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august 19-22
new york city, usa
Quieting the Worlds Cities
Welome to New York City, InterNoise 2012
Floor Plan
4th Floor
5th Floor
6th Floor
7th Floor
Table of Contents
Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
I-INCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
INCE-USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
ASME NCAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Social Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Society and Committee Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Congress at a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Plenary Lectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
ASME NCAD Rayleigh Lecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Workshops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
ASME NCAD Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Congress Topic Organizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
International Advisory Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Student Volunteers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Congress Session Organizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Monday Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Monday Detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Tuesday Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Tuesday Detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Wednesday Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Wednesday Detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Poster Presentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Floor Plan & Exhibit Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
List of Exhibitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Exhibitors Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Welcome to a historic InterNoise - the rst held in our countrys largest city, New York, and the largest
InterNoise ever, with over 1050 technical papers. The record-breaking conference turnout is thanks to our
many hard-working session organizers, who scoured the globe to bring in papers from the best and brightest,
including many authors who are attending an InterNoise for the rst time.
Some of this years attendees are from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Noise Control
and Acoustics Division (NCAD, Brent Paul), who are co-sponsoring InterNoise 2012 with INCE-USA. INCE-USA
is also grateful to the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE, Jim Thompson) and the Acoustical Society of
America (ASA, Mardi Hastings and Dean Capone) for contributing to this years conference.
InterNoises are diverse affairs; this one especially so. This year includes several mini-conferences which span
two or three days, including
Community/Environmental Noise
Architectural Noise and Building Acoustics
Active and Passive Noise and Vibration Control
Measurement and Signal Processing Techniques
Motor Vehicle Noise
Noise and Health
Of course, we also have technical presentations in many other areas, including many in our conference theme
area: Quieting the Worlds Cities.
Along with our record attendance, we are also pleased to present our largest vendor exposition ever, with over
64 exhibitors showing their software, measurement systems, and noise and vibration control products.
Student volunteers support most InterNoise conferences, and were thankful to Kim Riegel for coordinating this
years group, who have stuffed your conference bags, will help staff the registration desk, and will support our
audio-visual team in the meeting rooms. Please take a moment to thank our students when you can, and chat
with them about their post-graduation plans. Many of them are looking for jobs.
We hope you and your families will also take advantage of the nearly limitless activities available in New
York City. Time Square is the perfect home base for visits to landmarks, theatres, museums, and some of the
worlds best restaurants.
Welcome again, thank you for attending, and enjoy the conference and New York City!

Stephen Hambric Stephen Conlon
General Chair INCE-USA Technical Chair
Brent Paul Richard Peppin Courtney Burroughs Kimberly Riegel
ASME Technical Chair Exposition Manager Proceedings Editor Student Volunteer Coordinator
Brian Lewis Gregor Morrill Joe Cuschieri
Congress Secretariat Webmaster INCE Executive Director
The International Institute of Noise Control Engineering (I-INCE) was founded in 1974. It is a worldwide
consortium of organizations concerned with noise control, acoustics and vibration. The primary focus of the
Institute is on unwanted sounds and on vibrations producing such sounds when transduced. I-INCE is the
sponsor of the INTER-NOISE Series of International Congresses on Noise Control Engineering held annually
in leading cities of the world. I-INCE also co-sponsors symposia on specialized topics within the I-INCE eld
of interest. The quarterly magazine Noise/News International is jointly published by I-INCE and the Institute of
Noise Control Engineering of the USA (INCE/USA). I-INCE instituted a program to undertake technical initiatives
on critically-important issues of international concern within the I-INCE eld of interest. This initiative has
resulted in several reports and a number of active Technical Study Groups.
I-INCE actively promotes participation by young noise control professionals. I-INCE has allocated funds to
support between ten and twelve Young Scientists Conference Attendance Grants (YS Grants) to assist young
scientists/engineers in attending the I-INCE sponsored International Congresses on Noise Control Engineering.
The notication of this prestigious YS Grant may be used to obtain additional funding from other sources. In
order to meet the expanding needs of the eld of noise control engineering, I-INCE has now also established
a Symposium Series. Finally, I-INCE is assuming leadership role in formulating global noise policies; this
includes an ongoing collaboration with CAETS (International Council of Academies of Engineering and
Technological Sciences).
Gilles Daigle, President, I-INCE
Welcome to InterNoise 2012 and enjoy your time here in New York City together with your colleagues and
friends. InterNoise 2012, the 41
International Congress, is being held in conjunction with the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers Noise Control and Acoustics Division annual meeting, is sponsored by
the International Institute of Noise Control Engineering (I-INCE), and is being organized by The Institute of
Noise Control Engineering of the United States of America (INCE/USA). The Acoustical Society of America
and SAE International are also co-sponsoring the event. The theme of this Congress is Quieting the
Worlds Cities.
The outstanding success of this Congress is due to those of us that attend and contribute as well as our
hardworking and dedicated organizing committee that includes President Steve Hambric, Technical Program
Chair Steve Conlon, Exposition Manager Rich Peppin, ASME NCAD Chair Brent Paul, Proceedings Editors
Courtney Burroughs and Steve Conlon, and Student Coordinator Kimberly Riegel. We are also grateful to our
INCE Business Ofce (IBO) staff for their hard work supporting this congress.
INCE/USA is an organizer of InterNoise international congresses on noise control engineering when they
are held in North America. The next time INCE/USA will be hosting InterNoise will be in 2015. During
other years we sponsor the NoiseCon national conferences on noise control engineering.
INCE/USA is a non-prot professional organization founded in 1971 with a primary purpose to promote
engineering solutions to environmental, product, machinery, industrial, building and other noise
problems. Membership in INCE/USA is open to qualied specialists in acoustical and noise control
engineering. Associates and students are welcomed. Todd Rook is our Vice President of Membership. The
membership form can be downloaded from:
We offer Board Certication with multiple approaches offered for complying with the requirements. Rich
Peppin is our Vice President for Board Certication. Details are located at:
We have Distinguished International Members residing in 17 countries outside the U.S.A. each who have
personally made extraordinarily signicant contributions to the theory and/or practice of noise control
engineering. Information about nominating Distinguished International Members can be requested by
email sent to: [email protected]
Our members receive two technical publications, the Noise Control Engineering Journal (NCEJ) and Noise/
News International (NNI). NCEJ is published bi-monthly, and contains refereed journal articles on all aspects of
Noise Control Engineering. NNI, published quarterly by INCE/USA and I-INCE, includes news on noise control
activities around the world, along with general articles on noise issues and policies.
Courtney Burroughs, Editor of the Noise Control Engineering Journal, has put NoiseCon and InterNoise
proceedings on-line that are available as a part of the membership fee and are available to non-members
for a nominal fee. This digital library containing more than 15,000 entries can be accessed at: http://www.
Teik Lim is our Vice President of Technical Activities for INCE/USA and chairs the Technical Activities Board
where he oversees his Committee Chairs who help to produce special sessions at our conferences and
contribute to special theme issues of NCEJ. Information about the technical activities is available at:
Paul Burge is our Vice President of Honors and Awards for INCE/USA where he oversees our recognition
of Outstanding Educators, Distinguished Noise Control Engineers, Excellence in Noise Control
Engineering, and Hirschorn IAC Prizes.
We recently established the Leo Beranek Student Medal to recognize excellence in the study of noise-
control by undergraduate and graduate students at academic institutions in North America that have
courses in, or related to, noise-control engineering including practical applications. We also offer Student
Paper Awards during NoiseCon and InterNoise conferences. Steve Sorenson is our Vice President of
Student Affairs. Award information and history, as well as a list of our Fellows, can be found at: http://
Funding for the above awards is provided by the INCE Foundation established in 1993 to support,
promote, and advance scientic and educational activities directed toward the theory and practice of
noise control engineering. To learn more about the INCE Foundation visit:
For further information, contact the INCE Business Ofce, 9100 Purdue Road, Ste. 200, Indianapolis, IN
Ph: +1 317 735 4063; FAX: +1 317 280 8527; E-mail: [email protected]; Web:
Opening Ceremony and Plenary Lecture: New York City Noise Regulations, Erich Thalheimer and Charles Shamoon
Sunday, 2012 August 19
4-6 p.m.
Broadway Ballroom, 6th Floor

Welcome Reception Exposition Opening and Reception
Sunday, 2012 August 19 Monday, 2012 August 20
6-8 p.m. 5:30 - 7 p.m.
Broadway Lounge, 8th Floor Westside Ballroom, 5th Floor

Banquet - Ticket Required Closing Reception
Tuesday, 2012 August 21 Wednesday, 2012 August 22
7-10 p.m. 5:30-7 p.m.
Broadway Ballroom, 6th Floor Outside Broadway Ballroom
The Noise Control and Acoustics Division (NCAD) of ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
originated at the ASME Winter Annual Meeting on March 16, 1980. On November 19, 1981, less than two
years later at Washington, D.C., NCAD attained full Division status in the ASME technical family. NCAD
is the 32
Technical Division of the ASME and is part of the Council of Engineerings Environment and
Transportation Technical Group. Other Divisions in the Group include Aerospace, Rail Transportation,
Environmental Engineering, and Materials and Energy Recovery.
The general objective of NCAD is to establish a program within ASME that will encourage, focus
and further the development and application of noise control and acoustics principles to mechanical
engineering. The Division intends to serve its members who represent various disciplines within ASME
as well as other organizations. The program will also provide a balance between the theoretical studies of
acoustics and its applications in terms of noise control engineering. At the present time there are almost
500 primary members in Division.
NCAD routinely participates in ASMEs International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exhibit
(IMECE). Every few years the Annual Conference for NCAD is held in conjunction with other acoustic
societies, which for this year is Internoise 2012. There are several awards that are presented at the annual
conference. The Rayleigh Lecture award is given to an individual who has made pioneering contributions
to the sciences as well as application to industry. A signicant monetary award is also given to the best
student-authored technical paper presented at the conference.
The Division also awards the Per Bruel Gold Medal for Noise Control and Acoustics in recognition
of eminent achievement and extraordinary merit in the eld of noise control and acoustics. The
achievement includes useful applications of the principles of noise control and acoustics to the art and
science of mechanical engineering. This medal, established in 1987, honors Dr. Per Bruel who pioneered
the development of sophisticated noise and vibration measuring and processing equipment. A monetary
award of $1000 is given with the award.
NCAD is managed by an Executive and Technical committee. The Executive Committee is maintained
by ve members that serve a ve year term. The technical committees represent the many interests of
mechanical engineers in the eld of noise control and acoustics, and are crucial to the long range success
of the Division. The three branches of the technical committees are Active and Passive Control, Structural
Acoustics, and, Aero/Hydro Acoustics. The objective of the Active and Passive Noise Control Committee
is to increase and disseminate theoretical and practical methodologies aimed at reducing noise. All
aspects of the noise control process are of interest, from noise source identication techniques to nal
installation and placement procedures of treatments. The Structural Acoustics Technical Committee
provides a special forum for the free exchange of stimulating ideas and to disseminate the state-of-the-
art technology of structural acoustics and related topics. The focus of this committee is on development
and studies of new methodologies on both transient and steady-state acoustic radiation from vibrating
structures, acoustic scattering, wave propagation, sound transmission, attenuation, and absorption,
the effects of uid-loading, mean ow, turbulence, etc., on dynamic and acoustic responses of elastic
structures, as well as the applications of computer software to solve a variety of engineering noise
control and reduction problems. The goal of the Aero/Hydro Acoustics Committee is to increase the
understanding of mechanisms related to both sound and vibrations that are produced and propagated, in
air, water, or both (e.g. multi-phase ows). This covers a wide range of sources and applications that are
of interest to the academic community as well as industry. For more information about NCAD please see:
Society and Committee Meetings
Organization Morning Afternoon Evening
Saturday, 2012 August 18
I - INCE Congress Selection
8 - 9 a.m. - Breakfast
9 a.m. - 12 p.m. - Meeting
Brecht - 4th oor
Board of Directors
12 - 1 p.m. - Lunch
1 - 7 p.m. - Meeting
Brecht - 4th oor
Board of Directors
7 - 9 p.m. - Dinner
Marriott View restaurant
Board of
Committee Meetings
1 - 5 p.m.
Gilbert, Odets, Wilder - 4th oor
Board of Directors Reception
(invitation only)
5 - 7 p.m.
Ziegeld - 4th oor
ISO TC43/SC1/WG28 - Sound
power/sound pressure
9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Juilliard - 5th oor
TC43/SC1/WG28 - Sound
power/sound pressure
1 - 5 p.m.
Juilliard - 5th oor
Sunday, 2012 August 19
I - INCE Pre FCTP meeting
8 - 10 a.m.
TSG 9 meeting
10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Hart - 4th oor
I - INCE TSG General
8 - 9 a.m.
TSG 10, part 1
9 - 10 a.m.
CAETS Noise Control Technology
Committee Panel
10 - 11 a.m.
TSG 10, part 2
11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Ziegeld - 4th oor
General Assembly
1 - 4 p.m.
Ziegeld - 4th oor
INCE - USA Board of Directors
7:30 a.m. - 1 2 p.m.
Wilder - 4th oor
Board of Directors
1 - 3 p.m.
Wilder - 4th oor
INCE - USA Fundamentals Course
9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Gilbert - 4th oor
Fundamentals Exam
2 - 4 p.m.
Gilbert - 4th oor
INCE - USA INCE Board Certication Exam
8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Liberty - 8th oor
INCE Board Certication Exam
1 - 5 p.m.
Liberty - 8th oor
Eurocities Working Group Noise Meeting
8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Juilliard - 5th oor
Working Group Noise Meeting
1 - 5 p.m.
Juilliard - 5th oor
Monday, 2012 August 20
INCE - USA Technical Activities Dinner
(invitation only)
7 - 9 p.m.
O'Neill, 4th oor
Tuesday, 2012, August 21
ASME NCAD Technical Meeting
12 - 1 p.m.
General Meeting
1 - 1:50 p.m.
Workshop on Noise Control Materials
1:50 - 3:20 p.m.
Hart, 4th oor
I - INCE Young Professionals Workshop
1 - 3 p.m.
Alvin/Edison, 5th oor
INCE - USA Industrial Noise Technical
Activity Meeting
5 - 6 p.m.
Brecht, 4th oor
Wednesday, 2012, August 22
a Quieter
Community Noise Public
Outreach Workshop
8:30 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.
Salon 3, 5th oor
ASME NCAD Rayleigh Lecture: Jet Noise
Prediction, by Phil Morris
2 - 3:20 p.m.
Salon 3, 5th oor
I - INCE Future Conference Technical
1:20 - 3:20 p.m.
Alvin/Edison, 5th oor
NCAD Awards Ceremony
2:20 - 3:20 p.m.
Salon 4, 5th oor
I - INCE Board of Directors
6 - 9 p.m.
Brecht, 4th oor
Thursday, 2012, August 23
INCE - USA Sub - committee on Information
Technology Equipment
8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Cantor, 9th oor
Sub - committee on Information
Technology Equipment
1 - 6 p.m.
Cantor, 9th oor
ISO TC 43/SC 2/WG 26 Measurement
of sound absorption in a
reverberation room
8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Gilbert, 4th oor
TC 43/SC 2/WG 26 Measurement
of sound absorption in a
reverberation room
1 - 5 p.m.
Gilbert, 4th oor
Morning Afternoon Evening
Sunday, 2012, August 19
Industrial noise calculations
with CadnaA
8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
O'Neill, 4th oor
Scanning measurement
techniques applied to noise source
1 - 5 p.m.
O'Neill, 4th oor
Acoustics in HVAC applications
8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Odets, 4th oor
Acoustic design of mufers
1 - 5 p.m.
Odets, 4th oor
Statistical Energy Analysis
8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Imperial, 5th oor
Statistical Energy Analysis
1 - 5 p.m.
Imperial, 5th oor
12 - 6 p.m.
5th oor
Presentation Upload
12 - 6 p.m.
Shubert 6th oor
Opening Ceremony
Plenary Lecture: New York
City Noise Regulations, Erich
Thalheimer and Charles Shamoon
4 - 6 p.m.
Broadway Ballroom 6th oor
Welcome Reception
6 - 8 p.m.
Broadway Lounge 8th oor

Chairpersons Dinner
(invitation only)
8 - 10 p.m.
Astor Ballroom 7th oor
Monday, 2012, August 20
7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Presentation Upload
7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Shubert 6th oor
Plenary Lecture: Transportation
Noise Effects on Children,
Charlotte Clark
8:15 - 9:30 a.m.
Broadway Ballroom North
6th oor
Technical Sessions
10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
4th, 5th, 6th, 7th oors
Technical Sessions
1:20 - 5 p.m.
4th, 5th, 6th, 7th oors
Exposition Opening and
5:30 - 7 p.m.
Westside Ballroom 5th oor
Breakfast and City Bus Tour
8 - 10 a.m.
Brecht - 4th oor
Tuesday, 2012, August 21
7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Presentation Upload
7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Shubert 6th oor
Technical Sessions
8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
4th, 5th, 6th, 7th oors
Technical Sessions
1:20 - 5 p.m.
4th, 5th, 6th, 7th oors
9 - 11 a.m.
Registration area, 5th oor
2 - 4 p.m.
Registration area, 5th oor
Exposition - Coffee/Tea
8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Westside Ballroom, 5th oor
Exposition - Coffee/Tea
12 - 5 p.m.
Westside Ballroom, 5th oor
(Ticket Required)
7 - 10 p.m.
Broadway Ballroom 6th oor
Presentation Upload
Shubert, 6th oor
Presentation Upload
Shubert, 6th oor
Wednesday, 2012, August 22
7 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Presentation Upload
7 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Shubert 6th oor
Technical Sessions
8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
4th, 5th, 6th, 7th oors
Technical Sessions
1:20 - 3:20 p.m.
4th, 5th, 6th, 7th oors
Exposition - Coffee/Tea
8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Westside Ballroom, 5th oor
Plenary Lecture: Airport Noise in
Japan, Ichiro Yamada
3:40 - 4:40 p.m.
Closing Ceremony
4:40 - 5:20 p.m.
Broadway Ballroom, 6th oor
Closing Reception, hosted by
Internoise 2013 committee -
Insbruck, Austria
5:30 - 7 p.m.
Outside Broadway Ballroom
Presentation Upload
Shubert, 6th oor
Presentation Upload
Shubert, 6th oor
Thursday, 2012, August 23
Sound propagation - an
impedance based approach
8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Brecht, 4th oor
Sound propagation - an impedance
based approach
1 - 5 p.m.
Brecht, 4th oor
Management and planning
strategies for the development
of noise models
8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Hart, 4th oor
Buy-Quiet Procurement Strategies
1 - 5 p.m.
Hart, 4th oor
Wind power noise and
8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
O'Neill, 4th oor
Sound quality
1 - 5 p.m.
O'Neill, 4th oor
Acoustic Camera - practical
workow and sound source
8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Odets, 4th oor
Acoustic Camera - practical
workow and sound source
1 - 5 p.m.
Odets, 4th oor
simulation using ACTRAN
8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Wilder, 4th oor
simulation using ACTRAN
1 - 5 p.m.
Wilder, 4th oor
Room acoustic modeling with
8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Ziegeld, 4th oor
Room acoustic modeling with
1 - 5 p.m.
Ziegeld, 4th oor
Please note meetings may be cancelled or added so please check the bulletin boards outside the
registration area for the most up to date information.
Sunday, August 19
4-6 p.m.
Room - Broadway Ballroom

Understanding and Complying with the New York City Construction Noise Regulation
Erich Thalheimer, Parsons Brinckerhoff
Charles Shamoon, New York Department of Environmental Protection
Abstract: In 2003, Mayor Michael Bloomberg initiated the rst overhaul of the
New York City Noise Code in 30 years. After an inclusive process involving
the public, advocates and industry representatives, an equitable new Noise
Code was passed effective 1 July 2007. The Citys Department of Environmental
Protection (NYC DEP) assembled a team of construction noise experts to assist in
researching currently available noise control methods, establishing meaningful
noise criteria, setting requirements for contractors to follow, imposing the
concept of cure periods, and reasonable nes for non-compliance. The new
regulations emphasize proactive avoidance of construction noise by requiring
contractors to develop Noise Control Plans and by establishing equipment
noise emission limits. Guidelines are also provided for mitigating particularly
loud construction devices such as pile drivers and jackhammers. The NYC DEP
Noise Rules have been covered in print and Internet news media world-wide,
were recently cited as a noteworthy example in the new book Technology for a
Quieter America by the National Academy of Engineering, and have won several
independent awards including the 2009 ACEC Silver Award and the 2010 NHCA
Safe-In-Sound Award.
Erich Thalheimer is a Senior Acoustical Engineer with Parsons Brinckerhoff and has been
a practitioner of noise measurement, modeling, analysis and control for over 25 years. He is
Board Certied by the Institute of Noise Control Engineering. Most notably he managed the
noise control program at the countrys largest infrastructure project, the Central Artery/Tunnel
Project, also known as the Big Dig in Boston. The lessons learned there were put to immediate
use as he then developed FHWAs Roadway Construction Noise Model (RCNM) and associated handbook. NYC DEP retained Mr.
Thalheimers services in 2004 to assist them in developing the New York City Construction Noise Rules which went into effect in
July 2007.

Charles Shamoon is an Assistant Counsel with the New York City Department of Environmental Protection. Mr. Shamoon holds a
degree in engineering as well as a post-graduate degree in law. He has been litigating and assisting in prosecutions for community
noise violations for over 20 years in administrative as well as higher courts. He was primarily responsible for formulating and
organizing NYC DEPs efforts to create the new New York City Construction Noise Rules which went into effect in July 2007.
Monday, August 20
8:15 - 9:30 a.m.
Room: Broadway Ballroom North, 6th Floor
Transportation Noise Effects on Childrens Cognition and Health
Dr. Charlotte Clark, Wolfson Institute of Preventative Medicine
Abstract: Increasing pollution from transport in the urban environment, has led to
a policy need to advance and synthesise knowledge about the impact of aircraft
and road trafc noise exposure on childrens cognitive development, health, and
well-being. Overall, evidence for effects of environmental noise on childrens
cognition has strengthened, demonstrating relationships between chronic noise
exposure at school and poorer reading ability and memory. Research has also
related classroom acoustic conditions to childrens learning outcomes focusing
upon noise interference with verbal communication as the mechanism for
the effect. Such evidence informs guidelines for external environmental noise
exposure and the planning of school environments; and informs the design
of the internal acoustic environment and potential interventions, although
little is currently known about the effectiveness of interventions. There is convincing evidence that aircraft
and road trafc noise are associated with increased levels of annoyance in children: aircraft noise may also
be associated with raised blood pressure and hyperactivity. Gaps in knowledge remain about effects of
environmental noise exposure during infancy; on childrens social behaviour; and about effects of co-exposure
to air pollution. Environmental noise could have public health implications for childrens development and
health, given the chronic nature of exposure and the number of children potentially exposed.
Charlotte Clark is a Senior Lecturer in Environmental and Mental Health Epidemiology at Barts & the London School of Medicine,
Queen Mary University of London. Her research focuses on how the environment can inuence performance and cognition, mental
health, well-being, quality of life, and behaviour. She has worked in the eld of noise effects on health and cognition for ten years.
She co-managed the European RANCH project, which examined the effect of aircraft and road trafc noise exposure on childrens
health and cognition and is currently co-director of the European Network on Noise and Health - a network of over 30 partners
across Europe tasked with identifying future research needs and priorities for noise and health research.
Wednesday, August 22
3:40-4:40 p.m.
Room: Broadway Ballroom, 6th Floor
Continuing Efforts and Challenges to Reduce the Impact of Airport Noise in Japan
Dr. Ichiro Yamada, Japan Aviation Environment Research Center, Airport Environment
Improvement Foundation
Abstract: Aircraft noise is a crucial public nuisance, which the Japanese
Government once tackled by trying every possible means in pursuit of effective
measures for mitigation of severe noise impact in the vicinity of city airports
over several decades. Owing to those efforts, together with the introduction
of low-noise aircraft, noise damage around airports was drastically reduced.
However, a rapid increase in air trafc has brought an enlargement of gray
zone instead of red. Aircraft noise still remains to be a challenging issue toward
a further harmonized growth of air transportation and cities, especially for the
quality of life in cities. This paper reviews a brief history of noise policies such
as land use control, airport construction on the sea surface and environmental
communication with the local community for the partnership. This paper also reviews the recent revision of
noise guidelines and laws, issues of noise impact due to airport ground activities and issues of incessant y-
over events due to constraints in departure and approach route-designs over a densely populated city area.
Finally, this paper describes recent advances in technologies for noise modeling, sound source identication
for unattended noise monitoring, and technologies for controlling noise impact by a more precise method of
aircraft navigation.
Dr. Ichiro Yamada is Head of Aviation Environment Research Center at Airport Environment Improvement Foundation since 2001
as well as an auditor of Kobayasi Institute of Physical Research (KIPR) since 2010. He now serves as the President of INCE/J for
scal 2010-2011. Ichiro Yamada graduated from school of engineering at University of Tokyo in 1971 and got a doctoral degree in
engineering at University of Tokyo in 1991. He worked as a researcher at Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science, University
of Tokyo (1971-1980) and at KIPR (1980-2001). Ichiro Yamada has been engaged in research work on signal processing techniques
applied to outdoor sound propagation and on noise evaluation applied to noise around civil airports and military facilities. He has
also studied noise modeling and unattended monitoring of aircraft noise and artillery sound.
Wednesday, August 22
2-3:20 pm
Room - Salon 3

Jet Noise Prediction - A Historical Perspective and Future
Dr. Philip Morris, Penn State University, Department of Aerospace
Abstract: The prediction of jet noise has challenged
engineers and scientists for more than sixty years.
Methods that have been developed have ranged from
empirical correlations, to semi-analytical methods, to
large scale numerical computations. Reliable jet noise
predictions based on a given nozzle geometry and jet
operating conditions alone remain an unanswered
problem, expect in relatively simple situations. This paper
reviews the steps that have been taken, in analysis,
computation and experiment to understand and solve this
problem. The earliest analytical approaches were based
on acoustic analogies. These have developed to include
additional ow and acoustic phenomena, but are still
unable to make reliable predictions in many situations.
The availability of large scale computational resources
has opened new opportunities in jet noise prediction, but
even these simulations still have limitations. The successes
and shortcomings of available prediction methods are
described. Experimental observations and the differences
in current opinions concerning the mechanisms of jet noise
generation are discussed. Important current problems are
highlighted and opportunities for future research directions
are indicated.
Philip Morris is the Boeing/A. D. Welliver Professor of Aerospace
Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University. He received his
M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Advanced Acoustics and Aeronautics and
Astronautics from the University of Southampton, England. Following
graduation he was a post-doctoral research associate at the
University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies. He then joined
the Lockheed Georgia Company in Marietta as a research engineer.
In 1977 he joined the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Penn
State. His research interests include computational aeroacoustics,
acoustic and electromagnetic scattering, thermoacoustics, and jet
noise reduction. Dr. Morris has authored 100 papers in refereed
journals, over 200 conference publications, several book and
encyclopedia chapters and numerous sponsor/contractor reports.
Dr. Morris is a Fellow of both the American Physical Society and
the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He was the
recipient of the 1999 AIAA Aeroacoustics Award.
Community Noise Public Outreach
Wednesday, 2012 August 22
8:45 1:45
Room: Salon 3
Chaired by Larry Finegold and David Sykes
Managing community noise at the local level
Lawrence Finegold
How did the NYC DEP develop the NYC code?
Charles Shamoon, Esq. & Gerry Kelpin, DEP/BEC Director of Enforcement
Elkhart IN: a new and successful approach for implementing noise codes
Bradley Vite, adviser to the mayor and lead developer of Elkharts self-funding noise ordinance
In pursuit of silence
George Prochnik, author of the book, In Pursuit of Silence (Doubleday 2010)
Professionals, public ofcials and citizens join together to stop the noise
Arline Bronzaft PhD, Mayors council on the environment of NYC and co-author of the book, Why Noise Matters
(Routledge, 2011)
The National Academy of Engineering report Technology for a Quieter America
George Maling, lead author
What I learned listening to noise
Garret Keizer, author of the book The Unwanted Sound of Everything We Want
(Public Affairs 2010)
Proposed ANSI Standard: guidance for developing state noise regulations and local noise ordinances
Bennett Brooks, co-chair, ANSI S12 WG41
The shot heard...managing the impacts of noise on an iconic Revolutionary War town
Douglas Adams AIA, Chair (retired) planning commission, Lincoln MA
The turning point was 2011: the next decade has begun
David Sykes, co-chair ANSI S12 WG44, editor of Sound & Vibration...2.0
(Springer 2012)
Organized by Towards a Quieter America, a project of ARC (The Acoustics Research Council),
and the Michiko So Finegold Memorial Trust.
I-INCE Young Professionals Workshop
Tuesday, 2012 August 21
1:00 3:00 p.m.
Room: Alvin/Edison
Chaired by Raj Singh
Case studies and professional issues presented by world renowned experts
Informal discussions between young professionals and I-INCE leaders and senior noise control
Young Professionals (by invitation only)
All I-INCE young scientist applicants will be invited plus many students who would be attending
Inter-Noise 2012
All participants must be formally registered (Please contact Caterina Runyon-Spears at runyon-
[email protected])
Presentation of the I-INCE Young Scientists Grant certifcates
How to Formulate Research Problems?
How to Publish Journal Papers?
How to Network?
Informal Discussions
Professor R. Singh
VP, I-INCE Technical Activities
E-mail: [email protected]
Future Conference Technical Planners (FCTP)
Wednesday, 2012 August 22
1:20 3:20
Room: Alvin/Edison
Technical Programs for:
Innsbruck, Austria,
2013 September 15-18
Melbourne, Australia
2014 November 16-19
Overview and introduction of participants
INTER-NOISE 2012 experience
INTER-NOISE 2013 technical program, current plans and needs Q & A session, suggestions from the oor,
and open discussion
Summary of the discussion and action items INTER-NOISE 2014 technical program, current plans and
Suggestions from the oor, and open discussion
Closing remarks and adjourn
Off-line and informal discussions
Attendees will be asked to provide their contact information (email addresses) and suggestions for technical sessions for IN 2013,
IN 2014 and beyond.
Key Contacts for INTER-NOISE Congresses
INTER-NOISE 2012 Stephen A. Hambric, [email protected]
Stephen Conlon, [email protected]
INTER-NOISE 2013 Werner Talasch, [email protected]
Christian Kirisits, [email protected]
INTER-NOISE 2014 Norm Broner, [email protected]
Charles Don, [email protected]
INTER-NOISE 2015 Paul Donavan, [email protected]
I-INCE Raj Singh, [email protected]
Young Scientist Conference Attendance Grant Winners for INTER-NOISE 2012
The Board of the International Institute of Noise Control Engineering (I-INCE) actively promotes participation
by young noise control professionals. Accordingly, I-INCE has allocated funds (since 2010) to support 12 to
18 Young Scientists (YS) Conference Attendance Grants to assist young scientists/engineers in attending the
I-INCE sponsored International Congresses on Noise Control Engineering. Candidates must be relatively early
in their professional careers (typically less than 10 years of active career). They can be either undergraduate
or postgraduate students, postdoctoral, or young acousticians or noise control engineers working in industry.
Preference is usually given to students. I-INCE provides 500 per recipient to pay for congress registration and
some travel expenses. The notication of this prestigious YS Grant may be used to obtain additional funding
from other sources. Rules and application procedures are described on the I-INCE site:
Applications are carefully assessed by the I-INCE YS Grants Subcommittee (chaired by Professor R Singh).
After two rounds of evaluations, eighteen young scientists/engineers (out of 47 applicants) have been chosen
to receive the 2012 grants, as listed below. All grant winners will be recognized during the Young Professionals
Workshop (Tuesday, 2012 August 21, 13:00 to 15:00 in Alvin/Edison) by senior I-INCE leaders.
First Last Country of Origin Country of Work/Study
Vijaya Ambarisha India USA
Annalies Bockstael Belgium Belgium
Cameron Fackler USA USA
Maria Foraster Pulido Spain Spain
Christoph Hoeller Germany United Kingdom
Maarten Hornikx The Netherlands Sweden
Xin Hua China USA
Jeffrey Kastner USA USA
Seunghoon Lee Korea Korea
Shuhei Oka Japan Japan
Snke Pelzer Germany Germany
Marcel Remillieux France USA
Jens Rohlng Germany Italy
Josef Schlittenlacher Germany Germany
Louena Shtrepi Albania Italy
Rostand Tayong France France
Xavier Valero Spain Spain
Limin Zhou China USA
Please note the following activities arranged by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Noise, Control, and Acoustics Division during Internoise 2012.
12:00 1:00 pm, NCAD Technical Committee Meeting, Hart. All are welcome to attend a meeting of the
three NCAD technical committees: Active and Passive Noise Control, Structural Acoustics, and Aero/Hydro
Acoustics. Items of interest to members will be discussed as well as planning for the next year.
1:00 1:50 pm, NCAD General Meeting, Hart. This meeting will discuss the direction of NCAD for the next few
years, including conferences to attend.
1:50 3:20 pm, Hart, Workshop on Noise Control Materials: Characterization and Modeling, Raymond
Panneton and Noureddine Atalla, University of Sherbrooke. Noise control materials are widely used in a wide
variety of products (cars, planes, buildings, household appliances). For industry, the production cost is often
the number one criterion in selecting manufacturing methods and materials. However, todays consumers are
becoming more demanding about sound quality. Their choices are more than ever guided by a sound quality/
price ratio. In this context, design engineers must reinvent or rethink their methods of design and production.
More importantly, acoustic engineers must be part of the design process. These engineers must have an
excellent knowledge of the materials they can use for noise reduction, and how to predict their impact on the
acoustic behavior of the end product. This workshop will address this issue in two parts. Part 1 (Professor
Atalla) is Modeling of noise control materials and Part 2 (Professor Panneton) is Characterization of materials
using experimental methods.
2:00 3:20 pm, Salon 3, ASME Rayleigh Lecture by Dr. Phil Morris, Jet noise prediction a historical
perspective and future directions. This years Rayleigh Lecture will be on the difcult prediction of jet noise.
Methods that have been developed have ranged from empirical correlations, to semi-analytical methods, to
large scale numerical computations. Reliable jet noise predictions based on a given nozzle geometry and jet
operating conditions alone remain an unanswered problem, except in relatively simple situations. This paper
reviews the steps that have been taken, in analysis, computation and experiment to understand and solve this
problem. The availability of large scale computational resources has opened new opportunities in jet noise
prediction, but even these simulations still have limitations. Important current problems are highlighted and
opportunities for future research directions are indicated.
Active and Passive Noise & Vibration Control
Topic Organizers: Li Cheng, Xiaojun Qiu, Jie Duan
Sessions: 1.01 Passive Noise and Vibration Control (joint INCE / ASME NCAD)
1.02 Algorithms and Systems for Active Control and Acoustic Echo Cancellation
1.04 Applications of Active Noise and Vibration Control (joint INCE / ASME NCAD)
1.05 Adaptive Structures for Noise / Vibration Control
Aircraft and Space System Noise & Vibration
Topic Organizers: Pascale Neple, Mark Downing
Sessions: 2.03 Aeroacoustics and Jet Noise - Measurement and control
2.05 Aircraft Interior Noise: applications, strategies and test
2.06 Noise Source Characterization in Aircraft
2.09 Launch and Space Vehicle Noise and Vibration
Architectural Noise / Building Acoustics
Topic Organizer: Kenric Van Wyk
Sessions: 3.01 Classroom noise, criteria and standards
3.02 Healthcare noise
3.03 Noise in Performing Arts spaces (both indoor / outdoor venues)
3.04 Noise in Green / Sustainable Buildings
3.05 Impact noise - Building Acoustics
3.06 Acoustics of Lightweight Constructions
3.08 Sound Propagation in Buildings
3.09 Speech Privacy
3.10 Measurements in Rooms and Building Acoustics
3.11 Computational Techniques in Room and Building Acoustics
3.12 Indoor acoustic comfort and building acoustics assessment and classication
3.13 Room acoustics: Fundamental research and practical applications
3.14 Vertical transmission of noise and vibration
3.16 Acoustic-Thermal Interactions
Motor Vehicle Noise, Interior and Exterior
Topic Organizers: Steve Sorenson, Ulf Sandberg
Sessions: 4.01 Automotive NVH - general vehicle, subsystem and component topics
4.03 Noise control requirements for vehicles and tires
4.05 Noise and sound from electric and hybrid vehicles
4.06 Vehicle Noise, Vibration, and Harshness - Noise control methods and materials
4.07 Vehicle NVH modeling and simulation
4.08 Vehicle noise measurement
4.09 Enclosures, mufers and silencers
4.10 Brake noise - using engine and/or wheel brakes
4.12 Pavement inuence on noise
4.13 Longevity, costs and sacrices related to quiet pavements
4.14 Tire-Pavement Noise Sources, Modeling and Simulation
4.15 Tire-pavement noise measurement methods
4.16 Sound Quality work for Automotive Applications
Consumer Product Noise
Topic Organizer: Matt Nobile
Sessions: 5.01 General Topics
5.04 Buy Quiet Policies: Encouraging Demand for Low-Noise Products
Information Technology Equipment Noise
Topic Organizer: Marco Beltman
Session: 6.01 IT Equipment: General Noise Issues, Noise Standards, Noise Control &
Community / Environmental Noise
Topic Organizers: Larry Finegold & Truls Gjestland
Sessions: 7.02 Recreational / Entertainment Noise
7.03 Environmental Noise Management and Mapping
7.05 National Park Noise / Quiet Parks
7.06 Public outreach workshop on community noise
7.07 Outdoor sound propagation
7.08 Community response to noise
7.10 Sonic Boom Noise (joint INCE / ASME NCAD)
7.11 Airport and Community Noise modeling and monitoring
City Noise
Topic Organizers: Maurice Kwok-Leung, Charles Shamoon, Erich Thalheimer
Sessions: 8.01 Construction noise
8.03 Urban noise & policy
8.04 Mitigating noise in urban areas through building envelop design
8.06 Quiet zones in cities
Industrial Noise
Topic Organizers: Karl Washburn, Jenae Lowe
Sessions: 9.01 Power Plant Noise
9.02 Noise Control for Petrochemical and Process Plants
9.04 Fan Noise and Aeroacoustics (joint INCE / ASME NCAD)
9.06 Application of noise controls in the mining industry (joint INCE / ASME NCAD)
Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Shock
Topic Organizer: Jeff Vipperman
Sessions: 10.01 Low frequency noise: airborne, structure-borne, and ground (joint INCE / ASME
10.02 Low Frequency Human Perception and Measurement
10.03 Indoor Response to Sonic Boom and Low Frequency Noise Sources
(joint INCE / ASME NCAD)
Marine Vehicles, Structures and Underwater Noise
Topic Organizers: Joe Cushieri, Nicole Kessissoglou
Session: 11.04 Underwater and Marine Structure Noise / Vibration (joint INCE / ASME NCAD)
Measurement and Signal Processing Techniques
Topic Organizers: Finn Jacobsen, Andrew Barnard
Sessions: 12.01 Vibration and Acoustic Measurement Techniques and Facilities
12.02 Sound Power / Intensity Determination for Noise Sources
12.03 Signal processing and analysis
12.07 Source-Path Contribution / Transfer Path Analysis
12.08 Acoustic metrology, measurement techniques and case studies
Inverse Approaches in Vibro-Acoustics
Topic Organizers: Jeong-Guon Ih, Antonio Concilio
Sessions: 13.01 Acoustical holography
13.02 Beamforming
13.03 Source tracking and control
13.04 Visualization of the source and eld
13.05 3D sound reproduction and sound eld control
13.07 Identication methods for vibroacoustics
Noise Control Products
Topic Organizers: Noureddine Atalla, Stuart Bolton
Sessions: 14.01 Acoustic Wave Propagation in Porous Media (joint INCE / ASME NCAD)
14.02 Phononic Crystals and Acoustic Metamaterials / Nano Materials (joint INCE /
14.04 Manufacturer Noise Control Materials and Case Studies
14.06 Noise Barriers and associated devices absorptive claddings/added devices,
new materials, microperforated
14.08 Innovative lightweight materials for noise control and abatements (joint INCE /
Noise and Health
Topic Organizers: Deepak Prasher, Stephen Stansfeld
Sessions: 15.01 Hearing Protection
15.02 Annoyance / Health Effects
15.03 Effects of noise on health and cognition in children
15.04 Sleep Disturbance
15.05 Cardiovascular Health Impacts of Noise
15.06 Auralization of source and eld in the design stage
15.07 Community reaction to noise (methods and the role of contextual variables
and policy implications)
15.08 Noise and Hearing Loss
15.09 Understanding speech in noise
Noise Policy Development, Education, Economics and Implementation
Topic Organizers: Henk Wolfert & Miriam Weber DCMR EPA
Sessions: 16.01 Legislation, Implementation and Noise Control Policies
16.02 Stakeholder education and public awareness
16.04 Noise policies integrated in other policy domains
16.05 Economics of Noise for Sustainability
16.06 Airport Noise Policy
16.07 Approaches to encourage people to low noise behavior
16.08 Mentoring in Acoustics Education
Numerical and Analytical Techniques
Topic Organizer: Wim Desmet
Sessions: 17.01 Numerical Methods in Vibration and Acoustics (FEM, BEM, IFEM) (joint INCE /
17.02 Statistical Energy Analysis and Energy Methods
17.04 Mid frequency vibroacoustic methods
17.06 Numerical analysis for structural acoustics and vibrations
Old Meets New
Topic Organizers: Steve Sorenson, Stuart Bolton, Patricia Davies
Session: 18.01 Student presentations of seminal papers in the eld of noise control
Railway Noise and Vibration
Topic Organizers: Jason Ross, David Towers
Sessions: 19.01 Railway Noise and Vibration
19.02 High Speed Train Noise
Renewable Energy System Noise
Topic Organizers: Mark Bastasch, Geoff Leventhall, Parimal Tathavedekar
Sessions: 20.02 Wind turbines and renewable energy noise
Psychoacoustic Aspects in Noise Evaluation
Topic Organizers: Patricia Davies, Hugo Fastl, Sonoko Kuwano
Sessions: 21.02 Memorial session for Rhona Hellman
21.03 Perceptions and effects of noise
21.04 Psycho acoustic approach to noise problems in daily life
21.05 Psychoacoustics
Structural Acoustics
Topic Organizers: Ran Cabell, Charles Pzerat
Sessions: 22.01 General Structural Acoustics and Vibration (joint INCE / ASME NCAD)
Topic Organizers: Jian Kang, Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp
Sessions: 23.01 Soundscape and its application
23.02 Sound quality and Soundscaping
23.05 Architecture and Urban Sound Design
23.06 Soundscape techniques and approaches
23.09 Soundscapes and urban area design
23.10 Natural and Urban Soundscapes
Flow Induced Noise and Vibration
Topic Organizer: Brent Paul
Sessions: 24.01 Flow / aero acoustics (ASME NCAD)
24.05 Piping and Duct Acoustics
24.07 Fatigue due to Acoustical Induced Vibration in Piping Systems
Australia Marion Burgess
Austria Werner Talasch
Belgium Wim Desmet
Brazil Samir Gerges
Canada (CAA Liaison) Brad Gover
Canada Trevor Nightingale
Chile Christopher Rooke
China Jing Tian
China Xiaojun Qiu
Czech Republic Josef Novak
Denmark Jorgen Kragh
France Goran Pavic
France Jean Tourret
Germany Michael Vorlander
Hong Kong Maurice Kwok-Leung
India M.L. Munjal
Italy Luigi Maffei
Japan Hideki Tachibana
Japan Ichiro Yamada
Korea Yang-Hann Kim
Mexico Sergio Beristain
The Netherlands Frank van den Berg
New Zealand Roger Halkyard
Norway Truls Gjestland
Poland Marek Pawelczyk
Portugal Jorge Patricio
Spain Antonio Prez Lopez
Sweden Tor Kihlman
Taiwan Jin H. Huang
Turkey H. Temel Belek
UK Jeremy Astley
UK Bill Davies
UK Bridget Shield
USA (ASA liaison) Dean Capone
USA Paul Donavan
USA (SAE liaison) Jim Thompson
USA Rajendra Singh
USA (ASME NCAD liaison) Brent Paul
Kookmin University Nguyen Phu Thuong Luu
Lewis S. Goodfriend & Associates Jack Zybura
Frank Reder
Ohio State University Osman Taha Sen
Hasan Koruk
Penn State University Jason Bostron
Rachel Ramond
Matt Shaw
Paul Bauch
Abe Lee
Whitney Coyle
Purdue University Hongdan Tao
Yangfan Liu
Nicholas Nakjoo Kim
Brandon Sobecki
Clothilde Giacomoni
University of Cincinatti Wael Elwali
Guohua Sun
University of Hartford Ryan Maurer
Session: 1.01 Passive Noise and Vibration Control
(joint INCE / ASME NCAD)
Organizers: Noah Schiller (ASME)
Fabio Semperlotti
Franck Marrot
Session: 1.02 Algorithms and Systems for Active
Control and Acoustic Echo Cancellation
Organizers: Jing Lu
Muhammad Akhtar
Xiaojun Qiu
Session: 1.04 Applications of Active Noise and
Vibration Control (joint INCE / ASME NCAD)
Organizers: Jie Duan
Mingfeng Li
Rich Silcox (ASME)
Session: 1.05 Adaptive Structures for Noise /
Vibration Control
Organizers: Li Cheng
George Lesieutre
Session: 2.03 Aeroacoustics and Jet Noise -
Measurement and control
Organizers: Phil Morris
Lars Enghard
Carsten Spehr
Session: 2.05 Aircraft Interior Noise: applications,
strategies and test
Organizers: Pascale Neple
Jeff Weisbeck
Samir N. Y. Gerges
Session: 2.06 Noise Source Characterization in
Organizers: Carsten Spehr
Todd Rook
Session: 2.09 Launch and Space Vehicle Noise and
Organizers: Haisam Osman
Micah Shepherd (ASA)
Session: 3.01 Classroom noise, criteria and standards
Organizers: Benjamin Sachwald
Ning Xiang
Session: 3.02 Healthcare noise
Organizers: David Sykes
Kenric Van Wyk
Session: 3.03 Noise in Performing Arts spaces (both
indoor / outdoor venues)
Organizers: Todd Brooks
Ning Xiang
Session: 3.04 Noise in Green / Sustainable Buildings
Organizers: Greg Coudriet
Jeff Fullerton
Session: 3.05 Impact noise - Building Acoustics
Organizers: Berndt Zeitler
Delphine Bard
Session: 3.06 Acoustics of Lightweight Constructions
Organizers: Jean-Luc Kouyoumji

Session: 3.08 Sound Propagation in Buildings
Organizers: Adam C. Jenkins
Jack B.Evans
Session: 3.09 Speech Privacy
Organizers: Kenric Van Wyk
Jorge Patricio
Session: 3.1 Measurements in Rooms and Building
Organizers: Jeffrey Mahn
Yun Jing
Session: 3.11 Computational Techniques in Room and
Building Acoustics
Organizers: Julieta Antnio
Monika Rychtarikova
Yun Jing
Session: 3.12 Indoor acoustic comfort and building
acoustics assessment and classication
Organizers: Jorge Patricio
Antonino di Bella
Session: 3.13 Room acoustics: Fundamental research
and practical applications
Organizers: Ning Xiang
Lauri Savioja
Session: 3.14 Vertical transmission of noise and
Organizers: Jack B.Evans
Marc Asselineau
Session: 3.16 Acoustic-Thermal Interactions
Organizers: Jean-Luc Kouyoumji
Marc Asselineau
Session: 4.01 Automotive NVH - general vehicle,
subsystem and component topics
Organizers: Steve Sorenson
Hether Fedullo
Session: 4.03 Noise control requirements for vehicles
and tires
Organizers: Truls Berge
Klaus Genuit
Session: 4.05 Noise and sound from electric and
hybrid vehicles
Organizers: Klaus Genuit
G J van Blokland
Session: 4.06 Vehicle Noise, Vibration, and Harshness
- Noise control methods and materials
Organizers: Steve Sorenson
Koo-Tae Kang
Pranab Saha (SAE)
Session: 4.07 Vehicle NVH modeling and simulation
Organizers: Gabriella Cerrato (SAE)
Pranab Saha (SAE)
Session: 4.08 Vehicle noise measurement
Organizers: Paul Donavan
Chad Musser (SAE)
Session: 4.09 Enclosures, mufers and silencers
Organizers: Tamer Elnady
Mark Storm
Francisco D. Denia
Session: 4.1 Brake noise - using engine and/or wheel
Organizers: Todd Rook (SAE)
James McIntosh
Session: 4.12 Pavement inuence on noise
Organizers: Ulf Sandberg
Hans Bendtsen
Session: 4.13 Longevity, costs and sacrices related
to quiet pavements
Organizers: Paul Donavan
Rob Rasmussen
Session: 4.14 Tire-Pavement Noise Sources,
Modeling and Simulation
Organizers: Richard Sohaney
G J van Blokland
Courtney Burroughs
Session: 4.15 Tire-pavement noise measurement
Organizers: Judy Rochat
Piotr Mioduszewski
Session: 4.16 Sound Quality work for Automotive
Organizers: Gordon Ebbitt
Wade Bray
Session: 5.01 General Topics
Organizers: Chuck Hayden
Matt Nobile
Session: 5.04 Buy Quiet Policies: Encouraging
Demand for Low-Noise Products
Organizers: Jean Tourret
Matt Nobile
Session: 6.01 IT Equipment: General Noise Issues,
Noise Standards, Noise Control &
Organizers: Marco Beltman
Ikuo Kimizuka
Gaku Minorakawa
Session: 7.02 Recreational / Entertainment Noise
Organizers: Paul Burge
Chris Menge
Bob Bronsdon
Session: 7.03 Environmental Noise Management and
Organizers: Doug Manvell
Nicholas P. Miller
Session: 7.05 National Park Noise / Quiet Parks
Organizers: Karen Trevino
Truls Gjestland
Session: 7.06 Public outreach workshop on
community noise
Organizers: Larry Finegold
David Sykes
Session: 7.07 Outdoor sound propagation
Organizers: Charlie Zheng (ASME)
Henry Scarton (ASME)
Session: 7.08 Community response to noise
Organizers: Truls Gjestland
Irene van Kamp

