Structure and Function of The Cell

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The key takeaways are that the cell is the basic unit of life and the plasma membrane regulates what enters and exits the cell.

Ribosomes are responsible for protein synthesis.

The Golgi apparatus packages and modifies proteins.

Chapter 3: Structure and Function of the Cell

Multiple Choice
1. The structural and functional unit of all living organisms is the
A) ribosome.
B) cell.
C) organ.
D) organelle.
E) plasma membrane.
Answer: b
evel: 1
!. "hich of the following could be used to stud# general features of cells$
A) a magnif#ing glass
B) scanning electron microscope
C) transmission electron microscope
D) binoculars
E) light microscope
Answer: e
evel: 1
%. &n order to stud# in detail' the anatom# of internal cell parts' it would be best to use
A) ()ra#s.
B) flashlights.
C) a transmission electron microscope *TE+).
D) tissue cultures.
E) a scanning electron microscope *,E+).
Answer: c
evel: 1
-. The plasma membrane
A) separates the nucleus from the rest of the cell.
B) is a rigid protein membrane.
C) is not permeable.
D) has a single la#er of phospholipids.
E) regulates movement of materials into and out of the cell.
Answer: e
evel: 1
.. The environment outside the plasma membrane is most appropriatel# referred to as
A) intracellular.
B) e(tracellular.
C) multicellular.
D) centrocellular.
E) none of the above.
Answer: b
evel: 1
/. The fluid)mosaic model of the plasma membrane suggests that
A) cholesterol forms the outermost la#er of the membrane.
B) proteins form a 0li1uid0 sea in the membrane.
C) phospholipids form a single lipid la#er in the center of the membrane.
D) the membrane is neither rigid nor static in structure.
E) proteins are not a part of the membrane.
Answer: d
evel: 1
2. According to the most current model of the plasma membrane
A) cholesterol forms the innermost la#er of the membrane
B) proteins are free to move about with a double la#er of phospholipids
C) phospholipids and cholesterol form a single lipid bila#er
D) the membrane is a rigid unchanging structure
E) the membrane is impermeable to all other molecules.
Answer: b
evel: 1
3. "hich of the following activities is a function of the plasma membrane$
A) digestion of unneeded cell organelles
B) recognition of bacterial cells b# the immune s#stem
C) transport of products from the nucleus to the endoplasmic reticulum
D) cell metabolism
E) deto(ification
Answer: b
evel: !
4. 5lasma membrane phospholipids
A) have polar *charged) tails.
B) are arranged in a single la#er.
C) have tails that face the e(terior of the membrane.
D) are 4.6 cholesterol.
E) have a h#drophilic head and h#drophobic tails.
Answer: e
evel: 1
17. "hich of the following is correctl# matched with its function$
A) channel proteins ) are part of an intercellular communication s#stem
B) mar8er molecules ) are primaril# steroids
C) receptor molecules ) attach to ligand molecules.
D) peripheral proteins ) penetrate the lipid bila#er from one surface to the other.
E) nongated ion channels ) are alwa#s closed.
Answer: c
evel: 1
11. &n general' water)soluble molecules diffuse through the 999999 999999: and lipid)soluble
molecules diffuse through the 999999 999999.
A) protein channels: protein channels
B) protein channels: bilipid la#er
C) bilipid la#er: protein channels
D) bilipid la#er: bilipid la#er
E) none of the above
Answer: b
evel: !
1!. Cell membrane phospholipids
A) have nonpolar fatt# acid tails.
B) form a bila#er.
C) have polar phosphate heads.
D) create a selectivel# permeable barrier.
E) all of the above
Answer: e
evel: 1
1%. "hen a sperm cell comes into contact with an egg cell' there is a change in the electrical
charge across the plasma membrane and various channel proteins close. These channels would
be called
A) open)gated channels.
B) voltage)gated channels.
C) chemical)gated channels.
D) ligand)gated channels.
E) nongated ion channels.
Answer: b
evel: !
1-. Communication between cells occurs when chemical messengers from one cell bind to
99999 on another cell.
A) channel proteins
B) receptor molecules
C) mar8er molecules
D) second messengers
E) integrins.
Answer: b
evel: 1
1.. Channel proteins
A) are binding sites for other molecules.
B) utili;e the < protein comple( to function.
C) are found onl# on endoplasmic reticulum.
D) allow cells to recogni;e one another.
E) provide a 0door0 through which e(tracellular molecules can enter the cell
Answer: e
evel: 1
1/. +olecules that serve as chemical signals in cell to cell communication are called
A) isotopes.
B) ligands.
C) responders.
D) communicators.
E) membrane potentials.
Answer: b
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12. Cells that respond to ligands
A) possess receptor sites for specific ligands.
B) generall# produce the ligands.
C) have l#sosomes that destro# the ligands.
D) are using electrical signals in cellualar communication.
E) are not functional.
Answer: a
evel: 1
13. +embrane)bound receptors
A) are small' lipid soluble molecules.
B) have their receptor sites on the outer surface of the plasma membrane.
C) can interact with D=A in the nucleus.
D) do not e(hibit specificit#.
E) have no effect on the cell.
Answer: b
evel: 1
14. Consider the following events and choose the one that occurs last.
A) Acet#lcholine is released from neurons.
B) Acet#lcholine diffuses across the s#napse to the receptor.
C) =a> ion channels in the plasma membrane are opened.
D) Acet#lcholine binds to membrane)bound receptors on s8eletal muscle cells
E) =a> ions diffuse into s8eletal muscle cells.
Answer: e
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!7. < proteins are found associated with the
A) nucleus.
B) c#toplasm.
C) <olgi bod#.
D) plasma membrane.
E) ribosome.
Answer: d
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!1. Communication between cells is essential to coordinate the activit# of the trillions of cell
that ma8e up the human bod#. "hich of the following is *are) directl# involved in carr#ing out
communication between cells$
A) lipid bila#er of the plasma membrane
B) receptor molecules of plasma membrane
C) chemical signal molecules released b# cells
D) mitochondria
E) b and c
Answer: e
evel: 1
!!. The plasma membrane is selectivel# permeable. This means
A) onl# gases and water can pass through it.
