NARA - T733 - R1 - 03 (Records of The National Socialist German Labor Party (NSDAP) (Part I) )

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No. 3. Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party

The N at i onal A r chi ves
N at i onal A r chi ves and R ecor ds Service
General Servi ces A dmi ni st r at i on
Washi ngt on: 1958
This finding aid, prepared under the direction of the Committee for the
Study of War Documents of the American Historical Association, has been reproduced
by the National Archives as part of its program of facilitating the use of records
in its custody.
The microfilm described in this list has been deposited in the National Archives
by the American Historical Association and may be identified as Microcopy No. T-81.
It may be consulted at the National Archives, A price list appears on the last page.
Those desiring to purchase microfilm should write to the Exhibits and Publications
Branch, National Archives, Washington 25, D. C.
No. 3. Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party
(Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei)
Guide No, 3 has been brought up to date through alterations in the Roll,
Provenance, and Item columns of pages 6, 8-11, 21-23, and 43-44 > affecting
Rolls 10, 13-15, 19-20, 57,;R57B, 58, 60, 86, R87, and 88 of Microcopy No. T-81,
respectively. All changes have the effect of making additional folders avail-
able. The price list at the end of the guide has been adjusted accordingly,
January 1963
This is part of a series of guides prepared by the American Historical Association listing records microfilmed at Alexandria
American Historical Association Microfilming Project.
"by the
An American Committee for the Study of the War Documents w*s established in 1955
s a private group of scholars interested in documentary
research and especially in the microfilming of records of foreign origin kept in American depositories. In 1956 t h e American Committee became
a committee 8 the American Historical Association. Its present Chairman (195#) is Professor O ron J
Hale, U niversity of V irginia, who was pre-
ceded by Dean Reginald H. Phelps, %rvard U niversity, and Professor L ynn H. Case of the U niversity of Pennsylvania. An initial Ford Foundation
grant and additional funds provided by the O ld Dominion Pcundati6n enabled the Committee to undertake the cataloguing and microfilming of declas-
sified German records in the custody of the World War IT Records Division of the National Archives (previously TAGC, Departmental Records Branch
more recently Military R
cords Branch, Federal Records Center, P.egion 3
General Services Administration) at Alexandria, Virginia.
The plans for screening and microfilming of these materials were prepared by a Subcommittee on Kicrof liming under the Chairmanship ttf the
end of 1956 of Professor E. Malcolm Carroll, Duke U niversity, and his successor, Dr. F ritz T. Epstein. She-L ibrary of Congress. Professor Ger-
hard L. Weinberg of the U niversity of Kentucky directed the microfilming team in Alexandria in 1956/57 which is now under the supervision of
Dr. Dagmar Horna Perman.
The present guide is a collection of descriptions of records groups filmed by the Microfilming Project of the AHA, Committee. Because the
project is not yet complete, this guide will appear in installments.
The American Historical Association expresses its appreciation for the cooperation given to its Committee: for the Study of War Documents
by the staffs of the World. War II Records Division, the National Archives, and the U. 6*-Department -of the Army.
Washington, D.C., May 1958 Dr. Boyd C. Shafer
Executive Secretary, AHA
This Guide is one of a series of finding aids describing those declassified seized German records deposited at the Military Records Branch,
Federal Records Center, Region 3 General Services Administration, that have "been microfilmed by the Ficrofiliaing Proj ect of the American Com-
mittee for the Study of War Documents (nowthe Committee for the Study of War Documents of the American Historical Association). The Guide con-
tains the text of data sheets identifying records filmed. A copy of the data sheet has "been filmed as a target sheet at the beginnirg of each
roll of film.
This Guide covers 220 rolls of film of records of the 1T8DAP, its affiliated organizations and territorial divisions. With the exception
of duplicates and some routine materials all NSDAP records in the Depsrtmental Records Branch, organized as of September 1, 1957 have been
filmed. Materials related to the records on this film may be found in the Records of Nazi Research and Cultural Institutes, Record Group 1036,
microcopy no. T 82. Some material of the 1ISDAP is in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress, and a large collection of HSDAP records
is located in the Berlin Document Center of the Department of State.
The terms "Serial" and "Roll" in this Guide refer to the sequence of the film. The "Item" number is the identification symbol on the
original folder within the captured records collection. "Provenance" indicates, where ascertatriable, the archival origin of the documents whose
description fallows. The symbol "IPT" means that the folder has been filmed throughout, the symbol "FS" denotes that the folder has been filmed
selectively. "1st Frame'
gives the franB number of the first page of the folder. Every closure has been given a frame number consecutively
throughout the filmiig operation. The "Notes" provide a general idea of the nature of the materials but should be taken as hints, not complete
descriptions. When the German file number could be ascertained, it has been included. The nature of the records filmed makes it necessary for
researchers to check the whole guide.
The original records of the NSDAP are located in the Military Records Brp.ach, Federal Records Center, Region 3 General Services Adminis-
tration^ under Record Group 1035. Ehe microfilms are deposited in the national Archives, Washington 25, B. C. , as microcopy no, T 81 and should
be requested by adding to "T 81
the roll numbers.
Gerhard L. Weiriber and Bagmar H. Perman, 1957.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes
1 Various offices of the EAP 250-a/l FT 10804
NSDAP, mainly Gau Baden,
Mainfranken, and L andes-
gruppe Italien
1 NSDAP, Partei-Kanzlei EAP 250-a/3 FT 10961
Anordnungen des L eiters der Partei-Kanzlei (Bormann), 1943-1945, dealing
with various subjects, including the Reichsarbeitsdienst; Nazi officials in
territory overrun by the Allies 5 PW administration; morale; attitude toward
Poles; transportation; administration; Party archives; Polish resistance
movement; a report by Kreisleitung Waldshut (see Serial: 3)
See frames: 10932 - 10935 for Geheime Criminal statistik for 1942-1943*
Some duplicates, an unrelated card file, and some/other unrelated publi-
cations have not been filmed.
Material on the laws governing the Deutsche Arbeitsfromt, 1938.
-1 NSDAP, Gauschulungsamt EAP 250-a/4
1 NSDAP, Gauleitung Main- EAP 250-a/7
1 ? EAP 250-a/9
1 Polizeiprasidium Kiel; EAP 250-a/ll
and 12
NSDAP, Gauleitung Baden
8 1-2 NSDAP, Kreisleitung EAP 250~a/l6,
Geilenkirchen and other 15, 17
M> DAP offices
-1 Adolf Hitlar, Kanzlei EAP 250-a/14 FT 112S4
FT 11586
weltanschauliche Berichte der Kreisleitungen, 1 Sept. 1943 - 30 Dec.
1943. The reports deal witti the attitude and activities of the Catholic
Church in the Gau.
Anordnungen und Bekanntraachun^en of the Partei-Kanzlei (Bormann), Febru-
ary 1945, military, transportation and economic problems.
Text, Rede des Stellvertreters des Fuhrers vor den Gau- und Kreisleitern
am 13. September 1937. Speech of Hess in a closed session of the NSDAP
officials at the end of the Reichsparteitag.
First folder contains Bormann material of March 1943 on Party-Army rela-
tions in the front areas.
Second folder contains 1944 Partei-Kanzlei orders about the Volkssturnu
Folder 14 contains correspondence and memoranda relating to the politi-
cal situation in 1932, Included is correspondence between Hitler and
Hinderiburg, keissner, and Papen; material on other political parties;
material on the internal problems of the M3DAP; memoranda on conversations
with officers of the Reichswehr; a long attack on Goner; reports on the
morale of the SA; a report on the Staiilhelm; suggestions of Kess for the
Reichstagswanlkampf ; drafts of letters and speeches of Hitler; a memoran-
dum by Gottfried F eder on relieving unemployment; a memorandum on " Kris is
and Neugeburt L uropas" by Alfred Rosenberg; a copy of Hitler's letter to
Reichenau of 4 Dec. 1932, indicating some of hig views on military and
foreign policy; and other uaterial. The letter Keppler to Hitler, 19 Dec.
1932, on Frames: 11318 - 11319 is connected with the famous pa pen-Hitler
Mscellaneous directives and copies of the Re ichsverf ugungsblatt of the
partei-&anzlei, 1941 - 1943. Every conceivable subject.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes
r.-2 NSDAP, Gauleitung Baden EAP 250-a/23
10 -2-3 iSDAP, Partei-Kanzlei EAP 250-a/26-
FT 12625
11 , >t4 NSDAP, Partei-Kanzlei EAP 250-a/l36- FT
EAP 250-a/107- FT
EAP 250-a/192 FT 12701
-5 NSDAP, Gauleitung Baden; EAP 250-a/193 FT 12940
NSDAP, Kolonialpolitisches
5 KSDAP, Partei-Kanzlei EAP 250-a/194 FT
16 - -" 6~< 7 I6DAP, Partei-Kanzlei EAP 250-a/l95, FT
Continued Abteilung II B 4 196, 197
Anordnungen of the Stellvertreer des Fiihrers: August 1938, on taking over
of Jewish property; June 1939, on former members of the clergy; measures con-
cerning Jews; January 1940, on visits to Hitler; May 1939, on Zwischenstaat-
X iche Grganisationen und Austauschvareine; February 1939, on the Volksbund
fur das BeutscJ". turn ira Ausland und Bund Deutscher O sten; February 1939, Richt-
linien zur Verhutung der Industrieversehleppung; and other subjects. Dupli-
cates omitted.
The Vertraulicho Inforiuaticnen der Partei-Kanzlei for 1942, These 81
folders represent a complete rim plus an index volume which is on folder
EAP 250-a/26.
The V ertraulichen Infornationen cover all aspects of Party activity and
contemporary German life. It Is anticipated that a duplicate set of the
Vertrauliche Informationen will be transferred b y the Departmental Records
Branch to the National Archives*
A complete run of the Vertrauliche Informstionen of the Partei-Kanzlei
for 1943, There is no index volume. The Vertraulichen I;iforn.aticnen cover
all aspects of Party activity and contemporary German life. It is antici-
pated tnat a duplicate set of the Vertrauliche Inforrcationen will be trans-
ferred by the Departmental Records Branch to the National Archives,
A complete run of the V ertrauliche Informationen of the Partei-Kanzlei
for 19.44. There is no index volume. The Vertraulichen Informationen cover
all aspects of Party activity &nd contemporary German life. Also included
in this serial is the only available issue for 1945: Folge 2 (beginning
Frame: 62155), It is anticipated that a duplicate set of the Vertrauliche
Itifcrmationen will be transferred by the Departmental Records Branch to the
National Archives,
Folder on German exports, mainly 1940 - 1942, some through 1944 In-
cluded are some detailed reports en the general export situation in 1940 -
1941, organised by geographic destination. Exports to the Soviet U nion are
also covered.
Directives of the Partei-Kanzlei in the last months of the war in 1945.
Highly interesting material on the efforts to maintain resistance tc the
Allies, Also cf great interest are the appendixes to some of the orders
giving the views of Db'nitz and Jodl,
L etter of Bormann to Kaltenbrunner, 4 April 1945, complaining about the
picture of fleeiing Party officials presented in an SD Bericht, Three
duplicates have not been filmed. The signature is Bormann's.
Three folders of otiriL aungsberichte prepared by the Reichssicherheits-
hauptaint, Amt III (SD Inland) for 19421944. Some of the reports have
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame
17 7 NSDAP, Partei-Kanzlei BAP 250-a/200 FT 14491
7 l&DAP, Partei-Kanzlei EAF 250-a/210 FT 14774
NSDAP, Partei-Kanzlei
(Kanslei des Stellver-
treters des Fearers)
250-a/214- FT 14859
Motes 3
national coverage, some originated with subordinate territorial offices,
especially Ha lie -kerse burg, Mecklenburg, O berdonau (Linz), Prague (l-rctek-
torat), U pper Silesia, and neirnar, Sci^e Gaupropagandaamt activity reports
are also included, riighly important for popular attitudes, rumors, reactions
to tne events of the war, opposition to the regime inside Germany and the
annexed areas, and t.^e attitudes of t.> e foreign workers inside Germany.
A carbon copy of a highly important memorandum originally in two parts:
A on the Party, 3 on the atate. This folder contains all but the last few
pages of part A, and none of part B. The author writes in the first per-
son, he jrjaj have been L artin Bormann. The memorandum was apparently written
during the war, probably around 1943, It contains a most detailed analysis
of the organization of the Party and its affiliated organizations, their
problems and relations to eacn other, as well as detailed suggestions as to
what ought to be changed in the future. There is a detailed table of con-
tents at the beginning of the folder.
Material from the Partei-Kanzlei, O ne folder on economic aspects of
the Anschluss, 1938, The other folder on the role of the biellvertreter
des Fiihrers in the appointment of directors of the Reichsbank, 1938 -
A series of folders and miscellaneous items from the Partei-Kanzlei 1938-
1943. O ther than miscellaneous items, trie following list indicates the
first frames of separate folders in the original file or groups of related
Verordnung zur Jblinfuhrung handelsrechtlicher Vorschriften in den sudenten-
deutschen Gebieten, 1938-1939.
V u. liber die w'iedereu.nfuhrung der Pflichtprlifung und iiber den Umtausch
von Kleinaktien, 1940-1941.
Material on German oehiffsbanken und Binnenschiffahrt, 1931-1942,
tiinfiihrung des Aktenrechts in Danzig, 1939-1940.
Priifungsfplicnt fur Jaliresabschllisse von privaten Kreditinstituten, 1936-
U mstellung der Freiadwaiirungsversicherungen im Reichsgau Sudetenland,
Material on the econoiiiic situation in I ortugal and German trade vdth
Portugal, 1943,
Vereinheitlichung des Rechts der kiindelsicherheit, 1939-1942,
Material on the acquisition of real estate of religious organizations
through inheritance, 1942.
V O . zur Mnftthrung des Hypoti enkenbankgesetzes und des Gesetzes iiber
Pfandbriefe und verwandten Sciiuldverschreibungen bffentlich-rechtl, Kredit-
anstalten in den sudetendeutschen Gebieten, 1939.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes
HS2AP, Partei-Kanzlei
(Kftnzlei des Stellvertre-
ters des Ffthrers)
2O ;.~8 NS Bund Deutscher Tech- MF 250-a/218
Ccatinued nik, Gau Schwaben
FT 15321 Miindelsicherheit der Pfandbriefe mid verwandten Schuldverschreibungen,
FT 15343 Umwaiidlung der Genossensehafte.j im Reichsgau Sudetenland, 1940,
FT 15357 An extremely important collection of i.iaterial on both Protestant and
Catholic churches in Ger; any and ti> e attitude of the government toward
them, 1939-1942. Not all the documents are complete. Included is mate-
rial on trie efforts to reorganize the Frotest&nt, statistics on
theology students, bonder
denst beeriaus monitoring of the Vatican radio.
FT 15528 Zahlung von Unternaltungsbeihilfen an im Ausland tatigo deutsche Geist-
liche durch den Reichsverbarid f u r das katholiscne Beutsclitum im Ausland,
Gskar Jocst, Eheverrnittler (on the official position of Shevermittler),
Freisliche Steuerune der aus deni Auslande einzufuhrenden Waren, 1942-
Dr. Hans Fabricius, " bkizse zu einem V ortrag u'ber positives Gnristen-
A ^roup of documents submitted in 193S by Reinhardt luaurech of the
Bretlau O steuropainstitut on his own raast activities. Page 1 is ndssing.
An unsigned manuscript, 1936, " Die" Gpferkraft," 1936.
F reisstoppverordnung, 1937-193^
Preisuberwachung im GrundstiickverkebT, 1938-1942.
Neuregelung der Rechtsverhaltnisse der iiandelsvertreter und Geschafts-
reisenden, 1935-1939.
Aufwertung der Konununalobligaticneri dsr Hypothekenbank Sasrbrficken, 1940.
Gesetz u'ber Verwahrung und Anschaffuag von Wertpapieren auf Treuhander,
Kraftfahrrechtschutz durch die Deutsche Automcbil-Schutz AG, 1941-1942.
Einfuhrung des uypothekenbaiik-und Pfandbriefrechts in den eingegliederten
O stgebiaten, 1940-1941.
FT 16056 iiinfilhrung des V ersicherungs- und Aktienrechts in den eingegliederten
Gstgebieten, 1940.
FT 16072 inneitliches deutsohes b
arkassenreciit, 1937.
FT 16119 Einfuhrung des .< ec. sel- und Scl.eckrechts in den eingegliederten O stge-
bieten, 1940-1942.
FT 16159 L aterial on German trade with Croatia, 1S44-1945.
FT 16166 Beschrankimg des Rechtserwerbs durch juristische Persoaen, 1936.
Three publications at the eud of folder /216 liave not been filmed.
FT 16192 A collection of the Vertrauliche Reichsverfugungsblatt Ausgabe A of Par-
tei-Kanzlei, issues for 1941-1945. See frames: 16441 - 16454 for index to
Serial Ro ll Item Filmed 1st frame Notes
8 NSDAP, Partei-Kanzlei, EAP 250-a/220 FT
Abteilung II B 4
8 NSDAP, Partei-Kanzlei EAP 250-a/''^ FT
9 NbDAP, Reichsleitung, EAP 250-d-12/l, FT
Bassenpolitisches 3, 4
Amt, Gau Baden-Elsass
9 NSDAP, Gau 3aden-El- EAP 250-d-12/2 FT
sass, Amt fur Volkswonl- ;
9 KSDAP, Reichsleitung, MP 250-d-12/5 FT
Rasenpolitisches Aint,
Gau Franken
9 NSDAP, Reichsleitung EAP 250-d-12/6 FT
Rassenpolitisches Amt,
Gau Koln-Aachen (?)
9 NSDAP, Reichsleitung, EAP 250-d-l2/8, FT
Rassenpolitisches Aint 10
1942 issues, and frames: 16593 - 16607 for index to 1941. All spheres of
Party activity are covered.
16727 Chef Sipo und SD, Ant III (SD Inland), " Meldungen aus dem Reich." 24 Mai
1943. The ofricial comprehensive Stim^ungsbericht, just one issue (last
pages missing),
16749 Einfuhr und Erfassung der fur die deutscL e Kriegfuhrung vdchtigen aus-
landischen Druckscliriften, 1043-1945. A highly important folder on policy
problems in regard to tae importation and dissemination of foreign periodi-
cals and restrictions in this regard. Excellent example of policy coordi-
nation at the top levelSormann, L asers, rtimmler, hitler. Many of the
documents are initialed by Sormann, sau-ples en the foliovdng frames: 16751,
16830, 16943, 16937.
(ftote: As of 13 July 1956 tnis is the highest numbered folder in EAP
2 50-a, Farte i-Kanzlei).
16947 Three folders of miscellaneous material, 1938-1943, illustrating various
aspects of the v;ork of the Rasoenpolitische Ant at both national and Gau
levels. See frames: 17003 - 17006 for key to the " Informationsdienst
the Reichsleitung, Rassenpol.itseries Am-t.
17187 A folder on the sending cf students to the Rasseripolitische Schule in
Berlin-Babelsberg. See also Serial: 25 for an item on this school.
17222 A folder of detailed monthly reports 1941-1943, of the Hauptstelle
Frauen- und L adelarbeit im Rassenpoiitischen Amt, Gau Franken, with ap-
pendixes. Highly important for the work of the Kassenpolitische Amt.
17400 A highly important folder of memoranda, notes on conferences, and publi-
cations (many Wur fiir den Dienstgebrauch), 1934-1936, dealing with policy,
educational, and propaganda problems of the Rassenpolitische Amt.
17715 Inf ormationsdienst des Rassenpolitischen Amtes der i'JbDAP-Reichsleitung,
and 1940-1943. The Inf ormationsdienst covers all aspects of the work of the
64629 Rasseripolitische Amt and related activities of the Party. Frames: 64629 -
64635 contain a subject index to the Inf ormationsdienst as of 20 Dec. 1941.
F rames: 64844 - 64849 contain a subject index for Jan. - Dec, 1942; Frames:
65064 - 65067, subject index for Jan. - June 1943; Frames: 65212 - 65216,
subject index fcr Jan. - Dec. 1943.
(Mote: As of 13 July IS56, i^AP 250-d-12/10 is the highest numbered fold-
er of the Rassenpolitische Aint).
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes
NSDAP, Gau Baden Amt fiir/iilAP 250-d-UA> FT
Volkswohlfahrt; 2
three items ?
-10 I&DAP, Kolonialpoli-
tisches Amt (?)
250-d-l6/l FT 17821
-10 SS- und Pol, Fuhrer EAP 253-a/l FT 17901
-10 NSDAP, Aussenpolitisches/EAP 250-d-18/l- FT
Amt, Stabsleiter 3
Folder 3 with-
drawn for U.S.
11 NSDAP, Aussenpolitisches/&Ap 250-d-18-05/l FT
Amt, witabsleiter und Amt -7
O sten;
Amt VI (SD Ausland)
L ocation
Flash 1
First folder has one item, letter of Re ichsnahrstand, L andesbauernschaft
Baden to Gau Baden, Amt fur Volkswohlfahrt, 14 June 1937., about the V erein
fur bausrliche Siprerikunde. The second folder contains three Ahnenpasse,
filmed lie re as samples.
(Note: Tins is"all of MP 250-d~14.)
Liscelianeous rsterial; a lecture on colonial possessions, a membership
bock in the Reichtkolonialbund, a note on "die gesundheitlichen Anforderungen
an Tropendienstwarter.
(Mote: This is the only folder in MP 250-d-l6).
A manuscript by b^-bturmbannfiihrer Dr. iCaissr, der Reichsbundleiter beim
Reichsbund Deutsche Faiuilie,
Volk und Familie
torch (?) 1944. Very in-
tere^sing and import.nt o/; Gerj - sn racial and family policy.
Three folders from t:;e fileis of Arno ochickadanz, Stabsloiter in tiie APA.
Folder 1 contains naterii-.l on the situation in Norway and the relations
between Rosenberg, t^uioli^g, and Torboven in 1940; see fra^e 18078 for Hit-
ler's position in tl is regard. Also included is rraterial on the activity of
the Kordische Gesellscl-aft and Berichte des rresseamtes of the APA.
Folder 2 consists of correspondence with General von 3is.kuspy, Leiter der
Russiscuen VertrauenssteU.e in Deutschland, ii.ay IS 39 - January 1940, about
Grand Duke Vladimir Roisanov and about tne funds of the Romanov family in
Germany together with related naterial*
Folder 3 ocntaiiis material on worway and Hungary in 1940, a report on
German-Soviet relations ^nd Soviet activity in the itelksns in July 1940.
i^ee fraiaes; 18351 - it35c for a report by Constantine papanace of tne Ru-
manian iron Guard Movement (Godreanu Legion) on the political situation in
Rumania, 17 August 1940. There is also some material on the grave of former
Rumanian Prime Linister Octavian Goga, 1940.
Some duplicates have been ommitteci.
Film prepared by the Departmental Records Branch and transferred to the
National Archives. Film divided by flash number, no frame numbers.
Folder 1 and 2. material on the ^chulungshaus des APA. Faculty confer-
ence of 15 June 1938, miscellaneous material.
Folder 3. RbllA VI (3D Ausland) folder: translation into German of the
Slowenische Hationalfioel, issued 1938/1939, with comments by SD-Abschnitt
Graa, 9 January 1940, on its contents.
Folder 4. Folder froiu ti.-e files of Stabsleiter Schickedanz consisting
primarily of copies of AKtennotizen prepared in the Arnt Osten of the APA
by Durksen, 1935-1936. Material on 3onn University; natiormlity problems,
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed Location Notes
F lash 1
Flash 2
33 12 NSBAP, Aussenpolitisches EAP 250-d-lS-05/ FT
Amt, Anrb Osten; 8-12
Last folder: M>DAP, APA,
Kulturpolitisches Archiv
Flash 3
Flash 1
Flash 1
Flash 2
Flash 3
ernigr6 groups; the Anti-X ommiatern organisation; relations with Soviet cor-
respondents; a note of 12 uctober 1936, referring to the so-called Polit-
bureau Minutes; the German minority in various countries of Central and
Eastern Europe; material on German-Soviet relations.
Folder 5. Folder of Amt O sten of the APA. Administrative correspond-
ence, 1934-19 37. Material on publications, emigres; relations with other
state and Party agencies; the Anti-Kommintern O rganisation; reports on the
Balkans; contacts with Dutch Nazis (MSB); relations with England.
Folder 6. Papers of L eibbrandt, Amtsleiter of Amt O sten, 1938-1940.
Iviaterial on publications; emigres; relations with various state and Party
organizations; the A nti-KoMn intern; German-Soviet relations in the period
of the Non-Aggression Pact; conversation with General Biskuspis (see Serial
31) referring to a iiLs luispis-L udendorf f " treaty" of 1923.
F older 7, Material on the Aussenpolitische Schulungshaus of the APA,
F ilm prepared by t e Der^rtnental Records Branch and transferred to the
National Archives. F ilm divMod by F lash numbers, no numbers,
Folder 6. Correspondence between Auit Osten 1936-1941? sjod the Aus lands-
organisation, Deutsche Ar be its front, ijher Verlag. Reich sj ugendfubrung,
Reichsfr&uanfiihruri^, Dienststelie Riobentrop? about publications, employment
of personnel, and administrative coordination, bee, near trie end, the re-
port of Bruno Peter r^leist of t.l e Dienststelle Ribbeiv rop on the Ukrainians
in Rumania, 28 Feb. 1940.
Folder 9. Correspondence of ti^e Anrt Osten with tae Auit ochrifttumspflege
of the 3eauftrate des "vlhrers fur cl:<3 t'benvachurig der gesainten geistlichen
und v;eltanschauliaken ocViiJung ucid brziehung der NbDAP, 1938-1941. T
e Cor-
respondence is .v.ostiy about reviews of books and other publications submitted
tc the Art Ostei; b;
- t;^e Ar:t Schrifttumspflsge. Included is information on
German-Soviet relations in the period of the Non-Aggression Pact; correspond-
ence with the Eeichsstelle zur Forclerung des Deutsche a Schrifttums; and some
1940 issues of the Lekt or en-Brief, a publication of the Amt Schrifttums-
pf lege ,
Folder 10. Correspondence of the ^mt Osten with the Verwaltungsacrt der
Dienststelien des Roichsleit&rs Rosenberg, 1938-1941. Administrative mat-
ters such as requisitions, orders for publications, hiring of personnel.
Folder 11. Amt Osten foldsr of miscellaneous administrative circulars,
F older 12. ilSDAP, APA, Kulturpolitiscnes Archiv folder, carbons of cor-
respondence, 1936-1943, primarily with oth&r offices of the APA, concerning
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed Location JNotes 8
34 13 MSDAP,
Amt, Aifit Osten
250-d-lS-iO/ FT
F older -8
for U.S. clas-
35 14 EAP 250-d-l8-10/ FT
11-13 and
EAP 250-d-l-15/
Film prepared by the Departmental Records Branch and transferred to the
National Archives. Film divided by flash number, no frame numbers.
Before Folder 1. Amt O sten reports on Soviet industry and agriculture, 1940-
Flash 1 1941 based on newspaper and other published sources.
F older 2. Amt O sten n&terial on the Soviet U nion and other parts of
eastern Europe, 1937-1939; material on a series of radio programs sent out
over the Reichssender Breslau and difficulties with the Propagandaministry
(Taubert of the i-romi O stabteilung) about this.
Flash 1 Folder 3. Amt O sten reports on Russian emigre newspapers and organiza-
tions, 1939-1941.
Folder 4. Amt O sten material on Belorussia and Belorussian emigre's, 1940-
Flash 2 Folder 5. Amt O sten folder of material on the activity of the Comintern;
official decrees of tL e Soviet U nion; the Soviet Inion and the Baltic States,
Folder 6. Amt Osten folder of material on German relations with the Car-
patho-Ukraine, the situation in the Carpatho-Ukraine, and the Ukrainian
problem in i-oland, 1936-1939.
Folder 7. Aiut Osten folder of material on the Ukraine; on Ukrainian news-
papers and emigre's; on Georgia and Armenia; and en the union of the Peoples
of Russia (a reactionary terrorist organization founded in 1905), 1939-1940.
Flash 3 Folder 8. Amt Osten folder of material on the Ukraine, Ukrainian nationa-
lists and emigres, 1934-1/41.
Folder 9. Amt Osten folder of !.ai,erial on Germans in Poland, Hungary,
Volhyaia, and, 1935-1939.
Fclder 10. Amt Osten foluor of irate-rial on the Ukrainian problem, the
USSR, and the activities of Leibbrar- dt's Gstfitelie, 1939-1941.
Film prepared by the Departments! Records Branch and transferred to the
National Archives. Film divided, by Flash number, no frame numbers.
Before Folder 11. Material of Leifobrandt of Amt Osten on the employment of
Flash 1 various individuals i,, the Oststelle, 1940-1942.
Folder 12
Amt Osten folder, 1938-1940, of notes on conversations con-
cerning personnel, various emigre organizations and individuals, and the
situation in Tirol. Text of tae Antikomintern Facts.
Folder 13. Amt Osten folder, 1940, of Italian statements on ideological
questions such as race end free masonry.
Flash 1 Amt Osten folder on the Antikomintern and its activities inside Germany
and together with Italy, 1934-193&. Included is a Propagandaministerium
directive of 31 toarch 1937 on Anti-bolshevist propaganda. Folder 1.
Folder 2. Amt Osten internal correspondence, Leibbrandt-Urban, 193S-
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed L ocation Notes
36 15 Aussenpolitlaches AP 250-d-18-15/ FT
Amt, Amt O sten 6-9
F older
7 withdrai-m for
U.S. classifi-
37 16 NSDAP, Aussenpolitisches MP 25Q-d-18~15/ FT
Aiut, Amt Ostenj 10-15
one folder from Reichs-
rainisterium fur die be-
setzten Ostgebiete,
Kauptabteilung I
38 .-17 i!3SDAP, Aussenpoliti-
Continued scheis Amt, Amt Osten
250-d-18-l5/ FT
1940, on education, idetlogics1 questions, and Germans in the IBSR.
Folder 3, Aiut O sten (V ) folder of reports en Turkestan prepared by V .
K&jum idian on the basis of local newspapers, 1940.
F lash 2 Folder 4, Alleged minutes of the lolitbureau, 1934-1935 (see also seri-
als 32 and 35).
F lash 3 Folder 5. Amt O sten material on the Antikomintern, 1934-1936.
F ilm prepared by the Departmental Records Branch and transferred to the
National Arcixives, Film divided by flash numbers, no frame numbers.
Before Folder 6, Alleged Folitbureau minutes, 1935-19% (see also serials "32
Flash 1 and 35).
Flash 1 Folder 7. Amt Osten file on Ukrainian nationalistic organizations,
1933-1941 but mainly 1938-1941.
Flash 2 Folder 8, Amt usten file of reports of the Russland-Ausschuss der Deut-
schen iVirtscbaft, 1934-1935, on German-Soviet relations (economic), together
with related documents.
Flash 3 Folder 9. Aint Osten folder 1938-1942, containing material on the USSR,
emigres, Nazi idealogy, the Carpatho-Ukraine, reviews of publications, and
the Ukraine under German occupation in "World War II,
Film prepared by the Departmental Records Branch and transferred to the
National Archives, Film divided by flash numbers, no frame numbers.
Folder 10, Amt usten folder of correspondence and other material on the
"Schriftenreine riolschewisnus,
Folder 11. Arrt U;ten folder on the Ukrainische ffiissenschaftliche Insti-
tut, Berlin, 1932-1941.
Folder 12. Amt Oster- folder conte:n: n^ administrative directives of the
ApA and corresponds!toe of &;-at Osten with btabsleiter cchickedanz of the
APjh. on administrative ^ptters, the activities of Anrt Osten, arid the USSR,
Folder 13. Aint Osten ^ataria! on and correspondence with General Bis-
kuspy, Laiter der Rusf.isc/.en Vertrauensstelle in Deutschland, 1932-1940.
Flash 3 Folder 14. Folder of t.-.e Reichsministerium fiir die besetzten Ostgebiete,
Hauptabteiluiig I
containing adfliinistrative memoranda Of the i^DAp and the
Dienetstelien des Relc-islexters Rosenberg, l
41-1942. (it should ba noted
that Leibbrai,dt served in botii the A,.t Osten and the Reichsministerium fur
die besetzten Osigebiete.)
Folder 15. Amt Osten folder of reports of the Russland-Ausschuss der
Doutschen Wirtschaft, l
35-1936, on Geriuan-Scviet econoLdc relations, So-
viet foreign trade, and related subjects.
Film prepared by the Departmental Records Branch and transferred to the
national Archives. Film divided by flash numbers, no frame numbers.
Flash 1
Flash 1
Flash 2
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed L ocation Notes 10
39 -18 NSDAI, Aussenpoliti-
sciies Amt, Amt Osten
40 19 Italian L egation in
MSDAP Aussenpoliti-
sches Amt, Amt O sten;
Reichskommissar in den
Niederlanden, Abtei-
lung Personal;
Netherlands National
bocialist movement
ElAP 250-d-18-20/
250-d-13-20/ FT
EAF 250-d-13-25/l
EAP 250-d-18-30/3 FT
SAP ;250-d-18-35/l
EAP 250-d*l8-42/
1, 3
Flash 1
Flash 2
Flash 1
Flash 1
Flash 2
Flash 3
Flash 1
Flash 1
Flash 2
Folder 16. Amt Osten collection of reviews, advertisements, and pamph-
lets on anti-soviet a
icl enti-beinitic literature, 1938-1940. Included are
Dec. 1939 - Feb. 1940 issues of the Gutachteuanseiger of the Amt bchrift-
tumspflege in the Dienststelle des Beauftragten des Fiihrers fur die Uber-
via chung . . .
Art usten ruaterial on loland and German-polish relations, 1933-
Aiat Criten ;:iaterial on Poland and German-Polish relations, 193?-
. Folder 1,
Folder 2,
Film prepared by the Departmental Records Branch and transferred to the
National Archives, except for ii&p 250-d-13-20/4 filmed by the Committee
(frame numbers: 16378 - 18457). Film, except for one folder, divided by
flash number, not frame nurnbers.
Folder 3. Amt Osten material on Poland and the Ukraine, 1938-1942,
Folder 4. Amt usten (?) material on German-Polish relations, 1932-1935,
including the Leitsatse of the jungdeutsche partei fur Polen (Bielski,
Folder 1. Amt Osten material on Switzerland, 1940.
Folder 1. Amt Osten collection of translations from Italian publications
of articles dealing with idealogical problems, 1937-1940,
Folder 2, Amt Osten col ection of translations from Italian publications
of articles dealing v;it:i ideological subjects, 1937-1941. Also a report on
the weygand Arpiy in the Near lussi, ;0 Feb. 19405 Leibbrandt's reports on
Italy, 27 Oct. 1939; and .^3ibbreudt reports on his trips to Italy in 1938
and 1939 and on Italian foreign policy.
Film prepared by tie Departmental Records Branch and transferred to the
National Archives. Film divided by Flash number, no frame nuirbers.
Folder 3. Three folders from t. e files of t.,e Italian Legation in
Budapest, l) on the interne 1 situation in Hungary, 1943; 2) on minor
protocol matters, 1943; 3) on passport mattery, 1943.
Folder 35/1. Amt Osten material on the Baltic States, 193^-1934, in-
cluding reports of the i&xDAp Ortsgrur-pe Revaij also some material for 1939-
Folder 40/1. Amt Osten folder on Bessarabia, 1938-1940.
Folder 1. Reichskommissar in den Niederlanden, Abteilung Ferscvel,
folder on deferments and reorganization, Sept. -19^3.
Folder 2-4* Materials of the National-ooeialistische Beweg^-ng der
Nederlanden (Netherlands National Socialist Movement), 1933-1944. Policy
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed L ocation Notes 11
NBDAP, Aussenpoliti-
sches Amt, Stabsleiterj
Oberkomwando der Wehr-
macht (OKi/0
3 withdrawn for
U.S. classifi-
20 N3DAP, Aussenpoliti-
sches Amt, Stabsleiter,
MP 250-d-lS-
42/2, 4
Folders 2
withdrawn for
U.S. classifi-
21 Reichsstudentenfuhrung, iAP 250-C/1-2
Amt Wissenschaft und
Facherziehung .
SS-Artillerie-Schule II
21- Nationalpolitische
22 Schule Kolmar-3erg|
EAP 250-c-O l/
1-2, 4-6
ftiSDAP, Gauschulungsamt
Reichsstelle zur For-
Continued derung des Deutschen
matters, primarily from the files of Anton A. Mussert.
Flash 3 Folder 1. L aterial from t < e files of Arno Schickedanz, Stabsleiter in
the Aussenpolitische Amt, on Norway, IS39-19415 German-F rench relatious,
1935-1936j General Biskuspy, 1930-1939$ U krainian nationalistic organiza-
tions, 1939-1941? Rumania, 1936; Iran, ca. 1938 (?); the Rumanian Iron
Guard, Feb. 1938.
Also In the sa^e folder, material from the files of the Gberkomffiando der
infehrmacht (OK
i), on the organization of propaganda and proclamations to be
issued when the Germans marched into Czechoslovakia, inarch 1939, with anno-
tations by General Keitel.
Folder .3. luaL erial from the files of Arno Schickedanz, Stabsleiter in
the Aussenpolitische Amt, on Norway 1939-1941; Afghanistan, 1940,
FT F ilm prepared by the Departmental ..Records Branch and transferred to the
National Archives, F ilm divided by Flash number, no frame numbers.
. Folder 2. Eaterial from the files of Arno Schickedanz, Stabsleiter of
the Ausaenpclitische Amt, on ilcrway, 1939-1941 The folder also contains
some material from the Fiihrerhauptquartier concerning the King of Belgium,
June 1940.
Folder 4 Material from the files of Arno Dchickedans, Stabsleiter of
the aaussenpolitische Amt, on Norway, 1939; proposals for Germany's eastern
policy, June 1939; Rumania, June 1939.
FT 184^1 First folder is from the Reichsstudentenfiihrung, Amt ia is sense haft und
Facherziehung. These are papers of the An/tschef, Fritz Kubach, on faculty
members at various German U niversities, 1937-1942. For other papers of
Fritz Aubach, see Guide to Captured German Cocume_nts, p. 36.
Second folder consists of iictes probably ta^cen in 194^, by a student at
the SS-Artillerie-ochuie II. Tney are as an indication of SS
training and indoctrination in military science, the history of the bo, and
the ideology of tne Sb.
FT 18827 Folder 1. Naticrj&lpolrbisci e ochule Kolmar-Berg folder containing scat-
tered issues, 1S-40-1S4% ^ t*.e Mitteilungen zur ^eltanscliaulicnen L age,
vertraulich, issued oy the Beauftragte des Fuhrers flir die U berwachung . . .
dealing with ideological questions, the Catholic Chiircn, various publica-
tions, the U SbR, France, and bpain, bee frames; 18875-18877 for the Nazi
struggle against Christianity, 1 L arcii 1S43. bee frames: 18$10-lc911 for
the posthumously ^ubliined let .er of L blders on the religious question with
a claim that the letter v/as a forgery.
Flash 1
Flash 1
1st frame
Serial Roll Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 12
S chriftturns, L ande s-
diensteli Baden;
NSDAP, Beauftragte des
Fuhrers fur die U ber-
wacnung * . ,
22 NSDAP, GauBchulungsamt
J)BDAP, Beauftragte des
Fuhrers fur die U ber-
wachung . . ., Amt Mu-
EAP 250-c-O l/
EAP 250-c-lO /
FT 19427
23 1\^3DAP, Gauschulungsamt
46 --23 EiDAF, Gauleitung
Baden, various offices
Continued Miscellaneous offices,
EAP 250-c-O l/ FT 20141
EAP 250-c-lO /
EAP 250-c-lO / FT 20667
1, 3-5
Folder 2. L onatsbericht der Reichsleitung der NSDAP, Abteilung fur Kul-
turellen F rieden, July 1935, on the religious situation in Germany.
Folder 4 NSBAP, Gauschulungsamt Baden folder with material on collecting
books for the Wehrmacnt, 1941-1V42; itfeltanschauliche Feierstunden; and the
25 Jan. 1942 issue of the Mittellungen zur i/eltanschaulichen L age. The
same folder also lias a draft of a letter, net sent, Rosenberg to L ay, July
1942, concerning t^eir organizational disputes.
F older 5. Gauschulurigsamt Baden folder cf annotated lists of books
recommended by various JNoDAp offices for ideological reasons, IS39-1941
Folder 6, Gauschulimgsamt Baden and Reic^sstelle zur F orderung des
Deutschen ^chrifttums, L andesdienststelle 3aden, collection of 1939-1941
issues of the L itteilungen zur Wsltanschalicnen L age, vertraulxch, on po-
litical, religious, and other ideological questions.
Folder 7. F older of tue Gauschulungsaiftt koln-Aachen, 1929-1935, mostly
1934-1935. A collection of speeches and lectures by officials of the i\iSDAP
at meetings and training courses, jrimarily on questions of Party ideology,
together with related material* Highly interesting for ideological formu-
lation in the first year of the regime. See frames: 19785-19790 on Richt-
linien zur Reichspra'sidenten-Stic'iiwahl.
Folder 8. JNSDAP, Beauftragte des Fuiirers fiir die U berwachung . . ., Amt
L usik. Correspondence, 1942-1944, on jurisdictional matters. See especially
frames: 19892-19897 on relations with Bcriaann and with Kraft durch Freude,
April 1944.
Folder 9. 16 iwarch - 30 June 1944 issties of the Informations die nst fiir
die Rpa-L eiter vmd Gaupropagandaleiter, by Sondermanxi, Fritsche, Vi'aechtar,
and Brakebusch, A kind of world ureas survey. Filmed as it shows how even
high-ranking Party officials were misled by carefully tendentious reports
supposedly giving information culled from the non-German press.
F older 9. Gausciiulungsamt Baden (?) collection of Mitteilungen sur
Weltanschaulichen L age, vsrtraulich, 1936-1938, issued by the Beauftragte
des Fuhrers fiir die U berwachung ." . .
Folder 10. Pp. 3-37 of a highly interesting memorandum, ca, 1942, on the
organization of the Party and Its affiliates in the pre-war period with sug-
gestions for the future.
Folder 12. Gauschulungsant Baden, issues of " Wissenswertes,
material for Party indoctrination.
Folder 1. This folder is made up of documents of various offices, mostly
of Gau Baden, but some from the JiCreisleitung i^ippe, the Reichspropagandaamt
Baden, t^e Wurttembergiscae 3&aenministerium, and others. Included are 1940
issues of the " Grenzgauwacht am O berrhein^ miscellaneous materials on ideo-
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 13
see Notes
47 24 Reichsministerium fur MP 250-C-106/
Volksaufklarung und Propa- 6, 7
NSDAF, Gaupropagandaamt
.-25 M>DAP, Reichsleitung,
t-26 Reichspressestelle,
-2? Amt Ausiandspresse
JiAP 250-c-lO/ FT
19-20, 34, 39
28 Reichsschrifttuinskammer, MP 250-c-lO/
der President (Hans 22, 29, 31
Gauleitung Min-
Continued che.n--Gberbayarn.,,.-.
FT 25058
logical end propaganda questions, 1942-1945; a Reichspropagandaleiter direc-
tive of 5 Feb. 1945$ the Reichspropagandaamt Ausland activity reports for
O ct., Nov., Dec.y 1942; and the " Mitteilungsblatt" (1945 issue l) of the
JEinsatzstab Reich&leiter Rosenberg on indoctrination in the Red Army,
Folder 3. Citation issued, by the Reichsb.uauftragte fur das militarische
V ortra gs wesen.
Folder 4. Highly interesting folder on the troubles of Dr. Johann von
L eers with the Parteiamtliche } rufungskomciission zum Schutze des NS-> chrift-
tuip.s about some of his publications, IS39-1940.
Folder 5, Gauscnulungsaiut Baden(v) folder of 1941-1942 issues of tne
Mitteilunger zur u'eltanschffulc-ien L 8ge,
vertraulica, issued by the Beauf-
tragte des Fiihrers fiir die U berTsachimg . . .
Folder 6. Reichsmimsterium fiir Volksaufklar'ong und Propaganda folder
containing reports on the situation, morale, and propaganda activities in
the occupied territories IroteL torat, GeneraIgouverneiuenb, Holland, Korv/ay,
F rance, Belgium, and Serbia, primarily in 194*2. Trie reports are of very
considerable interest. Beginning with frame 21662 there is a group of tele-
gr&ins to the irojagandaministeriuia on miscellaneous propaganda matters,
F older 7. Gauprop&^andaamt jiessen-lTEBsau/folder of miscellaneous propa-
ganda directives, mostly from the fieichsiropagandaleiter, 1942-1944
These folders, together with these listed in berial 50, constitute a
highly significant unit, filmed entire. The documents show the efforts of
the Reichsleitung der I&BAP to distribute Nazi propaganda abroad, particu-
larly in the U nited states, sometimes through such organizations as the
German-American Bund, sometiiies through American native fascists organiza-
tions, sometiifles through individuals sympathetic to the Nazi cause, and
many times through individuals just seeking without any politi-
cal committment.
F older 19. The United States, 1939.
Folder 20. The U nited States, L atin America, England, 1936.
Folder 34. The United States, 1933-1934.
Folder 39. The United States, British Commonwealth and Empire, Holland,
Belgium, 1939.
Folder 22. Hatishpltsvoranschlag der Reichsschrifttufliskammer fiir das Rech-
nungsjahr 1944.
Folder 29. Correspondence of the President der Reichsschrifttumskammer
(Johst) with the Geschaftsfuiirer of tne Reichsscnrifttumskammer (Ihde), 1941-
1943, on the various activities of this organization.
Folder 31. NSDAF-, Gauleitung 1
unchen-Gberbayern, Is/dtglieder-Grundbuch
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes
50 29 KSDAP, Reichsleitung,
-30 Pressestelle, Amt
-31 Auslandpresse (R.
EAP 250-c-lO /
40, 42-45
EAP 250-c-lO /
EAP 25Q-C-12/1
,-32 SS-Standortfiihrer
SS-Hauptamt, Schu-
.,-32 MSDAP, Gauleitung
M3DAF, Gau Diisseldcrf;
Kreis Mtfochen-Gladbach;
Inspekteur der Sipo und
SD Wiesbaden
-32 Transocean Dienst China JiAP 250-C-14/
-:33 (Fiirholzer) mDAP, 3* 8, 10* 17
-.34 Reichspropagandaamt MP 250-c-lO/
der Ortsgruppe Gauleitung for 1934* Filmed because the membership record
includes a large number of party members with extremely low numbers (the
lowest number is 34.) and many luitglieder des Reichstags,
folder 32 is not filmed, contains the register for 1935.
FT 25410 Folder 40. Correspondence of the Amt Auslandspresse with individuals in
the United States arid Canada concerning the dissemination of Nazi propaganda,
Folder 42. Similar to folder 40 but for the period 1937-1939 and inclu-
ding India, Lcilancl, Belgium, and Brazil. Beginning with frame: 26598 is
a series of reports on ti< e situ&tion in Brazil, 1937.
Folder 43. Like folder 40, the United States, 1939-40, also Japan.
Folder 44. Like folder 40, the United States, 1939-41, also Japan. This
folder also contains letters rej ectxrg the propaganda.
Folder 45. iAke folder 40, the United States, Canada, 193B.
See also Serials 4'^ and 54.
FT 28374 Folder 47. Material sent to the SS-Standortfiiiirer Berlin by the Gaulei-
tung Gau Gross-Berlin, raainly the Gaupropagandaamt. Miscellaneous propa-
ganda matters, 1935-1936.
Folder 48. The notorious brochure "Der Unterirensch."
(Note: As of 23 Jul;
19356 this is the last folder in EAP 250-c-lO).
FT 28535 Folder 1, A collection of I arty rules and policies in matters pertain-
ing to the
ress, IV33-1936. Also, 1 page Vertrauliche Informational!,
Liixeinbiirg, 13 Feb. 1944? by the Presseabteilung RFA and CdZ (presumably
Reichsprcpagandaaii-t uad Chef de- Zivilver Taltung).
Folder 1. Gau Dusseltiorf, I(ris ktfneken-Gladbach, miscellaneous propa-
ganda directives, 1',. 43-1944.
Folder 2. Inspaktaur der Sipo und SD in V/iesbaden, Tagesparolen des
Reichspresijechefs, Jan,-I\iarch 1944.
FT 28803 Folder 3. Folder of miscellaneous material on the Far Jfcast of the Trans-
and ocean Dienst representative in China, 1933-1935. See Frame: 28931, 21 Oct.
33377 1935, for reference to a "uandschreiben des Ghinesischen Premiers direkt an
den Fiihrer.
Folder 8. Like folder 3, 1933-1938,
Folder 10. Like folder 3. Papers of Edmund Fiirholzer for the period
1928-1939, including his stay in the United States, England and China.
Folder 17. Like folder 3. Papers of admund Flirholzer on his activities
*)Note: Frames 2S902-4-a-nd-29325-35 are US security classified.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 15
35 NSDAF, Reichsleitung,
36 Fresseamt, Abteilung
-37 Auslandspresse (R.
37 NSDAp, Reichsleitung,
Presseamt, Abtexlung
37 Miscellaneous, Mainly
rySDAP, Reichsleitung,
Reichsamt fur das
L andvolk;
Re ichsbauernflihrer,
Re ichshauptabteilung
250-c-H/ FT
20-22, 24-25
EAP 250-C-14
MP 250-c-H
F 250-C-14
1-6, 7-8
In the Far East, 1933-1935, and the relations of Transocean with the German
diplomatic and consular offices in China and Japan.
Folder 13. Scattered issues, 1940-1944, of the " Aufklaning- und Redner-
informationsiiiuterial der Reichspropagandaleitung der WSDAF und des Reichs-
propagandaamtes der Deutschen Arbeitsfront." Deals with all aspects of
current events and ideological questions, (Some duplicates omitted).
F rom Folder &AP 250-C-14/3, the Frames: 28902-904 have been withdrawn
for reasons of military security and are being given a U nited States se-
curity classification,
F rom F older J^Air 250-C-14/10, the Frames: 29825-835 have been withdraw!
for reasons of military security and are being given a United States se-
curity classification.
39070 Material related to folders covered by serials 4B and 50.
Folder 20. Disseixiaaticn of Itezi propaganda in England, Nov. 1934 -
i'v<ov. 1935; including correspondence with the NSDAP, L andesgruppe Gross-
Britannien und Irland,
Folder 21. Same as folder 20, 1939.
Folder 22. L ists of foreign correspondents attending the Reichspartei-
tag, 1938, including a list of those to be received by Jtlitler.
Folder 24. Collection of material, 1935-1936, on Nazi and native fascist
propaganda in the united States, included is some interesting material on
an unsuccessful effort to " indoctrinate
Al L andon.
Folder 25. Dissemination of Nazi propaganda in the U nited States, 1940
33726 A series of card, files, not filmed.
Auslandspresse Card file, Boxes 1-8, miscellaneous newspaper clippings
on foreigners.
Auslandspresse card f " Wews from Germany
readers, bundles 1-21. Al-
phabetical address file.
Auslandspresse card files of foreign newspapers, writers, politicians,
and government officials, boxes 1-6.
33727 Folder 1. iiotes on a lecture, " Griinde und Voraussetzungen der L and-
flue ht
by a member of the Reichsbauernfiihrung, 21 April 1939. O ne docu-
ment, NSDAP, Gau 3aden-Elsass, Gauamt fiir das L endvolk, report on the situ-
ation i: Kreis L osb&ch on problems created by foreign workers and KL in-
mates, O ctober 1944.
Folder 2. NSDAP, Reicasanvt fur das L andvolk und der Reichsnahrstand,
" Arbeitsgrundlagen fiir die landvolkpolitische, ernahrungs- und landwirt-
schaftliche Aufklarrmgsarbeit," January 1945. V ery interesting.
F older 3. iCDAP, Reichsleitung, Reichsamt fiir das L andvolk, der Stabs-
leiter, material on the case of Kreisbauernfiihrer Georg Stiimpfle concerning
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Ib
37 NSDAP, Gau Baden, Amt
.38 fur Volkswohlfaart
EAP 250-C-18/
1-2, 4-5,
7, 9
39 NSDAP, Gauleitung
40 Baden, Aarb fur Volks-
wohlfanrt }
MP 250-C-18/
12, 14-17,
20, 23
NSDAP, ReicLsleitung,
hauptamt fur Volkswohlfanrt FT
the violation of rationing rules, 1944.
Folder 4. I^DAP, Reichsleitung, fur das Landvolk, der Stabs-
leiter, GescKaftsordnung 1940 and 1944.
Folder 5. rJbDAP, Reichsleitung, Reicbsamt fur das Landvolk, der Stabs-
leiter, "Bekanntgabe 13/44," 7 Nov. 1944*
Gemeinschaftsaufbau ira Bergland.
Folder 6. Reichsaauernfimrer, Reiehshauptabteilung III, miscellaneous,
Folder 7-8. Reichsbauernfiihrer, Reichshauptabteilung III, internal rules,
Folder 1. Folder on Polenfliichtlinge, 1939-1940. Shows small number of
these as contrasted with contemporary Nazi propaganda.
Folder 2. General Party directives on the resettlement of Volksdeutsche
from Bessarabia, Dobrudj a, Bucovina, Yugoslavia, the Baltic States, and South
Tyrol, 1940-1942. Frames 34240-34242 Geheim-Anweisuag, 21 July 1942, Be-
treuung Angehbriger fremder Volksgruppen durch die NSV.
Folder 4. Directives cf the l^SDAP, Reichsleitung, Hauptanrb fur Volks-
wohlfahi't and its subordinate offices, 1944> illustrative of t^e varied
activities cf that office.
Folder 5. Like folder 4, but 1943.
Folder 7. material on the l\b-Reichsbund Deutscher Schwestern, 1943.
i\SV Ernahningshilfswerk, regulations and ennouncements, 1937-1943.
Folder 9. Like folder 4, but 1937-1940. Frames 36558-37587 contain the
Bestimrnungen u'ber die Forrlerung cer ivleinsiedlung, 14 September 1937, by the
Reichs- und Preussisc'ie Arbeit;-.-:
oee also Serial 58, folder 20
Folder 12. Apt fiir Volkswoh'ifarj rb correspondence, 1941-1944? miscellane-
ous matters, a large proportion aaaling with the Mnterhilfe. (Beginning
Frame: 36820).
Folder 14. Unterstutzunr memio:o3ti3chep Bauernfamilien ira Llsass, 1941-
Folder 15. IteDAl-, Heiclisleituiig, iiauptamt fiir Volkswohlfanrt, Re visions-
berlcht, 1 June 1935 - 31December 1935, Gauamtsleitung Baden.
loDAl, Cauleitung Baden, Amt fur Volkswohlfahrt, "Aktion iilsass," Statist!-
.. sciier Bericht iiber die Betreuungs- and Aufbauarbeit der xfe-Volkswohlfahrt
ira iiilsass, 1941 (0. Folder 16.
Folder 17. ivSDAP, Reichsleitung, Hauptaiirt fur Volkswohlfanrt, Amt fiir
die Volksgesundheit, "Die rationelle Ordmmg der Verpflegung in Anstalten".
Folder 20. 2fc>V Rundverfugurigen, 1938-1944} cf. Serial 57.
Folder 23. Folder of Ciaterial, 1943, of the Volkswohlfanrt Baden on the
history of the NSV, its political principles, its educational theories, and
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 17
Reichssicherheitshaupt- EAP 250-C-18/ FT
amt, Sonderkcmmission 22, 24a, 25
Hoherer S3- und Polizei- FT
fuhrer Danzig-Westpreus-
NSDAP, Gau Westfalen-
Nord, Amt fiir Volks-
wohlfaiirt FT
' 9
NSDAp, Gauschulungsamt
MP 250-0-24/1 FT
*)A? 250-C-26/1
61 41 Reichssicherheitshaupt- &AP 250-C-28/
-.42 amt, Sonderkommission 1-4,6
62 ^"42 Reiehsministerium fiir
Continued Rlistung und Kriegspro-
EAP 250-C-28/ FT
5, 7-8
other questions of an ideologies! nature.
3S222 F older 22. RbliA, Donderkc^r. Ission VIII, memorandum by Dr. X arl Goerdeler,
9 January 1945, entitled " Die rreisiiberwacnung.
' O ne of a series of memoran-
da prepared by Goerdelor after his arrest in connection with the 20 July plot.
O ther memoranda in iiiAP 250-C-28. O f. Gerhard Ritter's biography of Gcerdeler.
