpretation of Plato's intent in the Timaeus, see,
Szlezak, Reading Plato, especially p. 106.
106 See also, Murray, Plato on Poetry, p. 24, for a critical appraisal of Havelock.
Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy 65
literate shift as a framework of interpretation. This results in an impoverished reading of
Plato, a reading which finally condemns Plato for such masterpieces as the Timaeus.
In distinction to Havelock, the work of Louise Pratt, offers valuable insight into the
role of poetry for Plato.
Plato's criticism is levelled at the traditional Greek poets, not
at poetry per se. His objections are primarily ethical - specifically, that the traditional
poets fail to create good models for imitation, and do not know, and therefore cannot
teach, excellence and virtue.
For Plato there can be no art of speaking well that is
independent of the speaker's knowledge of his subject. The traditional rhetoricians
possess no techne, they merely possess the trick of persuading and manipulating
audiences. Likewise, the traditional poet is merely a kind of sophist who uses the same
trick, but really has no knowledge of his subject at all.
The criticisms in the Republic, books two and three, are launched against the
educational value of traditional Greek (specifically Homeric) poetry. Republic, book ten,
focuses upon the dangers of the mimetic aspects of poetry. This again, however, should
be set in the context of the activities of the traditional poets. They are ignorant of the
Good. As such they can only imitate what appears good to them in their opinion - 'a
secondary image that offers immediate gratification'. Traditional poetic mimesis is bad in
that it 'presents models of good behaviour that are based on ignorance' .110
107 Pratt, Louise H. Lying and Poetry from Homer to Pindar. In particular, pp. 146-156.
108 See, Pratt, Louise H. Lying and Poetry from Homer to Pindar, p. 148, 'Plato objects not to poetic
fiction as a mode of representation, as his own use of both mythical narrative and dialogue form shows, but
to the ignorance of the poets, their lack of true knowledge of excellence that might enable them to teach
others to be excellent. He primarily objects to an educational role given to poetry in Athenian culture ... '
109 Pratt, Louise H. Lying and Poetry from Homer to Pindar, pp. 150-151.
110 Pratt, Louise H. Lying and Poetry from Homer to Pindar, pp. 152-153. Also, 'Poetry thus condones,
even recommends, action that reason and questioning would reveal to be bad. The problem is that the poets
are content merely to please, when they ought to be concerned with what is truly good. Again, the problem
for Plato is not poetic fictionality but the effects of the poets' ignorance and their lack of interest in
revealing what is good rather than what merely seems good. The poets appeal purely to the senses, and
there is no knowledge of excellence to underlie their appeals. Plato, by calling into question the conformity
of what appears beautiful (kala) and what really is beautiful calls into question the conformity of ethical
and aesthetic value systems.', p. 153.
66 Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy
Pratt notes at least one positive instance of the correct use of poetry by Plato in
Republic, book three. The Noble Lie (Republic 4l4b - 4l5c), recounts a myth of mankind
divided into races of gold, silver, iron, and bronze.
Pratt comments,
But for Plato, his noble lie is superior to the lies of the poets he rejects, because it is
told knowingly. It is designed to support a social structure that Plato feels is good in
all ways, both for individuals, who are inherently inferior in Plato's construction, and
for the good of the social order as a whole. The knowledge that informs it, its
accurate reflection of the truly good, makes it an acceptable kind of lying within
Plato's system.
The Noble Lie then, contrary to the myths of the traditional Greek poets (such as
Homer), functions instead as a right use of poetry or myth, in that it is composed and told
by the philosopher who has the true knowledge of the Good.
If we understand Plato's objection to the traditional poets within this
epistemological context then, we are in a better position to appreciate Plato's own
positive use of poetry and myth, within what he considers to be a correct epistemological
framework, i.e. a true knowledge of the Good.
Plato's attitude to myth might seem ambiguous. On occasion he has Socrates reveal
a dislike and distrust for the myths.
Yet Plato him.<:;elf does not shrink from speaking, at
times, in terms of myth. The end of both the Phaedo and Republic, are classic examples
of this, as well as many other passages. Once again, we must bear in mind the Alcidamian
'write to you in order to lead you away from writing' schema. Possible reasons for this
use of myth by Plato will be discussed in more detail in Chapter Eight Epilogue.
To here anticipate some of that discussion, one point of interest is the content of the
Platonic myths. By far the great n;tajority of them concern eschatology, namely, the
III Plato himself describes this myth as an old Phoenician story (Republic 414c). It also bears resemblance
to Hesiod's ages of mankind expressed in terms of metals (Hesiod, Works and Days, 105ft).
112 Pratt, Louise H., Lying and Poetry from Homer to Pindar, p. 154. Pratt also makes note of the Platonic
distinction in Republic, book three, between 'lying in words', and 'really lying' (Republic 382a-b). Pratt
states, 'Harmless fictions are simply a form of "lying in words," because they do not really misrepresent the
world in a harmful way; they do not create harmful beliefs. Plato would surely judge his own dialogues and
myths to be this kind of falsification, for they do not harm the soul of the listener but help it to see the real
nature of the beautiful and good. But the stories of the poets go beyond this mere "lying in words," because
they misrepresent the nature of the beautiful and the good by unknowledgeably mimicking a mere
semblance of reality that offers momentary satisfaction to its audience. In Plato's view, nothing can be
more harmful.', p.154.
113 Plato, Euthyphro, 6a, 'It is because, whenever people tell such stories about the gods, I am prone to take
ill, and, so it seems, that is why they will maintain that I am sinful.'
Chapter Two: The Advent of Literacy 67
destiny or origin of the soul. In this regard they are quite unlike the Homeric poetry
criticised by Plato. Homer does not have such an eschatology. Rather, Plato relies upon
essentially Orphic mythologies and eschatology. He is synthesising into his own
philosophy the eschatological mythology of the Orphics. This is part of the tradition that
he is working within, I shall later propose, and is a clear indication of what line of
thinking his audience is to take. Plato is taking the Orphic mythology, and transforming it
in the direction of the new philosophical way of life, with its concerns for rationality, and
abstract systemisation. This shall be the object of discussion for Part Two (Chapters Six
and Seven) of this thesis.
Plato then, is consolidating together, in a more systematic and wide-ranging
synthesis, the work of the Presocratics - the work which leads from an oral-mythical
mindset, to a literate-philosophical mindset. He is the champion of which they were the
Part One: Literacy, and the Rise of the Orphic
Chapter Three:
The Advent of Orphislll
For some say that the body is the grave (uTl(.La) of the soul which may be thought to be
buried in our present life; or again the index of the soul, because the sou] gives
indications to (UT](.LalVEl) the body; probably the Orphic poets were the inventors of the
name, and they were under the impression that the soul is suffering the punishment of sin,
and that the body is an enclosure or prison in which the soul is incarcerated, kept safe
(uw(.La, UWCETaL), as the name uW(.La implies, until the penalty is paid; according to this
view, not even a letter of the word need be changed.
- Plato, Cratylus, 400b-c
Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism 69
In this chapter, I focus upon the religious shift engendered by
Orphism. I argue that Orphism synthesised the older Apollonian
(Olympic) and Dionysian religious impulses in ancient Greece.
Importantly, through the advent of Orphism, a dualistic anthropology
arose in the popular Greek mindset. The individual self was newly
understood as a soul entombed in a body. This contrasts with the older
Homeric anthropology, which understood humans as essentially holistic
The Orphics likewise transformed the idea of immortality.
Traditionally, immortality had meant that the name, and fame, of a
hero lived on in the community memory. The hero was immortalised in
the songs of the bard, or through the honours conferred upon him by
the polis. The Orphics, however, connected the idea of immortality to
their idea of the soul. It was the soul, as an individual essence, which
was immortal. All souls originated from the Divine. Through some act
of injustice, each soul was sentenced to a cycle of reincarnation,
transmigrating to a new body when the old one died. This cycle could be
broken, however, by entering into the Orphic purification rites, and
living the Orphic way of life. If this was successful, then at the body's
death the soul could be finally liberated to return back to its original
home - the Divine.
70 Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism
3.1 The Religious Setting
In the previous chapter I analysed the radical cultural transformation that was
engendered in ancient Greece, from the 8
- 5
c. BC - namely, the shift from an oral-
mythical to a literate-philosophical way of life. Concomitant with this, was a shift in what
we would today describe as religion. What must be borne in mind in describing this as
religious, is that religion for ancient societies was not a distinct compartment of life, as it
is often viewed today under the influence of a strong tradition of enlightenment sacred-
secular dichotomising. We must avoid such enlightenment anachronisms in the study of
ancient cultures, and be very careful not to read these modernist ways of thinking back
into the ancient texts.
As such, the newly arisen literate-philosophical movement was just as intimately
connected with the religious, as was the older oral-mythical culture. The way of life
espoused by the Pre socratic philosophers involved a critique and rejection of the older
Homeric religiosity of the Greeks. But their own way of life was by no means anti-
religious because of this. Rather, the philosophical tradition was making a radical critique
of what the Divine meant, and was transforming this in accordance with their new
outlook regarding rational systematicity and abstraction. For Plato, in particular, what I
shall describe as a philosophical monotheism became the dominant expression of this
transformed religiosity.
Even prior to the philosophical transformation of the religious-motifs, there was a
new religious movement underway in this period of cultural transformation. This was
pre-philosophical in nature, and formed the foundation of the religio-philosophical
direction taken, via the Pythagoreans, by Plato. Not only so, but many aspects of Greek
mathematical development itself may be illuminated in light of this new religious
impetus, as I shall seek to argue in Chapter Five.
In this chapter I plan to focus primarily upon this radical and important shift within
the religious climate of pre-Platonic Greece. Under focus here will be the pre-
philosophical aspect of this religious background. The discussion of the philosophical
uptake and transformation of this new religiosity will be deferred until Chapter Four.
Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism 71
The new religiosity under discussion is the advent of the Orphic nwvement in the
archaic age. By examining this new religious impetus, I shall argue, we can more
adequately understand what Plato was doing, both philosophically and mathematically,
and why he was doing it. It was this Orphic religiosity that led Plato to treat of
mathematics within his philosophy in the way that he did. This latter point shall
specifically form the subject of Part Two of this thesis.
3.2 The Orphic Movement in Ancient Greek Culture
The rise of the Orphic mystery religions in ancient Greece fashions the religio-
philosophical background for the advent of Platonism. In particular, the Orphics infused
into the Greek culture an anthropology which was profoundly new with respect to the
older Homeric mindset. Humans were newly conceived of as dual beings an immortal
soul entombed in a mortal body. This anthropological model was taken and elaborated
upon by the philosophical schools, which most significantly developed the model so as to
associate the soul with reason, and thus to introduce the doctrine of the immortal rational
To examine the advent of the Orphic movement it must be set against the
background of the then contemporary Greek religiosity. In this regard, I believe a very
fruitful approach will be an analysis in terms of the dual religious impulses of Apollo and
3.3 The Apollonian - Dionysian Dual Religious Impulses
3.3.1 The Apollo - Dionysus Duality as an Interpretive Framework
In The Birth of Tragedy, Friedrich Nietzsche sought to analyse the movements in
Greek art along the lines of an Apollonian and Dionysian tension,114
114 Of course, Nietzsche may not have been the first to take this line of analysis. McGahey cites Plutarch as
being a possible source for this, with recurrences in Robert Fludd, Marsilio Ficino, and Friedrich Schelling.
See, McGahey, The Orphic Movement, p. 11.
72 Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism
We shall do a great deal for the science of esthetics [sic.], once we perceive not
merely by logical inference, but with the immediate certainty of intuition, that the
continuous development of art is bound up with the Apollonian and Dionysian
duality ... The terms Dionysian and Apollonian we borrow from the Greeks, who
disclose to the discerning mind the profound mysteries of their view of art, not, to be
sure, in concepts, but in the impressively clear figures of their gods. 115
Whilst Nietzsche limited his discussion to the field of art, Dutch philosopher
Herman Dooyeweerd sought to extend this method of analysis to the entire cultural-
philosophical enterprise of ancient Greece. Dooyeweerd postulated that underlying the
cultural-philosophical movements in ancient Greece, was a dualism of the basic-motives
of matter and Form, symbolised by Dionysus and Apollo. Regarding the Dionysian motif
he states,
The older religion of life deified the eternally flowing Stream of life, which is unable
to fix itself in any single individual form. But out of this stream there proceed
periodically the generations of transitory beings, whose existence is limited by an
individual form, as a consequence of which they are subjected to the horrible fate of
death, the anangke or the heirarmene tyche. This motive of the form-less eternally
flowing Stream of life is the matter-motive of the Greek world of thought. It found
its most pregnant expression in the worship of DIONYSUS, which had been imported
from Thrace.
As Nietzsche had associated the Dionysian impulse with the art-world of
drunkenness,117 so Dooyeweerd extends this insight to the overall basic-motive of matter
- the formless stream of life. Regarding the Apollonian impulse, Nietzsche sought to
associate this with dreams. He states,
It was in dreams, says Lucretius, that the glorious divine figures first appeared to the
souls of men; in dreams the great shaper beheld the splendid corporeal structure of
h b
. 118
super uman emgs ...
It was this aspect of superhuman beings that gave definite content to the cultural
forms of Greek thought, which Dooyeweerd took as the basic-motive of Form.
On the other hand, the form-motive was the main spring of the more recent
Olympian religion, the religion of form, measure and harmony, which rested
essentially upon the deification of the cultural aspect of Greek society (the Olympian
gods were personified cultural powers). It acquired its most pregnant expression in
the Delphic Apollo as law-giver.
115 Nietzsche, The Birth ofTragedy,p. 167.
116 Dooyeweerd,A New Critique, Vol.1, p. 62.
117 Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy, p. 168.
ll8 Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy, p. 168.
Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism
The Olympian gods leave mother earth with its ever flowing Stream of life and its
threatening anangke. They acquire Olympus for their seat, and have an immortal
individual form, which is not perceptible to the eye of sense. But they have no power
over the fate of mortals.
The analysis of Greek intellectual life according to the categories of matter and
Form, as adopted by Dooyeweerd, has recently come under close scrutiny and criticism.
Ralph W. Vunderink has surveyed the extent of the reactions to Dooyeweerd.
Bos, whilst noting the indebtedness of Dooyeweerd' s view to Nietzsche, objects that such
a position is unable to be maintained today.l21 Dooyeweerd had mistakenly conceived of
the basic-motives as progressing in an historically linear manner from Dionysian to
Apol1onian. However, recent religious and archaeological scholarship suggests, contrary
to this, that the 'older native and younger foreign cultures' lived simultaneously with
each other.
22 In addition to this, the religiosity of the earlier Minoan-Mycenaean period
already bore similarity to that of the later classical Olympic religiosity.123 Bos considers
Dooyeweerd's analysis to be 'a stimulating, but mistaken grasping'. Whist rejecting the
Form matter interpretation of Greek thought, Bos nevertheless recognises a dialectic
tension within Greek philosophy itself.124
Vunderink himself suggests, by way of 'a modest revision', that rather than
categorising the Apollonian Dionysian tension as between Form and matter, it would be
better, and more historically accurate, to conceive of it as between Being and Becoming.
He states,
Actually, we need only fine tune Dooyeweerd's interpretation. If we look at the
Greek landscape, we witness the Platonic polarity between "becoming" and "being",
a perspective Dooyeweerd describes as a deification of the "ever-flowing stream of
organic life" and of "the cultural aspect" of life. In the actual unfolding of Greek
119 Dooyeweerd,A New Critique, Vol.1, p. 62.
120 Vunderink, Ralph W. "Ground Motifs", pp. 157-177.
121 Bos, AP. In de Greep van de Titanen. See also, Bos, AP. "Dooyeweerd and de Wijsbegeerte van de
122 Vunderink, Ralph W. "Ground Motifs", p. 163.
123 See also, Parker, Robert, "Greek Religion". In, Broadman, et al. (eds.), The Oxford History of the
Classical World. Parker states, 'Thanks to the decipherment of the Linear B script in 1952, we can give
some account of the state of Greek religion in the period 1400-1200 Be. The Linear B tablets reveal that
the pantheon of this Minoan-Mycenaean civilization was already to a large extent that of classical Greece',
124 Bos, AP. "Dooyeweerd and de Wijsbegeerte van de Oudheid", p. 220. Summarised by Vunderink in,
"Ground Motifs", p. 163. For more discussion on Bos' interaction with Dooyeweerd, see also, Runia, D.T.
"Dooyeweerd, Bos, and the Grondmotief of Greek Culture".
74 Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism
philosophy, ironically, Dooyeweerd interprets Plato as playing a more pivotal part
than does Aristotle.
Vunderink cites the historical analysis ofW. Young in support of this revision.
The work of Francis Cornford also serves to confirm this interpretation. He also
pays tribute to Nietzsche, whose analysis he considers a 'work of profound imaginative
insight, which left the scholarship of a generation toiling in the rear' .127 Cornford notes
the dualistic tension between the Mystery god, identified primarily with Dionysus, and
the Olympian divinities. He states,
The essential difference between these two types of God, which persists in spite of
all reaction between them, is that the Mystery God is, from first to last, the daemon
of a human group, while the Olympian God develops out of the daemon of a local
department, who has become distinct from his worshippers,128
Here, in this thesis, I shall follow the insight of Nietzsche, Dooyeweerd, Cornford,
and Vunderink, by analysing the Orphic movement as a synthesis between the Apollonian
(or Olympian) and the Dionysian religious-motifs. In Chapter Four, I shall analyse these
impulses as having been philosophically transformed, by the Greek philosophers, into the
concern between Being and Becoming, a concern which is particularly prominent in
Plato. This method of analysis will provide a helpful and fruitful framework in which to
investigate both the advent of Orphism and Greek philosophy itself.
My method of approach here will be to paint a picture of what the religious-motifs
of Apollo and Dionysus each consist in separately. In the next section, Orphism will be
discussed as the synthesis between these dual religious tensions.
3.3.2 Dionysus
Concerning the cult of Dionysus, Nilsson argues that its basis was formed by the
'ideas of birth and death, germination and decay, derived from Nature's changes' .129 He
maintains that the cult itself was of 'primitive origins' , and was marked by its adherents'
125 Vunderink, Ralph W. "Ground Motifs", p. 163.
126 Young, W. "Herman Dooyeweerd", p. 297, 'The dominant metaphysical opposition between being and
becoming in Greek philosophy must be understood as the expression of this religious motive'. A", cited by
Vunderink, Ralph W. "Ground Motifs", p. 163, footnote 6.
127 Cornford, From Religion to Philosophy, pp. 110-111.
128 Cornford, From Religion to Philosophy, p. Ill.
129 Nilsson, A History of Greek Religion, p. 210.
Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism 75
practice of ecstasy. This aided the activities of prophesying and purification, perhaps
having originally functioned to arouse the fertility of nature. Even more importantly, it
also allowed the practitioner to 'enter into communion with the divine, to feel himself
lifted up from the temporal into the spiritual' .130
The Mystery (Dionysian) impulse embraced not only human life, but also the entire
animate world. It contained the idea of a cyclic stream of life, the 'birth death and rebirth
in the wheel of reincarnation' .131 It conceived all life as one, with nature and man in close
interconnection. The practical worship of its adherents involved either enthusiasm (as the
god entered into the human group, and they were Ev9EOl - entheoi) or it involved the
complementary ecstasy (where man transcended his individuality and become at one with
the All - the Divine). This form of religious impulse emphasised the solidarity of the
group, and Comford argues that it must take expression, not in polytheism, but rather in
some form of pantheism or monotheism. 132
Dionysus receives scant attention in Homer. A plausible explanation for this may
be that the Dionysian cult was associated with the lower classes, whereas Homer is
understood to express the religiosity of the upper classes, which. were connected with the
Olympian (Apollonian) cult.
Certainly, in terms of Greek evidence, Dionysus is of great antiquity. He is spoken
of in the Linear B scripts of Pylos, of the ancient Minoan civilisation.
There also stands
a shrine dedicated to him in Keos, dating from c. 1500 BC. The dithyrambos is an ancient
hymn form of Dionysus.
The myths surrounding Dionysus involve his entry into a village, for his cult to be
refused by the leaders, and for Dionysus to then tum the woman of the village mad. They
were transformed into Maenads. These women ritually abandoned their husbands and
children, then took young creatures and tore them to pieces (sparagmos) and ate the raw
meat (omophagia). This parallels one of the myths surrounding Dionysus himself, who in
Orphic mythology was torn apart and consumed by the Titans when a young child.
130 Nilsson, A History of Greek Religion, p. 205.
131 Cornford, From Religion to Philosophy, p. 111.
132 Cornford, From Religion to Philosophy, pp. 111-113.
76 Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism
There was a series of four festivals in Greece, dedicated to Dionysus.
The Lenaia
was the festival of the new wine, surrounded with orgiastic intoxication. But this was
only the precursor for the Anthesteria, the chief of the Dionysian festivals. These two
formed a single festal whole. The second festival was the Agrionia, which
commemorated the Minyades. When they refused Dionysus, he turned them mad, which
resulted in the killing of Hippasus, the child of Leucippe. It also commemorated the birth
of Dionysus.
In the third festival the rural celebrations of Dionysus involved the sacrifice of a
goat, a procession, and dramas of satyrs. The fourth festival, the Greater Dionysia or
Katagogia, was dedicated to the god's coming by sea-boat.
Dionysus is closely connected with procreation, as is evidenced in the orgiastic
rites, as well as wine and blood, symbolised in the wine juice.
Musically, the Phrygian mode is the Dionysian. This style of musical performance
was typified by the dynamism of hysteria and silence, and of the one voice against the
many, as exemplified in Greek tragedy with its use of the chorus.
3.3.3 Apollo
The Olympian religion stands in contrast to the Dionysian mysteries, according to
Cornford. With the increase of the individual's self-consciousness the Divine acquires a
'quasi-individual personality' .
... the relation of the worshipper to God cannot be onc of communion: the
worshippers cannot re-create and feed him with their own emotional experience in
mystical rites. God and worshippers do not form one solid group, but confront one
another .. p5
A sacrifice is needed to function as a gift or bribe rendered to obtain services from
the god. The Olympian divinity can only ever be an eidos or species, and is without any
'inward principle of life and growth - immortal and immutable' .136
133 See, Parker, Robert, "Greek Religion". In, Broadman, et at. (eds.), The Oxford History of the Classical
World, pp. 269-270.
134 See, MeGahey, The Orphic Movement, pp. 14-15.
135 Comford, From Religion to Philosophy, p. 114.
136 Cornford, From Religion to Philosophy, p. 115.
Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism 77
Worship of Apollo, in ancient cultures, was centred in at least three localities, a
Dorian-northwest Grecian, a Cretan-Minoan, and a Syro-Hittite. In Greece, Delphi and
Delos were the two main centres of the Apollonian cult.
Delos was the place were Leto gave birth to Apollo, and where his twin sister the
goddess Artemis both aided his birth, and governed prior to his coming.
Delphi, prior to the coming of the Apollonian cult, was the cult-centre for Gaia -
the Earth. Apollo slew the Python there, and so gained the ascendancy over Gaia. The
Pythia, or prophetess, was maintained in the Apollonian cult in Delphi however, and
became the one who pronounced the famous declarations of the oracle. Delphi will be
important in the next section when the Orphic synthesis is considered.
The initiation of the young man from childhood to adolescence was connected with
Apollo. As such, there was a tendency to worship and adore young boys, on the verge of
adolescence. Apollo was also the god of the sun (Helios), the god of healing, and almost
antithetically, the god of the plague.
Both he and his sister goddess, Artemis, were strong archers. Artemis concerned
herself with hunting in particular. The lyre and the war bow are interconnected symbols
for Apollo. As McGahey states,
Apollo's bow is twinned with the lyre. Like the lyre, the bow sings when plucked;
like the bow, the lyre flings its arrow-songs unerringly at their targets.
In fact Apollo, more than any other Olympian deity, is intimately associated with
music. The Muses were his handmaidens. The ideals of harmony, temperance, and
balanced proportion, were inherent within the Apollonian cult.
Unlike Dionysus, who is intimately identified with his worshippers, Apollo
commanded a respectable distance. He was a god of the polis, the founder of cities, such
as Troy.
It was in connection to this Delphic oracle, that Apollo's other main characteristic
was identified, namely, that of law-giver. Through the oracle he arbitrated cases, directed
the cities, and fashioned a legal code for panhellenic Greece.
137 McGahey, The Orphic Movement, p. 12.
78 Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism
Nilsson notes that Apollo was thought of as the lawgiver,
The ancient traditions of the support and help of Apollo in establishing the civil law
are in harmony with the temper and requirements of the age .
.. . men needed a divine court of appeal, some divine authority which would tell them
what was fitting and right. .. Apollo was ready to help, either by means of his oracle
or through his deputies, the 'interpreters' (exegetes).138
At a time of 'political and social unrest and distress', it was Apollo who acted as
the agent to bring peace between the gods and men. But as an Olympian deity, he could
only serve to reinforce the extant ritual practices of the people. 139
Ritual laws regarding purification were also identified with Apollo. This will be of
paramount importance, both in connection to the Orphics, and in connection to Plato's
treatment of mathematics, as I will discuss in Chapter Seven. Katharsis (purification) was
obtained through rites that removed the miasma (pollution) on the worshipper. This was
manifest in two ways. Firstly, with the adoration of male boyhood-adolescence. The
initiate into manhood was to be pure. Secondly, Apollo himself was understood to return
to the Hyperborean lands, to the north of Greece, whence he was thought to have
originally come. In so doing, he ritually enacted a katharsis upon himself.
3.4 The Apollonian - Dionysian Synthesis in the Advent of the
Orphic Movement
As I discussed in Chapter One, the Orphic movement in ancient Greece is an area
of scholarship that has suffered many debates over the years. I accept, along with
Jaeger,140 Guthrie, 141 and McGahey,142 that there was indeed a cultural movement in
ancient Greece c. 5
c. BC, which can be identified as Orphic. This is to say neither that
there was a single unified cultural establishment or institution, known as Orphism, nor
that there necessarily exists a well-defined way to demarcate this movement. What it is to
say, however, is that significantly new revisions of the traditional Greek praxis and myth
138 Nilsson, A llistory of Greek Religion, pp. 190, 191.
139 Nilsson,A llistory of Greek Religion, pp. 199-201.
140 Jaeger, Theology of the Early Greek Philosophers. Also, Jaeger, "The Greek Concept of Immortality".
141 Guthrie, Orpheus and Greek Religion.
142 McGahey, The Orphic Movement.
Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism 79
were being made, such that these can be most helpfully analysed together under the
common thread of Orphism. This does not entail any further commitment as to whether
there actually existed an historical figure that could in some sense be identified as
Orpheus. Rather, it merely declares that the figure of Orpheus, whether in any way
relating to an historical figure or not, forms the common thread in these significantly new
religious developments.
This new Orphic religiosity, I submit, presents to us a synthesis, or coming
together, of the older religious-motifs of Apollo and Dionysus.
The mythologies associated with Orpheus, although all containing similar thematic
elements, are often varied. The first element in such mythologies was a theogony, or an
account of the generation of the gods, including those parts of the cosmos that were
conceived of as divine.
The most extensive Orphic theogony that we possess is that known as the
Rhapsodic theogony, of late Hellenistic date (c. 1
c. BC). It embodies a synthesis of
many of the other theogonic strands in Greek myth. 143 From this, we may gain the general
thrust of the Orphic mythology.144
Chronos (Time) and Nyx (Night) playa formative role at the beginning of the
cosmos. A cosmic egg is generated (unique to the Orphics within Greek mythology),145
and from this Phanes-Eros is born. Phanes gives birth to the generations of the gods,
which include Vranos and Ge (Heaven and Earth) and the Titans (among them, Kronos
and Rhea). From Kronos and Rhea come the Olympian gods, Zeus being chief among
them. Zeus becomes the father of the gods by defeating Kronos, and consuming all that
he was into himself. Zeus, by Leto, begets Artemis and Apollo. He also mates with Kore
(in the form of a snake) begetting Dionysus.
Zeus elevates Dionysus to his throne, and pronounces him as the new king. The
Titans, either through their own jealousy or goaded by the jealousy of Hera, deceive the
143 For more extensive discussion of Orphic Theogonies see Chapter Six.
144 The following details, of the Orphic theogony, are derived from, West, The Orphic Poems, pp. 70-75.
See also, McGahey, The Orphic Movement, pp. 21-23; Guthrie, Orpheus, pp. 7Off.
80 Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism
infant Dionysus with a mirror, and other toys. They then tear him into pieces
(sparagmos), boil, roast and finally eat him (omophagia). Athena, however, preserves the
heart of Dionysus, and carries it to Zeus. From this heart a new Dionysus is reborn. The
limbs of Dionysus, retrieved from the Titans, are given to the care of Apollo who ensures
they are buried. In his wrath, Zeus strikes the Titans down with a thunderbolt, and turns
them to ashes. From this ash, Zeus fashions a new race of humans, who although having
mortal bodies, nevertheless have immortal souls.
A theogony embodying these basic themes stands at the head of the Orphic
mythology. Mter this, follows the mythology regarding the figure of Orpheus himself.
Orpheus was the son of both Kalliope - the Muse of Apollo - and of either
Oiagros, or in some variations Apollo himself. Oiagros, a river god, was King of Thrace,
and his father Charops was taught by Dionysus. Some further variations even put
Musaios as the father of Orpheus.
Orpheus is married to Eurydice, and they have a son Musaios. Orpheus is a famous
musician, who sings, writes poetry and music, and plays the lyre. His voice charri'ls the
animals, fish, and plants. His lyre he received from Apollo.
Eurydice, the wife of Orpheus, is tragically killed when a viper bites her heel. This
was a result of her being pursued by Aristeas, who was a bee-keeper associated with
Apollo. Orpheus, stricken with grief, follows after her into the halls of Hades, in order to
return her to the land of the living. Orpheus charms the inhabitants of Hades with his
songs. The god Hades agrees to release Eurydice to Orpheus, but with the requirement
that Orpheus cannot look back at her until they have left the realm of Hades.
Hermes leads them out, but Orpheus, unsure, looks back. In so doing he looses
Eurydice forever. Torn with remorse, he spurns women, and worships Apollo the Sun
(Helios) on the mountain Pangaion, in Thrace. The men of Thrace join him in his
worship. A 5
C. BC Attic vase painting captures the figure of Orpheus, almost in a
145 Guthrie notes that many have tried to trace this egg motif back to the Indians, Persians, Assyrians, .
Egyptians, and even Siberians. Aristophanes (c. 444 385 Be) testifies to this cosmogonic motif in his
play, Birds, 693ff. See, Guthrie, Orpheus, pp. 92ff.
146 The following details, of the life of Orpheus, are derived primarily from, McGahey, The Orphic
Movement, pp. 16-18. See also, Guthrie, Orpheus, Ch.2.
Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism 81
trance with his head cast back, as he charms, and worships with, the Thracian warriors
around him.
Figure 1
The women of Thrace, however, are jealous that Orpheus has led their husbands
awry. They become maenads, and attack Orpheus, whilst screaming in their Phrygian
frenzy. They tear him to pieces (sparagmos) , and cast his body away. In some other
variations the Muses take the body. Another vase painting captures this moment.
Figure 2
Meanwhile, the head and lyre of Orpheus drift along the Hebrus river, and finally
arrive at Lesbos. Apollo saves the head from the jaws of a snake, and it rests at the shrine
of Dionysus. Orpheus' head prophesises until finally silenced in envy by Apollo. The lyre
is placed in the shrine of Apollo, and eventually is transformed into Lyra, the
constellation. The wrath of Dionysus is unleashed upon the women-maenads of Thrace.
The themes of the Orpheus story, in light of the mythology of Apollo and
Dionysus, reveal a very marked fusion between these two deities.
82 Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism
The following points of synthesis, among many, should be noted.
Dionysian Elements:
(1) Orpheus has connections with Dionysus in his birth. His grandfather Charops was a
pupil of the god, and on the Oiagros account, his father was king over the Dionysian
region of Thrace.
(2) In his death, Orpheus re-enacts the Dionysian myth. Dionysus was kil1ed by the mad
Titans, who ripped him apart (sparagmos) and ate him. Orpheus was killed by being
torn to pieces by the mad women, turned into Maenads (the wild Dionysian inspired
women). They are involved in an ecstatic musical frenzy, in the Phrygian mode the
mode of Dionysus.
(3) The prophesying head of Orpheus comes to rest in the Dionysian shrine.
(4) It was Dionysus who took vengeance upon the Maenads for their sparagmos of
Apollonian Elements:
(5) Just as with Dionysus, Orpheus has connections with Apollo in his birth. Kalliope, his
mother, is a Muse of Apollo. In some versions his father is in fact Apollo.
(6) Like Apollo, Orpheus is strongly connected to mousike (the art of song, drama, dance,
and poetry). He can control the animals and men with his song. His lyre came from
the god Apollo. After his death, his lyre rests at the shrine of Apollo.
(7) The latter end of Orpheus' life is lead in the worship of Apollo as the sun god. He
leads other men to the same task.
(8) Just as with Dionysus, Orpheus is also associated with Apollo in his death. It is
Apollo who saves the head of Orpheus from being consumed by the snake. This is
reminiscent of the establishment of the Oracle of Delphi, which Apollo founded by
the slaying, once again, of the snake (python). This draws a connection between
Delphi and Orpheus. The head is eventually silenced, as Apollo perceives it to be in
competition with him.
It is not only in the Orphic mythologies that we discover a fusion of Dionysus and
Apollo. Guthrie suggests that the historical Orpheus, if such a figure existed, may have
Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism 83
been a Greek priest of Apollo who was sent to the Thracian north, on a missionary
journey to quell the orgiastic and wild Dionysiac Thracians. In the process he developed a
religious programme of an Apollonian - Dionysian synthesis.
It is difficult to rid the mind of this picture of Orpheus as in origin the missionary of
the Hellenic spirit in a land whose religion, like the rest of its civilisation, was
barbarous and untamed ... There is plenty of evidence for the interaction of Apolline
and Dionysiac religion before then [i.e. before the 6
c. Be Italian mystical sects],
and some of the work of reconciliation may well have been attributed already to one
who was so well-suited to act as a mediator, one who, though priest and lrophet of
Apollo, had in the first place always had a streak of mysticism in him ... 14
The Orphic movement, then, synthesised in a new way the religious elements of the
cults of Apollo and Dionysus.
3.5 The Orphic Shift in Anthropology
3.5.1 The New Myth of Mankind
Through the Orphic movement, a new anthropological outlook was also introduced
into ancient Greece. Prior to the advent of Orphism, the Greeks possessed what I shall
describe as an holistic anthropology. That is to say, they implicitly understood themselves
as essentially unitary and holistic beings, not divided or compartmentalised into
ontological sections or parts. This is the anthropological picture revealed to us in the pre-
Orphic works of Homer.
The new myth told by the Orphics, as noted in the previous section, was that
humanity had a two-fold origin, or a dualistic nature. Nilsson recounts the myth as
By Persephone, the queen of the lower world, Zeus had a son, Dionysos-Zagreus.
Zeus intended the child to have dominion over the world, but the Titans lured it to
them with toys, fell upon it, tore it to pieces, and devoured its limbs, but Athena
saved the heart and brought it to Zeus, who ate it, and out of this was born a new
Dionysos, the son of Semele. The Titans were struck by Zeus' avenging lightening,
which burned them to ashes. From the ashes man was formed, and he therefore
147 Guthrie, Orpheus, pp. 45-47. Cj., McGahey, The Orphic Movement, p. 20.
84 Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism
contains within himself something of the divine, coming from Dionysos, and
something of the opposite, coming from his enemies, the Titans.
Man has a mortal body, made of the earth, inherited from the ashes of the Titans.
He also has a divine soul, inherited from the consumed remains of Dionysus. 149 We have
here the advent of a strong body-soul dualistic anthropology, which is vitally significant
for the role played by mathematics in the philosophy of Plato, as I shall argue in Chapter
That this Titanic-Dionysian (body-soul) anthropology was not only
contemporaneous with Plato, but was in fact a well-established myth in Plato's time, can
be evidenced in the Laws. Here Plato refers to our Titanic nature, of which the 'old
legends speak':
The spectacle of the titanic nature of which our old legends speak is re-enacted; man
returns to the old condition of a hell of unending misery. ISO
3.5.2 The Holism of Homeric Man
We have already seen in Chapter Two, that the way of life represented in the
Homeric corpus was essentially oral.:.mythical. Concomitant with this oral-mythical
paradigm, is the understanding of a human as an holistic being.
This can be initially evidenced, in fact, by the structure of the very opening lines of
the Iliad, which state,
Sing, goddess, the anger of Peleus' son Achilleus and its devastation, which put
pains thousandfold upon the Achaians, hurled in their multitudes to the house of
Hades strong souls [vxaL - psuchml of heroes, but gave they themselves [avToL
- autm] to be delicate feasting of dogs, of all birds, and the will of Zeus was
accomplished ... 151
148 Nilsson, A History of Greek Religion, p. 216.
149 The Neoplatonist.'l, such as Olympiodorus (who recounts this story In Phaedonem 1.3,5), extract from
this some quite sophisticated ramifications. Not only are we part of Dionysus, but his division into many
parts also symbolises the plurality of ethical and physical virtues, and the plurality of sense-experience.
West rightly dismisses this elaboration as a distinctly Neoplatonic interpretation. See, West, The Orphic
Poems, p. 164.
150 Plato, Laws, TIl: 701c.
151 Homer, Iliad, 1.1-5. Emphases added. Adapted from the Lattimore translation. Lattimore makes the
error of translating 'autoi' here as 'tl!eir bodies'. This is not only badly translated, as the text makes no
mention of bodies, but is also badly misleading, as it anachronistically reads in a duality betwccn the
psuche of the Heroes, and the bodies of the Heroes.
Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism 85
The Heroes themselves are what the dogs and birds eat up. Homer does not identify
the psuchai of the heroes, which are hurled to Hades, as the Heroes themselves. There is
altogether a very real danger, with Homer, in translating the word 'psuche,152 as 'soul', as
this latter term has a long history in its English usage in the context of a body-soul
Various attempts have been made over the years to deal with the Homeric use of
the term 'psuche', most notably that of Rohde/
Otto,154 Bickel,155 Bohme,156
Regenbogen,1S7 Dodds,158 Bremmer,159 and JaegeL
The interpretation of the Homeric
anthropology that I shall adopt in this thesis is essentially that of the recent study in this
field by Michael Clarke.
Clarke is acutely aware of the dangers of anachronistically reading in later
anthropological concepts into the Homeric texts. The temptations of the lexicographical
method must also be avoided, with its quest for basic word for word translations. Key
English terms such as 'soul', 'body', 'mind', and 'self', have 'an especially insidious
power over the categories of our thought' .162 Clarke's conclusions help consolidate the
thesis I wish to here present and defend.
For Homer, a human was always thought of as a whole. Even in death Homeric
anthropology speaks of the human as a whole being, although of course severely
weakened and stripped by death. Homer knows nothing of an anthropological duality.
We find in Homer four basic categories of anthropological terminology:163
152 The Greek word can be transliterated into English as either, 'psucM' or 'psyche'. The Greek letter
upsilon .being either rendered by an English 'u' or 'y'. In this thesis I shall use 'psuche', unless quoting
from another source, or referring to another authors use of that term as 'psyche'.
153 See, Rohde, Erwin, Psyche Seelenkult und Unsterblichkeitglaube der Griechen.
154 See, Otto, W.P. Die Manen oder Von den Uiformen des Totenglaubens.
155 See, Bickel, Ernst, "Homerischer Seelenglaube; geschichtliche Grundzuge menschlicher
Seelenvorstellungen" .
156 See, Bohme, J. Die Seele und das Ich im homerischen Epos.
157 See, Regenbogen, O. tVlJXfls ws: Erwin Rohdes Psyche und die neuere Kritik".
158 See, Dodds, E.R. The Greeks and the Irrational.
159 See, Bremmer, Jan, The Early Greek Concept o/the Soul.
160 See, Jaeger, Werner, Theology o/the Early Greek Philosophers. See also, Jaeger, "The Greek Concept
of Immortality".
161 In, Clarke, Flesh and Spirit.
162 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, p. 39.
163 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 53-54.
86 Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism
(A) Locus of mental life: Kfjp, Q:>PEVES', Kpao( 11, rrparrloES' (ker, etor, phrenes,
kradie, prapides)
(B) Products of rnentallife: I1fjTLS', vOTJl1a, (metis, noema, boule)
(C) What is lost at death: aLwv, I1EVOS' (aion, menos)
(D)What survives in the afterlife: VEK1JS', EtOWAov (nekus, eidolon)
The three remaining anthropological terms can be categorised in more than one group:
VOOS' (noos) (A) and (B)
91Jl1oS' (thumos) - (A) and (C)
(psuche) - (C) and (D)
The mental or psychological terms (from categories (A) and (B) including thumos,
and noos), reflect a single human whole. 1M Many of these terms can be interchanged as
metrical structures demand, but they all speak of an undivided identity.165 They can be
applied both to the agent that is thinking/feeling, and to that which is thought/felt. This
suggests that no strong division or dichotomy exists between the agent himself, and the
content of the agent's thoughts or feelings. 166
The locus of these activities of consciousness centres in the chest or breast. It is not
in the head or brain, as we would today describe it. The organs of the chest are closely
interconnected with the conscious life of a man,167 where the movement of breath is
understood as the movement of thought and passion.
Thumos is breath that is
'vigorous, self-propelling, with the strong swift movement that marks the actions of both
warrior and thinker' .169 So, for example, the giving over to strong emotion is understood
as the entering into the breast of new oozing liquids.
To be weak, or to yield to
164 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, p. 61, 'The sum of the argument will be that these things are manifestations in
action of an indivisible human whole, a whole where the complexities of mental life make sense best if
without trying to divide man into mind and body.'
1 5 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 63-66.
166 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 66-69. Clarke states, 'The semantic range of each noun in the 9vl1-6s-
[thumos] family varies between two poles: from actor to activity, from agent to function, from entity that
thinks to the thought'! or emotions that are its products. Nor is there any gulf between these two: the range
is fluid and continuous from one extreme to the other ... ' , p. 68.
167 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 73-79. Also noted by Jaeger, Theology of the Early Greek Philosophers,
168 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 79-90.
169 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, p. 81.
170 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 90-97.
Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism 87
something, and even to experience joy, is understood as a softening, moistening or
melting of these fluids in the chest. Conversely, the stiffening or sticking fast of these is
understood as stern and unflinching emotion, passionate and deeply felt thought.
thoughts of a fool are dispersed as the concentrated fluid is emptied from the breast. A
dispirited person is one who has lost what is in his chest.
The Homeric mind, so to speak, is to be understood as the activities of the real
concrete substances in the chest.
Yet this is not a naIve one-to-one association or
identification. Rather, even though 'the mental apparatus is tied to what is literally and
solidly in the chest, it is not limited or constrained by that dependence. And the system is
subtle, expressive, and self-consistent in a way that has no parallel in the jumbled and
allusive imagery of the mind that characterizes our modern languages' .174 The mental life
of Homeric man, and the life of the organs and fluids in his chest, are so seamlessly
united that it is a mistake to seek to differentiate between the two, such as occurs within a
modern mind-body dichotomy. For Homer 'man thinks and lives as a unity in which
mental life and the life of the body are one and indivisible' .175
Once we understand that Homeric man does not possess a mental life set over
against a bodily life, but rather consists in an undifferentiated whole, then two important
results emerge.
Firstly, Homeric man will not have a mind - 'his thought and
consciousness are as inseparable a part of his bodily life as are movement and
metabolism' .177 Secondly, the corollary of this is also true. Homeric man will not have a
body - 'the thing that English calls "the body" will be exactly coterminous with and
identical to the mass of blood, bones, and consciousness that is a human being' .178 This is
confirmed in that Homeric anthropology has no term for what English now designates as
'body' .179 In fact to 'seek for a word for "body" is to ask Homer a wrong and
unanswerable question. That a man should have a body makes sense only if he has
171 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 97-100.
172 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 101-106.
173 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 106-109
174 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, p. 106.
175 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, p. 109.
176 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 115-119.
177 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, p. 115.
178 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, p. 115.
179 This point was also noted by Bruno Snell, The Discovery a/the Mind. See, pp. 5-8.
88 Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism
another part to be distinguished from it: soul, mind, and the ghost in the machine ... for
Homer there is no mental part of man that can be distinguished from the body, it follows
now that the body is indistinguishable from the human whole' .180
From Homer's treatment of what we today call mental or psychological language,
emerges the context for the use of the term 'psuche'.
The psuche is not some immortal part of man, and death is not a departure of a soul
from a body. Rather, its meaning is restricted to the time of death. The psuche has no
bearing in regard to personal identity or consciousness during life.
What are abandoned
by the psuchai at death, are not corpses, but rather the autoi - the men themselves.
Homeric man does not become divided into two parts at death.182
To die is to breathe one's last. Hence, death is pictured in Homeric language as the
departure of the thunws, the loss of breath and life, lost by the dying man.
The loss of
the thumos, or the dying breath, is closely co-ordinated to the loss of the psuche. To die is
also to lose the psuche, in the same way as it is to lose the thunwS.
In some cases, the
psuche lost at death, is spoken of as being dissipated, annihilated, or as vanishing into
nothingness. Sometimes, when a descent to Hades is envisioned, it is actually the psuche
that dissipates, and the man himsdf that descends.
In the loss of breath, a loss of life
and consciousness occurs. As such, swooning operates in the same manner.
The release
of the breath both in death and in swooning is described as a loss of psuche. However, if
a recovery is made from a swoon then it is the thumos, not the psuche, that is breathed
back in. Therefore, psuche is only breath that is lost, and hence is only related to life and
consciousness in that they are destroyed at death.
180 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, p. 119.
181 Noted also by Jaeger, Theology of the Early Greek Philosophers, p. 74.
182 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 129-130.
183 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 130-133.
184 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 133-136.
185 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 137-138.
186 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 139-140.
187 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 140-143.
Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism 89
The common ground for words with the psuch- root, such as psuche, psuchros, and
psucho, are coldness, breath, and blowing. Psuche, then, can be understood as the' gasp
of expired breath that is cold, vaporous, and insubstantial,.188
This was a point also noted, in part, by Bickel, in responding to what he saw as a
deficiency in OttO.
He reasoned that there must be a way to bridge the gap between
psuche associated with the living, and psuche as the shade of the dead in Hades. This
bridge, he concluded, must lie in the root etymological meaning of psuche as breath or
It is of the same family as ljJuxw - psucho (to breathe) and ljJuxpos- -
psuchros (cold). This root meaning is evident in that at death one breathes one's last-
life departs with the breath. Otto had set himself up as maintaining that for Homer
'psuche' had already become an abstract concept, only ever meaning life, and he denied
that 'breath' could ever be proved as a valid reading in the Homeric texts.
Bickel in
tum laboured to show that in Homer the verb clrroljJuxw - apopsucho means to exhale or
breathe out, and that the phrase Kurru(J(JQl - psuchen kapussai should be
translated 'to breathe out his soul' (animam efflare). That the root ljJux- (psuch-) still has
something of the sensory feeling of breathing attached to it, even in the time of Homer, is
evidenced by such expressions as 'his psuche flew out of his mouth' or 'out of his
limbs.' 192
In contrast to psuche, thumos is the warm vital breath associated with life and
consciousness. Thus, death can be the release of this warm thumos, along with being
expressed as a psuche breath - the cold breath of death.
There are therefore two clear
senses of psuche. On one hand, the cold dying breath, on the other hand, a shade, image
or phantom in Hades. The meaning of 'psuche', should not be so much thought of in
terms of what it is, but how it acts. As Clarke states,
The t/Juxf) lost in death is vaporous, cold and lifeless, diametrically opposed to the
warm and vigorous (or which man had inhaled and taken vigour from
during his life; and in similar fashion the q;uxf) that lives in Hades is something
188 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 147.
189 Bickel, "Homerischer Seelenglaube".
190 Bickel, "Homerischer Seelenglaube", pp. 232, 258.
191 Otto, Die Manen.
192 See Homer, Iliad, 9:409, and Iliad, 16:856.
193 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 144-147.
90 Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism
empty of vigour, flitting without strength or substance, partaking of the cold
nothingness of drifting air.
It is this commonality of lack of life and vigour that allows the same word psuche to be
spoken of both as a dying breath and a shade of Hades.
For example, in the narrative of the death of Hector and Patroc1us, Homer links
these two uses of psuche together.
He spoke, and as he spoke the end of death closed in upon him, and the soul [i.e.
psuche] fluttering free of his limbs went down into Death's house mourning her
destiny, leaving youth and manhood behind her.
The psuche - the cold breath of death breathed out as the hero expires, now takes on
wings, and is translated to the world of myth. There it flies away to be a psuche - a cold
and lifeless shade in the realm of Hades.
For the Homeric man, however, the identity is still bound up with what we would
call the corpse or body. Even though consciousness and life have ceased, the man is still
bound up with the body. Yet it is a body that has been seriously diminished in its vital
powers. It is enfeebled.
Once the corpse has been buried, or mutilated beyond
recognition, however, then it is no longer spoken of as the man himself. It is only the
shade in Hades that carries this identity .199
Hades is pictured as directly beneath the earth on which mortal men live.
To die
can be spoken of as being swallowed up by the earth. To go down beneath the soil is to
enter into Hades. It follows from this, that the burial, or funeral, is a 'ritualised version of
the journey to the afterlife' .201 In terms of the man himself, he undergoes his journey to
Hades at death. In terms of the social relationship he has with the community, he is
gradually transferred to Hades, through the ritual of burial. Clarke states,
... in purely existential terms the experience of death brings man from the mist that
falls on the eyes to the gloomy darkness of Hades, but in terms of his continuing
194 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, p. 148.
195 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 147-148.
196 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, p. 148-151.
197 Homer, Iliad, 16.855-857. LattinlOre translation.
198 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 157-161.
199 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 161-164.
200 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 178-189.
201 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, p. 181.
Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism
relationship with his peers he is transferred to a new environment in the shared
celebration of the funera1.
The burial functions as the symbolic social enactment of the man's descent into Hades.
The unity between the dweller in Hades, and the dead corpse, is further realised in
that they are both referred to by the same term 'nekuslnekros' ?03 The shade in Hades is
spoken of as 'a reduced remnant of the dead man, as an empty image of him, and as
something that wafts along in the air' .204 The man who undergoes death, is the man who
has been reduced to the emptiness and feebleness of the realm of Hades?05 The shade is
only a phantom, a mere apparition. As such it can appear and dissipate, like the wind?06
The shade always exhibits the shape and identity of the bodily man, who was laid
under the earth?07 The psuche as dying breath and the psuche as the shade of Hades,
should not be naively identified. Rather, what unites these two uses of psuche together, is
their commonality of a flitting strengthless motion.
When applied to the dying man,
psuche is the cold, strengthless dying breath, that dissipates in the air. The identity of the
man remains with his corpse. When applied to the shade in Hades, psuche speaks of the
cold, strengthless image.
A clear picture emerges from the Homeric texts, which is that Homeric
anthropology knows nothing of a body-soul dualism.
202 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, p. 183.
203 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 190-191.
204 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, p. 194.
205 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 194-198.
206 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, p. 198-200. Clarke states, ' ... the common ground between remnant and
counterfeit is in the shade's characteristic motion: it flits, it floats, it moves along the air without strength or
substance. It is under this aspect that the word l j v x ~ comes into its own: just as in the mortal world this
word names the strengthless gasp whose loss was death, so here it names the insubstantial wisp that lives
out this shadowy semblance of a life.', p. 199.
207 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, p. 205-207.
208 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, p. 205.
209 As Clarke states the point, 'Since it is not a constituent part of the living man or of the man who died, it
makes nonsense to work through the familiar categories of our own culture and picture the wraith as the
spirit of man rather than his body: here as elsewhere Homer forbids us to invoke that dichotomy and forces
us to understand the wraith in terms of the undivided thinking and bodily whole of the dead man.' In,
Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, p. 206.
92 Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism
3.5.3 Orphic Body-Soul Dualism
It is not until the archaic age that we discern the beginnings of what appears to be a
dualistic anthropology, and this is effected by the rise of Orphism as a strong cultural
force. Clarke notes,
We will see that in Greek of the period immediately after Homer [Le. the archaic
age] the word [Le. psuche] has a very different character, with a range of meaning
which serves to associate mental life with life after death in a way that has no
parallel in the early epic. Moreover, it will emerge that this semantic change exactly
matches religious and cultural innovations that are attested for the same historical
The idea of a cycle of rebirth, associated with a psuche, is possibly attested to in the
Hesiodic Catalogue of Women,211 dated c. 500 BC. Here the psuchai of the heroes, when
they die, are separated from their bodies and carry their identity, where they reach their
immortal re-birth in the Isles of the Blest. This contrasts with the Homeric account of the
myth, where the hero bodily avoids death, and is transported to Elysium.
There is
personal identity through a life - death - reincarnation, in the Catalogue of Women, by
the means of a transmitted disembodied soul. 213
The earliest, and clearest, references to a body-soul duality, however, are in Pindar,
writing some two hundred years after Homer. He distinguishes between a body (soma)
and an immortal image (aionos eidolon).
And all men's bodies follow the call
Of overpowering death.
And yet there still will linger behind
A living image of life,
For this alone has come from the gods.
It sleeps while the members are active;
But to those who sleep themselves
It reveals in myriad visions
The fateful approach
210 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, p. 287. Clarke further attributes the shift toward a dualistic anthropology, and a
concomitant shift in the meaning of the word 'psuche', to the, 'esoteric doctrines associated with Orphic or
Pythagorean teachings' , p. 288.
