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The Need for Improved Identification and Accurate

Classification of Stages 35 Chronic Kidney Disease in

Primary Care: Retrospective Cohort Study
Poorva Jain
*, Melanie Calvert
, Paul Cockwell
, Richard J. McManus
1Primary Care Clinical Sciences, NIHR School of Primary Care Research, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2Department of Renal Medicine, Queen
Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, University Hospital Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 3Division of Immunity and Infection, Medical School, University of
Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 4Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, NIHR School of Primary Care Research, University of Oxford, Oxford, United
Background: Around ten percent of the population have been reported as having Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), which is
associated with increased cardiovascular mortality. Few previous studies have ascertained the chronicity of CKD. In the UK, a
payment for performance (P4P) initiative incentivizes CKD (stages 35) recognition and management in primary care, but
the impact of this has not been assessed.
Methods and Findings: Using data from 426 primary care practices (population 2,707,130), the age standardised prevalence
of stages 35 CKD was identified using two consecutive estimated Glomerular Filtration Rates (eGFRs) seven days apart.
Additionally the accuracy of practice CKD registers and the relationship between accurate identification of CKD and the
achievement of P4P indicators was determined. Between 2005 and 2009, the prevalence of stages 35 CKD increased from
0.3% to 3.9%. In 2009, 30,440 patients (1.1% unadjusted) fulfilled biochemical criteria for CKD but were not on a practice
CKD register (uncoded CKD) and 60,705 patients (2.2% unadjusted) were included on a practice CKD register but did not
fulfil biochemical criteria (miscoded CKD). For patients with confirmed CKD, inclusion in a practice register was associated
with increasing age, male sex, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and increasing CKD stage (p,0.0001).
Uncoded CKD patients compared to miscoded patients were less likely to achieve performance indicators for blood
pressure (OR 0.84, 95% CI 0.820.86 p,0.001) or recorded albumin-creatinine ratio (OR 0.73, 0.700.76, p,0.001).
Conclusions: The prevalence of stages 35 CKD, using two laboratory reported eGFRs, was lower than estimates from
previous studies. Clinically significant discrepancies were identified between biochemically defined CKD and appearance on
practice registers, with misclassification associated with sub-optimal care for some people with CKD.
Citation: Jain P, Calvert M, Cockwell P, McManus RJ (2014) The Need for Improved Identification and Accurate Classification of Stages 35 Chronic Kidney Disease
in Primary Care: Retrospective Cohort Study. PLoS ONE 9(8): e100831. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0100831
Editor: Darwin Ang, University of South Florida, United States of America
Received May 15, 2013; Accepted May 30, 2014; Published August 12, 2014
Copyright: 2014 Jain et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: RJM and PJ were funded as part of an NIHR Career Development Fellowship awarded to RJM. The funders had no role in study design, data collection
and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the
NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* Email: [email protected]
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is defined by a reduced
glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and/or evidence of kidney
damage and in clinical practice a reduced eGFR is usually
estimated using the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease
(MDRD) four-variable equation [1]. Patients with an eGFR
below 60 mls/min/1.73 m
(stages 35 CKD) are at increased risk
of cardiovascular disease (CVD), in comparison to the general
population [24]. Between 20092010, CKD accounted for 1.3%
of the UK health care budget directly and indirectly up to 25% of
the healthcare budget in the United States in patients aged over 65
[5,6]. In the past decade there have been sustained efforts to
improve the identification, management and monitoring of CKD
[7]. In the UK this has included the incorporation of stages 35
CKD into the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF), a
primary care based pay for performance system (P4P) [8,9].
Incentivised payments within the CKD domain depend on blood
pressure control and appropriate prescribing [10].
