Doppler Ultrasound in The Assessment of Suspected Intra-Uterine Growth Restriction AL Qahtani N - Ann Afr Med

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Doppler ultrasound in the assessment of suspected intra-uterine growth restriction AL Qahtani N - Ann Afr Med

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AL Qahtani N

Year : 2011 | Volume : 10 | Issue : 4 | Page : 266-271

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Doppler ultrasound in the assessment of suspected intra-uterine growth restriction
Doppler ultrasound
growth restriction

N AL Qahtani
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, King Fahad University Hospital, University of Dammam, Saudi Arabia
Date of Web Publication


Correspondence Address:
N AL Qahtani
7356 An Narjas, Dammam-32222-4669
Saudi Arabia

DOI: 10.4103/1596-3519.87041
PMID: 22064251

Small fetuses constitute a large heterogenous group that includes healthy small fetuses, chromosomally abnormal fetuses and
fetuses suffering from utero-placental insufficiency leading to restriction in fetal growth. This review outlines the diagnosis of intrauterine growth restriction and describes how to differentiate this group from the group of healthy small fetuses. This is very crucial
in the management of small fetuses in order to avoid unnecessary intervention in the healthy group, as well as avoid stillbirth and
neonatal mortality and morbidity.
Abstract in French
Petits foetus constituent un grand groupe htrogne qui comprend ftus petits sains, foetus chromosomique anormales et foetus
souffrant d'insuffisance utro-placentaire menant la restriction de la croissance du foetus. Cette revue dcrit le diagnostic de la
restriction de croissance intra-utrine et dcrit comment diffrencier ce groupe le groupe des ftus petits sains. C'est trs
important dans la gestion des petits foetus afin d'viter une intervention inutile dans le groupe en sant, ainsi qu'viter la
mortinatalit et de morbidit et de mortalit nonatale.
Mots cls: L'chographie Doppler, foetus, une restriction de croissance, surveillance

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Keywords: Doppler ultrasound, fetus, growth restriction, monitoring;year=2011;volume=10;issue=4;spage=266;epage=271;aulast=AL#ref3



Doppler ultrasound in the assessment of suspected intra-uterine growth restriction AL Qahtani N - Ann Afr Med

How to cite this article:

AL Qahtani N. Doppler ultrasound in the assessment of suspected intra-uterine growth restriction. Ann Afr Med 2011;10:26671

Fetal Doppler Ultrasound

Normal Pulse Rate Chart
Baby Fetus Growth

How to cite this URL:

AL Qahtani N. Doppler ultrasound in the assessment of suspected intra-uterine growth restriction. Ann Afr Med [serial online]
2011 [cited 2014 Aug 5];10:266-71. Available from:


Small-for-gestational-age (SGA) fetuses are a heterogeneous group comprising fetuses that have failed to achieve their growth
potential intra-uterine growth restriction, (IUGR) and fetuses that are constitutionally small. Approximately 50% to 70% of fetuses
with birth weight below 10 th centile for gestational age are constitutionally small; [1] and the higher the centile for defining SGA,
the higher the likelihood of IUGR. It is very important to differentiate these types of SGA fetuses for two main reasons. First,
IUGR fetuses have a low growth-potential, as a result of genetic disease or environmental damage, or due to reduced placental
perfusion and 'utero-placental insufficiency'; and they are at increased risk of perinatal morbidity and mortality and will require
close feto-maternal monitoring and probably earlier intervention. Second, constitutionally small fetuses are perfectly healthy
fetuses, with no increased risk of perinatal death or morbidity, [2] and they need minimal monitoring and should receive routine
antenatal care, once they are recognized as healthy. In addition, IUGR fetuses have been shown to have increased adverse
outcome in adult life. They have increased prevalence of syndrome X, a condition associating obesity with hypertension and noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. [3] In this review, a brief discussion about the ultrasound diagnosis of suspected IUGR, and
thereafter about the use of Doppler ultrasound in the diagnosis of IUGR, will be presented, followed by a description of how to
differentiate this group from the group of constitutionally small healthy fetuses. Once an IUGR fetus is identified, the pregnancy
should be followed by more specialized persons for monitoring the status during the course of pregnancy and determining the
timing of delivery.

