Product Name:
Bio-Based Plant Cleaner/Degreaser
Supply By NatureBethpage, NY 11714
General Information:Technical Assistance:Fax Number:% Wt.
40-44%8-12%7-12%3-5%4-8%30-33%8-10%Eyes:No evidence of Adverse effectSkin and Skin Absorption:No evidence of Adverse effectInhalation:No evidence of Adverse effectPotential Health Effects:No evidence of Adverse effectngeston:o evence o verse eectronc ects:o evence o verse eectMedical Conditions Aggravated by Exposure:None KnownEYES:No Evidence of Adverse EffectsSKIN & SKIN ABSORPTION:No Evidence of Adverse EffectsINHALATION:No Evidence of Adverse EffectsPOTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS:No Evidence of Adverse EffectsINGESTION:No Evidence of Adverse EffectsCHRONIC EFFECTS:No Evidence of Adverse EffectsMEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE:None KnownFlash Point:None (TCC)Autoignition Temperature:NEExplosion Sensitivity to Static Discharge.: NoneUEL:NAExplosion Sensitivity to Impact:NoneProducts of Combustion:NoneLEL:NAProtection to Firefighters:No special Precautions needed.Suitable Extinguishing Media:Personal Precautions:Methods for Containment and Cleanup:Rinse area thoroughly with water. This product is safe to wash into waste systems.
Section 7: Handling and Storage
Handling procedures:No Special procedures needed.Storage Procedures:
Section 8: Exposure Controls / Personal Protection
Exposure Guidelines:TWASTEL TWA STEL TWASource UnitEngineering Controls:None RequiredRespiratory Protection:None RequiredOSHA PEL:NEEye / Face Protection:None RequiredAGCIH TLV:NESkin Protection:None RequiredGloves:None RequiredOther Safety Equipment:None RequiredPhysical State:LiquidFreezing Point:25
FSpecific gravity:1.006Color:Evaporation Rate:NEInitial Boiling Point:214
FOdor:Soapy OdorVapor Density:NESolubility in Water:CompletepH:8.4-8.9Vapor Pressure:NE
Section 10: Stability and Reactivity
Possibility of Hazardous Reaction:Stability:
Incompatible Materials:
None KnownNone
Section 11: Toxicological Information
Irritancy of Product: None ACGIH (A1, A2 or A3): None Acute Exposure Effects: NoneIARC Monographs: None OSHA Regulated: No Embroyotoxicity: None Mutagenicity: None Chronic Effects: None Teratogenicity: NoneSkin Sensitization: None Respiratory Sensitization: None Reproductive Toxicity: None Name of Synergistic Product or Effect: None
Section 12: Ecological Information
Ecotoxicity / Aquatic Toxicity: None Persistence / Degradability: Readily Biodegradable
Section 13: Disposal Considerations
Chemicals contained are not listed as hazardous waste. Safe to wash into waste systems.
Section 14: Transport Information
Proper Shipping Description: US DOT: NonePIN: None TDG: None Special Provisions: None
Section 15: Regulatory Information-U.S. Federal
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CIRCLA) Reportable Quantities (RQ's) for the following Ingredients: NoneSpills of any ingredient at or above the RQ level require an immediate notification of the National Response Center (800)424-8802 and Local AgenciesState regulations: This product contains NO harmful ingredients under California Prop 65 Safe drinking water and Toxic Enforcement Act: None
State Right To Know
Massachusetts: None New Jersey: None Pennsylvania: None Rhode Island: NoneClean Air Act: None
Section 16: Other Information
(HMIS) Health:
Prop.:Proprietary TCC: Tags Closed Cup NE: Not EstablishedCAS: Chemical Abstract ServiceNA: Not Applicableppm: Parts per Millionmg:MilligramOSHA: Occupational Safety & Health AdministrationTLV: Threshold limit Value ml: Milliliter PPE: Personal protective EquipmentND: Not DeterminedTWA: Time Weighted Average kg:KilogramPMCC: Pensky-Martins Closed Cupg/L: Grams per literlbs. / gal: Pounds per Gallon gr: GramNIOSH: National Institute of Occupational Safety & HealthSTEL: Short Term Exposure Limit k: 1000 ACGIH: American Conference of Government Industrial HygienistsPEL: Permissible Exposure LimitPhone:Changes since last Revision:Revision Date:(844) 326-6478(844) 326-6478Heavy Duty Degreaser ConcentrateNELight Amber 54549-24-561788-47-4>3000 mg/kgNE
Glucopon 215 UP
>5000 mg/kg
See Section 11 for Toxicology and Carcinogenicity information on product ingredients
Section 4: First Aid Measures
9055-70-3NEBiosoft N91-81400mg/kg
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
Potential Health Effects:
See section 11 for toxicology and carcinogenicity on Product Ingredients.
D-Glycopyranoside hexyl
Hazardous decomposition Products: None NE=Not Established C= Ceiling S=Skin V= Vacated
This Material will not burn. Use extinguishing media appropriate for surrounding fire.Estimated tested amount per product = <1mm/HgNone required
Section 9: Physical and Chemical PropertiesOSHA
Volatile Organic Compounds: VOC levels of DDC by weight of the cleaner do not exceed 10% in accordance with 40 CFR parts 9 and 59 All other components have Vacated values for exposure or hazard due to denaturing when added to the proprietary base compound9/8/2012The information contained in this document applies to this specific material as supplied. It may not be valid for this material if it is used in combination with any other materials. This information is accurate to the best of Supply By Nature's knowledge or obtained from sources Supply By Naturebelieves to be accurate. Before using any product, read all warnings and instructions on the label. None KnownCarcinogenicity: This Product does not contain any known or suspected human carcinogensPrepared by: Paul N. Andrecola Ph. D., Ch. E., P.E.Superfund Amendments Reauthorization ACT (SARA) Title III Section 302 Extremely Hazardous Substances (EHS): None Other Regulatory Info.: None Always dispose as per Federal, State or local regulations.This product contains the following substances subject to SARA reporting (sections 311, 312 and 313) and 40 CFR part 372: None
SECTION 1: Product And Company Identification
(773) 409-3132(844) 326-6478
Box 61468439-46-3Environmental Precautions:
Tariff Code:
Appearance and Odor:
Slightly Viscous Liquid, Light Amber, Soapy Odor
Corn/Coconut Oil Blend
No Known Hazards. As defined by OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard, this product is non-hazardousNE
LD50# (oral rat)
Tween 85
(856) 206-0058
Section 5: Fire Fighting Measures
Flammable Properties: As defined by OSHA, this product is non-flammableEvacuate the Area as the floor may be slippery. Use care to prevent Slips and Falls.
Section 2: Composition / Information on IngredientsSection 3: Hazards IdentificationComponent
No Specific InstructionsNE
Emergency Overview
NEPalm Oil8002-75-3NENE
Coconut Fatty Acid