Session: 7.1 Sonic Boom Noise (joint INCE / ASME
Organizers: Vic Sparrow
Joe Gavin (ASME)
Session: 7.11 Airport and Community Noise modeling
and monitoring
Organizers: Idar L N Granoeien
Naoaki Shinohara
Session: 8.01 Construction noise
Organizers: Maurice Kwok-Leung
Erich Thalheimer
Session: 8.03 Urban noise & policy
Organizers: Maurice Kwok-Leung
Nachiketa Tiwari
Charles Shamoon
Session: 8.04 Mitigating noise in urban areas through
building envelop design
Organizers: Maurice Kwok-Leung
SK Tang
Session: 8.06 Quiet zones in cities
Organizers: Klaus Genuit
Sharon Paul Carpenter
Session: 9.01 Power Plant Noise
Organizers: Frank Brittain
Karl Washburn
Session: 9.02 Noise Control for Petrochemical and
Process Plants
Organizers: Jim Cowling
Jon Richards
Session: 9.04 Fan Noise and Aeroacoustics (joint
Organizers: Prakash Thawani
Mike Jonson (ASME)
Session: 9.06 Application of noise controls in the
mining industry (joint INCE / ASME NCAD)
Organizers: Adam Smith (ASME)
Hugo Camargo (ASME)
Session: 10.01 Low frequency noise: airborne,
structure-borne, and ground (joint INCE /
Organizers: Jeff Vipperman (ASME)
Mark Downing
Session: 10.02 Low Frequency Human Perception and
Organizers: Wade Bray
Joe Gavin (ASME)
Session: 10.03 Indoor Response to Sonic Boom and
Low Frequency Noise Sources (joint INCE /
Organizers: Jake Klos
Joe Gavin (ASME)
Session: 11.04 Underwater and Marine Structure
Noise / Vibration (joint INCE / ASME NCAD)
Organizers: Joe Cushieri
Ab Kirwan (ASME)
Session: 12.01 Vibration and Acoustic Measurement
Techniques and Facilities
Organizers: Jason Kunio
Ran Cabell
Session: 12.02 Sound Power / Intensity Determination
for Noise Sources
Organizers: Finn Jacobsen
Eric Myer
Session: 12.03 Signal processing and analysis
Organizers: Andrew Barnard
Jason Kunio
Session: 12.07 Source-Path Contribution / Transfer
Path Analysis
Organizers: Gary Newton (SAE)
Finn Jacobsen
Session: 12.08 Acoustic metrology, measurement
techniques and case studies
Organizers: Salvador Barrera Figueroa
Andrew Barnard
Session: 13.01 Acoustical holography
Organizers: Weikang Jiang
Jesper Gomes
Session: 13.02 Beamforming
Organizers: Hyu-Sang Kwon
Mingsian Bai
Session: 13.03 Source tracking and control
Organizers: Antonio Concilio
Jeong-Guon Ih
Session: 13.04 Visualization of the source and eld
Organizers: Diange Yang
Jeong-Guon Ih
Session: 13.05 3D sound reproduction and sound eld
Organizers: Wan-Ho Cho
Filippo Fazi
Jung-Woo Choi
Session: 13.07 Identication methods for
Organizers: Charles Pzerat
Antonio Concilio
Session: 14.01 Acoustic Wave Propagation in Porous
Media (joint INCE / ASME NCAD)
Organizers: Nicolas Dauchez
Sue Sung (ASME)
Kirill Horoshenkov
Session: 14.02 Phononic Crystals and Acoustic
Metamaterials / Nano Materials (joint INCE
Organizers: Liang-Wu Cai (ASME)
Andrew Barnard
Session: 14.04 Manufacturer Noise Control Materials
and Case Studies
Organizers: Steve Roth
Christopher Griffen
Session: 14.06 Noise Barriers and associated devices
absorptive claddings/added devices, new
materials, microperforated
Organizers: Jean-Pierre Clairbois
Francois-Xavier Becot
Session: 14.08 Innovative lightweight materials for
noise control and abatements (joint INCE /
Organizers: Noureddine Atalla (ASME)
Franck Sgard
Session: 15.01 Hearing Protection
Organizers: Elliott Berger
Samir Gerges
Session: 15.02 Annoyance / Health Effects
Organizers: Stephen Stansfeld
Deepak Prasher
Session: 15.03 Effects of noise on health and
cognition in children
Organizers: Irene van Kamp
Charlotte Clark
Session: 15.04 Sleep Disturbance
Organizers: Mathias Basner
Mark Brink
Session: 15.05 Cardiovascular Health Impacts of
Organizers: Wolfgang Babisch
Stephen Stansfeld
Session: 15.06 Auralization of source and eld in the
design stage
Organizers: Cheol-Ho Jeong
Michael Vorlaender
Session: 15.07 Community reaction to noise (methods
and the role of contextual variables and
policy implications)
Organizers: Takashi Yano
Sabine Janssen
Session: 15.08 Noise and Hearing Loss
Organizers: Thais Morata
Deepak Prasher
Brian Fligor
Session: 15.09 Understanding speech in noise
Organizers: Jerker Ronnberg
Deepak Prasher
Session: 16.01 Legislation, Implementation and Noise
Control Policies
Organizers: Miriam Weber
Colin Grimwood
Session: 16.02 Stakeholder education and public
Organizers: Christian Popp
Margit Bonacker

Session: 16.04 Noise policies integrated in other
policy domains
Organizers: Wim van Keulen
Henk Wolfert
Session: 16.05 Economics of Noise for Sustainability
Organizers: Abigail Bristlow
Cecilia Rocha
Session: 16.06 Airport Noise Policy
Organizers: Larry Finegold
Henk Veerbeek
Session: 16.07 Approaches to encourage people to
low noise behavior
Organizers: Stephan Paul
Irene Schlachter
Session: 16.08 Mentoring in Acoustics Education
Organizers: Andy Harris
Eric Wood
Nick Miller
Session: 17.01 Numerical Methods in Vibration and
Acoustics (FEM, BEM, IFEM) (joint INCE /
Organizers: Bryce Gardner
Rui Botelho (ASME)
Jeffrey L. Cipolla
Session: 17.02 Statistical Energy Analysis and Energy
Organizers: Vincent Cotoni
Steve Conlon
Session: 17.04 Mid frequency vibroacoustic methods
Organizers: Wim Desmet
Steve Conlon
Session: 17.06 Numerical analysis for structural
acoustics and vibrations
Organizers: Kuangcheng Wu (ASA)
Francois Gautier
Session: 18.01 Student presentations of seminal
papers in the eld of noise control
Organizers: Steve Sorenson, Stuart Bolton, Patricia
Session: 19.01 Railway Noise and Vibration
Organizers: Leonardo Lecce
Shankar Rajaran
David Towers
Session: 19.02 High Speed Train Noise
Organizers: Steven Wolf
Jason Ross

Session: 20.02 Wind turbines and renewable energy
Organizers: Mark Bastasch
Pari Tathavadekar
Brent Paul (ASME)
Session: 21.02 Memorial session for Rhona Hellman
Organizers: Patricia Davies
Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp
Sonoko Kuwano, Mary Floretine
Session: 21.03 Perceptions and effects of noise
Organizers: Wade Bray
Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp
Session: 21.04 Psycho acoustic approach to noise
problems in daily life
Organizers: Hugo Fastl
Sonoku Kuwano
Dongxing Mao
Session: 21.05 Psychoacoustics
Organizers: Etienne Parizet
Reinhard Weber
Detlef Krah
Session: 22.01 General Structural Acoustics and
Vibration (joint INCE / ASME NCAD)
Organizers: Albert Allen (ASME)
Ran Cabell
Ferdinand Grosveld
Session: 23.01 Soundscape and its application
Organizers: Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp
Klaus Genuit
Greg Watts
Session: 23.02 Sound quality and Soundscaping
Organizers: Kay Voigt
Jian Kang
Greg Watts
Session: 23.05 Architecture and Urban Sound Design
Organizers: Bjorn Hellstrom
Luigi Maffei
Kerrie Standlee
Session: 23.06 Soundscape techniques and
Organizers: Dick Botteldooren
Jian Kang
Greg Watts
Session: 23.09 Soundscapes and urban area design
Organizers: Luis Bento Coelho
Gary Siebein
Session: 23.1 Natural and Urban Soundscapes
Organizers: Luigi Maffei
Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp
Session: 24.01 Flow / aero acoustics (ASME NCAD)
Organizers: Brent Paul (ASME)
Kristin Cody (ASME)
Session: 24.05 Piping and Duct Acoustics
Organizers: Marehalli G. Prasad
Goran Pavic
Session: 24.07 Fatigue due to Acoustical Induced
Vibration in Piping Systems
Organizers: Bob Bruce
Brent Paul
8:00 8:20 8:40 9:00 9:20 9:40 10:00 10:20 10:40 11:00 11:20 11:40 12:00 13:20 13:40 14:00 14:20 14:40 15:00 15:20 15:40 16:00 16:20 16:40 17:00 17:20
23.06 Soundscape techniques and
4.06 Vehicle Noise, Vibration, and Harshness -
Noise control methods and materials
8.01 Construction noise
15.07 Community reaction to noise (methods
and the role of contextual variables and policy
17.06 Numerical analysis for structural
acoustics and vibrations
13.05 3D sound reproduction and sound
eld control
7.11 Airport and Community Noise modeling
and monitoring
3.06 Acoustics of Lightweight Constructions
13.07 Identication methods for vibroacoustics
21.02 Memorial session for Rhona Hellman
6.01 IT Equipment: General Noise Issues, Noise
Standards, Noise Control & Perception
3.13 Room acoustics: Fundamental research
and practical applications
Opening Plenary
7.03 Environmental Noise Management
and Mapping
12.08 Acoustic metrology, measurement
techniques and case studies
16.04 Noise policies integrated in other
policy domains
14.04 Manufacturer Noise Control Materials
and Case Studies
16.06 Airport Noise Policy
12.03 Signal processing and analysis
4.01 Automotive NVH - general vehicle,
subsystem and component topics
4.10 Brake noise - using engine and/or
wheel brakes
1.04 Applications of Active Noise and
Vibration Control (joint INCE / ASME NCAD)
Salon 3
Salon 4
North Center
South Center
Music Box/
Winter Garden
Coffee & Tea will be available from 9:00 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 4:00 p.m. on the 4th, 5th and 7th oors.