Previous estimates of the prevalence of stages 35 CKD have
varied widely (depending on the methodology) from 4.3% (all
clinically coded patients in QOF) to 8.5% in UK primary care
databases [11]. Potential sources of bias include ascertainment
problems (reliance on coding, limited coverage of population),
intra patient variation in renal function (single eGFR likely to
overestimate prevalence) and intra-laboratory variation (use of raw
creatinines to calculate eGFR does not take into account
calibration issues between labs) [12]. Accurate identification and
subsequent clinical coding of CKD is important, as previous work
suggests that inclusion on a chronic disease register affects quality
of care [13].
PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 1 August 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 8 | e100831
This study aimed to determine the prevalence of stages 35
CKD based on objective evidence from at least two laboratory
reported eGFRs and to assess the accuracy of QOF CKD (stages
35) registers on this basis. The quality of care for patients with
stages 35 CKD was compared between those who were included
on a CKD register and those who had laboratory evidence of
stages 35 CKD but were not included on a register.
Materials and Methods
Data source
A retrospective cohort study was undertaken using anonymised
records from The Health Improvement Network (THIN) data-
base. In brief this is a large UK primary care database that
contains data from patients registered in 426 primary care centres
using VISION clinical software; in 2009 2.7 million patients were
included [14]. The THIN database has previously been validated
for use in pharmaco-epidemiological research [14,15]. Permission
to obtain and analyse this data has to be sought from the THIN
Scientific Review Committee and was granted for our study in
May 2010 (reference number 10-006).
Data were extracted from the THIN database concerning renal
function, age (on 1
April of the year of the prevalence estimate),
registration status, gender, Read codes indicating co-morbidity
(cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, chronic kidney
disease, and hypercholesterolemia) and cardiovascular risk factors
(smoking status, blood pressure, ACR and total cholesterol). Read
codes are a system of hierarchal clinical codes that specify types of
diseases, symptoms, diagnoses or other medical information from
consultations or letters. Co-morbidities were defined using
previously described code groupings and the authors clinical
expertise [16,17].
Prevalence: study population
Adults with stages 35 CKD, permanently registered on the
THIN database for a minimum of six months, were identified if
the last two laboratory eGFRs in each UK financial year (April
March) between 2005 and 2009, taken at least seven days apart,
were both ,60 ml/min/1.73 m
(Figure 1). This definition was
used as a pragmatic operationalization of UK pay for performance
(QOF) guidance which states that stages 35 CKD is defined as an
eGFR ,60 mls/min/1.73 m
confirmed with at least two
separate readings over a three month period. Note this is different
to the KDIGO/KDOQI definition of CKD [7,18]. Ethnicity data
were not available for the large majority of patients who were
therefore assumed to be not of black ethnicity [19].
Patients identified as having CKD in a given year could be
reclassified in following years if their eGFRs changed. Where two
laboratory eGFRs were in different CKD stages, the lowest
corresponding CKD stage was used; i.e. the more conservative
estimate. Patients with a laboratory biochemical definition of
stages 3 -5 CKD were defined as having confirmed CKD
(Figure 1) for use in the subsequent QOF CKD disease register
analysis. In common with previous work, people without a kidney
function measurement were assumed not to have CKD [20].
QOF outcomes: population
This analysis considered QOF performance between April 2008
and March 2009 and included risk factor data from January 2008.
Stages 35 CKD was defined on the basis of laboratory eGFRs, to
avoid issues with laboratory to laboratory variation and assuming
that practices had not calculated eGFR themselves. Appearance
on practice CKD registers was defined by a relevant clinical
(Read) code specified by the UK pay for performance, QOF
business rules which include only patients with stages 35 CKD
[16]. On this basis, patients were categorised as having either
confirmed CKD or labelled CKD dependent on biochemical
evidence and/or Read coding. These were further divided into
subgroups of appropriately coded CKD patients, uncoded CKD
patients or miscoded CKD patients as defined below.
Confirmed CKD: sustained biochemical evidence of stages
35 CKD, i.e. a laboratory eGFR under 60 mls/min/1.73 m
on the last two consecutive eGFRs before 1
April 2009 that
were at least seven days apart.
