Magic-MEDITECH Information System Application (MIS) - Users and Password Management-Version-01!10!2013-Release 5.66

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Magic MEDITECH Information System Application (MIS)

Users and Password Management

ersion! "an#ary $%& '%$(
)elease *+,,
Copyrig-t .y Medical Information Tec-nology& Inc+
MEDITECH Circle& /estwood& MA %'%0%
T-is information is proprietary and s-o#ld .e treated accordingly+
Users and Password Management TA45E 67 C68TE8TS
$ Passwords and Sec#rity Management++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$
$+$ Managing Terminals+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++0
' 69er9iew of User Dictionary and Access )o#tines+++++++++++++++++++++++++$'
'+$ Enter:Edit User Dictionary++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$(
'+$+$ Initiali;e User from Anot-er User+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'1
'+$+' Application Men#s Screen++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'2
'+$+( Clinical Information Screen+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++(1
'+$+< Clinical Information Pro9ider Screen++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<1
'+$+* MA=IC 6ffice Screen+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*$
'+$+, )eport /riter:7inancial Data Access Screen++++++++++++++++++++++++,$
'+$+1 System Sign3on Data Screen++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,2
'+' 5ist .y Sec#rity =ro#p++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,0
'+( Enter:Edit User Colors++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1$
'+< Enter:Edit Clinical Preferences+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++11
'+* Print A#dit Trail+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2$
'+, Copy Access Dictionaries++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2(
'+1 Update Data.ase Access++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2*
( 69er9iew of User Password and 6t-er Maintanence )o#tines++++++++++++++++22
(+$ C-ange E>piration Dates+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++0%
(+' )eset ?6ld@ Passwords+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++0(
(+( Assign 6ne Time User Password+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++0<
(+< 5ist C-anges 4y User++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++0,
(+* 5ist C-anges .y De9ice++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++02
(+, 5ist C-anges .y Time+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$%%
(+1 A#to3E>pire )eport+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$%'
(+2 Print Acti9ity 5og 4y User+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$%<
(+0 Print Acti9ity 5og .y De9ice+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$%1
(+$% Print Acti9ity 5ogs .y Time++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$$%
(+$$ Print Patient A#dit++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$$(
(+$' Print Client Temp A#dit++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$$<
(+$( Download Client Temp A#dit+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$$2
(+$< Print Arc-i9ed Patient A#dit+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$$0
(+$* Sec#rity =ro#p Dictionary++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$'%
(+$, User 5ocation Dictionary+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$'(
< Distri.#tion =ro#ps Dictionary! 69er9iew++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$'2
<+$ Enter:Edit Distri.#tion =ro#ps Dictionary++++++++++++++++++++++++++$($
<+' 5ist Distri.#tion =ro#ps Dictionary++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$(1
<+( C-ange User )esponsi.ility+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$<%
<+< Copy Distri.#tion =ro#ps+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$<'
<+* Delete Distri.#tion =ro#ps+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$<<
<+, 5ist User@s Distri.#tion =ro#ps++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$<*
<+1 5ist )esponsi.le User@s Distri.#tion =ro#ps++++++++++++++++++++++++$<,
<+2 Enter:Edit =ro#p S#.scription )o#tine++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$<1
* 69er9iew of Electronic Signat#re+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$<2
*+$ Ena.le:Disa.le Electronic Signat#re++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$*$
*+' 5ist Electronic Signat#re 5og++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$*'
*+( Enter:Edit Electronic Signat#re Alternates+++++++++++++++++++++++++$*<
*+< Alternate Electronic Signat#re Signees )eport++++++++++++++++++++++$**
*+* 5ist Electronic Signat#re Alternates 5og+++++++++++++++++++++++++++$*,
, Dictionary A#dit Trail and Miscellaneo#s )o#tines 69er9iew+++++++++++++$*2
,+$ Print Dictionary A#dit Trail+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$,%
,+' Print Encryption Setting A#dit Trail+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$,(
,+( 5ist )eporting Hierarc-y+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$,<
,+< 5ist 6rgani;ation++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$,*
,+* Transfer MA=IC 6ffice 7iles++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$,,
,+, Transfer Stat#s )o#tine++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$,2
,+1 Dictionary Mass Edit+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$,0
,+2 Dictionary A#icB Edit++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$1%
,+0 Print /orBstation A#dit 5og++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$1'
,+$% P#rge /orBstation ersion A#dit of 6ld De9ices+++++++++++++++++++++$1(
,+$$ Initiali;e /orBstation ersion A#dit )o#tine+++++++++++++++++++++++$1<
Passwords and Sec#rity Management ($) Page $
C-apter $! Passwords and Sec#rity Management
Use t-e Sec#rity page of t-e MEDITECH Information System (MIS) parameters to
define t-e way yo#r -ealt- care organi;ation defines #ser passwords+ To define
t-e parameters t-at .est s#it t-e needs of yo#r organi;ation& contact yo#r
MEDITECH MIS Applications Specialist+

Do#r organi;ation can #se a Single Eey or Do#.le Eey password signon system+ In
a Single Eey signon system& eac- #ser is assigned a #niF#e password+ In a
Do#.le Eey system& eac- #ser is assigned a #niF#e User ID and a password+
Passwords in Do#.le Eey systems need not .e #niF#e+

Do# can also #se t-e MIS User Dictionary to control t-e information and mod#les
to w-ic- yo# assign #sers access+ 7or e>ample& yo# may want to limit t-e access
of a specific #ser to t-e 4illing:Acco#nts )ecei9a.le (4:A)) Mod#le or to
ro#tines t-at can alter patient records+

7or more information& see t-e section titled G69er9iew of User Dictionary and
Access )o#tines+G

T-e following ta.le incl#des t-e MIS parameters and ro#tines t-at yo#r
organi;ation #ses to define pasword and sec#rity information+

To Define Use t-e MIS
33333333333333333333333 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
E>piration dates Pw C-ange Inter9al (Days) parameter (Single Eey
Systems only)

E>piration Date prompt in t-e User Dictionary

C-ange E>piration Dates )o#tine (a9aila.le only if
yo# defined a 9al#e at t-e Pw C-ange Inter9al
(Days) parameter)

8ote! T-e 9al#e yo# enter at t-e Pw C-ange Inter9al
(Days) parameter o9errides t-e 9al#e yo# enter 9ia
t-e E>piration Date prompt or t-e C-ange E>piration
Dates )o#tine+

System3generated 8ew Passwords Specified 4y parameter (Enter
passwords SDSTEM)

User3defined passwords 8ew Passwords Specified 4y parameter (Enter USE))

A minim#m Password Minim#m 5engt- parameter
password lengt-

A password format Password 7ormat parameter

/-et-er #sers can E>tensionsH prompt in t-e User Dictionary
Passwords and Sec#rity Management ($) Page '
o.tain new passwords
#pon e>piration

/-en original Pw )e3Use Inter9al (Days) parameter
owners can re3#se
e>pired passwords )eset @6ld@ Passwords )o#tine

User ID format User Id 7ormat parameter

Hidden or 9isi.le Ec-o User ID parameter
User ID te>t
d#ring signon

T-e of days after A#to3E>pire Inter9al (Days) parameter
w-ic- passwords e>pire
if #sers do not sign
onto t-e system

Encrypted passwords Encrypt PasswordsH parameter
(t-at is& passwords
stored internally in
coded format)

Hidden passwords t-at Hide PasswordsH parameter
do not appear in
t-e MIS User Dictionary

A#tomatic password E>pire 6n 7ailed Sign 6nH parameter
e>piration after t-ree
consec#ti9e& failed
signon attempts

A one3time Assign 6ne Time Use Password )o#tine
#ser password (A9aila.le on c#stom men#s only)

Defining Parameters for Do#.le Eey Systems

In Do#.le Eey systems& all User IDs m#st .e #niF#e& .#t #ser passwords need not
.e+ /it- t-e e>ception of t-e Password )e3Use Inter9al parameter& all password
e>piration ro#tines and parameters f#nction as t-ey do wit- Single Eey systems+

7or organi;ations t-at #se do#.le Bey systems& t-e Password )e3Use Inter9al
parameter is #nnecessary and inaccessi.le+

Defining t-e User ID 7ormat (Do#.le Eey Systems only)

In Do#.le Eey systems& t-e mnemonic of eac- #ser appears as t-e defa#lt
response in t-e User ID field d#ring signon+ Eac- #ser at yo#r organi;ation is
assigned a #niF#e User ID+ To define an alp-an#meric format for User IDs& enter
a 9al#e at t-e User ID 7ormat parameter+

Passwords and Sec#rity Management ($) Page (
T-e 9al#e yo# enter at t-e User ID 7ormat parameter affects edits to f#t#re
User IDs only (t-at is& c#rrent User IDs are still 9alid)+ If yo# lea9e t-is
parameter .lanB& User IDs can incl#de any com.ination of ;ero to $%
alp-an#meric c-aracters+

Password E>piration

Password e>piration is optional+ Do# can assign e>piration dates to some
passwords and not to ot-ers+ /-en passwords e>pire& only c#rrently a#t-ori;ed
#sers can access t-e system+ 7or e>ample& yo# mig-t want to assign e>piration
dates to all #ser passwords e>cept for t-ose of t-e president and data
processing manager+

T-e system calc#lates password e>piration dates as follows!

Password e>piration date I Password acF#isition date J al#e at t-e Pw
C-ange Inter9al parameter

AcF#iring Passwords after E>piration

Do# mig-t want to define password e>piration dates for specific #sers only+ 7or
e>ample& yo# mig-t want to allow reg#lar& f#ll3time employees to acF#ire new
passwords+ Howe9er& yo# mig-t want to pre9ent s-ort3term or seasonal employees
from acF#iring new passwords after t-eir Ko.s are completed+

If yo# enter D at t-e E>tensionsH prompt in t-e MIS User Dictionary& a #ser can
acF#ire a new password on or after -is or -er password e>piration date+ /-en
t-e password e>piration date arri9es& t-e #ser can access t-e system t-ree
additional times+ 6n t-e fo#rt- sign on attempt& t-e system prompts t-e #ser to
acF#ire a new password+

If t-e #ser does not select a new password& -e or s-e cannot access t-e
MEDITECH system+ Howe9er& t-e #ser can o.tain a new password in t-e f#t#re+
Also& an a#t-ori;ed #ser can edit t-e User Dictionary to assign t-e #ser a new
password at any time+

To pre9ent a #ser from acF#iring a new password #pon e>piration& enter 8 at t-e
E>tensionsH prompt+ /-en t-e password e>piration date arri9es& t-e #ser is
allowed access to t-e system t-ree additional times .efore -e or s-e is denied

Defining Passwords t-at A#tomatically E>pire

Use t-e A#to3E>pire Inter9al parameter to define t-e of days of #ser
inacti9ity (t-at is& #sers do not sign onto t-e system) after w-ic- #sers
passwords a#tomatically e>pire+

After t-e password for a #ser e>pires& t-e 9al#e in t-e E>tensionsH field in
t-e MIS User Dictionary c-anges to C+ T-e #ser cannot sign onto t-e system
wit-o#t t-e inter9ention of an a#t-ori;ed #ser+ /-en yo#r organi;ation assigns
Passwords and Sec#rity Management ($) Page <
t-e #ser a new password and e>piration date& t-e 9al#e in t-e E>tensionsH field
ret#rns to t-e pre9io#s 9al#e+

If yo# enter 8 in t-e E>tensionsH field& an acti9e #ser w-o -as not signed onto
t-e system can do so indefinitely+ If t-e #ser signs on after -is or -er
password e>pires& a prompt appears t-at allows t-e #ser to select or recei9e a
new password+

Defining Passwords t-at E>pire after 7ailed Signon Attempts

To define #ser passwords t-at e>pire after t-ree consec#ti9e failed sign on
attempts& enter D at t-e A#to3E>pire Inter9al+ T-e Bey.oard locBs for ,%
seconds& t-e #ser password e>pires& and t-e 9al#e in t-e E>tensionsH field in
t-e MIS User Dictionary c-anges to C+

If yo# enter 8& t-e Bey.oard locBs for ,% seconds .#t t-e 9al#es in t-e
Password E>piration Date and E>tensionsH fields remains t-e same+

)eacti9ating E>pired Passwords (Single Eey systems only)

T-e MEDITECH system allows yo# to reacti9ate e>pired passwords+

Do# can #se t-e P/ )e3Use Inter9al parameter to reacti9ate a password for t-e
original #ser .eca#se -e or s-e finds t-e password easy to

In addition& yo# can #se t-e )eset @6ld@ Passwords )o#tine to reacti9ate and
recycle a password t-at e>pired on a specific date (for e>ample& ' years ago)+
Do# can assign reacti9ated passwords to a new #ser+

8ote! If yo# do not enter a 9al#e at t-e P/ )e3Use Inter9al parameter& yo#
cannot reacti9ate e>pired passwords+

Assigning System3=enerated 9s+ User3Defined Passwords

After password e>piration& a#t-ori;ed #sers m#st .e a.le to acF#ire new
passwords+ Do# m#st select a password assignment met-od 9ia t-e 8ew Passwords
Specified 4y parameter+ Do# can assign #ser3defined passwords or system3
generated password+

Assigning User3Defined Passwords

If yo#r organi;ation assigns #ser3defined passwords& t-e system asBs eac- #ser
to enter a new password w-en t-e password e>piration date arri9es+ Users m#st
ad-ere to t-e format and minim#m lengt- defined in t-e MIS parameters+ In
addition& #sers can enter only accepta.le c-aracters (t-e ', letters of t-e and t-e digits ;ero to nine)+ 7or Single Eey systems& passwords m#st
.e #niF#e+

7or sec#rity& t-e c-aracters do not appear w-en a #ser enters a new password+
Passwords and Sec#rity Management ($) Page *
In addition& t-e system reF#ires t-e #ser to re3enter t-e new password+ T-e
system allows t-e #ser to proceed only if t-e two entries matc-+

7or information on -ow to reacti9ate e>pired passwords& see t-e section titled
G)e3#sing 6ld Passwords+G

Assigning System3=enerated Passwords

If yo#r organi;ation assigns system3generated passwords& t-e system asBs t-e
new #ser to accept a new password w-en t-e password e>piration date arri9es+ If
t-e #ser accepts t-e new password& t-e new password appears on t-e screen for a
few seconds only+ T-e #ser m#st t-en enter t-e new password e>actly as it

If t-e #ser does not enter t-e password correctly& an error message appears&
and t-e password .ecomes #na9aila.le+ If yo#r organi;ation assigns system3
assigned passwords& yo# m#st enter a 9al#e at t-e MIS Password 7ormat

Defining Password 7ormats

Use t-e MIS Password 7ormat parameter to define t-e format of #ser passwords+
Enter A for alp-an#meric c-aracters and 8 for digits only+ 7or e>ample& if yo#
enter AA88& passwords m#st incl#de two alp-a.etical c-aracters followed .y two
digits (for e>ample& P),*)+

7or #ser3defined passwords& yo# m#st enter a 9al#e at eit-er t-e Password
7ormat or t-e Password Minim#m 5engt- parameters+ If yo# define a minim#m
lengt-& #sers can enter a password of any format (pro9iding it meets or e>ceeds
t-e password minim#m lengt-)+

If yo#r organi;ation #ses system3generated passwords& yo# m#st define a
password format+ T-e system #ses t-e format yo# define to randomly generate
passwords w-en c#rrent passwords e>pire+

Defining t-e Minim#m 5engt- of Passwords

T-e minim#m password lengt- yo# define depends on w-et-er yo#r organi;ation
#ses #ser3defined or system3generated passwords+ 7or #ser3defined passwords&
yo# define t-e lengt- at t-e Password Minim#m 5engt- parameter+ 7or system3
generated passwords& t-e lengt- of t-e 9al#e yo# enter at t-e Password 7ormat
parameter defines t-e minim#m lengt- of t-e password+

MEDITECH recommends t-at yo# consider t-e following w-en yo# define t-e minim#m
lengt- of passwords at yo#r organi;ation+

L of #sers in yo#r organi;ation

L Employee t#rno9er rate

Passwords and Sec#rity Management ($) Page ,
L Password t#rno9er rate (t-at is& -ow freF#ently #sers acF#ire new

7or e>ample& a small -ealt- care organi;ation mig-t reF#ire a minim#m password
lengt- of only t-ree c-aracters+ Howe9er& a large -ospital t-at reg#larly
assigns new passwords mig-t reF#ire a minim#m password lengt- of fi9e

8ote! In Single Eey systems& yo# can #se t-e )eset @6ld@ Passwords )o#tine to
reset e>pired passwords+ E>pired passwords are t-en a9aila.le for reassignment+

5isting C-anges to Passwords

Do# can #se t-e following ro#tines to list c-anges made to passwords+ T-e
following ro#tines list password c-anges .y #ser& time& or de9ice+

To 5ist C-anges
According to t-e Use t-is )o#tine
333333333333333333333333 333333333333333333333333333333333333
User w-o made t-e c-ange Print Password A#dit Trail 4y User

Date and time of c-ange Print Password A#dit Trail 4y Time

De9ice on w-ic- t-e Print Password A#dit Trail 4y De9ice
#ser made t-e c-ange

7or more information& see t-e doc#mentation for eac- ro#tine+

Em#lating Users

Use t-is ro#tine to allow a specific #ser to sign onto t-e system as anot-er
#ser+ (T-is ro#tine does not e>ist on a standard men#+ Do# m#st add t-is
ro#tine to a c#stom men# 9ia DPM M+em#late+#ser+)

7or e>ample& if User A em#lates User 4& User A sees t-e same information t-at
User 4 sees (for e>ample& men#s)& .#t User A does not see User 4@s password+
User A enters eit-er User 4@s mnemonic or name to em#late -im or -er+

To pre9ent em#lation of a specific #ser at yo#r organi;ation& #se t-e )estrict
Em#lation prompt in t-e MIS User Dictionary+ T-e system t-en pre9ents #sers at
all access le9els from em#lating t-at #ser+

8etworB a#t-enticated sites t-at em#late #sers mig-t compromise sec#rity+

5isting Em#lation Acti9ity

Do# can #se t-e 5ist Em#lation ro#tines to print em#lation acti9ity+ (Do# m#st
place t-ese ro#tines on a c#stom men#+)

T-e 5ist Users /-o /ere Em#lated )o#tine (MIS+USE)+list+em#lated+#sers) lists
Passwords and Sec#rity Management ($) Page 1
#sers w-o were em#lated .y a specific #ser+ T-e 5ist Users /-o Em#lated
6t-er Users (MIS+USE)+list+em#lating+#sers) )o#tine lists #sers w-o em#lated
a specific #ser+

8ote! User Acti9ity 5ogs associate em#lation acti9ity wit- t-e em#lated #ser+
Do# m#st cross3reference acti9ity logs wit- t-e 5ist Em#lation reports to
disco9er w-ic- #ser act#ally performed t-e acti9ity+

Encrypting Passwords

Use t-e Encrypt Passwords parameter to encrypt #ser passwords and stored
internally in a coded format+ 8eit-er #sers nor MEDITECH can decip-er encrypted

T-e Password field in t-e MIS User Dictionary displays only asterisBs (L)+ T-e
field does not indicate t-e password lengt-+ If yo#r organi;ation encrypts
passwords& yo# m#st assign new passwords to #sers w-o forget t-eir passwords+

Hiding Passwords

If yo# do not want to encrypt #ser passwords& .#t yo# want to -ide t-em from
#sers w-o edit t-e MIS User Dictionary& enter D at t-e Hide Passwords
parameter+ T-e Password field in t-e MIS User Dictionary displays only
asterisBs (L)+ If a #ser forgets -is or -er password& MEDITECH staff can
retrie9e it internally+

If yo# enter 8 at .ot- t-e Encrypt Passwords and Hide Passwords parameters&
#sers passwords appear in t-e Password field+

Ec-oing User IDs

Use t-is parameter to control w-et-er t-e User ID prompt on t-e sign on screen
displays t-e c-aracters t-e #ser enters d#ring signon+

If yo# enter D& eac- c-aracter t-e #ser types appears in t-e User ID field+ If
yo# enter 8& not-ing appears in t-e field d#ring signon+

Using Password )o#tines on C#stom Men#s

7or Do#.le Eey systems& yo# can assign t-e Assign 6ne Time Use Password
(M+assign+pw) and E>pire 6wn Password (MIS+USE)+e>pire+own+pw) ro#tines to
c#stom men#s+

Assigning 6ne Time Use Passwords

Do# can assign t-e Assign 6ne Time Use Password )o#tine to a c#stom men# to
assign a new password to a #ser after -is or -er password e>pires+

Passwords and Sec#rity Management ($) Page 2
/-en a #se password e>pires& yo# can r#n t-is ro#tine to assign a new password
t-at e>pires immediately after one entry+ T-e #ser t-en selects or recei9es a
new password+

8ote! /-en yo# enter a new #ser 9ia t-e MIS User Dictionary& t-is ro#tine r#ns
a#tomatically w-en yo# enter a 9al#e at t-e Password prompt+

Allowing Users to In9alidate T-eir 6wn Passwords

Do# can assign t-e E>pire 6wn Password )o#tine to a c#stom men# to allow #sers
to in9alidate t-eir passwords and o.tain new ones+ Do#r organi;ation can #se
t-is ro#tine to allow #sers to control password e>piration wit-o#t pro9iding
t-em access to t-e MIS User Dictionary+

To #se t-is ro#tine& a #ser m#st first enter -is or -er c#rrent password to
e>pire it+ T-e ne>t time t-e #ser signs onto t-e system& -e or s-e can select
or recei9e a new password+

8ote! A #ser can in9alidate -is or -er own password 9ia t-is ro#tine only+
Managing Terminals ($+$) Page 0
$+$! Managing Terminals
In addition to controlling access to MEDITECH applications in t-e User
Dictionary& yo# can also control access at specific terminals+ Terminals can
.e restricted at a 9ariety of le9els+ 7or e>ample& yo# can restrict a
terminal #sed to admit patients to t-e Admissions application+ Do# mig-t
restrict t-e terminals yo# #se for training to a test directory+

4eca#se t-e #ser and t-e terminal .eing #sed can -a9e different restrictions&
t-e most restricti9e case always applies+ 7or e>ample& e9en t-o#g- a
terminal allows #nrestricted access& t-e #ser is still restricted to t-e
applications a#t-ori;ed in t-e MIS User Dictionary+ ) t-at access to
applications is directory and password3specific& dependent on t-e MIS User

Entering Terminal )estrictions

Do# can restrict access at a specific terminal t-ro#g- ro#tines on t-e
6perating Systems Utilities Main Men#+ At t-is men#!

$) Select t-e System Management Men#+

') Select t-e Enter:Edit De9ices )o#tine+

8ote! 7or more information a.o#t t-is ro#tine& see t-e section titled
GEnter:Edit De9icesG in t-e MA=IC 6perating System Utilities man#al+

6n t-e Enter:Edit De9ices screen& t-e le9el of restriction yo# want to apply to
a de9ice determines yo#r responses to t-e following t-ree prompts!

L SegmentH

L DirectoryH

L ProgramH

If yo# lea9e t-ese t-ree prompts .lanB& t-e terminal is not restrictedN eac-
#ser m#st identify t-e desired segment& directory and program w-en signing on+
Users are limited only .y restrictions set #p in t-e User Dictionary+

Howe9er& #sing t-e a.o9e prompts yo# can restrict a terminal to!

L m#ltiple directories (test and li9e)

L a single directory (test or li9e)

Managing Terminals ($+$) Page $%
L a single MIS

L a single application

L a single application data.ase

To restrict a terminal& yo# first enter t-e appropriate segment and directory+
Do# can t-en enter one of t-e following programs!

L M+sign+on 3 to restrict a terminal to a single MIS directory (TEST+MIS
or 5IE+MIS directory)

L MIS+signon 3 to allow access to .ot- directories

)estricting a Terminal to a Single Directory

To restrict a terminal to a single directory& yo# first enter t-e appropriate
segment and directory+ Do# t-en enter M+sign+on at t-e ProgramH

7or e>ample!

SegmentH A

DirectoryH TEST+MIS (restricts t-e terminal to t-e test directory)

ProgramH M+sign+on

T-e a.o9e responses restricts t-e selected terminal to t-e test directory+ A
#ser signing on to t-e terminal can still c-oose t-e appropriate application+

Adding 7#rt-er )estrictions

Do# can f#rt-er restrict a terminal .y following t-e M+sign+on program wit-
t-e following!

L an MIS data.ase (if t-e directory s#pports more t-an one MIS data.ase)+
If a directory s#pports only one MIS data.ase& enter nil (GG)+

L an application or an application data.ase mnemonic+ If yo# enter an MIS
data.ase arg#ment& yo# m#st enter a second arg#ment+

Do# can #se t-e a.o9e arg#ments in one of t-e following ways!

To restrict a terminal to an application (for e>ample& t-e PP application
data.ase) wit- only one facility& yo# wo#ld enter t-e following at t-e
Managing Terminals ($+$) Page $$
ProgramH prompt!

M+sign+on(GG&Gapplication data.ase+.illing mnemonicG)

7or e>ample!


To restrict a terminal to an application wit- m#ltiple facilities& yo# wo#ld

M+sign+on(GG&Gapplication data.aseG)

7or e>ample!


To restrict a terminal to a single application data.ase wit- m#ltiple
facilities& yo# wo#ld enter!

M+sign+on(GG&Gapplication data.aseG)

7or e>ample!


8ote! T-e MIS data.ase (if more t-an one) appears as t-e first arg#ment+
F#otes+ T-e application (or application data.ase) to w-ic- t-e terminal
is restricted appears in t-e second arg#ment+

Allowing Access to 4ot- Test and 5i9e Directories

Terminals t-at reF#ire access to .ot- TEST+MIS and 5IE+MIS directories can .e
controlled 9ia t-e MIS+signon program+ 7or e>ample!

SegmentH A

DirectoryH TEST+MIS or 5IE+MIS

ProgramH MIS+signon

Users w-o sign on to t-e terminal can select t-e directory+
69er9iew of User Dictionary and Access )o#tines (') Page $'
C-apter '! 69er9iew of User Dictionary and Access )o#tines
T-e following ta.le t-e tasBs and ro#tines associated wit- t-e User
Dictionary and access ro#tines+

To Use
33333333333333333333333333333333333 33333333333333333333333333333333333
Enter and edit #ser information User Dictionary
for yo#r MEDITECH Information
System (MIS)+

5ist #ser information+ 5ist User Dictionary

Print a report of sec#rity 5ist Users 4y Sec#rity =ro#p )o#tine
gro#p information e>cept
for User ID and password+

C-ange a #ser@s screen colors for Enter:Edit Colors )o#tine
all mod#les+

Print a report of c-anges made to Print User A#dit Trail )o#tine
User Dictionary entries+

Copy Access Dictionary information Copy Access Dictionaries
from one #ser to anot-er+

Add or delete access to an Update Data.ase Access )o#tine
application data.ase& men#&
and MA=IC Eey Men# for
one or more sec#rity gro#ps
and:or indi9id#al #sers+
Enter:Edit User Dictionary ('+$) Page $(
'+$! Enter:Edit User Dictionary
Use t-e MIS User Dictionary to enter and edit #ser information for yo#r
MEDITECH Information System (MIS)+ Since yo#r MEDITECH system may consist of
se9eral mod#les& t-e data stored in t-is dictionary affects t-e entire system
and t-e #sers@ a.ility to access t-is system+

8ote! T-is dictionary controls access pri9ileges of #sers+ 4eca#se yo# can
grant and:or deny #ser access to yo#r MEDITECH system& access to t-is
dictionary s-o#ld .e limited to a small of #sers+

=eneral MIS User Dictionary Screen

T-is screen allows yo# to specify for eac- #ser

L mnemonic& acti9e stat#s& f#ll name& monogram for identification on narrow
reports& alias for identification if t-e #ser -as c-anged names

L mnemonic and name of s#per9isor& and w-et-er t-e #ser is a s#per9isor and&
if so& t-e mnemonic of a distri.#tion gro#p consisting of employees w-o are
s#per9ised .y t-is #ser

L office location and:or p-one or e>tension

L w-et-er t-e #ser is a.le to fa> and send remote mail to recipients

L #ser identification& password& password e>piration date& and w-et-er to
allow t-is #ser a new password w-en t-e c#rrent password e>pires

L w-et-er t-e system allows ot-er #sers to em#late t-is #ser

L t-e ma>im#m of sim#ltaneo#s sign3on sessions t-e system allows t-is

L sec#rity le9el t-at t-e system allows t-is #ser (for e>ample& 6/8)

L a#tomatic application data.ase 5ooB#p at sign on

L w-et-er t-is #ser can access t-e Dictionary Mass Edit and Dictionary A#icB
Edit ro#tines and if so& w-ic- dictionary t-at t-ey can access #sing t-ose

L of entries to display on 5ooB#p screens (system defa#lt appears to
t-e rig-t)

L sec#rity gro#ps to w-ic- t-is #ser is eit-er a or a#t-ori;ed to edit
a MIS User Dictionary entry

L distri.#tion gro#ps t-at incl#de t-is #ser

L license plate identification and state to w-ic- t-e a#tomo.ile is registered
Enter:Edit User Dictionary ('+$) Page $<

C-anging a User@s 8ame (Aliases)

If a #ser marries and c-anges -is or -er name& #pdate t-e 8ame prompt and
enter t-e #ser@s old name at t-e Alias prompt+ T-ese prompts allow yo# to
identify t-is #ser #sing eit-er t-e new or original name w-ile maintaining #p3
to3date information for t-is #ser+

Users w-o -a9e .een assigned aliases may .e identified .y eit-er name in any
ro#tine t-at allows yo# to enter a #ser@s name+ If yo# enter t-e alias& t-e
new name appears and is marBed wit- an asterisB (GLG) as a reminder t-at t-e
#ser@s name -as c-anged+ If yo# enter t-e new name& -owe9er& t-ere is no
indication t-at t-e #ser -as an alias+

Parameter3Defined 5a.els

T-e wording of t-ree of t-e prompts on t-is screen is defined in yo#r MIS
Parameters+ T-erefore& t-e following t-ree prompts may not -a9e t-e same names
in yo#r system as in t-is doc#mentation!