38307 Folder 24a. Hbhere t&r. mid Iolizeifiihrer .Uanzig-WestpreusBen (Hildebrandt),
folder on the De-utscne Eeichsv^rein fiir Vclkspflege und biedlerirllfe, 1939-
1940| containing correspondence with O swald Fohl, Curt von Gottberg and other
high-ranking & > offucors. See i'rames: 38451-38456 for a hignly interesting
report of Kildebrandt while still with S3 O berabschnitt Rhein, 5 Hiay 1939>
on the steps teken t.,ere against ti.e Catholic Church.
38459 Folder 25. G&u H'estfalen-Nord., Amt fur Volkswohlfahrt, a folder of sta-
tistics, 1941-1942, of the participants in the work of the i^JSV by Kreis.
38880 F older 1, Notes on or for talk on " Aufgaben der politischen Erziehung,"
21 April 1939. Related to the first document on Serial 56.
38686 Folder 1. l&DAP, Gauschulun^samt Baden, correspondence with the head-
quarters and subordinate offices of the Beauftragte des Fiihrers fiir die
tJberv/achung . . ,, 1943-1944. &ee frames: 38953-38954 for Reichspropa-
gandaleitnng directive of 10 Sept. 1943, on propaganda on the subject of
Italy's defection from the Axis.
39228 Folder 1. RSHA, Sonderkommission VIII, Answers of Dr. Karl Goerdeler to
39 questions concerning " Wiederaufbau," 3 January 1945. Refers to recon-
struction after the war. (87 pages). See also Serial 59.
39316 Folder 2. Memorandum by Ministerialdirigent A.v. Heusingsr, " Von der
Kotwendigkeit der stadtischen Grundeigentumsreform mid des Einfamilien-
haussysterns," Nov. 1944, with covering letter to the Reichsminister der
39408 Folder 3. Folder presumably from the Reiclissicherheitfcihauptamt, Sonder-
koimiiission VIII. Memorandum, presumably by Karl Goerdeler, " Gedanken zur
Neuordnung der oelbstverv/altung," presumably vn^itten late 1944 or earl;/ 1945.
(61 pages).
.39469 F older 4. Collection of nctes, memoranda, and copied articles apparently
gathered in 1944 or 1945 for uee in planning the reconstruction of Germany
after the war.
39515 Folder 6. Draft of a memorandum, personlich and vertraulich, by Karl
Strolin, mayor of Stuttgart, "Raumproble.L e im Bereich der Grosstadt." The
great expectations about added territory in the .^ast point to a date around
39558 Folder 5. Material, apparently from the Speer ministry, relating to the
salvage and storage of documents and models in the last stages of the war.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 18
NSDAP, Gau Badea, Anrt
fur Kommunalpolitik;
USDAP, Reichsleitung,
Kommission fiir wirt-
schaftspoiltik der
NSDAP, Gau Baden, Amt
fur VolksTJohlfahrt;
EAP 250-C-30/1
EAP 250-C-32/
-43- NSDAP, Beauftragter. des
44- Fuhrers fiir die U ber-
45- wachung der gesamten
46- geistigen und weltan-
47- schaulichen Schulung
48- und tirziehung der i\6DAP,
49 Reichsleitung (Zentral-
BIB 29-37, 56
C ontinued
The main item is a list which is apparently a register of Speer Handakten
of his most important correspondence and conferences with Hitler, 1943-1945.
See frame: 39576 for reference to testimony of Goerdeler about various in-
dustrialists submitted to Speer for comment* (It should be noted that the
whole identification of folder is guesswork.)
Folder 7. KSDAi, Gau Baden, Ar..-t fur Kommunalpolitik. Administrative
circulars of ttie ifoDAP, Reichsleitung, u&uptamt fiir Kommunalpolitik, one of
1940 and one of 1941.
Folder 8. i&DAP, Reichsleitung, Kommission fur riirtschaftspolitik der
NSDAP. F older of responses to a circular inquiry to the nfirtschaftsberater
in all Gaue about Sicherheitsleistung bei Ii-ietvertragen, 1938-1939* The
circular itself is at the end of the folder*
Folder 1. Gau Baden Ant fur Yolksv/chlfaiirt material: material on 1\
Blockwalter Jakob in/a^gor; ii> DAi, Gau Baden, Amt fiir Beamte, " Rundscsreiben
Nr. 21/35," 24. June 1935 on internal administrative matters.
F older 1. Anlagen to a " Denkschrift iiber das Problem der Dezentralisa-
tion der offentlichen Aufgaben iia deutschen iiiinheitsstaat.
Folder 2. Wilhelin V ershofea, ''Volkswirtschaftliche Rentabilitat und
Betriebsgrosse, iiine metiiodologisciie U ntersuchung,
February 1945.
This is a part of the central file of the Reichsleitung of the Dienst-
stelle des Beauftragten des Fuhrers fiir die Uberwachung . . . containing
car&on copies of outgoing and internal correspondence of the Anrbsleiter and
the various subordinate offices of the Dienststelle. The central file
therefore deals with all subjects v*itli which this office of Rosenberg was
concerned and contains correspondence with a great variety of individuals,
state offices, tarty offices, military offices, and publishers. The file
was organized chronologically, the papers for each day being kept together
regardless of originating section. In the following listing, the number
of each folder in the part of the DDE collection coming from the central
file is listed, followed by tiie beginning frame number and the dates
16 Jan. - 31 Jan. 1941.
1 F eb. - 19 F eb. 1941.
1 April - 19 Apr. 1941.
20 June - 30 Jime 1941.
16 July - 31 July 1941.
1 Aug. - 15 Aug. 1941.
16 Aug. - 31 Aug. 1941.
1 O ct. ~ 15 O ct. 1941.
Folder 29.
Folder 30.
Folder 31.
Folder 32.
Folder 33.
F older 34.
F older 35,
Folder 36.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 19
65 50 NSDAP, Beauftragter-des
-51 Fiihrers fur die U ber-
wachung der gesamten
geistigen und weltan-
schaulichen Schulung
und Erziehung der j> DAP
Hauptamt Wissenschaft,
Amt Wissenschaftsbeo-
bachtung und -wertung
66 52 NSDAP, Beauftragter-des
Fiihrers flir die Uber-
wachung der gesamten
geistigen und weltan-
schaulichen Schulung
und iiirziehung der ftlSDAPj
Hauptstelle vVissenchaft
(later Hauptamt V/issen-
67 53 Be&uftragterdes Fiihrers
-54 fur die Uberwachung der
gesamten geistigen und
weltanschaulichen Schu-
lung und Erziehung der
NbDAP, Amt Wissenschaft
BUB 42-43
BUB 46, 47 FT
3UK 51, 55, 57 FT 5530B
FT 55468
FT 55872
Folder 37. 16 O ct. - 31 O ct. 1941.
Folder 56. 12 i\iar. - 31 kar. 1941.
A set of two folders of " U niversitats-Ablage," A - K and L - Z, of the
Amt yissenschaftsbeobachtmig und -wertung, organized alphabetically by
university and containing correspondence about the filling of positions
at institutions of higher learning.
The views of the Arat iis senschaf tsbeobachtung und -wertung were coordi-
nated with those of t. e IJbD.-Dczenteiibund and other agencies on each candi-
date for the vacancies. Related files of the Anit wissenschaftsbeobachtung
und -wertung are to be found in the y.iddisch Scientific Institute (New York),
1^M to Captured German Docunuents, p. 65. oee also Serial: 71.
Folder 46, A folder from the files of the rlauptstelie Wissenschaft
dealing with the plans to create a research institute on comparative reli-
gion for Warburg University in ^chloss Marburg, 1930-1938. (Some duplicates
have been omitted from filming).
F older 47. A folder of memoranda and correspondence on the L iSD.-Dozen-
tenbund and its relations vtitl the Beauftragte des Fuhrers fur die U ber-
v^achung . . ,, 1938-1942. L aterial of high interest, as it deals with
basic policy questions. Included is material on the none Schule and its
relations to the .Doaentenbund.
Folder 51, A folder from the files of Amt Wissenschaft on German parti-
cipation in international meetings of various kinds and the role of the
fleauftragte, wissensc'iaft, in this regard, 1936-39. Included is mate-
rial on the relations between the Rosenberg office, the office of the Stell-
vertreter des Fiihrers, and the Deutsche KongressZentrale in regard to
these meetings.
A most interesting folder of material from the files of the Amt Wissen-
schaft on the duties, financing, organization, and basic ideas of that Amt,
with drafts showing t^e various stages in which policy en these subjects
was formulated, 1935-1939. Included are detailed job descriptions for the
members of the staff of Amt issenschaft which give a very comprehensive
view of the activities of the Aiivt. Also included is material on the Hone
Schule. Folder 55.
Folder 57. A folder of Ant Wissenschaft on " Philosepnische Arbeitsge-
meinschaft," containing primarily material on a philosophische .arbeitsta-
gung des An-tes wissen.-c.baft at bciiloss Buderose in iaarch 1939. See also
Serial 71.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frarre 20
68 54 Beauftragterdes Fiihrers
flip die U berwachung der
gesamten geistigen und
3UB 58, 6l FT
lung und Erziehung der
NSDAP, Hauptamt Wissen-
69 54
BU E 63, 64, 65a, FT
FT 5703
Folder 58. Folder from the Hauptaznt n/issenschaft on relations with
various organizations of the Party, 193S-1942. T:*e following organiza-
tions are included: Adolf -Hit ler-Scnulen; i\B Deutscner Ar,ztebund;
Reichsarbeitsdieast; Deutsche Arbeitsfront (including a number of Neuankun-
digungen von V crtregsrednurn der Keichsdieriststelle Deutsches Volksbildungs-
werk and a 1940 bibliography of the publications of the DAF ; see Frames:
56322-56327 for a woveinber 1939 nur fur den Dienstgebraucn "'Jbersicht iiber
Auslandsdeutsc-utuin," prepared b;;/ trie Arbeitswisseuscnaftliche Institut der
DAF); Auslandsorganisation; jr-uptamt fur Beamte; NS-Frauenscbaft (including
material on the seminars of t:ie i;S-Frauenscbaft &t tue ilochschule fiir loli-
tik); and ^auptarCiiiv der isbD^P.
Folder 61. tiiseensc-Taft folder on the activities of and rela-
tions witi- various organizaticns in the intellectual field, 1933-1938. In-
cluded is material on the following; Gesellschaft fur Deutsche Bildung;
Fichte-Geselisc aftj Deutsche F crsonungsgemeinschaft; Gesellschaft fur
Volksbildung; iv&nt-Gesellschaft (ver;, volimiinous); Klopstock-Geseiischaftj
Gesellschaft Deutsctier watiirforscher und Irzte; Neugeist Bewegung, Ar-
beitsgemeinsciiaft fur Deutsche i,ebenserneurung in pfullingen, Kreis Reut-
lingen (wurttemberg); V erein der Freunde und Forderer des Volkshochschul-
heims Prerow; Reichsdozentenwerk; Deutsche Gesellschaft zum Studium Schwedens;
Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Volkerbundsfragen; XI Internationaler fsychologen-
kongress; and Gesellschaft fiir V erbindung von Volk und Wissenschaft. See
also berial 69.
Folder 63, Folder of nauptamt i/isseuschaft on various organizations in
the intellectual field, 1934-1943. Included is material on the following
organizations: Schor-erihauer-Gesellschaft; Deutsche Fhilosophische Gesell-
schaft; Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Psychologie; Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir
Rassenforschung; and balzburger wissenschaftswoche. Newspaper clippings
only for a few other organizations. See also Serial 68.
Folder of llauptamt sf/issenschaft containing collections of material on
and correspondence about the Biologisch-dynamische wirtschaftsweise and the
Anthroposorhischo GeseliscL aft, 1937-1942. Included is considerable cor-
respondence with the Heichsverband fiir Biologisch-Dynamische Wirtschafts-
weise, some issues of tue publication Demeter for 1939 and 1940, and mate-
rial on Rudolf Steiner. Folder 64,
Folder 65a. L aterial on the Anthroposophische Gesellschaft, Rudolf Stei-
ner, and the Waldorfsohule, 1935-1940.
Folder 65b. Material on Rudolf Steiner and the Waldorfschule, 1940-
1941, primarily t, e views of Jaeumler, head of riauptamt vnissenschaft, on
this issue (in a series of drafts). Included at the end of the folder
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Motes 21
70 56 Beauftragterdes Fuhrers
fiir die Uberwachung der
gesamten geistigen und
weltanschaulichen Schu-
lung und Mziehung der
NSDAp, Hauptamt Wissen-
8UB 66, 67, 68 FT 5S556
FT 58783
FT 59052
57 Beauftragterdes Fuhrers BIB 74a
fur die Uberwachung der
gesaroten geistigen und
weltanschaulichen Schu-
lung land Brziehung der
NSDAP, Hauptamt Wissen-
schaft and Amt rtissen-
schaftsbeobachtung und
FT 59697
72 B57B Einsatzetab Reichslei> -
ter Rosenberg, Sender-
stab " Bildende Kunst"
BU E 74c FT 59924
is a part of a card file on files apparently taken from The Rothschilds by
the jtiinsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg. Some duplicates omitted from this
Folder 66. Hauptamt i/Jissenschaft folder of material on and correspond-
ence with Professor O tto Gros, author of a guide to Rosenberg's Mythus des
Zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. 1935-1941. The first edition appeared under the
title "850 tiforbe kythus;" there were various objections to it, and a second
edition, prepared without Gros's approval, was published under the title
"Erlauterungen zum kyt .us des XX. Jahrhunderts" in 1939* Gros then raised
objections to the revisions. Some of the infornation in the folder is quite
interesting, Some duplicates omitted.
Folder 67. Folder of ilauptamt Wissenschaft on Dr. Max Simoneit, leading
psychologist of the German ar m y , 1936-1942, illustrating the running battle
of the Hauptamt tfissenschaft against him. Included are copies of Simoneit
writings, comments on them and on iiiiB, and correspondence about him with
various agencies inside and outside the Tarty. Some duplicates omitted.
Folder 68. Hauptamt w'issenschaft folder of material on jSrnst Krieck,
1931-1934. Krieck was a ilazi sympathizer transferred from Frankfurt to
Dortmund in 1931 for a political speech and later author and editor of
various publications in the ideological field. He had all sorts of disputes
with other people in the same field, such as Six, and all these disputes are
illustrated by material in ti is file. Included is documentation on the peri-
odicals Yolk dm irterden and V olk iiad Basse The folder is an excellent source
on the internal ideological disputes within the Nazi movement. Some dupli-
cates omitted.
A folder supplementary to Serials 65 and 67, The first part of the
folder deals with the rhilosopha.sche Arbeitstagung des Azntes wissenschaft
at Schloss Buderose in L arch 1939'. The second part of the folder contains
correspondence on the filling of university positions (see Serial 65).
A report prepared in July 1942 by members of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter
Rosenberg on the Ukrainian sculptor Ivan V asilevich Makogon on the basis of
sketches and documents found in his apartment in the Kiev L avra. iixtremely
interesting effort by the Nazis to %nnex
this artist ideologically. Also
very interesting is material on L iakogon's career under the Soviet regime,
Serial Roll Provenance Item F ilmed 1st frame Notes 22
73 57 NSDAP, O berstes rnrtei- EAF 25Q-b-22/
gericht and some other 1-4
FT 60219
74 H 57B KSDAP, Gau Munchen- MP 250-b-22/15 FT
Oberbayern, NS-Rechts- MP 252-k/25
beratungs ste1le
75 . 58 NSDAP, Gau Baden, Gau- EAP 250-D-20/
leiterj 1-3
NSDAP, Reichsschatz-
meister (?)$
Befehlshaber der Sicher-
heitspolizei und des SD
im Generalgouvernement
FT 66556
illustrated by documents such as contracts for artistic productions and a
short autobiography. An annex with some photographs of Iiakogori's work has
not been filmed.
Folder 1. A report on Rechtsbetreuung by the Mi> -Rechtsbetreuungsstelle
des Amtsgerichtes Diedenhofen. Directives of the Reichssportfiihrer for the
Kriegswiaterhllfswerk, 1941.
Folder 2. F older of the O berste Farteigericht (in photostat) containing
a group of decisions in cases against Party members for excesses such as
murders committed in the course of the anti-Jewish riots of November 1938.
F older 3. Folder of the O berste Parteigericht on the case of Georg
Wagner, former ifoDAP Grtsgruppenleiter in Budapest, against the head of the
Auslandsorganisation, j&.w. Behle. The folder contains a vast quantity of
material en the background of the Wagner case which looks like a typical
instance of iatra-Party intrigues, stretching over ten years, 1934-1944,
and several tii.:es involving the I arty courts. The material is also interest-
ing on the activities of t'.i-a riazi Party in Hungary and its relations with
other German organizations and the German legation there.
F older 4 Folder probably cf the uberste Farteigericht on the abuses in
the aryanisation of Jewish property in Niirnberg and Fiirth and the stealing
of Jewish property by Party members and t-*e Deutsche Arbeitsfront in con-
nection with the events of Noverber 193f. The document indicating the na-
ture of the file (v/hich apparently is not in its original order) will be
found on F rame: 60355. F rame; 60381 concerns a 1943 document in some way
relating L eni Riefenstahl to the questions.
Two folders (containing 4 vvrdner) from the files of the Gaurechtsbera^-
tungsstelle, filmed as a sample of the kind of work done by such an office.
The material dates from 1938-1940 and concerns all kinds of legal problems
raised by individuals who claimed that they were unable to afford the law-
yer's fees stipulated in the Gebfihrenordnung and therefore requested legal
aid from the Party.
F older 1. ihiscellaneous Reicnsschatzmeister regulations from the Gau
Baden files. Important is a letter from the Reichsschatzmeister, Schwarz,
to Gauleiter Burckel on the admission of Alsations into the Party, 15 Sep-
tember 1942. Some of the material in the folder is from the files of an
O rtsgruppe i Gau Koln-Aachen. Some duplicates omitted.
Folder from the files of the Bef. Sipo und SD im Generalgouvernement on
the pay and retirement regulations of the 3SSDAP and SS, 1943-1944. F older 2.
F older 3. Folder, perhaps from the files of the Reichsschatzmeister, con-
taining tne revised pay schedules of the Wazi PartyGeheimas of 15 May
Serial Roll Provenance Item 1st frame rtotes 23
76 58 2SDAP, /;reisleitung In-
-59 golstadt, Aassenleiter;
Gauschatzmeister Franken
250-b-20/ FT
4, 5
77 59 J&DAP, Reichsachatz- EAP 250-b-20/ FT
meister, Schiedsamt 18-19
EAP 250-b-20/
21, 22,23
78 59 NSDAP, Reichsschatz-
meister, Hauptamt IV
Verwaltungsarchiv j
Reichs schatzmeister,
Hauptamt V (Rechts-
amt) '
Reichsministerium ftir
Riistung und Kriegs-
79 R 60 L andesverband bayer- J^AP 252-k/12 FT
ischer Referendare
SAP 252-k/5, 8, FT
14, 19
66662 Folder 4. This folder contains the important correspondence of the Kas-
senleiter of nreis Ingolstadt, Gau L iinchen-Goerbayern, for 1937. Most of
the correspondence is with the Gau, particularly tha Gauschat zmeister, and
gives a very revealing picture of the relations of the Kreis to the Gau,
particularly in financial matters but in regard to other problems as well,
bee Frames: 67052-67059 for extracts from Hess
s speech to the Nazi Party
leaders at t]ie 1935 Reichsparteitag. Also uaterial on the Hilfskasse, 1934-
FT 67066 Folder 5, Gauschatzineist6r Franken correspondence with the Kreiskassen-
leiter of Gau F ranken for parts of 1942 and 1943. Illustrates rather well
the problems and handling of I arty finances. Also interesting for the push-
ing of publications of Party leaders through the office of the Reichsschatz-
67616 Two folders, parts of the letter "G" in an alphabetical file on applica-
tions for I'arty membership by various individuals, 1938-1942. Some of the
applicants claim to have been in the Austrian Nazi party during the years
of its illegality. folders give some idea of the procedure in the hand-
ling of complicated membership problem.
68085 Folder 21. A folder crntaj.ii.. ng admin:-.strative matters, 1S%-1942,
filmed because it is one of t.^e few folcers from the office cf the Reichs-
schatzmeister giving insight into t&e work^iigs aad organization of that
63376 Folder 22. Folder containing material on the renting cf buildings and
rooms for the Party, illusi.roting t,,e role cf fee Reichsschatziiieister's
office in t
ns regardj 1930's and 1940
6B464 Fclder 23. Important material from tno files of opeer as Reichsminister
fur Kustung mid i-rieg@proc< ukticn (in hotostat). Included is correspond-
ence with Schwartz and 3orr?an?i about tne building program of the party,
1943-1944* a report on the gas supply of the Ruhr area, on F rames: 68508-
68515; a report on the situation in the ball-bearing industry after the
great American Air F orce attacks, and material on a dispute with Sauckel
about the release of workers from agriculture for industry.
68625 Folder 12. Folder of the L andesverband Bayern of the Bund Deutscher
Justizamtmahner on requests for grants from the Ruckert-Purzer-Stiftung, a
fund for the relief of individuals in serious financial need, for the years
1928-1931. Filmed as the cases show something of the problems of the im-
poverished German lower middle class in the intar-war years. Folders EAP
252-k/lO and 16 (not filmed) contain similar material.
68523 Folder 5. File of the L andesverband bayerisciier Referandare, 1929-1932,
in various internal problems and relations with the ReJcV isbiimd deutscher
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Motes 24
80 60
Feldkommandantur 769
SAP 250-b-10/
1, 2, 6
81 61 MSDAP, Gau Wurtteraberg-
-62 Hohenzollern, O rganisa-
EAP 250-b-10/ FT
Referendare. Some duplicates omitted.
Folder 8. Irotests of tiie L andesverband bayerischer Referendare against
a proposal of the Deutsche Anwaltverein of 4 December 1932 prohibiting en-
trance to the legal profession fcr three years and setting up a quota for
entrance to the profession thereafter.
Folder 14. Manuscript by O swald Bendemann, "Entwurf einer Typologie der
geistigen U rformen,
Berlin, 1932.
Folder 19. Manuscript of O swald Bendemann, " L ebensganzheit und voelkische
Heidelberg, 1937.
Folder 1, A memorandum by Adolf Hitler in two parts, dated 15 and 20
December 1932, respectively, entitled " Denkschrift u'ber die inneren Grunds
fur die V erfugungen zur Herstellung einer erhohten Schlagkraft der Bewe-
gung," The memorandum deals with the organizational and personnel problems
of the Party. It is in mimeographed form*
Folder 2. A series of issues of the Wochenbericht fuer Sueddeutschland
und O esterreich of November and December 1943 of an unidentified office
containing useful thumbnail sketches of the various departments and affili-
ates of the Nazi Party.
Folder 6. F older in two parts. First a folder of Feldkoinmandantur 769
in Chaumont on the L andesgruppe Frsnkreich der i^xDAP, 1944* Some duplicates
omitted. Second, a printed and much revised handbook on the Post- usw.
V ollmachten der i\i3D.aP, lS35ff., containing some useful information on the
organization of the Part#. This folder is froir tne files of the Heichs-
postdirekticn Berlin.
These three folders have been fi3jiied es D.llustrative of internal organi-
zational problems of V ie Party. They contain a wide variety of circulars
and correspondence, many of tiieru indicating the control system of the Gau
over the local units, others snowing an absurd preoccupation with problems
of titles and ranks. L aterial dates from the --ears 1936-1940. Representa-
tive items of more than usual interest include the following:
F rame: 694B5. on the zu vereidigende Flihrerschaft in the
Gau in 1938.
F rames: 69'> 12-69514. ^ ^
competition between the Iiiher-Verlag and
the Gau guidebooks to the Reichsparteitag, 1938.
F rame: 69518. A Geheim-Rundschreiben of Hess on the V olksdeutsche Mt-
telstelle, Volkstums- und grenzpolitische Fragen, 5 O ctober 1937.
Franoes: 70375-70377 and 70408. O n the Party's struggle against Christi-
anity, 1938.
Frames: 70620-70621, An excellent example of nomenclature confusion.
F rames: 70749-70758. Dienstanweisung fur die Amtstrager der Deutschen
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 25
Regierungs pra's ident
MP 250-D-12/
1, 2
S3 63 NSDAP, Gauschulungs-
amt Baden
EAP 250-b-U/
1, 2, 3
84 63 > fcDAP, Gau'Baden;
leiter, Reiehsschu-
Christen Nationalkircnliche Bewegung, Gaugemeinde i'ftirttemberg-rlohenzollern,
1938 (with related material ).
FT 71000 Folder 1. L ists of highranking Party officials and officers of its af-
filiates. Also some material oa t ie Fairdlienverband Wyomar/tfiemer/ffliemers.
FT 71029 Folder 2. A folder from the files of the Regierungsprasident Wiesbaden
on the relationship between the state administration and the Party in the
Regierungsbezirk, 1937-1944* including both correspondence and the relevant
decrees and laws. Interesting on State-Party relations, especially in per-
sonnel questions.
FT 71212 Folder 1. Folder of Gauschulungsaiut Baden containing the Rundschreiben
and Anordnungen of the Hauptschxiiungsamt of the NSBAP Reichsorganisations-
leiter and also those of the Reiclisorganisationsleiter (L ey) himself, Janu-
ary 1937-December 1941. The materiel covers various aspects of Party in-
doctrination and organization, also some items of general interest for other
topic&. (Borne duplicates omitted).
kee F rames: 71329-71333 for the Reiclisorganisationsleiter's "Ausfiih.*-
rungsbestimmungen zur Ancrdnung cjes Stellvertreters des Fiihrers vom 19.1.1940,
be tr if ft Srganzung der tfaffen-SS,
21 January 1940.
Frames;; 71440-71441 for the Hauptpersonalamt's Rundscnreiben, " Ausmuste-
rung von S-jhulern fur die Adolf -Hitler-Schulen,
13 January 1938.
F rames s 71531-71566 for tne aauptschulungsamt's " Verzeicimis der seit
dem 1,5.1933 voi.a iiauptsciiulunosamt herausgegebenen und rait ktichtag vom
31.12.36 gultigen Ancrdnun^en und Rundschreiben,
2? &arch 1937,
FT 71630 Folder 2. A number of different items. A group of ilur fur den Dienst-
gebrauch bchulungs-unterla -en put out by t- e iauptscliulungsamt of the
ReichsorganisationsleitGr der i:t> DAP in 1943 or 1944 dealing vdth the mobi-
lization of total war. A *ireisschulungsarut Diekirch paper on " V olk/ein le-
bendiger L r-^anismus," for the Urtsgrupj.:enschulung, Dec. 1942 and a paper on
" Volk und Rasse," from the same office. A directive of trie j-aupt&chulungs-
amt on tiie bci'ulung der U i.siedler, X July 1941. An Anordnung of the Reichs-
organisetionsleiter on the ue.uptsc^ in total vrar, 4 September 1944.
FT 71671 i^ists of boo.^is recommended cr not recommended, put out bj the Hauptschu-
lungsa^t, the G&uschulungsai.-t Baden, and ti-e Deut-eiie Arbeitsfront, Deutsche
V olksbildungswerk (.rferkbuciereidienst, Folge XI/XII/1940), 1939-1941.
F older 3.
250-b-U/ Fr 71696 Folder 4. Papers from the files of the Gau Baden, Causehulungsamt and
4-7 O rganisaticnsarat, ccntaining tne basic organizational directives en the
Deutsche Volksbildungsv/erk of trie Deutsche Arbeitsfront, 1936-41*
FT 71710 Folder 5. A file from the papers of the L eiter of Hauptstelle IV in the
Rcichsschulungsai..t of the Reichscrganisationsleiter, Heinz Zilcher, on his
Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame 26
85 63 ?
MP 250-b-14/8 FT 72122
86 64 NSDAP, Gausohulungsamt MP 250-b-14/12, FT
Baden (Gau Baden-lsass) 13, 16, 18
efforts to prove nls aryan ancestry, 1934-1939, Filmed as an example of
this type of activity on the part of a fairly high Party official.
FT 71957 Folder 6. Item from the fules of the Gauschulungsaint Baden, Grundliste
I des iiauptschuluiigssiAtes fur nationalsozialistische Biichereien, zusamrcien-
gestellt vom Art jci rifttumspflege bei dem Beauftragten des Puhrers fur die
Uber\v&0;:urif . . > iierausgegeben von der Reichsorganisationsleitung der
]> L > DAP, . - & \ i \ tscL ulungsamt. Duplicate omitted.
FT 71982 F older 7. F older primarily from the files of the Gauschulungsarat Baden
containing a series of interesting Anordnungen and Rundschrsiben of the
Reic^sschulunj sleiter in the Reichsorganisaticnsleitung of the iJSDAP on
Party indoctrination, 1933-1935, See Frames: 72006-72026 for details on
a L ehrerschulimgsicursus, 1934$ and F rames: 72109-72118 for a Denkschrift
iiber die Schulung der P.O. und der l> eutschen Arbeitsfrcnt, 29 iway 1933. A
duplicate omitted.
A folder of material for Nazi Party speakers and campaigners, 1930-1931,
containing the party's information service " Rednermaterial der 14SDAP
information on the Party's training courses for Party speakers, A dupli-
cate omitted.
Folder 12. Correspondence of the Gauschulungsleiter .-Baden, 1937-1943,
about and with tne Adolf-h'itler-Schulen. The folder contains material on
the selection of students and employees for the schools, publications of
and about the schools, and ether related material. See Frame: 72475 for
statistics on the employment of the fathers of the students. See F rames:
72729-72738 for a 1937 publication of the Party on the schools, for inter-
nal Party use only. The pictures for the envelopes at the end of the folder
were missing at the tiuae of the filming.
FT 72805 Folder 13. Correspondence a. i d ot^er \ aterial of the Gauschulungsanit
Baden on the Schulungsbrief der rioL AP, 1936-1943, The folder contains a
vast amount of information on the contents, distribution, and role of the
Sclmlungsbrief together with periodic statistics en its distribution. See
F rames: 73000-73006 and F rames: 73031-73038 for infornation on Schulungs-
brief issues of spring 1938 withdrawn for reasons of foreign policy. Some
duplicates omitted.
FT 73271 F older 16. A series of " bciiulungsmaterial," probably 1939-1941, nur fur
den Dienstgebrauch, issued by t^e liauptschulungsamt der KSDAP in the office
of toe fL eiciisorganisationsleiter, Included are issues 1-6 and the Infor-
oationshefte Belgien and nolland.
FT 73354 Folder IS. The 1. Reichssciiuiungstherna 1942/43, " Der ochicksalskampf im
Usten," issued by the Beauftragte des Fiihrers fiir die Uberwschung der gesamten
geistig-oa und weItanschaulichen Schulung und ilrziehung der NSDAP, Amt Partei-
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 27
87 64 D&DAP, Reichsleitung, KAP 250-b-l6/l, FT
-65 O rganisationsleitung der 4-8
Reichsparteitage; FT
Rehse-Archiv; FT
88 65 Deutsche Arbeitsfront,
Kreiswaltung Freiburg
i* B.;
250-b-18/2, FT
89 65 Deutsche Arbeitsfront, EAP 250-b-18/5- FT
-66 Gau Bayerische O stmark, 7, 9
Kreiswaltung Hegensburg
7 3485
amtliche L ehndL ttel.
Folder 1. L aterial on the Reichspfcrteitag 1935.
Folder 2 and 3, Not filmed, are maps of ilurnberg.
Folder 4. Material on tne keicnsparteitag 1936. Some duplicates omitted.
Folder 5. Material on the Reicnsparteitag 1936.
Folder 6. Folder of the Rehse-Archiv of material on traffic control at
the Reicnsparteitag 1937. ocute of tne items are stuck together and cannot
be filmed.
Folder 7. A printed handbook in several languages on the Reichspartei-
tag 1939. This is the one which was scheduled but not held because of the
invasion of Poland.
Folder S. A folder of undetermined provenance, probably from the Grgani-
sfcttionsleitung der Reichsparteitage for 193, on foreign guests to be in-
vited to attend. The lists are organized by country and cover the whole
earth* Included are brief explanations of the reasons for suggesting these
individuals be invited, and also an indication of the source of the sug-
gestion; e.g. AugwartigesAint, Reichsjiigendfuhrung, Propa^andarfiinisterium,
Aussenpolitisches 'Amt, etc.
Folder 2. Files of the Kreisobmann der Deutschen Arbeitsfront of the
Kreiswaltung Freiburg, 1941-1944. The folder contains correspondence illus-
trating trie \vork of the DAF at the local level, material on the Party's
participation in defence measures, airraid precautions, the Volkssturm,
German and foreign labor, relations with other Party agencies and with
military agencies, Kreiapropagandale.itung directives, and Kreisleitung
directives, A &rcup of issues cf the N&DAP Reichsverfiigungsb.latt, already
filmed from other folders, has been omitted.
Folder 4 A document issued by the DAF , Amt Kriegsnarine, Abt. Soziale
Ge^taltung, " iV cc-ienvL nterrlchtui^ fur die Zeit voti 1. O ktober bis 15. Gkto-
ber 1944 uber Arbeuts- unu ^ozialrec t," 19 Get, 1944.
Folder 5. A file of the DAF ,\rej.swaiti;ng Regensburg dealing mainly with
the L esserschmidt factor/ in lie^ensb'urg, but r^lso seme cf er plants in the
area, 1939-1944 Included are coy ies of the Bekarmtmacriungen of the Betriebs-
fiihrer and the correspondence of the Betriebsfiihrer witii t;..e Kreiswaltung.
The . aterial illustrates t'-.e work of tl.e DAF at tlie plant level. Also in-
cluded is the Kreiswaltung correspondence witi:- the Gauwaltung arid some
othor offices. Some duplicates or.itted. Similar material in Folder 22 has
not been filraed.
F older 6. F older of correspondence of the DAF Kreiswaltung Regensburg
with i i - Q KbDAI Areisleitung Regensburg, 1938-1939.
F older 7, Folder of periodic activity and morale reports of the Kreis-
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 28
67 Deutsche Arbeitsfront, MP 250-b-l8/
Gau Bayerische ustmark, 10-14
Kreiswaltung Regensburg
68 Deutsche Arbeitsfront, MP 250-D-18/15, FS
Kreiswaltung Regensburs
16, 19, 20
92 69 Deutsche Arbeitsfront,
Gau Baysrische Ostmark,
Kreiswaltung Regensburg
SAP 250-b-18/25, FS
29, 30
waltung Regensburg for IS38-1941. These reports give a rather comprehensive
picture cf DAF activity in an area vdth about 150,000 inhabitants,
FT 75926 Folder 9. Folder of Rundschreiben issued by the DAF Gauwaltung Bayerische
O stmark, Abt. Prasse und i-'r operand a, 1939-1941, sent to the Kreiswaltung
Regensburg. Includes a few Eundschreiben of other sections of the GauYi/altung,
F rames: 75950-75959 are the index for the r&DAP Reichsverfugimgsblatt Aus-
gabe G for 1940.
FT 76230 Folder 10. Correspondence of the Kreiswaltung Regensburg with the Ehren-
und JDisziplirargericivt der Deutschen Arheitsfront, Gau Bayerische O stmark,
1938-1939, illustrating t.< e kinds of cases which came before the Gericht and
the decisions handed doy;n.
FT 76364 Folder 11. Kreiswaltung Regensburg material on wage agreements and sched-
ules, 1931-1938. Some duplicates and. official publications omitted.
FS 76550 Folder 12. O nly material on the absenteeism problems of the Richard
Sehulz Tiefbauunternehnrung, 1941-1942, has been .filmed. Miscellaneous minor
administrative matters ondtted.
FT' 76564 Relations between ^reiswaltung Regensburg of the DAF and the Bayerische
L loyd Schiffahrts-Aktien-Gesellsehaft, 1933-1943. Interesting for DAF re-
lations with a specific company (cf. Serial: 89) and the problems of the
Danube shipping companies. See F rames: 77017-77029 on Kraft durch Freude
at the plant. Sor^e duplicates omitted. Folder 13.
FS 77096 F older 14. Items of general interest on the activities of the DAF ,
1937-1938, selected from a folder containing primarily routine administrative
materials such as receipts,
77162 F older 15. O nly some documents on the JklektromeisterpruTung 1937/1938
have been filmed. Tae rest of the material is of purely local interest.
77180 Folder 16. The financial report and balance statement of the Kreis-
waltung Regensburg for 1939*
77547 Folder 19. Directives of the Deutsche Arbeitsfront Gauwaltung Bayerische
O stmark, 1941-1945, primarily on administrative and financial matters, but
also some on propaganda. Some duplicates omitted.
77769 F older 20. Correspondence of the DAF Ij?eiswaltung Regensburg with the
local offices of the iiSDAF and. its affiliates such as the 16-Volkswohlfaiirt
and the SA. Included is information on the employment of prisoners of vrar,
O starbeit^r, absenteeism, manpower problems, and general directives of the
78232 Folder 25. A folder of material on the local situation in the metal
industry. O nly a few items of general interest, 1937-1938, have been filmed.
These include iaaterial on the activities of the Abt. Eisen und iuetall of the
Kreisweltung, general directives on labor conditions, rules for sneoisl sub-
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 29
ventions for workers who are married and have children,
nd safety rules and
93 69 Deutsche Arbeitsfront, MP 252-a/2 FS
Gau Bayerische O stmark,
Kreiswaltung Regensburg
94 69 Deutsche Arbeitsfront, MP 252-a/3, 9 FT
Gauwaltung Baden?;
Deutsche Arbeitsfront,
Kreiswaltung Freiburg
i. B.
95 69 Deutsche Arbeitsfront, EAP 252-a-01/l, FS
Gauwaltung Koblenz-
der Stadtv^rv/altung
Miscellaneous offices
4, 7, 10, 11
C ontinued
FS 78292 Folder 29. F rom a folder cf notices and forwarding letters without en-
closures, only two issues of aogjale be 1 bstverantwortung, Jan. - *tpr, 1939,
have been filmed. This was a nur fur den I)ienstgebranch periodical of the
Deutsche Arbeitsfront, Ant boziale Selbstverantwcrtung.
FS 78319 F older 30. F rom a folder of miner orjeanizatioual iraterials, the follovdng
items of some general interest nave 'been selected: Material on the Berufs-
wettkampf, 1939; reports of t..;e ortswaitungen within Kreis Regensburg, 1939;
relations of the DAF and the Reichsnahrstand with the Thurn und Taxis'sche
F orstamt and its employees, 1937; A Stellenplan of the Kreiswaltung Regens-
burg; a document on a difference between ocioacht and the party in 1937; some
material, only for internal use, on discipline and leadership of the workers.
78449 F older 2. From a big folder en the local activities of the Deutsche tfoh-
nungshiifswerk sowe general directives and a small sample of the material
on individual Behelfsheimbaue has been filmed. Folders 1, and 4-8, not
filled, contain similar material.
78511 Folder 3. hb'here SS- und Jbolizeifuhrer Sudwest order on the evacuation
of foreign worker, 7 l\lcv. 1944? geheime .Reichssache. A duplicate omitted.
78516 Folder 9. Activity and lucrt.le reports of the Kreiswaltung Freiburg of
the DAF for the period July 1940 - July 1944 The reports also cover
adjacent Krexse, such as Emmendingen.
78783 Folder 1. A ccllecti n of miscellaneous DAF documents from various lo-
calities. O nly a dues ^checiule cf Gauwaltung Koblenz-Trier, 1 Sept. 1938,
has been filmed.
FS 78786 F older 4. A sample from ths files of the Betriebszellenobinann Aachen,
1943. Also an NoDAP, Gau Kb'ln-j*achen, Amt fur Volkstumsfragen directive of
1944 on attitudes toward foreign workers and prisoners, RU T fur den Dienstge-
FT 78817 Folder 7. Several grour.s of documents. The first may be from the DAF
Kreiswaltung Zabern '-rd desls with efforts to raise production in 1944. The
second, beginning Fr-c^ne: 78847> ccntalns various materials cf the DAF
liaison office with the DAF in the AU S lands organisation, L sndesgru] pe
Frankreioh, 1943. The third, beginning F rame: 7S&-67, is a Strong V ertrau-
liche study of the iirbeitsv/issensC'iaftliche Institut der Deutschen Arbeits-
front, " Die lohnpolitische L age," O ctober 1939.
FT 78907 Report of the roayor of i..;bvarn, L orraine, on the situation in January
1942. Folder 10.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 30
96 69 Miscellaneous
FS 78922
P 252-a-01/12, FS 78949
14, 15, 16
FS 78968
97 69 Deutsche Arbeitsfront,
Kreiswaltung Zabern;
DAF, Kreiswaltung iiir-
furt-We is s ense e;
DAF, Amt Kriegsmarine;
DAF, Aiiit L uftwaffe,
Belgien JNordfrank-
kiscellaneous offices
FT 79232
MP 252-a-01/24, FS 79245
27, 29, 33, 35
FT 79255
FT 79274
FT 79330
FT 79359
Folder 11. iioaie local Essen material omitted. Filmed from the files of
Gauleiter L ohse of C-au ocnle swig-Hoi stein is a file on basic organizational
questions of t^e rferkscharsn and other activities of the Deutsche Arbeits-
front, 1938.
Folder 12. O ut of a varletv of stray items cf various offices, two pieces
have been filled. L ay 1942 regulations of the Reichsarbeitsministerium zur
U berwacnung cler betrieolichen Arbeitsbedingungen. Also the last issue pub-
lished (Folge 7-8, 1944) of Arbeit und Wirtiehaft, nur fur den Dienstgebrauch
Schuluiigs mate rial fiir die Deutsche Arbeit^ fruit.
Folder 14. F older of t> ie j-3bDAF , .litler Jugeixi, 3ann Bonn (16C). Items
concerning the employment of ti*.e uitler yovth in the v/ar effort, competitive
ideological examinations, and the DAF Jugendwohnheiuie, 1943-1944, iiave been
filmed witn duplicates .-< nd purely local .ratters o itted. Included in the
film are tue i ay-Juna 1943 isaue and the 1S44 issues of Schaffende Jugend,
a nur fur den inneren Dienstgebraucn *, itteilungsdienst of the j" U ganda art, der
Deutsciien Arbeitsfront and tne boziale Amt der Reichsjugendfiilirung (raostly
from the files of tne DA?, Anrt Heer, ^siirkreisobmann VII).
Folder 15. Folder of the Deutsche Arbeitsfront, Kreiswaltung Zabern.
From a folder of material on reimarbeit, a section giving the general di-
rectives of the DAF on this subject and some documents snowing local imple-
mentation have been filmed.
Folder 16. The first 12 pages of a circular of the Reichsleiter der
Deutschen Arbeitsfrout (L ey) of January, 1944, discussing the main problems
of German labor and industry at tne time and giving his views on these mat-
Folder 24. F rom a mass of miscellaneous local items of the Kreiswaltung
Zabern, only the monthly report for O ctober 1942 has been filmed.
Folder 27. Folder, probably from the files of the Kreisfachschafts-
walter (Fachgruppe kiinstler) in the Kreisvaltung Erfurt-Weisseasee of the
Deutscne Arbeitsfront, Gau Thuringen, on the btadtischen Buhnen Erfurth,
1938, showing efforts of the DAF to control the municipal theatre of Erfurt.
Folder 29. A folder from an office of the DAF in the Belgien Wordfrank-
reich area illustrating the work of the DAF, Amt L uftwaffe, 1940-1942. See
Frames: 79315-79329 for basic directives on the operations cf the DAF in
the L uftwaffe. Some duplicates ondtted.
Folder 33. A folder from an office in F rance under the jurisdiction of
the DAF, Amt lirie^smarine, Frauenwalterin, filmed to illustrate the acti-
vities of the latter, 1942-1943.
Folder 35. A study, "Die Deutsche Arbeitsfront im 5. ixriegsjahr?" pre-
pared in Jtipril 1944 by an-Allied agency. It is based on, and cites, pub-
Serial Roll Provenance Item F ilmed 1st frame Notes 31
98 70 KS- Reichskriegerbund,
Kre iskriegerf \ihrer
70 Deutsche Arbeitsfront,
Kreiswaltung Regens-
70 See Notes
EAP 252-a-01/36, FT
EAP 252-a-01/42, FT
EAP 252-a-10/l, FT
5, 9, 10
101 71 Deutsche Arbeitsfront, EAP 252-a-10/15, FT
Amt L uftwaffe, Bereichs- 16, 17, 19
dienststelle Fritzlar,
Bereichsfrauenwalterin; FS
Miscellaneous DAF offices
lished sources and documents of the DAF captured in Italy and is a useful
introductory analysis of the DAF. Also in the same folder are some DAF
dues schedules from Gau Baden.
Folder 36. Two folders of which one, and perhaps both, are from the
files of the Kreiskriegerfuhrer Xb'In. Papers from the period 1936-1942
illustrating the activities of the organization. Some duplicates omitted.
F older 37. fcater\al on tne r&-Reichsi'riegerbund, Kreis Kb'lri, 1943. O ut
of a mass of minor details, these documents illustrative of the general
activities of the icriegerbund and -pertaining to its dissolution in 1943
have been filmed. Interesting is ti:e transfer of the Kriegerbund into the
ItSDAP as shown by these documents.
Folder 42. A folder from the D A ' S ? Kreiswaltung Regensburg containing
reports on the westings of Arbeitsausschusse in various kinds of trades and
industries, 1937-1938. F ilmed to illustrate this type of activity.
F older 44. A fcitier of correspondence of the ^.reiswaltung Regensburg,
1937-1939, illustrating the vide range of activities of the DAF.
Folder 1. Deutsctie Arbeitsfront, k-entralbiiro, Der &ob.-3eauitragte,
" Geheim, iintwurf liber O rganisation und Aufgaben der nachgeordneten Dienst-
steilen der D.A.F. im i\riege.
No date.
Folder 5. A folder of a Deutsche Arbeitsfront or i&BAp office in the
Cologne area containing directives on measures to be taken in connection
with the war effort, issued b y the DA? Kreiswaltung Koln, 1939.
Folder 9. A folder of the D/iF -reiswaltung Geldern (Gau Essen) contain-
ing basic directives and local material on Heimarbeit to support the war
effort, 1944.
Folder 10. F rom a folder of the DAF Kreiswaltung Zabern a group of 1941
documents illustrating the screening procedure for Alsations to be employed
by the German administration have been filmed.' L -iore similar material in
the folder omitted. Folder 11, not filmed, contains similar material.
Folder 15. A folder of the Bereichsfrauenv/aiterin of the DAF , Amt
L uftwaffe, in Fritzlar and Kassel-Roth\vesten, 1939-1944. Gives a good
picture of the activities of the section. Some duplicates omitted.
Folder 16. F rom a folder of the DAF , Kreis konschau, Setriebsgemein-
schaft Bahnmeisterei iuonscnau, some documents of general interest on Ar-
beitsvertragsbruche and some documents, 1943, illustrating the activity of
the unit have been filled.
Folder 17. A folder probably from the files of the DAF, Amt L uftwaffe,
Hauptbetriebszelle Generalstab, containing infGrmation on the organisation
of the DAF , Aii/b L uftwaffe.
Folder 19. Bericht der Gauvjaltung der DAF. Koblenz-Trier, Sczialabtei-
Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 32
71 NS.-Reichskriegerbund, MF 252-a-10/22 FT 1108
Kriegerfiihrer Hanse-
stadt Koln
71 Deutsche Arbeitsfront, SAP 252-a-10/24, FS 81746
-72 Auslandsorganisation, 25, 26
L andesgruppe Frankreich, FT 81823
Geschaftsstelle Paris;
l&DAP, Kreisleitung
Strassburg; FS 82104
M3DAP, Deutsche Arbeits-
front, Gauwaltung Baden
72 Deutsche Arbeitsfront, EAP 252~a-10/28 FT 82213
Anit Heer, lieeresbeklei- iiAP 252-a-12/l,
dungsamt Munehen; 2
FS 82241
N3DAF, V erbindungs-
fleauftragte des Gaiies
iiestfalen-Siid iin Gau
Baden; Fi> 82246
Deutsche Arbeitsfront,
Kraft durch Freude,
Kreisdienststelle Duren
72 Deutsche Arbeitsfront, EAP 252-a-12/3, FS 82295
Kraft durch Freude, 9, 11, 12
Kreisdienststelle Duren;
FS 82350
Deutsche Arbeitsfront,
O rtsgruppe Paris; FS 82467
Continued $SDAP, Gauschulungsamt Baden
lung, " Die wirtscnaftliche und soziale L age des Gaues Koblenz-Trier und die
vorhandenen Arbeitsbeschaffiingsmoglichkeiten,
1 March 1936.
Folder 22, Folder of directives of the Kriegerfiihrer Hansestadt Koln,
1935-1938. These directives, many of which repeat the directives and announce-
ments of higher offices of the Reichskriegerbund, give a good idea of the
evolution of this organisation and its internal cnanges during these years.
Folder 24. F rom a folder of routine correspondence of the DAF office in
Paris, 1937-1939, portion has been filmed as a sample.
Folder 25. Correspondence of the i&DAP Kreisleitung Strassburg with the
DAF Kreiswsltung Strassburg, 1942-1944. The correspondence is mainly inter-
esting for the periodic activity reports of the ^reiswaltung. A stray pub-
lication omitted.
Folder 26. Correspondence of the Abteilung Schulung in the DAF Gauwal-
tung Baden, 1941-1943, O nly items of ruore tiian general interest have been
filmed. These illustrate the activity of the office, particularly in regard
to the werkscharen, and t - \ e introduction of uk? procednres in Alsace. See
Frames: 52175-62180 for t;\e eeriuon of the Bishop of L Minster on 20 July 1941
denouncing the seizure of buildings of religious orders by the Gestapo.
F older 28. F older probably of the DAF , Arat Hear, Heeresbekleidungsanit
L iiinchen containing :aiformation on ti-e structure of the Amt Heer, 1941 Some
duplicates omitted.
F older 1. F rom a foldei on the entertainment of evacuees, a statistical
table of German evacuees in Gau Baden-^lsass, 25 April 1944 and trie i^ay 1944
report on Kulturelle Betreuung of t-e evacuees in Kreis iviiillheim have been
filmed (the latter as a sample cf several such reports).
Folder 2. Parts of a folder of the iireisdienststelle Duren of Kraft durch
Freude, 1938-1941* filmed to illustrate KdP activity. See also Serial 105.
F older 3. Kraft durch Freude Kreisdienststelle Duren folder of material,
1938-1941. Iteras illustrative of KdF activity filmed. See also Serial 104.
Folder 4, not filmed, contains similar luaterial.
Folder 9. ^elections fror
a folder of the DAF Auslandsorganisation O rts-
gruppe Paris, 1933-1937, illustrating its activities, problems, finances, and
Folder 11. F rom a folder of minor matters of the Gauschulungsamt Baden,
a few items of general interest, L iairily relating to publications, have been
filmed., 1937-1940. .See F rar-.esi-. 82468-82469 for the official list of func-
Serial Roll provenance Item Filmed
72 Deutsche Arbeitsfront, SAP 252-a-12/
Kreisvjaitung Eegensburg; 16, 17
72 NbDAP, Gau Baden, Amt
fur V olksgesundheib
72 rB-Kriegsopferversor-
-73 gung, Bezirk Trier,
O rtsgruppe Perl;
Reichstreubund ehemali-
ger Borufssoldaten,
Bezirksveiband uinater,
Standort Ha Item..
109 73 NbDAP, i^-X riegsopfer-
versorgung, Gau Baden,
NSDAP, Kb-Kriegsopfer-
versorgung, Gauleitung
110 73 iC-Kriegsopferversor-
-74 gung, Gau ivAinchea-
O berbayern (?)
EAP 252-i/ 1
.two IJSE-card
files -
SAP 252-f-01/
MP 252-a-01/
5, 8, 10, 11
P 252-f-10/
2, 3
FS 82653
tions of ^he bchulungsamt der Deutschen Arbeitsfront, 1940.
F older 12, A folder from the files of the Gauschulungsaint Beden.
Correspondence with various offices of the Deutsche Arbeitsfront, 1937-
1943, particularly the Deutsche Volksbildungswerk. F rom this folder
material illustrating the activities of the Gausehulungsarnt and the D&F
in the field of indoctrination has been filmed. Some of the documents
illustrate conflicts with other efforts in the same field, fccst of the
unfiliued documentation concerns the scheduling of talks by the Gauschur
lungsleiter (Hartlieb).
Folder 16. F older of DAF Kreiswaltung Regensburg, containing corres-
pondence with Kraft durch F reude, 1944 A sample of this material has
been filmed.
Folder 17. The DAF , Kraft durch F reude list, "Die KdF.-Truppen-
betreuung, 'ubersicht September 1941 "
Folder 1. Folder of the Cau Baden Amt fur V olksgesundheit containing
periodic activity reports of tJie subordinote territorial divisions and
the locals of the ito.-Arztebund, 1941 and 1944-1 i^JSi).-Arztebund card file
of members in Gau Baden, nine boxes, has not been filmed.
F older 2. Correspondence, 1936-193<-', of the O rtsgruppe F erl of the
IvS-IiriegsopferversorfiTuig, primarily with Bezirk Trier, about publicity for
the r&^uV and some of the rib KG cctivities.
Folder 3. A folder of btendort ntni> ..ern of the Bezirksverband iJinster
of the ReichstreubnrKi ehemaliger Jerufssoldaten, 1936-1944? containing
circulars of t ie j.eichstre-ibund.
Folder 4. Correspondence of tne ^tandort iialtern of the iieichstreubuiid
from its founding- in 1936 to 1944.
Folder 5. F older of outgoinr circulars of the Kreisdienststelle viieis-
senburs; of the i^-.Crie^sopferversorgmig, 1941-1944. See also folder 11.
F older 8. A folder of tiie i-B-1 riegsopferversorgung Koln on the trans-
fer of payments to v; tarans outside of Germany, 1937 (refers prir.iarily to
L uxemburg). A duplicate omittsd.
F older 10. Items of the Nb-Krisgsopferversorgung of which the most
interesting one is on the taking over of the Reichskriegerbund by the
NbDAP in 1943 (see also Serial: 96).
Folder 11. Miscellaneous material on the NS-Kriegsopferversorgung,
mainly from the files of the Kreisdienetstelle Weissenburg (like folder 5).
F older 2 and 3. A series of strength reports from the locals of the
i\b-Kriegscpfervorsorgung in O berbayern, 1944-1945, probably from the files
of the NbDAP Gau iwiinchen-O berbayern. The file dividers have not been
aerial Roll Prevenance Item Filmed 1st frame 34
Ill 74 ifo-Kriegsopferver-
s orgung
74 &uslandsap;it der Dozen- ;^P 252d/ 1
tenscliaft der dsutschen itAP 25- c- j / 1,
Iniversitaten und . 2, 3
i\iSDAP, Gau Baden, Gau-
MS. -Lehrer fraud, Amt
fur Eraieher, Kreiswal-
tung Duisburg
74 NbDAp, Hauptsmt fiir
Erzieher, KS.-Lehrer-
l&.-Lehrerbuad, itreis-
waltung Ingolstadt
74 itoDAP, Gau Baden,
-75 Beauftragte fur
rlbuA?, Gau Archiv
NbDAP, K&uptamt fur
75 gSDA?
f iihrungj
EAP 252-j/ 5,
252-h/ 1,
3, 5
NSIXaP, ICreisleitung
FT 85543
FT 86201
FT 8622i
252-b/ 1, FT 86252
Folder 3. \ aterial, mostly from the WQiscenburg office of the Mi.-Kriegsopfer-
versorgung, 1942-1944. viote: Folders 252-f-10-L4/ 4-14 contain form reports on
individual oases handled by the i\b-Xriegsopferversorgun in Gau Iv61n-Aachen and have
not been filmed.
Folder 25^-d/l. Folder of correspondence of the Auslandsamt der Dozentenschaft,
1944-1945, for the most part concerning educators of foreign nationality.
Folder 252-j/i, 1939 issues of the i-Iachrichtenblatt of the Gauwaltung Baden of
the iJb.-Lehrerbund from the Baden Gau-Jirchiv.
Folder 252-j/2. Probably from the files of the i^.-Lehrerbund, Amt fiir i-irzieher,
Kreiswaltung Duisburg* monthly reports for August, Septemoer, and November 1942 of
the Kreisabschnitt Dnisburg-btid of the Mb.-Lehrerbund. These reports are of consid-
erable interest, not only for the activities of the IfoLB, but for the morale of the
civilian poptLULion and the general conditions in Duisburg in the months covered*
Folder 252-j /3. Liseellaneons NS.-Lehrerbund material.
Folder 5 I.-aterial from the files, of the Mobilisationsbeauftragte of the Hauptamt
fiir Erzieher. oome docuraents dealing specifically with the functions of this office
in case of war, and some general directives on Party mobilizations, and an order
prohibiting spying c:n the .vehrmacht, 19^7-^939* have been filmed.
