Compendium of Customs Valuation

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Customs legislation

Brussels, January 2007

Compendium of Customs Valuation texts
of the

Customs Valuation Section


A Compendium of the legal provisions and accompanying texts relating to application in
the Community of the GATT Customs Valuation Agreement were last published in
consolidated form in 1997. Since then, a number of developments have intervened i.e.
additional rulings and conclusions have been adopted and changes in certain
implementing provisions have taken place.
This document represents an updated version of the Compendium of customs valuation
texts as concerns instruments concluded by the Customs Code Committee - Customs
Valuation Section - and a summary of relevant judgements of the Court of Justice of the
European Communities. A section with references to instruments adopted by the
Technical Committee for Customs Valuation of the World Customs Organisation has
been added for completeness. In its version of 10.10.2005 two new commentaries, n 9
and 10, have been added.
The present compendium has been prepared primarily for Member States administrations
but should be available to all interested parties. It is available in all official languages of
the Community at the following internet address:
The instruments (commentaries, conclusions and other measures contained in this
compendium) are the result of considerations in the Committee of certain provisions or
specific practical cases raised, according to Article 249 of the Customs Code. In the case
of commentaries, guidance is given on how to apply a specific provision. Conclusions are
the result of examination of particular practical cases. Commentaries and Conclusions
have not been adopted as legal instruments. However, they reflect the view of the
Customs Code Committee Customs Valuation Section and support uniform
interpretation and application of the relevant Community provisions. Economic operators
are however advised to consult their national customs administration as regards concrete
decisions in individual cases.
It should be stressed in particular that the authentic texts of EC regulations and directives
are those published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. As regards
judgements of the Court of Justice of the European Communities the authentic texts are
those given in the reports of cases before the Court of Justice.


Section A - Community Legal Texts (References only)

Texts of the Customs Code Committee (Customs Valuation Section)
Section B - Commentaries

Section C - Conclusions

Section D - Other measures

Other texts
Section E - Judgements of the Court of Justice of the European
Section F. - Index of texts of the Technical Committee on Customs
Valuation of the World Customs Organisation

SECTION B: COMMENTARIES........................................................................... 11
Commentary No 1 of the Customs Code Committee (Customs Valuation
Section) on the application of Article 32(1)(b) of the Customs Code on
the valuation of goods for customs purposes .................................................. 11
Commentary No 2 of the Customs Code Committee (Customs Valuation
Section) on the application of Article 145 paragraph 2 of the Customs
Code implementing provisions........................................................................ 14
Commentary No 3 of the Customs Code Committee (customs valuation
section) on the incidence of royalties and licence fees in customs value........ 20
Commentary No 4 of the Customs Code Committee (Customs Valuation
Section) on the application of the Implementing provisions on the
rates of exchange to be used in the determination of customs value .............. 24
Commentary No 5 of the Customs Code Committee (Customs Valuation
Section) on the meaning of the term " shown separately" for the
purposes of the provisions on the valuation of goods for customs
purposes........................................................................................................... 28
Commentary No 6 of the Customs Code Committee (Customs Valuation
Section) on documents and information which customs may require as
evidence for the determination of a customs value ......................................... 32
Commentary No 7 of the Customs Code Committee (Customs Valuation
Section) on the application of Article 147 of Commission Regulation
(EEC) No 2454/93 of 2 July 1993. .................................................................. 38
Commentary No 8 of the Customs Code Committee (Customs Valuation
Section) Treatment of discounts under Article 29 of the Customs Code........ 47
Commentary No 9 of the Customs Code Committee (Customs Valuation
Section) apportionment of air transport costs (according to Annex 25
of Reg. (EEC) n 2454/93) .............................................................................. 49
Commentary No 10 of the Customs Code Committee (Customs Valuation
Section) valuation of free goods accompanying paying goods....................... 51
Commentary N 11 of the Customs Code Committee (customs valuation
section) on the application of Article 32 (1) (c) CC in relation to
royalties and licence fees paid to a third party according to Article 160
of Reg. (EEC) n 2454/93 ............................................................................... 52
SECTION C: CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................ 58
Conclusion No 1 (revised) Rates of exchange fixed in advance:.............................. 58
Conclusion No 2 : Buyer to be taken into consideration........................................... 59
Conclusion No 3 : Engineering, development, artwork and design work
undertaken in the Community ......................................................................... 60
Conclusion No 4 : Charges for work undertaken after importation.......................... 61
Conclusion No 5 : Imports by branches .................................................................... 62
Conclusion No 6 : Splitting of transport costs for goods carried by rail................... 63
Conclusion No 7 : Air transport costs relating to non-commercial
importations..................................................................................................... 64
Conclusion No 8 : Air freight collection charges...................................................... 65
Conclusion No 9 : Apportionment of transport costs................................................ 66
Conclusion No 10 : Sets of meat of different commercial descriptions.................... 67
Conclusion No 11 (revised) : Purchase of export quotas - textile products.............. 68
Conclusion No 12 : Customs value of samples carried by air................................... 69
Conclusion No 13 : Tool costs .................................................................................. 70
Conclusion No 14 : Imports through contract agents................................................ 71
Conclusion No 15 : Quota charges claimed in respect of certificates of
authenticity ...................................................................................................... 73
Conclusion No 16 : Valuation under the deductive method of goods sold
through a branch office.................................................................................... 74
Conclusion No 17 : Precedence under the deductive method................................... 75
Conclusion No 18 : Demurrage charges.................................................................... 76
Conclusion No 19: cancelled..................................................................................... 77
Conclusion No 20 : Quota costs (importation of manioc from Thailand)................. 78
Conclusion No 21 : Test fees..................................................................................... 79
Conclusion No 22 (Revised): Valuation of computers with adjustable
memory capacity ............................................................................................. 80
Conclusion No 23 : Transport costs for goods sold ex warehouse ........................... 82
Conclusion 24 : Royalties and licence fees (has been replaced by
Commentary No 11) ........................................................................................ 83
Conclusion 25 : Goods sold for export to the Community........................................ 84
SECTION D: OTHER MEASURES................................................................................. 86
Customs value of sound and cinematographic recordings on magnetic tape
(videos) and other carrier media...................................................................... 86
Statement of administrative practice on article 156a ................................................ 88
Treatment of the transport costs for customs valuation purposes of air
express consignments declared for free circulation into the customs
territory of the Community.............................................................................. 89
EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES ................................................................................ 91
Case 7/83 - Ospig Textilgesellschaft KG W. Ahlers v. Hauptzollamt
Bremen-Ost...................................................................................................... 91
Case 290/84 - Hauptzollamt Schweinfurt v. Mainfrucht Obstverwertung
GmbH.............................................................................................................. 92
Case 65/85 - Hauptzollamt Hamburg - Ericus v. Van Houten International
GmbH.............................................................................................................. 94
Case C-183/85 - Hauptzollamt Itzehoe v. H.J. Repenning GmbH............................ 95
Case 357/87 - Firma Albert Schmid v. Hauptzollamt Stuttgard-West ...................... 96
Case C-219/88 - Malt GmbH v. Hauptzollamt Dsseldorf ....................................... 98
Case C-11/89 - Unifert Handels GmbH, Warendorf v. Hauptzollamt Mnster ...... 100
Case C-17/89 - Hauptzollamt Frankfurt am Main-Ost v. Deutsche Olivetti
GmbH............................................................................................................ 102
Case C-79/89 - Brown Boveri & Cie AG v. Hauptzollamt Mannheim................... 103
Case C-116/89 - BayWa AG v. Hauptzollamt Weiden........................................... 104
Case C-299/90 - Hauptzollamt Karlsruhe v. Gebr. Hepp. GmbH & Co KG.......... 105
Case C-16/91 - Wacker Werke GmbH & Co. KG v. Hauptzollamt Mnchen-
West ............................................................................................................... 106
Case C-21/91 - Firma Wnsche Handelsgesellschaft International (GmbH &
Co.) v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Jonas ........................................................... 108
Case C-59/92 - Hauptzollamt Hamburg-St. Annen v. Ebbe Snnichsen
GmbH............................................................................................................ 109
Case C-29/93 - KG in Firma OSPIG Textil-Gesllschaft W. Ahlers GmbH &
Co v. Hauptzollamt Bremen-Freihafen ......................................................... 110
Case C-340/93 - Klaus Thierschmidt GmbH v. Hauptzollamt Essen ..................... 111
Case C-93/96 - Indstria e Comrcio Txtil SA (ICT) v
Fazenda Pblica. 112
Case C-142/96 - Hauptzollamt Mnchen v Wacker Werke GmbH & Co. KG....... 113
Case C-15/99 - Hans Sommer GmbH & Co. KG v Hauptzollamt Bremen. ........... 114
Case C-379/00 - Overland Footwear Ltd v Commissioners of Customs &
Excise. ........................................................................................................... 116
QUESTIONS:.................................................................................................................. 116
GOODS UNDER ARTICLE 29 OF THE CUSTOMS CODE? ............................. 116
Case C-422/00 - Capespan International plc v Commissioners of Customs &
Excise. ........................................................................................................... 117
CUSTOMS VALUATION OF THE WCO ............................................................ 119

1. Customs valuation
Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 of 12 October 1992 establishing the
Community Customs Code
(CC), as last amended by Regulation EC No 2700/2000
of 16 November 2000

Articles 28-36.
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 of 2 July 1993
(CCIP) laying down
provisions for the implementation of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92, as last
amended by Regulation (EC) No 1335/2003 of 25 July 2003

Articles 141-181 a.
Annexes 23 to 29.

2. Other provisions which refer to establishment or recording of the customs
a) Customs formalities
Articles 14 and 15 (CC) Obligation to present documents and information
Article 64 (CC) Declarant
Article 67 and 214 (CC) Basis of the rules of assessment appropriate to the
incurrence of a customs debt
Article 228 (CC) No deferred payment when incomplete declarations
are entered in the accounts and by the time of expiry
of the period set particulars or documents necessary
for the definitive valuation were not provided or
Article 218 (CCIP) Documents to accompany a customs declaration
Articles 254-257 (CCIP) In the case of incomplete declarations at least
provisional indication of value required;
extended periods for the production of the document
in question; enter into account and lodging of a

OJ No L 302, 19.10.1992, p. 1
OJ No L 317, 11.12.2000, p. 17
OJ No L 253, 11.10.1993, p. 1
OJ No L 187, 26.7.2003, p. 16
b) Customs procedures with economic impact

Article 112 (CC) Customs warehouse; incurring of a customs debt
and determination of the basis of the taxation
elements (plus Articles 269, 516a, and 529 of the
Article 121 and 122 (CC) Inward processing; incurring of a customs debt and
determination of the basis of the taxation elements
(plus Articles 518, 521(2) d and g, 523, 547 and
548 of the CCIP)
Article 135 (CC) Processing under customs control; incurring of a
customs debt and determination of the basis of the
taxation elements (plus Articles521(2) and 551 of
the CCIP)
Article 144 (CC) Temporary admission; incurring of a customs debt
and determination of the basis of the taxation
elements (plus Articles and 499 j of the CCIP)
Articles 151 and 153 (CC) Outward processing; definition of the value of the
temporary export goods and the compensating
goods (plus Articles 590 and 591 of the CCIP)
c) Other types of customs approved treatment or use
Article 168a and 178 (CC) Free zone or free warehouse; the cost of
warehousing or of preserving goods shall not be
included in the customs value.
3. Other applications
a) Imports-value for VAT purposes
Article 11 B of Sixth Council Directive (77/388/EEC) as last amended by
Council Directive 95/7/EC (OJ No L 102, 05.05.95, p. 18)
b) External Trade Statistics
Council Regulation (EC) No 1172/95 (OJ No L 118/95, p. 10) as last
amended by Council Regulation (EC) No 374/1998 of 12 February 1998 (OJ
No L 48, 19.02.98, p. 06) and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1917/2000
of 7 September 2000 laying down certain provisions for the implementation
of Council Regulation No 1172/95 (OJ No L 229/2000, p. 14), as last
amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No 1669/2001 of 20 August 2001
(OJ No L 224, 21.08.2001, p. 3)

c) Legislation in the fields of common policies for agriculture and fisheries
Various: see in particular Entry Price System (Commission Regulation (EC)
No 3223/94 , OJ No L 337, 21.12.94, p. 66, as last amended by Commission
Regulation (EC) No 1947/2002 of 31 October 2002, OJ No L 299,
01.11.2002, p. 17)

(Customs Valuation Section)
Commentary No 1 of the Customs Code Committee (Customs
Valuation Section) on the application of Article 32(1)(b) of the
Customs Code on the valuation of goods for customs purposes

1. The practical application of the above provisions should be uniform throughout the
Community. This commentary by the Customs Valuation Committee has been
written therefore to provide guidance in interpreting these provisions.
Legal basis
2. Article 32(1)(b) of the Code is applicable in cases where :
- the customs value of the imported goods is determined under Article 29 of that
regulation even where the contract is only for working or processing of goods,
- the buyer of the imported goods has supplied certain goods or services (referred
to below as "assists") either free of charge or at reduced cost, for use in
connection with the production and sale for export of those imported goods
3. That provision is to be applied in the light of the Interpretative note to Article
32(1)(b)(ii) appearing in Annex 23 to Customs Code Implementing provisions.
Although the Note in question refers explicitly to Article 32(1)(b)(ii) only, it is
reasonable that it should also be applied, by analogy, to the other provisions of
Article 32(1)(b).
Country from which the assists are supplied
4. The country from which assists are supplied is not relevant in determining whether
particular goods or services fall within the scope of Article 32(1)(b). For example,
the goods in question may, before they are supplied to the producer, be physically
present in the country where the imported goods are produced; alternatively they
may have been transported to the producer from another third country or from the
Community itself. However, in keeping with the provisions of Article 32(1)(b)(iv),
the value of engineering, development, artwork, design work, and plans and
sketches supplied for the production of goods may not be added under Article
32(1)(b) if the work referred to has been carried out in the Community.

Transport and associated costs
5. By reason of paragraph 2 of the Note to Article 32(1)(b)(ii), the value of an assist is
either the cost of its acquisition or the cost of its production, as appropriate. There is
no specific provision related to the treatment of costs of delivery of assists to the
producer of the imported goods. The following are regarded as costs of delivery of
assists :
- cost of transport and insurance;
- cost of loading, unloading and handling.
6. Consequently, in determining a value under Article 32)(1)(b), costs of delivery of
assists to the producer of the imported goods are not to be added to the cost of
acquisition or cost of production of those assists. However they would be part of
that value to the extent that, in the case of acquisition, they are included in the price.
Example 1 : Company A in the Community orders the manufacture of shirts by
Company B in third country X. A supplies to B free of charge the cloth and the
buttons from which the shirts are to be manufactured. A buys the cloth from
company C in third country Y, with delivery terms "CIF port of unloading" in
country X. A makes the buttons in its own factory in third country Z. Both the cloth
and the buttons constitute assists under Article 32(1)(b). The value of the cloth for
the purposes of that provision is the price CIF port of unloading. The value of the
buttons is the cost of their production only; it does not include any delivery charges.

Amount to be included in the customs value
7. In keeping with Article 32(1)(b), the amount of the value of an assist to be included
in the customs value of imported goods is affected by two factors :
- the need for apportionment,
- the extent to which such value has not been included in the price for the
imported goods.
8. Guidance on apportionment is given in paragraphs 1, 3 and 4 of the Note to Article
9. The contract for the supply of the imported goods and the relevant invoice may
indicate the extent to which the value of any assist is not included in the price for
the imported goods. The amount of the value not so included must be declared to
the Customs, normally on form DV 1, and must form part of the customs value. In
order to determine that amount, it is necessary to know also the total value of the
assist and, in keeping with paragraph 3 of the above-mentioned note, to know how
that value is being apportioned.
Example 2 : Company A in the Community imports shirts made to order from
A's materials by company B in third country X. The contract indicates that materials
are supplied by A to B at 40% of cost to A. The invoice from B to A indicates an
amount for "the manufacture and supply of shirts". It may be assumed that 40% of
cost of the materials is part of the amount invoiced by B to A. The value of the
materials for the purposes of Article 32(1)(b) is their total cost. The amount of that
value not included in the price for the imported goods is 60% of the total cost of the
assist. Consequently the amount of the value of the assist still to be included in the
customs value of the shirts is the latter amount.
Example 3 : Company A above orders the manufacture of jackets from
company B above. B itself procures the constituent materials for the jackets, but A
buys the patterns for the jackets from a design company in third country Z, and
supplies them free of charge to B. The invoice from B to A indicates an amount for
"the manufacture and supply of jackets". The value of the design has not to any
extent been included in the price for the imported goods. Consequently the amount
of the value of the assist for the purposes of Article 32(1)(b) to be included in the
customs value of the jackets is the whole price for the patterns.

See also case no C 116/89 of the Court of Justice of the European Communities.

Commentary No 2 of the Customs Code Committee
(Customs Valuation Section)
on the application of Article 145 paragraph 2 of the Customs
Code implementing provisions

1. Article 145 CCIP sets out the treatment available where goods are damaged or
defective at time of importation.

Article 29
3. As a result of the amendment to Article 145, the customs valuation rules expressly
allow the defective nature of the goods to be taken into account, by accepting an
adjustment of the price paid or payable for the goods, provided the adjustment is
made entirely within the terms of the sales contract and is made exclusively for the
purpose of taking into account the defective nature of the goods. For this purpose,
the sales contract must contain a provision which allows for the possibility of an
adjustment to the price.
4. The defective goods must be covered by concrete and precise warranty provisions,
which are also referenced in the provision relating to the possibility of adjustment of
the price. Details of the warranty provisions can also be set out in a separate
document provided this is linked to the sales contract and both documents form part
of the relevant commercial transaction between buyer and seller.
5. The price adjustment must lead to a regular financial settlement between buyer and
seller, in a manner which establishes that the initial price of the goods has been
adjusted in accordance with the relevant contract. This would exclude forms of
indirect or postponed compensation e.g., payments to 3
parties, or exchange goods
which cannot be regarded as acceptable forms of price adjustment.

Nature of defective goods
6. The Customs Code already contains provisions on defective goods. No particular
definition of what constitutes defective goods is provided for in Article 145 CCIP.
The defective state (and as appropriate the state of being non defective) of goods is
determined by defined standards or criteria, and with reference to the relevant sales
and warranty agreement. The importer has the obligation to demonstrate to the
customs authorities that the imported goods were defective at the material time for
valuation for customs purposes.
7. Article 145 paragraph 2 requires that goods must be covered by a warranty which
provides guarantees as to the nature of the imported goods. Goods sold without a
warranty do not come within the scope of the provision. Goods sold subject to
assurance as to their marketability, or goods sold subject to variations in the
relevant indicators (for example: quality, uniform size, freshness) are not covered. It
is expected for the above reasons that agricultural goods do not generally fall within
the scope of this provision.

Price adjustment
8. Without prejudice to the situation covered by the amendment in relation to defective
goods, Article 145 paragraph 2 CCIP does not otherwise indicate that a legal basis
exists for the acceptance of price review mechanisms.
9. Article 145 also contains a legal requirement for the price adjustment to be made
within a period of 12 months following the date of acceptance of the declaration for
entry for free circulation of the goods. This means that: 1) the conditions necessary
for an adjustment of the price, 2) the consequential obligations under the warranty
and 3) the price adjustment should all be agreed by that date.

Other procedures
10. It is not intended that the provisions of Article 145 paragraph 2 CCIP can be applied
in the context of the procedure indicated in Article 152 of the Customs Code.


