Ambatovy Case Study

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Business and Biodiversity Offsets Programme (BBOP)

BBOP Pilot Project

Case Study
The Ambatovy Project
Forest Trends, Conservation International and the Wildlife Conservation Society provided the
Secretariat for BBOP during the first phase of the programme's work (2004 2008).
Publication Data
The Ambatovy Project Business and Biodiversity Offsets Programme Pilot Project Case Study, 2009: The
Ambatovy Project is a J oint Venture project between Sherritt Incorporated, Sumitomo Incorporated, Kores and
SNC Lavalin. The Ambatovy Project is comprised of the following two Madagascan operating companies,
Ambatovy Minerals SA (AMSA) and Dynatec Madagascar S.A. (DMSA). The Project Administrative offices are
located at Trano Fitaratra, 7me tage, Ankorondrano, Antananarivo, Madagascar (PO Box 12085, Poste
Zoom, Ankorondrano), T: +261 20 22 230 88 / 22 397 35 37 F: +261 20 22 540 30,
Available from
The Ambatovy Project (Ambatovy Minerals SA/Dynatec Madagascar SA) 2009.
Reproduction of this publication for educational or other non-commercial purposes is authorised without prior
written permission from the copyright holder provided the source is fully acknowledged.
Reproduction of this publication for resale or other commercial purposes is prohibited without prior written
permission of the copyright holder.
The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily
reflect the views of The Ambatovy Project. Any errors are purely the responsibility of the authors.
Cover and graphic design by Rima Design.

BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
About this document
To help developers, conservation groups, communities, governments and financial institutions that wish to
consider and develop best practice related to biodiversity offsets, the Business and Biodiversity Offsets
Programme (BBOP) has prepared a set of Principles, interim guidance and resource documents
, including
pilot project case studies, of which this Document
is one. All those involved in BBOP are grateful to the
companies who volunteered pilot projects in this first phase of its work.
The ability to test methods and learn from practical experience in a set of pilot projects has played an
important role in the development of the BBOP Principles on Biodiversity Offsets and supporting materials
during the first phase of the programmes work (2004 2008). The Ambatovy Projects four shareholders
volunteered to undertake pilot projects during BBOPs first phase, with some joining at the outset, and some
at later stages. While BBOP has offered some support and technical advice to the individual pilot projects
through its Secretariat and Advisory Committee, each pilot project has been directed and managed by a team
employed or contracted by the companies and city council leading the respective projects. Each of the case
studies prepared by the pilot projects explains the approach taken and how close the Project has come to
completing the design of the biodiversity offset concerned, and sets out the developers current thinking on the
most appropriate offset. This may change as the Project teams finalise their offset programme design and
further implementation. The nature of the guidance used by the pilot projects has varied according to which
drafts of the evolving BBOP Handbooks were available to them at the time. This and the individual
circumstances and context of each pilot project have affected the extent to which they have used or adapted
the BBOP guidance. Consequently, the case studies do not necessarily reflect the range of interim guidance
currently presented in BBOPs Biodiversity Offset Design Handbook, Cost-Benefit Handbook and
Implementation Handbook.
This Document has been provided by the Ambatovy Project subject to the limitations set out herein.
The Ambatovy Project is still working on the design of the proposed biodiversity offset discussed in this case
study. Consequently, none of the suggested or projected activities based on fieldwork to date represent a
commitment on the part of The Ambatovy Project, it shareholders or potential partners to proceed with the
offset as described in draft form in this Document. Such commitment is the subject of continuing internal
discussions. The information and data relating to possible offset sites, areas and activities are presented here
to communicate the initial work that has been done on a potential offset design and to illustrate one possible
approach to the design of a biodiversity offset intended to comply with the BBOP principles.
Where data supplied by external sources, including previous site investigation data, have been used, it has
been assumed that the information is correct unless otherwise stated. No responsibility is accepted by the
Ambatovy Project for incomplete or inaccurate data supplied by others.

1 The BBOP Principles, interim guidance and resource documents, including a glossary, can be found at To assist readers, a selection of terms with an entry in the BBOP
Glossary has been highlighted thus: biodiversity offsets. Users of the Web or CD-ROM version of this document can move their
cursors over a glossary term to see the definition.
2 This case study was prepared by Pierre O. Berner, Steven Dickinson and Aristide Andrianarimisa.
About this document 2
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
The Ambatovy Project may have retained sub-consultants affiliated with the Ambatovy Project to provide
Services for the benefit of the Ambatovy Project. To the maximum extent allowed by law, users of this
Document acknowledge and agree they will not have any direct legal recourse to, and waive any claim,
demand, or cause of action against, the Ambatovy Projects contractors, sub-contractors, partners,
shareholders and other related or affiliated companies, and their respective employees, officers and directors.
This Document is provided for the use by developers, conservation groups, communities, governments and
financial institutions that wish to consider and develop best practice related to biodiversity offsets. No
responsibility whatsoever for the contents of this Document will be accepted by any person. Any use made of
this Document or any reliance on or decisions to be made based on it, is the responsibility of such users. The
Ambatovy Project accepts no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as a result of
decisions made or actions based on this Document.
For greater certainty, this Document has been prepared for the particular purpose outlined herein and no
responsibility is accepted for the use of this Document, in whole or in part, in other contexts or for any other
BBOP is embarking on the next phase of its work, during which BBOP hopes to collaborate with more
individuals and organisations around the world, to test and develop these and other approaches to biodiversity
offsets more widely geographically and in more industry sectors. BBOP is a collaborative programme, and we
welcome your involvement. To learn more about the programme and how to get involved please:
Contact: [email protected]
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Table of contents
About this document 1
1. Executive Summary 6
2. Project Context 11
2.1 Policy context 11
2.2 Regional context 12
2.3 Shareholders involved in offset design 14
3. Project Summary 15
3.1 General project description 15
3.2 Ambatovy offset programme 17
4. How the Ambatovy Project is Applying the BBOP Principles 19
5. Current Status of the Project and Offset 24
5.1 Project chronology and status (as of December 2008) 24
5.2 Offset chronology and status (as of December 2008) 24
6. Business Case for a Biodiversity Offset 26
7. The Offset Design Process 28
7.1 Guidance and methodologies used 28
7.2 Roles and responsibility 28
7.3 The offset design process 29
7.3.1 Step 1: Review project scope and activities 29
7.3.2 Step 2: Review the legal framework and / or policy context for a biodiversity offset 29
7.3.3 Step 3: Initiate a stakeholder participation process 29
7.3.4 Step 4: Determine the need for an offset based on residual adverse effects 29
7.3.5 Step 5: Choose methods to calculate loss / gain and quantify residual losses 35
7.3.6 Step 6: Review potential offset locations and activities and assess the
biodiversity gains which could be achieved at each 46
7.3.7 Step 7: Calculate offset gains and select appropriate offset locations and activities 51
7.3.8 Step 8: Record the offset design and enter the offset implementation process 51
8. Implementation Plan and Long-term Management 53
9. Summary of Offset Process Costs 54
Contents 4
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
10. Project Outcomes 56
11. Lessons Learned 58
11.1 Limitations 58
11.1.1 Available data 58
11.1.2 Averaging 59
11.2 Recommendations 59
12. Next Steps 60
13. References 62
Table 1: Summary of the Ambatovy pilot Project 9
Table 2: Ambatovy Project offset programme 18
Table 3: Summary of attribute weighting (December 2008) 41
Table 4: Azonal habitat (December 2008) 43
Table 5: Transitional habitat (December 2008) 43
Table 6: Zonal habitat (December 2008) 43
Table 7: Pipeline zonal habitat (December 2008) 43
Table 8: Biodiversity loss calculations scenarios at impact site and effect of post-impact remediation 45
Table 9: Summary of estimated costs 54
Table A5.1: Fauna and flora species vulnerability matrix (April 2008) 92
Table A5.2: Key Biodiversity Components Matrix (KBCM) vulnerability scores (April 2008) 92
Graph 1: Post-impact mitigation influence on biodiversity loss for forest habitats at impact site 45
Photograph 1: Ankerana aerial view 48
Photograph 2: Ankerana azonal habitat 48
Contents 5
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Figure 1: Project location map 13
Figure 2: Project components map 16
Figure 3: Mine area, showing conservation zones (green) that constitute on-site offset area
(including azonal, transitional and zonal forests) 32
Figure 4: Mine area habitat map 37
Figure 5: Mine footprint and environmental buffer map 37
Figure 6: BBOP benchmark site map 40
Figure 7: Forest habitat percentage hectares loss for the mine component (the pipeline affects only
a small portion of the zonal habitat) 44
Figure 8: Ankerana offsite offset area location and other candidate sites surveyed by the project, in
relation to the Ambatovy mine area 47
Figure 9: Correlation between EVC (azonal, transitional and zonal), substrate and topography 48
Figure 10: Ankerana map 50
Figure 11: Mine area and Analamay-Mantadia forest corridor, allowing link between on-site offset and
forest corridor 50
Figure 12: Actions and timings (2004 onwards) 53
Appendix 1: Key Biodiversity Components Matrix (KBCM) and Habitat Hectares Score,
December 2008 Iteration 64
Appendix 2: Key Biodiversity Components Matrix (KBCM) and Habitat Hectares Score,
February 2008 Iteration 78
Appendix 3: Key Biodiversity Components Matrix (KBCM) and Habitat Hectares Score,
April 2008 Iteration 80
Appendix 4: Mine Footprint Status Sheet, 2nd Iteration 87
Appendix 5: Vulnerability Index 91
Appendix 6: Survey for Off-site Azonal Outcrops (in French) 94
Appendix 7: Comparison of Ambatovy / Analamay and Ankerana Azonal Habitats 115
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
1. Executive Summary
The Ambatovy Project is a large-tonnage nickel project in Madagascar with an annual design capacity of
60,000 tonnes of nickel and 5,600 tonnes of cobalt. The Project is comprised of two companies Ambatovy
Minerals SA and Dynatec Madagascar SA each owned in the same proportion by Sherritt Incorporated,
Sumitomo Incorporated, Kores and SNC Lavalin. The Project was permitted in December 2006. Construction
began in early 2007 and production is due to begin by the end of 2010, reaching full capacity by 2013. The
Projects expected LIFECYCLE is 27 years, although operation beyond this is likely.
The Ambatovy Project has six components: the mine, the slurry pipeline, the processing plant (including
refinery), the tailings management facility, the harbour extension and the resettlement site. The Project covers
a large territory extending over two of Madagascars twenty-two regions. The mine is located at an elevation
of approximately 1,000 m above sea level, on Madagascars eastern escarpment, near the town of
Moramanga. The industrial complex (plant, tailings management facility and harbour) is located 130 km to the
northeast of the mine site, in the seaport city of Toamasina. A 218 km slurry pipeline carrying a water laterite
slurry, which contains the ore, links the mine and plant. The proposed off-site offset of Ankerana, which
constitutes the key component of the multifaceted offset programme, is situated in a very remote area
between the mine site and Toamasina.
The Ambatovy Projects vision states that it will operate a sustainable nickel / cobalt mining and processing
enterprise that delivers outstanding environmental and social records. The Project developed an
environmental strategy aiming at honouring the Projects vision, by producing positive CONSERVATION
OUTCOMES on biodiversity through an offset programme. The offset programme aims at achieving NO NET LOSS
on biodiversity, and preferably NET GAIN. The business benefit is essentially linked to risk management and
aims to sustain a good citizen project status in a host country recognised to constitute a BIODIVERSITY
HOTSPOT but suffering from chronic poverty.
The Ambatovy offsets programme is multifaceted with many components. The programme has been adopted
voluntarily to go above and beyond the Projects impacts management strategy. The Programme includes:
1. The Ankerana offset: the off-site offset area covers 11,600 hectares (ha) of endangered forest, with
similar ABIOTIC and BIOTIC conditions to those found at the mine site; the Project aims to ensure its long
term protection through legal arrangements, financing and community consensus.
2. Two azonal forest sites: two on-site (mine) azonal forest conservation areas occur partially over the
ore body footprint; the Project aims to ensure their long term protection through legal and managerial
3. The mine area conservation forest: the conservation forest area around the mine footprint is 4,900
ha; the Project aims to ensure its long term conservation as part of the priority species management
programme and maintenance of the ecological services for the local communities.
4. The Analamay-Mantadia forest corridor: the Project is spearheading the establishment of a forest
corridor between the mine area forests and the nearby Ankeniheny-Zahamena Corridor; the forest
corridor aims at long term landscape level CONNECTIVITY for the protection of mine area biodiversity
through partnerships with government, NGOs and local communities.
Executive Summary 7
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
5. The Torotorofotsy Ramsar wetland ecosystem: the Project is supporting the site management plan
design and implementation in conjunction with government and local NGOs; these efforts aim to ensure
the permanency of legal and managerial commitments in partnership with government and a local NGO.
6. The pipeline right of way reforestation programme: the programme aims at enhancing FOREST
CONNECTIVITY in targeted areas of the Ankeniheny-Zahamena Corridor through expanded reforestation
activities along the slurry pipeline right of way by conducting targeted reforestation in partnership with
government and local NGOs.
7. The mine footprint replacement forest: the Project aims to create a replacement, multifunctional
forest on the footprint during progressive reclamation with an established, integrated managerial
structure by mine closure.
The Ambatovy offset programme design approach was tailored according to the guidelines provided by the
BBOP Secretariat and Advisory Committee. It includes the following steps:
Step 1. Reviewing the offset project scope and activities: the offset project was outlined in the
ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (ESIA), to go above and beyond the expected
regulatory requirements, and was presented during stakeholder consultation; the Project became a
pilot project in 2006 before obtaining its operating permit.
Step 2. Reviewing the legal policy context for its biodiversity offset programme: key elements
comprise the MECIE decree (Mise en Compatibilit des Investissements avec l'Environnement,
Decree N 2004-167 modified), the Madagascar Action Plan (MAP) 2007 2012, the regional and
communal development plans and the EQUATOR PRINCIPLES.
Step 3. Initiating stakeholder participation: PARTICIPATION has been pursued since the ESIA stage,
engaging the Projects shareholders, government, financiers, NGOs and local communities in the
design of the offset programme and integrating their feedback.
Step 4. Determining the need for an offset based on residual adverse effect s: the Projects principal
impacts on natural systems and biodiversity were assessed by the project ESIA. DIRECT IMPACTS
were predicted to occur at the mine area through the phased clearing of the 1,336 ha mine footprint
within an ecologically sensitive semi-pristine forest mosaic. The KEY BIODIVERSITY COMPONENTS in
the mine area and upper slurry pipeline portion include significant numbers of fauna (16 lemurs, 62
birds, 123 herpetofauna), fish and 376 flora species, three structurally distinct HABITAT TYPES and a
landscape-level habitat assemblage with functional interactions between its forest habitats. A very
substantial MITIGATION programme was implemented through the Ambatovy Projects Biodiversity
Management Plan (BMP). The Projects most significant RESIDUAL IMPACTS occur at the mine site,
including both direct impacts through the clearing of the 1,336 ha footprint (and associated
biodiversity) and indirect residual impacts from edge effects on the environmental buffer (790 ha).
Other key Project components are located in areas that are already heavily and historically
degraded and thus have negligible negative impacts on biodiversity.
Step 5. Methods to calculate LOSSES / GAINS and quantify residual losses: the Project used the BENCHMARK
and HABITAT HECTARES methodology to determine the scale of the offset needed to achieve the
CONSERVATION GAINS that will achieve no net loss of biodiversity. The Project will generate a total loss
of 1,168 habitat hectares that any offset will be required to compensate; this result will be refined with
complementary fauna quantitative data acquired in early 2009. Socioeconomic losses and
compensations from the offset programme will be determined during 2009.
Executive Summary 8
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Step 6. Reviewing potential offset locations and activities to assess biodiversity gai ns which could
be achieved: preliminary surveys of offset candidate sites were undertaken in 2005 with the
objective of identifying potential IN-KIND type offsets. The Ankerana forest site has many similarities
with the Ambatovy mine site forests, supporting the hypothesis that Ankerana can be considered in-
kind relative to the Ambatovy azonal habitats.
Step 7. Calculating offset gains and select appropri ate offset locations and activities: additional work
to verify Ankeranas similarities is required and planned for 2009, including detailed quantification of
potential offset gains. Gains from other offset programme components will also be calculated and
Step 8. Recording the offset desi gn and entering the offset implementation process: the Ankerana
offset design and other components of the offset programme have not yet been finalised, thus the
implementation process has not formally begun. The Project will finalise the offset programme
design, using BBOP guidance, during the course of 2009.
The team plans to complete the design of the offset programme implementation plan by the end of 2009, with
the Ankerana and other offset sites gain calculated in 2010, and thus the final offset design completed at that
point. The Project will have the responsibility of ensuring the management of the Ankerana site, while actual
site protection and local management will likely be entrusted to an NGO. For Ankerana, the annual
operational costs are in the process of being established and are estimated to be in the range US$ 250,000
300,000 per annum. Since the offset programme is still in the design phase, the actual conservation outcomes
to date are limited. They represent what the Project has achieved thus far and the benefits the Project has
already enjoyed and include securing the temporary protection of Ankerana until the Ministerial decree for its
protection is finalised; integrating Ankerana into the national protected areas network; coordination between
government organisations, NGOs, local communities and the private sector; local community awareness and
reforestation activities. At the mine site, forest and TAXA-specific conservation management plans were
developed for flora and fauna, (e.g., lemurs, Mantella frog species and fish). Although these programmes
were developed as part of the Biodiversity Management Plan, their importance is reinforced by their aim of
ensuring the conservation of azonal habitat and associated species, thus ensuring that all key biodiversity
components present on the IMPACT SITE are present at the offset.
A summary of the Ambatovy Project pilot project BBOP programme is presented in Table 1.
Executive Summary 9
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Table 1: Summary of the Ambatovy pilot Project
Company name Ambatovy Minerals SA & Dynatec Madagascar SA (AMSA / DMSA)
Project name Ambatovy Project Madagascar
Sector &
Ambatovy is a large-tonnage nickel Project with an annual design capacity of 60,000 tonnes of
nickel, 5,600 tonnes of cobalt and 190,000 tonnes of ammonium sulphate. Production is scheduled
to begin in 2010, with full capacity expected to be achieved by 2013. The Projects assessed reserve
life is 27 years, with potential for extension beyond this. The main impacts to biodiversity are located
at the mine footprint with the clearing of near-primary forest. The Project has designed and
implemented a Biodiversity Management Programme to mitigate and monitor the residual impacts
associated to development, whilst pursuing its impact AVOIDANCE and reduction approach. The
mitigation measures cover flora, fauna and aquatics.
Country Republic of Madagascar (Alaotra Mangoro and Atsinanana regions, eastern Madagascar).
Shareholders Sherritt International Corporation, Sumitomo Corporation, Kores, and SNC Lavalin Incorporated.
affected by
The key biodiversity components, mostly confined to the mine area and upper slurry pipeline portion,
can be summarised as follows:
Priority species:
16 lemurs species, including Prolemur simus (IUCN CR), Propithecus d. diadema (IUCN
EN), Indri indri (IUCN EN), Eulemur rubriventer (IUCN VU), Daubentonia madagascarensis
(IUCN NT), Hapalemur griseus (VU), Allocebus trichotis (IUCN DD);
62 birds species, including Tyto soumagnei, Anas melleri and Ardea humbloti, Sarothura
watersi (IUCN EN);
123 herpetofauna species, including Mantella aurantiaca (IUCN CR), M. crocea (IUCN EN)
and Sanzinia madagascariensis (IUCN VU);
5 fish species of which Rheoles alaotrensis (IUCN VU) and at least two new Ratsirakia
24 insect species, which are considered rare at a national level;
376 plants including Asteropeia mcphersonii (IUCN VU), Leptolaena multiflora (IUCN EN),
Dalbergia baroni (IUCN VU) and 330 species of concern, which are considered rare in
Three structurally distinct habitat types: zonal, transitional and azonal forests (the latter including
seasonal ponds and upper watershed stream systems) and their fauna and flora communities;
The landscape-level habitat assemblage with the functional interaction between the zonal,
transitional and azonal forests.
Scale of impact The main anticipated residual impacts on biodiversity caused by the Project will occur at the mine
site and in the upper portion of the slurry pipeline through the progressive clearing of the mine
footprint (approximately 1,336 ha), located within an ecologically sensitive natural forest mosaic of
the eastern mid-altitudinal forest corridor. Stringent impact avoidance and minimisation strategies
were applied in the design phase of the Project. Residual impacts on biodiversity at the other Project
components are insignificant due to human-induced degradation in these areas but will nonetheless
be offset. These include pipelines, the processing plant, the tailings area and a pier extension
The 218 km of buried slurry pipelines will involve the clearing of a mix of native and non-native
secondary vegetation resulting from historical slash and burn with comparatively little biodiversity
value. However, two sections of the pipeline cross sensitive habitats: the first 2 km of zonal, near-
primary forest accounted for in the mine footprint and the crossing of the Ankeniheny-Zahamena
Corridor at Vohimana, where the pipeline has been routed to avoid residual primary forest fragments.
Executive Summary 10
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
The processing plant occupies 2.6 km
of the Toamasina industrial zone. The associated tailings
system of 14 km
will be located in a highly degraded agricultural matrix. An existing pier at the
harbour will be extended by over 300 m to accommodate the Projects logistical needs. The
processing plant, tailings and pier extension have been assessed in the Environmental and Social
Impact Assessment (ESIA) to have negligible residual impacts on biodiversity.
As the Project is developing the ESIA is being revisited to ensure that no residual impact to
biodiversity is being neglected. Any further residual impacts identified will be accounted for in the
biodiversity offset calculation.
Description of
The Ambatovy offsets programme is multifaceted with many components. The Ambatovy Project is
committed to achieve positive conservation outcomes through designing and implementing its
multifaceted programme, that includes:
1. Ankerana offset: establishing an 11,600 ha endangered forest off-site offset, with similar abiotic
and biotic conditions to those found at the mine site and ensuring long term protection through
legal arrangements and community consensus.
2. Azonal forest sites: establishing two on-site (mine) azonal forest habitats conservation areas
that occur partially over the mine footprint and ensuring long term protection through legal and
managerial commitments.
3. Mine area conservation forest: establishing a 4,900 ha conservation forest area around the
footprint and ensuring long term conservation as part of the priority species management
programme and maintenance of the ecological services for the local communities.
4. Analamay-Mantadia forest corridor: spearheading the establishment of a forest corridor
between the mine area forests and the nearby Ankeniheny-Zahamena Corridor and securing
long term landscape level connectivity for the protection of mine area biodiversity through
partnerships with government, NGOs and local communities.
5. Torotorofotsy Ramsar: supporting the site management plan design and implementation in
conjunction with government and local NGOs and ensuring permanency of legal and managerial
commitments with its partnerships.
6. Pipeline right of way reforestation: enhancing forest connectivity in targeted areas of the
Ankeniheny-Zahamena Corridor through expanded reforestation activities along the slurry
pipeline right of way and conducting targeted reforestation in partnership with government and
local NGOs.
7. Mine footprint replacement forest: creating a replacement, multifunctional forest on the
footprint during progressive reclamation with an established, integrated managerial structure by
mine closure.
While the design and implementation of the several components of the Ambatovy offset programme
has progressed, the predicted conservation outcomes from these various offset components have
not yet been fully calculated. Meanwhile, Ambatovy has focused on its proposed Ankerana offset as
the most significant component of its offset. However, the high degree of social sensitivity around
Ankerana has led the project to undertake community involvement before the planned biodiversity
assessment at the site. The impact of the first pipeline section will be included in the offset
calculation for the mine site. The second section of pipeline will be offset by reforestation not only of
the pipeline footprint but also of broader areas with the aim of reconnecting the forest corridor.
Links to further
information and
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
2. Project Context
2.1 Policy context
Investment projects in Madagascar must be compatible with Malagasy environmental regulations. This
principle is embedded in the MECIE (Mise en Compatibilit des Investissements avec l'Environnement)
decree (Decree N 2004-167 modified). The application of this decree is enforced by the environmental
regulator, ONE (Office National de lEnvironnement), which has developed stringent guidelines and protocols
on how to elaborate, review, permit and monitor Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA).
Although the terms of reference for an ESIA in Madagascar typically require stringent mitigation of impacts,
biodiversity offsets are not included in the text.
The Government of Madagascar became aware of biodiversity offset mechanisms through interactions with
environmental NGOs in 2005 (WWF, Conservation International CI, Wildlife Conservation Society WCS).
Subsequently, the BBOP Secretariat attended a presidential audience to discuss biodiversity offsets in J une
2006 during which the concept of offsets as a complementary mechanism to reduce impacts on Madagascars
heritage was well received by the President of Madagascar. Biodiversity offsets were subsequently referred to
in the Madagascar Action Plan (MAP) 2007 2012:
Commitment # 7 Cherishing the Environment
Challenge # 3 Develop the Environmental Reflex at All Levels"
Priority Projects and Activities # 3 Develop a policy for mining companies and logging companies for
biodiversity offsets and other mechanisms and incentives for environmental protection
The ESIA for the Ambatovy Project (MINEVEF/ONE Permit #47/06 dated December 1st, 2006) established
that the Project, and specifically the mine component, would be located in a sensitive biodiversity area and
that the mitigation of residual impacts would require both on-site and off-site compensation measures. While
on-site measures at the mine are commitments made in the ESIA, the Ambatovy offset programme goes
above and beyond compliance with legal obligations. The offset programme is believed to deliver positive
conservation outcomes under a vision of no net loss of biodiversity, and possibly net gain. This would enable
the Project to honour its stringent biodiversity policy developed and endorsed by its shareholders:
to cause no net harm to biological diversity where we operate, to mitigate unavoidable impacts, and to
practice responsible closure procedures;
to assure the conservation of habitats, flora and fauna, using all reasonable actions and technologies;
to ensure responsible attention to the maintenance and, where possible, enhancement of biodiversity in
the best interest of our business, the communities in which we operate, and the world at large.
The Projects principal financial lenders have subscribed to the Equator Principles (http://www.equator- ). In this context, full regulatory compliance and the implementation of a thorough
impact management strategy is expected. In addition, the lenders also require the Projects general
compliance with the IFC Performance Standards and specifically Performance Standard 6 (Biodiversity
Conservation and Sustainable Natural Resource Management). In the context of biodiversity offsets,
Project Context 12
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
paragraph 8 of Standard 6 is particularly relevant and requires the design of mitigation measures to achieve
no net loss of biodiversity where feasible. These measures may include a combination of actions, such as:
Post-operation restoration of habitats
Offset of losses through the creation of ecologically comparable area(s) that is managed for biodiversity
Compensation to direct users of biodiversity
The Project is thus designed to comply with the IFC Performance Standards for major projects.
2.2 Regional context
The Ambatovy Project has six components, including the mine, the slurry pipeline, the processing plant
(including refinery), the tailings management facility, the harbour extension and resettlement sites (see Figure
1). The Project covers a large territory extending over two of Madagascars twenty-two regions (Alaotra-
Mangoro and Toamasina). The mine is located at an elevation of approximately 1,000 m above sea level
(m.a.s.l.), near the town of Moramanga. The industrial complex (plant, tailings management facility and
harbour) is located 130 km to the northeast of the mine site, in the seaport city of Toamasina. A slurry pipeline
carrying a water laterite slurry, which contains the ore, links the mine and plant. The proposed Ankerana
offset, constituting the key component of the multifaceted offset programme, is situated in a very remote area
between the mine site and Toamasina.
As presented in the Project ESIA, the principal biodiversity sensitivities of the Project are concentrated in the
forested mine area and within the upper portion of the slurry pipeline, while social issues are relevant for all
components. Biodiversity resources within the mine region have strong intrinsic and USE VALUES and
communities there largely depend on these biodiversity resources for their LIVELIHOODS. However, in light of
current agricultural practices and population growth, natural resource and biodiversity utilisation by local
communities is far from sustainable in the mine region; the depletion is such that this natural capital will not be
available to future generations unless fundamental changes take place. The socioeconomic impacts on the
local communities from the Projects offset programme will need to be considered. The mitigation of these
impacts needs to be designed in the context of national, regional and communal plans that address long-term
issues of sustainable resource use in the regions in which the Project operates.
Project Context 13
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Figure 1: Proj ect location map
Project Context 14
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
2.3 Shareholders involved in offset design
Shareholders: the Project is jointly owned by Sherritt Incorporated, Sumitomo Incorporated, Kores and
SNC Lavalin. Each partner has played an important role in the Projects environmental programme,
including regulatory compliance, impact mitigation, risk management and design of a comprehensive
biodiversity offset programme. The Ambatovy vision, besides the goal of generating attractive economic
results, is to contribute significantly to the host country and to deliver outstanding safety, social and
environmental performance.
Government: the general offset principle is captured in the MAP (see Policy Context section above) and
specific governmental entities have been involved in the offset design, including the Ministry of
Environment, Water, Forests and Tourism (MEWFT) and the Malagasy Forest Service, which have actively
participated in securing the proposed offset site at Ankerana via a community-led zoning process.
Lenders: the Ambatovy Project is one of the largest capital investment projects in the world and it is
financially supported by a number of lender banks, most of which have adopted the EQUATOR PRINCIPLES.
Lenders includes the African Development Bank (AFDB), Export Development Canada (EDC), Export-
Import Bank of Korea (K-EXIM), the European Investment Bank (EIB), the J apan Bank for International
Cooperation (J BIC) and various commercial banks such as Socit Gnrale and BNP Paribas. The
consideration of Performance Standard 6 in the Projects Biodiversity Management Plan, including the
taxa-specific plans, reflects this.
NGOs: environmental NGOs in Madagascar are aware of the offset concept and are encouraging the
Ambatovy Project to continue moving its offset programme forward in an effort to ensure NO NET LOSS on
biodiversity and, preferably, net gain. However, it is worth noting that some STAKEHOLDERS voice concerns
about the Projects ability to deliver no net loss of biodiversity and are closely scrutinising the Projects
offset initiative. Given this, the Project has been actively working to enhance its offset programme in
collaboration with NGOs such as CI, WCS and ERI (Eco Regional Initiative). A number of other NGOs
working with the Ambatovy Project on impact mitigation have also provided valuable input to the offset
design process (e.g., Groupe dEtudes et de Recherche des Lmuriens, Henry Doorly Zoo and its
Madagascar Biodiversity Program, Madagasikara Voakajy, Missouri Botanical Garden, Mitsinjo, University
of Antananarivo Biology department, the South African Institute of Aquatic Biology, WWF and others).
Local communiti es: the Project continues to engage stakeholders, including local communities, to ensure
that any offset is compatible and integrated with regional and local land and resource management visions.
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
3. Project Summary
3.1 General project description
The Ambatovy Project is a large-tonnage nickel project with an annual design capacity of 60,000 tonnes of
nickel and 5,600 tonnes of cobalt. Additionally, the Project will produce 190,000 tonnes of fertiliser
(ammonium sulphate) as a by-product from the refinery, a product much needed in this part of the world.
The Project was permitted in December 2006 and construction began in early 2007. Production is due to
begin at the end of 2010, reaching full capacity by 2013. Based on proven nickel and cobalt ore reserves, the
Projects expected lifecycle is 27 years, although operation beyond this is likely, as stored low-grade ore could
become an economic commodity in the future.
The locations of the main Project components are shown in Figure 2, and the key features are summarised below:
The Ambatovy mine lies within the mid-altitude forests, at the westerly limit of the residual eastern rain
forest known as the Ankeniheny-Zahamena Corridor. The near-primary forests of the mine area have
undergone considerable human-induced pressures including hunting and gathering, selective logging,
slash and burn agriculture, uncontrolled fires and species collection for trade;
The slurry pipeline, buried over the majority of its route, will pass through 2 km of near-primary forest
surrounding the mine, crosses a Ramsar site (avoiding the wetlands by following an old railroad spur) and
traverses the Ankeniheny-Zahamena forest corridor by avoiding residual forest fragments whenever
possible. It then continues to the coast through hilly terrain of the former eastern rain forest destroyed by
extensive slash and burn agriculture;
The industrial complex, including the processing plant and the refinery, the tailings and the harbour, is
located within an anthropogenic coastal landscape in a suburban setting. The plant and harbour lay within
the industrial zones of Toamasina; and
The proposed Ankerana offset site, which is equidistant between the mine and Toamasina, is a large,
mountainous dome covered with primary forest, encroached only by slash and burn agriculture in
surrounding valleys where frontier dwellings exist. The pristine character of the site is a result of its
remoteness and the low density of surrounding human populations.
The Projects principal impacts on natural systems and biodiversity will occur at the mine area, through the
phased clearing of the mine footprint within an ecologically sensitive natural forest mosaic. The sensitivity of
this mosaic arises from the considerable local heterogeneity in terms of geology, geomorphology, substrate,
topography and meso-climate.
It is widely documented that the average annual deforestation rate calculated over the period between 2000
and 2005 was 0.35%. In total, between 1990 and 2005, Madagascar lost 6.2% of its forest cover,
approximately 854,000 ha. The current annual loss of the residual eastern rain forest is equivalent to 14,000
ha per year. The total mine footprint to be cleared (1,336 ha) represents only 0.03% of the residual eastern
rain forest, estimated in 2008 at 4,012,100 ha. In consideration of the large forest loss in eastern Madagascar,
the INTRINSIC VALUE of the offset area at Ankerana (11,600 ha) will increase over time as such forest estates
and their associated biodiversity become rarer.
Project Summary 16
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Figure 2: Proj ect components map
While the bulk of the residual biodiversity impact will arise in the mine area and in the upper portion of the
pipeline, the Projects offset calculation considers residual impacts from each project component including the
entire slurry pipeline, the processing plant, the tailings and the harbour extension. The intention is that all
residual impacts will be offset.
Approximately 90% of the pipelines 218 km right of way will require the clearance of secondary, non-sensitive
and mostly non-ligneous vegetation, which has resulted from historical slash and burn and has comparatively
little biodiversity value. Disturbed land will ultimately be rehabilitated using species appropriate to current land
use in the different pipeline sectors (including provision of fuel wood species to reduce pressure on native
forests). However, two sections of the pipeline cross sensitive habitats:
The first 2 km of zonal, near-primary forest at the mine area; these losses are integrated to the mine
footprint loss calculations; and
The Ankeniheny-Zahamena forest corridor area, which led to 16.5 ha of zonal forest being cleared, despite
planning and routing efforts to avoid the residual primary forest fragments present there.
The processing plant, currently under construction, covers 2.6 km
of Toamasinas industrial zone. The
tailings management facility has a footprint of 14 km
and is located in a highly degraded, fire-driven
agricultural matrix, where irreversible, human-induced depletion of the original biodiversity occurred during
historical forest clearance. The harbour expansion requires the construction of an extended pier (over 300 m)
to accommodate the unloading of equipment during the construction and the importation of raw material (coal,
sulphur, limestone and diesel) and the loading of nickel and cobalt briquette bags and ammonium sulphate
during operation. At the Projects industrial complex (plant, tailings management facility and harbour), most of
the biodiversity values were lost many years ago through extensive habitat conversion. The Projects ESIA
Project Summary 17
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
notes that the industrial complex will have negligible residual impacts on biodiversity, which will nonetheless
be traded up through the Projects offset programme.
Specific aspects of the biological environment assessed in the ESIA are being revisited through expanded
BASELINE STUDIES to ensure that residual impacts are fully documented and included in the biodiversity offset
The KEY BIODIVERSITY COMPONENTS in the mine area and upper slurry pipeline portion can be summarised as:
Priority species, with home ranges overlapping (and or potentially overlapping) the mine footprint:
16 lemurs species, including Prolemur simus (IUCN CR), Propithecus d. diadema (IUCN EN), Indri indri
(IUCN EN), Eulemur rubriventer (IUCN VU), Daubentonia madagascarensis (IUCN NT), Hapalemur
griseus (VU), Allocebus trichotis (IUCN DD);
62 birds species, including Tyto soumagnei, Anas melleri and Ardea humbloti, Sarothura watersi (all
123 herpetofauna species, including Mantella aurantiaca (IUCN CR), M. crocea (IUCN EN), Sanzinia
madagascariensis (IUCN VU);
5 fish species of which Rheoles alaotrensis (IUCN VU) and at least two new Ratsirakia species;
24 insects species, which are considered rare at a national level;
376 plants including Asteropeia mcphersonii (IUCN VU), Leptolaena multiflora (IUCN EN), Dalbergia
baroni (UCN VU) and the 330 species of concern which are considered rare in Madagascar;
Three structurally distinct HABITAT TYPES: zonal, transitional and azonal forests (the latter including
seasonal ponds and upper watershed stream systems) and their fauna and flora communities; and
The landscape-level habitat assemblage with the functional interaction between the zonal, transitional and
azonal forests.
Section 7.3 presents more detail in the form of a Key Biodiversity Components Matrix (KBCM) and the steps
followed in its completion. The full KBCM (December 2008 iteration) is provided in Appendix 1. Earlier
iterations (February and April 2008) are presented in Appendices 2 and 3 respectively.
3.2 Ambatovy offset programme
The Ambatovy Project offset programme is a multifaceted endeavour to achieve measurable CONSERVATION
OUTCOMES resulting in no net loss and preferably a NET GAIN of biodiversity. It has been adopted voluntarily to
go above and beyond the Projects impacts management strategy. The Ambatovy Project intends to
implement its diversified offset portfolio, as presented in Table 2.
Project Summary 18
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Table 2: Ambatovy Project offset programme
Design Implementation
1 Ankerana Establishing a large off-site offset site at
Ankerana, encompassing similar ABIOTIC
and BIOTIC conditions to those found at
the mine site. The site is located 71 km to
the northeast of the mine site and would
involve conservation of 11,600 ha of
endangered forest, including a multiple
use area of 7,000 ha and a core
conservation area of 4,600 ha, within
which there is a large tract of azonal
Ensure long term protection of the Ankerana offset
site through the stringent legal arrangements and
strong community consensus. Community
motivation and consent is the highest priority of the
Ambatovy Project offset implementation in its early
phase and needs to be obtained before the
BIODIVERSITY INVENTORIES are conducted (perceived
as external intrusions by the local communities if ill
prepared). Adhere to BBOP principles and
guidelines for offset processes. Monitoring of
efficacy of BBOP tools used and offset programme
evaluation in 2011 and option analysis.
2 Azonal forest
Protecting, for the long term, two on-site
conservation sites of the azonal forest
habitats that occur partially over the mine
footprint that would otherwise be lost to
Ensure permanency of on-site conservation azonal
sites through legal and managerial commitments.
Ensure permanency of surrounding mine area
forests (see offset component #3) with same
measures as mentioned above. Ensure connectivity
of mine area forests with surrounding protected
areas (see offset component #4).
3 Mine area
Ensuring long term conservation of the
forest surrounding the mine footprint as
part of the priority species management
programme and maintenance of the
ecological services for the local
communities. The area consists of the
establishment of 4,900 ha of buffer forest
around the footprint.
Conduct multifunctional zoning based on existing
models in Madagascar and ensure management of
leased lands and in areas of targeted community
transfer. It is believed that site that would otherwise
be lost given regional deforestation rates.
4 Analamay-
forest corridor
Promoting the landscape level
connectivity of the mine area forests with
the nearby Ankeniheny-Zahamena
Corridor to secure long term protection of
mine area biodiversity as part of the
Durban Vision implementation.
Enter into formal partnerships with government,
NGOs and local communities to design and develop
implementation plans for the Analamay-Mantadia
Corridor, that take present and future community
needs into account.
5 Torotorofotsy
Supporting the Torotorofotsy Ramsar site
management plan design and
implementation in conjunction with
government and local NGO.
In partnership with government and local NGO,
ensure permanency of legal and managerial
commitments. In a first phase, complete zoning and
management plan for Ramsar site. Development of
pragmatic viable resources uses to maintain
ecological functions of wetland area while
community needs are met.
6 Pipeline right
of way
targeted areas of the Ankeniheny-
Zahamena Corridor through expanded
reforestation activities along the slurry
pipeline right of way.
In partnership with government and local NGOs
conduct targeted reforestation of the Ankeniheny-
Zahamena Corridor (CAZ) with the aim of re-
establishing forest connectivity.
7 Mine footprint
Creating a replacement, multifunctional
forest on the entire footprint during
progressive reclamation with an
established, integrated managerial
structure by mine closure.
Design and implement management plans for
engineering, water management, erosion control,
early vegetation establishment, targeted species
reforestation, induced and facilitated secondary
successions and sylviculture treatments.
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
4. How the Ambatovy Project is
Applying the BBOP Principles
During the ESIA in 2004 and 2005, the Ambatovy Project initiated its offset programme based on an improved
understanding of RESIDUAL IMPACTS and the need for developing compensatory conservation activities. In
2006, Ambatovy became a BBOP PILOT PROJECT and refined its initial offset vision and the design approach
was tailored according to the guidelines provided by the BBOP Secretariat and Advisory Committee.
The BBOP PRINCIPLES ON BIODIVERSITY OFFSETS were finalised in December 2008
, following several years of
groundwork including the development of draft guidance and tools. The Projects offset initiative was
developed alongside, and is generally well-aligned with, the BBOP Principles. The Projects alignment with the
BBOP Principles is illustrated in more detail in Section 7. The Project applies the BBOP Principles as follows:
1. No net loss:
The Projects aim is to achieve measurable conservation outcomes that deliver NO NET LOSS of biodiversity
and a possible net gain through a mix of complementary offset and mitigation activities, including:
An offset site at Ankerana that contains a core conservation area designed to compensate for the Projects
residual impacts on azonal forest biodiversity.
Protection of viable tracts of azonal forest habitats through the set-aside of two specific on-site azonal
forest habitat conservation zones within the forests surrounding the mine footprint (see next point).
Implementation of a no species EXTINCTION commitment and protection of forests surrounding the mine
footprint to ensure the long-term viability of priority species populations impacted by the Project. This
approach would include the on-site azonal forest habitat conservation zones and mechanisms to control
current human pressure on these areas.
Design and implementation of protection measures for an existing residual forest corridor linking forests
surrounding the mine area and the Mantadia National Park to ensure landscape-level forest connectivity.
Targeted reforestation of the Ankeniheny-Zahamena Corridor, in partnership with government and local
NGOs, to re-establish forest connectivity between Mantadia National Park and the Man and the Biosphere
Private Reserve.
Development of the Ramsar Torotorofotsy Management Plan in partnership with government and local
NGOs, and contribution to its subsequent implementation.
Progressive rehabilitation at the mine site to produce a multifunctional replacement forest with reinstated
biodiversity values to be included in the offset calculation.
To date, the Projects offset planners have used BBOP guidance and methodologies to assess the impact on
biodiversity and to identify potential sites for biodiversity offsets. BBOP methodologies will also be followed to