B) substances need permission to pass through it.
C) onl# certain substances can pass through it.
D) substances need carrier molecules to pass through it.
E) AT5 is alwa#s needed to move molecules across the plasma membrane.
Answer: c
evel: 1
!%. ?itamin A' a fat)soluble vitamin' would move across the plasma membrane into the cell
A) in vesicles.
B) through vitamin membrane channels.
C) b# dissolving in the lipid bila#er.
D) b# transport with carrier molecules.
E) b# active transport.
Answer: c
evel: !
!-. "hich of the following statements concerning membrane transport across the plasma
membrane is true$
A) 5olar molecules are transported more easil# than nonpolar molecules.
B) ipid)soluble substances pass through the membrane b# dissolving in the lipid bila#er.
C) "ater cannot move through the membrane.
D) <enerall#' cations pass through the membrane more easil# than anions.
E) All molecules are moved across b# active transport.
Answer: b
evel: 1
!.. The aroma of coo8ies ba8ing in the 8itchen reaches #ou in the living room. The
distribution of this odor throughout the house is an e(ample of
A) active transport.
B) dial#sis.
C) osmosis.
D) filtration.
E) simple diffusion.
Answer: e
evel: !
!/. &n the process of diffusion' net movement of substances is alwa#s from a region
A) outside the cell to a region inside the cell.
B) inside the cell to a region outside the cell.
C) of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration.
D) of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration.
E) none of the above
Answer: d
evel: 1
!2. "hich of the following will increase the rate of diffusion$
A) an increase in the viscosit# of the solvent
B) an increase in the temperature
C) an increase in the molecular weight of the diffusing particles
D) an increase in the distance the molecules have to travel
E) all of the above
Answer: b
evel: 1
!3. ,alt was added to a bea8er of distilled water *the water was not stirred). A sample ta8en
from the bottom of the bea8er was found to be !76 salt. At the same time' a sample ta8en from
the top of the bea8er was found to be !6 salt. After !- hours
A) the difference in the percentage of salt between the top and bottom samples would
B) the percentage of salt in top and bottom samples would be appro(imatel# e1ual.
C) the samples would still be !6 and !76 respectivel#.
D) the salt would float to the top.
E) none of the above
Answer: b
evel: !
!4. The movement of o(#gen from the alveoli of the lungs into the bloodstream is an
e(ample of
A) diffusion.
B) osmosis.
C) active transport.
D) bul8 transport.
E) facilitated diffusion.
Answer: a
evel: !
%7. @smosis is the diffusion of 99999 across a selectivel# permeable membrane.
A) urea
B) o(#gen
C) water
D) sodium
E) sugar
Answer: c
evel: 1
%1. ,olution A contains . grams of sugar per liter while solution B contains ! grams of sugar
per liter. The solutions are separated b# a selectivel# permeable membrane. &f the solvent in
both solutions is water' predict in which direction most of the water molecules will move.
A) move b# simple diffusion from solution A to solution B
B) move b# osmosis from solution B to solution A
C) move b# active transport from solution B to solution A
D) move b# filtration from solution A to solution B
E) there will be no movement of water
Answer: b
evel: %
%!. The greater the concentration of a solution' the greater
A) the tendenc# for water to diffuse from the solution.
B) the osmotic pressure of the solution.
C) the number of carrier molecules present.
D) the amount of solvent.
E) the rate of facilitated diffusion.
Answer: b
evel: 1
%%. A red blood cell that is placed in a h#pertonic solution'
A) gains water.
B) loses water.
C) floats.
D) ruptures.
E) neither gains nor loses water.
Answer: b
evel: !
%-. &f 7.46 saline solution is isotonic to a cell' then a 7..6 saline solution
A) is h#pertonic to the cell.
B) will cause crenation of the cell.
C) is h#potonic to the cell.
D) will shrin8 the cell.
E) will not affect the cell.
Answer: c
evel: !
%.. A person suffered from burns over a large part of his bod#. Evaporation of fluid from the
surface of burned areas occurs. As a result of the evaporation process' cells will tend to
A) shrin8.
B) swell.
C) rupture.
D) first swell and then resume their original shape.
E) remain unchanged.
Answer: a
evel: !
%/. 5lasma has an osmolalit# of %77 m@sm. A solution isosmotic with plasma has an
osmolalit# of
A) 1.7 m@sm.
B) %77 m@sm.
C) -.7 m@sm.
D) /77 m@sm.
E) 477 m@sm.
Answer: b
evel: !
%2. A runner produced h#potonic sweat while running a marathon in hot weather. After the
race he dran8 large volumes of water' as a result of the water inta8e his bod# cells will
A) shrin8.
B) swell.
C) crenate.
D) shrivel.
E) not change.
Answer: b
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%3. The movement of a solution across a plasma membrane because of a pressure gradient is
A) diffusion.
B) osmosis.
C) facilitated diffusion.
D) active transport.
E) filtration.
Answer: e
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%4. "hich of the following would increase the rate of mediated transport$
A) increase the number of available carrier molecules
B) change the shape of the binding site on the carrier molecule
C) increase the number of competitive molecules
D) fill all binding sites on carrier molecules
E) remove the binding site on the carrier molecule
Answer: a
evel: !
-7. A particular membrane transport process e(hibits saturation' uses carrier molecules' but
does not re1uire AT5. The process is probabl#
A) active transport.
B) facilitated diffusion.
C) osmosis.
D) pinoc#tosis.
E) phagoc#tosis.
Answer: b
evel: !
-1. Active transport
A) follows osmotic pressure gradients.
B) can move substances along their concentration gradient.
C) does not re1uires metabolic energ# *AT5).
D) involves vesicle formation.
E) re1uires AT5.
Answer: e
evel: 1
-!. "hich of the following are consistent with active transport$
1. movement is against a concentration gradient
!. movement is with a concentration gradient
%. involves a carrier molecule
-. can involve cotransport
.. can involve counter transport
/. e(hibits competition and saturation
A) 1' %' -' .' /
B) !' %' -' .