1. Manufacturer M in a third country sells motor vehicles to an independent distributor
D in the Community. Firm D resells the vehicles through a network of local dealers
to the ultimate customers.
2. There is a sales and distribution agreement between M and D. This sales agreement
includes provisions relating to warranties. Each imported motor vehicle is allocated
its own identification number. M gives a mileage warranty on all new vehicles. The
warranty is effective from the date of registration of the vehicle.
3. Under this sale and warranty arrangement M accepts that where within a mileage of
up to 100.000 km, defects as a result of materials or manufacturing faults are
, M is in breach of contract and will compensate D for making good the
defects by means of an adjustment of the price initially paid.
4. The warranty claims procedure is as follows:
- the customer discovers a fault and returns the vehicle to the dealer for repair.
- the dealer rectifies the fault, returns the vehicles to the customer and prepares a
warranty claim based on the cost incurred.
- the dealer sends the claim to D for processing.
- D checks that the claim is valid and, where the fault relates for example to a
manufacturing defect, D advises M that an adjustment is required.
- M checks that the claim is valid and, where M is satisfied that the fault relates to
the manufacturing defect, compensates D for the cost of rectifying the fault by
means of an adjustment of the price initially paid.
5. D, as the importer of the defective vehicle, makes a claim to Customs for a refund of
duty for an adjustment of the price that was made within a period of 12 months
following the date of acceptance of the declaration for entry to free circulation of the
goods. Customs checks that there is a clear audit trail and verifies the relevant
warranty claims documents. In particular Customs examines evidence that shows
that the fault rectified stems from the manufacturing defect. It is also confirmed that
the amount paid by M relates to the cost of rectifying the fault found in the imported
vehicle for which a refund of duty has been claimed.

Defects to be established on the basis of manufacturer's specifications and technical norms set out in
the relevant warranty documentation.

6. Can the Customs authorities establish that the adjustment of the price can be taken
into account for the determination of the customs value under Article 29 of the
Customs Code and Article 145.2 of the CCIP?

7. The parties to the sale which serves as a basis for customs valuation have based the
total price paid for the goods on the condition of the goods as guaranteed. In the
contractual arrangements determining the sale of goods are provisions which specify
that the goods are of a specific quality (in accordance with agreed technical norms).
This is a condition of the sale.
8. The seller and buyer of the goods have established that the imported vehicle was, at
entry for free circulation, defective as a result of a fault at the manufacturing stage.
The following have been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Customs authorities:
(i) the requisite contractual requirements,
(ii) the existence and acceptance of the manufacturing defect,
(iii) the correction of the manufacturing defect,
(iv) a price adjustment within a period of 12 months following the date of
acceptance of the declaration for entry to free circulation of the goods.
9. The manufacturer has:
a) accepted and confirmed the existence of the manufacturing defect,
b) taken the necessary corrective measures and
c) adjusted the price paid, in accordance with the contract.
10. Thus Customs could establish that the adjustment of the price can be taken into
account for the determination of the customs value under Article 29 of the Customs
Code and Article 145.2 of the CCIP.

1. Manufacturer M in a third country sells motor vehicles to an Importer D in the
2. There is a sales and distribution agreement between M and D. This agreement
includes provisions relating to warranties. Each imported motor vehicle is allocated
its own identification number. M gives a mileage warranty on all new vehicles. The
warranty is effective from the date of registration of the vehicle.
3. Under this sale and warranty arrangement M accepts that where within a mileage of
up to 100.000 km, defects as a result of materials, manufacture or design faults are
, M is in breach of contract and will compensate D for making good the
defects by means of an adjustment of the price initially paid.
4. The warranty claims procedure is as follows:
- When a fault is discovered, D has the fault rectified and prepares a warranty claim
based on the cost incurred.
- where the fault relates for example to a manufacturing defect, D advises M that an
adjustment is required.
- M checks that the claim is valid and, where M is satisfied that the fault relates to
the manufacturing defect, compensates D for the cost of rectifying the fault by
means of an adjustment of the price initially paid.
5. Manufacturer M discovers that under certain operating conditions, components in
the suspension system of certain vehicles may not perform in a reliable manner and
this could pose risks relating to the road worthiness of the vehicle. Consequently, M
asks owners of all of the vehicles to return them (recall) to the point of purchase for
examination and possible adjustment as a precautionary measure.
This situation is attributed to aspects of the conception and design of the vehicles.

Defects to be established on the basis of manufacturer's specifications and technical norms set out in
the relevant warranty documentation.
6. Can the Customs authorities establish that the adjustment of the price can be taken
into account for the determination of the customs value under Article 29 of the
Customs Code and Article 145.2 of the CCIP?

7. The parties to the sale which serves as a basis for customs valuation have based the
total price paid for the goods on the condition of the goods as guaranteed. In the
contractual arrangements determining the sale of goods are provisions which specify
that the goods are of a specific quality (in accordance with agreed technical norms).
This is a condition of the sale.
8. The customs authorities took note that:
(i) the need to review the vehicles (and possibly to adjust or replace certain
components) was dependent on certain operating conditions to which the
vehicles might be subject,
(ii) the manufacturer authorises the carrying out of corrective measures as a
precautionary step,
(iii) the situation is attributed to aspects of the conception and design of the vehicles.
9. Thus Customs decided that the examination and possible adjustment as a
precautionary measure did not establish a basis for application of Article 145.2 CCIP
as only actually defective vehicles could have benefited from that provision.

Commentary No 3 of the Customs Code Committee
(customs valuation section)
on the incidence of royalties and licence fees
in customs value

1. The practical application of the principles set out in Community legislation, which
govern the inclusion of amounts paid as royalties and licence fees in the customs
value of imported goods, should be uniform in the whole Community. This
Commentary by the Customs Valuation Committee has been written therefore to
provide some general guidance on this subject.
2. The Community legal provisions relating to the incidence of royalties and licence
fees in customs value are :
- Article 32(1)(c), Article 32(2) and Article 32(5) of the Customs Code;
- Customs Code Implementing Provisions :
-- Articles 157 to 162;
-- Annex 23 - Interpretative Notes to Article 32(1)(c) and (2).
3. The scope of the term "royalties and licence fees" under Article 32(1)(c) of the
Customs Code is defined in the Interpretative Notes to Article 32(1)(c) of the
Customs Code and Article 157(1) of the Implementing Provisions.
A more general definition can be found in Article 12(2) of the OECD Model Double
Taxation Convention on Income and on Capital (1977), as follows :
"payments of any kind received as a consideration for the use of, or the right
to use, any copyright of literary, artistic or scientific work including
cinematograph films, any patent, trademark, design or model, plan, secret
formula or process, or for the use of, or the right to use, industrial,
commercial or scientific equipment, or for information
concerning industrial, commercial, or scientific experience."
4. Usually royalty or licence fee payments are in the form of repeated instalments (e.g.
monthly, quarterly, annually). Sometimes the payment may take the form of a single
lump sum, or even an initial lump sum (commonly referred to as a "fee for
disclosure") followed by repeated instalments thereafter. The instalments are usually
calculated as a percentage of the proceeds of sale of the licensed products.

Commonly referred to as "know-how"

5. A definition of "know-how" is reproduced in paragraph 12 of the OECD
Commentary on Article 12 of the aforementioned Convention, as follows:
"all the undivulged technical information, whether capable of being patented
or not, that is necessary for the industrial reproduction of a product or
process, directly and under the same conditions; inasmuch as it is derived
from experience, know-how represents what a manufacturer cannot know
from mere examination of the product and mere knowledge of the progress
of technique."

Rights and know-how
6. Trading arrangements which involve the payment of royalties and licence fees are
almost invariably the subject of formal written "licence agreements" which usually
specify in detail the licensed product, the nature of the rights assigned and know-
how provided, the responsibilities of the licensor and the licensee and the methods
of calculation and payment of the royalties or licence fees.
7. In most cases examination of the licence agreement will provide adequate indication
of the relevance of the royalty or licence fee to the customs value of goods
imported. However, it may also be necessary to take into account the terms of the
contract of sale and the relationship which may exist between this and the licence
8. The need to examine the incidence of royalties and licence fees in customs value is
clear when the imported goods are themselves the subject of the licence agreement
(i.e. they are the licensed product). The need also exists however where the
imported goods are ingredients or components of the licensed product or where the
imported goods (e.g. specialised production machinery or industrial plant)
themselves produce or manufacture licensed products.
9. "Know-how" provided under a licence agreement will often involve the supply of
designs, recipes, formulae and basic instructions as to the use of the licensed
product. Where such know-how applies to the imported goods, any royalty or
licence fee payment therefore will need to be considered for inclusion in the
customs value. Some licence agreements however (for example in the area of
"franchising") involve the supply of services such as the training of the licensee's
staff in the manufacture of the licensed product or in the use of machinery/plant.
Technical assistance in the areas of management, administration, marketing,
accounting, etc. may also be involved. In such cases the royalty or licence fee
payment for those services would not be eligible for inclusion in the customs value.
10. In many cases examination of licence agreements and contracts of sale will reveal
that a part only of the royalty payment will be seen to be potentially dutiable. Where
under a licence agreement the benefits conferred are a mixture of potentially
dutiable and non-dutiable elements but the licensee does not in fact avail himself of
the non-dutiable elements, it may nevertheless be appropriate to regard the whole of
the royalty or licence fee as eligible for inclusion in the customs value.

Royalties and licence fees related to the goods to be valued
11. In determining whether a royalty relates to the goods to be valued, the key issue is
not how the royalty is calculated but why it is paid i.e. what in fact the licensee
receives in return for the payment (in this connection see Article 161 of the
Implementing provisions). Thus in the case of an imported component or ingredient
of the licensed product, or in the case of imported production machinery or plant, a
royalty payment based on the realisation on sale of the licensed product may relate
wholly, partially or not at all to the imported goods.

Royalties and licence fees paid as a condition of sale of the goods to be valued
12. The question to be answered in this context is whether the seller would be prepared
to sell the goods without the payment of a royalty or licence fee. The condition may
be explicit or implicit. In the majority of cases it will be specified in the licence
agreement whether the sale of the imported goods is conditional upon payment of a
royalty or licence fee. It is not however essential that it should be so stipulated.
13. When goods are purchased from one person and a royalty or licence fee is paid to
another person, the payment may nevertheless be regarded as a condition of sale of
the goods under certain conditions (see Article 160 of the Implementing
Provisions). The seller, or a person related to him, may be regarded as requiring the
buyer to make that payment when, for example, in a multinational group goods are
bought from one member of the group and the royalty is required to be paid to
another member of the same group. Likewise, the same would apply when the seller
is a licensee of the recipient of the royalty and the latter controls the conditions of
the sale.

Calculation of the amount to be added to the price actually paid or payable as
representing the royalty or licence fee (Article 32(2) of the Code and the
Interpretative Note thereto)
14. In general royalties and licence fees are calculated after importation of the goods to
be valued. In such cases final valuation may be delayed with reference to Article
257(3) of the Implementing Provisions. A general adjustment may be determined
based on results over a representative period and updated regularly. This is a matter
for agreement between importers and customs authorities.
15. When a part only of a royalty payment is held to be includible in the customs value,
consultation between the importer and the customs authorities is particularly
16. The basis for apportionment of the total payment into dutiable and non-dutiable
elements can sometimes be found in the licence agreement itself, when for example
a 7% total royalty may be specified as representing 3% for patent rights, 2% for
marketing know-how and 2% for trademark usage. More often than not however the
basis for apportionment cannot be so found. The respective values of rights and
know-how can at times be established by evaluating the extent to which know-how
is transferred or availed of and deducting that sum from the total royalty paid or
17. Also at the joint request of importer and customs the licensor himself may often be
prepared to indicate an appropriate apportionment based on his own calculations.
18. Further, inspection of correspondence between licensor and licensee, inter office
reports of negotiations which preceded the drawing up of the licence agreement or
discussion with one of the negotiators of the licence agreement will frequently
provide the bases for apportionment when at first sight apportionment would not
seem possible.

19. In accordance with Article 32(5) of the Code, royalties and licence fees are not to be
added to the price actually paid or payable when they represent
(a) charges for the right to reproduce the imported goods in the Community; or
(b) payments made by the buyer for the right to distribute or resell the imported
goods if such payments are not a condition of the sale for export to the
Community of the goods.

Applicability of Article 32(1)(d) of the Code
20. The provisions of Article 32(1)(a) to (e) of the Code, which concern additions to the
price actually paid or payable for the imported goods, each have their own scope.
Thus payments which fall within the definition of royalties and licence fees are to
be examined solely in the light of Article 32(1)(c) of the Code. When the
requirements of that provision are not met, such payments are not to be considered
under Article 32(1)(d).
See also advisory opinions 4.1 to 4.13 of the WCO and case studies 8.1 and 8.2 of the
WCO concerning the application of Article 8(1) of the agreement; also case no C 116/89
of the Court of Justice of the European Communities.

Commentary No 4 of the Customs Code Committee
(Customs Valuation Section)
on the application of the Implementing provisions on the
of exchange to be used in the determination of customs value

1. The rules regarding the rates of exchange to be used in determining the customs
value of imported goods are set out in Articles 168 to 172 of the Customs Code
Implementing Provisions (CCIP). They follow the basic principles provided in
Article 35 of the Code, that is, the rates of exchange to be used:
- reflect effectively the current value of currencies in commercial transactions;
- are published by the competent authorities of the Member States; and
- apply during a fixed period.
2. The significant features of the provisions are that rates of exchange used in
determining the customs value are fixed monthly and if no significant fluctuation on
the exchange markets affects them (see Article 171(1)), they remain unchanged for
a month, and that a special provision exists with regard to establishing exchange
rates to be used with periodic declarations.
3. Insofar as the rates of exchange are fixed as much as fourteen days before they enter
into use and normally apply unchanged for one month, the rules facilitate the
operation of simplified entry procedures.

The provisions of Articles 168 to 172 CCIP are commented on below.

See also conclusion No 1 on rates of exchange fixed in advance

Article 168 CCIP
Article 168 defines certain expressions.
Paragraph (a)
The expression "rate recorded" normally refers to the foreign exchange reference rates as
recorded by the European Central Bank for a number of currencies against the Euro or
for other currencies to the selling rate recorded on the most representative exchange
market or markets. The alternative appearing in the second indent, of a rate other than a
selling rate, may be designated by the Member State concerned as the rate to be used.
If several rates of exchange are recorded at different times, in a single day, the rate to be
used for customs valuation purposes is the last such recorded rate which is published in
the manner provided for in Article 168(b).
Paragraph (b)
It is necessary for the purpose of Articles 168 and 172 to make information on the "rate
recorded" available to persons who need to know it. Member States choose the means
which best suit their circumstances for doing this. The means chosen could, for example,
be a government gazette or other official communication, the financial press, or, in the
absence of more suitable means, official notices posted at Customs Houses. This
information may also be made available by "teletext systems" or computerized
information systems (i.e. on the internet
) or any other suitable electronic means, or by a
combination of any of the foregoing means.
Paragraph (c)
The expression "currency" covers not only national and international currencies but also
accounting units which can be used in drawing up commercial invoices, such as the
Special Drawing Right.

Article 169 CCIP
Paragraphs 1 and 2
The rates of exchange recorded on the exchange markets on the second-last Wednesday
become the rates to be used during the following calendar month. These rates must be
published on the day they are recorded or on the following day (if they are not, the
provisions of Article 169(3) apply - see below). It is to be noted that other rates might be
substituted for them, as the rates to be used from the following Wednesday or any
following Wednesday; this would arise if the provisions in Article 171(1) or (2) become
active (see below).

Paragraph 3
This provision deals with the situation where a rate of exchange is not recorded on the
second-last Wednesday (either for all or particular currencies), or where rates of
exchange which are the subject of a quotation on the second-last Wednesday are not
published on that or the following day.
The absence of a quotation may arise for such reasons as the closing of the exchange
markets on a public holiday or the suspension of dealings pending an official currency
realignment. A suspension could occur, for example, if the government of a third country
intends to realign its currency and requests suspension of dealings in that currency
world-wide over a fixed period of days.
The absence of publication could arise for such reasons as the usual publication day is a
public holiday, or when an interruption occurs in a public service (e.g. electric power
supply), or when a public action affects the publication process or the distribution of the
Example of application of Article 169(3)
Resort to use of the last rate published during the preceding fourteen days would apply
where the markets are closed on a Wednesday and consequently no rates are recorded for
that day. For example, if the 24 December is a Wednesday and the markets are closed
from Saturday 20 December until Thursday 1st January inclusive, then the rates recorded
Friday 19th December are to be used from January 1st in accordance with Article 169.

Article 170 CCIP
This provision deals with situations where particular currencies are rarely or never
recorded in a Member State by reason of their being rarely in demand on the exchange
markets; or where currencies which are normally recorded have not, for exceptional
reasons, had a recorded rate published during the preceding 14 days.
In the foregoing cases a Member State determines the rates to be used, according to what
it judges to be the most suitable means available. For example, the customs
administration could take advice from the Central Bank of the Member State or from a
publication of another Member State.

Article 171 CCIP
The aim of this provision is to ensure that rates used for determining the customs value
remain within a reasonable range (5% above or below) of the rates currently recorded on
the exchange markets. Accordingly, the Article provides that the rate recorded on the last
Wednesday of the month preceding the month of application is checked and also checked
as well as a weekly basis during the month in question. For this purpose it is necessary to
calculate the 5% upper and lower parameters in respect of the the rates established or in
use, as the case may be (see below). If the parameters are not exceeded the monthly rates
are applied without interruption, in accordance with Article 169.

Paragraph 1
A check on the rate recorded on the last Wednesday of the preceding month will
normally take place on the Thursday when that last Wednesday rate is published. The
rates for the last Wednesday and the rate for the 2nd last-Wednesday (due to come into
effect on the 1st day of the next month) are compared. If the rate for the last Wednesday
differs by 5% or more, above or below, this new rate applies from the following
Wednesday in place of the already foreseen rate. It remains in force until the end of the
month unless itself replaced as a result of a weekly check on the Wednesday rates
recorded (see paragraph 2 below).
Paragraph 2
The rate recorded on any Wednesday (normally published on Thursday) is compared
with the rate in use (i.e. normally the rate recorded on the 2nd last Wednesday of the
previous month) for that current month. If the rate recorded on any Wednesday differs
(above or below) by 5 % or more from the rate in use, this new rate replaces the rate in
use with effect from the following Wednesday. It remains in use until the end of the
month of application unless the safeguard clause is once more activated during this
Paragraph 3
Such would be the situation where the exchange markets are shut on a Wednesday, and
as a consequence rates of exchange are not recorded on this day. For example, if 1st
January is a Wednesday, and the exchange markets are shut on that day, the rates
recorded on Tuesday 31 December would be the rates used for comparison purposes in
order to determine whether the safeguard clause should be triggered with effect from
Wednesday 8th January.

Article 172 CCIP
This provision is intended to allow declarants to use a single conversion rate for the
entire period for which they have been authorised to present declarations in the context
of simplified procedures for the release of goods for free circulation.


Commentary No 5 of the Customs Code Committee
(Customs Valuation Section)
on the meaning of the term " shown separately" for the
of the provisions on the valuation of goods
for customs purposes
1. The Customs Code and its Implementing Provisions specify certain elements to be
included in or excluded from the customs value of imported goods. With a view to
the equal treatment of importers in this regard, the practical application of those
provisions should be uniform throughout the Community. The intention of this
commentary is to provide guidance regarding the meaning of the term " shown
2. A condition for allowing the exclusion of certain elements from the customs value
of imported goods is that they should be "shown separately" from the price actually
paid or payable for the goods.
3. The elements referred to are in Art. 33 of the Code:
- import duties and other charges payable by reason of the importation or sale of the
- charges for construction, erection, assembly, maintenance or technical assistance
undertaken after importation
- costs of transport after arrival of the goods at the place of introduction into the
customs territory of the Community
- charges for the right to reproduce imported goods
- buying commissions
- interest charges

In the context of Customs warehousing, similar provisions apply (Art. 112 CC).
General guidance regarding the treatment of these elements is at paragraphs 4 to 7
below. Some of the elements are also the subject of specific comment at paragraphs
8 to 17.