L S#per9isor

L Is User A S#per9isorH

L 6ffice

)egardless of t-e la.els& t-e p#rposes of eac- of t-ese prompts are t-e same+


Eac- #ser m#st .e assigned a password+ If yo#r -ealt- care organi;ation is set
#p as Do#.le Eey& User IDs are also reF#ired+ 7or more information& see t-e
section titled GPasswords and Sec#rity Management+G

Displaying Application Data.ases on 5ooB#p Screens D#ring t-e Sign3on

T-e system can a#tomatically display a 5ooB#p of t-e #ser@s a#t-ori;ed
application data.ases after t-e #ser enters -is or -er password+ T-en& t-e #ser
needs only to enter t-e t-at corresponds to t-e application data.ase
t-at t-ey want to access+

To set #p t-is feat#re& enter D at t-e AUT6 SI=8368 5ooB#pH prompt on =eneral
screen of t-e User Dictionary+ T-is 5ooB#p only displays t-e application
data.ases t-at t-is #ser access on t-e Applications Men# screen of t-e MIS User

86TE! If t-e #ser is only a#t-ori;ed to access one application data.ase&
no 5ooB#p appears+ Instead& t-at mod#le starts immediately after
Enter:Edit User Dictionary ('+$) Page $*
t-e #ser enters t-eir password+

O Enter:Edit Users O
OMnemonic 5ast Edited .y on O
OActi9eH O
O8ame Monogram s O
OS#per9isor O
OIs User a S#per9isor i.#tion =ro#p O
O5ocation P-one 7a> Access O
ODomain 8etworB Username 8T A#t-entication Ena.led
OUser ID )estrict Em#lation 5ogons Allowed O
OPassword E>piration Date E>tensionsH O
OSec#rity 5e9el Allow User Dictionary Mass:A#icB E onaries O
OA#to Sign36n 5ooB#pH O
OP 5ooB#p Entries tem Defa#lt O
OUser Sec#rity =ro#ps EditH Distri.#tion =ro#ps 5icense State O
Enter a #niF#e mnemonic code to identify t-e entry yo#
want to create or edit+

5ooB#p! Entries in t-is dictionary

To 9iew acti9e entries only& press Q5ooB#pR+

To 9iew acti9e and inacti9e entries& type :4 and press

Partial 5ooB#ps are a9aila.le+ 7or e>ample& to display
a 5ooB#p of acti9e and inacti9e dictionary entries w-ose
mnemonics .egin wit- =& type =:4 and press Q5ooB#pR+

33 Entering an E>isting Mnemonic 33

If yo# enter an e>isting mnemonic& t-e system displays
Enter:Edit User Dictionary ('+$) Page $,
all pre9io#sly entered information for t-e dictionary
entry+ Do# can t-en edit t-is dictionary entry+

33 Entering a 8ew Mnemonic 33

If yo# enter a new mnemonic& a prompt appears asBing if
yo# want to create a new entry+ If yo# create a new
entry& yo# can t-en enter t-e dictionary information at
t-e prompts+ If yo# do not create a new entry& t-e
Mnemonic prompt clears and yo# can enter a different
If yo# want t-is entry to .e acti9e& enter D+

Acti9e entries are eligi.le responses at prompts t-at
refer to t-is dictionary+ Users identify an acti9e entry
.y typing its mnemonic or .y #sing t-e 5ooB#p+

If yo# want t-is entry to .e inacti9e& enter 8+

Inacti9e entries can .e 9iewed in enter:edit
dictionaries and listed in some list dictionaries+
Enter a name for t-e entry+ T-is name can
appear in 5ooB#ps and on reports to f#rt-er
define t-is dictionary entry+
6n certain reports and printo#ts generated .y MEDITECH
applications& t-e $% c-aracters allowed for t-e #ser@s
mnemonic will not fit+ To sol9e t-is pro.lem& yo#
assign eac- #ser a s-ort (ma>im#m of t-ree c-aracters)
identifier at t-is prompt& w-ic- identifies t-e #ser on
narrow or crowded reports and screens+

T-e monogram can consist of any com.ination of letters&
n#m.ers and p#nct#ation+ UnliBe mnemonics& monograms
need not .e #niF#e+
Enter an optional additional name for t-e selected #ser&
#sing t-e 5AST8AME&7I)ST8AME )EST format and #p to '%
c-aracters of free te>t+ Users can #se eit-er t-is or
t-e name defined at t-e 8AME prompt to identify a #ser+
Enter:Edit User Dictionary ('+$) Page $1

T-is feat#re is especially #sef#l if employees marry and
yo# want to allow ot-er #sers to identify t-em .y t-eir
former names+ Enter t-e new name at t-e 8AME
prompt& and t-e former name at t-e A5IAS prompt+
Enter t-e mnemonic of t-e s#per9isor of t-e selected
#ser+ T-e s#per9isor@s name appears to t-e rig-t+

5ooB#p! MIS User Dictionary

T-is prompt allows yo# to set #p an employee -ierarc-y
and create distri.#tion gro#ps t-at consist of t-e
employees w-o are s#per9ised .y t-e same s#per9isor+

8ote! T-e wording of t-e prompt is defined in yo#r
MIS Parameters+ T-erefore& t-is prompt may .e called
somet-ing ot-er t-an SUPE)IS6)+ )egardless of t-e
la.el& t-e p#rpose of t-is prompt is t-e same+
Is User A S#per9isorH
If t-e selected #ser is a s#per9isor& enter DN
ot-erwise& enter 8+

If yo# enter D at t-is prompt& yo# can specify a
Distri.#tion =ro#p t-at will consist of all #sers
w-o are s#.seF#ently assigned to t-e selected

If yo# enter 8 at t-is prompt& t-e ro#tine sBips t-e
Distri.#tion =ro#p prompt+

8ote! T-e wording of t-e prompt is defined in yo#r
MIS Parameters+ T-erefore& t-is prompt may .e called
somet-ing ot-er t-an Is User A S#per9isorH+ )egardless
of t-e la.el& t-e p#rpose of t-is prompt is t-e same+
Distri.#tion =ro#p
If D appears at t-e Is User A S#per9isorH prompt& t-e
c#rsor stops at t-is prompt+

To create a s#per9isor@s distri.#tion gro#p& enter a
mnemonic at t-is prompt+ T-is can .e eit-er t-e
mnemonic of an e>isting distri.#tion gro#p or t-e
mnemonic of a new distri.#tion gro#p

Enter:Edit User Dictionary ('+$) Page $2
5ooB#p! MIS Distri.#tion =ro#p Dictionary

T-e distri.#tion gro#p w-ose mnemonic appears -ere will
consist of all #sers w-o are s#.seF#ently assigned
to t-e selected s#per9isor+
Enter t-e mnemonic of t-e office location to w-ic- t-e
selected #ser is permanently assigned+

5ooB#p! MIS User 5ocation Dictionary entries t-at are
permanent locations (see t-e Allow in User
DictionaryH prompt in t-e MIS User 5ocation

8ote! T-e wording of t-e prompt is defined in yo#r
MIS Parameters+ T-erefore& t-is prompt may .e called
somet-ing ot-er t-an 677ICE+ )egardless of t-e la.el&
t-e p#rpose of t-is prompt is t-e same+
Enter t-e p-one or p-one e>tension of t-e #ser&
#sing #p to $2 c-aracters of free te>t+
7a> Access
/-en a #ser tries to send a 7AC& t-e access le9el
defined in t-e User Dictionary will .e c-ecBed+ T-e
defined le9el determines w-et-er or not t-e #ser is
allowed to send fa>es and t-e types of recipients t-at
can .e entered if t-e #ser is gi9en access to t-e fa>ing

T-e 9al#es w-ic- can .e entered for t-is field are!

868E T-e #ser -as no fa> access+ If t-e #ser enters
7AC or a fa> type spool gro#p at any Print on
prompt& a message appears indicating t-at t-e #ser
cannot #se t-e fa>ing feat#re+

DICT T-e #ser is allowed to send fa>es to 7AC
recipients w-ic- reside in t-e following

L 7a> )ecipient Dictionary
L 7a> )ecipient =ro#p Dictionary
L Ins#rance Dictionary
L 6#tside 5ocation Dictionary
Enter:Edit User Dictionary ('+$) Page $0
L Pro9ider Dictionary
L endor Dictionary

A55 T-e #ser is allowed to send fa>es to free te>t
recipients as well as recipients in t-e following

L 7a> )ecipient Dictionary
L 7a> )ecipient =ro#p Dictionary
L Ins#rance Dictionary
L 6#tside 5ocation Dictionary
L Pro9ider Dictionary
L endor Dictionary
8T User 8ame
T-e 9al#e yo# entered at t-e Mnemonic prompt appears in
#pper case c-aracters as t-e defa#lt response+

Do# can edit t-is 9al#e for new #sers only+ Enter t-e
User 8ame defined in t-e networB operating system+

Users w-o log onto t-e system 9ia t-e networB operating
system enter t-e networB User 8ame entered d#ring t-e
log3on process+

8ote! T-is prompt appears only if yo#r -ealt- care
organi;ation is con9erting to or -as completed a
con9ersion to networB #ser a#t-entication+
)estrict Em#lation
To pre9ent all ot-er #sers from em#lating t-is #ser&
enter D+

To allow all ot-er #sers (wit- access to t-e Em#late
User )o#tine) to em#late t-is #ser& enter 8 or lea9e
t-is field .lanB+
5ogons Allowed
Enter t-e ma>im#m of de9ices (t-at is& terminals
or PCs) from w-ic- yo# want to allow t-is #ser to log
onto t-e MEDITECH system sim#ltaneo#sly+

7or e>ample& to allow t-is #ser to log onto a ma>im#m
of two de9ices sim#ltaneo#sly& enter '+ T-is #ser can
t-en log onto t-e MEDITECH system from two terminals or
PCs at t-e same time+

Enter:Edit User Dictionary ('+$) Page '%
If yo# enter '& t-e system does not allow t-e #ser to
log onto a t-ird de9ice+ If t-is #ser logs onto t-e
system from a t-ird terminal or PC& a warning message

To allow t-is #ser to log onto only one de9ice& enter
$+ If yo# lea9e t-is field .lanB& t-is #ser can log
onto as many de9ices as -e or s-e wants+
Use free te>t to enter t-e password yo# want t-is #ser
to enter to log onto t-e MEDITECH system+

If yo#r organi;ation #ses networB operating system
passwords to a#t-enticate #sers& yo# cannot enter a

33 System3=enerated Passwords 33

System3generated passwords a#tomatically appear -ere+
T-e system a#tomatically generates passwords t-at
conform to t-e MEDITECH3defined format+

To edit a system3assigned password& delete it and enter
8+ T-e system generates and displays a new password

33 User3Defined Passwords 33

Enter #p to '% alp-an#meric c-aracters (e>cl#de spaces
and special c-aracters)+ A #ser3defined password m#st .e
different from t-e #ser mnemonic+

If yo# enter a password t-at is assigned to anot-er
#ser& yo# m#st enter a different password+

8ote! MEDITECH defines w-et-er passwords are system3
generated or #ser3defined+ MEDITECH also defines t-e
format for system3defined passwords and t-e minim#m of c-aracters for #ser3defined passwords+
E>piration Date
If a date appears -ere& it indicates w-en t-is #ser will
-a9e to o.tain a new password or .e pre9ented from
signing on (see t-e E>tensionsH prompt)+

Enter:Edit User Dictionary ('+$) Page '$
33How T-is Date is Calc#lated33

If a 9al#e -as .een entered into t-e MIS PASS/6)D
CHA8=E I8TE)A5 parameter& an e>piration date appears
-ere w-en t-e #ser is initially entered into t-e User
Dictionary& and later w-ene9er t-e #ser@s password is
c-anged+ T-e date is calc#lated as follows!

Date password Password C-ange Inter9al E>piration
entered:c-anged J (from) MIS Parameters I date

7or e>ample& if a #ser is entered into t-e User
Dictionary on April $& and t-e password c-ange inter9al
is set to (% days& t-e e>piration date wo#ld .e May $+
If t-e #ser o.tains a new password& a new e>piration
date is set again .y adding t-e of days in t-e
c-ange inter9al to t-e date on w-ic- t-e password is

33Editing T-is Date33

8ote t-at a#t-ori;ed #sers can edit t-e e>piration date
on t-is screen and in t-e C-ange E>piration Dates

If yo# ne9er want t-is #ser@s password to e>pire&
simply delete any e>piration date t-at appears -ere+
To allow t-e system to assign a new password to t-is
#ser w-en -is or -er password e>pires& enter D+

To pre9ent t-e system from assigning a new password to
t-is #ser& enter 8+

8ote! Do# can access t-is prompt only if MEDITECH
defined t-e of days for w-ic- passwords are
9alid+ 7or e>ample& if passwords are 9alid for (% days&
t-is #ser m#st c-ange -is or -er password on t-e ($st

7or more information& see t-e section titled GPassword
and Sec#rity Management+G
Sec#rity 5e9el

Enter t-e first letter of one of t-e following sec#rity
Enter:Edit User Dictionary ('+$) Page ''
le9els for t-is #ser+ T-e sec#rity le9el controls t-e
e>tent to w-ic- t-is #ser can enter or c-ange ot-er
#sers@ information in t-e MIS User Dictionary+

Sec#rity le9el Description
33333333333333 3333333333333333333333333333333333333
868E T-e #ser cannot access information in
t-e User Dictionary+

6/8 T-e #ser can only c-ange -is or -er
own information in t-e User

=)6UP T-e #ser can c-ange information for
all ot-er #sers in gro#ps to w-ic- -e
or s-e -as edit capa.ilities+ T-ese
gro#ps are defined at t-e User
Sec#rity =ro#p promptN t-e edit
prompt associated wit- t-e sec#rity
gro#p m#st .e set to @D@ to gi9e t-e
#ser edit capa.ilities+

A55 T-e #ser can c-ange information for
all #sers+ Since a #ser wit- t-is
sec#rity le9el can c-ange information
for all #sers& it is #nnecessary to
assign t-is #ser to #ser gro#ps to
pro9ide edit capa.ilities+

)EST)ICTED T-e #ser can c-ange non3password
specific information for all #sers+

Do# can restrict access to #ser
dictionary screens 9ia t-e )estricted
User Page Access E:E screen+

6n t-is screen& yo# can grant t-is
#ser editing pri9ileges to specific
MIS User Dictionary screens+ To allow
t-is #ser to edit t-e screen& enter D
in t-e EditH prompt ne>t to t-e
screen name+

To pre9ent t-is #ser from editing or
9iewing a screen& enter 8 at t-e
EditH prompt+

If t-e EditH prompt is set to @8@ for
t-e =eneral Information screen& t-is
screen appears w-en t-e #ser accesses
Enter:Edit User Dictionary ('+$) Page '(
t-e User Dictionary+ Howe9er after
t-e #ser enters a mnemonic& a screen
appears listing t-e screens to w-ic-
t-e #ser -as access& or t-e one
screen to w-ic- t-e #ser -as access

7or ro#tines t-at -a9e a sec#rity
le9el restricted& a restricted #ser
-as t-e same access of a #ser
assigned 868E+

A restricted #ser cannot edit or 9iew
password information on t-e =eneral
Information screen+

8ote! Users cannot grant -ig-er sec#rity le9els to
t-emsel9es or ot-er #sers+ 7or e>ample& a #ser wit-
sec#rity le9el of 6/8 cannot c-ange t-eir sec#rity le9el
to =)6UP or A55+

6nly #sers wit- a sec#rity le9el of A55 can c-ange
anot-er #ser@s sec#rity le9el to A55+
A#to Sign36n 5ooB#pH
If yo# want a 5ooB#p of possi.le application data.ases
to appear for t-is #ser w-ene9er -e:s-e enters -is:-er
-is password& enter DN ot-erwise& enter 8+

Users are assigned to application data.ases on Screen '
of t-e User Dictionary+
Allow Dictionary Mass:A#icB EditH

To allow t-is #ser access to t-e Dictionary Mass Edit
and Dictionary A#icB Edit ro#tines& enter D+ T-e c#rsor
mo9es to t-e Dictionaries prompt+ At t-e Dictionaries
prompt& yo# specify w-ic- dictionaries t-is #ser can
edit #sing t-e Dictionary Mass Edit and Dictionary A#icB
Edit ro#tines+

To deny t-is #ser access to t-ese ro#tines& enter 8+ T-e
c#rsor sBips t-e Dictionaries prompt+

Enter:Edit User Dictionary ('+$) Page '<
T-e c#rsor stops -ere only if t-e prompt Allow
Dictionary Mass:A#icB EditH is set to D+

Enter t-e DPM of any dictionary w-ic- t-is #ser is
a#t-ori;ed to edit 9ia t-e Dictionary Mass Edit or
Dictionary A#icB Edit ro#tines+ Enter A55 to
allow t-e #ser access to all dictionaries a9aila.le for
t-e Mass:A#icB Edit feat#re+

5ooB#p! Dictionary DPMs

86TE! T-e dictionaries t-e #ser is a.le to edit
will always .e restricted to t-e data.ases t-ey@9e
.een gi9en access to wit-in t-e User Dictionary+
Also& note t-at a #ser w-o is responsi.le for
editing t-e MIS User Dictionary DPM m#st -a9e a
sec#rity le9el of A55+
P 5ooB#p Entries
Enter t-e of items t-at yo# want to appear
on t-e 5ooB#p screens w-en t-is #ser accesses t-e
5ooB#p f#nction+

8ote! 7or worBstation <+>& enter a .etween * and
'%+ 7or earlier worBstation 9ersions& enter a
.etween * and '(+

To allow t-e defa#lt of items to appear on t-e
5ooB#p screens& lea9e t-is field .lanB+ T-e defa#lt is defined .y an MIS parameter and appears to t-e
rig-t in t-e System Defa#lt field+

T-e 5ooB#p f#nction is a9aila.le at 9ario#s fields in
most MEDITECH applications+ A 5ooB#p screen is always
a9aila.le at a field t-at references a dictionary+ T-is
f#nction pro9ides a screen of responses from w-ic-
t-e #ser c-ooses+ To access a 5ooB#p from a field&
press Q70R+
User Sec#rity =ro#ps
Enter t-e mnemonics of sec#rity gro#ps of w-ic- t-is
#ser is eit-er a or is a#t-ori;ed to edit+
Sec#rity gro#ps are defined in t-e Sec#rity =ro#p

5ooB#p! MIS Sec#rity =ro#p Dictionary

Enter:Edit User Dictionary ('+$) Page '*

T-e #ser responsi.le for editing MIS User Dictionary
information for a sec#rity gro#p m#st .e assigned one of
t-e following!

L a of t-e sec#rity gro#p wit- a D in t-e
EditH prompt

L -a9e a sec#rity le9el of A55

7or e>ample& a #ser responsi.le for assigning passwords
for t-e P-armacy sec#rity gro#p .#t for no ot-er gro#ps
m#st .e a of t-e P-armacy sec#rity gro#p and
granted edit pri9ileges for t-e gro#p (9ia t-e EditH

To a#t-ori;e a #ser to edit all ot-er #sers& grant t-is
#ser a sec#rity le9el of A55+

4y granting t-is #ser edit pri9ileges (for some or all
sec#rity gro#ps)& yo# a#t-ori;e t-em to!

L c-ange User Dictionary information (e>cept for
Sec#rity 5e9el)

L complete t-e following password management ro#tines
for t-e specified sec#rity gro#ps

3 C-ange Password E>piration Dates

3 C-ange Secondary Passwords .y =ro#p

7or more information& see t-e section titled GSec#rity
=ro#p Dictionary+G
To grant t-is #ser edit pri9ileges for t-e #ser sec#rity
gro#p& enter D+ T-is #ser is a#t-ori;ed to c-ange t-e
MIS User Dictionary information for t-e gro#p (listed at
t-e User Sec#rity =ro#p prompt)+

To deny t-is #ser edit pri9ileges& enter 8+

8otes! T-e c#rsor stops at t-is field only if yo#r
sec#rity le9el is A55 (t-at is& t-e sec#rity le9el of
t-e #ser editing t-is dictionary 3 not t-e #ser w-om yo#
are editing)+

Also note t-at if yo#r sec#rity le9el is =)6UP& D or 8
Enter:Edit User Dictionary ('+$) Page ',
a#tomatically appears in t-e EditH field+ Do# cannot
c-ange t-e response in t-e EditH field

7or more information& see t-e doc#mentation of t-e
Sec#rity 5e9el prompt+
Distri.#tion =ro#ps
At t-is prompt& all distri.#tion gro#ps to w-ic- t-is
#ser .elongs appear+

To delete t-e #ser from a distri.#tion gro#p& mo9e t-e
c#rsor to t-e gro#p@s mnemonic and delete it+

To add t-e #ser to a distri.#tion gro#p& press QEndR to
mo9e to t-e .ottom of t-e list and enter t-e mnemonic of
t-e distri.#tion gro#p+

5ooB#p! MIS Distri.#tion =ro#p Dictionary
Enter one or more license plate n#m.ers for t-is #ser@s
a#tomo.ile+ Do# can #se a ma>im#m of $% c-aracters of
free te>t+

If yo# enter a license plate t-e c#rsor ad9ances
to t-e State prompt+

If yo# lea9e t-is prompt .lanB& t-e ro#tine ignores t-e
State prompt+
Enter t-e two3letter a..re9iation of t-e state in w-ic-
t-e a#tomo.ile is registered+

If yo# lea9e t-e 5ICE8SE prompt .lanB& t-e c#rsor
ignores t-is prompt+
Initiali;e User from Anot-er User ('+$+$) Page '1
'+$+$! Initiali;e User from Anot-er User
Use t-is ro#tine to define a new entry in t-e MIS User Dictionary .ased on t-e
content of an e>isting entry+

After yo# select an e>isting #ser& t-e information for t-at #ser appears on t-e
Enter:Edit User Dictionary screen+ Do# can t-en modify t-e information as
needed for t-e new #ser+

T-is screen appears w-en yo# create a new #ser in t-e Enter:Edit MIS User
Dictionary )o#tine& after yo# enter a mnemonic for t-e new #ser+

OInitiali;e from User O
OCopy Distri.#tion =ro#psH O
Initiali;e 7rom User
To copy information from an e>isting #ser to t-is new
User Dictionary entry& enter t-e e>isting #ser+

5ooB#p! MIS User Dictionary

To man#ally enter information for t-e new #ser& press
QEnterR to ret#rn to t-e Enter:Edit Users screen+
Copy Distri.#tion =ro#psH

To incl#de t-e distri.#tion gro#ps to w-ic- t-is #ser
.elongs in t-e information copied to t-e new User
Dictionary entry& enter D+ 6t-erwise& enter 8+
Application Men#s Screen ('+$+') Page '2
'+$+'! Application Men#s Screen
Use t-e Application Men#s screen of t-e MIS User Dictionary to define t-e
application data.ases (t-at is& mod#les) to w-ic- t-is #ser -as access+ 7or
eac- application data.ase yo# list on t-is screen& yo# define t-is #ser@s
initial screen+ T-is screen can .e a men# or proced#re and appears after t-e
#ser signs onto t-e mod#le+

Some #sers may .e a#t-ori;ed access to all ro#tines in a mod#le+ Howe9er& most
#sers are restricted to only t-ose ro#tines t-at pertain to t-eir Ko.+ To limit
t-is #ser@s access to a specific ro#tine& enter P at t-e M:P prompt+

7or t-is #ser& t-is screen allows yo# to define!

L application data.ases to w-ic- t-is #ser -as access

L ro#tines in a mod#le to w-ic- t-is #ser cannot sign onto& .#t t-e #ser -as
access to t-e ro#tines 9ia a c#stom men#

L t-e main men# or proced#re (ro#tine) t-at appears after t-e #ser signs onto
t-e mod#le (accesses t-e application data.ase)

L t-e men# or proced#re t-at t-is #ser can access for eac- application
data.ase w-en t-e #ser presses t-e MA=IC Eey

L t-e A.stract Tape Ser9ice and Tape Code if t-is #ser accesses t-e Case
Mi>:A.stracting 6ption

L t-e facilities to w-ic- t-is #ser -as access for facility3sensiti9e
application data.ases (for e>ample& Admissions& Medical )ecords& 5a.oratory&
and 8#rsing)

L t-e facilities in w-ic- t-is #ser cannot access M)I patient 9isit data

8ote! 7or mod#les designed for t-e new #ser interface s#pplied .y /orBstation
<+8 (for e>ample& P6E& EDM& and )CM)& yo# can enter DESET6P at t-e Style
prompt+ T-is response o9errides t-e response at t-e Defa#lt Men# Style prompt
(top of t-is screen) and allows t-e #ser to access desBtops and cascading

=ranting T-is User Access to an Entire Mod#le

Some #sers reF#ire access to an entire mod#le (t-at is& all ro#tines a9aila.le
in t-at specific mod#le)+ Howe9er& most #sers are allowed access to only t-ose
ro#tines t-at pertain to t-eir Ko. .y assigning t-em a c#stom men#+

To allow t-is #ser access to an entire mod#le& enter t-e application data.ase
at t-e Appl D4 prompt& and t-e men# at t-e Men# or Proced#re prompt+ If
applica.le& enter t-e men# at t-e MA=IC Eey Men# or Proced#re prompt+

Application Men#s Screen ('+$+') Page '0

=ranting T-is User 5imited Access to a )o#tine in Anot-er Mod#le

7or some #sers& yo# want to limit a #ser@s access to a partic#lar ro#tine or
men#& .#t pre9ent t-at #ser from signing onto t-e mod#le+ In t-is case& yo# can
enter t-e ro#tine or men# on a c#stom men# and allow t-e #ser access to t-at
c#stom men#+

7or e>ample& a #ser -as access to a c#stom Case Mi>:A.stracting Men# t-at
incl#des t-e 5ist Incomplete )ecords )o#tine from t-e Medical )ecords Mod#le
(M)I)+ Allowing t-is #ser access to t-is report ro#tine& t-e #ser can print a
report of incomplete records wit-o#t signing onto t-e standard M)I Mod#le+

To allow t-e #ser access to an application data.ase only so t-at its ro#tines
or men#s can .e added to t-e #ser@s c#stom men#& enter t-e application data.ase
at t-e Appl D4 prompt and enter an asterisB (L) at t-e Men# or Proced#re

7or e>ample& to gi9e a #ser access to a ro#tine from t-e Medical )ecords
Mod#le& enter M)I application data.ase at t-e Appl D4 prompt and L at t-e Men#
or Proced#re prompt+

8ote! To create c#stom men#s 9ia MEDITECH@s Men# C#stomi;ation 7eat#re& see t-e
C#stom Men#s c-apter+

Application Men#s Screen ('+$+') Page (%
O Enter:Edit Users 3 Application Men#s O
OMnemonic! 8ame! Defa#lt Men# Style O
OAppl D4 Type M:P Men# or Proced#re:MA=IC Eey Men# or Proced#re Style O
ODefa#lt MA=IC Eey Men# Style O
OA4S Tape S9c A4S Tape Code O
OADM:M)I 7acilities )estrict from M)I facility 9isits O
Defa#lt Men#
Enter one of t-e following styles as t-e defa#lt men#
style for t-is #ser!


Application Data.ase
Enter t-e mnemonic of eac- application data.ase
to w-ic- yo# want t-is #ser to -a9e access+

5ooB#p! MIS Application Data.ase Dictionary

/-en yo# enter a 9alid data.ase mnemonic& t-e data.ase@s
type a#tomatically appears in t-e TDPE field for
reference p#rposes+

33 A#t-ori;ing Users of t-e 6S Utilities Main Men# 33
Application Men#s Screen ('+$+') Page ($

If yo# want to allow #sers to access t-e MA=IC
6perating System@s Utilities Main Men#& MEDITECH
staff will enter ECT+6PS as an e>ternal application+
8e>t& yo# wo#ld a#t-ori;e #sers for t-is men# .y
entering ECT+6PS at t-is prompt& and ME8U at t-e men#
name prompt+

8ote t-at if sec#rity is ena.led for t-e 6S Utilities&
t-e #ser m#st enter a separate& 6S #tilities password to
access t-e men#+

8ote! T-is prompt references t-e term application

Do#r MEDITECH system can -a9e one or more application
data.ases per mod#le+ If yo#r system -as more t-an one
data.ase& t-ese data.ases are disting#is-ed from eac-
ot-er 9ia c#stomer3defined mnemonics set #p d#ring

7or e>ample& yo#r organi;ation may -a9e t-ree 4:A)
data.ases& named 4A)+A4C& 4A)+M86& and 4A)+CDM+
TDPE T-e operating system type appears for reference!


L 8P)

L 6THE (for 6t-er)
T-e response at t-e M:P prompt controls w-et-er t-is
#ser accesses a men# or proced#re (ro#tine) immediately
after signing onto t-e application data.ase+

If t-e #ser accesses Enter
33333333333333333333 33333
Men# M
Proced#re P

After responding to t-e M:P prompt& enter t-e men# or
proced#re name at t-e Men# or Proced#re prompt+

If yo# entered M at t-is prompt& t-e 5ooB#p for t-e ne>t
prompt displays a list of men#s for t-e application
data.ase (Appl D4 prompt)+ 5iBewise& if yo# entered
Application Men#s Screen ('+$+') Page ('
a P at t-is prompt& t-e 5ooB#p for t-e ne>t prompt
displays a list of proced#res for t-e application

After t-e #ser signs onto t-e mod#le& t-e men# or
proced#re (entered at t-e Men# or Proced#re prompt)
appears as t-e defa#lt sign3on screen+
Men# or Proced#re
Identify t-e men# or proced#re name t-at t-e #ser
initially accesses (t-e defa#lt screen) after signing
onto t-e mod#le+

5ooB#p! 5ist of men#s or proced#res (dependent on t-e
response yo# entered at t-e M:P prompt) a9aila.le for
t-e application data.ase entered at t-e Appl D4 prompt+

If yo# entered M at t-e M:P prompt& yo# identify a men#
at t-is prompt+ 5iBewise& if yo# entered a P at t-e M:P
prompt& yo# identify a proced#re at t-is prompt+

7or e>ample& if yo# identify t-e men# main+men#& t-e
standard main men# for t-e mod#le appears after t-e #ser
signs into t-e A4S+5IE application data.ase+ Howe9er&
if yo# identify t-e proced#re A4S+PAT+process& t-e
Process a Patient A.stract screen appears+

33 Access to 6t-er Mod#les@ Men#s and )o#tines 33

To pre9ent t-e #ser from directly signing onto t-e 8P)
Mod#le& .#t allow t-e #ser access to t-e Mod#le@s
ro#tines and men# from anot-er mod#le@s c#stom men#&
enter an asterisB (L) at t-is prompt+

8ote t-at MEDITECH creates a set of standard men#s for
eac- mod#le+ Do# can create c#stom men#s in t-e 8P)
Mod#le (c#stom men#s .egin wit- t-e prefi> G;c#sG)+

7or e>ample& if someone in t-e .illing department needs
access to t-e Case Mi>:A.stracting 6ption 9ia t-e 4:A)
main+men#& perform t-ese steps+

$) Create a c#stom men# t-at is in t-e 4:A) mod#le (for
e>ample& 4A)+;c#s+a.s+men#)+

') 6n t-e c#stom men# (4A)+;c#s+a.s+men#)& enter t-e
c-oice A4S+main+men#+

() In t-e MIS User Dictionary at t-e MA=IC Eey Men# or
Application Men#s Screen ('+$+') Page ((
Proced#re prompt& enter 4A)+;c#s+a.s+men# for t-e
4:A) application data.ase+

<) 7or t-e Case Mi>:A.stracting (A4S) mod#le& enter L at
t-e Men# or Proced#re prompt+
Enter one of t-e following men# styles to w-ic- yo# want
t-is #ser to -a9e access wit-in t-e specified
application data.ase!