211 Frag. 204. Merkelbach, R. and West, M.L. (eds.), Fragmenta Selecta.
212 Homer, Odyssey, iv, 561-565. E.V. and D.C.H. Rieu Translation. 'And now, Menelaus, favourite of
Zeus, hear your own destiny. It is not your fate to die in Argos where the horses graze. Instead, the
immortals will send you to the Elysian Fields at the world's end, to join auburn-haired Rhadamanthus in the
land where living is made easy for mankind ... '
213 For a fuller discussion of this, see, Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 291-293.
Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism 93
Of adversities or delights.
Jaeger, Clarke, and Cornford, all identify the influence of Orphism upon Pindar?15
Rohde mistakenly relied upon the Orphic influenced poetry of Pindar, in order to
support his thesis concerning Homeric anthropology, of a disembodied shade-psuche that
dwelt as a double within the person when they were alive. This shade-psuche had no role
to play in the waking state of the individual, but operated in the dream-activity of sleep,
which Rohde took as analogous to the release of psuche from the body at death.
himself, however, never speaks of the presence of such a double psuche-ego housed in
the body during life.
Rohde was rightly criticised by Otto, who in conducting his own careful analysis of
dreams in Homer, concluded that Rohde's position was untenable. A dream, in Homer, is
always an apparition that comes to the sleeper. Although the term eidolon (image) is
sometimes predicated to the dream-apparition, Homer, unlike Pindar, never applies the
term to the psuche as the dream-organ. Rohde's animistic theory of the psuche as a
double-ego, passive in man's waking conscious existence, and active in man's sleep and
death as a shade in Hades, was roundly rejected.
Post-Homeric archaic poetry, even prior toPindar, reveals subtle shifts in the
meaning of 'psuche', to involve more of the concept of a personal identity, thought, and
214 Pindar,frag. 131. Translation by Jaeger, Theology of the Early Greek Philosophers, p. 75. Compare with
the translation of James Adam (adopted by Cornford), 'The body of all men is subject to all-powerful
death, but alive there yet remains an image of the living man; for that alone is from the gods. It sleeps when
the limbs are active, but to them that sleep in many a dream it revealeth an award of joy or sorrow drawing
near.' In, Cornford, Greek Religious Thought, p. 64.
215 Jaeger states that this is the, 'first appearance of a new and extremely influential religious conception of
the soul's nature'. In, Jaeger, Theology of the Early Greek Philosophers, p. 86. He further notes that
'Wilamowitz [In Wilamowitz, Pindar. Berlin. 1922, pp. 248-252] rightly observes that it was not necessary
for Pindar to be initiated in order to be able to describe Orphic eschatology as he does. But Wilamowitz
seems to underrate the impression which that faith must have made on the poet to enable him to write his
verses'. In, Jaeger, Theology of the Early Greek Philosophers, n. 43, p. 223. Clarke states that, 'it turns out
that in surviving Greek the earliest unmistakable statements that the human body contains a soul are made
by Pindar, in passages which almost certainly betray the influence of Orphic teaching or some kindred body
of doctrine.' In, Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, p. 294. Cornford notes regarding Pindar, 'Orphic influence is
traceable in the doctrines of reincarnation, of a judgement of the dead and reward and punishment between
incarnations, and of an escape of the soul after three virtuous lives to the Islands of the Blest.' In, Cornford,
Greek Religious Thought, p. 62.
216 Rohde, Psyche. See, Jaeger, Theology of the Early Greek Philosophers, pp. 73ff, for a discussion of this.
94 Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism
consciousness. These changes in the use of the word correspond to the changes in Greek
culture initiated by the Orphic religious movement.
Archilochus, Solon, and Theognis use 'psucM' not as life that is lost, but as life
that is held and preserved, with no risk of IOSS?18 For the military Tyrtaeus, to regard
one's psucM is tantamount to selfishness. The coward loves his psuche. Here the thumos
is the desiring of violent action, and the psuche is life enjoyed and reflected upon.
For the archaic poets, 'psuche' can now be translated as 'life', with all the vitality,
passion, pleasures, and consciousness that this involves. The psucM is now the centre of
man's life. It is the core of reflection, self-awareness, and consciousness. It takes on the
idea of the essence of a human.
'Psuche' has become a fully-fledged member of the
'thumos' family of words. That is to say, it belongs alongside the group of words that
deal with what we today call the human consciousness.
Once the psuche had been identified with the consciousness, it was possible to
develop a more explicit eschatology regarding the separation of this newly conceived
psuche-soul (consciousness) from the body. This took the form of metempsychosis, or the
transmigration of the soul from one body to another at death.
The earliest and most perspicuous texts that set forth this idea are once again from
Pindar, who takes the psuche to be the core of passion and emotion, the core of man
himself. One's psuche is tantamount to oneself.
In his Olympian odes we see this idea
of metempsychosis being expressed.
Now wealth that is beautiful by deeds of prowess brings opportunity for many
things, setting the thoughts of the heart upon high endeavour; it is a clear-shining
star, a true beacon to man. And if, possessing wealth, a man knows what shall be
hereafter, that the lawless spirits among the dead forthwith are punished here on
earth, while the sins committed in this realm of Zeus are called to account beneath
the earth by One that gives judgement with harsh and binding sentence; -
And the good, where their sun shines by day, and day and night are always equal,
receive their sustenance without toil, vexing not the earth with the strength of their
217 As Clarke states it. .... the range of meaning in this period corresponds in miniature to the ideas
of the soul that were writ large in esoteric religious belief and philosophical doctrine at the same stage of
Greek history.' In, Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, p. 295.
218 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 296-300.
219 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 297-298.
220 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 300-303.
221 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 305-312.
Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism
hands, nor the waters of the sea, for a bare livelihood; but in presence of gods high in
honour, whoso took delight in keeping oaths has his portion in a life free from tears;
while the others endure pain that no eye can look upon.
And all they that, for three lives in either world, have been steadfast to keep their
soul from all wrong-doing, travel by the highway of Zeus to the Tower of Cronos,
where the Ocean airs breathe about the Islands of the Blest. There are flowers of
burning gold, some on land on glorious trees and others that the water feeds, whereof
they twine garlands for their hands and wreaths, by the just will of Rhadamanthys,
who sits, prepared for judgement, beside the great Father, the husband of Rhea,
whose throne is exalted above all. And among these are numbered Peleus and
Cadmus; and thither was Achilles borne by his mother when she had moved the
heart of Zeus by prayers, Achilles who cast down Hector, the invincible, the
unshaken pillar of Troy, and gave to death Cycnos and Memnon, the Ethiopian son
of the Dawn.
In this passage, it is only those who manage to keep their soul from wrongdoing for three
lives or three incarnations, who can be set free from the cycle of transmigration to enjoy
everlasting bliss. Plato also alludes to this Orphic theme of three incarnations.z
In another fragment of Pindar we read,
But as for those from whom Persephone shall exact the penalty of the primal woe, in
the ninth year she gives up again their souls to the sunlight in the world above.
From these come noble knights and men swift in strength and highest in wisdom,
and for all time to come men call them pure heroes.
Once again, we find souls being reincarnated into a new body. Those souls that have paid
the penalty for some primeval sin are reincarnated as the noble knights, and swift men.
This new Orphic eschatological outlook was accompanied by a very specific ~ ( 0 S
- bios or way of life. This involved a life of purity, expressed by dietary restrictions, and
ritual cleansing. By participating in this way of life, the soul could be best prepared to
face its future fate. No longer does the adherent to this new religious outlook find rest in
this life, rather he is constantly looking to, and preparing for, something transcendent of
his earthly existence. As Jaeger states,
222 Pindar, Olympian ii, 53. From, Cornford, Greek Religious Thought, pp. 62-63. As previously noted,
Cornford states that, 'This ode was written for Theron, tyrant of Acragas (Sicily), in 476 B.C. Orphic
influence is traceable in the doctrines of reincarnation, of a judgement of the dead and reward and
punishment between incarnations, and of an escape of the soul after three virtuous lives to the Islands of the
223 See, Plato, Phaedrus, 248e - 249a. See also, Guthrie, Orpheus, p. 184.
224 Pindar, Dirges, !rag. 133. From, Cornford. Greek Religious Thought, p. 64. Regarding this passage
Cornford notes, 'The soul absolved from the primal sin is incarnate for the last time in the highest form of
humanity and then becomes divine.'
96 Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism
His soul, which has come from a higher and diviner sphere, is a transient guest in the
house of the body. Only in dreams and in the hour of death, when released by the
body, is it ever completely itself.
For Jaeger, it is this Orphic concept of the soul that lays the anthropological
foundation for the later philosophy of both Plato and Aristotle
. He also maintains it is
to be found influencing the more immediate Presocratic philosophers, and indeed
Socrates himself,z27 I shall argue this in more detail in Chapter Four.
Given the transformation of psuche within a dualistic Orphic anthropology, to mean
the core of man, we would likewise expect the word 'soma' (body) to take on new
meaning, to be used as something over and against the psuchc. This is indeed what we
find in Pindar. He contrasts the immortality of the soul with the mortality of the body.228
He speaks of the somata (i.e. bodies) of defeated wrestlers,229 and the soma (i.e. body) of
a living baby,z30 Even prior to Pindar, there is clear evidence of soma being used in this
fashion. Archilochus describes himself as embracing a girl's body (soma).231 Theognis
complains that Poverty disgraces his body (soma) and mind (noos).232
225 Jaeger, Theology of the Early Greek Philosophers, p. 87.
226 This thesis will, of course, develop this relationship with respect to Plato. Regarding Aristotle, however,
it is interesting to note that Jaeger cites a fragment that he takes to be the expression of an early (and still
somewhat Platonic) Aristotle. This fragment, a report concerning Aristotle by Sextus Empiricus, in light of
the above analysis shows a clear line of thought in common with the earlier Orphic conceptions. Both a
separation of conscious soul from body is presumed, as well as the nature of the soul coming into its own
during sleep. Sextus' report sounds very much like Pindar'sfrag. 131, quoted above, 'Aristotle used to say
that men's concept of god sprang from two sources - the experiences of the soul and the phenomena of the
heavens. From the experiences of the soul, because of its inspiration and its prophetic power in dreams.
For, he says, when the soul gets by itself in sleep it then assumes its nature and foresees and foretells the
future. The soul is also in such a condition when it is severed from the body at death. At all events, he
accepts even Homer as having observed this; for he has represented Patroclus, in the moment of his death,
as foretelling the death' of Hector, and Hector as foretelling the end of Achilles. It was from such events, he
says, that men came to suspect the existence of something divine, of something in itself akin to the soul and
of all things most knowledgeable ... ' From, Sextus Empiricus, Adversus Mathematicos, IX 20-23 =
Aristotle,frag. to.
22? Jaeger cites Pythagoras, Parmenides, Heraclitus, Empedocles, and Socrates, as all having philosophical
conceptions that would not have historically occurred, had it not been for the new anthropological and
eschatological impetus of the Orphics. See, Jaeger, Theology of the Early Greek Philosophers, pp. 88-89.
228 See, Pin dar, Frag. 94a, 'Humans have immortal days, but their body is mortal'. Race translation.
229 See, Pindar, Pythian, 8. 81-82, 'And upon four bodies [UW[1UTEUUL - somatessi] you fell from above
with hostile intent' . Race translation.
230 See, Pindar, Olympian, 6. 55-56, ' ... while his tender body [mJl[1Q -soma] was bathed by the golden and
~ u r p l rays of violets'. Race translation.
31 See, Archilochus, Frag. 196a. In, West (ed.), Iambi et Elegi Graci, 2
232 See, Theognis, Elegies, 649-650, '0 wretched Poverty, why do you sit Upon my shoulders, bringing me
disgrace In mind and body?' Wender translation.
Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism 97
It is only in the post-Homeric period that we find the psuche identified with the
consciousness. This identity was primarily effected through the influence of the Orphic
mysteries, with their new myth regarding the dual nature of mankind.
Dodds, along with Clarke, also recognised that the word 'psucM' underwent a
semantic shift from 'the dying breath' to the 'living self' ?33 It was associated with
thumos, and even with soma.
It was here that the new religious pattern made its fateful contribution: by crediting
man with an occult self of divine origin, and thus setting soul and body at odds, it
. d d . E 1 . . f h . 234
llltro uce lllto uropean cu ture a new lllterpretatlOn 0 uman eXIstence ...
Dodds wished to source the origin of this new dualistic anthropological belief in the
shamanistic cultures surrounding Greece. He proposed that,
.. .in Scythia, and probably also in Thrace, the Greeks had come into contact with
peoples who, as the Swiss scholar Meuli has shown, were influenced by this
shamanistic culture .
.. .it seems reasonable to conclude that the opening of the Black Sea to Greek trade
and colonisation in the seventh century, which introduced the Greeks for the first
time to a culture based on shamanism... These new elements were, I think,
acceptable to the Greek mind because they answered to the needs of the time, as
Dionysiac religion had done earlier. Religious experience of the shamanistic type is
individual, not collective ... And it is a reasonable further guess that these new traits
had some influence on the new and revolutionary conception of the relation between
body and soul which appears at the end of the Archaic Age.
It was Orphism that helped establish this shamanistic religiosity into Greece. Dodds
saw the figure of Orpheus himself clearly as an archetypal shaman.
Orpheus' home is in Thrace, and in Thrace he is the worshipper or companion of a
god whom the Greeks identified with Apollo. He combines the professions of poet,
magiCian, religious teacher, and oracle-giver. Like certain legendary shamans in
Siberia, he can by his music summon birds and beasts to listen to him. Like shamans
everywhere, he pays a visit to the underworld, and his motive is one very common
among shamans - to recover a stolen souL .. I conclude that Orpheus is a ThraCian
figure of much the same kind as Zalmoxis - a mythical shaman or prototype of
233 In, Dodds, The Greeks and the Irrational. In particular see Ch.5, "The Greek Shamans and the Origin of
234 Dodds, The Greeks and the Irrational, p. 139.
235 Dodds, The Greeks and the Irrational, pp. 141,142.
236 Dodds, The Greeks and the Irrational, p. 147.
98 Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism
Bremmer took issue with Dodds over this thesis of the influence of shamanistic
cultures in archaic Greece?37 He argued that these cultural forms were already present in
Homeric Greece, and were merely further developed in the archaic age?38
In order to substantiate such a thesis, Bremmer relied upon the work of the Sanskrit
scholar, Ernst Arbman
Arbman analysed the various soul (atman, purusa) beliefs from
Vedic sources in India. Arbman distinguished between two types of soul, what he called a
body-soul that imparts life and consciousness, and a free-soul that maintains the
individual personality. The free-soul is passive during consciousness and active during
unconsciousness. Body-souls are active during consciousness. The body-soul can be
divided into parts, usually two, the life-soul that is often identified with the breath, and
the ego-soul that was primarily the consciousness. Arbman argued that the earlier Vedic
beliefs did not see the body-soul and the free-soul as a unity. Later, there was a shift to
identify these two together, and the atman (or free-soul) took on psychological aspects of
the body_sou1.
Bremmer appropriated Arbman's thesis of anthropological development as a
framework to interpret the ancient Greek sources. He argued that originally psuche was
understood as a free-soul, and terms such as thumos, noos, and menos, were aspects of the
body-soul. He then argued that Greek anthropological developments took the same shape
as Vedic, and the psuche (free-soul) became identified with the body-soul (thumos, noos,
Bremmer's thesis, however, must be rejected in that he uncritically moulded the
Greek sources to fit into his preconceived Arbman modeL Clarke rightly criticised
Bremmer on this account.
237 In, Bremmer, The Early Greek Concept of the Soul.
238 Jaeger also rejected the view (likewise held by Otto Kern) that this new post-Homeric dualistic
conception of the PSllche was a foreign oriental intrusion into Homeric Greece. Jaeger maintained, rather,
that the pre-Homeric conception of the psuche contained within it a 'native tendency to widen its meaning
to include something like our present idea of the soul'. In, Jaeger, Theology of the Early Greek
Philosophers, p. 83.
239 Arbman, Ernst. "Untersuchungen zur primitiven Seelenvorstellungen mit besonderer Rucksicht auf
Indien, f'.
240 Bremmer, The Early Greek Concept of the Soul, p. 9.
241 Bremmer, The Early Greek Concept of the Soul, p. 11.
Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism
Instead of attempting to fit Homeric concepts into the categories provided by
contemporary Western ideas, Bremmer imposes a paradigm lifted from Ernst
Arbman's paradigmatic scheme of primitive soul-belief based on the Vedas. Putting
all his trust in the comparative method Bremmer proceeds on the assumption that
early Greek beliefs can be mapped onto Arbman's model, according to which the
primitive believes that man is equipped with 'a free soul representing the
individuality of a person and the body-souls endowing a person with life and
consciousness.' The problem is that even if the world-pictures of early Greek epic
and of the Vedic hymns share a common ancestor in the same way as their two
languages, the archetype would lie so far back that we could not assume in advance
that a significant structure is shared by the cultures embodied in the existing
literatures. To map the one onto the other is to confuse the ancestry of ideas with the
shape they actually take in a living system.
In the light of Clarke's own analysis of the Homeric source material, Bremmer's
account simply fails to do justice to the sources on their own terms.
Regarding the specifically Orphic testimonia, the discovery in 1962 of the late 4th c.
BC Derveni papyrus, provides some indication regarding the Orphic transformation of
'psuche'. The fragments from the opening sections of the papyrus seem to suggest that
tjJuXat - psuchai (souls) enter Hades, and become known as OatIlOVES' - daimones
(demi-gods) or 'EPWUES' - Erinues (Furies, avenging gods)?43 The gold tablet from
Hipponium, c. 465 BC, speaks of the reincarnation of a dead man's psuche in Hades?44
West indicates that the Orphic Rhapsodic theogony involves an account of the
reincarnation of the soul.
Zeus now creates animals, birds, and a foolish human race that does not know good
and evil. But though their bodies are mortal, their souls are immortal, drawn from the
air, and passing through a series of human and animal bodies. When a soul leaves an
animal's body, it floats around until another one catchesit off the wind; but when it
leaves a human body, Hermes leads it below the earth. There it is judged: the good
have the better fate, going to the meadow by Acheron and the misty lake, while the
wicked are led to Tartarus and the plain of Cocytus. The Styx is also to be found
there, a branch of Oceanus and one of its ten parts. A god that swears falsely upon it
is punished in Tartarus for nine thousand years. Souls spend three hundred years in
the other world and then are reborn. But their aim is to achieve release from the
round of misery.245
242 Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 43-44.
243 For a discussion on this see, Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, p. 290.
244 See, Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, p. 290, n. 15.
245 West, Orphic Poems, p. 75.
100 Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism
These details, West argues, reach back in their origins to the Protogonos theogony, dating
from Ionia c. 500 BC?46
This testimony is in part also confirmed by Aristotle, who states,
... the view expressed in the 'Orphic' poems: there it is said that the soul comes in
from the whole when breathing takes place, being borne in upon the winds.
The Orphic Gold Plates from Petelia, Italy (4
- 3rd c. BC), Eleuthernai, Crete (2
c. BC), and Thurii, Italy (4
- 3
c. BC), all contain instructions for the soul regarding its
journey in Hades?48 The Petelia and Eleuthernai Plates suggest that man is a dual being,
both a son of the earth, and a son of the starry heaven, also emphasising the lineage of
man in terms of the Orphic theogonies, from Ge and Uranos.
You must say, '1 am the child of Ge (Earth) and of starry Ouranos (Heaven); this you
yourselves also know ... '
1 am dry with thirst and am perishing.
Come, drink, 1 pray, from the ever-flowing spring on the right, where the cypress is.
Who are you, and whence?
1 am the son of Earth and starry Heaven.
The Thurii Plates primarily speak of man as really being an immortal god a
divine soul or spirit, originating from the sun and stars of the heavens. His incarnation as
a human to earth was due to his being overcome by the other gods (Fate in particular), in
order to pay a penalty for his unjust deeds. At death, his soul descends to Hades, but he
hopes to be released and exalted back to the heavens once again.
I come from the pure, 0 pure Queen of the earthly ones, Eucles, Eubouleus, and ye
other immortal gods! 1 too claim to be of your blessed race, but Fate and other
immortal gods conquered me, (and sent) the star-smiting thunder. And I flew out
from the hard and deeply-grievous circle, and stepped on to the crown with my swift
246 West, Orphic Poems, pp. 99-101. Also see, Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 290, 310, for a discussion of
247 Aristotle, De Anima, 41Ob29. Regarding Aristotle's own testimony concerning Orpheus, we have rather
mixed reports. According to Cicero, 'Aristotle says that the poet Orpheus never existed' (Aristotle,frag. 7
Cicero, de natura deorum I xxxviii 107). However, according to Philoponus, Aristotle considered certain
poems to be the opinions of Orpheus, thus suggesting the existence of an historical Orpheus, even though
the poems were versified by Onomacritus, 'Aristotle says "so-called .... " Because the poems are thought
not to be the work of Orpheus, as he himself says in the books On Philosophy: the opinions are those of
Orpheus, but they say that Onomacritus set them to verse.' (Aristotle, frag. 7 Philoponus, Commentarius
in de Anima 186.24-26).
248 Orpheus, 1 B 17, 17a, 18, 19, 19a, 20 DK. See also, Guthrie, Orpheus, pp. 172-174.
249 Orpheus, 1 B 17, 17a DK.
Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism
feet, and slipped into the bosom of the Mistress, the Queen of the Underworld. And I
stepped out from the crown with my swift feet.
'Happy and blessed one, you shall be a god instead of a mortal.'
I have fallen as a kid into milk.
And I have paid the penalty for unjust deeds, whether Fate conquered me ... with the
thunderbolt and the lightning flash. Now a suppliant I come to noble Persephone [i.e.
wife of Hades, Queen of the Underworld], that she may be kind and send me to the
seats of the pure.
But whenever a soul leaves the light of the sun - enter on the right where one must
if one has kept all (the laws) well and truly. Rejoice at the experience! This you have
never before experienced: you have become a god instead of a man. You have fallen
as a kid into milk. Hail, hail, as you travel on the right, through the holy meadow and
groves of Persephone !250
Philolaus of Tarentum (b. c. 480 Be), testifies that the ancient theologians, of
whom he undoubtedly has the Orphics in mind, speak of the soul as entombed in the
body, in order to be punished.
The ancient theologians and seers also bear witness that because of certain
punishments the soul is yoked to the body and buried in it as in a tomb.
Plato himself confirms the view that the Orphics held the body to be the tomb of the
For some say that the body is the grave ((Jrllla) of the soul which may be thought to
be buried in our present life; or again the index of the soul, because the soul gives
indications to ((J'JwaLvEL) the body; probably the Orphic poets were the inventors of
the name, and they were under the impression that the soul is suffering the
punishment of sin, and that the body is an enclosure or prison in which the soul is
incarcerated, kept safe ((Jwlla, (JW(ETaL), as the name (Jwlla implies, until the
penalty is paid; according to this view, not even a letter of the word need be
Well, life as you describe it is a strange affair. I should not be surprised, you know, if
Euripides was right when he said, 'Who knows, if life be death, and death be life?'
And perhaps we are actually dead, for I once heard one of our wise men say that we
are now dead, and that our body is a tomb, and that that part of the soul in which
dwell the desires is of a nature to be swayed and to shift to and fro.253
These testimonia confirm to us, then, the origin of body-soul dualism within the
Orphic movement.
250 Orpheus, 1 B 18, 19,20 DK.
251 Philolaus, 44 B 14 DK.
252 Plato, Cratylus, 400b-c.
253 Plato, Gorgias, 492e - 493a.
102 Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism
3.5.4 The Immortality of the Soul
The development of the idea of immortality is bound up in ancient Greece with the
development of the idea of the soul. As previously noted, the Homeric shade in Hades
was a shadowy existence, 'without conscious life or mental activity' ?54 Jaeger maintains
that in the Homeric period, the only thing that truly survived death was a man's name -
kept alive by his fame. In this way the valiant and noble were separated from the mere
mass of common mortals, who had no fame. The noble left alive the glorious memory of
their life, which was immortalised by the songs of the aOlooL aoidoi (the bards). The
distinction between heroes and gods is slim, and man achieved for himself an eternal
glory by his valiant deeds. In this period,
Poetry is man's immortality, as it were, for it is essentially praise, as Homer, Hesiod,
and their successors tell us explicitly; and the strongest motive for the greatest heroie
effort of an individual is that it will make him survive in song so as to be known to
. 255
uture generatIOns.
Immortality, or aOuvuaLu - athanasia, is explicitly mentioned for the first time in
the martial elegies of the Spartan Tyrtaeus (7ili c. BC). Here immortality is promised to
those warriors who have died fighting for their country. Although the hero is under the
earth, paradoxically he is also immortalised.
Such a man is lamented alike by the young and the elders
And all his city goes into mourning and grieves for his loss.
His tomb and ehildren are notable among men,
and his children's children, and his race thereafter;
His noble memory is not destroyed nor his name,
but he is immortal, though he lies beneath the earth,
whomever, excelling in valour, standing fast, and
fighting land and ehildren, raging Ares destroys.256
A subtle shift has occurred from the Homeric conception. The polis (or city-state)
has taken over the function of the Homeric poet, in immortalising the hero. These
warriors receive a public burial and are revered by the entire community. The men in
their symposia now recount the story of the deeds of the immortal heroes. Jaeger states it
in this way,
254 Jaeger, "The Greek Concept ofImmortality", p. 99.
255 Jaeger, "The Greek Concept of Immortality", p. lOO.
256 Tyrtaeus,frag. 12. Lattimore translation.
Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism
The individual is socialized as a member of the polis, but, in an ideal sense, he
maintains and forever preserves his individuality by giving up his life to the
community ... it assures him of the imperishable value of his personality, which is
invested in his name and fame.
This political conception of immortality was still retained in the period of the
Athenian democracy, as may be evidenced by the speeches of Pericles. As Plutarch
informs us,
Stesimbrotus tells us that Pericles, pronouncing a panegyric over those who had
fallen at Samos, said that they had become immortal like the gods. "For, though we
do not see the gods themselves, yet from the honours they enjoy and the good things
they bestow we infer their immortality. The same is true also of those who die for
. ,,258
t elf country.
The ideal of immortality, however, was radically transformed within the Orphic
tradition. Orphism maintained a deep concern for man's inner life, and, as above noted,
viewed man himself as a dual being, with his true essence being his divine soul. The soul
was really one of the immortal gods, and was only located in the body in order that it may
atone for a primeval crime.
The second Olympian Ode of Pindar, quoted above, speaks of an other-worldly
immortality of the soul that is innocent. It dwells in post-mortem bliss, in the Isles of the
Blessed. It is therefore the psuche-soul that has, in Orphic lore, taken the place of the
Homeric hero. The psuche-soul strives with what is worldly through a series of
transmigrations into bodies. If it is successful in its dramatic quest, it is finally liberated,
and achieves immortality among the gods, returning back to its original Divine condition.
3.6 The Cultural Importance of Orphism
We have seen that a great shift in both religious outlook and anthropology occurred
in ancient Greece through the advent of the Orphic movement. These great Orphic
themes will form the basis for the remainder of this thesis.
The philosophy of the Presocratic philosophers synthesised and philosophically
transformed many elements of this Orphic religiosity. In particular, the Pythagorean
257 Jaeger, "The Greek Concept ofImmortality", p. 103.
258 Plutarch, Pericles 8. From, Comford, Greek Religious Thought, p. 235.
104 Chapter Three: The Advent of Orphism
tradition embodied the anthropological and eschatological values of Orphism. Plato
himself wove these themes tightly into the structure of his own philosophy, and most
especially, into the role he assigned to mathematics. The shape of Greek philosophy, and
indeed, later Hellenistic culture, cannot be rightly understood or appreciated, aside from
the impelling force of Orphism
But all this, of course, is to anticipate the argument contained in the remainder of
Part One, and in Part Two of this thesis. Suffice it to say here, on the basis of this
forthcoming discussion, that the importance of these Orphic themes cannot be overstated,
with regard to both the development of Greek philosophy, and in particular, the role of
mathematics within the philosophy of Plato.
Part One: Literacy, and the Rise of the Orphic
Chapter Four:
The Orphic Philosopher
Plato 'is full of echoes of the writings of Orpheus'
- Olympiodorus, On the Phaedo, 70c
106 Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher
In this chapter I examine how Orphic doctrine was philosophically
transformed in the Presocratic philosophers and especially in Plato.
Pythagoreanism, in particular, was closely connected to the religious
mystery of Orphism, and essentially expressed Orphism as a
philosophical system.
Music (mousike), the art of the singing bard, functioned as a crucial
element within Orphism. Within Pythagoreanism this became
theoretically expressed as a system of harmony and mathematics. The
philosopher-bard now sang with the voice of the logos (reason), using as
his instrument the mathematical harmony (ratio) of the universe.
In the philosophy of Plato, we discover the Orphic synthesis of
Apollo and Dionysus transformed into the philosophical synthesis of
Being and Becoming, or Changelessness. and Change. The Orphic
anthropological shift of human beings as immortal divine souls
entombed in mortal bodies, was transformed into the immortal rational
soul (Being) entombed in the mortal irrational body (Becoming).
For Plato, philosophy was understood as the religious quest to free
the soul from its tainted condition in the body, and to reunify it with the
Divine reality (Being) behind experience.
Plato championed and perfected in his own unique way the Orphic-
Pythagorean ideal.
Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher 107
4.1 The Orphic Bard Turns Philosopher
Orphism, in Ancient Greece, did not remain a quaint mystic religious alternative to
the official Olympic piety of the polis. Its advent was concomitant with the advent of the
new literate-philosophical cultural form that arose through the development of alphabetic
literacy. This new theoretical disposition of thought blended itself together with Orphism,
to give rise to a philosophically monotheistic and rationalistic worldview.
The Orphic view of man as a distinctively dual being, i.e. a combination of body
and soul substances, was transformed by the new theoretical rational disposition. The
soul, the essence of a man, became identified with the faculty of theoretical thought, or
logos (reason), and noos (mind). It was conceived of as a spark of divinity within man.
The soul is philosophically entombed in a body, that is to say, it is given to perceive
things as a plurality, and as individuated particulars, through its bodily sense experience.
Humans must purify (katharsis) their soul (or reason), by attuning and re-identifying their
own immanent reason (logos) to the Divine Reason (the universal logos or noos). To be
liberated from its philosophical entombment, the soul must merge with the Divine. To
this end it must comprehend the All, as a rationally systematised unified whole.
Among the Presocratics, it was Pythagoreanism in particular that became closely
identified and aligned with this new Orphic religiosity. The Pythagorean emphasis upon
the theoretical science of music parallels the Orphic emphasis on the bard. Within the
philosophical tradition in general, the logos (reasoned account) replaces the mythos
(mythic-storied account). More specifically within Pythagoreanism, the use of musical
accompaniment in order to tell a myth, is replaced by the use of harmony and number, the
theoretical principles behind music, in order to tell the logos (reasoned account) of the
The philosophy of Plato is firmly grounded within this Orphic-Pythagorean
tradition. So much so, in fact, that I will here present Plato as having championed the
Orphic-philosophical cultural form, pioneered by the Pythagoreans, just as in Chapter
Two, I presented Plato as having championed the new literate-philosophical cultural form
pioneered by the Presocratics.
108 Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher
Plato adopts the Orphic Apollonian-Dionysian synthesis in his synthesis of Being-
Becoming. He also adopts the Orphic-Pythagorean anthropology in identifying the
essence of humans as an immaterial rational soul. He appropriates the Orphic eschatology
in that he recognises the task of humans as liberating the rational soul from its bondage to
the earthly body of Becoming. This is to be achieved through the Orphic purification rites
(katharsis), but now transformed into the study of the theoretical sciences and
philosophy. He also appropriates the Orphic theogony (i .e. the generation of the gods), in
his account of the cosmos as generated from the Divine reason, through Being. Finally,
and for the purposes of this thesis most importantly, Plato adopts and intensifies the
Pythagorean tradition, that through mathematics what we may describe as an Orphic
philosophy may be realised. This, we will later see, significantly conditions how we can
best understand the role of mathematics within the philosophy of Plato.
4.2 Pre socratic Orphism
Much of the philosophy of the Presocratics would not have been possible had it not
been for the ideas introduced into ancient Greek thought through Orphism.
Already in the early Presocratics, there appears evidence of a shift in the use of the
word 'psucM', along Orphic lines. Anaximenes (fl. c. 545 BC) states,
As our soul [psuche], being air, holds us together and controls us, so do breath
[pneuma] and air surround the whole cosmos?60
Psuche here, is certainly something other than the cold dying breath. It is the very
principle which binds us, and the cosmos, together. Air, breath, and life are linked closely
together. Anaximenes identifies psuche, as air, with the role of the Divine.
259 Jaeger cites Pythagoras, Pannenides, Heraclitus, Empedocles, and Socrates, as all having possessed
items in their philosophy that would not have historically occurred, had it not been for the new
anthropological and eschatological impetus of the Orphics. See, Jaeger, Theology of the Early Greek
Philosophers, pp. 88-89.
260 Anaximenes, 13 B 2 DK = Aetius, 1.3.4. It should, however, be noted that there is some debate over the
extent to which the ideas and terminology expressed here can be attributed to Anaximenes. Kirk, Raven,
and Schofield, note that this sentence is often thought to be a direct quotation from Anaximenes by Aetius.
Doubt is cast upon this, however, in that the sentence is not in Ionic, and that the word (Ju'YKpaTcL -
sunkratei (i.e. 'control and hold together'), would not have been used by Amaximenes. Nevertheless, the
sentence is thought to reproduce something of Anaximenes' own statement. See, Kirk, Raven, and
Schofield, The Presocratic Philosophers, p.158-162.
Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher
Anaximenes determined that air is a god and that it comes to be and is without
measure, infinite and always in motion.
It forms the very ground of all Becoming,
Anaximenes ... said that the principle is unlimited [boundless] air, out of which
come to be things that are coming to be, things that have come to be, and things that
will be ... 262
Jaeger notes that when Anaximenes equated psuche with air, it was removed from
the world of sense-experience, and was conceived of as the divine ground, the source of
all Becoming, including both life and consciousness. From this perspective death
functions as the 'return of the individual to the primal ground and his entry into new
forms' .z63
The testimonies concerning Thales (fl. c. 585 BC) also confirm that the early
Milesians identified the soul with the ground of cosmic Becoming. Soul is self-
movement; it constitutes the principle from which the cosmos derives its motion.
Some declared that it [the soul] is mixed in the whole [universe], and perhaps this is
why Thales thought all things are full of gods.
From what has been related about him, it seems that Thales, too, supposed that the
soul was something that produced motion, if indeed he said that the magnet has soul,
because it moves iron. 26
Guthrie recognises a possible parallel between the cosmic structure of
Anaximander, and that of the Orphic theogonies. The Orphic genealogy of Night, cosmic
egg, Eros-Phanes with Heaven and Earth (the two halves of the egg), followed by the
gods and men, may be paralleled with Anaximander's Apeiron, Gonimon (generative
seed), Hot - Moist - Cold, followed by the living creatures. Guthrie pictures this as,
261 Anaximenes,13 A 10 DK = Cicero, On the nature of the Gods, 1.10.26.
262 Anaximenes, 13 A 7 DK = Hippolytus, Refotation, 1.7.1-3.
263 Jaeger, Theology of the Early Greek Philosophers, p. 85.
264 Thales, 11 A 22 = Aristotle, On the Soul 1.5 411a7-8 and 405aI9-21.
110 Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher
. . Orphic COSnlogotty'

Gods and MM
...... I .........
. Hot lsun .
Figure 3
Xenophanes (C. 570 - 475 BC) also indicates a dualistic anthropology, along
Orphic lines, when he describes man as bipartite, both body and mind,
There is one god, among gods and men the greatest, not at all like mortals in body or
in mind.
We find here in Xenophanes the alteration in how the Divine itself was conceived
among the philosophers, towards what I have described previously as a philosophical
monotheism. That is to say, the philosophers were beginning to turn away from the
polytheism of the state Olympic religion, to instead conceive of the Divine as unitary and
unified. This.resulted from their speculations concerning the nature of unchanging Being,
in contrast to Becoming. As the Divine was the arche (source) of all Becoming, it must
itself be one, eternal, and unchanging. Parmenides (c. 515 - 445 BC) demonstrates an
instance of this way of thinking. In his way of truth poem, he argues that plurality itself
entails change-ability, or Becoming, and is therefore incompatible with Being.
Xenophanes emphasises the same point, that the Divine, the source of Becoming, is
itself one - great among the plurality of the traditional gods and men. Not only this, but
the Divine set Becoming into motion by means of the new ideal of theoretical thought.
God is equated with Reason, or Mind (noos) itself.
But without toil he sets everything in motion, by the thought of his mind.
265 Xenophanes, 21 B 23 = Clement, Miscellanies 5.109.
266 Parmenides, 28 B 8 DK, 'And it never Was, nor Will Be, because it Is now, a Whole all together, One,
continuous ... '
267 Xenophanes, 21 B 25 DK = Sirnplicius, Commentary on Aristotle's Physics 23.19.
Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher 111
Heraclitus (fl. c. 500 BC) concurs with Xenophanes, in that he also conceives of the
Divine as both a unity and the principle of exhaustive rational systematicity. Here he
refers to the Divine in the poetic idiom as 'Zeus',
That which alone is wise is one; it is willing and unwilling to be called by the name
of Zeus.
That which is wise is one: to understand the purpose which steers all things through
all things.
Logos (reason) constitutes this Divine unity, the ground of all Becoming. It alone
truly understands. Heraclitus describes the Divine as an ever-living Fire, and as with
Xenophanes' Divine, it transcends the traditional gods and mankind .
... aU things come to be [or, happen] in accordance with this logos.
Human nature has no power of understanding; but the divine nature has it.
This ordered universe (cosmos), which is the same for all, was not created by any
one of the gods or of mankind, but it was ever and is and shall be ever-living Fire,
kindled in measure and quenched in measure?69
Heraclitus identifies the soul with this Logos,
The soul has a self-increasing logos.27o
The soul then, participates in the arche of the cosmos, the ground of Becoming.
Heraclitus also speaks of the souls in Hades, as being transformed, or reborn, by the
Divinity into guardians,
When he (God) is there, they (the souls in Hades) arise and become watchful
guardians of the living and the dead.271
Those who trust to their sense-experience have barbarous souls, drunkenness leads
to wet souls, and dry souls are therefore wisest as they are most sober.272 After death, a
man is no longer identified with his corpse, as he is in the Homeric epics. Corpses are
268 Heraclitus, 22 B 32,41 DK.
269 Heraclitus, 22 B 1,78,30 DK.
270 Heraclitus, 22 B 115 DK.
271 Heraclitus, 22 B 63 DK.
272 Heraclitus, 22 B 107 DK, 'The eyes and ears are bad witness for men if they have barbarian souls'; 117
'A man, when he gets drunk, is led stumbling along by an immature boy, not knowing where he is going,
having his soul wet'; 118 'A dry soul is the wisest and best' .
112 Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher
'more worthy than dung to be thrown away,'273 and are thus treated by Heraclitus as of no
Epimarchus of Syracuse (fl. 485 - 467 Be) indicates a body-soul duality, with the
primacy upon the mind or souL
Mind sees and Mind hears; everything else is deaf and blind.
If you have a pure mind, you will be pure in all your body.
The body is earth, but the mind is fire.
This fIre (of the soul) is derived from the sun.
And it (the sun) is all Mind.
This soul composes part of the Divine Fire of the Sun, or Mind. As with Heraclitus,
it fashions a part of the divine Logos, the source of all life.
The Logos steers mankind aright and ever preserves them. Man has calculation, but
there is also the divine Logos. But the human Logos is sprung from the divine
Logos, and it brings to each man his means of life, and his maintenance. The divine
Logos accompanies all the arts, itself teaching men what they must do for their
advantage; for no man has discovered any art, but it is always God.
Aside form the Pythagoreans, Empedocles of Acragas (c. 495 - 435 BC) evidences
perhaps the strongest connection to Orphism among the Presocratics. He speaks of
himself as an immortal god, and clearly recounts the Orphic eschatology regarding the
sinful fall of the soul into the body. He presents a detailed Orphic myth, complete with
the three times ten thousand imagery.
213 Heraclitus, 22 B 96 DK, 'Corpses are more worthy to be thrown out than dung' .
274 I maintain that it would be problematic to argue for any strictly direct or explicit influence of Orphism
upon Heraclitus. Nevertheless, the 1922 work of V. Macchioro argued that Heraclitus' philosophy was
entirely constructed upon an Orphic foundation. See, V. Macchioro, Eraelito: nouvi studi sull' Orphismo.
For a critique of Macchioro's rather contentious argument, see, Guthrie, Orpheus and Greek Religion, p.
226-231. However, Guthrie does note the possible connections between certain elements of Orphism and
Heraclitus, pp. 224-231. For the transformation of the concept of psuche by Heraclitus, possibly along more
body-soul dualistic lines, see, Clarke, Flesh and Spirit, pp. 288-290, in particular, p. 289 n. 11, which
discusses the fragment 22 B 67a DK. A reference to Heraclitus from Sextus Empiricus might also suggest
such body-soul dualism, and the immortality of the soul, 'And Heraclitus says that both living and dying
exist in both our state of life and our state of death; for when we are alive our souls are dead, that is,
entombed within us, and when we die the souls revive and live.' Sextus Empiricus, Outlines of Pyrrhonism,
3.230. In, Mates, The Skeptic Way, p. 209. This text is, however, dubious, as it is uncertain how much of
Sextus' testimony may be attributed reliably to Heraclitus, and how much Sextus is reading in later
philosophical ideas.
275 Epimarchus, 23 B 12,26, 48, 50, 51 DK.
216 Epimarchus, 23 B 57 DK.
Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher
I go about among you as an immortal god, no longer a mortal, held in honour by
all ...
There is an oracle of Necessity, and ancient decree of the gods, eternal, sealed fast
with broad oaths, that when one of the divine spirits whose portion is long life
sinfully stains his own limbs with bloodshed, and following Hate has sworn a false
oath these must wander for thrice ten thousand seasons far from the company of
the blessed, being born throughout the period into all kinds of mortal shapes, which
exchange one hard way of life for another. ... Of this number am I too now, a
fugitive from heaven and a wanderer, because I trusted in raging Hate.
For by now I have been born as boy, girl, plant, bird, and dumb sea-fish.
I wept and wailed when I saw the unfamiliar land (at birth).
From what honour, from what height of bliss (was I cast down) when I left
(Olympus?) to wander here among mortals.
(A female divinity) clothing (the soul) in the unfamiliar tunic of flesh?77
Along with Xenophanes and Heraclitus, Empedocles identifies the Divine with
Mind, or the newly arisen ideal of theoretical thought.
For he is not equipped with a human head on his body ... (he has) no fect, no swift
knees ... but he is Mind, holy and ineffable, and only Mind, which darts through the
whole universe with its swift thoughts.
Empedocles then, clearly expresses the Orphic idea of both the Divine origin,
immortality, and transmigration of souls. The soul of man forms part of the Rational
Mind, which is the Divine.
In the figure of Socrates (469 - 399 BC) we encounter important parallels with
Orphism. In Chapter Three, it was shown that the cult of Delphi was connected with
Orphism. Delphi was originally a shrine for Gaia (Earth), where Apollo came and slew
the python (snake), and so claimed Delphi as his own shrine. The Pythia (prophetess) was
maintained but transformed into the Oracle of Delphi - the mouthpiece of Apollo. This
myth correlates with the Orphic myth, where it was Apollo who saved the severed head
of Orpheus from being consumed by the snake. The head of Orpheus also acted as an
oracle by prophesying, until Apollo took over the role, out of jealousy.
277 Empedocles, 31 B 112, 115, 117, 118, 119, 126 DK.
278 Empedocles, 31 B 134 DK.
279 For a further analysis of the Orphic background to Empedocles, see, Guthrie, Orphism and Greek
Religion, pp. 231-232.
114 Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher
The oracle of Delphi sets the dramatic context for the career of Socrates?80 When
Chaerephon questioned the Oracle as to whether anyone was wiser than Socrates, the
Oracle responded that there was not anyone wiser. Socrates, curious at this reply, set out
to verify what the oracle had spoken. He examined all the leading experts in Athens, men
who claimed to be wise in their own fields. But in asking them what was the nature of
their fields of expertise, Socrates found them to be ignorant. Socrates at last realised that
he was wiser than these experts, in that he at least knew that he was ignorant, whereas
they mistakenly thought they were wise?81
Socrates considered his vocation, in questioning the citizens of Athens, to be a
religious quest. He understood himself acting as the spokesman for the Oracle, following
the god's (Apollo's) command, to find the meaning ofthe Oracle .
. .. I felt compelled to put my religious duty first. Since I was trying to find out the
meaning of the oracle ... I pursued my investigation at the god's command ... I want
you to think of my adventures as a sort of pilgrimage . undertaken to establish the
truth of the oracle once for all .... So I made myself spokesman for the oracle ....
That is why I still go about seeking and searching in obedience to the divine
command ... I try to help the cause of God ... 282
Socrates concluded that his name ('Socrates') was merely being used as an
example. The truth of the matter was that wisdom belongs to the Divine, and that the so-
called wisdom of men has very little value, being really only ignorance. The wisest
among men, then, is he who has learnt that he is really ignorant,283
Further to this, Socrates claimed to be under the influence of a daimon - a divine
guide, or prophetic voice?84 This resembles the Orphic mystics and was exemplified in
the prophetic figure of Orpheus himself. Socrates' private oracle would act in a negative
way, in that it would warn him not to continue in a certain course of action, and debar
him from how he intended to behave.
280 The Oracle of Delphi was also symbolically important for the later Neoplatonist and Neopythagorean
philosophers. Iamblichus records a catechism as being taught by the Pythagorean philosophers, in,
Iamblichus, The Life of Pythagoras, 18, 'What is the oracle at Delphi? The Tetraktys, the very thing which
is the Harmony of the Sirens.' The Tetraktys is, of course, the holy number ten, which for the Pythagoreans
formed the basis for the Harmony of the Cosmos, expressed in the ten cosmic bodies. See also, Burkert,
Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagorean ism, pp. 91, 187.
281 Plato, Apology, 21a - 23c.
282 Plato, Apology, 21e, 22a, 22d, 23b.
283 Plato, Apology, 23a-b.
Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher 115
The portrayal by Plato of Socrates' own religiosity, through the Delphic oracle, and
through his own mystic prophetic voice, suggests that we are to consider Socrates as a
philosophical Orphic bard. He would roam the streets of Athens, speaking prophetically
on behalf of the Logos the spirit of Philosophy. Those who claimed to be lovers of
wisdom (philo-sophia), first had to acknowledge their own ignorance. The Divine alone
was the source of wisdom,285 and it was by identifying with the Divine that wisdom could
be achieved. This wisdom (sophia) of course took on for the philosophers a nature
consonant with the new ascendancy of theoretical thought. The Divine was Reason, the
philosophical Logos. To have a right Logos meant that one had to somehow connect to
this Universal Wisdom, this Divine Logos.
For Socrates, this meant that the populace of Athens needed to abandon the
authority of traditional experts such as Homeric poets, and military leaders, and adopt the
way of philosophy. Wisdom took on a new foundation for Socrates. It paid little respect
to the self-appointed supremacy of the traditional Homeric religiosity, and saw instead a
new religiosity, a new way of life, in the Orphic-philosophical worldview?86
This is vital for our understanding of Plato, who in fact uses the figure of Socrates
in the drama of his dialogues as the new ideal for a hero. The arete (virtue) of the hero is
no longer the Homeric military prowess, but rather the arete of the philosopher. Thus
virtue for Plato is epitomised by quiet and calm acquiescence to reason, exemplified in
the manner that Socrates faced his own death - a philosophically transformed heroic
Socrates then, acts as an Orphic-philosopher hero in the Platonic drama. The hero
Socrates, represents the new literate-philosophical order of the Orphic-philosopher. He
faces the ignorant opposition of the Athenian leaders and spokesmen, who represent the
older order of Homer. The battle results in the hero Socrates being martyred. In
traditional terms, the death of the hero would have been a tragedy. But Plato's new
drama-dialogue inverts this into a victory. Death liberates the soul from the body, as the
284 Plato, Apology, 31d, 40a-c.
285 Plato, Apology, 23a, 'But the truth of the matter, gentlemen, is pretty certainly this, that real wisdom is
the property of God, and that this oracle is his way of telling us that human wisdom has little or no value'.
116 Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher
new Orphic religiosity teaches. Death should be welcomed, especially in this case, as the
death of the virtuous philosopher hero (Socrates) becomes the death that breaks the cycle
of reincarnation. Socrates' immortal soul is liberated to return to the Divine (Le.
Universal Reason) from whence it came?87
4.3 Pythagorean Orphism
4.3.1 The Orphic-Pythagorean Philosophical Synthesis
Out of all the Presocratics, however, it was in and through the Pythagorean
movement that the synthesis was forged between the new Orphic religiosity and the new
literate-philosophical disposition. Mathematics acted as the anvil upon which this new
link was beaten into shape.
4.3.2 Interpreting the Early Pythagoreans
In so far as contemporary historical research is concerned, the figure of Pythagoras
is almost as enigmatic as the figure of Orpheus.
Walter Burkert set the scene for twentieth century scholarship in his technical
volume on Pythagoreanism?88 There he opened up the question of textual criticism along
a two-fold line. He argued that, although there is a general body of common evidence
available, the ancient textual evidence regarding Pythagorean philosophy is divided into
two streams. There is the testimony of Aristotle on one hand, and the testimony of the
Platonic Neoplatonic/Neopythagorean tradition on the other hand.
Burkert takes the position that the Platonic tradition of the Academy essentially
read back later Platonic ideas into their exposition of Pythagoras and Pythagoreanism.
286 That Socrates propounded a new religiosity and opposed the traditional Athenian 'Olympic' religiosity
has been argued by Michael Morgan, in, Morgan, Platonic Piety.
287 Morgan considers the story of Socrates in the Phaedo, to be the story of a 'new Pythagoras', embodying
an Orphic-Pythagorean 'nearly seditious' dissent against the traditional Athenian 'Olympic' piety and polis
tradition. Morgan, Platonic Piety, pp. 57-58.
288 Burkert, Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism.
289 Burkert is generally followed in his analysis, regarding these two strands of testimony, by contemporary
historians of ancient philosophy, such as, Carl Huffman, Philolaus of Croton: Pythagorean and
Presocratic, and Charles Kahn, Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans.
Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher 117
Aristotle, he argues, presents to us a fairly reliable account of the contrast between early
(pre-Platonic) Pythagoreanism and Platonism.
Regarding the pre-Platonic Pythagoreans, Aristotle reports that Plato diverged from
them in that,
... positing a dyad and constructing the infinite out of great and small, instead of
treating the infinite as one, is peculiar to him [i.e. Plato]; and so is his view that the
numbers exist apart from sensible things, while they say [i.e. the Pythagoreans] that
the things themselves are numbers, and do not place the objects of mathematics
between Forms and sensible things.
Thus, according to Aristotle, the Pythagoreans, (1) did not separate number from
things, and (2) postulated only a single Unlimited (or 'Infinite'), and not a dyad as the
This Aristotelian testimony conflicts with the slightly later testimony of
Theophrastus (c. 372 - 287 BC), who stated,
Plato and the Pythagoreans make the distance between the real and the things of
nature a great one, but hold that all things wish to imitate the real; yet since they
make a sort of opposition between the One and the indefinite dyad, on which
essentially depends what is indefinite and disordered and, so to speak, all
shapelessness, it is absolutely impossible that for them the nature of the whole
should exist without the indefinite dyad; they say that it has an equal share in things
with, or even predominates over, the other principle; whereby they make even the
first principles contrary to one another?92
Theophrastus then, denied both (1) and (2), and instead indicated that the
Pythagoreans both separated number from things, and posited an indefinite dyad as the
Unlimited. Both Burkert and Huffman argue that Theophrastus was likely relying upon
Speusippus (fl. c. 349 - 399 BC) for his testimony.293 In a passage from William of
Moerbeke's Latin translation of Proc1us' commentary on the Parmenides of Plato, first
published in 1953, Proc1us makes a report regarding Speusippus,
290 See, Burkert, Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism, p. 9. Burkert takes the Aristotelian
testimony to reflect the pre-Platonic Pythagoreanism of Philolaus. Regarding Pythagoras himself however,
Burkert sees him merely as a shamanistic cult-leader having no serious mathematical or philosophical
interest. Cf. Kahn, Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans, p. 3.
291 Aristotle, Metaphysics, 987b25-29.
292 Theophrastus, Metaphysics, lla27. Ross-Fobes translation. Quoted from, Huffman, Philolaus of Croton:
Pythagorean and Presocratic, p. 22.
293 See, Burkert, Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism, pp. 62-64; Huffman, Philolaus of Croton:
Pythagorean and Presocratic, pp. 22-24. Cf. Kahn, Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans, p. 23.
118 Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher
What does he [i.e. Speusippus] say? "For they held that the One is higher than being
and is the source of being; and they delivered it from that status which is in accord
with (its being) a principle. On the other hand, they held that given the One, in itself,
conceived as separate and alone, without the other things, with no additional
element, nothing else would come into existence. And so they introduced the
indefinite duality as the principle ofbeings.,,294
Speusippus here is reporting on the views of those he calls 'the ancients' .295 The
identity of this group of people, both Burkert and Huffman argue, can only be the
Pythagoreans?96 This would suggest then, that Theophrastus was following Speusippus
in his report of the Pythagoreans, rather than Aristotle. Both Burkert and Huffman take
this to indicate that the successors of Plato at the academy tended to equate the doctrine
of Plato with the earlier Pythagoreans.
