Vol 13-Issue 2

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Merit Badge Counselors. ............................. 2-3

Vessel Safety Checks ...................................... 4
Wear It Florida ............................................. 5
Time to Inflate .................................................. 5

Watercraft and Vessel Safety
Director for RBS Affairs: Bruce Johnson, DIR-B [email protected]
Newsletter Editor: Heather Bacon-Shone, BC-BRN [email protected]

As this issue of WAVES goes to press, the boating season is gearing up across much of the
United States. Auxiliarists are teaching public education classes, scheduling vessel safety check
days, and brushing up on their safety patrol skills for the busy spring and summer ahead. The RBS
Affairs Department is here to help improve your success in all of those endeavors.
Next month, we commemorate National Safe Boating Week from May 22-28. Although NSBW
showcases the best of our efforts for just one week in May, its our job every day of the year as
Auxiliarists to make boating safe and enjoyable for everyone. If your flotilla, division, or state hasnt
yet planned to get out the safe boating message during NSBW, its not too late! There are some
great resources available on the web at www.safeboatingcampaign.com, auxbdeptwiki.cgaux.org,
and www.auxbdept.org/.
Over the past year, we have continued adding important new boating safety partners to act as force
multipliers for all your valuable efforts in the field. In this issue, we highlight a new partnership
between the Auxiliary and the Boy Scouts of America (including the Sea Scout program). More
information is available online at auxbdeptwiki.cgaux.org/ index.php/Boy_Scouts_of_America. We
also urge you to seek out your local Sea Cadet unit. We at RBS Affairs are continuing to develop
Sea Cadet program resources at auxbdeptwiki.cgaux.org/index.php/ U.S._Naval_Sea_Cadet_Corps.
Remember: Americas future leaders and our future safe boaters and Auxiliarists will emerge
from the young people we teach and mentor today.
RBS Affairs has been working very hard to update and enhance the training materials available to
your State Liaison Officer (or SLO). Your SLO is an essential link in the chain of communication and leadership
between the national and flotilla levels to help promote recreational boating safety in your state. Your DSO-
PE, PA, VE, and PV should be working closely with their SLO to develop and promote RBS initiatives. Much
more information is available online at www.auxbdept.org/ documents.php#stateliaison and
auxbdeptwiki.cgaux.org/index.php/States .
We are working hard to make our websites more useful to you. The RBS Affairs website, www.auxbdept.org/
has been supplemented by the AuxBWiki at auxbdeptwiki.cgaux.org. If you have an idea for promoting boating
safety, we want to hear about it! If you have questions,
were the go to guys. Give us a shout!
Im sorry to announce that after three years as RBS
Affairs (and before that the Boating) Department
Director, J ohn Potts has retired. J ohn ably led the
department through the development of many important
new partnerships, and his dedicated, steady hand will
be missed by all who know him. We wish him well in his
new phase of Auxiliary involvement, and will do our best
to build on J ohns impressive accomplishments.
Please let us know how RBS Affairs can help you. My email address is [email protected]. Keep up the
good work!