B'older 6. A folder of the iJb.-Lc brer bund ^reis^altung Ingolstadt, 1936-1940.
Addresses and correspondence vJith iren .serving in the army have been omitted. The
material filmed ^;ives some idaE of local XL3 activity. It also contains some
particularly crass ideolo>pc: . 1 fornrulations.
Folder 1. A folder frori the files of the Beauftragte fur Bearitanfraren in Gau
Baden, dealing primarily with the dissolution ox the iieichsbund der Deutochen Beam-
ten in 194> as a total war measure, inou.^-i much of the material is routine, it does
shed some light on the l-teiehsbund.
Folder 3. Gau-^rchiv Jauen folder ot circulars of the Amt fur Beamte, 1939-1940,
mostly iieiTf'.& tforiefe for drafted members.
-'older 5. i. pait of a folder of administrative correspondence from the files of
the Hsuptamt fiir Beamte, 1942. Filmed since it seems to be all that survives of the
files of this iiauptarat.
Folder 1. Reiehsfrauenfnhrung, Hauptabteilung Organisation/Personal,
N S. -
Frauenschaft und L/eutsches Frauenwerk, ^tttistischer Bericht, Jahresbericht 1938."
A cietailed statistical report ou the activities of the i^B.-Fraue rise haft, marked
'Si/eiterg&be und Veroffentlichun^ ist nicht gestattetl" The report also contains,
as an appendix, a general report on the iB.-Frauenschaft end the Frauenamt of the
Deutsche Arbeitsfront prepared for Hitler's birthday 1939, status as of 1 ^arch 1939.
Serial Roll Provenance Filmed 1st frame Notes 35
terin Kochem
116 75 Re ichs s tiadent enf uhrung
and other offices
117 75
L angemarck-Studium der
Re ichs studentenfuhrung,
L ehrgang Heidelberg5
FT 86320 Folder 2. File of the Kreisfrauenschaftsleiterln Kochem (Trier area)
1942-1943, containing miscellaneous documentation illustrating the activity
of the Frauenschaft.
FT 86359 F older 3. File of th-3 i&DAP Kreisleiter Strassburg containing the
periodic activity report of tha Kreisfrauenschaft Strassburg for 1941-
1943 and some correspondence of the Kreisleitung with the Frauenschaft,
FT 86489 F older 4. L iscellaneous stray items from various offices concerning
the ! > .-Frauenschaft, 1937-1945.
252-c/ FT 86523 F older 1. A highly interesting fi.le, probably from a subordinate
1 - 3 office cf the Reichsfctudantunfiihrung or i-i^D otucientonbund in Cologne
containing notes or., ^nd tex.,b oC lectures, most of them delivered at a
oonderkursus fur clsn ..j.b.jj. ot. .u. at tn.3 Rsichsschule Bernau, 10-30
July 1935. Included are to Iks by L ey, jerichsweiier (Reichsstudenten-
bundsftL orer), Streicher, and c , O PS. hose present v/ere strictly vnarned
not tc lot anything o.iid _;;et cn^ L O xhe public. The talks give a very
clesr and explicit freseirlfctior; of the struggle against Christianity as
one-of the main, if not t-ie mi. in, objective of the party. (As one of the
- speakers put it: ^ntweder' r.)an ist ^t-.tionalsozialist oder man ist
konfessioneller Christ." ^rame; 86533). Ihe author of the notes sometimes
inserts comments, thus he found some cf Streicher's statements medically
unsound. The talks strata the racial question very heavily, here too
giving & very c l e ar view of the Party's aims, e.g. Streicher:
ii.s geniigt
nicht, \venn wir d e n Juclen aus Deuv.schland verbannen, nein^er imisste auf
der ganzen welt tot^esciila^-ea werden . . ." F rame: S6599. Racial theories
are discussed. Also included, are tox\/s of other talks delivered in 1935
and a discussion of the ;.:eichsnahrstand of late 19^4. borne of the talks
contain reports on & conference with hitler on 16 July 1935 concerning
the " Korporationsfrsge." ^ee also Aerials; 118 and 119.
FT 86660 F older 2. L ost of this folder is from the files of the head of the
^o-bauptamt (Heiss'ioeyer) and contains the negotiations between the 5S and
Reichsstudeatenfuhrung concerning a working agreement between the bS and
the i,U) ^tudentenbund, 1936-1937. Also a letter from the Reichsstuden-
teni'iihrer to Gauleiter Wagner, 6 iviay 1944*
FS 86716 F older 3. L iscellaneous Reichsstudentenf uhrung items mostly 1944> and
a report on Karl Hclrammer of the Reichssender Koln, 1 Nov. 1935. Some
excerpts from .^ein Kajrgf omitted.
252-c/ 6, FS 86740 Folder 6. Frorr a grouj: of nine folders en individuals who applied for
41* 42 entrance to the L dngernurck-^tudium der Keichsstudentenf uhrung, three have
been filmed as a sample, 1941-1944. Note: Folders 252-c/7~40,..not filmed,
Serial Roll Provenance
iviiltenberger Ring
Item Filmed 1st frame
FT 86849
118 76 Miltenberger Ring 252-c/
119 76 Miltenberger Ring
P 252-c/ 47,
48, 49, 51
120 77 Miltenberger Ring;
Gemeinschaft Studen-
MP 252-c/ 52-
F b
FS 87519
contain additional folders from the same file.
Folder 41* Correspondence file of the Sonderbeauftragte des FUhrers des Mil-
tenberger Riuges, 1934-1935, The Fiihrer of the Ring was Staatssekret'ar L armiers
whose initials appear on many of the documents. The Ring was an association of
student organizations (somewnat like fraternities) and taeir alumni. The folder
a} so contains a group of Sti-.iandblatter fur den vsreltanschaulichen Unterricht pub-
lished by the bo-hauptarat.
F older 42, L aterial from & similar folder as 41 Duplicates and routine corre-
spondence omitted.
Folder 43. Circulars of the i-iltenberger Ring, 19345 some on relations with
Party or^anizatdons, Duplicet^s omitted.
F older 44. L ike folder 43.
Folder 45. Circulars of t,> e i. iitenberger Ring, 1935, including several ver-
trauliche on its internal difficulties and conflicts with the Burschenschaftliche
jirbeitskeiieinsohaft. Duplicates oiiiitted.
Folder 46. Record of the vroceeclings relating to the dissolution of the Milten-
berger Ring, 19 O ctober 1935, on the basis of previous discussions with Hitler and
the iJS-btudantenbund. Discussion about dissemination of the record and especially
the report of L amraers contained i.u the Protocol.. O ther, purely routine material^
have been omitted,
Folder 47. Four files of t ,e ikiltenherger Ring, 1935, dealing primarily with its
last troubles and dissolution and the dissolution of the Korporationen themselves.
Two files of routine material not filmed.
F older 48, Correspondence grid other material on the periodical of the Mlten-
berger King, 1934-1935. O nly items of general interest have been filmed. Included
are issues of tiie L sutsche btudentenschaft Pressedienst.
F older 49. Administrative correspondence of the ivdltenberger Ring, 1933-1935,
O nly items referring to the impending dissolution of the Ring and to the purging of
Jews and ivasons from the Ring have been filmed.
F older 51. Administrative correspondence of the Miltenberger Ring, 1934. O nly
a group of documents relating to ..nternal troubles over the Jewish question has
been filmed, L ammers attitude in this regard is quite interesting,
F older 52. F rom administrative correspondence of the .Iitenberger Ring, 1933-
1935, material r-,latin
GO U ie purging of the Ring of Jews, i- as ens, and Pacifists
have been filmed,
F older 53. bimiru.r to fcL .er 52, tone ether raateriai of political interest also
F older 54. F older of the O erQinschaft otudentischer VerU'nde, 1935, from which
pic terial on tne L leicnscaaitung of various associations iato the Gemeinschaft have
Serial Roll jrrovenance Filmed 1st frame itotes 37
121 77 Gemeinschaft studenti-
scher V erbande, Gemein-
schaftsleiter Koln
252-c/ 55, FT
56, 57, 59, 60
122 77 Miltenberger Ring
MP 252-c/ 61,
62, 63, 64
123 76 Miltenberger fting 25^-c/ 65- FS
Continued... ., ,..-
been filmed. Routine administrative correspondence omitted.
89066 Folder 55. Reports from the Cologne area on the activity of con-
stituent members of the Gemeinschaft studentischer Verba'nde, 1935. Some
duplicates omitted.
89122 Folder 56. F rom a folder of miscellaneous materials of the Gemein-
schaft studentischer V ertande, documents relating to the building up of
the Gemeinschaft, 1935, have been filmed.
89135 Folder 57. F rom a folder of the Gemeinschaft, material relating to
the iifimeradschaftshausfrage, 1935, has been filmed.
89144. F older 59. Correspondence of the Cologne office of the Gemeinschaft
with the headquarters in Berlin in 1935. Material deals with political
problems of the Gemeinsehaft.
89261 Folder 60. Correspondence of the Cologne office of the Gemeinschaft
from which items of general interest, 1935, have been selected,
89274 Folder 61. Handwritten draft by L ammers of his speech at the 1934
convention of the toiltenber^er King, Quite interesting for L ammers
view of the :,azi otate. The convention was held on 23 - 25 Itay 1934.
89346 F older 62. ?ron: a folder c financial records, bills, and receipts,
1934-1935, a few items of general interest have been filmed.
89398 F older 63. F rom a folder of correspondence ind other material on the
ivdltenberger Ring Zeitung, documents related to the political difficulties
and problems attendant on the uleicnschsltung of the V erbande have been
FS 89750 Folder 64.
iMs folder co.itaias several publications and correspondence
on the " ochlaraffia." O f t;ie former, only one item: Corpsstudentische
^cliriftenreihe, xJeue F oi^e -, Iv35, ^eue iiochschule, Vorschla'fee fur eine
totale Hochschulreform, has been filmed. The latter has been filmed
entirely, duplicates omitted.
89798 F older o5. F rom correspondence of the Ring, 1934-1935, items relating
to the purge and otner political natters have been filmed.
F L > 89841 Folder 66. F rom a folder of correspondence on the kiltenberger Ring
Zeitung, the last issue of the Zeivung has been filmed. It contains
the dissolution decrees and a collection of reports on the dissolution
from the German press, indie-sting the attacks by the Nazi Party on the
Ring, 1935,
FS 89871 Folder 67. Folder of material on the Rundschreiben of the Ring, 1933-
1935. Since most of these have already been filmed, primarily such
material as relates to the drafting of the Rundschreiben has been selected
from this folder.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes
78 Gemeinschaft studenti-
scher V erbande
SAP 252-c/ 70,
71, 79, 9,
81, 82
125 79 Mltenberger Ring and
-60 Gemeinschaft studen-
tischer V erbande
,^p 25^~c/ 86,
87, c \
90, 91
FS 90518
126 81 Gemeinschaft studen-
FS 92041
FT 92049
252-c/ 92, FS 92222
Folder 68. Folder of correspondence of the Ivdltenberger Ring, 1933-1934, dealing
with the political problems of the Ring and related organizations in the first years
of the iiazi regime*
Folder 70. Correspondence of the . i&mich office of the Gemeinsch^ft with Berlin
headquarters, 1935, on various political problems in the relations with other organ-
izations, particularly offices of x-he ifezi Party.
Folder 71. From a folder of circulars of the Gemeinschaft, 1935, some not pre-
viously filmed (and perhaps a fev/ duplicates) have been filmed,
Folder 79. katerial .from the i . waster section of the Gemeinschaft, 1935, omitting
material already filmed. F older 73, not, filmed, hat. similar material from uunich.
Folder 78, not filmed, .Mas similar material from Frankfurt.
Folder 80. Correspondence file o'~ the Berlin headquarters of the Gemeinschaft,
1935, i aterial of general .-nterest has been filmed, oi;ii 'ing routine correspondence,
duplicates, and a large number cf receipts. Interesting is a dispute with the
Sturmer in which the oturmer wa& forced to publish a retraction and then put the
retraction into only a few especially printed copies of the edition in which it was
to appear (see; 90604 - $0606).
Folder 81. F rom the file of tue aanuover office of the Gemeinschaft, 1935,
material not duplicated elsewhere has been filmed.
Folder 82, Irotocols of meetings of the ^rbeitskreis der Gemeinschaft studen-
tiscber V erbande, 1935, fro;. t,.e files of the Berlin office. V ery interesting ma-
terial on the political troubles cf the period.
Folder 86. A! ! but the racst routine material from a folder of 1935 correspondence
of the Gemeinschaft stuclentischer V erbande. ihe folder contains much of political
interest, including protocols of conferences and troubles with the Party, b ee
F rames: 91099 - 91108 for a register of the files of the L iltenberger Ring.
Folder 87. Correspondence of the Gemeinschaft student is cher Ver'cnde, 1935, with
various of its local offices. Contains much of political interest.
Folder 89. Correspondence of the L iltenberger Ring with the Albingia, Freiburg,
1933-1935. L uch material of political interest, particularly on the purge of the
Albingia. Scattered through the folder is material on one prospective purgee whose
great-grandfather was L artin Jiduard von Siinson, one of the most famous leaders in
the unification of Germany, borne printed items omitted.
Folder 90. F rom a folder of miscellaneous L iltenberger Ring material, only one
item, a copy of hitler's letter to Kindenburg of 5 April 1933 on the purging of Jews
from the government and the professions has been filmed.
Folder 91. "'older 0:? I ' ^ e L iltenberger Ring on the Deutsche vtaffenring, 1935.
Duplicates omitted.
Folder 92. Correspondence of the Gemeinschaft, 1935. All but purely routine
Serial Roll Provenance
-82 tischer Verba'nde;
Ivdltenberger Ring
93, 95, 96
127 82 kiltenberger Ring;
Gemeinschaft studen-
tischer Verba'nde
EAF 252-c/ 101, FT
103, 104, 106,
128 83 Gemeinschaft studen-
tischer V erbande;
MF 252-c/ 111, FS
112, 116, 117,
118, 119
Filmed 1st frame
Notes 39
FS 94177
and duplicate material filmed.
Folder 93. ^.11 but a few duplicates and routine items from a folder
of correspondence c ? the J iltenber.r-sr nirsg, 1933-1935, including much of
political iritercbt. ciee F rt-n-e^; 929&1 - 92992 for trouble within the Nazi
Party in texico, 19^4.
F older 95. L 'iltenberger idn
; correspondence with the Saxonia in
Thuringen, 1933-1935, inducing r.uca of h^gh political interest. A news-
paper omitted.
Folder 96. Gemeinsciiaft ^t/;c
entisc, er V erbande correspondence with
its local offices, 1935, filmed -xcept for & few duplicates and routine
items. F older 38, not filmed, conic, ins the files of the Gemeinschaft' s
local office ii> Braunscn^eig. The material is duplicated in folders al-
ready filmed. F older 9-, not filmed, contains the files of the Gemein-
s local office in Breslau. The material is largely duplicated in
folders already filmed. F older 99, not filmed, contains the files of the
Gemeinschaft's local officeb in Gottingen, Heidelberg, Niirnberg, and
Stuttgart, 1935. ihe n^teriti :.i .hese files is practically completely
duplicated in other folders already filmed. F older 100, not filmed,
contains the files of the Gemeinschaft' s local offices in ITrci'bu.yg' i. B,
F older 101. Correspondence of the Miltenberger Ring with the L una-
burgia in Gottingen, 193^-1935. Interesting for political problems and
the purge in the ivorporationen. F older 102, not filmed, contains records
of the Gemsinschaft
s locftl office in ...unster,
F older 103. irotccols of meetings of Verbandefuftrer in the Gemein-
schaft studentischor V erbande, 1935,
Folder 104. Journal of incoming mail of the Gemeinschaft studentischer
V erbande, 20 .-ay - 10 O ctober 1935. Folder 106, not filmed, contains
correspondence of the i .iltenberger Ring with the binapia, karlsruhe.
Folder 108. Internal office correspondence of the Gemeinschaft studen-
tischer V erbande, IS35, filmed except for some routine items. The ma-
terial is in part of consider*;bis political interest and is helpful in
following the Gesohdft^gang of the material in other folders of the same
organizations. F rames 94287 - 94290 concern an individual who attended
the L ehrgang at 3ernau referred to in aerial; 116,
Folder 109. F older of iiunoschreiben of the Gemeinschaft studentischer
Verbefncie, 1935. Those already filmed and duplicates omitted.
F older 111. F rom a folder of ni^callaneous items from the files of the
Gemeinschaft, those of general interest have been filmed. Because of the
nature of file, the documents to some extent unrelated and a few,
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame
iuiltenberger King
129 84 Gemeinschaft studen-
tischer V erbande
130 84 NSDAP, Beauftragte des
Fuhrers fur die L Tber-
wachung der gesaaten
geistigen und weltan-
schaulichen iich'iilung
und iirzieiiung der NbDAF
131 84 NisL -jit, Gau Baden, Amt
fur V olkswohlfahr*
252-e-O i/
i-ie 36
252-c / 120 FS
252-c/ 124, FT
125, 127
FS 95392
FT 95704
like the first one, difficult to identify.
F older 112. Correspondence of the iv.iltenberger Ring with the Rupertia, Karlsruhe,
1933-1935 on the purge. A duplicate omitted.
F older 116. Correspondence of the Gemeinschaft studentischer V erbande ?/ith its
local offices, 1935, containing a good deal of informstion on the struggle in the
universities between the Korporationen and the KbD-^tudentenbund and other Party
F older 1.17. TroK a group of files of the local offices of the Gemeinschaft stu-
dentischer V erbande in Rostock and. Darmstadt, 1935, items of interest have been
filmed. The rest of the material is either of routine character or has been filmed
from other folders.
F older 118. The files of the Giessen office of the Gemeinschaft studentischer
V erbande, contained in this folder, have not been filmed. A group of loose documents
from the Berlin headquarters of the Gemeinschaft has been filmed entirely.This group
is of greett importance as it includes a good part of the correspondence of the
Gemeinsohaft with -he .3$,eiaMsiei\,un{_. fler 2ibDAP in 1935.
Folder 119. F rom t,e files or -the L iltsnberger King. A stray item, " Grganisa-
tionsplan der Deutschen otu;" .eat9nsehaft,
F older 120. A few items from U *e nalle office of tiie Gemeinschaft studentischer
V erbande, 19^5, The rest is cituer routine or already filmed from other folqlers.
F older 124. Material fro?.- 1,.;.e files of Airt .dcsenschaft in the office of the
Beauftrc.gte on university policy, IS35-1937.
Folder 125. A strsy ito;; frci.: the Aanalei of the D.ienstsxelle Rosenberg, NbDAp,
Reichspropagancialeiter, " iviciitlinien fur die Durchf&irung der Propaganda der M^DAP,
23 bepteiiiber, 1939.
older 127. Material frcr; the files of Amt i'iiissenschaft on an Altertumswissen-
schaftliches Arbeitslager, and c;i a aistcrikerlager der Reichsdozentenfuhrung, 194^.
These n^tori&l^ are related uo ti.ose covered by aerials: 64-72.
This is a group of issues of the Nachrichtenblatt of the Nb.-Volkswohlfahrt in
Gsu Baden, starting; ^ith tlie first issue published in August, 1934> and continuing
in a broken series until O ctober, 19^5. The publication was for internal use by
itoV officials only> " Das .lachrichtenblatt ist nur fiir den Dienstgebrauch innerhalb
der NSV bettimmt und darf niciit an Nichtajntswalter abgegeben werden'
(page 2 of the
first issue).
No. 1 3 Aug 1934
2 10 Aug 1934
3 3 17 Aug 1934
4 4 24 Aug 1934
5 5 31 Aug 1934
6 6 7 Sep 1934
Folder 1
Serial Roll Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 41
132 84 NSDAP, Hauptamt fur
85 Volkswohlfahrt, Haupt-
stelle statistik;
NSDAP, Gau Baden, Amt
fur Voikswohlfahrt
P 252-e-01/
19, 27, 52, 57
133 85 NSDAP, Gau Baden, Amt
fur Volkswohlfahrt
MP 252-e-01/ FT
29, 31, 33, 34
Folder 7
No. 7/8 14/21 Sep 1934
9 28 Sep - 5 Get 1934
10 5/12 Got 1934
11 9 Ncv 1934
1 Jan 1935
2 F eb 1935
4 Apr IS 35
5 hay 1935.
b Jun 1935
7 oul l
> ;,ug IS 35
10 uct 1935
3 IS35
F older 19. iW, " statistik der i-lationalsozialistischen Volkswohlfahrt
und des idnterhilfsv/erkes,
V ol. II, No. 1, i -.arch 1937.
Folder 27. ivbV tittatistical bi-monthly reports, O ctober 1942 - July
1944 on inarenaufkoirmen und -V erwendung ; n i^mnendingen, from the files of
the Gau Baden V clkssohlicurt. ^ duplicate omitted,
F older 5^-. ite ports like -iJtose in F older 27 for Freiburg. A duplicate
omitted .
Folder 57. btatistioe.1 reports on the Gaul&ger Bruchsal of the i^> V
Gau Baden, August 1941 - iway 1944. These three have been selected as
samples of a group of such folders, not filmed. The other folders in this
series are:
22 Donaueschingenj 23 Buhl; 2U Altkirchj
26 Bruchsal; 30 Hagenauj 49 Strassburg;
51 iuannheiin; 53 V illingenj 55 Wa Ids hut 5
60 i'olfachj 61 ..-ertheimj 62 u/eissenburg;
67 Tann.
older 29. btatistioal activity reports of the Gau Baden
1943 - June 1944.
F older 31. Statistical reports, presumably issued by the WbL Al, Reich s-
leitung, naupteiftt fur Volkswohlfahrt, on MaV membership by Gau, February
1939 - December 1943. Coverage of the reports is national in scope.
Folder 33, Two organizational charts of the Gau and local offices of
the i\iSV, L ists of addressee omitted.
Folder 34.
L ists and statistics on the IbV in Gaii Baden and its terri-
torial sub-divisions, 1940-1941 (in spite of the fact tnat the cover says
25 Buchen;
50 Stockach;
58 Zabern;
64 U eberlingenj
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 42
134 85 NSDAP, Gau faoselland,
Kreisleitung Esch;
NSDAp, Gau Baden, Amt
fur Volkswohlfahrt;
NSDAP, Gau Kbln-Aachen,
O rtsgruppe Immendorf,
135 85 NSDAp, Gau Koln-Aachen,
Kreisamt fur Volkswohl-
fahrt Eupen-Vn O B er tal;
NSDAP, Gau Baden, Amt
fur Volkswohlfahrt
MP 252-e-Ql/
35, 37, 39, 41
JiAP 252-e-01/
42, 43, 44,
48, 54
136 85 NSDAP, Gau Baden, Amt
-66 fur Volkswohlfahrt5
L iscellaneous NSV and
DAF offices
EA? 252-e-O l/
63, 66, 66, 72
FS 96928 Folder 35. Statistics on NSV membership in Kreis risch, 1942-1943. Also, from
another file of unidentified origin, the regulations for NSV ivltgliederkarteien im
^Isass. Statistics duplicating those in Serial? 133 have been omitted.
FT 96958 Folder 37. Material from the files of Gau Baden, Amt fur Volkswohlfahrt, on the
educational institutions of the KSV all over Germany, 1940-1942. Included are des-
criptive folders on large numbers of these institutions. Duplicates omitted.
FS 97273 F older 39. F rom miscellaneous local material of the NSV Immendorf, the decree
prohibiting party collections from concerns contributing to the Adolf-nitler-spende,
July 1937, has been filmed. Ihis decree was designed to protect the size of Hitler's
slush fund on the one hand, and give the industrialists a chance to ward off too many
collections on the other.
FT 97277 Folder 41. A folder, probably from the files of the Aiut fur Volkswohlfahrt of
Gau Baden-iilsass, giving a report on J&V activity in Baden and jfclsass, 1941-1942.
FS 97310 Folder 42. A few items of general interest, 19-44, from a folder of the iJupen NSV .
FT 97322 Folder 43. Statistical reports of ,he NSV &upen-wesertal, July 1940 - July 1944.
FS 97445 F older 44. F rom the files of the Gau Baden ;.
sV, r.ichtlinien fur die artzliche
Betreuung der NSV.-^indertagessta'tten. Also so,:.e interesting material on the recruit-
ment of NS-schvvestern and i-.oV -juinc'.ergartnerinnen to replace those of the religious
orders, 1942. ^orne routine miscellaneous items and duplicates omitted.
FT 97482 Folder 48. A report en the " uchulungstagung der iCreisamtsleiter der NSV vom 17.
bis 22 &pril 1939 auf der O rdensburg V ogelsang." This very interesting document is
unfortunately not complete, parts of it having been assigned to other sections of the
jiiAp. They iicive therefore been filmed on other berials. Thus the first item from
F older 250-C-16/1 on serial: 56 is a part of this document. fiAP 25Q-C-24/1 on Serial:
60 is " also from this document. There i::ay well be other such items. See Serial: 175.
FS 97506 Polder 54. F rom a f elder cf routine material of the i-iSV Gau Baden, some documents
relating to the child-care activities of the NSV , 194% have been filmed.
FT 97515 Folder 63. A highly important folder of correspondence of the Amt fur Volkswohl-
fahrt in Gau Baden, It contains the correspondence of the Amt vvith the Gaupropagan-
daamt, 1937-1942; correspondence on denominational hospitals, 1939| a file on the
Hilfswerk i.-utter und Kind, 1934-1944; and a file on the seizure of denominational
institutions, 1940. V ery valuable for the working of the NSV at the Gau level and
for the struggle between the Party and the Christian churches.
FT 98055 F older 66. F older of the Baden Amt fur V olkswohlfahrt in two parts. First part
on materials stolen from the Jews and turned over to the NSV , 1940-1941; second part
on collections for the Voiksbund fur das Deutschtum I L Ausland, 1940-1941.
FS 98099 Folder 68. This folder is made up of stray items from various NSV and DAF offices.
Those of illustrative value for the activity of the NSV , 1934-1944, have been filmed.
FT 98125 Folder 72. F older of i&V Baden on the child-care activities of the NSV , 1940-1942.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame 43
137 86. NSDAP, Gau Moselland,
Amt fur Volkswohlfahrt;
Eg 7 5FSE1F, G-au E- ~. dent
fiir V^lkswofclfafcrt
252-e-01/ FS
73, 75
252-e-Gl/ FS
252-e-01/ FT
76, 77
138 NSDAP, Gau Baden, Amt
fur Volkswohlfahrt|
L iga fur Mutterschutz
252-e-01/79 FS
80, 82, 83
FS 100053
Folder 73, The folder contains a group of files of the NSV Moselland.
Four files illustrating the .vork of the i&V in L uxemburg have been filmed
entirelyjother files of routine mai-erial have not been filmed. The files
filmed, aside from general information on the i> V, contain documents on
the efforts to Germanize tue area and one seizure of denominational hos-
pitals and other institutions, 1940-1942,
Folder 75, A folder of Rurid&clireiben and other regulations of the Amt
fur Volkswohlfahrt of Gau Baden, 1940-1944, Many of the Rundschreiben
contain announcements and regulations of other sections of the Gauleitung
and thus are of interest for the operations of the Gauleitung as a whole,
not just the Amt fiir V olkswohlfahrt,
F older 74, A few samples from a group of case files of the Amt fur
Volkswohlfahrt Baden on Betreuung: gefangnisentlassener Jugendliche, 1940-
F older 76, A collection of material from the Amt fiir Volkswohlfahrt
Baden on the evacuees in Baden-Jiilsass, 1943-1944. Included are directives,
reports, propaganda materials, statistics, and other information on this
subject. At the end of the folder is a document, probably not originally
included in this,folder, on the activities of the Gauamt ftlr Volksgesund-
heit and the lt> D -iratebund im &lsass.
Folder 77. A folder of the Amt fiir Volkswohlfahrt Baden on the 15V-
irziehungsheim in i*eingarten, 1935-1936* From the folder, material of
general interest showing the workings of the NSV in this regard, and its
relations with other private and state organizations, have been filmed.
Folder 79. F rom a" folder on the confiscation of property for the NSV
in Alsace, 1940-1941 illustrative samples and some items of general
interest, have been filmed,
Folder 80, F rom a folder en the Frauenmilchsammelstellen in Gau Baden,
1941-1944, illustrative materials and some itenis of general interest have
been filmed*
Folder 82. Besoldun^sgruppen-V erzeichnis der ! t> -Volksv/ohlfahrt e.V.
zu den Allgemeinen Besoldimgsrieatlinien der NSDAP, Gau- und Kreiswal-
tungen, possibly 1942. A str^y item on a conference in regard to i\bV pay
scales in O ctober 194^ is elso included. The folder can be attributed to
,Gau Baden-iiilsass since t;..e name on the cover, Wickertsheimer, is that of
the Beauftragte fiir die i&V beim Chef der Zivilverwaltung in uilsass.
Folder 83. From a folder of the L iga fiir Mutterschutz und Soziale
Familienhygiane/Bund fiir Bewusste Geburtenregelung, materials, primarily
minutes, on the meetings of the Board of Directors, 1929-1932, have been
Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes
88' Kreisbeauftragte fur &AP 252-e-10/2, FS
das liinterhilfswerk, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11
Kreis upen der NSDAF ;
G au Baden, Winterhilf~ -
Kreis Schlettstadt,
140 8&; NSV , Gau Koblenz-Trier; EAP 252-e-10/ FS
13, 14, 17, 18
Gau Baden, Amt fur
; O rtsbeauftragte fiir
das Wllini, keisengott ' ,
141 H8-7 NSDAP, Gau Baden, Amt EAP 252-e-10/ FT
fiir Volkswohlfahrt; 21
- NSV , Schlottstadt (7); *p 252-e-10/ FT
other local KSV agencies 22, 24
252-8-12/ 1 FS
100207 Folder 2. F rom a folder on the minterhilfswerk in Kreis Eupen, only
items pertaining to the withdrawing of the pin "ftawel Arakau" in accord-
ance with directives of the Keichsininister fiir Yolksaxifklarung und Propa-
ganda, 1942, have been filmed.
100218 Folder 4. Rundschreiben and statistics of the uinterhilfswerk Gaubeauf-
tragte Gau Baden, 1940-1942.
100305 Folder 6. Folder of NSV liiupen on the wirfterhilfswerk, 1940 - 1944,
filmed enlirel^to illustrate t< ie working of the mfti' at the local level.
100433 Folder 8. Folder on tne Uinterhilfswerk Schlettstadt with some inter-
. esting statistics, 1942-1943.
100454 Folder 10. Gau Ba^on M> V stray item containing a statistical report on
the HSV froK its beginning to the end of 1942.
100460 Folder 11. Gau Baden i&V folder on people who didn't contribute as much
to the ! /i/interhilfswerk as the Party thought they should and on efforts to
induce greater payments, 1942.
Folder 13. F rom a folder of the i&V Koblenz-Trier on the winterhilfs-
werk in L uxemburg, material of general interest, 1940, has been filmed.
Folder 14. F older of L L > V Koblenz-Trier containing statistics on WHW
collections in the Gau and in ijuxemburg, 1939-1941.
Folder 17. F older of Gau Baden V olkswohlfahrt on the wHW contributions
of the Firma Trick-Zellstoff AG. in Kehl, 1940.
Folder 18. Folder of the wHu L eisengott containing wK.< collection sta-
tistics for Gau Baden, 1941-1943.
Folder 21. Highly interesting folder of correspondence of the Gaubeauf-
trajL -te fur das ^interhilfswerk, Gau Baden, on the replacement of usual vfHVif
subventions for various denominational charitable institutions by cash pay-
ments from the ifi-itf to these institutions, 1940. Note the comment on F rame;
100768 that the institution discussed can be dissolved after the war 7*hen
the wartime political considerations will no longer have to be observed,
100803 Folder 22. This folder contains a group of filled out applications for
support from the winterhilfswerk with the official processing indicated in
each case, 1941. They come from Crtsgruppe Benfald, Kreis Schlettstadt,
Gau Baden, and have been filmed as they are good evidence on the disburse-
ment of WHvii funds and the disposition of individual canes.
100877 Folder 24. Supplementing the material from Folder 22, the Betreuten-
i&rtei for letters " A
and "B" of the Benfeld rt'HW, 1940-1941, has been
filmed from a foldsr covering A-K.
100924 Folder 252-e-12/l. L etter "A" - "D" of an O rtsgruppe Brumat NSV folder
of applications for various types of AtV assistance, 1941-1944, indicating
disposition of the requests.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes
142 88. NSDAP, Gau Baden, Amt
fiir Volkswohlfahrt (?);
misc. offices
143 88 Files of Prof. Willy
-89 li/iesserschmitt;
NSDAP, Gau O berdonau,
Gauamt fiir Technik5
NSDAP, Reichsleitung,
Hauptaint fiir Technik,
NS.-Bund Deutscher
144 89 NSDAP, Gau O berdonau,
Gauamt fiir Technik
145 89 NSDAP, Gauschulungsamt
146 89 NSDAP, Gaustudenten-
fiihrung Baden
ILaP 252-e-H/
6, 8, 10
252-g/ 1, FT
2a, 4, 5, 6
EAP 253-d/ 1,
la, 2, 3
FT 101264
FS 101321
FS 101396
252-g/ 9, FS
MP 253-c/ 1,
101019 Folder 6. Material relating to the seizure by the NSV of denominational
charitable institutions in Alsace, 1941*
101039 F older 8. 5 tray items on the NS.-Reichsbund Deutscher Schwestern,'19'3H-
101069 Folder 10. Report on the
! l
4te Keichsschulungstagung der Gausachbear-
beiter des Krnahrungshilfswerks in niieiirar am 5. und 6. November 1937,"
(The JErnahrungshilfswerk was concerned with the feeding of waste foods to
pigs . )
101152 Folder 1. Correspondence of wfilly Mes serschmitt with the V erein
Deutscher Ingenieure, 1937-1939.
101204 Folder 2a. F rom a folder of the Gau O berdonau, Gauamt fiir Technik,
1944-1945, on suggested .inventions by private individuals, the first fey/
cases have been filmed to illustrate the handling of such matters.
Folder 4. A folder of the Reichswaltung of the NS.-Bund Deutscher
Techniker in the Hauptamt fiir Technik, 1941-1944> dealing with the indoc-
trination and mobilization of German engineers.
F older 5. F rom a folder of I&DAP, Gau ubercionau, Gauamt fiir Technik,
1938-1940, items of general interest have been filmed.
Folder 6, F rom a folder of the NSD> iI , Gau O berdonau, Gauamt fiir Tech-
nik, 1939-1940, materials of general interest have been filmed. O nly the
fcoction on travel regulations has been omitted.
101556 Folder 9. O berdonau Gauamt fiir Technik folder, 1939-1941. Materials
of general interest have been filmed.
101714 Folder 10. F rom uberdonau Gauamt fiir Technik folder, 1942-1943, one
item of general interest has been filmed . It deals with internal reor-
ganization in the V DI,
101720 F older 1. Correspondence of the Gauschulungsamt Baden with the NS.-
Reichsbund fiir L eibesiibungen, 1937-1939, containing primarily circulars of
the latter.
101855 Folder 2
Two membership books of the NS.-Reichsburid fiir L eibesiibungen,
19^3 and 1942.
101892 Folder 1. Gaustudentenfiihrung Baden folder on the reorganization of
the rJS-altherrenbund in Heidelberg, Freiburg, and btrassburg universities,
102419 F older la. Stray items on the reorganization and Gleichschaltung of
the Altherrenbund in 1937 and, 1938 and the relation of the SS to the newly
formed M> . -Altherrenbund .
102424 Folder 2. From a folder of the Gaustudentenfiihrung Baden, 1939-1942,
material of general interest on the reorganization of the Altherrenbund
has been filmed.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 46
FS 102636
147 90 NSDAP, Gaustudenten-
fuhrung Baden
MP 25 3-d/4, FS
148 90 ?
P olize ipras ident
Hagen, Abt. 1;
SA Regiment Miinchen
EAP 230-a-10/
90 Polizeiprasident
Hagen i.^J.j
Ring Deutscher
MP 230-a-10/
5, 7, 8
FT' 102958
FT 103286
Folder 3. From a folder of the Gaustudentenfuhrung Baden, 1942-1943,
some material on the participation of the iiorporationen of the Mannheimer
Handels-Bochschute and the Altherren-V erband Rheno-Nicsria of Mannheim in
the Hitler-Putsch of 1923 has been filmed. This information is incidental
to some internal troubles of the WS.-Altherrenbund.
Folder 4. F rom a Gaustudentenfuhrung Baden folder on the NS.-Altherren-
burid, 1942-1943, materials of general interest have been filmed.
Folder 6. F rom a folder of the Gaustudentenfuhrung Baden, 1942-1943, on
the reorganization of the NS.-Altherreribund, a sample showing how each lo-
cal was handled has been filmed.
F older 1. Two stray items; an SA Standarte 214 order of 11 Aug. 1932
on A'achrichten-Ausbildmv;- and & listing of events in the history of the SA,
Folder 2. A very interesting folder from the political section of the
Poiizeiprasidiuffi Hagen i.W. on the activities of the SA, 1931-1932, con-
taining various police reports on the NSL /AF and the SA including much on
the organization end activities cf SA and SS in the period covered. See
Frames: 102792 and 102805 - 102807 for the search of all SA offices by the
police in inarch 1932.
Folder 3. Folder of the SA Regiment Munchen, containing the Regiments-
Befehle 1-86, 5 inarch 1923 - 7 November 1923, and some other material of
the Regiment from the same period, This folder is of the highest impor-
tance for the history of the Party.
F older 4. F older of the SA Regiment Munchen, containing correspondence
with the O berkommando der SA, 6 April - 6 November 1923. The material is
of the highest importance and covers the activities of SA and I^DAP in this
period as well as other nationalistic organizations in Bavaria and their
relations with the NSDAP. Also included is a considerable amoimt of inter-
esting information on the relations between the 1JSDAP and other national-
istic organizations 011 T> he one hand and the Reichswehr on the other.
F older 5. A folder of ;reat interest from the political section of the
office of the Iclizaipra'sident hagen on the prohibition of the uniform of
the SA, 1930-1932.
F older 7. F older froe the Foiizeiprasidium aagen on the SA-Heime in
Hagen, 1931-1932, containing a good deal of interesting information on the
activities of tn t> A and its troubles with the police on account of illegal
SA activities.
Folder 8, of Geschaftsstelle of the Ring Deutscher Flieger, 1924-1933,
containing correspondence with the Stahlhelni about various political
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 47
150 90 ? &L P 230-a-12/ 1, FT
2, 3
Polizeiprasidium Hagen EAP 230-a-14/ 1
151 90 SA ' & & 230-b-01/ 1 F T
EAP 230-c/ 1, 2,
3 F,
152 90 SA, see below 230-d/ 2,
153 90 SA
EAP 230-d-01/ FT
FT 1035^4
matters, especially the V olksbegehren against the Y oung Plan and the
V olksbegehren for the dissolution of the Prussian L andtag. Included
also is material on the Kampffront Schwarz-t'iieiss-Rot in 1933. See F rame:
103366 ff. for responses of Seeckt, Adenauer and others to the Ring' s posi-
tion on disarmament. Some issues of The Aeroplane have been orrdttedt
Folder 1. Two copies of a list of individuals murdered in the 1934
purge (Rohm-Futsch). The lists contain 83 names and are obviously neither
complete nor, in spite of containing place and date of execution, entirely
accurate; thus Klausener who was murdered is listed as having committed
suicide on arrest in accordance with the story concocted afterwards. In-
teresting is the notation at the end that the last names on the list,
which are apparently all names of Communists, were put on the list by
special order of riitler. Provenance and date of the lists not ascertain-
F older 2. Folder of the Polizeiprasidium Hagen on the dissolution of
the SA and SS by official decree in 1932. O ther materials to 1934*
F older 3, Folder of the Staatspolizeistelle Hagen on the surrender of
yveapons by the SA to the _police in 1934 in connection with the disarming
pf the SA after the Rohm purge.
Folder iiiAP 230-a-14/l. F older of the Hagen police on the exclusion of
individuals from the SA in i-tagen, 1934-1937, These are notifications from
the SA to the police, made each time a member of the SA was tossed out and
giving a summary reason for the action.
Folder iAP 230-b-01/l. The first page of a stray item| an order of the
SA Gruppe ivurpfalz on
! l
^iusatz der SA fiir die L undpropaganda," 8 May, 1944.
F older jjAP 230-c/l. Some stray items on police-SA cooperation of SA
standarte 98 (L otz), 1942-1944.
Folder .L.AP 230-e/ii. A folder of the SD Abschnitt Weimar on the SA-
Wehrmannschaften, 1941? containing interesting information on the function-
ing and morale of the oA at this time and on the SD III (Inland) spying
on it.
Folder EAP 230-C/3. An- SA-Wehrafcsoibhen" Ubungsbuch, .1939.
F older 2. F rom ohe files of SA O berfiihrer Emil Walter of Kolmar i.
fils,, a mimeographed handbook,
Dein Heifer fur die Ausbildung," May
1941, on the military and athletic training of the SA.
Folder 3* Cover and table of contents of Heft 1 of the Ausbildungs-
dienst der SA-Wehrmannschaften, probably dated 1939 or 1940, and issued
by the Dienststelle Schrlfttum in the O berste SA-Fiihrung.
Folder BAP 230-d-01/l. SA Gruppe O berrhein, " Ausbildungsplan fiir die
Elsassischen Standarten/
1 March 1943*
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes
154 91 SA Reitersturm 152;
SA Brigade 152 (Trier);
SA Standarte 8
EAP 231-a-01/ FT
2, 3, 4, 9
155 91 SA Standarte 16, Koln EAP 231-a-10/
1, %5
156 91 O berste SA-Fiihrung,
FS 103917
FT 104032
FS 104153
FS 104192
FS 104516
FT 104521
EAP 231-a-12/ FT 104540
Folder EAP 230-d-01/2. Miscellaneous stray SA items, 1937 and 1942-
Folder E.AF 230-d-01/3. Material of the SA Marinesturm 98 in Metz,
1941, mainly on training, recruitment, and conduct of the SA, A stray
item has been omitted.
Folder 2. F older c^* one of the units cf oA Reitersturra 152 contain-
ing general directives of tiie uberste SA-Funning, 1934-1936. See Frame:
103900 for directives on the re-exaniination of previously ordered pro-
,motions after 30 June 1934 purge.
Folder 3. F rom a folder of oa administrative regulations sent to the
SA Brigade 152, Trier, 1941-1942, those of general interest for the or-
ganizations, activities, administration, and indoctrination of the SA have
been filmed. Purely routine items omitted.
Folder 4. Folder of a subordinate unit of SA Standarte 8 containing
directives of the O ber^te SA-Fiihrung, 1934* and one for 1937, See Frame:
103143 on a reprimand to Greiser and Kauschning, 9 January 1934.
Folder 9. From a folder of stray items of the SA, those of general
interest, 1933-1944* have been filmed. Folders 5-8 and 10-12, not filmed,
contain a card file on real estate, owned, rented, or stolen by the SA.
Folder 1. A folder of SA Standarte 16, Koln. It contains extremely
important material on the activity of the SA in the war years, 1942-1944.
Included is a complete set of the Fuhrungsbefehle der O bersten SA-Fiihrung
for the period 5 July 1942 - 15 August 1944| a set of the Mitteilungsblatt
des Personalhauptamtes of the SA for the period 8 August 1942 - 25 iyiarch
1944; a circular of 10 January 1944, geheim, reporting the remarks of
Stabschef bchepmann to the SA Cruppenfuhrer after taking over the SA on 24
August 1943 on the activity cf the SA and its relations with the SS and
other organizations; material on the indoctrination, training, arid-activi-
ties of the SA; and the rola of the SA in the occupied Eastern territories,
Duplicates and routine items omitted.
Folder 3. F rom a group of stray items two have been filmed. O ne is a
general order of cichspm&mi, 26 August 194% on SA-oS relations; the other
a copy of the i\iachrichten-61att Mr. 1 of the O berkommando der SA der KSDAP
of 19 O ctober 1923.
Folder 5. O berste bA-F uhrung, x-ersonalbefehl des otabschefs Nr. 3 of
20 fcay 1943,
Folders 2 and 1, (Filmed in that order to keep the alphabetical order)
contain the pay and service records of members of the SA employed by the
U berste bA-Fiihrung for the letters " A" - " L e
. These records were pre-
pared in 1944.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 49
157 91 Polizeiprasidium Hagen EAP 231-D-16/ 1 FT
i. Wj
158 91 Gbersta SA-Ffihrung
159 91 Oberste SA-Fiihrung
231-b-22/ 3
AP 231-c-Ol/ 3 FT
160 92 SA Sturmbann 11/27
SA-Gruppe Hochland
EAP 231-c-lO/ 1 FT
EAP 231-C-23/
3, 4
161 .92 SA Standarte 98 ftietz; MP 231-C-24/
*93 2, 4, 13
SA Sturm 15/22 Breit-
SA Sturm 7, Sturmbann
11/23 (wolfstein-Pfalz)
104816 Folder 3. This folder covers the letters " Al" - " Ge
in a file of the
pay and service records of high-level SA officers. X here records were
prepared in 1944
104993 Folder 1. A folder of the Folizeiprasidium Hagen on the Gesundheits-
clienst cf the SA and SS, 1930-1931. The folder is from the same files as
those on Aerials 148-50.
105019 F older 3. Folder of the O berste SA-Fiihrung containing an inventory of
SA owned buildings, their value, and the manner in which they were ac-
quired. Prepared in 1944 Some blanks emitted.
105058 Folder 3. A folder of the highest historical importance from the files
of the O berste SA-Ftihrung. It contains a series of Stimmungsberichte on
the morale and internal developments of the SA units all over Germany in
September 19^2, sent in answer to a circular with a list of questions.
Each report contains information on morale, membership, finances, care of
members in prison, relations with the Party bureaucracy, the Sturm ciga-
rettes (sold to help finance the Party), Arbeitsdienstpflicht, relations
with the Reichswehr, and relations with the Stahlhelm with occasionally
added comments. The reports contain some marginal comments, apparently by
Rchra and Hess. In the middle of the folder a group of unrelated materials
has been inserted, perhaps when the folder was put together in its present
form after capture. These docmnents are also from the O berste SA-Fuhrung
from 1932. They pertain, for the most part, to the problems surrounding
the sale of cigarettes to help finance the Party. Some duplicates omitted.
105246 Folder 1. F older of SA oturmb&nn 11/27 Bittburg, containing the cir-
cular directives of the DA Gruppe r/estmark, 1936-1937, and filmed as a
good indication of the activities of the SA during this period.
105417 Folder 3. A part cf the files en members of the oA-Gruppe hochland for
the letter "L " filmed as a sample cf bA membership files. The files are
up to date at least until 1943. F iles en 16 members are included in this
105968 Folder 4. A folder similar to Folder 3, containing 11 files on members
beginning with
R" ,
106169 F older 2. Circulars issued by the SA Standarbe 98, 1941-1943, filmed
as a unit to illustrate SA activity during this period and showing the
minor importance of the' SA in the war years.
106573 Folder 4. From a group of stray items, the Dienstplan of the Sturm
15/22 for karch 1937 has been filmed. O ther miscellaneous items omitted,
106577 F older 13. F rom a folder of Sturm 7 of Sturmbann 11/23, 1935-1936,
all but a few items have been filmed. These documents, though individ-
ually of little importance, give a good picture of the day-to-day activ-
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 50
93 SA Standarte 99, vari-
ous \mits;
Standarte " Feldherrn-
halle" Sturmbann
Strassburg, 1. Sturm
93 WSDAP, Gauleitung
Baden-Elsass, Kreis-
le itung Strassburg
164 93 SA Brigade 53;
SA Standarte 143
165 93 misc.
SA Brigade 80,
subordinate units
jtiAP 231-C-26/
1, 2
14, 15,
MP 231-C-26/ FT
EAP 231-f-01/ FT
MP 231-C-38/ 3
BA? 231-0-39/ 1 FT
i^jr 231-d-lb/
1, 6, 9, 12,
ities of the SA.
FS 106849 F older 1. F rom a folder of circulars sent to a unit of SA Sturmbann III/
99, 1941-1943, those items of general interest for SA activity and organiza-
tion during this period have been filmed. Standarte 99 was under Gruppe
Gberrheln in Alsace,
FS 106958 Folder 2, F rom a group of stray items, a series of carbon copies of the
activity reports of the Standarte " Feldherrnhalle" Sturmbann Strassburg,
Sturmj 14 iiay - 16 July 1944, has been filmed.
FT 106980 F older 14. A folder of a unit of Standarte 99 containing 1944 Gruppenbe-
fehle of the SA Gruppe O berrhein,
FS 107026 Folder 15. F rom a folder of Sturm 18 in SA Standarte 99 one item of F eb-
ruary 1942 on an SA kann who used French has been filmed. The rest of the
folder, containing promotion lists and similar material has not been filmed.
FS 107029 Folder 17. F rom a folder of Sturm 18 (tfingen) in SA Standarte 99 one
item on the exclusion of a man from the SA, 1942, has been filmed. The rest
of the folder is routine and not filmed.
107032 Folder 19. A folder of the Areisleitung Strassburg containing correspond-
ence with the SA, 1940-1943 (also some NSKK and MSFK). Filmed entirely, though
containing a good deal of routine material, to show relations party-SA. Also
contains some documents giving interesting information on the SA in Alsace,
107327 F older 12. F older
;roDc.bly of DA Brigade 53 (bchwarzwald-Nord) or a sub-
ordinate unit, containing the Brigade stellenbesetzung, list of z.V. Fuhrer
In Brigade 53 and z.V. fuhrer of Gruppe Sudwest.
107333 Folder 3. A felder of morale reports by the subordinate units of SA
Standarte 143 Rfacklinghausen, 1943-1944. Interesting on local reactions to
the v/ar.
107358 F older 1. A stray item of gror-t intereat captured by Allied forces on
or before 4 O ctober 1944. It is a draft of a report by an unidentifiable SA
officer to the jSrziehungshauptamt der SA written late in September 1938 and
dealing with the handling, indoctrination, and drafting into the SA of refu-
gees from the Sudetenland. Interesting are the rather negative comments on
the Sudentendeutsche F reikorps on r> gs 3,
FT 107363 F older 1. A collection oS materials from various sources dealing with
the Standarte Feldherrnhalle, 1942-1945.
FT 107438 Folder 8. A folder of a subordinate unit of SA Brigade 80 Passau con-
taining Brigade-Befehle 1939.
FT 107459 Folder 9. Diary of the SA Standarte J6 in Aussergefild of SA Brigade 80
(passau) for the period September, 1939 - December, 1942.
FT 107525 Folder 12. F older of the same unit as Folder 9, containing the Gruppen-
befehle of SA Gruppe Bayer^ O stmark for 1939.
Provenance Item F ilmed 1st frame Notes 51
166 93 miscellaneous offices EAP 210-aay
MP 210-a/
2, 3
various Volkssturm units
168 94 Volkssturm
FT 107790
94 Reichsfiihrer SS, Befehle-AP 210-a/ 4-7 FT
. haber des Ersatzheeres,
Deutscher Volkssturm,
Stabsfuhrer, Beauftragter
ftlr Bewaffnung und Aus~
EaF 210-b/ 1 - F T
F older 13. L ike folder 12, for 1940.
Folder 210-aa/2. Miscellaneous material on the Volkssturm, 1944-1945.
bone duplicates omitted.
F older 210-a/l. A stray item: report of the Volkssturm Kreis Harburg-
L and (Hamburg area) of 27 L arch 1945 to the Kommandeur des Schutzbezirkes
Hamburg on organization and strength of the Volkssturm.
F older 210-a/2. Stray items on the Volkssturm in Gau Baden-iilsass,
Kreis Mainz, Gau Hessen-Wassau, and in connection with the SA, 1944*
F older 210-a/3. F older of the ixreisstabsfuhrer -Snnepe-Ruhr on the
Volkssturm and the F reikorps'bauerland, 1945. The folder contains the
basic organizational orders of the V olkssturm, a fe?f items pertaining to
the local Volkssturm, and a last pencilled file entry of 21 March 1945.
By 12 April the folder had been captured by the U S 5th Infantry division
and forwcirded to First US Army Documents Section via III Corps. See also
Seriali 168.
F older 4. A very important folder on the Volkssturm from the files of
SS-Stand&rtenfuhrer Furucker who was Beauftragter fur Bewaffnung und
Ausrustung for the V olkssturm and simultaneously held a similar position
in the Riistungsstab under Saur. P.'s office was in Berlin. The records
cover the period November 1944 - February 1945 and contain highly inter-
esting information on the equipment of the Volkssturm, especially with
weapons specially designed for it. There is also some very interesting
material on plans to purchase cloth and weapons for the Volkssturm on the
black market in Italy. The comments and initials on Frame: 107981 are
ilimmler' s.
F older 5. A folder of a Volkssturm unit, probably in the Munich area,
containing the various Rundschreiben, Anordnungen, and Bekanntgaben of
the Party Chancellery for 1945 dealing with the Volkssturm.
F older 6. Membership rosters of the V olkssturm Bataillon X V in the
Pullach area, 1945> filmed as a sample. It shows the membership broken
down into the various Aufgebote.
F older 7. A local defense plan, apparently some part of Bavaria, from
the files of V olkssturm Bataillon 91 or one of its companies, 17 April
F older 1. A folder of stray items on the Volkssturm from the files of
the Gaupropagandaamt Baden, the i-JSFO of the 334 Inf.Div., and the Gaulei-
tung O st Hannover or a subordinate office, 1944-1945. Note the handling
of a Geheime Reichssache in a manner obviously violative of the Verschluss-
sacnenvorschrift on F rame: 108235.
Provenance F ilmed 1st frame .Motes 52
169 94 different Volkssturm
170 94 misc. offices dealing
with the Volkssturm
EAP 210-c/ 1,.
2, 5, 7
171 95 Volkssturm units
AP 210-b/ 7-10 F3
EAP 210-d/ 1-4 FT
108282 Folder 2. A group of stray items concerning the Volkssturm originating
with offices in Bremen, Miinster, Gau I;oselland, and ketz, 1944-1945. The
Metz documents, referring to November 1944* must deal v/ith one of the first
instances of Volkssturm committment at the front.
108338 Folder 3. A folder of the Volkssturm Bremen, 1944-1945. Interesting is
the indoctrination material on Frames: 10S353 - 10S354. Some duplicates
108490 Folder 4. A folder of the Volkssturm JEger (S^-Ieten area), 1945.
108509 Folder 5. A folder of the Volkssturm in the Karlsruhe area, 1944-1945.
108535 - Folder 6. A folder of the Volkssturm and the Freikorps Sauerland in
the L ippstadt .rea, 1945. This folder deals with the same units mentioned
in folder JtiAF 2IO -a/3 on berial: 166.
108581 Folder 7. Defense plans of the V olkssturm in the Kreis Kirchheimbolan-
den, Gau f/estmark (rfalz), 1945. All documents and a few of the overlays
have been filmed, the rest of the overlays have been omitted,
108628 Folder 8. A folder of the Gau koselland, Sonderbeauftragter fur Raumung
in Trier, on evacuation measures and the Volkssturm, beptember - November
1944. The folder is of the greatest interest for the relations between
Party, btate, and army authorities in connection with the problem of evac-
uating areas threatened by the Allied advance.
Folder 9. A folder on the V olkssturm of the iCreis L udinghausen (Munster
area), 1944-1945.
108897 F older 10. A folder cf the V olkssturm /ireis 3ergish Gladbach, 1944-1945.
108956 Folder 1. A collection of materials from a variety of offices, all
dealing in some \ m y with ohe V oikssturm or the final defense of Germany,
1944-1945. The annex to the personally signed letter, F rame: 108969, of
Gauleiter bimon (L cselland), which was apparently destroyed in accordance
with the instructions in the letter, may have been connected with the evac-
uation measures discussed in folder iiAp 210-b/8, berial: 169.
109035 F older 2. A folder of the V olkssturm in Walla (Bremen area), 1944-1945.
Interesting for allocation of individuals to the different Aufgebote of the
V olkssturm in accordance with their health (or mostly lack of it).
109080 Folder 5. A folder of the Munich V olkssturm, 1945. borne blanks and
some duplicates omitted.
109097 F older 7. btray items on the Volkssturm, 1944. .
109108 F older 1. btray items from the imuppertal Volkssturm, 1945.
109114 Folder 2. btray items on the Volkssturm, 1944-1945. O f these the most
interesting is a report to the SD-L eitabschnitt btuttgart by a lower bD
unit on the reactions strongly negative to the proclamation of the
rm. P W ^ T ^ - , ~ T ~ ^ TO //,.
