Homeopathic Medicine
By Dr. Athos Stavrou Othonos
Homeopathic Medical Doctor
1.1 Hippocratic Theory of Temperaments
1.2 The World of Dualism/Diversity
1.3 The World of Uniqueness
1.4 Heraclitus Theory of Complementary Opposites
1.5 The Yin-Yang Theory
1.6 Acute Illness is but relapse of Chronic Miasmatic Illness
1.7 The energy nature of Chronic Predispositions for Illness
1.8 Psoric Miasm
1.9 Sycotic Miasm
1.10 Syphilitic Miasm
1.11 Are Miasms only three?
2.1 Important clarifications
2.2 Psoric: slow, meticulous thinking
2.3 Sycotic: quick, yet shallow thinking
2.4 Syphilitic: intentional and perverted thinking
2.5 Psorics God is stern Zeus!
2.6 Sycotics God is the pleasure-seeker Dionysus!
2.7 Syphilitics God is his own selfish ego
2.8 Psoric is a moral idealist of the kind of Don Quixote
2.9 Sycotic is the big spender, indifferent to any moral principle
2.10 Syphilitic has only one moral principle: dominance!
2.11. Psoric thinking is defined by Superego and Conscience
2.12 Sycotic thinking is defined by his urges for pleasure
2.13 Mind/Intellectual Psyche, by nature, tends towards arbitrariness
2.14 Perverted Thinking is in fact, Syphilitic Thinking!
2.15 Psoric is introverted and suppressed
2.16 Sycotic is both extroverted and expressive
2.17 Syphilitic hides or disguises his real intentions
2.18 Psoric usually suffers from lack of self-confidence
2.19 Psoric egoism has to do with spiritual fame
2.20 Sycotic Egoism has to do with him being a tough man/wide
boy/smooth operator
2.21 Syphilitic Egoism has to do with total dominance on others
3.1 Psoric has deep, fixed and controlled feelings
3.2 Sycotic has shallow yet extreme and fleeting feelings
3.3 Syphilitic emotions are, as a rule, negative, deliberate or hypocritical
3.4 Psoric sadness is romantic melancholy and introversion
3.5 Psoric joy is sincere and unintentional
3.6 Sycotic joy is bread and circuses
3.7 Sadness drives Sycotic to excesses in order to forget
3.8 Syphilitic joy has to do with successful dominance over others
3.9 Syphilitic sadness has to do with failure of dominance over others
3.10 Psoric suppresses his anger
3.11 Sycotic anger is like a gale
3.12 Syphilitic anger is violent and destructive
3.13 Psoric fears are chronic, tormenting and existential
3.14 Sycotic usually hasnt got any fears since he is quite indifferent
3.15 Syphilitic fears have to do with failure to dominate others
3.16 Psoric is either a pessimist or an optimistic dreamer
3.17 Sycotic is usually optimistic especially when he feels strong and
3.18 Syphilitic is optimistic or pessimistic according to his success in his
egoistic goals
3.19 Psoric Intellectual Love is deep, intense and idealized
3.20 Sycotic Intellectual Love is earthly and shallow
3.21 Sycotic doesnt hate; he is simply pissed off
3.22 Syphilitics Intellectual Love is actually attachment on dominance
over others
3.23 Hate, envy, malice, hypocrisy, jealousy and revenge are syphilitic
3.24 Criteria for the differentiation of Intellectual Love from
Conscience/Spiritual Love
4.1 Psoric Behavior is controlled and restrained
4.2 Psoric tends to become the perfect victim of any syphilitic authority
4.3 Psoric suffers because of his attachments to people and ideas
4.4 Psoric lives in his own idealized, romantic world
4.5 Sycotic doesnt give a damn about the morality of his behavior!
4.6 Sycotic worships gods like Dionysus, Ares, Aphrodite or Artemis
4.7 Sycotic is proud to be manly, strong and a tough guy!
4.8 Sycotic is only interest in easy and fun life
4.9 Perverted behavior is definitely Syphilitic Behavior!
4.10 Syphilitic rejects or perverts any rule in relation to form, function,
purpose of existence or esthetics
4.11 Syphilitic kids or teenagers are possessed by destructive reactionary
4.12 Syphilitic parents are dominant and suppressive
4.13 Syphilitic rulers are cruel, suppressive and hypocritical
4.14 Comparative Human Typology
To the mind of the contemporary average person, the word miasm
sounds strange and repulsive. A mass of dirty air that smells
unpleasantly, that is the explanation of the term given by the dictionary,
nowadays. At the time that Homeopathy was first introduced by
Hahnemann, the Bacterial Theory was not yet put forward. So, the
prevailing theory was that the cause of epidemics were miasms, that is,
filthy substances that could be transmitted by air or via water and infect
Even nowadays, many patients and doctors, have a false understanding of
the terms Psoric, Sycotic and Syphilitic Miasms employed by
Hahnemann. They think that he refers to those Chronic Predispositions
imposed to humanity through centuries by the infection from the
corresponding three diseases, i.e. Psora, Sycosis (gonorrhea) and
Nevertheless, this is totally wrong! Hahnemann considered that the true
causes of any disease, that is, the true causes of Illness in general, are of
dynamic, etheric, energy nature. And that is the reason why he
developed, accordingly, energy means of cure, i.e. homeopathic
I believe that Hahnemann introduced the terms Psoric, Sycotic and
Syphilitic to describe the three different kinds of Miasms, merely for
mnemonic reasons. He, simply, chose the three diseases that presented
the typical characteristics of each miasm on the physical level and named
each miasma after them.
That doesnt mean that Miasms are diseases merely on the physical level
of existence. In fact, Miasms are imbalances of the Etheric Body of
human being, which in turn, cause multiple imbalances of the Physical
and Psychic Level. The same is also true for Idiosyncrasies that
correspond to homeopathic medicines.
To put it in a few words, Psoric Miasm is the disorder of Yin Etheric
Energy, Sycotic Miasm is the disorder of Yang Etheric Energy and
Syphilitic Miasm is the perversion of Yin and Yang Etheric Energies.
Furthermore, homeopathic clinical experience showed that, even from
birth, all human beings already carry with them these Miasms, these
Energy Etheric Disorders. Sooner or later, these Miasms will produce
Illness on the Physical and Psychic Level.
I will not analyze any further the concept of Miasms, since this is the
main theme of this book. Nevertheless, in all previous books of mine,
either medical or philosophical, you will find a lot of references on the
Miasmatic Theory either in the form of Miasmatic Idiosyncratic
Diagnosis or in the form of Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Materia Medica
(Pharmacology). Moreover, in many of my philosophical books I relate
Miasms to all different areas of knowledge, such as Religion, the Fall of
Human Kind, Evolution of Universe, Universal Laws, Art, Science,
Society, etc.
Any deep knowledge, especially Homeopathy, cannot be laid down cut
off from all other fields of knowledge, since according to the Universal
Law of Unity and Diversion All are One and from One come all.
1.1 Hippocratic Theory of Temperaments
1.2 The World of Dualism/Diversity
1.3 The World of Uniqueness
1.4 Heraclitus Theory of Complementary Opposites
1.5 The Yin-Yang Theory
1.6 Acute Illness is but relapse of Chronic Miasmatic Illness
1.7 The energy nature of Chronic Predispositions for Illness
1.8 Psoric Miasm
1.9 Sycotic Miasm
1.10 Syphilitic Miasm
1.11 Are Miasms only three?
1.1 Hippocratic Theory of Temperaments
Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, was probably the first one to
classify human beings into four Temperaments according to the mixing
of the four humors/fluids that circulate into human body. These four
primary fluids were called blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black
Nowadays, there are many other terms used instead of Temperaments, i.e.
Constitutions, Idiosyncrasies, Human Types, etc. These Temperaments
were responsible for the differences in body structure, physical
characteristics and functions as well as psychological characteristics.
At this point someone would be justified to say: OK, I can accept
blood and yellow bile but its pure nonsense to talk about black
bile and phlegm! Most probably at the time of Hippocrates they knew
very little about human physiology. Yet, we must always bear in mind
that in Ancient Times wise people used symbols a great deal in order to
explain deeper knowledge to the average person.
For example, when Pre-Socratic Philosophers referred to the creation of
Natural World theyve used symbolic expressions like Earth, Water,
Air and Fire to refer to primary elements. Earth probably
corresponded to the solid state of matter, Water to the fluid state of
matter, Air to the airy state of matter and Fire to the energy state. The
mixing of these four primary elements was responsible for the creation of
the great variety of things, energies and creatures of Nature.
A similar symbolism was adopted by Eastern Philosophers and was used
in Acupuncture Theory of the Five Elements: Earth, Water, Air, Wood
and Metal. In the Old Testament, God created Universe in seven days
which is obviously a symbolic way to refer to periods of time or
Even nowadays, the Science of Astronomy uses symbolic terms to
describe celestial bodies or phenomena. For example, scientists talk about
Black Holes, White Holes, Dwarf Stars, etc. If our modern
civilization was destroyed suddenly and after thousands of years people
of that era read todays astronomical scripts they would laugh if they
translated these terms literally and not symbolically.
We should bear in mind that most ancient scientists like Hippocrates were
also wise men initiated into Esoteric Knowledge of their times or of
previous times. Ancient Esoteric Philosophy talks about the Etheric Body
of Man/Aura/Vital Energy that consists of the mixing of four different
types of etheric energy. This mixing is responsible for the vast variety of
individual etheric bodies.
Someone could say that its foolish to believe that from the mixing of
only four primary etheric states such a vast variety could be the outcome.
Nevertheless, this is a common thing in Universe and most important its
simply the result of the application of the Universal Law of Unity/Variety.
For example, the numerous chemical compounds naturally existing are
but the combination of about 100 simple elements of the Periodic Table
of Elements. Moreover, these 100 elements are but the combination of
only three subatomic particles, i.e. proton, neutron and electron!
Not only Science can furnish us with examples of this Universal Law. Let
me give you some more relevant examples. The numerous words of any
language come from only 20-25 letters of the alphabet. Mors code comes
from the combination of only two primary elements, the dot and the dash.
Confectionery uses a handful of primary materials (sugar, milk,
chocolate, flour, butter and eggs) to create numerous cakes, pastries, etc.
The three basic colors when mixed create numerous shades while the
seven notes in music when combined are responsible for numerous
melodies. In the Science of Computers, the combination of two main
primary electrical states is enough when it comes to help storage
uncountable information.
Lets go back to the four Hippocratic Temperaments: Melancholic,
Phlegmatic, Sanguine and Choleric.
Melancholic is the feeble physically and introverted psychologically
person who tends to react to external stimuli by defense and withdrawal.
He is pessimistic and prone to melancholy. He has difficulties in enjoying
life because he is hindered by ideologies and even unjustified guilt.
Phlegmatic is strong yet slow; stable and persistent; he reacts in a calm
way and with persistence; he has very good organizing skills.
Sanguine is the opposite of Melancholic. He is strong and active
physically and extroverted psychologically; he is also very expressive and
plethoric. He reacts intensely; he fights back; he is offensive. He tends
towards enjoying pleasures of life; he is direct; his emotion is intense yet
shallow. His mood is very changeable; he is impulsive, optimistic and
Choleric is strong physically and perverted psychologically. He tends to
be dominant, egoistic, aggressive and even violent or cruel. He is critical,
negative towards others and his emotions and behavior are unpredictable
most of the times.
1.2 The World of Dualism/Diversity
We live in the World of Dualism/Diversity. Space can be classified in up
and down, right and left, in and out; objects can be characterized as long
and short, high and low, wide and narrow. Time has qualities like fast and
slow, old and new. Materials have qualities like hard and soft, rough and
smooth, black and white, heavy and light and so on.
Weather conditions are also classified into opposite qualities: windy and
calm, rainy and dry, hot and cold. Nature Forces come into pairs of
opposites: gravity and buoyancy, action and reaction, low and high, of
this direction and of the opposite direction. Lower Energies like
Magnetism (South and North Pole) and Electricity (negative and positive)
also come into opposite pairs.
Organs of living organisms apart from the state of balance may be in a
state of hypofunction or hyperfunction. Etheric Energy of living creatures
has two opposite and complementary forms, i.e. Yin and Yang Energy.
Cosmic Etheric Energy also is found in two opposite forms. Wilhelm
Reich named these two opposite forms as OR (Orgone) and DOR
(Deadly Orgone).
Thought-forms of Psychic World and Individual Thoughts also come into
pairs of positive-negative or higher-lower. Emotions also exist in pairs of
positive-negative and the same is also true about Behaviors.
What does that mean? Why is this happening? Is it accidental or is it the
direct result of a fundamental Universal Law?
1.3 The World of Uniqueness
From the above examples we come to the conclusion that this duality
characterizes all things and states of the Material World, the Lower
Energy World, the Etheric World and the Lower Psychic World. To be
more precise, we dont have to do with duality but with diversity since the
two opposites are the two far ends of a certain united spectrum ranging
from one far end to the other.
As the quality of the one opposite increases the quality of the other
opposite decreases proportionately. For example, we usually say that
there are only two opposite poles of white and black. Nevertheless, there
are numerous shades/tints of grey in between. The same is true for all
opposites, for example heat and cold, up and down, day and night, etc.
However, Individual Conscience Psyche, Higher Psychic World and
Spiritual World arent characterized by duality/diversity. Conscience
Psyche or what we usually call Moral Conscience has a unique content
by nature. There are no good and bad or good and evil in it.
Theres only kindness, a unique state of kindness.
This unique, higher state of kindness isnt defined or affected by human
criteria or expediency or by human subjectivity of any kind. The content
of Conscience Psyche is unique, objective and absolute due to its close
relation to the Spiritual World.
The exact same qualities characterize Platos Ideas that exist in the
World of Ideas. The latter is identical to the Spiritual World or Heaven
of Christians.
Let me point out an analogy for better comprehension of this Duality-
Diversity/Uniqueness concept. Its the analogy of Center/Circumference
of a Circle/Wheel. There are numerous points at the circumference and all
of them have their opposites that lay on the opposite point of the diameter
of the circle. These opposites are called diametrically opposites and their
distance from the center of the cycle is the same although in opposite
If we start decreasing this distance there will be a time that these two
diametrically opposite points will become one since they will move to the
center of the cycle. They will become one and the same thing.
Circumference corresponds to the Duality/Diversity World and is
characterized by a never ending diversity. Any material/state of this
World has its diametrically opposite material/state and although opposite
qualities they are, at the same time, complementary. The Center of the
Cycle corresponds to the World of Uniqueness. There is no duality,
opposites or diversity there; theres only uniqueness.
If we could talk about the absolute center of the Universe or if we could
talk about the Creator / God / Supreme Being who is above and
beyond the Creation / Universe then we should say that he is the one
and only, the sole, the ONE. Thats the reason why Christian Religion
says that God is omnipresent and fills everything. Jesus, in an
attempt to show the unity of his Individual Spirit with the Spirit of the
Creator said I am one with the Father and the Father is one with me; we
are one thing.
Heraclitus, the Ancient Greek philosopher is, undoubtedly, the one that
has deeply understood this concept of diversion/uniqueness. I quote some
of his sayings:
-The All State/Whole is divisible and indivisible, born and unborn,
mortal and immortal, son and father, justice and god
-All those that have listened not to me but to the Word/Logos they will
wisely agree that all/everything is one
-All are interconnected: the set and the non set, the converging and the
diverging, chord and monody; all are combined to One and from that One
all originate
1.4 Heraclitus Theory of Complementary Opposites
Its of outmost importance to comprehend the seemingly paradox of the
unity and complementary nature of opposites. Materialistic/Mechanical
Thinking cannot comprehend this unity of opposites; Materialistic Logic
supports that opposites are opposites and similar are similar. Theres a
high insurmountable wall between them. Black and white cannot have
any meeting point among them; anything black doesnt have the least
amount of white in it and vice versa.
Mechanical Thinking is but a short-sighted logic because in the World of
Duality/Diversity that we live in there are no clear cut boundaries among
all things and states. All things and states are relevant; they arent
absolute. For example, black is more black than grey and grey is more
black than white while white is more black than milk-white.
There are some feminine hormones in a male and there are also male
hormones in a female. Water is cold compared to steam; nevertheless,
water is hot compared to ice. A seemingly standing man participates
simultaneously in four kinds of motion without any effort: he rotates
around the axis of the Earth; he rotates around the Sun following the
rotation of Earth around the Sun; following the Sun orbit he rotates
around the Galaxy; finally, following the Galaxys motion he is moving
far away from the center of the Universe after the Big Bang!
Dialectical/Natural/Universal Thinking is closer to life and reality only
because its in accordance to the Universal Law of Uniqueness/Diversion
and to the Universal Law of Eternal Flow. Heraclitus, can, undoubtedly,
be considered the Father of Dialectical Thinking, so I will just lay down
some of his sayings, relevant to our subject in discussion.