3 The full text of the BBOP Principles is available in the BBOP document Business, Biodiversity Offsets and BBOP: An Overview
How the Ambatovy Project is Applying the BBOP Principles 20
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determine the scale of the offset required to deliver no net loss, to verify that no net loss has been achieved
and to define implementation measures that will ensure the long-term sustainability of the offset.
2. Additional conservation outcomes:
The Project is designing and implementing conservation activities that are predicted to deliver ADDITIONALITY,
as summarised below for each of the Projects components:
The proposed Ankerana offset site is currently being integrated within the recently established SAPM
(National Protected Areas System) under the Durban Vision. However, there is a significant shortfall in the
financial and human resources to offer protection to all these areas and the Durban Vision can only be
implemented if an array of different partners commits to developing the required financial and human
resources. Through the proposed offset, the Project will play a role in that development process.
Historically the azonal forest habitats of Ambatovy and Analamay have suffered significant anthropogenic
impacts (e.g., from hunting and gathering, destructive honey collection, fire, charcoal, slash and burn, and
the pet trade). The long-term survival of this habitat in the absence of the Project is far from proven. This is
clearly seen in the baseline data for the mine area: of the total area of 1,347 ha of azonal forest habitat in
the mine area, only 60% is of prime quality, the rest being significantly degraded before the project was
established. While the mine development is predicted to impact 590 ha of prime quality azonal forest
habitat, 212 ha (26.4% of the total prime quality habitat) will be preserved through the Projects on-site
azonal habitat conservation initiative. The likelihood of successful conservation of a viable portion of the
unique azonal forest habitat at Ambatovy is therefore significantly increased by the presence of the Project.
Similarly, the zonal forests surrounding the mine footprint have experienced historic anthropogenic impacts
such as forest structure modification (logging), species composition modification though canopy openings
(invaders, heliophytes), FOREST FRAGMENTATION through clear cutting, and plain, irreversible loss of forest
areas. The Project has committed to preserving the residual forests of the mine area by, for example,
implementing forest community transfer
to avoid further anthropogenic losses. Such additionality, if clearly
established, will be included in the offset calculations once data and a model for the rate of regional
deforestation are available.
In the long-term, the forests of the mine area and Mantadia National Park are likely to become isolated
unless the existing forest corridor that links these areas is managed and protected. The loss of this corridor
would cause landscape-level forest fragmentation and jeopardise the long-term viability of populations of
critical species that the project has committed to protect at the mine area. As of December 2008, the forest
corridor has not been included in the first zoning approximation of the Durban Vision. The Project and its
partners plan to create a westerly extension of the Durban Vision zoning to incorporate this area in the
protection zone of the Ankeniheny-Zahamena Corridor. Forest loss avoidance via the successful
management and protection of the corridor will be taken into account in offset calculations based on a fair
assessment of the resulting additionality.
The Ramsar Torotorofotsy site is experiencing considerable pressure from inward migration, the drainage
of wetlands and subsequent conversion to rice paddies, wildfires, slash and burn activities in the forested
watersheds, hunting and the pet trade. The National Committee on Ramsar (CONARAMS) has given a
local NGO (Mitsinjo) the mandate to design and implement a management plan. Ambatovy has joined this
effort as a partner and will work with Mitsinjo and others to enhance the management plan. The first step

4 The targeted forest areas are jointly managed with local communities, using a defined management programme that meets
conservation and sustainable use requirements.
How the Ambatovy Project is Applying the BBOP Principles 21
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will be to establish a functional zoning that results in the avoidance of BIODIVERSITY LOSS, which will be
taken into account in offset calculations, again based on a fair assessment of the resulting additionality.
Reforestation activities to reconnect residual patches of primary forests at the perimeter of the slurry
pipeline right of way within the Ankeniheny-Zahamena Corridor will contribute to an overall corridor
defragmentation. The areas to be reforested sit outside of the SAPM and will be accounted for in the offset
GAIN calculation as clearly additional outcomes.
3. Adherence to the mitigation hierarchy:
Given the Projects setting (high regional biodiversity and endemicity), rigorous biodiversity management is
necessary to meet its policy of no net harm to biodiversity. Before considering biodiversity offsets, the
Ambatovy Project implemented appropriate avoidance and minimisation measures according to the
AVOIDANCE: analysis of pipeline route alternatives, including the study of 21 major re-routes to avoid
ecologically, socially and culturally sensitive areas; avoidance of other sensitive areas during the
development of other Project components whenever possible. Also, set-aside of an area of the ore body
that would otherwise be mined as the foundation of the on-site azonal habitat conservation initiative.
Minimisation: reduction of the surface area subject to impacts through appropriate design and
Early (2004 / 05) impact mitigation through the rehabilitation of 50 km of exploration roads and
platforms in the mine area.
Mitigation of impacts following forest clearance through biodiversity rescue and management programs
(lemurs, small mammals, herpetofauna and fish).
Management of surges in total suspended solids to protect water quality and aquatic biodiversity in
seven affected watersheds downstream of the mine site using large retention dams (at a cost of US$ 40
Restoration / rehabilitation: planned progressive rehabilitation of the mine site footprint to create a
replacement forest with reinstated biodiversity values and reduce the net residual impact.
4. Limits to what can be offset:
The Ambatovy Project currently believes that all its direct residual impacts on biodiversity are OFFSETABLE. No
habitat or species (flora and fauna) ENDEMIC to the mine footprint alone have been identified during the
thorough investigations to date. Nevertheless, given the high levels of biodiversity and endemicity around the
Project, field studies will continue as the mine is developed and forest clearance progresses.
In contrast, the Project believes that there are limits to offsetting certain social impacts. For local communities,
there were few legal and cultural constraints on the exploitation of natural resources and biodiversity prior to
the arrival of the mine. In light of forest clearance during development of the mine and the Projects
commitment to conserve the surrounding forests by introducing a zoned approach to forest use, the local
communities existing way of life, including unsustainable use of biodiversity, will undoubtedly be disrupted.
The Ambatovy Project believes that this disruption cannot be entirely offset and also that, in light of dwindling
forest resources and population growth, it is desirable from a BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION perspective to seek
to break the cycle of unsustainable use by local communities and replace it with a more sustainable model.
How the Ambatovy Project is Applying the BBOP Principles 22
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The present unfettered community exploitation of resources may reflect a lack of community empowerment
and choice. Hence, the changes envisioned by the Project (sustainable, participatory forest use) may
ultimately be viewed by local communities as a positive transformation relative to the current situation.
The same concept applies to the Ankerana offset site where the Project believes that the pre-project
socioeconomic conditions should not be, and ultimately cannot be, maintained. While this change can also not
be offset, the Project believes the change to sustainable use of natural resources will ultimately be to the
benefit of both local communities and biodiversity.
5. Landscape context:
The spatial spread of the Project has driven the integration of planned conservation activities with regional
and landscape-level environmental and social initiatives. At the mine, the landscape approach currently
consists of maintaining forest connectivity between the on-site azonal habitat conservation zones (and
rehabilitated areas as these progress) and the surrounding forests. Moreover, forest connectivity between the
mine area and the Ankeniheny-Zahamena Corridor will be maintained through landscape-level designs and
interventions in line with the Durban Vision to increase the surface areas of protected areas in Madagascar;
the development of this programme is at an early stage and aims to be conducted in collaboration with
Conservation International. At Ankerana, the offset design is based on a phased and spatially concentric,
landscape-level approach. Long-term community needs have been identified and participative zoning has
been completed.
6. Stakeholder participati on:
The Project is committed to stakeholder PARTICIPATION and has made significant progress with local
communities and NGOs. Examples include interaction during the integration of the Ambatovy Project offset
programme with national, regional and local plans and community involvement at the heart of the zoning
project at the proposed Ankera offset site. In the latter example, a functional, participatory forest zoning
process is being implemented by the community with assistance from the Forest Services and the help of
local NGOs. This will result in areas identified for multiple-use at the periphery of the offset site being
transferred to the community as stipulated by Malagasy law and promoted in the regional plan.
7. Equity:
While the Ambatovy Project is committed to BBOP Principles 6 and 7, insufficient data are currently available
to apply the latter strictly. As data become available, the Project will develop its cost-benefit model and
and in consultation
with stakeholders. The Project is currently in the process of establishing a strategy to implement the socio-
environmental action programme, including assessing natural resources usages by the local communities at
the Ankerana and mine sites, further to which dollar value of the losses will be determined and compensation
options identified and provided.
8. Long-term outcomes:
The Ambatovy offset programme for the mine region, comprising on-site azonal habitat conservation,
community-based forest management, forest connectivity of mine area, Ramsar wetland management, forest