Labelled CKD: patients recorded as having stages 35 CKD
by a Read code according to the UK pay for performance
(QOF) Business Rules [10,21].
Appropriately coded: patients with both a Read Code for
CKD and biochemical evidence of an eGFR under 60 mls/
min/1.73 m
on the last two consecutive eGFRs before 1
April 2009 that were at least seven days apart.
Uncoded CKD: patients with biochemical evidence of stages
35 CKD but no CKD Read code entered into their records.
Miscoded CKD: patients with a Read code for stages 35
CKD but no biochemical evidence of stages 35 CKD (using
above definition).
Statistical analyses
The prevalence of CKD was ascertained and tabulated by stage
and year for the years 20052009. Prevalence estimates were age
standardised using the relevant Office of National Statistics yearly
estimates of age and gender distribution for the United Kingdom
and 95% confidence intervals were calculated [22]. The manage-
ment of each subgroup according to the CKD indicators of the
QOF for the period of 1
January 2008 and 1
of April 2009 was
evaluated [16].
Factors associated with the likelihood of being excluded from
the practice CKD register were analysed in two subgroups:
uncoded compared to appropriately coded
uncoded compared to miscoded
These subgroups were examined in two multivariable models
using backward stepwise selection (a =0.05 as criteria for model
inclusion). Multivariable models allow a series of factors to be
assessed simultaneously to take into account possible confounding.
Non-linear functional forms were considered for continuous
candidate variables. More complex functional forms were included
in the final model only when they provided a statistically
significantly improved model fit assessed using Akaikes Informa-
tion Criterion [23]. The final model included the selected variables
in a mixed linear model with logit link and with general practice as
a random effect to account for clustering [24,25].
The following pre-specified explanatory variables were included
in the backwards selection process: age, gender, Townsend
quintiles, coronary heart disease, stroke, peripheral vascular
disease, cardiovascular disease (coronary heart disease, stroke,
peripheral vascular disease combined), hypertension, diabetes
mellitus, smoking status and hypercholesterolaemia.
Achievement for each quality indicator was compared between
miscoded and uncoded CKD patients using Pearson Chi-Square
tests. Blood pressure and cholesterol comparisons were carried out
using t-tests or Mann Whitney tests depending on the distribution
of the variable.
All statistical analyses were performed in SAS v9.2 (Cary, USA).
Stages 35 Chronic Kidney Disease in Primary Care
PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 2 August 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 8 | e100831
Sensitivity Analysis
A separate sensitivity analysis ascertained the prevalence of
stage 35 CKD from the last two consecutive creatinines, taken at
least 7 days apart, utilising the four variable MDRD equation to
calculate the eGFR, when laboratory eGFRs were not available
[26]. This analysis was undertaken as it was anticipated that prior
to 2007 many patients would not have reported laboratory eGFR.
The standardised Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry (IDMS)
method for creatinine measurement was in use in less than 50% of
UK laboratories during the study timeframe hence it was assumed
that this method had not been used [12].
Results were adjusted for age and gender where possible but are
presented as crude proportions where this is not stated.
Prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease
Between 2005 and 2009, the number of patients with two lab
eGFRs, at least seven days apart, in the given year increased from
53 176(2%) to 614 590 (23%). The median time apart from each
laboratory report in our study was 171 days (Interquartile range
56351 days) and by 2009 this was 280 days (125425 days). The
age and gender adjusted prevalence of stages 35 CKD increased
from 0.28% (95% CI 0.28 to 0.29) to 3.93% (3.91 to 3.95) between
2005 and 2009 (Figure 2). The majority of patients had stage 3a
CKD with an adjusted prevalence in 2009 of 2.86% (2.84 to 2.87),
followed by stage 3b CKD (0.86%, 0.86 to 0.87), stage 4 CKD
(0.18%, 0.176 to 0.184) and stage 5 CKD (0.03, CI 0.28 to 0.03).