The later Neoplatonic philosophers also seem to
have followed in this Platonic version of Pythagoreanism.
The Aristotelian testimony, however, faithfully reflects the evidence we have
concerning pre-Platonic Pythagoreanism as exemplified in the fragments of Philolaus of
Croton (c. 470 - 390 BC)?99 Whether the sort of cosmological and mathematical
philosophy exemplified in Philolaus was also present among the earlier Pythagoreans,
and even to Pythagoras himself, is a debated question. Burkert and Huffman argue that it
took its basic origins only in Philolaus.
Kahn however, argues that Pythagoras himself
is rightly considered as the founder of the cosmological and mathematical philosophy of
294 Speusippus, F48T, Anscombe and Labowsky translation. Quoted from, Huffman, Philolaus of Croton:
Pythagorean and Presocratic, p. 23. Cf. Burkert, Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism, pp. 63-64,
who first signalled the significance of this passage.
295 In Latin, 'tamquam placentia antiquis'. Huffman notes that Taran (Taran, Speusippus of Athens, pp.
350ft) attempted to argue that it was Proc1us, not Speusippus, who regarded these as the views of the
ancients. As Huffman notes however, ' ... Proc1us' remark makes much more sense as an explanation of
who Speusippus is referring to with the plural subjects in the passage .... [this way of reading the p.assage]
is also supported by the tie to Theophrastus (M etaph. 11 a27), , Huffman, Philolaus of Croton: Pythagorean
and Presocratic, p. 23 n. 7.
296 Burkert states, 'It is clear that as far as Proclus could tell, Speusippus was speaking simply of "the
ancients" (ot nuAaLol). But there is only one possible interpretation of this. Speusippus is not presenting
his own system, in which the indefinite Dyad was replaced by the concept of "plurality (nAfj80,," along
with other modifications. But he cannot be using the expression "the ancients" of Plato either, even
disregarding the plural form; he only outlived Plato eight years. Therefore Speusippus was referring to the
Pythagoreans, and possibly thinking of Pythagoras himself. Plato himself speaks of Pythagorean views as
an "ancient" revelation.' In, Burkert, Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism, pp. 63-64. Cf. Huffman,
Philolaus of Croton: Pythagorean and Presocratic, p. 23.
297 See, Burkert, Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagorean ism, pp. 62-64; Huffman, Philolaus of Croton:
Pythagorean and Presocratic, pp. 21-24.
298 See, Kahn, Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans, pp. 94-138.
299 See, Kahn, Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans, pp. 23-38.
Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher 119
the Pythagoreans.
In either case, for the sake of this thesis, the essential point is that we
can to a certain extent evaluate the state of pre-Platonic Pythagorean philosophy,
primarily through works of Philolaus and Aristotle.
4.3.3 Pythagoras as an Orphic Philosopher
Pythagoreanism, I wish to argue, may be helpfully understood as an Orphic
The question of the priority of Orphism to Pythagoreanism, or vice versa, is one
that has vexed contemporary scholarship. Pythagoras himself lived c. 570 - 495 BC,
which is approximately the oldest date to which we are able to trace a distinct Orphic
religiosity in ancient Greece?02 Tradition records that certain Orphic poems were
composed in Italy by such men as Orpheus of Croton, Orpheus of Kamarina, Zopyros of
Herac1eia in Luc ani a, Brontinos of Metaponton, and Kerkops. Orpheus of Croton
possibly predated Pythagoras, and Brontinos and Kerkops were Pythagoreans.
At the
same time as this, certain Orphic poems can be traced to an Athenian source, centring
upon the figure of Onomacritos, a colleague of Orpheus of Croton?04
300 As noted by, Kahn, Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans, pp. 14-15.
301 See, Kahn, Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans, pp. 34-38. Kahn, for example, states, 'There is another,
quite general consideration telling in favour of an authentic tradition attributing the mathematical
conception of the cosmos to Pythagoras himself, even though we cannot reconstruct his view with any
precision. The notion of cosmic harmony expressed in numerical ratios and conceived as astral music is one
of those ideas of genius that have remained amazingly fruitful over the centuries. That Pythagoras was an
intellectual figure of extraordinary stature is recognised in every reference to him, whether favourable or
unfriendly, not only by admirers like Empedocles and Ion but also by Heraclitus, Herodotus, and Isocrates.
There is no other early Pythagorean of whom this can be said. Philolaus may be a respectable thinker, but
certainly no intellectual genius. And we know almost nothing of Hippasus. If we are right to assume that
great ideas originate only in great minds, then we have only one candidate for this innovation: the work of
Pythagoras himself.', pp. 37-38. Kahn also notes that 'recent scholarly opinion seems to be inclining to a
more positive view of Pythagoras as mathematician and philosopher.' , p. 38, n. 29.
302 I previously noted, in Chapter One, two pieces of evidence that establish Orphism within the early
classical period: (1) The Derveni papyrus, written in the 4lh c. BC, represents the later codification of an, at
least, 5
c. BC Orphism. See, West, The Orphic Poems, p. 108. (2) In addition to this, is the 5
century BC
graffiti from Olbia (first published in 1978), which contains the term 'Orphikoi' (or 'Orphikon'), along
with 'soma psuche'. See, West, The Orphic Poems, pp. 17-18; Kahn, Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans,
pg. 20, n. 37.
See, Guthrie, Orpheus and Greek Religion, pp. 216-217.
304 See, Guthrie, Orpheus and Greek Religion, p. 217. Burkert, however, raises the caveat that although
Onomacritos certainly collected and edited Orphic poems, the idea that he composed whole poems is only a
philological conjecture. See, Burkert, Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism, p. 130, n. 58.
120 Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher
That Orphism predated and influenced Pythagoras, has been argued by scholars
such as, Rohde, Zeller, Rathman, Guthrie, Nilsson, Kern, Jaeger, and Bluck.
takes a more agnostic position, that the priority of one over the other is difficult to
The main ancient textual evidence that is adduced against the historical priority of
Orphism to Pythagoreanism, however, I do not consider to be successful in its refutation.
The two sources are (1) Ion of Chios (fl. c. 452 - 421 BC) and Epigenes (fl. c. 200 BC),
and (2) Herodotus.
According to Ion and Epigenes, Pythagoras himself was alleged to have 'written
some poems and attributed them to Orpheus' ?07 Certainly, if we take this testimony to be
valid, then this would suggest that Pythagoras (along with others) composed and
circulated poems under the name of Orpheus. This would help confirm the very strong
connection between Pythagoreanism and Orphism. But this, in itself, does not suggest
that every single Orphic poem was composed by Pythagoras, or even by a Pythagorean,
nor that there were no Orphic poems composed independently of Pythagoreanism. Yet in
addition to this, there is also sufficient reason to doubt the validity of the testimony. 308
The passage from Herodotus, that is often raised in objection to the historical
priority of Orphism, suffers from a textual difficulty. The passage from the Histories at
the crucial point, has two different textual variants, the shorter Florentine text, and the
longer Roman text.
305 As noted by Burkert, Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism, p. 128, n. 49. Guthrie, for example,
concludes that, 'After what has been said, the difficulty of deciding whether Orphism or Pythagoreanism
came first needs no further emphasis. It nevertheless seems most likely from the character of the two
systems, and in particular from that fact that Pythagoreanism takes up Orphism into itself but has as well an
intellectual system to reinforce it, that Orphic dogma was already formulated, at least in its main outlines,
when Pythagoras founded his brotherhood.' Guthrie, Orpheus and Greek Religion, p. 220.
306 Kahn, Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans, pp. 20-21. Kahn notes however, that he believes the common
traits between Orphism and Pythagoreanism to predate either tradition.
307 See, Burkert, Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism, p. 129; Guthrie, Orpheus and Greek
Religion, p. 217; Linforth, The Arts of Orpheus, pp. 110-119; Kahn, Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans, p.
20, n. 38.
308 As Burkert states it, 'Clearly, to an educated person of the age of the Sophists it already seemed
incredible that works had been preserved that were written by a member of the Argonautic expedition [i.e.
Orpheus]. On the other hand, they had to account for the existence of the "Orphic" literature, and there
were various ways to do this .... [O]ne could put the responsibility upon other writers - ancient epic poets,
Onornacritus, or Pythagoras and various Pythagoreans.', Burkert, Lore and Science in Ancient
Pythagoreanism, pp. 129-130.
Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher 121
The Roman text (or a conglomeration of the two) is the one appealed to by those
who which to argue against an Orphic priority. This reads,
It is, however, contrary to religious usage to be buried in a woollen garment, or to
wear wool in a temple. This custom agrees with the rites known as Orphic and
Bacchic (actually Egyptian and Pythagorean); for anyone initiated into these rites is
similarly debarred from burial in a garment of wool. They have a sacred story which
h + h' 309
exp ams t e reason lor tIS.
The claim is that here, Herodotus reports that Orphic and Bacchic rites are in reality
Egyptian and Pythagorean, thus suggesting that Orphic religiosity is in some way
derivative from Pythagoreanism. Even if this textual version were accepted as valid,
however, this global assertion need not be the case. Herodotus here, merely reports upon
certain specific rites regarding burial garments that are, among his contemporaries,
classified as Orphic and Bacchic, or alternatively that those who practice these rites are
called Orphic or Bacchic. Herodotus then claims that in actuality, these rites are of
Egyptian and Pythagorean origin, or alternatively that those who practice these rites are
in reality Egyptians and Pythagoreans. This itself does not in any way suggest that other
different rites are not genuinely of Orphic or Bacchic origin, or alternatively that those
who practice certain other rites are not genuinely Orphic or Bacchic.
Yet, there are important difficulties with the Roman text of Herodotus at this point.
I follow Linforth who argues against the Roman text as containing a later interpolation.
If the Florentine text is followed at this point, as I believe it should be, then the passage
would read:
The Egyptians agree in this with the Orphics, as they are called, and with the
Pythagoreans; for it is similarly against the rule for anyone who takes part in these
rites to be buried in woolen [sic.] garments. These customs are the subject of a
sacred legend which is told by the Egyptians.
If this textual version is followed, then Herodotus is merely reporting that certain
particular burial rites of the Egyptians share a commonality with both Orphic rites, and
309 Herodotus, Histories, Book II, 81. Aubrey de Selincourt translation (Jolm Marincola revision).
310 Linforth, The Arts of Orpheus, pp. 44-50. Burkert notes that Wilamowitz, Rathmann, Linforth, Long,
and Timpanaro Cardini all argue for interpolation in the Roman text (and hence prefer the Florentine text).
Whereas the longer Roman text is defended by Kruger, Boyance, and Dodds. See, Burkert, Lore and
Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism, p. 127, n. 39. Burkert himself appears undecided on the matter of
whether there is interpolation in the Roman text, or abridgement in the Florentine text. See, pp. 127-128.
122 Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher
with Pythagorean rites. This then establishes a specific commonality of burial rites
between Orphism and Pythagoreanism. But it does not suggest the historical priority of
one over the other in any way.
In addition to his textual argument for interpolation, Linforth notes that the only
other reference for the prohibition on the use of wool in the Graeco-Roman world, is
from Apuleius (c. AD 124 -170). It reads,
Wool, an outgrowth from the body of a particularly sluggish creature, taken, as it is,
from the body of a sheep, has been regarded as a form of clothing unsuited for sacred
purposes ever since it was so proscribed in the rules of Orpheus and Pythagoras.
If Apuleius is following Herodotus as his source of information, which is very
likely, then he was familiar with what we now know as the Florentine version of the text,
not the Roman. This then, provides further credence to the Florentine reading.
These two passages adduced against the historical priority of Orphism are not, in
my opinion, successful. As such, I myself consider the more likely, yet tentative,
conclusion to be that the Orphic religiosity predated the advent of Pythagoreanism as a
philosophical movement. In due course, however, these two movements became
intimately connected, and associated together. In this regard, the question of priority
becomes less important.
The Pythagorean movement became intertwined with the Orphic religiosity, more
than any other movement in Pre socratic philosophy. From this developed, what may be
called, an Orphic-philosophical (or Orphic-Pythagorean) tradition.
3ll Herodotus, Histories, Book II, 81, Florentine text. Linforth translation. Quoted from, Linforth, The Arts
of Orpheus, pp. 48-49.
312 Apuleius, Apologia 56. Quoted from, Linforth, The Arts of Orpheus, p. 47
313 Linforth, The Arts of Orpheus, p. 47.
314 As Kahn notes, 'Eventually, of course, these two originally distinct traditions tend to merge, at least in
their literary expression, and the lyre of Orpheus becomes the symbol for Pythagorean cosmic music. A
syncretist tendency can be observed as early as the Derveni papyrus, which contains poetic quotations from
an archaic Orphic theogony together with an allegorical prose commentary of about 400 B.C. The aim of
the Derveni commentator is to reinterpret the mythic figures of the old Orphic text in terms of Presocratic
natural philosophy, and thus to prepare (indirectly) for the confluence of Orphic and Pythagorean traditions.
In, Kahn, Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans, p. 22.
315 This is independent of whether Orphism or Pythagoreanism had historical priority, as the point under
contention is that pre-Platonic Pythagoreanism transformed elements of the then existing Orphic religiosity.
Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher 123
Orphism and Pythagoreanism held in common a specific way of life (bios), dietary
prohibitions, rites for burial, and ritual purification and initiation ceremonies?16 This
shared religiosity often expressed itself in asceticism, and in vegetarianism?17
Importantly, Pythagoreanism incorporated both Orphic anthropology and
eschatology. The soul formed the seat of the human essence, it was immortal, and
distinguished from the mortal body. Not only was the soul immortal, but it transmigrated
at the body's death. Pythagoreanism maintained the Orphic cycles of re-incarnations, and
the soul's prior existence in other bodies.
Metempsychosis, or transmigration of the
soul, is further confirmed by Xenophanes, who reports that Pythagoras recognised the
soul of a departed friend reincarnated in a puppy,
Once [Pythagoras] passed by as a puppy was being beaten, the story goes, and in pity
said these words:
"Stop, don't beat him, since it is the soul of a man, a friend of mine, which I
recognised when I heard it crying.,,319
Empedocles seems to allude to Pythagoras' ability to recollect prior incarnations,
For whenever he reached out with his whole intellect, he easil
discetned each one
of existing things, in ten and even twenty lifetimes of mankind.
The Orphic purification rites were adopted by the Pythagoreans, in which the soul
may be cleansed, and thus eventually liberated from its cycle of rebirth back to the
316 See, Kahn, Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans, p. 21; Guthrie, Orpheus and Greek Religion, pp. 217-218.
317 Kahn notes that, 'Vegetarianism is Orphic in Euripides, Hippolytus 952-4, and in Plato, Laws, VI, 782c.
It is Pythagorean in Middle Comedy and Diodorus of Aspendus (early fourth century):. In, Kahn,
Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans, p. 21, n. 40.
318 Porphyry, probably following Dicaearchus, notes, 'What he [Le. Pythagoras] said to his followers no
one can say with assurance, for it was no ordinary silence that they kept. But what has become best known
to everyone is, first, that the soul is immortal and furthermore changes into other kinds of animals; in
addition, that whatever happens will occur again according to certain cycles and nothing is absolutely
new .. .' , Pythagoras 14.8a DK = Porphyry, Life of Pythagoras 19. Kahn notes that this is one of the least
unreliable reports regarding Pythagoras. See, Kahn, Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans, p. 11. Also see the
discussion in, McKirahan, Philosophy before Socrates, p. 85.
319 Xenophanes, 21 B 7 DK. See discussion in, Kirk, Raven, and Schofield, The Presocratic Philosophers,
. 219-220.
20 Empedocles 31 B 129 DK. See discussion in, Kahn, Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans, pp. 11-12.
321 See discussion in, Kirk, Raven, and Schofield, The Presocratic Philosophers, pp. 236-238, concerning
the passages, Aristotle, fro 196 (pythagoras 58 C 2 DK), and Aristotle, Posterior Analytics 94b324
(Pythagoras 58 C 1 DK). Kirk, Raven, and Schofield state that, '[these passages - along with Pindar,
Olympians n, 56-77] ... suggests that Pythagoras taught an eschatology according to which: (1) the soul is
subject after death to a divine judgement; (2) there follows punishment in the underworld for the wicked
124 Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher
But perhaps of greatest significance for the understanding of Plato, consists in how
the Pythagoreans developed Orphic anthropology into a philosophical doctrine, and how
they transformed the Orphic emphasis upon music into an harmonic theory. This latter
aspect, mathematically represented, becomes for the Pythagoreans the very foundation of
the cosmos.
4.3.4 Tonal Transposition: From Orphic Mousike to Pythagorean
Harmonic Theory
One of the key elements to the Orphic mysteries involves the role of Orpheus as the
musical bard. He functions as an exponent of what was identified in Chapter Two as
Mousike. This consists of the arts of poetry, singing, and musicianship, which are at the
core of the myth making within an oral-mythical cultural form. Through his mousike
Orpheus was able to gain entrance into Hades in order to attempt to rescue Eurydice. As a
bard he accompanied the Argonauts on their great quest for the Golden Fleece.
Given the fundamental significance of mousike in Orphism then, what would be the
result if the new literate-philosophical approach were applied to the arts of mousike? We
have already seen that myth making, and story telling, were transformed. into concepts of
literal truth, but what of the aspect of music itself?
It was to the Pythagoreans that this task fell, of transforming music into the domain
of the literate-philosophicaL The result, for them, was that the realities behind concrete
musical experience were the abstracted notions of harmony and ratio, understood in terms
of arithmetical and geometrical relationships.
Iamblichus recounts the story, most certainly apocryphal,322 in which Pythagoras
passed a blacksmith's shop. Upon hearing that the sounds of the various sized hammers
(perhaps with hope of eventual release ... but (3) a better fate for the good, who - if they remain free from
wickedness in the next world and in a further reincamation in this - may at last reach the isles of the
blessed .. .', pp. 237-238.
322 On the apocryphal nature of this story see, Fideler's introduction in, Guthrie, The Pythagorean
Sourcebook and Library, p. 24. Also see, Levin, The Harmonics of Nichomachus and the Pythagorean
Tradition, Ch.6. It should also be noted that the first recorded use of the monochord to demonstrate the
connection between mathematical ratios and musical intervals is in Euclid (c. 300 BC) Katatome kanonos
(i.e. Division of the Monochord), and it is thought that he was in tum drawing on the work of Archytas of
Tarentum (c. 375 BC), See, Abraham, The Concise Oxford History of Music, pp. 28-29. In addition to this,
Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher 125
on the anvil harmonised, all except for one, he went in to inquire. There he discovered
that the difference in sound arose only from the size of the hammer, not from the force of
the stroke, or the shape, or the angle of striking. After measuring these, he went home and
constructed for himself a series of monochords (i.e. gut strings tightly strung and fixed at
each end). From these, says Iamblichus, he discovered the ratios of the harmonic series of
musical intervals.
This story embodies, in a rather naIve way, the nature of the Pythagorean harmonic
theory. This is best preserved for us, in terms of pre-Platonic Pythagoreanism, in a
fragment of Philolaus,
The magnitude of harmonia (fitting together) is the fourth (syllaba) and the fifth
(di' oxeian). The fifth is greater than the fourth by the ratio 9:8 [a tone]. For from
hypate [lowest tone] to the middle string (mese) is a fourth, and from the middle
string to neate [highest tone] is a fifth, but from neate to the third string is a fourth,
and from the third string to hypate is a fifth. That which is in between the third string
and the middle string is the ratio 9:8 [a tone], the fourth has the ratio 4:3, the fifth
3:2, and the octave (dia pason) 2:1. Thus the harmonia is five 9:8 ratios [tones] and a
diesis, and the fourth two 9:8 ratios [tones] and a diesis.
In other words, the ratio of 1 :2 produces the interval of the octave, 2:3 produces the
fifth, 3:4 produces the fourth, and that a tone consists of the 8:9 ratio. These ratios in tum
are produced as the result of combining a fundamental tone, with its octave, along with
the harmonic mean (2AB)/(A+B) which makes the interval of the fourth and arithmetic
mean (A+B)/2 which makes the fifth. Reducing the ratios to common numerical factors,
we arrive at the symmetrical and harmonious system of 6:8::9:12, i.e. 6:12 is 1:2 - the
octave, both 6:9 and 8:12 are 2:3 - the fifth, both 6:8 and 9:12 are 3:4 - the fourth,
leaving the single tone 8:9 ratio in the middle. Fideler pictures the overall result as
the story seems to presuppose, falsely, that the pitch of the sounds emitted from hammers striking anvils, is
proportional only to their weight. See, Huffman, Philolaus of Croton: Pythagorean and Presocratic, p. 148.
323 Iamblichus, The Life of Pythagoras, 26. See also, Diogenes Laertius, The Life of Pythagoras, 11, 'He
discovered the numerical relation of sounds on the monochord ... '
324 Philolaus, 44 B 6a = Stobaues, Selections 1.21.7d. Quoted from, Huffman, Philolaus of Croton:
Pythagorean and Presocratic, pp. 146-147. Huffman argues for the authenticity of this fragment, pp. 147-
126 Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher
2AB __ ". A.+B
""A+B ~
6 12
Figure 4
This discovery of a theoretical mathematical basis to the harmonic ratios in
vibrating strings, was extended out to the macrocosmic level. The universe itself,
especially the revolution of the planets, could all be theoretically analysed in terms of
these harmonic ratios. Aristotle reports that,
... since, again, they saw that the attributes and the ratios of the musical scales were
expressible in numbers; since, then, all other things seemed in their whole nature to
be modelled after numbers, and numbers seemed to be the first things in the whole of
nature, they supposed the elements of numbers to be the elements of all things, and
the whole heaven to be a musical scale and a number.
325 Aristotle, Metaphysics 1.5, 985b3lff. See also the following: (1) Alexander, In Aristotelis Metaphysica
commentaria, 41,2ff, ' ... they made the arrangement of the celestial bodies harmonious by supposing that
the ten moving bodies which make up the universe are separated from each other by concordant intervals.';
Aristotle, Metaphysics 1.8, 990a18ff, '[Concerning the Pythagoreans ... ] But yet how must we understand
that number and the characteristics of numbers are the causes of the things that are and come to be in the
heavens, both from the beginning and now, but that there is no other [kind of] number besides the number
from which the world-order is constituted? For whenever opinion or due season are in such and such a
region in their view, and a little above or below injustice and separation and mixture; and they state as
proof that each of these is a number, and that there are already a multitude of composite magnitudes in this
place because these characteristics [of number] correspond to these several regions, is it this same number,
the number in the heavens, which we must understand each of these [concepts] to be, or is it another kind of
number besides this?' (2) Alexander, In Aristotelis Metaphysica commentaria, 74.6, 'For they said that
Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher 127
At the microcosmic level, the human soul and its accompanying virtue were
analysed in terms of the harmonic proportions of mathematics. Music, or harmonic ratio,
was the way in which the soul was tempered toward excellence.
Pythagoras first attempted to speak about excellence [or virtue], but not successfully;
for by referring the excellence to numbers he submitted the excellences to a
treatment which was not proper to them. For justice is not a square number.327
Since of these principles numbers are by nature the first, and in numbers they
seemed to see many resemblances to the things that exist and come into being
more than in fire and earth and water (such and such a modification of numbers
being justice, another being soul and reason, another being and
similarly almost all other things being numerically expressible) ... 3
The discovery, then, of these harmonic proportions, along with their application
both at the macrocosmic and at the microcosmic level, can be profitably viewed as a
transformation of the Orphic emphasis on mousike into an abstract theoretical
mathematical philosophy.
opinion is established in a partiCUlar part of the universe, and due season in another, and in yet another in
. turn, whether below or above these, either injustice or separation or mixture or some other of these things in
the heavens. The proof they offered that these things are established according to an arrangement such as
this is that each of them belongs to a number, and there is a particular number proper to each place in the
universe. For at the center is 1 (for the center is the first place in the universe); after the center is 2, which
they called both "opinion" and "daring"; and in this way the number of things being constituted becomes
greater as they keep moving away from the center, because the numbers too from which they are
constituted, or rather with which they are identical, are of this kind. For they said that numbers and their
characteristics follow the places in the heavens, and are proper to them; and that for this reason spatial
magnitudes too come into existence at a later stage out of these numbers ... In the second book of his
treatise on the doctrine of the Pythagoreans, Aristotle mentions the arrangement of the numbers in the
heavens which the Pythagoreans devised.' (3) Alexander, In Aristotelis Metaphysica commentaria, 75.21,
'They said, for instance, that opinion occupies that place in the universe which, they believed, 2 occupies,
since for them 2 was opinion. To due season they gave in turn that place in the universe which 7 occupies,
since they also thought that the number 7 is due season. And a little above or below due season they located
injustice or separation, whichever it happened to be, because the arrangement of the numbers which are the
same as these was also the same. Certain transcriptions of the text have the reading anikia (non-victory)
instead of adikia (injustice). For they say that the Pythagoreans called the number 5 anikia.' All three
rassages are quoted from, Huffman, Philolaus of Croton: Pythagorean and Presocratic, pp. 282-285.
26 This idea is also adopted by Plato, Republic 443c-e, 'And in truth justice is, it seems, something of this
sort. However, it isn't concerned with someone's doing his own externally, but with what is inside him,
with what is truly himself and his own. One who is just does not allow any part of himself to do the work of
another part or allow the various classes within him to meddle with each other. He regnlates well what is
really his own and rules himself. He puts himself in order, is his own friend, and harmonizes the three parts
of himself like three limiting notes in a musical scale - high, low, and middle. He binds together those parts
and any others there may be in between, and from having been many things he becomes entirely one,
moderate, and harmonious.' Grube translation (rev. Reeve, from the Cooper ed.).
327 Aristotle, Magna Moralia, I: 1182allff.
328 Aristotle, Metaphysics, 1:5, 985b25ff.
128 Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher
4.3.5 The Pythagorean Mathematical World-Order
Through the influence of the literate-philosophical worldview, the Pythagoreans
transformed mousike into an abstract mathematical harmonic system. This further
encouraged them to comprehend the whole of the cosmos in terms of this newly devised
mathematical analysis.
Isocrates (c. 436 338 BC) reports that Pythagoras acquired the wisdom of the
Egyptians,329 and according to Aristotle the Pythagoreans where the first to advance the
study of mathematics in Greece?30 In effect, Pythagoras would have engaged in the
process of restructuring the ancient mathematical learning, carried on by the later Greek
mathematicians. This ancient learning was transformed out of its concrete oral-mythical
setting onto a more abstract theoretical basis, such as is exemplified in the later axiomatic
geometrical methods of Euclid?31
The Pythagoreans envisioned a cosmic world-order that was founded upon, and
built out of, mathematics. The arche, first principle, or the Divine, for them was the
Limit. It formed the foundational principle of cosmic unity. Over and against the Limit,
was the Unlimited. It embodied the principle of plurality.332
329 Isocrates, Busiris, 28, 'Pythagoras of Samos, having traveled [sic.] to Egypt and studied there, was the
first to introduce high culture (Philosophia) to the Greeks'. Quoted from, Kahn, Pythagoras and the
Pythagoreans, p. 12.
330 Aristotle, Metaphysics, 1:5, 985b22ff, ' ... the Pythagoreans, as they are called, devoted themselves to
mathematics; they were the first to advance this study, and having been brought up in it they thought its
rrinciples were the principles of all things.'
31 A comparison and analysis of the difl'erence between the concrete Egyptian and Babylonian arts of
counting and measuring, and the abstract theoretical mathematics of philosophical Greece, in light of the
advent of'the literate-philosophical and Orphic movements, shall be reserved until Chapter Five.
332 See the following. (1) Aristotle, Physics, III:4, 203a4ff, 'Some, as the Pythagoreans and Plato, make the
infinite [or 'the Unlimited'] a principle as a substance in its own right, and not as an accident of some other
thing.' (2) Aristotle, Metaphysics, 1:5, 986a14ff, 'Evidently, then, these thinkers also consider that number
is the principle both as matter for things and as forming their modifications and states, and hold that the
elements of number are the even and the odd, and of these the former is unlimited, and the latter limited ...
Other member of the same school say there are ten principles, which they arrange in two columns of
cognates -limit and unlimited, odd and even, one and plurality, right and left, male and female, resting and
moving, straight and curved, light and darkness, good and bad, square and oblong.' (3) Aristotle,
Metaphysics, 1:8, 990a5, 'But the causes and the principles which they mention are, as we said, sufficient to
act as steps even up to the higher realms of reality, and are more suited to these than to theories about
nature. They do not tell us at all, however, how there can be movement if limit and unlimited and odd and
even are the only things assumed .. .' (4) Philolaus, 44 B 1 DK Diogenes Laertius 8.85, 'Nature in the
world-order was fitted together both out of things which are unlimited and out of things which are limiting,
both the world-order as a whole and all the things in it.' (5) Philolaus 44 B 2 DK = Stobaeus, Eclogae
Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher 129
The Limit limits the Unlimited, or the Indefinite plurality is brought to limit. From
these two principles number is generated. Numbers then, are the result of the Limit acting
upon the Unlimited.
From numbers, geometrical space is generated.
This was the reason that for the Pythagoreans, the number ten, the Decad, or
Tetraktys, held pre-eminent significance. In fact the Tetraktys was considered of such
significance that oaths were said to have been sworn by it.
It is the sum of the first four
numbers, 1+2+3+4=10, and forms the cosmic number.
The numbers of the Tetraktys
1.21.7a, 'It is neeessary that the things that are be all either limiting, or unlimited, or both limiting and
unlimited but not in every case unlimited alone. Well then, since it is manifest that they are neither from
limiting things alone, nor from unlimited things alone, it is clear then that the world-order and the things in
it were fitted together from both limiting and unlimited things. Things in their actions also make this clear.
For, some of them from limiting (constituents) limit, other from both limiting and unlimited (constituents)
both limit and do not limit, others from unlimited (constituents) will be manifestly unlimited.' Both
Philolaus fragments are quoted from Huffman, Philolaus of Croton: Pythagorean and Presocratic, pp. 93,
101, and are argued by him to be genuine. See Huffman's fuller discussion, pp. 93-113. Also see the
discussion regarding the Limit and the Unlimited, in, Huffman, Phi/olaus of Croton: Pythagorean and
Pre socratic, pp. 37-53; McKirahan, Philosophy before Socrates, p. 96; Kahn, Pythagoras and the
Pythagoreans, pp. 23-25.
333 Aristotle, Metaphysics, 1:5, 986a17-21, ' ... and hold that the elements of number are the even and the
odd, and of these the former is unlimited, and the latter limited; and the 1 proceeds from both of these (for
it is both even and odd), and number from the 1; and the whole heaven, as has been said, is numbers.';
. Aristotle, Physics, III:4, 203al0-15, 'Further, the Pythagoreans identify the infinite [or 'the Unlimited']
with the even. For this, they say, when it is cut off and shut in by the odd [or 'when this is surrounded and
limited by the odd'], provides things with the element of infinity [or, 'provides things with the quality of
unlimitedness']. An indication of this is what happens with numbers. If the gnomons are placed round the
one, and without the one, in the one construction the figure that results is always different, in the other it is
always the same.' Also, see the discussion in, McKirahan, Philosophy before Socrates, p. 96.
334 Alexander, In Aristotelis Metaphysica commentaria, 74.6, 'For they said that numbers and their
characteristics follow the places in the heavens, and are proper to them; and that for this reason spatial
magnitudes too come into existence at a later stage out of these numbers ... '. Quoted from, Huffman,
Philolaus of Croton: Pythagorean and Presocratic, pp. 284-285.
335 This Pythagorean.oath is recorded in detail by both Iamblichus and Porphyry. lamblichus, The Life of
Pythagoras, 28,
'I swear by the discoverer of the Tetraktys,
Which is the spring of all our wisdom,
The perennial root of Nature's fount.'
Porphyry, The Life of Pythagoras, 20, ' ... they [i.e. the Pythagoreans] would swear by the Tetraktys,
adjuring Pythagoras as a divine witness, in the words.
I call to witness him who to our souls expressed the
Tetraktys, eternal Nature's fountain-spring.'
The earliest record of this oath in a passage from Sextus Empmcus (c. 150 - 225 AD), possibly following
Posidonius (c. 135 51 BC), Sextus Empiricus, Against the Mathematicians, 7.94-95, 'This number is the
first tetractys, and is called thc source of ever flowing nature ... .' Quoted from, McKirahan, Philosophy
before Socrates, p. 93. Burkert notcs that first part of the oath may be archaic, and the second part not older
than Empcdocles. For a discussion sce, Burkert, Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism, p. 72, 186-
187. Kahn, Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans. pp. 31-32. Kahn himself notes, 'The doctrine itself must be
old, as we can see from the role that the musical ratios and the number 10 play for Philolaus.'
336 Aristotle, Metaphysics, 1:5, 986alff, 'And all the properties of numbers and scales which they could
show to agrce with the attributes and parts and the whole arrangement of the heavens, they collected and
130 Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher
(i.e. 1,2,3, and 4) also express the basis for musical harmony, as outlined above. The
ratios, 1:2 = Octave, 2:3 = Fifth, 3:4 = Fourth, are all generated from the Tetraktys, and
from these basic ratios, the 6:8::9:12 ratio for the diatonic scale may be derived, as also
seen above.
This number-cosmology was adopted and developed by Plato in his world picture
in the Timaeus, which can be understood as a mathematically transformed Orphic
theogony, as I shall argue in Chapter Six. Once an abstract theoretical disposition of
thought was applied to mousike, the historical result was the Orphic-Pythagorean
emphasis on mathematics as the basis for cosmological speCUlation.
4.4 Platonic OrphisDl
4.4.1 Plato as an Orphic Philosopher
In Chapter Two, I argued that Plato should be considered as having championed the
new literate-philosophical cultural form, pioneered by the Presocratics. Similarly here,
Plato should be considered as having championed the new Orphic-philosophical cultural
form, pioneered by the Presocratics, and in particular the Pythagoreans.
Not only does Plato himself make explicit references to Orpheus, but implicitly, the
basis of much of his philosophy is derived from Orphism, and from the philosophically
transformed Orphic-Pythagoreanism?38
fitted into their scheme; and if there was a gap anywhere, they readily made additions so as to make their
whole theory coherent. E.g. as the number 10 is thought to be perfect and to comprise the whole nature of
numbers, they said that the bodies which move through the heavens are ten .... '
337 Sextus Empmcus, Against the Mathematicians, 7.94-95, 'The tetractys is a certain number, which being
composed of the four fist numbers produces the most perfect number, ten. For one and two and three and
four corne to be ten. This number is the first tetractys, and is called the source of ever flowing nature since
according to them the entire kosmos is organised according to harmonia, and harmonia is a system of three
concords - the fourth, the fifth, and the octave - and the proportions of these three concords are found in
the aforementioned four numbers.' Quoted from McKirahan, Philosophy before Socrates, p. 93.
338 That the philosophy of Plato reflects an Orphic-Pythagorean piety, has also been argued by Morgan,
Platonic Piety. I essentially agree with Morgan's presentation in this work regarding the influence upon
Plato of Orphism, Pythagoreanism, and the mystery religions. However, in distinction to Morgan, I argue
for a much closer relationship between Dionysian and Orphic religiosities. In addition to this, I think
Morgan's association of Apollo with the traditional Homeric religiosity is unhelpful. This led Morgan on
one occasion to 'wonder how Plato could so easily endorse' receiving laws for the polis from Apollo, in
Republic, 469a-470a. See, Morgan, Platonic Piety, pp. 106-107. Recoguising a synthesis of both Dionysian
Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher 131
4.4.2 Explicit References to Orphism in Plato
There are at least fifteen passages in the Platonic dialogues where Plato makes
explicit reference to Orpheus or Orphism.
Music was the exemplary art for Orpheus:
Yet further, as I think, the same is true of playing on the flute, and on the harp, and
singing to the harp, and rhapsody. You never saw a man with the skill to judge of
Olympus, of Thamyras, or of Orpheus ... 340
Orpheus inspires the poets:
And from these primary rings, the poets, others are in tum suspended, some attached
to this one, some to that, and are filled with inspiration, some by Orpheus, others by
The dramatic figure of Socrates would dearly love to meet Orpheus in the afterlife,
along with Musaeus, Hesiod, and Homer, if that were possible:
Put it in this way, How much would one of you give to meet Orpheus and Musaeus,
Hesiod and Homer? I am willing to die ten times over if this account is true.
Plato has Phaedrus, in his Symposium speech, reveal a knowledge of Orpheus'
journey to the underworld. Although dramatically, Plato has Phaedrus give an
uncharitable reflection on the story:
And yet the gods sent Orpheus, son of Oeagrus, away from Hades empty-handed,
and showed him the mere shadow of the woman he had come to seek. Eurydice
herself they would not let him take, because he seemed, like the mere minstrel that
he was, to be a lukewarm lover ... 343
Plato compares the skill of persuading audiences possessed by the sophist
Protagoras, with the charming voice of Orpheus:
and Apollonian elements in the Orphic religiosity, as I have argued in Chapter Three, would, in my
opinion, help account for this far better than Morgan's own alternative.
339 This list is primarily indebted to both: (1) The entry under 'Orpheus/Orphic' in the index of Plato's
dialogues, compiled by Edward J. Foye, which appears as an appendix to, Hamilton and Cairns (eds.),
Plato: The Collected Dialogues. Foye, in turn, has based his index on the Abbott-Knight index to Jowett's
translation (3!d ed.) of Plato, although completely reworking this for the Hamilton-Cairns edition; (2) A
similar compilation of references by Feibleman, in, Feibleman, Religious Platonism, pp. 57-59.
340 Plato, Ion, 533b.
341 Plato, Ion, 536b.
342 Plato, Apology, 41a.
343 Plato, Symposium, 179d.
132 Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher
Protagoras draws them from every city that he passes through, charming them with
his voice like Orpheus, and they follow spellbound ... 344
Further, Plato has the dramatic figure of Protagoras claim Orpheus as a fellow
ancient sophist, who disguised his philosophical sophism under religious rites and
prophecy for fear of public antipathy:
Personally, I [Le. Protagoras] hold that the Sophist's art is an ancient one, but that
those who put their hand to it in former times, fearing the odium which it brings,
adopted a disguise and worked under cover. Some used poetry as a screen, for
instance Homer and Hesiod and Simonides; others religious rites and prophecy, like
Orpheus and Musaeus and their school. _.345
In the Republic, Plato has Glaucon speak of the laymen and poets, who,
... produce a bushel of books of Musaeus and Orpheus, the offspring of the Moon
and of the Muses, as they affirm, and these books they use in their ritual, and make
not only ordinary men but states believe that there really are remissions of sins and
purifications for deeds of injustice ... 346
Later in this dialogue's myth of Er, Socrates speaks of the soul of Orpheus being
seen in Hades, opting to be reincarnated as a swan. This also evidences Plato's familiarity
with the Orphic myth regarding the shunning of Orpheus, and his death at the hands of
the Thracean Maenads:
He saw the soul that had been Orpheus' , he said, selecting the life of a swan, because
from hatred of the tribe of women, owing to his death at their hands, it was unwilling
to be conceived and born of a woman.
Plato favourably refers to the Orphic doctrine that the body is the tomb of the soul
(as demonstrated in Chapter Three):
For some say that the body is the grave (afjllu) of the soul which may be thought to
be buried in our present life; or again the index of the. soul, because the soul gives
indications to (UTUW(VEl) the body; probably the Orphic poets were the inventors of
the name, and they were under the impression that the soul is suffering the
punishment of sin, and that the body is an enclosure or prison in which the soul is
incarcerated, kept safe (awllu, aW(ETal), as the name uWllu implies, until the
penalty is paid; according to this view, not even a letter of the word need be
344 Plato, Protagoras, 315a.
345 Plato, Protagoras, 316d.
346 Plato, Republic, 364e.
347 Plato, Republic, 620a.
348 Plato, Cratylus, 400b-c.
Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher 133
A similar picture to this is told in Gorgias 492e-493a, although Orpheus is not explicitly
mentioned there.
Plato is also familiar with the Orphic theogonies, as I will further argue in Chapter
Six. He specifically mentions Orpheus in connection with such a theogony later in the
Well, then, how can we avoid inferring that he who gave the names of Cronus and
Rhea to the ancestors of the gods agreed pretty much in the doctrine of Heraclitus? Is
the giving of the names of streams to both of them purely accidental? Compare the
line in which Homer, and, as I believe, Hesiod also, tells of 'Oceanus, the origin of
gods, and mother Tethys.' [Iliad 14.201] And again, Orpheus says that 'The fair river
of Oceanus was the first to marry, and he espoused his sister Tethys, who was his
mother's daughter.'349
This is further confirmed in the Philebus, where the dramatic Socrates speaks of the
theogonies that cease at the sixth generation:
"But with the sixth generation," says Orpheus, "cease the rhythmic song.,,350
And finally, there are four passages in the Laws that speak of Orpheus. Plato,
through the dramatic voice of the Athenian Stranger, indicates the Orphic way of life as
that of an ascetic vegetarianism:
Besides, we remark the persistence of human sacrifice to this day in many quarters,
while it is reported, on the other hand, of other peoples that they shrank from tasting
even the flesh of oxen, and offered no animals in sacrifice; they honoured their gods
with cakes and meal soaked in honey and other such 'pure' sacrifices, but abstained
from flesh, counting it criminal to eat it, or to pollute the altars of the gods with
blood. Man's life in those days conformed to the rule known as Orphic, universal
insistence on vegetarianism, and entire abstention from all that is animal.
Plato has Clinias give the time span for the discoveries of statesmanship to be
within a one to two thousand year old period. This contrasts with the tens of thousands of
years of the men from the earlier ages. Within this more recent period he locates
As much as to say that we must take the men of those ages to have known nothing of
these matters for untold tens of thousands of years. It is only some thousand or two
thousand years since they were revealed, partly by Daedalus, partly by Orpheus,
349 Plato, Cratylus, 402b.
350 Plato, Philebus, 66c.
351 Plato, Laws, 782c.
134 Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher
partly by Palamedes, music by Marsyas and Olympus, the lyre by Amphion, and
. h d' . b 352
vanous ot er Iscovenes y numerous persons ...
The last two references are to the musicality of the Orpheus figure. The Athenian
Stranger provides laws to censor the singing of songs. Only those qualified and
authorised composers may write and sing verses. So that,
Their music, and theirs only, shall be free and uncensored, whereas this liberty shall
be granted to no one else, and no other citizen shall presume, without the curator's
license, to sing an unauthorized air, were it notes more ravishing than those of
Thamyras or Orpheus themselves ... 353
The poet-musicians of the polis, who are all too inadequate compared with the
Divine Muses, are only too fond of,
... provoking the contempt of those of us who, in the phrase of Orpheus, are 'ripe for
delight', by this kind of senseless and complicated confusion.
4.4.3 Plato as the Champion of Orphic-Pythagoreanism
Not only do we discern a familiarity with Orphic lore explicitly within Plato, but
implicitly, his own philosophy may be understood as a development of Orphic-
In each of the Phaedo, Gorgias, and Republic, Plato presents an Orphic myth, in a
positive light.
These all concern the continuity of the soul, separated from the body, in
an afterlife.
The myths all teach Orphic body-soul dualism, the Orphic transmigration
of souls, as well as the possibility of the soul being liberated from the cycle of
reincarnation to return to the Divine. Plato is familiar with the Orphic myth regarding the
352 Plato, Laws, 677d.
353 Plato, Laws, 829d-e.
354 Plato, Laws, 669d.
355 Morgan has argued for Plato's indebtedness to Orphic and Pythagorean teachings in both the Phaedo,
and Republic. In, Morgan, Platonic Piety, pp. 55-79, 100-157. Likewise, Guthrie has argued for the use of
Orphic mythology in the Phaedo, Gorgias, and Republic. In, Guthrie, Orpheus and Greek Religion, pp.
238-244. Guthrie concludes, 'To sum up, ... we saw reason ... to assign many of the myths of Plato in the
main to an Orphic origin, in particular the elaborate eschatologies of the Phaedo, Gorgias, and
Republic ... ', p. 243.
356 Plato, Phaedo, 107d - 114d; Gorgias, 523a - 526d; Republic, 614b - 621d.
Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher 135
origin of man from the Titans, and speaks of our 'Titanic nature' (as indicated in Chapter
Orphic body-soul dualism is a mainstay of Platonic anthropology. It figures as part
of the dialectic arguments of the dramatic Socrates.
Is it [i.e. death] simply the release of the soul from the body? Is death nothing more
or less than this, the separate condition of the body by itself when it is released from
the soul, and the separate condition by itself of the soul when it is released from the
body? Is death nothing else than this? No, just that.
This separable soul, as with the Orphics, is immortal,
Then tell me, what must be present in a body to make it alive? SouL .. And the soul
does not admit death? No. So soul is immortal? Yes, it is immortal.
Along with the Orphics, Plato declares that the body is a prison or tomb for the soul.
Every seeker after wisdom knows that up to the time when philosophy takes over his
soul is a helpless prisoner, chained hand and foot in the body, compelled to view
reality not directly but only through its prison bars ...
. .. without taint of that prison house which now we are encompassed withal, and call
a body, fast bound as an oyster in its shell.
Eschatologically, the soul is caught in a cycle of reincarnation.
To be freed it
must undergo a form of purification?62 For Plato this is philosophically transformed upon
the basis of mathematics, as I shall argue in Chapter Seven. The purified soul breaks from
this cycle and returns back to the Divine from whence it came.
But the soul, the invisible part, which goes away to a place that is, like itself,
glorious, pure, and invisible - the true Hades or unseen world - into the presence
of the good and wise God ... then it departs to that place which is, like itself,
invisible, divine, immortal, and wise, where, on its arrival, happiness awaits it, and
release from uncertainty and folly, from fears and uncontrolled desires, and all other
human evils, and where as they say of the initiates in the Mysteries, it really spends
the rest of its time with God.
357 Plato, Laws, III: 701c, 'The spectacle of the titanic nature of which our old legends speak is re-enacted;
man returns to the old condition of a hell of unending misery.'
358 Plato, Phaedo, 64c.
359 Plato, Phaedo, lO5c-e. See also, Laws, 959b, 967d; Meno, 81b, 85e; Phaedo, 85e, 87, 92, 105;
Phaedrus, 245c; Republic, 608c; Timaeus, 41c, 42e, 69c.
360 Plato, Phaedo, 82e and Phaedrus, 250c. See also, Phaedo, 62b, 81.
361 Plato, Laws, 903d, 904e; Meno, 81b; Phaedo, 70c, 71e, 81, 113a; Phaedrus, 248c; Republic 617d;
Timaeus, 41e, 90e.
362 Plato, Phaedo, 67, 82a.
363 Plato, Phaedo, 80d - 81a.
136 Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher
Plato even clearly refers to the 'initiates in the Mysteries' (i.e. Orphism) as a parallel to,
and authority for, his own retelling of the afterlife myth.
The Platonic theory of Recollection, taught in both the Meno and the Phaedo,364
relies upon the Orphic doctrine of the soul's pre-existence and origin from the Divine.
The Phaedrus contains an allegory of the soul, as a chariot pulled by two horses.
There Plato refers to an Orphic eschatology366 as the basis for his own philosophical
psychology, just as he does in the Phaedo, Gorgias, and Republic myths. In agreement
with Pindar, he intimates the three thousand year periods before the soul can be
The Allegory of the Cave, 368 with its symbol of the Sun, may also be considered as
inspired by Orphism. In the Republic, the Sun illuminates Being, and is equated with the
This symbol of the Sun also plays a vital role in Orphic mythology, where
Orpheus after his unsuccessful attempt to rescue Eurydice from Hades, worships Apollo
as Helios, the Sun, on the mountains of Thrace.
The cosmology of the Timaeus can best be understood as a grand Orphic theogony,
mathematically transformed in true Orphic-Pythagorean style, as I shall argue in Chapter
Rappe has argued that the dramatic structure of the Symposium is based upon the
journey of Orpheus to the underworld. Both the Orpheus myth and the Symposium are
stories concerning love. Socrates functions as a type of Orpheus and Alcibiades as a type
of Eurydice. Both Orpheus and Socrates fail in their quest to rescue their beloved.
Metaphysically, for Plato, the distinction between Being and Becoming IS
fundamental. He presents us with a metaphysic as to how these two may be synthesised
into a cosmic order. This, I propose, can be understood as a philosophically transfonned
364 Plato, Meno, 82b 85b; Phaedo, 73.
365 Plato, Phaedrus, 246aff.
366 That Plato uses Orphic and Baeehie themes in the Phaedrus myth has been argued by Morgan, Platonic
. Piety, pp. 171-172.
367 Plato, Phaedrus, 249a-b.
368 Plato, Republic, 514a 519b.
369 Plato, Republic, 507b 50ge.
370 Rappe, Reading Neoplatonism, p. 150.
Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher 137
Orphic synthesis between the dual religious motifs of Apollo (correlated with Being) and
Dionysus (correlated with Becoming). Plato applies this both at the macrocosmic level of
the universe itself, and at the microcosmic level of the human soul with its concomitant
Here then, we see that Plato must be set in the context of Orphism if we are to
interpret him aright. The proof of this pudding, shall of course be in the eating, reserved
until Part Two (Chapters Six and Seven).
4.5 Philosophical Anthropology: The Orphic Soul becomes
4.5.1 The Priority of the Rational in Man for the Presocratics
We have already observed above, that how the Divine was conceived, and how
humanity was conceived, took a decidedly rationalist tum in the Presocratic philosophers.
The Divine was equated with the newly emphasised abstract theoretical thought. It was a
principle of exhaustive rational systematicity, the all-embracing Logos, that which gives
order to the cosmos.
Concomitant with this, was the newly arisen anthropology of the Orphics. For the
Presocratics, the soul itself, or the highest part of the soul in some cases, was identified
with abstract theoretical thought. The essence of what it meant to be a human being was
rationality. Humans were connected with the Divine, in that human rationality formed a
part of the Divine Logos. If humans could transcend their particularity as isolated
individuals, and re-unify their soul with its origin in the Divine, then they could achieve
exhaustive rational systematicity, at least in principle.
This was the new way of philosophy pioneered and preached by the Presocratic
philosophers. Of course, the textual evidence that we possess concerning these early
philosopher-pioneers is rather minimal at best. As evidenced above, they were certainly
leading us in this new direction. It is not until we read the fuller and clearer textual
138 Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher
evidence of Plato, anticipated by the Pythagoreans, that we discern philosophicaJ
Orphism being unequivocally championed, rather than merely pioneered.
In the Presocratics the Orphic soul has been philosophically transformed, in that the
Orphic soul is now rational.
4.5.2 The Pythagorean Rational Soul
Within the tradition of pre-Platonic Orphic-Pythagorean psychology, we find that
the soul is identified with reason.
And there are four principles of the rational animal, just as Philolaus says in On
Nature: brain, heart, navel, genitals. The head [is the seat] of intellect, the heart of
life and sensation, the navel of rooting and first growth, the genitals of the sowing of
seed and generation. The brain [contains] the origin of man [or, 'the ruling factor of
man'], the heart the origin of animals, the navel the origin of plants, the genitals the
origin of all (living things). For all things both flourish and grow from seed.
Reason alone is that faculty by which we real1y come to knowledge.
As a result Anaxagoras said that reason in general was the criterion. The
Pythagoreans said that reason was the criterion, but not reason in general, but rather
the reason .that arises from the mathematical sciences, just as Philolaus also said, and
since it is concerned with the nature of wholes [they said that] it has a certain kinship
to that nature, since it is the nature of like to be apprehended by like. 372
The Orphic purification rites, when applied to the rational soul, become
transformed from merely dietary asceticism into intellectual purification. This requires
the study of the newly arisen abstract theoretical disciplines. Given their abstract nature,
these disciplines are in content non-concrete, or theoretical. In this way, the soul, the
intellect, is onto logically suited to the study of these objects of theoretical thought. It is
especially the theoretical discipline of mathematics that for the Pythagoreans epitomised
the basis of the cosmos, and thus was most worthy of intellectual attention.
371 Philolaus, 44 B 13 := Theologumena arithmeticae 25.17. Quoted from, Huffman, Phi/olaus of Croton:
Pythagorean and Presocratic, p. 307. Huffman argues for the authenticity ofthis fragment, pp. 307-314.
372 Sextus Empiricus, Against the Mathematicians, 7.92. Quoted from, Huffman, Philolaus of Croton:
Pythagorean and Presocratic, p. 199. For a discussion of this passage see, Huffman, Philolaus of Croton:
Pythagorean and Presocratic, pp. 199-201.
Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher 139
4.5.3 Reason as the Highest and Immortal part of the Soul in Plato
Plato carries on this Presocratic and Pythagorean tradition of identifying the
essence of the soul with rationality.
In the Phaedo, Plato has the figure of Socrates present us with a picture of the soul,
in which the soul itself is identified with that which is immortal, invisible, divine, and
Then [the sou]] departs to that place which is, like itself, invisible, divine, immortal,
and rationaL.
One of the primary dramatic themes in the Phaedo is that the soul is immortal.
Plato presents four sueh arguments in order to support this c1aim.
The third argument for immortality, contends that the Divine IS simple (Le.
incomposite) and thus unable to be broken and dispersed into parts. As the soul is most
like the Divine, then the soul also must be considered as simple (or incomposite), and so
it also cannot be broken and dispersed into parts?75 The soul is contrasted with the bodily
desires, and appetites, for such things as food, clothing, or pains and pleasures?76 The
soul, in the Phaedo, is presented to us asa simple, undivided thing, the essence of which
is rationality. It is not until the later dialogues, such as the Republic, and the Timaeus, that
Plato elaborates upon this basic psychology.
