Administering Avaya Aura® System

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Administering Avaya Aura

Manager for Release 6.3.8
Release 6.3
Issue 4
June 2014

2014 Avaya Inc.

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Third Party Components
Third Party Components mean certain software programs or portions
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2 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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4 Administering Avaya Aura

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Chapter 1: Introduction...................................................................................................... 21
Purpose..................................................................................................................................................... 21
Intended audience.................................................................................................................................... 21
Document changes since last issue.......................................................................................................... 21
Related resources..................................................................................................................................... 23
Documentation................................................................................................................................. 23
Training............................................................................................................................................ 24
Viewing Avaya Mentor videos.......................................................................................................... 25
Support...................................................................................................................................................... 26
Warranty.................................................................................................................................................... 26
Chapter 2: System Manager overview.............................................................................. 27
New in this release.................................................................................................................................... 28
Communication Manager element................................................................................................... 31
Simplified Communication Manager upgrades................................................................................. 32
Communication Manager templates................................................................................................. 33
Supported servers............................................................................................................................ 34
Software Management infrastructure enhancements....................................................................... 34
Disparity between MultiSite Administration and System Manager............................................................ 35
Log on to System Manager....................................................................................................................... 38
Turning off the compatibility mode................................................................................................... 38
System Manager web console......................................................................................................... 39
Logging on to System Manager web console.................................................................................. 40
Logon information for users with user name admin......................................................................... 41
Tenant Management web console................................................................................................... 41
Password and security policies for all administrators............................................................................... 43
Password aging policy enforcement................................................................................................. 43
Password strength policy enforcement............................................................................................ 43
Password history policy enforcement............................................................................................... 44
Password lockout policy enforcement.............................................................................................. 44
Inactive session termination policy................................................................................................... 44
Change Password field descriptions................................................................................................ 44
Logon warning banner...................................................................................................................... 45
Editing password policies................................................................................................................. 45
Editing Session Properties............................................................................................................... 46
Security settings............................................................................................................................... 46
Editing the logon warning banner..................................................................................................... 46
Customized interface........................................................................................................................ 47
Adding the corporate logo................................................................................................................ 47
Password policies field descriptions................................................................................................. 47
Session Properties field descriptions............................................................................................... 49
Customized Interface field descriptions............................................................................................ 50
Chapter 3: Directory synchronization............................................................................... 51
Directory synchronization overview........................................................................................................... 51
Results of synchronization from the LDAP directory server to System Manager..................................... 52
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Results of synchronization from System Manager to the LDAP directory server..................................... 52
Limitations in the synchronization of the LDAP directory server............................................................... 53
Adding the synchronization datasource.................................................................................................... 54
Editing the synchronization datasource.................................................................................................... 55
Deleting a synchronization datasource..................................................................................................... 56
User synchronization datasource field descriptions.................................................................................. 57
Creating the user synchronization job....................................................................................................... 64
Scheduling a user synchronization job..................................................................................................... 64
Deleting a user synchronization job.......................................................................................................... 65
User active synchronization job field descriptions.................................................................................... 65
Synchronization job history....................................................................................................................... 66
Synchronization job history field descriptions........................................................................................... 66
Viewing Job Summary.............................................................................................................................. 67
Viewing Job Summary field descriptions................................................................................................... 67
Chapter 4: Geographic Redundancy................................................................................. 69
Geographic Redundancy overview........................................................................................................... 69
Licensing in Geographic Redundancy...................................................................................................... 70
Architecture and deployment diagrams for Geographic Redundancy...................................................... 70
Geographic Redundancy terminology....................................................................................................... 71
Geographic Redundancy replication......................................................................................................... 73
Prerequisites for servers on System Platform in the Geographic Redundancy setup.............................. 73
Prerequisites for System Manager on VMware in the Geographic Redundancy setup............................ 74
Key tasks for Geographic Redundancy.................................................................................................... 75
Configuring Geographical Redundancy.................................................................................................... 77
Enabling the Geographic Redundancy replication.................................................................................... 79
Disabling the Geographic Redundancy replication................................................................................... 80
Activating the secondary System Manager server.................................................................................... 81
Deactivating the secondary System Manager server............................................................................... 82
Restoring the primary System Manager server......................................................................................... 83
Reconfiguring Geographic Redundancy................................................................................................... 86
Converting the primary System Manager server to the standalone server............................................... 88
About the Health Monitoring service......................................................................................................... 88
Configuring the timeout interval for health monitoring.............................................................................. 89
Geographic Redundancy field descriptions.............................................................................................. 90
GR Health field descriptions...................................................................................................................... 91
Configuring the GR-unaware elements to work with System Manager.................................................... 94
Geographic Redundancy-unaware elements overview.................................................................... 94
Elements Geographic Redundancy manageability status matrix..................................................... 94
Configuring various elements to change to the secondary System Manager.................................. 96
Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 96
Session Manager 6.3 configuration.................................................................................................. 96
Communication Manager configuration............................................................................................ 99
CS 1000 configuration...................................................................................................................... 103
Meeting Exchange configuration...................................................................................................... 106
Presence Server configuration......................................................................................................... 107
CallPilot configuration....................................................................................................................... 108
Messaging configuration.................................................................................................................. 109
6 Administering Avaya Aura

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Avaya Aura

Conferencing configuration......................................................................................... 112

IP Office configuration...................................................................................................................... 116
Visualization, Performance, and Fault Manager.............................................................................. 119
Application Enablement Services..................................................................................................... 120
Avaya Aura

Contact Center........................................................................................................... 120

Replacing System Manager servers......................................................................................................... 120
Replacement of System Manager servers....................................................................................... 120
Moving the existing primary System Manager server to a different location.................................... 120
Restoring the primary System Manager server using the old primary server backup data.............. 121
Restoring the primary System Manager server using the data on the secondary System Manager
server............................................................................................................................................... 122
Replacing the secondary System Manager server on the site......................................................... 123
Recovering the primary System Manager server from disaster....................................................... 124
Chapter 5: Managing groups and roles for resources.................................................... 127
Managing groups...................................................................................................................................... 127
Group management......................................................................................................................... 127
Viewing groups................................................................................................................................. 128
Creating groups................................................................................................................................ 128
Modifying groups.............................................................................................................................. 129
Creating duplicate groups................................................................................................................ 129
Deleting groups................................................................................................................................ 130
Moving groups.................................................................................................................................. 130
Synchronizing resources for a resource type................................................................................... 131
Assigning resources to a group........................................................................................................ 131
Searching for resources................................................................................................................... 132
Searching for groups........................................................................................................................ 133
Filtering groups................................................................................................................................. 134
Filtering resources............................................................................................................................ 134
Removing assigned resources from a group.................................................................................... 135
Group Management field descriptions.............................................................................................. 136
New Group field descriptions........................................................................................................... 138
View Group field descriptions........................................................................................................... 140
Edit Group field descriptions............................................................................................................ 141
Delete Group Confirmation field descriptions................................................................................... 144
Duplicate Group field descriptions.................................................................................................... 144
Move Group field descriptions.......................................................................................................... 145
Resource Synchronization field descriptions.................................................................................... 146
Managing resources.................................................................................................................................. 146
Manage resources............................................................................................................................ 146
Accessing resources........................................................................................................................ 146
Assigning resources to a new group................................................................................................ 147
Adding resources to a selected group.............................................................................................. 148
Searching for resources................................................................................................................... 148
Filtering resources............................................................................................................................ 149
Resources field descriptions............................................................................................................ 149
Choose Group field descriptions...................................................................................................... 151
Choose Parent Group field descriptions........................................................................................... 152
Managing roles.......................................................................................................................................... 153
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Role Based Access Control.............................................................................................................. 153
Built-in roles...................................................................................................................................... 154
Custom roles.................................................................................................................................... 158
Viewing user roles............................................................................................................................ 158
Adding a custom role........................................................................................................................ 159
Adding a custom tenant administrator role....................................................................................... 160
Mapping permissions by using the template.................................................................................... 162
Assigning users to a role.................................................................................................................. 162
Unassigning users from role............................................................................................................. 163
Copying permission mapping for a role............................................................................................ 163
Editing a custom role........................................................................................................................ 164
Deleting custom roles....................................................................................................................... 165
Roles field descriptions.................................................................................................................... 165
Add New Role field descriptions....................................................................................................... 166
Role Details field descriptions.......................................................................................................... 166
Add Mapping field descriptions........................................................................................................ 167
Assigned Users field descriptions.................................................................................................... 168
Permission mapping field descriptions............................................................................................. 169
Permission mapping field descriptions............................................................................................. 169
Chapter 6: Granular role based access control............................................................... 171
Granular RBAC......................................................................................................................................... 171
Implicit permissions required for Communication Manager objects.......................................................... 172
Sample scenario for the range feature...................................................................................................... 174
Range in endpoints................................................................................................................................... 174
Assigning range for endpoints.................................................................................................................. 175
Assigning permissions in User Management............................................................................................ 176
Assigning permissions through User Management.................................................................................. 176
Field-level RBAC....................................................................................................................................... 178
Assigning permissions for fields in endpoints........................................................................................... 181
Chapter 7: Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses............................ 183
Managing users......................................................................................................................................... 183
Users, public contacts, and shared addresses................................................................................. 183
Access to administrative users......................................................................................................... 184
Viewing details of a user.................................................................................................................. 185
Creating a new user account............................................................................................................ 185
Creating a new user profile using the user provisioning rule............................................................ 187
Results of using the user provisioning rule....................................................................................... 188
Modifying user accounts................................................................................................................... 191
Creating duplicate users................................................................................................................... 192
Removing user accounts.................................................................................................................. 193
Removing the deleted users from the database............................................................................... 194
Filtering users................................................................................................................................... 194
Searching for users.......................................................................................................................... 195
Assigning roles to a user.................................................................................................................. 196
Assigning roles to multiple users...................................................................................................... 197
Removing roles from a user............................................................................................................. 197
Assigning groups to a user............................................................................................................... 198
8 Administering Avaya Aura

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Assigning groups to multiple users................................................................................................... 199
Removing a user from groups.......................................................................................................... 199
Viewing the deleted users................................................................................................................ 200
Restoring a deleted user.................................................................................................................. 200
Assigning users to roles................................................................................................................... 201
Unassigning users from role............................................................................................................. 201
Managing addresses........................................................................................................................ 202
Managing communication profiles.................................................................................................... 206
Managing default contact list of the user.......................................................................................... 226
Managing private contacts of a user................................................................................................ 234
User Management field descriptions................................................................................................ 249
User Profile View field descriptions.................................................................................................. 252
New User Profile field descriptions................................................................................................... 267
User Profile Edit field descriptions.................................................................................................... 287
User Profile Duplicate field descriptions........................................................................................... 306
User Delete Confirmation field descriptions..................................................................................... 324
Assign Roles to Multiple Users field descriptions............................................................................. 324
Assign Roles field descriptions......................................................................................................... 325
Assign Groups field descriptions...................................................................................................... 326
Assign Groups to Multiple Users field descriptions.......................................................................... 327
Deleted Users field descriptions....................................................................................................... 328
User Restore Confirmation field descriptions................................................................................... 329
Assign Users To Roles field descriptions......................................................................................... 330
UnAssign Roles field descriptions.................................................................................................... 330
Managing bulk import and export..................................................................................................... 331
Managing public contacts......................................................................................................................... 546
Manage public contact list................................................................................................................ 546
Adding a new public contact............................................................................................................. 546
Modifying details of a public contact................................................................................................. 547
Deleting public contacts................................................................................................................... 547
Viewing the details of a public contact............................................................................................. 548
Adding a postal address for a public contact.................................................................................... 548
Modifying postal address of a public contact.................................................................................... 549
Deleting the postal addresses of a public contact............................................................................ 549
Choosing a shared address for a public contact.............................................................................. 549
Adding a contact address of a public contact................................................................................... 550
Modifying the details of a public contact........................................................................................... 550
Deleting the contact address of a public contact.............................................................................. 551
Add Address field descriptions......................................................................................................... 551
Choose Address field descriptions................................................................................................... 553
View Public Contact field descriptions.............................................................................................. 553
Edit Public Contact field descriptions............................................................................................... 555
New Public Contact field descriptions.............................................................................................. 557
Public Contacts field descriptions..................................................................................................... 559
Add Address field descriptions......................................................................................................... 561
Edit Address field descriptions......................................................................................................... 562
Managing shared addresses..................................................................................................................... 563
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Manage shared address................................................................................................................... 563
Assigning a shared address to the user........................................................................................... 563
Adding a shared address................................................................................................................. 564
Modifying a shared address............................................................................................................. 564
Deleting a shared address............................................................................................................... 565
Add Address field descriptions......................................................................................................... 565
Edit Address field descriptions......................................................................................................... 566
Shared Address field descriptions.................................................................................................... 567
Managing presence access control lists................................................................................................... 568
Manage Presence Access Control Lists........................................................................................... 568
Presence ACL field descriptions...................................................................................................... 569
Communication profile password policy enforcement............................................................................... 570
Communication profile password policy........................................................................................... 570
Editing the password policy for communication profile..................................................................... 571
Communication Profile Password Policy field descriptions.............................................................. 571
Chapter 8: Managing user provisioning rules.................................................................. 573
User provisioning rule............................................................................................................................... 573
Creating the user provisioning rule........................................................................................................... 574
Modifying the user provisioning rule......................................................................................................... 574
Viewing the user provisioning rule............................................................................................................ 575
Creating a duplicate user provisioning rule............................................................................................... 575
Deleting the user provisioning rule............................................................................................................ 576
User Provisioning Rules Management field descriptions.......................................................................... 577
User Provisioning Rule field descriptions.................................................................................................. 577
Chapter 9: Managing elements.......................................................................................... 587
Registering CS 1000 or CallPilot with System Manager........................................................................... 587
Adding CallPilot to the element registry........................................................................................... 587
Adding CallPilot certificate to System Manager............................................................................... 588
Importing users from Subscriber Manager to User Management............................................................. 588
User data import to System Manager............................................................................................... 588
Preparing the Subscriber Manager user data for import to User Management................................ 589
Importing the Subscriber Manager user data to User Management................................................ 591
Subscriber Manager datasource parameters and attributes............................................................ 593
Exporting the user data and creating the user profile....................................................................... 594
Importing users from CS 1000 Subscriber Manager to User Management.............................................. 596
CS 1000 Subscriber Manager data import options.......................................................................... 596
Preparing the CS 1000 Subscriber Manager user data for import to System Manager................... 597
Importing the CS 1000 Subscriber Manager user data to System Manager.................................... 597
Exporting the CS 1000 user data and creating the user profile........................................................ 598
Preparing the CS 1000 Subscriber Manager user data for import to System Manager................... 598
Importing the CS 1000 UCM Subscriber Manager user data to System Manager........................... 599
Exporting the CS 1000 user data and creating the user profile........................................................ 600
Managing messaging................................................................................................................................ 600
Messaging Class Of Service............................................................................................................ 600
Viewing Class Of Service................................................................................................................. 600
Class of Service List field descriptions............................................................................................. 601
Messaging........................................................................................................................................ 601
10 Administering Avaya Aura

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Chapter 10: Managing Communication Manager............................................................. 621
System Manager Communication Manager capabilities overview............................................................ 621
Configuring Communication Manager user profile settings...................................................................... 622
Editing the Select All attribute in a table................................................................................................... 623
Search component for Communication Manager objects......................................................................... 623
Managing Communication Manager objects............................................................................................. 625
Communication Manager objects..................................................................................................... 625
Agents.............................................................................................................................................. 630
Announcements............................................................................................................................... 643
Audio Groups................................................................................................................................... 656
Vector Directory Number.................................................................................................................. 661
Vector Routing Table........................................................................................................................ 664
Coverage Path................................................................................................................................. 668
Coverage Time-of-day...................................................................................................................... 676
Element Cut-Through....................................................................................................................... 680
Endpoints......................................................................................................................................... 681
Managing Off PBX Configuration Set............................................................................................... 729
Managing Off PBX Endpoint Mapping.............................................................................................. 733
Xmobile Configuration...................................................................................................................... 735
Automatic Alternate Routing Digit Conversion................................................................................. 741
Automatic Route Selection Digit Conversion.................................................................................... 745
Automatic Route Selection Toll........................................................................................................ 749
Data Modules................................................................................................................................... 751
Class of service................................................................................................................................ 764
Authorization Code........................................................................................................................... 769
Class of Service Group.................................................................................................................... 772
Uniform Dial Plan Groups................................................................................................................. 777
Uniform Dial Plan............................................................................................................................. 782
Usage options.................................................................................................................................. 788
NRP Group....................................................................................................................................... 791
Chapter 11: Managing IP Office devices........................................................................... 795
IP Office Element Manager....................................................................................................................... 795
IP Office Element Manager.............................................................................................................. 795
Unlocking an IP Office device.......................................................................................................... 796
Starting the IP Office Element Manager........................................................................................... 797
Setting up System Manager to start IP Office element manager..................................................... 797
Setting up the environment variable in Windows XP to match the version of AdminLite................. 798
Setting up the environment variable in Windows 7 to match the version of AdminLite.................... 800
Default login password for day one configuration of an IP Office device......................................... 802
System Configuration....................................................................................................................... 802
Security Configuration...................................................................................................................... 804
Backup and restore of the IP Office devices.................................................................................... 806
IP Office file transfer.................................................................................................................................. 811
Transferring greeting files to an IP Office device............................................................................. 811
Transferring files to an IP Office device........................................................................................... 812
Uploading files to the System Manager repository........................................................................... 812
Deleting an uploaded file.................................................................................................................. 813
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IP Office file transfer field descriptions............................................................................................. 813
Initiating manual failback........................................................................................................................... 815
Failback policy.................................................................................................................................. 815
Initiating failback............................................................................................................................... 816
IP Office failback field descriptions................................................................................................... 816
Chapter 12: Managing backup and restore...................................................................... 819
Backup and restore................................................................................................................................... 819
Disk space management for System Manager backup............................................................................ 819
Backup and restore on System Manager that is configured for Geographic Redundancy....................... 820
System Manager data backup options...................................................................................................... 821
Accessing the Backup and Restore service.............................................................................................. 821
Viewing list of backup files........................................................................................................................ 822
Creating a data backup on a local server................................................................................................. 822
Creating a data backup on a remote server.............................................................................................. 823
Scheduling a data backup on a local server............................................................................................. 824
Scheduling a data backup on a remote server......................................................................................... 824
Editing a scheduled backup job................................................................................................................ 825
Deleting the scheduled backup job........................................................................................................... 826
Restoring data backup from a local server............................................................................................... 827
Restoring a backup from a remote server................................................................................................. 828
Restoring the backup through the command line interface....................................................................... 829
Backup and Restore field descriptions...................................................................................................... 830
Backup field descriptions.......................................................................................................................... 831
Schedule Backup field descriptions.......................................................................................................... 833
Restore field descriptions.......................................................................................................................... 834
Chapter 13: Bulk import and export.................................................................................. 837
Chapter 14: System Manager configuration..................................................................... 839
Managing data retention rules.................................................................................................................. 839
Accessing the Data Retention Rules service................................................................................... 839
Data retention rules.......................................................................................................................... 839
Viewing data retention rules............................................................................................................. 839
Modifying data retention rules.......................................................................................................... 840
Data Retention field descriptions...................................................................................................... 840
Configuring applications............................................................................................................................ 841
Configuration management.............................................................................................................. 841
View Profile: Agent Management field descriptions......................................................................... 841
View Profile: Alarm Management field descriptions......................................................................... 843
Configuring IP Office........................................................................................................................ 844
IP Office profile field descriptions..................................................................................................... 844
View Profile: Communication System Management Configuration field descriptions...................... 845
Edit Profile: Communication System Management Configuration field descriptions........................ 846
View Profile: Event processor field descriptions............................................................................... 847
View Profile:Configuration field descriptions.................................................................................... 848
View profile:Inventory field descriptions........................................................................................... 849
Edit Profile:Inventory field descriptions............................................................................................ 850
View and Edit profile Messaging field descriptions.......................................................................... 850
View Profile: Data Transport Config field descriptions..................................................................... 851
12 Administering Avaya Aura

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View Profile: Data Transport Static Config field descriptions........................................................... 855
View Profile SMGR field descriptions............................................................................................... 855
Edit Profile:SMGR field descriptions................................................................................................ 856
View Profile:Alarming UI field descriptions....................................................................................... 856
Edit Profile:Alarming UI field descriptions........................................................................................ 857
View Profile:Common Console field descriptions............................................................................. 858
Edit Profile:Common Console field descriptions.............................................................................. 859
Managing SNMP Access Profiles..................................................................................................... 860
View Profile:Shutdown field descriptions.......................................................................................... 865
Edit Profile:Shutdown field descriptions........................................................................................... 865
View Profile:HealthMonitor field descriptions................................................................................... 866
Edit Profile:HealthMonitor field descriptions..................................................................................... 866
View Profile:Licenses field descriptions........................................................................................... 867
Edit Profile:Licenses field descriptions............................................................................................. 868
View Profile:Logging UI field descriptions........................................................................................ 868
Edit Profile:Logging UI field descriptions.......................................................................................... 869
View Profile:Logging Service field descriptions................................................................................ 870
Edit Profile:Logging Service field descriptions................................................................................. 871
View Profile: SMGR Element Manager field descriptions................................................................ 872
View Profile:SNMP field descriptions............................................................................................... 874
View Profile:Scheduler field descriptions......................................................................................... 874
Edit Profile:Scheduler field descriptions........................................................................................... 875
Configuring the TrapListener service............................................................................................... 876
TrapListener service field descriptions............................................................................................. 876
View Profile: TrustManagement field descriptions........................................................................... 877
Edit Profile: TrustManagement field descriptions............................................................................. 878
View Profile: User Bulk Import Profile field descriptions................................................................... 879
Edit Profile: User Bulk Import Profile field descriptions.................................................................... 881
Chapter 15: Managing inventory....................................................................................... 883
Managing elements................................................................................................................................... 883
Element management...................................................................................................................... 883
Creating a new element................................................................................................................... 884
Additional information required for creating the Communication Manager or Messaging element.. 884
Manage elements in System Manager configured with Geographic Redundancy........................... 885
Determining the System Manager that manages a GR-aware element........................................... 885
Viewing details of an element........................................................................................................... 886
Modifying an element....................................................................................................................... 886
Deleting an element......................................................................................................................... 887
Importing elements........................................................................................................................... 887
Assigning elements to an element................................................................................................... 888
Removing assigned elements.......................................................................................................... 888
Managing access profiles and ports................................................................................................. 889
Managing and unmanaging elements from System Manager.......................................................... 891
Manage Elements field descriptions................................................................................................. 893
Element details field descriptions..................................................................................................... 895
Delete Element Confirmation field descriptions................................................................................ 903
Import Elements field descriptions................................................................................................... 904
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 13

Import Status field descriptions........................................................................................................ 906
Add Communication Manager field descriptions.............................................................................. 907
Add IP Office field descriptions........................................................................................................ 911
Delete IP Office field descriptions.................................................................................................... 913
Discovering elements....................................................................................................................... 913
Create profiles and discover SRS and SCS servers................................................................................. 919
Discover SRS and SCS servers....................................................................................................... 919
Discovering SRS and SCS servers and creating profiles................................................................. 919
Overwriting login profiles on devices................................................................................................ 920
Resetting the password.................................................................................................................... 920
Discover SRS and SCS server field descriptions............................................................................. 921
Configuring subnets.................................................................................................................................. 923
Adding a subnetwork........................................................................................................................ 923
Editing the subnetwork..................................................................................................................... 923
Deleting a subnetwork...................................................................................................................... 924
Subnet Configurations field descriptions.......................................................................................... 924
Managing Element Access Profile............................................................................................................ 925
Adding an element access profile.................................................................................................... 925
Editing an element access profile..................................................................................................... 925
Deleting an element access profile.................................................................................................. 926
Element Access Profile Management field descriptions................................................................... 926
Modify Access Profile Entry field descriptions.................................................................................. 927
Managing Serviceability Agents................................................................................................................ 928
Serviceability Agents........................................................................................................................ 928
Managing SNMPv3 user profiles...................................................................................................... 928
Managing SNMP target profiles....................................................................................................... 932
Managing user and target profiles.................................................................................................... 936
Synchronization of Data............................................................................................................................ 940
Communication Manager, Messaging data, and IP Office synchronization..................................... 940
Synchronizing the Communication Manager data and configuring options..................................... 942
Initializing synchronization................................................................................................................ 943
Incremental Synchronization............................................................................................................ 943
Synchronizing the IP Office system configuration............................................................................ 944
Synchronizing the messaging data.................................................................................................. 944
Saving the Communication Manager translations............................................................................ 945
About CM audit................................................................................................................................. 945
Performing a Communication Manager audit................................................................................... 946
CM audit field descriptions............................................................................................................... 946
Audit report field descriptions........................................................................................................... 947
Communication Profiles synchronization......................................................................................... 947
Configure options...................................................................................................................................... 951
Chapter 16: Managing events............................................................................................ 953
Managing alarms....................................................................................................................................... 953
Alarming........................................................................................................................................... 953
Viewing alarms................................................................................................................................. 954
Changing the alarm status............................................................................................................... 954
Exporting alarms.............................................................................................................................. 954
14 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

Deleting alarms................................................................................................................................ 955
Filtering alarms................................................................................................................................. 955
Searching for alarms........................................................................................................................ 956
Configuring the throttling period alarm............................................................................................. 957
Generating test alarms..................................................................................................................... 957
Managing Geographic Redundancy related alarms......................................................................... 960
Alarming field descriptions............................................................................................................... 961
Alarming field descriptions............................................................................................................... 962
Managing logs........................................................................................................................................... 966
Logging service................................................................................................................................ 966
Log Types......................................................................................................................................... 967
Managing log harvester.................................................................................................................... 968
Managing log settings...................................................................................................................... 985
Managing log viewer........................................................................................................................ 991
TrapListener service.................................................................................................................................. 999
Chapter 17: Managing licenses......................................................................................... 1001
WebLM overview....................................................................................................................................... 1001
WebLM overview.............................................................................................................................. 1001
Obtaining the license file.................................................................................................................. 1001
Accessing WebLM............................................................................................................................ 1002
Installing a license file...................................................................................................................... 1002
Viewing the license capacity and utilization of the product features................................................ 1003
Viewing peak usage for a licensed product...................................................................................... 1004
Uninstalling a license file.................................................................................................................. 1004
Viewing the server properties........................................................................................................... 1004
WebLM Home field descriptions....................................................................................................... 1005
Install license field descriptions........................................................................................................ 1005
View license capacity field descriptions........................................................................................... 1006
View peak usage field descriptions.................................................................................................. 1006
Centralized licensing........................................................................................................................ 1007
Uninstall license field descriptions.................................................................................................... 1013
Server Properties field descriptions.................................................................................................. 1014
Enterprise licensing.......................................................................................................................... 1015
Chapter 18: Data Replication Service............................................................................... 1043
Data Replication Service........................................................................................................................... 1043
Synchronization in a Geographic Redundancy scenario.......................................................................... 1044
DRS client audit........................................................................................................................................ 1044
Viewing replica groups.............................................................................................................................. 1045
Viewing replica nodes in a replica group.................................................................................................. 1045
Repairing a replica node........................................................................................................................... 1046
Repairing all replica nodes in a replica group........................................................................................... 1047
Viewing replication details for a replica node............................................................................................ 1047
Removing a replica node.......................................................................................................................... 1048
Removing a replica node from the queue................................................................................................. 1048
Replica Groups field descriptions.............................................................................................................. 1048
Replica Nodes field descriptions............................................................................................................... 1049
Replication Node Details field descriptions............................................................................................... 1052
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 15

Chapter 19: Managing reports........................................................................................... 1055
Reports...................................................................................................................................................... 1055
Reports Definition List field descriptions................................................................................................... 1055
Generating a detailed report..................................................................................................................... 1056
Generating a basic report.......................................................................................................................... 1057
New report field descriptions..................................................................................................................... 1058
Editing report parameters.......................................................................................................................... 1061
Rerunning reports..................................................................................................................................... 1061
Customizing reports.................................................................................................................................. 1062
Downloading reports................................................................................................................................. 1063
Reports history field descriptions.............................................................................................................. 1064
Configuring email properties for reports.................................................................................................... 1064
Sending reports through email.................................................................................................................. 1065
Deleting reports......................................................................................................................................... 1065
Configuring report properties.................................................................................................................... 1066
Remote server configuration..................................................................................................................... 1066
Adding a remote server.................................................................................................................... 1066
Viewing the details of a remote server............................................................................................. 1067
Editing the details of a remote server............................................................................................... 1067
Deleting a remote server.................................................................................................................. 1067
Remote Server configuration field descriptions................................................................................ 1068
Chapter 20: Managing scheduled jobs............................................................................. 1069
Scheduler.................................................................................................................................................. 1069
Accessing scheduler................................................................................................................................. 1070
Viewing pending jobs................................................................................................................................ 1070
Viewing completed jobs............................................................................................................................ 1070
Viewing logs for a job................................................................................................................................ 1071
Filtering jobs.............................................................................................................................................. 1071
Editing a job.............................................................................................................................................. 1072
Deleting a job............................................................................................................................................ 1073
Disabling a job........................................................................................................................................... 1074
Enabling a job........................................................................................................................................... 1074
Stopping a job........................................................................................................................................... 1075
Pending Jobs field descriptions................................................................................................................ 1075
Completed Jobs field descriptions............................................................................................................ 1078
Job Scheduling-View Job field descriptions.............................................................................................. 1080
Job Scheduling-Edit Job field descriptions............................................................................................... 1082
Job Scheduling-On Demand Job field descriptions.................................................................................. 1083
Disable Confirmation field descriptions..................................................................................................... 1084
Stop Confirmation field descriptions......................................................................................................... 1086
Delete Confirmation field descriptions...................................................................................................... 1087
Chapter 21: Templates........................................................................................................ 1089
Template management............................................................................................................................. 1089
Template versioning.................................................................................................................................. 1089
Filtering templates..................................................................................................................................... 1090
Upgrading a template................................................................................................................................ 1090
Adding CM Agent template....................................................................................................................... 1091
16 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

Editing CM Agent template....................................................................................................................... 1092
Viewing CM Agent template...................................................................................................................... 1092
Deleting CM Agent template..................................................................................................................... 1093
Duplicating CM Agent template................................................................................................................. 1093
Adding CM Endpoint templates................................................................................................................ 1093
Editing CM Endpoint templates................................................................................................................. 1094
Viewing CM Endpoint templates............................................................................................................... 1095
Deleting CM Endpoint templates.............................................................................................................. 1095
Duplicating CM Endpoint templates.......................................................................................................... 1096
Assigning permissions for CM templates.................................................................................................. 1096
Adding subscriber templates............................................................................................................ 1097
Editing subscriber templates..................................................................................................................... 1098
Viewing subscriber templates................................................................................................................... 1099
Deleting subscriber templates................................................................................................................... 1099
Duplicating subscriber templates.............................................................................................................. 1100
Viewing associated subscribers................................................................................................................ 1100
Templates List........................................................................................................................................... 1101
Add Agent Template field descriptions..................................................................................................... 1104
Subscriber Messaging Templates field descriptions................................................................................. 1112
Subscriber CMM Templates field descriptions.......................................................................................... 1115
Subscriber MM Templates field descriptions............................................................................................ 1118
Managing IP Office Endpoint template..................................................................................................... 1122
Adding an IP Office endpoint template............................................................................................. 1122
Viewing an IP Office endpoint template........................................................................................... 1123
Editing an IP Office endpoint template............................................................................................. 1124
Duplicating an IP Office endpoint template...................................................................................... 1124
Deleting an IP Office endpoint template........................................................................................... 1125
Upgrading IP Office endpoint templates........................................................................................... 1125
IP Office endpoint template field descriptions.................................................................................. 1126
Managing IP Office System Configuration template................................................................................. 1127
Adding an IP Office System Configuration template........................................................................ 1127
Viewing an IP Office System Configuration template....................................................................... 1127
Editing an IP Office system configuration template.......................................................................... 1128
Deleting an IP Office system configuration template........................................................................ 1129
Applying an IP Office system configuration template on an IP Office device................................... 1129
IP Office System Configuration template field descriptions.............................................................. 1130
Manage audio files........................................................................................................................... 1130
Uploading an audio file..................................................................................................................... 1131
Converting an .WAV audio file to a .C11 audio file.......................................................................... 1131
Deleting an audio file........................................................................................................................ 1132
Manage Audio field descriptions...................................................................................................... 1133
Chapter 22: Security........................................................................................................... 1135
Managing certificates................................................................................................................................ 1135
About Trust Management................................................................................................................. 1135
Setting the enrollment password...................................................................................................... 1135
Managing trusted certificates........................................................................................................... 1136
Managing identity certificates........................................................................................................... 1140
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 17

Retrieving the System Manager CA certificate................................................................................. 1145
Certificate Authorities....................................................................................................................... 1145
Enrollment Password field descriptions............................................................................................ 1146
Trusted Certificates field descriptions.............................................................................................. 1146
Add Trusted Certificate field descriptions......................................................................................... 1147
View Trust Certificate field descriptions........................................................................................... 1149
Delete Trusted Certificate Confirmation field descriptions............................................................... 1150
Using third-party certificate............................................................................................................... 1150
Setting the System Manager certificate authority (EJBCA) as SUB-CA.......................................... 1151
Configuring DTLS for CS 1000......................................................................................................... 1156
Configuring SIP TLS for CS 1000.................................................................................................... 1157
External authentication............................................................................................................................. 1157
External authentication..................................................................................................................... 1157
Editing the authentication scheme................................................................................................... 1158
Provision the authentication servers................................................................................................ 1158
Provisioning the LDAP server.......................................................................................................... 1159
Provisioning the RADIUS server...................................................................................................... 1159
Provisioning the Kerberos server..................................................................................................... 1160
Provision LDAP/Radius/Kerberos server field descriptions.............................................................. 1161
SAML authentication........................................................................................................................ 1163
Active sessions......................................................................................................................................... 1168
Viewing active sessions................................................................................................................... 1168
Terminating Single Sign-On sessions.............................................................................................. 1168
Chapter 23: Managing tenants........................................................................................... 1169
Multi Tenancy............................................................................................................................................ 1169
Enabling Multi Tenancy............................................................................................................................. 1170
Creating a tenant....................................................................................................................................... 1171
Assigning the tenant administrator to the tenant....................................................................................... 1174
Unassigning the tenant administrator....................................................................................................... 1175
Viewing the tenant..................................................................................................................................... 1176
Modifying the tenant.................................................................................................................................. 1176
Deleting a tenant....................................................................................................................................... 1177
Multi Tenancy for Avaya SIP AST endpoints............................................................................................ 1178
Multi Tenancy for Communication Manager objects................................................................................. 1178
Notes on Multi Tenancy for Communication Manager.............................................................................. 1179
Tenant Management field descriptions..................................................................................................... 1182
Create Tenant field descriptions............................................................................................................... 1183
Chapter 24: Shutting down System Manager................................................................... 1189
Overview................................................................................................................................................... 1189
Shutting down System Manager from the Web console........................................................................... 1190
Chapter 25: Software Management................................................................................... 1191
Software Management overview............................................................................................................... 1191
Configuring user settings.......................................................................................................................... 1192
User Settings field descriptions................................................................................................................. 1192
Setting up an alternate source.................................................................................................................. 1194
Software Inventory.................................................................................................................................... 1195
Software Inventory overview............................................................................................................ 1195
18 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

Getting inventory.............................................................................................................................. 1196
Analyze software.............................................................................................................................. 1197
Analyzing the software..................................................................................................................... 1198
Downloading the software................................................................................................................ 1199
Performing a preupgrade check....................................................................................................... 1199
Preupgrade checks.......................................................................................................................... 1201
Hardware requirement checks during a preupgrade check.............................................................. 1202
Preupgrade status............................................................................................................................ 1202
Viewing the preupgrade check status of an element........................................................................ 1203
Upgrading Communication Manager Release 6.0, 6.1, or 6.2......................................................... 1204
Upgrading Communication Manager Release 5.2.1........................................................................ 1217
Upgrading TN boards....................................................................................................................... 1223
Upgrading media gateways and media modules............................................................................. 1224
Software library......................................................................................................................................... 1225
Creating a software library............................................................................................................... 1225
Deleting a software library................................................................................................................ 1226
Software library field descriptions..................................................................................................... 1226
Viewing a file in the software library................................................................................................. 1229
Setting up the external server to work as a remote software library for upgrades........................... 1229
Downloading a file..................................................................................................................................... 1230
Uploading a custom patch........................................................................................................................ 1231
Uploading custom patch field descriptions................................................................................................ 1232
Managing software.................................................................................................................................... 1233
Overview of managing software....................................................................................................... 1233
Get inventory.................................................................................................................................... 1233
Analyzing the software..................................................................................................................... 1234
Downloading the software................................................................................................................ 1235
Upgrading Communication Manager 5.x.......................................................................................... 1236
CM Upgrade Configuration field descriptions................................................................................... 1237
Communication Manager Software field descriptions...................................................................... 1242
Patch Manager field descriptions..................................................................................................... 1243
Updating Communication Manager.................................................................................................. 1245
Updating the SAMP/MPC firmware.................................................................................................. 1246
Resetting a Communication Manager.............................................................................................. 1246
Upgrading an IP Office device.......................................................................................................... 1247
Configuring auto commit for Communication Manager upgrades.................................................... 1248
Removing a Communication Manager release................................................................................ 1249
Updating the status of a Communication Manager.......................................................................... 1249
Upgrading media gateways and media modules............................................................................. 1249
Gateway upgrade configuration field descriptions............................................................................ 1250
Resetting media gateways............................................................................................................... 1251
Performing rollback for gateways..................................................................................................... 1251
Upgrading TN Boards....................................................................................................................... 1252
Upgrading TN Boards field descriptions........................................................................................... 1253
Protocol matrix for upgrades............................................................................................................ 1254
Assigning permissions to access Software Management......................................................................... 1255
Upgrading Communication Manager 5.x to Release 5.2.1....................................................................... 1256
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 19

Obtaining a company ID............................................................................................................................ 1257
Chapter 26: Communication Manager Notify Sync.......................................................... 1259
Overview of the CM notify sync feature.................................................................................................... 1259
Downloading the System Manager certificate........................................................................................... 1260
Downloading the pem file to Communication Manager............................................................................ 1261
Adding a trusted certificate to Communication Manager.......................................................................... 1262
Configuring notify sync on Communication Manager............................................................................... 1264
Configure two-way TLS............................................................................................................................. 1264
Adding the Communication Manager certificate to the System Manager trust......................................... 1265
Enabling two-way TLS in System Manager.............................................................................................. 1265
Chapter 27: Changing the IP address and FQDN in System Manager........................... 1267
Verifying the deployment of extension packs............................................................................................ 1267
Impact of change in FQDN and IP address on the Geographic Redundancy feature.............................. 1267
SSO login to remote machine fails............................................................................................................ 1268
Reimporting the SSO cookie domain value.............................................................................................. 1268
Changing IP address or FQDN in System Manager running on System Platform.................................... 1269
Changing the IP address or FQDN in System Manager.................................................................. 1269
Changing IP address or FQDN of managed elements on System Manager.................................... 1271
Changing the System Manager IP address in managed elements.................................................. 1271
Changing the IP address and FQDN on the System Manager servers in Geographic Redundancy........ 1272
Change in IP address and FQDN on the primary and secondary System Manager servers........... 1272
Changing the IP address and FQDN on the primary System Manager when the secondary is in the
standby or active mode.................................................................................................................... 1272
Changing the IP address and FQDN on the primary System Manager server when the secondary
is nonoperational.............................................................................................................................. 1273
Changing the IP address and FQDN on the secondary System Manager server when the secondary
is in the standby or active mode....................................................................................................... 1275
Changing the IP address and FQDN on the secondary System Manager server when the primary
is nonoperational.............................................................................................................................. 1276
Changing network parameters on System Manager running on VMware................................................ 1277
Changing the IP address, FQDN, DNS, Gateway, or Netmask address from CLI........................... 1277
changeIPFQDN command............................................................................................................... 1278
System Manager command line interface operations...................................................................... 1279
Chapter 28: Configuring the date and time...................................................................... 1281
Changing the time zone for System Manager........................................................................................... 1281
Changing the date or time for System Manager....................................................................................... 1281
Verifying changes to the date and time configuration............................................................................... 1282
Configuring System Manager logs for Syslog server................................................................................ 1282
Changing date and time on System Manager running on VMware.......................................................... 1283
Configuring the NTP server.............................................................................................................. 1283
Configuring the time zone................................................................................................................ 1284
Appendix A: Firewall implementation in System Manager............................................. 1285
Firewall basics........................................................................................................................................... 1285
Firewall implementation in System Manager............................................................................................ 1285
Configuring the firewall in System Manager............................................................................................. 1286
Using the firewall....................................................................................................................................... 1286
Modifying the System Manager firewall rules............................................................................................ 1287
Index..................................................................................................................................... 1289
20 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

Chapter 1: Introduction
This document provides procedures for configuring Avaya Aura

System Manager and the

Avaya Aura

applications and systems that System Manager manages.

Intended audience
The primary audience for this document is anyone who is involved with configuring,
troubleshooting, maintaining, and verifying System Manager at a customer site. The audience
includes and is not limited to implementation engineers, field technicians, business partners,
solution providers, and customers.
Document changes since last issue
The following changes are made to this document since the last issue:
Added the new and enhanced features in System Manager Release 6.3.8.
Added new sections for configuring the customer logo on the System Manager web
Added the following in the Managing certificates section:
- Support for installation of license files with the client host ID
- Support for generation of SHA-2 algorithm-based certificates
- Support for generation of certificates by using 2048 as the default key size
Added new sections for configuring SNMP access profiles.
Added new sections for configuring subnetworks.
Added new sections for configuring element access profiles.
Added new sections for creating discovery profiles and discovering elements.
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 21

Added the following in the Managing bulk import and export section:
- Support for the user provisioning rule name for a user
- Support for the import and export of all attributes of Communication Manager station
communication profile by using the Excel file
- Support for the import and export of the Collaboration Environment communication
profile by using the Excel file
- Support for the import and export of the Presence communication profile in bulk by
using the Excel file
- Support for the import and export of the CallPilot communication profile in bulk by
using the Excel file
Added support for LDAP synchronization and authentication with Active Directory 2012
in the Directory Synchronization section.
Added the following in the Managing users section:
- Support for Collaboration Environment communication profile
- Support for Presence communication profile
- Support for manual Avaya XMPP handle creation
- Support for the Presence domain type
Replaced the Network Administrator role with the System Administrator role.
Added procedure for repairing the serviceability agent.
Added the following sections in Software Management:
- Getting inventory, analyzing software, and downloading files.
- Running preupgrade checks.
- Upgrading Communication Manager 6.x on System Platform and associated devices
such as Gateways, TN boards, and media modules to Release 6.3.6.
- Upgrading Communication Manager 5.2.1 and associated devices such as
Gateways, TN boards, and media modules to Release 6.3.6.
- Scenario for upgrading Communication Manager Release 5.2.1 to 6.3.6.
- Scenario for upgrading Communication Manager Release 6.x on System Platform
to 6.3.6.
Added procedures for creating profile and discovering SRS and SCS servers.
Communication Manager Element:
- Support for Network Region Map (911)
- Support for Profile settings and favorite buttons
- Support for customizing reports, editing report parameters, rerunning reports, and
configuring report properties
22 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

Comments? [email protected]
- Support for configuring an SFTP server to store reports
Removed the sections related to enforced ACL rule and system rule from Managing
Presence Access Control lists.
Related resources
The following table lists the documents related to System Manager. Download the documents
from the Avaya Support website at
Title Description Audience
Avaya Aura

System Manager
Overview and Specification
Describes product characteristics
and capabilities, including product
overview and feature descriptions,
interoperability, performance
specifications, security, and licensing
Sales Engineers,
Engineers, and
Deploying Avaya Aura

Manager on System Platform
Describes the procedures to install
and configure System Manager on
System Platform.
Engineers and
Deploying Avaya Aura

Manager on VMware in
Virtualized Environment
Describes the procedures for
deploying the Avaya Aura

Manager virtual application in
Virtualized Environment. The
document includes procedures for
installation, configuration, initial
administration, troubleshooting, and
basic maintenance.
Installing the Dell


R610 Server,
Describes the procedures to install
the Dell


R610 server.
Engineers and
Installing the HP ProLiant
DL360 G7 Server, 03-603799
Describes the procedures to install
the HP ProLiant DL360 G7 server.
Engineers and
Related resources
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 23

Title Description Audience
Installing and Configuring
Avaya Aura

System Platform
Describes the procedures to install
and troubleshoot System Platform.
Engineers and
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Upgrading Avaya Aura

System Manager on System

Describes the procedures to upgrade
System Manager from the previous
releases to the latest release on
System Platform.
Engineers and
Upgrading Avaya Aura

System Manager on VMware in

Virtualized Environment
Describes the procedures for
upgrading Avaya Aura

Manager from earlier releases to the
latest release on VMware in
Virtualized Environment.
Avaya Aura

System Manager
Fault Management and
monitoring using SNMP
Describes the procedures to monitor
System Manager using SNMP.
Engineers and
Troubleshooting Avaya Aura

System Manager
Describes the procedures to
troubleshoot the problems during the
installation and administration of
System Manager and the managed
elements that System Manager
Engineers and
The following courses are available on the Avaya Learning website at http://www.avaya- After logging into the website, enter the course code or the course title in the
Search field and click Go to search for the course.
Course title Type
Avaya Aura

Fundamental Technology AvayaLive

Engage Theory
Knowledge Access: Avaya Aura

Manager and System Manager

Engage Theory
24 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

Comments? [email protected]
Course title Type
Avaya Aura

System Manager Overview

WBT Level 1
Knowledge Access: Avaya Aura

Manager and System Manager
ALE License
Knowledge Access: Avaya Aura

Manager and System Manager Support
ALE License
Avaya Aura

System Manager
Implementation, Administration,
Maintenance, and Troubleshooting
vILT+Lab Level 1
Avaya Aura

Session Manager and

System Manager Implementation,
Administration, Maintenance, and
vILT+Lab Level 2
Avaya Aura

Session Manager and

System Manager Implementation and
Maintenance Exam
Exam (Questions)
Avaya Aura

System Manager 6.2 Delta

WBT Level 1
Viewing Avaya Mentor videos
Avaya Mentor videos provide technical content on how to install, configure, and troubleshoot
Avaya products.
About this task
Videos are available on the Avaya Support web site, listed under the video document type,
and on the Avaya-run channel on YouTube.
To find videos on the Avaya Support web site, go to, select
the product name, and select the videos checkbox to see a list of available videos.
To find the Avaya Mentor videos on YouTube, go to
AvayaMentor and perform one of the following actions:
- Enter a key word or key words in the Search Channel to search for a specific
product or topic.
- Scroll down Playlists, and click the name of a topic to see the available list of videos
posted on the site.
Related resources
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 25

Videos are not available for all products.
Visit the Avaya Support website at for the most up-to-date
documentation, product notices, and knowledge articles. You can also search for release
notes, downloads, and resolutions to issues. Use the online service request system to create
a service request. Chat with live agents to get answers to questions, or request an agent to
connect you to a support team if an issue requires additional expertise.
Avaya provides a 90-day limited warranty on the System Manager software. For detailed terms
and conditions, see the sales agreement or other applicable documentation. Additionally, for
the standard warranty description of Avaya and the details of support, see Help & Policies >
Policies & Legal > Maintenance and Warranty Information on the Avaya Support website
at For additional information, see Help & Policies > Policies &
Legal > License Terms.
For more details on the hardware maintenance for supported products, see http://
26 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

Comments? [email protected]
Chapter 2: System Manager overview
System Manager is a central management system that delivers a set of shared management services
and provides common console for Avaya Aura

applications and systems.

System Manager includes the following shared management services:
Service Description
Users Provides features to administer users, shared address, public contact list, and
system presence access control list information.
You can:
Associate the user profiles with groups, roles, and communication profiles.
Create a contact list.
Add an address and private contacts for the user.
User Provisioning
Provides features to create rules called user provisioning rules. When the
administrator creates the user using the user provisioning rule, the system
populates the user attributes from the rule. The administrator requires to
provide minimal information.
Bulk import and
Provides features for bulk import and export of user profiles and global
Provides features for bidirectional synchronization of user attributes from
System Manager to the LDAP directory server.
Elements Provides features by individual components of System Manager. Some links
also provide access to generic features of System Manager, most of the links
provide access to features provided by different components of System
Events Provides features for administering alarms and logs generated by System
Manager and other components of System Manager. Serviceability agent
sends alarms and logs to SAL Gateway and System Manager, which in turn
forwards the alarms and logs to the Avaya Data Center.
You can view and change the status of alarms. You can view logs and harvest
logs for System Manager and its components and manage loggers and
Provides features for handling scenarios when the primary System Manager
server fails or the data network fragments. In such scenario, the system
manages and administers elements such as Avaya Aura

Session Manager
and Avaya Aura

Communication Manager, across the customer enterprise

using the secondary System Manager server.
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 27

Service Description
Groups & Roles Provides features for administering groups and roles. You can create and
manage groups, roles, and permissions.
Licenses Provides features for administering licenses for individual components of
Avaya Aura

Unified Communication System.

Security Provides features for configuring the certificate authority.
System Manager
Provides features for:
Backing up and restoring System Manager configuration data.
Monitoring and scheduling jobs.
Replicating data from remote nodes.
Configuring data retention settings and profiles for various services that
System Manager provides.
Tenant Management Provides features for:
Creating a tenant.
Editing tenant details.
Duplicating an existing tenant.
Deleting a tenant.
Provides features for:
Obtaining the latest software and upgrading the Avaya devices.
Downloading the new release from Avaya PLDS and using for upgrading the
device software.
New in this release
Avaya Aura

System Manager Release 6.3.8 supports the following new features and
Support for the deployment on VMware Release ESXi 5.5 in Virtualized Environment
Support for the following web browsers:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer Release 8.x, 9.x, and 10.x
- Mozilla Firefox Release 27, 28, and 29
System Manager does not support Firefox releases earlier to 27.
System Manager overview
28 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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Capacity enhancements to increase the scale of SIP users and devices:
- Increase scale to support 125K SIP users
- Increase scale to support 150K SIP endpoint devices
- Increase scale to 12 Session Managers
Common console enhancements:
Provides the Settings icon ( ) to navigate to Help, About, and Change
Password links.
- Provides the feature to add a corporate logo on the web console.
- User Preference: You can add a page as your preference by using the plus sign (+)
in the top-right corner. The web console displays the link to the page to System
Manager. You can delete the user preferences.
- Quick Navigator: You can type the name of the link that you want to search. The web
console displays all related links with the search text in the top-right corner of the
page. You can click a link to navigate to the specific page.
- The look and feel of the UCM webpages matches with System Manager
Displays a message on the web console that prompts you to restart the System Manager
virtual machine after a patch installation that upgraded the kernel.
Access to administrative users: When you create a role with access to User
Management, you can restrict the access to the Administrative Users page.
The roles that are created earlier than Release 6.3.8 with permissions to access the
Administrative Users page continue to have this permission. To restrict the access to the
Administrative Users page, clear the Allow access to Administrative Users Web UI
check box on the Permission Mapping page.
Discovery enhancements:
- Configuring SNMP access profiles.
- Configuring subnetworks.
- Configuring element access profiles.
- Creating discovery profiles.
- Discovering elements.
User Provisioning Rule enhancements:
- The Collaboration Environment communication profile
- The Presence communication profile
- Manual Avaya XMPP handle creation
- The Presence domain type
New in this release
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 29

WebLM centralized licensing enhancements:
- Centralized licensing on VMware in Virtualized Environment on System Manager
- WebLM generates a warning when a system administrator installs a new license file
without the non-capacity feature that was present in the existing license file. The
system prompts the administrator to confirm or cancel the license file installation. If
the administrator chooses to continue, WebLM proceeds with the new license file
installation after logging the warning event.
The log includes details of the license installation, the user name of the person
installing the license, and the status whether the administrator confirmed or
cancelled the warning. This enhancement applies to the standalone WebLM and
System Manager WebLM.
For example, the customer might have a non-capacity feature, such as ASAI on
Communication Manager (FEAT_CM_ASAI_PCKG), in the installed
Communication Manager license file on WebLM. When this customer tries to install
a new license file without this feature, the customer gets a warning message. The
message is to confirm whether the customer intentionally dropped this feature from
the license file.
Serviceability enhancements:
- For newly installed elements that work with Release 6.3.8 serviceability agents, you
do not need to manually activate the agents from the Manage Serviceability Agent
page.System Manager automatically activates the agents. In the Agents List
section, the system displays the agent as Active. You can assign the target or user
profiles to the agent that is automatically activated.
- If the alarming functionality of an element fails, you can repair the serviceability
agent. The repair process triggers the SNMP configuration.
Security enhancements:
- Generation of SHA-2 algorithm-based certificates
- Generation of certificates by using 2048 key size
- Subject Alternative Name for certificate generation. Enables Subject Alternative
Name values in the URI format for all System Manager-CA issued identity
Bulk import and export enhancements supports:
- Granular export with user attribute filtering options
- More than one communication profile set
- User provisioning rule name for a user
- Changing login name by using bulk user import using XML and Excel
System Manager overview
30 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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- Import and export of all attributes of Communication Manager station communication
profile by using the Excel file
- Import and export of the Collaboration Environment communication profile by using
the Excel file
- Import and export of the CallPilot communication profile by using the Excel file
- Import and export of the Presence communication profile by using the Excel file
Directory Synchronization enhancements supports
- LDAP synchronization and authentication with Active Directory 2012.
Scheduler enhancements supports:
- Scheduling of the sequential jobs
- Rerunning of the failed jobs
- Rescheduling the failed jobs
Does not support the Network Administrator role. The System Administrator role replaces
the Network Administrator role.
Related topics:
Communication Manager element on page 31
Simplified Communication Manager upgrades on page 32
Communication Manager templates on page 33
Supported servers on page 34
Software Management infrastructure enhancements on page 34
Communication Manager element
You can use Reports to generate Basic (List and Display) reports directly from
Communication Manager. The existing report is termed as Detailed (Database) report.
You can customize reports, edit report parameters, rerun reports, and configure report
You can configure an SFTP server to store reports.
Create profile and discover SRS and SCS servers
Use the Create Profiles and Discover SRS/SCS option to automatically discover survivable
remote servers (SRS) and survivable core servers (SCS) from the main Communication
Manager. System Manager uses the list survivable-processor command to discover
the SRS and SCS servers that are associated with the main Communication Manager. The
servers that are discovered are stored in Inventory > Manage Elements.
New in this release
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 31

Additionally, the SRS and SCS servers are automatically added in the System Manager
inventory. The Communication Manager servers are automatically identified as survivable
servers in Inventory.
Software Management
You can perform the following actions:
Getting inventory, analyzing software, and downloading files.
Running preupgrade checks.
Upgrading Communication Manager 6.x on System Platform and associated devices
such as Gateways, TN boards, and media modules to Release 6.3.6.
Upgrading Communication Manager 5.2.1 and associated devices such as Gateways,
TN boards, and media modules to Release 6.3.6.
Scenario for upgrading Communication Manager Release 5.2.1 to 6.3.6.
Scenario for upgrading Communication Manager Release 6.x on System Platform to
Managing Communication Manager
Managing Communication Manager supports the following:
Network Region Map.
NRP groups.
The interaction of Mute Speakerphone with the Auto Answer field and the int-aut-an
Profile settings and favorite buttons.
Customizing reports, editing report parameters, rerunning reports, and configuring report
Configuring an SFTP server to store reports.
Simplified Communication Manager upgrades
Avaya Aura

System Manager Release 6.3.8 Software Management has enhanced

infrastructure to simplify and automate Avaya Aura

Communication Manager upgrades.

Customers and business partners can avail the following benefits while performing
Communication Manager upgrades:
Fully automated upgrade from Communication Manager Release 6.0, 6.1, and 6.2 to 6.3.6
by using Software Management. System Platform and the Communication Manager
template and patches are automatically upgraded from System Manager.
Partially automated upgrade from Communication Manager Release 5.2.1 to 6.3.6.
System Platform is not automatically installed as part of the upgrade. Only the
System Manager overview
32 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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Communication Manager template and patches are automatically upgraded from System
Manager when you install System Platform on the supported server.
Preupgrade checks to ensure that the Communication Manager hardware and IP network
environment support the Communication Manager upgrade. This function increases, the
rate of successful upgrade.
Job sequencing and job chaining of all Communication Manager component upgrades,
which minimizes the wait time and delay between different upgrade tasks. For example,
upgrades of media modules, TN Boards, and gateways that are associated with the
upgraded Communication Manager. The result is a faster Communication Manager
Eliminated or reduced human intervention during the upgrade of Communication
Manager and associated elements, reducing the potential for errors.
Starting and monitoring upgrades that centrally reduces or eliminates the need for onsite
Scheduling of Communication Manager upgrades during off-hour maintenance windows,
with System Manager performing the entire upgrade.
Communication Manager templates
Using System Manager Software Management, you can upgrade the following Communication
Manager templates:
Duplex CM Main/Survivable Core with SAL and Communication Manager.
Simplex CM Main/Survivable with SAL,Communication Manager, Communication
Manager Messaging, and Utility Services.
Simplex Survivable Remote with SAL, Communication Manager, Branch Session
Manager, and Utility Services.
Embedded CM Main with SAL, Communication Manager, Communication Manager
Messaging, and Utility Services.
Embedded Survivable Remote with SAL, Communication Manager, Branch Session
Manager, and Utility Services.
You can use the templates in both the fully automated process and the partially automated
process. However, in the partially automated process:
You cannot upgrade System Platform from Software Management. This upgrade rule is
applicable for upgrade from Communication Manager 5.2.1 to Communication Manager
6.3.6 on S8800, S8510, and the 8300D.
To automatically upgrade the Communication Manager template and patches from
System Manager, you must install System Platform. This rule is applicable for upgrade
from Communication Manager 5.2.1 to Communication Manager 6.3.6 on S8800, S8510,
and the 8300D.
New in this release
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 33

For more information about the two processes, see Simplified Communication Manager
upgrades on page 32.
Supported servers
For full and partial automated upgrades, you can perform upgrades on the following Avaya

Communication Manager servers:

Servers that support upgrade of Communication Manager 6.0, 6.1, and 6.2 to Release
- S8510 with increased 8GB memory and HDD
- S8800 with increased 8GB memory and HDD
- S8300D
- Common Server R1 Dell R610, HP DL 360 G7
- Common Server R2 Dell R620, HP DL 360p G8
Servers that support upgrade of Communication Manager 5.2.1 to Release 6.3.6:
- S8510 with increased 8GB memory and HDD
- S8800
- S8300D
Software Management infrastructure enhancements
Avaya Aura

System Manager provides the following infrastructure enhancements to simplify

the Communication Manager upgrade process and to support other Avaya Aura

in future releases of System Manager:
System Manager collects all the needed upgraded information from the administrator at
the beginning of the upgrade process workflow. Communication Manager and other
Avaya Aura

applications then do not need to continually interact with System Manager

during a Communication Manager upgrade.
Where possible, steps that are part of the System Platform and Communication Manager
templates upgrade are automated.
The Element Inventory page in Software Management shows all Communication
Manager instances, gateways, media modules, TN boards, and System Platform server
information in a single hierarchical view. In previous versions of Software Management,
System Manager overview
34 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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all elements were on separate tabs. Administrators can now select the Communication
Manager instances and associated elements to be upgraded.
The Element Inventory page provides a list of common element information in a single
table structure, for example, hardware, platforms, release, and versions.
System Manager also provides the following new features:
New SNMP Access Profile configuration area : To centrally configure access credentials
for an SMNP discovery. This feature is added to the System Manager web console and
is now a part of the Software Management discovery and inventory process.
Preupgrade checks: To ensure that all aspects of the upgrade environment are correct.
The checks are as follows:
- RAID battery check
- Hardware compatibility check
- Required files download check
- CDOM credentials check
- Disk space check
- Sufficient memory check
- Version compatibility check
- Version compatibility check
- Bandwidth is sufficient check
Rollback and Failure Scenario feature options: To run Auto Rollback for the
Communication Manager template that has a System Platform error during the upgrade
A Manual Rollback / Commit option is available if the Auto Commit option is not selected
during the upgrade. The Rollback / Commit feature applies to Communication Manager
6.x Release upgrades.
Simultaneous upgrade: For System Manager Software Management to simultaneously
upgrade a maximum of five Communication Manager and all associated elements.
Disparity between MultiSite Administration and System
The following table specifies the differences on how you can perform a task using MultiSite
Administration and System Manager. This table also mentions the differences between the
two applications and the process by which a native MultiSite Administration user can effectively
use System Manager to perform the same tasks.
Disparity between MultiSite Administration and System Manager
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 35

S.No. MultiSite Administration System Manager
1. Use Integrated Management Database
to manage elements and users.
Use Inventory to manage elements.
2. Use Integrated Management Database
to specify user roles and element
Use User Management to add, edit, and
delete users.
3. Use MSA User > Group
Configuration for role based access
Use Groups & Roles to assign roles
and permissions.
4. You must select a Communication
Manager to launch MultiSite
You need not select a Communication
Manager instance. By default, the first
Communication Manager in the list is
5. To perform synchronization, click Task
Scheduler > System Initialization, or
System Resources > Initialize
To perform synchronization, click
Inventory > Synchronization.
6. Run Now is available in Task
Scheduler > Cache Update.
Run Now is available only in Inventory
> Synchronization.
7. To synchronize station data, click Task
Scheduler > Station Cache Update.
CM Notify Sync takes care of
synchronization of endpoints.
8. You can view the data only for one
Communication Manager at a time.
You can view the data of multiple
Communication Manager instances at a
9. You can view a maximum of 250 rows
per page.
The default number of rows per page is
15. However, you can view from 15 to
200 rows per page.
10. The Communication Manager objects
that are supported are listed in the
alphabetical order.
The Communication Manager objects
are categorized according to the
11. An explicit System Parameters view is
not available. Use Network
Management Console for the System
Parameters view.
Communication Manager System
Parameters view is available.
12. Click Task > Station Manager to swap
stations and create station templates.
Click Communication Manager >
Endpoints > Manage Endpoints for
swapping endpoints.
Click Templates > Communication
Manager > Endpoints to create
endpoint templates.
13. Click Tools > Diagnostic for diagnostic
commands like Release and Busy Out.
Click Communication Manager >
Endpoints > Manage Endpoints >
System Manager overview
36 Administering Avaya Aura

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S.No. MultiSite Administration System Manager
Maintenance for diagnostic
14. Use the Tree tab to access the shortcuts
for some Communication Manager
commands like add, change, and
Shortcuts are not available.
15. Use Quick Command to run, add,
change, display and list objects.
You can add and edit data for
Communication Manager objects
through the Edit screen or Editfields that
are displayed in the tabular form.
Use the Search bar in the
Communication Manager Objects page
to view, edit and delete the
Communication Manager objects.
16. Bulk import is .csv-based. Bulk import is template-based.
17. Duplicate option is available for many
Communication Manager objects.
Duplicate is available only for
18. Site-data, Signaling-group, Trunk-
groups, IP Interfaces, IP Network region
are not supported.
These Communication Manager objects
are supported.
19. Tools > Monitor Traffic is available for
Hunt Groups and Trunk Groups.
Monitor Traffic is not available.
20. The types of templates available are:
private, public, and system.
The types of templates available are:
custom and default. Templates are
available only for endpoints and
21. You can customize the toolbar for each
Toolbar customization not applicable.
22. Click MSA System Manager > System
Locks to prevent another user from
editing a Communication Manager
object when you are editing the same
object. System Locks tracks each
users activity and locks the object that
is currently being updated.
The System Locks feature is not
available. However, an administrator
can cancel and delete scheduled jobs.
23. The CM Audit feature is not available in
MultiSite Administration.
The CM Audit feature is available in
System Manager.
24. The CM notification features are not
available in Multisite Administration.
The CM notification features are
available in System Manager.
25. Access MultiSite Administration UI for: Access System Manager for:
Disparity between MultiSite Administration and System Manager
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 37

S.No. MultiSite Administration System Manager
User, group configuration: Click MSA
Communication Manager objects
management: Click Task > System
Scheduling jobs: Click Task >
Scheduler for cache updates, click
View > Scheduled entries for reports
and specific Communication Manager
Managing templates: Click Tools >
create or view or edit Templates.
Managing reports: Click Task >
Report Manager.
User, group configuration: Click Users
> Groups & Roles.
Communication Manager objects
management: Click Elements >
Communication Manager.
Scheduling jobs: Click Services >
Managing templates: Click Services >
Managing reports: Click Services >
Log on to System Manager
Turning off the compatibility mode
About this task
You might not be able to view the status of some operations on the webpages using Microsoft
Internet Explorer because Internet Explorer imposes a time-out limit for the server to return the
data. To correct this problem, you must install the patch for Internet Explorer from the Microsoft
website at .
If the compatibility mode is turned on, some System Manager features might not work in
Internet Explorer version 8 onwards. Therefore, you must turn off the compatibility mode.
1. On the menu, click Tools > Compatibility View Setting.
2. In the Compatibility View Settings dialog box, clear all check boxes.
3. Ensure that the Websites youve added to Compatibility View field does not
contain the address of the System Manager website.
System Manager overview
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System Manager web console
System Manager provides centralized access to all Avaya Aura

elements through a browser-

based Avaya management console with Single Sign-on.
Release 6.3.8 provides the following features:
Corporate logo: You can add a logo on the web console.

Settings icon ( ): You can navigate to Help, About, and Change Password links.
User Preference: You can add a page as your preference by using the plus sign (+) in
the top-right corner. The web console displays the link to the page on System Manager.
You can delete the user preferences.
Quick Navigator: You can type the name of the link that you want to search. The web
console displays all related links with the search text in the top-right corner of the page.
You can click a link to navigate to the specific page.
A message on the web console that prompts you to restart the System Manager virtual
machine after a patch installation if the kernel is upgraded.
The Administrators link opens on the same System Manager window in a different tab.

Log on to System Manager
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 39

Logging on to System Manager web console
Before you begin
Obtain a user account to log on to System Manager web console. If you do not have a user
account, go to the Avaya Support website at to create your
About this task
System Manager web console is the main interface of Avaya Aura

System Manager. You

must log on to System Manager web console to perform any task. The System Manager home
page displays the navigation menu that provides access to shared services to perform various
operations that System Manager supports. The tasks that you can perform depends on the
role that you are assigned with.
On System Manager web console, do not use the back arrow on the upper-left corner of the
browser to navigate to the previous page. If you click the back arrow, the system might not
return to the earlier page and might display an error.
1. On the web browser, enter the System Manager URL https://<Fully
Qualified Domain Name>/SMGR.
2. In the User ID field, enter the user name.
3. In the Password field, enter the password.
4. Click Log On.
The system validates the user name and password with the System Manager user
If the user name and password match, the system displays the System
Manager home page with the System Manager version_number.
If the user name and password does not match, System Manager displays an
error message and prompts you to re-enter the user name and password.
System Manager overview
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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Logon information for users with user name admin
This logon information applies only to users with the user name, admin.
After installation, when you log on to System Manager for the first time, enter admin123
as the default password.
The system displays the Forced Change Password page. The Forced Change
Password page does not contain the Cancel button. You must change the password
when you log on to the system by using the default password.
After an upgrade, when you log on to System Manager, you must reset the password.
If you gain access to System Manager using the IP address and you log on to the system
as admin for the first time, click Change Password to change the password.
The password must contain a combination of alphanumeric and special characters. For
more information about the password strength policy, see Password strength policy
Related topics:
Password strength policy enforcement on page 43
Tenant Management web console
From System Manager web console, the user with tenant administrator permissions can
perform the following:
View all tenants in the Tenants panel for which the tenant administrator has permissions.
By default, the system selects the first tenant in the list.

View all child levels of the selected item in the subsequent panel.
- When the tenant administrator selects an item, the system:
Selects all parent items of the selected item.
Displays the child levels of the selected item in the subsequent panel.
Log on to System Manager
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 41

- When the tenant administrator clears all selections in a panel, the system displays
the default selection.
Select at least one tenant. If you do not select a tenant, the system displays a
Gain access to:
- User Management
- Communication Manager. Only if the role has permissions to Communication

View the User Provision section that displays the number of SIP users and H.323 users
to which the tenant administrator has permissions.
Select the organizational hierarchy of the tenant and features in the Graph section and,
generate graphs.
The features include EC500, Presence, Conferencing, H.323 users, and SIP users. The
system generates Pie charts based on the user selection. If the tenant administrator does
not select a level from the Organization level field, the system generates graphs based
on items selected in the panels.

System Manager overview
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Related topics:
Multi Tenancy on page 1169
Password and security policies for all administrators
Password aging policy enforcement
The password aging policy has the following time-based password thresholds:
Minimum password age
Password expiration warning
Password expiration
The system administrator configures the password threshold in days.
Password threshold Result of the expiry of the password aging policy
Minimum password age You cannot change the password until the minimum
password age is reached. For example, you cannot change
the password within 3 days after the last change was made.
Password expiration
The system sends a password expiration warning when the
password is about to expire and before the password
Password expiration period The system prompts you to change the password after the
threshold for the password expires and before the threshold
to disable the account. The password remains locked until the
system administrator resets the password.
Password strength policy enforcement
The password strength policy that the system administrator defines enforces the following
Passwords must be 6 to 25 characters long. The default character length is eight.
Passwords must contain a combination of the following characters: a-z,A-Z,0-9,{}|
Password and security policies for all administrators
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 43

Passwords do not require a minimum character type. However, the default is one
lowercase character and one uppercase character, one numeric character, and one
special character. The sum cannot exceed the minimum total length.
Password must not contain a character repeated more than twice consecutively.
Passwords must not be your user ID, in forward or reverse order.
When you enable the password strength policy, if the password does not meet the password
strength policy, the system rejects the password.
You can can disable the password strength policy.
Password history policy enforcement
The password history policy verifies that a password is new. The blocked passwords can range
from 1 to 99. The default is six.
Password lockout policy enforcement
The lockout policy provides a limit on the number of unsuccessful attempts that you can make
to access System Manager. The system locks System Manager for use after a specified
number of logon attempts. By default, if you make consecutive attempts within a 10-minute
period, the system locks you out for 2 minutes after five unsuccessful attempts.
Inactive session termination policy
By default, the system suspends a user session after 30 minutes of inactivity. When the session
becomes inactive, to access System Manager, you must log on to System Manager again.
Change Password field descriptions
Use this page to change the password for your account.
Name Description
Current password The existing password.
New password The new password that you must set.
System Manager overview
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Name Description
Confirm new password The new password that you have set.
Button Description
Save Changes the password.
Cancel Cancels the change password operation and
closes the Change Password page.
Logon warning banner
System Manager provides the text for the logon warning banner that a system administrator
can change.
Editing password policies
About this task
Only an administrator can edit the password settings.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Administrators.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Security > Policies.
3. In the Password Policy section, click Edit.
4. On the Password Policy page, edit the required fields.
5. Click Save.
To undo your changes and return to the previous page, click Cancel.
The system displays a message about the invalid logon in the following scenarios:
If you use a disabled account to log on.
If the password is invalid.
If you have exceeded the maximum number of failed logon attempts limit.
If the password expires.
For more information on password policies, contact the system administrator.
Password and security policies for all administrators
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 45

Related topics:
Password policies field descriptions on page 47
Editing Session Properties
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Administrators.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Security > Policies.
3. On the Policies page, in the Session Properties section, click Edit.
4. On the Session Properties page, edit the required fields.
5. Click Save.
Related topics:
Session Properties field descriptions on page 49
Security settings
System Manager provides a customizable logon banner that appears when a user logs on to
the system. Customers who have security policies that require the network equipment to
display a specific message to users when users log on by using the customizable banner.
Editing the logon warning banner
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Administrators.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Security > Policies.
3. On the Policies page, in the Security Settings section, click Edit.
4. On the Security Settings page, edit the text as required in the Logon Warning
Banner text area.
You can enter a maximum number of 2500 characters.
System Manager overview
46 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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5. Click Save.
Customized interface
System Manager provides the feature to add a logo to the System Manager web interface.
Organizations can customize the logo without removing the Avaya logo.
Adding the corporate logo
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Administrators.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Security > Policies.
3. On the Policies page, in the Customized Interface section, click Edit.
4. On the Customized Interface page, in the Upload File section, click Browse and
select an image file that you want to upload.
The system supports PNG, GIF, and JPEG image file formats. The image
dimensions must be 100x51 pixels.
5. In the Change Image ALT Attribute section, type the alternate text that you want
the system to display.
6. Click Save.
System Manager web console displays the corporate logo on the upper-right corner
of the page.
Related topics:
Customized Interface field descriptions on page 50
Password policies field descriptions
This page is applicable only for users with the user name admin.
Password and security policies for all administrators
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 47

Aging section
Field Description
Enforce password aging policies The option to enforce the aging policies.
Enable expired password change The option to change password after it
Expiration period The maximum allowable days to maintain the
password. The default is 90 days. You can
type a value from 1 to 365.
Expiration warning The warning message that must be sent to
the user when the password is about to
expire. You can type a value from 1 to 15.
The default is 7.
Minimum age The minimum allowable days for password
age. You can type a number from 0 to 7. The
default is 3.
Ensure that the expiration period is greater
than the minimum password age.
History section
Field Description
History The option to enforce policies against
previously used passwords.
Previous passwords blocked The number of passwords the system
maintains in the history. You cannot set your
password to the old values. The default is
Strength section
Field Description
Strength The option to enforce password content
Minimum Total Length The minimum number of characters that you
can use in the password. The default value
is 8. Set the password with 6-25 characters.
Minimum by character Type: Lower case The minimum number of lowercase
characters required in the password. The
default value is 1.
Minimum by character Type: Upper case The minimum number of uppercase
characters required in the password. The
default value is 1.
System Manager overview
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Field Description
Minimum by character Type: Numeric
The minimum number of numeric characters
required in the password. The default value
is 1.
Minimum by character Type: Special case The minimum number of special characters
required in the password. The default value
is 1.
Lockout section
Name Description
Lockout The option to enforce lockout after failed
login attempts.
Consecutive Invalid Login Attempts The number of failed attempts before
Type a value from 1 through 20. The default
is 3.
Interval for Consecutive Invalid Login
The time interval in minutes between invalid
login attempts. Type a value from 0 through
120. The default is 10 minutes.
Lockout Time The number of minutes that the account must
be locked after invalid login attempts. Type a
value from 0 through 120. The default is 2
Button Description
Save Saves all the entries on the Edit Password
Policies page.
Cancel Ignores your changes and returns to the
previous page.
Session Properties field descriptions
Field Description
Maximum Session Time The maximum time a session can remain
active. Type a value from 0 through 1440.
Maximum Idle Time The maximum time a session can remain
idle. Type any value from 0 through 1440.
Password and security policies for all administrators
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 49

Field Description
The maximum idle time cannot exceed the
maximum session time.
Button Description
Save Saves the changes on the Session
Properties page.
Cancel Ignores your changes and returns to the
previous page.
Customized Interface field descriptions
Upload file
Button Description
Browse Displays the File Upload dialog box where
you navigate to the image file.
The system supports PNG, GIF, and
JPEG file formats. The dimensions of the
image must be 100x51 pixels.
Change Image ALT Attribute
Field Description
Image ALT Attribute The alternate text for the image that you
The text must be up to 20 characters.
Button Description
Save Saves the image on the server and displays
the image on System Manager web
Cancel Ignores your changes and returns to the
previous page.
System Manager overview
50 Administering Avaya Aura

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Chapter 3: Directory synchronization
Directory synchronization overview
System Manager integrates with a number of Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
directory servers to provide the following functions:
Synchronization of users from the LDAP directory server to System Manager User
Bidirectional synchronization of the selected user attributes from System Manager to the
LDAP directory server.
LDAP supports the following directory servers for synchronization:
Active Directory 2003
Active Directory 2008
Active Directory 2012
OpenLDAP 2.4.21
IBM Domino 7.0
Novell eDirectory 8.8
SunOne Directory/Java System Directory 6.3
From the System Manager web console, you can run the directory synchronization engine as
an on-demand job. You can also schedule the data synchronization to and from the enterprise
directory. During the synchronization of information to the enterprise directory server, System
Manager modifies the user data that is stored in the LDAP directory server.
From the System Manager web console, you can configure bidirectional attribute mapping
through the Directory Synchronization user interface. The bidirectional synchronization does
not synchronize the user in the LDAP directory synchronization that is created from the System
Manager web console and the System Manager bulk import utility. The bidirectional
synchronization only synchronizes the attributes for the user that you synchronized from the
LDAP directory server.
Synchronization by using the user provisioning rule
You can synchronize the communication data, such as extensions, Messaging mail box, and
telephone numbers, by using the user provisioning rule. You can map the user provisioning
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 51

rule to more than one LDAP attribute. However, you cannot map the user provisioning rule to
the same LDAP attribute twice.
Results of synchronization from the LDAP directory server
to System Manager
You can expect the following results when you run the directory synchronization job or when
the system runs the scheduled job.
Action Provided Expected result
Create a new user in the
LDAP directory server.
Add the user in the filter
The system synchronizes the
user in System Manager.
Update the user attributes in
the LDAP directory server.
The system adds the
attributes in the mappings for
the data source.
The system updates the user
attributes in System
Change the filter criteria. Remove the user from the
filter criteria, and select the
Allow Deletion check box.
The system permanently
deletes the user from System
Delete a user in the LDAP
directory server.
Select the Allow Deletion
check box for the data
source , and leave the filter
criteria unchanged.
The system permanently
deletes the user from System
Results of synchronization from System Manager to the
LDAP directory server
You can expect the following results when you run the directory synchronization job or when
the system runs the scheduled job.
Action Provided Expected result
Update the user attributes
that are synchronized from
LDAP directory server in
System Manager.
The system adds the
attributes in the mappings for
that datasource, and the
mapping synchronizes from
System Manager to the
LDAP directory server.
The system updates the user
attributes in the LDAP
directory server.
Directory synchronization
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Limitations in the synchronization of the LDAP directory
You can expect the following results when you run the directory synchronization job or when
the system runs the scheduled job.
Table 1: Synchronization from the LDAP directory server to System Manager
Action Expected result
Synchronize users from multiple LDAP
directory servers.
The system creates different datasources for
each directory server.
The system supports the authentication of
two directory servers, the RADIUS server
and the KERBEROS server, at a given point
of time.
Modify the user attributes that the LDAP
directory server synchronizes.
If you add the attributes in mappings for the
datasource, the system overwrites the
attributes from the synchronization job.
Table 2: Synchronization from System Manager to the LDAP directory server
Action Expected result
Create a user in System Manager from the
User Management interface or by using the
bulk import operation.
The system does not synchronize the user in
the LDAP directory server.
Update the user attributes synchronized
from the LDAP directory server in System
If you add the attributes in mappings for the
datasource, the system updates the
attributes in the LDAP directory server. You
can synchronize only optional attributes from
System Manager to the LDAP directory
Delete users in System Manager. The system does not delete the user from the
LDAP directory server. The Directory
Synchronization feature does not support the
soft deletion or permanent deletion of the
user from the LDAP directory server.
The system synchronizes the user in System
Manager even after you permanently delete
the user.
Limitations in the synchronization of the LDAP directory server
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 53

Adding the synchronization datasource
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Directory Synchronization.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Sync Users.
3. On the User Synchronization page, click the Synchronization Datasources tab.
4. Click New.
5. On the New User Synchronization Datasource page, complete the fields in the
Directory Parameters section.
6. Click Test Connection.
If the connection fails, the system displays an external directory error message.
If the connection is successful, the system displays the status icon. Click the status
icon to view the message. Continue with the next step to map attributes in System
Manager to LDAP attributes.
The system displays five mandatory attributes of System Manager that are read-
only values.
7. To add more attributes, click Add Mapping.
You can use an appropriate LDAP attribute to synchronize in System Manager. If
the LDAP attributes that you select are invalid, the synchronization fails.
8. To add the user provisioning rule attribute, perform the following:
a. Click Add Mapping, and select User Provisioning Rule from System
You cannot add the User Provisioning Rule attribute more than one time. After
you select User Provisioning Rule, the system displays the User Provisioning
Rule attribute as read-only.
b. Select an LDAP attribute that you map to the user provisioning rule.

c. To add more than one LDAP attribute, click plus (+).
You can map more than one LDAP attribute to the user provisioning rule
attribute. When you map more than one attribute, the system appends the
second and third attributes to the first LDAP attribute. For example,
Directory synchronization
54 Administering Avaya Aura

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9. Click Save.
For bidirectional synchronization of data in the LDAP directory with System
Manager, select the two-way arrow icon in the Attribute Parameters
The user provisioning rule data synchronization is unidirectional from the
LDAP directory server to System Manager.
In System Manager, you cannot create a user in Active Directory. With
bidirectional synchronization, you can only edit the existing user in Active
During attribute mapping, the right arrow indicates that the system synchronizes
from the LDAP server to System Manager. The left arrow indicates that the system
synchronizes from System Manager to the LDAP server.
Related topics:
User synchronization datasource field descriptions on page 57
Results of using the user provisioning rule on page 188
Editing the synchronization datasource
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Directory Synchronization.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Sync Users.
3. On the User Synchronization page, click the Synchronization Datasources tab
and click the record that you must edit.
4. Click Edit.
5. On the Edit Synchronization Datasource page, change the required fields.
6. To modify the user provisioning rule attribute:
a. Click the plus (+) to add an LDAP attribute.
You can map more than one LDAP attribute to the user provisioning rule
attribute When you map more than one attribute, the system appends the
second and third attributes to the first LDAP attribute. For example,

Editing the synchronization datasource
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 55

You cannot add the User Provisioning Rule attribute more than one time. After
you click User Provisioning Rule, the system displays the User Provisioning
Rule attribute as read-only.
b. Click the minus (-) to remove the LDAP attribute.
7. Click Save.
Related topics:
User synchronization datasource field descriptions on page 57
Results of using the user provisioning rule on page 188
Deleting a synchronization datasource
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Directory Synchronization.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Sync Users.
3. On the User Synchronization page, click the Synchronization Datasources tab
and click a record to delete.
4. Click Delete.
If you synchronize a user by using the datasource that you selected for deletion,
the delete operation fails. The system display the message Data Source
<Datasource Name> cannot be deleted as at least one
enterprise CsUser references it.
Directory synchronization
56 Administering Avaya Aura

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User synchronization datasource field descriptions
Directory Parameters
Field Example
Win2K8ADA The name to identify an active directory. You might
require the name later to create a synchronization
The IP address or the host name of the directory
server that you synchronize users with.
Principal CN=Administrat
The user name of the active directory that has
permissions to create or update users.
Password <password> The password to connect to the active directory.
Port 389 The port number of the active directory
The default port is 389 for a non-SSL connection and
636 for an SSL connection.
An element that works with the search scope or the
hierarchy from where you synchronize the users.
inetOrgPerson The schema that defines object classes by a list of
attributes where the values are mandatory or optional.
The schema might differ depending on your Active
Directory. The default value is inetOrgPerson.
Search Filter (cn=Alex*) The field that provides a mechanism to define the
criteria for matching entries in an LDAP search
For more information about Search filter, see http://
Use SSL False when you
clear the check
The option to use SSL to connect to Active Directory.
The default port for an SSL connection is 636.
When you add the certificate, you must select the
Import using TLS option.
User synchronization datasource field descriptions
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 57

Field Example
For more information about setting up the SSL
connection, see Adding trusted certificates.
False when you
clear the check
The option to delete a synchronized user that is
already removed from Active Directory.
- The option to verify your LDAP connection.
Test the connection before you map attributes.
Attribute Parameters
When you click Test Connection and after the test is complete, the system displays the LDAP
attributes that you can administer.
When you remove the following attributes from the mapping page, the system does not remove
the communication profile handle of the user:
Microsoft Exchange Handle
Microsoft SIP Handle
IBM Sametime Handle
LDAP Attribute System Manager Attribute Description
objectGUID sourceUserKey The attribute that uniquely
defines a user.
userPrincipalName loginName The attribute that defines the
login name in System
sn surname The attribute that defines the
last name of the user.
givenName givenName The attribute that defines the
given name.
displayName displayName The attribute that defines the
display name.
middleName middleName The attribute that defines the
middle name.
mail email The attribute that defines the
communication profile
postalCode postalCode The attribute that defines the
postal code of the user. The
Directory synchronization
58 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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LDAP Attribute System Manager Attribute Description
system creates the address
of the user,
streetAddress streetAddress The attribute that defines the
postal code of the user. The
system creates the address
for the user with a name.
preferredLanguage preferredLanguage The preferred language of
the user. The application
supports only G13
Mapping of the LDAP
attribute to
preferredLanguage must be
in the
de format.
The following list gives the
format for the G13 languages
that the preferredLanguage
attribute supports:
Language Supporte
d format
User synchronization datasource field descriptions
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 59

LDAP Attribute System Manager Attribute Description
Language Supporte
d format
e (Brazil)
mail otherEmail The attribute for the
secondary email of the user.
roomNumber room The attribute that specifies
the room number of the user.
The system creates the
address of the user,
co country The attribute that specifies
the country of the user. The
system creates the address
of the user,
telephoneNumber businessPhone The attribute that specifies
the primary business
telephone number of the
otherTelephone otherBusinessPhone The attribute that specifies
the secondary business
telephone number of the
fax The attribute that specifies
the fax number of the user,
Directory synchronization
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LDAP Attribute System Manager Attribute Description
homePhone homePhone The attribute that specifies
the residential phone number
of the user,
otherHomePhone otherHomePhone The attribute that specifies
the secondary residential
phone number of the user,
mobile mobilePhone The attribute that specifies
the mobile phone number of
the user,
otherMobilePhone otherMobilePhone The attribute that specifies
the secondary mobile phone
number of the user,
pager pager The attribute that specifies
the pager number of the user,
otherPager otherPager The attribute that specifies
the secondary pager number
of the user,
givenName preferredGivenName The attribute that specifies
the preferred given name of
the user.
organization organization The attribute that specifies
the organization to which the
user belongs.
department department The attribute that specifies
the department to which the
user belongs.
employeeID employeeNo The attribute that specifies
the employee ID of the user.
st stateOrProvince The attribute that specifies
the state or the province of
the user. The system creates
the address of the user,
l localityName The attribute that specifies
the locality of the user. The
User synchronization datasource field descriptions
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 61

LDAP Attribute System Manager Attribute Description
system creates the address
for the user,
displayName localizedName The attribute that specifies
the localized name of the
user in different languages.
Map the LDAP attribute to
localizedName in the
format:Locale.Name. For
example, if the locale is
English and the user
name is Alex, the value for
displayName must be
displayNamePrintable endpointDisplayName The full text name of the user
represented in ASCII. The
attribute supports displays
that cannot handle localized
text, for example, some
msExchHouseIdentifier Microsoft Exchange Handle The Microsoft Exchange
communication address of
the user for communication
with Microsoft SMTP Server.
o Microsoft SIP Handle The Microsoft SIP
communication address of
the user that supports SIP-
based communication.
manager IBM Sametime Handle The IBM Sametime
communication address of
the user that supports IBM
Sametime. The format must
be of type DN=IBMHandle.
I User Provisioning Rule The user provisioning rule.
You can map the user
provisioning rule to more
than one LDAP attribute. The
system joins the value of
multiple LDAP attributes by
an underscore (_) to map the
value in System Manager.
You cannot map the same
Directory synchronization
62 Administering Avaya Aura

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LDAP Attribute System Manager Attribute Description
LDAP attribute more than
The user provisioning rule
data synchronizes from the
LDAP directory server to
System Manager only.
telephoneNumber Phone Number The attribute that the system
maps to the Avaya E164
handle. The value for the
extension is the last N digit
value that is set in the Use
Phone Number last .....
digits for Extension field on
the User Provisioning Rule
The synchronization is
extensionName Mailbox Number The Messaging mailbox
The synchronization is
telexNumber CS 1000 Extension The extension on CS 1000.
The data synchronizes from
System Manager to the
LDAP directory server.
primaryTelexNumber Communication Manager
The extension on
Communication Manager.
The data synchronizes from
System Manager to the
LDAP directory server.
msDS-PhoneticLastName surnameascii The last name of the user in
msDS-PhoneticFirstName givennameascii The first name of the user in
endPointDisplayName The display name of the user
in ASCII as displayed on the
Button Description
Save Adds a new datasource or saves the
changes that you made on the page.
Cancel Cancels your action and displays the
previous page.
User synchronization datasource field descriptions
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 63

Related topics:
Editing the synchronization datasource on page 55
Creating the user synchronization job
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Directory Synchronization.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Sync Users.
3. On the User Synchronization page, click the Active Synchronization Jobs tab.
4. Click Create New Job.
5. On the New User Synchronization Job page, select the datasource from which you
want to synchronize.
6. Perform one of the following:
a. Click Run Job to run the job immediately.
b. Select the Schedule job for future execution check box to schedule the job
at a later time.
You can delete a job that is scheduled to run in the future.
Every 7 seconds, the system fetches the job status and the number of users
synchronized on the Active Synchronization Job tab. Therefore, you might not
immediately see the status of the active synchronization job that is running.
Related topics:
User active synchronization job field descriptions on page 65
Scheduling a user synchronization job
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Directory Synchronization.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Sync Users.
3. On the User Synchronization page, click the Active Synchronization Jobs tab.
Directory synchronization
64 Administering Avaya Aura

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4. Click Create New Job.
5. Perform the following:
a. On the New User Synchronization Job page, in the Datasource Name field,
enter a datasource for which you want to schedule a job.
b. Select the Schedule job for future execution check box.
c. In the Date field, enter the date when you want to run the job.
d. In the Time field, enter the time when you want to run the job.
e. In the Time Zone, enter the time zone.
f. Select the Repeat Job Execution check box to repeat the job
g. Select the recurring interval in minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months.
6. Click Schedule job for future execution.
Deleting a user synchronization job
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Directory Synchronization.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Sync Users.
3. On the User Synchronization page, click the Synchronization Job History tab and
select the job that you want to delete.
4. Click Delete Job.
Without any confirmation, the system deletes the job.
You can delete a job that is scheduled to run in the future.
User active synchronization job field descriptions
Field Description
Datasource Name The name of the datasource
Schedule job for future execution The option to schedule a user
synchronization job
Deleting a user synchronization job
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 65

Field Description
Date The date on which you want to schedule the
Time The time when you want to schedule the job
Time Zone The time zone closest to your location
Button Description
Run Job Runs the user synchronization job that you
Schedule job for future execution Schedules a user synchronization job.
The system displays the button only when
you select the Schedule job for future
execution check box.
Cancel Cancels the synchronization and displays
the previous page.
Synchronization job history
The Synchronization Job History tab displays the history of jobs created for user
synchronization and the result of each job execution. You can delete any entry from the list of
user synchronization job by using the Delete Job link.
Related topics:
Synchronization job history field descriptions on page 66
Synchronization job history field descriptions
Field Description
Name The datasource name for which the user
synchronization job was executed.
Start Time The start time of a user synchronization job.
End Time The time when a user synchronization job
was completed.
Status The status of the user synchronization job.
Job Result The result of running a job.
Directory synchronization
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Field Description
To view the results of the user
synchronization, click the View Job
Summary link. The system displays the
results on the Synchronization Job
Summary page.
Action The Delete Job link that you use to delete
the results of the user synchronization job.
Icon Description
Refreshes the information on the
Synchronization Job History tab.
Viewing Job Summary
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Directory Synchronization.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Sync Users.
3. On the User Synchronization page, click the Synchronization Job History tab.
4. In the Job Result column, click the View Job Summary link.
Related topics:
Viewing Job Summary field descriptions on page 67
Viewing Job Summary field descriptions
Field Description
Datasource Name The datasource name for which the user
synchronization job was run.
End Time The time when the user synchronization job
was completed.
Job Results The results of running the user
synchronization job.
Viewing Job Summary
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 67

Field Description
Added The number of users added to the system as
a result of running the job.
For a nonzero count, the system displays an
expand sign (+) or collapse sign (-). You can
click the sign to show or hide the details of
user entries.
Modified The number of users modified as a result of
running the job.
For a nonzero count, the system displays an
expand or collapse sign. You can click the
sign to show or hide the details of modified
user entries.
Deleted The number of users deleted as a result of
running the job.
For a nonzero count, the system displays an
expand or collapse sign. You can click the
sign to show or hide the details of deleted
user entries.
Unchanged The number of users that remained
unchanged after running the job.
Failed The number of user records that the system
failed to synchronize because of errors. For
a nonzero count, the system displays an
expand or collapse sign. You can click the
sign to show or hide the details of user
entries for which the synchronization failed.
Total records processed The total number of user records that the
system processed while the job is in
Button Description
Back Displays the previous page.
Directory synchronization
68 Administering Avaya Aura

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Chapter 4: Geographic Redundancy
Geographic Redundancy overview
Avaya Aura

provides System Manager Geographic Redundancy, a resiliency feature that

handles scenarios where the primary System Manager server fails or the data network partially
loses connectivity. In such scenarios, the system manages and administers products such as
Avaya Aura

Session Manager and Avaya Aura

Communication Manager across the

customer enterprise using the secondary System Manager server.
For customers who need highly fault-tolerant deployments, System Manager supports System
Manager Geographic Redundancy deployments that can provide the Active-Standby mode of
The following table lists some of the key differences between Geographic Redundancy and
High Availability (HA) solutions:
Geographic Redundancy HA
Addresses sudden, site-wide disasters Addresses server outages due to network
card, hard disk, electrical, or application
Distributed across WAN Deployed within a LAN
Manual Automated
You must install System Manager on both the standalone servers with separate IP addresses
and configure Geographic Redundancy. If a managed product that supports the Geographic
Redundancy feature loses connectivity to the primary System Manager server, the secondary
System Manager server provides the complete System Manager functionality. However, you
must manually activate the secondary System Manager server.
Only the system administrator can perform Geographic Redundancy-related operations.
You must reconfigure the elements that do not support Geographic Redundancy so that the
elements can communicate with the secondary System Manager server to receive
configuration information. For more information about configuring elements that do not support
Geographic Redundancy, see Geographic Redundancy-unaware elements overview.
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 69

During the installation of GR-unaware elements such as Presence Server, you must specify if
you want to enable the Geographic Redundancy feature on the element.
Related topics:
Geographic Redundancy-unaware elements overview on page 94
Licensing in Geographic Redundancy
In Geographic Redundancy, the system replicates the license file on the secondary System
Manager server that you installed on the primary System Manager server. When you activate
the secondary System Manager server, the same license file works on the secondary System
Manager server.
In Geographic Redundancy, you must generate the license file by using the host ID of primary
System Manager.
Architecture and deployment diagrams for Geographic
The following diagram illustrates the interaction between System Manager Geographic
Redundancy and the elements that System Manager manages, such as Avaya Aura

Manager and Communication Manager.

Geographic Redundancy
70 Administering Avaya Aura

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Geographic Redundancy terminology
Primary System Manager server
The first or the master System Manager server in a Geographic Redundancy setup that serves
all system management requests.
Secondary System Manager server
The System Manager server that functions as a backup to the primary System Manager server
in a Geographic Redundancy setup. The secondary System Manager server provides the full
System Manager functionality when the system fails to connect to the primary System Manager
Active System Manager server
The mode of operation of the System Manager server where the server provides the full System
Manager functionality.
Standby System Manager server
The mode of operation of the System Manager server where the server serves only
authentication and authorization requests. In the standby mode of operation, the system
supports limited Geographic Redundancy configuration, the inventory service.
Geographic Redundancy terminology
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 71

Standalone System Manager server
The single System Manager server deployed in an enterprise that provides full System
Manager functionality. The standalone server operates independently and does not contain a
backup server.
An element is an instance of an Avaya Aura

network entity that System Manager manages.