FT 108791
Serial Roll Prevenance Item Filmed 1st, i'raine Notes 53
172 95 Volkssturm units EAP 210-e/ 1-7 FS
173 95 Volkssturm and other
EAP 210-g/ 1
ilAP 210-j/ 1
KAP 210-k/ 1-3
174 95 Volkssturm and other
Continued items
EAP 211-a/ 2
EAP 211-b/ 1
FT 109125 Folder 3. Kreisleitung ^trassburg folder on the Volkssturm, containing
recruitment reports of the urtsgruppen, 1944*
FT 109207 Folder 4. A group of tfrf&ssungslisten for the V olkssturm of the O rts-
gruppen, JMeinau and L ingoIshein, probably prepared in November 1944.
These lists, filmed as a sample of what was probably the general practice
(no others have been found), contain a register of the men, a summary of
their status, and a pencilled indication of the Aufgebote to which they
were allocated.
Folder 1. Material of the Diisseldorf Volkssturm, 1945. Some techni-
cal drawings omitted.
Folder 2. A folder of a Volkssturn*. batallion in the Celle area,
November 1944 - L arch 1945. T.iis folder has been filmed entirely because
it is one of the few fairly complete files on a Volkssturm unit. The
records were apparently maintained in a manner more nearly approximating
the military SO P than customary In the V olkssturm generally.
Folder 3. A folder of stray items from various offices on the Volks-
sturm, 1944-1945. A duplicate omitted.
Folder 4 A stray item on the Volkssturm originating from the same
files as the first item in Folder 3, above, 1944.
Folder 5. A folder of the Motor Standarte 44* apparently an NSKK
outfit integrated in some way into the Volkssturm, 1944-1945.
Folder 6. A folder of the ..\reisstabsfuhrer L ippstadt on the Volks-
sturm and the Freikorps Sauerland containing the daily Dienstplane for
February and L arch, 1945. See also Serials: 166 and 168,
FT 109793 F older 7. A folder of the Volkssturm in Walsrode, Kreis Fallingbostel,
FT 109850 Folder .uaP 210-g/l. Stray items on the Volkssturm, dealing primarily
with the equipment cf V olkssturm units, 1944-1945. Some of the documents
apparently come from the Keichsministerium fur Rustung und Kriegsproduk-
FT 109875 Folder L iAp 210-j/1. Stray items on the Volkssturm and Volksgrenadier-
Divisionen, 1944-1945, primarily on efforts to enforce discipline.
FT 109879 Folder **AF 210-k/l. otrsy items on the Volkssturm in Kochem, L uneburg,
and Hamburg, 1945.
FT 109889 Folder Ar 210-k/2. Stray items on the Volkssturm in kochem and Bonn,
FT 109897 Folder iiAP 210-k/3. A folder of directives issued by the Volkssturm
Kreisstabsf\ihrer Bonn, 1944-1945.
FT 109939 F older hAP 211-a/ 2. O rders of a Volkssturm battalion, 1944-1945.
The outfit was in combat in L arch 1945; its records captured by the
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed I stframe Notes 54
J3AP 211-c/ 1
175 95 Deutsches Auslands-
other offices
EAP 220-a/ 1
P 220-a-01/
176 96 DJSDAP, HJ, Gebiet Koln-
-97 Aachen, Bauptabteilung
177 97 D&DAP, riJ, Obergau
Westmark (12),
Continued Abteilung Grenz-u-
EAP 220-a-Ql/6 FT
iuAP 220-a-10/1,
2, 5
SAP 220-a-10/4 FT
FT 111354
Canadians on or before 6 April 1945.
Folder iAP 211-b/l. Pencilled diary of a German soldier who fought on
the invasion front, oelow Caen, in 1944, was in the Falaise pocket, escaped,
and was later picked up.
F older EAP 211 -c/1. manuscript on the Worth African campaign, in 1941 by
Kriegsborichter.Erelherr von sebeck, entitled "Schlachtfeld Nordafrika."
Strongly propagandistic in tone.
Folder 1. A folder of the Ueutsches Auslands-Institut, 1941, containing
various reports on the role" of the Hitler Youth and the SDM in the resett-
ling, of Volksdeutsehe from Eastern iiurope under the resettlement agreements
with the USSR.
Folder 220-a-01/2. A group, of stray items dealing with the Hitler youth,
1939-1941. Frame: 110391 is an item belonging to the material in F older
nAP 252-e-01/48 on Serial: 135.
Folder 220-a-01/3. A mimeographed report, " Die deutsche Jugend." pre-
pared b;/ the L icht propaganda office' in conjunct Jon with the Abteilung P of
the Reichsjugendfiihrung, probably in the mid 1930's.
Folder 2?.0-a-01/4. The- elbe Dienst (vertraulich) of the Presse- und
Propagandaamt der Reiche.jugeridfuliruiig, August 1942 - December 1943, from
the files of the NSDAF, BJ Gebiet Koln-Aachen.
Folder 220-a-01/5. The first issue of the bonder-Mitteilungen of the
Kriegsbetreuungsdienst of the Ileicnsjugendfuhrmig, O ctober 1944.
Folder"6. A folder of iisuptabtailung III (Fresse und Propaganda) of
the iU in Koln-Aaclien, 1941-43. The folder contaias a vdde variety of
materials on the general activity, indoctrination, end propaganda of the
Hitler Youth.
Folder 1. Two str^y HJ items. The first is probably from the fore-
going folder. The second is the 23 July 1935 issue of the Informations-
dienst (vertraulich) of the btabsfiihrung der Reichsjugendfiihnmg on the
ii J -Ad j uta nt en.
Folder 2. A folder of Hauptabteilung III of the HJ in Koln-Aachen, 1940-
43. The folder contains good niGSerial on the activity of the IU including
reports of subordinate units, especially for 1943. See frames 11387-111415
for a study, " HJ-Arbeit auf dem L and," 1941. Some duplicates and routine
office correspondence omitted.
Folder 5. A folder of correspondence of sections of Hauptabteilung
III of the HJ iri Koln-Aachen, 1939-42.
Folder 4- This folder contains a run of the "Informationsdienst,"
Vertraulich, nur fur den Dienstgebrauch, of the Grenz - und Volkspolitische
Amt.of the Reichsjugendfuhrung, beginning with its first issue, 15 O ctober
Serial Roll Provenance Item F ilmed 1st frame Notes 55
97 NSDAP, BDM, O bergau
-98 Westmark (19)
O bergaufiihrerin;
EAP 220-C/1-3 FS 112800
, HJ, Gebiet Koln-
Aachen (11), Hauptab-
teilung III;
other HJ and BDM offices
98 NbDAF , Hj, Gebiet Main-
-99 franken, Bann Xltzingen
(484), BDk;
rther BDM offices
180 99 HJ and BDM
220-C/5, 8, FT
9, 10, 11
220-d-20/l, FS
2, 6, 7, 8
1937 and ending with the 5th issue of 1939. The Inforinationsdienst con-
tains material on current problems of foreign policy and matters relating
to Germans and V olksdeutsche abroad. Duplicates omitted.
F older 1. A series of files from the record^ of the Gborgaufuhrerin
y/estmark. Routine materials omitted. The following have been filmed:
From file Ivib. Ill (begins frame 112852). Material on the prospective
employment of the BDL i in case cf w^r, O ctober 1938, File iub IV (begins
frame 112801). 1938 membership statistics. File VII (begins frame
112804). Geheime nundschreiber* of the ueichsju^^ndfuhrung, 1939-41,
dealing mainly with the conflict between the state and " the churches,
File VIII (begins frame 112813). Geheirae Kurdschreiben of the Reichs-
jugendfuhrung, 1939-40 on various subjects.
F older 2. A folder of 1943 correspondence of nauptabteilung III X oln-
ixachen staff sections, 'Vhe documents are mostly about BDi'i activities.
F older 3. A folder of material from the NbD-aT, HJ, 3DI.J Gebiet Mosel-
land, *erkreferentin der Fuhrerinnenschule Betzdorff (L uxemburg), 1942-
44 ^ome stray items nave been Included into this folder at the end.
They include material dealing with the employment of the HJ and BDM in
connection with the mobilizations of 1938 and 1939.
Folder 5. Folder of activity reports and other material of the BDM
of Bann Kitzingen (484), 194^-45.
Folder 8. A folder of statistical reports on the BDi
! in U ntergaue
116, 117, 118, and 166 as of 15 January 1939.
Folder 9. fleichaj ugendfiHirung, " Dienstordnung fur den JungEiadelbund,"
1 February 1941, from, the files of Jungmadel-Gruppe 10.
Folder 10. A folder of the BD& in Augsburg containing general direc-
tives of the.HJ and HJii fcr Schwaboh^ 1939-41, and.some other caterial.
> Folder 11.. A foldor of H3DAP, HJ, BDM,-Ctorfeautefehle of. O bergau . .
SchvjEben (36), 1940-41.
Folder 1. F rom a group of stray items, a 1941 or 1942 report on the
L anddienst der HJ has been filmed,
F older 2. F rom group of folders of the HJ in Koln-Aachen, a denun-
ciation of a trolley conductor, 1942, and an official dementi of rumors
that the Germane intended to kidnap the Pope, 1943, have been filmed.
The rest is purely routine office correspondence and has not been filmed.
Folder 6, F rom a folder of miscellaneous material of Gebiet K6*ln-
Aachen, nauptabteilung 111, a few items of general interest, 1942-43,
have been filmed.
Folder 7. A folder of the nJ Gebiet Koln-Aachen, liauptsbteilung III,
BDfo, iviusikreferentin, 1937-41, with activity reports and. cttier material
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame 56
181 99 NSDAP, HJ, Gebiat Koln
Aachen, Hauptabteilung
182 99 HJ
183 99 HJ Zabern;
HJ Gau Baden^Slsass
FS 115339
EAP 220-d-29/l FT
2, 4, 5 FT
184. 100 HJ Weissenburgj
relating to the musical activities of HJ and BDM. A group of songs and re-
lated material omitted.
FS 115152 F older 8. F rom a folder of the HJ Gebiet Koln-Aachen, Hauptabteilung III,
BDM, some items of general interest, 1940, have been filmed.
220-d-20/ FS 115165 F older 10. F rom " a folder of HJ Koln-Aachen, Hauptabteilung III, on HJ
10, 12, 13 iiilternabende, a part containing general directives and a part on such events
as a sample have been filmed, 1942.
FT 115231 F older 12, A folder of HJ Koln-Aachen, Hauptabteilung III, containing
material on the activity of this Hauptabteilung (Weltansehauliche Schulung
und Kultur section), especially summaries of lectures given in an indoctri-
nation course in September 1941* These lectures are highly interesting for
the kind of nonsense taught the BDM, e.g. how Rome declined because she
picked up too many Carthaginian ideas.
F older 13. F rom a collection of radio programs, samples have been se-
lected for filming. Many of these were sent over the Reichssender Hamburg
by the BDfc,
115442 F older 220-d-29/l. Stray items from the Wiirttemberg HJ. The interest-
ing one is on the Gesundheitsdienst, 1944*
11544-6 Folder 220-d-30/l. A stray itenr.
Aufteiluag der HJ in den einzelnen
Kinsatzraumen nach Kreisen," probably about 1943 and referring to the area
of Gau Baden-Elsass and adjacent areas.
115452 Folder 220-d-30/2. Folder of a kiilhausen Jtingvolk group under HJ Bann
MuL hausen (746) containing the Bannbefehle, 1943-44.
115477 Folder 220-d-30/4. F older of the same organization as folder 2, con-
taining Sonderbefehle 1943-44.
115499 Folder 220-d-30/5. From a ^rou.p of stray items, some Gebietsfehle of
the HJ Gebiet Mittelelbe, 1943, have been filmed,
115514 Folder 6. Folder of the HJ Bann Zabern (737) on the iL rnteeinsatz 1943.
115646 F older 7. F rom a folder of r.tJ Zabern, 8 few items of general interest,
1941-42j have been filmed.
115666 Folder 8. F rom a folder of the HJ Zabern, one item on a Gelandespiel,
1943, has been filmed.
115668 F older 9, A folder of Itundsehreiben of the iU Gebiet 3aden (2l)~Elsass,
1943, O ne item, 1944, included.
115866 Folder 11. F rom a folder of the HJ Zabern materials of general interest,
1943-44, have been filmed.
115888 Folder 12. Folder of the HJ Zabern, 1943, mainly on the employment of
the HJ in the war effort.
116101 Folder 13. F rom a folder of the HJ weissenburg, some items of general
interest, mainly Gebietsbefehie of Gebiet Baden of the HJ, 1941, have been
EAP 220-d-30/6, FT
7, 8, 9, 11, 12 FS
220-d-30/ FS
13, 14, 15
Provenance Item F ilmed 1st frame Hotes 57
NS&AP, Gau Baden/-
Gauarchiv; < < - .
NSDAly Gau Baden,,
Gaus c hulungsamt
185 100 Gebietsfuhrerschule
~101 Hans bchemm (?) 5
SDi-O berabschnitt
"Rhein," Abschnitt XII,
Aussenstelle Koblenz;
SAP 22Q-d-31/l
2, 3, 4
186 101 Wehrbezirkskommando EAP 220-d-43/l,
M&ichen-Gladbach, H J - . 2
Verbindungsofficier 5
HJ tmppertal - ilberfeld .
187 101 Auslandsdeutsche Jugend, JiiAP 220-e-12/l
L andesgruppenftlhrung KAP 220-e-13/l
Belgien, Standortfiihrer
' " * " BrusseXj;-- '
NSDAP - . Reichs jugendfiihrung -
Befehlstelle Niederlande
188 101 HJ
Continued -.102
. 220-f -12/1, FT
- - - 2, 3
FT 117657
filmed.; .
. Folder 14. A folder of Bannbefehle of 172 Pforzheim of the HJ, 1939.
Folder 15. F older in two parts. The first is a folder of the Gau-
arohiv Bade.n containing the O bergaubefehle of the BDM, Baden, 1939-41
The second part is correspondence of the Gauschulungsamt Baden on politi-
cal education of the Hitler Y outh and the BDIvi, 1940-44, including activity
reports of the isB.-Frauenschaft Gau Baden, Abt. Kultur/^rziehung/Schulung,
bachgebiet i/ifeltanschauliche iirziehung.
Folder 22Q-d-31/l. A folder probably from the files of the Gebiets-
fiihrerschule iians bchemm of the HJ Gebiet 22 (Bayer, O stmark) containing
records of individuals who attended the school.
Folder 220-d-34/l. Folder of the Jungma'del-Schar 2/4, a subordinate
unit of the HJ, BDIvi, Barm ^alsburgen (710), containing various Bann direc-
tives and Gebietsbefehle of riJ Gebiet Westmark, 1941-44.
Folder 220-d-34/2. A folder of the HJ Gebiet Moselland, containing
the geheime bchreiben and ^eneime neichssachen of its Banne, 1938-41,
pertaining primarily to the role of the HJ in mobilization and the war
effort. A list of the 3anne sending in their papers is included at the
beginning of the folder.
Folder 220-d-34/3. .A folder of the ^D Aussenstelle Koblenz on the HJ,
.particularly on the struggle bet\veen the HJ and the Catholic church in the
area, 1936-38.
Folder 220-d-34/4. A copy of the 1939 L agsrschulungsbrief issued by
the Gebietsfiihrung Westmark aer riJ, ^bteilung Weltanschauliche Schulung.
Folder 1. Correspondence of the HJ - Verbindungsoffjsrler at the
WehrbezirkskoniRiando L . - Gladbach, 1941-43* relating mainly to military
training of the HJ. ,-ee also serial 193.
Folder 2. Material from the files of the HJ i/mppertal-iilberfeld on the
mobilization, August-Depteciber 1939.
Folder 1. A folder of the btandortftihrer Brussel, L andesgruppenfuhrung
Belgien, Auslandsdeutsche Jugend, containing various correspondence and
financial records, 1941.
Folder 1. A folder of NSDAP Reichsjugendfiihrung, Befehlsstelle Nieder-
containing orders about the mobilization of the HJ in May and June
Duplicates omitted. -
117867 Folder 1. A stray item: Bannbefehl Nr. II/45/k of the HJ Bann
Siegerland (138)-of 22 February 1945. <
Provenance Filmed 1st frame 58
189 102 HJ
191 1 0 2. NSDAP, HJ Gebiet (13)
Hessen-Nassau, Sossial
u Rechts-Abteilungj
NSD&P, Deutsches
Jungvolk Schleiden-
192 102 HJ Wurttembergisches
Innensritii s t er iun ;
19.3 102 Miscellaneous
FS 117880
EAP 220-g-10/l. FS
EAP 220-h-01/l FT
EAP 220-h-14/l,
220-h-20/l, FS
2, 3
EAP 221-a-01/l, FS
EAP 221-a-12/l FT
EAP 221-a-l6/l FT
SAP 221-b-01/l,
3, 4, 5 FT
Folder 2. From a folder of the HJ Bann 311 Bayerische O stmark in Regens-
burg, material of general interest, 1938, mainly on apprentices, has been
Folder 3. Correspondence of the Sozialstelle of the NSDAP, HJ, Bann 311
(Regensburg), 1939-43.
Folder 1. F rom a group of HJ L eistungeMelieistwo have been filmed as a
Folder 2. A stray item; an order of the 34th Infantry Division on co-
operation with the KJ, 23 January 1937.
EAP 220-h-01/l. A stray item: directive of the Chef der Zivilverwaltung
im Elsass on the Hitler-Jugend-Unterklinfte, 26 May 1942, from the files of
the Gau Baden, Gauamt fur Kommunalpolitik, Nebenstelle Strassburg.
^iP 220-h-14/ 1. A group of items of differing provenance dealing with
the Mationalpolitische .^rziehungsenstalten, 1941-43. Material of consider-
able importance.
EAP 220-h-14/2. Items of differing provenance dealing with the National-
politische lurziehungsanstalten, 1941* a duplicate omitted. Material of
considerable importance.
&P 220-h-20/l. F rom a folder of the Sozial-u. Rechts-Abteilung of HJ
Hessan-ifessau on the L andjahr, material of general interest, 1935-39. See
frames 118722-118724 for the use of the anti-Catholic morality trials of
the mid 1930
s on the political education associated with the L andjahr,
EfcF 220-h-20/2. Stray items on the L andjahr, for the most part issued
by Bischofliche Hauptarbeitsstelle fur Katholische Aktion, undated.
EAP 220-h-20/3, A folder of HJ material on festivals and indoctrination,
1936-37, duplicates omitted.
Folder EAP 221-a-01/l. O ut of a group of stray items of HJ Bahn Molsheim
739, proclamation and fire-ceremony program, 1944*
Folder Mp 221-a-01/3* A printed instruction booklet for HJ and related
organizations, containing detailed Dienstplane, probably issued in 1944 by
the Reichsjugendfuhrung.
Folder KAP 221-a-12/l.
A folder of the Wurttentergiaches rnneociinisterium
dealing with Flak-und L uftwaffenhelfer, 1944.
Folder JbiAP 221-a-l6/l. otray items on collaboration of HJ with Wehrmacht,
Folder EAP 221-b-01/l, Stray items of the SA Standarte 218, on the mili-
tary employment of the HJ, 1945.
Folder EAP 221-b-01/3.... & folder cf tfie Wehrmeldeamt Neustadt/ffeinstr.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 59
194 102 HJ
195 103 miscellaneous;
HJ-Gebiet Schwaben (36)
196 104 HJ
FT 119222
FT 119243
4AP 221-b-U/l, FT 118496
2 FT 118519
BAP 221-b-l6/l
EAP 221-b-18/l FT 118644
FT 118648
EAP 221-b-20/l- FT 119370
FT 119406
FT 119673
FT 110840
FT 120124
FT 120317
FT 120386
iiAP 221-c-Ol/l, FT 120927
2, 5, 6, 7
FT 121032
FT 121072
(Wehrersetzinspektion fciannheim, WK XII) dealing with military training of
HJ and SA, 1939-44.
Folder EAP 221-b-01/4. naffenlehre fuddle Ausbildung der HJ.
Folder KAP 221-b-01/5. F older of the Wehrbezirkskommando Iviunchen
Gladbach, HJ Verbindungsoffizier, on HJ military relations, 1940-41. See
also Serial 186.
Folder iiAf 221-b-14/l. fuotor HJ Prufungsabzeichen.
Folder &AP 221-b-14/2. Folder of a Motor Schar IV-674, Arael, of the
HJ Bann Malmedy (674), 1941-43,
Folder BAP 221-b-l6/l. Stray items on the Marine HJ, 1941.
Folder EAF 22l-b-18/l. Stray items on the Flieger HJ, 1942-43.
Folder 1. Stray items on the military activities of the HJ and its
relations to the SS, 1941-44.
Folder 2. A folder of the HJ-Gebiet Schwa ben (36) on military and
SS service of the HJ, 1940.
Folder 3. A folder of the HJ-Gebiet Schwaben (36) containing materials
on the preparation of the 1939 Reichsparteitag. O f interest is F ahn-
dungsblatt des HJ-Streifendienstes (frame 119482). Also some material
on HJ-Streifendienst in the war, 1939-40.
Folder 4. A collection of SGP's on the HJ-Streifendienst and related
materials from the files of the HJ-Gebiet Schwaben (36), 1939-42.
Folder 5, A collection of material on the HJ-Streifendienst of HJ-
Gebiet Schwaben (36), 1939-42.
F older 6. A folder of HJ-Gebiat boh^aben containing the periodic
activity reports of the subordinate Banne on the HJ-Streifendienst and
Feuerwehrscharen, 1941-42.
Folder 7. A folde: of nJ-uebiet Schwaben containing material on various
aspects of HJ activity, 1939-41.
Folder 8, A folder of HJ-Gebiet bchwaben containing material on the
HJ-Streifendienst and relations with the SS, 1939-42.
Folder 9. A folder of HJ-Gebiet Schwaben containing periodic activity
reports on the HJ-streifendienst and Peuerwehrscharen of the subordinate
Banne, 1941.
Folder 1. Miscellaneous membership and specialists' cards of the HJ,
duplicates omitted.
Folder 2. Folder of the Reichskommissar flir die besetzten niederland.
Gebiete, Irasidialabteilung, on an HJ official assigned by the Reichs-
jugendfiilirung to the staff of the Reichskommissar,
Folder 5. A series of name files on HJ members in HJ*Gebiet Hessen-
Nassau (13), 1941. These papers are interesting as they contain the
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 60
197 104
EAP 240-a-01/l
NSDAP, Gauschulungsamt
199 106 NSFK
200 106 SA;
NBKK Kraftfahrstaffel
105 Nationalsozialistisches EAP 241-D-26/2, FT
-106 Fliegerkorps, Gruppe 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, FT
16, Standarte 81 (sturin 12 FS
EAP 241-d-10/l FT
EAP 200-a-01/l FT
EAP 200-a-ll/l
200-b-10/l FT
- 200-C-14/1
. 200-f/l
written tieltanschauliche Priifungen of the HJ members with indicated grades.
121317 F older 6. Material similar to folder 5 with some also for 1942.
121393 Folder 7. Material similar to folder 5, 1941-42.
121628 Folder EAP 240-a~01/l. A stray item: circular of the L uftsportverband
Niedersachsen to the Grtsgruppen der iBDAp in Schleswig-Holstein, 3 August
121631 F older EAP 240-b-18/l. A folder of the NSFK-Sturm 7/59 containing basic
directives for the &> FK, 1937-41. A table of contents may be found at the
beginning of the folder.
121678 Folder EAP 241-a/l. Two stray items. O ne is a detailed regulation of
the bookkeeping system of the i&tionalsosialistische Fliegerkorps fcr 1940,
which is very useful for the indications it gives of the organization and
activity of the JNSFS. The other item is a Korpsfiihrer directive of Fay
1938 on the organization of the
oF K.
121727 Folder EAP 241-b-23/l. A folder containing the Gruppenbefehle of the
Gruppe 13 (kain-Donau) of the KSFK, 1936-44, the first few items still
bearing the old title of L uftgaureserve 13. The folder is frcm the files
of the L eitende Sanitatsoffizier of the Gruppe 13 (previously L eitende
banita'tsoffizier bd. L uftgaureserve 13).
122230 Folder 2. I&FK Gruppe 16, btandarte 81 folder of directives, 1943-1945.
122398 Folder 3. L ike folder 2, 1938-44*
122452 Folder 4. From a folder of Gauschulungsamt Baden correspondence with
the EuFK, a few items of general interest have been filmed.
122459 Folder 5. Gauschulungsamt Baden folder on the indoctrination of the
NbF K, 1936.
122482 Folder 9* i> FK Standarte 81 folder of material on various activities,
122812 F older 10 WSF K Standarte 81 folder of various correspondence and
Gruppe Siidwest (16) directives, 1938-45.
122913 Folder 12. From a I^SFK Stand&rte 81 folder, material of general in-
terest and a run of Anweisungen of the Gruppe Siidwest (16), 1939-41 have
been filmed.
123456 Folder EAP 241-d-10/l. Folder contains various identification cards
and operating permits of the NSFK, 1938-43. Duplicates omitted.
123598 Folder EAP' 200-a-01/l. Stray item of SA der l&DAP, Standarte toetz
(98), 1942.
123611 Folder EAP
200-a-ll/l. Folder contains materials on the establishment
and organization of the rjraftfahrdienstes, notes on conferences of the
Kraftfahrstaffelfuhrer with the Inspekteur der urdnungspolizei, Nurnberg ,
(! -.
ehtkreis XIII) and related materials, 1937-44.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 61
FT 123666
201 106 NSKK Motorstandarte 152, EAP 201-a-01/l, FT
-107 Trier 2, 3, 5
202 107 l&KK Motorstandarte 87
and subordinate unit
203 108 DJSKK Motorgruppe
EAP 201-b-lO/l
EAP 201-a-10~
EAP 201-a-10-
EAP 201-b-22-10/
204 108 NSDAP, Gauschulungsamt EAP 201-b-26-12/ FT
Baden; 1, 2
EAF 201-b-26-14/ FS
ifcKK Sturm 3 (ML52) 1
Folder 200-b-10/l. Ariegs-X raftfahrscheine, 1942-43.
Folder 200-C-14/1. Stray item on collaboration of the NSKK with the
Staatl. Kriininalpolizei Metz in Kriegsfahndung.
Folder 20C-f/l. -.tray item, orders of the Interi)dni;3terieller L uft-
kriegsschadenausschuss im Reichsministerium fur Volksaufkiarung und Pro-
paganda about the use of It> Kk after air-raids, 1944.
F older liiAF 201-a-01/l. Folder of motorstandarte (152) cf NSKK, Trier,
containing orders and announcements of the Chefadjutant, Chefstabsfuhrer
and Korpsfiihrer of JJbKK. Some include directives from the Stellvertreter
des Fuhrers, from Stabsleiter des btellvertreters des Fiihrers and from the
Cberkommando der i
ehrmacht, v/hich are of considerable interest, 1937-38.
Duplicates omitted.
F older EA? 201-S-01/2. Folder contains material of similar nature as
folder /I, 1939. Duplicates omitted.
F older SAP 201-a-01/3. Folder contains material of similar nature as
folders /I and /2, 1940-42. Duplicates omitted.
F older EAP 201-a~01/5. Folder contains material of similar nature as
preceding . fcldsrs, 1938-39.
F older EAP 201-a-10-01/2. Folder contains material of similar nature
as prece-ding folders, 1938. Duplicates omitted.
Folder KAP 201-b-10/l, Folder of the Motorstandarte 87 of the NSKK,
and subordinate units, containing correspondence, membership files,
accounts, etc., 1933-44.
F older EAP 201-&-10-01/1. Folder of Korpsbefehle of the HSKK, 1938.
Folder EAP 201-a-10-l&/l. btray item, ordinance of the Korpsfuhrer
of the NSKK, 1938.
Folder HiAP 201-a-10-18/2. Application forms and curricula vitae of
applicants for the i> KIC tecimische Piihrer, 1938.
Folder EA? 201-b-22-10/1. F older contains requests for information
about members of L olorgruppe nochland ^nd some replies to these inquiries,
Folder EAP 201-b-12-01/1. F older contains lists of promotions and
recommendations for promotions of the members of the iviotorgruppe Hochland,
F older EAP 201-b-26-12/l. Str&y item, statistics on HEiKK and SA in
Kreis Molsheiin, 1942.
F older EAP 201-b-26-12/2. Various correspondence concerning the
rfeltanschauliche schulung of the NSKK, 1939-42.
Folder EAP 201-b-26-14/U Folder of the Sturm 3 (ML52) of the K5KK
containing ordinances on the cooperation of the NSKK in the preparation
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 62
205 108 NSKK
206 108 NSKK;
O berkommando der
Wehrmacht, WFST. O rg.
EAP 201-c-lO-lO/ FT
1, 2
EAP 201-C-10-12/
1 F T
EAP 201-d-12/l
EAP 201-e-01/l; FS
EAP 202-a-01/2;
EAP 202-a-10/2, FT
3, A
207 108 mm Gruppe Todt, Ab-
-109 schnittsfiihrung Russ-
land Nord, Kw, Trans-
port- bteilung 11,
11, Werkstattzug I;
Transportkorps Speer, Kw.
Abschnitt Sud, Abt. 51
(neu)-Ia, Komp. 18 and
Kornp. 14 of Kw* abt. 53
202-a-12/l; FS
EAP 202-b-10-01/
1, 3, 4, 5 FS
208 109 NSKK-Brigade Speer,
Abschnitt Slid. Kw.
C ontinued Abt .51, Ko rrm. 1A.
EAP 202-b-10-01/ FT
6, 7, 8
of elections (1938) and other propoganda activities, 1938. Duplicates
Folder EAP 201-c -10-10/1. Anschriften-Yerseichnis der Eotor-und Motor-
boots standarten, selbststandigen iviotor-und iwotorbootsstaffeln undx der
Verkehrsstaffeln der MaKK, no date.
Folder &AP 201-C-10-10/2. O rganizational chart of headquarters and list
of subordinate units, of IKK Iviotorstandarte 162, 194 3
Folder L AP 201-C-10-12/1. A letter to coiurades on the front from the
NSKK Motorsturm 16/1162, Bremen, 1944
Folder i^AP 201-d-12/l. Stray item, announcement of Freiwillige L ehrgange
der HSKK-lviotorsportschulen, 1937.
Folder JiiAP 201-e-01/l. Jueiubership cards and identification cards of the
MSKK, 1938-^2,
Folder iAP 202-8-01/2, Membership statistics cf the O rganization Todt
prepared by the O berkommando der ^ehrmacht, iiiFSt, O rg. Abt., 1943-44.
Folder Ml 202 -a -10/2, Stray item, F rench translation (presumably pre-
pared by the Germans) of a circular of the l^KX Grnppe Todt, Abschnitts-
fiihrurig west, 1943.
Folder &AP 202 -a -10/3. F older of circulars of the KtJKK Transportgruppe
Todt, Kfz. - Hauptabreohnungsstelle I, 1942-43. See also Serial 208.
Folder MP 202 -a -10/4. Folder of the O rganisation Todt, Einsatzgruppe
West, O berbauleitung Cherbourg, containing correspondence with ! > XK, Kraft-
wagenstaffel 64, 1942 -44 This folder was presumably captured by American
forces in Cherbourg,
Polder Mp 202 -a -12/1. F older of various correspondence of the Werk-
stattzug I, Instandsetzgskompanie 11, AW. Trans portabteilung 11, Abschnitts-
fiihrung Russland Word, Gruppe Todt of the NBKK
Folder EAP 202 -b-10- 01/1. /older of the 18th Comp. of the iflV. Abt. 51
(aeu)-IA, Kw, Abschnitt Sud, Transportkorps Speer, containing correspondence
about equipment and some circulars of the Transportkorps Speer, Abschnitt
Slid, (Italy) 1944-45.
Folder EAP 202-b-10-01/3. Folder of the same Comp. containing materials
of similar nature as preced-L ag . folder, 1944-45.
Folder EAP 202-b-10-01/4. Folder of the Regimentsarst of the Kraft wagen-
Transport Regiment 4, 1941-43 (with the Af rika-Korps . )
Folder EA? 2 02 -b-10- 01/5. Folder of the 14th Komp. of the KM. Abt. 53
Abschnitt Slid, Transportkorps Speer, (operating in Italy), 1944
Folder EAP 202-b-10-01/6. Folder of the 14th Comp. of the M3KK Brigade
Speer, Abschnitt Sud, X raftwagen Abteilung 51. containing circulars and
correspondence. lQA^-/i4.. (O perating in Italy).
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 63
and Komp. 18
209 109 RAD L agerabsehnitt IX,
T r ier: m'ehrbe air ks -
kommando M. Gladbach;
SS Haupt-Amt, Berlin
EAP 202-b-12-lQ/ FT
EAP 202~d/l ' FT
EAP 180-a-01/l, FT
2, 3, 4
EAP lSO-a-12/1 FT
EAP 180-a-l6/l
210 109 RAD;
EAP 180-b-01/3, FT
Stabamt der Gauleitung EAP 180-b-l6/l; FT
der flSDAP EAP 180-b-18/l
211 109 RAD Abt. 1/324; SAP 181-a/
> FT
-110 -3
Continued g^ Gruppenleitung 288f. MP181-b/l, 2
FT 127984
Folder iuAP 202-b-10-01/7. Folder of the same organization, containing
materials of similar nature, 1944.
Folder EAP 202-b-10-01/8. F older of the 18th Gomp., containing Marsch-
befehle, 1944. (O perating in Italy and utilizing Italian legionaires).
Folder EAP 202-b-12-10/1. F older containing various circulars of the
13SKK Transportgruppe Todt, 194*'-43. (see also Serial 206).
Folder &AP 202-d/l. btray item, circular from the files of the 18th
Gomp, of the Kf. Abt. 51, Absehnitt Slid, Trsnsportkorps bpeer, 1944
F older iikp 180-a-01/l, Folder of the L agorabschnitt IX Trier of the
Reichsarbeitsdienst, containing data on organization and strength, 1938.
Folder iiAP 130-a-01/2. Polder of the saiae organization containing
Abschnittsbefehle, 1938,
F older EAP lSO -a-01/3. Folder of the Wehrbezirkskommando KFnchen
Gladbach, containing various personnel reports, 1936-43,
Folder EAP 180-a-01/4. F rom the files of the SS Hauptamt, Berlin,
draft of the report of the Reichsarbeitsfiihrer about " Erfahrungen mit dem
ersten im Reichsarbeitsdienst pflichtmassig erfassten ilalbjahrgang 1915,"
1936. Annotations on the cover and in the text of the report are by
Heinrich Himirler and they pertain to the participation of the SS in the
Reichsarbeitsdienst and the possibility of recruitment of those who have
served in the RAD for the SS-L eibstandarte Adolf Hitler.
Folder iiAP 180~a-12/l. O utline of a text on the theoretical basis and
on the Volkswirtschaftliche Bedeutung der RAD Arbeiten, 1941?
Folder EAP 180~a-l6/l, Collection of forms of work-schedules and
circulars of the RAD L agrg
ruppe W II, 1938. Duplicates omitted.
Folder MP 180-b-01/3. Einsatztagebuch der Abteilung K3/165 der RAD
(L ager 16), 1942-44.
Folder MP 180-0-01/4. stray items: from the Stabsamt der Gauleitung
Baden aer MSDAP, a circular about Einsatz des RAD im Stellungsbau, 1944>
and an issue of the Aktueller Bilderdienst des RAD, 1944.
Folder EAP 180-b-l6/l. Folder of trie Ilekbatterie 3/96, subordinate
to Hotiere Arbeitsdienst, Fiihrer L v.II. containing orders about the use of
RAD with the anti-aircraft defense posts, (Note F rame 128024 for an organ-
izational chart), 1944*
Folder iiaP 180-b-18/l. Stray item, booklet by the Arbeitsgau X X V on
Strafreeht im Kriegseinsatz des BAD, zum Gebrauch im Eeichsarbeitsdienst,
Folder EAP 181-a/1. Folder of the Keichsarbeitsdienst Abteilung 1/324
containing various records of the units dealing with indoctrination,
social security, accounts, equipment,, .personnel, etc., 1941-44.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes
O berkommando der Wehr-
212 110 RAD SAP 181-c-10-
MP 181-0-12-
MP 181-0-12-
SAP 181-0-12-
213 110 Reichsarbeitsdienst and MP 181-C-12-.
MP 181-0-12-
37/3, 4
MP 181-0-12-
FS 128439
FT 129082
FT 129700
F older jAP l81-a/2. A group of Tagesbefehle of the Hohere RAD-Fiihrer F V ,
lylarch, 1943, from the files of the RAD Gruppenleitung 288.
Folder EAP 181-a/3. Material on the dissolution of the Reichsarbeits-
dienst in kay, 1945, from the files of the O Kff in Flensburg.
Folder EAP 181-b/1. Reichsarbeitsdienst Dienstvorschrift 6 (WJ),
Richtlinien fur die Beurteilung der Dienstfahigkeit und Arbeitsfahigkeit
der v'ireiblichen Jugend im Reichsarbeitsdienstj 2nd ed., February 1940, with
inserted revision.
Folder EAP 181-b/2. Reichsarbeitsfuhrer, Verzeichnis der Dienststellen
des Reichsarbeitsdienstes fur die weiblicheJugend, 2nd ed., 1939, nur filr
den Dienstgebrauch, with later corrections and revisions. O ther RAD and
L uftwaffe materials grouped under this folder number have not been filmed.
Folder lSl-c-10-12/1. A map with the organization of the Bereich des
Hoheren RAD-Fuhrers beim Kominandanten der Befestigungen Niederrhein, as of
3 July 1940.
Folder 181-c-12-16/1. F rom a folder of the RAD Arbeitsgau VII materials
dealing with the organisation and evacuation problems of the RAD in the
spring of 1945 have been filmed.
Folder 181-0-12-33/2. A folder of the Reichsarbeitsdienst (originally
Arbeitsdienst der r&DAP) in .adenau (ilifel). Material on recruitment,
organization, indoctrination, and political activity, 1934-35.
Folder 181-0-12-35/1. From the'files of the RAD Stuttgart (Arbeitsgau
XXVI), a bound folder of V orscliriften and charts on the operation and organ-
ization of an Arbeitsgau headquarters, 1938-39,
Folder 181-c-12-36/1. This folder is made up of three groups of material.
First, a group of documents from the Reichsarbeitsdienst'Za-bern on recruit-
ment and relations to the V olkseturm, 194-4* Second, a group of documents
from the Befehlshaber der Sichariieitspolizei und des SD, Den Haag
on pris-
oners of war, 1943. Third, from the files of the KSDAP Gau Baden, Stabsamt,
the Partei-.fenzlei Kundschreiben 327/44g. on Fluchtige Mitarbeiter des
Reichskommissariats fur die besetzten i^iederlandischen Gebiete, 14 O ct. 1944.
Folder 181-C-12-37/3. F older of the Reichsarbeitsdienst Meldeamt 127
(Wurzburg), containing lists of RAD offices, 1940.
Folder lSl-o-12-37/4. Folder of RAD Gruppenleitung 288, 1942-43.
Folder 181-C-12-40/1, Folder of tne RAD Arbeitsgau X X X I containing some
Kriegsausrustungsnachweisungen, 1940, and a group of very important memo-
randa on the Abschnitts- u,Gruppenfuhrerbesprechungen in Arbeitsgau W in
Folder 181-0-12-40/2. Folder of the RAD Arbeitsgau X X X I containing files
on individual RAD members, 1938-40. Duplicates omitted.
Serial Roll
Provenance Itera Filmed 1st frame Notes 65
FT 129778
214 HI Reichserbeitsdienst and KAP.181-C-12- FT 129900
some ether offices 41/1;
fikp 181-0-12- FT 130006
SAP 182-a/2
Mp 182~b/2, 3, FT 130169
FT 130233
FT 130236
215 111 Reichsarbeitsdienst,
L agerabschnitt IX
SAP 182-c-Ol/
1-6, 8-9
216 112 Reichsarbeitsdienst,
L agerabschnitt IX
217 112 Reichsarheitsdienotj
Gau Baden, Amt fur
C ontinued Vclkswohlfahrt
EAP lB2-d-10/
1, 2
KAP 182-C-01/7 FT
MP 182-C-20/1
MP 182-d-10/9 FT
EAP 183-a-l2/l
FT 130304
Folder 3.
Folder 4.
Folder 5.
Folder 6.
IX. AK, 1938
Folder 8*
Folder 9*
Folder 182
F older 181-C-12-40/3. Folder of the RAD Arbeitsgau X X X I (msland).
ttruppe ft IV, on matters of internal administration, 1937-40.
Folder 181-c-12-41/1. A folder of unclear provenance containing the
Gaubefehle of HAD Arbeitsgau XXXII, January - August 1944.
Folder 181-0-12-49/1. A folder from the files of ri. Conailius, former-
ly Generalarbeitsfiihrer in L itzmannstadt (Lodz), on the organization of
.arbeitsgaus X X IX and XL , 1944-45.
F older 182-a/2. A folder of miscellaneous personal papers and member-
ship booklets in the Reichsaroeitsdienst and the Freiwillige Arbeitsdienst,
Folder 182-b/2. A stray item from the files of the Staatspclizaistelle
f .d. Hegierungsbe sirk ironies wig; a directive of the Reichsfiihrer S3 und
Chef der Deirbschen Folizei ini Red. I on the entrance of foreigners into
the Reichsarbeits.dienet, 4 August 1936.
Folder 162-b/3. A stray item: directive of the Reichsarbeitsfuhrer
on the Richtlinien flip die Behandlung von Angehorigen der Abteilung 3 der
" Deutschen oli-:siiste
iiii Keichsarbeitsdienst, 4 iv^y 1943.
F older 182-b/5. F rom the files of the i-vehrineldeamt L udwigsburg a hand-
book on the regulation ca the deferment of individuals from the arny, up
to date as of 1944. Blanks and card files omitted.
Folder 1. I;trey it-am: hinwels auf grundsatzliche Jmderungen in der
Reichserbeitsdisnstvorschrift 1, no date, but 1942 or laterjto judge by
the paper.
Folder 2. A folder of JiAD L agerabschnitt IX containing geheime corre-
spondence with Generalkoniruando lii. Armeekorps (Wehrkreiskoiamando IX ) and
its subordinate units, 1938.
L ike folder 2, but containing the geheime Kommandesachen.
L ike folder 3.
L ike folder 3, primarily on the training of the RAD.
Geheime correspondence of L agerabschnitt IX with Gen. Kdo.
Folder on the training of L agerabschnitt IX, 1938.
L ike folder 8.
d-10/1,2. Two folders of L agerabschnitt IX material, filmed
though of routine nature, to complete the files of this organization al-
ready filmed. The documents deal with the equipment of the RAD units, 1938.
F older 182-C-01/7. A folder of the RAD at Hagenau. Material on train-
ing, 1935-36.
Folder 182-C-20/1. Two stray items: a training schedule of the Reichs-
schule des Reichsarbeitsdienstes at Potsdam, 19411 and a training schedule
Serial Roll Provenance Item F ilmed 1st frame Notes
218 112 unknown, see below
219 112 Reichsarbeitsdienst
220 113 Hitler Jugend
221 114 Hitler Jugend
EAP 183-a-10/l FT
EAP 183~b-14/ FT
1, 2
EAP 220-h-21/
1, 2, 3a, 3b
EAP 220-a-10/3 FT
EAP 220-a-01/l
EAP 220-h-21/4, FT
EAP 252-J/8 FT
-116 Amt fur Volkswohlfahrt
M3DAP, Kreis Malmedy,
Amt fur Beamtej
NSDAP, Gau Koln-Aachen,
Kreis Erkelenz
135151 222 115 flSDAP, Gau Mtinchen-
O berbayern, Amt fur
Erzieher (ilS.-L ehrer-
bund), Abt. Gausach-
bearbeiter fur L and-
223 115 NbDAP, Gau Baden-Elsass, EAP 251-a/l, 4, FT 135195
FT 135421
FT 135861
for RAD officers of Arbeitsgau X VII by the Inf. Pi. Ers, Kp. 269, 1942.
F older lS2-d-10/9. A folder of directives of the Reichsarbbitsdienst-
Zeugarnt Magdeburg, 1938-45.
F older 183-a-12/l. A stray item from the Gau Badea, Amt fur Volkswohlfahrt,
on the RAD, 1937.
Folder EAP 183-a-lO /l. This is a one-page stray item of unidentified prov-
enance. It is Rundschreiben Mr. 68/IV/43, geheim, of the Presseabteilung des
Heichspropagandaaatos und-^Ghef derL ^ZdvllYerwadtimg in..Iius:enbapg,119 April
It contains very interesting directives on the handling of various themes in
the local press in occupied L uxembourg.
F older 1. A collection of the circulars of the MD-Fiihrerin des Bezirks X
(Rheinland) for 1942.
Folder 2. L ike folder 1, for 1943,,
F older 1. The Reichsbefehle of the Reichsjugendfuhrung for 1939.
F older 2. Reichsbefehle of the Reichsjugendfuhrung for 1939, Sonderdruck,
Folder 3a and 3b. Reichsbefehle of the Reichsjugendfiihrung 1940.
Folders EAP 220-a-iO /3 and 221-a-01/l. Reichsbefehle of the ReichsJugend-
fiihrung for 1941.
Folder 220-h-21/4, Reichsbefehle of the ReichBjugsndfuhrung for 1942*
Folder 220-h-21/5. Reichsbefehle of the Reichsjugendfiihrung for 1943.
F older 220-h-21/6. The first issua for 1940 of Zucht und Ehre, Mittei-
lungs-und ochulungsblatt fur die Dienststrafvorgesetzi/en der Hitler-Jugend,
26 April 1940, containing comments on the Dienststrafordnung of the HJ
F older EAP 252~j/8. A fcldsr, probably of Gau idunchen-Gberbayern, on the
situation in the rural schools, 1941 included are replies to questionnaires
which, among other tnings, ask for comparisons between the local school and
priest's building. For ether material related to the i\6. - L ahrerbund from
ibAp 252-j see Serials 112 and 113.
F older 1. A folder from the files of the Baden Amt fur Volkswohlfahrt,
Nebenstelle Strassburg, on ifcV activity in Alsace, 1940.
F older 4. A folder of the Aiat flir fleamte in Kreis iwalmedy, 1940-41,
illustrating the activity of this branch of Party activity, the procedures
used in the annexation of ivialmedy to Germany, and the handling of local
problems in the area, particularly pertaining to forestry and the forest
rangers. Some duplicates omitted,
Foliar 5. A folder of tho Kreislaitung Erkolonz containing the circulars
of the Gau Koln-Aachen GauschatMneiater, 1
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 67
224 116 Fritz Sauckel 251-a/3 FT 136429
225 117
226 118
Beauftragte des Reichs- EAP 251-a/7,
schatzineisters der MSDAP 8, 9> 10
in Revisionsangelegenhei-
ten fur den Gau Sadenj
Gau Hessen-Nassau, Gau-
pr opagandaarat 5
Gau Baden, Gauschulun:: a-.
FT 137003
Ft 137407
Gau Baden, Gauschulung e ~ AP 251-a/12,
> amt; 13, 14, 15
Gau Munchen-O berbayern,
Kreisleitung Miinchen Nord,
Re ichsluftschut zbund j
FS 138448
FT 138627
Folder 3. A folder from the files of Fritz Sauckel on the feDAP and
the whole folkish movement in Thuringia from 1921-32. This is a folder
of great historical importance as it contains information on the rise of
the Nazi Iarty in Thuringia, its relations with other nationalistic organ-
izations, its internal problems, its newspaper (Die deutsche Aar), and all
manner of important information on the political history of the Weimar
F older 7. F older of the Boauf'cragte fur Revisionsangelegenheiten in
Gau Baden containing the circulars of the various Gau offices for 1943
and 1944 (a few 1942). The following sections are included: Revisions-
angelegenheiten ; Chef der L ivilvervvaltung (Alsace); Gaugericht; Gaustab-s-
air> t; L ufL Schutz; b,-Beauftragier; O rganisationsamt| Gauausbildungsleiter;
Gaupersonalamt; Stellv. Gauleiter; Gauairit fiir das L andvolk; Rassenpoliti-
sches Arnt; Gauschulung saint; Gauamt fiir Kommunalpolitik; and Wehrinachts-
fiirsorge. bee frame 1374-2 for a circular (vertraulich) indicating the
role of the Party in the selection of officers to be Nationalsoaialistische
Fiihrungscffiziere in the iirsatzheer, 4 August 1944. The whole folder is
of considerable interest for the wartime activity and organization of the
Folder 8, A folder of the Gaupropagandaamt Hessen-Nassau or some other
Hessen~i\fassau Party office containing the directives of the Gaupropa-
gandaamt for the period January 1941 - September 1944* The material gives
good insight into the workings of the Party propaganda apparatus in the war
years. F rames 137422-137/427 contain directives for the famous "Schat-
tenaktion" of January 1944 which misfired. Some duplicates omitted.
Folder 9. A folder of Gauschulungsamt Baden or some other Gau Baden
office containing a collection of the Gauschulungsamt Baden directives
for 1933-39.
Folder 10. F rom a folder of Gauschulungsamt Baden containing corre-
spondence with the Gaupersonalamt, material of general interest, 1937-41*
has been filmed. Anong the materials filmed, there are, in addition to
material generally illustrative of the activity of the two offices in-
volved, some very interesting statistics on recruitment for the Party and
its formations as well as the army in Alsace.
Folder 12. F rom a folder of Gauschulungsamt Baden, material of general
interest for its activities, 1939-40, has been filmed. Included are
periodic activity reports on political education; political education in
the WSV j preparations for the 1939 Reichspsrteitag (which was never held);
and other material on the indoctrination activities of the. Party.
Folder 13. A folder of the Reichsluftschutzbund in Miinchen Nord,
Serial Roll provenance r&em i?'limed 1st Notes 68
Gau Koln-Aachen, Kreis
Koln, Kreispropagandaamt
FS 138883
FS 139032
227 118 Gau Hessen-Nassau, Gau- EAP 251-a/l6,
~U9 propagandaamtj 17, 20, 21
Gau Baden, Gausehulungc-
Gau Hessen-Nassau, Stabe~
amt, Politisches Amt
FT 139213
FT 140077
45. The material is interesting for the airraid problems of Munich, the
reactions of the population, and the activity of the Party. (Should be used
in conjunction with material of the IB Strategic Bombing Survey in the
National Archives,)
Folder 14. A group of files of the iireispropagandaamt Hansestadt Koln*
O ne, containing supply forms, has not been filmed* The following have been
filmed entirely*Beginning frame 138884* " Propagandatatigkeit der kath.
Kirche, Mai-Juni 1944," 1944. Beginning frame 138911. "Gassparaktion Mai-
Juni 1944," 1944. Beginning frame 138939. "Inspektionen der O rtsgruppen
31.7.-30.8.1944, bes. Mappe," 1944. The following file has been filiaed ex-
cept for the forms: Beginning frame 139016. "Rundfunkgerate," 1943-44. This
file concerns the distribution of radio sets apparently stolen in the Nether-
lands .
Folder 15. A folder of the Gauschulungsamt Baden, filmed entirely except
for supplies of circulars and similar material. The documents filmed are
the copies sent to the Gauschulungsamt of the periodic activity reports of
the Gauschrifttumsbeauftragter fur Baden to the Amt Schrifttumspflege in the
office of the Beauftragte des Fuhrers fur die U bemmchung der gesamten geis ti~
.gen und weltaaschaulichen ochulung und Erziehung der NSDAP, 1936-39.
Folder 16. A very valuable folder from the files of the Gaupropagandaamt
Hessen-Nassau containing the periodic activity and morale reports of the
Kreise in Gau Hessen-rfetssau, February-August 1944. The documents are ex-
tremely interesting for the Party's wartime activity5 for the reaction of
the population to the events of the v;ar; and for tiie reaction to the 20 July
1944. See frames 139417-139422 f
material on the Germans captured at
Folder 17. A folder of Gausshulungsamt Baden on the political education
of the Volksdeutsche brought to Germany under the agreements with the Soviet
Union, 1941-43.
Folder 20. A older~ of the Politische Amt of the Stabsamt des Gauleiters
Hessen-t^assau containing the situation reports of the Kreisleiter in the Gau
for Ihay-June 1939. These reports are of great interest, covering the attitude
of the local population, the activities of the party and its affiliated
organizations, and a host of other matters. Included is the report of the
Deutsche Arbeitsfront. The forvfarding letters are all in the back of the
folder, the reports themselves are broken up and filed according to topic.
The folder gives valuable insights into the propaganda and indoctrination
activities of the Party and the struggle with the churches.
Folder 21. A folder of the Gauschulungsamt Baden containing the corre-
Gauschulungsleiter (Hartlieb) with the Chef der Zivilver-
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes
228 119 Gau Hessen-Nassau, Gau- EAP 251-a/22,
-120 propagandaaiat; 23, 26, 27
Gau Hessen-Nassau, X reis
Gau Hessen-Nassau, Gau-
FS 140500
FT 14C621
229 120 Gauleiter Wagner,
-121 Stabsamt
FT 141023
FT 141378
EAP 251-a/24 FT 141709
waltung (Elsass), the Gauleiter (same man, but Baden), Stellv. Gauleiter,
and Gaugeschaftsfuhrer, 1939-41. The material is of considerable interest
for various Party activities, Hartlieb's answer to the charges about his
attack on Christianity in the first document of the folder vd.ll be found
on frames 140111-140112 (bee also Serial 236)* See frames 14039S-140401
for activity of the Parteiamtliche Prufungskommission zum Schutze des NS-
Schrifttums in connection vdth control of calenders and names to be given
to children.
Folder 22, F rom a folder of the l-aupropagandaamt Hessen-Nassau, 1942-
44) reports on dropped enemy leaflets, a sample and the more interesting
reports have been filmed. The leaflets themselves are not included in this
folder. The material omitted consists of routine forwarding notes, See
frame 140550 for a reference to a leaflet " Manifest der Miinchener otuden-
ten" found on 11 July 1943 which may be connected vdth the itfeisse Rose
F older 23, A folder froia the Gau Propagandaaint Hessen-Kassau containing
reports on morale and tne political situation in the Kreise of this Gau for
the period September 1942-i
.arch 1944 The material is of great interest on
popular attitudes, reactions to developments in the war and on the home
front, the activity of the Party, and the difficulties of the Party with
the churches.
Folder 26, A folder of the Kreisleitung Bensheim or one of its O rts-
gruppen containing a collection of the directives of the various sections
of the Gauleitung and Kreisloitung for 1934 and covering all aspects of
Party activity.
Folder 27, A folder of the Hessen-Nassau Gauschatzmeister containing
the Rundschreiben of the Gauleiter and Gaustabsamt for 1942-43, and dealing
with all aspects of Party activity.
Folder 24. A most interesting folder from the files of Gauleiter
Wagner, Gauleiter of Baden-KL sass, Reichstatthalter in Baden, and Chef der
Zivilverwaltung im Jilsass, December 1942-October 1944. The folder contains
correspondence with the highest offices of the state and Party, Among
topics covered are the following: The statistics on the recruitment among
those born in 1928 according to volunteers for the different branches of
the service and the Uaf fen bS according to Gau; scattered material on the
Adolf- Hitler Schulenj the evacuation of industry; Rosenberg's book collec-
tions for the flehrmacht; the Deutsche Arbeitsfront; Kraft durch Freude;
possible award of decorations and i\eichstag seats to Nazis from Alsace; the
Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Soldatenheime; Arbeitseinsatz; propaganda; indoc-
trination in the ffehrmachtj. replacement of denominational nurses by Party
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 70
230 121 Gau Baden, Amt fur
022 Volkswohlfahrt*Gau
hessen-l'Iassau, Kreis
Gau Franken, Gauwirt-
EAP 251-a/25,
28, 30, 31
231 122 JSSBAP, Ortsgruppe
KSDAP, Kreis Gross-
SAP 251-a/32,
232 122 NSDAP, Gau Baden, Amt
fur Volkswohlfahrt;
NSDAP, Gau Baden,
O rganisationsamt
EAP 25l-a/33,
FS 142164
FS 143477
FT 143565
nurses; activity of the ilauptarchiv der MSBkp; interference of a Party offi-
cial in judicial proceedings against an eirbezzler; efforts to transmute lead
into tin; arid other matters, ui frame 141753 and scattered through the
folder are particularly tasteless condolence forms sent to relatives of men
killed in the service, the one cited quotes Hitler as referring to such
losses-as " ganz belan,los" See frame 141659 on Ihilipp Souhler's activi-
ties as Reichsbeauftragter fur das Schul-und Unterrichtsschrifttum, 1944*
See frames 141901-141903 on the activity of the Parteiamtliche Prufungs-
kommjlssion sum Schutze des Nb.-Schriftturns in connection with the Taschen-
brockhaus, 1944.