C) !' %' -' .' /
D) 1' %' -' /
E) 1' %' .' /
Answer: a
evel: !
-%. C#anide stops the production of AT5. "hich of the following processes would be
A) simple diffusion
B) osmosis
C) active transport
D) facilitated diffusion
E) filtration
Answer: c
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--. The sodium)potassium e(change pump located in the plasma membrane
A) activel# transports potassium into cells.
B) osmoticall# moves sodium into cells.
C) activel# transports water out of cells.
D) moves chlorine out of cells.
E) activel# transports sodium into cells.
Answer: a
evel: 1
-.. "hen ions or molecules involved in secondar# active transport move in the same
direction' the process is called
A) facilitated diffusion.
B) counter)transport.
C) e(oc#tosis.
D) cotransport.
E) endoc#tosis.
Answer: d
evel: 1
-/. "hich of the following events occurs in the secondar# active transport of glucose$
A) =a> ions and glucose are cotransported b# the same carrier molecule.
B) The =a>)A> pump maintains a =a> concentration gradient inside the cell.
C) Energ# comes from diffusion of =a> down their concentration gradient.
D) <lucose is moved against its concentration gradient into the cell.
E) all of the above
Answer: e
evel: !
-2. A group of cells was treated with a proteol#tic *protein)digesting) en;#me. "hich of the
following processes would be least affected b# this treatment$
A) diffusion of sodium through sodium membrane channels
B) diffusion of lipid)soluble molecules through the plasma membrane
C) use of carrier molecules in facilitated diffusion
D) sodium)potassium e(change pump
E) secondar# active transport
Answer: b
evel: !
-3. Certain cells in the liver ingest bacteria and debris from damaged cells b# a process
A) pinoc#tosis.
B) phagoc#tosis.
C) bioc#tosis.
D) calml# regulated diffusion.
E) e(oc#tosis.
Answer: b
evel: !
-4. 5inoc#tosis
A) is a form of e(oc#tosis.
B) involves ingestion of li1uids rather than particles.
C) does not re1uire AT5.
D) forms vesicles onl# when large amounts of material are being transported.
E) does not re1uire the formation of vesicles.
Answer: b
evel: 1
.7. Endoc#tosis
A) is movement of water through a selectivel# permeable membrane.
B) is a process that re1uires a carrier molecule but does not use cellular energ#.
C) is the bul8 upta8e of material through the plasma membrane b# vesicle formation.
D) moves material out of the cell.
E) ends cell functions.
Answer: c
evel: 1
.1. Arrange the following events of e(oc#tosis in the correct se1uence:
1. vesicle membrane fuses with plasma membrane
!. secretor# vesicles migrate to plasma membrane
%. vesicle contents are e(pelled from cell
-. secretions accumulate within secretor# vesicles
A) !' 1' -' %
B) 1' -' !' %
C) %' 1' -' !
D) -' !' 1' %
E) 1' !' %' -
Answer: d
evel: %
.!. Beceptor)mediated endoc#tosis
A) does not need AT5: the receptors suppl# the energ#.
B) e(hibits specificit#.
C) occurs if o(#gen is available.
D) is a t#pe of passive transport.
E) moves materials out of the cell.
Answer: b
evel: 1
.%. "hich of the following are consistent with facilitated diffusion$
1. movement is against a concentration gradient
!. movement is with a concentration gradient
%. involves a carrier molecule
-. involves cotransport
.. involves counter transport
/. e(hibits competition and saturation
A) 1' !' -' .' /
B) !' %' /
C) !' %' .' /
D) 1' %' -' .' /
E) !' %' -' /
Answer: b
evel: !
.-. "hich of the following would increase the ma(imum rate of facilitated diffusion$
A) increase the concentration gradient of the transported molecule
B) decrease the concentration gradient of the transported molecule
C) increase the concentration of the competitive molecules
D) increased AT5 s#nthesis
E) none of the above
Answer: e
evel: %
... &f a to(ic drug inhibited mB=A s#nthesis' which of the following would be most directl#
A) protein s#nthesis
B) intracellular digestion
C) microtubule production
D) secretion of gl#coproteins and lipoproteins
E) active transport
Answer: a
evel: !
./. C#toplasm is found
A) in the nucleus.
B) outside the nucleus but inside the plasma membrane.
C) in the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum.
D) on the cristae of the mitochondria.
E) between the phospholipids in the plasma membrane.
Answer: b
evel: 1
.2. The c#tos8eleton consists of
A) lipochromes' microfilaments' and microtubules.
B) actin filaments' mitochondria' and intermediate filaments.
C) microfilaments' mitochondria' and lipochromes.
D) microtubules' actin filaments' and intermediate filaments.
E) ribosomes' the nucleus' and the <olgi apparatus.
Answer: d
evel: 1
.3. Absence of a c#tos8eleton might affect
A) cell shape.
B) the number of channel proteins in the cell membrane.
C) the abilit# of the cell to generate energ#.
D) vesicle formation.
E) membrane transport.
Answer: a
evel: 1
.4. +icrotubules
A) are the smallest components of the c#tos8eleton.
B) contains the protein m#osin.
C) provide structure and support to the c#toplasm.
D) are solid' supporting rods of protein.
E) are a component of mitochondria.
Answer: c
evel: 1
/7. @f the organelles listed' which one does not contain microtubules$
A) cilia
B) flagella
C) centrioles
D) microvilli
E) basal bodies
Answer: d
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/1. @rganelles
A) are e(tracellular structures.
B) are unspeciali;ed portions of a cell.
C) generall# lac8 membranes.
D) var# in number and t#pe depending on cell function.
E) are structural' but not functional parts of the cell.
Answer: d
evel: !
/!. "hich of the following organelles function in the destruction of nonfunctional
A) endoplasmic reticulum
B) centrioles
C) basal bodies
D) l#sosomes
E) mitochondria
Answer: d
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/%. Bibosomes are organelles responsible for
A) protein s#nthesis.
B) manufacturing lipids.
C) cell movement and cell shape.
D) pac8aging 0cell products0 for e(port.
E) energ# production.