Recently, the Coast Guard Auxiliary entered into an agreement of mutual
support with the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). This exciting decision aims
to help lead local Boy Scouts to your flotillas in order to earn their
Motorboating and Small Boat Sailing Merit Badges; in exchange, you will
be advertising the Auxiliary and its benefits to broad membership
opportunities among Scouts, their parents, and their leaders. You are also
introducing the Coast Guard to a whole generation of young people who
may later choose to join the active duty or reserve forces.
There are more than a million Boy Scouts, Sea Scouts, and Venturers in the United
States. This new agreement complemented by BSAs Motorboating and Small-Boat
Sailing Merit Badges presents an incredible Auxiliary growth opportunity. According to
BSA statistics, Scouts nationwide earn aquatics-related merit badges at higher rates
than just about any other badge. Boy Scouts, Sea Scouts, and Venturers need our
assistance to help them meet the requirements to earn Motorboating and Small Boat
Sailing merit badges.
Merit Badge Counselor and Auxiliary Instructor?
Although not required, there are definite advantages to becoming both an Auxiliary Instructor and a
Merit Badge Counselor:
Auxiliary instructors who are also Merit Badge Counselors (and thus BSA members) can help
support Scouts as they work through their Merit Badge activities. Becoming a Merit Badge
Counselor can also provide positive public affairs and recruitment opportunities such as having
the flotilla meet in the same place where Scouts review their merit badge progress.
As an Auxiliary Instructor, you already have the training and experience to teach others about safe
boating; you may find you are already familiar with the Merit Badge boating topics.
Most Auxiliarists boast a wealth of on-the-water experience and expertise a tremendous
resource for young Scouts looking to learn more about boating. Merit Badge Counselors play a
key role in the Boy Scout advancement program. Whatever your specialty, your leadership as a
Merit Badge Counselor is vital to Scout development.
Its easy to volunteer!
To become a Merit Badge Counselor, you'll need to register with the Boy Scouts of America. Contact
your local council to obtain an Adult Application and Merit Badge Counselor Application. Each
applicant is screened by the council.
You can locate your BSA local council by going to BSAs Local Council Locator at www.scouting.org
and entering your ZIP code.
To qualify as a merit badge counselor, you must
Be at least 18 years old

Be proficient in the Merit Badge subject by vocation, avocation, or special training
Be able to work with Scout-age boys
Be registered as a Merit Badge Counselor with the Boy Scouts of America (a BSA Adult
Application is used for the requirement)
Renew your registration annually if you would like to continue as a Merit Badge Counselor for the
following calendar year
As a Merit Badge Counselor, you agree to
Follow the provisions of the latest BSA Merit Badge requirements
Make no deletions or additions to the requirements, thus ensuring advancement standards are fair
and uniform for all Scouts
Counsel Scouts to
Keep appointments
Be in uniform
Bring a legibly filled out Merit Badge Application card (Blue Card) signed by the unit leader
Bring a buddy (friend or adult) to all instructional sessions as per BSA Youth Protection
Approved volunteers need to complete BSA Youth Protection training through the
BSAs Online Learning Center within 90 days of assuming a leadership position
such as Merit Badge Counselor. The Boy Scouts of America seeks to create a
safe environment in which both young people and adult leaders can enjoy the
program and related activities; Youth Protection training helps preserve that
As a Merit Badge Counselor, your mission is to marry fun and learning by teaching and mentoring
Scouts as they learn by doing. Merit Badge Counselors must ensure that Scouts meet all the
requirements for the merit badges they are coaching. While drawing on personal experiences to
reinforce the subject matter, Merit Badge Counselors may not add new requirements or extra work.
Finally, Merit Badge Counselors guide and instruct Scouts as they work toward their various
requirements, but Scouts must accomplish all tasks themselves.
The Motorboating and Small-Boat Sailing Merit Badge requirements are located inside the merit
badge pamphlets for each badge, which you can obtain at your local council's store or online at
By becoming a Merit Badge Counselor, you can make it easier for Scouts to
complete their aquatics merit badges, provide insight into boating safety, and
give Scouts parents and leaders a reason to consider membership in the
Coast Guard Auxiliary. I encourage you to become a Motorboating or Small
Boat Sailing Merit Badge Counselor with the Boy Scouts of America in order to
capitalize on this new and exciting opportunity.
More information on this subject can found on the AuxBWiki at:
auxbdeptwiki.cgaux.org/ index.php/Merit_Badge_Counseling .