'Folder 25. F rom a folder of Gau Saden, Amt fur Volkswohlfahrt, Personal-
abteilung, containing papers on individuals to be employed by the Amt fur
Volkswohlfahrt, a substantial sample has been filmed, 1941-44 Selection
was on the basis of taking a group from the beginning and end of the folder.
Folder 28. A folder of the Gau 3aden, Amt fur Volkswohlfahrt, containing
a series of three on Catholic institutions seized or to be seized by
the NSV , 1941.
Folder 30, A folder of Kreis Gross-Frankfurt/M containing the Rundschrei-
ben of the Kreisleitung, 1943, on all aspects of Party activity.
Folder 31. A folder of the Gauwirtschaftsberater Franken containing
various circulars, 1944.
Folder 32. From a folder of the O rganisationsleiter of O rtsgruppe Ken-
zingen, Kreis jSmmendingen, Gau 3aden, items of general interest, 1936, have
been filmed. Included are some issues of the itfaehrichtenblatt of the Gau-
leiturig Baden.
Folder 34. From a folder of the Kreispresseamt Gross-Frankfurt, Gau
Hessen-Hassau, of reports of the tresseamter of the O rtsgruppen on air raids
in 1944> those of interest have been filmed, kuch of the documentation re-
fers to the distribution of newspapers, particularly the Khein-i*ain-Zeitung,
to people who have been bombed out. Many of the reports were for publication
in the newspapers; see for example the one on frame 143501 in which the hero-
ic deeds of the O rtsgruppenleiter were inserted as an afterthought.
Folder 33. A folder of the Gau 3aden
Amt fiir Volkswohlfahrt containing
material on conferences and indoctrination courses, particularly of the Ju-
gendhilfe, 1937-43.
Folder 36, A folder apparently from the files of the O rganisationsamt of
Gau Baden containing a variety of intesesting materials on various aspects
of Party activity, 1934-43. Included is a good deal of information on the
Winterhilfswark, the Qrgsnisationsamt, the MSV , care for the Volksdeutsche
from the USSR, Mi-Frauensehaft, i> ~Schwesternschaft, and Arbeitsbeschaffung.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 71
233 122 Gauleiter Giesler
-123 (Munich)
MP 251-a/35 FT
234 123 Gau Baden, Amt fur
235 124 NSDAP, Gau Baden,
Kreisleitung Strassburg
EAP 251-a/37 FT U5219
EAP 251-a/39 FS 112176
236 124 NSDAP, Gau Baden,
EAP 251-Q/40, FT
43, 47
144528 Folder 35. A folder from the files of Gauleiter Giesler, apparently not
entirely in its original order. The folder contains material pertaining
to the Gauleiter's correspondence and activities in 1944 and 1945, The
folder is a part of an alphabetical file and covers the letters "S" - "Z",
primarily according to name of correspondent but sometimes by subject.
Many of the documents bear Giesler
s initials and annotations in a fortu-
nately very legible handwriting. Included is a large number of private
requests to the Gauleiter, material on industrial installations, corre-
spondence with and about the consular corps in Munich, material on the
Rektorat of the University of Iv/unich, material on the Biechteler armaments
firm, correspondence with Gerdy Troost, and correspondence relating to the
house given by the Swedes to the Prinz zu I/Vied (German Ambassador to
Sweden). See frames 145566-144576 for material on the Soldatensender
Calais, an Allied broadcasting station; frames 144665-144666 for a letter
by the German officer who took command of the German forces fighting the
British parachutists who landed at Arnheim in September 1944> frames
144717-144720 for the case of Hauptmann a.d. Schuchardt, a Party organizer
in the 1923-25 period and associate of hiinmler at that time, and frames
144760-144761 for the case of Antonie Schwei^hart, sister of one of those
murdered in the itoehrn purge.
Folder 37. F older of the 3aden Aiut fur Volkswohlfahrt on the confis-
cation of denominational institutions and their property in Alsace, 1941-
Folder 39. F rom a folder of tho Areisleitung Strassburg of correspond-
ence with the Polizeiprasident .jtr^ssburg, material of general interest
has been filmed, This includes documents on the efforts to Germanize the
aree, the organization of the customs in Alsace, the Tag der Deutschen
Polizei 1941* & leaflet attacking the supposedly impending transfer of the
cathedral at btrassburg to the irotestants, and other material, 1940-42.
Duplicates and some routine correspondence omitted.
145889 Folder 40. A folder of Gauschulungsamt Baden containing important
correspondence and circulars, 194^~44 Included is material on the indoc-
trination activities of the Party, Germanization efforts in Alsace, meas-
ures for total war, relations with various affiliated organizations of the
Party, recruitment for the vVaffen-SS from the HJ, Fuhrungshinweise of the
Partei-Kanslei, non-publications of casualty statistics after airraids, and
administrative matters. The complaint referred to in frames 145920-145921
is probably the one in folder EAP 25l-a/21 on Serial 227. See frames
146009-146018 for Hartlieb
s plans for the indoctrination of teachers and
officials after the dissolution of the NSDAp Amt fur Beamte and Amt fur
Serial Roll
Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes 72
237 124 NSMF, Gau Munchen-
Oberbayern, Adju-
tantur des Gauleiters
EAP 251-a/L FT 146667
238 124
NSBAP, Gau Mainfranken ' EAP 251-a/42 FT 146867
239 NSDAP, Gau Baden, Amt
fur Volkswohlfahrt
EAP 251~a/44 FT 147614
Erzieher in 1943* See frame 146022 for Party search for politically reli-
able Wehrmacht officers. Frame 146043 contains regulations for the treat-
ment of Switzerland in Party speeches and publications, 1943. Frame 146654
is the order for the transfer of the main office of the Gauschulungsaiat
Baden to Strassburg. (Note: In the opinion of the screener, the heavy
crayon underlining on many of the Rundschreiben was made not by officials
of the Gauschulungsamt but after capture of the document.)
Folder 43. A folder of the Gauschulungsamt Baden consisting of five
files containing the quarterly reports of the Zreisschulungsleiter for the
2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarters, 1943, and the let and nd quarters -of 1944<*
Folder 47. From'a folder of the Gauschulungsamt Baden containing pri-
marily routine correspondence about the Gauschule at Frauenalb, materials,
of general interest have been filmed, 1939-42. The most interesting item
is frames 146640-642 : a note from' the Kauptschulungsaint in'the office of
the Reichsorganisationsleitunij der MbDA? on the organization of the Par-
teiamtliche Prufungskomraission zum Schutze des i\lS,~Schrifttums| the vari-
ous Party and Reich agencies represented on it, and its publication, the
ftS.-Bibliographic (21~July 1939).
Folder 41. This is a folder in two parts from the files of the Kanzlei
of Gauleiter Giesler .kept by his adjutant^ugen Press. The first part
contains a group of Gau circulars issued by various sections of the Gau-
leitung in 1944. 1 any of the circulars carry the initials of Press;
occasionally the initial of Giesler, a very large G, shows up. The second
part of the folder contains miscellaneous correspondence handled by the
adjutant and carrying annotations b y him and the Gauleiter, 1944. See
frames 146816-146E18 on the efforts to suppress jasz.
Folder 42. A folder of unknown provenance containing the (Vertrauliche)
Verordnungsblatt of the IfcDAP, Gau Ivjainfranken, for 1935-36. The various
issues have been separated and filed according to the filing system de*v ".' .
scribed at the beginning of the folder. Included are directives and in-
formational items on literally all aspects of Party activity. This means
that a researcher interested in a specific subject or the operations of a
branch of the Gauleitung or the activity of an affiliated organization can
check the filing system outlined at the beginning of the folder and then
look into the relevant part of the folder according to its numerical di-
viders .
Folder 44. A folder of the Baden Amt fur Volkswohlfahrt on the care of
the Volksdeutsche from the USSR, primarily Bessarabia, 1940-41.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame
125 NSBAP, &au Baden, Ras-
senpolitisches Aint
EAP 251-a/U5 FT 1^7972
125 NSDAP, Gau Baden,
-126 Gau-Archiv
EAP 251-a/US, FT
2H2 126 NSDAP, Kreisleitung
2U3 126 NSBAP, Gail Baden, Amt
flir Kommonalpolitik
126 NSDAP, Gaugericht Hes-
sen-Nassau, Kreisge-
richt Bingen a/Bh..;
Gemeinde Katzenbtlhl;
ESDAP, Gau Salzburg,
Gauamt fiir Wirtschaft;
EAP 251-a/50,
SAP 251-a/51,
FT 1^3397
F older ^5. A folder of the Rassenpolitisches Amt in Gau Baden on the
case of the O tto F reisinger, for a number of years L eiter of the Bat*? en-
politisches Amt in Baden who was sacked and deprived of his Party rank
after proceedings against him for embesslement in the Gaugericht. The
whole rather voluminous file on this case has been filmed as it is inter-
esting both for the management of the Rassenpolitisches Amt on the Gau
level and the kind of people engaged in such activities.
F older kS . A folder of record copies kept by the Gau-Archiv Badon of
the circulars and directives of the Reichsarbeit sgemeinschaf t fitrScha-
denverhutung 193^-^2. This organization was concerned with aich matters
as accident-prevention and published the periodical " Kampf der Gefahr."
See frame 1US29U for a description of the new Party office of Pilzfadi-
Folder 61. A folder of the Gau-Archiv Baden containing some circulars
of the Gauamt fur Agrarpolitik, 1937t and an item" of the Gauainfc flir das
L andvolk, 19UU.
Folder U9. A folder of administrative and political directives of the
Ereisleiturg Strassburg, 1940-^3. Some ti$e after these records were
captured, a group of routine items from the files of the Gauschulungsamt
Baden were bound in with them. These have not been filmed.
Folder 50. A folder of miscellaneous correspondence of the Baden Amt
fur ICommuaalpolitik, 1939-^3.
F older 5H
. A folder of the Baden Amt fttr Kommunalpolitik from its
Y ervaltungssachen, V eterinfirwesen: V ollgug des Abdeckereigesetzes &nd
Tierkfirperbeseitigung, 193?~^0.
F older 51* A folder of the ICreisgericht Bingen a/Rh. containing
material on a case related to the case of Fiiehs versus Brilmsyer, 1937
in regard to accusations against Suchs for Separatist activities during
the occupation of the Rhinele.nd, 1937-38.
F older 52. A folder of the Gemeinde Katzenbiilil in the Saar area con-
taining material on the evacuation of people and. farm animals from the
area in case of mobilization. The documents d*?te from 1he period Feb. -
May 1939 and, though intrinsically of little interest, have been filmed
to illustrate the detailed mobilization planning in 1939.
F older 59. A folder probably from tlie files of the Salzburg Gauamt
fttr Wirtschaft and probably dated 1939. It is a report called "L and im
Aiifbau" and deals with the activities of the Hazis during their first
year of control in Gau Salzburg.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes
EAP 251-a/55, FT
126 NSDAP, Gau Baden, Gau- EAP 251-a/56,; 63
NSDAP, Gau Baden, Gau-
FT 1US556
126 NSMP, Gau
NSDAP, Gau Schleswig-
Holstein, Gauleiter
L ohse
251-a/60 FT 149230
2*4.8 126 NSMP, Gau Mnchen-
-127 Oberbayern ?
NSDAP, Gau Hessen-
Nassau, Stabsamt
EAP 251-a/6*4,
FT 110300
2*49 127 NSMP, Gau Baden-Elsass^AP 251-a/65
Chef der Zivilverwaltung;
NSDAP, Gau Baden, Gau-Ar-
Oont. chiv.Nebenstelle Strassbg.
FT 1*49591
F older 55 Political reports on the situation, popular attitudes, rumors,
and economic situation in the Kreise of Bau Baden, and the Gau as a whole,
August 19*4*4. (This includes reactions to 20 July).
Folder 58. A folder like folder 55 tut for July 19*4U.
Folder 56. Though without its original cover or any Eingangssteripol, the
filing arrangement and the two small holes for string in the top left-hand
corner point to a Gau-Archiv Baden provenance. The documents are circulars
of the Gauleitung Baden-Elsass, 19*40-H*4, pertaining to various subjects, a
high proportion dealing with efforts to Germanize Alsace.
Folder 63. A folder of the Gaugeschaftsfiihrun^ Baden containing the
letters " M
- " Q
of an alphabetical file, organized according to same, of
miscellaneous requests, appeals and complaints addressed "by individuals to
Gauleiter Wagner and handled "by the Gaugeschaftsfuhrvng, 1938~*4?. General-
ly the original letters and the documents indicating disposition are in-
cluded for each case.
Folder 60. A folder made up of tv/o unrelated parts. F irst there is a
stray item, a geheime Reichssache Rundschreiben of Gau Efiln-Aa-hon on the
construction of anti-taak defenses, 19^5-
i Q
rest of the folder is from
the files of Hinrich L ohse, Gauleiter of Schleswig-Hoistein, whose initial
appears on frames 1^9236 and 1^9272. This material is evidently relabed
to, and may have originated in-
the same file, as the material from L ohse*s
files in folder EAP 252-a-01/ll filmed on T-81, Serial 95. The documents
deal with basic organizational problems of the Deutsche Arbeitsfrcn'i; and
with problems of wage levels and wage policy, 1933. Included is very in-
teresting material on these subjects turned out by Wolfgang Poh! , later
of the Arbeitswissenschaftliche Institut der Deutschen Arbeitsfront.
Folder 6H. A folder of unknown provenance, but probably from some
office of the Gauleituag Mttnchen-O berbayern, containing a lis t of sections
of that office and its subordinate territorial divisions with addresses
and names of those in charge, 19^3*
F older 66. A folder of the Stabsamt of the Gauleiter Hessen-Fassau
containing the general situation reports of the Kreisleiter for June-July,
1939* broken down according to subject with the forwarding notes Included
at the end of the folder. This folder is clearly from the same saiics as
folder EAP 251-a/20 filmed on T-81, Serial 227, and containing the reports
for May-June, 1939.
F older 65. A folder of the Gau Baden, Chef der Zivilverwaltuag iia 31-
sass, containing a collection of the circulars of the Gaustabsamt from its
establishoent in May of 19^2 - April 19*43. Topics covered include Arbeits-
einsatz, war mobilization, relations with various state and Party offices,
Serial- Boll Item Filmed., 1st frame Hotes
2H9 127 NSDAP.Gau Baden-Eleass, SAP 251-a/65
Chef der Zivilverwal- cont.,72,78-
tung; 9MS-97.11S,
NSBAP, Gau Baden, Gau- 119,119a;/12O-
Archiv. Nebenstelle 123
250 127 Ijehr-und Forschungs-
-128 stfttte fdr Innerasien
und Erpeditionen;
Reichsinstitut Sven
Hedin fdr Innerasien-
forschung (later name
of the same institution)
EAP 252-1/2
SAP 252-1/U
EAP 252-1/S FS
m p 252-1/22 FT
EAP 252-1/29 FT
forestry, O starbeiter and agriculture.
F olders 72, 7^-9^ 9M7 US. 119, 119&, 120-123. Folders of the Gan-i*
chive Baden, > 7ebenstelle Strassburg, containing historicPl^epor ts on tho
evacuations and resettlement in the border areas of Baden and Alsace in
1939-^0 and similar material on the evacuation of various parts of Baden
and on the activity of the Nazis in the various Kreise of Alsace up to
February 19*11.
Note: F olders 95
sr i
^ H7t not filmed, contain some pictures related
to this material.
O n this roll, frame 150000 is followed by frames 300000-3C02S1*.
Note: Die L ehr- und F orschungsstatte fur Innerasien und Expeditio nen
was originally established as part of the SS Amt Ahnenerbe which
financed it. L ater, it was associated with the U niversity of
Munich and the name of the institution was changed to Seieas-
institut Sven Hedin fflr Innerasienforschung. Its funds were
disbursed by the U niversity of Munich but the Institute was
subsidized by the SS Ahnenerbe throughout its existence.
Folder of the L ehr- und F orschungsstatte fdr Innerasien und Expedi-
tionon containing correspondence with the S3 Amt Ahnenerbe about finan-
cial matters, 19^3-^5 Duplicates omitted.
F older of the same organization containing correspondence and accounts
about the financing of the Tibet expedition of Dr. E. Schafer, 19UO . De-
tailed inventory accounts and duplicates omitted.
O at of a folder of bank accounts a misfiled item, a letter of the
Reichsfiihrer SS, Pers. Stab, Amt Ahnenerbe, to the same organization,
pertaining to financial matters, 19^5* Probably belonged to folder 2,
F older of the Reichsinstitut Sven Hedin fdr Innerasienforschung, con-
taining correspondence with the Reichsminister fflr Wissenschaft, Srzie-
hung und V olksbildung and with the U niversitt BMnchen about financial
and administrative matters, 19^3-^. O f special interest is the draft
of the constitution of the Institute (frame 150395 through 150U3l|).
Folder of the same organization, containing records of correspon-
dence and accounts with the Reichsminister fur Wissenschaft, Erziehung
und V olksbildung and with the U niversitat Mdnchen,
250 127 L ehr- und F orschungs-, EAP 252-1/30
-128 stfitte ftlr Innerasien * . . . . . .
und Expeditionen; HA? 252-1/33
Beichsinstitut Sven
Hedin fttr Innerasien-
forschung (later name
of the same institution)
, _ ., . SAP 252-1/3H 251 128
Filmed 1st frame
FT - 150776
252 129
EAP 252-1/38 FT
EAP 252-1/U2 FT
EAP 252~1/1*3 FT
EAP 252-1/UU FT
EAP 252-1/U5 FT
EAP 252-1/U6 FT 162515
EAP 252~l/67 FT 162962
EAP 252-1/63 FT 162991
Bolder of the-Reichsinstitut Sven: Eedin,. containing records of the
library end correspondence about inter-library loans, 19^3
' . ' 'Folder of tho Heichsinst'" tut Sven Eedin,- containing a detailed Akten-
ablage des Institute fttr Innerasien und Ibspedibionen, 1940? Correspondence
pertaining .to acquisitions for the library omitted. Duplicates oriiitted.
..Folder cf the F orschungsstatte fur Innerasxen urd Expeditionen con-
taining correspondence concerning Dr. Ernst Sch&fer, 1938-^2. Du.plicatea
F older of the Sven Hedin Institut ftir Inneracisnforschung containing
various correspondence pertaining to the library and some letters to scien-
tific collaborators, 19^3.
Folder of Dr. Bruno Beger, collaborator of'Dr. Schafer, containing'
various notes pertaining to the Tibet expedition, 1939"? ' " ' " .
Folder of Dr. Bruno Beger, containing correspondence with collabora-
tors, especially Dr. 3. Schafer, 193
?-^3- '^
letters give info neat ion on
the role of Himinler in supporting the institute.
Folder of Dr. Bruno Beger, containing scientific notes on Tibet and
Hasscnkonde, 193^-^3. Duplicates ..o.siitted. (F rame o 152000-1^1999 not used).
Folder of Dr. Bruno " Beger, containing various correspondence on ad-
ministrative and scientific matters, 19^3-^ 1* includes correspondence
with the O KU O berste Stolle f(ir .Triegsgefangsne about permits to enter
PCV / camps to conduct Hassenkundliche U ntersuchungen an Kriegsgefangenen
aus Innerasien und dem enrasiatischen O rensgebiet. In this correspondenco
Beger, using the letterheads of the.Sven Hodin Instltai , signed the let-
ter over a stamp of Waff en S3, S3 Sonderltoinmando " J
( Mitt era ill/SaL zbur-
'ger L and) (frames 1^2U62 through 182^65). Duplicates omitted.
F older of Dr. Bruno Beger, containing correspondence with the Jihnen-
erbe and with various scientific collaborators, 1942-^4. O f special inter-
est is the memorand
i! T! 2ur Kaschuban'frage (frames 162^75-1^2^9^) and a draft
of the planned Wehr^issenschaf t/liehen F orschungen des Ahnenerbe (frames
162726-162729). O ne publication o-rntted.
F older of the Ibxchsinatitut Sven Hedin containing personnel data
and information about collaborator Dr. Helmut Itoffman, sn O rientalist,
19^3-UU. Duplicates own ted.
F older of the same organization, personnel data concerning Dr. Ui~~
rich L ehman, a paleontologist,
Serial Roll Item F ilmed 1st frame U otes
252 129 L ehr- und Forschungs- EAP 252-1/69 FS
-130 statte ftr Innerasicn
und Expeditionen;
Reichsinstitut Sven EAP 252-1/71 FT
Hedin fur Innerasien-
forschung (later name
of the ssne institution)
EAP 252-1/72 FS
EAP 252-1/73 FT
EAP 252-1/7U FT
SAP 252-1/75 FT
253 130 Deutsche Tibet Expe-
-131 dition E.Schfifer un-
ter der Schirmherr-
schaft des Reichsfilih-
rers S3 Himmler und in
V erbindung mit dem Ah~
Reichsinstitut Sven He-
din fttr Innerasienfor- EAP
F rom a folder of the same organization, personnel data concerning Prof.
Dr. Zurt L euchs end an address list (of supporters?). Scattered scientif?-
notes and inventory lists omitted, 19^3-^
F older of the same organization, containing correspondence about and with
Dr. A. Rohrer, a scientific collaborator. The letters give interesting in-
formation about the development and. program of the institute and its various
research projects, 19^0-^2.
F rom a folder of the same organization a group of letters to A. Rohrer,
his personal folder and outlines of scientific investigation,I9U2. Inven-
tory slips from objects from the Institute' s Ethnologische Sammlung, re-
ceipts and correspondence about loans of such objects and their sketches
were omitted because they are scattered and obviously incomplete.
Folder of the same organization, personnel data concerning Dr. Rudolf
Trojan, an anthropologist, 19^.
F older of the same organization, personnel data concerning Wilhelm U n-
krieg, a librarian, 19'43-UU .
F older of the same organization, personnel data concerning Dr. Volkmar
V areschi, a botanist, IQU U .
Note: O f a series of personnel folders of the Institute, only those
of scientific collaborators were selected. The data on auxi-
liary personnel (assistants, library personnel) were omitted.
The scientific collaborators were often in touch v/ith the In-
stitute either prior or after their employment there, and let-
ters from thorn appear in the folders containing correspondence.
F older of Dr. Bruno Begcr, a member of the expedition to Tibet, dealing
with the preparations of the expedition, 193T-193S. O ne publication omit-
F older of Dr. Ernst ScMfer, containing correspondence received during
the expedition to Tibet, 1939 and information on supplies (especially me-
dical) used during the trip, 1939.
F older of B. Seger, correspondence about the Institute and its programs
and projects with collaborators, 1939~^5
F rom a folder of B. Beger, correspondence about the Institute end its
collaborators, containing also information about , the visits of Sven Hedin
to Germany (19^-2), 19U2-U3. See Beger's report "Bber meine Reiseeindriicke
in StL dnorwegen (frames l6U2f7-l6H27U). Correspondence about library ac-
quisitions, one publication and duplicates omitted.
Serial Roll Provenance Item F ilmed 1st frame F ates
253 130
Deutsche Tibet Expe- SAP 252-1/82 FS
dition E.Schafer un-
ter der Schirmherr-
schaft des Reichsfilh-
rers SS Himmler und in
Y erbindung mit dem Ah-
nenerbe; later became:
Reichsinstitut Sven He- EAP 252-1/83 FS
din ftlr Innerasienfor-
EAP 252-1/SU FS
EAP 252-1/85 PS
EAP 252-1/86 FT
EAP 252-1/88 FT
BAP 252-1/91 FS
EAP 252-1/92 FT 1650^8
EAP 252-1/95 FT 165131!
F older of Bruno Beger, containing correspondence about the work of the
Institute, and of the V/affen SSi SS Sonderkommando " K
project. In con-
nection with that project the " Kurzgefasste Darstellung der im Rahraen des
geplanten rassenkundlichen U ntersuchungen" is of inter-
est (frames l6
4287-l6U28c) . Inventory lists of supplies of tho project of
Sonderkommando " K
are omitted.
F rom a folder of Dr. 3runo Boger, of the Reichsinstitut Sven Hedin fiir
Innerasienforschung, correspondence pertaining to the work of the Institute
and memoranda about its program, 1939-^4. O f interest is the Denkschrift
iiber die erste SS Tibetexpedition als G-emeinschaf tsexpedition; tlber Meuge-
staltung kiinf tiger wissenschaftlicher Gemeinschaftsexpeditionen und Planung
einer F orschungsreise einer SS Manns chaft nach dem Sieg iiber England, Mftrz
19^1 (frame 16^737-16^752) and. a galley proof of Dr. Beger's dissertation,
dealing with the BevSlkerung der altmarkischen Wische (frame 16^793-16^883).
Bibliographical materials, identification cards, duplicates and one publi-
cation omitted.
F rom a folder of miscellaneous items, correspondence of Dr. Schflfer and
leases contracted by the Institute, 19^2-^4. Inventory notebook from the
Tibet expedition, library records and duplicates omitted.
F rom a folder of Dr. Schfifer, drafts and copies of short articles about
the Tibet expedition, a letter from the Ahnenerbe to Schafer. I ^ Z- kj.
Clippings and photographs omitted.
F older containing Sfciz?e des Eoutenverzeichnisses der Expeditionsteil-
nehmer der SS Tibet Expedition Dr. E. Schflfer, 1933-39 Duplicates omitted.
F older of the Sven Hedin Institute containing scientific materials from
the expedition to (Rassenkunde and Geology), 1939?
F rom a folder of detailed accounts about administrative expenditures of
the Institute (omitted) correspondence with the U niversitatskasse of the
U niversity of Munich and with the E.eichsininister fdr Wissenschaft, Erzie-
hung und V olksbildung, dealing with financial matters, 19^3.
A folder of the same organisation containing notes on Schreibweise und
Bedeutung der O rtsnanen von Nordsikkim nebst den O rtsnamen am Wege nach
Dobtra und der am Wege durch Mitt els ikkim nach Gangtok and a Routenbeschrei-
bung (frames 165073-1^5130), 1938? See also Serial 25U, F older 86. Dupli-
cates omitted.
F older of the same organization containing text of an article (?) on the
U r sprung der TTordischen V8lker. Author and date are not indicated, inscrip-
tion on the folder indicates that it is a translation.
Serial Roll Fil ined 1 s t frame
255 131 Reichsinstitut Sven He-EAP 252-1/97 IT 165166
din fftr Innerasienfor-
EAP 252-1/100 FT 16517
SAP 252-1/101 FS 165191
256 132
257 132
BAP 252-1/10H FT 165206
EAP 252-1/105 FT 165^30
EAP 252-1/107 FT 165^59
EAP 252-1/108 FS 165S30
EAP 252-1/110 IT 166099
EAP 252-1/35 IT 166121
Notes 79
Folder of the same organization, containing draft of an article and notes
on the religious situation in Tibet. No dates indicated. Duplicates omit-
Folder of the same organization, containing drafts of short articles about
the Tibet expedition, no dates indicated. Duplicates omitted.
From a folder of the same organization containing lists of photographs,
two address-lists of people to whom picture albums of the Tibet expedition
were sent as a Christmas present. $o date. L ists of photographs included
in the album omitted.
Folder of the Heichsinstitut Sven Hedin, containing scientific notes, co-
pies of articles etc. on Rassenfcunde, techniques of Anthropometrie. In-
cludes also a script of commentaries to pictures shown during le ctures on
the Tibet expedition. Publications omitted. Ho dates indicated.
A folder of the same organization containing carbon copies of lectures(T)
and articles, no dates indicated. O f interest is Sin L eben for die For-
schung, (resprach mit Dr. Sven Hedin (frames 165*K51-1 65^36) and photostatic
copies of Russian charts of types of human hands aid feet (Hassenkunde ?)
(frames 165^53-1 65^58).
A folder of the .same organization containing drafts of articles for the
German press, texts of lectures and scientific publications dealing with the
Tibet expedition. Also many excerpts in German translations from literature
on Tibet. Copies and translations of fully identified publications are omit-
ted. 19*42.
A folder of the same organization containing manuscript of Beger
s dis-
sertation on the Bev dike-rung der altmarkischen V ische (omitted, see Serial
25^ Folder 83, for galley proofs), various excerpts from scientific litera-
ture (fully identified publications omitted), and drafts of scientific re-
ports and articles. Fo dates indicated. Duplicates omitted.
A folder of documents pertainixg to the employment of prisoners from
concentration camps and jails and Umsiedlungslager by the Institute, 19^3-
EAP 252-1/llU FS 166158
A folder of accounts of the Institute pertaining to the household costs
of the Schloss Mittersill, Salzburg, the Instituted building. It includes
bills for V crpflegekosten fur Haftlinge von KL Mauthausen and fur Strafge-
fangene von Strafanstalt Bernau (frames 166138, I66l^5-l66l^7 166152) in
Arbeit seinsatz for the SS Sonderkommando "K* Waffen SS, subordinated to the
Institute, 19UU.
F rom a folder of the same organization containing inventories of leased
property (omitted), the text of the lease, 19*&* concluded by the Institute.
Provenance F ilmed 1st frame Notes SO
257 132 Reichsinstitut Sven EAP 252-1/115 PS
Hedin filr Innerasien-
258 132
EAP 252-1/121 PS
EAP 252-1/123 PT
EAP 252-1/125 PT
EAP 252-1/137 PT
EAP 252-1/139 PS
1AP 252-1/1U2 PS
EAP 252-1/150 PS 1663S6
259 133 NSBAP Kreisleitung EAP 251-b-01/l PS
Hansestadt Kflln.Kreis-
propagandaain t;
der NBMP L andesgruppe
Prankreich, Paris; In-
stitut ftir deutsche ..
O starbeit, Krakau
Prom a folder of the same organization containing correspondence about
library acquisitions, library loans and various bibliographies, one item
(obviously misfiled) was filmed; a letter of the P.eichsgeschfii'tsf&hrer des
Ahnenerbe to Beger, dealing with the research project of the Institute
" Rassen im Kampf" , 19*43.
Prom a folder of the same organization containing miscellaneous biblio-
graphy and library items, a name list (of collaborators?) was filmed. Ho
date indicated.
A folder containing reports and short articles about Tibet, written
probably in connection with the production and release of the film about
the Tibet expedition, G-eheimnis Tibet. No dates indicated, 19^2? Dupli-
cates omitted.
Polder of the Institute containing a list of press reviews of the film
on the expedition to Tibet (Pressepropaganda fflr den Tibetfilm), 19*42-^3-
Duplicate omitted.
Polder of the Institute containing an outline of the Pilmwerbung for the
film about the Tibet expedition end Hichtlinien fiir die Propaganda des 2i~
bet-F ilmes, 19*12?
Prom a folder of the Institute a group of letters to collaborators was
filmed. Detailed technical evaluations of the film brought from the Tibet
expedition were omitted, 19^2-^3-
Prom a group of scattered notes on ornithology, a publication on the
results of the Second Dolan Expedition to West China and Tibet, by E. ScM-
fer, 1938- The notes are of Rudolf 2imrr.erma.nn, an ornithologist, to Bei-
trage zur Kenntnis der Y ogelwelt.
Prom a folder of scattered scientific notes and personal letters, an
outline of preparations for the project of the SS Sonderkommando " K" , and
a blueprint of a tent to be used in field work on that project. No date
Polder of the Kreispropagandaamt of the 1TSDAP Ireisloitung of Edln,
consists of 9 folders, each containing papers relating to different actions
of the proT^'*"'^ "*-*
> a?,*.,^ 4i*. oaoioot^ang der G-efallenen der Terror-
^^-..'MC;, 2) Peierliche V erleihung der C-audiplome, 3) Gedenkstunde fur die
Gefallenen, U ) deutsches V /ehrschiessen 1M, 5) gift of a book Der steile
Aufstieg to PO W who returned home, 6) mass-meeting on the theme^TSTlnde""
steht der deutsche Sieg" , 7) V erpflichtung der Jugend, 8) Heldengedenkfei-
er, 9)Kriegsverdienstkreuzverleihung, all in 19U U . Repetitious correspond-
ence and duplicates omitted.
Serial Roll Provenance Item F ilmed 1st frame Notes 81
133 NSDAP Kreisleitung EAP 251-b-01/2
Hansestadt K61n,Kreis-
der NSDAP L andesgruppe
Frankreich, Paris; In-
stitut fur deutsche
O starbeit, Krakau
EAP 251-b-01/3 FS 166529
133 Deutsche Gemeinschaft, HAP 251-b-Ol/U FT 166653
-13*4 Ortsgruppe Paris, Frank-
reich; Reichsleitung der
NSDAP, Reichsschatzmei-
ster Schwarz, MCLnchen;
Reichsleitung der NSDAP, EAP 251-b-01/5 FT 16S599
EAP 251--b-.01/6 FT 168737
DAP 251-b-01/7 FT 162755
HAP 251-b~01/S FT
13U Feldkommandatur 723? BAP 251-b-O l/ll FT
Deutsche Arbeitsfront,
L ande sgruppe irveiv
tung Paris; Deutsche
Geroeinschaft,Frankreich EAP 251-b-01/12 FT
Irom a file of the Auslandorganisation der NSDAP, L andesgruppe Frank-
reich (Paris, 2 rue du Kelder) selected samples of letters by which the
Eommandant von Gross-Paris, Mil itarverwal tung (Wl-land 3^3/20) transmitted
to the Auslandsorganisation zusatzliche L ebensmittelkarten fttr die im Dienst-
tereich des Kommandanten von Gross-Paris fceschaf tigten reichsdeutschen Ar~
beiter und Angestellten, 19U1-HU.
F rom the folder of the director of the Institut fur Deutsdie O starbeit
(Erakau) personal letters pertaining to the work of the Instita te and scien-
tific projects. (Private correspondence, accounts, tills etc. omit ted). 19UO-
Folder of the Deutsche Gemeinschaft in Paris, containing correspondence
with members about membership fees, financial support, procurement of employ-
ment, communications with the German Embassy in Paii s about various German
citizens- in France etc., 1938-39. Duplicates omitted. (Frames 167200 -
168199 not used).
F older of the Reichsschatzmeister Schwarz, Reichsleituig der NSDAP, con-
taining correspondence with the NSDAP L eitung der Auslands-O rganisation
about various member' s party status, 1936-^3.
F older of the same organization, containing similar material , 193^-36.
O f interest is a letter to the L etter der Partei-Kanzlei, Heidi sleiter Mar-
tin Bormann, about Aufnahme in die NSDAP of Professor Josef Thorak, 19^2
(frames 16S753-16S75U) . Duplicate omitted.
Folder of unknown provenance containing letter of the L eiter der Auslands-
abteilung der 1TSDAP an alle Parteigenossen im Ausland, 1931 (frames 168755"
16375S), and a letter about Behandlung der Aufrahmeantrage von hfiheren Beam-
ten, die das 35* L ebensjahr uberschritten haben, 19^3 with lists of names
(frames 1^S759-1^8?S
4) , duplicates omitted.
Folder of the same provenance as Folder 5 containing correspondence about
members with the NSDAP Gaul ei tung Mdnchen-O berbayern and NSDAP L eitung der
Auslands-O rganisation, 1937-Hl.
F older of unidentified provenance contains Sonderdruck der Auslandsorga-
nisation der NSDAP - L andesgruppe in Frankreich-Pr opagandaamt (bears an Ein-
gangsstempel der Fjeldkommandantur" 7^3t20 June, 19^3) of an article by Goeb-
bels " Der Krieg und die Juden,
and a group of Rundschreiben of .the NSDAP
Auslands-O rganisation, L andesgruppe Frankreich, 19^3- Duplicates omitted.
Folder of the Deutsche Arbeitsfront. Auslands-O rganisation, L andesgrup-
^waltung Paris, containing various correspondence with members,
indicating the scope and nature of the organization's activities.
Serial Roll Item F ilmed 1st frame Notes 82
261 131* Feldkommandatur 723? EAP 251-13-01/13 FT 1692^3
Deutsche Arbeitsfront,
Landesgruppenwal1- >. EAP 251-b-Ol/lU FT 169272
tung Paris; Deutsche
Gemeinschaft, Prankreich
SAP 251-b-01/15 FT 169279
EAP ?51-b-01/l6 FT 169573
EAP 251-1>-01/17 FT 169873
EAP 251-13-01/18 FT 1699^3
263 13
* NSDAP Auslands-O rga-
-135 nisation O rtsgruppe
Paris-Boulogne, L andes-
gruppe Frankreich;
EAP 251-13-01/19 FT
EAP 251-13-01/20 FT 1699S1
Booklet Die O rganisation der Deutschen V olksgemeinschaf't, Bereich L othrin-
gen, herausgegeben von der Deutschen V olksgemeinschaft nur fur den Dienstge-
brauch bestimmt, no date indicated.
A folder of unidentified provenance, containing a group of Anweisungen of
the L andesgruppe der Auslands-O rganisation der NSDAP in den U iederlanden,
19^0, and an interesting letter from the Propagandaamt (Giede) of the NSDAP
Auslends-O rganisation, L andesgruppe in Belgien to the L eitor des Heichspro-
pagandaamtes Ausland (Schmidt-Decker) about F amilien-U nterhalt der zur Wehr-
macht eingezogenen Y olksgenossen, 19^3 (frames l69?-7b-l69278) . Duplicates
F older of the Deutscher Torn- und Sportverein, Paris, containing adminis-
trative correspondence which shows the scope of the activities of the organ-
ization-, 19 3^-3 6. Duplicates omitted.
F older of the Deutsche G-emeinschaft F rankreich, containing correspondence
with Deutsche G-emeinscbaft Marseille, which shows the formation and develop-
ment of a SttL tzpfunkt der DAF in Marseille, the support* of this organisation
"by the German consulate, its subordination to Paris headquarters, its accounts,
reports, correspondence etc., 1935~3$*
A folder of unidentified provenance containing one issue of the Iriforma-
tionsdienst des V olksbundes fur das Beutschtum im Ausland (zur vertraulichen
U nterrichtung) which includes interesting political briefs on the Southern,
Western and Northern countries of Europe (notes on Comintern activities in
Bulgaria, frames 169S80-1 69882) , 19Ul.
A stray item, a letter of the HSDAP Auslandsorganisation, L andesgruppe
F rankreich, to Personalamtsleiter Abt. Til - Ku/Hdt. about a new assignment
for an agent and his wife (a Swiss citizen) working for the Ausland rgani-
sation in F rance,
Note: F rom folder EAP 251-13-01/17, the frames 1^9912-9^2 have been with-
drawn for reasons of military security and are being given a
U nited States security classification.
F older of the NSDAP Auslands-O rganisation, L andssgruppe F rankreich, O rts-
gruppe Paris-Boulogne, containing lists of Parteigenossen, a Rundschreiben
of the KSHAP Auslands-O rganisation and correspondence with the members of
the O rtsgruppe Paris-Boulogne, 19^U. Duplicates omitted.
F older of the same organization, containing correspondence which shows the
activities of the group, distribution of propaganda, blacklisting of certain
firms etc., as well as lists of members of different cells belonging to the
Serial Eoll Itenr Filmed 1st frame Notes
13^ NSDAP Auslands-O rga-
135 nisation O rtsgruppe
Paris-Boulogne, L andea-
gruppe Frankreich;
RAP 251~b~01/21 FT
EAP 251-b-01/l*5
265 135 NSDAP Auslands-O rga-
- EAP 251-b-01/U2 FT
nisation, L andesgruppe
t EAP 251-b-01/U3 FT
EAP 251-b-01/U6a FT
EAP 251-b-01/U7 FT 170359
F older of the same organization, containing a few Bundschreiben of the
NSDAP Auslands-O rganisation, L andesgruppe in Frankreich, about tho Kriegs-
arbeitstagung, Winterhilfswerk etc., and correspondence pertaining to these
Party actions, 19^-
F older of the NSDAP Auslands-O rganisation, O rtsgruppe Paris-Boulogne,
containing report on the activities of the O rtsgrupps , lists of its members,
directives to the Zellenleiter, Hundschreiben^ etc. O f interest are reports
directed to the Propagandaamt, der L andesgruppe Frankreich of.- the Auslands-
O rganisation about the Stiimnung der franzdsischen Bevo'lkerung (frame 170156)
and Berichte ilber Geritchte im 16. arrondissement und in Boulogne (frames
170157,170159-170160), 19U2-U3. '
F older of the same organization, containing material of Similar nature,
19l|l_ll3. of interest is Merkblatt fiir Pronturlauber (frames 170311-17-0312)
no date indicated. Duplicates omitted.
F older of the O rtsgruppe Paris-Boulogne, L andesgruppe in;F rankreich,
NSDAP Auslands-O rganisation, containing correspondence and reports of the
organisation about its activities and reports about political rumors circu-
lating among the F rench and the Germans (frames 1703^9-170350), 19^3.
A folder of the O rtsgruppe Paris-Boulogne containing material similar to
the previous folder. O f interest is a Bunds chreiben of the NSDAP Auslands-
O rganisation, L andesgruppe in F rankreich, O ctober 19^3* abbut U nsere Stel-
lung TU den Italienischen F aschisten (frame 170511). 19^3-UU. Duplicates
F older of the NSDAP Auslands-O rganisation, L andesgruppe Belgien, contain-
ing correspondence about lecture activities of the organization in Antwerp o,
F older of the same organization, containing two Tatigkeitsberichte des
Reichspropagandaamtes Ausland of the HSDAI
, January-Mar ch end April-June,
19^2. Detailed outline of propaganda activities in Italy, Hungary, Switzer-
land, F inland, Greece., Bumania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Spain., Denmark, Sweden, ;
Turkey. /
A folder of unidentified provenance, containing material about the L an- ;
desgruppen in Italien, in F rankreich und in Belgien der Auslands-O rganiaa-,
tion der NSDAP, 19
43-^. O f interest is the set of instructions fflr deutV
sche Zivilpersonen in Paris im Fall von Kampfhandlungen, February 19^H
(frames 17057^-170579) and the Mitteilungen der L andesgruppe in Italien
about the Ereignisso in Italien, July 19*43 (frames 170585-1705^). Dupli-
cates omitted,
Provenance F ilmed 1st frame Notes
266 135 NSBAP Aixslands-O rga-
nisation, L andesgruppe
in Frankreich, O rtsgrup-
pe Paris-Boulogne
BAP 252-b-01/5
867 135 Volksbund fur das
Deutschtum im Aaisland,
Bezirksverband Mittel-
rhein, Bezirksleitung
Aachen-L and, Qrtsgrup-
pe Eschweiler
EAP 252~b-01/55 FT
BAP 252-b-01/52 FT
EAP 252-b-01/56 FT 17079?
135 NSBAP Auslands-O rgani- EAP 251-b-01/53 FS
sation L andesgruppe in
EAP 251~b-01/6l FT 170955
135 NSBAP Auslands-O rgani- EAP 251-b-01/65
sat ion L andesgrupp
Frankr ei chj O r t sgruppe
Paris-Boulogne and
O rtsgruppe Paris-West
17053S A folder of the O rtsgruppe Paris-Boulogne of the NSBAP Auslands-O rgani-
sation, L andesgruppe in Frankreich, containing correspondence and Hundschrei-
ben of the L andesgruppe pertaining to the activities and duties of the organ-
ization, 19^2-^3. In the same folder is a group of photographs of press cor-
respondents in England and the Commonwealth from the files of the "Party
F oreign O ffice" (?) (frames 170661-170691).
170692 Folder of the same organization, containing reports*, lists of members,
Bundschreiben etc., 19^2-^3*
170709 Folder of the O rtsgruppe Sschweiler, ezirksverband Mittelchein, Bezirks-
leitung Aachen-L and, of the Volksbund* ffir das Deutschtum im Ausland, contain-
ing a group of V DA Mitteilungsblfttter and correspondence with the headquarters
of the VDA in Berlin about the activities of the organization, 1935-38. The
jfolder includes one stray item, (frame 170796) from the files of the G-eheime
Staatspolizei L eipzig, B&ckv/anderer, 19^5.
Folder of the same organization, containing similar material, 1937-^2.
Hote: For other material pertaining to the Volksbund ftlr Deutschtum
im Ausland, see the collection of the Manuscript Division,
L ibrary of Congress.
17091*6 From a folder of items of various provenances a group of''letters and a
Bundschrelben (dealing with Politische Informationen) of the NSBAP Auslands-
O rganisation, L andesgruppe in Belgien, 19^3-^- A record of proceedings
against Anton V aillant, embezzler of Party funds, from the files of the NSBAP
Unters.- u. Schlichtungs-Ausschuss Kreis Aachen-L and omitted.
Folder of the 1ISBAP Auslands-O rganisation, L andesgruppe in Belgien, con-
taining correspondence about Party members, propaganda, various actions of
the organization (such as Kinderlandverschickung nach Deutschland) etc.,
19^3. The folder includes one issue of Berliner Briefe, vereinigt mit Wochen-
berichten fur deutsche Seeleute, 26 Sept. 1939.
171192 Folder of unidentified provenance containing parts of files of the O rts-
gruppe Paris-Boulogne and O rtsgruppe Paris-West of the NSDAP Auslands-O rgani-
sation, L andesgruppe Frankreich, pertaining to German propaganda, its dis-
tribution and the efforts to combat enemy propaganda. O f interest is a leaf-
let, " Terrorisme? lion! Bolchevismel" in F rench, of either (Jerinan or French
Fascist origin (frames 171198-171199).
Serial Roil Item Filmed 1st frame
269 135 NSBAP Aaslands-O rgani- EAP 251-13-01/66 FS
sation L andesgruppe
Frankreich, O rtsgruppe
Paris-Boulogne and
O rtsgruppe Paris-West EAP 251-b~01/67 ^
SAP 251-T3-01/75 IT 171^71
SAP 251-TD-01/79 FT
270 135 Deutsche Arbeitsfront^ SAP 251-D-01/78 FT
-136 Auslands-O rganisationj
L andesgruppenwaltung
Paris, Frankreich BAP 251-13-01/58 FT
271 136 FeldJk^mmattd^Qtur 800; EAP 251-b-01/69 171931
.BAP 251-^-01/76 FT 171953.
Notes 85
From a folder of unidentified provenance containing a list of leaders of
the Ortsgruppe Paris-West (omitted, see next folder) a chart of the organi-
zation of the Propagandaamt of the Auslands-Organisation der N8DAP (Vertei-
lung der Ar"beitsgebiete im Propagandaamt, frame 171^22), 19^3*
Folder of unidentified provenance containing materials of the Ortsgruppen
Paris-Boulogne and Paris-Weat. It includes a list of names, addresses and
personal data of .the leaders, Zellenleiter and Blockleiter (omitted in Fol-
der 66) of the Ortsgruppe Paris-West, 19^ aa .well as lists of BHsmbers of
the different Zellen of- the Ortsgruppe Paris-Boulogne, 19^3-^*4.-- .
Folder of the Ortsgruppe Paris-Boulogne, containing a series of inter-
esting Bundschreiben of the Landesgruppenleiter, dealing with .enemy propa-
ganda, the task of upholding the German morale " by enforcing the Heil Hitler
salute and the wearing of Party insignia, etc. , 19.U3-HU. . >
Folder of the Ortsgruppe Paris-West, containing-..instructions on the organ-
ization of the Ortsgruppen und Zellen, 19^3 , '
Folder of the Landesgruppenwaltung Frankreich of tho Auslands-Organisation
der Deutschen Ar"beitsfront, containing correspondence with members, answers
to requests , etc., 1939-^1.
Folder of the samo organization containing orrespondence with memhers^
letters on financial and administrative matters 19^1. In the seme folder,
although not part of it, a Hundschrei'ben of the Befehlshator im Bezirk Ford-
ostfrankreich an al le Feldkommandanturen iibor die Errichtung von deutschen
Kameradschaftshfiuscrn f&r dio Auslands-Crganisation der KSIX^P, July 19^3*
from the files of Feldkommandantur 591. Of unknown provenance is also an
outline of lecture (Urterlagen fiir doi 1. Vortrag) "Volksdeutsche im Aus-
laad," no d.nte indicated, 1939-UO? *
17ote: For other material .of thisorganizati on, see Serial 261.
A Booklet. Ausiands-Organisation der l
SPAPAnschriftenverzeichnis 1. Auf-
lage April 19^ nur fiir Dienstgetrauch, from the files of Feldkommandantur
soo. .
" ' " ;"
A folder of unidentified provenance, most probably from the files of the
NSEAP Auslaads-O rganisation, L andesgruppe Frankreich, containing carbon
copies of the radio broadcasts of the organization, Hovember 19^2-O ctober
19&3. ^5ie folder also includes monthly reports (carbon copies) of the L ei-
ter der Hauptstelle Bindfunk, Franz von Caucig. The material is of political
interest and presents good samples of Nazi propaganda.
Serial Provenance Item F ilmed 1st frame Notes
136 Deutsche V olksgemein-
schaft, Kreis Metz,
O rtsgruppe M8vern;
L andrat Diedenhofen;
EAP 251-^-01/60 FT 172265
EAP 251-"b-01/72 FT 172591
1J6 Reichskommissar filr
die " besetzten nieder-
landischen Gebiete,
Pras. Abteilung
13.6 Volkshund fur das
Deutschtum im Ausland,
Gauverband K8ln-Aachen,
EAP 251-"b-01/70 FT 172357
EAP 251-b-01/7^ FT 172953
EAP 251-b-10/2 FT 172S61
EAP 251-"b-01/73 FT 172981
lolder of the O rtsgruppenleiter (Klinkhammer) der O rtsgruppe Mbvern, der
Deutschen V olksgemeinschaft, Kreis Metz, containing his monthly report for
November 19*4-1 on political conditions in Mttvern with interesting information
about the resistance of the population to Germaniaation
and the attitude of
the local Italian population. O f interest is also the letter df the Kreis-
leiter (Merkle) following up on sever^. points of the report, December g
F older consists of two items: one from the files of the L andrat Dieden-
hofen, an " O rtsgruppenverzeichnis der Deutschen V olksgemeinschaft in L othrin-
prepared "by the L andesleitung der DVG. O rganisationsamt, date of Sin-
gangsstempel of the L andrat, June 27* 19^1. The other item is the " Hichtli-
nien fttr die HSY -Arbeit in der L andesgruppe Italien der Auslands-O rganisation
der NSBAP" , provenance unknown, no date indicated.
A stray item of unidentified provenance, two Mitteilungen (June 21 and
August 9 19^3) of the 1ISDAP Auslsnds-O rganisation, L andesgruppe in Italien.
A folder of the L eiter der Prasidiala" bteilung des Reichskommissars fur
die " besetzten niederlftndischen Gebiete, containing his correspondence as
Rechtsberater of the HSDAP Arbeitsbereich in den Niederlanden, about lawyers
who have knowledge of Butch law and could be trusted to defend German inter-
ests, lists of such lawyers, end various other correspondence, 19^1-M-U
F older of the KreisverTmridsleiter of the Kreisverband Aachen-L and, of the
Gauverband Kdln-Aachen of the V olksbund fiSir das Deutschtum im Ausland, O ber-
studiendirektor Dr. Klostermann, containing administrative correspondence of
the Kreisverband (personnel, correspondence with members, with superior organ-
izations etc.), 1939 - ^1. Included in the same folder, but not part of it
are two items; one, a set of photostatic copies^l) Abschrift eines Aufnahme-
Antragsformulars der RexjU gend Eupen, 2) songs of the Rexjugend, 3) Rexjugend-
Programm. The second item, also of unidentified provenance, " bearing a Stem-
pel of the Y olksbxind f&r das Deutschtum im Ausland, Gauverband Kfiln-Aachen,
is an article (?) of Dr. Scherdin, Aachen, about Germans in Eupen-Malmedy,
and a confidential leaflet " Zur L age des Deutschtums in " ubersee.
ITote: F or other material of the V olksbund fur das Deutschtum im Aus-
land, see Serial 26"f.
Two items of unidentified provenance.' O ne, " bearing a number of Geheim
Registratur, is a bound carbon copy of a survey " Kroatien im Spiegelbild der
L andesgruppe der Auslands-O rganisation der NSDAP, Juni 19^1 - Juni 19^2,"
The table of contents includesi BekS,mpfung der AufstSndigen, uberl^ufer,
U stasche, O rganisation und Personalamt der L andesgruppe der NSDAP in Kroatien,
Serial Roll Provenance Filmed 1 st- frame
276 136 Answartiges Amt
SAP 251-b-10/5 FT 17330**
BAP 251-b-10/6 FT 173^0
137 Karl G8tz, Rats-
herr, Stuttgart
EAP 251-b-10/g FT
EAP 251-b-12/2 FT
13S Karl G8tz, L eiter der
-139 V olksschularbeit,
Yolksbund for das
Deutschtum im Ausland,
Ratsherr, Stuttgart
EAP 251-b-12/5 FT
EAP 251-b-12/6 FT 175135
Italians Aktivitfit in Kroatien, Sichtung der in Kroatien lebend.en Reichs-
deutschen-Rttckwanderer etc. The introduction is signed by Rudolf Empting,
L andesgruppenleiter, in Zagreb, July 19^2.
The other item ("begins frame 1730^0) is a mimeographed copy of a German
translation of ML aden L orkovic*s work
Narod i zemlja Ervata" (Da.s V olk und
das L and der Kroaten), dated April, 19^2, and narked: nur f&r den Dienst-
F older of the Auswartiges Amt, Kult. BNf( 2v)^ containing a list of Reichs-
deutsche interned in 3ngland
as of March 20, 19^0, and correspondence about
the sinking of the " Arradora Star" carrying German PO W and civilian internees
to Canada, 19^0. Also a report about die L age, der Deutschen in Britisch-In-
dien, Staod Anfang 19*40.
Folder of the. same provenance, containing a series of detailed reports
about the interaction camps in which German civilians v/ere held in enemy
countries, including descriptions of location, climate, housing, food, medi-
cal care, recreational facilities, etc. The reports are organized by coun- .
tries. The latter part of the folder contains forms of the- German Red Cross
for communications with the internees, regulations of postage for sudi com-
munications etc.* 19^0-Ul.
F older of the same provenance, containing notes and reports on interna-
tion camps, 1939-
F older of Karl G6tz, a member of the S'SBAP, writer, and Ratsherr der Stadt
der Auslandsdeutschen, Stuttgart, containing his personal correspondence, deal-
ing with projects of his books, impressions from trips to the Eastern Front
(as SS Sturmban&ffthrer in den deutschen V olkstumsgebieten des Schwarzmeerrau-
mes) and ITorway etc. Gdtz was interested in the Auslandsdeutsche and wrote
several books about them, and was also active in the Deutsches Auslands-In-
stitut in Stuttgart, 1936-^2.
F older of Karl Gfltz, Ratsherr of Stuttgart, a writer, active in the Aus-
lands-Institut in Stuttgart, containing his personal correspondence, 1939-
F older of Karl Gtz, containing his business correspondence as. L eiter der
V olksschularbeit, Yolksbund for das Deutschtum im Ausland, 1935-UO . Among
others, there is a letter from Karl Haashofer to G8tz, promising him help
bei hdheren Reichsstellen, " 19^0 (frame 175308) . Interesting is also a copy
(streng vertraulich) of a report about an " Aussprache des ITDA-Bundesleiters,
Dr. Steinacher, mit dem tschechischen Gesrndten ! %stny am S.U.37. in Ber-
lin" (fremes 175^67-175^72), and the " Streng vertrauliche Torschlage zu e5-
ner Klarung des V erbal tnisses AO und Y DA, June 3, 1937 (fremes 175^73-17^76).
SerialRoll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes gg
278 138 Karl Gfltz, Leiter der BAP 251~b-12/ll FT
-139 Voltksschularbeit,
Volksbund fur das
Deutschtum im Ausland,
Ratshecr, Stuttgart
279 139 NSDAP Auslands-Organi- SAP 251-b-12/l FT
sation? Kameradschaft
U SA (Amerika-deutsche
Kameradschaft) 2entra-
le Stuttgart
BAP 251-b-12/3 FT
SAP 251-b-12/7 FT
EAP 251~b-12/8 FT
HSDAP Auslands-O rgani- EAP 251-b-12/9 FT
sation, Y erbindungs-
referent, Stuttgart
EAP 251-b-12/10 FT
EAP 251-b-12/12 FT
281 Deutsches Auslands-
Institut, Stuttgart
1AP 251-b-12/U. FS
F older of the same provenance, containing Go'tz' s personal correspondence,
also many appeals for help of Auslandsdeutsche directed to him, 1938-^3-
O f interest is G3tz
s correspondence with the Parteiamtlichen Prufungskom-
mission zum Schutze des STS-S'chriftturns, 193^,19^0 (frames 175517-175521).
Note: See also T-gl Serial 277 for further material of K. Gfltz.