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Fetal hypoxia, oxygen deficiency in the tissues, of any cause leads to a conversion from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism, which
PRODUCES less energy and more acid. If the oxygen supply is not restored, the fetus dies. Hypoxia may result from:
1. reduced placental perfusion with maternal blood and consequent decrease in fetal arterial blood oxygen content due to low
pO 2 (hypoxemic hypoxia);
2. reduced arterial blood oxygen content due to low fetal hemoglobin concentration (anemic hypoxia); or
3. reduced blood flow to the fetal tissues (ischemic hypoxia).

In this review, only hypoxemic hypoxia will be discussed.

Diagnosis of Intra-Uterine Growth Restriction

Methods employed to detect SGA fetuses include abdominal palpation, measurement of symphyseal fundal height, ultrasound
biometry, ultrasound-estimated fetal weight and ultrasound Doppler flow velocimetry. All these methods, except Doppler flow
velocimetry, attempt to measure the fetal size and not fetal health. For all these measurements, an accurate estimation of gestation
is a prerequisite. Other important prognostic factors for SGA are maternal height, weight, ethnicity, parity and fetal gender.
Clinical estimation of fetal weight (EFW) is notoriously inaccurate, [3] and ultrasound biometry of the fetus is now the gold
standard for assessing fetal growth. Combination of biparietal diameter (BPD), abdominal circumference (AC), femoral length
(FL) and head circumference (HC) gives the highest accuracy. The Shepard and Aoki formulas are recommended for estimating
fetal weight. However, these formulas were validated over birth weights of 2,080 to 4,430 g, and therefore their use outside this
range may be inappropriate. The Hadlock formula may be more appropriate when the fetus is expected to be very small. [4]
When a small fetus is diagnosed, the risk of chromosomal defects should be assessed. Up to 19% of fetuses with AC and EFW
less than the fifth centile may have chromosomal defects. The risk is higher when growth restriction is associated with structural
abnormalities, a risk associated with normal uterine or umbilical artery Doppler. [5] Therefore, all growth-restricted fetuses need at
least an ultrasound anatomical survey. It may also be appropriate to offer karyotyping.
When a diagnosis of small fetus is made based on biometric measurements, the umbilical artery Doppler should be used as the
primary surveillance tool. This is the main diagnostic tool to differentiate a growth-restricted fetus from constitutionally small
healthy fetus. Symmetry of the fetal growth is only of value after 34 weeks; before that, all fetuses have relatively larger heads,
which will mask the brain-sparing effect. When an anomaly scan and umbilical artery Doppler are normal, the small fetus is likely
to be a "normal small fetus." A randomized controlled trial [6] of two regimens of fetal surveillance for SGA fetuses with normal
umbilical artery Doppler found that twice-weekly compared with fortnightly monitoring resulted in earlier deliveries and more
inductions of labor with no difference in neonatal morbidity. This suggests frequency of monitoring in SGA fetuses with normal
Doppler need not generally be more than once every fortnight.;year=2011;volume=10;issue=4;spage=266;epage=271;aulast=AL#ref3



Doppler ultrasound in the assessment of suspected intra-uterine growth restriction AL Qahtani N - Ann Afr Med