-Everything is in a state of flux
-Opposing is useful; the best assembly comes from opposites
-All are born from controversy
-Uphill road and downhill road are one and the same
-God is day-night, Winter-Summer, war-peace, satiation-hunger
-Alive and dead, awakened and sleeping, young and old are the same;
from the transformation of the one comes the other and vice versa
-As God is concerned, everything is beautiful, good and fair while
people consider some things as fair and some as unfair
-If you draw a circle, beginning and end coincide
-Cold things become warm, warm things become cold, moist things
become dry and dry things become moist
1.5 The Yin-Yang Theory
We have already mentioned Heraclitus Theory of Complementary
Opposites. Theres a similar, not to say identical, theory developed in
the East, also since ancient times. Its the Theory of Yin-Yang.
According to the latter, all things and states of the Material World, Lower
Energy World, Etheric World and Psychic World can be characterized by
Yin or Yang qualities.
Some characteristics of Yin:
Matter, cold, negative, thin, soft, Earth, slow, stable, weak, feminine, dry,
conservative, saving, hypofunction, constipation
Relevant characteristics of Yang:
Energy, hot, positive, thick, hard, Sky, fast, changeable, strong,
masculine, moist, liberal, wasting, hyperfunction, diarrhea
The most important principles of Yin-Yang Theory:
1. In the World of Uniqueness Yin and Yang are one and the same
2. In the World of Diversity all things and states have either Yin or
Yang qualities
3. Yin and Yang are complementary opposites
4. Theres a constant transformation of Ying to Yang and vice versa
5. As Yin increases, Yang decreases proportionately and vice versa
6. The more Yin increases the more the tendency of Yang to come
back increases and vice versa, so as balance be preserved (as in
motion of a pendulum)
7. There isnt any state of absolute Yin or absolute Yang; even in the
strongest state of Yin theres a slight amount of Yang and vice
8. The existence of Yin presupposes the simultaneous existence of
Yang and vice versa
According to Yin-Yang Theory, the State of Health is but the balance of
Yin-Yang. All things that affect the Material and Etheric Level of a man
are predominantly yin or yang: food, air, weather conditions, lower
energies, etheric energy, etc. The same is true for all things that affect his
Psychic Level: thoughts, emotions, behaviors, etc.
When an intense Yin or Yang factor acts for long on a certain person,
then, after some time, a corresponding Yin or Yang energy imbalance,
sets in. Any chronic energy imbalance irritates the persons Chronic
Predispositions and corresponding diseases of Yin or Yang qualities are
the outcome. Any therapeutic effort is focused in balancing Yin-Yang
1.6 Acute Illness is but relapse of Chronic Miasmatic Illness
At the beginning of 19
Century, the career of Samuel Hahnemann, a
German doctor, after 20 years of practicing Homeopathy, came to a
standstill. He could cure Acute Diseases quite efficiently, yet, the same
Acute Disease tended to come back again and again, most of the times. It
seemed as if these Acute Diseases were but relapses of the same Chronic
State of Illness of that specific person.
What was the deep cause of these Chronic Predispositions for Illness?
In order to be able to give a satisfying answer to the above question, he
studied as closely as he could, the course of several Acute Diseases. He
noticed that, as a rule, any Acute Illness ends up either in cure or in death
if it was a severe one. If the organism is strong he wins the game and cure
is the result. If the organism is very weak then Illness wins the game and
death is the outcome.
What if the organism is of medium strength and the result of this fight is a
draw, a compromise? Then, Chronic Illness with relapses of Acute
Exacerbations is the result; a tug-of-war sets in. This presupposes a
Chronic Predisposition for Illness and since he thought that this is
transferred genetically from generation to generation, he called it a
Miasm according to medical terminology of his times.
1.7 The energy nature of Chronic Predispositions for Illness
However, whats the nature of this Chronic Predisposition for Illness? For
Hahnemann it was clear that Man isnt just a Material Body, an organism
consisting of cooperating organs. Being a Christian, he considered Man
as a triadic unity, i.e. Body, Psyche and Spirit. His medical experience
confirmed to him that Illness was affecting both body and psyche.
At his times, there was a controversy between materialists who
supported that only matter exists and vitalists. The latter believed that
matter, itself, cannot be considered as responsible for the phenomenon of
life. They introduced the hypothesis that there is a Vital Energy that gives
life to the body and is responsible for the phenomena of Health and
Illness. This Vital Energy (Etheric Level) is the intermediate level
connecting Psyche and Body.
Any imbalance of this Vital Energy coming from several external causes
or internal causes (psychological factors) results in imbalance of Body
downwards and imbalance of Psyche upwards. So, Hahnemann
considered Illness as a primary energy state that secondarily affects
Material and Psychic Level. Since Illness is of energy-etheric nature, then
Miasms are also of similar etheric nature.
Miasms are the congenital negative energy legacy of any individual. They
are responsible for his Chronic Predispositions and for the tendency for
imbalance and Illness. Chronic Illness is directly connected to Miasms
and Acute Illnesses are the result of combination of Chronic Illness and
way of life.
1.8 Psoric Miasm
After studying numerous patients for years, Hahnemann found several
tendencies that could be grouped in one grand Miasm, which he called
Psoric. Psoric Miasm and Psora, the Itch disease, arent identical. The
one is a more broad, energy entity while the other is a certain, clinical
picture (sum of symptoms/signs) of a skin Disease, defined by human
criteria. Psoric Miasm does not origin from the Itch Disease. The
selection of this terminology was done merely as a reminder since the
Itch Disease has some of the typical characteristics of Psoric Miasm.
This Itch Disease tends to develop in individuals that are predominantly
affected by Psoric Miasm, yet, it can also be found in individuals
influenced by Sycotic or Syphilitic Miasm. We must also bear in mind
that all individuals are affected by all three Miasms, yet, in different
degree. During a lifetime, a certain individual can be affected in different
percentage by the three Miasms and thus it can change from being psoric
to being sycotic or syphilitic.
Hahnemann went further and described the anatomic characteristics,
functional characteristics and Morbid Predispositions of individuals
influenced by the Psoric Miasm which are:
Anatomic Characteristics:
Shrinking and atrophy of tissues and organs
Functional Characteristics:
Hypofunction, hypo-secretion, dryness of skin and mucous membranes
Morbid Predispositions:
Hypothyroidism, Constipation, Indigestion, Scanty Menstruation, etc
1.9 Sycotic Miasm
Since we live in the World of Duality/Diversion for every state theres a
corresponding opposite complementary one. The opposite of Psoric
Miasm is the Sycotic Miasm. Again its not an identical state to Sycosis
a certain kind of gonorrhea. The latter isnt an energy entity; its only a
disease that has some of the typical characteristics of Sycotic Miasm.
Going through the characteristics of Sycotic Miasm, one can easily see
that it corresponds to the qualities of Yang tendency while Psoric Miasm
corresponds to the qualities of Yin tendency.
Anatomic Characteristics:
Hypertrophy of tissues and organs like for example, warts, moles,
condyloma, fibromyoma, prostate hypertrophy, thyroid nodes,
hypertrophic tonsils, adenoids, etc.
Functional Characteristics:
Hyperfunction and increase of secretions
Morbid Predispositions:
Hyperthyroidism, Recurrent Urine Infections, Recurrent Vaginitis, Cysts
of Ovaries, Fibromyoma, Allergies, Humid Asthma, etc,
1.10 Syphilitic Miasm
Gradually, Hahnemann observed that not all symptoms can be classified
as being either psoric or sycotic. There is another state that has as its main
characteristic the perversion of natural form or function and this he called
the Syphilitic Miasm. We must once more make clear that the latter isnt
an identical state with the disease Syphilis. The term works only as a
reminder since Syphilis has some of the typical characteristics of the
Syphilitic Miasm, i.e. distortion of organs and perversion of functions.
Anatomic Characteristics:
Distortion or destruction of natural anatomy of tissues and organs
Functional Characteristics:
Perversion of natural function of tissues and organs
Morbid Predispositions:
Melanoma, Syphilis, Degenerative Diseases, etc
1.11 Are Miasms only three?
Nowadays, theres a tendency from some homeopathic doctors to support
the idea of many more Miasms than the primary ones. I strongly
believe that in life and moreover, in Science, whatever we believe in,
must be based on Universal Laws if we want to stay tuned to reality and
truth. Or else, we may end up like psychologists! Each one creates a new
School believing that he has the absolute truth!
Miasms are only three and will remain that way, simply because they
correspond to fundamental states of the World of Duality/Diversion.
Psoric Miasm corresponds to Yin Tendency, Sycotic Miasm corresponds
to Yang Tendency and Syphilitic Miasm corresponds to the tendency for
perversion/destruction of natural state.
All those new Miasms like the Tubercular or Cancerous arent
general, naturally existing Tendencies. They are simply morbific
influences with limited anatomic and functional boundaries so they cant
be called as General Tendencies, as Miasms.
This new fashion for the discovery of new Miasms comes from the
false idea that Miasms origin from the influence, through centuries, of
certain wide-spread diseases like for example Psora-the Itch Disease,
Sycosis-Gonorrhea and Syphilis. Well, this isnt true! Moreover,
Hahnemann never proposed such a thing. The utilization of this
terminology was done simply as a reminder of the characteristics of each
Let me give you an analogy. If Earth-soil has the characteristics of Yin
and Sky has the characteristics of Yang that doesnt mean that the clouds
or the sea or the winds can be considered as new General Tendencies
equal to Yin and Yang. Soil is simply a symbolism of the solid state of
matter while sky is a symbolism of the aerial state of matter. We should
never confuse symbols and analogies with the naturally existing Reality!
Furthermore, Hahnemann believed that Psoric Miasm, the mother of all
Miasms, originated from human egoism/vanity. Psoric Miasm came to
existence only after the Fall of Our First Fathers due to the Original
Sin according to Christianity. This myth or prehistoric event is
described in many mythologies, cultures and religions.
It corresponds to a universal event, i.e. the Fall of Human Kind from
Heaven/Spiritual World/World of Uniqueness to the World of
Duality/Diversion. Only then, in the World of Duality, Illness can exist
along with its opposite, i.e. Health. Only then - in the World of Duality
energy entities like Miasms that are responsible for Chronic Illness, can
In conclusion, in my opinion, Psoric, Sycotic and Syphilitic Miasms are
the only true Miasms since they correspond to universally existing
tendencies. Everything else are pure human arbitrary presumptions of
ambitious experts. As Kent says: There are no authorities in Science;
only Laws!
2.1 Important clarifications
2.2 Psoric: slow, meticulous thinking
2.3 Sycotic: quick, yet shallow thinking
2.4 Syphilitic: intentional and perverted thinking
2.5 Psorics God is stern Zeus!
2.6 Sycotics God is the pleasure-seeker Dionysus!
2.7 Syphilitics God is his own selfish ego
2.8 Psoric is a moral idealist of the kind of Don Quixote
2.9 Sycotic is the big spender, indifferent to any moral principle
2.10 Syphilitic has only one moral principle: dominance!
2.11. Psoric thinking is defined by Superego and Conscience
2.12 Sycotic thinking is defined by his urges for pleasure
2.13 Mind/Intellectual Psyche, by nature, tends towards arbitrariness
2.14 Perverted Thinking is in fact, Syphilitic Thinking!
2.15 Psoric is introverted and suppressed
2.16 Sycotic is both extroverted and expressive
2.17 Syphilitic hides or disguises his real intentions
2.18 Psoric usually suffers from lack of self-confidence
2.19 Psoric egoism has to do with spiritual fame
2.20 Sycotic Egoism has to do with him being a tough man/wide
boy/smooth operator
2.21 Syphilitic Egoism has to do with total dominance on others
2.1 Important clarifications
Its time to proceed to a detailed description of the deeper qualities of the
three Miasms. In order to do that, I will describe comparatively a typical
Psoric, Sycotic and Syphilitic individual. Nevertheless, I must emphasize
on the fact that, in everyday life theres isnt such a thing as an
absolutely Psoric or absolutely Sycotic or Syphilitic individual.
Any individual is but the mixture of all three Miasms at a specific
proportion. Furthermore, any individual keeps changing in regard to its
miasmatic and idiosyncratic influences during his lifetime and this is in
accordance to the Universal Law of Eternal Flow.
So, in everyday life, when we say that a certain person is a Psoric person
we always mean that he is a predominantly Psoric person; a person who
is primarily Psoric and secondarily Sycotic and Syphilitic. I must also
stress that during the following description I mainly refer to the most
typical characteristics of the miasmatic individuals. In addition, most of
the times I refer to their extreme expressions, in order to impress their
picture to the mind of the reader.
Yet, the most important clarification that must be emphasized is: I never
put myself in favor of this or that Miasm! All three Miasms are but
disorders; deviations from normal state, from balance. Thats the reason
why they always cause Illness both on the physical and the psychic level.
The point isnt to choose that Miasm that is less harmful; the point is to
get acquainted with all three of them and try to get over them as much as
possible. The same thing stands bold also for Idiosyncrasies; they are also
energy imbalances affecting human beings; there arent good and bad
Its more than probable that the reader, during this description, will
automatically try to reach a diagnosis in regard to his own miasmatic
composition. This is inevitable. Yet, he mustnt identify himself with a
certain miasm because the individual is one thing and miasmatic
influences are another.
Miasms and Idiosyncrasies are external influences to our Inner Self. The
sum of their influences creates an External Self imposed on us and thats
one of the reasons for human individuality. These influences (External
Self) keep changing while our Inner Self stays, more or less, out of their
However, some readers wont be able to avoid identifying themselves
with the described miasmatic qualities and behavior. Some of them will
even feel offended and this may result to the rejection of Miasmatic
Theory for reasons of psychological defense.
I have no intention to accuse or judge anyone. As much as Miasms
influence others they also influence me. Miasms affect all human living
beings. Theres not only one fox crop-tailed; we are all born crop-
tailed. Whats more important is what each one of us does in order to get
over this fact so as to become healthy and happy. Besides, if anyone feels
balanced and moreover, if he is absolutely balanced, he has neither the
need nor the motive to read this book!
2.2 Psoric: slow, meticulous thinking
Psoric is a slow thinking individual. Sycotic is fast, yet shallow and
changeable. Syphilitic is fast and unpredictable. Psoric thinking is very
well organized and classified; fastidious and meticulous. He is so
meticulous when it comes to classification of things that he becomes rigid
or extremely rational. He is the typical fussy/finicky person; the sticker
or perfectionist.
His memory is well organized and classified. Due to his tendency for
absolute classification of things in similar and opposites he tends towards
Mechanical Thinking. This decreases his capacity for imagination and
makes him less spontaneous. As a rule, he is fan of Tradition, of stability,
of non change.
2.3 Sycotic: quick, yet shallow thinking
Sycotic thinking tends to rule out any hierarchical organization; he is not
fond of organization; he tends towards sloppiness. Its not that he isnt
capable of such a thing; its that he considers it a waste of time; time that
could have been spent on pleasure. There are so many things much more
pleasant than dealing with organization or classification of things.
He is so impulsive, so passionate, so great fan of pleasure! Duty, order,
laws and conservative logic seem so strange to him, so wet-blanket. So,
he tends to be a shallow thinker. He couldnt care less about such things;
he doesnt bother; he is allergic to such things. He isnt the
intellectual guy; not even close! Its Psoric people that are, as a rule,
intellectual individuals.
His imagination has no rules or taboos, yet, it isnt complex or well
organized. Nevertheless, if he starts imagining something he will do it in
an intense way. Contrary to the psoric person, Sycotic is very
spontaneous. He is fan of change; fan of revolution, yet always in the
sense of ruling out any kind of restrictions, any kind of taboos, traditional
principles or moral values that could restrict his tendency for pleasure
even the least.
2.4 Syphilitic: intentional and perverted thinking
Syphilitic thinking isnt either loose or rigid; its intentional, deliberate
and perverted; its cunning. His thoughts are driven not by any kind of
moral principles but by his egoism, by his egoistic intentions and plans.
He tends to interpret facts in a convenient egoistic way thus perverting
truth and reality.
He is, as a rule, very mistrustful; he combines facts in a strange way
doing all kinds of thoughts disputing truth and intentions of others; he
disputes all things, even the most profound ones; he perverts truth. He
destroys any sense of structure, hierarchy or principles. His imagination is
perverted in the sense of destruction of shape, form, hierarchy or
harmony. Perversion and destruction are the main tendencies.
2.5 Psorics God is stern Zeus!
Psoric is fan of order, hierarchy, rightness and morality, yet not in a
natural and conscious manner. His attitude towards the Divine isnt free,
relaxed or flexible. He tends to exaggerate; to idealize tremendously.