8ote! 7or mod#les t-at maBe #se of t-e new #ser
interface s#pplied .y /orBstation <+8 (for e>ample& P6E&
EDM& and )CM)& enter DESET6P to o9erride t-e response
entered at t-e Defa#lt Men# Style prompt (top of t-is
M:P (MA=IC Eey)
T-e response at t-e M:P prompt controls w-et-er t-is
#ser accesses a men# or proced#re (ro#tine) w-ile signed
onto t-e application data.ase+

If t-e #ser accesses Enter
33333333333333333333 33333
Men# M
Proced#re P

After responding to t-e M:P prompt& enter t-e men# or
proced#re name at t-e MA=IC Eey Men# or Proced#re

If yo# entered M at t-is prompt& t-e 5ooB#p for t-e ne>t
prompt displays a list of men#s for t-e application
data.ase (Appl D4 prompt)+ 5iBewise& if yo# entered a P
at t-is prompt& t-e 5ooB#p for t-e ne>t prompt displays
a list of proced#res for t-e application data.ase+

/-en t-e #ser presses t-e MA=IC Eey& t-e men# or
proced#re (entered at t-e MA=IC Eey Men# or Proced#re
prompt) appears+
MA=IC Eey Men# or Proced#re
Identify t-e men# or proced#re name t-at t-e #ser -as
Application Men#s Screen ('+$+') Page (<
access to w-en t-e #ser presses t-e MA=IC Bey+

5ooB#p! 5ist of men#s or proced#res (dependent on t-e
response yo# entered in t-e M:P prompt) a9aila.le for
t-e application data.ase entered at t-e Appl D4 prompt+

If yo# entered M at t-e M:P prompt& yo# identify a men#+
5iBewise& if yo# entered a P at t-e M:P prompt& yo#
identify a proced#re+

7or e>ample& if yo# identify t-e men# main+men#& t-e
standard main men# for t-e mod#le appears w-en t-e #ser
presses t-e MA=IC Eey w-ile signed into t-e A4S+5IE
application data.ase+ Howe9er& if yo# identify t-e
proced#re A4S+PAT+process& t-e Process a Patient
A.stract screen appears+

33 Access to 6t-er Applications@ Men#s and )o#tines 33

To pre9ent t-e #ser from directly accessing 8P) Mod#le@s
men# or ro#tine 9ia t-e MA=IC Eey& .#t allow t-e #ser
access to t-e Mod#le@s ro#tines and men# from anot-er
mod#le@s c#stom men#& enter an asterisB (L) at t-is

8ote t-at MEDITECH creates a set of standard men#s for
eac- mod#le+ Do# can create c#stom men#s in t-e 8P)
Mod#le (c#stom men#s .egin wit- t-e prefi> G;c#sG)+

7or e>ample& if someone in t-e .illing department needs
access to t-e Case Mi>:A.stracting 6ption 9ia t-e 4:A)
MA=IC Eey Men#& perform t-ese steps+

$) Create a c#stom men# t-at is in t-e 4:A) mod#le (for
e>ample& 4A)+;c#s+a.s+men#)+

') 6n t-e c#stom men# (4A)+;c#s+a.s+men#)& enter t-e
c-oice A4S+main+men#+

() In t-e MIS User Dictionary at t-e MA=IC Eey Men# or
Proced#re prompt& enter 4A)+;c#s+a.s+men# for t-e
4:A) application data.ase+

<) 7or t-e Case Mi>:A.stracting (A4S) mod#le& enter L at
t-e MA=IC Eey Men# or Proced#re prompt+
Dft Magic Eey Men#
Identify t-e men# t-at t-e system assigns as t-is #ser@s
defa#lt MA=IC Eey Men#+ /-ene9er t-e #ser presses t-e
Application Men#s Screen ('+$+') Page (*
MA=IC Eey in a mod#le& t-is men# appears+

5ooB#p! MIS men#s (standard and c#stom)
Style Enter eit-er G8#mericG or GDesBtopG as t-e Style+

T-e Defa#lt Magic Men# m#st .e created as eit-er 8#meric or
DesBtop wit-in C#stomer 8P)+ If t-e men# does not matc- t-e
defined Style& an error message displays+
A4S Tape S9c
Enter t-e mnemonic for t-e a.stract tape ser9ice (if

T-e A.stract Tape Ser9ice Dictionary defines t-is
defa#lt a.stract tape ser9ice t-at a#tomatically appears
in t-is field+ To Beep t-is response& press QEnterR+

To enter anot-er mnemonic& delete t-e defa#lt response
and enter t-e mnemonic t-at corresponds to t-e a.stract
tape ser9ice for t-is #ser+

5ooB#p! MIS Tape Ser9ice Dictionary

8ote! 6nly response to t-is prompt if t-is #ser -as
access to t-e Case Mi>:A.stracting application data.ase+
If t-is #ser does not -a9e access to t-at application
data.ase& lea9e t-is field .lanB+
A4S TAPE C6DE Enter t-e appropriate a.stract tape code (as
esta.lis-ed .y t-e tape agency) for t-is dictionary
entry+ T-is is a reF#ired field if yo# entered an
a.stract tape ser9ice at t-e pre9io#s prompt+ If t-e
#ser is not a#t-ori;ed to access t-e Case
Mi>:A.stracting 6ption& sBip t-is prompt+

86TE! 7or US -ospitals& yo# can enter #p to 2
c-aracters+ 7or Canadian -ospitals& enter $
Adm:Mri 7acilities
Enter t-e mnemonics of t-e facilities to w-ic- yo#
want t-e #ser to -a9e access+ 7acility mnemonics are
defined for yo#r system .y MEDITECH+

5ooB#p! MIS 7acility Dictionary
Application Men#s Screen ('+$+') Page (,

If only one facility is entered -ere& t-e #ser signs on
directly to t-at facility w-en accessing one of t-e
m#ltiple3facility applications (ADM& 5A4& M)I& 8U)& 6E&

Users wit- access to more t-an one facility are prompted
to select a facility at sign3on+

8ote! T-e c#rsor only stops at t-is prompt if yo#
entered an application (at t-e APP5 D4 prompt) t-at
allows for m#ltiple facilities+ If t-e ro#tine .rings
yo# to t-is prompt& yo# m#st enter t-e mnemonic of at
least one facility+
)estrict from M)I facility 9isits

To pre9ent t-e #ser from accessing patient 9isit data
at specific facilities in yo#r -ealt- care organi;ation&
identify t-ose facilities+

7or e>ample& if yo#r organi;ation incl#des facilities A&
4& and C& .#t yo# want t-e #ser to access patient
records at facility A only& enter 4 and C+ If yo# lea9e
t-is field .lanB& no restrictions apply+

5ooB#p! MIS 7acility Dictionary

8ote! Do# can access t-is field only if t-e M#lti3
7acility parameter in t-e MIS Tool.o> parameters is set
to D+
Clinical Information Screen ('+$+() Page (1
'+$+(! Clinical Information Screen
Use t-is screen to define #ser access to patient information in t-e clinical
applications+ Do# can also #se t-is screen to define w-et-er yo# want t-e
system to a#tomatically print doc#ments for #sers at t-eir sign3on locations+

Access to Patient Information

Do# can #se t-is screen to

L associate #sers wit- pro9iders

L assign #ser access to

3 confidential patients

3 confidential information

3 patients at specific locations

3 patients in t-e Enterprise Medical )ecords (EM)) Mod#le

3 all patients in t-e Patient Care InF#iry (PCI) Application

3 t-e Pro9ider /orBload Management (P/M) Application only

3 9erify and confirm allergies

3 disc-arge .y facility and desBtop

L restrict #ser access to 6rder Entry (6E) ro#tines in all or specific

L restrict t-e access of PCI #sers to t-e patients of specific pro9iders and
pro9ider gro#ps

Access to Printers at Sign36n 5ocations

Do# can also #se t-is screen to define defa#lt 9al#es for t-e following!

L t-e freF#ency wit- w-ic- t-e system a#tomatically prints reports for

L t-e of days t-at records can remain incomplete .efore t-ey appear on
t-e M)I 4y Doctor and Days 6#tstanding )eport

L a printer on w-ic- t-e system a#tomatically prints t-e following doc#ments
for #sers!

Clinical Information Screen ('+$+() Page (2
3 MA=IC 6ffice mail

3 Unsigned attestation statements

3 ADM Inpatient )eport3Doctor Cens#s 5ist

3 PCI )o#nds )eport

Do# can define w-et-er yo# want #sers to print doc#ments to t-e printer
defined for t-eir sign3on locations or to anot-er printer+

In addition& yo# can allow t-e system to delete t-e mail for #sers
immediately after t-ey print t-eir mail+

O Enter:Edit Users 3 Clinical Information O
OMnemonic! 8ame! O
OT-is #ser is Pro9ider! O
OAccess to Confidential patientsH Direct DesBtop SignonH O
OAccess to Confidential dataH Enter Patient AllergiesH O
OPt access )estricted .y locationH Confirm Patient AllergiesH O
OAccess to 6E ro#tines for all departmentsH elected departments O
O333Disc-arge Access333 O
O7acility DesBtop O
ODaily printing freF#ency O
OPrint )ecords Incomplete for last on Ignore 5oc defa#lt
O Print MA=IC 6ffice Mail on Delete MailH e 5oc defa#lt
OPrint Unsigned Attestations on Ignore 5oc defa#lt
O Print Cens#s 5ist on Ignore 5oc defa#lt
O Print )o#nds )eport on Ignore 5oc defa#lt
T-is #ser is Pro9ider
If t-is #ser is also a pro9ider& identify t-e pro9ider+
T-e pro9ider name appears in t-e field to t-e rig-t of
t-is field+

5ooB#p! MIS Pro9ider Dictionary

Do#r -ealt- care organi;ation initially #ses t-e
Admissions (ADM) Application to assign pro9iders to
Clinical Information Screen ('+$+() Page (0
patients+ /-en yo# define a #ser as a pro9ider& yo#r
organi;ation can #se t-e Patient Care InF#iry (PCI)
Application to assign pro9iders access to additional

7or e>ample& yo# can #se t-e PCI Sec#rity feat#re to
define a cons#lting pro9ider+

7or more information& see t-e section titled GSec#rity
69er9iewG in t-e PCI Maintenance Man#al+
Access to Confidential patientsH

To assign t-is #ser access to .ot- confidential and non3
confidential patients in t-e Patient Care InF#iry (PCI)
Application& enter D+

To pre9ent t-is #ser from accessing confidential
patients& enter 8+

8ote! Do#r -ealt- care organi;ation defines confidential
patients in t-e Admissions (ADM) Application+
Access to Confidential dataH

To assign t-is #ser access to confidential information
for patients in t-e Patient Care InF#iry (PCI)
Application& enter D+

To pre9ent t-e #ser from accessing confidential
information for patients in PCI& enter 8+

8ote! Do#r -ealt- care organi;ation defines confidential
information for patients 9ia specific applications+ 7or
e>ample& confidential proced#res are defined in t-e
Pat-ology (PTH) Application+
Pt access )estricted .y locationH

To restrict t-e access of t-is #ser to patients at -is
or -er sign3on location& enter D+ )estricted #sers can
access only patients assigned to t-e locations
associated wit- t-eir terminal or client PC+

7or e>ample& a restricted #ser at a terminal located in
$ East can access any patient on $ East& .#t cannot
access patients at ot-er locations+
Clinical Information Screen ('+$+() Page <%

Do# can restrict #ser access in t-e following
applications only!

L 6rder Entry (6E)

L 8#rsing (8U))

L Patient Care InF#iry (PCI)

L 5a.oratory (5A4) (for )es#lts InF#iry only)

To allow #sers to access all patients& enter 8+
Direct DesBtop SignonH

To allow pro9iders to sign onto t-e Pro9ider /orBload
Management (P/M) desBtop directly from t-e MEDITECH Sign
6n screen& enter D+

To allow pro9iders to sign onto all MEDITECH
applications& incl#ding P/M& enter 8& or lea9e t-e
prompt .lanB+

8ote! Do# can access t-is field only if yo#r -ealt- care
organi;ation assigns t-is #ser access to one P/M
data.ase 9ia t-e Application Men#s page in t-e MIS User

If yo#r organi;ation does not assign t-is #ser access to
a P/M data.ase or assigns t-is #ser access to more t-an
one P/M data.ase& yo# cannot access t-is field+
Enter Patient AllergiesH

Use t-is field to define w-et-er t-is #ser can 9erify

Enter t-e type of access to t-e Enter:Edit
Allergy:Ad9erse )eaction screens t-at yo# want to assign
to t-is #ser+

To allow t-is #ser to Enter

Enter& edit& delete& and 9erify
allergies and ad9erse reactions

iew allergies and ad9erse 8
Clinical Information Screen ('+$+() Page <$
reactions only

Enter& edit& or delete #n9erified U
allergies and ad9erse reactions only

If yo# enter & t-e #ser can enter& edit& and delete
.ot- 9erified and #n9erified allergies and ad9erse

If yo# enter U& t-e #ser can enter or edit any Comment
or Te>t fields for 9erified allergies (for e>ample& t-e
Enter:Edit Allergy Te>t screen t-at yo# access .y
entering D in t-e Te>t field on t-e M)I Enter:Edit
Patient Allergies screen)+

If yo# enter or U& yo# can access t-e Confirm Patient
Allergies field to define w-et-er t-is #ser can confirm
Confirm Patient AllergiesH

To allow t-is #ser to confirm allergies& enter D+

To t-is #ser from confirming allergies& enter

8ote! Do# can access t-is field only if t-e Enter
Patient Allergies field is set to or U+
Access to 6E ro#tines for all departmentsH

To assign t-is #ser access to all departments 9ia t-e
6rder Entry (6E) Application& enter D+

To restrict #ser access to specific departments in t-e
6E Application& enter 8+ T-e c#rsor mo9es to t-e Access
to 6E ro#tines for selected departments field+

8ote! Do# can access t-is field only if yo# identify an
6E data.ase in t-e Appl D4 field on t-e Application
Men#s screen of t-is dictionary+
Access to 6E ro#tines for selected departments

Identify t-e specific departments to w-ic- yo# want to
assign t-is #ser access 9ia t-e 6rder Entry (6E)
Clinical Information Screen ('+$+() Page <'

If yo# lea9e t-is field .lanB& t-is #ser cannot access
any departments 9ia t-e 6E Application+

5ooB#p! MIS 5ocation Dictionary
7acility (Disc-arge Access)

Use t-e Disc-arge Access m#ltiple fields to define #ser
access (.y facility and desBtop) to t-e MIS Disc-arge
ro#tine+ To define access& yo# m#st enter one or more
facilities and a corresponding a desBtop+

Enter one or more facilities for w-ic- yo# want to
assign disc-arge access+

Users can access t-e MIS Disc-arge )o#tine (from t-e
corresponding desBtop) for patients at t-ese facilities+

To disc-arge access for t-is #ser& lea9e t-is
field .lanB+

5ooB#p! MIS 7acility Dictionary
DesBtop (Disc-arge Access)

Do# can access t-is field only if yo# enter a facility
(in t-e 7acility (Disc-arge Access) field)+

Use t-e Disc-arge Access m#ltiple fields to define #ser
access (.y facility and desBtop) to t-e MIS Disc-arge
ro#tine+ To define access& yo# m#st enter one or more
facilities and a corresponding a desBtop+

Enter t-e desBtop for w-ic- yo# want to assign disc-arge

Users can access t-e MIS Disc-arge )o#tine from t-is
desBtop for patients at t-ese facilities+

To disc-arge access for t-is #ser& lea9e t-e
7acility field .lanB+

5ooB#p! MIS Disc-arge DesBtop Dictionary
Daily printing freF#ency

Clinical Information Screen ('+$+() Page <(
Use t-is field to define -ow freF#ently yo# want to
allow t-e system to a#tomatically print reports for t-e
#ser w-en -e or s-e #ses a swipe card or t-e sign3on
screen to sign onto a location+

To A#tomatically Print )eports Enter
3333333333333333333333333333333333333333 33333
6nly t-e first time t-e #ser signs 68CE
onto t-e system

Eac- time t-e #ser signs onto t-e system A55

To pre9ent t-e system from a#tomatically printing
reports at any time& enter 868E+
Print )ecords Incomplete for last TTT days

Enter t-e of days yo# want to allow patient
records for t-is #ser to remain incomplete .efore t-e
records appear on t-e M)I 5ist 4y Doctor and Days
6#tstanding )eport+

8ote! T-e M)I Application #ses t-e 9al#e yo# enter in
t-is field to print t-e 4y Doctor and Days 6#tstanding
Print )ecords Incomplete on TTT

Identify t-e defa#lt printer on w-ic- yo# want to print
t-e M)I 4y Doctor and Days 6#tstanding )eport+

5ooB#p! MA=IC 6perating System De9ice Dictionary
Ignore 5oc defa#lt
To o9erride t-e defa#lt printer defined (9ia t-e MIS
5ocation Dictionary) for t-e sign3on location of t-is
#ser& enter D+

If yo# enter D& reports print at t-e printer defined in
t-e Print )ecords Incomplete on field& w-et-er t-is
#ser signs on 9ia t-e Swipe Card or P-ysician Sign3In

To print reports on t-e printer defined for t-e sign3on
location& enter 8+

If yo# enter 8& reports print at t-e printer defined for
Clinical Information Screen ('+$+() Page <<
t-e sign3on location& w-et-er t-is #ser signs on 9ia t-e
Swipe Card or P-ysician Sign3In ro#tine+
Print MA=IC 6ffice Mail on

Identify t-e printer on w-ic- yo# want MA=IC 6ffice mail
for t-is #ser to print+

5ooB#p! MA=IC 6perating System De9ice Dictionary
Delete MailH
To a#tomatically delete mail for t-is #ser immediately
after printing it& enter D+

6t-erwise& enter 8+
Ignore 5oc defa#lt
To o9erride t-e defa#lt printer defined (9ia t-e MIS
5ocation Dictionary) for t-e sign3on location of t-is
#ser& enter D+

If yo# enter D& reports print at t-e printer defined in
t-e Print MA=IC 6ffice Mail on field& w-et-er t-is #ser
signs on 9ia t-e Swipe Card or P-ysician Sign3In

To print reports on t-e printer defined for t-e sign3on
location& enter 8+

If yo# enter 8& reports print at t-e printer defined for
t-e sign3on location& w-et-er t-is #ser signs on 9ia t-e
Swipe Card or P-ysician Sign3In ro#tine+
Print Unsigned Attestations on

Identify t-e printer on w-ic- yo# want to print a list
of #nsigned attestation statements for t-is #ser+

5ooB#p! MA=IC 6perating System De9ice Dictionary

8ote! T-e #nsigned attestation report is similar to t-e
A4S 5ist Patients on t-e ES A#e#e )eport+ Howe9er& t-e
#nsigned attestation report incl#des only Electronic
Signat#re (ES) forms (t-at is& attestations statements)
wit- an ES Stat#s of U8SI=8ED+

Clinical Information Screen ('+$+() Page <*
7or more information& see t-e section titled G5ist
Patients on ES A#e#eG in t-e A.stracting (A4S) Tapes&
7orms& and Compiled )eports Man#al+
Ignore 5oc defa#lt
To o9erride t-e defa#lt printer defined (9ia t-e MIS
5ocation Dictionary) for t-e sign3on location of t-is
#ser& enter D+

If yo# enter D& reports print at t-e printer defined in
t-e Print Unsigned Attestations on field& w-et-er t-is
#ser signs on 9ia t-e Swipe Card or P-ysician Sign3In

To print reports on t-e printer defined (9ia t-e MIS
5ocation Dictionary) for t-e sign3on location& enter 8+

If yo# enter 8& reports print at t-e printer defined for
t-e sign3on location& w-et-er t-is #ser signs on 9ia t-e
Swipe Card or P-ysician Sign3In ro#tine+
Print Cens#s 5ist on
Identify t-e printer on w-ic- yo# want to print t-e ADM
Inpatient )eport 3 Doctor Cens#s for t-is #ser+

5ooB#p! MA=IC 6perating System De9ice Dictionary

7or more information& see t-e section titled GInpatient
Doctor Cens#sG in t-e Admissions (ADM)
Inpatient:6#tpatient 5ists and )eports Man#al+
Ignore 5oc defa#lt
To o9erride t-e defa#lt printer defined (9ia t-e MIS
5ocation Dictionary) for t-e sign3on location of t-is
#ser& enter D+

If yo# enter D& reports print at t-e printer defined in
t-e Print Cens#s 5ist on field& w-et-er t-is #ser signs
on 9ia t-e Swipe Card or P-ysician Sign3In ro#tines+

To print reports on t-e printer defined for t-e sign3on
location of t-is #ser& enter 8+

If yo# enter 8& reports print at t-e printer defined for
t-e sign3on location& w-et-er t-is #ser signs on 9ia t-e
Swipe Card or P-ysician Sign3In ro#tines+
Clinical Information Screen ('+$+() Page <,
Print )o#nds )eport on
Identify t-e printer on w-ic- yo# want to print t-e
Patient Care InF#iry (PCI) )o#nds )eport+

5ooB#p! MA=IC 6perating System De9ice Dictionary

7or more information& see t-e section titled GSelect
)o#nds )eport Pro9idersG in t-e PCI User Man#al+
Ignore 5oc defa#lt
To o9erride t-e defa#lt printer defined (9ia t-e MIS
5ocation Dictionary) for t-e sign3on location of t-is
#ser& enter D+

If yo# enter D& reports print at t-e printer defined in
t-e Print )o#nds )eport on field& w-et-er t-is #ser
signs on 9ia t-e Swipe Card or P-ysician Sign3In

To print reports on t-e printer defined for t-e sign3on
location of t-is #ser& enter 8+

If yo# enter 8& reports print at t-e printer defined for
t-e sign3on location& w-et-er t-is #ser signs on 9ia t-e
Swipe Card or P-ysician Sign3In ro#tine+
Clinical Information Pro9ider Screen ('+$+<) Page <1
'+$+<! Clinical Information Pro9ider Screen
Use t-is screen of t-e User Dictionary to define& for t-e selected #ser& t-e
options a9aila.le to t-e #ser w-en #sing t-e Sign Up f#nction in Clinical
)e9iew (EPS) or PCM to add or remo9e -imself or -erself as t-e P-ysician of
)ecord wit-in a patient tasB+

O Enter:Edit Users 3 Clinical Information Pro9ider O
OMnemonic! 8ame! O
OAccess to P/M Sign Up O
OPCI #se restricted to lists .elonging to! Assigned patients onlyH O
O Pro9ider 8ame Ins#rance 8ame O
O Pro9ider Ins#rance O
O =ro#p 8ame =ro#p 8ame O
Access to P/M Sign Up
Enter t-e options t-at are a9aila.le for t-is pro9ider
w-en adding or remo9ing t-emself as t-e P-ysician of
)ecord 9ia t-e Sign Up f#nction in Clinical )e9iew or

T-e 9al#es entered in t-is field appear as a9aila.le
options for t-is pro9ider w-en #sing t-e Sign Up
f#nction (for e>ample& in t-e P-ysician DesBtop)+

5ooB#p! A9aila.le c-oices& as defined in t-e Allow To
field in t-e MIS Parameters (an MIS Tool.o> ro#tine)+

Depending on t-e 9al#es defined in t-e Allow To
parameter& some or all of t-e following c-oices may .e

L Add:)eplace Admitting

L Add:)eplace Attending
Clinical Information Pro9ider Screen ('+$+<) Page <2

L Add:)eplace Cons#lting

L Add:)eplace 7amily

L Add:)eplace 6t-er

L Add:)eplace PCP

L )emo9e Cons#lting

L )emo9e 7amily

L )emo9e 6t-er

L )emo9e PCP

If yo# do not want t-is pro9ider to .e a.le to access
t-e Sign Up f#nction& lea9e t-is field .lanB+ If t-is
field is left .lanB& t-e Sign Up f#nction .#tton does
not appear for t-is pro9ider+

8ote! In t-e Sign Up feat#re& yo# cannot remo9e an
Admitting or Attending p-ysician& as .ot- are
reF#irements for ADM+
PCI #se restricted to lists .elonging to! Pro9ider

Identify t-e pro9iders for w-om yo# want to assign t-e
#ser access to patient information in t-e Patient Care
InF#iry (PCI) Application+ T-e names of t-e pro9iders
yo# identify appear in t-e field to t-e rig-t of t-is

To Assign t-e User
Access to Information for Identify t-e
3333333333333333333333333 3333333333333
All patients (5ea9e t-is
field .lanB)

His or -er patients only User

Patients of ot-er pro9iders Pro9iders

5ooB#p! MIS Pro9ider Dictionary
PCI #se restricted to lists .elonging to! Pro9ider =ro#p
Clinical Information Pro9ider Screen ('+$+<) Page <0

Identify t-e pro9ider gro#ps to w-ic- yo# want to assign
t-e #ser access in t-e Patient Care InF#iry (PCI)
Application+ T-e names of t-e pro9ider gro#ps appear in
t-e field to t-e rig-t of t-is field+

To incl#de all pro9ider gro#ps& lea9e t-is field .lanB+

5ooB#p! MIS Pro9ider =ro#p Dictionary
Assigned patients onlyH
To assign t-is #ser access (9ia t-e Patient Care InF#iry
Application) only to patients assigned to t-e pro9iders
and pro9ider gro#ps yo# identified in t-e Pro9ider and
Pro9ider =ro#p fields& enter D+

To assign t-e #ser access (9ia PCI) to .ot- assigned and
#nassigned patients for t-e pro9iders and pro9ider
gro#ps yo# identified& enter 8+ 7or e>ample& yo# may
want to assign t-is #ser access to patients t-at are not
assigned to t-e pro9ider .#t are on t-e pro9ider list+
Enter t-e ins#rances to w-ic- t-is #ser -as access in
t-e PCI Application w-en attempting to identify a
patient .y ins#rance+

Patients w-o -a9e one or more of t-ese ins#rances will
appear on t-e 5ooB#p w-en t-is #ser attempts to identify
a patient 9ia t-e PCI Identify Patient .y
Ins#rance:Ins#rance =ro#p )o#tine (#nless ot-erwise
determined .y e>isting confidential and facility access
restrictions defined for t-is #ser) +

5ooB#p! MIS Ins#rance Dictionary

8ote! T-is parameter affects only t-e information
a9aila.le to t-is #ser 9ia t-e PCI Identify Patient .y
Ins#rance:Ins#rance =ro#p )o#tine+ It does not affect
t-is #ser@s access to patient information in any ot-er
ro#tine or application+
Ins#rance =ro#p
Enter t-e ins#rance gro#ps to w-ic- t-is #ser -as access
in t-e PCI Application w-en attempting to identify a
patient .y ins#rance+

Clinical Information Pro9ider Screen ('+$+<) Page *%
Patients w-o are associated wit- one or more of t-ese
ins#rance gro#ps will appear on t-e 5ooB#p w-en t-is
#ser attempts to identify a patient 9ia t-e PCI Identify
Patient .y Ins#rance:Ins#rance =ro#p )o#tine (#nless
ot-erwise determined .y e>isting confidential and
facility access restrictions defined for t-is #ser) +

5ooB#p! MIS Ins#rance =ro#p Dictionary

8ote! T-is parameter affects only t-e information
a9aila.le to t-is #ser 9ia t-e PCI Identify Patient .y
Ins#rance:Ins#rance =ro#p )o#tine+ It does not affect
t-is #ser@s access to patient information in any ot-er
ro#tine or application+
MA=IC 6ffice Screen ('+$+*) Page *$
'+$+*! MA=IC 6ffice Screen
Use t-e MA=IC 6ffice screen of t-e MIS User Dictionary to define #ser access to
t-e MEDITECH MA=IC 6ffice (M6C) system+ Do# can #se t-is screen to identify t-e
t-e sign3in screen (t-at is& t-e C#stomer3Defined Screen) t-at appears w-en a
specific #ser or of a specific #ser gro#p signs onto M6C+ In addition&
yo# can define w-et-er #sers can do t-e following!

L send or recei9e E3mail and E3mail attac-ments

L create different types of files (for e>ample& TECT files)

L download or #pload files to a PC

L access remote applications

L download files from remote applications

L monitor c#rrent remote application acti9ity 9ia t-e Acti9e Port Patc-es

L read and process mail sent to ot-er #sers

L c-ange t-e locations of ot-er #sers

L identify e3mail addresses to #se for sending t-is #ser direct messages

After yo# identify a #ser or #ser gro#p& yo# can #se t-e following prompts to
define t-e sign3in screen and E3mail access+

MA=IC 6ffice Screen ('+$+*) Page *'
O Enter:Edit Users 3 MA=IC 6ffice O
OMnemonic )emote Mail Access O
O8ame E3Mail ID O
OSign3in Screen Swipe Card Code J O
O Mail Permissions 7iles )emote O
O 333333333333333333333333 Create : Access Applications O
O Mail Attac-ments O
O)ecei9e Te>t load Access O
OSend Data.ases ad Download O
O Spreads-eets Monitor O
O PC Type O
OMail Address O
O33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 O
OAccess Mail 3 All UsersH )estrict To Dist =ro#ps )ead 6nly O
O)ead 6nlyH O
O33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 O
OC-ange 5ocations 3 All UsersH )estrict To Dist =ro#ps O
O33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 O
ODirect ID O
O6t-er Direct IDs O
Sign3In Screen
Identify t-e C#stomer3Defined Screen (CDS) t-at yo# want
to appear w-en t-is #ser signs onto t-e M6C Employee
)egistry ro#tines+

5ooB#p! MIS C#stomer3Defined Screen Dictionary entries
wit- t-e type M6C SI=8 I8

Depending #pon t-e 9al#e yo#r -ealt- care organi;ation defines at t-e MA=IC
6ffice Type parameter in t-e MIS Tool.o>& t-e following Integrated
Comm#nication System (ICS)3specific or M6C3specific prompts appear!

ICS3specific Prompts M6C3specific Prompts
33333333333333333333 33333333333333333333
Send to ICS )emote Mail Access

Ename E3Mail ID

7or more information& see yo#r MEDITECH Applications Specialist+
MA=IC 6ffice Screen ('+$+*) Page *(
ICS Access
To grant t-is #ser access to t-e Integrated
Comm#nication System (ICS) application from t-e MIS
Mod#le& enter D+

To deny t-is #ser access to ICS from t-e MIS Mod#le&
enter 8+

8ote! T-is prompt appears only if t-e response at t-e
MA=IC 6ffice Type parameter is an ICS response+
Access to t-e Integrated Comm#nication System (ICS)

Send to ICS
To pro9ide t-is #ser access to t-e Integrated
Comm#nication System (ICS) application& enter D+

To deny t-is #ser access to ICS& enter 8+

8ote! T-is prompt appears only if yo#r -ealt- care
organi;ation entered one of t-e following at t-e MA=IC
6ffice Type parameter in t-e MIS Tool.o> 3 /ord
Processing Page!