The biophysical profile has not been shown to improve perinatal outcome, but sufficient data do not exist to rule out its value.
There is evidence from uncontrolled observational studies that biophysical profile in high-risk women has good negative predictive
value, i.e., fetal death is rare in women with a normal biophysical profile. [7] Given the absence of its benefit, as indicated by
randomized trials, and that biophysical profile is a time-consuming test, it cannot be recommended for routine monitoring in lowrisk/unselected pregnancies or for primary surveillance in SGA fetuses. However, when primary surveillance with umbilical artery
Doppler is found to be abnormal, biophysical profile is likely to be useful, given its good negative predictive value in high-risk
populations. [7] This recommendation is further supported by the evidence that in high-risk women, the biophysical profile was
rarely abnormal when Doppler findings were normal. [8] A recent study showed, that in IUGR fetuses delivered at 32 weeks, the
integration of Doppler and neonatal outcome were statistically correlated with Biophysical profile (BPP). [8]
Use of cardiotocography (CTG) antepartum to assess fetal condition is not associated with better perinatal outcome; in fact, a
systematic review of randomized trials showed that there was a TREND towards increased mortality in the group receiving
CTG compared with those who did not. [9]

Doppler Studies in IUGR

Uterine artery
In pregnancies complicated by intrauterine growth restriction, impedance to flow in the uterine arteries is increased. Studies in
women with hypertensive disease of pregnancy have reported, that in those with increased impedance (increased resistance index
or the presence of an early diastolic notch), compared to hypertensive women with normal flow-velocity waveforms, there is a
higher incidence of preeclampsia, intrauterine growth restriction, emergency cesarean delivery, placental abruption, shorter
duration of pregnancy and poorer neonatal outcome. [10]
It has been shown, that in both high-risk and low-risk pregnancies, increased impedance to flow in the uterine arteries is
associated with increased risk of subsequent development of preeclampsia and IUGR. Increased impedance to flow in the uterine
artery identifies 30% of those that subsequently develop IUGR.
Almost every major artery and vein in the fetus has been studied in normal and growth-restricted fetuses. However, for practical
management of suspected IUGR, umbilical artery and middle cerebral artery will be discussed, and study of these blood vessels
will suffice for the diagnosis of IUGR in a fetus. Study of the fetal venous flow is important in the follow-up of fetuses with
confirmed preterm IUGR who should be referred to feto-maternal units for further assessment and follow-up.
Umbilical arteries
The umbilical artery was the first fetal vessel to be evaluated by Doppler velocimetry. Flow-velocity waveforms from the umbilical
artery have a characteristic saw-tooth appearance of arterial flow in one direction [Figure 1]. In suspected IUGR with normal
umbilical artery waveform with adequate growth over a period of 2 weeks, it can be assumed that the fetus is healthy and it is a
constitutionally small fetus. In terms of monitoring growth-restricted pregnancies, abnormal waveforms in the umbilical artery are
an early sign of fetal impairment. The median time interval between absence of end-diastolic frequencies and the onset of late
decelerations was 12 days (range, 0-49 days). [11]

Figure 1: Normal fl ow velocity waveforms from the umbilical artery

Click here to view

Pathological studies have demonstrated that increased impedance in the umbilical arteries becomes evident only when at least
60% of the placental vascular bed is obliterated. [12] Clinical studies of umbilical arterial flow-velocity waveforms in intrauterine
growth restriction have reported progressive increase in impedance to flow until absence and, in extreme cases, reversal of enddiastolic frequencies [13] [Figure 2] and [Figure 3]. The latter represents the extreme end of the spectrum.
Figure 2: Changes in the umbilical artery waveform in IUGR fetus showing increased
resistance index and pulsatility index
Click here to view

Figure 3: Changes in the umbilical artery waveform in IUGR fetus showing absent diastolic
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Doppler ultrasound in the assessment of suspected intra-uterine growth restriction AL Qahtani N - Ann Afr Med

Middle cerebral artery

With the color Doppler technique, it is possible to investigate the main cerebral arteries, such as the middle cerebral artery
(MCA), to evaluate the vascular resistances. A transverse view of the fetal brain is obtained at the level of the biparietal diameter.
The transducer is then moved towards the base of the skull at the level of the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone. Using color flow
imaging, the middle cerebral artery can be seen as a major lateral branch of the circle of Willis, running antero-laterally at the
borderline between the anterior and the middle cerebral fossae [Figure 4]. The pulsed Doppler sample gate is then placed on the
middle portion of this vessel to obtain flow-velocity waveforms. Due to the course of this blood vessel, it is almost always possible
to obtain an angle of insonation which is less than 10. During the studies, care should be taken to apply minimal pressure to the
maternal abdomen with the transducer, as fetal head compression is associated with alterations of intracranial arterial waveforms.
Figure 4: Normal middle cerebral artery waveform
Click here to view