In the Republic, Plato presents to us a tripartite soul, i.e. that the soul can in fact be
understood as consisting of three parts. These three parts are: (I) the intellectual or
rational part (to 10gistikon),377 sometimes called the thinking or understanding part
(noos),378 which loves learning and wisdom;379 (2) the spirited part (to thumoeides),38o
373 Plato, Phaedo, 81a.
374 Plato, Phaedo, 70dff, 'Argument from Opposites'; neff, 'Argument from Recollection'; 78bff,
'Argument from Affinity with the Divine'; 105cff, 'Argument from the Forms' .
375 Plato, Phaedo, 78bff.
376 Plato, Phaedo, 64d - 64c.
377 Plato, Republic, 439d.
378 Plato, Republic, 490b, 508c, 511d.
379 Plato, Republic, 581b.
380 Plato, Republic, 441a.
140 Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher
which loves winning and honour;381 (3) the desiring or appetitive part (to
epithumetikon),382 which loves money and profit.
The highest part of the tripartite soul is the rational part, and this part must have
primacy and rule over the other parts of the soul,
Does it not belong to the rational part to rule, being wise and exercising forethought
in behalf of the entire soul... Assuredly. 384
Each of the other parts, in tum, must act in accordance with their own proper telos
(goal), if the soul is to be harmonious and just.
Plato then, gives primacy to the rational
part in man, identified here as the highest part of the soul.
The Timaeus confirms this account, even more graphically. Here Plato
distinguishes between the immortal and mortal parts of the soul.
And they [i.e. the offspring of the Divine artificer], imitating him, received from him
the immortal principle of the soul, and around this they proceeded to fashion a
mortal body, and made it to be the vehicle of the soul, and constructed within the
body a soul of another nature which was mortal...
These parts of the soul are separated by being located in different parts of the body.
The immortal part of the soul, the rational or intellectual, is located in the head. The
mortal part of the soul is in tum divided into two parts corresponding to the divisions in
the Republic. The spirited part is located in the chest, and is separated from the rational
immortal part by the neck. The appetitive part is located in the belly, and is separated
from the spirited part by the midriff.
This rational immortal part of the soul, connects us to the Divine, and is established
by the Divine in us, as our sovereign and director.
And we should consider that God gave the sovereign part of the human soul to be the
divinity of each one, being that part which, as we say, dwells at the top of the body,
381 Plato, Republic, 581 a-b.
382 Plato, Republic, 439d.
383 Plato, Republic, 580d - 581a.
384 Plato, Republic, 441e.
385 Plato, Republic, 441d-e.
386 Plato, Timaeus, 69c.
387 Plato, Timaeus, 69c - 70a, 90a-d.
Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher
and inasmuch as we are a plant not of an earthly but of a heavenly growth, raises us
from earth to our kindred who are in heaven.
Prima facie, it may appear to the interpreter that these two pictures contradict -
the simple undivided rational essence in the Phaedo, and the tripartite soul in the
Republic and Timaeus. To overcome this, it may be suggested that the Phaedo account is
a more historically Socratic view, and that the Republic-Timaeus represents the
developed Platonic view.
However, I do not consider this to be a viable option textually. The Phaedo itself
contains much detailed work on the nature of the Forms, which certainly express the
philosophical work of a mature Plato. The dramatic role played by Socrates in the
Platonic dialogues is really never one of merely mimicking the historical Socrates.
Rather, the dramatic Socrates always functions in the context of a broader, often implicit,
Platonic background.
Given this way of reading the dialogues, I suggest a slightly more subtle approach
to harmonising the Phaedo. Namely, we should acknowledge that the dramatic purpose
and scope of the Phaedo is to establish, by argument, that there is an immortal soul. This
is different to the purpose and scope of the passages on tripartition in the Republic and
Timaeus. In these latter, a more detailed psychology is being developed, in terms of ethics
(i.e. justice), and in terms of cosmology. Recognising this difference in scope, then,
should enable us to interpret the Phaedo discussion as limited to the immortal essence of
the soul. Only in later dialogues do we learn this is spatially separate, and genealogically
separate to any mortal part of the soul, coming from the Divine artificer himself.
The Phaedo completely concords with the Timaeus, in declaring this immortal
essence of the soul to be Divine. In the Phaedo, it was because of its Divinity that it was
simple. Taking the Phaedo's immortal soul to be simple in no way conflicts with the
immortal soul, or rather part of the soul, spoken of in the Republic or the Timaeus.
The Phaedo speaks of such things as appetite as belonging to the body, whereas the
Republic and Timaeus associate these with the mortal soul. We need only understand this
as an expanded description of the human psychology, resulting from the different
388 Plato, Timaeus, 90a.
142 Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher
purposes of the passages under discussion. In the Phaedo, what is immortal is contrasted
with what is mortal and bodily. In the Republic and Timaeus, the contrast involves
aspects of the soul (i.e. that which moves us). Such that what was merely described as
bodily in the Phaedo, can now more sophisticatedly be described as a mortal part of soul,
or that part of soul that is directed toward the body. The difference between Phaedo and
Republic-Timaeus, therefore, is merely one of dramatic purpose, and therefore only of
The idea of the primacy of the intellect in Plato results from these two important
cultural shifts, namely, the Orphic shift in identifying the essence of humans with their
soul, which is Divine; and the literate-philosophical shift in transforming the nature of the
Divine to be an all-encompassing rationality. As the Divine is rational, so too must the
soul (or highest part of the soul) be rational.
What we have, therefore, is the Orphic soul made rational. Not only has the Orphic
bard become a philosopher, but also his soul has become his faculty for rational
theoretical thought.
4.5.4 The Way of Philosophy as the Purification of the Soul in Plato
Having seen how Plato transformed the Orphic anthropology, it remains for us to
outline briefly how the Orphic eschatology was also transformed.
This will be covered in more depth as the subject of Chapter Seven, so I shall only
highlight the main points in this section, which will naturally lead on to the discussion
For the Orphics, humanity was held in bondage to bodily reincarnation due to an
original injustice. Salvation meant being liberated from this cycle of rebirth. The
eschatological hope of the Orphics was that by means of purification (katharsis), the soul
might be cleansed from this original corruption, and freed to return back to the Divine.
It was this Orphic-Pythagorean eschatology that was philosophically transformed
by Plato. As the immortal soul in essence is rational, and comes from the Divine which is
389 For another argument harmonising Plato's account of the soul, particularly in relation to the Republic
and the Timaeus, see, Szlezak, Reading Plato, pp. 72-75.
Chapter Four: The Orphic Philosopher 143
rational, it must follow that to release the soul completely from the body means releasing
the soul from aU irrationality. In this way the soul may unify itself with universal
rationality once again.
We may attain unto this Divine immortality, or release from the bodily state, by
way of the rationally transformed Orphic purifications. This involves the pursuit of
knowledge or wisdom, by living as a philosopher or lover of wisdom.
But he who has been earnest in the love of knowledge and of true wisdom, and has
exercised his intellect more than any other part of him, must have thoughts immortal
and divine, if he attain truth, and in so far as human nature is capable of sharing in
immortality, he must altogether be immortal, and since he is ever cherishing the
divine ~ o w r and has divinity within him in perfect order, he will be singularly
happy.3 0
The primary dialogue that speaks of this purification is the Phaedo. Discussion of
this will be left until Chapter Seven. Suffice it to say here, that for Plato the study of the
abstract theoretical sciences constitutes the way that the rational soul is purified. In
particular, through the study of mathematics one may be initiated into the Orphic-
philosophical rites. The soul of the philosopher has the hope of liberating itself back to
the Divine. But the rest of humanity is doomed, with its misguided focus On the bodily,
the sensual, to its recurring bondage in that world of Becoming.
It is the philosopher who knows true Being, and he ever strives toward the Divine,
the Universal Reason and source of Being.
390 Plato, Timaeus, 90b-c.
Part One: Literacy, and the Rise of the Orphic
Chapter Five:
Mathentatics in the Making
But we may take it that whenever Greeks acquire anything from foreigners,
they finally carry it to a higher perfection.
Plato, Epinomis, 988d
Chapter Five: Mathematics in the Making 145
In this chapter, I investigate the mathematical shift in ancient
Greece from concrete counting and measuring to an abstract theoretical
science of deductive geometry. I compare pre-philosophical Egyptian
and Babylonian mathematics with philosophical Greek mathematics.
Pre-philosophical cultures relied upon a concrete, non-abstract,
understanding of the arts of counting and measuring. These were
integrated and woven into the fabric of their society. They did not
function as a separate theoretical science, with a proper abstract
domain of their own. This is in stark contrast to the shape that
mathematics took in classical Greece. Here were realised, for the first
time in western history, the conditions for the possibility of a theoretical
science of mathematics. This science took the form of an axiomatic
deductive geometry, and was exemplified in the Elements of Euclid.
The development of such a deductive geometry resulted from the
cultural shifts occurring within classical Greece, namely, the shift from
oral-mythical to literate-philosophical ways of life discussed in Chapter
Two, and the Orphic-philosophical religious shift discussed in Chapters
Three and Four. This also provided a foundation for the Platonic
cosmogony, with its reliance upon geometrical construction, discussed in
Chapter Six.
146 Chapter Five: Mathematics in the Making
5.1 Mathematical Practice among the Ancient Babylonian and
Egyptian Cultures
5.1.1 Ambiguity of Mathematics
In discussing the history of mathematics, one can sometimes be misled by the use
of the single term 'mathematics'. It may suggest that what was practised in ancient Egypt
and Babylon was to a greater or lesser extent a single monolithic activity, along with
what was practised by Descartes and Newton, and along with what is practised in
academic departments of mathematics today.
This monolithic assumption, as we may describe it, was once popular in
enlightenment thought. Today it is simply untenable to make this assumption, with the
advent of modern scholarship and a far more self-critical approach to cultural
anthropology. Our single term 'mathematics' embodies very many shapes and forms that
reflect the ideas and ways of life of the cultures from which it grows. This is true both in
the history of western culture, and in other cultures that have had little ot no contact with
the west.
For example, much has been written in recent years concerning the difference
between the modem and ancient concepts of what is called number. It has been argued
that in the ancient Greek context, it is potentially misleading to use the modern English
term 'number' to translate the ancient Greek term 'arithmos'. The reason for this, it is
claimed, is that the modern concept of number involves a higher order of abstraction that
was not contained in the ancient concept of arithmos.
I argued in Chapter Two that the shift from orality to literacy in ancient Greece
went hand in hand with the advent of philosophy as a way of life. If this argument is
basically correct, then this will radically effect the way we examine non-Hellenised
cultures, and especially cultures prior to the advent of philosophy (c. 600 BC in Greece).
In partiCUlar, we will have to examine these cultures as oral cultures, with all that the
391 For a discussion on this see, Pritchard, Plato's Philosophy of Mathematics, Ch.2; And, Klein, Greek
Mathematical Thought and the Origin of Algebra.
Chapter Five: Mathematics in the Making 147
word 'oral' suggests in light of Chapter Two. We should not read into their non-
philosophical ways of life the categories and thought patterns of a philosophical culture.
This is especially important when it comes to mathematics. If by the term
'mathematics' we mean a typical, modem, dictionary definition of 'abstract science of
space and number' ,392 then we must conclude that the ancient pre-philosophical cultures
simply did not practice mathematics. They simply did not intellectually reflect upon their
experience and activities in terms of abstract categories, as I argued in Chapter Two.
They possessed no abstract theoretical disciplines, such as modem mathematics purports
to be. But they certainly did command practices and activities that historians and
philosophers of mathematics would perhaps desire to call mathematics, or at least include
these activities in the line-up of mathematical history.
It is with this strong caveat in mind that I shall analyse these pre-philosophical
cultural practices, ambiguously described as mathematical.
5.1.2 Egypt and Babylon as Precursors to Greece
The ancient Greeks generally acknowledged the Egyptian and Babylonian empires
as their primary mathematical influences?93 This is confirmed by modem mathematical
392 See, The Oxford English Dictionary entry under 'mathematics', for example.
393 An example of early Greek understanding that regards Egypt as a mathematical predecessor is in
Herodotus (c. 490 - 420 BC): 'Sesostris also, they declared, made a division of the soil of Egypt among the
inhabitants, assigning square plots of ground of equal size to all, and obtaining his chief revenue from the
rent which the holders were required to pay him year by year. If the river carried away any portion of a
man's lot, he appeared before the king, and related what had happened; upon which the king sent persons to
examine, and determine by measurement the exact extent of the loss; and thenceforth only such a rent was
demanded of him as was proportionate to the reduced size of his land. From this practice, I think, geometry
first came to be known in Egypt, whence it passed into Greece.' Herodotus, Histories, IT "Euterpe", 109,
Rawlinson translation. This attitude was still prevalent 700 years later, as is evidenced by the Neoplatonists
Iamblichus (c. AD 245 - 326) and Porphyry (c. AD 232 - 305), who likewise considered Greece to be
mathematically indebted to Egypt, along with Babylon. Cf. Iamblichus, The Life of Pythagoras, 29: 'It is
said that while he [i.e. Pythagoras] was in Egypt he very much applied himself to geometry. For the
Egyptian life bristles with geometrical problems since, from remote periods, when the Gods were
fabulously said to have reigned in Egypt, on account of the rising and falling of Nile, the skilful have been
compelled to measure all the Egyptian land which they cultivated, where from indeed the science's name,
geometry (Le., "earth measure"), was derived. Besides, the Egyptians studied the theories of the celestial
orbs, in which Pythagoras also was skilled. All theorems about lines also seem to have been derived from
that country. All that relates to numbers and computation is said to have been discovered in Phoenicia. The
theorems about the heavenly bodies have by some been referred to the Egyptians and Chaldeans in
common. Whatever Pythagoras received, however, he developed further, he arranged them for learners, and
personally demonstrated them with perspicuity and elegance.' Also, Porphyry, The Life of Pythagoras, 6,
'As to his knowledge, it is said that he learned the mathematical sciences from the Egyptians, Chaldeans,
148 Chapter Five: Mathematics in the Making
historians who also arrive at the same conclusion, albeit not entirely independently of
these ancient sources.
For these reasons, it is appropriate to focus upon these two
cultures as the mathematical predecessors of Greece.
I begin with the thesis that a philosophical worldview first arose in Greece c. 600
BC, and because of this we should not expect to discover a theoretical mathematical
practice in Egypt or Babylon prior to this time. This thesis is remarkably confirmed, I
believe, when we examine the textual and archaeological evidence.
This evidence reveals that these two pre-philosophical cultures relied upon a
concrete, non-abstract, understanding of the arts of counting and measuting. These arts
were integrated and woven into the fabric of their society. They did not function as a
separate theoretical science, with a proper abstract domain of their own.
5.1.3 Egyptian Mathematics
In the extant Egyptian papyri, we observe cases of the area of plane figures being
calculated. Within these many examples, however, we do not encounter a set of general
or abstract formulae to calculate particular sorts of plane figures. Instead, we discover a
series of particular concrete examples, actual concrete cases, with specified
measurements that are to be solved.
The Moscow Mathematical Papyrus (MMP) serves as a paradigmatic case. Problem
6 of the MMP concerns calculating the sides of a rectangle with a given area. The scribe
and Phoenicians; for of old the Egyptians excelled in geometry, the Phoenicians in numbers and
proportions, and the Chaldeans in astronomical theorems, divine rites, and worship of the Gods; other
secrets concerning the course of life he received and learned from the Magi.' According to Burkert the
belief that it was Pythagoras who introduced the mathematical sciences into Greece was a Neopythagorean
and Neoplatonic tradition from late antiquity. Burkert, Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism, pp.
406-408; cf. Kahn, Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans, p. 111. However, Burkert notes that the connection
between Pythagoras and the Greek mathematical sciences extends back to the time of Hecataeus of Abdera
(fl. c. 4th c. BC) - cf. Burkert, Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagorean ism, p. 407. Leaving aside the
question of the role of Pythagoras, however, we see that the Neoplatonic tradition, in keeping with
Herodotus, acknowledges the formative influence of Egypt, and Babylon upon Greek mathematical
394 So, for example, Maziarz and Greenwood, Greek Mathematical Philosophy, p. 4, 'This store of
[mathematical] knowledge gradually found its way into the Greek world, especially when the Ionians
established regular contacts with Babylon and Egypt, after Thrasybulus of Miletus concluded an alliance
with the King of the Lydians in the seventh century B.C:
Chapter Five: Mathematics in the Making 149
has also drawn a diagram of a rectangle with the measurements of the sides and area to
accompany the explanation.
Method of calculating a rectangle.
If it is said to thee, a rectangle of 12 in the
area [is] Y2 1A of the length
for the breadth. Calculate Y2 Y<t until you get
1. Result 1 1/3.
Reckon with these 12, 1 1/3 times. Result 16.
Calculate thou its angle [square root]. Result
4 for the length.
Y21A is 3 for the breadth?95
Figure 5
This example bears close resemblance with the others found in the papyri. It
contains very specific measurements that are provided in the text. The reader is
challenged to examine a particular concrete case. They are not requested to deal with
rectangles, triangles, and other geometrical figures, considered as abstract entities in
themselves entities that possess lengths, breadths, and areas, abstracted out from
particular instances.
5.1.4 Babylonian Mathematics
No difference may be ascertained in the Babylonian sources, compared with the
Egyptian papyri. For example, Text AD 8862 from Senkereh, of the Hammurabi dynasty,
preserves another area problem.
395 From, Gillings, Mathematics in the Time of the Pharaohs, p. 137.
150 Chapter Five: Mathematics in the Making
Figure 6
Length, width. I have multiplied length
and width, thus obtaining the area. Then I
added to the area, the excess of the length
over the width: 3,3 (Le. 183 was the
result). Moreover, I have added length
and width: 27. Required length, width
and area.
27 and 3,3, the sums
15 length 3,0 area
12 width
One follows this method:
27 + 3,3 = 3,30
2 +27 =29.
Take one half of 29 (this gives 14;30).
14;30 x 14;30 3,30;15
3,30;15 3,30 0;15.
The square root of 0; 15 is 0;30.
14;30 + 0;30 15 length
14 ;30 0;30 = 14 width
Subtract 2, which has been added to 27,
from 14, the width. 12 is the actual width.
I have multiplied 15 length by 12 width.
15 x 12 = 3,0 area.
15 12 3
3,0 + 3 = 3,3.
Once again, we observe that lengths and areas are all solved entirely within a
concrete context, and all in a considerably thoughtful manner. Under purview is a very
specific concrete area, not an abstracted idea of area as a non-particular, or non-concrete
We should not hastily assume, however, that these ancients continued to reinvent
the wheel in each instance. The writer of the above text clearly demonstrates that he
knows the practical method or procedure to solve an area of a rectangle. He states, 'I
have multiplied length and width, thus obtaining the area'. He knows his procedure very
well. But he does not consider that his procedure provides him with an abstract formulae,
or definition of rectangularity. He reveals that even in stating the procedure, he has a
very particular concrete figure in view. This concrete figure is to be operated upon, not
rectangularity in general.
396 From, van dec Waerden, Science Awakening, p. 63.
Chapter Five: Mathematics in the Making 151
In fact, to not initially establish any procedural method is quite indicative. It
appears clear that the original authors of these texts were acquainted with such
procedures. Yet they considered it neither necessary, nor appropriate, to affirm these in
their working. This reveals a fundamentally different approach to their arts of counting
and measuring, compared with later philosophical Greek mathematics, and with
contemporary mathematics. They were not interested in constructing timeless abstract
proofs only to later apply these to time-bound particular instances. Rather, they were
interested in the time-bound concrete instances, the actors making actions, which
epitomises an oral-mythical way of life.
The closest we come to any independent general procedural method being
expressed, would be instanced in text AO 6770.
Length and width as much as area; let them be equal.
You in your procedure,
The product you take twice.
From this you subtract 1.
You form the reciprocal.
With the product that you have taken
You mUltiply and
The width it gives yoU.
A similarity may be observed with the opening lines of AO 8862. It explains the
method that the author employs, or in this case instructs to be taken. What appears unique
about this text is that the author occasions no reference to any particular measurements of
a certain figure under purview. This example, out of dozens, contains the only instance of
an independent procedural method, something only hinted at in AO 8862.
It is important to note, once again, what we do not discover. We do not encounter
an abstract definition of rectangularity. The scribe expresses a very concrete method, a
practical activity that must be employed, not a timeless truth to be intellectually
considered. He does not endeavour to provide an abstract definition or theorem regarding
rectangles. He does not attempt to prove his methodology, as would later philosophical
Greek axiomatic-deductive geometry.
397 From, van der Waerden, Science Awakening, p. 74.
152 Chapter Five: Mathematics in the Making
This further confirms that general procedural methods were indeed known, and that
these always revolved around the concrete - actors making actions in particular concrete
instances. Even when, as in the case of AO 6770, a particular figure is not measured in
the statement itself.
Further examples to confirm my interpretation of the pre-philosophical arts of
counting and measuring could be multiplied?98 The interpretation I offer here is also
adopted by many modern investigators in the field of mathematical history and
philosophy, namely, that ancient Egyptian and Babylonian mathematics was essentially
concrete, not abstract.
398 To examine more of these here, however, would divert from the main argument.
399 See for example, Kline, Mathematical Thought, pp. 3,14, 22, 'Mathematics as an organised,
independent, and reasoned discipline did not exist before the classical Greeks of the period from 600 to 300
B.C. entered upon the scene .... The concept of proof, the notion of a logical structure based on principles
warranting acceptance on one ground or another, and the consideration of such questions as under what
conditions solutions to problems can exist, are not found in Babylonian mathematics. ... [ill Egyptian and
Babylonian mathematics] There was almost no symbolism, hardly any conscious thought about
abstractions, no formulation of general methodology, and no concept of proof or even of plausible
arguments that might convince one of the correctness of a procedure or formula. There was, in fact, no
conception of any kind of theoretical science. Apart from a few incidental results in Babylonia,
mathematics in the two civilisations was not a distinct discipline, nor was it pursued for its own sake. It was
a tool in the form of disconnected, simple rules which answered questions arising in the daily life of the
people.' Despite the above, Kline, in his appraisal of ancient Egyptian and Babylonian mathematics in
Mathematical Thought, goes on to say these cultures had such things as algebraic techniques, something
that relies upon a quite abstract and theoretical understanding of number. This, surely, is an unwarranted
anachronism if Kline's above comments are to be taken seriously. See also, Maziarz and Greenwood,
Greek Mathematical Philosophy, p. 4, 'But though our knowledge of these ancient cultures has been
increased considerably in recent years, we do not find in them a deliberate or conscious effort to develop
for their own sake the mathematical facts and scientific observations which supported their practical needs
and religious views. For example, the Babylonians do not seem to have been interested in the rational
explanation of eclipses, their discoveries being used only for astrological purposes. The Egyptians do not
appear to have thought of a theory of numbers; they simply dealt with numerical problems of a practical
character. The mathematical relations known to the Eastern scholars were apparently obtained by empirical
observations, and there is no proof that they were investigated much further. As the ancients scarcely
differentiated their general knowledge from their practical arts, they probably never thought of
systematising the theoretical aspects of the materials they had patiently accumulated in the course of the
centuries.' Of course, in reaction to this, I would argue that the reason these ancients were not interested in
a 'rational explanation' or 'never thought of systematising the theoretical aspects', was because as a non-
philosophical culture they simply did not think or act in this way. Alas, Maziarz and Greenwood, in my
opinion, fall into the trap of anachronistically reading back into the ancient oral-mythical situation ways of
life that are specific only to later literate-philosophical cultures.
Chapter Five: Mathematics in the Making
5.2 The Shift Towards the Mathematical Practice of a
Philosophical Culture
5.2.1 Mathematical Abstraction among the Presocratics
We encounter quite a remarkable difference when we tum our attention from pre-
philosophical Egyptian and Babylonian arts of counting and measuring, and examine
Greek mathematics after the advent of philosophy.
As argued in Chapter Two, the Presocratic philosophers pioneered a new abstract
mindset. Among the very first of these Presocratics, namely, Thales of Miletus, in Ionia
(fl. c. 585 BC), we already see evidence of a shift towards an abstract approach to
Early in the archaic period, Ionia functioned as the hub where the civilisations of
the ancient near east were brought into contact with Greece. Thrasybulus of Miletus made
an alliance with Lydia in the i
c. BC.
This brought Greece into a stronger communion
with the Babylonian and Egyptian empires.
The Greeks established a trading station at Naucratis, Egypt, during the reign of
Psammetichus (663 609 BC), and received a trade monopoly in Egypt under Amasis
(569 525 BC). This enabled the Greeks to form intellectual contacts, and travel to
Egypt, in order to further study.402
One of those who benefited from such a sojourn in Egypt was Thales. Proc1us
reports that Thales visited Egypt and from there brought back the art of geometry to the
1t is reported by Herodotus that Thales correctly predicted an eclipse of the sun
400 For a further and more detailed argument that Thales pioneered a theoretical approach to mathematics in
ancient see, O'Grady, Thales of Miletus, pp. 191-221.
401 Maziarz and Greenwood, Greek Mathematical Philosophy, p. 4, as previously noted.
402 See, van der Waerden, Science Awakening, p. 83; Maziarz and Greenwood, Greek Mathematical
Philosophy, p. 5.
403 Proclus, A Commentary on the First Book of Euclid's Elements, (Morrow trans.), p. 52. Proclus stated,
'Thales who had travelled to Egypt, was the first to introduce this science [i.e. geometry] into Greece.'
154 Chapter Five: Mathematics in the Making
for the Ionians.
This event, if accepted as historically accurate, might even suggest that
Thales was also familiar with Assyrian and Babylonian methods of astronomy.405
However, the ancient testimonia indicate that Thales did not just repeat the pre-
philosophical mathematical enterprises of Egypt and Mesopotamia, but instead began a
process of restructuring this ancient lore upon a more theoretical basis.
Proc1us states that,
[Thales] discovered many proposItIons himself, and he communicated to his
successors the principles of many others, his method being in some cases more
. h .. 1
a stract, III at er more empIf1Ca .
404 See, Herodotus, Histories, I "Clio", 74. He stated, ' ... just as the battle was growing wann, day was on a
sudden changed into night. This event had been foretold by Thales, the Milesian, who forewarned the
Ionians of it, fixing for it the very year in which it actually took place.' Rawlinson translation. This
prediction is also testified to by Xenophanes, 21 B 19 DK. Van der Waerden, Heath, and O'Grady, all date
this. eclipse to the year 585 Be. See, van der Waerden, Science Awakening, p. 86; Heath, A History of
Greek Mathematics, Vol.1, p. 137; O'Grady, Thales of Miletus, p. 126.
405 For authors who accept the historicity of the Thalesprediction, see, van der Waerden, Science
Awakening, pp. 86-87; Heath, A History of Greek Mathematics, YoU, pp. 137-139; O'Grady, Thales of
Miletus, pp. 126-177. Nevertheless, the historicity of this alleged prediction by Thales has been called into
question by some. James Longrigg, for exarriple, cites the work of O. Neugebauer as indicating that the
ancient Babylonians did not possess a theory for predicting a solar eclipse. Neugebauer stated, ' ... there
exists no cycle for solar eclipses visible at a given place; all modem cycles concern the earth as a whole.
No Babylonian theory for predicting a solar eclipse existed at 600 B.C., as one can see from the very
unsatisfactory situation 400 years later, nor did the Babylonians ever develop any theory which took the
influence of geographical latitude into account.' (From, Neugebauer, O. The Exact Sciences In Antiquity, p.
142. Quoted in, Longrigg, James, entry for "Thales", in, Gillispie, (chief ed.), Dictionary of Scientific
Biography, VoI.XIII, p. 296). Longrigg goes on to suggest that either the alleged prediction by Thales was
apocryphal, or that Thales just made a lucky guess. He states, 'Accordingly it must be assumed that if
Thales did predict the eclipse he made an extremely lucky guess and did not do so upon a scientific basis,
since he had no conception of geographical latitude and no means of determining whether a solar eclipse
would be visible in a particular locality. He could only have said that an eclipse was possible somewhere at
some time in the (chronological) year that ended 585 B.e. But a more likely explanation seems to be
simply that Thales happened to be the savant around at the time when this striking astronomical
phenomenon occurred and the assumption was made that as savant he must have been able to predict it.' In,
Gillispie, (chief ed.), Dictionary of Scientific Biography, Vol.Xm, p. 296. For Longrigg's complete entry
for "Thales", see, pp. 295-298. If Longrigg's assessment is correct, then Herodotus' testimony would no
longer count as reliable evidence to suggest Thales had a familiarity with Assyrian and Babylonian
astronomy. However, in her recent study of Thales, Patricia O'Grady suggests, in response to Longrigg and
Neugebauer, that there were ancient Babylonian astronomical methods and records available at the time of
Thales which would have enabled him to predict this eclipse, namely, the 'lunar eclipse-solar eclipse period
of 23Y2 months'. O'Grady considers that this method has previously been overlooked, but if taken into
account would provide reliable evidence for a means of solar prediction which Thales may have employed.
See, O'Grady, Thales of Miletus, pp. 126-177.
406 Proclus, A Commentary on the First Book of Euclid's Elements. Quotation reprinted in, Maziarz and
Greenwood, Greek Mathematical Philosophy, p. 7. Cf Morrow trans., p. 52.
Chapter Five: Mathematics in the Making 155
To this we might add the testimony of Plutarch. In commenting upon the Seven Sages,
among whom Thales was numbered, he states,
[Thales] was apparently the only one of these [i.e. the Seven Sages] whose wisdom
stepped, in speculation, beyond the limits of practical utility: the rest acquired the
reputation of wisdom in politics.
Proc1us attributes at least four mathematical discoveries to Thales.
(1) He is 'said to havc been the first to demonstrate that the circlc is bisected by the
diameter. ,408
(2) He 'was the first to notice and assert that in every isosceles the angles at the base are
equal, though in somewhat archaic fashion he called the equal angles similar.'409
(3) ' ... when two straight lines cut one another, their vertical angles are equal. It was first
discovered by Thales, Eudemus says, but was thought worthy of a scientific
demonstration only with the author of the Elements.'410
(4) That he knew of the congruence between two triangles having two angles and a side
respectively equal ' ... but Eudemus in his history of geometry attributes the
theorem itself to Thales, saying that the method by which he is reported to have
determined the distance of ships at sea shows that he must have used it. ,411
Diogenes Laertius also testifies concerning Thales.
(5) He knew that sides of similar triangles were proportional to each other.
(6) He inscribed a right-angled triangle in a circle.
407 Plutarch, S%n, Ch.3. Quoted by Heath, A History of Greek Mathematics, VoLl, p. 128.
408 Proclus, A Commentary on the First Book of Euclid's Elements, (Morrow trans.), p. 124.
409 Proclus, A Commentary on the First Book of Euclid's Elements, (Morrow trans.), p. 195.
410 Proclus, A Commentary on the First Book of Euclid's Elements, (Morrow trans.), p. 233. .
411 Proclus, A Commentary on the First Book of Euclid's Elements, (Morrow trans.), p. 275.
412 Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers, I: 1 :27. He states, 'Hieronymus informs us that he
measured the height of the pyramids by the shadow they cast, taking the observation at the hour when our
shadow is ofthe same length as ourselves.' Both Pliny and Plutarch enlarge on this account. Pliny, Historia
Naturalis, 36:12 (17), 'Thales discovered how to obtain the height of pyramids and all other similar objects,
namely, by measuring the shadow of the object at the time when a body and its shadow are equal in
length.'; Plutarch, Convivium Septem Sapientium, 2, p. 147 A, '[Niloxenus says to ThalesJ Among other
feats of yours, he (Amasis) was particularly pleased with your measurement of the pyramid, when, without
trouble or the assistance of any instrument, you merely set up a stick at the extremity of the shadow cast by
the pyramid and, having thus made two triangles by the impact of the sun's rays, you showed that the
pyramid has to the stick the same ratio which the shadow has to the shadow.' Quotations for Pliny and
Plutarch are from, Heath, A History of Greek Mathematics, Vol.l, p. 129. See also, Maziarz and
Greenwood, Greek Mathematical Philosophy, p. 7. Also, Heath, A History of Greek Mathematics, VoJ.l,
pp. 128-130.
156 Chapter Five: Mathematics in the Making
We must, of course, cast a more critical eye on these ancient reports. Proclus
testifies that Thales had only noticed and discovered (2) and (3), even saying that he had
not scientifically demonstrated (3). That Thales knew about (4), Proclus informs us, was
inferred by Eudemus from the fact that Thales knew how to find the distances of ships
from the shore. This suggested to Eudemus that Thales must also have known of the
theoretical construct for solving this problem. Likewise with (5), it is inferred that Thales
knew of the abstract theory, from his very concrete, and ingenious, activity involving the
measurement and comparison of shadows. Regarding (6) it is also difficult to ascertain
whether Thales operated upon a theoretical assumption regarding triangles inscribed
within circles.
The only clear and unequivocal testimony from Proclus, is that Thales proved or
demonstrated (1). Heath objected to this point, however, when he observed that this
proposition is not demonstrated in Euclid, as one might expect if such a proof had been
available since the time of Thales.
This however, at best, functions only as an argument
from silence. Van der Warden makes a telling rebuttal to such an objection, by pointing
out that it is quite likely that Eudemus, whom Proclus used as his source, knew not only
the results of Thales' mathematics, but also knew their external form, and terminology.
As such, we should not be too quick to dismiss such testimony.416 It would appear
reasonable, therefore, given the weight of the ancient reports, to presume that Thales
began a process of theoretically reconstructing the arts of counting and measuring the
Greeks had inherited from the Babylonians and Egyptians.
413 Diogenes Laertius, Lives 0/ Eminent Philosophers, 1:1:24-25. He states, ' ... he was the first to inscribe a
right-angled triangle in a circle, whereupon he sacrificed an ox.' See also, van der Waerden, Science
Awakening, p. 88. Also, Heath, A History o/Greek Mathematics, YoU, pp. 131, 133-137.
414 For a fuller discussion of these points, see, van der Waerden, Science Awakening, pp. 87-90. Also,
Maziarz and Greenwood, Greek Mathematical Philosophy, pp. 7-9.
415 See, Heath, A History o/Greek Mathematics, YoU, p. 131. As noted also by van der Waerden, Science
Awakening, p. 88.
416 van der Waerden, Science Awakening, p. 88.
417 Both van der Waerden and Maziarz-Greenwood conclude this point. See, van der Waerden, Science
Awakening, p. 89, '[Thales'] genius receives only now the honor that is due to it, the honor of having
developed a logical structure for geometry, of having introduced proof into geometry.' Likewise, in,
Maziarz and Greenwood, Greek Mathematical Philosophy, p. 9, 'But as reasoning is more important than
experiment in these processes, it may be truly said that Thales began the rational tradition which
characterizes Greek philosophy and science.' O'Grady also gives a very positive appraisal of Thales' role
in helping pioneer a theoretical mathematical science in ancient Greece. She states, 'An analysis of
Thales's attainments willprove that he advanced beyond the mere solution of individual problems to the
Chapter Five: Mathematics in the Making 157
I have already indicated in Chapter Four, how this process of theoretical
transformation was carried out within Pythagorean mathematics. Among this school were
such mathematician-philosophers as Hippasus (fl. c. 500 BC), Philolaus of Croton (c. 470
385 BC), and Achytas of Tarentum (420 - 350 BC).
To this must be added the work of the Presocratic Democritus (460 - 371 BC).
According to Clement of Alexandria, Democritus boasted that,
I [Le. Democritus] have roamed over the most ground of any man of my time,
investigating the most remote parts. I have seen the most skies and lands, and I have
heard of learned men in very great numbers. And in composition [Le. the
construction of geometrical figures] no one has surpassed me; in demonstration [i.e.
mathematical proofs], not even those among the Egyptians who are called
Arpenodatae, with all of whom I lived in exile up to eighty years.418
Democritus clearly valued the ability to construct a geometric proof, and in so
doing distinguished himself from the mathematical abilities of other sages from other
cultures. In so doing, he was expressing the new theoretical emphasis arisen amongst the
Greek philosophers.
It is during this period that mathematics as a specialised theoretical discipline was
developed. As we shan see in Chapter Seven, Plato instructed that ten years training of
the prospective philosopher-kings be devoted to the mathematical sciences. The vocation
of a geometer, or arithmetician was also fashioned at this time.
Attached to Plato's academy were many such influential mathematicians. In
particular, the figures of Theaetetus (c. 417 - 369 BC) and Eudoxus (c. 408 - 355 BC)
stand out prominently. In the dialogue Theaetetus, Plato recounts how the young
Theaetetus in conversation with his teacher Theodorus, generalised the theory of roots,
development of theorems: that is, he extended mensuration into an abstract science, geometry, worthy of
study for its own sake .... It does seem that the mere application of rules to solve the practical problems of
everyday life was not sufficient for Thales who sought the answers to universal problems, and who
attempted a "proof' of sorts .... Thales extended the practical skills and rules [i.e. the arts of counting and
measuring of ancient Egyptian and Babylonian mathematics] into principles with broad application. With
the work of Thales, and from these earliest beginnings, the unique character of Greek mathematics
commenced its development.' O'Grady, Thales of Miletus, pp. 191, 201. For O'Grady's positive
assessment of Thales in relation to Greek mathematics, see, O'Grady, Thales of Miletus, pp. 191-221; for
her detailed analysis of the geometrical theorems attributed to Thales, see in particular, pp. 202-215.
418 Clement of Alexandria, Stromata, 1:15. From, Roberts and Donaldson (eds.), The Ante-Nicene Fathers,
158 Chapter Five: Mathematics in the Making
discovering that the roots of oblong numbers are always irrationa1.
To these names
must also be added the giant of 5
c. BC geometry, Hippocrates of Chios (c. 470 410
BC).42o All of which further developed the new theoretical approach to mathematics.
We observe then, that within the Pre socratic period, a sudden shift occurred toward
the abstract and theoretical reconstruction of mathematics. This finally culminated in the
eclectic and enduring work of Euclid.
5.2.2 The Contrast with Euclid
The Elements of Euclid represent a paradigmatic instance of abstract theoretical
mathematical science in philosophical Greece. Euclid (c. 325 265 BC) compiled much
of the earlier work of Theaetetus and Eudoxus, both associates of Plato. He represents the
epitome of classical Greek mathematics.
The Elements embody the statement of a rationally ordered axiomatic system. From
a series of abstract axiomatic propositions, generalised theorems can be established
within various abstract disciplines of mathematics. These may be categorised as, plane
geometry rectilinear figures (Books I-IV), proportions (V), similar figures (VI),
number theory (VII-IX), incommensurables (X), and solid geometry (XI-XIII).
Euclid sets out the Elements very methodically. In Book I he begins with a series of
twenty-three definitions for the generalised figures of plane geometry. Points, lines,
surfaces, angles, and figures, are all systematically related one to another. A synthesis is
approached with one defined object forming the basis of the definition for the next. For
example, Def.l defines a point; Def.2 defines a line; Def.3 defines the ends of a line in
terms of points (Def.l); DefA defines a straight line in terms of points, and lines (Defs.
419 Plato, Theaetetus, 147d 148b. For a further discussion on this see, Maziarz and Greenwood, Greek
Mathematical Philosophy, pp. 76-77.
420 For an in-depth analysis of the mathematical contributions of each of these figures, see, van der
Waerden, Science Awakening, Ch. N -VI, pp. 82-200. Also, Heath, A History of Greek Mathematics, YoU,
ChA-lO, pp. 118-353.
421 Euclid, Elements, Book 1, 'Def.l: A point is that which has no part. DeL2: A line is breadthless length.
Def.3: The ends of a line are points. DefA: A straight line is a line which lies evenly with the points on
itself.' Heath translation.
Chapter Five: Mathematics in the Making 159
Significantly, Euclid provides us with a set of axioms, basic premises, or pillars
upon which an entire theoretical geometric discipline can be built. He has five postulates,
which deal specifically with geometrical concepts, and five common notions, or general
aphorisms, which are not specific to geometry. From these an entire series of propositions
can be derived, through the idea of an abstract proof, something foreign to Egyptian and
Babylonian arts of counting and measuring.
The notion of a proof, or mathematical demonstration, was designed to structure
mathematics in a rigorous fashion, removing all guess work, and all ungrounded
intuitions. The Euclidean method of demonstration, according to Produs, followed a six-
fold path.
(1) TIPOTUUlS' -protasis: The problem is enunciated. What is given and what is sought
are explained.
(2) EKOEO'lS' ekthesis: The figures contained within the problem are labelled using
letters. The demonstration will proceed following these lettered figures.
(3) OLOPlO'Il0S' diorismos: The problem needing to be solved is explained in terms of
the lettered figures. The possibility and limits of the proof are examined.
(4) kataskeue: Any further figures needed in the demonstration are
apodeixis: The proof itself is rigorously constructed, using the lettered
figures previously established, along with the relevant propositions, hypotheses, and
(6) UVIlTIEpuO'IlU sumperasma: The conclusion is reached, indicating that the protasis
satisfies the rigorous proof conditions.
Using this method of synthesis, or generation of mathematical constructs, meant
that an entire mathematical field could be delineated. The axiomatic analytic postulates
form the basis on which constructs are derived. Anything not able to be so constructed is
unable to be proven within this theoretical scientific field (i.e. Euclidean geometry). This
422 See, Proclus, A Commentary on the First book of Euclid's Elements, (Morrow trans.), pp. 159-164. For
further details on this, see, Maziarz and Greenwood, Greek Mathematical Philosophy, pp. 248-249. Also,
Heath, The Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements, YoU, p. 129.
160 Chapter Five: Mathematics in the Making
method exhibits the ordering of rational truths, which in tum exemplifies theoretical
systematic knowledge.
When we compare Euclid with Egypt and Babylon, we find that they are in quite
completely different worlds of discourse. That must give us cause to consider the reason
for such a significant difference in approach. Attempting to explain historical causes must
always be a difficult and tentative task. Nevertheless, I wish to posit two primary causes
for this change in mathematical culture, namely, the shift from an oral-mythical to a
literate-philosophical way of life; and the advent of a new anthropology that understands
man as essentially an immaterial rational soul, contingently entombed in a physical body.
5.2.3 Effect of the Literacy Shift upon Mathematics
As I argued in Chapter Two, a radical change was inaugurated into Greek culture
by the advent of the alphabetic script, or literacy properly so called. It gave birth to an
abstract theoretical disposition in thought.
Interestingly, in relation to this, syllabic cultures were the mathematical forerunners
of Greece. Insofar as pre-philosophical cultures are concerned, these were the most astute
with respect to arts of counting and measuring. Both Egypt and Babylon, although not
having developed an alphabetic literacy, nevertheless had developed a syllabary, in order
to record documents. They had experimented and were familiar with the technology of
symbolically representing what was orally communicated in some written form.
In fact, a prima facie case can be made that it would naturally be an easier task to
record the results of counting and measuring, than it would be to codify speech patterns.
For example, if an oral culture possessed the concept of two things, then one can imagine
it would be an easier step to codify this as a symbol consisting of two things, such as two
strokes II, than to undergo the harder step of codifying the linguistic sound 'two' either
alphabetically, or syllabically. Havelock confirms this view in his study on orality. A
culture does not need to possess literacy, in order to be adept at some fairly sophisticated,
Chapter Five: Mathematics in the Making 161
yet concrete, arts of counting and measuring. Egypt and Babylon serve as principal
examples of this.423
The cultural practice of counting and measuring will be understood in a new light,
once the shift has taken place, from oral-mythical to literate-philosophical. An oral-
mythical culture is concerned to integrate any counting or measuring done into the
concrete story and praxis of the community. Any counting or measuring done is part of
the very process of actors making actions. Counting and measuring is not understood as a
theoretical enterprise undertaken prior to action, and then applied to action. Rather it is
action, an integral part of the activity at the time.
For example, imagine a small oral-mythical village, with a particular villager who
wishes to build a canoe for fishing trips. His actions would involve cutting down a tree,
measuring the wood to the desired length, cutting it to the desired shape, and constructing
it as a fishing canoe. To accomplish his task he would use all the skill in canoe-building
he had been entrusted with by his forefathers and the community. He would not first sit
down and abstractly contemplate the mathematical shapes and figures needed to construct
his canoe, then go out and consider how to apply practically his theoreticalidea.
The way to cognise, however, is quite different for a literate-philosophical culture.
Now, the concept of counting and measuring is abstracted out from the time-bound
situation of actors making actions, such as canoe-builders building canoes. We have, for
the first time, the beginnings of a theoretical science of number and geometry. Shapes are
abstracted from particular concrete situations (e.g. the square dining table), and
considered as timeless abstractions (e.g. squareness in and of itself).
423 Havelock, Origins of Western Literacy, p. 8. Havelock states, 'Mathematical skill, as it is practised
today, calls for a degree of intellectual sophistication which appears to lie beyond the competence of the
majority of literate populations. To estimate the presence of mathematical aptitude, as a prerequisite for
advanced study in the exact sciences, is a commonplace of academic procedure in the university. It seems
empirically proven that good mathematicians, like good musicians, are born not made, and constitute a
minority of even the so-called educated popUlation. This has encouraged the historical view that the
invention of the written word was an easier accomplishment than the invention of the written number, with
the corollary that if an ancient civilisation - the Babylonian being one particular example - was on the
epigraphical evidence able to handle an arithmetic superior to anything the Greeks could manage, this
proves that the Babylonians had first to be literate in at least as full a sense as the Greeks were. But a
general review of inscribed artefacts, wherever they have occurred in the world and been discovered, will I
think support the conclusion that our ancestors learned to count long before they learned to read. In other
162 Chapter Five: Mathematics in the Making
Abstract and systematic coherence must be supplied to these newly considered
abstract concepts, such as number, point, line, and plane. New questions arise, such as
'what is the timeless systematic relation (ratio) between a point and a line?', or 'what is
the timeless systematic relation (ratio) between the hypotenuse and the other two sides of
a right-angled triangle?' These questions are only, and for the first time, meaningful
within a literate-philosophical culture. Only such a culture has the tools, and desire, to
think in terms of abstract concepts, and to bring these concepts systematically into a
timeless relationship (ratio) with each other.
Here then, we recognise the rudiments of a mathematical theoretical science. Here
also, we perceive the impetus for a mathematical proof. The way to bring rational
systematicity to a mathematical science is through the method of analysis and synthesis.
The abstract concepts of that particular discipline are broken down (analysed) into their
basic atomic irreducible principles. From there, all the other concepts within that
discipline are reconstructed (synthesised) using only these axiomatic principles. Here we
obtain the method of deductive proof, the procedure followed by Euclid in the Elements.
5.2.4 Effect of the Anthropological Shift upon Mathematics
Concomitant with this new way to cognise, was the new way to think about who,
and what, you were as a human being.
I argued in Chapters Two and Three, that for an oral-mythical villager, being
human meant being an integral member of a community. Insofar as persons were
concerned, humans were holistic and unified, not possessing an exclusive sense of
individuality that could draw sharp sociological distinctions between self and community,
as does contemporary western individualism. This is the picture presented to us in
Homer, which represents a pre-philosophical Greek understanding.
I argued in Chapters Three and Four, that for the philosophical Greek what you
were as a human being was essentially an immaterial rational soul. This was particularly
words, the visual symbolisation of quantities originally came easier than the symbolisation of speech. And
this is surely reasonable since quantities are visual entities, whereas speech sounds are not.'
424 This is an understanding shared, of course, by many other ancient pre-philosophical cultures, such as the
Semitic peoples. See, Wolf, Anthropologie des Alten Testaments.
Chapter Five: Mathematics in the Making 163
true of the Platonic tradition, due to the influence of both Orphism and abstract
philosophical cognition. Within that tradition, sense experience was considered fleeting,
and illusory. Reality was perceived, so to speak, through rational reflection, the domain
of the intellect - not of the senses.
These two quite radically different anthropologies resulted in two quite different
ways of life. For the oral-mythical villager, you found your identity, or home, in the
world of your community, with its praxis, story, and concrete life. For the literate-
philosophical thinker, you found your identity, or home, in the world of reason, the
intel1ect, and the renouncing of sense experience as somehow less than real.
Plato evidences this mentality quite cogently. He states in the Phaedo,
So it is clear first of all in the case of physical pleasures that the philosopher frees his
soul from association with the body ... Now take the acquisition of knowledge. Is the
body a hindrance or not, if one takes it into partnership to share an investigation?
What Imean is this. Is there any certainty in human sight and hearing, or is it true, as
the poets are always dinning our ears, that we neither hear nor see anything
accurately? ... Then when is it that the soul attains to truth? When it tries to
investigate anything with the help of the body, it is obviously led astray ... Surely the
soul can best reflect when it is free of all distractions such as hearing or sight or pain
or pleasure of any kind - that is, when it ignores the body and becomes as far as
possible independent, avoiding all physical contacts and associations as much as it
can, in its search for reality? .. If no pure knowledge is possible in the company of
the body, then either it is totally impossible to acquire knowledge, or it is only
possible after death, because it is only then that the soul will be separate and
independent of the body. 425
The dramatic point here, of course, is that Socrates was quite justified in facing his
own immanent death calmly and without concern. The philosopher understands death as
the climax of the journey of philosophy, rather than as something hostile that breaks into
life. It finally liberates the soul from its sense experience of contingent Becoming.
Anthropologically, we observe that because human beings are conceived of as
rational souls, the sort of approach they should take toward their existence should be the
life of philosophy. This way of life rejects the concrete, rejects the Homeric cultural
forms, and recognises only abstract intellectual categories as truly real, as only that which
can provide coherence and rational systematicity to one's experience.
425 Plato, Phaedo, 65a - 67a.
164 Chapter Five: Mathematics in the Making
Plato draws a contrast between the concrete life of sense experience, and the
abstract life of rational reflection. In the analogy of the Cave from the Republic, the
philosopher will have no desire to partake in concrete life again, once he has obtained the
vision of abstract Being, transcendent of sense experience. He will be mocked and
scorned by those who do not understand. The two ways of life are set in sharp antithesis
with each other.
And if you assume that the ascent and the contemplation of the things above is the
soul's ascension to the intelligible region, you will not miss my surmise, since that is
what you desire to hear ... Come then, I said,and join me in this further thought, and
do not be surprised that those who have attained to this height are not willing to
occupy themselves with the affairs of men, but their souls ever feel the upward urge
and the yearning for that sojourn above ... And again, do you think it at all strange,
said I, if a man returning from divine contemplations to the petty miseries of men
cuts a sorry figure and appears most ridiculous ... ? 426
So when the domain of counting and measuring is under purview, what you
consider yourself to be, as a human being, will certainly effect how you approach
It was because the oral-mythical villager viewed himself as an integrated concrete
whole, that he understood counting and measuring not as a separate enterprise in itself,
nor as a theoretical discipline, but as an integral part of his daily community life. As an
example of this, consider once again the villager building his canoe.
It was because the literate-philosophical thinker viewed himself essentially as an
immaterial rational soul, that he understood counting and measuring as an abstract
mathematical discipline, that had to be systematically ordered according to the method of
constructing proofs from axiomatic foundations: If it was as an immaterial rational soul
that the individual interacted with the world, then that individual's experience must be
ordered according to abstract systematic relationships.
426 Plato, Republic, SI7b-e.
Chapter Five: Mathematics in the Making
5.3 Classical Greek Mathematics: Toward a Deductive
Concrete mathematical practice, then, is transformed along the following lines. For
the oral-mythical way of life, arts of counting and measuring consist in the concrete
activities of the actor. They involve the actual building of houses and temples, the actual
construction of tangible objects. When you transform these theoretically, then the first
step is to abstract from the particular to the universal. But one can still preserve, in this
shift, the practical nature of what it means to construct concretely.
This is the path that the Greeks took. Rather than being concerned with
particularised examples of how to construct a very specific triangle, the Greek task
became how to construct a proof. For example, how to perform any given geometric
operation upon any given triangle.
So the Greek method of rational proof in geometry still involved a remnant of the
older oral-mythical mentality. To prove something rationally meant to demonstrate it
constructively. This was not based upon a mere rule of thumb either, but was in turn
transformed, both rigorously and rationally, to mean construction upon the basis of
axiomatic principles.
For the ancient Greeks, the diagram played an integral part in a mathematical proof.
A diagram was not an optional extra, added for visual clarity. Rather, it functioned as an
essential component in what it meant to perform a rational proof.427
In this way, a vital link was forged between the two ways of life in the domain of
mathematics. Classical Greek mathematics maintained a commonality with the arts of
counting and measuring of earlier oral-mythical ways of life, through the exercise of
practical constructs, albeit rationally transformed into a deductive science of analysis and
427 This has been cogently argued in, Netz, The Shaping of Deduction in Greek Mathematics. There he
argues that the text and diagram are essentially interrelated and interdependent (p.l9), and that diagrams are
metonyms of propositions, considered by the Greeks not as appendages to propositions, but as the core of a
proposition. (p.35).
166 Chapter Five: Mathematics in the Making
It was not until the advent of algebra that we arrive at a new symbolic concept of
number that relies upon a second order level of abstraction. This, properly speaking, was
championed in the early modern period, with such transitional figures as Vieta (AD 1540
- 1603), Stevin (AD 1548 - 1620), Descartes (AD 1596 - 1650), and Wallis (AD 1616-
1703).428 This meant, in effect, that all vestiges of practical construction may be removed
from a proof, and a proof may proceed along purely symbolic, abstract, algebraic lines.
Historically, the Greeks developed their theoretical mathematical sciences,
specifically, in terms of a deductive geometry. This was a science which incorporated the
concept of an abstract proof, but in the context of a first order geometric abstraction (e.g.
the concept of triangularity in general).
This proves vitally significant when we come to understand the Platonic
cosmogony ofthe Timaeus. In this dialogue Plato constructs the cosmos upon the basis of
a geometric science. This discussion will form the theme of Chapter Six.
