The Herald: The Anglican Parish of Cobden-Runanga

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The Anglican Parish of Cobden-Runanga EASTER SERVICES 768-5045 (day) or 768-6613 (eve) by

Listed below are our Easter services 24th April.

for the coming week.

The Herald
To know Jesus Christ and to make Him known.
9th April - 7:30pm Maundy Thursday
10th April - 9am Good Friday Runanga
10th April - 10:30am Good Friday Cob
12th April - 9am Easter Sun. Runanga
The Diocese have donated us a copy
of a bi-lingual Maori New Testament
and it is in our library for anyone who
12th April - 10:30am Easter Sun. Cob might like to have a look or borrow it.
Sunday 5th April 2009
12th April - 7pm Easter Sun. Blackball NEALE'S
Theme for this Sunday: Palm Sunday ANDRE RIEU Holy Trinity have generously agreed to
The Salvation Army ladies are inviting cover the rent of our vicarage for three
Readings: Zech 9:8-10, Matt 21:1-17
the women of Cobden-Runanga parish months for the Neale's as they
to an afternoon's entertainment on continue to explore what their future
Theme for 12th April: Easter Sunday
Tues 28th April from 1-3:30pm at the may be. Please keep them in your
Readings: :Gen 3:1-15, Matt 28:1-20 prayers over this time.
Salvation Army Hall. The entertainment
Tim Writes  like the wardens and ministry team will be a Andre Rieu DVD and DAYLIGHT SAVING 5th APRIL
leaders will need to get busy soon. afternoon tea. The cost is $2 and the
Easter is but one week Daylight Saving finishes. I hope you
Also we are looking for nominations for proceeds will go a Sri Lankan village in
away and it really feels have put your clocks back 1 hour last
vestry members and people's warden. Hunasgiriya. Please RSVP to Sue at
like it has come around night.
A key item of business at the meeting
fast. As usual we are
this year will be looking at what we do
offering our normal
with the vicarage for the future. One What's On This Week!
range of services to help you journey
possibility is a community hub. Mon 6th All Day Vicars Day off
through the Easter period from the
Tues 7th 7:00am Ecumenical Prayer Meeting
tension filled and sad time of Maunday ELECTORAL ROLL 9:00am Wardens Meeting
Thursday through to the joy of Easter In order to be able to vote at the AGM Wed 8th 9:00am Supervision
Sunday. Once again can I encourage or stand for office you must be on the 7:00pm Shirley Smith's Home Group
you to make use of these services to electoral roll. A copy is at the back of 7:30pm Lorimer's Home Group
help you make Easter the meaningful each church. If you are not on it Thurs 9th 9:00am Bible in Schools at Runanga
and significant occasion it is. already but would like to be and meet 7:30pm Maundy Thursday service
the requirements then the forms are Fri 10th 9:00am Good Friday Runanga
sitting at the back of the church. Can I 10:30am Good Friday Cobden
Enclosed is an envelope for the Lent
encourage everyone to think seriously Sat 11th 10:30am Music Group Practice
Good Friday appeal for the work in this
about signing this form. It says 2:00pm Wedding
area through the Anglican Missions
something about your commitment to Sun 12th 9:00am Runanga Church Service
Board. This may be placed in the plate
this church as your spiritual home. 10:30am Cobden Church Service
during Holy Week, Easter Services. If
you put your envelope number on AGM REPORTS 7:00pm Blackball Easter Service
these appeal envelopes it will be For all those involved in areas of Priest-in-Charge: Rev. Tim Mora, 186 Main South Rd, Greymouth
recorded against your giving. ministry like the Sharing Shed, Phone & Fax: 768 9605 Mobile: 027 204 8560
warden's, vicar, Sunday School, Bible Email: [email protected]
in Schools etc. Please start putting Vicars Warden: Eric Holman 768 7704 E-Mail: [email protected]
The AGM will be on the 19th of April
together your reports for the AGM. Peoples Warden: Nolene Millar 768 4638 E-Mail: [email protected]
immediately after the 10:30am service
at Cobden. We will have a quick cuppa Blackball Contact Person: Trevor Johnston 732 3820
Lawn Mowing Roster
and then reconvene for our Runanga Contact Person: Barry Smithson 762 7826
discussions. Those presenting reports 5th April Tim Mora Website & Newsletter:

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