Status and Prospects of Agri-Tourism in Selected Municipalities of The 4th District of Batangas

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Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research

P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | | Volume 2, No. 4, August 2014

P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |

Status and Prospects of Agri-Tourism in Selected Municipalities of the
District of Batangas

Bianca Venus L. Recio, Kareen Angelica M. De Ade, Christine Joy M. Esguerra, Saharah A. Mandanas,
Jissel T. Masangkay, Jessica A. Mendania, Jennie Margaret Apritado
Bachelor of Science in International Travel and Tourism Management, College of International Tourism and
Hospitality Management, Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas City, Philippines

Date Received: April 25, 2014; Date Published: August 15, 2014

Abstract The study was to identify the profile of the agri-tourism sites in the selected municipalities in
the 4
district of Batangas. Specifically, it determines the status and prospects of agri-tourism in the selected
municipalities in the 4
district of Batangas in terms of Socio-Economic and Environmental Aspects; and
have proposed an action plan to promote the agri-tourism as a destination.
The researchers have conducted the study to see how the agri-tourism benefits the community in terms of
their economy and environmental aspects. This study have provided more awareness to the community about
the Agri-tourism in the place. In addition this research educates people to be more vigilant enough on giving
importance on the Agri-tourism we have in Batangas. Results showed that the three major agri-tourism
farms in the fourth district of Batangas were Vilelas Farm, British Farm and Moca Farm. Agri-tourism in
Batangas has socio-economic effects to the residents of the fourth district of Batangas. Agri-tourism has no
environmental effect as assessed by the residents of Batangas.