8:00 8:20 8:40 9:00 9:20 9:40 10:00 10:20 10:40 11:00 11:20 11:40 12:00 13:20 13:40 14:00 14:20 14:40 15:00 15:20 15:40 16:00 16:20 16:40 17:00 17:20
23.05 Architecture and Urban Sound Design
4.05 Noise and sound from electric and hybrid vehicles
8.03 Urban noise & policy
15.03 Effects of noise on health and cognition in children
13.04 Visualization of the source and eld 13.01 Acoustical holography
7.07 Outdoor sound propagation
18.01 Student presentations of seminal papers in the eld of noise control engineering
16.05 Economics of Noise for Sustainability
14.02 Phononic Crystals and Acoustic Metamaterials / Nano Materials (joint INCE / ASME NCAD)
16.07 Approaches to encourage people to low noise behavior
2.05 Aircraft Interior Noise: applications,
strategies and test
19.02 High Speed Train Noise
8.06 Quiet zones in cities
21.02 Memorial session for Rhona Hellman
4.15 Tire-pavement noise measurement methods
3.03 Noise in Performing Arts spaces (both indoor / outdoor venues)
9.01 Power Plant Noise
Coffee & Tea will be available from 9:00 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 4:00 p.m. on the 4th, 5th and 7th oors.
21.03 Perceptions and Effect of Noise
Monday, August 20, 2012
Soundscape: 23.06 Soundscape Techniques and Approaches Room: Hart
Session Chairs: Dick Botteldooren, Greg Watts
10:00 241 Measurements and calculations of noise in the streets of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and
Invited in12_241.pdf
Author: Erik Salomons, TNO
10:20 506 Psychoacoustic aspects of shaping city soundscapes
Contributed in12_506.pdf
Author: Waldemar Paszkowski, Silesian University of Technology
10:40 511 Representation of the acoustic contrast in urban context through noise mapping
Invited in12_511.pdf
Authors: Pauline Delaitre, Universite de Cergy Pontoise; Catherine Lavandier
11:00 569 Reproducibility of soundscape dimensions
Contributed in12_569.pdf
Authors: William J. Davies, University of Salford; Jesse Edward Murphy, University of
11:20 897 Auralization of non-stationary trafc noise using sample based synthesis - Comparison
with pass-by recordings
Contributed in12_897.pdf
Authors: Julien Maillard, Centre Scientique et Technique du Batiment; Jan Jagla,
11:40 1003 Noise in an environment: Unwanted sound or noisescape?
Invited in12_1003.pdf
Authors: Anna Preis, Adam Mickiewicz University; Honorata Hafke-Dys, Adam
Mickiewicz University; Tomasz Kaczmarek, Adam Mickiewicz University
13:20 1082 Support vector machines and self-organizing maps for the recognition of sound events
in urban soundscapes
Invited in12_1082.pdf
Authors: Xavier Valero, Universitat Ramon Lllull; Francesco Alias, Ghent University;
Damiano Oldoni, La Salle - Universitat Ramon Lllull; Dick Botteldooren, Ghent
13:40 1189 A computational auditory attention model for urban soundscape design
Invited in12_1189.pdf
Authors: Damiano Oldoni, Ghent University; Bert De Coensel, Acoustic group, INTEC
department, Ghent University; Michiel Boes, Acoustic group, INTEC department, Ghent
University; Timothy Van Renterghem, Acoustic group, INTEC department, Ghent
University; DickBotteldooren, Acoustic group, INTEC department, Ghent University
Monday, August 20, 2012
Soundscape: 23.05 Architecture and Urban Sound Design Room: Hart
Session Chairs: Bjorn Hellstrom, Luigi Maffei
14:00 130 Acoustic design artifacts and methods for urban soundscapes: A case study on the
qualitative dimensions of sounds
Invited in12_130.pdf
Author: Bjorn Hellstrom, University College of Arts
14:20 135 CAN we improve acoustic environments by adding sound?
Contributed in12_135.pdf
Authors: Niklas Billstrom, University College of Arts, Crefts and Design; Ricardo
Atienza, Konstfack - The University College of Arts, Crafts and Design
14:40 236 Nine sound-art installations in public space
Contributed in12_236.pdf
Authors: Clas Torehammar, Tyrens AB; Bjorn Hellstrom, Department of Fine Art,
University College of Arts, Crafts, and Design (Konstfack)
15:00 263 Interdisciplinary approach to urban soundscape research
Invited in12_263.pdf
Authors: Frans H.A. Mossberg, Lund University
15:40 273 Performative sound art as a method of research
Invited in12_273.pdf
Author: Staffan Mossenmark, University of Gothenburg
16:00 340 Inuence of the design of railway noise barriers on soundscape perception
Invited in12_340.pdf
Authors: Luigi Maffei, Second University of Naples; Massimiliano Masullo, Seconda
Universit; Francesco Aletta, Secondary University
16:20 681 Qualitative sound analysis - a tool for understanding and designing urban acoustic
Invited in12_681.pdf
Authors: Nina Haellgren, Roay Institute of Technology
16:40 823 Sonic membranes: Sound design between interior and exterior spaces
Invited in12_823.pdf
Author: Sven Anderson, Trinity College Dublin
17:00 1207 An exploration of the urban sound environment of traditional neighborhoods in
Mexico City, in search of contemporary sound design proposals
Contributed in12_1207.pdf
Authors: Fausto E. Rodriguez-Manzo, Laboratorio de Analisis y Diseno Acustico; Elisa
Garay-Vargas, Laboratorio de Analisis y Dise
Monday, August 20, 2012
Motor Vehicle Noise, Interior and Exterior: 4.06 Vehicle Noise, Vibration, and Harshness
Noise control methods and materials Room: ONeill
Session Chairs: AM: Steve Sorenson, Robert Bernhard; PM: Steve Sorenson, Pranab Saha, Raj Singh
10:00 582 A study to determine the importance of various factors on the sound transmission loss
of a sound package part using design of experiments
Invited in12_582.pdf
Authors: James Haylett, Commercial Vehicle Group, Inc.; Pranab Saha, Kolano and
Saha Engineers, Inc.; Ranjit K. Roy, Nutek, Inc.
10:20 814 How to handle low weight vehicle concept design and conicting NVH targets
Invited in12_814.pdf
Authors: Juha Plunt, Muller-BBM; William Easterling
10:40 864 Optimization of the balance between absorption and insulation in automotive sound
package parts by means of SEA
Invited in12_864.pdf
Authors: Claudio Bertolini, Autoneum Management AG; Marco Seppi, Autoneum
Management AG
11:00 1319 Acoustic booming investigation of a tracked vehicle
Contributed in12_1319.pdf
Authors: T.S. Tao, Singapore Technologies Kinetics Ltd; W.K. Yue, Singapore
Technologies Kinetics
11:20 83 The impedance tube construction and acoustic absorption study applied materials
inside vehicles
Contributed in12_83.pdf
Authors: Campos Velloso M. Rosely, Polytechnic Institute (IPUC); Rodolfo Henrique
Araujo Silva, PUC Minas - Polytechnic Institute (IPUC); Thulio Marques, PUC Minas -
Polytechnic Institute (IPUC); Crhisto Meira Rocha, PUC Minas - Polytechnic Institute
11:40 1087 Effect of exterior absorption on heavy vehicle tire/surface noise at highway speeds
Contributed in12_1087.pdf
Authors: Steve Sorenson, E-A-R Thermal Acoustic Systems; Steven Jorro, E-A-R
Thermal Acoustic Systems
13:20 1078 Statistical analyses to contain the variability of heavy duty truck noise for good noise
Contributed in12_1078.pdf
Authors: Sandra J. Meon, E-A-R Thermal Acoustic Systems; Steven Jorro, E-A-R
Thermal Acoustic Systems, Aearo Technologies LLC - a 3M company
13:40 1356 Sound package treatment scenario in the Indian automotive industry
Contributed in12_1356.pdf
Authors: Debasish Chatterjee, Paracoat Products Ltd; Nayak M. Santhosha, Paracoat
Products Limited; Pranab Saha, Kolano and Saha Engineers, Inc.
14:00 1386 Front engine diesel motorhomes: Issues and opportunties
Contributed in12_1386.pdf
Authors: Charles T. Moritz, Blachford Inc.; Jennifer A. Shaw, Blachford Inc.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Motor Vehicle Noise, Interior and Exterior:
4.05 Noise and Sound from Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Room: ONeill
Session Chairs: Klaus Genuit, GJ van Blokland
14:20 221 Blind pedestrians and quieter vehicles: How adding articial sound impacts travel
Contributed in12_221.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Robert Wall Emerson, Western Michigan University; Dae Shik Kim, Western
Michigan University; Koorosh Naghshineh, Western Michigan University; Kyle Myers,
Western Michigan University
14:40 396 Sustainable noise reduction and enhanced passenger comfort using hybrid diesel-
electric urban buses
Invited in12_396.pdf
Authors: J-W. Biermann, Aachen University; Sven Ruschmeyer
15:00 478 Investigation and reduction of motor noise for battery electric van
Contributed in12_478.pdf
Authors: Ming-Hung Lu, Industrial Technology Research Institute; Ming Une Jen,
Industrial Technology Research Institute
15:40 535 Sound detection of electric vehicles by blind or visually impaired persons
Contributed in12_535.pdf
Authors: Klaus-Peter Glaeser, BASt; Torsten Marx Eike, BASt
16:00 701 Questionnaire survey on the sound of quiet vehicles
Invited in12_701.pdf
Authors: Katsuya Yamauchi, Nagasaki University; Yuma Sakabe, Kyushu University;
Kenji Ito, Kyushu University; Sayaka Inoue, Kyushu University; Shin-ichiroIwamiya,
Kyushu University
16:20 1027 Noise reduction by electric vehicles in the Netherlands
Contributed in12_1027.pdf
Authors: Jan Jabben, National Institute for Public Health and Environment; Edwin
Verheijen, dBVision Consultants; Charlos Potma, RIVM
16:40 806 Functional noise specications for purchasing green low noise vehicles
Contributed in12_806.pdf
Author: Filip Stenlund, Tyrens AB
17:00 738 Approaching electric vehicles sound for pedestrians based on ease of detection by
uctuation of motor sound
Contributed in12_738.pdf
Authors: Nozomiko Yasui, Matsue College of Technology; Masanobu Miura, Faculty of
Science and Technology, Ryukoku University
Monday, August 20, 2012
City Noise: 8.01 Construction Noise Room: Odets
Session Chairs: Maurice Kwok-Leung, Erich Thalheimer, Charles Shamoon
10:00 448 Strategies for high level noise monitoring on low-cost budget for construction projects
in New York City
Contributed in12_448.pdf
Authors: Gary M. Glickman, Wilson Ihrig & Associates, Inc.; Rene Noel, Seti-Media, Inc.
10:20 460 A developing analysis method for assessing construction noise in New York City
Contributed in12_460.pdf
Author: Weixiong Wu, AKRF
10:40 1025 Noise reduction of steel bridges in urban areas
Contributed in12_1025.pdf
Author: Dipl. Phys Helmut Venghaus
11:00 1033 Fieldwork in support of designing to city noise ordinances in Massachusetts
Invited in12_1033.pdf
Author: Nancy S. Timmerman, Self
11:20 1072 The process and politics of permitting nighttime construction noise in Seattle,
Contributed in12_1072.pdf
Authors: Adam C. Jenkins, The Greenbusch Group, Inc.; Julie A. Wiebusch, The
Greenbusch Group, Inc.
11:40 1095 The ve myths of construction noise
Invited in12_1095.pdf
Authors: Paul L. Burge, URS Corporation; Erich Thalheimer, Parsons Brinckerhoff
13:20 1140 Noise generation from ground-borne vibrations: Beyond noise nuisance to structural
Contributed in12_1140.pdf
Authors: Ian Camilleri Casssar, Dhi Periti; Vincent Buhagiar, University of Malta; Denis
H. Camilleri, Dhi Periti
13:40 1155 Urban form as environmental noise indicators
Contributed in12_1155.pdf
Authors: Marta Oliveira, University of Minho; Ligia T. Silva, University of Minho
14:00 1411 On the assessment of human exposure to vibration caused by railway construction
Contributed in12_1411.pdf
Authors: Gennaro Sica, University of Salford; James Woodcock, University of Salford;
Eulalia Peris, University of Salford; Andrew Moorhouse, University of Salford; David
Waddington, University of Salford
14:20 1494 Implementation of remote monitoring systems at the NYC World Trade Center and
Seattle Bored Tunnel construction sites
Invited in12_1494.pdf
Authors: Sharon Paul Carpenter, Paul Carpenter Associates, Inc.; Dayna Sherwood,
Paul Carpenter Associates, Inc.
Monday, August 20, 2012
City Noise: 8.03 Urban Noise & Policy Room: Odets
Session Chairs: AM: Nachiketa Tiwari, Charles Shamoon; PM: Maurice Kwok-Leung, Nachika Tiwari
15:00 93 Protecting MITs interests during expansion of the Grand Junction rail line through
Invited in12_93.pdf
Authors: Erich Thalheimer, Parsons Brinckerhoff; Jacob Poling
15:20 106 New noise sources in urban areas
Invited in12_106.pdf
Author: Christian Fabris, Umweltbundesamt
15:40 177 Building isolation for luxury condominium adjacent to New York City subway
Contributed in12_177.pdf
Authors: Benjamin H. Sachwald, AKRF Inc; Lance B. Bischoff, AKRF; Andreas Stoeth,
16:00 218 So Paulo Metro Line 2 Tamanduate elevated structure noise barriers
Contributed in12_218.pdf
Authors: Helder J.R. Soares, Companhia do Metropolitano de Sao Paulo; Adilson
R. Takeuti, IEME Brasil Engenharia Consultiva LTDA; Marco Juliani, IEME Brasil
Engenharia Consultiva LTDA; Tiago M. Juliani
16:20 494 Model based monitoring of urban trafc noise: Field test results for road side and
shielded sides
Contributed in12_494.pdf
Authors: Frits van der Eerden, TNO - Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientic
Research; Dorien Lutgendorf, TNO - Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientic
Research; Peter Wessels, TNO - Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientic
Research; Tom Basten, TNO - Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientic Research
16:40 412 An investigating on the indoor sound and vibration environment impacted by outdoor
vehicle low-frequency noise
Invited in12_412.pdf
Authors: Ling Zhang, Zhejiang University of Technology; Jiping Zhang, Zhejiang
Research & Design Institute of Environmental Protection; James Boyle, Schomer
and Associates, Inc., Paul D. Schomer, Schomer and Associates, Inc., Wenbo Xiong,
Hangzhou Aihua Instruments Co., Ltd; Shaodong Zhang, Hangzhou Aihua Instruments
Co., Ltd; Fei Chen, Zhejiang Hangzhou-Anhui Expressway Co.
Noise and Health: 15.07 Community Reaction to Noise:
Methods and the role of contextual variables and policy implications Room: Wilder
Session Chairs: Sabine Janssen, Takashi Yano
10:00 1267 The effect of creating a quiet side on annoyance and sleep disturbances due to road
trafc noise
Invited in12_1267.pdf
Authors: Anita Gidlof-Gunnarsson, Gothenburg University; Evy Ohrstrom,
Occupational and Environmental Medicine, University of Gothenburg, Sweden;
Jens Forssen, Division of Applied Acoustics, Chalmers University of Technology,
Gothenburg, Sweden
10:20 101 Aircraft noise annoyance and residents acceptance and use of sound proof windows
and ventilation systems
Invited in12_101.pdf
Author: Dirk Schreckenberg, ZEUS GmbH
Monday, August 20, 2012
10:40 796 Representative dose-response curves for individual transportation noises in Japan
Invited in12_796.pdf
Authors: Shigenori Yokoshima, Kanagawa Prefectural Government; Takashi Yano,
Kumamoto University; Keiji Kawai, Kumamoto University; Makoto Morinaga, Defense
Facilities Environment Improvement Association;
11:00 223 Assessment of the community tolerance level as a model for the prevalence of noise
Contributed in12_223.pdf
Authors: D. Keith Wilson, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center; Dan
Valente, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center; Edward T. Nykaza, U.S.
Army Engineer Research and Development Center
11:20 365 A contribution to the estimation of the burben of disease due to noise exposure
around Heathrow airport
Contributed in12_365.pdf
Authors: Howard M. Cambridge, University of York; Dietrich H. Schwela, Grifth
University, Brisbane
11:40 489 Surveys as assistance in putting forward noise action plans
Contributed in12_489.pdf
Authors: Ulrich Moehler, Moehler + Partner Ingenieure AG; Roozbeh Karimi, ZEUS
GmbH; Dirk Schreckenberg
13:20 881 Community response to noise and environmental noise impact assessment according
noise pollution legislations on neighborhoods of Santos Dumont Airport in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil
Invited in12_881.pdf
Authors: Rita de Cassia Cordeiro Nogueira, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Webe
Joao Mansur, PEC/UFRJ/COPPE; Miguel Aloysio Sattler, PPGEC/UFRGS
13:40 386 Aircraft and road trafc noise annoyance in Da Nang City, Vietnam
Invited in12_386.pdf
Authors: Thu Lan Nguyen, Kumamoto University; Takashi Yano, Graduate School of
Science and Technology, Kumamoto University; Huy Quang Nguyen, Graduate School
of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University; Khanh Tuyen Thi Nguyen, Graduate
School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University; HiroakiFukushima, Graduate
School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University; Keiji Kawai, Graduate School
of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University; Tsuyoshi Nishimura, Graduate
School of Engineering, Sojo University; Tetsumi Sato, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkai
Gakuen University
14:00 680 Community reaction to noise and vibration from railway and road trafc in Hanoi,
Invited in12_680.pdf
Authors: Takashi Morihara, Ishikawa National College of Technology; Hiroaki
Fukushima, Kumamoto University; Thu Lan Nguyen, Kumamoto University; Huy
Quang Nguyen, Kumamoto University; TakashiYano, Kumamoto University; Keiji
Kawai, Sojo University; Tsuyoshi Nishimura, Hokkai Gakuen University; Tetsumi Sato,
Kumamoto University
14:20 1198 Attitudinal factors as determinants of railway vibration annoyance
Contributed in12_1198.pdf
Authors: Eulalia Peris, The University of Salford; James Woodcock, The University
of Salford; Gennaro Sica, The University of Salford; Calum Sharp, The University of
Salford; Andy Moorhouse, The University of Salford; David Waddington, The University
of Salford
Monday, August 20, 2012
14:40 499 Community response to a step change in railway noise and vibration exposures by the
opening of a new
Shinkansen Line
Contributed in12_499.pdf
Authors: Shuhei Oka, Kumamoto University; Hiroyuki Tetsuya, Department of
Architecture, Sojo University, Kumamoto, Japan; Takashi Yano, Graduate School
of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan; Yasuhiro
Murakami, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University,
Kumamoto, Japan
Noise and Health: 15.03 Effects of Noise on Health and Cognition in Children Room: Wilder
Session Chairs: Irene van Kamp, Charlotte Clark
15:20 546 Cognitive effects of exposure to trafc-related air pollution and transportation noise in
primary school children
Invited in12_546.doc
Authors: Elise Van Kempen, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
(RIVM); Paul Fischer, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM);
Nicole Janssen, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM);
Danny Houthuijs, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM);
IreneVan Kamp, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM);
Charlotte Clark, Barts and the London, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary
University of London; Stephen Stansfeld, Barts and the London, School of Medicine
and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London; Flemming R. Cassee, National
Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
15:40 604 Does trafc-related air pollution explain the associations of aircraft and road trafc
noise exposure with childrens health and cognition
Contributed in12_604.pdf
Author: Charlotte Clark, Queen Mary University of London
16:00 765 Experiments on cognitive performance using binaural stimuli
Invited in12_765.pdf
Authors: Janina Fels, Aachen University; Michael Vorlander, RWTH Aachen University,
Institute of Technical Acoustics; Bruno Masiero, RWTH Aachen University, Institute of
Technical Acoustics; Josefa Oberem, RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Technical
Acoustics; VeraLawo, RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Psychology; Iring Koch,
RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Psychology
16:20 941 Analyzing effects of aircraft noise on cognition and quality of life in German children
near Frankfurt Airport in the NORAH-study: An overview of design and methods
Invited in12_941.doc
Authors: Kirstin Bergstroem, University of Kaiserslautern; Markus Meis, Hoerzentrum
Oldenburg GmbH, Germany; Andreas Seidler, University of Dresden, Germany;
Rainer Guski, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany; DirkSchreckenberg, ZEUS GmbH,
Germany; Thomas Lachmann, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany; Maria Klatte,
University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
16:40 997 Measurement and active-passive control of noise in neonatal incubators
Contributed in12_997.pdf
Authors: Chris Fuller, Virginia Tech; Morgan Mitchell, Virginia Tech; Tom-Davy Saux,
Virginia Tech; Cory Papenfuss, Virginia Tech; AlexLevitov, Eastern Virginia Medical
School; Paul Marik, Eastern Virginia Medical School
Monday, August 20, 2012
Numerical and Analytical Techniques:
17.06 Numerical Analysis for Structural Acoustics and Vibrations Room: Ziegfeld
Session Chairs: Kuangcheng Wu, Jeffrey L. Cipolla
10:00 100 Soil effect on the vibration of a nite simply supported plate
Contributed in12_100.pdf
Authors: Bernard Laulagnet, National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon
10:20 1308 Conditioning and convergence in an analytic model of the elastodynamics of
submerged, coated, ribbed plates
Invited in12_1308.pdf
Authors: Kirubel Teferra, Weidlinger Associates, Inc; Jeffrey L. Cipolla
10:40 1161 Near-eld acoustic holography for large complex structures in shallow water
Invited in12_1161.pdf
Author: Nicolas P. Valdivia, Naval Research Laboratory
11:00 1211 Application of the Ritz method to the optimization of vibrating structures
Invited in12_1211.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: J. Gregory McDaniel, Boston University; Andrew S. Wixom, Boston University
11:20 362 Recent developments in high-performance computational vibro-acoustics in the
medium frequency regime
Contributed in12_362.pdf
Authors: Charbel Farhat, Stanford University; Radek Tezaur, Stanford University; Ulrich
Hetmaniuk, University of Washington
13:20 586 Characterization of the pressure wave emitted from implosion of submerged
cylindrical shell structures
Invited in12_586.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Michael D. Shields, Weidlinger Associates, Inc.; Pawel Woelke, Weidlinger
Associates, Inc.; Najib N. Abboud, Weidlinger Associates, Inc.
13:40 228 Vibration and noise analysis procedure for chain-driving engine timing systems
Invited in12_228.pdf
Authors: Gee-Pinn James Too, National Cheng Kung University; Chih-Hao Chou,
National Cheng Kung University
14:00 348 Effect of the curvature on vibration frequencies of shallow shells with general elastic
boundary conditions
Contributed in12_348.pdf
Authors: Shiliang Jiang, Harbin Engineering University; Tiejun Yang, Harbin
Engineering University; W.L. Li, Wayne State University
14:20 640 Analytical approaches for friction induced vibrations and stability analysis
Contributed in12_640.pdf
Authors: Mehrdad Noei Aghaei, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad; Anooshiravan
Farshidianfar, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
14:40 1187 FEM modeling and experimental assesment of light weight oor vibration
Contributed in12_1187.pdf
Authors: Jewoo Park, Kyungpook National University; Hongjin Kim, Kyungpook
National University; Jinhee Jeong, Kyungpook National University; Hee-kyoung
Jung, Kyungpook National University; , Kyungpook National University
Monday, August 20, 2012
15:20 1272 Numerical simulation of a piezoelectric loudspeaker including viscothermal effects for
hearing aid applications
Contributed in12_1272.pdf
Authors: Gustavo C. Martins, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Julio A. Cordioli,
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Roberto Jordan, Universidade Federal de
Santa Catarina
15:40 1353 Nonlinear dynamic analysis of cables under accelerated moving masses
Contributed in12_1353.pdf
Authors: Flavio M. Oliveira, Federal University of Minas Gerais; Marco A.M. Vecci,
Federal University of Minas Gerais - Brazil; Marcelo Breco, Federal University of Minas
Gerais - Brazil
16:00 691 Nonlinear dynamic behaviors of an axially deploying beam
Contributed in12_691.pdf
Authors: Hyoung-rae Kim, Hanyang University; Sungpil Park, Hanyang University;
Jintai Chung, Hanyang University
16:20 693 Dynamic analysis of a deploying beam with overall translation motion
Contributed in12_693.pdf
Authors: Byiong-Jin Kim, Hanyang University; Jintai Chung, Hanyang University
Inverse Approaches in Vibro-Acoustics:
13.05 3D Sound Reproduction and Sound Field Control Room: Gilbert
Session Chairs: Wan-Ho Cho, Filippo Fazi
10:00 280 Handling of uncertainties in inverse rendering of sound eld
Contributed in12_280.pdf
Authors: Wan-Ho Cho, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science; Jeong-Guon
Ih, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology; Takeshi Toi, Chuo University
10:20 665 Sound eld reproduction based on the Basis Function Method and Equivalent Source
Contributed in12_665.pdf
Authors: Mingsian R. Bai, National Tsing Hua University; Ho-Shen Hsu, National Tsing
Hua University
10:40 747 Active localization of a silent intruder with audible frequency in 2D security space
Invited in12_747.pdf
Authors: Kihyun Kim, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology; Daesung Kim,
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea; Homin Ryu, Gwangju
Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea; Semyung Wang, Gwangju
Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea; Sung QLee, Electronics
Telecommunication Reseach Institute, Republic of Korea; Kang-Ho Park, Electronics
Telecommunication Reseach Institute, Republic of Korea
11:00 763 Active control of sound leakage in handheld sound devices
Invited in12_763.pdf
Authors: Aran Cha, Yonsei University; Se-Woon Jeon, Yonsei University; Dae Hee
Youn, Yonsei University; Young-cheol Park, Yonsei University; Jung-WooChoi, Korea
Advanced Institute of Science and Technology; Gun Woo Lee, Samsung Electronics
Co., Ltd.; Seong-Hun Kim, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.; Youngtae Kim, Samsung
Electronics Co., Ltd.
Monday, August 20, 2012
11:20 799 Control of sound elds with a circular double-layer array of loudspeakers
Invited in12_799.pdf
Authors: Jiho Chang, Technical University of Denmark; Finn Jacobsen, Acoustic
Technology, Department of Electrical Engeneering, Technical University of Denmark
11:40 872 Subjective listening tests about front images on frontal double layered WFS system
Invited in12_872.pdf
Authors: Jae-hyoun Yoo, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute;
Keunwoo Choi, ETRI; Jeongil Seo, ETRI; Kyeongok Kang, ETRI; HirohukiOkubo, NHK
13:20 887 Control of a dual-layer loudspeaker array for the generation of private sound
Invited in12_887.pdf
Authors: Mincheol Shin, University of Southampton; Filippo M. Fazi, Institute of Sound
and Vibration Research; Fabio C. Hirono, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research;
Philip A. Nelson, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research
Inverse Approaches in Vibro-Acoustics: 13.04 Visualization of the Source and Field Room: Gilbert
Session Chairs: Diange Yang, Jeong-Guon Ih
13:40 372 Partial eld decomposition using pressure gradient references
Invited in12_372.doc
Authors: Chuan-Xing Bi, Hefei University of Technology; Ming-Jian Guo, Institute of
Sound and Vibration Research, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China;
Yong-Bin Zhang, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, Hefei University of
Technology, Hefei 230009, China; Liang Xu, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research,
Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
14:00 483 Effect of patterns on wave propagation and sound radiation over the tire surface
Invited in12_483.pdf
Authors: Jeong-Guon Ih, Korea Advanced Inst. of Science and technology; Agustinus
Oey, LG Electronics Co.
14:20 669 An improved acoustic holography for high-speed sound sources identication and
Invited in12_669.pdf
Authors: Zitent Wang, Tsinghua University; Changwei He, Department of Automotive
Engineering, Tsinghua University; Diange Yang, Department of Automotive
Engineering, Tsinghua University
14:40 1528 A novel means to nd where BSR noise is by using beamforming based on audio-
ngerprint technology
Invited in12_1528.pdf
Authors: Dae-Hoon Seo, KAIST; Yang-Hann Kim, KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology); Jung-Woo Choi, KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science
and Technology)
15:00 1529 Development of sound-visualization glasses
Invited in12_1529.pdf
Authors: Ki-Won Kim, KAIST; Jung-Woo Choi, Korea Advanced Institute of Science
and Technology (KAIST); Yang-Hann Kim, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology (KAIST)
Monday, August 20, 2012
Inverse Approaches in Vibro-Acoustics: 13.01 Acoustical Holography Room: Gilbert
Session Chairs: Weikang Jiang, Jesper Gomes
15:40 112 Research on the SONAH based transient near-eld acoustical holography
Invited in12_112.pdf
Authors: Siwei Pan, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Weikang Jiang, Shanghai Jiao Tong
University; Haibin Zhang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
16:00 290 High frequency noise measurement of a mechanical element by converted NAH
Contributed in12_290.pdf
Authors: Mao Takamatsu, Hosei University; Masao Nagamatsu, Hokkaido Institute of
Technology; Mitsuo Iwahara, Hosei University; Gaku Minorikawa, Hosei University
16:20 663 Nonlinear and dissipative neareld acoustical holography algorithms based on
Westervelt wave equation
Contributed in12_663.pdf
Authors: Yaying Niu, Texas A&M University; Yong-Joe Kim, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Texas A&M University
16:40 639 Investigating the use of the acousto-optic effect for acoustical holography
Contributed in12_639.pdf
Authors: Antoni Torras-Rosell, Danish Fundamental Metrology A/S; Efren Fernandez-
Grande, Technical University of Denmark; Finn Jacobsen, Technical University of
Denmark; Salvador Barrera-Figueroa, Danish Fundamental Metrology A/S
17:00 390 Identication of sound source in a car based on the near-eld acoustic holography
Invited in12_390.pdf
Authors: Yong-Bin Zhang, Hefei University of Technology; Chuan-Xing Bi, Hefei
University of Technology; Xin-Zhao Chen, Hefei University of Technology
Community / Environmental Noise: 7.11 Airport and Community Noise Modeling and Monitoring Room: Salon 3
Session Chairs: Idar L N Granoeien, Naoaki Shinohara
10:00 1048 Advanced aviation noise modeling tools to inform policymakers
Invited in12_1048.pdf
Authors: Christopher Roof, US DOT; Meghan Ahearn, Federal Aviation Administration;
Jonathan Koopmann, US DOT Volpe Center
10:20 914 JAXAs research plan for next generation air trafc management system (DREAMS)
and noise abatement ight technologies
Invited in12_914.pdf
Authors: Hirokazu Ishii, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency; Yoshinori Okuno,
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency; Satoshi Okada, Fuji Heavy Industries; Tadashi
Ishikawa, Fuji Heavy Industries; TakatoshiYokota, Kobayasi Institute of Physical
Research; Masayuki Sugawara, Airport Environment Improvement Foundation
10:40 839 Visualization of meteorological effects on aircraft noise propagation based on GPS-
synchronized multipoint measurement
Invited in12_839.pdf
Authors: Takatoshi Yokota, Kobayasi Institute of Physical Research; Tomonao
Okubo, Kobayasi Institute of Physical Research; Koichi Makino, Kobayasi Institute
of Physical Research; Toshio Matsumoto, Kobayasi Institute of Physical Research;
KoheiYamamoto, Kobayasi Institute of Physical Research; Hirokazu Ishii, Japan
Aerospace Exploration Agency; Yoshinori Okuno, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Monday, August 20, 2012
11:00 120 Development of a new German aircraft noise and performance database
Invited in12_120.pdf
Authors: Ullrich Isermann, German Aerospace Center
11:20 815 Optimization of rotorcraft noise abatement trajectories
Contributed in12_815.pdf
Authors: Sander Hartjes, Delft University of Technology; Yorick Buys, Delft University
of Technology; Hendrikus G. Visser, Delt University of Technology; Marilena D.
Pavel, Delft University of Technology; MassimoGennaretti, University Roma Tre;
Giovanni Bernardini, University Roma Tre; Michael Arntzen, Dutch National Aerospace
Laboratory NLR
11:40 712 Minimizing airport noise impact by trafc management
Contributed in12_712.pdf
Authors: Teo Revoredo, State University of Rio de Janeiro; Walid El Moudani, UERJ,
Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,[email protected]; Felix Mora-Camino,
Lebanese University, Tripoli, Lebanon, [email protected]
13:20 147 Statistical models to simulate noise levels generated by vehicle trafc ow in the
Caribbean region of Colombia
Contributed in12_147.pdf
Authors: Edgar Quinones-Bolanos, University of Cartegean; Javier Mouthon Bello,
Universidad de Cartegena; Ciro Bustillo-Lecompte, Ryerson University
13:40 1554 Aircraft noise reduction for typical home construction types
Contributed in12_1554.pdf
Authors: Nathan Firesheets, Georgia Institute of Technology; Erica E. Ryherd, Georgia
Institute of Technology
14:00 481 Oveiview of changing noise index and evaluating airport ground noise in Japan
Invited in12_481.pdf
Authors: Naoaki Shinohara, Narita International Airport Promotion Foundation; Ichiro
Yamada, Aviation Environment Research Center, Airport Environment Improvement
14:20 1104 Data collection necessary for airport noise modeling taking account of ground noise
Invited in12_1104.pdf
Authors: Hisashi Yoshioka, Aviation Environment Research Center; Ichiro Yamada,
Aviation Environment Research Center, AEIF; Yasuaki Kawase, Narita International
Airport Promotion Foundation; Saburo Ogata, Narita Airport Authority
14:40 464 Reliability of the renewed system for monitoring ground noise at Narita Airport
Invited in12_464.pdf
Authors: Kazuyuki Hanaka, Narita International Airport Corporation; Kyoko Anzai,
Narita International Airport Corporation; Saburo Ogata, Narita International Airport
Corporation; Kazuhiro Kudo, Narita Airport Regional Symbiosis Promotion
Foundation; MirokuTani, Narita International Airport Promotion Foundation
Monday, August 20, 2012
Community / Environmental Noise: 7.07 Outdoor Sound Propagation Room: Salon 3
Session Chairs: Henry Scarton, William Lang
15:20 108 Comparing downwind shielding of noise walls and berms
Contributed in12_108.pdf
Authors: Timothy Van Renterghem, University of Ghent; Dick Botteldooren, University
of Ghent, Department of Information Technology, Acoustics group
15:40 111 On the infrasound precursor generation by vortex
Contributed in12_111.pdf
Author: K. Naugolnykh, Zeltech/NOAA
16:00 224 Modeling sound elds from directive noise sources in the presence of atmospheric
refraction and ground effects
Contributed in12_224.pdf
Authors: D. Keith Wilson, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center;
Sergey N. Vecherin, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center; Vladimir E.
Ostashev, CIRES/University of Colorado
16:20 301 German prediction model of the sound propagation in and around tunnels
Invited in12_301.pdf
Authors: Joern Huebelt, Gesellschaft fuer Akustikforschung Dresden mbH; Christian
Schulze, Gesellschaft fuer Akustikforschung Dresden mbH; Sebastian Kluth,
Gesellschaft fuer Akustikforschung Dresden mbH; Wolfram Bartolomaeus, Federal
Highway Research Institute BASt, Germany
16:40 347 Road trafc noise and exposed population on central area in the Belm - Brazil
Contributed in12_347.pdf
Authors: Elcione Moraes, University Federal of the Para; Santos Carolina, University
Federal of Para
Architectural Noise / Building Acoustics: 3.06 Acoustics of Lightweight Constructions Room: Salon 4
Session Chairs: Carl Hopkins, Jean-Luc Kouyoumji, Trevor Nightingale, Hideki Tachibana
10:00 262 Acoustical behaviour of new multifunctional ceiling panels made of textile-reinforced
concrete composites
Contributed in12_262.pdf
Authors: Werner A. Hufenbach, Technische Universitaet Dresden (ILK); Frank Kolbe,
Technische Universitaet Dresden (ILK); Martin Dannemann, Technische Universitaet
Dresden (ILK); Stefan Friebe, Technische Universitaet Dresden (ILK); ThomasEngler,
Technische Universitaet Dresden (ITB); Anett Brueckner, Technische Universitaet
Dresden (IFMB)
10:20 345 Improvement of acoustical anking transmission through light-weight facades
Contributed in12_345.pdf
Author: Marc Louwers, Impedance
10:40 351 Shortening Helmholtz resonator by subsided neck and application to perforated plate
structure for low frequency sound resonance
Invited in12_351.pdf
Authors: Teruo Iwase, Niigata University; Keiko Shirahata, Graduate school of Niigata
University; Akiko Igarashi, Niigata University; Satoshi Sugie, Kobayasi Institute of
Physical Research; YasuakiOkada, Meijo University; Koichi Yoshihisa, Meijo University
Monday, August 20, 2012
11:00 364 Sound insulation evaluation results of lightweight and solid built multi-family houses
in Austria
Invited in12_364.pdf
Authors: Heinz J. Ferk, Graz University of Technology
11:20 385 Geometric simplication of a wooden building connector in dynamic nite element
Invited in12_385.pdf
Authors: Antonin Tribaleau, Laboratoire dAcoustique de lUniversit; Olivier Dazel,
Laboratoire dAcoustique de lUniversit; Najat Tahani, Laboratoire dAcoustique
de lUniversit; Bruno Brouard, Laboratoire dAcoustique de lUniversit; Jean-
MichelGenevaux, Laboratoire dAcoustique de lUniversit; Jean-Philippe Groby,
Laboratoire dAcoustique de lUniversit; Romain Brevart, Critt Bois
11:40 456 Investigation of the vibration transmission through a lightweight junction with elastic
layer using the nite element method
Invited in12_456.pdf
Authors: Juan Negreira Montero, Lund University; Anders Sjostrom, Lund University
(Sweden); Delphine Bard, Lund University (Sweden)
13:20 540 Flanking transmission in light weight timber houses with elastic anking isolators
Invited in12_540.pdf
Authors: Anders Agren, Lulea University of Technology; Fredrik Ljunggren, Lulea
University of Technology; Asa Bolmsvik, Linneaus University; Kirsi Jarnero, SP Wood
13:40 654 Airborne sound insulation performance of autoclaved aerated concrete building
material, design study of an AAC double partition wall
Contributed in12_654.pdf
Authors: Olivier Delas, Vipac Engineers & Scientists (HK) Ltd
14:00 723 Modeling acoustic properties of different types of lightweight T-junctions.
Invited in12_723.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Anders Sjostrom, Lund University; Juan Negreira Montero, Lund University;
Delphine Bard, Lund Universitet
14:20 725 The sound transmission of nite ribbed plates using a variational technique
Invited in12_725.pdf
Author: Jonas Brunskog, Technical University of Denmark
14:40 751 Design principles of small multi storey wooden houses
Invited in12_751.pdf
Authors: Klas Hagberg, SP Tratek; Delphine Bard, Lund University
15:40 973 Ariborne sound insulation at low frequencies
Contributed in12_973.pdf
Authors: Cyrille Demanet, Siniat; Geert Houvenaghel, Siniat
16:00 1071 Continued research on achieving acoustical code requirements in lightweight multi-
family dwellings
Invited in12_1071.pdf
Author: Jeffrey E. Babich, Babich Acoustics
Monday, August 20, 2012
16:20 1101 Classication and effect of oor treatment on wood frame construction
Invited in12_1101.pdf
Authors: Berndt Zeitler, National Research Council Canada; Stefan Schoenwald,
National Research Council Canada; Frances King, National Research Council Canada;
16:40 1146 In situ acoustic performances of wood structural panels and evaluation of anking
Contributed in12_1146.pdf
Authors: Giovanni Semprini, University of Bologna; Luca Barbaresi, DIENCA University
of Bologna
Inverse Approaches in Vibro-Acoustics: 13.07 Identication Methods for Vibroacoustics Room: Lyceum/Carnegie
Session Chairs: Charles Pezerat, Antonio Concilio
10:00 159 Modeling hysteretic friction of viscoelastic components and parameters identication
Contributed in12_159.pdf
Authors: Hanen Jrad, LISMMA; Jean Luc Dion, SUPMECA- LISMMA - EA2336; Franck
Renaud, SUPMECA- LISMMA - EA2336; Imad Tawq, SUPMECA- LISMMA - EA2336;
MohamedHaddar, ENIS- U2MP - 03/UR/11-06
10:20 215 Application of the transmissibility concept to acoustic array measurements
Invited in12_215.pdf
Author: Quentin Leclere, INSA-Lyon; Celine Sandier, LVA, INSA-Lyon
10:40 387 Boundary condition identication using spatial discrete differentiation with
Invited in12_387.pdf
Authors: Simon Chesne, Lyon University; Catherine Chochol, Lyon University, CNRS
INSA-Lyon, LaMCoS; Didier Remond, Lyon University, CNRS INSA-Lyon, LaMCoS
11:00 490 Describing functions for the inverse temperature image reconstruction using sound
Contributed in12_490.pdf
Authors: Tae-Kyoon Kim, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology; Jeong-
Guon Ih, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
11:20 502 How an inverse vibration method can be used for the extraction of the acoustic
component of a turbulent boundary layer
Invited in12_502.pdf
Authors: Damien Lecoq, Laboratoire dAcoustique de lUniversite Maine; Charles
Pezerat, LAUM (Laboratoire dAcoustique de lUniversit); Jean-Hugh Thomas,
LAUM (Laboratoire dAcoustique de lUniversit); Wenping Bi, LAUM (Laboratoire
dAcoustique de lUniversit)
11:40 548 Identication of non self-adjoint systems: taking advantage of a MIMO strategy
Invited in12_548.pdf
Authors: Morvan Ouisse, FEMTO-ST Institute; Emmanuel Foltete, FEMTO-ST
Department of Applied Mechanics
13:20 729 Numerical investigations on modal microsliding dissipations in built-up structures
Contributed in12_729.pdf
Authors: Hugo Festjens, LISMMA-SUPMECA; Gael Chevallier, LISMMA-SUPMECA;
Monday, August 20, 2012
13:40 1188 On the effect of mechanical excitation position on panel loss factor estimation with
the power input method
Contributed in12_1188.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Himanshu A. Dande, University of Kansas; Mark S. Ewing, University of
14:00 1307 Air-borne sound source characterisation by plane surface harmonics
Invited in12_1307.pdf
Author: Goran Pavic, INSA Lyon
Old Meets New: 18.01 Student Presentations of Seminal Papers in the
Field of Noise Control Engineering Room: Lyceum/Carnegie
Session Chairs: Steve Sorenson, Stuart Bolton, Patricia Davies
14:20 Overview of Leo Beranek
Contributed presentation only
Author: Zhao Peng, University of Nebraska
14:40 Overview of Beranek, L.Ls 1947 paper on Airplane Quieting II - Specication of
Acceptable Noise Levels,
Contributed presentation only
Authors: Rajavel BALAGURU, Stevens Institute of Technology; Prasad Marehalli,
Stevens Institute of Technology
15:00 Loudness, Its Denition, Measurement and Calculation
Contributed presentation only
Author: Jennifer Francis, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
15:40 Overview of Beranek & Work
Contributed presentation only
Author: Ryan Schultz, Purdue University
16:00 Overview of Hunt, Beranek and Maa
Contributed presentation only
Author: Michael Hayward, Ray W. Herrick Laboratories, Purdue University
16:20 Revised criteria for noise in buildings
Contributed presentation only
Author: Andrew Hathaway, University of Nebraska
16:40 Overview of Beranek\s 1947 paper on Airplane Quieting II-Specication of Acceptable
Noise Levels
Contributed presentation only
Author: Thu Lan Nguyen, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto
Monday, August 20, 2012
Psychoacoustic Aspects in Noise Evaluation: 21.02 Memorial Session for Rhona Hellman Room: Alvin/Edison
Session Chairs: Patricia Davies, Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp, Sonoko Kuwano, Mary Florentine
10:00 341 Loudness level and Rhona Hellman
Invited in12_341.pdf
Authors: Sonoko Kuwano, Osaka University; Seiichiro Namba, Osaka University; Tohru
Kato, Otemon Gakuin University
10:20 416 Insights gained from Rhona Hellman\s loudness functions for individual listeners
Invited in12_416.pdf
Authors: Mary Florentine, Northeastern Univeristy; Michael Epstein
10:40 547 Studying equal loudness level contours with Rhona Hellman
Invited in12_547.pdf
Authors: Yoiti Suzuki, Tohoku University; Toshio Sone, Research Institute of Electrical
Communication, Tohoku University
11:00 884 The importance of psychoacoustics in the USA - A personal view
Invited in12_884.pdf
Authors: Klaus Genuit, HEAD acoustics GmbH; Andre Fiebig, HEAD acoustics GmbH
11:20 Honoring Rhona Hellman: Predicting psychometric functions for detecting an intensity
increment added to a continuous or gated pedestal
Invited Authors: Huanping Dai, Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing
Sciences, University of Arizona; Breanna Reed, Department of Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences, University of Arizona
11:40 1334 Rhona Hellmand and the Munich School of Psychoacoustics
Invited in12_1334.pdf
Author: Hugo Fastl, TU Muenchen
13:20 1536 Rhona Hellmans work and impact from a Boston perspective
Invited in12_1536.pdf
Author: Steven Colburn, Boston University
Psychoacoustic Aspects in Noise Evaluation: 21.03 Perceptions and Effects of Noise Room: Alvin/Edison
Session Chairs: Wade Bray,Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp, Detlef Krah
13:40 304 Wind turbine noise perception, pathways and effects: A case study
Contributed in12_304.pdf
Authors: Carmen M.E. Krogh, Self; Roy D. Jeffery, Independent; Jeff Aramini, President
and Chief Executive Ofcer Intelligent Health Solutions; Brett Horner, Independent
14:00 305 Questionnaire survey on vehicle horn use in urban areas of Japan
Contributed in12_305.pdf
Authors: Masayuki Takada, Kyushu University; Honatsu Murasato, School of Design,
Kyushu University; Shin-ichiro Iwamiya, Faculty of Design, Kyushu University
14:20 602 Perception-based protection from low-frequency sounds may not be enough
Invited in12_602.pdf
Author: Alecd N. Salt, Washington University Medical School
Monday, August 20, 2012
14:40 807 Evaluation of the effect of rhythmical sound on compatibility by using physiological
Contributed in12_807.pdf
Authors: Masao Yamaguchi, Chuo University; Masaki Moritani, Chuo University;
Kazuto Hanawa, Chuo University; Wan-Ho Cho, Chuo University; TakeshiToi, Chuo
15:00 1051 Study of directionality impacts on temporal loudness perception and calculation
Contributed in12_1051.pdf
Authors: Jeremy Charbonneau, University of Windsor; Colin Novak, University of
Windsor; Helen Ule, University of Windsor; Robert Gaspar, University of Windsor
15:40 1451 Numerical simulation of infrasound perception, with reference to prior reported
laboratory effects
Invited in12_1451.pdf
Author: M.A. Swinbanks, MAS Research Ltd;
16:00 1530 A study on the construction of the sound quality index of the drum washing machine
based on characteristics of noise sources
Contributed in12_1530.pdf
Authors: Jin-Su Kim, Hanyang University; Ji-Hyun Yoon, Hanyang University Graduate
School of Mechanical Engineering; In-Hyung Yang, Hanyang University Graduate
School of Mechanical Engineering; Jae-Eun Jung, Hanyang University Graduate
School of Mechanical Engineering; Jae-EungOh, Hanyang University Graduate School
of Mechanical Engineering
Information Technology Noise: 6.01 IT Equipment:
General Noise Issues, Noise Standards, Noise Control & Perception Room: Booth
Session Chairs: AM: Marco Beltman, Ikuo Kimizuka; PM: Marco Beltman, Gaku Minorakawa
10:00 92 Developing a standard test method for in situ measurements of the noise reduction
potential of Quiet Rack enclosures
Contributed in12_92.pdf
Authors: Peter Jackson, American Acoustical Products; Bob Alexander,
10:20 425 RotoSub The self silencing fan technology
Contributed in12_425.pdf
Authors: Lars Stromback, RotoSub AB; Marten Oretorp
10:40 454 Updates to ISO 3744 and ISO 11201 and the implicatations for measurement of noise
emissions of IT equipment in accordance with ISO 7779
Invited in12_454.pdf
Authors: Jeff G. Schmitt, ViAcoustics; Michael C. Black, ETS-Lindgren; Brian Stahnke
11:00 578 A comparison of loudness metrics for acoustic noise from information technology
Contributed in12_578.pdf
Author: Willem M. Beltman, Intel
11:20 610 Numerical and experimental acoustic analysis of small scale notebook radial blower
Contributed in12_610.pdf
Authors: Jessica Gullbrand, Intel Corporation; Willem M. Beltman, Intel Corporation
Monday, August 20, 2012
13:20 658 Study on mechanical design aiming at improvement of sound quality - Inuence of
structure around loudspeaker on sound quality
Contributed in12_658.pdf
Authors: Kobi Seki, Hosei University; Gaku Minorikawa, Hosei university; Shinya
Hasegawa, Hosei university
13:40 659 Subjective evaluation for judgement of abnormal sound in stepping motor
Contributed in12_659.pdf
Authors: Keisuke Inagaki, Hosei University; Gaku Minorikawa, Hosei university; Yohei
Hayashi, Hosei university
14:00 1123 Increasing fan efciency to reduce acoustic noise in IT servers
Invited in12_1123.pdf
Authors: Howard Harrison, Distributed Thermal Systems Ltd.; Marlin Vogel, Juniper
Networks Inc.; Peter Kimmett, ebm-papst Inc.
14:20 1285 A shaped noise le representative of speech
Contributed in12_1285.pdf
Author: Eric Baugh, Intel Corporation
14:40 1329 Considerations for adequacy of qualication method of HAC inverse-square law
characteristics - JBMIA SWQ3 prospectus and view
Invited in12_1329.pdf
Authors: Ikuo Kimizuka, IBM Japan, Ltd.; Kohei Shimoda, Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd., FXICC
Test Laboratory
Railway Noise and Vibration: 19.02 High Speed Train Noise Room: Booth
Session Chairs: Steven Wolf, Jason Ross
14:40 97 Visualizing noise sources on KTX high speed trains
Contributed in12_97.pdf
Authors: Michael Denton, National Instruments; Kurt Veggeberg, National Instruments;
Youngkey K. Kim
16:00 842 High speed solutions for the San Jose to Merced section of the California high-speed
rail project
Contributed in12_842.pdf
Author: Martin R. Meyer, Parsons Transportation Group
16:20 1201 Evaluation of the effect of high-speed train noise source heights on the effectiveness
of wayside noise barriers and their heights
Invited in12_1201.pdf
Authors: Silas J. Bensing, Wilson, Ihrig & Associates; Richard A. Carman, Wilson, Ihrig
& Associates
16:40 1352 Aeroacoustic noise generation and transmission modeling for a high-speed train
drivers cab
Contributed in12_1352.pdf
Authors: Karl-Richard Kirchner, Bombardier Transportation; Fabian Braennstroem,
Bombardier Transportation; Ulf Orrenius, Bombardier Transportation; Raphael Hallez,
Monday, August 20, 2012
Measurement and Signal Processing Techniques:
12.08 Acoustic Metrology, Measurement Techniques and Case Studies Room: Music Box/Winter Garden
Session Chairs: AM: Salvador Barrera Figueroa, Joachim Scheuren;
PM: Salvador Barrera Figueroa, Andrew Barnard, Kirill Horoshenkov
10:00 139 An automatic method to detect defaults in the measurement chain of a sound level
meter used for unattended noise measurements
Contributed in12_139.pdf
Authors: Daniel Vaucher de la Croix, ACOEM; Erik Aalo, ACOEM
10:20 314 Heat conduction correction in reciprocity calibration of laboratory standard
Invited in12_314.pdf
Author: Erling Sandermann Olsen, Bruel and Kjaer
10:40 433 Implementation of a diffuse-eld microphone calibration system
Invited in12_433.pdf
Author: Richard J. Jackett, National Physical Laboratory
11:00 588 Methods for determining the free-eld sensitivity of 1/2-inch working standard
microphones by subsitution
Contributed in12_588.pdf
Author: Dominique Rodrigues, LNE; Jean-Noel Durocher, LNE
11:20 904 Appropriate parameter choice for calibration of microphones and sound level meters
with swept sines
Invited in12_904.pdf
Authors: Zemar M. Delippo Soares, INMETRO; Swen Muller, INMETRO
13:20 1097 Experimental study of the effect of temperature and humidity on sound absorption
measurements made according to ASTM C423
Contributed in12_1097.pdf
Author: Steve Sorenson, E-A-R Thermal Acoustic Systems
13:40 1354 A practical implementation of microphone free-eld comparison calibration according
to the standard IEC 61094-8
Contributed in12_1354.pdf
Authors: Salvador Barrera-Figueroa, Danish Fundamental Metrology A/S; Antoni
Torras-Rosell, Danish Fundamental Metrology A/S; Knud Rasmussen, Danish
Fundamental Metrology A/S; Finn Jacobsen, Acoustic Technology, Department of
Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark; VicenteCutanda-Henriquez,
Institute of Technology and Innovation, University of Southern Denmark
14:00 308 Test and calibration of reference sound sources
Invited in12_308.pdf
Author: Ole-Herman Bjor, Norsonic AS; Svein Arne Nordby, Norsonic AS
14:20 534 The laser pistonphone with low distortion: A reference infrasound source of NIM
Invited in12_534.pdf
Authors: Longbiao He, National Institute of Metrology; Ping Yang, National Institute of
Metrology,China; Junhui Qin, Beijing University of Chemical Technology; Haijiang Zhu,
Beijing University of Chemical Technology
Monday, August 20, 2012
14:40 907 Calibration of microphones in the infrasonic frequencies
Invited in12_907.pdf
Authors: Dr. Zemar M. Delippo Soares, INMETRO; Swen Muller, INMETRO
15:20 919 Measuring noise emission from ries - Microphones at the ground or elevated 1.5 m?
Contributed in12_919.pdf
Authors: Morten Huseby, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment
15:40 966 Enhanced techniques for automatic calibration of outdoor microphones by
electrostatic actuator
Contributed in12_966.pdf
Authors: Richard A. Wright, Cirrus Research plc; Guillaume I. Goulamhoussen, Cirrus
Research plc; Ali Imtiaz, Cirrus Research plc
16:00 1115 Using large database management systems for noise analyses
Contributed in12_1115.pdf
Author: Elliot B. Dick, HDR Engineering
Noise Policy Development, Education, Economics and Implementation:
16.04 Noise Policies Integrated in Other Policy Domains Room: Palace
Session Chairs: Wim van Keulen, Henk Wolfert
10:00 238 MODUS & DESA city asphalt, combining noise reduction, durability & sustainability
Invited in12_238.pdf
Author: Hendro Subroto, IBU Stadsingenieurs
10:20 559 Quest for more durability of low-noise pavements: More than technology alone
Invited in12_559.pdf
Author: Willem van Keulen, Vankeulen Advies
10:40 603 The correlation between texture and noise: Practical case
Contributed in12_603.pdf
Authors: Wim van Keulen, Vankeulen advies; Martin Wennink, SurfaceCracks; Marius
Nagelhout, SurfaceCracks; Thijs van Hoof, Versluys & Zoon; PaulLanda, AKC
11:00 830 Spanish law affects the spatial and urban planning
Invited in12_830.pdf
Authors: Itziar Aspuru, Tecnalia Research & Innovation; Igone Garcia, Tecnalia Research
& Innovation; Pilar Fernandez, Tecnalia Research & Innovation
11:20 1294 Noise policy - Integration with climate and natural resource policies
Contributed in12_1294.pdf
Author: Tor Kihlman, Chalmers University of Technoloy
11:40 1362 Policy requires durable low-noise pavements for heavy trafc in the city of Rotterdam
Invited in12_1362.pdf
Author: Wim van Keulen, Vankeulen advies; Gert Put, DCMR
Monday, August 20, 2012
Noise Policy Development, Education, Economics and Implementation:
16.05 Economics of Noise for Sustainability Room: Palace
Session Chairs: Abigail Bristlow, Cecilia Rocha
13:20 220 Integrating noise impacts in UK decision making
Invited in12_220.pdf
Authors: Roald Dickens, Department for the Environment Food and Rural Affairs
13:40 296 An experimental study of attitudes towards aircraft noise and other environmental
externalities at Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport
Contributed in12_296.pdf
Authors: Narudh Cheramakara, Loughborough University; Abigail L. Bristow,
Loughborough University; Lucy C.S. Budd, Loughborough University
14:00 537 The value of access to quiet areas relative to other local environmental factors
Invited in12_537.pdf
Authors: Abigail L. Bristow, Loughborough University; Mark Wardman, University of
Leeds; Jeremy D. Shires, University of Leeds; V. Phani K. Chintakayala, University of
Leeds; JohnNellthorp, University of Leeds
14:20 908 Investigating the relationship between aircraft marginal noise social cost and airport
trafc - An empirical analysis of Taiwanese airports
Invited in12_1359.pdf
Author: Cherie Lu, Chang Jung Christian University
14:40 1269 The price of the Portuguese noise policy
Invited in12_1269.pdf
Author: Cecilia Rocha, FEUP - Citta
15:00 1460 Cost-benet analysis of noise reduction approaches in four highways of Lima, Peru
Contributed in12_1460.pdf
Author: Alexis Campos Enriquez, Ingenier edel Pacico IDP
Aircraft and Space System Noise & Vibration:
2.05 Aircraft Interior Noise - applications, strategies and test Room: Palace
Session Chairs: Pascale Neple, Jeff Weisbeck
15:40 539 Vibration reduction options for aircraft oors
Invited in12_539.pdf
Authors: Marcelo A. Bustamante, Federal University of Santa Catarina; Samir N. Y.
Gerges, Enidine Inc; Julio A. Cordioli, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Department
Mechanical Engineering, Vibration and Acoustic Laboratory.; Gregorio G. Azevedo,
Federal University of Santa Catarina, Department Mechanical Engineering, Vibration
and Acoustic Laboratory.; Jeffrey N.Weisbeck, Federal University of Santa Catarina,
Department Mechanical Engineering, Vibration and Acoustic Laboratory
16:00 758 Effect of mechanical links on the transmission loss of lightweight double-walls under
diffuse acoustic eld: Measurements and SEA
Contributed in12_758.pdf
Authors: Bruno Campolina, Airbus Operations SAS; Noureddine Atalla, Universit;
Nicolas Dauchez, Supm; Pascale Neple, Airbus Operations SAS
Monday, August 20, 2012
16:20 934 The effect of isolator mount selection on noise transmission through typical aircraft
fuselage-trim structures
Invited in12_934.pdf
Authors: Andrew Wareing, Bombardier Aerospace; Jeff Weisbeck, ITT Enidine; Gary
Burns, Bombardier Aersospace
16:40 1106 Structureborne noise attenuation using strut integrated isolators
Contributed in12_1106.pdf
Authors: Ryan M. Evans, ITT Enidine Inc.; Mark J. Ott, ITT Enidine Inc.
Noise Control Products: 14.04 Manufacturer Noise Control Materials and Case Studies Room: Uris/Plymouth
Session Chairs: Steve Roth, Christopher Griffen
10:00 1390 A SoundSense patented acoustic mufer to eliminate acoustic leakage from recessed
lights and other openings in a ceiling or wall
Contributed in12_1390.pdf
Authors: Bonnie Schnitta, SoundSense; Greg Enenstein, SoundSense LLC
10:20 1014 Introduction of Kinetics Noise Control IsoMax UniBrace for building noise control
Invited in12_1014.pdf
Author: Matthew V. Golden, Kinetics Noise Control
10:40 167 In healthcare the ceilings are not enough
Invited in12_167.pdf
Authors: Amy Sparks, SoundTech Interior Wall Products; Chuck Hogan
11:00 1541 Kicking vibration isolation to the curb
Invited in12_1541.pdf
Author: Sami Elkhazin, Vibro-Acoustics
11:20 981 Cross reference of urethane foam physical properties to acoustic performance
Contributed in12_981.pdf
Authors: Frank Angione, University of Windsor; Colin Novak, University of Windsor;
Helen Ule, University of Windsor
11:40 992 OpenMat - An open XML-database for acoustical properties of materials and objects
Contributed in12_992.pdf
Authors: Alexander Pohl, HafenCity University; Stefan Drechsler, Centre for
Quantiable Quality of Service in Communication Systems, NTNU Trondheim, Norway;
Uwe Stephenson, HafenCity University Hamburg, Germany; Dirk Schroder, Centre for
Quantiable Quality of Service in Communication Systems, NTNU Trondheim, Norway;
PeterSvensson, Institute of Technical Acoustics, RWTH Aachen University, Germany;
Michael Vorlander, HafenCity University Hamburg, Germany
13:20 905 Experimental estimation of viscoelastic properties of a multilayer damped plate in
broad-band frequency range
Contributed in12_905.pdf
Authors: Kerem Ege, INSA-Lyon; Thibault Boncompagne, GMPPA, INSA-Lyon; Bernard
Laulagnet, Laboratoire Vibrations Acoustique (LVA), INSA-Lyon; Jean-Louis Guyader,
Laboratoire Vibrations Acoustique (LVA), INSA-Lyon
Monday, August 20, 2012
13:40 961 Characterization of constrained viscoelastic materials through a FE model updating
using genetic algorithms
Contributed in12_961.pdf
Authors: Giovanni Bratti, Federal University of Santa Catarina; Augusto Amador
Medeiros, Federal University of Santa Catarina; Murilo Ferreira Santos, Federal
University of Santa Catarina; Julio Apolinario Cordioli, Federal University of Santa
Catarina; ArcanjoLenzi, Federal University of Santa Catarina; Francisco Keller Klug,
EMBRAER - Empresa Brasileira de Aeron; Sideto Futatsugi, EMBRAER - Empresa
Brasileira de Aeron
14:00 173 A generalized formulation of vibration isolation by frequency and temperature
sensitive elastomers
Contributed in12_173.doc
Author: Giora Rosenhouse, Israel Institute of Technology
Noise Control Products: 14.02 Phononic Crystals and Acoustic Metamaterials/
Nano Materials (joint INCE / ASME NCAD) Room: Uris/Plymouth
Session Chairs: Liang-Wu Cai, Andrew Barnard
14:20 667 Dispersion of cardon nanotubes within polyurethane foams and its effects on acoustic
Invited in12_667.pdf
Authors: Andrew M. Willemsen, Michigan Technological University; Mohan D. Rao,
Michigan Technological University, Department of Mechanical Engineering-Engineering
14:40 847 Background and development of a high-powered carbon nanotube thin-lm
Contributed in12_847.pdf
Authors: Andrew R. Barnard, Penn State University; Timothy A. Brungart, Penn State
University, Applied Research Laboratory; Timothy E. McDevitt, Penn State University,
Applied Research Laboratory; David M. Jenkins, Penn State University, Applied
Research Laboratory; Richard I.Scott, Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate
15:00 1556 Investigating the acoustic characteristics of carbon nanotube buckypaper
Contributed in12_1556.pdf
Authors: Eoin A. King, Trinity College Dublin; Shane D. Bergin, Imperial College
London; Rory Storey, Trinity College Dublin
15:40 556 Smart metacomposites for semi-active control of sound radiation
Contributed in12_556.pdf
Authors: Manuel Collet, FEMTO-ST; Morvan Ouisse, FEMTO-ST Department of Applied
Mechanics; Morvan Ischchou, LTDS Ecole Centrale de Lyon; Roger Ohayon, LMSSC
16:00 1007 Sound absorption using poro-elastic acoustic meta materials
Contributed in12_1007.pdf
Authors: Chris Fuller, Virginia Tech; Tom-Davy Saux, Virginia Tech
16:20 1277 Sound manipulation with acoustic metamaterials
Contributed in12_1277.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Lucian Zigoneanu, Duke University; Bogdan-Ioan Popa, ECE Department,
Duke University; Steven A. Cummer, ECE Department, Duke University
Monday, August 20, 2012
16:40 1365 Active elastic metamaterials with applications in vibration and acoustics
Contributed in12_1365.pdf
Authors: Simon A. Pope, University of Shefeld; Hatim Laalej, Department of
Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, University of Shefeld; Steve Daley,
Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton; Matthew
Reynolds, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton
Noise Policy Development, Education, Economics and Implementation:
16.06 Airport Noise Policy Room: Royale
Session Chairs: Larry Finegold, Henk Veerbeek
10:00 1359 Development of airport environmental policies - Focusing on noise issues for
Taiwanese airports
Invited in12_1359.pdf
Author: Cherie Lu, Chang Jung Christian University
10:20 184 Aircraft noise assessment and monitoring of ight routes in Germany
Contributed in12_184.pdf
Authors: Thomas Myck, Federal Environment Agency; Berthold Vogelsang, Ministry for
Climate Protection and Environment of Lower Saxony
10:40 509 Noise management takes two to tango
Invited in12_509.pdf
Authors: Lea Bodossian, Airport Regions Conference; Joachim Wempe
11:00 698 Strategy for development of airport noise enforcement models
Contributed in12_698.pdf
Authors: Roalt Aalmoes, Dutch National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR); Dick Bergmans,
Dutch National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR); Annette Kruger-Dokter, Dutch National
Aerospace Laboratory (NLR)
11:20 793 Relation between worry about and annoyance from air transport
Invited in12_793.pdf
Authors: Frits van den Berg, GGD Amsterdam Public Health Service; Claudia Verhagen,
GGD Amsterdam Public Health Service
11:40 1320 Airport noise policy, but based on which data?
Invited in12_1320.pdf
Author: eith Adams, Lochard/B&K EMS
13:20 1371 Airport community noise models: Verication of critical information
Invited in12_1371.pdf
Author: Wayne R. Lundberg, US Air Force
13:40 1384 Mitigating aircraft noise impacts on communities
Invited in12_1384.pdf
Author: Ambrose W. Clay, City of College Park, GA
14:00 1407 Study on land use planning with improved noise compatibility around airelds
Invited in12_1407.pdf
Authors: Ichiro Yamada, Airport Environment Improvement Foundation; Naoaki
Sinohara, Narita International Airport Promotion Foundation; Makoto Morinaga,
Defense Facilities Environment Improvement; Sonoko Kuwano, Osaka Univeristy
Monday, August 20, 2012
14:20 142 The Implementation of the ICAO balanced approach at Bucharest Airports National
Company; A gap analysis and recommendations
Invited in12_142.pdf
Authors: Vlad Martian, Bucherest Airports; Delia Dimitriu, Centre for Air Transport
and the Environment, Faculty of Science and Engineering; Mihaiela Creju, COMOTI
National Research and Development Institute for Gas Turbines
Noise Policy Development, Education, Economics and Implementation:
16.07 Approaches to Encourage People to Low Noise Behavior Room: Royale
Session Chairs: Stephan Paul, Irene Schlachter
14:40 1002 The concept of Tag gege Larm - International noise awareness day in Germany
Invited in12_1002.pdf
Authors: Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp, Technische Universitat Berlin
15:00 1274 What makes car users adopt an environmentally friendly driving style?
Invited in12_1274.pdf
Authors: Ruth Kaufmann-Hayoz, University of Bern; Lisa Lauper, Interdisciplinary
Centre for General Ecology, University of Bern, Switzerland; Maja Fischer,
Interdisciplinary Centre for General Ecology, University of Bern, Switzerland;
Stephanie Moser, Interdisciplinary Centre for General Ecology, University of Bern,
Switzerland; IreneSchlachter, Federal Ofce for the Environment, Bern, Switzerland;
Tommaso Meloni, Federal Ofce for the Environment, Bern, Switzerland
15:20 1306 Reducing road trafc noise - How to design effective individual-based interventions
Invited in12_1306.pdf
Authors: Irene Schlachter, Federal Ofce for the Environment FOEN; Tommaso
Meloni, University of Berne, Interdisciplinary Center for General Ecology; Stephanie
Moser, University of Berne, Interdisciplinary Center for General Ecology; Lisa Lauper,
University of Berne, Interdisciplinary Center for General Ecology; MajaFischer,
University of Berne, Interdisciplinary Center for General Ecology; Ruth Kaufmann-
Hayoz, Federal ofce for the environment FOEN, Noise abatement division
15:40 1313 Using a website, social media and microblogs to encourage people to low noise
Invited in12_1313.pdf
Authors: William D. Fonseca, Federal University of Santa Catarina; Stephan Paul, Dept.
of Acoustical Eng., Fed. University of Santa Maria
16:00 1297 Celebrating the noise awareness day in Chile - Impacts and future developments
Invited in12_1297.pdf
Authors: Igor Valdebenito, Ministry of Environment
16:20 1427 Educational activities to increase noise awareness between children and young adults
- Examples from Brazils Santa Catarina state
Invited in12_1427.pdf
Authors: Aline Gomes de Franca, County Health Department; Simone Mariotto Roggia,
Federal University of Santa Catarina; Stephan Paul, Federal University of Santa Maria
Monday, August 20, 2012
Architectural Noise / Building Acoustics: 3.13 Room acoustics:
Fundamental Research and Practical Applications Room: Broadway North
Session Chairs: AM: Ning Xiang , Lauri Savioja; PM:Ning Xiang , Yang-Hann Kim, Beiek Temel
10:00 105 Measurement of directional distribution of incident acoustic energy on the boundary
of a closed space by closely located 4-point microphone
Invited in12_105.pdf
Authors: Ruilin Mu, Kyoto University; Daiji Takahashi, Faculty of Environmental
and Urban Engineering, Kansai University; Masahiro Toyoda, Graduate School of
Engineering, Kyoto University
10:20 213 The state of the art in measurement and characterization of the absorption, diffusion
and scattering coefcients
Invited in12_213.pdf
Author: Peter DAntonio, RPG Diffusor Systems, Inc.
10:40 272 An experimental analysis of the relationship between reverberant acoustic intensity
and energy density inside long rooms
Invited in12_272.pdf
Author: Chiara Visentin, Universita degli Studi di Ferrara; Nicola Prodi, Dipartimento
di Ingegneria, Universita degli Studi di Ferrara; Vincent Valeau, Institut PPRIME, CNRS-
Universit; Judica Picaut, LUNAM University, IFSTTAR, IM, EASE
11:00 309 Acoustical planning inside rooms - The principle of CadnaR
Contributed in12_309.pdf
Author: Fabian Probst, DataKustik GmbH
11:20 349 Energy- and wave-based beam-tracing prediction of room-acoustical parameters using
different boundary conditions
Invited in12_349.pdf
Authors: Murray Hodgson, U. British Columbia; Behrooz Yousefzadeh, U. British
11:40 353 Measuring reverberation time using preprocessed energy detection
Invited in12_353.pdf
Authors: Dario DOrazio, University of Bologna; Simon De Cesaris, University of
Bologna; Massimo Garai, University of Bologna
13:20 491 A modied approach to the backward integration leading to an increase in decay curve
dynamic range
Invited in12_491.pdf
Author: Dejan Ciric, University of Nis
13:40 500 Scattered sound eld above a grating of rectangular cavities
Contributed in12_500.pdf
Authors: Abel Khanr, Institut National de Recherche et Securite; Abil Faiz, Laboratoire
dEn; Joel Ducourneau, Laboratoire dEn; Jacques Chatillon, Institut National de
Recherche et S
14:00 585 Cepstral deconvolution method for measurement of absorption and scattering
coefcients of materials
Invited in12_585.pdf
Authors: Mehmet Caliskan, Middle East Technical University; Gokhan Aslan, Middle
East Technical University
Monday, August 20, 2012
14:20 607 Bayesian room-acoustic modal analysis
Contributed in12_607.pdf
Authors: Wesley Henderson, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Jonathan Botts,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Ning Xiang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
14:40 733 A combination of the acoustical radiosity and the image source method
Invited in12_733.pdf
Authors: Georgios I. Koutsouris, Technical University of Denmark; Jonas Brunskog,
Acoustic Technology, DTU Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark;
Cheol-Ho Jeong, Acoustic Technology, DTU Electrical Engineering, Technical University
of Denmark; Finn Jacobsen, Acoustic Technology, DTU Electrical Engineering, Technical
University of Denmark
15:00 371 Multi-dimensional analyses of large vineyard halls
Invited in12_371.pdf
Authors: PWei-Hwa Chiang, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology;
Hui-Ping Wu, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology; Bing-Jie Chiu,
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology; Wei Lin, Hwa-Hsia Institute of
City Noise: 8.06 Quiet Zones in Cities Room: Broadway North
Session Chairs: Klaus Genuit, Sharon Paul Carpenter
15:40 503 Embedded parks in Quiet Zones
Invited in12_503.pdf
Authors: Staffan Algers, Royal Inst. of Technology; Markus Petz, ACCON
16:00 783 Quiet zones and trafc policy in Amsterdam
Invited in12_783.pdf
Author: Frits van den Berg, GGD Amsterdam Public Health Service
16:20 789 Evaluation of quiet zones in Sweden
Contributed in12_789.pdf
Authors: Daniel Soderstrom, Tyrens AB; Nils-Ake Nilsson, Tyrens AB
16:40 869 Development of a low noise road surface for inner city areas
Contributed in12_869.pdf
Author: Martin Hojer, Tyrens AB
Community / Environmental Noise: 7.03 Environmental Noise Management and Mapping Room: Broadway South
Session Chairs: AM: Doug Manvell, Nicholas P. Miller; PM: Nicholas P. Miller , George Maling
10:00 226 Remote vibration monitoring during construction
Invited in12_226.pdf
Authors: Rob Greene, Parsons Brinckerhoff
10:20 285 Similarities and differences between noise and vibration monitoring
Invited in12_285.pdf
Authors: Douglas Manvell, Bruel and Kjaer; Jan Hansen, Bruel & Kjaer; Greg Bracci,
Bruel & Kjaer
10:40 1395 Design and benets of community sound monitoring
Invited in12_1395.pdf
Author: James D. Barnes, Acentech Inc
Monday, August 20, 2012
11:00 148 Approaches and benets of system wide noise reduction on rail transit systems
Invited in12_148.pdf
Author: Hugh Saurenman, ATS Consulting
11:20 958 Effects of source data and derivation method on statistical noise levels (LN)
Contributed in12_958.pdf
Author: Guillaume I. Goulamhoussen, Cirrus Research plc; Richard A. Wright, Cirrus
Research plc
11:40 1059 Round robin tests on environmental noise
Contributed in12_1059.pdf
Author: Jens Elgaard Laursen, DELTA Acoustics
13:20 310 Reected sound in street canyons - Diffuse or specular?
Contributed in12_310.pdf
Author: Wolfgang Probst, DataKustik GmbH
13:40 527 Strategic noise mapping in Ireland (Phase Two): Implementation of lessons learned
from the rst phase
Contributed in12_527.pdf
Author: Eion A. King, Trinity College Dublin
14:00 521 IT tools for supporting administrators of strategic noise maps
Contributed in12_521.pdf
Authors: Marcin Dabrowske, Silesian University of Technology; Artur Kuboszek,
Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Organization and Management, Institute
of Production Engineering
14:20 617 Trafc management strategy to reduce environmental noise in cities based on the
application of ITS
Contributed in12_617.pdf
Authors: Jose Luis Cueto, University of Cadiz; Francisco Fernandez, SINCOSUR
Ingenieria Sostenible S.L.; Ricardo Hernandez, SINCOSUR Ingenieria Sostenible S.L;
Fernando Lopez, University of Cadiz; LolaLorente, University of Cadiz; David Carretero,
SINCOSUR Ingenieria Sostenible S.L.
14:40 1533 The use of continuous noise monitoring system as a validation method for strategic
noise map prepared for the city of Gdansk in Poland
Contributed in12_1533.pdf
Authors: Piotr Mioduszewski, Technical University of Gdansk; Stanislaw Taryma, GS
Hydro Sp. z o.o., Gdynia, Poland; Daniel Karpinski, City Hall of Gdansk, Department
of Environment, Gdansk, Poland; Jan Grabowski, Technical University of Gdansk,
Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Poland
15:00 318 Quantifying the ambient environment: Siting within the urban din
Contributed in12_318.pdf
Authors: Tim Wiens, Conestoga-Rovers & Associates; Gordon Reusing, Conestoga-
Rovers & Associates; Zachary Zehr, Conestoga-Rovers & Associates
15:20 1405 A geographical information system based trafc noise map production: Samsun
province example
Contributed in12_1405.pdf
Authors: Erdem Emin Maras, Ondokuz Mayis University; Zubeyde Alkis, Yildiz Technical
University; Hakan Hadi Maras, General Command of Mapping
Monday, August 20, 2012
15:40 1469 Estimation of outdoor sound elds using interpolation and geostatistical models
Contributed in12_1469.pdf
Authors: Edward T. Nykaza, ERDC-CERL; Michael J. White, ERDC-CERL; D. Keith Wilson,
ERDC-CRREL; Anthony A. Atchely, The Pennsylvania State University
16:00 1175 Addressing haul route noise in Ontario
Invited in12_1175.pdf
Authors: Nicholas Sylvestre-Williams, Aercoustics Engineering Ltd.
16:20 1312 Community noise assessment of a Flour Mill located at Quito, Ecuador
Contributed in12_1312.pdf
Authors: Guillermo Bolanos Rodriquez, Calle rio Pastaza; Daniel Nunez Solano,
Universidad de las Am
16:40 1037 Modeling the spectral directivity of guns
Contributed in12_1037.pdf
Authors: Michael J. White, US Army ERDC/CERL
Measurement and Signal Processing Techniques: 12.03 Signal Processing and Analysis Room: Gotham/Chelsea
Session Chairs: Andrew Barnard, Jason Kunio
10:00 156 Study on localization of infrasound waves radiated by natural events
Contributed in12_156.pdf
Authors: Jun Lu, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Yichun Yang, Institute of Acoustics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
10:20 326 Six noise type military sound classier
Contributed in12_326.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Christopher Michael Shelton, University of Pittsburgh; Jeffrey S. Vipperman,
University of Pittsburgh Mechanical Engineering And Material Science; Edward T.
Nykaza, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center; Dan Valente, US Army
Engineer Research and Development Center
10:40 462 Background noise reduction using Adaptive Noise Cancellation determined by the
Contributed in12_462.pdf
Authors: Taylor B. Spalt, Virginia Tech; Christopher R. Fuller, Vibration and Acoustics
Lab, Virginia Tech; Thomas F. Brooks, NASA Langley Research Center
11:00 808 Relationship between subjective and objective evaluation of noise-reduced speech
based on temporal uctuation of speech distortion
Contributed in12_808.pdf
Authors: Mitsunori Mizumachi, Kyushu Institute of Technology
11:20 1534 Coherent noise removal from dynamic wall pressure and vibration signals
Contributed in12_1534.pdf
Authors: William K. Bonness, The Pennsylvania State University; David M. Jenkins,
Applied Research Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University
Monday, August 20, 2012
Motor Vehicle Noise, Interior and Exterior:
4.15 Tire-pavement Noise Measurement Methods Room: Gotham/Chelsea
Session Chairs: Judy Rochat, Piotr Mioduszewski
13:20 653 Evaluation of on-board sound intensity measurement parameters using a tire noise
chassis dynamometer
Invited in12_653.pdf
Authors: Paul R. Donavan, Illingworth & Rodkin, Inc.; Dana M. Lodico, Lodico
Acoustics, LLC
13:40 611 Evaluation of on-board sound intensity measurement parameters through controlled
test track measurements and comparative testing between users on in-service
Invited in12_611.pdf
Authors: Dana M. Lodico, Lodico Acoustics, LLC; Paul Donavan, Illingworth & Rodkin,
14:00 1205 Improving wayside noise measurements on roadways and at test tracks using on-
board sound intensity
Invited in12_1205.pdf
Authors: Robert Otto Rasmussen, The Transtec Group, Inc.; Richard C. Sohaney, The
Transtec Group, Inc.; Paul R. Donavan, Illingworth & Rodkin, Inc.; Bruce C. Rymer,
California Department of Transportation
14:20 613 Overview and application of the Statistical Isolated Pass-By Method (SIP) for
determining the inuence of road surfaces on vehicle noise (AASHTO TP-98)
Invited in12_613.pdf
Authors: Dana M. Lodico, Lodico Acoustics, LLC; Judith L. Rochat, U.S. DOT/RITA/Volpe
Center; Paul Donavan, Illingworth & Rodkin, Inc.; Robert O. Rasmussen, The Transtec
Group, Inc.
14:40 1004 Overview and application of the Continuous-Flow Trafc Time-Integrated Method
(CTIM) for determining the inuence of road surfaces on trafc noise
Invited in12_1004.pdf
Authors: Judith L. Rochat, U.S. DOT; Dana Lodico, Lodico Acoustics LLC; Paul Donavan,
Illingworth & Rodkin, Inc.; Robert O. Rasmussen, The Transtec Group, Inc.
15:20 1010 Pavement sound absorption measurements in the U.S.
Invited in12_1010.pdf
Authors: Judith L. Rochat, U.S. DOT; Paul Donavan, Illingworth & Rodkin, Inc.; Andrew
Seybert, University of Kentucky; Tyler Dare, Purdue University
15:40 1254 Requirements and testing methods for ISO 10844:2011 test tracks
Invited in12_1254.pdf
Authors: Gijsjan van Blokland, M+P Consulting engineers; Wout Schwanen, M+P
Consulting engineers
16:00 1538 Comparison of CPX systems with round robin test
Invited in12_1538.pdf
Authors: Fred Reinink, M+P Consulting engineers; Gijsjan van Blokland, M+P
Consulting engineers; Foort de Roo, TNO Technical sciences; Gijam Derksen, TNO
Technical sciences
Monday, August 20, 2012
16:20 1462 Tire camber angle inuence on tire-pavement noise
Contributed in12_1462.pdf
Authors: Richard Wozniak, Gdansk University of Technology; Stanislaw Taryma, Gdansk
University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering; Piotr Mioduszewski,
Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Motor Vehicle Noise, Interior and Exterior: 4.01 Automotive NVH
general vehicle, subsystem and component topics Room: Hudson/Empire
Session Chairs: Steve Sorenson, Hether Fedullo, Adam Smith
10:00 90 Air induction NVH development using a hybrid CAE method and a practical test
Contributed in12_90.pdf
Authors: Weiguo Zhang, Chrysler Group LLC; Antoni Szatkowski, Chrysler Group LLC;
Mac Lynch, Chrysler Group LLC; Jeffrey Orzechowski, Chrysler Group LLC
10:20 115 Recovery of combustion pressure in compression ignition engine from vibration data
Contributed in12_115.pdf
Author: Richard H. Lyon, Self
10:40 1032 Noise measurement system analysis of medium duty diesel engines for vehicle
consistency and sound quality improvements
Invited in12_1032.pdf
Author: Dhanesh M. Purekar, Cummins Inc
11:00 1199 Noise at the mid to high ow range of a turbocharger compressor
Invited in12_1199.pdf
Authors: Neil Figurella, The Ohio State University; Rick Dehner, The Ohio State
University; Ahmet Selamet, The Ohio State University; Kevin Tallio, Ford Motor
Company; Keith Miazgowicz, Ford Motor Company; Robert Wade, Ford Motor
11:20 873 Structural dynamic characterization of an occupied vehicle seat
Contributed in12_873.pdf
Authors: Leon Lo, RMIT University; Mohammad Fard, RMIT University, Melbourne
Australia; Aleksandar Subic, RMIT University, Melbourne Australia; Reza Jazar, RMIT
University, Melbourne Australia
11:40 1154 Acoustic PVB interlayer lm laminated side door glass to enhance vehicle cabin
Contributed in12_1154.pdf
Authors: S. Kobata, Sekisui S-LEC America, LLC; , Sekisui S-LEC America, LLC; ,
Sekisui S-LEC America, LLC
13:20 1279 Identifying the factors and controlling measures for door chucking and rattle
Contributed in12_1279.PDF
Authors: Sachin Pewar, NVH Center of Excellence; Murali Bodla, Mahindra & Mahindra;
Rajesh Bhangale, Mahindra & Mahindra; Vishal Chaudhari, Mahindra & Mahindra;
MansinhKumbhar, Mahindra & Mahindra
13:40 415 Effect of visual and auditory stimulus on human response to whole body vibration
Contributed in12_415.pdf
Authors: Junya Tatsuno, Kinki University; Hitomi Nakamura, Graduate School of
Systems Engineering, Kinki University; Shin Takehara, Kinki University; Kenta
Tsuchiya, Kinki University; MakimoYonehara, Kinki University; Setsuo Maeda, Kinki
Monday, August 20, 2012
Architectural Noise / Building Acoustics: 3.03 Noise in Performing Arts Spaces
(both indoor / outdoor venues) Room: Hudson/Empire
Session Chairs: Todd Brooks, Ning Xiang
14:00 969 How quiet is quiet enough?
Invited in12_969.pdf
Authors: Jonah Sacks, Acentech Inc; Robert William Wolff, Studio A - Acentech; Ana
Maria Jaramillo, Virginia Tech
14:20 916 Audience noise in concert halls during musical performances
Invited in12_916.pdf
Authors: Pierre Marie, Grontmij A/S, Acoustica; Cheol-Ho Jeong, Acoustic Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark; Jonas
Brunskog, Acoustic Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical
University of Denmark; Claus Moller Petersen, Grontmij A/S, Acoustica
14:40 638 Structure borne noise and vibration control in performing arts facilities
Invited in12_638.pdf
Author: George Paul Wilson, Wilson, Ihrig & Associates, Inc.
15:20 1000 Project and cost considerations for achieving ultra-low noise performance spaces
Invited in12_1000.pdf
Authors: Damian J. Doria, Stages Consultants LLC; Joe Perryman, Cost Plus
15:40 983 Vibration study to control groundborne noise inside a new world-class performing arts
Invited in12_983.pdf
Author: James E. Phillips, Wilson, Ihrig & Associates, Inc.
16:00 851 A new method to predict and measure the noise control performance of a performing
arts centre displacement system
Invited in12_851.pdf
Author: John OKeefe, Aercoustics Engineering Limited
16:20 1453 Quiet HBAC systems design for the experimental media and Performing Arts Center at
Invited in12_1453.pdf
Author: Terry Tyson, Kirkegaard Associates
Motor Vehicle Noise, Interior and Exterior: 4.10 Brake noise -
Using engine and/or wheel brakes Room: Olmstead/Gramercy
Session Chairs: Todd Rook, James McIntosh
10:00 576 What kind of friction model is needed to predict brake squeal?
Contributed in12_576.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Tore Butlin, Cambridge University; Jim Woodhouse, Cambridge University
Engineering Department
10:20 673 Australian / New Zealand governments response to truck compression brake noise
Contributed in12_673.pdf
Authors: James McIntosh, VicRoads; Rob Hannaby, New Zealand Transport Agency
10:40 676 Development of compression brake noise regulations in Australia
Contributed in12_676.pdf
Author: Phil West, AECOM
Monday, August 20, 2012
11:00 949 Response surface model of a brake system to optimize structural modications for
squeal noise suppression
Invited in12_949.pdf
Authors: Antonio Culla, Universita` di Roma La Sapienza; Davide Tonazzi, Dipartimento
di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale - Universita` di Roma La Sapienza; Francesco
Massi, INSA-Lyon LaMCoS UMR5259; Annalisa Fregolent, Dipartimento di Ingegneria
Meccanica e Aerospaziale - Universita` di Roma La Sapienza
11:20 1338 Improved mathematical models of vehicle brake judder and experimental observations
Invited in12_1338.pdf
Authors: Osman Taha Sen, The Ohio State University; Rajendra Singh, The Ohio State
11:40 484 Superelement reduction of industrial nite element brake system for a constrained
harmonic balance method
Invited in12_484.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Paul Villard, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech; Samuel Nacivet, PSA Peugeot Citroen;
Jean-Jacques Sinou, Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systemes
Industrial Noise: 9.01 Power Plant Noise Room: Olmstead/Gramercy
Session Chairs: Frank Brittain, Dave Parzych
13:20 647 Repowering aging power plants surrounded by differing jurisdictional noise
Invited in12_647.pdf
Author: Marlund E. Hale, Advanced Engineering Acoustics
13:40 1166 Passive noise control treatments for power generators
Invited in12_1166.pdf
Authors: Shashikant More, Cummins Power Generation; Pranab Saha, Kolano and
Saha Engineers, Inc.; Martin Myers, Cummins Power Generation
14:00 1417 Aerodynamics of ducted systems and ow affects upon silencers, combustion
turbines, and machine performance
Invited in12_1417.pdf
Author: Elden R. Ray, Universal Acoustic & Emission Technologies Inc.
14:20 1452 Combustion turbine silencer design, selection and applications
Invited in12_1452.pdf
Author: David J. Parzych, Power Acoustics, Inc.
14:40 1498 Reducing costs by designing power plants to permit retrot of selected noise controls
Invited in12_1498.pdf
Author: Frank H. Brittain, Brittain Noise Control
15:20 230 Vibration reduction for the feedwater pump piping using viscous dampers
Contributed in12_230.pdf
Authors: Jung-soo Kim, Kepco Engineering and Construction; Chang-been Jeon,
KEPCO Engineering & Construction Company, Inc.; Yong-ho Won, KEPCO Engineering
& Construction Company, Inc.; Jae-whan Bae, KEPCO Engineering & Construction
Company, Inc.
Monday, August 20, 2012
15:40 361 Noise reduction from combined-cycle plants subject to their conguration
Contributed in12_361.pdf
Authors: Sergey A. Semin, National Research University; Vladimir B. Tupov, National
Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute
16:00 405 The development of complex silencers for large power stations
Contributed in12_405.pdf
Authors: Vladimir B. Tupov, National Research University;
16:20 488 Reducing noise from a big city power plant in the conditions of reconstruction
Contributed in12_488.pdf
Authors: Galina Seyfelmlyukova, National Research University; Vladimir B. Tupov,
National Research University
16:40 1419 Chilean experience in noise control on genset based power plants
Contributed in12_1419.pdf
Authors: Hector L. Fuentes, Silentium; Christopher C. Rooke, Silentium, ingenieria del
Active and Passive Noise & Vibration Control:
1.04 Applications of Active Noise and Vibration Control (joint INCE / ASME NCAD) Room: Herald/Soho
Session Chairs: AM: Jie Duan, Mingfeng Li; PM: Mingfeng Li, Rich Silcox
10:00 77 Passive and active noise control of a low power diesel generator
Contributed in12_77.pdf
Authors: Marcos Felipe Simon Galvez, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research,
(ISVR); Antonio Minguez Olivares, Technical University of Madrid (UPM); Daniel
Fernandez Comesana, Microown technologies
10:20 188 Numerical analysis of active vibro-acoustic control in an enclosed cavity
Contributed in12_188.pdf
Authors: Wael Elwali, University of Cincinnati; Mingfeng Li, University of Cincinnati;
Teik. C Lim, University of Cincinnati
10:40 247 Active structural control on a car for cancellation of road noise disturbance
Invited in12_247.pdf
Authors: Walid Belgacem, Centre de technologies avanc; Patrice Massons, GAUS - Dept
Mech. Engineering, Universit; Alain Berry, GAUS - Dept Mech. Engineering, Universit
11:00 381 A basic study on ANC with multi channel wave synthesis method
Contributed in12_381.pdf
Authors: Shotaro Maeda, Tottori University; Masaharu Nishimura, Department of
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,Tottori University; Kenji Shigeki, Loarant Co.,
11:20 439 Modied ltered-x LMS algorithm for active control of vehicle road impact noise
Contributed in12_439.pdf
Authors: Guohua Sun, University of Cincinnati; Mingfeng Li, University of Cincinnati;
Teik C. Lim, University of Cincinnati
11:40 378 Active window based on the prediction of interior sound eld: Experiment for a
directional exterior noise
Contributed in12_378.pdf
Authors: Byoungho Kwon, KAIST; Youngjin Park, KAIST
Monday, August 20, 2012
13:20 508 Reduction of low-frequency resonance utilizing active noise control system in
enclosed three-dimensional space
Contributed in12_508.pdf
Authors: Ken Kaneuchi, Osaka Gas Co Ltd; Koichi Nishimura, OSAKA GAS CO., LTD
13:40 542 Combined structural-acoustic active control system for the reduction of noise radiated
from the outlets and the walls of a ventilation duct
Invited in12_542.pdf
Authors: Jens Rohlng, Universita degli studi di Udine; Paolo Gardonio, Universita
degli studi di Udine, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica Gestionale e Meccanica
14:00 753 Basic study on active acoustic shielding: Phase 4 improving noise reducing
performance in low frequency-2
Contributed in12_753.pdf
Authors: Tatsuya Murao, Tottori University; Masaharu Nishimura, Depertment of
Mecanical and Aerospace Engineering Tottori University; Kazunori Sakurama,
Depertment of Mecanical and Aerospace Engineering Tottori University
14:20 1148 Active noise control systems in locomotives with varying sound signatures
Contributed in12_1148.pdf
Authors: Daniel J. Maguire, TechnoFirst USA; Christian Carme, Electro-Motive Diesels,
Inc.; Kathleen Reilly, TechnoFirst SA
14:40 1300 Active reduction of sound transmission through triple panel partitions: Performance
Contributed in12_1350.pdf
Authors: I. Dimino, The Italian Aerospace Research Centre; A. Concilio, ALTEN; A.
Pierre, CIRA, The Italian Aerospace Research Centre; M. H. Aliabadi, Imperial College,
15:00 1305 Double channel feed-forward active structural acoustic control of a test mockup
Invited in12_1305.pdf
Authors: Vojtech Jandak, Czech Technical University; Ondrej Jiricek, Czech Tech. Univ. in
Prague; Marek Borthanek, Czech Tech. Univ. in Prague; Petr Svec, Czech Tech. Univ. in
15:40 1377 Semi-active method to control tonal noise from fans
Invited in12_1377.pdf
Authors: Anthony Gerard, Universite de Sherbrooke; Alain Berry, Universite de
Sherbrooke; Patrice Masson, Universite de Sherbrooke; Stephane Moreau, Universite
de Sherbrooke
16:00 1532 The rst Ford active sound quality control car developments (Lincoln Mks)
Contributed in12_1532.pdf
Authors: Takeshi Abe, Ford Motor Company; Ming-te Cheng, Ford Motor Company;
Ming-Ran Lee, Ford Motor Company; Frederick Vanhaaften, Ford Motor Company;
JosephKafati, Ford Motor Company; James Hartman, Ford Motor Company
16:20 523 Active control of exhaust noise using an air horn
Contributed in12_523.pdf
Authors: Dong-ki Min, Hanyang University; Deok-man Kim, Hanyang University; Jun-
hong Park, Hanyang University
Monday, August 20, 2012
16:40 1531 Improvement of noise reduction performance for a high-speed elevator using modied
active noise control
Contributed in12_1531.pdf
Authors: In-Hyung Yang, Hanyang University; Ji Hyun Yoon, Graduate School of
Mechanical Engineering, HANYANG university; Jae Eun Yeong, Graduate School of
Mechanical Engineering, HANYANG university; Un Chang Jeong, Graduate School
of Mechanical Engineering, HANYANG university; Jae-EungOh, School of Mechanical
Engineering, HANYANG university
17:00 743 Progress in research on active control of transformer noise
Invited in12_743.pdf
Authors: Xiaojun Qiu, Nanjing University; Limin Zhang, Institute of Acoustics, Nanjing
University; Jiancheng Tao, Institute of Acoustics, Nanjing University
8:00 8:20 8:40 9:00 9:20 9:40 10:00 10:20 10:40 11:00 11:20 11:40 12:00 13:20 13:40 14:00 14:20 14:40 15:00 15:20 15:40 16:00 16:20 16:40 17:00 17:20
23.01 Soundscape and its application
3.01 Classroom noise, criteria and standards
4.05 Noise and sound from
electric and hybrid vehicles
8.03 Urban noise & policy
15.02 Annoyance / Health Effects 7.08 Community response to noise
4.12 Pavement inuence on noise
13.01 Acoustical holography 16.08 Mentoring in Acoustics Education
3.13 Room acoustics: Fundamental research
and practical applications
3.06 Acoustics of Lightweight
7.07 Outdoor sound propagation
9.02 Noise Control for Petrochemical and Process Plants
21.05 Psychoacoustics 13.02 Beamforming
19.01 Railway Noise and Vibration
8.06 Quiet zones in cities
7.11 Airport and Community Noise modeling and
7.03 Environmental Noise Management and Mapping
1.05 Adaptive Structures for Noise /
Vibration Control
12.01 Vibration and Acoustic Measurement
Techniques and Facilities
2.05 Aircraft Interior Noise: applications,
strategies and test
15.08 Noise and Hearing Loss
10.01 Low frequency noise: airborne, structure-borne,
and ground (joint INCE / ASME NCAD)
3.09 Speech Privacy
2.03 Aeroacoustics and Jet Noise - Measurement and control
15.01 Hearing Protection
8.04 Mitigating noise in urban areas through building envelop design
3.08 Sound Propagation in Buildings
17.01 Numerical Methods in Vibration and Acoustics
22.01 General Structural Acoustics and Vibration (joint INCE / ASME NCAD)
14.01 Acoustic Wave Propagation in Porous Media
(joint INCE / ASME NCAD)
14.08 Innovative lightweight materials for noise control
and abatements (joint INCE / ASME NCAD)
Salon 3
Salon 4
North Center
South Center
Music Box/
Winter Garden
Coffee & Tea will be available from 9:00 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 4:00 p.m. in the Exhibit Area (Westside Ballroom).
23.10 Natural and Urban Soundscape
Poster Session