For example, a Session Manager server or a Communication Manager server.
The elements can be of the following types:
Active-Active: The elements leverage the services of the primary and the secondary
System Manager servers. The system functions in this mode when the enterprise network
Active-Standby: The elements communicate with the active System Manager server. The
mode is also called Active-Standby Auto. In the normal operation scenario, the primary
System Manager server is active and the secondary System Manager server is in the
standby mode. The primary System Manager server continues to manage elements until
the primary System Manager server becomes unavailable. If the primary System Manager
server fails and the administrator activates the secondary System Manager server, the
elements automatically switch to the secondary System Manager server.
Active-Standby: The elements function similar to the Active-Standby mode, except that
you must manually select the elements from System Manager web console by using More
Options > Manage or More Options > UnManage provided on the Services > Inventory
> Manage Elements page. The mode is also called Active-Standby Manual.
Geographic Redundancy-aware element
An element that supports Geographic Redundancy, such as Avaya Aura

Session Manager
Release 6.3.
Geographic Redundancy-unaware element
An element that does not support Geographic Redundancy, such as Avaya Aura

Manager release earlier than 6.3.
Geographic Redundancy operational modes
The normal operation mode. Also called the Sunny Day scenario. A System Manager
Geographic Redundancy scenario where the primary System Manager server runs in the
active mode while the secondary System Manager server runs in the standby mode
providing limited set of services. In the normal operation mode, the primary System
Manager server manages all elements and provides the complete System Manager
Primary nonoperational mode. Also called the Rainy Day scenario. The primary System
Manager server fails or loses connectivity to all elements that the system manages. The
administrator activates the secondary System Manager server to make the secondary
System Manager server manage all elements in the system.
Split network. A System Manager Geographic Redundancy scenario when the primary
and secondary System Manager servers run in the active mode but cannot communicate
with each other due to a network connectivity outage or when some elements cannot
Geographic Redundancy
72 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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communicate with one System Manager and both primary and secondary System
Manager servers can communicate with each other.
Failover is the process of activating the secondary System Manager server when the primary
System Manager server becomes nonoperational due to server outage or loses connectivity
to the elements that the server manages.
Failback is the process of making the primary System Manager server operational by restoring
the primary System Manager server by using the primary or secondary System Manager
Geographic Redundancy replication
The Geographic Redundancy feature provides the following replication mechanisms to ensure
consistency of data between the primary and the secondary System Manager servers:
Database replication
File replication
LDAP (Directory) replication
The primary System Manager server continuously replicates the data with the secondary
System Manager server. If the system does not replicate the data for a specific period of time
that is configured in Services > Configurations > Settings > SMGR > HealthMonitor, the
primary and the secondary System Manager servers raise alarms.
Prerequisites for servers on System Platform in the
Geographic Redundancy setup
In a Geographic Redundancy setup, ensure that the two standalone System Manager servers
that you designate as primary and secondary servers meet the following requirements:

Must contain the same hardware such as Dell


R620 server.
Must have the same hardware configuration, for example, the same processor.
Must contain the same version of the System Platform software that includes software
Geographic Redundancy replication
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 73

System Manager does not support the mixed VMware and System Platform
environment. For example, the primary System Manager on and the secondary System
Manager on VMware ESXi.
Must contain the same version of the System Manager software that includes service
pack and software patches.
Must contain the same parent domain names for two System Manager systems. For
example, and are invalid domain names because the parent
domain names abc and xyz are different.
Must be able to communicate with each other over the network using the IP address and
Must have synchronized network time.
Must use DNS to ensure that the name resolution is automatic. Otherwise, you must
resolve the IP address and the host name in the /etc/hosts file on the primary and
secondary System Manager servers.
Must ensure that the required ports are open to support the Geographic Redundancy
feature. For port usage information, see Avaya Port Matrix: Avaya Aura

Manager on the Avaya Support website at
Must ensure that the minimum data pipe between the primary and the secondary System
Manager server is T1. T1 provides 1.544 Mbps.
Must ensure that the network latency is less than 500 ms.
Prerequisites for System Manager on VMware in the
Geographic Redundancy setup
In a Geographic Redundancy-enabled system running on VMware, ensure that System
Manager that you designate as primary and secondary systems meet the following
Must be on VMware environment.
System Manager does not support the mixed VMware and System Platform
environment. For example, the primary System Manager on and the secondary System
Manager on VMware ESXi.
Must contain the same profile for primary and secondary System Manager Geographic
Redundancy virtual machines. For example, if the primary System Manager contains
Profile 1, the secondary System Manager must also contain Profile 1.
Geographic Redundancy
74 Administering Avaya Aura

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Must contain the same version of the System Manager software that includes service
pack and software patches.
Must contain the same parent domain names for two System Manager systems. For
example, and are invalid domain names because the parent
domain names abc and xyz are different.
Must be able to communicate with each other over the network using the IP address and
Must have synchronized network time.
Must use DNS to ensure that the name resolution is automatic. Otherwise, you must
resolve the IP address and the host name in the /etc/hosts file on the primary and
secondary System Manager servers.
Must ensure that the required ports are open to support the Geographic Redundancy
feature. For port usage information, see Avaya Port Matrix: Avaya Aura

Manager on the Avaya Support website at
Must ensure that the minimum data pipe between the primary and the secondary System
Manager server is T1. T1 provides 1.544 Mbps.
Must ensure that the network latency is less than 500 ms.
Key tasks for Geographic Redundancy
Ensure that the two System Manager servers meet the requirements that are defined in
Prerequisites for servers in the Geographic Redundancy setup.
Key tasks
Only the system administrator can perform Geographic Redundancy-related operations.
Configure Geographic Redundancy.
Configure Geographic Redundancy to handle the situation when the primary System
Manager server fails or when the managed element loses connectivity to the primary
System Manager server.
During the configuration of Geographic Redundancy, the primary System Manager
replicates the data between the primary and the secondary System Manager servers.
Therefore, ensure that the system maintenance activities such as backup, restore, and
shutdown are not in progress.
Enable the Geographic Redundancy replication between the two servers.
Key tasks for Geographic Redundancy
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 75

Enable the Geographic Redundancy replication in the following scenarios:
- After you configure the two standalone System Manager servers for Geographic
Redundancy, you must enable the Geographic Redundancy replication between the
two servers to ensure that the secondary System Manager server contains the latest
copy of the data that is available on the primary System Manager server.
- During the system maintenance or during the upgrades, Geographic Redundancy
replication is disabled. You must enable the replication after the maintenance activity
is complete and you configure Geographic Redundancy on the system.
If the heartbeat between the two System Manager servers, in which the
Geographic Redundancy replication is enabled, stops because of network
connectivity failure or because of the failure of one of the server, the system
automatically disables the Geographic Redundancy replication within a
preconfigured time. The default is 5 minutes. If the primary and secondary System
Manager servers are running and if the network connectivity between the two
servers fails, the system triggers auto-disable on both servers. If one of the two
servers becomes nonoperational, the system triggers auto-disable on the server
that is operational.
- After the primary System Manager server recovers from failure.
During the bulk activities such as import, export, and full synchronization of
Communication Manager, the system might disable the Geographic Redundancy
replication for reasons, such as the size of the data involved in the bulk activity and the
bandwidth between the primary and the secondary System Manager server. After you
complete the bulk activity, enable the Geographic Redundancy replication if the
replication is disabled.
Disable the Geographic Redundancy replication between the two servers.
Disable the Geographic Redundancy replication before you start the maintenance
activities such as upgrades, installation of software patches or hot fixes. If the primary
and the secondary System Manager servers disconnect from each other for more than
the threshold period, the system automatically disables the Geographic Redundancy
replication. The default threshold period is 5 minutes.
Activate the secondary System Manager server.
Activate the secondary System Manager server in the following scenarios:
- The primary System Manager becomes nonoperational.
- The enterprise network splits.
Deactivate the secondary System Manager server.
Deactivate the secondary System Manager server in the following situations:
- The primary System Manager server becomes available.
- The element network restores from the split.
Geographic Redundancy
76 Administering Avaya Aura

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Restore the primary System Manager server.
After you activate the secondary System Manager server, to return to the active-standby
mode, you must restore the primary System Manager server. You can choose to restore
from the primary System Manager or the secondary System Manager server.
The system does not merge the data from the primary and secondary server.
Reconfigure Geographic Redundancy.
You can reconfigure Geographic Redundancy when the secondary System Manager is
in the standby mode or active mode. The reconfiguration process copies the data from
the primary System Manager server to the secondary System Manager server.
Convert the primary System Manager server to the standalone server.
Perform this procedure to convert the primary System Manager server in the Geographic
Redundancy-enabled system to a standalone server or if you have to configure a new
secondary server.
For detailed instructions to complete each task, see the relevant section in this document.
Configuring Geographical Redundancy
Before you begin
For the new installation of System Manager, ensure that you change the default password
for the system administrator user.
Ensure that the two System Manager servers meet the requirements that are defined in
Prerequisites for servers in the Geographic Redundancy setup.
About this task
For resiliency, from the pair of standalone System Manager servers, you can configure
Geographic Redundancy.
During the configuration of Geographic Redundancy, the primary System Manager
replicates the data between the primary and the secondary System Manager servers.
Therefore, ensure that the system maintenance activities such as backup, restore, and
shutdown are not in progress.
After the Geographic Redundancy configuration is complete, the credentials used for
logging in to the secondary System Manager becomes identical to the login credentials
of the primary System Manager.
Configuring Geographical Redundancy
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 77

1. Log on to the System Manager web console of the standalone server that you
require to designate as the secondary server and perform the following:
a. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Geographic
b. Click Configure.
c. In the dialog box, provide the details of the primary System Manager server in
the following fields:
Primary Server Username
Enter the system administrator user name that you use to log on to the
primary System Manager server.
Primary Server Password
Enter the system administrator password that you use to log on to the
primary System Manager server.
Primary Server IP
Primary Server FQDN
d. Click OK.
The configuration process takes about 30 minutes. However, the duration might
vary depending on the size of the data on the primary System Manager
As the server becomes unavailable, you cannot gain access to the web
console. Wait until the process is complete before you continue with the next
The server that you configured becomes the secondary server and the other
standalone server becomes the primary System Manager server.
2. To view the status of the Geographic Redundancy configuration during the restart
of the two application servers, perform one of the following:
Log on to the web console of the primary System Manager server and perform
the following steps:
i. On the System Manager web console, click Services >
Geographic Redundancy.
ii. Refresh the GR Health page.
If Enable is available, the configuration is complete.
Geographic Redundancy
78 Administering Avaya Aura

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Log off and log on to the primary System Manager server to view
the updated status of GR Health.
Log in to the secondary System Manager server as system administrator by
using the command line interface and perform the following steps:
Type tail f /home/ucmdeploy/quantum/
The system displays the progress during the restart of the two
application servers. When the second application server restart
completes, the system displays the following messages:
SMGR :: operationStatus=success SMGR :: Quantum has been
successfully configured as a secondary.
Next steps
On the web console of the primary System Manager server, enable the Geographic
Redundancy replication.
Related topics:
Prerequisites for servers on System Platform in the Geographic Redundancy setup on
page 73
Prerequisites for System Manager on VMware in the Geographic Redundancy setup on
page 74
Enabling the Geographic Redundancy replication on page 79
Geographic Redundancy field descriptions on page 90
Enabling the Geographic Redundancy replication
Enable the Geographic Redundancy replication between the two servers to ensure that the
data gets continuously replicated between the primary and secondary System Manager
Before you begin
Log on to the System Manager web console of the primary server.
About this task
During the configuration of Geographic Redundancy, the primary System Manager
replicates the data between the primary and the secondary System Manager servers.
Enabling the Geographic Redundancy replication
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 79

Therefore, ensure that the system maintenance activities such as backup, restore, and
shutdown are not in progress.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Geographic
2. Click Enable Replication.
The system displays the progress information in the Enable GR Status section.
As the server becomes unavailable, you cannot gain access to the web console.
Wait until the process is complete before you continue with the next step.
If the enabling process is successful, the system displays the Geographic
Redundancy replication status as Enabled. If the process fails, the system displays
an error message with the replication status as Failed on the primary the System
Manager web console. The primary server remains in the failed state while the
secondary server rolls back to the previous state. Verify if the system has raised an
alarm for a temporary network connectivity failure. Retry when the network
connectivity is restored. If the problem persists, contact Avaya service personnel.
Related topics:
Disabling the Geographic Redundancy replication on page 80
Geographic Redundancy field descriptions on page 90
Disabling the Geographic Redundancy replication
Before you begin
Log on to the System Manager web console of the primary server.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Geographic
2. Click Disable Replication.
3. In the dialog box, click Yes.
The system displays the progress information in the Disable GR Status section.
If the disabling process is successful, the system displays the Geographic
Redundancy replication status as Disabled. The system stops replicating the data
from the primary and secondary System Manager server. If the disabling process
Geographic Redundancy
80 Administering Avaya Aura

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fails, the system displays an error message on the web console of the primary
System Manager.
Related topics:
Enabling the Geographic Redundancy replication on page 79
Geographic Redundancy field descriptions on page 90
Activating the secondary System Manager server
Before you begin
Log on to the System Manager web console of the secondary server.
About this task
When you activate the secondary System Manager server, the system stops replicating
the data from the primary System Manager server to the secondary System Manager
server. During activation, you cannot gain access to the web console of the secondary
System Manager server for some time.
In the same browser instance, do not open the primary and secondary System Manager
server in different tabs. The system might display an unknown error after the activation,
deactivation, or recovery is complete. You can ignore this error message.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Geographic
2. Click Activate Secondary Server.
The system displays the Geographic Redundancy (GR) Health Current status
dialog box.
3. In the Select the reason for activation, choose one of the following options:
Primary Down: When the primary System Manager server becomes
nonoperational, the server hardware is faulty and unusable or the application
server fails to recover.
Network Split: When the enterprise network splits and servers fail to
communicate with each other.
Maintenance: When the maintenance activities such as backup, restore,
upgrade, and shutdown are in progress.
Activating the secondary System Manager server
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 81

Other: Any other reason where the primary System Manager server becomes
unusable and needs the secondary System Manager server to become
4. Click Yes.
The system displays the initialization of the activation process.
5. Click Yes.
The activation process takes about 1520 minutes to complete.
If the activation process fails, the system displays an error message on secondary
the System Manager web console and rolls back to the previous state. If the
activation process is successful, the secondary System Manager server changes
to the active mode and provides complete System Manager functionality.
As the server becomes unavailable, you cannot gain access to the web console.
Wait until the process is complete before you continue with the next step.
Related topics:
Deactivating the secondary System Manager server on page 82
Geographic Redundancy field descriptions on page 90
Deactivating the secondary System Manager server
Before you begin
Log on to the System Manager web console of the secondary server.
About this task
In the same browser instance, do not open the primary and secondary System Manager
server in different tabs. The system might display an unknown error after the activation,
deactivation, or recovery is complete. You can ignore this error message.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Geographic
2. Click Deactivate Secondary Server.
The system displays the Deactivate Secondary Server dialog box and the progress
while performing the deactivation process.
Geographic Redundancy
82 Administering Avaya Aura

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3. Click OK.
If the deactivation process is complete, the secondary System Manager server goes
to the standby mode. If the deactivation process fails, the system displays an error
message on the secondary System Manager web console and the server remains
in the active mode.
Next steps
Restore primary System Manager. For instructions, see Restoring the primary System
Manager server.
Related topics:
Activating the secondary System Manager server on page 81
Geographic Redundancy field descriptions on page 90
Restoring the primary System Manager server
Before you begin
Log on to the System Manager web console of the primary server.
About this task
You can restore the data when the secondary System Manager server is active or in the
standby mode. However, for minimum system nonfunctional time during data restoration or an
emergency or both, you can restore the data when the secondary System Manager server is
After you restore the system with the secondary System Manager data, if you want to revert
to the primary System Manager data, you can restore to the primary System Manager data
using the procedure in Step 4. However, you must restore to the primary System Manager
data, before you enable the Geographic Redundancy replication. After you enable the
Geographic Redundancy replication, you cannot restore to the primary System Manager
server data.
In the same browser instance, do not open the primary and secondary System Manager server
in different tabs. The system might display an unknown error after the activation, deactivation,
or recovery operation is complete. You can ignore this error message.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Geographic
2. Click Restore Data.
3. On the Restore GR dialog box, select a server whose data you want to retain:
Restoring the primary System Manager server
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 83

Primary Server
The system keeps the primary System Manager server data. The data on the
secondary System Manager server is lost.
Select the secondary System Manager server if the secondary System
Manager server data changes significantly during the interval between
activation and deactivation and the administrator wants to retain those
changes even after restoring the data using Restore Data.
Secondary Server
The system restores the data from the secondary server on the primary System
Manager server. the System Manager web console is unavailable for some
time. The time that the system takes to restore depends on the network speed
and the size of the data that the system must restore.
After the system recovery, select the secondary System Manager server if the
secondary System Manager server data changes significantly during the
interval between the system recovery and the deactivation and if you want to
retain the changes from the secondary System Manager server after restoring
the data by using Restore Data.

The system displays the Restore Status dialog box.
The system displays the restore operation status and the status of the primary and
the secondary System Manager server.
Geographic Redundancy
84 Administering Avaya Aura

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After you restore the data, all changes that you make on the secondary System
Manager server that is active will not be available on the primary System Manager
4. If you later decide to revert to the database of the primary System Manager server,
perform the following steps after the restore is complete:
a. Using the command line interface, log in to System Manager of the primary
server as root.
b. Change to the $MGMT_HOME/geo/bin directory.
c. Type sh recovery secondaryIP
When the script completes, System Manager restarts and contains the data
from the primary System Manager server that was available before you restored
with the secondary System Manager data.
To restore with the secondary System Manager server data again,
activate and deactivate the secondary System Manager server.
As the server becomes unavailable, you cannot gain access to the web
console. Wait until the process is complete before you continue with the
next step.
Next steps
After the data restoration is complete, verify the data and deactivate the secondary System
Manager server if the server is active during the restoration process.
Enable the Geographic Redundancy replication to synchronize the primary and secondary
System Manager servers.
Related topics:
Enabling the Geographic Redundancy replication on page 79
Deactivating the secondary System Manager server on page 82
Geographic Redundancy field descriptions on page 90
Restoring the primary System Manager server
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 85

Reconfiguring Geographic Redundancy
Before you begin
Ensure that the two System Manager servers meet the requirements that are defined in
Prerequisites for servers in the Geographic Redundancy setup.
Log on to System Manager web console of the secondary server.
About this task
For resiliency, from the pair of standalone System Manager servers, you can configure
Geographic Redundancy.
During the configuration of Geographic Redundancy, the primary System Manager
replicates the data between the primary and the secondary System Manager servers.
Therefore, ensure that the system maintenance activities such as backup, restore, and
shutdown are not in progress.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Geographic
2. Click Reconfigure.
3. In the dialog box, provide the details of the primary System Manager server in the
following fields:
Primary Server Username
Enter the admin user name that you use to log on to the primary System
Manager server.
Primary Server Password
Enter the admin password that you use to log on to the primary System
Manager server.
Primary Server IP
Primary Server FQDN
4. Click OK.
As the server becomes unavailable, you cannot gain access to the web console.
Wait until the process is complete before you continue with the next step.
Geographic Redundancy
86 Administering Avaya Aura

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The server that you configured becomes the secondary server and the other
standalone server becomes the primary System Manager server.
5. To view the status of the Geographic Redundancy configuration during the restart
of the two application servers, perform one of the following:
Log on to the web console of the primary System Manager server and perform
the following steps:
i. On the System Manager web console, click Services >
Geographic Redundancy.
ii. Refresh the GR Health page.
If Enable is available, the configuration is complete.
Log off and log on to the primary System Manager server to view
the updated status of GR Health.
Log in to the secondary System Manager server as system administrator by
using the command line interface and perform the following steps:
Type tail f /home/ucmdeploy/quantum/
The system displays the progress during the restart of the two
application servers. When the second application server restart
completes, the system displays the following messages:
SMGR :: operationStatus=success SMGR :: Quantum has been
successfully configured as a secondary.
Next steps
On the primary the System Manager web console, enable the Geographic Redundancy
Related topics:
Prerequisites for servers on System Platform in the Geographic Redundancy setup on
page 73
Prerequisites for System Manager on VMware in the Geographic Redundancy setup on
page 74
Reconfiguring Geographic Redundancy
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 87

Converting the primary System Manager server to the
standalone server
Before you begin
Log on to the System Manager web console of the primary server.
Disable the Geographic Redundancy replication if you have not already disabled.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Geographic
2. Select the primary System Manager server, and click Convert To Standalone.
The system displays a dialog box.
3. Click OK.
If the conversion is successful, the system displays Converted to Standalone
successfully and converts the primary System Manager server to a standalone
The system displays the status of the server as Unconfigured on the Manage
Elements page. The administrator can configure the server when required.
Related topics:
Enabling the Geographic Redundancy replication on page 79
Geographic Redundancy field descriptions on page 90
About the Health Monitoring service
Using the Health Monitoring service, you can monitor the status of the following:
Database replication
File replication
LDAP replication
System health check
Application server
Geographic Redundancy
88 Administering Avaya Aura

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The system checks the condition of services on both the primary and secondary System
Manager servers.
You can configure the following parameters from Services > Configurations > Settings >
SMGR > HealthMonitor of the System Manager web console:
Health monitoring interval
The number of days the health monitoring data must be retained
The number of successive retries before an alarm is raised
You can configure the timeout interval for health monitoring in the file from System Manager CLI. The properties file is available
in the $MGMT_HOME/SystemMonitor/res/ location. The default timeout interval is 15
The health monitoring includes the overall status of the replication, and the detailed health
metric such as the time and size of the data that the secondary System Manager server lags
in replication behind the primary System Manager server.
You can view the heartbeat status and the health monitoring details in the graphical format for
different services from View Heartbeat Status from Services > Geographic Redundancy >
GR Health on System Manager web console.
Related topics:
Configuring the timeout interval for health monitoring on page 89
GR Health field descriptions on page 91
View Profile:HealthMonitor field descriptions on page 866
Edit Profile:HealthMonitor field descriptions on page 866
Configuring the timeout interval for health monitoring
1. Log in to System Manager CLI.
2. From the $MGMT_HOME/SystemMonitor/res location, open the file.
3. In the properties file, change the value for the ServiceTimeOutInterval property.
The default is 15 seconds.
4. Type service systemMonitor restart to restart the service.
The changes takes effect.
Configuring the timeout interval for health monitoring
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 89

Geographic Redundancy field descriptions
The Geographic Redundancy and the GR Health pages remain blank on a standalone server
or until you configure a secondary System Manager.
Primary Server Details
The system displays the IP address and the FQDN of the primary System Manager server.
Name Description
Convert to Standalone Converts to a standalone server.
The system displays the Convert to
Standalone button only when the replication
is disabled.
Configure Configures Geographic Redundancy.
The system displays the Configure button
only on the standalone System Manager
Reconfigure Configures Geographic Redundancy.
The system displays the Reconfigure button
only on the secondary System Manager
Secondary Server Configured
You can use the Enable Replication, Disable Replication, and Restore Data buttons only
from the primary System Manager server.
Button Description
Enable Replication Continuously replicates the data between
the primary and the secondary System
Manager server.
The system displays the Enable
Replication button after the following
State of Geographic Redundancy is
Geographic Redundancy configuration.
Restoration of the primary Geographic
Redundancy server is complete.
Disable Replication Stops replicating the data between the
primary and the secondary System Manager
Geographic Redundancy
90 Administering Avaya Aura

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Button Description
The system displays the Disable
Replication button when the state of
Geographic Redundancy is Enable.
Restore Data Recovers the server after the failback.
The system displays the Restore Data
button when the secondary System Manager
server is deactivated.
Field name Description
IP Displays the IP address of the secondary
System Manager server.
FQDN Displays FQDN of the secondary System
Manager server.
Replication Status Displays the status of replication. The values
are Disabled and Enabled.
Last Action Displays the last action that you performed
on the secondary System Manager server.
Last Action Status Displays the status of the last action that you
performed on the secondary System
Manager server.
GR Health field descriptions
The information available on the GR Health page is read-only.
The Geographic Redundancy and the GR Health pages remain blank on a standalone server
or until you configure a secondary System Manager.
GR Health
Name Description
GR Health Status Displays the health status of the monitored
services. The page displays:

, if the monitored service stops.

, if the monitored service is running.

, if the monitored service fails to run.

Activate Secondary Server Click to make the secondary server provide
full System Manager functionality when the
GR Health field descriptions
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 91

Name Description
primary System Manager server fails or the
data network splits.
The system displays Activate
Secondary Server only on the
secondary System Manager server.
The system displays the Activate
Secondary Server or the Deactivate
Secondary Server button on the
Deactivate Secondary Server Click to make the primary System Manager
resume operation. You use this option when
the primary System Manager server restores
operation or recovers from a network
The system displays Deactivate
Secondary Server only on the secondary
System Manager server.
Service Name Displays the name of the service for which
the system provides the status of the
View Detail Click View Graph.
For database and directory replication, the
system displays the graph for default
interval. If no graph is present for the
default interval, using the calendar, you
can set the period for which you require to
check the health status, and click
Generate to view health details in a
For database replication, the system
displays graphs for time lag and the size
lag. For directory replication, the system
displays graph for time lag only.
For file replication, the system displays the
last replication time and the size of the
HeartBeat status
Click View Heartbeat Status to view the details. The system displays the GR Heartbeat
Geographic Redundancy
92 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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Name Description
Service Name The name of the monitored service. The
services are:
System Health: The heartbeat status
indicates if the primary or the secondary
System Manager server can communicate
with the peer System Manager server over
the network.
Database Replication: The heartbeat
status indicates if the data stored in the
System Manager database is getting
replicated between the primary and the
secondary System Manager server.
Application System Health: The
heartbeat status indicates if the application
server of primary or secondary System
Manager can query the application server
of the peer System Manager.
File Replication: The heartbeat status
indicates if the configuration files are
getting replicated between the primary and
the secondary System Manager server.
Directory Replication: The heartbeat
status indicates if the data stored in the
internal LDAP server is getting replicated
in the respective System Manager server.
Last Successful Heartbeat Time The last time the heartbeat was successful
for the monitored service.
Last Missed Heartbeat Time The last time when the monitored service
missed the heartbeat.
View Details The View Graph link to view the health
status of the monitored service over a period
of time. To configure the time period, click
Edit Dates. The graph displays the status in
0 and 1.
0 indicates that the monitored service is
either stopped or failed at that point of time
1 indicates that the monitored service is
running at that point of time.
GR Health field descriptions
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 93

Configuring the GR-unaware elements to work with System
Geographic Redundancy-unaware elements overview
Geographic Redundancy-unaware (GR-unaware) elements are elements that cannot support
the System Manager Geographic Redundancy feature. GR-unaware elements might be legacy
elements, that is, prior to Release 6.3, which are already present in the field or elements that
have not yet leveraged the Geographic Redundancy feature.
You must manually activate the secondary System Manager server to manage the elements
The primary System Manager server fails.
The network fails to isolate one of the System Manager systems or one or more adopter
elements or both.
This scenario is called the primary nonoperational scenario or rainy day scenario.
This document provides the procedures required in a primary nonoperational scenario to
reconfigure the GR-unaware elements in the system. After the reconfiguration is complete, the
elements can communicate with the secondary System Manager server to receive
management or configuration information. This document also describes the functioning of
GR-unaware elements with System Manager in general and the secondary System Manager
server in particular.
The system does not replicate the /etc/hosts file of the primary System Manager server
to the secondary System Manager server. If you have elements that depend on the entries
present in the /etc/hosts file of the primary server, you must make the appropriate entries
during the failover process.
Related topics:
Geographic Redundancy terminology on page 71
Elements Geographic Redundancy manageability status matrix
The following table provides the status of managing the elements from the System Manager
Geographic Redundancy perspective:
Geographic Redundancy
94 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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Element Version Geographic
Avaya Aura

6.3 Active-Standby (Auto)
6.2 and earlier GR-unaware
Communication Manager 6.2 and earlier Active-Standby (Manual)
CS 1000 7.5 Active-Active
Meeting Exchange 6.2 GR-unaware
Conferencing 7.0 GR-unaware
Presence Server 6.1.4 GR-unaware
CallPilot 5.0 GR-unaware
Avaya Aura

Messaging 6.0, 6.1,

and 6.2
Modular Messaging
5.0, 5.1, and 5.2
CMM 5.2, 6.0, and
IP Office 6.2 GR-unaware
M3K Gateway 3.0 GR-unaware
Visualization, Performance
and Fault Manager
3.0 Active-Active
Application Enablement
6.2 GR-unaware
Call Center Elite 6.2 GR-unaware
One-X Client Enablement
6.2 GR-unaware
One-X Client Attendant 4.0 GR-unaware
Avaya one-X

2.5 GR-unaware
Avaya Aura

Contact Center
6.3 Active-Active
Configuring the GR-unaware elements to work with System Manager
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 95

Configuring various elements to change to the secondary System
The sections describe how to reconfigure various GR-unaware elements that the secondary
System Manager server manages when the server is activated during outages for an extended
period of time, typically for more than 4 hours.
For outages that are less than 4 hours and that occur due to a primary System Manager server
failure or a partial network breakdown, do not activate the secondary System Manager
If you perform the failover, the recovery process might take a few hours, depending on the
data size and whether the recovery is done using the primary or secondary System Manager
Session Manager 6.3 configuration
Session Manager 6.3 elements are GR-aware.
In the normal operation mode, all Session Manager 6.3 elements communicate with the
primary System Manager server for provisioned and configuration data.
You can configure both the primary and the secondary System Manager servers as unique
trap destinations on each element. During a failover, the primary System Manager server
becomes nonoperational, and you must manually activate the secondary System Manager
server. Subsequently, all Geographic Redundancy-aware Session Manager elements
automatically switch to the secondary System Manager server by using the Arbiter process of
Session Manager.
In the primary nonoperational mode, each Session Manager element continues to interact with
the primary System Manager server until the element receives an Activation notification from
the secondary System Manager server. After the Session Manager element receives a
secondary Activation notification, the element switches to the primary nonoperational mode.
In the primary nonoperational mode, the Session Manager element continuously polls the two
System Manager servers to determine the current states.
The Session Manager element continues to communicate with the current managing System
Manager server until there is a network disconnect or fragmentation. If there is a disconnect,
for example, because of a network split, the Session Manager element switches to System
Geographic Redundancy
96 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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Manager that is reachable within the network if that System Manager is in the activated
From the web console of the active System Manager, you can override the automatic
switching of Session Manager by using the Manage option.
Session Manager elements support only Manage operation. These elements do not support
the Geographic Redundancy UnManage operation.
Related topics:
Configuring Session Manager Release 6.2 and earlier during GR failover on page 97
Configuring Session Manager Release 6.2 and earlier during failback on page 98
Problems in managing Session Manager 6.1 or 6.2 using System Manager 6.2 on page
Configuring Session Manager Release 6.2 and earlier during GR failover
Session Manager 6.2 or earlier releases are GR-unaware elements.
About this task
During a failover, perform this procedure to configure the Session Manager elements to switch
to the activated secondary System Manager server:
1. Log in to Session Manager as cust or service.
2. Run the ChangeManagementIP script with the secondary System Manager IP
address or FQDN as the target.
3. Stop Session Manager.
Session Manager registers as a DRS node with the secondary System Manager
4. Start Session Manager.
The Session Manager element is marked for repair and gets DRS initial load from
the secondary System Manager server.
The system overwrites the existing data of the element with the current data in the
secondary System Manager database.
Configuring the GR-unaware elements to work with System Manager
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 97

Configuring Session Manager Release 6.2 and earlier during failback
During the failback when the primary System Manager server is back online after an outage
or failure and ready to serve the devices, you must perform the restore operation. During the
restore operation, you can retain the primary or the secondary System Manager database.
About this task
The following procedure impairs service. Therefore, schedule the restore operation outside
of service hours.
When the primary System Manager server is functional, to switch back the System Manager
elements earlier than Release 6.3 to the primary System Manager server and resume normal
operational behavior, perform the following procedure.
1. Log in to Session Manager as cust or service.
2. At the prompt, perform the following:
a. Enter cd /opt/Avaya/bin.
b. Enter ChangeManagementIP and provide the IP address or FQDN of the
secondary System Manager server as the target.
The command changes the configuration on the element. The system prompts for
the enrollment password of the primary System Manager server.
3. Stop Session Manager.
Session Manager registers as a DRS node with the primary System Manager
4. Start Session Manager.
The Session Manager element is marked for repair and gets DRS initial load from
the primary System Manager server.
The system overwrites the existing data of the element with the current data in the
primary System Manager server.
Next steps
After the recovery operation is complete, enable the Geographic Redundancy replication on
System Manager web console.
Geographic Redundancy
98 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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Problems in managing Session Manager 6.1 or 6.2 using System Manager 6.2
Do not manage Session Manager 6.2 or 6.1 using System Manager 6.2. If you deploy SIP
Endpoints, ensure that this configuration is not a long-term configuration as some functionality
is lost in the configuration.
Users cannot successfully complete certain Personal Profile Manager (PPM) operations if the
SIP phone is registered to a System Manager 6.1 or 6.2 that is getting service from System
Manager 6.3. For example:
Add a contact to the contact list.
Update a contact on the contact list.
Delete a contact from the contact list.
Change and save the phone volume settings.
Change and save specific phone settings using the Home > Settings menu on the phone,
for example, from the 96x1 SIP phone.
Save the phone identity and update the time of the latest PPM login in the database.
The system internally saves the phone settings and the volume settings operations in the
phone, but the settings are lost when you reboot the phone. To retain the settings, the user
must log out and log in again. Ensure that another user does not log in to the same phone
before the original user logs in back.
Communication Manager configuration
Configuring Communication Manager during GR failover
Communication Manager is GR-unaware, regardless of the software release.
About this task
When the primary System Manager server has failed and the secondary System Manager
server is activated, the replication is disabled.
Perform this procedure to configure the Communication Manager elements to switch to the
secondary System Manager server.
1. Log on to the web console of the secondary System Manager server.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Services > Inventory > Manage Elements. The
system displays the status of Communication Manager as Unmanaged. You cannot
Configuring the GR-unaware elements to work with System Manager
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 99

administer the Communication Manager elements that System Manager does not
3. Select the Communication Manager elements that you can manage or
4. Click More Actions > Manage.
5. Click Inventory > Synchronization > Communication Manager.
6. Select the newly managed Communication Manager elements.
Ensure that the system displays the Communication Manager state as Managed.
7. Select Initialize data for selected devices, and click Now.
The secondary System Manager server retrieves all data from Communication
Manager and is now ready to administer and manage Communication Manager.
You must perform the Communication Manager synchronization only if
Communication Manager is not synchronized with the secondary System
Manager server, which happens if the secondary System Manager server is not
synchronized with the primary server due to a split network. If you are unsure
whether Communication Manager is synchronized with the current System
Manager, follow the Synchronization steps.
Configuring Communication Manager during GR failback
About this task
Perform the Geographic Redundancy failback operation to resume normal operational
1. Log on to the web console of the primary System Manager server.
2. Deactivate the secondary System Manager server.
In this state, the heartbeat mechanism between the primary and secondary System
Manager servers resumes as in a normal operation scenario, but the Geographic
Redundancy replication between the System Manager servers is disabled.
3. Perform the recovery operation and retain the primary or the secondary database
of System Manager. During recovery, you can select one of the following databases:
The database of the primary System Manager server.
- The primary System Manager server resumes the state that the server
was in before becoming nonfunctional.
- You cannot see the administration that is performed while the secondary
System Manager server manages the devices on the primary System
Geographic Redundancy
100 Administering Avaya Aura

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Manager server. Inconsistency in data between Communication Manager
and the primary System Manager database is likely. Therefore, run the
initialize data job of Communication Manager. If you fail to initialize data,
the data between Communication Manager and the primary System
Manager server remains inconsistent.
The database of the secondary System Manager server.
- The system overwrites the data in the primary System Manager server.
- The system restores all the administration or changes done while the
secondary server was serving the devices to the primary System
Manager server.
- The primary System Manager server displays the status of all
Communication Manager servers that the secondary System Manager
manages as UnManaged.
To manage the Communication Manager servers, navigate to Home >
Services > Inventory > Manage Elements on the primary System
Manager server and click More Actions > Manage.
Next steps
Enable the Geographic Redundancy replication on System Manager web console.
Communication Manager configuration when the primary System Manager
server is nonoperational
In the primary nonoperational scenario, you might reach some of the Communication Manager
elements from only one of System Manager servers.
Configuring Communication Manager during GR failover when only the
primary server is reachable
Communication Manager Release 6.2 and later have a feature to notify all the changes made
outside System Manager, for example, using ASA and MSA to the configured System
Manager. To leverage the notify feature in System Manager Geographic Redundancy,
configure Communication Manager with the IP addresses of the primary and the secondary
System Manager server in the notification list.
About this task
For Communication Manager elements that you can reach only from the secondary System
Manager server, perform the following procedure to configure Communication Manager
elements to change to the secondary System Manager server.
Configuring the GR-unaware elements to work with System Manager
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 101

Perform the same procedure during failback by reversing the roles of the primary and
secondary System Manager servers.
1. Log on to the web console of the primary System Manager server.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Services > Inventory > Manage Elements.
The system displays the status of Communication Manager as Unmanaged. You
cannot administer Communication Manager elements that System Manager does
not manage.
3. Select Communication Manager elements that the secondary System Manager
server must manage.
4. Click More Actions > Manage.
5. Log on to the web console of the secondary System Manager server.
6. In the left navigation pane, click Services > Inventory > Manage Elements.
The system displays the status of Communication Manager as Unmanaged. You
cannot administer the Communication Manager elements that System Manager
does not manage.
7. Select Communication Manager elements that you must change to the secondary
System Manager server.
8. Click More Actions > Manage.
9. Click Inventory > Synchronization > Communication Manager.
Perform Step 10 only if Communication Manager is not synchronized with the
secondary System Manager server. This can happen if the secondary System
Manager server is not synchronized with the primary System Manager server due
to reasons such as the nonoperational state of the primary or split network.
10. Select the newly managed Communication Manager elements.
Ensure that the system displays the manageability status of Communication
Manager as Managed.
11. Select Initialize data for selected devices, and click Now.
The secondary System Manager server retrieves all data from Communication
Manager and is now ready to administer and manage Communication Manager.
To find the difference between data on the primary and secondary System
Manager servers during failback, use Services > Geographic Redundancy >
Restore Data. The Restore Data dialog box displays comparative data between
the primary and secondary System Manager servers when the primary System
Manager server is nonoperational. This includes the number of elements that
were managed by the primary and secondary System Manager servers, the
Geographic Redundancy
102 Administering Avaya Aura

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number of entities modified on the primary and secondary System Manager
servers, and the link to the audit logs. With the comparative data, you can decide
whether to use secondary or primary System Manager data during failback.
CS 1000 configuration
CS 1000 elements are ActiveActive GR-aware. The GR-aware CS 1000 elements are
configured to interact with both primary and secondary System Manager servers. The element
communicates with System Manager servers for Authentication and Authorization (A&A)
related operations. Typically, the element leverages A&A services from the System Manager
server that is closest to the element regardless of whether the server is in the primary or
secondary mode. The secondary System Manager can serve A&A requests in both standby
and active modes.
CS 1000 server deployments are of two types:
VxWorksbased servers
Linuxbased servers
Related topics:
Configuring VxWorks-based CS 1000 servers on page 103
Configuring Linux-based CS 1000 servers on page 103
Limitations to the CS 1000 and CallPilot functionality support on System Manager on
page 105
Configuring VxWorks-based CS 1000 servers
Run the following commands to register the information on CS 1000 servers:
Register UCMSecurity System
join secDomain
Configuring Linux-based CS 1000 servers
System Manager Geographic Redundancy deployment does not support some of the CS 1000
functionality. For more information, see Limitations to the CS 1000 and CallPilot functionality
support on System Manager.
Configuring the GR-unaware elements to work with System Manager
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 103

1. On the Security Configuration page, click Full security configuration and Security
The system displays the FQDN validation page.
2. Confirm that the (TLAN) IP address and FQDN values are correct, and click Next.
The system displays the Select server type page.
3. Click Member server and click Next.
The system displays the Enter server information page.
4. Enter the (TLAN) IP address of the primary security server, and click Next.
The system displays the Verify primary security server fingerprint page.
5. Verify that the FQDN and fingerprint information for the primary security server is
valid, and enter the following details in appropriate fields:
The primary security server user ID, that is, a UCM user ID with System
Administrator role.
The primary security server password of the user.
6. Click Next.
The system displays the Enter certificate information page.
7. Enter information in appropriate fields.
8. Click Finish.
The system displays the Security Configuration Progress page.
9. To complete the configuration process, click Restart. to restart the web server.
The Security Configuration Progress page confirms that the server is restarting.
The restart process might take up to 5 minutes to complete. You can then establish
a new session and log on with your security administrator credentials. The
registration process requires configuration of the primary System Manager
information on the element. The secondary server information is provided to the
element when the element registers with the primary server.
Geographic Redundancy
104 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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Limitations to the CS 1000 and CallPilot functionality support on System
System Manager server
CS 1000 and CallPilot functionality
support available
Primary server Secondar
y server
From the primary
From the
secondary server
reachable from
the secondary
Starting of
Remote Element
(Display CS 1000
Log Harvesting
Audit Log
IPSec Manager
SNMP Manager
Registration of
the new CS 1000
Management of
CS 1000 and
Starting of
Starting of Patch
Starting of
Remote Element
Configuring the GR-unaware elements to work with System Manager
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 105

System Manager server
CS 1000 and CallPilot functionality
support available
Primary server Secondar
y server
From the primary
From the
secondary server
Nonoperational Standby The primary server
is nonoperational.
Therefore, no
functionality is
available from the
primary server.
Starting of
Remote Element
Nonoperational Active The primary server
is nonoperational.
Therefore, no
functionality is
available from the
primary server.
Starting of
Remote Element
(Display CS 1000
Audit Log
Meeting Exchange configuration
Meeting Exchange elements are GR-unaware. All communications except for WebLM are
initiated from System Manager to Meeting Exchange. For licensing, a WebLM client on Meeting
Exchange initiates communication with System Manager. For Meeting Exchange
configuration, the data on System Manager is stored in the form of a Binary Large Object
(BLOB) and synchronized with the element by using a scheduler job that runs every minute.
The Meeting Exchange element is registered with System Manager. As these entities are
replicated from the primary to the secondary server, information about the Meeting Exchange
elements is present with the secondary System Manager server as well. You do not have to
explicitly establish trust between the Meeting Exchange element and System Manager.
Related topics:
Element configuration on page 107
License management on page 107
Geographic Redundancy
106 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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Element configuration
In the failover scenario, you can perform all Meeting Exchange configuration changes from the
activate secondary System Manager server. The system synchronizes the changes with the
Meeting Exchange element by using Scheduler job. You do not require to make changes on
the Meeting Exchange element in this case.
License management
To provision licensing from the secondary server, reassociate the Meeting Exchange element
with the secondary server. To reassociate the Meeting Exchange element, remove the Meeting
Exchange entry from Services > Inventory > Manage Elements of the secondary System
Manager server and add the entry back again.
Presence Server configuration
Presence Server 6.2.x and earlier elements are GR-unaware. During failover, configure the
Presence Server elements manually to switch to the secondary System Manager. Presence
Server elements are registered in System Manager from Services > Inventory. All Presence
Server configuration data is replicated from the primary to the secondary System Manager
Related topics:
Configuring Presence Server on page 107
Configuring Presence Server
About this task
Perform this procedure to switch Presence Server elements to the secondary server:
1. Create a backup of the Presence Server data after the failover to be invoked
manually by an operator after the failover of System Manager.
2. Run the script on Presence Server element to change
Presence Server System Manager configuration from the primary System Manager
to secondary System Manager.
The script changes all configurations on the Presence Server element but does not
affect Presence Server entries or configuration on System Manager. Presence
Server calls InitTM to establish trust with the secondary System Manager. The
Configuring the GR-unaware elements to work with System Manager
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 107

element is re-registered on the secondary System Manager. The element is
registered in DRS and Services > Inventory. As part of the registration, Presence
Server element is added in /etc/hosts of the secondary System Manager. DRS
marks the element for repair and sends the initial load of data to the element. Data
on System Manager overwrites data on Presence Server element.
3. Log out or log in to the endpoints on failover.
4. Create a backup of Presence Server element after System Manager failover to
ensure that the new configuration data is backed up.
5. To ensure continued serviceability support during primary nonoperational
scenarios, configure Presence Server elements with both the primary and
secondary System Manager servers as trap destinations.
For instructions to configure trap destinations on Presence Server element, see
Administering Avaya Aura

Presence Services.
CallPilot configuration
CallPilot elements are GR-unaware. All communication with CallPilot is always initiated from
System Manager. CallPilot does not store the IP address or FQDN of System Manager. In
other words, System Manager points to CallPilot, but CallPilot does not point to System
Manager. Use the Quantum UI to add the CallPilot element to System Manager. The system
stores the element information in Elements tables through the UDDI interface and replicates
to the secondary System Manager. The system provisions the System Manager data to the
CallPilot element through the CallPilot adapter integrated with UPM. During a failover or an
ActiveActive scenario, CallPilot elements can be serviced using any of the active System
Manager. The secondary System Manager must have CallPilot certificates. CallPilot
certificates are imported in the primary System Manager server. The system replicates the
certifications to the secondary server using file replication.
System Manager Geographic Redundancy deployment does not support some CallPilot
functionality. For more information, see Limitations to the CS 1000 and CallPilot functionality
support on System Manager.
Related topics:
Limitations to the CS 1000 and CallPilot functionality support on System Manager on
page 105
Geographic Redundancy
108 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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Messaging configuration
Messaging elements are GR-unaware. However, the Messaging element manager is GR-
aware. Messaging includes Avaya Aura

Messaging, Modular Messaging, and

Communication Manager Messaging.
Related topics:
Configuring Messaging in the normal operational mode on page 109
Configuring Messaging when the primary System Manager server is nonoperational on
page 110
Configuring Messaging during GR failback on page 111
Configuring Messaging during split network on page 111
Configuring Messaging in the normal operational mode
Before you begin
Add both the primary and secondary servers as Trusted Servers in the Messaging
Update the Login, Password, and Confirm Password fields with the appropriate trusted
server defined on the Messaging system.
1. Log on to the primary System Manager server.
2. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
3. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
4. On the Manage Elements page, click New and add the Messaging system.
5. Provide the name and IP address of the Messaging system.
6. On the Attributes tab, fill the Login, Password, and Confirm Password fields with
the corresponding name and password of the Messaging trusted server.
7. Click Inventory > Synchronization > Messaging System. Select the required
Messaging element, and click Now.
8. Perform one of the following:
If synchronization is successful, perform the administration task on
If synchronization fails, check the login details for Messaging.
9. Log on to the secondary System Manager server.
10. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
Configuring the GR-unaware elements to work with System Manager
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 109

11. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
12. Ensure that the Messaging system that has been added is visible on the Manage
Elements page.
Configuring Messaging when the primary System Manager server is
Perform this procedure to switch the Messagingsystem to the secondary System Manager
when the primary System Manager server fails.
Before you begin
Add both the primary and secondary servers as Trusted Servers in the Messaging
Update the Login, Password, and Confirm Password fields with the appropriate trusted
server defined on the Messaging system.
1. Log on to the Messaging system that System Manager manages.
2. Add the secondary System Manager server as Trusted Servers in the Messaging
3. Log on to the secondary System Manager server.
4. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
5. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
6. On the Manage Elements page, select the Messaging system that you want to
change to the secondary System Manager server.
7. Click Edit.
8. On the Attributes tab, fill the Login, Password, and Confirm Password fields with
the corresponding name and password of the Messaging trusted server.
9. Click Commit.
10. Click Inventory > Synchronization > Messaging System, and select the required
Messaging element.
11. Click Now.
The secondary System Manager server retrieves all data from Messaging and is
now ready to administer and manage Messaging.
Geographic Redundancy
110 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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Configuring Messaging during GR failback
Before you begin
Complete the GR failback from the database of the primary System Manager server.
1. Log on to the primary System Manager server.
If the trusted server entry for the primary System Manager server is already present
in Messaging, perform from the Step 3 e.
2. (Optional) Remove the secondary System Manager server as the trusted server in
the Messaging system.
3. If you select the database of the secondary System Manager server to recover the
data, perform the following steps:
a. On the web console of the primary System Manager server, click Services >
b. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
c. Select the Messaging element that you must change to the primary System
Manager server.
d. Click Edit.
e. On the Manage Elements page, navigate to the Attributes tab and update the
Login, Password, and Confirm Password fields with the corresponding name
and password of the Messaging trusted service.
f. Click Commit to apply the changes.
g. Click Inventory > Synchronization > Messaging System.
h. Select the required Messaging element, and click Now.
The primary System Manager server retrieves all data from Messaging and is
now ready to administer and manage Messaging.
Configuring Messaging during split network
About this task
Do not activate primary and secondary System Manager servers except during scenarios such
as the primary System Manager server is nonoperational. When the primary System Manager
server is nonoperational, not all elements are reachable from either System Manager
Perform the procedure on the primary System Manager server. You cannot administer
Messaging on the secondary System Manager server in the standby mode.
Configuring the GR-unaware elements to work with System Manager
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 111

1. Log on to the primary System Manager server and the System Manager server and
verify that the system displays the replication status as disabled.
2. Add System Manager as the trusted server in the Messaging system.
If the server is already added as the trusted server, update the login and password
details of Messaging for both System Manager servers.
3. Click Services > Inventory.
4. In the left navigation pane, click Synchronization > Messaging System.
5. Select the Messaging element and click Now.
6. Perform one of the following:
If the synchronization is successful on both System Manager servers, perform
the administration task for Messaging on both System Manager servers.
If the synchronization fails, check the login details for Messaging.
While performing administrative tasks on Messaging, the system displays a
warning message that the changes can result data inconsistency.
7. To perform administration tasks only on the primary System Manager server,
remove the trusted server entry of the secondary System Manager server from
Avaya Aura

Conferencing configuration
Avaya Aura

Conferencing elements are GR-unaware.During a failover or split network, you

must manually configure to point the Avaya Aura

Conferencing element to the secondary

System Manager server.
The following components of Avaya Aura

Conferencing are integrated with System Manager:

License Management
Trust Management
User Management
Single Sign-On
Role based access control
Geographic Redundancy
112 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

Comments? [email protected]
Related topics:
Configuring Avaya Aura Conferencing to be managed by System Manager on page 113
License management on page 115
Trust management on page 115
Single Sign-On and Role Based Access Control on page 115
User management on page 115
Logs on page 116
Alarms on page 116
Configuring Avaya Aura

Conferencing to be managed by System Manager

Before you begin
From System Manager, get the information for the community string and the Trap Listener port
About this task
For the Avaya Aura

Conferencing components to function, configure the IP address and

FQDN of the active System Manager in the Element Manager console of Avaya Aura

1. On the web browser, type http://<IP address>:12120.
where IP address is the logical IP address of the server that is running the Element
Manager Internal OAM Service.
2. Press Enter.
The system displays a webpage with the IP address that you entered and the
Launch Element Manager Console link.
3. Click Launch Element Manager Console.
4. In the navigation pane of Element Manager Console, select Addresses.
5. In the Addresses window, click Add (+).
6. In the Add IPv4 Address dialog box, complete the following fields:
Logical Name: Type SMGRAddress.
IPv4 Address: Type the IP address of the primary System Manager.
7. Click Apply.
8. Repeat Step 3 through Step 5 on the secondary System Manager, and enter a
logical name and IP address.
9. In the navigation pane, click External Nodes.
10. In the External Nodes window, click Add (+).
Configuring the GR-unaware elements to work with System Manager
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 113

11. In the Add External Nodes dialog box, complete the following fields:
Name: Type SMGRNode.
IPv4 Address: Select SMGRAddress from the list.
12. Click Apply.
13. Repeat Step 8 through Step 10 for the secondary System Manager, and enter a
Select the logical name that you entered in Step 6.
14. In the navigation pane, click OAM Profiles > OSS Servers.
15. Click Add (+).
16. In the Add OSS Server dialog box, complete the following fields:
Name: Type a name, for example, SmgrOssServer.
Node: Select SmgrExtNode from the list.
Use External OAM Network: Do not select this check box.
17. Click Apply.
18. Repeat Step 12 through Step 15 for the secondary System Manager, and enter a
Select the node entered in Step 11.
19. In the navigation pane, click OAM Profiles > SNMP Managers.
20. Click Add (+).
21. In the Add SNMP Manager dialog box, complete the following fields:
Name: Type a name, for example, SmgrSnmpManager.
Community: Type the community string as obtained from System Manager.
Servers: Select the server name you created in Step 14, for example,
Trap Port: Type the Trap Listener port number as obtained from System
22. Click Apply.
23. Repeat Step 17 through Step 20 for the secondary System Manager, and enter a
name, the community string, and the trap port.
Select the server name that you entered in Step 16.
24. Restart Element Manager through SSH to the server.
Geographic Redundancy
114 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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License management
Avaya Aura

Conferencing license key is installed on System Manager for forwarding license

requests to the Avaya WebLM server residing on System Manager. For initial setup with the
primary or active System Manager, follow the procedure in Deploying Avaya Aura

Conferencing. During a failover in a System Manager Geographic Redundancy setup, for

license management to work, reconfigure the IP address and FQDN to match the IP address
and FQDN of the active System Manager.
Trust management
For the initial setup, follow the procedures in Deploying Avaya Aura

Conferencing. Because
the same root Certificate Authority exists on the primary and the secondary System Manager,
you can use the same end-identity certificate for both System Manager servers. During a
failover in a System Manager Geographic Redundancy setup, for trust management to work,
reconfigure the IP address and FQDN to match the IP address and FQDN of the active System
Single Sign-On and Role Based Access Control
For the initial setup, follow the procedures in Deploying Avaya Aura

Conferencing. In a System
Manager Geographic Redundancy setup, all elements in the inventory, such as Avaya Aura

Conferencing Element Manager and Avaya Aura

Conferencing Provisioning Client, admin

users and passwords, Role Based Access Control (RBAC) attributes replicate between the
primary and secondary System Manager. For Single Sign-On (SSO) and RBAC to function
during a failover, reconfigure the IP address and FQDN to the IP address and FQDN of the
active System Manager.
User management
For the initial setup, follow the procedures in Deploying Avaya Aura

Conferencing. In a System
Manager Geographic Redundancy setup, all elements in the inventory, user profiles, and user
data in the System Manager database replicate between the primary and secondary System
Manager. During a failover in System Manager Geographic Redundancy setup, Single Sign-
On or RBAC must work for user management. Reconfigure the IP address and FQDN to match
with the IP address and FQDN of the active System Manager.
Configuring the GR-unaware elements to work with System Manager
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 115

For the initial setup, follow the log forwarding procedures in Deploying Avaya Aura

Conferencing. In a System Manager Geographic Redundancy setup, send the logs to the
active System Manager. In a GR-enabled System Manager pair, the enrollment password is
the same for the primary and active System Manager servers. During a failover in a System
Manager Geographic Redundancy setup, for log forwarding to the active System Manager,
run the logAgent script again with the IP address or FQDN of the active System Manager, the
same https System Manager port, and the same enrollment password.
For the initial setup, follow the alarm forwarding procedures in Deploying Avaya Aura

Conferencing. You can configure Avaya Aura

Conferencing to use two SNMP managers and

hence two alarm destinations. See section 5.8.2 for configuring primary and secondary System
Manager servers as two trap destinations.
IP Office configuration
IP Office elements are GR-unaware. During failover, split network, or failback, perform the
procedures from this section to ensure data integrity and proper administration of IP Office
from System Manager. As the System Manager certificates contain an entry of the secondary
System Manager in the SAN field, the same trust continues to work between the secondary
System Manager and the IP Office element.
The System Manager lock is maintained on the IP Office device to ensure that changes are
not provisioned on the device outside System Manager. You can only make configuration
changes on IP Office after removing the System Manager lock. For more information, see
Implementing IP Office.
Related topics:
Configuring IP Office in normal operational mode with SCEP enabled on page 117
Configuring IP Office in normal operational mode with SCEP disabled on page 118
IP Office configuration when the primary System Manager is nonfunctional on page 118
IP Office configuration in the Active-Active scenario on page 118
Alarms on page 119
User management on page 119
Geographic Redundancy
116 Administering Avaya Aura

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Configuring IP Office in normal operational mode with SCEP enabled
1. Log on to the web console of the primary System Manager server.
2. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
3. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
4. Click New.
5. On the Add IP Office page, provide the name, the IP address, and the valid user
name and password for IP Office.
6. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Security.
7. In the left navigation pane, click Certificates > Authority.
8. Click RA Functions > Add End Entity and add IP Office as an entity and specify
all required details.
9. On the IP Office device, open the security settings and perform the following:
a. Set SCEP to active.
b. Specify the correct IP address of System Manager and the certificate name that
you added on System Manager.
c. Set the received certificates check to High.
10. Verify that the system receives the SCEP requests from the device at the specified
interval using system monitor for the IP Office device.
The primary System Manager server is now ready to administer and manage the
IP Office device.
11. On the web console of the primary System Manager, click Services > Inventory.
12. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
13. Log on to the web console of the secondary System Manager and click Services
> Inventory.
14. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
The Manage Elements page displays the IP Office devices that you added on the
primary System Manager.
Configuring the GR-unaware elements to work with System Manager
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Configuring IP Office in normal operational mode with SCEP disabled
1. Log on to the web console of the primary System Manager server.
2. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
3. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
4. Click New.
5. On the Add IP Office page, provide the name, the IP address, and the valid user
name and password for IP Office.
6. Click Commit.
The primary System Manager server is now ready to administer and manage the
IP Office device.
7. Log on to the web console of the secondary System Manager, and click Services
> Inventory.
8. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
The Manage Elements page displays the IP Office devices that you added on the
primary System Manager.
IP Office configuration when the primary System Manager is nonfunctional
If the primary System Manager server is nonfunctional, the secondary System Manager server
can administer and manage the IP Office device without any additional steps on the secondary
System Manager.
IP Office configuration in the Active-Active scenario
If the primary System Manager server is nonfunctional, the secondary System Manager server
can administer and manage the IP Office device without any additional steps on the secondary
System Manager.
If the IP Office element can communicate with both System Manager servers, you can
administer IP Office from both System Manager servers. The data from the two servers conflict.
During recovery, you must select the database of only one System Manager, and the changes
in the other database are lost.
Manage the IP Office elements from only one System Manager even in the Active-Active
scenario so that you can select this database for recovery when the communication between
Geographic Redundancy
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the two System Manager servers is reestablished. For more information about managing IP
Office from System Manager, see Implementing the Avaya IP Office for an Aura
For configuring the trap destination, SCEP details, and WebLM server in a single step, run
the Initial Installation Utility of Native B5800 Manager.
You can also use the installation utility to change the configuration on IP Office for the System
Manager failover scenarios. As the System Manager certificates contain an entry of the
secondary System Manager in the SAN field, the same trust continues to work between the
secondary System Manager and IP Office.
To ensure serviceability support in primary System Manager nonoperational scenarios,
forward the alarms or traps from the IP Office elements to both the primary and secondary
System Manager servers. Configure the IP Office device with IPs of both primary and
secondary System Manager servers as a trap destination.
User management
IP Office elements are registered with System Manager in Inventory > Manage Elements.
The inventory data is replicated from the primary System Manager to the secondary System
Manager. When the secondary System Manager server is activated after failover, you can use
the IP Office element for user provisioning from the secondary System Manager without any
changes to the IP Office device.
Visualization, Performance, and Fault Manager
Visualization, Performance, and Fault Manager (VPFM) is Active-Active Geographic
Redundancy-aware. VPFM is configured to communicate with primary and secondary System
Manager servers. VPFM communicates with System Manager servers for Authentication and
Authorization (A&A) operations, such as SSO and RBAC. Usually, the element leverages A&A
services from the System Manager server which is closest to the element regardless of whether
the server is in the primary or the secondary mode. The secondary System Manager can serve
A&A requests in both the standby and active modes.
VPFM leverages System Manager for Common Service Client (SMGR-CS Client) that provides
adopters with off-box SSO and RBAC solution that works with System Manager.
Configuring the GR-unaware elements to work with System Manager
Administering Avaya Aura

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Application Enablement Services
Application Enablement Services (AES) uses the licensing feature of System Manager. When
System Manager fails, you must reconfigure the WebLM client on AES to point to the correct
System Manager for using Licensing Service.
You can configure AES to integrate with WebLM server running in C-DOM of System Platform
or the WebLM service running within System Manager.
Avaya Aura

Contact Center
Avaya Aura

Contact Center (AACC) is Active-Active GR-aware. AACC elements are

configured to communicate with primary and secondary System Manager servers. The
element communicates with System Manager servers for Authentication and Authorization
(A&A) operations such as Single Sign-On (SSO) and Role Based Access Control (RBAC).
Usually, the element leverages A&A services from the System Manager server that is closest
to the element regardless of whether System Manager is in the primary or the secondary mode.
The secondary System Manager can serve A&A requests in the standby and active modes.
Replacing System Manager servers
Replacement of System Manager servers
From the pair of System Manager servers that are configured with Geographic Redundancy,
you might have to replace the primary System Manager server with a new primary System
Manager server or move existing primary System Manager server to a different location. The
following sections list the scenarios when you must replace the primary System Manager
server and the key tasks involved in the replacement procedure.
Moving the existing primary System Manager server to a different
1. Disable the Geographic Redundancy replication.
2. Shut down the System Manager server, and relocate the server to a new location.
Geographic Redundancy
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3. (Optional) Activate the secondary System Manager server.
You activate the secondary server to ensure zero down time. If you do not activate
the secondary server, do not perform Step 7 and Step 8.
4. Start the primary System Manager server.
5. If the primary System Manager server uses a different IP or FQDN or both, change
the IP address, FQDN, or both on the primary System Manager server.
For instructions to change the IP address or FQDN, see Changing the IP address
and FQDN in System Manager.
6. Connect the primary System Manager server to the network.
7. Deactivate the secondary System Manager server if you already activated in Step
8. Restore the data.
9. Enable the Geographic Redundancy replication.
Related topics:
Enabling the Geographic Redundancy replication on page 79
Disabling the Geographic Redundancy replication on page 80
Activating the secondary System Manager server on page 81
Deactivating the secondary System Manager server on page 82
Restoring the primary System Manager server on page 83
Restoring the primary System Manager server using the old primary
server backup data
About this task
When the primary System Manager server or the site fails, you can restore the primary System
Manager server using the backup data from the old primary server.
1. (Optional) Activate the secondary System Manager server.
Activate the secondary server to ensure zero down time. If you do not activate the
secondary server, do not perform Step 6 and Step 7.
2. On the new server, install the System Manager template that you later designate
as primary server by using the cold standby procedure.
For instructions to change over to the cold standby server, see Upgrading Avaya

System Manager on System Platform.

3. If you must to use a different IP address or FQDN or both on the new primary System
Manager server, change the IP address, FQDN, or both on the primary System
Replacing System Manager servers
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 121

Manager server. For more information, see Changing the IP address and FQDN in
System Manager.
4. Connect the primary System Manager server to the network if not already connected
to the network.
5. Deactivate the secondary System Manager server.
6. Restore the data.
7. Enable the Geographic Redundancy replication if not already enabled.
Related topics:
Enabling the Geographic Redundancy replication on page 79
Disabling the Geographic Redundancy replication on page 80
Activating the secondary System Manager server on page 81
Deactivating the secondary System Manager server on page 82
Recovering the primary System Manager server from disaster on page 124
Restoring the primary System Manager server using the data on the
secondary System Manager server
When the primary System Manager server or the site fails, you can restore the primary System
Manager server using the data on the secondary System Manager server.
1. Activate the secondary System Manager server if you have not already activated.
2. Create a backup of the secondary System Manager server.
3. On the new server, install the System Manager template and perform the following
a. Log on to the System Manager web console of the standalone server that you
installed, and change the admin password.
Ensure that the server meets the requirements for the Geographic Redundancy
b. Recover System Manager from disaster.
4. Deactivate the secondary System Manager server.
5. Restore the data.
6. Enable the Geographic Redundancy replication.
Geographic Redundancy
122 Administering Avaya Aura

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Related topics:
Enabling the Geographic Redundancy replication on page 79
Disabling the Geographic Redundancy replication on page 80
Activating the secondary System Manager server on page 81
Deactivating the secondary System Manager server on page 82
Recovering the primary System Manager server from disaster on page 124
Replacing the secondary System Manager server on the site
About this task
From the pair of System Manager servers that are configured with Geographic Redundancy,
you might have to replace the secondary System Manager server with a new secondary
System Manager server or move existing secondary System Manager server to a different
location. The reasons might be the following:
Secondary System Manager failure
Site failure
Movement of the secondary to a different location.
1. Create a backup of the primary System Manager server.
2. On System Manager web console, click Services > Replication and verify that the
system synchronized all elements to the primary System Manager server the data
replication is working.
3. On the new server, install the System Manager template. For instructions, see
Implementing Avaya Aura

System Manager.
4. Convert the primary System Manager server to standalone server.
5. On System Manager web console, click Services > Replication and verify that the
system synchronized all elements to the primary System Manager server the data
replication is working.
6. Log on to System Manager web console of the standalone System Manager server
that you installed and change the password.
7. Configure Geographic Redundancy.
8. Enable the Geographic Redundancy replication if you have not already enabled.
Related topics:
Configuring Geographical Redundancy on page 77
Enabling the Geographic Redundancy replication on page 79
Converting the primary System Manager server to the standalone server on page 88
Replacing System Manager servers
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Recovering the primary System Manager server from disaster
Perform the system recovery process when the primary System Manager server becomes
unavailable and when you do not have a backup to restore on the new System Manager
Before you begin
For fresh installation of System Manager, change the default password for the system
administrator user.
Ensure that the two System Manager servers meet the requirements that are defined in
Prerequisites for servers in the Geographic Redundancy setup.
About this task
During the system recovery of Geographic Redundancy, the active secondary System
Manager server copies the data between the secondary System Manager server to the
primary System Manager server. Therefore, ensure that the system maintenance activities
such as backup, restore, and shutdown are not in progress.
1. Activate the secondary System Manager server.
2. Create a backup of the secondary System Manager server.
3. View and verify the virtual FQDN that is configured on the secondary System
Manager server by using one of the following:
From the virtual FQDN configured in the System Manager certificate, perform
one of the following:
On Firefox, click the icon on the address bar of the browser. Click
More Information > View Certificate > Details. In the Certificate
Details area, click Certificate > Extensions > Certificate Subject Alt
Name. The system displays two values for DNS Name. The first entry is
the virtual FQDN.
- On Internet Explorer, click Certificate Error next to the address bar and
click View Certificates > Details > Subject Alternative Name. The first
entry for DNS Name is the virtual FQDN.
Log in to System Manager of the secondary server using the command line
interface, and check the value of the virtualFQDN property in the
$MGMT_HOME/infra/conf/ file.
4. On the new server, install the System Manager template that you later designate
as primary server with the same virtual FQDN that you obtained from Step 3.
Geographic Redundancy
124 Administering Avaya Aura

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5. Log on to the web console of the new System Manager server to change the default
6. Log in to the System Manager command line interface as root and perform the
following steps:
a. Type sh $MGMT_HOME/geo/bin/ FQDN
<secondary fqdn> IP <secondary IP> ID <secondary System
Manager web console system admin user name> PASS
<secondary System Manager Web console system admin
For example, $MGMT_HOME/geo/bin/ FQDN IP ID systemadmin
PASS T3mp123@.
The recovery process starts and might take more than 40 minutes. The
command runs in the background and the system creates nohup logs in the
same directory from where you run the
command, which you can tail.
b. Type one of the following commands:
tail -f $AVAYA_LOG/mgmt/geo/
tail -f nohup.out
7. Press Control+C to quit the tail command.
When the recovery process is complete, the system displays the message
Disaster Recovery has completed JBoss will be restarted, may
take up to 15 minutes. The system configures the System Manager servers
as a Geographic Redundancy pair with the secondary data on the primary System
Manager server.
8. Deactivate the secondary System Manager server.
9. Restore the data from the primary System Manager server.
10. Enable the Geographic Redundancy replication.
The system starts working in the normal operation mode.
Related topics:
Prerequisites for servers on System Platform in the Geographic Redundancy setup on
page 73
Prerequisites for System Manager on VMware in the Geographic Redundancy setup on
page 74
Enabling the Geographic Redundancy replication on page 79
Activating the secondary System Manager server on page 81
Deactivating the secondary System Manager server on page 82
Replacing System Manager servers
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 125

Restoring the primary System Manager server on page 83
Geographic Redundancy
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Chapter 5: Managing groups and roles for
Managing groups
Group management
Group and Lookup Service (GLS) is a shared service that provides group administration and
lookup service for managed resources. GLS encapsulates the mechanisms for creating,
changing, searching, and deleting groups and group memberships. Use GLS to group
resources in ways that work best for the business, such as organizing resources by location,
organization, and function.
On the System Manager web console, with GLS, you can assign different roles to
administrators and allow administrators to perform only limited tasks on group of resources.
For example, you can create a user group so that only an authorized user can manage the
user group.
GLS supports group administration for the following common resources:
Shared across elements, such as roles and users
Unshared element-specific resources
GLS contains a repository of groups and memberships from System Manager and other
applications that use the GLS service. GLS synchronizes the resources with other Avaya
applications and services that manage these resources. GLS maintains resource IDs and their
group memberships. With GLS, you can search for one or more resources based on their
attribute values and get resource attributes for one or more resources.
With GLS, you can perform the following operations:
Create groups.
View and change groups.
Create duplicate groups by copying properties of existing groups.
Move groups across hierarchies.
Assign and remove resources for groups.
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Delete groups.
Synchronize groups.
As a shared service, GLS reduces the time and effort involved by defining reusable groups of
managed resources that more than one application or service requires. For example, you can
use the group of resources to assign permissions through Role Based Access Control
Viewing groups
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Groups.
3. On the Group Management page, select a group and perform one of the following:
If the group is a selection-based group, click View.
If the group is a query-based group, perform the following:
i. Click View.
ii. On the View Group page, click Execute Query.
The system displays the View Group page with the details of the group and the
resources assigned to the group.
Related topics:
View Group field descriptions on page 140
Creating groups
About this task
You can create up to 300 groups.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Groups.
3. On the Group Management page, perform one of the following:
Click New to create a group.
Select a group and click New to create a subgroup within a group.
Managing groups and roles for resources
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4. On the New Group page, enter the name, type, group membership, and a
description of the group.
5. Click Commit.
The system creates the new group.
Related topics:
New Group field descriptions on page 138
Modifying groups
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Groups.
3. On the Group Management page, select a group.
4. Click Edit or View > Edit.
5. On the Edit Group page, enter the appropriate information.
6. Click Commit to save the changes to the database.
Related topics:
Edit Group field descriptions on page 141
Creating duplicate groups
About this task
You can create a duplicate group by copying the properties of an existing group. When you
create a duplicate group, the system copies all the information, except the hierarchy, from the
existing group to the new group.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Groups.
3. On the Group Management page, select a group.
4. Click Duplicate.
5. On the Duplicate Group page, perform one of the following:
Managing groups
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Click Root to create a duplicate group at the root level.
Select a group and click Selected Group to create a duplicate group within
another group.
The system displays a copy of the parent group on the Group Management page.
6. Click the plus sign (+) to view the subgroups in a group.
Related topics:
Duplicate Group field descriptions on page 144
Deleting groups
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Groups.
3. On the Group Management page, select the groups that you want to delete.
4. Click Delete.
5. On the Delete Group confirmation page, click Delete.
The system confirms the successful deletion of groups and displays the details of
groups that the system failed to delete.
The system does not delete the resources.
Related topics:
Delete Group Confirmation field descriptions on page 144
Moving groups
About this task
You can move a group from one hierarchy to another.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Groups.
3. On the Group Management page, select a group.
4. Click More Actions > Move.
Managing groups and roles for resources
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5. On the Move Group page, perform one of the following:
To move a group to the root level, click Root.
To move a group to a different group or subgroup, select the target group or
subgroup, and click Selected group.
6. To view the subgroups in a group, click the plus sign (+).
Related topics:
Move Group field descriptions on page 145
Synchronizing resources for a resource type
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Groups.
3. On the Group Management page, click More Actions > Sync.
4. On the Resource Synchronization page, in the Type field, select the type of
5. Click Sync.
Related topics:
Resource Synchronization field descriptions on page 146
Assigning resources to a group
About this task
You can assign only resources of the type that is configured for the group. The type of resource
that you can assign to a group is set when you create a group. For example, if the type of
resource is set to Users, you can assign only user types to the group. If the type is set to ALL,
you can assign all types of resource to the group.
In System Manager, the users that you add to a group can only manage the resources that
are assigned to the group and cannot add new users.
Managing groups
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1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Groups.
3. On the Group Management page, click New.
4. Enter the name of the group, and select a group type.
5. Perform one of the following:
To assign a resource to a new group, click Assign Resources.
To assign a resource to an existing group, perform one of the following:
- Click Edit > Assign Resources.
- Click View > Edit > Assign Resources.
6. On the Resources page, select a resource.
The Resources page displays all resources available in the application. You cannot
select the resources that are assigned to a group.
You can also search for a resource by using Advance Search.
7. Click Add To Group.
The system adds the selected resources to the group.
Related topics:
Resources field descriptions on page 149
Searching for resources
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, perform one of the following:
Click Groups.
Click Resources and continue with Step 4.
3. On the Group Management page, perform one of the following:
Click New > Assign Resources.
Select a group and click Edit > Assign Resources.
Select a group and click View > Edit > Assign Resources.
4. On the Resources page, click Advanced Search.
Managing groups and roles for resources
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5. In the Criteria area, perform the following:
a. In the Type field, select the resource type.
b. In the Resource Attributes area, select the attribute name, the matching
operator, and the search string from the appropriate fields.
6. To add more than one search condition, click the plus sign (+).
Click the minus sign (-) to delete a search condition. You can delete a search
condition only if you have more than one search condition.
7. In the drop-down field, click And or Or.
The system displays this option only when you use the plus sign (+) to add a search
8. Click Search.
The Resources section displays the resources that match the search criteria. If no
resources match the search criteria, the Resource section displays the message
No records are found.
Searching for groups
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Groups.
3. On the Group Management page, click Advanced Search.
4. In the Resource Attributes section, select the attribute name, the matching
operator, and the search string from the appropriate fields.
5. To add more than one search condition, click the plus sign (+).
Click the minus sign (-) to delete a search condition. You can delete a search
condition only if you have more than one search condition.
6. In the drop-down field, select And or Or.
The system displays this option when you use the plus sign (+) to add a search
7. Click Search.
Related topics:
Resources field descriptions on page 149
Managing groups
Administering Avaya Aura

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Filtering groups
About this task
You can apply filter to the following fields:
You can filter groups by a single column or multiple columns.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Groups.
3. On the Group Management page, click Filter: Enable.
4. In the Name field, enter the group name.
5. In the Type field, select the resource type.
6. In the Hierarchy field, enter the hierarchy level.
When you enter a hierarchy level, the table displays only those groups that you
created under that level. For example, to view all groups that you created under
root, enter / as the hierarchy level.
7. Click Apply.
The page displays the groups that match the filter criteria.
8. (Optional) Perform the following:
To hide the column filters, click Disable.
This action does not clear the filter criteria that you have set.
To clear the filter criteria, click Clear.
Filtering resources
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, perform one of the following:
Click Groups.
Managing groups and roles for resources
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Click Resources and continue with Step 5.
3. On the Group Management page, select a group to assign a resource to an existing
4. Perform one of the following:
Click New > Assign Resources.
Click Edit > Assign Resources.
Click View > Edit > Assign Resources.
5. On the Resources page, click Filter: Enable and perform the following:
a. In the Name field, enter the resource name.
b. In the Type field, select the resource type.
6. Click Apply.
7. (Optional) To hide the column filters, click Disable. This action does not clear the
filter criteria that you have set in the column filters.
The table displays the resources that match the filter criteria.
Removing assigned resources from a group
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Groups.
3. Perform one of the following:
Select the resources, and click Remove if you have assigned resources to the
group while creating the group.
Select a group, and click Edit > Remove.
Select a group, and click View > Edit > Remove.
The system removes the association of the resource with the group.
Managing groups
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 135

Group Management field descriptions
Field Description
Select check box The option to select a group.
Name The name of the group.
Type The group type based on the resources.
Hierarchy The position of the group in the hierarchy.
Description A brief description of the group.
Button Description
View Displays the View Group page with details of
the selected group.
Edit Displays the Edit Group page where you
change the information of the selected
New Displays the Create Group page where you
can create a new group.
Duplicate Displays the Duplicate Group page where
you can duplicate a group to another
selected group.
Delete Deletes the selected groups.
More Actions > Move Displays the Move page where you can
move a group to another group.
More Actions > Sync Displays the Resource sync page that you
use to synchronize resources of a specific
resource type.
Advanced Search Displays fields where you can specify the
criteria for searching a group.
Filter: Enable Displays fields where you can set the filter
criteria. This button is a toggle button.
Filter: Disable Hides the column filter fields without
resetting the filter criteria. This button is a
toggle button.
Filter: Clear Clears the filter criteria.
Filter: Apply Filters groups based on the criteria.
Select: All Selects all groups in the table.
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Button Description
Select: None Clears all check boxes.
Icon Description
Refreshes the group information.
Criteria section
Click Advanced Search to view this section. You can find the Advanced Search link in the
upper-right corner of the page.
Field Description
Criteria The criteria for search operation. The page
displays the following fields:
Field 1: The list of criteria to search
Field 2: The list of operators for evaluating
the expression. This list of operators
depends on the criterion that you selected
in Field 1.
Field 3: The value of the search criterion.
The Group Management service retrieves
and displays the groups that match this
Icon Description
+ Adds a row below Field 1, Field 2, and Field
3 to add more search conditions.
- Deletes the row with the search conditions.
Button Description
Clear Clears the search value that you entered in
Field 3.
Search Searches the group based on the specified
search conditions and displays the results in
the Groups section.
Close Cancels the search operation and hides the
Criteria section.
Managing groups
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 137

New Group field descriptions
New Group
Field Description
Name The unique name of the group.
Type The group type based on the resources. The
options are:
<Resource>: To create a group with
members of the same resource type.
All: To create a group without any
restrictions on the members of the group.
You cannot change the group after you
create a group.
Group Membership The group type based on the resources. The
options are:
Query Based: To create a group that
contains resources that match a specific
query criteria. Query-based groups can
have resources only of a specific type. You
can create only resource type query
groups. Thus, these groups cannot have
Selection Based: To create a group that
contains resources based on static
assignment. The groups can have
subgroups. Subgroups and parent group
might have members of the same resource
type or different resource types.
You can create up to 400 members in a
Description A brief description of the group.
Button Description
Assign Resources Displays the Resources page where you can
search and assign resources to a group.
Managing groups and roles for resources
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Button Description
The Assign Resources button is
available only when you select Selection
Based for creating group members in the
Commit Creates a new group with the specified
Cancel Discards the changes that you made to the
Create Group page and displays the Group
management page.
Define Query
The page displays the following fields when you select Query Based for creating group
Field Description
Name The name of the resource.
Type The resource type.
Define Query Displays the following fields:
Field 1: The list of criteria that you can use
to search resources.
Field 2: The list of operators for evaluating
the expression. The list of operators
depends on the criterion that you selected
in Field 1.
Field 3: The value corresponding to the
search criteria.
Button Description
+ Adds a search condition row for defining the
new search condition.
Removes a search condition.
Execute Query Runs the query and fetches resources
matching the search conditions defined in
the query. The page displays the resources
in the Results section.
Managing groups
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 139

Button Description
The system displays the Execute Query
button only when you create a query-
based group.
Assigned Resources
The page displays the following fields when you select Selection Based for creating group
Field Description
Name The name of the resource.
Type The resource type.
Button Description
Assign Resources Displays the Resources page that you use to
search and assign resources to a group.
Remove Removes the selected resources from the list
of assigned resources.
View Group field descriptions
View Group
Field Description
Name The unique name of the group.
Type The resources that the group contains.
Group Membership The group type that is based on the
resources. The options are:
If the group is selection-based, the system
displays the assigned resources.
If the group is query-based, click Execute
Query to view the assign resources.
Description A brief description of the group.
Button Description
Edit Displays the Edit Group page where you can
edit the group information.
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Button Description
Done Closes the View Group page and displays
the Group Management page.
Define Query
The page displays the following fields when you use the Query Based option for creating group
Field Description
Define Query Displays the following fields:
Field 1: The list of criteria that you can use
to search resources.
Field 2: The list of operators for evaluating
the expression. The list of operators
depends on the criterion that you selected
in Field 1.
Field 3: The value corresponding to the
search criteria.
Button Description
+ Adds a search condition row for defining a
new search condition.
Removes the search condition.
Execute Query Runs the query and fetches resources
matching the search conditions defined in
the query. The page displays the resources
in the Results section.
The system displays the Execute Query
button only when you create a query-
based group.
The page displays the following fields for assigned resources:
Field Description
Name The name of the resource
Type The resource type
Edit Group field descriptions
You can edit a group. However, you cannot edit the following fields:
Managing groups
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 141

Group Membership
Edit Group
Field Description
Name The unique name of the group.
Type The group type based on the resources. The
options are:
<Resource>: To create a group with
members of the same resource type.
All: To create a group without any
restrictions on the members of the group.
Group Membership The group type based on the resources.The
options are:
Query Based: To create a group that
contains resources that match a specific
query criteria. Query-based groups can
have resources only of a specific type. You
can create only resource type query
groups. Thus, these groups cannot have
Selection Based: To create a group that
contains resources based on static
assignment. The groups can have
subgroups. Subgroups and parent group
might have members of the same resource
type or different resource types.
You cannot change the group after you
create a group.
Description A brief description of the group.
Button Description
Commit Saves the changes in the database.
Cancel Discards the changes that you made on the
Edit Group page and displays the Group
Management page.
Define Query
The page displays the following fields when you select Query Based for creating group
Managing groups and roles for resources
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Field Description
Name The name of the resource.
Type The resource type.
Define Query Displays the following fields:
Field 1: The list of criteria that you can use
to search resources.
Field 2: The list of operators for evaluating
the expression. The list of operators
depends on the criterion that you selected
in Field 1.
Field 3: The value corresponding to the
search criteria.
Button Description
+ Adds a row for defining a new search
Removes the row that defines the search
Execute Query Runs the query and fetches resources
matching the search conditions defined in
the query. The page displays the resources
in the Results section.
The system displays the Execute Query
button only when you create a query-
based group.
Assigned Resources
The page displays the following fields when you select the Selection Based option for creating
group members:
Field Description
Name The name of the resource
Type The type of the resource
Button Description
Assign Resources Displays the Resources page where you can
search and assign resources to a group.
Remove Removes the selected resources from the list
of assigned resources.
Managing groups
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Delete Group Confirmation field descriptions
Field Description
Name The name of the group
Type The group type based on the resources
Hierarchy The position of the group in the hierarchy
Description A brief description of the group
Subgroup Count The number of subgroups in the parent group
Resource Count The number of resources in the group
Button Description
Delete Deletes the groups listed in the table.
Cancel Cancels the delete operation and displays
the Group Management page.
Duplicate Group field descriptions
Field Description
Select The option to select a group.
Name The groups under which you can create a
copy of the selected group. Usethe plus sign
(+) to expand a group.
Type The group type based on resources.
Dynamic The status that indicates whether the group
uses a query to determine the members or
contains static members. The options are:
true: Indicates that group membership is
not permanent.
false: Indicates that the group contains
static members.
Description A brief description of the group.
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Button Description
Root Creates a copy of the selected group at the
root level.
Selected Group Creates a copy of the group that you selected
within the group.
Cancel Discards the changes and displays the
Group Management page.
Move Group field descriptions
Use this page to move a group to another group or to root level.
Name Description
Select The option to select a group.
Name The groups to which you can move the
selected group. Use the plus sign (+) to
expand a group.
Type The group type based on resources.
Dynamic The status that indicates whether the group
uses a query to determine the members or
contains static members. The options are:
true: Indicates that group membership is
not permanent.
false: Indicates that the group contains
static members.
Description A brief description of the group.
Button Description
Root Moves the selected group to the root level.
Selected Group Moves the selected group to the group that
you selected in the Name column.
Cancel Closes the Move Group page and returns to
the Group Management page.
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 145

Resource Synchronization field descriptions
Field Description
Type The resource type
Button Description
Sync Synchronizes resources for the selected
resource type and displays the Group
Management page.
Cancel Discards the changes that you made to the
Resource Synchronization page and
displays the Group Management page.
Managing resources
Manage resources
System Manager contains different types of resources such as users and roles. You can view
and filter these resources based on the search criteria. You can also add resources of the
same or different types in a group.
Accessing resources
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Resources.
Related topics:
Resources field descriptions on page 149
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Assigning resources to a new group
About this task
Use this functionality to create a new group and assign resources to the group. You can choose
to create the new group at root level or within an existing group.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Resources.
3. On the Resources page, select a resource from the Resources table or search for
a resource using Advanced Search.
4. Click Add To New Group.
5. Perform one of the following:
To add a resource to a new group at root level, perform the following steps:
i. On the Choose Parent Group page, click Root.
ii. On the Create Group page, enter the appropriate information.
iii. Click Commit.
To add a resource to a new subgroup under a group, perform the following
i. On the Choose Parent Group page, click a group.
To select a subgroup of a group, click + and click the subgroup.
ii. Click Selected Group.
iii. On the Create Group page, enter the appropriate information.
iv. Click Commit.
The system creates the new group and assigns the selected
resources. The system adds the new group within the group that
you selected on the Choose Parent Group page.
Related topics:
New Group field descriptions on page 138
Resources field descriptions on page 149
Managing resources
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 147

Adding resources to a selected group
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Resources.
3. Select a resource from the resource table.
You can also click the Advanced Search link to search a resource.
4. Click Add To Group.
5. On the Choose Group page, click a group.
6. Click Selected Group.
The Group Management module assigns the selected resources to the selected
groups on the Choose Group page.
Related topics:
Resources field descriptions on page 149
Searching for resources
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Resources.
3. On the Resources page, click Advanced Search.
4. In the Criteria section, in the Type field, select a resource type.
5. In the Resource Attributes section, perform the following steps:
a. Select the search criterion from the first drop-down field.
b. Select the operator from the second drop-down field.
c. Enter search value in the third field.
6. (Optional) To add another search condition, click the plus sign (+).
Click the minus sign () to delete a search condition. You can delete a search
condition only if you have more than one search condition.
7. In the drop-down field, click AND or OR.
The system displays this option when you use the plus sign (+) to add a search
Managing groups and roles for resources
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8. Click Search.
The Resources section displays the resources matching the search criteria. If no
resources match the search criteria, system displays the message No records
are found.
Filtering resources
About this task
You can filter and view resources that meet the specified selection criteria. Applying the filters
requires you to specify the filter criteria in the fields provided under columns in the table
displaying the resources. The column titles are the filter criteria. You can filter resources on
multiple filter criteria.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Resources.
3. On the Resources page, click Filter: Enable.
4. Type the resource name in the ID field.
You can apply filter on one column or multiple columns.
5. Select the resource type from the Type field.
6. Click Apply.
To hide the column filters, click Disable. This action does not clear the filter criteria
that you have set in the column filters.
The table displays resources that match the filter criteria.
Resources field descriptions
Resources section
Field Description
Select Use this check box to select a record.
ID The unique name of the resource. Also
known as native ID of the resource
Type The type based on the resources.
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 149

Field Description
View Details The link displays the attributes and
membership details of the selected
resources on the same page.
Button Description
Add to Group Displays the Choose Group page. Use this
page to choose a group in which you want to
add the selected resource.
Add to New Group Displays the Choose Parent Group page.
Use this page to add the selected resources
to a new group or to a chosen group.
Cancel Closes the Resources page and take you to
the Create Group page.
Advanced Search Displays fields that you can use to specify the
search criteria for searching a resource.
Filter: Enable Displays fields under the columns ID and
Type. You can use them to set the filter
criteria. This is a toggle button.
Filter: Disable Hides the column filter fields without
resetting the filter criteria. This is a toggle
Filter: Apply Filters the resources based on the filter
Select: All Select all the resources in the table.
Select: None Clears the selection for the resources that
you selected.
Refreshes the resource information in the
Attributes of Resource section
Field Description
Name The name of the attribute.
Value The value assigned to the attribute for the
Resource is member of following groups section
Field Description
Name The unique name of the group.
Managing groups and roles for resources
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Field Description
Type The group type based on the resources it
Hierarchy The position of the group in the hierarchy.
Description A brief description about the group.
Criteria section
Click Advanced Search to view this section. The Advanced Search link is available at the
upper-right corner of the page.
Field Description
Type The types based on the resources it
Resource Attributes Displays the following three fields:
Drop-down 1: The criteria for searching a
resource. The options are attributes of
resources for the attribute type selected in
the Type drop-down list.
Drop-down 2: The list of operators for
evaluating the expression. The list of
operators depends on the type of attribute
selected in the Drop-down 1 list.
Field 3 The value corresponding to the
search criteria.
Button Description
Clear Clears the search value that you entered in
the third field.
Search Searches the resources matching the search
Close Closes the Criteria section.
Advanced Search Cancels the search operation and hides the
Criteria section.
Choose Group field descriptions
Use this page to add resources to the selected groups.
Field Description
Select The option to select a group.
Managing resources
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 151

Field Description
Name The name of the group.
Type The group type based on the type of
resources. The options are:
Groups with members of the same
resource type.
All: Groups having members of any
resource types.
Dynamic The status that indicates whether the group
uses a query to determine the members or
contains static members. The options are:
true: Indicates that group membership is
not permanent.
false: Indicates that the group contains
static members.
Description A brief description of the group.
Button Description
Expand All Displays the subgroups of groups in the list.
Collapse All Hides the subgroups of all expanded
Selected Group Adds the resource as a member of the group
you selected.
Cancel Closes the Choose Group page and returns
to the Resources page.
Choose Parent Group field descriptions
Field Description
Select Use this option to select a group.
Name The name of the group.
Type The group type based on the type of
resources. The options are:
Groups with members of the same
resource type.
All: Groups with members of any resource
Managing groups and roles for resources
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Field Description
Dynamic Indicates whether the group uses a query to
determine its members or has static
members. The options are:
True: Indicates that group membership is
not permanent.
False: Indicates groups with static
Description A brief description of the group.
Button Description
Expand All Displays the subgroups of groups listed in
the table.
Collapse All Hides the subgroups of all the expanded
Root Displays the New Group page. Use this page
to create a new group. The selected resource
is the member of this group.
Selected Group Adds the resource as a member of the
selected group.
Refreshes the resource information in the
Cancel Closes the Choose Parent Group page and
displays the Resources page.
Managing roles
Role Based Access Control
In System Manager, you require appropriate permissions to perform a task. The administrator
grants permissions to users by assigning appropriate roles. Role Based Access Control
(RBAC) in System Manager supports the following types of roles:
Using these roles, you can gain access to various elements with specific permission
Managing roles
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 153

Built-in roles are default roles that authorize users to perform common administrative tasks.
You can assign built-in roles to users, but you cannot delete roles or change permission
mappings in the built-in roles.
Related topics:
Built-in roles on page 154
Custom roles on page 158
Built-in roles
Role Privileges
Auditor Gives read-only access to logs, configuration information, and
audit files. With this role, you cannot run any command.
System Administrator Gives the super-user privilege.
System Administrator is the single all powerful role. Using this
role, you can perform operations, such as the following:
Backup and restore
Scheduling jobs
Bulk import and export
Tenant administration
Geographic Redundancy operations
Element and user management
Software upgrade
The System Administrator role replaces the Network
Administrator role. System Manager does not support the
Network Administrator role.
The page might not display all privileges that the System
Administrator role supports. However, the system maps
the permissions by implicit wild card rules.
Avaya Services
This role is equivalent to the System Administrator role.
Depending on the access level that is set in the E-token
Authentication section on the External Authentication page,
System Manager assigns this role to the service personnel
who logs in to the system through Etoken.
Avaya Services
Maintenance and Support
Gives read-only access to maintenance logs, the capability to
run diagnostics, and view the output of diagnostics tools.
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Role Privileges
Using this role, you cannot run any command that might
provide access to another host.
System Manager assigns the role to the service personnel
who logs in to the system through Etoken. The access level
for the role depends on the value that is set in the E-token
Authentication section on the External Authentication page.
Backup Administrator Gives access to create backups, schedule backups, and
restore backups.
Service Provider
Administrator template
Gives permissions to:
Configure the solution
Manage the organization hierarchy of tenants. For example,
site, department, and team.
Assign elements and resource permissions to the site
Manage end users for the tenant
Manage Tenant Administrators and Site Administrators
Service Provider Administrator Template is a template
Tenant Administrator
Gives permissions to:
Manage end users for the tenant
Communication Manager webpages
Tenant Administrator Template is a template role.
Discovery Admin Gives permissions to configure the discovery parameters such
as SNMP version, SNMP credentials, the subnetworks, and
devices that you require to discover. You also have the
permissions to schedule and run a discovery operation.
End-User The administrator assigns this role to the telephony users.
You cannot log in to System Manager with the End-User
Communication Manager
Gives you access and permission to perform all activities
related to Communication Manager.
Messaging System Admin Gives you access and permission to perform all activities
related to Messaging or mailbox. You cannot perform any
tasks related to Communication Manager as a Modular
Messaging administrator.
Managing roles
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 155

Role Privileges
Presence Admin Gives read-write access to the Presence configuration.
Presence Auditor Gives read-only access to logs, configuration information, and
audit files. Using the Auditor role you cannot run any command
that might provide access to another host.
Security Administrator Gives read-write access to create other logins, create, modify
or assign roles, install ASG keys, install licenses, and install
PKI certificates and keys.
SIP AS Auditor Gives read-only access to all SIP Foundation server
management functionality.
SIP AS Security
Gives access to the security features provided by the SIP
Foundation server. For example, Security Extension.
SIP AS System
Gives read and write access to all SIP Foundation server
management functionality.
CS1000_Admin1 Gives unrestricted OAM access to most administrative
functions and provisioning for all customers on all call servers
and related elements. However, the role does not give access
to the security and account administration. The role includes
basic diagnostic (PDT1) privileges and access to network-
level services for deployment, update, and SNMP
management for CS 1000 systems. Gives authorization to use
all roles on all User Management elements with all
You can access the following elements:
All elements of type: CS 1000
All elements of type: Deployment Manager
All elements of type: Linux Base
All elements of type: Patching Manager
All elements of type: SNMP Manager
As this role gives permissions to All elements of type: Linux
Base, you cannot use this role if you only require authorization
to manage CS 1000 systems. The administrator must create
a custom role for the user who requires to manage CS 1000
CS1000_Admin2 Provides unrestricted OAM access including security and
account administration, and provisioning for all customers on
all call server elements. The role also includes basic
diagnostic (PDT1) privileges and access to network-level
services for deployment, patching, SNMP, IPsec and SFTP
management for CS 1000 systems.
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Role Privileges
You can access the following elements:
All elements of type: CS1000
All elements of type: Deployment Manager
All elements of type: IPSec Manager
All elements of type: Linux Base
All elements of type: Patching Manager
All elements of type: Secure FTP Token Manager
All elements of type: SNMP Manager
As this role gives permissions to All elements of type: Linux
Base, you cannot use this role if you only require authorization
to manage CS 1000 systems. The administrator must create
a custom role for the user who requires to manage CS 1000
CS1000_CLI_Registrar Provides permission to register and unregister each CS 1000
elements, such as Call Server, MGC, and Media Card, using
the local device OAM CLI. The role has a single permission
value to allow or deny a user to register or unregister an
You can access the following elements:
All elements of type: CS1000
All elements of type: Linux Base
The role does not have CS 1000 security or network level
security privileges. The installation and repair technicians
specifically require this role.
CS1000_PDT2 Gives full diagnostic and operating system access to all call
servers. The role restricts access to administrative functions
and customer provisioning data unless combined with another
You can access All elements of type: CS1000.
MemberRegistrar Gives limited access. You can register new members to the
primary server.
You can access the following elements:
All elements of type: IPSec Manager
All elements of type: LinuxBase
Patcher Gives access to software maintenance functions such as
update and maintenance. You can access the following
All elements of type: Linux Base
All elements of type: Patching Manager
Managing roles
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 157

Role Privileges
Service Technician The system assigns the role to the service personnel when the
service personnel connects to customer systems through the
e-token. The Service Technician role has limited privileges as
compared to the Avaya Services Administrator role.
Related topics:
Role Based Access Control on page 153
Custom roles on page 158
Custom roles
On the Roles webpage, you can create a custom role that maps to specific elements of different
types and specify customized permissions for the elements.
You can assign the roles that you created to users to perform specific tasks on an element.
For example, a custom role that you create for a single element can only perform specific tasks
on that element. A permission set defines the tasks that you can perform on the element with
this role.
You can also define roles that apply to how elements and element types are hierarchically
arranged in user-defined groups. When you map a permission to a group, the system takes
that group into account when determining user permissions.
Related topics:
Role Based Access Control on page 153
Built-in roles on page 154
Viewing user roles
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Roles.
3. On the Roles page, select a role.
In the right pane, the system displays the role name, a description, and the number
of users, and also the elements that you can access by using the role.
Related topics:
Roles field descriptions on page 165
Managing groups and roles for resources
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Adding a custom role
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Roles.
3. On the Roles page, select a role, and perform one of the following:
Click New.
Right-click and select New.
The role that you select becomes the parent of the role that you create. The
permissions available to the new role are limited to the permissions of the parent

On the Add New Role page, the system displays the parent role in the Parent Role
Name field.
4. Type the relevant information in Role Name and Role Description fields.
5. Click Commit and Continue.
The system displays the Role Details page.
6. On the Element/Service Permissions tab, click Add mapping to define
permissions for a role.
You can also click Copy All From to copy all the permissions on all types of
elements or services from an existing role. For instructions, see Copying permission
mapping for a role.
7. Select a group from the Group Name field.
Managing roles
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Ensure that you create a group before you select the group. For instructions, see
Creating groups. For instructions to assign resources to a group, see Assigning
resources to a group.
8. (Optional) If you leave the Group Name field blank, in the Element or Resource
Type field, click an element or All.
9. Click Next.
The title of the Permission Mapping page displays the element type that you
10. On the Permission Mapping page, change the permissions that are available for
this role as appropriate.
The system displays the permissions that are available for the parent of the role that
you created. The system also displays unassigned permissions in a read-only
format. Only an administrator can deny, change, or view the permissions for the
11. Click Commit.
The system displays the Role Details page and the selected permissions.
12. Click Commit.
Related topics:
Creating groups on page 128
Assigning resources to a group on page 131
Mapping permissions by using the template on page 162
Copying permission mapping for a role on page 163
Add New Role field descriptions on page 166
Add Mapping field descriptions on page 167
Adding a custom tenant administrator role
Before you begin
Log on to the System Manager web console.
1. Click Services > Tenant Management and complete the following:
a. Create a tenant.
b. Add the level 1 organization hierarchy or site to the tenant.
c. (Optional) Add the level 2 and level 3 organization hierarchy to the tenant.
For more information, see Creating a tenant.
2. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
Managing groups and roles for resources
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3. In the left navigation pane, click Roles.
4. On the Roles page, select System Administrator and perform one of the following
Click New.
Right-click and select New.
5. On the Add New Role page, enter the values in the Role Name and Role
Description fields.
6. Click Commit and Continue.
The system displays the Role Details page.
7. Click Copy All From.
8. In the Copy from Role field, click Tenant Administrator Template.
9. Click Copy.
10. On the Role Details page, click Add Mapping.
11. On the Select Element and/or Network Service to Map to Role page, perform the
a. In the Element or Resource Type field, click Organization Unit.
b. In the Element or Resource Instance field, click the name of the tenant that
you created in Step 1, and click Next.
c. Select All or Create, Delete, Edit, or View to set the appropriate
d. Click Commit.
12. Perform Step 8 and Step 9 to provide appropriate permissions to the tenant for the
following organization hierarchy:
Level 1 or the site
(Optional) Level 2 or the department
(Optional) Level 3 or the team
In the Element or Resource Instance field, click site, department, or team as
appropriate to which you want to set permissions. See Step 11b.
13. (Optional) On the Role Details page, click Add Mapping, and provide permission
14. Click Commit to confirm your settings.
Related topics:
Creating a tenant on page 1171
Managing roles
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Mapping permissions by using the template
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Roles.
3. On the Roles page, select a role and click Edit.
4. In the Element/Service Permissions tab, click Add Mapping.
5. In the Element or Resource Type field, select an element, for example, CS
6. Click Next.
The system displays the permission mapping for the element that you selected.
7. Perform the following as appropriate to modify permissions:
a. Select a different permission from the Template for permission set field.
b. Select permissions.
c. Clear permissions.
8. Click Commit.
Related topics:
Permission mapping field descriptions on page 169
Assigning users to a role
To assign a role to an end user, follow the instructions outlined in Assigning roles to a user.
An end user is a user with no role or the End-User role.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Roles.
3. On the Roles page, select a role and click Edit.
4. On the Role Details page, click the Assigned Users tab.
5. Click Select Users to assign a role to users or edit a role.
The system displays the Assigned Users page.
Managing groups and roles for resources
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The system does not display end users in the Assigned Users list. You can
assign a role to an end user from User Management > Manage Users. For more
information, see Assigning roles to a user.
6. Select users to whom you want to assign the role.
7. Click Commit.
The system displays the permissions for the role on the Role Details page.
Related topics:
Assigned Users field descriptions on page 168
Assigning roles to a user on page 196
Unassigning users from role
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Roles.
3. On the Roles page, select a role and click Edit.
4. On the Role Details page, click the Assigned Users tab.
5. Click Selected Users.
6. On the Assigned Users page, clear the check box of the user whom you want to
7. Click Commit.
Copying permission mapping for a role
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Roles.
3. On the Roles page, select a role and click Edit.
4. On the Role Details page, click the Element/Service Permissions tab.
5. Click Copy All From.
Managing roles
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The system displays the Permission Mapping page.
6. In the Copy From Role field, select a role.
The system displays all child roles of the parent of this role and all child roles of this
Using the Copy From Role option, you cannot copy permissions from the System
Administrator role.
7. Click Copy.
The system displays the Role Details page
8. Click Commit.
The system displays the Roles page where you can view the details of the role.
Related topics:
Permission mapping field descriptions on page 169
Editing a custom role
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Roles.
3. On the Roles page, select a role and click Edit.
4. On the Role Details page, edit the Role Name and Description fields.
5. Click Commit and Continue.
6. On the Element/Service Permissions tab, click Add mapping and change the
permissions for a role as appropriate.
For more information, see Mapping permissions using the template.
7. Click Commit.
Related topics:
Mapping permissions by using the template on page 162
Managing groups and roles for resources
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Deleting custom roles
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Roles.
3. On the Roles page, select one or more roles that you must delete and perform one
of the following:
Click Delete.
Right-click and select Delete.
4. On the Delete Roles page, click Delete to continue with the deletion.
When you delete a role, the system deletes all child roles of the role.
You cannot delete the implicit roles from the Roles page. However, the system
deletes the implicit roles when the administrator deletes the tenant or site.
Roles field descriptions
The Roles page contains two panes. The left pane displays the tree structure of roles. The
right pane displays the details of the role that you select on the left pane.
Field Description
Role Description A brief description of the role
No of users The number of users associated with the role
Elements The name of elements that are mapped to
the role
Button Description
New Displays the Add New Role page where you
can add a custom role.
Delete Displays the Delete Roles page where you
can confirm the deletion of the custom role.
Edit Displays the Role Details page where you
can change the custom role.
Managing roles
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Icon Description
Searches for the role based on the search
Clears the search text.
Add New Role field descriptions
Field Description
Parent Role Name The parent role that you selected on the
Roles page to create the new role.
Parent Role Name is a read-only field.
Role Name The name of the custom role that you want
to add.
The name must be 1 to 256 characters long
and can include characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -,
_, and space.
You can add up to 1500 roles.
Role Description A brief description of the role.
Button Description
Commit and Continue Saves the role name and description and
takes you to the Roles Details page.
Cancel Cancels the permission mapping and takes
you back to the Roles page.
Related topics:
Creating groups on page 128
Assigning resources to a group on page 131
Copying permission mapping for a role on page 163
Role Details field descriptions
Field Description
Parent Role Name The parent role that you selected on the
Roles page to create the new role.
Parent Role Name is a read-only field.
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Field Description
Role Name The name of the custom role that you want
to add.
The name must be 1 to 256 characters long
and can include characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -,
_, and space.
Description A brief description of the role that you add.
Button Description
Commit Saves the changes and returns to the Roles
Cancel Discards the changes to the permission
mapping and returns to the Roles page.
Add Mapping Displays the permissions page where you
can map permissions for the role.
Delete Mapping Displays the Delete Mapping page where
you can delete a permissions set.
Copy All From Displays the Permission Mapping page
where you can copy a permission set.
Add Mapping field descriptions
Field Description
Group Name The name of the group that you can select
for the role. The options are:
When you select a group, the system
disables the Element or Resource Type
When you do not select a group, the
Element or Resource Type field is
Element or Resource Type The element types that are available.
The system displays elements in Element or
Resource Instance based on the element
type that you select in this field.
Element or Resource Instance The elements that are available or the
resource instance.
The field lists the available elements based
on the element type that you selected in the
Element or Resource Type field.
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Field Description
When you select a group in Group Name,
the system disables the Element or
Resource Type field.
Button Description
Next Saves your changes in this page and takes
you to the Permission Mapping page.
Cancel Cancels your selection and takes you to the
Roles Details page.
Related topics:
Creating groups on page 128
Assigning resources to a group on page 131
Copying permission mapping for a role on page 163
Assigned Users field descriptions
The system displays the Assigned Users page when you click Select Users on the Assigned
Users tab of the Role Details page. You can select users to grant permissions that are
associated with this role.
Field Description
User Name The name of the user that you assign to the
Full Name The full name of the user that is assigned to
the role.
Type The type of user. The options are:
local: Indicates that users are stored in the
directory server of System Manager.
external: Indicates that users are stored in
the directory server of the customer.
Button Description
Commit Assigns the selected users to the role.
Cancel Cancels the action and returns to the Role
Details page.
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Permission mapping field descriptions
The page displays the following fields when you click Copy All From on the Role Details
Field Description
Copy from Role The role from where you can copy all
permission mappings for the element or
Button Description
Copy Copies the permission mapping for your
custom role.
Cancel Cancels the copy action and returns to the
Role Details page.
Permission mapping field descriptions
The page displays the following fields when you click Add Mapping on the Role Details
Field Description
Template for permission set The permission to which you want to map the
Select/Unselect All A toggle button to select or clear the
functions that users with a role can perform
on the element.
Button Description
Commit Maps the permissions to the custom role.
Cancel Cancels the permission mapping action and
returns to the Role Details page.
Managing roles
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Chapter 6: Granular role based access
Granular RBAC
With Granular role based access control (RBAC), you can restrict access to resources such
as Communication Manager servers, and objects of the resources such as endpoints and hunt
When you create a role, you must select the resources for which a user should have access.
You can assign permissions, or a combination of permissions to users. The permissions
include adding, editing, deleting, or duplicating objects.
For certain objects, you can provide restricted access for a specific range to achieve range-
level granularity of permissions. For example, for endpoints, you can provide access to a
particular range of extensions.
Using Granular RBAC, you can define the range for the following Communication Manager
Name Supported range
Endpoint Endpoint extension ranges
Agent Agent extension ranges
Announcement Announcement extension ranges
Audio Group 150
Best Service Routing 1511
Holiday Table 1999
Variables From A-Z and AA-ZZ for all Communication Manager
Vector 18000
Vector Directory Number Digits
Vector Routing Table 1999
Service Hours Table 1999
Coverage Answer Group 11500
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Name Supported range
Coverage Path 19999
Coverage Remote 110000
Coverage Time of Day 11000
Off PBX Endpoint Mapping Off PBX Endpoint Mapping range
Group Page 1999
Hunt Group 18000
Intercom Group 11024
Pickup Group 15000
Terminating Extension Group 132
Route Pattern 12000
Class of Restriction 0995
Uniform Dial Plan UDP range
The roles and permissions also apply to the classic view apart from the Communication
Manager objects mentioned.
Granular RBAC is not applicable when you view the Communication Manager objects by
clicking Element Cut Through. However, to access Element Cut Through, you must
have the Element Cut Through permissions.
When you assign a role to a user, the range permissions are considered along with the
operation permissions.
You must log off and log in for any permission you assign to take effect.
Implicit permissions required for Communication Manager
As a user, you require additional permissions to perform certain actions. The following table
specifies the implicit permissions required for performing these actions:
Steps Action Implicit permissions that
are required
Duplicating an endpoint Add endpoint permission
Adding endpoints in bulk Add endpoint permission
Editing an endpoint
Edit endpoint permission
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Steps Action Implicit permissions that
are required
Changing global parameters
of endpoints
Edit endpoint permission
Swapping endpoints Edit endpoint permission
Deleting endpoints in bulk Delete endpoint permission
Edit a user with the help of
the Agent communication
Import users in bulk
Changing an extension with
an existing extension
Edit permission and delete
Edit a user using the Agent
communication profile.
Import users in bulk
Changing an extension with
a new extension
Add permission and delete
Edit a user using the Agent
communication profile.
Import users in bulk
Changing other fields other
than extension
Edit permissions
Check the port extension
remove option, and assign
an endpoint extension to an
Deleting an endpoint Delete agents and add
agents permissions
Editing agents in bulk Edit agents permission
Adding agents in bulk Add agents permission
Deleting agents in bulk Delete agents permission
Adding or editing a
Communication Manager
instance through inventory
One of the following
View Audit Report
Using File Transfer Settings
in Announcements
ALL in Announcements
Edit permission
Move permission
Downloading backed up
Setting compact flash in
ALL in Announcements
Downloading audio groups ALL in Audio Group
Implicit permissions required for Communication Manager objects
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Steps Action Implicit permissions that
are required
Adding entries for AAR and
ARS analysis
Add permission
Edit permission
Updating UDP entries New permission
Edit permission
Manage UDP Group
permission for a specific
Communication Manager
Manage UDP Group
permission in
Communication Manager
Adding, viewing, editing, and
removing UDP Groups
across Communication
Add permission
Edit permission
View permission
Sample scenario for the range feature
When you assign a range for Hunt Group, and go to the Hunt Group > New page, the system
prompts you to enter a qualifier. You can enter the hunt group number, or click Next to add
the next available group.
If you enter a group number that is not a part of the assigned range, the system displays
an error message.
If you enter a group number within the assigned range, the system displays the NCM
screen, where you can complete the add operation.
If you enter a group number that is already present, the system displays the Identifier
previously assigned message.
Range in endpoints
You can assign range in endpoints and add permissions even for specific fields in endpoint.
Specify a definite range, comma separated values, or a single value in the endpoints range
For example, type 5600:6000 to assign permissions for extensions 5000 to 6000 . Whenever
you use : to specify the extension range, the starting and the ending extensions must have the
same number of digits.
When you enter comma separated values like 1, 3, 7, 9, and 45, you assign the permissions
only to these specified extensions.
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Enter * in the Range field, to assign the permissions for the entire extension range.
If you assign a specific endpoint range to a user, you can view, add, delete, edit and
duplicate only those endpoints within the specified range.
You can also assign a specific range to the COR and Coverage Path fields in
You can manage only those endpoint extensions within the specified range.
For a user, you can assign only those extensions that you specify in the CM Endpoint
Communication Profile. For example, if you assign the range 100:200 to user A, and user
A adds an endpoint with extension 201, the system displays an error message and the
endpoint add job fails.
Assigning range for endpoints
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Roles.
3. Click Add...
4. Enter the name and the description for the role.
5. Click Add Mapping.
6. In Group Name, select the group of Communication Manager systems to which
you want to apply this permission.
You can leave Group Name blank if you do not want to select any group.
7. In Element or Resource Type, select Communication Manager.
8. In Element or Resource Instance, select the Communication Manager to which
you want to apply this permission.
When you select Group Name, this field appears disabled. By default, Group
Name shows All.
9. Click Next.
10. On the Permission Mapping page, enter the range you want to specify in the
Extension Range field.
You can specify a definite range, enter comma separated values, or a single value
in endpoints. For example, 5600:6000, 1, 3, 7, 9, and 45.
11. You can also assign operation permissions like Bulk Add, Bulk Edit, Delete, Edit,
List Usage, Swap, List Trace Station.
Assigning range for endpoints
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The user can perform only the actions that are assigned in the operation
12. Click Commit.
Assigning permissions in User Management
The range feature in endpoints and agents is also applicable in User Management. When you
assign a range for endpoints and agents, as per the permissions that are defined, you can add,
edit, delete, and duplicate only the extensions that are associated with the user. Range is
validated when you assign an endpoint extension or an agent extension through the endpoint
or agent editor.
Assigning permissions through User Management
About this task
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Roles.
3. On the Roles page, select an existing role, and perform one of the following steps:
Click New
Right-click and select New.
The role that you selected becomes the parent of the role that you create. The
permissions available to the new role limit to the permissions of the parent role.