Keywords: Agri-Tourism, Socio-Economic, Environmental Aspect

Tourism is one of the industries that is currently
boosting nowadays. It has grown into one of the worlds
major industries and has thus also become increasingly
important (Aguba, Tamayo & Barlan, 2013). Although
tourism has been popular, it cannot deny the fact
problem do exist that hinder tourist growth in every
place (Buted, Ylagan & Mendoza, 2014).
It is a dynamic and competitive industry that
requires the ability to constantly adapt to customers'
changing needs and desires, as the customers
satisfaction, safety and enjoyment are particularly the
focus of tourism businesses. It is a major contributor to
the economy of the Philippines. There are different
branches of tourism; under this is the Industrial tourism.
Industrial tourism presents opportunities, when it
comes to income and as a tool of management, for
individual firms who open their doors - and
consequently their local regions - to the public.
According to Otgaar (2010) industrial tourism is a type
of tourism which involves visits to operational
companies and industrial heritage; it offers visitors an
experience with regard to products, applications and
historical backgrounds. Industrial tourism is classified
into different dimension such as, Arts And Crafts,
Industrial Facilities and Agri-tourism for visitors.
On the other hand, Sznajder (2009) emphasized that
agri-tourism is style of vacation that is normally spent
on farms. The term agri-tourism is understood
differently by tourists and providers of agri-tourists
services. One of the important issues in rural
tourism is that many providers are involved in tourism.
For example, the main business of a farm is in
managing land, stock, machinery and the land. Family
labour tends to be the main source of assistance in farm
tourism enterprises. Successful farm tourism
development requires substantive capital input,
marketing, reliance on external advice and finance,
(Page & Connell, 2012).
The Philippines topography is very ideal for Agri-
tourism. Agri-tourism farms, such as those in Benguet
and Guimaras, are scattered throughout the country.
Leisure farms or farm resorts, as they are called by the
Department of Tourism (DOT), have sprung up in
different regions of the country. These are farms with
resort, accommodation, and dining components.
Representatives Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and
Diosdado Macapagal Arroyo have filed House Bill No.
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 2, No. 4| August 2014
Recio et al., Status and Prospects of Agri-Tourism in Selected Municipalities of the 4
District of Batangas
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
1808 in the 15
congress to promote agri-tourism in the
country. The bill also proposes tax credits to registered
Agri-tourism activities to help offset the expenses of
venturing into Agri-tourism and to provide technical
assistance to farmers who wish to enter the Agri-
tourism Business (Lesaca, 2012).
According to the article of Fernandez (2012), an
agri-tourism industry is taking shape in the country.
Research is being harnessed to unravel the vast
potential of this fledgling venture, whose development
can considerably perk up the rural economy.
Encouragingly, state colleges and universities (SCUs)
across the country are taking the lead in developing this
new field. It refers to working farms, ranches, winery,
or any agriculture operation being opened to the public
for their enjoyment and also for outdoor recreation
activities, education, shopping, dining, or even lodging.
Agri-tourism generally activates as a small family
enterprises, both socially and economically profitable.
Also, it assists to mitigate emigration from remote areas
and generate profit by diversifying economy. The
cultural exchange of development with urban and rural
areas adds quality to their life (Iorio et. al., 2010).
Development of appropriate agricultural and
environmental policies should produce and market
agricultural products, to create job opportunities in
agricultural and non-agricultural sector, to increase the
contribution of agricultural productivity to national
income and rural people (Zunic, 2011).
Indrayanti (2010) stressed that many travelers today
are choosing their destinations based on the eco-friendly
business practices followed by hotels and tourist
attractions. As part of citizens in a global world, they do
not only want to protect the environment but they also
want to witness how it is done and experience it
themselves. Dadua Jr. et al., (2010) found out that Agro
tourism is most popular in Batangas province. The
concept of Agro tourism is a direct expansion of
Ecotourism which encourages visitors to experience
agricultural life at first hand. Agro tourism is gathering
strong support from small communities as rural people
have realized the benefits of sustainable development
brought about similar forms of nature travel.
The provinces development program undertakes
projects and activities such as human resource
development, cultural and historical enhancement,
product promotion, tourism promotion,
services/domestic tourism promotion, ecotourism and
destination development (Reyes, 2012). Tew (2010)
examined the perceived performance of agri-tourism
through two indirect indicators: their willingness to
recommend agri-tourism to other farmers and their
plans for further development of recreational activities.
Mnguni (2010) emphasized that agri-tourism is
increasingly recognized as a means of enterprise
diversification for most agricultural producers and in
most cases, it is developed and adopted by developed
farmers, worldwide. In addition, the study conducted by
Ochterski (2008) entitled Getting Started in Agri-
tourism, farm agri-tourism experience provides an
excellence opportunity for day tripper so start focusing
media outreach in communities within an hour drive of
the farm. Target major population center starts with a
weekend openhouse to test the draw experience so that
you meet the expectation. Agri-tourism combines with
ecotourism, edutourism and culinary tourism. Most
agri-tourism enterprises are located in rural area, where
customer or few and far between to be successful at
attracting visitors, an agri-tourism enterprise must
become a destination where regional visitor will
intentionally visit.
Since Batangas is very rich in agricultural lands and
products it is very suitable to have and develop agri-
tourism here in our province. Batangas is visited due to
the affordability of the tourist attractions and
destinations including the amenities offered (Vizconde
& Felicen, 2012). Agri-tourism in Batangas is a new
emerging kind of tourist attraction that in focuses on the
way of living of the farmers and also to educate people
about the agri-tourism business. The best example of
Agri-tourism sites here in the province is the Vilelas
Farm, British Farm and Moca Farm. Vilelas Farm is
located at Ibaan, Batangas. It is the first farm to be
accredited by the Department of Tourism as a Farm Site
Destination. Another farm is owned by Mrs. Irene
Triffit, is the British Farm that is located in Brgy. Salao,
Rosario, Batangas.
The researchers conducted the study to see how the
agri-tourism benefits the community in terms of their
economy and environmental aspects. This study
provides awareness to the community about the Agri-
tourism in the place. In addition, this research is to
educate people to be more vigilant enough on giving
importance on the Agri-tourism we have in Batangas.