8:00 8:20 8:40 9:00 9:20 9:40 10:00 10:20 10:40 11:00 11:20 11:40 12:00 13:20 13:40 14:00 14:20 14:40 15:00 15:20 15:40 16:00 16:20 16:40 17:00 17:20
23.02 Sound quality and Soundscaping
3.05 Impact noise - Building Acoustics
4.16 Sound Quality work for Automotive Applications
4.07 Vehicle NVH modeling
and simulation
13.03 Source tracking and control
4.14 Tire-Pavement Noise Sources, Modeling and Simulation
9.06 Application of noise controls in the mining industry
(joint INCE / ASME NCAD)
3.16 Acoustic-Thermal Interactions
7.08 Community response to noise
7.07 Outdoor sound propagation
9.02 Noise Control for Petrochemical and Process Plants 3.11 Computational Techniques in Room and Building Acoustics
15.05 Cardiovascular Health Impacts of Noise
15.06 Auralization of source and eld in the design stage
16.02 Stakeholder education and public awareness
2.09 Launch and Space Vehicle
Noise and Vibration
24.05 Piping and Duct Acoustics 24.01 Flow / aero acoustics (ASME NCAD)
13.02 Beamforming 13.02 Beamforming
21.04 Psycho acoustic approach
to noise problems in daily life
1.01 Passive Noise and Vibration
Control (joint INCE / ASME NCAD)
7.10 Sonic Boom Noise (joint INCE / ASME NCAD)
8.04 Mitigating noise in urban areas through building envelop design
Coffee & Tea will be available from 9:00 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 4:00 p.m. in the Exhibit Area (Westside Ballroom).
23.10 Natural and Urban Soundscape
Poster Session
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Soundscape: 23.01 Soundscape and its application Room: Hart
Session Chairs: Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp, Klaus Genuit, Greg Watts
8:00 136 Sounding Brighton: Practical approaches towards better soundscapes
Invited in12_136.pdf
Authors: Lisa Lavia, Noise Abatement Society; Matthew Easteal, Brighton and Sussex
Medical School; Donna Close, The Illustrious Company; Harry Witchel, Decorum
Communications; OstenAxelsson, Independent Consultant; Martyn Ware, Brighton and
Hove City Council; Max Dixon, Brighton and Hove City Council
8:20 380 Soundscape linkage database based on emotion similarity
Contributed in12_380.pdf
Authors: Stone Cheng, National Chiao Tung University; Chih-Yi Lin, National Chiao
Tung University
8:40 410 Evaluating and Improving Hospital Soundscapes
Invited in12_410.pdf
Authors: Erica E. Ryherd, Georgia Institute of Technology; James E. West, Johns
Hopkins University; Jeremy Ackerman, Emory University; Craig Zimring, Georgia
Institute of Technology; KerstinPersson Waye, University of Gothenburg
9:00 466 Problems caused to the acoustic environment by the Japan quake: A critique from the
viewpoint of soundscape study
Invited in12_466.pdf
Authors: Koji Nagahata, Fukushima University
9:20 855 Towards more inclusive approaches in soundscape research: The soundscape of blind
Invited in12_855.pdf
Authors: Monika Rychtarikova, STU Bratislava; Jasmien Herssens, KU Leuven,
Belgium; Ann Heylighen, KU Leuven, Belgium
9:40 943 Why E-mobility is a constituent of the environment - Acoustics and ecology balanced
in soundscapes
Invited in12_943.pdf
Authors: Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp, Technische Universit
Soundscape: 23.10 Natural and urban Soundscapes Room: Hart
Session Chairs: Luigi Maffei, Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp
10:20 163 Tranquillity and soundscapes in a country park - Results of a jury experiment
Invited in12_163.pdf
Authors: Greg Watts, University of Bradford; Rob Pheasant, University of Bradford
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
10:40 360 A further study on modeling some perceptual attributes of soundscape in urban
Invited in12_360.pdf
Authors: Giovanni Brambilla, Second University of Naples; Veronica Gallo, CNR
Istituto di Acustica e Sensoristica Orso Mario Corbino IDASC; Luigi Maffei, Second
University of Naples, Interdepartmental Center Ri.A.S.; Maria Di Gabriele, CNR
Istituto di Acustica e Sensoristica Orso Mario Corbino IDASC; JiangKang, School of
Architecture, University of Shefeld
11:00 818 Soundscapes of Urkiola: Sounds in natural parks of Bizkaia
Contributed in12_818.pdf
Authors: Itziar Aspuru, Tecnalia Research & Innovation; Igone Garcia Perez,
Environmental Department of the Bizkaia Regional Goverment; Iosu Madariaga,
Tecnalia Research & Innovation; Maria Uribe, Environmental Department of the
Bizkaia Regional Goverment
11:20 952 Quality of life - Why does the soundscape approach provide the correct measures?
Invited in12_952.pdf
Authors: Kay S. Voigt, Technische Universitaet Berlin; Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp,
Technische Universitaet
11:40 1019 A soundscape approach to qualify acoustic rooms in a natural setting
Invited in12_1019.pdf
Authors: Sang Bum Park, University of Florida; Gary W. Siebein, University of Florida
Soundscape: 23.02 Sound quality and Soundscaping Room: Hart
Session Chairs: Kay Voigt, Greg Watts
15:40 202 Home appliance sound design in consideration of home environment
Invited in12_202.pdf
Authors: Koichi Ohtomi, Toshiba Corporation; Rika Hosaka, Toshiba Corporation
16:00 859 Indoor soundscape analysis of enclosed public and commercial spaces with
soundwalk method
Invited in12_859.pdf
Authors: Papatya Nur Dokmeci, University of Shefeld; Jian Kang, University of
16:20 959 Living soundscapes in housing
Invited in12_959.pdf
Authors: Mohammed Boubezari, Instituto Superior Tecnico
16:40 1472 Difference in STI measurements in a lecture room caused by the location, orientation,
and directionality of sound sources and receivers in the room
Invited in12_1472.pdf
Authors: Sang-Bong Shin, University of Florida; Gary W. Siebein, University of Florida
Motor Vehicle Noise, Interior and Exterior:
4.05 Noise and sound from electric and hybrid vehicles Room: ONeill
Session Chairs: Klaus Genuit, GJ van Blokland
8:00 1288 Electric and hybrid vehicles noise control at speed-up
Contributed in12_1288.pdf
Author: Luc-Phu Thuong Nyuyen, Ly Tu Technical College of Ho Chi Minh City
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
8:20 1415 Report on basic research for standardization of measures for quiet vehicles in Japan
(Intermit report)
Contributed in12_1415.pdf
Authors: Ichiro Sakamoto, National Trafc Safety and Environment Laboratory;
Hiroyuki Houzu, National Trafc Safety and Environment Laboratory; Michiaki Sekine,
National Trafc Safety and Environment Laboratory; Takeharu Tanaka, National Trafc
Safety and Environment Laboratory; KazumotoMorita, National Trafc Safety and
Environment Laboratory; Yoshifumi Nagai, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport
and Tourism; Koichi Suehiro, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
8:40 1493 Sound emissions from a plug-in electric vehicle
Contributed in12_1493.pdf
Authors: Kenneth Kaliski, Resource Systems Group; Isaac Old, Resource Systems
Group; Les Blomberg, Noise Pollution Clearinghouse
Architectural Noise / Building Acoustics: 3.01 Classroom Noise, Criteria and Standards Room: ONeill
Session Chairs: Benjamin Sachwald, Ning Xiang
9:00 324 Effects of acoustic environments on speech comprehension by native-English-speaking
Contributed in12_324.pdf
Authors: Zhao Peng, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Lily M. Wang, University of
Nebraska-Lincoln; Siu-Kit Lau
9:20 333 Acoustic design considerations for business school classrooms
Contributed in12_333.pdf
Author: Frank N. Babic, AECOM
10:00 388 The inuence of classroom acoustics on the level of background noise in selected
Polish primary schools
Contributed in12_388.pdf
Author: Jan Radosz, Central Institute for Labour Protection
10:20 441 Classroom acoustics and student/teacher performance in Chinese schools
Invited in12_441.pdf
Author: Kenneth Roy, Armstrong World Industries; Sean Browne, Armstrong World
Industries; Jerry Li, Armstrong China Inv. Com. Ltd
10:40 671 Linking HVAC type noise and student achievement
Contributed in12_671.pdf
Authors: Ana M. Jaramillo, Virginia Tech; Michael Ermann, Virginia Tech
11:00 819 Intelligibility assessment of speech in classrooms with and without acoustic
conditioning through measured and simulated parameters
Contributed in12_819.pdf
Authors: Marco A.M. Vecci, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; Frederico C. Horta,
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG; Rafaela M. Ferraz, Oppus Acustica Ltda.
11:20 865 Acoustic properties of classrooms in elementary schools - Correlation coefcient
between reverberation time and speech transmission index
Contributed in12_865.pdf
Authors: Mikulski Witold, Central Institute For Labour Protection
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
11:40 1008 Noise levels encountered in classrooms and associated health impact at selected
schools in United Arab Emirates
Contributed in12_1008.pdf
Authors: Hussein M. Elmehdi, University of Sharjah
Architectural Noise / Building Acoustics: 3.05 Impact Noise - Building Acoustics Room: ONeill
Session Chairs: Berndt Zeitler, Delphine Bard
13:20 1229 The effect of receiving room sound eld on the heavy-weight impact sound pressure level
Invited in12_1229.pdf
Authors: Jeong-ho Jeong, Fire Insueres Laboratories of Korea; Jung-uk Kim, Fire
Insurers Laboratories of Korea; Jae-gun Jeong, Fire Insurers Laboratories of Korea
13:40 1474 Inuence of tapping machine position on timber joist oors on the low frequency
impact sound
Invited in12_1474.pdf
Authors: Krister Larsson, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden; Christian
Simmons, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden; Nata Amiryarahmadi, SP
Technical Research Institute of Sweden; Xuetao Zhang, SP Technical Research Institute
of Sweden
14:00 615 Increasing impact insulation ratings in occupied condominium buildings by modifying
only the ceiling
Contributed in12_615.pdf
Authors: Scott Harvey, Phoenix Noise & Vibration; Josh Curley, Phoenix Noise &
14:20 1236 Effect of ceiling specication on oor impact sound insulation of wood-frame construction
Invited in12_1236.pdf
Authors: Atsuo Hiramitsu, Building Research Institute
14:40 1096 On reducing low frequency impact sound transmission in wood framed construction
Invited in12_1096.pdf
Authors: Berndt Zeitler, National Research Council Canada; Ivan Sabourin, National
Research Council Canada; Stefan Schoenwald, National Research Council Canada;
Erik Wenzke, Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences
15:20 472 Floor impact characteristics when applied to health club oors
Invited in12_472.pdf
Authors: Joseph M. Cuschieri, Noise Control Services
15:40 849 Effect of structural components of oated oors on the vibration characteristics in
concrete slabs
Invited in12_849.pdf
Authors: Jae Ho Kim, Hanyang University; Jin Yong Jeon, Hanyang University
16:00 1069 Psycho-vibration evaluation in timber oors
Invited in12_1069.pdf
Authors: Delphine Bard, Lund University; Juan Negreira Montero, Lund university;
Arnaud Trolle, Universit
16:20 274 Prediction of maximum sound pressure levels in heavyweight buildings using the ISO
rubber ball as an impact source
Invited in12_274.pdf
Authors: Carl Hopkins, University of Liverpool; Matthew Robinson, University of Liverpool
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
16:40 687 The heavy-weight impact noise analysis of bare concrete slab using FEM
Contributed in12_687.pdf
Authors: Dae-Ho Mun, Seoul National University; Hong-Gun Park, Department
of Architecture, Seoul National University; Jae-Seung Hwang, Department of
Architecture, Chonnam National University
City Noise: 8.03 Urban Noise & Policy Room: Odets
Session Chairs: Maurice Kwok-Leung, Nachiketa Tiwari
8:00 518 Noise-management in public space with the Laarhoven-Index
Contributed in12_518.pdf
Authors: Loek van Laarhoven, Parce Research; Reinier Vinken, Ingenieursburo Ulehake
8:20 543 Model based monitoring of urban trafc noise: A wireless sensor network design
Contributed in12_543.pdf
Authors: Peter W. Wessels, TNO; Tom G.H. Basten, TNO; Frits J.M. van der Eerden, TNO
8:40 641 Reduction of urban noise by speed-limit in main streets at night time
Contributed in12_641.pdf
Author: Klaus Habermehl, University of Applied Sciences
9:00 682 3D road trafc noise assessment model for hyper dense Hong Kong
Contributed in12_682.pdf
Authors: Isaac Ng, HKSAR Government; Chee-Kwan Lee, Environmental Protection
Department, HKSAR Government; Maurice Yeung, Environmental Protection
Department, HKSAR Government
9:20 923 Urban forms in Hong Kong and their acoustical environment
Invited in12_923.pdf
Authors: Maurice Yeung, HKSARG; Chi-wing Law, Environmental Protection
Department, HKSARG; Aaron Lui, Environmental Protection Department, HKSARG;
Kin-che Lam, Hong Kong Chinese University
9:40 413 A calculating method on roadside ground noise from the reverberation between the
surface and the bridge bottom along a surface and viaduct combined road
Invited in12_413.pdf
Authors: Jiping Zhang, South China University of Technology; James Boyle, Schomer
and Associates, Inc.; Paul D. Schomer, Schomer and Associates, Inc.; Ling Zhang,
International College Zhejiang University of Technology; Fei Chen, Zhejiang Hangzhou-
Anhui Expressway Co.,Ltd
10:20 924 Toward a certication of night delivery in urban freight transport
Contributed in12_924.pdf
Author: Gerarld Cavalier, Cemafroid SNC; Eric Devin, CEMAFROID
10:40 979 Revision of New Orleans noise ordinance: Efforts toward simplication and
Contributed in12_979.pdf
Author: David Woolworth, Oxford Acoustics, Inc.
11:00 1197 CadnaA noise modeling of a large scale facility in New York City
Contributed in12_1197.pdf
Authors: G. Noemi Santiago, Henningson, Durham and Rechardson Architecture and
Engineering Inc; Jennifer Namias, HDR
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
11:20 1355 Approaches to urban noise management in India
Contributed in12_1355.pdf ASME NCAD
Author: Neelima S. Naik, National Institute of Industrial Engineering
11:40 1222 Sound quality characteristics of the cicada sound in Korea
Contributed in12_1222.pdf
Authors: Jinhoi Ju, NIER; Jaewon Lee, NIER; Woo-Seok Lee, NIER; Kyunghee Choi,
NIER; JinseokHan, NIER; Sang Kwon Lee, NIER;
Motor Vehicle Noise, Interior and Exterior:
4.16 Sound Quality Work for Automotive Applications Room: Odets
Session Chairs: Gordon Ebbitt, Wade Bray
13:20 322 Perspectives and recommendations for broader participation in the development and
communication of acoustic standards
Invited in12_322.pdf
Authors: Wade R. Bray, HEAD acoustics, Inc.; Paul D. Schomer, Schomer and
Associates; James K. Thompson, JKT Enterprises
13:40 522 Comparison of hearing characteristics of sounds from diesel and gasoline engines
Contributed in12_522.pdf
Authors: Buhm Park, Hanyang University; Junhong Park, Hanyang University; Minsup
Lee, LG Electronics
14:00 965 Sound quality design and development for the new Bentley Continental V8
Contributed in12_965.pdf
Authors: Andrew Jackson, Bentley Motors Ltd; Uday Senapati, Bentley Motors Limited
14:20 1227 Instrumented inspection of audio speakers rattle noise
Contributed in12_1227.pdf
Authors: Kyung-Sil Lim, Hyundai Kia Motors R&D Center; Taehee Lee, Hyundai
Motor Group; Youngkey K. Kim, SM Instruments; JunGoo Kang, SM Instruments;
TaewoongLee, SM Instruments
14:40 1280 Identication of sound quality parameters with respect to subjective feel of HVAC
noise of diesel SUVs
Contributed in12_1280.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Murali Bodla, Mahindra & Mahindra; Riyazuddin Mohammed, Mahindra &
Mahindra; Rajesh Bhangale, Mahindra & Mahindra; Kumbhar Mansinh, Mahindra &
15:00 1430 Annoyance estimation on noisy components of tire-pattern noise
Contributed in12_1430.pdf
Authors: Sung-Hwan Shin, KAERI; Takeo Hashimoto, Seikei University; Shigeko
Hatano, Seikei University
15:40 1473 Comprehensive process for car engine sound design: From signal processing to an
audio system integrated in the vehicle
Contributed in12_1473.pdf
Authors: Patrick Boussard, GENESIS Acoustics; Stephane Molla, GENESIS Acoustics;
Francois Orange, GENESIS Acoustics
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Motor Vehicle Noise, Interior and Exterior: 4.07 Vehicle NVH Modeling and Simulation Room: Odets
Session Chairs: Gabriella Cerrato, Pranab Saha
16:00 279 The simulation of trafc noise in intersections by considering the operation status of
Contributed in12_279.pdf
Author: Ming Cai, Sun Yat-sen University; Yu-Shan Lin, School of Engineering, Sun Yat-
sen University, China
16:20 438 Analytical studies of passenger vehicle interior wind noise with acoustic laminated
glasses of surface density reduction
Contributed in12_438.pdf
Authors: Min Shen, Corning Inc; Chadwyck T. Musser, Cambridge Collaborative
Incorporated; Jerome E. Manning, Cambridge Collaborative Incorporated
16:40 459 Predicting the loudness of rattle in a center-console
Contributed in12_459.pdf
Authors: Sascha Merz, ESI Group; Phil Shorter, ESI Group
Noise and Health: 15.02 Annoyance / Health Effects Room: Wilder
Session Chairs: Stephen Stansfeld, Deepak Prasher
8:00 297 Health effects of aircraft noise near three French airports: Results from pilot
epidemiological study of the DEBATS study
Contributed in12_297.pdf
Authors: Anne-Sophie Evrard, UMRESTTE; Ines Khati, Epidemiological Research
& Surveillance Unit in Transport, Occupation and Environment (UMRESTTE), Joint
Research Unit of IFSTTAR (French institute of science and technology for transport,
development and networks), and Claude Bernard University of Lyon; Bernard Laumon,
Transport and Environment Laboratory (LTE) of IFSTTAR (French institute of science
and technology for transport, development and networks); Patricia Champelovier,
Transport and Environment Laboratory (LTE) of IFSTTAR (French institute of science
and technology for transport, development and networks); JacquesLambert,
Epidemiological Research & Surveillance Unit in Transport, Occupation and
Environment (UMRESTTE), Joint Research Unit of IFSTTAR (French institute of science
and technology for transport, development and networks), and Claude Bernard
University of Lyon
8:20 303 Annoyance can represent a serious degradation of health: wind turbine noise: A case
Contributed in12_303.pdf
Authors: Carmen M.E. Krogh, Self; Roy D. Jeffery, Independent; Jeff Aramini, President
and Chief Executive Ofcer Intelligent Health Solutions; Brett Horner, Independent
8:40 848 Annoyance effects of passive MP3 player listening
Contributed in12_848.pdf
Authors: Mark Thorley, Coventry University
9:00 1282 Noise exposure in preterm infants treated with respiratory support using two models
of neonatal helmet CPAP
Contributed in12_1282.pdf
Authors: Ricardo Hernandez Molina, University of Cadiz; Francisco Fernandez Zacarias,
University of Cadiz; Simon Lubian Lopez, Andalusian Health Service; Almudena
Alonso Ojembarrena, Andalusian Health Service; , University of Cadiz
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
9:20 1458 Evaluating the health benets of natural sounds: An approach for assessing the
environmental impacts of transportation noise
Contributed in12_1458.pdf
Authors: Christopher D. Zevitas, Volpe National Transportation Systems Center;
Jonathan D. Cybulski, Harvard School of Public Health; Eileen McNeely, Volpe National
Transportation Systems Center
9:40 96 Shall we quiet cities and workplaces? : The effects of auditive and visual stimuli on
perceived restoration likelihood
Contributed in12_96.pdf
Authors: Helena Jahncke, University of Gavle; Karolina Eriksson, Uppsala University;
Sanna Naula, Uppsala University
Community / Environmental Noise: 7.08 Community response to noise Room: Wilder
Session Chairs: Truls Gjestland, Irene van Kamp
10:20 128 Proactive noise control at a rock quarry next to a residential neighborhood
Contributed in12_128.pdf
Authors: Mr. Marc C. Wallace, Tech Environmental, Inc.; Ryan T. Callahan, Tech
Environmental, Inc.
10:40 137 Examining the empirical relationship between Lnight and the probability of awakening
Contributed in12_137.pdf
Authors: Nicholas P. Miller, Harris Miller Miller & Hanson Inc.
11:00 164 Quantifying the efcacy of aircraft noise regulation
Invited in12_164.pdf
Authors: Vincent Mestre, SINTEF ICT; Paul Schomer, Fidell Associates, Inc; Sanford
Fidell, Mestre Greve Associates of Landrum and Brown; Truls Gjestland, Schomer and
11:20 473 Community response to noise from inner-city railway transportation in Sapporo, Japan
Contributed in12_473.pdf
Authors: Tetsumi Sato, Hokkai Gakuen University
11:40 504 Reaction of people for urban noise under heterogeneous trafc conditions
Contributed in12_504.pdf
Authors: Kalaiselvi Ramasamy, Indian Institute of Technology Madras; Ramachandraiah
Alur, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
13:20 769 Annoyance related to noise from wind turbines in subjective assessment of people
living in their vicinity
Contributed in12_769.pdf
Authors: Malgorzata Pawlaczyk-Luszczynska, Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine;
Adam Dudarewicz, Department of Physical Hazards, Nofer Institute of Occupational
Medicine; Kamil Zaborowski, Department of Physical Hazards, Nofer Institute of
Occupational Medicine; Malgorzata Zamojska, Department of Physical Hazards, Nofer
Institute of Occupational Medicine; MalgorzataWaszkowska, Department of Work
Psychology, Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine; Mariola Sliwinska-Kowalska,
Department of Physical Hazards, Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
13:40 804 Applicability of road trafc dose-effect relations to Turkish urban context
Contributed in12_804.pdf
Authors: Aglaia Badino, University of Genoa; Mine Ascigil-Dincer, Istanbul Technical
University - Faculty of Architecture; Corrado Schenone, University of Genoa - DIME;
Sevtap Yilmaz, Istanbul Technical University - Faculty of Architecture
14:00 925 Citizen participation in community noise management
Contributed in12_925.pdf
Authors: Anna M. Wilinska, Silesian University of Technology
14:20 942 The effect of structural differences at regional or community level on noise annoyance
Invited in12_942.pdf
Authors: Peter Lercher, Medical University Innsbruck; Dick Botteldooren, Acoustics
group, INTEC, Gent University, Belgium
14:40 1125 Sustainable noise pollution policy
Contributed in12_1125.pdf
Author: Eddie Duncan, Resource Systems Group, Inc.
15:20 1138 Residential exposure to port noise: A case study of Dublin, Ireland
Contributed in12_1138.pdf
Authors: Enda Murphy, University College Dublin; Eion A. King, Trinity College Dublin,
15:40 1139 Community response to aircraft noise: Recent examples from the Netherlands
Invited in12_1139.pdf
Authors: Danny Houthuijs, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment;
Irene van Kamp, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM);
Oscar Breugelmans, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM);
Caroline Ameling, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM);
MartinMarra, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM); Ric van
Poll, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
16:00 1151 Effects of transportation noise and attitudes on task performance
Invited in12_1151.pdf
Authors: Kim White, VU University; Martijn Meeter, VU University Amsterdam; Adelbert
Bronkhorst, TNO Human Factors, VU University Amsterdam
16:20 1315 The UK national noise attitude survey 2012 - Description of the survey methodology
and questionnaire design
Contributed in12_1315.pdf
Authors: Hilary Notley, Bureau Veritas; Colin Grimwood, Bureau Veritas; Gary Raw, GR
People Solutions; Nick Moon, GfK NOP Social Research
16:40 1363 Exposure-response functions for (or versus?) the prediction of annoyance in specic
Invited in12_1363.pdf
Authors: Sabine A. Janssen, TNO; Henk Vos, TNO
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Motor Vehicle Noise, Interior and Exterior: 4.12 Pavement Inuence on Noise Room: Ziegfeld
Session Chairs: Ulf Sandberg, Hans Bendtsen
8:00 516 Tyre/road noise: Inuence of multi-asperity road surface properties on tyre/road
contact stresses
Invited in12_516.pdf
Authors: Julien Cesbron, IFSTTAR; Guillaume Dubois, IFSTTAR; Fabienne Anfosso-
Ledee, IFSTTAR; Hai Ping Yin, Universit
8:20 717 Impacts of age and texture of porous asphalts on tyre/road noise in Hong Kong
Invited in12_717.pdf
Authors: Wing-tat Hung, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Yat-ken Lam, The Hong
Kong Polytechnic University; Kai-long Mak, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
8:40 761 Development of low noise pavement based on tire/road noise model
Contributed in12_761.pdf
Authors: Tatsuo Fujikawa, Japan Automobile Research Institute; Yasuo Oshino, Japan
Automobile Research Institute; Hideki Tachibana, Chiba Institute of Technology
9:00 781 Inuence of changes in surface layer properties on tire/pavement noise
Contributed in12_781.pdf
Authors: Mingliang Li, Delft University of Technology; Wim van Keulen, VANKEULEN
advies bv; Martin van de Ven, Section of Road and Railway Engineering, Faculty of Civil
Engineering & Geosciences, Delft University of Technology; Andr Molenaar, Section
of Road and Railway Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences, Delft
University of Technology
9:20 792 Second report on the noise reduction effect of drainage asphalt pavements in rainy
Contributed in12_792.pdf
Authors: Eiji Noguchi, Oriental Consultants Co., LTD.; Kenichi Ishikawa, Oriental
Consultants Co., LTD.; Tomotaka Ueta, Oriental Consultants Co., LTD.; Hironori
Nagaoka, Oriental Consultants Co., LTD.; HishouMori, Oriental Consultants Co., LTD.;
Sayori Ikeda, Oriental Consultants Co., LTD.; Junpei Inoue, Oriental Consultants Co.,
LTD.; Motoomi Yoshida, Oriental Consultants Co., LTD.; Hiroshi Miyazaki, Oriental
Consultants Co., LTD.; Naohiro Morimoto, Oriental Consultants Co., LTD.
9:40 837 Analysis of the acoustic characteristics and optimization potential of road surfaces -
One focus within the project Quiet Road Trafc 3
Contributed in12_837.pdf
Authors: Christina Buckers, Federal Highway Research Institute; Ulrike Stockert,
Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt), Germany; Thomas Beckenbauer, M;
Wolfgang Kropp, Division of Applied Acoustics, Chalmers University of Technology,
Gothenburg, Sweden
10:20 948 The noise reduction effect and durability of various drainage asphalt pavement
Contributed in12_948.pdf
Authors: Tomotaka Ueta, Oriental Consultants Co Ltd; Kenichi Ishikawa, Oriental
Consultants Co., LTD.; Eiji Noguchi, Oriental Consultants Co., LTD.; Reiji Fukui,
Oriental Consultants Co., LTD.; TeruoIwase, Niigata Univ.
10:40 1143 Low noise pavements in Poland
Invited in12_1143.pdf
Authors: Piotr Mioduszewski, Technical University of Gdansk
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
11:00 1152 Evaluation of tire-pavement noise from pavement surface treatments
Contributed in12_1152.pdf
Authors: Richard C. Sohaney, The Transtec Group, Inc.; David K. Merritt, Oklahoma
D.O.T.; Robert O. Rasmussne, The Transtec Group, Inc.; Robert P. Whirledge, The
Transtec Group, Inc.; CalebRiemer, The Transtec Group, Inc.
11:20 1153 Tyre/road noise at low speeds
Invited in12_1153.pdf
Authors: Manfred Haider, Austrian Institute of Technology; Marco Conter, AIT; Reinhard
Wehr, AIT
11:40 1234 The effect of asphalt mixture materials on changes of the road surface texture
Contributed in12_1234.pdf
Authors: Doreen Fritzsche, Norwegian Public Roads Administration; Svein A.
Storeheier, SINTEF ICT; Helge Mork, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
13:20 1331 Trafc noise reduction in Istanbul by stone mastic asphalt surface
Contributed in12_1331.pdf
Authors: Aybike Ongel, Istanbul Kultur University; Umit Dikmen
13:40 1341 CTIM-method wayside noise study for Virginia quiet pavement pilot project
Contributed in12_1341.pdf
Authors: J. Eric Cox, Harris Miller Miller and Hanson Inc; Christopher W. Minge, Harris
Miller Miller and Hanson; James E. Ferguson III, Harris Miller Miller and Hanson;
Kevin K. McGhee, Virginia Center for Transportation Innovation Research; Paul
M.Kohler, Virginia Department of Transportation
2:00 1439 Gaining extra noise reduction and lower rolling resistance by grinding a porous
asphalt pavement
Invited in12_1439.pdf
Authors: Ulf Sandberg, Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute; Piotr
Mioduszewski, Technical University of Gdansk
Motor Vehicle Noise, Interior and Exterior:
4.14 Tire-Pavement Noise Sources, Modeling and Simulation Room: Ziegfeld
Session Chairs: Richard Sohaney, Courntney Burroughs, G J van Blokland
14:20 282 Modeling high-frequency tire tread vibration as a group of traveling bending waves
Contributed in12_282.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Masao Ishihama, Kanagawa Institute of Technology; Takayuki Kagaya,
Kanagawa Institute of Technology
14:40 1366 A numerical macro-scale approach for the tire/road viscoelastic contact for the noise
Contributed in12_1366.pdf
Authors: Hai-Ping Yin, ENPC; Guillaume Dubois, Ifsttar; Julien Cesbron, ENPC;
Fabienne Anfosso-Ledee, Ifsttar; Quoc-HuongBui, Ifsttar; Denis Duhamel, ENPC
15:00 910 Dynamic behavior of rolling tires under different operating conditions
Contributed in12_910.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: S. Vercammen, Goodyear Innovation Center; C. Gonzalez, Goodyear
Innovation Center; P. Kindt, Goodyear Innovation Center; C. Thiry, Goodyear
Innovation Center; J.Middelberg, Goodyear Innovation Center; J. Leyssens, Goodyear
Innovation Center
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
15:40 419 Inuence of tire geometry on the horn effect
Contributed in12_419.pdf
Authors: W.R. Graham, University of Cambridge
16:00 1030 FEM acoustical modelling of the impedance tube for improving road porous pavement
behaviour description
Contributed in12_1030.pdf
Authors: Gaetano Licitra, Environment protection agency of Tuscany Region; Luca Teti,
University of Siena - Department of Physics; Francesco Bianco, University of Pisa -
Department of Physics; Mauro Cerchiai, ARPAT-Department of Pisa
16:20 530 Road surface texture and tire/road noise - A pilot comparison of prediction and
Invited in12_530.pdf
Authors: Jens Oddershede, Danish Road Directorate; Jorgen Kragh, Danish Road
Directorate; Hans Bendtsen, Danish Road Directorate
16:40 203 Prediction of noise from laboratory produced pavement slabs
Contributed in12_203.pdf
Authors: Hans Bendtsen, Danish Road Directorate; Jens Oddershede, Danish Road
Directorate; Quing Lu, University of Florida, USA; Arash Rezaie, University of
California Pavement Research Center, USA
Inverse Approaches in Vibro-Acoustics: 13.01 Acoustical Holography Room: Gilbert
Session Chairs: Weikang Jiang, Jesper Gomes
8:00 755 Separation of nonstationary sound elds and its applications in time domain
holography and real-time neareld acoustic holography
Invited in12_755.pdf
Authors: Xiao-Zheng Zhang, Hefei University ot Technology; Jean-Hugh Thomas,
Laboratoire dAcoustique de lUniversite du Maine (LAUM UMR-CNRS 6613); Chuan-
Xing Bi, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, Hefei University of Technology;
Jean-Claude Pascal, Laboratoire dAcoustique de lUniversite du Maine (LAUM UMR-
CNRS 6613)
8:20 843 Application of the acoustic double holography method for low frequency sound wave
Contributed in12_843.pdf
Authors: Masao Nagamatsu, Hokkaido Institute of Technology; Mitsuo Iwahara, Hosei
University; Gaku Minorikawa, Hosei University; Mao Takamatsu, Hosei University
8:40 1089 The use of non-collocated higher order sources in the equivalent source method
Invited in12_1089.pdf
Authors: Yangfan Liu, Purdue University; J. Stuart Bolton, Ray W. Herrick Laboratories,
School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University
9:00 1209 Panel acoustic contribution analysis
Invited in12_1209.pdf
Authors: Sean F. Wu, Wayne State University; Logesh Kumar Natarajan, Wayne State
University, Detroit, MI 48202
9:20 1248 Two-dimensional expression of sound by beamforming and acoustic holography: Their
similarity and differences
Invited in12_1248.pdf
Authors: Jung-Woo Choi, KAIST; Yang-Hann Kim, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, KAIST
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Noise Policy Development, Education, Economics and Implementation:
16.08 Mentoring in Acoustics Education Room: Gilbert
Session Chairs: Andy Harris, Eric Wood, Nick Miller
10:00 1374 What is mentoring?
Invited in12_1374.pdf
Author: Nicholas P. Miller, Harris Miller Miller & Hanson Inc.
10:20 1396 Mentoring -- A business model
Invited in12_1396.pdf
Authors: Andrew S. Harris, Andrew S. Harris, Inc.; Eric W. Wood, Acentech
10:40 1382 Mentoring for the engineering and consulting professions
Invited in12_1382.pdf
Author: Ben H. Sharp, Wyle
11:00 1372 Mentoring - The future of our profession
Invited in12_1372.pdf
Author: James D. Barnes, Acentech Inc; Eric J. Wood, Acentech
11:20 1397 Mentoring -- A career path
Invited in12_1397.pdf
Author: Andrew S. Harris, Andrew S. Harris, Inc.
Inverse Approaches in Vibro-Acoustics: 13.03 Source tracking and control Room: Gilbert
Session Chairs: Antonio Concillio, Jeong-Guon Ih
13:20 104 Source localization in 3D urban environments using acoustic ngerprinting
Contributed in12_104.pdf
Authors: Brian Choi, Virginia Tech; Stephanie Pasareanu, Virginia Tech; Ricardo A.
Burdisso, Virginia Tech
13:40 242 Acoustic antenna calibration accuracy: A parametric investigation
Contributed in12_242.pdf
Authors: Orsola Petrella, Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali; Vincenzo Quaranta,
CIRA-Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali; Salvatore Ameduri, CIRA-Centro Italiano
Ricerche Aerospaziali; Giovanni Betta, University of Cassino
14:00 1350 A novel passive SODAR for air trafc control
Contributed in12_1350.pdf
Authors: Vincenzo Quaranta, Italian Aerospace Research Centre; Barbara Tiseo,
Salvatore; Salvatore Amerduri, Donisi; D. Donisi, ; M.Bonamente
14:20 1370 Dynamic design of a mobile acoustic antenna for air trafc control
Contributed in12_1370.pdf
Authors: P. Vitiello, Italian Aerospace Research Centre; A. Sorrentino, CIRA, Italian
Aerospace Research Centre; V. Quaranta, CIRA, Italian Aerospace Research Centre
14:40 1548 Acoustic beamforming: microphone phased array synthesis and development
Contributed in12_1548.pdf
Authors: Mario Amoruso, University of Naples; Pietro Vinetti, University of Naples;
Michele DUrso, University of Naples; Vincenzo Quaranta, SELEX-SI; VincenzoQuaranta
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Industrial Noise:
9.06 Application of noise controls in the mining industry (joint INCE / ASME NCAD) Room: Gilbert
Session Chairs: Adam Smith, Hugo Camargo
15:20 457 The study of a continuous miner noise reduction by implementation of hydraulic
conveyor tensioning system
Contributed in12_457.pdf
Authors: Marek L. Szary, Southern Illinois University; Peter Weber, Southern Illinois
University; Joseph C. Hirschi, Illinois Clean Coal Institute
15:40 544 Development of a validated nite element model of a longwall cutting drum
Contributed in12_544.pdf
Authors: Hugo E. Camargo, NIOSH; David S. Yantek, NIOSH; Adam K. Smith, NIOSH
16:00 1502 Gyrotory rock crusher and asphalt plant sound power levels
Invited in12_1502.pdf
Authors: Henry A. Scarton, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Kyle R. Wilt, Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute
16:20 1504 A drill rod Coulomb friction damper
Invited in12_1504.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Henry A. Scarton, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Anne E. Guthry, Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute; Kyle R. Wilt, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Architectural Noise / Building Acoustics: 3.06 Acoustics of Lightweight Constructions Room: Salon 3
Session Chairs: Carl Hopkins, Trevor Nightingale
8:00 1230 On the accuracy of dynamic and acoustic analysis of lightweight panel structures: A
comparison of ABAQUS and ANSYS
Contributed in12_1230.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Poul Henning Kirkegaard, Aalborg University; Lars Vabbersgaard Andersen,
Aalborg University; Kristoffer Ahrens Dickow, Aalborg University
8:20 1281 Representation of anking noise transmission within periodically distributed
lightweight beam elements
Invited in12_1281.pdf
Authors: Parthkumar G. Domadiya, Aalborg University; Lars V. Andersen, Aalborg
University; Sergey V. Sorokin, Aalborg University
8:40 1311 Holes interaction and heterogeneity effects for a multi-perforated plate
Contributed in12_1311.pdf
Authors: Rostand Tayong, Universite de Bourgogne; Philippe Leclaire, LRMA-DRIVE
9:00 1317 Vibro-acoustic prediction of anking transmission in lightweight timber framed
construction using SEA
Invited in12_1317.pdf
Author: Jean-Luc Kouyoumji, FCBA
9:20 1518 Prediction of sound transmission in complex timber-framed structures in the mid and
high frequency range
Contributed in12_1518.pdf
Author: Gerard Borello, InterAC
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Architectural Noise / Building Acoustics: 3.13 Room Acoustics -
Fundamental research and practical applications Room: Salon 3
Session Chairs: AM: Belek Temel, Ning Xiang; PM: Lauri Savioja, Jenae Lowe
10:00 734 Temporal and spectral characteristics of public address announcements in subway
platforms with various nishing materials using computer simulation
Contributed in12_734.pdf
Authors: Yong Hee Kim, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and
Technology; Yoshiharu Soeta, Health Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced
Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
10:20 744 Investigations on multi-slope sound energy decays in domed structures
Contributed in12_744.pdf
Authors: Zuhre Su Gul, Middle East Technical University; Ning Xiang, Graduate
Program in Architectural Acoustics, School of Architecture, Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, Troy, New York 12180; Mehmet Caliskan, Middle East Technical University,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ankara, 06800, Turkey;
10:40 748 Incorporation of double leaf micro perforated panels into Schroeder diffusers as a
space absorber
Contributed in12_748.pdf
Authors: Erinc Odabas, Middle East Technical University; Mehmet Caliskan, Middle
East Technical University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ankara, 06800,
11:00 824 Auditory spatial resolution studies of the Helsinki Music Centre
Invited in12_824.pdf
Authors: Philip W. Robinson, Aalto University; Tapio Lokki, Aalto University; Antti
Kuusinen, Aalto University; Jukka Patynen, Aalto University; SakariTervo, Aalto
University; Lauri Savioja, Aalto University
11:20 832 Absorption boundary conditions for geometrical acoustics
Invited in12_832.pdf
Author: Cheol-Ho Jeong, Technical University of Denmark
11:40 870 Lothar Cremer in Spain: His inuence on the architect Garcia ed Paredes
Contributed in12_870.pdf
Authors: Gonzalo Vallejo Ortega, Valladolid University; Jos Ignacio Sanchhez Rivera,
Department of Applied Physics. Architecture School. Valladolid (Spain)
13:20 874 Acoustic study of Madrid Auditorio Nacional de ZMusica: Comparison between
simulation and measurements
Contributed in12_874.pdf
Authors: Gonzalo Vallejo Ortega, Valladolid University; Jos Ignacio Sanchez Rivera,
Department of Applied Physics. Architecture School. Valladolid (Spain)
13:40 903 Measurements of sound absorption by seated orchestra in scale models
Invited in12_903.pdf
Authors: Hyung Suk Jang, Hanyang University; Jin Yong Jeon, Health Research
Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Osaka,
Japan; , Hanyang University, Department of Architectural Engineering
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
14:00 964 Room impulse measurement and auralization with respect to source and receiver
Invited in12_964.pdf
Authors: Gottfried K. Behler, Aachen University; Martin Pollow, RWTH Aachen
University, Institute of Technical Acoustics; Pascal Dietrich, RWTH Aachen University,
Institute of Technical Acoustics; Michael Vorlaender, RWTH Aachen University, Institute
of Technical Acoustics
14:20 1094 Auralization quality Subjective and objective factors.
Contributed in12_1094.pdf
Authors: Pawel Malecki, AGH University of Science and Technology; Jerzy Wiciak, AGH
University of Science and Technology; Jacek Wierzbicki, AGH University of Science and
Technology; Roman Trojanowski, AGH University of Science and Technology
14:40 1500 Sound absorption characteristics of a discontinuous impedance plane composed of
periodical absorptive and reective strips
Contributed in12_1500.pdf
Authors: Kenichi Takebayashi, Kajima Technical Research Institute; Motoki Yairi, Kajima
Technical Research Institute; Takashi Koga, Kajima Technical Research Institute
Architectural Noise / Building Acoustics: 3.16 Acoustic-Thermal Interactions Room: Salon 3
Session Chairs: Jean-Luc Kouyoumji, Marc Asselineau
15:20 686 Acoustic and thermal insulation:A few points to beware of?
Invited in12_686.pdf
Authors: Marc Asselineau, Peutz and Associates; Aline Gaulupeau, PEUTZ &
Associates; Maud Serra, PEUTZ & Associates
15:40 770 Acoustic waves accompanied with phase change at vapor-liquid interface
Contributed in12_770.pdf
Author: Takeru Yano, Osaka University
16:00 1062 Optimization of thermal and acoustical comfort : Study of the inuence of the type of
intelligent opening windows on the sound reduction index
Contributed in12_1062.pdf
Authors: Emmanuel Gourdon, DGCB-ENTPE
16:20 1318 New energy efcient lightweight building technologies, acoustic and thermal
Invited in12_1318.pdf
Authors: Jean-Luc Kouyoumji, FCBA; Gilbert Achard, LOCIE - Universit
Community / Environmental Noise: 7.07 Outdoor Sound Propagation Room: Salon 4
Session Chairs: AM: Henry Scarton, Bob Bronsdon, PM: Ichiro Yamada
8:00 402 Measurement of outdoor sound propagation characteristics of municipal public
address system using cross-spectrum method
Contributed in12_402.pdf
Authors: Junichi Mori, Chiba Institute of Technology; Daisuke Yoshino, Graduate
School, Chiba Institute of Technology; Fumiaki Satoh, Chiba Institute of Technology;
Hideki Tachibana, Chiba Institute of Technology
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
8:20 403 On the improved point-to-point calculations for noise mapping in shielded urban areas
Invited in12_403.pdf
Authors: Maarten Hornikx, Chalmers University of Technology; Jens Forrsen, Applied
Acoustics, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden; Mikael Ogren, INTEC,
Ghent University, Belgium; Dick Botteldooren, INTEC, Ghent University, Belgium;
Timothyvan Renterghem, INTEC, Ghent University, Belgium; Erik Salomons, VTI,
Sweden; , TNO Built Environment and Geosciences, the Netherlands
8:40 442 Outdoor sound propagation in complex 3D urban environments using a numerical
hybrid method
Invited in12_442.pdf
Authors: Stephanie M. Pasareanu, Virginia Tech; Marcel C. Remillieux, Virginia Tech;
Ricardo A. Burdisso, Virginia Tech
9:00 477 A case study on estimation technique of land cover classication using hyperspectral
imaging data for outdoor acoustics simulations
Contributed in12_477.pdf
Authors: Yasuhiro Hiraguri, Tokyyyama College of Technology; Takuya Oshima, Faculty
of Engineering, Niigata University, Japan; Kazuma Hoshi, Department of Construction,
Nihon University Junior College, Japan; Masashi Imano, Graduate School of
Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan
9:20 487 A basic investigation for prediction of outdoor sound propagation in large area using
low-frequency FMBEM: Effect of shapes and distribution of objects on computational
accuracy and efciency
Contributed in12_487.pdf
Authors: Yosuke Yasuda, Kanagawa University; Kazutaka Higuchi, Faculty of
Engineering, Kanagawa University; Hidehisa Sekine, Faculty of Engineering, Kanagawa
University; Takuya Oshima, Faculty of Engineering, Niigata University
10:00 524 Measured ground effects inuenced by meteorology
Contributed in12_524.pdf
Authors: Dieter Hohenwarter, TGM Institute of Technology; Erich Mursch-Radlgruber,
Institute of Meteorology and Physics, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life
Sciences, Vienna, Austria
10:20 568 An efcient approach to evaluate multiple scattering by foliage in a 3D-FDTD model
Contributed in12_568.pdf
Authors: L. Ding, Ghent University; T. Van Renterghem, Ghent University; D.
Botteldooren, Ghent University
10:40 574 One-way approximation of the sound propagation in a urban canyon with irregular
Contributed in12_574.pdf
Authors: Jean-Baptiste Doc, Universite du Maine; Bertrand Lihoreau, Laboratoire
dAcoustique de lUniversit; Simon Felix, Laboratoire dAcoustique de lUniversit
11:00 618 Comparison of different concepts to determine sound propagation conditions for
Contributed in12_618.pdf
Authors: Christian Kirisits, University of Vienna; Helmut Kirisits, Kirisits Consulting
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
11:20 764 Numerical predictions for sustainable development of cities: Acoustic propagation in
presence of urban vegetation
Invited in12_764.pdf
Authors: Gwenael Guillaume, Lunam Universite; Benoit Gauvreau, LUNAM Ifsttar;
Nicolas Fortin, LUNAM Ifsttar
11:40 932 Report on the results of an experiment in a quarry in the western suburbs of Boston
Invited in12_932.pdf
Authors: Roger Waxler, University of Mississippi; Xiao Di, Weston Geophysical
Corporation; Carrick Talmadge, Defense Threat Reduction Agency; Claus Hetzer,
National Center for Physical Acoustics at the University of Mississippi; DanielKleinert,
National Center for Physical Acoustics at the University of Mississippi; Hank Buchanan,
National Center for Physical Acoustics at the University of Mississippi; Jessie Bonner,
National Center for Physical Acoustics at the University of Mississippi; Robert Reinke,
National Center for Physical Acoustics at the University of Mississippi
13:20 989 Meteorology-based propagation classes for high-energy impulsive sources
Invited in12_989.pdf
Authors: Lauren M. Ronsse, US Army Corps of Engineers; Dan Valente, US Army
Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research & Development Center; Michael J. White, US
Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research & Development Center; Michelle E.
Swearingen, US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research & Development Center
13:40 1024 Sound propagation over an earthen noise barrier: Experiment and theory
Invited in12_1024.pdf
Authors: Santosh Parakkal, ERDC-CRREL-NH; Kenneth E. Gilbert, National Center for
Physical Acoustics
14:00 1038 A real-time sound propagation system for noise prediction in outdoor spaces
Invited in12_1038.pdf
Authors: Ravish Mehra, UNC Chapel Hill; Nikunj Raghuvanshi, Microsoft Research,
Redmond; Lakulish Antani, Department of Computer Science, UNC Chapel Hill; Dinesh
Manocha, Department of Computer Science, UNC Chapel Hill
14:20 1044 Numerical comparison of traditional noise screens and refractive graded index sonic
crystal noise barriers in downwind sound propagation
Contributed in12_1044.pdf
Authors: Bart van der Aa, Chalmers University of Technology; Jens Forssen, Chalmers
University of Technology
14:40 1114 Intelligent switching between different noise propagation algorithms: Analysis and
Contributed in12_1114.pdf
Authors: Eric Boeker, U.S. Dept. of Transportation; Joyce Rosenbaum, Computer
Sciences Coporation
15:00 1150 Analysis of the outdoor noise propagation from a multipurpose ship, berthed near an
urban residential area
Contributed in12_1150.pdf
Authors: Student Aglaia Badino, University of Genoa; Corrado Schenone, University of
Genoa - DIME
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
15:40 1163 Fast computations of outdoor sound scattering using graphical processing hardware
Contributed in12_1163.pdf
Authors: Donald G. Albert, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center;
Lanbo Liu, University of Connecticut, Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering; Paul R. Eller, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center,
Information Technology Laboratory; Jing-Ru C. Cheng, US Army Engineer Research
and Development Center, Information Technology Laboratory
16:00 1177 The effect of relative humidity on atmospheric attenuation calculation
Contributed in12_1177.pdf
Authors: Huay Seen Lee, RWDI AIR Inc
16:20 1183 Variability in acoustic scattering of impulsive signals in forested environments
Contributed in12_1183.pdf
Authors: Michelle E. Swearingen, US Army ERDC-CERL; Donald G. Albert, US Army
16:40 1224 Single event sound exposure level at the reference distance as source data for
predicting heavy weapon noise contour.
Invited in12_1224.pdf
Authors: Ippei Yamamoto, Defense Facilities Environment Improvement Association;
Makoto Morinaga, Defense Facilities Environment Improvement Association; Hidebumi
Tsukioka, Defense Facilities Environment Improvement Association; Takatoshi Yokota,
Kobayasi Institute of Physical Research; KoichiMakino, Kobayasi Institute of Physical
Research; Ichiro Yamada, Airport Environment Improvement Foundation; Hirohisa Sato,
Japan Ministry of Defense
Industrial Noise: 9.02 Noise Control for Petrochemical and Process Plants Room: Lyceum/Carnegie
Session Chairs: Jim Cowling, Jon Richards
8:00 244 Centrifugal compressor piping noise - Field measurements and accurate noise
modeling for process plants
Contributed in12_244.doc
Authors: Jim Cowling, KBR; Jon Richards, KBR
8:20 245 An improved method For air cooled heat exchanger shop noise testing
Contributed in12_245.pdf
Authors: Sonia Garza, KBR; Farhana Lamis, KBR; Arindam Ghosh, KBR
8:40 257 Cost and performance optimization of atmospheric vent silencer system in process
Contributed in12_257.pdf
Authors: Parimala Desai, KBR; Charu Jain, KBR; Amy Hinojosa, KBR
9:00 261 A novel laboratory method to measure the efciency of acoustic insulation for pipes
Invited in12_261.pdf
Authors: Mark J. Swift, Armacell UK Ltd; Kirill V. Horoshenkov, School of Engineering,
University of Bradford; Anton Krynkin, School of Engineering, University of Bradford;
Amir Khan, School of Engineering, University of Bradford; George F.Rosala, School of
Engineering, University of Bradford
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
9:20 407 The noise of the plant for the production of pipes. Analysis of changes in the noise in
the surrounding area after one of the sources of noise attenuation
Contributed in12_407.pdf
Authors: Dmitry V. Chugunkov, National Research University; Vladimir B. Tupov,
National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute
10:00 450 Evaluating and controlling noise from a metal shredder system
Invited in12_450.pdf
Authors: Robert D. ONeal, Epsilon Associates, Inc.; Richard M. Lampeter, Epsilon
Associates, Inc.; Cory B. Emil, Epsilon Associates, Inc.; Brad A. Gallant, Epsilon
Associates, Inc.
10:20 512 The latest acoustic engineering in the industrial plant
Contributed in12_512.pdf
Authors: Takahiro Hida, JGC Corp; Koji Ando, JGC Corporation
10:40 597 Coherence based simulation of the pipe sound radiation transition from sound decay
of 3dB to 6dB per doubling of distance
Contributed in12_597.pdf
Authors: J. Adin Mann III, Fisher Controls International LLC; Allesandro Guariento,
Fisher Controls International LLC; Allen C. Fagerlund, Fisher Controls International LLC;
Daniel Eilers, Fisher Controls International LLC
11:00 619 Sound testing and analysis of small vent systems and effectiveness of equipment
Invited in12_619.pdf
Authors: Daniel Eilers, Emerson Process Management Fisher Valves; Allen C.
Fagerlund, Emerson Process Management Fisher Valves
11:20 1337 Low-frequency tonal components in Caterpillar 36 series engine exhausts
Contributed in12_1337.pdf
Authors: David M. Jones, HFP Acoustical Consultants Inc.; Ronald R. Spillman, El Paso
Corporation; Bill Thomas, HFP Acoustical Consultants Inc.
Architectural Noise / Building Acoustics: 3.11 Computational
Techniques in Room and Building Acoustics Room: Lyceum/Carnegie
Session Chairs: AM: Julieta Antnio, Yun Jing, Monika Rychtarikova; PM: Monika Rychtarikova, Yun Jing
13:20 316 TLM modelling for room acoustics
Invited in12_316.pdf
Authors: Gwenael Guillaume, Luman Universite; Judica Picaut
13:40 514 The Anisotropic Reverberation Model (ARM) - A simplied method to calculate the
sound energy decay and derived properties
Contributed in12_514.pdf
Authors: Stefan Drechsler, HafenCity-University Hamburg
14:00 630 Bayesian lter design for time-domain impedance representation in acoustic nite
difference methods
Contributed in12_630.pdf
Authors: Jonathan Botts, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Ning Xiang, Graduate
Program in Architectural Acoustics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
14:20 756 Characterization of scattering coefcients of periodical surfaces by numerical analysis
Invited in12_756.pdf
Authors: Hyojin Lee, The University of Tokyo; Tetsuya Sakuma, Graduate School of
Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo
14:40 877 Front back localization in rooms with uniform distribution of sound absorption
Invited in12_877.pdf
Authors: Vojtech Chmelik, STU Bratislava; Monika Rychtarikova, STU Bratislava; Janina
Fels, RWTH Aachen; Christ Glorieux, KU Leuven
15:20 953 An energy diffusion model for interior acoustics with structural coupling using the
boundary element method
Contributed in12_953.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Joseph M. Corcoran, Virginia Tech; Ricardo A. Burdisso, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech
15:40 968 Numerical simulation of transmission loss test facilities
Invited in12_968.pdf
Authors: Rafael Piscoya, University of Applied Sciences; Martin Ochmann, University
of Applied Sciences Berlin, Beuth Hochschule
16:00 1056 Acoustic insulation of multilayered walls when subjected to sound produced by
moving sources
Invited in12_1056.pdf
Authors: Antonio Tadeu, University of Coimbra; Julieta Antonio, University of Coimbra;
Luis Godinho, University of Coimbra
16:20 1057 Simulating the performance of 3D indoor barriers using a 3D traction boundary
element formulation
Invited in12_1057.pdf
Authors: Prof. Julieta Antonio, University of Coimbra; Antonio Tadeu, University of
Coimbra; Igor Castro, ITeCons
16:40 1100 Objective and subjective assessment of scattered sound in a virtual acoustical
environment simulated with three different algorithms.
Invited in12_1100.pdf
Authors: Louena Shtrepi, Politecnico di Torino; Sonke Pelzer, Aachen University,
Institute of Technical Acoustics; Monika Rychtarikova, K.U. Leuven, Laboratory of
Acoustics and Thermal Physics; Renzo Vitale, Aachen University, Institute of Technical
Acoustics; AriannaAstol, Politecnico di Torino, Energy Department; Michael Vorlander,
Aachen University, Institute of Technical Acoustics
Psychoacoustic Aspects in Noise Evaluation: 21.05 Psychoacoustics Room: Alvin/Edison
Session Chairs: David Towers, Shankar Rajaram
8:00 558 Preference and loudness of multi-tone sounds
Invited in12_558.pdf
Authors: Stephan Toepken, Oldenburg University; Jesko L. Verhey, Magdeburg
University - Department of Experimental Audiology; Reinhard Weber, Oldenburg
University - Institute of Physics - Acoustics Group
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
8:20 766 Comparison of short-term noise annoyance assessment methods
Invited in12_766.pdf
Authors: Catherine Marquis-Favre, University of Lyon; Julien Morel, University of
Lyon, Labex Celya, ENTPE-DGCB. Now at French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable
Development and Energy/Noise Mission.; Antoine Richez, University of Lyon, Labex
Celya, ENTPE-DGCB. Now at French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and
Energy/DDT Loiret
8:40 772 Loudness models in the very low frequency range: Application to the prediction of
airplane cockpit noise comfort
Invited in12_772.pdf
Authors: Parizet, Laboratoire Vibrations Acoustique; F. Lerme, LVA, INSA-Lyon, F-69621,
France; Y. Padayachi, LVA, INSA-Lyon, F-69621, France; O. Collery, Airbus Operations
SAS, Toulouse, France
9:00 825 Loudness model extension improving predictions for broadband sounds
Contributed in12_825.pdf
Authors: Josef Schlittenlacher, TU Darmstadt; Wolfgang Ellermeier, TU Darmstadt;
Takeo Hashimoto, Seikei University
9:20 1428 Auditory detection of infrapitch signals for several spatial congurations of pink noise
Contributed in12_1428.pdf
Authors: Gregory H. Wakeeld, The University of Michigan; Agnieszka Roginska, New
York University; Thomas Santoro, Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory
Inverse Approaches in Vibro-Acoustics: 13.02 Beamforming Room: Alvin/Edison
Session Chairs: Mingsian Bai
10:00 11 Binaural noise reduction based on widely linear ltering with multiple microphones
Invited in12_11.pdf
Authors: Jingdong Chen, Northwestern Polytechnical University; Jacob Benesty, INRS-
EMT, University of Quebec
10:20 287 Convex optimization-based microphone array signal processing
Invited in12_287.pdf
Authors: Mingsian R. Bai, National Tsing Hua University; Ching-Cheng Chen, National
Tsing Hua University
10:40 1375 Rened beamforming with increased spatial resolution
Invited in12_1375.pdf
Authors: Svend Gade, Brel & Kjr Sound & Vibration Measurements A/S; Jorden
Hald, Br; Bernard Ginn, Br
11:00 1391 Partial sound decomposition for beamforming in multiple incoherent sources
Invited in12_1391.pdf
Authors: Koo-Hwan Kim, KAIST; Jung-Woo Choi, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, KAIST; Yang-Hann Kim, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
11:20 227 Sound source separation by using adaptive time reversal method
Invited in12_227.pdf
Authors: Gee-Pinn James Too, National Cheng Kung University; Bo-Hsien Wu, National
Cheng Kung University
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
11:40 183 A hybrid scheme for localization and separation for multiple noise sources using
microphone array
Contributed in12_183.pdf
Authors: Pengxiao Teng, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Rilin Chen, Institute of
acoustics,Chinese Academy of Sciences; Yichun Yang, Institute of acoustics,Chinese
Academy of Sciences
15:20 722 Uncertainty estimation of phase mapping technique by beamforming and monopole
Contributed in12_722.pdf
Authors: Paolo Castellini, Universita Politecnica delle Marche; Francesca Sopranzetti,
15:40 967 Application of noise separation techniques on sound source localization
Contributed in12_967.pdf
Authors: Lanslots, LMS International; Karl Janssens, MICRODB; Olivier Minck,
MICRODB; Lucille Lamotte, LMS
Psychoacoustic Aspects in Noise Evaluation:
21.04 Psycho Acoustic Approach to Noise Problems in Daily Life Room: Alvin/Edison
Session Chairs: Hugo Fastl, Sonoku Kuwano
16:00 114 Subjective responses to aircraft noise using picture frustration study
Invited in12_114.pdf
Authors: Sonoko Kuwano, Osaka University; Seiichiro Namba, Osaka University;
Ichiro Yamada, Airport Environment Improvement Foundation; Hisashi Yoshioka,
Airport Environment Improvement Foundation; MakotoMorinaga, Defense Facilities
Environment Improvement Association
16:20 258 Reduction effect of time interval between noise events on the noisiness of aircraft
Invited in12_258.pdf
Authors: Makoto Morinaga, Defense Facilities Environment Improvement Association;
Hidebumi Tsukioka, Defense Facilities Environment Improvement Association; Jiro
Kaku, Kobayasi Institute of Physical Research; Sonoko Kuwano, Osaka University;
SeiichiroNamba, Osaka University
16:40 295 Psychoacoustic evaluation of noises produced by propellers with asymmetrical blade
Invited in12_295.pdf
Authors: Hugo Fastl, TU Mnchen; Ingeborg Stemplinger, AG Technische Akustik
Railway Noise and Vibration : 19.01 Railway Noise and Vibration Room: Booth
Session Chairs: Shankar Rajaram, David Towars
8:00 1378 The importance of vehicle throttle setting information for rail transit noise impact
Invited in12_1378.pdf
Authors: Timothy M. Johnson, Harris Miller Miller & Hanson Inc.; David A. Towers,
Harris Miller Miller & Hanson Inc.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
8:20 1174 Corrugation and rail noise
Invited in12_1174.pdf
Authors: Andrew Wong, ATS Consulting; Steven Wolf, ATS Consulting
8:40 151 German and European measurements to abate railway noise
Contributed in12_151.pdf
Authors: Rene Weinandy, Federal Environment Agency; Thomas Myck, Federal
Environment Agency
9:00 1034 Standardization of damping technologies for the reduction of railway noise -
Contributed in12_1034.pdf
Authors: Helmut Venghaus, Schrey&Veit GmbH; , DB Systemtechnik; , Vibratec; ,
SNCF; , ISVR; , TATA Steel
9:20 102 Quantitative estimation of the inuence of surrounding construction on wayside
railway-noise level
Contributed in12_102.pdf
Authors: Hidetoshi Saito, West Japan Railway Company; Kiyoshi Nagakura, Railway
Technical Research Institute; Yukie Ogata, Railway Technical Research Institute
10:00 315 Sound source model of rail-joint noise for noise prediction of conventional railways
Contributed in12_315.pdf
Authors: Tomohiro Kobayashi, Chiba Institute of Technology; Sakae Yokoyama, Institute
of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo; Hiroo Yano, Chiba Institute of Technology;
Hideki Tachibana, Chiba Institute of Technology
10:20 1083 Procedures for estimating environmental impact from railway induced vibration: A
Contributed in12_1083.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Jorge Avillez, URS; Matthew Frost, Loughborough University; Steve Cawser,
URS; Chris Skinner, Loughborough University; AshrafEl-Hamalawi, Loughborough
University; Paul Fleming, URS; Paul Shields, URS
10:40 186 Guideline for the evaluation of vibrations by rail transport in the Netherlands
Contributed in12_186.pdf
Author: Jan Van den Brink, ProRail
11:00 1136 Getting more with more: Leveraging project-available data to enhance groundborne
noise and vibration predictions
Contributed in12_1136.pdf
Author: Gary M. Glickman, Wilson Ihrig & Associates
11:20 436 Railway oating slab track design: Review of specication for elastomeric springs
Contributed in12_436.pdf
Authors: Shankar Rajaram, ATS Consulting; Hugh Saurenman, ATS Consulting; David
A. Dillard, Virginia Tech
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
11:40 143 RECYTRACK Project: Elastomeric eco-friendly material based on end-of-life tires
blended with organic bind resin for railway applications
Contributed in12_143.pdf
Authors: Joan Cardona, AV Ingenieros; Rafael Torres, LEAM - Technical University of
Catalonia; Montse Polo, AV Ingenieros; Robert Arcos, AV Ingenieros
Flow Induced Noise and Vibration: 24.01 Flow / Aero Acoustics (ASME NCAD) Room: Booth
Session Chairs: Brent Paul, Kristin Cody
13:20 195 Wall pressure phase velocity measurements in a turbulent boundary layer
Contributed in12_195.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Teresa S. Miller, Bombardier Learjet Inc; Mark J. Moeller, Bombardier
13:40 581 Combined PIV-PLIF study of sinusoidal ow past a stationary heated circular cylinder
Contributed in12_581.pdf
Authors: Rani Taher, McGill University; Shahin Amiri, McGill University; Luc Guy
Mongeau, McGill University
14:00 678 High and mid frequency wind noise load identication for statistical energy analysis
Contributed in12_678.pdf
Authors: Fumihiko Kosaka, Mitsubishi Motors Corp; Yasuhiko Okutsu, Mitsubishi
motors corporation; Naoki Hamamoto, Mitsubishi motors corporation; Hirotaka
Shiozaki, Mitsubishi motors corporation
14:20 749 Finite difference lattice Boltzmann simulations of ows past two circular cylinders in
tandem arrangement
Contributed in12_749.pdf
Authors: Katsuji Akamatsu, Machinery Acoustics; Michihisa Tsutahara, Kobe University
2:40 838 Sound propagation in a sheared ow based on uctuating total enthalpy as
generalized acoustic variablele
Contributed in12_838.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Candidate Cesar Legendre, Free Field Technologies S.A.; Gregory Lielens, Free
Field Technologies S.A.; Jean-Pierre Coyette, Free Field Technologies S.A.
15:00 1006 Acoustics of corrugated pipes using large-eddy simulation
Contributed in12_1006.pdf
Authors: B. Rajavel, Stevens Institute of Technology; M.G. Prasad, Stevens Institute of
Flow Induced Noise and Vibration: 24.05 Piping and Duct Acoustics Room: Booth
Session Chairs: Marehalli G. Prasad, Goran Pavid
15:40 434 Numerical and experimental characterization of oscillatory ows over a at spoiler in a
Contributed in12_434.pdf
Authors: Kaveh Habibi, McGill University; Yasser Rafat, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, McGill University; Luc Mongeau, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
McGill University; Rani Taher, Department of Mechanical Engineering, McGill
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
16:00 853 An extension of the low reduced frequency model for viscothermal acoustic
propagation within waveguides
Contributed in12_853.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Clement Sambuc, Free Field Technologies S.A.; Gregory Lielens, Free Field
Technologies S.A.; Jean-Pierre Coyette, Free Field Technologies S.A.
16:20 1131 Study of wall thickness and material effect on acoustic wave propagation in water-
lled piping
Contributed in12_1131.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Alireza Mokhtari, University of Manitoba; Vijay Chatoorgoon, University of
16:40 1299 Acoustic propagation in a lined duct using a wave expansion method
Contributed in12_1299.pdf
Authors: Ciaran J. OReilly, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Measurement and Signal Processing Techniques:
12.01 Vibration and Acoustic Measurement Techniques and Facilities Room: Music Box/Winter Garden
Session Chairs: AM: Jason Kunio, Ran Cabell; PM: Jason Kunio, Jung-Woo Choi
8:00 432 Micro electro-mechanical devices used as vibration sensors. Measurements and
comparison with traditional accelerometers.
Contributed in12_432.pdf
Author: Alessandro Sabato, Universita della Calabria
8:20 94 Acoustical design and qualication of reverberation rooms
Contributed in12_94.pdf
Author: Jerry Lilly, JGL Acoustics, Inc.
8:40 214 Source visualization by using statistically optimized near-eld acoustical holography
in conical coordinates
Contributed in12_214.pdf
Authors: Yong Thung Cho, Kyungil University; J. Stuart Bolton, Ray W. Herrick Labs,
Purdue University
9:00 275 Measurement of vibrotactile thresholds on the ngertip to assess presentation of
musical notes for people with and without a hearing impairment
Contributed in12_275.pdf
Authors: Carl Hopkins, University of Liverpool; Saul Mate-Cid, University of Liverpool;
Gary Seiffert, University of Liverpool; Robert Fulford, RNCM; JaneGinsborg, RNCM
9:20 383 Condition monitoring of slow rotating bearing using statistical approach
Contributed in12_383.pdf ASME NCAD
Author: Sylvester A. Aye, University of Pretoria
10:00 1553 Loudspeakers designed for increased intelligibility despite lower sound pressure levels
Contributed in12_1553.pdf
Authors: Thomas Lago, QirraSound Technologies LLC; Tierry Budge, QirraSound
Technologies; Alan Boyer, QirraSound Technologies; Arthur Osgatharp, QirraSound
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
10:20 520 Study on acoustic characteristics of lined duct (Comparison between experiment and
BEM analysis using Impedance of absorbent measured by Impedance tube)
Contributed in12_520.pdf
Author: Kunihiko Ishihara, The University of Tokushima
10:40 788 Measurement of dynamic properties of jointed structures using exural wave
Contributed in12_788.pdf
Authors: Jeongwon Park, Hanyang University; Deokman Kim, Hanyang University;
Junhong Park, Agency for Defense Development; Man Hoi Koo, Hanyang University
11:00 812 Experimental characterization of a car window excited by turbulent ow using
scanning sound intensity techniques
Contributed in12_812.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Daniel Fernandez Comesana, Microown Technologies; Eduardo Latorre
Iglesias, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research; Malcolm Smith, Institute of Sound
and Vibration Research; Hans-Elias de Bree, Microown Technologies
11:20 867 Measurement technique with portable and wireless measurement instruments for
multi-point measurements and architectural acoustic.
Contributed in12_867.pdf
Authors: Yasutaka Nakajima, Rion Co., Ltd.; Yu Kurosawa, Rion Co., Ltd.; Naru Sato,
Rion Co., Ltd.; Yuichi Yonemoto, Rion Co., Ltd.; ToshihiroUeta, Rion Co., Ltd.; Ryota
Hotta, Rion Co., Ltd.; Michinari Okazaki, Rion Co., Ltd.; Masaharu Ohya, Rion Co., Ltd.;
Kiyokatsu Iwahashi, Rion Co., Ltd.
13:20 871 Method of determination of sound absorption properties of materials in frequency
range above 4,000 Hz
Contributed in12_871.pdf
Authors: Dariusz Pleban, Central Institute for Labour Protection; Bozena Smagowska,
Central Institute for Labour Protection-National Research Institute
13:40 1178 Design and performance of acoustical testing center of Cummins Power Generation
Invited in12_1178.pdf
Authors: Shashikant More, Cummins Power Generation; Martin Myers, Industrial
Acoustics Company (IAC); Victor Clemente, Cummins Power Generation
14:00 1204 Methodogy for identication of sound radiation patterns outside a refrigeration
Contributed in12_1204.pdf
Authors: Daniel Chica Velasquez, Universidad Nacional de Colombia; John Alejandro
Soto Gomez, Grupo de Investigaci
14:20 1223 InsSitu noise insulation determination of anechoic chamber partitions
Contributed in12_1223.pdf
Author: Charles Oppenheimer, Hewlett-Packard
14:40 1360 Impedance tube specimen preparation And mounting issues
Contributed in12_1360.pdf
Author: Dan R. Stanley, 3M EAR Specialty Composites
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
15:00 1381 Determination of volume fractions in a two-phase ow from sound speed
Contributed in12_1381.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Anirban Chaudhuri, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Curtis F. Osterhoudt, Los
Alamos National Laboratory; Dipen N. Sinha, Los Alamos National Laboratory
15:40 1425 Reverberation room conversion: Design and results
Contributed in12_1425.pdf
Authors: Michael A. Sanderson, Chrysler LLC; Taner Onsay, Chrysler LLC; Dilal Rhazi,
Chrysler LLC
16:00 1429 Connecting the singular values of an input cross-spectral density matrix to noise
sources in a diesel engine
Contributed in12_1429.pdf
Authors: Michael D. Hayward, Purdue University; J. Stuart Bolton, Ray W. Herrick
Laboratories, Purdue University; Patricia Davies, Ray W. Herrick Laboratories, Purdue
16:20 1496 Assessing sound directivity of ducts in a diffuse eld
Contributed in12_1496.pdf
Authors: Andrey Ricardo da Silva, Federal University of Santa Maria; Eric Brandao
Carneiro, Federal University of Santa Maria; Stephan Paul, Federal University of Santa
16:40 465 Development of digital monitoring and diagnoses system of shafting torsional
Contributed in12_465.pdf
Authors: Yi-Bin Guo, Harbin Engineering University; Wan-You Li, Harbin Engineering
University; Doug-Hua Wang, Harbin Engineering University; Peng-Fei Cai, China
Satellite Maritime Tracking and Control Department
Aircraft and Space System Noise & Vibration:
2.05 Aircraft Interior Noise - applications, strategies and test Room: Palace
Session Chairs: Pascale Neple, Mark Downing
8:00 1265 Application of Aircraft SEA Model - Correlation with ight test data and noise
Invited in12_1265.pdf
Authors: Tongan Wang, Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation; John Maxon, Gulfstream
Aerospace Corporation
8:20 1268 Integrated reception-plate inverse-force test method for commercial airplane
equipment structure-borne noise specication and qualication
Invited in12_1268.pdf
Author: Kevin Lai, The Boeing Company
8:40 1291 Aircraft soft mounts efciency: Sensitivity to temperature and preloading
Contributed in12_1291.pdf
Authors: Pascale Neple, Airbus Operations SAS; Noureddine Atalla, GAUS Sherbrooke
University; Maxime Bolduc, GAUS Sherbrooke University
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
9:00 1327 Preliminary results on the modeling of aircraft vibroacoustic comfort
Contributed in12_1327.pdf
Authors: Raquel Fava de Bitencourt, University of Sao Paulo; Luiz Fernando de Oliveira
Chamon, USP; Sideto Futatsugi, Embraer - SA; Jurandir Itizo Yanagihara, UFSC; Samir
Nagi YousriGerges, USP
9:20 1238 Dynamic response of a thin curved plate with PZT and shunted circuits
Contributed in12_1238.pdf
Authors: Xiang Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Daoqing Chang, Key Laboratory
of Noise and Vibration Research, Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Bilong Liu, Key Laboratory of Noise and Vibration Research, Institute of Acoustics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Noise and Health: 15.08 Noise and Hearing Loss Room: Palace
Session Chairs: Thais Morata, Deepak Prasher
10:00 89 Military noise limits: How much is too much?
Contributed in12_89.pdf
Authors: Bruce E. Amrein, U.S. Army Research Laboratory; Tomasz R. Letowski, U.S.
Army Research Laboratory
10:20 352 Comparison of TTS between normal headsets and bone conduction devices for
prevention of hearing loss at call-center
Contributed in12_352.pdf
Authors: Setsuo Maeda, Kinki University; Koji Kobayashi, Toyota Tsusyo Corporation;
Hidenori Nakatani, Goldendance Co., Ltd.; Akiko Nakatani, Goldendance Co., Ltd.
10:40 453 Changing childrens MP3 and I-pod listening habits to prevent long term hearing loss:
The Noise Abatement Society Love Your Ears programme
Contributed in12_453.pdf
Author: Gloria Elliott, Noise Abatement Society UK
11:00 469 Aural architecture or acoustic architect - How to teach acoustics to architecture
Contributed in12_469.pdf
Authors: Nurgun Tamer Bayazit, Rice University; Alexander Hohman, Rice University,
School of Architecture; Renne Reder, Rice University, School of Architecture
11:20 624 Towards evidence-based hearing loss prevention
Contributed in12_624.doc
Authors: Thais C. Morata, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
11:40 875 Industrial sources of noise in the frequency range 10-40 kHz
Contributed in12_875.pdf
Authors: Smagowska Bozena, Central Institute for Labour Protection
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Noise and Health: 15.05 Cardiovascular Health Impacts of Noise Room: Palace
Session Chairs: Wolfgang Babisch, Stephan Stansfeld
13:20 754 Transportation noise (in particular railway noise) and blood pressure in REGICOR
compared to SAPALDIA
Invited in12_754.pdf
Authors: Maria Foraster, Universitat Pompeu Fabra; Xavier Basagana, Swiss Tropical
and Public Health Institute Basel, Switzerland; Inmaculada Aguilera, Swiss Tropical
and Public Health Institute Basel, Switzerland; David Agis, Centre for Research in
Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL), Hospital del Mar Research Institute (IMIM),
CIBER Epidemiologia y Salud P; LauraBouso, Centre for Research in Environmental
Epidemiology (CREAL), Hospital del Mar Research Institute (IMIM), CIBER
Epidemiologia y Salud P; Harish Phuleria, GREFEMA (Grup de Recerca en Enginyeria
de Fluids, Energia i Medi Ambient), University of Girona (UdG), Girona, Spain; Julia
Dratva, Hospital del Mar Research Institute (IMIM), CIBER Epidemiologia y Salud P;
Nicole Probst-Hensch, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Basel, Switzerland;
Christian Schindler, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Basel, Switzerland; Nino
Kunzli, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Basel, Switzerland
1:40 384 Road trafc noise and risk for stroke and myocardial infarction
Invited in12_384.pdf
Authors: Mette Sorensen, Danish Cancer Society; Zorana J. Andersen, Danish
Cancer Society Research Centre, Strandboulevarden 49, 2100 Copenhagen; Rikke
B. Nordsborg, Danish Cancer Society Research Centre, Strandboulevarden 49, 2100
Copenhagen; Anne Tjonneland, Ramb; OleRaaschou-Nielsen, Danish Environmental
Protection Agency, Copenhagen, Denmark; Kenneth G. Lillelund, Danish Cancer
Society Research Centre, Strandboulevarden 49, 2100 Copenhagen; Jorgen Jakobsen,
Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Aarhus University, Aarhus,
Denmark; Kim Overvad, Danish Cancer Society Research Centre, Strandboulevarden
49, 2100 Copenhagen
14:00 590 Cardiovascular effects of the combined exposure to noise and outdoor air pollution: A
Invited in12_590.pdf
Authors: Jurgita Lekaviciute, European Commission; Yvonne de Kluizenaar, TNO,
Department of Urban Environment, Delft, The Netherlands; Helga Elvira Laszlo,
MRC-HPA Centre for Environment and Health, Department of Epidemiology and
Biostatistics, Imperial College London, UK; Anna Hansell, MRC-HPA Centre for
Environment and Health, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Imperial
College London, UK; SarahFloud, MRC-HPA Centre for Environment and Health,
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Imperial College London, UK; Peter
Lercher, Department of Hygiene, Microbiology and Social Medicine, Division of Social
Medicine, Medical University Innsbruck, Austria; Wolfgang Babisch, Department
of Environmental Hygiene, Federal Environmental Agency, Germany; Stylianos
Kephalopoulos, European Commission - Joint Research Centre, Institute for Health and
Consumer Protection, Chemical Assessment and Testing Unit, Ispra, Italy
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
14:20 526 Exposure modiers of the relationships between road trafc noise and aircraft noise
with high blood pressure (HYENA study)
Invited in12_526.pdf
Authors: Wolfgang Babisch, Federal Environment Agency; Danny Houthuijs, The
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, The
Netherlands; Wim Swart, The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
(RIVM), Bilthoven, The Netherlands; Konstantina Dimakopoulou, Imperial College
London, London, United Kingdom; PanayotaSourtzi, National and Kapodistrian
University of Athens (Medical School), Athens, Greece; Jenny Selander, National
and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Nurses School), Athens, Greece; Gosta
Bluhm, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden; Ennio Cadum, Karolinska Institute,
Stockholm, Sweden; Sarah Floud, Piedmont Regional Environmental Protection
Agency, Grugliasco, Italy; Anna L Hansell, Imperial College London, London, United
14:40 956 Environmental noise and cardiovascular disease - Observations on a well know dose-
response relationship
Contributed in12_956.pdf
Authors: H.E. Laszlo, Imperial College London; B.F. Berry, Berry Environmental Ltd,
Shepperton, UK; P. Abbott, AECOM Ltd, Glasgow, UK; A.L. Hansell, Imperial College
London, London, UK
Aircraft and Space System Noise & Vibration:
2.09 Launch and Space Vehicle Noise and Vibration Room: Palace
Session Chairs: Haisam Osman, Micah Shepherd
15:20 158 Acoustic measurements of an uninstalled spacecraft cabin ventilation fan prototype
Contributed in12_158.pdf
Authors: L. Danielle Koch, NASA Glenn Research Center; Clifford A. Brown, NASA
Glenn Research Center; Tony D. Shock, NASA Glenn Research Center; James Winkel,
NASA Glenn Research Center; John S.Kolacz, NASA Glenn Research Center; Devin M.
Podboy, Gilcrest, Inc.; Raymond A. Loew, Sierra Lobo, Inc.; Julius H. Loew, Sierra Lobo,
15:40 447 Mid-high frequency vibroacoustic modeling and correlation of Orion Ground Test
Contributed in12_447.pdf
Author: Indranil Dandaroy, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company
16:00 1127 Advanced acoustic measurement system for rocket noise source characterization
Invited in12_1127.pdf
Authors: Michael M. James, Blue Ridge Research and Consulting, LLC; Kent L. Gee,
Brigham Young University
16:40 1286 Sound transmission loss of orthotropic sandwich panels with soft core and noise
control treatment
Invited in12_1286.pdf
Authors: Sebastian Ghinet, National Research Council Canada; Haisam A. Osman,
United Launch Alliance, System Analysis and Integration
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Shock: 10.01 Low Frequency Noise -
Airborne, structure-borne, and ground (joint INCE / ASME NCAD) Room: Uris/Plymouth
Session Chairs: Jeff Vipperman, Eric Myer
8:00 216 Assessment of active electroacoustic absorbers as low frequency modal dampers in
Contributed in12_216.pdf
Authors: Herve Lissek, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne; Romain Boulandet,
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne; Etienne Rivet, Ecole Polytechnique
Federale de Lausanne; Iris Rigas, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
8:20 284 Regression analysis on wind noise effects for low frequency sound measuring in
natural wind
Contributed in12_284.pdf
Authors: Noboru Kamiakito, Civil Engineering and Eco-Technology Consultants Co.
Ltd.; Masayuki Shimura, Civil Engineering and Eco-Technology Consultants Co. Ltd.;
Atushi Aoki, Civil Engineering and Eco-Technology Consultants Co. Ltd.; Kengo
Tateishi, Civil Engineering and Eco-Technology Consultants Co. Ltd.; HisashiNiwa, Civil
Engineering and Eco-Technology Consultants Co. Ltd.; Takashi Nomura, Department
of Civil Engineering, College of Science and Technology, Nihon University; Hiroshi
Hasebe, Department of Civil Engineering, College of Science and Technology, Nihon
University; Toshikazu Osafune, Nippon Expressway Research Institute Co. Ltd.; Shiniti
Terazono, Aco Co. Ltd.; Yasuhiko Kawasaki, Sonic Corporation; Yoshiki Ito; Takaaki
Hayashi; Yoshinori Iwai
8:40 421 Mitigation of open-air explosions by blast absorbing barriers and foam
Contributed in12_421.pdf
Authors: Frits van der Eerden, Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientic
Research; Erik Carton, TNO - Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientic Research
9:00 1249 Prediction of low frequency sound elds in buildings near railway lines
Contributed in12_1249.pdf
Authors: Albano Neves e Sousa, Technical University of Lisbon; Isabel Lopes, UALG;
Ana Carreira, UTL-IST
9:20 1490 Vibrational and acoustical analysis of trussed railroad bridge under moving loads
Contributed in12_1490.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: R. Daniel Costley, US Army Engineer Research & Development Center; Henry
Diaz-Alvarez, US Army Engineer Research & Development Center; Mihan H. McKenna,
US Army Engineer Research & Development Center
Architectural Noise / Building Acoustics: 3.09 Speech Privacy Room: Uris/Plymouth
Session Chairs: Kenric Van Wyk , Jorge Patricio
10:00 1042 Achieving speech privacy in challenging open ofce environments
Contributed in12_1042.pdf
Authors: Erik J. Ryerson, Shen Milsom & Wilke, LLC; Thomas Rafferty, Shen Milsom &
Wilke, LLC
10:20 1192 Designing partial-height partitions for speech privacy using appropriate metrics
Invited in12_1192.pdf
Authors: Benjamin M. Shafer, Conestoga-Rovers & Associates
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
10:40 1445 Open ofce acoustics: History, projects, and standards
Invited in12_1445.pdf
Authors: R. Kring Herbert, Ostergaard Acoustical Associates
11:00 1481 Case study about speech privacy of integrated furniture in an open-plan ofce
Invited in12_1481.pdf
Authors: Jean-Philippe Migneron, GRAP Universite Laval; Jean-Gabriel Migneron,
GRAP Universite Laval
11:20 1484 Evaluating acoustical comfort and speech privacy in the design of small and large open
space ofces and industrial halls
Invited in12_1484.docx
Authors: Giora Rosenhouse, Technion - Israel Inst. Technology
Noise and Health: 15.06 Auralization of Source and Field in the Design Stage Room: Uris/Plymouth
Session Chairs: Cheol-Ho Jeong, Michael Vorlaender
13:20 209 Dynamic sound source for simulating the Lombard effect in room acoustic modeling
Invited in12_209.pdf
Authors: Jens Holger Rindel, Odeon A/S; Claus Lynge Christensen, Odeon A/S; Anders
Christian Gade, Gade & Mortensen Akustik
13:40 246 Inverse problems and auralization
Invited in12_246.pdf
Author: Jason E. Summers, Applied Research in Acoustics LLC
14:00 391 Audible reection density for different late reection criteria in rooms
Invited in12_391.pdf
Authors: Donata Krueger, Technical University of Denmark; Cheol-Ho Jeong,
Department of Electrical Engineering, Acoustic Technology, Technical University of
Denmark, DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark; Jonas Brunskog, Department of
Electrical Engineering, Acoustic Technology, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800
Kongens Lyngby, Denmark; Jorg Buchholz, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Acoustic Technology, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby,
14:20 428 Spatial and temporal resolution in simulations with geometrical acoustics
Invited in12_428.pdf
Authors: Michael Vorlaender, Aachen University; Soenke Pelzer, RWTH Aachen
14:40 652 Effective rendering of ambient sounds in virtual auditory display
Invited in12_652.pdf
Authors: Yukio Iwaya, Tohoku Gakuin University; Makoto Otani, Shinshu University;
Yoiti Suzuki, Tohoku University
15:20 978 An interactive auralization method using real-time sound sources
Invited in12_978.pdf
Authors: Josen Lindebrink, Tyrens AB; Jens Forssen, Division of Applied Acoustics,
Chalmers University of Technology
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
15:40 986 On the accuracy of edge diffraction simulation methods in geometrical acoustics
Invited in12_986.pdf
Authors: Dirk Schroder, NTNU; U. Peter Svensson, HafenCity University Hamburg,
Germany; Alexander Pohl, Centre for Quantiable Quality of Service in Communication
Systems, NTNU Trondheim, Norway; Uwe M. Stephenson, HafenCity University
Hamburg, Germany; MichaelVorlander, Institute of Technical Acoustics, RWTH Aachen
University, Germany
16:00 1543 Sound sketch procedure for auralization of the interior sound of a high speed train
Contributed in12_1543.pdf
Authors: Orjan Johansson, AF- Sound and Vibration; Stephan Schonfeld, ; Danile
Aircraft and Space System Noise & Vibration:
2.03 Aeroacoustics and Jet Noise - Measurement and control Room: Royale
Session Chairs: Phil Morris, Robert Meyer, Carsten Spehr
8:00 894 Noise reduction in three-stream jets
Invited in12_894.pdf
Authors: Dimitri Papamoschou, University of California, Irvine; Andrew D. Johnson,
University of California, Irvine
8:20 1270 A laboratory framework for synchronous near/far-eld acoustics and mHz PIV in high-
temperature, shock-containing, jets
Invited in12_1270.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: N. Murray, University of Mississippi; G. Lyons, U. of Mississippi - National
Center for Physical Acoustics; C.E. Tinney, U. of Texas at Austin; B. Donald, U. of Texas
at Austin; W.Baars, Auburn U.; B. Thurow, Auburn U.; H. Haynes, Combustion Research
and Flow Technology, Inc.; P. Panickar
8:40 346 High subsonic jet ow physics and noise
Invited in12_346.pdf
Authors: Zachary P. Berger, Syracuse University; Kerwin R. Low, Syracuse University;
Mark N. Glauser, Spectral Energies LLC; Stanislav Kostka, Institut PPRIME, CNRS,
Universit de Poitiers; SivaramGogineni, Institut PPRIME, CNRS, Universit de Poitiers;
Laurent Cordier, Spectral Energies LLC; Bernd R. Noack, Syracuse University
9:00 605 Noise measurements in the near eld of a high-performance military jet aircraft
Invited in12_605.pdf
Authors: Alan T. Wall, Brigham Young University; Kent L. Gee, Brigham Young
University Department of Physics and Astronomy; Tracianne B. Neilsen, Brigham Young
University Department of Physics and Astronomy; Michael M. James, Blue Ridge
Research and Consulting; Kevin A.Bradley, Blue Ridge Research and Consulting; Sally
A. McInerny, Blue Ridge Research and Consulting
9:20 928 Azimuthal mode decomposition of supersonic jets
Invited in12_928.pdf
Authors: Ching-Wen Kuo, The Pennsylvania State University; Christopher D. Gumke,
Department of Aerospace Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University; Dennis K.
McLaughlin, Department of Aerospace Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
10:00 368 Using chevrons and uidic injection to reduce supersonic jet Nnoise
Invited in12_368.pdf
Authors: Jeff Kastner, University of Cincinnati; Nick Heeb, University of Cincinnati;
Ephraim Gutmark, University of Cincinnati; Junhui Liu, Naval Reserach Laboratory;
KailasKailasanath, Naval Research Laboratory
10:20 1194 Geometric near-eld characteristics of supersonic jets: Full-scale and laboratory scales
Contributed in12_1194.pdf
Authors: Shanell C. Reynolds, Brigham Young University; Jazmin S. Myres, Brigham
Young University Department of Physics and Astronomy; Tracianne B. Neilsen,
Brigham Young University Department of Physics and Astronomy; Alan T. Wall,
Brigham Young University Department of Physics and Astronomy; Kent L.Gee, Brigham
Young University Department of Physics and Astronomy; Micheal M. James, Blue
Ridge Research and Consulting
10:40 706 Outdoor noise test of revised notched nozzle
Contributed in12_706.pdf
Authors: Tatsuya Ishii, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency; Nozomi Tanaka, IHI
Corporation; Tsutomu Oishi, IHI Corporation; Hideshi Oinuma, Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency; KenichiroNagai, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency; Satoru
Nakamura, Tokyo University of Science; Yutaka Ishii, B&K Japan
11:00 798 Mixing Device by Sharp-Edge Nails
Contributed in12_798.pdf
Authors: Satoru Nakamura, Tokyo Universiy of Science; Tatsuya Ishii, Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency; Hitoshi Ishikawa, Tokyo Universiy of Science
11:20 704 The application of microphone array system and numerical uid algorithm for jet
propulsion wind tunnel noise prevention
Contributed in12_704.pdf
Authors: Zhao-Cheng Zhuo, National Chiao Tung University; Yu-Cheng Lin, Department
of Mechanical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University; Wei-Hsiang Wang,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University; Stone Cheng,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University; Wu-ShungFu,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University; , Department
of Mechanical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University
13:20 124 Analytical prediction of sound power radiated ahead of a transonic compressor or
Contributed in12_124.pdf
Authors: Serge Lewy, ONERA; Cyril Polacsek, ONERA
13:40 235 Numerical simulation of turbulence interaction noise applied to a serrated airfoil
Contributed in12_235.pdf
Authors: Cyril Polacsek, ONERA; Vincent Clair, ONERA; Thomas Le Garrec, ONERA;
Gabriel Reboul, ONERA
14:00 422 Numerical simulation of sound absorption by turbulent jet ows using the Lattice-
Boltzmann method
Contributed in12_422.pdf
Authors: Kaveh Habibi, McGill University; Luc Mongeau, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, McGill University
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Noise Policy Development, Education, Economics and Implementation:
16.02 Stakeholder Education and Public Awareness Room: Royale
Session Chairs: Christiam Popp, Margit Bonacker
15:20 286 Interaction with stakeholders around urban and airport noise management solutions
Invited in12_286.pdf
Authors: Douglas Manvell, Bruel and Kjaer; Phil Stollery, Br; Jan Hansen, Br
15:40 418 Marketing interior architectural acoustical consulting services to architects
Invited in12_418.pdf
Authors: Samuel V. Diaquila, BASWA acoustic North America, LLC
16:00 820 Good practices of trafc noise reduction projects in Dutch cities
Invited in12_820.pdf
Authors: Nico Faber, Oranjewoud BV
16:20 1073 HARMONICA project (HARMOnised Noise Information for
Citizens and Authorities)
Invited in12_1073.pdf
Authors: Fanny Mietlicki, Bruitparif; Piotr Gaudibert, acoucite; Bruno Vincent, Bruitparif
16:40 1440 Dynamic noise maps as decision tool
Invited in12_1440.pdf
Authors: Christian Popp, Larmkontor GmbH; Sebastian Eggers, Laermkontor GmbH
City Noise: 8.06 Quiet Zones in Cities Room: Broadway North
Session Chairs: Klaus Genuit, Sharon Paul Carpenter
8:00 1012 Enclosure design for muck handling system noise reduction
Contributed in12_1012.pdf
Authors: Ram Tirumala, Distinct Engineering Solutions, Inc.; Jinyung Chung, Distinct
Engineering Solutions, Inc.; M.G. Prasad, Stevens Institute of Technology; B. Rajavel,
Stevens Institute of Technology
8:20 1035 Quiet areas denition and management in action plans: General overview
Contributed in12_1035.pdf
Authors: Chiara Bartalucci, University of Florence; Francesco Borchi, University of
Florence; Monica Carfagni, University of Florence; Lapo Governi, University of
Florence; , DCMR Environmental Protection Agency; DCMR Environmental Protection
8:40 1067 Implemented comprehensive approach for the identication of quiet areas in the city
of Paris
Contributed in12_1067.pdf
Authors: Patrick Duguet, Mairie de Paris; Fanny Mietlicki, Bruitparif; Rapha Da Silva,
Bruitparif; Carlos Ribeiro, Bruitparif; EricGaucher, Acoustique et Conseil
9:00 1364 Subjective and physiological responses to road trafc noise in an urban recreational
Invited in12_1364.pdf
Authors: Sabine A. Janssen, TNO; Erik M. Salomons, TNO; Henk Vos, TNO
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
9:20 1549 Estimating the insulation of exterior walls regarding trafc noise in the City of
Contributed in12_1549.doc
Authors: Karin Carlsson, Tyrens AB; Gustave Grundfelt, Tyr
Community / Environmental Noise:
7.11 Airport and Community Noise Modeling and Monitoring Room: Broadway North
Session Chairs: AM: Idar L N Granoeien, Tor Kihlman; PM: Kohei Yamamoto, Karl Washburn
10:00 718 Identication method for long-duration noise events due to ground activities for
airport noise monitoring
Invited in12_718.pdf
Authors: Kenji Shinohara, RION Co., Ltd.; Norihito Sunago, RION Co., Ltd.; Keishi
Sakoda, RION Co., Ltd.; Youichi Maruyama, RION Co., Ltd.
10:20 773 Aircraft noise monitoring in a changing environment
Contributed in12_773.pdf
Authors: Keith Adams, Lochard/B&K EMS
10:40 414 Aircraft noise monitoring: Threshold overstepping detection vs noise level shape and
audio pattern recognition detection
Contributed in12_414.pdf
Authors: Christophe Rosin, Aeroports de Paris; Bertrand Barbo, Aeroports de Paris
11:00 1052 An innovative approach for long-term environmental noise measurement : RUMEUR
Contributed in12_1052.pdf
Authors: Christophe Mietlicki, Noise Observatory in Ile de France; Fanny Mietlicki,
Bruitpairf; Matthieu Sineau, Bruitparif
11:20 536 Noise measurement analysis during a noise abatement departure procedure trial
Contributed in12_536.pdf
Authors: H.W. Veerbeek, National Aerospace Laboratory NLR; M.A. Brouwer,
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol
11:40 138 Zero and 90 degree reference directions for a sound level meter
Contributed in12_138.pdf
Author: Daniel Vaucher de la Croix, ACOEM; Erik Aalo, ACOEM
13:20 265 Noise impact assessment due to operational public transport system in Delhi
Contributed in12_265.pdf
Authors: Rajeev Kumar Mishra, Delhi Technological University; M. Parida, Indian
Institute of Technology, Roorkee; S. Rangnekar, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
13:40 129 Challenges and best practices in trafc noise modeling
Contributed in12_129.pdf
Authors: Ronald Ying, Parsons Brinckerhoff Americas; Scott Noel, Tetra Tech Inc.
14:00 461 Modelling road trafc noise using distributions for vehicle sound power level
Contributed in12_461.pdf
Authors: Bert De Coensel, Ghent University; A.L. Brown, Grifth University; Deanna
Tomerini, Grifth University; Dick Botteldooren, Ghent University
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
14:20 880 A comparison between different trafc noise forecasting methods and experimental
Contributed in12_880.pdf
Authors: Adolfo Sabato, Universite della Calabria; Alessandro Sabato, Self-employed
environmental engineer; Alfredo Reda, Lab of TCA - Faculty of Engineering - Universit
14:40 176 Handling sound propagation attenuation over a housing area
Contributed in12_176.pdf
Authors: Xuetao Zhang, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden
Community / Environmental Noise:
7.03 Environmental Noise Management and Mapping Room: Broadway South
Session Chairs: Doug Manvell, Gilles Daigle
8:00 1454 Noise contour and noise impact: A challenge to manage conicts
Contributed in12_1454.pdf
Authors: Tania Cristina de Menezes Caldas, Empresa Brasileira de Infraestrutura
Aeroportu; Jules Ghislain Slama, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ;
Flavia dos Santos Ferreira, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
8:20 643 Research on the effect of the air craft noise pollution on the noise environment of
Okinawa due to the U.S. military bases
Contributed in12_643.pdf
Authors: Takeshi Tokashiki, University of the Ryukyus
8:40 906 Territorial coherence between environmental noise and air variables
Contributed in12_906.pdf
Authors: B. Miege, DETE Lyon; B. Vincent, CETE Lyon; J. Vallet, Greater Lyon; X.
Olney, CETE Lyon; M.Marquis, Air Rhone Alpes; S. Porcheron, acoucit; P. Olivier,
acoucit; S. Carra, Air Rhone Alpes
9:00 1116 Guidelines for participatory noise sensing based on spatial analysis of high quality
mobile noise measurements
Contributed in12_1116.pdf
Authors: Luc Dekoninck, Ghent University; Dick Botteldooren, Ghent University; Luc Int
Panis, University of Hasselt
9:20 1046 Scalar analysis of urban quietness
Contributed in12_1046.pdf
Authors: Hakan Dilmen, Pro-Plan Ltd.; Muge Belek Fialho Teixeira, Istanbul Technical
University; Ceylan Belek Ombregt, Istanbul Technical University
9:40 1195 The potential role of ecological psychoacoustics for managing community response to
Invited in12_1195.doc
Authors: George Luz, Luz Social and Environmental Associates, Inc; Daniel Valente, U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research & Development Center, Champaign, IL
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Active and Passive Noise & Vibration Control:
1.05 Adaptive Structures for Noise / Vibration Control Room: Broadway South
Session Chairs: Li Cheng, George Lesieutre
10:20 1403 Virtual sensing in local active suppression on pressure uctuations for controlling
ow-induced vibration in hard disk drives
Contributed in12_1403.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Hequn Min, Nanyang Technological University; Xiaoyang Huang, School
of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University; Qide
Zhang, Data Storage Institute
10:40 409 Model predictive vibration control of a mechanical structure using shape memory alloy
Contributed in12_409.pdf
Authors: Gergely Takacs, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava; Boris Rohal-
Ilkiv, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
11:00 533 LOEWE-Zentrum AdRIA: Increasing the marketability of smart structure technology
Contributed in12_533.pdf
Authors: Joachim Bos, Technische Universitat Darmstadt; Holger Hanselka, LOEWE-
Zentrum AdRIA, Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability
LBF; Thilo Bein, Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability LBF
11:20 913 Feedforward control of sound transmission through a fuselage structure with active
trim panels
Contributed in12_913.pdf
Authors: Malte Misol, German Aerospace Center; Thomas Haase, German Aerospace
Center (DLR); Stephan Algermissen, German Aerospace Center (DLR); Christian
Hesse, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
11:40 1369 An adaptive control for engine loudness and roughness
Contributed in12_1369.pdf
Authors: LeopoldoP.R. de Oliveira, University of Sao Paulo; Jaime A. Mosquera
Sanchez, EESC-USP
Active and Passive Noise & Vibration Control:
1.01 Passive Noise and Vibration Control (joint INCE / ASME NCAD) Room: Broadway South
Session Chairs: Noah Schiller, Fabio Semperlotti
13:20 1244 Research on reduction of structure-borne sound using perforated plate
Contributed in12_1244.pdf
Authors: Kazuki Tsugihashi, Kobe Steel Inc; Toshimitsu Tanaka, SEIKEI University
13:40 240 Hybrid noise control in duct by using micro-perforated plate
Contributed in12_240.pdf
Authors: Xiao-nan Wang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Yat-Sze Choy, The
Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Li Cheng, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
14:00 1330 Design of a variable thickness plate to focus bending waves
Contributed in12_1330.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Noah H. Schiller, NASA Langley Research Center; Sz-Chin Steven Lin,
Pennsylvania State University; Randolph H. Cabell, NASA Langley Research Center;
Tony Jun Huang, Pennsylvania State University
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
14:20 1266 Numerical and experimental study of dynamic vibration absorber for double leaf wall
Contributed in12_1266.pdf
Authors: Toshimitsu Tanaka, Seikei University; Toshitsugu Ishihara, SEIKEI University;
Keiko Inomata, SEIKEI University; Kazuki Tsugihashi, KOBE STEEL, LTD.
14:40 1208 Exploiting the complex plane: The Moebius transformation and vibro-acoustic
Contributed in12_1208.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: D. W. Herrin, University of Kentucky; Y. Zhang, University of Kentucky; J. Liu,
University of Kentucky
Noise and Health: 15.01 Hearing Protection Room: Gotham/Chelsea
Session Chairs: Elliott Berger, Samir Gerges
8:00 1525 Hearing protectors and people
Invited in12_1525.pdf
Authors: Warwick Williams, National Acoustics Laboratories
8:20 636 Hearing protection with integrated in-ear dosimetry: A noise dose study
Invited in12_636.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Melissa A. Theis, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Eduation; Hilary L.
Gallagher, Air Force Research Laboratory; Richard L. Mckinley, Oak Ridge Institute for
Science and Education; Valerie S. Bjorn, Naval Air Systems Command
8:40 1184 Development of an individual dosimetric hearing protection device
Invited in12_1184.pdf
Authors: Kuba Mazur, Universite du Quebec; Jeremie Voix
9:00 145 Performance of new acoustical test xtures complying with ANSI S12.42-2010, with
particular attention to the specication of self Insertion loss
Invited in12_145.pdf
Authors: Elliott H. Berger, 3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety Division;
Ronald W. Kieper, 3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety Division; Michael
E. Stergar, 3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety Division
9:20 1416 Auditory situation awareness: Effects of hearing protection devices and TCAPS on in-
eld detection and identication of three military threat signatures
Invited in12_1416.pdf
Authors: Jay E. Clasing, US Army; John G. Casali, Virginia Tech
9:40 970 Hearing protectors and the possibility to detect noise-induced hearing damage using
otoacoustic emissions in situ
Invited in12_970.pdf
Authors: Annelies Bockstael, Ghent University; Dick Botteldooren, Ghent University;
Hannah Keppler, Ghent University; Bart Vinck, Ghent University; , Ghent University
10:20 161 Acoustic nite element modeling of hearing protection devices
Contributed in12_161.pdf
Authors: Franck Sgard, IRSST; Martin Brummund, Ecole de Technologie Superieure;
Guilhem Viallet, Ecole de Technologie Superieure; Sylvain Boyer, Ecole de Technologie
Superieure; YvanPetit, Ecole de Technologie Superieure; Frederic Laville, Ecole de
Technologie Superieure; Jerome Boutin, IRSST
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
10:40 463 Vibration of an earmuff hearing protector structure subject to high-amplitude impulse
Contributed in12_463.pdf
Authors: Robert S. Birch, University of Liverpool; Erasmo Felipe Vergara, Federal
University of Santa Catarina, Laboratory of Vibration and Acoustics, Brazil; Samir
Nagi Yousri Gerges, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Laboratory of Vibration and
Acoustics, Brazil
11:00 1029 Measurement and calculation of impulse noise parameters under hearing protectors
Contributed in12_1029.pdf
Authors: Rafal Mlynski, Central Institute for Labour Protection; Emil Kozlowski, Central
Institute for Labour Protection
11:20 623 Reliability of hearing protector sound attenuation measurements at 63 Hz
Contributed in12_623.pdf
Authors: Magnus Johansson, 3M Svenska AB
11:40 778 Effect of wearing earplugs by musicians in solo and ensemble performances
Contributed in12_778.pdf
Authors: Emil Kozlowski, Central Institute for Labour Protection; Rafal Mlynski, Institute
of Radioelectronics, Warsaw University of Technology; Frederic Chopin University of
Music; Jan Zera, Central Institute for Labour Protection
Community / Environmental Noise: 7.10 Sonic Boom Noise (joint INCE / ASME NCAD) Room: Gotham/Chelsea
Session Chairs: Vic Sparrow, Joe Gavin
13:20 319 Near-real time assessment of the annoyance of sonic booms
Invited in12_319.pdf
Authors: Richard Horonjeff, RDH Acoustics; Sanford Fidell, Fidell Associates, Inc.; ,
Consultant in Systems Engineering
13:40 458 Pressure loading due to sonic booms around residential and ofce buildings
Invited in12_458.pdf
Authors: Marcel C. Remillieux, Virginia Tech; Joseph M. Corcoran, Virginia Tech; Ricardo
A. Burdisso, Virginia Tech
14:00 482 Aerial and ground measurement of sonic booms in D-SEND#1 and ABBA Test#2-2 ight
Invited in12_482.pdf
Authors: Yusuke Naka, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency; Yoshikazu Makino, Japan
Aerospace Exploration Agency; Shigemi Shindo, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency;
Hiroki Kawakami, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
14:20 562 Recent progress on sonic boom research at NASA
Invited in12_562.pdf
Authors: Alexandra Loubeau, NASA Langley Research Center
14:40 656 Sonic boom propagation in urban canyons
Invited in12_656.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Kimberly A. Riegel, Lewis S. Goodfriend & Associates; Victor W. Sparrow,
Pennsylvania State University
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
15:20 845 Effect of long-term time-varying loudness and duration on subjects ratings of startle
evoked by shaped sonic booms and impulsive sounds
Invited in12_845.pdf
Authors: Andrew Marshall, Purdue University; Patricia Davies, Purdue University
15:40 935 Propagation of nonlinear N-waves in fully developed turbulence: Laboratory scale
experiments and theoretical analysis.
Invited in12_935.pdf
Authors: Petr Yuldashev, Ecole Centrale de Lyon; Mikhail Averjyanov, Ecole Centrale
de Lyon; Vera Khokhlova, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Department of Acoustics, Moscow
State University; Philippe Blanc-Benon, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Universit; Sebastian
Olivier, Physics Faculty, Department of Acoustics, Moscow State University; Edouard
Salze, Ecole Centrale de Lyon; Daniel Juve, Physics Faculty, Department of Acoustics,
Moscow State University
16:00 1121 Numerical validation of a computer code developed to study sonic boom focusing
modeled by the Khokhlov-Zabolotskaya-Kuznetsov equation
Contributed in12_1121.pdf
Authors: Joe Salamone, Pennsylvania State University
16:20 1468 Preamplier with ultra low frequency cutoff for infrasonic condenser microphone
Contributed in12_1468.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Rasmus Trock Kinnerup, DTU Elektro; Arnold Knott, Department of Electrical
Engineering, Technical University of Denmark; Kresten Marbjerg, Department of
Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark; Oled Cornelius Thomsen,
G.R.A.S. Sound & Vibration A/S; PerRasmussen, G.R.A.S. Sound & Vibration A/S
16:40 1552 Loudspeakers designed for accurate sonic boom and low frequency sound
Contributed in12_1552.pdf
Authors: Thomas Lago, QirraSound Technologies LLC; Tierry Budge; Alan Boyer; Arthur
Architectural Noise / Building Acoustics: 3.08 Sound Propagation in Buildings Room: Hudson/Empire
Session Chairs: Adam C. Jenkins, Jack B. Evans
8:00 474 The improvement on the sound insulation of small openings for natural ventilation by
the internal cavity of the sleeve
Contributed in12_474.pdf
Authors: Eng. Takako Ouchi, Tokyo City University; Akihisa Imai, Faculty of Knowledge
Engineering, Tokyo City University
8:20 1093 Inuence of wall surface and air modelling in nite-element analysis of sound
transmission between rooms in lightweight buildings
Contributed in12_1093.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Lars Vabbersgaard Andersen, Aalborg University; Poul Henning Kirkegaard,
Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark; Kristoffer
Ahrens Dickow, Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, Aalborg,
Denmark; Nikolaj Kiel, Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, Aalborg,
Denmark; KentPersson, Structural Mechanics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
8:40 664 An alternative image theory for indoor sound propagation
Contributed in12_664.pdf
Authors: Byunghak Kong, Seoul National University; Kyuho Lee, School of Mechanical
and Aerospace Enginering, Seoul National University; Soogab Lee, Institute of
Advanced Aerospace Technology and School of Mechanical and Aerospace Enginering,
Seoul National University
9:00 896 Sound transmission class ratings as part of building codes
Contributed in12_896.pdf
Author: Ryan Bessey, Golder Associates Ltd
9:20 1517 Investigation of the environment sound impact in a multifamily residential building in
the instrumental music practice in Brazil
Contributed in12_1517.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Renato Carvalho Menezes, UFAL; Maria Lucia G. da R. Oiticica, Faculty of
Architecture and Planning-UFAL
Numerical and Analytical Techniques: 17.01 Numerical Methods in Vibration and Acoustics
(FEM, BEM, IFEM) (joint INCE / ASME NCAD) Room: Hudson/Empire
Session Chairs: AM: Bryce Gardner, Rui Botelho; PM: Rui Botelho, Jeffrey L. Cipolla
10:00 84 Acoustic modeling by BEM-FEM iterative coupling procedures
Contributed in12_84.pdf
Authors: Delm Soares Jr., Federal University of Juiz de Fora
10:20 121 Coupling between multiple acoustic domains through elastic structures: Rapid
solutions using Fast Multipole BEM
Contributed in12_121.pdf
Authors: Vijaya Kumar Ambarisha, Advanced Numerical Solutions LLC
10:40 291 Vibration analysis of a Japanese traditional stringed instrument called Shamisen
Contributed in12_291.pdf
Authors: Kosuke Fujitsuka, Hosei University; Keisuke Kokubun, Hosei university;
Koji Oe, Hosei University; Mitsuo Iwahara, Hosei University; YutakaTanaka, Hosei
University; Galu Minorikawa, Hosei University
11:00 339 Numerical simulation of reection factor measurement on a cylindrical impedance
body in an enclosed volume
Contributed in12_339.pdf
Authors: Lurii Popov, Krylov Shipbuilding Research Institute
11:20 445 Parallel boundary element solutions of block circulant linear systems for acoustic
radiation problems with rotationally symmetric boundary surfaces
Contributed in12_445.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Kenneth D. Czuprynski, The Pennsylvania State University; John B. Fahnline,
Applied Research Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University; Suzanne M. Shontz,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State
13:20 592 An approach for structural-acoustic optimization of ribbed panels using component
mode synthesis
Contributed in12_592.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Micah R. Shepherd, Penn State University; Stephen A. Hambric, Graduate
Program in Acoustics / Applied Research Laboratory, Penn State University
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
13:40 616 Fourier spectral element method for the dynamic analysis of complex systems
Contributed in12_616.pdf
Authors: Hongan Wu, Volvo Construction Equipment; Xuefeng Zhang, Chrysler; Wen L.
Li, Wayne State University
14:00 746 Evaluation of timbre with sawari mechanism of shamisen
Contributed in12_746.pdf
Authors: Arata Yamada, Hosei University; Mitsuo Iwahara, Hosei University; Gaku
Minorikawa, Hosei University; Yutaka Tanaka, Bihoudou; TakanoriTogawa, Hosei
14:20 782 Modeling, modal analyses and validation of riveted helicopter structures
Contributed in12_782.pdf
Authors: Hasan Koruk, Istanbul Technical University; Kenan Y. Sanliturk, Istanbul
Technical University
14:40 785 Numerical evaluation of the compact Greens function for the solution of acoustic
Contributed in12_785.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Adrian R.G. Harwood, The University of Manchester; Iain D.J. Duprere, The
University of Manchester
15:00 1113 Singular mode characteristics of uid-structure interaction modal formulations
Contributed in12_1113.pdf ASME NCAD
Author: Jeffrey L. Cipolla, Weidlinger Associates, Inc.
15:40 1185 Predicting the acoustic performance of lined ducts across a broad frequency range
Contributed in12_1185.pdf
Authors: Vincent Cotoni, ESI Group; Alexandre Gallet, Alstom Transport; Fabienne
Guerville, ESI group; Martin Glesser, Alstom Transport; AlstomTransport
16:00 1206 Optimizing the spatial distribution of damping in structures with boundary damping
Invited in12_1206.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: J. Gregory McDaniel, Boston University; Andrew S. Wixom, Boston University
16:20 1295 Implementation and validation of a symmetric reduced order formulation for
vibrocoustic modal analysis
Contributed in12_1295.pdf
Authors: J-S. Schotte, Italian Aerospace Research Center; M. Ciminello, ONERA,
Structural Dynamics and Coupled Systems Dep., Chatillon, France; R. Ohayon, CNAM,
Structural Mechanics and Coupled Systems Lab., Paris, France
Structural Acoustics : 22.01 General Structural Acoustics and Vibration
(joint INCE / ASME NCAD) Room: Olmstead/Gramercy
Session Chairs: Albert Allen, Ran Cabell
8:00 113 Analysis of commercial solutions to audible tire cavity and rim coupling resonance
Contributed in12_113.pdf
Authors: Sameul Sainty, RMIT University; Anthony Tawaf, RMIT University; Jonathan
Richard, RMIT University; Zamri Mohamed, RMIT University; XuWang, RMIT
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
8:20 116 Using simple arrays to track vibration energy ow in a uid loaded structure
Contributed in12_116.pdf
Author: Richard H. Lyon, Self
8:40 266 Indirect methods to determine the mobility of structure-borne sound sources
Contributed in12_266.pdf
Authors: Christoph Holler, University of Liverpool; Barry M. Gibbs, University of
9:00 321 Vibroacoustic characterization of a new hybrid wing-body fuselage concept
Contributed in12_321.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Albert Allen, NASA LaRC; Adam Przekop, Analytical Services & Materials, Inc.
9:20 430 Experimental study on the vibro-acoustic properties of bre-reinforced composites
with integrated viscoelastic Ethylene-Propylene-Dien-Monomer (EPDM) rubber
Contributed in12_430.pdf
Authors: Werner A. Hufenbach, Leichtbau-Zentrum Sachsen GmbH; Martin
Dannemann, Leichtbau-Zentrum Sachsen GmbH; Stefan Friebe, Leichtbau-Zentrum
Sachsen GmbH; Frank Kolbe, Leichtbau-Zentrum Sachsen GmbH; OlafTager,
Volkswagen AG, Konzernforschung K-EFW/K; Thomas Fiedler, Volkswagen AG,
Konzernforschung K-EFW/K
10:00 670 Noise control in the exhaust port of a vacuum cleaner
Invited in12_670.pdf
Authors: Jiancheng Tao, Nanjing University; Ping Wang, Key Laboratory of Modern
Acoustics (MoE), Institute of Acoustics, Nanjing University; Xiaojun Qiu, Key
Laboratory of Modern Acoustics (MoE), Institute of Acoustics, Nanjing University;
Ning Han, Key Laboratory of Modern Acoustics (MoE), Institute of Acoustics, Nanjing
10:20 710 On the use of the coupled velocity for the estimation of transmitted mechanical power
Contributed in12_710.pdf
Authors: Lasse Lamula, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland; Kari Saarinen, VTT
Technical research centre of Finland
10:40 920 Lightweight design analysis vased on a coupled structural-acoustic model for
rectangular enclosures
Contributed in12_920.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Yu Du, Dalian University of Technology; Jun Zhang, State Key Laboratory of
Vehicle NVH and Safety Technology; Weidong Li, Dalian University of Technology; Ping
Hu, Dalian University of Technology
11:00 1016 Transfer path analysis of body panel vibration using a structural-acoustic nite
element model
Contributed in12_1016.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Shung H. Sung, General Motors Research Center; Donald J. Nefske, General
Motors Research Ctr. (Retired)
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
City Noise: 8.04 Mitigating Noise in Urban Areas through Building Envelop Design Room: Olmstead/Gramercy
Session Chairs: Maurice Kwok-Leung, SK Tang
11:20 180 The signicance of balcony acoustic treatments in mitigating urban road trafc noise
Invited in12_180.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Andy C.C. Tan, Queensland University of Technology; Daniel A. Naish,
Queensland University of Technology; F. Nur Demirbilek, Queensland University of
11:40 259 Some tips on sound insulation measurement using long Swept-Sine signal
Invited in12_259.pdf
Authors: Fumiaki Satoh, Chiba Institute of Technology; Daisuke Yoshino, Chiba Institute
of Technology; Ryuta Furuta, Chiba Institute of Technology
13:20 298 Development of a practical design guide for balcony acoustic treatments
Contributed in12_298.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Daniel A. Naish, Queensland University of Technology; Andy C. C. Tan,
Queensland University of Technology; F. Nur Demirbilek, Queensland University of
13:40 342 Wave analysis of soundproong air ventilation grille
Invited in12_342.pdf
Authors: Quang Huy Nguyen, Kumamoto University; Takashi Yano, Sojo University;
Yusuke Takashima, Kumamoto National College of Technology; Sohie Nishimura,
Kumamoto National College of Technology; YuyaNishimura, Kumamto University;
14:00 377 Preliminary investigation of active noise control technique by applying the neural
network for residential ventilation openings
Invited in12_377.pdf
Authors: Ken Anai, Kyushu Institute of Technology; Kazutoshi Fujimoto
14:20 393 Reverberation time in outdoor spaces of apartment complexes: A parametric study
Invited in12_393.pdf
Authors: Hong-Seok Yang, University of Shefeld; Myung-Jun Kim, Department of
Architectural Engineering, University of Seoul; Jian Kang, School of Architecture,
University of Shefeld; Sun-Eung Jung, Department of Architectural Engineering,
University of Seoul
14:40 398 The acoustical insertion loss of ventilation window - On site test
Invited in12_398.pdf
Authors: S.K. Tang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
15:00 757 Trafc noise reduction at balconies on a high-rise building facade
Contributed in12_757.pdf
Authors: Takashi Ishizuka, Shimizu Corp; Kyoji Fujiwara, Kyushu University
15:40 1080 A numerical investigation of enhancing the acoustic attenuation of double skin
facades using a broadband three dimensional technique
Invited in12_1080.pdf
Authors: Carl R. Hart, Univerisity of Nebraska--Lincoln; Siu-Kit Lau, Durham School of
Architectural Eng. and Construction, Univ. of Nebraska--Lincoln
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
16:00 1483 Sound transmission testing of historical facades of New Orleans
Contributed in12_1483.pdf
Author: David S. Woolworth, Oxford Acoustics, Inc
16:20 232 Ventilated window design with multiple resonators and panel absorbers
Contributed in12_232.pdf
Authors: Zhihong Wang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; C.F. Ng, The Hong
Kong Polytechnic University; Edith Ngai, Chu Hai College
Noise Control Products: 14.01 Acoustic Wave Propagation in Porous Media
(joint INCE / ASME NCAD) Room: Herald/Soho
Session Chairs: Nicolas Dauchez, Sue Sung, Kirill Horoshenkov
8:00 642 Propagation of sound over porous materials with random distributions of semi-
cylindrical proling
Contributed in12_642.pdf
Authors: Siu-Kit Lau, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Kai-Ming Li, Purdue University
8:20 759 Propagation of acoustic wave in one-dimensional macroscopically inhomogeneous
porous material under the rigid frame approximation
Invited in12_759.pdf
Authors: Jean-Philippe Groby, Universite du Maine; Clement Lagarrigue, Laboratoire
dAcoustique de lUniversite du Maine, UMR6613 CNRS/Univ. du Maine, Avenue
Olivier Messiaen, F-72085 Le Mans Cedex 9, France; Olivier Dazel, Laboratoire
dAcoustique de lUniversite du Maine, UMR6613 CNRS/Univ. du Maine, Avenue
Olivier Messiaen, F-72085 Le Mans Cedex 9, France; Alan Geslain, Laboratoire
dAcoustique de lUniversite du Maine, UMR6613 CNRS/Univ. du Maine, Avenue
Olivier Messiaen, F-72085 Le Mans Cedex 9, France; S.Mahasaranon, School of
Engineering, University of Bradford, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD7 1DP, UK; K.V.
Horoshenkov, School of Engineering, University of Bradford, Bradford, West Yorkshire,
BD7 1DP, UK; A. Khan, School of Engineering, University of Bradford, Bradford, West
Yorkshire, BD7 1DP, UK
8:40 800 Parametric study of a metaporous made of solid inclusions embedded in a rigid frame
porous material backed by a rigid backing
Contributed in12_800.pdf
Authors: Clement Lagarrigue, Universite du Maine; Olivier Dazel, LAUM; Jean-Philippe
Groby, LAUM; Vincent Tournat, LISMMA; , LAUM; , ATF, KULeuven
9:00 1118 Inuence of boundary conditions on the prediction accuracy of a Biot-based
poroelastic model for melamine foam
Contributed in12_1118.pdf
Authors: Ryan A., Schultz, Purdue University; J. Stuart Bolton, Purdue University
9:20 1122 The prediction of sound elds near a hard-backed layer sound absorption material
Contributed in12_1122.pdf
Authors: Hongdan Tao, Purdue University; Kai Ming Li, Purdue University
9:40 1302 The asymptotic behaviour of some models for the acoustical properties of rigid frame
porous media
Invited in12_1302.pdf
Authors: Kirill V. Horoshenkov, University of Bradford; Olivier Dazel, ; Jean-Philippe
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Noise Control Products: 14.08 Innovative lightweight materials for noise control and abatements
(joint INCE / ASME NCAD) Room: Harold/Soho
Session Chairs: Noureddine Atalla, Franck Sgard
10:20 1040 Transfer matrix modeling and numerical verication of locally reacting acoustic
Invited in12_1040.pdf
Authors: Raymond Panneton, Universite de Sherbrooke
10:40 117 Effects of constructions of resonators in a cavity to sound insulation of thin double-
leaf panels
Contributed in12_117.pdf
Authors: Shinsuke Nakanishi, Hiroshima International University
11:00 166 Sound absorption properties of functionally graded polyurethane foam
Invited in12_166.pdf
Authors: Olivier Doutres, Universite de Sherbrooke; Noureddine Atalla, GAUS,
11:20 200 Broad band membrane-type metamaterial panels for sound attenuation in the 50-1000
Hz regime
Invited in12_200.pdf
Authors: Guancong Ma, HKUST; Min Yang, Department of Physics, HKUST; Jun
Mei, Department of Physics, HKUST; Zhiyu Yang, Department of Physics, HKUST;
PingSheng, Department of Physics, HKUST
11:40 210 Recent solutions for noise & vibration control in vehicles
Invited in12_210.pdf
Authors: Thilo Bein, Fraunhofer LBF; Dirk Mayer, Fraunhofer LBF; Joachim Bos, TU
13:20 431 Experimental investigation of the acoustic attenuation by monolithic polyurea
Contributed in12_431.pdf
Authors: Cameron Fackler, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Ning Xiang, Graduate
Program in Architectural Acoustics, School of Architecture, Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute; Gitogo Churu, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas
at Dallas; Dhairyashil P. Mohite, Department of Chemistry, Missouri University of
Science and Technology, Rolla; NicholasLeventis, Department of Chemistry, Missouri
University of Science and Technology; Chariklia Sotiriou-Leventis, Department of
Chemistry, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Hongbing Lu, Department
of Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas at Dallas
13:40 694 Numerical investigation on the support condition of layered poroelastic materials in
tube-based absorption/insulation measurements
Contributed in12_694.pdf
Author: Naohisa Inoue, University of Tokyo; Tetsuya Sakuma
14:00 728 Absorption of a poroelastic material with lateral air gaps
Invited in12_728.pdf
Authors: Nicolas Dauchez, Institut Superieur de Mechanique de Paris; Benoit Nennig,
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
14:20 750 Accurate poro-elastic models for designing innovative lightweight sound packages
Invited in12_750.pdf
Authors: Francois-Xavier Becot, MATELYS; Luc Jaouen, MATELYS; Fabien Chevillotte,
14:40 927 Replacement of damping pads by using soft visco-elastic foam while maintaining high
insulation properties
Invited in12_927.pdf
Authors: Lars Bischoff, Faurecia Acoustics and Soft Trim Product Line; Christian
Morgenstern, Faurecia Acoustics and Soft Trim Product Line, Center of Acoustic
Technology, 38524 Sassenburg, Germany; Werner Berhard, Adam OPEL AG, 65423 R;
Alexander Zopp, Adam OPEL AG, 65423 R; StefanSchreck, Adam OPEL AG, 65423 R
15:20 939 The use of tuned resonators to obtain low frequency global vibration reduction for
nite periodic panels
Contributed in12_939.pdf
Authors: Claus C. Claeys, KU Leuven; Karel Vergote, KU Leuven; Paul Sas, KU Leuven;
Wim Desmet, KU Leuven;
15:40 974 Analytical prediction of resonance effects for lightweight acoustic packages with
increased insulation
Invited in12_974.pdf
Authors: Marco Seppi, Autoneum Management AG; Claudio Castagnetti, Autoneum
Management AG; Claudio Castagnetti, Autoneum Management AG
16:00 1085 CFD modeling of tapered hole microperfoated panel
Contributed in12_1085.pdf
Authors: Nicholas N. Kim, Purdue University; J. Stuart Bolton, Purdue University
16:20 1262 Development of bio-based foams with improved acoustic and mechanical performance
Invited in12_1262.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Shahrzad Ghaffari Mosanenzadeh, University of Toronto; Hani E. Naguib,
University of Toronto; Chul B. Park, University of Toronto; Noureddine Atalla,
University of Sherbrooke
8:00 8:20 8:40 9:00 9:20 9:40 10:00 10:20 10:40 11:00 11:20 11:40 12:00 13:20 13:40 14:00 14:20 14:40 15:00 15:20 15:40 16:00 16:20 16:40 17:00 17:20
3.04 Noise in Green / Sustainable Buildings
3.10 Measurements in Rooms and Building Acoustics
3.05 Impact noise -
Building Acoustics
4.07 Vehicle NVH modeling and simulation
4.13 Longevity, costs and sacrices
related to quiet pavements
7.05 National Park Noise / Quiet Parks
1.02 Algorithms and Systems for Active Control and
Acoustic Echo Cancellation
17.02 Statistical Energy Analysis and
Energy Methods
17.04 Mid frequency vibroacoustic
20.02 Wind turbines and renewable energy noise
7.06 Public outreach workshop on community noise
3.14 Vertical transmission of noise and vibration
12.02 Sound Power / Intensity Determination
for Noise Sources
3.11 Computational Techniques in Room and
Building Acoustics
3.02 Healthcare noise
21.04 Psycho acoustic approach to noise problems in
daily life
10.03 Indoor Response to Sonic Boom and
Low Frequency Noise Sources (joint INCE /
24.07 Fatigue due to Acoustical Induced Vibration in Piping Systems
1.01 Passive Noise and Vibration Control (joint
7.02 Recreational / Entertainment Noise
15.09 Understanding speech in noise
16.01 Legislation, Implementation
and Noise Control Policies
11.04 Underwater and Marine Structure Noise / Vibration (joint INCE / ASME NCAD)
2.06 Noise Source Characterization in Aircraft
5.04 Buy Quiet Policies: Encouraging Demand
for Low-Noise Products
4.03 Noise control requirements for vehicles
and tires
10.02 Low Frequency Human Perception and Measurement
3.12 Indoor acoustic comfort and building
acoustics assessment and classication
4.09 Enclosures, mufers and silencers
9.04 Fan Noise and Aeroacoustics (joint INCE / ASME NCAD)
14.06 Noise Barriers and associated devices
Salon 3
Salon 4
North Center
South Center
Music Box/
Winter Garden
Wednesday: Coffee & Tea will be available from 9:30 11:30 a.m. in the Exhibit Area (Westside Ballroom) and 2-4 p.m. on the 4
, 5
and 7