5 Available at
How the Ambatovy Project is Applying the BBOP Principles 23
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corridor rehabilitation and the proposed Ankerana offset, is being designed for long-term success following its
implementation. Four activities will support the long-term outcomes:
Strong community involvement throughout the planning, designing and implementation phases with the
development of complementary sustainable activities in the surrounding agricultural matrix and in the
multiple use area of the forests surrounding the critical habitats (core areas). Appropriate joint activities are
being identified as the result of ongoing stakeholder interaction and data gathering.
Development of financial strategies, mechanisms, and commitments as the operational phase of the
Project begins (2011), based on the analysis of stakeholder needs and the Projects predicted economic
operating environment. In light of the ongoing financial crisis and the resulting economic uncertainties,
ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT strategies will play a key role in securing long-term financing for the Ambatovy
offset programme.
Identification of long-term governmental legal and political commitment to protect the conservation sites in
the mine region and the proposed offset site at Ankerana. A high level of commitment is expected as
elements of the mine area and the proposed offset site have been designed to fall under the future
Malagasy protected area system (SAPM), which itself is a part of the Presidential Durban commitment and
which is expected to attract significant outside funding as a result of a global concern for biodiversity.
Determining the institutional arrangements for managing the offset sites into the long-term. It has not yet
been decided how the Ankerana site will be managed, with all options remaining open, i.e., managed by
governmental institutions, by an NGO, by the community, by the company or a combination of any of the
foregoing. The on-site conservation zones forests will be managed by the Project, the FOREST
CONNECTIVITY programme will likely be community-based, while the Ramsar site has a defined
management structure.
9. Transparency:
The Ambatovy Projects intention to offset its residual impacts on biodiversity is a commitment developed in
the ESIA, which has undergone thorough public consultation, hearings and a public information process.
Consequently, the Projects strategic environmental and social commitments are in the public domain and its
offset activities have been, and are being, scrutinised by the Malagasy environmental authorities, regional and
international NGOs, the local communities and the lender banks. Since becoming a BBOP Pilot Project,
Ambatovy has committed to ensuring that design (and ultimately implementation) activities are completed in a
transparent fashion. Transparency allows the Project to ensure stakeholders are well informed and able to
offer insightful feedback that contributes to the optimisation of conservation outcomes.
10. Science and traditional knowledge:
In order to evaluate residual impacts on biodiversity and quantify the required offset, the Project has applied
established and developing scientific methodologies. In parallel, traditional knowledge is being utilised (for
example, species identification in time and space, identification of species utilisation by humans (medicinal)
and animals (fruit trees), and land use patterns (plant-substrate relationships)).
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
5. Current Status of the Project
and Offset
5.1 Project chronology and status (as of December 2008)
1960: Genim, a French company, conducts exploration drilling and identifies the Ambatovy and Analamay
nickel cobalt ore bodies; environmental considerations of the early feasibility study were very limited and
did not consider vegetation anomalies nor the importance of nearby wetland (e.g. using Torotorofotsy for
tailings disposal);
1970: Under the President of Madagascar, Didier Ratsiraka, a partnership with North Korea leads to the
analysis of a bulk sample that confirmed the existence of nickel and cobalt but which led to no further
development; environmental considerations were absent during exploration (e.g. no rehabilitation of test
pit, which remains unvegetated today);
1994 1997: Phelps-Dodge conducts exploration drilling and develops a feasibility study and an ESIA (not
submitted to ONE); vegetation anomaly recognised and quantified (vegetation map), biological inventories
created; management principles for surrounding forests conceptualised; importance of azonal habitats
1998 2003: Restoration of exploration roads and platforms undertaken in light of Project development
2003 2006: Dynatec conducts exploration drilling and develops a feasibility study and an ESIA; Final
Investment Decision taken by the investors (Dynatec and partners); on-site and offset conservation ideas
captured in the ESIA; Ambatovy becomes BBOP pilot Project; ESIA was permitted by ONE on December
, 2006; and
2007 2008: Elaboration of the Ambatovy Project thematic Environmental and Social Plans (18 plans: air,
noise, water etc and biodiversity); implementation of Biodiversity Action Plan (and others), development of
priority TAXA-specific draft management plans (lemur, Mantella species, fish and flora). Confirmation of
shareholders and loans and start of construction.
5.2 Offset chronology and status (as of December 2008)
2004 2005: Concept of biodiversity offset integrated with other Project activities, with a preliminary
survey of proposed offset site undertaken and documented in the ESIA; proposed offset site selection
based on geological, substrate, altitude and forest structure similarity (relative to principal IMPACT SITE);
2006: Ambatovy Project selected as a BBOP Pilot Project at Pretoria meeting;
2007: Participation in BBOP meetings (London and Bainbridge) and contribution to development of BBOP
handbooks and guidelines; concepts for Ankerana site management programme developed and zoning
Current Status of the Project and Offset 25
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Preparation of interim report outlining technical aspects of the offset process (e.g. benchmark
selection, confirmation of impacts, preliminary loss calculations and completed Key Biodiversity
Components Matrix (KBCM);
Preparation of supplementary report with revised benchmark selection and loss calculations, including
updated KBCM with quantitative species data;
Preparation of complementary field work (terrestrial fauna) in response to gap analysis; inclusion of other
Project components (pipeline, tailings, plant and harbour) in overall assessment of residual impacts;
Implementation of Ankerana site management programme:
Stakeholder consultations (local communities, NGOs and government including Office National
lEnvironnement (ONE,) Forestry Department, Gendarmerie, District of Brickaville, local mayors and
police forces);
Reforestation work on periphery area of proposed offset; this focused mainly on planting wood for
construction uses to avoid primary forest logging in the offset area;
Population awareness campaigns around the proposed offset, conducted by field teams and
partners. The objectives of the campaigns were to define the offset site boundary and explain
existing laws that prohibit forest clearance;
Support provided to the mixed brigade (includes local communities, NGOs, local administrative staff
and the police force) which manages forestry resource exploitation through out the local communes;
Financial and logistic support to update the five year Communal Development Plans for impacted
communes; and
Technical committee meeting with SAPM focusing on integration of the proposed offset site with the
national protected areas network.
Conceptualised and pending (for 2009):
The offset design work, following guidance in the BBOP BIODIVERSITY OFFSET DESIGN HANDBOOK has to
date quantified biodiversity losses as presented below. The next phase of work will be to calculate
offset gains and continue with the design of the offset and offset activity plan;
The proposed Ankerana offset site has undergone only preliminary characterisation. Detailed baseline
ecological characterisation is planned for 2009 focusing on ecosystems, habitats, fauna, flora and
socioeconomic attributes. This information will underpin the calculation of offset gains;
Socio-environmental losses will be defined and subsequently an appropriate compensation calculation
strategy and programme will be designed; and
Continued interaction with stakeholders to refine and enhance the offset activity plan.
In summary, the Project is committed to designing and financing a long-term offset programme that aims at
achieving NO NET LOSS on biodiversity and preferably NET GAIN. Substantial progress has been made by
calculating the residual impacts on biodiversity and identifying potential offset mechanisms. Ambatovy will
continue to work closely with stakeholders on the offset design and plan the financial mechanisms to secure
the offsets in the long-term, using adaptive management in response to the insecurities of the global financial
crisis. The following pages of this case study detail the actions conducted and those that are planned for the
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
6. Business Case for a
Biodiversity Offset
The vision of the Ambatovy Project is stated as follows: The Ambatovy partnership will develop and operate a
sustainable nickel / cobalt mining and processing enterprise that significantly contributes to our host country,
delivers outstanding safety, environmental and social records and generates attractive economic returns.
The environmental strategy designed to honour the Projects vision to deliver outstanding environmental
records consists of:
Ensuring full regulatory compliance and conformity with international loan agreements;
Minimising residual impacts through the stringent application of the mitigation hierarchy;
Reducing environmental risks through dynamic management guided by Malagasy know-how and
stakeholder consultation; and
Producing positive CONSERVATION OUTCOMES on biodiversity through the offset programme that aims at
achieving no net loss on biodiversity, and possibly net gain, in order to sustain a good citizen project
status in a host country recognised as constituting a biodiversity hotspot.
The business benefit of its offset programme is essentially linked to risk management. As a world class mining
project, Ambatovy and its shareholders believe in demonstrating good environmental management practices
to secure its license to operate. To Ambatovy, a license to operate consists of the permanent support of civil
society, local communities, national and international NGOs and governmental authorities in the manner
social and environmental affaires are managed. Because Madagascars biodiversity is universally considered
of utmost importance by national and international STAKEHOLDERS producing positive conservation outcomes
that offset the residual impacts on biodiversity is a critical component of this license to operate.
It is recognised by the Projects shareholders that the Ambatovy offset programme has provided additional
confidence to the lender banks in securing access to capital. This has created reputational benefits to the
shareholders that can result in easier access to land, human and financial resources for future projects in
Madagascar and elsewhere in the world. It is expected that this approach will result in competitive advantage
for the shareholders in relation to other governments.
Conversely, bad environmental practice is bound to produce higher operating costs, expensive permit delays,
liabilities, and lost revenues. Consequently, engaging in good environmental practice will maximise the overall
long-term economic return to shareholders, stakeholders and government.
It is worth mentioning that the Malagasy governmental policy, through the Madagascar Action Plan, refers to
biodiversity offsets. The Ambatovy offset programme under the BBOP guidance is thus aligned with
Madagascars endeavour to protect its unique biodiversity heritage.
Business Case for a Biodiversity Offset 27
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
In summary, Ambatovy believes that its offset programme will bring about the following advantages:
Continuing access to land and capital;
Increasing investor confidence and loyalty;
Reducing risks and liabilities;
Strengthening relationships with local communities, government regulators, environmental groups and
other stakeholders;
Building trust on a credible reputation for environmental and biodiversity related management performance
and winning a social license to operate;
Increasing regulatory goodwill which leads to faster permitting;
Influencing emerging environmental regulation and policy;
Developing more cost effective means of complying with increasingly stringent environmental regulations;
Taking advantage of first mover benefits in the marketplace Madagascar;
Maximising strategic opportunities in the new markets and businesses emerging as biodiversity offsets
become more widespread; and
Improving staff loyalty.
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
7. The Offset Design Process
7.1 Guidance and methodologies used
The Ambatovy biodiversity offset programme has been developed as an iterative process calling upon BBOP
principles and guidance. Additional inputs towards the development of the Projects offset programme came
from a number of recent good practice guides, including Good Practice Guidance for Mining and Biodiversity
(International Council on Mining and Metals 2006), Planning for Integrated Mine Closure: Toolkit (International
Council on Mining and Metals 2008), Performance Standard 6: Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable
Natural Resource Management (International Finance Corporation 2006) and Biodiversity Offsets: Views,
Experience, and the Business Case (ten Kate et al. 2004).
The BBOP guidance supports the development of either single or COMPOSITE OFFSET sites to compensate for
residual impacts on biodiversity. The Ambatovy offsets programme is multifaceted because it is a large project
with many components (see Section 3.2). While the design and implementation of the several components of
the Ambatovy offset programme has progressed, the predicted conservation outcomes from these various
offset components have not yet been fully calculated. Meanwhile, Ambatovy has focused on its proposed
Ankerana offset as the most significant component of its offset. The proposed Ankerana offset design is
based on the guidance in the draft BBOP Biodiversity Offset Design Handbook revised in December 2008
(available at yoffsetprogram/guidelines/odh.pdf). However, the high
degree of social sensitivity around Ankerana has led the project to undertake community involvement before
the planned biodiversity assessment at the site.
7.2 Roles and responsibility
The Ambatovy offset programme is designed, implemented and financially supported by the Ambatovy
Project. The offset commitment was reiterated by Sherritt Incorporated, the Projects operator, in November
2008 during a clarification meeting with the BBOP Secretariat and representatives of Forest Trends, CI and
WCS. The offset programme is managed and monitored by the Projects environmental department. Since
Ambatovy became a BBOP Pilot Project, the BBOP Secretariat and members of the BBOP Advisory
Committee have also monitored progress. Senior Project representatives attend all BBOP meetings and
provide updates and feedback to the BBOP Secretariat. The Projects BBOP team includes:
A focal point (Pierre O. Berner, Environmental Director, Ambatovy Project);
A full time consultant responsible for supporting the offset programme management implementation
(Steven Dickinson of Golder Associates / Ambatovy Project);
An ecological assessment consultant responsible for the benchmark, loss and gain calculations (Aristide
Andrianarimisa of WCS); and
Environmental superintendent (monsieur Alphonse) leading a technical environmental and social field team
responsible for social and environmental management at the proposed Ankerana offset site. This team led
consultations with local stakeholders, including local communities, local forestry and police authorities and
local NGOs. A legal team is supporting the superintendent to ensure the legal protection status of the
Ankerana site.
The Offset Design Process 29
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7.3 The offset design process
7.3.1 Step 1: Review project scope and activities
The nature, scope and geographical location of the Ambatovy offset programme was outlined in the ESIA as a
COMPENSATION measure that would go above and beyond the expected regulatory commitments. The basic
Ambatovy offset concept was presented and discussed in the many stakeholder public information meetings
associated with the ESIA review. As Ambatovy was accepted as a BBOP Pilot project in 2006, a more
structured approach was developed, which led to the multifaceted programme outlined in Section 3.2.
7.3.2 Step 2: Review the legal framework and / or policy context for a biodiversity offset
The key elements of the legal framework and policy context for the Ambatovy Projects biodiversity offset
programme comprise the MECIE decree, the Madagascar Action Plan (MAP) 2007 2012, the regional and
communal development plans and the EQUATOR PRINCIPLES. Further information on these and other regulatory
requirements is provided in Section 2.1.
7.3.3 Step 3: Initiate a stakeholder participation process
As noted previously, the Ambatovy Project obtained its permit from the Malagasy regulatory authorities in
December 2006, based on a large ESIA that involved public information, consultation and enquiry throughout
the development and review process. Subsequently stakeholder consultations have been central to
discussions on integrating the offset programme with national, regional and local plans. At the Ankerana offset
site, the community buy-in process is progressing well and precedes the hard-core biological assessment that
can only be conducted after full community participation is demonstrated.
The offset stakeholder participation process can be summarised as:
Confirming key stakeholders (the J V partners, government, financiers, NGOs and local communities, see
Section 2.3);
Engaging stakeholders in the offset design process by presenting and discussing the offsets objectives
and the proposed implementation process;
Engaging communities in the offset design process by assessing the impact the offset will bring about and
agreeing on an acceptable MITIGATION strategy; and
Integrating stakeholder feedback into the design process, especially with respect to land use in the multiple
use areas (site zoning); this part of the process is in its initial stage and will continue throughout the offset
zoning processes.
7.3.4 Step 4: Determine the need for an offset based on residual adverse effects
This section describes how the Ambatovy offset planning team:
1. Assessed the likely impacts on biodiversity caused by the Ambatovy Project;
2. Prepared a Key Biodiversity Components Matrix (KBCM);
3. Applied the mitigation hierarchy;
4. Determined residual impacts; and
5. Checked whether these residual impacts could be offset.
The Offset Design Process 30
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project Assessing biodiversity impacts
Biodiversity impacts are presented in the Projects 2006 ESIA. The ESIA BASELINE and impact analysis
(including CUMULATIVE IMPACTS) followed World Bank (IFC, International Finance Corporation) standards.
A formal summary is available at: es/coal/abatovy/EAAmbatovy_EnglishSummary.pdf.
Details of the biodiversity impacts are available in Volume J of the full ESIA report (full document available in
French or English, on CD, through the Ambatovy Project or the Malagasy Ministry for Environment).
The Projects main impacts will occur at the mine site, through the progressive clearing of the mine footprint
(total footprint of 2,126 hectares, of which 1,336 ha will result from clearance and the balance resulting from
indirect (edge effect) impacts around the cleared area) located within an ecologically sensitive natural forest
mosaic of the eastern mid-altitudinal forest corridor. Stringent impact avoidance and minimisation strategies
were applied in the design phase of the Project, so RESIDUAL IMPACTS on biodiversity from the other key
Project components, most of which lie in heavily degraded areas, are of less significance (but will nonetheless
be offset). These include pipelines, the processing plant and refinery, tailings management facility and pier
extension (see Section 3 for a summary of associated impacts).
As the Project has evolved, specific aspects covered in the ESIA are currently being revisited to ensure that
no residual impacts to biodiversity have been neglected. Any further residual impacts identified will be
included in the biodiversity offset calculation. Key Biodiversit y Components Matrix (KBCM)
Key biodiversity components
KEY BIODIVERSITY COMPONENTS were identified for the impact area, including mainly species and habitats, but
also landscapes / ecosystems. The completed key biodiversity components matrix (KBCM) conveys the
essence of the character of the site by identifying a range of its highest biodiversity values. The KBCM can
help ensure that the offset generates additional conservation outcomes for these key biodiversity values, and
the matrix can also contribute to the design of the BENCHMARK that will help with the calculations of residual
BIODIVERSITY LOSS caused by the Project (see Appendix 1) and the gain that will be achieved through the
offset. Both intrinsic and NON-USE VALUES of key species and habitats / ecosystems were assessed according
to their significance level and IRREPLACEABILITY. The KBCM based on the current data is in Appendix 1. The
Project will conduct additional surveys and improve analysis of existing data during 2009.
The key biodiversity components listed here will subsequently be considered during the offset site selection
and characterisation stage. Appl ying the mitigation hierarchy
Prior to consideration of biodiversity offsets, the Ambatovy Project implemented appropriate avoidance,
minimisation and restoration measures through its Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP) to avoid species
EXTINCTION and EXTIRPATION (all IUCN EN and CR species), avoid sensitive areas where possible and
minimise impacts on flora, fauna and aquatic resources.