Granular role based access control
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4. On the Add New Role page, type the name and the description for the role.
5. Click Commit and Continue.
6. Click Add Mapping.
7. In Group Name, select the group of templates to which you want to apply this
You can leave Group Name blank if you do not want to select any group.
8. In the Element or Resource Type field, click users.
9. In the Element or Resource Instance field, click the Communication Manager
devices to which you want to apply this permission.
10. Click Next.
11. On the Permission Mapping page, select the Role Resource Type Action and
Role Resource Type Attributes.
12. Click Commit.
The system displays the Role Details page with the permission mapping you
13. Click Add Mapping.
14. To specify the operation resource type mapping, in the Element or Resource
Type field, click operation.
15. Click Next.
16. On the Permission Mapping page, perform the following actions:
a. Click Others > RTS_Administration.
b. Click Others > RTS_Administration/RTS_Edit_Operation.
c. Click Users > Users/UserManagement
17. Click Commit.
Assigning permissions through User Management
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Field-level RBAC
System Manager supports field-level RBAC for Communication Manager objects. You can
assign permissions for the following Communication Manager objects:
Manager object
Security Code
IP Softphone
IP Video Softphone
EC500 State
EC500 Button
Coverage Path 1
Coverage Path 2
Tenant Number
Extension Number
Lock Messages
Hunt-to Station
Loss Group
Display Language
Survivable GK Node
Survivable COR
Survivable Trunk Dest
Message Lamp Ext
Mute Button Enabled
Media Complex Ext
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Manager object
Short/Prefixed Registration Allowed
LWC Reception
LWC Activation
LWC Log External Calls
CDR Privacy
Redirect Notification
Per Button Ring Control
Bridged Call Alerting
Active Station Ringing
H.320 Conversion
4Service Link Mode
Multimedia Mode
MWI Served User Type
IP Hoteling
Auto Select Any Idle Appearance
Coverage Msg Retrieval
Auto Answer
Data Restriction
Idle Appearance Preference
Bridged Idle Line Preference
EMU Login Allowed
Per Station CPN Send Calling No
Audile Message Waiting
Display Client Redirection
Select Last Used Appearance
Coverage After Forwarding
Multimedia Early Answer
Direct IP-IP Audio Connections
Always Use
IP Audio Hairpinning
Remote Softphone Emergency Calls
Emergency Location Ext
Field-level RBAC
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Manager object
Conf/Trans on Primary Appearance
Bridged Appearance Origination Restriction
Call Appearance Display Format
IP Phone Group ID
Hot Line Destination Abbreviated Dialing List Number
Hot Line Destination Dial Code
Feature Button Assignments 1 - 3
Button types displayed to the Administrator
Service Hours
Use time adjustments from location
Holiday Table
Hunt Group
Group Name
Group Extension
Group Type
Security Code
ISDN/SIP Caller Display
Coverage Path
Night Service Destination
NM Early Answer
Local Agent Preference
LWC Reception
Audix Name
Message Center
Ignore Call Forwarding
Re-hunt On No Answer (rings)
Granular role based access control
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Manager object
Annc Name
Annc Type
Field-level RBAC is applicable only for the Edit operation.
Field-level RBAC is not applicable when you add Communication Manager objects.
Assigning permissions for fields in endpoints
Field-level RBAC for Communication Manager objects is applicable only for the edit
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Roles.
3. On the Roles page, select an existing role, and perform one of the following steps:
Click New
Right-click and select New.
The role that you selected becomes the parent of the role that you create. The
permissions available to the new role limit to the permissions of the parent role.

Assigning permissions for fields in endpoints
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4. On the Add New Role page, type the name and the description for the role.
5. Click Commit and Continue.
6. Click Add Mapping.
7. In the Element or Resource Type field, click Communication Manager.
8. On the Permission Mapping page, in the Endpoint Attributes Permission for Edit
Operation, and Endpoint Buttons Permission for Edit Operation sections,
select the button and attributes that you want to assign to this role.
9. Click Commit.
If you assign this role to a user, the user can edit only the fields that you have
assigned in the Permission Mapping page.
Granular role based access control
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Chapter 7: Managing users, public
contacts, and shared addresses
Managing users
Users, public contacts, and shared addresses
Manage users
User Management is a shared service that users can gain access from the System Manager
web console. User Management supports a logically centralized data store. Applications can
gain access to this data store and get the user information that applications need.
Administrators or end users do not need to enter user information for each application.
User Management provides administrators with mechanisms to:
Administer all user attributes, contact information, group membership, user provisioning
rule assignment, organization hierarchy assignment, and role assignment, also product-
specific user data.
For each product, extend the underlying user model for product-specific properties,
attributes, and any relationship between the attributes.
Manage specific aspects of user data such as changing a user name or address.
Using User Management, you can:
Add user profiles.
View, change, and delete existing user profiles.
Assign or remove permissions, roles, groups, addresses, and contacts for users.
Assign user provisioning rule and organization hierarchy.
Add and change the communication profile of users.
Bulk import users and their attributes, public contact, and shared addresses from an XML
Bulk import users and their attributes from an Excel file.
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Bulk export users and their attributes to an XML and Excel file from the System Manager
web console and command line interface.
Search users.
User Management uses data synchronization to achieve a single-point user administration.
User Management synchronizes the user data event that the system generates at the
application level with the central user space and other connected applications. If an enterprise
directory is connected, then User Management maintains synchronization at the enterprise
level. User Management directly adjusts to the changes that occur in the enterprise directory,
specifically additions, deletions, and modifications. For more information, see Directory
synchronization overview on page 51.
Roles based access control (RBAC) applies to User Management so that the user role
determines the access to user level tasks and access to administrative tasks. Users with login
privileges must have permissions to add, change, and delete user accounts on the
management console.
To perform the user provisioning by using User Management, map the user to the role with the
following permissions:
Resource type Permissions
All elements of type:elements add, delete, edit, and view
To perform the user provisioning by using the user provisioning rule, map the user to the role
with the following permissions:
Resource type Permissions
All elements of type:elements view
Manage public contacts
As an administrator, you can define public contacts of users in System Manager for an
enterprise. You can share public contacts by all users in System Manager.
Manage shared address
All users in the enterprise can share the common addresses called shared address. As an
administrator, you can create, change, and delete a shared address of users in the
Access to administrative users
Starting from System Manager Release 6.3.8, when you create a role with access to User
Management, you can restrict the access to the Administrative Users page.
The roles that are created earlier than Release 6.3.8 with permissions to access User
Management can access the Administrative Users page by default. The roles continue to have
permission after the upgrade to Release 6.3.8. To restrict the access to the Administrative
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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Users page, clear the Allow access to Administrative Users Web UI check box on the
Permission Mapping page.
To gain access to the Administrative Users page, log on to the System Manager web console
and click the Users > Administrators link. The Administrative Users page displays the list of
administrative users that are available in the system. By default, when you add user-related
permissions to a role, the system selects the Allow access to Administrative Users Web
UI permission.
Viewing details of a user
Before you begin
You require appropriate permissions.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, select a user.
4. To view details of the selected user account, click View.
You can only view details of one user account at a time.
Related topics:
User Profile View field descriptions on page 252
Creating a new user account
You can create new user account using this section or by providing the user provisioning
Before you begin
You require permission to add a new user account.
The role must have the following permissions assigned:
For resource type elements, all permissions in the Role Resource Type Actions
Managing users
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1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, click New.
4. On the New User Profile page, complete the following steps:
a. (Optional) In the Organization section, select a tenant from the Tenant field.
You must select a tenant only if the user must belong to a tenant.
b. (Optional) In the User Provisioning Rule field, select a user provisioning
You can provide only one user provisioning rule.
When you use the user provisioning rule to create a user, the system
populates the values of user attributes from the user provisioning rule.
c. Enter the required information in the remaining fields.
5. Perform one of the following:
To save the changes, click Commit.
To save the changes and stay on the same page, click Commit &
Before you click Commit, ensure that all mandatory fields have valid information.
The Communication Manager systems that are undergoing synchronization or
are busy, displays the following behavior:
In Firefox, the system displays the status of the Communication Manager
systems that are undergoing synchronization as disabled. The
Communication Manager systems are available only after the
synchronization is complete. To view the Communication Manager systems,
you must start the new user operation again.
In Internet Explorer, the system does not display the Communication
Manager systems that are undergoing synchronization in the list. The
Communication Manager systems are available only after the
synchronization is complete. To view the Communication Manager systems,
you must start the new user operation again.
Related topics:
Creating a new user profile using the user provisioning rule on page 187
New User Profile field descriptions on page 267
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Creating a new user profile using the user provisioning rule
Before you begin
Ensure that the role has the following permissions:
For resource type elements, all permissions in the Role Resource Type Actions section.
About this task
When you use the user provisioning rule to create a user, the system populates the values of
user attributes from the user provisioning rule.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, click New.
4. On the New User Profile page, complete the following fields:
User Provisioning Rule
You can provide only one user provisioning rule.
Last Name
First Name
Login Name
5. Perform one of the following:
To save the changes, click Commit.
To save the changes and stay on the same page for making further changes,
click Commit & Continue.
Before you click Commit, ensure that all mandatory fields contain valid
The system creates the user with attributes that are defined in the user provisioning
Related topics:
Creating a new user account on page 185
Results of using the user provisioning rule on page 188
New User Profile field descriptions on page 267
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 187

Results of using the user provisioning rule
You can expect the following results when you provision the user using the user provisioning
Scenario Expected result
Create user
The administrator selects the user
provisioning rule without adding the
communication profile data.
The system displays a warning
message. The system applies the user
provisioning rule and adds the
communication profiles data based on
the user provisioning rule.
The administrator adds the
communication profile data, and
then selects the user provisioning
The system displays a warning
message. The system creates the
communication profile based on the
user provisioning rule and overwrites
the communication profiles data with
the data in the user provisioning rule.
The administrator selects the user
provisioning rule. The system
populates the communication
profile data for the user. The
administrator changes the user
provisioning rule to blank.
If the user provisioning rule is blank,
the system removes all
communication profiles that the
system used from the user
provisioning rule.
Edit user
The communication profile data
already exists for the user that was
created using the user provisioning
rule, and the administrator selects
a different user provisioning rule.
The system displays an error message
if a communication profile exists for the
user and the same profile is present in
the user provisioning rule that you
If there are no conflicts in the
communication profile, the system
merges the communication profile with
the existing communication profile and
the new user provisioning rule that you
For example, the user has the Session
Manager communication profile that is
created using a user provisioning rule,
and the administrator selects a
different user provisioning rule that has
the Communication Manager
communication profile. The user now
has the Communication Manager and
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Scenario Expected result
Session Manager communication
The communication profile data
that is created without the user
provisioning rule exists for the user.
The administrator selects the user
provisioning rule.
The system displays an error message
if a communication profile exists for the
user and the same profile is present in
the user provisioning rule that you
If there are no conflicts in the
communication profile, the system
merges the communication profile with
the existing communication profile and
the new user provisioning rule that you
For example, the user has the Session
Manager communication profile and
the user provisioning rule that is
created with Communication Manager
communication profile. When the
administrator uses the user
provisioning rule, the user contains the
Communication Manager and Session
Manager communication profiles.
The administrator sets the user
provisioning rule to blank in the Edit
User page.
The system disassociates the user
provisioning rule with the user. The
communication profiles created using
the user provisioning rule remain
Bulk import Create user
The administrator creates the user
using the bulk import feature from
the XML or Excel file. The XML or
Excel file contains the user
provisioning rule without the
communication profile data.
The system applies the user
provisioning rule and populates the
communication profiles provided in the
user provisioning rule.
The administrator creates the user
using the bulk import feature from
the XML or Excel file. The XML or
Excel file contains the user
provisioning rule with the
communication profile data.
The communication profile data in the
XML or Excel file takes precedence
over the user provisioning rule.
The system uses the user provisioning
rule only for the communication profile
that is not present in the XML or Excel
Edit user
The communication profile data
that is created using the user
The system disassociates the user
provisioning rule with the user. The
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Scenario Expected result
provisioning rule exists for the
In bulk import, the user provisioning
rule is not mentioned in the XML
communication profiles in the Merge
and Replace option with the Complete
and Partial Import type remain
The communication profile data
that is created without the user
provisioning rule. The user
provisioning rule is mentioned in
the XML file.
The user import operation fails if any
communication profile exists for the
user and the same is present in the
user provisioning rule provided in
If there are no conflicts in the
communication profile, the system
merges the communication profile with
the existing communication profile and
the new user provisioning rule that you
provided in XML.
For example, the user has the Session
Manager communication profile that is
created using a user provisioning rule,
and the administrator selects a
different user provisioning rule that has
the Communication Manager
communication profile. After import,
the user contains the Communication
Manager and Session Manager
communication profiles.
You cannot select a different user provisioning rule for partial import. Use
the complete XML import with Merge or Replace option to change the
user provisioning rule.
Create user
The user provisioning rule is
configured in the LDAP mapping.
The system applies the user
provisioning rule and populates the
communication profiles provided in the
user provisioning rule.
Edit user
The communication profile that is
created using the user provisioning
rule exists for the user. The value
of the user provisioning rule is
changed in LDAP.
User synchronization fails if the
communication profile exists for the
user and the same profile is present in
the new user provisioning rule that is
configured in LDAP.
If no conflicts in communication profile,
then the system merges the
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Scenario Expected result
communication profile with the existing
communication profile and the new
user provisioning rule that you select.
The user provisioning rule is not
associated with the existing user.
The new user provisioning rule
values are configured in LDAP for
the user.
User synchronization fails if the
communication profile exists for the
user and the same profile is present in
the new user provisioning rule that is
configured in LDAP.
If no conflicts in communication profile,
the system merges the communication
profile with the existing communication
profile and the new user provisioning
rule that you select.
The communication profile that is
created using the user provisioning
rule exists for the user, and the
value of the user provisioning rule
is set to blank in LDAP.
The system disassociates the user
provisioning rule with the user. The
communication profiles that are
created using the user provisioning
rule remain unchanged.
Modifying user accounts
Before you begin
You require permissions to modify the user details. If you select a user that does not have
the permission to modify the details, the system does not display the Edit button.
The role must have the following permissions assigned:
For resource type elements, all permissions in the Role Resource Type Actions
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, select a user.
At one time, you can edit only one user account.
4. To edit a user account, perform one of the following:
Click Edit.
Click View > Edit.
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5. On the User Profile Edit page, perform the following:
a. (Optional) In the Organization section, select a tenant from the Tenant field.
You must select a tenant only if the user must belong to a tenant.
b. (Optional) In the User Provisioning Rule field, select a user provisioning
You can provide only one user provisioning rule.
When you use the user provisioning rule to create a user, the system
populates the values of user attributes from the user provisioning rule.
c. Enter the required information in the remaining fields.
For information, see User Profile Edit field descriptions.
You cannot edit the tenant. If you select a different level 1 for the tenant from
the organization hierarchy, the Level 2 and Level 3 fields become blank. You
can select new values for level 2 and level 3. If you select a different level 2
for the tenant from the organization hierarchy, the Level 3 field becomes blank.
You can select a new value for level 3.
If you must change the tenant, delete the user and associate the user with the
System Manager does not automatically modify the user if the user
provisioning rule changes.
You can select a different user provisioning rule when you modify the user
You can associate the user to an existing tenant.
6. Perform one of the following:
To save the changes, click Commit.
To save the changes and stay on the same page, click Commit &
Related topics:
Results of using the user provisioning rule on page 188
User Profile Edit field descriptions on page 287
Creating duplicate users
You can duplicate the user details to create a new user account by copying information from
an existing user account. Using the Duplicate feature, you cannot copy the confidential
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information, such as addresses, private contacts and associated contacts in the contact list,
password, and login name of the user.
Using the Duplicate feature, you can also copy the communication profiles like CM Endpoint
and Session Manager. However, you cannot copy CS 1000 Endpoint Profile or CallPilot
Messaging Profile communication. You must add the CS 1000 Endpoint Profile or CallPilot
Messaging Profile communication profile after you create a duplicate user.
Before you begin
You require permission to copy the user details.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, select the user account that you must duplicate.
4. Click Duplicate.
5. On the User Profile Duplicate page, enter the appropriate information.
6. Perform one of the following:
To save the changes, click Commit.
To save the changes and stay on the same page, click Commit &
Removing user accounts
About this task
When you remove a user, the system marks the user as deleted and saves the user in a list
of deleted users. The system removes the roles associated with the user. However, the
contacts, addresses, and communication profiles of the user still exist in the database. You
can permanently remove the deleted users from the database.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, select one or more users from the table, and click
4. On the User Delete Confirmation page, click Delete.
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You cannot delete users:
With the login name admin from the User Management page.
Synchronized from LDAP.
Related topics:
Removing the deleted users from the database on page 194
Removing the deleted users from the database
Using this procedure, you can permanently delete a user from the database.
Before you begin
Permission to delete the selected user.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, click More Actions > Show Deleted Users.
4. On the Deleted Users page, select the users to delete, and click Delete.
5. On the User Delete Confirmation page, click Delete.
Related topics:
Removing user accounts on page 193
Filtering users
About this task
You can apply filter to the following user information:
Last Name
First Name
Display Name
Login Name
SIP Handle
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You can apply one or more filters to view users that match the filter criteria.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, click Filter: Enable.
The system displays the Filter: Enable button at the upper-right corner of the table
that displays users.
4. Enter the information for one or more of the following filter criteria:
To filter users by the last name, in the Last Name column, enter the last name
of the user.
To filter users by the first name, in the First Name column, enter the name of
the user.
To filter names that begin with a specific letter, enter the letter in the field. You
can enter a string of letters to filter the names that begin with the string.
To filter users by the login name, in the Login Name column, enter the login
To filter the login names that begin with a specific letter, enter the letter in the
field. You can enter a string of letters to filter login names that begin with the
To filter users by the SIP handle, in the SIP Handle column, enter the SIP
handle of the user.
5. (Optional) To hide the column filters, click Disable.
This action does not clear any filter criteria that you had set.
6. Click Apply.
The table displays the users that match the filter criteria.
7. To clear the filter criteria, click Clear.
Searching for users
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, click Advanced Search at the upper-right corner
of the page.
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4. In the Criteria section, do the following:
a. In the first field, select the search criterion.
b. In the second field, select the operator.
c. In the third field, enter the search value.
To add another search criterion, click + (plus) and repeat Step a through Step c
listed in Step 4.
To delete a search criterion, click - (minus) next to the search criterion. The system
displays the - button only if more than one search criterion is available.
5. Click Search.
The Users table lists the users that match the search criteria.
Assigning roles to a user
To provide access to resources, you must assign roles to user accounts. Use this procedure
to assign admin role to an end user. You can assign up to 20 roles per user.
You can also assign roles to users using the Roles functionality in System Manager. To use
Roles page, on System Manager web console, click Groups & Roles > Roles.
During the tenant administration, the Membership tab is not available for the tenant
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, perform one of the following steps:
To assign roles while setting up a new user account, click New.
To assign roles to an existing user, select the user and click Edit or View >
4. On the User Profile Edit or New User Profile page, click the Membership tab.
5. Click Assign Roles.
6. On the Assign Roles page, select the roles from the Available Roles section.
7. Click Select to assign the roles to the selected user.
8. On the User Profile Edit or New User Profile page, click Commit to save the
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For a new user, if you assign a role other than End-User role, the system
prompts for the password.
For an existing user, the system resets the password to match the login
name of the user when you:
- Change the login name.
- Assign a role other than End-User role and you do not provide a new
When the user logs in, the system prompts the user to change the password
on the next login.
Assigning roles to multiple users
To provide access to resources, you must assign roles to the user accounts. Use this procedure
to assign admin role to an end user.
You can also assign roles to the users using the Roles service provided by System Manager.
To access the Roles service, click Groups & Roles > Roles.
During the tenant administration, the Membership tab is not available for the tenant
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, select the users and click More Actions > Assign
4. On the Assign Roles page, select the roles from the Available Roles section.
5. Click Commit to assign the roles to the selected users.
Removing roles from a user
Before you begin
You must have permissions to remove the roles for the user.
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1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, perform one of the following steps:
To remove a role in the edit mode, select a user and click Edit.
To remove a role in the view mode, select a user and click View > Edit on the
View User Profile page.
4. On the User Profile Edit page, click the Membership tab.
5. Select the roles you want to remove and click UnAssign Roles.
You can also assign roles to users using the Roles functionality in System Manager.
To access Roles, on the System Manager console, click Groups & Roles > Roles
6. Click Commit to save the changes.
You can also assign roles to users using the Roles functionality in System
Manager. To access Roles, on the System Manager console, click Groups &
Roles > Roles.
7. Perform one of the following:
To save the changes, click Commit.
To save the changes and stay on the same page, click Commit &
Assigning groups to a user
You can also assign groups to users using the groups functionality in System Manager. To
gain access to Groups, on System Manager web console, click Groups & Roles > Groups.
During the tenant administration, the Membership tab is not available for the tenant
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, perform one of the following steps:
To assign groups while setting up a new user account, click New.
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To assign groups to an existing user, select the user and click Edit or View >
4. On the User Profile Edit page or the New User Profile page, click the Membership
5. In the Group Membership section, click Add To Group.
6. On the Assign Groups page, select the groups from the Available Groups
7. Click Select to assign the groups to the user.
8. Perform one of the following:
To save the changes, click Commit.
To save the changes and stay on the same page, click Commit &
Assigning groups to multiple users
You can also assign groups to users using the groups functionality in System Manager. To
access Groups, on System Manager web console, click Groups & Roles > Groups.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, select the users and click More Actions > Add
To Group.
4. On the Assign Groups page, select the groups from the Available Groups
5. Click Commit to assign groups to the selected users.
Removing a user from groups
You can also assign groups to users using the groups functionality in System Manager. To
access Groups, on System Manager web console, click Groups & Roles > Groups.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
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2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, perform one of the following steps:
To remove a group in the edit mode, select the user and click Edit.
To remove a group in the view mode, select the user and click View > Edit.
4. On the User Profile Edit page, click the Membership tab.
5. In the Group Membership section, select the groups from which you want to remove
the user and click Remove From Group.
6. Click Commit to save the changes.
Viewing the deleted users
When you remove a user from the User Management page using the Delete option, the system
removes the user temporarily and stores the user in the Deleted Users table. To view the
temporarily deleted users, use the Show Deleted Users option.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, click More Actions > Show Deleted Users.
On the Deleted Users page, the system displays the temporarily deleted users in
the Deleted Users table.
Restoring a deleted user
You can use this functionality to restore a user that you deleted using the Delete option on the
User Management page.
Before you begin
You require permission to restore the selected user that is already deleted.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, click More Actions > Show Deleted Users.
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4. On the Deleted Users page, select the user you want to restore, and click
5. On the User Restore Confirmation page, click Restore.
6. Click Commit.
For a restored user, if you assign a role other than End-User, the system prompts
for a password.
Assigning users to roles
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Roles.
3. From the list of roles, click the name of the role.
4. On the Assigned Users tab, click Select Users.
The system displays the list of users.
5. Select the users and click Commit.
Unassigning users from role
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Roles.
3. On the Roles page, select a role and click Edit.
4. On the Role Details page, click the Assigned Users tab.
5. Click Selected Users.
6. On the Assigned Users page, clear the check box of the user whom you want to
7. Click Commit.
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Managing addresses
Adding an address of a user
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, perform one of the following steps:
To add an address while setting up a new user account, click New > Identity
> Address > New.
To add a new address for an existing user, select the user and click Edit >
Identity > Address > New.
To add a new address for an existing user, select the user and click View >
Edit > Identity > Address > New.
4. On the Add Address page, enter the address details.
You can select from the list of shared address.
5. Click Add to add the address.
6. Perform one of the following:
To save the changes, click Commit.
To save the changes and stay on the same page, click Commit &
Related topics:
Add Address field descriptions on page 205
Modifying an address
About this task
You can use this functionality to modify the address of a user.
You cannot modify a shared address using this feature.
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1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, perform one of the following steps:
Select a user, and click Edit > Identity > Address.
Select a user, and click View > Edit > Identity > Address.
4. In the Address area, select the mailing address you want to modify and click
You cannot modify a shared address using this feature.
5. On the Edit Address page, modify the information.
6. Click Add.
7. Click Commit.
Deleting an address
About this task
You can use this functionality to delete a private mailing address from the database.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. Perform one of the following steps:
If you are on the New User Profile page or on the User Profile Duplicate page
and have added an address, then navigate to Identity > Address.
On the User Management page, select a user and click Edit > Identity >
On the User Management page, select a user and click View > Edit > Identity
> Address.
4. Select the address you want to delete and click Delete.
If the address you require to delete is a shared address, the system removes the
address from the address list of user, but not from the database
5. Perform one of the following:
To save the changes, click Commit.
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To save the changes and stay on the same page, click Commit &
Assigning a shared address to the user
About this task
You can use the functionality to choose a shared address for a user from common addresses.
Using this functionality, you can assign and unassign a shared address.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, perform one of the following steps:
To assign shared addresses to a new user account while setting it up, click
To assign shared addresses to an existing user account, select the user and
click Edit or View > Edit.
4. On the New User Profile page or the User Profile Edit page, click Identity > Address
> Choose Shared Address.
5. On the Choose Address page, select one or more shared addresses.
For a new user, enter valid information in all mandatory fields on all tabs of the New
User Profile page before you click Commit. If you enter invalid information, the
system displays an error message.
6. Click Select.
7. Perform one of the following steps:
To save the changes, click Commit.
To save the changes and stay on the same page for making further
modifications, click Commit & Continue.
Related topics:
Choose Address field descriptions on page 206
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Add Address field descriptions
Field Description
Address Name Displays the unique label that identifies the
mailing address.
Address Type Displays the mailing address type such as
home or office address.
Building Displays the name of the building.
Room Displays the number or name of the room.
Street Displays the name of the street.
City Displays the name of the city or town.
State or Province Displays the full name of the province.
Postal Code Displays the postal code or zip code used by
postal services to route mail to a destination.
In the United States, this is Zip code.
Country Displays the name of the country.
Phone Details section
Field Description
Business Phone Displays the business phone number of the
Other Business Phone Displays the secondary or alternate business
phone number, if applicable.
Home Phone Displays the residential phone number of the
Other Home Phone Displays the secondary or alternate
residential phone number, if applicable.
Mobile Phone Displays the mobile number of the user.
Other Mobile Phone Displays the secondary or alternate mobile
number of the user, if applicable.
Fax Displays the telephone number for direct
reception of faxes.
Pager Displays the number used to make calls to
the users pager.
Other Pager Displays the secondary or alternate number
used to make calls to the users pager.
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Button Description
Add Adds the mailing address of the user.
Cancel Cancels the add address operation.
Related topics:
Adding a shared address on page 564
Modifying a shared address on page 564
Choose Address field descriptions
Field Description
Name Displays the unique label that identifies the
Address Type Displays the mailing address type such as
home or office address.
Street Displays the name of the street.
City Displays the name of the city or town.
Postal Code Displays the postal code used by postal
services to route mail to a destination. In the
United States, this is Zip code.
Province Displays the full name of the province.
Country Displays the name of the country.
Button Description
Select Adds the selected mailing address as the
shared contact for the user account.
Cancel Cancels the choose address operation.
Managing communication profiles
Communication profiles
Using the Users feature, you can provide communication profiles to associate elements with
users. Communication Profiles supports communication interactions established through
Avaya Communication Services. Communication Profiles can be CM Endpoint, Messaging,
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
206 Administering Avaya Aura

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Session Manager, CS 1000, CallPilot Messaging, IP Office, Presence, Collaboration
Environment, or Conferencing profile.
You can provide communication profiles in User Management through Communication Profile
Extension Pack (EP). You can use a communication profile to represent a subscription of the
user to a communication subsystem and the specific configuration needs for the user. A
communication subsystem is a service or infrastructure that manages the establishment and
controls or routes the communication interactions.
Adding a communication profile for the user
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, perform one of the following steps:
To create a new user account, click New.
To add a communication profile to an existing user, select the user and click
4. On the New User Profile or the User Profile Edit page, click the Communication
Profile tab.
5. In the communication profile section, click New.
6. In the Name field, enter the name of the new communication profile.
7. To mark the profile as default, select the Default check box.
8. Click Done.
9. Click Commit.
Related topics:
New User Profile field descriptions on page 267
Deleting the communication profile of a user
About this task
You cannot delete default communication profiles.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
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3. On the User Management page, perform one of the following steps:
Select a user and click Edit.
Select a user and click View > Edit.
4. On the User Profile Edit page, click the Communication Profile tab.
5. In the Communication Profile section, click a profile.
6. Click Delete.
7. Click Commit.
When you delete a communication profile, System Manager deletes all the communication
addresses associated with the communication profile.
Creating a new communication address for a communication profile
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, perform one of the following steps:
To create a new user account, click New.
To add a communication profile address to an existing user, select the user
and click Edit.
4. On the New User Profile or the User Profile Edit page, click the Communication
Profile tab.
5. In the Communication Profile section, click a communication profile.
6. In the Communication Address section, click New.
7. In the Type field, enter a communication protocol.
8. In the Fully Qualified Address field, enter a contact address in the format
supported by the value that you selected in the Type field. A contact address can
be an e-mail ID, instant messenger ID, or the SIP address of a SIP-enabled
9. Enter the domain name from the field next to Fully Qualified Address field.
10. Click Add.
11. Click Commit.
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Related topics:
New User Profile field descriptions on page 267
User Profile Edit field descriptions on page 287
Modifying the communication address
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, perform one of the following steps:
Select a user and click Edit.
Select a user and click View > Edit.
4. On the User Profile Edit page, click the Communication Profile tab.
5. In the Communication Profile section, select a profile.
6. In the Communication Address section, select a communication address.
7. Click Edit.
8. Modify the information in the respective fields.
9. Click Add.
10. Click Commit.
Related topics:
New User Profile field descriptions on page 267
User Profile Edit field descriptions on page 287
Deleting a communication address from a communication profile
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, perform one of the following:
Select a user and click Edit.
Select a user and click View > Edit.
4. On the User Profile Edit page, click the Communication Profile tab.
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5. In the Communication Profile section, click a communication profile.
6. In the Communication Address section, select a communication address from the
7. Click Delete.
8. Click Commit.
Related topics:
New User Profile field descriptions on page 267
User Profile Edit field descriptions on page 287
Session Manager communication profile administration
You can use the Session Manager profile subsection of the Communication Profile section to
associate a primary Session Manager instance as a home server for the currently displayed
Communication Profile. As a home server, the selected primary Session Manager instance is
used as the default access point for connecting devices associated with the Communication
Profile to the Aura network.
All Communication Addresses (handles) of type SIP for the Communication Profile are
associated with the Aura network. If you select a secondary Session Manager instance,
Session Manager provides continued service to SIP devices associated with this
Communication Profile when the primary Session Manager is not available.
You might configure the system to invoke Application Sequences when routing calls from
(origination application sequence) or to (termination application sequence) the currently
displayed user.
You can specify a Conference Factory Set for users for experiencing improved voice, video
and text conferencing.
For local survivability, you can specify a Survivability Server to provide survivability
communication services for devices associated with a Communication Profile that is used
when local connectivity to Session Manager instances in the Aura Core is lost. If you select a
Branch Session Manager, and the termination and origination application sequences contain
a Communication Manager application, sequencing to this application will continue locally to
the Communication Manager remote survivable server resident with the Branch Session
When this user calls numbers that are not associated with an administered user, the system
applies dial-plan rules to complete the call based on this home location if the IP address of the
SIP device used to make the call is not assigned to a location.
Related topics:
Multi Device Access on page 211
New User Profile field descriptions on page 267
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Multi Device Access
With the Multi Device Access feature, a SIP user can register multiple SIP endpoints with the
same extension. You can specify the maximum number of SIP endpoints that can
simultaneously register and receive calls in the Max. Simultaneous Devices field of the
Session Manager communication profile section on the User Profile page. The default is 1. For
more information about Multi Device Access, see Avaya Aura

Multi Device Access White

Paper on the Avaya Support site at
If the number of registration requests exceed the administered limit, and if the Block New
Registration When Maximum Registrations Active field is:
Cleared, the system accepts the new registration and unregisters the endpoint with the
oldest registration. However, if the endpoint with the oldest registration is active on a call
then the system does not unregister the endpoint until the call completes.
Selected, the system denies any new registrations and sends the 403 Forbidden
response with an appropriate warning header to the registering device.
The system forks incoming INVITE requests (call attempts) to all the registered devices for a
given user simultaneously. When the caller answers the call, the system cancels the INVITE
request to the other devices.
The system forks an incoming CANCEL request to all the registered devices if the caller hangs
up before the call is answered.
Presence communication profile administration
You can configure attributes for the Presence communication profile when you create a user
or edit the existing user. You can also configure the Presence-related attributes by using the
user provisioning rule.
In System Manager, you must configure the Avaya Aura

users and assign typically some or

all of the following attributes:
Avaya E.164 communication address
Avaya SIP communication address
CM Endpoint profile
Session Manager profile
You can configure the attributes from User Management > Manage Users.
You can create Presence profiles only for the default communication profile.
Managing users
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CM Endpoint profile administration
CM Endpoint and Messaging profiles of a user
With User Profile Management, you can create the following types of communication profiles
for a user:
CM Endpoint Profile, to create an association between an endpoint and a user
Messaging Profile, to create an association between a subscriber mailbox and a user
You can add, view, modify, and delete endpoint and messaging profiles. You can go to
Endpoint or Subscriber Management pages to modify any of the endpoint or subscriber fields
that are not available through User Profile Management.
Login name of endpoint or messaging profile
The login name in the Identity section on the New User Profile and Edit User Profile pages is
the user name that is associated with the communication profile, CM Endpoint and Messaging.
This user name appears in the User column in the Endpoint List or Subscriber List.
For endpoints, the Localized Display Name and Endpoint Display Name fields in the Identity
section of the User Profile Management user profile map to the Name and Localized Display
Name fields of CM Endpoint. The Localized Display Name and Endpoint Display Name
fields are optional. They default to the Last Name and First Name as given in the General
section of the User Profile Management user profile. You can also fill in any other name of your
For Subscribers, the Last Name and First Name fields in the General section of User Profile
Management user profile directly map to the Last Name and First Name fields in Subscriber.
The Localized Display Name and Endpoint Display Name fields are not applicable for
Creating CM Endpoint and Messaging profiles
You can create one default or primary Communication Profile for a user. To this default profile,
you can add one CM Endpoint and one Messaging profile. In addition, you can add two more
CM Endpoint profiles. You can add a maximum of three CM Endpoint profiles and one
Messaging profile per user.
Adding a CM Endpoint profile for a user
Before you begin
Add Communication Manager by using Manage Elements or Discovery from Inventory.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, perform one of the following steps:
If you are creating a CM Endpoint profile for a new user profile, click New.
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If you are creating a CM Endpoint profile for an existing user, select the user
and click Edit.
4. Click the Communication Profile tab.
5. In the CM Endpoint Profile section, select the check box next to the CM Endpoint
Profile label.
6. In the CM Endpoint Profile section, enter the relevant information.
To delete the endpoint from the communication management device after
removing the association between the endpoint and the user, select the Delete
Endpoint on Unassign of Endpoint from User or on Delete User check box.
7. Perform one of the following:
To save the changes, click Commit.
To save the changes and stay on the same page, click Commit &
From User Management, you can create or add endpoints. After you select the
Communication Manager in which you want to add an endpoint, the system allows
you to complete the fields for creating a new endpoint.
The Preferred Handle field specifies numeric only handles, SIP or non SIP, that
are administered for a user. If the SIP entity is of Communication Manager type,
Session Manager uses the Preferred Handle field in the CM Endpoint profile. By
default, for a SIP station, Communication Manager uses the extension number as
the phone number entry on an OPS station-mapping table. If your enterprise dial
plan has SIP handles that are different from the Communication Manager extension,
then use the Preferred Handle field to change the phone number entry on the OPS
station-mapping table on the Communication Manager.
To modify the phone number entry, the Communication Address in System
Manager should have a SIP handle. In the CM Endpoint Communication Profile, set
the Preferred Handle field to the SIP handle format. After you click Commit,
System Manager sets the Phone Number field in the OPS station-mapping table
on Communication Manager to the SIP handle format. If you do not need this feature
then set the Preferred Handle value to None.
Related topics:
New User Profile field descriptions on page 267
Viewing a station profile of a user
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
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3. On the User Management page, select a user and click View.
4. Click the Communication Profile tab.
Modifying a CM Endpoint profile of a user
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, select a user and perform one of the following
Click Edit.
Click View > Edit.
4. On the User Profile Edit page, click the Communication Profile tab.
5. In the CM Endpoint Profile section, modify the relevant information in the fields.
6. To save the changes to the database, click Commit.
To cancel the action and return to the previous page, click Cancel.
Related topics:
New User Profile field descriptions on page 267
Removing association between an CM Endpoint and a user
Before you begin
Ensure that you have not selected the Delete Endpoint on Unassign of Endpoint from User
or Delete User check box while associating a station with a user.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, select a user and perform one of the following
Click Edit.
Click View > Edit.
4. On the User Profile Edit page, click the Communication Profile tab.
5. In the CM Endpoint Profile section, clear the check box next to the CM Endpoint
Profile label.
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6. Click Commit.
The system removes the association between the endpoint and the user. The endpoint is still
provisioned on the communication management device.
Deleting a CM Endpoint profile of a user
Before you begin
Select the Delete Endpoint on Unassign of Endpoint from User or Delete User check box
while associating a endpoint to a user.
About this task
The delete functionality removes the association between the endpoint and the user, and
deletes the endpoint from the communication management device.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, select a user and perform one of the following
Click Edit.
Click View > Edit.
4. On the User Profile Edit page, click the Communication Profile tab.
5. In the CM Endpoint Profile section, clear the check box next to the CM Endpoint
Profile label.
6. Click Commit.
You can delete only those endpoints that are associated with a user through User
Management. You can delete nonuser associated endpoints through Endpoint
Related topics:
New User Profile field descriptions on page 267
Managing users
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Messaging profile administration
Adding a messaging profile for a user
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, perform one of the following steps:
If you are creating a messaging profile for a new user profile, click New.
If you are creating a messaging profile for an existing user, select the user and
click Edit.
4. Click the Communication Profile tab.
5. In the Messaging Profile section, select the check box next to the Messaging
Profile label.
6. In the Messaging Profile section, complete the relevant fields.
To delete the subscriber mailbox from the communication management device
after removing the association between the subscriber and the user, select the
Delete Messaging on Unassign of Subscriber from User or Delete User
check box.
7. Click Commit or Commit & Continue to add the messaging profile, or click Cancel
to return to return to the previous page.
The field names that are marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory fields. You must
enter valid information in these fields to create the CM Endpoint profile.
You must add the messaging devices through Runtime Topology System (RTS)
before you add a messaging profile for a user. After you create the user-
subscriber association, the user name appears in the User column in the
subscriber list.
Related topics:
New User Profile field descriptions on page 267
Modifying a messaging profile of a user
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, select a user and perform one of the following
Click Edit.
Click View > Edit.
4. On the User Profile Edit page, click the Communication Profile tab.
5. In the Messaging Profile section, modify the relevant information in the fields.
6. Perform one of the following:
To save the changes to the database, click Commit.
To save the changes to the database and remain on the same page, click
Commit & Continue.
To cancel the action and return to the previous page, click Cancel.
Related topics:
New User Profile field descriptions on page 267
Viewing a messaging profile of a user
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, select a user and click View.
4. Click the Communication Profile tab.
The Messaging Profile section displays the messaging profile information of the user.
Related topics:
New User Profile field descriptions on page 267
Removing association between a subscriber mailbox and a user
Before you begin
The Delete Subscriber on Unassign of Subscriber from User or Delete User check box is
clear while associating a mailbox with a user.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
Managing users
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3. On the User Management page, select a user and perform one of the following
Click Edit.
Click View > Edit.
4. On the User Profile Edit page, click the Communication Profile tab.
5. In the Messaging Profile tab, clear the check box next to the Messaging Profile
6. Click Commit.
The system removes the association between the subscriber mailbox and the user. The
subscriber mailbox is still provisioned on the communication management device.
Deleting a subscriber mailbox
Before you begin
You have selected the Delete Subscriber on Unassign of Subscriber from User or on
Delete User check box while associating a subscriber mailbox to a user.
About this task
This functionality deletes the subscriber mailbox from the messaging device after removing
the association between the subscriber mailbox and the user.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, select a user and perform one of the following
Click Edit.
Click View > Edit.
4. On the User Profile Edit page, click the Communication Profile tab.
5. In the Messaging Profile section, clear the check box next to the Messaging
Profile label.
6. Click Commit.
You can delete only those subscribers that are associated with a user through
User Management. You can delete non-user associated subscriber mailboxes
only through Subscriber Management.
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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CS 1000 and CallPilot profile administration
CS 1000 and CallPilot profile administration
With User Management, you can create the following types of communication profiles for a
CS 1000 Endpoint Profile. To create an association between an endpoint and a user.
CallPilot Messaging Profile. To create an association between a subscriber mailbox and
a user.
You cannot assign the mailbox number in the CallPilot communication profile by using the
user provisioning rule. You must add the mailbox number for the CallPilot communication
To modify an endpoint or subscriber field that is not available through User Management,
navigate to the Endpoint or Subscriber Management pages and modify the information. For
information, see Redirecting the CS 1000 or CallPilot user to Element Manager.
Related topics:
Redirecting the CS 1000 or CallPilot user to Element Manager on page 219
Redirecting the CS 1000 or CallPilot user to Element Manager
Before you begin
A user must exist with at least one communication profile. To create a user, navigate to User
Management > New.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, select a user and perform one of the following
Click Edit.
Click View > Edit.
4. On the User Profile Edit page, click the Communication Profile tab.
5. Select CS 1000 Endpoint Profile or CallPilot Messaging Profile that you must
update and click Update.
The system opens the user profile in the element manager that you select.
Managing users
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The system discards all unsaved changes that you make to the current user
including the changes to communication profiles.
6. Enter the relevant information and click Save.
The system displays the User Management page.
Adding a CallPilot profile for a user
Before you begin
A user must exist. To create a user, navigate to User Management > New.
About this task
For a communication profile, you can provide a maximum of one CallPilot mailbox. To add
additional mailboxes for a user, you must add another communication profile.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, perform one of the following steps:
To create a profile for a new user, click New.
To create a profile for an existing user, select the user and click Edit.
4. On the New User Profile page, click the Communication Profile tab.
5. In the CallPilot Messaging Profile section, select the check box and complete the
following fields:
In the System field, select a CallPilot system. The system displays a list of
systems that are registered with the element registry.
In the Target field, select the location of CallPilot, if provisioned.
In the Template field, select a template that CallPilot Element Manager
In the Mailbox Number field, enter a mailbox number for CallPilot.
You must enter the mailbox number even if the value is same as Primary
6. Perform one of the following:
To save the changes to the database, click Commit.
To save the changes to the database and remain on the same page, click
Commit & Continue.
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To cancel the action and return to the previous page, click Cancel.
Adding a CS 1000 profile for a user
Before you begin
A user must exist. To create a new user, navigate to User Management > New.
About this task
For a communication profile, you can provide a maximum of one CS 1000 phone. To add
additional phones for a user, you must add another communication profile.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, perform one of the following steps:
To create a profile for a new user profile, click New.
To create a profile for an existing user, select the user and click Edit.
4. On the New User Profile page, click the Communication Profile tab.
5. In the CS1000 Endpoint Profile section, select the check box and complete the
following fields:
a. In the System field, select a CS 1000 system.
The system displays a list of systems that are registered with the element
b. Perform one of the following:
Click Add new and complete the following fields:
1. In the Target field, select a CS 1000 customer number.
2. In the Template field, select a template that CS 1000 Element
Manager provides.
3. In the Primary DN field, enter a preferred primary DN.
If you do not provide a primary DN, CS 1000 Element
Manager automatically assigns a primary DN.
4. In the Terminal Number field, enter a preferred TN.
Click Link existing, and in the Existing TN field, enter the terminal
number from the list of existing numbers.
c. Clear the Include in Corporate Directory check box to exclude the profile in
the CS 1000 corporate directory.
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d. (Optional) Select Delete Endpoint on Unassign of Endpoint from User if
you must delete the endpoint from CS 1000 when you remove the association
between the endpoint and the user.
6. Perform one of the following:
To save the changes to the database, click Commit.
To save the changes to the database and remain on the same page, click
Commit & Continue.
To cancel the action and return to the previous page, click Cancel.
Modifying a CS 1000 or CallPilot user profile
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, select a user and perform one of the following
Click Edit.
Click View > Edit.
4. On the User Profile Edit page, click the Communication Profile tab.
5. In the CS 1000 Endpoint Profile or CallPilot Messaging Profile section, enter the
relevant information in the fields.
6. Perform one of the following:
To save the changes to the database, click Commit.
To save the changes to the database and remain on the same page, click
Commit & Continue.
To cancel the action and return to the previous page, click Cancel.
Changing passwords of CS 1000 Presence users
1. To log on to the System Manager personal agent console, enter http://<SMGR
2. Click Change Password.
3. Enter the old and new passwords, and then click Save.
Presence Services recognizes the password change.
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The system needs a synchronized password that is the same password as the
password that Presence Services uses to update CS 1000.
IP Office profile administration
Adding an IP Office endpoint profile on a user
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, perform one of the following steps:
To create a profile for a new user, click New.
To create a profile for an existing user, select the user and click Edit.
4. On the New User Profile page, click the Communication Profile tab.
5. Select the IP Office Endpoint Profile check box.
6. Complete the IP Office Endpoint Profile section.
7. Perform one of the following:
To save the changes to the database, click Commit.
To save the changes to the database and remain on the same page, click
Commit & Continue.
To cancel the action and return to the previous page, click Cancel.
To assign an extension to the user, perform one of the following actions:
Assign an available extension to the user, select the Use Existing
Extension check box, and select an unassigned extension from the drop-
down box.
Or assign an available module-port to the user from the Module-Port drop-
down box, and type the new extension. The module-port combination is valid
only when you associate a digital or an analog extension type to the user.
To assign an extension to a user with other set types, perform one of the following
Type an appropriate extension.
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Select the Use Existing Extension check box to choose an existing
Select an unassigned extension from the drop-down field.
Related topics:
New User Profile field descriptions on page 267
Viewing an IP Office endpoint profile of a user
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, select the user whose profile you want to view.
4. Click View.
5. Click the Communication Profile tab.
Click the IP Office Endpoint section to view the IP Office endpoint profile of the
user you selected.
Related topics:
New User Profile field descriptions on page 267
Modifying an IP Office endpoint profile of a user
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, select the user whose profile you want to edit.
4. Click Edit.
5. Select the Communication Profile tab.
6. Edit the required fields in the IP Office Endpoint Profile section.
7. Perform one of the following:
To save the changes to the database, click Commit.
To save the changes to the database and remain on the same page, click
Commit & Continue.
To cancel the action and return to the previous page, click Cancel.
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To assign an extension to the user, perform one of the following actions:
Assign an available extension to the user, select the Use Existing
Extension check box, and select an unassigned extension from the drop-
down box.
Or assign an available module-port to the user from the Module-Port drop-
down box, and type the new extension. The module-port combination is valid
only when you associate a digital or an analog extension type to the user.
To assign an extension to a user with other set types, perform one of the following
Type an appropriate extension.
Select the Use Existing Extension check box to choose an existing
Select an unassigned extension from the drop-down field.
Related topics:
New User Profile field descriptions on page 267
Removing the association between an IP Office endpoint profile and a user
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, select a user, and perform one of the following:
Click Edit.
Click View > Edit.
4. On the User Profile Edit page, click the Communication Profile tab.
5. Clear the IP Office Endpoint Profile check box.
6. Click Commit.
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Managing default contact list of the user
Adding a contact in the Default Contact list
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, perform one of the following:
To add a contact for a new user, click New.
To add a contact for an existing user, select a user and click Edit.
4. Click the Contacts tab.
5. In the Default Contact List section, enter a brief description of the contact list in
the Description field.
6. In the Associated Contacts section, click Add.
7. On the Attach Contacts page, select one or more contacts and click Select.
In the Multi Tenancy environment, when the tenant administrator of a tenant
creates or updates the user, the administrator can attach only the following
Private contacts of the user
Public contacts
Users who belong to that tenant
The system displays the new contacts in the table in the Associated Contacts
Related topics:
Attach Contacts field descriptions on page 228
Modifying membership details of a contact in a contact list
About this task
Use this feature to set the speed dial and presence buddy information for the contacts in the
Default Contact list.
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
226 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, select a user and click Edit.
4. On the User Profile Edit page, click the Contacts tab.
5. In the Associated Contacts section, select a contact and click Edit.
6. On the Edit Contact List Member page, in the Contact Membership Details
section, change the required information in the fields.
You can only change the information in the fields displayed in the Contact
Membership Details section.
7. Click Add.
8. Click Commit to save the changes.
Related topics:
Edit Contact List Member field descriptions on page 230
Viewing membership details of a contact in the contact list
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, select a user and click View.
4. On the User Profile View page, click the Contacts tab.
5. In the Associated Contacts section, click the last name link under the Last Name
The View Contact List Member page displays the details of the selected contact.
Related topics:
View Contact List Member field descriptions on page 232
Managing users
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 227

Deleting contacts from the default contact list
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, select a user and click Edit.
4. On the User Profile Edit page, click the Contacts tab.
5. Select one or more contacts from the Associated Contacts section and click
Attach Contacts field descriptions
In the Multi Tenancy environment, when the tenant administrator of a tenant creates or updates
the user, the administrator can attach only the following contacts:
Private contacts of the user
Public contacts
Users who belong to that tenant
Field Description
Last Name The last name of the contact.
First Name The first name of the contact.
Scope The categorization of the contact based on
whether the contact is a user, public, or
private contact.
Display/Login Name The unique login name or display name of
the contact.
Contact Address The address of a private or public contact. No
contact address is associated with a contact
type user.
User Handles The communication handles associated with
the user. These handles are defined in the
communication profile of a user.
Filter: Disable Hides the column filter fields without
resetting the filter criteria. This is a toggle
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
228 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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Field Description
Filter: Enable Displays fields under selected columns that
you can use to set the filter criteria. This is a
toggle button.
Filter: Apply Filters contacts based on the filter criteria.
Advanced Search Displays fields that you can use to specify the
search criteria to search for contacts.
Button Description
Select Adds the selected contact in the list of
associated contacts.
Cancel Cancels your selection and takes you to the
Contacts tab.
The page displays the following fields when you click Advanced Search at the upper-right
corner of the contact table.
Field Description
Search On The search options that must base on the
Contact or User.
Criteria The search criteria for searching the
contacts. Displays the following three fields:
Field 1 - The list of criteria that you can use
to search the contacts. You can search
based on the first name, last name, or the
address/handle of the contact.
Field 2 - The operators for evaluating the
expression. Based on the search criterion
which you select in the first drop-down
field, only those operators that are
applicable for the selected criterion are
displayed in the second drop-down field.
Field 3 - The value for the search
Button Description
+ Adds one more search criteria section.
- Clears the last search criteria. This button is
applicable only if there is more than one
search criteria.
Managing users
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 229

Edit Contact List Member field descriptions
Contact Membership Details
Field Description
Label The text description for classifying this
Alternative Label The text description for classifying this
contact. The field is similar to Label, and is
used to store label in an alternate
Description The brief description about the contact.
Presence Buddy An option to indicate whether to allow
monitoring of the presence information of the
Speed Dial An option to indicate whether to allow speed
dial for the contact.
Address/Handle The fully qualified URI for interacting with the
contact. This field is available only if you
select the Speed Dial check box.
Speed Dial Entry The reduced number that represents the
speed dial number. This field is available only
if you select the Speed Dial check box.
Contact Details
Field Description
Last Name The last name of the contact.
First Name The first name of the contact.
Middle Name The middle name of the contact.
Description The brief description about the contact.
Company The name of the company to which the
contact belongs.
Localized Display Name The localized display name of a user. The
name is usually the localized full name.
Endpoint Display Name The endpoint display name of the contact.
Language Preference The list of languages from which you set a
language as the preferred language for the
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
230 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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Field Description
Update Time The time when the contact information was
last updated.
Source The source of provisioning the contact.
Postal Address
Field Description
Name The name of the contact.
Address Type The type of mailing address such as, home
or office address.
Street The name of the street.
Locality Name The name of the city or town.
Postal Code The postal code of the locality of the city or
Province The full name of the province of the
Country The name of the country of the contact.
Contact Address
Field Description
Address The address that you can use to
communicate with the contact. The address
can be a phone number, email address, or
IM of the contact.
Type The type of communication medium for
interacting with the user.
Category The categorization of the address based on
the location.
Label The description for classifying this contact.
Alternative Label The description for classifying this contact.
The field is similar to Label, and is used to
store label in an alternate language.
Button Description
Add Saves the modified information in the
Managing users
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 231

View Contact List Member field descriptions
Contact Membership Details
Name Description
Label Displays a text description for classifying this
Alternative Label Displays a text description for classifying this
contact. The Alternative Label field is
similar to Label, but you use the field to store
label in an alternate language.
Description Displays a brief description about the
Presence Buddy Provides the option to indicate whether to
allow monitoring of the presence information
of the contact.
Speed Dial Provides the option to indicate whether to
allow speed dial for the contact.
Address/Handle Displays a fully qualified URI for interacting
with the contact. This field is available only if
you select the Speed Dial check box.
Speed Dial Entry Displays the reduced number that
represents the speed dial number. This field
is available only if you select the Speed
Dial check box.
Contact Details
Name Description
Last Name Displays the last name of the contact.
First Name Displays the first name of the contact.
Middle Name Displays the middle name of the contact.
Description Displays a brief description about the
Company Displays the name of contact's company
Localized Display Name Displays the localized display name of a
user. It is typically the localized full name.
Endpoint Display Name Displays the endpoint display name of the
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
232 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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Name Description
Language Preference Displays a list of languages from which you
set one language as the preferred language
for the contact.
Update Time Displays the time when the contact
information was last updated.
Source Displays the source of provisioning the
Postal Address
Name Description
Name Displays the name of the contact.
Address Type Displays the mailing address type such as,
home or office address.
Street Displays the name of the street.
City Displays the name of the city or town.
Postal Code Displays the postal code of the locality of the
city or town.
Province Displays the full name of the contact's
Country Displays the name of the contact's country.
Contact Address
Name Description
Address Displays the address that you can use to
communicate with the contact. This can be a
phone number, email address, or IM of the
Type Displays the type of communication medium
for interacting with the user.
Category Displays the categorization of the address
based on the location.
Label Displays a text description for classifying this
Alternative Label Displays a text description for classifying this
contact. This field is similar to Label, but it is
used to store label in an alternate
Managing users
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 233

Managing private contacts of a user
Adding a private contact to a user
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, perform one of the following steps:
To add a private contact while setting up a new user, click New.
To add a private contact to an existing user, select the user and click Edit.
4. Click the Contacts tab.
5. In the Private Contacts section, click New.
6. On the New Private Contact page, enter the last name, first name, middle name,
description, company name, localized display name, endpoint display name, and
language preference in the Contact Details section.
Enter a valid information in the fields.
7. In the Postal Address section, click New to choose a postal address for the
You can click Choose Shared Address to choose a shared address for a
8. In the Contact Address section, click New to choose a contact address for the
9. Click Add to add the private contact.
10. Perform one of the following:
To save the changes, click Commit.
To save the changes and stay on the same page, click Commit &
Related topics:
New Private Contact field descriptions on page 241
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
234 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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Modifying details of a private contact
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, select a user and click Edit.
4. On the User Profile Edit page, click the Contacts tab.
5. In the Private Contacts area, select a contact.
6. Click Edit.
7. On the Edit Private Contact page, modify the information of the contact.
8. Click Add to save the modified information.
Related topics:
Edit Private Contact field descriptions on page 243
Viewing details of a private contact
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, select a user and click View.
4. On the User Profile View page, click the Contacts tab.
5. Click Private Contacts.
6. In the Private Contacts section, click the link displayed in the Last Name column
for a contact.
The View Private Contact page displays the details of the contact whose last name
you have clicked.
Related topics:
View Private Contact field descriptions on page 245
Managing users
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 235

Deleting private contacts of a user
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, select a user and click Edit.
4. On the User Profile Edit page, click the Contacts tab.
5. In the Private Contacts section, select one or more contacts from the table
displaying private contacts.
6. Click Delete.
7. On the Contact Delete Confirmation page, click Delete.
The system displays the User Profile Edit page.
8. Perform one of the following:
To save the changes, click Commit.
To save the changes and stay on the same page, click Commit &
Adding a postal address of a private contact
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, perform one of the following steps:
If you are adding a postal address of a private contact to a new user, click
If you are adding a postal address of a private contact to an existing user, select
a user and click Edit.
4. Click the Contacts tab.
5. In the Private Contacts area, perform one of the following:
If you are adding a postal address for a new private contact, click New.
If you are adding a postal address for an existing private contact, select a
private contact and click Edit.
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
236 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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6. On the New Private Contact or Edit Private Contact page, click New in the Postal
Address section.
7. On the Add Address page, enter the required information in the respective fields.
Enter valid information in these fields.
8. Click Add to create a new postal address for the private contact.
Related topics:
Add Address field descriptions on page 205
Modifying postal address of a private contact
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, select a user and click Edit.
4. On the User Profile Edit page, click the Contacts tab.
5. In the Private Contacts section, select a contact and click Edit.
6. On the Edit Private Contact page, select an address from the Postal Address
7. Click Edit.
8. On the Edit Address page, modify the information in the respective fields.
Enter valid information in the fields.
9. Click Add.
10. Perform one of the following:
To save the changes, click Commit.
To save the changes and stay on the same page, click Commit &
Related topics:
Edit Address field descriptions on page 248
Managing users
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 237

Deleting postal addresses of a private contact
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, select a user and click Edit.
4. On the User Profile Edit page, click the Contacts tab.
5. In the Private Contacts section, select a contact and click Edit.
6. On the Edit Private Contact page, select one or more addresses from the Postal
Address area.
7. Click Delete.
8. Click Add.
Choosing a shared address for a private contact
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, perform one of the following steps:
To choose a shared address for a private contact while creating a new user,
click New.
To choose a shared address for a private contact of an existing user, select
the user and click Edit.
4. Click the Contacts tab.
5. In the Private Contacts section, perform one of the following actions:
To add a new contact and add an address to the contact, click New.
To add an address to an existing contact, select the contact and click Edit.
6. On the New Private Contact or the Edit Private Contact page, click Choose Shared
Address in the Postal Address area.
7. On the Choose Address page, select one or more shared addresses.
8. Click Select.
9. Click Add to add the selected addresses to the private contact.
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
238 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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10. Perform one of the following:
To save the changes, click Commit.
To save the changes and stay on the same page, click Commit &
Related topics:
Choose Address field descriptions on page 206
Adding a contact address for a private contact
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, perform one of the following steps:
To add a contact address of a private contact while creating a new user, click
To add a contact address of a private contact for an existing user, select the
user and click Edit.
4. Click the Contacts tab.
5. In the Private Contacts section, perform one of the following steps:
To add a contact address for a new private contact, click New.
To add a contact address for an existing private contact, select the private
contact from the list and click Edit.
6. On the New Private Contact or the Edit Private Contact page, click New in the
Contact Address area.
7. On the Add Address page, enter the appropriate information in the respective
Enter a valid information in these fields.
8. Click Add.
9. Perform one of the following:
To save the changes, click Commit.
To save the changes and stay on the same page, click Commit &
Managing users
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 239

Related topics:
Add Address field descriptions on page 247
Modifying a contact address of a private contact
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, select a user and click Edit.
4. On the User Profile Edit page, click the Contacts tab.
5. In the Private Contacts section, select a contact and click Edit.
6. On the Edit Private Contact page, select a contact address from the Contact
Address area.
7. Click Edit.
8. On the Edit Address page, modify the information in the respective fields.
Enter valid information in these fields.
9. Click Add to save the modified address.
10. On the Edit Private Contact page, click Add.
The system displays the User Profile Edit page.
11. Perform one of the following:
To save the changes, click Commit.
To save the changes and stay on the same page, click Commit &
Related topics:
Edit Address field descriptions on page 248
Deleting contact addresses of a private contact
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, select a user and click Edit.
4. On the User Profile Edit page, click the Contacts tab.
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
240 Administering Avaya Aura

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5. In the Private Contact section, select a contact and click Edit.
6. On the Edit Private Contact page, select one or more addresses from the Contact
Address section.
7. Click Delete.
8. Click Commit.
New Private Contact field descriptions
Contact Details
Name Description
Last Name The last name of the contact.
First Name The first name of the contact.
Middle Name The middle name of the contact.
Description A brief description about the contact.
Company The name of contact's company.
Localized Display Name The localized display name of a user. It is
typically the localized full name.
Endpoint Display Name The endpoint display name of the contact.
Language Preference The list of languages from which you set one
language as the preferred language for the
Postal Address
Name Description
Address Name The unique label that identifies the address.
Address Type The mailing address type such as, home or
office address.
Building The name of the building.
Room The name or number of the room.
Street The name of the street.
City The name of the city or town of the contact.
State or Province The full name of the state or province where
the contact's office or home is located.
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 241

Name Description
Postal Code The postal code of the of the city or town
where the contact's office or home is
Country The name of the country where the contact's
office or home is located.
Button Description
Edit Displays the Edit Address page where you
can modify an existing postal address of the
private contact.
New Displays the Add Address page where you
can add a new postal address of the private
Delete Deletes the selected postal address.
Choose Shared Address Displays the Choose Address page where
you can choose addresses of the private
Contact Address
Name Description
Address The address that you can use to
communicate with the contact. This can be a
phone number, email address, or IM of the
Type The type of communication medium for
interacting with the user.
Category The categorization of the address based on
the location.
Label A text description for classifying this
Alternative Label A text description for classifying this contact.
This field is similar to Label, but it is used to
store label in an alternate language.
Button Description
Edit Displays the Edit Address page. Use this
page to edit a contact address of the private
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
242 Administering Avaya Aura

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Button Description
New Displays the Add Address page. Use this
page to add a contact address of the private
Delete Deletes the selected contact address.
Button Description
Add Creates a new contact.
Enter valid information in the mandatory
fields to successfully create a new
Edit Private Contact field descriptions
Contact Details
Name Description
Last Name Displays the last name of the contact.
First Name Displays the first name of the contact.
Middle Name Displays the middle name of the contact.
Description Displays a brief description about the
Company Displays the name of contact's company
Localized Display Name Displays the localized display name of a
user. It is typically the localized full name.
Endpoint Display Name Displays the endpoint display name of the
Language Preference Displays a list of languages from which you
set one language as the preferred language
for the contact.
Update Time Displays the time when the contact
information was last updated.
Source Displays the source of provisioning the
Managing users
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 243

Postal Address
Name Description
Name Displays the unique label that identifies the
Address Type Displays the mailing address type such as,
home or office address.
Street Displays the name of the street.
City Displays the name of the city or town.
Postal Code Displays the postal code of the of the city or
town where the contact's office or home is
Province Displays the full name of the province where
the contact's office or home is located.
Country Displays the name of the country where the
contact's office or home is located.
Button Description
Edit Opens the Edit Address page. Use this
page to modify an existing postal address of
the private contact.
New Opens the Add Address page. Use this
page to add new postal address of the private
Delete Deletes the selected contact address.
Choose Shared Address Opens the Choose Address page. Use this
page to choose addresses of the private
Contact Address
Name Description
Address Displays the address that you can use to
communicate with the contact. This can be a
phone number, e-mail address, or IM of the
Type Displays the type of communication medium
for interacting with the user.
Category Displays the categorization of the address
based on the location.
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
244 Administering Avaya Aura

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Name Description
Label Displays the text description for classifying
this contact.
Alternative Label Displays the text description for classifying
this contact. This is similar to Label, but it is
used to store label in an alternate
Button Description
Edit Opens the Edit Address page. Use this
page to edit a contact address of the private
New Opens the Add Address page. Use this
page to add a contact address of the private
Delete Deletes the selected private contacts.
Button Description
Add Saves the modified information to the
View Private Contact field descriptions
Contact Details
Name Description
Last Name Displays the last name of the contact.
First Name Displays the first name of the contact.
Middle Name Displays the middle name of the contact.
Description Displays a brief description about the
Company Displays the name of contact's company
Localized Display Name Displays the localized display name of a
user. It is typically the localized full name.
Endpoint Display Name Displays the endpoint display name of the
Language Preference Displays a list of languages from which you
set one language as the preferred language
for the contact.
Managing users
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 245

Name Description
Update Time Displays the time when the contact
information was last updated.
Source Displays the source of provisioning the
Postal Address
Name Description
Name Displays the unique label that identifies the
Address Type Displays the mailing address type such as,
home or office address.
Street Displays the name of the street.
City Displays the name of the city or town.
Postal Code Displays the postal code of the of the city or
town where the contact's office or home is
Province Displays the full name of the contact's
Country Displays the name of the contact's country.
Contact Address
Name Description
Address Displays the address that you can use to
communicate with the contact. This can be a
phone number, e-mail address, or IM of the
Type Displays the type of communication medium
used to interact with the user.
Category Displays the categorization of the address
based on the location.
Label Displays a text description for classifying this
Alternative Label Displays a text description for classifying this
contact. This is similar to Label, but it is used
to store label in an alternate language.
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
246 Administering Avaya Aura

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Button Description
Done Takes you to the previous page.
Add Address field descriptions
Use this page to add communication address of the contact.
Name Description
Address Displays the address that you can use to
communicate with the contact. This can be a
phone number, e-mail address, SIP, or IM of
the contact. The format of the address must
conform to the type of address that you select
in the Type field.
Type Displays the type of address. The types of
addresses are:
Phone: This address type supports phone
SIP: This address type supports SIP-
based communication.
MSRTC: This address type supports
communication with a Microsoft RTC
IBM Sametime: This address type
supports communication with IBM
Sametime. Specify the address in the
DN=IBMHandle format.
XMPP: This address type supports xmpp-
based communication.
SMTP: This address type supports
communication with the SMTP server.
Category Displays the categorization of the address
based on the location.
Label Displays a text description for classifying this
Alternative Label Displays a text description for classifying this
contact. This is similar to Label, but it is used
to store label in an alternate language.
Managing users
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 247

Button Description
Add Adds the contact address of the public
contact to the database.
Related topics:
Adding a contact address of a public contact on page 550
Edit Address field descriptions
Use this page to edit the details of a contact's communication address.
Name Description
Address Displays the address that you can use to
communicate with the contact. This can be a
phone number, email address, SIP, or IM of
the contact. The format of the address must
conform to the type of address that you select
in the Type field.
Type Displays the type of address. The types of
addresses are:
Phone: This address type supports phone
SIP: This address type supports SIP-
based communication.
MSRTC: This address type supports
communication with a Microsoft RTC
IBM Sametime: This address type
supports communication with IBM
Sametime. Specify the address in the
DN=IBMHandle format.
XMPP: This address type supports xmpp-
based communication.
SMTP: This address type supports
communication with the SMTP server.
Category Displays the categorization of the address
based on the location.
Label Displays a text description for classifying this
Alternative Label Displays a text description for classifying this
contact. This is similar to Label, but it is used
to store label in an alternate language.
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
248 Administering Avaya Aura

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Button Description
Add Saves the modified information to the
Related topics:
Modifying the details of a public contact on page 550
User Management field descriptions
Tenant organization
The page displays the tenant organization that the administrator configured on the Services
> Tenant Management page.
The system displays the tenant-related section only when the Multi Tenancy feature is
enabled on this system.
Icon Description

Searches for users on the basis of first name,
last name, login name, surname, handles,
first name (Latin translation) and last name
(Latin translation).
You can view, edit, or delete a user that is
displayed in the list.
Field Description
Select check box Select the check box for the tenant from the
list of tenants to view the organization
You must select the check box at each level
to view the hierarchy.
Enable auto refresh Updates the information in the Users section
automatically based on the selection in the
tenant organization hierarchy when you
select the check box.
Refresh Users
Updates the tenant organization hierarchy.
Use the button to view the changes that the
administrator makes from Services >
Tenant Management.
Search Searches and displays the tenant
Managing users
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 249

Field Description
Clear Clears the search criteria.
Field Description
Last Name The last name of the user.
First Name The first name of the user.
Display Name The unique name of the user displayed by
the system.
Login Name The unique name that gives access to the
SIP Handle The unique communication address of the
Organization Hierarchy The hierarchy of the tenant organization in
the format Tenant/Site/Department/Team.
For example, Citi/Pune/HomeLoans/
The system displays the field only when
the administrator enables the Multi
Tenancy feature.
Last Login The date and time when the user
successfully logged into the system.
Button Description
View Displays the User Profile View page where
you can view the details of the selected
Edit Displays the User Profile Edit page where
you can modify the details of the selected
New Displays the New User Profile page where
you can create a new user.
Duplicate Displays the User Profile Duplicate page
where you can create a duplicate user.
Delete Displays the User Delete Confirmation page
where you can temporarily delete the
selected users.
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Button Description
More Actions > Assign Roles Displays the Assign Roles page where you
can assign roles to selected users.
More Actions > Add To Group Displays the Assign Groups page where you
can assign groups to selected users.
More Actions > Show Deleted User Displays the Deleted Users page where you
can view, permanently delete, or restore the
deleted users.
More Actions > Import Users Displays the Import users page where you
can import the user-related data in bulk.
More Actions > Export Users Displays the Export users page where you
can export the user-related data in bulk.
More Actions > Import Global Settings Displays the Import global settings page
where you can import shared addresses,
public contacts, and presence access control
list (ACLs) in bulk.
More Actions > Download Excel Template Navigates to the location from where you can
download the Excel template that System
Manager supports.
Advanced Search Displays fields where you can specify the
search criteria for searching a user.
Filter: Enable Displays fields under columns where you can
set the filter criteria. This is a toggle button.
Filter: Disable Hides the column filter fields without
resetting the filter criteria. This is a toggle
Filter: Apply Filters users based on the filter criteria.
Select: All Selects all users in the table.
Select: None Clears the check box selections.
Refreshes the user information in the table.
Click Advanced Search to view this section. You can find the Advanced Search link at the
upper-right corner of the page.
Field Description
Criteria Displays the following fields:
Field 1 Lists the criteria that you can use
to search users.
Field 2 Lists the operators for evaluating
the expression. The operators displayed
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Field Description
depends on the criterion that you selected
in Field 1 field.
Field 3 Lists the value for the search
criterion. The User Management service
retrieves and displays users that match this
User Profile View field descriptions
Use this page to view the details of the selected user account.
The User Profile View page has the following four tabs:
Communication Profile
Field Description
Tenant The name of the tenant that you must
Level 1 The name of the level 1 hierarchy of the
tenant organization. For example, Site.
The tenant administrator provides the
hierarchy on the Tenant Management
Level 2 The name of the level 2 hierarchy of the
tenant organization. For example,
Level 3 The name of the level 3 hierarchy of the
tenant organization. For example, Team.
User Provisioning Rule
Field Description
User Provisioning Rule The name of the user provisioning rule.
You can provide only one user provisioning
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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When you use the user provisioning rule to create a user, the system populates the values
of user attributes from the user provisioning rule.
Identity tab Identity section
Name Description
Last Name The last name of the user. For example,
Last Name (Latin Translation) The user-preferred last name that the system
must display on the end points. For example,
Typically, the name is the written or spoken
language of the user.
First Name The first name of the user. For example,
First Name (Latin Translation) The user-preferred first name that the
system must display on the end points. For
example, John.
Typically, the name is the written or spoken
language of the user.
Middle Name The middle name of the user, if any.
Description A brief description about the user.
Status The login status of the user.
Update Time The time when the user details were last
Login Name The unique system login name given to the
user. The login name takes the form of
username@domain. You use the login name
to create the user's primary handle.
The login name is not case-sensitive. For
example, if you enter
[email protected], the system
converts the login name to lowercase, that is,
[email protected]. However, on the login
page, you can enter
[email protected] or
[email protected]. The login name can be
in uppercase or lowercase.
You cannot edit the Login Name field for
users with the login name admin.
Authentication Type Authentication type defines how the system
performs user authentication. The options
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Name Description
Enterprise: The enterprise authenticates
the user login.
Basic: Avaya Authentication Service
authenticates the user login.
Source Specifies the entity that created this user
record. The possible values for this field is
either an IP Address/Port, or a name
representing an enterprise LDAP, or Avaya.
Localized Display Name The localized display name of a user.
Usually, the name is the localized full
Endpoint Display Name The full text name of the user represented in
ASCII. The field supports display names that
cannot handle localized text, for example,
some endpoints.
Title The personal title for address a user. Usually,
the title is a social title and not the work
Language Preference The preferred written or spoken language of
the user.
Time Zone The preferred time zone of the user.
Employee ID The employee number for the user.
Department The department to which the user belongs.
Company The organization where the user works.
Identity tab Address section
Name Description
Name The unique label that identifies the address.
Address Type The type of the address. Types of addresses
Street The name of the street.
City The name of the city or town.
Postal Code The postal code used by postal services to
route mail to a destination. In United States,
this is Zip code.
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Name Description
Province The full name of the province.
Country The name of the country.
Identity tab Localized Names section
Name Description
Language The localized languages for displaying the
user name.
Display Name The user name in the localized language you
Button Description
New Allows you to add a new localized name for
the user.
Edit Allows you to edit the localized name for the
Delete Deletes the localized names you select for
the user.
Add Adds or edits the localized name for the
Cancel Cancels your add or edit of the localized
Communication Profile tab Communication Profile
Use this section to create, modify, and delete a communication profile of the user. Each
communication profile can contain one or more communication addresses for a user.
Name Description
Communication Profile Password The communication profile password.
The field is available only if you enable the
communication profile. The password policy
is configured from Users > User
Management > Communication Profile
Password Policy.
Option button The option to view the details of the selected
communication profile.
Name The name of the communication profile. You
must select the name.
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Button Description
New Creates a new communication profile for the
Delete Deletes the selected communication profile.
Done Saves the communication profile information
that you updated or added for a profile.
Cancel Cancels the operation for adding of a
communication profile.
The system enables the following fields when you click New in the Communication Profile
Communication Profile tab Communication Address section
Name Description
Type The type of the handle.
Handle The unique communication address for the
Domain The name of the domain with which the
handle is registered.
Communication Profile tab Session Manager section
The system displays the following fields only if a communication profile of the user exists for
the product.
Name Description
Primary Session Manager The Session Manager instance that you use
as home server for the currently displayed
communication profile. As a home server,
the selected primary Session
Managerinstance is used as the default
access point to connect devices that are
associated with the communication profile to
the Avaya network. A selection is required.
Secondary Session Manager If you select a secondary Session Manager
instance, this Session Manager provides
continued service to SIP devices associated
with this Communication Profile when the
primary Session Manager becomes
unavailable. A selection is optional.
Survivability Server For local survivability, a Survivability Server
can be specified to provide survivability
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Name Description
communication services for devices
associated with a communication profile in
the event that local connectivity to Session
Manager instances in Avaya Aura

Aura is
lost. If a Branch Session Manager is
selected, and the termination and origination
application sequences contain a
Communication Manager application,
sequencing to this application continues,
locally, to the Communication Manager
survivable remote server resident with the
Branch Session Manager. A selection is
If a termination or origination application
sequence contains a Communication
Manager application, the Communication
Manager associated with the application
must be the main Communication
Manager for the Communication Manager
survivable remote server that is resident
with the Branch Session Manager.
Max. Simultaneous Devices The maximum number of endpoints that you
can register at a time using this
communication profile. If you register more
than one endpoint, all the endpoints receive
calls simultaneously.
Block New Registration When Maximum
Registrations Active
If you select the check box and an endpoint
attempts to register using this
communication profile after the registration
requests exceed the administered limit, the
system denies any new registrations with
Session Manager. The system sends a
warning message and stops the SIP service
to the endpoint.
Origination Application Sequence An application sequence that will be invoked
when the system routes the calls from this
user. A selection is optional.
If you specify origination and termination
application sequences, and if each
sequence contains a Communication
Manager application, Communication
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Name Description
Manager must be the same in both the
Termination Application Sequence An application sequence that will be invoked
when calls are routed to this user. A selection
is optional.
If you specify origination and termination
application sequences, and if each
sequence contains a Communication
Manager application, Communication
Manager must be the same in both the
Conference Factory Set The conference factory set to enable media
capability-based call routing to the
Conferencing SIP entities.
Use the Session Manager > Application
Configuration > Conference Factories
webpage to administer the Conference
Factory Sets.
Home Location The location that Session Manager uses
when the IP address of the calling phone
does not match any IP address pattern of any
location. This field is specified to support
mobility of the user.
Communication Profile tab: Collaboration Environment Profile
Field Description
Service Profile The profile that you assign to the user. The
user can gain access to the service
contained in the profile.
Communication Profile tab CM Endpoint Profile
The system displays these fields only if a CM Endpoint profile exists for the user.
Name/Button Description
System The Communication Manager on which you
add the endpoint.
The Communication Manager system on
which you add the endpoint. You must select
the system.
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Name/Button Description
Profile Type The type of the profile for the user.
Extension The extension of the endpoint that you
associate this profile with. You must select
the extension.
View Endpoint Lists the existing or available endpoints
based on check box status of the Use
Existing Endpoints field.
Set Type The set type of the endpoint you associate
with. When you select a template, the system
populates the corresponding set types.
Security Code The security code for authorized access to
the endpoint.
Port The relevant port for the set type you select.
You must select the port.
Voice Mail Number The voice mail number of the endpoint you
associate with.
Preferred Handle Numeric only handles, SIP handles,or
nonSIP handles, that are administered for a
The Preferred Handle field is optional. By
default, the field is blank.
If SIP entity is of the Communication
Manager type, Session Manager uses
preferred handle in CM Endpoint profile.
Enhanced Callr-Info display for 1line
The option to activate the enhanced Callr-
info operation on the phone.
The Enhanced Callr-Info display for 1-line
phones field on the station form is valid for
the following set types:
1603, 1608, 1616, 1408, 1416
2402, 2410, 2420
4606, 4612, 4612CL, 4624, 4602, 4602+,
4630, 4610, 4622, 4620, 4621, 4625,
6402D, 6408D, 6408D+, 6416D+, 6424D+,
7506D, 7507D
8405D+, 8410D, 8405D, 8411D
9404, 9408, 9601, 9601+, 9610, 9620,
9621, 9608, 9611, 9630, 9640, 9641, 9650
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Name/Button Description
The valid options are:
No: The default setting and does not
change the callr-info interactions with the
connected phone.
Yes: Activates the enhanced Callr-info
operation including the application of the
existing feature related system
parameters. Clear Callr-Info option
settings of leave-ACW, next-call and on-
call-release. If the callr-info button is not
assigned to the phone on the station form,
Enhanced Callr-Info display for 1-line
phones does not apply.
Delete Endpoint on Unassign of Endpoint
from User or Delete User
The option to specify whether to delete the
endpoint from the Communication Manager
device when you remove the association
between the endpoint and the user or when
you delete the user.
Override Endpoint Name Use this check box for the following two
To override the endpoint name on
Communication Manager with the value
you configured on the Manage Users page
during synchronization.
If you clear the check box, the system does
not override the endpoint name on
Communication Manager with the name
you configured in System Manager during
To override the Localized Display Name on
the Manager Users page on the Localized
Display Name field of Communication
Manager. If you clear the check box, the
system does not override the Localized
display name in the Localized Display
Name field.
Communication Profile tab - CS1000 Endpoint Profile
Field Description
System The CS1000 system of the station you
Target The system customer number for the
Communication Server.
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Field Description
Template The phone or endpoint template that you can
choose for the user. Select a template from
the drop down list. The element manager
maintains all the templates.
Update Updates the station profile information for the
user. When you click this button, the system
takes you to the element manager cut
through for the updates.
Service Details Displays service details of endpoints, such
as set type, after phone creation.
Primary DN The primary directory number of the phone.
You can enter only numeric values for this
Include in Corporate Directory Select this check box to add this profile to the
CS1K Corporate Directory feature.
Communication Profile tab Messaging Profile
The system displays the following fields only if you can configure a messaging profile for the
Name Description
System The Messaging system on which you add the
Template The template, system-defined or user-
defined, that you associate with the
Mailbox Number The mailbox number of the subscriber.
Password The password for logging on to the mailbox.
Delete Subscriber on Unassign of
Subscriber from User
Provides the option to specify whether to
delete the subscriber mailbox from the
Messaging device or Communication
System Management when you remove this
messaging profile or when you delete the
Communication Profile tab - CallPilot Messaging Profile
Field Description
System The CallPilot system of the mailbox to view.
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Field Description
Location This field maps to the CallPilot Location field.
CallPilot Manager provides the Location
Template The mailbox template you apply. Select a
template from the drop down list. The
element manager maintains all the mailbox
Update Updates the mailbox information for the user.
If you click Update, the system cuts through
to the element manager for the updates.
Service Details Displays mailbox service details from
endpoint after you create the mailbox.
Mailbox Number Mailbox number or the extension DN of the
Communication Profile tab IP Office Endpoint Profile
Use this profile to assign a new or an existing user to a System Manager device in User
While adding a user, if you choose to assign a CM endpoint profile and an IP Office endpoint
profile to the user, then the system uses the IP Office endpoint profile as the survivability option
for the CM endpoint profile. That is, the endpoint extension used in the CM endpoint profile is
also used for creating an IP Office endpoint profile so that when Communication Manager is
unavailable, the IP Office device can serve the extension.
If a Communication Manager endpoint profile is present while adding or editing a user, the
user administration functions in the centralized mode. If a Communication Manager endpoint
profile is present, the user administration functions in the distributed mode.
Commit the Communication Manager endpoint profile and the Session Manager endpoint
profile before you add an IP Office endpoint profile for a centralized user.
Name/Button Description
System The list of IP Office device names from which
you can select the IP Office device you
associate with the user.
Template The list of user templates from which you can
select your preferred template to set the user
Use Existing Extension Select the check box to use an existing
endpoint extension to associate with this
profile. If you do not select this check box, the
system uses the available extensions.
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Name/Button Description
Extension The extension of the endpoint you
The field lists the endpoints, existing or
available, based on option you selected in
the Use Existing Endpoints check box.
Endpoint Editor button Starts the IP Office application, where you
can edit or view the details of the IP Office
After you save the changes in IP Office
manager, the system does not update the
modified data on the device or database until
you commit the changes on the User Profile
Edit page.
Module-Port The module port combination list for IP Office
analog extensions. You must select Module-
Port for centralized users with Set Type as
Set Type The set type for the IP Office endpoint profile.
By default, the Set Type field is disabled. If
you select a template, the set type is auto
Delete Extension On User Delete check
Provides the option to delete the extension
associated with the user while deleting the
user. By default, this check box is clear. This
option is available for communication profiles
associated with Analog and Digital set
Communication Profile tab Presence Profile
Name Description
System Selects the Presence Services instance that
is the home Presence Services server for the
user. You must select an instance. As a
home server, the Presence Services
instance can perform the following for the
communication profile:
Aggregate presence
Archive instant messages if the Instant
Messages option is enabled
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Name Description
Publish Presence with AES Collector The option that determines if Presence
Services must publish presence with the
AES Collector. The options are:
System Default
The default is System Default. You can
change the default value. You do not require
to configure AES Collector in the Presence
Services server.
Communication Profile tab: Conferencing Profile
Field Description
Select Auto-generated Code Length The number of characters in PIN. The default
is 6.
The system displays this field if you select the
Auto Generate Participant and Moderator
Security Code check box.
Auto Generate Participant and Moderator
Security Code
Select the check box if the system must
generate the participant security code and
moderator security code for this user.
Clear the check box to assign a specific
participant security code or moderator
security code for this user.
Participant Security Code The participant security code that you assign
for this user.
The system displays this field if the Auto
Generate Participant and Moderator
Security Code check box is clear.
Moderator Security Code The moderator security code that you assign
for this user.
The system displays this field if the Auto
Generate Participant and Moderator
Security Code check box is clear.
Location The location of the user. This field is
mandatory for non-SIP users without a
Session Manager profile and optional for SIP
For SIP users, the system uses the location
value from the Home Location field in the
Session Manager profile.
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Field Description
Template The Conferencing template that you assign
to this user.
Button Description
Get Templates Displays the list of Conferencing templates
that you can assign to this user.
Membership tab Roles section
Name Description
Name The name of the role.
Description A brief description about the role.
Membership tab Group Membership section
Name Description
Name The name of the group.
Type The group type based on the resources.
Hierarchy The position of the group in the hierarchy.
Description A brief description about the group.
Contacts tab Default Contact List section
Name Description
Description A brief description of the contact list.
Contacts tab Associated Contacts section
Name Description
Last Name The last name of the contact.
First Name The first name of the contact.
Scope The categorization of the contact based on
whether the contact is a public or private
Speed Dial The value that specifies whether the speed
dial is set for the contact.
Speed Dial Entry The reduced number that represents the
speed dial number.
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Name Description
Presence Buddy The value that specifies whether you can
monitor the presence information of the
contact or not. False indicates that you
cannot track the presence of the contact.
Button Description
Filter: Disable Hides the column filter fields without
resetting the filter criteria. Filter: Disable is
a toggle button.
Filter: Enable Text fields under the columns that you can
use to set the filter criteria. Filter: Enable is
a toggle button.
Filter: Apply Filters contacts based on the filter criteria.
Contacts tab Private Contacts section
Use this section to add new private contacts, modify and deletes existing contacts.
Name Description
Last Name The last name of the private contact.
First Name The first name of the private contact.
Display Name Display name of the private contact.
Contact Address The address of the private contact.
Description A brief description about the contact.
Button Description
Filter: Disable Hides the column filter fields without
resetting the filter criteria. This is a toggle
Filter: Enable Text fields under the columns that you can
use to set the filter criteria. This is a toggle
Filter: Apply Filters contacts based on the filter criteria.
Common buttons
Button Description
Edit Opens the User Profile Edit page. Use the
User Profile Edit page to modify the details
of the user account.
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Button Description
Done Closes the User Profile View page and takes
you back to the User Management page.
New User Profile field descriptions
Use the New User Profile page to create a new user. This page has four tabs:
Communication Profile
Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory and you must enter appropriate information
in these fields.
Field Description
Tenant The name of the tenant that you must
Level 1 The name of the level 1 hierarchy of the
tenant organization. For example, Site.
The tenant administrator provides the
hierarchy on the Tenant Management
Level 2 The name of the level 2 hierarchy of the
tenant organization. For example,
Level 3 The name of the level 3 hierarchy of the
tenant organization. For example, Team.
User Provisioning Rule
Field Description
User Provisioning Rule The name of the user provisioning rule.
You can provide only one user provisioning
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 267

When you use the user provisioning rule to create a user, the system populates the values
of user attributes from the user provisioning rule.
Identity tab: Identity
Field Description
Last Name The last name of the user. For example,
Last Name (Latin Translation) The user-preferred last name that the system
must display on the end points. For example,
Typically, the name is the written or spoken
language of the user.
First Name The first name of the user. For example,
First Name (Latin Translation) The user-preferred first name that the
system must display on the end points. For
example, John.
Typically, the name is the written or spoken
language of the user.
Middle Name The middle name of the user, if any.
Description A brief description about the user.
Login Name The login name of the user.
The login name is not case-sensitive. For
example, if you enter
[email protected], the system
converts the login name to lowercase, that is,
[email protected]. However, on the login
page, you can enter
[email protected] or
[email protected]. The login name can be
in uppercase or lowercase.
If you log in to the system as admin, you
cannot edit the login name.
To create the user data by using a blank
excel template, append the login name
with #ProfileSetName in all worksheets
except Basic and Profile Set. The system
associates the user records with the
communication profile that you have
provided. For example,
[email protected]#ProfileSetName.
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Field Description
Authentication Type The type of authentication that defines how
the system performs the authentication of the
user. The options are:
Enterprise: Directory servers that are
external to System Manager authenticate
the user login.
Basic: Avaya authentication service
authenticates the user login.
For bulk import of users by using Excel,
Authentication Type is always Basic.
Therefore, the Authentication Type field
remains invisible in the Excel file.
Password The password to log in to System Manager
Web Console.
Confirm Password The password that you reenter for
Localized Display Name The localized display name of a user. The
name is typically the localized full name.
Endpoint Display Name The full text name of the user represented in
ASCII. The display name supports displays
that cannot handle localized text, for
example, some endpoints.
Title The personal title that is set to address a
user. The title is typically a social title and not
the work title. For example, Mr.
Language Preference The preferred written or spoken language of
the user. For example, English.
Time Zone The preferred time zone of the user. For
example, (+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata,
Mumbai, New Delhi.
Employee ID The employee number for the user. For
example, 20081234.
Department The department to which the user belongs.
For example, Human Resources.
Company The organization where the user works. For
example, Avaya Inc.
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 269

Identity tab: Address
Field Description
Select check box The option to select an address in the table.
Name The name of the addressee. For example,
Address Type The type of address. The values are:
Street The name of the street. For example,
City The name of the city or town. For example,
Postal Code The postal code used by postal services to
route mail to a destination. For example,
411028. For United States, the postal code
is the Zip code.
Province The full name of the province. For example,
Country The name of the country. For example,
Button Description
New Displays the Add Address page. Use the
page to add the address details.
Edit Displays the Edit Address page. Use the
page to modify the address.
Delete Deletes the selected address.
Choose Shared Address Displays the Choose Address where you
choose a shared or common address.
Identity tab: Localized Names
Use the Localized Names section only for the CS 1000 system. The section does not apply
for Session Manager and Communication Manager.
Field Description
Language The localized languages for displaying the
user name. For example, English. You must
select the language.
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Field Description
Display Name The user name in the localized language you
choose. For example, John Miller.
Button Description
New Displays fields that you can use to create a
new localized name for the user.
Edit Displays fields that you can use to modify the
localized name for the user.
Delete Deletes the localized names that you select
for the user.
Add Adds or edits the localized name for the
Cancel Cancels the addition or edits of the localized
Communication Profile tab: Communication Profile
Use this section to create, modify, and delete a communication profile of the user. Each
communication profile can contain one or more communication addresses for a user.
Field Description
Communication Profile Password The communication profile password.
The field is available only if you enable the
communication profile. The password policy
is configured from Users > User
Management > Communication Profile
Password Policy.
Confirm Password The communication profile password that
you reenter for confirmation.
Option button The option to view the details of the selected
communication profile.
Name The name of the communication profile. You
must select the name.
Button Description
New Creates a new communication profile for the
Delete Deletes the selected communication profile.
Done Saves the communication profile information
that you updated or added for a profile.
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 271

Button Description
Cancel Cancels the operation for adding of a
communication profile.
The system enables the following fields when you click New in the Communication Profile
Field Description
Name The name of the communication profile for
the user.
Default The option to select a profile as default or the
active profile.
At a time, only one active profile can exist.
Communication Profile tab: Communication Address
Use this section to create, modify, and delete the communication address of a user. Each
communication profile can contain one or more communication addresses for a user.
Field Description
Type The type of the handle.
Handle A unique communication address of the
Domain The name of the domain with which the
handle is registered.
Button Description
New The fields for adding a new communication
Edit The button to edit the information of a
selected communication address.
Delete Deletes the selected communication
The page displays the following fields when you click New and Edit in the Communication
Address section. The following fields define the communication address for the user.
Field Description
Type The type of the handle. The different types of
handles are:
Avaya SIP: Indicates that the handle
supports Avaya SIP-based
Avaya E.164: Indicates that the handle
refers to an E.164 formatted address.
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Field Description
E.164 numbers can have a maximum of
fifteen digits and are usually written with a
+ prefix.
Microsoft SIP: Indicates that the handle
supports SIP-based communication.
Microsoft Exchange: Indicates that the
handle is an email address and supports
communication with Microsoft SMTP
Lotus Notes: Indicates that the handle is
for Lotus Notes and domino calender.
IBM Sametime: Indicates that the handle
is for IBM Sametime. The address must be
in the DN=IBMHandle format.
Avaya Presence/IM: Indicates that the
handle is an address used for Extensible
Messaging and Presence Protocol
(XMPP)-based Internet Messaging (IM)
services, and XMPP or Session Initiation
Protocol-based (SIP) Presence services.
GoogleTalk: Indicates that the handle
supports XMPP-based communication
with the Google Talk service.
Other Email: Indicates that the handle is
an email address other than MS Exchange
email addresses.
Other SIP: Indicates that the handle
supports SIP-based communication other
than the listed ones.
Other XMPP: Indicates that the handle
supports XMPP-based communication
other than the listed ones.
Fully Qualified Address The fully qualified domain name or uniform
resource identifier. The address can be an
email address, IM user, or an address of a
communication device by using which the
user can send or receive messages. You
must provide the fully qualified address.
Button Description
Add Saves the new communication address or
modified communication address
information in the database.
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 273

Button Description
Cancel Cancels the addition of communication
Communication Profile tab: Session Manager
The system displays the following fields only if a communication profile of the user exists for
the product.
Field Description
Primary Session Manager The instance that you want to use as the
home server for the currently displayed
communication profile. As a home server,
the selected primary Session Manager
instance is used as the default access point
for connecting devices associated with the
communication profile to the Avaya Aura

network. You must select the primary

Session Manager server.
Secondary Session Manager The Session Manager instance that you
select as the secondary Session Manager
provides continued service to SIP devices
associated with this communication profile
when the primary Session Manager server
becomes unavailable. A selection is
Survivability Server For local survivability, you can specify a
survivability server to provide survivability
communication services for devices
associated with a communication profile
when the local connectivity to Session
Manager instances in Avaya is lost. If you
select a Branch Session Manager , and the
termination and origination application
sequences contain a Communication
Manager application, sequencing to this
application continues, locally, to
Communication Manager survivable remote
server resident with Branch Session
Manager. A selection is optional.
If a termination or origination application
sequence contains a Communication
Manager application, the Communication
Manager instance associated with the
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Field Description
application must be the main server for the
Communication Manager survivable
remote server that resides with Branch
Session Manager.
Max. Simultaneous Devices The maximum number of endpoints that you
can register at a time using this
communication profile. If you register more
than one endpoint, all the endpoints receive
calls simultaneously.
Block New Registration When Maximum
Registrations Active
If you select the check box and an endpoint
attempts to register using this
communication profile after the registration
requests exceed the administered limit, the
system denies any new registrations with
Session Manager. The system sends a
warning message and stops the SIP service
to the endpoint.
If you clear the check box, the system
accepts the new registration and unregisters
the endpoint with the oldest registration.
However, if the endpoint with the oldest
registration is active on a call then the system
does not unregister the endpoint until the call
Origination Application Sequence The application sequence that the system
will invoke when routing the calls from this
user. A selection is optional.
If you specify origination and termination
application sequences, and if each
sequence contains a Communication
Manager application, Communication
Manager must be the same in both the
Termination Application Sequence The application sequence that will be
invoked when the system routes the calls to
this user. A selection is optional.
If you specify origination and termination
application sequences, and if each
sequence contains a Communication
Manager application, Communication
Manager must be the same in both the
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Field Description
Home Location The home location to support mobility for the
currently displayed user. Session Manager
uses the home location specifically when the
IP address of the calling phone does not
match the IP Address Pattern of any of the
location. You must specify a value.
Conference Factory Set The conference factory set to enable media
capability-based call routing to the
Conferencing SIP entities.
Use the Session Manager > Application
Configuration > Conference Factories
webpage to administer the Conference
Factory Sets.
Enable Centralized Call History The option to enable the call history feature
for SIP users.
By default, the system disables the call
history feature. The maximum number of call
logs per communication profile is 100.
Communication Profile tab: Collaboration Environment Profile
Field Description
Service Profile The profile that you assign to the user. The
user can gain access to the service
contained in the profile.
Communication Profile tab: CM Endpoint Profile
The system displays these fields only if a CM Endpoint profile exists for the user.
Field/Button Description
System The Communication Manager system on
which you add the endpoint. You must select
the system.
Profile Type The type of the Communication Manager
Endpoint profile that you create. You must
select the profile type.
Use Existing Endpoints Select the check box to use the existing
endpoint extension to associate with this
profile. If you do not select this check box, the
system uses the available extensions.
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Field/Button Description
Extension The extension of the endpoint that you
associate this profile with. You must select
the extension.
The field lists the endpoints, existing or
available, based on the option you selected
in the Use Existing Endpoints check box.
Endpoint Editor button Click to start the Communication Manager
application where you can edit or view details
of the endpoint.
After you save the changes in
Communication Manager, the system does
not update the modified data on the device
or database until you commit the changes on
the User Profile Edit page.
Template The template, system defined or user
defined, that you associate with the endpoint.
Select the template based on the set type
you add. You must select the template.
Set Type The set type of the endpoint you associate
with. When you select a template, the system
populates the corresponding set types.
Security Code The security code for authorized access to
the endpoint.
Port The relevant port for the set type you select.
You must select the port.
The field lists the possible ports based on the
selected set type.
Voice Mail Number The voice mail number of the endpoint you
associate with.
Preferred Handle Numeric only handles, SIP handles,or
nonSIP handles, that are administered for a
The Preferred Handle field is optional. By
default, the field is blank.
If the SIP entity is of the Communication
Manager type, Session Manager uses
preferred handle in CM Endpoint profile.
Enhanced Callr-Info display for 1line
The option to activate the enhanced Callr-
info operation on the phone.
The Enhanced Callr-Info display for 1-line
phones field on the station form is valid for
the following set types:
1603, 1608, 1616, 1408, 1416
2402, 2410, 2420
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Field/Button Description
4606, 4612, 4612CL, 4624, 4602, 4602+,
4630, 4610, 4622, 4620, 4621, 4625,
6402D, 6408D, 6408D+, 6416D+, 6424D+,
7506D, 7507D
8405D+, 8410D, 8405D, 8411D
9404, 9408, 9601, 9601+, 9610, 9620,
9621, 9608, 9611, 9630, 9640, 9641, 9650
The valid options are:
No: The default setting and does not
change the callr-info interactions with the
connected phone.
Yes: Activates the enhanced Callr-info
operation including the application of the
existing feature related system
parameters. Clear Callr-Info option
settings of leave-ACW, next-call and on-
call-release. If the callr-info button is not
assigned to the phone on the station form,
Enhanced Callr-Info display for 1-line
phones does not apply.
Delete Endpoint on Unassign of Endpoint
from User or on Delete User
The option to specify whether to delete the
endpoint from the Communication Manager
device when you remove the association
between the endpoint and the user or when
you delete the user.
Override Endpoint Name The option to override the following endpoint
The endpoint name on Communication
Manager with the value you configured on
the Manage Users page during
If you clear the check box, the system does
not override the endpoint name on
Communication Manager with the name
you configured in System Manager during
The localized display name on the Manage
Users page in the Localized Display
Name field of Communication Manager. If
you clear the check box, the system does
not override the localized display name in
the Localized Display Name field.
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Communication Profile tab: CS 1000 Endpoint Profile
Field Description
System The system that will be the element manager
of the CS 1000 endpoint profile. You must
select the system.
Add new The option to create a new phone.
Target The system customer number for the CS
1000 system. You must select the target.
The system displays the field only if you
select Add new.
Template The phone or endpoint template that you can
choose for the user. Select a template from
the drop down list. The element manager
maintains all the templates. You must select
the template.
The system displays the field only if you
select Add new.
Update Updates the station profile information for the
user. When you click Update, the system
takes you to the element manager cut-
through for the updates.
Service Details The service details of endpoints, such as set
type, after phone creation.
Primary DN The primary directory number of the phone.
You can enter only numeric values for this
The system displays the field only if you
select Add new.
Terminal Number The terminal number of the phone.
The system displays the field only if you
select Add new.
Link existing The option to associate with the existing
Existing TN The terminal number from the list of existing
The system displays the field only when you
select Link existing.
Include in Corporate Directory The option to add this profile to the CS 1000
Corporate Directory feature.
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 279