8:00 8:20 8:40 9:00 9:20 9:40 10:00 10:20 10:40 11:00 11:20 11:40 12:00 13:20 13:40 14:00 14:20 14:40 15:00 15:20 15:40 16:00 16:20 16:40 17:00 17:20
23.09 Soundscapes and urban area design
4.08 Vehicle noise measurement
12.07 Source-Path Contribution /
Transfer Path Analysis
15.04 Sleep Disturbance
Closing Plenary & Ceremony
5.01 Consumer Product Noise - General Topics
22.01 General Structural Acoustics and
Vibration (joint INCE / ASME NCAD)
Wednesday: Coffee & Tea will be available from 9:30 11:30 a.m. in the Exhibit Area (Westside Ballroom) and 2-4 p.m. on the 4
, 5
and 7
Closing Reception
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Architectural Noise / Building Acoustics: 3.04 Noise in Green / Sustainable Buildings Room: Hart
Session Chairs: Greg Coudriet, Jeff Fullerton
8:00 317 Sustainable acoustics from theory to practice
Invited in12_317.pdf
Author: Alexis D. Kurtz, The Sextant Group
8:20 1157 Green acoustics - How sustainable design is radically changing acoustics in buildings
Invited in12_1157.pdf
Authors: Joseph F. Bridger, Stewart Acoustical Consultants
8:40 350 Measurement and prediction of the acoustical and airow performance of interior
natural-ventilation openings and silencers
Invited in12_350.pdf
Authors: Chris Bibby, U. British Columbia; Murray Hodgson, U. British Columbia
9:00 1393 Acoustic performance of lourved facades for Brisbane Domestic Airport. An integrated
Contributed in12_1393.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Frank Butera, ARUP; Keith Hewett
9:20 443 Acoustical improvements within Liu building with natural air ventilation
Contributed in12_443.pdf
Authors: Zohreh Razavi, Stantec Consulting Ltd.
10:20 1380 Thinking outside (or inside) the box: Sustainability considerations with respect to
location of sound traps for controlling air handling unit noise
Invited in12_1380.pdf
Authors: Mark Storm, URS Corporation
10:40 1001 Investigation into the acoustical performance of single stud steel wall assemblies
Invited in12_1001.pdf
Authors: John LoVerde, Veneklasen Associates; Wayland Dong, Veneklasen Associates;
Aaron Betit, Acentech
11:00 660 Field tests of demountable partitions
Invited in12_660.pdf
Authors: Michael R. Yantis, Sparling
11:20 1245 LEED for schools acoustics: Case studies and critique of the requirements, submittal,
and approval process
Invited in12_1245.pdf
Author: Joseph F. Bridger, Stewart Acoustical Consultants
11:40 397 Case study on acoustic improvement by refurbishment with natural elements in a
Invited in12_397.pdf
Authors: Hong-Seok Yang, University of Shefeld; Myung-Jun Kim, Department of
Architectural Engineering, University of Seoul; Jian Kang, School of Architecture,
University of Shefeld
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Soundscape: 23.09 Soundscapes and urban area design Room: Hart
Session Chairs: Luis Bento Coelho, Gary Siebein
13:20 1324 Soundscapes of justice, trial courtrooms
Invited in12_1324.pdf
Authors: Cory Nickchen von Crawford, University of Florida
13:40 816 Sonic engagement and the sound skyscraper
Invited in12_816.pdf
Author: Lorenzo Beretta, Birmingham City University
14:00 954 Soundscape analysis of urban public parks in the Brazilian Amazon
Invited in12_954.pdf
Authors: Antonio Carlos Lobo Soares, Museu Paraense Em; Thmys Conceicao Costa
Coelho, Instituto Superior Tecnico; Felipe Melo da Costa, Museu Paraense Emilio
Goeldi; J. Luis Bento Coelho, Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi
14:20 962 The soundscape topography, The case study of Jardin dEstrela
Invited in12_962.pdf
Authors: Mohammed Boubezari, Instituto Superior Tecnico; J.L. Bento Coelho, CAPS-
Instituto Superior T
14:40 662 Analysis on how to create a comfortable soundscape for commercial open space
Contributed in12_662.pdf
Authors: Jianwei Song, Tianjin University; Boya Yu, School of Architecture, Tianjin
University,China; Sen Zhang, School of Architecture, Tianjin University,China; Hui Ma,
School of Architecture, Tianjin University,China