F older of the Zentrale der Eameradschaft U SA (in 19^1 the name was
changed to Amerikadeutsche Kameradschaft) in Stuttgart, containing filled
out applications for admittance, 193^-^1, letters A-G. The Kameradschaft
U SA was an organization, lead by Pg. F ritz Gissibl, of loose subordination
to the FSM? Auslands-O rganisation (many of the questionnaires bear a stamp
of AO ), which consisted of " jetst im Reich lebends ehemalige Mitglieder
des Amerika-deutschen V olksbtL ades" end was founded in 193^-
F older of the same organization containing similar material, letters S
and Sch.
F older of the same organization containing similar material, letters L -H.
F older of the same organization containing similar material, letters T-Z.
F older of the V erbiadungsreferent in Stuttgart, Pg. F ritz G-issibl, der
I3DA? Auslands-O rganisation, containing his office correspondence about
Party trials, help to G-erman Mckwanderer from foreign countries, especially
America, organization of the Ksnerp.dschaft U SA. (frames 177200-177205) and
its relation to the 2JSMP Auslauds-Grganisation, activities of members over-
seas, especially in the U S, etc., 1938-39- Duplicates omitted.
F older of the same provenance, containing mich interesting material on
the organization and activities of the Kameradschaft U SA and the previous
activities of its members in the ITS, as well as.their fate upon return to
Germany, 1939-Ul. Duplicates omitted.
F older of the same provenance, containing similar material, 1938-^2.
Note: O ther material of the organization Kameradschaft U SA in
previous serial; T-gl, Serial 279.
F older of the Deutsches Auslands-Ins titut in Stuttgart., containing fill-
ed out forms: ffcagebogen zur Srfassung auslanddeutscher F amilien, mostly
dealing with families settled in South-Eastern Europe and 'in Galicia.
Samples from the beginning and from the end of the folder were filmed. No
dates indicated.
Serial Roll Provenance Item F ilmed 1st frame Notes
282 1)41 Karl Gfltz, L eiter SAP 251-b-12/13 FS
der V olksschularbeit,
V olksbund fttr das
"Dent schturn im Ausland
EAP 251-b~l?./19 FS 1786^5
NSDAP Auslands-O rgani- SAP 251-b-12/lU FT
-lH2 sation, V erbindungs-
referent in Stuttgart,
F ritz Gissibl; Kame-
radschaft U SA^Zentrale
Stuttgart (Pg. L eibl
and Gissibl)
EAP 251-b-12/17 FT
1U 2 Kommandant von Gross- SAP 251~b-01/59 FS
Par i s ,Plat zkommandan-
tur Gruppe U nterkunftj
Deutsche Arbeits-F ront
EAP 251-b-12/lS FS 179962
EAP 251-b-01/9 FS 180263
F rom a folder of Karl G6tz, containing routine personal correspondence,
a group of reports and summaries of conversations on the work of the Volks-
bund fiir das Deutschtum im Ausland, 1939. O f interest is a report " Sedan-
ken zur planmassigen R&ekf&hrung Reichsdeutscher und V olksdeutscher ins
Reich" ( 17^666-178671).
F older of the same provenance, containing correspondence end reports
dealing with the program and activities of the Deutsches Auslands-Institut,
as well PS information about the development of the various books of Karl
G-Btz, 1939-^2. O f interest is the " Bericht fiber die geschlossene Sitzung
der F orschungsstelleuleiter am 5 uad 7* Juni 1939 i
D A I , Stuttgart"
(frames 178Q81-178993) Ko
personal correspondence omitted.
F older of Pg. F ritz Gissibl, V erbindungsreferent der U SBAP Auslands-
O rganisation in Stuttgart, and Gauhfeuptsg^ellenleiter des Heichspropaganda-
amtes Wiirtenberg, containing his office corespondence with Mckwanderer,
reports on the activities of the Deutsches Auslands-Institut (frames 17923^-
179236), and formulation of plans of further activities abroad, especially
in the U S (see Niederschrift liber die Sitzung des V erwaltungsausschusses
des Deutschan Auslands-Ir^-itutd. (frames 179253-179257), 1933-^2.
Folder of the 2entrale of the Kameradschaft U SA, containing correspond-
ence with members, information about their fate after return to Germany
and about the activities of the Kameradschaft, 193^-^1. O f interest is
the " L iste der aus U bersee zur'ickgekehrteB V olksgenossen und V olksgenossin-
nen," and' ^isto der 193^~39
i Canada zurilckgekehrten V olksgenos-
sen und Genossinnen," (frames 179o63~l79^67)
F rom a folder of the same organization containing lists of U S citizens
of German origin who were members of the group, revised lists of members
from 1939 19^0, Rundschreiben of the organization^etc., 1939 L ists of
signatures of members present at meetings and duplicates omitted.
F rom a folder of routine correspondence of the Kommandant \on Gross-
Paris, Platzkommandantur, Gruppe U nterkunft with the NSDSP Aus lands-O rga-
nisation about hotel reservations for various " visiting firemen" , one item
was filmed: a letter from Partito F ascista Repubblicano, Segreterua F asci
Italiani All' estero Ispettorato per la Francia, to the Kommandant about
reservations for members of the Italian Militia, Kny cU , 19UU.
Folder of applications for meiiibership in the Deutsche Gemeinschaft in
Paris, from the files of the Deutsche Arbeits-F ront in Paris, 1936-39- A
sample from the beginning of the folder was filmed.
Provenance Item F ilmed. 1st frame
1^2 Eommandant von Grose- E&P 251~b-01/57 FS
tur> Gruppe U nterkunft;
Deutsche Arbeits-F ront
285 1U2 Deutsche V olksgemein- SAP 251-a/135 FT
schaft, L othringen,
O rtsgruppe Blwingen;
Deutsche V olksgemein-
schaft, L othringen, EAP 251-a/l6U FS
Kreisleitung Dieden-
EAP 251-a/lJl FS
286 1^2 Karl Gotz, Ratsherr, EAP 251-b-12/21 FT
-lU3 Stuttgart
Hotes 90
180291 F older of the same organization containing similar material. A sample
from the end of the folder was filmed.
llote: F or other material on the Deutsche Gemeinschaft in Paris*
see T-S1, Serial 2oO , 261.
F or other m^t^r'lsl on the Deutsche Arbeits-F ront in Paris,
see T-81, Serial 270, 261* " . ' .
1S0332 Folder of the O rtsgruppe " Slvdngen der Deutschen Yolksgemeinschsf t
L othringen, containing a few letters and Bmidschrelben from the Kreislei-
tung Bolchen, and an outline of the O rdnungsdienst der Deutschen Volksge-
meinschaft L othringen, 19^0.
1803^7 F rom a folder of unidentified provenance, a few issues of the Mittei-
lungsblatt, Deutsche V olksgemeinschaft L othringen, Gau Westmark, July,
September and O ctober 19^1, ore issue--of Der Herold, Mitteiiungsblatt der
deutschen Arbeitsfront, Aufba.Ubla'b L othringen, May 19^1, and a few Bund-
schreiben der Kreisleitung der if/G, Metz-L and, 19^1. Routine correspond-
ence and duplicates omitted. . "
180^62 From a folder of the Deutsche Y olksgemeinschaft, Kreisleitung Dieden-
hofen, an issue of the Mitteiiungsblatt^Deutsche V olksgemeinschaf t L othrin-
gen, Gau Westmark, August 19^2 Geschfiftsordnung der Kreisleitung Dieden-
hofen, and a special edition of the Mitteiiungsblatt about Kriegseinsatz
der L othringer, December 1QU?. Routine correspondence omitted.
Hote: J' or other material of the Deutsche V olksgemeinschaf t in
L othringen, see T-S1, Serial 272.
180^88 Folder of private and office correspondence (organized by the alphabet)
of Karl G8tz, dealing with the questions of Mckwanderer, tfesiedler, G5tz
missions to various parts of the besetzte G-ebiete (Ukraine, Poland, U orway,
Rumania^etc.), his lecture tours, the SS Sonderkommando which he lead in
the Deutsche Siedlurgsgebiete im Schwarzmeerraum, his reports and his books,
1939-^2. The material is of considerable interest because G6tz was well
informed on the questions ofmass resettlement of German population in the
conquered are^s, was sent on several S.S Sonderkommando missions by Himmler
and reported to him on the questions of U msiedlung. The folder also con-
tains a group of reports on the Stadt. Auslandsdeutsche Schulerheime (19^1)
a part of the activities of the Auslands-Institut in which Gfltz was active.
There is also correspondence with S. . Bohle, the L eiter der Auslands-O rga-
nisation der NSDAP.
Serial Roll Provenance Item F ilmed 1st frame Notes
286 1**2 Karl G6tz, Ratsherr,
-1^3 Stuttgart
EAP 251-D-12/23 FO? 1S12U2
BAP 251-b-12/25 FT 181702
287 Kameradschaft USA, SAP 251-b-12/2H FT 182*06
Zentrale Stuttgart,
Pg. Fritz Gissibl
Auswartiges Amt,
Deutsches Konsu-
lat Heap el
EAP 25L-l)-10/3 FT 183061
Kameradschaft USA, EAP 251-b-12/l*7 FT 183078
Zentrale, Stuttgart,
F ritz Gissibl
EAP 251-b-12/80 FS 183098
F older of the same provenance, containing material of similar nature,
Folder of the same provenance, containing material of similar nature,
much of it dealing with U msle dlung der Riickwanderer. O f special interest
is a letter to Stadtrat Dr. Kdnekamp, Stuttgart, dealing in great detail
with the plans of the V olksdeutsche Mittelstelle and of Dr. Behrens about
mass-resettlement of German population in the conquered territories. It
is evident from the letter that Gfitz was in close collaboration with the
Mittelstelle and worked in accord with its plans as early as 1939-
(Frames 18230^182308).
F ote; for other material of Karl Gotz, see also T-81, Serial 282,
F older of the leader of the Kameradschaft U SA, Stuttgart, F ritz Gissibl
(and of his collaborator L eibl), containing correspondence with members of
the organization, information about its activities and some data on the
fate of the Rfickwanderer from U SA upon their return to Germany, 1938-^3.
Note: F or other material of this organization, see also T-81,
Serial 279*283.
As Eeferent im Reichspropagandaain^F ritz Gissibl was re-
sponsible for the publication Per O sten des Warthelandes^
herausgegeben anla'sslich der Hoimatschau in L itzmannstadt
(L odz), 19*11?, dealing with the program of German resettle-
ment of the region.
F older of the German Konsulat Neapel containing correspondence about
the work of the employees of the German Embassies and Consulates within
the framework of the FSDAP Auslands-O rganisation, 1939-^0. O ne duplicate
F older of Pg, L eibl (collaborator of F ritz Gissibl in the Kaineradschaft
U SA in Stuttgart) containing two translations from the American press, one
of unidentified origin dealing with a suit brought in the New Y ork County
Supreme Court against the organization " Freunde des neuen Deutschlands" by
J.F. F affrath, the other from F ortune, February 1936about " Die wichtig-
sten antisemitischen O rganisationen in Amerika," and some administrative
correspondence, 19^2.
F rom a folder of F . Gissibl, newspaper clippings dealing with the "Bund
der F reunde des neuen Deutschlands" and other German organizations abroad,
no dates indicated. Correspondence about an automobile accident, insurance
etc. omitted.
Serial Roll Provenance Item F ilmed 1st frame Notes 92
289 Kameradschaft U SA,
Zentrale Stuttgart,
F ritz Gissibl
MP 251-b-12/77 1S310?
SAP 251-b-12/79 FT 183129
290 Kameradschaft U SA
Zentrale- Stuttgart
EAP 251-b-12/5^ FT 1S3177
EAP 251-5-12/83 FT 183193
Karl G8tz, Ratsherr,
EAP 251-b-12/78 FT 1835^7
Folder of the same provenance containing correspondence about propaganda
activities of F. G-issibl, newspaper clippings about the Auslands-Crganisa-
tion der FSBAP, 1937? &&& two circulars of anti-llazi organizations in the
US, one dated 1935.
Folder of unidentified provenance, containing copies of old letters
(1&51-1872) of German emigrfes in the U S, as well as some letters of the
same kind, of a more recent date (1935-38) describing the reasons and con-
ditions under which these people emigrated and the story of their settling
in the U S. O f interest is a group of photo-copies of letters sent to F ritz
(Jissibl, then leader of " Freie V ereinigung Teatonia" in Chicago. The let-
ters are signed^respectively^by Adolf Hitler, Pail 3srg (for the HS G-efange-
nen-Kilfe Berlin) and Schwarz (T, for the Kassenleitung der U-SBAP), thanking
G-issibl for financial contributions to the Nazi movement, 1925-1932 (Frames
'" -
Hote; for other material of the same organization, see also T-81,
Serial 279,283,287.
An issue of the " i-iitteilungsblatt der Kameradschaft USA
(January 19*41),
probably from the files of the organisation' s Sentrale in Stuttgart.
A folder of the Zaiseradschaft U SA containing administrative correspond-
ence, newspaper clippings, lists of participants at meetings and a " Bericht
Cher den Amerika-deutschen Volksbuad," vertraulich, (frames 1S322S-1S3230) ,
which is of considerable interest, giving information about the Nazi organ-
izations in the U S, 1939. See also the letter dated July 15,'1959, from
Dr. Stier of the V olksdeutsche Mittelstelie to the Deutsches Auslands-In-
stitut, ordering that there should be no further exchange of correspondence
between the Amerikadeutsche V olksbund and the official Reich-agencies from
which any connection between the two could be recognized. This order fol-
lowed the trial of General Moseley and Deatherage during which the F BI pro-
duced photocopies and originals of such compromising correspondence (frame
1832UU). See also correspondence with H* Stahner, of the Y olksdeutsche
Mittelstelle, Berlin, about the use of the organization in pro-Nazi acti-
vities in the U S (frames 1^3251-183?53). Duplicates omitted.
Fote: for other material of the same organization, see also T-81,
Serial 279,283,287,2^9.
Folder of Karl Gdtz, containing a collection of letters of German emi-
gres which were probably collected by G6tz as material for his books about
Serial Soil Item F ilmed 1st frame U otes
292 1**5 Kameradschaft U SA, SAP 251-b~12/86 FT 183963
Zentrale Stuttgart,
293 1U5
Answer tiges Amt,
Deutsches G-eneral-
konsulat, Marseille
EAP 251~b-12/50 FS 18^209
EAP 251-b-12/117 FT 13^213
? EAP 251-b-01/3^ FT
HSBAP Reichsschatzmei-.EAP 251-b-01/10 FT
ster Schwarz, Mttnchen
EAP 251-0-01/23 FT
EAP 251-b-01/2H FT
German emigration to different parts of the vorld; some letters are old (19th
century and early 20-th) ^some of more recent date
Note: for other material of Karl & dtz, see T-81, Serial 277,278,282,
.. ' F older of tho KameTadschaft U SA, Zentrale . Stuttgart, containing appli-
cations for .admission to the organization, 1938-HO . The applications are
organized alphabetically, this folder contains letters H-E. O ther parts of
this alphabetical file are available on T-81, Serial 279-
Kote: for other material o:
this organization, see also T-81, Serial
From a folder of Rucdschreiben of -the Deutsches Ausland-slnstitut Stutt-
gart, a stray item: a photocopy of a letter of the U nterstaatssekret&r
L uther, of the Ausvftrtiges Amt, to the Reichsschafzmeister Schwarz, of No-
vember 10, 19^1, discussing the problems and the ways of giving financial
support for the activities of the various G-erman organizations in foreign
countries, especially in Hungary, Rumania and Slovakia. The letter is of
considerable interest.
F older of the Deutsches General-Konsulat
I1arseille, dealing with the
case of Christians Sturm, daughter of a German citizen living with him and
a Jewish stepmother on the JSiviera. T he Auslands-O rganisation der $SDAP
recommended that the child be forcefully removed from the harmful influ-
ence of the step-mother and the X oasulat carried out the order to repatriate
the girl, I %k2- l & .
Photocopies of materials of unidentified provenance: SS Stammkarten of
SS men living and working outside the Heich, no dates indicated.
Photocopies of correspondence from the files of the Reichsschatzmeister
Schwarz dealing with the Party status of tho various members of the Aus-
lands-O rganisation der NSDtAP (reinstatement, acceptance of nsw members, de-
nials and cancellation of membership, party court procedures and decisions,
etc.), 1931MJ1.
Material of the same provenance, of similar nature, 1937-^-
F older of the same provenance, of similar nature, 1935-39- O f interest
is a letter of Schatzmeister der Auslands-O rganisation der U SMP (Schneider)
to Beichsschatzmeister Schwarz about " Ruhen der Mitgliedschaft fur Parteige-
nossen in U SA," 1935 (frames 1S5108-185110).
Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes
NSDAP Reichsschatzmei- SAP 251-0-01/25 FT 185*02
ster Schwarz, Mdnchen EAP 251-b-01/26 FT 185701
EAP 251-b-01/29 FT 1S5792
EAP 251-13-01/35 FT 185887
EAP 251-b-01/36 FT
SAP 251-b-01/39 FT
EAP 251-b-Ol/UO FT
EAP 251-b~01/*9 FT
EAP 251-TD-.01/ 50 FT
EAP 251-b~01/o2 F^T
1AP 251-13-01/63 FT
297 1*8 Allgemeiner Deutscher
Gtewerk s chaf t s-Bund,
der Vorstand
EAP 251-b-01/6* FT 187102
SAP 251-b-10/7 FT 18720*
Material of the same provenance, of similar nature, 1936-*2.
Material of the same provenance, of similar nature, 1936-*3-
Material of the same provenance, of similar nature, 1931-*5.
Hote: for other material of the same provenance and .dealing with
similar matters, see also T~S1, Serial 260.
Photocopies from the files of the Reichsschatzmeister der F SBAP Schwarz:
" L iste der F arteigenossen aus U SA" and a list of " Parteigenossen in U SA,
welche aus der KSMP austraten, urn im Bunde 'Freunde des neuen Deutschland^
weiterhin tfltig sein zu Ir^nnen." ! To dates indicated.
Photocopies of the same provenance, correspondence dealing with the Party
status of members of the Ausiand-O rganisation der NSBAP (reinstatement, ac-
ceptance of new members, denials and cancellation of membership, par ty court
procedures and decisions^etc,), 1935-^-2.
Material of the same provenance, of similar nature, 193-L -^3-
Material of the same provenance, of similar nature, 1929-39-
Material of the same provenance, of similar nature, 1939-^3.
Material of the same provenance, of similar nature, 1935-^-
Material of the same provenance, of similar nature, 1937-^.
Material of the same provenance, of similar nature, 1929-^2. O f inter-
est is the correspondence about Henrs von Winter (frames 1^7077-1^7096)
member of the Austrian foreign service, who joined the 1ISDAP in 1933- He
was then the L egationssekretar der 6'sterreichischen G-esandfechaft in Moskau,
later was transferred to Paris and to Istanbul. He was sending political
reports to Gauleiter Fraueafeld while serving in Moskew and Paris.
Material of the same provenance, of similar nature, 1937-^1.
Note: for other material of the same provenance and dealing with
similar matters, see also T-81, Serial 260,295.
Folder of the Y orstand des Ailgemeinen Deutschen G-ewerkschafts-Bundes,
containing various correspondence, 192^-33- Duplicates omitted.
Note: for other material of this organization see T-2> 3
See also Manuscript Division of the L ibrary of Congress,
Guide to Captured German Documents, p. *43 item 27.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes
BAP 251-b-Ol/Ug FT
lH8 Auslands-Qrganisation
-lH9 der NSDAP, Mckwanderer-
Amt, Zweigstelle Mttn-
VDA 167200
300 Volksbund for das
Deut sen turn im Ausland,
Gauverband Munchen-
Bayrischer Offiziers-
VM 51
VDA te
VDA 59
VDA 50
VDA 36
FT 1675^5
FT 167761
Folder of unidentified provenance, containing a mimeographed copy of an
alphabetical list of military and some para-military German garrisons in the
Wehrkreise I, I I, I II, VIA XX, in both the pre-1939 German territorial parts
and the incorporated former Polish parts of these Wehrkreise. The list is
in Polish, typed on a typewriter with Polish diacritical marks, but lacking
a German Umlait. Some mistakes in German spelling are evident. The docu-
ment might have been prepared by the Polish underground and captured by the
Germans. Ko dates indicated.
A ledger bearing the inscription Passbuch I, Bweigstelle Mdnchen, from
the files of the Rtick wander er-Amt, in der Leitung dor Auslands-Organisation
der ITSBaP. The ledger includes lists of names and dates of issuance of pass-
ports, data on employment and to what groups (A-B-C ? meaning of abbrevia-
tions not clear) the individuals listed belonged. It is not quite clear what
all the data mean but this is probably a list of R&ckwanderer from foreign
countries, covering the years 193^-3^ the listings being chronologically
Material of the same provenance, of similar nature. This ledger covers
the years 19?8-39 beers inscription Passbuch II.
Material of the same provenance, of similar nature. This ledger, Pass-
buch III, covers the years
Accounts of the Mckwander er-Amt, June to December 1937.
A Haupt-Such of the Volksbund f&r das Deutschtum im Ausland, Gauverband
M&ncb en-Ob erbayern, containing accounts for the years 1920-21. The material
is of considerable interest, the name of Dietrich Eckhardt, one of the foun-
ders of the Nazi Party, appears in the accounts. The Haupt-Buch includes-
two special, loose-leaf accounts, bearing the inscription B. O. B. Jahres-Auf-
stellung 1920/21 and 3. O. B. Jahres-Aufstellung 1921/22. The abbreviation
3.O.B. appears also throughout the accounts and probably stands for Beyri-
scher Qffisiers-Purxi.
Haupt-Buch des Gauverbandes Munchen-Oberbayern of the Volksbund fflr das
Deutschtum im Ausland, 19^0-^1, containing accounts of the receipts and out-
lays of money, and for what purposes what amounts were spent.
Eonto-Korrent Saldenbuch, Abrechnungstelle Bayern, probably a book of ac-
counts complementary to the preceding; Haupt-Buch of the Volksbund, 19^0-UU.
From an Ausleih-Bach der VDA Mcherei (not filmed) only a Haushaltvoran-
schlag 19*4-2 des Gauverbandes Munchen-Oberbayern of the Volksbund was filmed.
Accounts of the VDA.
A folder containing a group of accounts of the Volksbund fflr das Deutsch-
tum im Ausland Gauverband Mncfaen-Oberbayern, for years 19^0-^1; several
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 96
302 Volksbund filr das
Deutschtum im Ausland,
Gauverband Mftnchen-
VDA Ul FT 168072
YDA 66 152100
30^ 150
EAP 251-0-12/120 FT 152^67
issues of the "Dienstanweisungen des Volksbundes fur das Deutschtum im Aus-
land, " May 19^1 (frames 167#S7-16798
0 ; one issue of the Mitteilungen des
Deutschen Auslandcinstituts, Mai 1919 (frames 167985-168024) a printed con-
fidential "Bericht ber die Tatigkeit des 'Vereins f&r das Deutschtum ira
Ausland (Allgem. Deutsche r Schulverein) B. V.
in &Jidtirol fiir die Jahre 1918,
19 und 20" by Wilhelm Bomneder, August 1921 (frames 16S025-16S039) ; and a
Eundschreiben "an unsere Grtsgruppen" of the LMnderverbend Bayern des Ser-
eins fttr das Deutschtum im Ausland, October 1921 (frames
Note: for other material of this organization see also T-81, Serial
Folder of the G-a\iverb?nd Mnchen-Oberbeyern of the Yolksbund fttr das
Deutschfrsisj im Ausland, containing membership lists and routine correspondence
with subordinate units, namely a Fachgruppe (Telegraphenbauaint) , This fol-
der was filmed as a sample from a group of folders of similar nature each
dealing with another Fachgruppe subordinated to the G-auverband Mtlnch en-Ob er-
bayern (VDA 1-29) .
Card files of accounts of the Yolksbund fiir das Deutschtum im Ausland,
dealing mainly with the results of various drives and contribution collec-
tions, 19*41-^2. These cards were filmed as a sample from a larger group of
material of the same nature (VDA 30-35, 38, UO-Ul ,?2-65) ..
Hote: for material of the same organization see also T81, Serial
Several issues of the "Informationsdienst" published by the Volksbund
fi!ir das Dexttschtum im Ausland (rur siir vertraulichen Unterrichtung) , July-
December 19^1. Each issue contains political briefs on the various Euro-
pean countries and the Uorth American countries: SMost Stimmen, West
Stimmen, Hord Stimmen und For darner ika Stimmen.
Note: for one additional issue of this publication see also UM51,
Serial 262.
One issue of
Der Sprechabenddienst" , Juni^Folge 19^-W, published by the
Auslands-Organisation der KSDAP, Landesgruppe in Frankreich, der Landes-
gruppen-Schulungsleiter. The publication is marked '^nur fiir den Dienstge-
Kote: for other material of the Landesgruppe in Frankreich, Auslands
Serial Roil Provenance- 1st frame
305 150
EAP 251~b-12/121 FT 1521*97
306 150 fritz Gissibl, (Deut- EAP 251-b-12/122 FT 152718
sches Auslandginsti-
tut, Stuttgart ?)
307 150
SAP 251-b-12/123 FT 15305
308 150 STSBAP, Gau Franken,
-151 Gaustabsamt;
NSMP, Gau Franken,
EAP 251-a/307 FT 153232
SAP 251-a/310 FT 153252
O rganisation der HSBAP, see also T-81, Serial 259.263.26U,
Several issues of th " Mitteilungsblatt" (nur fur den Dienstgebrauch)
published "by the Deutsche Arbeitsfront, Auslands-O rganisation FSDAP, L an
desgruppenwaltung in Frankreich, August 19^3-July
U ote: for other material of the Deutsche Arbeitsfront, L andesgrup-
penwaltung in Frankreich, see also T-81, Serial 261,270.
A group of issues of the'
Mitte! lungs" blatt
published > y th L eitung der
Axislands-O rganisation der NSBAP, 1937-39. Duplicates omitted. The publi-
cation CDmes probably from the files of Fritz G-issibl, who was active in
the Kameradschaf t U SA and the Deutsches Auslandfdnstitut in Stuttgart.
Note: for other files of F ritz Gissibl see also T-81, Serial 279,
A group of V orver^ffentli chung en of the Ha ndwfl r t erbuch des Greng- und
Auslanddeutsch turns, parts of the fourth and perhaps fifth volume of this
publication which never appeared in bound form (the last complete volume
was V ol. III). The Ha ndwttrt erbuch vas edited by Carl Peterson, (O tto
Scheel), Paul Hermann Ruth, and Hans Schwalm; published by Ferdinand Eirt,
Breslau 1933 -. The V orverflffentlichungen in this folder deal with the
following subjects: das Kroatentum (presumably a revision of the earlier
revision of this article> to take into account the war-time developments in
Croatia, see frame 153069). Roman ten, das Serbentum, Slawonien, Windische
Marken und Slowenentum, Sildslawien.
A folder of the Gau F ranken Gaustabsamt containing material on the pub-
lic uproar in Absberg when inmates of the O ttilienheim for mentally ill
people were carted off, obviously to be murdered, 19^1. Sie Absberg O rts-
gruppenleiter and V eissenburg Kreisleiter were apparently enthusiastic
supporters of the program.
A folder of some section of the Gauleitung Franken containing the sum-
maries of the caee records on the " arianizing'
of Jewish real estate in
Gau F ranken, 19^0-^1. The cases are arranged in numerical order by file
number, and run from 12 to 3595 with substantial gaps in the number se-
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes
309 Dr. Hans Posse BAP 251-a/309 FT 15^660
310 151 Reichsstatthalter in
Bayern, Der Staatsse-
kretar; Rosenberg
files 7; L ey files;
N3DAP, Gau Iranken,
Gauschulungsamt ,
SAP 251-a/311 FT 15^735
311 151 Prasidial-Kanzlei; SAP 251-a/312
-152 I3DAP, SS, Das Ahnen-
erbe; NSDAP, Gau
Thttringen; Reichsnahr-
stand, Der Reichsbau~
ernftthrer, Deutscher
According to material in the files of the Departmental Records Branch,
this folder comes from the correspondence files of Dr. Hans Posse.' Posse
was director of the Staatliche Gtemfildegalerie in Dresden and Hitler
s ad-
viser on the purchase and looting of art objects. The documents consist
of correspondence concerning the purchase and looting of art objects for
Hitler' s collection, IPU O -U l. The initial on the first page is Martin.
Bormann*! s.
This folder is made up of a number of stray items from different files.
The first group of documents is from the files of Staatssekr'etar Hofmann
in the office of the Heichsstabthaiter in Bayern and deal with relations
between state and church in Germany, 193^-^-2 (other documents from the
same files are filmed on T-gl, Serial U03). Beginning with frame 15*1760
is a group of documents relating to the confiscation of religious buildings
in Cracow in 19*4-3 possibly from the Rosenberg files but more likely from
the files of the Generalgouvernement. F rame 15^765 is a document from the
files of L ey dealing with the confiscation of monasteries to be used for
Adolf-Hitler Schulen, 19^1. The next document is a circular of, Bormann
forwarding a study (not found) of the activity of the Archbishop of Posen-
Gnes:en in the pre-1918 period, from the files of the Gauschulungsamt Fran-
ken, 19^1. The item covering frames 15^772-15^77^ is, according to records
in the Departmental Records Breach, from the file " Eeichsleitung I & II,
1932" of the Reichskanzlei. It is an agreement between Ribbentrop and
Rosenberg on their respective jurisdiction in the fields of foreign policy
and anti - Communist activities submitted by them to Eitler and dated 19. Sep-
tember, 1937' The next item, of unknown provenance, is an official copy of
the Anklageschrift dee Stastsanvaltes bei dem L andgericht M&nchen I of
19 November, 1931 against Alfred Sosenberg as editor of the V 61kische Be-
obachter for violation of the law for the protection of the Republic.
A folder consisting of two items. The first, according to records in
the Departmental Records Branch, is from the 1937 files of the Prasidial-
Eanzlei. It is a memorandum for Hitler for the reception of the Minister
of Guatemala on 11 Kay, 1937. The other document is from the files of the
SS Ahnenerbe. It is a letter from -the Reichsftihrer-SS, Pers$nlicher Stab,
to the Heichsgeschaftsfflhrer of the Ahnenerbe enclosing a vertrauliches
memorandum, " Aufgaben und Arbeitsvorhaben des Instituts flir Heimatforschung
der U niversitat Berlin in Schneidemflhl," prepared by the director of the
institute in May 1939.
Serial Roll Provenance
Item F ilmed 1st frame Notes
311 151 Prasidial-Kanzlei; EAP 251-a/313
-152 NSBAP, SS, Das Ahnen-
erbe; N8DAP, Gau
Thttringen; Reichsnlhr-
stand, Der Reichsbau-
ernftthrer, Deutscher
Reichsbauernrat EAP 251-a/3lU
312 152 NSDAP, Gaugericht
152 1T3BAP, Gau Bayreuth,
Kreis Prachatitz;
miscellaneous, see
" below;
Gau Kessen-
Na s sau, Gaupre s s e-
amt; KSDAP, O rtsgrup-
pe Emmendingen
152 Reichsschrifttums-
-153 kamcier, Johst; Ver-
lag V/ehr front - Al-
fred Becker; miscel-
laneous offices
MP P51 -a
SAP 251-a/31Q
FT 15^879
EAP 251-a/325 FT 155371
EAP 251-a/320 FT 155573
EAP 251-a/330 FT ' 156055
EAP 251-a/321 FS 156077
A folder containing issues 15/36. 2/37, and 10/37 of Die Pflicht, Ftthrer-
und Amtsblatt des Gaues Thttringen der NSBA?, 1936-37. This publication was
for distribution to Party officials only. The material covered up by a
sticker on p. 31 of the first issue included read " Riickfragen auf dem Ilenst-
weg an den Reich sorgani sationsleiter der F SDAP, Kauptorganisationsamt, Mn-
cherL Barerstrasse 15."
A folder probably from .Re ichsnahr stand files cental ning a vertraulich, nur
fdr den Di^nstgebrauch, V erzeichnis der ordentlichen Mitglieder und der Mit-
glieder kraft Amtes des Deutschen Reichsbauernrates. Stand voin 20.10.1939
with some corrections.
A folder of the Gaugericht Westfalen-Hord on the Schilder-Bahr case, a
long drawn-out affair originating in 1937 sad running into 19^2. The his-
torical interest in the case comes from the light it sheds on the organiza-
tional problems in the ITeuorganisation der gewerblichen Wirtschaft, the Eh-
rengerichte of the Reichswirtschaf tskammer and the Ehrengerichte of the Party,
A folder from the same file as folder 316 and dealing with the same case.
A folder of some 1ISDAP offico in Plreis Prachatitz. Gau Bayreuth, contain-
ing Kreis directives and other documents related to the efforts to settle
more people on the land, IQHO -H?. Dulicates omitted.
This is a, folder of documents of all kinds from all kinds of sources,
mostly 19^5$ but some 19^. The documents are letters which were apparently
not delivered to the addressees but picked up in a postoffice or mailtrain
in Germany in March or April of 19^5
& turned over to military censorship.
The interest of the documents lies in the way they give a general view of
the situation in Germany at the end of the war and the working of stste and
Party agencies at that time. See frames 155525-155532 for a Beschluss des
Kreisgerichts Prag der 3SFSBAP.
A folder of the Gau Hessen-'Tassau^Gaupresseam^on the control and direc-
tion of the local press, especially the Rhein-Mainische Seitung, 19^3-^
V ery interesting material.
This is a group of 19*42 Keiniatbriefe of the Crtsgruppe Smmendingen filmed
to illustrate this type of newsletter sent to men in the Wehrmacht. A du-
plicate omitted.
F rom a folder of the head of the Rsichsschrifttumskammer, Johst, contain-
ing letters thanking him for a book; one letter of March, 19^3 reporting on
the arrest of a teacher as a result of a denunciation by a student, has beon
Provenance Item F ilmed 1st frame Notes 100
152 Reichsschrifttums-
-153 kammer, Johst; V er-
lag Wehrfront - Al-
fred Becker; miscel-
laneous offices
EAP 251-a/322 FS 1560S1
SAP 251-a/331 FT 156132
153 NSDAP, Gau Mfcnchen-
O berbayern, Kreis
Manchen-O st, V olks-
153 NSDAP, Gau Mainfran-
ken, Kreis Hassfort;
NSDAP, Gau West mark,
L eiter des Stellungs-
baues Westmark
EA? 251~a/32U .- FT 15&99
SAP 251-a/32? FT 156^9
EAP 251-a/328 FT 15677S
1AP 253-6-01/2 FT 157250
This is a folder of administrative correspondenc^bf the V erlag Wehr front
- Alfred Becker, 193S-HU. The purely routine items have " been omitted.
F ilmed are documents illustrating state and Party control of the publishing
" business. The agencies involved are the Parteiamtliche Prftfungskoramission
2ftim Schutze des " SS-Schr if t turns, the Reich sministerium fttr Volksaufklarung
und Propaganda, the Reichsschrifttumskammer, the Reichsverband der deut-
schen Zeitschrif ten-V erleger, and the Werberat der deutschen Wirtschaft.
A group of stray items. The first is a situation report of the front
line on 22 " November, l^HU , to Gauleiter Wagner ( Baden- SI sass) . The second
is a report on men needed in the Staatspolizeileitstelle Mfinchen to the
Reichssicherheitshauptamt Amt 17 -F rdfleitstelle of 15 March, 19^5 and
referring to a Herbert einhuber who was in the November 1923 Putsch* The
third is a group of Y olksdeutsche Mittelstelle directives on the treatment
of V olksdeutsche refugees and evacuees in Germany, F ebruary and March 19^5*
The fourth is the lU April, 19^5* issue of the Deutscher Reichsanzeiger
und Preussischer Sta,atsanseiger (llr. ^9/19^5) .probably a rather rare item.
A folder of the Kreis Mtlnchen-O st, Y olkssturm, 19UU-U5. ^
contains a good deal of material of interest for the study of the V olks-
sturm. Related materials are to be found in T-851, Serials 16
A folder of the Kreisleitung Hassfurt, Gau Mainfranken, 1936-37-
folder contains documents on a wide variety of Party activities and re-
flects Gau, Kreis, and O rtsgruppen operations. Hie various branches of
Party activities, such as the NS-V olkswohlfahrt, are covered. Especially
interesting are frames 156U SO -lhbU 3H which outline the role and duties of
the F achredner ana the documents on the activities of the Amt fiir Kommu-
nalpolitik beginning with frame 15^92.
A of the L eiter des Stellungsbaues V /estwall in Gau Westmark on
the construction of fortifications, 19^ F ilmed to illustrate this as-
pect of Party activity. Duplicates omitted. F olders EAP 251 ~a/ 29 3-29 5,
326 not filmed, contain material of a routine nature related to this.
Document of unknown provenance, entitled " F reie Bretagne! " whrch con-
sists of two parts: the text of a Denkschrift, im Auftrage des Bretoni-
schen ilationalrates dem Auswfirtigen Amt in Berlin am 3. August 19^0 tlber-
reicht, and a memorandum commenting on this note written in December
by . B., presumably Wenner Best. The document deals with the whole
question of German policy toward the Breton independence movement. F or
German policy on this question in summer 19^0 see Mrnberg Document TS-
1155, Trial of the Major War Criminals, V ol. X X V II, p.31.
Serial Roll Provenance Item F ilmed 1st frame Notes 101
319 153 V olksdeutsche Bewe- EAP 253-e-O l/H FT 157273
guig L uxemburg, Kreis-
leitung Esch-Alzig;
V olksdeutsche Bewegung EAP 253-6-22/1 FT 15735^
L uxemburg, O rtsgrappe
Roter L 8we
EAP 253-0-22/2 FT 157*405
320 15H Sicherheitsdienst des EAP 253-e-01/5 FT
ReichsfShrers SS;
SD-O berabschnitt Rhein,
U nterabsehnitt Koblenz, EAP 253-e-10/l FT
Aussenstelle Kochem;
321 15^ Reichskommissariat
O stlandt Personal-
322 15^ miscellaneous
EAP 653-6-10/2 FT 157557
EAP 253-e-lg/l TT 157591
EAP 253-e-20/l FT 157611
EAP 253-e-20/2 FT 157637
EAP 25l*-a-01/l FT 15765^
A folder of the Kreisleitung Esch-Alzig of the V olksdeutsche Bewegung
L uxemburg, 19*40-^3 containing correspondence with the O rtsgruppe Monnerich.
O f some interest on the activity of these organisations.
A folder of the O rtsgruppe Soter L dwe of the V olksdeutsche Bewegung L uxem-
burg containing the report on its finances by the Beauftragte des Reichs-
schatzmeisters in Revisionsangelegenheiten fdr den Gau Moselland der KSDAP,
A folder of the Kreisleitung Esch-Alzi of the Tolksdeutsche Bewegung
L uxemburg, 19*40-^42. Included are interesting documents on the relations
between the Auslands-O rganisation der FSDtAP and/ihe Y olksdeutsche Bewegang
and on the morale of the lo:> al population.
A folder of the SB Aussenstelle Kochem on the veterans organizations and
the problems of Gleichschaltung and opposition in them, 193^ The folder
has the file number " V A 35" in the SD Auso-nstelle Koch ~ files,
A folder of unknown provenance containing copy 23 of the transcribed text
of a speech by SS-O bergruppenfuhrer Jiittner (head of the SS-Ftthrungshauptamt)
in Frag on 13 April, 19^, to assembled officers of the SS. The text is not
complete as the recording from which it was transcribed was imperfect at the
time the transcript was made (by the G-ernans) . The speech is marked geheim.
It deals with the military activity, organization, and other aspects of the
units of the Waf f en-S3 and is of the highest importance for any understand-
ing of the role and development of the Waffen-SS during vWorld War II as well
as its intended post-war role.
A folder of urknovm provenance, but probably from the SD Hauptamt, Abt.
Ausland (SD'VI), containing a report by a Sudet-n- German on the Sudeten-
deutsche Partei, August 1936. Quite interesting on the internal evolution
of the SdP. Duplicate omitted.
A folder of the Personalabtailung of the Reichskommissariat O stland on
high level appointments for two officials of the Reichskommissariat.
A folder of unknown provenance containing what appears to be a report
by a Belgian intelligence agency on the activity of the Belgian Nazi Party
(Ylaamsch lationaal Yerbond-V.I.V.) during the German occupation. The re-
port was probably prepared in 19^U or 19^5-
A folder of unknown provenance containing reports by an office of the
Belgian itfazi Partj/on the political activity of Belgian Nazi Party minor of-
ficials, 19^.
Two stray items. O ne from the files of the Chef der Zivilverwaltung im
Elsass, PersiJnliche Abteilung, denying an application for evacuation of the
private/possessions of a local Fazi, O ctober 19 U U . The other is apparently
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame 102
322 miscellaneous SAP 25H-a-01/2 FT 157661
EAP 25*4~a-01/3 FT 1577^
25l*-a-12/l FT 1577^8
323 15** -NSDAP, Reichsleitung,
der Heichsparteitage?;
SS~lfflhrurigshaiiptaffit ,
Komsiaadoamt der
gemeinen SSj
NSMP, Gauleitung
25U-C-01/1 FT 157762
BAP 25*4-0-01/2 FT 157799
SAP 25U-C-10/1 FT
BAP 25U-C-10/2 FT
SAP 25U-C-10/3 FT
SAP 254-c-lO /U FT
EAP 25U-C-10/5
EAP 25! +- c-]
O berkommando der
Chef der ZivilverwaT-
tung im Slsas-er^Per-
Bdnliche Abteilung
tj-c-10/g FT
EAP 25**-c-10/9 FT
250-d-12/7 FT 15^509
from the files of the Koblenz city administration and contains a Reichs-
ministerium des Innern directive of H May 1939*o tho effect that rejection
for Party membership does not affect civil service status.
A group of politische Eeurteilungen of individuals in the Kreis . Esch-
Alzig of the Tolksdeutsche Bewegung in L uxemburg, 19^3
Two reports of unknown provenance on the political situation in Stor-
zingen, Kohenzollern, by a teacher in that area, 193^-
Three stray items. The first, from the files of the Panzer- Aufklarung,
L ehrabteilungj,is an O KW directive of 1 November 19^3. o
activity of
soldiers in the Party. The sscond is a Bundschrelben of the O rganisations-
amt der L andesgruppe der Auslands O rganisation der NSBA? in Franl^reich on
the Aufgaben und Zust&ndigkeiten des O rganisationsleiters in der O rtsgruppe,
25 Feb. 19^3. The ^hird is an F SBAP, Gau Baden-El sass^-directive on member-
ship card files on Party members in Alsace, no date.
A folder probably from the files of the HSDAP Reichsleitung, O rganisa-
tionsleitung der Reich sparteitago, containing the medical regulations for
the 1936 Reichsparteitag. This document belongs to the material filmed on
T-S1, Serial 87'.
A group of documents from the Kommandoaint der Allgemeinen SS in the SS~
Fflhrerhauptamt dealing with party regulations and procedures for parades,
1935-^2. The note en the top of the first page- reads " hat SS Graf. Jiittner
am 10.7.^2 vorgelegen'
, initial.
A folder of the Ganleitung Frsnken on the visit to Germany of the Italian
Minister of Corporations, L antiai, in 193^.
A folder of the Gauleitung Franken on the Srntedanktag 19^-2. Quite inter-
A folder of the Gaul eitung Franken on a visit by Reichsjustizminister
A folder of the Gauleitung F ranken on a visit by L ey end Cianetti, a mei&-
ber of the F ascist Grand Council, in 1938.
A folder of the Gauleitung Franken on a visit by L ey and Funk,
A folder of the Gauleitung Franken on a Grosskuncigebung of Streicher with
the Italian F ascist leader Farinacci, 1939
A group of photostats of documents from the Flensburg office of the O KI/
dealing with the post-war reconstruction of German cities, 19^0-U5.
A folder of the Persd'nliche Abteilung of the Chef der 3ivilverv;altung im
Elsass on rallies, meetings, and other public occasions in Alsace,
This folder has no known date (but probably 19*0) or provenance. It con-
tains documents on tne ancestry -of a member of the Karai group in L ithuania
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 103
326 ,NSDAP, Gau Baden, Gau-
inspekteur; HSDAP.Gau
Mainfranken > M-Beauf-
tragter;. NSBAP, Gau
Bad en, Gauschulungsamt;
NSDAP, Reichsleitung,
Hauptamt fflr Beamte
EAP 250-a/10 FT 158611
SAP 250-a/20 FT 15SS65
SAP 250-a/21 FT 15291!
327 156
NSBAP, P&rtei-Ksnzlei,
various sections
EAP 250-a/20U FT 159520
EAP 250-a/2Q5 ?T
EAP 250-a/206 PS
EAP 250-a/2Q7 FT
EAP 25Q-a/208 FT
SAP 2.50-a/209 FT 1606^2
and some notes on this group. A duplicate omitted.
A folder of the Baden Gauinspekteur on airraid precautions,
A folder of the Mobilisations-Beauftragte in Gau Mainfraaken containing
his geheimo Kommandosachen and Goheime Reichssachen on military problems,
1937-1^. See frames 15879^-158795 for the provenance of this folder and
the* names of the Il~Beauftragte in 13 Gaue.
A folder of the Gauschulungsamt Baden containing correspondence with
various Party offices, 1936-^. Included are directives of the Heichspro-
pagandaaint, Kolonialpolitisches Amt, Beaiiftragter ftlr die Adolf-Hi tl er-
Schulen, Aussenpolitisches Amt, Hauptamt fur Erzieher, Rechtsabteilung,
Hauptamt fftr Konrnmnalpolitik, Hauptamt filr Volkswohlfahrt, Parteiamtliche
Prufiingskommission zum Schutze des ! JS.~SchrifttunB , the GauschulungsTmrg
Frauenalb, and others. Included at the end of the folder is a group of
documents from the files of the U SDAP Reichsleitung, Hauptamt ftir Beamte,
A folder containing materials from the Partei-Kanzlei dealing with mobi-
lization and other military matters, 1939-^2.
Like folder 20^.
F rom a folder of all kinds of odds and ends that obviously do not belong
together, items of general interest, some apparently from the Partei-Kanz-
lei, have been filmed. Included are some documents on the Protestant and
Catholic churches in Germany apparently related to the material on frames
15357ff on T-81, Serial 19. Also Included is a Gesch&ftsverteilungsplan of
the Reichsministerium fur die kirchlichen Angel egenhei ten, 193S. O ther
documents up to 19^3-
A folder apparently from the Partei-Kanzlei containing nur fdr den Dienst-
gebrauch Hunderlasse des Reichswirtschaftsministers in Devisenangelegenhei-
ten, 19'41~U3.
A folder of the Partei-Kanzlei, perhaps Haup taint fdr Irzieher, contain-
ing a large variety of materials, some of considerable interest, on con-
struction of homes and emergency relief buildings in Germany, 193^-^- I
eluded is a considerable amount of documentation on the Deutsche Wohnungs-
Two files from the Partei-Kanzlei, one on Mttndelsicherheit von Hypothe-
ken, 19^1; and the other on a private appeal, 19^.
Note: From folder EAP 250-a/204 the frames 159566-1 59 572 and from
folder EAP 250-a/205 the frames 15980*4,159805,159887-159889
have been withdrawn for reasons of military security and are
being given a U nited States security classification.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes
328 157 NSDAP, Partei-Kanzlei; EAP 250-a/211
NSDAP, Kauptamt fur
FT 1606S5
EAP 250-a/212
EAP 250-a/213
FS 1612S2
329 157
NSDAP, Partei-Kanzlei EAP 250-a/219 FT 161562
330 158
NSBAP, Gau Eessen- EAP 250-c-lO /S FT 3186S9
Nassau, Gaupropagan-
daamt; NSDAP, various
local propaganda of-
fices; HSBAP, Arbeits-
bereich in den Nie- EAP 250-c-lO /lO FT 31^963
derlanden, Kreis Nord-
Holland, Propaganda-
EAP 250-c-lO /ll FT 3195S2
folder of Reichshauptstellenleiter G81z in the Partei-Kanzlei con-
taining material on construction activity and emergency construction for'
people whose homes had been damaged, 19^2-UH. Also included is a draft
(apparently 1939) f t h e Gesetz uber die Berufsausbildung in Handel und
Gewerbe; The Geschaftsverteilungsplan der Reichsstelle fur Eaumordnuag
und der Reichsplanungsgemeinschaft; and a nur fur den Dienstgebrauch memo-
2or Planung de^/'ohnungsbaues in O berschlesien
by the O berschle-
sieche Institute fttr Wortschaftsforschung, 19^2.
A folder like folder 211. Some blueprints omitted.
L ike folder 211. Some pablications, duplicates, and documents filmed
on other serials omitted.
Note: At the end of this folder there are two files from the U SBAP
Hauptamt Mr V olkswohlfahrt on particularly terrible housing
conditions in G-au Schwab en and Gau Hfranken, 1935
Miscellaneous material from the Partei-Kanzlei, mostly lists of pro-
fessional schools and technical institutes, 1939-^2. Included is a memo-
randum, " Gedanken ilber die Aufgabe der Berufsschulen im Reich,
19*4-2; and
Heft 1 (East Prussia) of V ol. 557 of the Statistik des Deutschen Reichs,
Die Berufstatigkeit der Bevfllkerung in den Heichsteilen according to the
Berufszahlung vom 17. Mai, 1939> stamped HU P ftlr den Dienstgebrauch, ?er-
fiffentlichung oder Weitergabe verboten. (161999-318*478 consecutive numbers).
A folder of the Gaupropagandaamt Eessen-Nassau containing copies of out-
going telegrams to various sections of the Reichsministerium ftlr Volksauf-
klarung und Propaganda, 26 November, 19^3* ^ 2 February, 19^. Contains
the day-by-day reports on airraids, morale, and other matters of concern
to the Promi.
A folder made up of items of differing provenance. Included is a set
of the Sonderdienst der Reichspropagandaleitung, put out by the Hauptamt
Propaganda, Amt Propagandalenkung. Parts of 19^1 and 19^H and almost com-
plete sets for 19^2 and 19^3 are included. The other stray items deal
with various propaganda matters, 19^3-^
A folder of the Propagandaamt in Kreis Nord-Holland of the Arbeitsbe-
reich in den Hiederlanden der NSDAP on the celebration of Hitier
s birth-
day in
Serial Roll Provenance Item F ilmed 1st frame Notes 105
331 159 Reichsministerium Mr EAP 250-c-10/lU FS
die besetzten O stgebie-
te, Deutsches Auslands-
Institut, Sonderkomman-
do zur Erfassung und
Pflege des Deutsenturns
in den besetzten O st-
332 . 159 Reichsschrifttums-
-160 kammer, der President
161 NSDAP, Reichsleitung*
162 Presseamt, Abteilung
(R. Hoffman);
HSDAP, SS, Das Ahnen-
EAP 250-0-10/16 FT 3196SS
EAP 250-c-lO /lg FT
EAP 250-C-10/21. FT
SAP 250-C-10/23 Ff
EAP 250-C-10/2U FT
BAP 250-0-10/25 F?
EAP 250-C-10/26 FT
EAP 250-C-10/27 FT
EAP 250-C-10/2S FT
EAP 250-c-10/25a FT
HAP 250-C-10/33 FS
3211* 69
EAP 250-0-10/35 FT 322992
This is a folder of Dr. Earl Stumpp, head of the Sonderkommando zur ! r-
fassung und Pflege des Deutschtums in den " besetzten O stgebieten which operat-
ed under the auspices of both the Eeichsministerium fttr die besetzten O stge-
biete and the Deutsche Auslands-Institut in Stuttgart. Included is a paper
by Stumpp on the L eistungen des Bussland-Deutschturns, probably written about
19^0. F rames 319636-3196^7 refer to the responsibilities of the Deutsche
luslands-Institut in the resettlement of V olksdeutsche, 19^2. Addresses and
personal matters omitted. F or other material of this office, see the Manu-
scripts Division of the L ibrary of Congress,Dctitschos Auslands-Institut col-
A folder of Hanns Johst, President der Reichsschrifttumskammer, contain-
ing miscellaneous correspondence, 19U O -U U . Most of the material is carbons
of outgoing correspondence. Much of it deals with the Deutsche Ro" feert-Schu-
Correspondence of Johst, 19^0-^1.
A folder containing parts of Johst
s files dealing vith movie pi-ofcleas,
scripts, names of approved writers, and similar material, 19^-0.
A folder containing parts of Johst' s correspondence, 193^-^5. The fol-
der is made up of various separate files and somo stray items.
Correspondence of Eanaa Johst, 19U-H. Sec frames 321269-3&1273 for the
case of Peter Suhrkarnp who was suspected in connection with the 20 July plot.
Correspondence and other files of Juuis Johet, 193^~^
Foldor containing of K&niis Johst, President der Reichs-
schrif ttumskammer, vrj th his publishers, 19^1-^5-
Correspondence of Hanns Johst 19^1-^3"
Correspondence of Hanns Johst, primarily with Herbert Menz, an official
of the Reichsschrifttumskammer, about various problems of the Reichsschrift-
tumskammer, 1937-^0. Also included are various stray items from Johst
files, 19UO -U1.
Correspondence and other files of Hanns Johst, 193^-UO .
A collection of materials from the files of the Auslandspresse-Abteilung.
Documents of interest have been filmed, some duplicates and odds and ends
omitted. The filmed documentation relates to the activities of the Abtei-
lung in 19^5 particularly the preparation cf propaganda brochures which
were never actually sent out. Where the.brochures are in several forms,
only the final form has been filmed. Galley and page proofs contain only
proofreaders marks.
Correspondence of Hoffman of the Auslandspresse Abteilung on dissemina-
tion of Nazi propaganda in the U nited States, 1937-38. Also included are
postage accounts.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes
33^ 161 NSDAP, Reichsleitung,
-162 Presseamt, Abteilung
(R. Hoffman);
NSBAP, SS, Das Ahnen-
335 162 see Jfotes
336 162 NSDAP, Gau estmark
Kre i skommando s tab
St., Ingbert; NSDAP,
Gauleitung Schwaben;
EAP 251-a/129 FT
250-C-10/36 FS
EA? 250-C-10/37 FT
EAP 250-C-10/3S PS 32365^
EAP 250-c-lO /Ul PS 32U001
EAP 251-a/131 FT
EAP 251-a/132 FS 3003*18
EAP 251-a/132a FT 300U21
1AP 251-a/133 FT 300^76
EAP 25i-a/70 FT 300539
EAP 251-a/98 FT 300550
A folder like folder 33,
This folder is in two parts. The first is like folder 33. The second
part, beginning with frame 323621 is correspondence from the files of tho
Ahnenerbe, 19H2~^5
deals with various historians, historical problems,
and other matters.
A folder in two parts. The first is correspondence of Hoffmann on the
dissemination of Nazi propaganda in England, the U nited States, and the
British Commonwealth, 193^-^0- The second part contains material like fol-
ders 33 sad 36. Explicates and other routine materials omitted.
A folder of miscellaneous materials of the Auslandspresse -Abteilung,
lo,3g_lf5. Routine materials omitted.
Note: F or other materials of the Abteilung Auslandspresse of the
NSBAPt Reichsleitung, Presseamt, see O Sgl, Serials H8,5Q,5^.
A folder made up of stray items. There are lists of Party officials in
Gau Baden, Gau 61 n- Aachen, and O rtsgruppe Malmedy, probably 19^3 There
is a group of documents from the files of the G-au-Archiv Baden illustrat-
ing its activities, 193^ There is some material relating to the evaeaa-
tion of the Trier area in 19^. There is some Gau Baden material on the
evacuation of students and teachers, 19^. There is one item from the
Gau Baden, Hebenstelle Strassburg, on the re-Qlacement of mayors in Alsace,
Most of the material in this folder is from the Gau Baden Stabsamt and
deals with the O hm Firm which was favored by the Reichsluftfahrtministe-
rium but had troubles with the Party, 19UU. Also included is a stray
item on the Kreis Miihlhausen F-olkssturm.
F rom a folder of the Gau-Archiv Baden, material of general interest,
1938-^2 has been filmed. The documents filmed illustrate the activity
and organization of the Arch iv those not filmed deal with internal ad-
ministrative matters.
A folder of the U SDAP Kreis Bergheim, Gau KG" In- Aachen, on problems of
military defense in the area, 19^.