L 8P)3I




L )38P)3I

Access to )emote Mail 3 (M6C 6nly)

)emote Mail Access
Identify one of t-e following remote mail access le9els
to define

L w-et-er t-is #ser can send remote mail

L t-e types of recipients& if any& to w-ic- t-is #ser
can send remote mail

Access le9el Description
333333333333 333333333333333333333333333333333333333
A55 Allows #sers to enter remote mail to
recipients defined in t-e MIS )emote
MA=IC 6ffice Screen ('+$+*) Page *<
)ecipients or MIS )emote )ecipient
=ro#ps Dictionaries+ Users can also
enter recipients t-at are not defined
in eit-er dictionary+

DICT Allows #sers to enter only remote
mail recipients defined in eit-er
t-e MIS )emote )ecipients Dictionary or
t-e MIS )emote )ecipient =ro#ps

868E Pre9ents #sers from entering remote
mail recipients+ If #sers try to
enter a recipient& an error message

8ote! T-is prompt appears only if yo#r -ealt- care
organi;ation entered eit-er 8P) or )38P) at t-e MA=IC
6ffice Type parameter in t-e MIS Tool.o> 3 /ord
Processing Page+
E3Mail ID (M6C only)
Use free te>t to enter t-e E3mail ID of t-is #ser+ T-e
defa#lt response is t-e #ser mnemonic+ Do# can edit t-is
9al#e+ Do# m#st enter a #niF#e E3mail ID for eac- #ser+

T-e E3mail ID& t-e domain name& and t-e SMTP MIS
mnemonic of yo#r -ealt- care organi;ation define t-e
MA=IC 6ffice E3mail address of t-is #ser+

8otes! T-e c#rsor stops at t-is prompt only if yo#
entered A55 or DICT at t-e )emote Mail Access prompt+

Ename (ICS only)
Enter t-e ICS identification or Ename of t-is #ser+

T-e Ename is incl#ded as part of yo#r Internet e3mail
address+ 7or e>ample& if "o-n Doe@s Internet e3mail
address is "DoeUcompany+com& -is Ename is "Doe+
Swipe Card Code
If t-is #ser is a doctor& enter t-e swipe card code
of t-is #ser+ Doctors can t-en #se t-e Swipe Card
)o#tine to signon to t-e system+

8ote! T-e system assigns a pl#s (J) sign to t-e swipe
card code+ /-en yo# print la.els for t-is doctor& enter
t-e pl#s sign L.eforeL yo# enter swipe card code+
MA=IC 6ffice Screen ('+$+*) Page **

ICS #sers do not -a9e to re3enter t-eir #ser names and passwords w-en la#nc-ing
ICS mail from HCIS mod#les+ ICS #ses t-e same #ser name and password #sers
entered to signon to t-e HCIS+
)ecei9e (Mail Permissions 3 M6C only)

To allow t-is #ser to recei9e mail in M6C& enter D+ To
pre9ent t-is #ser from recei9ing mail& enter 8+

If yo# enter 8& ot-er #sers cannot send mail to t-is
#ser 9ia t-e M6C Send Mail )o#tine (t-at is& t-is #ser
does not appear in t-e 5ooB#p at t-e )ecipients prompt
in t-e Send Mail )o#tine)+
)ecei9e (Attac-ment Permissions 3 M6C only)

To allow t-is #ser to recei9e mail attac-ments in M6C&
enter D+ To pre9ent t-is #ser from recei9ing mail
attac-ments& enter 8+

If yo# enter 8& ot-er #sers cannot send mail attac-ments
to t-is #ser 9ia t-e M6C Send Mail )o#tine (t-at is&
t-is #ser does not appear in t-e 5ooB#p at t-e
)ecipients prompt in t-e Send Mail )o#tine)+
Send (Mail Permissions 3 M6C only)

To allow t-is #ser to send mail& enter D+

To pre9ent t-is #ser from sending mail& enter 8+

If a #ser w-o -as t-is field set to 8 attempts to send
mail& an error message appears+
Send (Attac-ment Permissions 3 M6C only)

To allow t-is #ser to send mail attac-ments in M6C&
enter D+ To pre9ent t-is #ser from sending mail
attac-ments& enter 8+

If yo# enter 8& an error message appears if t-is #ser
tries to send mail attac-ments+
Mail Address (Mail Permissions 3 M6C ony)
MA=IC 6ffice Screen ('+$+*) Page *,

To forward M6C mail t-at ot-er #sers send to t-is
#ser to an e>ternal Internet E3mail address& enter t-at
address (for e>ample& "DoeUmeditec-+com)+

If t-e )ecei9e Mail prompt for t-is #ser I D& lea9e t-is
field .lanB to allow t-is #ser to recei9e and process
M6C mail wit-in t-e M6C mail ro#tines+

8ote! Entering an address at t-is prompt affects only
M6C mail sent to t-is #ser+ If yo# enter an e>ternal
Internet E3mail address& t-is #ser still recei9es remote
mail 9ia t-e M6C Mail 7or Do# )o#tine+
Te>t (M6C only)
To allow t-is #ser to create and access te>t files in
M6C& enter D+

To pre9ent t-e #ser from creating and accessing te>t
files in M6C& enter 8+

8ote! Users can edit any files t-ey recei9e and transfer
to t-eir file ca.inets& regardless of t-e 9al#e yo#
enter at t-is prompt+ In addition& if #sers can create
at least one file type& t-ey can also create 5a.el
7ormat and Import Template files+

See Also! Ca.inets& Drawers& and 7iles (M6C Ta.le of
Data.ases (M6C only)
To allow t-e #ser to create data.ase files in M6C& enter

To pre9ent t-e #ser from creating data.ase files in M6C&
enter 8+

8ote! Users can edit any files t-ey recei9e and transfer
to t-eir file ca.inets& regardless of t-e 9al#e yo#
enter at t-is prompt+ In addition& if #sers can create
at least one file type& t-ey can also create 5a.el
7ormat and Import Template files+

See Also! Data.ases (M6C Ta.le of Contents)
Spreads-eets (M6C only)
To allow t-e #ser to create spreads-eet files in M6C&
MA=IC 6ffice Screen ('+$+*) Page *1
enter D+

To pre9ent t-e #ser from creating spreads-eet files&
enter 8+

8ote! Users can edit any files t-ey recei9e and transfer
to t-eir file ca.inets& regardless of t-e 9al#e yo#
enter at t-is prompt+ In addition& if #sers can create
at least one file type& t-ey can also create 5a.el
7ormat and Import Template files+

See Also! Spreads-eets (M6C Ta.le of Contents)
PC Type (M6C only)
To allow t-e #ser to create PC3type files in M6C& enter
D+ If yo# enter D& #sers can create and access c#stom
file types 9ia PC applications& s#c- as Microsoft())
/ord+ 4ot- c#stom and standard file types appear in
5ooB#ps at t-e Type prompts+

To pre9ent t-e #ser from creating PC3type files in M6C&
enter 8+

8ote! A PC3type file is a non3standard MEDITECH c#stom3
file type+ (7or e>ample& it is not one of t-e standard
MEDITECH file types& s#c- as TECT or SP)EADSHEET)+ Do#r
-ealt- care organi;ation defines t-e PC3type files yo#
can create in t-e MIS Tool.o> 7ile Types Dictionary+
Do#r -ealt- care organi;ation can also assign t-is
ro#tine to a ;c#s men#+
Download (M6C only)
To allow t-is #ser to download M6C files to a PC& enter
D+ If yo# enter D& Download appears in t-e M6C 6ptions
on t-e Drawers 3 7iles screen+ In addition& #sers can
enter D6/856AD at t-e Print on prompt+

8ote! Users can download only TECT& AUESTI688AI)E& and
c#stom3type files from M6C+

To pre9ent t-is #ser from downloading M6C files& enter
8+ In t-is case& Download does not appear+ If t-is #ser
enters D6/856AD at t-e Print on prompt& an error message
appears t-at indicates t-e #ser does not -a9e access to
t-e Download option in M6C+
Upload (M6C only)
MA=IC 6ffice Screen ('+$+*) Page *2
To allow t-e #ser to #pload PC files to M6C& enter D+ If
yo# enter D& t-e Upload option appears in t-e M6C
6ptions on t-e Drawers 3 7iles screen+

To pre9ent t-e #ser from #ploading files to M6C& enter
8+ T-e Upload option does not appear on t-e 6ptions men#
in MA=IC 6ffice+
Access ()emote Applications 3 M6C only)

To pro9ide t-is #ser access to remote applications&
enter D+

To deny t-is #ser access to remote applications& enter
Download ()emote Applications 3 M6C only)

To allow t-is #ser to download files from remote
applications& enter D+

To pre9ent t-e #ser from downloading files from remote
applications& enter 8+
Monitor ()emote Applications 3 M6C only)

To allow t-is #ser to monitor c#rrent remote application
acti9ity enter D+ If yo# enter D& yo# pro9ide t-is #ser
access to t-e Acti9e Port Patc-es )o#tine 9ia t-e M6C
E>tras men#+

To deny t-is #ser access to t-e Acti9e Port Patc-es
)o#tine& enter 8+
All UsersH (Access Mail 3 M6C only)

To pro9ide t-is #ser access to t-e E3mail of all #sers&
enter D+ If yo# enter D& t-e c#rsor mo9es to t-e )ead
6nlyH prompt+

To deny t-is #ser access to t-e E3mail of all #sers& or
to restrict access to t-e E3mail of specific #ser
gro#ps only& enter 8+ If yo# enter 8 at t-is prompt& t-e
c#rsor mo9es to t-e )estrict To Dist =ro#ps prompt+

If yo# lea9e t-is prompt .lanB& t-e c#rsor mo9es to t-e
MA=IC 6ffice Screen ('+$+*) Page *0
C-anges 5ocations 3 All UsersH prompt+
)ead 6nlyH (Access Mail 3 M6C only)

To pro9ide t-is #ser read3only access to t-e E3mail of
all #sers& enter D+

To allow t-is #ser to read and process (for e>ample& to
edit) t-e E3mail of all #sers& enter 8+
)estrict To Dist =ro#ps (Access Mail 3 M6C only)

Enter one or more mnemonics of t-e distri.#tion gro#ps
for w-ic- t-is #ser can access mail+ T-e #ser can only
access mail of #sers w-o are mem.ers of t-ese gro#ps+

5ooB#p! MIS Distri.#tion =ro#p Dictionary

To pre9ent t-is #ser from -a9ing any access to ot-er
#sers@ mail& lea9e t-is field .lanB+

After yo# enter a distri.#tion gro#p& t-e ro#tine
positions t-e c#rsor at t-e )ead 6nly prompt+ At t-e
)ead 6nly prompt& yo# can specify a separate read only
access stat#s for eac- distri.#tion gro#p t-at yo#
identify at t-e )estrict To Dist =ro#ps prompt+

8ote! T-e ro#tine positions t-e c#rsor at t-is prompt
only if yo# entered 8 at t-e Access Mail 3 All UsersH
)ead 6nly (M6C only)
To allow t-is #ser to read and process (for e>ample& to
edit) E3mail sent to #sers w-o are mem.ers of t-e
distri.#tion gro#p identified at t-e )estrict To Dist
=ro#ps prompt& enter 8+

To pro9ide t-is #ser read3only access to E3mail sent to
#sers w-o are mem.ers of t-e distri.#tion gro#p& enter
All UsersH (C-ange 5ocations 3 M6C only)

To allow t-is #ser to edit t-e locations of all #sers&
enter D+

MA=IC 6ffice Screen ('+$+*) Page ,%
To pre9ent t-is #ser from editing t-e locations of all
#sers or specific #ser gro#ps only& enter 8+ If yo#
enter 8& t-e c#rsor mo9es to t-e )estrict To Dist =ro#ps
)estrict To Dist =ro#ps (C-ange 5ocations 3 M6C only)

Identify t-e distri.#tion gro#ps for w-ic- t-is #ser can
edit locations+ T-is #ser can edit t-e locations of
#sers w-o are mem.ers of t-ese #ser gro#ps only+

5ooB#p! MIS Distri.#tion =ro#p Dictionary

To pre9ent t-is #ser from editing t-e locations of any
#sers w-o are mem.ers of distri.#tion gro#ps& lea9e t-is
field .lanB+
Direct ID
Identify t-e e3mail address to #se for sending t-is #ser
direct messages+
6t-er Direct IDs

Identify additional direct e3mail addresses (in addition
to t-e entry in t-e Direct ID field) for t-is #ser+ 7or
e>ample& yo# mig-t enter a ward secretary@s email or t-e
email address for a department t-at m#ltiple #sers can

5ooB#p! Direct IDs already defined (in t-e Direct ID
field) for ot-er #sers
)eport /riter:7inancial Data Access Screen ('+$+,) Page ,$
'+$+,! )eport /riter:7inancial Data Access Screen
Use t-e )eport /riter:7inancial Data Access screen of t-e MIS User Dictionary
to define t-is #ser@s access to 8P) )eport /riter ro#tines and financial data+

7or t-is #ser& t-is screen allows yo# to define!

L applications t-at t-is #ser may access 9ia t-e 8P) )eport /riter (if on t-e
Application Men# screen& t-e 8P) application is assigned to t-is #ser)

L applications for w-ic- t-e #ser may access t-e MIS )eport Sc-ed#ler

L applications from w-ic- t-e #ser may download 8P) reports

L restrictions (if applica.le) t-at limit t-e #ser@s access to financial data
in certain Payroll:Personnel and =eneral 5edger ro#tines

)estricting Access to 7inancial Data

T-e .ottom section of t-is screen allows yo# to restrict t-e #ser@s access to
financial data in certain ro#tines+ 7or t-ese ro#tines (see t-e ne>t section
for ta.les t-at contain a list of ro#tines)& yo# can grant t-is #ser access to!

L all financial data

L only t-e data for specific corporations

L only t-e data for specific departments

L no (none) financial data

T-ese prompts allow t-e system to control t-e data& .#t allow t-e #ser to
access t-e ro#tines necessary to perform t-eir Ko.+ If yo# restrict t-e #ser .y
corporation or department& t-en enter t-e specific corporations or departments
for w-ic- t-is #ser can access financial data+

)estricted )o#tines

As pre9io#sly noted& t-ese restrictions apply to ro#tines in .ot- t-e =eneral
5edger and Payroll:Personnel Mod#les+

In t-e =5 Mod#le& t-e ro#tines s#.Kect to t-ese restrictions -a9e (r) ne>t to
t-e ro#tine name+

In t-e P:P Mod#le& t-e ro#tines s#.Kect to t-ese restrictions simply display an
error message w-en an #na#t-ori;ed #ser attempts to identify information in one
of t-e ro#tines+

T-e following ta.les list t-e ro#tines w-ic- o.ser9e t-e financial data access
)eport /riter:7inancial Data Access Screen ('+$+,) Page ,'

8ote! )estrictions (s#c- as& PAD)655 or =5 "6U)8A5) entered on ot-er screens
taBe precedent o9er t-e restrictions entered in t-e )eport /riter:7inancial
Data Access screen+

P:P )o#tines S#.Kect to 7inancial Data )estrictions

Category )o#tines Standard Men#
333333333333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333333333

Attendance Data Create Attendance Main

Delete Attendance Attendance:Timecard

Enter:Edit Attendance:Timecard
Attendance Data

Enter:Edit Attendance:Timecard
Data (.y Timecard)

Mass Edit Attendance:Timecard
Attendance Data

C-ecBing:Direct iew a C-ecB C-ecBing
iew a M#ltiple Direct Deposit

Payment Timecard

iew a Transaction Direct Deposit
(Direct Deposit)

Employee iew Employee Main

DTD InF#iry Main

Payroll iew Payroll Main
Create Timecards Main
(.y Department)

Enter:Edit Attendance:Timecard
Employee@s Timecard

Enter:Edit Main
(.y Department)

)eport /riter:7inancial Data Access Screen ('+$+,) Page ,(
Enter Special Comp#tation

Initial Entry Comp#tation

=5 )o#tines S#.Kect to 7inancial Data )estrictions

Category )o#tines Standard Men#
333333333333333 3333333333333333 333333333333333

Acco#nt InF#iries Acco#nt InF#iry Main

Statistics Acco#nt Statistics

4#dgeting 4#dgets /orBs-eet 4#dget

C-ange 4#dgets 4#dget
.y Percentage

Copy 4#dgets 4#dget

Distri.#te Across 4#dget

Enter:Edit Ann#al 4#dget
and Period 4#dgets

Enter:Edit Ann#al 4#dget

Enter:Edit Period 4#dget

5ist 4#dgets 4#dget

)eports Period Comparison Standard )eports

Statistics Period Statistics
Comparison )eport

Trial 4alance Detail Trial 4alance Main

S#mmary Trial 4alance Main

)eport /riter:7inancial Data Access Screen ('+$+,) Page ,<
O Enter:Edit Users 3 )eport /riter:7inancial Access Data O
OMnemonic! 8ame! O
O Application Access O
O)eport /riter )eport Sc-ed#ler Download 8P) )eport O
O33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 O
O 8ote! T-e restrictions entered .elow are o.ser9ed only .y Some ro#tines O
O 7inancial Data O
OData.ase Access Type VW rict To O
)eport /riter (Application Access)

Enter one or more application data.ases to w-ic- yo#
want t-is #ser to -a9e access to in t-e 8P)
C#stomi;ation Men#+

5ooB#p! Application Dictionary

8ote! T-e ro#tine positions t-e c#rsor at t-is prompt
only if t-is #ser -as access to 8P) on t-e Application
Men#s screen of t-e MIS User Dictionary+
)eport Sc-ed#ler
Enter one or more 8P) applications (or mod#les) to w-ic-
t-e system allows t-is #ser to sc-ed#le reports and
manage sc-ed#led reports (for e>ample& edit and delete
report sc-ed#les)+

5ooB#p! Applications Dictionary

To pre9ent t-is #ser from sc-ed#ling reports for any
mod#le& lea9e t-is field .lanB+

)eport /riter:7inancial Data Access Screen ('+$+,) Page ,*
To grant t-is #ser t-e a.ility to sc-ed#le reports for
all 8P) applications& enter A55+ T-en& t-e #ser can edit
and delete report sc-ed#les for all mod#les+

8otes! Do# can restrict access to t-e report sc-ed#ling
feat#re .y mod#le& .#t not indi9id#al application
data.ase+ 7or e>ample& t-e #ser can -a9e access to t-e
report sc-ed#les in all 4A) application data.ases
(4A)+A4C and 4A)+CDM) if yo# entered 4A) at t-is prompt+

8ote also t-at t-is #ser does not need to -a9e access to
a mod#le (9ia t-e MIS User Dictionary Application Men#s
screen) to -a9e access to t-e sc-ed#les reports feat#re
of t-at mod#le+
Download 8P) )eport
Enter one or more mnemonics of t-e mod#les for w-ic- yo#
want to grant t-is #ser t-e a.ility to download reports
to a PC+

5ooB#p! Application Dictionary

To allow t-is #ser to download reports for all mod#les&
enter A55+

To deny t-is #ser t-e a.ility to download reports from
any mod#le& lea9e t-is field .lanB+

8ote! T-e MA=IC 6ffice A#tomation (M6C) mnemonic does
not appear in t-e 5ooB#p for t-is prompt .eca#se t-e
Download prompt on t-e MIS User Dictionary Magic 6ffice
screen controls access to t-e Download feat#re+
Enter t-e data.ase to w-ic- t-e #ser -as access+

5ooB#p! =5& MM& PP data.ases assigned to t-e #ser at
t-e Appl D4 prompt

T-e sec#rity restrictions t-at appear at t-e 7inancial
Access Data prompt control t-e #ser@s access in t-e
data.ase t-at yo# enter+
T-e following two prompts allow yo# to restrict #ser access to financial data+
7or a complete description of -ow t-ese restrictions worB& see t-e introd#ction
to t-is ro#tine+

)eport /riter:7inancial Data Access Screen ('+$+,) Page ,,
7inancial Data Access Type

T-is prompt allows yo# to restrict t-e #ser@s access
to financial data in specific =5& MM& and PP ro#tines+

(See t-e introd#ction to t-is ro#tine for more
information a.o#t t-ese ro#tines+)

T-e access type yo# assign to t-e #ser determines
t-e le9el of access+

Access Type! T-e User Has Access To
33333333333333333 3333333333333333333333

A55 All financial data+

C6)P6)ATI68 6nly t-e data for corporations
listed at t-e )estrict To prompt+

8ote! T-e #ser will -a9e access
to data relating to all t-e
departments in t-e specified

Do# can only enter C6)P6)ATI68 if
yo#r -ospital -as a m#lti3corporate
=5 str#ct#re (t-at is& MIS parameter
for m#lti3corporate =5 str#c#tre is
set to D)+

DEPA)TME8T 6nly t-e data for t-ose departments
listed at t-e )estrict To prompt+

868E 8one of t-e financial data in PP and
=5 ro#tines s#.Kect to t-is

7or a list of t-e affected ro#tines&
see t-e introd#ction to t-is

In =5& t-e #na#t-ori;ed #ser is not
allowed access to t-e ro#tines
s#.Kect to t-ese restrictions+

In P:P& an error message appears
w-en t-e #na#t-ori;ed #ser attempts
to identify information in t-e
ro#tines s#.Kect to t-ese
)eport /riter:7inancial Data Access Screen ('+$+,) Page ,1

If yo# lea9e t-is field .lanB& t-e #ser does not -a9e
access to any financial data in t-e ro#tines s#.Kect to
t-ese restrictions+

If yo# identify corporation or department as t-e access
type& t-e appropriate la.el (t-at is& C6)P6)ATI68 or
DEPA)TME8T) appears ne>t to t-e )estrict To prompt+
System Sign3on Data Screen ('+$+1) Page ,2
'+$+1! System Sign3on Data Screen
Single sign3on consolidates t-e 6perations (6PS) and MIS #ser dictionaries+
Use t-e System Sign3on Edit screen of t-e MIS User Dictionary to esta.lis-
single sign3on access for 6PS personnel and ot-er #sers w-o access t-e
networB from local or remote worBstations+ 6n t-is screen yo#

L ena.le or pre9ent #se of system single sign3on

L grant access to dial#p de9ices

L permit t-e c-oice of segment& directory& and program at sign3on

L specify t-e segment& directory& and program to w-ic- t-e #ser -as access

L esta.lis- an alternate segment& directory& and program a #ser may access if
t-e primary options are #na9aila.le

L gi9e access to a specified 6PS men#

8ote! T-is screen is a9aila.le only if t-e 6PS Single Sign3on Parameter
in t-e MIS system parameters is set to D+
5ist .y Sec#rity =ro#p ('+') Page ,0
'+'! 5ist .y Sec#rity =ro#p
Use t-is ro#tine to print a report of #ser information defined in t-e MIS User
Dictionary& e>cept for User ID and password information+ T-ese #sers are
mem.ers of sec#rity gro#ps+

T-e ro#tine alp-a.etically sorts t-e #sers in eac- selected sec#rity gro#p+

Do# can select a

L range of sec#rity gro#ps

L range of #sers wit-in t-e selected gro#ps

To list t-e #ser sec#rity gro#ps on yo#r system& #se t-e 5ist User Sec#rity
=ro#p Dictionary )o#tine+

O 5ist MIS User Dictionary 4y User Sec#rity =ro#p O
O7rom User =ro#p! O
OT-r# User =ro#p! O
O7rom Mnemonic! O
OT-r# Mnemonic! O
OActi9e! O
7rom User =ro#p
Enter t-e mnemonic of t-e first #ser gro#p in t-e User
Sec#rity =ro#p Dictionary t-at yo# want to appear on t-e
report+ 4E=I88I8= is t-e defa#lt response+

5ooB#p! MIS Sec#rity =ro#p Dictionary
T-r# User =ro#p
Enter t-e mnemonic of t-e last #ser gro#p in t-e User
Sec#rity =ro#p Dictionary t-at yo# want to appear on t-e
report+ E8D is t-e defa#lt response+

5ooB#p! MIS Sec#rity =ro#p Dictionary
7rom Mnemonic
5ist .y Sec#rity =ro#p ('+') Page 1%
Enter t-e mnemonic of t-e first #ser w-o yo# want to
appear on t-e report+ 4E=I88I8= is t-e defa#lt response+

5ooB#p! MIS User Dictionary
T-r# Mnemonic
Enter t-e mnemonic of t-e last #ser w-o yo# want to
appear on t-e report+ E8D is t-e defa#lt response+

5ooB#p! MIS User Dictionary
To list only acti9e entries in t-is dictionary& enter D+

To list only inacti9e entries& enter 8+

To list all entries& enter A55+
Enter:Edit User Colors ('+() Page 1$
'+(! Enter:Edit User Colors
Use t-e Enter:Edit User Colors )o#tine to c-ange t-e screen colors t-at appear
in all t-e MEDITECH applications to w-ic- a specific #ser is assigned access+

4acBgro#nd Information

Color terminals display information in a 9ariety of colors+ Eac- #ser can
define a specific color sc-eme+ Color sc-emes incl#de a com.ination of
foregro#nd and .acBgro#nd colors+ Te>t appears in foregro#nd colors+ T-e
.acBgro#nd color is t-e color against w-ic- te>t appears+

MEDITECH deli9ers its applications wit- a standard color set wit- w-ic- all
#sers start+

Types of Screen Components

/-en yo# #se t-e Enter:Edit User Colors )o#tine& yo# select a #ser w-ose color
sc-eme yo# want to c-ange+ Do# t-en select a screen component& and define a
color sc-eme for it+ A screen component is t-e te>t t-at is displayed #nder
partic#lar circ#mstances (for e>ample & an error message)+ To maBe it easier to
locate a screen component& t-e ro#tine arranges screen components into fi9e
types& .ased on t-e circ#mstances in w-ic- t-ey appear+

T-e following ta.le t-e fi9e types of screen components+

Screen Component Description
3333333333333333 333333333333333333333333333333
Men#s Men#s& s#.3men#s&
and associated prompts

Data Screens Data entered .y #sers
and system messages

5ooB#ps 5ooB#ps men# and prompts

)eports and 6n3line doc#mentation
Doc#mentation and on3screen reports

/ord Processor 4old& Italic& and 4old3Italic
te>t in t-e word processor and
mail ro#tines

Do# can also #se t-e Enter:Edit User Colors )o#tine to reset t-e colors for all
screen components to t-e standard color set+

7or more information& see t-e section titled GUser Colors+G

Enter:Edit User Colors ('+() Page 1'
O Enter:Edit MIS User@s Colors O
OMnemonic 5ast Edited .y on O
O 8ame O
O33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 O
O Select O
O $+ Men#s <+ )eports And Doc#mentation O
O '+ Data Screens *+ /ord Processor O
O (+ 5ooB#ps O
O $%+ )eset To Defa#lt Colors O
Enter t-e mnemonic of t-e #ser for w-om yo# want to
c-ange colors+ T-e name of t-e #ser appears in t-e 8ame

5ooB#p! MIS User Dictionary
Identify t-e screen component for w-ic- yo# want to
c-ange colors+

7ollowing are t-e screen components!

$ 3 Men#s
' 3 Data Screens
( 3 5ooB#ps
< 3 )eports and Doc#mentation
* 3 /ord Processor

To ret#rn t-is #ser to t-e defa#lt colors programmed .y
MEDITECH for all components& enter $%+

T-e Edit Colors 3 Component Screen

/-en yo# select screen component for w-ic- yo# want to edit colors& a new
screen appears+ 7ollowing is an e>ample of t-is screen+ T-e top of t-e Edit
Colors 3 Component Screen displays samples of t-e screen components in t-e
c#rrent color sc-eme (for e>ample& t-e two ME8U 5A4E5S samples)+ Eac-
component is identified .y a letter of t-e /-en yo# select a
component .y entering its letter (for e>ample& XAY)& t-e .ottom of t-e Edit
Colors 3 Component Screen displays t-e com.ination of colors t-at comprises
t-is component+


Enter:Edit User Colors ('+() Page 1(
(+ IE/ A T)A8SACTI68


(+ 5IST /ITHH65DI8= 86T TAEE8


4ACE=)6U8D 76)E=)6U8D

)ED 3 HI =)EE8 3 MED 45UE 3 HI )ED 3 56 =)EE8 3 56 45UE 3 MED

Edit Colors 3 Component Screen

Screen Components

Use t-e Edit Colors 3 Component Screen to edit foregro#nd and .acBgro#nd colors
for one or more of t-e screen components+ To edit a screen component+ enter its
corresponding letter+ T-ese screen components are descri.ed as follows+

Men# Components

T-e Men#s Edit Colors 3 Component Screen& incl#des t-e following screen

A) Primary men#

4) Primary men# prompts

C) Secondary men#

D) Secondary men# prompts

Data Screen Components

T-e Data Screen Edit Colors 3 Component Screen& incl#des t-e following screen

A) Data la.el (for e>ample& frame aro#nd data entry screen and te>t

4) Data field (for e>ample& prompt response area and word processor

Enter:Edit User Colors ('+() Page 1<
C) Error message (for e>ample& GT-is is a reF#ired fieldG)

D) S#pplementary data (for e>ample& pop3#p windows and frame w-en
9iewing a file)

E) S#pplementary data field (for e>ample & response area on pop3#p
windows and display of contents w-en 9iewing a file)

7) Stat#s information (for e>ample& GPrintingG)

=) A#estions& t-at is prompts t-at appear in pop3#p windows
(for e>ample& GPrint on!G)

H) A#estion responses (for e>ample& G//$%%G)

5ooB#p Components

T-e 5ooB#p Edit Colors 3 Component Screen& incl#des t-e following components!

A) 5ooB#p screen

4) 5ooB#p screen prompts

C) 5isting of looB#p items (foregro#nd only)

8ote! 4acBgro#nd defined in XAY

)eports and Doc#mentation Components

T-e )eports and Doc#mentation Edit Colors 3 Component Screen& incl#des t-e
following screen components!

A) 8ormal te>t for on3screen reports and on3line doc#mentation

4) 4old te>t (foregro#nd only) for on3screen reports

8ote! 4acBgro#nd defined in XAY

C) Italic te>t (foregro#nd only) for on3screen reports

8ote! 4acBgro#nd defined in XAY

/ord Processor Components

T-e /ord Processor Edit Colors 3 Component Screen& incl#des t-e following
screen components!

A) 4old te>t (foregro#nd only) w-en editing or 9iewing te>t

8ote! 4acBgro#nd defined in Data 7ield in Data Screen Components

Enter:Edit User Colors ('+() Page 1*
4) Italic te>t (foregro#nd only) w-en editing or 9iewing te>t

8ote! 4acBgro#nd defined in XAY

C) 4old3Italic te>t (foregro#nd only) w-en editing or 9iewing te>t

8ote! 4acBgro#nd defined in Data 7ield in Data Screen Components

Color Com.inations

/-en yo# edit colors& yo# com.ine different intensities of red& .l#e& and green
to define foregro#nd and .acBgro#nd colors+ Do# can set eac- color to 677& 56/&
MED& or HI+ If all colors are 677& t-e res#ltant color is .lacB+ If all colors
are HI& t-e res#ltant color is w-ite+ T-ere are ,< possi.le color com.inations+
T-e following ta.le lists common color com.inations+

Common Color Com.inations

Color )ed =reen 4l#e
333333 333 33333 3333
4lacB 677 677 677

/-ite HI HI HI

)ed MED 677 677

6range HI 56 677

Dellow HI MED 677

=reen 677 MED 677

4l#e 677 677 MED

iolet MED 677 MED

Using t-e Edit Colors 3 Component Screen

To edit t-e colors for a screen component& follow t-ese steps!