by Andrew Navalance, BC-BLS
The 2010 recreational boating season will soon be underway! Boaters
are already making trips to marinas admiring their prized possessions
under the shrink wrap, longing for the season to break, calculating the
tasks ahead, and anticipating launch day. Luckily, many boaters are also
considering how to ensure their vessels are safe for all the maritime
excitement ahead.
The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary offers boaters an on-site Free Vessel
Safety Check each year. Vessel Safety Checks are conducted by
qualified Auxiliary vessel examiners who educate boaters on safety
equipment and ensure recreational vessels meet the most recent legal
requirements before leaving the dock. This preventive outreach program
encourages voluntary compliance: vessel examiners do not (and cannot)
issue citations or turn in vessels not meeting all the requirements to a
regulatory agency like the state marine police or active-duty US Coast
Guard. Instead, the examiners single goal is prevention: ensuring vessel
owners are safe and smart when they get underway, outfitted with all their
required safety gear.
During the Vessel Safety Check (VSC), the examiner reviews
Registration and documentation; proper number display
Life jackets, fire extinguishers, visual distress signals
Ventilation, battery covers, secured fuel containers
Sound producing devices and navigation lights
Overall condition of the vessel
Local operating area hazards knowledge and education
Upon completion of a satisfactory Vessel Safety Check, the vessel
owner receives a decal valid for one calendar year. The decal reflects that
the vessel met all safety requirements when it was inspected by an
approved Vessel Examiner. While displaying the Safety
Decal does not prevent the State Marine Police or the
US Coast Guard from boarding a vessel, vessel owners
should feel more comfortable, knowing their vessels
have all required safety items on board. The VSC
should not be just a one-time event; rather, it is part of a
boaters ongoing learning process. Boating education, a
certificate, and the purchase of a boat are just the beginning; we need to
ensure annual Vessel Safety Checks are also routine waypoints for
boaters along their trackline to safe boating.

How would you
like to get
rewarded for
something you
already do
Vessel Safety
Checks? No, not
just the warm
feeling you get
when youve
examined a boat
for safe
Now, thanks to a
redeemable point
rewards, good
posters, a
laminated card
with sighting
chart, a
video, a Saved
by the Signal
safety pamphlet,
and rebate
coupons, just for
completing an
Orion training
In addition, the
top three point
earners each
calendar year will
receive a
quarterly Omaha
Steaks gift, a
$280 value. For
more information,
go to shop
and click on the
Orion logo.


Welcome to Operation Wear It Florida, a joint
effort between the United States Coast Guard, the
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
(FWC), and a variety of local partners, including the
Coast Guard Auxiliary, US Power Squadrons, and
local vendors specializing in
marine safety products.
Wear It Florida, the Life
J ackets for Life Tour 2010, is
a tour of participating marine
units down the Intracoastal
Waterway (ICW) in Florida. It
highlights the importance of
wearing life jackets and having other proper safety
equipment aboard recreational vessels. Wear It,
by design, will run concurrently with National Safe
Boating Week.
Wear It Florida kicks off in J acksonville on
Sunday, May 23
, and wraps up with a final event
in Miami on Friday, May 28
. In between, there are
a variety of media events and
stops planned in Daytona Beach,
USCG Station Ponce de Leon,
Titusville, West Palm/Riviera
Beach, and Pompano Beach. A
Wear It Florida campaign jet
boat will lead the procession of
boats down the ICW. The Coast
Guard Auxiliary BAT-PAK trailer, advertising life
jackets and other marine safety items, is scheduled
to appear at each scheduled event along the way.
During public safety events and media stops,
boating safety equipment will be given away and
local politicians will address the public to promote
safe boating.

- Virgil Chambers, Executive Director, NSBC
The National Safe Boating Council (NSBC) and
Canadian Safe Boating Council (CSBC) are
teaming up to set a world record! They are
encouraging boaters, boating safety educators and
anyone else who would like to join in the fun to
participate in Inflatable Life J acket World Record
Day. On Thursday, May 20, at 11:00 am EDT,
participants from across
North America will
simultaneously inflate
hundreds of life jackets.
World Record Day will
help to usher in National
Safe Boating Week,
held this year from May
22 28. The goal of
National Safe Boating
Week is to educate and inform the boating public
about boating safety, specifically life jackets. The
push of inflatable life jackets has been the main
focus of the campaign for the past few years.
To ensure this event is a success, the NSBC and
CSBC are working with a variety of local sponsors
and partners. If youd like to participate or organize
a local event of your own, please visit the newly
created Web site at www.ReadySetInflate.com.
We hope you can join us in this great opportunity to
spread the word about life jacket safety to an
international audience!

Distribution: All FCs & DCOs
with email addresses in
542, CG-5422, and CG-54222 via
direct email from Director for RBS
Affairs (DIR-B). Upon receipt,
FCs are asked to forward the
email or provide hard copies to
flotilla members.

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