Communication Profile tab: Messaging Profile
The system displays the following fields only if you can configure a messaging profile for the
Field Description
System The messaging system on which you add the
subscriber. You must select the system.
Use Existing Subscriber on System The option to specify whether to use an
existing subscriber mailbox number to
associate with this profile.
Mailbox Number The mailbox number of the subscriber. You
must select the mailbox number.
The field takes the existing mailbox number
that you associate with this profile. This value
in the field is valid only if you select the Use
Existing Subscriber on System check
Messaging Editor Click to start the Messaging application
where you can edit or view details of the
profile of the messaging endpoint.
After you save the changes in the Messaging
system, the system does not update the
modified data on the device or database until
you commit the changes on the User Profile
Edit page.
Template The system-defined or user-defined
template that you associate with the
Password The password for logging in to the mailbox.
You must provide the password.
Delete Subscriber on Unassign of
Subscriber from User or on Delete User
The option to specify whether to delete the
subscriber mailbox from the Messaging
device or Communication System
Management when you remove this
Messaging profile or when you delete the
Communication Profile tab: CallPilot Messaging Profile
Field Description
System The CallPilot system to which you add a
mailbox. You must select the system.
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Field Description
Target The field that maps to the CallPilot Location
field. CallPilot Manager provides the Target
field. You must select the target.
Template The mailbox template that you use. Select a
template from the drop down list. The
element manager maintains all the mailbox
templates. You must select the template.
Update Updates the mailbox information for the user.
If you click the Update button, the system
cuts through to the element manager for the
Service Details Displays mailbox service details from the
endpoint after you create the mailbox.
Mailbox Number The mailbox number or the extension DN of
the user. You must select the mailbox
Communication Profile tab: IP Office Endpoint Profile
Use this profile to assign a new or an existing user to a System Manager device in User
While adding a user, if you choose to assign a CM endpoint profile and an IP Office endpoint
profile to the user, then the system uses the IP Office endpoint profile as the survivability option
for the CM endpoint profile. That is, the endpoint extension used in the CM endpoint profile is
also used for creating an IP Office endpoint profile so that when Communication Manager is
unavailable, the IP Office device can serve the extension.
If a Communication Manager endpoint profile is present while adding or editing a user, the
user administration functions in the centralized mode. If a Communication Manager endpoint
profile is present, the user administration functions in the distributed mode.
Before you add an IP Office endpoint profile for a centralized user, commit the changes to the
Communication Manager endpoint profile and the Session Manager endpoint profile.
Field/Button Description
System The list of IP Office device names from which
you can select the IP Office device that you
associate with the user. You must select the
Template The list of user templates from which you can
select your preferred template to set the user
configurations. You must select the
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Field/Button Description
Use Existing Extension Select the check box to use an existing
endpoint extension to associate with this
profile. If you do not select this check box, the
system uses the available extensions.
Extension The extension of the endpoint you associate
with. You must select the extension.
The field lists the endpoints, existing or
available, based on the option you selected
in the Use Existing Endpoints check box.
Endpoint Editor Starts the IP Office application where you
can edit or view the details of the IP Office
After you save the changes in the IP Office
manager, the system updates the modified
data on the device or database only when
you commit the changes on the User Profile
Edit page.
Module-Port The module port combination list for IP Office
analog extensions. You must select Module-
Port for centralized users with Set Type as
Set Type The set type for the IP Office endpoint profile.
By default, the Set Type field is disabled. If
you select a template, the system populates
the set type.
Delete Extension On User Delete The option to delete the extension
associated with the user while deleting the
user. By default, this check box is clear. This
option is available for communication profiles
associated with Analog and Digital set
Communication Profile tab: Presence Profile
You can create Presence profiles only for the default communication profile.
Field Description
System Selects the Presence Services instance that
is the home Presence Services server for the
user. You must select an instance. As a
home server, the Presence Services
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Field Description
instance can perform the following for the
communication profile:
Aggregate presence
Archive instant messages if the Instant
Messages option is enabled
SIP Entity The field used to route SIP based messages
through the Presence Services
This system selects the SIP entity only if you
select a Presence Services instance in the
System field. SIP Entity is read-only. If the
system cannot identify a SIP entity, an
appropriate error message is displayed in the
Publish Presence with AES Collector The option that determines if Presence
Services must publish presence with the
AES Collector. The options are:
System Default
The default is System Default. You can
change the default value. You do not require
to configure AES Collector in the Presence
Services server.
Communication Profile tab: Conferencing Profile
Field Description
Select Auto-generated Code Length The number of characters in PIN. The default
is 6.
The system displays this field if you select the
Auto Generate Participant and Moderator
Security Code check box.
Auto Generate Participant and Moderator
Security Code
Select the check box if the system must
generate the participant security code and
moderator security code for this user.
Clear the check box to assign a specific
participant security code or moderator
security code for this user.
Participant Security Code The participant security code that you assign
for this user.
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Field Description
The system displays this field if the Auto
Generate Participant and Moderator
Security Code check box is clear.
Moderator Security Code The moderator security code that you assign
for this user.
The system displays this field if the Auto
Generate Participant and Moderator
Security Code check box is clear.
Location The location of the user. This field is
mandatory for non-SIP users without a
Session Manager profile and optional for SIP
For SIP users, the system uses the location
value from the Home Location field in the
Session Manager profile.
Template The Conferencing template that you assign
to this user.
Button Description
Get Templates Displays the list of Conferencing templates
that you can assign to this user.
Membership tab: Roles
Field Description
Select check box Use this check box to select a role. Use the
check box displayed in the first column of the
header row to select all the roles assigned to
the user account.
Name The name of the role.
Description A brief description about the role.
Button Description
Assign Roles Displays the Assign Role page that you can
use to assign the roles to the user account.
Unassign Roles Removes the selected role from the list of
roles associated with the user account.
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Membership tab: Group Membership
Field Description
Select check box Use this check box to select a group.
Name The name of the group.
Type The group type based on the resources.
Hierarchy The position of the group in the hierarchy.
Description A brief description about the group.
Button Description
Add To group Displays the Assign Groups page that you
can use to add the user to a group.
Remove From Group Removes the user from the selected group.
Contacts tab: Default Contact List
Field Description
Description A brief description of the contact list.
Contacts tab: Associated Contacts
Field Description
Last Name The last name of the contact.
First Name The first name of the contact.
Scope The categorization of the contact based on
whether the contact is a public or private
Speed Dial The value specifies whether the speed dial is
set for the contact or not.
Speed Dial Entry The reduced number that represents the
speed dial number.
Presence Buddy The value specifies whether you can monitor
the presence information of the contact or
not. A false value indicates that you cannot
track the presence of the contact.
Button Description
Edit Displays the Edit Contact List Member page.
Use this page to modify the information of the
selected contact.
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 285

Button Description
Add Displays the Attach Contacts page. Use this
page to select one or more contacts from the
list of contacts.
In the Multi Tenancy environment, when the
tenant administrator of a tenant creates or
updates the user, the administrator can
attach only the following contacts:
Private contacts of the user
Public contacts
Users who belong to that tenant
Remove Removes one or more selected contacts
from the list of the associated contacts.
Filter: Disable Hides the column filter fields without
resetting the filter criteria. Filter: Disable is
a toggle button.
Filter: Enable Displays the text fields under the columns
that you can use to set the filter criteria.
Filter: Enable is a toggle button.
Filter: Apply Filters contacts based on the filter criteria.
Contacts tab: Private Contacts
Use this section to add new private contacts, and edit and delete the existing contacts.
Field Description
Last Name The last name of the private contact.
First Name The first name of the private contact.
Display Name The display name of the private contact.
Contact Address The address of the private contact.
Description A brief description about the contact.
Button Description
Edit Displays the Edit Private Contact page. Use
this page to edit the information of the contact
you selected.
New Displays the New Private Contact page.
Use this page to add a new private contact.
Delete Deletes the selected contacts.
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Button Description
Filter: Disable Hides the column filter fields without
resetting the filter criteria. Filter: Disable is
a toggle button.
Filter: Enable Displays text fields under the columns that
you can use to set the filter criteria. Filter:
Enable is a toggle button.
Filter: Apply Filters contacts based on the filter criteria.
Common buttons
Button Description
Commit & Continue Creates the user account in the database
and retains you on the same page for further
Commit Creates the user account and takes you to
the User Management page.
Cancel Cancels the user creation operation.
User Profile Edit field descriptions
Field Description
Tenant The name of the tenant that you must
Level 1 The name of the level 1 hierarchy of the
tenant organization. For example, Site.
The tenant administrator provides the
hierarchy on the Tenant Management
Level 2 The name of the level 2 hierarchy of the
tenant organization. For example,
Level 3 The name of the level 3 hierarchy of the
tenant organization. For example, Team.
You cannot edit the tenant. If you select a different level 1 for the tenant from the organization
hierarchy, the Level 2 and Level 3 fields become blank. You can select new values for level
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 287

2 and level 3. If you select a different level 2 for the tenant from the organization hierarchy,
the Level 3 field becomes blank. You can select a new value for level 3.
User Provisioning Rule
Name Description
User Provisioning Rule The user provisioning rule that you must
Identity tab Identity section
Name Description
Last Name The last name of the user. For example,
Last Name (Latin Translation) The user-preferred last name that the system
must display on the end points. For example,
Typically, the name is the written or spoken
language of the user.
First Name The first name of the user. For example,
First Name (Latin Translation) The user-preferred first name that the
system must display on the end points. For
example, John.
Typically, the name is the written or spoken
language of the user.
Middle Name The middle name of the user, if any.
Description A brief description about the user.
Status The login status of the user
Update Time The time when the user details were last
Login Name The login name of the user.
The login name is not case-sensitive. For
example, if you enter
[email protected], the system
converts the login name to lowercase, that is,
[email protected]. However, on the login
page, you can enter
[email protected] or
[email protected]. The login name can be
in uppercase or lowercase.
If you log in to the system as admin, you
cannot edit the login name.
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Name Description
To create the user data by using a blank
excel template, append the login name
with #ProfileSetName in all worksheets
except Basic and Profile Set. The system
associates the user records with the
communication profile that you have
provided. For example,
[email protected]#ProfileSetName.
Authentication Type The type of authentication that defines how
the system performs the authentication of the
user. The options are:
Enterprise: Directory servers that are
external to System Manager authenticate
the user login.
Basic: Avaya authentication service
authenticates the user login.
For bulk import of users by using Excel,
Authentication Type is always Basic.
Therefore, the Authentication Type field
remains invisible in the Excel file.
Change Password The new password. The selection is
Source The entity that created this user record. The
possible values for this field is either an IP
Address/Port, or a name representing an
enterprise LDAP, or Avaya.
Localized Display Name The localized display name of a user. The
name is typically the localized full name.
Endpoint Display Name The full text name of the user represented in
ASCII. The display name supports displays
that cannot handle localized text, for
example, some endpoints.
Title The personal title that is set to address a
user. The title is typically a social title and not
the work title. For example, Mr.
Language Preference The preferred written or spoken language of
the user. For example, English.
Time Zone The preferred time zone of the user. For
example, (+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata,
Mumbai, New Delhi.
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Name Description
Employee ID The employee number for the user. For
example, 20081234.
Department The department to which the user belongs.
For example, Human Resources.
Company The organization where the user works. For
example, Avaya Inc.
Identity tab Address section
Name Description
Time Zone The preferred time zone of the user. For
example, (+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata,
Mumbai, New Delhi.
Department The department to which the user belongs.
For example, Human Resources.
Address Type The type of address. The values are:
Street The name of the street. For example,
City The name of the city or town. For example,
Postal Code The postal code used by postal services to
route mail to a destination. For example,
411028. For United States, the postal code
is the Zip code.
Province The full name of the province. For example,
Country The name of the country. For example,
Button Description
New Displays the Add Address page. Use the
page to add the address details.
Edit Displays the Edit Address page. Use the
page to modify the address.
Delete Deletes the selected address.
Choose Shared Address Displays the Choose Address where you
choose a shared or common address.
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Identity tab Localized Names section
Name Description
Language The localized languages for displaying the
user name. For example, English. You must
select the language.
Display Name The user name in the localized language you
choose. For example, John Miller.
Button Description
New Displays fields that you can use to create a
new localized name for the user.
Edit Displays fields that you can use to modify the
localized name for the user.
Delete Deletes the localized names that you select
for the user.
Add Adds or edits the localized name for the
Cancel Cancels the addition or edits of the localized
Communication Profile tab Communication Profile
Use this section to create, modify, and delete a communication profile of the user. Each
communication profile can contain one or more communication addresses for a user.
Name Description
Communication Profile Password The communication profile password.
The field is available only if you enable the
communication profile. The password policy
is configured from Users > User
Management > Communication Profile
Password Policy.
Option button The option to view the details of the selected
communication profile.
Name The name of the communication profile. You
must select the name.
Button Description
New Creates a new communication profile for the
Delete Deletes the selected communication profile.
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 291

Button Description
Done Saves the communication profile information
that you updated or added for a profile.
Cancel Cancels the operation for adding of a
communication profile.
The system enables the following fields when you click New in the Communication Profile
Name Description
Name The name of the communication profile for
the user.
Default The profile that is made default as the active
profile. There can be only one active profile
at a time.
Communication Profile tab Communication Address
Use this section to create, modify, and delete the communication address of a user. Each
communication profile can contain one or more communication addresses for a user.
Name Description
Type The type of the handle.
Handle A unique communication address of the
Domain The name of the domain with which the
handle is registered.
Button Description
New The fields for adding a new communication
Edit The button to edit the information of a
selected communication address.
Delete Deletes the selected communication
The page displays the following fields when you click New or Edit in the Communication
Address section.
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Name Description
Type The type of the handle. The different types of
handles are:
Avaya SIP: Indicates that the handle
supports Avaya SIP-based
Avaya E.164: Indicates that the handle
refers to an E.164 formatted address.
E.164 numbers can have a maximum of
fifteen digits and are usually written with a
+ prefix.
Microsoft SIP: Indicates that the handle
supports SIP-based communication.
Microsoft Exchange: Indicates that the
handle is an email address and supports
communication with Microsoft SMTP
Lotus Notes: Indicates that the handle is
for Lotus Notes and domino calender.
IBM Sametime: Indicates that the handle
is for IBM Sametime. The address must be
in the DN=IBMHandle format.
Avaya Presence/IM: Indicates that the
handle is an address used for Extensible
Messaging and Presence Protocol
(XMPP)-based Internet Messaging (IM)
services, and XMPP or Session Initiation
Protocol-based (SIP) Presence services.
GoogleTalk: Indicates that the handle
supports XMPP-based communication
with the Google Talk service.
Other Email: Indicates that the handle is
an email address other than MS Exchange
email addresses.
Other SIP: Indicates that the handle
supports SIP-based communication other
than the listed ones.
Other XMPP: Indicates that the handle
supports XMPP-based communication
other than the listed ones.
Fully Qualified Address The fully qualified domain name or uniform
resource identifier. The address can be an
email address, IM user, or an address of a
communication device by using which the
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 293

Name Description
user can send or receive messages. You
must provide the fully qualified address.
Button Description
Add Saves the new communication address or
modified communication address
information in the database.
Cancel Cancels the addition of communication
Communication Profile tab: Session Manager
The system displays the following fields only if a communication profile of the user exists for
the product.
Name Description
Primary Session Manager The instance that you want to use as the
home server for the currently displayed
communication profile. As a home server,
the selected primary Session Manager
instance is used as the default access point
for connecting devices associated with the
communication profile to the Avaya Aura

network. You must select the primary

Session Manager server.
Secondary Session Manager The Session Manager instance that you
select as the secondary Session Manager
provides continued service to SIP devices
associated with this communication profile
when the primary Session Manager server
becomes unavailable. A selection is
Survivability Server For local survivability, you can specify a
survivability server to provide survivability
communication services for devices
associated with a communication profile
when the local connectivity to Session
Manager instances in Avaya is lost. If you
select a Branch Session Manager , and the
termination and origination application
sequences contain a Communication
Manager application, sequencing to this
application continues, locally, to
Communication Manager survivable remote
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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Name Description
server resident with Branch Session
Manager. A selection is optional.
If a termination or origination application
sequence contains a Communication
Manager application, the Communication
Manager instance associated with the
application must be the main server for the
Communication Manager survivable
remote server that resides with Branch
Session Manager.
Max. Simultaneous Devices The maximum number of endpoints that you
can register at a time using this
communication profile. If you register more
than one endpoint, all the endpoints receive
calls simultaneously.
Block New Registration When Maximum
Registrations Active
If you select the check box and an endpoint
attempts to register using this
communication profile after the registration
requests exceed the administered limit, the
system denies any new registrations with
Session Manager. The system sends a
warning message and stops the SIP service
to the endpoint.
Origination Application Sequence The application sequence that the system
will invoke when routing the calls from this
user. A selection is optional.
If you specify origination and termination
application sequences, and if each
sequence contains a Communication
Manager application, Communication
Manager must be the same in both the
Termination Application Sequence The application sequence that will be
invoked when the system routes the calls to
this user. A selection is optional.
If you specify origination and termination
application sequences, and if each
sequence contains a Communication
Manager application, Communication
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 295

Name Description
Manager must be the same in both the
Home Location The home location to support mobility for the
currently displayed user. Session Manager
uses the home location specifically when the
IP address of the calling phone does not
match the IP Address Pattern of any of the
location. You must specify a value.
Conference Factory Set The conference factory set to enable media
capability-based call routing to the
Conferencing SIP entities.
Use the Session Manager > Application
Configuration > Conference Factories
webpage to administer the Conference
Factory Sets.
Communication Profile tab: Collaboration Environment Profile
Field Description
Service Profile The profile that you assign to the user. The
user can gain access to the service
contained in the profile.
Communication Profile tab CM Endpoint Profile
The system displays these fields only if a CM Endpoint profile exists for the user.
Name/Button Description
System The Communication Manager system on
which you add the endpoint. You must select
the system.
Profile Type The type of the Communication Manager
Endpoint profile that you create. You must
select the profile type.
Use Existing Endpoints Select the check box to use the existing
endpoint extension to associate with this
profile. If you do not select this check box, the
system uses the available extensions.
Extension The extension of the endpoint that you
associate this profile with. You must select
the extension.
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Name/Button Description
The field lists the endpoints, existing or
available, based on the option you selected
in the Use Existing Endpoints check box.
Template The template, system defined or user
defined, that you associate with the endpoint.
Select the template based on the set type
you add. You must select the template.
Set Type The set type of the endpoint you associate
with. When you select a template, the system
populates the corresponding set types.
Security Code The security code for authorized access to
the endpoint.
Port The relevant port for the set type you select.
You must select the port.
The field lists the possible ports based on the
selected set type.
Voice Mail Number The voice mail number of the endpoint you
associate with.
Preferred Handle Numeric only handles, SIP handles,or
nonSIP handles, that are administered for a
The Preferred Handle field is optional. By
default, the field is blank.
If the SIP entity is of the Communication
Manager type, Session Manager uses
preferred handle in CM Endpoint profile.
Enhanced Callr-Info display for 1line
The option to activate the enhanced Callr-
info operation on the phone.
The Enhanced Callr-Info display for 1-line
phones field on the station form is valid for
the following set types:
1603, 1608, 1616, 1408, 1416
2402, 2410, 2420
4606, 4612, 4612CL, 4624, 4602, 4602+,
4630, 4610, 4622, 4620, 4621, 4625,
6402D, 6408D, 6408D+, 6416D+, 6424D+,
7506D, 7507D
8405D+, 8410D, 8405D, 8411D
9404, 9408, 9601, 9601+, 9610, 9620,
9621, 9608, 9611, 9630, 9640, 9641, 9650
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Name/Button Description
The valid options are:
No: The default setting and does not
change the callr-info interactions with the
connected phone.
Yes: Activates the enhanced Callr-info
operation including the application of the
existing feature related system
parameters. Clear Callr-Info option
settings of leave-ACW, next-call and on-
call-release. If the callr-info button is not
assigned to the phone on the station form,
Enhanced Callr-Info display for 1-line
phones does not apply.
Delete Endpoint on Unassign of Endpoint
from User or on Delete User
The option to specify whether to delete the
endpoint from the Communication Manager
device when you remove the association
between the endpoint and the user or when
you delete the user.
Override Endpoint Name The option to override the following endpoint
The endpoint name on Communication
Manager with the value you configured on
the Manage Users page during
If you clear the check box, the system does
not override the endpoint name on
Communication Manager with the name
you configured in System Manager during
The localized display name on the Manage
Users page in the Localized Display
Name field of Communication Manager. If
you clear the check box, the system does
not override the localized display name in
the Localized Display Name field.
Communication Profile tab - CS1000 Endpoint Profile
Field Description
System The system that will be the element manager
of the CS 1000 endpoint profile. You must
select the system.
Target The system customer number for the CS
1000 system. You must select the target.
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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Field Description
The system displays the field only if you
select Add new.
Template The phone or endpoint template that you can
choose for the user. Select a template from
the drop down list. The element manager
maintains all the templates. You must select
the template.
The system displays the field only if you
select Add new.
Update Updates the station profile information for the
user. When you click Update, the system
takes you to the element manager cut-
through for the updates.
Service Details The service details of endpoints, such as set
type, after phone creation.
Primary DN The primary directory number of the phone.
You can enter only numeric values for this
The system displays the field only if you
select Add new.
Include in Corporate Directory The option to add this profile to the CS 1000
Corporate Directory feature.
Communication Profile tab Messaging Profile
The system displays the following fields only if you can configure a messaging profile for the
Name Description
System The messaging system on which you add the
subscriber. You must select the system.
Use Existing Subscriber on System The option to specify whether to use an
existing subscriber mailbox number to
associate with this profile.
Mailbox Number The mailbox number of the subscriber. You
must select the mailbox number.
The field takes the existing mailbox number
that you associate with this profile. This value
in the field is valid only if you select the Use
Existing Subscriber on System check
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 299

Name Description
Messaging Editor Click to start the Messaging application
where you can edit or view details of the
profile of the messaging endpoint.
After you save the changes in the Messaging
system, the system does not update the
modified data on the device or database until
you commit the changes on the User Profile
Edit page.
Template The system-defined or user-defined
template that you associate with the
Password The password for logging in to the mailbox.
You must provide the password.
Delete Subscriber on Unassign of
Subscriber from User or on Delete User
The option to specify whether to delete the
subscriber mailbox from the Messaging
device or Communication System
Management when you remove this
Messaging profile or when you delete the
Communication Profile tab - CallPilot Messaging Profile
Field Description
System The CallPilot system of the messaging profile
you edit. The selection is required.
Target The field that maps to the CallPilot Location
field. CallPilot Manager provides the Target
field. You must select the target.
Template The mailbox template that you use. Select a
template from the drop down list. The
element manager maintains all the mailbox
templates. You must select the template.
Update Updates the mailbox information for the user.
If you click the Update button, the system
cuts through to the element manager for the
Service Details Displays mailbox service details from the
endpoint after you create the mailbox.
Mailbox Number The mailbox number or the extension DN of
the user. You must select the mailbox
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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Communication Profile tab IP Office Endpoint Profile
Use this profile to assign a new or an existing user to a System Manager device in User
While adding a user, if you choose to assign a CM endpoint profile and an IP Office endpoint
profile to the user, then the system uses the IP Office endpoint profile as the survivability option
for the CM endpoint profile. That is, the endpoint extension used in the CM endpoint profile is
also used for creating an IP Office endpoint profile so that when Communication Manager is
unavailable, the IP Office device can serve the extension.
If a Communication Manager endpoint profile is present while adding or editing a user, the
user administration functions in the centralized mode. If a Communication Manager endpoint
profile is present, the user administration functions in the distributed mode.
Commit the Communication Manager endpoint profile and the Session Manager endpoint
profile before you add an IP Office endpoint profile for a centralized user.
Name/Button Description
System The list of IP Office device names from which
you can select the IP Office device that you
associate with the user. You must select the
Template The list of user templates from which you can
select your preferred template to set the user
Use Existing Extension Select the check box to use an existing
endpoint extension to associate with this
profile. If you do not select this check box, the
system uses the available extensions.
Endpoint Editor button The option to start the IP Office application,
where you can edit or view the details of the
IP Office endpoint.
After you save the changes in IP Office
manager, the system does not update the
modified data on the device or database until
you commit the changes on the User Profile
Edit page.
Extension The extension of the endpoint you associate
with. You must select the extension.
The field lists the endpoints, existing or
available, based on the option you selected
in the Use Existing Endpoints check box.
Module-Port The module port combination list for IP Office
analog extensions. You must select Module-
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 301

Name/Button Description
Port for centralized users with Set Type as
Set Type The set type for the IP Office endpoint profile.
By default, the Set Type field is disabled. If
you select a template, the system populates
the set type.
Delete Extension On User Delete The option to delete the extension
associated with the user while deleting the
user. By default, this check box is clear. This
option is available for communication profiles
associated with Analog and Digital set
Communication Profile tab Presence Profile
Name Description
System Selects the Presence Services instance that
is the home Presence Services server for the
user. You must select an instance. As a
home server, the Presence Services
instance can perform the following for the
communication profile:
Aggregate presence
Archive instant messages if the Instant
Messages option is enabled
Communication Profile tab: Conferencing Profile
Field Description
Select Auto-generated Code Length The number of characters in PIN. The default
is 6.
The system displays this field if you select the
Auto Generate Participant and Moderator
Security Code check box.
Auto Generate Participant and Moderator
Security Code
Select the check box if the system must
generate the participant security code and
moderator security code for this user.
Clear the check box to assign a specific
participant security code or moderator
security code for this user.
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Field Description
Participant Security Code The participant security code that you assign
for this user.
The system displays this field if the Auto
Generate Participant and Moderator
Security Code check box is clear.
Moderator Security Code The moderator security code that you assign
for this user.
The system displays this field if the Auto
Generate Participant and Moderator
Security Code check box is clear.
Location The location of the user. This field is
mandatory for non-SIP users without a
Session Manager profile and optional for SIP
For SIP users, the system uses the location
value from the Home Location field in the
Session Manager profile.
Template The Conferencing template that you assign
to this user.
Button Description
Get Templates Displays the list of Conferencing templates
that you can assign to this user.
Membership tab Roles
Name Description
Select check box Use this check box to select a role. Use the
check box displayed in the first column of the
header row to select all the roles assigned to
the user account.
Name The name of the role.
Description A brief description about the role.
Button Description
Assign Roles Displays the Assign Role page that you can
use to assign the roles to the user account.
Unassign Roles Removes the selected role from the list of
roles associated with the user account.
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Membership tab Group Membership
Name Description
Select check box Use this check box to select a group.
Name The name of the group.
Type The group type based on the resources.
Hierarchy The position of the group in the hierarchy.
Description A brief description about the group.
Button Description
Add To group Displays the Assign Groups page that you
can use to add the user to a group.
Remove From Group Removes the user from the selected group.
Contacts tab Default Contact List
Name Description
Description A brief description of the contact list.
Contacts tab Associated Contacts
Name Description
Last Name The last name of the contact.
First Name The first name of the contact.
Scope The categorization of the contact based on
whether the contact is a public or private
Speed Dial The value specifies whether the speed dial is
set for the contact or not.
Speed Dial Entry The reduced number that represents the
speed dial number.
Presence Buddy The value specifies whether you can monitor
the presence information of the contact or
not. A false value indicates that you cannot
track the presence of the contact.
Button Description
Edit Displays the Edit Contact List Member page.
Use this page to modify the information of the
selected contact.
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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Button Description
Add Displays the Attach Contacts page. Use this
page to select one or more contacts from the
list of contacts.
In the Multi Tenancy environment, when the
tenant administrator of a tenant creates or
updates the user, the administrator can
attach only the following contacts:
Private contacts of the user
Public contacts
Users who belong to that tenant
Remove Removes one or more selected contacts
from the list of the associated contacts.
Filter: Disable Hides the column filter fields without
resetting the filter criteria. Filter: Disable is
a toggle button.
Filter: Enable Displays the text fields under the columns
that you can use to set the filter criteria.
Filter: Enable is a toggle button.
Filter: Apply Filters contacts based on the filter criteria.
Contacts tab Private Contacts
Use this section to add new private contacts, modify and deletes existing contacts.
Name Description
Last Name The last name of the private contact.
First Name The first name of the contact.
Display Name The display name of the private contact.
Contact Address The address of the private contact.
Description A brief description about the contact.
Button Description
Edit Displays the Edit Private Contact page. Use
this page to edit the information of the contact
you selected.
New Displays the New Private Contact page.
Use this page to add a new private contact.
Delete Deletes the selected contacts.
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 305

Button Description
Filter: Disable Hides the column filter fields without
resetting the filter criteria. Filter: Disable is
a toggle button.
Filter: Enable Displays text fields under the columns that
you can use to set the filter criteria. Filter:
Enable is a toggle button.
Filter: Apply Filters contacts based on the filter criteria.
Common buttons
Button Description
Commit & Continue Saves your changes and retains you on the
same page for further modifications.
Commit Modifies the user account and takes you
back to the User Management or User Profile
View page.
While restoring a deleted user, use the
Commit button to restore a deleted user.
Cancel Cancels the operation of modifying the user
information and takes you back to the User
Management or User Profile View page.
User Profile Duplicate field descriptions
Field Description
Tenant The name of the tenant that you must
Level 1 The name of the level 1 hierarchy of the
tenant organization. For example, Site.
The tenant administrator provides the
hierarchy on the Tenant Management
Level 2 The name of the level 2 hierarchy of the
tenant organization. For example,
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
306 Administering Avaya Aura

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Field Description
Level 3 The name of the level 3 hierarchy of the
tenant organization. For example, Team.
User Provisioning Rule
Field Description
User Provisioning Rule The name of the user provisioning rule.
You can provide only one user provisioning
When you use the user provisioning rule to create a user, the system populates the values
of user attributes from the user provisioning rule.
You cannot edit the tenant. If you select a different level 1 for the tenant from the organization
hierarchy, the Level 2 and Level 3 fields become blank. You can select new values for level
2 and level 3. If you select a different level 2 for the tenant from the organization hierarchy,
the Level 3 field becomes blank. You can select a new value for level 3.
Identity tab Identity section
Name Description
Last Name The last name of the user. For example,
Last Name (Latin Translation) The user-preferred last name that the system
must display on the end points. For example,
Typically, the name is the written or spoken
language of the user.
First Name The first name of the user. For example,
First Name (Latin Translation) The user-preferred first name that the
system must display on the end points. For
example, John.
Typically, the name is the written or spoken
language of the user.
Middle Name The middle name of the user, if any.
Description A brief description about the user.
Login Name The unique system login name given to the
user. The login name takes the form of
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Name Description
username@domain. You use the login name
to create the primary handle of the user.
The login name is not case-sensitive. For
example, if you enter
[email protected], the system
converts the login name to lowercase, that is,
[email protected]. However, on the login
page, you can enter
[email protected] or
[email protected]. The login name can be
in uppercase or lowercase.
You cannot edit the Login Name field for
users with the login name admin.
Authentication Type Authentication type defines how the system
performs user's authentication. The options
Enterprise: User's login is authenticated
by the enterprise.
Basic: User's login is authenticated by an
Avaya Authentication Service.
Password Type your password for the duplicate
Confirm Password Retype your password for confirmation.
Localized Display Name The localized display name of a user. It is
typically the localized full name.
Endpoint Display Name The full text name of the user represented in
ASCII. It supports displays that cannot
handle localized text, for example, some
Title The personal title for address a user. This is
typically a social title and not the work title.
Language Preference The user's preferred written or spoken
Time Zone The preferred time zone of the user.
Employee ID The employee number for the user.
Department The department which the user belongs to.
Company The organization where the user works.
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Identity tab Address section
Name Description
check box Use this check box to select the address.
Name The unique label that identifies the address.
Address Type The type of address. The values are:
Street The name of the street.
City The name of the city or town.
Postal Code The postal code used by postal services to
route mail to a destination. In United States
this is Zip code.
Province The full name of the province.
Country The name of the country.
Button Description
New Displays the Add Address page that you can
use to add the address details.
Edit Displays the Edit Address page that you can
use to modify the address details.
Delete Deletes the selected address.
Choose Shared Address Displays the Choose Address page that you
can use to choose a common address.
Identity tab Localized Names section
Name Description
Language The the localized languages for displaying
the user name.
Display Name The user name in the localized language you
Button Description
New Allows you to add a new localized name for
the user.
Edit Allows you to edit the localized name for the
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Button Description
Delete Deletes the localized names you select for
the user.
Add Adds or edits the localized name for the
Cancel Cancels your add or edit of the localized
Button Description
Commit Creates the duplicate user.
Cancel Cancels the duplicate user creation and
returns to the User Management page.
Communication Profile tab Communication Profile section
Name Description
Option button Use this button to view the details of the
selected communication profile.
Name The name of the communication profile.
Button Description
New Creates a new communication profile for the
Delete Deletes the selected communication profile.
Save Saves the communication profile information
that you updated or added for a profile.
Cancel Cancels the operation for adding a
communication profile.
The page displays the following fields when you click the New button in the Communication
Profile section.
Name Description
Name The name of the communication profile of the
Default The profile that is made default is the active
profile. There can be only one active profile
at a time.
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Communication Profile tab Communication Address section
Name Description
Type The communication protocol to be used for
the user.
Handle A unique communication address for the
Domain The domain name with which the handle is
Button Description
New Displays the fields for adding a new
communication address.
Edit Saves the changes that you made to the
communication address.
Delete Deletes the selected communication
The page displays the following fields when you click New and Edit in the Communication
Address section.
Name Description
Type The type of the handle. The different types of
handles are:
Avaya SIP: Indicates that the handle
supports Avaya SIP-based
Avaya E.164: Indicates that the handle
refers to an E.164 formatted address.
E.164 numbers can have a maximum of
fifteen digits and are usually written with a
+ prefix.
Microsoft SIP: Indicates that the handle
supports SIP-based communication.
Microsoft Exchange: Indicates that the
handle is an email address and supports
communication with Microsoft SMTP
Lotus Notes: Indicates that the handle is
for Lotus Notes and domino calender.
IBM Sametime: Indicates that the handle
is for IBM Sametime. The address must be
in the DN=IBMHandle format.
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 311

Name Description
Avaya Presence/IM: Indicates that the
handle is an address used for Extensible
Messaging and Presence Protocol
(XMPP)-based Internet Messaging (IM)
services, and XMPP or Session Initiation
Protocol-based (SIP) Presence services.
GoogleTalk: Indicates that the handle
supports XMPP-based communication
with the Google Talk service.
Other Email: Indicates that the handle is
an email address other than MS Exchange
email addresses.
Other SIP: Indicates that the handle
supports SIP-based communication other
than the listed ones.
Other XMPP: Indicates that the handle
supports XMPP-based communication
other than the listed ones.
Fully Qualified Address The fully qualified domain name or uniform
resource identifier. The address can be an
email address, IM user, or an address of a
communication device by using which the
user can send or receive messages. You
must provide the fully qualified address.
Button Description
Add Saves the new communication address or
modified communication address
information in the database.
Cancel Cancels the addition of communication
Communication Profile tab Session Manager
The system displays the following fields only if a communication profile of the user exists for
the product.
Name Description
Primary Session Manager Select the Session Manager instance that
should be used as the home server for the
currently displayed Communication Profile.
As a home server, the selected primary
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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Name Description
Session Manager instance will be used as
the default access point for connecting
devices associated with the Communication
Profile to the Aura network. A selection is
Secondary Session Manager The secondary Session Manager instance
that provides continued service to SIP
devices associated with this Communication
Profile when the primary Session Manager is
unavailable. A selection is optional.
Origination Application Sequence An Application Sequence that will be invoked
when calls are routed from this user. A
selection is optional.
If you specify origination and termination
application sequences, and if each
sequence contains a Communication
Manager application, Communication
Manager must be the same in both the
Termination Application Sequence An Application Sequence that will be invoked
when calls are routed to this user. A selection
is optional.
If you specify origination and termination
application sequences, and if each
sequence contains a Communication
Manager application, Communication
Manager must be the same in both the
Conference Factory Set The conference factory set to enable media
capability-based call routing to the
Conferencing SIP entities.
Use the Session Manager > Application
Configuration > Conference Factories
webpage to administer the Conference
Factory Sets.
Survivability Server For local survivability, a Survivability Server
can be specified to provide survivability
communication services for devices
associated with a Communication Profile in
the event that local connectivity to Session
Manager instances in the Aura is lost. If a
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Name Description
Branch Session Manager is selected, and
the termination and origination application
sequences contain a Communication
Manager application, sequencing to this
application continues, locally, to the
Communication Manager survivable remote
server resident with the Branch Session
Manager. A selection is optional.
If a termination or origination application
sequence contains a Communication
Manager application, Communication
Manager associated with the application
must be the main Communication
Manager server for the Communication
Manager survivable remote server that is
resident with the Branch Session
Home Location A Home Location to support mobility for the
currently displayed user. Session Manager
uses the home location when the IP address
of the calling phone does not match any IP
Address Pattern of any of the location.
Communication Profile tab CM Endpoint Profile
The system displays these fields only if a CM Endpoint profile exists for the user.
Name/Button Description
System The Communication Manager system on
which you add the endpoint. You must select
the system.
Use Existing Endpoints Select the check box to use the existing
endpoint extension to associate with this
profile. If you do not select this check box, the
system uses the available extensions.
Extension The extension of the endpoint that you
associate this profile with. You must select
the extension.
The field lists the endpoints, existing or
available, based on the option you selected
in the Use Existing Endpoints check box.
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Name/Button Description
Template The template, system defined or user
defined, that you associate with the endpoint.
Select the template based on the set type
you add. You must select the template.
Set Type The set type of the endpoint you associate
with. When you select a template, the system
populates the corresponding set types.
Security Code The security code for authorized access to
the endpoint.
Port The relevant port for the set type you select.
You must select the port.
The field lists the possible ports based on the
selected set type.
Voice Mail Number The voice mail number of the endpoint you
associate with.
Preferred Handle Numeric only handles, SIP handles,or
nonSIP handles, that are administered for a
The Preferred Handle field is optional. By
default, the field is blank.
If SIP entity is of Communication Manager
type, Session Manager uses preferred
handle in CM Endpoint profile.
Enhanced Callr-Info display for 1line
The option to activate the enhanced Callr-
info operation on the phone.
The Enhanced Callr-Info display for 1-line
phones field on the station form is valid for
the following set types:
1603, 1608, 1616, 1408, 1416
2402, 2410, 2420
4606, 4612, 4612CL, 4624, 4602, 4602+,
4630, 4610, 4622, 4620, 4621, 4625,
6402D, 6408D, 6408D+, 6416D+, 6424D+,
7506D, 7507D
8405D+, 8410D, 8405D, 8411D
9404, 9408, 9601, 9601+, 9610, 9620,
9621, 9608, 9611, 9630, 9640, 9641, 9650
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Name/Button Description
The valid options are:
No: The default setting and does not
change the callr-info interactions with the
connected phone.
Yes: Activates the enhanced Callr-info
operation including the application of the
existing feature related system
parameters. Clear Callr-Info option
settings of leave-ACW, next-call and on-
call-release. If the callr-info button is not
assigned to the phone on the station form,
Enhanced Callr-Info display for 1-line
phones does not apply.
Delete Endpoint on Unassign of Endpoint
from User
The option to specify whether to delete the
endpoint from the Communication Manager
device when you remove the association
between the endpoint and the user or when
you delete the user.
Override Endpoint Name Use this check box for the following two
To override the endpoint name on
Communication Manager with the value
you configured on the Manage Users page
during synchronization.
If you clear the check box, the system does
not override the endpoint name on
Communication Manager with the name
you configured in System Manager during
To override the Localized Display Name on
the Manager Users page on the Localized
Display Name field of Communication
If you clear the check box, the system does
not override the Localized display name in
the Localized Display Name field.
Communication Profile tab - CS1000 Endpoint Profile
Field Description
System The CS1000 system to which you want to
add a phone.
Target The system customer number for the
Communication Server.
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Field Description
Template The phone or endpoint template that you can
choose for the user. Select a template from
the drop down list. The element manager
maintains all the templates.
Update Updates the station profile information for the
user. When you click this button, the system
takes you to the element manager cut
through for the updates.
Service Details Displays service details of endpoints, such
as set type, after phone creation.
Primary DN The primary directory number of the phone.
You can enter only numeric values for this
Include in Corporate Directory Use to add this profile to the CS1K Corporate
Directory feature.
Communication Profile tab Messaging Profile
You may see these fields only if a messaging profile can be configured for the user.
Name Description
System The Messaging System on which you need
to add the subscriber.
Template The template (system defined and user
defined) you want to associate with the
Use Existing Subscriber on System Use this check box to specify whether to use
an existing subscriber mailbox number to
associate with this profile.
Mailbox Number The mailbox number of the subscriber.
The field lists the existing subscriber if you
select the Use Existing Subscriber on
System check box.
Password The password for logging into the mailbox.
Delete Subscriber on Unassign of
Subscriber from User
Use to specify whether you want to delete the
subscriber mailbox from the Messaging
Device or Communication System
Management when you remove this
messaging profile or when you delete the
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Communication Profile tab - CallPilot Messaging Profile
Field Description
System The CallPilot system to which you want to
add a mailbox.
Location This field maps to the CallPilot Location field.
This field is provided by the CallPilot
Template The mailbox template you want to apply.
Select a template from the drop down list.
The element manager maintains all the
mailbox templates.
Update Updates the mailbox information for the user.
If you click this button, the system cuts
through to the element manager for the
Service Details Displays mailbox service details from
endpoint after you create the mailbox.
Mailbox Number Mailbox number or the extension DN of the
Communication Profile tab IP Office Endpoint Profile
Use this profile to assign a new or an existing user to a System Manager device in User
While adding a user, if you choose to assign a CM endpoint profile and an IP Office endpoint
profile to the user, then the system uses the IP Office endpoint profile as the survivability option
for the CM endpoint profile. That is, the endpoint extension used in the CM endpoint profile is
also used for creating an IP Office endpoint profile so that when Communication Manager is
unavailable, the IP Office device can serve the extension.
If a Communication Manager endpoint profile is present while adding or editing a user, the
user administration functions in the centralized mode. If a Communication Manager endpoint
profile is present, the user administration functions in the distributed mode.
Commit the Communication Manager endpoint profile and the Session Manager endpoint
profile before you add an IP Office endpoint profile for a centralized user.
Name/Button Description
System Displays a list of IP Office device names from
which you can select the IP Office device you
want to associate with the user.
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Name/Button Description
Template Displays a list of user templates from which
you can select your preferred template to set
the user configurations.
Use Existing Extension Select the check box to use an existing
endpoint extension to associate with this
profile. If you do not select this check box, the
system uses the available extensions.
Extension The extension of the endpoint you want to
The field lists the endpoints, existing or
available, based on option you selected in
the Use Existing Endpoints check box.
Endpoint Editor button Launches the IP Office application, where
you can edit or view details of the IP Office
After you save the changes in IP Office, the
system does not update the modified data on
the device or database until you commit the
changes on the User Profile Edit page.
Module-Port The module port combination list for IP Office
analog extensions. You must select Module-
Port for centralized users with Set Type as
Set Type Displays the set type for the IP Office
endpoint profile. By default, the Set Type
field is disabled. If you select a template, the
set type is auto populated.
Delete Extension On User Delete check
Provides the option to delete the extension
associated with the user while deleting the
user. By default, this check box is clear. This
option is available for communication profiles
associated with Analog and Digital set
Communication Profile tab Presence Profile
Name Description
System Selects the Presence Services instance that
is the home Presence Services server for the
user. You must select an instance. As a
home server, the Presence Services
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Name Description
instance can perform the following for the
communication profile:
Aggregate presence
Archive instant messages if the Instant
Messages option is enabled
Publish Presence with AES Collector The option that determines if Presence
Services must publish presence with the
AES Collector. The options are:
System Default
The default is System Default. You can
change the default value. You do not require
to configure AES Collector in the Presence
Services server.
Communication Profile tab: Conferencing Profile
Field Description
Select Auto-generated Code Length The number of characters in PIN. The default
is 6.
The system displays this field if you select the
Auto Generate Participant and Moderator
Security Code check box.
Auto Generate Participant and Moderator
Security Code
Select the check box if the system must
generate the participant security code and
moderator security code for this user.
Clear the check box to assign a specific
participant security code or moderator
security code for this user.
Participant Security Code The participant security code that you assign
for this user.
The system displays this field if the Auto
Generate Participant and Moderator
Security Code check box is clear.
Moderator Security Code The moderator security code that you assign
for this user.
The system displays this field if the Auto
Generate Participant and Moderator
Security Code check box is clear.
Location The location of the user. This field is
mandatory for non-SIP users without a
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Field Description
Session Manager profile and optional for SIP
For SIP users, the system uses the location
value from the Home Location field in the
Session Manager profile.
Template The Conferencing template that you assign
to this user.
Button Description
Get Templates Displays the list of Conferencing templates
that you can assign to this user.
Membership tab Roles section
Name Description
check box Use this check box to select a role. Use the
check box displayed in the first column of the
header row to select all the roles assigned to
the user account.
Name The name of the role.
Description A brief description about the role.
Button Description
Assign Roles Opens the Assign Role page that you can
use to assign roles to the user account.
UnAssign Roles Removes the selected role from the list of
roles associated with the user account.
Membership tab Group Membership section
Name Description
check box Use this check box to select the group.
Name Name of the group.
Type Group type based on the resources.
Hierarchy Position of the group in the hierarchy.
Description A brief description about the group.
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Button Description
Add To group Opens the Assign Groups page that you can
use to add the user to a group.
Remove From Group Removes the user from the selected group.
Contacts tab Default Contact List
Name Description
Name Name of the contact list. The default name of
the contact list is Default. You can change
the name to any other appropriate name.
Description A brief description of the contact list.
Contacts tab Associated Contacts
Name Description
Last Name Last name of the contact.
First Name First name of the contact.
Scope Categorization of the contact based on
whether the contact is a public or private
Speed Dial The value specifies whether the speed dial is
set for the contact or not.
Speed Dial Entry The reduced number that represents the
speed dial number.
Presence Buddy The value specifies whether you can monitor
the presence information of the contact or
not. A false value indicates that you can not
track the presence of the contact.
Button Description
Edit Opens the Edit Contact List Member page.
Use this page to modify the information of the
selected contact.
Add Opens the Attach Contacts page. Use this
page to select one or more contacts from the
list of contacts.
Remove Removes one or more contacts from the list
of the associated contacts.
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Button Description
Filter: Disable Hides the column filter fields without
resetting the filter criteria. This is a toggle
Filter: Enable Displays text fields under the columns that
you can use to set the filter criteria. This is a
toggle button.
Filter: Apply Filters contacts based on the filter criteria.
Contacts tab Private Contacts
Use this section to add new private contacts, modify and deletes existing contacts.
Name Description
Last Name Last name of the private contact.
First Name First name of the private contact.
Display Name Display name of the private contact.
Contact Address Address of the private contact.
Description A brief description about the contact.
Button Description
Edit Opens the Edit Private Contact page. Use
this page to modify the information of the
selected contact.
New Opens the New Private Contact page. Use
this page to add a new private contact.
Delete Deletes the selected contacts.
Filter: Disable Hides the column filter fields without
resetting the filter criteria. This is a toggle
Filter: Enable Displays text fields under the columns that
you can use to set the filter criteria. This is a
toggle button.
Filter: Apply Filters contacts based on the filter criteria.
Common buttons
Button Description
Commit & Continue Duplicates the user account and retains you
on the same page for further modifications.
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Button Description
Commit Duplicates the user account and takes you to
the User Management page.
Cancel Cancels the operation of modifying the user
information and takes you back to the User
Management page.
User Delete Confirmation field descriptions
Use this page to delete an user account.
Name Description
Last Name Displays the last name of the user.
First Name Displays the first name of the user.
Display Name Displays the localized display name of a
user. It is typically the localized full name.
Login Name Displays the login name of the you want to
Last login Displays the date and time of last successful
login on to System Manager.
Button Description
Delete Deletes a user.
Cancel Closes the User Delete Confirmation page
and takes you back to the User
Management page.
Assign Roles to Multiple Users field descriptions
Use this page to assign roles to multiple users. The page has the following two sections:
Selected Users
Select Roles
Selected Users
Name Description
Last Name Displays the last name of the user.
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Name Description
First Name Displays the first name of the user.
Display Name Displays the localized display name of the
User Name Displays the unique name that gives access
to the system .
Last login Displays the time and date when the user has
logged in to the system.
Select Roles
Name Description
Select Check box Provides the option to select a role.
Name Displays the name of the role.
Description Displays a brief description about the role.
Button Description
Commit Assigns roles to the selected users.
Cancel Cancels the role assignment operation and
takes you back to the User Management
Assign Roles field descriptions
Use this page to assign a role to the user. The page has the following two sections:
Selected Roles
Available Roles
Selected Roles
The table in this section displays roles that you have assigned to the user account.
Name Description
Name Displays the roles that you have assigned to
the user account.
Description Displays a brief description about the roles.
Available Roles
The table in this section displays roles that you can assign to the user account.
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Name Description
Select check box Provides the option to select all the roles in
the table.
Name Displays the roles that you can assign to the
user account.
Description Displays a brief description of the roles.
Button Description
Select Assigns the selected roles to the user.
Cancel Cancels the role assignment operation and
returns to the previous page.
Assign Groups field descriptions
Use this page to assign a group to the user account. The page has the following two sections:
Selected Groups
Available Groups
Selected Groups section
The table in this section displays groups that you have assigned to the user account.
Name Description
Name Displays the name of the group.
Type Displays the group type based on the
Hierarchy Displays the position of the group in the
Description Displays a brief description of the group.
Available Groups section
The table in this section displays groups that you can assign to the user account.
Name Description
Select check box Provides the option to select a group.
Name Displays the name of the group.
Type Displays the group type based on the
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Name Description
Hierarchy Displays the position of the group in the
Description Displays a brief description of the group.
Button Description
Select Assigns the selected groups to the user.
Cancel Cancels the group assignment operation.
Select: ALL Selects all groups in the table.
Select: None Clears the selection.
Assign Groups to Multiple Users field descriptions
Use this page to add users to the selected groups. This page has the following two sections:
Selected Users
Select Groups
Selected Users
Name Description
Last Name Displays the last name of the user.
First Name Displays the first name of the user.
Display Name Displays the localized display name of the
User Name Displays the unique name that gives access
to the system.
Last login Displays the time and date when the user last
logged on to the system.
Select Groups
Name Description
Select check box Provides the option to select a group.
Name Displays the name of the group.
Type Displays the group type based on the
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Name Description
Hierarchy Displays the position of the group within the
Description Displays a brief description of the group.
Button Description
Select: All Selects all the groups displayed in the
Select: None Clears the selected check boxes.
Commit Assigns groups to the selected users.
Cancel Cancels the group assignment operation and
takes you back to the User Management
Deleted Users field descriptions
You can view the users that you have deleted using the Delete feature. Use this page to view,
permanently delete a user, and restore users that you have deleted.
Name Description
Select check box The option to select a group.
Last Name The last name of the deleted user.
First Name The first name of the deleted user.
Display Name The localized display name of the deleted
Login Name The unique name that identifies the user in
the system.
Organization Hierarchy The hierarchy of the tenant organization in
the format Tenant/Site/Department/Team.
For example, Citi/Pune/HomeLoans/
The system displays the field only when
the administrator enables the Multi
Tenancy feature.
Last login The time and date when the user last logged
on to the system.
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Button Description
Delete Deletes the user permanently from the
Restore Restores the deleted user.
Show Regular users Returns to the User page and displays the
active users.
User Restore Confirmation field descriptions
Use this page to restore a deleted user.
Name Description
Last Name The last name of the user.
First Name The first name of the user.
Display Name The localized display name of the user.
Login Name The unique name of the user account.
Organization Hierarchy The hierarchy of the tenant organization in
the format Tenant/Site/Department/Team.
For example, Citi/Pune/HomeLoans/
The system displays the field only when
the administrator enables the Multi
Tenancy feature.
Last login The date and time when the user last logged
on to the system.
Button Description
Restore Removes the user from the list of deleted
users and restores the user as an active
Cancel Closes the User Restore Confirmation page
and returns you back to the Deleted Users
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Assign Users To Roles field descriptions
Use this page to assign one or more users to the selected roles. This page has the following
two sections:
Selected Roles
Select Users
Selected Roles section
The roles to which you can assign users.
Name Description
Name Displays the name of the role.
Resource Type Displays the resource type that the
corresponding role is assigned.
Description Displays a brief description about role.
Select Users section
The table displays the users to which you can assign the roles.
Name Description
Select check box Provides the option to select the user.
Last Name Displays the last name of the user.
First Name Displays the first name of the user.
Display Name The display name of the user.
User Name Displays the unique name that identifies the
Last Login Displays the time and date when the user last
logged on to the system.
Button Description
Commit Assigns user to the role.
Cancel Cancels the assign users operation and
returns to the Manage Roles page.
UnAssign Roles field descriptions
Use this page to unassign a role form the selected users. This page has the following two
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Selected Roles
Select Users
Selected Roles section
The role from which users are unassigned.
Name Description
Name Displays the name of the role.
Resource Type Displays the resource type that the
corresponding role is assigned.
Description Displays a brief description about role.
Select Users section
The table displays the users for which you can remove the roles.
Name Description
Select check box Provides the option to select the user.
Last Name Displays the last name of the user.
First Name Displays the first name of the user.
Display Name The display name of the user.
User Name Displays the unique name that identifies the
Last Login Displays the time and date when the user last
logged on to the system.
Button Description
Commit Unassigns the role from the users.
Cancel Cancels the assign users operation and
returns to the Manage Roles page.
Managing bulk import and export
Bulk import and export
In System Manager, you can bulk import and export user profiles and global settings. To import
data in bulk, you must provide an XML file or an Excel file as input file. While exporting data
in bulk, the system can export the data to an XML file and an Excel file. The System Manager
database stores the imported user profiles and global settings data.
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You can import and export the following user attributes in bulk:
Identity Data
Communication Profile Set
Communication profiles
The supported communication profiles are CM Endpoint, Messaging, Session Manager,
CS 1000 Endpoint, CallPilot Messaging, Conferencing, IP Office, and Presence, and
Collaboration Environment.
You can import and export the following global settings attributes in bulk:
Public Contact Lists
Shared Addresses
Default access control list (ACLs)
System Manager does not support the bulk import and export of roles.
Bulk import and export using the Excel file
In System Manager, you can import and export user profiles in bulk by using an Excel file and
an XML file. To import data in bulk, provide an XML file or an Excel file as input that System
Manager supports. When you export the data from System Manager Web Console, the system
exports the data to an XML file and an Excel file that System Manager supports.
Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and later support bulk import and export in the .xlsx format. You
can download the Excel file from the User Management page.
Import and export in bulk using the Excel template provides the following features:
Supports the following types of user information:
- Basic. The identity attributes of the user that include user provisioning rule name for
the user, the tenant, and organization hierarchy details
- Profile Set. Entries for all communication profile sets for all users
The Profile Set sheet contains an entry for each communication profile set for a user.
The user must set only one communication profile set as true for a user in the Is
Default column. The value true indicates that the communication profile set of the
user is default.
- Handle. The communication address of the user
- Session Manager profile
- Collaboration Environment profile
- CM Endpoint profile with all attributes of the station communication profile.
System Manager supports import and export of the CM Agent profile data associated
with the user using XML only. You cannot import or export the CM Agent profile data
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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by using Excel. Therefore, with the Excel file bulk import functionality, you cannot
create a user with the CM Agent profile. If you export a user with the CM Agent
profile, the system exports the user without the agent profile data in the Excel file.
- Messaging profile
- CallPilot profile
- IP Office Endpoint profile
- CS 1000 Endpoint profile
- Presence profile
- Conferencing profile
Supports more than one communication profile set.
Supports the creation, updation, and deletion of the user using the same Excel file.
However, you can perform one operation at a time.
For updation, supports only the partial merge operation.
Bulk import and export by using Excel does not support complete or partial replace of the
user for imports in bulk.
Bulk import and export by using Excel supports a subset of user attributes that XML supports.
For example, Excel does not support user contacts, address, and roles.
The Excel file
The sample Excel file contains the sample data of some key attributes of the user. The Excel
file provides a description of header fields. When you download the Excel template from the
User Management page, the values remain blank. To use the Excel file, export some users
for reference in an Excel file.
The Excel file provides the login name in the Basic worksheet as the key attribute that you
use to link the user records in other worksheets.
The login name of the user and the profile set name in the Profile Set worksheet are used as
key to link to the user records in other worksheets for that user profile.
Although you can edit the header fields in the Excel template, do not change any details
of any headers in the worksheets. The import or export might fail if you change the details
of the header.
Do not change the column position in the Excel file or change the structure of the Excel
Do not sort the data in worksheets.
CM Endpoint communication profile
The Excel file contains all attributes for the CM station endpoint profile. The Excel file provides
the station endpoint attributes in more than one worksheets. The parent sheet provides a link
to the same user profile record in the child worksheet. The link points to the first record in the
child sheet if the user profile contains multiple records in the child worksheet.
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 333

Related topics:
Examples of bulk import and export of user by using the Excel file on page 334
Hierarchy in communication profile worksheets on page 336
Microsoft Excel data link error on page 337
Downloading the Excel template file on page 344
Examples of bulk import and export of user by using the Excel file
The following are the credentials of John Miller, a user with two communication profile sets:
Login name: [email protected]
Name of the default communication profile set: Primary
Name of the nondefault communication profile set: secondaryProfile
Example of navigation across Excel worksheets
In the exported file, you can use the hyperlink to navigate across worksheets to access various
records for a profile data of a user.
In the CM Endpoint Profile worksheet, the Station Site Data and Buttons columns contain
hyperlinks to navigate to the respective worksheets. If the child worksheet, for example,
Buttons contains only one record in the worksheet for that user profile, the link points to the
corresponding record of the user profile. If the child worksheet contains multiple records for
that user profile, the link points to the first record in the list.
Login Name* ........... Station Site
Abbr List Buttons
........... Go to Station
Site Data
Go to Buttons
In the following Station Site Data worksheet, the link points to the corresponding user profile
record of the child worksheet because the child worksheet contains only one record for that
user profile.
Jack Cable Floor Build
false false d 0
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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The following Buttons worksheet contains multiple records for
[email protected]#Primary, the user profile, but the link points to the first record in the
Type* Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4 Data5 Data6
1 call-
2 call-
3 call-
Example of handling multiple communication profile sets for a user
In the exported Excel file, the system appends the login name with #profileSetName in all
worksheets except the Basic and Profile Set worksheets. Appending the profile set name to
the login name associates the communication profile set with the user record, for example,
[email protected]#profileSetName. When you export users in the Excel file, the association
is automatic. When you provide data in a blank Excel template that you downloaded for import,
you must make the association manually.
The Profile Set worksheet must contain all communication profile sets of a user, but only
one communication profile set can be the default. The Is Default column is set to true only
for the default profile.
In the Profile Set worksheet, the two communication profile sets for the user John Miller must
contain the following information:
Login Name* Name* Is Default*
[email protected] secondaryProfile false
[email protected] Primary true
If a SIP e164 handle is associated with secondaryProfile of John Miller, the Handle worksheet
must contain the following information:
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 335

Login Name* Handle* Type* Sub Type Domain
+1123 sip e164 smgrdev.avaya
If a Session Manager communication profile is associated with secondaryProfile of John Miller,
the Session Manager Profile worksheet must contain the following information:
Type* Sessi
ry Set
sm6 Pune 6 false true
If a Collaboration Environment communication profile is associated with Primary for John
Miller, the CE Profile worksheet must contain the following:
Login Name* Type* Service Profile*
[email protected]#Pri
AUS TempProfile
Hierarchy in communication profile worksheets
The table provides the parent-child relation of communication profile worksheets in the Excel
template for bulk import and export of user.
Element Master worksheet Child worksheets
Session Manager Session Manager
CM Endpoint Profile
Station Site Data
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Element Master worksheet Child worksheets
Feature Buttons
Expansion Module Buttons
Soft Keys
Display Buttons
Station Abbr Dialing Data
Station Data Module
Station Hot Line Data
Native Name Data
Messaging Messaging Profile None
Conferencing Conferencing
IP Office IP Office Endpoint
CS 1000 CS 1000 Endpoint
CE Profile None
CallPilot CallPilot None
Presence Presence Profile None
Microsoft Excel data link error
Microsoft Excel 2010 displays a data link error.

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Related topics:
Proposed solution on page 338
Proposed solution
About this task
You can ignore Data link error that Microsoft Excel 2010 displays. However, perform the
following procedure to avoid this error the next time you open an Excel file.
1. On the Excel worksheet, close the warning message.
2. On the Data menu, click Edit Links.
3. On the Edit Links dialog box, click Startup Prompt.
4. Click Don't display the alert and dont update automatic links and click OK.
5. Click Close.
6. Save the Excel file.
7. Close the Excel file and open the file again.
The system does not display the data link error message now.
Related topics:
Proposed solution on page 338
Data entry warning in Microsoft Excel
The data type of the cell in Excel is text. If you provide a number in the cell, Excel displays the
Number Stored as Text message. Ignore the warning and do not change the data type
of the cell.
Related topics:
Proposed solution on page 338
Proposed solution
About this task
You can ignore data entry warning that Microsoft Excel 2007 or later displays. However,
perform this procedure to turn off the warning message.
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1. Based on the version, do one of the following:
In Microsoft Office Excel 2007, click Excel Options.
In Microsoft Office Excel 2010, click File > Options > Excel Options.
For other Microsoft Office Excel versions, use the appropriate options.
2. In Microsoft Office Excel 2010, in the left navigation pane, click Formulas and clear
the Numbers formatted as text or preceded by an apostrophe check box.
3. Click OK.
Key features of bulk import and bulk export
Supports import of user profiles from an XML file and Excel file, and import of global
settings from an XML file. Also, supports the export of data to an XML file and Excel
Supports the following error configurations:
- Abort on first error. Stops the import of user records when the import user operation
encounters the first error in the import file containing the user records.
- Continue processing other records. Imports the next user record even if the import
user operation encounters an error while importing a user record.
Supports the following import types:
- A Partial Import type helps import of users with specific user attributes.
- A Complete Import helps import of users with all user attributes.
Provides various configuration options if a record that you must import matches an
existing record in the database. You can configure to skip, replace, merge, or delete a
matching record that already exists and reimport data.
Supports scheduling of bulk import jobs from System Manager Web Console.
Displays import job details, such as job scheduled time, job end time, job status, job
completion status in percentage, number of user records in the input file, number of user
records in the input file with warnings, and number of user records in the input file that
failed to import. Also, provides the link to the Scheduler user interface.
Supports cancellation and deletion of an import job.
Maintains logs of records that fail to import and that require manual intervention.
Supports download of failed records in an XML file. The XML file conforms to XML schema
definition. You can modify the failed records and reimport the records into the
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About bulk import of users
You can use the bulk import functionality to import users in bulk with their attributes from an
XML file. The XML file must conform to XML schema definition. For more information, see
XML Schema Definition for bulk import of users on page 370. See Sample XML for bulk import
of users with all attributes on page 377 for the sample XML file for bulk import of user.
You can perform the following tasks with the bulk import functionality:
Abort or continue the import process when the import user operation encounters first error
in the user input file.
Perform the following import types:
- A Partial import type helps import of users with specific user attributes.
- A Complete import type helps import of users with all user attributes.
Skip import of the users that already exist in the database. Use this option to import new
users from the XML file.
Replace the users in the database with the new users from the file you imported. The
system performs the following actions:
- Replaces all items of user collection attributes such as CommprofileSet and
- Removes the existing items.
- Adds the new items from the XML.
- Updates the single-value user attributes.
For example, the user John Miller has StationA and EndpointB as existing commprofiles
in default commprofileset and you import an XML file containing users with StationC and
EndpointB with Replace option. After you import, John Miller has commprofiles StationC
and EndpointB in the default commprofileset.
For CS1000 Endpoint Profile and CallPilot Messaging Profile, you cannot import both
communication profile and user at the same time. You must add the user and then
merge the profile.
Update and merge the user attributes data from the imported file to the existing data. The
system performs the following actions:
- Merges items of user collection attributes such as CommprofileSet and
- Retains and updates the existing items.
- Adds the new items from the XML.
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- Updates the single-value user attributes.
For example, the user John Miller has StationA and EndpointB as existing commprofiles
in default commprofileset and you import an XML file containing users with StationC and
EndpointB with Replace option. After you import, John Miller has commProfiles StationA,
StationC, EndpointB in the default commprofileset.
Delete the user records from the database that match the records in the input XML file.
Schedule the bulk import job.
View the details of an import job:
- Job scheduled time
- Job end time
- Job status
- Job completion status in percentage
- Total number of user records in the input file
- Total number of user records with warnings in the input file
- Total number of user records that fail to import in the input file
- The link to the Scheduler user interface
Cancel or delete an import job.
View logs of records that fail to import and require manual intervention.
Download failed records in an XML file. The XML file conforms to XML schema definition.
You can modify the failed records and import the records again to the database.
The following two XML schema definitions are available based on the complete and partial
import types:
XML schema definition for bulk import of users: See XML Schema Definition for bulk
import of users on page 370. Use this XML schema definition to add and update (Merge/
Replace) users. This schema addresses complete user attributes. For a sample XML that
conforms to the XML schema definition, see Sample XML for bulk import of users with
minimal attributes on page 377 and Sample XML for bulk import of users with all
attributes on page 377.
XML schema definition for partial import of users: See XML Schema Definition for partial
import of users on page 385. Use the XML schema definition to add and update (Merge/
Replace) users. You must use this schema to import users with specific user attributes.
For a sample XML that conforms to this XML schema definition, see Sample XML for
partial import of users on page 387.
To delete bulk users, a separate XML schema definition is defined. See XML Schema Definition
for bulk deletion of users on page 389. For a sample XML that conforms to delete bulk users
XML schema definition, see Sample XML for bulk deletion of users on page 390.
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Configuration options for bulk import using Excel
You can bulk import only the supported user attribute data for users. The Excel file must be
the downloaded Excel template file or exported Excel file.
The following configuration options are available for import of users by using the Excel file:
Abort or continue the import process when the import user operation encounters first error
in the user input file.
Import users with specific or all user attributes that Excel supports.
If a matching record already exists, you can:
- Merge the user attribute data from the imported file to the existing data. For example,
you can add a new handle to the existing user.
- Delete the user records from the database that match the records in the input Excel
Schedule the bulk import job.
View the details of an import job:
- Job scheduled time
- Job end time
- Job status
- Job completion status in percentage
- Total number of user records in the input file
- Total number of user records with warnings in the input file
- Total number of user records that fail to import in the input file
- The link to the Scheduler user interface
Cancel or delete an import job.
View logs of records that fail to import and require manual intervention.
Bulk importing of users
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Bulk Import and Export.
2. Click ImportUser ManagementUsers.
Also, to gain access to Import users, from System Manager Web Console, click
Users > User Management. Click Manage Users and select More Actions >
Import Users.
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3. On the Import users page, in the Select Import File Type field, select one of the
following file type:
Use the Excel template that System Manager supports. If you fail to use the
template that System Manager supports, the system displays a message
<file_name>.xlsx file is not a valid excel template for
the current System Manager release. Use the Excel
template that you downloaded or exported from the
current System Manager release.
4. On the Import users page, in the Select File field, type the complete path of the file
or click Browse to locate and select a file.
5. Select one of the following error configuration options:
Abort on first error
Continue processing other records
6. For XML file type, click Complete in the import type.
If you select Excel file type, the system does not display the import type option.
7. Select one of the following import options:
To skip users in the import file that match the existing user records in the
database, click Skip.
To replace the users in the database with the new users from the imported file,
click Replace. Use this option to import new users and retain the existing
If you select Excel file type, the system does not display the replace option
To update and merge the user attributes data from the imported file to the
existing data, click Merge.
To delete the user records in the database that match the records in the
imported file, click Delete.
For import by using Excel, the system deletes the user records
8. To run the job, in the Job Schedule section, select one of the following options:
To import the users immediately, click Run immediately.
To import the users at a specified time, click Schedule later, and set date and
Managing users
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9. Click Import.
If you use the default configurations option Importing Users > Add Users in the
database, the system imports the next user record even if the import user operation
encounters an error while importing a user record. The system logs an error. Skip
import of users that already exist in the database. The system schedules the import
job to run immediately.
The operations, Communication Manager Synchronization and Bulk Import of
users, must not overlap in time. If Bulk Import of users is in progress and
Communication Manager Synchronization is started, the current records under
process fail. After the synchronization is complete, the remaining bulk import
records process successfully. You must reimport the records that fail during
Related topics:
Microsoft Excel data link error on page 337
About bulk import of users on page 340
Downloading the Excel template file on page 344
List of XML Schema Definitions and sample XMLs for bulk import on page 369
Attribute details defined in Import user XSD on page 475
Attribute details defined in Delete User XSD on page 484
Attribute details defined in the CM Endpoint profile XSD on page 485
Attribute details defined in the Messaging communication profile XSD on page 514
Attribute details defined in the Session Manager communication profile XSD on page 523
Downloading the Excel template file
If you choose to import or export using an Excel file, you must use the Excel template file that
System Manager supports. System Manager validates and displays a message if you use a
different Excel file.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, click More Actions > Download Excel
4. In the Opening <Excel template file name>.xlsx dialog box, select Save File and
click OK.
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Though the header fields in the Excel template are editable, do not change any
details of the headers in the worksheets. The import or export might fail if you
modify the details of the headers.
For the sample Excel template, see the Excel template for bulk import and export
that you download from the User Management page.
About bulk export of users
In System Manager, you can export users in bulk from the System Manager database. While
exporting in bulk, the system exports the data to an XML file.
You can export the following user attributes in bulk:
Identity Data
Communication Profile Set
Communication profiles
The supported communication profiles are CM Endpoint, Messaging, Session Manager,
CS 1000 Endpoint, CallPilot Messaging, Conferencing, IP Office, and Presence, and
Collaboration Environment.
For security reasons, the system does not export the password fields in the XML file.
You can export the following global settings attributes in bulk:
Public Contact Lists
Shared Addresses
Default access control list (ACLs)
The Export User process creates an archive file containing one or more XML files. While
exporting users records, if the number of exported records exceed the limit of records that an
XML file can hold, the system creates multiple XML files. The system packages the XML files
in a zip file.
The XML file conforms to the XML schema definition that supports import of user. This schema
addresses the complete user attributes, for more information, see XML Schema Definition for
bulk import of users on page 370.
The system generates the XML file on the System Manager server. You can specify the
location of the file you want to export while running the Export User job.
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You can schedule an export user job. The job parameter provides an option to specify the
schedule time in the YYYY:MM:DD:HH:MM:SS format. If you do not specify this parameter,
the present job runs immediately.
When you import the same file to a new system, you must provide the password for users with
the system administrator role. For security reasons, the system does not export the Password
fields to the XML file. Therefore, import of users with the system administrator role fails.
To import users with the system administrator role, in the XML file for the users, add the
following XML tag after the <username> tag:
<userPassword> provide password for user </userPassword>
The system imports the other user records with non system administrator roles and
automatically sets the password to Avaya123$ for Complete Merge/Replace import type.
For Partial Merge/Replace import type, if you do not specify the password, the existing
password remains.
You can export user data in bulk from System Manager web console and by using the bulk
export that you run from CLI. The utility is in the $MGMT_HOME/bulkadministration/
exportutility directory, where MGMT_HOME is an environment variable that represents
the System Manager HOME path.
Exporting users in bulk from web console
1. On System Manager Web Console, click Users > User Management.
2. On the User Management page, click one of the following:
More Actions > Export All Users to export user records for all users.
More Actions > Export Selected Users to export user records for the users
that you select.
- If you select specific users from the list and click Export All, the system
exports the records of all users instead of the selected records.
- If you provide some criteria in Advanced Search and click Export
All, the system exports only the records that match the criteria.
3. (Optional) On the Export Users page, in the User Attribute Options section, select
one or more check boxes to export contacts and specific communication profiles.
By default, the system exports basic attributes, communication profiles, and
For more information, see Export Users field descriptions.
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4. Select a schedule option for the export job.
For more information, see Export Users field descriptions.
5. Click Export to complete the export operation.
The system exports the user data to the XML and Excel file.
6. To view the data, in the Export List section, click the link in the Download File
Related topics:
Microsoft Excel data link error on page 337
Downloading the Excel template file on page 344
About bulk export of users on page 345 command on page 364
List of XML Schema Definitions and sample XMLs for bulk import on page 369
Attribute details defined in Import user XSD on page 475
Attribute details defined in Delete User XSD on page 484
Attribute details defined in the CM Endpoint profile XSD on page 485
Attribute details defined in the Messaging communication profile XSD on page 514
Attribute details defined in the Session Manager communication profile XSD on page 523
Export Users field descriptions on page 538
Exporting users in bulk using CLI
Before you begin
Start an SSH session.
1. Log in to System Manager using SSH as root.
2. To change the directory to exportutility, at the prompt, type cd
MGMT_HOME is an environment variable that represents the System Manager
HOME path.
3. Type # sh [OPTIONS].
4. (Optional) To modify the default values for optional parameters, change the
$MGMT_HOME/bulkadministration/exportutility/config/ file, where MGMT_HOME is an environment
variable that represents the home path for System Manager.
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For example, # sh f userExport r 1000 s 0 e
Related topics:
About bulk export of users on page 345 command on page 348 command on page 364
List of XML Schema Definitions and sample XMLs for bulk import on page 369
Attribute details defined in Import user XSD on page 475
Attribute details defined in Delete User XSD on page 484
Attribute details defined in the CM Endpoint profile XSD on page 485
Attribute details defined in the Messaging communication profile XSD on page 514
Attribute details defined in the Session Manager communication profile XSD on page 523 command
Use the exportUpmUser command to export users in bulk from the System Manager
You can change the default values for optional arguments from the file that is located in the $MGMT_HOME/ upm/
bulkexport/exportutility directory. MGMT_HOME is an environment variable that
represents the HOME path for System Manager.
Syntax -f -r -d -s -e -t
For example, # sh -f userExport -r 1000 -s 0 -e 1000.
-f The prefix of the file name for the file that you require to export.
-r The number of records per file.
-d The location of the file that you want to export.
-s The start index of record.
-e The number of records you want to export.
-t The job scheduling time in the YYYY:MM:DD:HH:MM:SS format. If you do not specify this
parameter, the present job runs immediately.
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Configuration options for bulk import of users
You can bulk import only the selected user attributes data for one or more users existing in the
database. The XML file must conform to XML schema definition, for more information, see
XML Schema Definition for partial import of users on page 385. For a sample XML file for
import of user, see Sample XML for partial import of users on page 387.
The following configuration options are available for import of users:
Abort or continue the import process when the import user operation encounters first error
in the user input file.
Perform one of the following import types:
- The partial import type. Helps import of users with specific user attributes.
- The complete import type. Helps import of users with all user attributes.
If a matching record already exists, you can:
- Replace the users in the database with the new users from the file you imported. For
example, you can replace the existing contact list for a user with a new contact
- Merge the user attributes data from the imported file to the existing data. For
example, you can add a new contact in the list of contacts for the user and update
the name of the user.
- Delete the user records from the database that match the records in the input XML
Schedule the bulk import job.
View the details of an import job:
- Job scheduled time
- Job end time
- Job status
- Job completion status in percentage
- Total number of user records in the input file
- Total number of user records with warnings in the input file
- Total number of user records that fail to import in the input file
- The link to the Scheduler user interface
Cancel or delete an import job.
View logs of records that fail to import and require manual intervention.
Download failed records in an XML file. The XML file conforms to XML schema definition.
You can modify the failed records and import the records again to the database.
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Bulk importing of partial user attributes for a user
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Bulk Import and Export.
2. Click ImportUser ManagementUsers.
Also, to gain access to Import users, from System Manager Web Console, click
Users > User Management. Click Manage Users and select More Actions >
Import Users.
3. On the Import users page, in the Select Import File Type field, select one of the
following file type:
Use the Excel template that System Manager supports. If you fail to use the
template that System Manager supports, the system displays a message
<file_name>.xlsx file is not a valid excel template for
the current System Manager release. Use the Excel
template that you downloaded or exported from the
current System Manager release.
4. Select one of the following error configuration options:
Abort on first error
Continue processing other records
5. Select Partial as the import type.
6. Select one of the following options to handle matching records:
To replace the existing attribute data of a matching user in the database with
the new data from the imported file, click Replace.
To update and merge the user attributes data from the imported file to the
existing data, click Merge.
7. To run the job, in the Job Schedule section, select one of the following options:
To import the users immediately, click Run immediately.
To import the users at a specified time, click Schedule later, and set date and
8. Click Import.
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Related topics:
About bulk import of users on page 340
Configuration options for bulk import of users on page 349
List of XML Schema Definitions and sample XMLs for bulk import on page 369
Attribute details defined in Import user XSD on page 475
Attribute details defined in Delete User XSD on page 484
Attribute details defined in the CM Endpoint profile XSD on page 485
Attribute details defined in the Messaging communication profile XSD on page 514
Attribute details defined in the Session Manager communication profile XSD on page 523
Making exported user data compatible for partial user import
Use this section to update user attributes partially. XML file format contains the user records
that System Manager exports. You must update selected user attributes in the exported XML
file and then import the XML file. You require this procedure because export users generate
XML file conforming to this XML Schema Definition. For more information, see XML Schema
Definition for bulk import of users on page 370. Partial import type uses a different XML
schema definition, for more information, see XML Schema Definition for partial import of user
attributes on page 385.
Before you begin
Export the users in bulk and generate the XML file.
About this task
For partial import of users, make the following changes in the user export XML file. You can
generate the XML file by exporting users in bulk.
1. Perform the following steps:
a. Locate the following content in the generated XML file:
<tns:users xmlns:tns=""
b. Modify tns:users to tns:deltaUserList.
c. Remove tns="".
d. Modify ns4="" to
e. Modify xsi:schemaLocation="
userimport.xsd"> to xsi:schemaLocation="
schema/deltaImport userdeltaimport.xsd ">
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After you modify the XML file as instructed in Step b through Step e, the content in
Step a changes to:
<tns:deltaUserList xmlns:ns3=""
userdeltaimport.xsd ">
2. Replace all instances of:
<tns:user> with <tns:userDelta>
</tns:user> with </tns:userDelta>
<tns:users> with <tns:deltaUserList>
</tns:users> with </tns:deltaUserList>
Next steps
You can now make the updates in the XML file and import the changes to update the user
attributes in the database.
About Bulk Import Encryption utility
System Manager Import User supports import of encrypted user password field and the plain
text Communication Profile password field into the database. For importing a user XML file
with encrypted password, System Manager provides BulkImportEncryptionUtil, a utility tool
that encrypts the userPassword and commPassword fields in the user import input file.
The utility tool takes an XML file with plaintext password field values as input. This utility
encrypts the password fields and generates an XML file with encrypted password field. You
can use the XML file to import user.
BulkImportEncryptionUtil is a standalone Java program. You can run the utility on any machine
that has Java installed on it.
Encrypting passwords in user import file using BulkImportEncryptionUtil
running on Windows
Before you begin
JDK 1.6 is installed on your computer. If the computer does not have JDK 1.6 installed, use
the URL to download JDK 1.6.
1. Extract the contents of the file from
$MGMT_HOME/upm/utilities into a local folder.
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The file contains the following files:
log4j.jar and script files
2. At the command prompt, type um_bulkimport-encryptUtil.bat <import|
deltaimport> <xmlfilename> <basenamespaceprefix>
<deltanamespaceprefix>, where:
import|deltaimport specifies whether the input XML file has data for complete
import or partial import. For complete import, this option value is import and
for partial import this option value is deltaimport.
xmlfilename is the name of the XML file with complete path of the XML file
that contains the data for importing the users data
basenamespaceprefix is the namespace prefix in the input XML file. In the
following example, tns is the value for the basenamespaceprefix parameter.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tns:users xmlns:tns=""
userimport.xsd" >
deltanamespaceprefix is the namespace prefix given in the partial import file.
Specify this parameter if you are performing a partial import. In the following
example, the deltanamespaceprefix value is delta and
basenamespaceprefix value is tns.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
userdeltaimport.xsd ">
Related topics:
About Bulk Import Encryption utility on page 352
Managing users
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 353

Encrypting passwords in user import file using BulkImportEncryptionUtil
running on Linux
Before you begin
Install JDK 1.6 on your computer. If the computer does not have JDK 1.6 installed, use the URL to download JDK 1.6.
1. Extract the contents of the file from
$MGMT_HOME/upm/utilities into a local folder.
The file contains the following files:
log4j.jar and script files
2. At the command prompt, type <import|
deltaimport> <xmlfilename> <basenamespaceprefix>
<deltanamespaceprefix>, where:
import | deltaimport specifies whether the input XML file has data for complete
import or partial import. For complete import, this option value is import and
for partial import this option value is deltaimport.
xmlfilename is the name of the XML file with complete path of the XML file
that contains the data for importing the users data
basenamespaceprefix is the namespace prefix in the input XML file. In the
following example, tns is the value for the basenamespaceprefix parameter.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tns:users xmlns:tns=""
userimport.xsd" >
deltanamespaceprefix is the namespace prefix given in the partial import file.
Specify this parameter if you are performing a partial import. In the following
example, the deltanamespaceprefix value is delta and
basenamespaceprefix value is tns.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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userdeltaimport.xsd ">
Related topics:
About Bulk Import Encryption utility on page 352
Import user considerations
If the comprofileset has associated handlelist or commprofilelist, you cannot merge or
replace commprofileset attributes name and Isprimary.
To move handlelist and commprofilelist from one commprofileset to another, perform the
a. Perform Replace - Import file with no commprofileset.
b. Perform Update (merge/replace) - Import file with the new commprofileset with
associated handlelist and commprofiles.
For security reasons, you do not export the Password fields in the XML file.
When you import the same file to a new system, you must provide the password for users
with the system administrator role. For security reasons, the system does not export the
Password fields to the XML file. Therefore, import of users with the system
administrator role fails.
To import users with the system administrator role, in the XML file for the users, add the
following XML tag after the <username> tag:
<userPassword> provide password for user </userPassword>
For Complete Merge/Replace import type, the system imports user records with
nonSystem Administrator roles and automatically sets the password to Avaya123$. For
Partial Merge/Replace import type, if you do not specify the password, the existing
password remains.
To enhance the performance of a file with large user records, split the file into smaller file
sizes. For example, you can split a user import file of 15 Kb into three files of 5 Kb each.
To speed up the import process, schedule three import jobs in parallel. System Manager
does have the ability to process multiple files concurrently.
Scheduling a user import job
System Manager supports scheduling of bulk import jobs from the System Manager console.
You can schedule a job to run immediately or at a later time.
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1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Bulk Import and Export.
2. Click ImportUser ManagementUsers.
Also, to gain access to Import users, from System Manager Web Console, click
Users > User Management. Click Manage Users and select More Actions >
Import Users.
3. On the Import users page, in the Select Import File Type field, select one of the
following file type:
Use the Excel template that System Manager supports. If you fail to use the
template that System Manager supports, the system displays a message
<file_name>.xlsx file is not a valid excel template for
the current System Manager release. Use the Excel
template that you downloaded or exported from the
current System Manager release.
4. Select one of the following error configuration options:
Abort on first error
Continue processing other records
5. Select one of the following import options:
To skip users in the import file that match the existing user records in the
database, click Skip.
To replace the users in the database with the new users from the imported file,
click Replace. Use this option to import new users and retain the existing
If you select Excel file type, the system does not display the replace option
To update and merge the user attributes data from the imported file to the
existing data, click Merge.
To delete the user records in the database that match the records in the
imported file, click Delete.
For import by using Excel, the system deletes the user records
6. In the Job Schedule section:
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a. Click Schedule later.
To run the user import job immediately, click Run immediately. When you
select this option, the fields related to scheduling become unavailable.
b. In the Date field, type the date.
You can use the calendar icon to select a date.
c. In the Time field, type the time in the HH:MM:SS format.
d. In the Time Zone field, type the time zone.
7. Click Import.
The page displays the scheduled job in the Manage Jobs section.
Aborting a user import job on first error
System Manager supports the following error configurations:
Abort on first error: Aborts import of the user records when the import user operation
encounters the first error in the import file containing the user records.
Continue processing other records: Imports the next user record even if the import user
operation encounters an error while importing a user record.
About this task
The user import process may encounter errors at the time of importing of users. Use this feature
to configure actions when you encounter the first error. You can choose to abort the user import
process or continue the import process.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Bulk Import and Export.
2. Click ImportUser ManagementUsers.
Also, to gain access to Import users, from System Manager Web Console, click
Users > User Management. Click Manage Users and select More Actions >
Import Users.
3. On the Import users page, in the Select Import File Type field, select one of the
following file type:
Use the Excel template that System Manager supports. If you fail to use the
template that System Manager supports, the system displays a message
<file_name>.xlsx file is not a valid excel template for
the current System Manager release. Use the Excel
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template that you downloaded or exported from the
current System Manager release.
4. Click Abort on first error to choose error configuration options.
5. Select one of the following import options:
To skip users in the import file that match the existing user records in the
database, click Skip.
To replace the users in the database with the new users from the imported file,
click Replace. Use this option to import new users and retain the existing
If you select Excel file type, the system does not display the replace option
To update and merge the user attributes data from the imported file to the
existing data, click Merge.
To delete the user records in the database that match the records in the
imported file, click Delete.
For import by using Excel, the system deletes the user records
6. Choose or enter the appropriate information for remaining fields.
7. Click Import.
Canceling a user import job
You can cancel a job only when the job is in the PENDING EXECUTION or RUNNING state.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Bulk Import and Export.
2. Click ImportUser ManagementUsers.
Also, to gain access to Import users, from System Manager Web Console, click
Users > User Management. Click Manage Users and select More Actions >
Import Users.
3. On the Import Users page, select the job from the table in the Manage Jobs
4. Click Cancel job.
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Deleting a user import job
System Manager supports deleting of jobs. Delete job option removes the job information from
the database.
About this task
You can delete a job only when the status of the job is SUCCESSFUL. To interrupt a job that
is running or pending, use the Cancel job option.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Bulk Import and Export.
2. Click ImportUser ManagementUsers.
Also, to gain access to Import users, from System Manager Web Console, click
Users > User Management. Click Manage Users and select More Actions >
Import Users.
3. On the Import Users page, select the job to delete from the table in the Manage
Jobs section.
4. Click Delete job.
Viewing a user import job on the Scheduler page
You can view an import job on the Scheduler Web page. You can perform all operations on a
job that Scheduler supports from the Scheduler page.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Bulk Import and Export.
2. Click ImportUser ManagementUsers.
Also, to gain access to Import users, from System Manager Web Console, click
Users > User Management. Click Manage Users and select More Actions >
Import Users.
3. On the Import Users page, select a job from the table in the Manage Jobs
4. Click the link displayed in the Job Name column.
The Scheduler page displays the details of the job. You can perform operations on
the job that the Scheduler supports for the job.
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Viewing the details of a user import job
You can view the following details of an import job:
Job name
Job scheduled by
Job scheduled start time
Selected error configuration option
Selected import type option
Selected import option
Job end time
Job status
Import file name
Total number of user records in the import file
Total number of user records successfully imported
Total number of user records that failed to import
Total number of warnings
Percentage complete status
About this task
You can view the error message for each user record that fails to import. You can download
the failed user records in an XML file format. You can modify the XML file and import the file
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Bulk Import and Export.
2. Click ImportUser ManagementUsers.
Also, to gain access to Import users, from System Manager Web Console, click
Users > User Management. Click Manage Users and select More Actions >
Import Users.
3. On the Import Users page, select a job to view from the table in the Manage Jobs
4. Click View job.
The Job Detail page displays the details of the selected job.
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Bulk import of global user settings
You can use the Import Global Settings functionality to import global settings in bulk from an
XML file. The XML file must conform to XML schema definition, for more information, see XML
Schema Definition for bulk import of global setting records on page 458. For sample XML file
for import global settings, see Sample XML for bulk import of global setting records on
page 464.
You can perform the following tasks with Import Global Settings:
Abort or continue the import process when the import operation encounters first error in
the global user settings input file.
Skip importing the global user settings records that already exist in the database. Use
this option to import new global user settings records and retain the existing users.
Update and merge the global user settings attributes data from the imported file to the
existing data in the attributes.
Replace all the global user settings records in the database with the global user settings
records from the imported file.
Delete the global setting records from the database that match the records in the input
XML file.
Schedule the bulk import job.
View the details of an import job:
- Job scheduled time
- Job end time
- Job status
- Job completion status in percentage
- Total number of global settings records in the input file
- The number of global settings records with warnings in the input file
- The number of global settings records fail to import in the input file
- The link to the Scheduler user interface
Cancel or delete an import job.
View logs of records that fail to import and require manual intervention.
Download failed records in an XML file. The XML file conforms to XML schema definition.
You can modify the failed records and import the records again to the database.
To add and update (Merge and Replace) global settings use XML Schema Definition for bulk
import of global setting records on page 458.
To delete bulk global settings, use the XML schema definition for global settings delete, see
XML Schema Definition for bulk deletion of global setting records on page 468. For a sample
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XML conforming to delete bulk global settings XML schema definition, see Sample XML for
bulk deletion of users on page 390.
Bulk importing the global user settings
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Bulk Import and Export.
2. Click Import > User Management > Global Settings.
To gain access to Import Global Settings, from the System Manager Console you
can also click Users > User Management. Click Manage Users and select More
Actions > Import Global Settings.
3. On the Import Global Settings page, enter the complete path of the file in the Select
file field.
Also, you can click Browse to select a file.
4. Select one of the following error configuration options:
Abort on first error
Continue processing other records
5. Select one of the import options:
6. In the Job Schedule section, select one of the following options:
To run the import job immediately, click Run immediately.
To run the import job at a later time, click Schedule later and set the date and
7. Click Import.
Related topics:
About bulk import of users on page 340
Bulk import of global user settings on page 361
List of XML Schema Definitions and sample XMLs for bulk import on page 369
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Bulk export of global user settings
In System Manager, you can export global settings in bulk from the System Manager
You can export the following global settings attributes in bulk:
Public Contact Lists
Shared Addresses
Default access control list (ACLs)
The Export User process creates an archive file containing one or more XML files. While
exporting the global settings records, if the number of exported records exceed the limit of
records that an XML file can hold, the system creates multiple XML files. The system packages
the XML files in a zip file.
The XML file conforms to the XML schema definition that supports import of global settings.
This schema addresses the complete global settings attributes. For more information, see
XML Schema Definition for bulk import of global setting records on page 458.
The system generates the XML file on the System Manager server. You can specify the
location of the file you want to export while running the Export User job.
You can schedule an export global settings job. The job parameter provides an option to specify
the schedule time in the YYYY:MM:DD:HH:MM:SS format. If you do not specify this parameter,
the present job runs immediately.
You can export user data in bulk from System Manager web console and by using the bulk
export that you run from CLI. The utility is in the $MGMT_HOME/bulkadministration/
exportutility directory, where MGMT_HOME is an environment variable that represents
the System Manager HOME path.
Bulk exporting of global user settings
In System Manager, you can export global settings from the System Manager database. The
export global settings utility is located in the $MGMT_HOME/upm/bulkexport directory, where
MGMT_HOME is an environment variable that represents the System Manager HOME path.
Before you begin
Start an SSH session.
1. Log in to System Manager using SSH as root.
2. To change the directory to exportutility, at the prompt, type cd
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MGMT_HOME is an environment variable that represents the home path for System
3. Type # sh [OPTIONS].
4. (Optional) To modify the default values for optional parameters, change the
$MGMT_HOME/bulkadministration/exportutility/config/ file, where MGMT_HOME is an environment
variable that represents the System Manager HOME path.
For example, # sh f globalSettingExport
r 1000 s 0 e 1000 o 1.
Related topics:
About bulk export of users on page 345
Bulk export of global user settings on page 363 command on page 364 command on page 364
List of XML Schema Definitions and sample XMLs for bulk import on page 369 command
Use the exportUpmGlobalsettings command to export global settings from the System
Manager database.
Syntax -f globalSettingExport-r-d -s -e-t
-f The prefix of the file name for the file that you require to export.
-r The number of records per file.
-d The location of the file that you want to export.
-s The start index of record.
-e The number of records you want to export.
-t The job scheduling time in the YYYY:MM:DD:HH:MM:SS format. If you do not specify this
parameter, the present job runs immediately.
-o The global settings export filter. The default is 0. You can set one of the following values
for the global settings export filter:
- 0 No Filter. 0 is considered as the start index value.
- 1 System Default Type filter
- 2 Enforced users filter
- 3 System Rule Type filter
- 4 System ACL Entry Type filter
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- 5 Shared Address filter
- 6 Public Contact filter
You can change the default values for optional arguments from the file that is located in the $MGMT_HOME/ upm/
bulkexport/exportutility directory. MGMT_HOME is an environment variable
that represents the HOME path for System Manager.
Scheduling a global user settings import job
About this task
System Manager supports scheduling of bulk import jobs from the System Manager console.
With the scheduling utility, you can schedule an import job to run immediately or at a later
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Bulk Import and Export.
2. Click Import > User Management > Global Settings.
To gain access to Import Global Settings, from the System Manager Console you
can also click Users > User Management. Click Manage Users and select More
Actions > Import Global Settings.
3. On the Import Global Settings page, enter the complete path of the file in the Select
file field.
Also, you can click Browse to select a file.
4. Select one of the following error configuration options:
Abort on first error
Continue processing other records
5. Select one of the import options:
6. In the Job Schedule section:
a. Click Schedule later.
To run the import job immediately, click Run immediately. After you select this
option, the fields related to scheduling become unavailable.
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b. Enter the date in the Date field.
You can use the calender icon to select a date.
c. Enter time in the Time field in the HH:MM:SS format.
d. From the Time Zone field, select a time zone.
7. Click Import.
The system displays the scheduled job in the Manage Jobs section.
Viewing details of a global user settings import job
You can view the following details of an import job:
Job name
Job scheduled by
Job scheduled start time
Job end time
Job status
Import file name
Total number of user records in the import file
Total number of user records successfully imported
Total number of user records that failed to import
Percentage complete status
About this task
You can view the error message for each user record that fails to import. You can download
the failed user records in an XML file format. You can modify the XML file and import the file
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Bulk Import and Export.
2. Click Import > User Management > Global Settings.
To gain access to Import Global Settings, from the System Manager Console you
can also click Users > User Management. Click Manage Users and select More
Actions > Import Global Settings.
3. On the Import Global Settings page, select a job from the table in the Manage
Jobs section.
4. Click View job.
The Job Detail page displays the details of the selected job.
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Viewing a global user settings import job on the Scheduler page
About this task
You can view and perform all operations on an import job that the scheduler supports from the
Scheduler page.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Bulk Import and Export.
2. Click Import > User Management > Global Settings.
To gain access to Import Global Settings, from the System Manager Console you
can also click Users > User Management. Click Manage Users and select More
Actions > Import Global Settings.
3. On the Import Global Settings page, select a job from the table in the Manage
Job section.
4. Click the link in the Job Name column.
The Scheduler page displays the details of the job.
Aborting a global user settings import job on first error
System Manager supports the following error configurations:
Abort on first error. Aborts importing of the global settings records when the import global
settings operation encounters the first error in the import file that contains the global
settings records.
Continue processing other records. Imports the next global settings record even if the
import operation encounters an error while importing a global settings record.
About this task
You can abort an import process when the import process encounters the first error in the input
file while processing the global user settings records.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Bulk Import and Export.
2. Click Import > User Management > Global Settings.
To gain access to Import Global Settings, from the System Manager Console you
can also click Users > User Management. Click Manage Users and select More
Actions > Import Global Settings.
3. On the Import Global Settings page, enter the complete path of the file in the Select
file field.
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Also, you can click Browse to select a file.
4. Select Abort on first error as the error configuration option.
5. Select one of the import options:
6. Choose or enter the appropriate information for the remaining fields.
7. Click Import.
Deleting a global user settings import job
System Manager supports deletion of an import job. The Delete job option removes the job
information from the database. You can delete a job only when the job is in the SUCCESSFUL
To interrupt a job that is running or pending, use the Cancel job option.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Bulk Import and Export.
2. Click Import > User Management > Global Settings.
To gain access to Import Global Settings, from the System Manager Console you
can also click Users > User Management. Click Manage Users and select More
Actions > Import Global Settings.
3. On the Import Global Settings page, select a job from the table in the Manage
Jobs section.
4. Click Delete Job.
Canceling a global user settings import job
You can cancel a job only when the job is in the PENDING EXECUTION or RUNNING state.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Bulk Import and Export.
2. Click Import > User Management > Global Settings.
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To gain access to Import Global Settings, from the System Manager Console you
can also click Users > User Management. Click Manage Users and select More
Actions > Import Global Settings.
3. On the Import Global Settings page, select a job from the table in the Manage
Jobs section.
4. Click Cancel job.
List of XML Schema Definitions and sample XMLs for bulk import
The following is the list of XML Schema Definition and sample XML snippets for bulk import of
users, global setting records, elements, endpoint profiles, Messagingprofiles, CS 1000 profiles,
CallPilot profiles, IP Office profiles, agent profiles, Session Manager profiles, Presence
profiles, Collaboration Environment, and Conferencing profiles:
XML Schema Definition for bulk import of users on page 370
Sample XML for bulk import of users with minimal attributes on page 377
Sample XML for bulk import of users with all attributes on page 377
XML Schema Definition for partial import of user attributes on page 385
Sample XML for partial import of user attributes on page 387
XML Schema Definition for bulk deletion of users on page 389
Sample XML for bulk deletion of users on page 390
XML Schema Definition for bulk import of elements on page 391
Sample XML for bulk import of elements on page 396
XML Schema Definition for bulk import of Session Manager profiles on page 397
Sample XML for bulk import of Session Manager profiles on page 399
XML Schema Definition for bulk import of endpoint profiles on page 400
Sample XML for bulk import of endpoint profiles on page 428
XML Schema Definition for bulk import of messaging profiles on page 431
Sample XML for bulk import of Messaging profiles on page 437
XML Schema Definitions for bulk import of agent profiles on page 438
XML Schema for CS1000 and CallPilot communication Profiles on page 444
Sample XML for the CS1000 and CallPilot Communication Profiles on page 444
XML Schema for IP Office Communication Profiles on page 445
Sample XML for the IP Office Communication Profiles on page 454
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XML Schema for bulk import and export of Presence Profile on page 454
Sample XML for Presence Communication Profile on page 454
XML Schema for bulk import of Conferencing Profile on page 457
Sample XML for the Conferencing Communication Profile on page 458
XML Schema for bulk import of Collaboration Environment Profile on page 427
Sample XML for bulk import of Collaboration Environment Profile on page 427
XML Schema Definition for bulk import of global setting records on page 458
Sample XML for bulk import of global setting records on page 464
XML Schema Definition for bulk deletion of global setting records on page 468
Sample XML for bulk deletion of global setting records on page 470
XML Schema Definition for bulk import of roles on page 470
Sample XML for bulk import of roles on page 473
You cannot use the following characters as is in the XML file. To use the characters in the
import of XML files, make the following modifications:
Less-than character (<) as &lt;
Ampersand character (&) as &amp;
Greater-than character (>) as &gt;
Double-quote character (") as &quot;
Apostrophe or single-quote character (') as &apos;
When you copy the XML schema from the document you must take care of the line
XML Schema Definition for bulk import of users
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:tns="" xmlns:ext="http://" xmlns:xs=""
targetNamespace="" version="2.0">
<xs:element name="secureStore" type="tns:xmlSecureStore"/>
<xs:element name="user" type="tns:xmlUser"/>
<xs:element name="users">
<xs:element name="secureStore" type="tns:xmlSecureStore"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="user" type="tns:xmlUser" minOccurs="0"
<xs:complexType name="xmlUser">
<xs:element name="UserOrganizationDetails"
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maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="UserProvisionRules" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="UserProvisionRuleName" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="authenticationType" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="description" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="displayName" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="displayNameAscii" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="dn" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="isDuplicatedLoginAllowed"
type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="isEnabled" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="isVirtualUser" type="xs:boolean"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="givenName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1"
maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="givenNameAscii" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="honorific" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="loginName" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="128" />
<xs:element name="newLoginName" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="128" />
<xs:element name="employeeNo" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<xs:element name="department" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
<xs:element name="organization" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<xs:element name="middleName" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="managerName" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="preferredGivenName" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="preferredLanguage" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="source" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="sourceUserKey" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
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<xs:element name="status" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="suffix" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="surname" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1"
maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="surnameAscii" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="timeZone" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="title" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="userName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="userPassword" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="commPassword" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="userType" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xs:element name="roles" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="role" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xs:element name="localizedNames" type="tns:xmLocalizedNames" minOccurs="0"
<xs:element name="address" type="tns:xmlAddress"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xs:element name="securityIdentity"
type="tns:xmlSecurityIdentity" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<!-- Contact list Entries -->
<xs:element name="ownedContactLists" minOccurs="0"
<xs:element name="contactList"
type="tns:xmlContactList" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="ownedContacts" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="contact" type="tns:xmlContact"
maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<!-- Presence ACL User Entries -->
<xs:element name="presenceUserDefault"
type="tns:xmlPresUserDefaultType" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="presenceUserACL"
type="tns:xmlPresUserACLEntryType" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xs:element name="presenceUserCLDefault"
type="tns:xmlPresUserCLDefaultType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="commProfileSet"
type="tns:xmlCommProfileSetType" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xs:complexType name="xmlSecurityIdentity">
<xs:element name="identity" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/
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<xs:element name="realm" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="type" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:complexType name="xmlPresInfoTypeAccessType">
<xs:element name="infoType" type="tns:xmlPresInfoTypeType" minOccurs="1"
<xs:element name="access" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:complexType name="xmlPresACRuleType">
<xs:element name="infoTypeAccess" type="tns:xmlPresInfoTypeAccessType"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:complexType name="xmlPresUserDefaultType">
<xs:extension base="tns:xmlPresACRuleType"/>
<xs:complexType name="xmlPresUserCLDefaultType">
<xs:extension base="tns:xmlPresACRuleType"/>
<xs:complexType name="xmlPresUserACLEntryType">
<xs:extension base="tns:xmlPresACRuleType">
<xs:element name="watcherLoginName" type="xs:string"
<xs:element name="watcherDisplayName" type="xs:string"
<xs:complexType name="xmlPresInfoTypeType">
<xs:element name="label" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="filter" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="specFlags" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<!-- Contact List entries -->
<xs:complexType name="xmlContactList">
<xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="description" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="isPublic" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="1"
<xs:element name="members" type="tns:xmlContactListMember" minOccurs="0"
<xs:element name="contactListType" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1"
<xs:complexType name="xmlContactListMember">
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<xs:element name="memberContact" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="speedDialContactAddress"
type="tns:xmlContactAddress" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="memberUser" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="speedDialHandle" type="tns:xmlHandle"
<xs:element name="isFavorite" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="1"
<xs:element name="isSpeedDial" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="speedDialEntry" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="isPresenceBuddy" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="1"
<xs:element name="label" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="altLabel" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="description" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="priorityLevel" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:complexType name="xmlContactAddress">
<xs:element name="address" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="altLabel" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="contactCategory" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1"
<xs:element name="contactType" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1"
<xs:element name="label" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:complexType name="xmlAddress">
<xs:element name="addressType" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1"
<xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="building" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="localityName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="postalCode" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<!-- Additional Attribute Support - The attribute room will be mapped
to cubical.-->
<xs:element name="room" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="stateOrProvince" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="country" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="street" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<!-- Additional Attribute Support -->
<xs:element name="businessphone" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="otherbusinessphone" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="fax" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="homephone" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="otherhomephone" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="mobilephone" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="othermobilephone" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="pager" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="pager2" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<!-- Additional Attribute Support - End -->
<xs:element name="postalAddress" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="1024"/>
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<xs:element name="isPrivate" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:complexType name="xmlContact">
<xs:element name="company" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="description" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="displayName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1"
<xs:element name="displayNameAscii" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1"
<xs:element name="dn" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="givenName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1"
<xs:element name="givenNameAscii" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
<xs:element name="initials" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="middleName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="preferredGivenName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
<xs:element name="preferredLanguage" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="isPublic" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="1"
<xs:element name="source" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="sourceUserKey" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1"
<xs:element name="suffix" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="surname" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="surnameAscii" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
<xs:element name="title" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="ContactAddress" type="tns:xmlContactAddress"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="addresses" type="tns:xmlAddress" minOccurs="0"
<xs:complexType name="xmlHandle">
<xs:element name="handleName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1"
<xs:element name="handleType" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1"
<xs:element name="handleSubType" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
<xs:element name="domainName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
<xs:complexType name="xmlCommProfileType">
<xs:element name="commProfileType" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1"
<xs:element name="commProfileSubType" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
<xs:element name="jobId" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:complexType name="xmlCommProfileSetType">
<xs:element name="commProfileSetName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1"
<xs:element name="isPrimary" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="1"
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<xs:element name="handleList" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="handle" type="tns:xmlHandle"
<xs:element name="commProfileList" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="commProfile" type="tns:xmlCommProfileType"
<xs:complexType name="ForgeinCommProfileType">
<xs:extension base="ext:xmlCommProfileType">
<xs:element name="csEncryptionKeyId" type="xs:long" minOccurs="0"
<xs:element name="servicePassword" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
<xs:element name="serviceData" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
<xs:complexType name="xmlSecureStore">
<xs:element name="secureStoreData" type="xs:base64Binary" minOccurs="1"
<xs:element name="passwordEncrypted" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:complexType name="xmlLocalizedName">
<xs:element name="locale" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1"
<xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"></
<xs:complexType name="xmLocalizedNames">
<xs:element name="localizedName" type="tns:xmlLocalizedName"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="7"></xs:element>

<xs:complexType name="UserOrganizationDetailsType">
<xs:element name="tenant" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="createTenantIfNotAlreadyPresent"
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<xs:element name="organizationUnitLevelOne" type="xs:string"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="organizationUnitLevelTwo" type="xs:string"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="organizationUnitLevelThree" type="xs:string"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">

Sample XML for bulk import of users with minimal attributes
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Root Element 'Users' represent collection of user (containing 1 or
more users)-->
<tns:users xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsi="http://" xsi:schemaLocation="
schema/import userimport.xsd" >

<loginName>[email protected]</loginName>
Sample XML for bulk import of users with all attributes
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Root Element 'Users' represent collection of user (containing 1 or more
<tns:users xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsi="http://" xsi:schemaLocation="
schema/import userimport.xsd">
<!-- authenticationType: This defines the type of authentication that this user
will undergo at runtime to obtain access to the system.
---description:A text description of the user. Human readable description of
this user instance.
---displayName:The localized name of a user to be used when displaying. It
will typically be the localized full name. This value may be provisioned
from the users enterprise directory entry. If it does not exist,
synchronization rules can be used to populate it for other fields
e.g. Surname, GivenName, or LoginName.
---displayNameAscii:This corresponds to the
Console attribute-Endpoint Display Name.
The full text name of the user represented in ASCII. It is used to support
display (e.g. endpoints) that cannot handle localized text
---dn:The distinguished name of the user. The DN is a sequence of relative
distinguished names (RDN) connected by commas. An RDN is an attribute with
an associated value in the form of attribute=value, normally expressed in a
UTF-8 string format.The dn can be used to identify the user and may be used
for authentication subject mapping. Note the dn is changeable.
---isDuplicatedLoginAllowed:A boolean indicator showing whether this user is
allowed a duplicate concurrent logins.A true stipulates that the user is
allow to have duplicate logins. Default value is true.
---isEnabled:A boolean indicator showing whether or not the user is active.
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Users with AuthenticationType equals Basic will fail if this value is false.
This attribute can be used to disable access between login attempts.
A running sessions login will not be revocable. Alternatively the
administrator can always modify the password to disable the user from
logging in. A true stipulates this is an active user, a false used for a
disabled user. Default value is false.
---isVirtualUser:A boolean indicator showing whether or not the record is being
used for a non-human entity such as an application, service, software agent,
etc. This is to be used where the entity will behave as a user and needs to
have subset of the user profile populated. If the entity does not behave as
a user and has a different trust relationship e.g. a trust certificate it
should not be treated as a virtual user. A virtual user can represent an
Avaya or external non-human entity. This attribute is provided as a
convenience to track such accounts.A true stipulates this is a virtual user,
a false is used for human users. Default value is false.
---givenName:The first name of the user.
---honorific:The personal title used to address a user. This is typically a
social title and not the work title which is contained in the title
attribute. This attribute can map to PersonalTitle.
---loginName:This is the unique system login name given to the user. It can
take the form of username@domain or just username.This may vary across
customers.It can be used to help provision default user handles in the
CSHandle table. The username is an alphanumeric value that must comply
with the userinfo related portion of a URI as described in rfc2396. However,
it is further restricted as ASCII characters with only the _ and . special
characters supported. This is the rfc2798 uid attribute.
---employeeNo:Employee number of user.
---department:Department of employee.
---organization:Organization of employee.
---middleName:The middle name of the user.
---managerName:Text name of the users manager. This is a free formed field and
does not require the users manager to also be a user of the solution.
This attribute was requested to support reporting needs.
---preferredGivenName:The preferred first name of the user.
---preferredLanguage:The individuals preferred written or spoken language.
Values will conform to rfc4646 and the reader should refer to rfc4646 for
syntax.This format uses the ISO standard Language ISO639 and region ISO3166
codes In the absence of a value the clients locale should be used,
if no value is set, en-US should be defaulted.
---source:Free format text field that identifies the entity that created this
user record. The format of this field will be either a IP Address/Port
or a name representing an enterprise LDAP or Avaya.
---sourceUserKey:The key of the user from the source system. If the source is
an Enterprise Active Directory server, this value with be the objectGUID.
---status:This information is to help manage provisioning activities such as
correcting or completing the provisioning of a user instance. It can also
signify that approval is needed (PENDINGAUTHZ) before a user account is
sufficiently configured to be a valid user (PROVISIONED).
---suffix:The text appended to a name e.g. Jr., III.
---surname:The users last name, also called the family name.
---timeZone:The preferred time zone of the user.
For example: (-12:0)International Date Line West.
---title:The job function of a person in their organizational context.
---userName:This is the username portion of the loginName field. It is an
alphanumeric value that must comply with the userinfo related portion of a
URI as described in rfc2396. However, it is further restricted as ASCII
characters with only the _ and . special characters supported.
This is the rfc2798 uid attribute.
---userPassword:The encrypted password for this users account.A null password
is used when the user is authenticated by the enterprise such as with a
separate source such as the enterprise LDAP.
---commPassword:The encrypted subscriber or communication password with which
the user logs can use to authentication with on to any CommProfile SIP and
non SIP. This attribute is meant to be a shared across different
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communication profiles and thus different communication services.
---userType:This enumerates the possible primary user application types.
A User can be associated with multiple user types. Possible values are
---roles:Text name of a role.This value needs to pre-exist in SMGR DB
---localizedNames:localized name of user.
---address:The address of the user.
---securityIdentity:The SecurityIdentity is used to hold any additional
identities for a user that can be used for authentication such as their
loginName, Kerberos account name, or their X509 certificate name.
---ownedContactLists:It is a collection of internal or external contacts.
ContactList is owned by a specific user and has a name that a unique name
within the context of its owner.
---ownedContacts:It represents a non Avaya application user (external) contact.
Contacts can be collected together along with User entities into a contact
list. Contacts can be created by an administrator or an end user.
---presenceUserDefault:These are personal rules that are set by presentities
to define how much presence information can be shown to watchers that are
not explicitly mentioned in an ACL. There may be one User Default rule per
presentity (User), or none.
---presenceUserACL:These are personal rules defined by presentities themselves
on who can monitor their presence information. There may be several entries
in the list for a given presentity, each entry corresponding to one watcher.
---presenceUserCLDefault:This is a personal rule that is set by presentities
to define how much presence information can be shown to watchers that belong
to the userss contact list. There may be one User Contact List Default rule
per presentity (Person) or none.
---commProfileSet:A user will have a default commprofile set.A commprofile set
can exist without any handles or commprofiles referencing it. I.e. you can
create a commprofile set without needing to also create either a handle or
a commprofile.A commprofile set can contain multiple commprofiles, but only
one of each specific type. This is enforced by having the CSCommProfile
uniqueness constraint include type, cs_commprofile_set_id.
<description>this is description</description>
<displayName> John Miller</displayName>
<loginName>[email protected]</loginName>
<managerName>Jay Smith</managerName>
<timeZone>(-12:0)International Date Line West</timeZone>
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<!--addressType:Specifies the role of the address. Examples: Home, business.
---name:The Name property defines the unique label by which the address is
known. Default format for user specific address should include user name
place address type.
---building:The name or other designation of a structure
---localityName:The name of a locality, such as a city, county or other
geographic region.
---postalCode:A code used by postal services to route mail to a destination.
In the United States this is the zip code.
---room:Name or designation of a room.
---stateOrProvince:The full name of a state or province.
---country:A country.
---street:The physical address of the object such as an address for package
---postalAddress:A free formed text area for the complete physical delivery
address. It may be used in place of the specific fields in this table.
---isPrivate:A boolean indicator to specify if this address could be shared
across multiple users.True is private, false is sharable. Default is false.
<name>Avaya Office</name>
<building>building 11</building>
<room>room 502</room>
---SecurityIdentity:Represents the possible external identities that a user
may have for the purpose of authentication. The type and format of an
identity depends on the external Identity Provider and can include
X.509 certificates or Kerberos user accounts
---identity:The unique external identity of the user. This is a free text
field and no format is enforced. The format will depend on the identity
type. Kerberos user account can take the form of: username@domainName
e.g. [email protected]
---realm:The name of the security domain that this identity is valid in.
---type:The text representation of the type of identity.
Possible values are: principalname,X509 and Kerberos
<identity>[email protected] </identity>
---ContactList:The ContactList is a collection of personal or public groups
containing external contacts and/or Avaya users.
---name:The text name of the list. This in the context of the owner must be
---description:A free text description of this member.
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---isPublic:Defines if the contact is public or personal. Default = false.
---members:Represents the list of users or contacts that belong to contact list
---contactListType:Specifies the type categorizing this list.
<description>This is my contactList</description>
---memberContact:This represents the name of the Contact.
A ContactListMember can either be a Contact or User
---speedDialContactAddress:A Contact Address added as a favorite entry
---memberUser:This represents the loginname of the User.
A ContactListMember can either be a Contact or User
---speedDialHandle:A handle added as a favorite entry
---isFavorite:A boolean indicator that reflects whether this contact is
a favorite entry. If true, the value of entryindex would show which
position to place this entry in any display.
---isSpeedDial:Each contact list member can also be flagged as a
favorite (a.k.a. speed dial)
---speedDialEntry:For either a presence buddy or favorite entry, a
specific communication address to use can be pointed to.
---isPresenceBuddy:Each contact list member can also be flagged as a
presence buddy
---label:A free text short word or phrase for classifying this contact
list member.
---altLabel:A free text short word or phrase for classifying this
contact.This is similar to label, but it is used to store alternate
language representations.
---description:A free text description of this member.
<memberContact>Phil Bath</memberContact>
<label>My Contact in Dublin office</label>
<altLabel>Phone Number for contacting Denver office</altLabel>
<description>Contact Details</description>
---Contact:An entity that represents a non Avaya application user (external)
contact. Contacts can be collected together along with User entities into
a contact list. Contacts can be created by an administrator or an end
user. Contacts have name attributes, and owner, and can be public or
personal. A contact also includes one or more contact addresses that can
be used for establishing an interaction with the contact. Contacts can be
designated as being a users presence buddy or added as a favorite entry
For example, speed dial.
---company:The organization that the contact belongs to.
---description:A free text field containing human readable text providing
information on this entry.
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---displayName:The localized name of a contact to be used when displaying.
It will typically be the localized full name. This value may be provisioned
from the users enterprise directory entry. If it does not exist,
synchronization rules can be used to populate it for other fields
e.g. Surname, GivenName, or LoginName.
---displayNameAscii:The full text name of the contact represented in ASCII.
It is used to support display (e.g. endpoints) that cannot handle
localized text.
---dn:The distinguished name of the user. The DN is a sequence of relative
distinguished names (RDN) connected by commas. An RDN is an attribute
with an associated value in the form of attribute=value, normally expressed
in a UTF-8 string format.The dn can be used to uniquely identify this
record. Note the dn is changeable.
---givenName:The first name of the contact.
---initials:Initials of the contact
---middleName:The middle name of the contact.
---preferredGivenName:The nick name of the contact.
---preferredLanguage:The individuals preferred written or spoken language.
Values will conform to rfc4646 and the reader should refer to rfc4646
for syntax.This format uses the ISO standard Language ISO639 and region
ISO3166 codes. In the absence of a value the clients locale should be
used, if no value is set, en-US should be defaulted.
---isPublic:Defines if the contact is public or personal. Default = false.
---source:Free format text field that identifies the entity that created
this user record. The format of this field will be either a
IP Address/Port or a name representing an enterprise LDAP or Avaya.
---sourceUserKey:The key of the user from the source system. If the source is
an Enterprise Active Directory server, this value with be the objectGUID.
---suffix:The text appended to a name e.g. Jr., III.
---surname:The users last name, also called the family name.
---title:The job function of a person in their organizational context.
Examples: supervisor, manager
---ContactAddress:Represents a contacts address.
---addresses:A fully qualified URI for interacting with this contact. Any
addresses added to this table should contain a qualifier e.g. sip, sips,
tel, mailto. The address should be syntactically valid based on the
qualifier. It must be possible to add via the GUI and Interface.
The application must do validation.
<description>Company ABC description</description>
<displayName>Phil Bath</displayName>
---type:The value reflecting the type of handle this is. Possible
values are username, e164, and privatesubsystem
---category:The value representing a further qualification to the contact
address. Possible values inlcude Office, Home, Mobile.
---handle:This is the name given to the user to allow communication to
be established with the user. It is an alphanumeric value that must
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
382 Administering Avaya Aura

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Comments? [email protected]
comply with the userinfo related portion of a URI as described in rfc2396.
However, it is further restricted as ASCII characters with only the
+ prefix to signify this is an E.164 handle and _ and . special
characters supported.The handle and type together are unique within a
specific domain. Note, the handle plus domain can be used to construct
a users Address of Record.
---label:A free text description for classifying this contact.
---altLabel:A free text description for classifying this contact. This is
similar to ContactLabel, but it is used to store alternate language
---addressType:The unique text name of the address type.
Possible values are: Home, business.
---name: The Name property defines the unique label by which the address
is known. Default format for user specific address should include
user name place address type.
---building:The name or other designation of a structure.
---localityName:The name of a locality, such as a city, county or other
geographic region.
---postalCode:A code used by postal services to route mail to a
destination. In the United States this is the zip code.
---room:Name or designation of a room.
---stateOrProvince:The full name of a state or province.
---country:A country.
---street:The physical address of the object such as an address for
package delivery
---postalAddress:A free formed text area for the complete physical delivery
address. It may be used in place of the specific fields in this table.