4. For the purpose of satisfying the condition that an element is " shown separately", it
is necessary not only to make a claim in the appropriate boxes of the DV 1
declaration but also, where appropriate, to establish the nature of the element and its
amount in monetary terms.
5. Any type of commercial documentation, including documents of long-term validity
relating to more than one import transaction, (e.g. contract, invoice for the goods, or
invoice for transport) relating to the goods being valued can in principle serve to
establish this "nature" and "amount". In the absence of such commercial
documentation, this purpose could also be served in the case of transport costs, if
the declarant submits a statement referring to a schedule of freight rates normally
applied for the mode of transport in question and showing how the "amount" was
arrived at. If so required by the Customs, the declarant may also have to submit the
schedule referred to.
However, the customs have the right to check that the "nature" and "amount"
declared are not fictitious. This check would be particularly relevant in cases where
the deductions claimed are based solely on statements drawn up by the buyer, the
seller or the declarant.
6. To facilitate valuation, declarants should make prior arrangement to have the
documentary evidence referred to at paragraph 5 above available at the time of
acceptance of the customs entry. However where the necessary documents are not
available at that time, the Customs may allow a period, determined in particular in
accordance with Article 256 of the Implementing Provisions, for the declarant to
obtain the documents in question and communicate them to the Customs. To obtain
this facility, the declarant will normally be required by the Customs to furnish a
written undertaking to respect the time-limit allowed.
7. Normally the conditions referred to at paragraphs 4 to 6 above must be met before
an exemption can be allowed in the determination of the customs value.

Customs duties and other taxes
8. Guidance on the meaning of the term "shown separately" in regard to import duties
and other charges payable by reason of the importation or sale of the goods has been
given in an Advisory Opinion by the WCO Technical Committee on Customs
Valuation. This Advisory Opinion n 3.1 states that duties and taxes of a country of
importation do not form part of the customs value, insofar as, by their nature, they
are distinguishable from the price actually paid or payable. They are, in fact, a
matter of public record.

9. In this context "shown separately" has effectively the same meaning as
"distinguishable". The facts on which the Advisory Opinion is based state that
duties/taxes were not shown separately on the invoice; but, obviously, it must be
presumed in the context of the Advisory Opinion that some clear indication exists
on the invoice or on some other accompanying document that the price actually paid
or payable includes these charges.
10. In keeping with paragraph 4 above, the amount to be excluded from the customs
value should be specified in the DV 1 declaration.

Interest charges
13. Regarding the exclusion of interest charges from customs value, Article 33(1)(c) of
the Code lays down conditions in addition to that of being "shown separately". It is
to be expected that the document containing the written financing arrangement
referred to in that provision would serve to establish the amount mentioned on the
DV 1 declaration in accordance with paragraph 5 above.

Cost of transport after arrival at place of introduction in the customs territory of
the Community
14. (deleted)
15. The treatment of transport costs within the Community in the case of goods
invoiced at a uniform free-domicile price which corresponds to the price at the place
of introduction into the customs territory of the Community is the subject of special
provisions in Article 164(b) of the Implementing Provisions.
16. Where in other cases goods are imported at a price which includes delivery at a
destination within the customs territory of the Community, the invoice or other
commercial documents may not separately specify the cost of transport inside the
Community. It is likely that in such cases a declarant will show on the customs
entry a customs value which does not include the cost of transport within the
Community and will indicate this cost in the DV 1 declaration. This, of course,
would not in itself be sufficient for these costs to be considered as "shown
separately". The amount to be excluded must also be established in the manner
mentioned at paragraph 5 above.
17. A number of methods would be acceptable for the purpose of showing how the
amount to be excluded is arrived at.
For example :
(a) If goods are carried by different means of transport under a single transport
document to a point beyond the place of introduction into the customs territory
of the Community, and if only the total cost of this transport is established, the
portion of it attributable to the cost of transport incurred after introduction into
the Community, calculated by splitting the cost in proportion to distances
covered outside and inside the customs territory of the Community, may be
accepted for the purposes of Article 164(a) of the Implementing Provisions.
(b) If the total cost of transport is not known (e.g. in the case of a "free domicile"
price), or if for some other reason apportionment is not considered appropriate,
it is acceptable for the purpose of Article 164(a) to deduct from the price
actually paid or payable an amount which corresponds to the actual cost
incurred for transport after introduction into the customs territory of the
Community or, failing that, the usual cost for such transport. In the latter case it
is reasonable to expect that the deductions allowed in respect of internal
transport should not be greater than the costs corresponding to a schedule of
freight rates normally applied for the same mode of transport in the country of
the carrier concerned; and the amount of these deductions may not exceed an
amount corresponding to the minimum schedule of Community freight rates.

Commentary No 6 of the Customs Code Committee
(Customs Valuation Section)
on documents and information which customs may require
as evidence for the determination of a customs value
1. A customs value declaration constitutes a statement in which the declarant provides
the necessary information for the determination of the customs value of imported
2. Like other declarations or statements presented to the Customs the information
contained in a customs value declaration may need to be established with supporting
evidence. A customs value declaration is commonly accompanied by certain
documents (e.g. invoices) in support of the particulars declared. However, where the
necessary information, in documentary or other form, to support particulars in a
customs value declaration is insufficient, the customs have the right to require the
declarant to present further particulars or information.
3. The declaration of particulars related to customs value is drawn up on the DV 1
form that is laid down in Annex 28 and 29 to the Implementing Provisions.
However, a DV 1 form is not always needed for declaring particulars for customs
valuation purposes. Under specific circumstances, the customs may waive the
requirement of a declaration in the DV 1 form (see Articles 178(3) and 179(1) of the
Implementing Provisions or may authorise variations in the form of presentation of
data required (see Article 180 of the same Regulation). Therefore, the references to
the boxes of the DV 1 that appear in the present document are merely indicative and
do not imply that a DV 1 form must be required.

Legal basis
4. A general right of the Customs to require documents or information in support of a
customs value declaration is laid down in Article 14 of the Customs Code. Article
178 et seq. of the Implementing Provisions also contains a specific statement of the
obligations assumed by the person making a customs value declaration.

Documents or information which the Customs may require in the course of the
determination of the Customs Value
5. Article 14 of the Code established inter alia that with a view to determining customs
value all necessary information and documents shall be supplied to the Customs.
This provision does not specify what documents or information have to support the
different particulars declared.
6. Elsewhere in the Implementing Provisions reference is made to particular
documents, which may serve to establish a valuation particular which has been
declared, e.g. :
- the copy of the invoice, in Articles 181 and 218(1)(a),
- the transport document and the packing list or equivalent document, in Article
However, the documents referred to above may be insufficient to satisfy the
Customs as to the truth or accuracy of every particular of a customs value
7. The following examples (which are not exhaustive) indicate some of the documents
which the Customs may require, depending on the circumstances of the transaction
and/or in case of doubt in respect of some or all of the particulars declared.
(a) A commercial invoic for the goods, if any (box 4 of the DV 1)
According to Article 181 of the Implementing Provisions the declarant shall
furnish the customs with a copy of the invoice on the basis of which the value of
the imported goods is declared. It is evident that an invoice can only be
furnished where the goods being valued have been sold.
However there are also cases where the goods have been sold without any
invoice. In these cases the importer has to supply the documents that could be
regarded as equivalent to the invoice. An invoice may not only be used/required
for establishing the price referred to in Article 29 of the Code, but also for
establishing other particulars, such as the following :
- the price of goods when resold in the Community, for the purposes of
applying the deductive method laid down in Article 30(2)(c) of the Code;
- the cost of assists (Box 14 of the DV 1)

(b) A contract of sale (box 5 of the DV 1) can be used/required in support of various
aspects of the invoice, such as :
- any possible restriction, condition or consideration (box 8 of the DV 1)
- any possible arrangement between the seller and the buyer affecting the
customs value of the goods (box 9(b) and 16 of the DV 1)
- the charges mentioned in box 20 of the DV 1 (activities undertaken after
- the currency in which a price is settled (Article 35 of the Code).
- contracts and other documents concerning production rights for the imported
goods (Article 33(d) of the Code)
(c) A royalty contract for establishing whether or not a royalty payment (box 9(a) of
the DV 1) should be included in the customs value and, if so, to what extent
(box 15 of the DV 1).
(d) An agency contract for establishing an addition for commissions or brokerage
(box 13(a) and (b) of the DV 1) or for the exclusion of a buying commission.
(e) Transport and insurance documents for the purpose of determining, inter alia :
- the terms of delivery (box 3 of the DV 1)
- the costs of delivery to the place of introduction (box 17) and
- the costs of transport after arrival at place of introduction (box 19).
(f) Accounting records, notably those of the importer or buyer, for reasons such as
ascertaining the actual transfer of funds to the exporter or seller, or for obtaining
information on commissions, profit or general expenses in applying the
deductive and computed value methods.
(g) Schedules of freight rates for ascertaining in certain cases the transport costs as
referred to in the following provisions :
- Article 32 (1)(e) of the Code
- Articles 152(1)(a)(ii) and 164 of the Implementing Provisions

(h) Other documents, e.g.
- concerning the ownership of the companies involved in the transaction, for
establishing a possible relationship between the seller and the buyer, (Article
143 of the Implementing Provisions)
- the invoice and contract of sale or transfer of quota charges
- the invoice for payments made for certificates of authenticity
- contracts for advertising, marketing and other activities undertaken after
- financial documents, e.g. for establishing the amount of interest charges
- contracts, licensing agreements or other documents concerning copyrights.

Form of presentation of documents
8. Documents represent pieces of evidence, whose form of presentation can vary.
Their main function is to reflect the commercial life of the goods while recording
details of the transactions to which they refer. Accordingly, Customs should be
prepared to accept any document irrespective of its form of presentation, insofar as :
(a) the authenticity of the document is not questioned, and
(b) the information contained in the document is suitable for supporting the
particulars declared or the information required.
9. An example of a document that presents differences in its form is one in which the
buyer indicates the goods he has received and their price. Buyer and seller agree
contractually in advance that such documents are acceptable for this purpose. The
information contained in this document is the same as the information normally
contained in an invoice. The fact that it is the buyer and not the seller who issues the
document would not imply that it has to be rejected on the grounds of Article 181 of
the Implementing Provisions. The Customs may accept this document for
establishing the customs value of the imported goods on a case by case basis, and
taking into account :
(a) the facilities for verifying the information contained therein,
(b) the trustworthiness of the buyer, and
(c) the details available in the contract of sale.

10. The presentation of a document may also vary according to the means used for its
transmission e.g. copies transmitted by telefax or EDI. Again, in these cases, the
customs may accept any such documents or other forms of evidence subject to the
conditions stated in paragraph 8 (See also Article 224(2) of the Implementing
In principle, for customs purposes, an invoice :
(a) does not have to be signed nor be the original copy
(b) may be designated as "for customs use only" or "proforma invoices" (or similar).
These documents could be acceptable in some circumstances for goods (e.g.
gifts, samples) that are not the subject of a sale. However, for goods that have
been sold such invoices would be regarded as provisional and should be
replaced subsequently by a definitive invoice.
(c) should be translated if customs so require.

Persons responsible for presenting documents and furnishing information
11. Article 14 of the Code provides that "... any person or undertaking directly or
indirectly concerned with the import transactions ... shall supply the customs
authorities with all necessary information and documents and required assistance
and by any time limit presented ...".
In addition to the provisions of articles 178 to 181(a) of the CCIP, article 64 of the
Code provides that the declarant is "any person able to produce or cause to be
produced to the customs authorities ... all documents the production of which is
The person making a customs value declaration has specific obligations as indicated
in Article 178 of the Implementing Provisions, they must:
- be resident in the Community,
- be in possession of the relevant facts.

Regarding possession of relevant facts the declarant is responsible :
(a) for furnishing or causing to be furnished information for the application of the
secondary methods of valuation (Article 178(3) CCIP),
(b) for supplying any additional information or documents (Article 178(4) CCIP),
(c) for furnishing one or two copies of the invoice (Article 181 CCIP).
12.. That does not prevent the Customs requiring a document from a person other than
the declarant, e.g. where a deduction for a buying commission is claimed and the
Customs consider that the invoice issued by the manufacturer of the imported goods
is necessary for determining its amount. In this case, the Customs may request
parties other than the declarant (e.g. the manufacturer or buying agent) to provide
the documentation required.

Confidential character of documents and information supplied to the customs
13. All information which is by nature confidential or provided as a confidential basis
shall not be disclosed by the authorities except in accordance with the provisions in
force (Article 15 of the Code).

Responsibility on the accuracy of the information and documents supplied
14. The lodging of a customs value declaration is equivalent to the engagement of
responsibility by the declarant, in particular in respect of the authenticity of the
documents produced (Article 178(4) of the Implementing Provisions).

The right of the Customs to keep the documentation presented
15. The documents supplied by the declarant must be kept by the customs authorities
according to the provisions in force. When the invoice is made out to a person
established in a third Member State, the declarant must furnish the Customs with
two copies of the invoice, and one of them should be returned to the declarant in
accordance with the formalities provided for in Article 181(2) of the Implementing

Acceptance of information supplied to the customs authorities
16. Customs are entitled to request further information in accordance with Art. 181a
paragraph 2. The above mentioned documents could be presented and examined in
the context of such a procedure. However, customs administrations would not be
limited to examination of the documents listed in this commentary.

Commentary No 7 of the Customs Code Committee
(Customs Valuation Section)
on the application of Article 147 of Commission Regulation
(EEC) No 2454/93 of 2 July 1993.

1. Introduction
The application of the above provisions should be uniform throughout the
Community. This commentary by the Customs Code Committee (Customs
Valuation Section) is to provide guidance on the interpretation of these provisions.

2. Scope of the provision
Article 147 of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 is applicable in cases
where :
- the customs value of the goods is to be determined under Article 29 of Council
Regulation 2913/92.
- the goods have been the subject of one or more than one sale before their
introduction into the customs territory of the Community, or to a sale taking place
within the customs territory of the Community but before entry for free
circulation of the goods.
Article 147 deals only with the scope and application of the provision relating to
"the price actually paid or payable for the goods when sold for export to the customs
territory of the Community " which appears in Article 29(1) of the Customs Code.
The other provisions of Article 29 in particular those relating to sales between
related parties, as well as the provisions of Article 32, are not affected.

3. Interpretation
3.1 One sale situations
The first sentence of Article 147 states that "for the purposes of Article 29 of
the Code, the fact that the goods which are the subject of a sale are declared
for free circulation shall be regarded as adequate indication that they were
sold for export to the customs territory of the Community". It deals with
situations where goods are sold only once. This provision therefore accepts
that as a general rule the fact of introduction into the customs territory is
sufficient proof that the goods were sold for export to the EC.

3.2 Successive Sales
3.2.1 The last sale: in the 2nd sentence of Article 147, the approach
indicated in paragraph 3.1 above is also extended to cases where
goods are sold more than once prior to their importation; in such
cases, a similar provision provides for use of the last sale which
takes place prior to introduction of the goods. In other words, the
indication that goods were sold for export to the Community will
apply (without further evidence being required) to the last sale,
this being the sale considered as leading to the introduction of the
goods into the Community. It should be noted that the last sale in
the context of this provision is the last sale occurring in the
commercial chain prior to introduction of the goods into the
customs territory of the Community.
3.2.2 An earlier sale: where an earlier sale (i.e. other than the last sale
as described under 3.2.1 above) has taken place involving the
goods in question, the declarant can ask the customs authorities
to accept that earlier sale as the basis for the customs value, but
only if he can demonstrate that, in respect of the sale in question,
there are specific and relevant circumstances which led to export
of the goods to the customs territory of the Community.
As a further measure of facilitation, the 'last sale' can also refer to sales which
are concluded whilst the goods are already in the EC (e.g. warehoused).

4. Criteria relevant to the evidence to be produced by the declarant
Facts establishing that goods were sold for export to the customs territory of the EC
can be demonstrated in a number of ways and a series of standard import cases have
been prepared to illustrate this. These cases are set out in Annex I.
In applying the third sentence of Article 147, facts which may demonstrate that the
goods have been sold for export to the customs territory of the Community can
include the following elements of proof :
- the goods are manufactured according to EC specifications, or are identified
(according to the marks etc. they bear) as having no other use or destination,
- the goods in question were manufactured or produced specifically for a buyer in
the EC,
- specific goods are ordered from an intermediary who sources the goods from a
manufacturer and the goods are shipped directly to the EC from that

5. Responsibilities of the declarant
5.1 General
Declaration of the elements necessary for the determination of the customs
value are the responsibility of the person indicated in Article 178(2) of the
customs code Implementing Provisions, who must be in possession of all of
the facts, such as those itemised in the declaration of particulars relating to
the customs value (the DVI form), relevant to the determination of the
customs value.
5.2 Successive sales
The declarant must indicate, with respect to the provisions of Article 147,
the basis on which he intends to establish the customs value of the goods, the
evidentiary requirements being the following:
- where the declaration is based on the 2nd sentence of Article 147 (i.e. the
last sale in the commercial chain), it is appropriate to establish, as
necessary, the status of this sale by means of evidence relating to the
circumstances of the transaction in question (e.g. date of sales contract as
indicated in Box 5 of the DVI, location of the buyer, point in the
commercial chain).
- where a declaration is based on the 3rd sentence of Article 147 (i.e. a
relevant earlier sale), the evidence produced to customs has to
demonstrate that the sale meets the requirement indicated at paragraph 4
If a declarant is unable to provide the required evidence in respect of an
earlier sale on the basis of which a customs value declaration has been made,
then recourse is to be had to the last sale (as referred to in paragraph 3.2.1
above), in order that customs valuation can be determined in accordance
with the transaction value method.

Annex I
Explanatory note

This Annex contains a set of examples dealing with cases where goods are sold two or
more times before introduction into the customs territory of the Community.
The facts are set out in column 1 and an assessment of the appropriate customs valuation
treatment with respect to Article 147 of the Implementing Provisions is set out in
column 2.
For the purposes of brevity, the alternative sentences in Article 147, which might apply
in each case, are referred to in column 2 as follows:
Test 1 : 2nd sentence of revised Article 147--
the last sale leading to introduction of the goods into the customs territory of
the Community.
Test 2 : 3rd sentence of revised Article 147--
any other sale on the basis of which it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction
of the customs authorities that the goods were sold for export to the customs
territory of the Community.

Example 1 Comments

Situation - Canimpco of Paris orders 1000
shirts from Vimco of Brussels at a price of
7.20 ECU each, delivered to Paris. Vimco has
8000 shirts in stock in a warehouse in Taiwan
which were originally purchased from a
manufacturer there for 4.50 ECU each.
Vimco arranges for the goods to be shipped
from the warehouse to Canimpco which
imports the goods.

The sale with price of 4.50 ECU does not
satisfy the "last sale in a commercial chain" test,
nor can it be demonstrated that the
corresponding sale took place for export to the

Example 2 Comments

Situation - Indexco buys hand-carved
wooden coffee tables in India and stores them
in a Bombay warehouse awaiting orders.
After a visit to France, Indexco's sales
manager believes that there is a market in the
Community for his company's products and
ships ten samples of eight types of table on
speculation to Bordeaux via sea freight. The
eight types of table cost Indexco an average
of 2000 rupees each. While the ship is
crossing the Atlantic Ocean, Indexco sells all
eighty coffee tables to Montabco of Paris for
6,400 ECU, F.O.B. Bombay. Before the
goods arrive in Bordeaux, they are resold by
Montabco to a customer in Brussels for 7,200

On the basis of article 147, the declarant cannot
use the price of 2000 rupees per unit.

This is not "the last sale in a commercial chain"
(Test 1) and it cannot be shown that the sale in
question was for the export of goods to the

Furthermore, the sale with price of 6,400 ECU
also does not satisfy Test 1, but it is possible to
demonstrate that the goods while in transit
were sold at this price to the Community.

Example 3 Comments

Example 3a
Situation - Canexco, a company with head
office in Malta, buys petroleum products from
Indexco, a company in a third country, and
stores them in facilities located in Malta. The
goods conform to the standards which apply in
the markets of both the EC and Malta.

After three weeks, Canexco sells the products
in question to Fimco, a Belgian company, and
consigns the goods from Malta to Belgium.
Example 3b
Situation - Canexco, a firm established in a
third country, buys in a third country petroleum
products which meet the norms of the EC
market. These purchases are made subsequent
to receipt of specific orders by Canexco from
the Belgian firm, Fimco.