An NSDAP Gau Baden, Gaupersonalamt, folder containing the personnel
file of L udwig Griesinger who in 192U founded the O rtsgruppe Sggenstein,
A folder probably from the files of the Y olkssturm Krei skommando stab
St. Ingbert on the V olkssturm, ^U
A folder of a section of the Gauleitung Schwaben, 19^5* dealing with
the establishment of V olkssturm units and especially the F reikorps " Adolf
Hitler" which was to be organized in April 19^5. Also included is some
Serial Roll Provenance Item filmed 1st frame 107
162 NSDAP, Gau Westmark, SAP 251-a/7H
Kreis Metz-L and, O rts-
gruppe Pelters; NSDAP,
Gau Baden-Elsass,Kreis BAP 251-a/110
Zabern;and O rtsgruppe
162 Gauleiter L ohsc
-163 (Schleswig-Hoistein);
NSDAP, Gau Schleswig-
Hoi stein, Gaustabsamt;
EAP 251-a/lll
BAP 251-a/77
SAP 251-a/99 FT
BAP 251-a/101 FT
BAP 251-a/10g FT
correspondence about jurisdiction in the matter of evacuation O P desctruction
of industry.
300561 A folder of O rtsgruppe Pelters in EreIs Metz-L and containing circulars,
193^-^. The documents deal with propaganda and indoctrination activities,
listening to Allied radio stations, and other Party matters,
A folder of the Ereisleitung Zabern contaiaiqg circulars dealing mostly
with air-raid problems and other military matters, 19^2-^U.
A folder of the O rtsgruppe Zabern containing material dealing with air
raids and other military matters, 19^2-UU.
A folder probably from the files of Gauleiter L ohse containing what ap-
pear to be notes for a speech he was to make probably in the late spring or
summer of 1936, recounting the past accomplishments and future plans of the
.Party, with special emphasis on foreign policy problems (this was shortly
after the entrance into the PJiineland) and propaganda tactics.
300732 A folder probably from the files of Gauleiter L ohse containing material
on the Schleswig nationality and border problem sent to him by F. Schrdder
who had just seen Grundherr of the Auswartige Amt in this regard, 19^0.
The material itself is primarily of historical nature, dealing with the
background of the area and the World War I peace settlement .
300765 A folder of miscellaneous papers clearly from the personal flies of Gau-
leiter L ohse, 192M&.
Included are documents relating to Ms jobs in the 1920's. Most important
are a few items on the Nazi Party in 192U, apparently in the Altena area,
containing information on its relations with other folkish outfits and the
Deutschnationale V olkspartei and one page of a highly important document of
March 12, 192U, on the covernames aid correspondence procedures to be used
by the Party in the Hamburg area during its period of illegality. Also in-
cluded in the folder are some accounts and the text of what was presumbly
L ohse
s memorial speech at the burial of F iede Schroder.
3007S9 A folder of great interest contai ning the reports on the political situ-
ation in Gau Schle swig-Hoi stein for 19Ul and 19'42 from the files of the Gau-
stabsamt. The reports cover all aspects of Party activity, the struggle
with the churches, treatment of prisoners of war, the economic situation,
foreign workers, and other political matters. Some of the heavy lines
drawn with crayon on text and margins were apparently added after capture.
The back inside cover was probably not on the original document.
Serial Roll Provenance Item F ilmed 1st frame Notes 108
163 HSQAP, Gau KSln-Aachen, BAP 251-a/100
Kreis Aachen-L and;
KSDAP, Ge\ K61 n-Aachen,
Kreis Malmedy;
SAP 251-a/llU FT 301651
3U O 163 Chef der Zivilverwal- EAP 251-8/102 FT
tang im Elsass,
Persftnliche Abteilung
EAP 251-a/103 FT
163 NSDAP, Sau Baden,
16*4- Gaustabsamt
EAP 251-a/10U FT
SAP 251-a/105 FT
16U NSBAP, Gau Schleswig- EAP 251-a/106,
Hoi stein, Kreis Lilbeck,
Ortsgruppe Eatin
EAP 251-a/lQS FT
F T 301537 A folder probably from the files of the Kreis-Aachen-L and containing
carbon copies of the periodic reports on the politic?! situation in the Kreis
sent to the Gauleiter, August 19UO -i
iarch,19M-3. Also included is a report
which covers Aachen-3tadt as well, January,19^2. These reports cover all
aspects of Party activity, popular attitudes and reactions, and the affiliate
A folder of Kreis Malmedy in Gau Kttln-Aachen containing material on the
efforts to mobilize for total war in September,1944. Included is material
on the employment of civilians in the cons traction of fortifications and a
series of speeches on total war, the war situation, and the 20th of Julj
by Gau officials. Some issues of the U ational-Sozialistischer Gaudienst of
Gau Kdln-Aachen for September, 19*4-4, are also included.
301629 A folder of the Chef der Siviivervraltung im Elsass, Persftnliche Abteilung,
on the distribution of German books in Alsace, 1940-43. Included is a report
by the Sefeblshaber der Sipo "and des SB, Strasbourg, on the attitude of the
population of Alsace toward German books and libraries, O ctober 1943.
301753 A folder of the Chef der Zivilverwaltung im Elsass, Persflnliche Abteilung,
containing primarily the texts of several speeches of Gauleiter Wagner. A
speech given at Strassburg U niversity on February 17, 1944; one at Strassburg
on April 20, 19*4-4; and one at the swearing in of the first Volkssturin battal-
ion November 12, 19*4-4.
3013U6 A folder probably from the files of the Gaustabsamt, but perhaps partly
from the files of the Gaumobilisationsbeauftragte, dealing with air raids
and related problems, 1942-44.
302114 This folder from the Gaustabsa.nt contains reports of the Kreise on the
political and morale situation and the activity of the churches in each
Kreis for O ctober, IPV4. The reports themselves are highly interesting.
In some ways even more interesting is the evidence contained in the folder
of how these reports were altered at the Gau level before being sent on to
the Parteli-Kanzlei, Abt. II B 4, as part of the regular political report of
the Gau.
A highly interesting folder of the propaganda official of O rtsgruppe Sa-
tin dealing with all aspects of Nazi election propaganda in the campaigns of
1932. 3Ms folder is of great value for any study of the Party's political
activity in that year.
302868 An interesting folder of the O rtsgruppe En.tin containing material on
finances, propaganda, organizational questions, the political situation, and
the Untersuchungs- und SchlichtL ingsaussch&sse (Uschla), 1932. Duplicates
FT 302176
Serial Roll Provenance Item F ilmed 1st frame U otes
3*4-3 165 1TSDAP, Gau Schleswig-
Rolstein, Gauschu-
3144 165 1JSDAP, Gau Moselland,
SAP 251-a/107 FT 303409
3*45 165 NSDAP, Gau Hessen-
Nassau, O rganisations-
amt (Politische Abtei-
lung, see Notes);
NSBAPt Gau Hess en-
Nassau, Kreis U nter-
165 HSDAP, Gau Baden,
Gaus tab sam t, and
see Notes
SAP 251-a/109 F T
IAP 251-a/lHl FT
EAP 251-a/112 FT
SAP 251-a/13*4 FT 30U129
SAP 251-a/137 FT
EAP 251-a/137a FT
EAP e51-a/113 FT
SAP 251-a/ll6 FT 30U205
1AP 251-a/12*4 FT 30^275
EAP 251-a/125 FT 30*4310
Material from the files of the Gauschulungsaint Schleswig-Holstein, con-
taining material on the Y orpfiichtur> g der J-gend, 19Ul and 19*4-2. This was
a ceremony designed to replace confirmation "by the churches, and therefore
there is a good deal of information on the struggle 'between the Party and
Christianity. Also included is a group of " bibliographies on various sub-
jects of Party ideology, 1939 -
A folder of the Gauleitung lloselland, from the files of the Gaupropagan-
daleiter, who evidently had some additional jurisdiction, on problems re-
lated to the evacuation of the population from the Trier area, 19^-4.
Stray items possibly related to the material in folder 109 19^
A folder of documents sent to the Politische Abteilung of Gau Hessen-
Kassati which was kept, along with all files of the Politische Abteilung, in
the Gauorganisationsamt (see the pencilled annotation on frame 3Q38?7 which
establishes the record-keeping system for files of this kind previously
filmed). The documents are reports of the Party, L andesbauernschaft, and
L andesregierung in Hessen on the political situation in the Gau, December,
l'939r- September, 19-10. Hke reports contain sections dealing with morale
and general attitudes, political opposition, the activity of the churches,
the economic situation, the activity of affiliated organizations, the acti-
vities of the Party, and administrative matters,
A folder of Kreis U ntertaunus in Gau Kessen-Nassau containing material
on the appointment of Gemeinderate and BJirgermeister in the town of Ear-
stadt, 1939-Ul.
L ike folder 1> 4 on Algenroth.
L ike folder 13*4- on Adolf seek.
A folder of the Baden Gaustabsarat on the F reiwillige Shrendienst in der
deutschen Wirtschaft, the effort to recruit women into German war industry
in 19^4.
A folder of the Gaustabsamt containing reports of the Kreisleiter on the
ideological situation, particularly the activity of the, churches, in their
area, April-June, 19^3* O ne of those reports forwards the text of a long
message of the Archbishop of F reiburg of January, 19*43 on the problems
facing the Church.
A folder of the Gaustabsamt like folder 116 for the period September-
O ctober, 19*4-H. The material also covers the economic situation and there is
considerable discussion of German policy in F rance during the occupation and
A folder of the Gaule itung Baden with documents of various sections and
some stray items from ether offices dealing for the most part with problems
relating to air raids,
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 110
165 NSDAP, Gau Baden,
~466 Gauschulungsamt;
NSDAP, Gau Baden,
Kreis Strassburg;
NSDAP, Gau Badem,
EAP 251-a/115 FT
3*46 166 HSBAP, Gau Koblenz-
Trier, Kreis Ahr-
166 see Uotes
EAP 251~a/139 FT 30^701
EAP 251-a/lH2 FT 30^93^
EAP 251-a/lU3 FT 305051
EAP 251~a/1^5 FT 305267
SAP 251-b-lO/l FT 305530
HAP 251-a/126 FT 30562S
EAP 251-a/127 FS 3057^7
A folder of the Gausehulung saint Baden containing material on the Welt-
anschauliche F eierstunden, imich of it/sor response nee with the Beanftragte
des Ftihrers fur die ftberwachung ... and reports of the Kreise on the Welt-
anschauliche F eierstunden in their areas, 19^2-^3- ^
material is quite
interesting and is organized according to the name of the Feierstunde, e.g.
Die Sondung der Beutschen Eultur, Zura Gedenken Dietrich Sckardts, Das Reich
der Deutschen, Freiherr vom Stein - Der Deutsche Sozialismus.
A folder of the Kreisleiter Strassburg on the hospitals in Strsssburg,
illuminating the troubles in the university hospital, the person-
nel difficulties there, and the activities of the new German officials.
A folder of the Kreisleiter Strassburg dealing with a variety of subjects:
.Germanization, confiscation of Jewish property, amnesties, political edu-
cation, difficulties in local offices, and personnel problems, 19^0-^2,
A folder of the Kreisleiter Strassburg containing correspondence on vari-
ous subjects, much of it related to the efforts at Germanization, 19^0-^3
A folder of the Baden Q-aupersonalarat containing the personnel file of
the Kreisleiter of Pforzheim, Hans Knab, who had founded the O rtsgruppe
Eberbach in 19*42, 19^1-UU.
This is a folder from the files of the Kreisleiter Ahrweiler in Gau Kob-
lenz-Trier containing correspondence with the Gaubeanftragte des Auswarti-
gen Amtes in Gau Koblenz-Trier, 1939-^0. The documents deal primarily with
problems related to the dissemination of German propaganda abroad, particu-
larly in neutral countries.
This folder is made up of material from several folders of differing
provenance. The first part is from the Pers5nliche Abteilung of the Chef
der Zivilverwaltung im llsass and deals with monument construction and
Germanisetion in Alsace, 19^3-^4. The second part, beginning with frame
is from the files of the Adjxitant of the Chef der Zivilverwaltung
im Elsass and contains material on rumors, anti-Kazi activities, and a
trip of Generalgouvernour Hans Frank to Alsace, 19^0-Hl. The third part,
beginning with frame 305735,is a folder of the O rtsbeaiiftragte des Win-
terhilfswerkes in the O rtsgroppe Hardt-Kolmar, Kreis Kolmar, Gau Baden,
and contains records of Winterhilfe collections in 19^2 and 19^3-
Another folder of various parts. The first part, from the Persflnliche
Abteilung of the Chef der Zivilverwaltung im SIsass^contains material on
people of German descent in the French army and correspondence between
Gauleiter Wagner and Eimmler about prospective " fishing" expeditions in
itance for German blood, 19^0-^2. The second part, beginning frame
305796jcontains material on the confiscation of foreign property in Alsace.
The third part is a group of stray items, mainly from an O rts-
Serial Roll Item F ilmed 1st frame Notes 111
350 166 WSBAP, Gau Hessen-
Nassau, Kreisge-
richt Bingen/a.Sh.;
SA Standarte 15
EAP 251-a/67
HAP 251-a/6S
SAP 251-a/69
FT 351 167 Der O berste Kommissar .BAP 251-&/130
f&r die O perationszone
Alpenvorland; FSDAP,
Gau Baden, Gau-Archiv;
NSDAP, Gau Wdrtbemberg-
Hohenzollern, O rganisa- EAP 251-a/lUj FS
tionsamt; -NSDAP, Gau
Baden, Amt f&r Volks-
wohlfahrt EAP 251-a/lUg FT
EAP 251-a/150 FT
352 167 NSDAP, Gau .Msseldorf , SAP 251-a/136 FT
Kreis M tehen-Gladbach-
tford; NSDAP Luxemburg,
Kreis Bsch; NSDAF, Gau
We stmark, Kreis Kusel, BAP 251-a/l60 Ff
Einsatzsturm Wolf stein
EAP 251-a/l65 FT
353 167 SA Standarte 16 (K91n); EA? 251-a/l^ FT
NSDAP, Gau Westfalen,
Gauamtsleiter Steinecke
FT 30669^
gruppe under Kreis Molsheim, which has not " been filmed. The last group,
beginning with frame 305*5^0, is a group of documents presenting decorations
and medals to Gauleiter Hinrich L ohse of Schleswig-Hol stein, 1936-^2, sign-
ed by Melssnor. and clearly from L ohse 's personal files.
Kreisgoricht Bingen/a.Eli. , case of F riedrich Biehl, accused of associat-
ing with Jews, 193S-
Kreisgericht Bingen/a.Rh. , case of Bernd L embeck, a.ccused of financial
irregularities, 1933.
Material from the files of SA Standarte 15 on the case of Karl Behr, ac-
cused of defeatism, 19^U.
A folder from the files of Gauleiter Eofer who ran the area Alpenvorland
on his relations and conferences with General Busso, evidently an emmissary
of some kind from the Mussolini government in North Italy, 19^U. Included
is discussion of Mussolini' s plans for moving into Alpenvorland in case of
further Allied advances.
F rom a folder of the Gau-Archiv Baden containing Bundschreiben of the
Gaugeschaftsf tin rung, items of general interest on Germanize tion, political
education, and the position, of officials, 19H2-U U , have been filmed.
A publication, nur fiir den Dienstgebrauch, of the O rgan isationsamb of
Gau Wiirttemberg-Hohenzollern entitled " Gebietliche Gliederung der NSDAP,
Gau Wftrtteraberg-Hohenzollern,
.A folder of the|?au Baden^Amt fur V olkswohlfahrt containing material on
the seizure of denominational and Jewish property in Alsace, 19^1-^2.
A folder of Kreis Mfiachen-Gladbach-Sbrd on Schatzmeister records of Gau
Msseldorf destroyed in ai airraid in 19^^ and the efforts of the Kreise to
fill in the gaps. The folder also contains information on the financing of
the V olkssturm.
A folder of the Kreisleitung Ssch on the V olksdeutsche Bewegung in L uxem-
burg, primarily name lists, 19^1-UU.
A folder of the Sinsatzsturm olfstein in Kreis Kusel on activity in air-
raids, 19^3.
A folder of the SA Standarte 16 containing correspondence especially with
the Gau and Kreisleitung, 19^3-^. 3?he documents concern propaganda and
total war activities and problems in the relations between the SA and various
other Party organizations.
A folder of Gauamtsleiter Steinecke of Gau Westfalen containing reports
on the local situation, morale, and effects of airraids in 19^U. See frames
306719-306720 for a photostat of a threatening note received by a German of-
ficial from the Communist underground in Riga and sent by the official to
Serial Eoll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 112
35*1 16? HSBAP, Gau Baden,
Stabsamt; NSBAP,
Gsu Baden, Kreis
Zabern; ISDAP, Gau
Baden. Kreis Molsheim,
Ortsgruppe Bl&sheim;
HSDAP, Gau Baden, Aiat
ffib: Volkswohlfahrt
355 168 NSDAP, Gau Eessen-
Nassau, Kreis Breach,
Ortsgruppe Htichst;
NSDAP, Gau Hessen-Nas-
sau, Organisationsamt;
17SBAP, Gau Hess en-Nas-
sau, ?
356 16S Gauletter Sauckel,
357 16S FSDAP, Gau Baden, SAP 251-a/lgl FT
EAP 251-a/l6la FT
358 16S W&rttembergisches EAP 251-a/162 FT
Innenmini sterium;
Gau Badon, Gau-
Archiv BAP 251-a/19U FT
359 169 1SBAF, Gau Baden (Amt SAP 251~a/l63, FT
-E170 fttr Volkswohlfahrt), 166,229
SAP 251-a/151 FT 306770
EAP 251-a/152 FT '306793
EAP 251-a/155 FT 307127
SAP 251-8/15S FT 3071U6
SAP 251-a/157 FT 307203
MP 251-a/lgl FT 307281
EAP;251-s/182 FT 307576
'SAP 251-a/159 FT 307581
A folder of the Baden Stabsamt containing reports on the political and
economic situation, rumors, morale, and the foreign workers from the Kreise
in' Gau Baden-Slsass, August-September, 19^.
A folder of the Ereisleitung Zabern containing material on miscellaneous
organizational matters, 19^1-^3.
A folder of O rtsgruppe Blasheim containing reports on the local political
situation and propaganda directives of Kreia Molsheim, 19^3'
A folder of the Baden Amt filr V olkswohlfahrt on the political education
of STSV nurse a, 19^2-^3.
An O rtsgruppe EBchst folder on the activity of the Party in 1933 in-
cluding material on the leichsehaltung and the efforts to keep people from
holding two jobs.
A folder of the O rganisationsamt Gsu Reason-Nassau containing the politi-
cal and situation report of the Kreise f
r O ctober-November 1939. These
reports were sent to the Politische Abteilung of the Stabsamt but kept by
the O rganisationsamt (See T-S1, Serial 3^5).
A folderzstrey items from some office 5n Gau Eessen-Nassau, O ne docu-
ment is a Gau circular containing the text of a decree by G6bbels that such
questions 8s smoking, religion, and others which mi^ht divide the people
not be discussed until after the war, 19'4l. The other document refers to
rumors about the casualties in the big Hamburg airraids and German prison-
ers in the U SSR, 19^3.
A folder from the files of Gauleiter Sauckel, ThtSringea, consisting of
two parts. The first contains routine and congratulatory messagesi 1933-
1939* The second part deals with local political problems in Thilringen,
1930-32. This material probably comes from the same files as the material
in folder MP 251-e./3 filmed in T-31, Serial 22U.
A folder of (Jsu-Archiv Baden containing the Sonderdienst Innere F ront
of the KS-Gaudienst was issued by the Gaupresseamt and contains short ar-
ticles on all kinds of Party activities as well as propaganda releases.
A folder of January and February, 19^1> issues of the FS-Gaudierist Ba-
den* probably from the files of the Baden Gau-Archiv.
A folder of the Mrttembergische Innenministerium on the evacuation of
various government and Party offices and the confiscation of buildings for
them, 19UU-^5.
A folder of the Gau-Archiv Baden containing materiel related to airraid
pro*option. 19^2.
Three fola^rc containing cases 201-300, 601-70U and 852-930, respectively,
of the case filos of the owuboauftraete fttr Wectfalen-Stld in Gsu Badon,
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes
359 1^9 NSDAP, Gau Baden (Amt EAP 251-a/l63 FT
-EL70 far Volkswohlfahrt), 166,229
Gaubeauftragfeer der
NSDAP far Westfalen-
360 K170 BAF, Kreiswaltung Zabern; SAP 251-a/l67 FT
KSDAP,Kreisleitung Strass-
burg; NSDAP, Kreisleitung EAP 251-a/l69 FT
Molsheim; and see "below
EAP 251-a/170 FT
BAP 251-&/173 FT
361 E170 Gauleiter Giesler
(also Westfalen-Sud)
EAP 251-a/17U FT
SAP 251-a/l68 FT
362 R1JO NSDAP, Gau Baden,
-171 Gaugeschs'ftsfillhrurg;
NSDAP, Gau Badon,
Stab saint
BAP 251-a/172 FT
EAP 251-a/175 FT
308U22 (cont. )19^3-^ These are cases of evacuees from Westfalen-S&d with various
personal problems and appeals and the way they were taken care of in Baden.
310623 A folder of the DAF Kreiswaltung Zabern on " Totale Kriegsmassnahmon iia
Gastst&tten und Beherbergungsgewerbc" 19^4.
310657 & folder of the MSDA? Kreisleitung Strassburg containing material on the
activity of the Party and Germanizetion efforts, 19^1.
310672 A folder probably from the files of the Ereisleitung Molsheim containing
various Kreis directives, 19^3-
3106SS A folder of items of differing provenance. Some of the material is from
O rtsgruppe Kopstal, Kreis Esch/Alzig, Gau Moselland, and contains various
directives of the Party on organizational and propaganda activities, l^UU.
Some of the material is from Kreis Zabern, Gau Baden-Elsass, and deals v/ith
questions of defense, 19^4. The folder containing the documents was probab-
ly not originally with this material.
310721 A folder of the Kreisleitung Zabern on defense activities in 19^'.
305^29 A folder of Gauleiter Giesler of Mxinchen-O berbayern containing correspond-
ence, August 19^2-January l
^3 organized alphabetically by name of subject.
Included is a group of documents related to a conference with Bormann, ap-
parently in O ctober, 19^2 on the X inderlandverschickung and on workers for
agriculture, and on the case of F irst L ieutenant Plesch; and also for a con-
ference with If rick about getting JTreisleiter von Moltke into the Eeichstag .
seat of the deceased Mnisterprftsident Siebert (see freames 305^35" 305^7)
There is also material on the reading habits of German soldiers, plans to
detach the Pfalz from Bavaria, regulation of marriages between Germans and
foreigners; sending to a job in the East of the O rtsgruppenleiter Kreuztal,
Siegen, Klein, who had become impossible in his area*, O stsrbeiter', Sven
Hedin' s visit to Munich in 19^3, and troubles regarding the dissolution of
the Reichsinstitut Mr Geschichte des neueren Deutschlands.
310836 A folder of the Gaugeschaftsfflhrung Baden containing various personal ap-
peals with their disposition, 1939-^3. This is the " Scho" - " Un" part of
an alphabetical file organized by name.
311203 A folder of the Baden Stabsarat containing correspondence with the FSDAP
Partei-Kanzlei, 19^2-U^, The correspondence deals with labor shortages,
Wagner's call for troops to defend his domain in the fall of 19^, and other
matters dealing with the German military crisis at that time, executive
clemency for Alsation soldiers sentenced to death for plundering, procedures
for handling political offenses by German soldiers from the newly annexed or
Serial Roll Provenance Item F ilmed 1st frame Notes
362 El70 NSDAPi Gau Baden,
-171 Gaugeschaftsfuhrung;
N3DAP, Gau Baden,
363 171
EAP 251-a/197 311338
EAP 251-a/221 FT 3119^5
EAP 250~a/222
EAP 251-a/177
365 172 HSDAP, Gau Bayreuth SAP 251-a/17B
366 172 NSDAP, Gau Westfalen- EAP 251-a/179
Stld, Kreis Bochum;
1TSBAP, Gau Kflln-Aachen,
Ortsgruppe Stadtgarten
SAP 251~a/206
FT 312215
FT 31223H
FT 312i*67
German-administered areas, war work for the wives of prominent people, Gene-
ral O sswald (Befehlshaber im Wehrkreis V), Complaints from Switzerland on" an
article in the paper Der Alemanne, mailing of explosives to various Party of-
fices by the Polish underground (frames Jl l ZS k ,-311289)* searches by tho SD,
sabotage of the Wintersachensammlung in Schlettstatt and Molsheim, reference
to a secret speech of Speer on 17 April, 19^-2, (frame 3
3l6) Germanization
of Alsace-L orraine and L uxembourg, and other subjects. Included at the end
of the folder is a document from some other file dealing with V olkssturm
problems in Kolmar, 19^5.
A folder of the Gaugeechaftsffthrung Baden containing letters " V " - "Z" of
the same file as folder 172. Included is material on the V erkehrsverein
Karlsruhe, the V olksbund fur das Deutschtum im Ausland, the V olksdeutsche Mit-
teistelle, and a very large number of individual requests and appeals.
A folder of the Gaugeschaftsf&hrung Baden on the wiiter Franz Schneider,
19^1. This may once have been a part of folder 172 or may have preceded it
in that part of the files of the Gaugeschaftsffihrung.
This folder has been withdrawn for reasons of military security and given
a U nited States security classification.
A memorandum, without indication of author, date, or provenance* entitled
" Grundlagen der Grenzfilhrung im lothringisohen Raum." The memorandum, als
Manuskript gedruckt, is a preview of what was to be a book by the title "L o-
thringerland. Anderthalb Jahrtausende Greazlandschicksal zwischen Argonnen
und V ogesen," to be published by the F , Bruckmann V erlag (Munich) that was
apparently never actually published. The memorandum was apparently designed
to influence German policy in regard to this area at some future settlement
of the Few O rder. The probable date of the document would appear to be 19^-1
or 19^2. It is possible that F riedrieh Ktfnig or Mas-Hildebert Boehm was
the author. It is also possible that the document was found among the re-
cords of the 1ISDAP Gauleitung Eaden.
A folder containing O ctober 19UU and January-February 19*4-5 issues of the
Gau Bayreuth Gaudienst, Sonderdienst " Innere F ront."
A folder of Kreis Bochum in Westfalen-Sftd* containing reports on damage
and casualties inflicted by airraids in February and March, 19^5. This
folder is of rather little intrinsic interest and has been filmed to il-
lustrate the Party's activities in regard to airraids.
A folder of the O rtsgruppe Stadtgarten, K6*ln, on the Party's activity
in airraids,
Serial Roll Item F ilmed 1st frame Notes 115
172 NSDAP, Gau Baden, Gau- EAP 251-a/lSO FT
-173 schulungsburg Frauen-
alb; NSDAP, Gau Baden,
Amt fur V olkswohlfahrt;
NSDAP, Gau Baden, Gau-
schulungsamt; NSDAP/
Gau Baden, Gaustabsamt
EAP 251-a/l99
173 NSDAP, Kreis Esch-
Alzig (Gau Mosel-
land); NSDAP, Gau
Mo sell and . .-.
173 NSDAP, Gau Baden,
Abteilung Gemeinde-
173 Gauschulungsburg Saar-
pf alz; NSDAP, Gau
173 NSDAP, Gau Baden
EAP 251-a/212 FT 313527
EAP 251-a/lS3 FT 313557
SAP 251~e/207 FT 313578
EAP 251-a/210 FT 313606
EAP 251-a/lgU IT 313696
EAP 251-a/185 FT 31^135
EAP 25l-a/l96 FT 31^319
SAP 251~a/186 FT 31^361
A folder of groat importance from the files of the GauschuluBg-Bfrurg Frau-
enaTb of Gau Baden. It contains circulars of various offices of the roarby
in the field of ideological training, 1936-37. Included are all kinds of
material on the indoctrination activities of the Party, a report in install-
ments of the Rosenberg Dienststelle des Beauftragten des F&hrers fur die
U berwachung ...^on the relations between the Protestant Church in Germany
and the Kazi Party from 1933-37 material on censorship, discussion of the
Trachtenfrsge, issues of the Gauschulungsamt Baden circular " Wissenswertes,"
and. " Entwirf eines L ehrplanes filr die Schulung in Kreisen und O rtsgruppen"
by the Gauschulungsamt Baden, 1937 issues of the Sondernachrichten of the
Hauptabteilung III (Markt) of the L andesbauernschaft Baden, and excerpts
from the speech of Hess to Party officials at the 1936 Heichsparteitag.
A folder of considerable interest from the Baden Amt fur V olkswohlfahrt,
1939-^t containing material on the various activities of the NSV with
special emphasis on the training and indoctrination of nurses. Included
are the 1939 activity reports of various sub-sections of the Abteilung Wohl-
fahrtspflege und Jugendhilfe. F rames 312979-312982 at the beginning of the
folder are documents from the files of the Baden Gauschulungsamt, 1937-38,
included into this folder by mistake.
A folder of the Gaustabsaint Baden containing reports on the political
situation, morale, and attitudes in the Kreise of Gau Baden-Elsass in July-
August, 19UU.
A publication of the O rganisationsamt of Kreis Grevenmacher, " Kreispla-
nung des Kreises Grrevenmacher, " December, 19^2.
A folder of some office in Gau Moselland containing a copy, circulated
by the Gau, of a Wehrkreis X II directive on evacuation, 19UU.
A folder, apparently of the O rtsgruppe L uxemburg-Bahnhof, or Gau Mosel-
land, containing Gauschatzmeister directives, 19^0-UU, and some other
A folder of great interest from the Abteilung Gemeindepolitik in Gau Ba-
den containing correspondence with the Kreise and the NSDAP members of Kreis
rfite in Baden concerning tho Party's attitude toward various measures before
the local legislatures, 1930-31* ^ s folder contains all kinds of interest-
ing material on the political struggles in Baden in 1931*
The diary of the Gauschulungsburg Saarpfalz, ^ August, 1939, - 7 May
Some circulars of the Gau Saarpfalz, dealing for the most part with plans
for the Reichsparteitag 1939 (which was never held).
Telephone directories of the Gauleitung Baden, probably 19U3-UU. Useful
for identifying individuals whose names appear in the Gau Baden materials.
Serial Roll Item F ilmed 1st frame Notes 116
371 173 NSDAP, Gau Baden EAP 251-a/186 FT 31^378
372 173 NSDAP, Gau Kdln-Aachen, EAP
Kreis K81n, Kreispropa- EAP
gandaamt EAP
373 173 NSDAP, V olksdeutsche EAP
Bewegung L uxemburg
37U 173 NSDAP, O rtsgruppe Hardt;EAP
NSDAP, O rtsgruppe
Deutsche Arbeit sfront, EAP
Gaupropagandawal tung
Hessen-Nassau; NSDAP,
Gau He s sen-Nassau,
Kreis Mainz;
NSDAP, Gau Bad en-El sass^EAP 251-a/213 FT
Kreis Strassburg;
EAP 251-a/2lU FT
EAP 251-a/2Ul FT
EAP 251-a/2^6 FT
Ilk NSDAP, Gau Kflln-Aachen, SAP 251-a/211
-175 Kreisleitung Hansestadt
K61n, Der Beauf tragte
des Kreisleiters fttr die/EAP 251-a/215
Ftthrung der Kriegerka-
meradschaften; NSDAP,
Gau Kflln-Aachen, Orts-
EAP 251-a/209 FT 315^15
A folder of the Gausta" bsant Baden on the case of Amalia G8tschin, accused
of " being pro-Communist, 19UU.
Trauerfeier fiir Peter Winkelnkemper, 19UU (mayor of Cologne).
V ersammlung der Klein- und Kleinstbetriebe,
Mutter tag 19^U.
Miscellaneous propaganda materials,
Tagung der O rtsgruppen-Schadensmelder,
A folder of an O rtsgruppe of the V olksdeutsche Bewegung L uxemburg con
taining the Poindschreiben of the L andeskassenleitung, 19UO -UU.
A group of Dienstbefehle of the Zellen in O rtsgruppe Hardt,
A folder of the O rtsgruppe Stachus in the Munich area containing various
lists and accounts and other material, 1939-UU.
Three folders of material like folder 20 ? . . Duplicates omitted.
A group of V orlaufige G-au-Jachrednerausweise probably from the files of
the Gaupropagandawal tung der DAF Kes sen-Nassau. Ho dates, duplicates omit-
A folder containing scattered items of the Kreisleitung Mainz in Gau Res-
sen-Nassau, 19UO -UU. Interesting is a report on an O rtsring-Arbeit sbespre-
chung in O rtsgruppe Kainz-Kastel on 30 June, 19^. Also included in the
folder is a stray item from the Kreispersonalamt Bonn, 2 March, 19^5-
A folder of the Kreisleitung Strassburg in Gau Baclen-Elsass containing
material on various political problems, particularly Germanization, 19^1-^3.
A folder of the Kreisleitung Strassburg dealing with financial matters,
A folder of the Kreisleitung Strassburg containing correspondence with
the Gauamt fur das L andvolk and the Reichsnahr stand, 19^2-^4.
A folder of the Kreisleitung Strassburg containing the correspondence of
the Kreisleiter (Bickler) with the other Kreisleitung en in the Gau, 19^0-^2.
The documents deal with all aspects of Party and government activity in the
area .
A folder of the Kreis K8ln Beauf tragter fdr die Fiihrung der Krigerkame-
radschaften containing various circulars and activity reports of that office,
Material from some O rtsgruppen in Gau Ktfln-Aachen, primarily O rtsgruppe
Wehr, containing Gauschatzmeister directives, 19^2-^3, and other material on
financial matters,
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 117
378 I f 4 NSDAP, Gau Baden, Amt EAP 251-a/217 FT
-175 &r Kommunalpolitik;
3TSDAP, Gau Baden, Gau- EAP 251-a/21S FT
schulungsamt; KSDAP,
Gau Baden, Stabsant EAP 251-a/222 FT
379 175 Der Oberste Kommissar EAP 251-a/220 FT
fttr die Operations zone
3SO 175 Gemeinde Birkendorf, BAP 251~a/2?-3 FT
Amt Waldshut
3*1 175
IF3DAP, Gau Baden, Gau-
propagandaamt, miscel-
laneous NSDAP, see "be-
EAP 251-a/225 FT
382 175 USDAP,Gau K8ln-Aachen, EAP 251-a/226
Ortsgruppe K81n-3ay en-
thai; NSBAP,Gau Kdln-
Continued Aachen, ?; EAP 251-a/232
FT 316^76
A fcldcr of the Baden Amt f'Jir Kommunalpolitik on problems related to an
outbreak of hoof and mouth disease in 1933 and on local popular attitudes.
A folder of the Gauschulungs'mt. Baden containing the weltanschauliche Be~
ric.hte of the Kreise for F ebruary and March, 19UU.
A folder of the Gau Baden Stabssint containing the political situation,
morale, and economic reports of the Kreise, August, 19^U.
A folder of Gauleiter Kofor, O berster Kommissar Alpenvorland, January,
-.19^5. The material is probably from the same files as the folder E.AP 251-
.8/130 filmed on T-81, Serial 351. The documents relate to the problem of
the planned German annexation of parts of Italy, the reaction to this of
the Italians (some of whose documents on this got into. Hofer' s, hands); and
the attitude of Eahn, the German ambassador to the Mussolini government
(he wanted" to take the area after the war but avoid antagonizing the Italians
until then).
This is apparently the carbon copy of a report sent in 1937 to the Baden
Gauamt fur Kommunalpolitik by the Gemeinde Birkendorf, Amt Weldshut, con-
taining a report on activities in the local area since 1933 fo
a Gau exhi-
bition called " L der badischen Gemeindenjl937 "
A folder of unidentified provenance containing a report, probably writ-
ten late in 1933 on the trial in November, 193^t *
Salsburg of former of-
ficers of the Austrian Army for their activities in putting down the Nazis
who participated in the July, 193^> uprising (Dollfuss' murder) by staging
an uprising in L amprechtshausen. The report is signed by a.D. F ranz Wussu-
reg (?).
Two stray items. O ne is a Kreis Tann Stimmungsbericht of 23 O ctober,
19^ from the files of the Gaupropagandaamt Baden; the other is a map of
the Gaue der I7SDAP, published by the Partei-Kanzlei in September, 19^.
A group of stray items. The first is a report by the Gaulei.tung Baden
on damage done in the Gau by air raids from the beginning of the war to
27 May, 19^3- The second is a Gau O st-Hannover directive of 12 April,
on the hiding of Party symbol's in areas in imminent danger of occupation.
The third is a group of items of the KBln L
SDAP dealing primarily with air
raid problems, 19^3-^. The fourth is an item dealing with the Saarburg
V olkssturm, January, 19
45. The fifth is a copy of a report by the 1ISBA?
O rtsgruppe Gr&fenheini, Kreis Gotha-L and, on the family Schiltz, 1937. Schutz
had been a local Communist who was returning from the Soviet U nion.
A folder of the O rtsgruppe KBln-Bsyenthal in Gau Kfiln-Aachen containing
documents on various KS celebrations, 193^-37 (Hitler's birthday, 9 November,
A folder of some office in Gau K81n-Aachen containing circulars or tho
Serial Roll Provenance Item F ilmed 1st frame Notes 118
3S3 175 NSDAP, Gau Baden, Gau- EAP 251-a/77 FT 316700
personalamb; NSDAP, Gau
Baden- El sass, Amt fur
Volkswohlfahrt; H3DAP, SAP 251-a/227 FT 316368
Gau Baden-Slsass, ?;
EAR 251-a/235 FT 316898
175 FSDAP, Gau Westfalen, EAP 251-a/228 FT 315911
Gauamtsleiter Steinecke;
NSDAP, Kreis Dachau EAP 25l-a/276 FS 316979
385 175 NSBAP, Gau Schleswig-
-176 Hoi stein, Kreis L u-
be ck (But in)
EAP 251-a/230 FT 3175^6
EAP 251-a/231 FT
386 176 Gauleiter Hinrich L ohse SAP 251-a/233 FT
Reichskomraissariat O s t-
land) SAP 251-a/23^ FT
387 176 NSDAP, Gau Baden, Gau- EAP 251-a/236 FT
employment of the civilian population in the construction of fortifications
in the Westwall, 19^-^5.
A folder of the Baden Gaupersonalarat on Nachwuchsfllhrer, Hans Tronecker,
1938-J|2. The folder has been filmed as a marvellous example of the Nazi
bureaucracy at work for three years on an Ehegenehmigung.
A folder of the Baden-Slsass Amt fiir Y olkswohlfahrt on the confiscation
of property by the Nazis in Kreis Schlettstadt, 19*41-^2.
A folder containing a copy of a report on the activity of the Nazi Party
in Alsace in the period 19^0-^2 with sections on each aspect of Party acti-
vity* Also a stray item of indoctrination material.
A folder from the same files and series as folder EAP 251-a/lU6 filmed
on T-81, Serial 353.
This is a folder of the Kreieleitung Dachau containing form reports on
people applying for financial aid under Kinderbeihilfe, 19^2-^. F rom
this folder a sample has been filmed (the letter " A" from a complete alpha-
betical file). .Also filmed is one item, possibly not originally from the
same office; a nur flir den Dienstgebrauch publication of the Eeichsbund
Deutsche F amilie entitled " V om Sieg der Waffen zum Sieg der Wiege." This
document was probably issued in 19^-0 end is quite interesting on the Party's
population policy.
A folder of the NSDAP Ereisleitung L iibeck in Butin, containing material
on all aspects of Nazi Party activity in 1931- V ery interesting stuff.
This material is from the same files as that on T-SI, Serial 3^2. Dupli-
cates omitted.
Material from the same files as the preceding folder and containing
material for 1931-32. Much of the documentation deals with the Party's
propaganda activities.
A folder from the files of Hinrich L ohse containing documents on his
salary as Gauleiter of Schleswig-Hoistein and Reichskommissar O stland,
A folder from the files of Hinrich L ohse on Hegierungsprasident Hazakens
and on relations between L ohse and the Sicherheitsdienst, 1933. There is
a good deal of interesting material on the difficulties between Gaulei-
tung, administration, and the SD and also there are Stiimrrungsberichte of
the SD for the period of September, 1933, at the hight of the Sudeten..
crisis. The signature on frame 31^50 *
d Heydrich.
A folder of the G-auschulungsamt Baden containing the section " Aktivi-
t&t der Konfessionen" of the Wei tanschauliche Berichte der Kreisleitungen,
November, 19*42, - March,
Serial Soil Provenance Item F ilmed 1st frame Sates 119
387 176 NSBAP, Gau Baden,
, - . . - * . ',-, Gauschulungsaint;
SAP 251-&/237 FT
EAP 251-a/2U3 FT
3S3 176 IISBAP, Gau Hessen-
lassau, Kreisgericht
176 KSDAP, Gau Franken, Sas-
177 senpolitisches Amtj
NSBAP, Gau Franken, Gau-
wirtschafts" berater;
USDAP, Gau Franken, Gau-
KSDAP,- Gau Franken, Gau-
SAP 251-a/23S FT
EAP 251-a/239 FT
SAP 251-a/2UO IT
EAP 251-a/2l42 FT
SAP 251-a/2US FT
EAP 251-a/263 FT
EAP 251-a/27>4 FS
EA? 251-3/275 FT
390 177 USMP, Gau Schleswig- EAP 251-a/2^9 FT
-17S Holstein, ?; NSBAP, Gau
EAP 251-a/263 FT
32*435 A folder from the same series as folder 236, containing the material for
July and August, 19^3 '
32*4*403 A folder of the Gauschulungsaint Baden containing material on confessional
libraries in Baden prepared in answer to a directive of the Beauftragte des
Fflhrers fr die iJberwachung ...j Aint Schrifttumspflege^of 12 August, 1939 (see
A folder of the Gauschulungsamt Baden containing the names of the various
KSBAP officials in Baden-Slsass and especially all those in some way con-
nected with the indoctrination activities of the Party. Ho date, but 'probab-
ly about 19*42.
A folder of Kreisgericht Bingen on the case of a man accused of consorting
with Jews, 1933.
32*4525 Sirnilsr to 233, on a man accused of insulting a lower-level Party official,
32U5*42 Another case like folder 239.
32*4559 & folder of the Gau Franken Amt containing material on
the treatment of gypsies, particularly on the Party's efforts to have them
sterilized, l^Ul-U^.
32*4530 A -'folder of the F ranken Gauvirtschaftsberater containing primarily reports
of the Kreise on the economic situation, 19^-^-^5- Included is some material
on political and propagsnda questions.
32^713 A folder of the O auschuluiigsamt Sranken containing its correspondence
with the Deutsche Arbeit sfront and the Gauamt fiir das L sndvolk, 19
4U. Inter-
esting material on political education.
32^963 Irom a folder of the Iraaken G-auschatzmeister the proposed budgets cf the
Kreise for 1937 have been filmed. V arious routine materials omitted.
32*4997 A folder of the Gauschulungsajnt Franken containing correspondence and memo-
randa 'concerning the establishment and operations of training institutions by
the Gau, 1933-35-
325398 A group of circulars of the Gauleitung Schleswig-Holstein on matters deal-
ing with the war effort, 19UU-*45. The documents concern foreign workers,
security measures, and the last-ditch mobilization of clothing and financial
325^13 & -folder of the Gauinspektion of Kainfranken containing the political re-
ports" of, and correspondence with, the Kreisleitungen O chsenfurt and Kitzin-
gen, 1935-^2. ! Ehe material is of considerable interest berth for the general
development of the political situation in Germany during this period and for
"the workings of the Party at the Ere is level.
Soil Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes 120
391 178 NSDAP, Geu Baden
NSDAP, Gau Baden,
Gau Archiv
SAP 251-a/250 FT 326288
SAP 251-a/262 FT
392 178 NSBAP, Gau Saarpfalz, EAP 251-a/251 FS
Kreis St. Ingbert,
Ortsgruppo Gersheim;
Various KSDAP offices,
see "below
EAP 251-a/25S FS
393 178 NSBAP, see below
EAP 251-a/257 327^7
A folder of the Gaustabsamt Baden containing a list of the employees of
the Gauleitung and the Kreisloitungca in G?m Bziden in 1939* together vlth
the salaries. Included at the end is a stray item dealing with the sale of
the Jewish cemetery at Qbergrombach, 19^*4.
A folder of the Gau-Archiv Baden on French and German evacuation activi-
ties in Alsace and the activity of the Germans in their first year there,
igUO-Ul. This folder "belongs to the series of folders filmed on T-81,
Serial 2*49.
From a folder of the Ortsgruppe Gersheim, Kreis St. Ingbert, Gau Saar-
pfalz, of documents 1937-39*
11 ^
^ some routine items have "been filmed.
The material deals with the Party' s movie propaganda and membership meet-
ings. Note frame 32715^>a geheime Reichssache^dealing with the evacuation
of children in August,1939.
A folder made up of stray items from a large variety of sources. Some,
routine items have been omitted together with duplicates of documents filmed
on other serials. The following materiel has "been filmed: Kreisleitung
Tuttlingen (Gau W& rttemberg- Hohenzollern) directives of 17 April, 19*45* o*
the duties of government officials; report of a company of the Gren. Regt.
729 on Party affiliations of its numbers, March 19*44; appeal of Ereisleiter
Jakobs of Biekirch to the population not to support opponents of the regime,
4 August, 19^3; documents of the Gauleitung Baden on the military situation
and related problems, igHO, and 19^^-^5 (scattered throughout the folder)
and documents of the same nature from other Gaus, particularly Gau Mo s el-
land; NSV Baden statistics of evacuees in Baden and Germany, August, 19UU;
some local difficulties in Hessen-Kassau, 1939*. Gauleiter Hainer (Salzburg)
greetings to the Gau in December, 193-3. and his speech at the openiig of the
Gau s chill ungsburg Hohenwerfen; Kreis Duisburg (Gau Dilsseldorf) report on the
situation in July, 19*4-2; a copy from the Kreis Strassburg files of the rs-
raarks of Gauleiter Wagner and Stellv. Gauleiter R6hn to the Kreislelter of
Alsace on 2U June, 19*41; the Gauschulungsamt Badon copy of the Strassburg
Party addresses, 19^3; a "Yerzeichnis ilber die Parteigerichte im Gaubereich
Sachsen," June, 1935* territorial reorganization .of Austria and Sudetengau,
193?; a Gau Baden report on Arbeitsbeschaffung und Arbeitseinsatz 1937;
some Gau Baden propaganda material, 1937 and 19*41; and the November, 19*42,
report of Ortsgruppe Blasheira, Kreis Molsheim, Gau Baden-Slsass.
This folder is made up of al 1 sorts of items from all sorts of places.
The main groups of material are the following: From the files of Gauleiter
Lohse (Schleswig-Hoistein), correspondence with Admiral Carls (Marinestation
dcr Ostgee) on ceremonial visits and arguments /between Favy and Party about
construction plans, 1939-
Serial Eoll Provenance Item F ilmed 1st frame Notes 121
394 178 Chef der Z lvi3> fesiwalV. SAP 251-a/25g FT 327^30
-179 tung im Slsass, Per-
sdnliche Abteilung;
NSDAP, Gau Baden,
Stab saint
EAP 251~a/259 FT 3277^3
EAP 251-a/260 FT 3^7999
F rom an unidentified file, Hitler' s directive Nr. 60/39 (nicht zur V erfiffent-
lichung) of 21 March, 1939,
the new territorial division of Czechoslovakia.
F rom an unidentified file, a speech or report of O berburgermeister Giger of
Salzburg about activities in Salzburg, March-December,1938.
F rom the Gauleltung Moselland, some minor war problems, 19^H.
V arious Gau Baden directives, 19^3 and 1 ^ 4*
F rom an unidentified file, two car" bon copies of vhat seems to " be a copy made
"by Allied personnel of a letter of Gauleiter Wanner as Chef der Zivilverwal-
tang im El gas s to I'artin BormR.nn on 27 August, 19HU , about " Srfahrungen mit
Angeh8rigen des estheeres." streaming " back from F rance. The document looks
like a copy of an authentic original.
F rom the files of the Gau Baden-Blsass O rganisationsemt, ITebenstelle Strass-
"ourg, a report of the Gauschatzmeister on his activities in Alsace,
F rom the files of the Baden Gaustabsarat, a report on the HJ in Alsace,
F rom the files of the Hess en-Has sau Gaustabsamt some material on the politi-
cal situation in 1939
F rom the files of SS-Abschnitt X X X V a record of O pferringmitglieder,
A copy of the 7 September, 19^U, issue of the Gau Kflln-Aachen ! TS-Gaudienst,
A copy of the June, 1933, issue of the Mitteilungsblatt of Gau Saarpfalz.
F rom the files of the Ereisleitun-g M&nchen-Gladbach, material on the prob-
lems of keeping people working, 19^4-U5.
A January, 19^1, issue of the Eeimat-Post of the O rtsgruppe St. Biasien,
O ne item filmed elsewhere has " been omitted. A few documents are not listed.
A folder of the Chef der Zivilverwaltung im Blsass, F ersdnliche Abteilung,
containing material or, the positions and pay of the Kreisleiter,
Also included in this folder is a group of documents, frames
on a census in Alssce in December, 19*40, showing the population before and
after the deportations,
A folder of the Chef der Zivilverwaltung im Slsass, Pers6nliche Abteilung,
containing material on resistance activities in Alsace, 19^1-^4. Most inter-
A folder of the Chef der Zivilverwaltung im llsass on the Kreisleiter in
Alsace, 19UO -^1, possibly the first part of the file now represented by fol-
der 25&. Especially interesting is the material sent to Gauleiter Wagner by
Kreisleiter Bickler of Strassburg which describes the Nazi movement in Alsace
before the German invasion and includes copies of some of its publications.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes 122
39*1 178 Chef der Zivilverwal-
-179 tung im Elsass, Per-
sBnliche Abteilung;
NSDAPt Gai Baden,
EAP 251-a/26l FT
SAP 251-a/265 FT
HAP 251-a/266 FT
395 179 Gauleiter Karl Wahl SAP 251-a/267
-ISO (Schwaben}; NSDAP, Gau
Schwaben, Amt fiir Volks-
gesundheit, Kreis Augs-
FT 32880U
SAP 251-a/2S4 FT 328967
396 1^0 NS-Bund Deutscher Tech- EA? 251~a/268
nik, Gauwaltung Ober-
?; Reichsgruppe 7ersi-
cherungen, Fachgruppe
Versicherungs-Gcneral- SAP 251-a/269
agenten, Ortsfaehgrup-
pe Liibeck
Continued MP 251-a/270
FT 3295^
A folder of the Baden Gaustabsamt on political problems in Alsace,
19UU. This is a folder of great historical interest, dealing as it does with
many aspects of the political and economic situation in Alsace during the
German occupation,
A folder of the Chef der Zivilverwaltung im Elsass, PersBnliche Abteilung,
containing documents on the "ICLeine Grenzverkehr zwischen Elsass, Lothringen,
Luxemburg, u. den "besetzten frenzdsischen Gebieten sowie elsss.-schweizeri-
scher Grenzverkehr,
A folder of the Chef der Sivilverwaltung im Elsass, PersSnliche Abteilung,
on the supposed drafting of Alsations into the French Army and related prob-
lems, iq^o-UU.
A folder of the Chef der Zivilverwaltung im Elsass, Persc-nliche Abteilung,
containing material for a planned presentation by Wagner to Hitler on the
treatment of the question of Alsace in France, 19U1-U2,
A folder from the files of Gauleiter Wahl of Gau Schwaben. It has bean
badly mixed up in the process of being put together. Included is material on
a plan of Wahl's to get the Party officials into service on the Eastern Front
in 19^1; his scheme for a "Heimatschatztruppe" in 19^3 which got him into all
sorts of trouble with Bormann and Himmler; the military and political prob-
lems of the last months of the war in 19*45J *n
Volkssturm; the Messerschraitt
262 (j et fighter); the treatment of Jews in 19^0-^1; the Werwolf pla,ns in
19^5; and the 19^3 activity report of the Bund der Schweizer in Grossdeutsch-
land. A most interesting group of documents.
A folder of the Gau Schwaben, Aat fiir VoiksgesundheitvEreis Augsburg-Land.
It contains the following groups of material; circulars of the Seichsleitung
der l\fS3AP, Haur taint f& r Voiksgesundheit, 19^1-^3 quarterly reports of tha
Gau Schwaben E'SV, 19U1-U3; circulars of the Schwaben .FSV to the Kreise,
1939-U3; circulars of the Kreis Augsburg-Lend FSV-, 1938-Ul; and 19^42 and
19^3 issues of the Fur fdr den Dienstgebrauch issues of the Informations-
dienst des Hauptamtes Yolksgesundheit der ?SI>AP.
A folder of the Oberdonau Gauwaltung of the FS-Bund Deutscher Technik on
the lectures given by the various branches of this organization, 19^2-^U, in
Gau Oberdonau, Wien, Sudetenland, Sachsen, Sttdhannover-Braunschweig, Ober-
schlesien, Moselland, Weser-Ems, Westmark, Hessen-rfesssu, Essen, Ifttrttemberg-
Hohenzollern, Bayreuth, Ivestfalen- Sord, estfalen-Sud, and Schwaben.
A folder of unknox^n provenance containing a secret speech of Speer to the
Gauleiter on the problems of Germany's economy after Spcer took over Todt' s
job, 2U February, 19*12.
A folder probably from the files of the Lilbeck Ortsfachgruppenleiter der
Serial Roll Provenance Item Pilmed 1st frame Notes 123
Oscar P. Metzger (see EAP 251~a/271 PT
"below); NSBAP. Gau
Wtir tt ember g-Kohen--
zollern, Gauorganisa-
?; Landrat Melsungen SAP 251-a/272 PS
SAP 251-8/286 PT
SAP 251-a/287 PS
NSDAP, Gai K81n-
Aachen, Aussenstelle
Baustab Brandes
NSBAP, Hauptarchiv,
Rehse-Archiv; 1JSBAP,
O rdensburg Sonthofen;
NSL AP, G. Sachsen,
Amt fflr Volkswohlfahrt?
KSDAP, Gau Moselland,
Beauftragter des Reichs-
schatzmeisters in Revi-t
EAP 251-a/288 5T
EAP 251-a/278 PT
SAP 251-a/279 PT
EAP 251-a/280 PT 331335
Pachgruppe Yersicherungs-General agent en of the Rcichsgrupp V ersicherungen,
containing documents on wartiire insurance problems, 19^2-^3.
A folder apparently from the files of O scar P. Metzger. It contains
material on his activity in the Hazi Party in the Rosenhcim area, of Gau Mftn-
chen-0" ber" bayern, 1931-35 ^
e wa
-s a retired official of the forestry service
and vras eventually ousted from the Party " because of the alleged
descent of his wife.
A folder of the Gauorganisationsamt Wiirttemberg-Hohenzollern containing
material on the issuance of
/ertreterausweise "by the Eeichszeugmeisterei der
USDAP, 1939-^2. A group of such Ausweise from the end of the folder has been
A folder of unknown provenance containing a listing of the Gaue and Kreise
of the HSDAP in igU O -U l.
A folder of unknown provenance containing two publications. The first,
the printed V erzeichnis der kitglieder des Reichstages, 15 June, 193^
(Heichstag IY. V 7ahlperiode 1938, Anlage 1'r. l) has not been filmed. The
second, which has been filmed, is a Kur fi! lr den Dienstgebrauch V erzeichnis
der Mitglieder des Reichstages - mit Ausnahme der in Ssterreich gewahlten
Abgeordneten - nach Wahlkreisen, 19 April, 193^ 1* covers the
same Reichstag as the one generally available and referred to above.
A folder of the L andrat Melsungen on anti-Jewish measures, particularly
loss of citizenship and confiscation of property, 19*41-^.
A folder of the Aussenstelle 3-austab Brandes of Gau K61n-Aachen on local
defense preparations and cooperation with the army, especially in the con-
struction of field fortifications, September-November,19^4.
This folder is asde up of documents of differing provenance. The first
part of the folder consists of material from the Hauptarchiv der SFSBAP,
Rehse-Archiv (one can tell from the impressed seal on the originals, usually
near the bottom of the pes-e). The material is about local Fazi Party cele-
brations and movies in 1939 s.nd an anniversary celebration of the SA-Regi-
mest Mttnchen in 193^. ^tie second part of the folder, beginning frame 3311^9*
is a group of documents from the files of the O rdensburg Sonthofen and deals
mostly with insurance problems, 19^1. The third part of the folder, begins
frame 3311S1, is probably from the files of the Gau Sachsen, Amt filr 7olks-
wohlfahrt, and contains highly interesting report^ on the activities of the
NSV in Sachsen, 19314-35.