6 A rapid assessment of the Ankerana site provided preliminary species-level data. The potential offset site is located within the same
biogeographical setting as the impact area, so it is anticipated that more detailed assessments will also reveal the presence of the key
biodiversity components at Ankerana.
The Offset Design Process 31
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Specific avoidance strategies include the use of conservation barriers to physically isolate the on-site azonal
conservation areas from construction activities in surrounding areas and ensure that modification of the mine
footprint follows a strict environmental protocol (see Appendix 4: Protocol for Mine Area Modification).
A very substantial minimisation programme was implemented through the BMP. Significant activities include:
Directional and paced forest clearance to optimise the natural migration of terrestrial fauna. Clearance
procedures are provided to the forest clearing team manager as part of Forest Clearing Biodiversity Action
List procedure; the proper implementation of the actions is monitored on a daily basis by the mine
environmental team and any deviation reported for immediate corrective action.
Repetition of full biological surveys in the clearing perimeter and surrounding areas prior to any forest
clearance in order to inventory fauna taxa present, particularly priority species (IUCN Endangered [EN] and
Critically Endangered [CR] categories) but also including lemurs, other mammals, birds, reptiles and
amphibians. The surveys facilitate the development of taxa-specific mitigation measures. For example, a
representative sample of individuals from all lemur species are captured and fitted with radio collars and
subcutaneous microchips in order to monitor their ability to migrate from an area as it is cleared and the
receiving populations behaviour on arrival of displaced groups in their territory. For plants, a list of species
of concern (SOC) was drawn up during ESIA baseline studies in collaboration with the Projects botanical
expert partner. Pre-clearance work involves identifying whether SOC are present in the clearing perimeters
and searching for these SOC outside the mine footprint (in protected areas) to avoid potential species
extinction. For fish in streams, a spatial and genetic survey (endemicity assessment) was conducted to
determine whether the species present were ENDEMIC to the mine footprint. Until genetic results became
available, fish from impacted streams were recovered and temporarily maintained in aquaculture systems;
subsequent management actions are currently being undertaken.
Monitoring of fauna during and after clearance. For example, lemur spatial dispersion is monitored during
forest clearance to assess their capacity to (i) migrate (avoid immediate impacts); (ii) settle in their new
home range (a medium-term impact) and (iii) reproduce and maintain population viability (a long-term
impact). Biomedical health is assessed in parallel to behavioural assessments with the aim of improving
analysis of trends in the Projects long-term lemur population viability assessment programme.
Salvaging activities focused on fauna likely to require human aid to migrate towards refuge areas (the
conservation zones shown in green on Figure 3). A crew of 80 technical agents was trained by experts to
identify and salvage all small mammals, stranded lemurs, nocturnal birds and herpetofauna. Systematic
salvage of these taxa was undertaken for all mine, pipeline and plant site clearings, under the supervision
of external experts (e.g. biologists from the University of Antananarivo) and the Ambatovy biodiversity
team. Taxa were logged and relocated / monitored in refuge areas. Limited salvaging of flora was also
conducted. Some SOCs required ex situ conservation, with individuals translocated to a dedicated on-site
area while searches for the SOC in areas outside the footprint were completed; cells from these SOC were
collected for micro-propagation and cryoconservation as a back-up. To date all SOC surveys have lead to
the identification of off-site VIABLE POPULATIONS, and the Project and its botanical partners remain confident
that this will be the case for all remaining SOCs. In the event that SOC are not found, then the
aforementioned mitigation will be applied.
The Offset Design Process 32
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Figure 3: Mine area, showing conservation zones (green) that constitute on-site offset area (including
azonal, transitional and zonal forests)
The mine restoration programme includes progressive footprint rehabilitation through erosion control,
reforestation with targeted species and facilitated secondary successions. The aim is to produce a
multifunctional replacement forest with biodiversity values that can be included in the offset calculation (by
reducing the residual impact on biodiversity that will require offsetting). The pipeline restoration programme
will focus on targeted reforestation of the right of way. Determining residual impacts
The Projects most significant residual impacts will occur at the mine site. Residual impacts caused by the
other key Project components are limited as these components are located in areas that are already heavily
and historically degraded. Nonetheless, these less significant residual impacts will also be included in the
offset calculations.
The Projects residual impacts are summarised below.
Direct negative impacts
The total loss of habitats as progressive clearance of the mine footprint (1,336 hectares, excluding the
environmental buffer) proceeds in an ecologically sensitive natural forest mosaic. Following clearance
some areas will be built on and / or eventually mined. In the areas lost to DIRECT IMPACT the HABITAT TYPES
were identified (azonal, transitional and zonal forests, ephemeral ponds and streams) and the quality of
The Offset Design Process 33
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
each determined (good or degraded). Flora, fauna and aquatic taxa assemblages were associated where
feasible with these habitat types and quality. Finally, habitat surface areas were calculated using ESIA
habitat maps and GIS. Taxa assemblages and forest structural characteristics were determined for each
habitat where possible. Available fauna data were generally qualitative, although pre-clearance survey
data from both the mine footprint and surrounding conservation areas were used, providing updated lemur
densities and abundance.
Clearance of 16.5 ha of fragmented and degraded primary forest during installation of the 218 km buried
slurry pipeline (a total clearance permit for approximately 70.5 hectares was granted as 98% of the pipeline
route passes through secondary, non-sensitive vegetation (e.g. non-native eucalyptus) resulting from
historic slash and burn). Two sections of the pipeline do, however, cross sensitive habitats: the first 2 km
passes through zonal, near-primary forest and the pipeline also crosses the Ankeniheny-Zahamena
Corridor (CAZ). Losses associated with the pipelines first 2 km have been included in the mine losses
using the same approach for determining residual impacts as applied to the mine footprint.
Indirect negative impacts
INDIRECT IMPACTS through edge effects (dust, noise, plant desiccation, invasion of natural heliophytes), will
potentially affect 790 ha of forest surrounding the mine footprint. This area was defined on the basis of a 100
m zone surrounding polygon features (e.g. mine pits and ancillary facilities) and a 50 m zone around linear
features such as roads (except the main access road) and pipelines (see Appendix 4: Mine Footprint
Definition, 2nd Approximation, December 12, 2007). The degree to which these areas will be affected
remains unclear; as a precautionary approach the full 790 ha has been included in the total loss calculations.
This may be modified as information on the degree of impact becomes available through monitoring.
Low or negligible negative impacts for biodiversit y
The processing plant is being constructed on a 150 ha (1.5 km
) area of the Toamasina industrial zone. The
1,400 ha (14 km
) tailings management facility will be located in a highly degraded fire-driven agricultural
matrix. An existing pier at the harbour will be extended by over 300 m. The residual biodiversity impacts
associated with the processing plant, tailings facility and pier extension are expected to be negligible. The
habitat classes for the plant site and tailings facility location would be defined as highly impacted and
degraded and have been omitted from the loss calculations for the time being. However, the Project will
consider how to trade-up these areas by conserving higher priority biodiversity elsewhere; one suggestion is
to simply add the surface areas lost (i.e., 15.5 km
) and apply a MULTIPLIER to determine the area of higher
BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION priority land as part of the offset. The Project will seek assistance from the BBOP
Advisory Committee before making a decision.
Socioeconomic impacts
The Project will conduct loss calculations for the socio-environmental aspects in 2009. The aim of the offset
programme is to compensate for all AMENITY and LIVELIHOOD related losses experienced by local communities
as a result of the biodiversity offset. Potential compensation measures include the introduction of improved
agricultural techniques to increase crop yield and the provision of jobs related to environmental protection.
At present, a number of positive socioeconomic impacts are also apparent:
Over 80 members of the local community at the mine are permanently employed in biodiversity
management-related jobs (in total, over 8,000 jobs for Malagasies will be generated by the Project); the
biodiversity jobs include ongoing training.
The Offset Design Process 34
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
14 community members have been hired as park rangers at the mine site to protect the mine forests.
A public awareness programme is underway to raise community understanding of their natural heritage
and their role in its protection.
Reinforcement of the local forestry services capacity to protect forests (and their fauna and flora) around
the mine footprint; the work at the Torotorofotsy wetland will also improve the forest services capacity
Over 50 local expert biologists have been hired (on a project-by-project basis) to bring their knowledge to
the Projects activities and to promote the development and use of Malagasy skills). Offsetable nature of residual impacts
The Project is ensuring that its residual impacts are OFFSETABLE by focusing on the avoidance of species,
habitat and ecosystem loss and checking that the particular biodiversity components affected can be found in
the surrounding area and beyond, so that their populations will not be unduly affected by the Project and will
benefit viably from the offset activities. The Project has ensured that species of concern (SOC) were present
outside of the mine footprint and is using taxa-specific management programs to define the relevant
conservation management activities:
The Flora Management Programme aims to ensure that SOC flora species that were only identified on
the mine footprint during the ESIA baseline are not lost. These species remain listed as SOC until viable
populations are located outside the mines footprint in protected areas. Surveys and viability assessments
are being conducted by experts in flora taxonomy and ecology from Missouri Botanical Garden
The Lemur Management Programme aims to confirm that the mines construction and operation activities
are not leading to a long-term reduction in the viability of priority species populations present in the mine
area. The programme focuses on IUCN EN and CR species, but includes all 16 species as a BEST
PRACTICE measure due to the unique nature of lemurs. The programme includes two principal phases, a
short-term three year assessment (covering the 2007 2010 construction phase) to begin identifying any
trends in lemur groups and populations in the footprint and receiving areas located in the conservation
forests. The second phase (from 2010 to end of the mines life), aims to identify any long-term viability
trends and to develop appropriate mitigation measures, such as off-site relocation programs, recruitment
boosting (e.g. captive breeding and release), reduction of slash and burn activities and strict control of
hunting (bushmeat).
The Mantella Management Programme aims to ensure that there are no measurable adverse impacts on
the ability of the mine area forests to support the established Mantella aurantiaca (IUCN CR) and Mantella
crocea populations (IUCN EN). Any reduction in their population sizes is also to be avoided. The
programme was implemented in November 2007, although the species are located in areas that will not be
mined for 10 years or more. The Project is defining populations present on the footprint and in the
conservation zones and comparing them to regional population sizes. Various mitigation measures are
possible including footprint reduction or shifting (i.e., modifying the footprint to avoid breeding areas),
relocation (based on successful trials) and increasing population recruitment.
The Fish Management Programme aims to avoid the extinction of fish species and to maintain population
viability at pre-Project levels. Endemicity assessments have been conducted as the species present were
only previously described to the genus level. Mitigation measures will be applied accordingly and may
include, for example, the creation of conservation streams and relocation.
The Offset Design Process 35
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7.3.5 Step 5: Choose methods to calculate loss / gain and quantify resi dual losses
The Project is using methodologies described in the BBOP Biodiversity Offset Design Handbook to assess the
Projects impact on biodiversity, to identify appropriate activities and sites for the biodiversity offset, and to
determine the scale of the offset needed to achieve the CONSERVATION GAINS that will achieve NO NET LOSS.
The methodologies combine consideration of biodiversity of equivalent or higher value and site selection to
ensure that all key biodiversity components are represented at the offset and have two key features:
benchmarks and HABITAT HECTARES:
BBOP defines a benchmark as reference point against which the losses of biodiversity due to the Project
and gains through the proposed offset can be quantified and compared consistently and transparently. A
benchmark usually comprises a number of representative and characteristic ATTRIBUTES used to represent
the type, amount and quality of biodiversity which will be lost / gained. Comparison of the observed level
(or score) of each BENCHMARK ATTRIBUTE at the impact site (before and as predicted after the impact)
against the level at the benchmark can help to quantify the loss of biodiversity to be caused by the Project.
Similarly, comparing the observed level (or score) of each benchmark attribute at the offset site (before
the offset and as predicted after the offset intervention) against the level at the benchmark can help to
quantify the gain in biodiversity caused by the offset. A benchmark can be based on an area of land that
provides a representative example, in a good condition, of the type of biodiversity that will be affected by
the proposed development project.
Habitat hectares are units of measurement that take into account the area affected and the quality or
CONDITION of the biodiversity impacted (determined by the quantities of a number of chosen attributes
related to the structure, composition and function of that habitat). The habitat hectares METRIC was
originally developed in Victoria, Australia to focus on HABITAT STRUCTURE, particularly native vegetation,
and thus to provide proxies for composition and function. It has since been adapted by BBOP to cover both
flora and fauna, and to include some aspects of composition and function as benchmark attributes. The
habitat hectares approach is described in more detail in Section below.
The Projects proposed benchmark meets specific predetermined criteria with respect to surface area, habitat
quality and connectivity (see below). It is ideally located as it is in the mine area conservation zones, thus
ensuring its long term protection. The long-term presence of the benchmark is important as it will enable
background environmental degradation arising from external factors (such as climate change) to be quantified
and subsequently addressed at the offset site.
Lists of key biodiversity components were identified in the impact area; these include species and habitat
types (structural). Complementary faunal data will be collected by the Project in 2009 to integrate more
species attributes into the habitat hectares loss calculation, as current calculations are limited to quantitative
information for only three priority lemur species.
The Project has calculated its habitat hectares loss values for forest habitats. Scores for streams and
ephemeral pools were calculated in April 2008, but have been temporarily excluded subject to re-assessment
during the next iteration of the loss calculations.
Two habitat hectares calculation scenarios were assessed in April 2008: without and with post-impact
MITIGATION. It is important to note that both potentially relate to real situations since restoration performance
is not well documented for Madagascar or the Ambatovy region. Post-impact mitigation significantly
decreases the habitat hectares loss value and will ultimately be included in the final (definitive) offset
calculations. However, care is necessary to avoid overestimating the potential for rehabilitation success as
this can result in the underestimation of the number of habitat hectares that the offset must deliver. Only the
without post-impact mitigation scenario is reported here as further analysis (modelling) is required to
accurately calculate losses based on the with post-impact mitigation scenario.
The Offset Design Process 36
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project The habitat hectares approach
This section:
Introduces the HABITAT HECTARES approach;
Describes how the benchmark was defined for forest habitats; and
Explains how the Projects residual impacts on biodiversity have been calculated using the benchmark.
The habitat hectares approach
Biodiversity loss was calculated using the habitat hectares approach, summarised as:
1. Completion of the Key Biodiversity Component Matrix (KBCM), which corresponds to conducting a
biodiversity assessment of species, habitats and ecosystems components and determining intrinsic
(significance and irreplaceability) and use (socioeconomic and cultural) values;
2. Completion of a table to review the application of the MITIGATION HIERARCHY to the key biodiversity
3. Selecting attributes for the key biodiversity components using available or complementary data and
assigning weights to each. For example:
Forest structural attributes can be selected and compared (weighed) against each other, e.g. tree
species richness is considered to be the most important attribute at Ambatovy and therefore has a
higher WEIGHTING than attributes related to forest physical structure.
Taxa attributes such as quantitative fauna data (e.g. density) from priority species can also be
integrated and therefore allow key fauna data into the weighing of attributes; this reflects more
accurately the importance of species biodiversity in the habitat hectares scores.
4. Defining and selecting a BENCHMARK for selected habitats;
5. Calculating biodiversity loss at the IMPACT SITES by comparison to the benchmark, for each habitat
CONDITION classes in light of impact levels;
6. Completion of a table to record and compare whether POTENTIAL OFFSET SITES could deliver conservation
gains for key biodiversity components; and
7. Calculating the habitat hectares gained at the offset site.
Using the previously cited information, habitat hectare scores were determined for all habitats (e.g., forests,
streams and ephemeral ponds). Calculation of the forest habitat hectare loss at Ambatovy requires the
following condition information:
Habitat types, namely azonal, transitional and zonal forests and respective surface areas (see Figure 4
showing the mine area habitat map);
Habitat condition class and respective surface areas (see Figure 4), namely:
Quasi pristine primary forest (see definition in benchmark section hereafter, Forest habitats, 3rd and 4th
Disturbed / degraded primary forest; and
Heavily fragmented and degraded primary forest.
Impact types, namely high (cleared footprint) and medium (environmental buffer) and respective surface
areas (see Figure 5).
The Offset Design Process 37
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Figure 4: Mine area habitat map
Figure 5: Mine footprint and environmental buffer map
The Offset Design Process 38
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
The Ambatovy forest habitat loss scores were determined by merging data from the three existing habitat
types, since the selected forest attributes did not exhibit a statistical difference and faunal movement from
intensive fauna surveys in the pre-clearing perimeters showed the same occupancy pattern for the three
habitat types. Knowledge of the condition class is particularly important, since it reflects the biodiversity loss at
stake, thus highlighting the application of multipliers in degraded habitats that are subsequently subject to
negative impacts. The importance of multipliers was highlighted, for example, when considering degraded
azonal forests which constitute 44.6% of the azonal habitat loss, but equivalent to only 29.3 habitat hectares
of the total 620 habitat hectares score for the azonal habitat. High impact areas corresponded to 100% forest
clearance with earthworks, medium impacts corresponded to the potential edge effects on the forest
environmental buffer (50 m for linear features and 100 m for polygons), while low impacts did not apply to the
impact areas. The habitat hectares score provided above is for the without post-impact mitigation scenario.
The habitat hectare gain for the proposed offset site has not yet been calculated, as detailed forest structure and
quantitative species attribute data are still being acquired, with field surveys for flora / forest structure and aquatics
planned in J uly 2009 and terrestrial fauna in November 2009. As the proposed Ankerana site is considered to be
an IN-KIND offset (relative to the impact site), the same benchmark will be used to calculate gains.
Based on the BBOP definition of a benchmark, the following criteria were used to define and identify a
candidate site:
Forest habitats:
Minimal critical size: in the Ambatovy forests, a benchmark is required that captures the progressive
structural changes between the existing three vegetation types, and the faunal movement between
them throughout the seasons. A contiguous area of quasi pristine azonal, transitional and zonal
forests, each of which must be a minimum of 40 ha is proposed. This area of 120 ha includes the core
area of original habitat with a 100 m wide buffer around it and appears to be the minimum required as a
home range for lemurs and to represent an adequate assemblage of vegetation.
CONNECTIVITY: the contiguous forest area (minimum size 120 ha) must be connected to other forest
Human disturbance: there must be no sign that the site has ever been cleared by humans (in both core
and buffer areas). However other evidence including tree stumps, historical records, soil charcoal,
archaeological remains and signs of selective logging (defined as less than 12.5% of crown cover loss)
over the last 20 years do not exclude a site from consideration as a benchmark (such evidence is
widespread and unavoidable in the region). Any small degraded areas within the larger benchmark area
are mapped and excluded from the benchmark calculations (and surface area).
Natural disturbances: a site that has experienced a natural fire in the last 20 years, at a level of 10% of
its surface area (in both its core and buffer area) is excluded. Also, no evidence of cyclonic events is
acceptable (above 10% loss of canopy crown cover in the last 20 years).
Streams and ephemeral pools:
The benchmark must be the mostly pristine habitat.
The stream locations where benchmark data were acquired must be surrounded by quasi-pristine
and natural habitat, unaffected by any major human-induced disturbance and under pristine forest
The Offset Design Process 39
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Since many natural ephemeral pools occur in hollow rocky ground, benchmark data must be taken
where the rock outcrops are of natural origin and not the result of forest clearance or other human
Within the azonal and transitional habitats, the highest ENDEMISM is associated with the lowest human
No sylviculture or tree enrichment has been carried out in Ambatovy.
The benchmark site is presented in Figure 6.
Quantifying biodiversity residual i mpacts cal culations using the benchmark
A scoping exercise was undertaken to determine from the KBCM and other studies which biodiversity
components would be most appropriate as attributes of the benchmark. The data quality associated with
each of these components available in the ESIA was checked. The selected attribute types are:
3 lemurs: Propithecus d. diadema, Indri indri, Allocebus trichotis (the attributes of species such as
Prolemur simus and Daubentonia madagascariensis will be re-examined in the next iteration of the
offset calculations); and
2 fish: Ratsirakia sp and Rheocles sp (suspended for the moment and to be re-examined in the next
Communities / habitats:
Forest (three habitats, azonal, transitional and zonal);
Streams (suspended for the moment and to be re-examined in the next iteration); and
Ephemeral pools (suspended for the moment and to be re-examined in the next iteration).
Impact assessment and mitigation hierarchy application:
An impact assessment of the biodiversity components was subsequently conducted based on the anticipated
impacts, of which the principal impact is forest clearance and subsequent habitat loss. The corresponding
mitigation strategies for each biodiversity component are presented below:
Species: lemurs are displaced from their habitats by forest clearance. The Projects mitigation measure is
to monitor (through radio collars and telemetry) their ability to migrate from the clearance area towards the
refuge areas (see Figure 3, conservation zones). The mitigation measures include assisting stranded
individuals from all 16 known species identified on-site and limited off-site relocation to protected areas
(e.g. Propithecus diadema) following IUCN translocation guidelines.
Habitats: the main mitigation strategy for the three forest habitats is offsetting due to their fixed location.
AVOIDANCE will also be applied to the azonal habitat since 26.4% of this habitat will be protected in the
form of the mine area conservation zones (see Figure 4).
The December 2008 iteration of the impact assessment and mitigation strategies is presented in Appendix 1.
The Offset Design Process 40
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Benchmark and attributes
A benchmark site was selected (see Figure 6) in line with the BBOP definition and Project-specific criteria
noted above. The benchmark includes a forest tract of 1,149.15 ha, composed of quasi pristine azonal,
transitional and zonal forests, at least two streams and several ephemeral ponds.
Figure 6: BBOP benchmark site map
A limited number of ATTRIBUTES were selected as SURROGATES for both forest habitat structure and function
based on the following characteristics:
Sensitive INDICATORS to habitat quality;
Simple and practical to measure and quantify;
Reliable and repeatable in assessments; and
Reflect outstanding biodiversity values (e.g. species of conservation concern, or CULTURAL VALUE).
Due to data limitations (e.g., difficulties faced in obtaining quantitative data for fauna at the impact site), the
present loss calculations are limited to forest structural attributes (streams, number of tree species, canopy
height, basal area and Diameter to Breast Height, Dbh) and the attributes of selected fauna species (lemur
density). Future iterations will include additional attributes as appropriate data become available.
The December 2008 iteration results are presented in Table 3, with WEIGHTING assigned to forest habitat and
species attributes according to their relative importance for biological diversity.
The Offset Design Process 41
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Table 3: Summary of attribute weighting (December 2008)
Attributes Unit Weighting (%) Justification
number / ha 15
Reflects forest density, an important ecological attribute
for fauna, especially lemurs.
Number of tree
species (per ha)
number / ha 20
Provides overall floral diversity and habitat
heterogeneity. Higher numbers are better.
Canopy height m 5
Indicator of forest maturity and canopy continuity. For
azonal habitat lower canopy height is better.
Basal area
/ ha 5
Indicator of habitat CONDITION. Higher value is better as
it is an indication of mature forest.
Dbh m 5
Indicator of habitat condition. Higher value is better as it
is an indication of mature forest.
diadema density
number / ha
status, species very sensitive to human
activities in their habitat.
Allocebus density
number / ha
Nocturnal species sparsely distributed and appears to
be sensitive to forest structure.
Indri indri density
number / ha
Madagascars largest lemur species sparsely confined
to eastern rain forest, IUCN EN status, and also has a
cultural value (the most taboo lemur species).
Total 100
Number of trees with diameter 10 cm, with measurements taken at 1.3 m above the ground.
Basal area is calculated as x (diameter at breast height / 2)
Lemur species density is estimated based on line transect samples within a surface area, S =2 x (Width x Length) in which density D
=individual number / S.
Was recently lowered to EN.
The selection and weighting of the attributes is examined below.
Selected attributes are divided in two groups:
Forest structure, as a general surrogate for forest dependent biodiversity; and
Lemur species, as an umbrella species fauna group considered to be the most sensitive to human
disturbance in Ambatovy (bush meat, slash and burn, logging); the species selected include both
diurnal and nocturnal species.
Weighting: 60% and 40% importance were chosen for forest structure and faunal assemblage species,
respectively. Attributes that express biological diversity (e.g., tree SPECIES DIVERSITY and stem number) are
weighted with higher importance, as are species with CR rather than EN status. Since the mine is located
in a BIODIVERSITY HOTSPOT area, IUCN species of concern have been chosen as the main attributes to
reflect the principles of IRREPLACEABILITY and no loss of NON-OFFSETABLE components.
TAXA selection: lemurs were selected over other fauna groups, due to their wide presence in forest
habitats. Fish, amphibians and reptiles are restricted to specific habitats at Ambatovy, for example
microhabitats for herpetofauna. Therefore any impact occurring away from these specific microhabitats
(which are yet to be defined) might not reflect the Projects impact on these taxa. The possibility of
considering some of the herpetofauna and pond invertebrate species will be explored after new data has
The Offset Design Process 42
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been collected in 2009. The inclusion of fish components for stream habitats will also require further
analysis and consideration.
VULNERABILITY: although this attribute was integrated in the April 2008 calculations (see Appendix 5), it is
excluded from the present iteration of the loss calculations. The taxa groups should be considered
together, not only at the species level, so that the same weight can be given to all taxa (lemurs, birds,
herpetofauna, etc). This would allow the Project to consider not only specific species, but also the
taxonomic groups that are important for monitoring purposes. In fact species EXTIRPATION can sometimes
be linked to group effects or intra-species interactions; therefore, it is best to consider taxa group
vulnerability rather than that of specific species. It is thus assumed that vulnerability considered as an
attribute makes more ecological sense than that considering specific species alone. However, the use of
vulnerability attributes requires further detailed analysis, to be conducted in 2009.
Calculating biodiversity loss at the impact site
The attributes presented above are for the mine and pipeline components.
As described in the previous sections, the pipelines impact on forest habitat is very limited since routing
avoided relic forest fragments present in the first 32 km (after which the area crossed is entirely exotic
secondary vegetation resulting from slash and burn activities). Only the first 2 km of the pipeline cross quasi
primary forest, and these losses were included in the mine loss calculations. The pipelines losses thus
correspond to the forest fragments (16.5 ha) that could not be avoided: the habitat hectares could be
calculated for this as the area impacted could be compared to the zonal forest BENCHMARK ATTRIBUTES. The
pipelines forest fragments are classed as Ecological Vegetation Class (EVC) 3: heavily fragmented and
degraded primary forest. Instead of using the basal area attribute, volume was considered since these
forests are heavily exploited by the local communities for fire wood. Volume can also be used in the future
socioeconomic compensation analyses. The pipelines aquatic components include the crossing of more than
400 streams with variable levels of ecological integrity and sensitivity. However, pipeline-related impacts to
the aquatic environment are considered temporary, which cannot be captured by the habitat hectare
methodology. The Project will therefore use methodological options for integrating temporary impacts in the
next iteration of the loss calculations.
The locations of the processing plant and tailing management facility have an EVC of 4 (essentially heavily
degraded, with no remaining integrity, based on ESIA data). The habitat hectares calculation for this fourth
category has not yet been undertaken for these areas. However the Project is committed to TRADING UP
these areas and will work with BBOP to define an appropriate methodology for doing so. The harbour has
been used as an industrial port for some time and little biodiversity of any significant conservation value is
found there now.
The mine area includes two Ecosystem Vegetation Classes (EVC): quasi pristine primary forest and
disturbed primary forest. The pipeline has only one EVC: heavily fragmented and degraded primary forest.
For each EVC the Project will have either a:
High impact corresponding to total forest clearance with or without grubbing (removal of stumps, roots,
and vegetable matter). A total area of 1,336 ha will fall in this impact category.
Medium impact corresponding to the environmental buffer around the mine footprint (100 m) and linear
features (pipeline / roads, with a 50 m buffer), which will be indirectly affected by forest clearance (impacts
are mainly through edge effects such as light, dust and unauthorised disturbances.
The Offset Design Process 43
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Results of the HABITAT HECTARES scores for each HABITAT TYPE at the mine and along the pipeline are
presented in Tables 4 to 7.
Table 4: Azonal habitat (December 2008)
of Condition
Class 1:
of Condition
Class 2:
Quasi pristine
primary forest
Disturbed primary
Total areas 590.74 475.55
High impact 528.86 427.22
Medium impact 61.88 48.33
Table 5: Transitional habitat (December 2008)
of Condition
Class 1:
of Condition
Class 2:
Quasi pristine
primary forest
Disturbed primary
Total areas 126.37 328.22
High impact 53.38 222.68
Medium impact 72.99 105.54
Table 6: Zonal habitat (December 2008)
of Condition
Class 1:
of Condition
Class 2:
Quasi pristine
primary forest
Disturbed primary
Total areas 412.74 124.97
High impact 256.9 14.94
Medium impact 155.84 110.03
Table 7: Pipeline zonal habitat (December 2008)
of Condition Class 3:
Heavil y fragmented and degraded
primary forest
Total area 71.04
High impact 16.5
Medium impact 4.95
The forest habitat percentage hectares loss for the mine (and pipeline) components is shown in Figure 7.
The Offset Design Process 44
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Figure 7: Forest habitat percentage hectares loss for the mine component
(the pipeline affects only a smal l portion of the zonal habitat)
Based on the current iteration, calculations show that:
The project will generate a total loss of 1,168 habitat hectares that any offset will be required to
In the mine area, the azonal forest habitat hectares score is the highest, with a total loss of 620 habitat
hectares, representing over half of the entire forest habitat lost.
The pipeline terrestrial biodiversity losses are minimal at 3.83 habitat hectares (0.33% of the total loss).
The Projects offset programme must focus its offset efforts on the azonal forest and associated
biodiversity components, whilst ensuring that the other two habitats (transitional and zonal) habitat
hectares losses are also compensated. Early analysis of trends in lemur species distribution (based on
ESIA and construction mitigation management data) indicates that none of the three habitats has distinctly
higher species richness. Instead it appears that the combination of the three habitats underpins high lemur
species richness at Ambatovy. The azonal and other forest habitats that will be cleared during mine
construction are not required for the survival of critically endangered or endangered species, since each
lemur species found at Ambatovy is also present outside the mine area. However, the azonal forest
habitats, including the forest assemblage composed of the azonal, transitional and zonal habitats, appear
to favour the presence of lemur species biodiversity, with 16 species identified in the mine area compared
with 6 to 10 species (depending on location) in the forest corridor (Schmid and Alonso 2005)
Post-impact mitigation
By excluding post-impact MITIGATION, the results remain conservative. When rehabilitation (as a mitigation
measure) is considered, the habitat hectares losses are decreased by 50% within a 30 year period and there
is a trend in the decrease of the habitat hectares loss using this mitigation strategy. It is important to note that
the absence of a temporal parameter that integrates post-impact mitigation in the habitat hectares calculation
may mask a projects success over time in reducing habitat hectares loss.
(Zonal ) 0.33%
The Offset Design Process 45
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0 5 20 40 75 90
Post-project mitigation level (%)


0 5 20 40 75 90
Post-project mitigation level (%)