428 As is argued cogently by Klein, Greek Mathematical Thought and the Origin of Algebra. Also,
Pritchard, Plato's Philosophy of Mathematics, ChAo There has been some debate regarding this issue, as to
whether or not the Greeks possessed an algebra. Some of the chief competitors are, Unguru, "On the Need
to Rewrite the History of Greek Mathematics" (who argues against a Greek algebra); van der Waerden,
"Defence of a "Shocking" Point of View" (who defends a Greek algebra); and FreUdenthal, "What is
Algebra and What has it been in History?" (who also seeks to defend a Greek algebra). For this thesis, I
side with the scholarship of Klein, Pritchard, and Unguru, that the Greeks simply could not possess an
algebraic science (explicitly or implicitly), as the necessary philosophical concept of second-order
abstraction did not historically arise until the post-Renaissance period.
Part Two:
Plato as
Orphic Mathematician
Part Two: Plato as Orphic Mathematician
Chapter Six:
The Mathentatical World of
God eternally geometrizes
Plato, as reported by Plutarch, Convivialium Disputationum liber, 8:2
170 Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
In this chapter I examine how at the macrocosmic level
mathematics is, for Plato, the medium through which the world of Being
is imaged into the world of Becoming. Through mathematics a synthesis
is obtained between Being and Becoming.
The Platonic cosmology can best be understood to express a grand
philosophically transformed Orphic theogony. The Divine Being, pure
Reason, emanates out into the Chaos, and brings about an ordered
Becoming. Through the rational generations of the Divine (i.e. a
theogony), the cosmos is born. But the Divine Reason achieves this order
through the use of mathematical principles and forms, number ratio
and geometrical structuring.
The focus of this chapter is to analyse the dialogue Timaeus. I argue
that Plato had in mind a distinctive Orphic theogony as the background
to this dialogue. This theogony he then developed, and transformed,
upon the basis of mathematics. By so doing, Plato aimed to synthesise
Being and Becoming, inspired by the Orphic religious synthesis of
Apollo and Dionysus.
Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato 171
6.1 Mathematics as the Medium of the Cosmos
In Part One of this thesis, I detailed how both alphabetic literacy and Orphism were
formative influences upon the Greek philosophical mindset, and in particular, upon the
philosophy of Plato. Here, in Part Two, I shall demonstrate specifically that Plato's
treatment of mathematics, as the mediator between Being and Becoming, was inspired by
the Orphic religiosity. In this chapter, therefore, I deal with the macrocosm of the cosmos
itself. In Chapter Seven I focus upon the concomitant of this, namely, the microcosm of
the soul.
In the dialogue Timaeus Plato presents to us more explicitly than anywhere else his
vision of the cosmos. His ontology continues the overarching themes unfolded in the
earlier dialogues, such as the Phaedo and Republic. That which truly exists is Being, and
can only be apprehended through the rational faculty. The world of our senses, in its state
of constant change and flux, can only be described as Becoming.
In Timaeus Plato
creates for us a grand, philosophically transformed, mythical cosmogony. He paints for us
a picture of how we are to conceive of Being and Becoming, and most especially how
they are related to each other.
I propose that the cosmology Plato presents to us in the Timaeus represents a grand
philosophically transformed Orphic theogony. Following in the footsteps of the
Pythagoreans, as argued in Chapter Four, it is through the abstract sciences of arithmetic,
geometry and harmony, that Plato undertakes this transformation. We are only able to
speak of a cosmos (world order) in so far as immaterial Being is imaged into the material.
Mathematics, Plato urges, is the medium through which this is achieved.
In this chapter then, I shall firstly argue that the Timaeus is best understood in terms
of a transformed Orphic theogony (Sections 6.2 and 6.3). Secondly, I shall argue that
mathematics functions as the medium through which Plato accomplishes this
philosophical transformation (Sections 6.4 and 6.5).
429 This theme of Being and Becoming, with respect to the Phaedo and Republic, will be further examined
in Chapter Seven.
172 Chapter Six: The Mathematical W orId of Plato
6.2 Platonic Cosmogony
6.2.1 Cosmogonic Context
The Timaeus reads as a detailed creation-myth. Plato, through the dramatic voice of
Timaeus, endeavours to portray the unfolding of the cosmos from its initial genesis. His
approach is to describe the elements of the cosmos as they are generated in terms of a
creation-myth, rather than to analyse and provide an account of the elements of the
cosmos as they are given before us now. In this sense, Plato draws for us a cosmogony,
rather than a cosmology.
I have already had occasion in Chapters Three and Four, to place Plato in the
context of the Orphic mythologies, particularly with regard to the dualistic anthropology
newly introduced into Greek thought through that movement. Here, in the Timaeus, we
must step back and set its cosmogony within the broader cosmo gonic mythologies and
speculation of Plato's historical context.
The primary background text, for any classical Greek cosmo gonic speculation, is of
course the Theogony of Hesiod. This was likely composed c. 8
c. BC, with Hesiod being
a later contemporary of Homer. The Theogony reCites the traditional account of the origin
of the gods, both the older generations and the Olympian deities.
The Orphics adapted the Hesiodic theogony into their own distinctly Orphic
theogonies, retelling the old myths in a new way that encapsulated their new
anthropological and eschatological ideas. In addition to this, the earliest period of
Presocratic philosophy (primarily the Milesians - Thales, Anaximander and
Anaximenes) is often characterised as cosmological given the propensity to account for
the cosmos in terms of a single structural element, e.g. water, apeiron, aero In this sense
the Milesian Presocratics, for the first time, speculated theoretically concerning structure
of the cosmos.
This forms the background context in which Plato must be understood. The
Timaeus should be interpreted, in this light, as a philosophically transformed Orphic
cosmogony. Further, it is mathematics that mediates this transformation, as I shall
demonstrate later in this chapter.
Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato 173
Our knowledge of the Orphic theogonies and cosmogonies, comes to us primarily
through the much later reports of Neoplatonic writers. Damascius (c. AD 480 - 550), the
last head of the Academy, records for us three Orphic theogonic traditions in his work On
the First Principles. One he describes as 'these current Orphic Rhapsodies', which is
usually identified as the Hieros Logos, or the Hieroi Logoi in Twenty-four Rhapsodies
recorded in the list of works in the Suda.
The second he describes as 'the one current
according to Hieronymus - and Hellanicus, if he is not the same person', and the third
he describes as, 'the theology recorded in the Peripatetic Eudemus as being that of
Orpheus' .431 In addition to these three, M.L. West identifies three further Orphic
theogonic traditions, namely, that associated with the Epic Cycle, that associated with the
Derveni Papyrus, and lastly what West describes as the Protogonos theogony. This last
theogony, West considers to be the longer original of which the Derveni theogony is an
It is in relation to these that we must evaluate the Timaeus.
6.2.2 Timaeus Theogony
Plato briefly, but explicitly, refers to a traditional theogony in the Timaeus. In
discussing the place of the traditional gods in his world-picture he states,
To know or tell of the origin of the other divinities is beyond us, and we must accept
the traditions of the men of old time who affirm themselves to be the offspring of the
gods - that is what they say - and they must surely have known their own
ancestors. How can we doubt the word of the children of the gods? Although they
give us no probable or certain proofs, still, as they declare that they are speaking of
what took place in their own family, we must conform to custom and believe them.
In this manner, then, according to them, the genealogy of these gods is to be received
and set forth.
Oceanus and Tethys were the children of Earth and Heaven, and from these sprang
Phorcys and Cronus and Rhea, and all that generation, and from Cronus and Rhea
sprang Zeus and Hera, and all those who are said to be their brethren, and others who
were the children of these.
430 West, The Orphic Poems, p. 68.
431 For the three Damascius references see, Damascius, On the First Principles, 123-4. Kern, Orphicorum
Fragmenta, 28, 54, 60. Cited from, West, The Orphic Poems, pp. 68-69. See also, Guthrie, Orpheus, p. 73;
Cornford, Greek Religious Thought, p. 55; Rappe, Reading Neoplatonism, pp. 146-149.
432 West, The Orphic Poems, p. 69.
433 Plato, Timaeus, 40d - 41a.
174 Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
What strikes us immediately, in the short theogony here presented, is the way it
deviates with the Hesiodic theogony. For Hesiod, all of Oceanus, Tethys, Phorcys,
Kronos (Le. Cronus) and Rhea are the children of Earth (Ge) and Heaven (Vranos).
Hesiodic Theogony
Generation: Chaos
Generation: Ge (Earth), Tartarus, Eros, Erebos
Generation: Vranos (Heaven) (born of Ge)
4th Generation: Oceanus, Kronos, Rhea, and the other Titans (born from Ge and Vranos)
Generation: Zeus, Hera, and the other Olympians (born from Kronos and Rhea)
But in the Timaeus theogony, the first generation is Ge and Vranos, who bear the
second generation Oceanus and Tethys, who in turn bear the third generation Phorcys,
Kronos and Rhea, of which Kronos and Rhea in tum bear the fourth generation Zeus and
Timaeus Theogony
Ft Generation: Ge (Earth), Vranos (Heaven)
Generation: Oceanus, Tethys (born of Ge and Vranos)
Generation: Phorcys, Kronos, Rhea, and the others (born of Oceanus and Tethys)
4th Generation: Zeus, Hera, and the others (born of Kronos and Rhea)
This departure from the Hesiodic tradition invites us to consider which theogonic
tradition Plato here has in mind. West argues that out of the six identifiable theogonies,
the Eudemian is most likely the source of the Timaeus account. There is much that
commends this supposition.
Damascius tells us that in the Eudemian theogony, Night was the beginning, and
there is nothing spoken of before Night.
Aristotle also testifies to
... the mythologists who generate the world from night .... 435
434 Damascius, On the First Principles, 123-124. See, West, The Orphic Poems, pp. 68-69, 116.
Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato 175
There are at least two reasons for assuming that Aristotle is speaking here of what
Damascius calls the Eudemian theogony. Firstly, Eudemus was both a pupil and
colleague of Aristotle so that the theogony would have been well known to both of them.
Secondly, Aristotle would not be thinking of the theogonies ascribed to Musaeus or
Epimenides, as these commence with a pair of gods not the single Night.
Neither Plato
nor Aristotle made any reference to a theogony of Musaeus, the first such reference
coming from later Hellenistic authors.
A difficulty also arises in attempting to directly correlate the Timaeus theogony
with the other known Orphic theogonies. In a unique way, the Timaeus theogony places
Oceanus and Tethys as a separate generation coming from Ge and Vranos. All of the
Rhapsodic, Hieronymean, Cyclic, Protogonos, and Derveni theogonies follow Hesiod in
having Oceanus and Tethys as siblings of the other Titans, including Kronos and Rhea.
Given the difficulties of aligning the brief theogonic passage in the Timaeus with
these other five known theogonies, and given that Eudemus is recording a theogony
known to Aristotle, it is tempting to follow West and identify the Eudemian theogony
with the Timaeus theogony. Before so doing, however, we need to account for the special
role of Oceanus and Tethys as parents of the Titans rather than as Titans themselves, and
for the absence of Night in the Timaeus account.
In the Hesiodic theogony, the Titans are the offspring of Vranos and Ge, and are
twelve in number: Oceanus, Koios, Kreius, Iapetus, Hyperion, Theia, Rhea, Themis,
Mnemosyne, Tethys, Phoebe, and Kronos. Why then does Timaeus assign Oceanus and
Tethys to a generation earlier than the other Titans? A precedent for this occurs, perhaps,
in the Homeric mythology. Homer speaks of Oceanus and Tethys as a separate pair,
preceding the generation of the other gods.
Oceanus the genesis of the gods, and mother Tethys.438
The Hesiodic tradition synthesises this pair into the same generation as the other
Titans. Yet even in Hesiod, Oceanus stands aloof from his siblings. He is not cast into
435 Aristotle, Metaphysics, 107] b27.
436 West, The Orphic Poems, p. 116.
437 See West, The Orphic Poems, pp. 42,117.
43& Homer, Iliad, 14:201. As noted by West, The Orphic Poems, p. 119.
176 Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
Tartarus, and even sides with Zeus against the other Titans. Further to this, Theodoretus
relates a tradition that he attributes to Hesiod, which ascribes Oceanus and Tethys as
coming before Uranos and Ge. 439
The Timaeus theogony establishes Phorcys as the son of Oceanus, and one of the
Titans. This also contrasts with the Hesiodic theogony where instead he is the son of
Pontos, and not one of the twelve Titans. In the later Rhapsodies, however, the Titans
number fourteen, consisting of the same twelve as Hesiod names, with Phorcys and
Dione added.
The Timeaus theogony, then, suggests an intermediary development in which the
Titans still number twelve, but with Oceanus and Tethys posited as the parents of the
Titans, their place among the Hesiodic twelve appropriated by Phorcys and presumably
Dione. Dione is not mentioned, but given her place as a Titan in the Rhapsodies, one
could reasonably assume that the Timaeus theogony is an earlier variation on this.
The role of Night, however, is more curious. The Timaeus theogony makes no
mention of Night, starting its genealogy with Ge and Uranos, whereas both Damascius
and Aristotle declare Night to be the parent of the rest of the gods.
West explains this difficulty in identifying the Timaeus and Eudemian theogonies
as follows,
The fact that Night does not appear at the beginning is no obstacle to the
identification of this poem with the Eudemian Theogony. In the Timaeus aU gods are
sprung from the great Demiurge; and night cannot be a god, being merely something
produced by the earth's shadow (40c) and a unit of time. Plato is not concerned to do
justice to Orpheus' scheme, he is just taking what he wants from it. It is
inconceivable that the poem had nothing before Ge and Uranos, and there is nothing
against supplying Night there.
I would add to this that Plato's dramatic purpose in recounting this Orphic
theogonic fragment in the Timaeus was not to present us with a full and explicit
theogony. Rather, he merely alludes to a certain theogonic tradition, and places this
mythical account of the gods within the larger context of the Timaeus cosmogony. For
this reason, he only provides us with a fragment of the Orphic theogony, and relies upon
439 Theodoretus Cyrensis, Graecarum Affectionum Curatio, 2.28. As noted by West, The Orphic Poems, p.
Chapter Six: The Mathematical W orId of Plato 177
the reader to supply the rest of the details. West's supposition then, that there could have
originally been a place for Night prior to the genealogy explicitly stated in the Timaeus, is
surely prima facie reasonable. From this, West proposes that the Timaeus theogony
represents a fragment from a larger Eudemian theogony, which contained Night as its
first principle. Further evidence for this proposal is found in John Lydus, who speaks of
the first principles of the Orphics as being Night, Earth (Ge) and Heaven (Uranos).441 As
West states,
This does not agree with the only Orphic theogony current in Lydus' time, the
Rhapsodies, and the most likely hypothesis is that he got it directly or indirectly from
We are therefore tentatively able to identify the Eudemian theogony with that of the
Timaeus. Yet this is by no means the only occasion where Plato alludes to or quotes from
an Orphic theogony. Both Rappe and West draw attention to the statement of the
Athenian in Plato's Laws,
Now then, our address should go like this: "Men, according to the ancient story,
there is a god who holds in his hands the beginning and end and middle of all things,
and straight he marches in the cycle of nature. Justice, who takes vengeance on those
who abandon the divine law, never leaves his side ... " 443
They argue that this is a quotation from line 26 of the Derveni papyrus,444
Zeus is the head, Zeus the middle, from Zeus are all things made.
This line was also known in the late Stoic work De Mundo, and by the later
As the Derveni papyrus itself dates from the late 4th c. BC, it is
reasonable to assume that Plato also knew the Orphic theogonies within the Derveni
Timaeus 40d - 41a, then, reveals to us a larger context of Orphic theogonic and
cosmo gonic speculation. When we expand our vision to the panoramic view of the
Timaeus as a whole, we observe even more of the Orphic context which Plato sought to
440 West, The Orphic Poems, p. 117.
441 John Lydus, De Mensibus. 2.8. Kern, Orphicorum Fragmenta, 310.
442 West, The Orphic Poems, p. 118.
443 Plato, Laws, 7l5e -716a. Emphases added. Saunders translation (from the Cooper ed.).
444 Rappe, Reading Neoplatonism, p. 149. West, The Orphic Poems, p. 89.
445 Quoted from West's translation, West, The Orphic Poems, p. 89.
178 Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
transform philosophically. In particular, the characters of the Orphic theogonies are
reworked by Plato, characters such as Chronos (Time), Anangke (Necessity), and the
Elements (earth, water, air, fire). In this manner then, the Timaeus theogony of 40d - 41a
functions as an axis upon which we may interpret the dramatic structure of the entire
Timaeus, as consisting in a grand Orphic cosmogony.
6.2.3 Timaeus Cosmogony as Orphic Theogony Chronos
Chronos, or Time (not to be confused with Kronos the Titan), is spoken of both in
the Orphic Rhapsodies and in the Hieronymean Theogony. For the Rhapsodies, Chronos
represents the first principle - 'First there was Unaging time' .447 In the Hieronymean
Theogony, Chronos is portrayed as a winged Dragon or Serpent (8paK(uv - drakon) with
the extra heads of a bull and a lion. Chronos is generated from the first pair of water and
earth, perhaps recalling Oceanus and Ge.
The third principle after the two was engendered by these - earth and water, that is
- and was a serpent with extra heads growing upon it of a bull and a lion, and a
god's countenance in the middle; it had wings upon its shoulders, and its name was
Un aging Time and also Heracles. 448
Damascius considered that the compiler of the Rhapsodies ignored the earth-water
pairing (and any assumed original behind them), and began with Chronos, as this would
be more acceptable.
Plato also weaves Chronos into his world picture. In the Timaeus, Chronos is
coupled intimately with Heaven (Uranos) such that the two are generated together.
Chronos, then, stands at the beginning of the generation of the sensible world (i.e. the
world of Becoming).
446 See, West, The Orphic Poems, p. 89.
447 Damascius, On the First Principles, 123ff. See also, West, The Orphic Poems, p. 70. Also, Comford,
Greek Religious Thought, p. 55.
448 Damascius, On the First Principles, 123. West's translation, in, West, The Orphic Poems,p. 178.
449 Damascius, On the First Principles, 123. West's translation, in, West, The Orphic Poems, p. 178, 'And I
assume that the theology in the Rhapsodies discarded the two first principles (together with the one before
the two, that was left unspoken), and began from this third principle after the two, because this was the first
that was expressible and acceptable to human ears. For this is the great Unaging Time that we found in it
[Le. in the Rhapsodic Theogony] .. .'
Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
When the father who had begotten it saw it set in motion and alive, a shrine brought
into being for the everlasting gods, he rejoiced and being well pleased he took
thought to make it yet more like its pattern. So as that pattern is the Living Being
that is for ever existent, he sought to make this universe also like it, so far as might
be, in that respect. Now the nature of that Living Being was eternal, and this
character it was impossible to confer in full completeness on the generated thing. But
he took thought to make, as it were, a moving likeness of eternity; and, at the same
time that he ordered the Heaven, he made, of eternity that abides in unity, an
everlasting likeness moving according to number - that to which we have given the
name Time [Chronos],
For there were no days and nights, months and years, before the Heaven [Uranos]
came into being; but he planned that they should now come to be at the same time
that the Heaven was framed ....
Be that as it may, Time [Chronos] came into being together with the Heaven
[Uranos], in order that, as they were brought into being together, so they may be
dissolved together, if ever their dissolution should come to pass.
Plato describes Chronos as an everlasting or eternal likeness (alwvLOv Eixova
aionion eikona). 'Aion ion , (or 'Aionos') is the same word he employs to speak of
Eternity. Chronos (Time) is an Eternal, or Unaging, image of Eternity itself. Here we
have allusions to the Unaging Chronos (Time) of the Orphic theogonies.
This also has precedence in Anaximander of Miletus. He refers to apeiron, the
'original material of existing things', and the 'source from which existing things derive
their existence' ,451 as the Unaging Time.
This apeiron is eternal and unaging.
Apeiron is immortal and indestructible.
As discussed in Chapter Two, the Presocratics initiated a linguistic shift away from
the time-bound stories of concrete actors making actions, to abstract timeless categories
of cognition. The very use of the term 'is' to speak of abstract, timeless Being, rather than
450 Plato, Timaeus, 37c 38b. Cornford translation. Likewise, Zeyl rejects the rendering of the Greek of
Timaeus 37d5-7, which would make the heavens, not time, that which is the 'image of eternity'. He states,
'It is possible, though difficult, to construe the Greek at 37d5-7 differently as follows: "At the same time as
he brought order [to the universe], he would make the heavens, an eternal image moving according to
number, of eternity remaining in unity. This [number], of course, is what we can time." On this reading it is
the heavens, not time, that is the image of eternity; time is the "number" according to which the heavens
move. It is difficult, however, to square this reading with 38a7-8, which explicitly refers to time (and not to
the heavens as such) as that which "imitates eternity and circles according to number." ... [Zeyl takes]
Plato's point as follows: by setting the heaven in motion the Craftsman creates time, a supervenient aspect
of that motion. Just as the heaven itself (and indeed the whole visible universe) is modeled [sic.] after the
eternal Living Thing, so its temporality is modeled [sic.] after the Living Thing's eternity:, Zeyl, Plato
Timaeus, p. xlii, n. 80.
451 Anaximander, 12 B 1 DK. Freeman translation.
452 Anaximander, 12 B 2, and 12 B 3 DK.
180 Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
a present tense of unfolding time, was there noted. Here in the Timaeus, Plato shows a
clear understanding of this linguistic phenomenon. It is only appropriate to speak: of
Eternal Being as an 'is', never as a 'was' or 'shall be'.
All these [i.e. days and nights, months and years] are parts of Time, and 'was' and
'shall be' are forms of time that have come to be; we are wrong to transfer them
unthinkingly to eternal being. We say that it was and is and shall be; but 'is' alone
really belongs to it and describes it truly; 'was' and 'shall be' are properly used of
becoming which proceeds in time, for they are motions. But that which is for ever in
the same state immovably cannot be becoming older or younger by lapse of time, nor
can it ever become so; neither can it now have been, nor will it be in the future; and
in general nothing belongs to it of all that Becoming attaches to the moving things of
sense; but all these have come into being as forms of time, which images eternity
and revolves according to number. And besides we make statements like these: that
what is past is past, what happens now is happening now, and again that what will
happen is what will happen, and that the non-existent is non-existent: no one of these
expressions is exact.
Chronos itself, is merely a likeness or an image of Eternity (aLwvoS' - aionos). Eternity
is the nature of Being, which exists as the timeless is. Chronos (or time), then, is the way
in which Becoming is to image the Eternity of Being.
In addition to this, it is important to note that Eternity is imaged in Time according
to number. It is through mathematics that the realms of Being and Becoming are
mediated. Upon the basis of mathematics Being is imaged or projected into Becoming. I
discuss this further later in this chapter. Anangke
Anangke (civciYKT]) is variously translated as Necessity, Inevitability, or
Compulsion. The difficulty in so rendering this Greek concept is that it can be mistakenly
read in a modem sense as an almost deterministic cause.
Necessity, functioning in this
modem sense, is an antonym of accident or chance. But this is not the case with the
classical Greek idea of Anangke. Instead, Anangke should be understood as a compulsion
453 Plato, Timaeus, 37e - 38b. Cornford translation.
454 For a further discussion on the nature of time and eternity in the Timaeus, see, Zeyl, Plato - Timaeus,
PPs- xlii - xliv.
5 As an example of this confusion, take the footnote to the word Necessity (Anangke) as it appears in
Timaeus 47e of the Loeb classical library edition. There the translator, R.G. Bury, states in explanation of
the word, 'i.e. the sphere of mechanical causation, physical and physiological processes and results.' In,
Plato, Timaeus, R.G. Bury (trans.), p. 109, n. 2.
Chapter Six: The Mathematical W orId of Plato 181
or constraint which in itself has no determinate direction or design. Grote summarised
this well when he stated,
This word (necessity) is now usually understood as denoting what is fixed,
permanent, unalterable, knowable beforehand. In the Platonic Timaeus it means the
very reverse: the indeterminable, the inconstant, the anomalous, that which can be
neither understood nor predicted. It is Force, Movement, or Change, with the
negative attribute of not being regular, or intelligible, or determined by any
k bl d d
. . z 456
nowa e antece ent or con It10n - V1S consl 1 expers.
Both Plato and Aristotle associate Necessity (Anangke) not with deterministic
causation or even design, but with chance, and spontaneity. In the Physics Aristotle
endeavours to 'explain then first why nature belongs to the class of causes which act for
the sake of something; and then about the necessary and its place in nature ... ' He
presents his opponents as arguing,
... why should not nature work, not for the sake of something, nor because it is
better so [i. e. not because there is design or an end in view], but just as the sky rains,
not in order to make the corn grow, but of necessity [ ~ avaYKT]S - ex anangkes,
i.e. because of a constraint that has no specific end in view]? ... Why then should it
not be the same with the parts in nature, e.g. that our teeth should come up of
necessity [ ~ avaYKT]S - ex anangkes] - the front teeth sharp, fitted for tearing,
the molars broad and useful for grinding down the food - since they did not arise
for this end, but it was merely a coincident result [<JUj.1TTE<JElV - sumpesein]; and so
with all the others parts in which we suppose that there is purpose [TO EVEKa TOU -
to eneka tau]? Wherever then all the parts came about just what they would have
been if they had come to be for an end, such things survived, being organized
spontaneously [aTTo TOU aUToj.1aToU - apo tau automatou] in a fitting way;
whereas those which grew otherwise perished and continue to perish, as Empedocles
says his 'man-faced oxprogeny' did.
Here, Necessity is connected strongly with that which is 'not for the sake of something' , a
'coincident result' and 'being organised spontaneously' .
Plato also associates Anangke with chance. In the Laws, the Athenian speaks of the
four elements (fire, water, earth, and air) as owing their being to nature and chance
(<I>u<JEL KaL TUXlJ - phusei kai tuche), not to art or design (TEXVTl - techne). There he
states that the elements move,
... by the chance of their several powers, and according as they clash and fit together
with some sort of affinity - hot with cold, dry with moist, soft with hard, and in
other mixtures that result, by chance, of necessity [KUTU TUXT]V ~ avaYKT]S - kata
456 Grote, Plato, iii, Ch.36. As cited by Cornford, Plato's Cosmology, pp. 171-172.
457 Aristotle, Physics, II,8, 198b17 ff. As cited by Comford, Plato's Cosmology, pp. 165-166.
182 Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
tuehen ex anangkes], from the combination of opposites - in that way they have
generated the whole Heaven, animals and plants, and the seasons, not owing to
intelligence or design or some divinity, but by nature and chance [<t>u(JEL Kal TUXlJ
. k' hAl 458
-p uset at tue e.
Necessity (Anangke) then, for the Greek philosophers, was the force or constraint
behind the activity in the cosmos. But considered in itself, this Anangke was without
design or purpose. It was not directed toward any end.
The Orphic theogonies, and in particular the Rhapsodic and Hieronymean
theogonies, speak of Necessity (Anangke) as coupled together with Chronos. Regarding
the Hieronymean tradition Damascius states,
United with it [i.e. the Dragon-Serpent Chronos] was Ananke, being of the same
nature, or Adrastea, incorporeal, her arms extended throughout the universe and
touching its extremities. I think this stands for the third principle, occupying the
place of essence, only he made it bisexual to symbolise the universal generative
The image here is that of the two serpents wound together.
Figure 7
This symbol has its roots in ancient Sumerian iconography.46o Athenagoras of
Athens associates this staff of entwined serpents with the mating of Zeus and Rhea, and
the rod of Hermes .
... and how Zeus bound his father, and cast him down to Tartarus, as did Ouranos
also to his sons, and fought with the Titans for the government; and how he
persecuted his mother Rhea when she refused to wed him, and, she becoming a she-
dragon [or serpent], and he himself being changed into a dragon [or serpent], bound
458 Plato, Laws, 889b-c. Comford translation, and as cited by, Comford, Plato's Cosmology, p. 167.
459 Damascius, On the First Principles, 123. West translation. In, West, The Orphic Poems, p. 178. See
also, West, The Orphic Poems, p. 70.
460 See, B.D. Van Buren, Archiv f Orientforschung 10 (1935/6), pp. 53-65; P. Amiet, La Glyptique
mesopotamienne archaique (2
ed. 1980), p. 134. As cited by West, The Orphic Poems, p.195, n. 57.
Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
her with what is called the Herculean knot, and accomplished his purpose, of which
fact the rod of Hermes is a symbol. 461
Even prior to Plato, Anangke was being transformed philosophically. Parmenides
speaks of Anangke (Necessity) as containing Being within the boundaries of the Limit,
and how it holds the stars also to Limit.
But it [i.e. Being] is motionless in the limits of mighty bonds, without beginning,
without cease, since Becoming and Destruction have been driven very far away, and
true conviction has rejected them. And remaining the same in the same place, it rests
by itself and thus remains there fixed; for powerful Necessity [Anangke] holds it in
the bonds of a Limit, which constrains it round about, because it is decreed by divine
law that being shall not be without boundary. For it is not lacking; but if it were
(spatially infinite), it would be lacking everything.
And you shall learn of the wandering works of the round-faced moon, and its nature;
and you shall know also the surrounding heaven, whence it sprang and how
Necessity [Anangke] brought it and constrained it to hold the limits of the stars.
Plato already begins to identify Adrastea and Anangke. In the Phaedrus, he speaks
of Adrastea as the goddess who oversees the destiny of the soul. Translators have even
rendered this term as Destiny (Jowett, Fowler, Nehamas and Woodruff) or Necessity
Hear now the ordinance of Necessity [or the 'law of destiny' - Jowett, Fowler,
Nehamas and Woodruff, Greek - Adrasteias]. Whatsoever soul has followed in the
train of a god, and discerned something of truth, shall be kept from sorrow until a
new revolution shall begin, and if she can do this always, she shall remain always
free from hurt .... 463
Lachesis, the maiden daughter of Anangke (Necessity) from the Republic, is closely
identified, in terms of function, with Adrastea.
Now when they [i.e. the souls] arrived they were straightway bidden to go before
Lachesis, and then a certain pr.ophet first marshalled them in orderly intervals, and
thereupon took from the lap of Lachesis lots and patterns of lives and went up to a
lofty platform and spoke, 'This is the word of Lachesis, the maiden daughter of
Necessity, "Souls that live for a day, now is the beginning of another cycle of mortal
generation where birth is the beacon of death. No divinity shall cast lots for you, but
you shall choose your own deity. Let him to whom falls the first lot first select a life
to which he shall cleave of necessity, But virtue has no master over her, and each
461 Athenagoras of Athens, Apology, 20. From, Roberts and Donaldson (eds.), The Ante-Nicene Fathers,
462 Parmenides, 28 B 8,28 B 10 DK.
463 Plato, Phaedrus, 248c. Hackforth translation.
184 Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
shall have more or less of her as he honours her or does her despite. The blame is his
who chooses. God is blameless.",464
According to the Hieronymean theogony, the arms of AnangkelAdrastea 'extended
throughout the universe and touching its extremities'. According to Aetius, the
Pythagoreans held that, 'Necessity hedges the world about' .465 Further to this, on the
testimony of Porphyry, Aristotle recorded that Pythagoras described the Two Bears
constellation as the hands of Rhea - which would reach out and embrace the heavens,
thus placing a goddess at the centre, enveloping the cosmos.
Pythagoras used to say certain things in a mystical and symholic way, and Aristotle
has recorded many of these; e.g. that he called the sea the tears of Cronos, the Bears
the hands of Rhea, the Pleiades the lyre of the Muses, the planets the dogs of
Persephone; the ringing sound of bronze when struck was, he said, the voice of a
divine being imprisoned in the bronze.
In a similar fashion, Parmenides speaks of the goddess at the centre of the cosmos
who oversees and guides all. Perhaps inviting us to identify Anangke with this goddess .
.. , and you shall know also the surrounding heaven, whence it sprang and how
Necessity brought and constrained it to hold the limits of the stars.
(/ will describe) how the earth and sun and moon, and the heavens common to all,
and the Milky Way in the heavens, and outermost Olympus, and the hot power of the
stars, hastened to come into being.
For the narrower rings where filled with unmixed Fire, and those next to them with
Night, but between (these) rushes the portion of Harne. And in the centre of these is
the goddess who guides everything; for throughout she rules over cruel Birth and
Mating, sending the female to mate with the male, and conversely again the male
with the female.
Plato adopts and adapts these images into his own world picture. In the myth of Er
from the Republic a light girdles together the extremities of the cosmos, and from the
ends of the cosmos stretches the spindle of Necessity. This turns all the orbits of the
heavens, and is seated on the knees of Necessity. The Fates, the daughters of Necessity,
help tum the revolutions of the cosmos, the orbits of the heavens.
To this they came after going a day's journey, and they saw there at the middle of
the light the extremities of its fastenings stretched from heaven, for this light was the
464 Plato, Republic, 617d-e.
465 Aetius, De Placitis Philosophorum, 1.25.2, '&'VU'YKTJV TIEplKElu6m K6UIll,tl anangken perikeisthai
to kosmo'. As quoted in, Burkert, Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism, p. 75 (see also n. 143).
466 Porphyry, The Life o/Pythagoras, 41; Aristotle,frag. 196.
467 Parmenides, 28 B 10,28 B 11,28 B 12 DK.
Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
girdle of the heavens like the undergirders of triremes, holding together in like
manner the entire revolving vault. And from the extremities was stretched the
spindle of Necessity, through which all the orbits turned .... And the spindle turned
on the knees of Necessity ... And there were three others who sat round about at
equal intervals, each one on her throne, the Fates, daughters of Necessity, clad in
white vestments with filleted heads, Lachesis, and Clotho, and Atropos, who sang in
unison with the music of the Sirens, Lachesis singing the things that were, Clotho the
things that are, and Atropos the things that are to be. And Clotho with thc touch of
her right hand helped to turn the outer circumference of the spindle, pausing from
time to time. Atropos with her left hand in like manner helped to turn the inner
circles, and Lachesis alternately with either hand lent a hand to each.
In the Timaeus, Plato presents us with Reason (vovS' - nous) persuading
Necessity. Necessity constrains things that become, yet not by design or purpose. Reason
therefore persuades Necessity to guide Becoming towards that which is best, namely,
Now our foregoing discourse, save for a few matters, has set forth the works
wrought by the craftsmanship of Reason; but we must now set beside them the
things that come about of Necessity. For the generation of this universe was a mixed
result of the combination of Necessity and Reason. Reason overruled Necessity by
persuading her to guide the greatest part of the things that become towards what is
best; in that way and on that principle this universe was fashioned in the beginning
by the victory of reasonable persuasion over Necessity.469
Reason is pictured here as a Divine Craftsman. He takes Necessity as his artistic
medium, the clay for his cosmic-statue, and by persuasion bends and moulds the clay of
Necessity into an ordered and designed cosmos. A cosmos which, as far as possible,
resembles the perfect model that the craftsman has in mind. This ordering, as I shall soon
demonstrate, is achieved through mathematics.
Plato correlates Chronos (Time) and Anangke (Necessity), in the Phaedrus,
Republic and Timaeus. It is due to the regularity of mot!on in the cosmos that Time
(Chronos) is established. This regularity of motion is due to the oversight of Necessity
and the Fates, which function as a constraining force that turns the spindle of the
heavenly orbits. But the regularity of Time (Chronos) is due to Reason persuading
Necessity to guide Becoming towards what is best - Time (Chronos) acting as the
moving image of the eternity of Being.
468 Plato, Republic, 616b - 617d.
469 Plato, Timaeus, 47e -48a. Comford translation.
186 Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
Thus Time and Necessity are inextricably coupled together in the ordering of the
cosmos just as the Orphic theogonies describe them as two serpents (or dragons)
intertwined with each other upon the staff of Hermes. The Elements
An important aspect of the world picture in the Timaeus is the role played by the
traditional four elements: fire, water, earth and air. Plato endeavours to develop a story
concerning these in which mathematics plays the fundamental role.
The use of the elements in philosophical cosmological speculation was already well
established in the Pre socratic era. Thales is reported to have spoken of water as the arche
or original element,470 Anaximenes speaks of air,471 and Heraclitus speaks of the ever-
living fire,472 and of a cycle of the four elements originating with fire.
These elements
are treated more systematically in Empedoc1es, who employs all four as the basic
elements of his cosmology, being drawn together or tom apart by love and strife.
It is likely that the Presocratic speculation concerning the elements was
foreshadowed in the theogonic speculation of the poets; The actors making actions of the
poems, became abstract principles, or elements, involved in a theoretical cosmology.
Uranos was transformed into the heavenly fire or perhaps air, Ge into the earth, and
Oceanus into water.
470 Thales, 11 A 12 DK = Aristotle, Metaphysics, 983bI8ff., 'However, not all agree about the number and
form of such a principle, but Thales, the founder of this kind of philosophy, declares it to be water. (This is
why he indicated that the earth rests on water).'; 11 A 14 DK Aristotle, On the Heavens, 294a28ff.,
'Others say [the earth] rests on water. This is the most ancient explanation which has come down to us, and
is attributed to Thales of Miletus.'
471 Anaximenes, 13 B 2 DK, 'As our soul, being air, hold us together, so do breath and air surround the
whole universe' .
472 Heraclitus, 22 B 30 DK, 'This ordered universe (cosmos), which is the same for all, was not created by
anyone of the gods or of mankind, but it was ever and is and shall be ever-living Fire, kindled in measure
and quenched in measure.'
473 Heraclitus, 22 B 76 DK, 'Fire lives the death of earth, and air lives the death of fire; water lives the
death of air, earth that of water. '
474 Empedocles, 31 B 22 DK, 'For all these things beaming Sun and Earth and heaven and Sea - are
connected in harmony with their own parts ... '; 31 B 71 DK, ' ... how from the mixture of Water, Earth,
Aether and Sun (Fire) there came into being the forms and colours of mortal things in such numbers as now
exist fitted together by Aphrodite [i.e. Love]'; 31 B 109 DK, 'We see Earth by means of Earth, Water by
means of Water, divine Air by means of Air, and destructive Fire by means of Fire; Affection by means of
Affection, Hate by means of baneful Hate.'
Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato 187
This was certainly how the later Hellenistic Stoic interpreters understood the names
of the Divine. Hesiod had stated in his Theogony,
Chaos was first of all, but next appeared
Broad-bosomed Earth, sure standing-place for all
The gods who live on snowy Olympus' peak.475
Zeno of Citium (c. 332 - 265 BC) is reported to have interpreted Hesiod in the following
... Hesiod's "Chaos" is water, from the settlement of which mud comes into being,
and when that solidifies the earth is established.
This immediately bears upon the Hieronymean theogony, and demonstrates that the two
are closely related. Damascius states,
Originally there was water, he (Orpheus) says, and mud, from which the earth
solidified: he posits these two as first principles, water and earth ...
This is further confirmed by Athenagoras,
Orpheus (who, moreover, was the first to invent their names, and recounted their
births, and narrated the exploits of each, and is believed by them to treat with greater
truth than others of divine things, whom Homer himself follows in most matters,
especially in reference to the gods) - he, too, has fixed their first origin to be from
"Oceanus, the origin of all"
For, according to him, water was the beginning of all things, and from water mud
was formed, and from both was produced an animal, a dragon with the head of a lion
growing to it, and between the two heads there was the face of a God, named
Herac1es and Kronos.
Both the Hieronymean theogony, and Thales, posit water as the first principle of the
cosmos. This idea, in turn, can be traced to an original motif in Ancient Near Eastern
475 Hesiod, Theogony, 116ff. Wender translation.
476 ScholiumA.R. 1.496-8b Stoicorum veterumjragmenta, i, 29.l7. As cited by West, The Orphic Poems,
~ 183.
77 Damascius, On the First Principles, I 23ff. As translated and cited by West, The Orphic Poems, p. 178.
478 Athenagoras of Athens, Apology, 18. From, Roberts and Donaldson (eds.), The Ante-Nicene Fathers,
479 See, West, The Orphic Poems, pp. 183-190. West traces the idea of an original primordial water, to the
mythologies of the ancient Sumerians (Nammu the fresh water goddess and mother of heaven and earth),
Babylonians (Apsu and Tiamat the water deities originally mingled as one), Hebrews (the tehom or
watery abyss of Genesis), and Egyptians (Nun, the primordial mass of waters, containing Alum the self-
created one, who generates Re the Time-god and lord of eternity).
188 Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
Specifically, it is a dual pair, water and earth, that form the original e1ements in the
Orphic Hieronymean theogony. Damascius portrays these, not as deities, but as elements.
To this there occurs a strong parallel in the Timaeus. When Timaeus first discusses the
elements, Plato has him refer to an original pair, namely, fire and earth.
Now that which comes to be must be bodily, and so visible and tangible; and nothing
can be visible without fire, or tangible without something solid, and nothing is solid
without earth. Hence the god, when he b e ~ n to put together the body of the
universe, set about making it of fire and earth. 80
From these two original elements Plato derives the need for the remaining two -
water and air. Importantly, this is because of the mathematical need for harmony between
the fire - earth duality, and the need for this harmony to be geometrically constructed
within a three dimensional matrix.
But two things alone cannot be satisfactorily united without a third; for there must be
some bond between them drawing them together. And of all the bonds the best is
that which makes itself and the terms it connects a unity in the fullest sense; and it is
of the nature of a continued geometrical proportion to effect this most perfectly ....
Now if it had been required that the body of the universe should be a plane surface
with nodepti1, a single mean would have been enough to connect its companions and
itself; but in fact the world was to be solid in form, and solids are always conjoined,
not by one mean, but by two. Accordingly the god set water and air between fire and
earth, and made them, so far as was possible, proportional to oneanother ...
That fire and earth are the original two elements may in fact be correlated to the
Timaeus theogony, where Heaven and Earth are the original divine parents.
Later in
this chapter I discuss the exact nature of this geometric mean which binds the elements
480 Plato, Timaeus, 3Ib. Comford translation.
481 Plato, Timaeus, 3Ib - 32b. Cornford translation.
482 The relation between Heaven and Fire is at least a plausible assumption. Comford himself assumes such
when he states, 'Fire and earth had been commonly regarded as the two extreme elements, since ftre
belongs to the heavens, and air and water are between Heaven and Earth.' In, Comford, Plato's Cosmology,
Chapter Six: The Mathematical W orId of Plato 189
6.3 Being, Becoming, and the Receptacle-Space
6.3.1 Myth as the Language of Becoming
Given then, that the Timaeus, as a whole, can best be understood as a
philosophically transformed Orphic cosmogony, we are now in a position to analyse the
crucial role that mathematics plays in this cosmogony, to mediate between Being and
Regarding the cosmogonic myth of the Timaeus, Plato has Timaeus state that when
discussing the nature of the cosmos (i.e. Becoming), the account given can only ever be a
'likely account' (eikos logos), or a 'likely story' (eikOs mythos).483 The reason for this is
that we can never acquire true knowledge (episteme) about Becoming. At best, we may
only hold an opinion (doxa).
But when they express only the copy or likeness and not the eternal things
themselves, they need only be likely and analogous to the former words. As being is
to becoming, so truth is to belief. If then, Socrates, amidst the many opinions about
the gods and the generation of the universe, we are not able to give notions which are
altogether and in every respect exact and consistent with one another, do not be
surprised. Enough if we adduce probabilities as likely as any others, for we must
remember that I who am the speaker and you who are the judges are only mortal
men, and we ought to accept the tale which is probable and inquire no further.
This, of course, raises important questions concerning how the Timaeus is to be
read. Was Plato really intending to tell us something (albeit only a likely something)
about an actual Divine Craftsman, and the process by which he generated the cosmos? Or
did Plato desire us to understand the dialogue much more symbolically, using the
cosmogonic story only as a medium to express the unchanging realities behind the
existing cosmos?
Aristotle, it is thought, understood Plato to be speaking literally about the process
of cosmic generation. In this regard he criticised Plato for maintaining that time had a
beginning, a view expressed in the 'likely myth' of the Timaeus.
483 Plato, Timaeus, 29d. For a discussion on the nature of this 'likely story' see, Zeyl, Plato - Timaeus, pp.
xxii xxiii, xxxii - xxxiii.
484 Plato, Timaeus, 29c-d.
485 See, Aristotle, Physics, 251b14-26 (Cf. Plato, Timaeus, 38b),
190 Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
Xenocrates (396 - 314 BC), however, understood Plato to be speaking more
symbolically. The 'likely myth' does not describe an actual process, but should rather be
seen as a didactic too1.
Likewise, Proc1us reports that Xenocrates' successor at the
Academy, Crantor (c. 330 - 270 BC), also maintained the symbolic view, which aside
from Plutarch and Atticus, dominated among Academic interpretations even to the time
of Plotinus (c. AD 204 - 270).487 Among contemporary scholars, Zeyl cites Taylor,
Cornford, Cherniss, and Taran, as holding to a symbolic interpretation, whereas Vlastos,
Hackforth, Sorabji, and Robinson maintain a more literal view.
As Zeyl rightly notes, however, the distinction that Plato makes here concerning the
'likely story' is not so much between literal and metaphorical, but rather between
'apodeictic certainty and plausibility - a distinction that corresponds to the one between
intelligible and empirical subject matters' .489 In this regard then, the various component<;
within the Timaeus account are in fact open to interpretation in either direction.
Plato's adoption of the idea of a 'likely' (eikos) account, is anticipated in the
tradition from Hesiod through Parmenides. The Hesiodic Theogony itself begins,
From the Heliconian Muses let us begin to sing ...
And one day they taught Hesiod glorious song
while he was shepherding lambs under holy Helicon,
and this word first the goddesses said to me-
the Muses of Olympus, daughters of Zeus who holds the aegis:
'Shepherds of the wilderness, wretched things of shame,
mere bellies, we know how to speak many false things
as though they were true; but we know, when we will,
to utter true things.'490
The Muses, the daughters of memory, are able to 'speak many false things as
though they were true' ,491 as well as 'utter true things' . This dual ability of the Muses to
486 That Xenophanes held this position is derived from the allusion to him in Aristotle, On the Heavens,
279b32-280al, 'Some of those who hold that the world, though indestructible, was yet generated, try to
support their case by a parallel which is illUSOry. They say that in their statements about its generation they
are doing what geometricians do when they construct their figures, not implying that the universe really had
a beginning, but for didactic reasons facilitating understanding by exhibiting the object, like the figure, as
in course of formation. '
487 See, Zeyl, Plato Timaeus, p. xxi.
488 Zeyl, Plato - Timaeus, p. xxi. For a further discussion on the debate between a symbolic - literal
interpretation of the Timaeus, see, Zeyl, Plato - Timaeus, pp. xx - xxv.
489 Zeyl, Plato - Timaeus, p. xxxii.
490 Hesiod, Theogony 1-28, trans. H.G. Eveyln-White.
Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato 191
provide a semblance of truth to false things, as well as the truth itself, is developed by
Parmenides in his Way of Truth poem. In this poem, Parmenides is led in a chariot by
maiden goddesses, the daughters of the Sun,492 conveyed as far as his desire would reach.
They arrive at the goddess Justice, who addresses Parmenides,
Young man, companion of the immortal charioteers, who comest by the help of the
steeds which bring thee to our dwelling: welcome! -since no evil fate has
despatched thee on thy journey by this road (for truly it is far from the path trodden
by mankind); no, it is divine command and Right. Thou shalt inquire into everything:
both the motionless heart of well-rounded Truth, and also the opinions of mortals, in
which there is no true reliability ... 493
Here the Way of Truth, is contrasted with the Way of Opinion, or that which is true is
contrasted with that which only ha'l the semblance of truth but is really false.
The Way of Truth is that of Being, ascertained only by reason. The Way of Opinion
is that of Becoming, ascertained by the senses.
You must debar your thought from this way of search, nor let ordinary experience in
its variety force you along this way, (namely that of allowing) the eye, sightless as it
is, and the ear, full of sound, and the tongue, to rule; but (you must) jud?,e by means
of Reason [logos] the much-contested proof which is expounded by me.
Sense experience is strictly limited to opinion (doxa). We simply can never acquire
any truth, or knowledge (episteme); concerning the senses. This idea is also reflected in
Xenophanes, when he stated,
And as for certain truth, no man has seen it, nor will there ever be a man who knows
about the gods and about all the things I speak of. For if he succeeds to the full in
saying what is completely true, nevertheless he himself does not know; and Opinion
(seeming) is fixed upon all things.
Let these things be believed as resembling the truth.
For Xenophanes, our belief about such things as the gods and the cosmos, will only ever
be opinion. We must believe such things as resembling the truth.
This is precisely the sentiment echoed here in the Timaeus. As we can only ever
have an opinion about Becoming, our speculations concerning it will only ever be a likely
491 Compare also with Homer, Odyssey, 19:203.
492 That Apollo was often worshipped as the sun god, Helios, would establish these goddesses as Muses.
493 Parmenides, 28 B 1 DK.
494 Parmenides, 28 B 7-8 DK.
495 Xenophanes, 21 B 34-35 DK.
192 Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
account. It is this epistemological situation that Plato alludes to when he proclaims that
our approach to the things of sense-experience (as opposed to the Forms, or objects of
rational intellection), must bear the same limitations as their subject matter. As the things
of sense-experience are unstable and shifting, so too must be any story we tell about their
nature. This is in contrast to the Forms, the objects of rational intellection. As these are
stable and unchanging, then an account of them may be true - in the sense of possessing
a fixed certainty, enabling genuine episteme (knowledge).496
The use of a cosmo gonic myth by Plato then, given these constraints, is entirely in
keeping with his purpose. Through it, he is able to provide a 'likely story' concerning the
cosmos of sense-experience, and at the same time suggest an account of the true reality
behind it. This account may ultimately have been filled out by a 'true account' (rather
than merely a 'likely account') contained in the oral dialectic instruction of the Academy.
This would have been possible, in that Plato's subject matter would no longer be the
nature of the cosmos of sense-experience, but rather the eternal nature of unchanging
Being, and First Principles - subject matter that admits of an unchanging, stable, true
6.3.2 Being Imaged into the Receptacle
Plato presents us with a myth concerning how Becoming first came about. In terms
of the drama of the myth, Plato introduces us to an original Divine Craftsman (Reason or
Mind), who is confronted with an initial Disorder.
This Divine Craftsman was good
496 See, Zeyl, Plato - Timaeus, p. xxxii, 'Probably what Plato means is that within the constraints in which
the story must be told something like this account is the most plausible one can hope for... The
metaphysical constraint is that this world is caught up in unceasing becoming: its constituents are in flux,
and any account of it cannot fail to reflect its elusiveness. The epistemological constraint is that this world
is a sense object (or a collection of sense objects), and any account of it must reflect a grasp of it that is less
than that absolutely firm grasp which we have of intelligible objects: See also, Szlezak, Reading Plato, p.
97, 'In this sense the whole essay of natural philosophy in the Timaeus is described as a "probable myth"
(29d, 68d, 69b), because here the ontological status of the subject rules out total substantiation or total
certainty of substantiation.'
497 That Plato reserved an oral dialectical philosophy (the 'Unwritten Doctrines') for those able to receive it,
over and above his written dialogues, is argued by the Ttibingen school of Platonic interpretation. See,
Szlezak, Reading Plato; Kramer, Plato and the foundations of Metaphysics (in particular see pp. 110-111
regarding the Timaeus).
498 For a discussion on the nature of the Divine Craftsman (or Demiurge), see, Zeyl, Plato - Timaeus, pp.
xxxiv - xxxvii. See also, Dillon, The Middle Platonists, pp. 6-7; Dillon, The Heirs of Plato, pp. 24-25.
Dillon notes that the identity of the Demiurge was subject to confusion among the early Academic and later
Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato 193
and, being without jealousy, desired that this Disorder be conformed as much as possible
to himself, namely, the good. This entailed bringing the Disorder into a rational order (a
cosmos), just as the Divine Craftsman himself was rational.
Let us, then, state for what reason becoming and this universe were framed by him
who framed them. He was good; and in the good no jealousy in any matter can ever
arise. So, being without jealousy, he desired that all things should come as near as
possible to being like himself. That this is the supremely valid principle of becoming
and of the order of the world, we shall most surely be right to accept from men of
understanding. Desiring, then, that all things should be good and, so far as might be,
nothing imperfect, the god took over all that is visible - not at rest, but in
discordant and unordered motion - and r o u ~ h t it from disorder into order, since he
judged that order was in every way the better. 99
Good then, for Plato, is closely identified with the Rational. For Disorder to
become good, as far as possible, means that it must become ordered. In the Timaeus this
specifically means being ordered according to the structures and proportions of
Later in the Timaeus, Plato returns to the subject of the Disorder. There he speaks
of the Receptacle or nurse of Becoming. In so doing, Plato distinguishes, for the first time
in his dialogues, three separate aspects within his world-picture. There. is Being (the
eternally existent model), Becoming (the copy or image of the model), and now there is
also the Receptacle, the mirror into which the model (Being) is imaged.
Our new starting-point in describing the universe must, however, be a fuller
classification than we made before. We then distinguished two things; but now a
third must be pointed out. For. OUf 'earlier discourse the two were sufficient:' one
postulated as model, intelligible and always unchangingly real; second, a copy of
this model, which becomes and is visible. A third we did not then distinguish,
thinking that the two would suffice; but now, it seems, the argument compels us to
attempt to bring to light and describe a form difficult and obscure. What nature must
we, then, conceive it to possess and what part does it play? This, more than anything
else: that it is the Receptacle - as it were, the nurse - of all Becoming.
Neoplatonic philosophers. He writes, 'Initially, the Demiurge seems to have been taken as the supreme
principle, active in the world, but when under Neopythagorean influence the One, as a totally transcendent
first principle, was placed above the active principle, the Demiurge came to be seen as a second God,
Intellect (nous), the agent or logos of the Supreme god ... ', in, Dillon, The Middle Platonists, p. 7.