15:00 1486 Propositional soundscapes
Invited in12_1486.pdf
Authors: Gary W. Siebein, University of Florida
15:20 99 Redevelopment of an urban open public space using the soundscape approach: A case
study in Citta Di Castello, Italy
Invited in12_99.pdf
Authors: Francesco Asdrubali, University of Perugia; Francesco DAlessandro,
Technische Universit; Achille Sberna, Universit; Giorgio Baldinelli, University
Architectural Noise / Building Acoustics: 3.05 Impact noise - Building Acoustics Room: ONeill
Session Chairs: Delphine Bard, Berndt Zeitler
8:00 486 Prediction of heavy-weight oor impact noise in the multiple dwellings
Contributed in12_486.pdf
Authors: Sung-Kon Yum, Korea Advanced Inst. of Science and technology; Su-Ho Park,
Korea Advanced Inst. of Science and technology; Jeong-Guon Ih, Korea Advanced
Inst. of Science and technology; Hae-Won Jang, Korea Advanced Inst. of Science and
8:20 467 Prediction of vibration characteristics of oor slabs excited by heavy impact source in
steel structure buildings
Invited in12_467.pdf
Authors: Hikari Tanaka, Taisei Corporation; Kiyoshi Masuda, Taisei Corporation
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
8:40 212 The importance of resonant frequency on impact isolation and transmission loss
Invited in12_212.pdf
Authors: Peter DAntonio, RPG Diffusor Systems, Inc.
Architectural Noise / Building Acoustics: 3.10 Measurements in Rooms and Building Acoustics Room: ONeill
Session Chairs: Jeffrey Mahn, Yun Jing
9:00 103 New seat and seat+person absorptions data in a concert hall
Contributed in12_103.pdf
Authors: Andras Kotschy, Kotschy and Partners Ltd.; Attil Balazs Nagy, Kotschy and
Partners Ltd.; Ferenc Tamas, Kotschy and Partners Ltd.
9:20 193 Sound absorption of church pews
Contributed in12_193.pdf
Authors: Antonio P.O. Carvalho, University of Porto; Joana S.O. Pino, University of
Porto, Portugal
10:00 327 The propagated uncertainty of the calculated sound reduction index
Invited in12_327.pdf
Authors: Jeffrey Mahn, University of Canterbury; John Pearse
10:20 583 Inuence of a lightweight acoustic shell with diffusive surface in a multiple use theater
at audience area
Contributed in12_583.pdf
Authors: Alexandre Virginelli Maiorino, University of Campinas; Stelamaris Rolla
Bertoli, School of Civil Engineering and Architecture - University of Campinas
10:40 608 Sound transmission through facade walls designed for sound, heat and moisture
control using brick with attached gypsum board
Contributed in12_608.pdf
Authors: Sevtap Yilmaz, Istanbul Technical University; Mine Ascigil Dincer, Istanbul
Technical University Faculty of Architecture; Gulten Manioglu, Istanbul Technical
University Faculty of Architecture; Leyla Tanacan, Istanbul Technical University
Faculty of Architecture
11:00 690 How to match building acoustic measurements with subjective judgements?
Invited in12_690.pdf
Authors: Fredrik Ljunggren, Lulea University of Technology; Anders Agren, Lule
11:20 901 On the reproducibility of measuring random incidence sound absorption
Contributed in12_901.pdf
Author: Anthony Nash, Charles M. Salter Associates
11:40 938 Measurement and prediction of structure-borne sound power in plate-shaped building
Contributed in12_938.pdf
Authors: Albert Vogel, Bauhaus-Universit; Olivier Kornadt, Physikalisch-Technische
Bundesanstalt; Volker Wittsock, Bauhaus-University; Werner Scholl, Physikalisch-
Technische Bundesanstalt
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
13:20 944 Prediction of the sound pressure level caused by technical equipment in buildings by
analyzing transfer functions
Contributed in12_944.pdf
Authors: Oliver Kornadt, Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar; Joerg Arnold, Bauhaus-
Universitaet Weimar; Volker Wittstock, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt; Werner
Scholl, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt;
13:40 950 Survey of animal shelter noise level
Contributed in12_950.pdf
Authors: Eric C. Myer, Pennsylvania State University; Stephen C. Conlon, Pennsylvania
State University
14:00 1120 Improving the visitor experience A noise study and treatment design for the
Smithsonian National Zoological Parks Great Ape House
Contributed in12_1120.pdf
Authors: Ryan A. Schultz, Purdue University; J. Stuart Bolton, Purdue University;
Jonathan H. Alexander, 3M Company; Stephanie Castiglione, Smithonian National
Zoological Park; Tom P.Hanschen, 3M Company; Ed Bronikowski, 3M Company
14:20 1231 Generic noise criterion curves for sensitive equipment
Contributed in12_1231.pdf
Author: Micheal L. Gendreau, Colin Gordon Associates
14:40 1241 Swiss pendling hammer for decoupling measurement of Swiss methodology for
decoupling measurement of service equipment in buildings
Contributed in12_1241.pdf
Authors: Delphine Bard, EcoAcoustique SA; Victor Desamaulds, EcoAcoustique SA;
Herve Lissek, EPFL - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology; Robert Beffa, Hepia
University, Geneva
15:00 760 Evaluate the sound diffusion performance by impulse response
Invited in12_760.pdf
Authors: Chih Chien Liao, Taiwan.University; Rong Ping Lai, Dept. of Architecture,
National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.; Po Hung Yeh, Dept. of Architecture,
National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.; Chuan Wen Chou, Dept. of
Architecture, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.
Motor Vehicle Noise, Interior and Exterior: 4.07 Vehicle NVH modeling and simulation Room: Odets
Session Chairs: Gabriella Cerrato, Pranab Saha
8:00 705 Trafc noise prediction model for bus stop
Contributed in12_705.pdf
Authors: Lu Wang, Sun Yat-sen University; Ming Cai, School of Engineering, Sun Yat-
sen University, China; JingFang Zou, School of Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University,
8:20 963 Use of full vehicle noise, vibration & harshness (NVH) simulator in the development of
power-train mounting systems
Contributed in12_963.pdf
Authors: Paul R. Kennings, Bentley Motors Limited; Uday Senapati, Bentley Motors
Limited; David J. Fothergill, Sound and Vibration Technology; Frank R. Syred, Sound
and Vibration Technology
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
8:40 991 Correlation and use of SEA model for NVH design studies based on vehicle windowing
Contributed in12_991.pdf
Authors: Chadwyck T. Musser, Cambridge Collaborative, Inc.; Melzak Marques da Silva,
MSX International; Renato Kempt, Ford Motor Company
9:00 1292 Predicting the detectability of gas vs. diesel vehicles
Invited in12_1292.pdf
Authors: Glenn Pietila, Sound Answers Inc.; Gabriella Cerrato, Sound Answers Inc.
9:20 1542 Measuring and predicting noise source contributions during pass-by noise
Invited in12_1542.pdf
Authors: Anthony Komarek, Polaris Industries Inc.
Motor Vehicle Noise, Interior and Exterior:
4.13 Longevity, costs and sacrices related to quiet pavements Room: Odets
Session Chairs: Paul Donavan, Rob Rasmussen
10:00 206 Long time effect of noise reducing thin layer pavements
Contributed in12_206.pdf
Authors: Hans Bendtsen, Danish Road Directorate; Bent Andersen, Danish Road
Directorate; Jens Oddershede, Danish Road Directorate; Lykke Moller Iversen, Danish
Road Directorate
10:20 857 Pavement acoustic ageing - Road surface noise performance over time
Invited in12_857.pdf
Authors: Jorgen Kragh, Danish Road Directorate/Road Institute; Bent Andersen,
Danish Road Directorate/Road Institute; Rob Hofman, Dutch Centre for Transport
and Navigation; Willem Jan van Vliet, Dutch Centre for Transport and Navigation;
FabienneAnfosso-Ledee, French institute of science and technology for transport,
development and networks
10:40 931 Longevity of noise reducing thin surface layers on urban and regional roads
Invited in12_931.pdf
Author: Ronald van Loon, M+P - raadgevende ingenieurs
11:00 1156 A statistical evaluation of one-third octave band frequencies measured using the on-
board sound intensity method
Invited in12_1156.pdf
Authors: Edwn Hass, Rutgers University; John Henken, The Center for Advanced
Infrastructure and Transportation/ Rutgers University; Thomas Bennert, The Center for
Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation/ Rutgers University
11:20 1310 Relations between tire/road noise and tire rolling resistance on different road
Invited in12_1310.pdf
Authors: Jerzy Ejsmont, Technical University of Gdansk; Grzegorz Ronowski, Technical
University of Gdansk; Stanislaw Taryma, Technical University of Gdansk; Piotr
Mioduszewski, Technical University of Gdansk; SylwiaSobieszczyk, Technical University
of Gdansk; Beata Swieczko Zurek, Technical University of Gdansk
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Motor Vehicle Noise, Interior and Exterior: 4.08 Vehicle noise measurement Room: Odets
Session Chairs: Paul Donavan, Chad Musser
13:20 320 Indoor pass-by noise testing on a roller test bench in a small anechoic chamber with
an isotropic source
Contributed in12_320.pdf
Authors: Gerhard Robens, Institute of Product Engineering at KIT; Albers Albert, IPEK
- Institute of Product Engineering at KIT; Matthias Behrendt, IPEK - Institute of Product
Engineering at KIT
13:40 517 Extrapolation of maximum noise levels from near-eld measurement to far-eld
Contributed in12_517.pdf
Authors: Teresa Bravo, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cienticas; David Ibarra,
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cienticas (CSIC); Pedro Cobo, Consejo Superior
de Investigaciones Cienticas (CSIC)
14:00 601 Vehicle noise emission levels in Bogota city
Contributed in12_601.pdf
Authors: Jose A. Pacheco, Universidad de los Andes; Miguel A. Ortiz, Universidad
de los Andes; Santiago J. Arango, Universidad de los Andes; Eduardo Behrentz,
Universidad de los Andes
14:20 797 Contribution analysis testing of glass for passenger vehicle subject to high wind noise
excitation loads
Contributed in12_797.pdf
Authors: Jerome E. Manning, Cambridge Collaborative, Inc.; Chadwyck T. Musser,
Cambridge Collaborative, Inc.; Stephen J. Manning, Cambridge Collaborative, Inc.;
Min Shen, Corning Incorporated; ZhiqiangShi, Corning Incorporated; Shane D. Seyler,
Corning Incorporated
14:40 987 Measurement-based inference of equivalent wind noise source acoustic loads on
vehicle greenhouse panels
Contributed in12_987.pdf
Authors: Chadwyck T. Musser, Cambridge Collaborative, Inc.; Jerome E. Manning,
Cambridge Collaborative, Inc.; George Chaoying Peng, Jaguar Land Rover
15:00 1109 Applying DFSS method in NVH measurement to optimize vehicle wind noise
Contributed in12_1109.pdf
Authors: Wei Wei, Chrysler Group, LLC.; Frank Falzetta, Chrysler Group, LLC.
Community / Environmental Noise: 7.05 National Park Noise / Quiet Parks Room: Wilder
Session Chairs: Karen Travino, Truis Gjestland
8:00 1015 National Park Service mandates and Authorities on protection of natural sounds
Invited in12_1015.pdf
Authors: Karen Trevino, National Park Service; Frank Turina, National Park Service
8:20 1060 Framework for addressing noise generated by National Park operations
Invited in12_1060.pdf
Authors: Frank Turina, National Park Service; Karen Trevino, NPS Natural Sounds and
Night Skies Division
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
8:40 1130 Protecting wildlife from noise impacts: A review of legislation and legal precedents in
New England and by the Federal Government
Contributed in12_1130.pdf
Author: Eddie Duncan, Resource Systems Group, Inc.
9:00 1149 Rapid noise mapping and display methods to support planning processes in U. S.
National Parks.
Invited in12_1149.pdf
Authors: Kurt M. Fristrup, U. S. National Park Service; Cynthia Lee, Volpe National
Transportation Center
9:20 1557 Ozark National Scenic Riverways - Boat noise measurement summary report
Contributed in12_1557.pdf
Authors: Gerald R. Stanley, National Park Service
Active and Passive Noise & Vibration Control:
1.02 Algorithms and Systems for Active Control and Acoustic Echo Cancellation Room: Wilder
Session Chairs: AM: Jing Lu, Muhammad Akhtar; PM: Jing Lu, Xiaojun Qiu
10:00 134 New proportionate afne projection algorithm
Contributed in12_134.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Felix Albu, Valahia University of Targoviste
10:20 169 A hybrid ANC system with a sinusoidal noise canceller equipped with a variable step-
size LMS algorithm
Invited in12_169.pdf
Authors: Yegui Xiao, Prefectural University of Hiroshima; Kazunari Doi, Prefectural
University of Hiroshima; Boyan Huang, Prefectural University of Hiroshima; Jing
Wang, BeiHang University
10:40 417 Adaptive active control of acoustic intensity in ow
Contributed in12_417.pdf
Author: F. Simon, ONERA
11:00 565 An efcient RLS algorithm for stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation with the widely
linear model
Invited in12_565.pdf
Authors: Cristian Stanciu, University Politehnica of Bucharest; Constantin Paleologu,
University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania; Jacob Benesty, INRS-EMT, University
of Quebec, Montreal, Canada; Tomas Gaensler, mh Acoustics, Summit, NJ, USA;
SilviuCiochina, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
11:20 571 Multichannel active noise control system using a GPU accelerator
Invited in12_571.pdf
Authors: Jorge Lorente, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia; Jose A. Belloch, Universitat
Politecnica; Miguel Gonzalez, Universitat Politecnica; Maria de Diego, Universitat
Politecnica; GemaPenero, Universitat Politecnica; Antonio Vidal, Universitat Politecnica
11:40 735 Performance of a multi-channel adaptive Kalman algorithm for active noise control of
non-stationary sources
Invited in12_735.pdf
Authors: Sjoerd van Ophem, University of Twente; Arthur Berkhoff, University of
Twente, TNO
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
13:20 767 Active control for variable frequency tonal noises using xed parameter notch neural
Contributed in12_767.pdf
Authors: Krukowicz Tomasz, Central Institute for Labour Protection
13:40 794 On the application of adaptive combination of adaptive lters to acoustic echo
Invited in12_794.pdf
Authors: Luis Antonio Azpicueta-Ruiz, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid; Anibal
Figueiras-Vidal, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid; Jeronimo Arenas-Garcia,
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
14:00 1379 Multi-channel hybrid active noise control systems for infant incubators
Contributed in12_1379.pdf
Authors: Lichuan Liu, Northern Illinois University; Kapila Beemanpally, Northern
Illinois University; Sen Maw Kuo, Northern Illinois University
14:20 1388 Enhanced inverse model LMS algorithm for active control of harmonic response
Contributed in12_1388.pdf
Authors: Mingfeng Li, University of Cincinnati; Jie Duan, University of Cincinnati; Teik
C. Lim, University of Cincinnati
14:40 982 Optimal sensor and actuator placement for active vibration control systems
Contributed in12_982.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Britta Spah, Technische Universit; Rudolf Sebastian Schittenhelm, Institute
for Mechatronic Systems, Technische Universit; Stephan Rinderknecht, Institute for
Mechatronic Systems, Technische University
15:00 528 Analysis of performance of feedforward active noise control systems in noncausality
Invited in12_528.pdf
Authors: Jing Lu, Nanjing University; Haishan Zou, Institute of Acoustics, MOE key lab
of modern acoustics, Nanjing University, China; Jiancheng Tao, Institute of Acoustics,
MOE key lab of modern acoustics, Nanjing University, China
Numerical and Analytical Techniques:
17.02 Statistical Energy Analysis and Energy Methods Room: Ziegfeld
Session Chairs: Vincent Cotoni, Steve Conlon
8:00 1 Transient dynamics of three-dimensional beam trusses using higher order kinematics
Contributed in12_1.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Yves LeBuennec, ONERA; Eric Savin, ONERA
8:20 126 Comparison of SEA and TPA for input source and contribution rates
Contributed in12_126.pdf
Authors: Katsuhiko Kuroda, Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science; Toru Yamazaki,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kanagawa University
8:40 560 The effect of acoustic modeling and damping loss coefcient to ship cabin noise
Contributed in12_560.pdf
Author: Dongyan Shi, Harbin Engineering University; Lv Sheng, ; Xianjie Shi
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
9:00 768 Damping loss factor estimation method by using nite element method in statistical
energy analysis
Contributed in12_768.pdf
Authors: Takayuki Koizumi, Doshisha University; Nobutaka Tsujiuchi, ; Katsuyoshi
Honsho, ; Hilmi Bin Hela Ladin, ; HirofumiWada, ; Mitsugu Kaneko
9:20 1180 Efcient models of small acoustic cavities coupled to exible panels
Contributed in12_1180.pdf
Authors: Vincent Cotoni, ESI Group; Maguelone Pontet, ESI Group; Sascha Merz, ESI
Numerical and Analytical Techniques: 17.04 Mid frequency vibroacoustic methods Room: Ziegfeld
Session Chairs: Wim Desmet, Steve Conlon
10:20 338 Dissipation of acoustic pulses on multi-layered cylindrical impedance shells
Contributed in12_338.pdf
Authors: Alexander Kleshchev, Krylov Shipbuilding Research Institute; Vitalii Chizhov,
Krylov Shipbuilding Research Institute
10:40 675 Frequency responses for vibroacoustics problems by the method of fundamental
Contributed in12_675.pdf
Authors: Der-Liang Young, National Taiwan University; Ching-Sen Wu, National Taiwan
11:00 893 Lorentzian-weighted frequency averaging for the evaluation of the input power into
one-dimensional structural dynamic systems
Contributed in12_893.pdf
Authors: R. DAmico, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; K. Vergote, Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven; W. Desmet, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
11:20 946 Evaluation of the partition of unity nite element method for the analysis of
poroelastic materials
Contributed in12_946.pdf
Authors: Jean-Daniel Chazot, Universite de Technologie de Compiegne; Emmanuel
Perrey-Debain, Laboratoire d; Benoit Nemmig, Laboratoire Roberval, Universite de
Technologie de Compiegne
11:40 1436 Robust sound transmission loss prediction of complex planar structures with a hybrid
nite element-statistical energy analysis method
Contributed in12_1436.pdf
Authors: Edwin Reynders, KU Leuven; Robin Langley, University of Cambridge; Arne
Dijckmans, University of Leuven (KU Leuven); Gerrit Vermeir, University of Leuven
(KU Leuven)
Renewable Energy System Noise: 20.02 Wind turbines and renewable energy noise Room: Gilbert
Session Chairs: PM: Mark Bastasch, Pari Tathavadekar, Brent Paul
8:00 344 Synthetic research program on wind turbine noise in Japan
Invited in12_344.pdf
Authors: Hideki Tachibana, Chiba Institute of Technology; Hiroo Yano, Chiba Institute of
Technology; Shinichi Sakamoto, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo;
Shinichi Sueoka, Institute of Noise Control Engineering, Japan
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
8:20 635 On the characterization of the secondary windscreens used in wind turbine noise
Contributed in12_635.pdf
Authors: Valentin Buzduga, Scantek, Inc.; Sarah Taubitz, DNV KEMA Energy &
Sustainability for DNV Renewables (USA) Inc.
8:40 780 Noise source identication with blade tracking on a wind turbine
Contributed in12_780.pdf
Authors: Jesper Gomes, Bruel and Kjaer
9:00 141 Phased array measurement and simulation of vertical axis wind turbine noise
Contributed in12_141.pdf
Authors: Charlie Pearson, Cambridge University; Will Graham, Cambridge University
Engineering Department; Tamas Bertenyi, QuietRevolution Ltd.
9:20 395 Variations of sound from wind turbines during different weather conditions
Contributed in12_395.pdf
Authors: Conny Larsson, Uppsala University; Olof , Uppsala University
10:00 1043 Noise from wind turbines under non-standard conditions
Contributed in12_1043.pdf
Author: Lars S. Sondergaard, DELTA Acoustics
10:20 1117 Development of a pre-construction acoustic methodology for wind energy projects
Invited in12_1117.pdf
Authors: Peter McPhee, Massachusetts Clean Energy Center; Amy Barad,
Massachusetts Clean Energy Center; Tyler Studds, Massachusetts Clean Energy Center;
Leigh Cameron, Massachusetts Clean Energy Center; MarthaBroad, Massachusetts
Clean Energy Center; Nils Bolgen, Massachusetts Clean Energy Center; Peter Guldberg,
Tech Environmental
10:40 160 Analysis of background low frequency sound levels at four wind energy sites
Contributed in12_160.pdf
Authors: Peter Guldberg, Tech Environmental, Inc.
11:00 1264 Large eddy simulation of airfoil self noise
Contributed in12_1264.pdf
Authors: Lawrence Cheung, GE Global Research; Giridhar Jothiprasad, GE Global
Research; Hao Shen, Boeing Research & Technology
11:20 109 Development and validation of turbulence ingestion prediction capability of TONBROD
Contributed in12_109.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Brent S. Paul, Alion Science and Technology Corp; James S. Uhlman, Alion
Science and Technology Corporation
11:40 382 Wind turbine noise reduction by means of serrated trailing edges
Contributed in12_382.pdf
Authors: Seunghoon Lee, Seoul National University; Soogab Lee, Seoul National
13:20 552 Noise from the shaft-bearing-circular plate system with speed increasing helical gears
Contributed in12_552.pdf
Author: Chan IL Park, Gangneung-Wonju National University
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
13:40 1385 Inuence of blade solidity and trailingedge shape on marine hydrokinetic turbines
Contributed in12_1385.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Michael Jonson, Pennsylvania State University; John Fahnline, Penn State
University Applied Research Laboratory; Erick Johnson, Sandia National Laboratories;
Matthew Barone, Sandia National Laboratories; ArnoldFontaine, Penn State University
Applied Research Laboratory
14:00 492 Investigation, projection and evaluation of wind turbine noise and infra-sound in
Contributed in12_492.pdf
Authors: Takashi Ohmura, Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ); Masamitsu
Nakanishi, Ministry of the Environment, Japan; Nozomi Sakurai, Ministry of
the Environment, Japan; Akira Shimada, Ministry of the Environment, Japan;
AtsushiKawabara, Ministry of the Environment, Japan
14:20 323 Evaluation of wind turbine-related noise in western New York State
Invited in12_323.pdf
Authors: Martin T. Schiff, Lally Acoustical Consulting; Shannon R. Magari, Colden
Corporation; Clinton E. Smith, Colden Corporation; Annette C. Rohr, Electric Power
Research Institute (EPRI)
14:40 306 Wind turbines can harm humans: A case study
Contributed in12_306.pdf
Authors: Carmen M.E. Krogh, Self; Roy D. Jeffery, Independent; Jeff Aramini, President
and Chief Executive Ofcer Intelligent Health Solutions; Brett Horner, Independent
15:00 1551 Health impacts and exposure to wind turbine noise: Research design and noise
exposure assessment
Contributed in12_1551.pdf
Authors: David S. Michaud, Health Canada; Stephen E. Keith; Katya Feder; Tara Bower
15:20 Evaluation of the structureal response of typical wind turbines by stochastic methods
Contributed in12_980.pdf
Authors: Francisco de Assis Leandro Filho, Federal University of Ceara; Francisco Ilson
da Silva Jr, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal University of Ceara (UFC)
Community / Environmental Noise: 7.06 Public outreach workshop on community noise Room: Salon 3
Session Chairs: Larry Finegold, David Sykes
8:00 13:45 Papers to be presented:

1431 Managing community noise at the local level
Lawrence Finegold
1539 How did the NYC DEP develop the NYC code?
Charles Shamoon, Esq. & Gerry Kelpin, DEP/BEC Director of Enforcement
1545 Elkhart IN: a new and successful approach for implementing noise codes
Bradley Vite, adviser to the mayor and lead developer of Elkharts self-funding
noise ordinance
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
1368 In pursuit of silence
George Prochnik, author of the book, In Pursuit of Silence (Doubleday 2010)
1546 Professionals, public ofcials and citizens join together to stop the noise
Arline Bronzaft PhD, Mayors council on the environment of NYC and co-author
of the book, Why Noise Matters (Routledge, 2011)
1441 The National Academy of Engineering report Technology for a Quieter America
George Maling, lead author
1467 What I learned listening to noise
Garret Keizer, author of the book The Unwanted Sound of Everything We Want
(Public Affairs 2010)
1383 Proposed ANSI Standard: guidance for developing state noise regulations and local
noise ordinances
Bennett Brooks, co-chair, ANSI S12 WG41
1457 The shot heard...managing the impacts of noise on an iconic Revolutionary
War town
Douglas Adams AIA, Chair (retired) planning commission, Lincoln MA
1461 The turning point was 2011: the next decade has begun
David Sykes, co-chair ANSI S12 WG44, editor of Sound & Vibration...2.0
(Springer 2012)
Architectural Noise / Building Acoustics: 3.14 Vertical Transmission of Noise and Vibration Room: Salon 4
Session Chairs: Jack B. Evans, Marc Asselineu
8:00 655 Investigation of vertical sound transmission problems in a Ketchum, Idaho
Invited in12_655.pdf
Authors: Kerrie G. Standlee, Daly-Standlee & Associates, Inc.
8:20 684 Vertical transmission of noise and vibrations: A few problems
Invited in12_684.pdf
Authors: Marc Asselineau, Peutz and Associates; Aline Gaulupeau, PEUTZ &
Associates; Maud Serra, PEUTZ & Associates
8:40 791 Which approach for aero-acoustic problem associated to faade elements?
Invited in12_791.pdf
Authors: Jean Baptiste Chene, Center for Building Science and Technology; Pierre
Kerdudou, Centre Scientique et Technique du B; Catherine Guigou-Carter, Centre
Scientique et Technique du B
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
9:00 803 Simulation of anking transmission in super-light structures for airborne and impact
Contributed in12_803.pdf
Authors: Jacob D. Christensen, Technical University of Denmark; Kristian D. Hertz,
Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark; Jonas Brunskog,
Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark
9:20 1186 Vertical transmission of vibration and noise to a research laboratory from mechanical
equipment room Analysis and mitigation case study
Invited in12_1186.pdf
Author: Jack B. Evans, JEAcoustics
Measurement and Signal Processing Techniques:
12.02 Sound Power / Intensity Determination for Noise Sources Room: Salon 4
Session Chairs: Eric Myer, Micah Shepherd
10:00 446 ISO standards for the measurement of noise emission from machinery - Do they meet
their goals?
Contributed in12_446.pdf
Authors: Jean R. Jacques, I.N.R.S.; Patrick Kurtz, BAuA, Germany
10:20 531 Procedure to estimate the in-duct sound power in the high frequency range with non-
plane waves
Contributed in12_531.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Antti Hynninen, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland; Mats Abom, KTH
Competence Centre for Gas Exchange, Marcus Wallenberg Laboratory
10:40 572 ISO 9295 measurement of high frequency sound power level (16 kHz octave band)
from all types of products
Invited in12_572.pdf
Authors: Robert D. Hellweg, Hellweg Acoustics; Egons Dunens, Hewlett-Packard
Company; Ikuo Kimizuka, IBM Japan, Ltd. Yamato Laboratory
11:00 1045 A proposal for a new background noise correction procedure in noise emission
measurement standards
Contributed in12_1045.pdf
Authors: Seth Bard, IBM Hudson Valley Acoustics Lab; Matthew A. Nobile, IBM Hudson
Valley Acoustics Lab
11:20 1112 Investigation of the variation in transmission loss in enclosures of different volumes,
through measurements of sound power
Contributed in12_1112.pdf
Authors: A. Esquivel-Dlegado, Centro Nacional de Metrologia; A.E. Perez Matzumoto,
Centro Nacional de Metrolog; S.J. Perez Ruiz, Universidad Nacional Aut
11:40 1170 Sound power measurement in the near eld of transformers
Contributed in12_1170.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Michael Ertl, Siemens Transformers; Hermann Landes, SIMetris GmbH
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Architectural Noise / Building Acoustics:
3.11 Computational Techniques in Room and Building Acoustics Room: Lyceum/Carnegie
Session Chairs: Julieta Antnio, Yun Jing
8:00 1134 Different assumptions - Different reverberation formulae
Invited in12_1137.pdf
Author: Uwe M. Stephenson, HafenCity University
8:20 1137 Are there simple reverberation time formulae also for partially diffusely reectiing
Invited in12_1137.pdf
Author: Uwe M. Stephenson, HafenCity University
8:40 1141 Estimation of absorption and scattering coefcients of room surfaces by least-squares
matching simulated to measured energy decay curves
Invited in12_1141.pdf
Authors: Sonke Pelzer, RWTH Aachen University; Michael Vorlander, Institute of
Technical Acoustics - RWTH Aachen University
9:00 1176 IPL SDK: Software development kit for efcient acoustics simulation
Invited in12_1176.pdf
Authors: Anish Chandak, Impulsonic, Inc.; Lakulish Antani, University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill; Dinesh Manocha, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
9:20 1349 A new method of curve tting for calculation of reverberation time from impulse
responses with insufcient length
Contributed in12_1349.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Caglar Firat Ozgenal, Middle East Technical University; Arzu Gonenc Sorguc,
Middle East Technical University, Department of Architecture
9:40 374 Extraction and identication of location of source signals embedded in noise and
reected signals using BSS
Contributed in12_374.pdf
Authors: Megumi Yanai, Tokyo University of Science; Fumio Sasaki, Tokyo University
of Science; Osamu Tanaka, Tokyo University of Science; Masahito Yasuoka, Tokyo
University of Science
Architectural Noise / Building Acoustics: 3.02 Healthcare Noise Room: Lyceum/Carnegie
Session Chairs: David Sykes, Kenric Van Wyk, Dave Holger
10:20 683 Comparing equivalent noise levels and percentile levels in healthcare spaces
Invited in12_683.pdf
Authors: Arun K. Mahapatra, Wilson Ihrig & Associates; Erica E. Ryherd, Woodruff
School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology; Howard K. Pelton,
Pelton Associates
10:40 912 Speech privacy measurements in an outpatient healthcare facility
Contributed in12_912.pdf
Authors: Benjamin Davenny, Acentech Incorporated
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
11:00 1491 Subjective experiment for speech privacy in pharmacy focusing on the effect of
partition design at counters
Contributed in12_1491.pdf
Authors: Hyojin Lee, University of Tokyo; Kanako Ueno, Meiji University; Shinichi
Sakamoto, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo
11:20 1507 Strategies for measuring in-situ hospital noise
Invited in12_1507.pdf
Authors: Kenric D. Van Wyk, Acoustics By Design, Inc.; Timothy R. Koldenhoven,
Acoustics By Design, Inc.; Melinda J. Miller, Acoustics By Design, Inc.; Kristen R.
Murphy, Acoustics By Design, Inc.
11:40 1508 A rank order methodology to improve acoustical comfort for patients in existing
Invited in12_1508.pdf
Authors: Kenric D. Van Wyk, Acoustics By Design, Inc.; Timothy R. Koldenhoven,
Acoustics By Design, Inc.; Melinda J. Miller, Acoustics By Design, Inc.; Kristen R.
Murphy, Acoustics By Design, Inc.
Measurement and Signal Processing Techniques:
12.07 Source-Path Contribution / Transfer Path Analysis Room: Lyceum/Carnegie
Session Chairs: Gary Newton, John Fahnline
13:20 185 Consideration of accuracy evaluation index for operational Transfer Path Analysis
Contributed in12_185.pdf
Authors: Junji Yoshida, Osaka Institute of Technology; Yoichi Onishi
13:40 389 Operational transfer path analysis predicting contributions to the vehicle interior noise
for different excitations from the same sound source
Contributed in12_389.pdf
Authors: Jakob Putner, AG Technische Akustik, MMK; Hugo Fastl, Mueller-BBM
VibroAkustik Systeme; Martin Lohrmann, AG Technische Akustik, MMK, TU Muenchen;
Albert Kaltenhauser, BMW Group; FrankUllrich, BMW Group
14:00 801 Operational transfer path analysis, Some practical pitfalls.
Contributed in12_801.pdf
Authors: N.B. Roozen, Delft University of Technology; Q. Leclere, Laboratoire
Vibrations Acoustique, INSA Lyon, France
14:20 1018 Development of particle velocity transfer path analysis
Contributed in12_1018.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Akira Inoue, Hitachi America, Ltd.; Yosuke Tanabe, Hitachi America, Ltd.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Psychoacoustic Aspects in Noise Evaluation:
21.04 Psycho Acoustic Approach to Noise Problems in Daily Life Room: Alvin/Edison
Session Chairs: Hugo Fastl, Dongxing Mao
8:00 882 The application of psychoacoustics to environmental noise issues
Invited in12_882.pdf
Authors: Klaus Genuit, HEAD acoustics GmbH; Andre Fiebig, HEAD acoustics GmbH
8:20 1053 Noise assessment on the basis of the perception threshold concerning the noise
phenomenon ear-pressure
Invited in12_1053.pdf
Authors: Otto Martner, Muller-BBM GmbH; Mirko Djukic, University of Applied
Sciences Deggendorf, Germany
8:40 732 Annoyance criterion for subway induced low frequency noise in buildings
Invited in12_732.pdf
Authors: Dongxing Mao, Tongji University; Zhiyue Shao, Institute of Acoustics, Tongji
9:00 551 Loudness of double impulsive sounds
Invited in12_551.pdf
Authors: Takeo Hashimoto, Seikei University; Kenji Sekiguchi, Seikei University;
Shigeko Hatano, Seikei University; Toshimitsu Tanaka, Osaka University;
SeiichiroNamba, Osaka University; Sonoko Kuwano, Seikei University
9:20 334 Does teenagers hearing ability affect the unpleasant feeling of the sound of a dental
Invited in12_334.pdf
Authors: Tomomi Yamada, Osaka University; Sonoko Kuwano, Osaka University;
Shigeyuki Ebisu, Osaka University;
9:40 1524 Subjective tests on listening difculty of public address announcement in public
Contributed in12_1524.pdf
Authors: Sakae Yokoyama, The University of Tokyo; Hideki Tachibana, Chiba Institute of
Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Shock: 10.03 Indoor Response to
Sonic Boom and Low Frequency Noise Sources (joint INCE / ASME NCAD) Room: Alvin/Edison
Session Chairs: Jake Klos, Joe Gavin
10:20 1240 Models for window rattle caused by structureal vibration induced by sonic booms
Contributed in12_1240.pdf
Authors: Louis C. Sutherland, LCS- Acoustics; Natalia Sizov, FAA AEE; Chris Hobbs,
10:40 740 Study on methods for simulating sonic booms outdoors
Invited in12_740.pdf
Authors: Tetsuya Doi, Kobayasi Institute of Physical Research; Yusuke Naka, Japan
Aerospace Exploration Agency
11:00 1335 Overview of an indoor sonic boom simulator at NASA Langley Research Center
Invited in12_1335.pdf
Authors: Jacob Klos, NASA Langley Research Center
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
11:20 902 Uncertainty analysis of sonic boom levels measured in a simulator at NASA Langley
Invited in12_902.pdf
Authors: Jonathan Rathsam, NASA Langley Research Center; Jeffry Ely, Structural
Acoustics Branch, NASA Langley Research Center
11:40 955 Prediction of high frequency sonic boom noise transmission into buildings using a
hybrid analytical-ray tracing approach
Invited in12_955.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Joseph M. Corcoran, Virginia Tech; Marcel C. Remillieux, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech; Ricardo A. Burdisso, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Virginia Tech
Flow Induced Noise and Vibration:
24.07 Fatigue due to Acoustical Induced Vibration in Piping Systems Room: Booth
Session Chairs: Bob Bruce, Kim Riegel
8:00 628 Solving AIV problems in the design stage
Invited in12_628.pdf
Authors: Robert D. Bruce, CSTI acoustics; Arno S. Bommer, CSTI acoustics; Thomase
E. LePage, CSTI acoustics
8:20 243 Design strategies for acoustically induced vibration in process piping
Invited in12_243.pdf
Author: James Cowling, KBR
8:40 930 AIV results from 30 years applying the Mueller and Carucci method for evaluating
acoustic induced vibration
Invited in12_930.pdf
Authors: Thomas Mc Mahon, Hoover & Keith, Inc.
9:00 1323 Practical application of AIV analysis methods for screening, qualication, and redesign
of complex piping systems
Contributed in12_1323.pdf
Authors: Neal Evans, Southwest Research Institute; David Arnett, Fluor; Tim Allison,
Southwest Research Institute
9:20 1540 Investigation of pipe size effect against AIV
Invited in12_1540.pdf
Authors: Masato Nishiguchi, Chiyoda Advanced Solutions Corp; Hisao Izuchi, Chiyoda
Advanced Solutions Corporation; Itsuro Hayashi, Chiyoda Advanced Solutions
Corporation; Gaku Minorikawa, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hosei
10:20 254 Acoustically induced vibration - Development and sse of the Energy Institute
screening method
Invited in12_254.pdf
Authors: Robert Swindell, Xodus Group Limited
10:40 444 An efcient nite element method for acoustic induced vibration analysis
Invited in12_444.pdf
Authors: Timothy C. Allison, Southwest Research Institute; Neal Evans, Southwest
Research Institute; Nathan Poerner, Southwest Research Institute
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
11:00 332 An assessment of the state of acoustic-induced vibration (AIV) management
technology while presenting a possible atlernative static approach
Contributed in12_332.pdf
Authors: Michael S. Shelton, Jacobs Engineering; Robert G. Brown, West Virginia
University; David Tucker, National Energy Technology Laboratory; Jacky Prucz, Jacobs
Enginerring Group
11:20 555 A nite element modal analysis approach to assess piping failures due to acoustically
induced vibration
Invited in12_555.pdf
Authors: Bill Skailes, Plant Asset Management (Petrofac); Shi-Song Ngiam, Plant Asset
Management (Petrofac)
11:40 1309 Operator experience with using Energy Institute piping vibration guidelines to prevent
acoustic induced vibration fatigue failures
Contributed in12_1309.pdf
Authors: Geoff Evans, BP Exploration; Jonathan Baker, Petrofac; Rob Swindell, Xodus
Group Ltd
13:40 359 Fatigue life design for acoustic-induced vibration in high-capacity are systems
Invited in12_359.pdf
Authors: Denis Karczub, ConocoPhillips; Al Fagerlund, Fisher Controls International
14:00 595 Predicting pipe internal sound eld and pipe wall vibration using statistical energy
approaches for AIV
Invited in12_595.pdf
Authors: J. Adin Mann III, Fisher Controls International LLC; Daniel Eilers, Fisher
Controls International LLC; Allen C. Fagerlund, Fisher Controls International LLC
14:20 1418 Acoustic induced vibration: A need for harmony and cooperation
Invited in12_1418.pdf
Authors: Kimberly A. Riegel, Lewis S. Goodfriend & Associates; Robert D. Bruce, CSTI
Acoustics; Karl Reichard, Applied Research Laboratory
Noise and Health: 15.09 Understanding speech in noise Room: Music Box/Winter Garden
Session Chairs: Jerker Ronnberg, Deepak Prasher
8:00 144 Speech understanding in noise: The role of working memory capacity
Invited in12_144.pdf
Authors: Jerker Ronnberg, Linnaeus Centre HEAD; Orjan Dahlstrom, Linnaeus Centre
HEAD, Swedish Institute for Disability Research, Link; Mary Rudner, Linnaeus Centre
HEAD, Swedish Institute for Disability Research, Link; Patrik Sorqvist, Linnaeus
Centre HEAD, Swedish Institute for Disability Research, Link; IngridJohnsrude,
Linnaeus Centre HEAD, Swedish Institute for Disability Research, Link; Thomas Lunner,
Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Link; Stefan Stenfelt, Linnaeus
Centre HEAD, Swedish Institute for Disability Research, Link
8:20 485 Privacy protection for speech based on concepts of auditory scene analysis
Contributed in12_485.pdf
Authors: Masato Akagi, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology; Yoshihiro
Irie, Glory Ltd.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
8:40 554 The application of pupillometry to assess processing load during listening to speech in
challenging conditions
Invited in12_554.pdf
Authors: Adriana A. Zekveld, VU University Medical Center; Thomas Koelewijn,
Audiology / ENT & EMGO+ Institute for Health and Care Research, VU University
medical center, Amsterdam; Karen Mortier, Audiology / ENT & EMGO+ Institute
for Health and Care Research, VU University medical center, Amsterdam; Dept. of
Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Link; Joost M. Festen, Audiology / ENT & EMGO+
Institute for Health and Care Research, VU University medical center, Amsterdam;
Hansvan Beek, Audiology / ENT & EMGO+ Institute for Health and Care Research, VU
University medical center, Amsterdam; Sophia E. Kramer, Audiology / ENT & EMGO+
Institute for Health and Care Research, VU University medical center, Amsterdam
9:00 699 Robust speech recognition based on emphasis ltering on formant regions in mobile
noise environment
Contributed in12_699.pdf
Authors: Hwa Jeon Song, ETRI; Kiyoung Park, ETRI, Spoken Language Processing
Team; Yunkeun Lee, ETRI, Spoken Language Processing Team
9:20 836 Evaluation of speech intelligibilty in open-plan ofces
Contributed in12_836.pdf
Authors: Patrick Chevret, INRS; Ange Ebissou, INRS; Etienne Parizet, INSA, Lyon
10:00 1301 Investigating the effects of active noise cancelling headphones on speech intelligibility
in aviation
Contributed in12_1301.docx
Authors: Marion Burgess, UNSW; Brett Molesworth, School of Aviation, UNSW,
Kensington, Australia
10:20 1526 Modulation sensitivity in the perception of speech
Invited in12_1526.pdf
Authors: Robert E. Remez, Columbia University
Noise Policy Development, Education, Economics and Implementation:
16.01 Legislation, Implementation and Noise Control Policies Room: Music Box/Winter Garden
Session Chairs: Miriam Weber, Colin Grimwood
10:40 98 An overview of Dutch aircraft legislation
Invited in12_98.pdf
Authors: Jan Jabben, National Institute for Public Health and Environment (RIVM)
11:00 207 Integration of noise in Danish road planning - Methods and cost benet
Invited in12_207.pdf
Authors: Hans Bendtsen, Danish Road Directorate; Jakob Fryd, Danish Road
11:20 411 Holistic approach for rolling sound mitigation
Invited in12_411.pdf
Authors: Ernst-Ulrich Saemann, Continental Reifen Deutschland GmbH
11:40 498 EUROCITIES position paper on urban transport noise
Invited in12_498.pdf
Authors: Henk Wolfert, EUROCITIES
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
13:20 507 Electric heroes Go smart go electric
Invited in12_507.pdf
Authors: Erik Roelofsen, Dutch Noise Abatement Society; Roderik Schaepman, R&D
dept; Lisanne Roelofsen, Dutch noise abatement society
13:40 1005 Quiet Urban Areas: Repositioning local noise policy approaches - Questioning visitors
on soundscape and environmental quality
Contributed in12_1005.pdf
Authors: Miriam Weber, DCMR Environmental Protection Agency
14:00 1011 Reinstatement of Article 10 in New York State: Siting and licensing of power plants in
New York City
Contributed in12_1011.pdf
Authors: Damien Bell, ATCO Noise Management
14:20 1159 Analysis of the plainly audible standard for noise ordinances
Contributed in12_1159.pdf
Authors: Eric M. Zwerling, Rutgers University; Amy E. Myers, Harrison Sale McCloy,
Chtd.; Charles Shamoon, New York City Department of Environmental Protection
14:40 1314 Introducing clear policy objectives for noise management in England
Invited in12_1314.pdf
Authors: Colin Grimwood, Bureau Veritas; Stephen Turner, Defra; ;
15:00 1322 Analysis of an inll scenario for Rotterdam. Trafc noise, air pollution, and public
health in relation to urban density and trafc of cars and bicycles
Invited in12_1322.pdf
Authors: Sander Schaminee, Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientic Research;
Elmer Rietveld, TNO, Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientic Research; Erik
Salomons, TNO, Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientic Research; Yvonne
de Kluizenaar, TNO, Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientic Research;
JudithBorsboom, TNO, Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientic Research;
Hieronymus Borst, TNO, Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientic Research;
Martin Guit, Citydevelopment Transport and Planning, City of Rotterdam
Marine Vehicles, Structures and Underwater Noise :
11.04 Underwater and Marine Structure Noise / Vibration (joint INCE / ASME NCAD) Room: Palace
Session Chairs: Joe Cushieri, Ab Kirwan
8:00 278 A study on the excitation force induced by the coupling of torsional and axial
vibrations in marine propulsion shafting system
Contributed in12_278.pdf
Authors: Chan-Hui Lee, Hyundai Heavy Industries, Co., Ltd.; Heui-Won Kim, Hyundai
Maritime Research Institute, R&D Division, Hyundai Heavy Industries, Co., Ltd.; Won-
Ho Joo, Hyundai Maritime Research Institute, R&D Division, Hyundai Heavy Industries,
Co., Ltd.
8:20 337 Monitoring of ship underwater radiated noise using articial neural networks
Contributed in12_337.pdf
Authors: Valeriy Kalyu, Krylov Shipbuilding Research Institute; Ludmila Dmitrieva,
Saint Petersburg State University; Yury Kuperin, Saint Petersburg State University
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
8:40 821 The case study of whirling vibration caused by 1st order excitation in small marine
Invited in12_821.pdf
Authors: Jin-Hee Kim, Mokpo National Maritime University; Don-Chooi Lee, Division
of Marine Engineering, Mokpo National Maritime University, Korea; Tae-un Kim, Busan
Branch, Korea Ship Safety Technology Authority, Korea
9:00 883 Prediction of underwater sound due to pile driving for offshore wind farms - A
challenge for numerical simulation
Contributed in12_883.pdf
Authors: Stephan Lippert, Hamburg University of Technology; Tristan Lippert, Hamburg
University of Technology; Otto von Estorff, Hamburg University of Technology; Marius
Milatz, Hamburg University of Technology; KatjaReimann, Hamburg University of
9:20 993 Passive characterization of underwater acoustic waveguides through interferometry of
diffuse ambient noise
Contributed in12_993.pdf
Authors: Oleg A. Godin, University of Colorado
10:00 1216 An analytical study of the low frequency structural responses of a submerged hull
Contributed in12_1216.pdf
Authors: Cong Zhang, The University of New South Wales; Nicole Kessissoglou, The
University of New South Wales; Mauro Caresta, The University of New South Wales;
Meixia Chen, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
10:20 1303 Measurements and modelling of turbulent boundary layer excitation and induced
structural response on a ship: PART I Full scale wall pressure uctuations
Contributed in12_1303.pdf
Authors: Francesca Magionesi, CNR-INSEAN; Elena Ciappi, CNR-INSEAN; Francesco
La Gala, CNR-INSEAN; Fabrizio Ortolani, CNR-INSEAN; RobertoOrtolani, CNR-
INSEAN; Andrea Di Mascio, CNR-IAC; Jose Manuel Fernandez Hernando, ACCIONA-
10:40 1304 Measurements and modelling of turbulent boundary layer excitation and induced
structural response on a ship: PART II Full scale structural response
Contributed in12_1304.pdf
Authors: Elena Ciappi, CNR-INSEAN; Francesca Magionesi, CNR-INSEAN; Mirko
Bassetti, CETENA S.p.A.; Diego DOrazio, University of Rome; Jose ManuelFernandez
Hernando, ACCIONA-Trasmediterranea
11:00 1340 Using broadband, ship-radiated noise in shallow water environments to perform
physics-based localization
Invited in12_1340.pdf
Authors: Alexander W. Sell, Penn State University; R. Lee Culver, Penn State Graduate
Program in Acoustics
11:20 1424 Effects of damping on the structural acoustics response of a partially submerged steel
pile to an impact force
Contributed in12_1424.pdf
Authors: Shima Shahab, Georgia Institute of Technology; Mardi Hastings, Georgia
Institute of Technology
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Aircraft and Space System Noise & Vibration:
2.06 Noise Source Characterization in Aircraft Room: Uris/Plymouth
Session Chairs: Carsten Spehr, Todd Rook
8:00 408 Development of a ground based and aerial sonic boom measurement system
Invited in12_408.pdf
Authors: Michael Denton, National Instruments; Kurt Veggeberg, Japan Aerospace
Exploratory Agency (JAXA); Yusuke Naka, National Instruments
8:20 1098 Simple-source model of military jet aircraft noise
Invited in12_1098.pdf
Authors: Jessica Morgan, Brigham Young University; Tracianne B. Neilsen, Dept. of
Physics and Astronomy, Brigham Young University; Kent L. Gee, Dept. of Physics and
Astronomy, Brigham Young University; Alan T. Wall, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy,
Brigham Young University; Michael M.James, Blue Ridge Research and Consulting
8:40 575 Localization of sound sources on aircraft in ight
Contributed in12_575.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Henri A. Siller, German Aerospace Center
9:00 703 Microphone arrahy applications in cabins
Invited in12_703.pdf
Authors: Judith Kokavecz, German Aerospace Center (DLR); Lasse Seemann,
Technische Universit; Carsten Spehr, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
9:20 1081 An analytical-numerical aerodynamic formulation for dfcient aeroacoustics analysis
of rotorcraft
Invited in12_1081.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Massimo Gennaretti, University ROMA TRE; Claudio Testa, CNR-INSEAN
Italian Ship Model Basin - Propulsion Dept.; Giovanni Bernardini, University ROMA
TRE - Mechanical & Industrial Eng. Dept.; Alessandro Anobile, University ROMA TRE -
Mechanical & Industrial Eng. Dept.
9:40 998 Pressure gradient effects on turbulent pressure spectrum
Invited in12_998.pdf
Authors: Richard G. DeJong, Calvin College; Isaac J. Kuiper, Calvin Engineering
10:20 689 Computational and experimental study on noise generation from ap side-edge of a
simplied high-lift wing model
Invited in12_689.pdf
Authors: Mitsuhiro Murayama, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency; Yuzuru
Yokokawa, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency; Kazuomi Yamamoto, Japan
Aerospace Exploration Agency; Taro Imamura, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency;
HirokiUra, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
10:40 570 Wall pressure uctuation models through wavenumber-frequency spectra
Contributed in12_570.pdf
Authors: Massimo Miozzi, CNR-INSEAN; Elena Ciappi
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
11:00 132 Acoustic resonances in a 3D open cavity: Comparison of experimental and numerical
Contributed in12_132.pdf
Authors: Santiago Ortiz, Centro de Ac; Pedro Cobo, Centre for applied acoustics and
non-destructive evaluation, CAEND, CSIC; Leo Gonzalez, School of Naval Engineering
(UPM); Daniel Rodriguez, School of Aerospace Engineering (UPM); VassilisTheolis,
School of Aerospace Engineering (UPM)
Noise and Health: 15.04 Sleep Disturbance Room: Uris/Plymouth
Session Chairs: Mathias Basner, Mark Brink
1:20 260 Noise events in road trafc and sleep disturbance studies
Contributed in12_260.pdf
Authors: A.L. Brown, Grifth University; Dibyendu Bannerjee, Department of
Environment, B.B.College, Asansol, West Bengal, India; Deanna Tomerini, Urban
Research Program/ Grifth School of Environment, Grifth University
13:40 406 Effect of objective road trafc noise and noise annoyance on subjective and objective
sleep quality in men and women
Contributed in12_406.pdf
Authors: Martin Roosli, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH); Evelyn
Mohler, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH); Patrizia Frei, Swiss
Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH)
14:00 651 Design for a US eld study on the effects of aircraft noise on sleep
Invited in12_651.pdf
Authors: Mathias Basner, University of Pennsylvania
24:20 996 A review of potential mechanisms in the genesis of long-term health effects due to
noise-induced sleep disturbances
Invited in12_996.pdf
Authors: Mark Brink, ETH Zurich
14:40 1068 Introducing faster dynamics into a nonlinear model that can predict effects of aircraft
noise on sleep
Invited in12_1068.pdf
Authors: Sarah McGuire, Purdue University; Patricia Davies, Ray W. Herrick
Laboratories, Purdue University
15:00 1421 Noise sensitivity and sleep disturbance
Contributed in12_1421.pdf
Authors: H.E. Laszlo, Imperial College London; S.A. Janssen, The Netherlands
Oganization for Applied Scientic Research (TNO),; W. Babisch, Federal Environment
Agency (UBA), Germany; A.L. Hansell, MRC-HPA Centre for Environment and Health,
London UK
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Consumer Product Noise: 5.04 Buy Quiet Policies:
Encouraging Demand for Low-Noise Products Room: Royale
Session Chairs: Jean Tourret, Matt Nobile
8:00 268 Development of the UK - Buy Quiet - Project to promote production and purchase of
quiet industrial machinery
Contributed in12_268.doc
Authors: Sarah Haynes, Health & Safety Executive (HSE); Paul Brereton, Health &
Safety Executive (HSE); Jacqueline Patel, Health & Safety Laboratory
8:20 435 Determination of the Product Noise Rating (PNR) for hair dryers: A test case
Invited in12_435.pdf
Authors: Matthew A. Nobile, IBM Hudson Valley Acoustics Laboratory
8:40 451 Quiet Mark : Giving consumers the choice to buy quiet
Invited in12_451.pdf
Authors: Gloria Elliott, Noise Abatement Society
9:00 1173 Advanced tools for buying quiet products
Contributed in12_1173.pdf
Authors: Charles Hayden, NIOSH; Edward Zechmann, Tier 1 Performance Solutions; ,
9:20 1448 Preparation of noise emission specications for buy quiet programs
Invited in12_1448.pdf
Author: George C. Maling Jr, Self
Motor Vehicle Noise, Interior and Exterior:
4.03 Noise control requirements for vehicles and tires Room: Royale
Session Chairs: Truis Berge, Klaus Genuit
10:00 271 Acoustic assessment of a passing-by hybrid distribution truck
Invited in12_271.pdf
Authors: Marie-Agnes Pallas, University of Lyon; Roger Chatagnon, University of Lyon,
IFSTTAR; Joel Lelong, University of Lyon, IFSTTAR
10:20 217 Sourcetransferreceiver modeling approaches A historical review of methods
Invited in12_217.pdf
Authors: Patrick Van de Ponseele, LMS International NV; Karl Janssens, LMS
International NV; Laurent De Ryck, LMS International NV
10:40 790 Vehicle exterior noise reduction using operational TPA during simulated pass-by tests
Invited in12_790.pdf
Authors: Juha Plunt, Muller-BBM; Kjetil Vedholm, M; William Easterling, M; Kaj
Bodlund, Volvo Group Trucks Technology
11:00 150 Introduction of tire road noise regulation in Japan
Invited in12_150.pdf
Authors: Seiji Takai, Ministry of the Environment, Japan; Toshiyuki Nishimoto, Ministry
of the Environment, Japan; Takayuki Fujimoto, Ministry of the Environment, Japan
11:20 394 Development of cars specied for tire-road noise measurement
Invited in12_394.pdf
Author: J-W. Biermann, Institut f; Jens Viehofer
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
11:40 1298 Tyre/road noise testing on various road surfaces - Report trom the NordTyre project
Invited in12_1298.pdf
Author: Truis Berge, SINTEF
Consumer Product Noise: 5.01 General Topics Room: Royale
Session Chairs: Chuck Hayden, Matt Nobile
13:20 179 Noise generated by portable masonry saws operating in construction
Contributed in12_179.pdf
Authors: Adriano A.R. Barbosa, UNICAMP/ IFSP; Stelamaris R. Bertoli, UNICAMP
13:40 1119 Noise source identication and assessment of two noise controls on light towers
Invited in12_1119.pdf
Authors: Andrew Hemmelgarn, NIOSH; Edward Zechmann, CDC/NIOSH; Charles
14:00 1129 Assessment of a chisel noise control for jack and chipping hammers
Contributed in12_1129.pdf
Authors: Edward Zechmann, NIOSH; Charles Hayden, NIOSH
14:20 1181 Sound quality evaluation of powered riding toy noises by children
Contributed in12_1181.pdf
Authors: Gema Pinero, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia; Laura Fuster, Telecom.
Multimedia Applications (iTEAM) - Universitat Politecnica de Valencia; Alberto Gonz,
Telecom. Multimedia Applications (iTEAM) - Universitat Politecnica de Valencia;
Maria de Diego, Telecom. Multimedia Applications (iTEAM) - Universitat Politecnica
de Valencia; MiguelFerrer, Telecom. Multimedia Applications (iTEAM) - Universitat
Politecnica de Valencia; Karina Pernias, AIJU; Maite Romero, AIJU
14:40 1351 Investigation of refrigerator noise on the prototype designs
Contributed in12_1351.pdf
Authors: Hasan Koruk, Istanbul Technical University; H. Temel Belek, Istanbul
Technical University; Murat Alparslan, EDA Ltd.; Necati Bilgin, INDESIT Company;
OnurAkaydin, INDESIT Company; Alper Akgul, Proplan Ltd.;
Community / Environmental Noise: 7.02 Recreational / Entertainment Noise Room: Broadway N
Session Chairs: Paul Burge, Chris Menge, Bob Brosdon
10:20 194 Investigating the source characteristics of gunshot noise
Contributed in12_194.pdf
Authors: Andrew Barnard, Penn State University; H. John Camin, Penn State
University; David M. Kiger, Penn State University
10:40 561 Noisy large events: Overview of regulations of different countries
Contributed in12_561.pdf
Authors: Jan H. Granneman, Peutz bv
11:00 366 SPARC (Cooper Park) race track noise analysis and abatement
Invited in12_366.pdf
Authors: Christopher Menge, Harris Miller Miller & Hanson Inc.
11:20 222 Noise prediction and assessment of transient screaming events
Contributed in12_222.pdf
Authors: Hans Forschner, Navcon Engineering Network
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
11:40 1283 Using historical sound level recordings to assess community noise exposure
Contributed in12_1283.pdf
Authors: Daniel A. Foley, Foley & Associates; Patrick Romero, Parsons Brinckerhoff;
Kevin Keller, Parsons Brinckerhoff
Active and Passive Noise & Vibration Control: 1.01 Passive Noise and Vibration Control
(joint INCE / ASME NCAD) Room: Broadway South
Session Chairs: Noah Schiller, Franck Marrot
8:00 373 Reduction of sound radiation by using force radiation modes: Effect of a rigid wall near
a vibrating object
Contributed in12_373.pdf
Authors: Zenzo Yamaguchi, Kobe Steel, ltd.; Shinji Ishibashi, Kobe University; Kimihiro
Sakagami, Kobe University; Masayuki Morimoto, Kobe University; J. StuartBolton,
Purdue University
8:20 866 Helicoidal resonators for passive noise control in ducted systems with practical
Contributed in12_866.pdf
Authors: Wojciech Lapka, Poznan University of Technology
8:40 355 The theoretical investigation of Helmholtz resonators array for broad-band noise
control in ventilation systems
Contributed in12_355.pdf
Authors: Xu Wang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Cheuk-Ming Mak,
Department of Building Services Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
9:00 294 Development of a light sound insulation structure with variable insulation
performance by using air pressure
Contributed in12_294.pdf
Authors: Professor Masaharu Nishimura, Tottori University; Yuhei Kuwahara,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tottori University; Syutaro Kasuya, Department
of Mechanical Engineering, Tottori University; Tomonobu Goto, Department of
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Tottori University
9:20 538 Numerical prediction of absorbing materials via computational aeroacoustics
Contributed in12_538.pdf
Authors: Marie Escouaire, ONERA; Stephane Redonnet, Onera; , CNRS / LAUM

Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Shock:
10.02 Low Frequency Human Perception and Measurement Room: Gotham/Chelsea
Session Chairs: Wade Bray, Joe Gavin
8:00 270 Low frequency noise from open window in a moving car and its effect on human
Invited in12_270.pdf
Authors: Stanislav Ziaran, Slovak University of Technology
8:20 325 Falmouth, Massachusetts wind turbine infrasonic and low frequency noise
Invited in12_325.pdf
Authors: Stephen E. Ambrose, S.E. Ambrose and Associates; Robert W. Rand, INCE
Member; Carmen M.E. Krogh, Independent
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
8:40 737 Perception of loudness and roughness of low frequency sounds
Invited in12_737.pdf
Authors: Roland Sottek, HEAD acoustics GmbH; Fabian Kamp, HEAD acoustics GmbH;
Andre Fiebig, HEAD acoustics GmbH
9:00 802 System For determination of hazardous areas for blind people using wave-vibration
markers - Final conclusions
Contributed in12_802.pdf
Authors: Jerzy W. Wiciak, AGH - University of Science and Technology
9:20 886 A pilot study on the threshold levels for the perception of vibration in the head of
subjects exposed to complex low-frequency tones
Contributed in12_886.pdf
Authors: Yukio Takahashi, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
9:40 1432 What makes low-frequency noise annoying?
Invited in12_1432.pdf
Authors: Dr. Detlef Krahe, University of Wuppertal