Answer: a
evel: 1
/-. Cells that lac8 ribosomes cannot
A) produce energ#.
B) eliminate wastes.
C) engage in protein s#nthesis.
D) pac8age cellular products.
E) ingest and phagoc#ti;e bacteria.
Answer: c
evel: 1
/.. ,8eletal muscle cells need large numbers of 9999999 to ma8e the man# proteins the#
A) centrosomes
B) pero(isomes
C) liposomes
D) ribosomes
E) l#sosomes
Answer: d
evel: !
//. &f #ou compare a cell with a manufacturing plant that e(ports goods' the cellCs 99999
could be compared to the manufacturing plantCs shipping department.
A) nucleus
B) l#sosome
C) <olgi apparatus
D) endoplasmic reticulum
E) ribosome
Answer: c
evel: !
/2. The organelle that protects cells from the damaging effects of medications and to(ins is
A) ribosome.
B) microtubule.
C) secretor# vesicle.
D) smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
E) mitochondria.
Answer: d
evel: 1
/3. The function of the <olgi apparatus is
A) pac8aging and distribution of proteins and lipids.
B) production of microtubules.
C) e(cretion of e(cess salt.
D) D=A replication.
E) energ# production.
Answer: a
evel: 1
/4. Endoplasmic reticulum with ribosomes attached to it is called
A) smooth EB.
B) dendritic EB.
C) nodular EB.
D) bump# EB.
E) rough EB.
Answer: e
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27. A cell that produces man# proteins for secretion from the cell would have large numbers
A) rough EB and <olgi.
B) l#sosomes and <olgi.
C) <olgi and microvilli.
D) ribosomes and centrioles.
E) mitochondria and cilia.
Answer: a
evel: !
21. Arrange the following in correct se1uence:
1. 5rotein moves through EB and then carried in vesicles to <olgi.
!. ?esicle pinches off from <olgi and carries product to plasma membrane.
%. <olgi modifies protein and then pac8ages them into vesicles.
-. 5rotein made b# ribosomes on rough EB.
A) 1' !' %' -
B) -' 1' %' !
C) !' %' 1' -
D) %' !' -' 1
E) -' %' !' 1
Answer: b
evel: !
2!. A to(ic drug destro#ed the <olgi apparatus. This would affect
A) ribosomal B=A s#nthesis.
B) intracellular digestion.
C) energ# production.
D) microtubule production.
E) pac8aging of gl#coproteins and lipoproteins.
Answer: e
evel: !
2%. The intracellular digestive s#stem of a cell is the
A) l#sosome.
B) microtubule.
C) lipochrome.
D) rough endoplasmic reticulum.
E) smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
Answer: a
evel: 1
2-. "hite blood cells eat other cells and would be e(pected to
A) have large numbers of l#sosomes.
B) possess cilia on their surfaces so the# can move 1uic8l#.
C) e(crete e(cess salt as a result of all this eating.
D) e(pel their nuclei to ma8e room for all of the cells the# eat.
E) have mitochondria to energi;e them.
Answer: a
evel: !
2.. "hich of the following activities is associated with l#sosomes$
A) e(oc#tosis
B) intracellular support
C) destruction of nonfunctional organelles
D) energ# production
E) endoc#tosis
Answer: c
evel: 1
2/. A cell with abundant pero(isomes would most li8el# be involved in
A) secretion.
B) storage of gl#cogen.
C) deto(ification activities.
D) cellular communication.
E) protein s#nthesis.
Answer: c
evel: 1
22. Damaged cells can destro# nearb# health# cells when the# release 99999999 en;#mes.
A) mitochondrial
B) nuclear
C) microtubular
D) l#sosomal
E) c#toplasmic
Answer: d
evel: 1
23. A cellCs abilit# to replenish AT5 is reduced b# a metabolic poison. "hich organelle is
being affected$
A) nucleus
B) centriole
C) microtubule
D) mitochondrion
E) ribosomes
Answer: d
evel: !
24. E(perimental manipulation to increase the energ# output of the cell might include
A) rupturing the l#sosomes in the cell.
B) increasing the number of mitochondria.
C) decreasing nuclear si;e.
D) removing some of the ribosomes.
E) increasing protein s#nthesis.
Answer: b
evel: 1
37. "hich of the following terms does not relate to the mitochondria$
A) cristae
B) self)replicating
C) outer and inner membranes
D) AT5
E) vitamin A storage
Answer: e
evel: 1
31. "hen a person trains for running long distances' which of the following organelles
increase in hisDher muscles$
A) rough endoplasmic reticulum
B) en;#mes for gl#col#sis
C) basal bodies
D) l#sosomes
E) mitochondria
Answer: e
evel: !
3!. Eou are loo8ing at a cell with the electron microscope and #ou notice the following
characteristics: presence of man# mitochondria and l#sosomes: few' if an#' <olgi: and man#
ribosomes. "hich of the following is the most li8el# function of that cell$
A) secretion of lipids
B) intracellular digestion
C) D=A replication
D) modification of protein
E) absorption of nutrients
Answer: b
evel: !
3%. "hich of the following pairs of terms is mismatched$
A) mitochondria ) cristae
B) <olgi apparatus ) cisternae
C) l#sosomes ) h#drol#tic en;#mes
D) smooth endoplasmic reticulum F chromatin
E) cilia G basal bodies
Answer: d
evel: 1
3-. +itochondria
A) contains D=A.
B) have inner and outer membranes.
C) have inner folds called cristae.
D) are the cellHs power plants.
E) all of the above
Answer: e
evel: 1
3.. "hich of the following cell organelles is correctl# matched with its function$
A) nucleolus ) contains the genetic material of the cell
B) microtubules ) cell support
C) mitochondria ) protein s#nthesis
D) smooth EB ) AT5 production
E) ribosome ) energ# production
Answer: b
evel: 1
3/. A cell can meet increased energ# demands b# an
A) increase in its overall si;e so it has more room to generate energ#.
B) increase in the number of mitochondria.
C) increase in l#sosomal en;#me and ribosome activit# within the cell.
D) increase in nuclear D=A activit#.
E) increase in ribosomal subunits.