499 Plato, Timaeus, 29d - 30a. Cornford translation.
500 Blackson, Inquiry, Forms, and Substances, pp. 133-170, argues that Plato 'introduces the Receptacle in
an effort to solve a certain problem concerning the stuffs of the four kinds that are "starting points" (apxaL)
in traditional Greek cosmologies.' , p. 135.
501 Plato, Timaeus, 48e - 49a. Cornford translation.
194 Chapter Six: The Mathematical W orId of Plato
The original Disorder is associated with the Receptacle. Both are given, or original
to the cosmic situation. Neither is derived from Being itself. Although we should be
cautious not to identify completely these two aspects, we nevertheless possess reasonable
grounds for associating them with each other.
Plato elaborates upon this Receptacle and compares it to a man who models many
things out of the same lump of gold.
Suppose a man had moulded figures of all sorts out of gold, and were unceasingly to
remould each into all the rest: then, if you should point to one of them and ask what
it was, much the safest answer in respect of truth would be to say 'gold', and never
to speak of a triangle or any of the other figures that were coming to be in it as things
that have being, since they are changing even while one is asserting their existence.
Rather one should be content if they so much as consent to accept the description
'what is of such and such a quality' with any certainty. Now the same thing must be
said of that nature which receives all bodies. It must be called always the same; for it
never departs from its own character; since it is always receiving all things, and
never in any way whatsoever takes on any character that is like any of the things that
enter it: by nature it is there as a matrix for everything, and is stirred and diversified
by the things that enter it, and on their account it appears to bave different qualities
at different times; But the things which enter into and go out of her are the copies of
eternal realities modelled after their patterns in a wonderful and mysterious
'The Receptacle receives impressions from the eternal Model (Being), and in so
doing Becoming is engendered. One must not think, however, that Becoming is
constructed out ~ f t h e Receptacle. 'The Receptacle is that 'in which [EV ~ - en ho] all of
them are always coming to be' ,503 it is not that 'out of which' E ~ ot! ex hou) they are
being made.
The Receptacle, unlike Becoming, always remains the same. We may
truly employ the terms 'this' or 'that' to speak of the Receptacle, as these terms imply
something that remains constant, not changing from one thing into another. They suggest
a single unchanging referent, something that Becoming is not. If we desired to apply
these words to Becoming, we would have to say 'it was this, but is now that, but even
now is not that but rather this new thing', and so forth. With Becoming there is no
unchanging referent for the words to apply to, but with the Receptacle we do acquire
502 Plato, Timaeus, 50a-c. Composite of Cornford and Jowett translations.
503 Plato, Timaeus, 4ge. Comford translation.
504 See, Comford, Plato's Cosmology, p. 181.
Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato 195
sameness, and unchangingness. The Receptacle behaves in this constant manner, it 'never
departs from its own character' .505
Only in speaking of that in which all of them are always coming to be, m k i n ~ their
appearance and again vanishing out of it, may we use the words 'this' or 'that'. 06
To adopt a different analogy, the Receptacle can be likened to a mirror.
When a
person looks at their face in a mirror, you have the original face (the model), as well as
the image or copy of the face in the mirror, and you have the mirror itself, the receptacle
that receives the image in it. The mirror itself does not change or alter. The images that
are received into the mirror do change. Furthennore, there is an important distinction
between the original face and its image in a mirror. Remove the face, and the image will
also disappear. However, if you remove the image, by turning off the lights for example,
the original face is still there. There is a one way dependency of the image upon the
original model.
A similarity exists with Plato's world picture at this point. There is a one way
dependency of Becoming upon Being. This parallels the dependency of the image upon
the mirror. Remove the mirror and the image disappears. Remove the Receptacle and
Becoming disappears. Both Being and the Receptacle are needed in order to engender
The Divine Craftsman then, has his model, and in encountering the Receptacle, he
sees that the Receptacle conveys Disorder. He therefore images the model (Being) into
505 Plato, Timaeus, 50b. Comford translation.
506 Plato, Timaeus, 4ge 50a. Comford translation. In 1954 Cherniss proposed an alternative way to
translate the passage Timaeus, 49c7 50a4. For Cherniss' translation in context of the dialogue see,
Cooper, (ed.), Plato Complete Works, "Tirnaeus", Zeyl trans, pp. 1252-1253, n. 27. For a discussion on
the relevant differences between these two readings see, Zeyl, Plato - Timaeus, pp. lvi - lxiv. Zeyl notes
that prior to 1954 the traditional reading was almost universally followed. Subsequent to Cherniss, the
alternative reading has been offered by Mills, and Mohr, as well as being defended by Lee. Zeyl himself,
along with Gully and M.L Gill, criticises this new alternative reading in favour of the traditional reading.
See, Zeyl, Plato Timaeus, p. lvi, n. ] 20. One telling objection levelled against the alternative reading is
that it suggests a fourth ontological category in distinction to Being, sensible particulars, and the
Receptacle. But Plato only speaks in the Timaeus of these three things, not a fourth thing, as the alternative
reading might suggest (Timaeus, 48e5-49a, 5Oc7-d4, 51e6-52b2). Zeyl notes that neither Cherniss nor Lee
appear to have noted this objection. Possible responses to the objection, Zeyl further notes, have been
unsatisfactory. See, Zeyl, Plato Timaeus, p.lx. I side with Zeyl in favouring the traditional reading, which
I have followed in this thesis, adopting the Comford translation.
196 Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
the Receptacle and in so doing brings order out of the original Disorder, by transforming
it into an ordered Becoming, a cosmos.
Here we observe why it was important not to identify the Receptacle with the
original Disorder of Timaeus 30a. The Receptacle has no qualities of its own. In and of
itself Plato describes it as invisible and characterless.
In the same way, that which is duly to receive over its whole extent and many times
over all the likenesses of the intelligible and eternal things ought in its own nature to
be free of all the characters. For this reason, then, the mother and Receptacle of what
has come to be visible and otherwise sensible must not be called earth or air or fire
or water, nor any of their compounds or components; but we shall not be deceived if
we call it a nature invisible and characterless, all-receiving, partaking in some very
puzzling way of the intelligible and very hard to apprehend.
The Receptacle is the mother of what has come to be visible. Regarding the original
Disorder, Plato had described it as the visible. He stated,
... the god took over all that is visible - not at rest, but in discordant and unordered
motion and brought it from disorder into order, since he judged that order was in
every way the better.
We have, then, an original Receptacle that has within it a visible disorder. The
original Disorder and the Receptacle are associated, but not identified. Both together
comprise the original situation into which the Divine Craftsman imaged Being, and
brought about order.
Plato identifies this Receptacle with what he calls xwpa
normally translated as Space.
chara, which IS
This being so, we must agree that there is, first, the unchanging Form, ungenerated
and indestructible, which neither receives anything else into itself from elsewhere
nor itself enters into anything else anywhere, irivisible and otherwise imperceptible;
that, in fact, which thinking has for its object.
Second is that which bears the same name and is like that Form; is sensible; is
brought into existence; is perpetually in motion, coming to be in a certain place and
again vanishing out of it; and is to be apprehended by belief involving perception.
Third is Space [xwpa - chara], which is everlasting, not admitting destruction;
providing a situation for all things that come into being, but itself apprehended
without the senses by a sort of bastard reasoning, and hardly an object of belief.
507 Plato himself goes on to make an analogy out of a family. The father is like the original Model (Being).
The mother is like the Receptacle, receiving the seed of the father. The child (offspring) is like the image
(Becoming). See, Timaeus, 5Oc-d.
50S Plato, Timaeus, 51a-b. Cornford translation.
509 Plato, Timaeus, 30a. Comford translation.
Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
This, indeed, is that which we look upon as in a dream and say that anything that is
must needs be in some place and occupy some room, and that what is not somewhere
in earth or heaven is nothing .... [the image] is the ever moving semblance of
something else [i.e. the model - Being], it is proper that it should come to be in
something else. Clinging in some sort to existence on pain of being nothing at
all ... 510
Here, it is tempting to interpret Space as the position which something can occupy.
The Presocratics, in particular the Atomists, speak of the void (ken on) as the non-being
in-between the things that exist. Aristotle reports that,
Leucippus and his associate Democritus say that the full and the empty are the
elements, calling the one being and the other non-being - the full and solid being,
the empty non-being (that is why they say that what is is no more than what is not,
because body no more is than the void).511
Plato appears to offer an understanding of Space that differs from the concept of the
Void. He describes the visible, the images of Being, as 'must needs be in some place and
occupy some room' and 'proper that it should come to be in something else'. The
Receptacle, then, functions as the Space, the matrix, into which Becoming is imaged. It
does not function as the Void of the Atomists, which fills in the gaps between the atoms.
The Receptacle-Space is correlated with Being. Being is 'ungenerated and
indestructible', Space is 'everlasting, not admitting destruction'. Both are original and
given in the Timaeus creation-myth. Yet epistemologically they are different. Being is the
object of knowledge. Space is 'hardly an object of belief (as is Becoming), it is
apprehended 'without the senses'. Yet it does not form a part of Being (the Forms), and
as such it is at best apprehended by a 'sort of bastard reasoning'. Plato tells us no more
about the epistemological status of Space than this. Indeed, if he surmises correctly, then
he could not explain it in any more rational terms, or in terms of sense-experience, as it is
in a category separate from these.
Plato describes the original condition of the Receptacle-Space, as having received
the characters of the four elements - fire, water, earth and air. But these were in a
constant flux of movement, shaken by the Receptacle-Space, such that they were in
510 Plato, Timaeus, 51e - 52c. Cornford translation.
511 Aristotle, Metaphysics, 985b5ff.
198 Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
complete disarray and disorder. That is to say, there were no mathematical proportions or
measures relating to them. There was nothing distinct, no cosmos or rational order.
Now the nurse of Becoming, being made watery and fiery and receiving the
characters of earth and air, and qualified by all the other affections that go with
these, had every sort of diverse appearance to the sight; but because it was filled with
powers that were neither alike nor evenly balanced, there was no equipoise in any
region of it; but it was everywhere swayed unevenly and shaken by these things, and
by its motion shook them in turn .... In the same way at that time the four kinds were
shaken by the Recipient, which itself was in motion like an instrument for shaking ...
whereby the different kinds came to have different regions, even before the ordered
whole consisting of them came to be. Before that, all these kinds were without
proportion or measure. Fire, water, earth, and air possessed indeed some vestiges of
their own nature, but were altogether in such a condition as we should expect for
anything when deity is absent from it. 512
This was the original Disorder encountered by the Divine Craftsman. It should be
noted that although the description of this original Disorder involves fire, water, and so
forth, these should not be understood as the images of Being, or in terms of the
mathematical order Plato discloses elsewhere. Rather, they are mere vestiges ((XVll -
ichne) of such things,
For at first they were without any such proportion, save by mere chance, nor was
there anything deserving to be called by the names we now use - fire, water, and
the rest; but all these he first set in order, and then framed out of them the
unIverse ...
The Disorder was a mere vestige of the elements. The elements properly
understood are generated by the Divine Craftsman, via mathematical proportion, into the
6.4 Mathematics as the Way of Imaging
6.4.1 The One, and the Indefinite Dyad
Plato takes an Orphic theogony and transforms it mathematically. The theogonic
myth is retold, but with mathematics as the medium through which the Divine Craftsman
512 Plato, Timaeus, 52d - 53b. Cornford translation.
513 Plato, Timaeus, 69b. Comford translation.
Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato 199
images Being into this original Receptacle-Space. Mathematics thus plays a crucial role
in the creation myth of the Timaeus. It forges the link between Being and Becoming, and
is the way in which Being is imaged.
In the ancient reports regarding Plato's famous lecture On the Good, it is testified
that for Plato, the first principles of things were the One and the Indefinite Dyad.
Plato used to treat the One and the dyad as the first principles both of numbers and of
all existing things, as Aristotle says in his work On the Good.515
Alexander says that according to Plato the first principles of all things, and of the
Ideas themselves, are the One and the indefinite dyad, which he used to call great
and small, as Aristotle relates in his work On the Good. One might gather this also
from Speusippus and Xenocrates and the others who were present at Plato's lecture
on the GOOd.
They say that Plato maintained that the One and the indefinite dyad were the first
principles of sensible things as well.
If we correlate these testimonies with the creation myth of the Timaeus, certain
conclusions seem to suggest themselves. Aristoxenus reports that for Plato the One and
the Good were identified.
This, as Aristotle was always saying, was the experience of most of those who heard
Plato's lecture On the Good . ... and to crown it all about the thesis that the good is
Plato extensively discussed the nature of the Good in the Republic. There he
concluded that the Good is itself beyond Being,519 beyond the intelligible models (Forms)
which are imaged into the world of Becoming. Plato compares the Good to the sun. Just
as the sun causes us to see visible things, so the Good causes us to know intelligible
Indeed the very existence and essence of Being is derived from the Good.
514 For a discussion of how the differences between the traditional and alternative readings of Timaeus,
49c7 50a4 might effect ones interpretation of the nature of the Receptacle, see, Zeyl, Plato Timaeus, pp.
Ixi lxiv.
515 Alexander, Commentanus in Metaphysica, 55.20-56.35 = Aristotle,frag. 28.
516 Simplicius, Commentanus in Physica, 151.6-11 = Aristotle,frag. 28.
517 Simplicius, Commentanus in Physica, 453.25-30 = Aristotle,frag. 28.
518 Aristoxenus, Elementa Harmonica, n 30-31 = Aristotle,frag. 26.
519 Plato, Republic, 509b.
520 Plato, RepUblic, 508b-c, 'Is it not also true that the sun is not vision, yet as being the cause thereof is
beheld by vision itself? ... This, then, you must understand that I meant by the offspring of the good which
the good begot to stand in a proportion with itself. As the good is in the intelligible region to reason and the
objects ofreason, so is this in the visible world to vision and the objects of vision:
200 Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
In like manner, then, you are to say that the objects of knowledge not only receive
from the presence of the good their being known, but their very existence and
essence is derived from it.
If we compare this to Plato's description of the mythic Divine Craftsman we
discover striking similarities. The Divine Craftsman is also described as all Good.
Let us, then, state for what reason becoming and this universe were framed by him
who framed them. He was good; and in the good no jealousy in any matter can ever
arise .... nor can it ever be, permitted that the work of the supremely good should be
anything but that which is best.
Let us identify, then, the Good of the Republic with the Good Divine Craftsman of
the Timaeus. This Good is beyond Being, and uses Being as the model to image into the
Further to this, however, let us identify this Good with the One spoken of by
Alexander and Simplicius. This certainly comports well with the Republic and the
Timaeus. Alexander stated that 'the One is the first principle of all things', Simplicius
that 'the first principles of all things, and of the Ideas themselves, are the One ... '.
Aristotle also says of Plato that,
... the Forms are the cause of the essence of other things, and the One is the cause of
the essenCe of the Forms.
In the Republic the Forms (or Ideas) have their 'very existence and essence
derived from' the Good, or the One as we now identify it. For the Timaeus the Divine
Craftsman (the Good or the One) is the creator of the cosmos. This identification, then,
appears prima facie textually justified.
Simplicius testifies, however, that for Plato the One was not the only first principle
of all things. He goes on specifically to state, 'the first principles of all things, and of the
Ideas themselves, are the One and the indefinite dyad' and 'that the One and the
indefinite dyad were the first principles of sensible things as well', just as Alexander
stated, 'Plato used to treat the One and the dyad as the first principles both of numbers
and of all existing things'. What, then, can we make of this Indefinite Dyad?
521 Plato, Republic, 509b.
522 Plato, Timaeus, 29d - 30a. Cornford translation.
523 Aristotle, Metaphysics, 988blO.
Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
Alexander and Simplicius spoke in the following way concerning it,
For, since there are in numbers both the One and that which is other than the One
(i.e. the many and the few), he assumed that the first thing there is in number, apart
from the One, is the first principle both of the many and of the few. Now the dyad is
the first thing apart from the One, having in itself both manyness and fewness .... he
assigned equality to the monad, and inequality to excess and defect; for inequality
involves two things, a great and a small, which are excessive and defective. This is
why he called it an indefinite dyad - beeause neither the excessive nor the exceeded
is, as such, definite; they are indefinite and unlimited. 524
And the indefinite dyad, which he used to call great and small ... 525
He placed the indefinite dyad also among the objects of thought and said it was
unlimited, and he made the great and the small first principles and said they were
... practically all contraries are referred to the one and plurality as their first
princip Ie. 527
The Indefinite Dyad is called, 'great and small', 'unequal, 'excess', 'defect',
'indefinite', 'unlimited', 'plurality'. As the Dyad is other than the One (or the Good), it is
for this reason often associated with evil, or better, the privation of the Good.
Aristotle comments,
Now we discuss matter and privation ... the privation of its own nature is not; ' ..
They, on the other hand, identity their Great and Small [i,e. the Indefinite Dyad]
alike with what is not, and that whether they are taken together as one or separately .
.. , for even if one philosopher [Le. Plato] makes a dyad of it, which he calls Great
and Small, the effect is the same; for he overlooked the other nature. For the one
which persists is a joint cause, with the form, of what comes to be - a mother, as it
were. But the other part of the contrariety may often seem, if you concentrate your
. . 'I . 11 528
attentIOn on It as an eVI agent, not to eXist at a .
This description bears resemblance to the original Disorder with which the Divine
Craftsman found himself confronted. The Timaeus describes this as 'not at rest, but in
discordant and unordered motion', 'disorder,529, 'appears to have different qualities at
different times,530, 'had every sort of diverse appearance', 'filled with powers that were
neither alike nor evenly balanced', 'everywhere swayed and unevenly shaken',
524 Alexander, Commentaries in Metaphysica 55.20-56.35 = Aristotle,frag. 28.
525 Simplicius, Commentaries in Physica 151:6-11 = Aristotle,frag. 28.
526 Simplicius, Commentaries in Physica 453.25-30 = Aristotle,frag. 28.
527 Alexander, Commentaries in Metaphysica 20:17-20 = Aristotle,frag. 31.
528 Aristotle, Physics, 192a4ff.
529 Plato, Timaeus, 30a. Cornford translation.
530 Plato, Timaeus, SOc. Cornford translation
202 Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
'perpetually being separated and carried in different directions,.531 In addition to this it is
something original, other than the Divine Craftsman, and other than the model (Being)
which he used to fashion Becoming,532 and hence, other than the Good. It is one of the
original things, along with the Divine craftsman, that were involved in fashioning the
cosmos. The Divine Craftsman (the One, the Good) was the father, the Receptacle-Space
(comprising also the original Disorder within it) functioned as a mother.
The two stand
as the first principles of the cosmos.
It would appear prima facie reasonable then, to identify the Receptacle-
SpacelDisorder complex, as the Indefinite Dyad.
The dyadic tension within this Indefinite Dyad is even noted by Plato, where he
speaks of the original Disorder being separated into two polarised regions,
... but because it [Le. the Receptacle] was filled with powers that were neither alike
nor evenly balanced, there was no equipoise in any region of it ... And they, being
thus moved, were perpetually being separated and carried in different directions ...
the dense and heavy things one way, while the rare and light are carried to another
place and settle there. . .. and it separated the most unlike kinds farthest apart from
one another, and thrust the most alike closest together; whereby the different kinds
came to have different regions, even before the ordered whole consisting of them
came to be.
In this passage Plato speaks of the Disorder as being shaken into two directions -
a dyad, the Great (the dense and heavy) being rent asunder from the Small (the rare and
light). In fact any extension represents a dyadic movement in two opposite directions
from a centre. Even more so with this original Disorder, which had no point of balance,
but everywhere was in tension with itself.
Furthermore, regarding the epistemological aspect, Simplicius states that Plato
'placed the indefinite dyad also among the objects of thought' ,536 Plato likewise speaks of
531 Plato, Timaeus, 52e. Cornford translation
532 Compare this with, Plato, Timaeus, 51e - 52b.
533 Plato, Timaeus, 50c-d.
534 Dillon notes this identity, in, Dillon, The Heirs of Plato, p. 19, 'The Indefmite Dyad is primarily the
basic unlimitedness or 'otherness' on which the One acts, but it is also the irrational aspect of the soul, and
again the substrate ofthe physical world, represented by the "receptacle" of the Timaeus.' For a contrasting
view that identifies the unlimited with the ordered triangular bodies, and for a discussion of the nature of
Becoming in general in the Timaeus, see, Silverman, The Dialect of Essence, pp. 246-284.
535 Plato, Timaeus, 52e 53a. Cornford translation.
536 Simplicius, Commentarius in Physica 453.25-30 Aristotle,frag.28.
Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato 203
the Receptacle-Space as 'itself being apprehended without the senses' That is to say, we
do not apprehend it by means of doxa (opinion) as we do the objects of sense perception.
Rather, in distinction from the type of true knowledge or thought we have of Being, the
Receptacle-Space is only apprehended by a 'sort of bastard reasoning'. It is a type of
object of thought, if you will, albeit only in a bastardised sense.
The primary difficulty with this identification lies in the nature of Being, i.e. the
Forms. The above testimony regarding the One and the fudefinite Dyad, stipulates that
they both function as first principles of the Forms (or the Ideas) themselves.
? If the
fudefinite Dyad is identified with the Receptacle, then this would mean that the Forms are
somehow derivative on both the Divine Craftsman (the One), and the Receptacle (the
fudefinite Dyad).
Is this suggestion plausible, however? In terms of the Timaeus story, there is a
certain teleological, or functional, dependence (or derivation) of the Forms, upon the
Divine Craftsman and the Receptacle. It was because the Divine Craftsman desired to
make the disorder present in the Receptacle as good as possible, that he tumed to the
Forms, the etemal model, in order to generate the cosmos of Becoming. The Forms then,
only functioned as a model, in terms of the Timaeus story, because the Divine Craftsman
desired to transform the Disorder-Receptacle. In other words, regarding their capacity to
function as a model, the Forms are entirely dependent (or derivative) upon the prior
situation regarding the Divine Craftsman and the Receptacle.
But what of an ontological dependence? Certainly, to speak of the priority of the
One and the Indefinite Dyad to the Forms, would not be to speak of a temporal priority.
All are eternal in the Timaeus. The priority in question is a logical priority.
Here, it would seem, the Timaeus is silent regarding the nature, and possible logical
generation, of the Forms. This of course should be no surprise, as Plato's avowed intent
in the Timaeus cosmogony was only to provide an account concerning the cosmos of
sense-experience. It was for this reason that his account was to be considered a 'likely
story'. An account conceming the nature and generation of Being (Le. the Forms, or the
537 Simplicius, Commentaries in Physica 151:6-11 Aristotle,frag. 28, 'Alexander says that according to
Plato the first principles of all things, and of the Ideas themselves, are the One and the indefinite dyad ... '
204 Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
eternal model) is outside the scope of the Timaeus, and would not constitute a 'likely
story', but rather a true account, as it would have stable unchanging Being as its subject
Plato describes the functional role of the Receptacle in the Timaeus only in relation
to the cosmos of sense-experience. In this regard, the Timaeus limits its discussion to how
'the One and the indefinite dyad were the first principles of sensible things as well', as
Simplicius also affirms.
We should not expect to find then, any indication of how the Forms are
ontologically derivative of the Receptacle in the Timaeus. In fact, it would be more
accurate to say that the Indefinite Dyad only functions as a receptacle in the context of
the Timaeus story. With regard to how the Forms are derived from the One and the
Indefinite Dyad, we should not necessarily expect Plato to describe the role of the
Indefinite Dyad as a receptacle at all.
The way that Plato appears to have considered the ontological dependence of the
Forms upon the One and the Indefinite Dyad, is also briefly suggested to us in the reports
of the lecture On the Good. Alexander stated that it was by associating the Forms with
numbers, that Plato was able to derive the Forms from the One and the Indefinite
This was achieved by the One limiting the indefinite (Le. unlimited, infinite)
Dyad. A definite plurality (or arithmoi) was then brought about, in that a numerical dyad
(a definite plura:lity of two) was generated.
And since Forms or Ideas are prior to the things which according to him have their
being in relation to them and derive their being from them (the existence of these he
tried in several ways to establish), he said that the Forms are numbers. For if that
538 Simplicius, Commentarius in Physica 453.25-30:= Aristotle,frag. 28.
539 Dillon further notes that the testimony of Theophrastus, which would seem to indicate a distinction
between the Forms and numbers for Plato, can in fact be harmonised with the Aristotelian tradition, which
maintains that, for Plato, Forms are numbers. Dillon, The Heirs of Plato, p. 21, 'Theophrastus, indeed, in
his Metaphysics (6
I1f.) seems to envisage a hierarchical arrangement when he speaks of Plato "making
all other things dependent on the Forms, and these on numbers, and proceeding from numbers to first
principles". Here a distinction is actually made between forms and numbers, seeming to conflict with the
testimony of Aristotle that for Plato Forms were numbers. The conflict may, however, be averted if we take
the numbers here in question as none other than the Decad, the Forms being those secondary combinations
dependent on the primary numbers comprising the Decad.' See, Dillon, The Heirs of Plato, pp. 19-22, for a
discussion on how, for Plato, the Decad may possibly function as the primary Form-numbers, from which
all other Forms are generated.
Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
which is one in kind is prior to the things that exist in relation to it, and nothing is
prior to number, the Forms are numbers ....
But when limited by the One, the indefinite dyad, he says, becomes the numerical
dyad; for this kind of dyad is one in form. Again, the dyad is thc first number ... [or,
'For this Dyad was one Form, and the first of the Numbers.']54o
Sextus Empiricus likewise noted that,
Thus as the highest principles of all things there have emerged the primary One and
the Indefinite Dyad; and from these, they say, spring both the numerical one and the
numerical two, the one from the primary One, and the two from the One and the
Indefinite Dyad. For the two is twice the one, and when the two did not as yet exist
among the numbers neither did the twice exist among them, but it was taken from
the Indefinite Dyad, and in this way the numerical two sprang from it and the One.
And in the same way the rest of the numbers were constructed from these, the One
always limiting the Indefinite Dyad generating two and extending numbers to an
infinite amount.
Identifying the Divine Craftsman with the One and the Good, and the Receptac1e-
Space/Disorder as the Indefinite Dyad, provides us with the first principles of the Platonic
cosmogony, first principles that are mathematical in their inception.
The possible role of the One and the Indefinite Dyad within Plato's philosophy is,
of course, a subject of much debate within contemporary scholarship. As the textual
evidence does not arise from the Platonic dialogues themselves but rather must be
ascertained from later reports concerning Plato's oral teaching, it is inevitable that
reconstructions of the Platonic philosophy in this area are strongly contentious. The
interpretation I have offered here should only be considered as tentative. It functions
primarily as a suggestion as to how the written dialogues of Plato (the Timaeus in this
instance) can be understood to comport with the later reports on Plato's unwritten oral
doctrines concerning First Principles.
540 Alexander, Commentaries in Metaphysica 55.20-56.35 :=: Aristotle,frag. 28.
541 Sextus Empiricus, Against the Mathematicians, X 276 - 277. Quoted from, Kramer, Plato and the
Foundations of Metaphysics, p. 211.
542 On one side of the debate, scholars such as Cherniss tend to negate the Aristotelian, and other indirect
traditions, regarding Plato's unwritten doctrines. The Tilbingen school of Platonic interpretation, on the
other hand, has radically emphasised the need to take into account Plato's oral teachings as providing the
foundation for his written philosophy contained in the dialogues. On the debate see, Kramer, Plato and the
Foundations of Metaphysics, pp. 3-74; On the Tilbingen interpretation of Plato see, Kramer, Plato and the
Foundations of Metaphysics; Szlezak, Reading Plato. I essentially follow the Tiibingen school on the
importance of the indirect tradition regarding First Principles in Plato. For a further discussion on the role
of the One and the Indefinite Dyad in Plato, see, Dillon, The Middle Platonists, pp. 1-11; Dillon, The Heirs
of Plato, pp. 16-29.
206 Chapter Six: The Mathematical W orId of Plato
6.4.2 The Mathematical Proportions Between the Elements
Plato has two important uses for a geometric construction in relation to the
elements, namely, that concerned with the relationship between the elements the inter-
elemental aspect, and that concerned with the construction of the various elements
themselves the intra-elemental aspect. The former aspect will be discussed in this
section and the latter in the following section.
Plato describes the Divine Craftsman as having ordered the ratios between the
elements according to a geometric progression.
Hence the god, when he began to put together the body of the universe, set about
making it of fire and earth. But two things alone cannot be satisfactorily united
without a third; for there must be some bond between them drawing them together.
And of all bonds the best is that which makes itself and the tenns it connects a unity
in the fullest sense; and it is of the nature of a continued geometrical proportion to
effect this most perfectly. For whenever, of three numbers, the middle one between
any two that are either solids (cubes?) or squares is such that, as the first is to it, so is
it to the last, and conversely as the last is to the middle, so is the middle to the first,
then since the middle becomes first and last, and again the last and first become
middle, in that way all will necessarily come to l y the same part towards one
another, and by so doing they will all make a unity. 3
Plato proposes that the geometric proportion is the 'most perfect' to achieve a bond
of unity between three terms. Theon of Smyrna (c. AD 70 135) provides the following
example to illustrate this:
The geometric proportions that in which the mean term contains one extreme, such
as the proportion 3,6, 12.544
Here, we have 'the first is to the middle' so 'the middle is to the last' or 3:6 = 6:12, and
'as the last is to the middle' so 'the middle is to the first' or 12:6 = 6:3.
But Plato restricts further the type of geometric proportion to be obtained, namely,
the numbers at the extreme must be either 'solids (cubes) or squares'. Furthermore, the
cosmos subsists in a three-dimensional form - it has length, breadth, and depth. For this
reason, two means are required in order to unite together a solid.
Now if it had been required that the body of the universe should be a plane surface
with no depth, a single mean would have been enough to connect its companions and
543 Plato, Timaeus, 31b - 32a. Cornford translation.
544 Theon of Smyrna, Mathematics Useful for Understanding Plato, n, 33.
Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
itself; but in fact the world was to be solid in form, and solids are conjoined, not by
one mean, but by any two. Accordingly the god set water and air between fire and
earth, and made them, so far as was possible, proportional to one another, so that as
fire is to air, so is air to water, and as air is to water, so is water to earth, and thus he
bound together the frame of the world visible and tangible.
What is needed then, is a series of four numbers that are in geometrical progression (e.g.
This qualification must be met by only having cubes or squares at the extremes.
Therefore, Theon's example of 3:6:12 (or 3:6:12:24) will not suffice, as none of 3, 12, or
24 are square or cubic numbers. A better example in this case would be 1 :2:4:8. Indeed,
later in the Timaeus, Plato mentions this particular progression and the geometric
progression of 1:3:9:27 as together providing the two progressions that generate the
harmony of the world sou1.
The two middle t e r T L ~ in the progression form two means between the extreme
terms. It is most likely that Plato had in mind here something equivalent to the
propositions, with their proofs, later expressed by Euclid:
Proposition 11: Between two square numbers there is one mean proportional
number, and the square has to the square the ratio duplicate of that which the side
has to the side.
Proposition 12: Between two cube numbers there are two mean proportional
numbers, and the cube has to the cube the ratio triplicate of that which the side has to
the side.
Nicomachus also, in his discussion of geometric progressions, mentioned,
The Platonic theorem, that the plane numbers are held together by one mean, the
solids by two standing in proportion: for between two conseeutive squares will be
found only one mean preserving the geometrical proportion ... and between two
consecutive cubes only twO.
545 Plato, Timaeus, 32a-b. Comford translation.
546 Plato, Timaeus, 35b. Comford translation. Plato states, 'And having made a unity of the three, again he
divided this whole into as many parts as was fitting, each part being a blend of Sameness, Difference, and
Existence. And he began the division in this way. First he took one portion (1) from the whole, and next a
portion (2) double of this; the third (3) half as much again as the second, and three times the first; the fourth
(4) double of the second; the fifth (9) three times the third; the sixth (8) eight times the first; and the
seventh (27) twenty-seven times the first.' This is the combination of the progressions, 1,2,4,8 and 1,3,9,27.
547 Euclid (c. 325 - 265 BC), according to Pr0c111S, arranged in order many of the theorems of EudoXllS and
Theaetetus, both of whom were associates of Plato. fu this regard, Elements, VIII. 11, 12, appears to
preserve a tradition extending back at least to the time of Plato.
548 Euclid, Elements, VIII. 11, 12. Heath translation.
549 As cited by, Cornford, Plato's Cosmology, pp. 49-50.
208 Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
If we analyse such a progression as Plato indicates, based on squares and cubes, we
note the following:
2 -root
4- square 22
8 -cube 2
16 - square 4
32 - solid number - that is not also a square or cube (i.e. the product of
three numbers)
64 - square 8
, and the cube 4
128 - solid number - that is not also a square or cube
256 - square 16
512 - cube 8
Any two squares, in sequential order, contain between them one mean. For
example, the squares 4 and 16 contain the mean 8 between them. Any two cubes, in
sequential order, in such a progression contain two means between them. For example,
the cubes 8 and 64, contain the means of 16 and 32. This confirms Plato's (and
Nicomachus') assertion that there exist two means between cubic extremes in a geometric
Plato, then, must have here envisioned this type of geometric relationship. Of
course, the actual numbers involved are unspecified for Plato. That is not what is
important. What is important, however, is that the numbers involved are mathematically
ordered based upon a geometric proportion encompassing cubes, for three-dimensional
space, at its extremes.
The ratios, or proportions, most likely refer to the quantities of each of the elements
in relation to one another, within the cosmos. This directly contrasts with Presocratic
speculation on the number of the elements. Empedocles proposed that each of the
550 The following analysis is based on Cornford, Plato's Cosmology, p. 50.
Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato 209
elements were equal in number, and the Atomists (Democritus and Leucippus) postulated
an unlimited numbers of elements.
For Plato, fire, the most heavenly element, which makes up the bulk of the heavens,
would be the most numerous of the elements. Descending from this, Plato places air, then
water, and then earth. If we express these ratios in a geometric proportion, bounded by
cubes, we have:
(Earth) 1 : (Water) 2 : (Air) 4: (Fire) 8
In this manner, we obtain the relationships indicated by Plato, 'as fire is to air, so is
air to water [8:4 = 4:2], and as air is to water, so is water to earth [4:2 = 2:1]'. Air and
water act as the non-cubic means, between the cubic extremes of earth and fire, i.e. 2 and
4 act as the non-cubic means between 1 and 8.
Through this geometric inter-elemental relationship, Plato explains that the cosmos
was brought 'into unity with itself' .552
6.4.3 The Geometric Basis of the Elements
Finally, we arrive at the very generation of the elements themselves. We have
already seen that mathematics functions as the basis upon which the Divine Craftsman
takes hold of the original Disorder, and that upon the basis of mathematics the elements
are related to one another.
Here we come to the heart of the matter in which mathematics, and in particular
geometry, forms the very structure out of which the elements are generated. The elements
themselves are not atomic, or indivisible, as was suggested by the Atomists.
Rather the
elements themselves are constructed out of more basic components - which consist of
551 Empedocles, 31 B 17 DK, 'All these (elements) are equal and of the same age in their creation';
Democritus, 68 A 37, 'Democritus believes that the nature of the eternal things is small beings unlimited in
multitude'; Leucippus, 67 A 14 DK, 'These men [Leucippus, Democritus, and Epicurus] said that the
principles are unlimited in multitude .. .' As noted by Cornford, Plato's Cosmology, p. 51.
552 Plato, Timaeus, 32c. Comford translation.
553 Leucippus, 67 A 13 DK, 'Those who abandoned division to infinity on the grounds that we cannot
divide to infinity and as a result cannot guarantee that the division cannot end, declared that bodies are
composed of indivisible things and are divided into indivisibles. Except that Leucippus and Democritus
hold that the cause of the primary bodies' indivisibility is not only their inability to be affected but also
their minute size and lack of parts.'
210 Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
regular geometrical figures enlivened by soul. It is through mathematics, and in
particular these fundamental regular geometric figures, that Being is imaged into the
Plato analyses the four elements into their constituent shapes. Any shape is
bounded by a surface. Any rectilinear surface can be understood as composed of an
arrangement of triangles. Upon this basis the five regular polyhedra may be constructed.
For Plato, four polyhedra correspond to the elements, and the fifth to the cosmos as a
In the first place, then, it is of course obvious to anyone that fire, earth, water, and air
are bodies; and all body has depth. Depth, moreover, must be bounded by surface;
and every surface that is rectilinear is composed of triangles. Now all triangles are
derived from two, each having one right angle and the other angles acute. Of these
triangles, one has on either side the half of a right angle, the division of which is
determined by equal sides (the right-angled isosceles); the other has unequal parts of
a right angle allotted to unequal sides (the right-angled scalene). This we assume as
the first beginning of fire and of the other bodies ...
Now, of the two triangles, the isosceles is of one type only; the scalene, of an endless
number. Of this unlimited multitude we must choose the best, if we are to make a
beginning on our own principles .... For ourselves, however, we postulate as the best
of these many triangles one kind, passing over all the rest; namely, a pair of which
compose the equilateral triangle .... the one isosceles (the half-square), the other
having the greater side triple in square of the lesser (the half-equilateral).555
Plato proposes two specific triangles as being the best out of which to construct the
elements. Diagrammatically, they are as follows:
554 The philosopher/mathematician Theaetetus (c. 417-369 BC), a colleague of Plato, is attributed by the
Suda Lexicon to have been the first to construct the five regular solids. See also, Cornford, Plato's
Cosmology, p. 210. Euclid, Elements, xm, 13-17. also sets out the construction of the five regular
roJyhedra. It is likely that Euclid based his work upon a construction dating back to Theaetetus.
55 Plato, Timaeus. 53c-54b. Cornford translation.
Chapter Six: The Mathematical W orId of Plato 211
The Half-Square The Half-Equilateral
The half-square is a 'right angled' isosceles triangle, comprised of a 'division of
which is determined by equal sides', namely, a right-angled triangle in which the opposite
and adjacent sides are equal in length. This forms a 1:1 :,12 ratio between the sides.
The half-equilateral is a 'right angled' scalene triangle ('unequal parts ... allotted to
unequal sides'). It is constructed from 'the equilateral triangle', in which 'the greater side
triple in square of the lesser'. If we divide a 2:2:2 equilateral triangle into two right
angled triangles, our. new triangle will have sides in which the adjacent is 1, the
hypotenuse 2, and therefore the opposite is -Y3, or 'triple in square of the lesser' - i.e.
(opposite side squared) -Y3
= (three times the adjacent side) 3 X 1. So we obtain a 1:-Y3:2
From these two triangles Plato generates the four regular polyhedra that comprise
the elements. The half-square is unique in that it alone is used to generate the cube
(hexahedron). The half-equilateral is used to generate the pyramid (i.e. tetrahedron),
octahedron, and icosahedron. The dodecahedron, however, cannot be constructed with
either of these two basic triangles, and instead requires an isosceles triangle with each of
its base angles double the top angle.
Plato does not construct this figure in the Timaeus.
The dodecahedron is assigned to the figure of the cosmos itself.
As the same half-equilateral triangle constructs the tetrahedron, octahedron, and
icosahedron, then the elements that correspond to these three figures will be able to
556 See, Heath, Euclid's Elements, ii, p. 98.
212 Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
transform into each other. The element that corresponds to the cube will not be
transformable however.
We must now be more precise upon a point that was not clearly enough stated
earlier. It appeared as though all the four kinds could pass through one another into
one another; but this is delusive; for the triangles we selected give rise to four types,
and whereas three are constructed out of the triangle with unequal sides, the fourth
alone is constructed out of the isosceles. Hence it is not possible for all of them to
pass into one another by resolution ... But three of them can do this; for these are
composed of one triangle ... 557
Later, Plato relates the regular polyhedra to the four elements. Earth is assigned to
the cube. This is due to its immobility, and its plasticity, which arise from its stable equal-
sided base. Fire is assigned to the tetrahedron (i.e. pyramid) as it is smallest, most mobile,
and has the sharpest angles. Of the mean elements, water is assigned to the icosahedron,
as it is the less mobile, larger, and the less sharp of the remaining two figures; and air is
assigned to the octahedron, given its intermediary function.
To earth let us assign the cubical figure; for of the four kinds earth is the most
immobile and the most plastic of bodies. The figure whose bases are most stable
must best answer that description; and as a base, if we take the triangles we assumed
at the outset, the face of the triangle with equal sides is by nature more stable ... and
of the remainder the least mobile to water, the most mobile to fire, and the
intermediate figure to air. Again, we shall assign the smallest body to fire, the largest
to water, and the intermediate to air; and again the body with the sharpest angles to
fire, the next to air, and the third to water. Now, taking all these figures, the one with
the fewest faces (pyramid) must be the most mobile, since it has the sharpest cutting
edges and the sharpest points in every direction, and moreover the lightest, as being
composed of the smallest number of similar parts; the second (octahedron) must
stand second in these respects, the third (icosahedron), third. Hence, in accordance
with genuine reasoning as well as probability, among the solid fignres we have
constructed, we may take the pyramid as the element or seed of fire; the second in
order of generation (octahedron) as that of air; the third (icosahedron) as that of
Plato inserts a further step into the construction of the polyhedra. Rather than
immediately constructing them from the basic two types of triangles, he instead uses the
triangles to form larger plane figures, and then employs these to construct the regular
557 Plato, Timaeus, 54b-c. Cornford translation.
558 Plato, Timaeus, 55e - 56b. Cornford translation.
Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato 213
In the unique case of the cube, four of the half-square triangles are combined as a
new square, which then generates the six faces of the cube (i.e. hexahedron).
But the isosceles triangle went on to generate the fourth body, being put together in
sets of four, with their right angles meeting at the centre, thus forming a single
equilateral quadrangle. Six such quadrangles, joined together, produced eight solid
angles, each composed by a set of three plane right angles. The shape of the resulting
body was cubical, having six quadrangular equilateral planes as its faces.
Basic Half-Square Triangle Newly Constructed Plane
559 Plato, Timaeus, 55b-c. Comford translation.
Regular Solid Constructed
Cube - Six Quadrangular
214 Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
The remaining three regular polyhedra are constructed from a larger equilateral
triangle, which consists of six of the basic half-equilateral triangles. This newly
constructed equilateral triangle is employed for the four faces of the tetrahedron (i.e.
pyramid), the eight faces of the octahedron, and the twenty faces ofthe icosahedron.
First will come the construction of the simplest and smallest figure (the pyramid). Its
element is the triangle whose hypotenuse is double of the shorter side in length. If a
pair of such triangles are put together by the diagonal, and this is done three times,
the diagonals and the shorter sides resting on the same point as a centre, in this way a
single equilateral triangle is formed of triangles six in number.
If four equilateral triangles are put together, their plane angles meeting in groups of
three make a single solid angle, namely the one (180") that comes next after the most
obtuse of plane angles. When four such angles are produced, the simplest solid
figure is formed, whose property is to divide the whole circumference into equal and
similar parts.
A second body (the octahedron) is composed of the same (elementary) triangles
when they are combined in a set of eight equilateral triangles, and yield a solid angle
formed by four plane angles. With the production of six such solid angles the second
body is complete.
The third body (the icosahedron) is composed of one hundred and twenty of the
elementary triangles fitted together, and of twelve solid angles, each contained by
five equilateral triangular planes; and it has twenty faces which are equilateral
560 Plato, Timaeus, 54d - 55b. Cornford translation.
Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato 215
Basic Half-Equilateral
Newly Constructed Plane
Equilateral Triangle
Regular Solid Constructed
Tetrahedron Four
Equilateral Triangular Faces
Octahedron Eight
Equilateral Triangular Faces
Icosahedron - Twenty
Equilateral Triangular Faces
Further to this, however, Plato states that the triangles that comprise the sides of the
four regular polyhedra are not all of one standard size.
216 Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
In this way, then, the formation of all the uncompounded and primary bodies is
accounted for. The reason why there are several varieties within their kinds lies in
the construction of each of the two elements: the construction in each case originally
produced its triangle not of one size only, but some smaller, some larger, the number
of these differences being the same as that of the varieties in the kinds. Hence, when
they are mixed with themselves or with one another, there is an endless diversity,
which must be studied by one who is to put forward a probable account of Nature.
The 'varieties in the kinds' that Plato here refers to, he further elaborates on in his
discussion regarding the elements later in the Timaeus. There Plato identifies three kinds
of fire,562 along with two specific kinds of air, but he indicates that there are many more
He also specifies two kinds of water,564 and mentions various kinds of
This adds a further dimension of complexity to the account. If these various basic
triangles were of incommensurable sizes, or types of size, then we would be faced with
the problem that there could be no breaking and rejoining between incommensurable
triangles. One type of size could not be transformed into another. Prima facie, this
appears an unreasonable assumption concerning the relationship between the various
kinds of basic triangles, as it does not comport with the way in which Plato describes the
work of the Divine Craftsman. He states,
Now we must think of all these bodies [i.e. elements] as so small that a single body
of anyone of these kinds is invisible to us because of its smallness; though when a
number are aggregated the masses of them can be seen. And with regard to their
numbers, their motions, and their powers in general, we must suppose that the god
adjusted them in due proportion, when he had brought them in every detail to the
most exact perfection permitted by Necessity willingly complying with
561 Plato, Timaeus, 57c-d. Comford translation.
562 Plato, Timaeus, 58c-d, ' ... there are diverse kinds of fire. There are, for example, first, flame, secondly,
those emanations of flame which do not bum but only give light to the eyes, and thirdly, the remains offire,
which are seen in red-hot embers after the flame as been extinguished.'
563 Plato, Timaeus, 58d, 'There are similar differences in the air, of which the brightest part is called the
aether, and the most turbid sort mist and darkness, and there are various other nameless kinds which arise
from the inequality of the triangles.'
564 Plato, Timaeus, 58c-d, 'Water, again, admits in the first place of a division into two kinds, the one liquid
and the otherfusile.'
565 Plato, Timaeus, 6Oc-d, 'As to the kinds of earth, that which is filtered through water passes into stone in
the following manner. . .. The fairer sort is that which is made up of equal and similar parts and is
transparent...' etc.
566 Plato, Timaeus, 56b-c. Comford translation.
Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato 217
A 'most exact perfection', and more especially a most exact mathematical
perfection, suggests that the various kinds of basic triangles be commensurable with each
A solution to this interpretive question has been offered by EM. Cornford.
proposes that the larger basic triangles be composed out of definite multiples of a
smallest type of triangle. Thus, from one smallest ultimate half-square triangle all the
various sized square sides of the hexahedron (i.e. cube) may be composed. Likewise,
from one smal1est ultimate half-equilateral triangle all the various sized equilateral sides
of the tetrahedron (Le. pyramid), octahedron, and icosahedron can be generated.
The half-square triangle may easily generate further half-square triangles by a
process of duplication along the axis of either the adjacent or opposite sides:
A .. ~ ~ .. : , ~ D
Figure 8
" ;
, .

, .

For example, the larger half-square triangle CEO is generated by duplicating CEF along
the axis EE
Similarly, the half-equilateral generates further larger half-equilaterals by a process
of triplication along the axis of the hypotenuse side of the original, and opposite side of
the second generated triangle:
567 Comford, Plato's Cosmology, p. 233-239.
218 Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
Figure 9
For example, the larger half-equilateral CBA is generated by triplicating CBO along the
axis of CO and then DO.
In this manner, any given larger regular polyhedron could be broken up and
refashioned into smaller polyhedra. The actual limit to the size of triangles would be
determined by Plato's injunction that the individual regular polyhedra so formed remain
invisible to the naked eye. Comford provides examples of how the first few triangles so
generated would appear, both for the half-square, and the half-equilateral:
BE C F B 0
Figure 10 Figure 11
The only difficulty with this interpretation, offered by Cornford, would be to
account for why Plato describes the polyhedra, in Timaeus 54c - 55c, as being composed
from only four half-squares (in the case of the cube) and six half-equilaterals (in the case
of the tetrahedron, octahedron, and icosahedron). Why does Plato there suggest that the
regular polyhedra are generated from this particular number of smallest triangles, if later
he wishes to construct further polyhedra from larger triangles composed of more
numerous smallest triangles? In response to this, Cornford suggests,
Here we encounter one of the points that we noted as never having been
satisfactorily explained. Why use 4 half-squares to construct a square when 2 would
suffice? Why 6 half-equilaterals, when 2 would suffice ... ? Evidently he [i.e. Plato]
Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
was aware that there were at least two ways of eomposing an equilateral out of this
element. The seemingly arbitrary procedure can be explained by supposing that, in
the earlier construction of the four solids, Plato intended to describe solids of an
intermediate size ... not the smallest possible grade ... He deliberately used more
elementary triangles than would have been required, if he had only one grade of
solid in mind .... He chose to describe solids of a larger grade because he wanted to
suggest that there are in fact several grades, and that when these larger solids are
broken down into elements, those elements can be recombined in several ways. Thus
the 6 scalenes in the equilateral face of a pyramid can recombine, in pairs, to make
three equilateral faces for pyramids or octahedra or icosahedra of the lower grade ....
An advantage of this scheme is that it would make it possible for there to be more
perhaps many more varieties of (say) water than there are of fire; and yet
transformation could occur between them al1.
If we follow Cornford's schema then, we may account for the complete
commensurability between the various sized regular polyhedra, such that any given
polyhedron can be mathematically reconstructed to fashion a different polyhedron. The
only restriction being on the incommensurability between the element of earth (cube),
and the elements of fire, air, water (tetrahedron, octahedron, icosahedron).
Plato further correlates the geometrical properties of the regular polyhedra to the
properties of the elements. The reason that fire is light (soars upward), and that it tears
things apart by burning, is due to the sharp (tearing) angles it possesses, and the relative
smallness of its pyramidal construction. Similarly the sharper elements are able to break
up the blunter ones, such as air breaking up water.
Regarding the role of the dodecahedron, Plato states,
There stm remained one construction, the fifth; and the god used it for the whole,
making a pattern of animal figures thereon.
Plato may have envisioned here a symbolic analogy between the twelve faces of the
dodecahedron, and the twelve constellations of the zodiac, the 'patterns of animals'
written in the heavens. In the Phaedo, he also adopted the image of the dodecahedron, but
in this instance to describe the earth.
568 Comford, Plato's Cosmology, pp. 234-235.
569 See, Plato, Timaeus, 56c 57c.
570 Plato, Timaeus, 55c. Comford translation.
57! Plato, Phaedo, 1 lOb, 'Well, my dear boy, said Socrates, the real earth, viewed from above, is supposed
to look like one of these balls made of twelve pieces of skin, variegated and marked out in different
colours .. ,'
220 Chapter Six: The Mathematical World of Plato
Given the traditional Greek understanding of the four elements, Plato fashioned a
geometric understanding of these by relating the five regular solids with these four
elements plus the cosmos itself. This inspired correlation, so far as we are able to discern,
was completely original with Plato.
6.5 The Mathematical COSllIOS
By providing a geometric basis for the generation of the elements themselves, Plato
not only indicates that the inter-elemental aspect of the cosmos is mathematically
proportioned, but also that the intra-elemental aspect is mathematically constructed.
These geometric figures function as the way, or the medium, in which the Divine
Craftsman orders the cosmos. Being is projected into the Receptacle-Space, through the
means of geometrical configurations. The gap between Being and Becoming is therefore
bridged in this manner. Significantly, this correlates with the way Plato bridges the gap
between doxa (opinion - with Becoming as its object), and episteme (knowledge -
with Being as its object), through the study of mathematics, as I shall argue in Chapter
572 Comford, Plato's Cosmology, p. 220.
Part Two: Plato as Orphic Mathematician
Chapter Seven:
MathelTIatical Katharsis
Let no man ignorant of Geometry enter here
- Inscription above the door of Plato's academy,
as reported by John Tzetzes (12
c. AD), Book of Histories, viii, 972
222 Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis
In this chapter, I examine the microcosmic concomitant of Chapter
Six, namely, how Plato incorporates, and transforms, the Orphic
mysteries with regard to the soul. At the macrocosmic level,
mathematics bridges the gap for the cosmos. It enables Being to be
imaged into Becoming, and so bring it into a semblance of order.
Likewise, at the microcosmic level mathematics bridges the
epistemological gap for individual souls, between Being and Becoming.
The practice of mathematics, for Plato, must be understood in light
of the Orphic philosopher's religious quest to obtain katharsis
(purification). This amounts to the epistemological need to purge the
soul of all reliance upon sense-experience (Becoming), and to unify the
rational soul with the world of Being, the unchanging Reality behind
experience. Mathematics functions as the medium that bridges this
epistemological gap, and directs the soul from Becoming to Being.
Mathematics is pursued as a theoretical enterprise by the rational soul.
I analyse key texts in the Phaedo, Symposium, and Republic, in
order to substantiate this proposal.
Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis 223
7.1 Plato's Mathematics as Katharsis
In Chapter Six, I argued that mathematics is the ontological medium through which
the world of Being is imaged, or reflected, into the world of Becoming. In this chapter, I
wish to argue the epistemological concomitant of this, namely, that mathematics
functions as a medium, guiding us from the opinion (doxa) of our senses, to the
knowledge (episteme) of our intellect.
At the macrocosmic level, mathematics bridges the gap for the cosmos, enabling
Being to be imaged into Becoming, and so bring Becoming into a semblance of order. At
the microcosmic level, mathematics bridges the epistemological gap for individual souls,
between the opinion of Becoming and the knowledge of Being.
To achieve this mathematical mediation, Plato philosophically transforms the
Orphic practice of katharsis (purification) which the Orphic initiate enters into prior to
receiving the mysteries of the cult. Plato applies this Orphic religiosity to the newly
arisen concept ofthe rational soul with its accompanying way of philosophy.