$) 6n t-e Edit Colors 3 Component Screen& enter t-e letter t-at
corresponds to t-e screen component for w-ic- yo# want to edit colors+
T-e .o> at t-e .ottom of t-e screen displays t-e colors t-at comprise
t-e selected screen component@s .acBgro#nd and foregro#nd+

') Use t-e following Bey commands on t-e ta.le to edit t-e colors of t-e
selected screen component+

To Press
333333333333333333333333333333333 3333333333333333
Enter:Edit User Colors ('+() Page 1,
Select a primary color Q5eft ArrowR
for t-e foregro#nd or .acBgro#nd or Q)ig-t ArrowR

AdK#st intensity QUp ArrowR
of t-e primary color or QDown ArrowR

E>it t-e screen component Q6ER
and sa9e t-e new color

E>it t-e screen component QE>itR
wit-o#t sa9ing t-e new color

)estore t-e original color Q)ecallR
com.ination of t-e screen
and contin#e editing t-is
screen component

8ote! As yo# adK#st t-e intensity of t-e primary colors of a screen component&
t-e display of t-e sample screen c-anges accordingly+ Do# can t-en pre9iew t-e
color sc-eme .efore yo# sa9e t-e c-anges+

() After yo# edit t-e colors for t-e screen component& yo# can select
anot-er screen component .y entering its corresponding letter+

<) /-en yo# finis- editing colors for screen components of t-e
c#rrent type& press Q6ER+ Do# ret#rn to t-e Enter:Edit MIS User@s
Colors Screen+ Do# can now select anot-er type of screen component .y
entering its corresponding

*) /-en yo# finis- #sing t-e ro#tine& press QEnterR at t-e Select

8ote! T-e c-anges t-at yo# maBe to a #ser@s colors do not appear #ntil after
t-e #ser signs off and signs .acB onto t-e system+
Enter:Edit Clinical Preferences ('+<) Page 11
'+<! Enter:Edit Clinical Preferences
Use t-is ro#tine to define& for a specific #ser& -ow patient information
appears at t-e top of Pro9ider 6rder Management (P6M)& Pro9ider /orBload
Management (P/M)& and Am.#latory 6rder Management (A6M) screens& as follows+

7or t-e selected #ser& yo# can define w-et-er!

L =eneric or trade dr#g names appear in t-e P6M )e9iew 6rders and Enter
6rders ro#tines

L T-e #ser sees metric or non3metric meas#rements in patient -eaders

L T-e patient date of .irt- appears on P6M screens

L T-e patient 4ody S#rface Area (4SA) appears on P6M screens

L T-e patient 4ody Mass Inde> (4MI) appears on P6M screens (for screens
#sing MET)IC standards of meas#re)

L T-e #ser can #se s-ortc#t Beys in PCM applications

7or #sers wit- t-e EPS (Clinical )e9iew) data.ase& yo# can define w-et-er!

L Clinical )e9iew information appears on panels in c-ronological or
re9erse c-ronologicial order

L A Clinical )e9iew panel and s#.panel e>ists for t-e #ser

L 8#rsing notes and assessments appear on a com.ined screen

Do# can also define!

L T-e /e. addresses t-at appear w-en t-e #ser clicBs t-e /e. 5inB .#tton
in PCM applications

Enter:Edit Clinical Preferences ('+<) Page 12
OUser Mnemonic O
OPro9ider O
OS-ow =eneric:Trade Dr#g 8ames O
OStandard of Meas#re for Heig-t /eig-t Temperat#re O
O33 )eference 5ist 33 O
O Title O
O Title O
O Title O
O33 Header Display 33 33 PCM S-ortc#t Eeys 33 O
OIncl#de Date of 4irt- Use S-ortc#t EeysH a#lt! O
OIncl#de 4SA O
OIncl#de 4MI O
S-ow =eneric:Trade Dr#g 8ames

If yo# want generic dr#g names to appear at t-e top of
t-e screen in t-e P6M )e9iew 6rders and Enter 6rders
ro#tines& c-oose =E8E)IC from t-e 5ooB#p+ If yo# want
trade dr#g names to appear& c-oose T)ADE+
Standard of Meas#re for Heig-t

To -a9e meas#res of lengt- s#c- as -eig-t and -ead circ#mference
appear in metric #nits& c-oose MET)IC+

6t-erwise& c-oose 8683MET)IC
Standard of Meas#re for /eig-t

To -a9e meas#res of weig-t appear in metric #nits& c-oose MET)IC+
Enter:Edit Clinical Preferences ('+<) Page 10

6t-erwise& c-oose 8683MET)IC
Standard of Meas#re for Temperat#re

To -a9e temperat#re appear in metric #nits& c-oose MET)IC+

6t-erwise& c-oose 8683MET)IC
)eference 5ist
Enter t-e /e. addresses yo# want t-e system to
a#tomatically access w-en yo# clicB t-e /e. 5inB .#tton
in P-ysician 6rder Management+
)eference 5ist
Enter t-e /e. addresses yo# want t-e system to
a#tomatically access w-en yo# clicB t-e /e. 5inB .#tton
in P-ysician 6rder Management+
Enter a title for t-is /e. 5inB+
Incl#de Date of 4irt-

To incl#de patient date of .irt- in P6M screens& enter
D+ 6t-erwise enter 8 or lea9e t-is field .lanB+
Incl#de 4SA
To incl#de patient 4ody S#rface Area (4SA) in P6M
screens& enter D+ 6t-erwise& enter 8 or lea9e t-is field
Incl#de 4MI
To incl#de patient 4ody Mass Inde> (4MI) in P6M screens&
enter D+

8ote! T-e 4MI appears only if t-e Standard of Meas#re
for Heig-t:/eig-t:Temp prompt is set to MET)IC+
Use S-ortc#t EeysH
To allow t-is #ser to #se s-ortc#t Beys in t-e PCM
applications& enter D+ 6t-erwise& enter 8+
Enter:Edit Clinical Preferences ('+<) Page 2%

T-e 9al#e entered -ere o9errides t-e Use PCM S-ortc#t
Eeys Defa#lt parameter (t-e 9al#e of w-ic- appears at
t-e Defa#lt field to t-e rig-t of t-is prompt)+
Print A#dit Trail ('+*) Page 2$
'+*! Print A#dit Trail
Use t-is ro#tine to print a report of c-anges made to User Dictionary entries+
Do# can enter a range #sers and dates+ T-e report lists!

L t-e #ser w-o made t-e edit

L t-e date and time t-e edit was made

L t-e field t-at was edited

L t-e old and new 9al#es for t-e edited field

8ote! T-e system p#rges t-is data w-en t-e of days defined .y t-e
User 5ogs P#rge Delay parameter is met or e>ceeded+

O MIS User Dictionary A#dit Trail O
O7rom Date! O
OT-r# Date! O
OEdited Users O
7rom Date
Enter t-e .eginning date of t-e range from w-ic- yo#
want t-e system to create t-e a#dit trail report+ T-e
report displays edits made to t-e MIS User Dicitonary+

8ote! T-is a#dit trail only displays edits made for as
many days into t-e past as is defined .y t-e MIS User
5ogs P#rge Delay parameter+
T-r# Date
Enter t-e last date t-ro#g- w-ic- yo# want t-e system to
create t-e a#dit trail report+ T-e report displays edits
made to t-e User Dictionary #p to and incl#ding t-is

Print A#dit Trail ('+*) Page 2'
Edited Users
Enter t-e mnemonics of #sers for w-om yo# want to see
any edits t-at -a9e .een made in t-e User Dictionary+

5ooB#p! MIS User Dictionary

To accept t-e defa#lt 9al#e of A55& press QEnterR+ T-en&
t-e report lists all User Dictionary edits t-at -a9e
.een made wit-in t-e specified date range+
Copy Access Dictionaries ('+,) Page 2(
'+,! Copy Access Dictionaries
Use t-is ro#tine to copy Access Dictionary information from one #ser to

O Copy Access Dictionaries O
O7rom User O
O To User O
O Data.ase CopyH O
7rom User
Enter t-e #ser from w-om yo# want to copy Access
Dictionary information+

Do# can copy information for t-e Access Dictionaries in
t-e application data.ases t-at appear in t-e Data.ase

5ooB#p! MIS User Dictionary
To User
Enter t-e #ser to w-om yo# wo#ld liBe to copy Access
Dictionary information+

T-e system assigns t-is #ser t-e same access le9els
defined for t-e #ser yo# entered at t-e 7rom User field+

5ooB#p! MIS User Dictionary
T-e DATA4ASE ($') identifies t-e data.ase+
Copy Access Dictionaries ('+,) Page 2<
To copy Access Dictionary information in t-e application
data.ase t-at appears in t-e corresponding Data.ase
field& enter D+

If yo# enter 8& t-e system does not copy t-e Access
Dictionary information+

8ote! Application data.ases for w-ic- t-e #ser in t-e
7rom User field is not assigned access does not appear
in t-e Data.ase field+
Update Data.ase Access ('+1) Page 2*
'+1! Update Data.ase Access
Use t-is ro#tine to assign or remo9e t-e access of #sers or #ser sec#rity
gro#ps to specific sign3on men#s and proced#res (t-at is& desBtop men#s and
proced#res)& and to specific MA=IC Eey men#s and proced#res for an application

If a #ser or #ser sec#rity gro#p is already assigned access to a specific
data.ase& yo# cannot edit t-e men#s+

8ote! Do# can also #se t-is ro#tine to print a report of t-e c-anges yo# maBe
9ia t-is ro#tine+ /-en yo# enter a 9al#e at t-e Print 6n prompt& t-e system
files t-e c-anges+

O MIS Users 3 Update Data.ase Access O
OAdd:Delete Data.ase Access O
OSec#rity O
O=ro#ps Users O
OData.ase O
O 333 Sign 6n 333 O
OMen# O
OProced#re O
OArg#ments O
O 333 Magic Eey 333 O
OMen# O
OProced#re O
OArg#ments O
Add:Delete Data.ase Access

To assign specific #sers or #ser sec#rity gro#ps access
to men#s and proced#res wit-in a specific application
data.ase& enter A+

Update Data.ase Access ('+1) Page 2,
To remo9e t-e access of specific #sers or #ser sec#rity
gro#ps access to men#s and proced#res wit-in a specific
application data.ase& enter D+

8ote! T-e 9al#es yo# enter c-ange t-e entries in t-e MIS
User Dictionary+
Sec#rity =ro#ps
Enter t-e User Sec#rity =ro#ps for w-ic- yo# want to edit
men# or proced#re access for a specific data.ase+ T-e
edits yo# maBe apply to all mem.ers of eac- User Sec#rity
=ro#p yo# enter+

5ooB#p! MIS User Sec#rity =ro#p Dictionary

8ote! Do# can edit sec#rity gro#ps only if yo#r sec#rity
le9el is =)6UP or A55& as defined in t-e MIS User
Enter t-e #sers for w-om yo# yo# want to edit men# or
proced#re acces for a specific data.ase+

5ooB#p! MIS User Dictionary

8ote! Do# can edit #sers only if yo#r sec#rity le9el is
=)6UP or A55& as defined in t-e MIS User Dictionary+

Enter t-e application data.ase for w-ic- yo# want to
assign men#s and proced#res to t-e desBtop and MA=IC
Eeys of specific #sers and sec#rity gro#ps+

5ooB#p! Application Data.ases
Enter t-e men# yo# want to add as t-e defa#lt sign3on
men# for t-e #sers and sec#rity gro#ps yo# entered+

5ooB#p! A9aila.le men#s for t-e selected application

8ote! Do# can access t-is field only if yo# entered A in
t-e Add:Delete Data.ase Access field+
Update Data.ase Access ('+1) Page 21
Enter t-e proced#re yo# want to add as t-e defa#lt
sign3on proced#re for t-e #sers and sec#rity gro#ps
yo# entered+

5ooB#p! A9aila.le proced#res for t-e selected data.ase

8ote! Do# can access t-is field only if yo# entered A in
t-e Add:Delete Data.ase Access field

If t-e proced#re incl#des arg#ments& a pop3#p screen
appears+ Use t-is pop3#p screen to enter t-e arg#ments
yo# want to assign to t-e proced#re+ T-e arg#ments t-en
appear in t-e 9iew3only Arg#ments field+
MA=IC Eey Men#
Enter t-e Magic Eey men# yo# want to add as t-e defa#lt
MA=IC Eey Men#+

5ooB#p! A9aila.le Magic Eey men#s for t-e selected
application data.ase

8ote! Do# can access t-is field only if yo# entered A in
t-e Add:Delete Data.ase Access field+
Enter t-e MA=IC Eey proced#re yo# want to add for t-e
specific sec#rity gro#ps and #sers yo# entered+

5ooB#p! A9aila.le MA=IC Eey proced#res

8ote! Do# can access t-is field only if yo# entered A in
t-e Add:Delete Data.ase Access field

If t-e proced#re incl#des arg#ments& a pop3#p screen
appears+ Use t-is pop3#p screen to enter t-e arg#ments
yo# want to assign to t-e proced#re+ T-e arg#ments t-en
appear in t-e 9iew3only Arg#ments field+
69er9iew of User Password and 6t-er Maintanence )o#tines (() Page 22
C-apter (! 69er9iew of User Password and 6t-er Maintanence )o#tines
T-e following ta.le t-e ro#tines and reports t-at edit and list
passwords& password acti9ity& #ser acti9ity and sec#rity gro#ps+

To Use
33333333333333333333333333333333333 333333333333333333333333333333333333333
C-ange t-e password e>piration C-ange Password E>piration Dates
date for mem.ers of specific )o#tine
sec#rity gro#ps+

)eacti9ate old passwords )eset 6ld Passwords )o#tine
for all #sers

Print a list of password c-anges 5ist C-anges 4y User )o#tine
sorted .y t-e #ser w-o
made t-e c-ange+

Print a list of password c-anges 5ist C-anges 4y De9ice )o#tine
sorted .y t-e de9ice on
w-ic- t-e c-ange was made+

Print a list of password c-anges 5ist C-anges 4y Time )o#tine
sorted .y t-e date and
time of t-e password c-ange+

Print a list of #sers w-ose Password A#to3E>piration 5ist
passwords -a9e .een a#to3e>pired
or will a#to3e>pire wit-in t-e
gi9en date range+

Print a report of #ser acti9ity Print User Acti9ity 5og 4y User )o#tine
sorted .y #ser mnemonic+

Print a report of #ser acti9ity Print User Acti9ity 5og 4y De9ice
sorted .y de9ice identification+ )o#tine

Print a report of #ser acti9ity Print User Acti9ity 5og 4y Time
sorted .y time+ )o#tine

Create and edit sec#rity gro#ps MIS User Sec#rity =ro#p Dictionary

Print a list of sec#rity gro#p 5ist MIS Sec#rity =ro#p Dictionary
information sorted in alp-a.etical
order .y mnemonic+

Create and edit locations& w-ic- User 5ocation Dictionary
are #sed .y t-e Employee 5ocator
ro#tines in MA=IC 6ffice and wit-in
t-e MIS User Dictionary+

69er9iew of User Password and 6t-er Maintanence )o#tines (() Page 20
Print a list of #ser locations 5ist MIS User 5ocation Dictionary
sorted in alp-a.etical order .y
C-ange E>piration Dates ((+$) Page 0%
(+$! C-ange E>piration Dates
Use t-is ro#tine to c-ange t-e e>piration dates of passwords for t-e mem.ers of
sec#rity gro#ps or for entire sec#rity gro#ps+ To #se t-is ro#tine& yo#r
organi;ation m#st assign yo# one of t-e following!

L a sec#rity le9el of A55

L editing capa.ility for t-e specific sec#rity gro#ps yo# enter

8ote! Do# can #se t-is ro#tine only if yo#r -ealt- care organi;ation #ses t-e
password e>piration feat#re (t-at is& yo#r organi;ation defines a 9al#e at t-e
P/ C-ange Inter9al parameter)+

7or more information a.o#t access le9els& see t-e section titled GPasswords and
Sec#rity Management+G

Defining E>piration Dates

Do# can #se t-is ro#tine to c-ange t-e password e>piration dates for mem.ers of
t-e sec#rity gro#ps yo# enter+

8ote! If yo# are a of t-e sec#rity gro#p for w-ic- yo# want to edit t-e
password e>piration date& t-e new e>piration date yo# enter does not apply to

Editing t-e of Accesses Allowed 4efore Denying Access

Do# can also #se t-is ro#tine to edit t-e of times mem.ers of sec#rity
gro#ps can access t-e system after t-eir old passwords e>pire+ Mem.ers m#st
t-en o.tain new passwords+

O C-ange User Password E>piration Dates O
OC-ange primary #ser password e>piration dates to! O
OUser =ro#p O
O O of accesses .efore password m#st .e c-anged! O
O8ote! T-is will not c-ange Do#r e>piration date+ O
C-ange E>piration Dates ((+$) Page 0$
C-ange primary #ser password e>piration dates to

Enter t-e date on w-ic- yo# want t-e passwords of t-e
mem.ers of t-e sec#rity gro#ps yo# enter to e>pire+

8ote! Do# can #se t-is ro#tine only if yo#r -ealt- care
organi;ation assigned yo# a sec#rity le9el of =)6UP or
User =ro#p
Enter t-e sec#rity gro#ps for w-ose mem.ers yo# want to
edit t-e following!

L password e>piration dates

L of accesses .efore #sers m#st o.tain new

5ooB#p! MIS Sec#rity =ro#p Dictionary (sec#rity gro#ps
yo# can edit)

If yo#r sec#rity le9el is A55& A55 appears as t-e
defa#lt response+ To c-ange t-e password e>piration date
for mem.ers of all sec#rity gro#ps& press QEnterR+
6t-erwise& delete A55& and enter t-e appropriate
sec#rity gro#ps+

8ote! C-anging t-e password e>piration date for mem.ers
of all sec#rity gro#ps c-anges t-e e>piration dates for
all #sers only if all #sers are mem.ers of sec#rity

If yo#r sec#rity le9el is not A55& a defa#lt response
does not appear+ Do# can edit t-e primary password
e>piration date only for sec#rity gro#ps t-at yo# are
a#t-ori;ed to edit (as defined in t-e MIS User
Dictionary)+ of accesses .efore password m#st .e c-anged

Enter t-e of times #sers can access t-e system
after t-eir passwords e>pire+ Users m#st t-en o.tain new

T-e defa#lt 9al#e t-at appears is (+ Do# can edit t-is

8ote! Users can o.tain new passwords #pon e>piration
C-ange E>piration Dates ((+$) Page 0'
only if t-e E>tensionsH prompt in t-e MIS User
Dictionary is set to D+

7or more information& see t-e section titled GPasswords
and Sec#rity Management+G
)eset ?6ld@ Passwords ((+') Page 0(
(+'! )eset ?6ld@ Passwords
Use t-is ro#tine to reacti9ate passwords t-at were once assigned to ot-er
#sers+ Do# can t-en allow #sers to re#se e>pired passwords+ (Use t-e P/ )e3#se
Inter9al parameter to allow only t-e original #sers to re#se old passwords+)

8ote! Do#r sec#rity le9el m#st .e A55 to #se t-is feat#re+

O )eset 6ld Passwords O
O)eset all old passwords w-ic- were deacti9ated on or .efore! O
O8ote! T-ese passwords may now .e re3#sed .y any #ser+ O
Assign 6ne Time User Password ((+() Page 0<
(+(! Assign 6ne Time User Password
Use t-is ro#tine to assign a one3time password to a #ser+ /-en t-e #ser signs
on to t-e MEDITECH system wit- t-e new one3time password& t-e system reF#ires
t-e #ser to select a new confidential password+ T-e #ser t-en enters t-e new
confidential password to sign onto t-e system for eac- s#.seF#ent sign3on+

T-e lengt- of t-e one3time password is .ased on t-e 9al#e defined in t-e
Password Minim#m 5engt- field in t-e MIS Tool.o> parameters+

8ote! /-an yo# enter a new #ser in t-e MIS User Dictionary& t-is ro#tine
appears w-en yo# mo9e t-e c#rsor to t-e Password field+

T-is ro#tine does not appear on a standard MIS men#+ Howe9er& yo# can maBe t-is
ro#tine a9aila.le to #sers in yo#r organi;ation .y adding t-e ro#tine
(MIS+USE)+assign+pw) to a c#stom men#+

7or e>ample& yo#r organi;ation mig-t want to add t-is ro#tine to a c#stom men#
so t-at #sers can access t-e ro#tine to assign a new password to a #ser after
t-e #ser@s password e>pires+

O Assign 6ne Time Use Password O
OMnemonic O
OPassword O
T-e 9al#e entered for t-is #ser in t-e Mnemonic field on
t-e Enter:Edit User Dictionary screen appears+ Do#
cannot edit t-is 9al#e+
Enter a one3time password for t-is #ser+

T-e ne>t time t-is #ser signs on to t-e MEDITECH system&
t-e #ser enters t-is one3time password+ T-e system t-en
reF#ires t-e #ser to c-oose a new confidential permanent
password and 9erify it+

33 Password =#idelines 33

Use t-e following g#idelines w-en entering a new #ser
Assign 6ne Time User Password ((+() Page 0*

L Use alp-an#meric c-aracters only (for e>ample& a
password cannot incl#de t-e P c-aracter)

L Ma>im#m password lengt- is '% c-aracters

L Minim#m password lengt- m#st eF#al or e>ceed t-e
9al#e defined in t-e Password Minim#m 5engt- field in
t-e MIS Tool.o> parameters+

L Do not #se t-e #ser@s mnemonic& first name& or last

8ote! Eac- #ser mnemonic and password com.ination is
#niF#e+ A #ser mnemonic is not confidential& .eca#se
#sers wit- access to t-e MIS User Dictionary can 9iew
t-e #ser mnemonic+ Passwords are confidential& .#t are
not necessarily #niF#e+
5ist C-anges 4y User ((+<) Page 0,
(+<! 5ist C-anges 4y User
Use t-is ro#tine to print a list of password c-anges sorted .y t-e #ser w-o
made t-e c-ange+ 7or eac- password c-ange& t-e report incl#des t-e following

L User w-o c-anged t-e password

L User w-ose password was c-anged

L Date and time of c-ange

L De9ice #sed to maBe t-e c-ange

O Print Password A#dit Trail 4y User O
O7rom Date! O
OT-r# Date! O
O7rom User! O
OT-r# User! O
7rom Date
7rom:T-r# Date prompts allow yo# to select a range of

At t-e 7rom prompt& specify t-e first date in t-e range+

At t-e T-r# prompt& specify t-e last date in t-e range+

If t-e 7rom:T-r# fields allow m#ltiple entries& yo# can
specify se9eral ranges of dates+

7or e>ample& to specify all records for t-e first se9en
days in t-e mont-s of "an#ary and 7e.r#ary& '%%'& enter
%$:%$:%' and %$:%1:%' at t-e first set of 7rom:T-r#
prompts+ T-en enter t-e 7e.r#ary dates at t-e ne>t set
of prompts+

Do# can #se a T com.ination w-en entering dates+ 7or
e>ample& enter T for today@s date& T3$ for yesterday@s
date& and TJ$ for tomorrow@s date+
T-r# Date
5ist C-anges 4y User ((+<) Page 01
Enter t-e last date in t-e range of interest+ 7or more
information& see t-e doc#mentation for t-e pre9io#s
7rom User
Enter t-e first #ser in t-e range of #sers for w-om yo#
want list password edits+

5ooB#p! MIS User Dictionary

T-e defa#lt response is 4E=I88I8=+ Do# can edit t-is
T-r# User
Enter t-e last #ser in t-e range of #sers for w-om yo#
want list password edits+

5ooB#p! MIS User Dictionary

T-e defa#lt response is E8D+ Do# can edit t-is 9al#e+
5ist C-anges .y De9ice ((+*) Page 02
(+*! 5ist C-anges .y De9ice
Use t-is ro#tine to print a list of password c-anges sorted .y t-e de9ice on
w-ic- t-e c-ange was made+ 7or eac- password c-ange& t-e report incl#des t-e
following information!

L De9ice #sed to maBe t-e password c-ange

L User for w-om t-e password was c-anged

L Date and time of c-ange

L User w-o made t-e c-ange

O Print Password A#dit Trail 4y De9ice O
O7rom Date! O
OT-r# Date! O
ODe9ice O
7rom Date
7rom:T-r# Date prompts allow yo# to select a range of

At t-e 7rom prompt& specify t-e first date in t-e range+

At t-e T-r# prompt& specify t-e last date in t-e range+

If t-e 7rom:T-r# fields allow m#ltiple entries& yo# can
specify se9eral ranges of dates+

7or e>ample& to specify all records for t-e first se9en
days in t-e mont-s of "an#ary and 7e.r#ary& '%%'& enter
%$:%$:%' and %$:%1:%' at t-e first set of 7rom:T-r#
prompts+ T-en enter t-e 7e.r#ary dates at t-e ne>t set
of prompts+

Do# can #se a T com.ination w-en entering dates+ 7or
e>ample& enter T for today@s date& T3$ for yesterday@s
date& and TJ$ for tomorrow@s date+
5ist C-anges .y De9ice ((+*) Page 00
T-r# Date
Enter t-e last date in t-e range of interest+ 7or more
information& see t-e doc#mentation for t-e pre9io#s
Enter t-e de9ices on w-ic- #sers made password edits
t-at yo# want to incl#de in t-e list+

5ooB#p! MA=IC 6perating System De9ices Dictionary

T-e defa#lt response A55+ Do# can edit t-is 9al#e+
5ist C-anges .y Time ((+,) Page $%%
(+,! 5ist C-anges .y Time
Use t-is ro#tine to print a list of password c-anges sorted .y t-e date and
time t-e #ser made t-e c-ange+ 7or eac- password c-ange& t-e report incl#des
t-e following information!

L Date and time of c-ange

L User w-ose password was c-anged

L User w-o made t-e c-ange

L De9ice on w-ic- t-e #ser made t-e c-ange

O Print Password A#dit Trail 4y Time O
O7rom Date! O
OT-r# Date! O
O7rom Time! O
OT-r# Time! O
7rom Date
7rom:T-r# Date prompts allow yo# to select a range of

At t-e 7rom prompt& specify t-e first date in t-e range+

At t-e T-r# prompt& specify t-e last date in t-e range+

If t-e 7rom:T-r# fields allow m#ltiple entries& yo# can
specify se9eral ranges of dates+

7or e>ample& to specify all records for t-e first se9en
days in t-e mont-s of "an#ary and 7e.r#ary& '%%'& enter
%$:%$:%' and %$:%1:%' at t-e first set of 7rom:T-r#
prompts+ T-en enter t-e 7e.r#ary dates at t-e ne>t set
of prompts+

Do# can #se a T com.ination w-en entering dates+ 7or
e>ample& enter T for today@s date& T3$ for yesterday@s
date& and TJ$ for tomorrow@s date+
T-r# Date
5ist C-anges .y Time ((+,) Page $%$
Enter t-e last date in t-e range of interest+ 7or more
information& see t-e doc#mentation for t-e pre9io#s
7rom Time
Enter t-e .eginning of t-e time range for w-ic- yo#
want to list password edits t-at #sers made+

Do# m#st enter t-e time in military format (for e>ample&
T-r# Time
Enter t-e end of t-e time range for w-ic- yo# want
to list password edits t-at #sers made+

Do# m#st enter t-e time in military format (for e>ample&
A#to3E>pire )eport ((+1) Page $%'
(+1! A#to3E>pire )eport
Use t-is ro#tine to list #sers w-ose passwords a#tomatically e>pired or will
a#tomatically e>pire wit- t-e date range yo# enter+

If #sers do not sign onto t-e system wit-in t-e of days defined at t-e
A#to3E>pire Inter9al parameter& t-e password for t-at #ser a#tomatically
e>pires+ Users for w-om passwords a#tomatically e>pire wit-in t-e date range
yo# enter appear on t-is report+

If t-e end date yo# enter is in t-e f#t#re& t-is report incl#des #sers w-ose
passwords will e>pire if t-ey do not sign on wit-in t-e of days defined
at t-e A#to3E>pire Inter9al parameter for t-e date range yo# enter+

8ote! Do# can #se t-is ro#tine only if yo#r -ealt- care organi;ation defined a
9al#e at t-e A#to3E>pire Inter9al parameter+

O Password A#to3E>piration 5ist O
O4egin Date O
OEnd Date O
OT-is )eport will list #sers wit- passwords O
Ot-at -a9e a#to3e>pired for dates prior to O
Otoday and it will list #sers w-ose password O
Owill a#to3e>pire for dates later t-an today+ O
4egin Date
4egin:End Date prompts allow yo# to select a range of

At t-e 4egin prompt& specify t-e first date in t-e

At t-e End prompt& specify t-e last date in t-e range+

If t-e 4egin:End fields allow m#ltiple entries& yo# can
specify se9eral ranges of dates+

7or e>ample& to specify all records for t-e first se9en
days in t-e mont-s of "an#ary and 7e.r#ary& '%%'& enter
%$:%$:%' and %$:%1:%' at t-e first set of 4egin:End
prompts+ T-en enter t-e 7e.r#ary dates at t-e ne>t set
A#to3E>pire )eport ((+1) Page $%(
of prompts+

Do# can #se a T com.ination w-en entering dates+ 7or
e>ample& enter T for today@s date& T3$ for yesterday@s
date& and TJ$ for tomorrow@s date+
End Date
Enter t-e last date in t-e range of interest+ 7or more
information& see t-e doc#mentation for t-e pre9io#s
Print Acti9ity 5og 4y User ((+2) Page $%<
(+2! Print Acti9ity 5og 4y User
Use t-is ro#tine to print a report of #ser acti9ity (t-at is& w-ic- #sers
accessed w-ic- ro#tines and for -ow long) sorted .y #ser mnemonic+ Do#
can select all #sers on yo#r system& a selected range of #sers& or one
#ser+ Also& yo# can select a range of application data.ases and dates t-at
appear on t-e report+

7or eac- selected #ser& t-e following information appears on t-e report!

L date of acti9ity

L application data.ase

L #ser mnemonic

L de9ice t-ro#g- w-ic- t-is #ser accessed t-e application

L .eginning and ending times of eac- acti9ity

L d#ration of acti9ity (in min#tes)

L name of t-e ro#tine accessed

Also& yo# -a9e t-e option to list detail a#dit information (t-at is record
accessed and record identification data) on t-is report+

Do# can #se t-is report to monitor system #sage and tracB #ser acti9ity+ Do#
can also print reports t-at are sorted .y time and de9ice+

Admission Acti9e Acco#nt Searc-es!