Table 8: Biodiversity loss cal culations scenarios at impact site and effect of post-impact remediation
Habitat type forest
Percentage of attributes
0% 0 (without mitigation) 1,168
5% 0 7 1,110
20% 7 15 934
40% 15 30 701
75% 30 60 292
90% 60 120 117
For the forest habitat, the results show a significant difference for the varying levels of post-impact mitigation.
However, in order to obtain a more realistic assessment of the post-impact condition, the Project considered
the influence of forest rehabilitation on the habitat hectares loss numbers over time. Although the temporal
factor is not considered in the habitat hectares loss calculations, a basic simulation was designed that
integrated basic forest regeneration activities and specific ecosystem dynamics in the context of the Ambatovy
forests. There are four essential steps in forest regeneration:
1. Erosion control (involves engineering, addition of organic matter and water control).
2. Planting of heliophytes species (including native and potentially some non-natives).
3. Planting of native tolerant species to increase ground cover.
4. Assisted natural succession of native species.
The inclusion of post-impact rehabilitation based on these activities shows a distinct decrease in the habitat
hectares loss score over time, due to forest regrowth patterns and increases in the values of attributes
(Pearson correlation R2 =-0.98 p<0.001, n =6; see Graph 1).
Graph 1: Post-impact mi tigation influence on biodiversity loss for forest habitats at IMPACT SITE
The Offset Design Process 46
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It is important to note reforestation of the azonal forest area will create zonal type forest, with some azonal
influences arising from the use of backfill originating in the azonal areas (which has specific geochemistry and
broken ferricrete crust and pisolitic iron). Complete restoration to azonal habitat is deemed impossible due to
its strong links with the removed ground structure and geochemistry.
To improve the basic simulation discussed above, the Project will collect available rehabilitation data for
Madagascan lateritic soils and the eastern domain. This will enable the refinement of reforestation predictions.
Based on Madagascan forestry experience, it is estimated that at 30 years forests will begin to offer a habitat
that can be exploited by lemurs and other important taxa, for both food and shelter. The closure biodiversity
programme will include monitoring of priority taxa in these rehabilitated areas to define the rate of
recolonisation. Irrespective of improvements in the model, continuing care in integration of rehabilitation data
in the loss calculations will be necessary due to:
1. Limitations in the availability of specific information on Malagasy forests rehabilitation success rates;
2. The specificity of the Ambatovy mine site forests and overall associated uncertainties; and
3. The risk that lower success rates may occur despite improved confidence in predictions.
Consequently, the Project may decide to take a more precautionary approach and retain conservative habitat
hectares scores to ensure that NO NET LOSS is not undermined by an undersized offset design.
7.3.6 Step 6: Review potential offset locations and activities and assess the
biodiversity gains which could be achieved at each
Identifying offset options
Preliminary surveys of offset candidate sites were undertaken in 2005 (see Appendix 6, Survey for Off-site
Azonal Outcrops (in French)) with the objective of identifying potential in-kind type offsets. The surveys were
based on geological, substrate, altitude and forest structure similarities (see Figure 9, showing correlation
between the EVC (azonal, transitional and zonal), substrate and topography) and comprised:
A desk study using geological maps to identify ultramafic outcrops and satellite imagery for remaining
forest cover.
Aerial (plan) reconnaissance survey to confirm the presence of forest cover and rapid visual integrity
assessment; the survey had to be conducted by air, due to the absence of road infrastructure and general
remoteness of the areas. Two potential candidate sites (of 14 initially identified see Figure 8) were
chosen based on forest integrity and surface area.
Aerial (helicopter) reconnaissance survey and walk over ground survey of potential candidate sites
(Vohimenakely and Ankerana). Vohimenakely, located northwest of Zahamena National Park appeared to
have azonal characteristics but was very small (<10 ha) and highly disturbed. Thus, this location has some
potential for off-site purposes, but it is not highly regarded because of its small size and relatively poor
condition. Ankerana, located northeast of Mantadia National Park is the best potential off-site azonal
vegetation area among those visited. It had the general appearance of Analamay, although the presence
of ferricrete could not be confirmed from the air. It appeared a reasonable size (>500 ha) and with no signs
of disturbance (see Photograph 1).
A ground-level vegetation survey at selected candidate site (Ankerana) to determine if it has similar habitat
and floristic (see Photograph 2) characteristics as at Ambatovy and Analamay. The preliminary comparison
of the Ankerana area with Ambatovy / Analamay is presented in Appendix 7. Ankerana had previously and
independently been identified by the Missouri Botanical Garden Madagascar (a Project partner) as a
The Offset Design Process 47
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potential conservation area based on its floral assemblages. Overall, many similarities were noted in the
physical, climatic and biological characteristics compared to Ambatovy / Analamay, supporting the
hypothesis that Ankerana can be considered IN-KIND relative to the Ambatovy azonal habitats. Additional
work to verify these similarities is required and planned for 2009.
Figure 8: Ankerana offsite offset area location and other candidate sites surveyed by the Project, in
relation to the Ambatovy mine area
The Offset Design Process 48
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Figure 9: Correlation between EVC (azonal, transitional and zonal), substrate and topography
Photograph 1: Ankerana aerial view
Photograph 2: Ankerana azonal habitat
The Offset Design Process 49
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Quantifying gains of offset options
The detailed quantification of potential offset GAINS has not yet been conducted. Rough estimates of gains
have been prepared based on mapping data and the surface areas that would be protected:
1. Ankerana offset site (see Figure 10): the Ankerana offset has a total surface area of approximately 11,600
ha, consisting of a 4,600 ha core conservation area and a 7,000 ha multiple use buffer area surrounding
the core. The site lies within the area planned for inclusion in the Malagasy protected area system (SAPM).
Consequently, the Project funding is being designed to ensure that any biodiversity offset offers
conservation ADDITIONALITY. The field surveys to characterise species, habitats and ecosystems at the
proposed offset site will be conducted in 2009, allowing calculation of the habitat hectares gains. Based on
the preliminary survey conducted during the ESIA, the Project is confident that the KEY BIODIVERSITY
COMPONENTS identified at Ambatovy (species, habitats and ecosystem) can be found at Ankerana,
although Ambatovy species assemblages may not all be present at Ankerana. It is important to note that
this issue justifies the conservation of the two on-site azonal forest tracts (the mine area conservation
zones). The forest will form part of the on-site offset component. The on-site offset includes all forest
habitats present on the mine footprint, including two azonal forest areas (one being the Projects
BENCHMARK site). Therefore it is acceptable to assume that all key biodiversity components are present in
the on-site offset.
2. On-site azonal habitat conservation sites (see Figure 4): the azonal forest surface area equals 212.33 ha
(26.4% of the total prime quality habitat; the azonal habitat remaining outside the mine footprint is all
3. Management of mine area forests (see Figure 3): the Ambatovy offset programme includes the 4,900 ha
conservation zones forest around the mine footprint; the azonal conservation zones noted above are
located within this area. The Project aims to reinforce the legally protected status of these forests to ensure
their continued protection following mine closure. Their current protection is ensured by the mine Forest
Management Plan, since most of the forest areas are within the mine lease where the Project has
exclusive management rights. The Project is also currently discussing with Conservation International the
regional integration of its on-site offset.
4. Mine area / Ankeniheny-Zahamena Corridor link (see Figure 11): the forest corridor between the mine area
conservation zones forest and the rest of the eastern rain forest corridor is a key component in ensuring
CONNECTIVITY between these two areas. The corridor concept has been integral to the Projects species
management strategies (particularly for lemurs). The exact boundaries have not yet been defined, but are
likely to enclose about 2,500 ha. The Project is also currently discussing with CI the regional integration
and protection of this forest corridor to ensure its connection with the relic Ankeniheny-Zahamena Corridor
and the SAPM protected areas (e.g. Mantadia National Park).
5. Torotorofotsy Ramsar site management (see Figure 11): the total surface area of this sites watershed is
8,500 ha of which 1,100 ha is wetland. However, results of recent surveys led by Ambatovy indicate that
the ecological integrity of the overall area has been several degraded, resulting in reduced gains for
biodiversity. The true gains will be quantified based on analysis of the survey results.
6. FOREST CONNECTIVITY CAZ (see Figure 11): the total area of zonal forest lost to the pipeline right of way will
be reforested (so a gain of 16.5 ha, the first 2 km reforested route being integrated with the mine). The
exact surface area to reforest for the CAZ connection has yet to be determined, but may be around 200 ha.
7. Footprint rehabilitation: the total surface area of the mine footprint will be rehabilitated, of which a majority
will be reforested (approximately 1,336 ha).
The Offset Design Process 50
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Figure 10: Ankerana map
Figure 11: Mine area and Analamay-Mantadia forest corridor, allowing link between on-site offset and
forest corridor
The Offset Design Process 51
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Comparative analysis of offset options
A comparative analysis of offset options was conducted during the site selection process (as noted above).
Results are presented in Appendix 6 (in French).
7.3.7 Step 7: Calculate offset gains and select appropriate offset locations and
Finalising offset sites and activities
The habitat hectares gain score for the offset sites has yet to be calculated, as detailed forest structure and
species attribute quantitative data need to be obtained for the Ankerana and other offset sites. This will take
place as soon as the stakeholder consultation process is completed. As the Ankerana site is considered in-
kind with the Ambatovy azonal habitats, the same benchmark will be used to calculate gains. A detailed
BASELINE STUDY of the Ankerana offset will be conducted in 2009 to check the offset site for the presence and
suitability for all the key biodiversity components identified at the impact site and to support the gain score
The plan for the Ankerana offset will include a core conservation area, surrounded by a multiple use area to
ensure social integration of the offset and thus its sustainability in the context of local community support.
The principle of pursuing an offset was established in 2004. However, the offset was not fully established
before the Projects impacts began occurring in May 2007 (the date that mine forest clearance began). The
Project must thus still determine whether the temporal loss is critical or not (i.e. that any biodiversity
component cannot be offset because of impacts in the period before the offset is created). However, the
Project is confident that this is not the case for any of the taxa present; especially for very sensitive species
such as Mantella aurantiaca and Mantella crocea (whose habitats will not be disturbed for at least 10 years,
when Analamay will be cleared for mining). With respect to lemurs, a short-term and long-term trend
assessment programme (Lemur Viability Assessment Programme) is underway for all priority species (IUCN
CR and EN species). However, even though the temporal loss will not compromise the success of the offset,
the offset design does plan to take it into account. Conventionally, this could be done through application of a
MULTIPLIER and TIME DISCOUNTING (the concept that 1 habitat hectare delivered accruing in 10 years time has
only a fraction of that value at the present time). The Project will explore and define a methodology and apply
it to the next iteration of loss and gain calculations in 2009, taking into consideration that the main impacts will
be spread over a period of approximately 20 years, while the offset could be in place much earlier.
7.3.8 Step 8: Record the offset design and enter the offset implementation process
The Ankerana offset design and other components of the offset have not yet been finalised, thus the
implementation process has not formally begun. The Project will finalise the offset design, using BBOP
guidance, during the course of 2009. A summary of the management plan will be presented in subsequent
case study revisions. However, a brief description of the progress made to date is presented below:
Stakeholder consultations: the Project has pursued stakeholder consultations, ensuring through a
participatory process that the offset can be integrated into national, regional and local plans and that
feedback is taken into account in the offset design and the development of multiple use zones.
Legal protection: the Ankerana forest was under temporary protection status until the end of 2008. The
Project requested that this protection status be prorogated (continued) until the final Ministerial Protection
Decree is finalised and made law (planned for J uly 2009).
The Offset Design Process 52
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Boundary definition: delimitation of the Ankerana offset boundaries (see Figure 10). The mapping has been
presented to the local communities, regional authorities and partner NGOs. Several awareness campaigns
have enabled presentation of this information to remote habitations around the proposed offset site. The
campaigns will be repeated twice per year at key periods i.e. before and during the traditional clearing
period (with police enforcement against passing the boundary). Results if the campaigns to date indicate
that Ankerana has been extremely isolated for a long time and people had no idea of forest laws restricting
forest clearance.
Zoning: the current land uses have been described and will be integrated with the offset design in 2009.
Reforestation activities: continuation of reforestation on the periphery of the proposed offset; this has
focused mainly on planting construction wood to avoid primary forest logging in the core offset area.
Support (financial and logistic) for updating of the Marserana communes five year Communal
Development Plan. This commune covers the offset area. Discussions with a second commune,
Andahamana have begun; this commune includes a small fraction of the offset area and will also be
assisted with updating of its five year plan.
Integration of Ankerana with the SAPM: a technical committee meeting with SAPM was used to discuss
the integration of the offset site into the national protected areas network.
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
8. Implementation Plan and
Long-term Management
The team plans to complete the design of the offset implementation plan by the end of 2009, with the
Ankerana and other offset sites gain calculated in early 2010 and thus the final offset design completed at
that point. The Ministerial Protection Decree should be ready by J une 2009, thus allowing the Project to
legally implement the management of the core and multiple use buffer area of the Ankerana part of the offset.
While the ESIA stated the Projects commitment to establish a biodiversity offset at Ankerana, no timing
commitment was made. The offset establishment is therefore assumed to be in line with the Projects
temporal goals. The Project is establishing the offset to last the Projects lifetime of 30 years and beyond. The
establishment of a Ministerial Protection Decree is underway and the financing mechanisms are being
discussed. Actions and timings are summarised in Figure 12.
Figure 12: Actions and timings (2004-onwards)
The Project will have the responsibility of ensuring the management of the Ankerana site. Actual site
protection and local management will likely be entrusted to an NGO. The exact mode of financing has not yet
been defined precisely. An in depth financial assessment will be conducted to determine the most viable
means of ensuring long term financial revenue to support site protection.
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
9. Summary of Offset Process Costs
The Ambatovy Project BBOP programme component is part of the Projects Biodiversity Programme (itself
part of the Environmental Programme). Specific activities are designed, budgeted and implemented. Offset
design and early implementation cost estimates are presented in Table 9.
Table 9: Summary of estimated costs
Human resources Staff Tasks
Costs (man
days per
Cost for 2008,
2009 (USD)
Project focal point :
Pierre Berner (Ambatovy
Project Environmental
1 Ensure communication / meetings (international)
with BBOP committee and management of
overall Ambatovy BBOP programme.
responsible for Ankerana
site: monsieur Alphonse
(Ambatovy Project)
1 Ankerana off-site offset management.
Spearheading legal protection status programme
with governmental and local STAKEHOLDERS.
Supervising financial arrangements for
programmes long term viability.
responsible for Special
Programs: Irene Daso
(Ambatovy Project)
1 Support Project focal point. Liaising with local
and international stakeholders (e.g. CI).
Coordinator for Ankerana
(Sylvain Be Totozafy)
1 Ensuring local stakeholder involvement.
Supervising Ankerana zoning (core / buffer /
inhabited areas). Awareness campaigns.
Technical support team
Ankerana management:
Environmental Forest
Technician (to be filled)
Community Agent (to be
Guest house manager
(to be filled)
3 Ankerana Forest and community management. 264
one staff
BBOP programme
management: Steven
Dickinson (Golder
1 Managing overall BBOP design, including
benchmark / loss / gain calculations.
BBOP design ecological
assessment: Aristide
Andrianarimisa (WCS)
1 Conducting benchmark / loss / gains calculations
and overall ecological assessments.
Summary of Offset Process Costs 55
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Human resources Staff Tasks
Costs (man
days per
Cost for 2008,
2009 (USD)
BBOP external auditing
progress reports: J on
Ekstrom (TBC)
(1) Carry out a technical peer review of the
Ambatovy offset (e.g. benchmark, losses and
gain calculation).
TOTALS 9 646 560,000
* based on 2008 man days
The average annual operational costs are in the process of being established and are estimated to be in the
range US$ 250,000 300,000 per annum.
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
10. Project Outcomes
Actual outcomes
Since the offset is still in the design phase, the actual CONSERVATION OUTCOMES to date are limited. They
represent what the Project has achieved thus far and the benefits its shareholders already enjoyed, including:
Legal protection status: the extension of the temporary protection of Ankerana has been secured until the
Ministerial Decree for protection is finalisation;
Integration of Ankerana into the national protected areas network;
Coordination between government organisations, NGOs, local communities and the private sector;
Public awareness;
Reforestation activities; and
Forest and TAXA-specific conservation management plans: specific taxa conservation management
programs were developed for flora, lemurs, Mantella species and fish. Although these programs were
developed as part of the Biodiversity Action Plan, their importance is reinforced by their aim of ensuring the
conservation of azonal habitat and associated species, thus ensuring that all KEY BIODIVERSITY
COMPONENTs present on the impact site are present at the offset.
Anticipated outcomes
The benefits anticipated as the final outcome of the offset include:
Averted loss of forest habitat:
The offset is designed to result in no net loss of biodiversity and will strive to attain a NET GAIN.
The initial objective was to secure the Ankerana site, but with additional insight the Project is presently
aiming to extend the expanse of protected areas it will be managing indirectly (Ankerana) or directly
(e.g. the on-site mine area conservation zones).
The Project aims to also spearhead the creation of the Analamay-Mantadia forest corridor enabling
connectivity between the mine area conservation areas and the SAPM.
Community benefits: The creation of the offset will be conducted though integration of a socioeconomic
and cultural component, which is the key to its long-term viability. A socio-environmental compensation
programme will be designed during 2009 and subsequently to support social integration and ensure this.
The programme will assess the compensation options available. Its partnerships with NGOs and agencies
such USAID, PACT and ERIE will provide valuable insights. Specific activities that will be explored include
fuel wood reforestation using native species, planting in suitable locations that avoid biodiversity impacts of
biofuel crops (e.g., J atropha plant), aquaculture and improved crop yield techniques. The programs will be
integrated with social programs, especially complementary educational and family planning programs that
contribute to reductions in human pressure on natural resources and forests. Other programs that will be
critical to the overall success of the offset include fire management, hunting / bushmeat management and
forest resource management.
Project Outcomes 57
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Improved communication: information available to international NGOs did not reflect the full scale of works
conducted in the field by the Project. The reason was linked to rather limited communication efforts by the
Project, which was subsequently ramped up. The high velocity of Project implementation has been
generally overwhelming for most NGOs, who felt they needed a deeper involvement with the Project. Such
aspects were discussed in detail with CI, Forest Trends and WCS in November 2008. The Project will
present and implement its communication strategy on biodiversity management and BBOP activities in
2009. The offset programme is not yet mentioned as a standalone project on the Sherritt web site, however
it is mentioned on the Environmental Assessment documents (page 12), available at:
A specific web page will ultimately describe in detail the biodiversity offset process and activities, including
this case study and subsequent, updated versions of it.
Stakeholder confidence: the Project hopes to increase and consolidate the confidence of the public
(government, NGOs, authorities and the public at large) and private partners, (banks) and demonstrate its
commitment to sustainability. This is strongly linked to both the communication effort and compliance
activities. The governmental authorities and local communities are aware of, and have taken part in, the
offset activities. Project partners and lender banks have monitored the progress of the offset programme
through quarterly audits and bi-annual biodiversity audits.
Significant scientific knowledge will be obtained through biological surveys (which underpin the loss and
gain calculations), especially at Ankerana, where studies have been limited despite the description of these
ultramafic outcrops as biodiversity hotspots. The Project intends to prepare external publications of its
biodiversity management programs, especially for MITIGATION in high biodiversity areas, possibly setting a
precedent for other mining projects in Madagascar. A publication, likely a monograph of both the impact
and offset sites, will be produced in collaboration with scientific partners. An article on the Project was
provided to the CBD newsletter Business 2010 in April 2008 (
Forest restoration: the reforestation activities include targeted reforestation with native species to improve
connectivity around the Ankerana offset site and between it and the remaining forest corridor; similar
programs exist around the mine and the pipeline component.
Taxa-specific conservation: species taxa conservation management programs will be developed for key
taxa such as lemurs, Mantella spp., flora and fish, on the same basis as those developed at the mine site.
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
11. Lessons Learned
The main lesson learned to date (during the offset conceptualisation and design stages) is that a commitment
to implement a biodiversity offset can generate substantial interest and respect from third parties for the
Project developer in tandem with delivering real and measurable benefits for biodiversity. The NO NET LOSS
offset represents a strong and positive vision that allows the Project to present its mitigation programme
elegantly and coherently to third parties.
The main difficulties encountered to date have been:
While beneficial, the BBOP guideline development process has been lengthy, dense and not always
readily applicable to the Ambatovy Project. However, the Project feels privileged to continue with its
contribution to the improvement of the offset design tools though its feedback.
The integration of biodiversity offsets at the ESIA stage is also crucial if baseline data collection is to:
Prioritise target species with high biodiversity value for the Key Biodiversity Components Matrix;
Target sampling stations to ensure that a benchmark is identified;
Ensure loss and gain sites are adequately covered; and
Ensure that quantitative data is gathered for the HABITAT HECTARES calculations.
Ideally, the offset calculations for LOSSES and GAINS should have been completed before Project construction
began, in order to alleviate the risk of being confronted with a low gains score. Greater targeting of baseline
data collection during the ESIA would have helped reduce the cost and time associated with subsequent filling
of data gaps.
11.1 Limitations
Limitations and issues identified during the habitat hectare calculations are presented below.
11.1.1 Available data
The main limitation for the Ambatovy Project offset design is that only azonal forests were sufficiently
sampled for habitat structure ATTRIBUTES. Fewer data exist for zonal and transitional habitats. In addition,
more accurate improved diversity and abundance data were required for species (especially lemurs and
other taxa) in both the benchmark and impact areas. Obtaining these data in 2009 should improve
precision of the habitat hectares loss calculation.
No available data exist at present for the selected attributes at the proposed Ankerana offset site. This
means that offset gains cannot yet be calculated.
Some of the existing data were not sufficiently habitat specific to meet the requirements of the habitat
hectares calculations. The fauna data did not allow the species identified to be clearly linked to either the
three ecological vegetation classes (azonal, transitional and zonal) or the habitat CONDITION classes. The
J anuary 2009 fauna surveys will aim to resolve this.
Lessons Learned 59
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
11.1.2 Averaging
Averaging of attribute values was necessary in the habitat hectares calculation in order to avoid overly
conservative results and to reflect the reality of conditions on the ground. However, it is commonly recognised
that by calculating averages of vegetation parameters within a large area, habitat heterogeneity and its
variations, which are the key elements for microclimate and ecological processes, are masked (Whittaker et
al. 1974; Parkes et al. 2003). This approach thus limits the impact of variability on the calculation. While the
variation is small-scale, considering its effects is important.
11.2 Recommendations
1. Integrate a temporal parameter to the post-Project impact in the habitat hectares calculation in order to
show the Projects success through time in reducing habitat hectares loss. This aspect is important for time
discounting (i.e. delay of offset creation and delivery of ultimate habitat hectares gain, see Step 7).
2. Averaging of contiguous HABITAT TYPES as far as habitat classes is optimal as it best reflects the reality of
conditions in the impact area.
3. Tools are based merely on numerical data that might not always have a biological and / or ecosystem
health significance. It is important to assess how to integrate biodiversity qualitative data (like ENDEMISM,
only presence / absence etc.) with the habitat hectares calculation.
4. There is a need for a Weighting Guideline to guide the operator in weighting attributes, since this will
ultimately affect the scoring.
5. SPECIES DIVERSITY and other fauna attributes should be used (e.g., lemur and herpetofauna) as often as
possible to better reflect true biodiversity values (as opposed to forest structural SURROGATES).
6. The Project should design its data acquisition programs at the ESIA stage (baseline collection) to ensure it
meets the habitat hectares calculation requirements in an optimal fashion (e.g. fauna, flora, aquatics
sample sites linked with all main vegetation types likely to be impacted, as well as their condition classes
for example, good / disturbed).
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
12. Next Steps
The next steps for the Ambatovy offset team are presented below:
1. Habitat hectares loss scores:
a. Integrate the IMPACT SITE and benchmark terrestrial fauna data being gathered in J anuary 2009,
integrate Mantella aurantiaca and M. crocea data that is being acquired for these two key species as
part of the Mantella Management Programme during 2009, re-evaluate the fish and aquatic (stream
and ponds) data to adequately integrate with the KBCM; this will imply reassessing the weighting of
the attributes generally, giving more importance to the species attributes to better reflect BIODIVERSITY
LOSS values.
b. Re-calculate habitat hectares loss scores for the impact site, for each forest habitat type (azonal,
transitional and zonal), aquatic ecosystems (streams and ponds) and condition class.
2. Habitat hectares gain scores:
a. Prepare and implement the habitat, flora, fauna and aquatics BASELINE data collection at the proposed
Ankerana offset site.
b. Calculate habitat hectares gains scores for the variety of POTENTIAL OFFSET SITES (e.g. contiguous with
the mine footprint, the Analamay-Mantadia Corridor and the Ankerana offset site), for each forest
habitat type (azonal, transitional and zonal), aquatic ecosystems (streams and ponds) and condition
3. Socio-environmental losses and compensation cal culations:
a. Apply cost-benefit model and analysis using key elements of the BBOP BIODIVERSITY OFFSET COST-
BENEFIT HANDBOOK to determine the ecosystems services to the local communities in and around
Ankerana as well as the mine site (COMPOSITE OFFSET).
b. Determine socio-environmental compensations required, including compensations options; the Project
will distinguish between legal and illegal activities specifically (the latter being obviously recognised by
local legislation as unsustainable).
c. Design and implement a compensation programme.
4. Offset management programme:
a. In light of both the biodiversity and socio-environmental inputs, the Project will finalise the design of
the Ankerana (and mine site) management programs.
b. The Project will implement and monitor the implementation of the programs.
Next Steps 61
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
5. Legal protection status:
a. The Project will pursue the finalisation of the Ministerial Protection Decree for Ankerana and creation
of a protection status for the mine area conservation zones forests; the status of other offset
programme components (Analamay-Mantadia Corridor, Ramsar site) will also be pursued in
collaboration with the Projects partners (CI).
b. The Ankerana offset jurisdictional protection status is being finalised with Malagasy authorities with its
integration in the National Park network, in order to ensure the long-term protection status of the site
from a legal perspective.
6. Other activities:
a. The Project will be pursuing the implementation of its MITIGATION HIERARCHY strategy, namely through
the Biodiversity Action Plan and the taxa-specific management programmes for lemurs, Mantella, fish
and flora.
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
13. References
Benstead, J .P., De Rham, P.H., Gattolliat, J .-L., Gibon, F.-M., Loiselle, P.L.V., Sartori, M., Sparks, J .S. and
Stiassny, M.L.J . 2003. Conserving Madagascars Freshwater Biodiversity. Bioscience 53 (11): 1101-1111 [see
Appendix 3].
Dufils, J .-M. 2003. Pact Madagascar (see
Ganzhorn, J .U., Andrianasolo, T., Andrianjazalahatra, T., Donati, G., Fietz, J . et al. 2007. Lemur in evergreen
littoral forest fragments. In Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation of Littoral Ecosystem in Southeastern
Madagascar, Tolagnaro (Fort Dauphin). Serie editor Alfonso Alonso. SI/MAB Serie #11. Smithsonian
Institution, Washington DC. USA [see Appendix 3].
Grooves, C. 2000. The genus Cheirogaleus: unrecognized diversity in dwarf lemurs. International Journal of
Primatology, 21 (6): 943-962 [see Appendix 3].
International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM). 2006. Good Practice Guidance for Mining and
Biodiversity. ICMM, 19 Stratford Place, London W1C 1BQ, United Kingdom.
International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM). 2008. Planning for Integrated Mine Closure: Toolkit,
ICMM, 19 Stratford Place, London W1C 1BQ, United Kingdom.
International Finance Corporation (IFC). 2006. Performance Standard 6, Biodiversity Conservation and
Sustainable Natural Resource Management, World Bank Group.
ten Kate, K., Bishop, J ., and Bayon, R. 2004. Biodiversity offsets: Views, experience, and the business case.
IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK and Insight Investment, London, UK. ISBN: 2-8317-0854-0.
Kattan, G.H. 1992. Rarity and vulnerability: The Birds of the Cordillera Central of Colombia. Conservation
Biology 6 (1): 64-70.
Kleynhans, C.J . 1996. A qualitative procedure for the assessment of the habitat integrity status of the Luvuvhu
River (Limpopo System, South Africa). J. Aquat. Ecosystem Health 5: 41-54 [see Appendix 3].
Kleynhans, C.J . 1999. Comprehensive Habitat Integrity Assessment. In: Water Resources Protection. Policy
Implementation. Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources. River Ecosystems. Version
1 Department of Water Affairs and Forestry [see Appendix 3].
Meyers, N., Mittermeier, R.A., Mittermeier, C.G., Fonseca, G.A.B da and Kent, J . 2000. Biodiversity hotspots
for conservation priorities. Nature 403: 853858 [see Appendix 3].
Parkes, D., Newell, G. and Cheal, D. 2003. Assessing the quality of native vegetation: the habitat hectares
approach. Ecological Management and Restoration 4, S29-S38.
References 63
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Rabinowitz, D.S., Cairns, S. and Dillon, T. 1986. Seven forms of rarity and their frequency in the flora of the
British Isles. In Soul, M. E. (eds.). Conservation biology: the science of scarcity and diversity. Sinauer
Associates, Sunderland, Massachusetts.
Rakotoarison, N., Zimmermann, H., & Zimmermann, E. 1997. First discovery of the hairy-eared dwarf lemur
(Allocebus trichotis) in a higland rain forest of eastern Madagascar. Folia Primatologica 68 : 86-94 [see
Appendix 3].
Schmid, J . and Alonso, L.E. (eds). 2005. A rapid biological assessment of the Mantadia-Zahamena Corridor,
Madagascar. RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment No. 32. Conservation International. Washington, D.C.).
Watson, J . E. 2007. Conservation of Bird Diversity in Madagascar Southeastern Littoral forest [see Appendix
Whittaker, R.H., Bormann, F.H., Likens, G.E. and Siccama, T.G. 1974. The Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study:
forest biomass and production. Ecol. Monogr. 44(2):233-254.
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 1: Key Biodiversity Components
Matrix (KBCM) and Habitat Hectares Score,
December 2008 Iteration
Appendix 1: Key Biodiversity Components Matrix (KBCM) and Habitat Hectares Score, December 2008 Iteration 65
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Key Biodiversity Components Matrix
Global National Local Site Endemic Localized Widespread
Prosimans (primates)
Allocebus trichotis DD X Ecotourism, illegal bush meat, CITES I Tabou
Avahi laniger LC X Ecotourism, illegal bush meat, CITES I
Cheirogaleus crossleyi DD X Ecotourism, illegal bush meat, CITES I
Cheirogaleus major LC X Ecotourism, illegal bush meat, CITES I
Daubentonia madagascariensis NT X Ecotourism, illegal bush meat, CITES I
Eulemur fulvus fulvus NT X Ecotourism, illegal bush meat, CITES I, pet trade
Eulemur rubriventer VU X Ecotourism, illegal bush meat, CITES I
Hapalemur griseus griseus VU X Ecotourism, illegal bush meat, CITES I
Indri indri EN X Ecotourism, illegal bush meat, CITES I Tabou Existence of illegal bush meat for all these lemur species
Lepilemur microdon DD X Ecotourism, illegal bush meat, CITES I
Lepilemur mustelinus DD X Ecotourism, illegal bush meat, CITES I
Microcebus lehilahytsara DD X Ecotourism, illegal bush meat, CITES I
Microcebus rufus LC X Ecotourism, illegal bush meat, CITES I
Prolemur simus CR X Ecotourism, illegal bush meat, CITES I Ecological services: main seeds disperseurs
Propithecus d. diadema EN X Ecotourism, illegal bush meat, CITES I Ecological services: main seeds disperseurs
Varecia v. variegata CR X Ecotourism, illegal bush meat, CITES I
Cryptoprocta ferox VU X Ecotourism, illegal bush meat
Fossa fossana NT X illegal bush meat
Galidia elegans LC X illegal bush meat
Small mammals
Brachytarsomis albicauda NE X illegal bush meat symbiotic to Allocebus trichotis
Eliurus minor LC X illegal bush meat
Eliurus tanala LC X illegal bush meat
Eliurus webbi LC X illegal bush meat
Microgale cowani LC X illegal bush meat
Microgale drouhardi LC X illegal bush meat
Microgale majori LC X illegal bush meat
Microgale thomasi LC X illegal bush meat
Myotis goudoti LC X illegal bush meat
Accipiter henstii NT X pet trade, CITES II
Accipiter madagascariensis NT X pet trade, CITES II
Acridotheres tristis NE X
Agapornis cana cana LC X pet trade, CITES II
Alectroenas madagascariensis LC X
Anas melleri EN X
Ardea humbloti EN X
Asio madagascariensis LC X pet trade, CITES II
Atelornis pittoides LC X
Aviceda madagascariensis LC X pet trade, CITES II
Berneria zosterops LC X
Bernieria cinereiceps NT X
Brachypteracias squamigera VU X
Buteo brachypterus LC X
Calicalicus madagascariensis LC X
Canirallus kioloides LC X
Caprimulgus enarratus LC X
Caprimulgus madagascariensis LC X
Circus m. macrosceles VU X
Copsychus albospecularis LC X
Coracopsis nigra nigra LC X pet trade, CITES II
Coracopsis vasa vasa LC X pet trade, CITES II
Coua caerulea LC X
Coua reynaudii LC X
Coua serriana LC X
Crossleyia xanthophrys NT X
Cyanolanius madagascarinus LC X
Dromaeocercus brunneus LC X
Eurystomus glaucurus LC X
Falco eleonorae LC X pet trade, CITES II
Falco newtoni newtoni LC X pet trade, CITES II
Foudia madagascariensis LC X
Foudia omissa LC X
Gallinago macrodactyla NT X
Hypsipetes madagascariensis LC X
Leptopterus chabert LC X
Lonchura nana LC X
Lophotibis cristata NT X
Margaroperdix madagascariensis LC X
Milvus migrans LC X pet trade, CITES II
Mystacornis crossleyi LC X
Nectarinia notata LC X
Neodrepanis coruscans LC X
Neomixis flavoviridis NT X
Neomixis tenella LC X
Neomixis viridis LC X
Nesillas typica LC X
Newtonia brunneicauda LC X
Ninox superciliaris LC X pet trade, CITES II
Otus rutilus rutilus LC X pet trade, CITES II
Oxylabes madagascariensis LC X
Philepitta castanea LC X
Ploceus nelicourvi LC X
Polyboroides radiatus LC X pet trade, CITES II
Rallus madagascariensis VU X
Sarothrura insularis NE X
Sarothrura watersi EN X
Tylas eduardi LC X
Tyto soumagnei EN X CITES I
Vanga curvirostris LC X
Xenopirostris polleni NT X
Zosterops maderaspatana LC X
Justifi cation
(Insert comments here explaining
data entered in columns A to I)
Biodiversity Assessment
Socioeconomic Values Cultural Values
(mark only one)
Use Values Intrinsic, 'non use' Values
Appendix 1: Key Biodiversity Components Matrix (KBCM) and Habitat Hectares Score, December 2008 Iteration 66
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Key Biodiversity Components Matrix
Global National Local Site Endemic Localized Widespread
Amphiglossus melenopleura NE X
Amphiglossus minutus NE X
Amphiglossus mouroundavae NE X
Amphiglossus punctatus NE X
Brookesia superciliaris NE X pet trade, CITES II
Brookesia therezieni NE X pet trade, CITES II
Brookesia thieli NE X pet trade, CITES II
Calumma brevicornis NE X pet trade, CITES II
Calumma cf nasuta NE X pet trade, CITES II
Calumma crypticum NE X pet trade, CITES II
Calumma gastrotaenia NE X pet trade, CITES II
Calumma malthe NE X pet trade, CITES II
Calumma nasuta NE X pet trade, CITES II
Calumma parsoni NE X pet trade, CITES II
Ebenavia inunguis NE X pet trade, CITES II
Exallodontophis albignaci NE X
Furcifer lateralis NE X pet trade, CITES II
Furcifer willsii NE rare X pet trade, CITES II
Geodipsas laphystia NE X
Itycyphus perineti NE X
Leioheterodon madagascariensis NE X
Liophidium nov. sp. 1 NE X
Liophidium nov. sp. 2 NE X
Liophidium rhodogaster NE X
Liophidium torquatus NE X
Liopholidophis dolicocercus NE X
Liopholidophis epistibes NE X
Liopholidophis infrasignatus NE X
Liopholidophis pinguis NE X
Liopholidophis thieli NE X
Lygodactylus guibei NE X
Lygodactylus miops NE X
Mabuya gravenhorstii NE X
Madagascarophis colubrinus NE X
Micropisthodon ochraceus NE rare X
Paroedura gracilis NE X
Phelsuma lineata bifasciata NE X pet trade, CITES II
Phelsuma lineata lineata? NE X pet trade, CITES II
Phelsuma madagascariensis NE X
Phelsuma pronki NE high extinctionrisk X pet trade, CITES II
Phelsuma pusilla hallmanni NE X
Phelsuma quadriocellata bimaculata NE X pet trade, CITES II
Phelsuma quadriocellata quadriocellata NE X pet trade, CITES II
Pseudoxyrhopus microps NE X
Pseudoxyrhopus tritaeniatus NE X
Sanzinia madagascariensis VU X bushmeat, CITES I
Stenophis arctifasciatus NE X
Typhlops sp. NE X
Uroplatus phantasticus NE X pet trade, CITES II
Uroplatus pieschmanni NE X pet trade, CITES II
Uroplatus sikorae NE X pet trade, CITES II
Zonosaurus aeneus NE X
Zonosaurus madagascariensis LC X
Aglyptodactylus madagascariensis LC X
Anodonthyla boulengeri LC X
Blommersia blommersae LC X
Blommersia grandisonae LC X
Boophis albilabris LC X
Boophis boehmei NE X
Boophis brachychir NE X
Boophis burgeri NE X
Boophis cf.burgeri NE X
Boophis cf.miniatus NE X
Boophis cf.sibilans NE X
Boophis erythrodactylus LC X
Boophis goudoti LC X
Boophis guibei LC X
Boophis idae LC X
Boophis luteus LC X
Boophis madagascariensis LC X
Boophis marojezensis LC X
Boophis nov. sp. NE X
Boophis pyrrhus NE X
Boophis reticulatus LC X
Boophis sibilans DD X
Boophis viridis LC X
Gephyromantis cf. leucocephala NE X
Gephyromantis asper NE X
Gephyromantis boulengeri LC X
Gephyromantis cf.boulengeri NE X
Gephyromantis plicifer NT X
Guibemantis albolineatus DD X
Guibemantis cf. bicalcaratus NE X
Guibemantis cf.albolineatus NE X
Guibemantis depressiceps LC X
Guibemantis flavobrunneus NE X
Guibemantis liber LC X
Guibemantis tornieri LC X
Heterixalus betsileo LC X
Mantella aurantiaca CR X pet trade, CITES II
Mantella baroni NE X pet trade, CITES II
Mantella crocea EN X pet trade, CITES II
Mantidactylus argenteus LC X
Mantidactylus betsileanus LC X
Justifi cation
(Insert comments here explaining
data entered in columns A to I)
Biodiversity Assessment
Socioeconomic Values Cultural Values
(mark only one)
Use Values Intrinsic, 'non use' Values
Appendix 1: Key Biodiversity Components Matrix (KBCM) and Habitat Hectares Score, December 2008 Iteration 67
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Key Biodiversity Components Matrix
Global National Local Site Endemic Localized Widespread
Mantidactylus cf. betsileanus NE X
Mantidactylus femoralis LC X
Mantidactylus guttulatus LC X
Mantidactylus melanopleura LC X
Mantidactylus opiparis LC X
Mantidactylus sp. C NE X
Mantidactylus sp. H NE X
Mantidactylus zipperi LC X
Paradoxophyla palmata NE X
Platypelis barbouri LC X
Platypelis cf.barbouri NE X
Platypelis grandis LC X
Platypelis pollicaris DD X
Platypelis sp. (aff. mavomavo) NE X
Platypelis sp.nov NE newundescribed species X
Platypelis tuberifera LC X
Plethodontohyla inguinalis LC X
Plethodontohyla mihanika LC X
Plethodontohyla notosticta LC X
Plethodontohyla nov. sp. NE X
Plethodontohyla sp. NE X
Rhombophryne alluaudi LC X
Rhombophryne coronata VU X
Rhombophryne coronata VU X
Scaphiophryne marmorata VU X
Scaphiophryne spinosa NE X
Spinomantis aglavei LC X
Spinomantis phantasticus NE X
Stumpffia sp. "kibomena" NE X
Ratsirakia sp nov 1 (Mangoro catchment) NE newundescribed species X
Ratsirakia sp nov 2 (Berano catchment) NE newundescribed species X
Rheocles alaotrensis VU X
Rheocles spp ? (Berano catchment) NE potential newspecies X
Rheocles spp ? (Mangoro catchment) NE potential newspecies X
Amblyopone sp. mad-01 NE rare X
Amblyopone sp.2 NE rare X
Artitropa hollandi NE rare X
Cerapachys lividus NE rare X
Cerapachys sp. mad-38 NE rare X
Cerapachys sp.6 NE rare X
Cerapachys sp.7 NE rare X
Coeliades fidia NE rare X
Colotis lucasi NE rare X
Fulda imorina NE rare X
Heteropsis andasibe NE rare X
Heteropsis paradoxa NE rare X
Hovala sp. 2 NE rare X
Malaza carmides NE rare X
Mystrium mysticum NE rare X
Mystrium rogeri NE rare X
Proceratium sp.1 NE rare X
Smerina manoro NE rare X
Strabena consobrina NE rare X
Strabena dyscola NE rare X
Strabena modestissima NE rare X
Strabena niveata NE rare X
Strabena perroti NE rare X
Vitsika sp.1 NE rare X
Adenia acuta rare X
Aerangis citrata rare X ornemental
Aerangis fastuosa rare X ornemental
Aerangis macrocentra rare X ornemental
Aerangis sp. rare X ornemental
Aerangis stylosa rare X ornemental
Aeranthes adenopoda rare X ornemental
Aeranthes angustidens rare X ornemental
Aeranthes antennophora rare X ornemental
Aeranthes ecalcarata rare X ornemental
Aeranthes fasciola rare X ornemental
Aeranthes longipes rare X ornemental
Aeranthes nidus rare X ornemental
Aeranthes peyrotii rare X ornemental
Aeranthes sp. rare X ornemental
Aloe leandrii rare X medicinal value
Amyrea sp patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Angraecum calceolus rare X ornemental
Angraecum caricifolium rare X ornemental
Angraecum chaetopodum rare X ornemental
Angraecum chloranthum rare X ornemental
Angraecum compactum rare X ornemental
Angraecum danguyanum rare X ornemental
Angraecum filicornu rare X ornemental
Angraecum finetianum rare X ornemental
Angraecum germinyanum rare X ornemental
Angraecum graminifolium rare X ornemental
Angraecum humblotianum rare X ornemental
Angraecum lecomtei rare X ornemental
Angraecum linearifolium rare X ornemental
Angraecum mauritianum rare X ornemental
Angraecum panicifolium rare X ornemental
Angraecum pinifolium rare X ornemental
Justifi cation
(Insert comments here explaining
data entered in columns A to I)
Biodiversity Assessment
Socioeconomic Values Cultural Values
(mark only one)
Use Values Intrinsic, 'non use' Values
Appendix 1: Key Biodiversity Components Matrix (KBCM) and Habitat Hectares Score, December 2008 Iteration 68
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Key Biodiversity Components Matrix
Global National Local Site Endemic Localized Widespread
Angraecum rhynchoglossum rare X ornemental
Angraecum rostratum rare X ornemental
Angraecum sedifolium rare X ornemental
Angraecum setipes rare X ornemental
Angraecum sp. rare X ornemental
Angraecum teretifolium rare X ornemental
Angraecum urschianum rare X ornemental
Angraecum viguieri rare X ornemental
Antirhea borbonica rare X
Asparagus similens X Magical against demonic possessions
Aspidostemon conoideum rare X
Asplenium nidus patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Asplenium sp patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Asteropeia mcphersonii VU rare X timber for construction, bark =medicinal
Astrotrichilia parvifolia rare X
Baroniella acuminata rare X
Baroniella linearis rare X
Bathioramnus sp patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Benthamia sp. rare X ornemental
Biophytum sp. nov. rare X ornemental
Brexia montana rare X
Bulbomolossus sp1 patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Bulbomolossus sp2 patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Bulbophyllum alexandrae rare X ornemental
Bulbophyllum analamazoatrae rare X ornemental
Bulbophyllum ankaizinense rare X ornemental
Bulbophyllum aubrevillei rare X ornemental
Bulbophyllum auriflorum rare X ornemental
Bulbophyllum baronii rare,patrimonial value X ornemental
Bulbophyllum complanatum rare X ornemental
Bulbophyllum coriophorum rare X ornemental
Bulbophyllum francoisii rare X ornemental
Bulbophyllum leandrianum rare X ornemental
Bulbophyllum longiflorum rare X ornemental
Bulbophyllum lyperocephalum rare X ornemental
Bulbophyllum molossus rare X ornemental
Bulbophyllum multiflorum rare X ornemental
Bulbophyllum occlusum rare X ornemental
Bulbophyllum occultum rare X ornemental
Bulbophyllum oxycalyx rare X ornemental
Bulbophyllum pachypus rare X ornemental
Bulbophyllum peyrotii rarepatrimonial value X ornemental
Bulbophyllum platypodum rare X ornemental
Bulbophyllum rhizomatosum rare X ornemental
Bulbophyllum sandrangatense rare X ornemental
Bulbophyllum sp. indet. rare X ornemental
Bulbophyllum sulfureum rare X ornemental
Burasaia sp. nov A rare X
Byttneria heteromorpha rare X
Caesalpinia delphinensis rare X
Calantica sp nov. rare X
Calophyllum mulvis X Magical against thunder
Canarium sp. 2 (egregium) rare X
Carallia brachiata X Magical astrology
Carex sphaerogyna rare X
Cassinopsis sp. nov. rare X
Ceropegia cf. racemosa rare X
Chassalia bojeri rare X
Chassalia leptothyrsa rare X
Chassalia stenantha rare X
Cheirostylis gymnochiloides rare X ornemental
Cirrhopetalum longiflorum rare X ornemental
Claoxylon lancifolium rare X
Claoxylopsis purpurascens rare X
Cleistanthus sp. 1 rare X
Coffea liaudii rare X
Coffea mangoroensis rare, patrimonial value X
Colea fusca rare X
Colea sp nov. A rare X
Combretum sp. nov. rare X
Coptosperma sp. nov. '17' rare X
Coptosperma sp. nov. '36' rare X
Craterispermum laurinum rare X
Croton alceicornu rare X
Croton droguetioides rare X
Croton lepidotoides rare X
Croton sp. cf. jennyanum rare X
Croton sp. nov. cf nitidulus 'cinereum' rare X
Cryptocarya myristicoides rare X
Cryptocarya pervillei rare X
Cryptocarya spathulata rare X
Cryptopus brachiatus rare X ornemental
Cryptopus paniculatus rare X ornemental
Cyathea cf tsaratananensis CITES II
Cyathea dregei X CITES II
Cyathea hildebrandtii rare X
Cynanchum moramangense rare X
Cynorkis angustipetala rare X ornemental
Cynorkis aurantiaca rare X ornemental
Cynorkis fastigiata rare X ornemental
Cynorkis flexuosa rare X ornemental
Cynorkis gibbosa rare X ornemental
Cynorkis graminea rare X ornemental
Cynorkis jumelleana rare X ornemental
Cynorkis lilacina rare X ornemental
Cynorkis lowiana rare X ornemental
Cynorkis purpurascens rare X ornemental
Justifi cation
(Insert comments here explaining
data entered in columns A to I)
Biodiversity Assessment
Socioeconomic Values Cultural Values
(mark only one)
Use Values Intrinsic, 'non use' Values
Appendix 1: Key Biodiversity Components Matrix (KBCM) and Habitat Hectares Score, December 2008 Iteration 69
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Key Biodiversity Components Matrix
Global National Local Site Endemic Localized Widespread
Cynorkis ridleyi rare X ornemental
Cynorkis sp. rare X ornemental
Cynorkis uncinata rare X ornemental
Cyperus longifolius rare X
Dalbergia baronii VU X timber for furniture (rose wood)
Danais andribensis rare X
Danais humblotii rare X
Danais ligustrifolia rare X
Danais pauciflora rare X
Danais pubescens rare X
Dicoryphe laurina rare X
Dilobea thouarsii patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Diospyros sp patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Diporidium louvelii rare X
Disperis oppositifolia rare X ornemental
Distephanus aff. garnieriana rare X
Dombeya biumbellata rare X
Dombeya megaphylla rare X
Dombeya sp patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Dombeya spectabilis rare X
Dracaena sp. 3 rare X
Dracaena sp2 patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Dypsis sp. nov. 2 (aff. hildebrandtii) rare X
Elaphoglossum sp. 'B' rare X
Embelia nummulariifolia rare X
Erica sp. 'senescens' rare X
Erythroxylum "sp. 2 rare X
Erythroxylum ferrugineum rare X
Erythroxylum sp. 1 rare X
Erythroxylum sp. 3 rare X
Erythroxylum sp. 4 rare X
Erythroxylum sp. 5 rare X
Erythroxylum sp. 6 rare X
Erythroxylum sp. 7 rare X
Erythroxylum sp. 8 rare X
Eugenia alaotrensis rare X
Eugenia arthroopoda rare X
Eugenia goviala rare X
Eugenia sp. Nov 3 rare X
Eugenia sp. Nov 4 rare X
Eugenia sp. Nov. 1 rare X
Eugenia sp. Nov. 2 rare X
Euphorbia rangovalensis rare X
Exacum bulbilliferum rare X
Filicium sp patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Gaertnera aff. Pauciflora rare X
Gaertnera madagascariensis rare X
Gaertnera obovata rare X
Gaertnera obovata rare X
Gaertnera phanerophlebia rare X
Gaertnera phyllostachya rare X
Gallienia sclerophylla rare X
Gastropis sp patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Gastrorchis francoisii rare X ornemental
Gastrorchis humblotii rare X ornemental
Gastrorchis pulchra rare X ornemental
Gouania mauritiana X Magical against evil spirits
Grammangis ellisii rare X ornemental
Grammangis sp. indet. rare X ornemental
Gravesia setifera rare X
Gravesia setifera vel. sp.aff. rare X
Gravesia sp. nov. cf. baronii rare X
Gravesia tanalensis rare X
Gussonea gilpinae rare X ornemental
Habenaria sp. indet. rare X ornemental
Helichrysum sp. nov. aff. ambondrombeense rare X
Homalium axillare rare X
Homalium maringitra rare X
Homolliella sericea rare X
Homolliella sp. nov. 'pauciflora' ined. rare X
Hyperacanthus sp. indet. rare X
Hyperacanthus sp. nov. ined. 'mangoroensis' rare X
Hyperacanthus thouvenotii rare X
Inula speciosa rare X
Ixora trichocalyx rare X
Jasminum sp patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Jumellea arborescens rare X ornemental
Jumellea brachycentra rare X ornemental
Jumellea francoisii rare X ornemental
Jumellea gracilipes rare X ornemental
Jumellea lignosa rare X ornemental
Jumellea punctata rare X ornemental
Jumellea sagittata rare X ornemental
Jumellea sp. rare X ornemental
Jumellea teretifolia rare X ornemental
Keraudrenia macrantha rare X
Khaya madagascariensis rare X
Korthalsella commersonii rare X
Lemurella virescens rare X ornemental
Lemyrea sp. rare X
Leptolaena multiflora EN X timber for construction, bark =medicinal
Leptolaena sp2 patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Liparis bulbophylloides rare X ornemental
Liparis hildebrandtiana rare X ornemental
Liparis jumelleana rare X ornemental
Liparis longicaulis rare X ornemental
Liparis sp rare X ornemental
Justifi cation
(Insert comments here explaining
data entered in columns A to I)
Biodiversity Assessment
Socioeconomic Values Cultural Values
(mark only one)
Use Values Intrinsic, 'non use' Values
Appendix 1: Key Biodiversity Components Matrix (KBCM) and Habitat Hectares Score, December 2008 Iteration 70
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Key Biodiversity Components Matrix
Global National Local Site Endemic Localized Widespread
Ludia madagascariensis rare X
Ludia sp. nov. 1.aff. scolopioides rare X
Ludia sp. nov. 2 rare X
Ludia sp. nov. 3 rare X
Ludwia sp patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Macaranga racemosa rare X
Mailardia sp patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Margaritaria sp. nov. A rare X
Medinilla cf. oblongifolia rare X
Medinilla chermezonii rare X
Medinilla lophoclada rare X
Medinilla mandrakensis rare X
Medinilla micrantha rare X
Medinilla sp nov 2. rare X
Medinilla sp. nov. 1 rare X
Meineckia orientalis rare X
Melicope discolor rare X
Melicope sp. nov. rare X
Memecylon faucherei rare X
Memecylon sp. nov. aff. vaccinioides rare X
Mendoncia sp. nov. 1 rare X
Microcoelia gilpinae rare X ornemental
Microcoelia macrantha rare X ornemental
Molinaea sp. nov rare X
Morinda retusa rare X
Morinda sp. nov. rare X
Mussaenda arcuata rare X
Neobathia sp patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Nervilia bicarinata rare X ornemental
Noronhia emarginata rare X
Noronhia gracilipes rare X
Noronhia louvelii rare X
Noronhia sp nov. A rare X
Noronhia sp. nov E rare X
Noronhia sp. nov. C rare X
Oberonia disticha rare X ornemental
Ochrocarpos orthocladus rare X
Oeonia oncidiiflora rare X ornemental
Oeonia rosea rare X ornemental
Oeonia volucris rare X ornemental
Oeoniella polystachys rare X ornemental