For him, God is something very high above; out of reach or
comprehension; absolute and mysterious; so far away from him, so high
above. Compared to God he is so small, so worthless, trivial and
insignificant. So, he must exercise absolute respect, and absolute faith; he
must surrender to the Creator!
In fact, Psoric tends towards fear of God. He also tends to feel guilt for
his sins. His weaknesses and flaws are in such a terrible contrast to his
idealized perfectness, rightness, fairness and kindness of God. His God is
stern Zeus or even cruel Jehovah of the Old Testament.
However, he could also easily believe not to the cruel, stern Jehovah of
the Old Testament but to the kind and full of love Jesus of the New
Testament. In such a case, he would be characterized by extreme and
idealized love and kindness towards people. You see, whats common in
both seemingly contrary attitudes is, once again, the tendency for psoric,
exaggerated idealization.
He tends to place God far above in Heaven while he is far low on Earth.
His attitude towards the Divine is a mixture of fear, idealization, respect
of child towards his father, submission of student towards his Master,
awe/wonder of the ignorant towards Authority, worship of mortal towards
Immortal, hope of the troubled human being towards his Savior. He
definitely believes in the eternal war of Evil and Good, of Devil and God.
Does that mean that a psoric person cant be an atheist? Of course, not!
He could well be an atheist scientist who is very fond of the wisdom of
Nature. He will have an absolute faith towards Nature and Natural Laws.
Can you see the same psoric attitude? He replaces God with Nature!
Again, he idealizes Nature and has the same submissive absolute attitude
towards it. Once again, he strongly believes in moral principles in an
absolute manner.
You must always bear in mind that the same Primary Behavior can end
up in various and even contrary, Secondary Behaviors. The primary
tendency is the same, yet, due to family, educational and social reasons it
can evolve in various Secondary Behaviors. Its similar to a genotype that
can end up in different phenotypes.
2.6 Sycotics God is pleasure-seeker Dionysus!
Sycotic individual can adopt various attitudes towards the Divine.
Nevertheless, all these attitudes will be characterized by the same
shallowness, indifference, coolness or reaction against any restriction of
pleasure seeking.
His usual attitude is: OK, lets say that God exists. So, what? Nobody
knows where he is and what he does. Does that have anything to do with
our lives? Whats the point of arguing about it? Why dont we mind our
business and try to enjoy our lives and let God to priests and
For Sycotic, God is something puzzling and incomprehensible. Just like
the Theory of Relativity or like the question Is there Extraterrestrial
Life? Why bother trouble his mind about it? Theres no practical point
about it since it doesnt affect his life. There are so many other touchable,
earthly and meaningful themes for him: women if he is a man or men if
she is a woman, sex, pleasure, hanging out with dudes, sports, survival,
etc. The main thing is to enjoy life to extremes with the least effort.
He is definitely the man of pleasure! Any stern and dominant God that
demands self-control and restricts pleasure is definitely his enemy. Thats
why he doesnt get along well with priests, hypocrites, preachers, monks,
gurus, religious people, etc. As long as church and priests dont interfere
in his pleasure-seeking life hes got no problem with them. If they try to
impose any kind of restrictions upon his life then he may start yelling or
cursing priests, religions and even God.
He isnt against God per se. He, simply, has a natural aversion to all those
pseudo-humble hypocrites, all those representatives of God that make
his life miserable. He considers them wet blankets to say the least or
idiots. They dont enjoy their lives and on top of that they want others
also to do so. If those hypocrites bust his balls then he may declare
himself an atheist in order to get them off his back.
Its easy to discriminate this attitude from the psoric idealist atheist
mentioned previously. Sycotic atheist isnt an idealist. He is either atheist
out of reaction to priests or out of indifference for such meaningless
Can a Sycotic be fan of religion? Strange enough, yes, he can! However,
he is going to be a tough and brave fan that looks straight into the
eyes of his God. You see, his God is more human and more perceptible
than Psorics God.
Its the case of Zorbas the Greek, the hero of Kazantzakis Nikos.
Zorbas is a fighter and at the same time a great spender who likes to
enjoy the pleasures of life without any kind of guilt or hesitation. He is
full of joy, a great dancer and a great lover. His God is Nature with all its
beautiful things. His God is his pal, his dude and his close-friend.
Zorbas understands God more as a human being. His God has strong
emotions and great urges. His sycotic God enjoys life to the full. You see,
sycotic man sees God as a combination of Dionysus and Ares while
sycotic woman sees God as a combination of Aphrodite and Artemis. He,
definitely, has nothing to do with goddess Hera or goddess Athena!
2.7 Syphilitics God is his own selfish ego
Syphilitic individual cannot accept any kind of God being above himself;
a God that rules and controls him. If he isnt an atheist then his God is
adapted to his plans and expediencies. Someone could say: Isnt that
what we all do, either psoric, sycotic or syphilitic? The answer is yes
since everyone creates in his mind a God who is in the image of
himself. Nevertheless, in the case of Syphilitic this is carried out to its
Moreover, Syphilitic doesnt create a God in order to worship him; in fact
he creates a God in order to use and abuse him. He employs God in a
conscious or maybe in a semi-conscious manner in order to achieve his
selfish, egoistic, dominant goals.
This is his Primary Behavior, yet, in everyday life this Primary Behavior
may end up in various forms of Secondary Behaviors: from the one
extreme of complete and crying rejection of God to the other extreme of
seemingly absolute faith. The whole spectrum of these secondary
behaviors is characterized by two syphilitic qualities: exaggeration and
conscious expediency.
Most of the times, Syphilitic chooses not to be an atheist. Instead, he
chooses to be a seemingly great fan of God and religion. He doesnt stop
declaring his absolute faith to God towards everyone. He goes to
church regularly; he attends all rituals; he speaks with kindness and
piety; he does charity in the most ostentatious way; quite often he
declares himself publicly as humble, faithful and self-controlled
yet his words dont much his actions at all!
Pharisees are the most typical examples of syphilitic individuals:
hypocrisy, meanness, envy, tendency for domination, power and
authority, well hidden lust, mistrustfulness, ulterior motives, expediency,
showing off, pompousness, pseudo-humbleness, pride, arrogance and
As mentioned previously, Syphilitic may also declare himself as being an
atheist. Yet, this doesnt come out of idealistic disposition as in the case
of Psoric or out of indifference as in the case of Sycotic. His attitude has a
background of nihilism, negativity and egoism; egoism in the form of I
will not accept anyone above myself! This reminds me of that French
king who said: L Etat, c est moi! i.e. I, myself, am the State!
2.8 Psoric is a moral idealist of the kind of Don Quixote
Psoric tends to truly believe in higher, absolute moral principles and
values. Yet, this attitude isnt a product of his Conscious Psyche but
mostly a product of his Intellectual Psyche. His relation with his moral
principles is an idealized and suppressive one, as is his relation with God.
He submits himself to moral principles; he obeys to moral principles. He
feels that this is his duty and obligation; its not a natural, spontaneous
action. Thats the reason why he so often feels guilty and self-
condemnation whenever he thinks that he has broken his vows and
promises. He tends to become a moralist, yet not a hypocrite moralist as
in the case of Syphilitic.
Psoric embraces moral values, yet, in such a way that he dehydrates them
from any joy and pleasure, from any happiness, from any fun. He turns
them into strict duties, boring obligations and heavy task. Life, for him, is
a never ending struggle to fulfill duties, a burden and a constant spiritual
fight. So, he tries and fights and struggles all the time!
His spiritual evolution becomes a heroic exploit, the labors of Hercules,
the Golgotha of Jesus and a Sisyphean task. Its a hard and difficult path
that causes much anxiety and burden.
Quite often, when he is engaged in any kind of spiritual path (religion,
philosophy, charity or social offer) he tends to lose touch with everyday
life and even reality. He lives in his own psoric individual world that
doesnt include any kind of simple human pleasures. In the name of
spiritual evolution he neglects himself and he doesnt enjoy life. His
spiritual path has little to do with every day real life and much to do with
an idealized spiritual world full of strives, moral obligations and spiritual
lessons to be taught.
All the above, turn him into a typical Don Quixote! He fights all the time,
with imaginary spiritual enemies! He struggles, all the time, against his
phantoms of his idealized world!
2.9 Sycotic is the big spender, indifferent to any moral principle
As Sycotic is concerned, moral principles and struggle for spiritual
evolution, seem the least, strange and incomprehensible things. All these,
seem to have nothing to do with reality. He sees no practical value in it
since they will not fill his stomach and cause pleasure to his heart! Its
theories, philosophies, nonsense, crazy things or just bullshit!
He is well grounded to the earthly level, to everyday life, to simple
touchable things, needs, urges and pleasures.
His beloved motto is: life is too short; we should enjoy every minute of
it. Joy for him, clearly has to do with everyday simple pleasures: food,
fun, sex, sports, alcohol, tobacco, etc. His morality is defined in an
absolute way by his needs and urges. Sycotic is feels that theres no
immorality in satisfying his needs and urges. Anything that serves his
needs and urges is natural and permitted. So, fuck the morality of
preachers and hypocrites; they dont know how to live their lives!
His morality is flexible; it adjusts each time to his needs and urges. Its so
difficult for him to become self-controlled. He cant do fasting or employ
healthy or vegetarian eating habits. No way is he going to restrain himself
from sex! No way will he yield to any kind of spiritual path! Spiritual
struggle is for the weird and fools!
2.10 Syphilitic has only one moral principle: dominance!
Psoric believes in strict moral principles, Sycotic has very flexible moral
principles and Syphilitic actually has no moral principles. If his
Secondary Behavior matches his Primary Behavior he may tell you:
theres no such thing as moral principles or moral principles are fairy
tales for little children and idiots.
However, most often, his Secondary Behavior does include moral
principles, yet, they are but a mask under which lies his only morality
i.e. dominance, power and authority! To achieve the latter he may
become arrogant, violent, cruel, sadist or destructive. If he doesnt
succeed to dominate he may want to turn everything upside down; to ruin
everything; to create anarchy and chaos. He may become self-destructive
or even masochistic. Nero, the Roman Emperor, turned Rome into ashes
out of syphilitic tendency.
Syphilitic anarchic slogans always start with the expression Down
with i.e. Down with the State, Down with the Army, etc. Most
often we have to do with refusals instead of proposals. When a syphilitic
anarchist is disappointed from the fact that he cant change society
towards his viewpoint then he becomes destructive. He may become a
terrorist, a vandal, a violent person. He will want to set everything on fire;
to explode everything; to ruin everything!
That reminds me of a slogan written on the walls of my University by
syphilitic anarchists when I was a medical student: The only red
University (communistic) is the one on flames and the only black
University (anarchic) is the one already burned!
A syphilitic artist is also destructive. Just bring into mind the paintings of
those ungifted, modern painters. Theres no form, harmony, symmetry,
balance, principle or hierarchy. Everything is distorted or violated. No
resemblance to any natural shape, form or color. A smudge or a grime or
a blot! Yet, a very expensive smudge, highly appreciated in elitist
gatherings of in, popular, nave artists who speak of the
symbolisms of the crooked lines and distorted shapes!
Refusal of any principle and hierarchy drives Syphilitics towards
perversions of all kinds for which they have no shame at all. They mask
their perversions with fancy words like freedom of expression or
pioneering, vanguard, forefront, a different dimension or
abstract view, etc.
Syphilitic may often mask his negative and egoistic qualities under the
image of the honest, moral and lawful citizen. He strives for positions of
power or authority, high posts and offices. Abuse of power and maniacal
tendency for positions and offices are all of syphilitic tint. All those
everyday scandals appearing on the Media in the areas of politics,
religion, social organizations, etc, involve, as a rule, syphilitic
Syphilitics tend either to be ironic towards any spiritual path or tend to
march that path in order to lead it and dominate over the followers. So
many gurus and spiritual masters are but pure syphilitic individuals
thirsty for power and glory!
2.11. Psoric thinking is defined by Superego and Conscience
Psoric is an intellectual individual. He thinks a lot. His thought is greatly
defined by his Superego (Mental Patterns), his Conscience Psyche and
the thoughts and actions of other people around him.
He tends to take things seriously, to take things to heart. He tends to
analyze things very much. Moreover, he is a very strict judge of his
actions. Anything that crosses his mind and anything he does is checked
whether it agrees with his Conscience, with his Superego and with the
beliefs of his beloved. He wants to be OK with himself (Conscience and
Superego) and others (close ones and society). No one may know what he
thought or what he did, yet, he may have problems with his Conscience
and with his Superego.
His strong relation with his Superego and his Conscience is a knife that
cuts both ways in regard to his spiritual evolution. Usually, the content of
his Superego is contrary to Universal Laws since he adopts Human
Morality without any criticism. He follows strictly human principles and
thus he is opposed to Universal Laws and Natural/Universal Morality; as
a result he gets ill and unhappy.
He is an idealist! He tries hard to be in agreement with his principles.
Nevertheless, as a result of violating Universal Laws he ends up suffering
and complaining to God: What did I do wrong? Why am I punished! I
try so hard to be righteous!
In the rare occasion where the content of his Superego is in agreement
with Universal Morality he tends to follows Universal Laws, strictly and
persistently. This can drive him high above in the ladder of spiritual
Using current popular terms, psoric individual tends to obey more to
reason than to emotion. His physical needs and urges obey to the
must and mustnt that reside in his mind. Psoric is, usually, quite
sincere with himself. He just cant do something contrary to his
Conscience or Superego without much guilt and suffering.
2.12 Sycotic thinking is defined by his urges for pleasure
Sycotic, as a rule, isnt intellectual. He tends to be more physical than
intellectual since his thinking and actions are mostly defined by his urges
for pleasure. Psoric thinks with his Conscience or Superego while Sycotic
thinks with his stomach (food and physical urges) or with his genitals
(sexual urge)! Thats why he is prone to excesses, passions and lust.
Sycotic is very impulsive and spontaneous. He is such a fan of pleasure,
in its general sense. He wants to have fun and wants it here and now, at
this very moment; not tomorrow; today! He lives the moment; he lives for
the moment! Yet, this moment is totally defined by his urge for pleasure.
He is fond of money, yet, not in the sense of saving but in the sense of
spending. He is such a big spender! He doesnt care if he spends all his
money for pleasure. What the hell, he will say and he will spend it all!
He is very much affected by emotions, yet, he isnt the emotional guy
in current terms, as Psoric is. His emotions are sudden, vigorous, yet
changeable and flitting. If he gets angry, this will be done in no time at all
and intensely. However, like a gale, in a few minutes, anger takes off as
quickly as it set in; moreover, without any hard feelings!
He experiences things at its extremes. If he eats, he will eat tons of food.
If he drinks he will get drunk. If he has sex he will do it with extreme
passion, many times in a row and if possible with many partners! If he is
jealous he is going to be furious or even violent. In all cases, theres a
sudden onset and a vigorous state that passes very quickly without much
traces left behind. Thats because his emotions and thought are
superficial, shallow. He doesnt have the depth of Psoric although he
experiences things in an extreme intensity.
Hes got a superficial relation with his Conscience Psyche. Physical urges
and tendency for pleasure surpass the voice of his Conscience or the
voice of his Superego. Whats inside a Sycotics mind? Pleasure! Pure
and simple!
Abstract ideas like Conscience and moral values seem to him so
strange and incomprehensible. They are too theoretical. He wants to deal
only with things that he can touch and feel or with things that are
earthly, common and practical.
He considers good manners and savoir vivre as nonsense or gay stuff
or masked hypocrisy. He is also allergic to sophisticated language or
sophisticated artists/intellectual people. He prefers someone who is
simple and straightforward.
He has an extreme sense of independency. He doesnt like any kind of
restriction; especially those that have to do with fun, enjoyment, food,
sex, etc. He doesnt like commitment to marriage and family. He may get
married, yet, as a rule, he is going to cheat on his/her partner without any
guilt or remorse. He wants to be as free as a bird, able to fly from one
nest (relation) to another anytime he/she wishes to without any
He doesnt give a damn about societys opinion for him in regard to his
tendency for fun and enjoyment of life. Get off my back, Spare me the
bullshit, Fuck you, Cut the crabs, I dont care, I dont give a
damn about it are his favorite expressions when anyone tries to conform
him to usual suppressive social way of life.
He strongly believes that satisfying any of his natural urges is a normal
thing while any suppression of his natural urges is abnormal or simply
2.13 Mind/Intellectual Psyche, by nature, tends towards arbitrariness
If Psoric is characterized by strict thinking and Sycotic by shallow
thinking, then Syphilitic is characterized by perverted and arbitrary
Mind/Intellectual Psyche is, by nature, the source of all human suffering
since it tends towards arbitrariness, egoism and perversion. This, partly,
happens because Mind uses symbols in order to represent reality.
Symbolic Reality is characterized by a great possibility for arbitrariness.