Answer: b
evel: 1
32. A cell uses centrioles in the process of
A) cell division.
B) energ# generation.
C) protein s#nthesis.
D) B=A replication.
E) nuclear centering.
Answer: a
evel: 1
33. Cilia and flagella are distinguished from each other on the basis of
A) width and numbers.
B) length and numbers.
C) depth and numbers.
D) length and width.
E) none of the above
Answer: b
evel: 1
34. +icrovilli
A) are e(tensions of the l#sosomal membrane.
B) function to ma8e the cell mobile.
C) are supported b# microtubules.
D) move the cell.
E) increase the surface area of the cell.
Answer: e
evel: 1
47. "hich of the following cell organelles does not contain microtubules$
A) cilia
B) flagella
C) spindle fibers
D) centrioles
E) All of the above contain microtubules.
Answer: e
evel: 1
41. The 0control center0 of the cell is the
A) nucleus.
B) ribosome.
C) mitochondrion.
D) plasma membrane.
E) endoplasmic reticulum.
Answer: a
evel: 1
4!. "hich of the following events occurs in the nucleus$
A) large and small ribosomal subunits combine
B) ribosomal proteins formed
C) large and small ribosomal subunits form
D) formation of free ribosomes
E) =one of the above occur in the nucleus.
Answer: c
evel: 1
4%. "hich of the following structures is found in the nucleus$
A) cristae
B) c#tosol
C) cisternae
D) chromosome
E) flattened membrane sacs
Answer: d
evel: 1
4-. The nucleus of a cell functions to
A) digest lipids.
B) produce AT5.
C) produce secretor# vesicles.
D) control and coordinate cellular activities.
E) s#nthesi;e proteins.
Answer: d
evel: 1
4.. =ucleoli
A) are located in the c#toplasm.
B) produce ribosomal subunits.
C) have a distinct membrane.
D) are important for the formation of the <olgi apparatus.
E) regulates movement of materials into the nucleus.
Answer: b
evel: 1
4/. "hich of the following correctl# matches a nuclear structure with its function$
A) chromosomes ) contains B=A and histones
B) nuclear envelope ) contains the nucleolar organi;er
C) nuclear pores ) allow molecules to move between the nucleus and c#toplasm.
D) chromatin ) fluid portion of the nucleus
E) nucleolus ) D=A s#nthesis
Answer: c
evel: 1
42. <l#col#sis
A) converts gl#cogen to glucose.
B) reduces p#ruvic acid to carbon dio(ide and water.
C) converts glucose to p#ruvic acid.
D) is o(#gen dependent.
E) does not occur in the cell.
Answer: c
evel: 1
43. Aerobic respiration occurs when 9999999 is available.
A) carbon dio(ide
B) o(#gen
C) lactic acid
D) light
E) nitrogen
Answer: b
evel: 1
44. Anaerobic respiration
A) occurs in cells when o(#gen supplies do not meet cell demands.
B) produces %3 AT5 molecules per glucose molecule.
C) occurs in the mitochondria.
D) fre1uentl# involves the electron transport s#stem.
E) is referred to as the Icitric acid c#cle.J
Answer: a
evel: 1
177. +essenger B=A
A) is s#nthesi;ed when a portion of a D=A molecule is transcribed.
B) directs the s#nthesis of D=A.
C) determines the se1uence of nucleotides in the anticodons of tB=A.
D) directs the s#nthesis of centrioles in the c#toplasm.
E) is not involved in the s#nthesis of proteins.
Answer: a
evel: 1
171. The transfer of information from D=A to messenger B=A *mB=A) is 8nown as
A) transduction.
B) translocation.
C) translation.
D) transcription.
E) transmutation.
Answer: d
evel: 1
17!. "hich of the following se1uences is correct$
A) translation protein s#nthesis transcription
B) transcription translation protein s#nthesis
C) transcription protein s#nthesis translation
D) translation transcription protein s#nthesis
E) protein s#nthesis translation transcription
Answer: b
evel: 1
17%. Translation
A) re1uires three t#pes of D=A.
B) re1uires the pairing of codons on mB=A with anticodons on tB=A.
C) involves s#nthesis of B=A from D=A molecules.
D) ta8es place in the nucleus.
E) re1uires replication of D=A.
Answer: b
evel: 1
17-. "hich of the following molecules contains the anticodon$
A) mB=A
B) rB=A
C) tB=A
D) D=A
E) none of the above
Answer: c
evel: 1
17.. &f a mB=A molecule is 1377 nucleotides *bases) in length' this molecule will contain
99999 codons.
A) -77
B) /77
C) 377
D) 477
E) 1!77
Answer: b
evel: !
17/. The se1uence of nucleotides in a messenger B=A molecule is needed to determine the
A) se1uence of nucleotides in a gene.
B) se1uence of amino acids in a protein.
C) se1uence of nucleotides in the anticodons of tB=A.
D) se1uence of codons in D=A.
E) se1uence of amino acids in D=A.
Answer: b
evel: 1
172. Transcription
A) re1uires three t#pes of B=A.
B) s#nthesi;es B=A from D=A.
C) occurs at the ribosomes.
D) copies information from mB=A to tB=A.
E) s#nthesi;es D=A from B=A.
Answer: b
evel: 1
173. A D=A base se1uence is A T < C C <. The se1uence of bases in a strand of mB=A
transcribed from this se1uence of bases in D=A would be
A) T A C < < C.
B) K T C < < K.
C) K A C < < C.
D) A K < C C <.
E) T A < < < <
Answer: c
evel: !
174. The anticodon se1uence <KA pairs with which of the following codons$
B) <KA
Answer: d
evel: !
117. 5osttranscriptional processing is the modification of
A) proteins to form pro)proteins.
B) mB=A to form tB=A.
C) pre)mB=A to form functional mB=A.
D) e(ons to form introns.
E) D=A.
Answer: c
evel: 1
111. Determine the se1uence of the following events in a cell after e(posure of the cell to a
chemical signal.
1. increased s#nthesis of a protein
!. the chemical signal combined with a c#toplasmic receptor
%. an increase in the nuclear concentration of the chemical
-. an increase in mB=A s#nthesis
.. genes are activated
A) !' 1' %' .' -
B) !' -' .' %' !