Architectural Noise / Building Acoustics: 3.12 Indoor Acoustic Comfort and Building
Acoustics Assessment and Classication Room: Gotham/Chelsea
Session Chairs: Jorge Patricio, Antonio di Bella
10:20 976 Acoustic demands in a new building code in Iceland
Invited in12_976.pdf
Author: Steindor Gudmundsson, Verkis Consulting Engineers
10:40 191 The Portuguese policy for building acoustics assessment
Invited in12_191.pdf
Author: Jorge Patricio, LNEC/SPA
11:00 201 Research project on Program for Development of Indoor Noise Determination in
Public Places (Stations and carriages of the Land Transportation System) of the
Republic of China (Taiwan)
Contributed in12_201.pdf
Authors: I-Chun Lin, Environmental Protection Administration; Li-Chung Chou,
Environmental Protection Administration, R.O.C.(Taiwan); Ping-Fei Shieh,
Environmental Protection Administration, R.O.C.(Taiwan); Hui-Chen Chien,
Environmental Protection Administration, R.O.C.(Taiwan); Yein-RuiShieh,
Environmental Protection Administration, R.O.C.(Taiwan)
11:20 171 Acoustic comfort in airport terminals
Contributed in12_171.pdf
Authors: Carsten Lemvigh Fog, COWI A/S; Jens Niros, COWI A/S; Frode Bye, COWI
Norway; Lars Odemark, COWI Norway; Robin ThomasHelland, COWI Norway
11:40 599 Rating airborne sound insulation in terms of time structure of the signal
Invited in12_599.pdf
Authors: Reinhard O. Neubauer, University of Shefeld; Jian Kang, University of
Shefeld UK
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
13:20 885 Evaluation of speech intelligibility on subway platforms from horizontally positioned
line-array loudspeakers
Contributed in12_885.pdf
Authors: Acoustic consultant Philip Zalyaletdinov, Tyrens AB
13:40 844 Italian experiences on acoustic classication of buildings
Invited in12_844.pdf
Authors: Antonino Di Bella, University of Padua; Patrizio Fausti, Department of
Engineering, University of Ferrara; Fabio Scamoni, Construction Technologies
Institute of Italian National Research Council, Milan; Simone Secchi, Department of
Architecture, Technology and Design, University of Florence
Motor Vehicle Noise, Interior and Exterior: 4.09 Enclosures, mufers and silencers Room: Hudson/Empire
Session Chairs: AM: Tama Elnady, Mark Storm, Francisco D. Denia; PM: Mark Storm, Francisco D. Denia
8:00 311 A test and simulation based approach for measuring and predicting enclosure acoustic
modes at low frequencies
Contributed in12_311.pdf
Authors: Harvind Raman, Caterpillar Inc.; David C. Copley, Caterpillar Inc.
8:20 449 High performance genset enclosures enhance US border security while maintaining
the critical acoustic environment required by nearby endangered Pronghorn Sheep
Invited in12_449.pdf
Authors: Mark A. Rubino, Industrial Noise Control, Inc.; Noel W. Hart, CSTI Acoustics;
Robert D. Bruce, CSTI Acoustics
8:40 510 Enclosure insertion loss simulations: on the performances of different simulation
Invited in12_510.pdf
Authors: Koen De Langhe, LMS International
9:00 922 On variation of absorption factor due to measurement method and correction factors
for conversion between methods
Contributed in12_922.pdf
Authors: Anna Farm, Scania CV AB; Ragnar Glav, Scania CV AB; Susann Boij, KTH
Royal Institute of Technology
9:20 154 Noise suppression of a dipole source by tensioned membrane housing
Contributed in12_154.pdf
Authors: Y. Liu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Y.S. Choy, The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University; L. Cheng, The University of Hong Kong; L. Huang, The Hong
Kong Polytechnic University
9:40 1479 Estimation of temperature drop in exhaust systems
Contributed in12_1479.pdf
Authors: Tamer Elnady, Ain Shams University; Weam Elsahar, Ain Shams University;
Mats Abom, Royal Institute of Technology
10:20 289 Numerical modelling of thermal effects on the acoustic attenuation of dissipative
Invited in12_289.pdf
Authors: Francisco D. Denia, Universidad Polit; F. Javier Fuenmayor, Universidad
Politecnica de Valencia; Antonio J. Torregrosa, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia;
Ahmet Selamet, The Ohio State University
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
10:40 423 Acoustic analysis of dissipative silencers
Contributed in12_423.pdf
Authors: Nilson Barbieri, PUCPR; Renato Barbieri, PUCPR; Key Fonseca de Lima,
11:00 984 Simulation of diesel particulate lters in large exhaust systems
Contributed in12_984.pdf
Authors: X. Hua, University of Kentucky; D. W. Herrin, University of Kentucky; T. W. Wu,
University of Kentucky; T. Elnady, Ain Shams University
11:20 1478 Modeling DPF units beyond the plane wave range
Contributed in12_1478.pdf
Authors: Weam Elsahar, Ain Shams University; Tamer Elnady, Ain Shams University;
D.W. Herrin, University of Kentucky
11:40 187 Low frequency damping from turbulence with application to charge air coolers
Invited in12_187.pdf
Authors: Magnus Knutsson, Volvo Car Corporation; Mats Abom, KTH CCGEX, The
Marcus Wallenberg Laboratory
13:20 174 Enhancement of acoustic performance of central inlet and side outlet mufers
Contributed in12_174.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Ajay P. Bhattu, College of Engineering; Anel D. Sahasrabudhe, College of
Engineering Pune, Maharshtra, India
13:40 437 Determination of acoustic performance of cross ow-Extended closed end mufer
Contributed in12_437.pdf
Authors: Sinem Ozturk, Istanbul Technical University; Haluk Erol
14:00 566 Acoustic response of non-concentric perforated duct lters
Invited in12_566.pdf
Authors: Antionio J. Torregrosa, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia; Alberto Broath,
CMT-Motores T; Xandra Margot, CMT-Motores T; David Moreno, CMT-Motores
14:20 1144 Analytical and BEM solutions of sound attenuation in bar silencers
Contributed in12_1144.pdf
Authors: L. Zhou, University of Kentucky; T. W. Wu, University of Kentucky; D. W. Herrin,
University of Kentucky; C. Y. R. Cheng, Aero Systems Engineering
14:40 1344 Cooling fan noise control using micro-perforates
Invited in12_1344.pdf
Authors: Sabry Allam, The Royal Institute of Technology; Mats Abom, KTH-Competence
Centre for Gas Exchange (CCGE)
15:00 1464 Effects of system parameters on mufer performance
Invited in12_1464.pdf
Authors: M.G. Prasad, Stevens Institute of Technology; B. Rajavel, Stevens Institute of
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Industrial Noise: 9.04 Fan Noise and Aeroacoustics (joint INCE / ASME NCAD) Room: Olmstead/Gramercy
Session Chairs: Prakash Thawani, Mike Jonson
8:00 370 An experimental study for cooling fan noise reduction of large induction motor
Contributed in12_370.pdf
Authors: Hyung-Taek Kim, Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.; Jin-tae Jun, Hyundai
Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.; Won-ho Joo, Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.
8:20 426 Acoustic measurement under one operating condition AIRION for handled electric
Invited in12_426.pdf
Authors: Thibault Remy, Pellenc Co; Alain Pondant, ; Simon Du Crest
8:40 646 Investigation of inow condition effects on the ANCF aeroacoustics radiation using
Contributed in12_646.pdf
Authors: Franck Perot, Exa Corporation; Adrien Mann, Exa Corporaion; Min-Suk Kim,
Exa Corporation; Damiano Casalino, Exa Corporation; EhabFares, Exa Corporation
9:00 860 Synopsis of noise & vibrations of fans & blowers: Practical analyses & test methods
Invited in12_860.pdf
Author: Niranjan Humbad, Behr America
9:20 892 Aeroacoustical investigations on skewed axial fans for automotive cooling systems
Contributed in12_892.pdf
Authors: Mohamed Zayani, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; Saban Caglar, Institute of
Fluid Machinery (FSM) / Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT); Martin Gabi, Institute
of Fluid Machinery (FSM) / Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
10:00 1021 Acoustic performance prediction of a residential purposed mixed-ow fan using
Ffowcs-Williams & Hawings analogy and Amiets theory
Contributed in12_1021.pdf
Authors: Dominic Lallier-Daniels, Universite de Sherbrooke; Marlene Sanjose,
Universite de Sherbrooke; Stephane Moreau, Universite de Sherbrooke; Jerone de
Laborderie, Universite de Sherbrooke; , Universite de Sherbrooke
10:20 1284 Computational aeroacoustics of the aft fan noise emission by a lined realistic exhaust
Invited in12_1284.pdf
Authors: Stephane Redonnet, ONERA
10:40 1422 Metric balance technique for the sound quality development of cooling fans
Invited in12_1422.pdf
Authors: Graham D. Evans, Bentley Motors Ltd; Uday Senapati, Bentley Motors
11:00 1527 Blower fan noise reduction using the interblade ow improvement technology
Invited in12_1527.pdf
Authors: Masaharu Sakai, Denso Corp; Yasushi Mitsuishi, NIPPON SOKEN, INC.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Structural Acoustics : 22.01 General Structural Acoustics and Vibration
(joint INCE / ASME NCAD) Room: Olmstead/Gramercy
Session Chairs: Ran Cabell, Charles Pzerat
13:20 1165 Array-measurement-based Aagorithm for detecting debonded regions between
concrete matrices and steel reinforced bars in concrete samples
Contributed in12_1165.pdf
Authors: Je-Heon Han, Texas A&M University; Yong-Joe Kim, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University; Alex Pagnotta, Department of
Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University; Paolo Gardoni, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
13:40 1215 Flexural vibration and the perception of sting in hand-held sports implements
Contributed in12_1215.pdf
Authors: Daniel A. Russell, Penn State University
14:00 1255 Generation and its control of impact sound by stick-slip phenomenon in buildings - (1)
Property of impace sound and vibration
Contributed in12_1255.pdf
Authors: Yasuaki Hayashi, Urban Acoustic Corporation; Hidemaro Shimoda, Acoustic
Planning Corporation
14:20 1261 Application of the beam-forming technique for damage detection in composite plate
Contributed in12_1261.pdf ASME NCAD
Authors: Ernesto Monaco, University of Napoli; Fabrizio Ricci, University of Napoli -
ITALY - Department of Aerospace Engineering; Leonardo Lecce, University of Napoli
- ITALY - Department of Aerospace Engineering; Natalino Daniele Boffa, University of
Napoli - ITALY - Department of Aerospace Engineering
14:40 1501 Effects, detection, and mitigation of voids beneath slabs-on-ground
Contributed in12_1501.pdf
Authors: Hal Amick, Colin Gordon Associates; Steven Lank, Colin Gordon Associates;
Ning Tang, Colin Gordon Associates; Michael Gendreau, Colin Gordon Associates; ,
Colin Gordon Associates
Noise Control Products: 14.06 Noise Barriers and Associated Devices Room: Herald/Soho
Session Chairs: Jean-Pierre Clairbois, Francois-Xavier Becot
8:00 1290 QUIESST: Third-term progress report
Invited in12_1290.pdf
Authors: Jean-Pierre Clairbois, Acoustic Tecnologies; Foort de Roo, TNO; Massimo
Garai, University of Bologna; Marco Conter, AIT; JeromeDefrance, CSTB; Crina
Oltean-Dumbrave, University of Bradford; Irene Fusco, ERF
8:20 354 Progress in sound reection measurements on noise barriers in situ
Invited in12_354.pdf
Authors: Massimo Garai, University of Bologna; Paolo Guidorzi, University of Bologna;
Luca Barbaresi, University of Bologna
8:40 988 Mulit channel measurements for the quantication of noise barriers in situ, Discussion
of uncertainty factors
Invited in12_988.pdf
Authors: Gottfried K. Behler, RWTH Aachen University; Pascal Dietrich, RWTH
Aachen University, Institute of Technical Acoustics; Michael Vorlander, RWTH Aachen
University, Institute of Technical Acoustics
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
9:00 898 Determination of the sound reection index of noise barriers: Guidelines to improve
the measurement accuracy
Invited in12_898.pdf
Authors: Monika Rychtarikova, KU Leuven; Vojtech Chmelik, KU Leuven, Belgium;
Gert Geentjens, STU Bratislava, Slovakia; Willy Bruyninckx, KU Leuven, Belgium;
ElisabethWursten, KU Leuven, Belgium; Roald Frederickx, KU Leuven, Belgium; Christ
Glorieux, KU Leuven, Belgium;
9:20 302 Investigations on the inuence of source directivity for measurements of in-situ sound
Invited in12_302.pdf
Authors: Reinhard Wehr, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology; Manfred Haider, AIT
Austrian Institute of Technology; Marco Conter, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
10:00 300 Structure and use of a new database for the acoustic performance of noise barriers in
Invited in12_300.pdf
Authors: Marco Conter, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology; Manfred Haider, AIT
Austrian Institute of Technology; Simon Breuss, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology;
Martin Czuka, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
10:20 264 Holistic optimization of noise barriers from acoustical and non-acoustical parameters
Invited in12_264.pdf
Authors: Jerome Defrance, CSTB; Thomas Leissing, CSTB; Francis Grannec, CSTB;
Philippe Jean, CSTB; DorienLutgendorf, TNO; Christophe Heinkele, LRPC; Jean-Pierre
Clairbois, A-Tech
10:40 525 Generic database of sustainability criteria values per main noise reducing device type
for EU project QUIESST
Invited in12_525.pdf
Authors: Crina Oltean-Dumbrava, University of Bradford; Greg Watts, University of
Bradford, Bradford Centre for Sustainable Environments; Abdul Miah, University of
Bradford, Bradford Centre for Sustainable Environments
11:00 727 Application of admittance optimization to the design of a low-height tramway noise
Invited in12_727.pdf
Authors: Alexandre Jolibois, Universite Paris-Est; Denis Duhamel, Universit; Victor W.
Sparrow, The Pennsylvania State University - Graduate Program in Acoustics; Jerome
Defrance, Centre Scientique et Technique du B; PhilippeJean, Centre Scientique et
Technique du B
11:20 541 Control of the absorption and directivity properties of noise barriers using periodic
Invited in12_541.pdf
Authors: Miguel Moleron, Universite du Maine; Simon Felix, LAUM, CNRS, Universit;
Vincent Pagneux, LAUM, CNRS, Universit; Olivier Richoux, LAUM, CNRS, Universit
11:40 429 Increased absorption due to localized resonances
Invited in12_429.pdf
Authors: Viacheslav Kubytskyi, Ecole Polytechnique; Marcel Filoche, Ecole
Polytechnique; Bernard Sapoval, Ecole Polytechnique
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
13:20 239 On the acoustical properties of hemp concrete
Invited in12_239.pdf
Authors: Mr Philippe Gle, Universite of Lyon; Emmanuel Gourdon, DGCB, ENTPE -
Universite de Lyon; Laurent Arnaud, DGCB, ENTPE - Universite de Lyon
13:40 1438 Analysis of the efciency and usefulness of top devices in noise barriers
Contributed in12_1438.pdf
Authors: Itxasne Diez, Tecnalia Research and Innovation; Pilar Fernandez, Tecnalia
Research & Innovation; Itziar Aspuru, Tecnalia Research & Innovation
14:00 1555 Barrier with a wedge-shaped composed of wells on the top plane
Invited in12_1555.pdf
Author: Masaki Hasebe, Hokkaido University
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Morning Session 10:00 12:00
Abstract 107 Activities working group noise EUROCITIES
Henk Wolfert
Abstract 146 Order determination for the feedback path estimator in hearing aid
Soudeh Ardestani Khoubrouy, Issa M.S. Panahi, Vahid Montazeri
Abstract 165 Design of a three-channel feedback ANC system to cancel noise in a 3-dimentional enclosure
Alan Wisler, Issa Panahi
Abstract 170 Sound insulation performance of edge-effect suppression barriers
Yasuhito Kawai, Masahiro Toyoda
Abstract 468 Study on the high efciency low noise centrifugal fan for vacuum cleaner
Young-Gyu Jung, Jeong-Ho Lee, Joon-Sik Choi, Wan-Ho Jeon
Abstract 479 Interaction between torsional waves propagating in an elastic pipe and an adjacent viscous
Jin O. Kim, Chunguang Piao
Abstract 480 The upper bound of step size for FDPANC algorithm with nonlinear secondary path
Ming Wu, Jun Yang
Abstract 496 A study on the acoustic performance prediction and evaluation of lattice type noise reducing
device installed on the top of noise barrier
Je-Won Yoon, Young-Chan Kim, Kang-Yong Jang, Chan-Yong Choi
Abstract 519 HUSH project contribution to environmental noise directive implementation and revision,
focusing on noise management and public information tools
Salvatore Curcuruto, Rosalba Silvaggio, Romualdo Amodio, Luca De Rinaldis, Enrico Mazzocchi, Francesca Sacchetti, Massimo
Abstract 593 3D acoustic modelling of multichamber silencers with microperforated and constant
impedance ducts
Francisco D. Denia, Eva M. Sanchez-Orgaz, F. Javier Fuenmayor, David J. Busquets
Abstract 614 Refurbishment of a bar improving acoustic comfort with no additional costs
Enrico Reatti
Abstract 702 Development of ultrasonic wireless power transmitter
Gunn Hwang, WooSub Youm, WooSeok Yang, Sung Q. Lee
Abstract 784 Analysis of the vibroacoustic parameters of an energy power transformer without any
damages and with defects simulated in the core
Sebastian Borucki, Andrzej Cichon, Tomasz Boczar, Dariusz Zmarzly
Abstract 786 The possibilities of using acoustic signals generated by the on load tap changer
Andrzej Cichon, Sebastian Borucki, Tomasz Boczar, Dariusz Zmarzly
Abstract 795 The analysis of the disturbances in the measurements of the acoustic partial discharges
Tomasz Boczar, Andrzej Cichon, Sebastian Borucki, Dariusz Zmarzly
Abstract 840 Measurement and analysis of acoustic wave in uid-lled viscoelastic pipes
Matjaz Prek
Abstract 854 Sound quality in urban environments and its relationship with some acoustic parameters,
Juan M. Barrigon Morillas, Valentin Gomez Escobar, Guillermo Ray Gozalo, Rosendo Vilchez-Gomez, Juan Antonio Mendez Sierra,
Jose Trujillo Carmona, Carlos Prieto Gajardo, F. Javier Carmona del Rio
Abstract 891 Beampattern design for spherical array via convex optimization
Rilin Chen, Pengxiao Teng, Yichun Yang
Abstract 1107 Assessment of the passive school buildings envelopment in the northeast of Brazil as an
integrating element between the acoustic, thermal and efcient energy
Jordana Teixeira da Silva, Maria Lucia Gondim da Rosa Oiticica
Abstract 1406 Analysis of sound absorption characteristics of laminated panels using fractional derivative
viscoelastic model
Shuichi Akasaka, Takahisa Kato, Shigeo Asai
Abstract 1413 An active noise cancelling system for moving noise source
Iwao Fujino
Abstract 1442 Study of noise inside a mechanical shovel cabin from a sound perception approach
Nacer Hamzaoui
Abstract 1476 Experimental diagnostic methods for vibration piezoelectric sensors
Stanislav Klusacek, Zdenck Havranek
Abstract 1477 Experiment research on 3D sound reproduction with reection boundary
Shenguang Li, Sifa Zheng, Bo Peng, Xiaomin Lian
Abstract 1495 A numerical study and model scale measurement of large commercial vessels propeller noise
Hnashin Seol, Cheolsoo Park, Gun Do Kim, Young Ha Park
Abstract 1499 Interplay of noise and non noise aspects in the quality of life of an airbase neighborhood
Anallu Rosa Barbosa, Stephan Paul
Abstract 1516 Comparison of Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) among foresters between tropical and
temperate climate
Jin Fukumoto, Shigeki Takemura, Kouichi Yoshimasu, Kazuhisa Miyashita, Setsuo Maeda, Ting Anselm Su, Ryuichi Nakajimag,
Makoto Tateno, Kyoji Yoshikawa, Nobuyuki Miyai, Yoshiro Nasu
Abstract 1558 Objective evaluation of the width of source ensemble in virtual halls, ASME NCAD
Salvador Cerda, Alicia Gimenez, Roas Cibrian, Jaume Segura, Radha Montell, Arturo Barba
Afternoon Session 15:20 17:00
Abstract 119 A forward-backward data processing method for the experimental results of reciprocating
motion, ASME NCAD
Hsiao-Yeh Chu, Jen Fin Lin, Yi-Ting Li, Hung-Tai Hsieh, Guan-Lin Chen, Ping-Hsueh Tsai
Abstract 133 Air bubbles in water: A study on their nonlinear effects on the ultrasonic eld
Christian Vanhille, Cleof Campos-Pozuelo
Abstract 155 Classroom acoustics and hearing support system for disabled
Manabu Ishihara, Shin-nosuke Suzuki, Jun Shirataki, Kazutaka Itako
Abstract 157 Previsional acoustic impact of the site work of the new metro line in Copenhagen, Cityringen
Vittorio Pisani, Paolo Cristina Cpaaennai, Orsola Sivera, Massimo Provenzano, Francesco Asdrubali, Samuele Schianvoni,
Giorgio Baldinelli
Abstract 175 A study on quality improvement of bone conducted speech
Tomohiro Minami, Shigeaki Aoki
Abstract 231 Assessment of ground vibration inuence distance for Taiwan high-speed rail
Yit-Jin Chen, Song-Wei Lin, Shuo-Hsien Wei
Abstract 234 Noise measurements on the Oslo tram
Atle Stensland, Tore Fodnes Killengreen, Sigmund Olafsen
Abstract 252 Experimental study of an automatic dynamic balancer for vibration control of vehicles
Maria Alzira A. Nunes, Carla T. Mota Anor, Israel A. Marcedo de Lima
Abstract 292 Noise assessment of bioethanol fuelled hybrid and electric postal vehicles equipped with a
kinetic energy recovery system, ASME NCAD
Michele Goretti, Andrea Nicolini, Frederico Rossi, Franco Cotana
Abstract 331 Case Study: Recording studio isolation in adaptive re-use of historical building
Emily Lally, Jonathan Lally, Martin Schiff
Abstract 357 Duct-borne noise control using active adaptive Helmholtz resonators array
Xu Wang, Cheuk-Ming Mak, Yi Yun
Abstract 379 Improvement plan of managing noise monitoring system in Korea
Young-Min Park, Hyosung Sun
Abstract 424 Measurements analysis for impulsive events individuation
Adolfo Sabato, Alessandro Sabato, Alfredo Reda
Abstract 493 A study on the development of core soundproof devices for reduction of the environment
noise in 400km/h high speed railway
Hyo-Sun Seo, Young-Chan Kim, Kang-Seok Jang, Je-Won Yoon, Ki-Young Eum
Abstract 612 Expeditious and diffuse city noise mapping method on light zero emission vehicles
Enrico Reatti
Abstract 621 Declaration and verication of airborne sound insulation values for sound insulators in use in
Ilya E. Tsukernikov, Igor L. Shubin, Tatiana O. Nevenchannaya
Abstract 775 Aerodynamic noise characteristics of a specic position of a passing high-speed train by the
beampower spectrum
Hee-Min Noh, Sunghoon Choi, Seog-Won Kim, Hyo-In Koh
Abstract 835 Mitigation of noise in nursery school classrooms by sound absorption, Part 2: a year-long eld
experiment in actual classrooms.
Kazuaki Sakoda, Keiji Kawai, Munehide Saito
Abstract 1020 Analysis of noise sources in colonial Philadelphia
Braxton Boren, Agnieszka Roginska
Abstract 1023 Sampling techniques for securing representative long-term equivalent noise level using
environmental noise automatic measurement system data
Hun Jae Ryu, Seo Il Chang, Jong Won Han, Tae Ho Park, Joon Hee Ko,
Abstract 1111 A study on noise propagation properties of hi-speed train and possibility of noise absorbing
block installation
Taeho Park, Hyunjae Ryu, Jongwon Han, Seoil Chang, Kyomoon Lee
Abstract 1164 Ultrasonic Lamb wave propagation characteristics in hollow cylindrical pipes
Je-Heon Han, Yong-Joe Kim
Abstract 1200 The use of personal noise monitoring in hearing conservation
David Yonovitz, Al Yonovitz, David Yonovitz, Al Yonovitz
Abstract 1217 Modied steepest-descent path mehtod in solving Weyl integration representation of vector
wave bases, ASME NCAD
Po-Jen Shih, Meng-Cheng Ho
Abstract 1278 The effect of modal coupling on the noise radiation of beams
Daoqing Chang, Bilong Liu
Abstract 1346 On the acoustical measurement and modeling of large complex environments: The case of St.
Anthonys Bascilica in Padua
Cora Pavarin, Annalisa Feruglio, Antonino Di Bella, Roberto Zecchin, Davide Bonsi
Abstract 1394 Beining infrasonci monitoring network
Haonan Feng, Yichun Yang, Jun Lu
Abstract 1412 Correlation between a questionnaire about noise-induced hearing loss and SPL of portable
music players of high school and university students , ASME NCAD
Nao Hodoshima
Abstract 1414 A study on the sound level of the open-air stage in a campus festival
Satoshi Mizuta, Kenji Muto, Hideo Shibayama
Abstract 1456 A new solution of environmental noise control for a transforming station
Maria Luiza R. Belderrain, Wanderley Montemurro
Abstract 1471 Experimental evaluation of methods for estimation of regularization in acoustic holography
with MEMS sensor array
Zdenek Havranek, Stanislav Klusacek
Abstract 1503 A rst noise map for Mexico City metropolitan area
Fausto E. Rodriguez-Manzo, Elisa Garay-Vargas
Exhibition Hours
Monday, August 20, Opening Reception 5:30 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, August 21, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, August 22, 8:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m.
Booth Number Company
100 SINUS Messtechnik GmbH
101 BASWA acoustic North America, LLC
102 HEAD acoustics, Inc.
103 Vibro-Acoustics
105 Soundproof Windows, Inc.
106 Free Field Technologies
107 Kinetics Noise Control, Inc.
109 PAC International, Inc.
110 Getzner the good vibrations company
111 Lencore Sound Masking and Acoustics
112 Odeon A/S
115 Pyrok,Inc.
116 Trelleborg Rubore Inc,
118 Hangzhou Aihua Instruments Co.,Ltd
201 MULL-IT-OVER Products
202 Scantek, Inc.
203 Acoustic Systems/ETS-Lindgren
204 ViAcoustics
205 ESI North America
207 Microtech Gefell GmbH
208 American Acoustical Products
209 Empire Acoustical Systems
210 MBI Products Company, Inc.
211 Softnoise
213 RION Co.,Ltd
214 Gyp-Sorb
215 DataKustik GmbH
219 Sound Seal Acoustical Products
221 Commercial Acoustics Div. Metal Form Mfg. Co. Inc.
300 Armtec
302 BSWA Technology Co., Ltd.
303 ACO Pacic, Inc
304 Sound Fighter Systems, LLC
305 Mller-BBM VibroAkustik Systeme, Inc
306 Microown Technologies
309 Maxxon Corporation
310 Cirrus Research plc
311 Sensidyne
312 International Cellulose Corporation
313 gfai tech GmbH
314 Pliteq Inc
315 Data Physics Corporation
316 Keene Building Products Co., Inc.
317 BSW GmbH
318 G.R.A.S. Sound & Vibration
319 Tritek / TEAC Data Recorders
320 Eckel Noise Control Technologies - Eckel Industries, Inc.
321 NTi Audio AG & NTI Americas Inc
322 Overly Door Company
402 SoundPlan
404 Bruel & Kjaer
408 Zero International
410 BASF Corp
412 LMS North America
416 3M Thermal Acoustic Systems
T1 Atlantic Industries Ltd.
T2 The Green Glue Company
T3 Toyota Tsusho America, Inc.
T4 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH
3M Thermal Acoustic Systems - Booth 416
7911 Zionsville Road
Indianapolis, IN 46268
3M Thermal Acoustic Systems creates custom engineered noise, vibration, shock and thermal systems for
a wide range of applications. With the E-A-R brand portfolio, the company works closely with customer
design and engineering teams to provide energy-control solutions that add value to products through
quieter operation, improved thermal properties, enhanced precision and greater durability. Our new
Acoustic Technology Center allows for comprehensive design testing and solution validation within a
highly controlled environment.
ACO Pacic, Inc - Booth 303
2604 Read Ave
Belmont, CA USA 94002
ACO Pacic, Inc celebrating 33 years, serving customers worldwide. Featured, the SLARM/
NetSLARM/ Community/Industrial/Environmental Noise monitoring systems. The Sound Level Alarm
and Monitor offers continuous standalone(or with PC) monitoring, data logging and event signalling.
The Net SLARM provides network connectivity, permitting remote monitoring through the Internet,
including text messaging of alarm events. ODM outdoor microphone assemblies permit intallation in a
wide range of locations and SLARMulti offers area monitoring with one SLARM. - Also on display
will be the 7052PH Phantom Powered Measurement Mic System; PSIEPE4 CCLD ICP converters for the
PS9200 and Studio Phantom Systems; 7052SYS and MK224SYS microphone systems; the 4212 and 4048
ACOtron preamps; and the RA and RAS series of right angle preamps designed to meet specialized
applications. A leading manufacturer and supplier of IEC61094 compliant 1 inch, inch and inch
measurement microphones, PS9200KIT (1/2 Inch) and PS9200KIT-1/4 (1/4 Inch) microphone Kits,
ACOustic Interface , Simple Intensity sound and intensity systems, Extremely White/Pink/1kHz noise
generators will also be shown. ACOustics Begins With ACO. -Community and Environmental Sound
Level Monitor and Alarm systems with SLARMNet, the ODM family of outdoor microphone assemblies,
SLARMulti - multiple mic system. The WS-80T outdoor windscreen family suitable for wind farm
measurements and other outdoor installations will also be on display. The 3025 Extremely Random
noise generator, MATT-XX Microphone Attenuator, Phantom Powered products 4048 and 7052PH and
ICP1248 Phantom Power to ICP-IEPE converter,.ACO Pacics PS9200KIT and a wide range of IEC61094
compliant measurement microphone products will also be shown.
Acoustic Systems/ETS-Lindgren - Booth 203
1301 Arrow Point Drive
Cedar Park, TX 78613
ETS-Lindgren is a global leader in the design, manufacture, and installation of the Acoustic Systems
brand of acoustic chambers, including hemi-anechoic, anechoic, reverberation, small device and
predictable eld chambers for precision-grade, free-eld and reverberant testing of products ranging in
size from cell phones to full size aircraft. Our ISO 17025 accredited Acoustic Research Lab (NVLAP Lab
Code 100286-0) offers acoustic testing services in accordance with a wide range of standardized test
methods. The lab also conducts customized test programs for client-specic product R&D needs, or to
verify a product meets compliance requirements. Based in Cedar Park, Texas, ETS-Lindgrens Quality
Management System is compliant with ISO-9001: 2000. Additional manufacturing and sales facilities are
located in North America, Europe and Asia. For more information, visit us at
American Acoustical Products - Booth 208
311 Hopping Brook Road
Holliston, MA, USA, 01746
American Acoustical Products is the manufacturer of a unique line of light weight, ame retardant,
acoustical absorbers, barriers and vibration damping products. Our patented Micro Slit Spaced Absorbers
deliver excellent absorption without the use of bers. In addition to bulk material manufacturing,
American Acoustical Products offers nished part fabrication, and state of the art NVH diagnostic services
Armtec - Booth 300
8270 Greensboro Drive, Suite 810
Mclean, VA 22102
Atlantic Industries Ltd. - T1
AIL Sound Walls
640 Waydom Drive
Ayr, Ontario, N0B 1E0 Canada

Save time and money with AIL Sound Wall Systems -Manufacturing cost-effective sound barrier
wall solutions for mitigating unwanted noise, our Silent Protector and Tuf-Barrier PVC systems
are engineered for maximum sound reduction. Well suited for a variety of absorptive or reective
applications including highways, railways, rapid transit, bridges, commercial developments, industrial,
transformers and roof top mechanical or HVAC enclosures.----Lightweight and easy-to-install AIL Sound
Walls provide unmatched value in optimized shipping costs, minimal equipment requirements and
accelerated project schedules using local crews all resulting in reduced installation costs. With STC
ratings of up to 36, they are also proven performers in todays tough urban environments:
Maintenance-free (will not rust, rot, or stain)
Graffti and tagging resistant (non-porous)
Designed to meet AASHTO/CSA noise wall guidelines
Meet accelerated test requirements for durability
Impervious to rain, snow, ice and sleet
Wind load tested up to +140 mph - We support you
AIL Sound Walls and our network of distributors offer turn-key solutions, including engineering, manufacturing,
project management and site assistance to ensure project success. A member of The AIL Group of Companies
AIL Sound Walls is a division of Atlantic Industries Limited, a member of the AIL Group of Companies. The AIL
Group has technical sales teams, engineering departments, manufacturing plants and distribution centers
throughout North America and extends its global reach through AIL International and licensees in Australia,
Europe and Asia. -Earn LEED points for green building American made from recycled and recyclable PVC, AIL
Sound Walls have several other key attributes that support LEED building projects. - Choose efcient AIL Sound
Walls -For more information call 1-866-231-7867 or visit
BASF Corp - Booth 410
1609 Biddle Ave.
Wyandotte, MI 48192
Basotect melamine foam from BASF is a exible, open-cell foam with excellent sound absorption. Its
unique set of product properties allows it to be used in many demanding applications including building
room acoustics, power generation, HVAC, mass transit, automotive and aerospace. Key Basotect
properties are excellent re properties, application temperatures up to 240 C, very low density at 0.55 lb/
ft3 and good thermal insulation properties.
BASWA acoustic North America, LLC - Booth 101
3900 Ben Hur Avenue, Suite 10
Willoughby, Ohio USA 44094
BASWAphon Seamless Sound Absorbing Plaster System. Premium nish with NRC ratings up to 1.00
that can be vaulted, curved or domed. Tintable to match any color or multiple colors. Completely eld
installed; no pre-installation measurements needed, eliminating incorrect pre-cut product dimensions.
Up to 95% recycled content, no VOCs, components made in USA, providing points in up to 9 LEED
categories. Available in custom nishes.
Bruel & Kjaer - Booth 404
2815 A Colonnades Court
Norcross, GA USA 30071
A world leader in sound and vibration, Bruel and Kjaer serves customers involved in all areas of sound
and vibration testing, research, product development and manufacturing. Following a long tradition, the
company provides complete solutions for environmental noise modeling and measurement, long term
sound and vibration monitoring, building acoustics measurements, audio analysis, multi-channel analysis
for acoustic material testing, sound quality, noise source identication using acoustic holography, sound
intensity, planar and spherical beamforming, and a range of structural analysis techniques. Products
highlighted at the Internoise conference will include the recently released G4 models of the successful,
award winning Type 2250/2270 sound level meters, the PULSE analysis platform and new LANXi
hardware, and the powerful and intuitive PULSE Reex family of PC based analysis tools. Bruel and
Kjaer will also feature its Sentinel subscription solution for long term Noise and Vibration monitoring at
industrial and construction sites. The noise monitoring terminals used in the Sentinel system can be seen
at One World Trade Center, the tallest structure in NYC, under construction in lower Manhattan.
BSW GmbH - Booth 317
Am Hilgenacker 24
57319 Bad Berleburg, Germany
Given the increasing disturbances from vibration emissions and increasing public awareness of the
issues involved with noise and vibrations, BSW has developed a comprehensive range of products for
vibration damping and structure-borne noise insulation. The products Regupol made of highly resilient
rubber bre/rubber granulate and PUR foam Regufoam offer the right solution for practically every
project involved in vibration insulation:- Under-Screed Impact Sound Insulation, - Vibration Isolation of
Machine Foundations, - Vibration Isolation of Buildings, - Light Mass-Spring Systems
BSWA Technology Co., Ltd. - Booth 302
1002-1003, North Ring Center, #18 Yumin Road, Xicheng District Beijing 100029, China
Established in 1998, BSWA Technology Co., Ltd. is an acoustical company covering the businesses of:
1- Manufacturing the world class measurement microphones. 2- Developing acoustic measurement
systems and devices. 3- Designing and building anechoic chambers. 4- Acoustical consulting for
environmental and noise control projects. BSWA will exhibit the following products 5- Microphones and
Preampliers 6- Microphone Conditionings 7- Sound Calibrators 8- Microphone array 9- Material Testing
System-Impedance Tube System 10- Real Time Analyzers 11- Sound Level Meters 12- Sound Intensity
Maracaibo, 6, 08030 Barcelona, Spain
Cirrus Research plc - Booth 310
Acoustic House, Bridlington Road, Hunmanby, North Yorkshire, YO14 0PH, UK
Cirrus Research plc will be presenting their range of optimus sound level meters, the doseBadge noise
dosimeter and noise measurement accessories at Internoise 2012.
Commercial Acoustics Div. Metal Form Mfg. Co. Inc. - Booth 221
5960 West Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85043
Data Physics Corporation - Booth 315
1741 Technology Drive, Suite 260
San Jose, CA 95110
Data Physics offers a full line of noise and vibration solutions that include dynamic signal analyzers,
high intensity acoustic test systems, underwater acoustic generators, electrodynamic shakers, and
vibration controllers. Data Physics will be featuring the SignalCalc family of dynamic signal analyzers.
The popular Quattro hardware, used for a variety of measurements, including realtime octave, intensity,
and narrowband measurements, will be available for demonstration. Data Physics is pleased to share
demonstration space with Genesis S.A. Genesis is a leading supplier of sound design solutions and 3D
sound simulators. Genesis will be showcasing the LEA sound design software for industrial applications,
and ASD Designer, the Active Sound Design solution for the car engine sound enrichment.
DataKustik GmbH - Booth 215
Gewerbering 5, 86926 Greifenberg, Germany
DataKustik GmbH is the producer of CadnaA, one of the leading noise prediction software worldwide.
The strength of CadnaA is its usability and accuracy. With the combination of CadnaR (indoor noise
calculation) and Bastian (noise transmission) we offer a noise calculation package which caters to
the most needs of the modern acoustician. Additionally to our software we provide a professional
hotline service which supports our users in every part of the world. CadnaA the powerful software for
calculation, presentation, assessment and prediction of environmental noise and CadnaR - the powerful
software tool for those dealing with the acoustic planning and the noise mitigation at workplaces,
combines intuitive modeling techniques with state of the art calculation procedures.
Eckel Noise Control Technologies - Eckel Industries, Inc. - Booth 320
155 Fawcett Street, Cambridge, MA, 02138
Noise Control Products and Systems & Acoustic Testing Facilities
Empire Acoustical Systems - Booth 209
1111 Ace Road
Princeton, IL 61356
Metal acoustical wall panels and systems for highway, industrial, commercial and residential applications
as well as fabric acoustical panels for interior use.
ESI North America - Booth 205
32605 W. 12 Mile, Suite 350
Farmington Hills MI 48334
Free Field Technologies - Booth 106
G.R.A.S. Sound & Vibration - Booth 318
2285 East Enterprise Parkway
Twinsburg, OH 44087
G.R.A.S. Sound & Vibrations standard range of products covers all front-end equipment from the
transducer to the input of the acquisition equipment. All designed and manufactured in accordance
with international standards needed for the precise and reliable measurement and mapping of acoustic
signals. We will be showing our Measurement microphones, Surface microphones, Flush mount
microphones, Ground array microphones, and Acoustic Test Fixture according to ANSI S12.42
Getzner - the good vibrations company - Booth 110
Herrenau 5, 6706 Brs, Austria
Most people enjoy the comfort of our products without even knowing it. We are specialized in the
eld of vibration isolation in railway, industrial and construction applications. The company has been
manufacturing materials for vibration isolation and mitigation since 1975 and is one of the leading
companies in this eld. The high-tech materials Sylomer and Sylodyn were developed by Getzners
own research team and are used in the construction of permanent ways for railroads, for the elastic
mounting of buildings and equipment and as building components in the construction industry. By
reducing noise and unwanted vibrations, our products make a valuable contribution to environmental
protection, spreading good vibrations.
Gfai tech GmbH - Booth 313
Volmerstr. 3
12489 Berlin
gfai tech GmbH is an industry-oriented company that specializes in the sale of advanced innovative
technologies. It is a 100 percent subsidiary of the Society for the Promotion of Applied Computer Sciences
(GFaI eV), based in the Science Park Berlin-Adlershof a traditional site of non-university research in
Berlin/ Germany.
One focus of the gfai tech GmbH is the production and distribution of the Acoustic Camera, an acoustic
measuring system to locate and analyze sound sources.
Gyp-Sorb - Booth 214
1143 N.W. 52nd Street
Seattle, WA 98107
GypSorb, perforated Gypsum for Architectural Acousitics
Hangzhou Aihua Instruments Co., Ltd - Booth 118
37# Xianxing Rd, Xianlin Town, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, China
Hangzhou Aihua Instruments Co., Ltd is a China leading company specializing in acoustic and vibration
instruments. The company is the main researcher and manufacturer of sound measuring instrument in
China. We have a complete line of products tested by the national authoritative organizations and comply
with international standards. Instruments include-Sound level meters, Real-time signal analyzers, Noise
dosimeters, Sound calibrators, Vibration meters, Ear (mouth) simulators, Measurement microphones,
and Microphone preampliers.
HEAD acoustics, Inc. - Booth 102
6964 Kensington Road
Brighton, MI 48116
HEAD acoustics introduces ArtemiS Suite, an all new version of the popular ArtemiS noise and vibration
software that features advanced automation, data management, and reporting functions that are
designed to greatly improve the efciency of the entire measurement and analysis process. Two new
hardware systems are also introduced: HEADlab, a modular data acquisition system that has been
optimized for automotive sound and vibration measurements. Unique features include direct input of
a digital articial heads and CAN bus, and silent, battery powered operation. SQuadriga II, a successor
to the popular SQuadriga portable recorder/front-end system, which includes features such as six input
channels, DC coupling, CAN input, and removable SD memory.
International Cellulose Corporation - Booth 312
12315 Robin Blvd.
Houston, TX, USA, 77045
International Cellulose Manufactures K-13, SonaSpray fc, SonaKrete, Celbar and Ure-K. Our Products
are Spray-Applied with Acoustical and Thermal properties. They are manufactured from a minimum 80%
recycled materials. Our products contribute to the LEED Points System.
Jamison Door Company - Booth 307
PO Box 70
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Manufacturer sound reduction doors, swinging, horizontal sliding, vertical sliding models, for all types of
Keene Building Products Co., Inc.. - Booth 316
5910 Landerbrook Drive, Suite 210
Mayeld Hts., OH 44124
Kinetics Noise Control, Inc. - Booth 107
6300 Irelan Place
Dublin, OH 43017
Kinetics Noise Control will be featuring new products, test data, and case histories for noise, vibration,
and acoustical applications.
Lencore Sound Masking and Acoustics - Booth 111
LMS North America - Booth 412
5755 New King Street
Troy, MI 48098
LMS will be presenting our latest technological advances for Acoustics Engineering covering physical
testing and virtual simulation. Stop by our booth to learn from our experts and see how others are using
our solutions to solve their Noise & Vibration issues. Two primary product families will be shown; LMS
Virtual.Lab Acoustics an integrated solution to minimize radiated noise or to optimize sound quality in
new designs by simulating both internal and external acoustic radiation, and LMS Test.lab a test-based
engineering platform for all your physical testing needs. Several testing systems will be shown for lab
and mobile based applications measuring noise, intensity, etc. for trouble-shooting and development.
Stop by to learn from our experts and see an ALL-NEW innovative solution for noise source identication
released in 2012!
Maxxon Corporation - Booth 309
Hamel,MN 55340 USA
Maxxon, The Floor Specialists, is recognized worldwide as the pioneer and leader in oor technologies.
From a full spectrum of oor underlayments to the ultimate sound deadening systems, Maxxon offers
proven solutions for a world of oor challenges. Maxxons Acousti-Mat Sound Control Systems
provide the superior sound control that is fast becoming a standard amenity in todays residential and
commercial properties. With seven levels of sound control, Maxxon has the right solution for any
MBI Products Company, Inc. - Booth 210
801 Bond Street, Elyria, OH 44035
MBI has been a leader in the acoustical industry since 1965. MBI manufactures acoustical products
for sound absorption in all types of facilities. Products include Cloud-Lite Bafes, Lapendary Panels,
Colorsonix Wall Panels, San Pan Sanitary Acoustical Panels, and Shadow-Coustic Pads.
Microown Technologies - Booth 306
Postbus 2205, 6802 CE Arnhem, The Netherlands
Microown Technologies will be demonstrating its acoustic particle velocity enabled vibroacoustic testing
methods used for both product development and end of line control.
Applications include Scan& Paint, Scan & Listen, in situ acoustic absorption, PU based sound intensity,
non contact measurement of structural vibrations.
Microtech Gefell GmbH - Booth 207
Georg-Neumann-Platz, 07926 Gefell, Germany
Microtech Gefell GmbH, as manufacturer of high quality handmade microphones with a long
tradition since 1928, focusses on condenser microphones for professional customer needs in Test
& Measurement, Studio & Recording and Livesound & Installation. Beside the microphones the
company offers calibration devices and service for all manufactured microphones.
Mller-BBM VibroAkustik Systeme, Inc - Booth 305
455 E Eisenhower Pkwy, Suite 210
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108
With strong roots in the elds of acoustics and vibration, Mller-BBM VibroAkustik Systeme is a company
with a high level of qualications and experience which has been cultivated since our founding in
1962. Visit our booth to learn how the elements of the PAK MKII system can be applied to your testing
needs. Examples of previous successful applications include studying the impact of pavement types
on street noise, periodic noise surveys, and statistical classication of vehicle trafc sounds. -The
PAK software solution is a compact, highly integrated, and versatile system for the measurement of
dynamic parameters, ranging from slow bandwidth thermocouples, through medium bandwidth strains
and accelerations, to high bandwidth sound and pressure. With its roots in acoustic engineering, a
demand for quick results, on-line graphics, and audio playback forced PAK to be a real-time system
from the beginning. This versatility allows PAK to be used in many different applications. - Based on a
stable and sustainable open standard, the PAK MKII has maintained the same solid foundation since its
inception. Today our single structured platform remains unchanged in concept yet continually updated
and expanded to incorporate new and improved technologies. Foundational elements of the PAK MKII,
like VMEbus and Ethernet, are not only powerful and versatile but most importantly make the design
stable and sustainable. The modular concept of the PAK MKII offers multiple benets including easily
expandable channel count and integrated signal conditioning.- A successful partnership is built on
trust, condence and understanding. Partner with Mller-BBM for cutting edge technology with inherent
MULL-IT-OVER Products - Booth 201
4275 White Street SW
Grandville, MI 49418
Mull-It-Over Products has nally solved the old problem of how to provide a good transition detail
between the interior partition wall and the exterior curtain wall for buildings with glass facades. A high
STC rated partition wall terminated at a hollow aluminum curtain wall mullion has an STC 28 when tested
as an assembly. Installation of the Mull-It-Over sound barrier mullion trim caps increases the STC rating
of the partition wall/mullion assembly to STC 57. (ASTM E90 testing performed at Architectural Testing
Inc.) The sound barrier mullion trim caps allow for differential movement between interior and exterior
systems, are available in custom nishes to match the curtain wall mullion nish and are simple to install.
Specications, CAD and Revit details are easily downloaded from our website at mullitoverproducts.
com Stop by our booth to see samples of the Mull-It-Over sound barrier mullion trim cap, ASTM E90 test
reports or to say hello.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) - Booth T4
4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45226

The mission of the Hearing Loss Research Program at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health (NIOSH) is to provide national and world leadership to reduce the prevalence of work-related
hearing loss through a focused program of research and prevention. It is divided into four areas of
research: Hearing loss prevention programs Hearing protection devices Engineering control of noise
Biologic and acoustic bases of hearing loss -Our activities are coordinated across four different operating
divisions of NIOSH. Research is conducted in the eld as well as our laboratories. Partnerships are a
feature of most of our research, with employers and workers playing a role in all of our eld projects.
Stop by our booth to learn about the latest NIOSH developments and new tools for hearing loss
prevention such as NIOSHs Buy Quiet web-tool and incentive programs like Safe In Sound. Get copies
of our recent publications and learn how you and your organization can benet from or even collaborate
in NIOSH research.
NTi Audio AG & NTI Americas Inc - Booth 321
PO Box 231027
Tigard, OR. 97281

NTi Audio manufactures, sells and supports both handheld analyzer instruments for noise, audio, Speech
Intelligibility and other acoustics measurements and also larger analyzer systems for factory production
testing and engineering development. The XL2 multifunction audio and acoustic analyzer is available
with microphones for either IEC Class 1 or Class 2 response, together with Class 0 lter functions on the
instrument itself. Overall measurement functions include: SPL, Real Time analyzer (to 1/12th octave),
FFT Spectrum analyzer, RT60 multi band measurements; Delay Time measurements, Oscilloscope
mode, Auto-nulling/auto-ranging audio distortion analyzer, ac voltmeter and frequency counter, polarity,
and optional Cinema Meter and STI-PA Speech Intelligibility measurements. Noise and acoustics
measurements are enhanced with such features as logging, multiple simultaneous detector and lter
selections for SPL, full corrections , tolerance limits & alarms, averaging, min/max and other standards-
based processing for SPL and RTA measurements; plus logging and real time recording. Also shown
will be NTIs calibrated acoustical source TalkBox, as well as their full line of digital and analog handheld
signal generators and other instruments.
Odeon A/S - Booth 112
Diplomvej Bldg. 381, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

ODEON A/S is developing and distributing the Room acoustic simulation software ODEON. ODEON
is used for acoustic simulations in all kinds of environments; Auditoria for music or speech, industrial
environments, atriums, canteens, restaurants, ofces, schools, railway stations, stadiums etc. 3D models
can be created in Google SketchUp, imported from other CAD software in the .dxf or .3ds formats or
created using Odeons own modelling tools. Materials, sources, receivers etc. are handled smoothly in
ODEONs user friendly interface. Results are room acoustical parameters presented in graphs and maps,
miscellaneous graphs, e.g. decay curves, 3D Reection Paths and reectograms and nally state of the art
auralisation allowing realistic presentations of what the room acoustics of a project sounds like to clients
and layman.
Overly Door Company - Booth 322
574 West Otterman Street
Greensburg, PA 15601
Overly Door Company will be presenting is line of Acoustical Doors and Fixed Window Systems.
PAC International, Inc. - Booth 109
6585 Whispering Sands Drive
Las Vegas, NV 89131-2221

Resilient Sound Isolation Clip Family of Products Including the New RSIC-Spring Isolator line of
Pliteq Inc - Booth 314
1370 Don Mills Road, Suite 300
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3B 2N7
Pliteq Inc is an engineering company dedicated to providing creative solutions to structural, vibration and
sound control problems using recycled materials. Pliteq will feature GenieClip, engineered for superior
acoustical performance in reducing transmission of airborne and impact sound through wall and ceiling
Pyrok, Inc. - Booth 115
36 Butler Hill Rd
Pyrok, Inc., a leading manufacturer and marketer of high quality sound absorbing products offers
the following three products:-- StarSilent-- StarSilent is a seamless acoustical plaster ceiling system
consisting of a sound absorbing board and air permeable plasters that allow for a smooth seamless
nish. The StarSilent board is manufactured with 96% recycled glass and 50% recycled marble
aggregate. The StarSilent Board replaces the need for a gypsum board substrate making the system
easy to install and unique. The result is a monolithic gypsum board look with high sound absorbing
qualities. Pyrok StarSilent can be custom colored or painted to achieve a desired color. --Acoustement--
Acoustement is a versatile spray applied sound absorbing plaster that is available in gypsum plaster
and Portland cement compositions. While the gypsum based Acoustement Plaster 40 and Acoustement
Plaster 20 are for interiors only, the Portland cement based Acoustement 40 has many interior and
exterior applications. Some include transportation, corrections, high abuse and high humidity
applications. All Acoustement products can be trowel nished for a semi-smooth nish and custom
colored or painted without degrading its sound absorbing qualities. --Vogl Ceiling System-- Vogl Ceiling
Systems are perforated gypsum board panels that are joined with a unique joint taping system to achieve
a level 4 drywall nish with high sound absorbing capabilities. Available with accessories to detail the
system in unique ways, it is eld painted like gypsum board to achieve the desired color.
RION Co., Ltd - Booth 213
3-20-41 Higashimotomachi, Kokubunji, Tokyo 1858533 Japan
RION, a manufacturer of sound and vibration measuring instruments, was established as an afliate
of the Kobayashi Institute of Physical Research, a centre of excellence for physics and acoustics. Our
product range includes hand-held sound level meters, vibration meters, frequency analyzers, and
aircraft or environmental noise monitoring systems. Our current products and the prototype of SA-A1
multi function measuring system that utilizes new technologies including wireless microphones will be
introduced in our booth.
Scantek, Inc. - Booth 202
6430C Dobbin Rd
Columbia, MD 21045
Scantek, celebrating its 27th Anniversary, will demonstrate instrumentation from RION, Norsonic,
CESVA, MMF, SoftdB and software from DataKustik, Olive Tree Labs, DELTA, and Sound on Numbers, and
provide information on its NIST-NVLAP Accreditated Calibration Laboratory (for precision calibration of all
types and brands of instruments and transducers for sound and vibration.) Featured will be new sound
level meters, acoustic camera, building and environmental acoustics products, among others.
Sensidyne - Booth 311
SINUS Messtechnik Gmbh - Booth 100
Foepplstrasse 13, D-04347 Leipzig, Germany
Since its foundation in 1990 the company SINUS Messtechnik GmbH has developed, manufactured and
distributed instruments and software for acoustics and vibration. Thus, we are able to offer complete
sytems at fair prices while preserving the ability to provide exible, customer specic solutions.
Our universal portable measuring system for acoustic, vibration and engineering measurements -
SOUNDBOOK - is based on the innovative Apollo lter processors, 24-bit A/D converters and a bandwidth
of up to 80 kHz. Using our software package SAMURAI which covers most topics of acoustic engineering
it is possible to carry out standard conforming measurements and analyses with up to 40 channels.
Softnoise - Booth 211
Wilhelm-Brand-Str. 7, 44141 Dortmund, Germany

Predictor-LimA Software suite Type 7810-The Predictor-LimA software suite is an extremely efcient
software package for environmental noise projects. The suite bundles the intuitive Predictor software
and the powerful LimA software in one integrated state-of-the-art package that provides the best
solution for whichever project you have. Predictor and LimA use the state-of-the-art LimA calculation
cores with huge capacity and high calculation speed so that you get results quickly while reducing your
investment in computing power. The software suite supports 27 calculation methods e.g. ISO 9613, TNM,
CRTN, RLS90 and Harmonoise., The Predictor-LimA software suite is available in several congurations
to match various applications and budgets. All congurations include dual core support and a model
license, allowing modelling with the Predictor system on several linked PCs. Predictor Analyst software
Type 7813 -GIS like functionality for organising, accumulation, viewing, analysis and publication of
calculated noise maps. The software can read calculated noise levels from any calculation software e.g.
Predictor or LimA. Acoustic Determinator software Type 7816 -Very convenient and user friendly software
for the determination of sound power levels of sources based on sound pressure level measurements.
The sound power levels can be used in any environmental noise calculation software e.g. Predictor
or LimA. NoiseAtWork software- NoiseAtWork is a powerful software for visualization and reporting
of measured occupational noise. Key words are: t for purpose, easy to use and cost efcient. Simply
open your scanned map and click on the measurement locations. Then enter the measured noise levels
manually or by pasting it from excel. NoiseAtWork, will automatically show the interpolated contours as
transparent layer on top of your scanned map. LimAarc software- LimAarc is an Extension of LimA to
ESRIs ArcGIS. It makes LimA noise modelling functionality available directly within a GIS.
Sound Fighter Systems, LLC - Booth 304
P.O. Box 7216
Shreveport, LA 71137
past 40 years, Sound Fighter Systems LSE Noise Barrier System has continually proven itself as one
of the most advanced commercial-grade absorptive sound wall in the market. The LSE System has
an NRC of 1.05 and a STC of 33. It is fully engineered, incredibly durable, impervious to the elements,
very low maintenance and easy to install. The LSE System has been tested and proven in real-world
applications since 1973, and has been designed and used for many noise mitigation applications around
the world, including DOT, bridges, hvac enclosures, gas compression, manufacturing, rail, transformer,
residential, commercial, industrial, big-box development, schools, hospitals, churches and more.
The LSE System is virtually 100% absorptive, eliminating unwanted and unpredictable reective
noise associated with common reective materials like concrete, block or masonry, and involves less
maintenance than absorptive metal barriers. It is cost competitive with concrete, and historically less
expensive than comparable absorptive sound wall products. -For additional information on the LSE
Absorptive Sound Wall System, please contact Sound Fighter Systems at [email protected] or
visit our website at
Sound Seal Acoustical Products - Booth 219
PO Box 545 Agawam, MA 01001

Sound Seal~Noise Control for Construction Sites: Our products have been recommended, specied, and
approved for use to comply with noise code requirements by New York City; Boston, MA; New Jersey
DOT; Los Angeles, CA; and Seattle, WA. Sound Seal also offers products for permanent outdoor noise
control and commercial noise control.
SoundPlan - Booth 402
701 West Las Palmas Dr.
Fullerton, CA 9283
SoundPLAN is the leading noise prediction and mapping software, with expert SoundPLAN
representatives worldwide serving you in your local time frame and language, with knowledge of the
noise and air pollution laws that concern you. SoundPLAN is known for its innovations, its speed and
accuracy, for its graphic presentations and for its one of kind data organization and recall system. Come
to booth 402 to see unique features that save time and money, like cost/benet analysis tools, built-in
spreadsheets and user dened templates, and/or modules like Wall Design and Indoor Factory Noise that
have more advantages than any other on the market.
Soundproof Windows, Inc. - Booth 105
4673 Aircenter Circle
Reno, NV 89502

Soundproof Windows, Inc. sells recording studio window & door products. We also offer residential or
commercial secondary acoustical high STC storm windows. Our NEW award winning 1.75 steel door
gets a world record 57 STC (previous max from anyone has been 53). Our acoustical storm windows are
lab tested at various distances behind most types of windows - achieving STCs starting at 48. Our studio
windows and sliding glass doors are lab tested to get STCs starting in the 60s. Come by and review what
we offer acoustically and get all our lab results for your reference library!
The Green Glue Company - Booth T2
1 Sealants Park, Granville, NY 12832
We will be showing our Green Glue Noiseproong products, which are the Green Glue Noiseproong
Compound (a viscoelastic damping compound), the Green Glue Noiseproong Sealant, and the Green
Glue Noiseproong Clips (resilient sound clips).
Toyota Tsusho America, Inc. - Booth T3
4000 Town Center, Suite 1260, Southeld, MI. 48075
Toyota Tsusho America in conjunction with Goldendance will be showcasing Bone Conduction Devices.
Is the conference too loud for you to hear who you are talking to on your cell phone? Come by and FEEL
the difference.
TRANE - Booth 104
3600 Pammel Creek Road
La Crosse, WI 54601

Trane actively supports acoustic standards development and is committed to providing innovative
solutions to reduce noise from our products. Providing accurate sound power using industry accepted
standards is an integral part of designing acceptable spaces. Our work investigating ANSI/ASA S12.60
for classroom acoustics shows that it is possible and practical to meet the acoustic requirements for
classrooms. Tools such as Trane Acoustics Program (TAP(tm)) acoustical analysis software make it easy
to accurately predict and compare system sound levels and quickly compare the sound characteristics of
several system alternatives to choose the one that best satises the design criteria.
Trane is a global provider of indoor comfort systems and comprehensive facility solutions for residential,
commercial and industrial building needs. Trane solutions optimize indoor environments with a broad
portfolio of energy efcient heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems, building and contracting
services, parts support, advanced controls and a wide a range of powerful analysis, design and modeling
tools to address the everyday challenge of designing aesthetic, comfortable, quiet and sustainable
Trane belongs to Ingersoll Rands family of brands, including Club Car(r), Ingersoll Rand(r), Schlage(r) and
Thermo King(r). Ingersoll Rand is a world leader in creating and sustaining safe, comfortable and efcient
Trelleborg Rubore Inc. - Booth 116
15701 Centennial Drive, Northville, MI 48168

Trelleborg Rubore Inc provides engineered metal-to-rubber and metal-to-adhesive products to various
industries. Our materials can be used for: noise and vibration damping, vibration isolation, acoustically
inert stamping, stamping with integrated gaskets, at gaskets for sealing, sealing cans, rubberized
washers and p-clamps. Trelleborg produces material using a patented vulcanization process resulting
in an extremely durable material with excellent chemical and thermal resistance. Trelleborg specializes
in complete product design using state of the art testing, materials development and prototyping
capabilities. Materials can be sold as nished parts or in bulk. On display will be examples of our
damping and sealing products.
Tritek / TEAC Date Recorders - Booth 319
PO Box 357 Hamilton, MA 01936
Tritek is proud to be the Authorized North American Distributor for TEAC Data Recorders and ROGA
Instruments. TEAC offers a complete range of Instrumentation Data Recorders, utilizing ash-memory
card, solid state, and hard-disk recording media, with onboard signal conditioning. The innovative new
WX-7000 Series Wide Band Data Recorder, featuring 80kHz max bandwidth, 16/24-bit resolution, DC/AC/
IEPE input, and expansion to 128 channels, will be introduced at InterNoise. The WX Series can operate in
stand-alone mode with front panel control and monitoring, or by PC software-controlled mode via Gigabit
Ethernet interface. IRIG-B, GPS, and CAN input options are available. The portable and rugged LX-110/120
Series will also be exhibited, featuring 16/24-bit resolution, AC/DC/IEPE inputs, stand-alone recording
capacity to 64GB, and front-end recording to PC via Ethernet interface. The AQ-VU Video/Data Recorder,
providing portable synchronized video and data recording and playback, will also be on display. ROGA
Instruments offers USB-based Signal Conditioning and Front-end Data Acquisition solutions for noise
and vibration measurements. Two-channel ROGA units are recognized as PC sound cards, allowing easy
driver-less use with many analysis software applications.
ViAcoustics - Booth 204
2512 Star Grass Circle Austin TX USA 78745

Acoustic Measurement Software and Data Acquisition Systems from National Instruments. Hardware
and software for sound level measurement, sound power level determination, building acoustics, sound
quality, hearing protector testing, end of line product testing and custom measurement applications.
Turnkey acoustic measurement systems using National Instruments hardware, GRAS Sound and
Vibration transducers and software from Nelson Acoustics.
Vibro-Acoustics - Booth 103
355 Apple Creek Blvd
Markham, Ontario, L3R 9X7 Canada
The Integrated Systems Approach to Noise and Vibration Control. Vibro-Acoustics is the world leader
in supplying the widest range of silencers for fans and air handling systems. Vibro-Acoustics offers
comprehensive product design, product specication, selection and application laboratory testing and
integrated manufacturing. With over 50 years of industry experience, Vibro-Acoustics has developed
innovative yet practical product/systems solutions for some of the most diverse and dynamic projects in
the world. Vibration isolation and seismic restraint products and services are now available to allow an
Integrated Systems Approach to projects requiring noise and vibration control.
Zero International - Booth 408
415 Concord Ave, Bronx, NY. 10455
Zero International ( is a leading manufacturer of sound control gasketing for door
and window openings, headquartered in New York with additional locations in the U.S. and internationally. We
supply our engineered acoustical products to both OEM partners and end-users around the world.
Our extensive portfolio of installed systems spans the entire range of STC requirements for doors as
determined by practical occupancy needs, as well as building codes. Projects using acoustical gasketing
provided by Zero include numerous recording studios, performing arts centers and concert halls, and other
high-STC applications. We are also asked with increasing frequency to optimize sound-controlled door
openings to meet growing privacy and security needs and concerns in a variety of venues, including:
Embassy, government and military buildings.
Healthcare facilities, doctors and counseling offces, and other locations impacted by HIPAA
(Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) requirements for ensuring condentiality of
patient-doctor communications.
School administrative and nurses offces
Hotel hallway doors and communicating doors in guest rooms
Stadium locker rooms and managers offces.

Building Acoustics and Vibration Multi-channel analyzers Tapping machines
Room acoustics software Noise sources and amplifiers
Rotating boom Wireless systems Laboratory and field
testing software Building vibration Floor impedance
Intensity analyzers Speech intelligibility
Industrial Noise and Vibration Sound level meters Dosimeters Noise exposure prediction
Human body vibration and dose Noise warning signs
Intensity analyzers Reference sound sources Sound power
Environmental Noise Remote Monitoring Sound level meters Outdoor noise
prediction Dance club noise limiters Outdoor concert noise
control Aircraft noise Low frequency acoustical
Acoustics and Vibrations Real-time analyzers Digital recorders Microphones and
accelerometers Microphone and accelerometer calibrators
Impedance tubes Acoustic camera Airflow resistance
Hand-held FFT Digital sound and vibration recorders

Norsonic PEMARD Datakustik RION Soft dB
SoundOfNumbers Dytran Castle Delta Extech

Scantek, Inc.
Sound& Vibration Instrumentation and Engineering
6430 Dobbin Rd #C, Columbia, MD 21045
[email protected]
NVLAP/NIST Accredited Sound & Vibration Calibration Lab Instrument rental and loaner
Service and repair Applications engineering Consulting in acoustics and vibrations
INCE Board certified noise control engineers Expert witness Since 1985
Acoustically Speaking, We Have Everything You Need!

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