For example, in Material Reality you cant take a hippo head, put it on a
lions body and create a living creature called Hippo-lion! However,
this is easily done in Symbolic Reality.
In fact, by using your imagination you can create several such monsters
and put them in cartoons, comics and movies. Moreover, you can become
a famous producer of such art that has millions of fans all over the
world! Your arbitrary Symbolic Reality has become the Symbolic Reality
of millions of other people around the Globe.
Moreover, how many times, a person under the influence of Symbolic
Reality, has committed suicide due to love disappointment? Her/his
companion may never responded to her/his feelings at the first place,
may even never understood the existence of such feelings, yet, she/he got
disappointed and has given an end to her/his life! Isnt this an intellectual
phantom? Isnt it a great intellectual arbitrariness? Isnt it an illusion, a
2.14 Perverted Thinking is in fact, Syphilitic Thinking!
A Syphilitic Mind is the zenith of arbitrariness. Syphilitic abolishes any
hierarchy in the structure of Thought; tends to abolish any principle, law
and order. He manipulates his thought and the thought of others around
him; he abuses thought. He is cunning enough to manipulate others
through thought and speech and thus he is suspicious since he is aware of
what one can do to others.
Syphilitic Thinking is intentional, deliberate. It can also be hysterical,
violent or exaggerating; with many faces and masks and with many
hidden meanings. It can, as well, be pompous or hypocritical; self-
seeking, calculating, with ulterior motives and without any standard
principles. It can be theatrical, aggressive, insisting and audacious. It can
run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. It can have no coherence at
all or it may be very intentional.
Syphilitic Thinking violates all Universal Laws and Objective Reality.
Its purely subjective since its intentional and serves egoistic individual
purposes and ambition. Syphilitic is a master in the art of manipulation of
others thought. Yet, this becomes a boomerang for him, since he also
becomes a master in manipulating even his own thought, even the healthy
part of his thinking.
He spends so much time and energy acting and manipulating other
people! Finally, he is engaged in his own web of manipulation and he
loses touch with objective reality. Thats the reason why in the end, he
may become self-destructive.
He is so able in detecting others weaknesses, yet so short-sighted when it
comes to his own weaknesses and flaws. This is but the outcome of
violating the Universal Law of Action and Reaction. You harvest
whatever you have sawn. The manipulator becomes the manipulated; the
perpetrator becomes the victim; the master becomes the servant; the
cunning becomes the stupid. You see, even smart people can do silly
2.15 Psoric is introverted and suppressed
Psoric is introverted. He keeps his personal things to himself or only for
one or two very close friends. How come he is so introverted? The most
important factor for this introversion is his tendency towards morality,
principles and must/ought to. He is the man of duty and morality, the
strict censor of himself and others!
The first line of censorship is addressed to him. He doesnt permit any
bad or inappropriate thoughts passing through his mind. He doesnt
permit any inappropriate emotions frustrating his heart. He is
characterized by a great tendency for self-censorship, self-inhibition and
repression. His powerful Superego inhibits and represses any
inappropriate thought, emotion or action from his Ego. Thats the
reason why so many neurotic individuals are indeed, psoric.
Psoric cares too much about what God will think of him or what his
Conscience will say or what his own people or society will think of him.
Its not easy for him to manipulate his morality. Being so inhibitive with
himself, as a rule, he doesnt enjoy life and little everyday joys of life;
even those little innocent pleasures. In extreme cases of psoric miasm the
person strongly believes that he has no right to feel joy when theres so
much pain and suffering in the World. He may also come to the point
(psoric monks) that he considers any kind of joyful action as a sin.
Psorics second line of censorship refers to what people will say. Thats
why Psoric finds it hard or is embarrassed and ashamed to speak to other
people about his thoughts, emotions and behavior. He is afraid of being
judged! He is afraid that he will lose any appreciation from his friends.
He is afraid of being offended or ridiculed. He thinks that Things
will never be the same, after that; that his friends will see him in a
different way; that his dignity will be destroyed. He feels so vulnerable
towards any criticism, even towards criticism of strangers.
As already mentioned, Psoric is introverted. Yet, that doesnt mean that
he cant be expressive. Its definitely hard for him to speak about his
personal problems. Nevertheless, when it comes to non personal issues he
can be very talkative.
2.16 Sycotic is both extroverted and expressive
Sycotic is both extroverted and expressive/plethoric. Since his morality is
very flexible and superficial he has nothing to be ashamed of and nothing
to apologize about. Moreover, often, he doesnt feel like discussing or
confessing his personal problems. Most of the times, since he interprets
most subjects in a superficial way he doesnt consider them as problems
per se.
He isnt the type that ponders about things. He doesnt think hard or
puzzle himself on most matters. Most of the times money and work are
the things that may trouble him. He wont be so much troubled about
affairs or family matters.
Theres no such thing as love disappointment in his heart. If his/her
companion leaves him/her he may say what the fuck and he will go
on to new affairs. Yet, on the rare occasion that his mind will be engaged
in such a thing as a love disappointment, then he will be the typical guy
of the movies that will resort to booze, extreme recreation, parties, horns
and women in order to forget.
Some readers may be annoyed by the slang or vulgar terms that I use
in order to describe everyday reality. They would have preferred
scientific terms and complex sophisticated language. However, this
would not have been scientific since, Science is the art of
understanding and presenting Reality in the most successful way.
How can I speak about a sycotic guy without using his own words and
without employing his way of expression? How can I speak about a
psoric individual without giving an exact picture of his temperament by
using his own words? Have you noticed that Ive said guy when
referring to Sycotic while, on the other hand, Ive used individual when
referring to Psoric?
Language, per se, isnt good or bad, moral or immoral. Its simply a tool,
a means of translating Reality into our minds. If its doing its job its a
good tool. If it isnt doing its job then its a bad tool! My only worry is
to get the job done in the most successful way!
Sycotic appears to be expressive or extroverted for one more reason. He
doesnt care what society will think of him. In fact, he often provokes
reactions because he feels so strong and independent. At times he may
make fun of himself referring to what could be considered a personal
problem just to see others get shocked while he is enjoying it. He doesnt
care what others/the world will say.
Some of his most common phrases are: Fuck you!, Screw you!, Kiss
my ass!, Go to hell!, Spare me the bullshit, Bullshit!, Cut the
crabs, Mind your own business, Who asked you?, Get off my back,
will you?, I dont care!, I dont give a damn about it!, I dont give a
fuck about it!, No shit!, So what?
However, theres a certain field that he gives a lot of damn about it. Its
the field of his image of the tough guy / smart operator / wide boy /
hard man. He gets so furious and may even become violent if anyone,
anyone at all, questions his tough qualities or his manly behavior. No one
can act as a tough guy towards him because he is the toughest of the
tough guys! Thats a reputation, thats an image that he cant afford to
2.17 Syphilitic hides or disguises his real intentions
Syphilitic usually appears to be introverted; not so much as to facts of his
life but as to his real intentions. He knows that his syphilitic intentions are
contrary to others interest and contrary to social ethics so he hides or
even disguises his real intentions. In fact, he is so good in disguising his
real intentions and in manipulating others.
Thats the reason why so often he is the person with the many faces and
masks. He tells others only what they need to hear in order to achieve his
egoistic goals. He can be such a good actor because he has no moral
restrains at all. Even when his hypocritical or fake behavior has been
totally revealed he is capable of refusing all facts and perverting truth. In
such a case all others are lying; all others are wrong; all others are
crazy; all others are conspiring except him. Most often, he manages to
turn his enemies one against another according to the strategy Divide
and rule in order to get on top of things.
He has such a nerve! He is so audacious! Nothing can stop him! He has
such an ability to pervert facts and truth. The saying he can run with the
hare and hunt with the hounds is clearly a syphilitic ability. In the case
of a woman, she may thrash about or beat her breasts or pull her hair or
tear her clothes or hit her head or become hysterical in order to show how
offended she is and how wrong others are. You see, offense is the best
defense is but a syphilitic strategy.
The Pharisaic strategy of tearing ones cloths pretending to be offended
is a clearly syphilitic action. A syphilitic woman may swear on the life
of her children or swear to God without any hesitation in order to
convince you that she is telling the truth while at the same time she is
fully aware that she is lying!
Common syphilitic phrases are: I swear to Almighty God!, as God is
my witness! God forbid! God willing! Praise be to God! By the
grace of God Praise the Lord, by God For Gods sake! Theres
a God above I swear it, cross my heart! I swear on the Bible I
swear by my honor I swear by all I hold sacred I swear on my
childrens life I am telling you the truth How dare you! How dare
you say that I am not telling the truth Do you mean to say that I am not
telling the truth? I never lie!
Be careful! I am not saying that anyone who swears to God is a syphilitic
individual! It may well be a psoric individual full of honest intentions.
Yet, quite often, an exaggerating Syphilitic uses/employs Gods name in
order to manipulate psoric individuals! Theres a relevant Greek saying:
Not all that wear expensive suits are crooks, yet all great crooks wear
expensive suits!
Most of the times, Syphilitic will project a social image quite opposite to
his real intentions. What you get is not what you see! In such cases if
you want to find the truth you often have to trace the opposite of what is
said and projected! This is an outcome of syphilitic hypocrisy.
Nowadays, at the Syphilitic Era that we live in, quite often, those who
exaggerate in declarations about freedom are the worst power and
authority maniacs, the worst dictators. Those who pretend to be the
keepers of morality are the worst immoral people. Those who exaggerate
about truth are the worst liars.
Yet, in consistency with the many faces of Syphilitic, sometimes you may
find him instead of hiding his real intentions, revealing them in open and
supporting them fanatically. He declares himself proud of having such
intentions and egoistic ideas. This takes place when Syphilitic is in a
position of absolute power.
For example, the Nazi felt proud when supporting the superiority of the
Arian Race and had no moral restriction in projecting their intentions to
turn all Jews and all inferior races into soap. Another example is when
syphilitic transsexual people shamelessly declare their gay-pride being
publicly vulgar and provocative.
2.18 Psoric usually suffers from lack of self-confidence
Most often, Psoric suffers from lack of self-confidence. This is the
outcome of his tendency to submit to strict moral principles. He is
restrained by this submission and by his need that others/society have a
good opinion about him. When you put principles and society so high
above you end up feeling very low and lacking of value compared to the
latter idealized concepts.
In consequence, Psoric often suffers from shyness, insecurity, indecision,
taboos, inhibitions, inferiority complex, timidity, lack of self-confidence,
stage fright, fear of rejection, need for acceptance, fear about the future,
guilt about the past and fear of losing his social image. Thats why he so
often develops anxiety, phobic or obsessive neurosis. Thats also the
reason why he tends to submit to dominant people or to groups.
Shy Psoric tends to use expressions like we/us instead of I/me.
He wont say Mary, I like you and I want to make love to you like a
Sycotic would promptly say. Instead, he will be indirect: You see, young
people like us, have the need to be loved or Like all people, I have the
need to be loved.
Or, before taking such a bold step, he extensively and discretely traces
the other persons intentions: Ill dare say something yet I would
appreciate it if you werent offended moreover please feel free to deny
any further discussion. Since a long time, Ive been meaning to ask you
your opinion about me as a person. Is there any chance that you might
have feelings towards me?
Quite often psoric cowardice is masked as humbleness, politeness,
civilized manners, good manners, sophisticated behavior, etc.
Common relevant expressions of Psoric are: Lets not make it a big
deal, I assure you I didnt mean to offend you in any way, No
offence, I am sorry that Never mind Lets change subject
Please, excuse my behavior I assure you, I meant no harm.
At other times psoric cowardice is hidden under the veil of the ordinary
person. You ask a Psoric about his opinion/intentions on an edgy matter
and he answers in a rather neutral manner: Well, what can I say,
Well, it depends, I cannot be the judge of that, Theres not much
to say about it, I dont know, I havent given much thought to it,
People say that, What can I say, I am like all other people
2.19 Psoric egoism has to do with spiritual fame
Nevertheless, quite often, a psoric person thinks highly of himself. He
may think that he is one of a kind or a unique person or that he has
managed to reach a level high above. Even then, he feels the need not to
take all the credit for it. He often says that his success is also due to long
and hard work or to a given talent or to the help from his associates. He
will rarely exaggerate in projecting his image, his personality and his
A vain Psoric, although dying for recognition and fame, would rather let
others do the job for him. He will let others praise him and talk about his
qualities and achievements. He is so fond of fame, yet so coward in
pursuing it that he would gladly settle for after death recognition and
fame. The saying Many hated money, none hated fame! clearly stands
bold for Psoric.
Vain Psoric has a great tendency to transfer his knowledge to others even
to the point not to realize that others may not be interested at all. For
example he may have managed to publish his first collection of poems for
which he is so proud. He is dying to let others know about it; he wants to
be praised; he is dying to talk about it. He will try to raise this subject
during conversation. He may even, all of a sudden, tell you that he would
be glad to offer you his book as a token of his appreciation to you and
that he has already written a warm dedication in it starting with to my
dearest friend whom I deeply appreciate..., etc, etc
If the general public isnt interested in his work, he may be disappointed,
yet he will not give up. He finds comfort in small groups of sophisticated
people that appreciate his work and personality. He also finds comfort
that some day, even in the far future his work will finally be
appreciated, even after his death! You see, present society isnt yet ready
for such a pioneering work!
2.20 Sycotic Egoism has to do with him being a tough man/wide
boy/smooth operator
Some concepts are so suited to Sycotic! He is definitely a tough guy, a
wide boy, a smooth operator, a dude, a mucho man, a sex
machine, a fearless guy! He definitely feels like that and definitely
acts likewise. He just cannot stand all those wet blanket, gigs,
nerds, soft, mothers boys, spoilt children, chickenhearted,
fainthearted, yuppies, snitches, nice boys, over-religious
women, virgins, vegetarians, neurotics, cowards, pussies,
little men, etc.
He feels a tough man and he projects it in a direct way. If he is a man he
acts manly. He is a lady-killer, a great lover; and a sex machine.
Moreover, he is so proud about it! If she is a woman her motto is Good
girls go only to Heaven; bad girls can go anywhere they like! She likes
to consider herself a bad girl, a tough girl, a hot girl. She is
definitely not a mammas girl and not a virgin for sure. She considers
herself an anti-conformist. She is fearless. She loves motorbikes and
speed. She loves sex, fun, extreme sports, motorcycles, leather jackets
and jeans. She talks dirty and uses slang expressions.
Sycotic egoism doesnt only have to do with being a tough guy. It also
has to do with him being the center of attraction (in regard to his great
body and manly/hot woman qualities) and him focusing only on fun. Fun
is the meaning and purpose of his life. Fun is the essence of his
existence. This self-centered state often makes him indifferent about
others. He may become thick-skinned, insensitive and superficial.
He will not easily give himself to others. He wont easily be dedicated
and devoted, even to his close ones. Anything that inhibits him from
having fun and living his life is rejected instantly. You see, he is a
survivor and a fan of fun. He, simply, wants to suck all juices of life up
to the last drop before he dies. He is the ideal man/woman for fun, for
enjoyment as long as it doesnt include deep care for others, commitment
and responsibilities.
He is definitely not the most suitable guy for monogamy or for the
creation of a family. He loathes any kind of family burden and family
obligations. Not that he is lazy; on the contrary he is very energetic and
active, yet only for those things that matter to him like fun, extreme
sports, sex, food, etc. When it comes to duties, principles and obligations
he will tell you give me a break, will you!
He has a thing for freedom, comfort and fun; yet, he has his own way of
defining freedom. For Sycotic, freedom is freedom from responsibilities,
duties and commitment; freedom to enjoy life in the best possible way.
Thats what freedom is for him!
2.21 Syphilitic Egoism has to do with total dominance on others
Psoric Egoism has to do with the good opinion of others/society towards
him. Sycotic Egoism has to do with the image of tough guy/hot woman
and with his tendency for fun even if it means indifference about others.
Syphilitic Egoism is much higher and deeper; its egoism per se. It has to
do with hubris as defined in Ancient Greek Tragedies, i.e. vanity
towards God and towards mortals.
Syphilitic considers himself as the center of the Universe; everything
rotates around him. Let me remind you of the song You are so vain, you
think everything is about you, dont you His main intention is
dominance. Dominance not only over others around him but if possible
dominance over the whole Universe!
He has a tendency towards perversion. He tends to change the natural
order, form and function of things. For example, the tendency of some
scientists to find a way to change, at will, the genes and characteristics of
human embryos is a syphilitic tendency. Cloning, as theory and practice,
is syphilitic per se. The theory of the superiority of Arian Race and
Nazism has a pure syphilitic tint. The communistic theory of the absolute
dominance of Man over Nature is also of syphilitic origin.