Due to limitations in its stockage facilities in
Belgium, Fimco requests that Canexco holds
the goods in its facilities for a three week
period before shipment to Belgium.
The goods are subsequently shipped to

The goods are not purchased by Canexco in the
context of a sale for export to the EC.

Although the goods meet the norms which
apply in the EC, they cannot be regarded as
sold for export to the EC. They are sold by
Indexco with a destination in Malta.

Consequently, neither Test 1 or Test 2 is met
by the first sale.

The purchase by Canexco is not the last sale in
a commercial chain (Test 1).

However, the goods (which meet the required
EC standards) have been bought in the context
of prior arrangements for resale and shipment
to the EC.

The intervention, before shipment by Canexco,
of a period involving the actual storage in a 3rd
country on behalf of Fimco does not invalidate
the requirements of Test 2 (sale for export to
the Community).


Example 4 Comments

Situation - Cosmetics Inc. is a US company
engaged in the marketing of various types of
perfumes, cosmetics, creams, etc., which it
sources from various manufacturers
throughout the world (Price A). The
European operations are directed from
Cosmetics head office in Syracuse, New
York and consist of rented offices in
Brussels, out of which sales persons visit the
purchasing offices of EC drug stores,
negotiate prices, take orders and send them
for processing (shipping products, invoicing
and collection of accounts) to Syracuse.
Products are sold to EC customers on a
delivered, duty paid basis (Price B). Although
the sales persons have the authority to
negotiate prices and sales contracts they do
not have a general authority to contract on
behalf of Cosmetics Inc.

On the basis of Article 147, the declarant
cannot use price A as it does not arise from
"the last sale in a commercial chain" (Test 1).

With respect to Test 2, Price A would be
acceptable only where additional elements
exist (e.g. direct shipment by the producer and
the goods bear marks or specifications
indicating they are destined for the EC market).


Example 5 Comments

Situation - The President of Canimpco of
Paris, during a visit to Thailand, is offered a
"close-out" deal on 10,000 metres of assorted
silk fabrics at a job lot price of 20,000 ECU,
F.O.B. Bangkok. He purchases the whole
10 000 metres and arranges for the fabric to
be sent to France by ship on April 4
. While
attending a convention on April 8th, he meets
the President of Bloucan, a silk blouse
manufacturer from Brussels, who agrees to
buy the 10,000 metres of silk now en route to
the EC for 39,000 ECU, delivered to

The lower price sale is not "the last sale in a
commercial chain" (Test 1), but it does arise
from a sale for export to the Community
(Test 2).

Example 6 Comments

Situation - Canimpco of Paris enters into an
agreement to buy 100 food mixers from
Usco, a Missouri entrepreneur at a price of
22.50 ECU each. Usco negotiates with
Makerco of Detroit to manufacture the food
mixers for a price of 20.75 ECU each,
Makerco being responsible for shipping the
goods to Canimpco in Paris.

On the basis of Article 147 the lower price sale
could not be claimed by the importer. It is not
the "last sale in a commercial chain" (Test 1).

However, it remains to be demonstrated that
the sale to which the lower price corresponds
was already a sale for export to the EC, taking
account of the requirement of direct supply by
the manufacturer (Test 2). This proof is
complete if the products when sold by the
manufacturer bear specifications or marks
showing their destination for the EC market.


Example 7 Comments

Situation - Mulnatco is a multinational hotel
chain with hotels in several countries,
including France. Each French hotel is
incorporated as a separate limited liability
company. At the beginning of every year,
each hotel submits purchase orders to the
New York head office for its supply needs for
the following twelve months. The head office
then submits purchase orders to various
suppliers in the U.S.A. with instructions to
send the goods either to each hotel directly or
to the New York head office for subsequent
shipment to each chain hotel. The suppliers
invoice the head office in New York which
then bills each hotel in the chain.

The same conclusions as for example 6, if the
goods are sent to each hotel directly from the
supplier. If the goods are sent to the head office
before being shipped to France, then the sale
for export test (Test 2) can be positive only if
other elements of proof are demonstrated : the
goods correspond to Community specifications
or bear marks which indicate their destination
for the EC market.

Example 8 Comments

Situation - Cosmetics Inc. produces
perfumes, cosmetics etc. which it sells to
distributors in the EC and the USA. In order
to maintain differential pricing on the two
markets, Cosmetics Inc. requires its
distributors not to resell the goods outside of
their respective territories.
In a particular case, a Belgian firm buys
products from the American distributor and
ships the goods to the Netherlands.

The first sale does not satisfy Test 2 (sale for
export to the EC).


Commentary No 8 of the Customs Code Committee
(Customs Valuation Section)
Treatment of discounts under Article 29 of the Customs Code

1. A discount is taken to be a reduction in the list price for goods or services allowed to
particular customers, under particular circumstances and at particular times. It is
expressed either as an absolute amount or as a percentage of the list price.
At the material time
, a discount can affect the amount of the price paid or payable in
accordance with the relevant provisions applicable (Article 29 CC and Article 144
2. For customs valuation purposes the discount must relate to the imported goods and
there must be a valid contractual entitlement at the material time.
3. Three cases could be distinguished for valuation purposes:
a) a discount is available to the buyer and the payment reflecting this discount has
been made at the material time (applied discount as reflected in the invoice
b) a discount is available to the buyer but the payment reflecting the discount has
not yet been made by him at the material time.
c) a discount has not been offered or is not available at the material time (i.e., a
retroactive offer by the seller ).
4.1. If the discount has already been indicated in the price paid or payable at the material
time, this price is the determining factor. A discount already applying at the material time
by virtue of the reason or level specified in the sales contract will be recognised if this
discount is specified in the documentation provided to the customs authorities at the time
of importation of the goods. It is not essential that the discount is already calculated -
although this is normally the case - in the invoice for the goods. If there is a contractual
claim at the material time, it can be recognised, even if the actual amount is not
evidenced in the price paid until a later date.
4.2. Where the price has not been paid for the imported goods at the material time, it is
only possible to determine the discount and the final price from the information
available. Under these circumstances application of Article 29 of the Customs Code is
conditional on a price reduction being granted and on the amount of this discount being
determined at the material time.
5. It is not necessary to determine whether a given discount is standard commercial
practice or is also granted to other buyers.

the date of acceptance of the customs declaration by the customs authorities (Art. 67 and 201 (2) CC)
6. The price payable for settlement at the material time shall, as a general rule, be taken
as a basis for customs value (Art. 144 par. 1 CCIP). Following commercial terminology,
it is not necessary to consider retrospective adjustments, as the term discounts is not
applied in this context; a reduction which is granted only after (e.g. at the end of the
year) the date of valuation i.e. when no claim exists from the outset, will not be taken
into account.
Quantity discount

7. A form of discount is the quantity discount, where a reduced price is offered on the
basis of the quantity bought by the buyer. Sometimes the offer relates to the total
quantity bought over a certain period (e.g., one year). Although the valuation rules do not
set out a basis for acceptance of the price paid or payable in such cases
, it seems
reasonable to consider ways to allow for acceptance of such discounts in appropriate

8. For quantity discounts the entire quantity on which the discount is based does not have
to have been imported into the customs territory of the Community nor remain there.
Quantity discounts could be accepted even for imports of part consignments provided
they are sold for export into the importing country. It is not relevant in which importing
country the goods are finally delivered. The quantity discount is given on the basis of the
total sale's price. Therefore the importer receives the discount as well for the part of the
consignment which is imported into the customs territory of the Community.

Discounts for early payment
9. For early payment discounts the following applies:

a) The discount is accepted at the level declared if the payment reflecting this discount
has been made at the material time.

b) If the payment has not been made at the material time, an invoiced early payment
discount which is valid at that moment can be accepted at the level declared
provided it is a discount generally accepted within the trade sector concerned.

If several possibilities of early payments are granted according to the terms of
payment (e.g., 5% for immediate payment, 3% for payment within 14 days, 2% for
payment within one month), the maximum discount may be accepted at the material

c) A discount for early payment which is higher than is generally accepted within
the trade sector concerned should only be accepted if the buyer can demonstrate, where
required, that the goods are actually sold at the price declared as the price actually paid
or payable and the discount is still available at the material time.

Nevertheless, the rules governing the acceptance of the price paid between related buyers and sellers
also apply to discounts. In this context, amongst the factors to consider are (a) the availability of a
discount and (b) the price actually paid or payable (net price, i.e. amount net of the discount).
A change to existing provisions may be considered for cases not currently admissable.

Commentary No 9 of the Customs Code Committee
(Customs Valuation Section)
apportionment of air transport costs (according to Annex 25
of Reg. (EEC) n 2454/93)
Can air transport apportionment be applied to the whole or only part of a journey when
the goods are transported on two consecutive flights on different airlines during the
journey from the country of dispatch to the EC country where the goods are released into
free circulation?
The buyer purchases the goods from a supplier in Colombia, where the goods originate,
and are transferred by airfreight to a MS. However the journey is split into two, the first
leg being Bogot to Miami, then in Miami the goods are transferred to a different airline
for the remainder of the journey to the EC. Separate airway bills (and freight charges)
are issued for each leg.
The full amount for the 1st leg of the journey (Bogot to Miami) should be included in
the customs value and a percentage apportionment is made for the 2nd leg of the journey
(Miami to EC), using the percentage which applies for an operation beginning at that
airport of departure, as per Annex 25 CCIP (Zone B).
The air transport apportionment is applied to the whole airfreight cost (Bogot to Miami
plus Miami to EC) using the Bogot rate in Annex 25 CCIP (also Zone B).
In the case outlined above the apportionment principle should apply only to the air
transport costs from Miami to the EC, on the basis that the transport of the goods was
really interrupted in Miami: the airline was different and separate airway bills were
issued. The transport from Bogot to Miami is not necessarily related to the transport
from Miami to the EC, as required by the rule of the "same means of transport" (Art.
164(a)) CCIP.
The apportionment in Annex 25 simplifies the calculation of transport costs with a view
to avoid having to calculate the intra-EC transport costs which have to be left out of the
total air freight.
If the mode of transport had changed in Miami from sea to air, the full sea freight would
have been included in the customs value.
In other cases the conclusion might be different. A case by case study is necessary. If
the transport is only interrupted for logistical reasons and only one airway bill exists, the
appropriate percentage applicable to the total transport costs for the distance from the
initial airport (zone) of departure to the airport of destination (zone) in the Community
will be included in the customs value.
In such a case it would have to be proven to the satisfaction of the customs authorities
that the interruption is due to logistical reasons and that the journey has to be considered
as a single transport operation (one airway bill). Only then can the whole transport
operation be apportioned according to Annex 25.
Commentary No 10 of the Customs Code Committee (Customs
Valuation Section) valuation of free goods accompanying
paying goods
Case No 1: (explanatory note 3.1 of the Technical Committee on customs valuation):
a certain quantity of goods in slight surplus as to the quantity ordered is shipped together
with the identical paying goods with the purpose of covering risks of losses or damage.
Case No 2: a salesman grants to a customer a commercial discount in the form of a
certain quantity of free goods in surplus to the quantity of identical paying goods ordered
by the customer. This case should be treated according to the rules on price reductions
and discounts For example: a company imports 100 televisions invoiced at 2000
monetary units part and receives, in the same shipment, 10 televisions that the
salesperson offers free of charge to thank it for its fidelity.
Conclusion to case No 1 and 2:
In the two situations, the price of the paying goods that has been paid or is to be paid is
supposed to cover the total quantity imported and therefore the free goods accompanying
the paying goods should not be evaluated separately.
The two following situations are different.
Case No 3: a certain quantity of goods in surplus as to the quantity ordered is shipped
together with the paying goods. These free goods are used as a "tester" in the importers
marketing areas.
These goods are identical as to the paying goods, except for a label that mentions its use
as a tester. For example: a company imports 4000 bottles of perfume accompanied by
1000 identical bottles (same physical characteristics, quality and reputation) that are
delivered free of charge, bearing the same name but labelled as "tester - cannot be sold".
Question: should the testers delivered free of charge be evaluated separately? How?
Case No 4: a certain quantity of free samples is shipped together with the paying
goods. These samples are similar to the paying goods, either in the same packaging, or in
a smaller packaging. For example: a company imports 2000 bottles of perfume of 100 ml
accompanied by 500 bottles of 1.5 ml delivered free of charge and intended to be
distributed as samples.
Question: should the samples be evaluated separately? How?
Conclusion to case No 3 and 4:
If the contracting arrangements include the free samples, its value forms part of the
customs value which is the price paid or to be paid according to Art. 29 of the Code. An
indication that the samples are included free of charge in the supply should be indicated
in the sales contract, on the invoice or in any other document.
Customs should not ignore the proportion between the sold goods and the samples (one
delivery could include 15% samples and they could be proportionally more expensive
than the sold goods).
Commentary N 11 of the Customs Code Committee (customs valuation
section) on the application of Article 32 (1) (c) CC in relation to
royalties and licence fees paid to a third party according to Article 160
of Reg. (EEC) n 2454/93

1. Relevant legal criteria and general principles
Article 32 (1) (c) of the Customs Code
(CC) and Article157 of its implementing
In accordance with Article 32 (1) (c) CC, the royalties and licence fees are to be added to
the price actually paid or payable if they relate to the goods being valued and are paid
as a condition of sale of the goods, provided that such royalties and fees are not
already included in the price actually paid or payable.
Articles 143 (1) (e), 160 and Annex 23 IP (Interpretative Notes to Article 143 (1) (e))
Are the payments a condition of sale?: Even if the actual sales contract between the
buyer and the seller does not explicitly require the buyer to make the royalty payments,
the payment could be an implicit condition of sale, if the buyer was not able to buy the
goods from the seller and the seller would not be prepared to sell the goods to the buyer
without the buyer paying the royalty fee to the licence holder.
According to Article 160 IP When the buyer pays royalties or licence fees to a third
party, the conditions provided for in Article 157 (2) IP shall not be considered as met
unless the seller or a person related to him requires the buyer to make that payment.
In the context of Article 160 IP, when royalties are paid to a party which exercises direct
or indirect control over the manufacturer (resulting in a conclusion that they are related
under Article 143 IP), then such payments are regarded as a condition of sale. According
to Annex 23 IP - Interpretative Notes to Article 143 (1) (e) one person shall be deemed
to control another when the former is legally or operationally in a position to exercise
restraint or direction over the latter.
The following elements should be analysed to determine if there is control:
- the licensor selects the manufacturer and specifies it for the buyer;
- there is a direct contract of manufacture between the licensor and the seller.
- the licensor exercises actual control either directly or indirectly over the
manufacture (as regards centres of production and /or methods of production);
- the licensor exercises actual direct or indirect control over the logistics and the
dispatch of the goods to the buyer;
- the licensor nominates / restricts who the producer can sell their goods to;

Reg. (EEC) n 2913/92
Reg. (EEC) n 2454/93
- the licensor sets conditions relating to the price at which the manufacturer/seller
should sell their goods or the price at which the importer/buyer should resell the
- the licensor has the right to examine the manufacturers or the buyer's accounting
- the licensor designates the methods of production to be used/provides designs etc.
- the licensor designates/restricts the sourcing of materials/components;
- the licensor restricts the quantities that the manufacturer may produce;
- the licensor does not allow the buyer to buy directly from the manufacturer, but,
through the trademark owner(licensor) who could as well act as the importer's
buying agent;
- the manufacturer is not allowed to produce competitive products (non licensed)
without the consent of the licensor.
- the goods produced are specific to the licensor (i.e., in their
conceptualisation/design and with regard to the trade mark);
- the characteristics of the goods and the technology employed are laid down by the
A combination of such indicators, which go beyond purely quality control checks by the
licensor, demonstrates that a relationship in the sense of Article 143 (1) (e) IP exists and
hence the payment of the royalty would be a condition of sale in accordance with Article
160 IP.
It should be noted that, in individual cases, other kinds of indicators may also exist. It
should also be noted that certain indicators carry more weight and show more strongly
than others that the licensor exercises restraint or direction over the manufacturer/seller,
which therefore could in themselves constitute a condition of sale.

2. Facts of case n 1
The imported goods incorporate logos and images protected by copyright in respect of
which royalties and licence fees are paid.
a) The parties involved are:
- Firm X, established in the US, who is the owner of the trademarks and copyrights
(representations of comic strip characters).
- Firm Y, a French subsidiary of firm X, who is licensed to use the trademarks and
copyrights in France.
- Firm Z, also established in France, who is not related to firms X and Y and is sub-
licensed by firm Y to use the protected images in question in the context of
representation on a range of products (pens, notebooks, etc...). Z is the buyer of
the goods.
- The manufacturers (and sellers) of the imported goods who are not related to X,
Y or Z in the sense of Article 143 (1) a) to d) and f) to h) of Reg. (EEC) N
b) Royalty payments: Under the terms of the sub-licensing agreement, which is set out
in a contract, royalty payments are made by firm Z to firm Y.
c) Manufacturing approval and production of the goods: the manufacturers are selected
by the French firm holding the sub-licence (firm Z). The manufacturers are quality
approved by firm Y. A contract of quality approval is established between firm Y and
the manufacturers, who sell the goods to firm Z.
In particular, the licensor (firm Y) is entitled to carry out the following activities:
* quality control of preliminary and final production models,
* quality control of three-dimensional artistic designs fixed to or incorporated in
the finished product,
* approval of packaging and presentation,
* approval of samples of finished goods,
* approval of all changes to the finished product,
The contract also provides for return to Y of models and other materials used to
produce the finished goods which are in the possession of the producer or licensee
(firm Z) at the end of the contract.
Additional information:
- The range of goods (pens, diaries, ...) is not unique to the licensor (firm Y) and is
specified by the buyer established in the EC (firm Z);
- the manufacturer is chosen by the buyer (firm Z);
- the manufacturer does not use a technology which is owned by the licensor (firm
- the licensor (firm Y) does not intervene in the production operation;
- the licensor (firm Y) only inspects the finished product (quantity, quality).
d) Importation: the 3rd country manufacturers sell the goods to firm Z who imports the
goods into the EC.
e) Flow of payments: in addition to payment for manufacture of the imported goods
which firm Z makes to the manufacturer, firm Z also makes a royalty payment to firm

2.1. Opinion of the Committee
Do the payments relate to the goods being valued?
The royalties clearly relate to the goods being valued if the goods incorporate
representations of the images or characters which are covered by licence and in respect
of which royalties are paid.
Are the payments a condition of sale?
In the case outlined in section 2, the activities, which the licensor is entitled to carry out,
are considered only quality control checks. They do not confirm that the licensor controls
the manufacturers; therefore those parties are not related under Article 143 (1) (e) IP.
Therefore it has to be concluded, that the royalty and licence fees paid to firm Y by firm
Z should not be included in the customs value because the conditions established in
Article 32 (1) (c) CC and Articles 157 and 160 IP have not been met.
3. Facts of case n 2
1. The imported goods incorporate the protected trademark XY in respect of which
royalties and licence fees are paid. The manufacturing of the imported goods requires
the use of specific technology.

The parties involved are:
A. Firm A, established in the US, who is the owner of the trademark and the
technology used in the manufacturing of the imported goods.
B. Firm B, an EC subsidiary of firm A, who is licensed to use the trademark XY in a
certain country of the EC. B is the buyer of the imported goods.
C. Firm C, established in Taiwan, who is the manufacturer (and seller) of the
imported goods. C is not related to A or B, in the sense of Article 143 (1) a) to d)
and f) to h) of Reg. (EEC) N 2454/93.