Increased diastolic flow velocity in the middle cerebral artery reflects fetal compensation to the utero-placental insufficiency (brainsparing effect) [Figure 5]. In fetuses with IUGR, the TRENDS of the middle cerebral artery pulsatility index (MCA-PI) and
middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity (MCA-PSV) provide more clinical information than does one single measurement. A
high MCA-PSV predicts perinatal mortality better than a low MCA-PI. It has been proposed that MCA-PSV might be valuable
in the clinical assessment of IUGR fetuses that have abnormal umbilical artery (UA) Doppler. [14]
Figure 5: Increased diastolic flow in middle cerebral artery in IUGR fetus
Click here to view

Umbilical vein
In IUGR fetuses, changes in the venous circulation follow those of the arterial circulation. The earliest changes are usually in the
inferior vena cava and ductus venosus. These changes reflect preferential redistribution of the blood from the umbilical vein to the
ductus venosus to the heart and brain at the expense of the hepatic circulation. In severely compromised growth-restricted fetuses,
there is pulsatile flow in the umbilical vein. There are also changes in the myocardial function with decompensation.
Fetal venous studies are useful in monitoring IUGR fetuses. Normal findings suggest continuing fetal compensation, while abnormal
flow indicates decompensation. Chart 1 shows the sequence of changes in the maternal and fetal circulation in IUGR.;year=2011;volume=10;issue=4;spage=266;epage=271;aulast=AL#ref3



Doppler ultrasound in the assessment of suspected intra-uterine growth restriction AL Qahtani N - Ann Afr Med


A review of 12 randomized, controlled trials of Doppler ultrasonography of the umbilical artery in high-risk pregnancies reported
that, in the Doppler group, there was a significant reduction in the number of antenatal admissions [44%; 95% confidence interval
(CI), 28%-57%], induction of labor (20%; 95% CI, 10%-28%), and cesarean section for fetal distress (52%; 95% CI,
24%-69%) 37. Furthermore, the clinical action guided by Doppler ultrasonography reduced the odds of perinatal death by 38%
(95% CI, 15%-55%). Post hoc analyses revealed a statistically significant reduction in elective delivery, intra-partum fetal distress,
and hypoxic encephalopathy in the Doppler group. It was concluded that there is now compelling evidence that women with highrisk pregnancies, including preeclampsia and suspected intrauterine growth restriction, should be offered Doppler ultrasonographic
study of umbilical artery waveforms. [15]
The abnormalities in umbilical artery waveform will reflect early changes in the utero-placental circulation, and the changes in
middle cerebral artery will identify which fetus is compensating. The median time interval between absence of end-diastolic
frequencies and the onset of late decelerations was 12 days (range, 0-49 days). [16]
In the management of the preterm (before 33 weeks of gestation) growth-restricted fetus, there is uncertainty as to whether
iatrogenic delivery should be undertaken before the development of signs of severe hypoxemia, with a consequent risk of
prematurity-related neonatal complications; or whether delivery should be delayed, but with the risks of prolonged exposure to
hypoxia and malnutrition imposed by a hostile intrauterine environment. A growth-restricted fetus leading an ascetic existence from
chronic starvation during the late second or early third trimester is capable of tolerating chronic hypoxemia without damage for
much longer than a well-nourished late-third-trimester fetus with high energy consumption.
In the growth-restricted hypoxemic fetus, redistribution of well-oxygenated blood to vital organs, such as the brain, heart and
adrenals, represents a compensatory mechanism to prevent fetal damage. When the reserve capacities of the circulatory
redistribution reach their limits, fetal deterioration may occur rapidly. In clinical practice, it is necessary to carry out serial Doppler
examination to estimate the duration of fetal blood flow redistribution. The onset of abnormal venous Doppler results indicates
deterioration in the fetal condition, and iatrogenic delivery should be considered.
Recently, examination of the fetal venous system has allowed refinement in our understanding of normal fetal circulation, as well as
fetal well-being. Venous vessels commonly assessed include the umbilical vein, ductus venosus and inferior vena cava. The
interrogation of the ductus venosus has yielded the most robust results as far as prediction of neonatal complications is concerned,
and likely serves as the best 'trigger' for delivery when abnormalities are found. When placental dysfunction is the cause of IUGR,
cardiovascular system compromise is believed to follow a pattern of 'deterioration' that can be assessed by both fetal arterial and
fetal venous Doppler interrogation. Briefly, early changes are noted first in the umbilical artery, followed by changes in the
umbilical vein and ductus venosus, and finally in the pulmonary artery and aorta. Serial assessments of the circulatory changes in;year=2011;volume=10;issue=4;spage=266;epage=271;aulast=AL#ref3