<name>Phil Bath</name>
<building>building A</building>
<room>room 123</room>

---PresUserDefault:These are personal rules that are set by presentities to
define how much presence information can be shown to watchers that are
not explicitly mentioned in an ACL. There may be one User Default rule
per presentity (User), or none.presentity (User), or none.
---label:A unique string that names this info type (e.g. Telephony Presence)
---filter:Internal definition of which part of presence information is
covered by this info type. The value of this field should be treated
as opaque string; it is maintained and used only by Presence services.
---specFlags:This field is empty for regular info types, but for special
info types it contains a comma separated list of keywords that identify
these types. In this version only FULL that represents full presence
Managing users
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information is supported.
<label>Telephony Presence</label>
---UserACLEntry:These are personal rules defined by presentities
themselves on who can monitor their presence information. There may be
several entries in the list for a given presentity, each entry
corresponding to one watcher.
---label:A unique string that names this info type (e.g. Telephony Presence).
---filter:Internal definition of which part of presence information is
covered by this info type. The value of this field should be treated
as opaque string; it is maintained and used only by Presence services.
---specFlags:This field is empty for regular info types, but for special info
types it contains a comma separated list of keywords that identify these
types. In this version only FULL that represents full presence
information is supported.
PresUserCLDefault:This is a personal rule that is set by presentities
to define how much presence information can be shown to watchers
that belong to the users contact list. There may be one User
Contact List Default rule per presentity (Person) or none.
<!-- commProfileSet:A user will have a default commprofile set.A commprofile
set can exist without any handles or commprofiles referencing it. I.e.
you can create a commprofile set without needing to also create either
a handle or a commprofile.A commprofile set can contain multiple
commprofiles, but only one of each specific type. This is enforced by
having the CommProfile uniqueness constraint include type,
---HandleName:This is the name given to the user to allow communication to
be established with the user. It is an alphanumeric value that must comply
with the userinfo related portion of a URI as described in rfc2396.
However,it is further restricted as ASCII characters with only
the + prefix to signify this is an E.164 handle and _ and .
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special characters supported. Note, the handle plus domain can be used
to construct a users Address of Record.
---handleType:The value reflecting the type of handle this is. Possible values
are sip,smtp,ibm,and xmpp.
---handleSubType:This is an additional qualify on the handle type to help
specify which private subsystem this handle belongs to.Possible values are
---domainName:The text name of the domain.
<handleName>sip:[email protected]</handleName>
<!--The below is extended communication profile-->
<commProfile xsi:type="ns3:SessionManagerCommProfXML" xmlns:ns3="http://">
<ns3:primarySM>SIP Entity 1</ns3:primarySM>
<ns3:secondarySM>SIP Entity 2</ns3:secondarySM>
<ns3:survivabilityServer>SIP Entity 2</ns3:survivabilityServer>
<ns3:confFactorySet>Factory Set 1</ns3:confFactorySet>
XML Schema Definition for partial import of users

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:delta=""
xmlns:base="" xmlns:xs="
XMLSchema" targetNamespace="" version="1.0">
<xs:import namespace=""
<xs:element name="userDelta" type="delta:xmlUserDelta"/>
<xs:element name="deltaUserList" type="delta:xmlDeltaUserList"/>
<xs:complexType name="xmlDeltaUserList">
<xs:element name="secureStore" type="base:xmlSecureStore"></xs:element>
<xs:element name="userDelta" type="delta:xmlUserDelta" minOccurs="0"
<xs:complexType name="xmlUserDelta">
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<xs:element name="authenticationType"
type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="description" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="displayName" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="displayNameAscii" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="dn" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="isDuplicatedLoginAllowed"
type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="isEnabled" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="isVirtualUser" type="xs:boolean"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="givenName" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="honorific" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="loginName" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="middleName" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="managerName" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="preferredGivenName" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="preferredLanguage" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="source" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="sourceUserKey" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="status" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="suffix" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="surname" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="timeZone" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="title" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="userName" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="userPassword" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="commPassword" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="userType" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xs:element name="roles" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="role" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xs:element name="address" type="base:xmlAddress"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xs:element name="securityIdentity"
type="base:xmlSecurityIdentity" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<!-- Contact list Entries -->
<xs:element name="ownedContactLists" minOccurs="0"
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<xs:element name="contactList"
type="base:xmlContactList" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="ownedContacts" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="contact" type="base:xmlContact"
maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<!-- Presence ACL User Entries -->
<xs:element name="presenceUserDefault"
type="base:xmlPresUserDefaultType" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="presenceUserACL"
type="base:xmlPresUserACLEntryType" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xs:element name="presenceUserCLDefault"
type="base:xmlPresUserCLDefaultType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="commProfileSet"
type="base:xmlCommProfileSetType" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">

Sample XML for partial import of users
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<delta:deltaUserList xmlns:delta=""
xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsi="
XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="
userdeltaimport.xsd ">
<description>this is description</description>
<displayName>John Miller</displayName>
<loginName>[email protected]</loginName>
<managerName>Jay Smith</managerName>
<timeZone>(-12:00) International Date Line West</timeZone>
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<name>Avaya Office</name>
<building>building 11</building>
<room>room 502</room>
<identity>[email protected] </identity>
<description>This is my contactList</description>
<memberContact>Phil Bath</memberContact>
<label>My Contact in Dublin office</label>
<altLabel>Phone Number for contacting Denver office</altLabel>
<description>Contact Details</description>
<description>Company ABC description</description>
<displayName>Phil Bath</displayName>
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<name>Phil Bath</name>
<building>building A</building>
<room>room 123</room>
<label>Telephony Presence</label>
XML Schema Definition for bulk deletion of users
<xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:tns=""
elementFormDefault="qualified" version="1.0" xmlns:xs="
2001/XMLSchema" >

<xs:element name="user" type="tns:xmlUserDelete" />
<xs:element name="deleteType" type="tns:xmlDeleteType" />

<xs:element name="deleteUsers">
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<xs:element name="deleteType" type="tns:xmlDeleteType" maxOccurs="1"
<xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="user"
type="tns:xmlUserDelete" />

<xs:complexType name="xmlUserDelete">
<xs:element name="loginName" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="128"></xs:maxLength>
<xs:element name="id" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"></
<xs:simpleType name="xmlDeleteType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string"></xs:restriction>

Sample XML for bulk deletion of users
<xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:tns=""
elementFormDefault="qualified" version="1.0" xmlns:xs="
2001/XMLSchema" >

<xs:element name="user" type="tns:xmlUserDelete" />
<xs:element name="deleteType" type="tns:xmlDeleteType" />

<xs:element name="deleteUsers">
<xs:element name="deleteType" type="tns:xmlDeleteType" maxOccurs="1"
<xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="user"
type="tns:xmlUserDelete" />

<xs:complexType name="xmlUserDelete">
<xs:element name="loginName" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="128"></xs:maxLength>
<xs:element name="id" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"></
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<xs:simpleType name="xmlDeleteType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string"></xs:restriction>

XML Schema Definition for bulk import of elements
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema targetNamespace=""
elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
<!-- <xs:schema xmlns:xs=""> -->
<xs:element name="RTSElements">
<xs:element name="ApplicationSystems" minOccurs="0"
Application System Types
<xs:element name="ApplicationSystem"
type="ApplicationSystem" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="ApplicationSystemAssigns"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="Source" type="Source"
minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xs:complexType name="ApplicationSystem">
<xs:element name="Host" type="Host" minOccurs="1"
<xs:element name="ApplicationSystemType"
type="ApplicationSystemType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">

<xs:element name="SecureStoreData" type="SecureStoreData" minOccurs="0"
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<xs:element name="AccessPoints" minOccurs="0"
<xs:element name="AccessPoint"
type="AccessPoint" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xs:element name="Ports" minOccurs="0"
<xs:element name="Port" type="Port"
minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xs:element name="SNMPAttributes" type="SNMPAttributes" minOccurs="0"

<xs:element name="Attributes" minOccurs="0"
<xs:element name="Attribute" type="Attribute"
minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required">
<xs:attribute name="description" type="xs:string">
<xs:attribute name="displaykey" type="xs:string"></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="isTrusted" type="xs:boolean"></xs:attribute>
<xs:complexType name="SNMPAttributes">
<xs:attribute name="snmpVersion" type="snmpVersionType" use="required">
<xs:attribute name="readCommunity" type="xs:string">
<xs:attribute name="writeCommunity" type="xs:string">
<xs:attribute name="userName" type="xs:string">
<xs:attribute name="authenticationProtocol"
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<xs:attribute name="authenticationPassword" type="xs:string">
<xs:attribute name="privacyProtocol" type="privacyProtocolType">
<xs:attribute name="privacyPassword" type="xs:string">
<xs:attribute name="snmpRetries" type="xs:int" use="required">
<xs:attribute name="snmpTimeout" type="xs:long" use="required">
<xs:attribute name="deviceTypeName" type="xs:string"> </xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="sysOid" type="xs:string">

<xs:complexType name="Host">
<xs:attribute name="ipaddress" type="xs:string"
<xs:attribute name="description" type="xs:string">
<xs:attribute name="ostype" type="xs:string"></xs:attribute>
<xs:complexType name="ApplicationSystemType">
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required">
<xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:string" use="required">
<xs:complexType name="AccessPoint">
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required">
<xs:attribute name="description" type="xs:string">
<xs:attribute name="displaykey" type="xs:string"></xs:attribute>
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<xs:attribute name="type" type="AccessPointType"
<xs:attribute name="uri" type="xs:string"></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="host" type="xs:string" use="required">
<xs:attribute name="port" type="xs:string"></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="protocol" type="xs:string"></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="loginid" type="xs:string"></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="password" type="xs:string"></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="containerType" type="ContainerType"></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="order" type="xs:int" use="required">
<xs:complexType name="Port">
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required">
<xs:attribute name="description" type="xs:string">
<xs:attribute name="protocol" type="xs:string" use="required"></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="port" type="xs:int" use="required"></xs:attribute>
<xs:complexType name="Source">
<xs:element name="Assignment" minOccurs="1"
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string">
<xs:attribute name="targetAppSystemName"
type="xs:string" use="required">
<xs:attribute name="targetAppSystemTypeName"
type="xs:string" use="required">
<xs:attribute name="targetAppSystemTypeVersion"
type="xs:string" use="required">

<xs:attribute name="targetAppSystemHost"
type="xs:string" use="required">
<xs:attribute name="priority" type="xs:int"></xs:attribute>
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<xs:attribute name="sourceApplicationSystemName"
type="xs:string" use="required">
<xs:attribute name="sourceAppSystemTypeName" type="xs:string"
<xs:attribute name="sourceAppSystemTypeVersion" type="xs:string"

<xs:attribute name="sourceAppSystemHost" type="xs:string"
<xs:complexType name="Attribute">
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required"></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:string" use="required"></xs:attribute>
<!-- added for secure store integration. -->
<xs:attribute name="isencrypted" type="xs:boolean" use="optional"

<xs:complexType name="SecureStoreData">
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required"></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:string" use="required"></
<xs:simpleType name="AccessPointType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="TrustManagement" />
<xs:enumeration value="EMURL" />
<xs:enumeration value="WS" />
<xs:enumeration value="GUI" />
<xs:enumeration value="Other" />
<xs:simpleType name="ContainerType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="JBOSS" />
<xs:enumeration value="SIPAS" />
<xs:simpleType name="authenticationProtocolType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="MD5" />
<xs:enumeration value="SHA" />
<xs:simpleType name="privacyProtocolType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="DES"/>
<xs:enumeration value="3DES"/>
<xs:enumeration value="AES128"/>
<xs:enumeration value="AES192"/>
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<xs:enumeration value="AES256"/>
<xs:simpleType name="snmpVersionType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:int">
<xs:enumeration value="1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="3"/>

Sample XML for bulk import of elements
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<RTSElements xsi:schemaLocation=" ApplicationSystems.xsd "
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="
<ApplicationSystem description="Test" displaykey="NewGateway1"
isTrusted="false" name="Test1">
<Host description="Host" ipaddress="localhost" ostype="Host"/>
<ApplicationSystemType name="Other Applications" version="0"/>
<ApplicationSystem description="Test" displaykey="NewGateway1"
isTrusted="false" name="Test2">
<Host description="Host" ipaddress="localhost" ostype="Host"/>
<ApplicationSystemType name="Other Applications" version="0"/>
<ApplicationSystem description="Test" displaykey="NewGateway1"
isTrusted="false" name="Test3">
<Host description="Host" ipaddress="localhost" ostype="Host"/>
<ApplicationSystemType name="Other Applications" version="0"/>
<ApplicationSystem description="Test" displaykey="NewGateway1"
isTrusted="false" name="Test4">
<Host description="Host" ipaddress="localhost" ostype="Host"/>
<ApplicationSystemType name="Other Applications" version="0"/>
<ApplicationSystem description="Test" displaykey="NewGateway1"
isTrusted="false" name="Test5">
<Host description="Host" ipaddress="localhost" ostype="Host"/>
<ApplicationSystemType name="Other Applications" version="0"/>
<ApplicationSystem description="Test" displaykey="NewGateway1"
isTrusted="false" name="Test6">
<Host description="Host" ipaddress="localhost" ostype="Host"/>
<ApplicationSystemType name="Other Applications" version="0"/>
<ApplicationSystem description="Test" displaykey="NewGateway1"
isTrusted="false" name="Test7">
<Host description="Host" ipaddress="localhost" ostype="Host"/>
<ApplicationSystemType name="Other Applications" version="0"/>
<ApplicationSystem description="Test" displaykey="NewGateway1"
isTrusted="false" name="Test8">
<Host description="Host" ipaddress="localhost" ostype="Host"/>
<ApplicationSystemType name="Other Applications" version="0"/>
<ApplicationSystem description="Test" displaykey="NewGateway1"
isTrusted="false" name="Test9">
<Host description="Host" ipaddress="localhost" ostype="Host"/>
<ApplicationSystemType name="Other Applications" version="0"/>
<ApplicationSystem description="Test" displaykey="NewGateway1"
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isTrusted="false" name="Test10">
<Host description="Host" ipaddress="localhost" ostype="Host"/>
<ApplicationSystemType name="Other Applications" version="0"/>
<ApplicationSystem description="Test" displaykey="NewGateway1"
isTrusted="false" name="Tes11t">
<Host description="Host" ipaddress="localhost" ostype="Host"/>
<ApplicationSystemType name="Other Applications" version="0"/>
<ApplicationSystem description="Test" displaykey="NewGateway1"
isTrusted="false" name="Test12">
<Host description="Host" ipaddress="localhost" ostype="Host"/>
<ApplicationSystemType name="Other Applications" version="0"/>
<ApplicationSystem description="Test" displaykey="NewGateway1"
isTrusted="false" name="Test13">
<Host description="Host" ipaddress="localhost" ostype="Host"/>
<ApplicationSystemType name="Other Applications" version="0"/>
<ApplicationSystem description="Test" displaykey="NewGateway1"
isTrusted="false" name="Test14">
<Host description="Host" ipaddress="localhost" ostype="Host"/>
<ApplicationSystemType name="Other Applications" version="0"/>
XML Schema Definition for bulk import of Session Manager profiles
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
This is the XML schema for the "Session Manager Profile". It defines this
profile inside of an XML document that defines a user record
(see userimport.xsd)
<xsd:import namespace=""

<xsd:complexType name="SessionManagerCommProfXML">

<xsd:extension base="smgr:xmlCommProfileType" >

The following attributes are the names of objects that must
already be administered in System Manager before performing
the user import.

The relative order here cannot be changed because it would
break backwards compatibility with existing XML documents
that could be used for an import.

<!-- Name of the primary Session Manager (required) -->
<xsd:element name="primarySM" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1" />

<!-- Name of the secondary Session Manager (optional) -->
<xsd:element name="secondarySM" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
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<!-- Name of the Termination Application Sequence (optional) - administered
under Session Manager /Application Configuration /Application Sequences
<xsd:element name="terminationAppSequence" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />

<!-- Name of the Origination Application Sequence (optional)
- administered under
Session Manager /Application Configuration /Application Sequences
<xsd:element name="originationAppSequence" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />

<!-- Name of the Conference Factory Set (optional)
- administered under
Session Manager / Application Configuration / Conference Factories -->
<xsd:element name="confFactorySet" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />

<!-- Name of the Survivability Server (optional)
- usually the name of a Branch Session Manager, but can be any non-CM
SIP Entity -->
<xsd:element name="survivabilityServer" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />

<!-- Name of the Home Location (required)
- administered under Routing / Locations -->
<xsd:element name="homeLocation" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1" />

<!-- The maximum number of endpoints that can be simultaneously
registered using this Session Manager Profile. (optional)
- The value is an integer between 1 and 10 and
defaults to 1 if not specified. -->
<xsd:element name="maxSimultaneousDevices" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer">
<xsd:minInclusive value="1" />
<xsd:maxInclusive value="10" />

If true, new registrations will be blocked for this Session Manager
Profile if the maximum number of simultaneously registered endpoints
(see "maxSimultaneousDevices" above) is currently registered. If
false, an existing registration will be terminated to allow a new
registration for this Session Manager Profile. (optional)
- the value defaults to false if not specified
<xsd:element name="blockNewRegistrationWhenMaxActive" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:boolean" />


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Sample XML for bulk import of Session Manager profiles
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tns:users xmlns:tns=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" userimport.xsd ">
<!-- User Record for: [email protected] -->
(Other user elements are required here - consult the main user record
XML schema reference)
This is the password for any SIP endpoints (phones) associated with the
users Session Manager Profile
(Other user elements may be required here - consult the main user record
XML schema reference)
<!-- Here, a Communication Profile is defined for the user -->
<!-- The user must be given one or more handles of type SIP to associate SIP
devices with the Session Manager Profile. In this case, a SIP phone will
be registered with a Session Manager as [email protected] -->
<!-- Here, one or more product-specific profiles may be defined -->
<!-- A Session Manager Profile is defined to associate a maximum of two
SIP phones,having the SIP handle, [email protected], with...
Primary Session Manager (Primary SM)
Secondary Session Mananger instance (Secondary SM)
Termination Sequence (Sequence to My CM),
Origination Sequence (Sequence to My CM),
Conference Factory Set (EngeeringDepartmentConferenceSet)
Survivability Server (BSM value below),
Home Location (My Home).
If both phones are registered and a third phone tries to register
using the same SIP handle, one of the two phones will have its
registration terminated to allow the third phone to register.
<commProfile xsi:type="ns3:SessionManagerCommProfXML"
<ns3:primarySM>Primary SM</ns3:primarySM>
<ns3:secondarySM>Secondary SM</ns3:secondarySM>
<ns3:terminationAppSequence>Sequence to My CM</
<ns3:originationAppSequence>Sequence to My CM</
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<ns3:homeLocation>My Home</ns3:homeLocation>

A CM Station Profile is associated with this Communication Profile.
The application sequence, Sequence to My CM, invoked by Session
Manager for calls to and from [email protected], sequences calls to
the CM, My CM.
SIP devices associated with this Communication Profile are associated
with the CM Station that has number 555-5555. The CM Station, 555-5555,
already exists on the CM, so the useExistingExtension element has
value true.
<commProfile xsi:type="ipt:xmlStationProfile" xmlns:ipt="http://">
<ipt:cmName>My CM</ipt:cmName>
XML Schema Definition for bulk import of endpoint profiles
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" xmlns:one="http://" elementFormDefault="qualified"
targetNamespace="" xmlns:csm="http://">
<xs:import namespace=""
<!--Changes in xsd file need to generate jaxb src using this xsd-->
<xs:complexType name="xmlStationProfile">
<xs:extension base="one:xmlCommProfileType" >

<!-- CM Name as it appears under 'Applications/Application Management/
Entities -->
<xs:element name="cmName" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1"
<xs:element name="prefHandleId" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1"
<!-- 'true' if already created extension is to be used. 'false' if
available extension is to be used. -->
<xs:element name="useExistingExtension" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"/>

<!-- Extension Range which will be used to create Station using
available extension within given range -->
<xs:element name="extensionRange" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="([0-9]+([\.\-][0-9]+)*)|([0-9]+([\.\-]
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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<!-- Station extension number that need to be assigned to the user. -->
<xs:element name="extension" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="([0-9]+([\.\-][0-9]+)*)|[nN][eE][xX]

<!-- Template name to be used to create station. Values defined in
Template will be used if not provided. -->
<xs:element name="template" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1"

<!-- Specifies the set type of the station -->
<xs:element name="setType" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1"

<!-- Security code for station. Value can be digit only. -->
<xs:element name="securityCode" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[0-9]*"/>

<!-- Valid values for port -->
<!--01 to 64 First and second numbers are the cabinet number -->
<!--A to E Third character is the carrier -->
<!--01 to 20 Fourth and fifth characters are the slot number -->
<!--01 to 32 Sixth and seventh characters are the circuit number -->
<!--x or X Indicates that there is no hardware associated with the
port assignment since the switch was set up, and the administrator expects that the
extension would have a non-IP set. Or, the extension had a non-IP set, and it
dissociated. Use x for Administered WithOut Hardware (AWOH) and Computer Telephony
(CTI) stations, as well as for SBS Extensions. -->
<!--IP Indicates that there is no hardware associated with the port
assignment since the switch was set up, and the administrator expects that the
extension would have an IP set. This is automatically entered for certain IP station
set types, but you can enter for a DCP set with softphone permissions. This changes
to the s00000 type when the set registers. -->
<xs:element name="port" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" /

<!-- Whether the station should be deleted if it unassigned from the
user. -->
<xs:element name="deleteOnUnassign" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"

<!-- Whether the endpoint name on CM should be overridden with the
value in User. -->
<xs:element name="overRideEndpointName" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"/>

<!-- true/false for Enhanced Callr-Info display for 1-line phones -->
<xs:element name="enhCallrInfodisplay" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"/>

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<!-- true/false to enable/disable lock messages feature. -->
<xs:element name="lockMessages" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />

<!-- A coverage path is a prioritized sequence of extensions to which
your voice system will route an unanswered call. -->
<!-- Valid values: CM 5.2 - Path Number between 1-2000, time of day
table, t1-t999, or blank. -->
<!-- Valid values: CM 6.0 - Path Number between 1-9999, time of day
table, t1-t999, or blank. -->
<xs:element name="coveragePath1" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="([1-9]{0})|(t[1-9][0-9]{0,2})|([1-9]

<!-- A coverage path is a prioritized sequence of extensions to which
your voice system will route an unanswered call. -->
<!-- Valid values: CM 5.2 - Path Number between 1-2000, time of day
table, t1-t999, or blank. -->
<!-- Valid values: CM 6.0 - Path Number between 1-9999, time of day
table, t1-t999, or blank. -->
<xs:element name="coveragePath2" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="([1-9]{0})|(t[1-9][0-9]{0,2})|([1-9]

<!-- The extension the system should hunt to for this telephone when
the telephone is busy. A station hunting chain can be created by assigning a hunt-
to station to a series of telephones. -->
<xs:element name="huntToStation" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />

<!-- Provides for partitioning of attendant groups and/or stations
and trunk groups. -->
<!-- Typically this is used for multiple tenants in a building or
multiple departments within a company or organization. -->
<!-- Valid values: 1 to 250 when TN is ON in special application and
1 to 100 o.w. -->
<xs:element name="tn" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:int">
<xs:minInclusive value="1" />
<xs:maxInclusive value="250" />

<!-- Typically this is used for multiple tenants in a building or
multiple departments within a company or organization. -->
<!-- Typically this is used for multiple tenants in a building or
multiple departments within a company or organization. -->
<!-- Valid values: 0 to 995 -->
<xs:element name="cor" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:int">
<xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="995"/>
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<!-- Class of Service lets you define groups of users and control
those groups' access to features -->
<!-- Valid values: 1 to 15 -->
<xs:element name="cos" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:int">
<xs:minInclusive value="0" />
<xs:maxInclusive value="15" />
<xs:element name="xmobileType" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="EC500"/>
<xs:enumeration value="DECT"/>
<xs:enumeration value="IPDECT"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PHS"/>
<xs:element name="mappingMode" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="termination"/>
<xs:enumeration value="origination"/>
<xs:enumeration value="both"/>
<xs:enumeration value="none"/>
<xs:element name="configurationSet" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="|[1-9]|[0-9][1-9]"/>
<xs:element name="mobilityTrunkGroup" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="aar|ars|[1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[1-9]([0-9])
<xs:element name="dialPrefix" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="([0-9]*#){0,4}"/>
<xs:element name="cellPhoneNumber" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
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<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[0-9]{0,15}"/>
<xs:element name="musicSource" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:int">
<xs:minInclusive value="1" />
<xs:maxInclusive value="250" />
<xs:element name="tests" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />

<xs:element name="dataModule" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />

<!-- Controls the behavior of speakerphones. -->
<xs:element name="speakerphone" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="none"/>
<xs:enumeration value="1-way"/>
<xs:enumeration value="2-way"/>

<!-- The language that displays on stations -->
<!-- Time of day is displayed in 24-hour format (00:00 - 23:59) for
all languages except English, which is displayed in 12-hour format (12:00 a.m. to
11:59 p.m.). -->
<!-- unicode: Displays English messages in a 24-hour format . If no
Unicode file is installed, displays messages in English by default. -->
<xs:element name="displayLanguage" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="english"/>
<xs:enumeration value="french"/>
<xs:enumeration value="italian"/>
<xs:enumeration value="spanish"/>
<xs:enumeration value="unicode"/>
<xs:enumeration value="unicode2"/>
<xs:enumeration value="unicode3"/>
<xs:enumeration value="unicode4"/>
<xs:enumeration value="user-defined"/>

<!-- Defines the personalized ringing pattern for the station.
Personalized Ringing allows users of some telephones to have one
of 8 ringing patterns for incoming calls.
For virtual stations, this field dictates the ringing pattern
on its mapped-to physical telephone.
<!-- L = 530 Hz, M = 750 Hz, and H = 1060 Hz -->
<!-- Valid Entries Usage
1 MMM (standard ringing)
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<xs:element name="personalizedRingingPattern" maxOccurs="1"
<xs:restriction base="xs:int">
<xs:minInclusive value="1" />
<xs:maxInclusive value="8" />

<!-- The Message Lamp Extension associated with the current extension
<xs:element name="messageLampExt" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[0-9]+([\.\-][0-9]+)*"/>
<!-- Enables or disables the mute button on the station. -->
<xs:element name="muteButtonEnabled" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />
When used with Multi-media Call Handling, indicates which extension
assigned to the data module of the multimedia complex. Users can
this extension to place either a voice or a data call, and voice
conversion, coverage, and forwarding apply as if the call were
made to
the 1-number.
Valid Entry Usage A valid BRI data extension For MMCH, enter the
extension of the data module that is part of this multimedia
H.323 station extension For 4600 series IP Telephones, enter the
corresponding H.323 station. For IP Softphone, enter the
H.323 station. If you enter a value in this field, you can register
this station for either a road-warrior or telecommuter/Avaya IP
application. blank Leave this field blank for single-connect IP
<xs:element name="mediaComplexExt" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="([1-9]{0})|[0-9]+([\.\-][0-9]+)*"/>

<!-- Whether this is IP soft phone. -->
<xs:element name="ipSoftphone" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />
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Survivable GK Node Name Identifies the existence of other H.323
gatekeepers located within gateway products that offer survivable
features. For example, the MultiTech MVPxxx-AV H.323 gateway family
and the SLS function within the H.248 gateways. When a valid IP node
name is entered into this field, Communication Manager adds the IP
address of this gateway to the bottom of the Alternate Gatekeeper
for this IP network region. As H.323 IP stations register with
Communication Manager, this list is sent down in the registration
confirm message. This allows the IP station to use the IP address of
this Survivable Gatekeeper as the call controller of last resort to
register with. Available only if the station type is an H.323
(46xxor 96xx models).
Valid Entry Usage
Valid IP node name Any valid previously-administered IP
node name.
blank There are no external gatekeeper nodes
within a customer's network. This is the default value.
<xs:element name="survivableGkNodeName" type="xs:string"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
Sets a level of restriction for stations to be used with the
survivable dial plan to limit certain users to only to certain types
of calls. You can list the restriction levels in order from the most
restrictive to least restrictive. Each level assumes the calling
ability of the ones above it. This field is used by PIM module
of the
Integrated Management to communicate with the Communication Manager
administration tables and obtain the class of service information.
module builds a managed database to send for Standard Local
Survivability (SLS) on the H.248 gateways. Available for all analog
and IP station types.

Valid Entries Usage
emergency This station can only be used to place
emergency calls.
internal This station can only make intra-switch
calls. This is the default.
local This station can only make calls that are
defined as locl, op, svc, or hnpa in the Survivable Gateway Call Controller's
routing tables.
toll This station can place any national toll
calls that are defined as fnpa or natl on the Survivable Gateway Call Controller's
routing tables.
unrestricted This station can place a call to any number
defined in the Survivable Gateway Call Controller's routing tables. Those strings
marked as deny are also denied to these users.
<xs:element name="survivableCOR" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="emergency"/>
<xs:enumeration value="internal"/>
<xs:enumeration value="local"/>
<xs:enumeration value="toll"/>
<xs:enumeration value="unrestricted"/>
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Designates certain telephones as not being allowed to receive
trunk calls when the Media Gateway is in survivable mode. This field
is used by the PIM module of the Integrated Management to
interrogate the Communication Manager administration tables and
the class of service information. PIM module builds a managed
to send for SLS on the H.248 gateways. Available for all analog
and IP
station types.

Valid Entry Usage
true Allows this station to be an incoming trunk
destination while the Media Gateway is running in survivability mode. This is the
false Prevents this station from receiving
incoming trunk calls when in survivable mode.

<xs:element name="survivableTrunkDest" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<!-- Enter the complete Voice Mail Dial Up number. -->
<xs:element name="voiceMailNumber" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[(0-9)(*)(#)(~mwWps)]{0,24}"/>

<!-- Analog telephones only. -->
Valid entries Usage
true Enter true if this telephone is not located in
the same building with the system. If you enter true, you must complete R Balance
false Enter false if the telephone is located in the
same building with the system.
<xs:element name="offPremisesStation" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />
<!-- If a second line on the telephone is administered on the I-2
channel, enter analog. Otherwise, enter data module if applicable or none. -->
<xs:element name="dataOption" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="analog"/>
<xs:enumeration value="data-module"/>
<xs:enumeration value="none"/>

<xs:element name="displayModule" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />

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<!-- if led or neon then messageLampExt should be enable otherwise
its blank -->
<xs:element name="messageWaitingIndicator" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="led"/>
<xs:enumeration value="neon"/>
<xs:enumeration value="none"/>

<!-- Enter true to use this station as an endpoint in a remote office
configuration. -->
<xs:element name="remoteOfficePhone" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />

<!-- Defines the source for Leave Word Calling (LWC) messages. -->
Valid entries Usage
audix If LWC is attempted, the messages are
stored in AUDIX.
spe If LWC is attempted, the messages are stored
in the system processing element (spe).
none If LWC is attempted, the messages are not stored.

<xs:element name="lwcReception" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="audix"/>
<xs:enumeration value="msa"/>
<xs:enumeration value="spe"/>
<xs:enumeration value="none"/>
Enter true to allow internal telephone users to leave short LWC
for this extension. If the system has hospitality, enter true for
guest-room telephones if the extension designated to receive failed
wakeup messages should receive LWC messages that indicate the wakeup
calls failed. Enter true if LWC Reception is audix.
<xs:element name="lwcActivation" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="lwcLogExternalCalls" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="cdrPrivacy" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="redirectNotification" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="perButtonRingControl" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="bridgedCallAlerting" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="bridgedIdleLinePreference" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="confTransOnPrimaryAppearance" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="customizableLabels" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
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minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="expansionModule" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="ipVideoSoftphone" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />

<xs:element name="activeStationRinging" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="single"/>
<xs:enumeration value="continuous"/>
<xs:enumeration value="if-busy-single"/>
<xs:enumeration value="silent"/>

<!-- Defines how call rings to the telephone when it is on-hook.-->
Valid entries Usage
continuous Enter continuous to cause all calls
to this telephone to ring continuously.
if-busy-single Enter if-busy-single to cause calls
to this telephone to ring continuously when the telephone is off-hook and idle and
calls to this telephone to
receive one ring cycle and then ring
silently when the telephone is off-hook and active.
silent-if-busy Enter silent-if-busy to cause calls
to ring silently when this station is busy.
single Enter single to cause calls to this
telephone to receive one ring cycle and then ring silently.
<xs:element name="idleActiveRinging" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" /> <!-- not found in xhtml -->

<!-- Must be set to true when the Type field is set to H.323. -->
<xs:element name="switchhookFlash" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />

<!-- If this field is true, the short switch-hook flash (50 to 150)
from a 2500-type set is ignored. -->
<xs:element name="ignoreRotaryDigits" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />
H.320 Conversion - Valid entries are true and false (default).
This field is
optional for non-multimedia complex voice stations and for Basic
multimedia complex voice stations. It is mandatory for Enhanced
multimedia complex voice stations. Because the system can only
a limited number of conversion calls, you might need to limit the
number of telephones with H.320 conversion. Enhanced multimedia
complexes must have this flag set to true.
<xs:element name="h320Conversion" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />

The service link is the combined hardware and software multimedia
connection between an Enhanced mode complex's H.320 DVC system
and the
Avaya DEFINITY Server which terminates the H.320 protocol. A service
link is never used by a Basic mode complex H.320 DVC system.
Connecting a service link will take several seconds. When the
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 409

link is connected, it uses MMI, VC and system timeslot resources.
the service link is disconnected it does not tie up any resources.
Service Link Mode can be administered as either 'as-needed' or
'permanent' as described below: - As-Needed - Most non-call center
multimedia users will be administered with this service link
mode. The
as-needed mode provides the Enhanced multimedia complex with a
connected service link whenever a multimedia call is answered by the
station and for a period of 10 seconds after the last multimedia
on the station has been disconnected. Having the service link stay
connected for 10 seconds allows a user to disconnect a multimedia
and then make another multimedia call without having to wait for the
service link to disconnect and re-establish. - Permanent -
call center agents and other users who are constantly making or
receiving multimedia calls might want to be administered with this
service link mode. The permanent mode service link will be connected
during the station's first multimedia call and will remain in a
connected state until the user disconnects from their PC's
application or the Avaya DEFINITY Server restarts. This provides a
multimedia user with a much quicker video cut-through when
answering a
multimedia call from another permanent mode station or a multimedia
call that has been early answered. Multimedia Mode - There are two
multimedia modes, Basic and Enhanced, as
<xs:element name="serviceLinkMode" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="as-needed"/>
<xs:enumeration value="permanent"/>
There are two multimedia modes, Basic and Enhanced, as described
Basic - A Basic multimedia complex consists of a
BRI-connected multimedia-equipped PC and a non-BRI-connected
multifunction telephone set. When in Basic mode, users place voice
calls at the multifunction telephone and multimedia calls from the
multimedia equipped PC. Voice calls will be answered at the
multifunction telephone and multimedia calls will alert first at the
PC and if unanswered will next alert at the voice station if it is
administered with H.320 enabled. A Basic mode complex has limited
multimedia feature capability.
Enhanced - An Enhanced multimedia complex consists of a
BRI-connected multimedia-equipped PC and a non-BRI-connected
multifunction telephone. The Enhanced mode station acts as though
PC were directly connected to the multifunction telephone; the
link provides the actual connection between the Avaya DEFINITY
and the PC. Thus, voice and multimedia calls are originated and
received at the telephone set. Voice and multimedia call status are
also displayed at the telephone set. An Enhanced mode station allows
multimedia calls to take full advantage of most call control
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<xs:element name="multimediaMode" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="basic"/>
<xs:enumeration value="enhanced"/>

<!-- Controls the auditing or interrogation of a served user's message
waiting indicator (MWI).
Valid entries Usage
fp-mwi Use if the station is a served user of
an fp-mwi message center.
qsig-mwi Use if the station is a served user of a
qsig-mwi message center.
blank Leave blank if you do not want to audit
the served user's MWI or
if the user is not a served user of either
an fp-mwi or qsig-mwi message center.
<xs:element name="mwiServedUserType" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="fp-mwi"/>
<xs:enumeration value="qsig-mwi"/>
<xs:enumeration value="sip-adjunct"/>

<!-- The AUDIX associated with the station.
Must contain a user-defined adjunct name that was previously
<xs:element name="audixName" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />

Automatic Moves allows a DCP telephone to be unplugged from one
location and moved to a new location without additional
Manager administration. Communication Manager automatically
the extension to the new port.

When a DCP telephone is unplugged and
moved to another physical location, the Emergency Location
field must be changed for that extension or the USA Automatic
Identification data base must be manually updated. If the Emergency
Location Extension field is not changed or if the USA Automatic
Location Identification data base is not updated, the DID number
to the Public Safety Network could send emergency response personnel
to the wrong location.
Valid entries Usage
always Enter always and the DCP telephone can be
moved anytime without
additional administration by unplugging from one
location and plugging
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into a new location.
once Enter once and the DCP telephone can be unplugged
and plugged into a
new location once. After a move, the field is
set to done the next time that
routine maintenance runs on the DCP telephone.
Use once when moving a large number of DCP
telephones so each
extension is removed from the move list. Use
once to prevent automatic
maintenance replacement.
no Enter no to require administration in order
to move the DCP telephone.
done Done is a display-only value. Communication
Manager sets the field to
done after the telephone is moved and routine
maintenance runs on the
DCP telephone.
error Error is a display-only value. Communication
Manager sets the field to
error, after routine maintenance runs on the DCP
telephone, when a
non-serialized telephone is set as a movable
<xs:element name="automaticMoves" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="always"/>
<xs:enumeration value="no"/>
<xs:enumeration value="once"/>
Tells Communication Manager how to handle emergency calls from
the IP
An Avaya IP endpoint can dial
emergency calls (for example, 911 calls in the U.S.). It only
the local emergency service in the Public Safety Answering Point
where the telephone system has local trunks. Please be advised
that an
Avaya IP endpoint cannot dial to and connect with local emergency
service when dialing from remote locations that do not have local
trunks. Do not use an Avaya IP endpoint to dial emergency numbers
emergency services when dialing from remote locations. Avaya Inc. is
not responsible or liable for any damages resulting from misplaced
emergency calls made from an Avaya endpoint. Your use of this
indicates that you have read this advisory and agree to use an
alternative telephone to dial all emergency calls from remote
locations. Please contact your Avaya representative if you have
questions about emergency calls from IP telephones. Available
only if
the station is an IP Softphone or a remote office station.

Valid entries Usage
as-on-local Type as-on-local to achieve the
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following results:
If the administrator chooses to leave
the Emergency Location
Extension fields (that correspond to
this station's IP address) on
the IP Address Mapping screen blank, the
value as-on-local
sends the extension entered in the
Emergency Location
Extension field in the Station screen
to the Public Safety
Answering Point (PSAP).
If the administrator populates the IP
Address Mapping screen with
emergency numbers, the value as-on-local
functions as follows:
- If the Emergency Location Extension
field in the Station screen
is the same as the Emergency Location
Extension field in the
IP Address Mapping screen, the value as-
on-local sends the
extension to the Public Safety Answering
Point (PSAP).
- If the Emergency Location Extension
field in the Station screen
is different from the Emergency Location
Extension field in the
IP Address Mapping screen, the value as-
on-local sends the
extension in the IP Address Mapping
screen to the Public Safety
Answering Point (PSAP).

block Enter block to prevent the completion
of emergency calls. Use this entry
for users who move around but always
have a circuit-switched telephone
nearby, and for users who are farther
away from the Avaya S8XXX Server
than an adjacent area code served by the
same 911 Tandem office.
When users attempt to dial an emergency
call from an IP Telephone and
the call is blocked, they can dial 911
from a nearby circuit-switched
telephone instead.

cesid Enter cesid to allow Communication
Manager to send the CESID
information supplied by the IP Softphone
to the PSAP. The end user
enters the emergency information into
the IP Softphone.
Use this entry for IP Softphones with
road warrior service that are near
enough to the Avaya S8XXX Server that
an emergency call routed over
the it's trunk reaches the PSAP that
covers the server or switch.
If the server uses ISDN trunks for
emergency calls, the digit string is the
telephone number, provided that the
number is a local direct-dial number
with the local area code, at the physical
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location of the IP Softphone. If the
server uses CAMA trunks for emergency
calls, the end user enters a
specific digit string for each IP Softphone
location, based on advice from
the local emergency response personnel.

option Enter option to allow the user to
select the option (extension, block, or
cesid) that the user selected during
registration and the IP Softphone
reported. Use this entry for extensions
that can be swapped back and
forth between IP Softphones and a telephone
with a fixed location.
The user chooses between block and cesid
on the softphone. A DCP or
IP telephone in the office automatically
selects extension.
<xs:element name="remoteSoftphoneEmergencyCalls" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="as-on-local"/>
<xs:enumeration value="block"/>
<xs:enumeration value="cesid"/>
<xs:enumeration value="option"/>
This field allows the system to properly identify the location of a
caller who dials a 911 emergency call from this station. An entry in
this field must be of an extension type included in the dial
plan, but
does not have to be an extension on the local system. It can be a UDP
extension. The entry defaults to blank. A blank entry typically
be used for an IP softphone dialing in through PPP from somewhere
outside your network. If you populate the IP Address Mapping screen
with emergency numbers, the feature functions as follows: If the
Emergency Location Extension field in the Station screen is the same
as the Emergency Location Extension field in the IP Address Mapping
screen, the feature sends the extension to the Public Safety
Point (PSAP). If the Emergency Location Extension field in the
screen is different from the Emergency Location Extension field
in the
IP Address Mapping screen, the feature sends the extension in the IP
Address Mapping screen to the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP).
<xs:element name="emergencyLocationExt" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[0-9]+([\.\-][0-9]+)*"/>
A softphone can register no matter what emergency call handling
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the user has entered into the softphone. If a softphone dials
911, the
administered Emergency Location Extension is used. The softphone's
user-entered settings are ignored. If an IP telephone dials 911, the
administered Emergency Location Extension is used. If a call center
agent dials 911, the physical station extension is displayed,
overriding the administered LoginID for ISDN Display . Does not
to SCCAN wireless telephones, or to extensions administered as type
<xs:element name="alwaysUse" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />

<!-- Activates or deactivates Precedence Call Waiting for this station
<xs:element name="precedenceCallWaiting" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
Enables or disables automatic selection of any idle appearance for
transferred or conferenced calls. Communication Manager first
to find an idle appearance that has the same extension number as the
call being transferred or conferenced has. If that attempt fails,
Communication Manager selects the first idle appearance.
<xs:element name="autoSelectAnyIdleAppearance"
type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />

Allows or denies users in the telephone's Coverage Path to retrieve
Leave Word Calling (LWC) messages for this telephone. Applies
only if
the telephone is enabled for LWC Reception.

<xs:element name="coverageMsgRetrieval" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
In EAS environments, the auto answer setting for the Agent LoginID
override a station's setting when an agent logs in.
Valid Entry Usage
all All ACD and non-ACD calls terminated to an
idle station cut through immediately.
Does not allow automatic hands-free answer
for intercom calls. With non-ACD calls,
the set is also rung while the call is cut
through. The ring can be prevented by activating
the ringer-off feature button when the Allow
Ringer-off with Auto-Answer is enabled for the system.
acd Only ACD split /skill calls and direct agent
calls to auto answer. Non-ACD calls terminated to a station ring audibly.
For analog stations, the station is off-hook
and idle, only the ACD split/skill calls and direct agent calls
auto answer; non-ACD calls receive busy
treatment. If the station is active on an ACD call and
a non-ACD call arrives, the Agent receives
call-waiting tone.
none All calls terminated to this station receive
an audible ringing treatment.
icom Allows a telephone user to answer an intercom
call from the same intercom group without pressing the intercom
Managing users
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 415

<xs:element name="autoAnswer" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="acd"/>
<xs:enumeration value="all"/>
<xs:enumeration value="icom"/>
<xs:enumeration value="none"/>

Enables or disables data restriction that is used to prevent
tones, such as call-waiting tones, from interrupting data calls.
Data restriction provides permanent protection and cannot be
changed by the telephone user. Cannot be assigned if Auto Answer
is administered as all or acd. If enabled, whisper page to this
station is denied.
<xs:element name="dataRestriction" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />

Indicates which call appearance is selected when the user lifts
the handset and there is an incoming call.
Valid Entry Usage
true The user connects to an idle call
appearance instead of the ringing call.
false The Alerting Appearance Preference
is set and the user connects to the ringing call appearance.
<xs:element name="idleAppearancePreference" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />

enable/disable call waiting for this station
<xs:element name="callWaitingIndication" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />

Attendant call waiting allows attendant-originated or attendant-
extended calls to a busy
single-line telephone to wait and sends distinctive call-waiting
tone to the single-line user.
Enable/disable attendant call waiting
<xs:element name="attCallWaitingIndication" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />

Enter true so the telephone can receive the 3 different types
of ringing patterns which identify the type of incoming calls.
Distinctive ringing might not work properly for off-premises
telephones. -->
<xs:element name="distinctiveAudibleAlert" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />

Valid Entries Usage
true Restricts the last idle call appearance
used for incoming priority calls and outgoing call originations only.
false Last idle call appearance is used for
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
416 Administering Avaya Aura

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incoming priority calls and outgoing call originations.
<xs:element name="restrictLastAppearance" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />

Valid entries Usage
true Analog disconnect signal is sent
automatically to the port after a call terminates. Analog devices
(such as answering machines and
speakerphones) use this signal to turn the devices off after a call terminates.
false Hunt group agents are alerted to incoming
calls. In a hunt group environment, the disconnect
signal blocks the reception of zip tone
and incoming call notification by an auto-answer station when a call
is queued for the station.
<xs:element name="adjunctSupervision" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />

Send Calling Number.
Valid Entries Usage
y All outgoing calls from the station
will deliver the Calling Party Number
(CPN) information as "Presentation Allowed."
n No CPN information is sent for the call
r Outgoing non-DCS network calls from the
station will deliver the Calling
Party Number information as "Presentation
<xs:element name="perStationCpnSendCallingNumber" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="r"/>
<xs:enumeration value="n"/>
<xs:enumeration value="y"/>

Appears on the Station screen for analog telephones, only if the
Without Flash field in the
ANALOG BUSY AUTO CALLBACK section of the Feature-Related System
screen is set to true. The Busy Auto Callback without Flash field
then defaults to true for all analog
telephones that allow Analog Automatic Callback.
Set true to provide automatic callback for a calling analog
station without flashing the hook.
<xs:element name="busyAutoCallbackWithoutFlash" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />

<!-- Provides audible message waiting. -->
<xs:element name="audibleMessageWaiting" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<!-- Provides extended local calls / imsFeatureSequencing
Extended Local Calls (ELC) /imsFeatureSequencing allows DCP and H.323
stations to use SIP sequenced applications. The feature works by routing calls
involving those stations over SIP IMS trunks. In other words, CM
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 417

is applying the half-call model to those stations.
That also has the side effect that features which work differently
under the half-call model than under the usual (full-call) model
also work differently for ELC stations.
The Extended Local Calls feature is administrable per station. We're
allowing stations that always use SIP IMS trunks to coexist on
the same server with stations that dont always use SIP IMS trunks.
In other words, ELC is changing a previous marketing rule that
the full-call model (CM-ES) and the half-call model (CM-FS) functions
can't co-exist on the same server. As noted above, that also
has the side effect that features which work differently under the
half-call model than under the full-call model now also can work
differently for two different SIP stations on the same CM
<xs:element name="imsFeatureSequencing" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
Only administrable if Hospitality is enabled on the System
Customer-Options (Optional Features) screen. This field affects the
telephone display on calls that originated from a station with
Room Class of Service. Note: For stations with an audix station
type, AUDIX Voice Power ports, or ports for any other type of
messaging that needs display information, Display Client
must be enabled.
Set true to redirect information for a call originating from a
Client Room and terminating to this station displays.
<xs:element name="displayClientRedirection" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />

Valid Entries Usage
true Indicates that a station's line selection
is not to be moved from the currently selected line button
to a different, non-alerting line button.
If you enter true, the line selection on an on-hook station only moves from the last
used line button to a line button with an
audibly alerting call. If there are no alerting calls, the line selection
remains on the button last used for a call.
false The line selection on an on-hook station
with no alerting calls can be moved to a different line button, which might be
serving a different
<xs:element name="selectLastUsedAppearance" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />

<!-- Whether an unanswered forwarded call is provided coverage
treatment. -->
<xs:element name="coverageAfterForwarding" type="xs:string"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />

<!-- Allow/disallow direct audio connections between IP endpoints. -->
<xs:element name="directIpIpAudioConnections" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />

<!-- Allows IP endpoints to be connected through the server's IP
circuit pack. -->
<xs:element name="ipAudioHairpinning" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />
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418 Administering Avaya Aura

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<xs:element name="primeAppearancePreference" type="xs:string"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />

<!-- Elements with complex data type. Please refer the appropriate
elements for more details. -->
<xs:element name="stationSiteData" type="csm:xmlStationSiteData"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="abbrList"
type="csm:xmlStationAbbreviatedDialingData" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="buttons" type="csm:xmlButtonData" maxOccurs="24"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="featureButtons" type="csm:xmlButtonData"
maxOccurs="24" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="expansionModuleButtons" type="csm:xmlButtonData"
maxOccurs="72" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="softKeys" type="csm:xmlButtonData" maxOccurs="15"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="displayButtons" type="csm:xmlButtonData"
maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="stationDataModule" type="csm:xmlStationDataModule"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="hotLineData" type="csm:xmlStationHotLineData"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="nativeName" type="csm:xmlNativeNameData"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"/>

<!-- Number of button modules 0-3-->
<xs:element name="buttonModules" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:int">
<xs:minInclusive value="0" />
<xs:maxInclusive value="3" />

<xs:element name="unconditionalInternalDest" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[*][0-9]{1,16}[#]|[0123456789]{1,17}

<xs:element name="unconditionalInternalActive" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />

<xs:element name="unconditionalExternalDest" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[*][0-9]{1,16}[#]|[0123456789]{1,17}

<xs:element name="unconditionalExternalActive" type="xs:boolean"
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maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />

<xs:element name="busyInternalDest" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[*][0-9]{1,16}[#]|[0123456789]{1,17}

<xs:element name="busyInternalActive" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />

<xs:element name="busyExternalDest" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[*][0-9]{1,16}[#]|[0123456789]{1,17}

<xs:element name="busyExternalActive" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />

<xs:element name="noReplyInternalDest" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[*][0-9]{1,16}[#]|[0123456789]{1,17}

<xs:element name="noReplyInternalActive" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="noReplyExternalDest" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[*][0-9]{1,16}[#]|[0123456789]{1,17}

<xs:element name="noReplyExternalActive" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />

<xs:element name="sacCfOverride" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="a"/>
<xs:enumeration value="n"/>
<xs:enumeration value="y"/>

<xs:element name="lossGroup" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:int">
<xs:minInclusive value="1" />
<xs:maxInclusive value="19" />
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
420 Administering Avaya Aura

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<xs:element name="timeOfDayLockTable" maxOccurs="1"
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[1-5]|[0-9]{0}"/>

<xs:element name="emuLoginAllowed" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />

<xs:element name="ec500State" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="enabled"/>
<xs:enumeration value="disabled"/>
<!-- true/false to enable/disable Mute on Off Hook in Shared Control
Mode feature. -->
<xs:element name="muteOnOffHookInSCMode" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />

<xs:element name="type3pccEnabled" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="None"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Avaya"/>

<xs:element name="sipTrunk" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="aar|ars|[1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[1-9]([0-9])

<xs:element name="multimediaEarlyAnswer" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="bridgedApprOrigRestr" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />

<xs:element name="callApprDispFormat" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="inter-location"/>
<xs:enumeration value="intra-location"/>
<xs:enumeration value="disp-param-default"/>

<!-- Enter a Group ID between 0-999, or blank -->
<xs:element name="ipPhoneGroupId" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 421

<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[0-9]|[0-9][0-9]|[0-9][0-9][0-9]|[0-9]

<xs:element name="xoipEndPointType" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="auto"/>
<xs:enumeration value="fax"/>
<xs:enumeration value="modem"/>
<xs:enumeration value="tty"/>

<xs:element name="xid" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" /
<xs:element name="stepClearing" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="fixedTei" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />

<xs:element name="tei" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[0-6][0-3]"/>

<xs:element name="countryProtocol" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="2"/>
<xs:enumeration value="3"/>
<xs:enumeration value="6"/>
<xs:enumeration value="etsi"/>

<xs:element name="endptInit" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />

<xs:element name="spid" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[0-9]{1,10}"/>

<xs:element name="endptId" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" > <!-- 00 to
62 -->
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[0-6][0-2]"/>
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
422 Administering Avaya Aura

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<xs:element name="isMCTSignalling" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="isShortCallingPartyDisplay" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="passageWay" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="dtmfOverIp" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="in-band"/>
<xs:enumeration value="in-band-g711"/>
<xs:enumeration value="out-of-band"/>
<xs:element name="location" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[1-9]{0}|[1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[1-9]([0-9])
<xs:complexType name="xmlStationSiteData">
<xs:element name="room" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="10"/>

<xs:element name="jack" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="5"/>
<xs:element name="cable" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="5"/>

<xs:element name="floor" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="building" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="headset" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="speaker" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="mounting" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="d"/>
Managing users
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<xs:enumeration value="w"/>

<!-- Enter numeric cord length (0-99) -->
<xs:element name="cordLength" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:int">
<xs:minInclusive value="0" />
<xs:maxInclusive value="99" />

<xs:element name="setColor" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:complexType name="xmlStationAbbreviatedDialingData">
<xs:element name="listType" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="enhanced"/>
<xs:enumeration value="group"/>
<xs:enumeration value="personal"/>
<xs:enumeration value="system"/>

<xs:element name="number" type="xs:int" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="listId" type="xs:int" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:complexType name="xmlButtonData">
<xs:element name="number" type="xs:int" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" /><!--
*******Must present****** -->
<xs:element name="type" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" /><!--
*******Must present****** -->
<xs:element name="data1" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="data2" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="data3" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="data4" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="data5" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="data6" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:complexType name="xmlStationDataModule">
<xs:element name="dataExtension" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" ><!--
*******Must present****** -->
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[0-9]+([.-][0-9]+)*"/>

<xs:element name="name" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
424 Administering Avaya Aura

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<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="29"/>
<xs:element name="cor" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" ><!-- *******Must
present****** -->
<xs:restriction base="xs:int">
<xs:minInclusive value="0" />
<xs:maxInclusive value="995" />
<xs:element name="cos" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" ><!-- *******Must
present****** -->
<xs:restriction base="xs:int">
<xs:minInclusive value="0" />
<xs:maxInclusive value="15" />

<xs:element name="itc" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" ><!-- *******Must
present****** -->
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="restricted"/>
<xs:enumeration value="unrestricted"/>
<!-- CM dependant field - 100 or 250 depends on system params -->
<xs:element name="tn" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" ><!-- *******Must
present****** -->
<xs:restriction base="xs:int">
<xs:minInclusive value="1" />
<xs:maxInclusive value="250" />
<xs:element name="listType" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="enhanced"/>
<xs:enumeration value="group"/>
<xs:enumeration value="personal"/>
<xs:enumeration value="system"/>

<xs:element name="listId" type="xs:int" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />

<xs:element name="specialDialingOption" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="default"/>
<xs:enumeration value="hot-line"/>
<xs:element name="specialDialingAbbrDialCode" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 425

<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="4"/>
<xs:complexType name="xmlStationHotLineData">
<xs:element name="hotLineDestAbbrevList" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:int">
<xs:minInclusive value="1" />
<xs:maxInclusive value="3" />
<xs:element name="hotLineAbbrevDialCode" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[0-9]*"/>
<!-- If displayName,givenName or surname contains characters of multiple scripts
then locale tag should be present.
If displayName tag is present then it overwrites native name.
If displayname is not present then combination of givenName and surname gets
copied in native name.
Please find below locale for multiscript language
Language Locale
Japanese ja, ja-jp
Simplified Chinese zh-cn
Traditional Chinese zh-tw -->
<xs:complexType name="xmlNativeNameData">
<xs:element name="locale" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="ja-jp"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ja"/>
<xs:enumeration value="zh-cn"/>
<xs:enumeration value="zh-tw"/>
<xs:element name="name" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="27"/>
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426 Administering Avaya Aura

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Sample XML for bulk import of Collaboration Environment profiles
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<tns:users xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="http://" xmlns:ns4="
import1" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:ns6="http://" xmlns:ns7="
import_sessionmanager" xmlns:ns8=""
xmlns:ns9="" xmlns:ns10="http://" xmlns:ns11="
import_csm_agent" xmlns:ns12=""
xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="http:// userimport.xsd">
<displayName>saurabh, tyagi</displayName>
<displayNameAscii>saurabh, tyagi</displayNameAscii>
<loginName>[email protected]</loginName>
<commProfile xsi:type="ns2:CeCommProfXML" xmlns:ns2="http://">
XML Schema Definition for bulk import of Collaboration Environment profiles
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
Managing users
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 427

<!-- This is the XML schema for the "CE Profile". It
defines this profile inside of an XML document that defines
a user record (see userimport.xsd) -->
<xsd:import namespace=""

<xsd:complexType name="CeCommProfXML">
<xsd:extension base="smgr:xmlCommProfileType">

The following attributes are the names of objects that must
already be administered in System Manager before performing
the user import.

The relative order here cannot be changed because it would
break backwards compatibility with existing XML documents
that could be used for an import.
<!-- Name of the secondary Session Manager (optional) -->
<xsd:element name="serviceProfile" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1" />


Sample XML for bulk import of Collaboration Environment endpoint profiles
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tns:users xmlns:tns=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" userimport.xsd">
<loginName>[email protected]</loginName>
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<commProfile xsi:type="ipt:xmlStationProfile"
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 429

<!-- <ipt:mwiServedUserType>
</ipt:mwiServedUserType> -->
<!-- <ipt:audixName></ipt:audixName> -->
<!-- <ipt:automaticMoves></ipt:automaticMoves> -->
<!-- <ipt:alwaysUse></ipt:alwaysUse> -->
<!-- <ipt:attCallWaitingIndication>
</ipt:attCallWaitingIndication> -->
<!-- <ipt:distinctiveAudibleAlert>
</ipt:distinctiveAudibleAlert> -->
<!-- <ipt:adjunctSupervision></ipt:adjunctSupervision> -->
<!-- <ipt:perStationCpnSendCallingNumber>
</ipt:perStationCpnSendCallingNumber> -->
<!-- <ipt:busyAutoCallbackWithoutFlash>
</ipt:busyAutoCallbackWithoutFlash> -->
<!-- <ipt:primeAppearancePreference>
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</ipt:primeAppearancePreference> -->
XML Schema Definition for bulk import of messaging profiles
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
xmlns:one="" elementFormDefault="qualified"
targetNamespace="" xmlns:csm="http://">
<xs:import namespace=""
schemaLocation="userimport.xsd" />
<!--Changes in xsd file need to generate jaxb src using this xsd-->
<xs:complexType name="xmlMessagingProfile">
<xs:extension base="one:xmlCommProfileType">
Specifies the messaging system of the subscriber you
want to add. Name as it appears under
'Applications/Application Management/Entities
<xs:element name="messagingName" type="xs:string"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="useExisting" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" /><!-- use existing -->
<!-- Specifies the messaging template of a subscriber. -->
<xs:element name="messagingTemplate" type="xs:string"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="mailboxNumber" maxOccurs="1"
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[0-9]{1,50}" />
Specifies the default password the subscriber must use
to log in to his or her mailbox. The password can be
from one digit in length to a maximum of 15 digits.
<xs:element name="password" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[0-9]{0,15}" />
<xs:element name="deleteOnUnassign" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<!-- follows overrriding subscriber data -->
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The class of service for this subscriber. The COS controls
subscriber access to many features and provides general
settings, such as mailbox size.
<xs:element name="cos" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<!-- MM/CMM field -->
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
[5][5][0-1]" />
Specifies the default community ID for the subscriber.
Community IDs are used to control message sending and
receiving among groups of subscribers.
The default value is 1.
<xs:element name="communityID" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<!-- MM/CMM field -->
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[0-9]|[0-1][0-5]" />
Specifies the name that appears before the machine name
and domain in the subscriber's e-mail address. The machine
name and domain are automatically added to the handle you
enter when the subscriber sends or receives an e-mail.
<xs:element name="emailHandle" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<!-- MM/CMM field -->
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="^[a-zA-Z0-9\w\.\-]*" />
Specifies the display name of the subscriber in address book
listings, such as those for e-mail client applications.
The name you enter can be 1 to 64 characters in length.
<xs:element name="commonName" type="xs:string"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" /> <!-- MM/CMM field -->
Specifies one or more alternate number to reach a
subscriber. You can use secondary extensions to specify
a telephone number for direct reception of faxes, to
allow callers to use an existing Caller Application, or
to identify each line appearance on the subscriber's
telephone set if they have different telephone numbers.
<xs:element name="secondaryExtension" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0"> <!-- MM/CMM field -->
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
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<xs:pattern value="[0-9]{0,50}" />
<xs:element name="mmSpecific" type="csm:xmlMMSpecific"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="cmmSpecific" type="csm:xmlCMMSpecific"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:complexType name="xmlMMSpecific">
Specifies a unique address in the voice mail network. The numeric
address can be from 1 to 50 digits and can contain the Mailbox
<xs:element name="numericAddress" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<!-- MM field -->
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="([0-9])*" />
<!-- The primary telephone extension of the subscriber. -->
<xs:element name="pbxExtension" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<!-- MM field -->
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="([+0-9])*" />
The telephone number of the subscriber as displayed in address book
listings and client applications. The entry can be a maximum of 50
characters in length and can contain any combination of digits
(0-9), period (.), hyphen (-), plus sign (+), and left and right
parentheses ([) and (]).
<xs:element name="telephoneNumber" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0"> <!-- MM field -->
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="([-+\.()0-9])*" />
If the subscriber name is entered in multi-byte character format,
then this field specifies the ASCII translation of the subscriber
<xs:element name="asciiVersionOfName" type="xs:string"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" /> <!-- MM field -->
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Specifies whether your password expires or not. You can choose one
of the following: - yes: for password to expire - no: if you do not
want your password to expire
<xs:element name="expirePassword" type="csm:xmlyesNoType"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" /> <!-- MM field -->
Specifies whether you want your mailbox to be locked. A subscriber
mailbox can become locked after two unsuccessful login attempts.You
can choose one of the following: - no: to unlock your mailbox - yes:
to lock your mailbox and prevent access to it
<xs:element name="mailBoxLocked" type="csm:xmlyesNoType"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" /> <!-- MM field -->
Specifies the mailbox number or transfer dial string of the
subscriber's personal operator or assistant. This field also
indicates the transfer target when a caller to this subscriber
presses 0 while listening to the subscriber's greeting.
<xs:element name="personalOperatorMailbox" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0"> <!-- MM field -->
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[0-9]+([*#,][0-9]+)*" />
Specifies when to route calls to the backup operator mailbox. The
default value for this field is Always Active.
<xs:element name="personalOperatorSchedule" type="xs:string"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" /> <!-- MM field -->
Specifies the order in which the subscriber hears the voice
messages. You can choose one of the following: - urgent first then
newest: to direct the system to play any messages marked as urgent
prior to playing non-urgent messages. Both the urgent and non-urgent
messages are played in the reverse order of how they were received.
- oldest messages first: to direct the system to play messages in
the order they were received. - urgent first then oldest: to direct
the system to play any messages marked as urgent prior to playing
non-urgent messages. Both the urgent and non-urgent messages are
played in the order of how they were received. - newest messages
first: to direct the system to play messages in the reverse order
of how they were received.
<xs:element name="tuiMessageOrder" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0"> <!-- MM field -->
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="urgent first then newest" />
<xs:enumeration value="oldest messages first" />
<xs:enumeration value="newest messages first" />
<xs:enumeration value="urgent first then oldest" />
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Specifies the intercom paging settings for a subscriber. You can
choose one of the following: - paging is off: to disable intercom
paging for this subscriber. - paging is manual: if the subscriber
can modify, with Subscriber Options or the TUI, the setting that
allows callers to page the subscriber. - paging is automatic: if
the TUI automatically allows callers to page the subscriber.
<xs:element name="intercomPaging" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<!-- MM field -->
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="paging is off" />
<xs:enumeration value="paging is manual" />
<xs:enumeration value="paging is automatic" />
Specifies whether a subscriber can receive messages, e-mail messages
and call-answer messages from other subscribers. You can choose one
of the following: - yes: to allow the subscriber to create, forward,
and receive messages. - no: to prevent the subscriber from receiving
call-answer messages and to hide the subscriber from the telephone
user interface (TUI). The subscriber cannot use the TUI to access
the mailbox, and other TUI users cannot address messages to the
<xs:element name="voiceMailEnabled" type="csm:xmlTrueFalseType"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
Specifies additional, useful information about a subscriber. Entries
in this field are for convenience and are not used by the messaging
<xs:element name="miscellaneous1" type="csm:xmlLength51Type"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
Specifies additional, useful information about a subscriber. Entries
in this field are for convenience and are not used by the messaging
<xs:element name="miscellaneous2" type="csm:xmlLength51Type"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
Specifies additional, useful information about a subscriber. Entries
in this field are for convenience and are not used by the messaging
<xs:element name="miscellaneous3" type="csm:xmlLength51Type"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
Specifies additional, useful information about a subscriber. Entries
in this field are for convenience and are not used by the messaging
<xs:element name="miscellaneous4" type="csm:xmlLength51Type"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 435

<xs:complexType name="xmlCMMSpecific">
Specifies the number of the switch on which this subscriber's
extension is administered. You can enter "0" through "99", or leave
this field blank. - Leave this field blank if the host switch number
should be used. - Enter a "0" if no message waiting indicators
should be sent for this subscriber. You should enter 0 when the
subscriber does not have a phone on any switch in the network.
<xs:element name="switchNumber" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<!-- CMM field -->
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[0-9]|[0-9][0-9]" />
Specifies the Subscriber Account Code. The Subscriber Account Code
is used to create Call Detail Records on the switch for calls placed
by the voice ports. The value you enter in this field can contain
any combination of digits from 0 to 9. If an account code is not
specified, the system will use the subscriber's mailbox extension as
the account code.
<xs:element name="accountCode" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<!-- CMM field -->
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="([0-9])*" />
Specifies the number to be used as the default destination for the
Transfer Out of Messaging feature. You can enter 3 to 10 digits in
this field depending on the length of the system's extension, or
leave this field blank.
<xs:element name="coveringExtension" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0"> <!-- CMM field -->
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[0-9]{0}|[0-9]{3,10}" />
Specifies additional, useful information about a subscriber. Entries
in this field are for convenience and are not used by the messaging
<xs:element name="miscellaneous1" type="csm:xmlLength11Type"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
Specifies additional, useful information about a subscriber. Entries
in this field are for convenience and are not used by the messaging
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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<xs:element name="miscellaneous2" type="csm:xmlLength11Type"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
Specifies additional, useful information about a subscriber. Entries
in this field are for convenience and are not used by the messaging
<xs:element name="miscellaneous3" type="csm:xmlLength11Type"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
Specifies additional, useful information about a subscriber. Entries
in this field are for convenience and are not used by the messaging
<xs:element name="miscellaneous4" type="csm:xmlLength11Type"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:simpleType name="xmlyesNoType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="Yes" />
<xs:enumeration value="No" />
<xs:simpleType name="xmlTrueFalseType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="TRUE" />
<xs:enumeration value="FALSE" />
<xs:simpleType name="xmlLength11Type">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="11" />
<xs:simpleType name="xmlLength51Type">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="51" />
Sample XML for bulk import of messaging profiles
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tns:users xmlns:tns=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" userimport.xsd">
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 437

<loginName>[email protected]</loginName>
<commProfile xsi:type="ipt:xmlMessagingProfile"
<ipt:tuiMessageOrder>newest messages first
<ipt:intercomPaging>paging is off
XML Schema Definition for bulk import of agent profiles
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" xmlns:one="http://" elementFormDefault="qualified"
targetNamespace="" xmlns:csm="http://">
<xs:import namespace=""
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<!--Changes in xsd file need to generate jaxb src using this xsd-->
<xs:complexType name="xmlAgentProfile">
<xs:extension base="one:xmlCommProfileType" >
<!-- CM Name as it appears under 'Applications/Application Management/
Entities -->
<xs:element name="cmName" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1"

<!-- 'true' if already created extension is to be used. 'false' if
available extension is to be used. -->
<xs:element name="useExistingAgent" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"

<!-- Extension Range which will be used to create Agent using
available extension within given range -->
<xs:element name="extensionRange" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="([0-9]+([\.\-][0-9]+)*)|([0-9]+([\.\-]

<!-- Agent Login ID extension number that need to be assigned to the
user. -->
<xs:element name="loginIdExtension" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="([0-9]+([\.\-][0-9]+)*)|[nN][eE][xX]

<!-- Template name to be used to create agent. Values defined in
Template will be used if not provided. -->
<xs:element name="template" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1"

<!-- Security code for station. Value can be digit only. -->
<xs:element name="securityCode" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[0-9]{0,4}"/>
<xs:element name="aas" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="audix" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"

<xs:element name="password" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[0-9]{0,9}" />

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<xs:element name="portExtension" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[0-9]+([\.\-][0-9]+)*"/>

<!-- Whether the agent should be deleted if it unassigned from the
user. -->
<xs:element name="deleteOnUnassign" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
<!-- CM dependent field for max value -->
<xs:element name="tn" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:int">
<xs:minInclusive value="1" />
<xs:maxInclusive value="250" />
<xs:element name="cor" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:int">
<xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="995"/>
<!--Coverage path = Enter path number between 1-9999, time of day
table t1-t999, or blank - CM Dependent-->
<xs:element name="coveragePath" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="(t[1-9][0-9]{0,2})|([1-9]{0})|([1-9]
<xs:element name="lwcReception" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="audix"/>
<xs:enumeration value="msa"/>
<xs:enumeration value="spe"/>
<xs:enumeration value="none"/>
<xs:element name="lwcLogExternalCalls" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="audixNameforMessaging" type="xs:string"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="hearsServiceObservingTone" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="loginIDforISDNSIPDisplay" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="autoAnswer" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
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<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="acd"/>
<xs:enumeration value="all"/>
<xs:enumeration value="none"/>
<xs:enumeration value="station"/>
<xs:element name="miaAcrossSkills" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="n"/>
<xs:enumeration value="y"/>
<xs:enumeration value="system"/>
<xs:element name="acwAgentConsideredIdle" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="n"/>
<xs:enumeration value="y"/>
<xs:enumeration value="system"/>
<xs:element name="auxWorkReasonCodeType" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="forced"/>
<xs:enumeration value="requested"/>
<xs:enumeration value="system"/>
<xs:enumeration value="none"/>
<xs:element name="logoutReasonCodeType" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="forced"/>
<xs:enumeration value="requested"/>
<xs:enumeration value="system"/>
<xs:enumeration value="none"/>
<xs:element name="maximumTimeAgentInAcwBeforeLogoutSec" maxOccurs="1"
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="|[3-9][0-9]{1}|[1-9][0-9]{1,3}|
<xs:element name="forcedAgentLogoutTimeHr" maxOccurs="1"
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
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<xs:pattern value="|[0-9]|[1][0-9]{1}|[2][0-3]{1}"/>
<xs:element name="forcedAgentLogoutTimeSec" maxOccurs="1"
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="|(00)|(15)|(30)|(45)"/>
<xs:element name="directAgentSkill" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="|[1-9]|[1-9][0-9]{0,2}|[1-7][0-9]{3}|
<xs:element name="callHandlingPreference" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="greatest-need"/>
<xs:enumeration value="percent-allocation"/>
<xs:enumeration value="skill-level"/>

<xs:element name="serviceObjective" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="directAgentCallsFirst" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="localCallPreference" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />

<xs:element name="skills" type="csm:xmlAgentLoginIdSkillsData"
maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" />

<xs:element name="nativeName" type="csm:xmlNativeNameData"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"/>


private String NativeNameScripts;

<xs:complexType name="xmlAgentLoginIdSkillsData">
private AgentLoginIdData agentLoginId;

<xs:element name="number" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="skillNumber" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
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<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[1-9][0-9]{0,2}|[1-7][0-9]{3}|8000"/>

<xs:element name="reserveLevel" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="|a|m|n|[1-2]"/>

<xs:element name="skillLevel" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="|[1-9]|[1-9][0-6]{1}"/>

<xs:element name="percentAllocation" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="|[1-9]|[1-9][0-9]{1}|100"/>

<!-- If displayName,givenName or surname contains characters of multiple scripts
then locale tag should be present.
If displayName tag is present then it overwrites native name.
If displayname is not present then combination of givenName and surname gets
copied in native name.
Please find below locale for multiscript language
Language Locale
Japanese ja, ja-jp
Simplified Chinese zh-cn
Traditional Chinese zh-tw-->
<xs:complexType name="xmlNativeNameData">
<xs:element name="locale" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="ja-jp"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ja"/>
<xs:enumeration value="zh-cn"/>
<xs:enumeration value="zh-tw"/>
<xs:element name="name" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="27"/>
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XML Schema for CS1000 and CallPilot Communication Profiles
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
<xsd:import namespace=""
<xsd:complexType name="AccountCommProfileType">
<xsd:extension base="one:xmlCommProfileType" >
<xsd:element name="serviceDetails" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="element" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="target" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="template" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="serviceType" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="accountDetails" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="accountProperties" type="abc:AccountPropertyType"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:complexType name="AccountPropertyType">
<xsd:element name="propertyName" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="propertyValue" type="xsd:string"/>
Sample XML for CS1000 and CallPilot Communication Profiles
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<tns:users xmlns:tns="" xmlns:ns3="http://" xmlns:ns4=""
xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="http:// userimport.xsd">
<displayName>singleUser, singleUser</displayName>
<displayNameAscii>singleUser, singleUser</displayNameAscii>
<loginName>[email protected]</loginName>
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<commProfile xsi:type="ns3:AccountCommProfileType" xmlns:ns3="http://">
<ns3:serviceDetails>DN=8054(Marped), TN=004 0 00 12, TYPE=M2602</
<ns3:element>CS1K Mock Element Manager</ns3:element>
<ns3:property name="prefEsn">343-8054</ns3:propert>Y
<ns3:property name="prefDn">8054</ns3:propert>Y
XML Schema for IP Office Communication Profiles
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
xmlns:one="" elementFormDefault="qualified"
<xs:import namespace=""
schemaLocation="userimport.xsd" />
<!--Changes in xsd file need to generate jaxb src using this xsd-->
<xs:complexType name="xmlB5800UserProfile">
<xs:extension base="one:xmlCommProfileType">
IPOffice/B5800/B5800L Device Name as it appears under
<xs:element name="deviceName" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1"
minOccurs="1" />
Template name to be used to create station. Values defined in
Template will be used if not provided.
Managing users
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<xs:element name="userTemplate" type="xs:string"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="useExistingExt" type="xs:boolean"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<!-- extension number that need to be assigned to the user. -->
<xs:element name="extension" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[0-9]+([\.\-][0-9]+)*" />

<xs:element name="modulePort" type="xs:string"
maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<!-- Specifies the type of the extn -->
<xs:element name="extensionType" maxOccurs="1"
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<xs:element name="MediaSecurity" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="RTP_Authentication" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="RTP_Encryption" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="RTCP_Authentication" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="RTCP_Encryption" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="SRTP_Window_Size" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="Crypto_Suite_SHA_80" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="Crypto_Suite_SHA_32" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="UseAdvancedCodecPrefs" type="xs:boolean"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="AdvancedCodecPrefs" type="csm:xmlAdvancedCodecPrefs"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:complexType name="xmlSipExtn">
<xs:element name="ForceAuthentication" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="Rel100Supported" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="T38Fax" type="csm:xmlT38Fax" minOccurs="0" />
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<xs:complexType name="xmlExtnDS">
<xs:element name="AdmmUseHandsetConfig" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" /
<xs:element name="AdmmType" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="AdmmIpei" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="AdmmAnonymous" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:complexType name="xmlT38Fax">
<xs:element name="Defaulted" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="T38FaxVersion" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="RedundancyLowSpeed" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="RedundancyHighSpeed" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="NSFOveride" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="NSFCountryCode" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="NSFVendorCode" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="TxNetworkTimeout" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="ScanLineFixup" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="TopEnhancement" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="DisableT30ECM" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="DisableT30MR" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="DisableEFlagsForFirstDis" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="EflagStartTimer" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="EflagStopTimer" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="FaxTransport" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="TCFMethod" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="MaxFaxRate" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:complexType name="xmlD100Extn">
<xs:element name="ForceAuthentication" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="RemoteLineNumber" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0" />

<xs:complexType name="xmlTUIUser">
<xs:element name="TUIFeaturesMenuControls" type="xs:boolean"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="TUIFeaturesMenu" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="TUIBasicCallFunctions" type="xs:boolean"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="TUIAdvancedCallFunctions" type="xs:boolean"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="TUIHotDeskFunctions" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="TUIPasscodeChange" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="TUIPhoneLock" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="TUISelfAdmin" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="TUIVoiceMailControls" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" /
<xs:element name="TUIForwarding" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" />

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<xs:complexType name="xmlAdvancedCodecPrefs">
<xs:element name="codecPref" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
Sample XML for the IP Office Communication Profiles
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tns:users xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsi="http://" xsi:schemaLocation="
schema/import userimport.xsd" >
<loginName>[email protected]</loginName>
<commProfile xsi:type="csm:xmlB5800UserProfile" xmlns:csm="
<commProfileType>IP Office</commProfileType>
XML Schema for bulk import and export of Presence Profile
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<xsd:complexType name="XmlPsCommProfile">
<xsd:extension base="one:xmlCommProfileType" >
<xsd:element name="primarySipEntityId" type="xsd:long"/>
<xsd:element name="secondarySipEntityId" type="xsd:long" minOccurs="0"/>
Sample XML for Presence Communication Profile
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tns:users xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsi="http://"
xsi:schemaLocation=" userimport.xsd ">
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<loginName>[email protected]</loginName>
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Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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<handleName>[email protected]</handleName>
<commProfile xsi:type="ext:XmlPsCommProfile"
XML Schema for Conferencing Communication Profile
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
This is the XML schema for the Avaya Aura Conferencing Profile. It
defines this profile inside of an XML document that defines a user record
(see userimport.xsd)
<xsd:import namespace=""
<xsd:complexType name="MmcsCommProfileType">
<xsd:extension base="one:xmlCommProfileType" >
<xsd:element name="template" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="securityCode" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="moderatorPin" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="eventConfCode" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="location" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="autoGeneratedCodeLength" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:int">
<xsd:minInclusive value="6"/>
<xsd:maxInclusive value="8"/>
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Sample XML for bulk import of Conferencing Profile
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tns:users xmlns:tns=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" userimport.xsd ">
<!-- User Record for: [email protected] -->
(Other user elements are required here - consult the main user record XML schema
<!-- Here, a Communication Profile is defined for the user -->
<!-- The user must be given one or more handles (of type SIP or E.164) -->
<!-- Here, one or more product-specific profiles may be Defined -->
<commProfile xsi:type="ns2:MmcsCommProfileType" xmlns:ns2="http://">
XML Schema Definition for bulk import of global setting records
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:tns="" xmlns:ext="http://" xmlns:xs=""
targetNamespace="" version="1.0">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
This Schema defines schema for bulk import and export of System ACL,Public
Contacts and Shared Address.
<xs:element name="presenceSystemDefault" type="tns:xmlPresSystemDefaultType"/>
<xs:element name="presenceEnforcedUserACL"
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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<xs:element name="presenceSystemRule" type="tns:xmlPresSystemRuleType"/>
<xs:element name="presenceSystemACL" type="tns:xmlPresSystemACLEntryType"/>
<xs:element name="publicContact" type="tns:xmlPublicContact"/>
<xs:element name="globalSettings" type="tns:globalSettingsType"/>
<xs:element name="sharedAddress" type="tns:xmlSharedAddress"/>
<xs:complexType name="globalSettingsType">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
---Root Element 'presenceSystemDefault' represent a global default that
defines access to presence if none of the more specific rules apply.
There must be at least one System Default rule defined.
---Root Element 'presenceEnforcedUserACL' represent collection of
Enforced User ACL (containing 1 or more Enforced User ACL).This rule
is similar to a User ACL in the sense that its entries define access
between individual presentities and watchers. However this rule is
managed by the administrator as opposed to presentities themselves.
Entries of Enforced User ACL can also be defined with different
priorities. Entries with higher priority will have more weight than
entries with lower priority.
---Root Element 'presenceSystemRule' represent collection of System
Rules (containing 1 or more System Rules).Global rules that enforce
certain level of presence access for everyone in the solution. There
may be several rules that apply to all presentities and all watchers.
System Rules are used to enforce global policies. For example, a
system rule can declare that telephony presence should be available
to everybody in the company. System Rules can be defined with
different priorities. Rules with higher priority will have more
weight than rules with lower priority
---Root Element 'presenceSystemACL' represent collection of System ACL
(containing 1 or more System ACL).
System ACL (Access Control List) are enterprise-wide rules that can
allow a watcher to see presence of all users or deny a watcher from
accessing anyone's presence. There may be several entries in the
list, each entry corresponding to one watcher. System ACL is
normally used to provide critical system services with a privileged
access to presence of all users.
---Root Element 'publicContact' represent collection of public contacts
(containing 1 or more public contacts).A personal contact is owned
by an individual user and is not accessible to all users. A public
contact can be shared by all users and is owned by the default
system user.
---Root Element 'sharedAddress' represent collection of shared Address
(containing 1 or more shared Addresses).A shared Address can be
shared by all users.
<xs:element name="presenceSystemDefault"
type="tns:xmlPresSystemDefaultType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="presenceEnforcedUserACL"
type="tns:xmlPresEnforcedUserACLEntryType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="presenceSystemRule" type="tns:xmlPresSystemRuleType"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="presenceSystemACL"
type="tns:xmlPresSystemACLEntryType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="sharedAddress" type="tns:xmlSharedAddress"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="publicContact" type="tns:xmlPublicContact"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:complexType name="xmlSharedAddress">
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<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
---addressType:The unique text name of the address type.
Possible values are: Home, business.
---name: The Name property defines the unique label by which
the address is known. Default format for user specific
address should include user name place address type.
---building:The name or other designation of a structure.
---localityName:The name of a locality, such as a city, county
or other geographic region.
---postalCode:A code used by postal services to route mail to a
destination. In the United States this is the zip code.
---room:Name or designation of a room.
---stateOrProvince:The full name of a state or province.
---country:A country.
---street:The physical address of the object such as an address
for package delivery
---postalAddress:A free formed text area for the complete
physical delivery address. It may be used in place of the
specific fields in this table.
---readOnly:A boolean indicator showing whether or not the
address can be changed from its default value.
<xs:element name="addressType" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="building" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="localityName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="postalCode" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="room" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="stateOrProvince" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="country" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="street" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="postalAddress" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="1024"/>
<xs:element name="readOnly" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:complexType name="xmlPublicContact">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
---company:The organization that the contact belongs to.
---description: A free text field containing human readable
text providing information on this entry.
---displayName:The localized name of a contact to be used when
displaying. It will typically be the localized full name.
This value may be provisioned from the users enterprise
directory entry. If it does not exist, synchronization
rules can be used to populate it for other fields
e.g. Surname, GivenName, or LoginName.
---displayNameAscii:The full text name of the contact
represented in ASCII. It is used to support display
(e.g. endpoints) that cannot handle localized text.
---dn:The distinguished name of the user. The DN is a sequence
of relative distinguished names (RDN) connected by commas.
An RDN is an attribute with an associated value in the form
of attribute=value, normally expressed in a UTF-8 string
format. The dn can be used to uniquely identify this
record. Note the dn is changeable.
---givenName:The first name of the contact.
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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---initials:Initials of the contact.
---middleName:The middle name of the contact.
---preferredGivenName:The nick name of the contact.
---preferredLanguage:The individual's preferred written or
spoken language. Values will conform to rfc4646 and the
reader should refer to rfc4646 for syntax. This format
uses the ISO standard Language (ISO-639) and region
(ISO-3166) codes In the absence of a value the clients
locale should be used, if no value is set, en-US should be
---source:Free format text field that identifies the entity
that created this user record. The format of this field
will be either a IP Address/Port or a name representing an
enterprise LDAP or Avaya.
---sourceUserKey:The key of the user from the source system. If
the source is an Enterprise Active Directory server, this
value with be the objectGUID.
---suffix:The text appended to a name e.g. Jr., III.
---surname:The user's last name, also called the family name.
---title:The job function of a person in their organizational
context.Examples: supervisor, manager.
---contactAddresses:A Entity used to store a contacts address.
---addresses:A fully qualified URI for interacting with this
contact. Any addresses added to this entity should contain
a qualifier e.g. sip, sips, tel, mailto. The address should
be syntactically valid based on the qualifier. It must be
possible to add via the GUI and Interface. The application
must do validation.
<xs:element name="company" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="description" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="displayName" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="displayNameAscii" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="dn" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="givenName" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="initials" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="middleName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="preferredGivenName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="preferredLanguage" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="source" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="sourceUserKey" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="suffix" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="surname" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="title" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="contactAddresses" type="tns:xmlContactAddressList"
<xs:element name="addresses" type="tns:xmlAddressList" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:complexType name="xmlContactAddressList">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
ContactAddressList: A list containing Contact Addresses
<xs:element name="contact" type="tns:xmlContactAddress" minOccurs="0"
<xs:complexType name="xmlContactAddress">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
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---type:The value reflecting the type of handle this is.
Possible values are username,e164, and
---category:The value representing a further qualification to
the contact address.
Possible values inlcude Office, Home, Mobile.
---handle:This is the name given to the user to allow
communication to be established with the user. It is an
alphanumeric value that must comply with the userinfo
related portion of a URI as described in rfc2396. However,
it is further restricted as ASCII characters with only the
+ prefix to signify this is an E.164 handle and "_" and
"." special characters supported.The handle and type together
are unique within a specific domain. Note, the handle plus
domain can be used to construct a users Address of Record.
---label:A free text description for classifying this contact.
---altLabel:A free text description for classifying this
contact. This is similar to ContactLabel, but it is used to
store alternate language representations.
<xs:element name="type" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="category" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="handle" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="label" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="altLabel" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:complexType name="xmlAddressList">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
AddressList: A list containing Addresses
<xs:element name="address" type="tns:xmlAddress" minOccurs="0"
<xs:complexType name="xmlAddress">
<xs:extension base="tns:xmlSharedAddress">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
private:A boolean indicator to specify if this
attribute set could be shared across multiple
users. Private attributes sets can only be owned
by a single user. Default=false.
<xs:element name="private" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:complexType name="xmlPresInfoTypeAccessType">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
---accessLevel:possible values:IM,Telephony
---action:Action possible values: ALLOW, BLOCK, CONFIRM,
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
462 Administering Avaya Aura

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<xs:element name="accessLevel" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="action" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:complexType name="xmlPresACRuleType">
<xs:element name="infoTypeAccess" type="tns:xmlPresInfoTypeAccessType"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:complexType name="xmlPresSystemDefaultType">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
'presenceSystemDefault' represent a global default that defines
access to presence if none of the more specific rules apply.
There must be at least one System Default rule defined.
<xs:extension base="tns:xmlPresACRuleType"/>
<xs:complexType name="xmlPresSystemRuleType">
<xs:extension base="tns:xmlPresACRuleType">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
'presenceSystemRule' represent collection of System
Rules (containing 1 or more System Rules).Global rules
that enforce certain level of presence access for
everyone in the solution. There may be several rules
that apply to all presentities and all watchers.
System Rules are used to enforce global policies.
For example, a system rule can declare that telephony
presence should be available to everybody in the
company. System Rules can be defined with different
Rules with higher priority will have more weight than
rules with lower priority apply to all presentities and
all watchers.
---priority:Entries of Enforced User ACL can also be
defined with different priorities. Entries with higher
priority will have more weight than entries with lower
<xs:element name="priority" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:complexType name="xmlPresSystemACLEntryType">
<xs:extension base="tns:xmlPresACRuleType">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
---'presenceSystemACL' represent collection of System ACL
(containing 1 or more System ACL).System ACL
(Access Control List) are enterprise-wide rules that
can allow a watcher to see presence of all users or
deny a watcher from accessing anyone's presence. There
may be several entries in the list, each entry
corresponding to one watcher. System ACL is normally
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 463

used to provide critical system services with a
privileged access to presence of all users.
---watcherLoginName:LoginName of the watcher. This value
needs to be specified if watcher is a user.
---watcherDisplayName:DisplayName of the watcher. This
value needs to be specified if watcher is a Contact
<xs:element name="watcherLoginName" type="xs:string"
<xs:element name="watcherDisplayName" type="xs:string"
<xs:complexType name="xmlPresEnforcedUserACLEntryType">
<xs:extension base="tns:xmlPresACRuleType">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
---'presenceEnforcedUserACL' represent collection of
Enforced User ACL (containing 1 or more Enforced
User ACL).This rule is similar to a User ACL in the
sense that its entries define access between
individual presentities and watchers. However this
rule is managed by the administrator as opposed to
presentities themselves. Entries of Enforced User ACL
can also be defined with different priorities. Entries
with higher priority will have more weight than entries
with lower priority.
---watcherLoginName:LoginName of the watcher. This value
needs to be specified if watcher is a user.
---watcherDisplayName:DisplayName of the watcher. This
value needs to be specified if watcher is a Contact
---priority:Entries of Enforced User ACL can also be
defined with different priorities. Entries with higher
priority will have more weight than entries with lower
---userName:LoginName of the presentity.
<xs:element name="userName" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="watcherLoginName" type="xs:string"
<xs:element name="watcherDisplayName" type="xs:string"
<xs:element name="priority" type="xs:string"/>
Sample XML for bulk import of global setting records
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tns:globalSettings xmlns:tns=""
xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="http:// systemPresence.xsd ">
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
464 Administering Avaya Aura