2. C sells the goods to firm B who imports the goods into the EC.
3. In addition to the payment to firm C for the imported goods, firm B makes a royalty
payment to firm A.
4. In accordance with the licence agreement and other contracts between the parties:
a) Firm A designates the suppliers of the raw materials used in the production of the
imported goods.
b) The product should only be manufactured for firm B or other firms designated by
firm A.
c) Without the express prior written consent of firm A, the manufacturer (or any
affiliate or subsidiary) is not allowed to manufacture competitive products in any
business relationship with any competitor of firm A.
d) The prices charged by the manufacturer will not be less favorable than prices
charged for equivalent products to any other person for whom the manufacturer
produces comparable products.
e) The manufacturer is only allowed to produce the exact quantity stipulated in the
specific purchase order placed by firm B or the firms designated by firm A.
Production in excess of the amount ordered is expressly prohibited and shall be
considered counterfeit.
f) The manufacturer is not allowed to manufacture or supply any products or goods
using any confidential information or bearing any of the trademarks for any
person other than firm B or other firms designated by firm A.
g) Firm A has the right to examine the manufacturer's accounting records.

3.1. Opinion of the Committee

Do the payments relate to the goods being valued?
The royalties are related to the goods being valued because specific technology is used
and the goods incorporate the protected trademark XY in respect of which royalties are
Are the payments a condition of sale?
The combination of the indicators (a-g) described in section 3, point 4, show that the
licensor exercises at least indirect control over the manufacturer.
These indicators go beyond quality control checks. It should be noted that certain
indicators carry more weight and show more strongly than others that the licensor
exercises restraint or direction over the manufacturer/seller.
Therefore it has to be concluded that the conditions established in Article 32 (1) (c) CC
and Articles 157 and 160 IP have been met.
However, since trademarks are involved, it is necessary to verify as well if the conditions
of Article 159 IP have been met to conclude that the royalties need to be included in the
customs value.

Conclusion No 1 (revised) Rates of exchange fixed in advance

When entering a consignment of goods for free circulation in the Community the
declarant presents an invoice for the goods in which the price is expressed in a foreign
currency. The price has been paid before the entry is presented and it does not include
transport costs.
The declarant also presents an invoice for the transport of the goods to the place of
introduction into the customs territory of the Community. The price of this is also
expressed in a foreign currency. The transport company and the buyer have agreed in
advance, by a contract, a fixed rate of exchange for settling the price on the invoice in the
currency of the Member State where the valuation is made.

In regard to the price for the goods, can the rate of exchange established in accordance
with the provisions of Article 35 of the Code and Articles 168 - 172 of the Implementing
Provisions, in use at the time of the prepayment be used for customs valuation purposes ?
In regard to the costs of transport, can the fixed rate of exchange be used for customs
valuation purposes ?

Opinion of the Committee
Where a price is expressed in a foreign currency, the rate of exchange to be used to
determine the customs value in terms of the currency of a Member State is the rate,
established in accordance with the provisions in force, in use in the Member State at the
material time for valuing the goods (Article 67 of the Customs Code). The time of
payment is not relevant in this context.
Where a fixed rate of exchange for the currency of the Member State where the valuation
is made has been agreed in advance by a contract between the parties concerned, for
settling a price expressed in a foreign currency, that price is considered to be invoiced in
the currency of the Member State. The amount to be taken into consideration for the
purpose of determining the customs value is arrived at by converting the foreign currency
at the fixed rate agreed, provided that the settlement is actually based on that rate.

See also the commentary No 4 on rates of exchange

Conclusion No 2 : Buyer to be taken into consideration

Firm X in a third country, specialised in marketing chemical fertilisers, sells its products
for export to the customs territory of the Community through agents belonging to the
same group as X. These agents work on a commission basis paid by X.
In accordance with orders received through the agents, X buys whole cargoes from
independent producers who send them direct to the Community.
The declaration for customs valuation purposes is based on the prices invoiced to X by
the manufacturers.

Opinion of the Committee
The conditions of Article 147 (1) and (2) seem to be met. As, according to Article 147(3)
of the Implementing Provisions, the buyer need satisfy no special condition other than
that of being a party to the contract of sale, the prices invoiced to X can be taken into
consideration for customs valuation purposes.
Any checking as to whether the invoice price corresponds to the price actually paid or
payable is a customs control matter. In this respect, the declarant must supply all
necessary information and documents to the customs authorities in accordance with the
provisions in force.

Conclusion No 3 : Engineering, development, artwork and design
work undertaken in the Community

Cars manufactured in a third country by firm X in a multinational group are sold to firm
Y in the Community, of the same group. The engineering, development and design work
has been undertaken in the Community by Y who has also provided all plans necessary
for the production of the cars. The costs of this operation have been charged to X, who
includes them in the invoice price of the cars when sold. This price is not influenced by
the relationship between the two firms.
Y considers the prices invoiced by X can be accepted as the basis for valuation, subject
to deduction, by virtue of Article 32(1)(b)(iv) of the Code, in respect of the research and
development costs for work undertaken in the Community, when these costs are included
in the price actually paid or payable but can be separately distinguished.

Opinion of the Committee
Article 32 of the Code deals only with additions to the price actually paid or payable for
the imported goods. Items which should not be included in the customs value are
described in Article 33 of the Code. In the case illustrated above, the customs value is to
be determined by reference to the transaction value under Article 29 of the Code, and
under the current international and Community provisions no deduction is provided for.

Conclusion No 4 : Charges for work undertaken after importation

Firm X in a third country sells slide films to firm Y in the Community. When the goods
are entered for free circulation, Y submits to the Customs two invoices, of which one
indicates the price of the films and the other indicates the costs for developing and
framing them. The two invoiced amounts are paid to X, but the development and framing
work is only performed after the films have been exposed by the final purchaser. This
work is performed by firm Z on the basis of a special agreement with X.
At the time of entry to free circulation it is not known in which country the development
and framing work will take place, as that depends on which of Z's developing
departments the final purchaser chooses to send the film to.

Opinion of the Committee
According to Article 33(1)(b) of the Code, the customs value shall not include charges
for construction, erection, assembly, maintenance or technical assistance, undertaken
after importation, provided that such charges are distinguished from the price actually
paid or payable for the imported goods.
The developing and framing costs described above are to be considered as charges
covered by the above-mentioned Article. Consequently, the customs value is to be
determined on the basis of the price actually paid or payable for the unexposed films,
without including the developing and framing costs.


Conclusion No 5 : Imports by branches

Goods manufactured by firm X in a third country are imported into the Community
through its branch, X-Europe, which does not have a legal personality distinct from that
of the parent company.
X-Europe's activities consist in obtaining orders from unrelated buyers, clearing the
imported goods through Customs, invoicing the goods to the customers and managing a
small stock resulting from any surplus.
For accounting purposes, X invoices the goods to its branch on the basis of the transfer
price which represents the production cost. The goods are sold to the European
customers either before or after entry to free circulation. The prices invoiced by X-
Europe to its customers are different from those invoiced to it by X because they include
the commercial mark-up, the customs duties and other costs incurred, such as transport
costs and associated costs.

Opinion of the Committee
As a sale necessarily implies a transaction between two distinct persons, the delivery to
X-Europe only constitutes a transfer of goods between two sections of the same legal
Consequently, where the goods are sold to unrelated buyers before entry to free
circulation the customs value must be based on the prices actually paid or payable by
those buyers, in accordance with Article 29 of the Code, to the exclusion of customs
duties, intra-Community transport costs and associated costs.
However, as the goods imported by X-Europe for stock are not the subject of a sale,
Article 29 is not applicable and the customs value is to be determined under the other
methods of valuation in due order, in accordance with Article 30 of the Code.


Conclusion No 6 : Splitting of transport costs for goods carried by

An importer buys goods in a third country and sends them by rail to the customs territory
of the Community. At the time of entry for free circulation, the importer presents the
consignment note along with the invoice for the goods. In accordance with the
international conventions on railway transport, the transport costs in this consignment
note are split into two amounts, of which the first covers the transport from the place of
departure to the "tariff connecting point" and the second covers the transport from that
point to the place of destination.
In this particular case, the "tariff connecting point" corresponds to the place where the
land-frontier of the Community's customs territory is crossed and it does not coincide
with the place where the first customs office is situated. In the declaration of particulars
relating to customs value, the importer declares the transport costs to the "tariff
connecting point".

Opinion of the Committee
With a view to simplification and in accordance with commercial practice, the splitting
of transport costs shown in the consignment note can be accepted for the purposes of
determining customs value. Thus the transport costs in respect of the carriage between
the "tariff connecting point" and the place where the first customs office is situated may
be disregarded.

Conclusion No 7 : Air transport costs relating to non-commercial

A private person buys a musical instrument in a third country and has it sent by air to the
Community. On the grounds that the importation is for non-commercial purposes, and by
analogy with Article 165(2) of the Implementing Provisions on postal charges to be taken
into consideration when determining the customs value, he requests that the transport
costs should not be added to the price actually paid for the imported goods.

Opinion of the Committee
For the purpose of determining customs value, the Community provisions on transport
costs make no general distinction between operations of a commercial nature and those
of a non-commercial nature.
In the case in point, as the consignment is not sent by post, Article 32(1)(e) of the Code
is to be applied and the air transport costs determined in accordance with the rules and
percentages laid down in Annex 25 to the Implementing Provisions to be included in the
customs value.


Conclusion No 8 : Air freight collection charges

Firm Y in the Community buys goods from firm X established in a third country. The
goods are sold FOB and carried to the Community by air as a "charges collect"
In support of the sales invoice, Y presents to the Customs the air waybill which shows
the air freight charges expressed in the currency of the exporting country. The airline
responsible for the collection of the transport costs converts that amount into the
currency of the importing Member State and imposes a fee equal to 5% of the air freight
charges for the collection of the charges from the consignee.

Opinion of the Committee
The 5% fee for services provided by the airline is not covered by the elements referred to
in Article 32(1)(e) of the Code. Consequently, by application of Article 32(3), the fee is
not to be added to the price actually paid or payable for the imported goods.


Conclusion No 9 : Apportionment of transport costs

A shipment of perishable goods is delivered on consignment by X established in a third
country to firm Y in the Community. The goods are auctioned for 15,000 U.A. to an
unrelated buyer. The total transport costs by lorry amount to 11,000 U.A. These costs are
considered as usual for the purpose of Article 152(1)(a)(ii) of the Implementing
The distance covered within the Community constitutes only 5% of the total distance, but
a note presented by the declarant attributes 80% of the total transport costs to that
The customs value cannot, in the case in point, be determined under the provisions of
Articles 29, as there is no relevant sale between X and Y at the material time for
valuation. Information necessary for application of Articles 30(2)(a) or (b) of the Code of
the Code is not available.

Opinion of the Committee
In order to determine the customs value in accordance with Article 30(2)(c) of the Code,
the price of 15,000 U.A. for the goods must be reduced inter alia by the usual costs of
transport and insurance incurred within the Community, that is, in this particular case,
5% of the 11,000 U.A. paid for the total transport. The indication on the freight note of a
fictitious and unrealistic apportionment is not to be taken into consideration.


Conclusion No 10 : Sets of meat of different commercial

Importer Y buys in a third country a shipment of frozen meat of different commercial
descriptions called "frozen round sets". The sales invoice indicates that the frozen round
sets have been sold at a price of 3,250 U.A. per ton, and comprise topsides without cover,
silversides and eyes of round and knuckles in specific proportions.
Y enters only the topsides without cover into free circulation. The other commercial
descriptions of meat are re-shipped from the Community, without customs clearance.
The declared value for the topsides is based on the price in the invoice, i.e. 3,250 U.A.
per ton.
The exact basis on which the price of 3,250 U.A. per ton has been calculated cannot be
established but must be derived from a weighted average of the commercial values of the
three components of the frozen round sets when sold separately as the Customs service
has noticed that when the three components are the subject of separate sales for export
there are considerable differences between the price for each component.

Opinion of the Committee
Article 145 of the Implementing Provisions provides that when goods declared for free
circulation are part of a larger quantity of the same goods purchased in one transaction
the price paid or payable for that part is to be established by apportionment of the total
price paid or payable. However in this particular case the individual components of the
frozen round sets are not identical. They cannot therefore, when declared for free
circulation separately, be regarded as the same goods for which the price of 3,250 U.A.
per ton was invoiced. For the goods to be valued, i.e. "topsides without cover" there is no
sales price and the customs value must be determined under the other methods of
valuation in due order, in accordance with Article 30(1) of the Code.


Conclusion No 11 (revised) : Purchase of export quotas - textile

Textile products are sold by firm X established in a third country to firm Y in the
Community. These products are manufactured in this third country, which has signed a
bilateral textile agreement with the Community. The effect of the Agreement is to impose
annual quotas by way of export licences on the supply of textile products to Community
buyers; quota holders may, however, transfer their entitlement to a quota, in whole or in
part, to other persons and receive payment from them for the right transferred.
X has exhausted his own quota and in order to export the goods either X or Y purchases
the necessary quota entitlement from a third party who is unrelated to X. Where X
acquired the entitlement he bills Y with the amount paid and shows this separately;
where Y buys it he places it without charge at X's disposal.

Does the payment made for the quota form part of the price actually paid or payable as
referred to in Article 29 of the Code?

Opinion of the Committee
The quotas, being transferable, have in themselves a value independent of the value of
the textiles to which they relate; and, in the present case, Y bears the additional cost
incurred in acquiring the quota entitlement, either by purchasing himself or by
reimbursing X for doing so. In these circumstances such additional duly proven costs
cannot be regarded as forming part of the price actually paid or payable for the goods
concerned. The type (own or third party quota) and the amount of related payments need
to be demonstrated on request.


Conclusion No 12 : Customs value of samples carried by air

Commercial samples carried by air are imported into the Community by Y. Y pays for
the products at a unit price of 5 U.A. FOB. The transport costs to the place of
introduction to the customs territory of the Community are 50 U.A. per sample. At the
time of importation Y asks the Customs to take into consideration the theoretical costs
for sea freight instead of the transport costs actually incurred.

Opinion of the Committee
As Article 32(1)(e) of the Code does not provide that notional transport costs should be
taken into consideration, the customs value must be determined by adding to the price of
5 U.A. the transport costs of 50 U.A. per sample actually incurred.


Conclusion No 13 : Tool costs

Company X, established in a third country, manufactures and sells cassette radios to
Company Y, established in the territory of the Community. Company Y, which is not
related to the seller, enters the radios for free circulation.
To improve the appearance of these sets, which are standard production items, the
manufacturer uses special tools designed by the buyer but produced in the third country
by Company X. These tools are not intended to be imported into the territory of the
On importation of one consignment of sets, the importer attaches two invoices to the
customs entry :
- the purchase invoice for the consignment;
- the invoice representing the total fabrication costs of the tool.
The declared customs value is the total amount of the two invoices, the importer having
chosen to allocate the tool costs to a single consignment, in accordance with the
Interpretative Notes to Article 32(1)(b)(ii) of the Code.

Opinion of the Committee
In the circumstances outlined, as the value of the tool has not been included in the price
paid or payable for the imported goods, it falls to be added to that price in accordance
with Article 32(1)(b)(ii) of the Customs Code as having been supplied directly or
indirectly by the buyer free of charge for use in connection with the production and sale
for export of the imported goods (i.e. the position is no different from that of purchase of
the tool from another seller). The allocation of the total cost of the tool to the first
shipment of goods is one of the options indicated in the Interpretative Notes to Article
32(1)(b)(ii) as contained in the Implementing Provisions.


Conclusion No 14 : Imports through contract agents

Buyer Y, who is established in the customs territory of the Community, imports large
quantities of various goods from different manufacturers/suppliers in the Far East. For
the purposes of market research, investigation and representation in the Far East, buyer Y
uses the services of agent X, who, among other things, acts on behalf of buyer Y where
the purchase and delivery of the goods to be valued are concerned. In return for his
services, agent X receives from buyer a buying commission. The amount and manner of
payment of the buying commission and the agent's responsibilities are laid down in an
"agent's agreement" concluded between X and Y. Under the agreement :
(a) Agent X receives orders from buyer Y specifying the description of the goods, their
price, the deadline for delivery and the delivery terms, along with any other
documentation; in addition, the buyer often specifies a particular
(b) He passes on these orders, sometimes in his own name, to the manufacturer/supplier
and sends buyer Y an acknowledgement of the orders, in some cases by forwarding
the manufacturers/supplier's stamped confirmation;
(c) As a rule, the goods are dispatched by the manufacturer/supplier to the port in the
exporting country, where the documents are handed over to agent X;
(d) Agent X invoices buyer Y showing the price paid to the manufacturer/supplier for
the goods, with his agreed commission separately distinguished.
When the goods are declared for free circulation, buyer Y declares that price for the
goods for customs valuation purposes and presents the invoice issued by agent X.
The consideration paid by buyer Y to agent X as a buying commission is not
declared as part of the customs value.
Buyer Y is willing and ready, at the request of the customs authorities, to furnish
evidence in the form of the agent's contract, his order forms, acknowledgements of
orders, his correspondence with agent X, his payment records and other supporting
documents that the customs value declaration has been made in due and proper
form. In appropriate circumstances, buyer Y is also able to produce, at the request of
the customs authorities, the invoices of the manufacturers/suppliers and the
correspondence between the latter and agent X.

Opinion of the Committee
Where the price paid to the manufacturer/supplier is the basis for the transaction
value under Article 29 of the Code, the declarant, pursuant to Article 181 of the
Implementing provisions, is normally required to present the customs authorities
with the invoice issued by the manufacturer/supplier. However in the light of the
above-mentioned facts, the customs authorities may accept the invoice (net of
buying commission) issued by agent X, subject to the possibility of check.

Conclusion No 15 : Quota charges claimed in respect of certificates
of authenticity

Meat of a specified quality is sold by firm X, a slaughterhouse established in a third
country, to firm Y in the Community. The meat is imported under a bilateral agreement
between the Community and the third country which provides for the importation free of
import levy of a fixed quota of such meat. The quota is administrated by way of the
exporting country issuing certificates of authenticity (and the Community issuing import
licences). Certificates of authenticity are issued to slaughterhouses in proportion to the
quantities of meat sold under the quota scheme in the previous year. X makes no
payment for obtaining such certificates. The certificates cannot be transferred separately
to another slaughterhouse. They can be allocated only to specific consignments of meat
intended for export to the Community. X charges a price for the meat. A separate amount
is charged for the certificate. Both these amounts accrue directly or indirectly to X.

Does the transaction value for the meat include the charge established for the certificate
of authenticity ?

Opinion of the Committee
The certificate of authenticity, not being transferable, cannot be disassociated from the
meat accompanying it and likewise it has in itself no value independent of the value of
the meat; also the amount invoiced for the certificate accrues directly or indirectly to X.
Contrary to the situation met in Case 7/83 heard before the Court of Justice of the
European Communities, the certificate cannot be traded separately and in the present
case the buyer is not reimbursing X for expenditure in acquiring the certificate. In fact,
the amount charged for the certificate is pure profit for X.
For these reasons the amount invoiced for the certificate must be regarded as part of the
total price paid or payable for the imported goods and, by reason of paragraphs 1 and
3(a) of Article 29 of the Code is to be included in the customs value of those goods.


Conclusion No 16 : Valuation under the deductive method of goods
sold through a branch office

Firm X established in a third country has a branch B in a Member State through which it
sells plastic stationery accessories to unrelated buyers in the Community.
B has no separate legal identity but is trading exactly as if it were a separate company. It
has its own budget, maintains separate accounts and is responsible for developing
business by its own marketing and sales force.
B does not buy the goods but on receiving them from X, B enters them into free
circulation and stores them at its premises.
A customs value for identical or similar goods sold for export to the Community cannot
be established.
B claims that the customs value should be determined under Article 30(2)(c) of the Code
and that, in particular, its actual profit and general expenses may be deducted from the
selling price duly established.

Opinion of the Committee
Insofar as the customs value cannot be determined under Articles 29 or 30(2)(a) and (b)
of the Code, it would be appropriate to value the goods under the provisions of Article
30(2)(c). In the light of the above-mentioned facts, B sells the imported goods for X
within the Community. Accordingly, under the provisions of Article 30(2)(c) the
deduction of an amount representative of the profit and general expenses of B in respect
of the sale of these goods can be permitted, provided that these are consistent with the
figures usual in sales in the Community of goods of the same class or kind.
Consequently, the customs value should be based on the unit price determined under the
provisions of Article 30(2)(c), subject to the deductions provided for in Article
152(1)(a)(iii) of the Customs Code Implementing provisions.