Olax emirnensis X Magical against bad luck
Oldenlandia lancifolia rare X
Oldenlandia trinervia rare X
Oncostemum cauliflorum rare X
Oncostemum evonymoides rare X
Oncostemum filicinum rare X
Oncostemum humbertianum rare X
Oncostemum laevigatum rare X
Oncostemum linearisepalum rare X
Oncostemum neriifolium rare X
Oncostemum nitidulum rare X
Oncostemum oliganthum rare X
Oncostemum paniculatum rare X
Oncostemum sp nov aff. triflorum rare X
Oncostemum sp. cf. leprosum rare X
Oncostemum sp. nov. D rare X
Oncostemum triflorum rare X
Paederia mandrarensis rare X
Pauridiantha paucinervis rare X
Pellaea sp patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Peltiera nitida rare X
Pentopetia cotoneaster rare X
Pentopetia longipetala rare X
Pentopetia pinnata rare X
Phaius pulchellus rare X ornemental
Phaius pulcher rare X ornemental
Phylica emirnensis rare X
Phyllanthus moramangicus rare X
Phyllarthron sp patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Phylloxylum sp patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Platylepis polyadenia rare X ornemental
Plectrantus sp patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Podocarpus sp patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Polyscias sp. nov. 'abrahamiana' rare X
Polyscias sp. nov. 'ambatovyensis' rare X
Polyscias sp. nov. 'anjozorobensis' rare X
Polystachya aurantiaca rare X ornemental
Polystachya concreta rare X ornemental
Polystachya cornigera rare X ornemental
Polystachya cultriformis rare X ornemental
Polystachya fusiformis rare X ornemental
Polystachya humberti rare X ornemental
Polystachya mauritiana rare X ornemental
Polystachya rosea rare X ornemental
Polystachya rosellata rare X ornemental
Polystachya sp. rare X ornemental
Polystachya tsinjoarivensis rare X ornemental
Pseudopteris sp patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Psorospermum nervosum rare X
Psorospermum sp. nov. A. aff. rienanense rare X
Psorospermum sp. nov. B. rare X
Psychotria sp patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Psychotria taxifolia rare X
Pycreus ferrugineus rare X
Pyrenacantha humblotii rare X
Pyrenacantha laetevirens rare X
Justifi cation
(Insert comments here explaining
data entered in columns A to I)
Biodiversity Assessment
Socioeconomic Values Cultural Values
(mark only one)
Use Values Intrinsic, 'non use' Values
Appendix 1: Key Biodiversity Components Matrix (KBCM) and Habitat Hectares Score, December 2008 Iteration 71
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Key Biodiversity Components Matrix
Global National Local Site Endemic Localized Widespread
Pyrostria analamazaotrensis rare X
Rhodolaena bakeriana patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Rhynchospora sp. nov. 1 rare X
Saldinia coursiana rare X
Saldinia mandracensis rare X
Saldinia myrtilloides rare X
Saldinia proboscidea rare X
Saldinia sp patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Sarcolaena sp patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Schismatoclada concinna rare X
Schismatoclada psychotrioides rare X
Scleria madagascariensis rare X
Scolopia taimbarina rare X
Scolopia thouvenoti rare X
Secamone glaberrima rare X
Secamone sp. aff. Perrieri rare X
Secamone sp. nov. 1 rare X
Selaginella lyalii patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Senecio vel. sp. aff. multidenticulatus rare X
Stenandrium amoenum rare X
Syzigium sp. 1 rare X
Syzigium sp. 2 rare X
Syzigium sp. 3 rare X
Syzygium bernieri rare X
Syzygium condensatum rare X
Syzygium emirnense rare X
Syzygium lugubre rare X
Syzygium onivense rare X
Syzygium parkeri rare X
Tacca sp patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Tambourissa capuronii rare X
Tambourissa sp nov. aff. mandrarensis rare X
Tambourissa sp. nov. A rare X
Tambourissa trichophylla rare X
Tarenna alleizettei rare X
Tarenna sp. nov. aff spiranthera rare X
Terminalia sp patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Terminalia sp patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Tragia perrieri rare X
Tricalysia sp. ined. 'analamazaotrensis' rare X
Tristellateia grandiflora rare X
Vepris sp1 patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Vepris sp2 patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Vigueranthus sp_ patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Viguieranthus sp. X Magical sorcellery
Viscum multicostatum rare X
Viscum radula rare X
Viscum sp. Nov. 1 rare X
Viscum sp. Nov. 2 rare X
Vitex coursii rare X
Vitex oscitans rare X
Xylopia sp patrimonial value X as defined byMBG
Azonal thicket X X medecinal, bushmeat
Disturbed azonal thicket X X medecinal, bushmeat
Azonal forest X X medecinal, bushmeat
Disturbed azonal forest X X medecinal, bushmeat
Brunt azonal forest X
Disturbed azonal habitat (sucessions I and II) X X
Disturbed azonal habitat (sparse vegetation) X
Transitional forest of azonal influence on gabbro sustratum X X timbers, medecinal, bushmeat, water ressources
Distrubed transitional forest of azonal influence on gabbro sustratumX X timbers, medecinal, bushmeat, water ressources
Transitional forest X X timbers, medecinal, bushmeat, water ressources
Exploited transitional forest X X timbers, medecinal, bushmeat, water ressources
Moderatelyexploited zonal forest X X X timbers, medecinal, bushmeat, water ressources
Moderatelyexploited zonal galleryforest X X X timbers, medecinal, bushmeat, water ressources
Heavilyexploited zonal forest (with other disturbances), mine and pipeline timber, medecinal, bushmeat
Ephemeral ponds X X
Streams X X water resources
Edaphic mid-altitudinal easternhumidforest on laterite profil above ultramafic outcrop X X timbers, medecinal, bushmeat, water ressources
Whole Landscapes/Ecosystems
(Insert comments here explaining
data entered in columns A to I)
Biodiversity Assessment
Socioeconomic Values Cultural Values
(mark only one)
Use Values Intrinsic, 'non use' Values
Appendix 1: Key Biodiversity Components Matrix (KBCM) and Habitat Hectares Score, December 2008 Iteration 72
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Key to Global Significance Criteria
Further detailed information is available at
A taxon is Extinct when there is no reasonable doubt that the last individual has died. A taxon is presumed
Extinct when exhaustive surveys in known and/or expected habitat, at appropriate times (diurnal, seasonal,
annual), throughout its historic range have failed to record an individual. Surveys should be over a time frame
appropriate to the taxon's life cycle and life form.
A taxon is Extinct in the Wild when it is known only to survive in cultivation, in captivity or as a naturalized
population (or populations) well outside the past range. A taxon is presumed Extinct in the Wild when
exhaustive surveys in known and/or expected habitat, at appropriate times (diurnal, seasonal, annual),
throughout its historic range have failed to record an individual. Surveys should be over a time frame
appropriate to the taxon's life cycle and life form.
A taxon is Critically Endangered when the best available evidence indicates that it meets any of the criteria A
to E for Critically Endangered (see Section V), and it is therefore considered to be facing an extremely high
risk of extinction in the wild.
A taxon is Endangered when the best available evidence indicates that it meets any of the criteria A to E for
Endangered (see Section V), and it is therefore considered to be facing a very high risk of extinction in the
A taxon is Vulnerable when the best available evidence indicates that it meets any of the criteria A to E for
Vulnerable (see Section V), and it is therefore considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.
A taxon is Near Threatened when it has been evaluated against the criteria but does not qualify for Critically
Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable now, but is close to qualifying for or is likely to qualify for a threatened
category in the near future.
A taxon is Least Concern when it has been evaluated against the criteria and does not qualify for Critically
Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable or Near Threatened. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in
this category.
A taxon is Data Deficient when there is inadequate information to make a direct, or indirect, assessment of its
risk of extinction based on its distribution and/or population status. A taxon in this category may be well
studied, and its biology well known, but appropriate data on abundance and/or distribution are lacking. Data
Deficient is therefore not a category of threat. Listing of taxa in this category indicates that more information is
Appendix 1: Key Biodiversity Components Matrix (KBCM) and Habitat Hectares Score, December 2008 Iteration 73
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
required and acknowledges the possibility that future research will show that threatened classification is
appropriate. It is important to make positive use of whatever data are available. In many cases great care
should be exercised in choosing between DD and a threatened status. If the range of a taxon is suspected to
be relatively circumscribed, and a considerable period of time has elapsed since the last record of the taxon,
threatened status may well be justified.
A taxon is Not Evaluated when it is has not yet been evaluated against the criteria.
Appendix 1: Key Biodiversity Components Matrix (KBCM) and Habitat Hectares Score, December 2008 Iteration 74
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Total Habitat
Hectares Lost:
Each Site Class
Post-Project, High Impact Sites
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites
Pre-Project 911 285
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0 911 0 285 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 911 0 285 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0 0 0
Pre-Project 43 18
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0 43 0 18 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 43 0 18 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0 0 0
Pre-Project 8.98 5.45
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0 8.98 0 5.45 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 8.98 0 5.45 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0 0 0
Pre-Project 19.42 3.55
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0 19.42 0 3.55 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 19.42 0 3.55 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0 0 0
Pre-Project 13.29 9.95
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0 13.29 0 9.95 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 13.29 0 9.95 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0 0 0
Pre-Project 0.033 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0 0.033 0 0 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0.033 0 0 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0 0 0
Pre-Project 0.0248 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0 0.0248 0 0 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0.0248 0 0 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0 0 0
Pre-Project 0.013 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0 0.013 0 0 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0.013 0 0 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0 0 0
Condition Class 2:
(Quantifcation of Biodiversity Loss Through Project Impact, via Habitat Hectares)
Azonal thicket Habitat Type 1:
of Condition
Class 3:
1. To the left, label each pre-project site condition class found.
(Three or less. e.g. "pristine", "good", "degraded", or "good", "poor", etc.)
528.86 427.22
Disturbed primary
Condition Class 3:
2. Fill in the area of
(enter "0" for non-relevent
condition classes and
impact levels)
3. For each relevant condition class and impact level below, pl ease fill in the condition/level of the attribute in
questi on
Pre/Post-Project Conditions
Hectares Lost
(enter comments explaining data in columns
B to Q)
Condit ion Class 1:
Meter 30.77179043
No mitigation Year _0
t Reference Level
Quasi pristine
primary forest
148.4436098 0.2
of Condition
Class 1:
0 0 0
48.33 0
Quasi pristine
primary forest
Disturbed primary
590.74 475.55
of Condition Class
0.05 30.06911276
0.1 52.886
diadema density
Number of tree
9.74 cm
Basal area 19.6 m2/ha
Allocebus density 0.025
104.9645802 Indri indri density 0.013
0.2 NT
Appendix 1: Key Biodiversity Components Matrix (KBCM) and Habitat Hectares Score, December 2008 Iteration 75
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Total Habitat Hectares Lost: 239
Each Site Class
Post-Project, High Impact Sites
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites
Pre-Project 1045 880
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 1045 880 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 1045 0 880 0 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 0 0 0
Pre-Project 138 55
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 138 55 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 138 0 55 0 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 0 0 0
Pre-Project 8.48 10.1
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 8.48 10.1 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 8.48 0 10.1 0 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 0 0 0
Pre-Project 23.88 17.2
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 23.88 17.2 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 23.88 0 17.2 0 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 0 0 0
Pre-Project 12.26 9.18
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 12.26 9.18 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 12.26 0 9.18 0 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 0 0 0
Pre-Project 0.033 0.033
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.033 0.033 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0.033 0 0.033 0 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 0 0 0
Pre-Project 0.0248 0.0248
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.0248 0.0248 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0.0248 0 0.0248 0 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 0 0 0
Pre-Project 0.013 0.013
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.013 0.013 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0.013 0 0.013 0 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 0 0 0
54.79053435 Indri indri density 0.0131
0.2 NT
Allocebus density 0.0248
Number of Tree species
7.65 cm
Basal area 24.87 m2/ha
Propithecus diadema
0.05 10.26298834
0.1 27.606
Disturbed primary
126.37 328.22
of Condition Class 2: of Condition Class 1:
[Fill in name here]
Quasi pristine primary
t Reference Level
Quasi pristine primary
28.42585507 0.2
stems/ha 1273
0.05 15.79959298
Condition Class 1:
Disturbed primary
Condition Class 3:
[Fill in name here]
2. Fill in the area of
(enter "0" for non-relevent
condition classes and
impact levels)
3. For each relevant condition class and impact level below, please fill in the condition/level of the attri bute in question
Pre/Post-Project Conditions
Hectares Lost
Rati onale
(enter comments explaining data in columns B to Q)
Condition Class 2:
(Quantifcation of Biodiversity Loss Through Project Impact, via Habitat Hectares)
Transitional Forests Habitat Type 2:
of Condition Class 3: 1. To the left, l abel each pre-project site condition cl ass found.
(Three or less. e.g. "pristine", "good", "degraded", or "good", "poor", etc.)
53.38 222.68
Appendix 1: Key Biodiversity Components Matrix (KBCM) and Habitat Hectares Score, December 2008 Iteration 76
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Total Habitat Hectares Lost: 305.13
Each Site Class
Post-Project, High Impact Sites
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites
Pre-Project 1207 970
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 1207 970 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 1207 0 970 0 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 1207 970 0
Pre-Project 107 30
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 107 30 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 107 0 30 0 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 107 30 0
Pre-Project 10.5 12.65
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 10.5 12.65 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 10.5 0 12.65 0 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 10.5 12.65 0
Pre-Project 33.3 21.65
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 33.3 21.65 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 33.3 0 21.65 0 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 33.3 21.65 0
Pre-Project 13.77 15.44
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 13.77 15.44 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 13.37 0.4 15.44 0 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 13.77 15.44 0
Pre-Project 0.033 0.033
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.033 0.033 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0.033 0 0.033 0 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 0.033 0.033 0
Pre-Project 0.025 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.025 0 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0.025 0 0 0 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 0.025 0 0
Pre-Project 0.013 0.013
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.013 0.013 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0.013 0 0.013 0 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 0.013 0.013 0
Condition Class 2:
(Quantifcation of Biodiversity Loss Through Project Impact, via Habitat Hectares)
Zonal Forests Habitat Type 3:
of Conditi on Class 3: 1. To the left, label each pre-project site conditi on class found.
(Three or less. e.g. "pristine", "good", "degraded", or "good", "poor", etc.)
256.9 14.94
Disturbed primary
Condition Class 3:
[Fill in name here]
2. Fill in the area of
(enter "0" for non-relevent
condition classes and
impact levels)
3. For each relevant condition class and impact level below, please fill in the condition/level of the attribute in question
Pre/Post-Project Conditions
Hectares Lost
(enter comments explaining data in columns B to Q)
Condi tion Class 1:
meter 14.57798485
t Reference Level
Quasi pristine primary
77.60138889 0.2
of Condi tion Class 1:
[Fill in name here]
Quasi pristine primary
Disturbed primary
412.74 124.97
of Condition Class 2:
0.05 20.177775
0.1 25.89717742
Propithecus diadema
Number of tree species
14.91 cm
Basal area 22 m2/ha
Allocebus density 0.0248
53.9529771 Indri indri density 0.0131
0.2 NT
Appendix 1: Key Biodiversity Components Matrix (KBCM) and Habitat Hectares Score, December 2008 Iteration 77
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Total Habitat Hectares Lost: 3.83
Each Site Class
Post-Project, High Impact Sites
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites
Pre-Project 104
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0 0 104
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0 0 104 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 0 0 104
Pre-Project 45
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0 0 45
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0 0 45 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 0 0 45
Pre-Project 4.139
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0 0 4.139
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0 0 4.139 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 0 0 4.139
Pre-Project 14.502
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0 0 14.502
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0 0 14.502 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 0 0 14.502
Pre-Project 14.978
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0 0 14.978
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0 0 14.978 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 0 0 14.978
Pre-Project 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0 0 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0 0 0 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 0 0 0
Pre-Project 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0 0 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0 0 0 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 0 0 0
Pre-Project 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0 0 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0 0 0 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 0 0 0
0 Indri indri density 0.0131
0.2 NT
Allocebus density 0.0248
Number of tree species
14.91 cm
Volume 34.17 m3/ha
Propithecus diadema
0.05 0.350136084
0.1 0
of Condition Class 2:
of Condition Class 1:
Heavily fragmented and
degraded primary forest
t Reference Level 0
2.0625 0.2
Stems/ha 1065
0.05 0.344916667
Condit ion Class 1:
Condition Class 3:
Heavily fragmented and
degraded primary forest
2. Fill i n the area of
(enter "0" for non-relevent
condition classes and
impact levels)
3. For each rel evant condition cl ass and impact level below, please fill in the condition/level of the attribute in question
Pre/Post-Project Conditions
Hectares Lost
(enter comments explaining data in columns B to Q)
Condition Class 2:
(Quantifcation of Biodiversity Loss Through Project Impact, via Habitat Hectares)
Pipeline degraded zonal forests Habitat Type 4:
of Condition Class 3: 1. To the left, label each pre-project si te condition class found.
(Three or less. e.g. "pristine", "good", "degraded", or "good", "poor", etc.)
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 2: Key Biodiversity Components Matrix (KBCM) and
Habitat Hectares Score, February 2008 Iteration
Key Biodiversity Components Matrix
Global National Local Site Endemic Localized Widespread
Prolemur simus CR X Ecotourism, bush meat Ecological services: main seeds disperseurs
Propithecus d. diadema CR X Ecotourism, bush meat Tabou Existence of illegal bush meat for all these lemur species
Indri indri EN X Ecotourism, bush meat Tabou
Allocebus trichotis EN X Ecotourism, bush meat
Daubentonia madagascarensis EN X Ecotourism, bush meat Tabou
Tyto soumagnei EN X Ecotourism
Platypelis sp. nov X X Rational exportation
There's annual quota for those species under CITES
exporation. However, there are lacks of studyon
population density
Scaphiophryne marmorata VU X Rational exportation
Rhombophryne coronata VU X Rational exportation
Mantella aurantiaca CR X Rational exportation
Mantella crocea EN X Rational exportation
Mantidactylus plicifer NT X Rational exportation
Pararhadinaea sp.nov X X Rational exportation
Sanzinia madagascariensis VU X Rational exportation, bush meat
Aloe leandri X X
Ratsirakia sp X X Bush meat
Rheocles sp X X Bush meat
Asteropeia micraster EN
Leptolaena multiflora EN
Dalbergia baroni VU
Cyathea dregei NE Cites II
Cyathea cf tsaratananensis NE Cites II
Eulemur rubriventer VU X Bush meat
Azonal forest X X medecinal, bushmeet,
Transitional forest X X timbers, medecinal, bushmeet, water ressources
Zonal forest X X timbers, medecinal, bushmeet, water ressources
Azonal fauna X X
Azonal flora X X
Edaphic mid-altitudinal eastern humid forest on laterite profil above ultramafic outcrop X X forest & water ressources
(Insert comments here explaining data entered in columns
A to I)
Biodiversity Assessment
Biodiversity Component
Cultural Values
(mark only one)
Use Values Intrinsic, 'non use' Values
Whole Landscapes/Ecosystems
For Key to Global Significance Criteria see Appendix 1 above.
Appendix 2: Key Biodiversity Components Matrix (KBCM) and Habitat Hectares Score, February 2008 Iteration 79
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Total Habitat
Hectares Lost:
Each Site Class
Post-Project, High Impact Sites
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites
Pre-Project 739 263
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 739 0 263 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 739 263 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 739 263 0
Pre-Project 58 15
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0 58 15 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 58 15 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 58 15 0
Pre-Project 4.43 2.02
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0 4.43 2.02 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 4.43 2.02 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 4.43 2.02 0
Pre-Project 7.07 1.18
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0 7.07 1.18 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 7.07 1.18 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 7.07 1.18 0
Pre-Project 9.64 7.26
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0 9.64 7.26 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 9.64 7.26 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 9.64 7.26 0
Pre-Project 4.98 3.13
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0 4.98 3.13 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 4.98 3.13 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 4.98 3.13 0
Condition Class 2:
(Quantifcation of Biodiversity Loss Through Project Impact, via Habitat
Azonal forest Habitat Type 1:
of Condition
Class 3:
1. To the left, label each pre-project si te condition class found.
(Three or less. e.g. "pristine", "good", "degraded", or "good", "poor", etc.)
615 447.04
Condition Class 3:
2. Fill in the area of
(enter "0" for non-relevent
condition classes and
impact levels)
3. For each relevant condition class and i mpact level below, please fill in the condition/level of the attribute in
Pre/Post-Project Conditions
Hectares Lost
(enter comments explaining data in
columns B to Q)
Condition Class 1:
Meter 57.0357044
Good: P.5; Disturbed: P. 20
after 30 years estimated
approximately about 40% to 60% of
the structure attribute value will be
restored on the impact site
t Reference Level Good forest
258.3878049 0.25
steam/ha 586
of Condition
Class 1:
0 0 0
0 0
Ponds Good forest Disturbed
793.02 549.17
of Condition Class
0.15 134.1896477
Height to crown 6.13 m3
Number of tree
Canopy height
9.74 m
Basal area 5.45 m2/ha
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 3: Key Biodiversity Components
Matrix (KBCM) and Habitat Hectares Score,
April 2008 Iteration
BIODIVERSITY LOSS calculations scenarios at IMPACT SITE, and post-Project remediation effects on biodiversity
loss calculations scenarios at impact site, Ambatovy Project
Habitat types Percentage of
Forest Streams/Rivers Ephemeral pools
0 (without
1620 1.16 0.64
5% 0-7 1539 1.1 0.61
20% 7-15 1296 0.93 0.51
40% 15-30 972 0.69 0.38
75% 30-60 405 0.29 0.16
90% 60-120 162 0.12 0.06
Detailed calculations can be found below.
Appendix 3: Key Biodiversity Components Matrix (KBCM) and Habitat Hectares Score, April 2008 Iteration 81
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Habitat hectares lost no mitigation
Total Habitat
Hectares Lost:
Each Site Class
Post-Project, High Impact Sites
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites
Pre-Project 1004.75 735.57
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 1004.8 0 735.57 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 1004.8 735.57 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 1004.8 735.57 0
Pre-Project 23.22 14.57
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0 23.22 14.57 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 23.22 14.57 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 23.22 14.57 0
Pre-Project 9.07 9.5
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0 9.07 9.5 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 9.07 9.5 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 9.07 9.5 0
Pre-Project 13.57 15.17
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0 13.57 15.17 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 13.57 15.17 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 13.57 15.17 0
Pre-Project 85.08 36.86
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0 85.08 36.86 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 85.08 36.86 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 85.08 36.86 0
Pre-Project 0.033 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.033 0 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0.033 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0.033 0 0
Pre-Project 123.3 123.3
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 123.3 123.3 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 123.3 123.3 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 123.3 123.3 0
Pre-Project 0.025 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.025 0 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0.025 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0.025 0 0
Pre-Project 142.4 142.4
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 142.4 142.4 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 142.4 142.4 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 142.4 142.4 0
Pre-Project 0.007 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.007 0 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0.007 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0.007 0 0
Pre-Project 4.13 4.13
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 4.13 4.13 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 4.13 4.13 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 4.13 4.13 0
Pre-Project 0.013 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.013 0 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0.013 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0.013 0 0
Pre-Project 31.12 31.12
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 31.12 31.12 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 31.12 31.12 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 31.12 31.12 0
Pre-Project 0.8 14.05
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.8 14.05 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0.8 14.05 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0.8 14.05 0
Condi tion Class 2:
(Quantifcation of Biodiversity Loss Through Project Impact, via Habitat
Forest Habitat Type 1:
of Conditi on
Class 3:
1. To the left, label each pre-project site condi tion class found.
(Three or less. e.g. "pristine", "good", "degraded", or "good", "poor", etc.)
1587.963 497.7
Condition Class 3:
2. Fill in the area of
(enter "0" for non-relevent
condition classes and
impact levels)
3. For each rel evant condition class and impact level below, please fill in the conditi on/level of the attribute in
Pre/Post-Project Conditions
Hectares Lost
(enter comments explaining data in
columns B to Q)
Conditi on Class 1:
Meter 47.92328259
Good forest is the average of : P.5,
6, 9, 12, 14, & 18; Disturbed forest
average of : P. 10 &20
No mitigation Year _0
0.1 160.3136869
t Reference Level Good forest
99.55773885 0.05
stems/ha 1118
of Condition
Class 1:
0 0 0
0 0
Ponds Good forest Disturbed
1587.963 497.7
of Condition Class
0.1 158.71055
Allocebus trichotis
0.025 number/ha
Basal area
Mean tree height
83.63 number/ha
Top height tree 14.54 Meter
Tree species density
diadema Density
142.4 0
0.1 169.8818697
Prolemur simus
vulnerability index
123.3 0 0.05 NT
0.05 104.2548391
Allocebus trichotis
vulnerability index
Prolemur simus
vulnerability index
4.13 0 0.05 104.2894121
Indri indri density 0.013 number/ha 0.1 157.7474504
Indri indri
vulnerability index
31.12 0 0.05
Deforestation rate 0
0.1 0
Appendix 3: Key Biodiversity Components Matrix (KBCM) and Habitat Hectares Score, April 2008 Iteration 82
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Habitat hectares lost 5% mitigation
Total Habitat
Hectares Lost:
Each Site Class
Post-Project, High Impact Sites
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites
Pre-Project 1004.75 735.57
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 50.2375 954.51 36.7785 698.79 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 1004.8 735.57 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 1004.8 735.57 0
Pre-Project 23.22 14.57
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 1.161 22.059 0.7285 13.842 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 23.22 14.57 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 23.22 14.57 0
Pre-Project 9.07 9.5
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.4535 8.6165 0.475 9.025 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 9.07 9.5 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 9.07 9.5 0
Pre-Project 13.57 15.17
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.6785 12.892 0.7585 14.412 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 13.57 15.17 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 13.57 15.17 0
Pre-Project 85.08 36.86
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 4.254 80.826 1.843 35.017 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 85.08 36.86 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 85.08 36.86 0
Pre-Project 0.033 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.00165 0.0314 0 0 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0.033 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0.033 0 0
Pre-Project 123.3 123.3
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 6.165 117.14 6.165 117.14 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 123.3 123.3 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 123.3 123.3 0
Pre-Project 0.025 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.00125 0.0238 0 0 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0.025 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0.025 0 0
Pre-Project 142.4 142.4
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 7.12 135.28 7.12 135.28 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 142.4 142.4 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 142.4 142.4 0
Pre-Project 0.007 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.00035 0.0067 0 0 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0.007 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0.007 0 0
Pre-Project 4.13 4.13
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.2065 3.9235 0.2065 3.9235 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 4.13 4.13 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 4.13 4.13 0
Pre-Project 0.013 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.00065 0.0124 0 0 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0.013 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0.013 0 0
Pre-Project 31.12 31.12
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 1.556 29.564 1.556 29.564 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 31.12 31.12 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 31.12 31.12 0
Pre-Project 0.8 14.05
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.04 0.76 0.7025 13.348 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0.8 14.05 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0.8 14.05 0
0.1 0
31.12 0 0.05
Deforestation rate 0
0.05 99.07494151
Indri indri density 0.013 number/ha 0.1 149.8600779
Indri indri
Prolemur simus
4.13 0
123.3 0 0.05 NT
0.05 99.04209716
Allocebus trichotis
diadema Density
142.4 0
0.1 161.3877762
Prolemur simus
Basal area
Mean tree height
83.63 number/ha
Top height tree 14.54 Meter
Tree species density
Allocebus trichotis
0.025 number/ha
0.1 150.7750225
1587.963 497.7
of Condition Class
of Condition
Class 1:
0 0 0
0 0
Ponds Good forest
t Reference Level Good forest
94.57985191 0.05
stems/ha 1118
0.1 152.2980025
Good forest is the average of : P.5,
6, 9, 12, 14, & 18; Disturbed forest
average of : P. 10 &20
No mitigation Year _0
Condition Class 1:
Condition Class 3:
2. Fill in the area of
(enter "0" for non-relevent
condition classes and
impact levels)
3. For each relevant condition class and impact level below, pl ease fil l in the condition/level of the attribute in
Pre/Post-Project Conditions
Hectares Lost
Rati onale
(enter comments explaining data in
columns B to Q)
Condition Class 2:
(Quantifcation of Biodiversity Loss Through Project Impact, via Habitat
Forest Habi tat Type 1:
of Condition
Class 3:
1. To the left, label each pre-project si te condition class found.
(Three or less. e.g. "pristine", "good", "degraded", or "good", "poor", etc.)
1587.963 497.7
Appendix 3: Key Biodiversity Components Matrix (KBCM) and Habitat Hectares Score, April 2008 Iteration 83
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Habitat hectares lost 20% mitigation
Total Habitat
Hectares Lost:
Each Site Cl ass
Post-Project, High Impact Sites
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites
Pre-Project 1004.75 735.57
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 200.95 803.8 147.114 588.46 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 1004.8 735.57 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 1004.8 735.57 0
Pre-Project 23.22 14.57
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 4.644 18.576 2.914 11.656 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 23.22 14.57 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 23.22 14.57 0
Pre-Project 9.07 9.5
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 1.814 7.256 1.9 7.6 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 9.07 9.5 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 9.07 9.5 0
Pre-Project 13.57 15.17
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 2.714 10.856 3.034 12.136 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 13.57 15.17 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 13.57 15.17 0
Pre-Project 85.08 36.86
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 17.016 68.064 7.372 29.488 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 85.08 36.86 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 85.08 36.86 0
Pre-Project 0.033 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.0066 0.0264 0 0 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 0.033 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0.033 0 0
Pre-Project 123.3 123.3
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 24.66 98.64 24.66 98.64 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 123.3 123.3 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 123.3 123.3 0
Pre-Project 0.025 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.005 0.02 0 0 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 0.025 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0.025 0 0
Pre-Project 142.4 142.4
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 28.48 113.92 28.48 113.92 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 142.4 142.4 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 142.4 142.4 0
Pre-Project 0.007 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.0014 0.0056 0 0 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 0.007 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0.007 0 0
Pre-Project 4.13 4.13
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.826 3.304 0.826 3.304 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 4.13 4.13 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 4.13 4.13 0
Pre-Project 0.013 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.0026 0.0104 0 0 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 0.013 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0.013 0 0
Pre-Project 31.12 31.12
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 6.224 24.896 6.224 24.896 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 31.12 31.12 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 31.12 31.12 0
Pre-Project 0.8 14.05
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.16 0.64 2.81 11.24 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 0.8 14.05 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0.8 14.05 0
0.1 0
31.12 0 0.05
Deforestation rate 0
0.05 83.43152969
Indri indri density 0.013 number/ha 0.1 126.1979604
Indri indri
Prolemur simus
4.13 0
123.3 0 0.05 NT
0.05 83.40387129
Allocebus trichotis
diadema Density
142.4 0
0.1 135.9054958
Prolemur simus
Basal area
Mean tree height
83.63 number/ha
Top height tree 14.54 Meter
Tree species density
Allocebus trichotis
0.025 number/ha
0.1 126.96844
1587.963 497.7
of Condition Class
of Condition
Class 1:
0 0 0
0 0
Ponds Good forest
t Reference Level Good forest
79.64619108 0.05
stems/ha 1118
0.1 128.2509495
Good forest is the average of : P.5,
6, 9, 12, 14, & 18; Disturbed forest
average of : P. 10 &20
No mitigation Year _0
Condition Class 1:
Condition Class 3:
2. Fill in the area of
(enter "0" for non-relevent
condition classes and
impact levels)
3. For each rel evant condition class and impact level below, please fill in the condition/level of the attribute in
Pre/Post-Project Condi tions
Hectares Lost
(enter comments explaining data in
columns B to Q)
Condition Class 2:
(Quantifcation of Biodiversity Loss Through Project Impact, via Habitat
Forest Habitat Type 1:
of Condition
Class 3:
1. To the left, label each pre-project site condition class found.
(Three or less. e.g. "pristine", "good", "degraded", or "good", "poor", etc.)
1587.963 497.7
Appendix 3: Key Biodiversity Components Matrix (KBCM) and Habitat Hectares Score, April 2008 Iteration 84
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Habitat hectares lost 40% mitigation
Total Habitat
Hectares Lost:
Each Site Class
Post-Project, High Impact Sites
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites
Pre-Project 1004.75 735.57
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 401.9 602.85 294.228 441.34 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 1004.8 735.57 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 1004.8 735.57 0
Pre-Project 23.22 14.57
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 9.288 13.932 5.828 8.742 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 23.22 14.57 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 23.22 14.57 0
Pre-Project 9.07 9.5
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 3.628 5.442 3.8 5.7 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 9.07 9.5 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 9.07 9.5 0
Pre-Project 13.57 15.17
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 5.428 8.142 6.068 9.102 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 13.57 15.17 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 13.57 15.17 0
Pre-Project 85.08 36.86
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 34.032 51.048 14.744 22.116 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 85.08 36.86 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 85.08 36.86 0
Pre-Project 0.033 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.0132 0.0198 0 0 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 0.033 0 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 0.033 0 0
Pre-Project 123.3 123.3
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 49.32 73.98 49.32 73.98 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 123.3 123.3 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 123.3 123.3 0
Pre-Project 0.025 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.01 0.015 0 0 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 0.025 0 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 0.025 0 0
Pre-Project 142.4 142.4
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 56.96 85.44 56.96 85.44 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 142.4 142.4 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 142.4 142.4 0
Pre-Project 0.007 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.0028 0.0042 0 0 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 0.007 0 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 0.007 0 0
Pre-Project 4.13 4.13
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 1.652 2.478 1.652 2.478 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 4.13 4.13 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 4.13 4.13 0
Pre-Project 0.013 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.0052 0.0078 0 0 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 0.013 0 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 0.013 0 0
Pre-Project 31.12 31.12
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 12.448 18.672 12.448 18.672 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 31.12 31.12 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 31.12 31.12 0
Pre-Project 0.8 14.05
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.32 0.48 5.62 8.43 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 0.8 14.05 0
Post-Project, LowImpact Sites 0.8 14.05 0
Condition Class 2:
(Quantifcation of Biodiversity Loss Through Project Impact, via Habitat
Forest Habitat Type 1:
of Condition
Class 3:
1. To the left, label each pre-project site condition class found.
(Three or less. e.g. "pristine", "good", "degraded", or "good", "poor", etc.)
1587.963 497.7
Condition Class 3:
2. Fill in the area of
(enter "0" for non-relevent
condition classes and
impact levels)
3. For each relevant condition cl ass and impact level below, please fill in the condition/level of the attribute in
Pre/Post-Project Conditions
Hectares Lost
(enter comments explaining data in
columns B to Q)
Condition Class 1:
Meter 28.75396955
Good forest is the average of : P.5,
6, 9, 12, 14, & 18; Disturbed forest
average of : P. 10 &20
No mitigation Year _0
0.1 96.18821212
t Reference Level Good forest
59.73464331 0.05
stems/ha 1118
of Condition
Class 1:
0 0 0
0 0
Ponds Good forest Disturbed
1587.963 497.7
of Condition Class
0.1 95.22633
Allocebus trichotis
0.025 number/ha
Basal area
Mean tree height
83.63 number/ha
Top height tree 14.54 Meter
Tree species density
diadema Density
142.4 0
0.1 101.9291218
Prolemur simus
123.3 0 0.05 NT
0.05 62.55290347
Allocebus trichotis
Prolemur simus
4.13 0 0.05 62.57364727
Indri indri density 0.013 number/ha 0.1 94.64847026
Indri indri
31.12 0 0.05
Deforestation rate 0
0.1 0
Appendix 3: Key Biodiversity Components Matrix (KBCM) and Habitat Hectares Score, April 2008 Iteration 85
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Habitat hectares lost 75% mitigation
Total Habitat
Hectares Lost:
Each Site Class
Post-Project, High Impact Sites
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites
Pre-Project 1004.75 735.57
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 753.5625 251.19 551.6775 183.89 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 1004.8 735.57 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 1004.8 735.57 0
Pre-Project 23.22 14.57
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 17.415 5.805 10.9275 3.6425 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 23.22 14.57 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 23.22 14.57 0
Pre-Project 9.07 9.5
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 6.8025 2.2675 7.125 2.375 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 9.07 9.5 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 9.07 9.5 0
Pre-Project 13.57 15.17
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 10.1775 3.3925 11.3775 3.7925 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 13.57 15.17 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 13.57 15.17 0
Pre-Project 85.08 36.86
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 63.81 21.27 27.645 9.215 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 85.08 36.86 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 85.08 36.86 0
Pre-Project 0.033 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.02475 0.0083 0 0 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0.033 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0.033 0 0
Pre-Project 123.3 123.3
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 92.475 30.825 92.475 30.825 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 123.3 123.3 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 123.3 123.3 0
Pre-Project 0.025 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.01875 0.0063 0 0 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0.025 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0.025 0 0
Pre-Project 142.4 142.4
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 106.8 35.6 106.8 35.6 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 142.4 142.4 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 142.4 142.4 0
Pre-Project 0.007 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.00525 0.0018 0 0 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0.007 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0.007 0 0
Pre-Project 4.13 4.13
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 3.0975 1.0325 3.0975 1.0325 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 4.13 4.13 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 4.13 4.13 0
Pre-Project 0.013 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.00975 0.0033 0 0 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0.013 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0.013 0 0
Pre-Project 31.12 31.12
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 23.34 7.78 23.34 7.78 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 31.12 31.12 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 31.12 31.12 0
Pre-Project 0.8 14.05
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.6 0.2 10.5375 3.5125 0
Post-Project, MediumImpact Sites 0.8 14.05 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0.8 14.05 0
Condi tion Class 2:
(Quantifcation of Biodiversity Loss Through Project Impact, via Habitat
Forest Habitat Type 1:
of Condition
Class 3:
1. To the left, label each pre-project site condition class found.
(Three or less. e.g. "pristine", "good", "degraded", or "good", "poor", etc.)
1587.963 497.7
Condition Class 3:
2. Fill in the area of
(enter "0" for non-relevent
condition classes and
impact levels)
3. For each relevant condition class and impact level below, please fill i n the condition/level of the attribute in
Pre/Post-Project Conditions
Hectares Lost
(enter comments explaining data in
columns B to Q)
Condi tion Class 1:
Meter 11.98082065
Good forest is the average of : P.5,
6, 9, 12, 14, & 18; Disturbed forest
average of : P. 10 &20
No mitigation Year _0
0.1 40.07842172
t Reference Level Good forest
24.88943471 0.05
stems/ha 1118
of Condition
Class 1:
0 0 0
0 0
Ponds Good forest Disturbed
1587.963 497.7
of Condition Class
0.1 39.6776375
Allocebus trichotis
0.025 number/ha
Basal area
Mean tree height
83.63 number/ha
Top height tree 14.54 Meter
Tree species density
diadema Density
142.4 0
0.1 42.47046743
Prolemur simus
vulnerability index
123.3 0 0.05 NT
0.05 26.06370978
Allocebus trichotis
vulnerability index
Prolemur simus
vulnerability index
4.13 0 0.05 26.07235303
Indri indri density 0.013 number/ha 0.1 39.43686261
Indri indri
vulnerability index
31.12 0 0.05
Deforestation rate 0
0.1 0
Appendix 3: Key Biodiversity Components Matrix (KBCM) and Habitat Hectares Score, April 2008 Iteration 86
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Total Habitat
Hectares Lost:
Each Site Cl ass
Post-Project, High Impact Sites
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites
Pre-Project 1004.75 735.57
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 904.275 100.48 662.013 73.557 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 1004.8 735.57 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 1004.8 735.57 0
Pre-Project 23.22 14.57
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 20.898 2.322 13.113 1.457 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 23.22 14.57 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 23.22 14.57 0
Pre-Project 9.07 9.5
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 8.163 0.907 8.55 0.95 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 9.07 9.5 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 9.07 9.5 0
Pre-Project 13.57 15.17
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 12.213 1.357 13.653 1.517 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 13.57 15.17 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 13.57 15.17 0
Pre-Project 85.08 36.86
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 76.572 8.508 33.174 3.686 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 85.08 36.86 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 85.08 36.86 0
Pre-Project 0.033 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.0297 0.0033 0 0 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 0.033 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0.033 0 0
Pre-Project 123.3 123.3
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 110.97 12.33 110.97 12.33 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 123.3 123.3 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 123.3 123.3 0
Pre-Project 0.025 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.0225 0.0025 0 0 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 0.025 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0.025 0 0
Pre-Project 142.4 142.4
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 128.16 14.24 128.16 14.24 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 142.4 142.4 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 142.4 142.4 0
Pre-Project 0.007 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.0063 0.0007 0 0 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 0.007 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0.007 0 0
Pre-Project 4.13 4.13
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 3.717 0.413 3.717 0.413 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 4.13 4.13 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 4.13 4.13 0
Pre-Project 0.013 0
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.0117 0.0013 0 0 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 0.013 0 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0.013 0 0
Pre-Project 31.12 31.12
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 28.008 3.112 28.008 3.112 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 31.12 31.12 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 31.12 31.12 0
Pre-Project 0.8 14.05
Post-Project, High Impact Sites 0.72 0.08 12.645 1.405 0
Post-Project, Medium Impact Sites 0.8 14.05 0
Post-Project, Low Impact Sites 0.8 14.05 0
0.1 0
31.12 0 0.05
Deforestation rate 0
0.05 10.42894121
Indri indri density 0.013 number/ha 0.1 15.77474504
Indri indri
Prolemur simus
4.13 0
123.3 0 0.05 NT
0.05 10.42548391
Allocebus trichotis
diadema Density
142.4 0
0.1 16.98818697
Prolemur simus
Basal area
Mean tree height
83.63 number/ha
Top height tree 14.54 Meter
Tree species density
Allocebus trichotis
0.025 number/ha
0.1 15.871055
1587.963 497.7
of Condition Class
of Condition
Class 1:
0 0 0
0 0
Ponds Good forest
t Reference Level Good forest
9.955773885 0.05
stems/ha 1118
0.1 16.03136869
Good forest is the average of : P.5,
6, 9, 12, 14, & 18; Disturbed forest
average of : P. 10 &20
No mitigation Year _0
Condition Class 1:
Condition Class 3:
2. Fill in the area of
(enter "0" for non-relevent
condition classes and
impact levels)
3. For each relevant condition class and impact level below, please fill in the condition/level of the attribute in
Pre/Post-Project Conditions
Hectares Lost
(enter comments explaining data in
columns B to Q)
Conditi on Class 2:
(Quantifcation of Biodiversity Loss Through Project Impact, via Habitat
Forest Habitat Type 1:
of Condi tion
Class 3:
1. To the left, label each pre-project site condition cl ass found.
(Three or less. e.g. "pristine", "good", "degraded", or "good", "poor", etc.)
1587.963 497.7
Habitat hectares lost 90% mitigation
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 4: Mine Footprint Status Sheet,
2nd Iteration
Appendix 4: Mine Footprint Status Sheet, 2
Iteration 88
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 4: Mine Footprint Status Sheet, 2
Iteration 89
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 4: Mine Footprint Status Sheet, 2
Iteration 90
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 5: Vulnerability Index
VULNERABILITY can be expressed based on:
Geographical range (largely, more restricted),
Level of habitat types dependence (more ubiquiste to stenocene species etc.), and
Abundance indices (rare to common) (Kattan 1992; Rabinowitz et al. 1986).
The approach used allows the offset planner to attribute an index score in each cell of the matrix in order to
represent the vulnerability level of each species based on above parameters. For a community, the
percentage of species constituting its total number could be included in a cell in order to indicate how
vulnerable a community is. The original concept of the vulnerability matrix following (Rabinowitz et al. 1986) is
presented below, where Vi is the vulnerability index.
Range (geographi cal distribution)
Large Restricted
Habitat type
dependence level
Ubiquiste Stenocene Ubiquiste Stenocene
Common Vi=8 Vi=6 Vi=4 Vi=2 Abundance
Rare Vi=7 Vi=5 Vi=3 Vi=1
In order to ensure that the matrix is properly used as part of the calculation of loss and gain of biodiversity, the
following points must be taken into consideration:
Since the BENCHMARK approach is based on the principle that higher values are better in the habitat
hectares calculations, higher index values should be given with increased vulnerability (e.g. Vi=1 becomes
Vi =8 etc).
The BBOP Key Biodiversity Component Matrix (KBCM) Irreplaceability level (Widespread, Localised, SITE
ENDEMIC) will be used instead of Range (geographical distribution); and
The KBCM Significance level Global column will consider (CR, EN, VU, NT) instead of using habitat type
dependence level.
Thus the Vulnerability matrix concept proposed for BBOP is:
Irreplaceability : Widespread Localised Site endemic
Abundance level: Common Rare Common Rare Common Rare
LC 1 4 11 16 21 26
NT 2 5 12 17 22 27
VU 3 6 13 18 23 28
EN 7 8 14 19 24 29

