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Diagnostic Testing of Underground Cable Systems

(Cable Diagnostic Focused Initiative)

DOE Award No. DE-FC02-04CH11237
(NEETRAC Project Numbers: 04-211/04-212/09-166)

December 2010

Requested by: CDFI Participants

Principal Investigator:
Rick Hartlein

Nigel Hampton

NEETRAC Contributors: Jorge Altamirano
Tim Andrews
Miroslav Begovic
Yamille del Valle
Ron Harley
J. C. Hernandez Mejia
Thomas J. Parker

Reviewed by:
Joshua Perkel


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3.2.1 Test Scope

A time-domain reflectometer locates and characterizes changes in impedance in a cable system.
These changes can be caused by:
faults (shorts),
joints (splices),
open connections,
taps in the circuit,
deteriorated neutrals,
water ingress into insulation material or joints, and
bad (high resistance) connectors.

3.2.2 How It Works

A TDR works like radar. A fast rise time pulse is injected into the cable circuit at one end. As the
pulse travels down the cable, any impedance discontinuities will cause some of the incident signal
to be reflected back towards the source. The reflected pulse components will be positive or negative
depending on whether the impedance is more or less than the cables characteristic impedance. The
initial pulse and the reflection are plotted against time on the instrument display, like an
oscilloscope. Since the instrument can be calibrated to determine the speed of the pulse in the cable,
the distance to the end of the circuit can be determined.

This information can also be used to locate discontinuities indicated by reflected pulses. In addition,
the shapes of reflected pulses on the instrument display help the operator to determine the nature of
the discontinuity.

The magnitude of the reflection at a discontinuity is calculated as the reflection coefficient or . It is
calculated as:

o d
o d


is the characteristic impedance of the cable and Z
is the impedance of a discontinuity.

The value of ranges from 1 (open circuit) to -1 (short circuit). A reflection coefficient of zero
indicates there is no reflection, implying that cable circuit terminates at impedance equal to the
characteristic impedance of the tested circuit.

3.2.3 How It Is Applied

Typically, this technique is performed offline. A fast rise time, low voltage pulse is applied between
the conductor and the insulation shield of a cable circuit at an elbow or termination. As the pulse
travels through the cable circuit, reflections are produced by discontinuities and changes in circuit
impedance. The initial and reflected pulses are displayed against time on an oscilloscope type
display and interpreted by the operator. Since the speed of travel of the pulse can be determined, the
time can be converted to distance or location. An experienced operator can often determine the
source (cause) of an impedance discontinuity by the shape of the reflected signal.

The test duration (including interpretation) is between five and ten minutes once the TDR and the
cable circuit are connected.

Table 1: Overall Advantages and Disadvantages of TDR Measurements
Testing is easy to employ.
Test equipment is small and inexpensive.
Test equipment uses low test voltage (less than U
Periodic testing provides historical data that increases the value
of future tests by observing changes over time (trends). Requires
good data keeping.
Locates areas of the cable system with impedance related
Open Issues
The ability to perform the test online is unclear.
Proper interpretation of TDR data may require the history of
cable circuit construction.
The test voltage of a low voltage TDR may not be high enough to
detect some dielectric imperfections.
It is difficult to interpret some impedance discontinuities.
It is difficult to interpret results on tape-shielded cables.
Selecting the pulse width for optimal resolution and distance can
be problematic.
Interpreting results on circuits with multiple taps is challenging.
Skilled operators are required for testing and post analysis.
Blind spots occur at the point where the pulse is injected. The
length of cable within the blind spot depends on the applied pulse
Electrical noise may interfere with the low voltage TDR signal.

3.2.4 Success Criteria

Typical waveforms and their meaning appear in Table 2. The actual appearance of the waveforms
varies and will not exactly match those shown in references. Therefore, there are no unified success
criteria for TDR testing.

Table 2: Cable Conditions Distinguishable using TDR [Error! Reference source not
Case TDR
Uniform cable segment with no
Uniform cable segment with no joints
and shorted conductor at distance L
from Near End.
Cable segment with a joint at a
distance L from Near End.
Cable segment with a wet joint at a
distance L from Near End.
Uniform cable segment with water
ingress at a distance L from Near
Uniform cable segment with
localized corroded neutrals at a
distance L from Near End.