Syphilitic wants to be Caliph at the place of Caliph. He wants to be
God! Not just any god, but the God! Psoric wants to become one with
God as a result of a long spiritual striving while Syphilitic wants to
dethrone God and gain power over all! Syphilitic egoism tends towards
absolute, arbitrary, suppressive and catastrophic dominance. Syphilitic
plays God because he wants to be the only God. Wasnt that syphilitic
French King who said L etat, c est moi! i.e. I, am the State!
3.1 Psoric has deep, fixed and controlled feelings
3.2 Sycotic has shallow yet extreme and fleeting feelings
3.3 Syphilitic emotions are, as a rule, negative, deliberate or
3.4 Psoric sadness is romantic melancholy and introversion
3.5 Psoric joy is sincere and unintentional
3.6 Sycotic joy is bread and circuses
3.7 Sadness drives Sycotic to excesses in order to forget
3.8 Syphilitic joy has to do with successful dominance over others
3.9 Syphilitic sadness has to do with failure of dominance over others
3.10 Psoric suppresses his anger
3.11 Sycotic anger is like a gale
3.12 Syphilitic anger is violent and destructive
3.13 Psoric fears are chronic, tormenting and existential
3.14 Sycotic usually hasnt got any fears since he is quite indifferent
3.15 Syphilitic fears have to do with failure to dominate others
3.16 Psoric is either a pessimist or an optimist dreamer
3.17 Sycotic is usually optimistic especially when he feels strong and
3.18 Syphilitic is optimistic or pessimistic according to his success in
his egoistic goals
3.19 Psoric Intellectual Love is deep, intense and idealized
3.20 Sycotic Intellectual Love is earthly and shallow
3.21 Sycotic doesnt hate; he is simply pissed off
3.22 Syphilitics Intellectual Love is actually attachment on
dominance over others
3.23 Hate, envy, malice, hypocrisy, jealousy and revenge are
syphilitic qualities
3.24 Criteria for the differentiation of Intellectual Love from
Conscience/Spiritual Love
3.1 Psoric has deep, fixed and controlled feelings
Psoric has deep and fixed feelings since his thought is deep and fixed. His
Intellectual Emotions are intense, yet, not easily expressed. You see, they
are under the firm control of a powerful Superego or under the close
influence of his Moral Conscience. That explains his intense and frequent
psychological conflicts which affect his whole being.
As a result, he is often neurotic presenting nervous symptoms like
nervous headaches, obsessions, nervous gastritis/colitis, nervous
dermatitis, etc. Not only psoric individuals are characterized by such
nervous symptoms, yet, their nervous symptoms will be characterized by
psoric qualities as mentioned in previous chapters.
Psoric feelings are sincere and honest; they tend be pure, yet, so idealized
that they tend to become absolute. The latter quality may drive the psoric
person far off reality. For example, a psoric student falls in love with his
much older female teacher. His love is deep and intense; he lives only
for one smile of hers; he thinks of her 24/7. He writes psoric idealized
poems about their love; he is day dreaming all the time. In his diary he
speaks about the great, blonde love with the melancholic smile.
However, the above obsession took place without or almost without
any participation of the teacher. Moreover, she is married, her marriage is
quite functional, she has three kids and obviously she hasnt got that
melancholic smile.
You see, this psoric student in love is off reality; he lives in his own
psoric idealized world. He misinterprets reality; he builds inside his mind
an idealized kind and pure, yet imaginary world; a fairy tale. So, if
while daydreaming in class, his blonde love shouts at him to wake up
from his dreaming he may interpret this action as love rejection and
thus develop a love disappointment. He got the surprise of his life; he is
deeply hurt; he is desperate.
Psoric, as a rule, when expressing his feelings, doesnt ask for material
things in return. Yet, he expects mutuality of feelings and if such a thing
doesnt take place then he is deeply hurt because he is dying to live the
big dream, the love of his life, eternal and absolute happiness,
absolute bliss.
3.2 Sycotic has shallow yet extreme and fleeting feelings
Sycotic, being shallow in thought is also characterized by shallow
Intellectual Emotions. On the contrary, he has a great tendency to satisfy
his physical urges and that makes him living almost entirely in the arms
of External World surrendered to pleasures. Yet, despite the shallowness
of his thought and feelings, he tends to feel and express his emotions with
Besides, he is an extremist in general; he pushes things too far; he is
easily driven to extremes. He easily changes from one extreme end to
another. He may not give a damn about things in one occasion and
then, in a minute, may get greatly pissed off. For example, his wife
may grumble for hours and he may ignore her and then one simple word
may suddenly make him furious. He has no moderation at all! He may
have a great aversion about something or a great passion.
He is very moody; he has ups and downs, often without any profound
reason; he has changeable mood. However, this changeable mood doesnt
come from his controversial way of seeing things as in the case of
Syphilitic. It has to do with his intense and changeable physical urges; he
is a slave to his hormones. The expression of his feelings is also
intense; he is so plethoric, so vigorous, so Yang.
He often expresses his feelings in a rather crude or even vulgar way. He
may easily be characterized as being boor, slob; a man without gentle,
refined manners; unsophisticated; too straight; unrefined. When angry he
may say to his buddy: What are these crabs you are telling me? or
Get off my back, dude, will you? or Bullshit!
As mentioned previously, Sycotic is characterized by intense feelings and
intense expression of his emotions. Nevertheless, when these intense
emotions are expressed, they may often pass away quite quickly leaving
behind nothing at all. Thats what I mean when I say that his emotions are
shallow, superficial. His emotions are like a gale; they come all of a
sudden, are intense, they sweep everything in their pass and they goe
away as quickly as they came!
Sycotic Superego is very weak, very loose. Sycotic doesnt easily adopt
moral restraints or social restraints. He is against any principle or
morality that hinders enjoyment, fun and satisfaction of his physical
urges. He has a very loose relation with his Moral Conscience /
Conscience Psyche. His morality is so flexible that it can easily adjust to
his physical urges and needs.
For all the above reasons his emotions are rarely or never restrained by
moral principles. And that is the reason why, contrary to Psoric, he has
very little or none psychological conflicts of moral nature. He hasnt got
any moral dilemmas like Psoric does. His only problems are those that
arise from people that hinder his tendency to enjoy life to maximum.
While Psoric is off reality living in an idealized world, Sycotic, on the
other hand, is extremely grounded in every day human and material
reality! He is, up to the neck, sunk into the ocean of pleasures and lust!
His motto is: Live your life to maximum; enjoy as much as you can; life
is short; enjoy it and die full! He is so realistic, so grounded to every
day human reality that romance, ideologies, principles and such
things seem to him incomprehensible, nonsense or fairy tales.
3.3 Syphilitic emotions are, as a rule, negative, deliberate or
Psoric tries hard to have only positive feelings, suppressing any
negative or immoral ones. When we say emotions or feelings we
always refer to Intellectual Emotions and not to Conscience Emotions or
Spiritual Emotions. Sycotic, doesnt give a damn about differentiating
positive and negative feelings. Syphilitic, on the other hand, not only
has negative feelings but on top of that he has no ethical problems or
dilemmas on the subject.
From his point of view theres no such thing as objective Morality.
Moreover, what serves his ego and egoistic intentions is both good and
moral, a priori! If he is in a position of absolute power he has no
hesitation or restraint expressing this in public. If he has to adjust to a
psoric social morality then he will have no hesitation to mask his negative
feelings and real intentions. He will fake that he has positive feelings and
in fact tremendously positive feelings.
He may also pretend that he has negative feelings instead of his real
positive feelings if this serves his egoistic intentions. For example, a
syphilitic woman full of hate may pretend that she is dying of love. Or,
she may be jealous and yet may pretend that she has a very generous
heart. She may be glad and, yet she may fake being sad. At other
occasions, while being indifferent or even cruel she may appear to be
oversensitive, sentimental, easily moved, over-caring, etc, only
to serve her egoistic intentions.
A syphilitic man, on the other hand, usually pretends to be righteous,
moral, integral, just, honest, responsible, humble, patriot,
idealist, charitable, etc. However, quite often he is egoistic,
indifferent, insensitive, arrogant or even cruel.
Is Syphilitic fully conscious when faking? Is he a cold slayer? Well,
things in life arent, as a rule, absolute. As, Socrates, says Nobody is evil
willingly, of his own will. In other words, if anyone was fully conscious
of his actions, then he would stop being evil; he would choose to do good
instead of doing evil. In the same line of thought, Jesus, addressing God
about those who crucified him said: Father forgive them, for they not
know what they do.
As Socrates and Jesus are concerned, evilness/malice is ignorance; lack
of consciousness; lack of knowledge. Of course, when they refer to
knowledge they refer to spiritual knowledge and not to academic
knowledge of things. Socrates believes that due to the presence of
Conscience Psyche in every man, any human being acting in an evil way
has the need to justify his actions as being right or at least imperative
under current circumstances and in accordance with his own individual
In this sense, whenever a Syphilitic does something evil or when being a
hypocrite, he isnt fully conscious of his actions. Most of the times he
tends to give excuses to himself that he had to do what he did for the
sake of survival or for the sake of humanity/society/others or because
that was Gods will, etc. That doesnt mean that he isnt fully aware
that he is faking whenever he is indeed faking. Besides, he is often very
proud for his cunningness and for his ability to manipulate others.
Since syphilitic thought is unpredictable and perverted, so are syphilitic
emotions. If a Syphilitic interprets a clearly positive gesture as being
negative he will act in a negative way. For example, a jealous and
suspicious syphilitic woman when receiving a gift from her companion
may get angry because she suspects that this is done to mislead her
because he is cheating on her!
Syphilitic emotions are, as a rule, exaggerating or even hysterical. Yet,
the main characteristic of any syphilitic emotion is that its intentional,
deliberate, serving egoistic intentions, serving dominance. You see,
syphilitic thought is intentional and as a result so are syphilitic emotions.
3.4 Psoric sadness is romantic melancholy and introversion
Psoric tends to have a calm, mild, psoric sadness. His melancholy isnt
self-destructing. Its a romantic, poetic melancholy. It may even be a
source of creation, a source of artistic expression or a source of social
He may even find pleasure in this psoric melancholy although this state
sinks him more and more into an idealized and unreal individual world.
You see, for him, this psoric melancholy is more easily bearable than
having to do with every day cruel reality of current syphilitic human
When Psoric feels sad his usual reaction is introversion; he keeps himself
open only to one, two the most, close friends. Psoric melancholy is but
the slow, gradual, silent psychic decay; a marasmus; a retreat from reality
and activity; an introspection; a sinking into negative thoughts and
emotions; a marriage to disappointment and pessimism!
He sits with windows shut, bent, silent, face sad or without any
expression. If he is going to weep it will be a sob, a silent weeping that
only he can notice!
3.5 Psoric joy is sincere and unintentional
Psoric joy is sincere; unintentional. Its deep yet not intense as to
expression. Psoric will not celebrate out of the ordinary and socially
acceptable boundaries. He will not go mad from joy.
His joy is closer to satisfaction than to joy. He is glad that something
good happened to him or to others. He is truly and sincerely glad. He will
not be jealous when someone else is glad. He would, of course, like that
joyful event to happen to him also. Nevertheless, he will not be jealous or
feel envy like Syphilitic.
3.6 Sycotic joy is bread and circuses
Sycotic joy has to do with fun, enjoyment, pleasure, parties and feasts.
Sycotic considers the state of joy as being identical to the state of being
jolly, merry or high; of getting a thrill; of getting a kick out of something.
This is the outcome of his main goal, i.e. to have fun, which is also his
version of the meaning of life.
So, he constantly tries to have fun, to get high with booze, drugs,
tobacco, rich food, sex, dancing, extreme sports, music, hanging out with
his pals, competitive games, working out in a gym, high speed cars, etc.
His joy is bread and circuses. He is very social, extroverted, pleasure
seeker, teaser and, of course, the most fanatical fan of fun!
Most sycotic drug users prefer excitatory drugs like cocaine, heroin or
LSD in order to get high. They feel so strong and hard that they arent
afraid at all to risk their lives by adopting dangerous habits. They
consider any moral preaching about moderation, self-control,
temperance and abstinence as bullshit. On the contrary, most psoric
drug users prefer depressant drugs like pot/hashish in order not to get
high but in order to get lost, to withdraw, to isolate, to go into
Sex plays a major role for Sycotic in order to have fun. Everything is
related to sex and sex is everything; life without sex is not life! For the
Sycotic, love is simply sex; he cant think of love separately from sex.
Relations, affairs, intimacy always mean make love and have fun
without any commitment and obligations of any kind.
His joy is superficial as is his thought. It has no depth and no special
sophisticated content. Joy is simply to have fun, to get high; joy is
simply enjoyment. He just cant understand that joy can also arise out of
spiritual communication, social offer, communication of ideas, art,
literature, knowledge, religion, relation with the Creator, meditation,
prayer, etc. Theres a Greek popular song during which Psoric woman
goes to the opera while Sycotic woman goes to the stud!
Sycotic joy is earthly joy; it has to do more with the body, the senses
and the Material World. Sycotic joy is fun and passion; he has the passion
to get high and stay high, forever if possible. Yet, it ends up
becoming a Sisyphean task since his only care is to please his Material
Body and Sensual Psyche leaving out his Intellectual Psyche, Conscience
Psyche and Individual Spirit. This partial satisfaction leads to sub-
saturation, that is, inferior or residual saturation and as a result passion
sets in.
Theres a relevant striking example of this sub-saturation and this state of
passion. Its the sycotic sex-machine guy, the stud, the rooster, the
womanizer! The only thing he cares about is one night stand; is to have
sex with as many women as possible in as many ways as possible without
any commitment, obligations or future plans.
His satisfaction is very shallow, his saturation is very low and thus he is
enslaved to the passion/Sisyphean task of finding that woman that can
give him full satisfaction/saturation; full, psychosomatic saturation; full
psychosomatic orgasm in order to feel complete.
3.7 Sadness drives Sycotic to excesses in order to forget
Strange enough, not only joy drives Sycotic to excesses but sadness as
well. In fact, sadness is stronger than joy in this task. It makes him more
extrovert and more passionate with fun. It leads him to excesses and
abuse in all fields.
Let me remind you of all those popular movies where the sycotic star in
order to forget his sadness, failure or love disappointment he curses,
shouts loudly, dances vigorously, finds relief in booze, tobacco, drugs,
food, sex with horns, clubs, staying awake all night, cabarets, strip clubs,
fights, fast cars, etc.
While sad Psoric becomes introverted, sad Sycotic, on the contrary,
becomes extremely extroverted; he exaggerates; he wants tension in order
to get sadness out of his system. In order to relax first he must have full
tension or else he cant let go. Sad Psoric will try to preserve his energy,
will rest, isolate himself or go to sleep. Sad Sycotic will try to spend more
energy, become more energetic, act more, sleep less, and have fun with as
many people as possible.
If you tell a sad or angry Sycotic relax, let go, he will stare at you as if
you are an alien! If you tell him lets kick some butts, lets have fun,
lets get high, give me what youve got then you are talking, then
you are speaking his language! His relaxation state can only come after
he has passed from the extreme tension area. He can only find Heaven
after he has passed from Hell! He can only become Yin after he has
become extremely Yang! Thats his nature!
The above phenomena have to do with Etheric Energy physiology, that is,
with the flow of Yin and Yang Etheric Energy. Psoric Yin person has
lack or energy or hindered flow so he has to restrain himself from action
in order to save energy. Sycotic Yang person has overflow of energy
which he must get rid of. Thats the reason why Psoric gets sick from
intense or prolonged activity while Sycotic gets sick from inactivity or
prolonged over-activity!
3.8 Syphilitic joy has to do with successful dominance over others
Syphilitic joy, usually, has to do with successful dominance over others.
Dominance for Syphilitic means either possession, conquer, power over
others, manipulation or destruction. Thats the reason why his joy has the
tint of pride, arrogance, celebration, egoism, self-recognition, irony,
mocking, winning enemies and success. Happiness for him is success
in all kinds of fields.
His joy doesnt come from creation as in the case of Psoric but from
destruction or perversion. His joy doesnt arise from reassurance of his
qualities but from self-recognition of his ability to dominate over others
or from fame and glory.
He is full of envy when his opponents or simply when others are glad. He
is tempted to spoil their happiness. Not only he is characterized by envy
but moreover he may become malice and spiteful when others suffer,
when others fall; falling of others, usually means rising of himself, of his
ego. He is especially glad when others lose money, power, fame or
happiness. The popular saying one of us must go to the wall! is
definitely syphilitic!
3.9 Syphilitic sadness has to do with failure of dominance over others
Syphilitic sadness has to do with failure of dominance over others. Its
profound that we arent talking about his Secondary Behavior but about
his Primary Behavior. We are talking about his real intentions because
many times he is faking; and he is so good at it!