A folder of the Beauftragte des Reichsschatzmeisters der HSBAP in Revisions-
angel egenhei ten fur Gau Moseilend (Koblenz-Trier) containing documents on
audits in the Ereise of the Gau, 1937-UU. The audits cover the affiliated
Serial Roll Item F ilmed 1st frame Hotes
EAP 251-a/281 FT
183 N3HAP, Gau Bayerische SIP 251-a/285 FT
Ostmark (Bayr euth), N5V;
HS2AP, Gau Bayr euth,
Deutsche Arbeitsfront; EAP 251-a/2S9 FT
CAP 251-a/290 FT
183 NSDAP, Gau Mnchen- EAP 251-a/292 FT
Oberbajtern, Abt. Orga-
nisation; HSDAP, Gau
(JaupersonalamtjlSBAP, EAP 251-a/315 FT
G-au Munchen-Oberbayern,
Gauschatzmeister BAP 251-a/31S
U02 183 Bezirksanfc Eichstatt
SAP 251-a/296
EAP 251-a/297 FT 333737
EAP 251~a/298 FT
EAP 251-a/299 FT
EAP 25L -a/30U FT
EAP 251-a/305 FT
organizations as well as the Party itself.
332165 This folder is similar to folder 280 but has been filmed as it deals with
the finances of the V olksdeutsche Bewegung L uxemburg, 1942-44.
326375 A folder of the Gauleitung Bayreuth apparently from the files of the JTSV
Beauftragte fiir das ohnungshilfswerk on the Wohnungsnilfswerk, 1944-45.
The folder contains the directives of the JReichswohnungskommissar, Hober L ey,
326856 A group of documents which appear to come from the files of the BAF in
Gau Bayreuth and deal with the case of Therese Keumann, the woman with the
stigmata from Konnersreuth. Most of the material is from newspapers and
periodicals, 1929~4l. An unidentified picture in the same envelope with the
other documents may be a picture of Therese Neumann as a young girl.
326886 F older Gau Bayerische O stmark (Bayreuth) F SV on medical problems in Kulmbach,
particularly a new method for healing diseases discovered by a Jewish doctor
(Hermann), 1938.
332905 A folder of the Abteilung O rganisation in Gau Munchen-O berbayern entitled
Sonderakt V olksabstimraung 19.2.34. The folder contains circulars, statistics,
and other material on the plebiscites of 12 Ilovember, 1933*
< i 19 August,
3331^4 A folder of the Gaupersonalamt Mnchen-Qberbayern on the employees of the
Gauleitung and their records 1936-37.
333263 A folder of the G-auschatzmeister If&nchen-O berbayern containing s. large
var i e t y of directives from the Heichsschatzmeister, 1933-43*
333^95 A folder of the Bezirksamt Eichstatt concerning the " O ffener Brief an
Dr. Goebbels," 1937. The document in question was a. letter to Goebbels at-
tacking him and the Nazi regime after Goebbels had attacked Cardinal Munde-
lein for his condemnation of the " Morality Trials." The folder centains
highly interesting material on the efforts of the German government to sup-
press distribution of this letter and to arrest and try for various crimes,
including treason, those who distributed it. Included is a great deal of
correspondence with the Mrnberg-F&rth Gestapo Staatspolizeileitstelle.
A folder of the Bezirksamt Eichstatt concerning the prohibition of pub-
lic gatherings, particularly of religious groups, 1933-40.
333784 A folder similar to folder 297, 1933-42.
333891 A folder of the Bezirksamt Eichstatt on the political supervision of the
clergy, 193&-U1. The main emphasis is on the sermons and the readizig of
334134 A folder of the Bezirksamt Eichstatt dealing with the organization of the
political police, the S3, and the Geheime Staatspolizei, 1935-43.
334295 A folder of the Bezirksamt Eichstatt containing Gestapo circulars, 1937-44.
Serial Roll Provenance Item F ilmed 1st frame Hotes 125
U02 183 Bezirksamt Eichstatt EAP 251-a/306 FT 33HU91
IK> 3 18U Reichsstatthelter in EAP 251-a/300
1S5 Bayern (Hitter von Spp) ,
Staatssekretar Hofmann;
EAP 251-P./301
EAP 251-a/302 FT 3352^7
SAP 251~a/303 FT 335^38
EAP 251-a/308 FT 335536
These deal with a large variety of political problems: religious organiza-
tions, foreigners living in Germany, returned ernigr&s, V olksdeutsche from
Poland, precautions in connection with Mussolini' s visit to Germany and
Hitler's visit to Itely in 1937 snd 193^ respectively, passports, treatment
of Jews, Arbeitsoinsatz, and others.
A folder of the Bezirksamt Sichstatt dealing with relations with the con-
fessions, especially in regard to collections for churches and charities,
Note: F rom folder BAP 2^1-a/305 the frames 33^3-33^6 have been
withdrawn for reasons of military security and are being given
a U nited States security classification.
A file of the Heichsstatthalter in Bayern (Fatter von Epp) on relations
and troubles with the Catholic Church in Bavaria, 1933-39 Sztremely inter-
A folder like folder 300, 1
}33-193^- Also included is a memorandum by
Staatssekretar Hofmann of 23 January,19^0, commenting on a memorandum of
Hanns Kerrl on the religious question in wartime Germany. The whole folder
is of great interest.
A folder like folder 30-
13^0-^3 I* contains the memorandum of Kerrl
mentioned above and related correspondence. Also included is a great deal
of interesting documentation on the whole question of F aziism' s relations
with Christianity both in the theoretical field and in practice in Germany,
Austria, Poland, end Al?ane. There is also some important material on the
conflict between ITaziism and Christian Science.
A folder containing material related to the documents in folders 301 and
302 with correspondence with L aimners and Gauleiter Wagner about the same
topic. Also included is a long memorandum by Dr. Cajus F abricius, " Innere
BU stung," O ctober, 193
> , dealing with the religious question. A table of
contents of the folder is at the end.
A folder of Staatssekretar Hofmann in the office of the Reichsstatthal-
ter in Bayern containing very interesting material on the drafting and amend-
ments of the " Gesetz zur Sicherung der Binheit von Partei und Staat" vom
1. Dezember, 193^; on the Geschaftseinteilung in the office of the Reichs-
statthalter; and on a Y ortrag by Hofmann of various issues to the Beichs-
statthaiter (Epp). The material, though fragmentary, is probably of great
value for the formative period of tho Nazi regime.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 126
185 Reichsverband der EAP 250-C-12/2 FS
deutschen Presse, 3uch~
haltung; NSMP, O rts-
gruppe EichstMtt;
Reichskanzlei, Berch-
185 Transocean Dienst (Ed- EAP 250-c-lH/H FS
186 mand F uerholzer papers)
SAP 250-C-1H/6 FS
EAP 250-C-1U/9 F
SAP 250-c-lVH
188 Transocean Dieast
189 (Fuerholzer papers)
(See also Serial 53)
SAP 250-c-lU/12 FS
SAP 250-C-1U/13 FS
335582 This folder is nade up of entirely (separate parts. The first is a part
of an alphabetical file on memberships in Austria in the Reichsverbp.nd der
deutschen Presse, 1938. The second part is the attendance record of the
O rtsgruppe Eichstatt der ESDAP, 1939-Hl, filmed as a sample* The third part
is a folder on the costs of construction of some additions to the garage at
Hitler' s Berchtesgaden office, 1938. 'The fourth part, not filmed, is a
" book list,
335752 Material from the files of Edmund F uerholzer dealing vith his activities
as Transocean representative in China and the U nited States, 193^-39
Purely personal papers, duplicates, and other routine material have " been
omitted. See frames 33599^-335997 for a document related to the activities
of Ernst Sciia'fer, later with the Heichsinstitut Sven liedin filr Innerasien-
forschung (T-81, Serials 250-58). See frames 33^039-3 380*42 on the V ereini-
gung des christlichen L endproletariats, a Bavarian nationalistic organiza-
tion of the early 1920's.
336371 Papers of F uerholzer, 1925-39- Ea papers deal with his activity in the
U nited States in the 1920
s on the staff of the Deutsche Zeitung, and in
China and the U nited States as Transocean representative in the 1930's*
Included are reports on the situation in the F ar East. There is much docu-
mentation on financial troubles growing out of F uerholser
s activities in
the Rsichslandound in Bavaria in the 1920's. A group of newspapers at the
end has " been omitted.
33^739 Papers of F uerholzer, 1933-33. The papers deal primarily with his acti-
vities in China. They deal with the problems of Transocesn, the F ar Eastern
situation. F.'s earlier political career in the ReichsQ.and'bund and in the
struggle against the PJtiinish separatists (Heinz O r~his). F rames 337259 -
337261 are a 1919 letter dealing with the Curistliche 3suernverein. Some
duplicates and routine materials have been omitted,
337296 Papers of F uerholzer, 191U-39. The first part of the folder deals with
F uerholzer
s activities in the early 1920
s in the Bund der L andwirte and
contains material on the activity of various nationalistic organizations in
Bavaria, 1919-23. The second part, beginning frame 33751%
ls with Fuer-
s activities as F ar Eastern chief of Transocesn in China, 1933~3^*
Personal correspondence has been omitted.
337985 F uerholzer papers relating mainly to his activities in the "Buid. der L and-
wirte, 1919-22. Also some material on his later activities in the U nited
States and the F ar East in the 1930
s. Miscellaneous purely personal pa-
pers omitted.
338253 F uerholzer papers dealing mainly with his activities in the U nited States,
Serial Roll Provenance I tem filmed 1st frame Notes 12?
183 Transocean Dienst
(iTuerholzer papers)
(See also Serial 53)
EAP 250-c~lH/l^ FS 333632
SAP 250-C-1H/15 FT 338997
IMP 250-c-l*4/lS FS 339631
1407 189 HSDAP, Gau Baden-
-1QO Usass, Amt fttr
Volkswohl f ahr t;
HSBAP, Gauschulungs-
amt Baden*
250-C-1S/3 FT
SAP 250~c~18/6 FS
EAP 250-0-18/8 FS
SAP 250-C-18/10 FT
190 NSDAP, Gau Baden,
-191 Amt far V olkswohl-
3U O HU 3
EAP 250-0-18/13 FT 317008
1928-33 ^
connection with the Deutsche Zeitung and in the Republican presi-
dential campaigns of 1928 and 1932. Miscellaneous personal papers omitted.
F uerholzer papers like those in folder 13. Also some material on his work
for Transocean in the F ar East and the- U nited States. See frame 33^-669
a letter of F uerholzer to L ord Rothermerc of January, 1938. Duplicates and
some purely personal papers omitted.
F uerholzer papers dealing with his service with Trsnsocean in the F ar East,
193*> -3 &
earlier activities with the Deutsche Zeitung in New Y ork, and
his activities in World War II with the Kontiaentaleuropa-ische Forschung of
the Rosenberg Dienststelle and with the Auswartige Amt. See frames 339509-
339511, 339565, 33957^-339532, for his correspondence with Ambassador Dirksen
in 19^2 concerning among other things, the possibility of Dirksen
s being ap-
pointed German ambassador to F rance. See frames 3395^ f
r a
statement on
F uerholzer
s intended mission to Egypt after the anticipated occupation of
the country by tne Germans in 19*42.
F uerholzer papers dealing with his work for 10 F arben in Southeast Europe,
1939* his activities in England in 193^ in connection with the Czech crisis,
his activities in the F ar East 193^-37 for Transocean, and other matters.
See frames 339707-33970^ for a letter to Hitler of September 1930 on the
establishment of a news service for the l?azi Party in the U nited States; and
frames 339^^-339^^9 O
plans to establish a Zeppelin service Germany-China
in 193*4 Some maps and other papers relating to World War I service by P.
A folder of the wSV fiau Baden-El sags, Abt. O rganisation, containing prima-
rily administrative matters, 19HO -U 1.
This folder contains general correspondence of the Gauschulungsamt Baden,
19^1-UU, and material from the files of the HS
/~ Baden, particularly the NS-
Reichsbund Deutscher Schvestern, 19^2-^3-' ^
balance of the folder dupli-
cates material filmed on other serials, particularly T-81, Serial 57.
F rom a folder of accounts of the JISV Baden-Elsass, Heichsbund Deutscher
Schwestern, 19^3-^>
sample has been filmed.
An NS7 Baden folder containing directives and informational circulars of
the Reich si eitun^ der NSV and its various sections and affiliates, 1939-^
Note: See also T-81, Serials 57~59.
An F SV Baden folder containing various circulars and other material, 1939-
This folder is clearly made up of materials from different parts of the
files. Included arc some issues of the V ertrauliche Mitteilungsdienst of
the NSV , dealing mainly with the Catholic Church; other materials dealing with
Serial Roll Provenance Item F ilmed 1st frame Hotes 128
U09 191
U SDAP, Gau Baden,
Amt ftlr Volkswohl-
EAP 250-C-1S/19 FT 31717S
MP 250-c-lS/2Hb FT 317350
SAP 250~c~18/26 FT 3^1377
MP 250-C-1S/27 FT
des Fdhrers f&r die
U berwachung der gesam-
ten geistigen u.weltan-
schaulichen Schulung u.
Erziehung der N5BAP,
Hauptamt V issenschaft,
lint Wissenschaftsbeobaeh-
tung u.-wertung(Erxleben)
BU E 2
FT 31*2320
NSY indoctrination activities; and, on frames 31 71 6H-31717 %
report on the
Jahresversammlung des Deutschon Reichsverbs.ndes f&r Straffalligenbetreuung
und Irmittlungshilfo in May, 1939 &t vfaich Hildenfeldt and Giirtncr were
among the speakers.
A folder of the NS? Baden on their statistical reports, 1939~^1
A series of folders of the NSV Baden. The first folder, " beginning framo
317351* deals with V orpflegang S&dtiroler Jimgens und Betreuung ver^imndetor
Soldaten, 19^0-^2. The second folder, " beginning frame 317333, deals with
the Betreuung von Flilchtlingen, 19^-1. Folders 3-7 " beginning f raise 317^00
contain the published regulations of the Reichsleitung der 1ISDAP, Hauptamt
ftir V olkswoalfahrt, Amt fiir ?olksgesundheit, regulations " Die rationelle
O rdnung der V erpflegung in Anstalten," no date.
F rame nuinbers 3175^5~3^-1297
consecutive numbers.
Three documents of the NSV Baden. The first is the G-au Baden SSV, Abtei-
lung O rganisation statistical report, " WoMfahrtspflege und Jugenahilfe im
Gau Baden," 1 December, 1939 t (Keft 2). The second is a report "by the same
organization " ITSV -Kitglieder im Gau " Baden, Statistischer Jahreshericht 1939"
1 December, 19^0, (Heft 3) Sie third is the Baden 173? " Finaiiz-Dienstanvrei-
sung filr HST-linrichtun^en," 1 August, 19^0.
A run of the Inf ormat ions die nst fiJ.r die sozi?,le Arbeit dsr FS-Yolkswohl-
fehrt," V ertrauliches O rgan ^nur far den Bienstgebrauch, issued by the Haupt-
amt ftr Y olksvohlfahrt. Included are Jahrgrang 1, F olge 1-1P (1933-39);
Jahr^sng 2, F olge 1 - f (1939-^0); Jahrgang 3, F olge 1-3 (19^0-Ul); Jahrgang
U , F olge 1-6 (double issues) (igUl-^42).
This is a series of folders from an alphabetical file, ir^tintained in the
period 193^-^3 hy the office named. The file is on German teachers, pro-
fessors, authors, and other academic personnel and conta5.ns correspondence,
reviews, memoranda, clippings, reprints, and other data on the individuals
covered. The material is of considerable interest for an understanding of
the system of control over education, publications, and other mass media.
" Baa" - " Bay" includes material on Bachofen, Bader, B&hr, B&hren, Balz,
Barthel, Bartels, Bathe, H. Beumann, and others.
" Bb
! l
~ "Bj" includes material on Bechtel, F.A. Beck, Peter Becker (who
misused the V ermerk of the F artelamtllche PrtL fungskommission) , H. Behrens,
G-. Bendemann, Max Sense, Benze, E. Berendt, Hermann Berger, E. Bergmann,
H.A. Bernatzik, A. Bernt, Bertalanffy, Bitterling, and others.
Note: The frame number sequence of this folder: 3^2320-3^2522 is
followed by
Serial Roll
UlO 191
1TSBAF, Beauftragter des
Fuhrers fr die uberwa-
chung der gesamten gei-
stigen u.weltanschau-
lichen Schulung u. Er-
ziehung der FSDAP,
Hauptaint Wissenschaft,
Amt Wissen schaftsbeob-
achtxmg tu-werfrung
BUS 1*
Filmed 1st frame Notes 129
BUS 10
FT 3^2623
FT 311552?
FT 3145801
" Bl" - " BO " includes material on F. Bi&ttner, S.M. Block-Wende, E.H.Sock-
hoff, Rudolf Bode, K. Boedlor, Fax Hildebert Bfthm, Werner Bttkenkamp, Emil
Du Bois-Reymond, G. Bolm, " Border, others.
T3r" - " Bu" includes material on Ernst v. Bracken, Brake, A. Brandhoss,
F. Braun, Bruno Brehm, Curt Brenger, Brinkmann, Paul Braun, W. " Briiigger,
F . BrHggemann, Brtlske, and other.
" C" includes material on Hans Carl, Houston St. Chamberlain ^achlass
(frame 3^3388), A. Chroust (filling of his vacated position), W. Classen,
L .F. Clauss, Alfred Cordier, and others.
Note: F rame numbers 3^3^4-3^35^6 Q^e consecutive numbers,
" D" includes material on Werner Da.itz, E. Darga, Decker., .Deg, 'Walter
Del-Negro, K. Demeter, Josef Denrier, Hans Dettelbach, G, Deuchler, the Sam~
melwerk " Deutsche Wissenschaft" (most interesting attacks on a book for Hit-
ler' s 50th birthday), Margarets Dierks, O tto Dietrich, Diewerge, F . Dirlraeier,
M. Dittrich, During, Smil Drenkov/, Eans Driesch, Sugen Duhring, and others.
Some duplicates omitted.
"la"- " Fo" includes material on Hermann F aulhaber, P. Fauth (Welteislehre),
Deutsche Schule fiHr F ernunterricht, W. F eyerabend, Hans F indeisea, Eugen
F ischer, Gert-Heinz F ischer, F orsbhungsgemeinschaft V olk und Arbeit, For-
schungsgemeinschaft f&r germauisches Glaubenserbe, Adalbert F orstreuter,
and others.
Hpr" - " F *
includes material on Eaoul H , F rance, Walter F rank, Werner
F rauendienst, Hans F reyer, ?.. F riederici, Kurt F ritz, and others.
" Ga" - " Q-n" . Includes aiatericl on Heinrich von Gagern, A. Gehlen, Karl
Geissler, O tto' Geissler, Aehi.m Gercke (he was Sachverstandiger fftr Bassen-
forschung im Reichsministerium des Innern; the material on frame 3^5^69
Mendelssohn and Itzig families is probably related to the material in the
Y iddish Scientific Institute from Gercke' s files, see Guide to Captured
German Documents, p, 65)* Gesemann, Kurt Gihring, and others. See frames
3^579^-3^5795 for a note of ?7 April, 19^3, on the appointment of university
" Go" - " Gr" . Includes material on Goethe, Gottl-O ttlilienfeld, Goedewaa-
gen (article on the Kationalpolitischen Erziehungsanstalten), Herbert Gra-
bert, Ernesto Grassi, H. Grassier, Wilhelm Grau, Georg Graue, Harry Gries-
dorff, F riedrich Grimm, Hans Grimminger, Max Grossmann, Hans Griinewald, and
others .
" Ha" - " Hen" . Includes material on Karmjanz, Paul Farrass, Hans Hart-
mann, F ritz Hartung (dispute with Schmitthenner), R. Hauschka (anthropo-
sophische Gesellschaft, Steiner), Haushofer (clippings only), G. Ravestadt,
Serial Holl Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 130
HSMP Beauf tr agter des
Fflhrers fflr die Uberwa-
chung der gesamten gei-
stigen u.weltanschau-
lichen Schulung u.Sr-
ziehung der HSDAP,
Hauptamt Wissenschaft,
Amt Wissenschaftsbeob-
achtung u. -wertung;
BUS 12
BUE 13
BUE 15
PT 3^7707
FT 3^8257
FT 3U9001
BUS 17 FT 3^9713
BUE 18 FT 3501US
0. Heckmann, MartI n Heidegger, T. fieinrichsdorff, Adolf Eelbok, Hans-JSrg
Kerkendell, Gerhard Henriemann, and others. A duplicate omitted.
"Ho". Includes material on Earl Holleok-Weithinarin. >Drnst Kornoffer, Alois
Hudal, Fr. Eolste, Otto HSfler, Wilhelir. Hflper, Eoetsch, Kerwart von Eoff,
Rudolf Hoffmann, Ksrl Rofmann, G-eorg Hoinstein, Hoiismus, end other subjects
and individuals.
- "Eo". Includes material on v. F^eneck, Kahl-Furthmann, Kallen,
Konrad Karkosch, Kathel (on the alleged mirder of Schiller with Goethe as
accomplice), Eherhard Kautter (extremely interesting on the Fationalpoli-
tische AufklSrungssciirii ten and other subj ects), Hermann Kayserling, Paul
Kemski-Paulk, Earl Kepp, and others.
Kz" . Includes material on Paul ICrannhalg, Herbert Kranz, Eein-
rich V/ilhelm Kranz, Ernst Krieck, KMthe Kriselits, Oswald Kroh, Fritz Ku-
bach (Reichsstudentenf^hmng), HPDS KfJhl, Hans Eflokel, Welter Xxlnneth, Pe-
ter Xilppers, W. Knrten, Wolfgang Ktlrzsl, Willi Kuhl, Earl Georg KuJin,
Kyrios (the periodical), and other subj ects and individuals.
~* "Xa" - "Le
e Includes materiel on IVan? Laiamers, Laidt (opinion of
Carl Friedrich von WeizsM. cker), Johannes Lang, 1P.A. Lange, V/alter Lang
(observations on the SFD, Neugeistbewefrung, and other matters), Emil Lau~
ber, Johann von Leers, Otto Lehmann, Hans Karl Leistrits, "^berhar.d Lemke,
Philip Lenard, Franz Lerch, Lerscli, Theodor Leasing, and other individuals.
See frame 3^9037 for reference to a "Gsheim-Akte Hauptamt Wissenschaft.
This file has not been found. Duplicates omitted.
"Li" - "Lu". Includes material on Vvilli'bald Lichtenlieldt, Perdinand
Liewehr (Slawistik in V/ien), Walter Lochte-Holtgreven, end many others.
This folder quite probably is misplaced in this series and is related to
the file filmed on 1-31, Serials 65 and 71. It is a file devoted to the
papers on the filling of University positions exclusively; the other fol-
ders in this series contain material of that kind, but a great quantity of
other documentation as well,
"M". Includes material on Srvdn i'illonig (Totale Weltanschauung), Franz
Anton Minister, Martin Kittiaann, Generalleutnsnt a.B. Heinrich Mayer, Jo-
hannes Meyer, I-'ichaelis de Yasconcelles, Hermann Meusel, Adolf Meyer-Abich,
Meyers Konversptionglexikon, Oswald Manghin, Pudolf Mense, Hermann Kents,
K. O. ITr. Fetzner (Reichsschrifttuiaskaniiner, on Eent-Gesellschaft, Schopen-
hauer G-esellschaft), and other subj ects and individuals,
Me" -
t r
. Includes material on Walter Marg, Conrad Mass, Wilhelm
von Mas sow Heinz L. Matzat, Eduard May, Helmut Mehringer (Die NSMP als
politische Ausleseorganisation), and others.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes
NSMPt Beauftragter des
Fuhrers fiir die th>erwa-
chung der ge saint en gei-
stigen u. wel tans Chen-
lichen Schulung u. Er-
ziehung der NSDAP, Hatipt-
amt Wissenschaft, Amt
Wis sens chaft sbeobach-
tung u. -wertung;
BUB 19
BOB 20
BUS 21
FT 350S49
FT 350*69
BUS 22
BUB 23
FT 3516H2
BUS 352297
SUE 25 352S32
" Mo" - " Ml
! t
. Includes material on Moeller von den Bruck, Molenaar (Irapf-
gegnerbewegung, includes a copy of Heft 10 of " Deutsche Ziele'^May 1919
rather interesting), O tto Mock, Mwin Mudrak, L udvrig Robert Milller, Herbert
IMller (Kulturkampf proposals), Karl Alexander von Mller, Mergarete Mueller-
Senftenberg, and others.
. F ranz F abl, Nesselhauf, O skar Niemczyk, and rrany others. This fol-
der almost certainly comes from another series of files, namely those con-
taining exclusively Gutachten a" bout me a suggested for university appointments,
It presumably " belongs to the same file as folder BU E To on T-S1, Serial *413,
and also the material on T-l, Serials 65
& 71
"0". This is a folder in three parts, probably not from the same folder
of the original files. The first part is a rather interesting group of docu-
ments on the preparation and publication of new historical maps for the Ger-
man school system, 1939* with Hitler' s views.on the subject. The second
part, beginning with frame 351209 is from the files.of Gutachten on proposed
university appointments (see notes for F older 20, above) and contains the
names Galinsky - Gmeindl. The material is from the period 1937-^3., primarily.
The third part, beginning with frame 351^3\ is the "0" part of the general
file filmed on this and preceding serials. Included is material on Kurt
O berdorffer, F elix von O efels (opponent of Einstein), Erich O elze, O kkultes
Schrifttum (very interesting), O ldeg, Carl O pitz, Berthold O tto, and others.
" Fk" - "Q,". Includes material on Max Planck, the Reichszentrale fiir wis-
senschaftliche Berichterstattung, Adolf Wendel (KirchenkaTnpf), Herbert Preis-
ker (Kirchenkampf), .Helrauth Prntg, and others.
" Scha" - " Schl" . Includes material on F ritz Schachermayer, Hans Heinrich, Ernst ScMfer (Tibet expedition, see T-S1, Serials 250-258 for
Reichsinstitut Sven Hedin ffir Innerasienforschung), Jakob Schaffner, O tto
Scheel, Gottfried Scb.eer, Eitelfritz Scheiner (Stefan Georg Kreis), Helmut
Schelsky, %'erner Weber, i'r.G.Ad. Schilling, Adolf Schlatter (prohibition of
the brochure "I'/ird der Jude iHber uns sie?:en?
),Schleswig-Holsteinische U hi-
versitats-Gesellschaft, G^inther Schlesinger, and other persons and subjects.
" Sclim" - " Schr" . Includes material on Albrecht Schmidt, F ritz Schmidt-
Clousxn/r, F ran? Schnabe.l, Pleinrich Schnee, F ritz Schnell (very interesting
material on the activities of a rabid U azi in the army), Franz Schdttner,
Edmund Schopen, Arthur Schopenhauer, Ghristoph SchrSder (institut fiir meta-
physiscl'-.e F orschung), and others.
"Sc'hu" - " Schz" . This folder consists of parts originally from different
files. The first part contains a section of the file of Gutachten on uni-
versity appointments for the names F rauenholz ~ F uhrmann, other parts of this
Serial Roll Item Filmed ls[t frame Hotes 132
201 NSHAP, Beauftragter des
Fuhrers fdr die ftberwa-
chung der gesamten gei-
stigen u. weltsnschau-
lichea Schulung u. Er-
ziehung der NSDAP, Haupt-
amt Wissenschaft, Amt
tung u. -wertung;
202 BUS 38
SUE 39
BUI 1*0
file have " been filmed on T-gl, Serials 65, 71, and U lU . Especially detailed
files on O tto F reytag and Hermann F ricke are included. The second part, " be-
ginning frame 353023, contains the materiel for the letter " Schu" - " Schz"
in the file filmed on this and the preceding serials. Included is material
on Arthur Sch&rmann (institut ftlr Agrarpolitik und Wirtschaftspolitik),
Ernst Schultze, Walter Schultze, F ritz Schulze, Hans Schumann, Wilhelm
Schwaner (Bund fdr Deutschtum auf christlicher Grundlage, ehemals Buni
Deutscher V olkserzieher), Gregor Schwarz-Bostunitsch, Hermann Schwarz, Karl
Schwarze, and others.
F T 353*426 " St" . This folder apparently is in reality a part of the file of Gut-
achten on proposed university appointments; other parts of the file have
been filmed on T-gl, Serials 65, 71, U lU , and tylR. Included is material on
Heinrich von Stackel" berg, Waldemar Staegemenn, Gerhard Stammler, Carl Stan-
ge, "J'ranz Steinbach, Edmund Stengel, Walter Stokar von Heuforn, Graf zu
Stol" berg-ernigerode, .Dietrich Stoverock, and many others.
F T 35381^ "U". Contains material on U ngerer, U pleg> eer, Kurt U termann, and others.
?T 35396S " X I Z". Contains material on Alfred Zastrau, Wilhelm 2iegler, Anton
Zischka, Eberhard Zschiminer, Eberh.ard Sv/irner, and others.
Note: As a whole, this is a most intersting file, even though only
parts of it survive. The documents give a most valuable in-
sight into the workings of the Dienststelle Rosenberg and the
whole apparatus of ideological control. F urthermore, it would
seem that all crackoots in Germany, who had worked out theories
to explain the universe and sll matters pertaining to it, sent
their schemes to the Dienststelle Rosenberg in the often justi-
fied hope of a sympathetic ear. The files ere therefore also
of considerable interest from the point of view of a social
psychologist in shewing the type of crazy ideas brought forth
by a society in time of stress.
This is a file on. I-Iochschulen, organized by Gau.
FT 35^236 This folder contains Gau 1-15.
FT 35^698 This folder contains Gau 16-29.
FT 35502S This folder contains Gau 30-UO . Ausland.
Included in the files are clippings, reports, cross-references, correspond-
ence, and other material, 193-2-19^3 ^
documents are of considerable inter-
est for the reports on various universities and as a reference collection on
the activities of the universities during the period covered. An alphabeti-
cal list of the institutions with Gau numbers and a list of the Gau is includ-
ed at the beginning of folder 3^.
Serial Holl Provenance Item filmed 1st frame Notes
las 203
1JSDAP, Beauftragter des
F&hrers fur die frberwa-
chung der gesamten gei-
stigen u. weltanschau-
lichen Schulung u. Sr-
ziehung der HSBAP, Haupt-
amt V /issenschaf t, Amt
tung u. -wertung;
SUE 73
BUS 111
IS 4? u
BU S U 5 FT 3555^8
BUS 355937
BUS 50
This folder contains part of the material really " belonging into folder U O
" but at some time, probably after capture, removed from it,
This folder also is really part of Polder U O . It contains particularly
interesting material on the U niversitat Posen.
A file on " Akademien" and other institutions, 1935-^3 Included is ma-
terial on the Akademie filr &rztliche Y orbildung, Berlin-Wien (one publi-
cation omitted); the Berliner (preuss,) Akademie der tfissenschaften; the
Deutsche Akedemie, I'tlncnen (for documents of the Deutsche Akadcmie, see
T-S2, Serials 1 ff.); Anatoraische (resellschaft; Schule der Weisheit in
Darmstadt; Akademie fiir F hllosophie auf dem Bargberg in Erlangen; Preussi-
sche Akademie der Mnste; Akademie fdr Deutsdies Recht (other material of
the Akademie fiir Deutsches Recht will " be filmed on T-S2); and other insti-
A folder on the Deutsche Arbeitsfront, Kraft durch Preude, Deutsches
V olksbildungswerk, 1935-^1* primarily 1933-39* ^
folder consists for the
most part of a group of booklets about the V olkshochschulen and Y olksbil-
dungsstatten. Covered are Magdeburg, Bayreuth, Duisburg, Essen, Frankfurt
am Main, ?
ainz, Graz, Mannheim, O berhausen, Stettin
Mrsfburg, upj> ertal,
Berlin, This group has been filmed as the headquarters files of the Deut-
sche V olksbildunsswerk have not been found., and any pattern must be derived
from an examination of the program and activities of the various institutions
under its control. A duplicate omitted.
A folder about the ! SB-Bozentenbund, containing correspondence with that
office, clippings and other documents about it, lists of faculty appoint-
ments discussed with it, and other material, 193S-H3- Included is a great
deal of very interesting documentation on the control of higher education
and on the activities of the Dozentenbund. Also included are scattered is-
sues, 19^0-U2, of the Kitteilungen des KSD-Dozentenbundes, herausgegeben
von der Reichsdozentenfiihrung, nur fur den Dienstgebrauch. A duplicate
A folder of material on and correspondence with the i?SD-Studentenbund,
1935-^3* Important documentation on the Gleichschaltung and control of the
G-erman educational system by the Party.
A folder of material on and correspondence with the HS-L ehrerbund, 1935-
Includes much interesting material on the activities of the L ehrer-
bund; also a small collection of clippings.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes
1*22 205
NSBAP, Beauftragjer des BUI 52
Fuhrers filr die Uberwa-
chung der gesamten gel-
stigen und weltanschauli-
chen Schulung and Erziehung BUS 53
der HSDAP, Amt Wissenschaft
FT 3572U1*
NSDAP, Beeuftragter des
Fuhrers fur die tfberwa-
chung der gesamten gei-
stigen und weltanschau-
lichen Schulung und Br-
ziehung der HSBAP, Haupt-
amt Vfissenschaft
BUB 59
BUI 62
Einsatzstab Reichsleiter
Rosenberg, Einsatzstab
BU E 60
FT 356S91 A folder on Catholicism and educational affairs, 193S-UO . The sections
of the folder are entitled: Allgemein,Personalia, Hochschulpolitik, Philo-
sophie, Wissenschaften, Propaganda (Yolksbildung), Haiapf mit dem National-
sozialismus and Ausland. Some interesting material, " but hardly sensational.
A group of basic directives relating to the Rosenberg. Dienststellen and
other Party offices, 1933-^2. Included, are the regulations on- the transfer
of the Hoheneichen-V erier to the Kohe Schule, the jurisdiction of Rosenberg' s
Dienststelle, plans for the 19H? World' s F air in Rome, and the prohibition
of the term " Third Reich."
FT 3572S3 Material on publications of the llazi party and its affiliates, 193S-39*
Included are lists of serials, a list of the publications of the Sher V er-
lag as of fall, 1938 lists of Ahnenerbe and other S3 publications, and a
document on the Ahn.enerbe project "V'ald und 3aum in der arisch-germani-
schen G-eistes- und Eulturgescnichte."
FS 3^7359 A folder of administrative correspondence of the Hauptamt Wissenschaft
with the V erwaltungsamt der Dienststellen des Reichsleiters Rosenberg, 193?~
19^43. The documents give soine insight into the organization, activities,
and procedures of the office. Included are book requisitions, some of which,
like the one on frames 357^73-357^7^,contain very interesting justifications.
See frame 357^77 for a document useful in identifying the initials of various
functionaries of the office. Many routine requisitions for stationary end
other office supplies have been omitted.
This folder contains a large variety of materials, 1933~^3- Included are
clippings of articles concerning and by Rosenberg, clippings about Rosen-
berg' s trip to the occupied U SSR in 10*42, and on other subjects. There are
materials on the Deutsche Sprachverein and its Gleichscnaltung, on the G-e-
sellschaft flir deutsche Philoloffie, on the Deutsche G-esellsohaft fftr Psy-
chologie, on the (resellschaft fur Deutsche Erziehung und Schulgeschichte,
on the Deutsche Biologen-V erband, and on other organ! zations. The folder
itself is marked on the back " Reichsinstitut fur G-eschichte des neuen Deutsch-
lands" but does not contain the Amt Wissenschaft files on it or on its direc-
tor Jrank.
F T 35^030 A folder of activity reports, inventories, shipping lists, and other ma-
terial sent by the Mnsatsstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg, Arbeitsgruppe Nieder-
lande to the Berlin (?) office of the Einsatzstab West, 19U1-43. The docu-
ments give a very good picture of the activities of the linsatzstab in the
Netherlands. The detailed inventories of looted books and other materials
cover literally hundreds of pages and have been filmed to illustrate the
operations of the Sinsat?stab.
FS 357^20
Serial Roll Provenance Item F ilmed 1st frame
206 Sinsatzstab Reichslei-
ter Rosenberg, Arbeits-
gruppe Weissruthenien
{Eaup tartei t sgruppe Mi 11 e)
BUS 69
U25 206
NSBAP, Beauftragter des
Ftthrers for die {h> erwa-
chung der g esamten gei-
stigen und weltanschauli-
chen Schulung und Ergle-
hung der NSDAP, Hauptamt
Wissenschaft, Amt Wissen-
schaftsbeobachtung und
BUB 75
BUS 76
BUS 77 FT 359607
EAP 251-a/219 FT 359^72
20Q $SBAP,Beauftragt0r des EAP 250-b-20/6 FS 361107
-210 Reichsschatzmeisters in
Continued,' Revisionsangelegenheiten
A folder of the Einsatzstab Rosenberg office in Minsk, 19U2-M*. It con-
tains a series of four folders from the files of this office containing cor-
respondence, reports, and other material relating to the activities of the
Binsatzstab in the area of the Generalkommissariat Weissruthenien and its
relations with the various civilian and military agencies in the ares. There
are a few scattered documents dealing with the general political situation
end also some, like frpme 3513^ showing the Ariny^ support of Sinsatzstab
operations. Duplicates omitted.
This folder contains part of the
H" section of the file on academic peron~
alities and political proposals fimed on T-81, Serials tylO -Hl^. Included is
material on Walter Hieronyraas, A. v. Eippel (euthanasia), ana others.
This folder contains some stray parts of the file of Gutachten on univer-
sity appointments of which parts have been filmed on T-81, Serials 65* 711
U lU , Ul|S, and Ul6. These fragments cover parts of the letter "B" and some
stray items.
Four publications of the Dienststelle Rosenberg;
The first, " Das erk Alfred Rosenbergs" is a bibliography of Rosenberg's
writings published in 19*41 or 19^ by the Hauptamt Schrifttumspflege beiin
Beauftragten des Fdhrers fftr die ubervachung der gesamten geistigen und welt-
anschaulichen Schulung und Srziehung der KSMP as Heft 6 of the Schrifttums-
beitrage Tur weltanschaulichen Schulungsarbeit.
The second is Rosenberg's speech, " Deutsche und Europ&ische Geistesfrei-
heit," held in Prag on 16 January, 19^&.
The third is a print of the " Bilder- und Kartenerlauterungen fttr die Schau-
tafelreihe des Reichsthemas HX iropa und Amerika 19^2-i43
issued by the Amt
Parteiamtliche L ehrmittel of the Beauftragte des Ftthrers ... probably in
The fourth is the text without annexes of the L . Reichsschulungsthema
19UU, "Der Jude als Welt para sit," issued in 19^3 by the Amt Parteiamtliche
L ehrmittel of the Beauftragte des F&hrers ...
This is a volume entitled ^Reichsband, Adressenwerk der Dienststellen der
NSBAP, des Staates, und der Berufsorganisationen,
Jr d . edition, 19^1-^2,
" Die Deutsche Tat" V erlag Heinrich Scheuer, Berlin. This volume is a huge
register of the offices of the lazi Party, its affiliates, the state apparatus
and the corporate organization of German economic life. The main josrt is organ-
ized by Gau, brief descriptions of each Gau being included.
F rom a folder of the Beauftragte des Reichsschatzmeisters in Sevisionsan-
gelegenheiten fttr den Gau Koblenz-Trier a sample has been filmed. These are
audits of the accounts of local offices of the FSV and other Party affiliates,
Serial Eoll
Provenance Filmed 1st frame Hotes 136
209 fttr den'Sau
-210 Trier (Moselland);
I' 250-TD-20/7 FS
EAP 250-TD-20/3 FS
SAP 250-"b-20/9 FS
MP 250--b-20/10 FS
EAP 250-13-20/11 FS
210 ffSDAP, Beauftragter SAP 25G-t>-2C/12 FS
-211 des Reichsschatzmei- '
sters in Revisionsan-'SAP 250-t>-20/13 FS
gelegenheiten fiir den *
Sou Koblenz-Tri^r
SAP 250-^-20/15 FS
SAP 250-15-20/16 FS
EAP 250-b-20/17
. Included are two stray items; reports of the Feldgerichte of the
Pz. Gren. Div. Feldherrnhalle and the U09. I)iv., 19U.U.
Folder 7~17 contain similar material. Thess are files of audits of local
Party offices and the Party- affiliated organizations. The following have
been filmed as samples:
36122$ IS.-Fraaenschaft, Qrtsgnippe Altenahr, 13U3-UH. Crtsgr-appe Woppenroth,
19UO-U3. Activities of Kreisrevisor Oswald Cullmann, 1936-^4. Others not
361U07 Audits b.f Kreis Zell, igUO-Ul. Xrsisleitung AlteEkirchen, 1933-U4.
Kreisleitung Trier-Land-West. Ortsgruppe Wadern-, 1939-^3 Others and stray
items not filmed.
361751 Various local audits, including some of the interhilfswerk, 193^-^3
Others not filmed.
361380 Ortsgruppe Gonnesveiler, 19HO- UU. Ortsgruppe Mandern, 193S-UU. Others
not filmed.
362002 Local audits. Including: Kreis Bernkastel, 193^5 various offices in
Luxemburg, 19UO-tyU; other materials not filmed.
3623^6 Ortsgruppe Trier- Hord, 19U2-UU. Ortsgruppe Oberbillig, 19^1-^3. Orts-
gruppe Loc.k>reiler, igUO-U
!. Other files omitted.
362^92 File on Kreisrevisor Jal-ob Sponhslmer, 1937-^1 Ortpgmppe Weitefeld-
Friedenwald, 19HO-^U. 1TSV Koblenz-lioon, 19^3* Ortsgruppe der Volksdeut-
schen Bewegung Heekingen- Mess. , 19^1-U2. Ortsgruppe Trier- Kitte, 19^2-UU.
Ortsgruppe Trier-Biewer, 1Q^1- U
U File on Ereisrevisor Anton Pattoni, 19^0-
19>4U. Kreisrevieor Wilhelm Soberer, 19U2-1+3. Otber files not filmed.
3-.2S2U Ortsgruppe Eerdorf, 19^- fO- ^U. Other files not filmed.
362Q17 . Ortsgruppe 2eltlngen, 1932-U2. Kreisleitung \vittlich, 19^3-UU. N8.-
'Frauenschaft, Ortsgruppe Oberreidentsch, 19^3-^^*. Kreisrevisor Bernd Adam,
19^2-^3. Ortsgruppe tfunMrchen, igUO- UU. Other files not filmed.
363116 . NS.-Frauenschaft Ortsgruppe Eemagen, 19^3-^. Winterhilfswerk Ortsgrup-
pe As"bach, 19J43-UU. Stutzpunfct Dankerath, 1936-39. Kreisrevisor Jakob
Krings, 1935-^6. Other files not filmed.
363237 Kreisleitung Altenkirchen, 1936-U2. Ortsgruppe Losheim, 19^0-^U. Orts-
gruppe Aldegund, 19^0-^2. HS.-Frauenschaft Siazig, 19U3-UU. Other files
not filmed.

Note: On this Serial and Serial U27, the files on individual Ortsgrup-
pen, Kreise', Eevisoren, etc. have in each case "been filmed
; entirely. - All files . on Kreise . were filmed.
Serial Roll Provenance I tem Filmed 1st frsne Botes
211 ?ISDAP, Gau Franken, SAP 250-b~2Q/2Q FS
NSDAPi Reichsschatz-
meister EAP 250~b-2p/25 FT
211 KSDAP, Kreisleitung EfiP 252-k/l
Strassbrurg; NSBAP,
EAP 252-k/3
211 NSDAP, Gau Mttnchen-
212 O berbayern, NS.-
213 Hechtswahrerbund;
Bezirk Munchen-Stadt
im Bund ISationalso-
zialistischer Deut-
scher Juristen
EAP 252-k/H
EAP 252-k/ll
EAP 252-k/13
SAP 252-k/17
EAP 252-k/20
EAP 252-k/22
FS 364037
A folder of the G-auschatzmeister Franken on the regulation.! dlslmrsement,
and accounting of Steuergutscheine "by the Party, 1939* O ne publication omit-
A folder from the office of the Helcheschatzmeister containing the files
on the acquisition, " building, and sale to the Reich of the SS-Junkerschule
Bad Tfllz, 1935-^3. See frames 363^9, 363959-3^3957. 3^3935~36396 for the
transfer of the institution from the SS to the Reich in connection with the
1935 reorganization of the Wsffen-SS.
Correspondence of the Kreisleitung Strass" burg with the HS-Rechtswahrer-
hund, 19U G-U 1. O ther materials, containing lists of NSRB nenibers, inserted
into the same folder but of different provenance, have " been omitted,
A folder from the Parteikanzlei on the Rechtserwerb Juristisoher Personen,
1938-^0, and including the material relating to the new law on this subject
proposed by the Reichsjustizministerium in 193^ At the end of the folder
(the Parteikanzlei part of which has been filmed entirely with the exception
of a duplicate), there are some stray items of unidentified provenance of
which two have been filmed. These are a technical article of 19^5 in Rus-
sian on making canals impossible to use and a part of a L ehrplan for schools.
O ther duplicates and unidentifiable stray items omitted.
Miscellaneous correspondence of the G-au Miichen-O berbayern KS.-Rechts-
wahrerbund, 1939-^3- Included is considerable information on the other sec-
tions of the Gauleitung, particularly on the field of political education
(see frames 36^320-5^325 on the Adolf Hitler Schulen).
F rom a folder of miscellaneous correspondence of the Bund nationalsoziali-
stischer Deutscher Juristen^Bezirk Munchen-Stadt, 193^~^2all material of
any interest has been filmed* Duplicates and stray receipts, accounts etc.
have been omitted.
L ike folder if, 1936-^2. Duplicates omitted. F rom a large number of com-
pleted membership blanks, only a few. have been filmed as samples.
L ike folder U , 193S-U2. Included is the Geschaftsverteilung of the Amts-
gericht Mnchen of 1 January, 1939. V arious purely routine items omitted.
L ike folder U , 1933-^0 Included are the program for the visit of Dino
Grandi to Munich in 19^0 for the anniversary session of the Ikademie fdr
Deutsches Recht and a number of the Stellenlistoi issued by the KSRB, Haupt-
abteilung Berufsbetreuung, Abteilung Arbeitsvermittlung. V arious accounts
and other routine items omitted.
A folder of programs of various meetings and functions of the NSR3,
1937, from the files of the Gauftthrer of the 1-TSEB M&nchen~Qberbayern. O ne
travel folder omitted.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame 1'otes 133
213 Landesverband Bayeri-
scher Referendare; FS,
Re ch t s wahr erbund, 5au
Oberstaatsanwalt M&n-
chen I;
SAP 252-k/6 FS 365395
EAP 252~k/9 FS 36^019
SAP 252-k/26 FS 36^105
SAP 252-k/27 FS 3^537
213 IJSBAP, Gau Munch en- EAP 2?2-k/23
-2lU Oberbayern, Gaurechts-
amt; other offices,
see "below, Oberstastsan-
walt Mnchen I, 35TS.-
Re ch t swahr er'bund ,
Reich si eitung;
SAP 252-k/2U FS
Miscellaneous correspondence of the L andesverband Bayerischer Referendare,
1933-3^- Some accounts and receipts omitted.
L ike folder 6, 1932-33. Some accounting correspondence omitted.
A folder thrown together out of all sorts of materials, most of them from
NSRB files in Munich, 1^33-UO . See frames 3^hU O C-36hU l3 for a nur fttr den
inneren Dion^tbetrielD " Schmalfilm-Katalog dos T
SRB. " Some " bills omitted.
A folder made up of all sorts of documents, most of them from the files
of the ES. -Re chtswahr er'bund, MtL nchen-O ber" bsyern, 1933-^3 Some accounts and
membership forms omitted. Beginning with frame 3^7 ^0 are dociiments from
the files of Abteilung 2 of the O berstaatsanwalt Mnchen I, 19^0-42. Es-
pecially interesting is the text of a speech by Staatssekretar F reisler on
" Strafrecht und F remdvO lker im Heich, " vertrsilich, O ctober IQ^l (frames
A folder made up of groups of documents from different provenances.
The first part contains miscellaneous materials of the G-aureohtsamt, 193*4-
1939- Some stray clippings and duplicates have been omitted. The second
part, beginning frame 36^9^3 is a group of documents of the Bayerische Po-
litische Polizei on Jleinrich Bauer, 19 3^ There is also a group of docu-
ments, probably from the files of the Cberstaatsaaivalt Kiinchen I but pos-
sibly from an SS file oa the family, ancestors, and aryan descent of Theo~
dor KSnig von Paumbshausen, 19^41. An interest ing sample of an SS 'r;.an try-
ing to clear up his ancestry. Beginning frame Jt of l l Q is the text of the
Revisionsbericht of the 1IS9AP, ^eichsrevisionsabteilung of the G-auleitung
Mnchen- O b erbsyeru in 1935. ^ e do current is extremely interesting, not
only because of the information it skives on the finances' of the Gauleitung
but bec&use this is the Gaiileitan;--' s copy and contains jell -kinds of margins!
conL iients by an official of the G-auleitung on the comments in the Revisions-
This folder is made up of documents of all kinds end of different prove-
nances. At first there is a substantial group of documents from the Abtei-
lung 2 of the office of the O berstaptsanwdt Mnchen. I. 'The documents deal
with le^el problems related to juvenile delinquency (see especially the
most interesting memorandum of June, 19^1, on frames 3^7199-367212), igU O -
19^2; control of foreigners, 1939-UO ; and health matters, especially the
narcotics problem, 1937-39- Beginning with frame 3^73^5 is a group of docu-
ments from the Seichsleitung of the ITS.-Rechtswahrerbund. There are
schedules of indoctrination courses in 19^3 There is a folder, probably
also from the NSS3 files, containing a number of highly interesting reports
on the FSRB in 1938 and on the Deutsche Rechtsverlag in 193S. Finally the
folder contains some publications on, the. 700th anniversary of the town
Serial Soil Provenance Item filmed 1st framo
215 ISDAP, Ga.u Baden, EAP 250-b~12/3 FT
216 Gauschulung saint;
EAP 250-b~lU/9
EAP 25Q-b-lU/10 PS
BAP 250-b-lU/l>4 FT
1*35 21? Institut fur Deut- EAP 25Q-b~12/U FT
sche 0starveit
218 Deutsche Arbeitsfront, MP 250-b-lg/3 FT
Krei swal tung FT eibur g;
Deutsche Arbeitsfront;
EAP 250-15-18/33 FT 369203
219 Gberkornmando des Kee~ EAP 252-a-lU/l
res, Chef des General-
stabs des Heeres, Ab-
teilung F remde lieere
O s t
Burghausen, 1935* V arious duplicates, publications, and ether stray items
^ folder of the Gauschulungsamt Baden on. attendance at the political in-
doctrination courses of the Gau Bad eiWBl seas, 19*43- Although, the material
is quite routine in nature and conteias few documents of interest individual-
ly, the file has been filmed for anyone who wants to study the extent to which
local Party and other officials attended the L ehrgange of the Gtuischulungsamt.
A folder containing miscellaneous correspondence, 19^0-UH, of the Gauschu-
lungsamt Baden. This folder contains the letters " B
- "L " of a correspond-
ence file.
A folder containing records of the Gaischulung saint Baden on the distribu-
tion of the
and related correspondence together with the circu-
lars of the Amt filr Schulungsbriefe in the Hauptschulungsamt of the JTSDAP
Eeichsorganisationsleitung 1937-^ Some receipts have been omitted.
-k folder on the appointment of Kreisbeauf tragte fttr die Schulung der Beam-
ten und Erzieher, 19UU. The folder also contains some interesting circulars
of the Hauptschulungsamt in the Seichsorganisationsleitu&g, 19^ including
" folge 1, July, 19^U, of the nur fur den Dienstgebra.uch " Hitteilungen, Brzie-
A folder of miscellaneous administrative correspondence of the Institut
fiir Deutsche Qstarbeit, 19^3-^. Piled to complete the records of the organ-
ization to be filmed, on T-32. Another stray folder of the Institut fiir Deut-
sche O starbeit has been filmed on T-81, Serial 259.
A folder of correspor-clerce of the Kreiswaltung IPreiburg of the Deutsche
Arbeitsfront set up ol^iabetically by correspondent, 19U O -U U , but mostly 19^
The documents are largely of secondary importance and have been filmed to com-
plete the materiel filmed on T-81, Serials 88-106.
A folder from a -erli-i office of the Deutsche Arbeitsfront dealing with
proposals for the publication of a BAP booklet on the training of engineers
in merchandising and merchants in engineering, 1939-
This is a folder from the files of the Abteilung F remde Heere Cst. It con-
tains the following documents?
first is a report on the terrible treatment of the O starbeiter in Germany.
The copy in this folder is e photostat, prepared by the Germans and marked
with red underlining in F remde Heere O st. The report was apparently written
in the summer of 19^3 ^
author was apparently a native-born Russian. He
may have been associated with General V lasov or v/ith the Zentralstelle f&r
Angehfirige der O stvdlker of the Reichsministerium fiir die besetzten O stge-
Serial Roll Provenance Item F ilmed 1st frame Notes
220 As indicated in
SAP 251-a/332 FT
SAP ?51-b-12/7S FT
SAP 252-a-O l/US
SAP 252-a~01-l49
SAP 210-aa/l
SAP 251-b-lO /i*
SUE 79
FT H7U769
The second docinnent is a photostat, apparently prepared in or for Abteilung
Frerade Heere O st, of a copy of " Auszug sus einer Hotiz fiir HAM /Heichsaussen-
ministerT" v. 2U.5.J. betr. Besuch Reichsminister Rosenberg beim Fuhrer am 195^
This document, written by Hewel, deals with a policy conference in the Fuhrer-
hauptquartier in which Hitler gave his views on occupation policy in the U SSR,
O starbeiter, partisans, the Y lasov movement and other military collaborators.
The third document is a V ortrasrsnotiz "by the head of F remde Heere O st (Geh-
len) znim Brief des Beichsministeriums fttr die besetzten O stgsbiete an Chef
O K, 2U July, 19^3. The note deals with the V lasov question.
The fourth document is an envelope containing pictures of German prisoners
taken at Stakingrad. The pictures coine from a Soviet newsreel, 19^3 Nega-
tive film strips omitted.
The fifth document is a note dealing with the V lasov question, 10 May,
The second, third, and fifth documents, at least, are clearly connected
with the policy discusssdons on the collaborator question in tire summer of
19^3. O ther material on this in George F ischer, Soviet O pposition to Stalin,
the speech of Hitler of July, 19^3, published in the 7iertel jahrshefte fur
Zeitgeschichte, and the forthcomir^ book on the German occupation of the U SSR
by Alexander Dallin. The information in Jilrgen Thorwald, Wen Sie verderben
wollen, is unreliable.
Gauleitting Baden, Amt fiir Beamte, " Mangel an Beamten und Ausfall
des Beamtennachwuchses, " Sept., 1933* mimeographed.
1T3DAP, Gaul ei tang Warthelsnd, Gauamt f'Hr Y olkstunisfragen, Karl Gdtz, "Ba.s
Schwarznieerdeutschtum, " als Ma.nusL -ript gedruckt, vertraulich, 19^-^. F or other
material of Karl Gfltz, see T-81, Serial 291.
Deutsche Arbeitsfront, Ju^endamt, and. Reichsffthrung, Soaiales Amt, " Schaf-
fende Jugend,
nur fcir den inner en Dienstgebrauch, issues for 19^.
Deutsche Arbeitsfront, Presseamt, " Hechrichten aus der Sozialpolitik,
April-December, 19^3* mimeographed.
Papers from a Gau Baden office relating to the Y olkssturm,
Deutsche s Konsulat Feepel. Decrees on the role of the Ausl ends-O rganisa-
tion der HSDAP, 1937-
Binsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg. " Abschlus^bericht fiber die T&tigkeit
des SonderkoTimandos Rosenberg in Griechenland, " 15 November, 19^1. This is
the ribbon copy. Interesting.
1937-3^ issues of the Gutachtenanzeiger on recommended or negatively evaluat
ed books of the BeauftrRgte des Fflhrers fur die U berwachung der gesamten gei-
stigen und weltanschaulichen Schulung und Erziehung der KSDAP. O ther issues
in T-S1, Serial 33.
Serial Roll Provenance Item F ilmed 1st frame Notes
220 As indicated in BAP 250-C-10/15 Der Generalbauinspektor fttr die Reichshauptstadt file on the difficulties
descriptions of an official of the Berlin city administration 19^0, classified " For
official use only," therefore not filmed.
EAP 251-a/57 Gaupersonalamt Baden
personnel file of a member of the office of the G-au-
wirtschaftsberater, 19^ classified " For official use only," therefore not
Price L ist for kicrofilmed Records of the National Socialist German L abor party
National Archives Microcopy No. T-81
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Checks or money orders for microfilm should be made payable to the General Services Administration and should be sent to the National
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