/-en t-e #ser performs an ADM acti9e acco#nt searc- from any application& t-e
searc- criteria entered appears on t-e a#dit trail report+ If t-e #ser enters D
in t-e Incl#de Detail field& t-e A#ery Acco#nt Searc- notation appears on t-e
report #nder t-e data.ase and ro#tine from w-ic- t-e #ser initiated t-e searc-+

Print Acti9ity 5og 4y User ((+2) Page $%*
O Print User Acti9ity 5og 4y User O
O 7rom Data.ase O
O T-r# Data.ase O
O 7rom Date O
O T-r# Date O
O 7rom User O
O T-r# User O
OIncl#de Detail O
7rom Data.ase
Enter t-e first data.ase at t-e .eginning of t-e range
for w-ic- yo# want to print a list of all #ser acti9ity+

5ooB#p! Application Data.ases

To print a report listing all application data.ases on
yo#r system& enter 4E=I88I8= (a#tomatically appears as
t-e defa#lt response) at t-e 7rom Data.ase prompt
and enter E8D at t-e T-r# Data.ase prompt+ 6t-erwise&
enter t-e mnemonic of t-e first application data.ase yo#
want t-e system to start t-is report+
T-r# Data.ase
Enter t-e data.ase at t-e end of t-e range for w-ic- yo#
want to print a report of all #ser aciti9ity+

5ooB#p! Application Data.ases

To print a report listing all application data.ases on
yo#r system& enter 4E=I88I8= at t-e 7rom Data.ase prompt
and enter E8D (a#tomatically appears as t-e defa#lt
response) at t-e T-r# Data.ase prompt+ 6t-erwise& enter
t-e mnemonic of t-e first application data.ase yo# want
t-e system to start t-is report+
7rom Date
Enter t-e .eginning date for w-ic- yo# want to print a
report of #ser acti9ity+
T-r# Date
Enter t-e ending date t-ro#g- w-ic- yo# want to print a
Print Acti9ity 5og 4y User ((+2) Page $%,
report of #ser acti9ity+
7rom User
Enter t-e first #ser mnemonic at t-e .eginning of t-e
range for w-ic- yo# want to print a report of #ser

5ooB#p! MIS User Dictionary

To print a report listing all #sers on yo#r system&
enter 4E=I88I8= (a#tomatically appears as t-e defa#lt
response) at t-e 7rom User prompt and enter E8D at t-e
T-r# User prompt+ 6t-erwise& enter t-e mnemonic of t-e
first #ser yo# want t-e system to start t-is report+
T-r# User
Enter t-e #ser mnemonic at t-e end of t-e range for
w-ic- yo# want to print a report of #ser acti9ity+

5ooB#p! MIS User Dictionary

To print a report listing all #sers on yo#r system&
enter 4E=I88I8= at t-e 7rom User prompt and enter E8D
(a#tomatically appears as t-e defa#lt response) at t-e
T-r# User prompt+ 6t-erwise& enter t-e mnemonic of t-e
first #ser yo# want t-e system to start t-is report+
Incl#de Detail
To print t-e detail a#dit information on t-e report&
enter D+ 6t-erwise& enter 8+

T-e detail a#dit information incl#des t-e!

L record accessed

L record identification (t-at is& patient name& Master
Patient or t-e medical record acco#nt

8ote! T-is prompt appears only if yo#r MEDITECH
Applications Specialist entered D at t-e Eeep User 5og
Detail parameter+
Print Acti9ity 5og .y De9ice ((+0) Page $%1
(+0! Print Acti9ity 5og .y De9ice
Use t-is ro#tine to print a report of #ser acti9ity (t-at is& w-ic- #sers
accessed w-ic- ro#tines and for -ow long) sorted .y de9ice identification+ Do#
can select all de9ices on yo#r system& a selected range of de9ices& or one
de9ice+ Also& yo# can select a range of application data.ases and dates t-at
appears on t-e report+

7or eac- selected de9ice& t-e following information appears on t-e report!

L date of t-e acti9ity

L application data.ase

L de9ice t-ro#g- w-ic- t-is #ser accessed t-e application

L #ser mnemonic

L .egin and end times of eac- acti9ity

L d#ration of acti9ity (in min#tes)

L name of t-e ro#tine accessed

Also& yo# -a9e t-e option to list detail a#dit information (t-at is record
accessed and record identification data) on t-is report+

Do# can #se t-is report to monitor system #sage and tracB #ser acti9ity+ Do#
can also print reports t-at are sorted .y #ser and time+

Admission Acti9e Acco#nt Searc-es!

/-en t-e #ser performs an ADM acti9e acco#nt searc- from any application& t-e
searc- criteria entered appears on t-e a#dit trail report+ If t-e #ser enters D
in t-e Incl#de Detail field& t-e A#ery Acco#nt Searc- notation appears on t-e
report #nder t-e data.ase and ro#tine from w-ic- t-e #ser initiated t-e searc-+

Print Acti9ity 5og .y De9ice ((+0) Page $%2
O Print User Acti9ity 5og 4y De9ice O
O 7rom Data.ase O
O T-r# Data.ase O
O 7rom Date O
O T-r# Date O
ODe9ice O
OIncl#de Detail O
7rom Data.ase
Enter t-e data.ase at t-e .eginning of t-e range for
w-ic- yo# want to print a report of all #ser acti9ity+

5ooB#p! Application Data.ases

To print a report listing all application data.ases on
yo#r system& enter 4E=I88I8= (a#tomatically appears as
t-e defa#lt response) at t-e 7rom Data.ase prompt
and enter E8D at t-e T-r# Data.ase prompt+ 6t-erwise&
enter t-e mnemonic of t-e first application data.ase yo#
want t-e system to start t-is report+
T-r# Data.ase
Enter t-e data.ase at t-e end of t-e range for w-ic- yo#
want to see a list of all #ser aciti9ity+

5ooB#p! Application Data.ases

To print a report listing all application data.ases on
yo#r system& enter 4E=I88I8= at t-e 7rom Data.ase prompt
and enter E8D (a#tomatically appears as t-e defa#lt
response) at t-e T-r# Data.ase prompt+ 6t-erwise& enter
t-e mnemonic of t-e first application data.ase yo# want
t-e system to start t-is report+
7rom Date
Enter t-e .eginning date for w-ic- yo# want to print a
report of #ser acti9ity+
Print Acti9ity 5og .y De9ice ((+0) Page $%0
T-r# Date
Enter t-e ending date t-ro#g- w-ic- yo# want to print a
report of #ser acti9ity+
Enter t-e de9ices for w-ic- yo# want to print a report
of all #ser acti9ity+

5ooB#p! MA=IC 6perating System De9ices Dictionary

To print a report listing all de9ices on yo#r system&
enter A55 (a#tomatically appears as t-e defa#lt
response)+ 6t-erwise& enter t-e mnemonics of t-e
specific de9ices for w-ic- yo# want to appear on t-is
Incl#de Detail
To print t-e detail a#dit information on t-e report&
enter D+ 6t-erwise& enter 8+

T-e detail a#dit information incl#des t-e!

L record accessed

L record identification (t-at is& patient name& Master
Patient or t-e medical record acco#nt

8ote! T-is prompt appears only if yo#r MEDITECH
Applications Specialist entered D at t-e Eeep User 5og
Detail parameter+
Print Acti9ity 5ogs .y Time ((+$%) Page $$%
(+$%! Print Acti9ity 5ogs .y Time
Use t-is ro#tine to print a report of #ser acti9ity (t-at is& w-ic- #sers
accessed w-ic- ro#tines and for -ow long) sorted .y time+ Do# can select a
range of dates& K#st one day& a selected time range& or a specific time+ Also&
yo# can select a range of application data.ases t-at appears on t-e report+

7or eac- selected time range& t-e following information appears on t-e report!

L date of acti9ity

L application data.ase

L de9ice t-ro#g- w-ic- t-is #ser accessed t-e application

L #ser mnemonic

L .eginning and ending times of eac- transaction

L d#ration of acti9ity (in min#tes)

L name of t-e ro#tine accessed

Also& yo# -a9e t-e option to list detail a#dit information (t-at is record
accessed and record identification data) on t-is report+

Do# can #se t-is report to monitor system #sage and tracB #ser acti9ity+ Do#
can also print reports t-at are sorted .y #ser and de9ice+

Admission Acti9e Acco#nt Searc-es!

/-en t-e #ser performs an ADM acti9e acco#nt searc- from any application& t-e
searc- criteria entered appears on t-e a#dit trail report+ If t-e #ser enters D
in t-e Incl#de Detail field& t-e A#ery Acco#nt Searc- notation appears on t-e
report #nder t-e data.ase and ro#tine from w-ic- t-e #ser initiated t-e searc-+

Print Acti9ity 5ogs .y Time ((+$%) Page $$$
O Print User Acti9ity 5og 4y Time O
O 7rom Data.ase O
O T-r# Data.ase O
O 7rom Date O
O T-r# Date O
O 7rom Time O
O T-r# Time O
OIncl#de Detail O
7rom Data.ase
Enter t-e first data.ase at t-e .eginning of t-e range
for w-ic- yo# want to print a report of all #ser

5ooB#p! Application Data.ases

To print a report listing all application data.ases on
yo#r system& enter 4E=I88I8= at t-e 7rom Data.ase prompt
and enter E8D (a#tomatically appears as t-e defa#lt
response) at t-e T-r# Data.ase prompt+ 6t-erwise& enter
t-e mnemonic of t-e first application data.ase yo# want
t-e system to start t-is report+
T-r# Data.ase
Enter t-e last data.ase at t-e end of t-e range for
w-ic- yo# want to print a report of all #ser acti9ity+

5ooB#p! Application Data.ases

To print a report listing all application data.ases on
yo#r system& enter 4E=I88I8= at t-e 7rom Data.ase prompt
and enter E8D (a#tomatically appears as t-e defa#lt
response) at t-e T-r# Data.ase prompt+ 6t-erwise& enter
t-e mnemonic of t-e first application data.ase yo# want
t-e system to start t-is report+
7rom Date
Enter t-e .eginning date for w-ic- yo# want to print a
report of #ser acti9ity+
T-r# Date
Print Acti9ity 5ogs .y Time ((+$%) Page $$'
Enter t-e ending date t-ro#g- w-ic- yo# want to print a
report of #ser acti9ity+
7rom Time
Enter t-e first time at t-e .eginning of t-e range for
w-ic- yo# want to print a report+ Do# m#st enter a time
.ased on t-e '< -o#r clocB (for e>ample& %0%% or $<(%)+

To print a report from midnig-t (%%%% a#tomatically
appears as t-e defa#lt response) on t-e date entered at
t-e 7rom Date prompt& press QEnterR+ 6t-erwise& enter a
time from w-ic- yo# want to r#n t-e report+
T-r# Time
Enter t-e last time at t-e end of t-e range t-ro#g-
w-ic- yo# want to print a report+ Do# m#st enter a time
.ased on t-e '< -o#r clocB (for e>ample %0%% or $<(%)+

To print a report t-ro#g- $$!*0 p+m+ ('(*0 a#tomatically
appears as t-e defa#lt response) on t-e date entered at
t-e T-r# Date prompt& press QEnterR+ 6t-erwise& enter a
time t-ro#g- w-ic- yo# want to print a report+
Incl#de Detail
To print t-e detail a#dit information on t-e report&
enter D+ 6t-erwise& enter 8+

T-e detail a#dit information incl#des t-e!

L record accessed

L record identification (t-at is& patient name& Master
Patient or t-e medical record acco#nt

8ote! T-is prompt appears only if yo#r MEDITECH
Applications Specialist entered D at t-e Eeep User 5og
Detail parameter+
Print Patient A#dit ((+$$) Page $$(
(+$$! Print Patient A#dit
Use t-is ro#tine to print a report of t-e Patient A#dit 5og& w-ic- creates a
log entry eac- time protected -eat- information (patient3centric) is created&
e>ported& modified& printed or 9iewed+ Do# can select a range of dates& K#st
one day& a selected time range& or a specific time+ T-e report can .e sorted
.y date:time& #ser& de9ice& description or action+

7or eac- selected time range& t-e following information appears on t-e report!

L date and time of acti9ity

L M)I data.ase

L mnemonic of t-e #ser responsi.le for t-e action

L action logged

L description of t-e logged action

L de9ice t-ro#g- w-ic- t-e #ser performed t-e logged action

L flag indicating w-et-er t-e logged action was on a confidential patient

L mnemonic of t-e #ser em#lating t-e #ser performing t-e action& if applica.le

L o#tp#t de9ice:pat- field (for printed and e>ported e9ents)

L flag indicating w-et-er an e>ported action was encrypted

Do# can #se t-is report to monitor actions performed on a patient@s protected
-ealt- information+

If a patient -as .een merged t-e report will first s-ow t-e merged patient
followed .y t-e patient(s) t-at were merged into t-at patient+

8ote! A report cannot .e p#lled for a patient t-at -as .een merged into
anot-er patient+ 7or e>ample& if Patient A was merged into Patient 4& yo#
cannot r#n t-e Patient A#dit for Patient A+ If yo# attempt to do so a message
will display stating t-at patient -as .een merged to anot-er patient+ At t-at
point yo# can contin#e t-e ro#tine .#t t-e report will .e r#n for t-e patient
t-at a.sor.ed t-e merge+

Print Client Temp A#dit ((+$') Page $$<
(+$'! Print Client Temp A#dit
Use t-is ro#tine to print a report of t-e Client Temp A#dit 5og& w-ic- creates
a log entry eac- time an #nencrypted temp file is created or deleted t-at
contains protected -ealt- information (patient centric)+

T-e report may .e selected .y 4egin Date:Time& End Date:Time& A55 records or
only 6UTSTA8DI8=& client& #ser& and patient (identified .y a Medical )ecord T-e patient selection is f#rt-er .roBen down into A55 or a single M)I
data.ase in t-e HCIS+ If a single data.ase& t-en A55 or specific patients may
.e selected+

7or eac- selected time range& t-e following information appears on t-e report!

L date created

L date deleted

L #ser

L em#lator (if applica.le)

L de9ice

L description

L file pat-

L identifiers for patient(s) (medical record and name)

Any records w-ic- are G6#tstandingG (i+e+ t-e file was logged as created .#t
-as not yet .een logged as deleted) for a partic#lar client will .e c-ecBed
w-en a #ser signs on to t-e HCIS on t-at client+ If t-e file no longer e>ists&
it will .e recorded as deleted at t-at time+ T-is s-o#ld only occ#r if a #ser
cras-ed after a temp file was logged as created .#t .efore it was logged as
deleted+ All temp files logged as created s-o#ld .e logged as deleted #nder
normal #se of t-e software+

Entries in t-e log will .e p#rged > days after t-eir recorded creation time&
w-ere > can .e defined in t-e MIS Tool.o> Parameters (defa#lt is * if
#ndefined)+ A record w-ic- is 6#tstanding (was logged as created .#t ne9er
logged as deleted) will ne9er .e p#rged #ntil t-e delete is logged+

Print Client Temp A#dit ((+$') Page $$*
O 5ist Client Temp A#dit 5og O
O 7rom Date T-r# Date O
O 7rom Time T-r# Time O
O S-ow O
O De9ice O
O User O
O M)I Data.ase O
O Med )ec 8#m O
7rom Date
Enter t-e .eginning date for w-ic- yo# want to print a
report+ T-e defa#lt is 4E=I88I8=+
7rom Time
T-is is only accessi.le if a date is entered into t-e
7rom Date+

Enter t-e first time at t-e .eginning of t-e range for
w-ic- yo# want to print a report+ Do# m#st enter a time
.ased on t-e '< -o#r clocB (for e>ample& %0%% or $<(%)+

To print a report from midnig-t (%%%% a#tomatically
appears as t-e defa#lt response) on t-e date entered at
t-e 7rom Date prompt& press QEnterR+ 6t-erwise& enter a
time from w-ic- yo# want to r#n t-e report+
T-r# Date
Enter t-e ending date t-ro#g- w-ic- yo# want to print a
report+ T-e defa#lt is E8D+
T-r# Time
Print Client Temp A#dit ((+$') Page $$,

T-is is only accessi.le if a date is entered into t-e
T-r# Date+

Enter t-e last time at t-e end of t-e range t-ro#g-
w-ic- yo# want to print a report+ Do# m#st enter a time
.ased on t-e '< -o#r clocB (for e>ample %0%% or $<(%)+

To print a report t-ro#g- $$!*0 p+m+ ('(*0 a#tomatically
appears as t-e defa#lt response) on t-e date entered at
t-e T-r# Date prompt& press QEnterR+ 6t-erwise& enter a
time t-ro#g- w-ic- yo# want to print a report+

C-oices are A55 and 6UTSTA8DI8=+ A55 means all client
temp files& incl#ding client temp files t-at -a9e not yet .een
deleted& will display on t-e report+ 6UTSTA8DI8= means only
client temp files t-at -a9e not yet .een deleted will
display on t-e report+
Enter t-e de9ice(s) for w-ic- yo# want to print a report
of all #ser acti9ity+

5ooB#p! MA=IC 6perating System De9ices Dictionary

To print a report listing all de9ices on yo#r system&
enter A55 (a#tomatically appears as t-e defa#lt
response)+ 6t-erwise& enter t-e mnemonics of t-e
specific de9ices for w-ic- yo# want to appear on t-is
Enter t-e #ser mnemonic(s) for w-ic- yo# want to
print a report+

5ooB#p! MIS User Dictionary

To print a report listing all #sers on yo#r system&
enter A55 (a#tomatically appears as t-e defa#lt
response)+ 6t-erwise& enter t-e mnemonic of t-e
#sers yo# want t-e system to start t-is report+
M)I Data.ase
Enter t-e M)I Data.ase wit- w-ic- t-e patient(s)
Print Client Temp A#dit ((+$') Page $$1
is (are) associated+ A55 a#tomatically appears as
t-e defa#lt response+

8ote! If A55 is entered t-en yo# cannot do a looB#p
in t-e Med )ec 8#m field+ To #tili;e t-e looB#p for
t-e Med )ec 8#m field& yo# m#st enter an M)I

5ooB#p! Application Data.ase+ Displays M)I data.ases+
Med )ec 8#m

Enter Patient@s Medical )ecord Do# can omit leading
;eros+ If yo# do not Bnow t-e Medical )ecord yo#
can enter t-e patient@s name (5ast name& 7irst 8ame)+ T-e
system searc-es t-e Master Patient Inde> to identify t-e

86TE! If yo# -a9e more t-an one 7acility& a pop3#p screen
will display prompting a 7acility to .e entered+
Enter facility+
Download Client Temp A#dit ((+$() Page $$2
(+$(! Download Client Temp A#dit
Use t-is ro#tine to download all entries of t-e Client Temp
A#dit wit-in a date range in a ta. delimited format (t-at is&
eac- item is separated .y a ta. space) into a selected file
on t-e client PC+ It may not .e printed to a de9ice+

O Download Ta. Delimited Client Temp A#dit 5og O
OT-is ro#tine will create a ta.3delimited O
Ofile of t-e Client Temp A#dit 5og on t-e O
Oclient PC+ O
O 7rom Date O
O T-r# Date O
7rom Date
Enter t-e .eginning date for t-e entries to .e
downloaded+ T-e defa#lt is 4E=I88I8=+
T-r# Date
Enter t-e ending date for t-e entries to .e downloaded+
T-e defa#lt is E8D+
Print Arc-i9ed Patient A#dit ((+$<) Page $$0
(+$<! Print Arc-i9ed Patient A#dit
/-en t-is ro#tine is r#n t-e #ser enters in t-e M)I Data.ase and selects a
patient+ Use t-e Arc-i9e looB#p to see t-e arc-i9ed patient a#dit
logs for t-at patient+ T-ese will .e listed .y t-eir Arc-i9e MAM
Urn& and t-e 7irst and 5ast E9ent Dates for t-at file+

T-e arc-i9ed patient a#dit log will print on t-e defa#lt printer for t-e de9ice
t-e #ser is on+
Sec#rity =ro#p Dictionary ((+$*) Page $'%
(+$*! Sec#rity =ro#p Dictionary
Use t-e MIS Sec#rity =ro#p Dictionary to organi;e #sers into gro#ps+ Do# can
#se sec#rity gro#ps to facilitate password management and to pro9ide restricted
access to t-e MIS User Dictionary+ 7or e>ample& yo# mig-t want to organi;e
gro#ps according to t-e departments in yo#r -ealt- care organi;ation+

How Sec#rity =ro#ps 7acilitate Password Management

/-en yo# assign #sers to sec#rity gro#ps& yo# can #se t-e MIS C-ange E>piration
Dates )o#tine to c-ange t-e password e>piration date of all mem.ers of a
sec#rity gro#p at one time (t-at is& yo# do not -a9e to access eac- #ser

7or e>ample& yo# may want to e>pire t-e passwords of eac- of a specific
sec#rity gro#p on t-e same date (for e>ample& in response to a .reac- of

7or more information& see t-e section titled GPasswords and Sec#rity

How Sec#rity =ro#ps Pro9ide )estricted Access to t-e MIS User Dictionary

Do# can also #se sec#rity gro#ps to allow specific #sers to edit information in
t-e MIS User Dictionary for all mem.ers of a specific sec#rity gro#p+ Howe9er&
t-e #sers w-o can edit t-e information cannot edit information for #sers w-o
are not mem.ers of ot-er sec#rity gro#ps+

7or e>ample& ass#me yo#r -ospital organi;es sec#rity gro#ps .y department+ Do#
may want to allow t-e -ead of t-e department to 9iew and edit information in
t-e MIS User Dictionary for mem.ers of a specific sec#rity gro#p only+

7or more information& see t-e section titled GEnter:Edit User Dictionary!
Screen $G+

O Enter:Edit MIS User Sec#rity =ro#p Dictionary O
OMnemonic! 5ast Edited .y on O
OActi9eH O
ODescription! O
Sec#rity =ro#p Dictionary ((+$*) Page $'$
Identify t-e entry yo# want to edit& or enter a #niF#e
mnemonic to create a new entry+

5ooB#p! Entries in t-e selected dictionary

To incl#de only acti9e entries in t-e 5ooB#p& press
Q5ooB#pR+ To see .ot- acti9e and inacti9e entries in t-e
5ooB#p& type :4 and press Q5ooB#pR+

Do# can .egin t-e list of 5ooB#p items part way down t-e
alp-a.etical list+ 7or e>ample& to .egin yo#r list wit-
items t-at .egin wit- =& type = and press Q5ooB#pR+

Do# can also #se a com.ination of t-e a.o9e commands+
7or e>ample& ass#me yo# want to 9iew .ot- acti9e and
inacti9e entries and yo# want to start t-e list wit-
entries t-at .egin wit- =+ Type =:4 and press Q5ooB#pR+

8o matter w-ere yo# start t-e 5ooB#p& yo# can scroll #p
and down t-e entire list #sing t-e QPage UpR and QPage
DownR Beys+

33 Editing an E>isting Entry 33

If yo# identify an e>isting entry& t-e system displays
all pre9io#sly entered information for t-e entry+ Do#
can t-en edit t-e information+

33 Creating a 8ew Entry 33

If yo# enter a mnemonic t-at t-e system does not
recogni;e& yo# are asBed if yo# want to create a new

If yo# create a new entry& many ro#tines allow yo# to
copy (or initiali;e from) an e>isting entry and t-en
edit t-e new entry to s#it yo#r needs+
If yo# want t-is entry to .e acti9e& enter D+

Acti9e entries are eligi.le responses at prompts t-at
refer to t-is dictionary+ Users identify an acti9e entry
.y typing its mnemonic or .y #sing t-e 5ooB#p+

If yo# want t-is entry to .e inacti9e& enter 8+

Inacti9e entries can .e 9iewed in enter:edit
Sec#rity =ro#p Dictionary ((+$*) Page $''
dictionaries and listed in some list dictionaries+
Use #p to (% c-aracters of free te>t to enter a
description of t-e entry+
User 5ocation Dictionary ((+$,) Page $'(
(+$,! User 5ocation Dictionary
Use t-is dictionary to define temporary and permanent employee locations+ T-e
Employee 5ocator ro#tines in MA=IC 6ffice and t-e MIS User Dictionary #se t-ese
locations on 5ooB#p screens for employee locations+ T-ese locations are
different from t-e entries in t-e 5ocation Dictionary on t-e MIS Clinical
Dictionaries men#& w-ic- are patient locations fo#nd wit-in yo#r -ealt- care

Enter t-e following information for eac- employee location!

L mnemonic& acti9e stat#s& and name

L optional te>t t-at appears as a prompt w-en a #ser signs into a specified
location (for e>ample& G/-en will yo# .e .acBHG w-en a #ser signs into a

L w-et-er to display a #ser@s itinerary w-en c-ecBing t-at #ser@s
location in MA=IC 6ffice+ 7or e>ample& if an employee is on 9acation&
yo# may want to display tra9el plans w-en yo# c-ecB t-at employee@s

L w-et-er to allow #sers to .e permanently assigned to t-is location in
t-e MIS User Dictionary+ 7or e>ample& yo# may want to specify t-at an
employee worBs in t-e "o-nson 4#ilding& .#t yo# may not want to
permanently assign an employee to a meeting+

L a distri.#tion gro#p made #p of #sers w-o -a9e .een permanently
assigned to t-is location in t-e MIS User Dictionary+ Do# can& for
e>ample& #se s#c- a distri.#tion gro#p to send mail to all employees
w-o worB in a selected .#ilding+

L w-et-er pro9iders at t-is location s-o#ld .e considered to .e
@in3-o#se+@ Do# can t-en #se t-e 5ist @In3Ho#se@ Doctors )o#tine in MA=IC
6ffice to list all pro9iders c#rrently at @in3-o#se@ locations+

User 5ocation Dictionary ((+$,) Page $'<
O Enter:Edit User 5ocation Dictionary O
OMnemonic 5ast Edited .y on O
OActi9eH O
O8ame O
O@Comment@ Te>t O
OS-ow itineraryH O
OAllow in User DictionaryH ri.#tion =ro#p O
O@In3-o#se@ for p-ysiciansH O
ODefa#lt Printer O
Identify t-e entry yo# want to edit& or enter a #niF#e
mnemonic to create a new entry+

5ooB#p! Entries in t-e selected dictionary

To incl#de only acti9e entries in t-e 5ooB#p& press
Q5ooB#pR+ To see .ot- acti9e and inacti9e entries in t-e
5ooB#p& type :4 and press Q5ooB#pR+

Do# can .egin t-e list of 5ooB#p items part way down t-e
alp-a.etical list+ 7or e>ample& to .egin yo#r list wit-
items t-at .egin wit- =& type = and press Q5ooB#pR+

Do# can also #se a com.ination of t-e a.o9e commands+
7or e>ample& ass#me yo# want to 9iew .ot- acti9e and
inacti9e entries and yo# want to start t-e list wit-
entries t-at .egin wit- =+ Type =:4 and press Q5ooB#pR+

8o matter w-ere yo# start t-e 5ooB#p& yo# can scroll #p
and down t-e entire list #sing t-e QPage UpR and QPage
DownR Beys+

33 Editing an E>isting Entry 33

If yo# identify an e>isting entry& t-e system displays
all pre9io#sly entered information for t-e entry+ Do#
can t-en edit t-e information+

User 5ocation Dictionary ((+$,) Page $'*
33 Creating a 8ew Entry 33

If yo# enter a mnemonic t-at t-e system does not
recogni;e& yo# are asBed if yo# want to create a new

If yo# create a new entry& many ro#tines allow yo# to
copy (or initiali;e from) an e>isting entry and t-en
edit t-e new entry to s#it yo#r needs+
If yo# want t-is entry to .e acti9e& enter D+

Acti9e entries are eligi.le responses at prompts t-at
refer to t-is dictionary+ Users identify an acti9e entry
.y typing its mnemonic or .y #sing t-e 5ooB#p+

If yo# want t-is entry to .e inacti9e& enter 8+

Inacti9e entries can .e 9iewed in enter:edit
dictionaries and listed in some list dictionaries+
Enter a name for t-e entry+ T-is name appears in some
5ooB#ps and on some reports to f#rt-er define t-is
dictionary entry+
@Comment@ Te>t
Enter t-e te>t of t-e F#estion t-at yo# want to appear
t-at prompts t-e #ser for additional information+ /-en
t-e #ser signs into t-is location in MA=IC 6ffice& t-e
system reF#ires t-e #ser to enter additional

7or e>ample& if a #ser signs into a meeting& t-e ro#tine
can asB t-is #ser G/-en will yo# .e .acBHG Do# can #se
t-is F#estion to get #sers to gi9e more information
a.o#t t-eir location+

If yo# do not want t-e #sers w-o sign into t-is location
to gi9e additional information& lea9e t-is field .lanB+
Users can enter additional information w-en t-ey sign
into t-is location& .#t t-e system does not reF#ire it+
S-ow ItineraryH
To display a #ser@s itinerary in t-e employee locator
User 5ocation Dictionary ((+$,) Page $',
ro#tines in MA=IC 6ffice& enter D+ /-en someone c-ecBs
t-e location of a #ser w-o is signed into t-is location&
t-e #ser@s itinerary is displayed+

To pre9ent t-e display of a #ser@s itinerary& enter 8+
Allow In User DictionaryH

To designate t-is location as a permanent location (for
e>ample& t-e .#ilding or facility in w-ic- a pro9ider
-as t-eir office) and allow entry of t-is location at
t-e 5ocation prompt in t-e MIS User Dictionary& enter D+
Also& yo# can #se t-e Distri.#tion =ro#p prompt to
incl#de in a distri.#tion gro#p all #sers w-o are
permanently assigned to t-is location+

To designate t-is location as a temporary location and
pre9ent entry of t-is location at t-e 5ocation prompt in
t-e MIS User Dictionary& enter 8+ Also& yo# cannot #se
t-is location to w-en creating distri.#tion gro#ps+

8ote! Users can sign into .ot- permanent and temporary
locations #sing t-e MA=IC 6ffice sign3in ro#tines+
Distri.#tion =ro#p
Enter t-e mnemonic of a distri.#tion gro#p+ All #sers
w-o are s#.seF#ently assigned to t-is location in t-e
MIS User Dictionary will .e incl#ded in t-is
distri.#tion gro#p+ If t-e location already -as a
distri.#tion gro#p& t-at distri.#tion gro#p@s mnemonic

5ooB#p! MIS Distri.#tion =ro#p Dictionary

8otes! Do# m#st set #p a distri.#tion gro#p for a
location .efore #sers are permanently assigned to t-e
location+ 6t-erwise& any #sers assigned to t-e location
.efore t-e distri.#tion gro#p is set #p will not .e
incl#ded in t-e distri.#tion gro#p #ntil after yo# -a9e
refiled eac- of t-em+

Also note t-at t-e c#rsor stops at t-is prompt only if D
is entered at t-e Allow in User DictionaryH prompt+
@In3Ho#se@ 7or P-ysiciansH

To la.el t-is location as an Gin3-o#seG location& enter
User 5ocation Dictionary ((+$,) Page $'1
D+ 6t-erwise& enter 8 to la.el t-is location as o#tside
yo#r facility or -ealt- care organi;ation+

An Gin3-o#seG location is a location w-ere a pro9ider is
considered to .e a9aila.le in an emergency+ T-e
5ist @In3Ho#se@ Doctors ro#tine in MA=IC 6ffice
lists on t-e screen all pro9iders w-o are a9aila.le at
t-e c#rrent time+ Do# can #se t-is field to define at
w-at locations pro9iders s-o#ld .e considered a9aila.le+

7or e>ample& pro9iders signed into a meeting mig-t .e
considered a9aila.le in an emergency& w-ile pro9iders
w-o are at anot-er facility mig-t not+
Defa#lt Printer
Enter t-e mnemonic of a t-e printer t-at yo# want to
associate wit- t-is #ser location+

5ooB#p! MA=IC 6perating System De9ice Ta.le

/-en a p-ysician signs into t-is location 9ia t-e
Swipe Card ro#tine& p-ysician reports are generated
on t-is printer (depending #pon t-e response to t-e
Ignore 5oc Defa#lt prompts in t-e User Dictionary+)

/-en a p-ysician signs into t-is location 9ia t-e
P-ysician Sign3In ro#tine& t-is printer defa#lts at
t-e Print 6n prompts on t-e Print )eports screen
(depending #pon t-e response to t-e Ignore 5oc Defa#lt
prompts in t-e User Dictionary+)
Distri.#tion =ro#ps Dictionary! 69er9iew (<) Page $'2
C-apter <! Distri.#tion =ro#ps Dictionary! 69er9iew
A distri.#tion gro#p is a predefined set of #sers and:or terminals&
identified .y a single name (e+g+& ACC6U8TI8=& a distri.#tion gro#p made #p of
#sers in t-e Acco#nting Department)+ Do# can #se a distri.#tion gro#p to refer
to m#ltiple #sers .y citing t-e gro#p name& instead of naming eac- indi9id#al of t-e gro#p+ A distri.#tion gro#p may incl#de t-e following& in any

L indi9id#als

L mem.ers of ot-er distri.#tion gro#ps

L #sers of selected de9ices (terminals)

L #sers of selected application data.ases

Using Distri.#tion =ro#ps

Do# can #se distri.#tion gro#ps to perform t-e following f#nctions!