Practice Registers of CKD
In 2009, 108 911/2 701 730 (4.03% 95% CI 4.014.05) of the
adult population had biochemically confirmed chronic kidney
disease (see methods for definitions) and 139 176 (5.15%, 95% CI
5.135.18) appeared on practice registers (labelled CKD) [Ta-
ble 1]. Of those with biochemically confirmed CKD, 78 471/
108 911 (72.1%, 95% CI 71.872.3) were labelled with a Read
code for stages 35 CKD. A further 60 705/139 176 (43.6%, 95%
CI 43.343.9) of labelled CKD patients had a Read code but no
biochemical evidence of stages 35 CKD (i.e. were miscoded) and
30 440/108 911 (27.9%, 95% CI 27.728.2%) fulfilled biochem-
ical criteria for stages 35 CKD but were not on a practice CKD
register (uncoded CKD). The demographic and clinical features
are shown in Table 1.
Multivariable analysis
In the multivariable analyses, uncoded CKD patients in
comparison with appropriately coded patients were more likely
to be younger (for an increase in one year of age OR 0.991, 95%
CI 0.9890.993), female (OR 1.20, 95% CI 1.161.25), have no
comorbidity and have a lower CKD stage [Table 2].
In the second model uncoded patients were more likely to be
older (for every year increase, OR 1.027, 95% CI 1.0261.208),
have hypertension (OR 1.11, 95% CI 1.021.15), cardiovascular
disease (OR 1.21, 95% CI 1.131.30), and to smoke (OR 1.21,
95% CI 1.161.30) compared to miscoded patients. They were
less likely to have diabetes (OR 0.84, 95% CI 0.770.89), coronary
heart disease (OR 0.80, 95% CI 0.740.86), and have hypercho-
lesterolaemia (OR 0.90, 95% CI 0.840.97) [Table 2].
Pay for Performance
The management of CKD patients according to QOF P4P
indicators is shown in Table 3. There was significant under-
achievement in QOF outcomes in the uncoded CKD group
compared to both the miscoded CKD group and the appropriately
coded CKD group: uncoded CKD patients were less likely to have
a blood pressure measurement (90% versus 91% in miscoded
group, p,0.0001, 90% vs. 97% in appropriately coded group, p,
0.0001), a blood pressure on target (47% vs. 51%, p,0.0001, 47%
vs. 55%, p,0.0001). or have an albumin-creatinine ratio recorded
Figure 1. The definition of Stages 35 CKD in the prevalence cohort.
Stages 35 Chronic Kidney Disease in Primary Care
PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 3 August 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 8 | e100831
(12% vs. 16%, p,0.0001, 12% vs. 20%, p,0.0001). Mean systolic
blood pressure, in mmHg, was significantly higher in patients with
uncoded CKD [136.2 (95% CI 136.0 to 136.4)/75.8 (75.7 to 75.9)
compared to miscoded CKD 134.5 (134.3 to 134.6)/76.3 (75.0 to
75.1)]. Cholesterol was measured in 92% of individuals regardless
of group. There was no difference in serum cholesterol level
between miscoded and uncoded CKD (median cholesterol 4.7 vs.
4.7 mmol/l, p =0.9455). All patients with proteinuria as defined
by an ACR $30 mg/mmol and with a Read code for
hypertension (n =1018) were on angiotensin blockade regardless
of CKD coding [Table 3].
Sensitivity Analysis including calculated eGFR from
serum creatinine. Inclusion of patients with stages 35 CKD
calculated from two consecutive serum creatinine results seven
days apart gave an adult adjusted prevalence of 4.05% (95% CI
4.03 to 4.10%) in 2005 and 4.66% (95% CI 4.64 to 4.69%) in
2009, peaking at 5.00% (95% CI 4.97 to 5.02%) in 2007.
[Figure 3].