C) !' %' .' -' 1
D) !' %' -' .' 1
E) 1' !' %' -' .
Answer: c
evel: %
11!. D=A replication results in two new D=A molecules. Each of these new molecules
A) has two newl# s#nthesi;ed strands of nucleotides.
B) has one strand of nucleotides from the parent D=A and one newl# s#nthesi;ed strand of
C) has two strands of nucleotides from the parent.
D) has a single strand of nucleotides.
E) are incomplete copies of the original.
Answer: b
evel: 1
11%. &n D=A replication'
A) the leading strand is formed as a continuous strand.
B) new nucleotides are added at the .C end of the growing D=A strand.
C) D=A pol#merase splices the short segments of the lagging strand together.
D) onl# introns are replicated.
E) the two e(isting strands are not used as templates.
Answer: a
evel: 1
11-. +itosis
A) forms two daughter cells with half the D=A of the mother cell.
B) forms two daughter cells with the same amount of D=A as the mother cell.
C) forms daughter cells called gametes.
D) forms two daughter cells with twice the amount of D=A as the mother cell.
E) forms one daughter cell and another incomplete cell.
Answer: b
evel: 1
11.. Luman somatic cells contain 99999 chromosomes' human gametes contain 99999
A) !%: -/
B) !%: !%
C) -/: -/
D) -/: !%
E) 4!: -/
Answer: d
evel: 1
11/. D=A s#nthesis occurs during
A) the <1 phase of interphase.
B) telophase.
C) the , phase of interphase.
D) anaphase.
E) metaphase.
Answer: c
evel: 1
112. &n prophase
A) the chromosomes condense' shorten' and thic8en.
B) the spindle fibers disappear.
C) the chromosomes replicate.
D) c#to8inesis occurs.
E) D=A is s#nthesi;ed.
Answer: a
evel: 1
113. "hich of the following events occurs during anaphase$
A) Chromatin strands condense to form chromosomes.
B) Chromosomes migrate to opposite poles of the cell.
C) ,pindle fibers are formed.
D) The nuclear envelope degenerates.
E) C#to8inesis
Answer: b
evel: 1
114. +eiosis is the process of cell division that results in the formation of
A) s8in cells.
B) gametes *egg and sperm).
C) diploid cells.
D) malignant cells.
E) somatic cells.
Answer: b
evel: 1
1!7. Arrange the following events of meiosis in correct se1uence.
1. pairs of homologous chromosomes separate
!. tetrad formation occurs
%. second meiotic division
-. tetrads align at the e1uatorial plate
.. inter8inesis
A) 1' %' .' !' -
B) !' -' 1' .' %
C) %' 1' -' .' !
D) -' 1' !' .' %
E) !' -' 1' %' .
Answer: b
evel: !
1!1. Each of the cells that result from meiosis
A) has the same number of chromosomes as the original cell.
B) has half the number of chromosomes as the original cell.
C) has one)fourth the number of chromosomes as the original cell.
D) has twice the number of chromosomes as the original cell.
E) has no chromosomes
Answer: b
evel: 1
1!!. Crossing over
A) occurs during mitosis.
B) increases the amount of genetic diversit#.
C) results in the formation of chromatids with the same D=A se1uences.
D) form tetrads.
E) decreases the amount of genetic diversit#.
Answer: b
evel: 1
Befer to the following diagram for 1uestions 1!%)1!2.
1!%. "hat structure does IAJ represent on the diagram of the plasma membrane$
A) membrane channel protein
B) phospholipid bila#er
C) internal membrane surface
D) peripheral protein
E) receptor protein
Answer: b
evel: 1
1!-. "hat structure does IBJ represent on the diagram of the plasma membrane$
A) membrane channel protein
B) phospholipid bila#er
C) internal membrane surface
D) peripheral protein
E) receptor protein
Answer: a
evel: 1
1!.. "hat structure does ICJ represent on the diagram of the plasma membrane$
A) membrane channel protein
B) phospholipid bila#er
C) internal membrane surface
D) peripheral protein
E) receptor protein
Answer: e
evel: 1
1!/. "hat structure does IDJ represent on the diagram of the plasma membrane$
A) membrane channel protein
B) phospholipid bila#er
C) internal membrane surface
D) peripheral protein
E) receptor protein
Answer: d
evel: 1
1!2. "hat structure does IEJ represent on the diagram of the plasma membrane$
A) membrane channel protein
B) phospholipid bila#er
C) internal membrane surface
D) peripheral protein
E) receptor protein
Answer: c
evel: 1
Befer to the following diagram for 1uestions 1!3)1%!.
1!3. Bed blood cells *BBCs) have been placed in three different solutions: h#potonic'
h#pertonic' isotonic. "hat is solution IAJ relative to the BBC$
A) h#potonic solution
B) h#pertonic solution
C) isotonic solution
D) hemol#;ed
E) crenated
Answer: c
evel: %
1!4. Bed blood cells *BBCs) have been placed in three different solutions: h#potonic'
h#pertonic' isotonic. "hat is solution IBJ relative to the BBC$
A) h#potonic solution
B) h#pertonic solution
C) isotonic solution
D) hemol#;ed
E) crenated
Answer: b
evel: %
1%7. Bed blood cells *BBCs) have been placed in three different solutions: h#potonic'
h#pertonic' isotonic. "hat is solution ICJ relative to the BBC$
A) h#potonic solution
B) h#pertonic solution
C) isotonic solution
D) hemol#;ed
E) crenated
Answer: a
evel: %
1%1. Bed blood cells *BBCs) have been placed in three different solutions: h#potonic'
h#pertonic' isotonic. "hat is the condition of the BBC in solution ICJ$
A) h#potonic solution
B) h#pertonic solution
C) isotonic solution
D) hemol#;ed
E) crenated
Answer: d
evel: %
1%!. Bed blood cells *BBCs) have been placed in three different solutions: h#potonic'
h#pertonic' isotonic. "hat is the condition of the BBC in solution IBJ$
A) h#potonic solution
B) h#pertonic solution
C) isotonic solution
D) hemol#;ed
E) crenated
Answer: e
evel: %
Befer to the following diagram for 1uestions 1%%)1%2.