The study aimed to determine the status and
prospects of the Agri-tourism in the selected
municipalities of the fourth District of Batangas in
terms of socio-economic and environmental aspect; and
to propose an action plan to promote the Agri-tourism
as a tourist destination.
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 2, No. 4| August 2014
Recio et al., Status and Prospects of Agri-Tourism in Selected Municipalities of the 4
District of Batangas
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |

Research Design
In order to determine the needed information
regarding the status of the agri-tourism in the selected
municipalities in 4
district of Batangas, the descriptive
method of research was used in this study. This method
includes the collection of data to answer questions
concerning the status of the subject.
Descriptive method of research, on the other hand,
as opposed to an experimental or normative method,
develops knowledge by describing observed situations,
events and objects. The descriptive method is used in
most branches of science, as well as in social sciences.
The goal of the descriptive method is to learn more
about something as it already exists without causing any
changes to it (Robinson, 2010).

A total of 100 respondents were used in order to
determine the effects of agri- tourism in Batangas. The
tourists and residents of the selected municipalities as
the respondents were randomly selected for the
determination of the present condition of the study.

Survey questionnaire was used as the main data
gathering instrument for the study. The questionnaire
was composed of two main sections. The first section is
the profile that contains the profiles of the farms. The
second part is the survey proper that explores the
perceptions of the respondents on the status of agri-
tourism particularly on the Socio-economic and
Environment Aspects. The survey part of the
questionnaire contains questions that were structure
using the Likert format. Four choices were provided for
every question or statement. The choices represent the
degree of agreement for each respondent on the given

The primary forms of the questionnaire are referred
to the adviser for comments and suggestions regarding
the format and item content, the suggestions served as
guidelines for the revision of questionnaire. The
questionnaire generated using qualified questions
modified from related research and subjective questions
formed by the researchers. In this study, questions were
comprised the participants perception concerning the
status and prospects of the agri-tourism in the selected
municipalities in 4
District of Batangas. The
researchers conducted visitation in the farms and
interviewed the farm owner, the nearby area and in the
municipalities to gather information about the topic of
the research. The researchers have gathered the
questionnaire immediately after the respondents have
answered it on that same day.

Data Analysis
After the collection of the questionnaire, the
answers were tallied, tabulated and analyzed. Different
statistical treatment were used and recorded.
Weighted mean was used in determining the status
and prospects of the agri-tourism in the selected
municipalities of the fourth district of Batangas in terms
of socio-economic and environmental aspect.
The interpretation of the total responses of all
respondents for every question used on the scale below
by computing the weighted mean: 3.50 4.00 Strongly
Agree (SA); 2.50 3.49 Agree (A); 1.50 2.49
Disagree (D); 1.00 1.49 Strongly Disagree (SD).

Table 1 presents the status and prospects of the
agri-tourism in the selected Municipalities of the fourth
District of Batangas in terms of socio-economic aspect.