CR 9 10 15 20 25 30
Appendix 5: Vulnerability Index 92
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
There are several ways to obtain ATTRIBUTES from the species Vulnerability matrix:
1. Fit all KBCM fauna and flora species into the matrix and assign a Vi number (1 to 30) and then simply
compare to the total number of species in the community considered with how many have specific Vi
2. Determine the % of species with specific Vi numbers. For example, for all tree species assume that 30% of
those recorded in the benchmark have a Vi of 19 (EN, rare, localised), equating to 30% x 19 =57. This can
be repeated for other Vi indices and finally a sum for the entire matrix table can be generated (for example
560). This value of 560 can then be compared with values for tree species from the impact site etc.
3. Taking a smaller community group, e.g. all lemur species, and proceed as above, assigning each species
a Vi score and then multiplying it with species biological data (e.g. density / ha) in order to obtain a sum for
each site. The higher the total Vi score is, the higher is the vulnerability of this group (note that the density
in the excel table is set at 1 until further data is collected during subsequent at Ambatovy).
The Vulnerability matrix developed by Ambatovy is presented below. This matrix was developed in April 2008,
as part of the second iteration of the benchmark and loss assessment
Table A5.1: Fauna and flora species Vulnerability matrix (April 2008)
Irreplacebility :
Abundance level:
Ability to move away
from impact Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N
LC 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96 101 106 111 116
NT 2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 42 47 52 57 62 67 72 77 82 87 92 97 102 107 112 117
VU 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 43 48 53 58 63 68 73 78 83 88 93 98 103 108 113 118
EN 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 44 49 54 59 64 69 74 79 84 89 94 99 104 109 114 119
CR 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120
Site endemic
Common Rare Rare
Diurnal Nocturnal Diurnal Nocturnal