This large primary care based database study has found
evidence that the current management of stages 35 CKD in
UK primary care is systemically suboptimal. Major misclassifica-
tion of individuals with stages 35 CKD was found including both
inappropriate labelling as stages 35 CKD of those without
evidence of stages 35 CKD and no labelling of stages 35 CKD
of others with clear evidence of a reduced eGFR. The finding of
an age adjusted prevalence of stages 35 CKD in the UK by
laboratory reported estimated GFR of 4% in 20089, using a
definition requiring a confirmed reduction in eGFR to ,60 ml/
min/1.73 m
, was lower than most previous UK primary care
estimates of between 4.1 and 8.5% which included patients
classified on the basis of a single available eGFR [10,11,20,27].
In patients with stages 35 CKD, exclusion from the practice
CKD register (uncoded CKD), was associated with decreasing
age, female gender, less co-morbidity (with the exception of
hypercholesterolaemia) and lower CKD stage. When comparing
uncoded patients with miscoded patients, uncoded patients were
less likely to have cardiovascular disease and diabetes but more
likely to have hypertension, be older and smoke.
The widespread misclassification shown by this study is
important: individuals without an appropriate Read code, despite
increased co-morbidity, were less likely to have received adequate
care as defined by UK pay for performance targets. Comparison
of outcomes for two cardiovascular risk factors (blood pressure and
cholesterol) provides some evidence that clinical coding mediates
performance for QOF P4P indicators. Uncoded stages 35 CKD
patients had worse blood pressure control (included in QOF) but
similar cholesterol levels (not in QOF) in comparison to miscoded
stages 35 CKD patients. This also suggests an inappropriate
targeting of resources away from individuals in need which could
be reversed by better identification of stages 35 CKD without
increasing workload.
In the sensitivity analysis where patients with either two lab
eGFRs or two calculated eGFRs were included the prevalence in
2009 varied from 4% to 4.7%. This suggests a further potential
cause of misclassification where laboratory reported eGFR is not
Figure 2. Age standardised prevalence (%) of stages 35 CKD from 20052009. CKD stage was defined by the last two consecutive
laboratory eGFRS at least seven days apart in the year in question. Note figures are approximated to the nearest decimal place and therefore may be
slightly different from the total figure.
Stages 35 Chronic Kidney Disease in Primary Care
PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 4 August 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 8 | e100831
Table 1. Demographics of CKD patients between 1st January 2008 to 1st April 2009 (The proportions in brackets are not adjusted
and crude percentages).
Total Population
Patients with
evidence of CKD
Practice CKD
Register (with or
Patients on CKD
register with
Practice CKD
Register but no
evidence of
Stages 35 CKD
Patients with
evidence of CKD
not on Practice
True CKD status Baseline Population Confirmed CKD Labelled CKD Appropriately
coded CKD
Miscoded CKD Uncoded CKD
Number (crude %) 2 707 130 (100) 108 911 (4.0%) 139 176 (5.1%) 78 471 (2.9%)) 60 705 (2.2%) 30 440 (1.1%)
Age in years
(median (IQR))
47(19114) 79(19106) 76 (19106) 78 (19106) 71(19105) 76(19105)
Female Gender 1378 422(51%) 67 352 (62%) 82 949 (60%) 47 666(60%) 35 283 (58%) 19 686 (65%)
Ethnic Group
Black 11 329(0.40%) 528 (0.48%) 592(0.43%) 324(0.41%) 268(0.44%) 204(0.67%)
White 355 121(13%) 25 381 (23%) 29 820(21.4%) 18 764(23%) 11 056(18%) 6617(21%)
South Asian 20 032(0.70%) 594 (0.54%) 1051(0.76%) 468(0.59%) 583(0.96%) 126(0.41%)
Diabetes Mellitus
174 622(6%) 26 985 (25%) 33 083(23%) 20 970(26%) 12 113(20%) 6015(19%)
Hypertension 413 235(16%) 63 917(59%) 73 037(52%) 48 587(62%) 24 450(40%) 15 330 (50%)
158 701(6%) 31 234(29%) 35 471(25%) 24 254(30.8%) 11 217(18%) 6980(23%)
35 033(1%) 8330(8%) 9011(6%) 6656(8.5%) 2355(4%) 1674(5.5%)
67 075(3%) 14 339((13%) 15 370(11%) 11 020(13.9%) 4350(7%) 3319(11%)
Ever Smoked 446 034(17%) 20 805(19%) 24 301(17%) 15 296(19%) 9005(15%) 5509(18%)
Patients with two consecutive eGFRS under 60 at least seven days apart.