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Root Element 'presenceSystemDefault' represent a global default that defines
access to presence if none of the more specific rules apply. There must
be at least one System Default rule defined.
accessLevel:possible values:ALL,Telephony
action:Action possible values: ALLOW, BLOCK, CONFIRM, PENDING, UNDEFINED
Root Element 'presenceEnforcedUserACL' represent collection of Enforced
User ACL (containing 1 or more Enforced User ACL).This rule is
similar to a User ACL in the sense that its entries define access
between individual presentities and watchers. However this rule is
managed by the administrator as opposed to presentities themselves.
Entries of Enforced User ACL can also be defined with different
priorities. Entries with higher priority will have more weight than
entries with lower priority.
---accessLevel:possible values:ALL,Telephony
---action:Action possible values: ALLOW, BLOCK, CONFIRM, PENDING, UNDEFINED
---watcherLoginName:LoginName of the watcher. This value needs to be
specified if watcher is a user.
---watcherDisplayName:DisplayName of the watcher. This value needs to be
specified if watcher is a Contact
---priority:Entries of Enforced User ACL can also be defined with different
priorities. Entries with higher priority will have more weight than
entries with lower priority.
---userName:LoginName of the presentity.
<userName>[email protected]</userName>
<watcherLoginName>[email protected]</watcherLoginName>
Root Element 'presenceSystemRule' represent collection of System Rules
(containing 1 or more System Rules).Global rules that enforce certain level
of presence access for everyone in the solution. There may be several rules
that apply to all presentities and all watchers. System Rules are used to
enforce global policies. For example, a system rule can declare that
telephony presence should be available to everybody in the company.
System Rules can be defined with different priorities. Rules with higher
priority will have more weight than rules with lower priority
---accessLevel:possible values:IM,Telephony
---action:Action possible values: ALLOW, BLOCK, CONFIRM, PENDING, UNDEFINED
---watcherLoginName:LoginName of the watcher. This value needs to be specified
if watcher is a user.
---watcherDisplayName:DisplayName of the watcher. This value needs to be
specified if watcher is a Contact
---priority:Entries of Enforced User ACL can also be defined with different
priorities. Entries with higher priority will have more weight than
entries with lower priority.
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Root Element 'presenceSystemACL' represent collection of System ACL
(containing 1 or more System ACL).
System ACL (Access Control List) are enterprise-wide rules that can allow
a watcher to see presence of all users or deny a watcher from accessing
anyone's presence. There may be several entries in the list, each entry
corresponding to one watcher. System ACL is normally used to provide
critical system services with a privileged access to presence of all users.
---accessLevel:possible values:IM,Telephony
---action:Action possible values: ALLOW, BLOCK, CONFIRM, PENDING, UNDEFINED
---watcherLoginName:LoginName of the watcher. This value needs to be specified
if watcher is a user.
<watcherLoginName>[email protected]</watcherLoginName>
Root Element 'publicContact' represent collection of public contacts
(containing 1 or more public contacts).A personal contact is owned by an
individual user and is not accessible to all users. A public contact can
be shared by all users and is owned by the default system user.
---company:The organization that the contact belongs to.
---description: A free text field containing human readable text providing
information on this entry.
---displayName:The localized name of a contact to be used when displaying.
It will typically be the localized full name. This value may be provisioned
from the users enterprise directory entry. If it does not exist,
synchronization rules can be used to populate it for other fields
e.g. Surname, GivenName, or LoginName.
---displayNameAscii:The full text name of the contact represented in ASCII. It
used to support display (e.g. endpoints) that cannot handle localized text.
---dn:The distinguished name of the user. The DN is a sequence of relative
distinguished names (RDN) connected by commas. An RDN is an attribute with
an associated value in the form of attribute=value, normally expressed in a
UTF-8 string format. The dn can be used to uniquely identify this record.
Note the dn is changeable.
---givenName:The first name of the contact.
---initials:Initials of the contact.
---middleName:The middle name of the contact.
---preferredGivenName:The nick name of the contact.
---preferredLanguage:The individual's preferred written or spoken language.
Values will conform to rfc4646 and the reader should refer to rfc4646 for
This format uses the ISO standard Language (ISO-639) and region (ISO-3166)
codes In the absence of a value the clients locale should be used, if no
value is set, en-US should be defaulted.
---source:Free format text field that identifies the entity that created this
user record. The format of this field will be either a IP Address/Port or
a name representing an enterprise LDAP or Avaya.
---sourceUserKey:The key of the user from the source system. If the source is
an Enterprise Active Directory server, this value with be the objectGUID.
---suffix:The text appended to a name e.g. Jr., III.
---surname:The user's last name, also called the family name.
---title:The job function of a person in their organizational context.
Examples: supervisor, manager.
---contactAddresses:A table used to store a contacts address.
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
466 Administering Avaya Aura

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---addresses:A fully qualified URI for interacting with this contact.
Any addresses added to this table should contain a qualifier
e.g. sip, sips, tel, mailto. The address should be syntactically valid
based on the qualifier. It must be possible to add via the GUI and
Interface. The application must do validation.
<description>Company ABC description</description>
<displayName>John Miller</displayName>
---type:The value reflecting the type of handle this is. Possible values
are username, e164, and privatesubsystem
---category:The value representing a further qualification to the contact
address. Possible values inlcude Office, Home, Mobile.
---handle:This is the name given to the user to allow communication to be
established with the user. It is an alphanumeric value that must comply
with the userinfo related portion of a URI as described in rfc2396.
However, it is further restricted as ASCII characters with only the +
prefix to signify this is an E.164 handle and "_" and "." special
characters supported.The handle and type together are unique within a
specific domain. Note, the handle plus domain can be used to construct
a users Address of Record.
---label:A free text description for classifying this contact.
---altLabel:A free text description for classifying this contact. This is
similar to ContactLabel, but it is used to store alternate language
<handle>sip:[email protected]</handle>
---addressType:The unique text name of the address type.
Possible values are: Home, business.
---name: The Name property defines the unique label by which the address is
known. Default format for user specific address should include user
name place address type.
---building:The name or other designation of a structure.
---localityName:The name of a locality, such as a city, county or other
geographic region.
---postalCode:A code used by postal services to route mail to a destination.
In the United States this is the zip code.
---room:Name or designation of a room.
---stateOrProvince:The full name of a state or province.
---country:A country.
---street:The physical address of the object such as an address for package
Managing users
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---postalAddress:A free formed text area for the complete physical delivery
address. It may be used in place of the specific fields in this table.
<name>John Miller</name>
<building>building A</building>
<room>room 123</room>
---addressType:The unique text name of the address type.
Possible values are: Home, business.
---name: The Name property defines the unique label by which the address is
known. Default format for user specific address should include user
name place address type.
---building:The name or other designation of a structure.
---localityName:The name of a locality, such as a city, county or other
geographic region.
---postalCode:A code used by postal services to route mail to a
destination. In the United States this is the zip code.
---room:Name or designation of a room.
---stateOrProvince:The full name of a state or province.
---country:A country.
---street:The physical address of the object such as an address for package
---postalAddress:A free formed text area for the complete physical delivery
address. It may be used in place of the specific fields in this table.
---readOnly:A boolean indicator showing whether or not the address can be
changed from its default value.
<name>Avaya Pune</name>
<building>building A</building>
<room>room 123</room>
XML Schema Definition for bulk deletion of global setting records
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:tns=""
elementFormDefault="qualified" version="1.0" xmlns:xs="

<xs:element name="sharedAddress" type="tns:xmlDeleteSharedAddress"/>
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
468 Administering Avaya Aura

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<xs:element name="publicContact" type="tns:xmlDeletePublicContact" />
<xs:element name="presenceEnforcedUserACL"
<xs:element name="presenceSystemRule" type="tns:xmlDeletePresSystemRule"/>
<xs:element name="presenceSystemACL" type="tns:xmlDeletePresSystemACLEntry"/>

<xs:element name="deleteGlobalSettings">
<xs:element name="sharedAddress" type="tns:xmlDeleteSharedAddress"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="publicContact" type="tns:xmlDeletePublicContact"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="presenceEnforcedUserACL"
type="tns:xmlDeletePresEnforcedUserACLEntry" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="presenceSystemRule" type="tns:xmlDeletePresSystemRule"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="presenceSystemACL"
type="tns:xmlDeletePresSystemACLEntry" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

<xs:complexType name="xmlDeleteSharedAddress">
<xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>

<xs:complexType name="xmlDeletePublicContact">
<xs:element name="displayName" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1"

<xs:complexType name="xmlDeletePresEnforcedUserACLEntry">
<xs:element name="userName" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1"/
<xs:element name="watcherLoginName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="watcherDisplayName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="priority" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1"/

<xs:complexType name="xmlDeletePresSystemRule">
<xs:element name="priority" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1"

<xs:complexType name="xmlDeletePresSystemACLEntry">
<xs:element name="watcherLoginName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="watcherDisplayName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
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Sample XML for bulk deletion of global setting records
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tns:deleteGlobalSettings xmlns:tns=""
xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="http:// systemPresence_delete.xsd ">

<tns:name>Avaya Pune</tns:name>

<tns:displayName>John Miller</tns:displayName>

<tns:userName>[email protected]</tns:userName>
<tns:watcherDisplayName>John Miller</tns:watcherDisplayName>

<tns:watcherDisplayName>John Miller</tns:watcherDisplayName>

XML Schema Definition for bulk import of roles
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns="" xmlns:xs="
2001/XMLSchema" targetNamespace=""
elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="1.0">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
This Schema defines schema for bulk import and export of roles.
Root Element 'Roles' represent collection of role
(containing 1 or more roles)
<xs:element name="Roles">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
A role is a collection of access permissions on a resource.
A user's role will determine the permissions that the user
receives to access resources.
Examples of Roles: Contact Center Manager, Agent,
New Roles can be added to the data model using an XML file
conforming to this XSD.Existing Roles too can be updated.
<xs:element name="Role" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
470 Administering Avaya Aura

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<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
Operation - Element Containing information about the
Operation.The Operation requires to preexist in
SMGR database.
Examples of Operation:
'Settings/Plugin Framework' ;
Resource - Element Containing information about the
A Resource can be a User, Role, Operation, Group,
Element. The Resource requires to preexist in SMGR
database. Examples of Resource: 'Auditor' ;
<xs:element name="Operation" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:attribute name="ID" type="xs:string" use="required">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
ID: The ID of the operation.The value of this tag
corresponds to the OperationID. Note that it
is very important that this value is unique
across the system.
<xs:element name="Resource" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="ResourceAttributes" minOccurs="0"
<xs:attribute name="ID" type="xs:string" use="required">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
ResourceAttributesID: The ID of the Resource
Attributes. This specifies the attributes
of a resource.
Examples of ResourceAttributesID:
'ALL' ; 'LoginName' ;
'First Name' for Resource Type 'user'
<xs:element name="Permissions">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
Permission: String value specifying Permissions
that can be assigned to the Resource Type.
Examples of Permission: view,delete
<xs:element name="Permission" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attribute name="ResourceType" type="xs:string" use="required">
Managing users
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<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
ResourceType: String Value for specifying Type
of the Resource that needs to be imported.
<xs:attribute name="NativeResourceID" type="xs:string"
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
NativeResourceID: Native ID of the Resource.
<xs:attribute name="CanAccessAllOperations" type="xs:boolean"
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
CanAccessAllOperations - Boolean value specifying
whether this role can access all operations.
<xs:attribute name="IsServices" type="xs:boolean" use= "required" >
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
IsServices - Boolean value specifying whether this
Role is a Services Role.
<xs:attribute name="isDefault" type="xs:boolean" use="required">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
isDefault - Boolean value specifying whether
this Role is a System Role.These Roles can
not be deleted.
<xs:attribute name="Name" type="xs:string" use="required">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
Name - String value specifying Role name.
<xs:attribute name="AllResourcesPermission" type="xs:string"
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
AllResourcesPermission - String value representing
the comma separated permission strings. These
permissions will be applied to all Resources
in the system. The users assigned to this role
will get the specified permissions for all
Examples of Resource:'view,delete'
<xs:attribute name="Description" type="xs:string" use="optional">
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
Description - String value specifying Role
<xs:attribute name="isNHIRole" type="xs:boolean" use="required">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
isNHIRole - Boolean value specifying whether this
Role is a non human interface (nhi) role.
<xs:attribute name="shareRoles" type="xs:boolean" use="optional">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
shareRoles - Boolean value specifying whether this
Role is a shared role across applications.
<xs:attribute name="hasFullAccess" type="xs:boolean"
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
hasFullAccess - Boolean value specifying full
access over all resources.
Examples of Role with full access:
'System Administrator';
<xs:attribute name="ApplicationId" type="xs:string" use="required">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
ApplicationId - The value of this tag corresponds
to the ApplicationID.
Examples of ApplicationId: 'SMGR';
Sample XML for bulk import of roles
&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Root Element 'Roles' represent collection of role
(containing 1 or more roles)
<Roles xsi:schemaLocation=" BulkImport.xsd"
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="
A role is a collection of access permissions on a resource. A user's role
will determine the permissions that the user receives to access resources.
---CanAccessAllOperations: Boolean value specifying whether this role can
access all operations.
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 473

---IsServices: Boolean value specifying whether this Role is a Services Role.
---isDefault: Boolean value specifying whether this Role is a System Role.
These Roles can not be deleted.
---Name: String value specifying Role name.
---AllResourcesPermission:String value representing the comma separated
permission strings. These permissions will be applied to all
Resources in the system. The users assigned to this role will get
the specified permissions for all resources.
---Description:String value specifying Role description.
---isNHIRole:Boolean value specifying whether this Role is a non human interface
(nhi) role.
---shareRoles: Boolean value specifying whether this Role is a shared role
across applications.
---hasFullAccess:Boolean value specifying full access over all resources.
---ApplicationId:The value of this tag corresponds to the ApplicationID.
Examples of ApplicationId: 'SMGR'
<Role CanAccessAllOperations="true" IsServices="true" isDefault="false"
Name="test-role" AllResourcesPermission="view,delete" Description="System
Administrator Role" isNHIRole="false" shareRoles="true"
hasFullAccess="false" ApplicationId="SMGR" >
Element Containing information about the Operation.The Operation requires
to preexist in SMGR database.
---ID: The ID of the operation.The value of this tag corresponds to the
OperationID. Note that it is very important that this value is
unique across the system
<Operation ID="GroupsAndRoles/RBAC/ViewRole"/>
---Resource : Element Containing information about the Resource.
A Resource can be a User, Role, Operation, Group,
Element.The Resource requires to preexist in SMGR
---ResourceType: String Value for specifying Type of the Resource
that needs to be imported.
---NativeResourceID: Native ID of the Resource.
<Resource ResourceType="alarmoperation"
ResourceAttributesID: The ID of the ResourceAttributes.
This specifies the attributes of a resource
<ResourceAttributes ID="ALL" />
---Permission: String value specifying Permissions that can be
assigned to the Resource Type.
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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Attribute details defined in Import user XSD
Attribute Attribute Description Mandatory/
The type of authentication
the user undergoes at
runtime to gain access to
the system.
Mandatory Possible values:
description A description of the user. A
human readable
description of this user
displayName The localized name of the
user to be used when
displaying. Typically, the
value is the localized full
name. This value might be
provisioned from the
enterprise directory entry
of the user. If the value
does not exist, you can use
synchronization rules to
populate the value for
other fields. For example:
Surname, GivenName, or
The name that
corresponds to the
console attribute Endpoint
Display Name. The full text
name of the user
represented in ASCII. The
attribute used for
displaying (e.g. endpoints)
the unsupported localized
dn The distinguished name
(DN) of the user. DN is a
sequence of relative
distinguished names
(RDN) connected by
commas. RDN is an
attribute with an
associated value in the
form of attribute=value,
Managing users
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 475

Attribute Attribute Description Mandatory/
typically expressed in a
UTF-8 string format. Use
DN for identifying the user
and for authentication
subject mapping. You can
change DN.
A boolean that indicates
whether this user is
allowed a duplicate
concurrent logins. true
indicates that the user can
have duplicate logins.
Optional Default value is
isEnabled A boolean that indicates
whether or not the user is
active. Users with
fails if the value is false.
This attribute can be used
to disable access between
login attempts. You cannot
revoke login for a running
session. Alternatively, the
administrator can always
modify the password to
disable the user from
logging in. A true stipulates
this is an active user, a
false used for a disabled
Optional Default value is
isVirtualUser A boolean that indicates
whether or not the record is
being used for a non-
human entity such as an
application, service, and
software agent. You
require this attribute where
the entity behaves as a
user and needs to have
subset of the user profile
populated. If the entity
does not behave as a user
and has a different trust
relationship, for example,
a trust certificate must not
be treated as a virtual user.
A virtual user can
Optional Default value is
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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Attribute Attribute Description Mandatory/
represent an Avaya or an
external non-human entity.
This attribute is provided
as a convenience to track
such accounts. A true
stipulates this is a virtual
users, a false is used for
human users.
givenName The first name of the user. Mandatory
honorific The personal title used to
address a user. This is
typically a social title and
not the work title which is
contained in the title
attribute. This attribute can
map to PersonalTitle.
loginName The unique login name
that you provide for the
user. The format for the
login name is
username@domain. The
login name is an
alphanumeric value and
supports the ASCII
characters _, ., and -.
middleName The middle name of the
managerName The name of the manager
of the user. This is a free
formed field and does not
require the users manager
to be a user of the solution.
The attribute supports the
reporting needs.
The preferred first name of
the user.
The preferred written or
spoken language. The
format uses the ISO
standard Language
(ISO-639) and region
(ISO-3166) codes If a
preferred language is not
available, the locale of the
Optional Possible values:
English (United
States) - en_US
(Simplified) -
Japanese (Japan)
- ja_JP
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 477

Attribute Attribute Description Mandatory/
client must be used. If the
value is blank, en_US
must be used as default.
Korean (Korea) -
French (France) -
(Germany) -
Italian (Italy) - it_IT
Russian (Russia)
- ru_RU
English (United
Kingdom) -
Spanish (Mexico)
- es_MX
Portugese (Brazil)
- pt_BR
French (Canada) -
English (Canada)
- en_CA
source A free format text field that
identifies the entity that
created this user record.
The format of this field
must be a IP Address/Port
or a name representing an
enterprise LDAP or
Optional User Management
populates the
source field with the
name of the file.
sourceUserKey The key of the user from
the source system. If the
source is an Enterprise
Active Directory server,
the key is objectGUID.
Optional By default, the value
is none.
status The information that helps
provisioning activities such
as correcting or
completing the
provisioning of a user. It
can also signify that
approval is needed
Optional Possible values:
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
478 Administering Avaya Aura

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Attribute Attribute Description Mandatory/
a user account is
sufficiently configured to
be a valid user
suffix The text appended to a
name. For example, Jr.,
surname The last name or the family
name of the user.
timeZone The preferred time zone of
the user. For example:
Europe/Dublin. The
application consuming this
information must know
how to translate e.g. in
Java it is
Europe/Moscow"); In the
absence of a value, the
system uses the local
services timezone.
You must consider
daylight saving time
(DST) and summer time
adjustments while using
the suggested values
for timeZone. Typically,
you add 1 hour to the
You cannot use the
following characters as
is in the xml. Make the
following modifications
while using them in the
import xml files:
less-than character
(<) as < &lt;
ampersand character
(&) as &amp;
Optional (-12:0)International
Date Line West
Island, Samoa
(-8:0)Pacific Time
(US & Canada);
Time (US &
Chihuahua, La Paz
(-6:0)Central Time
(US & Canada);
Mexico City
(-5:0)Indiana (East);
Bogota, Lima, Quito
(-5:0)Eastern Time
(US & Canada)
(-4:0)Caracas, La
(-4:0)Atlantic Time
(Canada); Santiago,
Greenland, Buenos
Aires, Montevideo
Managing users
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 479

Attribute Attribute Description Mandatory/
character (>) as &gt;
character (") as
apostrophe or single-
quote character (') as
(-1:0)Cape Verde
(0:0)GMT : Dublin,
Edinburgh, Lisbon,
(+1:0)West Central
Berlin, Rome,
Belgrade, Prague,
Brussels, Sarajevo
Athens, Minsk,
Beirut, Cairo,
Jerusalem, Helsinki,
Kuwait, Riyadh,
Nairobi, Tbilisi
(+3:0)Moscow, St.
(+4:0)Abu Dhabi,
Muscat, Caucasus
Standard Time
(+4:0)Baku, Tbilisi,
Karachi, Tashkent,
Kolkata, Mumbai,
New Delhi, Sri
Dhaka, Almaty,
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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Attribute Attribute Description Mandatory/
Hanoi, Jakarta,
(+8:0)Beijing, Hong
Kong, Singapore;
(+8:0)Perth; Irkutsk,
Ulaan Bataar
(+9:0)Seoul, Osaka,
Sapporo, Tokyo
Guam, Port
Melbourne, Sydney,
Hobart, Vladivostok
Solomon Is., New
Marshall Is.
title The job function of a
person in their
organizational context.
userName The username portion of
the loginName field. An
alphanumeric value that
must comply with the
userinfo related portion of
a URI as described in
rfc2396. However, it is
further restricted as ASCII
characters with only the _,
-, and . special characters
supported. This is the
rfc2798 "uid" attribute.
userPassword The encrypted password
for this user account. A null
password is used when the
Optional Need not specified
value for Enterprise
User. If the value is
Managing users
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 481

Attribute Attribute Description Mandatory/
user is authenticated by
the enterprise such as with
a separate source such as
the enterprise LDAP.
not specified for the
Basic user, the user
will be disabled.
commPassword The encrypted
subscriber or
communication password
with which the user logs
can use to authentication
with on to any
CommProfile SIP and non
SIP. This attribute is
shared across different
communication profiles
and thus different
communication services.
userType The possible primary user
application types. A User
can be associated with
multiple user types.
Optional Possible values are
er, agent,
roles The text name of a role.
This value must be
available in the System
Manager database.
address The address of the user. Optional
securityIdentity The SecurityIdentity is
used to hold any additional
identities for a user that
can be used for
authentication such as
loginName, Kerberos
account name, or X509
certificate name.
It is a collection of internal
or external contacts.
ContactList is owned by a
specific user and has a
name that a unique name
within the context of its
Optional The system creates
a default contactlist
per user.
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
482 Administering Avaya Aura

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Attribute Attribute Description Mandatory/
ownedContacts A non-Avaya application
user (external) contact.
Contacts can be collected
together along with User
entities into a contact list.
Contacts can be created
by an administrator or an
end user.
The personal rules that are
set by presentities to
define how much presence
information can be shown
to watchers that are not
explicitly mentioned in an
ACL. There can be one
User Default rule per
presentity (User), or none.
The personal rules defined
by presentities themselves
on who can monitor their
presence information.
There might be several
entries in the list for a given
presentity, each entry
corresponding to one
The personal rule that is
set by presentities to
define how much presence
information can be shown
to watchers that belong to
the contact list of the user.
There can be one User
Contact List Default rule
per presentity (Person) or
commProfileSet The default Commprofile
set of the user. A
commprofile set can exist
without any handles or
commprofiles referencing
it. That is, you can create a
commprofile set without
creating a handle or a
commprofile. A
commprofile set can
Optional A user has a default
commprofile set.
Managing users
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 483

Attribute Attribute Description Mandatory/
contain multiple
commprofiles, but only one
of each specific type. This
is enforced by having the
CommProfile uniqueness
constraint include type,
employeeNo The employee number of
the user.
department The department which the
employee belongs to.
organization The organization which the
employee belongs to.
localizedNames The localized name of the
Attribute details defined in Delete User XSD
Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
deleteType Defines the delete
type of the user. If the
user selects:
soft: The system
does not delete the
user record
permanently. You
can recover the
user record.
permanent: The
deletes all
associated with the
user and the links
to public contacts
and shared
Mandatory Possible values:
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
484 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
loginName A unique system
login name assigned
to the user in the
or username.
id A unique identifier for
a user record. The id
attribute is included
in the XSD for future
enhancement. This is
not used in System
Manager the current
Attribute details defined in the CM Endpoint profile XSD
Attribute details defined in the CM Endpoint profile XSD
Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
CM Name
The name of the
Managersystem as it
appears in the
Use Existing
Select true if you
want to use an
already created
Select false if you
want to use an
available extension.
Template Name
The template name
that is used to create
the endpoint. Values
defined in the
template will be used
if you do not provide
other values.
Managing users
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 485

Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
Set Type
The set type of the
The valid port value. Optional 01 to 64 First and
second numbers are
the cabinet numbers
having values A to E.
The third character is
the carrier having
values between 01 to
20. Fourth and fifth
characters are the
slot number between
01 to 32. Sixth and
seventh characters
are the circuit
number having
values x or X.
Indicates that there is
no hardware
associated with the
port assignment
since the switch was
set up, and the
expects that the
extension has a non-
IP set, or that the
extension had a non-
IP set, and is
dissociated. Use x for
WithOut Hardware
(AWOH) and
Computer Telephony
(CTI) endpoints, as
well as for SBS
IP Indicates that
there is no hardware
associated with the
port assignment
since the switch was
set up, and the
expects that the
extension has an IP
set. This is
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
486 Administering Avaya Aura

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Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
autopopulated for
certain IP endpoint
set types. You can
enter the value for a
DCP set with
permissions. This
changes to the
s00000 type when
the set registers.
Delete endpoint is
Specifies whether
the endpoint must be
deleted if it is
unassigned from the
Lock messages
Select to enable the
lock messages
Optional Select true or false to
enable or disable the
lock messages
feature respectvely.
Coverage Path 1
A coverage path is a
prioritized sequence
of extensions to
which your voice
system will route an
unanswered call.
Optional Valid values: Path
Number between
1-9999, time of day
table between t1-
t999, or blank.
Coverage Path 2 A coverage path is a
prioritized sequence
of extensions to
which your voice
system will route an
unanswered call.
Optional Valid values: Path
Number between
1-9999, time of day
table between t1-
t999, or blank.
Hunt To Station
The extension the
system must hunt to
for this telephone
when the telephone
is busy. A endpoint
hunting chain can be
created by assigning
a hunt-to endpoint to
a series of
Tenant Number
Provides partitioning
of attendant groups
and endpoints and
trunk groups.
Mandatory Valid values: 1 to 250
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 487

Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
Typically this is used
for multiple tenants in
a building or multiple
departments within a
company or an
Class of Restriction
This is used for
multiple tenants in a
building or multiple
departments within a
company or an
Mandatory Valid values: 0 to 995
Class of Service
Class of Service lets
you define a group of
users and control the
groups' access to
Mandatory Valid values: 0 to 15
speakerphone Controls the behavior
of speakerphones.
Optional Valid values : none,
1-way, 2-way
Display Language
The language that
displays on the
Optional Time of day is
displayed in the 24-
hour format (00:00 -
23:59) for all
languages except
English, which is
displayed in the 12-
hour format (12:00
a.m. to 11:59 p.m.).
unicode: Displays
English messages in
a 24-hour format . If
you do not install the
Unicode file, the
endpoint displays
messages in English
by default.
Ringing Pattern
The personalized
ringing pattern for the
Ringing allows the
users of some
telephones to have
one of the eight
L = 530 Hz, M = 750
Hz, and H = 1060 Hz
Valid Entries Usage:
1. MMM (standard
2. HHH
3. LLL
4. LHH
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
488 Administering Avaya Aura

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Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
ringing patterns for
incoming calls.
For virtual endpoints,
this field dictates the
ringing pattern on its
mapped to physical
5. HHL
6. HLL
7. HLH
8. LHL
Message Lamp
The Message Lamp
associated with the
current extension.
muteButtonEnabled Select to enable the
mute button on the
Media Complex
When used with
Multi-media Call
Handling, this field
indicates which
extension is
assigned to the data
module of the
multimedia complex.
Users can dial this
extension to either
place a voice or a
data call. Voice
coverage, and
forwarding apply as if
the call were made to
the 1-number.
Optional Valid Entry Usage: A
valid BRI data
extension. For
MMCH, enter the
extension of the data
module that is part of
this multimedia
H.323 endpoint
extension: For the
4600 series IP
Telephones, enter
the corresponding
H.323 endpoint. For
IP Softphone, enter
the corresponding
H.323 endpoint. If
you enter a value in
this field, you can
register this endpoint
on either a road-
warrior or
IP Agent application.
Blank: Leave this
field blank for single-
connect IP
IP Softphone
Specifies whether
the endpoint is an IP
soft phone.
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 489

Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
Servivable GK Node
Survivable GK Node
Name identifies the
existence of other
H.323 gatekeepers
located within
gateway products
that offer survivable
call features. For
example, the
MultiTech MVPxxx-
AV H.323 gateway
family and the SLS
function within the
H.248 gateways.
When you enter a
valid IP node name in
this field,
Manager adds the IP
address of this
gateway to the
bottom of the
Gatekeeper List for
this IP network
region. As H.323 IP
endpoints register
with Communication
Manager, this list is
sent to the
registration confirm
message. The IP
endpoint can use the
IP address of this
Gatekeeper as the
call controller of last
resort to register with.
Survivable GK Node
Name is available
only if the endpoint is
an H.323 endpoint
(46xxor 96xx set
Optional Valid Entry Usage:
Valid IP node name,
any valid, previously-
administered IP node
Survivable class of
Sets the level of
restriction for
endpoints to be used
Optional Valid Entries: Usage
emergency - This
endpoint can only be
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
with the survivable
dial plan to limit
certain users to
certain types of calls.
You can list the
restriction levels from
the most restrictive to
least restrictive. Each
level assumes the
calling ability of the
ones above it. This
field is used by the
PIM module in
Management to
communicate with
the Communication
administration tables
and to obtain the
class of service
information. PIM
module builds a
managed database
to send to Standard
Local Survivability
(SLS) on the H.248
Survivable COR is
valid for all analog
and IP endpoint
used to place
emergency calls.
Internal - This
endpoint can only
make intra-switch
calls. This is the
default value.
local - This endpoint
can only make calls
that are defined as
locl, op, svc, or hnpa
in the Survivable
Gateway Call
Controller's routing
toll - This endpoint
can place any
national toll calls that
are defined as fnpa
or natl on the
Survivable Gateway
Call Controller's
routing tables.
unrestricted - This
endpoint can place a
call to any number
defined in the
Survivable Gateway
Call Controller's
routing tables. Those
strings marked as
deny are also denied
to these users.
Survivable Trunk
This field does not
allow certain
telephones to receive
incoming trunk calls
when the media
gateway is in
survivable mode.
This field is used by
the PIM module in
Management to
interrogate the
Optional Valid Entry Usage:
true - Allows this
endpoint to be an
incoming trunk
destination while the
media gateway is
running in the
survivability mode.
This is the default
false - Prevents this
endpoint from
receiving incoming
trunk calls when the
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 491

Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
administration tables
and obtain the class
of service
information. PIM
module builds a
managed database
to send for SLS on
the H.248 gateways.
Survivable Trunk
Destination is
available for all
analog and IP
endpoint types.
endpoint in
survivable mode.
Voice Mail Number
Enter the complete
Voice Mail Dial Up
Optional String
offPremisesStation Analog telephones
Optional Valid entries Usage:
true - Enter true if
this telephone is
not located in the
same building as
the system. If you
enter true, you
must complete the
R Balance
false - Enter false if
the telephone is
located in the same
building as the
dataOption If a second line on the
telephone is
administered on the
I-2 channel, enter
analog. Else, enter
the data module if
applicable, or enter
Optional Valid entries: analog,
Message Waiting
If you select led or
neon, then you must
Optional Valid entries: led,
neon, none.
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492 Administering Avaya Aura

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Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
else leave this field
remoteOfficePhone Select true to use
this endpoint as an
endpoint in a remote
office configuration.
Optional Valid entries:
audix - If LWC is
attempted, the
messages are
stored in AUDIX.
spe - If LWC is
attempted, the
messages are
stored in the
system processing
element (spe).
none - If LWC is
attempted, the
messages are not
lwcActivation Select true to allow
internal telephone
users to leave short
LWC messages for
this extension. If the
system has
hospitality, select
true for guest-room
telephones for the
extensions to receive
failed wakeup
messages, and to
receive LWC
messages that
indicate the wakeup
calls failed. Select
true if LWC
Reception is audix.
Optional Boolean
activeStationRinging Active endpoint
Optional Valid entries:
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 493

Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
idleActiveRinging Defines how a call
rings to the
telephone when it is
Optional Valid entries
continuous - Select
continuous to
cause all calls to
this telephone to
ring continuously.
if-busy-single -
Select if-
busysingle to
cause calls to this
telephone to ring
continuously when
the telephone is
off-hook and idle,
and calls to this
telephone to
receive one ring
cycle and then ring
silently when the
telephone is off-
hook and active.
silent-if-busy -
Select silent-if-
busy to cause calls
to ring silently
when this endpoint
is busy.
single - Select
single to cause
calls to this
telephone to
receive one ring
cycle and then ring
switchhookFlash Set this field to true
when the Type field
is set to H.323.
Optional Boolean
ignoreRotaryDigits If you set this field to
true, the short switch-
hook flash (50 to 150)
from a 2500-type set
is ignored.
Optional Boolean
h320Conversion H.320 Conversion
Valid entries are true
Optional Boolean
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Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
and false (default).
This field is optional
for non-multimedia
complex voice
endpoints and for
basic multimedia
complex voice
endpoints. H.320
Conversion is
mandatory for
multimedia complex
voice endpoints.
Since the system can
only handle a limited
number of
conversion calls, you
must limit the number
of telephones with
H.320 conversion.
complexes must
have this flag set to
serviceLinkMode The service link is the
combined hardware
and software
connection between
an Enhanced mode
complexs H.320
DVC system and the
Server which ends
the H.320 protocol. A
service link is never
used by a Basic
mode complex H.320
DVC system.
Connecting a service
link will take several
seconds. When the
service link is
connected, it uses
MMI, VC and system
timeslot resources.
Optional Valid entries: as-
needed permenant
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 495

Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
When the service link
is disconnected it
does not tie up any
resource. Service
Link Mode can be
administered as
either as-needed or
As- Needed - Most
non-call center
multimedia users
will be
administered with
this service link
mode. The as-
needed mode
provides the
complex with a
connected service
link whenever a
multimedia call is
answered by the
endpoint and for a
period of 10
seconds after the
last multimedia call
on the endpoint
has been
Having the service
link stay connected
for 10 seconds
allows a user to
disconnect a
multimedia call and
then make another
multimedia call
without having to
wait for the service
link to disconnect
and reestablish.
Multimedia call
center agents and
other users who
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
496 Administering Avaya Aura

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Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
are constantly
making or
multimedia calls
might want to be
administered with
this service link
The permanent
mode service link
will be connected
during the
endpoints first
multimedia call and
will remain in a
connected state
until the user
disconnects from
their PCs
application or the
Server restarts.
This provides a
multimedia user
with a much
quicker video cut-
through when
answering a
multimedia call
from another
permanent mode
endpoint or a
multimedia call that
has been early
multimediaMode There are two
multimedia modes,
Basic and
Optional Basic - A basic
multimedia complex
consists of a
PC and a non-BRI-
telephone set.
Enhanced - An
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 497

Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
multimedia complex
consists of a BRI-
PC and a non-
mwiServedUserType Controls the auditing
or interrogation of a
served users
message waiting
indicator (MWI).
Optional Valid entries:
1. fp-mwi - Select
this option if the
endpoint is a
served user of
an fp-mwi
2. qsig-mwi -
Select this
option if the
endpoint is a
served user of a
3. sip adjuncts -
Select this
option if the
endpoint is a
served user of a
sip adjunct
4. blank - Leave
this field blank if
you do not want
to audit the
served users
MWI or if the
user is not a
served user of
either an fp-mwi
or qsigmwi
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
498 Administering Avaya Aura

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Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
audixName The AUDIX
associated with the
endpoint. Must
contain a user-
defined adjunct
name that was
Optional String
automaticMoves Automatic Moves
allows a DCP
telephone to be
unplugged from one
location and moved
to a new location
without additional
associates the
extension to the new
Optional Valid entries:
1. always - Select
always to move
the DCP
anytime without
by unplugging
the telephone
from one
location and
plugging it into a
new location.
2. once - Select
once to unplug
and plug the
DCP telephone
into a new
location once.
After a move, the
field is set to
done the next
time that routine
runs on the DCP
telephone. Use
once when you
want to move a
large number of
DCP telephones
so that each
extension is
removed from
the move list.
Use once to
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 499

Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
3. no - Enter no to
administration in
order to move
the DCP
4. done - Done is a
Manager sets
the field to done
after the
telephone is
moved and
runs on the DCP
5. Error - Error is a
Manager sets
the field to error,
after routine
runs on the DCP
telephone, when
a non-serialized
telephone is set
as a movable
An Avaya IP
endpoint can dial
emergency calls (for
example, 911 calls in
the U.S.). It only
reaches the local
emergency service in
the Public Safety
Answering Point area
where the telephone
Optional Valid entries:
1. As-on-local: As-
on-local sends
the extension
entered in the
Extension field
on the Endpoint
screen to the
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
system has local
Public Safety
Answering Point
2. Block - Block
prevents the
completion of
3. Cesid - Cesid
Manager to send
supplied by the
IP Softphone to
the PSAP.
4. Option - Option
allows the user
to select the
block, or cesid)
that the user
selected during
This field allows the
system to properly
identify the location
of a caller who dials a
911 emergency call
from this endpoint.
An entry in this field
must be of an
extension type
included in the dial
plan, but does not
have to be an
extension on the
local system. The
entry can be a UDP
The default entry is
blank. A blank entry
typically is used for
an IP softphone
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 501

Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
dialing in through
PPP from
somewhere outside
your network. If you
populate the IP
Address Mapping
screen with
emergency numbers,
the feature functions
as follows. If the
Emergency Location
Extension field in the
Endpoint screen is
the same as the
Emergency Location
Extension field in the
IP Address Mapping
screen, the feature
sends the extension
to the Public Safety
Answering Point
(PSAP). If the
Emergency Location
Extension field in the
Endpoint screen is
different from the
Emergency Location
Extension field in the
IP Address Mapping
screen, the feature
sends the extension
in the IP Address
Mapping screen to
the Public Safety
Answering Point
alwaysUse A softphone can
register no matter
what emergency call
handling settings the
user has entered in
the softphone. If a
softphone dials 911,
the administered
Emergency Location
Extension is used.
The softphone's
Optional Boolean
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
user-entered settings
are ignored. If an IP
telephone dials 911,
the administered
Emergency Location
Extension is used. If
a call center agent
dials 911, the
physical endpoint
extension is
displayed, overriding
the administered
LoginID for ISDN
Display. This does
not apply to SCCAN
wireless telephones,
or to extensions
administered as type
Activates or
Precedence Call
Waiting for this
Enables or disables
automatic selection
of any idle
appearance of
transferred or
conferenced calls.
Manager first
attempts to find an
idle appearance that
has the same
extension number as
the call being
transferred or
conferenced has. If
that attempt fails,
Optional Boolean
Manager selects the
first idle appearance
Optional Boolean
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 503

Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
Allows or denies
users in the
Coverage Path to
retrieve Leave Word
Calling (LWC)
messages for this
telephone. Applies
only if the telephone
is enabled for LWC
Optional Boolean
autoAnswer In EAS
environments, the
auto answer setting
for the Agent LoginID
can override a
endpoints setting
when an agent logs
Optional Valid entries:
1. all: All ACD and
non-ACD calls
ended to an idle
endpoint cut
Does not allow
answer for
intercom calls.
With non-ACD
calls, the set is
also rung while
the call is cut
through. The
ring can be
prevented by
activating the
ringer-off feature
button when the
Allow Ringer-off
with Auto-
Answer is
enabled for the
2. acd: Only ACD
split /skill calls
and direct agent
calls to auto
answer. Non-
ACD calls ended
to an endpoint
ring audibly. For
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
504 Administering Avaya Aura

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Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
endpoints, the
endpoint is off-
hook and idle,
only the ACD
split/skill calls
and direct agent
calls auto
answer; non-
ACD calls
receive busy
treatment. If the
endpoint is
active on an
ACD call and a
non-ACD call
arrives, the
Agent receives
3. none: All calls
ended to this
endpoint receive
an audible
4. icom: Allows a
telephone user
to answer an
intercom call
from the same
intercom group
without pressing
the intercom
dataRestriction Enables or disables
data restriction that is
used to prevent
tones, such as call-
waiting tones, from
interrupting data
calls. Data restriction
provides permanent
protection and
cannot be changed
by the telephone
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 505

Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
user. Data restriction
cannot be assigned if
Auto Answer is
administered as all or
acd. If enabled,
whisper page to this
endpoint is denied.
Indicates which call
appearance is
selected when the
user lifts the handset
and there is an
incoming call.
Optional true - The user
connects to an idle
call appearance
instead of the ringing
false - The Alerting
Preference is set and
the user connects to
the ringing call
callWaitingIndication Enable or disable call
waiting for this
Attendant call waiting
or attendant-
extended calls to a
busy single-line
telephone to wait and
sends distinctive call-
waiting tone to the
single-line user.
Select to enable or
disable attendant call
Optional Boolean
Select true so that
the telephone can
receive the three
different types of
ringing patterns
which identify the
type of incoming
calls. Distinctive
ringing might not
work properly for off-
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
506 Administering Avaya Aura

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Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
Optional Valid entries:
1. true: Restricts
the last idle call
used for
incoming priority
calls and
outgoing call
2. false: Last idle
call appearance
is used for
incoming priority
calls and
outgoing call
adjunctSupervision Enable or disable
Adjunct Supervision.
Optional Valid entries:
1. true: Analog
signal is sent
automatically to
the port after a
call ends.
Analog devices
such as
machines and
use this signal to
turn the devices
off after a call
2. false: Hunt
group agents
are alerted to
incoming calls.
In a hunt group
the disconnect
signal blocks the
reception of zip
tone and
incoming call
notification by an
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 507

Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
endpoint when a
call is queued for
the endpoint.
Send Calling Number Optional Valid entries:
1. y: All outgoing
calls from the
endpoint will
deliver the
Calling Party
Number (CPN)
information as
2. n: No CPN
information is
sent for the call.
3. r: Outgoing non-
DCS network
calls from the
endpoint will
deliver the
Calling Party
information as
Appears on the
Endpoint screen for
analog telephones,
only if the Without
Flash field in the
section of the
System Parameters
screen is set to true.
The Busy Auto
Callback without
Flash field then
defaults to true for all
analog telephones
that allow Analog
Automatic Callback.
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
508 Administering Avaya Aura

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Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
Set this field to true to
provide automatic
callback for a calling
analog endpoint
without flashing the
Provides audible
message waiting
Optional Boolean
Only administrable if
Hospitality is enabled
on the System
Customer- Options
(Optional Features)
screen. This field
affects the telephone
display on calls that
originate from an
endpoint with Client
Room Class of
For endpoints with an
audix endpoint type,
AUDIX Voice Power
ports, or ports for any
other type of
messaging that
needs display
information, Display
Client Redirection
must be enabled. Set
this field to true to
redirect information
for a call originating
from a Client Room
and ending to this
endpoint displays.
Optional Boolean
Optional Valid entries:
1. True: Indicates
that an
endpoints line
selection is not
to be moved
from the
selected line
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 509

Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
button to a
different, non-
alerting line
button. If you
select true, the
line selection on
an on-hook
endpoint only
moves from the
last used line
button to a line
button with an
audibly alerting
call. If there are
no alerting calls,
the line selection
remains on the
button last used
for a call.
2. false: The line
selection on an
endpoint with no
alerting calls can
be moved to a
different line
button, which
might be serving
a different
Specifies whether an
forwarded call is
provided coverage
Select to allow or
deny direct audio
connections between
IP endpoints.
ipAudioHairpinning Allows IP endpoints
to be connected
through the servers
IP circuit pack.
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510 Administering Avaya Aura

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Comments? [email protected]
Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
Set prime
endpointSiteData This is applicable for
Site Data fields
room This is a Site Data
Optional Max length 10
jack This is a Site Data
Optional Max length 5
cable This is a Site Data
Optional Max length 5
floor This is a Site Data
building This is a Site Data
headset This is a Site Data
speaker This is a Site Data
mounting This is a Site Data
Optional Valid values d, w.
cordLength This is a Site Data
Optional Valid range from 0 to
setColor This is a Site Data
abbrList This is applicable for
Station Abbreviated
Dialing Data fields.
listType This is a Station
Abbreviated Dialing
Data field.
Mandatory Valid values
enhanced, group,
personal, system.
number This is a Station
Abbreviated Dialing
Data field.
Mandatory A number.
buttons This is applicable for
button data.
Number This is a button data
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 511

Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
Type This is a button data
data1 This is a button data
data2 This is a button data
data3 This is a button data
data4 This is a button data
data5 This is a button data
data6 This is a button data
endpointDataModule This is a Station Data
module field.
dataExtension This is a Station Data
module field.
name This is a Station Data
module field.
Optional Max length 29
Class of restriction
This is a Station Data
module field.
Mandatory Valid range from 0 to
Class of Service
This is a Station Data
module field.
Mandatory Valid range from 0 to
itc This is a Station Data
module field.
Mandatory Valid values:
1. restricted
2. unrestricted
Tenant Number This is a Station Data
module field.
Mandatory Valid range from 1 to
listType This is a Station Data
module field.
Optional Valid values:
1. enhanced
2. group
3. personal
4. system
listId This is a Station Data
module field.
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
512 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
specialDialingOption This is a Station Data
module field.
Optional Valid values:
1. default
2. hot-line
This is a Station Data
module field.
This is a Station Hot
Line Data field.
Optional Valid range 1 to 3
This is a Station Hot
Line Data field.
Optional Numeric string
nativeName This is a Native
Name Data field.
locale This is a Native
Name Data field.
If the
givenName, or
surname contains
characters of
multiple scripts
then the locale tag
should be
The locale for the
multiscript languages
Japanese: ja
Simplified Chinese:
Chinese: zh-tw
Korean: ko-kr
Vietnamese: vi-vn
The locale tag is case
You can use the
tag to specify the
locale if
nativeName, and
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 513

Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
Name are in
multibytes. If the
locale tag is present
in the xml, locale tag
is preferred over the
Name This is a Native
Name Data field.
Mandatory Max length 27
Attribute details defined in the Messaging communication profile XSD
Attribute Attribute
Mandator y/
Messaging System
The name of
Messaging System
Use Existing Mailbox
true if already
created mailbox
number is to be used.
false if available
mailbox number is to
be used.
Messaging Template
Specifies the
messaging template
of a subscriber.
Specifies the default
password the
subscriber must use
to log in to his or her
Mandatory The password must
be from 3 to 15 digits
and adhere to
system policies that
you set on the Avaya

deleteOnUnassign Optional
Class of service
The class of service
for this subscriber.
The COS controls
subscriber access to
many features and
provides general
Optional Valid ranges from 0
to 995
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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Attribute Attribute
Mandator y/
settings, such as
mailbox size.
Community ID
Specifies the default
community ID for the
Community IDs are
used to control
message sending
and receiving among
groups of
Optional The default value is
Email Handle
Specifies the name
that appears before
the machine name
and domain in the
subscriber's e-mail
address. The
machine name and
domain are
automatically added
to the handle you
enter when the
subscriber sends or
receives an e-mail.
Common Name
Specifies the display
name of the
subscriber in address
book listings, such as
those for e-mail client
Optional The name you enter
can be 1 to 64
characters in length.
secondaryExtension Specifies one or
more alternate
number to reach a
subscriber. You can
use secondary
extensions to specify
a telephone number
for direct reception of
faxes, to allow callers
to use an existing
Caller Application, or
to identify each line
appearance on the
telephone set if they
Optional Valid values 0 to 9
number values of
length 10
Managing users
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Attribute Attribute
Mandator y/
have different
telephone numbers.
mmSpecific This is complex type
for Messaging
specific fields data.
numericAddress This is field of
Messaging specific
Specifies a unique
address in the voice
mail network. The
numeric address can
be from 1 to 50 digits
and can contain the
Mailbox Number.
pbxExtension This is field of
Messaging specific
The primary
telephone extension
of the subscriber.
telephoneNumber This is field of
Messaging specific
The telephone
number of the
subscriber as
displayed in address
book listings and
client applications.
Optional The entry can be a
maximum of 50
characters in length
and can contain any
combination of digits
(0-9), period (.),
hyphen (-), plus sign
(+), and left and right
parentheses ([) and
asciiVersionOfName This is field of
Messaging specific
If the subscriber
name is entered in
multibyte character
format, then this field
specifies the ASCII
translation of the
subscriber name.
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
516 Administering Avaya Aura

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Attribute Attribute
Mandator y/
expirePassword This is field of
Messaging specific
Specifies whether
your password
expires or not.
Optional You can choose one
of the following:
yes: for password
to expire
no: if you do not
want your
password to expire
mailBoxLocked This is field of
Messaging specific
Specifies whether
you want your
mailbox to be locked.
A subscriber mailbox
can become locked
after two
unsuccessful login
Optional You can choose one
of the following:
no: to unlock your
yes: to lock your
mailbox and
prevent access to it
This is field of
Messaging specific
Specifies the mailbox
number or transfer
dial string of the
personal operator or
assistant. This field
also indicates the
transfer target when
a caller to this
subscriber presses 0
while listening to the
This is field of
Messaging specific
Specifies when to
route calls to the
backup operator
mailbox. The default
value for this field is
Always Active.
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 517

Attribute Attribute
Mandator y/
tuiMessageOrder This is field of
Messaging specific
Specifies the order in
which the subscriber
hears the voice
Optional You can choose one
of the following:
urgent first then
newest: to direct
the system to play
any messages
marked as urgent
prior to playing
messages. Both
the urgent and non-
urgent messages
are played in the
reverse order of
how they were
oldest messages
first: to direct the
system to play
messages in the
order they were
urgent first then
oldest: to direct the
system to play any
messages marked
as urgent prior to
playing non-urgent
messages. Both
the urgent and non-
urgent messages
are played in the
order of how they
were received.
newest messages
first: to direct the
system to play
messages in the
reverse order of
how they were
intercomPaging This is field of
Messaging specific
Optional You can choose one
of the following:
paging is off: to
disable intercom
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
518 Administering Avaya Aura

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Attribute Attribute
Mandator y/
Specifies the
intercom paging
settings for a
paging for this
paging is manual: if
the subscriber can
modify, with
Subscriber Options
or the TUI, the
setting that allows
callers to page the
paging is
automatic: if the
TUI automatically
allows callers to
page the
voiceMailEnabled This is field of
Messaging specific
Specifies whether a
subscriber can
receive messages, e-
mail messages and
messages from other
subscribers. You can
choose one of the
following: - yes: to
allow the subscriber
to create, forward,
and receive
messages. - no: to
prevent the
subscriber from
receiving call-answer
messages and to
hide the subscriber
from the telephone
user interface (TUI).
The subscriber
cannot use the TUI to
access the mailbox,
and other TUI users
cannot address
messages to the
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 519

Attribute Attribute
Mandator y/
miscellaneous1 This is field of
Messaging specific
Specifies additional,
useful information
about a subscriber.
Entries in this field
are for convenience
and are not used by
the messaging
Max length 51
miscellaneous2 This is field of
Messaging specific
Specifies additional,
useful information
about a subscriber.
Entries in this field
are for convenience
and are not used by
the messaging
Max length 51
miscellaneous3 This is field of
Messaging specific
Specifies additional,
useful information
about a subscriber.
Entries in this field
are for convenience
and are not used by
the messaging
Max length 51
miscellaneous4 This is field of
Messaging specific
Specifies additional,
useful information
about a subscriber.
Entries in this field
are for convenience
and are not used by
the messaging
Max length 51
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
520 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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Attribute Attribute
Mandator y/
cmmSpecific This is field of
Messaging specific
Specifies the number
of the switch on
which this
extension is
Optional You can enter "0"
through "99", or leave
this field blank.
Leave this field
blank if the host
switch number
should be used.
Enter a "0" if no
message waiting
indicators should
be sent for this
subscriber. You
should enter 0
when the
subscriber does
not have a phone
on any switch in the
accountCode This is field of CMM
Specifies the
Subscriber Account
Code. The
Subscriber Account
Code is used to
create Call Detail
Records on the
switch for calls
placed by the voice
ports. The value you
enter in this field can
contain any
combination of digits
from 0 to 9. If an
account code is not
specified, the system
will use the
subscriber's mailbox
extension as the
account code.
coveringExtension This is field of CMM
Specifies the number
to be used as the
default destination
for the Transfer Out
Optional You can enter 3 to 10
digits in this field
depending on the
length of the
system's extension,
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 521

Attribute Attribute
Mandator y/
of Messaging
or leave this field
miscellaneous1 This is field of CMM
Specifies additional,
useful information
about a subscriber.
Entries in this field
are for convenience
and are not used by
the messaging
Optional Max length 11
Miscellaneous2 This is field of CMM
Specifies additional,
useful information
about a subscriber.
Entries in this field
are for convenience
and are not used by
the messaging
Optional Max length 11
Miscellaneous2 This is field of CMM
Specifies additional,
useful information
about a subscriber.
Entries in this field
are for convenience
and are not used by
the messaging
Optional Max length 11
Miscellaneous4 This is field of CMM
Specifies additional,
useful information
about a subscriber.
Entries in this field
are for convenience
and are not used by
the messaging
Optional Max length 11
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
522 Administering Avaya Aura

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Attribute details defined in the Session Manager communication profile XSD
Attribute Attribute
Mandator y/
Primary Session
Specify the name of
the Session Manager
instance that must be
used as the home
server for a
Profile. As a home
server, the primary
Managerinstance is
used as the default
access point for
connecting devices
associated with the
Profile to the Aura
Mandatory -
Secondary Session
If a secondary
Session Manager
instance is specified,
this Session
Manager provides
continued service to
SIP devices
associated with this
profile when the
primary Session
Manageris not
Optional -
Survivability Server
For local
survivability, you can
specify the name of a
Survivability Server
(a SIP Entity) to
provide survivability
services for devices
associated with a
profile in the event
that local connectivity
Optional -
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 523

Attribute Attribute
Mandator y/
to Session Manager
instances in the Aura
Core is lost.
If you specify a
Branch Session
Manager, and the
termination and
sequences contain a
Manager application,
sequencing to this
continues, locally, to
the Communication
Manager remote
survivability server
resident with the
Branch Session
If a termination or
contains a
application, the
associated with
the application
must be the main
Manager for the
Manager remote
server resident
with the Branch
Session Manager.
Max. Simultaneous
The maximum
number of endpoints
that you can register
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
524 Administering Avaya Aura

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Attribute Attribute
Mandator y/
at a time using this
profile. If you register
more than one
endpoint, all the
endpoints receive
calls simultaneously.
Block New
Registration When
Registrations Active
Set the value to true
or false. If you do not
set the attribute, the
system sets the
attribute to false, the
If you set to true and
if an endpoint tries to
register using this
Profile when the
maximum number of
reaches, the
endpoint cannot
register with Session
Manager The
endpoint does not
have the SIP
If the value is set to
false, the default, the
endpoint can register
only after the system
cancels the
registration of the
oldest endpoint. The
stopped endpoint
does not have the
SIP service.
Specify an
Sequence that will be
invoked when calls
are routed from this
Optional -
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 525

Attribute Attribute
Mandator y/
If you specify
origination and
sequences, and if
each sequence
contains a
Manager must be
the same in both
the sequences.
Specify an
Sequence that will be
invoked when calls
are routed to this
If you specify
origination and
sequences, and if
each sequence
contains a
Manager must be
the same in both
the sequences.
Optional -
Home Location
Specify a Home
Location (the name
of a Location
navigate to Routing >
Locations) to support
mobility for a user.
When this user calls
numbers that are not
Mandatory -
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
526 Administering Avaya Aura

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Attribute Attribute
Mandator y/
associated with an
administered user,
dial-plan rules
(Routing > Dial
Patterns) will be
applied to complete
the call based on this
home location
regardless of the
physical location of
the SIP device used
to make the call.
Conference Factory
The conference
factory set to enable
media capability-
based call routing to
the Conferencing SIP
Use the Session
Manager >
Configuration >
Factories webpage
to administer the
Conference Factory
Optional -
Attribute details defined in the Avaya Aura

Conferencing profile XSD

Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
User Template
Specify the name of
the User Template.
User Templates are
created in Avaya
Aura Conferencing
Provisioning Client.
The following default
templates always
Mandatory -
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 527

Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
o, event_1000,
Specify location for
the user.
Location is a
mandatory field.
Conferencing can get
the value of location
from the Location
field in Conferencing
Conferencing can
also get the value of
location from the
Home Location field
in Session Manager
Profile if Session
Manager profile is
configured and the
location in
Conferencing Profile
is not configured.
Mandatory -
Participant Security
The participant code
for the chairperson
Mandatory if the
Length parameter is
not set.
Moderator Security
The unique
participant code that
you use to login to a
conference as a
Mandatory if the
Length parameter is
not set.
Auto Generated
Participant and
Moderator Security
Codes Length
This parameter
shows that
Participant and
Moderator Security
Codes must be auto-
generated and must
specify the length of
Optional The value can be
integers between 6
and 8.
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
528 Administering Avaya Aura

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Attribute Attribute
Mandatory/Optional Validation
such auto-generated
Presenter Security
Specify Presenter
Security Code.
In an Event
Conference, when
you enter the
Presenter Security
Code, the system
assigns you the
presenter role. Event
Conference Host
sets the Presenter
Security Code.
Presenter Security
Code is mandatory if
User Template
Conferencing Class
Of Service,
supporting event
Mandatory if the User
Template supports
event conferencing.
Import Users field descriptions
Use this page to bulk import users and their attributes from a valid XML or Excel file.
File Selection
Name Description
Select Import File Type The type of the file from where you import the
users. The options are:
Select File The path and name of the XML or Excel file
from which you import the users.
If you select the Excel file option, use the
template that System Manager supports.
You can download the template from More
Actions > Download Excel Template.
Managing users
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 529

Button Description
Browse Displays a dialog box to select the file from
which you import the users.
Name Description
Select Error Configuration The options are:
Abort on first error: Aborts importing the
user records when the import user
operation encounters the first error in the
import file containing the user records.
Continue processing other records:
Imports the next user record even if the
import user operation encounters an error
while importing a user record.
Select Import Type The options are:
Complete: Imports users with all the user
Partial: Imports users with specific user
Select Import Type is available only for
imports using the XML file.
If a matching record already exists The options are:
Skip: Skips a matching user record that
already exists in the system during an
import operation. Currently, with this option
you can add a new communication profile
to a communication profile set but you
cannot update an existing communication
profile in a communication profile set.
This option is not available if you select
the Partial option in Select Import
Replace: Re-imports or replaces all the
data for a user including access control
lists, contact lists, and so on. With this
option, you can replace a user and the
associated data of the user.
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
530 Administering Avaya Aura

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Name Description
Replace is available only for imports
using the XML file.
Merge: Imports the user data at an even
greater degree of granularity. Using this
option you can simultaneously perform
both add and update operation of users.
For example, add a contact to a contact list
and update a last name.
Delete: Deletes the user records from the
database that match the records in the
input file.
The system confirms that a user already
exists in the database by matching the
login name of the user in the database
with the login name of the user in the
imported file.
Job Schedule
Name Description
Schedule Job The options for configuring the schedule of
the job:
Run immediately: Use this option to run
the import job immediately.
Schedule later: Use this option to run the
job at the specified date and time.
Date The date on which you run the import users
job. The date format is mm:dd:yyyy. Use the
calendar icon to choose a date.
This field is available when you select the
Schedule later option for scheduling a job.
Time The time of running the import users job. The
time format is hh:mm:ss and 12 (AM or PM)
or 24-hour format.
This field is available when you select the
Schedule later option for scheduling a job.
Time Zone The time zone of your region.
This field is available when you select the
Schedule later option for scheduling a job.
Managing users
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 531

Button Description
Import Imports or schedules the import operation
based on the option you selected.
Manage Job
Name Description
Select check box Use this check box to select a job.
Scheduled Time The time and date of scheduling the job.
Status The current status of the job. The following
are the different status of a job:
1. PENDING EXECUTION: The job is in
2. RUNNING: The job execution is in
3. SUCCESSFUL: The job execution is
4. INTERRUPTED: The job execution is
5. PARTIAL FAILURE: The job execution
has partially failed.
6. FAILED: The job execution has failed.
Job Name A link to the Scheduler user interface. You
can also cancel the job from the Scheduler
user interface.
% Complete The job completion status in percentage.
User Records The total user records in the input file.
Warnings The number of user records in the input file
with warnings.
Errors The number of user records in the input file
that failed to import.
Button Description
View Job Displays the details of the selected job.
Cancel Job Cancels the import operation for the selected
job. You can cancel a job that is in progress
or queued for import.
Delete Job Deletes the selected job.
Refresh Refreshes the job information in the table.
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
532 Administering Avaya Aura

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Button Description
Show Provides you an option to view all the jobs on
the same page. If the table displaying
scheduled jobs are spanning multiple pages,
select All to view all the jobs on a single
Select: All Selects all the jobs in the table.
Select: None Clears the check box selections.
Previous Displays jobs in the previous page.
Next Displays jobs in the next page.
Done Navigates to the User Management page.
Import Users Job Details field descriptions
The Import Users-Job Details page displays the details of the selected job.
Name Description
Name The import job that the end user initiates.
Scheduled by The name of the user who initiates or
schedules the import job
Scheduled at The start time of the import job.
Error Configuration The value that was configured for error while
scheduling the Import Job. The values are
Abort on first error and Continue
processing other records.
Import Type The value configured for the Import Type
field while scheduling the import job. The
values are Complete and Partial.
Import Option The value that was configured for the If a
matching record already exists field while
scheduling the import job. The values are
Skip, Merge, Replace, and Delete.
End The end date and time of the job.
Status The status of the job.
File The name of the file that is used to import the
user records.
Count The total number of user records in the input
Managing users
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 533

Name Description
Success The total number of user records that are
successfully imported.
Fail The total number of user records that failed
to import.
Warning The total number of user records that
successfully imported, however, there are
warnings generated for the user records.
Message A message that indicates whether the import
is successful or failure.
Completed The percentage completion of the import.
Name Description
Line Number The line number in the file where the error
Login Name The login name of the user record that failed
to be imported.
Error Message A brief description of the error.
Button Description
Download Exports and saves the user import error
records in an XML file to the specified
This button is not available if there are no
error records for user Import Jobs or if the
import job type is set to Abort on first
Cancel Returns to the Import Users page.
To enable the Download button, on the User bulk import configuration page, set the Enable
Error File Generation attribute to True.
To navigate to the User bulk import configuration page from the System Manager console,
click Services > Configurations > Settings > SMGR > User BulkImport profile.
Import Global Settings field descriptions
Use this page to bulk import shared addresses, public contacts, and presence access control
list (ACLs) from a valid XML file. These imported items are also called global user settings.
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
534 Administering Avaya Aura

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File Selection
Name Description
Select File The path and name of the XML file from
which you must import the global settings
Button Description
Browse Opens a dialog box to select the file from
which you must import the global user
Name Description
Select Error Configuration The options are:
Abort on first error: Stops importing the
global user settings records when User
Management encounters the first error in
the import file containing the global user
settings records.
Continue processing other records:
Imports the next global user settings record
even if User Management encounters an
error while importing a global user settings
If a matching record already exists The options are:
Skip: Skips a matching global user settings
record that already exists in the system
database during an import operation.
Currently, using this option you can add a
new public contact to a public contact set
but you cannot update an existing public
contact in a public contact set.
Merge: Imports the global user settings
data at an even greater degree of
granularity. For example, add a shared
address to a shared address list or update
a public contact.
Replace: Re-imports or replaces all the
global user setting records in the import
file. This is essentially the ability to replace
Managing users
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 535

Name Description
a user along with the other data related to
the global user settings.
Delete: Deletes the global setting records
from the database that matches the
records in the input XML file.
Job Schedule
Name Description
Schedule Job The settings for configuring the schedule of
the job:
Run immediately: Use this option to run
the import job immediately.
Schedule later: Use this option to run the
job at the specified date and time.
Date The date when you must run the import job.
The date format is mm dd yyyy. You can use
the calendar icon to choose a date.
This field is available when you select the
Schedule later option for scheduling a job.
Time The time of running the import job. The time
format is hh:mm:ss and 12 (AM or PM) or 24
hour format.
This field is available when you select the
Schedule later option for scheduling a job.
Time Zone The time zone of your region.
This field is available when you select the
Schedule later option for scheduling a job.
Button Description
Import Imports or schedules the import operation
based on the option you selected.
Manage Jobs
Name Description
Select check box Use this check box to select a job.
Scheduled Time The date and time when the job was
Status The current status of the job. The following
are the different status of a job:
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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Name Description
1. PENDING EXECUTION: The job is in
2. RUNNING: The job execution is in
3. SUCCESSFUL: The job execution is
4. INTERRUPTED: The job execution is
5. PARTIAL FAILURE: The job execution
has partially failed.
6. FAILED: The job execution has failed.
Job Name A link to the Scheduler user interface. You
can also cancel the job from the Scheduler
user interface.
% Complete The job completion status in percentage.
Records The total number of global user settings
records in the input file.
Error The number of global user settings records
in the input file that failed to import.
Button Description
View Job Shows the details of the selected job.
Cancel Job Cancels the import operation for the selected
job. You can cancel a job that is in progress
or queued for import.
Delete Job Deletes the selected job.
Refresh Refreshes the job information in the table.
Show Provides you an option to view all the jobs on
the same page. If the table displaying
scheduled jobs are spanning multiple pages,
select All to view all the jobs on a single
Select: All Selects all the jobs in the table.
Select: None Clears the check box selections.
Previous Displays jobs in the previous page.
Next Displays jobs in the next page.
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Button Description
Done Takes you back to the User Management
Cancel Cancels the import operation and takes you
back to the User Management page.
Export Users field descriptions
User Attribute Options
Field Description
Communications Profiles The option to export one or more
communication profiles from the list.
By default, the system selects the
Communication Profiles check box, which
means the export operation exports all
communication profiles.
Contacts The option to export contacts.
By default, the system selects the Contacts
check box, which means the export
operation exports contacts.
Name Description
Schedule Job The settings to configure the schedule of the
job. The options are:
Run immediately: To run the export job
Schedule later: To run the job at the
specified date and time.
Date The date when you must run the export job.
The date format is mm dd yyyy. You can use
the calendar icon to choose a date.
This field is available when you select the
Schedule later option for scheduling a job.
Time The time of running the export job. The time
format is hh:mm:ss and 12 (AM or PM) or 24
hour format.
This field is available when you select the
Schedule later option for scheduling a job.
Time Zone The time zone of your region.
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Name Description
This field is available when you select the
Schedule later option for scheduling a job.
Export List
Name Description
Select check box The option to select a job.
Start Time The date and time when the job was
Status The status of the job. The job status options
1. PENDING EXECUTION: The job is in
2. RUNNING: The job execution is in
3. SUCCESSFUL: The job execution is
4. INTERRUPTED: The job execution is
5. PARTIAL FAILURE: The job execution
has partially failed.
6. FAILED: The job execution has failed.
Scheduled Job A link to the Scheduler user interface. You
can also cancel the job from the Scheduler
user interface.
% Complete The job completion status in percentage.
User Records The total number of user records in the
export file.
Failed Records The number of user records in the input file
that failed to export.
Download File The link to download the zip file that contains
an XML and Excel file that the system uses
to export the user data.
Button Description
View Displays the details of the selected job.
Stop Stops the export operation and takes you
back to the User Management page.
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Button Description
Delete Deletes the job that you selected.
Export Exports or schedules the export job based on
the option that you selected.
Done Takes you back to the User Management
Job Details field descriptions
The Job Details page displays the details of the selected Job.
Name Description
Name Specifies the name of the import job.
Scheduled by Name of the user who initiated or scheduled
the import job.
Scheduled at Start time of the scheduled job.
End End date and time of the job.
Status Status of the job.
File Name of the file that is used to import the
global user settings records.
Count Total number of global user settings records
in the input file.
Success Total number of global user settings records
that are successfully imported.
Fail Total number of global user settings records
that failed to import.
Message The message that indicates whether the
import is successful or failure.
Completed Displays the percentage completion of the
Name Description
Record Number Failed XML element in the input XML file.
Name Name of the failed XML element.
Error Message A brief description of the error.
Button Description
Cancel Takes you back to the Import Users page.
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Quick start to importing users
Quick start to importing users
This section describes how to quickly create an XML file for importing users in bulk. This XML
file includes user profiles with core attributes as well as with SIP phone (SIP communication
XML for user with core attributes
Following are the minimal elements for mapping the user import XML with user interface fields:
Table 3: Minimal elements
UI field Description XML tag Possible value
Specifies the type of
Basic or Enterprise
First Name Specifies the first
name of the user.
First name of the
Login Name Specifies the primary
handle of user.
User log-in name.
Last Name Specifies the last
name of the user.
Last name of the
Login Password Specifies the
password used to log
in to System
Log-in password of
the user.
Sample XML with a single user profile
The following sample XML contains a user profile with basic fields. To create your own XML,
replace the value of the tags explained in the Minimal elements table in XML for user with core
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Root Element 'Users' represent collection of user (containing 1 or more
<tns:users xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsi="http://" xsi:schemaLocation="
schema/import userimport.xsd" >
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<loginName>[email protected]</loginName>
The highlighted XML tag in the user profile XML represents the data for a single user tag that
starts and ends with </tns:user>. To create multiple users in the same XML, repeat the
highlighted content multiple times with different user values.
For example, the following sample XML contains two users, John Miller and Roger Philip. Note
that there are two instances of the <tns:user> tag, one for each user.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Root Element 'Users' represent collection of user (containing 1 or more
<tns:users xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsi="http://" xsi:schemaLocation="
schema/import userimport.xsd" >

<loginName>[email protected]</loginName>
<loginName>[email protected]</loginName>
The XML is a text file. Therefore, you can edit this XML in any text editor.
Related topics:
XML for user with core attributes on page 541
Bulk import XML for users with SIP phone
To create a user XML, first perform the procedure for bulk importing users in the Bulk importing
users section. If communication address is added to the user, then the commPassword field
is mandatory.
To assign communication address, the mapping of Communication Profile for a new SIP user
is as follows:
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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Table 4: Mapping of Communication Profile for a new SIP user
UI field Description XML tag Possible value
Name Specifies the name
of the communication
The unique name of
this communication
Default Indicates whether
this is a default
True or False.
The attributes to set up the communication address for a user are as follows:
Table 5: User attributes to set up communication address
UI field Description XML tag Possible value
Handle Specifies the
extension number of
the user.
Extension number.
Type Specifies the
communication type
of the user profile.
Communication type.
For example, sip and
SubType Specifies the
subtype of the user
Communication sub
type. For example,
username, e164, and
Domain Specifies the domain
name of the user.
Name of the
configured SIP
domain name.
The following is the mapping of Session Manager Communication profile elements with the
corresponding user interface fields.
Table 6: Mapping of Session Manager Communication Profile elements
UI field Description XML tag Possible value
Primary Session
Specifies the name
of the primary
Session Manager
instance that is used
as the home server
Enter the name of
Session Manager.
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 543

UI field Description XML tag Possible value
for a communication
Specifies the
Sequence that is
invoked when calls
are routed from this
True or False.
Specifies the
Sequence that is
invoked when calls
are routed to this
Home Location Specifies the routing
home location.
The following is the mapping of CM Endpoint Profile elements with the corresponding user
interface fields.
Table 7: Mapping of CM Endpoint Profile elements
UI field Description XML tag Possible value
System Specifies the SIP
Entity of the
Name of the
Use Existing Indicates whether the
station is already
defined in the
True or False.
Extension Specifies the
extension number for
this profile.
Template Specifies the
template name used
for creating the
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UI field Description XML tag Possible value
Set Type Specifies the set type
of the station.
Port Specifies the port
number from the list
for the template you
Related topics:
Bulk importing of users on page 342
Sample XML file for a user with SIP Communication Profile
Here is the sample XML of a user profile with basic fields. To create your own XML, replace
the value of the tags explained in the Mapping of CM Endpoint Profile elements table in Bulk
import XML for users with SIP phone.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Root Element 'Users' represent collection of user (containing 1 or more
tns:users xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsi="http://" xsi:schemaLocation="
schema/import userimport.xsd" >
<loginName>[email protected]</loginName>
<handleName>sip:[email protected]</handleName>
<!--The below is extended communication profile-->
<commProfile xsi:type="sm:SessionManagerCommProfXML" xmlns:sm="http://">
<sm:homeLocation>SIT Lab</sm:homeLocation>
<commProfile xsi:type="ipt:xmlStationProfile" xmlns:ipt="http://">
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Related topics:
Bulk import XML for users with SIP phone on page 542
Managing public contacts
Manage public contact list
An administrator defines public contacts for the users in System Manager. You can share the
public contacts with all the users in System Manager.
A user with administrator permission can add, modify, and delete a public contact. While
creating a public contact, you need to specify the details of contact that also includes the postal
address and communication address of the public contact.
The public contacts defined in the system are the default public contacts for the users and
access control list.
Adding a new public contact
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Public Contacts.
3. On the Public Contacts page, click New.
4. On the New Public Contact page, in the Contact Details area, enter the appropriate
information in the respective fields.
Enter valid information in these fields to successfully create a new public contact.
The localized display name must be a unique name. If you do not enter any
information in the Localized Display Name field, the system automatically
generates a localized display name for the public contact.
5. In the Postal Address area, click New to add postal address of the contact.
6. In the Contact Address area, click New to add contact address.
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A contact address can be a phone number or any communication address that is
supported by the application.
7. Click Commit to create a new public contact.
Related topics:
New Public Contact field descriptions on page 557
Modifying details of a public contact
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Public Contacts.
3. On the Public Contacts page, click Edit.
4. On the Edit Public Contact page, modify the information of the contact.
5. Click Commit.
Before you click Commit, ensure that you entered valid information in the
mandatory fields.
Related topics:
Edit Public Contact field descriptions on page 555
Deleting public contacts
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Public Contacts.
3. On the Public Contacts page, select one or more contacts.
4. Click Delete.
5. On the Contact Delete Confirmation page, click Delete.
The system deletes the contact from the default contact list of the user if the public
contact is associated with the user.
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Viewing the details of a public contact
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Public Contacts.
3. On the Public Contacts page, select a public contact and click View.
The View Public Contact page displays the details of a public contact.
Related topics:
View Public Contact field descriptions on page 553
Adding a postal address for a public contact
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Public Contacts.
3. On the Public Contacts page, perform one of the following steps:
To add a postal address to a new public contact, click New.
To add a postal address to an existing public contact, select a public contact
and click Edit.
4. Click New in the Postal Address area.
5. On the Add Address page, enter the appropriate information in the respective
Enter a valid information in these fields.
6. Click Add to create a new postal address for the public contact.
7. On the New Public Contact or Edit Public Contact page, click Commit.
Related topics:
Add Address field descriptions on page 205
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Modifying postal address of a public contact
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Public Contacts.
3. On the Public Contacts page, select a public contact and click Edit.
4. On the Edit Public Contact page, select an address from the Postal Address
5. Click Edit.
6. On the Edit Address page, modify the information in the respective fields.
The fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory. You must enter valid information
in these fields.
7. Click Add to save the modified address.
Related topics:
Add Address field descriptions on page 205
Deleting the postal addresses of a public contact
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Public Contacts.
3. On the Public Contacts page, select a public contact and click Edit.
If you are on the New Public Contact page, follow step 4.
4. Select an address from the table in the Postal Address section, and click Delete.
5. Click Commit to save the changes.
Choosing a shared address for a public contact
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
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2. In the left navigation pane, click Public Contacts.
3. Click Choose Shared Address.
4. On the Choose Address page, select one or more shared addresses.
5. Click Select to add the selected addresses for the public contact.
6. Click Commit.
Adding a contact address of a public contact
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Public Contacts.
3. Click New in the Contact Address area.
4. On the Add Address page, enter the appropriate information in the respective
Enter a valid information in these fields.
5. Click Add to create a new contact address for the public contact.
6. On the New Public Contact page, click Commit.
Related topics:
Add Address field descriptions on page 247
Modifying the details of a public contact
About this task
You can use this feature to modify the contact details, postal address, and contact address of
an existing public contact.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Public Contacts.
3. On the Public Contacts page, select a public contact and click Edit.
4. On the Edit Public Contact page, modify the information in the Contact Details,
Postal Address, and Contact Address sections.
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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In the Postal Address and Contact Address section you can add, modify, and delete
addresses in the respective sections.
The fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory. You must enter a valid
information in these fields.
5. Click Commit.
Related topics:
Edit Address field descriptions on page 248
Deleting the contact address of a public contact
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Public Contacts.
3. On the Public Contacts page, select a public contact and click Edit.
If you are on the New Public Contact page, follow Step 4.
4. In the Contact Address area, select one or more addresses from the list and click
5. Click Commit to save the changes.
Add Address field descriptions
Field Description
Address Name Displays the unique label that identifies the
mailing address.
Address Type Displays the mailing address type such as
home or office address.
Building Displays the name of the building.
Room Displays the number or name of the room.
Street Displays the name of the street.
City Displays the name of the city or town.
State or Province Displays the full name of the province.
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Field Description
Postal Code Displays the postal code or zip code used by
postal services to route mail to a destination.
In the United States, this is Zip code.
Country Displays the name of the country.
Phone Details section
Field Description
Business Phone Displays the business phone number of the
Other Business Phone Displays the secondary or alternate business
phone number, if applicable.
Home Phone Displays the residential phone number of the
Other Home Phone Displays the secondary or alternate
residential phone number, if applicable.
Mobile Phone Displays the mobile number of the user.
Other Mobile Phone Displays the secondary or alternate mobile
number of the user, if applicable.
Fax Displays the telephone number for direct
reception of faxes.
Pager Displays the number used to make calls to
the users pager.
Other Pager Displays the secondary or alternate number
used to make calls to the users pager.
Button Description
Add Adds the mailing address of the user.
Cancel Cancels the add address operation.
Related topics:
Adding a shared address on page 564
Modifying a shared address on page 564
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Choose Address field descriptions
Field Description
Name Displays the unique label that identifies the
Address Type Displays the mailing address type such as
home or office address.
Street Displays the name of the street.
City Displays the name of the city or town.
Postal Code Displays the postal code used by postal
services to route mail to a destination. In the
United States, this is Zip code.
Province Displays the full name of the province.
Country Displays the name of the country.
Button Description
Select Adds the selected mailing address as the
shared contact for the user account.
Cancel Cancels the choose address operation.
View Public Contact field descriptions
Contact Details
Name Description
Last Name The last name of the contact.
Last Name (Latin Translation) The user-preferred last name that the system
must display on the end points. For example,
Typically, the name is the written or spoken
language of the user.
First Name The first name of the contact.
First Name (Latin Translation) The user-preferred first name that the
system must display on the end points. For
example, John.
Typically, the name is the written or spoken
language of the user.
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Name Description
Middle Name The middle name of the contact.
Description Displays a brief description of the contact.
Company The name of contact's company.
Localized Display Name The localized display name of a user. It is
typically the localized full name.
Endpoint Display Name The endpoint display name of the contact.
Language Preference Displays a list of languages from which you
set one language as the preferred language
for the contact.
Postal Address
Name Description
Name The name of the contact.
Address Type The mailing address type such as home or
office address.
Street The name of the street.
City The name of the city or town.
Postal Code The name of the contact's company.
Province The full name of the contact's province.
Country The name of the contact's country.
Contact Address
Name Description
Address The address that you can use to
communicate with the contact. This can be a
phone number, e-mail address, or IM of the
Type The type of communication medium for
interacting with the user.
Category The categorization of the address based on
the location.
Label Displays a text description for classifying this
Alternative Label Displays a text description for classifying this
contact. This is similar to Label, but it is used
to store label in an alternate language.
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Related topics:
Viewing the details of a public contact on page 548
Edit Public Contact field descriptions
Contact Details
Name Description
Last Name The last name of the contact.
Last Name (Latin Translation) The user-preferred last name that the system
must display on the end points. For example,
Typically, the name is the written or spoken
language of the user.
First Name The first name of the contact.
First Name (Latin Translation) The user-preferred first name that the
system must display on the end points. For
example, John.
Typically, the name is the written or spoken
language of the user.
Middle Name The middle name of the contact.
Description Displays a brief description about the
Company The name of contact's company.
Localized Display Name The localized display name of a user. It is
typically the localized full name.
Endpoint Display Name The endpoint display name of the contact.
Language Preference Displays a list of languages from which you
set one language as the preferred language
for the contact.
Update Time The time when the contact information was
last updated.
Source The source for provisioning the contact.
Postal Address
Name Description
Name The name of the contact.
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Name Description
Address Type The mailing address type such as home or
office address.
Street The name of the street.
City The name of the city or town.
Postal Code The name of the contact's company.
Province The full name of the contact's province.
Country The name of the contact's country.
Button Description
Edit Opens the Edit Address page. Use this
page to add a new postal address of the
public contact.
New Opens the Add Address page. Use this
page to modify an existing postal address of
the public contact.
Delete Deletes the selected public contacts.
Choose Shared Address Opens the Choose Address page. Use this
page to choose addresses of the public
Contact Address
Name Description
Address The address that you can use to
communicate with the contact. This can be a
phone number, e-mail address, or IM of the
Type The type of communication medium for
interacting with the user.
Category The categorization of the address based on
the location.
Label Displays a text description for classifying this
Alternative Label Displays a text description for classifying this
contact. This is similar to Label, but it is used
to store label in an alternate language.
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Button Description
Edit Opens the Edit Address page. Use this
page to edit a contact address of the public
New Opens the Add Address page. Use this
page to add a contact address of the public
Delete Deletes the selected public contacts.
Button Description
Commit Saves the modified information to the
Related topics:
Modifying details of a public contact on page 547
New Public Contact field descriptions
Contact Details
Name Description
Last Name The last name of the contact.
Last Name (Latin Translation) The user-preferred last name that the system
must display on the end points. For example,
Typically, the name is the written or spoken
language of the user.
First Name The first name of the contact.
First Name (Latin Translation) The user-preferred first name that the
system must display on the end points. For
example, John.
Typically, the name is the written or spoken
language of the user.
Middle Name The middle name of the contact.
Description Displays a brief description of the contact.
Company The name of company.
Localized Display Name The localized display name of a user. It is
typically the localized full name.
Endpoint Display Name The endpoint display name of the contact.
Managing public contacts
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Name Description
Language Preference Displays a list of languages from which you
set one language as the preferred language
for the contact.
Postal Address
Name Description
Name The name of the contact.
Address Type The mailing address type such as home or
office address.
Street The name of the street.
City The name of the city or town.
Postal Code The name of the contact's company.
Province The full name of the contact's province.
Country The name of the contact's country.
Button Description
Edit Opens the Edit Address page. Use this
page to add a new postal address of the
public contact.
New Opens the Add Address page. Use this
page to modify an existing postal address of
the public contact.
Delete Deletes the selected public contacts.
Choose Shared Address Opens the Choose Address page. Use this
page to choose addresses of the public
Contact Address
Name Description
Address The address that you can use to
communicate with the contact. This can be a
phone number, e-mail address, or IM of the
Type The type of communication medium for
interacting with the user.
Category The categorization of the address based on
the location.
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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Name Description
Label Displays a text description for classifying this
Alternative Label Displays a text description for classifying this
contact. This is similar to Label, but it is used
to store label in an alternate language.
Button Description
Edit Opens the Edit Address page. Use this
page to edit a contact address of the public
New Opens the Add Address page. Use this
page to add a contact address of the public
Delete Deletes the selected public contacts.
Button Description
Commit Creates a new contact.
Enter valid information in the mandatory
fields to successfully create a new
Related topics:
Adding a new public contact on page 546
Public Contacts field descriptions
Use this page to add new public contacts, and modify and delete the existing contacts.
Public Contacts
Name Description
Last Name The last name of the public contact.
First Name The first name of the public contact.
Display Name The display name of the public contact.
Contact Address The address of the public contact.
Description A brief description of the contact.
Managing public contacts
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Button Description
View Displays the View Public Contact page.
Use this page to view the details of the
selected public contact.
Edit Displays the Edit Public Contact page. Use
this page to modify the information of the
selected contact.
New Display the New public Contact page. Use
this page to add a new public contact.
Delete Deletes the selected contacts.
Filter: Advanced Search Displays fields that you can use to specify the
search criteria for searching a public
Filter: Disable Hides the column filter fields without
resetting the filter criteria. This is a toggle
Filter: Enable Displays text fields under the columns that
you can use to set the filter criteria. This is a
toggle button.
Filter: Apply Filters contacts based on the filter criteria.
Criteria section
The page displays the following fields when you click Advanced Search . You can find the
Advanced Search link at the upper-right corner of the public contact table.
Name Description
Criteria Displays the following three fields:
Field 1 The list of criteria that you can use
to search public contacts. The options are:
a. Last Name: Searches public contacts
by last name.
b. First Name: Searches public contacts
by first name.
c. Display Name: Searches public
contacts by display name.
d. Contact Address: Searches public
contacts by contact address.
Field 2 The operator for evaluating the
expression. The list of operators displayed
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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Name Description
depends on the type of criterion that you
selected in field 1.
Field 3 The search value for the search
criterion selected in field 1.
Add Address field descriptions
Use this page to add communication address of the contact.
Name Description
Address Displays the address that you can use to
communicate with the contact. This can be a
phone number, e-mail address, SIP, or IM of
the contact. The format of the address must
conform to the type of address that you select
in the Type field.
Type Displays the type of address. The types of
addresses are:
Phone: This address type supports phone
SIP: This address type supports SIP-
based communication.
MSRTC: This address type supports
communication with a Microsoft RTC
IBM Sametime: This address type
supports communication with IBM
Sametime. Specify the address in the
DN=IBMHandle format.
XMPP: This address type supports xmpp-
based communication.
SMTP: This address type supports
communication with the SMTP server.
Category Displays the categorization of the address
based on the location.
Label Displays a text description for classifying this
Alternative Label Displays a text description for classifying this
contact. This is similar to Label, but it is used
to store label in an alternate language.
Managing public contacts
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 561

Button Description
Add Adds the contact address of the public
contact to the database.
Related topics:
Adding a contact address of a public contact on page 550
Edit Address field descriptions
Use this page to edit the details of a contact's communication address.
Name Description
Address Displays the address that you can use to
communicate with the contact. This can be a
phone number, email address, SIP, or IM of
the contact. The format of the address must
conform to the type of address that you select
in the Type field.
Type Displays the type of address. The types of
addresses are:
Phone: This address type supports phone
SIP: This address type supports SIP-
based communication.
MSRTC: This address type supports
communication with a Microsoft RTC
IBM Sametime: This address type
supports communication with IBM
Sametime. Specify the address in the
DN=IBMHandle format.
XMPP: This address type supports xmpp-
based communication.
SMTP: This address type supports
communication with the SMTP server.
Category Displays the categorization of the address
based on the location.
Label Displays a text description for classifying this
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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Name Description
Alternative Label Displays a text description for classifying this
contact. This is similar to Label, but it is used
to store label in an alternate language.
Button Description
Add Saves the modified information to the
Related topics:
Modifying the details of a public contact on page 550
Managing shared addresses
Manage shared address
Shared address contains common addresses that you can specify for one or more users in
the enterprise. The user with appropriate permissions can create a new shared address and
modify and delete an existing shared address. For example, you can add the address of the
company in the list of shared address and other users can use this address as their alternative
Assigning a shared address to the user
About this task
You can use the functionality to choose a shared address for a user from common addresses.
Using this functionality, you can assign and unassign a shared address.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Users.
3. On the User Management page, perform one of the following steps:
To assign shared addresses to a new user account while setting it up, click
To assign shared addresses to an existing user account, select the user and
click Edit or View > Edit.
Managing shared addresses
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 563

4. On the New User Profile page or the User Profile Edit page, click Identity > Address
> Choose Shared Address.
5. On the Choose Address page, select one or more shared addresses.
For a new user, enter valid information in all mandatory fields on all tabs of the New
User Profile page before you click Commit. If you enter invalid information, the
system displays an error message.
6. Click Select.
7. Perform one of the following steps:
To save the changes, click Commit.
To save the changes and stay on the same page for making further
modifications, click Commit & Continue.
Related topics:
Choose Address field descriptions on page 206
Adding a shared address
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Shared Addresses.
3. On the Shared Address page, click New.
4. On the Add Address page, enter the appropriate information.
5. Click Add.
The new address is available as shared address and you can specify this address when you
create or modify a user account.
Modifying a shared address
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Shared Addresses.
3. On the Shared Address page, select an address and click Edit.
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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4. On the Edit Address page, modify the information in the fields.
5. Click Add.
Deleting a shared address
About this task
You can use this feature to delete a shared address. You cannot delete a shared address if
the address is associated with one or more users.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Shared Addresses.
3. On the Shared Address page, select the address you want to delete and click
Add Address field descriptions
Field Description
Address Name Displays the unique label that identifies the
mailing address.
Address Type Displays the mailing address type such as
home or office address.
Building Displays the name of the building.
Room Displays the number or name of the room.
Street Displays the name of the street.
City Displays the name of the city or town.
State or Province Displays the full name of the province.
Postal Code Displays the postal code or zip code used by
postal services to route mail to a destination.
In the United States, this is Zip code.
Country Displays the name of the country.
Managing shared addresses
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 565

Phone Details section
Field Description
Business Phone Displays the business phone number of the
Other Business Phone Displays the secondary or alternate business
phone number, if applicable.
Home Phone Displays the residential phone number of the
Other Home Phone Displays the secondary or alternate
residential phone number, if applicable.
Mobile Phone Displays the mobile number of the user.
Other Mobile Phone Displays the secondary or alternate mobile
number of the user, if applicable.
Fax Displays the telephone number for direct
reception of faxes.
Pager Displays the number used to make calls to
the users pager.
Other Pager Displays the secondary or alternate number
used to make calls to the users pager.
Button Description
Add Adds the mailing address of the user.
Cancel Cancels the add address operation.
Related topics:
Adding a shared address on page 564
Modifying a shared address on page 564
Edit Address field descriptions
Use this page to edit the details of a contact's communication address.
Name Description
Address Displays the address that you can use to
communicate with the contact. This can be a
phone number, email address, SIP, or IM of
the contact. The format of the address must
conform to the type of address that you select
in the Type field.
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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Name Description
Type Displays the type of address. The types of
addresses are:
Phone: This address type supports phone
SIP: This address type supports SIP-
based communication.
MSRTC: This address type supports
communication with a Microsoft RTC
IBM Sametime: This address type
supports communication with IBM
Sametime. Specify the address in the
DN=IBMHandle format.
XMPP: This address type supports xmpp-
based communication.
SMTP: This address type supports
communication with the SMTP server.
Category Displays the categorization of the address
based on the location.
Label Displays a text description for classifying this
Alternative Label Displays a text description for classifying this
contact. This is similar to Label, but it is used
to store label in an alternate language.
Button Description
Add Saves the modified information to the
Related topics:
Modifying the details of a public contact on page 550
Shared Address field descriptions
Use this page to create a new shared address and modify and delete an existing shared
Managing shared addresses
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 567

Shared Address
Name Description
Select check box Provides the option to select an address.
Name Displays the name of the person or entity
associated with the address.
Address Type Displays the type of address indicates
whether the address is an Office or home
Street Displays the name of the street.
City Displays the name of the city or town.
Postal Code Displays the postal code used by postal
services to route mail to a destination. In the
United States, this is the Zip code.
Province Displays the full name of the province.
Country Displays the name of the country.
Refresh Refreshes the address information in the
All Selects all the addresses in the table.
None Clears the check box selections.
Button Description
New Opens the Add Address page . Use this page
to add an address.
Edit Opens the Edit Address page. Use this page
to modify the mailing address information.
Delete Deletes a selected address.
Managing presence access control lists
Manage Presence Access Control Lists
Default Policy rules are global default rules that define access to presence information if none
of the more specific rules apply. You must define atleast one System Default rule in the
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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Related topics:
Presence ACL field descriptions on page 569
Presence ACL field descriptions
Define Policy
You can use this section to define your personal rules for one or more watchers to access your
presence information.
Field Description
Select check box The option to select a rule.
Access Level The presence information for which access
control rules are set.
Action The access control permission for the
presence information.
Button Description
Edit Changes the existing rule.
New Adds a new rule for watchers.
Delete Deletes the selected rule from the list of rules
that are added for watchers.
The page displays the following fields when you click New or Edit:
Field Description
Access Level The presence information for which access
control rules are set.
The options are:
Telephony: The telephony-related
presence information for which you can set
an access permission.
All: All types of presence information for
which you can set an access permission.
Action The access control permission for the
presence information.
The options are:
Allow: Provides watcher the access to the
presence information for the access level.
Block: Blocks the watcher from accessing
the presence information for the access
Managing presence access control lists
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Field Description
Confirm: Watcher requires confirmation
from the presentities to access the
presence information of presentities.
Undefined: Access to the presence
information for the access level is
undefined for the watcher.
Button Description
Save Saves the rules information to the database
when you add or change a rule for
Communication profile password policy enforcement
Communication profile password policy
The system administrator defines a password strength policy for the communication profile
password. The policy has the following constraints:
Passwords must contain 8 to 25 characters. The default is eight characters.
Passwords must contain a combination of the following characters: a-zA-Z0-9{}|
Passwords must contain at least one each of the following characters:
- A lowercase letter
- An uppercase letter
- A digit
- A special character
If a password does not meet the password strength policy, the system rejects the password.
You can disable the password policy.
Related topics:
Editing the password policy for communication profile on page 571
Communication Profile Password Policy field descriptions on page 571
Managing users, public contacts, and shared addresses
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Editing the password policy for communication profile
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Communication Profile Password Policy.
3. Complete the following steps as appropriate:
a. In the History section, select the Enforce policy against previously used
passwords check box, and modify the Previous passwords disallowed
b. In the Strength section, select the Enforce password content standards
check box, and modify the required fields.
For more information, see Communication Profile Password Policy field
4. Click Commit.
The system saves the changes that you made to the password policy for the
communication profile password.
5. (Optional) To undo the changes, click Cancel.
Related topics:
Communication Profile Password Policy field descriptions on page 571
Communication Profile Password Policy field descriptions
This page is applicable only for admin users.
Field Description
Enforce policy against previously used
Select the check box to enforce policies
against earlier passwords.
Previous passwords disallowed The number of latest passwords that the
system maintains in history. You cannot
reset your password to these values. The
default is 6. The range is 1 to 99.
Communication profile password policy enforcement
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 571

Field Description
Enforce password content standards Select the check box to enforce password
content standards.
Minimum Required Length The minimum number of characters that you
must use in the password. The default is 8.
The password can be of 6 to 25 characters.
Lower Case The minimum number of lowercase
characters that you must use in the
password. The default is 1.
Upper Case The minimum number of uppercase
characters that you must use in the
password. The default is 1.
Numeric Character The minimum number of numeric characters
that you must use in the password. The
default is 1.
Special Character The minimum number of special characters
that you must use in the password. The
default is 1.
Button Description
Commit Saves all your entries in the Communication
Profile Password Policy page.
Cancel Disregards the changes and goes you back
to the earlier page.
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Chapter 8: Managing user provisioning
User provisioning rule
An administrator can create rules called user provisioning rules.
The administrator can provision the user using the user provisioning rule from System Manager
Web Console, Web services, directory synchronization, and bulk import. The administrator can
assign only one user provisioning rule to a user.
In the user provisioning rule, the administrator specifies the following information to provision
the user:
Basic information that includes communication profile password, time zone, language
The communication system that the user must use. For example, Communication
Manager and Session Manager.
The method to assign or create a communication profile for the user. For example, by
assigning the next available extension for Communication Manager.
When the administrator creates the user using the user provisioning rule, the system populates
the default values, the communication addresses, and the communication profiles for the user
based on the rules defined in the user provisioning rule.
To perform the user provisioning by using the user provisioning rule, map the user to the
role with the following permissions:
Resource type Permissions
All elements of type:elements view
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 573

Creating the user provisioning rule
1. Log on to System Manager as admin.
2. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Provisioning Rule.
3. On the User Provisioning Rules page, click New.
4. On the New User Provisioning Rule page, perform the following:
a. On the Basic tab, enter the appropriate information.
b. On the Communication Profile tab, select the appropriate communication
profile, and enter the information.
For more information, see User Provisioning Rule field descriptions.
5. Click Commit to save the changes.
Related topics:
User Provisioning Rule field descriptions on page 577
Modifying the user provisioning rule
Before you begin
Create a user provisioning rule.
1. Log on to System Manager as admin.
2. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Provisioning Rule.
3. On the User Provisioning Rules page, select the user provisioning rule.
4. To edit the user provisioning rule, perform one of the following:
Click Edit.
Click View > Edit.
5. On the Edit User Provisioning Rule page, perform the following:
a. On the Basic tab, modify the appropriate information.
Managing user provisioning rules
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System Manager does not automatically modify the user if the user
provisioning rule changes.
You can select a different user provisioning rule when you modify the
user information.
b. On the Communication Profile tab, modify the communication profile
information as appropriate.
For information, see User Provisioning Rule field descriptions.
6. Click Commit.
Related topics:
User Provisioning Rule field descriptions on page 577
Viewing the user provisioning rule
Before you begin
Create a user provisioning rule.
1. Log on to System Manager as admin.
2. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Provisioning Rule.
3. On the User Provisioning Rules page, select the user provisioning rule and click
Related topics:
User Provisioning Rule field descriptions on page 577
Creating a duplicate user provisioning rule
About this task
You can duplicate a user provisioning rule to create a new user provisioning rule by copying
the information from the existing user provisioning rule.
Viewing the user provisioning rule
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 575

1. Log on to System Manager as admin.
2. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Provisioning Rule.
3. On the User Provisioning Rules page, select the user provisioning rule.
4. Click Duplicate.
5. On the Duplicate User Provisioning Rule page, perform the following:
a. On the Basic tab, change the appropriate information.
b. On the Communication Profile tab, change the communication profile
information as appropriate.
For more information, see User Provisioning Rule field descriptions.
6. Click Commit.
Related topics:
User Provisioning Rule field descriptions on page 577
Deleting the user provisioning rule
1. Log on to System Manager as admin.
2. On the System Manager web console, click Users > User Provisioning Rule.
3. On the User Provisioning Rules page, select one or more user provisioning rules.
4. Click Delete.
5. On the Delete User Provisioning Rule page, click Delete.
The system removes the user provisioning rule from System Manager.
System Manager disassociates the user provisioning rule from the user if you have
already provided the user provisioning rule for the user.
Related topics:
User Provisioning Rule field descriptions on page 577
Managing user provisioning rules
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User Provisioning Rules Management field descriptions
Field Description
Name The name of the user provisioning rule.
SIP Domain The name of the configured SIP domain
Description A brief description of the user provisioning
Button/Icon Description
View Displays the View User Provisioning Rule
page with details of the user provisioning rule
that you selected.
Edit Displays the Edit User Provisioning Rule
page where you can modify the selected
New Displays the New User Provisioning Rule
page where you can create a new rule.
Delete Deletes the user provisioning rule that you
Duplicate Copies the user provisioning rule that you
Refreshes the user provisioning rule
information in the table.
All: Selects all user provisioning rules in the
None: Clears the check box selections.
User Provisioning Rule field descriptions
Field Description
User Provisioning Rule Name The name of the user provisioning rule.
User Provisioning Rules Management field descriptions
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Field Description
Description A description of the user provisioning rule.
SIP Domain The name of the configured SIP domain
If SIP Domain is not blank, create an Avaya
SIP communication address for this user.
Presence/IM Domain The name of the configured Presence
domain name.
If Presence/IM Domain is not blank, create
an Avaya Presence/IM communication
address for this user.
Communication Profile Password The communication profile password.
Confirm Password The communication profile password that
you must re-enter.
Use Phone Number last ..... digits for
The number of last digits of the phone
number that the system uses from the LDAP
E.164 numbers can contain maximum 15
digits. Usually, the numbers are written with
a plus (+) as the prefix. The system
populates the phone number that is mapped
to the LDAP attribute with the value in the
Prefix for Avaya E164 Handle field.
The LDAP attribute is mapped to the Phone
Number attribute of System Manager on the
User Synchronization Datasource page.
Prefix for Avaya E164 Handle The digits that the system must prefix to
Avaya E.164 Handle.
Language Preference The preferred written or spoken language of
the user.
Time Zone The preferred time zone of the user.
Button Description
Commit Creates the user provisioning rule and
displays the User Provisioning Rule page.
Cancel Cancels the create, edit, or delete operation
of the user provisioning rule.
Done Saves the changes that you make to the user
provisioning rule.
The system displays this button only during
the view operation.
Edit Displays the fields in the edit mode.
Managing user provisioning rules
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Button Description
The system displays this button only during
the view operation.
Communication Profile tab: Session Manager Profile
The system displays the following fields only if a communication profile of the user exists for
the product.
Field Description
Primary Session Manager The instance that you want to use as the
home server for the currently displayed
communication profile. As a home server,
the selected primary Session Manager
instance is used as the default access point
for connecting devices associated with the
communication profile to the Avaya Aura

network. You must select the primary

Session Manager server.
Secondary Session Manager The Session Manager instance that you
select as the secondary Session Manager
provides continued service to SIP devices
associated with this communication profile
when the primary Session Manager server
becomes unavailable. A selection is
Survivability Server For local survivability, you can specify a
survivability server to provide survivability
communication services for devices
associated with a communication profile
when the local connectivity to Session
Manager instances in Avaya is lost. If you
select a Branch Session Manager , and the
termination and origination application
sequences contain a Communication
Manager application, sequencing to this
application continues, locally, to
Communication Manager survivable remote
server resident with Branch Session
Manager. A selection is optional.
If a termination or origination application
sequence contains a Communication
Manager application, the Communication
Manager instance associated with the
User Provisioning Rule field descriptions
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 579

Field Description
application must be the main server for the
Communication Manager survivable
remote server that resides with Branch
Session Manager.
Max. Simultaneous Devices The maximum number of endpoints that you
can register at a time using this
communication profile. If you register more
than one endpoint, all the endpoints receive
calls simultaneously.
Block New Registration When Maximum
Registrations Active
If you select the check box and an endpoint
attempts to register using this
communication profile after the registration
requests exceed the administered limit, the
system denies any new registrations with
Session Manager. The system sends a
warning message and stops the SIP service
to the endpoint.
Origination Application Sequence The application sequence that the system
will invoke when routing the calls from this
user. A selection is optional.
If you specify origination and termination
application sequences, and if each
sequence contains a Communication
Manager application, Communication
Manager must be the same in both the
Termination Application Sequence The application sequence that will be
invoked when the system routes the calls to
this user. A selection is optional.
If you specify origination and termination
application sequences, and if each
sequence contains a Communication
Manager application, Communication
Manager must be the same in both the
Home Location The home location to support mobility for the
currently displayed user. Session Manager
uses the home location specifically when the
IP address of the calling phone does not
match the IP Address Pattern of any of the
location. You must specify a value.
Managing user provisioning rules
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Field Description
Conference Factory Set The conference factory set to enable media
capability-based call routing to the
Conferencing SIP entities.
Use the Session Manager > Application
Configuration > Conference Factories
webpage to administer the Conference
Factory Sets.
Communication Profile tab: Collaboration Environment Profile
Field Description
Service Profile The profile that you assign to the user. The
user can gain access to the service
contained in the profile.
Communication Profile tab: CM Endpoint Profile
The system displays these fields only if a CM Endpoint profile exists for the user.
Field Description
System The Communication Manager system on
which you add the endpoint. You must select
the system.
Profile Type The type of the Communication Manager
Endpoint profile that you create. You must
select the profile type.
Use Next Available Extension Select the check box to instruct the system
to create a new extension for the user.
For LDAP synchronization, the value in
the Use Phone Number last ..... digits
for Extension field takes priority.
Template The template, system defined or user
defined, that you associate with the endpoint.
Select the template based on the set type
you add. You must select the template.
Security Code The security code for authorized access to
the endpoint.
Preferred Handle Avaya SIP or Avaya E.164 handle that is
administered for the user. The field is
optional. By default, the field is blank.
User Provisioning Rule field descriptions
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Field Description
Password The password to gain access to the
The system displays the field if you select
Agent in the Profile Type field.
Delete Endpoint on Unassign of Endpoint
from User or on Delete User
The option to specify whether to delete the
endpoint from the Communication Manager
device when you remove the association
between the endpoint and the user or when
you delete the user.
Override Endpoint Name The option to override the following endpoint
The endpoint name on Communication
Manager with the value you configured on
the Manage Users page during
If you clear the check box, the system does
not override the endpoint name on
Communication Manager with the name
you configured in System Manager during
The localized display name on the Manage
Users page in the Localized Display
Name field of Communication Manager. If
you clear the check box, the system does
not override the localized display name in
the Localized Display Name field.
Communication Profile tab: CS 1000 Endpoint Profile
Field Description
System The system that will be the element manager
of the CS 1000 endpoint profile. You must
select the system.
Target The phone or endpoint template that you can
choose for the user. Select a template from
the drop down list. The element manager
maintains all the templates. You must select
the template.
Template The phone or endpoint template that you can
choose for the user. Select a template from
the drop down list. The element manager
maintains all the templates. You must select
the template.
Managing user provisioning rules
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Field Description
Include in Corporate Directory The option to add this profile to the CS 1000
Corporate Directory feature.
Delete Endpoint on Unassign of Endpoint
from User
An option to specify whether to delete the
endpoint from the CS 1000 system when you
unassign the endpoint from the user.
Communication Profile tab: Messaging Profile
The system displays the following fields only if you can configure a messaging profile for the
Name Description
System The messaging system on which you add the
subscriber. You must select the system.
Mailbox Number The mailbox number of the subscriber. The
options are:
Use CM Extension: Use this option only if
the Communication Manager profile and
Session Manager profile are specified.
Use Next Available Subscriber: Use this
option if the system must use the next
mailbox number to associate with this
Template The system-defined or user-defined
template that you associate with the
Password The password for logging in to the mailbox.
You must provide the password.
Delete Subscriber on Unassign of
Subscriber from User or on Delete User
The option to specify whether to delete the
subscriber mailbox from the Messaging
device or Communication System
Management when you remove this
Messaging profile or when you delete the
Communication Profile tab: CallPilot Messaging Profile
You cannot assign the mailbox number in the CallPilot communication profile by using the user
provisioning rule. You must add the mailbox number for the CallPilot communication profile.
User Provisioning Rule field descriptions
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 583

Field Description
System The CallPilot system of the messaging
profile. The selection is mandatory
Target The field that maps to the CallPilot Location
field. CallPilot Manager provides the Target
field. You must select the target.
Template The mailbox template that you use. Select a
template from the drop down list. The
element manager maintains all the mailbox
templates. You must select the template.
Communication Profile tab: IP Office Endpoint Profile
Field Description
System The list of IP Office device names from which
you can select the IP Office device that you
associate with the user. You must select the
Extension The extension of the endpoint to which you
associate the profile. The options are:
Use CM Extension: Use this option only if
Communication Manager profile is
Use Next Available Extension: Use this
option if the system must use the next
extension to associate with this profile.
Template A list of user templates from which you can
select a template to set the user
Set Type The set type for the IP Office endpoint profile.
By default, the Set Type field is disabled. If
you select a template, the system
automatically populates the set type value.
Communication Profile tab: Presence Profile
Field Description
System Selects the Presence Services instance that
is the home Presence Services server for the
user. You must select an instance. As a
home server, the Presence Services
Managing user provisioning rules
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Field Description
instance can perform the following for the
communication profile:
Aggregate presence
Archive instant messages if the Instant
Messages option is enabled
SIP Entity The field used to route SIP based messages
through the Presence Services
This system selects the SIP entity only if you
select a Presence Services instance in the
System field. SIP Entity is read-only. If the
system cannot identify a SIP entity, an
appropriate error message is displayed in the
Publish Presence with AES Collector The option that determines if Presence
Services must publish presence with the
AES Collector. The options are:
System Default
The default is System Default. You can
change the default value. You do not require
to configure AES Collector in the Presence
Services server.
Communication Profile tab: Conferencing Profile
Name/Button Description
Template The template that you use to set the user
Location The location that Conferencing uses when
the IP address of the calling phone does not
match any IP address pattern of any
Specify this field to support the mobility of the
Select Auto-generated Code Length The number of digits in the security code that
the system generates.
Auto Generate Participant and Moderator
Security Codes
The check box that you select to instruct the
system to generate the security codes for the
participant and moderator.
User Provisioning Rule field descriptions
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 585

Button Description
Commit Saves the changes and displays the User
Provisioning Rules page.
Cancel Cancels the operation and displays the User
Provisioning Rules page.
Managing user provisioning rules
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Chapter 9: Managing elements
Registering CS 1000 or CallPilot with System Manager
Adding CallPilot to the element registry
1. On the System Manager console, click Users > Administrators.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Elements.
3. On the Elements page, click Add.
4. On the Add New Element page, specify the following:
Name: Specify the element name of the CallPilot.
Description: Specify the element description of the CallPilot.
Type: Select the element type from the drop-down list.
5. On the Add New Element page, click Next and then specify the following:
CallPilot Manager address: Specify the FQDN or IP address of the CallPilot
CallPilot server address: Specify the FQDN or IP address of the CallPilot
Administrator mailbox number: Specify the administrator mailbox number.
Administrator password: Specify the administrator password.
6. Click Save.
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Adding CallPilot certificate to System Manager
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
3. In the Elements section, select a managed element instance.
4. On the Manage Elements page, click More Actions > Configure Trusted
The system displays the certificates that are currently installed on the managed
element you selected.
5. To add a CallPilot certificate, click Add.
6. On the Add Trusted Certificate page, in the Select Store Type to add trusted
certificate field, click All.
7. To add the certificate, perform one of the following:
To import the certificate as PEM, click Import as PEM Certificate.
Copy the certificate from the .CER file to the window on the Add Trusted
Certificate page.
8. Click Commit.
Importing users from Subscriber Manager to User
User data import to System Manager
The User Profile Management (UPM) service in System Manager is a single point of
administration for user profile data associated with multiple Avaya products. Similarly, the
Subscriber Manager service in CS 1000 UCM is a single point of administration for user profile
data for Heritage Nortel products. In System Manager 6.1, the UPM and Subscriber Manager
applications coexist and are part of System Manager. Element Managers use:
UPM to manage users for Heritage Avaya products
Subscriber Manager to manage users for Heritage Nortel products
In System Manager 6.2, Subscriber Manager is merged into UPM and is called User
Management (UM). UM includes several Subscriber Manager features. With the removal of
Managing elements
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Subscriber Manager, perform the steps listed in this section on System Manager 6.1 and 6.2
or later to ensure that the subscriber data is successfully migrated to UM of System Manager
6.2 and later.
Register CS 1000 with the preupgraded System Manager Release 6.1 primary security
Moving users and accounts from Subscriber Manager to User Management involves the
following key procedures:
On System Manager Release 6.1: Preparing the Subscriber Manager user data for import
to User Management. This preimport procedure copies the Subscriber Manager
Universally Unique ID (UUID) of the user to another field which can be preserved during
the import to User Management. After the import, you must use the UUID to reassociate
phones and mailboxes.
On System Manager Release 6.1: Importing the Subscriber Manager user data to User
Management. This procedure transfers the user data from the Subscriber Manager
directory to the User Management database using LDAP synchronization.
On System Manager Release 6. 2 and later: Performing postimport tasks that involve:
- Exporting the users to an XML file to assign communication profile passwords in
User Management and reimporting the users.
- Creating the communication profile for each user and performing profile
synchronization in User Management for CS 1000 and CallPilot elements that you
Related topics:
Adding CallPilot to the element registry on page 587
Preparing the Subscriber Manager user data for import to User
You must perform this procedure on System Manager Release 6.1.
Before you begin
Ensure that you install the latest CS 1000 Service Pack on all the CS 1000 network
Ensure that you update all Subscriber Manager user profiles for completeness that
includes First Name, Last Name, and Preferred Name / CPND Name.
Ensure that you synchronize Subscriber Manager and the CS 1000 network elements
and that you upload Corporate Directory and Numbering Groups to the CS 1000 network
Ensure that the firewall is stopped on System Manager Release 6.1. Perform the following
to verify that the firewall is stopped:
Importing users from Subscriber Manager to User Management
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a. Using the command line interface, log in to System Manager Release 6.1 as
b. Enter service iptables status.
The system must indicate that the firewall service has stopped.
c. If firewall is enabled, enter service iptables stop.
The system stops the firewall service.
1. Log on to the Web console of System Manager Release 6.1.
2. On the Avaya Unified Communications Management page, click Network >
Subscriber Manager.
3. In the left navigation pane, click CSV Export.
4. Click Generate on the upper-right of the page to create a new CSV file with the latest
subscriber data.
5. Click Download on the upper-right of the page to download the subscriber data to
your computer.
Note the location of the subscribers.csv file.
6. Open the subscribers.csv file using Microsoft Excel and perform the following
a. Copy the data from the UUID column to the postOfficeBox column, without the
column header information. This is to ensure that the Subsciber Manager
datastore UUID is mapped to a column that the UPM LDAP datastore
synchronization supports. For example:
entryUUID postOfficeBox
b. Copy the data from the ucDomain to the User ID (uid) column. For example:
ucDomain uid [email protected] [email protected]
c. Save the modified subscribers.csv file in a csv format.
7. To synchronize the Subscriber Manager data with the modified
subscribers.csv file, import the modified Subscriber Manager data in the
Managing elements
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subscribers.csv file back to Subscriber Manager and perform the following
a. In the left navigation panel, on the Subscriber Manager, click CSV
b. Browse to the location where you saved the modified subscribers.csv
c. Click Synchronize.
d. Click View Results to verify that the synchronization is successful.
If error occurs, the page displays the location of the error logs on the System
Manager server. For example, /opt/nortel/cnd/log/LDAP_Sync.
e. Click Subscribers, and perform the following:
i. Leave the Name field blank.
ii. Click Search.
f. Select one of the user and verify that the system updated the Unified
Communication Username field correctly.
The system does not display the postOfficeBox field.
8. If Numbering Groups are used, perform the following:
a. Click UCM Services > Numbering Groups.
b. Click Generate.
c. Click Export to export the data to a location on your computer to ensure that
the data is captured.
Importing the Subscriber Manager user data to User Management
Before you begin
Log on to the Web console of System Manager Release 6.1.
Prepare the Subscriber Manager user data for import to User Management.
1. On System Manager Web Console, click Users > Synchronize and Import.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Sync Users.
3. To create a new LDAP synchronization source, on the Synchronization
Datasources tab, click New and enter the directory parameters as listed in the
Subscriber Manager datasource parameters and attributes table.