Table 1. Status and Prospects of the Agri-tourism in the Selected Municipalities of the Fourth District of
Batangas in terms of Socio-economic Aspect (N=100)
Socio-economic WM VI Rank
1. Improve the living of the agri-tourism business. 3.60 Strongly Agree 5.5
2. Upgrade social condition of the community. 3.61 Strongly Agree 3.5
3. Contribute to the economic growth in Batangas as an agri-business.
3.61 Strongly Agree 3.5
4. Increases demand production of the local agricultural products.
3.56 Strongly Agree 7
5. Agricultural products (rice, herbs and spices, organic plants, vegetables, poultry
products, etc.)became part of the trading industry. 3.65 Strongly Agree 1
6. The agricultural business provides additional revenues to the local government.
3.60 Strongly Agree 5.5
7. Promotes local agricultural products of the farm 3.63 Strongly Agree 2
Composite Mean 3.61 Strongly Agree
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | | Volume 2, No. 4, August 2014
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
It can be observed from Table 1 that the
respondents strongly agreed that the agri-tourism in the
selected municipalities of the fourth District of
Batangas has an effect on the socio-economic aspects
having a composite mean of 3.614.
The entire items yield high to very high mean
ranging from 3.56-3.65 interpreted as Strongly Agree
and Agree. As seen from the results, agricultural
products became part of the trading industry got the
highest rank having a weighted mean of 3.65 and was
strongly agreed by the respondents. It is followed by
promoting local agricultural products of the farm which
got the weighted mean of 3.63.
According to the interview with the farm owners it
is stated that agriculture can be one of the most
satisfying and rewarding ways to make living. From
farming and food production to forestry, agribusinesses
contributed to the health of the population and security
of the community. Stating and running an agricultural
business involves a lot of paperwork, regulations and
technical know-how.
As the researchers conducted tours at Vilelas Farm,
Moca Farm and British Farm, they all have different
varieties of plants and vegetables, agricultural products
such as Dill, Coriander, Celery, Cherry Tomato, Lemon
Basil, Rosemary, Tarragon, Peppermint, Spearmint,
Chocomint, Italian Oregano, Thyme, Stevia, Grapes,
Vanilla, King Mandarin, letus, sunflower, corn and a lot
Like many farmers, the owners are looking for
agricultural opportunities to add revenue to their
traditional farming operation. As they continued to
explore new opportunities like small-scale, local food
production and agri-tourism, they preserved the
traditional crops grown on their family farm for
decades; sugarcane and spices.
However, the lowest three in rank such as Improve
the living of the agri-tourism business., The
agricultural business provides additional revenues to the
local government. And Increases demand production
of the local agricultural products were agreed by the
respondent which has weighted mean 3.56 and 3.60
respectively. According to the study conducted by
Otchterki (2008), Agritourism provides an additional
source of revenue for farms that allows them to keep
farming and increase the quality of life for their family.
Based from the formulated data, this implies that
the agricultural products have less demand from the
consumer. More so, agritourism business was being
improved to benefit community and local government
as well. Agritourism in the selected municipalities in the
fourth district of Batangas produces different products
that becomes or serves a big part in the tourism industry
which got the highest rank next to it which ranked no. 2
stated that the respondents believe that, agritourism help
promotes local agricultural products of the farm on the
other hand it is shown in our survey that the
respondents agreed that when it comes to the socio
economic aspect, agritourism helps upgrade social
condition of the community and contribute to the
economic growth in Batangas as an agri-business
having the same weighted mean of 3.61. It is for the
reason that the farms revenues contributes to the socio-
economic growth in the the 4
district of Batangas.

Table 2. Status and Prospects of the Agri-tourism in the Selected Municipalities of the Fourth District of Batangas
in terms of Environmental Aspect (N=100)
Environment WM VI Rank
1. The development of agri-tourism posts hazard to the natural environment. 1.94 Disagree 5
2. The agricultural products increase generation of waste. 2.05 Disagree 4
3. Development of agri-tourism causes degradation of the landscape and natural
resources. 1.88 Disagree 6
4. The agricultural business supports the clean and green project of the area (Go
Green Environment, Zero Waste Management, Three Rs Waste Management). 2.92 Agree 1
5. The agricultural business decreases the available land scape. 2.17 Disagree 3
6. Proper implementation of land used or zoning. 2.83 Agree 2
7. Agri-business destructs the flora and fauna. 1.75 Disagree 7
Composite Mean 2.22 Disagree