Conclusion No 17 : Precedence under the deductive method

Goods produced in a third country were imported into the Community on consignment
by firm X.
As the goods were not the subject of a sale at the time they were entered for free
circulation, their customs value could not be determined under Article 29 of the Code.
Also, information was not available at that time to establish a customs value under
Article 30(2)(a) to (c) of the Code; but firm X, nevertheless, indicated then that he
wished in due course to avail himself of Article 30(2)(c) in establishing the customs
value of the goods. In the circumstances it was necessary to delay the final determination
of the customs value.
The goods were sold within a week after importation. Following the sale and for the
purpose of finally determining their customs value, firm X declares a customs value
based on the unit price of similar imported goods sold in the Community since the time
his goods were imported.

Does firm X, for the purposes of applying Article 30(2)(c), have a choice between the
unit price at which the goods imported are sold and the unit price at which similar
imported goods are sold ?

Opinion of the Committee
In this case, the unit price at which the goods being valued are sold in the Community is
known at or about the time of their importation, as well as the unit price at which
identical or similar imported goods are so sold. Given the hierarchical nature of the
valuation system, the unit price of the goods being valued takes precedence over the unit
price of identical or similar imported goods for the purpose of finally determining the
customs value under Article 30(2)(c).


Conclusion No 18 : Demurrage charges

Importer Y in the Community has incurred demurrage charges in respect of goods which
he declares for entry for free circulation. The charges have been incurred because of
delays both in loading the goods in the country of exportation and in unloading them in
the customs territory of the Community.

Should such charges be included in the customs value of the goods ? If so, should they be
included irrespective of where they are incurred ?

Opinion of the Committee
As demurrage charges are payable to a transport company in respect of the use of the
means of transport, they are to be considered as part of the costs of transport for the
purposes of Article 32(1)(e) of the Code.
Application of that provision is limited to costs incurred before arrival of the goods at the
place of introduction into the customs territory of the Community. Consequently,
demurrage charges related to delays occurring before that arrival are to be included in the
customs value of the goods. On the other hand, demurrage charges related to delays
occurring after that arrival are not to be included in the customs value of the goods,
providing the conditions laid down in Article 33(1) are met.

Conclusion No 19: cancelled

Conclusion No 20 : Quota costs (importation of manioc from

There is a bilateral agreement between the EEC and the government of Thailand for the
exportation by Thailand and the importation by the EEC of Thai manioc.
This agreement is based on an autolimitation commitment by Thailand, and there is a
special low-duty rate for a fixed amount of manioc exported to the EEC.
Control is based on a system of double-control including the use of export and import
Commercial practice indicates that trade takes place in the acquisition of export quotas in
Thailand. The relevant Thai regulations indicate in this regard that export quotas are
assignable and an export quota can only be assigned from one exporter to another
exporter if the manioc covered by the export quota is also assigned to the new exporter.
The allotment of export quotas of manioc takes place on the basis of the request of the
exporter. Before the allotment takes place, the exporter has to inform the authorities of
the quantity of his stock. The allotment granted to him is based on the stock, the allotted
quota being in proportion to his stock. By being granted this quota, the exporter has the
obligation to export this quantity in the time-period given. An assignment of the export
quota is only granted (and is only possible) if the stock is also assigned to the new
exporter, who is responsible for the exportation of the assigned quantity.
The cost to acquire the export quota can be either presented in a separate invoice, or
separately shown on the invoice for the manioc.

Does the payment made for the quota form part of the price actually paid or payable as
referred to in Article 29 of the Customs Code ?

Opinion of the Committee
It is evident that trade in export quotas only does not take place. The transactions which
occur cover both the export quota and the manioc in respect of which this quota is
assigned. Payments made in the context of these transactions are for both the export
quota and the associated manioc. These payments should therefore form part of the price
paid or payable in order to establish the customs value under Article 29 of the Customs

Conclusion No 21 : Test fees

Importer X exports silicon die to related company Y in country A for assembly into
semi-conductor devices under Outward Processing Relief procedure. The silicon die is
sold by company X to company Y under a sell and buy back agreement. After
processing, company Y invoices and charges company X for the costs incurred in
processing plus the costs of the silicon die processed. Company X then arranges for the
processed goods to be tested by related company Z in country B. After testing has been
completed, company Z charges company X for the costs incurred. The tested goods
which meet the required standard are then imported into the European Community by
company X. The unsatisfactory goods are scrapped in country B.
The importer has stated that the manufacture of semi-conductor devices is a multi-
process affair and that it is commonplace in the trade for the processes to be carried out
separately and at different locations, sometimes by related companies and sometimes by
unrelated companies. Further, at each stage in the process of manufacture, repeated
testing is normal. In this case, the silicon dies are electronically tested by the die
fabricator prior to shipment to country A and the processed goods are tested visually by
the assembler in country A. In country B, the processed goods are visually tested again
and electronically tested using high value equipment.

Is the testing fee for the testing in country B includible in the customs value because the
testing is an integral part of the processing ?
Alternatively, is the testing fee for the testing in country B excludible from the customs
value because the testing is an activity incurred by the buyer on his own account after
purchase of the goods but before importation ?

Opinion of the Committee
The testing operation is part of the process necessary to produce goods of the type in
question. This testing is essential to ensure that the goods are functional and meet the
specifications applicable. Thus, the goods to be valued are the tested goods, and the
customs value is to be determined under Article 29(1) of the Customs Code on the basis
of the charge made for testing plus an addition under Article 32(1)(b)(i) for the cost of
material supplied including the cost of processing and an addition under Article 32(1)(e)
for costs of delivery to the customs territory of the European Community.

Conclusion No 22 (Revised): Valuation of computers with
adjustable memory capacity

Firm X established in a third country supplies to firm Y within the Community via its
subsidiary X1 (fiscal representative of X in a Member State as well as importer) a high
performance computer which is to be leased to firm Y.
Only a very small number of this type of computer is manufactured and each one is
adapted to the particular needs of the user. However, for internal strategic reasons (both
technical and commercial), firm X designs standard central processing units with 64
million words of main memory (64 Mb). However, it is provided for that depending on
the users requirements, main memory can be inhibited or neutralised before importation
into the Community. Firm X1 imports a computer of 64 MB of which 32 are inhibited.
The commercial contract, signed between X and Y concerns a unit of 32 MB. This
contract does not mention the existence of a supplementary memory capacity which can
be activated at any time.
In effect, the memory initially inhibited is restored only if user Y (or another user if the
system is transferred to another location after importation) so requests on the basis of his
additional requirements. This can be done by a simple technical operation on the
equipment without the addition of other equipment either imported or obtained locally.
Only the supplier possesses the technology necessary to make operational the inhibited
memory. When this is activated, the supplier and his client signs either an endorsement
to the existing contract or a new contract covering leasing and specifying, in particular,
the additional royalties payable as a result of increased memory capacity.

At the time of customs clearance, should this system be valued on the basis of total
memory capacity (64 Mb), although 32 MB are in fact suppressed, or on the actual
"active" capacity of 32 Mb?

Opinion of the Committee
1. Valuation is to be based on the goods presented to customs at the material time for
valuation for customs purposes. In this case, the goods consist of a computer with a
memory capacity of 64 Mb, the full availability of which is subject to technical
2. It is the actual payments made or to be made for the imported goods which are
ultimately to be taken into account for customs valuation purposes. In this context, it
is appropriate that the customs value at time of entry of the goods for free circulation
be determined on the basis of the duly substantiated contractual payments for the
goods which are provided for at that time.
3. If additional payments are made e.g. for further utilisation of the complete memory
capacity such payments shall form part of the customs value.

Conclusion No 23 : Transport costs for goods sold ex warehouse

An importer X situated inside the Community buys goods from a seller Y, situated
outside the Community, on the basis of a FOB price. These goods arrive by rail and are
deposited in a customs warehouse.
X resells to Z to whom he is related and who is established in another Member State of
the Community.
Z brings the goods into free circulation on the basis of the invoice price between X and
Z. Z also hands over the International consignment note (CIM) on which the transport
costs are specified. The note is issued to bring the goods from outside the Community to
a railway station near to the warehouse.

The transport costs inside the territory of the Community incurred at the time of the first
transaction, are they deductible on the basis of Article 164 of the CCIP.

Opinion of the Committee
Deduction of intra-community transport costs is justified if all of the conditions of
Article 164 of the implementing provisions are fulfilled. The price paid or payable by Z
to X includes all transport costs. The international consignment note (CIM) gives all
necessary information relating to transport costs inside and outside the EC.
There are no special provisions concerning either the person responsible for payment of
the transport costs nor a requirement that these transport costs should be part of the sale
transaction on the basis of which the customs value is determined.
Consequently, the inter-Community transport costs incurred in the circumstances
indicated above are deductible on the basis of Article 164 CCIP.

Conclusion 24 : Royalties and licence fees (has been replaced by
Commentary No 11)

Conclusion 25 : Goods sold for export to the Community
Interpretation of Art. 147 of Regulation No 2454/93
The facts:
Case 1: Company A buys goods at the going Far East rates from manufacturer H (both
contracting parties are established outside of the Community), but they are delivered to
As dependent branch A1 in the EU.
Case 2: As case 1, but where A1 is As subsidiary (Article 143(1)(e) CCIP).
Further details
For accounting purposes and in both cases A invoices the goods to A1 at a transfer price.
This transfer price passes verification of their relationship which is important in case 2
due to the fact that there is a second sale between A and A1 at import into the
In both cases the customs clearance is done on the basis of the sale between H and A.
Following customs clearance by A1, the goods are delivered to A, where they undergo
the requisite checks. They are then sold on to customers throughout the world. About
50% of the goods find their way to customers back in the EU.
Observations and questions:
Case 1
1. Under Article 147(1) CCIP and for the purposes of Article 29 of the Code, the fact that
goods which are the subject of a sale are declared for free circulation is deemed sufficient
indication that they were sold for export to the customs territory of the Community.
Under Article 147(3) CCIP the buyer need satisfy no condition other than that of being a
party to the contract of sale. In particular, therefore, he does not need to have an
establishment in Community customs territory.
Question on case 1 (where neither contracting party is established in the Community):
does the fact that 50 % of the goods are not actually intended for sale in the Community
customs territory take precedence over the above mentioned indication?
Answer: Only the actual transaction leading to importing the goods into Community
territory from a third country is relevant (Article 147 (1) CCIP). What happens to the
goods thereafter (i.e. whether they are reconsigned or sold on) is not.
2. According to Conclusion No 5 of the Compendium of Customs Valuation texts, where
goods are imported by a branch of an undertaking (consigned from one division of a
business to another division of the same business) this is not a transaction within the
meaning of Article 29 CC and the appropriate evaluation method must be found in the
sequence listed in Article 30 CC.
Question on case 1: In the case in point (unlike conclusion n 5) the goods are not
manufactured by A but by a third party (H) and there is a contract of sale between A and
H. Does Conclusion No 5 apply?
Answer: Conclusion No 5 does not apply as this is in fact an instance of goods which
can be regarded as being sold for export to the Community. There is a sales transaction
between H and A; Article 29 CC and Article 147 (1) first sentence therefore apply. .
Conclusion No 16 does not interfere with this result.
Case 2
1. In case 2 there has been a second sales transaction by the time valuation takes place,
Conclusion No 5 is therefore not relevant either. Under Article 147(1) second
subparagraph CCIP, the price of a sale preceding the last sale which led to the
introduction of the goods into the customs territory of the Community may be declared.
Here, however, it must be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the customs authorities that
this sale of goods took place for export to the Community customs territory. Further
conditions applicable here are set out in Commentary No 7 of the Compendium of
Customs Valuation texts.
In fact the only difference between cases 1 and 2 is that the party receiving the goods in
case 1 is a dependent branch whilst in case 2 it is a related subsidiary.
Question on case 2: May the sales transaction between H and A be accepted if it
complies with the criteria in Commentary No 7?
Answer: Article 147 is the relevant legal rule, and in the context of the application of
this article the criteria of Commentary No 7 is applied to the sales transaction between H
and A.
General conclusions
In case 1 the "sale" (i.e. transfer) between A and the branch is not a sale, that means that
the sale between A and H is the only sale which could be accepted. There is only one
relevant sales transaction before the goods are imported and the rules on successive sales
transactions are therefore not applicable.
In case 2 the sale between A and the subsidiary is a "de jure" sale and therefore,
according to Art. 147 (1) second subparagraph, the sale between A and H (if declared for
customs valuation purposes) has to be proved to be a sale for export to the Community.
In both cases, the fact that 50% of the goods are resold on to customers outside the EU
after their release for free circulation is not in itself grounds for rejecting a customs value
based on an earlier sale in accordance with Article 147.1. However, in these
circumstances it would be reasonable to take this fact into
account when considering evidence submitted to support the case that the goods were, at
the time of the sale in question, sold for export to the EC.
By application of Art. 147 (1) second subparagraph the declarant in case 2 (successive
sales) has a higher standard of proof than the declarant in case 1 (one sale only) if he
declares the sale between A and H.
Indeed, the objective of Art. 147 (1) second subparagraph is to indicate that it is possible,
against a higher standard of proof, to base the customs value on a sale before the last sale
(i.e. before the introduction of the goods into the customs territory of the Community). If
there is only one sale, Art. 147 (1) par. 1 applies.

Customs value of sound and cinematographic recordings on
magnetic tape (videos) and other carrier media

Case 1 Recordings intended for transmission by television and cinema
Sound and cinematographic-type recordings in the form of magnetic tape videos
(Community customs tariff heading 85.24) or in the form of other carrier media and
intended for distribution and/or diffusion by television and cinema networks and
advertising agencies (cf. case No 2) are imported.
It is for consideration whether valuation should be on the basis of pro-forma
invoices which indicate only the value of the support material (a nominal amount of
currency units) or on the total payments made. Contracts show that payments to
obtain the transmission rights of the film, concluded between television and cinema
networks and the foreign distributor/producer, can amount to several million
currency units.

The Committee concludes that the amounts paid by the buyers of the audiovisual
programmes in question in respect of a charge for broadcasting/distribution rights
should be considered in the light of Art. 32(1)(c) of the Code. In this context they
should be regarded as equivalent to payment for the right to reproduce the imported
goods within the meaning of Article 32(5)(a) of the Code.
Consequently, these amounts should not be taken into account in determining the
customs value, provided that they are distinguished from the price paid or payable
for the support media.

Case 2 Recordings intended for advertising agencies
Videos (or other carrier media) which consist of recordings for the advertising
industry, also intended for broadcasting by television networks, are imported in the
same manner as in Case 1 above.
The question arises as to whether the value should be based on the total payments
made to the producers. In this particular case, this can involve evaluation of the
goods taking into account the totality of the invoices presented to the buyer (studio
rental costs, musician and model fees, tape costs ,...).
Valuation treatment
The Committee concludes that the amounts paid by the buyers of the audiovisual
programmes in question in respect of a charge for broadcasting/distribution rights
should be considered in the light of Art. 32(1)(c) of the Code. In this context they
should be regarded as equivalent to payment for the right to reproduce the imported
goods within the meaning of Article 32(5)(a) of the Code.

Case 3 Recordings intended for distribution and sale
Video tapes (or other carrier media) which carry a variety of audiovisual material
(e.g. feature films) for distribution and sale to consumers is imported. Payment for
the goods is invoiced in the context of a normal sale and no other payments are
Valuation treatment
The transaction value is to be based on the total price paid or payable for the goods.

Statement of administrative practice on article 156a

Article 156a is intended to provide for an application of Article 19 of the Customs
Code to allow import operations which occur in a repeated and ongoing manner to
take place in circumstances which facilitate application of the Community rules in
Period of authorisation
In the context of granting the authorisation referred to in Article 156a, the period
referred to in paragraph 2 of that Article has to be determined in a manner consistent
with the objective of ensuring own resources at stake are safeguarded."

(Adopted by the Committee on its meeting on 6 May 1996)

Treatment of the transport costs for customs valuation purposes of
air express consignments declared for free circulation into the
customs territory of the Community

Administrative arrangement
The representatives of the customs administrations of the Member States have concluded
in view of the necessity to ensure the effective and uniform application of Articles 32
and 33 of the Customs Code (Council Regulation (EEC) n 2913/92) and
in view of the Judgement of the Court of Justice concerning deduction of intra-
Community transport costs (Case n 290/84),
after consultations with representatives of the air carrier operators,
following an examination of how the requirements of the legal provisions in force
can be met in the treatment of air express consignments carried by express carriers,
the provisions set out in the annex are to be applied in a uniform manner throughout the
Rules of administration
Treatment of transport costs for customs valuation purposes of air express consignments
declared for free circulation into the customs territory of the Community.
Application of legal provision in force
1. In keeping with the rules on customs value, in particular Articles 32(1) (e), 32(2) and
33 of the Customs Code :
a) In cases where the actual air express consignment charge is known at the time of
customs clearance, such charge shall be taken into account in determining the
customs value of the express consignment. The transport cost incurred after the
arrival in the customs territory of the Community shall not be included in the
customs value, provided that such cost is distinguished from the total charge.
In cases where the express carrier is unable to demonstrate which costs arise
before departure in the third country and which costs arise after arrival in the
Community, the percentages laid down in Annex 25 to Regulation (EEC)
n 2454/93 are applicable to the whole amount of the express consignment
charge, for the purposes of deducting transport costs incurred within the
b) In cases where the actual air express consignment charge is not known at the
time of customs clearance, the equivalent of that charge will apply as
ascertained from the tariff of the express carrier in question for the same journey
or reverse journey and for the same type of consignment.
The percentages laid down in Annex 25 to Regulation (EEC) n 2454/93 apply
as at paragraph 1 (a) above.
2. In the application of the above rules, postal services and express carrier companies,
their representatives or persons designated to carry out the customs clearance of the
express consignments:
a) should furnish the customs with the necessary documents in support of the
actual express consignment charge or, failing that, with the tariff of the carrier in
question, and
b) should make the necessary calculations in deducting from the express
consignment charge declared, the percentages laid down in Annex 25 of the
3. If after an appropriate implementation period, it is considered that the methods laid
down in paragraph 1 are not sufficient to ensure application of the relevant customs
valuation regulations, utilisation of a series of flat-rates will be considered as an
additional means to ascertain the transport costs of air express consignments for
customs valuation purposes.
4. This methodology will apply from 1 July 1990 and replaces any other means used
for the purpose in question.
5. The terms of paragraph 1 may be examined subsequently in order to assess their
effectiveness in the light of practical experience.


Case 7/83

- Ospig Textilgesellschaft KG W. Ahlers v. Hauptzollamt


Title : Valuation of goods for customs purposes - inclusion of quota charges.
Language : German
Question : Are costs which are incurred in the acquisition of free quotas (export quotas)
and charged separately by an exporter in Hong Kong to a German customer
(known as quota costs) to be included in the customs value of goods (the
transaction referred to in Article 3 of Regulation (EEC) No 1224/80 on the
valuation of goods for customs purposes) ?
Ruling : Quota charges relating to the acquisition of export quotas do not form part of
the value for customs purposes of goods imported into the Community for the
purposes of the provisions of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1224/80 of 28
May 1980, on the valuation of goods for customs purposes, as amended by
Council Regulation (EEC) No 3193/80 of 8 December 1980.