I propose that for Plato, his transformation of this Orphic myth and praxis resulted
in the following. Mathematics helps the rational soul cleanse itself from its sUllying
attachment to the body. Thus mathematics can help lead the soul away from its misguided
focus on Becoming towards the recognition that Becoming is not ultimately real.
Mathematics can instead draw the soul to gaze upon Being, which is comprehensible by
reason only, and is the true reality behind the sensual experience of Becoming. Once
initiated into mathematics, the soul has potentially begun a lifetime of further
purification. In this way it is directed towards Being, and finally towards a revelation of
the Good, which is itself beyond Being. Mathematics then, prepares or initiates the soul
into the life of philosophy.
Mathematics is neither purely sensual, nor the highest expression of reason. Rather
it forms the bridge between the two. It connects with the concrete, and yet at the same
time transcends the concrete. It takes its first step by being grounded on earth, yet ends its
course by reaching up into heaven.
224 Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis
7.2 The Philosopher's Preparation for Death: Phaedo
Dramatically, the Phaedo presents Plato's account to us of the final hours of
Socrates' life, prior to his execution at the hands of the Athenian polis. With Socrates
facing immanent death, the conversation dramatically revolves around the question of the
This dialogue most emphatically directs our attention to the place of katharsis, or
purification, in the life of the philosopher. Here, however, Plato does not deal explicitly
with the role of mathematics in this regard. The fuller picture comes to us in such
dialogues as the Symposium
and Repuhlic
Yet it is the picture first presented in the
Phaedo, of the life of philosophy, upon which Plato further elaborates in these other
Plato furnishes us with the proposal that,
.. .it seems to me natural that a man who has really devoted his life to philosophy
should be cheerful in tbe face of death, and confident of finding the greatest blessing
in the next world when his life is finished .... those who really apply themselves in
the right way to philosophy are directly and of their own accord preparing
themselves for dying and death.
For the philosopher then, life should be lived as a preparation for death. Death is the
friend to be embraced, not the enemy to be feared.
In defence of this, Plato relies upon a distinctly dualistic anthropology, and
individual eschatology, both derived from Orphism, as discussed in Chapters Three and
Four .
. Death is merely the release of the soul (psuche) from the body (soma).577
Philosophers should not concern themselves with bodily (somatic) pleasures, such as
food, drink, sex, clothing, shoes, and ornaments. In fact they should despise them, and
concern themselves instead with the activities of the soul. Thus it can be said in all
573 Plato, Phaedo, 61d-e, 'I suppose that for one who is soon to leave this world there is no more suitable
occupation than inquiring into our views about the future life, and trying to imagine what it is like:
574 Plato, Symposium, 198a - 212c, to be discussed in section 7.3.
515 Plato, Republic, 500b 540b, to be discussed in section 7.4-6.
576 Plato, Phaedo, 63e - 64a.
577 Plato, Phaedo, 64c, 'Is it simply the release of the soul from the body? Is death nothing more or less
than this ... No, just that.'
Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis 225
seriousness, but with a kind of inverted meaning, that 'the philosopher does not deserve
to live.'578
That the body hinders our ability to achieve knowledge is very important for Plato.
The bodily senses never reveal to us things with accuracy. They lead the soul astray. The
soul must ignore the body, in its search for Reality. The philosopher alone achieves this
ahead of any others.
In regarding as a dichotomy the separation between sense experience, which
belongs to the body, and intellection, which belongs to the soul, Plato in effect asserts
that the abstract theoretical way of philosophy has primacy over the concrete oral-
mythical way of life. Reality is to be discovered, neither in the world of our senses, nor in
the world of the traditional Homeric poems, as discussed in Chapter Two. Our cognisance
of things in themselves
entirely consists in an act of the intellect, theoretically oriented
and unhindered by the senses .
... the unaided intellect, without taking account of any sense of sight in his thinking,
or dragging any other sense into his reckoning - the man who pursues the truth by
applying his pure and unadulterated thought to the pure and unadulterated object,
cutting himself offas much as possible from his eyes and ears and virtually all the
rest of his body, as an impediment which by its presence prevents the soul from
attaining to truth and clear thinking.
Once the objects of abstract theoretical cognition are hypostatised as the real things
in themselves behind our sense-experience, then it is our ability to cognise with a literal-
minded orientation to theoretical truth that becomes the basis of true knowledge
(episteme), as opposed to the mere opinion (doxa) of our senses. This abstract cognising
faculty is itself hypostatised as the rational soul, the real self.
Here we have the philosophically transformed anthropology of the Orphics. Man is
the dual being, originally fashioned from the remains of the Titans who had consumed
Dionysus. He is therefore a Divine (Dionysian) soul entombed in a Titanic corrupt body.
578 Plato, Phaedo, 64d - 65a.
579 Plato, Phaedo, 65a-d.
580 By the phrase 'things in themselves' I mean, what Plato states in Greek as, 'auto x', whether x be to
kalon (the beauty), or to hosion (the holy), etc. So the search is always for 'the beauty (or beautiful) itself',
or 'the holy itself', etc. My use of the phrase 'things in themselves' should in no way be confused with the
much later Kantian idea of the Ding an sich.
581 Plato, Phaedo, 66a.
226 Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis
But Plato goes beyond this explanation. The soul is Divine, not so much in that it
contains a spark of the heavenly Dionysus, but in that it is immortal, rational, and the
faculty that contemplates the Divine things in themselves the Forms. The body is a
source of evil, not so much in that it contains the nature of the evil Titans, but in that it is
mutable, changing, and Becoming. To this extent it is a privation of the Good. The soul
connects with the world of Being, the Forms, whereas the body connects only with the
world of Becoming, the sensibles.
Plato concludes from this that there exists a sense in which 'the wisdom which we
desire and upon which we profess to have set our hearts will be attainable only when we
are dead, and not in our lifetime'. 582 Nevertheless, 'we shall continue closest to
knowledge if we avoid as much as we can all contact and association with the body' .583
Coupled with this is a soteriological aspect to the life of philosophy. Plato states,
In this way, by keeping ourselves uncontaminated by the follies of the body, we shall
probably reach the company of others like ourselves and gain direct knowledge of all
that is pure and uncontaminated - that is, presumably, of truth. For one who is not
pure himself to attain to the realm of purity would no doubt be a breach of universal
Here Plato reveals the theme of purification. The last phrase in the above quotation would
be a maxim understood and upheld by his Greek contemporaries in the context of the
Orphic mystery religions. The eschatological hope, the salvation desired by the initiate of
the Orphic mysteries, was to be received into the realm of the blessed, or assimilated back
into the Divine. Plato philosophically restates this as a hope that the follower of
philosophy will at last obtain the beatific vision of Reality, of Being .
... if this is true, there is good reason for anyone who reaches the end of this journey
which lies before me to hope that there, if anywhere, he will attain the object to
which all our efforts have been directed during my past life. So this journey which is
now ordained for me carries a happy prospect for any other man who believes that
his mind has been prepared by purification.
582 Plato, Phaedo, 66e.
583 Plato, Phaedo, 67a.
584 Plato, Phaedo, 67a-b.
585 Plato, Phaedo, 67b-c.
Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis 227
Purification or katharsis, then, functions as the means of salvation. It is the way to
realise the eschatological hope of Platonism. Notably, Orphism expressed exactly the
same theme.
For the Orphics, eschatology grew right out of anthropology, as discussed in
Chapters Three and Four. Anthropologically, man was a dual being, a Titanic body, and a
Divine (Dionysian) soul. Eschatologically, as man was tied to the evil (Titanic) earth, his
destiny was to face a series of reincarnations back into an earthly body. But he could
break free from this cycle, and find final rest in the fields of Elysium - returning back to
the Divine. The way to achieve this was to liberate the Divine soul from the evil Titanic
nature of the body. One had to enter into the Orphic mysteries, and partake of the ritual
purification of cleansings and washings, perhaps also accompanied by dietary
restrictions. The soul that had lived a pious life, after three reincarnations, would be
finally set free to Elysium, back to the Divine.
This is exactly the mythology upon which Plato bases his own myths in the
Phaedo, as well as the Republic and Phaedrus. So much so, that Plato uses the very
details of a three incarnation period.
Now in all these incarnations he who lives righteously has a better lot for his portion,
and he who lives unrighteously a worse. For a soul does not return to the place
whence she came for ten thousand years, since in no lesser time can she regain her
wings, save only his soul who has sought after wisdom unfeignedly, or has conjoined
his passion for a loved one with that seeking. Such a soul, if with three revolutions of
a thousand years she has thrice chosen this philosoghical life, regains thereby her
wings, and speeds away after three thousand years... 7
This theme of katharsis (purification) also functions centrally within the Platonic
eschatology. Yet once again, as with the Orphic anthropology, Plato transforms this into a
philosophical katharsis.
586 See, Guthrie, Orpheus, p. 184. Guthrie suggests that it should perhaps be understood that the soul is
incarnated every third time as a man, and that after three such reincarnations as a man (i.e. 9 years) that the
soul could be liberated. For primary sources consider, Pin dar, Olympian Ode, ii, 53, 'And all they that, for
three lives in either world, have been steadfast to keep their soul from all wrong-doing, travel by the
highway of Zeus to the Tower of Cronos, where the Ocean airs breathe about the Islands of the Blest'
Also, Pindar, Dirges, frag. 133, 'But as for those from whom Persephone shall exact the penalty for the
primal woe, in the ninth year she gives up again their souls to the sunlight in the world above.' Both
quotations from, Cornford, Greek Religious Thought, pp. 62-64.
587 Plato, Phaedrus, 248e - 249a.
228 Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis
Katharsis in the Orphic mysteries was that process by which the initiate was
cleansed, prior to entering into the life of the cult. Martin summarises,
Katharsis was the preliminary ritual cleansing or purification of the initiate. This
cleansing made the initiate worthy of the systasis, the collection or assembling of the
initiates or mystae for the ritual dance or procession.
For Plato, just as for the Orphic mysteries, one had to be initiated and purified from
contamination. The soteriological goal for the mysteries was post-mortem bliss in the
Elysian fields, or to be reunified with the Divine. For Plato, it was to have one's rational
faculty (the soul) reunified with the newly conceived Divine Reason, to forever
contemplate Being, things in themselves, or the world of Forms.
This represents the goal of the philosopher, and of the life of philosophy. Along
with the Orphic mysteries, for Plato, katharsis (purification) consists in emancipating the
soul from the body.
And purification [Ka0ap(HS - katharsis], as we saw some time ago in our
discussion, consists in separating the soul as much as possible from the body, and
accustoming it to withdraw from all contact with the body and concentrate itself by
itself, and to have its dwelling, so far as it can, both now and in the future, alone by
itself, freed from the shackles of the body .... And the desire to free the soul is found
chiefly, or rather only, in the true philosopher. In fact the occupation
consists precisely in the freeing and separation of soul from body. 58
Purification, for Plato, operates as a moral ideaL The virtuous life is the life lived
by someone initiated into the way of philosophy. Wisdom itself consists in a sort of
At the end of his defence of philosophy as the way of death in the Phaedo, Plato has
Socrates make specific mention of the parallel he has drawn with the Orphic mysteries,
Perhaps these people who direct the religious initiations are not so far from the mark,
and all the time there has been an allegorical meaning beneath their doctrine that he
who enters the next world uninitiated and unenlightened shall lie in the mire, but he
who arrives there purified and enlightened shall dwell among gods. You know how
the initiation practitioners say, 'Many bear the emblems, but the devotees are few'?
Well, in my opinion these devotees are simply those who have lived the
philosophical life in the right way ... 591
5S8 Martin, Luther H. Hellenistic Religions, p. 62.
589 Plato, Phaedo, 67c-d.
590 Plato, Phaedo, 69b-c.
591 Plato, Phaedo, 69c-d.
Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis 229
Plato, later in the dialogue, refers again to the life of the philosopher as preparing
him to contemplate the world of Being, or the Forms, after being separated from the
body. The soul that is pure and uncontaminated will break the cycle of reincarnation.
Souls that have given heed to the body and its pleasures will find themselves dragged
back down to a body again at death, or hover as a shade haunting tombs.
Only those
souls that are completely pure can be emancipated. And the only way to be purified and
liberated is through philosophy. Finally, Plato concludes the philosophical discussion in
the Phaedo with a myth of the afterlife.
The way that philosophy achieves this purifying act, is only briefly and summarily
mentioned in the Phaedo. A fuller account, and one in which the role of mathematics is
expounded, Plato develops in the Republic and Symposium. But here, in the Phaedo, he
lays the foundations.
Every seeker after wisdom knows that up to the time when takes it over
his soul is a helpless prisoner, chained hand and foot in the body 95, compelled to
view reality not directly but only through its prison bars, and wallowing in utter
ignorance. And philosophy can see that the imprisonment is ingeniously effected by
the prisoner's own active desire, which makes him first accessory to his own
confinement. Well, philosophy takes over the soul in this condition and by gentle
persuasion tries to set it free. She points out that observation by means of the eyes
and ears and all the other senses is entirely deceptive, and she urges the soul to
refrain from using them unless it is necessary to do so, and encourages it to collect
and concentrate itself by itself, trusting nothing but its own independent judgement
upon objects considered in themselves, and attributing no tmth to anything which it
views indirectly as being subject to variation, because such Objects are sensible and
visible but what the soul itself sees is intelligible and invisible.
Here we discover a particularly perspicuous account of the fundamental difference
between the literate-philosophical and the oral-mythical ways of life. The 'objects
considered in themselves' are the objects of abstract cognition, only possible within a
literate-philosophical setting. No truth or trustworthiness can be placed in concrete actors
making actions, as they are prone to variation or Becoming. The hypostatised rational
soul, the real self, must in fact utterly reject the older concrete oral-mythical (and
592 Plato, Phaedo, 80e.
593 Plato, Phaedo, 81 b-d.
594 Plato, Phaedo, 107d 114d.
595 The imagery of being chained is also used in the allegory of the Cave, from the Republic 514a - 519b,
which deals with a similar theme. See the discussion on the Cave later in this chapter.
596 Plato, Phaedo, 82e 83b.
230 Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis
specifically Homeric) way of life. It is the task of philosophy to convince the soul of this.
It achieves this by a 'gentle persuasion' (even a subtle subversion), a replacement of the
Homeric categories of actors making actions, with abstract categories in timeless
systematic relationships.
7.3 The Ascent to the Divine: Symposium
In the Symposium and Republic, Plato develops for us a fuller account of how
mathematics fits into this schema of katharsis.
The theory of Recollection as presented by Plato in the Men0
would seem to
suggest to us that knowledge (episteme) may be recovered, or re-collected, simply by the
prodding and directing of one such as Socrates. The slave-boy example
of this dialogue
prima facie suggests that the process of recollection can be achieved at anytime, with
only an afternoon's careful reflection. When we set this in the light ofthe Symposium and
Republic, however, we must arrive at quite a different conclusion.
In the Symposium a moment's process of recollection becomes the much lengthier
process of an ascent to Being. In the Republic, it becomes a life long quest of education.
Dramatically, the Symposium is a drinking party, in which a group of Athenians
make speeches in praise of Love. In typical Socratic fashion, Socrates himself declines to
make a formal speech, and resorts to a dialectic elenchus with Agathon the host. After
this Socrates recounts a speech made to him by the Mantinean prophetess Diotima, a
speech that is itself a dialectic between her and Socrates. Here Plato has Diotima speak of
the ascent of the soul to knowledge, as with the Phaedo, in the language of katharsis and
initiation into the Orphic mysteries.
597 Plato, Meno, 80d - 82a.
598 Plato, Meno, 82b 86c.
599 Morgan notes that the Lenaia festival recounted in the Symposium, was dedicated to the god Dionysus.
By the fourth century BC the organiser of the festival, the archon basile us, was joined by the Eleusinian
priests. Morgan therefore supposes a Dionysiac and Eleusinian religiosity in the language of the
Symposium. Morgan, Platonic Piety, pp. 94-99. This, however, should not be thOUght as being inconsistent
with an Orphic religiosity (contra Morgan, p. 95). Rather, as I have argued in Chapter Three, Dionysian and
Apollonian religiosities are synthesised within Orphism. Further to this, Morgan himself notes (pp. 39, 63-
64, 111,199 n. 50) that the Eleusian mysteries have an Orphic connection. He states (at p. 199, n. 50), 'As
Walter Burkert has pointed out to me, the prominence of Orphic themes and references in Pindar is an
Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis 231
Love is spoken of as a medium, or a spirit halfway between the world of men (the
mortal) and gods (the immortal).
They form the medium of the prophetic arts, of the priestly rites of sacrifice,
initiation, and incantation, of divination and of sorcery, for the divine will not mingle
directly with the human, and it is only through the mediation of the spirit world that
man can havc any intercourse, whether waking or sleeping, with the gods .... There
. . d k' d f .. d Lo' fth 600
arc many spmts, an many in so Splf1tS, too, an vc IS onc 0 cm.
Love, in the context of Diotima' s speech, directs itself toward wisdom. In a sense it
is the love or striving towards the Divine, which in philosophy represents the ideal of
exhaustive rational systematicity.
Thcn tell me, Diotima, I said, who are these seekers after truth, if they arc ncither the
wisc not the ignorant?
Why, a schoolboy, shc rcplicd, could have told you that, after what I've just been
saying. Thcy arc thosc that comc bctwccn thc two, and one of them is Love. For
wisdom is concerncd with thc lovcliest of things, and Love is the love of what is
lovely. And so it follows that Love is a lover of wisdom ... 601
For Plato, Love expresses itself as a rational pursuit. Here we have yet another
distinct contrast between the oral-mythical and literate-philosophical ways of life. In the
oral-mythical understanding, love is the way of acting that draws together concrete
actors, and expresses close and intimate friendship and devotion. Plato transforms Love
to be the drawing towards a greater and more coherent rational systematicity. Plato
speaks in the language of the Orphic myths in the Symposium, but he is radically
redrawing definitions in terms of the new philosophical way of life.
Love longs for the Good and the Good only, says Diotima.
This surely, we must
correlate with the account of the Good in the Republic 505a - 509b. The Good, for Plato,
functions as the One, the principle of Unity, upon which the plurality and diversity of
both the immaterial Forms and the material sensibles is dependent. Love draws us up
towards this unified rational Oneness.
indication of continuing modification during this period, and, if Graf is right, there was an "orphic
interpretation of Eleusis" that was established and widely accepted early in the fifth century.'
600 Plam, Symposium, 202e 203a.
60] Plato, Symposium, 204a-b.
602 Plato, Symposium, 205e, 'Love never longs for either the half or the whole of anything except the
good ... for what we love is the good and nothing but the good.'
232 Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis
The heart of Diotima' s speech centres upon the ascent of the soul to Beauty. This,
however, is cast directly in the language of an initiation into an Orphic mystery. Diotima
Well now, my dear Socrates, I have no doubt that even you might be initiated into
these, the more elementary mysteries of Love. But I don't know whether you could
apprehend the final revelation, for so far, you know, we are only at the bottom of the
true scale of perfection ....
Wen then, she began, the candidate for this initiation cannot, if his efforts are to be
rewarded, begin too early to devote himself to the beauties of the body .... 603
Diotima goes on to describe the ascent of the soul through a beautiful body, through
beautiful bodies in general, through beautiful souls, through beautiful laws and
institutions, through beautiful sciences, and finally to the revelation of Beauty in itself.
The language at this point is exactly that of the initiate, who has now purified himself,
and has had the mysteries of the cult revealed to him.
And, turning his eyes toward the open sea of beauty, he will find in such
contemplation the seed of the most fruitful discourse and the loftiest thought, and
reap a golden harvest of philosophy, until, confirmed and strengthened, he will come
upon one single form of knowledge, the knowledge of the beauty I am about to
speak of. ...
Whoever has been initiated so far in the mysteries of Love and has viewed an these
aspects of the beautiful in due succession, is at last drawing near the final
revelation. And now, Socrates, there bursts upon him that wondrous vision which is
the very soul of the beauty he has toiled so long for. It is an everlasting loveliness
which neither comes nor goes, which neither flowers nor fades, for such beauty is
the same on every hand, the same then as now, here as there, this way as that way,
the same to every worshipper as it is to every other.
Nor will his vision of the beautiful take the form of a face, or of hands, or of
anything that is of the flesh. It will be neither words [tis logos], nor knowledge [tis
episteme], nor a something that exists in something else, such as a living creature, or
the earth, or the heavens, or anything that is but subsisting of itself and by itself in
an eternal oneness, while every lovely thing partakes of it in such a sort that,
however much the parts may wax and wane [or, 'come into being and go out of
being'], it will be neither more nor less, but still the same inviolable whole.
And so, when his prescribed devotion to boyish beauties has carried our candidate
so far that the universal beauty dawns upon his inward sight, he is almost in reach of
the final revelation. And this is the way, the only way, he must approach, or be led
toward, the sanctuary ofLove.
The final step in the ascent is something that bursts in upon the initiate. Up to this
point, the initiate has come to realise, rationally it would appear, the beauty present in the
603 Plato, Symposium, 20ge 2 lOa.
604 Plato, Symposium, 210d- 211c. Emphases added.
Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis 233
higher stages of the ascent. But now, having observed the beauty in the branches of the
sciences (tas epistemas) he totters on the brink of the final revelation. Here the initiate
has undergone his washings of katharsis (purification). He is ready to have the mysteries
revealed to him. But the language Plato uses indicates just that, namely, it is something
that is revealed bursts in as a vision. The initiate does not achieve this step by himself.
It is not as though the initiate pulls himself up to the final vision. Rather it is as though
the final vision pulls the initiate up to itself. It has to be given, revealed, unveiled, and
disclosed to the initiate. Just as in the Orphic mysteries, the purified initiate finds himself
completely dependent upon the priest to reveal the mysteries to him
This clearly philosophical initiation ceremony acquires as its final goal the
revelation of Being itself. Yet what interests us here is the place of mathematics in this
schema. Important in this regard is the penultimate step, taken immediately before the
revelation of Beauty in itself. Concerning this step Plato has Diotima state,
And next, his attention should be diverted from institutions to the sciences [tas
epistemas], so that he may know the beauty of every kind of knowledge
[epistemon] ....
From institutions to learning [mathbnata] , and from learning in general to the
special lore that pertains to nothing but the beautiful itself ... 605
The study of the sciences precedes the revelation of Being, in the Symposium's
ascent. But what are these sciences? The two terms employed by Plato here are
'episteme' and 'mathemata'. We must bear in mind that the term 'mathemata', although
the root of our contemporary English term 'mathematics', did not at this stage in classical
Greek carry the same meaning as our English term. Rather, for the Greeks before Plato
'mathemata' meant simply 'learning - that which is learnt' .606
Yet these two words are not merely general terms for Plato, for in the context of his
philosophy they hold a specialised significance. To anticipate the later discussion of the
Republic, when Plato begins speaking of the education of the guardians and philosopher-
kings, he states that they must undertake a very particular course of learning (llaeTH-La -
605 Plato, Symposium, 21Oc-d, 21lc. Emphases added.
606 11Je Modern English word mathematics comes to us via Middle English, from medieval Latin
mathematicalis. This in turn is from the Latin mathematicus, from the Greek mathema, mathemat-, which
means a science or learning, from the root manthanein, math- (aorist stem), which means to learn. All of
which is based on an Indo-European root mendth-, which also means to learn.
234 Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis
matMma).607 This consists of arithmetic, geometry, solid geometry, astronomy, and
harmonics. As practised in Plato's academy, these are what we today would call
mathematical sciences.
Plato also occasionally speaks of these mathematical sciences as episteme
(knowledge).608 Yet when we consider his terminology carefully, Plato has Socrates
admit of a reticence over the use of this term. They are called sciences (episteme) because
of habit, but a better way to designate them would be understanding (dianoia).
... dialectic gently draws it forth and leads it up, employing as helpers and co-
operators in this conversion the studies and sciences which we enumerated, which
we called sciences - epistemas] often from habit, though they really
need some other designation, connoting more clearness [EvapYEaTEpOlJ-
enargesterou] than opinion doxas] and more obscurity [aiJ-lJOpoTEPOlJ -
amudroterou] than science - epistemes]. 'Understanding' [oulvotaV
- dianoian], I believe, was the term we employed. But I presume we shall not
dispute about the name when things of such moment lie before us for
For Plato then, it seems that the term 'episteme' can function as designating the
mathematical sciences, but properly speaking it designates the knowledge we have of
Being (the Forms) itself. Given his usage of these terms episteme and matMma, in the
Republic, I wish to suggest that in his use of these joint terms in the Symposium, Plato
means those exact same five disciplines, namely, arithmetic, geometry, solid geometry,
astronomy, and harmonics.
In the Symposium 21Oc-d, Plato does not use the term 'episteme' to speak
specifically of the knowledge of things in themselves (Being). It is the final revelation,
the next step in the ascent that gives the knowledge of Beauty in itself. The philosophical
initiate stands here at the penultimate step.
607 Plato uses the term mathema to describe these in, for example, Republic, 522e, 'Shall we not, then, I
said, set down as a study [flci8rllla - mathema] requisite for a soldier the ability to reckon and number? ...
Do you observe then, said I, in this study [iJ-ci8rnta - mathema] what I do?'; 525c, 'It is befitting, then
Glaucon, that this branch of learning [[lci8THta mathema] should be prescribed by our law .. .'; 527c,
'Shall we, then, lay this down [i.e. geometry] as a second branch of study [[lci8T][lu mathema] for our
ladsT; 528d-e, ' ... the next thing in order is the study of the third dimension, or solids ... Then as our fourth
study [[lu8l][lu - mathema], said I, let us set down astronomy ... '
608 Plato, RepUblic, 527a, ' ... those who have even a slight acquaintance with geometry, that this science
- episteme] is .. .'; 530d, ' ... that as the eyes are framed for astronomy so the ears are framed
for the movements of harmony, and these are in some sort kindred sciences [E1TL<JTfj[laL episte,naz1, as
the Pythagoreans affirm and we admit ... '
609 Plato, Republic, 533d.
Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis 235
Given these three conditions then, that (1) the objects in view in this penultimate
step are jointly described as episteme and mathema; (2) this joint terminology is
consistent with speaking of the mathematical sciences in the Republic 521c - 535a; and
(3) that this penultimate step in the Symposium cannot be speaking of the knowledge of
things in themselves (e.g. Beauty in itself), then I conclude that the episteme and mathema
of the penultimate step in the Symposium also specifically speak of the mathematical
It is not, therefore, just any branch of generalleaming that Plato refers to here, but
rather those branches of learning that we today call mathematics.
In the ascent to the knowledge of Being, mathematics prepares us for that last and
final step, when knowledge of true Being breaks in upon us. The Symposium itself does
not fully develop this idea, but we should certainly notice that Plato presents us with the
seeds of the much more detailed discussion in Republic 521c - 535a. In the Symposium,
what unfolds of this idea can be found in the nature of the soul's ascent through the
various steps.
At the first step, the initiate ascends from beauty in an individual body, to beauty in
bodies in general. He grasps the truth that beauty is just as much present in all bodies as
in merely one body. He moves rationally, from acknowledging beauty in the particular,
to acknowledging beauty in the general plurality ofbodies.
At the second step, he is brought to see that the beauty present in a soul is of a
higher and nobler sort than beauty in bodies. Souls are connected with the immortal and
immaterial, whereas bodies are merely mortal and material. No matter how little beauty a
soul has, it will always be lovelier than a body.611
At the third step, the initiate moves through to perceiving the beauty of laws and
institutions. The laws and institutions bring harmony and order to the soul, or make it
beautiful. They tend to the soul, building it into a noble nature.
610 Plato, Symposium, 21Oa-b.
611 Plato, Symposium, 210b-c.
612 Plato, Symposium, 210c.
236 Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis
At the fourth step, the penultimate step, we arrive at the mathematical sciences.
Beauty here is not isolated to a single instance of an institution. Rather, as an open sea,
beauty unveils itself in the plurality of the mathematical sciences. Even more so, in order
to have just institutions and laws, we need to know what justice is, which means we need
to have an ethical togetherness. The soul begins to achieve this togetherness, or justice,
by understanding harmony and proportion revealed by the mathematical sciences. In the
Republic we know that this can be brought about by the harmony within the parts of the
soul, with the rational part controlling the others.
For Plato, by studying these
mathematical sciences, the soul can begin to get itselitogether into rational harmony.
To begin to appreciate the Platonic relationship between mathematics and ethics,
one only has to consider the ancient reports of Plato's lecture On the Good, which much
. f l' 1 h' 614
to t e surpnse 0 many 1steners was a ecture on mat ematlCS.
Mathematics then, is the highest kind of preparation for the soul, prior to its contact
with Being - in this case Beauty in itself. Plato hints to us here, what he develops more
explicitly in the Republic, that mathematics forms the katharsis of initiation into the
mysteries of philosophy.
We next tum, then, to the Republic, and to its fuller account of both mathematics
and education.
613 Plato, Republic, 441d-e, 'We must remember, then, that each of us also in whom there several parts
within him perform each their own task - he will be a just man and one who minds his own affair .... Does
it no belong to the rational part to rule, being wise and exercising forethought in behalf of the entire soul...
Assuredly. '
614 The principle source for ancient reports concerning Plato's lecture On the Good, is Aristotle, frag. 26-
31. This lecture is further attested to in, Simplicius, In Aristotelis Physica commentaria, 151.6ff, 453.25ff;
Heraclides, in Diogenes Laertius, Lives, 5.87; Xenocrates, in Diogenes Laertius, Lives, 4.13. See also
reports of this lecture from Hermodorus, in Simplicius, In Aristotelis Physica commentaria, 247.3Off; In
particular, in, Aristoxenus, Elementa Harmonica, IT 30-31 = Aristotle, frag. 26, Aristoxenus states, This,
as Aristotle was always saying, was the experience of most of those who heard Plato's lecture On the Good.
Each of them attended on the assumption that he would hear about one of the recognised human goods -
such as wealth, health, strength, and in general some marvellous happiness. When Plato's lectures turned
out to be about mathematics - numbers, geometry, astronomy - and to crown all about the thesis that the
good is one, it seemed to them, I fancy, something quite paradoxical; and so some people despised the
whole thing, while others criticised it.'
Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis 237
7.4 The Education Syllabus: Republic
7.4.1 Mathematics in the Syllabus
In books six and seven of the Republic, Plato presents us with five allegories,
namely, The Ship of State (Republic 488a - 493d), The Great Beast (Republic 493a -
494c, 496d), The Sun (Republic 507b - 509c), The Divided Line (Republic 509c - 511e,
533e - 534a), and The Cave (Republic 514a - 519b). These allegories speak to a number
of issues that connect politics, epistemology, and ontology, for Plato. We will have
recourse to look more closely at the Divided Line and the Cave in the following sections.
Mter presenting these allegories to us, Plato considers educational training for the
political leadership of the just state. He presents us with the following schema, and
timetable (Republic 535a - 540c):
Educational Syllabus
Basic preliminary education.
Physical training in gymnastics and battle formation.
The elite will enter into a course of the five mathematical sciences.
A further elite will enter into a course of dialectic (philosophy).
A period of public service as soldiers, and managers. This will provide
experience, and test the distractions and temptations of office.
Another elite will enter into the study of Being (the Forms), and finally
of the Good itself (beyond being, and the source of the Forms). They
will be required to hold the highest political offices.
It was this clear exposition of the stages of education that I used in order to interpret
the Symposium's penultimate step in the ascent. I contend that this educational syllabus
also provides for us the key through which to unlock the place of mathematics in the
allegories of the Divided Line and the Cave, following the model of the Symposium. In all
238 Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis
these allegories, mathematics plays a kathartic role in the initiation to philosophy, or the
ascent to Being.
Plato introduces the five-fold study of the mathematical sciences into the flow of
the dialogue by emphasising the previously discussed distinction between Becoming and
Would you, then, have us proceed to consider how such men may be produced in a
state and how they may be led upward to the light even as some are fabled to have
ascended from Hades to the gods?
Of course I would.
So this, it seems, would not be the whirling of the shell in the children's game, but a
conversion and turning about of the soul from a day whose light is darkness to the
veritable day that ascension to reality of our parable which we will affirm to be
true philosophy.615
The non-philosophical man lives in comparative gloom. In particular the older oral-
mythical way of life, identified so closely with Homer, is shrouded in darkness. It is the
new literate-philosophical way of life that will liberate the soul It is the knowledge of
Reality - true Being that philosophy aims toward. Plato even compares this ascent of
philosophy to the fabled or mythic ascension of men from Hades to the gods. This surely
provides us with a clue that he is using this mythic language allegorically in order to
express his new philosophical ideals.
Plato has Socrates then ask,
Must we not, then, consider what studies have the power to effect this?
Of course.
What, then, Glaucon, would be the study that would draw the soul away from the
world of becoming to the world ofbeing?616
Which activity, in other words, will prepare the soul? Which activity will purify the soul
from its attachment to Becoming, and initiate it into an attachment with Being?
Here Plato has Socrates launch into a description of the five-fold mathematical
sciences, as the course of study that will achieve this goal. The mathematical sciences,
then, will have a kathartic effect of purifying the soul of the initiate from Becoming, and
prepare him for the study of Being or true philosophy.
615 Plato, Republic, 521c.
616 Plato, Republic, 52Id.
Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis
All five of the mathematical sciences engender this in the soul.
And the qualities of number - arithmon] appear to lead to the
apprehension of truth.
Beyond anything, he said.
Then, as it seems, these would be among the studies that we are seeking. For a
soldier must learn them in order to marshal his troops, and a philosopher because he
must rise out of the region of generation and lay hold on essence or he can never
become a true reckoner. ...
.. . to follow it up until they attain to the contemplation of the nature of number, by
pure thought. .. [for the purpose of] facilitating the conversion of the soul itself from
the world of generation to essence and truth.
Geometry, both plane and solid:
That is readily admitted, he said, for geometry is the knowledge of the eternally
Then, my good friend, it would tend to draw the soul to truth, and would be
productive of a philosophical attitude of mind, directing upward the faculties that
now wrongly are turned earthward.
.. .if we are to have a part in the true science of astronomy and so convert to right use
from uselessness that natural indwelling intelligence of the sou1.
And finally, harmony:
[Harmony if studied rightly is] ... useful, said I, for the investigation of the beautiful
and the good ... 620
These five mathematical sciences function only as intermediaries however. They are the
purification rites used to aid the highest capstone study, namely, dialectic or philosophy,
which studies Being itself - true knowledge. The mathematical sciences act as the
handmaidens of philosophy (dialectic).
617 Plato, Republic, 525b-c.
618 Plato, Republic, 527b.
619 Plato, Republic, 530c.
620 Plato, Republic, 531c.
240 Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis
7.4.2. The Way that Mathematics Purifies the Soul, and Guides it to
Being The Five Mathematical Sciences as the Guide to Purification
Having seen that the role Plato assigns to mathematics is to help purify the soul
(katharsis) for the philosophical study of Being, it remains for us to ask how mathematics
is supposed to achieve this function. What is the way in which mathematics purifies the
In his discussion concemmg the place of mathematics within the educational
syllabus, Plato clarifies how mathematics is suited for this role. In order to survey his
discussion, I shall here examine each of the five mathematical sciences in tum. Arithmetic (Republic 522c - 526c)
Plato has Socrates declare that arithmetic can 'draw the mind to essence and
reality'. He proceeds to explain how this is effected. When our perceptions seem
inadequate to us, the intellect is called in to reflect upon the situation and to. bring order
out of what might seem contrary. These prima facie inadequate perceptions provoke us to
deeper thought.
The example used to indicate this is the Three Fingers (Republic 523c 524d).
Look at three fingers on your hand, the little finger, the second, and the middle finger. In
so far as each of these is observed and taken to be a finger, there exists no confusion in
the soul. It matters not in this regard whether that finger be the little one, or the middle
one, or thick, thin, white or black. Prima facie, the finger does not appear as both afinger
and not a finger at the same time. Because of this, for most people, the situation does not
invite them to further reflect on what a finger actually is.
621 Plato, Republic, 523b-c, ' ... some reports of our perceptions do not provoke thought to reconsideration
because the judgement of them by sensation seems adequate, while others always invite the intellect to
retlection because the sensation yields nothing that can be trusted .... The experiences that do not provoke
thought are those that do not at the same time issue in a contradictory perception. Those that do have that
effect I set down as provocatives, when the perception no more manifests one thing than its contrary ... '
622 Plato, Republic, 523d, 'For in none of these cases is the soul of most men impelled to question the
reason and to ask what in the world is a finger, since the faculty of sight never signifies to it at the same
time that the finger is the opposite of a finger:
Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis 241
However, when it comes to such things as whether the fingers are perceived as soft
or hard, light or heavy, the sensations presented to the soul are in conflict. The senses
indicate that the fingers are both soft and hard, and yet soft and hard are contraries. At
this point the soul is at a loss, in a state of confusion.
This drives the soul to summon the calculating reason (AoYLCJ[16v - logismon), in
order to assist it out of its confusion by assessing whether what is reported to it is just one
thing or rather two things. Logistic (calculating reason) functions to enable the soul to
distinguish a plurality as a plurality. Plato has Socrates state,
And if it appears to be two, each of the two is a distinct unit. Yes. If, then, each is
one and both two, the very meaning of 'two' is that the soul will conceive them as
distinct. For if they were not separable, it would not have been thinking of two, but
of one.
Two things, then, are able to be distinguished from each other. It is the principle of
plurality and distinction that logistic (calculating reason) brings to bear upon the
situation. In terms of the Platonic cosmology of Chapter Six, it is the Dyad, the principle
of plurality, that is here expressed in the ability of logistic to even make a distinction.
In seeking this distinction, however, the soul is both released from its perplexity,
and at the same time driven towards the intelligible and away from the visible.
It is released from perplexity in that now the soul manages to differentiate the
simultaneously contrary perception as instead two distinct things. Rather than a
perplexing confusion of hard and soft, or great and small, the soul, through the aid of the
logistic reason, conceives the hard and the soft, the great and small, to be differentiated.
The primafacie confusion of the contraries is reso1ved.
623 Plato, Republic, 524a, 'In the first place, the sensation that is set over the hard is of necessity related also
to the soft, and it reports to the soul that the same thing is both hard and soft to its perception .... Then, said
J, is not this again a case where the soul must be at a loss as to what significance for it the sensation of
hardness has, if the sense reports the same thing as also soft?'
624 Plato, Republic, 524b.
625 Plato, Republic, 524c, 'Sight too saw the great and the small, we say, not separated but confounded. Is
that not so? Yes. And for clarification of this, the intelligence [VOT]ULS' - noesis] is compelled to
contemplate the great and small, not thus confounded but as distinct entities, in the opposite way from
sensation. True.'
242 Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis
The soul is driven toward the intelligible in that now it asks for the first time, what
is the great, what is the small?626
It is when such pairs of contraries as great and small, hard and soft, present
themselves confounded to the senses, that logistic, and intelligence, must be used in order
to bring order and intelligibility to the situation. It also suggests to us the distinctly
Platonic motive of searching for the meaning of great and smaU, hard and soft, and so
forth, not in sense experience, which is confounded and confusing. Rather, we are to
search for the meaning in a realm within the purview only of the faculty of the intellect.
Into this scene Plato inserts both numbers (arithmm) and the unit.
They belong to
that class of things that stir the soul away from sense perception and arouse it to
contemplate Being.
Any visual perception, claims Plato, involves both a confounding
of plurality and unity.
But surely, he said, the visual perception of it does especially involve this. For we
see the same thing at once as one and as an indefinite plurality.
Then if this is true of the one, I said, the same holds of all number, does it not? Of
In the example of the three fingers, that there were fingers being experienced was
not problematic to the soul. But that this experience was of soft and hard, of great and
small, and so forth, and of an indefinite plurality of things was problematic. It took the
logistic reason to be able to apply the category of arithmoi to the situation, and discern
that there were two (or more) numerically distinct things (arithmoi) in view, and that
great was numerically distinct from small, and hard from soft. The ability to perform a
numerical distinction served as the prerequisite to intelligibly experience the situation in
626 Plato, Republic, 524c, 'And is it not in some such experience as this that the question first occurs to us,
What in the world, then, is the great and the small?'
627 We must bear in mind that for the ancient Greeks, one is not an arithmos, as an arithmos is a collection
of things - i.e. plurality of units.
628 Plato, Republic, 524d 525a, 'To which class, then, do you think number [apL8IJ.oS' arithmos] and the
one belong? ... Well, reason it out from what has already been said. For, if unity is adequately seen by
itself or apprehended by some other sensation, it would not tend to draw the mind to the apprehension of
essence, as we were explaining in the case of the finger. But if some contradiction is always seen
coincidentally with it, so that it no more appears to be one than the opposite, there would forthwith be need
of something to judge between them, and it would compel the soul to be at a loss and to inquire, by
arousing thought in itself, and to ask, whatever then is the one as such, and thus the study of unity will be
one of the studies that guide and convert the soul to the contemplation of true being.'
629 Plato, Republic, 525a.
Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis 243
an ordered way. But this itself leads the soul to ask the questions, what is one? What is
two? What are numbers (anthmoi)?630
Because the logistic reason had to import these concepts into the situation of sense
experience in order for it to be intelligible, then the study of these arithmoi will
invariably draw the soul away from sense experience, and draw it toward the invisible. In
so doing, the soul may contemplate and study the one as such - unity in and of itself.
Importantly, Plato has Socrates distinguish between 'numbers in themselves'
(alJTwv TWV - auton ton arithmon) and 'numbers attached to visible and
tangible bodies' (apaTa a:rTTa ExovTaS' - horata e hapta somata
echontas arithmous). He states,
It leads the soul forcibly upward and compels it to discuss the numbers themselves
[auton ton arithmon], never permitting anyone to propose for discussion numbers
attached to visible or tangible bodies.
At this stage we may legitimately ask, what is the distinction that Plato here wishes
to frame? Plato provides us with a clue in the form of an example, and a definition drawn
from this.
The example, which motivates the distinction, is this,
For you are doubtless aware that experts in this study, if anyone attempts to cut up
the 'one' in argument, laugh at him and refuse to allow it, but if you mince it up,
they multiply, always on guard lest the one should appear to be not one but a
mUltiplicity of parts.
And the definition which follows,
Suppose now, Glaucon, someone were to ask them, My good friends, what numbers
are these you are talking about, in which the one is such as you postulate, each unity
equal to every other without the slightest difference and admitting no division into
parts? What do you think would be their answer?
630 Compare this with a similar passage in, Plato, Phaedo, 101b-e. There Plato discusses the prima facie
confusion that results from saying that ten is larger than eight, by two, when two is only a small thing. How
then, can something be large, as a result of something small? This invites Plato to a discussion of how
sensible objects become distinct arithmoi (amounts), by participation in duality, unity, and so forth.
631 Plato, Republic, 525d. Grube translation (rev. Reeve, from the Cooper ed.). I prefer Grube's more literal
rendering of the phrase 'alITCJlV TWV apt811WV - auton ton arithmon' as 'numbers themselves' rather than
Shorey's rendering of the phrase as 'pure numbers', used in the Loeb edition of the Republic. Shorey does
offer a more literal rendering in a footnote, however, as, 'numbers (in) themselves'. In, Shorey, The
Republic, p. 164, footnote a.
632 Plato, Republic, 525e.
244 Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis
This, I think that they are speaking of units which can only he conceived by
thought, and which it is not possible to deal with in any other way.633
Here Plato draws to our attention the fact that a mathematical unity cannot itself be
divided into parts, otherwise it would not be a unity, but a plurality of parts. At least, this
was how the ancient Greeks understood unity. Modern mathematics has quite a different
understanding of number, where one functions as a number, and can be understood as a
composite of fractional parts. For the ancient Greeks, fractions were not composites of
arithmoi, but rather ratios or proportions between two (or more) arithmoi. For example,
three-quarters was not a fractional composite of one, but rather the ratio between the
arithmoi of three things and four things.
When we are exposed to any given tangible and visible experience of bodies, where
we identify a unity present in that situation, we are tempted to 'cut up the one', or 'mince
it up' . For example, the unity present in one orange, can become two pieces, three pieces,
and so forth, if I cut up that one orange with a knife. We are tempted to conceive the one
as having been split up and divided. Certainly the one orange has been effected in this
way. But has unity been so effected? No, answers Plato.
Arithmetical experts laugh at such a suggestion. When someone tries to mince up
unity,the experts re-express the situation as an original multiplicity of arithmoi. This they
do in such a manner as to avoid the suggestion that unity has been divided in any way.
For in any of these tangible and visible situations, arithmoi are attached to different
objects. The one orange, can be also understood as two or three pieces of orange.
But if we consider unity and these arithmoi in themselves, hot as attached to
tangible and visible objects, then we must understand the units of these arithmoi as
invisible and intangible objects, as things that can only be apprehended by the intellect.
These invisible and intangible units, the things of which arithmoi in themselves form
collections, are 'equal to every other without the slightest difference and admitting no
division into parts' .
Plato suggests that when the soul is forced to negotiate sense experience with the
aid of logistic reason (Le. the application of the distinction between arithmoi), then the
633 Plato, Republic, 526a.
Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis 245
soul is also drawn to ask, what is an arithmos in itself! In other words, what is a
collection of things, in so far as it is a collection? The answer is to consider arithmoi in
themselves as collections of units, where those units are invisible, intangible, and simple
(i.e. indivisible), and as such can only be apprehended by the intellect.
All Becoming, then, has been stripped away from arithmoi. The soul is drawn to
true arithmoi, arithmoi in themselves, and therefore directed to look at arithmoi as Being.
What arithmoi truly are, then, can only be apprehended by the intellect. Just as with true
beauty, and true justice, and true piety, so also with true arithmoi. All these things are
mirrored in the sensible world of Becoming, but the true realities themselves exist in the
intellectual world of Being. Geometry (Republic 526c - 527c)
Like arithmetic, geometry is a study that if undertaken correctly wi11lead the soul
away from Becoming, to embrace Being.
Plato has Socrates here criticise the way in which geometry is spoken of among its
adepts. He states,
.. , this science is in direct contradiction with the language employed in it by its
How so? He said.
Their language is most ludicrous, though they cannot help it, for they speak as if they
were doing something and as if all their words were directed towards action. For all
their talk is of squaring and applying and adding and the like, whereas in fact the real
object of the entire study is pure knowledge.
For Plato, geometry studies that which always is, the eternally existent. To speak, as
the geometers do, of bringing a square into existence by constructing it and so forth,
simply misunderstands the true nature of geometry.
[Geometry] is the knowledge of that which always is, and not of a something which
at some time comes into being and passes away.
That is readily admitted, he said, for geometry is the knowledge of the eternally
634 Plato, Republic, 527a.
246 Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis
Then, my good friend, it would tend to draw the soul to truth, and would be
productive of a philosophical attitude of mind, directing upward the faculties that
now are turned earthward.
We can only surmise from this that the true object of geometrical investigations
would not be any particular figures drawn or constructed, brought into being, by
geometers. These, one supposes, could all be spoken of in a similar fashion to the
arithmoi, as being 'plane figures attached to visible and tangible bodies'. These plane
figures in and of themselves, are things that can be apprehended only by the intellect.
Indeed, further in his discussion on astronomy, Plato has Socrates state,
... we must use ... patterns to aid in the study of those realities, just as one would do
who chanced upon diagrams drawn with special care and elaboration by Daedalus or
some other craftsman or painter. For anyone acquainted with geometry who saw
such designs would admit the beauty of the workmanship, but would think it absurd
to examine them seriously in the expectation of finding in them the absolute truth
with regard to equals or doubles or any other ratio.
The focus of one's activity is pulled away from contemplating figures of sense
perception, to intellectually contemplating the figures in themselves, which are merely
imaged in our sense perception. Plato even suggests that this intellectual training prepares
us to gaze upon the idea of the Good itself.
What we have to consider is whether the greater and more advanced part of it [Le.
geometry] tends to facilitate the apprehension of the idea of good. That tendency, we
affirm, is to be found in all studies that force the soul to turn its vision round to the
region where dwells the most blessed part of reality, which it is imperative that it
should behold.
? Solid Geometry (Republic 527d - 528d)
Plato also speaks of the need to study these geometrical o j ~ c t s in themselves in his
brief discussion on solid geometry.
After plane surfaces, said I, we went on to solids in revolution before studying them
in themselves. The right way is next in order after the second dimension to take the
third. This, I suppose, is the dimension of cubes and of everything that has depth.
635 Plato, Republic, 527b.
636 Plato, Republic, 529d - 530a.
637 Plato, Republic, 526d-e.
638 Plato, Republic, 528b.
Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis 247
Here, more interestingly, Plato introduces the idea of three-dimensional space as
functioning in some sense as a non-contingent aspect of Being. Figures such as cubes,
and spheres, may be contemplated as three-dimensional objects, in themselves, apart
from any particularised spatial location, or size, as would be the case in a visible and
tangible figure.
639 Astronomy (Republic 528e - 530c)
Plato is equally critical of the present practice of astronomers, with their constant
gazing at the stars, and never pressing on to study the motion of solid objects in
themselves. Plato has Socrates criticise Glaucon for his praise of astronomy for its purely
utilitarian ends, such as 'quickness of perception about the seasons and the courses of the
months and the years' .640 Glaucon reappraises astronomy as leading the soul to 'look
upwards' towards 'higher things', as surely everyone would admit.
But Socrates is not
so sure.
It may be obvious to everybody except me, said I, for I do not think so .... As it is
now handled by those who are trying to lead us up to philosophy, I think that it turns
the soul's gaze very much downward.
Plato has Socrates explain,
You seem to me in your thought to put a most liberal interpretation on the 'study of
higher things,' I said, for apparently if anyone with a back-thrown head should learn
something by staring at decorations on a ceiling, you would regard him as
contemplating them with the higher reason and not with the eyes. Perhaps you are
right and I am a simpleton. For I, for my part, am unable to suppose that any other
study turns the soul's gaze upward than that which deals with being and the
invisible. But if anyone tries to learn about the things of sense, whether gaping up or
blinking down, I would never say that he really learns - for nothing of the kind
admits of true knowledge - nor would I say that his soul looks up, but down, even
though he study floating o'n his back on sea or land.
639 See also the previous discussion in Chapter Six (Section 6.3.2), concerning this concept of space (xwpa
- chara) in connection with Timaeus 52b-c.
640 Plato, Republic, 527d.
641 Plato, Republic, 528e - 529a, 'That is likely, said he, and instead of the vulgar utilitarian commendation
of astronomy, for which you just now rebuked me, Socrates, I now will praise it on your principles. For it is
obvious to everybody, I think that this study certainly compels the soul to look upward and leads it away
from things here to those higher things.'
642 Plato, Republic, 529a.
643 Plato, Republic, 529a-c.
248 Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis
As with the study of arithmoi, and geometry, the visible and tangible bodies may
give a starting point for the soul to reflect upon, but the science is ultimately concerned
with things in themselves. Thus astronomy is ultimately the study of three-dimensional
bodies in motion.
These sparks that paint the sky, since they are decorations on a visible surface, we
must regard, to be sure, as the fairest and most exact of material things, but we must
recognize that they fall far short of the truth, the movements, namely, of real speed
and real slowness in true number and in all true figures both in relation to one
another and as vehicles of the things they carry and contain. These can be
apprehended only by reason and thought, but not by sight. .. 644
The real astronomer will not make the mistake of supposing that such 'bodies and visible
objects' are the realities themselves. Harmonics (Republic 530c - 531c)
As the eyes are framed for astronomy, so are the ears for harmony, and so the two
form kindred sciences.
Yet here, its practitioners commit the same mistakes as do the
astronomers who look to visible and tangible bodies.
[Socrates:] Or do you not know that they repeat the same procedure in the case of
harmonics [as they do in astronomy]? They transfer it to hearing and measure
audible concords and sounds against one another, expending much useless labour
just as the astronomers do .... [Glaucon:] They talk of something they call minims
and, laying their ears alongside, as if trying to catch a voice from next door, some
affirm that they can hear a note between and that this is the least interval and the unit
of measurement, while others insist that the strings now render identical sounds, both
preferring their ears to their minds .... [Socrates:] [I mean] those others whom we
just now said we would interrogate about harmony. Their method exactly
corresponds to that of the astronomer, for the numbers they seek are those found in
these heard concords, but they do not ascend to generalized problems and the
consideration which numbers are inherently concordant and which not and why in
each case.
Once again, it is not harmonic concords as expressed in audible and tangible things
that form the object of study, but rather it is those harmonic concords considered
intellectually, in and of themselves.
644 Plato, Republic, 529c-d.
645 Plato, Republic, 530d.
646 Plato, Republic, 530e - 531c.
Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis 249
Interestingly, Plato stresses the nature of these mathematical studies as merely a
first step in a much more expansive journey.
[Glaucon:] A superhuman task, he said.
[Socrates:] Say, rather, useful, said I, for the investigation of the beautiful and the
good, but if otherwise pursued, useless.
Plato, through Socrates, once again reminds us that studying these mathematical
sciences merely prepares our souls. They operate as an initial katharsis, with the higher
goal of leading the soul to study Being in itself, through philosophy or dialectic. Even
more so, these studies prepare us to contemplate the source of Being, namely, the
7.5 The Divided Line: Republic
7.5.1 The Divisions of the Line
Having now laid the groundwork for understanding the kathartic role of
mathematics, we are in a position to apply this to the two great allegories of the Divided
Line and the Cave.
Plato introduces the Divided Line in Republic 509c - 511e, 533e - 534a. In the
Divided Line Plato firstly distinguishes between two regions - that of the intelligible and
that of the visible. The visible region consists of things that are open to our sense
experience, exemplified by the sense of sight. The intelligible region consists of things
that are open to our logos or reason.