Based on the Table 2 the agricultural business
supports the clean and green project with the weighted
mean as 2.92, rank as number 1 verbally implemented
as Agree. While, the proper implementation of land
used or zoning with weighted mean 2.83, rank as
number two with verbal interpretation as Agree.
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 2, No. 4| August 2014
Recio et al., Status and Prospects of Agri-Tourism in Selected Municipalities of the 4
District of Batangas
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Therefore, the two aspects received better attention
from the local government.
The Agri-tourism or sometimes called farm or
rural tourism is a fast expanding tourism product
which acts as a supplemental activity to the main
activity of farming. This is characterized by a link
between travel and products, services, and experiences
of the agriculture and food systems, (
According to the researchers interview with the
owners of British farm, they said that they are willing to
invite children from different schools whether public or
private schools. This is for the reason that the couple
would like to educate the children to be more vigilant
enough to take good care or give importance to the
environment so as to give importance to farming or
agri-tourism aspect. It is important that children
nowadays or even in the future generations must learn
the importance and benefits or farming and planting. In
fact according to the owners, they are willing to offer
some parts of their land to some schools for them to
actually exercise farming. It is a proof that people
engaged in agrtourism business are properly using their
land not only to provide agricultural products but also to
provide access to educate the people to know deeply the
importance and benefits of agritourism.
On the other hand, the destruction of flora and
fauna by agri-business and the development of agri-
tourism and causes degradation of the landscape and
natural resources with weighted mean of 1.75 and 1.88
respectively both has verbal interpretation of Disagree.
The respondents do not believe that the Agri-business
has a negative effect on the flora and fauna, whereas the
development of agri-tourism negatively degrades the
landscape and natural resources.
According to the interview that the researchers had
with the Farm Owners, from using high-yielding hybrid
varieties, the owners also employ improved techniques
of production. They prepare their land for planting
thoroughly. They are proud to say that unlike any other
farms; they used only organic fertilizer for their plants
and crops. Farm life need not to be boring, for Moca
Farm, communing with nature means communing with
In fact, the agri-business maintain the environment
while, the development of agri-tourism innovates their
landscape for better purpose and protects the natural
resources for better presentation in the Tourism Industry
and other sector benefiting from the changes. This study
examined the perceived performance of agritourism
through two indirect indicators: their willingness to
recommend agritourism to other farmers and their plans
for further development of recreational activities.
The research tackles about the agritourism in the
province more specifically in the 4
District of
Batangas. It can be seen that agritourism has an effect in
the socio-economic aspect. it helps in the economic
growth of the local community and also teach the local
and the tourists to appreciate more the nature and also
the life in the farms. Agritourism proved that it doesnt
have any negative effect when it comes to our
environment. The agritourism is a special enterprise or
feature at a working farm to attract, educate, and inspire
visitors. It can be a source of supplemental income for
your farm and it really helps non-farmers understand
the enormous effort it takes to run a farm.

Table 3. Plan of Improvement
Key Result Area Objective Activities Person Involved
Socio Economic
Improve agri-tourism
Provides all year
around source of
living for local

To promote agri-
business as a tourist
destination to the
Conduct livelihood
program for alternative
source of living

Coordinate with the
DOT, provincial tourism
and with the travel
agencies for the
promotion of the
selected farms in the 4

district of Batangas.
Local Government Unit
Non-Government Organization
Department of Environment and
Natural Resources
Department of Agriculture

Travel Agencies
Department of Tourism
Local Government Unit
Department of Agriculture

Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 2, No. 4| August 2014
Recio et al., Status and Prospects of Agri-Tourism in Selected Municipalities of the 4
District of Batangas
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Table 3 (cont). Plan of Improvement

Key Result Area Objective Activities Person Involved
Agricultural Business
supports the clean and
green projects.
To strengthen the
understanding among
the residents and

Conduct seminars and
workshop about the
implementation of the
clean and green projects.
Provincial and Municipal Local
Government Unit
Local Community
Department of Agriculture
Proper implementation
of land usage
implementation of
land usage

To ensure that any
future development
activities do not
adversely affect the
historic, landscape
and natural character
values of the area

For additional activity
like camping, team

Conduct Seminars and
workshop about the
proper implementation
of land use or zoning.
Interactive activities
wherein tourists could be
part of the agricultural
activities while
appreciating the value of
the products.
Provincial and Municipal Local
Government Unit
Local Community
Department of Agriculture

Provincial and Municipal Local
Government Unit
Local Community
Department of Agriculture

The three major agri-tourism farms in the fourth
District of Batangas were Vilelas Farm, British Farm
and Moca Farm. Agri-tourism in Batangas has socio-
economic effects to the residents of the fourth district of
Batangas. Agri-tourism has no environmental effect as
assessed by the residents of Batangas. Proposed action
plan was devised by the researchers to enhance/promote
agricultural products.
It is recommended that the farm owner should think
of many ways on how to attract more tourists. Batangas
as an agricultural area may encourage Batangueos to
plant organic products. The owner should have tourists
feedback forms to raise guest involvement, cooperation
and responsiveness. Farm owners may review the
proposed action plan to promote agricultural products.
Future researches may conduct similar study containing
additional variables.


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