He may pretend to be happy while he is sad or vice versa. When
pretending to be sad he cant help exaggerating. He cries loudly publicly,
he curses his bad luck or his unfair destiny. He may cry loudly: Oh
Almighty, oh God! What have I done to deserve such a bad luck? Why
am I punished for others sins? Pharisees, as described in the Bible were
genuine hypocrites, typical syphilitic hypocrites!
Syphilitics sadness is either self-destructive or harming others; or even
both! He may commit suicide just because he failed to dominate over
others or because he failed to be the first, the number one, the
King, the Emperor, the goddess, the femme fatal, the best of the
best. If he is second, he may ruin everything, the whole case, only to
avoid others surpass him. Its either him or chaos!
He enjoys destroying others possessions or creations. In extreme cases,
he may even enjoy destroying his own possessions or creations only for
the sake of destruction, just like Herod who burned Rome, his own
3.10 Psoric suppresses his anger
Psoric, most of the times, seems calm, serene, without any kind of anger.
This is because he either doesnt easily get angry or because he gets
angry but he doesnt express it. Besides, the exact phrase isnt that he
gets angry but that he gets upset/indignant/resent. He feels hurt, bitter,
hard done by others.
He may feel very upset, yet, he is introverted. He employs several ways
in order to calm down. He may cry, alone of course, or he may talk about
it, yet, only to someone very dear to him. Even then, he may not refer to
all aspects of his problem and will not reveal the full extent of his pain
and suffering. He may sink into that sweet psoric melancholy day
dreaming of a better world.
His tension may be converted into nervous symptoms, like for instance
nervous headaches or neuralgia. If its a woman she may clean the house
from top to bottom or cook tons of food and pastry for no apparent
reason. If its a working man he may work endlessly all day and night in
order to forget.
3.11 Sycotic anger is like a gale
Sycotic doesnt get angry; its closer to reality to say that he is easily
pissed off, that he is furious. He is turned on suddenly, rages for a
short time and after some minutes all anger vanishes away.
Its like a sudden gale! After his explosion he doesnt feel hurt; no
bitterness at all; no harm done; no hard feelings; no resentment. He is
intense, yet, nothing negative remains inside him.
Most of his anger has to do with his job; when he tries hard and things
dont go on; when others are slow-motioned or slow-minded and he
simply cant tune with him; when they push him to meet with deadlines.
He doesnt have patience and persistence; these are psoric qualities. He
will get anxious, will shout, complain and if things wont come to an end
he will just say Fuck you! Go to hell! and drop the whole thing
Another area that may create a lot of anger to him is when others and
especially his companion, grumbles; when others are a pain in the ass
or when they get to his nerves or when they spoil his fun. He is so
pissed, so furious! Sycotic boys or girls just cant stand parental
preaching or any kind of control, inhibition or restraint. His/her motto is
Dont mother me!
Nevertheless, you may also find Sycotics that seem to be very calm.
Yet, its not a matter of calmness, per se. Its a matter of indifference, a
state of I dont give a damn about it, I dont care, the hell with it,
get off my back, let it come, I dont care what happens.
3.12 Syphilitic anger is violent and destructive
Syphilitic anger, as all syphilitic qualities, is characterized by
exaggeration and destructive tendency. Its often accompanied by envy
and revengeful disposition; by cruelty, sadistic or masochistic tendency;
by hysterical behavior.
Syphilitic anger is often a rage; violent and destructive. He may throw or
break things; harm himself or others; cause pain or suffer to others; hit
them at their weakest point and be pleased by it. He tends to become
ironic, spiteful, cruel, full of envy, peevish, full of misery, abrupt, malice
and sarcastic. He criticizes just for the joy of criticism or for the purpose
of manipulating, belittling or humiliating others.
3.13 Psoric fears are chronic, tormenting and existential
Psoric fears are deep, chronic and tormenting, however, not easily
expressed. His fears have to do with his existence; quite often he is afraid
or anxious about his future and the future of his beloved. He is even
worried about others and society in general, about the whole humanity
and the world. He may ask himself: I wonder how society is going to be
when I give birth to my children. How am I going to raise them?
Being a person with strict morality he is afraid that he may commit sins
for which he will have to pay. He is worried very much about the
salvation of his soul. He is also afraid of death or of seizing to exist.
Many philosophical inquiries fill his mind: How is life after death? In
what way will I be judged for my actions? Am I a good Christian? Am I
going to Heaven or to Hell?
Psoric is also afraid of diseases, pain and suffering. He is especially afraid
of chronic, degenerative diseases and cancer; not only for him but for all
of his close ones. He is also afraid of accidents and all kinds of
misfortunes. He says to himself: What if this or that happens? He is
also very much afraid of Evil, Devil, demons, dead people, ghosts and
anything supernatural.
Even when things are going very well he has that agonizing fear in the
back of his head: What if things suddenly go bad? He is constantly
worried about his financial state: Am I going to manage to keep up with
my needs and the needs of my family? What if I go bankrupt? What will
happen to me and to my family? For how long am I going to be able to
keep up with my obligations?
He is so much afraid of failure; of not meeting the expectations of others.
If he is a student he is worried not to disappoint his teachers and parents.
If he is a family man he is afraid that he may disappoint his companion
and children. As a parent he will think: Am I a good parent? If about to
be a parent he will think: Will I be a good parent?
He puts too much weight on the opinion of others about him including
companion, children, parents, friends, fellow workers, teachers, priests,
pretty much the whole society! He is terrified of being ridiculed or of
others having a bad opinion about him. He cannot see himself apart from
society. He was always the good boy/girl and his worry is to remain a
good man/woman, a good citizen, a good parent, a good
employee, a good Christian, etc.
3.14 Sycotic usually hasnt got any fears since he is quite indifferent
In general, Sycotic hasnt got any fears. He hasnt got any metaphysical,
religious or moral fears since he doesnt give a damn about such things as
God, religion, morality, life after death, etc. What if I die, he says.
Who ever lived eternally? The main thing is to enjoy life at maximum as
long as you live. I am not afraid of death! Let it come!
He will be the person that will continue enjoying his life until the last
minute of it. He will never say I am too old for that and this is true
about enjoying sex, food, fun, etc.
Unlike Psoric, he hasnt got any worries, insecurity or fears about his
future and the future of his family or society. One reason for that is that
he is quite indifferent about others. Another reason is that he feels very
strong as body or will is concerned and he is sure that he will survive
under any future conditions. He has a different kind of fear, if, of course,
these can be called fear. The thought that he may not be able to perform
sexually terrifies him because he will be ridiculed and also because he
will lose one of the most important enjoyments in life, i.e. sex!
He is also terrified by the thought that if he becomes seriously ill or
crippled he will not be able to enjoy life. He would prefer death from
living as a crippled patient stuck to a bed with drugs and healthy
disgusting food and a bunch of orders like dont do this or dont do
that. His motto is: I am not afraid of death. What matters is what you
do with your life. If you cant enjoy life then what is the meaning of
being alive?
Quite often he is very risky and he is very proud about it not only to
himself but mainly to others. There are three reasons for this. First of all
he loves being the hard man, the wide boy or the fearless,
unconventional, risky hot woman. Secondly, he feels and usually is, very
strong physically and very energetic and durable. He feels as strong as a
bull; nothing can stop him. Thirdly, he hasnt got any moderation; he is
always driving things to extremes.
He usually enjoys making fun of conventional social values and morality;
of conventional or conservative way of life; of modesty and precautions.
He considers all the above as cowardice, as fear of enjoying life and
living it to the maximum. Thats why he will eat anything, fuck anything
that comes around, smoke and drink booze to the maximum, do drugs,
not sleep much or do extreme sports in an extreme way. He doesnt give a
damn about what doctors, preachers, or statistics say about it.
Even when he is seriously ill and doctors strictly forbid unhealthy food or
habits his motto is: So what, doctor! What if I live a couple of years
more? Whats the point of it if I cant enjoy my life? Thats not life;
thats Hell! If I cant eat, drink, have fun and sex, then why live? Whats
the point of it?
He is so straightforward, sincere and proud of the above attitude of his.
He isnt afraid of illness because he isnt afraid of death. The fact is that
he usually feels so strong that he considers illness or death as something
quite unlikely.
From his own experience he has always had a very strong and durable
organism. He has always been able to eat whatever, drink tons of booze,
stay awake many nights in a row, work hard and have lot of sex without
any considerable functional problem. So, its expected to say to himself:
What do these miserable doctors know about real life? Ive always been
living on the edge and I never had any problems. So, why things change
3.15 Syphilitic fears have to do with failure to dominate others
The fears of Syphilitic have to do with loss of power or position, loss of
fame, failure to dominate others and loss of his precious existence as a
unique gifted human being. In the case of a woman, if her means of
power over others is her beauty, then she has that terrible fear that she
may lose her looks; that wrinkles will set in; that she will become old
and ugly. What a terrible thing for her! She has the same terrible fear
about cellulitis or about gaining a few kilos. No wonder why the majority
of anorexic women are syphilitic ones!
If his/her means of power over others is his brain and his/her cunningness
then his/hers greater fear is that he may lose his mental abilities and
sharpness. Then he will become helpless, powerless, insignificant, a real
loser. Thats what he usually calls all others beneath him: losers. He
is the successful one and the smart one and all others are losers or
Most of the times, Syphilitics choose to deal with politics, business or
religion since such fields are full of power, authority, fame and money.
He will fight to death employing all moral or immoral, legal or illegal
means in order to gain power, position, authority and fame.
Notorious Rasputin, the Roman Emperor Nero, Pharisees, many Popes,
Kings and Emperors were Syphilitics. Many contemporary political and
religious leaders are also syphilitic subjects. Let me again remind you the
relevant rule: Those who are Popes, Kings, Emperors and people of
power arent as a rule all Syphilitic; Nevertheless, all Syphilitics would
like to be people of power!
Ruthless and merciless struggle for power is definitely a syphilitic
characteristic. A typical example of syphilitic behavior is the struggle of
all official orthodox representatives of political parties, religions,
scientific communities against political opponents, heresies and
In the case of women and especially housewives, family and motherhood
is a tremendous field of power. Syphilitic women tend to acquire full
control over their children and quite often over their husbands; at times
even full control over the whole line of relatives. Thats why syphilitic
mother-in-laws dont get well with their daughter-in-laws or son-in-laws:
the latter have come to steal their subjects of their court. Such a thing
can only be interpreted as loss of power and, of course, this definitely
means war!
Syphilitic, contrary to Psoric, has no moral fears of any kind; his fear is
about losing power, fame, money, position or fans-slaves. Thats why he
is very worried all the time about any possibility of losing power over
people that are under his control. For the same reason, any Syphilitic
constantly envies persons that are in a position of higher power or fame
than him.
3.16 Psoric is either a pessimist or an optimist dreamer
Psoric is, as a rule, a pessimist. His future seems full of risks, dangers,
failures, misfortunes, worries, anxiety, obligations and fears. However,
sometimes, he can also be an optimist. In such a case, his optimism isnt
based on reality, on solid ground. Its the optimism of a day-dreamer, of a
star gazer. Day dreaming works as a counterweight towards the cruel
reality of a cruel world.
Very often, he is not a passive day-dreamer. He fights for his dreams; he
fights for a better future; and not only for him but also for his beloved and
even for humanity as a whole. His dreams are altruistic. He doesnt say
I; instead he says We.
He tends to sincerely believe in God; a God that is kind and full of love; a
fair God. Many times he also believes in a fair, yet strict God. He also
believes in Universal Moral Laws and that from the beginning of time
theres a declared constant war between Good and Evil. He, definitely,
believes that he is a soldier of Good against Evil and he desperately needs
to believe in the final victory of Good over Evil. He needs that happy
end even if its going to happen after his death!
So, if he is a Christian, he is comforted by the belief in The Day of
Judgement / Doomsday and Paradise. If he is a Muslim he is
comforted by the belief that after his death Allah will allow him to enter
Heaven and be in the company of the houri. If he is a Buddhist he
believes in the final ending of his pain and suffering after many earthly
lives and reincarnations.
In the case of an atheist, he believes that someday, Science or Logic or
Ecology will prevail in the minds and hearts of humans and then, as John
Lennon says in his song Imagine: I hope someday youll join us and
the world will live as one in an earthly Paradise without hunger, wars
and diseases.
3.17 Sycotic is usually optimistic, especially when he feels strong and
Sycotic is, as a rule, an optimist, yet, not as a result of intellectual
procedures or philosophical beliefs. He feels so because life has proved to
him that his body and his will are strong and that, up to now, he is doing
well most of the times; he is easily managing to survive.
Besides, he is a tough guy, so why not be optimistic? Even in the thought
of death, he is the tough guy who isnt afraid and who will say: So what!
Let it come! Ive enjoyed life to the maximum!
Sycotic is optimistic for one more reason: He is enjoying life. He sucks
every drop of juice that life has and thus he feels full and content. If the
present is good and full of fun, then why wont the future be so, also?
3.18 Syphilitic is optimistic or pessimistic according to his success in
his egoistic goals
Syphilitic is optimistic or pessimistic according to his success in his
egoistic goals. All depend on his state of power, fame and success. The
more successful he is the more optimistic he feels. The less successful he
is the more pessimistic he feels.
Yet, quite often, when things are bad for him instead of becoming
pessimistic and paralyzed he becomes more stubborn and more intrigued;
more motivated; more thirsty for power and success. War is the Paradise
of the Syphilitic; on the contrary, war is the Hell of Psoric. Syphilitic
thrives in war while Psoric thrives in peace.
Tension is the natural element of Syphilitic, fun is the natural element of
Sycotic and relaxation is the natural element of Psoric. You see, the
Devil is busy in a high wind. Only then, Syphilitic feels alive.
3.19 Psoric Intellectual Love is deep, intense and idealized
Psoric is characterized by a feeling of deep Intellectual Love and thats
why he rarely hates others. Before we go on, let me remind you that what
we are talking about here is Intellectual Emotions and not Conscience
Emotions or Spiritual Emotions. Intellectual Emotions are imperfect
and subject to the World of Dualism, i.e. love-hate, calmness-anger, etc,
while Conscience Emotions and Spiritual Emotions are perfect and
subject to the World of Uniqueness.
Idiosyncrasies and Miasms are entities of the World of Duality and thus
disorder human beings and can cause illness on the Material-Etheric
Level and disordered/imperfect thoughts, emotions and behavior on the
Psychic Level. For more information one should read the books The
function of Thinking, Emotions and Behavior.
So, lets get back to our subject. Psoric is characterized by a feeling of
deep intellectual love and thats why he rarely hates others. Moreover,
when he does hate others, he feels bad about it and he scolds himself for
not being nice. His hate isnt a primary state; its rather a secondary state
due to reaction from being deeply hurt by others.
He may hate out of reaction after love betrayal, ingratitude,
friendship betrayal, betrayal of ideology, etc. Even then, his anger
and hate will be temporary, superficial and secondary. Moreover, he
doesnt seek for revenge; he rather seeks for moral justification, for the
prevalence of justice and moral order.
At times, he may even feel sympathy for the one that cheated him,
betrayed him or hurt him, even if it was done intentionally and in cold
blood. He tends to find excuses for the bad behavior of others around
him and even of strangers or enemies. At times, he prefers to be in a state
of refusing to believe in real facts, refusing to believe that the one who
hurt him really meant bad!
Let me give you an example. A psoric woman is involved in a relation
with a rotten companion; a companion that was rotten from the very
beginning. Yet, even when things become extreme and her companion is
profoundly proved to be a scamp she refuses to accept the fact that her
man isnt the prince charming. Accordingly, in the case of a psoric
man, he refuses to accept the fact that his woman isnt the innocent
princess and is, in fact, a bitch.
If their dream is broken to pieces then they fear that their whole idealized
world will collapse. They are afraid that they will not be able to face such
a terrible thing.
In conclusion, intellectual love of Psoric is deep, intense, sincere and
durable, yet expressed with moderation. In addition, its a very idealized
and romantic intellectual love, most of the times without solid
foundations in the real world. Psoric, once more, has his head in the
clouds! He tends to live in an idealized, romantic world where people
have good intentions.
3.20 Sycotic Intellectual Love is earthly and shallow
Sycotic Intellectual Love is earthly and shallow because it predominantly
has to do with physical urges and needs and with the pleasure of five
senses. It has little to do with the Sycotics mind and even less with his
heart. Actually, his love has to do with his stomach and genitals. The
popular phrase love passes through stomach is of sycotic origin!
Let me remind you of the time when males were the undisputable masters
of the family. At that time, the main criteria of choosing a wife were: she
must cook well, be a good housewife and be good in bed. For any
sycotic if his wife wasnt good in bed he could always have plenty of
mistresses! In fact, this was a reality even if his wife was good in bed!
Nowadays, modern sycotic men have, more or less, the same criteria, yet,
a little bit changed to meet modern standards. Modern sycotic man wants
his wife to be very pretty so as to show her off to others as his new,
shining possession. You see, he is the proud owner of this accessory!