References for further information :
OJ No C 35, 8.2.1983, p. 3
OJ No C 79, 20.3.1984, p. 4

Full text available online : or

Reports of Cases before the Court, No 1984, p. 609-620


Case 290/84

- Hauptzollamt Schweinfurt v. Mainfrucht

Obstverwertung GmbH
Title : Valuation for customs purposes - Transport costs
Language : German
Questions :
1. (a) Where a purchaser in a Member State of the European Community pays to a
foreign supplier, on the basis of an itemised invoice, an amount in respect of
"freight costs within the Community" along with the price of the goods, does the
transaction value referred to in Article 3 (1) of Council Regulation (EEC) No
1224/80 include both amounts ?
(b) If so, must that amount be adjusted pursuant to Article 15 of Regulation (EEC)
No 1224/80 in order to be taken as the customs value of the goods ?
2. If those questions are answered in the affirmative :
(a) Is Article 15(2)(a) of Regulation (EEC) No 1224/80 applicable where the person
concerned declares transport costs covering transport within the Community
alone ?
(b) If question (a) is answered in the affirmative :
In the case of through transport as referred to in Article 15 (2)(a) of Regulation
(EEC) No 1224/80, is the deduction, in assessing the customs value of goods, of
transport costs calculated to have been incurred within the Community
conditional upon the person concerned having provided a separate figure for the
total cost of through transport in accordance with Article 15(1) of the Regulation
If so, is that condition met where the person concerned gives separate figures for
those transport costs, or must he provide proof of the actual costs incurred for the
through transport, by presenting verifiable documentary evidence ?
If such proof is necessary, what requirements must it satisfy ? May customs
authorities waive such proofs where the person concerned is unable to provide it
by reason of the conduct of his supplier ?

Reports of Cases before the Court, No 1985, p. 3909-3932


Ruling : Where a domestic buyer has paid the foreign seller, in addition to the price of
the goods, a special amount in respect of 'intra-Community transport costs' on
the basis of a separate invoice, the transaction value within the meaning of
Article 3 (1) of Regulation No 1224/80 includes only the first of those
amounts, but the competent customs authorities may, if the circumstances
warrant it, check the invoice relating to the costs in question in order to
verify that they are not fictitious.

References for further information :
OJ No C 29, 31.1.1985, p. 3
OJ No C 347, 31.12.1985, p. 22

Case 65/85

- Hauptzollamt Hamburg - Ericus v. Van Houten

International GmbH
Title : Valuation of goods for customs purposes - Weighing costs
Language : German
Question : Should Article 3(1) and (3) of the version of Council Regulation (EEC) No
1224/80 applying prior to 1 January 1981 be interpreted as meaning that in
the case of so-called ANKUNFTKONTRAKTEN (arrival contracts) the costs
of establishing the weight on arrival also forms part of the transaction value
if, according to the contract of sale, those costs are to be borne by the buyer ?
Ruling : Article 3(1) and (3) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1224/80 of 29 May
1980 is to be interpreted as excluding from the transaction value weighing
costs payable by the purchaser at the destination of the goods in the case of
what is known as an arrival contract.

References for further information :
OJ No C 99, 19.4.1985, p. 7
OJ No C 45, 27.2.1986, p. 4

Reports of Cases before the Court, No 1986, p. 447-457


Case C-183/85

- Hauptzollamt Itzehoe v. H.J. Repenning GmbH.

Title : Valuation of goods for customs purposes
Language : German
Question : Does the transaction value, as referred to in Article 3(1) of Regulation (EEC)
No 1224/80, include the full amount of the price actually paid even where the
goods, bought free of defects, had deteriorated and thus diminished in value
before the relevant valuation date, in circumstances giving rise to the
indemnification of the buyer under this transport insurance but not to the
refund of the purchase price by the seller ?
Ruling : Article 3(1) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1224/80 must be interpreted as
meaning that where goods bought free of defects are damaged before being
released for free circulation the price actually paid or payable, on which the
transaction value is based, must be reduced in proportion to the damage

References for further information :
OJ No C 166, 5.7.1985, p. 11
OJ No C 196, 5.8.1986, p. 4

Reports of Cases before the Court, No 1986, p. 1873-1884


Case 357/87

- Firma Albert Schmid v. Hauptzollamt Stuttgard-

Title : Duty to be levied on imported packings
Language : German
1. How is the final sentence of Section I, C.2 of Part I of the Annex to Article 1 of
Council Regulation (EEC) No 950/68 of 22 June 1968 on the Common Customs
Tariff (Official Journal, English Special Edition 1968 (I), p. 275) to be interpreted :
does the expression 'packing' (meaning any external or internal containers, holders,
wrappings or supports other than transport devices (e.g. transport containers),
tarpaulins, tackle or ancillary transport equipment) include beer barrels, beer bottles
and plastic crates for beer bottles where such containers are to be returned to the
seller of the beer in another country ?
2. If the first question is answered in the affirmative : how is Section II, D.1(a) of Part
I of the Annex to Article 1 of the aforementioned Regulation (which provides that
packings are covered by the customs duty for the goods contained therein) to be
interpreted : is duty on packings which are themselves dutiable paid with the duty
on the goods in such a way that the duty on the goods also discharges the duty on
the packings, or are the packings chargeable on the basis of their own customs value
but at the rate applicable to the goods ?
Ruling :
1. The final sentence of Section I, C 2 of Part I of the Annex to Article 1 of Regulation
(EEC) No 950/68 of the Council of 22 June 1968 on the Common Customs Tariff
must be interpreted as meaning that the expression packing includes beer-barrels,
beer-bottles and plastic crates for beer-bottles even where such containers are to be
returned to the seller of the beer in another country.

Reports of Cases before the Court, No 1988, p. 6239

2. Section II, D 1 (a) of Part I of the Annex to Article 1 of the aforementioned
regulation must be interpreted as meaning that the packings must be chargeable to
duty at the rate applicable to the goods contained therein. However, where the
packings are not included in the price payable for the goods but are to be returned to
the seller in another country, and the buyer is required to pay the seller financial
compensation in respect of packings that are not returned, such compensation
constitutes a cost within the meaning of Article 8(1)(a) of Council Regulation
(EEC) No 1224/80 of 28 May 1980 on the valuation of goods for customs purposes.

References for further information :
OJ No C 349, 24.12.1987, p. 4
OJ No C 284, 8.11.1988, p. 10

Case C-219/88

- Malt GmbH v. Hauptzollamt Dsseldorf

Title : Certificates of authenticity
Language : German
Questions :
1. Must Council Regulation (EEC) No 1224/80 of 28 May 1980 on the valuation of
goods for customs purposes (Official Journal of the European Communities No L
134, 31.5.1980, p. 1), and in particular Article 3(1) and (3) (a), be interpreted as
meaning that in assessing the value of Argentinian beef which entered into free
circulating without payment of a levy in 1981 in the framework of a Community
tariff quota the amounts paid to the seller in addition to the price of the goods for
the certificates of authenticity needed for recourse to the quota rules must be
included in the price actually paid or payable (the transaction value) ?
2. If the answer to Question 1 is yes :
Must the above mentioned Regulation, in particular Article 3 (4) (b), be interpreted as
meaning that the amounts paid for the certificates must for purposes of customs
valuation be treated as taxes payable in the Community by reason of the importation ?
3. If the answer to Question 2 is yes :
Must the above mentioned Regulation, in particular Article 3 (4), be interpreted as
meaning that the requirement that such charges must be distinguished from the price
actually paid or payable for the imported goods is satisfied even if the invoice states
the total amount paid for the goods and for the certificates (No 1) but makes clear
the amounts paid for the certificates ?
Ruling :
1. Council Regulation (EEC) No 1224/80 of 28 May 1980 on the valuation of goods
for customs purposes, in particular Article 3(1) and (3) thereof, is to be interpreted
as meaning that, in assessing the value of imported Argentinian beef for the
purposes of Council Regulation (EEC) No 217/81 of 20 January 1981, opening a
Community tariff quota for high-quality, fresh, chilled or frozen beef and veal
falling within subheading 02.01 A II (a) and 02.01 A II (b) of the Common Customs
Tariff, the amounts paid to the seller in addition to the price of the goods for the
certificates of authenticity needed for recourse to the quota rules must be regarded
as an integral part of the value for customs purposes.

Reports of Cases before the Court, No 1990, p. I-1481

2. Article 3(4) of Regulation No 1224/80 is to be interpreted as meaning that the
amounts paid for certificates of authenticity must not be regarded as taxes paid in
the Community by reason of the importation.

References for further information :
OJ No C 223, 27.8.1988, p. 5

Case C-11/89

- Unifert Handels GmbH, Warendorf v.

Hauptzollamt Mnster
Title : Customs value of goods - Transaction value - Demurrage charges
Language : German
Questions :
1.(a) Can the transaction value within the meaning of Article 3 (1) of Regulation
No. 1224/80 also be the price stipulated in a contract of sale between persons
resident in the Community ?
(b) If question 1 (a) is answered in the affirmative, may the person concerned determine
the price to be taken as the basis for customs valuation purposes if prices stipulated
in other contracts of sale fulfil the requirements of Article 3 (1) of Regulation No.
1224/80 ? Is the person concerned bound by his choice once exercised ?
(c) If question 1 (a) is answered in the affirmative, does this price also include a so-
called buying commission ?
2. Are demurrage charges (compensation for delays in loading) transport costs within
the meaning of Article 8 (1) (e) of Council Regulation No. 1224/80 ?
3. Is the full price paid or payable the transaction value within the meaning of Article
3 of Regulation No. 1224/80 if before the material time short shipments are found
which are within an agreed weight discrepancy allowance and do not lead to a
reduction of the purchase price ?".
Rulings :
1. The price stipulated in a contract of sale between persons established in the
Community may be regarded as the transaction value within the meaning of Article
3 (1) of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 1224/80 of 28 May 1980 on the valuation of
goods for customs purposes.

Reports of Cases before the Court, No 1990, p. I-2275

2. Where, in successive sales of goods, more than one price actually paid or payable
fulfils the requirements laid down in Article 3(1) of Regulation No 1224/80, any of
those prices may be chosen by the importer for the purposes of determing the
transaction value. If the importer has referred to one of those prices in the customs
value declaration, he may not correct the declaration after the goods have been
released for free circulation, in accordance with Article 8 (1) of Council Directive
79/695/EEC of 24 July 1979 on the harmonisation of procedures for the release of
goods for free circulation.
3. A payment made by the buyer to the seller, invoiced separately and described as a
"buying commission", forms part of the price actually paid or payable for the
imported goods within the meaning of Article 3 (1) of Regulation No. 1224/80.
4. Demurrage charges (compensation payable for keeping vessels in port) form part of
the cost of transport within the meaning of Article 8 (1) (e) of Council Regulation
No. 1224/80.
5. Article 3 (1) of Regulation No. 1224/80 must be interpreted as meaning that the
price actually paid or payable should not be reduced proportionately where there is
a discrepancy between the quantity of goods unloaded and the quantity purchased
which does not exceed the weight discrepancy allowance agreed upon between
parties and does not lead to a reduction of the purchase price.
References for further information
OJ No C 43, 22.2.1989
OJ No L 134, 31.5.1980, p. 1

Case C-17/89

- Hauptzollamt Frankfurt am Main-Ost v. Deutsche

Olivetti GmbH
Title : Transport costs, container transport
Language : German
Questions : According to what criteria are transport costs which, under Article 8 (1) (e)
(i) of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 1224/80, are to be added to the price
actually paid or payable for goods within the meaning of Article 3 to be
determined if under fob terms of delivery an importer has paid a single all-
inclusive price for transport of the goods beyond the place of introduction
into the Community to a point inside the Community ? If the goods are
imported in a container, is it material whether or not the goods were carried
in the same container during the entire journey ?
Rulings :
1. Container transport cannot be considered to be a "means of transport" within the
meaning of Article 15(2)(a) of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 1224/80 of 28 May
1980 on the valuation of goods for customs purposes (Official Journal 1980, L 134,
p. 1).
2. Where an importer has paid an all-inclusive price to have goods transported to a
point beyond the place of introduction into the customs territory of the Community,
and the goods have been carried using several different means of transport, the cost
of transport referred to in Article 8(1)(e)(i) of the aforementioned regulation must
be calculated either by deducting the cost of transport within the customs territory
of the Community, determined on the basis of the rates normally applied, from the
price actually paid or payable, or by determining the cost of transport to the place of
introduction of the goods into the customs territory of the Community directly on
the basis of the rates normally applied. It is for the national authorities to choose the
criterion which is more likely to avoid arbitrary and fictious values.
References for further information
OJ No. C 45, 24.2.1989
OJ No L 134, 31.5.1980, p. 1

Reports of Cases before the Court, No 1990, p. I-2301


Case C-79/89

- Brown Boveri & Cie AG v. Hauptzollamt

Title : Software (distinguishing assembly charges) (before 1 May 1985)
Language : German
1. Was Article 3 of Regulation (EEC) No 1224/80 to be interpreted in 1982 as
meaning that the transaction value of imported carrier media with software recorded
on them in respect of which the supplier had provided the declarant with an invoice
containing only a total price was the entire invoice price, or was the transaction
value only that part of the invoice price which corresponded to the carrier medium ?
Did it make any difference if the declarant distinguished between the price of the
carrier medium and the price of the software at the material time or later ?
2. Are charges for assembly to be regarded as having been "distinguished" within the
meaning of Article 3(4) of Regulation (EEC) No 1224/80 only when the distinction
has been brought to the customs authorities' attention at the material time ?
Rulings :
1. In 1982, Article 3 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1224/80 of 28 May 1980 on the
valuation of goods for customs purposes was to be interpreted as meaning that the
transaction value of carrier media containing at the time of importation recorded
software in respect of which the supplier had invoiced a comprehensive price to the
declarant had to be the invoiced price.
2. In order to be excluded from the customs value in accordance with Article 3 (4) (a)
of Regulation No 1224/80, assembly costs must be distinguished in the declaration
of the customs value from the price actually paid or payable for the goods. Pursuant
to Article 8 of Council Directive 79/695/EEC of 24 July 1979 on the harmonisation
of procedures for the release of goods for free circulation, that declaration cannot be
corrected after the material time for valuation for customs purposes, which is to say,
after the goods have been released for free circulation.

Reports of Cases before the Court, No 1991, p. I-1853


Case C-116/89

- BayWa AG v. Hauptzollamt Weiden

Title : The valuation of goods for customs purposes - Harvest Seed - Licence fee
Language : German
Questions : In the case of a sale of harvest seed for the production of which basic seed
supplied by the buyer was used, should there be added to the price paid or
payable, for the purpose of determining the customs value, licence fees which
the buyer has to pay in respect of the harvest seed to the breeder of the basic
seed, even where the breeder's service has been performed within the
Community ?
Ruling : In the case of a sale of harvest seed produced from basic seed supplied by the
buyer, there should be added to the price paid or payable, for the purposes of
determining the customs value in accordance with Article 8(1) (b) (i) of
Council Regulation (EEC) No 1224/80 of 28 May 1980 on the valuation of
goods for customs purposes, licence fees which the buyer has to pay to the
breeder of the basic seed in respect of the propagation of that seed, even
where the breeder's service has been performed within the customs territory
of the Community.

Reference for further information :
OJ No C 122, 17.5.1989

Reports of Cases before the Court, No 1991, p. I-1095

Case C-299/90

- Hauptzollamt Karlsruhe v. Gebr. Hepp. GmbH &

Title : Customs value - Buying commission
Language : German
Questions :
1. In the event that a buying agent, acting in his own name but on behalf of another is
involved, which contract must be regarded as the "sale" within the meaning of Article 3 of
Council Regulation (EEC) No 1224/80 of 28 May 1980 on the valuation of goods for
customs purposes ?
2. If the answer to Question 1 is that both the contract between manufacturer and agent and the
contract between agent and importer meet the criteria of Article 3 of Regulation No
1224/80, and the importer has specified the price in his contract with the agent as the basis
for determining the value of goods for customs purposes, must the buying commission be
added to the price paid ?
3. If the answer to Question 1 is that only one sale, namely that between manufacturer and
importer, has occurred, must the buying commission be included in the customs value when
the importer, under the heading "Verkufer" ("Seller") in the customs value declaration, has
given the agent and his invoice price (without the commission)?
4. If the answer to Question 1 is that, although the contract between manufacturer and agent is
a sale, the contract between agent and importer is not, how is the customs value to be
determined under Community law when the importer has stated the customs value in the
manner described in Question 3 ?
Rulings :
1. The transaction between the manufacturer or supplier of goods, on the one hand, and the
importer, on the other, is the transaction to be taken into account in the determination of the
customs value in accordance with Article 3(1) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1224/80 of
28 May 1980 on the valuation of goods for customs purposes, if a buying agent has acted in
his own name and has in fact represented the importer by acting on his behalf.
2. The price in the transaction between the manufacturer or supplier, on the one hand, and the
importer, on the other, constitutes the customs value for the purposes of Article 3(1) of
Regulation (EEC) No 1224/80. The buying commission is not to be included in that value
even when the importer has described the buying agent as the seller and has declared the
price of the goods as invoiced by that agent.
Reference for further information :
OJ No C 274, 31.10.1990

Reports of Cases before the Court, No 1991, p. I-4301

Case C-16/91

- Wacker Werke GmbH & Co. KG v. Hauptzollamt

Title : Outward processing - Total or partial relief from import duties -
Determination of the value of the compensating products and of the
temporary export goods
Language : German
Questions :
1. Must Article 13(1) of Council Regulation No 2473/86 of 24 July 1986 on outward
processing relief arrangements and the standard exchange system (OJ 1986 L 212,
p. 1) be interpreted as meaning that for the calculation of import duty the customs
value of the compensating products and of the temporary export goods must in
principle be based on their transaction value in accordance with Article 3(1) of
Council Regulation (EEC) No 1224/80 of 28 May 1980 on the valuation of goods
for customs purposes (OJ 1980 L 134, p. 1), as last amended by Council Regulation
(EEC) No 1055/85 of 23 April 1985 (OJ 1985 L 112, p. 50)?
2. If the answer to the first question is in the negative, must the first alternative
provided for in the second subparagraph of Article 13(2) of Regulation No 2473/86
be interpreted as meaning that the customs value of the compensating products is to
be determined in accordance with this provision even where the holder of the
outward processing authorisation has temporarily exported goods neither free of
charge nor at reduced cost within the meaning of Article 8(1)(b)(i) of Regulation No
3. If the answer to the second question is in the affirmative, must Article 8(1)(b)(i) of
Regulation No 1224/80 be interpreted as meaning that in order to determine the
value of the products mentioned in that provision which have been manufactured by
the holder of the outward processing authorisation himself only manufacturing costs
are to be taken into account and that the transaction value is to be adjusted for the
general expenses and profit margin included in the selling price of those products ?
If so, in order to determine the value of the compensating products, is their
transaction value also to be adjusted for cost components forming part of the value
of the temporary export goods to the extent that they are included in the transaction
value of the compensating products ?

Reports of Cases before the Court, No 1992, p. I-6821


Ruling :
Council Regulation (EEC) No 2473/86 of 24 July 1986 on outward processing relief
arrangements and the standard exchange system is to be interpreted as meaning that,
in calculating the total or partial relief from import duty for which it provides, the
calculation of import duty on the compensating products must in principle be based
on the transaction value of those products, while the value of the temporary export
goods must be calculated using one of the two methods set out in the second
subparagraph of Article 12(2) of that regulation. If the value of the compensating
products has been determined without any adjustment for the purposes of Article
8(1)(b)(i) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1224/80 of 28 May 1980 on the valuation
of goods for customs purposes, the value of the temporary export goods corresponds
to the difference between the customs value of the compensating products and the
processing costs determined by reasonable means, such as taking account of the
transaction value of the goods in question.
References for further information :
OJ No C 43, 19.2.1991
OJ No L 212, 2.8.1986, p. 1
OJ No L 134, 31.5.1980, p. 1
OJ No L 112, 25.4.1985, p. 50

Case C-21/91

- Firma Wnsche Handelsgesellschaft International

(GmbH & Co.) v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Jonas
Title : Financing costs
Language : German
Questions :
1. Must Article 3 of Regulation (EEC) No 1495/80 be interpreted as meaning that
there is a "financing arrangement relating to the purchase of the imported goods" if
the seller allows the buyer time for payment for which a purchase price increased by
interest is agreed?
2. In that respect is Article 3(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 1495/80 as amended by
Regulation (EEC) No 220/85 to be interpreted in the same manner as Article 3(c) of
Regulation (EEC) No 1495/80 in its original version?
Rulings :
1. The expression 'financing arrangement' used in Article 3(2) of Commission
Regulation (EEC) No 1495/80 of 11 June 1980 implementing certain provisions of
Articles 1, 3 and 8 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1224/80 on the valuation of
goods for customs purposes, as amended by Commission Regulation (EEC) No
220/85 of 29 January 1985 is to be interpreted in the same manner as the expression
'financing arrangement' in the original version of Article 3(c) of Regulation No
2. Article 3 of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1495/80 of 11 June 1980
implementing certain provisions of Articles 1, 3 and 8 of Council Regulation (EEC)
No 1224/80 on the valuation of goods for customs purpose is to be interpreted as
meaning that the words 'interest payable under a financing arrangement' refer also to
the interest payable as a result of time allowed by the seller and accepted by the
buyer for payment for imported goods.