Rare Common
Diunral Nocturnal Diunral Nocturnal Diurnal Nocturnal Diurnal Nocturnal
A worked example of the application of the matrix to the Ambatovy KBCM is presented below (extract of
Ambatovy Project BBOP Bonn report (April 2008)).
Table A5.2: Key Biodiversit y Components Matrix (KBCM) Vulnerability scores (April 2008)
Amabtovy KBCM Species IUCN Widespread Localised
endemic Rare
Prolemur simus CR
X X 65
Propithecus d. diadema CR
Indri indri EN X
Allocebus trichotis EN
X X 74
Daubentonia madagascarensis EN
Eulemur rubriventer VU X
Birds Tyto soumagnei EN X
Platypelis sp. nov NE X
Scaphiophryne marmorata VU X
Rhombophryne coronata VU X
Mantella aurantiaca CR X
Mantella crocea EN X
Mantidactylus plicifer NT X
Pararhadinaea sp.nov NE X
Sanzinia madagascariensis VU X
Ratsirakia sp NE ?
Rheocles sp NE ?
Aloe leandri NE X
Asteropeia micraster EN X
Leptolaena multiflora EN X
Dalbergia baroni VU X
Cyathea dregei NE X
Cyathea cf tsaratananensis NE ?
Fi sh

7 Ambatovy Project BBOP Bonn report (April 2008), with revised Benchmark selection and losses calculations, including KBCM matrix
update with species quantitative data).
Appendix 5: Vulnerability Index 93
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Note that the results of the Biodiversity Assessment in relation to intrinsic NON-USE VALUES and USE VALUES are
presented in the KBCM sheet of the April 2008 report.
December 2008 iteration: the Project believes that the use of the Vulnerability attributes still requires more in
depth analysis, which will be conduced in 2009: the justifications for excluding the vulnerability index in the
December 2008 calculations are that:
This attribute should be calculated by taxonomic group not by single species as was done in the April 2008
report: this index is a product of the combination of the IUCN status and that of relative abundance;
Abundance is already considered in the other attributes for each species. Calculating the vulnerability
index by taxonomic group (not single species) will give a greater overall scope of the vulnerability and
The index will provide a more scientific approach to determining the group requiring most effort for on-
site conservation relative to other selected species.
It gives first same value (weight) for the various taxonomic groups. In fact not only species must avoid
EXTIRPATION, but also the overall ecosystem characteristics should be offset. Among the latter is the
community composition that can be tackled through a biodiversity vulnerability index. Furthermore, a
gain on the vulnerability index by a taxonomic group will be more significant for biodiversity and
ECOSYSTEM SERVICES than a gain for a single species.
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 6: Survey for Off-site Azonal Outcrops
Volume J
Section 1.1
Attachment 2
Survey for off-site azonal outcrops
Appendix 6: Survey for Off-site Azonal Outcrops 95
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 6: Survey for Off-site Azonal Outcrops 96
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 6: Survey for Off-site Azonal Outcrops 97
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 6: Survey for Off-site Azonal Outcrops 98
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 6: Survey for Off-site Azonal Outcrops 99
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 6: Survey for Off-site Azonal Outcrops 100
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 6: Survey for Off-site Azonal Outcrops 101
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 6: Survey for Off-site Azonal Outcrops 102
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 6: Survey for Off-site Azonal Outcrops 103
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 6: Survey for Off-site Azonal Outcrops 104
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 6: Survey for Off-site Azonal Outcrops 105
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 6: Survey for Off-site Azonal Outcrops 106
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 6: Survey for Off-site Azonal Outcrops 107
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 6: Survey for Off-site Azonal Outcrops 108
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 6: Survey for Off-site Azonal Outcrops 109
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 6: Survey for Off-site Azonal Outcrops 110
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 6: Survey for Off-site Azonal Outcrops 111
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 6: Survey for Off-site Azonal Outcrops 112
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 6: Survey for Off-site Azonal Outcrops 113
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 6: Survey for Off-site Azonal Outcrops 114
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study Ambatovy Project
Appendix 7: Comparison of Ambatovy / Analamay and
Ankerana Azonal Habitats
To learn more about the BBOP principles, guidelines and optional methodologies, go to:

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