In addition she must be cool, entertaining and hot in bed. Not to
mention that she must definitely not grumble about him having fun with
his pals or even with other women.
On the other hand, modern sycotic woman wants a handsome, manly,
mucho man. He must be good in bed and must definitely like to have
fun. In addition, he must have money, a good job and a shining fast
expensive car!
Sycotic isnt what you could call sentimental or sensitive. He isnt
either intellectual. He is more an earthly guy, a physical guy, a shallow
man. So, how could his intellectual love be different? When a sycotic
tells someone I love you he simply means I like you or I want to
fuck you or I am hot for you!
3.21 Sycotic doesnt hate; he is simply pissed off
Sycotic doesnt hate like Syphilitic does; he is simply pissed off. He is
easily and suddenly aroused to anger, he breaks out intensely and then he
is easily off; no hard feelings, no harm done and forget it; pals
again; lets have fun. Just like that, straight and simple!
Sycotic doesnt keep things inside, doesnt hold it for you. He is not
revengeful, yet if youve done something bad to him he will not stand any
new similar behavior. He will simply stop being your pal. He may also
give you a lesson so as not to mess with him again, being such a
tough guy. Dont mess with me! is definitely a sycotic phrase and
He wont hang out with you since you are a wet blanket, yet he will not
hate you; he will just not deal with you since such a thing means wasting
of time that could be spent to pleasure.
3.22 Syphilitics Intellectual Love is actually attachment on
dominance over others
Only few people can experience Conscience Love and even fewer,
Spiritual Love. The majority of people can only feel Intellectual Love.
Yet, the latter is but mere emotional attachment.
In general, the Intellectual Love of Psoric is but emotional attachment to
others while Sycotics love has to do with his physical urges and needs.
On the other hand, Syphilitics Intellectual Love, is, in fact, a case of
attachment on dominance over others. Syphilitic isnt attached to
someone in order to give; he is attached to him in order to take; its a
one way relation while Psoric has a tendency for mutuality of feelings,
for a give and take relation.
Syphilitic is usually very social in order to achieve dominance over
others. No matter the relation he wants to have the upper hand, to have
control over others. This is true in all cases: affairs, family, company,
work, political party, religion, society; if possible even in his relation with
Nature and the whole Universe. Nevertheless, even in the case of lower
forms of love like the Intellectual one, a certain degree of giving is
In the case of Syphilitic, usually, whenever he stops having the upper
hand on a relation then his love turns into hate. One time he was full
of love and next minute he is full of hate. When people say that love
and hate are very close they refer to Syphilitic Intellectual Love.
To be more accurate and true, there was no love even in the first place; it
was a tendency for dominance masked as a great, true love. Now that
theres no benefit from this masked state, the Syphilitic simply reveals his
true malice intentions and his intention for dominance.
3.23 Hate, envy, malice, hypocrisy, jealousy and revenge are
syphilitic qualities
When his love turns into hate this latter one, is also accompanied by
malice and revengeful disposition. Malice, hate, envy, jealousy,
hypocrisy and spitefulness are, as a rule, syphilitic qualities. When
Syphilitic hates, he hates to the extremes; theres no boundaries, no
limits, no restrains to his hate. He is overpowered, literally possessed by
hate. His mind, heart and body are possessed by hate; he wont get a
moments rest if he doesnt get revenge!
As a rule, his tendency for dominance is pretty well masked; he is very
good at being disguised, at projecting false images of himself. He covers
his malice or hate under the socially accepted veil of love; its a clearly
hypocritical state.
Exaggeration, almost always accompanies this hypocritical love. He
declares publically that he is dying for love, that he is full of love,
that he is ready to sacrifice himself out of love, that his love has no
limits and that he is melding from love. Or that he is being flooded
from love or that he has a pathological love for others.
However, be very careful! Anyone declaring the above isnt necessarily
hypocrite, in fact, a Syphilitic hypocrite! Let me rephrase a popular
saying: Anyone declaring that he is full of love isnt necessarily
Syphilitic, yet all Syphilitics declare that are full of love! Syphilitic love
is always accompanied by the two main syphilitic qualities: hypocritical
exaggeration and tendency for dominance over others.
3.24 Criteria for the differentiation of Intellectual Love from
Conscience/Spiritual Love
At this point, its necessary to say a few things about the differences
between Intellectual Love and Conscience/Spiritual Love. As a rule,
Psoric Intellectual Love, as described in novels and movies, is widely
confused as being true love or unconditional love or unselfish love.
This is because its closer to ideal love than Sycotic or Syphilitic
Intellectual Love.
Why do I insist on calling this idealized love of novels and movies as
being Intellectual instead of being Conscience/Spiritual? Whats not
natural, whats not balanced in it? Why do I refer to it as being the
outcome of the influence of Psoric Miasm to humanity?
There are two main criteria supporting my point of view. The first one is
that Psoric Intellectual Love demands mutuality, requital, return,
repayment. Thats why we use the term unrequited love to describe
love disappointment. Psoric isnt asking for something material in
exchange, in return; yet, he is asking for certain things in exchange. He is
asking for emotions, mutuality, response and fulfillment. Its an
emotional attachment! This is clearly seen in the case of unrequited love;
the Psoric is deeply hurt and disappointed.
Where theres disappointment theres always an expectation from the
other part due to attachment. This isnt a healthy, balanced and
unconditional state. And thats the reason why it cannot be considered a
Conscience/Spiritual Love.
The person that experiences Spiritual Love says to his beloved:
I love you! Not, because you love me! I simply love you! I am being
flooded of love and I am giving myself to you just like that. I am not
expecting anything from you or from anyone else. If you are also tuned to
love and you respond to my love, then things are even better. We will
push one another towards a higher state of love, towards a higher state of
consciousness and spirituality.
My love can only be the spark that can awaken the dormant Spiritual
Love already existing inside you. I was not the one that created your state
of Spiritual Love. I simply may have caused its expression. I was simply
a catalyst!
However, if your love wont become awakened I wont be miserable. Or
if it happens that youll die sometime tomorrow, again, I will not be
unhappy. Although I love you deeply and profoundly, nevertheless, I am
not attached to you. Moreover, I have realized the universal truth that
nothing is lost; that everything is simply transformed from one form to
another. This is a Universal Law and I, believe in, accept and respect
Universal Laws.
Moreover, the Spiritual Love that I experience isnt something that was
offered to me from you. I was a dormant cauldron and now I am a boiling
cauldron overflowing love. If there are no plates around to fill them with
my love or if there are some but still are so full of intellectual rubbish that
leave no space for my overflowing love, this isnt a reason for
unhappiness on my part. Its something that characterizes the other
person and not me. I, am full of love, so why be unhappy? Why be
I am aware of the Law of Nature that you simply cant change anyone
else if he isnt dying to change, if he isnt ready to change. I am also
aware of the Law of Nature that all things that happen to us, do happen,
because we need it. All misfortunes are lessons to be learned in this
School of Earthly Life. These misfortunes are the best possible that can
happen to us under these very specific circumstances and not something
Another important criterion for the differentiation of Spiritual Love from
Psoric Intellectual Love is that the latter drives the person out of Reality.
It makes him see Reality through distorting lenses. Psoric Intellectual
Love is an illusion! At the level of Spiritual World, love and knowledge
are one and the same. To be able to love spiritually you must have
conquered a certain amount of spiritual knowledge, a certain amount of
wisdom, a certain state of spirituality.
If you are tuned to lower frequencies of psychic evolution then your heart
and your love are tuned in the same frequency. You have the kind of
emotions that suit your state of evolution! You may experience for a short
time a higher state of love, sometimes triggered by the higher feelings of
another person, yet, as a rule, due to your intellectual attachments, you
return back to your usual state and usual feelings.
As Jesus said, if your eyes are pure, that is, if your Intellectual Psyche
is pure, then you can be tuned to Conscience Psyche/Individual Spirit and
then you can experience Conscience Love/Spiritual Love. You feel
according to what you are; you can only feel what you are!
4.1 Psoric Behavior is controlled and restrained
4.2 Psoric tends to become the perfect victim of any syphilitic
4.3 Psoric suffers because of his attachments to people and ideas
4.4 Psoric lives in his own idealized, romantic world
4.5 Sycotic doesnt give a damn about the morality of his behavior!
4.6 Sycotic worships gods like Dionysus, Ares, Aphrodite or Artemis
4.7 Sycotic is proud to be manly, strong and a tough guy!
4.8 Sycotic is only interest in easy and fun life
4.9 Perverted behavior is definitely Syphilitic Behavior!
4.10 Syphilitic rejects or perverts any rule in relation to form,
function, purpose of existence or esthetics
4.11 Syphilitic kids or teenagers are possessed by destructive
reactionary behavior
4.12 Syphilitic parents are dominant and suppressive
4.13 Syphilitic rulers are cruel, suppressive and hypocritical
4.14 Comparative Human Typology
4.1 Psoric Behavior is controlled and restrained
Psoric Behavior is in accordance with his psoric thought and feelings; its
controlled, restrained and at times suppressed. The first line of restraint
comes from his Moral Conscience; he has a very close relation with his
Conscience Psyche. The second line of restraint comes from his
Superego; he is very submissive towards intellectual patterns imposed to
him by society.
Restraint from Conscience Psyche creates no problem; in fact, it helps
him evolve morally and spiritually by respecting Universal Laws. On the
contrary, restraint from Superego and Human Morality causes a lot of
trouble to him. You see, Human Morality is subjected to expediency
because it is defined by the dominant social groups. Those who posses
power also create those social rules and morality that serve their egoistic
purposes. Thus, egoistic Human Morality is contrary to Natural Morality
and contrary to Universal Laws and Reality.
Psoric strongly believes in moral and religious values and rules. Its a
sincere belief, a pure faith. He considers believing in such values and
rules as something natural, as something right. However, theres one
more important reason for this attitude of his. He is usually, a coward; he
is afraid to mess with social rules and he is terrified to mess with the Law
and the State.
Is, respecting laws and rules, something bad, per se? No, if it has to do
with Universal Laws and Universal Morality. Actually, its something
that can help the person evolve spiritually.
Yet, when it comes to Human Laws and Human Morality, things become
messed up. You see, Human Morality is arbitrary, controversial, relative
and is characterized by expediency while Universal/Natural Morality is
absolute, of general validity, irrelevant of time and space and is
characterized by wisdom and love. Theres no egoistic expediency in
Natural Morality.
4.2 Psoric tends to become the perfect victim of any syphilitic
Whats wrong with psoric attitude is that Psoric just cant discriminate
between Human Morality/Laws and Universal Morality/Laws. So, being
obedient and believing sincerely in human laws makes him the perfect
victim of any syphilitic authority/person!
Syphilitic people have both the guts and the motive to climb the
hierarchic scale of any authority. They are, usually, the ones that possess
all important positions in any kind of authority: political parties, State,
religions, economy, philosophical movements, etc. They create
principles, values, laws and rules cut out for them; suited to serve their
egoistic intentions; cut out for their own benefit. So, when psoric people
tend to believe in these human laws they simply become the perfect
victim of syphilitic people.
Psoric tends to become the good citizen, the lawful citizen, the easy
to manipulate person. He respects and, many times, is afraid of all kinds
of authorities. He is afraid of the Police, the Legal System, the State
Authorities, the Army or the Authorities of the Church.
He has a compulsory respect for all those that he should respect:
teachers, old people, parents, grandparents, priests, judges, etc. The
problem is that he tends to respect all the above people even when they
dont deserve such respect. He confuses the person with the position of
power or knowledge that he has.
For example, the son comes from school complaining about the profound
arbitrary and unfair actions of his teacher. The psoric mother, although
realizes that the teacher has exceeded his authority, nevertheless will
scold her son for misbehaving to his teacher or for talking without any
respect for him. She will tell to her son: He is your teacher and you
should love and respect him. I dont want any more discussion about it!
Another example: the daughter complains about her grandmother who is
giving her a hard time. Her mother will tell her: She is your grandmother
and she loves you; therefore, you should love her and respect her too!
She will say so, even if she is well aware of her mothers malicious
personality and even if she, herself, has suffered and still suffers from her
attitude. Her mind is stuck to the statement Grandmothers love their
granddaughters and to the rule Granddaughters should love their
grandmothers, no matter what!
Psoric, either isnt in touch with Reality living in an idealized Reality or
he may understand whats going on, yet, he refuses to see it finding
several excuses. His behavior is adjusted to how things should be
according to human morality and laws and not to how things are.
4.3 Psoric suffers because of his attachments to people and ideas
Psoric is fond of order and program and these two qualities govern his
life. Yet, in such a degree that he becomes a slave of order and program
failing to follow the changes of an ever changing life. Any change
contrary to his program is experienced as problem or even as loss or
misfortune. He is very attached to his close ones, to memories of the
past, to Human Morality and human laws.
This is the background for many events that are considered misfortunes:
unrequited love, death of a beloved person, personal problems, problems
of his beloved ones, rude behavior, sins, immoral behavior of beloved
ones or others towards him or even towards others, inhuman behavior,
violent behavior, lack of solidarity among colleagues, harsh
competitiveness, etc.
He is also annoyed by the immorality or corruptness of the State, of
Society, of the Church and other Social or Spiritual Institutions. He has a
strong appreciation of justice at all levels of human relations, not only as
he is concerned but also for others, even for strangers. Being very
respectful himself, he is greatly annoyed by disrespect towards people,
living beings or ideologies. Ingratitude and lack of mutuality also hurt
him a lot.
4.4 Psoric lives in his own idealized, romantic world
Psoric creates in his mind an idealized world. He deals very much about
how things should be/must be/ought to be according to morality and
principles; according to justice; according to Gods will; for the sake of
good; for the sake of humanity. Its an idealized, romantic world in great
contrast to the real, cruel world/humanity. Every time he faces cruel
reality he suffers, feels pain, gets hurt and becomes bitter.
His natural tendency is to become introverted and to daydream. He longs
good old times and past romantic era, i.e. an idealized era that never
really existed outside of his mind. Thats why, as a rule, he is fan of
Tradition, of humanitarian values and traditional moral values.
Quite often, he has high hopes for a moral and beautiful future to come.
He is dreaming and hoping for a better world, a better society, a moral
future world. Thats the reason why, so often, he is the perfect victim of
those who promise such a dream. As a rule, the majority of those who
promise such an idealized world are hypocrites, i.e. syphilitic people
thirsty for authority and power!
He is very easy to be manipulated by those who project values and ideals,
only to gain money, glory and power; only to gain fans, followers and
believers. He is the ideal victim of cunning representatives of
Ideologies, be it religions, philosophical movements, political parties or
even humanitarian, scientific and ecological movements.
He is identified with all moral roles of social behavior. He tends to
become the good father/mother; the good obedient child; the good
grandpa/grandma; the friendly colleague; the idealistic teacher; the
humble priest; the idealistic scientific researcher; the altruistic
missionary; the lawful citizen; the sincere idealist; the charitable man; the
humanitarian; the responsible, hard working employee; the good and just
boss with the big heart; the honest politician; the cultured artist; the
honest, active reporter that serves the truth; the awakened ecologist; the
compassionate friend of animals, etc.
He also adopts roles like the humanitarian doctor; the honest merchant;
the moral and controlled teenager; the good student; the pious, God-
fearing believer; the faithful, monogamic love partner; the selfless close
friend; the saint monk; the humble researcher of truth and God; the
romantic poet/writer; the honest tax payer; the honest, upright judge; the
moral philosopher; the moral scientist; the good neighbor; the patriot, etc.
He tends to become one with his adopted moral role. He tries hard to
become worthy of his moral role. However, he isnt aware of the fact that
roles are simply roles, attitudes, ways of behaving and living and should
not be confused with the individual. Moreover, he doesnt realize that
these roles are, as a rule, defined by the prevailing authority and by
human expediencies. He takes his role too seriously and becomes one
with it. He is unaware of the fact that, most of the times these roles are
tailor made to suit the interests of the syphilitic director of the play!
Its so difficult for him to become the objective observer of the Theater
of Life which is usually the Theater of the Absurd. He is so much
involved to what happens and tends to suffer. He tends to become a Don
Quixote that fights for his idealistic illusions that have to do with an
idealized, romantic, moral, good world.
In summary, we could say that psoric behavior tends to be moral, honest,
sincere, idealistic, good, proper, straight, upright and fair and as it
should be. Unfortunately, he cannot trace syphilitic, hypocritical
intentions and behavior and he easily becomes the victim of Syphilitics.
Moreover, he cannot differentiate between Human Morality/Laws and
Universal Morality/Laws.
4.5 Sycotic doesnt give a damn about the morality of his behavior!
Psoric tends to adopt moral laws which he greatly respects and follows.
