Unit 3. People'S Background Grammar A - The Past Perfect Simple 1. FORM: Had ( D) + Past Participle

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A The Past Perfect Simple
1. FORM:

had (d) + past participle

I had finished..
She had completed.
They had done
He had gone..

2. USE:
- We use The Past Perfect to refer to an earlier past, that is to describe the first of two or
more actions.

First the patient died. Then the doctor arrived.
The patient had died when the doctor arrived.
First we discussed it on the phone. Then I wrote him a letter about it.
After we had discussed it on the phone, I wrote him a letter about it.

- The Past Perfect is often introduced with conjunctions like when, after, as soon as, by the
time, and adverbs like already, ever, never..before.

I phoned the shop as soon as I had checked the contents of the box.
By the time we arrived, the party had already finished.
Before we took him to the theater, he had never seen a stage play before.
B The Past Perfect Continuous:
1. FORM:

had (d) + been + V-ing

I had been waiting.
She had been phoning.

2. USE:
We use The Past Perfect Continuous to emphasize continuity or repeated actions.

Id been waiting for 2 hours before he arrived. (continuity)
Hed been phoning every night for a month before I went abroad. (a repeated action)
Bob: _1___________________! You are now the Olympic Champion.
Sally: Thanks. Yes, Im very happy.
B: Our _2__________________ want to know all about you.
S: Thats nice! Well, ask me your questions.
B: First of all, tell me something about yourself.
S: Well, I was born in _3___________. I got a general education at local schools and when I was 15, I
_4_____________ the Star Sports Club near my home.
B: Where is your home?
S: In _5______________________.
B: I see. And do you live alone?
S: No, I live with my family, my _6_________________ and 2 brothers.
B: What do you like to do in your free time?
S: Well, I dont have much free time, but I like different sports - _7___________ and swimming, for
example - and just sitting at home and reading.
B: What _8_______________ of books do you like?
S: Oh, love stories - _9_____________________ books.
B: And what do you want to be in the future?
S: I want to be a sports teacher. Im a student at college. I want to get my teachers
B: I see. Now tell me

Circle the word pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. beat B. eaten C. repeat D. head
2. A. heart B. read C. heat D. tease
3. A. sheet B. seen C. beer D. leek
4. A. hit B. shine C. sit D. sink
5. A. bake B. man C. hand D. sand
6. A. send B. tent C. bench D. he
7. A. fat B. any C. land D. band
8. A. wonder B. sun C. push D. hut
9. A. warn B. charge C. car D. far
10. A. amount B. around C. bound D. wound
11. A. woman B. human C. humane D. brilliant
12. A. worked B. naked C. lacked D. picked
13. A. study B. subject C. sure D. number
14. A. mature B. education C. famous D. concentrate
15. A. draught B. faucet C. caught D. daughter
16. A. money B. key C. survey D. honey
17. A. married B. worried C. harbored D. interested

Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.
1. a. background b. career c. secondary d. private
2. a. scientific b. atomic c. impossible d. professor
3. a. obtain b. determine c. award d. harbor
4. a. ambitious b. intelligent c. brilliant d. mature
5. a. education b. difficulty c. champion d. institute
6. a. private b. award c. tragic d. champion
7. a. romance b. extreme c. beloved d. journal
8. a. educate b. atomic c. careful d. physical
9. a. degree b. background c. informed d. improved
10. a. direct b. anxious c. favor d. social

ALBERT EINSTEIN (1879 - 1955)
Albert Einstein was born on March 14th, 1879 in Ulm, Germany. His interest in science began when
he was only five years old. But in school, he was not a very good student. Albert dropped out of
school at fifteen because he hated strict discipline and rote-learning.
When his family moved to Milan, Italy, Albert decided to study Physics at the Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology in Zrich, Switzerland. He failed the Institute's entrance exam, but after a year's study
at a school near Zrich, he passed and entered in 1896. He graduated in 1900. Then he became a
physics and mathematics tutor for two years.
In 1902, Einstein took a job in the Swiss Parent Office in Bern. The work was not very demanding, so
he had plenty of time to develop his theories that would later change science forever. In 1909,
Einstein finally left his job at the Patent Office and began his lifelong career in the academic world.
His genius had begun to be recognized, and by 1914 he was at the top of his profession as a member
of the Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin. In 1921, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in
In 1933, when Hitler came into power, Einstein moved to the U.S.A. He became a professor at the
Institute for Advanced Study and remained there until his death on April 18th, 1955. Albert Einstein
is remembered as the greatest scientist in the world.
A. Decide whether the statements are true or false. Correct the false information.
1. Einstein was interested in science when he was very small. T/F
2. He left school early because he was not a very good student. T/F
3. He had to take the Institute's entrance exam twice. T/F
4. His genius was recognized while he was at university. T/F
5. He spent the rest of his life in the U.S.A. T/F
B. Answer the questions.
1. How did Albert Einstein work at school?
2. When did he decide to study Physics in Switzerland?
3. What did he do right after finishing university?
4. When and where did he die?

