WebSphere Application Serrver v8 Installation Lab

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Copyright IBM Corporation 2011 All rights reserved

IBM WebSphere Application Server V8 lab: Installation

As a system administrator, you need to create reusable response files for silently installing and uninstalling
WebSphere Application Server V8 and verify that they work properly.
For more information about installation, see the following information center topic: Installing and configuring
your application serving environment
During this lab, you will learn to do the following:
1. Silently install IBM Installation Manager (IM).
2. Record a response file to silently install WebSphere Application Server.
3. Record a response file to silently uninstall WebSphere Application Server.
4. Install WebSphere Application Server silently.
5. Uninstall WebSphere Application Server silently.
This lab is provided AS-IS, with no formal IBM support.
You will need the following to complete this lab:
A single Windows or UNIX/Linux machine suitable for hosting WebSphere Application Server V8. For
more information, see the information center topic Installing and configuring your application
serving environment.
An administrator account on the host machine. For information about using a non-administrative (non-
root) account to install IM and WebSphere Application Server, see the information center topic
Installing and configuring your application serving environment.
Installation files for IBM Installation Manager (IM) V1.4.3 or later. Instructions and downloads are
available on the IBM support site.
Access to an IM repository containing the WebSphere Application Server V8 installation files. The
repository can be located on the target machine, a network drive, a web server, or IBM Passport
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Task 1: Silently install IBM Installation Manager
1. Use a suitable archiving utility to extract the IM installation files to an empty directory on your machine.
2. Open a command prompt and change to the directory that contains the IM installation files. Then run the
following command to silently install IM:
installc -acceptLicense
./installc -acceptLicense
Task 2: Record a response file to silently install WebSphere Application Server V8
1. Open a command prompt and change to the directory that contains the IBM Installation Manager (IM)
executables, for example,
C:\Program Files\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse
/opt/IBM/Installation Manager/eclipse
2. Run the following command to start IM in response file recording mode:
IBMIM -record C:\temp\install_was.xml -skipInstall C:\temp\imregistry
./IBMIM -record /tmp/install_was.xml -skipInstall /tmp/imregistry
install_was.xml is the name of the installation response file.
The -skipInstall parameter instructs IM to perform a mock install, saving the installation metadata
to an alternate (temporary) location.
After IM appears, the window title should include the text Recording.
3. After IM starts, do the following:
a. Click File > Preferences. Then click Repositories.
b. Click Add Repository. Then enter or select the location of an IM repository that contains the
WebSphere Application Server V8 installation files. The repository can be located on the target
machine, a network drive, a web server, or IBM Passport Advantage.
Click OK.
c. Explore the other IM preferences.
d. Click OK to save your changes and close the IM Preferences window.
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4. Click Install. Within the installation wizard, do the following:
a. Select the appropriate version of WebSphere Application Server.
b. Accept the terms of the license agreement.
c. Accept the default shared resources directory.
d. Accept the default product installation directory.
e. If necessary, change the language selection.
f. Select all WebSphere Application Server features.
g. Review the installation summary information. Then click Install to record the response file. Since you
are not actually installing WebSphere Application Server, the installation should complete in a few
h. After the installation completes, click Finish to close the installation wizard.
5. Click File > Exit to close IM.
6. Use a text editor to view the resulting installation response file,
Notice that the response file includes all of the settings defined by the IM installation wizard, and the current IM
Task 3: Record a response file to silently uninstall WebSphere Application
Server V8
1. Open a command prompt and change to the directory that contains the IBM Installation Manager (IM)
executables, for example,
C:\Program Files\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse
/opt/IBM/Installation Manager/eclipse
2. Run the following command to start IM in response file recording mode:
IBMIM -record C:\temp\uninstall_was.xml -skipInstall C:\temp\imregistry
./IBMIM -record /tmp/uninstall_was.xml -skipInstall /tmp/imregistry
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3. Click Uninstall. Within the uninstallation wizard, do the following:
a. Select the WebSphere Application Server V8 installation (packages).
b. Review the uninstallation summary information. Then click Uninstall to record the response file.
c. After the uninstallation completes, click Finish to close the uninstallation wizard.
4. Click File > Exit to close IM.
5. Use a text editor to view the resulting uninstallation response file,
Notice that the response file includes all of the settings defined by the IM uninstallation wizard, and the current
IM preferences.
Task 4: Install WebSphere Application Server V8 silently
1. Open a command prompt and change to the IM tools directory, for example,
C:\Program Files\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse\tools
/opt/IBM/Installation Manager/eclipse/tools
2. Run the following command to install WebSphere Application Server V8 silently (utilizing the previously
recorded response file):
imcl -acceptLicense -input C:\temp\install_was.xml -log C:\temp\install_was.log
./imcl -acceptLicense -input /tmp/install_was.xml -log /tmp/install_was.log
3. After the installation completes, use a text editor to view the resulting log file, for example,
(If the result area of the file is empty, the installation was successful.)
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4. View the WebSphere Application Server V8 product directories, for example,
C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer
Task 5: Uninstall WebSphere Application Server V8 silently
1. Open a command prompt and change to the IM tools directory, for example,
C:\Program Files\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse\tools
/opt/IBM/Installation Manager/eclipse/tools
2. Run the following command to uninstall WebSphere Application Server V8 silently (utilizing the previously
recorded response file):
imcl -input C:\temp\uninstall_was.xml -log C:\temp\uninstall_was.log
./imcl -acceptLicense -input /tmp/uninstall_was.xml -log /tmp/uninstall_was.log
3. After the installation completes, use a text editor to view the resulting log file, for example,
4. Delete the WebSphere Application Server V8 product installation directories, for example,
C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer
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