1%%. The diagram is an overview of cell metabolism. "hat does IAJ represent$
A) <lucose
B) ! lactic acid > ! AT5
C) @!
D) / C@! > / L!@ > %3 AT5
E) 5#ruvic acid
Answer: e
evel: 1
1%-. The diagram is an overview of cell metabolism. "hat does IBJ represent$
A) <lucose
B) ! lactic acid > ! AT5
C) @!
D) / C@! > / L!@ > %3 AT5
E) 5#ruvic acid
Answer: c
evel: 1
1%.. The diagram is an overview of cell metabolism. "hat does ICJ represent$
A) <lucose
B) ! lactic acid > ! AT5
C) @!
D) / C@! > / L!@ > %3 AT5
E) 5#ruvic acid
Answer: b
evel: 1
1%/. The diagram is an overview of cell metabolism. "hat does IDJ represent$
A) <lucose
B) ! lactic acid > ! AT5
C) @!
D) / C@! > / L!@ > %3 AT5
E) 5#ruvic acid
Answer: a
evel: 1
1%2. The diagram is an overview of cell metabolism. "hat does IEJ represent$
A) <lucose
B) ! lactic acid > ! AT5
C) @!
D) / C@! > / L!@ > %3 AT5
E) 5#ruvic acid
Answer: d
evel: 1
Mor 1uestions 1%3 to 1-! match the following processes with the appropriate definition or
A) re1uires a carrier molecule but does not use cellular energ#
B) bul8 upta8e of material b# the formation of a vesicle
C) movement of substances from areas of high concentration to areas of less concentration
D) movement of water through a selectivel# permeable membrane
E) movement of molecules against their concentration gradient
1%3. active transport
Answer: e
evel: 1
1%4. diffusion
Answer: c
evel: 1
1-7. endoc#tosis
Answer: b
evel: 1
1-1. facilitated diffusion
Answer: a
evel: 1
1-!. osmosis
Answer: d
evel: 1
Mor 1uestions 1-% to 1-2 match the following t#pes of membrane proteins to its function.
A) have e(posed site on outer cell surface that can attach to ligand
B) integral proteins that move ions or molecules across plasma membrane
C) form a passagewa# through the plasma membrane
D) allow cells to identif# one another
E) proteins that can catal#;e chemical reactions on inner or outer surface of plasma
1-%. +ar8er molecules
Answer: d
evel: 1
1--. Channel protein
Answer: c
evel: 1
1-.. Beceptor molecules
Answer: a
evel: 1
1-/. En;#mes
Answer: e
evel: 1
1-2. Carrier proteins
Answer: b
evel: 1
Mor 1uestions 1-3 to 1.! match the following cell organelles with the appropriate definition or
A) source of the spindle fibers
B) organelles that produce most of the cellHs energ#
C) sacs containing h#drol#tic en;#mes
D) sites of protein s#nthesis
E) contains the chromosomes
1-3. nucleus
Answer: e
evel: 1
1-4. ribosomes
Answer: d
evel: 1
1.7. l#sosomes
Answer: c
evel: 1
1.1. mitochondria
Answer: b
evel: 1
1.!. centrioles
Answer: a
evel: 1
Mor 1uestions 1.% to 1.2 match the following descriptions with the appropriate metabolic
A) aerobic respiration
B) anaerobic respiration
1.%. occurs without o(#gen
Answer: b
evel: 1
1.-. uses the citric acid c#cle and electron transport chain
Answer: a
evel: 1
1... occurs in the mitochondria with o(#gen
Answer: a
evel: 1
1./. converts p#ruvic acid to lactic acid
Answer: b
evel: 1
1.2. produces carbon dio(ide' water' and AT5
Answer: a
evel: 1
Mor 1uestions 1.3 to 1/! match the following cell organelles with the appropriate definition or
A) organelle where subunits of ribosomes are manufactured
B) an organelle of locomotion
C) ma# or ma# not have ribosomes attached
D) small vacuoles containing o(idative en;#mes
E) pac8age materials for secretion from the cell
1.3. endoplasmic reticulum
Answer: c
evel: 1
1.4. <olgi apparatus
Answer: e
evel: 1
1/7. nucleolus
Answer: a
evel: 1
1/1. pero(isomes
Answer: d
evel: 1
1/!. flagellum
Answer: b
evel: 1
Mor 1uestions 1/% to 1/2 match the following stages of the cell c#cle with the appropriate
A) chromosomes align along e1uator
B) c#to8inesis is completed at the end of this phase
C) time between cell divisions
D) chromatin condenses and nucleoli disappear
E) chromosomes begin migrating towards poles of the cell
1/%. interphase
Answer: c
evel: 1
1/-. prophase
Answer: d
evel: 1
1/.. metaphase
Answer: a
evel: 1
1//. anaphase
Answer: e
evel: 1
1/2. telophase
Answer: b
evel: 1
Mor 1uestions 1/3 to 12! match the following molecules with the appropriate description.
A) structural B=A of ribosome
B) mB=A containing introns
C) protein that is converted to an active en;#me
D) all triplets re1uired to code for s#nthesis of a protein
E) three adNacent nucleotides in mB=A
1/3. pre)mB=A
Answer: b
evel: 1
1/4. proen;#me
Answer: c
evel: 1
127. gene
Answer: d
evel: 1
121. ribosomal B=A *rB=A)
Answer: a
evel: 1
12!. codon
Answer: e
evel: 1
Mor 1uestions 12% to 12/ match the cells described with their most abundant organelle.
A) mitochondria
B) centrioles
C) pero(isomes
D) l#sosomes
E) <olgi apparatus
12%. white blood cell' a phagoc#te
Answer: d
evel: !
12-. mucus cell *secretes mucus)
Answer: e
evel: !
12.. liver cells that deto(if# h#drogen pero(ide
Answer: c
evel: !
12/. cardiac muscle cells *re1uire large amounts of AT5)
Answer: a
evel: !