Reports of Cases before the Court, No 1992, p. I-3647


Case C-59/92

- Hauptzollamt Hamburg-St. Annen v. Ebbe

Snnichsen GmbH
Title : Loss of quality - relevant time to be taken into account
Language : German
Questions :
1. Does the second sentence of Article 4 of Commission Regulation No 1495/80 (OJ
1980 L 154, p. 14) as amended by Commission Regulation No 1580/81 (OJ 1981 L
154, p. 36) apply also where goods purchased already contain defects reducing their
value (inherent defects) before the transfer to the buyer of the risk of possible
damage (passing of risk)?
2. If not: Is Article 3(1) of Council Regulation No 1224/80 of 28 May 1980 (OJ 1980
L 134, p. 1) to be interpreted as meaning that the transaction value is to be
determined simply on the basis of agreement or a new purchase price taking account
of the inherent defect found, or is the deciding factor the fact that the agreement
altering the original purchase price has in fact also been implemented?
Ruling :
The second sentence of Article 4 of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1495/80 of
11 June 1980, on measures for the implementation of Articles 1, 3 and 8 of Council
Regulation (EEC) No 1224/80 on the valuation of goods for customs purposes, as
amended by Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1580/81 of 12 June 1981, is to be
interpreted as meaning that in event of a deterioration of goods which reduces their
customs value no differentiation is to be made according to whether it occurred
before or after the risk passed to the buyer.

Reports of Cases before the Court, No 1993, p. I-2193


Case C-29/93

- KG in Firma OSPIG Textil-Gesllschaft W. Ahlers

GmbH & Co v. Hauptzollamt Bremen-Freihafen
Title : Quota costs
Language : German
Question :
Do quota charges arising from the acquisition of export quotas also not constitute
part of the customs value of goods imported into the Community within the meaning
of the provisions of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1224/80 of 28 May 1980 (OJ
1980 L 134, p. 1) in cases where export licences cannot be the subject of lawful
trade in the relevant country of export (in this case, Taiwan) ?
Rulings :
Quota charges incurred in the acquisition of export quotas do not form an integral
part of the value for customs purposes of goods imported into the Community
pursuant to Council Regulation (EEC) No 1224/80 of 28 May 1980 on the valuation
of goods for customs purposes and it is for that reason not necessary to determine
whether export licences may be the subject of lawful trade in the country of export in

References for further information :
OJ No C 75, 17.3.1993
OJ No L 134, 31.5.1980, p. 1

Reports of Cases before the Court, No 1994, p. I-1963


Case C-340/93

- Klaus Thierschmidt GmbH v. Hauptzollamt Essen

Title : Quota costs
Language : German
Questions :
1. Are payments by the buyer to the seller for export licences allocated to the seller
(export quotas) part of the customs value ?
2. Must quota charges be "distinguished" ?
3. Are quota charges which have been incurred on the basis of the Community rules in
Regulation (EEC) No 4134/86 to be treated in the same way as quota charges
arising under Regulation (EEC) No 4136/86 ?
Rulings :
1. Quota charges paid by the buyer to the seller in respect of own quotas issued to the
latter free of charge are included in the customs value of goods;
2. Quota charges not included in the customs value of goods do not need to be
indicated separately in the declaration of customs value;
3. As regards the customs value of imports from Taiwan subject to Council Regulation
(EEC) No 4134/86 of 22 December 1986 on the arrangements for imports of certain
textile products originating in Taiwan, third-party quota charges must be treated in
the same way as quota charges relating to imports subject to Council Regulation
(EEC) No 4136/86 of 22 December 1986 on common rules for imports of certain
textile products originating in third countries.
References for further information :
OJ No C 215, 10.8.1993
OJ No L 134, 31.5.1980, p. 1
OJ No L 333, 11.12.1980, p. 1

Reports of Cases before the Court, No 1994, p. I-3905

Case C-93/96

- Indstria e Comrcio Txtil SA (ICT) v Fazenda

Title : Reference for a preliminary ruling: Supremo Tribunal Administrativo -
Portugal. Anti-dumping duty - Council Regulation (EEC) No 738/92 - Free-
at-frontier price - Increase in the event of deferred payment.
Language : Portuguese
Questions :
1. Is the increase (of 1% for each month that elapses without payment being made,
following the 30th day after the arrival of the goods in the customs territory of the
Community) provided for in Article 1(3) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 738/92
of 23 March 1992 applicable to the free-at-Community-frontier price whenever it
is agreed that the price is payable on a date falling after that 30th day?
2. If the answer to the foregoing question cannot be unconditionally affirmative, as
a result of the need for a distinction to be drawn, is the said increase applicable
in circumstances like those of this case (see the facts proved) where the price of
the imported goods, agreed as payable in 90 days, was about 2.3% (in one case)
and 2.5% (in another case) greater than the price payable CAD (cash against
3. If the foregoing question is answered in the affirmative, must that increase be
applied to the price corresponding to payment CAD or to the price agreed as
payable in 90 days?
Rulings :
In answer to the questions referred to it by the Supremo Tribunal Administrativo by
judgment of 14 February 1996, hereby rules: The increase provided for in Article
1(3) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 738/92 of 23 March 1992 imposing a
definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of cotton yarn originating in Brazil and
Turkey must be applied whenever it is agreed that imported goods are to be paid for
more than 30 days after their arrival in the customs territory of the Community, even
where the difference between the price for deferred payment and that for payment
CAD is greater, in percentage terms, than the increase to be applied. That increase
must be based on the price actually paid or payable for the goods when they are sold
for export to the customs territory of the Community, excluding charges for interest
as consideration for the deferred payment terms granted, provided that those terms
are the subject of a `financing arrangement' within the meaning of Article 3(2) of
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1495/80 of 11 June 1980 implementing certain
provisions of Articles 1, 3 and 8 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1224/80 on the
valuation of goods for customs purposes, as amended by Commission Regulation
(EEC) No 220/85 of 29 January 1985, and that the level of charges reflects current
prevailing rates.

Reports of Cases before the Court, No 1997, p. I-02881

Case C-142/96

- Hauptzollamt Mnchen v Wacker Werke GmbH

& Co. KG.
Title : Reference for a preliminary ruling: Bundesfinanzhof - Germany. Outward
processing relief - Total or partial relief from import duties - Determination
of value of compensating products and temporary export goods - Reasonable
means of determining value.

Language : German
Questions :
1. Is the second alternative provided for in the second subparagraph of Article
13(2) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2473/86 of 24 July 1986 on outward
processing relief arrangements ... (OJ 1986 L 212, p. 1) to be interpreted as
meaning that a method of determining processing costs is reasonable only if the
resulting value of the temporarily exported goods corresponds approximately to
the purchase price paid by the holder of an outward processing authorization or
to the production costs?
2. If the answer to the first question is in the negative, in determining the
processing costs can reference be made to the purchase price for the inputs
inclusive of uplifts paid by the processor to the holder of an outward processing
authorization, and does that apply equally where there is a tariff anomaly
resulting in a higher rate of duty for the unprocessed goods than for the
compensating products?'
Ruling :
The second subparagraph of Article 13(2) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2473/86
of 24 July 1986 on outward processing relief arrangements and the standard
exchange system is not to be interpreted as meaning that a method of determining
processing costs may be considered reasonable only if the resulting value of the
temporary export goods corresponds approximately to the purchase price paid by the
person entitled to outward processing relief or to the manufacturing costs. Reference
to the transaction value of the temporary export goods is a reasonable means within
the meaning of that provision. Moreover, in determining the processing costs,
reference may be made to the purchase price, inclusive of uplifts, of the temporary
export goods even if this results in a higher rate of duty for the unprocessed goods
than for the compensating products.

Reports of Cases before the Court, No 1997, p. I-04649

Case C-15/99

- Hans Sommer GmbH & Co. KG v Hauptzollamt

Title : Reference for a preliminary ruling: Finanzgericht Bremen - Germany.
Common Customs Tariff - Customs value - Cost of analysing goods - Post-
clearance recovery of import duties - Remission of import duties.
Language : German
Questions :
1. Does the transaction value, within the meaning of Article 3(1) of Council
Regulation (EEC) No 1224/80 of 28 May 1980 on the valuation of goods for
customs purposes (OJ 1980 L 134, p. 1) as amended by Council Regulation
(EEC) No 3193/80 of 8 December 1980 (OJ 1980 L 333, p. 1), of consignments
of honey imported from 1989 to 1991 from the USSR include the "expenses"
(Spesen) or the "costs of completing the transaction" (Abwicklungskosten),
which the German importer invoices to the buyer on the basis of separate
contractual agreements, if the importer is obliged to take samples after
importation in order to establish the quality of the honey in accordance with the
applicable German regulations and to supply the chemical results of those
2. If Question 1 is answered in the affirmative: Is Commission Decision C(95)
2325 of 28 September 1995 null and void?
3. If Question 2 is answered in the affirmative: Must the authorities refrain from
post-clearance recovery of duty pursuant to Article 5(2) of Regulation (EEC) No
1697/79 if, at a previous on-the-spot inspection of importations, they raised no
objection to the exclusion of flat-rate expenses from the customs value of
similar transactions and it does not appear that the trader could have been in
doubt about the correctness of the result of the inspection?
4. If Question 3 is answered in the negative: Do the circumstances described in
Question 3 amount to a special situation within the meaning of Article 13 of
Regulation No 1430/79 justifying the remission of duties?
Ruling :
1. The costs of analyses designed to establish the conformity of imported goods with
the national legislation of the importing Member State, which the importer
invoices to the buyer in addition to the price of the goods, must be regarded as an
integral part of their `transaction value' within the meaning of Article 3(1) of
Council Regulation (EEC) No 1224/80 of 28 May 1980 on the valuation of
goods for customs purposes, as amended by Council Regulation (EEC) No
3193/80 of 8 December 1980.

Reports of Cases before the Court, No 2000 Page I-08989

2. The customs authorities of a Member State must refrain from post-clearance
recovery of duty pursuant to Article 5(2) of Council Regulation (EEC) No
1697/79 of 24 July 1979 on the post-clearance recovery of import duties or
export duties which have not been required of the person liable for payment of
goods entered for a customs procedure involving the obligation to pay such
duties, if, at a previous on-the-spot inspection of importations, they raised no
objection to the non-inclusion of flat-rate expenses in the customs value of
similar transactions and it does not appear that the trader, who had complied with
all of the provisions laid down by the rules in force as far as his customs
declaration is concerned, could have been in doubt about the correctness of the
results of the inspection.
Case C-379/00

- Overland Footwear Ltd v Commissioners of

Customs & Excise.
Title: Customs Code - Customs value of imported goods - Price of goods and
buying commission - Reimbursement of duty payable on full amount.
Language: English
1. Could the bona fide buying commission be dutiable as part of the price actually
paid or payable for the goods under Article 29 of the Customs Code?
2. If the answer to the first question is negative, could the bona fide buying
commission be deductible from the declared transaction value bearing in mind
the provisions of Articles 32(3) and 33 of the Customs Code?
3. In such circumstances are the customs authorities obliged under the Customs
Code, and in particular Article 78(3) thereof, to accept the amendment to the
price paid or payable for the imported goods and thereby reduced customs
4. Is the importer therefore entitled under the Customs Code, and in particular
Article 236 thereof, to a refund of the duty paid on the buying commission?
1. Articles 29, 32 and 33 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 of 12 October
1992 establishing the Community Customs Code must be construed as meaning
that a buying commission which is included in the customs value declared and is
not shown separately from the selling price of the goods in the import
declaration must be considered to be part of the transaction value within the
meaning of Article 29 of that regulation and is, therefore,dutiable.
2. In a situation where the customs authorities have agreed to undertake a revision
of an import declaration and have adopted a decision `regularising the situation'
within the meaning of Article 78(3) of Regulation No 2913/92 taking account of
the fact that the declaration was incomplete as a result of an inadvertent error by
the declarant, those authorities may not go back on that decision.

Reports of Cases before the Court, No 2002 Page 00000


Case C-422/00

- Capespan International plc v Commissioners of

Customs & Excise.
Title: Community Customs Code Fruit and vegetables Calculation of customs
Language: English
1. For products listed in the Annex to Commission Regulation (EC) No 3223/94,
as replaced by Commission Regulation (EC) No 1890/96, and entered into the
European Community from 18 March 1997 but before 18 July 1998, being the
date upon which Commission Regulation (EC) No 1498/98 ... amending Article
5 of Regulation No 3223/94 is expressed to have entered into force, is the
customs value of such products to be determined in accordance with
(a) the rules set out in Chapter 3 of Title II (namely Articles 28 to 36) to
Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2913/92 ... and the rules set out in Title V
(namely Articles 141 to 181a) to Commission Regulation (EEC) No.
2454/93 ...; or
(b) Article 5 of Regulation 3223/94?
2. If the customs value is not to be determined in accordance with either of the
above, what is the correct basis for the determination of the customs value of
such products?
3. Is Regulation No 1498/98, amending with effect from 18 July 1998 Article 5 of
Regulation No 3223/94 valid?
4. If Regulation No 1498/98 is not valid, how is the customs value of products of
the type identified in question (i), which are entered into the European
Community from 18 July 1998, to be determined?
5. Whether or not Regulation No 1498/98 is valid, does Regulation No 3223/94
preclude the giving of a provisional indication of customs value in accordance
with Article 254 of the Implementing Regulation?

1. The customs value of fruit and vegetables coming within the scope of
Commission Regulation (EC) No 3223/94 of 21 December 1994 on detailed
rules for the application of the import arrangements for fruit and vegetables
must, in respect of the period between 18 March 1997 and 17 July 1998

European Court reports 2003 Page I-00597

inclusive, be determined in accordance with the rules for calculating entry price
provided for in Article 5 of that regulation.
2. Consideration of the third question referred has disclosed no factor capable of
affecting the validity of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1498/98 of 14 July
1998 amending Regulation No 3223/94.
3. On a proper construction of Article 5 of Regulation No 3223/94, an importer
who is not in a position to make a definitive declaration of customs value at the
time of customs clearance of fruit and vegetables coming under the scope of that
regulation may give a provisional indication of that value under Article 254 of
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 of 2 July 1993 laying down
provisions for the implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92
establishing the Community Customs Code only where the value of the
abovementioned products is determined according to the method provided for in
Article 5(1)(b) of Regulation No 3223/94.



1.1. French translation of the term copyrights in the Interpretative Note to Article 8.1
(c) of the Agreement.
2.1. Meaning of the work undertaken used in Article 8.1 (b) (iv) of the Agreement.
3.1. Treatment of interest charges in the Customs value of imported goods.
4.1. Valuation of carrier media bearing software for data processing equipment.
5.1. Terms in Article 8.1 (b) (iv): Development.
6.1. Cases where Customs administrations have reasons to doubt the truth or accuracy
of the declared value.
7.1. Minimum values and imports by sole agents, sole distributors and sole

1.1. The concept of sale in the Agreement.
2.1. Acceptability of a price below prevailing market prices for identical goods.
3.1. Meaning of are distinguished in the Interpretative Note to Article 1 of the
Agreement: duties and taxes of the country of importation.
4.1. Royalties and licence fees under Article 8.1 (c) of the Agreement.
5.1. Treatment of cash discount under the Agreement.
6.1. Treatment of barter or compensation deals under the Agreement.
7.1. Acceptability of test values under Article 1.2 (b) (i) of the Agreement.
8.1. Treatment under the Agreement of credits in respect of earlier transactions.

Please note that the instruments listed in this section cannot be reproduced in this document. They have
been published in the WCO Compendium on customs valuation which contains the WTO agreement
and texts of the technical Committee of Customs valuation of the WCO. It is available from the World
Customs Organisation, RUE DU MARCHE 30, B-1210 BRUXELLES, PHONE: (32-2)209.92.11,
FAX: (32-2) 209.92.92 OR E-MAIL: [email protected]. Selected information is also
available online under the following address :
9.1. Treatment of anti-dumping and countervailing duties when applying the deductive
10.1. Treatment of fraudulent documents.
11.1. Treatment of inadvertent errors and of incomplete documentation.
12.1. Flexible application of Article 7 of the Agreement.
12.1 Hierarchical order in applying Article 7.
12.3. Use of data from foreign sources in applying Article 7.
13.1. Scope of the word insurance under Article 8.2 (c) of the Agreement.
14.1. Meaning of the expression sold for export to the country of importation.
15.1. Treatment of quantity discounts.
16.1. Treatment of a situation where the sale or price is subject to some condition or
consideration for which a value can be determined with respect to the goods being
17.1. Scope and implication of Article 11 of the Agreement.
18.1 Implications of Article 13 of the Agreement.
19.1. Application of Article 17 of the Agreement and paragraph 6 of Annex III.
20.1. Conversion of currency in cases where the contract provides for a fixed rate of
21.1. Interpretation of the expression partners in business in Article 15.4 (b).

1.1. Identical or similar goods for the purpose of the Agreement.
2.1. Goods subject to export subsidies or bounties.
3.1. Goods sold at dumping prices.
4.1. Price review clauses.
5.1. Goods returned after temporary exportation for manufacturing, processing or
6.1. Treatment of split shipments under Article 1 of the Agreement.
7.1. Treatment of storage and related expenses under the provisions of Article 1.
8.1. Treatment of package deals.
9.1. Treatment of costs of activities taking place in the country of importation.
10.1. Adjustment for difference in commercial level and in quantity under Article 1.2 (b)
and Articles 2 and 3 of the Agreement.
11.1. Treatment of tie-in sales.
12.1. Meaning of the term restrictions in Article 1.1 (a) (iii).
13.1. Application of the decision on the valuation of carrier media bearing software for
data processing equipment.
14.1. Application of Article 1, paragraph 2.
15.1. Application of deductive value method.
16.1. Activities undertaken by the buyer of his own account after purchase of the goods
but before importation.
17.1. Buying commissions.
18.1. Relationship between Articles 8.1 (b) (ii) and 8.1 (b) (iv).
19.1. Meaning of the expression right to reproduce the imported goods within the
meaning of the Interpretative Note to Articles 8.1 (c).
20.1. Warranty charges.
19.1. Cost of transportation: Free on board system of valuation.

1.1. Time element in relation to Articles 1, 2 and 3 of the Agreement.
2.1. Commissions and brokerage in the context of Article 8 of the Agreement.
3.1. Goods not in accordance with contract.
4.1. Consideration of relationship under Article 15.5, read in conjunction with Article
5.1. Confirming commissions.
6.1. Distinction between the term maintenance in the Note to Article 1 and the term

1.1 Report on a case study with special reference to Article 8.1 (b) : engineering,
development, artwork, etc.
2.1 Application of Article 8.1 (d) of the Agreement.
2.2 Treatment of proceeds under Article 8.1 (d).
3.1 Restrictions and conditions in Article 1.
4.1 Treatment of rented or leased goods.
5.1 Application of Article 8.1 (b).
5.2 Application of Article 8.1 (b).
6.1 Insurance premiums for warranty.
7.1 Application of the price actually paid or payable.
8.1 Application of Article 8.1.
8.2 Application of Article 8.1.
9.1 Sole agents, sole distributors and sole concessionaires.
10.1 Application of Article 1.2.
11.1 Application of Article 15.4. (e) related party transactions.

1.1. - Treatment of used motor vehicles.
- Supplement to Study 1.1.
2.1. Treatment of rented or leased goods.

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