Patients with a QOF business Rule Read code for Chronic Kidney Disease.
Patients with 2 consecutive eGFRS ,60 at least 7 days apart and a QOF business rule Read code.
Patients with a QOF business Rule Read code for CKD but no sustained eGFRs below 60.
Patients with 2 consecutive eGFRS ,60 at least 7 days apart but no QOF Read code for CKD.
Where reported as not all patients have Ethnic group reported.
Diabetes Mellitus Type 1&2, CHD=Coronary Heart Disease, PVD=peripheral vascular disease.
Table 2. Multivariate Logistic Regression Model for significant predictors for inclusion on CKD QOF register.
Risk Factor
Odds Ratio of Uncoded CKD compared
to appropriately Coded CKD
Odds Ratio of Uncoded CKD compared
to miscoded CKD
Odds Ratio (95% CI) Odds Ratio (95% CI)
0.991(0.9900.993) 1.027(1.0261.028)*
Female sex
1.20(1.161.24) 1.23(1.171.26)*
CKD stage NA
3b 0.37(0.350.38)
4 0.24(0.220.27)
5 0.24(0.190.31)
Coronary Heart Disease
0.81(0.760.86)* 0.80(0.740.86)*
0.61(0.590.63)* 1.11(1.021.15)*
Diabetes Mellitus 0.72(0.690.75)* 0.84(0.770.89)*
Cardiovascular Disease(composite of Coronary Heart Disease,
Peripheral Vascular Disease and Stroke)
0.83(0.780.88)* 1.21(1.131.30)*
Peripheral Vascular Disease
0.88(0.820.95)* NS
0.80(0.760.84)* 0.90(0.840.97)*
NS 1.21(1.161.30)*
For an increase in years from the mean age.
In comparison with male gender.
Indicates the reference indicator.
The presence of the disease in comparison to those without it. The disease was ascertained by having a Read code for the disease.
Stages 35 Chronic Kidney Disease in Primary Care
PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 5 August 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 8 | e100831
Strengths and Limitations
This is the largest UK cohort study to date to examine stages 3
5 CKD prevalence and comprised approximately 4% of the total
UK population. Accounting for the chronicity of stages 35 CKD
by using two laboratory results rather than a single point estimate
has allowed the true burden of stages 35 CKD to be more clearly
estimated. Although the study aimed to capture stages 35 CKD
patients diagnosed according to the QOF guidelines, by 2009 the
majority of patients diagnosed with stages 35 CKD would meet
the KDIGO/KDOQI guidelines with lab eGFRs over 90 days
apart. It is however possible that some patients who met the QOF
guidelines for CKD in fact had acute kidney injury hence did not
have CKD on two samples more than three months apart and
these would have been incorrectly categorised as miscoded by our
study. The methodology differs from other studies by reporting
stages 35 CKD stages using laboratory reported eGFR, thereby
reducing the variation of calculated eGFR due to different
creatinine assays [1].
In this study we have performed a multivariable model with a
random effects term for primary care practice location, to
determine which factors are independently associated with
exclusion from the practice register. This model is the most
favourable as it takes into account clustering at the practice level.
A limitation of the use of routine data is that 77% of the
population did not have two consecutive lab eGFRs reported in
the study period. This is likely to result in over-representation of
patients with increased co-morbidity (who will have more kidney
function tests) and therefore have a higher risk of stages 35 CKD.