Mor 1uestions 122 to 13- match the t#pe of cell division with the appropriate description.
A) mitosis
B) meiosis
C) both mitosis O meiosis
122. Besponsible for tissue growth and repair
Answer: a
evel: !
123. Besulting cells are haploid
Answer: b
evel: !
124. @ccurs onl# in testis and ovar#
Answer: b
evel: !
137. Daughter cells geneticall# identical to mother cell
Answer: a
evel: !
131. D=A replication occurs onl# once
Answer: c
evel: !
13!. Tetrad formation occurs
Answer: b
evel: !
13%. C#to8inesis occurs onl# once
Answer: a
evel: !
13-. Crossing over
Answer: b
evel: !
Mor 1uestions 13. to 134 match the following terms relative to theories about cell death and cell
aging to the most appropriate description.
A) portions of D=A are lost over time resulting in cell death
B) loss of the energ# source in the cell
C) genes that turn on late in life that cause cell death
D) after a certain amount of time or cell divisions' the cell line dies
E) atoms or molecules with unpaired electrons that ma# damage cells
13.. Cellular cloc8
Answer: d
evel: 1
13/. +itochondrial damage
Answer: b
evel: 1
132. D=A damage
Answer: a
evel: 1
133. Mree radicals
Answer: e
evel: 1
134. Death gene
Answer: c
evel: 1
Fill in the Blank
147. The predominant lipid in the cell membrane is a 9999999999999.
Answer: phospholipid
evel: 1
141. <l#colipids would contain both lipids and 9999999999999.
Answer: carboh#drates
evel: 1
14!. The 9999999999999 contains the genetic information of the cell.
Answer: nucleus
evel: 1
14%. C#tosol is part of 9999999999999.
Answer: c#toplasm
evel: 1
14-. The centrioles are found in a ;one of c#toplasm close to the nucleus called the
Answer: centrosome
evel: 1
14.. At the base of each cilium is a structure called the 9999999999999.
Answer: basal bod#
evel: 1
14/. The shaft of a flagellum contains 9999999999999 microtubule doublets around its
Answer: nine *4)
evel: 1
142. 9999999999999 is the force re1uired to prevent the movement of water b# osmosis
across a semipermeable membrane.
Answer: osmotic pressure
evel: 1
143. &n 9999999999999' ions or molecules move in opposite directions.
Answer: counter transport
evel: 1
144. 9999999999999 is the sum of catabolism and anabolism.
Answer: metabolism
evel: 1
!77. According to base pair rules' adenine pairs with 9999999999999 in D=A replication.
Answer: th#mine
evel: 1
!71. &n females' the se( chromosomes loo8 ali8e and are called 9999999999999.
Answer: P chromosomes
evel: 1
!7!. The term for Iprogrammed cell deathJ is 99999999999999.
Answer: apoptosis
evel: 1
Essay Questions
!7%. E(plain what would happen to a cell in each of the following events:
a. A cell lost its nucleus
b. All the l#sosomes ruptured
c. The phospholipids in the cell membrane were dissolved
d. The cell began losing its mitochondria
e. The transfer B=A molecules are selectivel# destro#ed b# viruses.
Answer: *a) "ithout a nucleus cells are unable to s#nthesi;e mB=A and so cannot complete
protein s#nthesis. ac8 of a nucleus also prevents cells from duplicating themselves. A cell
without a nucleus will have a short life span and eventuall# die.
*b) Bupture of the l#sosomes releases h#drol#tic en;#mes that begin to digest the cell and 8ill it.
*c) &f the phospholipids in the cell membrane are dissolved' the membrane loses its integrit# and
would no longer function as a selective barrier.
*d) oss of mitochondria reduces the capacit# of the cell to generate energ#.
*e) &f transfer B=A molecules are selectivel# destro#ed' protein s#nthesis would be inhibited as
no amino acids would be brought to the ribosomes.
evel: !' 1
!7-. Adriam#cin is a chemotherapeutic drug that binds to D=A and bloc8s messenger B=A
s#nthesis. E(plain wh# this drug is fatal to a cell.
Answer: "hen adriam#cin bloc8s mB=A s#nthesis' it also bloc8s further protein s#nthesis in
those cells. These cells cannot s#nthesi;e additional proteins *structural or en;#matic) that the#
might need. The# will soon be unable to function' and the# will die.
evel: !
!7.. #sosomes remove nonfunctional cell parts. E(plain how this function is important to
the overall health of the cell.
Answer: =onfunctional cell parts ta8e up valuable space in the cell. The# are also composed of
molecules that the cell might be able to rec#cle. &t is healthier for the cell to be able to eliminate
these nonfunctional parts and possibl# reuse some of the molecular components of those parts.
evel: !
!7/. The cell is compartmentali;ed b# the presence of organelles. "hat advantage does
compartmentali;ation give to the cell$
Answer: Compartmentali;ation enables cells to speciali;e internall#. B# partitioning the interior
of a cell' different functions can be underta8en in different structured compartments within the
same cell. This propert# allows cells to do more than one thing.
evel: !
!72. Describe the relationship among ribosomes' EB' the <olgi apparatus' and e(oc#tosis.
Answer: Bibosomes are the sites of protein s#nthesis. ,ome of the proteins have leader
se1uences on them' which allow them to be inserted into the cisternae of the endoplasmic
reticula to which the ribosomes are attached. The proteins can travel in the endoplasmic
reticulum to the <olgi apparatus' where the# can be modified and pac8aged for secretion.
?esicles brea8 off from the flattened membranous sacs of the <olgi apparatus. ,ome of the
vesicles carr# proteins to the plasma membrane' where the proteins can be secreted from the cell
b# e(oc#tosis.
evel: !
!73. Eou wor8 for the &.+. the Best Drug Compan#. Eour latest assignment is to design a
drug that interferes with translation in cells. Eou decide the easiest wa# to do this is to have #our
drug target those organelles and molecules involved in translation. ist the potential targets of
#our new drug.
Answer: 5otential targets include: large and small ribosomal subunits' messenger B=A' transfer
B=A' an# en;#me needed in translation.
evel: !

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