L send mail

L assign access to a li.rary ca.inet (in MA=IC 6ffice)

L list locations (in MA=IC 6ffice)

L list location log (in MA=IC 6ffice)

L limit #sers@ a.ility to read and process ot-er #sers@ mail (9ia t-e MIS
User Dictionary)

L limit #sers@ a.ility to edit ot-er #sers@ locations (9ia t-e MIS User

Creating and Maintaining Distri.#tion =ro#ps

T-ree separate dictionaries allow yo# to set #p and maintain distri.#tion
gro#ps+ See t-e ta.le& at t-e top of t-e ne>t page& for a list of t-e t-ree
met-ods for setting #p and maintaining distri.#tion gro#ps+


T-ree /ays to Set Up Distri.#tion =ro#ps

Dictionary! Use to!

Distri.#tion =ro#ps Dictionary! 69er9iew (<) Page $'0
MIS Distri.#tion =ro#p Dictionary L man#ally assign indi9id#al #sers to a
distri.#tion gro#p

L incl#de mem.ers of ot-er distri.#tion
gro#ps in a distri.#tion gro#p

L incl#de #sers of selected de9ices
(terminals) in a distri.#tion gro#p

L incl#de #sers of selected application
data.ases in a distri.#tion gro#p

MIS User Dictionary L a#tomatically incl#de indi9id#al
#sers w-o are s#per9ised .y a
selected s#per9isor in a distri.#tion

L assign a selected #ser to one or more
distri.#tion gro#ps

MIS User 5ocation Dictionary L a#tomatically incl#de in a
distri.#tion gro#p all #sers w-o worB
at a selected location

T-e MIS User and User 5ocation Dictionaries are typically #sed to set #p
distri.#tion gro#ps .efore yo#r -ospital@s system goes 5IE+ See t-e
doc#mentation for t-ese dictionaries for more information+

T-e Distri.#tion =ro#p Dictionary is typically #sed for maintenance of
distri.#tion gro#ps after yo#r -ospital@s system -as gone 5IE+ See t-e
following sections for instr#ctions on #sing t-is dictionary+

Access to Distri.#tion =ro#ps

As a sec#rity meas#re& yo# can restrict access to a distri.#tion gro#p to a
partic#lar set of #sers+ T-is way& only a limited of #sers can edit or
delete t-at distri.#tion gro#p+ 7or eac- distri.#tion gro#p& yo# m#st specify
one responsi.le #ser+ T-is #ser -as primary responsi.ility for editing and
deleting t-e distri.#tion gro#p+

In addition& yo# can specify an #nlimited of ot-er #sers w-o may also
edit or delete t-e distri.#tion gro#p+ T-ese #sers -a9e t-e same distri.#tion
gro#p maintenance pri9ileges as t-e responsi.le #ser+

Users w-o are not so a#t-ori;ed cannot edit or delete a distri.#tion gro#p+
Distri.#tion =ro#ps Dictionary! 69er9iew (<) Page $(%
O MIS User Distri.#tion =ro#p Men# X Y O
O$$+ Enter:Edit O
O$'+ 5ist O
O$(+ C-ange User )esponsi.ility O
O$<+ Copy O
O$*+ Delete O
O$,+ 5ist User@s Distri.#tion =ro#ps O
O$1+ 5ist )esponsi.le User@s Distri.#tion =ro#ps O
O$2+ Enter:Edit S#.scriptions O
Enter:Edit Distri.#tion =ro#ps Dictionary (<+$) Page $($
<+$! Enter:Edit Distri.#tion =ro#ps Dictionary
Use t-is ro#tine to create new distri.#tion gro#ps& or edit e>isting ones+

A distri.#tion gro#p can incl#de any com.ination of!

L indi9id#als

L mem.ers of ot-er distri.#tion gro#ps

L #sers of selected applications

L #sers of selected terminals

/-en creating a new distri.#tion gro#p& specify a responsi.le #ser and ot-er
#sers w-o are a#t-ori;ed to edit t-e gro#p+ Any #sers a#t-ori;ed to edit t-e
distri.#tion gro#p -a9e t-e same access pri9ileges as t-e responsi.le #ser+
T-ese pri9ileges incl#de editing any information a.o#t t-e distri.#tion gro#p&
and deleting it+

E>pand for Mail

/-en #sing a distri.#tion gro#p to send mail& t-e ro#tine displays
all #sers and terminals in t-e distri.#tion gro#p+ Do# -a9e t-e option
of remo9ing indi9id#al #sers from t-e list if yo# do not want t-em to recei9e
t-is piece of mail+ Howe9er& t-e deleted #sers do remain in t-e distri.#tion
gro#p+ )eF#est t-e e>panded mail listing of a distri.#tion gro#p .y entering
D at t-e E>pand for MAI5 prompt in t-is dictionary+

Mo9ing Aro#nd Prompts wit- M#ltiple )esponses

Se9eral prompts in t-is ro#tine allow m#ltiple responses+ 7or e>ample& t-e
USE)S prompt can -a9e a long list of #sers+ See t-e 8P) System Con9entions
User Man#al for information a.o#t #sing prompts wit- m#ltiple responses+

Enter:Edit Distri.#tion =ro#ps Dictionary (<+$) Page $('
O Enter:Edit MIS Distri.#tion =ro#p Dictionary O
OMnemonic 5ast Edited .y on O
OActi9e iption O
O)esponsi.le User E>pand 7or Mail O
O6t-er Edit Users Allow S#.scriptions O
OAppl D4s Users O
O=ro#ps O
ODe9ices O
M8EM68IC Enter t-e mnemonic t-at #niF#ely identifies t-is
dictionary entry& #sing #p to $* c-aracters+

5ooB#p! Distri.#tion =ro#p Dictionary

To 9iew ACTIE entries only& press

To 9iew ACTIE and I8ACTIE entries&
type :4 and press Q5ooB#pR+

Partial 5ooB#ps are a9aila.le+ 7or e>ample& to
display a 5ooB#p of ACTIE and I8ACTIE
dictionary entries w-ose mnemonics .egin wit-
=& type =:4 and press Q5ooB#pR+

If yo# are maBing a new entry in t-e dictionary!

T-e following prompt appears!
Enter:Edit Distri.#tion =ro#ps Dictionary (<+$) Page $((

8ot fo#nd+ 8ewH D

To enter t-is new mnemonic in t-e dictionary& press
QEnterR+ T-e c#rsor mo9es to t-e ACTIE

If t-is is not a new entry (i+e+& yo# meant to
identify a pre9io#sly defined entry)& c-ange
t-e D to 8+ T-e c#rsor ret#rns to t-e
M8EM68IC prompt to allow yo# to edit t-e

If yo# are editing a pre9io#sly defined entry!

T-e system displays all pre9io#sly entered
information& and t-e c#rsor mo9es to t-e ACTIE
ACTIEH If t-is is a new entry or an e>isting entry wit-
a stat#s of ACTIE!

D appears+ If yo# want t-is entry to appear in
5ooB#ps t-at refer to t-is dictionary& press

To pre9ent t-is entry from appearing in 5ooB#ps
(o#tside of t-e dictionary itself)& c-ange t-e D
to 8+

8ote! To 9iew inacti9e entries at a M8EM68IC
prompt in a dictionary ro#tine& type :4
or M8EM68IC:4 (e+g+& SI=:4) and press

If t-is entry is I8ACTIE!

8 appears+ To lea9e t-is entry I8ACTIE and
pre9ent it from appearing in 5ooB#ps& press

To maBe t-is entry ACTIE and -a9e it appear in
5ooB#ps referring to t-is dictionary& c-ange t-e
8 to D+
Enter:Edit Distri.#tion =ro#ps Dictionary (<+$) Page $(<
DESC)IPTI68 Enter a description of t-e entry& #sing #p to
<% c-aracters of free te>t+
)ESP68SI45E USE) Identify t-e #ser w-o -as primary access to t-is
distri.#tion gro#p+ 6nly t-is #ser and any ot-ers t-at
yo# designate at t-e prompt CA8 A5S6 4E EDITED 4D
USE)S can edit or delete t-is distri.#tion gro#p+

5ooB#p! MIS User Dictionary

If t-is is a new distri.#tion gro#p& yo#r #ser name
appears -ere+ To maBe yo#rself t-e responsi.le #ser&
press QEnterR+ To maBe some ot-er #ser t-e responsi.le
#ser& delete yo#r name and enter t-e name of t-at #ser+

If t-is is an e>isting distri.#tion gro#p& t-e name of
t-e responsi.le #ser appears+ To Beep t-e responsi.le
#ser #nc-anged& press QEnterR+ To c-ange t-e
responsi.le #ser& delete t-e defa#lt and enter a new
#ser name+
ECPA8D 76) MAI5H Enter D to list t-e #sers in t-is distri.#tion
gro#p w-en #sers send mail to t-is gro#p+

Enter 8 to s#ppress t-e listing of #sers in t-is
gro#p w-en mail is sent+
Allow S#.scriptionH GDG response& indi9id#al #sers can
add:delete t-emsel9es from t-is Distri.#tion
=ro#p #sing Enter:Edit S#.scriptions )o#tine+
CA8 A5S6 4E Identify all #sers w-o& in addition to t-e
EDITED 4D USE)S responsi.le #ser& are a#t-ori;ed to edit or delete
t-is distri.#tion gro#p+ T-ese #sers are a.le to
maBe any c-anges to t-e distri.#tion gro#p t-at t-e
responsi.le #ser can+ T-e ro#tine lists #sers
alp-a.etically after yo# file yo#r c-anges+ Alt-o#g-
t-e ro#tine only displays two #sers at one time& yo# can
enter an #nlimited of #sers at t-is prompt+

5ooB#p! MIS User Dictionary

To remo9e a #ser from t-is list& mo9e down to t-at
#ser@s line and delete t-e name+

To add a #ser to t-e list& mo9e down to t-e .ottom of
Enter:Edit Distri.#tion =ro#ps Dictionary (<+$) Page $(*
t-e list and enter t-e #ser@s name+
APP5 D4S Enter t-e mnemonics of t-e application data.ases
w-ose #sers yo# want to incl#de in t-e distri.#tion
gro#p+ All #sers w-o -a9e access to t-ese application
data.ases (as defined in t-e MIS User Dictionary) are
incl#ded in t-e distri.#tion gro#p+ 7or e>ample& if yo#
-a9e a P-armacy distri.#tion gro#p& yo# may want to
incl#de in it all #sers w-o -a9e access to t-e p-armacy

5ooB#p! Application Data.ase Dictionary

To remo9e an application data.ase from t-is list& mo9e
down to t-at application data.ase and delete t-e

To add an application data.ase to t-e list& mo9e to t-e
.ottom of t-e list and enter t-e application data.ase
USE)S Identify t-e #sers in t-e distri.#tion gro#p+ Eac-
indi9id#al #ser w-om yo# specify -ere is incl#ded in
acti9ities performed wit- t-is distri.#tion gro#p+ 7or
e>ample& eac- #ser recei9es mail sent to t-is
distri.#tion gro#p+ T-e ro#tine alp-a.eti;es #ser names
after yo# file c-anges+

5ooB#p! MIS User Dictionary

To remo9e a #ser from t-e list& mo9e to t-at #ser and
delete t-e name+

To add a #ser to t-e list& mo9e to t-e .ottom of t-e
list and enter t-e #ser@s name+
=)6UPS Enter t-e mnemonics of ot-er distri.#tion gro#ps
w-ose mem.ers yo# want to incl#de in t-is distri.#tion
gro#p+ Eac- of t-e indi9id#al #sers and terminals in
t-e gro#p recei9es mail t-at yo# send to t-is
distri.#tion gro#p+ T-e ro#tine alp-a.eti;es gro#p names
after yo# file c-anges+

5ooB#p! MIS Distri.#tion =ro#p Dictionary

To remo9e a gro#p from t-is list& mo9e down to t-at
gro#p and delete t-e name+
Enter:Edit Distri.#tion =ro#ps Dictionary (<+$) Page $(,

To add a gro#p to t-e list& mo9e to t-e .ottom of t-e
list and enter t-e gro#p@s mnemonic+
DEICES Enter t-e mnemonics of t-e de9ices t-at yo# want to
incl#de in t-e distri.#tion gro#p+ T-is way& yo# can
send mail to a partic#lar terminal instead of to a
partic#lar #ser or gro#p+ T-is feat#re can .e #sed as a
sec#rity meas#re (e+g+& sending a message to a terminal
in a locBed room)& .eca#se only a #ser at t-at terminal
can read mail for a selected terminal+ T-e ro#tine
alp-a.eti;es de9ice names after yo# file c-anges+

5ooB#p! MA=IC 6perating System De9ice Dictionary

To remo9e a de9ice from t-e list& mo9e to t-at de9ice
and delete its name+

To add a de9ice to t-e list& mo9e to t-e .ottom of t-e
list and enter t-e de9ice@s mnemonic into t-e .lanB
5ist Distri.#tion =ro#ps Dictionary (<+') Page $(1
<+'! 5ist Distri.#tion =ro#ps Dictionary
Use t-is ro#tine to print a list of distri.#tion gro#ps+ T-is ro#tine is #sef#l
for 9erifying t-at entries in t-e Distri.#tion =ro#p Dictionary -a9e .een set
#p correctly& or for identifying t-e mem.ers and responsi.le #sers of
distri.#tion gro#ps+

Do# can list!

L one& all& or a range of distri.#tion gro#ps

L only distri.#tion gro#ps t-at -a9e a selected responsi.le #ser

L only acti9e or inacti9e distri.#tion gro#ps

T-is ro#tine also pro9ides fle>i.ility in t-e amo#nt of detail in t-e printed
lists+ A simple list consists only of t-e mnemonic& acti9e stat#s& description&
and responsi.le #ser for eac- distri.#tion gro#p+ A detailed list also incl#des
t-e #sers t-at can edit t-e distri.#tion gro#ps& and t-e #sers& gro#ps& and
de9ices assigned to eac- gro#p+

O 5ist MIS Distri.#tion =ro#p Dictionary O
O7rom Mnemonic T-r# Mnemonic O
O)esponsi.le User! O
OActi9e! O
OIncl#de DetailH O
7)6M M8EM68IC Enter t-e mnemonic of t-e first distri.#tion gro#p
in t-e range t-at yo# want to list+

5ooB#p! MIS Distri.#tion =ro#p Dictionary

To list only one distri.#tion gro#p& enter t-at gro#p@s
mnemonic -ere and at t-e TH)U M8EM68IC prompt+

After yo# -a9e specified one or a range of distri.#tion
5ist Distri.#tion =ro#ps Dictionary (<+') Page $(2
gro#ps& t-e ro#tine allows yo# to specify additional
gro#ps or ranges+

To specify an additional range& enter additional 7)6M
M8EM68IC and TH)U M8EM68IC responses+

To mo9e to t-e ne>t prompt wit-o#t specifying an
additional range& press QEnterR at t-e 7)6M M8EM68IC
TH)U M8EM68IC T-e gro#p t-at yo# entered for 7)6M M8EM68IC
appears -ere+

To list only t-is one distri.#tion gro#p& press QEnterR+

To list more t-an one distri.#tion gro#p& delete t-e
defa#lt and enter t-e mnemonic of t-e last gro#p in t-e
range t-at yo# want to list+

5ooB#p! MIS Distri.#tion =ro#p Dictionary
)ESP68SI45E USE) Enter t-e responsi.le #ser for t-e distri.#tion
gro#ps yo# want to list+ A55 appears as t-e
defa#ltN t-is incl#des all gro#ps .ased on t-e
9al#es entered at t-e 7)6M and TH)U prompts+

To list all distri.#tion gro#ps in t-e range& regardless
of w-o t-e responsi.le #sers are& press QEnterR+

To list only distri.#tion gro#ps t-at -a9e a partic#lar
responsi.le #ser& delete A55 and enter t-e name of
t-at #ser+

5ooB#p! MIS User Dictionary
ACTIE T-is prompt allows yo# to specify t-e stat#s of t-e
entries on t-is list+

Enter D to list only t-e ACTIE entries (in t-e
specified range) of t-is dictionary+

Enter 8 to list only t-e I8ACTIE entries (in t-e
specified range) of t-is dictionary+

Enter A55 to list all of t-e entries for t-e
specified range of t-is dictionary+
5ist Distri.#tion =ro#ps Dictionary (<+') Page $(0
I8C5UDE DETAI5H Use t-is prompt to indicate -ow m#c- detail yo# want
to incl#de on t-e distri.#tion gro#p list+

Enter 8 to incl#de only t-e 9al#es for t-ese prompts!

3 M8EM68IC
3 ACTIE stat#s
3 )ESP68SI45E USE)

Enter D to also incl#de!

3 =)6UPS

A sample detailed list appears .elow!



ACC6U8TI8= D Acco#nting Dept+ Personnel =reen&Syl9ia

Carroll&)alp- 7I8A8CIA5 )i9ers&"ames

5ist Distri.#tion =ro#ps
C-ange User )esponsi.ility (<+() Page $<%
<+(! C-ange User )esponsi.ility
Use t-is ro#tine to transfer editing responsi.ility for distri.#tion gro#ps
from one responsi.le #ser to anot-er+ 7or e>ample& yo# may want to #se t-is
ro#tine if yo#r -ealt- care organi;ation e>periences a c-ange in management

To c-ange t-e responsi.le #ser for one distri.#tion gro#p only& #se t-e MIS
Distri.#tion =ro#p Dictionary+

8ote! T-e responsi.le #ser is t-e #ser wit- primary responsi.ility for editing
and deleting a distri.#tion gro#p+

/-en yo# press QEnterR& t-e C-angeH prompt appears+

To transfer responsi.ility& enter D+

If yo# do not want to transfer responsi.ility& enter 8+

O C-ange Distri.#tion =ro#p )esponsi.ility O
O7rom )esponsi.le User O
OTo )esponsi.le User O
7rom )esponsi.le User
Enter t-e name of t-e responsi.le #ser from w-om yo#
want to s-ift responsi.ility for t-e distri.#tion

5ooB#p! MIS User Dictionary

/-en yo# enter t-e name of t-e responsi.le #ser& t-e
corresponding #ser mnemonic appears in t-e 9iew3only
field to t-e rig-t+
To )esponsi.le User
Enter t-e name of t-e responsi.le #ser to w-om yo#
want to s-ift responsi.ility for t-e distri.#tion

5ooB#p! MIS User Dictionary
C-ange User )esponsi.ility (<+() Page $<$

/-en yo# enter t-e name of t-e responsi.le #ser& t-e
corresponding #ser mnemonic appears in t-e 9iew3only
field to t-e rig-t+
Copy Distri.#tion =ro#ps (<+<) Page $<'
<+<! Copy Distri.#tion =ro#ps
Use t-is ro#tine to copy t-e information from one distri.#tion gro#p to an
e>isting distri.#tion gro#p or to a new one+ Do# can #se t-is ro#tine to sa9e
time w-en yo# define new distri.#tion gro#ps+

T-e ro#tine copies t-e 9al#es defined in t-e following fields 9ia t-e MIS
Distri.#tion =ro#p Dictionary!

L Description L Users

L E>pand for Mail L =ro#ps

L Application Data.ases L De9ices


/-en yo# copy information to an e>isting gro#p& t-e system o9erwrites
t-e original information defined for t-at gro#p+

Do# cannot reco9er t-e original information after yo# file t-e ro#tine+

O Copy MIS Distri.#tion =ro#p O
O7rom Mnemonic )esponsi.le O
OTo Mnemonic )esponsi.le O
7rom Mnemonic
Enter t-e distri.#tion gro#p from w-ic- yo# want to copy

5ooB#p! MIS Distri.#tion =ro#p Dictionary

/-en yo# enter t-e mnemonic of t-e distri.#tion gro#p&
t-e name and mnemonic of t-e responsi.le #ser appears
in t-e 9iew3only )esponsi.le fields at t-e rig-t+
To Mnemonic
Enter t-e distri.#tion gro#p to w-ic- yo# want to copy
Copy Distri.#tion =ro#ps (<+<) Page $<(

5ooB#p! MIS Distri.#tion =ro#p Dictionary

If yo# enter a new distri.#tion gro#p& t-e following
message appears!

8ot fo#nd+ 8ewH

To copy t-e distri.#tion gro#p information to a new
distri.#tion gro#p& press QEnterR+

If yo# do not want to copy t-e information to a new
distri.#tion gro#p& delete D and enter 8 to ret#rn to
t-e To Mnemonic field+
/-en yo# enter t-e mnemonic of an e>isting distri.#tion
gro#p& t-e name and mnemonic of t-e responsi.le #ser
appears in t-e 9iew3only )esponsi.le fields at t-e
rig-t+ Do# can edit t-is 9al#e+

5ooB#p! MIS User Dictionary

/-en yo# file t-e ro#tine& t-e Copy prompt appears+ To
copy t-e distri.#tion gro#p& enter D+ If yo# do not want
to copy t-is distri.#tion gro#p& enter 8+
Delete Distri.#tion =ro#ps (<+*) Page $<<
<+*! Delete Distri.#tion =ro#ps
Use t-is ro#tine to delete an e>isting distri.#tion gro#p+ 7or e>ample& yo#
mig-t want to delete o.solete distri.#tion gro#ps+

Do# can delete distri.#tion gro#ps only if yo# are t-e responsi.le #ser or yo#
are a#t-ori;ed to edit t-e distri.#tion gro#p+ In addition& yo# can delete only
inacti9e distri.#tion gro#ps+ (To inacti9ate distri.#tion gro#ps& #se t-e
Enter:Edit Distri.#tion =ro#p )o#tine+)

O Delete Distri.#tion =ro#ps O
OMnemonic O
ODescription O
O)esponsi.le User O
Enter t-e distri.#tion gro#p t-at yo# want to delete+

T-e description of t-e distri.#tion gro#p appears in t-e
9iew3only Description field+ T-e name and mnemonic of
t-e responsi.le #ser appears in t-e 9iew3only
)esponsi.le User field+

5ooB#p! MIS Distri.#tion =ro#p Dictionary (inacti9e
entries only)

33 DeleteH Prompt 33

/-en yo# file t-e ro#tine& t-e DeleteH prompt appears+
To delete t-e distri.#tion gro#p& enter D+ If yo# do not
want to delete t-e gro#p& enter 8+

8ote! Do# can delete distri.#tion gro#ps only if yo# are
t-e responsi.le #ser or yo# are a#t-ori;ed to edit t-e
distri.#tion gro#p+ In addition& yo# can delete only
inacti9e distri.#tion gro#ps+ (To inacti9ate
distri.#tion gro#ps& #se t-e MIS Enter:Edit Distri.#tion
=ro#p )o#tine+)
5ist User@s Distri.#tion =ro#ps (<+,) Page $<*
<+,! 5ist User@s Distri.#tion =ro#ps
Use t-is ro#tine to list all distri.#tion gro#ps t-at incl#de a specific #ser+
7or e>ample& yo# may want to #se t-is ro#tine to F#icBly c-ecB w-et-er #sers
are assigned to t-e correct distri.#tion gro#p+

8ote! Do# can also #se t-e MIS User Dictionary to 9iew a list of distri.#tion
gro#ps or to add a #ser to a distri.#tion gro#p+

O 5ist User@s Distri.#tion =ro#ps O
OUser 8ame O
User 8ame
Enter t-e #ser for w-om yo# want to list t-e
distri.#tion gro#ps to w-ic- -e or s-e .elongs+

5ooB#p! MIS User Dictionary

/-en yo# enter t-e #ser& t-e #ser mnemonic appears in
t-e 9iew3only field at t-e rig-t+
5ist )esponsi.le User@s Distri.#tion =ro#ps (<+1) Page $<,
<+1! 5ist )esponsi.le User@s Distri.#tion =ro#ps
Use t-is ro#tine to list all distri.#tion gro#ps for w-ic- a specific #ser is
responsi.le+ 7or e>ample& yo# may want to #se t-is ro#tine w-en yo#r -ealt-
care organi;ation terminates t-e employment of a responsi.le #ser+

T-e distri.#tion gro#ps for w-ic- t-e #ser was t-e responsi.le #ser appear on
t-is list+

O 5ist )esponsi.le User@s Distri.#tion =ro#ps O
O)esponsi.le User 8ame O
)esponsi.le User 8ame
Enter t-e name of t-e responsi.le #ser for w-om yo# want
to list distri.#tion gro#ps+

5ooB#p! MIS User Dictionary

/-en yo# enter t-e #ser name& t-e corresponding
mnemonic appears in t-e 9iew3only field at t-e rig-t+
Enter:Edit =ro#p S#.scription )o#tine (<+2) Page $<1
<+2! Enter:Edit =ro#p S#.scription )o#tine
Use t-is ro#tine to add or remo9e yo#r #ser name from a distri.#tion gro#p+ Do#
also 9iew t-e distri.#tion gro#ps to w-ic- yo#r -ealt- care organi;ation
assigned yo# access+

8ote! In t-e MIS Distri.#tion =ro#p Dictionary& if t-e Allow S#.scription
prompt is set to D& yo# are assigned access to t-at gro#p+

O Enter:Edit Distri.#tion =ro#p S#.scriptions O
OUser O
O=ro#p 8ame O
Do#r #ser name appears as t-e defa#lt response+ Do#
cannot edit t-is 9al#e+
Enter t-e distri.#tion gro#p to w-ic- yo# want to add
or remo9e yo#r #ser name+

T-e description of t-e distri.#tion gro#p appears in
t-e 9iew3only 8ame field to t-e rig-t of t-is prompt+

5ooB#p! MIS Distri.#tion =ro#p Dictionary
69er9iew of Electronic Signat#re (*) Page $<2
C-apter *! 69er9iew of Electronic Signat#re
T-e Electronic Signat#re feat#re eliminates t-e need for pro9iders to sign
paper doc#mentation+ Pro9iders can #se t-e feat#re to sign electronicaly stored
doc#ments& s#c- as reports+

T-e MIS Mod#le incl#des parameters and ro#tines t-at allow yo#r organi;ation to
maintain passwords and personal identification n#m.ers (PI8s) for #se wit- t-e
Electronic Signat#re feat#re+ /-en pro9iders want to electronically sign
doc#ments& t-e system prompts t-e pro9ider to enter a password and:or a PI8+

After t-e pro9ider enters -is or -er password and:or PI8& t-e system marBs t-e
doc#ment signed+ Do#r organi;ation can #se t-e parameters to c#stomi;e -ow
pro9iders enter password and PI8 information+

Using Parameters

To ena.le pro9iders to #se t-e Electronic Signat#re 7eat#re& yo#r MEDITECH
Applications Specialist #ses t-e parameters on Page ' of t-e MIS System
Parameters+ Do# can #se t-e following 5e9el $ C-ecBH& 5e9el ' C-ecBH& and
Ena.ling C)T parameters to c#stomi;e t-e le9el of password and PI8 sec#rity at
yo#r -ealt- care organi;ation+

5e9el $ C-ecBH Parameter

To reF#ire pro9iders to enter t-eir reg#lar passwords to electronically sign
doc#ments& enter D+ To reF#ire pro9iders to enter additional information to
electronically sign doc#ments& enter 8+

5e9el ' C-ecBH Parameter

Do# can #se t-e 5e9el ' parameter for increased sec#rity+ To reF#ire pro9iders
to enter additional information to electronically sign doc#ments& enter t-e

To )eF#ire t-e Pro9ider to Enter
33333333333333333333333333 33333
Enter not-ing (t-at is&
neit-er re3enter a password
nor enter a Personal
Identification (PI8) 8

)e3enter -is or -er
reg#lar password P/

Enter a #ser3defined PI8 UDPI8

Enter a system3generated PI8 S=PI8

To omit t-e second3le9el c-ecB& lea9e t-is parameter .lanB+
69er9iew of Electronic Signat#re (*) Page $<0

8ote! If t-e 5e9el $ C-ecBH parameter is set to 8& t-e 9al#e defined at t-e
5e9el ' C-ecBH parameter .ecomes t-e only c-ecB+

Ena.ling C)T Parameter

To allow only a#t-ori;ed #sers to edit t-eir PI8s& identify t-e specific
de9ices (t-at is& PCs or terminals) from w-ic- pro9iders can enter or delete

8ote! To edit t-e MIS system parameters& contact yo#r MEDITECH Application

Signat#re 5a.elH Parameter

Use free te>t to enter t-e message t-at yo# want to appear after t-e pro9ider
electronically signs t-e doc#ment+ Do# can enter #p to '( c-aracters+ 7or
e>ample& yo# can enter t-e following message!

Electronically Signed

Using t-e MIS Electronic Signat#re 7eat#re

If t-e MEDITECH Applications Specialist defines t-ese parameters so t-at t-e
signer m#st enter a password& PI8& or .ot-& t-e system displays pop3#p screens
t-at reF#est t-is information+

T-e Password and PI8 screens eac- incl#de a c#rsor at t-e corresponding prompt
to indicate w-ere t-e #ser can enter t-e appropriate 9al#e+ T-e prompt in t-e
PI8 screen displays an asterisB for eac- c-aracter t-e #ser enters+

After t-e pro9ider enters t-e reF#ired password and:or PI8s& t-e pro9ider
electronically signs t-e report& and t-e system .rings t-e report to SI=8ED

8ote! 7or more information a.o#t #sing t-is feat#re& see t-e Patient Care
InF#iry (PCI) Application+

Maintaining t-e MIS Electronic Signat#re 7eat#re

Do#r -ealt- care organi;ation can #se t-e following ro#tines to maintain t-e
Electronic Signat#re 7eat#re!