3.2.5 Estimated Accuracy

The amount of TDR data needed to compare test results and actual findings is insufficient to
calculate accuracies. In addition, most TDR results are not provided in pass/fail terms, but rather as
general information concerning the tested cable circuit.

3.2.6 CDFI Perspective

TDR is a useful tool for diagnosing potential cable system problems. It is an easy, fast way to scan a
cable segment and associated accessories (joints and terminations). TDR is especially valuable
during field measurements where portability is essential and cable segments are often long. TDR
was used here to obtain preliminary data on the cable segment to be tested, i.e. length and number
of splices. It is also used as a diagnostic tool providing an initial condition assessment of the cable
segment, i.e. neutral condition, possible water ingress, etc.

A TDR unit typically uses very low power. Because of the non-destructive nature and usefulness of
the data provided, it is highly recommended that it be performed prior to any other diagnostic test.
The TDR may even provide some information hybrid circuits. While the distances/locations would
not be correct for some of the circuit, the number of joints would still be measurable. Unfortunately,
branch circuits present an additional challenge that has yet to be overcome for the TDR.

As with any diagnostic tool, accurate data interpretation maximizes the value of the resulting data.
TDR test results are used to:
Examine the waveform/trace to understand the tested segment characteristics and identify
Compare the length of one phase of a cable circuit segment against a companion phase.

Examples of each of these appear in Sections and Diagnosis via Waveform Analysis

Interpreting the signal to provide an accurate TDR condition assessment requires experience. TDR
traces with similar condition assessments can look different from the examples shown here, even if
the cable segment is the same type and length.

During one series of field tests, a failure occurred at a splice after testing a PILC feeder cable in an
area that had experienced several failures. Upon examination, water was found in the splice.
Evidence of the water appears in the TDR trace for that cable (Figure 1). The length of the cable
segment tested and a rough estimate location of the water ingress given by the TDR correlated with
both the actual length and the failure site location.

Figure 1: TDR Trace - Moisture in Splice

During another series of field tests performed on PILC cable systems, a significant change in the
characteristic impedance of the cable insulation was detected at a specific location using a TDR
test. Figure 2 shows a sharp negative peak on the TDR trace indicating the location of the change in
insulation impedance. Examination of the circuit in that area found the manhole full of water with
signs of oil leakage.

Figure 2: TDR Trace Significant Change in Cable System Impedance

Anomalous reflections on adjacent phases of three-phase circuits suggest additional investigation.
Figure 3 shows an example of how measurements made on an XLPE cable circuit are used to assess
Water ingress location
Impedance change
caused by a splice

the overall characteristics of a tested cable segment. The solid circles indicate a splice location
while the open circles indicate anomalous reflections.

5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0
Distance from Cubicle 2 [ft]
Anomalous TDR reflections (open

Figure 3: Example of Anomalous TDR Reflections on Adjacent Phases Diagnosis via Length Comparison

Length comparisons are especially useful (and simple) on three-phase circuits since the length of
the phases are nearly identical. Measurements made from both ends of the segment are effective for
identifying single or multiple breaks in the neutral wires. For example, consider a three-phase cable
circuit with a neutral wire metallic shield as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Three-Phase Section under Test Using TDR

The TDR length results for all phases measured from Location 1 appear in Table 3. Note that
Phases A and B measure nearly identical lengths at approximately 1,500 ft while Phase C measures
only 690 ft.

Table 3: TDR Results from Location 1
Phase Length [ft]
A 1,500
B 1,503
C 690

The TDR results clearly indicate a break/discontinuity in the Phase C metallic shield (neutral
wires). A TDR measurement from Location 2 will determine if there are multiple breaks. Table 4
shows the results of these measurements.

Table 4: TDR Results from Location 2
Phase Length [ft]
A 1,500
B 1,503
C 380

Comparing the Phase C measurements from Table 3 with Table 4 it is apparent that there are
multiple (at least two) neutral wire breaks since the sum of the measured lengths is only 1,070 ft.
Had the two lengths summed to approximately 1,500 ft then there is only a single break.

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