Conversely, it is likely that some individuals with stages 35 CKD
will not have undergone testing during the time period of the
study; however most of the risk factors for CKD (e.g. hypertension,
diabetes) are also conditions where routine blood testing is
common therefore the majority with stage 35 CKD should have
been captured.
Ethnicity was not satisfactorily reported in the THIN database
and therefore eGFR could not be adjusted for those of black
ethnicity. Whilst this could theoretically lead to over-reporting of
stages 35 CKD prevalence, individuals of black ethnicity only
comprise 3.3% of the United Kingdom population so the effect of
this limitation should be small [28]. When undertaking the
sensitivity analysis there were limitations in calculating the eGFR.
The method of creatinine analysis used in the laboratories
contributing data to this cohort was not known and therefore
analysis did not incorporate the IDMS method as this was not in
widespread use during the time period of this study. Prevalence
using both serum creatinine and laboratory eGFR appeared to rise
and fall over time; this may have been due to changes in the
number of laboratories analysing creatinine with the IDMS
Laboratory eGFRs and creatinines that were utilised for stages
35 CKD prevalence estimates in this study were derived directly
from data that were downloaded into the primary care record.
Whilst this is complete for patients who had their laboratory tests
done from primary care, some patients who were under follow-up
in secondary care CKD clinics may not have had their results
available. This may have impacted on the prevalence estimates of
patients with stage 4 CKD and stage 5 CKD, many of whom are
under secondary care follow-up, explaining rates (0.21%) below
those reported in other studies.
Table 3. CKD Management according to QOF standards between 1st January 2008 to 1st April 2009
Patients with
evidence of CKD
Practice CKD
Register(with or
without biochemical
Patients on CKD
register with
Practice CKD Register
but no biochemical
evidence of Stages
35 CKD
Patients with
biochemical evidence
of CKD not on Practice
True CKD status Confirmed CKD Labelled CKD Appropriately coded CKD Miscoded CKD Uncoded CKD
Total Number 108 911 139 176 78 471 60 705 30 440
Proportion with Blood
pressure in
last 15 months*
104 213(96%) 132 343(95%) 76 602(97%) 55 741(91%) 27 611(90%)
Patients whose last BP
is less than
140/85 in last
15 months*
57 169(52%) 73 852(53%) 42 986(55%) 30 866(51%) 14 183(47%)
Patients with CKD who
have an ACR*
19 483(18%) 25 445(18%) 15 806(20%) 9639(16%) 3677(12%)
Patients with CKD who
Proteinuria *
1358(1.2%) 1474(0.9%) 1153(1.4%) 320(0.5%) 205(0.7%)
Patients with
Hypertension and
(ACR.30) on
angiotensin blockade*
1018(100%) 1073(100%) 883(100%) 190(100%) 135(100%)
Patients with two consecutive eGFRS under 60 at least seven days apart.
Patients with a QOF business Rule Read code for CKD.
Patients with two consecutive eGFRS under 60 at least seven days apart and a QOF business rule Read code.
Patients with a QOF business Rule Read code for CKD but no sustained eGFRs below 60.
Patients with two consecutive eGFRS under 60 at least seven days apart but no QOF business Rule Read code for CKD.
Proportions quoted are of the total in that group.
*When comparing groups d and e/c and e, p,0.0001.
QOF pay for performance business rules look back 15 months hence time period.
Stages 35 Chronic Kidney Disease in Primary Care
PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 6 August 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 8 | e100831
Finally, it is plausible that GPs may calculate the eGFR
themselves and place patients on the CKD practice register.
However the GP would have to do this manually as the Vision
electronic patient record does not automatically perform this
function hence this seems unlikely to have happened on a large
scale. Furthermore, this does not explain the issue of uncoded
patients and the sensitivity analyses showed that relatively few
(0.7%) patients would have been reclassified as stages 35 CKD
had physicians calculated eGFR themselves. This would therefore
not explain the observed miscoding.