COMPLETE 9 -> 16.
1. gift (n) a. keep in the mind
2. devote (v) b. give time, energy to sb /sth
3. take charge of c. fully grown or fully developed
4. prejudice (n) d. natural ability
5. ambitious (a) e. the bearing of pain, inconvenience, or loss
6. suffering (n) f. take responsibility for
7. harbor (v) g. unreasonable dislike of somebody / something
8. mature (a) h. having a strong desire to be successful, to have a power

9. He still __________ ambitions of being a professional soccer player.
10. John is a highly _______________ young manager.
11. Inspector Linux _______________ the investigations into murder.
12. She has a _______________ for math.
13. He has a _______________ against curly hair people.
14. There is too much _______________ in the world.
15. Ho Chi Minh ______________ all his life to the revolutionary cause.
16. We should only cut big ___________ trees to leave the young ones to grow.

be - invent - sting - burn - fly - leave - teach - design - help - spend
1. At five, I went to your office to offer you a lift, but when got to your office, I couldn't find you. You
(already) _____________.
2. Last week I experienced how tedious long plane trip can be.
I (never) __________________________ in an airplane for fairy long distances before.
3. Alexander Graham Bell (already) ______________________ the telephone by the time I was born.
4. The barn caught fire during the night. By the time the fire fighters arrived, the building
___________________________ to the ground.
5. The suit I bought cost more than a week's salary. Until then, I (never) ______________________
so much on clothing.
6. When I saw that Mike was having trouble, I _______________ him. He was very appreciative.
7. My wife and I went (never)_____________________ to such a big park as Disneyland when we
visited Los Angeles last summer.
8. Yesterday a bee _____________________ me under my arm. That really hurt.
9. We were not happy with the plans that the architect showed us for our new house. Obviously, he
(never) _________________ a special house like ours.
10. He has had experience in teaching chemistry and physics, but he (not) _____________________
mathematics until last year.

1. When I had come to the bookstore, the books had been sold out.
2. I was pleased to meet my old high school friend last week because we didn't meet each other
since 2000.
3. When the couple came out of the movie theater, they had found that their new car had been
4. I missed my bus, so by the time I had reached the cinema, the show ended.
5. When they reached the city center, they couldn't find a parking space, so they had decided to go
by bus the next time.
6. The children was thrilled when they unwrapped the electronic toy, but when they discovered that
nobody bought a battery they were very disappointed.

1. I was driving home when I (see)_____________ a car which (break) ___________ down, so I
(stop)_____________ to see if I could help.
2. They (arrive)_______________ at work in the morning and (find)____________ that somebody
(break)_________________ into the office during the night. So they (call)_____________ the police.
3. Yesterday Bob was very surprised when he (have)______________ a phone call from Ann. He
(write)__________________ to her many times, but she (never reply)______________________ to
his letters.
4. Linda (meet)______________ Bob a few weeks ago. He (just come) ___________________ back
from holiday. He (look)___________ very handsome.
5. We (try)____________________ to phone Harry this afternoon, but there (be)______________
no answer. He (go)_____________ out.

1. I feel ________ about forgetting her birthday.
A. grateful B. exciting C. awful D. tired
2. Red wine gives me a________.
A. headache B. good job C. heart D. hand
3. Could I talk to you about a personal________?
A. subject B. matter C. task D. importance
4. Try to get some________ you have a busy day tomorrow.
A. relax B. work C. exertion D. rest
5. It was really kind ________ you to help me.
A. of B. to C. from D. with
6. How long have you been going________ with him?
A. down B. on C. out D. with
7. Shall we go________ a drink at a pub or a bar after work?
A. for B. with C. along D. into
8. The country______ a foreign currency shortage for several months.
A. suffer B. experienced C. work D. learn
9. They________ to kill him unless he did as they asked.
A. advised B. minded C. threatened D. avoided
10. I ________ putting the matter to the committee.
A. wanted B. agreed C. decided D. suggested
11. The play begins________ haft past ten
A. on B. in C. at D. at
12. The meeting of the History Society takes place ________ two oclock to tree oclock on Friday
A. between B. from C. after D. since
13. This shop is open ________ nine oclock on Friday evening.
A. until B. through C. since D. during
14. There is an English examination ____ Friday, 11th December
A. at B. in C. to D. on
15. The school library is open between 4 oclock ___________ half past five.
A. from B. and C. to D. until
16. Back to the Future is at Odeon________ two weeks in October.
A. since B. through C. as D. for
17. ________ does the play start? I think is starts at eight.
A. When B. What C. How D. where
18. ________ will it last? About two hours.
A. when B. How long C. What D. How much
19. ________ are the tickets? I think theyre two dollars each
A. How much B. what prices C. what cost D. How many
20. ________ is the play called? Murder in the kitchen
A. What B. Which C. Where D. When