Importing users from Subscriber Manager to User Management
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4. Click Test Connection to verify that the system can establish connection to the cnd
5. Perform the following steps to run the LDAP synchronization job:
a. On the Sync Users page, on the Active Synchronization Jobs tab, click
Create New Job.
b. On the New User Synchronization Job page, in the Datasource Name, select
the name of the datasource and click Run Job.
The system starts the synchronization of the Subscriber Manager datastore with
the User Management datastore.
6. On the Sync Users page, on the Synchronization Job History tab, click View Job
Summary for the cnd job, and verify that the system successfully imported the users
in the Added and Modified fields.
Managing elements
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The Failed field might contain some errors due to the import of unsupported
7. To verify that the users are available in User Management, perform the following
a. Navigate to Users > User Management > Manage Users.
b. On the User Management page, select a user and click View or Edit and verify
that the System Manager Release 6.1 is configured correctly.
System Manager Release 6.1 now contains User Management configured with
the Subscriber Manager data. The system is now ready for upgrading to System
Manager Release 6.2 and later.
Related topics:
Adding the synchronization datasource on page 54
Creating the user synchronization job on page 64
Subscriber Manager datasource parameters and attributes on page 593
Subscriber Manager datasource parameters and attributes
Use the values from the following tables to update the fields on the Edit User Synchronization
Datasource page.
Directory Parameters
Parameter Value
Datasource Name cnd
Host For UPM: localhost
For CS 1000: <CS 1000 UCM R7.X Server
Principal applicationName=subMgr,ou=Applications
Password submgrpass
Port 389
Base Distinguished Name dc=nortel,dc=com
LDAP User Schema inetOrgPerson
Search Filter (objectClass=nortelSubscriber)
Use SSL Clear the check box.
Importing users from Subscriber Manager to User Management
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 593

Parameter Value
Allow Deletions Clear the check box.
Attribute Parameters
Map the following attributes of the Subscriber Manager datasource to the attributes of the User
Management datastore.
Subscriber Manager
User Management
uid loginName text Modified Subscriber Manager
uid: user1@domain.
sn surname text
postOfficeBox sourceUserKey text Saved Subscriber Manager
givenName givenName text
displayName displayName text
Exporting the user data and creating the user profile
To complete the import job of the user data from Subscriber Manager, you must perform the
following procedure after you complete the server upgrade from System Manager Release 6.1
to Release 6.2 and later.
Before you begin
Start an SSH session.
About this task
The system does not support the export of users and user profiles in bulk from the Web console
of System Manager Release 6.2 and later. Therefore, use the command line interface of
System Manager to perform bulk export activities.
1. Log in to the system, on which you require to export the user data, as root.
2. Export the users and the user profiles using the following steps:
a. Perform one of the following:
For System Manager 6.3, type cd $MGMT_HOME/
For System Manager 6.2, type $MGMT_HOME/upm/bulkexport/
Managing elements
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b. Type sh
The system creates an XML file exportfile_<time stamp in
milliseconds>.zip in the $MGMT_HOME/upm/bulkexport/ location.
The system also creates a readme.txt file that outlines the use and various
options for the export utility in the $MGMT_HOME/upm/bulkexport/
exportutility/ directory. For information, see Bulk exporting of users.
3. Copy the zip file on the desktop of your local computer and extract the XML file.
Note the location where you saved the file.
4. Make the following edits to the XML file:
a. Add the <commPassword>password_value</commPassword> tag after the
<userName> tag to assign the communication profile password in User
The password must have at least seven characters and the first character
must not be a digit or a special character such as <, >, ^, %, $, @, # and *.
b. Delete the <userPassword>userpassword_value</userPassword> tag.
For example:
<loginName>[email protected]</loginName>
Importing users from Subscriber Manager to User Management
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5. Reimport the user data from the modified XML files to the Import users page on the
Web console.
You can navigate to the Import users page from Services > Bulk Import and
Export > Import > User Management > Users on the Web console. For more
information, see Bulk importing of users.
The system might display an error message when you reimport the modified user
data for admin user because the XML file includes the admin user when you
export the user data. Ignore the message because you cannot edit the data for
the admin user.
6. To create a user profile, synchronize profile in User Management for CS 1000 or
CallPilot elements that are being imported. For information on profile
synchronization, see Synchronizing CS 1000 and CallPilot profiles.
For synchronizing the CallPilot profile, you might have to reimport the ca.cer
file to the Services > Inventory > Manage Elements page of System Manager
6.2 instead of the UCM > Security > Certificates page of System Manager
Related topics:
Bulk importing of users on page 342
Exporting users in bulk using CLI on page 347
Importing users from CS 1000 Subscriber Manager to User
CS 1000 Subscriber Manager data import options
If CS 1000 Release 7.x is available while installing System Manager 6.2 or later, you can import
the CS 1000 Release 7.x Subscriber Manager user data into System Manager User
Managing elements
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Use one of the following options to import the CS 1000 Subscriber Manager data:
Using the active primary CS 1000 Subscriber Manager server to LDAP syncnchronize
the Subscriber Manager data.
Using the CND or LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) output to capture the CS 1000
Subscriber Manager data.
Preparing the CS 1000 Subscriber Manager user data for import to
System Manager
This option uses the active primary CS 1000 Subscriber Manager server for System Manager
User Management to perform an LDAP synchronization of the user data.
1. Log in to the primary CS 1000 UCM server command line using one of the following
user names:
For CS 1000 Release 7.5 systems, admin2
For CS 1000 Release 7.0 and later systems, nortel
2. On the CS 1000 Release 7.x UCM server, perform the steps outlined in Preparing
the Subscriber Manager user data for import to User Management.
Related topics:
Preparing the Subscriber Manager user data for import to User Management on page 589
Importing the CS 1000 Subscriber Manager user data to System
Before you begin
Prepare the CS 1000 Subscriber Manager user data for import to System Manager.
Ensure that the firewall is stopped on the CS 1000 Release 7.x server to gain access to
System Manager UPM LDAP.
1. Log on to the Web console of System Manager Release 6.2 or later.
2. Perform the LDAP synchronization as outlined in Importing the Subscriber Manager
user data to User Management.
Importing users from CS 1000 Subscriber Manager to User Management
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 597

For the directory parameters that you must use, see Subscriber Manager
datasource parameters and attributes.
Related topics:
Importing the Subscriber Manager user data to User Management on page 591
Subscriber Manager datasource parameters and attributes on page 593
Exporting the CS 1000 user data and creating the user profile
To complete the import job of user data from CS 1000 Subscriber Manager:
Perform the same procedure as System Manager Release 6.1 Exporting the user data
and creating the user profile.
Related topics:
Exporting the user data and creating the user profile on page 594
Preparing the CS 1000 Subscriber Manager user data for import to
System Manager
This method uses the CND or LDIF output to capture the CS 1000 Subscriber Manager user
data that you later import to User Management in System Manager.
Perform this procedure on System Manager Release 6.2 or later.
1. Log in to the primary CS 1000 UCM server command line using one of the following
user names:
For CS 1000 Release 7.5 systems, admin2
For CS 1000 Release 7.0 and later systems, nortel
2. On the CS 1000 Release 7.x UCM server, perform the steps outlined in Preparing
the Subscriber Manager user data for import to User Management in System
3. Change to super user su - root.
4. Type cd /opt/nortel/cnd.
Managing elements
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5. Type ./ stop_service.
6. Type ./slapcat -f slapd.conf s
ou=subscribers,dc=nortel,dc=com a
objectclass=nortelsubscriber -l subscriberData.ldif.
7. Type ./ start_service.
8. Using a secure ftp client, connect to the CS 1000 UCM Linux system using the same
credentials you used in Step 1.
9. Copy the /opt/nortel/cnd/subscriberData.ldif file to your computer.
Related topics:
Preparing the Subscriber Manager user data for import to User Management on page 589
Importing the CS 1000 UCM Subscriber Manager user data to
System Manager
Before you begin
Prepare the CS 1000 Release 7.x Subscriber Manager user data for import to System Manager
User Management.
1. Using a secure ftp client, connect to the System Manager server using admin.
2. Copy the subscriberData.ldif file to the /home/admin directory on System
3. Log on to System Manager server using the command line interface.
4. Change to the super user su - root.
5. Type cd /opt/nortel/cnd.
6. Type mv /home/admin/subscriberData.ldif.
7. Type ./ stop_service.
8. Type ./slapadd -f slapd.conf -l subscriberData.ldif c.
9. Type ./ start_service.
10. Perform the LDAP synchronization procedure as outlined in Importing the
Subscriber Manager user data to System Manager.
Importing users from CS 1000 Subscriber Manager to User Management
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 599

Ensure that the Host field in the Directory Parameter area displays localhost.
Related topics:
Importing the Subscriber Manager user data to User Management on page 591
Subscriber Manager datasource parameters and attributes on page 593
Exporting the CS 1000 user data and creating the user profile
To complete the import job of user data from CS 1000 Subscriber Manager:
Perform the same procedure as System Manager Release 6.1 Exporting the user data
and creating the user profile.
Related topics:
Exporting the user data and creating the user profile on page 594
Managing messaging
Messaging Class Of Service
A Class Of Service (COS) is a set of messaging capabilities that you define and assign to
subscribers. The Class Of Service page lists the current name and number of the different
Classes Of Service. You can only view the COS names and numbers on this screen; you
cannot use this screen to change the COS names or numbers.
Viewing Class Of Service
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Messaging.
2. Click Class Of Service in the left navigation pane.
Managing elements
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3. Choose one or more messaging systems from the Messaging Systems list.
4. Click Show List.
5. Click the respective column heading to sort the Class Of Service by Name in
alphabetical order or by Class No. in numeric order.
This is a read-only list.
Class of Service List field descriptions
Name Description
Class No Specifies the number of each class of
Name Specifies the name of the class of service.
Last Modified Specifies the time and date when the class
of service was last modified.
Messaging System Specifies the type of messaging system.
Subscriber Management
You can perform selected messaging system administration activities through System
Manager. You can add, view, edit, and delete subscribers through System Manager. Apart
from subscriber management, you can also administer mailboxes and modify mailbox settings
for a messaging system.
System Manager supports:
Communication Manager 5.0 and later

Avaya Aura

Messaging 6.0 and later

Avaya Aura

Modular Messaging 5.0 and later

Communication Manager Messaging 5.2 (with patch having LDAP support) and later
Managing messaging
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 601

Adding a subscriber
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Messaging.
2. Click Subscriber in the left navigation pane.
3. Select one or more messaging systems from the list of Messaging Systems.
4. Click Show List.
5. Click New.
6. Complete the Basic Information, Subscriber Directory, Mailbox Features,
Secondary Extensions, and Miscellaneous sections.
7. Complete the Add Subscriber page and click Commit to add the subscriber.
If you select more than one Messaging, Modular Messaging, or Communication
Manager Messaging from the list of messaging systems, and then click New, the
system displays the Add Subscriber page with the first Messaging, Modular
Messaging, or Communication Manager Messaging in context.
Related topics:
Subscribers (Messaging) field descriptions on page 605
Subscribers (CMM) field descriptions on page 610
Subscribers (MM) field descriptions on page 614
Editing a subscriber
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Messaging.
2. Click Subscriber in the left navigation pane.
3. Select a messaging system from the list of Messaging Systems.
4. Click Show List.
5. From the Subscriber List, choose the subscriber you want to edit.
6. Click Edit or View > Edit.
7. Edit the required fields in the Edit Subscriber page.
Managing elements
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8. Click Commit to save the changes.
Related topics:
Subscribers (Messaging) field descriptions on page 605
Subscribers (CMM) field descriptions on page 610
Subscribers (MM) field descriptions on page 614
Viewing a subscriber
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Messaging.
2. Click Subscriber in the left navigation pane.
3. Select a messaging system from the list of Messaging Systems.
4. Click Show List.
5. Select the subscriber you want to view from the Subscriber List.
6. Click View.
You cannot edit any field on the View Subscriber page.
Related topics:
Subscribers (Messaging) field descriptions on page 605
Subscribers (CMM) field descriptions on page 610
Subscribers (MM) field descriptions on page 614
Deleting a subscriber
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Messaging.
2. Click Subscriber in the left navigation pane.
3. Select a messaging system from the list of Messaging Systems.
4. Click Show List.
5. Select the subscriber you want to delete from the Subscriber List.
6. Click Delete.
Managing messaging
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The system displays a confirmation page for deleting the subscriber.
7. Confirm to delete the subscriber or subscribers.
You cannot delete a subscriber associated with a user through mailbox
management. You can delete the user associated subscribers only through User
Profile Management.
Subscriber List
Subscriber List displays all the subscribers under a messaging version, such as Messaging,
Communication Manager Messaging, or Modular Messaging. You can apply filters to each
column in the Subscriber List. You can also sort the subscribers according to each of the
column in the Subscriber List. When you click Refresh, you can view the updated information
available after the last synchronization operation.
Name Description
Name Specifies the name of the subscriber.
Mailbox Number Specifies the mailbox number of the
Email Handle Specifies the e-mail handle of the
Telephone Number Specifies the telephone number of the
Last Modified Specifies the time and date when the
subscriber details were last modified.
User If a subscriber is associated with a user, then
the system displays the name of the user in
this column.
System Specifies the messaging system of the
Filtering subscribers
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Messaging.
2. Click Subscriber in the left navigation pane.
3. Select a messaging system from the list of Messaging Systems.
Managing elements
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4. Click Show List.
5. Click the Filter: Enable option in the Subscriber List.
6. Filter the subscribers according to one or multiple columns.
7. Click Apply.
To hide the column filters, click Disable. This does not clear any filter criteria that
you have set.
The table displays only those subscribers that match the filter criteria.
Subscribers (Messaging) field descriptions
Field Description
System The name of the messaging system.
Template The messaging template of a subscriber
Last Name The last name of the subscriber.
First Name The first name of the subscriber.
Mailbox Number The full mailbox number of a subscriber,
including the site group and site identifiers
and the short mailbox number. Subscribers
use mailbox numbers to log on to their
respective mailbox. For a PBX subscriber,
the mailbox number ranges from three to ten
digits in length. Other local subscribers use
this field to address messages to the PBX
subscriber. For a Multisite system
subscriber, the mailbox number is up to 50
digits in length.
Ensure the mailbox number is:
In the range of mailbox numbers assigned
to your system
Unassigned to another local subscriber
Of a valid length on the local computer
This is a mandatory field on the Add
Subscriber pages for all types of messaging
Managing messaging
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 605

Field Description
Password The default password the subscriber must
use to log in to the mailbox.
The password can be from 3 to 15 digits and
adhere to system policies set on the Avaya

Messaging server
Save as Template Saves your current settings as a template.
Basic Information
Field Description
Class Of Service The class of service for this subscriber. The
COS controls subscriber access to many
features and provides general settings, such
as mailbox size. You can select an option
from the drop-down box.
Community ID The default community ID for the subscriber.
Community IDs are used to control message
sending and receiving among groups of
subscribers. The default value is 1.
Numeric Address The unique address in the voice mail
network. The numeric address can be from 1
to 50 digits and can contain the Mailbox
PBX Extension The primary telephone extension of the
subscriber. For a Multisite system
subscriber, this number is up to 50 digits in
Site The name of the site. Messaging includes a
site named Default. Change this name when
you set the site properties for the first time.
Subscriber Directory
Field Description
Email Handle The name that the system displays before
the computer name and domain in the
subscriber's email address.
Telephone Number The telephone number of the subscriber as
displayed in address book listings and client
applications. The entry can be a maximum of
50 characters in length and can contain any
combination of digits (0-9), period (.), hyphen
Managing elements
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Field Description
(-), plus sign (+), and left and right
parentheses ([) and (]).
Common Name The display name of the subscriber in
address book listings, such as those for e-
mail client applications. The name you enter
can be 1 to 64 characters in length. This field
is automatically populated when you add a
new subscriber.
ASCII version of name If the subscriber name is entered in multi-
byte character format, then this field
specifies the ASCII translation of the
subscriber name.
Pronounceable Name The pronounceable name of a user.
The name of a user, info mailbox, or
distribution list might not follow the
pronunciation rules of the primary language
for your system. To increase the likelihood of
the Speech Recognition feature recognizing
the name, spell the name as you would
pronounce the name.
For example, if the primary language of your
system is English, spell Dan DuBois as Dan
Doobwah. You can also enter an alternative
name for the user. For example, William Bell
might also be known as Bill Bell. If you enter
William in the First name field, Bell in the Last
name field, and Bill Bell in the Pronounceable
name field, the speech engine recognizes
both William Bell and Bill Bell.
Include in Auto Attendant directory The option to add the messaging system to
the auto attendant directory.
Subscriber Security
Field Description
Expire Password Specifies whether your password expires or
not. You can choose one of the following:
yes: for password to expire
no: if you do not want your password to
Is Mailbox Locked? The option to specify if you want the system
to lock your mailbox. A subscriber mailbox
can become locked after two unsuccessful
Managing messaging
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 607

Field Description
login attempts. You can choose one of the
no: To unlock your mailbox
yes: To lock your mailbox and prevent
access to it
Mailbox Features
Field Description
Personal Operator Mailbox The mailbox number or transfer dial string of
the subscriber's personal operator or
assistant. This field also indicates the
transfer target when a caller to this
subscriber presses 0 while listening to the
subscriber's greeting.
Personal Operator Schedule The option to specify when to route calls to
the backup operator mailbox. The default
value for this field is Always Active.
TUI Message Order The order in which the subscriber hears the
voice messages. You can choose one of the
urgent first then newest: to direct the
system to play any messages marked as
urgent prior to playing non-urgent
messages. Both the urgent and non-urgent
messages are played in the reverse order
of how they were received.
oldest messages first: to direct the
system to play messages in the order they
were received.
urgent first then oldest: to direct the
system to play any messages marked as
urgent prior to playing non-urgent
messages. Both the urgent and non-urgent
messages are played in the order of how
they were received.
newest messages first: to direct the
system to play messages in the reverse
order of how they were received.
Managing elements
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Field Description
Intercom Paging The intercom paging settings for a
subscriber. You can choose one of the
paging is off: to disable intercom paging
for this subscriber.
paging is manual: if the subscriber can
modify, with Subscriber Options or the TUI,
callers can page the subscriber.
paging is automatic: if the TUI
automatically allows callers to page the
VoiceMail Enabled The option to specify if a subscriber can
receive messages, email messages and call-
answer messages from other subscribers.
You can choose one of the following:
yes: To create, forward, and receive
no: To prevent the subscriber from
receiving call-answer messages and to
hide the subscriber from the telephone
user interface (TUI). The subscriber cannot
use the TUI to access the mailbox, and
other TUI users cannot address messages
to the subscriber.
MWI enabled The option to enable the message waiting
indicator (MWI) light feature. The options
No: The user has a voice mailbox only.
ByCOS: The CoS controls how the system
enables MWI. The MWI enabled field
overrules the MWI setting defined by the
CoS to which the user is associated.
Secondary Extensions
Field Description
Secondary Extension One or more alternate number to reach a
subscriber. You can use secondary
extensions to specify a telephone number for
direct reception of faxes, to allow callers to
use an existing Caller Application, or to
identify each line appearance on the
Managing messaging
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 609

Field Description
subscriber's telephone set if they have
different telephone numbers.
For AAM 6.3, you can add a maximum eight
secondary extensions.
Field Description
Miscellaneous 1 Additional, useful information about a
subscriber template. Entries in this field are
for convenience and are not used by the
messaging system.
Miscellaneous 2 Additional, useful information about a
subscriber template. Entries in this field are
for convenience and are not used by the
messaging system.
Miscellaneous 3 Additional, useful information about a
subscriber template. Entries in this field are
for convenience and are not used by the
messaging system.
Miscellaneous 4 Additional, useful information about a
subscriber template. Entries in this field are
for convenience and are not used by the
messaging system.
Button Description
Commit Saves all the changes.
Edit Allows you to edit the fields.
Reset or Clear Clears all the changes.
Cancel Takes you to the previous page.
Subscribers (CMM) field descriptions
Field Description
System The messaging system of the subscriber that
you want to add.
Template The template for this subscriber. You can
select any template from the list.
Last Name The last name of the subscriber.
Managing elements
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Field Description
First Name The first name of the subscriber.
Mailbox Number The full mailbox number of a subscriber,
including the site group and site identifiers
and the short mailbox number. Subscribers
use mailbox numbers to log on to their
respective mailbox. For a PBX subscriber,
the mailbox number ranges from three to ten
digits in length. Other local subscribers use
this field to address messages to the PBX
subscriber. For a Multisite system
subscriber, the mailbox number is up to 50
digits in length.
Ensure the mailbox number is:
Within the range of mailbox numbers
assigned to your system
Unassigned to another local subscriber
Of a valid length on the local computer
This is a mandatory field on the Add
Subscriber pages for all types of messaging
Password The default password the subscriber must
use to log in to his or her mailbox. The
password can be from one digit in length to
a maximum of 15 digits.
Basic Information
Field Description
Extension A number that is between 3 to 10-digits in
length, that the subscriber uses to log on to
the mailbox. Other local subscribers can use
the Mailbox Number to address messages to
this subscriber. Ensure that the Mailbox
Number is:
Within the range of Mailbox Numbers
assigned to your system.
Not assigned to another local subscriber.
A valid length on the local computer.
COS The class of service for this subscriber. The
CoS controls subscriber access to many
features and provides general settings, such
Managing messaging
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Field Description
as mailbox size. You can select an option
from the list.
Community ID The default community ID for the subscriber.
Community IDs are used to control message
sending and receiving among groups of
subscribers. The default is 1.
MWI Enabled The option to set the message waiting
indicator (MWI) for the subscriber. The
options are:
No: If the system must not send MWI for
the subscriber or if the subscriber does not
have a phone or switch on the network.
Yes: If the system must send MWI for the
Account Code The Subscriber Account Code. The
Subscriber Account Code is used to create
Call Detail Records on the switch for calls
placed by the voice ports. The value you
enter in this field can contain a combination
of digits from 0 to 9. If an account code is not
specified, the system will use the
subscriber's mailbox extension as the
account code.
Subscriber Directory
Field Description
Email Handle The name that the system displays before
the computer name and domain in the
subscriber's email address.
Common Name The display name of the subscriber.
Subscriber Security
Field Description
Is Mailbox Locked? The option to make the system lock your
mailbox. A subscriber mailbox can become
locked after two unsuccessful login attempts.
The options are:
no: to unlock your mailbox
yes: to lock your mailbox and prevent
access to it
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Field Description
Expire Password The option to make the system expire your
password. The options are:
yes: if you want the password to expire
no: if you do not want your password to
Mailbox Features
Field Description
Covering Extension The number to be used as the default
destination for the Transfer Out of
Messaging feature. You can enter from 3 to
10 digits depending on the length of the
system extension. You can leave this field
Secondary Extensions
Field Description
Secondary extension The number assigned to a subscriber for
receiving fax messages. You can enter from
3-10 digits (0-9), depending on the length of
the extension of the system or leave the field
Field Description
Misc 1 Additional information about a subscriber.
Entries in this field are for convenience and
are not used by the Messaging system.
Misc 2 Additional information about a subscriber.
Entries in this field are for convenience and
are not used by the Messaging system.
Misc 3 Additional information about a subscriber.
Entries in this field are for convenience and
are not used by the Messaging system.
Misc 4 Additional information about a subscriber.
Entries in this field are for convenience and
are not used by the Messaging system.
Managing messaging
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 613

Button Description
Commit Adds the subscriber to the messaging
Schedule Adds the subscriber at the specified time.
Save as Template Saves the settings as a template.
Reset Clears all the changes.
Edit Allows you to edit the fields.
Done Completes your action and takes you to the
previous page.
Cancel Returns to the previous page.
Subscribers (MM) field descriptions
Field Description
System The messaging system of the subscriber you
want to add. You can choose this option from
the drop-down box.
Template The messaging template of a subscriber.
You can choose an option from the drop-
down box.
Last Name The last name of the subscriber.
First Name The first name of the subscriber.
Mailbox Number The full mailbox number of a subscriber,
including the site group and site identifiers
and the short mailbox number. Subscribers
use mailbox numbers to log on to their
respective mailbox. For a PBX subcriber, the
mailbox number ranges from three to ten
digits in length. Other local subscribers use
this field to address messages to the PBX
subscriber. For a Multisite system
subscriber, the mailbox number is up to 50
digits in length.
Ensure the mailbox number is:
In the range of mailbox numbers assigned
to your system
Unassigned to another local subscriber
Of a valid length on the local computer
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Field Description
This is a mandatory field on the Add
Subscriber pages for all types of messaging
Password The default password the subscriber must
use to log in to his or her mailbox. The
password can be from one digit in length to
a maximum of 15 digits.
Save as Template Saves your current settings as a template.
Basic Information
Field Description
Class Of Service The class of service for this subscriber. The
COS controls subscriber access to many
features and provides general settings, such
as mailbox size. You can select an option
from the drop-down box.
Community ID The default community ID for the subscriber.
Community IDs are used to control message
sending and receiving among groups of
subscribers. The default value is 1.
Numeric Address A unique address in the voice mail network.
The numeric address can be from 1 to 50
digits and can contain the Mailbox Number.
PBX Extension The primary telephone extension of the
subscriber. For a Multisite system
subscriber, this number is up to 50 digits in
Subscriber Directory
Field Description
Email Handle Specifies the name that the system displays
before the computer name and domain in the
subscriber's e-mail address. The computer
name and domain are automatically added
to the handle you enter when the subscriber
sends or receives an e-mail.
Telephone Number The telephone number of the subscriber as
displayed in address book listings and client
applications. The entry can be a maximum of
50 characters in length and can contain any
combination of digits (0-9), period (.), hyphen
Managing messaging
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Field Description
(-), plus sign (+), and left and right
parentheses ([) and (]).
Common Name Specifies the display name of the subscriber
in address book listings, such as those for e-
mail client applications. The name you enter
can be 1 to 64 characters in length. This field
is automatically populated when you add a
new subscriber.
ASCII Version of Name If the subscriber name is entered in multi-
byte character format, then this field
specifies the ASCII translation of the
subscriber name.
Subscriber Security
Field Description
Expire Password Specifies whether your password expires or
not. You can choose one of the following:
yes: for password to expire
no: if you do not want your password to
Is Mailbox Locked? Specifies whether you want your mailbox to
be locked. A subscriber mailbox can become
locked after two unsuccessful login attempts.
You can choose one of the following:
no: to unlock your mailbox
yes: to lock your mailbox and prevent
access to it
Mailbox Features
Field Description
Personal Operator Mailbox The mailbox number or transfer dial string of
the subscriber's personal operator or
assistant. This field also indicates the
transfer target when a caller to this
subscriber presses 0 while listening to the
subscriber's greeting.
Personal Operator Schedule Specifies when to route calls to the backup
operator mailbox. The default value for this
field is Always Active.
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Field Description
Voicemail Enabled Specifies whether a subscriber can receive
messages, e-mail messages and call-
answer messages from other subscribers.
You can choose one of the following:
yes: use this to create, forward, and
receive messages.
no: to prevent the subscriber from
receiving call-answer messages and to
hide the subscriber from the telephone
user interface (TUI). The subscriber cannot
use the TUI to access the mailbox, and
other TUI users cannot address messages
to the subscriber.
Intercom Paging The intercom paging settings for a
subscriber. You can choose one of the
paging is off: to disable intercom paging
for this subscriber.
paging is manual: if the subscriber can
modify, with Subscriber Options or the TUI,
callers can page the subscriber.
paging is automatic: if the TUI
automatically allows callers to page the
TUI Message Order
Field Description
TUI New Message Order The order in which the subscriber hears the
new voice messages. You can choose one
of the following:
urgent first then newest: to direct the
system to play any messages marked as
urgent prior to playing non-urgent
messages. Both the urgent and non-urgent
messages are played in the reverse order
of how they were received.
oldest messages first: to direct the
system to play messages in the order they
were received.
urgent first then oldest: to direct the
system to play any messages marked as
urgent prior to playing non-urgent
Managing messaging
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Field Description
messages. Both the urgent and non-urgent
messages are played in the order of how
they were received.
newest messages first: to direct the
system to play messages in the reverse
order of how they were received.
TUI Saved Message Order The order in which the subscriber hears the
saved voice messages. You can choose one
of the following:
urgent first then newest: to direct the
system to play any messages marked as
urgent prior to playing non-urgent
messages. Both the urgent and non-urgent
messages are played in the reverse order
of how they were received.
oldest messages first: to direct the
system to play messages in the order they
were received.
urgent first then oldest: to direct the
system to play any messages marked as
urgent prior to playing non-urgent
messages. Both the urgent and non-urgent
messages are played in the order of how
they were received.
newest messages first: to direct the
system to play messages in the reverse
order of how they were received.
TUI Deleted Message Order The order in which the subscriber hears the
deleted voice messages. You can choose
one of the following:
urgent first then newest: to direct the
system to play any messages marked as
urgent prior to playing non-urgent
messages. Both the urgent and non-urgent
messages are played in the reverse order
of how they were received.
oldest messages first: to direct the
system to play messages in the order they
were received.
urgent first then oldest: to direct the
system to play any messages marked as
urgent prior to playing non-urgent
messages. Both the urgent and non-urgent
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Field Description
messages are played in the order of how
they were received.
newest messages first: to direct the
system to play messages in the reverse
order of how they were received.
TUI Admin Message Order The order in which the admin hears the voice
messages. You can choose one of the
urgent first then newest: to direct the
system to play any messages marked as
urgent prior to playing non-urgent
messages. Both the urgent and non-urgent
messages are played in the reverse order
of how they were received.
oldest messages first: to direct the
system to play messages in the order they
were received.
urgent first then oldest: to direct the
system to play any messages marked as
urgent prior to playing non-urgent
messages. Both the urgent and non-urgent
messages are played in the order of how
they were received.
newest messages first: to direct the
system to play messages in the reverse
order of how they were received.
Secondary Extensions
Field Description
Secondary extension One or more alternate number to reach a
subscriber. You can use secondary
extensions to specify a telephone number for
direct reception of faxes, to allow callers to
use an existing Caller Application, or to
identify each line appearance on the
subscriber's telephone set if they have
different telephone numbers.
Managing messaging
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 619

Field Description
Misc 1 Additional, useful information about a
subscriber. Entries in this field are for
convenience and are not used by the
messaging system.
Misc 2 Additional, useful information about a
subscriber. Entries in this field are for
convenience and are not used by the
messaging system.
Misc 3 Additional, useful information about a
subscriber. Entries in this field are for
convenience and are not used by the
messaging system.
Misc 4 Additional, useful information about a
subscriber. Entries in this field are for
convenience and are not used by the
messaging system.
Button Description
Commit Adds the subscriber to the messaging
Schedule Adds the subscriber at the specified time.
Save as Template Saves the settings as a template.
Reset Clears all your changes.
Edit Allows you to edit all the fields.
Done Completes your current action and takes you
to the previous page.
Cancel Takes you to the previous page.
Managing elements
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Chapter 10: Managing Communication
System Manager Communication Manager capabilities
System Manager provides a common, central administration of some of the existing IP
Telephony products. This helps you to consolidate the key capabilities of the current suite of
Integrated Management administration products with other Avaya Management tools on a
common software platform. System Manager helps you administer Avaya Aura

Communication Manager, Communication Manager Messaging, and Modular Messaging.

Some features of System Manager include:
Endpoint management
Template management
Mailbox management
Inventory management
Element Cut Through to native administration screens
Managing Communication Manager objects
System Manager displays a collection of Communication Manager objects under
Communication Manager. System Manager also allows you to directly add, edit, view, or
delete these objects through Communication Manager.
Endpoint management
Using endpoint management you can create and manage endpoint objects and add, change,
remove, and view endpoint data.
Using Templates, you can specify specific parameters of an endpoint or a subscriber once and
then reuse that template for subsequent add endpoint or subscriber tasks. You can use default
templates, and also add your own custom templates.
There are two categories of templates: default templates and user-defined templates. You
cannot edit or delete the default templates. However, you can modify or remove user-defined
templates at any time.
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 621

Subscriber management
Using Subscriber Management, you can manage, add, change, remove, and view subscriber
data. Subscriber management supports Avaya Aura

Messaging, Communication Manager

Messaging, and Messaging objects.
With System Manager Communication Manager capabilities, you can:
Add Communication Manager for endpoints and Modular Messaging for subscribers to
the list of managed elements.
Create templates to simplify endpoint and subscriber management.
Administer endpoints, subscribers, and create user profiles with communication
Associate user profiles with the required endpoints and subscribers.
Configuring Communication Manager user profile settings
Some Communication Manager capabilities depend on the license file available with the
customers. For a successful functioning of Communication Manager capabilities, ensure that
the following settings are in place:
1. Log in to Communication Manager SAT as a customer super-user.
2. Execute the display system-parameters customer-options command.
3. On Page 5, ensure that Station and Trunk MSP? is set to y.
4. Execute the duplicate user-profile18 command.
5. On Page 1, perform the following:
a. Enter a new profile number. The profile number can range from 20 to 69.
b. Set Shell Access to y.
6. On Page 31, set station M to wm.
7. Save the user profile settings.
8. Exit Communication Manager SAT.
9. Open Communication Manager shell and perform the following to create a new user
and assign password to the new user:
a. To create a new user, use the cmuseradd <type> [-C profile] <login name>
<type> is the super-user.
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profile is the profile number created in Step 5.
<login name> is the user login name.
For example, cmuseradd super-user -C 20 iptuser.
b. To assign password to the new user, use the command cmpasswd <login
where, <login name> is the login name in step 9a. For example, cmpasswd
You can also execute Step 9 from the Administrator Accounts Web page
in Communication Manager SMI. The navigation path for Administrator
Accounts Web page in Communication Manager SMI is Administration >
Server Maintenance > Security > Administrator Accounts.
Editing the Select All attribute in a table
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Configurations.
2. Click Settings > Communication System Management > Configuration.
3. On the View Profile: Configuration page, edit the value of the Select All attribute.
This setting affects all the tables in the user interface.
The default value for the Select All attribute is 1000. You can increase this value
up to 5000.
Search component for Communication Manager objects
System Manager supports data and link search for certain Communication Manager objects.
Use the search bar on the Communication Manager objects list page for the following
Communication Manager objects:
Vector Directory Number (VDN)
Editing the Select All attribute in a table
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 623

Vector Routing Table (VRT)
Audio Group
Hunt Group
Off PBX Endpoint Mapping
Data Module
Communication System
Trunk Group
Signaling Groups
Link based search: When you hover your mouse on the search bar, the system lists the
Communication Manager objects that support search. Click a Communication Manager object
to go to the relevant page directly. For example, if you click Hunt Group from the search bar,
you can directly view the Hunt Group page.
Data search: Free text search and specific search are both supported in the search feature.
If you type Endpoints 100, the system displays the endpoint with the extension 100. When
you hover your mouse on this extension, a prop up window appears by the side. From this
window, you can view certain details of the endpoint and directly go to the view, edit, and delete
pages for the endpoint.
If you type the name of a Communication Manager object followed by space, the system lists
all the searchable fields for the particular CM object. You can click a particular field and use
the search option for that field.
The following table lists the fields that are searchable for the supported Communication
Manager objects:
Manager object
Searchable fields Supported Actions
Endpoint Name, Extension, Port, Set Type, TN,
Location, IP soft phone, COS, COR,
User, Communication Manager name,
Emergency Location Extension,
Message Lamp Extension
View, Edit, Delete
Agent Extension, Name, AAS, Call Handling
Preference, COR, User, Coverage
Path, CM NamCommunication
Manager name
View, Edit, Delete
VDN Extension, Name, Destination, Allow
VDN Override, Attendant, Vectoring,
Meet-me Conferencing, COR, TN,
Communication Manager name
View, Edit, Delete
Managing Communication Manager
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Manager object
Searchable fields Supported Actions
Vector Number, Name, Multimedia Attendant,
Vectoring, Meet-me Conf,
Communication Manager name
View, Edit
VRT Number, Name, Sort, Communication
Manager name
View, Edit, Delete
Announcement Name, Extension, Group/Board, Type,
Protected, Rate, COR, TN, Queue
Size, Communication Manager name
View, Edit, Delete
Audio Group Group Number, Group Name,
Communication Manager name
View, Edit, Delete
Hunt Group Group Number, Group Name, Group
Extension, Group Type,
Communication Manager name
View, Edit, Delete
You must have at least View permission for a Communication Manager object to use the
search component for that Communication Manager object.
When you search a Communication Manager object, the system also displays the search
results for other Communication Manager objects which support the search feature.
Managing Communication Manager objects
Communication Manager objects
Communication Manager objects
System Manager displays a collection of Communication Manager objects under
Communication Manager. Through Communication Manager you can directly add, edit,
view, or delete the Communication Manager objects.
To manage the Communication Manager objects not identified here, access the
Communication Manager Element Cut-Through which provides an enhanced System
Managing Communication Manager objects
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 625

Access Terminal (SAT) interface. To launch Element Cut-Through, click Inventory >
Synhronization > Communication System.
The Communication Manager objects you can administer through System Manager are:
Group Communication Manager objects
Call Center Agents
Audio Group
Best Service Routing
Holiday Tables
Vector Directory Number
Vector Routing Table
Service Hours Tables
Coverage Coverage Answer Group
Coverage Path
Coverage Remote
Coverage Time of Day
Endpoints Alias Endpoint
Intra Switch CDR
Manage Endpoints
Off PBX Endpoint Mapping
Site Data
Xmobile Configuration
Groups Group Page
Hunt Group
Intercom Group
Pickup Group
Terminating Extension Group
Network Automatic Alternate Routing Analysis
Automatic Alternate Routing Digit
Automatic Route Selection Analysis
Automatic Route Selection Digit Conversion
Automatic Route Selection Toll
Data Modules
IP Interfaces
IP Network Regions
IP Network Maps
Node Names
Route Pattern
Signaling Groups
Trunk Group
Parameters System Parameters - CDR Options
System Parameters - Customer Options
Managing Communication Manager
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System Parameters - Features
System Parameters - Security
System Parameters - Special Applications
System Abbreviated Dialing Enhanced
Abbreviated Dialing Group
Abbreviated Dialing Personal
Authorization Code
Class of Restriction
Class of Service
Class of Service Group
Dialplan Analysis
Dialplan Parameters
Feature Access Codes
Uniform Dial Plan
Uniform Dial Plan Group
You cannot add, edit, or delete Audio Groups, Announcements, Subscribers, and Class of
Service objects through Element Cut Through.
Related topics:
Adding Communication Manager objects on page 627
Editing Communication Manager objects on page 628
Viewing Communication Manager objects on page 628
Deleting Communication Manager objects on page 629
Filtering Communication Manager objects on page 629
Adding Communication Manager objects
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. Select the Communication Manager object.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click New.
6. Select the Communication Manager again from the list of Communication
Managing Communication Manager objects
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 627

Enter the qualifier number in the Enter Qualifier field, if applicable.
7. Click Add.
The system displays the Element Cut Through screen where you can enter the
attributes of the Communication Manager object you want to add.
8. Click Enter to add the Communication Manager object.
To return to the Communication Manager screen, click Cancel.
Editing Communication Manager objects
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. Select the Communication Manager object.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. From the group list, select the device you want to edit.
6. Click Edit.
The system displays the Element Cut Through screen where you can edit the
attributes of the device you have chosen.
7. To save the changes and go back to the Communication Manager screen, click
To undo the changes and return to the Communication Manager screen, click
Viewing Communication Manager objects
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. Select the Communication Manager object.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
Managing Communication Manager
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4. Click Show List.
5. From the group list, select the object you want to view.
6. Click View.
You can view the attributes of the object you have selected in the Element Cut
Through screen.
7. To return to the Communication Manager screen, click Cancel.
Deleting Communication Manager objects
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. Select the Communication Manager object.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Select the objects you want to delete from this group.
6. Click Delete.
7. Confirm to delete the Communication Manager objects.
Filtering Communication Manager objects
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. Select the Communication Manager object.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click Filter: Enable in the group list.
6. Filter the Communication Manager objects according to one or multiple columns.
7. Click Apply.
Managing Communication Manager objects
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 629

To hide the column filters, click Disable. This action does not clear any filter criteria
that you have set.
The table displays only those devices that match the filter criteria.
Changing to classic view
The System Manager Web interface of Communication Manager objects support two types of
views: classic and enhanced. Enhanced view is the default setting, where you can execute
tasks on the Web interface. In the classic view, the system directs you to Element Cut Through
screen for executing the tasks.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. Select the Communication Manager object you want to manage.
3. By default, the system displays the Web page for the Communication Manager
object in enhanced view. To change to classic view, click the Switch to Classic
View link on the upper-right of the interface.
4. To return to the default view, click the Switch to Enhanced View link.
Use the Agents capability to manage agent login IDs and skill assignments in an Expert Agent
Selection (EAS) environment. If skills are added or changed on the media server, agents must
log out and then log in again before the changes are effective.
Agents List
Agents List displays all the agents under the Communication Manager you select. You can
perform an advanced search on this list using the search criteria. You can also apply filters
and sort each column in the Agents List.
Managing Communication Manager
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When you click Refresh, you can view the updated information available after the last
synchronization operation.
Name Description
LoginID Displays the identifier for the Logical Agent
as entered in the command line.
Agent Name Displays the 27-character string name of the
agent. Any alphanumeric character is valid.
Default is blank.
Direct Agent Skill Specifies the number of the skill used to
handle Direct Agent calls.
Call Handling Preference Displays which call an agent receives next
when calls are in queue.
COR Displays the Class of Restriction associated
with the agent.
System Specifies the name of the Communication
Manager associated with the agents.
Adding an agent
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Agents.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click New.
6. Complete the New Agent page and click Commit.
Related topics:
Agents field descriptions on page 635
Managing Communication Manager objects
Administering Avaya Aura

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Viewing agent data
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Agents.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. From the Agents List, select the agent whose data you want to view.
6. Click View.
Related topics:
Agents field descriptions on page 635
Editing agent data
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Agents.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. From the Agents List, select the agent whose properties you want to edit.
6. Click Edit or View > Edit.
7. Edit the required fields on the Edit Agent page.
8. Click Commit to save the changes.
Related topics:
Agents field descriptions on page 635
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Deleting agents
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Agents.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. From the Agents List, select the agents you want to delete.
6. Click Delete.
7. Confirm to delete the agents.
Related topics:
Agents field descriptions on page 635
Adding agents in bulk
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Agents.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click More Actions > Bulk Add Agents.
6. Complete the Bulk Add Agents page and click Now.
The Agent Name Prefix field displays the common prefix which appears for all the
agents you bulk add. You can enter any prefix name of your choice in this field.
With Multi Tenancy, when you add the agents, the Tenant Number field is auto
populated according to the Site you select.
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Fields like COR are validated with the tenant permissions when you add the
Related topics:
Agents field descriptions on page 635
Editing agent data in bulk
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Agents.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click More Actions > Bulk Edit Agents.
6. Complete the Bulk Edit Agents page and click Now.
The Agent Name Prefix field displays the common prefix which appears for all the
agents you bulk add. You can enter any prefix name of your choice in this field.
Related topics:
Agents field descriptions on page 635
Deleting agents in bulk
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Agents.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click More Actions > Bulk Delete Agents.
6. Perform one of the following actions:
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Select the agents you want to delete in bulk from the Current Agent
Extensions field.
Type the agent extensions you want to bulk delete in the Enter Extensions
7. Click Continue.
8. On the Bulk Delete Agents Confirmation page, click Now.
Click Schedule to schedule the bulk delete job at a later time.
You cannot delete agent associated extensions.
Agents field descriptions
Field Description
System The Communication Manager system in
which you have added the agent.
Login ID The identifier for the Logical Agent as
entered in the command line. This is a
display-only field.
Template Select the agent template from the template
Agent Name The 27-character string name of the agent.
Any alphanumeric character is valid. By
default, this field is blank.
AAS Provides the option to use this extension as
a port for an Auto Available Split/Skill. By
default, this check box is clear. This option is
intended for communication server adjunct
equipment ports only, not human agents.
When you enter y in the AAS field, it clears
the password and requires execution of
the remove agent-loginid
command. To set AAS to n, remove this
logical agent, and add it again.
ACW Agent Considered Idle Provides the option to count After Call Work
(ACW) as idle time. The valid entries are
System, Yes, and No. Select Yes to have
agents who are in ACW included in the Most-
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Field Description
Idle Agent queue. Select No to exclude ACW
agents from the queue.
AUDIX Provides the option to use this extension as
a port for AUDIX. By default, this check box
is clear.
Both AAS and AUDIX fields cannot be y.
AUDIX Name for Messaging You have the following options:
Enter the name of the messaging system
used for LWC Reception.
Enter the name of the messaging system
that provides coverage for this Agent
Leave the field blank. This is the default
Auto Answer When using EAS, the auto answer setting of
the agent applies to the endpoint where the
agent logs in. If the auto answer setting for
that endpoint is different, the agent setting
overrides the endpoint setting. One of the
following is a valid entry:
all. Immediately sends all ACD and non-
ACD calls to the agent. The endpoint is
also given a single ring while a non-ACD
call is connected. You can use the ringer-
off button to prevent the ring when the
feature-related system parameter, Allow
Ringer-off with Auto-Answer, is set to
acd. Only ACD split /skill calls and direct
agent calls go to auto answer. If this field is
set to acd, non-ACD calls terminated to the
agent ring audibly.
none. All calls terminated to this agent
receive an audible ringing. This is the
default setting.
station. Auto answer for the agent is
controlled by the auto answer field on the
Endpoint screen.
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Field Description
Aux Work Reason Code Type Determines how agents enter reason codes
when entering AUX work. One of the
following is a valid entry:
system. Settings assigned on the Feature
Related System Parameters screen apply.
This is the default setting.
none. You do not want an agent to enter a
reason code when entering AUX work.
requested. You want an agent to enter a
reason code when entering AUX mode but
do not want to force the agent to do so. To
enter this value, the reason codes and EAS
on the System-Parameters Customer-
Options screen must be set to y.
forced. You want to force an agent to enter
a reason code when entering AUX mode.
To enter this value, the Reason Codes and
EAS on the System-Parameters
Customer-Options screen must be set to
Call Handling Preference Determines which call an agent receives
next when calls are in queue. When calls are
in queue and an agent becomes available,
any of the following entries is valid:
skill-level. Delivers the oldest, highest
priority calls waiting for the highest-level
agent skill.
greatest-need. Delivers the oldest,
highest priority calls waiting for any agent
percent-allocation. Delivers a call from
the skill that will otherwise deviate most
from its administered allocation. Percent-
allocation is available only with Avaya
Business Advocate software.
For more information, see Avaya Business
Advocate User Guide.
COR Specifies the Class Of Restriction (COR) for
the agent. Valid entries range from 0 to 995.
The default entry is 1.
Coverage Path Specifies the coverage path number used by
calls to the LoginID. A valid entry is a path
number from 1 to 999, time of day table t1 to
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Field Description
t999, or blank by default. Coverage path is
used when the agent is logged out, busy, or
does not answer calls.
Direct Agent Calls First (not shown) Provides the option to direct agent calls to
override the percent-allocation call selection
method and be delivered before other ACD
calls. Clear the check box if you want to treat
direct agent calls as other ACD calls. This
field replaces the Service Objective field
when percent-allocation is entered in the Call
Handling Preference field. For more
information, see Avaya Business Advocate
User Guide.
Direct Agent Skill Specifies the number of the skill used to
handle Direct Agent calls. A valid entry can
range from 1 to 2000, or blank. The default
setting is blank.
Forced Agent Logout Time Enables the Forced Agent Logout by Clock
Time feature by administering a time of day
to automatically log out agents using an hour
and minute field. A valid entry for the hour
field ranges from 01 to 23. A valid entry for
the minute field is 00, 15, 30, or 45. The
default is blank (not administered).
Examples are: 15:00, 18:15, 20:30, 23:45.
Local Call Preference Provides the option to administer Local
Preference Distribution to handle agent-
surplus conditions, call-surplus conditions,
or both. Use this field to administer call-
surplus conditions. To set up an algorithm for
agent-surplus conditions, set the Local
Agent Preference field on the Hunt Group
screen. You can select this check box only if
the Call Center Release field is set to 3.0 or
later and the Multiple Locations customer
option is active.
LoginID for ISDN/SIP Display Use to include the Agent LoginID CPN and
Name field in ISDN and SIP messaging over
network facilities. By default, the check box
is clear, indicating that the physical endpoint
extension CPN and Name is sent. If you set
the Send Name to n or r (restricted) on the
ISDN Trunk Group screen, the calling party
name and number is sent.
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Field Description
Logout Reason Code Type Determines how agents enter reason codes.
One of the following is a valid entry:
System. Settings assigned on the Feature
Related System Parameters screen apply.
This is the default entry.
Requested. You want an agent to enter a
reason code when logging out but do not
want to force the agent to do this. To enter
this value, the reason codes and EAS on
the System-Parameters Customer-
Options screen must be set to y.
Forced. You want to force an agent to
enter a reason code when logging out. To
enter this value, the Reason Codes and
EAS on the System-Parameters
Customer-Options screen must be set to
None. You do not want an agent to enter a
reason code when logging out.
LWC Reception Indicates whether the terminal can receive
Leave Word Calling (LWC) messages. One
of the following is a valid entry::
msa-spe. This is the default entry.
Maximum time agent in ACW before
logout (Sec)
Sets the maximum time the agent can be in
ACW on a per agent basis. One of the
following is a valid entry::
system. This is the default entry. Settings
assigned on the Feature Related System
Parameters screen apply.
none. ACW timeout does not apply to this
30-9999 sec. Indicates a specific timeout
period. This setting will take precedence
over the system setting for maximum time
in ACW.
Percent Allocation Specifies the percentage for each of the
agent skills if the call handling preference is
percent-allocation. a valid entry is a number
from 1 to 100 for each skill. Entries for all the
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Field Description
agent skills together must add up to 100%.
Do not use target allocations for reserve
skills. Percent Allocation is available as part
of the Avaya Business Advocate software.
Password Specifies the password the agent must enter
upon login. Displayed only if both the AAS
and AUDIX check boxes are clear. A valid
entry is a digit ranging from 0 through 9.
Enter the minimum number of digits in this
field specified by the Minimum Agent-
LoginID Password Length field on the
Feature-Related System Parameters
screen. By default, this field is blank.
Confirm Password Confirms the password the agent entered in
the Password field during login. Displayed
only if both the AAS and the AUDIX check
boxes are clear. By default, this field is
Values entered in this field are not echoed
to the screen.
Port Extension Specifies the assigned extension for the AAS
or AUDIX port. The values are displayed only
if either the AAS or AUDIX check box is
selected. This extension cannot be a VDN or
an Agent LoginID. By default, this field is
Reserve Level Specifies the reserve level to be assigned to
the agent for the skill with the Business
Advocate Service Level Supervisor feature
or the type of interruption with the
Interruptible AUX Work feature. You can
assign a reserve level of 1 or 2 or an
interruptible level of a, m, n, or blank for no
reserve or interruptible level, where,
a is auto-in-interrupt
m is manual-in-interrupt
n is notify-interrupt
Changes to this field take effect the next time
the agent logs in. Values of 1 and 2 are
allowed only if Business Advocate is
enabled. A skill level cannot be assigned with
a reserve level setting. Reserve level set to
1 or 2 defines the EWT threshold level for the
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Field Description
agent to be added to the assigned skill as a
reserve agent. When the EWT for this skill
reaches the corresponding threshold set on
the Hunt Group screen, this skill gets this skill
gets automatically added to the logged in
skills of the agents. Agents are delivered
calls from this skill until the skill EWT drops
below the assigned overload threshold. Use
the Interruptible Aux functionality to help
meet service level targets by requesting
agents who are on break to become
available when the service level target is not
being met. For more information on Service
Level Supervisor, see Avaya Business
Advocate User Guide.
Service Objective Provides the option to administer Service
Objective. Service Objective is administered
on the Hunt Group screen and the agent
LoginID screen. This field is displayed only
when Call Handling Preference is set to
greatest-need or skill-level. The
communication server selects calls for
agents according to the ratio of Predicted
Wait Time (PWT) or Current Wait Time
(CWT) and the administered service
objective for the skill. Service Objective is
part of the Avaya Business Advocate
Skill Number Specifies the Skill Hunt Groups that an agent
handles. The same skill cannot be entered
twice. You have the following options:
If EAS-PHD is not optioned, enter up to
four skills.
If EAS-PHD is optioned, enter up to 20 or
60 skills depending on the platform.
Assigning a large number of skills to
agents can potentially impact system
performance. Review system designs
with the ATAC when a significant number
of agents have more than 20 skills per
Skill Level Specifies a skill level for each of an agent
assigned skills. If you specify the EAS-PHD
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Field Description
option, 16 priority levels are available. If you
do not specify this option, two priority levels
are available.
Tenant Number Specifies the tenant partition number. A valid
entry ranges from 1 to 100. The default is
entry is 1.
Values entered in this field are not echoed
to the screen.
Multibyte Language When you configure agent information, if the
localized display name contains multiscript
language characters, you must set the then
multibyte language or locale. You can set the
locale using the Multibyte Language field.
Check skill TNs to match agent TN The option to select the skill tenant number
to match the tenant number.
Include Tenant Calling Permissions The option to include tenant calling
To enable this feature you must first select
Check skill TNs to match agent TN
Button Description
Commit Completes the action you initiate.
Schedule Performs the action at the chosen time.
Reset Clears the action and resets the field.
Clear Clears all entries.
Edit Allows you to edit the fields in the page.
Commit with Auto Logout/Login
(applicable only for Edit Agent page)
Click to enable automatic logout and login
after you commit a change. After automatic
logout and login, the change you made takes
immediate effect.
Schedule with Auto Logout/Login
(applicable only for Edit Agent page)
Click to schedule automatic logout and login
every time you edit an agent property.
Done Completes your current action and takes you
to the subsequent page.
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Button Description
Cancel Cancels your current action and takes you to
the previous page.
Now Performs the action you initiate real time.
What is an announcement?
An announcement is a recorded message a caller hears while the call is in a queue. An
announcement is often used in conjunction with music. Announcements are recorded on
special circuit packs (TN750, TN750B,TN750C, or TN2501AP) on your Communication
Manager system.
The three types of announcements are:
delay announcement explains the reason for the delay and encourages the caller to
forced announcement explains an emergency or service problem. Use when you
anticipate a large number of calls about a specific issue
information announcement gives the caller instructions on how to proceed, information
about the number called, or information that the caller wants
Announcements are most effective when they are:
short, courteous, and to-the-point
spaced close together when a caller on hold hears silence
spaced farther apart when music or ringing is played on hold
played for calls waiting in queue
Music on Hold is a package of professionally-recorded music available from Avaya.
Announcement List
Announcement List displays the property of an announcement. To view the announcement
list, on the Elements menu, navigate to Communication Manager > Call Center >
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Name Description
Name Specifies the file name of the audio file. The
alphanumeric file name can contain up to 27
Extension Specifies the valid extension number for the
announcement. Extension numbers might
not include punctuation.
Group/Board Indicates whether the announcements
audio file exists on the VAL board. Type the
group number in the format gggV9 for media
gateway vVAL, where ggg is the gateway
number of the media gateway (up to 250).
Type Specifies the type of the announcement.
Possible values include:
Integ-mus. Integrated music type
Integ-rep. Integrated repeating type
Integrated. Stored internally on a special
integrated announcement circuit pack. Use
this for general announcements and VDN
of Origin Announcements.
Protected Use this field to set the protection mode for
an integrated announcement.
When you set this field to y, the recording is
protected and cannot be deleted or changed
through a telephone session or FTP.
When you set this field to n, you can change
or delete the recording if you have the
corresponding console permissions.
Rate If the VAL board is administered on the circuit
packs form, then the system automatically
displays 64 (64Kbps) in the Rate field.
COR The Class of Restriction associated with this
TN Specifies the tenant partition number of the
announcement. A valid entry ranges from 1
to 100.
Queue Specifies the announcement queuing or
barge-in. Possible values include:
no. This is the default value. Indicates that
the announcement does not play if a port
is not available.
yes. Indicates that the request queues
when all ports on the circuit pack are busy.
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Name Description
The announcement plays when a port
becomes available. This setting is used in
most call center applications.
bargain. Indicates that you can connect
callers to the announcement at any time
while it is playing. With n or y, the caller is
always connected to the beginning of the
Size Specifies the size of the audio files in
Timestamp Specifies the date and time the audio file was
created or modified. This changes each time
the audio file is put on the VAL board using
System Specifies the name of the Communication
Manager associated with the
Adding an announcement
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Announcements.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Select New.
6. Complete the Add Announcement page and click Commit.
Related topics:
Announcements field descriptions on page 653
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Editing an announcement
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Announcements.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Select the announcement you want to edit from the Announcement List.
6. Click Edit or View > Edit.
7. Edit the required fields on the Edit Announcement page.
8. Click Commit to save the changes.
Related topics:
Announcements field descriptions on page 653
Viewing an announcement
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Announcements.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Select the announcement you want to view.
6. Click View.
You can view the properties of the announcement in the View Announcements
Related topics:
Announcements field descriptions on page 653
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Deleting an announcement
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Announcements.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Select the announcement you want to delete from the Announcement List.
6. Click Delete.
7. Confirm to delete the announcements.
Saving an announcement
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Announcements.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Select the announcement you want to save from the Announcement List.
6. Click More Actions > Save.
This action internally edits and updates the announcements in the Communication
Related topics:
Announcements field descriptions on page 653
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Backing up announcements
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Announcements.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Select the announcements you want to backup.
6. Click More Actions > Backup to back up your announcements.
Related topics:
Announcements field descriptions on page 653
Backing up all announcements
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Announcements.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click More Actions > Backup All to back up all the announcements.
Downloading announcements
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Announcements.
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3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click More Actions > Download.
6. Select the files you want to download from the Backedup Announcements list.
7. Click Download to download the backed up announcements.
Related topics:
Announcements field descriptions on page 653
Restoring announcements
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Announcements.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click More Actions > Restore.
6. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
7. Select the options from the Restore Options section.
8. If you want to restore from client, select the Restore from Client check box.
9. Select the announcements you want to restore from the Backedup Announcement
10. Click Restore to restore your announcement and announcement property files from
your application to a VAL/Virtual VAL board you select.
Related topics:
Announcements field descriptions on page 653
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Restoring all announcements
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Announcements.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click More Actions > Restore All.
Moving an announcement
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Announcements.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click More Actions > Move.
6. Select the destination where you want to move the announcement.
7. Click Now to move the announcement from one VAL board to another within the
same voice system.
Related topics:
Announcements field descriptions on page 653
Broadcasting announcements
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
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2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Announcements.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Select the announcements you want to broadcast from the Announcement list.
6. Click More Actions > Broadcast.
7. Select the destination VAL source.
8. Click Now to broadcast the announcement files to various VAL boards on a voice
Related topics:
Announcements field descriptions on page 653
Using File Transfer Settings
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Announcements.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Select an announcement from the Announcement List.
6. Click More Actions > File Transfer Settings.
7. Select a VAL board from the VAL Board and Media Gateway list.
8. Click Done.
Related topics:
Announcements field descriptions on page 653
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Using List Usage Extension
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Announcements.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Select an announcement from the Announcement List.
6. Click More Actions > List Usage Extension.
You can view the details of the announcement through the List Usage for Extension
7. Click Done.
Related topics:
Announcements field descriptions on page 653
Filtering the Announcements list
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Announcements.
3. Click Filter: Enable in the Announcement list.
4. Filter the list according to one or multiple columns.
5. Click Apply.
To hide the column filters, click Disable. This does not clear any filter criteria that
you have set.
The table displays only those options that match the filter criteria.
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Using Advanced Search
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Announcements.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click Advanced Search in Announcement List.
6. In the Criteria section, do the following:
a. Select the search criterion from the first drop-down field.
b. Select the operator from the second drop-down field.
c. Enter the search value in the third field.
If you want to add a search condition, click the plus sign (+) and repeat the substeps
listed in Step 5.
If you want to delete a search condition, click the minus sign ( -) . This button is
available if there is more than one search condition.
7. Click Search.
Announcements field descriptions
Name Description
Name Specifies the filename of the audio file. The
filename can be up to 27 characters and
must be alphanumeric.
Extension Valid extension number for the
announcement. Extension numbers might
not include punctuation.
Group/Board This field indicates whether the
announcements audio file exists on the VAL
board. Type the group number in the format
gggV9 for media gateway vVAL, where ggg
is the gateway number of the media gateway
(up to 250).
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Name Description
Type Specifies the type of the announcement.
Possible values include:
Integ-mus. Integrated music type
Integ-rep. Integrated repeating type
Integrated. Stored internally on a special
integrated announcement circuit pack. Use
this for general announcements and VDN
of Origin Announcements.
Protected Use this field to set the protection mode for
an integrated announcement.
When you set this field to y, the recording is
protected and cannot be deleted or changed
through a telephone session or FTP.
When you set this field to n, you can change
or delete the recording if you have the
corresponding console permissions.
Rate The recording rate speed for
announcements. If the VAL board is
administered on the circuit packs form, then
64 (64Kbps) automatically appears in this
COR The Class of Restriction associated with this
TN Specifies the tenant partition number of the
announcement. Valid entries include 1 to
Queue Specifies the announcement queuing or
barge-in. Possible values include:
no (default)- indicates that the
announcement does not play if a port is not
yes indicates that the request queues
when all ports on the circuit pack are busy.
The announcement plays when a port
becomes available. This setting is used in
most call center applications.
bargain indicates that you can connect
callers to the announcement at any time
while it is playing. With n or y, the caller is
always connected to the beginning of the
Size The size of the audio file in kilobytes.
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Name Description
Timestamp The date and time the audio file was created
or modified. This changes each time the
audio file is uploaded.
System Specifies the name of the Communication
Manager associated with the
Audio File Information
Name Description
Use Unused Wave File Select the check box to use an audio file that
has not been used yet.
Upload Audio File You can upload an audio file through this
option by browsing to the file you want to
More Actions in Audio Groups field description
Name Description
File Name Specifies the filename of the audio file. The
filename can be up to 27 characters and
must be alphanumeric.
File Size The size of the audio file in kilobytes.
Backup Announcement Properties Backs up the announcement property
Backup Wave Files Backs up the WAVE files only
Backup Both (Announcement Properties
with associated wave file)
Backs up both the announcement property
and the WAVE file for the announcement.
Restore Announcement Properties Restores only your announcement
Restore Wave Files Restores only the wave files present for the
Restore Both (Announcement Properties
with associated wave file)
Restores both the announcement property
and the wave file for the announcement.
VAL Board Specifies the group number of the VAL
board. Type the group number in the format
gggV9 for media gateway vVAL, where ggg
is the gateway number of the media gateway
(up to 250).
Type the board format as: cabinet(01-64):
carrier(A-E): slot(01-20). For example,
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Name Description
Type Specifies whether the Announcement is a
VAL Announcement or a Media Gateway
(MG) Announcement.
Transfer Mode Type of transfer used to backup or restore or
upload audio files. Possible values are FTP,
SFTP, and, SCP.
Used By Specifies the object in which the extension is
used. For example Endpoint, Announcement
Object info Specifies the details of the object.
Used as Specifies how the extension is used in the
Button Description
Commit Completes the action you initiate.
Schedule Performs the action at the chosen time.
Reset Clears the action and resets the field.
Clear Clears all the entries.
Edit Allows you to edit the fields in the page.
Done Completes your current action and takes you
to the subsequent page.
Cancel Cancels your current action and takes you to
the previous page.
Download Downloads the audio files or announcement
Now Performs the action you initiate real time.
Restore Restores your announcements on the voice
system you select.
Audio Groups
What is an audio group?
An audio group is a logical container that holds VAL sources. An audio group can hold several
VAL Sources which can be VAL Boards or media gateways.
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Adding an audio group
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Audio Group.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click New.
6. Complete the Add Audio Groups page and click Commit.
Related topics:
Audio Groups field descriptions on page 659
Editing an audio group
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Audio Group.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Select the audio group you want to edit.
6. Click Edit or View > Edit.
7. Edit the required fields and click Commit to save the changes.
Related topics:
Audio Groups field descriptions on page 659
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Viewing an audio group
1. On the System Manager console, under Elements, click Communication
2. Click Call Center > Audio Group in the left navigation pane.
3. Select a Communication Manager from the Communication Manager list.
4. Click Show List.
5. Select the audio group you want to view.
6. Click View to view the properties of the audio group.
Related topics:
Audio Groups field descriptions on page 659
Deleting an audio group
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Audio Group.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Select the audio groups you want to delete from the Audio Groups List.
6. Click Delete.
7. Confirm to delete the audio groups.
Using More Actions
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
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2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Audio Group.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Select an audio group from the Audio Groups List.
6. Click More Actions.
7. Do one of the following:
Click Backup to back up the audio groups you selected on a voice system.
Click Download to download the audio groups you selected.
Click Restore to restore the audio groups on a voice system you select.
Related topics:
Audio Groups field descriptions on page 659
Audio Groups field descriptions
Name Description
System Specifies the device type. In this case, the
Communication Manager you choose.
Group Number Specifies the audio group number.
Group Name Specifies the name of the audio group.
Members List
Name Description
Group/Board This field indicates whether the
announcements audio file exists on the VAL
board. Type the group number in the format
gggV9 for media gateway vVAL, where ggg
is the gateway number of the media gateway
(up to 250).
Is Member Specifies whether the VAL board or the
Media gateway shown is a member in the
audio group.
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You can filter the Members list according to one or multiple columns using the Filter:
Enable option in the list.
More Actions in Announcements- field descriptions
Name Description
CM Specifies the Communication Manager you
have chosen.
Backup Announcement Properties Backs up the announcement property.
Backup Wave Files Backs up the waves files only.
Backup Both (Announcement Properties
with associated wave file)
Backs up both the announcement property
and the wave file for the announcement.
File Name Name of the audio group.
File Size Specifies the size of the audio file in
Restore Announcement Properties Restores only your announcement
Restore Wave Files Restores only the wave files present for the
Restore Both (Announcement properties
with Associated wave file)
Restores both the announcement property
and the wave file for the announcement.
Restore from client Select this checkbox if you want to restore
from the client machine.
Button Description
Commit Performs the action you initiate.
Schedule Performs the action at the specified time.
Reset Clears the action and resets the fields.
Clear Clears all the entries.
Done Completes your current action and takes you
to the subsequent page.
Cancel Cancels your current action and takes you to
the previous page.
Restore Restores your announcements on the voice
system you select.
Backup Backs up the audio files that you select.
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Button Description
Download Downloads the audio files or announcement
Now Performs the action you initiate real time.
Vector Directory Number
Vector Directory Number
The Vector Directory Number capability defines the vector directory numbers (VDN) for the
Call Vectoring feature. A VDN is an extension number used to access a call vector. Each VDN
is mapped to one call vector. VDNs are software extension numbers that is, not assigned to
physical equipment. A VDN is accessed through direct dial local telephone company central
office trunks mapped to the VDN (incoming destination or night service extension), DID trunks,
and LDN calls. The VDN can be Night Destination for LDN.
Vector Directory Number List
Vector Directory Number List displays all the Vector Directory Number (VDN) details under the
Communication Manager you select. You can view the usage list of the extension you select
in this list. You can also apply filters and sort each of the columns in the Vector Directory
Number List.
When you click Refresh, you can view the updated information available after the last
synchronization operation.
Name Description
Extension Displays the extension number of the Vector
Directory Number.
Name Displays the name associated with the
Vector Directory Number.
Destination Indicates whether the calls are routed using
a Vector Number or Policy Routing Table.
Allow VDN Override Indicates whether the routed-to Vector
Directory Number is changed to active VDN
for the call.
COR Displays the Class Of Restriction (COR) of
the Vector Directory Number consisting of a
one or two-digit number.
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Name Description
TN Displays the tenant partition number.
System Specifies the name of the Communication
Manager associated with the vector directory
Adding Vector Directory Number
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Vector Directory Number.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click New.
6. Complete the Add Vector Directory Number (VDN) page and click Commit.
Viewing Vector Directory Number
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Vector Directory Number.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. From the Vector Directory Number List, select the vector directory number you want
to view.
6. Click View.
Editing Vector Directory Number
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1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Vector Directory Number.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. From the Vector Directory Number List, select the vector directory number you want
to edit.
6. Click Edit or click View > Edit.
7. Edit the required fields on the Edit Directory Number (VDN) page.
8. Click Commit to save the changes.
Deleting Vector Directory Number
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Vector Directory Number.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. From the Vector Directory Number List, select the vector directory number you want
to delete.
6. Click Delete.
7. Confirm to delete the vector directory number.
List Usage Extension in Vector Directory Number
1. On the System Manager console, under Elements, click Communication
2. Click Call Center > Vector Directory Number in the left navigation pane.
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3. Select a Communication Manager from the Communication Manager list.
4. Click Show List.
5. From the Vector Directory Number List, select a vector directory number.
6. Click More Actions > List Usage Extension.
7. Click Done.
You can view the details of the vector directory number in the List Usage for
Extension list.
Vector Routing Table
Vector Routing Table
Use Vector Routing Table to store ANI or digits that you refer to in the goto vector steps. This
capability is available only if the Vectoring (G3V4 Enhanced) field on the System-Parameters
Customer-Options screen is set to y.
Vector Routing Table List
Vector Routing Table List displays all the Vector Routing Tables under the Communication
Manager you select. You can also apply filters and sort each of the columns in the Vector
Routing Table List.
When you click Refresh, you can view the updated information available after the last
synchronization operation.
Name Description
Number Displays the table number you entered on
the command line.
Name Displays the 1 to 15-character alphanumeric
table name. By default, this field is blank.
Sort Enables you to sort the digit fields.
Number Of Entries Displays the number of entries in the dialing
System Specifies the name of the Communication
Manager associated with the Vector Routing
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Adding Vector Routing Table
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Vector Routing Table.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click New.
6. Complete the Add Vector Routing Table page and click Commit.
Related topics:
Vector Routing Table field descriptions on page 667
Viewing Vector Routing Table
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Vector Routing Table.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. From the Vector Routing Table List, select the vector routing table you want to
6. Click View.
Related topics:
Vector Routing Table field descriptions on page 667
Editing Vector Routing Table
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1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Vector Routing Table.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. From the Vector Routing Table List, select the vector routing table you want to
6. Click Edit or View > Edit.
7. Edit the required fields on the Edit Vector Routing Table page.
8. Click Commit to save the changes.
Related topics:
Vector Routing Table field descriptions on page 667
Deleting Vector Routing Table
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Call Center > Vector Routing Table.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. From the Vector Routing Table List, select the vector routing tables you want to
6. Click Delete.
7. Confirm to delete the selected vector routing tables.
Related topics:
Vector Routing Table field descriptions on page 667
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Vector Routing Table field descriptions
Field Description
Name Specifies the 1 to 15-character alphanumeric
table name or blank. By default, this field is
Number Specifies the table number you entered on
the command line. This is a display-only
Digit String Entries in this field can include the plus sign
(+) and question mark (?) wildcard. The plus
sign (+) represents a group of digits. The
question mark (?) represents a single digit.
By default, this field is blank.
The field is limited to 16 characters and these
characters are restricted as follows:
You can enter only a plus sign (+), a
question mark (?), or the numbers 0
through 9. No other entries are valid.
You can enter a plus sign (+) as either the
first or last character in the number field.
However, you cannot use this character as
the sixteenth character of the number
You can use unlimited question marks (?)
anywhere in the number field.
You should not embed blanks in the
number field.
You can leave the field entirely blank. If you
do, the communication server will store the
entry as a null value.
Sort Provides the option to sort the digit fields. By
default, this check box is clear. If you do not
to sort the numbers, they will remain in the
order that you entered them. If you sort the
number fields, they will be sorted as
described below. Remember that leading
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Field Description
zeros are significant. That means that 02 will
sort ahead of a 2 followed by a space.
Any plus signs (+) will sort first.
Any question marks (?) will sort second.
All numbers (0-9) will sort last.
Route Number Displays the static route numbers that are
available in the selected vector routing
Button Description
Commit Completes the action you initiate.
Schedule Performs the action at the chosen time.
Reset Clears the action and resets the field.
Clear Clears all entries.
Edit Allows you to edit the fields in the page.
Done Completes your current action and takes you
to the subsequent page.
Cancel Cancels your current action and takes you to
the previous page.
Now Performs the action you initiate in real time.
Coverage Path
Coverage Path
Use Coverage Path to implement call coverage paths by providing the means to specify the
call coverage criteria, the points in the coverage path used to redirect calls, and the number
of times a principal telephone rings before the call redirects to coverage.
Coverage Path List
Coverage Path List displays all the coverage path details under the Communication Manager
you select. You can also apply filters and sort each column in the Coverage Path List.
When you click Refresh, you can view the updated information available after the last
synchronization operation.
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Name Description
Coverage Path Number Displays the coverage path that is being
Next Path Number Displays the number of the next coverage
path in a coverage path chain.
Hunt after Coverage Indicates whether the coverage treatment is
continued or terminated.
Number of Rings Displays the number of times a telephone
rings before the system redirects the call to
the first point in the coverage path.
System Specifies the name of the Communication
Manager associated with the coverage
Adding Coverage Path
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Coverage > Coverage Path.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click New.
6. Complete the Coverage Path page and click Commit.
Related topics:
Coverage Path on page 671
Viewing a Coverage Path
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Coverage > Coverage Path.
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3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. From the Coverage Path List, select the coverage path you want to view.
6. Click View.
Related topics:
Coverage Path on page 671
Editing a Coverage Path
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Coverage > Coverage Path.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. From the Coverage Path List, select the coverage path you want to edit.
6. Click Edit or click View > Edit.
7. Edit the required fields on the Edit Coverage Path page.
8. Click Commit to save the changes.
Related topics:
Coverage Path on page 671
Deleting a Coverage Path
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Coverage > Coverage Path.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
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4. Click Show List.
5. From the Coverage Path List, select the coverage path you want to delete.
6. Click Delete.
7. Confirm to delete the coverage path.
Related topics:
Coverage Path on page 671
Coverage Path
Implements Call Coverage Paths by providing the means to specify the call coverage criteria,
the points in the coverage path used to redirect calls, and the number of times a principals
telephone rings before the call redirects to coverage.
Coverage Path Number
The coverage path being administered.
Cvg Enabled for VDN Route-To Party
Enables or disables the route-to party coverage path after a covered call hits a VDN vector
route-to step. By default, the value is n.
Holiday Coverage
Use the Holiday Coverage field to redirect all calls during a holiday to a coverage path. For
Holiday Coverage to function, set the Dont Answer field to y.
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You must set the Holiday Coverage field separately for internal and external calls.
Valid Entry Usage
y Communication Manager checks the Holiday Table screen for a specific
holiday entry. If an entry on the Holiday Table screen matches with the
current date and time, Communication Manager forwards the call to the
first point that is defined in the coverage path. If there is no entry that
matches with the current date and time, Communication Manager
forwards the call to the subsequent point that is defined in the coverage
n Communication Manager forwards the call to the subsequent point in the
coverage path.
Holiday Table
Available only when Holiday Coverage is set to y for inside or outside calls.
The number of the holiday table used for holiday coverage.
Hunt After Coverage
Valid Entry Usage
y Coverage treatment continues by searching for an available station in a
hunt chain that begins with the hunt-to-station assigned to the station of
the last coverage point.
n Coverage treatment is terminated. The call is left at the last available
location, the principal or coverage point.
One or two additional coverage paths in the coverage path chain.
Next Path Number
Valid Entry Usage
1 to 9999 The number of the next coverage path in a coverage path chain. If the
coverage criteria of the current coverage path is dissatisfied, the system
checks in this chain until it finds a coverage path with redirection criteria
that matches the call status. If the chain is exhausted before the system
finds a match, the call stays out of coverage.
blank The only path for the principal.
Use this field to assign a coverage criteria. When the coverage criteria is met, the system
redirects the call to coverage.
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Valid Entry Usage
y The system redirects the call if at least one call appearance is busy.
n The system does not redirect the call.
Use this field to assign a coverage criteria. When the coverage criteria is met, the system
redirects the call to coverage.
Valid Entry Usage
y The system redirects the call if all call appearances that accept incoming
calls are busy.
n The system does not redirect the call.
Dont Answer
Use this field to assign a coverage criteria. When the coverage criteria is met, the system
redirects the call to coverage.
Valid Entry Usage
y The system redirects the call when the specified number of rings have
been exceeded.
n The system does not redirect the call.
Use this field to assign a coverage criteria. When the coverage criteria is met, the system
redirects the call to coverage.
Valid Entry Usage
y The system redirects all calls to coverage. This option overrides any other
Calls redirect immediately to coverage. Overrides any other criteria
administered for this field.
n The system does not redirect the call.
DND/SAC/Go to Cover
Use this field to assign a coverage criteria. When the coverage criteria is met, the system
redirects the call to coverage.
Valid entry Usage
y With this option, a calling user, when calling to another internal extension,
can redirect a call immediately to coverage by pressing the Go to
Cover button. A principal user can temporarily direct all incoming calls to
coverage, regardless of the other assigned coverage criteria by pressing
the Send All Calls or Do Not Disturb button. With the Send All Calls
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Valid entry Usage
button, covering users can temporarily remove their telephones from the
coverage path.
You must assign this criteria before a user can activate Do Not
Disturb (Hospitality Services), Send All Calls (SAC), or Go to
Cover features.
n The system does not redirect the call.
Logged off/PSA/TTI
Use this field to assign a coverage criteria. When the coverage criteria is met, the system
redirects the call to coverage.
The system displays this field only when you set the Criteria for Logged Off/PSA/TTI
Stations field to y.
Valid Entry Usage
y The system redirects the call after the number of rings exceeds the value
specified in the Number of Rings field. The system displays the
associated Number of Rings field only when the Logged off/PSA/TTI
field is set to y.
n The system does not redirect the call.
Number of Rings
Valid Entry Usage
1 to 99 The number of times a telephone rings before the system redirects the
call to the first point in the coverage path. By default, the value is 2.
Point1, Point2, Point3, Point4, Point5, Point6
The alternate destinations that comprise a coverage path. Coverage points must be assigned
sequentially without steps beginning with Point 1. Each path can have up to six coverage
Subsequent coverage points should be unlisted if calls are redirected to:
Message Center, a special Uniform Call Distribution hunt group
Voice messaging
The attendant
These calls normally queue and never redirect to another coverage point. Calls to hunt group
queue if possible. Calls redirect from a hunt group only if all hunt group members are busy and
either the queue is full, or is nonexistent.
If the Coverage of Calls Redirected Off-Net feature is not supported, a remote coverage point
functions as the last point in the coverage path because the system can no longer control calls
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once they redirect off-net. However, if the Coverage of Calls Redirected Off-Net feature is
enabled, calls redirected off-net can be monitored by the system and brought back for call
coverage processing.
Valid Entry Usage
extension Redirects the call to an internal extension or announcement.
When entering a shortened extension of a Multi-Location Dial Plan in
a field designed for announcement extensions, certain administration
and validation of announcement extensions are not performed.
Therefore, the system does not display resultant warnings or submittal
denials. Extra care should be taken to administer the correct type of
announcement for the application if assigning shortened extensions.
attd Redirects the call to the attendant or attendant group. If the system has
Centralized Attendant Service (CAS), the call goes to the CAS
h1 to h999 Redirects the call to the corresponding hunt-group, for example, h32
routes to hunt group 32.
c1 to c750
c1 to c1000
Media Servers)
Redirects the call to the corresponding coverage answer group, for
example, c20 routes to call coverage answer group 20.
r1 to r999
r1 to r1000
(Media Servers)
Redirects the call to the corresponding remote coverage point number,
for example, r27 routes to remote coverage point 27.
v + extension Redirects the call to the corresponding Vector Directory Number (VDN)
extension, for example, v12345 routes to the VDN associated with
extension 12345.
A VDN can be used only as the last administered point in a coverage
y + extension Redirects the call to an internal extension, announcement, or the
corresponding Vector Directory Number (VDN) extension as per the
current date and time set in Holiday Table.
Valid Entry Usage
1 to 99
The number of rings at this coverage point before the system redirects
the call to the next point in the coverage path.
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Terminate to Coverage Pts. with Bridged Appearances
Valid Entry Usage
y If activated, a call can alert as both a bridged call and a redirected call.
n The call skips the coverage point if it has already alerted as a bridged
Coverage Time-of-day
Coverage Time-of-day
Use Coverage Time-of-day to administer up to five different coverage paths associated with
five different time ranges, for each day of the week. Only one coverage path can be in effect
at a given time.
Coverage Time-of-day List
Coverage Time-of-day List displays all the coverage time-of-day details under the
Communication Manager you select. You can also apply filters and sort each column in the
Coverage Time-of-day List.
When you click Refresh, you can view the updated information available after the last
synchronization operation.
Name Description
Number Displays the Coverage Time-of-day table
System Specifies the name of the Communication
Manager associated with the vector directory
Adding Coverage Time-of-day
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Coverage > Coverage Time-of-day.
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3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click New.
6. Complete the Add Coverage Time-of-day Data page and click Commit.
Related topics:
Time of Day Coverage Table on page 678
Viewing Coverage Time-of-day
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Coverage > Coverage Time-of-day.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. From the Coverage Time-of-day List, select the coverage time-of-day you want to
6. Click View.
Related topics:
Time of Day Coverage Table on page 678
Editing Coverage Time-of-day
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Coverage > Coverage Time-of-day.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
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5. From the Coverage Time-of-day List, select the coverage time-of-day you want to
6. Click Edit or click View > Edit.
7. Edit the required fields on the Edit Coverage Time-of-day Data page.
8. Click Commit to save the changes.
Related topics:
Time of Day Coverage Table on page 678
Deleting Coverage Time-of-day
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Coverage > Coverage Time-of-day.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. From the Coverage Time-of-day List, select the coverage time-of-day you want to
6. Click Delete.
7. Confirm to delete the coverage time-of-day.
Related topics:
Time of Day Coverage Table on page 678
Time of Day Coverage Table
This screen allows administration of up to five different coverage paths, associated with five
different time ranges, for each day of the week. Only one coverage path can be in effect at any
one time.
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Act Time
Valid Entry Usage
00:01 23:59 Specifies the activation time of the associated coverage path. Information
must be entered in 24-hour time format.
If there are time gaps in the table, there will be no coverage path in effect
during those periods. The first activation time for a day is set to 00:00 and
cannot be changed. Activation times for a day must be in ascending order
from left to right.
CVG Path
Valid Entry Usage
1 to 9999
The coverage path number.
Time of Day Coverage Table
Displays the Time of Day Coverage Table number.
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Element Cut-Through
Element Cut-Through
The Element Cut-Through link allows you to access the Communication Manager cut through
the Element Cut-Through page. As an administrator you can have various permissions to
access the Communication Manager cut through.
If you have only Communication Manager level access to Communication Manager1 and
not Communication Manager2 nor Communication Manager3, then you will see only
Communication Manager1 in the list. The other Communication Managers are not shown
in the list at all.
If you have no access to Element Cut-Through on any Communication Manager, then the
Cut-Through navigation item will be grayed out or hidden.
If you have access Element Cut-Through level permissions to some Communication
Managers and not others, then the table displays only those Communication Managers
that you have permissions.
If you do not have Element Cut-Through permissions for a given Communication
Manager, then the system displays an error message stating that you do not have
permission for this operation.
Accessing Element Cut-Through
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Element Cut-Through.
3. On the Element Cut-Through page, click on a Communication Manager.
The system displays the Element Cut-Through page.
Element Cut-Through field descriptions
Name Description
Element Name The name of Communication Manager.
FQDN/IP Address The fully qualified domain name or the IP
address of Communication Manager.
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Name Description
Last Sync Time The time when this Communication Manager
was last synchronized with the
Communication Manager database.
Last Translation Time The time when the last translation of
Communication Manager has been saved.
Sync Type The type of synchronization. The options are
initial and incremental.
Sync Status The status of synchronization. The options
are complete and in progress.
Location The daylight saving time displayed to set the
area code for each location.
Software Version The software version of the Communication
CM Notification The CM Notification is enabled or not while
adding a Communication Manager system in
System Manager.
Button Description
Done Saves your action and returns to the previous
Endpoint management
In System Manager, you can create and manage endpoints using the Manage Endpoints
option. You can also manage other endpoint related objects such as, Alias Endpoints, Intra
Switch CDR, Off PBX Endpoint Mappings, Site Data, and Xmobile Configuration. Additionally,
using the Manage Endpoints option you can also view, edit, and delete endpoints and other
endpoint related objects. System Manager provides support for the following set types:
Category Set Type
IP/SIP Set types 9610SIP/9620SIP/9630SIP/9640SIP/
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DCP Set types 2402/2410/2420
Analog Set types 2500
BRI Set types WCBRI
X-Mobile endpoints XMOBILE. Configured as ISDN DECT, IP
DECT, PHS, or EC500 type endpoints
The set types supported varies based on the Communication Manager versions
Adding an endpoint
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Endpoints > Manage Endpoints.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click New.
6. Select the template based on the set type you want to add.
7. To add the endpoint, complete the New Endpoint page, and click Commit.
Before adding an endpoint, complete the mandatory fields that are marked with a
red asterisk (*). in the General options, Feature Options, Site Data, Data Module/
Analog Adjunct, Abbreviated Call Dialing, Enhanced Call Fwd, and Button
Assignment sections.
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To add an endpoint with a non-supported set type, use Element Cut Through.
For alias endpoints, choose the corresponding Alias set type from the Template
field. System Manager automatically creates a template for the Alias set types
based on the aliased-to set type. Alias endpoint templates have names beginning
with Alias. Before the system displays the Alias endpoint type template in the
drop-down menu, you must create an alias set type on the managed
Communication Manager. You can then use the template to add an endpoint.
Related topics:
Endpoint / Template field descriptions on page 696
Using Native Name
Before you begin
To enter the native name:
- You need the Input Method Editor (IME) application.
- You must enable IME.
If IME is not enabled, the keyboard input remains in the default language.
About this task
Using the IME application, you can enter characters in multiple languages such as Japanese,
Korean, Russian, Arabic, and Chinese without requiring a special keyboard.
The IME icon appears in the Windows system tray and indicates the language you are currently
using. For example, if you are using English, the IME icon in the system tray displays EN. If
you are using French, the IME icon in the system tray displays FR.
1. Click the IME icon in the Windows system tray.
The system displays a menu with the languages installed on your PC.
2. Select the language you want to use.
3. Select the native name from Users > User Management from System Manager
Web Console.
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Editing an endpoint
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Endpoints > Manage Endpoints.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Select the endpoint you want to edit from the Endpoint List.
6. Click Edit or View > Edit.
7. Edit the required fields in the Edit Endpoint page.
8. Click Commit to save the changes.
Related topics:
Endpoint / Template field descriptions on page 696
Duplicating an endpoint
About this task
The Duplicate Endpoint functionality is to support the duplicate station command on
Communication Manager. Use this functionality to copy information from an existing endpoint
and modify it for each new endpoint. For example, you can configure one endpoint as desired
for an entire work group. Then, you merely duplicate this endpoint to all the other extensions
in the group. Note that only endpoints of the same type can be duplicated. This functionality
copies all the feature settings from the selected endpoint to the new endpoints. You can
duplicate up to 16 endpoints at one time.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Endpoints > Manage Endpoints.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
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5. Select the endpoint you want to duplicate from the Endpoint List and click
6. On the Duplicate Endpoint page, complete the required fields.
7. Click Commit to duplicate the endpoint or do one of the following:
Click Schedule to duplicate the endpoint at a specified time.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation.
Related topics:
Endpoint / Template field descriptions on page 696
Viewing an endpoint
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Endpoints > Manage Endpoints.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Select the endpoint you want to view from the Endpoint List.
6. Click View to view the attributes of the endpoint you have chosen.
You cannot edit the fields in the View Endpoint page. To go to the Edit
Endpoint page, click Edit.
Related topics:
Endpoint / Template field descriptions on page 696
Deleting an endpoint
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Endpoints > Manage Endpoints.
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3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Select the endpoint you want to delete from the Endpoint List.
6. Click Delete.
The system displays a confirmation message alerting you to a user associated with
the endpoint. The system highlights these user-associated endpoints in yellow
You cannot delete an endpoint associated with a user through endpoint
management. You can delete the user associated endpoints only through User
Profile Management.
Related topics:
Endpoint / Template field descriptions on page 696
Saving an endpoint as a template
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Endpoints > Manage Endpoints.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click New.
6. Select the template based on the set type you want to add, and complete the New
Endpoint page.
7. To save the current settings as a template, click Save As Template.
8. Enter the name of the template in the Template Name field.
9. Click Save.
10. Click Commit.
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Editing endpoint extensions
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Endpoints > Manage Endpoints.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Select the endpoint from the Endpoint List for which you want to edit the
6. Click More Actions > Edit Endpoint Extension.
7. Complete the Edit Endpoint Extension page and click Commit to save the new
You can use the Edit Endpoint Extension option to change the endpoint
extension. You can also edit the Message Lamp Ext and Emergency Location
Ext fields through Edit Endpoint Extension. Use the Edit option to modify the
other attributes.
Related topics:
Edit Endpoint Extension field descriptions on page 722
Bulk adding endpoints
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Endpoints > Manage Endpoints.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click More Actions > Bulk Add Endpoints.
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6. Complete the Bulk Add Endpoint page and click Commit to bulk add the
The Endpoint Name Prefix field gives the common prefix which appears for all the
endpoints you bulk add. You can enter any prefix name of your choice in this
In the Enter Extensions field, enter the extensions that you want to use. You must
enter the extensions in a serial order and also check for the availability of an
extension before you use it.
With Multi Tenancy, when you add endpoints in bulk, the Communication
Manager devices and the extension range are available according to the Site you
selected in the Communication Manager List page. Tenant Number and
Location fields are auto populated for all the endpoints according to the Site you
COR and COS fields are validated as per the tenant permissions when you add
the endpoints in bulk.
Related topics:
Bulk Add Endpoint field descriptions on page 723
Deleting endpoints in bulk
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Endpoints > Manage Endpoints.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Select More Actions > Bulk Delete Endpoints.
6. On the Bulk Delete Endpoints page, select the Communication Manager from the
System field.
7. Do one of the following:
Select the extension range you want to delete from the Existing
Extensions field.
Type the extensions you want to bulk delete in the Enter Extensions field.
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8. Click Continue.
9. On the Bulk Delete Endpoint Confirmation page, click Now.
Click Schedule to schedule the bulk delete at a later time.
You cannot delete user associated stations.
Filtering endpoints
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Endpoints > Manage Endpoints.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click Filter: Enable in the Endpoint List.
6. Filter the endpoints according to one or multiple columns.
7. Click Apply.
To hide the column filters, click Disable. This action does not clear any filter criteria
that you have set.
The table displays only those endpoints that match the filter criteria.
Related topics:
Endpoint / Template field descriptions on page 696
Using Advanced Search
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Endpoints > Manage Endpoints.
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3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click Advanced Search in the Endpoint list.
6. In the Criteria section, do the following:
a. Select the search criterion from the first drop-down field.
b. Select the operator from the second drop-down field.
c. Enter the search value in the third field.
If you want to add a search condition, click the plus sign (+) and repeat the sub steps
listed in Step 5.
If you want to delete a search condition, click the minus sign (-). This button is
available if there is more than one search condition.
Related topics:
Endpoint / Template field descriptions on page 696
Changing endpoint parameters globally
Use the Global Endpoint Change capability to bulk edit endpoint properties globally across one
or multiple Communication Manager systems.
You can modify the endpoint properties manually or opt to modify the endpoint properties
based on a default template. You can select your preferred default template from the Template
Name drop-down list under the General Options tab. After you select your preferred default
template, the system overwrites the field values under the different property tabs, such as
General Options, Feature Options, and Button Assignment with those in the default template.
You can modify the endpoint properties of the default template to meet your requirement. This
customization does not impact the default template as the system only applies the changes to
the listed extensions.
For example, you can find all the buttons or features with a specific assign and change the
parameters for all those buttons or features respectively, locate new buttons without overwrite,
and change the set type of many endpoints simultaneously as you move from digital to IP or
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Endpoints > Manage Endpoints.
3. On the Endpoints page, select the endpoints from the Endpoints List for which you
want to change the parameters.
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4. Click More Actions > Global Endpoint Change.
5. On the Endpoint Changes page, set the error configuration option in Select Error
Configuration. The options are:
Continue processing other records: When you select this option, the system
skips the erroneous record and continues to process the other records. This
is the default setting.
Abort on first error: When you select this option, the system aborts the
importing process on encountering the first error.
6. Perform one of the following:
Modify the fields manually under each of the tabs, as required.
Under the General Options tab, select your preferred default template from
the Template Name drop-down and update the property fields as required.
The system overwrites all the field values with those in the template. This
update does not affect the default template as the system only applies the
changes to the listed extensions.
7. Click Commit to apply the changes to the endpoint parameters, or do one of the
Click Schedule to change the endpoint parameters at a specified time.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation.
Related topics:
Endpoint / Template field descriptions on page 696
Viewing endpoint status
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Endpoints > Manage Endpoints.
3. From the Endpoint List, select the endpoints whose status you want to view.
4. Click Maintenance > Status.
The system displays the status of the selected endpoint on the Element Cut Through
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Related topics:
Endpoint / Template field descriptions on page 696
Error codes on page 724
Busy out endpoints
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Endpoints > Manage Endpoints.
3. Select the endpoints you want to busy out from the Endpoint List.
This maintenance operation is service affecting.
4. Click Maintenance > Busyout Endpoint.
5. On the Busyout Endpoint Confirmation page, click Now to busy out the endpoints
or do one of the following:
Click Schedule to perform the busy out at a specified time.
Click Cancel to cancel the busy out.
The system displays the result of the busy out operation on the Busyout Endpoint Report
Related topics:
Endpoint / Template field descriptions on page 696
Error codes on page 724
Releasing endpoints
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Endpoints > Manage Endpoints.
3. Select the endpoints you want to release from the Endpoint List.
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This maintenance operation is service affecting.
4. Click Maintenance > Release Endpoint.
5. On the Release Endpoint Confirmation page, click Now to release the endpoints
or do one of the following:
Click Schedule to perform the release at a specified time.
Click Cancel to cancel the release.
The system displays the result of the release operation on the Release Endpoint Report
Related topics:
Endpoint / Template field descriptions on page 696
Error codes on page 724
Testing endpoints
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Endpoints > Manage Endpoints.
3. Select the endpoints you want to test from the Endpoint List.
This maintenance operation is service affecting.
4. Click Maintenance > Test Endpoint.
5. On the Test Endpoint Confirmation page, click Now to test the endpoints or do one
of the following:
Click Schedule to test the endpoints at a specified time.
Click Cancel to cancel the test operation.
The system displays the Test Endpoint Report page, where you can view the test result and
error code of the endpoint. Click the Error Code Description link to view the error details.
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Related topics:
Endpoint / Template field descriptions on page 696
Error codes on page 724
Using Clear AMW All
Clear AMW All is one of maintenance operations listed under the Maintenance drop-down on
the Manage Endpoints page. You can perform this operation on a single or multiple endpoints
from the Endpoint List. In this maintenance operation, for each endpoint, the system runs the
following SAT command
clear amw all <endpoint>
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Endpoints > Manage Endpoints.
3. Select the endpoints from the Endpoint List for which you want to use this
4. Click Maintenance > Clear AMW All.
5. On the Clear AMW All Confirmation page, click Now to perform this task
immediately, or do one of the following:
Click Schedule to perform this task at a specified time.
Click Cancel to cancel this task.
The system displays a confirmation that the command has been completed and
returns you to the Manage Endpoint landing page.
Using Swap Endpoints
About this task
Use this functionality to swap location site data between two endpoints of the same type and
the same Communication Manager system. For Analog and DCP endpoint types, this
functionality also swaps the physical port information. While swapping the endpoint data, you
also have the option to assign new location site data to the endpoints.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Endpoints > Manage Endpoints.
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3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click More Actions > Swap Endpoints.
6. On the Swap Endpoints page, enter endpoint extension values in the fields
Endpoint 1 and Endpoint 2.
7. Click Show Details. The system displays the location site data for each endpoint
under the respective endpoint tabs.
8. Click Commit to swap data between the two endpoints.
9. To assign new values to the endpoints, perform the following:
a. Click the endpoint tab whose data you want to change.
b. Select the Assign data for Endpoint<n> check box.
c. Enter the required values for the endpoint under Descriptions.
d. Click Commit.
Related topics:
Endpoint / Template field descriptions on page 696
Swap Endpoints field descriptions on page 723
Endpoint List
Endpoint List displays all the endpoints under the Communication Managers you select. You
can perform an advanced search on the endpoint list using the search criteria. You can also
apply filters and sort each of the columns in the Endpoint List.
When you click Refresh, you can view the updated information available after the last
synchronization operation.
Name Description
Name Specifies the name of the endpoint.
Extension Specifies the extension of the endpoint.
Port Specifies the port of the endpoint.
Set Type Specifies the set type of the endpoint.
COS Specifies the Class Of Service for the
COR Specifies the Class Of Restriction for the
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Name Description
User If an endpoint is associated with a user, the
system displays the name of that user in this
System Specifies the Communication Manager of
the endpoint.
Add Endpoint Template
Endpoint / Template field descriptions
You can use these fields to perform endpoint / template tasks. This page has the exclusive
fields that occur for endpoints and templates apart from the General options, Feature
Options, Site Data, Data Module/Analog Adjunct, Abbreviated Call Dialing, Enhanced
Call Fwd and Button Assignment sections.
Field description for Endpoints
Name Description
System Specifies the Communication Manager that
the endpoint is assigned to.
Template Specifies all the templates that correspond to
the set type of the endpoint.
Set Type Specifies the set type or the model number
of the endpoint.
Name Specifies the name associated with an
endpoint. The system displays the name you
enter on called telephones that have display
capabilities. In some messaging
applications, such as Communication
Manager Messaging, you enter the user
name (last name first) and their extension to
identify the telephone. The name you enter
is also used for the integrated directory.
When you enter the first name and the last
name of the user associated with an endpoint
in User Management, the Latin translation
of the first name and the last name is auto
populated in the Name field.
Field description for Templates
Name Description
Set Type Specifies the set type or the model of the
endpoint template.
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Template Name Specifies the name of the endpoint template.
You can enter the name of your choice in this
The extension for this station.
The Auxiliary and Analog ports assigned to the station are as follows.
Valid Entry Usage
01 to 64 The first and second numbers are the cabinet numbers.
A to E The third character is the carrier.
01 to 20 The fourth and fifth characters are the slot numbers. G650 has 14
01 to 32 The sixth and seventh characters are the port numbers.
x or X Indicates that there is no hardware associated with the port assignment
since the switch was set up, and the administrator expects that the
extension has a non-IP set. Or, the extension had a non-IP set, and it
dissociated. Use x for Administered WithOut Hardware (AWOH) and
Computer Telephony (CTI) stations, as well as for SBS Extensions.
IP Indicates that there is no hardware associated with the port assignment
since the switch was set up, and the administrator expects that the
extension would have an IP set. This is automatically entered for certain
IP station set types, but you can enter for a DCP set with softphone
permissions. This changes to the s00000 type when the set registers.
xxxVmpp Specifies the Branch Gateway.
xxx is the Branch Gateway number, which is in the range 001 to 250.
m is the module number, which is in the range 1 to 9.
pp is the port number, which is in the range 01 to 32.
Analog Trunk
Analog trunk port is available with:
MM711 and MM714 media modules
TN747 and TN797 circuit packs
General Options
Use this section to set the general fields for a station.
Class of Restriction (COR) number with the required restriction.
The Class of Service (COS) number used to select allowed features.
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Emergency Location Ext
The Emergency Location Extension for this station. This extension identifies the street address
or nearby location when an emergency call is made. Defaults to the telephones extension.
Accepts up to thirteen digits.
On the ARS Digit Analysis Table in Communication Manager, 911 must be administered to
be call type emer or alrt for the E911 Emergency feature to work properly.
Message Lamp Ext
The extension of the station tracked with the message waiting lamp.
Valid Entry Usage
1 to 100 The Tenant Partition number.
Coverage Path 1 or Coverage Path 2
The coverage-path number or time-of-day table number assigned to the station.
If Modified Misoperation is active, a Coverage Path must be assigned to all stations on
Communication Manager.
Lock Messages
Controls access to voice messages by other users.
Valid Entry Usage
y Restricts other users from reading or canceling the voice messages, or
retrieving messages using Voice Message Retrieval.
n Allows other users to read, cancel, or retrieve messages.
Multibyte Language
When you configure endpoints, if the localized display name contains multiscript language
characters, then you must set the locale or multibyte language. You can set the locale using
the Multibyte Language field. The possible values for the Multibyte Language field are:
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Not Applicable
In User Management > Manage Users > Identity, if you choose the Simplified Chinese,
Traditional Chinese, or Japanese from the Language Preference field for a user, the
appropriate language is auto populated in the Multibyte Language field for the same user. If
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you choose any other language from the Language Preference field, the system displays Not
Applicable in the Multibyte Language field.
Continue on Error
When the system encounters an error, provides an option to continue or abort the
implementation of parameter changes.
Security Code
The security code required by users for specific system features and functions are as follows:
Extended User Administration of Redirected Calls
Personal Station Access
Redirection of Calls Coverage Off-Net
Leave Word Calling
Extended Call Forwarding
Station Lock
Voice Message Retrieval
Terminal Self-Administration
Enterprise Mobility User
Extension to Cellular
Call Forwarding
Posted Messages
Security Violation Notification
Demand Printing
The required security code length is administered system wide.
Feature Options
This section lets you set features unique to a particular voice terminal type.
Bridged Call Alerting
Controls how the user is alerted to incoming calls on a bridged appearance.
Valid Entry Usage
y The bridged appearance rings when a call arrives at the primary
n The bridged appearance flashes but does not ring when a call arrives at
the primary telephone. This is the default.
If disabled and Per Button Ring Control is also disabled, audible ringing
is suppressed for incoming calls on bridged appearances of another
telephones primary extension.
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The system displays this field only when you set the Multiple Locations field on the system
parameters customer options screen to y, and set the Type field to H.323 or SIP station
Valid entry Usage
1 to 2000
(Depending on your server configuration, see Avaya Aura

Communication Manager System Capacities Table, 03-300511.)

