This document is a CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) application form. It provides instructions for applicants to submit the completed form along with a recent photo to the British Council office in New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, or Kolkata. It requests applicant contact information, education history, English language experience, references, and asks the applicant to describe a positive and negative learning experience and their reasons for wanting to do the CELTA course.
This document is a CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) application form. It provides instructions for applicants to submit the completed form along with a recent photo to the British Council office in New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, or Kolkata. It requests applicant contact information, education history, English language experience, references, and asks the applicant to describe a positive and negative learning experience and their reasons for wanting to do the CELTA course.
This document is a CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) application form. It provides instructions for applicants to submit the completed form along with a recent photo to the British Council office in New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, or Kolkata. It requests applicant contact information, education history, English language experience, references, and asks the applicant to describe a positive and negative learning experience and their reasons for wanting to do the CELTA course.
This document is a CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) application form. It provides instructions for applicants to submit the completed form along with a recent photo to the British Council office in New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, or Kolkata. It requests applicant contact information, education history, English language experience, references, and asks the applicant to describe a positive and negative learning experience and their reasons for wanting to do the CELTA course.
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Date received Interview A: W.L: R: Please return this application form and a recent photograph to the centre of your choice:
CELTA Applications, New Delhi English Language Teaching Centre ritish C!uncil Divisi!n "# $astur%a &andhi 'arg (ew Delhi "")))" CELTA Application, Mumbai ritish C!uncil *)"+ * th Fl!!r One India%ulls Centre ,-" Sena.ati /arg+ El.hinst!ne R!ad West 'u/%ai -)) )"0 CELTA Applications, Chennai ritish C!uncil Divisi!n+ ritish De.ut1 2igh C!//issi!n #0# Anna Salai Chennai 3)) ))4 CELTA Applications, Kolata ritish C!uncil Divisi!n+ L5T Cha/%ers+ " St Fl!!r+ "3 Ca/ac Street+ $!l6ata #)))"# Or email it as an attachment with a scanned photograph to: (ew Delhi a..licati!ns t! 6arish/a.6a7i/8%ritishc!uncil.!rg 'u/%ai a..licati!ns t! celta.en9uir18%ritishc!uncil.!rg Chennai a..licati!ns t! a%raha/.david8%ritishc!uncil.!rg $!l6ata A..licati!ns t! r!!udhur18%ritishc!uncil.!rg The deadline for applications is one month before your course date. Full name! Nationalit"! A##$ess! Telephone numbe$%s&! E'mail! Date o( bi$th! )hich cent$e woul# "ou lie to #o the CELTA in* Please in#icate "ou$ p$e(e$ence :;lease n!te that i< n!t en!ugh candidates are selected <!r a date in !ne centre+ the1 will %e given the !.ti!n t! d! the ne=t c!urse at the !ther centre+ .r!viding .laces are availa%le> (ew Delhi Centre 'u/%ai Centre Chennai Centre $!l6ata Centre ? The ritish C!uncil+ India 4)"- The +nite# Kin,#om-s inte$national o$,anisation (o$ e#ucational oppo$tunities an# cultu$al $elations. We are registered in England as a charit1. CELTA APPLICATION FORM P$esent occupation! Fi$st lan,ua,e! Othe$ lan,ua,es spoen! :;lease list and evaluate 1!ur level using %eginner@;reA Inter/ediate@ Inter/ediate@Advanced> P$o(essional /uali(ications! (please include dates & institutions in reverse order attach a separate sheet if necessary) ". 4. 0. En,lish lan,ua,e teachin, e0pe$ience! (if applicable) ? The ritish C!uncil+ India 4)"- The +nite# Kin,#om-s inte$national o$,anisation (o$ e#ucational oppo$tunities an# cultu$al $elations. We are registered in England as a charit1. CELTA APPLICATION FORM Othe$ wo$ e0pe$ience! Re(e$ences! :Please include a professional and a personal reference). Give the name, contact details, and their relationship to you. Re(e$ence 1 Re(e$ence 2 3ealth! Are 1!u in g!!d healthB D! 1!u have an1 c!nditi!ns that we sh!uld %e aware !<B I< s!+ .lease state what the1 are. Where or how did you learn about the C!"#$ Where or how did you find out that the %ritish Council was runnin& the course$ )$itten Tass ". ;lease descri%e one ,oo# lea$nin, e0pe$ience and one ba# lea$nin, e0pe$ience that 1!u have had :n!t necessaril1 related t! language learning>. ;lease write a..r!=. "C) w!rds and use <ull sentences and .aragra.hs. ? The ritish C!uncil+ India 4)"- The +nite# Kin,#om-s inte$national o$,anisation (o$ e#ucational oppo$tunities an# cultu$al $elations. We are registered in England as a charit1. CELTA APPLICATION FORM 4. ;lease e=.lain wh" "ou woul# lie to #o the CELTA c!urseB D! n!t write /!re than "C) w!rds and .lease use <ull sentences and .aragra.hs. ? The ritish C!uncil+ India 4)"- The +nite# Kin,#om-s inte$national o$,anisation (o$ e#ucational oppo$tunities an# cultu$al $elations. We are registered in England as a charit1.