James Dean had starred in only three films when he died, at the age of 24, in 1955: East of Eden,
Rebel without a Cause, and Giant. These three films, and his early death, made James Dean into
a hero for many hundreds of thousands of young people in the 1950s. Even now, he is still a star.
James Dean's mother died when he was nine years old, and his father sent him to live with his uncle
and aunt on their farm in the small town of Fairmont, Indiana. Dean started a theatre course, but
soon dropped out and set off for New York in search of work as an actor. For some time he got only
small parts in films and television plays (once he co-starred with Ronald Reagan). Soon he began to
receive large numbers of letters from fans - mainly young people - and eventually he was noticed by
the big film companies.
When he died, cinema audiences had seen only his first film, East of Eden. They liked him because he
seemed to be himself on the screen, and because he had the image of a playboy: he looked moody,
wore a T-shirt and jeans, and always had a cigarette at the corner of his mouth. And, of course, he
was good-looking in a wild kind of way - something like Elvis Presley. In his own life he seemed
rather pessimistic; he often said that he was going to die young. On September 30th 1955, on
Highway 466 in California, he was on his way to a big race in his new Porsche when he met his death
in an accident.
A. Find the word or expression which means
1. stop taking part: d_ _ _ o _ _
2. looking for: i_ s_ _ _ _ o_
3. rich young man who likes enjoying himself: p_ _ _ _ _ _
4. changing often, one moment happy & then sad, tempered: m_ _ _ _
5. believing that bad things will happen: p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

B. Complete the following sentences.
6. James Dean was born in . and died in ..
7. When he was nine years old ...........................................
8. He became a famous . in .. although he . .only three films.
9. Cinema audiences liked him because ...........................................
10. Most of his fans were .

Dear Mr. Dalton.
We have been discussing your proposal, and we have realized that it is impossible for us to make a
decision without more information. We have decided having a meeting on Monday at 8.00 a.m. and
we look forward to see you there. I suggest to bring the same materials you presented, plus a short
summary of the products you are offering.
I apologize in advance if we keep ask questions, but this project is a big one for us, so we can't take
any risks. I promise allowing a lot of time for the meeting.
Lucky Luke
Mistakes Corrections
1.. ..
2.. ..
3.. ..
4.. ..
5.. ..

1. When I first (travel)__________________ abroad to study, I (live, never)__________________ in a
dormitory before. During the first year, I (have)____________________ a roommate from
Switzerland who (become)_________________ a very good friend. Prior to that time, I (live, never)
__________________ with anyone from another culture.
2. A: I (see)_______________ you in the school play last night. You (do)________________ a terrific
acting job. (you, ever, act)_____________________ in a play before this one?
B: Yes. I (start)_____________________ acting when I was in elementary school.

It (1. was/had been) a beautiful morning. It (2. rained/had rained) in the night and so the ground (3.
was/had been) fresh and clean and it (4. smelt/had smelt) wonderful.
Nobody (5. was/had been) awake though. They (6. went/had gone) to bed very late the night
before. Their relatives (7. arrived/had arrived) unexpectedly that evening and they (8. sat up/had
sat up) talking most of the night. Although it (9. was/had been) now 10 o'clock in the morning, they
(10. were/had been) in bed for about 4 hours only.

1. Marie Curie was born................November 7, 1867.
a. in. b. from. c. at. d. on
2. Computer models help to determine whether a particular area is likely to flood.
a. make up b. find out c. take over d. put up
3. Let me give you a little .................................about the president of the company.
a. specialization b. concentration c. background d. degree
4. Jane is always determined to do anything she wants. She's a.....................woman.
a. ambitious b. strong-willed c. brilliant d. humane
5. He passed his exams with flying colors.
a. successfully b. difficultly c. badly d. easily
6. She harbored her hope of being a teacher.
a. gave up her hope of being a teacher
b. built her hope of being a teacher
c. had her hope of being a teacher
d. kept her hope of being a teacher in her mind
7. He behaved like an adult. I think he is more....................than the other boys at his class.
a. intelligent b. mature c. ambitious d. developed
8. The new road should help ......................traffic problems.
a. raise b. create c. ease d. cause
9. There is no................... explanation for what happened.
a. scientist b. scientific c. scientifically d. since
10. The new surgeon will...................her post in May.
a. go on b. get over c. take up d. look after
11. Our thanks go to everybody who has worked ________ this project.
a. on b. in c. to d. at
12. In spite of her difficult living conditions, she worked extremely _______.
a. hard b. hardly c. harder d. hardest
13. She earned a degree in Physics and went on to take another degree in Mathematics.
a. decided b. determined c. continued d. harbored
14. Interpreters should be highly _______ as well as fluent.
a. educated b. educating c. education d. educational

1. born / in 1380 / Thang Long / now / call / Hanoi.
2. he / not only / national hero / but also / great poet.
3. he / devote / all / life / countrys independence / freedom.
4. during / schooldays / educate / by his father / scholar / and / village school teacher.
5. he / so brilliant / that / get / Doctors degree / age / twenty.
6. he / help / Le Loi / end / the Ming aggression.
7. after / victory / write Binh Ngo Dai Cao / which / praise / peoples heroism / and / look forward /
bright future / Vietnam.

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