To Use t-is )o#tine
3333333333333333333333333333333333333 33333333333333333333333333333333333
Assign pro9iders access to t-e
Electronic Signat#re 7eat#re Ena.le:Disa.le Electronic Signat#re

Print a list of pro9iders w-o were
69er9iew of Electronic Signat#re (*) Page $*%
assigned or denied access to t-e
Electronic Signat#re 7eat#re Print ES Ena.le:Disa.le 5og )o#tine

A#t-ori;ed alternate signers
to sign for ot-er a#t-ori;ed pro9iders Enter:Edit Alternates )o#tine

8ote! Alternate signers can #se t-eir own PI8s to sign t-e ot-er p-ysician@s

Print a list of t-e alternate
signers w-o are assigned to
a specific range of signers 5ist Alternates )o#tine

Print a list of edits t-at
were made to alternate signers
wit-in a specific range of dates 5ist Alternates 5og )o#tine
O MIS User Electronic Signat#re Men# X Y O
O$$+ Ena.le:Disa.le O
O$'+ 5ist 5og O
O$(+ Enter:Edit Alternates O
O$<+ 5ist Alternates O
O$*+ 5ist Alternates 5og O
Ena.le:Disa.le Electronic Signat#re (*+$) Page $*$
*+$! Ena.le:Disa.le Electronic Signat#re
Use t-is ro#tine to enter or edit system3generated or #ser3defined Personal
Identification 8#m.ers (PI8s)+ T-is screen also appears after yo# enter t-e
one3time PI8 t-e system assigns yo# d#ring t-e networB a#t-entication process+
Do# can access t-is ro#tine only if yo# are an a#t-enticated #ser+

/-en yo# enter yo#r #ser mnemonic and User 8ame& a pop3#p screen appears t-at
reF#ires yo# to enter yo#r system3generated PI8 or enter and 9erify yo#r #ser3
defined PI8+

Entering PI8s

If yo# enter D& and t-e parameter defined .y MEDITECH reF#ires #sers to enter
system3generated PI8s& a pop3#p screen displays t-e system3generated PI8+ If
yo# file t-is screen& yo# can enter only t-e system3generated PI8 to log onto
t-e system+

If t-e parameter reF#ires #sers to enter #ser3defined PI8s& a pop3#p screen
reF#ires yo# to enter and 9erify a new PI8 for t-is #ser+ Do# can #se #p to
eig-t alp-an#meric c-aracters to enter a #ser3defined PI8+

User3defined PI8s are case insensiti9e+ Do# can enter any com.ination of
#ppercase and lowercase alp-a c-aracters+

7or e>ample& ass#me yo# enter t-e following #ser3defined PI8!


Do# can enter SDP$'(<& sdp$'(<& or SdP$'(<+ Do# can also enter ot-er
com.inations of #pper3 and lowercase alp-a c-aracters in t-e PI8+

8ote! Users w-o are ena.led for .ot- electronic signat#re and networB
a#t-entication enter t-e same PI8 for .ot-+

OUser Mnemonic O
OUser 8ame O
5ist Electronic Signat#re 5og (*+') Page $*'
*+'! 5ist Electronic Signat#re 5og
Use t-is ro#tine to print t-e c-anges #sers at yo#r -ealt- care organi;ation
made to Personal Identification 8#m.ers (PI8s) wit-in a specified range of
dates+ To maintain confidentiality& t-is list does not identify t-e original or
t-e newly assigned PI8s+

T-e list incl#des t-e following information a.o#t eac- c-ange!

L date and time t-e #ser made t-e c-ange

L terminal at w-ic- t-e #ser made t-e c-ange

L #ser w-o made t-e c-ange

L w-et-er t-e #ser assigned or deleted t-e PI8

L #ser for w-om t-e PI8 was c-anged

8ote! T-e system p#rges t-is information after t-e of days yo#r
organi;ation defines at t-e MIS User 5ogs P#rge Delay parameter+

O Print ES Ena.le:Disa.le 5og O
O7rom Date! O
OT-r# Date! O
7rom Date
7rom:T-r# Date prompts allow yo# to select a range of

At t-e 7rom prompt& specify t-e first date in t-e range+

At t-e T-r# prompt& specify t-e last date in t-e range+

If t-e 7rom:T-r# fields allow m#ltiple entries& yo# can
specify se9eral ranges of dates+

7or e>ample& to specify all records for t-e first se9en
days in t-e mont-s of "an#ary and 7e.r#ary& '%%'& enter
%$:%$:%' and %$:%1:%' at t-e first set of 7rom:T-r#
prompts+ T-en enter t-e 7e.r#ary dates at t-e ne>t set
of prompts+
5ist Electronic Signat#re 5og (*+') Page $*(

Do# can #se a T com.ination w-en entering dates+ 7or
e>ample& enter T for today@s date& T3$ for yesterday@s
date& and TJ$ for tomorrow@s date+
T-r# Date
Enter t-e last date in t-e range of interest+ 7or more
information& see t-e doc#mentation for t-e pre9io#s
Enter:Edit Electronic Signat#re Alternates (*+() Page $*<
*+(! Enter:Edit Electronic Signat#re Alternates
Use t-is ro#tine to define alternate pro9iders w-o can electronically sign
reports or orders for anot-er pro9ider+ Alternate signers can perform all
electronic signing f#nctions of t-e selected pro9ider+

O Alternate Electronic Signat#res O
OPro9ider 8ame Type O
O33333333333333 Alternate Information 333333333333333 O
OMnemonic 8ame Type O
Enter t-e pro9ider for w-om yo# want to define alternate
signers+ T-e name and type of t-e pro9ider yo# enter
appear in t-e 9iew3only fields to t-e rig-t+

Alternate signers can electronically sign reports and
orders filed for t-is pro9ider+
Enter t-e alternate signers yo# want to define for t-is
pro9ider+ T-e names and types of t-e pro9iders yo# enter
appear in t-e 9iew3only fields to t-e rig-t+

8ote! Do# can enter only pro9iders w-o also -a9e
electronic signat#re capa.ilities+
Alternate Electronic Signat#re Signees )eport (*+<) Page $**
*+<! Alternate Electronic Signat#re Signees )eport
Use t-is ro#tine to print a list of t-e alternate signers for a specific range
of pro9iders+

O Alternate Electronic Signat#re Signees O
O7rom Pro9ider O
OT-r# Pro9ider O
7rom Pro9ider
Specify t-e range of items in w-ic- yo# are interested+
At t-e 7rom prompt& specify t-e first item in t-e range+
At t-e T-r# prompt& specify t-e last item in t-e range+

5ooB#ps are #s#ally a9aila.le+

33 Selecting All Items 33

To select all items& enter t-e word 4E=I88I8= at t-e
7rom prompt and t-e word E8D at t-e T-r# prompt+

33 Selecting a Single Item 33

To select a single item& enter t-e same item at .ot- t-e
7rom and T-r# prompts+
T-r# Pro9ider
Enter t-e last item in t-e range of interest+ 7or more
information& see t-e doc#mentation for t-e pre9io#s
5ist Electronic Signat#re Alternates 5og (*+*) Page $*,
*+*! 5ist Electronic Signat#re Alternates 5og
Use t-is ro#tine to list t-e edits #sers at yo#r -ealt- care organi;ation made
to alternate signers+ T-e list incl#des t-e following information!

L date and time t-e #ser made t-e edit

L de9ice on w-ic- t-e #ser made t-e edit

L #ser w-o made t-e edit

L pro9ider for w-om t-e #ser edited t-e alternate signers

L alternate signers w-o were added or deleted

O Print ES Alternate Signat#re 5og O
O7rom Date! O
OT-r# Date! O
7rom Date
7rom:T-r# Date prompts allow yo# to select a range of

At t-e 7rom prompt& specify t-e first date in t-e range+

At t-e T-r# prompt& specify t-e last date in t-e range+

If t-e 7rom:T-r# fields allow m#ltiple entries& yo# can
specify se9eral ranges of dates+

7or e>ample& to specify all records for t-e first se9en
days in t-e mont-s of "an#ary and 7e.r#ary& '%%'& enter
%$:%$:%' and %$:%1:%' at t-e first set of 7rom:T-r#
prompts+ T-en enter t-e 7e.r#ary dates at t-e ne>t set
of prompts+

Do# can #se a T com.ination w-en entering dates+ 7or
e>ample& enter T for today@s date& T3$ for yesterday@s
date& and TJ$ for tomorrow@s date+
T-r# Date
5ist Electronic Signat#re Alternates 5og (*+*) Page $*1
Enter t-e last date in t-e range of interest+ 7or more
information& see t-e doc#mentation for t-e pre9io#s
Dictionary A#dit Trail and Miscellaneo#s )o#tines 69er9iew (,) Page $*2
C-apter ,! Dictionary A#dit Trail and Miscellaneo#s )o#tines 69er9iew
Do# can #se t-e following miscellaneo#s ro#tines to manage #sers+

To Use t-is )o#tine
333333333333333333333333333333 333333333333333333333333333333333333333
5ist t-e edits #sers made to Print Dictionary A#dit Trail )o#tine
t-e dictionaries in yo#r
MEDITECH system+

8ote! 4efore t-e system tracBs dictionary acti9ity& yo#r MEDITECH Applications
Specialist enters t-e dictionaries into t-e system+

iew t-e reporting -ierarc-y 5ist )eporting Hierarc-y )o#tine
for a specific employee

iew t-e employees t-at report 5ist 6rgani;ation )o#tine
to a specific s#per9isor

Transfer t-e MA=IC 6ffice Transfer MA=IC 6ffice 7iles )o#tine
files t-at .elong to one #ser
to t-e files of anot-er #ser

iew t-e stat#s of t-e Transfer Stat#s )o#tine
Transfer MA=IC 6ffice
7ields )o#tine .acBgro#nd Ko.

Edit t-e 9al#e of a specific Dictionary Mass Edit )o#tine
dictionary entry for a #ser3
defina.le s#.set of entries

Edit t-e 9al#e of a specific Dictionary A#icB Edit )o#tine
dictionary field for a #ser3
defina.le s#.set of entries

Print t-e contents of t-e Print /orBstation A#dit 5og
/orBstation A#dit 5og (tracBs
/orBstation 9ersions #sed on
eac- mac-ine in t-e system)

)emo9e a range of one or more P#rge /orBstation ersion A#dit of
log entries from t-e Print 6ld De9ices
/orBstation A#dit 5og

Pop#late t-e Print /orBstation Initiali;e /orBstation ersion A#dit
A#dit 5og wit- mac-ine names
from t-e 6PS (6perations) De9ice
Dictionary A#dit Trail and Miscellaneo#s )o#tines 69er9iew (,) Page $*0
O MIS User Miscellaneo#s Men# X Y O
O$$+ Print Dictionary A#dit Trail O
O$'+ Print Encryption Setting A#dit Trail O
O$(+ 5ist )eporting Hierarc-y O
O$<+ 5ist 6rgani;ation O
O'%+ Transfer MA=IC 6ffice 7iles O
O'$+ iew Magic 6ffice 7iles 4E= Transfer Stat#s O
O(%+ Dictionary Mass Edit O
O($+ Dictionary A#icB Edit O
O<%+ iew MIS 4acBgro#nd "o. Stat#s O
O*%+ Print /orBstation ersion A#dit O
O*$+ Delete /orBstation ersion A#dit De9ices O
O*'+ Initiali;e /orBstation ersion A#dit O
O,%+ Copy Med Pro. 7a9orites O
O,$+ 5ist Med Pro. 7a9orites O
Print Dictionary A#dit Trail (,+$) Page $,%
,+$! Print Dictionary A#dit Trail
Use t-e Print Dictionary A#dit Trail )o#tine to print a report of c-anged and
new dictionary entries+ Do#r MEDITECH system m#st .e set #p to monitor
t-e selected dictionary+ T-is ro#tine allows yo# to tracB t-e edit acti9ity in
t-e dictionaries of t-e MEDITECH mod#les+

After selecting t-e dictionary& yo# can select ranges of t-e dictionary entries
and dates to limit t-e a#dit information t-at appears on t-e report+

8ote! T-e report does not incl#de p#rged information& e9en if t-e p#rged
information incl#des c-anges made d#ring t-e specified date range+

Monitoring Dictionary Information

4efore yo# #se t-e Print Dictionary A#dit Trail )o#tine& yo#r MEDITECH
Applications Specialist or an a#t-ori;ed #ser at yo#r -ospital m#st enter t-e
list of dictionaries t-at t-e system monitors+ 7or eac- dictionary& yo#r
MEDITECH Applications Specialist or a#t-ori;ed #ser enters t-e lengt- of time
(t-e p#rge delay) t-at t-e system retains t-e a#dit information+ T-is time
period is different for eac- dictionary t-at yo#r system monitors+

To a#t-ori;e a #ser to access t-e Enter:Edit Dictionaries 7or A#dit Trail
)o#tine in t-e MIS Tool.o>& create a c#stom men# t-at -as MIS+DICT+AUDIT+ee on

After t-e list of dictionaries is filed& t-e system records a#dit information
for c-anged or new dictionaries entries+ To 9iew t-e a#dit information& #se t-e
Print Dictionary A#dit Trail )o#tine+ /-en t-e p#rge delay time -as .een
e>ceeded& t-e system deletes t-at a#dit information+

7or dictionaries not on t-e tool.o> list& t-e system does not record a#dit
information for c-anged or new dictionary entries+

Information on t-e Dictionary A#dit Trail )eport

T-e Dictionary A#dit Trail 5og incl#des t-e following information a.o#t eac-
edit to a monitored dictionary!

L application data.ase of t-e c-anged dictionary

L DPM of t-e c-anged dictionary

L mnemonic of t-e c-anged dictionary entry

L date and time of t-e c-ange

L mnemonic of t-e #ser w-o entered t-e c-ange

Print Dictionary A#dit Trail (,+$) Page $,$
L de9ice on w-ic- t-e c-ange was made

L t-e reason for edit& if applica.le

L t-e edited screen fields

L t-e original and new 9al#es in t-e c-anged dictionary

8ote! T-e a#dit trail does not incl#de p#rged a#dit information or information
for dictionaries t-at t-e system is not monitoring+

O Print Dictionary A#dit Trail O
OData.ase! O
ODictionary! O
O7rom Mnemonic! O
OT-r# Mnemonic! O
O7rom Date! O
OT-r# Date! O
Enter t-e mnemonic of t-e application data.ase t-at
incl#des t-e dictionary yo# want to a#dit+

5ooB#p! MIS Application Data.ase Dictionary
Enter t-e DPM of t-e dictionary yo# want to a#dit+

5ooB#p! Dictionaries DPMs associated wit- t-e
application data.ase
7rom Mnemonic
Enter t-e .eginning of t-e range+

8ote! 7rom Mnemonic and T-r# Mnemonic prompts define a
range of dictionary entries w-ose c-anges yo# want to

To list t-e c-anges made to all dictionary entries&
enter 4E=I88I8= at t-e 7rom Mnemonic prompt and E8D at
t-e T-r# Mnemonic prompt+
Print Dictionary A#dit Trail (,+$) Page $,'

To list dictionary c-anges made to dictionary entries
w-ose mnemonics .egin wit- a specific letter& enter t-at
letter at .ot- prompts+
T-r# Mnemonic
Enter t-e end of t-e range of dictionary entries yo#
want to a#dit+
7rom Date
Enter t-e .eginning of t-e date range+

8ote! 7rom Date and T-r# Date prompt define t-e date
range for w-ic- yo# to list dictionary c-anges+ T-e list
incl#des c-anges made d#ring t-is range of dates+
T-r# Date
Enter t-e end of t-e date range for w-ic- yo# want to
a#dit t-is dictionary+
Print Encryption Setting A#dit Trail (,+') Page $,(
,+'! Print Encryption Setting A#dit Trail
Use t-is ro#tine to access and print (for a selected date range) an a#dit log
of c-anges (for e>ample& #sers and date:time) to t-e encryption mode 68:677
setting for a PC& mac-ine&or networB+

T-e report prints in t-e following order!

L 8etworB

L Mac-ine

L De9ice

Eac- row on t-e printed report incl#des t-e following information!

L Timestamp of t-e encryption c-ange

L 8etworB:mac-ine:de9ice name

L 8ew encryption 9al#e

L Pre9io#s encryption 9al#e

L 6perator w-o made t-e c-ange

L De9ice on w-ic- t-e c-ange was made
5ist )eporting Hierarc-y (,+() Page $,<
,+(! 5ist )eporting Hierarc-y
Use t-is ro#tine to list t-e reporting -ierarc-y of a specific employee+ Do#
can #se t-is ro#tine to identify t-e s#per9isor of an employee& t-e s#per9isor
of t-at s#per9isor and so on& #p t-e reporting -ierarc-y+

O 5ist )eporting Hierarc-y O
OEmployee O
Enter t-e name or telep-one e>tension of t-e employee
w-ose reporting -ierarc-y yo# want to list+

5ooB#p! MIS User Dictionary
5ist 6rgani;ation (,+<) Page $,*
,+<! 5ist 6rgani;ation
Use t-is ro#tine to list t-e employees of a specific s#per9isor& t-e
employees s#per9ised .y t-ose employees and so on& down t-e reporting

Do#r -ealt- care organi;ation #ses t-e MIS system parameters to define t-e
la.el of t-e first field t-at appears in t-e ro#tine+ 7or e>ample& yo# may want
to replace S#per9isor wit- a term t-at more acc#rately reflects t-e reporting
-ierarc-y of yo#r organi;ation+ T-e field la.el Manager may .e more
appropriate+ Contact yo#r MEDITECH Application Specialist to c-ange t-e field

O 5ist 6rgani;ation O
OS#per9isor O
OTotal onlyH O
Enter t-e name or p-one of t-e s#per9isor for
w-om yo# want to list employees+

5ooB#p! MIS User Dictionary
Total 6nlyH
To print only t-e total of employees w-o report
to t-is s#per9isor& enter D+

Enter 8 to incl#de t-e names of t-ese employees+
Transfer MA=IC 6ffice 7iles (,+*) Page $,,
,+*! Transfer MA=IC 6ffice 7iles
Use t-is ro#tine to transfer t-e MA=IC 6ffice files from t-e file ca.inet of
one #ser to t-e file ca.inet of anot-er #ser+ T-e ro#tine transfers files only
if t-e target ca.inets are empty+

Do# can r#n t-is ro#tine as a foregro#nd Ko. or as a .acBgro#nd Ko.+ If yo# r#n
t-is ro#tine as a foregro#nd Ko.& yo# r#n t-e ro#tine d#ring an MIS session+
T-e de9ice is .#sy #ntil t-e file transfer is complete+ If yo# r#n t-is ro#tine
as a .acBgro#nd Ko.& t-e ro#tine r#ns in memory+ Do# can t-en #se t-e de9ice to
perform ot-er tasBs+

If a #ser terminates -is or -er employment wit- yo#r -ealt- care organi;ation&
and yo# mo9e t-e files for t-at #ser& yo# can deacti9ate t-e acco#nt for t-at
#ser 9ia t-e MIS User Dictionary+

8ote! T-e system r#ns only one Transfer )o#tine at a time on a de9ice+

7oregro#nd Data Transfer

If yo# r#n t-is ro#tine as a foregro#nd Ko.& MEDITECH recommends t-at yo# r#n
it from a non3telnet de9ice+ 4eca#se t-e transfer of files can taBe a long
time& a telnet session can end premat#rely+ If t-e session ends& t-e transfer
ro#tine fails+

If t-e transfer fails& yo# m#st restore t-e files from a .acB#p medi#m+ D#ring
file restoration& yo# organi;ation can lose access to critical files (for
e>ample& on3call lists)+ After yo# restore t-e files& yo# m#st rer#n t-is

4acBgro#nd Data Transfer

If yo# r#n t-is ro#tine as a t-is ro#tine in t-e .acBgro#nd lessens t-e
freF#ency of file restores
ca#sed .y telnet session time3o#ts and pre9ents t-e loss of access to critical

O Transfer MA=IC 6ffice 7iles O
O7rom User O
O To User O
OTransfer in 4E=H O
Transfer MA=IC 6ffice 7iles (,+*) Page $,1
7rom User
Identify t-e #ser from w-om yo# want to transfer MA=IC
6ffice files+

5ooB#p! MIS User Dictionary
To User
Identify t-e #ser to w-om yo# want to transfer MA=IC
6ffice files+

8ote! T-e MA=IC 6ffice ca.inet for t-is #ser m#st .e

5ooB#p! MIS User Dictionary
Transfer in 4E=H
To r#n t-is ro#tine in t-e .acBgro#nd& enter D+

To r#n t-is ro#tine in t-e foregro#nd& enter 8+
Transfer Stat#s )o#tine (,+,) Page $,2
,+,! Transfer Stat#s )o#tine
If yo# r#n t-e Transfer MA=IC 6ffice 7iles )o#tine as a .acBgro#nd Ko.& #se
t-is ro#tine to 9iew t-e Ko. stat#s+

After yo# enter a de9ice& t-e screen displays t-e following information!

L stat#s of t-e transfer Ko.

L start date and time

L end date and time (if applica.le)

L original owner of t-e files and t-e new recipient of t-e files

Dictionary Mass Edit (,+1) Page $,0
,+1! Dictionary Mass Edit
Use t-e Manage Application Mass Edit screen to identify t-e data.ase for w-ic-
yo# want to edit dictionary 9al#es+ After yo# identify t-e data.ase& t-e
Dictionary Mass Edit )o#tine appears+ Do# can t-en #se t-e Dictionary Mass Edit
)o#tine to edit t-e 9al#es of dictionary fields in a specific dictionary+

User access to t-e Dictionary Mass Edit )o#tine is defined 9ia t-e Allow
Dictionary Mass:A#icB EditH prompt in t-e MIS User Dictionary+ In addition& for
eac- dictionary yo# want to allow t-e #ser to edit& yo# m#st enter t-e
corresponding DPM at t-e Dictionaries prompt+

8ote! Use t-is ro#tine wit- e>treme ca#tion+ T-e system files yo#r edits
directly to t-e dictionary+ Do#r edits permanently o9erwrite t-e original
9al#es+ To restore t-e original 9al#es& yo# m#st re3enter t-em 9ia t-is ro#tine
or t-e corresponding Enter:Edit dictionary ro#tine+

O Manage Application Mass Edit O
OApplication Data.ase! O
Application Data.ase
Enter t-e application data.ase t-at incl#des t-e
dictionaries yo# want to edit+

5ooB#p! A9aila.le application data.ases

/-en yo# enter t-e application data.ase& t-e Dictionary
Mass Edit )o#tine appears+ Do# can t-en select t-e
dictionary yo# want to edit+

8ote! Access to specific application data.ase
dictionaries is defined 9ia t-e MIS User Dictionary+
Dictionary A#icB Edit (,+2) Page $1%
,+2! Dictionary A#icB Edit
T-is ro#tine is a9aila.le only if yo#r -ealt- care organi;ation -as p#rc-ased
5arge MarBet Software+ Please contact yo#r MEDITECH MarBeting Cons#ltant
for more information+

T-e Dictionary A#icB Edit ro#tine allows a #ser to edit t-e 9al#e to a
single dictionary field for a #ser3defina.le s#.set of entries wit-in a
specified dictionary+

User access to t-is ro#tine is controlled 9ia t-e MIS User Dictionary+ To
allow a #ser access to t-is ro#tine& a response of Des m#st .e entered at
t-e A556/ DICTI68A)D MASS:AUICE EDITH prompt on t-e =eneral Information
screen of t-e MIS User Dictionary+ In addition& t-e DPMs for all dictionaries
t-at t-e #ser is allowed to edit m#st .e entered at t-e DICTI68A)IES
prompt& w-ic- is also fo#nd on t-e =eneral Information screen+ (T-e
DICTI68A)IES prompt is a m#ltiple+)

Upon selecting t-e Dictionary A#icB Edit ro#tine& t-e #ser is prompted for
t-e application data.ase in w-ic- t-e edits are to .e made+ Access to t-e
application data.ase is controlled from t-e MIS User Dictionary+ T-at is& t-e
#ser only -as access to t-ose application data.ases t-at are assigned to t-e
#ser on t-e Applications Men# screen in t-e MIS User Dictionary+

6nce an application data.ase is selected& t-e #ser is .ro#g-t into t-e
Dictionary A#icB Edit ro#tine+

T-e #ser will t-en!

$) select t-e dictionary t-at is to .e edited+ () access to all
dictionaries t-at can .e edited wit-in t-e Dictionary A#icB Edit
ro#tine is also controlled .y t-e MIS User Dictionary+)

') c-oose w-ic- element wit-in t-e specified dictionary is to .e edited

() specify w-ic- entries in t-e dictionary will .e edited

<) if desired& define ot-er elements (#p to a ma>im#m of () to display
additional information for t-e selected range of dictionary entries

*) if desired& f#rt-er limit t-e entries w-ic- will .e edited .ased on t-e
criteria of e>isting dictionary data (for e>ample& yo# may c-oose to
capt#re only t-e entries t-at -a9e t-e ACTIE field set to Des)

,) enter& indi9id#ally& t-e new 9al#e t-at will replace t-e e>isting
9al#e for eac- dictionary entry

8ote! It is essential t-at #sers reali;e t-e impact of t-is ro#tine+
Edits made wit-in t-is ro#tine are filed directly into t-e dictionary+
/-en an edit is filed& all of t-e old 9al#es for t-e edited field
are gone+ T-e only ways to restore pre9io#s 9al#es is to #se t-is
Dictionary A#icB Edit (,+2) Page $1$
ro#tine or t-e enter:edit ro#tine for t-at dictionary+

O Manage Application A#icB Edit O
OApplication Data.ase! O
APP5ICATI68 DATA4ASE Enter t-e mnemonic of t-e application data.ase t-at
contains t-e dictionaries yo# want to edit 9ia t-e
Dictionary A#icB Edit ro#tine+

5ooB#p! Application data.ases to w-ic- yo# -a9e access

After selecting an application data.ase& yo# will .e
.ro#g-t into t-e Dictionary A#icB Edit ro#tine w-ere
yo# can select t-e dictionary t-at yo# want to edit+

8ote! Access to specific application data.ase
dictionaries is assigned in t-e User Dictionary+
Print /orBstation A#dit 5og (,+0) Page $1'
,+0! Print /orBstation A#dit 5og
Use t-is ro#tine to print t-e contents of t-e /orBstation A#dit 5og& w-ic-
tracBs /orBstation 9ersions #sed on eac- mac-ine in t-e system+ T-e system
a#tomatically records t-e following information for t-e last standard signon of
eac- mac-ine!

L ersion

L Date

L Time

T-e system tracBs separate signon information for eac- mac-ine and eac- maKor
/orBstation release ((+> and <+>)+

Do# print t-is report for a range of de9ices and yo# can incl#de all log
entries or only entries wit- certain 9ersions recorded+
P#rge /orBstation ersion A#dit of 6ld De9ices (,+$%) Page $1(
,+$%! P#rge /orBstation ersion A#dit of 6ld De9ices
Use t-is p#rge ro#tine to remo9e a range of one or more log entries from t-e
Print /orBstation A#dit 5og+ 7or e>ample& yo# can remo9e entries for mac-ines
t-at -a9e .een eit-er retired or replaced+

After deleting all specified de9ices& t-e system prints a s#mmary list of
de9ice names t-at were act#ally p#rged+
Initiali;e /orBstation ersion A#dit )o#tine (,+$$) Page $1<
,+$$! Initiali;e /orBstation ersion A#dit )o#tine
Use t-is ro#tine to pop#late t-e Print /orBstation A#dit 5og wit- mac-ine
names from t-e 6PS (6perations) De9ice Ta.le+

T-e system adds signon data only after signon occ#rs+
Users and Password Management I8DEC Page $1*

a.stract tape codes Edit Colors 3 Component Screen
assigning to a #ser (* fig#re 1'
alternate pro9iders editing
defining $*< display of colors 1$
a#dit trails $,( electronic signat#re
dictionary edits $,% monitoring PI8 c-anges $*'
a#to3e>pire passwords o9er9iew
listing #sers $%' encryption $,(
Enter:Edit User Colors )o#tine 1$
e>piration dates
4 password& c-anging .y sec#rity
gro#p 0%
.acBgro#nd colors 1$

clinical preferences Edit Colors 3 Component Screen
defining for a #ser 11 1'
colors foregro#nd colors 1$
editing display of 1$
resetting display of 1$
Common Color Com.inations I
ta.le 1*
components Initiali;e /orBstation ersion
screen 1$ A#dit )o#tine $1<


dictionaries Eey Commands on t-e Edit Colors
Distri.#tion =ro#p $($ Screen
mass editing $,0 ta.le 1*
MIS User Dictionary (1
Sec#rity =ro#p $'%
User $(&'2&*$&,$ 5
User 5ocation $'(
dictionary edits locations
a#dit trails of $,% editing $'(
Distri.#tion =ro#p Dictionary
enter:edit ro#tine $($
list ro#tine $(1 8
distri.#tion gro#ps
c-anging responsi.ility $<% networB PI8s
copying $<' entering $*$
deleting $<<
editing $($
listing $<* 6
listing responsi.le #ser@s
gro#ps $<, organi;ation
o9er9iew listing $,*
Users and Password Management I8DEC Page $1,
P Print User Acti9ity 5ogs .y Time
parameters Print User Acti9ity 5ogs .y User
sec#rity $ $%<
passwords )eset 6ld Passwords 0(
assigning a one3time #ser
password 0<
c-anges& listing .y de9ice 02 S
c-anges& listing .y time $%%
c-anges& listing .y #ser 0, screen components
e>piration dates& c-anging .y definition 1$
sec#rity gro#p 0% sec#rity $
management& .y sec#rity gro#p Sec#rity =ro#p Dictionary
$'% enter:edit ro#tine $'%
o9er9iew $ Sign Up f#nction
resetting old 0( defining a9aila.le #ser options
Print /orBstation A#dit 5og $1' <1
P#rge /orBstation ersion A#dit of s#per9isor@s employees
6ld De9ices )o#tine $1( listing $,*
listing $,<

reporting -ierarc-y T
listing $,<
resetting ta.les
#sers colors 1$ Common Color Com.inations 1*
ro#tines Eey Commands on t-e Edit Colors
C-ange Distri.#tion =ro#p Screen 1*
)esponsi.ility $<% Types of Screen Components 1$
C-ange E>piration Dates 0% terminals
Copy Distri.#tion =ro#p $<' managing 0
Delete Distri.#tion =ro#ps $<< Types of Screen Components
Download Client Temp A#dit $$2 ta.le 1$
Enter:Edit User Colors 1$
5ist Distri.#tion =ro#p $(1
5ist 6rgani;ation $,* U
5ist )eporting Hierarc-y $,<
5ist )esponsi.le User@s #ser
Distri.#tion =ro#ps $<, defining clinical preferences
5ist User .y Sec#rity =ro#p ,0 for a 11
5ist User@s Distri.#tion =ro#ps User Dictionary
$<* enter:edit ro#tine $(&'2&*$&,$
Print Arc-i9ed Patient A#dit $$0 list .y sec#rity gro#p ro#tine
Print Client Temp A#dit $$< ,0
Print Dictionary A#dit Trail $,% System single sign3on ,2
Print ES Ena.le:Disa.le 5og $*' User 5ocation Dictionary
Print Password A#dit Trail 4y enter:edit ro#tine $'(
De9ice 02 User Miscellaneo#s Men# )o#tines
Print Password A#dit Trail 4y $1'&$1(&$1<
Time $%% #sers
Print Password A#dit Trail 4y assigning a one3time #ser
User 0, password 0<
Print Patient A#dit $$( copying e>isting information to
Print User Acti9ity 5ogs .y create a new #ser '1
De9ice $%1 creating '1
defining clinical information (1
Users and Password Management I8DEC Page $11
#sers (contin#ed)
defining Sign Up f#nction
options <1


/orBstation ersion A#dit )o#tines

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