Doppler ultrasound in the assessment of suspected intra-uterine growth restriction AL Qahtani N - Ann Afr Med

the growth-restricted fetus may identify this pattern of change, allowing for intervention prior to irreversible intrauterine damage.
[17] On average, the time interval between the onset of abnormal umbilical arterial Doppler results and the onset of late fetal heart
rate decelerations is about 2 weeks, but this interval differs considerably among fetuses and is shorter in late than early pregnancy.

Postnatal follow-up studies, at the age of 7 years, have reported that growth-restricted fetuses with abnormal aortic velocity
waveforms had minor neurological dysfunction and impaired intellectual outcome. If these findings are confirmed in prospective
studies with adequate controls for confounding variables, such as degrees of prematurity, smallness and management, it may be
advisable to deliver growth-restricted fetuses before these blood flow alterations occur. On the other hand, fetuses showing the
brain-sparing effect did not have an increased risk for moderate or severe neurological handicap at the age of 2 years. [19]
The best assessment of IUGR fetuses requires a combination of parameters testing both circulatory and behavioral responses to
placental insufficiency. Integration of many Doppler measures and five components of biophysical profile scoring may be difficult
to use for assessment, PRODUCING a combination of alarming and reassuring results. A recent study addresses the need to
eliminate redundant parameters from this assessment. In the complex evaluation of IUGR fetuses, multiple tests must be integrated
to give the best prediction. Most parameters yield significant improvement when added to the assessment, although they differ in
strength. [20]


It will always be a challenge to weigh the risks and benefits of early interventions against each other; and it is a dynamic process, in
which advancements in both fetal and neonatal medicine are of crucial importance for the counseling of parents and the
management of these pregnancies. Limitations in such an approach remain, however. For instance, the influence of prematurity, in
and of itself, prior to 27 weeks is so strong that it likely eclipses any predictive value of abnormal Doppler assessments to
newborn outcomes. After 27 weeks, an abnormal ductus venosus Doppler study is likely a better predictor of perinatal outcome
and thus performs better as a trigger for delivery, as the influence of prematurity at and beyond 27 weeks in the modern neonatal
intensive care unit becomes less compelling. Ultimately, a combination of biophysical and cardiovascular parameters may be useful
in determining appropriate management, and timing of delivery, for the growth-restricted fetus. [21]
The current evidence mandates that Doppler velocimetry of the fetal arterial and venous circulation should be an integral
component of fetal surveillance in pregnancies complicated with fetal growth restriction. Obviously, no single testing modality
should be regarded as the exclusive choice for fetal surveillance, as these tests reveal different aspects of fetal pathophysiology,
often in a complementary manner.









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[Figure 1], [Figure 2], [Figure 3], [Figure 4], [Figure 5]

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Doppler ultrasound in the assessment of suspected intra-uterine growth restriction AL Qahtani N - Ann Afr Med

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