Comparison to the literature
The prevalence estimates for stages 35 CKD in this study, with
3.1% of men and 4.8% women affected, were lower than other
UK based studies (Appendix A). However the current results were
based on two contemporary laboratory reported eGFRs whereas
most other UK studies have used a single renal function test to
calculate eGFR and therefore have the potential for bias [20,29
31]. Two previous studies need special mention: the QICKD study
which included two eGFRs where available and the Health Survey
of England which used a single measurement but screened its
population [11,21].
QICKD estimated the headline prevalence of stages 35
CKD to be 6.8% in a large primary care population but 25% of
those labelled as stages 35 CKD only had a single eGFR and the
study combined laboratory and externally calculated eGFRs. If
those with only one eGFR were excluded the prevalence dropped
to approximately 5% or under 3% if only laboratory eGFRs were
The Health Survey of England Screening study (HSE), using a
single eGFR result, reported the prevalence of stages 35 CKD as
5% in Men and 7% in women and found the overall prevalence to
be 6% [21]. This was a higher proportion than other larger
international screening studies which found prevalences of 3.8%
(United States) and 4.7% (Norway) also on the basis of a single
eGFR [32,33]. All three of these screening studies are therefore
likely to have overestimated the prevalence of stages 35 CKD
which arguably requires two laboratory eGFRs and a minimum
Figure 3. Prevalence of CKD by year combining CKD stage derived from laboratory eGFRs and eGFR calculated from serum
Stages 35 Chronic Kidney Disease in Primary Care
PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 7 August 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 8 | e100831
time period between these, as in the KDOQI definition (3 months)
or the current study (at least 7 days) [7].
A relationship between increased co-morbidity and appropriate
labelling is potentially important, particularly as early CKD may
not be associated with higher mortality in otherwise well older
people, unlike younger individuals [3436]. The multivariate
model in this paper builds on a previous analysis that looked at
primary care practitioners in other UK cities. This study showed
increasing co-morbidity, age and deprivation at practice level were
associated with QOF CKD recording. The current work expands
this to individual patients with stage 35 CKD: age, male gender,
increasing CKD stage, cardiovascular disease and peripheral
vascular disease are all associated with appropriate coding [37].
Clinical Implications
These results suggest that the mechanism for recording stages
35 CKD prevalence in primary care needs re-evaluation: relying
on manual coding of CKD appears to have resulted in significant
misclassification with under treatment of those uncoded and
potentially inappropriate intervention in those miscoded. This is
consistent with results from a study in Type II diabetes which
showed higher HbA1
and worse cholesterol control in patients
with diabetes not on the QOF diabetes register [17]. Furthermore,
almost twice as many were miscoded as uncoded meaning that
improving the accuracy of CKD classification might also reduce
workload. One solution for this would be automatic coding on the
basis of eGFR results to highlight those at higher risk and similar
reclassification of those apparently mislabelled.
These findings may also have implications for estimates of CKD
resource use. A recent paper modelled the costs of CKD
suggesting these comprised 1.3% of the NHS budget [5]. However
this may be an over estimation as some of the costs are based
systematically miscoded individuals as seen here [5].
In summary this paper has shown that robust estimation of the
prevalence of stage 35 CKD results in generally lower prevalence
than previously reported but more importantly uncovers signifi-
cant misclassification and subsequent sub optimal management of
chronic kidney disease. Definitive estimates of prevalence await
ongoing screening studies. In the meantime, Primary Care
physicians should consider the use of automatic methods to re-
classify their CKD population as this may lead to both improved
outcomes for patients and reduced workload for primary care
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: PJ MC PC RJM. Performed the
experiments: PJ MC PC RJM. Analyzed the data: PJ MC PC RJM.
Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: PJ MC PC RJM. Wrote the
paper: PJ MC PC RJM.
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