Conceive then, said I, as we were saying, that t h r ~ are these two entities, and that
one of them is sovereign over the intelligible order and region and the other over the
world of the eyeball, not to say the sky-ball, but let that pass. You surely apprehend
the two types, the visible and the intelligible.
647 Plato, Republic, 531d, 'Are you talking about the prelude, I said, or what? Or do we not know that all
this is but the preamble of the law itself, the prelude of the strain that we have to apprehend?'
648 Plato, Republic, 509d.
250 Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis
We have then:
Intelligible region
Visible region
Next, Plato delineates a further division. Each of these regions can be divided into
two sections. Firstly, the region of the visible is to be divided.
Represent them then, as it were, by a line divided into two unequal sections and cut
each section again in the same ratio - the section, that is, of the visible and that of
the intelligible order - and then as an expression of the ratio of their comparative
clearness and obscurity you will have, as one of the sections of the visible world,
images. By images I mean, first, shadows, and then reflections in water and on
surfaces of dense, smooth, and bright texture, and everything of that kind, if you
And the second section assume that of which this is a likeness or an image, that is,
the animals about us and all plants and the whole class of objects made by man.
So now, we have:
Intelligible region
Visible region:
(3) Images: sensible objects
(4) Images of Images: Images of sensible objects - reflections and shadows
Plato, then, divides the visible region into those things that are sensible objects
(such as trees, cows, couches, etc), and those things that are images or copies of these
sensible objects (such as the reflection of a tree in water, the shadow of a cow, or a
painting of a couch, etc.).
Plato also divides the intelligible region into two sections.
Consider then again the way in which we are to make the division of the intelligible
649 Plato, Republic, 509d - 51Oa.
Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis
In what way?
By the distinction that there is one section of it which the soul is compelled to
investigate by treating as images the things imitated in the former division, and by
means of assumptions from which it proceeds not up to a first principle but down to
a conclusion, while there is another section in which it advances from its assumption
to a beginning or principle that transcends assumption, and in which it makes no use
of the images employed by the other section, relying on ideas only and progressing
systematically through ideas.
This description, however, is somewhat more complicated than the division of the
visible region. Plato here combines a treatment of not only what objects are associated
with each section, but also the way these objects are to be approached epistemologically.
We must be careful not to confuse these aspects here.
Firstly, we have 'one section of it which the soul is compelled to investigate by
treating as images the things imitated in the former division'. In other words, here in this
lower section are intelligible objects, but these are investigated through the means of their
images (i.e. sensible objects) from the visible region.
Secondly, in the top section of the intelligible region we have 'no use of the images
employed by the other section, relying on ideas [E'L8E<JL - eidesi or Forms] only and
progressing systematically through ideas' . Here then, the objects under purview are the
intelligible Forms, investigated in themselves without recourse to their images as sensible
In this way, we arrive at the following:
Intelligible region:
(1) Intelligible Forms or Ideas: treated in and of themselves
(2) Intelligible objects: investigated through their sensible images or copies
Visible region:
(3) Images: sensible objects
(4) Images of Images: Images of sensible objects -reflections and shadows
650 Plato, Republic, 5 lOb.
252 Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis
The question naturally arises, what exactly is the ontological status of the
intelligible objects in section (2) of the line? This leads us to the more difficult problem
regarding mathematicals, and possibly even the mathematical intermediates, within
Plato's philosophy.
7.5.2 The Question of Mathematical Intermediates
In terms of the context, and discourse, solely within the Republic, Plato presents us
with a three-fold ontological distinction, consisting of Forms, Copies (or Images) of
Forms, and Copies of Copies of Forms.
We get, then, these three couches, one, that in nature, which, I take it, we would say
that God produces [Le. the Form], or who else?
No one, I think.
And then there was the one which the carpenter made. [i.e. the Copy or Image of the
Yes, he said.
And one which the paiuter. [i.e. the Copy of the Copy of the Form] Is not that so?
So be it.
The painter, then, the cabinetmaker, and God, there are these three presiding over
three kinds of couches.
Yes, three.
Here Plato employs the couch as an example of a more general idea, namely, there
are these three kinds of objects in our experience.
Here Plato does not indicate to us
any fourth ontological category. Nor does he appear to explicitly do so anywhere else in
the Republic.
There are then, at least two possibilities for interpretation. Either, (A) The Divided
Line should be read in terms of this three-fold ontology that seems to predominate the
discussion within the Republic (and in particular Republic 597b); or (B) The Divided Line
should be read as rather uniquely introducing a new fourth ontological category, in its
section (2).
651 Plato, Republic, 597b. See the larger context in, 595a - 598a.
652 That Plato intends this three-fold distinction to be a more general truth about our experience, and not just
specific to such things as couches, 1::an be evidenced from the wider context See, Republic 595c 596b,
'Could you tell me in general what imitation is? ... Shall we, then, start the inquiry at this point by our
customary procedure? We are in the habit, I take it, of positing a single idea or form in the case of the
various multiplicities to which we give the same name . ... In the present case, then, let us take any
multiplicity you please; for example, there are many couches and tables.' Emphases added.
Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis 253
If we take option (A), then we must identify the intelligible objects in section (2) as
Forms or Ideas also, along with the objects in section (1). As such, the difference between
sections (1) and (2) would be epistemological, and methodological, not ontological.
If we take option (B), however, then we would need a new ontological
classification for these objects. On the one hand, they would not be sensible particulars,
and on the other hand, they would not be fully blown Forms. Many interpreters have
suggested a new ontological category of mathematical intermediates as filling this role.
This was, in fact, one of the standard 19
century approaches to interpreting the Divided
Line. The objects of section (2) were thought to have been intelligible, yet not themselves
Forms. Rather, they were understood as ontologically intermediate between Forms and
sensibles. H. Sidgwick and J. Adam were the primary advocates of this view.
recently, this interpretation has been argued by A. Wedberg.
This way of reading the Divided Line, in fact, can be evidenced as early as
Further to this, testimony regarding the doctrine of mathematical
intermediates in Plato exists as early as Aristotle:
Further, besides sensible things and Forms he [i.e. Plato] says there are objects of
mathematics, which occupy an intermediate position, differing from sensible things
in being eternal and unchangeable, from Forms in that there are many alike, while
the Form itself is in each case unique.
Further, some do not think there is anything substantial besides sensible things, but
others think there are eternal substances which are more in number and more real,
e.g. Plato posited two kinds of substance - the Forms and the o ~ e t s of
mathematics - as well as a third kind, viz. the substance of sensible bodies. 56
There are really two issues at stake here. First, is the specific question as to whether
section (2) of the Divided Line provides an instance of mathematical intermediates.
Second, is the more general question as to whether Plato maintained, within his
philosophy, a doctrine of mathematical intermediates at all.
653 See, Sidgwick, H. "On a Passage in Plato, Republic, B vi". JPh, ii (1869), pp. 96-103; Adam, J. The
Republic of Plato. Cambridge, 1963, Appendix I, Book 7, Vol. 2.
654 Wedberg, Anders, Plato's Philosophy of Mathematics.
655 See, Proc1us, A Commentary on the First Book of Euclid's Elements, 4.14 - 5.10. See also, Boyle,
"Plato's Divided Line: Essay I the Problem of Dianoia", pp. 8-9, n. 8.
656 Aristotle, Metaphysics, 987b14-l8; 1028b18-21. For further possible allusions to Plato, see, Aristotle,
Metaphysics, 1086a12, 1076a19-21.
254 Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis
It is certainly logically possible for Plato to have maintained a doctrine of
mathematical intermediates, without his analogy of the Divided Line to have made any
reference to them as such. In terms of the two possible options for interpreting the
Divided Line, that I noted above, it is logically possible to take option (A) - that section
(2) contains Forms along with section (1) - whilst maintaining that Plato, elsewhere,
posited a fourth ontological category of mathematical intermediates.
Regarding the interpretation of the Divided Line, then, is option (A) or (B) the more
reasonable? I consider that the weight of evidence supports option (A). The two primary
factors in this judgement are as follows:
1) Plato makes no reference to a fourth ontological category in his discussion in the
Republic after the Divided Line. The later discussion concerning the bed (Republic
597b), for example, relies upon the familiar three-fold distinction of Form, sensible
particular (which is an image of a Form), and the image of the sensible particular
(which is the image of the image of a Form).
2) Plato refers to the objects of section (2) bf the Divided Line, apprehended through
understanding (oulVOLaV - dianoian), in the same way that he refers to the Forms.
He speaks of 'the square itself' (TETpaYhlvou aUTov . tetragonou autou) and 'the
diagonal itself' (OLaflETPOU aUTfjS' - diametrou autes).657 This is the very same
language he employs regarding the Forms, in the Phaedo:
Equality itself [aUTO TO taov - auto to ison], beauty itself [mho TO KaAOV
auto to kalon] , what each thing is by itself [mho EKaaTov 8 Eanv - auto
hekaston ho estin], reality - do these admit of any change whatever? Or does each
thing which is just itself and no more, being uniform when considered by itself
alone, remain constantly the same, admitting nowhere of any change whatever? It
must remain uniform, Socrates, said Ce bes, and immutable.
For these two reasons, I do not consider Plato to be introducing a fourth ontological
category of mathematical intermediates within the Divided Line. Rather, section (2) of
the Divided Line consists of the same ontological objects as section (1), namely, the
Forms. The difference between these two sections is epistemological (or methodological),
657 Plato, Republic, 51Od. This point is noted by both, Boyle, "Plato's Divided Line: Essay I the Problem of
Dianoia", p. 3; and, Karasmanis, "Plato's Republic: The Line and the Cave", p. 156.
658 Plato, Phaedo, 78d-e. Emphases added.
Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis 255
not ontological. In section (2) Forms are investigated through the use of their images (i.e.
sensible objects). In section (1) Forms are investigated without any recourse to their
images (i.e. sensible objects).
Most contemporary commentators concur with this interpretation, in suggesting that
the objects of section (2) are indeed Forms.
However, even within this general
framework, interpretations can still vary. For example, Paul Shorey, in the introduction to
his translation of the Republic, accepts that the objects of section (2) are Forms.
However, he argues that they are a specific group of Forms, called mathematical objects,
and that these and only these occupy section (2).
Shorey states,
On my interpretation critics have likewise erred by refusing to admit a similar
qualification of their too literal acceptance of the image of the divided line. The
proportion: ideas are to things as things are to their reflections in mirrors or in water,
has only three terms. The fourth term is found in mathematical ideas, which in their
use in education and in respect of the method by which the mind deals with them are
in some sort intermediate between ideas and things. We thus get our proportion. But
in the description of it Plato is careful to distinguish the mathematical ideas only by
the method of their treatment in science, not in dialectics, and not as entities of
another kind. This raises the presumption that Plato, as usual, knows what he is
doing and does not intend to distinguish objectively mathematical ideas as ideas
from other ideas. I support this presumption by pointing out that in the later and final
interpretation of the line Plato names the objective correlates of the mental processes
corresponding to three divisions of the line but omits the fourth on the pretext that it
would take too long. He names the mathematical attitude of mind or method but does
not name its objects as something distinct from ideas or a distinct kind of ideas.
In contrast to the traditional 19
century interpreters, Shorey does not wish to
understand Plato as holding to a fourth category of mathematical intermediates. On the
other hand, Shorey understands section (2) as strictly reserved for the mathematicals,
those objects of which mathematicians treat, which he identifies as Forms.
659 See for example, Ross, Plato's Theory of Ideas, p. 59-67; Murphy, The Interpretation of Plato's
Republic, p. 167-168; Joseph, Knowledge and the Good in Plato's Republic, p. 49-52; Chemiss, The Riddle
of the Early Academy, p. 75-78. All cited by, Karasmanis, "Plato's Republic: The Line and the Cave", p.
156, footnote 22, who, in this article, also argues against mathematical intermediates in the Divided Line.
See also, Pritchard, Plato's Philosophy of Mathematics, pp. 94-95.
660 Shorey, The Unity of Plato's Thought, p. 83, 'The "mathematical" numbers then are plainly the abstract,
ideal numbers of the philosopher. The numbers of the vulgar are concrete numbered things. There is no
trace of a third kind of number.' See also, Shorey, The Republic, Vol.2, pp. xx - xxi, footnote e.
661 Shorey, The Republic, Vol.2, p. xxxi.
256 Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis
Are we justified, however, in supposing that Plato wished to limit section (2) to
what we may can nwthenwticals, even if these are acknowledged to be Forms? Such an
assumption, I submit, is not necessarily guaranteed by the text, although traditionally
interpreters have been tempted to extract it from Plato.
We must bear in mind that Plato, in his general description of section (2), does not
specifically describe it as the exclusive domain of mathematicals. Rather, he refers to it in
a very general sense, 'treating as images the things imitated in the former division'. This,
of course, consists of all items imitated in our sense perception 'the animals about us
and all plants and the whole class of objects made by man'. There appears to be no
indication here that Plato wishes to limit what is treated in section (2), to the
mathenwticals only. In fact, thus far he seems to suggest that it potentially treats of all
intelligible objects imaged in our sense perception.
This will be foundational as how to best interpret the next section of the text. Given
this prima facie reading of Republic 51Oa-b, the interpreter may reasonably analyse the
following passage (Republic 51 Oc - 511b) as illuminated by this prior text.
Here, Plato further elaborates on what he previously pointed at regarding section
(2). He states,
Well, I will try again, said I, for you will better understand after this preamble. For I
think you are aware that students of geometry [YEWIlETPlUS geometrias] and
reckoning [A0YL<JlloUS - logismous] and such subjects first postulate the odd and
the even and the various figures and three kinds of angles and other things akin to
these in each branch of science, regard them as known, and, treating them as
absolute a<;sumptions, do not deign to render any further account of them to
themselves or others, taking it for granted that they are obvious to everybody. They
take their start from these, and pursuing the inquiry from this point on consistently,
conclude with that for the investigation of which they set out. ..
And do you not also know that they further make use of the visible forms and talk
about them, though they are not thinking of them but of those things of which they
are a likeness, pursuing their inquiry for the sake of the square as such and the
diagonal as such, and not for the sake of the image of it which they draw? And so in
all cases. The very things which they mould and draw, which have shadows and
images of themselves in water, these things they treat in their turn as only images,
but what they really seek is to get sight of those realities which can be seen only by
the mind ...
Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis
I understand, said he, that you are speaking of what falls under geometry and the
kindred arts.
A cursory glance of the above passage might lead one to suppose that now Plato
limits section (2) to objects dealing with 'geometry and reckoning', or more exactly,
geometry (YEWIlETPlaL - geometriaz) and logistic (AOYLUIlOl - logismoi, i.e. the
practice of the art of calculation),
However, closer inspection reveals that we need not necessarily understand the text
in this manner. Plato has Socrates provide an example, involving geometry and logistic,
in order to help unfold his meaning, We need not assume that the items in the example
monopolise thefull and exhaustive domain of section (2) of the Divided Line.
Rather, we should note that Plato carefully qualifies his example by saying
'geometry and reckoning and such subjects' (Kat HI TOWlJTa 1TpaYllaTEuollEVOl kai
ta toiauta pragmateuomenoi - i.e. 'and such undertakings/labouringlbusying').
Therefore, it is not merely geometry and logistic that Plato has in mind here, but all those
practices that adopt a similar methodology, namely, (i) The use of the method of
hypothesis (lmoOE<JtS' - hupothesis) (Republic 5lOc), (ii) The use of images in our sense
perception as a means to investigate the Forms (Republic 5lOd-e).
This is further confirmed when Plato describes the method for acquiring hypotheses
in his examples of geometry and logistic. He states that they, 'first postulate the odd and
the even and the various figures and three kinds of angles ... ,663 Here we observe that 'the
odd and the even' refers to the hypotheses of logistic, and the 'various figures and three
kinds of angles' represent the hypotheses of geometry. But Plato further states, 'first
postulate the odd and the even and the various figures and three kinds of angles and other
things akin to these in each branch of science ... ' This last phrase
kai alia touton adelpha kath'
hekasten methodon), can also be rendered, 'and other things akinlrelatedlsister to these in
each/every methodological-inquiry' .
662 Plato, Republic, SlOe - 511 b.
663 Plato, Republic, SlOe.
258 Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis
The scope of Plato's section (2) then, is not necessarily limited to the arts of
geometry and logistic, but includes all arts, all methodological inquiries (I1E90oov -
methodon) that adopt a similar method (in terms of (i) and (li) above) to the example
cases of geometry and logistic.
This reveals how we should understand the phrase uttered by Socrates' interlocutor
in response to his fuller explanation. The interlocutor states, "'I understand", said he,
"that you are speaking of what falls under geometry and the kindred arts.'"
(Kat TaLS TalJTllS' aOEA<paLS TExvalS' - kai tais tautes adelphais technais). This last
phrase may also be rendered 'and the kindred/related/sister artslskillslcrafts'. In other
words, the interlocutor acknowledges that Socrates certainly refers to what occurs in the
practice of geometry. However, he also indicates what occurs in the practice of all
methodological-inquiries (I1E90oov methodon) that employ the same 'method of
hypothesis'. This means that the objects of section (2) are not necessarily limited to the
objects of which mathematicians treat, such as arithmoi, or lines and shapes. Rather, the
objects of section (2) may extend to any and every intelligible object used, not only by
geometry and logistic but also by all disciplines of methodological-inquiry (I1E90oov -
methodon), that employ sensible images as a means for investigating the Forms which
they image.
If this analysis is correct, then we may observe, contra Shorey, that section (2) of
the Divided Line need not be limited to mathematicals only.
The further question as to whether Plato held a doctrine of mathematical
intermediates in general, furnishes us with additional difficulties. At least two potential
objections present themselves:
1) Despite the fact that Aristotle testifies to Plato as holding a doctrine of mathematical
intermediates, there exists no dialogue in which Plato actually speaks of
664 What these further disciplines could be, Plato does not specifically mention in the text. One, of course,
supposes that all of the five mathematical sciences, including astronomy and harmonics (not just arithmetic
(including logistic), along with plane and solid geometry) would involve something of this method. These
of course are still mathematicals in some sense. Perhaps ethical and aesthetic objects would also have been
included within section (2) of the Divided Line. Without any further examples from the dialogues, the best
we can do here is merely state that Plato's language does not limit section (2) to mathematical objects only,
but leaves open the possibility of non-mathematical objects also.
Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis 259
mathematical intermediates as such. In no dialogue does Plato employ the terms
attributed to him by Aristotle, of 'ideal numbers', 'mathematical numbers',
'intermediates' , or 'objects of mathematics' .665
2) In no dialogue does Plato unequivocally postulate the ideal instances of geometrical
ideas as distinguished from the Forms.
These objections however, are not conclusive. A doctrine of mathematical
intermediates may be perhaps derived from the dialogues, given the following
1) In the Republic
and Philebus,668 Plato speaks of arithmoi (numbers) that are
collections of indivisible units.
2) In the Phaedo
, Plato speaks of Forms of numbers as being partless, indivisible
665 See, Boyle, "Plato's Divided Line: Essay I the Problem of Dianoia", p. 4; Also, Wedberg, Plato's
Philosophy of Mathematics, p. 12. Wedberg, although acknowledging this point, nevertheless considers
Plato to have maintained a doctrine of mathematical intermediates.
666 See,Wedberg, Plato's Philosophy of Mathematics, p. 12. Once again, Wedberg notes this point whilst
still upholding a doctrine of mathematical intermediates in Plato's philosophy.
667 Plato, Republic, 525c - 526a, 'Moreover, it strikes me, now that it has been mentioned, how
sophisticated the subject of calculation is and in how many ways it is useful for our purposes, provided that
one practices it for the sake of knowing rather than trading .... It leads the soul forcibly upward and compels
it to discuss the numbers [arithmOlJ themselves, never permitting anyone to propose for discussion numbers
[arithmoi] attached to visible or tangible bodies. You know what those who are clever in these matters are
like: If, in the course of the argument, someone tries to divide the one itself, they laugh and won't permit it.
If you divide it, they multiply it, taking care that one thing never be found to be many parts rather than one .
... what do you think would happen, Glaucon, if someone were to ask them: 'What kind of numbers are
you talking about, in which the one is as you assume it to be, each one equal to every other, without the
least difference and containing no internal parts?" I think they'd answer that they are talking about those
numbers that can be grasped only in thought and can't be dealt with in any other way.' Grube translation
(rev. Reeve, from the Cooper ed.)
668 Plato, Philebus, 56, 'Don't we have to agree, first, that the arithmetic of the many is one thing, and the
philosophers' arithmetic is quite another?
'How could one distinguish these two kinds of arithmetic?
The difference is by no means small, Protarchus. First there are those who compute sums of quite unequal
units, such as two armies or two herds of cattle, regardless whether they are tiny or huge. But then there are
the others who would not follow their example, unless it were guaranteed that none of those infinitely many
units differed in the least from any of the others.' Frede translation (from the Cooper ed.)
669 Plato, Phaedo, 101c, 'And you would loudly exclaim that you do not know how else each thing can
come to be except by sharing in the particular reality in which it shares, and in these cases you do not know
of any other cause of becoming two except by sharing in Twoness, and that the things that are to be two
must share in this, as that which is to be one must share in Oneness, and you would dismiss these additions
and divisions and other such subtleties, and leave them to those wiser than yourself to answer.' Grube
translation (from the Cooper ed.)
260 Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis
3) Likewise, in the Phaedo,670 Plato speaks of all Forms as being partless, indivisible
4) Therefore, the sorts of arithmoi (numbers) that are collections of pure units must be
different kinds of intelligible objects to those Forms of numbers which are partless,
indivisible unities.
This suggests to us, that implicit within the dialogues themselves, may be a
distinction between mathematical-numbers (which can be divided into their composite
units), and Forms-of-numbers (which are indivisible). Both would be objects of
intellection, not objects of sense experience.
The objection was noted above that Plato does not adopt the term 'mathematical
intermediates' within the dialogues. To this we may suggest the following two responses.
Firstly, as I have just outlined, Plato need not have specifically used the terminology of
mathematical intermediates in order for the concept nevertheless to be clearly implicit in
the dialogues. Secondly, the testimony of Aristotle need not be referring to the written
dialogues. Aristotle may very well have been reporting on the unwritten doctrines, the
oral teachings, of Plato, as he does on many other occasions.
In light of these two considerations, I think it would be pertinent to conclude that it
IS at least possible, if not rather likely, that Plato did teach a doctrine of mathematical
670 Plato, Phaedo, 78c-d, 'Then those things which always remain uniform and invariable are most likely to
be uncompounded ... What of reality itself, whose being we gave account of in questioning and answering?
Is it always uniform and immutable, or does it suffer change? Equality itself, beauty itself, what each thing
is by itself, reality - do these admit of any change whatever? Or does each thing which is just itself and no
more, being uniform when considered by itself alone, remain constantly the same, admitting nowhere of
any change whatever? It must .remain unifonn, Socrates, said Cebes, and immutable.' Woodhead
671 For a list of such references to Aristotle's reports on Plato's unwritten doctrines, see, Kramer, Plato and
the Foundations of Metaphysics, Appendix 3, pp. 203-217. Chemiss, of course, in rejecting Aristotle as a
reliable witness to Plato's philosophy, argued that Aristotle's testimony about Platonic mathematical
intermediates should be rejected outright. See, Chemiss, H. The Riddle of the Early Academy, pp. 75-78.
He states, p. 35, 'It has been proved over and over again that Plato does not anywhere in his writings
recognise mathematical numbers and figures as entities separate from sensibles on the one hand and ideas
on the other.' For a criticism of Chemiss' method however, see, Kramer, Plato and the Foundations of
Metaphysics, pp. 34-38. Gulley, on the other hand, interprets a further comment by Aristotle, as implying
that, 'the doctrine of "intermediate" mathematical objects, as well as the doctrine that Forms are numbers,
is a late and not an original feature of Plato' s metaphysical theory.' See, Gulley, Norman, Plato's Theory of
Knowledge, p. 199, footnote 21. The Aristotelian statement in question is, Aristotle, Metaphysics, 1078b9-
12, 'Now, regarding the Ideas, we must fIrst examine the ideal theory by itself, not connecting it in any way
Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis 261
intermediates, even if such a doctrine is not contained in the analogy of the Divided Line
7.6 Liberation from the Cave: Republic
Perhaps the most well known passage in the Platonic dialogues is the Cave, in
Republic 514a 519b. The Cave of course, is not so much a myth, as in fact an allegory.
The Cave bears important similarities to the ascent to beauty of the Symposium. For the
Cave, also, represents an ascent story, the ascent of the prisoner, bound in chains and
darkness, upwards through to the light of day in the world outside the cave.
The allegory contains two regions, just as with the Divided Line. There exists the
region of the cave itself, and the region above and out of the cave. Given the Divided
Line's two-fold division we might expect the Cave allegory to operate on a similar basis.
Indeed, this is what we find in Plato's own explanation.
This image then, dear Glaucon, we must apply as a whole to all that has been said,
likening the region revealed through sight to the habitation of the prison, and the
light of the fire in it to the power of the sun. And if you assume that the ascent and
the contemplation of the things above is the soul's ascension to the intelligible
region, you will not miss my surmise ...
So the cave region represents the region of the visible, and outside the cave is the
region of the intelligible. Thus far it is a straightforward procedure to map the Divided
Line and the Cave together. However, when we come to mapping together the various
sub-regions of the Divided Line it is not quite so straightforward. Indeed, I suggest that it
would be wrongheaded to search for a direct mapping in this regard. For example, the
Cave allegory has the sun represent the Good. Yet the Divided Line does not specifically
deal with the place and role of the Good.
Rather than pursue an exact one-fo-one match
of the allegorical elements in the two regions, I suggest we merely acknowledge the
parallel of the two regions. We should appreciate the two allegories in their own right, as
each speaking in their own unique way about the same philosophical situation. This
with the nature of numbers, but treating it in the fonn in which it was originally understood by those who
first maintained the existence of Ideas.'
672 Plato, Republic, S17a-b.
673 At least, not under the interpretation I have proposed.
262 Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis
perhaps is also the fairest way of treating allegories - i.e. as allegories, and not as
formulae that can be isomorphically matched in any rigorous fashion.
What primarily interests us with regard to the Cave allegory, is the place that the
mathematical sciences occupy in the allegory. In the text itself Plato remains silent
regarding this. Yet, on the basis of the above argument I have raised, about the role of
mathematics as an initial katharsis to apprehend true Being, I believe we can interpolate
where mathematics belongs in the Cave allegory.
Given that the region of the cave is the visible region (the lower region in the
Divided Line), and that mathematical study is located in the upper intelligible region of
the Divided Line, then we know that mathematics cannot be located in the cave itself.
Above and outside the cave is the region of Being, where there are real men, the heavens
with the moon (i.e. the Forms), all having their source in the one sun (i.e. the Good). This
is where the soul must ascend to, as indicated in the Symposium.
I propose then, that mathematics is what drags us out of the cave into the upper
world. Mathematics forms the upward path of ascent, from the dark world of the cave, to
the illuminated world of true Being.
Plato has Socrates speak of this process in the following way,
And if, said I, someone should drag him thence by force up the ascent which is
rough and steep, and not let him go before he had drawn him out into the light of the
sun ... 674
Mathematics is that instructor that must drag us up, and out of the cave, into the pure
world illuminated by the Good.
It is the shock of this sudden exposure to the sun's light (the Good), which allows
the soul to initially only make out,
The shadows and, after that, the likenesses or reflections in water of men and other
things ... 675
In other words, the training of the mathematical ascent at first only allows one to see the
real things (true Being - the Forms) as if images in pools of water. Only after a certain
674 Plato, Republic, 515e.
675 Plato, Republic, 516a.
Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis 263
period of time is the soul acclimatised under the illumination of the sun, thence to
... the things themselves, and from these he would go on to contemplate the
appearances in the heavens and heaven itself, more easily by night, looking at the
light of the stars and the moon ... 676
This comports well with the description of the mathematical sciences with regard to the
education syllabus. There Plato has Socrates state,
This, at any rate, said I, no one will maintain in dispute against us, that there is any
other way of inquiry that attempts systematically and in all cases to determine what
each thing really is [i.e. dialectic or philosophy itselfJ. But all the other arts have for
their object the opinions and desires of men or are wholly concerned with generation
and composition or with the service and tendance of the things that grow and are put
together, while the remnant which we said did in some sort lay hold on reality -
geometry and the studies that accompany it - are, as we see, dreaming about
. 677
emg ...
As we gaze upon the images in the water, in the world of the intelligible, we are in
a sense daydreaming. We dream and imagine Being in itself, which when we fully
awaken, and arouse reason within us, we may see unhindered, revealed to us by the glory
of the sun - that Good beyond Being.
7.7 The Macrocosm - Microcosm Mediation
In the Republic, Plato suggests to us one application of the macrocosm - microcosm
theme. In the discussion with Adimantus concerning justice, Plato has Socrates indicate
that rather than merely attempting to discern justice in the individual soul, it would be
easier if they first examined justice writ large, in the state.
The inquiry we are undertaking is no easy one but calls for keen vision, as it seems
to me. So, since we are not clever persons, I think we should employ the method of
search that we should use if we, with not very keen vision, were bidden to read small
letters from a distance, and then someone had observed that these same letters exist
elsewhere larger and on a larger surface. We should have accounted it a godsend, I
fancy, to be allowed to read those letters first, and then examine the smaller, if they
are the same.
Quite so, said Adimantus, but what analogy to this do you detect in the inquiry about
676 Plato, Republic, 516a-b.
677 Plato, Republic, 533b-c.
264 Chapter Seven: Mathematical Katharsis
I will tell you, I said. There is a justice of one man, we say, and, I suppose, also of an
entire city?
Assuredly, said he.
Is not the city larger than the man?
It is larger, he said.
Then, perhaps, there would be more justice in the larger object, and more easy to
apprehend. If it please you, then, let us first look for its quality in the states, and then
only examine it also in the individual, looking for the likeness of the greater in the
form of the less.
I think that is a good suggestion, he said.
Here, in other words, Socrates declares that the state is a macrocosm of the soul, or
respectively, that the soul is a microcosm of the state. They both enter into the
macrocosm - microcosm relationship, with respect to the pivotal notion of justice.
In this chapter, along with Chapter Six, I have suggested a similar idea with regard
to the Being - Becoming relationship. I argued in Chapters Three and Four, that this was
a philosophical transformation of the Greek Apollonian - Dionysian dual religiosity. Just
as the Orphics attempted to synthesise this duality, similarly Plato endeavours to
synthesise Being and Becoming. But this synthesis, I propose, Plato explicates in terms of
the macrocosm - microcosm framework.
At the macrocosmic level, mathematics functions as a medium, ontologically
bridging the gap between cosmic Being and Becoming. This is complemented at the level
of the individual soul, in that it functions as the microcosmic focal point. I have here
argued that it is through mathematics that Plato bridges the epistemological gap between
our opinion concerning Becoming and our knowledge concerning Being.
678 Plato, Republic, 368c - 369a.
Chapter Eight:
This is the end of the matter; all hath been heard.
Ecclesiastes, 12:13a (ASV)
266 Chapter Eight: Epilogue
8.1 The Platonic Vision
In this thesis I have interpreted Plato within the Orphic-mythical context of ancient
Greece. I do not mean to imply, however, that Plato means little except in his own
context, or is thus without relevance to our own contemporary situation. In fact quite the
reverse of this is the case. Plato was pioneering, in his own day, what would become the
starting point of western rationalism, and western philosophy. He championed, and firmly
established, the fundamental significance of abstract theoretical thought within our
western way of life.
Plato played a key role in the intellectual shift away from thinking in the concrete,
historically contingent, time-bound terms of actors making actions (i.e. the Homeric way
of life). He stressed the ideal of purifying oneself from the attachment to Becoming, the
attachment to what is fleeting and changing in one's experience, and to focus instead on
Being, on the timeless Forms. Only these, he maintained, can provide a rational
coherence to our experience. This represents the new use of language, the new use of
thought, and indeed new worldview, that was first pioneered by the Presocratic
philosophers, as discussed in Chapter Two.
The path that this new way of life, this new enterprise of philosophy, took within
the western tradition subsequent to Plato, is in some sense a continuation of his
pioneering vision. The exact nature of such disciplines as metaphysics, epistemology, and
ethics, have of course radically evolved from Plato's own particular conception.
Nevertheless, all these disciplines owe a primary debt to Plato's own inspired efforts at
theoretical, rational, systemisation. He stood, both in terms of chronology and in terms of
genius, at the very foundation of the western philosophical way of life. He championed
the initial visionary direction from which western philosophy then proceeded to steer its
This is not to suggest that the system of Platonism is the sine qua non of rational
discourse today. It is not so much the sort of answer that Plato declared which is
important, but rather the whole enterprise of asking theoretical questions itself. Even for
those who would resolutely reject the Platonic system, the radical indebtedness to Plato's
Chapter Eight: Epilogue 267
initial vision is still apparent. Richard Rorty encapsulates this well, where he concludes
regarding his own (post-modern) position concerning the enterprise of philosophy today:
... the point of edifying philosophy is to keep the conversation going rather than to
find objective truth ... The fact that we can continue the conversation Plato began
without discussing the topics Plato wanted discussed, illustrates the difference
between treating philosophy as a choice in a conversation and treating it as a subject,
a Fach, a field of professional inquiry. The conversation Plato began has been
enlarged by more voices than Plato would have dreamed possible, and thus by topics
he knew nothing of. 679
It was this pioneering inspiration of Plato, towards a theoretical vision of the world,
that still speaks in whatever subsequent cultural and historical context it now finds itself.
8.2 Plato and Myth
Having located Plato, then, in the context of an Orphic-philosophical religiosity, I
need now to make some final comments regarding the legitimate place of myth within the
Platonic philosophy.
Platonic myth and allegory, I suggest, work as symbols that invite us to push on,
beyond and through them, into an understanding of what Plato saw as the necessary
features of rational cognition.
Plato prepares and summons us to reflect upon what it
means to be rational, what it means to involve oneself in theoretical cognition. Within the
rationalist worldview, above all, this means to develop that aspect of human cognition
that connects us to Being - namely, the faculty of theoretical thought itself - the
rational soul.
I propose that Plato offers us a philosophically transformed mythology. Plato is
very critical of the older oral-mythical way of life, embodied in the poets such as Homer
and Hesiod. He goes so far as to banish them from his ideal pOliS.
Yet, as I have
demonstrated in this thesis, he does himself speak mythically. But his myths are not the
679 Rorty, Richard, Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature, pp. 377, 391.
680 A symbolic understanding of the nature of myth has been argued, most particularly, by Ernst Cassirer.
He developed an eclectic, Kantian, approach to myth, in which myth functions as a 'symbolic form' of
expression alongside language, and science. The contrast is between a pure expression, or an image world,
to the derivative experience, or factual world of experience. See, Cassirer, Ernst, An Essay on Man;
Language and Myth; The philosophy of Symbolic Forms, vol.2: "Mythical Thought". See also the
discussion in, Kirk, G.S. The Nature of Greek Myths, pp. 79-86.
268 Chapter Eight: Epilogue
myths of Homer and Hesiod. Rather, they are the myths of the Orphic mystery religions.
The ritual of katharsis and the cosmic theogony are drawn, not from Homer, but from
Orpheus. In terms of the dramatic use of mythology then, Plato places himself in the
Orphic tradition, and remains strongly opposed to the Homeric and Hesiodic tradition.
But why is this the case? Why should Plato make use of these Orphic-style myths? The
reason I suggest is two-fold.
Firstly, historically Plato himself stands in a cultural tradition that has its roots in
Pythagoreanism and Orphism. Secondly, philosophically Plato employs the Orphic myths
by retelling them in a new context, in order to speak concerning Becoming,682 and in
order to communicate by means of a written discourse.
We must bear in mind that Plato is situated on the borderlands between the older
oral-mythical way of life, and the newly arisen literate-philosophical way of life. He
champions this new cultural form from his vantage point at its inception. Today, we who
live in the west at the former half of the 21 st century, have inherited almost two and a half
thousand years of cultural development within this literate-philosophical way of life
championed by Plato. In part, our problem is about linguistic forms. Why, we might
inquire, did Plato not compose his dialogues ina prosaic, non-mythical form? Why did he
not clearly and systematically set out the elements of his philosophical system in his
dialogues, as most later great philosophical systematisers of the west have done in their
writings?683 The answer to this, I believe, is also two-fold.
Firstly, as I argued in Chapter Two, the linguistic tools that the newly arisen
literate-philosophical worldview needed in order to express the cognitive categories of
abstract timeless essences, were only then in the early stages of development. Plato
himself does not endeavour to create an exhaustive technical vocabulary. By and large he
relies upon the terminological innovations of the Presocratics. His own terminology is
very fluid. Consider the variety of expressions he employs for one of his key concepts,
681 Plato, Republic, 398a, 568b, 595, 605b, 607a.
682 See my argument regarding this point in Chapter Six.
683 Certainly, there are important exceptions to this general trend in western philosophy. Aside from the
dialogues (mimicking the Platonic style it would seem) occasionally employed by Hume and Berkeley for
example, many Existentialist thinkers, in particular, have purposely written in a more storied, or poetic
form, in direct contrast to the western trend of rational systematising.
Chapter Eight: Epilogue 269
the relationship between a sensible and a Form. In the Republic alone we have: agalma
(image of - 517d), apeikazein (to liken oneself to - 511a), aphomoioun (made like-
500c, 517b), apodidonai (to reproduce in - 421c), blepein (to look towards - 421b,
500b, 515d-e, 529b-c), dokounta (semblance of - 505d), eidolon (image of - 516a,
520c, 534c, 598b-599a), eikon (a semblance of- 402c, 51Ob-511a, 517a-d), eoikenai (to
be likened to - 488a, 51Oa-d, 515a), epeigein (to drive towards - 517c), homoios
(similar to - 435b, 472d, 506e, 585c, 613b), homoiotes (likeness - 369a, 401d),
homoioun (likening to - 498e, 510a, 613b), homoioma (a likeness of - 454c),
mimeisthai (to imitate - 500c, 598b, 599a, 602a-c), mimema (an imitation - 382b,
599b), mimesis (imitation - 598b, 602b), oios (like - 472b-473a, 484c, 597a, 601d),
paradeigma (a pattern for - 409b-d, 472c-e, 500e, 540a, 617d-618a), phantazetai (to be
a simulacrum of - 5 lOa, 516b, 532c, 599a), proschresthai (to approach in likeness to-
505a, 51Od), proseoikenai (to resemble - 430a), stochazomai (to shoot at - 462a),
tupos (pattern for - 443c, 559a).684 Such a range of terminology suggests that rather than
pinning down a single key term, Plato instead paints a broad landscape of semantic
meaning for us. This is a marked contrast to Aristotle, who developed quite a
sophisticated technical vocabulary, one that remained a standard throughout much of
medieval and early modem philosophy. Today we possess a finely honed rational
philosophical vocabulary at our fingertips, and an academic community ready and willing
to understand what we say using this vocabulary. Such was not the case for Plato. It
would be grossly anachronistic to expect him to express himself as an enlightenment
philosopher, or even as an Aristotle writing only a generation later.
Plato would have good reason to resort to the images and language which were then
available to him, and which he could philosophically subvert whilst still remaining
intelligible to his audience.
Secondly, it is likely that Plato reserved an oral dialectical philosophy for his
students, over and above the written dialogues we now possess.
684 lowe this seemingly exhaustive list to Tom Bestor, in his Study Guide on Plato's 'Two Worlds'
Dialogues, p. 45.
270 Chapter Eight: Epilogue
We know in the case of Aristotle, that he wrote works both for the general public
(his so called exoteric works) and for his philosophical students (the so called esoteric
works).685 Through the vicissitudes of history, by and large only his esoteric works have
survived for us today.686 What we do know of his exoteric works, however, indicates that
they were often cast in dialogue form, similar perhaps to Plato. A precedent for such an
exoteric - esoteric framework, then, clearly exists within one of Plato's own younger
Further to this, however, are the ancient reports on the unwritten doctrines of
As I noted in Chapters Two and Six, the Tiibingen school of Platonic
interpretation, argues that Plato purposely maintained a more direct oral dialectical
philosophy, due to what he saw as the philosophical limitations of a written discourse
(Phaedrus 274 - 278).688
It is most likely, then, that Plato reserved some clearer and non-allegoric esoteric
teaching for his disciples at the academy, to which the general (philosophically
uninitiated) public were not usually privy.689
Indeed, Plato hints at such in the Republic, where Glaucon presses Socrates to
explain further the nature of dialectic or philosophy, that discipline which one can only
really undertake after the initial katharsis of the mathematical sciences.
[Glaucon:J Tell me, then, what is the nature of this faculty of dialectic? Into what
divisions does it fall? And what are its ways? For it is these, it seems, that would
bring us to the place where we may, so to speak, rest on the road and then come to
the end of our journeying.
685 This division of the Aristotelian corpus is based upon the testimony of Aulus Gellius, Noctes atticae
[Attic Nights], XX:5. Gellius was a Roman writer and lawyer, who flourished in the 2
c. AD. He speaks
of the exoteric writings (intended for the general public) and the acroatic writings (intended for those
versed in the phraseology and modes of thought of the peripatetic school) of Aristotle. See also, Augustine,
Contra Academicus, for an ancient historiography of the Academy using the exoteric - esoteric framework.
686 Strabo (c. 63 Be - AD 24) Geographia, XIII: 1:54, recounts the details of how the library of Aristotle's
works was passed on through various hands. Plutarch (c. AD 45 125), Sulla 26, recounts the same story,
with a few additional details.
687 For a list of these ancient reports regarding Plato's unwritten doctrines, see, Kramer, Plato and the
Foundations of Metaphysics, appendix 3, pp. 203-217.
688 See, for example, Kramer, Plato and the Foundations of Metaphysics; Also, Szlezak, Reading Plato.
689 Some have even argued that Plato's purpose was in fact never to express himself in a direct telling, but
rather only ever to communicate indirectly as an artist. See, Sharp, S. Platonic Love and the One
Unforgivable Sin. The interpretation of the Tilbingen school, however, would appear to reject this way of
reading Plato (i.e. that he was always an indirect communicator) as a later, Schleiermacher inspired,
innovation. See, Kramer, Plato and the Foundations of Metaphysics, pp. 3-74.
Chapter Eight: Epilogue
[Socrates:] You will not be able, dear Glaucon, to follow me further, though on my
part there will be no lack of good will. And, if I could, I would show you, no longer
an image and symbol of my meaning, but the very truth, as it appears to me ... And
may we not also declare that nothing less than the power of dialectic could reveal
this, and that only to one experienced in the studies we have described, and that the
.. h' 'bl ?690
t Illg IS III no ot er WIse POSSI e.
Plato here suggests that a full and complete understanding of what philosophy can reveal
to us is simply not possible, unless we have purified ourselves through mathematics, and
taken upon ourselves the pure discipline of philosophy.
It is likely then, that Plato wrote in a mythic, symbolic, or allegorical fashion in his
dialogues, as these may have been potentially read by those who were not fully purified
and prepared for the esoteric dialectic ofthe academy.
Plato, I suggest, employs Orphic-style mythology, and allegory, in order to
communicate his philosophy to a philosophically uninitiated (i.e. non-purified) reading
audience. This comports well with his description of mathematical katharsis as an
initiation. Only those who have actually been ritually (i.e. mathematically) cleansed may
receive the unveiled revelation of dialectic philosophy.
This perspective may encourage us to read Plato, in his eschatological myths, as
being concerned not so much with an afterlife per se, but rather as adopting and
transforming these Orphic mythologies in order to communicate symbolically a concern
that is epistemological, instead of eschatological. If this were the case, then the ideal of a
comprehensive and exhaustive rational systematicity would be his ultimate focus. For
humans this is only a postulated ideal, the Divine nous (mind). It speaks of something
beyond, or transcendent of the finite human condition. This drives Plato to the language
of the Orphic myths, specifically those concerning the afterlife, where humans are
translated to the Divine. This rational ideal could only be effectively communicated by
breaking down the subject - object differentiation, i.e. by uniting with the Divine mind
(i.e. exhaustive rational systematicity).
The dialogue Meno bears out the interpretation that, for Plato, exhaustive rational
systematicity functions as a prior ideal to embodied human understanding or
intelligibility. Meno proposes an epistemic paradox to Socrates, 'that a man cannot try to
690 Plato, Republic, 532d - 533a.
272 Chapter Eight: Epilogue
discover either what he knows or what he does not know?,691 In response to this Plato
develops his theory of Recollection, discussed previously in Chapter Two. This theory is
also told in terms of an Orphic style myth. The soul had its origin from the world of the
Forms. There it possessed exhaustive rational comprehension. What appears to be
learning is really only a process of recollecting what was already known.
Plato has Socrates specifically refer to the 'truths of religion', to 'priests and
prophetesses', and to Pindar, in order to account for his theory of recollection. Through
all of these authorities, Orpheus looms large in the background. He states,
I have heard from men and women who understand the truths of religion ... Those
who tell it are priests and prophetesses ... Pindar speaks of it too, and many another
of the poets who are divinely inspired ... They say that the soul of man is immortal.
At one time it comes to an end - that which is called death and at another born
again, but is never finally exterminated.
Plato then has Socrates even continue by quoting Pindar.
Plato couches this Orphic mythical understanding in the etymology of the Greek
term for truth - 'aA Tj9Ef a alithia'. 'Alithia'. is a compound of the prefix a- which is
a negation, and the term lethe which means forgetfulness. 'Alethia' then, literally means
not forgetting, or an unforgetting. Lethe, mythically, was the name of the river that
flowed through Hades. Souls of the dead were required to drink from this in order to
forget their earthly lives, prior to being reincarnated. Plato explicitly refers to this in the
Orphic Myth of Er in the Republic .
... they all [i.e. all the souls] jonrneyed to the Plain of Oblivion, through a terrible
and stifling heat, for it was bare of trees and all plants, and there they camped at
eventide by the river of Forgetfulness, whose waters no vessel can contain. They
were all required to drink a measure of the water, and those who were not saved by
their good sense drank more than their measure, and each one as he drank forgot all
691 Plato, Meno, 80e.
692 Plato, Meno, 81a-b.
693 The quotation is from Pindar, Dirges, frag. 133, 'But as for those from whom Persephone shall exact the
penalty of the primal woe, in the ninth year she gives up again their souls to the sunlight in the world
above. From these come noble knights and men swift in strength and highest in wisdom, and for all time to
come men call them pure heroes.' In, Comford. Greek Religious Thought. p. 64.
694 Plato, Republic, 621a. Uthe is also mentioned in, Pausanius 9.39.8; Virgil, Aeneid 6.703-715; Ovid,
Metamorphoses 11.602-604.
Chapter Eight: Epilogue 273
Knowing what is true (alethia) for Plato, is therefore unequivocally based on the
Orphic myth of lethe. To know truth we must recollect, or un/orget (a-lethe), and realise
that we have always known.
This story may also be brought into connection with the Phaedo. It is because of the
postulated ideal of an exhaustive rational systematicity as the Divine, that the finite
efforts at human understanding have a context in which to be intelHgible. It is not so
much that the soul has been incarnated, but rather that the soul can only rationally
operate in a context of Being (i.e. timeless abstract categories of cognition). The soul is
epistemically corrupted by the incarnate sense experience of actors making actions, which
amounts to the oral-mythical (i.e. Homeric) way of life.
Furthermore, Plato constantly issues guarded comments regarding how his myths
should be taken. Mter the extended story of the afterlife in the Phaedo, Plato has Socrates
Of course, no reasonable man ought to insist that the facts are exactly as I have
described them. But that either this or something very like it is a true account of our
souls and their futnre habitations - since we have clear evidence that the soul is
immortal this, I think, is both a reasonable contention and a belief worth risking,
for the risk is a noble one. We should use such accounts to inspire ourselves with
confidence, and that is why I have already drawn out my tale so 10ng.
Here, on one hand, Plato fully allows that a reasonable man may bring doubt to the myth
he has told. Yet, on the other hand, he wants to allow that 'something very like it' is a
true account. But to what end? In what way is this true account claim qualified? It is by
its use to bring confidence when facing death that this myth speaks to us. The myth
functions primarily within the dramatic context of the dialogue. As Socrates calmly696
faced his own death, he could do so with confidence, knowing that this was the crowning
achievement of his philosophical life. He would now be finally purged of all the
distractions that the body brings, and be able to undertake a purely intellectual beatific
vision of Being in itself.
695 Plato, Phaedo, 114d.
696 Plato portrays Socrates as facing his death both calmly and rationally, not inflamed by what he would
consider the lesser and baser emotional parts of the soul.
274 Chapter Eight: Epilogue
This eschatological myth fits into the larger Socratic mythology of Plato, told in the
Phaedo. Socrates, the philosophical hero, was intended to be harmed by the Athenian
polis when they put him to death. But paradoxically, the tables were turned in that his
death functioned as the telos or fulfilment of his philosophical quest. The afterlife myth
helps explain part of this larger Socratic hero mythology.
In the dialogue Euthyphro, Socrates reacts negatively to elements of the traditional
Olympic mythology told to him by Euthyphro,
There, Euthyphro, you have the reason why the charge is brought against me [i.e. the
charge of impiety]. It is because, whenever people tell such stories about the gods, I
am prone to take it ill, and, so it seems, that is why they will maintain that I am
sinful. 697
Yet in Gorgias, Socrates expounds various elements of the traditional Olympic
mythology. Ostensibly he speaks of them in very glowing terms,
Give ear then, as they say, to a very fine story, which you, I suppose, will consider
fiction, but I consider fact, for what I am going to tell you I shall recount as the
actual truth. As Homer says ... [Socrates goes on to tell the myth]
This is what I have heard, Callicles, and I believe it to be true ... 698
Not only does Plato have Socrates appear to provide strong credence to the traditional
Olympic mythology, but he actually has Socrates appeal authoritatively to Homer! Given
the strong indictment against Homer and the traditional poets in the Republic, as
previously noted, how is it that Plato has Socrates seem to appeal approvingly to them
I suggest that we should interpret Plato's intention here in the Gorgias as ironic.
Dramatically, Socrates is debating some arch-sophists such as Callicles and Gorgias.
They, no doubt, would be equally dismissive of the traditional Homeric mythology as
Plato is in the Republic, but for different reasons. Plato has Socrates argue to these
sophists that their own accounts of how we should live are actually no better than these
Homeric myths. In fact they are far worse. Plato then, is making a critical insult of the
sophistic ethic. Compared to Homer (who is bad enough according to the Republic), these
sophists, ironically, make Homer look good! Plato has Socrates state,
697 Plato, Euthyphro, 6a.
698 Plato, Gorgias, 523a, 524a.
Chapter Eight: Epilogue
Now perhaps all this seems to you like an old wife's tale and you despise it, and
there would be nothing strange in despising it if our searches could discover
anywhere a better and truer account, but as it is you see that you three, who are the
wisest Greeks of the day, you and Polus and Gorgias, cannot demonstrate that we
should live any other life than this, which is plainly of benefit also in the other
Here we discover a prime example of the harsh attack of Socratic irony. Socrates alone is
wise, because he knows that he is ignorant. These sophists, who boast of being the wisest
men in Greece, cannot offer an ethic any better than Homer.
The Homeric myth, and Homeric way of life, are in fact rejected by Plato. In their
place, he offers his own Orphic-philosophical way of life as the means to true wisdom.
We see then, that not only may Plato's philosophical system itself be viewed as a
grand philosophical transformation of Orphic religiosity, but also, Plato purposely
adopted a mythic framework in which to cast his Orphic-philosophy, in order to
communicate via a written discourse to a potentially philosophically uninitiated
8.3 Concluding Remarks
In this thesis, I have argued that the advent of both literacy and Orphism provided a
significant integral influence upon the role that mathematics played within Plato's own
philosophy. The themes of macrocosm (the cosmos) and microcosm (the soul), so
consequential in later Neoplatonic thought, are already anticipated here in Plato. But it
was upon the basis of Orphic mythology that Plato developed these themes. Mathematics
acts as the medium that bridges the gap between Being and Becoming, both ontologically
for the cosmos itself (macrocosm), and epistemological1y for the soul (microcosm). At
the macrocosmic level, it is through geometric forms that Being is imaged into the world
of Becoming. At the microcosmic level, the epistemological gap that the soul faces,
between its opinion concerning Becoming, and its knowledge concerning Being, is
mediated through the understanding of the mathematical sciences.
699 Plato, Gorgias, 527a.
276 Chapter Eight: Epilogue
Plato did not merely uncritically adopt Orphism however. Rather, he
philosophically transformed the Orphic myth and religiosity through the ideal of rational
theoretical thought. The synthesis of Being and Becoming, undertaken by Plato, was
itself a philosophical transformation of the Orphic religious synthesis between Apollo and
Dionysus. The Orphic views regarding anthropology, eschatology, and theogony, were all
adopted and transformed by Plato.
As I already noted in Chapter One, classical Greek scholarship of the 19
generally recognised, and gave due weight, to the influence of Orphism upon Plato. The
critical trend within early 20
century scholarship, however, was to downplay, if not
radically deny, any significant Orphic movement within the archaic and early classical
periods of Greek history. As such, Orphism has today often been neglected as a context in
which to understand Plato. Contemporary Platonic scholarship predominantly only ever
considers Plato's treatment of mathematics within the context of his overarching
metaphysics. It therefore ignores this pivotal Orphic religious context for Platonic
mathematics. By locating Plato within this Orphic framework we recover a richer, wider,
and more faithful interpretive framework for Platonic scholarship, and most significantly
with regards to Plato's treatment of mathematics itself.
By looking back to Plato, we are able to learn much relating to both theoretical
thought, and theoretical mathematics. This thesis, I hope, has contributed in its own
unique way to the already significant and growing field of historical research concerning
the role of mathematics within the philosophy of Plato.
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