Syphilitic pretends to follow moral laws in an attempt to manipulate
others and serve his egoistic goals. Sycotic doesnt give a damn about
moral/social laws! Moreover, if these laws inhibit him from having fun he
rejects them and condemns them.
He isnt primarily against morality; its fairer to say that he doesnt care
about it as long as it doesnt get into his way to have fun. There are so
many other things that matter to him and all of them have to do with
enjoyment of life!
You cant call him an immoral person, since he doesnt break moral rules
consciously or deliberately. He will react against morality only if it gets
into his way. We could also say that morality is a boring subject for him
or a thing that seems too sophisticated for him. Morality, for him, seems
to be existing in the sky above, while his main interests are mostly earthly
and tangible.
4.6 Sycotic worships gods like Dionysus, Ares, Aphrodite or Artemis
Sycotic behavior is usually impulsive. He is enslaved to lower passions
like gluttony, lust, fun-mania and to all kinds of excesses and debauchery.
Psoric is romantic while Sycotic is materialistic and grounded to earthly
things. Psoric is the fan of duty while Sycotic is the fan of fun!
Sycotic isnt an idealistic materialist. He isnt a materialist out of theory
and philosophy; besides, he is miles away from being an intellectual guy.
He is a materialist out of impulse to enjoy life and its pleasures. He
worships gods like Dionysus (fun, drink, sex), Ares (war,
competitiveness, physical strength), Aphrodite (beauty and lust) or
Artemis (hunting, sports). His Will is mainly oriented towards the
External World. Its an External Will attached to his body and physical
urges and needs.
4.7 Sycotic is proud to be manly, strong and a tough guy!
He usually has a very Yang body structure and Yang body functions. He
is very vigorous and plethoric. He feels that he has a very strong and
active body and a very strong organism in general so he chooses Yang
activities, i.e. activities that need speed and strength.
If he is a farmer he will dig up hard with the mattock or cut hard with the
axe. He will work hard and fast and wont mind the burning sun, strong
wind, pouring rain or freezing cold. Nothing can stop him and nothing
will wear him out. He is strong and he feels it; he is strong and he knows
it; he is strong and he likes proving his strength to himself and others. He
is strong and he is proud of it; he is manly and he will show it off!
If he is a worker he will proudly lift incredible weights. He sees it as a
challenge; as a fight in which he must prevail. If he is a city boy he will
work out for hours and hours in a gym to become a mucho man or a
fearless Karate fighter. Nevertheless, he isnt aiming to Karates
philosophy. He wants to become a fighter and show off as the tough
guy that can kick the bud of all other males around him and win the
girl, i.e. get laid!
If he is a student, again he will be the tough boy, the wide boy, the risky
guy, the competitive boy. He will do all sorts of risky things, all sorts of
manly things. He will make fun of his classmates and even make fun of
teachers or the principle. He doesnt give a damn about consequences or
punishment or about his academic future. He will be bored to death while
attending classes or he may play truant. He will love sports, especially
manly sports like boxing or football or Formula One; will talk about
football all the time and may become a hooligan.
He will be the first to smoke, drink booze or do drugs because thats how
a wide-boy behaves. He will talk dirty and be route, curse and shout,
ready to fight anytime, anyone. He will be the gang boss and will tease
any butter boy, faggot, church boy or virgin girl.
4.8 Sycotic is only interest in easy and fun life
As a university student he will care more about having fun than attending
classes. He wont give a damn about grades. His only concern will be to
pass the class and get his degree always having fun. He doesnt have any
problem to cheat during examinations. Many times, his football or sports
achievements help him pass classes and get his diploma.
On the rare occasions that he will decide to sit down and study, he will
only choose to read the most probable subjects. His most efficient study,
usually takes place after midnight! Besides, this is also true for his most
efficient time for fun; you see, he is the night guy. He can easily stay
awake until morning studying yet, most of his time is spent on clubbing,
night life, hanging out with his pals, sex and sports (usually manly and
extreme sports).
As a man he will definitely enjoy women and as a woman she will get
laid with a lot of men. Sycotic men consider being virgin as something
to be embarrassed or ashamed for. They often tease other men for being
virgin and proudly refer to their conquests. They also tend to scorn
virgin women although, at the same time, they consider going to bed with
a virgin as something to be proud of and show off to others about it. That
doesnt mean that they dont prefer to hang out with easy women, with
Sycotic women will tend to lose their virginity the soonest possible; they
are so embarrassed and ashamed for being virgins. They usually consider
themselves as hot chicks or even as hot sluts having no moral
restraint about it; on the contrary, usually they are proud about it.
However, at an early age, they may be tomboys, dressing like boys and
acting like tough boys, ignoring their female nature or even feeling
embarrassed about it.
Whats common in all sycotic cases is that they consider themselves as
tough, hot in sex and nonconformists. Most wide boys, lady-
killers, womanizers and sex-machine men are sycotic! Equally,
many hot-sexy women and sluts and quite many tomboys and
cougar women are sycotic. Quantity of relations and not quality, is the
key word of Sycotic!
He prefers being a businessman instead of being an employee because his
goal is to make money and fame easily. He wants money to have fun and
he wants fame to have women, again for the sake of fun! The saying
easy come, easy go suits Sycotic perfectly! Saving money isnt his
strong point! He doesnt care about the future, at all. Most of the times he
doesnt even care about his family and even about his kids; sometimes he
cares more about his pals than about his family.
Sycotic lives in the present 100%! He doesnt give a damn about the past
or about the future. He will spend all his money for fun or for show off or
even better, for both! He will buy an expensive speed boat or become
obsessed with diving. He will be a fanatic hunter or fisherman. He will
buy the most expensive racing car, or convertible or sport car in order to
show off and conquer chicks.
He will buy the most expensive motorcycle, usually a famous one like
Harley Davidson or Ducati for example. He is also, usually, fan of
gambling in all its forms. He can also be a regular customer of horns.
He prefers professions that may have a considerable amount of risk, yet,
also have a considerable amount of possibility for easy and plenty money.
He may also choose professions that may not pay good money yet he
enjoys them, has fun or pay him back in conquering women. Such
professions are: merchant, businessman, bar owner, club owner, coffee
shop or disco owner, DJ; gym owner or gym trainer, boxer, owner of
fighting clubs, tennis player, race car driver; captain of sports boats, life
guard, sailor; football player, pilot; truck driver, etc.
Its so not him to adjust to professions that demand responsibility, hard
work, organization, strict program, consistency and complex mental
4.9 Perverted behavior is definitely Syphilitic Behavior!
Syphilitic is characterized by perverted thinking, emotions and behavior.
Whats perverted behavior? Its main characteristics are exaggeration,
hypocrisy, lies, expediency, malice, vanity, hysterical elements and
manipulation of others.
Syphilitic behavior is to say yes and mean no; to show that I am very
glad while being sad; to pretend to defend moral values while violating
these values; to lie fully aware about it; to make egoistic plans not caring
at all about moral values and the welfare of other people around me; to
stick at nothing; to organize intrigues, framing ups and conspiracies; to
trip somebody up; to pull the carpet from someones feet; to trick
someone; to manipulate others; to set traps; to accuse others without any
reason in order to harm them.
Envy, malice, meanness, revengeful disposition, spite, cruelty, violent
behavior, sadism, masochism, dominance, overprotection and smothering
tinted with manipulation, are all syphilitic behaviors!
4.10 Syphilitic rejects or perverts any rule in relation to form,
function, purpose of existence or esthetics
He tends to reject forms and shapes and to pervert the function or purpose
of materials and things. Many modern, nave painters, sculptors,
poets and artists are Syphilitics.
Whenever anyone destroys things or harms people and animals just for
the sake of fun this is a syphilitic behavior. Punk clothing and hairstyle,
terrorism, transsexual behavior, chaotic-destructive anarchy and
vandalism are examples of syphilitic behavior. Similar syphilitic
behaviors are: hypocritical morality, fanatic anti-heretic struggle, all
kinds of racism, religious or political fanaticism. Sadism, masochism,
bestiality, coprophilia and necrophilia are all perversions of normal
sexual behavior and consequently can be considered as syphilitic
Any cooking that perverts the natural purpose of nutrition becomes
syphilitic. Any woman or man employing dozens of plastic surgery
operations for the sake of vanity acts in a syphilitic way; the same stands
bold for unjustified and peculiar diets, taking harmful drugs for losing
weight or habitual vomiting after overeating in the case of anorexic
Any scientist, fully aware of his actions, that strives for the creation of
weapons of massive destruction, lethal chemical gases and means of
biological war is syphilitic. Any scientist playing God is but a vain
syphilitic. Any religious official playing God is also syphilitic.
4.11 Syphilitic kids or teenagers are possessed by destructive
reactionary behavior
Syphilitic kids find pleasure in destroying their toys; not dismantling
them but destroying them. They will reap the head off the doll and in its
place put the head of a dog-toy; they seem so proud of their action! They
may torture or kill the cat; set fire on the dogs tail; gently and lovingly
call the cat and then kick it or hurt it; trip up the granny and then laugh
proudly; break the beloved vase of their mother and accuse their
brother/sister for it; feel so jealous of their little brother that when parents
arent present will torture him.
Syphilitic teenagers tend to destroy several objects just for the sake of
fun. They tend to deliberately irritate their parents just to enjoy see them
get angry and upset or for the sake of revenge. They love to expose their
parents to family friends and society. They may manipulate their
parents/brothers/sisters and have them fight each other.
They also tend to dress punk like or in an eccentric or vulgar way just for
the sake of causing reactions and controversy. Provocation of others in
any way possible is usually a syphilitic behavior. Total lack of respect to
others, to ideologies, religions, moral values, customs and taboos are also,
usually, syphilitic behaviors.
4.12 Syphilitic parents are dominant and suppressive
Syphilitic parents, especially mothers nowadays, tend to be very
dominant, suppressive, overprotective and manipulative towards their
children. Such mothers tend to be very egoistic and suppressive while at
the same time they claim to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their
children who they love pathologically.
Syphilitic mothers tend to smother their boys and turn them into coward
and suggestible individuals. If the boy has a submissive-psoric
background then it often becomes a mothers boy, a milksop, tied to
the apron of his mom, pampered. In more severe cases, he may become
effeminate or passive homosexual, neurotic or even schizophrenic.
Things become even worse if the father is either submissive to his wife
and theres an absence of the male prototype or if he is also very
suppressive, dominant or cruel.
On the other hand, if the boy has a syphilitic or sycotic background, then,
out of reaction or revenge he may become a hooligan, a drug addict, a
tramp or a gang member. He will make his parents life a Hell; an eye for
an eye and a tooth for a tooth!
4.13 Syphilitic rulers are cruel, suppressive and hypocritical
Syphilitic priests tend to become fanatical preachers that condemn
everybody as sinners, heretics, atheists and immoral. They tend
to interfere to all aspects of life of their fans; to control everyone and
anything; to create guilt and fear in their hearts; to put forward moral
They see evil everywhere around them, demons and impure spirits. They
project themselves as the only pure believers; they are, indeed, the only
saviors, the only Messiahs that can save the souls of their fans. Middle
Age inquisitors are a typical example of syphilitic sadistic individuals.
In the same line of behavior, one can find modern syphilitic gurus.
They tend to create spiritual paths, ashrams and communes only to
manipulate others, only to be authorities, only to gain power, money and
glory. Under the cover of giving knowledge to the masses, charity or
social offer they exploit their fans in every possible way: financially,
physically, sexually, etc.
The syphilitic Mother Superior, Head Nurse or Principal abuses authority
over those under her control. Instead of love she behaves with cruelty,
strictness and hypocrisy. Instead of helping them to become free and
independent she turns them into weak and submissive, obedient creatures.
Syphilitic politicians have no moral values, principles or ideology. Their
only ideology consists of two words: rule others! They have no
hesitation to change political party or ideology if that suits their
egoistic goals. They have no moral restraint to sell themselves or buy
others; to organize intrigues against their opponents; even to plan political
assassinations of their co-ideologists or enemies.
The syphilitic teacher is, as a rule, rigid, fanatic, cruel or hypocritical. He
tends to judge all others around him, to preach and to cry out that his
sole intention is to benefit the children and to serve moral values/the
nation. The syphilitic individual will trip up his colleagues, accuse them
and even flatter them in order to serve his egoistic goals.
Syphilitics tend to choose professions that have to do with any kind of
authority: politician, journalist, teacher, priest, preacher, Mother Superior,
social worker, judge, police officer, army officer, etc. However, let me
point out that we mustnt confuse professions with peoples intentions.
Anyone who has the above professions isnt necessarily syphilitic, yet, all
syphilitics are dying to have such professions.
So much more can be said about the characteristics of Psoric, Sycotic and
Syphilitic. Nevertheless, in this book my aim is to give the main sketch of
the picture of the above individuals as found in everyday life. I must
emphasize, once more, that we should never confuse an individual with
the dominant miasm that influences his thought, emotions and behavior in
the same way that we should never confuse an individual with the
dominant idiosyncrasy that affects him.
Any person is a human multilevel entity. Any miasm is an external
energy imbalance that can affect only the lower levels of a person causing
illness or imbalanced behavior such as described in this book.
I must also emphasize that more important is the Primary Behavior of a
person and not his Secondary Behavior. For example, the same syphilitic
tendency can take the form of several different and even contrary
Secondary Behaviors.
Finally, I feel the need to stress, once more, that we should not confuse
any specific behavior, profession, action, position or ideology with the
psoric, sycotic or syphilitic miasm that may underlie it. Even when
psoric, sycotic or syphilitic individuals tend towards the one or the other
thing/behavior/profession, etc.
4.14 Comparative Human Typology
As a summary of all that has been discussed in this book I find it useful to
lay down a table that compares the main efforts for Human Typology.
The reader will easily trace the similarities between the
Melancholic/Phlegmatic (Hippocrates), the Yin (Acupuncture) and the
Psoric (Homeopathy). Accordingly, he will trace the similarities between
the Sanguine (Hippocrates), Yang (Acupuncture) and the Sycotic
(Homeopathy). Likewise, he will match the Choleric (Hippocrates) with
the Syphilitic (Homeopathy).
A. Melancholic
Weak, introverted, melancholic, pessimist
B. Phlegmatic
Strong, slow, stable, insisting, organization skills, composed
C. Sanguine
Strong, extroverted, plethoric, impulsive, changeable mood, optimistic,
D. Choleric
Strong, perverted, violent, offensive, negative, ill-tempered
2. YIN-YANG THEORY (Acupuncture)
A. Yin
a. qualities: matter, Earth, soil, wet, diluted, soft, saving, hypo-
function, anemia
b. individual: cold, weak, female, slow, stable, conservative
B. Yang
a. qualities: energy, fire, dry, positive, condensed, hard, wasting,
hyper-function, hyperemia
b. individual: hot, strong, male, quick, unstable, liberal
Dr. Athos Stavrou Othonos
I practice Homeopathic Medicine as a private doctor in Athens the last 28
years, being a member of the Athens Medical Association and a member of the
Greek Association of Homeopathic Medicine.
I've always enjoyed reading and writing books! Up to now I have written 21
books on Holistic Philosophy, 16 Homeopathic Medical books and 8 Litterature
books. In my Homeopathic Medical Books one can find a complete course on
Homeopathic Medicine and the description of the Method of Miasmatic
Idiosyncratic Diagnosis developed by me the last 15 years.
My books either philosophical, novels or medical are the outcome of this
theoretical search and also the outcome of many years of medical and personal
experience. Their common ground is Holistic Thinking and Holistic Philosophy.
My choice to offer all my books for free in my web site homeomed.gr and in
other sites for free e-books is in accordance with my holistic beliefs.
3. THEORY OF MIASMS (Homeopathy)
A. Psoric
-Slow, scholastic thought, morality and order, close relation with Moral
Conscience and Superego, introverted and submissive, suppressed, lack
of self confidence, positive ambition
-Deep, fixed and controlled feelings
-Controlled and shy behavior, attachment to people and ideas
-Atrophy or shrinking of tissues, hypo-function of organs, decrease of
secretions, depression
B. Sycotic
-Quick, shallow thinking, moral indifference with tendency for earthly
pleasures, close relation to physical needs and urges, extroverted,
plethoric and expressive, shallow egoism
-Shallow feelings, extreme, changeable mood, tendency for easy and
joyful life, indifference about close relations with people or attachment to
ideas and ideologies
-Hypertrophy of tissues and organs, hyper-function, increase of
secretions, allergies
C. Syphilitic
-Deliberate and perverted thinking, egoistic dominance, arbitrary and
perverted will, masks his perverted intentions
-Negative, intentional and perverted emotions; perverted, dominant,
destructive and hypocritical behavior
-Destruction and deformation of tissues and organs, perversion of
function of organs, syphilis, melanoma