Assigns the location number to a particular station. Allows IP telephones
and softphones connected through a VPN to be associated with the
branch an employee is assigned to. This field is one way to associate a
location with a station. For the other ways and for a list of features that
use location, see the Location sections in Avaya Aura

Manager Feature Description and Implementation, 555-245-205.
blank Indicates that the existing location algorithm applies. By default, the
value is blank.
Active Station Ringing
Defines how calls ring to the telephone when it is off-hook without affecting how calls ring at
this telephone when the telephone is on-hook.
Valid Entry Usage
continuous All calls to this telephone ring continuously.
single Calls to this telephone receive one ring cycle and then ring silently.
if-busy-single Calls to this telephone ring continuously when the telephone is off-hook
and idle. Calls to this telephone receive one ring cycle and then ring
silently when the telephone is off-hook and active.
silent All calls to this station ring silently.
Auto Answer
In an Expert Agent Environment (EAS) environment, the auto answer setting for an Agent
LoginID overrides the endpoint settings when the agent logs in.In EAS environments, the auto
answer setting for the Agent LoginID can override a stations setting when an agent logs in.
Valid entry Usage
all All ACD and non-ACD calls to an idle station cut through immediately.
The agent cannot use automatic hands-free answer for intercom calls.
With non-ACD calls, the station rings while the call is cut through. To
prevent the station from ringing, activate the ringer-off feature button,
provided the Allow Ringer-off with Auto-Answer feature is enabled for the
acd Only ACD split, ACD skill, and direct agent calls cut through. Non-ACD
calls to the station ring audibly.
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Valid entry Usage
For analog stations:
Only the ACD split or skill calls and direct agent calls cut through.
Non-ACD calls receive busy treatment. If the station is active on an
ACD call and a non-ACD call arrives, the agent receives call-waiting
none All calls to the station receive an audible ringing.
icom The user can answer an intercom call from the same intercom group
without pressing the intercom button.
MWI Served User Type
Controls the auditing or interrogation of a served users message waiting indicator (MWI).
Valid Entries Usage
fp-mwi The station is a served user of an fp-mwi message center.
qsig-mwi The station is a served user of a qsig-mwi message center.
blank The served users MWI is not audited or if the user is not a served user
of either an fp-mwi or qsig-mwi message center.
Coverage After Forwarding
Governs whether an unanswered forwarded call is provided coverage treatment.
Valid Entry Usage
y Coverage treatment is provided after forwarding regardless of the
administered system-wide coverage parameters.
n No coverage treatment is provided after forwarding regardless of the
administered system-wide coverage parameters.
s(ystem) Administered system-wide coverage parameters determine treatment.
Per Station CPN - Send Calling Number
Determines Calling Party Number (CPN) information sent on outgoing calls from this station.
Valid Entries Usage
y All outgoing calls from the station deliver the CPN information as
Presentation Allowed.
n No CPN information is sent for the call.
r Outgoing non-DCS network calls from the station delivers the Calling
Party Number information as Presentation Restricted.
blank The sending of CPN information for calls is controlled by administration
on the outgoing trunk group the calls are carried on.
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Display Language
Valid Entry Usage
The language that displays on stations.
Time of day is displayed in 24-hour format (00:00 - 23:59) for all
languages except English, which is displayed in 12-hour format (12:00
a.m. to 11:59 p.m.).
unicode Displays English messages in a 24-hour format. If no Unicode file is
installed, displays messages in English by default.
Unicode display is only available for Unicode-supported telephones.
Currently, 4610SW, 4620SW, 4621SW, 4622SW, 16xx, 96xx, 96x1,
and 9600-series telephones (Avaya one-X Deskphone Edition SIP R2
or later) support Unicode display. Unicode is also an option for DP1020
(aka 2420J) and SP1020 (Toshiba SIP Phone) telephones when
enabled for the system.
Personalized Ringing Pattern
Defines the personalized ringing pattern for the station. Personalized Ringing allows users of
some telephones to have one of 8 ringing patterns for incoming calls. For virtual stations, this
field dictates the ringing pattern on its mapped-to physical telephone.
L = 530 Hz, M = 750 Hz, and H = 1060 Hz
Valid Entries Usage
1 MMM (standard ringing)
Hunt-to Station
The extension the system must hunt to for this telephone when the telephone is busy. You can
create a station hunting chain by assigning a hunt-to station to a series of telephones.
Remote Softphone Emergency Calls
Tells Communication Manager how to handle emergency calls from the IP telephone.
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An Avaya IP endpoint can dial emergency calls (for example, 911 calls in the U.S.). It only
reaches the local emergency service in the Public Safety Answering Point area where the
telephone system has local trunks. You cannot use an Avaya IP endpoint to dial to and
connect with local emergency service when dialing from remote locations that do not have
local trunks. Avoid using an Avaya IP endpoint to dial emergency numbers for emergency
services when dialing from remote locations. Avaya Inc. is not responsible or liable for any
damages resulting from misplaced emergency calls made from an Avaya endpoint. Your
use of this product indicates that you have read this advisory and agree to use an alternative
telephone to dial all emergency calls from remote locations. If you have questions about
emergency calls from IP telephones, go to the Avaya Support website at http://
Available only if the station is an IP Softphone or a remote office station.
Valid Entry Usage
as-on-local If the emergency location extension that corresponds to this station's IP
address is not administered (left blank), the value as-on-local sends the
station emergency location extension to the Public Safety Answering
Point (PSAP).
If the administrator populates the IP address mapping with emergency
numbers, the value as-on-local functions as follows:
If the station emergency location extension is the same as the IP
address mapping emergency location extension, the value as-on-
local sends the station's own extension to the Public Safety Answering
Point (PSAP).
If the station emergency location extension is different from the IP
address mapping emergency location extension, the value as-on-
local sends the IP address mapping extension to the Public Safety
Answering Point (PSAP).
block Prevents the completion of emergency calls. Use this entry for users who
move around but always have a circuit-switched telephone nearby, and
for users who are farther away from the server than an adjacent area
code served by the same 911 Tandem office. When users attempt to dial
an emergency call from an IP Telephone and the call is blocked, they can
dial 911 from a nearby circuit-switched telephone instead.
cesid Allows Communication Manager to send the CESID information supplied
by the IP Softphone to the PSAP. The end user enters the emergency
information into the IP Softphone.
Use this entry for IP Softphones with road warrior service that are near
enough to the server that an emergency call reaches the PSAP that
covers the softphone's physical location. If the server uses ISDN trunks
for emergency calls, the digit string is the telephone number, provided
that the number is a local direct-dial number with the local area code, at
the physical location of the IP Softphone. If the server uses CAMA trunks
for emergency calls, the end user enters a specific digit string for each
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Valid Entry Usage
IP Softphone location, based on advice from the local emergency
response personnel.
option Allows the user to select the option (extension, block, or cesid) that the
user selected during registration and the IP Softphone reported. This
entry is used for extensions that can be swapped back and forth between
IP Softphones and a telephone with a fixed location.
The user chooses between block and cesid on the softphone. A DCP or
IP telephone in the office automatically selects the extension.
Service Link Mode
Determines the duration of the service link connection. The service link is the combined
hardware and software multimedia connection between an Enhanced mode complexs H.320
DVC system and a server running Avaya Communication Manager that terminates the H.320
protocol. When the user receives or makes a call during a multimedia or IP Softphone or IP
Telephone session, a service link is established.
Valid Entry Usage
as-needed Used for most multimedia, IP Softphone, or IP Telephone users. Setting
the Service Link Mode to as-needed leaves the service link connected
for 10 seconds after the user ends a call so that they can immediately
place or take another call. After 10 seconds, the link is drops. A new link
need to be established to place or take another call.
permanent Used for busy call center agents and other users who are constantly
placing or receiving multimedia, IP Softphone, or IP Telephone calls. In
permanent mode, the service link stays up for the duration of the
multimedia, IP Softphone, or IP Telephone application session.
Loss Group
Valid Entry Usage
1 to 17 Determines which administered two-party row in the loss plan applies to
each station. Is not displayed for stations that do not use loss, such as x-
mobile stations.
Controls the behavior of speakerphones.
Valid Entry Usage
1-way Indicates that the speakerphone listen-only.
2-way Indicates that the speakerphone is both talk and listen.
grp-listen With Group Listen, a telephone user can talk and listen to another party
with the handset or headset while the telephones two-way speakerphone
is in the listen-only mode. Others in the room can listen, but cannot speak
to the other party through the speakerphone. The person talking on the
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Valid Entry Usage
handset acts as the spokesperson for the group. Group Listen provides
reduced background noise and improves clarity during a conference call
when a group needs to discuss what is being communicated to another
Available only with 6400-series and 2420/2410 telephones.
none Not administered for a speakerphone.
LWC Reception
Use this field to indicate where the LWC messages must be stored.
Valid entry Usage
spe Use this option to store LWC messages in the system or on the Switch
Processor Element (SPE). This is the default option.
none Use this option if you do not want to store LWC messages.
audix Use this option to store LWC messages on the voice messaging
Survivable COR
Sets a level of restriction for stations to be used with the survivable dial plan to limit certain
users to only to certain types of calls. You can list the restriction levels in order from the most
restrictive to least restrictive. Each level has the calling ability of the ones above it. This field
is used by PIM module of the Integrated Management to communicate with the Communication
Manager administration tables and obtain the class of service information. PIM module builds
a managed database to send for Standard Local Survivability (SLS) on the Branch
Available for all analog and IP station types.
Valid Entries Usage
emergency This station can only be used to place emergency calls.
internal This station can only make intra-switch calls. This is the default.
local This station can only make calls that are defined as locl, op, svc, or hnpa
in the Survivable Gateway Call Controller's routing tables.
toll This station can place any national toll calls that are defined as fnpa or
natl on the Survivable Gateway Call Controller's routing tables.
unrestricted This station can place a call to any number defined in the Survivable
Gateway Call Controller's routing tables. Those strings marked as deny
are also denied to these users.
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Time of Day Lock Table
Valid Entry Usage
1 to 5 Assigns the station to a Time of Day (TOD) Lock/Unlock table. The
assigned table must be administered and active.
blank Indicates no TOD Lock/Unlock feature is active. This is the default.
Survivable GK Node Name
Any valid previously-administered IP node name. Identifies the existence of other H.323
gatekeepers located within gateway products that offer survivable call features. For example,
the MultiTech MVPxxx-AV H.323 gateway family and the SLS function within the Branch
Gateways. When a valid IP node name is entered into this field, Communication Manager adds
the IP address of this gateway to the bottom of the Alternate Gatekeeper List for this IP network
region. As H.323 IP stations register with Communication Manager, this list is sent down in the
registration confirm message. With this, the IP station can use the IP address of this Survivable
Gatekeeper as the call controller of last resort.
If blank, there are no external gatekeeper nodes within a customer's network. This is the default
Available only if the station type is an H.323 station for the 46xx or 96xx models.
Media Complex Ext
When used with Multi-media Call Handling, indicates which extension is assigned to the data
module of the multimedia complex. Users can dial this extension to place either a voice or a
data call, and voice conversion, coverage, and forwarding apply as if the call were made to
the 1-number.
Valid Entry Usage
A valid BRI data
For MMCH, enter the extension of the data module that is part of this
multimedia complex.
H.323 station
For 4600 series IP Telephones, enter the corresponding H.323 station.
For IP Softphone, enter the corresponding H.323 station. If you enter a
value in this field, you can register this station for either a road-warrior or
telecommuter/Avaya IP Agent application.
blank Leave this field blank for single-connect IP applications.
The voice messaging system associated with the station. Must contain a user-defined adjunct
name that was previously administered.
Call Appearance Display Format
Specifies the display format for the station. Bridged call appearances are not affected by this
field. This field is available only on telephones that support downloadable call appearance
buttons, such as the 2420 and 4620 telephones.
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This field sets the administered display value only for an individual station.
Valid Entry Usage
The system uses the administered system-wide default value. This is the
inter-location The system displays the complete extension on downloadable call
appearance buttons.
intra-location The system displays a shortened or abbreviated version of the extension
on downloadable call appearance buttons.
IP Phone Group ID
Available only for H.323 station types.
Valid Entry Usage
0 to 999
The Group ID number for this station.
Always Use
Use this field to enable the following emergency call handling settings:
A softphone can register irrespective of the emergency call handling settings the user has
entered into the softphone. If a softphone dials 911, the value administered in the
Emergency Location Extension field is used as the calling party number. The user-
entered emergency call handling settings of the softphone are ignored.
If an IP telephone dials 911, the value administered in the Emergency Location
Extension field is used as the calling party number.
If an agent dials 911, the physical station extension is used as the calling party number,
overriding the value administered in the LoginID for ISDN Display field.
Does not apply to SCCAN wireless telephones, or to extensions administered as type
Audible Message Waiting
Enables or disables an audible message waiting tone indicating the user has a waiting
message consisting of a stutter dial tone when the user goes off-hook.
This field does not control the Message Waiting lamp.
Available only if Audible Message Waiting is enabled for the system.
Auto Select Any Idle Appearance
Enables or disables automatic selection of any idle appearance for transferred or conferenced
calls. Communication Manager first attempts to find an idle appearance that has the same
extension number as the call being transferred or conferenced has. If that attempt fails,
Communication Manager selects the first idle appearance.
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Bridged Idle Line Preference
Use this field to specify that the line that the system selects when you go off hook is always
an idle call appearance for incoming bridged calls.
Valid entry Usage
y The user connects to an idle call appearance instead of the ringing call.
n The user connects to the ringing bridged appearance.
CDR Privacy
Enables or disables Call Privacy for each station. With CDR Privacy, digits in the called number
field of an outgoing call record can be blanked on a per-station basis. The number of blocked
digits is administered system-wide as CDR parameters.
Conf/Trans On Primary Appearance
Enables or disables the forced use of a primary appearance when the held call to be
conferenced or transferred is a bridge. This is regardless of the administered value for Auto
Select Any Idle Appearance.
Coverage Msg Retrieval
Allows or denies users in the telephones Coverage Path to retrieve Leave Word Calling (LWC)
messages for this telephone. Applies only if the telephone is enabled for LWC Reception.
IP Video
Indicates whether or not this extension has IP video capability. Available only for station type
Data Restriction
Enables or disables data restriction that is used to prevent tones, such as call-waiting tones,
from interrupting data calls. Data restriction provides permanent protection and cannot be
changed by the telephone user. Cannot be assigned if Auto Answer is administered as all or
acd. If enabled, whisper page to this station is denied.
Direct IP-IP Audio Connections
Supports or prohibits direct audio connections between IP endpoints that saves on bandwidth
resources and improves sound quality of voice over IP transmissions.
Display Client Redirection
Enables or disables the display of redirection information for a call originating from a station
with Client Room Class of Service and terminating to this station. When disabled, only the
client name and extension or room display. Available only if Hospitality is enabled for the
This field must be enabled for stations administered for any type of voice messaging that
needs display information.
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Select Last Used Appearance
Valid Entry Usage
y Indicates a stations line selection is not to be moved from the currently
selected line button to a different, non-alerting line button. The line
selection on an on-hook station only moves from the last used line button
to a line button with an audibly alerting call. If there are no alerting calls,
the line selection remains on the button last used for a call.
n The line selection on an on-hook station with no alerting calls can be
moved to a different line button that might be serving a different
Survivable Trunk Dest
Designates certain telephones as not being allowed to receive incoming trunk calls when the
Branch Gateway is in survivable mode. This field is used by the PIM module of the Integrated
Management to successfully interrogate the Communication Manager administration tables
and obtain the class of service information. PIM module builds a managed database to send
for SLS on the Branch Gateways.
Available for all analog and IP station types.
Valid Entry Usage
y Allows this station to be an incoming trunk destination while the Branch
Gateway is running in survivability mode. This is the default.
n Prevents this station from receiving incoming trunk calls when in
survivable mode.
H.320 Conversion
Enables or disables the conversion of H.320 compliant calls made to this telephone to voice-
only. The system can handle only a limited number of conversion calls. Therefore, the number
of telephones with H.320 conversion must be limited.
Idle Appearance Preference
Indicates which call appearance is selected when the user lifts the handset and there is an
incoming call.
Valid Entry Usage
y The user connects to an idle call appearance instead of the ringing call.
n The Alerting Appearance Preference is set and the user connects to the
ringing call appearance.
IP Audio Hairpinning
Enables or disables hairpinning for H.323 or SIP trunk groups. H.323 endpoints are connected
through the IP circuit pack without going through the time division multiplexing (TDM) bus.
Available only if Group Type is h.323 or sip.
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IP Softphone
Indicates whether or not this extension is either a PC-based multifunction station or part of a
telecommuter complex with a call-back audio connection.
Available only for DCP station types and IP Telephones.
LWC Activation
Activates or deactivates the Leave Word Calling (LWC) feature. With LWC, internal telephone
users on this extension can leave short pre-programmed messages for other internal users.
You must use LWC if:
The system has hospitality and the guest-room telephones require LWC messages
indicating that wakeup calls failed
The LWC messages are stored in a voice-messaging system
LWC Log External Calls
Determines whether or not unanswered external call logs are available to end users. When
external calls are not answered, Communication Manager keeps a record of up to 15 calls
provided information on the caller identification is available. Each record consists of the latest
call attempt date and time.
Multimedia Early Answer
Enables or disables multimedia early answer on a station-by-station basis.
You must enable the station for the Multimedia Early Answer feature if the station receives
coverage calls for multimedia complexes, but is not multimedia-capable. This ensures that
calls are converted and the talk path is established before ringing at this station.
Mute Button Enabled
Enables or disables the mute button on the station.
Per Button Ring Control
Enables or disables per button ring control by the station user.
Valid Entries Usage
y Users can select ring behavior individually for each call-appr, brdg-appr,
or abrdg-appr on the station and to enable Automatic Abbreviated and
Delayed ring transition for each call-appr on the station.
Prevents the system from automatically moving the line selection to a
silently alerting call unless that call was audibly ringing earlier.
n Calls on call-appr buttons always ring the station and calls on brdg-
appr or abrdg-appr buttons always ring or not ring based on the Bridged
Call Alerting value.
The system can move line selection to a silently alerting call if there is no
call audibly ringing the station.
Precedence Call Waiting
Activates or deactivates Precedence Call Waiting for this station.
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Redirect Notification
Enables or disables redirection notification that gives a half ring at this telephone when calls
to this extension are redirected through Call Forwarding or Call Coverage. Must be enabled if
LWC messages are stored on a voice-messaging system.
Restrict Last Appearance
Valid Entries Usage
y Restricts the last idle call appearance used for incoming priority calls and
outgoing call originations only.
n Last idle call appearance is used for incoming priority calls and outgoing
call originations.
EMU Login Allowed
Enables or disables using the station as a visited station by an Enterprise Mobility User
Bridged Appearance Origination Restriction
Restricts or allows call origination on the bridged appearance.
Valid Entry Usage
y Call origination on the bridged appearance is restricted.
n Call origination ion the bridged appearance is allowed. This is normal
behavior, and is the default.
Voice Mail Number
Displays the complete voice mail dial up number. Accepts a value of up to 24 characters
consisting of digits from 0 to 9, asterisk (*), pound sign (#), ~p (pause), ~w/~W (wait), ~m
(mark), and ~s (suppress). This field is supported in the following set types: 9620SIP, 9630SIP,
9640SIP, 9650SIP, 9608SIP, 9611SIP, 9621SIP, 9641SIP, 9608SIPCC, 9611SIPCC,
9621SIPCC, and 9641SIPCC.
Music Source
Field Description
Music Source Valid values are 1 to 100 or blank. The value
can extend to 250 when you select the Multi
Tenancy feature from the system parameter
customer option on the Communication
Music Source field is applicable for all
endpoint set types.
Select the System Parameter Special
Application, and select SA8888 Per
Station Music On Hold, Only then you
can select the Music source field.
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Site Data
This section lets you set information about the Room, Floor, Jack, Cable, Mounting, and
Valid Entry Usage
Identifies the telephone location. Accepts up to 10 characters.
Guest room
Identifies the guest room number if this station is one of several to be
assigned a guest room and the Display Room Information in Call
Display is enabled for the system. Accepts up to five digits.
A valid floor location.
Alpha-numeric identification of the jack used for this station.
Identifies the cable that connects the telephone jack to the system.
Indicates whether the station mounting is d(esk) or w(all).
A valid building location.
Set Color
Indicates the set color. Valid entries include the following colors: beige, black, blue, brown,
burg (burgundy), gray, green, ivory, orng (orange), red, teak, wal (walnut), white, and yel
You can change the list of allowed set colors by using the Valid Set Color fields on the site-
data screen.
Cord Length
The length of the cord attached to the receiver. This is a free-form entry, and can be in any
measurement units.
Indicates whether or not the telephone has a headset.
Indicates whether or not the station is equipped with a speaker.
Abbreviated Call Dialing
This section lets you create abbreviated dialing lists for a specific station, and provide lists of
stored numbers that can be accessed to place local, long-distance, and international calls;
allows you to activate features or access remote computer equipment and select enhanced,
personal, system or group lists.
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Abbreviated Dialing List 1, List 2, List 3
Assigns up to three abbreviated dialing lists to each telephone.
Valid Entry Usage
enhanced Telephone user can access the enhanced system abbreviated dialing
group Telephone user can access the specified group abbreviated dialing list.
Requires administration of a group number.
personal Telephone user can access and program their personal abbreviated
dialing list. Requires administration of a personal list number.
system Telephone user can access the system abbreviated dialing list.
Personal List
Use this list to establish a personal dialing list for telephone or data module users.
Enhanced List
Use this list to establish system-wide or personal lists for speed dialing.
Users access this list to:
place local, long-distance, and international calls
activate or deactivate features
access remote computer equipment.
You must activate dialing in the license file before the system programs the Abbreviated
Dialing Enhanced List.
Group List
You can provide up to 100 numbers for every group list.
Enhanced Call Fwd
This section allows you to specify the destination extension for the different types of call
Forwarded Destination
A destination extension for both internal and external calls for each of the three types of
enhanced call forwarding (Unconditional, Busy, and No Reply). Accepts up to 18 digits. The
first digit can be an asterisk *.
Requires administration to indicate whether the specific destination is active (enabled) or
inactive (disabled).
SAC/CF Override
With SAC/CF Override, the user of the calling station can override the redirection set by the
called station.
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Valid entry Usage
ask The system prompts the user of the calling station whether the call must
follow the redirection path or override the redirection path. The user can
type y or n.
no The user of the calling station cannot override the redirection path of the
call. The call follows the redirection path.
yes The user of the calling station can override the redirection path of the call,
provided the called station has at least one idle call appearance.
Button assignment
This section lets you assign features to the buttons on a phone. You can assign the main
buttons for your station by choosing an option from the list for each button.
Endpoint Configurations:
Endpoint configuration is available on the 9608, 9611, 9621, 9641 SIP, and SIPCC endpoints
for Communication Manager 6.2 and later.
The Favorite Button feature and the Button Label feature function when the endpoint is
associated to a user with the Session Manager profile.
Name Description
Favorite The favorite button.
You can mark maximum nine buttons as
favorites on an endpoint, which includes
the configured contacts on the phone.
The Favorite button is disabled for the
call-appr, and the bridge-appr button
features, hence you cannot select these
button features as a favorite.
To set the Auto Dial button as a favorite,
or to set the Button Label for auto dial,
you must specify the Dial Number.
Button Label The personalized button label that is
displayed on the phone.
The button label is not localized on the
Button Configurations:
Name Description
Button Feature The button feature that is available on the
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Name Description
Argument The argument for the button feature that is
available on the phone.
Profile settings field descriptions
Profile Settings is available for 9608, 9611, 9621, 9641 SIP, and SIPCC set types of
endpoints for Communication Manager Release 6.2 and later.
Profile Settings work when the endpoint is associated to a user with a Session Manager
Call Settings options
Name Description
Phone Screen on Calling The option to specify whether the phone
must automatically display the phone screen
when the user goes off-hook or starts dialing.
The options are:
Redial The field to select from the following redial
List: To display a list of recently dialed
One Number: To automatically dial the last
dialed number.
Dialling Option The field to specify the dialing options:
Editable: To enable off-hook dialing that
mimics dialing a call on a cell phone. When
the user starts dialing, the edit dialing
interface displays the dialed digits. The
user can enter all or part of the number or
backspace to correct a number if needed.
When ready, the user must press the Call
soft key to connect.
On-hook: To enable on-hook dialing so
that when the user starts dialing , the
phone automatically goes on-hook on the
first available line and dials the digits.
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Name Description
Headset Signalling The field that defines a headset signaling
profile. The options are:
Disabled: To disable headset signaling
Switchhook and Alerts: To set the switch
hook and alert headset signaling profile.
Switchhook only: To set the switch hook
headset signaling profile.
Audio Path The field to set the phone to go off-hook
when you make an on-hook call. The options
Speaker: To go off-hook on the Speaker
when you make an on-hook call.
Headset: To go off-hook on the Headset
when you make an on-hook call.
If your system administrator has set up
auto-answer, incoming calls are also
answered on the default audio path you
designate here.
Screen & Sound Options
Name Description
Button Clicks The field to activate or deactivate the
standard button click sound. The options are:
Phone Screen The field to configure the phone screen
width. The options are:
Half: To split the phone screen width to half
so that each call appearance or feature
occupies half the width of a line.
Full: To set the phone screen width to full
so that each call appearance or feature
occupies the entire width of a line.
Background Logo The option to set a customized background
logo. The Default value sets the built-in
Avaya logo.
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Name Description
Personalized Ringing The option to set a personalized ring tone for
an incoming call. The options are:
Classic Tone, with 8 options
Telephone Bell
Drum Beat
The Personalized Ringing parameter is
available for both 6.2 and 6.3
Communication Manager templates, but
is not applicable to 6.2 and earlier Avaya
Advanced SIP Telephony (AST)
When the Personalized Ringing parameter
has its newly configured value automatically
overwritten by Avaya AST endpoints. The
endpoint previously that had its related
ringing parameter Ringer Cadence set to a
value other than 1 when the Personalized
Ringing parameter was set to a value of 1
needs to be logged in when this parameter
change is made.
For more information, Select Elements >
Sessions Manager. In the left navigation
pane, click Device and Location
Configuration > Device Settings Groups.
To reduce this occurrence, set the
Personalized Ringing parameter to the value
of the Ringer Cadence parameter by the
endpoint, within a few minutes of this
parameter change or during the endpoints
next login.
Call Pickup Indication The option to set ring tones to alert you about
an incoming call. The options are:
None: No pickup indication for an incoming
Audible: Audible ringing indicates an
incoming call.
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Name Description
Visual: LED flashes indicate an incoming
Both: Both audible ringing and LED
flashes indicate an incoming call.
Show Quick Touch Panel The options to display Quick Touch Panel
on the phone. The options are:
0: Not to display Quick Touch Panel.
1: To display a one-line Quick Touch
2: To display a twoline Quick Touch
Displaying the Quick Touch Panel field
can limit your call appearances display to
three lines at a time.
This field is available for 9621 and 9641
SIP, and SIPCC set type of endpoints.
Language & Region
Field Description
Language The option to configure the language. The
options are:
Brazilian Portuguese
Canadian French
Parisian French
Latin American Spanish
Castilian Spanish
Simplified Chinese
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Field Description
The Arabic language is not available for
9608 SIP and SIPCC set type of
User Preferred Language The option to configure the user preferred
language. The options are:
Brazilian Portuguese
Canadian French
Parisian French
Latin American Spanish
Castilian Spanish
Simplified Chinese
The Arabic language is not available for
9608 SIP and SIPCC set type of
Language File in Use The option to configure the file name to use
for the configured language. The options are:
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Field Description
Mlf_ParisianFrench.xml -
The Mlf_Arabic.xml language file is not
available for 9608 SIP and SIPCC set type
of endpoints.
Time Format The option to configure the time format to be
displayed on the phone screen. The options
12 Hour.
24 Hour.
Advance Options Presence integration
Field Description
Away Timer The option to enable the automatic away
timer for presence indication. The options
Timer Value The option to specify a value for the
automatic Away Timer. The Timer Value
field accepts a value from 5 to 480.
Group Membership
This section describes the different groups that an extension can be a member of. Select the
station you want to group, and then choose the group from the drop-down box, before you click
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Understanding groups
Your voice system uses groups for a number of different purposes. This topic describes the
different groups that an extension can be a member of. However, your voice system might
include other types of groups such as trunk groups. For more information on groups, see
Administering Avaya Aura

Communication Manager, 03-300509.

Your voice system can have any of the following types of groups set up:
Type Description
group page Group page is a feature that allows you to
make an announcement to a pre-
programmed group of phone users. The
announcement is heard through the
speakerphone built into some sets. Users will
hear the announcement if their set is idle.
Users cannot respond to the
coverage answer group A coverage answer group lets up to 100
phones ring simultaneously when a call is
redirected to the group.
coverage path A coverage path is a prioritized sequence of
extensions to which your voice system will
route an unanswered call.
For more information on coverage paths, see
Creating Coverage Paths in the
Administering Avaya Aura

Manager, 03-300509.
hunt group A hunt group is a group of extensions that
receive calls according to the call distribution
method you choose. When a call is made to
a certain phone number, the system
connects the call to an extension in the
group. Use hunt groups when you want more
than one person to be able to answer calls to
the same number.
For more information on hunt groups, see
Managing Hunt Groups in the
Administering Avaya Aura

Manager, 03-300509.
intercom group An intercom group is a group of extensions
that can call each other using the intercom
feature. With the intercom feature, you can
allow one user to call another user in a
predefined group just by pressing a couple of
For more information on intercom groups,
see Using Phones as Intercoms in the
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Type Description
Administering Avaya Aura

Manager, 03-300509.
pickup group A pickup group is a group of extensions in
which one person can pick up calls of another
For more information on pickup groups, see
Adding Call Pickup in the Administering
Avaya Aura

Communication Manager,
terminating extension group A Terminating Extension Group (TEG)
allows an incoming call to ring as many as 4
phones at one time. Any user in the group
can answer the call.
For more information on terminating
extension groups, see Assigning a
Terminating Extension Group in the
Administering Avaya Aura

Manager, 03-300509.
Edit Endpoint Extension field descriptions
Use this page to change the extension of an endpoint.
Field Description
System Specifies the list of Communication
Managers. Select one of the options.
Extension Extension of the device you want to
New Extension New extension you want to provide for the
Emergency location extension Existing emergency location extension of
your device.
New emergency location extension New existing emergency location extension
you want to provide.
Message lamp extension Existing message lamp extension of your
New message lamp extension New message lamp extension you want to
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Button Description
Commit Saves the new extension.
Schedule Saves the extension at the scheduled time.
Reset Clears all the entries.
Cancel Takes you back to the previous page.
Bulk Add Endpoint field descriptions
Field Description
Template The template you choose for the endpoints.
Station name prefix Specifies the prefix name that the system
displays for each of the endpoints you add.
You can enter a prefix name of your choice
in this field.
System Specifies the list of the Communication
Available extensions The list of extensions that are available.
Enter extensions The extensions that you want to use. You can
enter your preferred extensions in this field.
Button Description
Commit Bulk adds the endpoints.
Schedule Bulk adds the station at the scheduled time.
Clear Undoes all the entries.
Cancel Takes you to the previous page.
Swap Endpoints field descriptions
Name Description
Assign data for Endpoint <n> Provides the option to assign new values of
location site data to the respective
When you select this check box for an
endpoint, then the location site data values
of this endpoint is copied to the second
endpoint where this check box is clear. If you
select the check boxes for both the
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Name Description
endpoints, then it equates to copying new
location site data to respective endpoints. No
swapping takes place.
System Specifies the Communication Manager that
the endpoint is assigned to. This will show
the selection from Communication Manager
List page.
Endpoint 1
Endpoint 2
Displays the existing endpoint extension
number on the selected System.
Button Description
Commit Performs the action you initiate.
Schedule Performs the action at the specified time.
Cancel Cancels your current action and takes you to
the previous page.
Error codes
Following table gives the common error codes for Busyout, Release, Test, and Reset
Commands lists. This table also has the common error codes associated with abort and fail
results for busyout, release, test, and reset commands. In addition to these, many maintenance
objects have other unique error codes.
ABORT System resources are unavailable to run command. Try the
command again at 1-minute intervals up to 5 times.
0 ABORT Internal system error. Retry the command at 1-minute
intervals up to 5 times.
1005 ABORT A DS1 interface circuit pack could not be reset because it is
currently supplying the on-line synchronization reference.
Use set sync to designate a new DS1 interface circuit pack
as the on-line reference, then try the reset again.
1010 ABORT Attempt was made to busyout an object that was already
busied out.
1011 ABORT Attempt was made to release an object that was not first
busied out.
1015 ABORT A reset of this circuit pack requires that every maintenance
object on it be in the out-of-service state. Use busyout board
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to place every object on the circuit pack in the out-of-service
state, and try the reset again.
1026 ABORT The specified TDM bus cannot be busied out because the
control channel or system tones are being carried on it. Use
set tdm PC to switch the control channel and system tones
to the other TDM bus.
2012 2500 ABORT Internal system error.
2100 ABORT System resources to run this command were unavailable.
Try the command again at 1-minute intervals up to 5
ABORT Maintenance is currently active on the maximum number of
maintenance objects that the system can support. A
common cause is that the system contains a large number
of administered stations or trunks with installed circuit packs
that are not physically connected. Resolve as many alarms
as possible on the station and trunk MOs, or busyout these
MOs to prevent maintenance activity on them. Then try the
command again.
NO BOARD The circuit pack is not physically installed.
2100 EXTRA BD This result can appear for: S8700 Maintenance/Test,
Announcement circuit packs S8700 MC Call Classifier,
Tone Detector, Speech Synthesis circuit packs Each of
these circuit packs has restrictions on how many can be
installed in the system or in a port network, depending on
system configuration. Remove any extra circuit packs.
1 FAIL For reset commands, the circuit pack was not successfully
2 FAIL For reset commands, the circuit pack was not successfully
restarted after being halted. For both results replace the
circuit pack.
FAIL See the applicable maintenance object (from the
Maintenance Name field) in Maintenance Alarms
Reference, 03-300190.
PASS The requested action successfully completed. If the
command was a reset, the circuit pack is now running and
should be tested.
Auto answer
When you administer Auto Answer, the Communication Manager Endpoint Manager field
displays the following behavior with regards to the Mute Speakerphone Interaction, the Auto
Answer field and the int aut-an button:
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1. The system does not display the Turn On Mute for Remote Off-hook Attempt
field for the following configurations:
When Auto Answer has a value other than none.
When you enable the int-aut-an button for an endpoint.
2. If you enable the Turn On Mute for Remote Off-hook Attempt field in the
endpoints page, Communication Manager Endpoint Manager field does not
permit the following administration:
Auto Answer values other than none.
int-aut-an button administration.
Auto answer field descriptions
In Expert Agent Environment (EAS) environment, the auto answer setting for an Agent
LoginID overrides the endpoint settings when the agent logs in.
Valid entry Usage
all All ACD and non-ACD calls to an idle station
cut through immediately. The agent cannot
use automatic hands-free answer for
intercom calls. With non-ACD calls, the
station rings while the call is cut through. To
prevent the station from ringing, activate the
ringer-off feature button, provided the Allow
Ringer-off with Auto-Answer feature is
enabled for the system.
acd Only ACD split, ACD skill, and direct agent
calls cut through. Non-ACD calls to the
station ring tone.
For analog stations:
Only ACD can perform the following
a. - Split calls
- Skill calls
b. Direct agent calls cut through
Non-ACD calls receive busy tone. If the
station is active on an ACD call and a non-
ACD call arrives, the agent hears call-
waiting tone.
none All calls to the station receive a ringing
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Valid entry Usage
icom The user can answer an intercom call from
the same intercom group without pressing
the intercom button.
Turn On Mute for Remote Off-hook Attempt
Using the Telecommuter mode of a soft phone or an ASAI, users can control the desk phone
remotely. However, users can remotely hear the conversations, which might be considered a
privacy breach.
The Turn On Mute for Remote Off-hook Attempt field prevents the potential privacy breach
in the following manner.
When users enable the Turn On Mute for Remote Off-hook Attempt field on the station
screen, any off-hook event on the desk phone turns on the Mute button.
When the Mute button is active, the user cannot remotely hear conversations
This feature applies to Calls received or originated remotely from soft phones in a shared
control mode and Calls received or originated remotely by using ASAI in H.323 configuration.
The Communication Manager controls the signaling by activating the mute button for the off-
hook event.
Use case scenario for endpoints set type
Change Set type of an Endpoint
To change Set Type of an Endpoint (for example: from 9630SIP to 9641SIP) do one of the
To change the Set Type of an Endpoint, default template or custom template of the Set
Type to be updated can be applied from Endpoint editor, Global Endpoint change or User
Management Communication profile section. This operation will apply templates value
overriding endpoints field values.
To change the Set Type of an Endpoint and keep current data of endpoint such as COR,
COS, loss group, etc. (To avoid templates values to override data of endpoint ) do one
of the following:
- Global Endpoint Change For more information see Global Endpoint Change.
- Element Cut Through For more information see Element Cut Through.
Related topics:
Use Global Endpoint Change on page 728
Use Element Cut Through on page 728
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Use Global Endpoint Change
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Endpoints > Manage Endpoints.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Select one or more endpoints, click More Actions > Global Endpoint Change.
6. On the Endpoint Changes page, in the General Options tab, select Set Type to
update the template.
7. Click Commit to commit the endpoint update.
Click Schedule to commit the endpoint update at a later time.
The selected endpoints are updated.
Use Element Cut Through
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Endpoints > Manage Endpoints.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Select the Communication Manager endpoint, click Switch to Classic View >
5. On the Element Cut Through page, select Set Type to update the template.
6. Click Enter to commit the endpoint update.
The updated endpoint is in sync with the System Manager.
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Managing Off PBX Configuration Set
Viewing Off PBX Configuration Set
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Endpoints > Off PBX Telephone > Off PBX
Configuration Set.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. From the Off PBX Configuration Set list, select the Off PBX Configuration Set you
want to view.
6. Click View.
You can view the details of the Off PBX Configuration Set through the classic
Editing Off PBX Configuration Set
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Endpoints > Off PBX Telephone > Off PBX
Configuration Set.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. From the Off PBX Configuration Set list, select the Off PBX Configuration Set you
want to edit.
6. Click Edit.
You can edit the Off PBX Configuration Set details through the classic view.
7. To save the changes, click Enter.
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Off PBX Configuration Set field descriptions
Name Description
Number The Off PBX endpoint configuration set
Description Description of the Off PBX endpoint
configuration set. The description field can
also specify the name of the Off PBX
Configuration Set.
Calling Number Style Determines the format of the caller ID for
calls from a local Communication Manager
extension to an extension to a cellular
telephone. The possible values are:
Network: Provides a display of only 10-
digit numbers. For internal calls, the ISDN
numbering tables are used to create the
calling number. DCS calls use the ISDN
calling number, if provided. Externally
provided calling numbers are used for
externally originated calls.
Port: Provides a display of less than 10-
digits. Extensions are sent as the calling
number for all internal and DCS network-
originated calls.
CDR Origination Determines the Call Detail Record (CDR)
report format when CDR records are
generated for a call that originates from an
Extension to Cellular cell phone. To generate
this CDR, you must enable the Incoming
Trunk CDR. The CDR report excludes dialed
Feature Name Extensions (FNEs). The
possible values are:
phone-number: The calling party on the
CDR report is the 10-digit cell phone
number. This is the default value.
extension: The calling party on the CDR
report is the internal office telephone
extension associated with the Extension to
Cellular cell phone.
none: The system does not generate an
originating CDR report.
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Name Description
CDR EC500 Determines whether a CDR is generated for
any call to the cellular telephone. Available
only if CDR reports are enabled for the trunk
group. The possible values are:
true: Treats calls to the XMOBILE station
as trunk calls and generates a CDR.
false: Treats calls to the XMOBILE station
as internal calls, without generating a
Fast Conn Determines whether additional processing
occurs on the server running Communication
Manager prior to connecting a call. Fast
Conn is reserved for future that the cell
telephone provider might provide.
Post Conn Determines whether additional capabilities,
beyond standard ISDN dialing, are available
for those incoming ISDN trunk calls that are
mapped to XMOBILE endpoints. Post Conn
options come into effect after the call has
entered the active state. The possible values
dtmf: Expect digits from either in-band or
out-of-band, but not simultaneously. The
server allocates a DTMF receiver
whenever the server needs to collect digits.
This option is normally used for Extension
to Cellular XMOBILE endpoint calls.
out-of-band: Expect all digits delivered by
out-of-band signaling only. The server
running Communication Manager collects
digits from the out-of-band channel or no
touch-tone receiver. In addition, any digits
received when the server is not collecting
digits are converted to DTMF and is
broadcast to all the parties on the call. This
option is implemented for DECT XMOBILE
endpoint calls.
both: Expect all subsequent digits
delivered by simultaneous in-band and out
of-band signaling. Out-of-band signaling
consists of digits embedded in ISDN INFO
messages while in-band signaling consists
of DTMF in the voice path. The server
running Communication Manager collects
all the digits from the out-of-band channel.
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Name Description
To prevent double digit collection, touch
tone receive is not allocated. End-to-end
signaling occurs transparently to the server
through in-band transmission of DTMF.
This option is implemented for PHS
XMOBILE endpoint calls.
Voice Mail Dest Voice Mail Dest prevents cellular voice mail
from answering an Extension to Cellular call.
When the call server detects that the cell
phone is not the entity answering the call, the
call server brings the call back to the server.
The possible values are:
none: No restrictions on cellular voice mail.
This is the default value.
timed: When you enter timed, the system
displays the seconds field, which accepts
values from 1 to 9. The default value is 4
seconds. In the Extension to Cellular-
enabled environment, if you answer the
call at the cell within the configured time,
Communication Manager treats the call as
a call that the cellular voice mail answers,
and disconnects the cellular leg of the call.
The call continues to ring at the desk
phone. You can use this configuration for
any type of network, including GSM,
message: The message option works with
carriers who use non-ISDN voice mail
systems. You must not use this option with
ISDN-based voice mail systems.
System The name of the Communication Manager
Button Description
View Click to view the details of the Off PBX
Configuration Set.
Edit Click to edit the Off PBX Configuration Set.
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Managing Off PBX Endpoint Mapping
Adding Off PBX Endpoint Mapping to an endpoint
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Endpoints > Off PBX Telephone > Off PBX
Endpoint Mapping.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click New.
6. Add Off PBX Endpoint Mapping through the SAT screen.
7. Click Enter.
Viewing the Off PBX Endpoint Mapping of an endpoint
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Endpoints > Off PBX Telephone > Off PBX
Endpoint Mapping.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Select the Off PBX Endpoint Mapping you want to view.
6. Click View.
View the details of the Off PBX Endpoint Mapping through the classic view.
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Editing the Off PBX Endpoint Mapping of an endpoint
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Endpoints > Off PBX Telephone > Off PBX
Endpoint Mapping.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Select the Off PBX Endpoint Mapping you want to edit.
6. Click Edit.
7. Edit the required fields through the SAT screen.
8. To save the changes, click Enter.
Off PBX Endpoint Mapping field descriptions
Name Description
Endpoint Extension The SIP and non-SIP extensions that have
Off PBX Endpoint Mapping.
When you add a SIP endpoint, an entry for
this endpoint is automatically available in Off
PBX Endpoint Mapping.
If you want to add an endpoint mapping to a
non-SIP endpoint, you must manually add an
Off PBX Endpoint Mapping for that
System The Communication Manager in which the
endpoint extension is available.
Button Description
New Click to add an Off PBX Endpoint Mapping.
View Click to view an Off PBX mapping for an
Edit Click to edit an Off PBX Endpoint Mapping.
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Xmobile Configuration
Xmobile Configuration
Xmobile Configuration defines the number of call treatment options for Extension to Cellular
calls for cellular telephones. The Extension to Cellular feature allows the use of up to 99
Configuration Sets, already defined in the system using default values.
Xmobile Configuration List
Xmobile Configuration List displays the Xmobile Configuration details under the
Communication Manager you select. You can apply filters and sort each column in this list.
Click Refresh to view the updated information after the last synchronization.
Name Description
Configuration Set Displays the configuration set value.
Calling No. Displays the format of the caller ID for calls
from a local switch extension to an EC500
cell phone.
CDR Orig Displays the CDR report format when CDR
records are generated for a call that
originates from an Extension to Cellular cell
CDR EC 500 Displays whether a call detail record is
generated for any call to the cell phone.
Fast Conn Displays whether some additional
processing occurs on the switch prior to
connecting a call.
Post-Connect Dialing Displays whether additional capabilities,
beyond standard ISDN dialing, are available
for those incoming ISDN trunk calls that are
mapped into XMOBILE stations.
System Specifies the name of the Communication
Manager associated with the Xmobile
Configuration set.
Viewing Xmobile Configuration data
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1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Endpoints > Xmobile Configuration.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. From the Xmobile Configuration List, select the configuration set you want to
6. Click View.
Related topics:
Xmobile Configuration field descriptions on page 736
Editing Xmobile Configuration
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Endpoints > Xmobile Configuration.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. From the Xmobile Configuration List, select the configuration set you want to
6. Click Edit or click View > Edit.
7. Edit the required details on the Edit Xmobile Configuration Data page.
8. Click Commit to save the changes.
Related topics:
Xmobile Configuration field descriptions on page 736
Xmobile Configuration field descriptions
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Field Description
Barge-in Tone Enables a barge-in tone used to add security
to Extension to Cellular calls. If a user is on
an active Extension to Cellular call and
another person joins the call from an
Extension to Cellular enabled office
telephone, all parties on the call hear the
barge-in tone.
Calling Number Style Determines the format of the caller ID for
calls from a local switch extension to an
EC500 cell phone.
network: Provides a display of only 10-
digit numbers. For internal calls, the ISDN
numbering tables are used to create the
calling number and DCS calls use the
ISDN calling number if provided. The
externally provided calling number is used
when available for externally originated
pbx: Provides a display of less than 10-
digits. Extensions sent as the calling
number for all internally- and DCS network-
originated calls.
CDR for Calls to EC500 Destination Determines whether a call detail record is
generated for calls to the cell phone.
CDR reporting for EC500 calls relies on
the CDR Reports field on the Trunk Group
screen. If, on the Trunk Group screen, the
CDR Reports field is set to n, no CDR is
generated even if this field is set to y.
y: Treats calls to the XMOBILE station as
trunk calls and generates a CDR.
n: Treats calls to the XMOBILE station as
internal calls and does not generate a
Configuration Set Description Describes the purpose of the configuration
set. A valid entry is up to 20 alphanumeric
characters or blank. For example, EC500
Fast Connect on Origination Determines whether some additional
processing occurs on the switch prior to
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Field Description
connecting a call. You can use the y option
to send CONNECT messages.
Post-Conn Signaling Post Connect Dialing Options. Determines
whether additional capabilities, beyond
standard ISDN dialing, are available for
those incoming ISDN trunk calls that are
mapped into XMOBILE stations. These
options come into effect after the call has
entered the active state when the switch has
sent a CONNECT message back to the
dtmf: Expect digits from either in-band or
out-of-band, but not simultaneously. The
switch allocates a DTMF receiver
whenever it needs to collect digits. This
option is generally used for EC500
XMOBILE station calls.
out-of-band: Expect all digits to be
delivered by out-of-band signaling only.
The switch collects digits that it needs from
the out-of-band channel (no touch-tone
receiver). In addition, any digits received
when the switch is not collecting digits are
converted to DTMF and broadcast to all
parties on the call. This option is in force for
DECT XMOBILE station calls.
both: Expect all subsequent digits to be
delivered by simultaneous in-band and
out-of-band signaling. Out-of-band
signaling consists of digits embedded in
ISDN INFO messages while the in-band
signaling consists of DTMF in the voice
path. The switch collects all digits that it
needs from the out-of-band channel. No
touch tone receive is allocated in order to
prevent collecting double digits. End-to-
end signaling occurs transparently to the
switch through in-band transmission of
DTMF. This option is in force for PHS
XMOBILE station calls.
Call Appearance Selection for Origination Specifies how the system selects a Call
Appearance for call origination. To use this
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Field Description
feature, bridged calls must be enabled for the
first-available: The system searches for
the first available regular or bridged Call
primary-first: Only regular Call
Appearances are used for call origination.
If a regular call appearance is not available,
the call is not allowed. The system first
searches for a regular Call Appearance for
call origination. If a regular Call
Appearance is not available, a second
search is made that includes both regular
and bridged Call Appearances. This is the
default setting.
Calling Number Verification Enables restrictions on the types of calls
made to a cell phone with Extension to
y: Prevents all calls, except for the
following calls, from reaching the cell
- Network-provided
- User-provided
- Passed
This setting has no effect on normal usage
of the Extension to Cellular feature. This is
the default setting.
n: No restrictions on calls to the cell
CDR for Origination Determines the CDR report format when
CDR records are generated for a call that
originates from an Extension to Cellular cell
phone. To generate this CDR, you must
enable the Incoming Trunk CDR. The CDR
report does not include dialed Feature Name
Extensions (FNEs).
phone-number: The calling party on the
CDR report is the 10-digit cell phone
number. This is the default setting.
extension: The calling party on the CDR
report is the internal office telephone
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Field Description
phone extension associated with the
Extension to Cellular cell phone.
none: The system does not generate an
originating CDR report.
Cellular Voice Mail Detection Prevents cellular voice mail from answering
an Extension to Cellular call. The call server
detects when the cell phone is not the entity
that answers the call and brings the call back
to the server. Communication Manager
treats the call as a normal call to the office
telephone and the call goes to corporate
voice mail. You can also set a timer for
cellular voice mail detection that sets a time
before Cellular Voice Mail Detection
investigates a call.
none: No restrictions on cellular voice mail.
This is the default setting.
timed: Amount of time from 1 to 9 seconds.
The default time is 4 seconds. Extension to
Cellular call leg answered within the
specified time is detected as being
answered by the cellular voice mail and the
call continues to ring at the office
telephone. If unanswered, it will go to the
corporate voice mail. This setting can be
used for different types of network that is,
message: The message option works with
carriers who use non ISDN voice mail
systems. Avoid using this option with
ISDN-based voice mail systems.
Confirmed Answer Enables Confirmed Answer on Extension to
Cellular calls for this station. If you select this
option, the user needs to input a digit to
confirm receipt of a call sent to a cell phone
using the Extension to Cellular feature.
When the user answers the incoming call on
the cell phone, the user hears a dial tone.
The user must then press any one of the
digits on the cell phone keypad. Until the
system receives a digit, the system does not
treat the call as answered. The length of time
to wait for the digit can be administered from
5 to 20 seconds, with a default of 10 seconds.
The system plays a recall dial tone to indicate
Managing Communication Manager
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Field Description
that input is expected. During the response
interval, the original call continues to alert at
the desk phone and any stations bridged to
the call. If the user does not enter a digit
before the time-out interval expires, the call
is pulled back from the telephone device.
Configuration Set ID Displays the configuration set value that you
selected in the Xmobile Configuration List.
This is a display-only field.
Button Description
Commit Completes the action you initiate.
Schedule Performs the action at the chosen time.
Reset Clears the action and resets the field.
Clear Clears all the entries.
Edit Allows you to edit the fields in the page.
Done Completes your current action and takes you
to the subsequent page.
Cancel Cancels your current action and takes you to
the previous page.
Now Performs the action you initiate real time.
Automatic Alternate Routing Digit Conversion
AAR/ARS Digit Conversion
Use the Automatic Alternate Routing (AAR) Digit Conversion or Automatic Route Selection
(ARS) Digit Conversion capability to configure your system to change a dialed number for
efficient routing by inserting or deleting digits from the dialed number. For instance, you can
configure the server running Communication Manager to delete 1 and an area code on calls
to one of your locations, and avoid long-distance charges by routing the call over your private
Viewing Automatic Alternate Routing Digit Conversion data
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 741

1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Network > Automatic Alternate Routing Digit
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. From the AAR Digit Conversion List, select the Automatic Alternate Routing Digit
Conversion data you want to view.
6. Click View.
Related topics:
AAR/ARS Digit Conversion field descriptions on page 743
Editing Automatic Alternate Routing Digit Conversion data
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Network > Automatic Alternate Routing Digit
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. From the AAR Digit Conversion List, select the Automatic Alternate Routing Digit
Conversion you want to edit.
6. Click Edit or click View > Edit.
7. Edit the required fields on the Edit AAR Digit Conversion page.
8. Click Commit to save the changes.
Related topics:
AAR/ARS Digit Conversion field descriptions on page 743
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AAR/ARS Digit Conversion field descriptions
Field Description
ANI Required This field applies only if the Request
Incoming ANI (non-AAR/ARS) field on the
Multifrequency-Signaling-Related System
Parameters screen is set to n.
y or n: Enter y to require ANI on incoming
R2-MFC or Russian MF ANI calls. The
entry must be set to y to enable EC500
origination features.
r: Restricted. Allowed only if the Allow ANI
Restriction on AAR/ARS field is set to y on
the Feature-Related System Parameters
screen. Use this entry to drop a call on a
Russian Shuttle trunk or Russian Rotary
trunk if the ANI request fails. Other types of
trunks treat r as y.
Conv Provides the option to allow additional digit
Del Displays the number of digits you want the
system to delete from the beginning of the
dialed string. A valid entry ranges from 0 to
Location This is a display-only field. Typing the
command change aar digit-
conversion n or change ars
digit-conversion n displays the all-
locations screen, and populates this field
with all. The n specifies that dialed strings
beginning with the value n are displayed first.
To access a per-location screen, type
change aar digit-conversion
location n or change ars digit-
conversion location n, where n
represents the number of a specific location.
This field then displays the number of the
specified location. For details on command
options, see online help, or Maintenance
Commands for Avaya Aura

Communication Manager, Media Gateways

and Servers, 03-300431.
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 743

Field Description
One of the following is a valid entry:
1 to 64: Specifies whether you require ANI
on incoming R2-MFC or Russian MF ANI
calls. Entry must be y to enable EC500
origination features.
all: Indicates that this AAR/ARS Digit
Conversion Table is the default for all port
network (cabinet) locations.
Matching Pattern Specifies the number you want the server
running Communication Manager to match
to dialed numbers. If a prefix digit 1 is
required for 10-digit direct distance dialing
(DDD) numbers, be sure the matching
pattern begins with a 1. A valid entry is a
number ranging from 0 to 9 (1 to 18 digits)
and wildcard characters asterisk (*), x, and
Max Specifies the maximum number of user-
dialed digits the system collects to match to
this Matching Pattern. A valid entry ranges
from Min to 28.
Min Specifies the minimum number of user-
dialed digits the system collects to match to
this Matching Pattern. A valid entry ranges
from 1 to Max.
Net Specifies the call-processing server network
used to analyze the converted number. The
entries ext, aar, or ars analyze the converted
digit-string as an extension number, an AAR
address, or an ARS address.
Percent Full Displays the percentage from 0 to 100 of the
system memory resources that have been
used by ARS. If the figure is close to 100
percent, you can free-up memory
Replacement String A valid entry ranges from 0 to 9 (1 to 18
digits), asterisk (*), pound (#), or blank. Enter
the digits that replace the deleted portion of
the dialed number.
If the pound character (#) is present in the
string, it should be the last character in the
string. This signifies the end of the modified
digit string.
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Field Description
Leave this field blank to simply delete the
Button Description
Commit Completes the action you initiate.
Schedule Performs the action at the chosen time.
Reset Clears the action and resets the field.
Clear Clears all the entries.
Edit Allows you to edit the fields in the page.
Done Completes your current action and takes you
to the subsequent page.
Cancel Cancels your current action and takes you to
the previous page.
Now Performs the action you initiate real time.
Automatic Route Selection Digit Conversion
AAR/ARS Digit Conversion
Use the Automatic Alternate Routing (AAR) Digit Conversion or Automatic Route Selection
(ARS) Digit Conversion capability to configure your system to change a dialed number for
efficient routing by inserting or deleting digits from the dialed number. For instance, you can
configure the server running Communication Manager to delete 1 and an area code on calls
to one of your locations, and avoid long-distance charges by routing the call over your private
Viewing Automatic Route Selection Digit Conversion data
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Network > Automatic Route Selection Digit
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
Managing Communication Manager objects
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 745

4. Click Show List.
5. From the ARS Digit Conversion List, select the Automatic Route Selection Digit
Conversion you want to view.
6. Click View.
Related topics:
AAR/ARS Digit Conversion field descriptions on page 743
Editing Automatic Route Selection Digit Conversion data
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Network > Automatic Route Selection Digit
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click Edit or click View > Edit.
6. Edit the required fields on the Edit ARS Digit Conversion page.
7. Click Commit to save the changes.
Related topics:
AAR/ARS Digit Conversion field descriptions on page 743
AAR/ARS Digit Conversion field descriptions
Field Description
ANI Required This field applies only if the Request
Incoming ANI (non-AAR/ARS) field on the
Multifrequency-Signaling-Related System
Parameters screen is set to n.
y or n: Enter y to require ANI on incoming
R2-MFC or Russian MF ANI calls. The
Managing Communication Manager
746 Administering Avaya Aura

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Field Description
entry must be set to y to enable EC500
origination features.
r: Restricted. Allowed only if the Allow ANI
Restriction on AAR/ARS field is set to y on
the Feature-Related System Parameters
screen. Use this entry to drop a call on a
Russian Shuttle trunk or Russian Rotary
trunk if the ANI request fails. Other types of
trunks treat r as y.
Conv Provides the option to allow additional digit
Del Displays the number of digits you want the
system to delete from the beginning of the
dialed string. A valid entry ranges from 0 to
Location This is a display-only field. Typing the
command change aar digit-
conversion n or change ars
digit-conversion n displays the all-
locations screen, and populates this field
with all. The n specifies that dialed strings
beginning with the value n are displayed first.
To access a per-location screen, type
change aar digit-conversion
location n or change ars digit-
conversion location n, where n
represents the number of a specific location.
This field then displays the number of the
specified location. For details on command
options, see online help, or Maintenance
Commands for Avaya Aura

Communication Manager, Media Gateways

and Servers, 03-300431.
One of the following is a valid entry:
1 to 64: Specifies whether you require ANI
on incoming R2-MFC or Russian MF ANI
calls. Entry must be y to enable EC500
origination features.
all: Indicates that this AAR/ARS Digit
Conversion Table is the default for all port
network (cabinet) locations.
Matching Pattern Specifies the number you want the server
running Communication Manager to match
to dialed numbers. If a prefix digit 1 is
Managing Communication Manager objects
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 747

Field Description
required for 10-digit direct distance dialing
(DDD) numbers, be sure the matching
pattern begins with a 1. A valid entry is a
number ranging from 0 to 9 (1 to 18 digits)
and wildcard characters asterisk (*), x, and
Max Specifies the maximum number of user-
dialed digits the system collects to match to
this Matching Pattern. A valid entry ranges
from Min to 28.
Min Specifies the minimum number of user-
dialed digits the system collects to match to
this Matching Pattern. A valid entry ranges
from 1 to Max.
Net Specifies the call-processing server network
used to analyze the converted number. The
entries ext, aar, or ars analyze the converted
digit-string as an extension number, an AAR
address, or an ARS address.
Percent Full Displays the percentage from 0 to 100 of the
system memory resources that have been
used by ARS. If the figure is close to 100
percent, you can free-up memory
Replacement String A valid entry ranges from 0 to 9 (1 to 18
digits), asterisk (*), pound (#), or blank. Enter
the digits that replace the deleted portion of
the dialed number.
If the pound character (#) is present in the
string, it should be the last character in the
string. This signifies the end of the modified
digit string.
Leave this field blank to simply delete the
Button Description
Commit Completes the action you initiate.
Schedule Performs the action at the chosen time.
Reset Clears the action and resets the field.
Clear Clears all the entries.
Edit Allows you to edit the fields in the page.
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Button Description
Done Completes your current action and takes you
to the subsequent page.
Cancel Cancels your current action and takes you to
the previous page.
Now Performs the action you initiate real time.
Automatic Route Selection Toll
Automatic Route Selection Toll
With Automatic Route Selection Toll, you can specify whether calls to CO codes listed on the
table are toll or non-toll calls. You can specify non-toll calls based on the last two digits of the
distant-end of the trunk group.
Automatic Route Selection Toll List
Name Description
ARS Toll Table Displays the Automatic Route Selection Toll
table number.
From Office Code, To Office Code Displays the block of numbers for the
associated Automatic Route Selection Toll
System Specifies the name of the Communication
Manager associated with the Automatic
Route Selection Toll table.
Viewing Automatic Route Selection Toll data
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Network > Automatic Route Selection Toll.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
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5. From the Automatic Route Selection Toll List, select the Ars Toll Table you want to
6. Click View.
Related topics:
Automatic Route Selection Toll field descriptions on page 750
Editing Automatic Route Selection Toll data
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Network > Automatic Route Selection Toll.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. From the Automatic Route Selection Toll List, select the Ars Toll Table you want to
6. Click Edit or click View > Edit.
7. Edit the required fields on the Edit Automatic Route Selection Toll page.
8. Click Commit to save the changes.
Related topics:
Automatic Route Selection Toll field descriptions on page 750
Automatic Route Selection Toll field descriptions
Field Description
00: through 99: Represents the last two digits of the codes
within the 100-block of numbers. Designate
each as a number toll or non-toll call.
Ars Toll Table Specifies the number of the ARS Toll table.
Valid entry ranges from 2 through 9.
Office Codes Indicates the block of numbers. Valid entry
ranges from 200 to 299 through 900 to 999.
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Button Description
Commit Performs the action you initiate.
Schedule Performs the action at the specified time.
Reset Clears the action and resets the fields.
Clear Clears all entries.
Done Completes your current action and takes you
to the subsequent page.
Cancel Cancels your current action and takes you to
the previous page.
Backup Backs up the audio files that you select.
Now Performs the action you initiate real time.
Data Modules
Data Modules
Use this capability to connect systems running Communication Manager with other
communications equipment, changing protocol, connections, and timing as necessary.
Communication Manager supports the following types of data modules:
High speed links
Data stands
Modular-processor data module
7000-series data modules
Modular-trunk data module
Asynchronous Data Unit
Asynchronous Data Module for ISDN-Basic Rate Interface telephones
Terminal adapters
All of these data modules support industry standards and include options for setting the
operating profile to match that of the data equipment.
Data Module List
Data Module List displays all the data modules under the Communication Manager you select.
You can apply filters and sort each column in the Data Module List.
Managing Communication Manager objects
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 751

When you click Refresh, you can view the updated information available after the last
synchronization operation.
Name Description
Extension Displays the extension assigned to the data
Port Displays port location to which the selected
data module is connected.
Type Displays the type of data module.
Name Displays the name of the user associated
with the data module.
COS Displays the desired Class Of Service.
COR Displays the desired Class Of Restriction.
TN Displays the tenant number which
determines the music source for callers on
ISN Information Systems Network. Used with
Data Line and Processor/Trunk Data
System Specifies the name of the Communication
Manager associated with the data module.
Adding a Data Module
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Network > Data Modules.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Select New.
6. Complete the Add Data Module page and click Commit.
Related topics:
Data Modules field descriptions on page 754
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Viewing a Data Module
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Network > Data Modules.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. From the Data Modules List, select the data module you want to view.
6. Click View.
Related topics:
Data Modules field descriptions on page 754
Editing a Data Module
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Network > Data Modules.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. From the Data Modules List, select the data module you want to edit.
6. Click Edit or click View > Edit.
7. Edit the required fields on the Edit Data Modules page.
8. Click Commit to save the changes.
Related topics:
Data Modules field descriptions on page 754
Managing Communication Manager objects
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Deleting Data Modules
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Network > Data Modules.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. From the Data Modules List, select the data modules you want to delete.
6. Click Delete.
7. Confirm to delete the data modules.
Related topics:
Data Modules field descriptions on page 754
Data Modules field descriptions
Field Description
List Type Indicates whether the type of list is group,
personal, enhanced, or system type.
Special Dialing Option Identifies the destination of all calls when this
data module originates calls. The available
dialing options are:
hot-line: Allows single-line telephone
users to automatically place a call to an
extension, telephone number, or Feature
Access Code (FAC).
default: An associated Abbreviated
Dialing number is dialed when the user
goes off-hook and enters a carriage return
following the DIAL prompt.
Personal/Group Number Displays the identifying number the server
running Communication Manager assigns to
the group when it is created.
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Field Description
Abbreviated Dialing Dial Code (From
above list)
Used with 7500, Data Line, Netcon,
Processor/Trunk, Processor Interface, and
World Class BRI Data Modules. System
displays this field only when the Special
Dialing Option field is default. When the user
goes off-hook and enters a carriage return
following the DIAL prompt, the system dials
the abbreviated dialing number. The data call
originator can also perform data-terminal
dialing by specifying a dial string that may or
may not contain alphanumeric names.
Valid entry ranges from 0 through 999. You
need to enter a list number associated with
the abbreviated dialing list.
BCC Bearer Capability Class. A display-only field
used with Data Line, Netcon, Processor
Interface, Point-to-Point Protocol,
Processor/Trunk (pdm selection), and
System Port Data Modules. Appears when
the ISDN-PRI or ISDN-BRI Trunks field is set
to y on the System Parameters Customer-
Options (Optional Features) screen. The
value in this field corresponds to the speed
setting of the data module. This field can be
compared with the BCC value in an
associated routing pattern when attempted
calls utilizing the data module fail to
complete. The BCC values must be the
same. See Generalized Route Selection in
Avaya Aura

Communication Manager
Feature Description and Implementation,
555-245-205, for a detailed description of
Bearer Capability Classes (BCC) and their
ability to provide specialized routing for
various types of voice and data calls. The
BCC value is used to determine compatibility
when non-ISDN-PRI facilities are connected
to ISDN facilities (ISDN-PRI Interworking).
The valid entries are:
1: Relates to 56-bkps
2, 3, 4: Relates to 64 kbps
Broadcast Address Used with Ethernet data modules. Does not
appear for S87XX Series IP-PNC.
Connected Data Module This is the data module extension to which
the link connects. Used with Processor
Managing Communication Manager objects
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 755

Field Description
Interface (used with DEFINITY CSI only)
data modules.
Connected to Displays the Asynchronous Data Unit (ADU)
to which the system is connected to. Used
with Data Line and Processor/Trunk (pdm
selection) Data Module.
The valid entries are:
dte: Data Terminal Equipment. Used with
Data Line and Processor/Trunk Data
isn: Information Systems Network. Used
with Data Line and Processor/Trunk Data
Class Of Service Specifies the desired class of service. Does
not appear for Ethernet. The valid entries
range from 0 to 15 to select the allowed
Class Of Restriction Specifies the desired class of restriction.
Does not appear for Ethernet. The valid
entries range from 0 to 999 to select the
allowed restrictions.
Extension Indicates the extension assigned to the data
module. This is a display-only field.
Enable Link Used with Point-to-Point and Processor
Interface data modules.
Establish Connection Used with Point-to-Point, and Processor
Interface (used with DEFINITY CSI only)
data modules.
IP Address Negotiation Used with Point-to-Point data modules. Does
not appear for S87XX Series IP-PNC.
ITC Information Transfer Capability. Indicates
type of transmission facilities to be used for
ISDN calls originated from this endpoint.
Appears only when, on the Trunk Group
screen, the Comm Type field is 56k-data or
64k-data. Does not display for voice-only or
BRI stations. Used with 7500,
Announcement, data-line, Netcon,
Processor/Trunk (pdm selection), Processor
Interface, and System Port Data Modules.
The valid entries are:
restricted: Either restricted or unrestricted
transmission facilities are used to complete
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756 Administering Avaya Aura

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Field Description
the call. A restricted facility is a
transmission facility that enforces 1s
density digital transmission (that is, a
sequence of eight digital zeros is converted
to a sequence of 7 zeros and a digital 1).
unrestricted: Only unrestricted
transmission facilities are used to complete
the call. An unrestricted facility is a
transmission facility that does not enforce
1s density digital transmission (that is,
digital information is sent exactly as is).
Link Displays a communication interface link
number. Used with Ethernet, Point-to-Point,
and Processor Interface (used with
DEFINITY CSI only) data modules. This field
is in different locations on the screen for
different data module types. The valid entries
range from 0 to 99.
Extension Displays the extension number required to
perform maintenance functions on the
standby Netcon physical channel in a
duplicated system. The standby remote loop
around tests fails if this field is not
administered. Used with Netcon and
Processor Interface Data Modules.
MM Complex Voice Ext This field contains the number of the
associated telephone in the multimedia
complex. This field appears only after you set
the Multimedia field toy. This field is left blank
until you enter the data module extension in
MM Complex Data Ext on the Station screen.
Used with 7500 and World Class BRI Data
Modules. Does not appear on S87XX Series
IP-PNC. Valid entries are valid values that
conform to your dial plan. After you complete
the field on the Station screen, the two
extensions are associated as two parts of a
one-number complex, which is the extension
of the telephone.
Multimedia Used with the 7500 and World Class BRI
Data Modules. Appears only if, on the
System Parameters Customer-Options
(Optional Features) screen, the MM field is
y. You can select this option to make this
data module part of a multimedia complex.
Managing Communication Manager objects
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 757

Field Description
Name Displays the name of the user associated
with the data module. The name is optional
and can be blank. It can contain up to 27
alphanumeric characters.
Avaya BRI stations support ASCII
characters only. BRI stations do not
support non-ASCII characters, such as
Eurofont or Kanafont. Therefore, if you
use non-ASCII characters in any
Communication Manager Name field,
such characters do not display correctly
on a BRI station.
Network uses 1s for Broadcast
Indicates that a broadcast address is used to
send the same message to all systems or
clients on a local area network. Used with
Ethernet data modules.
Node Name Appears when the Data Module type is ppp.
Used with Ethernet (not on S87XX Series IP-
PNC) and Point-to-Point data modules.
PDATA Port Used to relate the physical PDATA port to
which the mode 3 portion of the system port
is connected. You need to enter a seven-digit
alphanumeric port location to which the data
module is connected. This entry must be
assigned to a port on a PDATA Line Board.
Used with System Port Data Modules.
The valid entries are:
01 to 22: First and second characters are
the cabinet numbers
01 to 64: First and second characters are
the cabinet numbers (S87XX Series IP-
A to E: Third character is the carrier
01 to 20: Fourth and fifth characters are the
slot numbers in the carrier
01 to 12: Sixth and seventh characters are
the circuit numbers
Physical Channel The Physical Channel number is referred to
on associated system forms as the Interface
Link number. Used with Netcon and
Processor Interface Data Modules.
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Field Description
The valid entries are:
01 to 08: For Processor Interface Data
Modules, enter the 2-digit circuit number of
the Processor Interface port. A multi-
carrier cabinet system supports the use of
two Processor Interface circuit packs, the
first circuit pack (mounted in Control
Carrier A) supports physical channels or
links 01through 04; the second (mounted
in Control Carrier A) supports physical
channels or links 05 through 08. A single-
carrier cabinet system supports one
Processor Interface circuit pack and
physical channels or links 01 through 04
01 to 04: For DEFINITY CSI
configurations. For Netcon Data Modules,
enter a netcon data channel.
Remote Loop-Around Test Indicates whether data module supports a
loop-back test at the EIA interface. Appears
when the Data Module Type field is set to
pdm or tdm. Used with Processor/Trunk
Data Modules. In general, Avaya equipment
supports this test but it is not required by
Level 2 Digital Communications Protocol. To
abort a request for this test, you may clear
this check box.
Secondary Data Module Indicates that this PDM is the secondary data
module used for Dual I-channel AUDIX
networking. Appears only when the Type
field is pdm. Used with Processor/Trunk
Data Modules. The primary data module
must be administered before the secondary
data module can be added. If the Port field
entry isx, then do not select the Secondary
Data Module option.
Subnet Mask Displays a 32-bit binary number that divides
the network ID and the host ID in an IP
address. Used with Point-to-Point data
modules (for S87XX Series IP-PNC).
Tenant Number Determines the music source for callers on
hold. Valid entries range from 0 through
Managing Communication Manager objects
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Board: Displays the five-character announcement circuit pack number that identifies the
physical circuit pack to which the announcement module is connected. You can enter x in this
field to indicate that there is no hardware associated with this port assignment. Used with
Announcement Data Modules.
The five-character announcement board number consists of:
Characters Meaning Value
1 to 2 Cabinet Number 1 to 64 (S87XX Series IP-
3 Carrier A to E
4 to 5 Slot Number or X 0 to 20
Port: Specifies a port location to which the data module is connected. Used with 7500, Data
Line, Ethernet, Processor/Trunk, PPP, System Port, and World Class BRI Data Modules.
You can enter x in the Port field to indicate that there is no hardware associated with the
port assignment, also known as Administration Without Hardware (AWOH). These stations
are referred to as phantom stations. If this data module is designated as a secondary data
module, that is secondary data module is set to y, you cannot enter x in this field. You cannot
change the port of a primary data module to x if a secondary data module is
Characters Meaning Value
1 to 2 Cabinet Number 1 to 64 (S87XX Series IP-
3 Carrier A to E
4 to 5 Slot Number 0 to 20
6 to 7 Circuit Number
01 to 31 (S87XX Series IP-
PNC (tdm, pdm)
01 to 16 (ppp for S87XX
Series IP-PNC)
01 to 08 (system-port for
S87XX Series IP-PNC)
17/33 (Ethernet on S87XX
Series IP-PNC)
Data Module Type: Displays the type of data module.
Valid Entry Usage
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7500 Assigns a 7500 Data Module. The 7500 data
module supports automatic TEI, B-channel,
maintenance and management messaging,
and SPID initialization capabilities. BRI
endpoints, both voice and/or data, are
assigned to either the ISDN-BRI - 4-wire
S/T-NT Interface circuit pack or the ISDN-
BRI - 2-wire U circuit pack. Each can support
up to 12 ports. Since BRI provides multipoint
capability, more than one ISDN endpoint
(voice or data) can be administered on one
port. For BRI, multipoint administration
allows for telephones having SPID
initialization capabilities, and can only be
allowed if no endpoint administered on the
same port is a fixed tie endpoint and no
station on the same port has B-channel data
capability. Currently, multipoint is restricted
to two endpoints per port.
announcement Assigns an announcement data module. The
announcement data module is built-in to the
integrated announcement circuit pack and is
administered using the Announcement Data
Module screen. This data module allows the
system to save and restore the recorded
announcements file between the
announcement circuit pack and the system
data-line Assigns a Data Line Data Module. The Data
Line Data Module (DLDM) screen assigns
ports on the Data Line circuit pack (DLC) that
allows EIA 232C devices to connect to the
system. The DLC, with a companion
Asynchronous Data Unit (ADU), provides a
less expensive data interface to the system
than other asynchronous DCP data
modules. The DLC supports asynchronous
transmissions at speeds of Low and 300,
1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, and 19200 bps over
2-pair (full-duplex) lines. These lines can
have different lengths, depending on the
transmission speed and wire gauge. The
DLC has 8 ports. The connection from the
port to the EIA device is direct, meaning that
no multiplexing is involved. A single port of
the DLC is equivalent in functionality to a
data module and a digital line port. The DLC
appears as a data module to the Digital
Terminal Equipment (DTE) and as a digital
Managing Communication Manager objects
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 761

line port to the server running
Communication Manager. The DLC
connects the following EIA 232C equipment
to the system:
Non-Intelligent Data Terminals
Intelligent Terminals, Personal Computers
Host Computers
Information Systems Network (ISN),
RS-232C Local Area Networks (LANs), or
other data switches
ethernet Specifies the name associated with an
endpoint. The name you enter displays on
called telephones that have display
capabilities. In some messaging
applications, such as Communication
Manager Messaging, you can enter the user
name (last name first) and their extension to
identify the telephone. The name you enter
is also used for the integrated directory.
ni-bri Assigns an NI-BRI Data Module.
pdm Assigns a DCE interface for Processor/Trunk
Data Modules. These screens assign
Modular Processor Data Modules (MPDMs)
and Modular Trunk Data Modules (MTDMs).
One screen is required for assigning MPDMs
(700D), 7400B, 7400D or 8400B Data
Module, and another screen for MTDMs
(700B, 700C, 700E, 7400A). One screen
must be completed for each MPDM, 7400B,
7400D, 8400B or MTDM. The MPDM,
7400B, or 8400B Data Module provides a
Data Communications Equipment (DCE)
interface for connection to equipment such
as data terminals, CDR output devices, on-
premises administration terminal, Message
Server, Property Management System
(PMS), AUDIX, and host computers. It also
provides a Digital Communications
Protocol(DCP) interface to the digital switch.
(DCE is the equipment on the network side
of a communications link that provides all the
functions required to make the binary serial
data from the source or transmitter
compatible with the communications
channel.) The MTDM provides an Electronic
Managing Communication Manager
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Industries Association (EIA) Data Terminal
Equipment (DTE) interface for connection to
off-premises private line trunk facilities or a
switched telecommunications network and a
DCP interface for connection to the digital
switch. (DTE is the equipment comprising
the endpoints in a connection over a data
circuit. For example, in a connection
between a data terminal and a host
computer, the terminal, the host, and their
associated modems or data modules make
up the DTE.) The MTDM or 7400A Data
Module also can serve as part of a
conversion resource for Combined Modem
ppp Assigns a Point-to-Point Protocol data
module. The PPP Data Module screen
assigns a synchronous TCP/IP port on the
Control Lan (C-Lan) circuit pack. These ports
are tailored to provide TCP/IP connections
for use over telephone lines. See
Administering Network Connectivity on
Avaya Aura

Communication Manager,
555-233-504, for more information on Point-
to-Point data modules.
system-port Assigns a System Port Data Module.
tdm Assigns a DTE interface for Processor/Trunk
Data Modules. See the pdm entry above.
wcbri Assigns a World Class BRI Data Module.
Button Description
Commit Performs the action you initiate.
Schedule Performs the action at the specified time.
Reset Clears the action and resets the fields.
Clear Clears all entries.
Done Completes your current action and takes you
to the subsequent page.
Cancel Cancels your current action and takes you to
the previous page.
Now Performs the action you initiate real time.
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Class of service
Class Of Service
Class Of Service (COS) allows you to administer permissions for call processing features that
require dial code or feature button access. COS determines the features that can be activated
by or on behalf of endpoints. Using System Manager you can view and modify the Class Of
Service data.
Editing Class Of Service data
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Messaging.
2. In the left navigation pane, click System > Class of Service.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Select the Class Of Service that you want to edit.
6. Click Edit or View > Edit.
7. Edit the required fields and click Commit to save the changes.
Related topics:
Class of Service field descriptions on page 765
Viewing Class Of Service data
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Messaging.
2. In the left navigation pane, click System > Class of Service.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Select the Class Of Service you want to view.
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6. Click View to view the Class Of Service data.
Related topics:
Class of Service field descriptions on page 765
Filtering the Class Of Service list
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Messaging.
2. In the left navigation pane, click System > Class of Service.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click Filter: Enable in the Class Of Service List.
6. Filter the list according to one or multiple columns.
7. Click Apply.
To hide the column filters, click Disable. This does not clear any filter criteria that
you have set.
The table displays only those options that match the filter criteria.
Class of Service field descriptions
Name Description
System Specifies the name of the Communication
Manager associated with the Class of
Number Specifies the Class of Service number.
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General options
Name Description
Ad-hoc video conferencing Enables Ad-hoc Video Conferencing, so that
up to six users can participate in a video
conference call.
Automatic Callback Allows users to request Automatic
Automatic Exclusion Allows a user to activate automatically
Exclusion when they go off hook on an
endpoint that has an assigned Exclusion
Buttonless Auto Exclusion Allows bridged appearances to operate in
the exclusion mode regardless of the
existence of an administered exclusion
button. Currently this feature is only
administrable on a per-endpoint basis by
administering a feature exclusion button.
This feature relaxes the requirement to use
a feature button.
Call Forwarding Busy / DA Allows users to forward calls to any
extension when the dialed extension is busy
or does not answer.
Call Forwarding Enhanced Allows users to designate different preferred
destinations for forwarding calls that
originate from internal and external callers.
Call Forwarding All Calls Allows users to forward all calls to any
Client Room Allows users to access Check-In, Check-
Out, Room Change/Swap, and Maid status
functions. In addition, Client Room is
required at consoles or telephones that are
to receive message waiting notification. You
can administer class of service for Client
Room only when you have Hospitality
Services and a Property Management
System interface.
Conference Tones This feature provides the conference tone as
long as three or more calls are in a
conference call.
If you enable these tones for countries other
than Italy, Belgium, United Kingdom, or
Australia, the tones will be equivalent to no
tone (silence) unless the tone is
Managing Communication Manager
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Name Description
independently administered or customized
on the Tone Generation screen.
Console Permissions Allows multi-appearance telephone users to
control the same features that the attendant
controls. You might assign this permission to
front-desk personnel in a hotel or motel, or to
a call center supervisor. With console
permission, a user can:
Activate Automatic Wakeup for another
Activate and deactivate controlled
restrictions for another extension or group
of extensions
Activate and deactivate Do Not Disturb for
another extension or group of extensions
Activate Call Forwarding for another
Add and remove agent skills
Record integrated announcements
Contact Closure Activation Allows a user to open and close a contact
closure relay.
Data Privacy Isolates a data call from call waiting or other
MOC Control Provides the option to assign administrative
control on Microsoft Office Communicator
(MOC) for either of the 0-15 entries on COS
or COS Group objects. By default, this check
box is clear.
Extended Forwarding All Allows a user to administer call forwarding
(for all calls) from a remote location.
Extended Forwarding Busy / DA Allows this user to administer call forwarding
(when the dialed extension is busy or does
not answer) from a remote location.
Intra-Switch CDR Administers extensions for which Intra-
Switch CDR is enabled.
Masking CPN / Name Override Allows users to override the MCSNIC
capability (that is, masking the display of
calling party information and replacing it with
a hard-coded, system-wide text string, Info
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Name Description
Off-Hook Alert To enable this option, either the Hospitality
(Basic) or Emergency Access to Attendant
field must be enabled in your license file.
When enabled, these fields display as y on
the System- Parameters Customer-Options
Personal Station Access (PSA) Allows users to associate a telephone to their
extension with their programmed services,
using a feature access code. This field must
be set to n for virtual telephones. This field
must be set to y at a user's home endpoint in
order for that user to use the Enterprise
Mobility User (EMU) feature at other
Priority Calling Allows users to dial a feature access code to
originate a priority call. Such calls ring
differently and override send all calls, if
Priority IP Video Allows priority video calling, where video
calls have an increased likelihood of
receiving bandwidth and can also be
allocated a larger maximum bandwidth per
QSIG Call Offer Originations Allows users to invoke QSIG Call Offer
Restrict Call Fwd-Off Net Restricts users from forwarding calls to the
public network. For security reasons, this
should be enabled for all classes of service
except the ones you use for very special
Trk-To-Trk Tranfer Override Users with this COS override any system
and/or COR-to-COR calling party restrictions
that would otherwise prohibit the trunk-to-
trunk transfer operation for users with this
VIP Caller Enables automatic priority calling when
assigned to the originator of a call. A call from
a VIP phone is always a priority call without
the use of a feature button or FAC.
Match BCA Display to Principal Specifies the format of the incoming calls on
the bridged call appearances of a COS
Group. The possible values are:
Managing Communication Manager
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Name Description
y: Displays the incoming call in the <calling
name/number> format
n: Displays the incoming call in the <calling
name/number> to <principal station>
Button Description
Commit Saves the changes you make.
Reset Undoes the changes you made.
Edit Takes you to the Edit Class of Service data
Done Performs the action you initiate.
Cancel Cancels the current action and takes you to
the previous page.
Authorization Code
Authorization Code
Use authorization code to control the calling privileges of system users. Authorization codes
extend control of calling privileges and enhance security for remote access callers. You can
use authorization codes to:
Override a facilities restriction level (FRL) that is assigned to an originating station or trunk
Restrict individual incoming tie trunks and remote access trunks from accessing outgoing
Track Call Detail Recording (CDR) calls for cost allocation
Provide additional security control
Authorization Code List
Authorization Code List displays all the authorization codes under the Communication
Manager you select. You can apply filters and sort each column in the Authorization Code
When you click Refresh, you can view the updated information available after the last
synchronization operation.
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Name Description
Authorization Code Displays the authorization code, which is a
combination of 4 to 13 digits.
Class of Restriction Displays the associated Class Of
System Specifies the name of the Communication
Manager associated with the authorization
Viewing Authorization Code
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click System > Authorization Code.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. From the Authorization Code List, select the authorization code you want to view.
6. Click View.
Related topics:
Authorization Code field descriptions on page 771
Editing Authorization Code
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click System > Authorization Code.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. From the Authorization Code List, select the authorization code you want to edit.
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6. Click Edit or click View > Edit.
7. Edit the required fields on the Edit Authorization Code page.
8. Click Commit to save the changes.
Related topics:
Authorization Code field descriptions on page 771
Authorization Code field descriptions
Field Description
Authorization Code Displays a combination of 4 to 13 digits. The
number of digits must agree with the number
assigned to the Authorization Code Length
field on the Feature-Related System
Parameters screen. To enhance system
security, choose Authorization Codes of 13
random digits.
COR Displays the Class Of Restriction. Valid entry
ranges from 0 to 95. When a user dials the
associated authorization code, this is the
COR that the telephone or other facility will
assume for that call.
Button Description
Commit Performs the action you initiate.
Schedule Performs the action at the specified time.
Reset Clears the action and resets the fields.
Clear Clears all entries.
Done Completes your current action and takes you
to the subsequent page.
Cancel Cancels your current action and takes you to
the previous page.
Now Performs the action you initiate real time.
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 771

Class of Service Group
Class Of Service Group
With Class Of Service Group, you can view the list of up to 100 Class Of Service (COS) groups
on the screen. You can also change the configuration of individual COS group properties and
edit up to 15 COS options within a group.
Class Of Service Group List
Class Of Service Group List displays the groups of Class Of Service under the Communication
Manager you select. You can apply filters and sort each of the columns in the Class Of Service
Group List.
When you click Refresh, you can view the updated information available after the last
synchronization operation.
Name Description
Group Number Displays the number of the Class Of Service
group. The group number ranges from 1 to
Group Name Displays the name of the Class Of Service
System Specifies the name of the Communication
Manager associated with the Class Of
Service Group.
Viewing Class Of Service Group
You can view the list of up to 100 Class of Service (COS) groups on this screen.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click System > Class of Service Group.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
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5. From the Class Of Service Group List, select the group number for which you want
to view the data.
6. Click View.
Related topics:
Class Of Service Group field descriptions on page 773
Editing Class Of Service Group
You can change the configuration of individual Class Of Service (COS) group properties and
edit up to 15 COS options within a group on this screen.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click System > Class of Service Group.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. From the Class Of Service Group List, select the group number for which you want
to edit the data.
6. Click Edit or click View > Edit.
7. Edit the required fields on the Edit Class Of Service Group Data page.
8. Click Commit to save the changes.
Related topics:
Class Of Service Group field descriptions on page 773
Class Of Service Group field descriptions
Name Description
System Specifies the name of the Communication
Manager associated with the Class Of
Group Number Specifies the Class Of Service number. The
group number can range from 1 to 100. This
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Name Description
field appears when, on the System
Parameters Customer-Options (Optional
Features) screen, the Tenant Partitioning
field is set to y.
Group Name Specifies the name of the Class Of Service
Group. This field appears when, on the
System Parameters Customer-Options
(Optional Features) screen, the Tenant
Partitioning field is set to y.
Ad-hoc video conferencing Enables the ad-hoc video conference
capability. Six users can participate in a
video conference call.
Automatic Callback Allows users to request Automatic
Automatic Exclusion Allows a user to activate automatically
Exclusion when they go off hook on an
endpoint that has an assigned Exclusion
Buttonless Auto Exclusion Allows bridged appearances to operate in
the exclusion mode regardless of the
existence of an administered exclusion
button. Currently this feature is only
administrable on a per-endpoint basis by
administering a feature exclusion button.
This feature relaxes the requirement to use
a feature button.
Call Forwarding Busy / DA Allows users to forward calls to any
extension when the dialed extension is busy
or does not answer.
Call Forwarding Enhanced Allows users to designate different preferred
destinations for forwarding calls that
originate from internal and external callers.
Call Forwarding All Calls Allows users to forward all calls to any
Client Room Allows users to access Check-In, Check-
Out, Room Change/ Swap, and Maid status
functions. In addition, Client Room is
required at consoles or telephones that are
to receive message waiting notification. You
can administer COS for Client Room only
when you have Hospitality Services and a
Property Management System interface.
Managing Communication Manager
774 Administering Avaya Aura

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Name Description
Conference Tones This feature provides the conference tone as
long as three or more calls are in a
conference call. If you enable these tones for
countries other than Italy, Belgium, United
Kingdom, or Australia, the tones will be
equivalent to no tone (silence) unless the
tone is independently administered or
customized on the Tone Generation
Console Permissions Allows multi-appearance telephone users to
control the same features that the attendant
controls. You might assign this permission to
front-desk personnel in a hotel or motel, or to
a call center supervisor.
With console permission, a user can:
Activate Automatic Wakeup for another
Activate and deactivate controlled
restrictions for another extension or group
of extensions
Activate and deactivate Do Not Disturb for
another extension or group of extensions
Activate Call Forwarding for another
Add and remove agent skills
Record integrated announcements
Contact Closure Activation Allows a user to open and close a contact
closure relay.
Data Privacy Isolates a data call from call waiting or other
Extended Forwarding All Allows a user to administer call forwarding for
all calls from a remote location.
Extended Forwarding Busy / DA Allows this user to administer call forwarding
when the dialed extension is busy or does not
answer from a remote location.
Intra-Switch CDR Administers extensions for which Intra-
Switch CDR is enabled.
Masking CPN / Name Override Allows users to override the MCSNIC
capability, that is, masking the display of
calling party information and replacing it with
a hard-coded, system-wide text string, Info
Managing Communication Manager objects
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 775

Name Description
Off-Hook Alert To enable this option, either the Hospitality
(Basic) or Emergency Access to Attendant
field must be enabled in your license file.
When enabled, these fields display as y on
the System- Parameters Customer-Options
Personal Station Access (PSA) Allows users to associate a telephone to their
extension with their programmed services,
using a feature access code. This field must
be set to n for virtual telephones. This field
must be set to y at a user's home endpoint
in order for that user to use the Enterprise
Mobility User (EMU) feature at other
Priority Calling Allows users to dial a feature access code to
originate a priority call. Such calls ring
differently and override Send All Calls, if
Priority IP Video Allows priority video calling, where video
calls have an increased likelihood of
receiving bandwidth and can also be
allocated a larger maximum bandwidth per
QSIG Call Offer Originations Allows users to invoke QSIG Call Offer
Restrict Call Fwd- Off Net Restricts users from forwarding calls to the
public network. For security reasons, this
should be enabled for all COS except the
ones you use for very special
Trk-To-Trk Tranfer Override Users with this COS override any system
and/or COR-to-COR calling party restrictions
that would otherwise prohibit the trunk-to-
trunk transfer operation for users with this
VIP Caller Enables automatic priority calling when
assigned to the originator of a call. A call from
a VIP phone is always a priority call without
the use of a feature button or FAC.
Match BCA Display to Principal Specifies the format of the incoming calls on
the bridged call appearances of a COS
Group. The possible values are:
Managing Communication Manager
776 Administering Avaya Aura

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Name Description
y: Displays the incoming call in the <calling
name/number> format
n: Displays the incoming call in the <calling
name/number> to <principal station>
Button Description
Commit Performs the action you initiate.
Schedule Performs the action at the specified time.
Reset Clears the action and resets the fields.
Clear Clears all entries.
Done Completes your current action and takes you
to the subsequent page.
Cancel Cancels your current action and takes you to
the previous page.
Now Performs the action you initiate real time.
Uniform Dial Plan Groups
Uniform Dial Plan Group
A Uniform Dial Plan Group is a set of Communication Manager systems that use the Uniform
Dialing Plan (UDP) feature. You can use the Uniform Dial Plan Groups capability in System
Manager to create, view, modify, and delete uniform dial plan (UDP) groups.
Adding a Uniform Dial Plan Group
About this task
Use this page to create a new UDP Group. While creating a new UDP Group, make sure that
the Communication Manager systems you select share common extension ranges.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. Click System > Uniform Dial Plan Groups in the left navigation pane.
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 777

3. On the UDP Groups page, click New.
4. On the Add UDP Group page, enter the name for the UDP Group you want to create
in the Group Name field.
5. Select the Auto Update All check box if you want the UDP tables of every
Communication Manager system that you add to this group to be updated
6. Select the Create local UDP table entry check box if you want to create a local
entry automatically in the UDP table of the Communication Manager system when
you add an endpoint to it.
7. Enter the required information in the fields under the Group Members and Group
Ranges tabs.
8. Click Commit.
9. On the System Manager console, click Groups & Roles > Groups to verify that the
system added the group with the same name and resources.
Related topics:
Add UDP Groups field descriptions on page 779
Editing a Uniform Dial Plan Group
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. Click System > Uniform Dial Plan Groups in the left navigation pane.
3. On the UDP Groups page, select the UDP Group that you want to modify from the
UDP Group List.
4. Click Edit.
5. On the Edit UDP Groups page, modify the required fields.
6. Click Commit.
Related topics:
Add UDP Groups field descriptions on page 779
Managing Communication Manager
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Viewing a Uniform Dial Plan Group
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. Click System > Uniform Dial Plan Groups in the left navigation pane.
3. On the UDP Groups page, select the UDP Group that you want to view from the
UDP Group List.
4. Click View. The system displays the View UDP Group page.
Related topics:
Add UDP Groups field descriptions on page 779
Deleting a Uniform Dial Plan Group
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. Click System > Uniform Dial Plan Groups in the left navigation pane.
3. On the UDP Groups page, select the UDP Group that you want to delete from the
UDP Group List.
4. Click Delete.
Related topics:
Add UDP Groups field descriptions on page 779
Add UDP Groups field descriptions
Name Description
Group Name To enter a name for the UDP group that you
want to create.
Auto Update All To automatically update the UDP tables of
every Communication Manager that you add
to this group .
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Name Description
Create local UDP table entry To create a local entry automatically in the
UDP table of the Communication Manager
system when you add an endpoint.
Group Members
Name Description
CM Systems A list of Communication Manager systems
from which you can select the
Communication Manager that you want to
add to the new UDP Group. A UDP Group
can contain 2 to 10 systems.
Add The link to add one or more Communication
Manager systems to the new UDP Group. Is
this a field or a group member?
Element Name The name of the Communication Manager
system that you added to the UDP group.
This field is view only.
Software Version The version of the Communication Manager
system that you added to the UDP group.
This field is view only.
Remove The link to remove the Communication
Manager systems that you selected from the
CM Systems field list.
Group Ranges
Name Description
System Dial Plan A list of a common range of extensions
available on the Communication Manager
systems that you selected in the Group
Members tab.
From The starting range of extension numbers.
The first extension number in the range.
To The closing range of extension number. The
last extension number in the range.
Add The link to add the specified range of
extension numbers.
Group Range Configuration
Name Description
Range The range of extension numbers.
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Name Description
UDP Type Enter the initials of the call-processing server
network that the system uses to analyze the
converted number. Valid entries are aar,
ars, and ext. First describe what is UDP
Delete Digits The number of digits that the software
deletes before the software routes a call.
Valid entries are 0 through 3.
Node/Location# The extension number portability (ENP)
node number. Valid entries are 1 to 999.
Insert Digits The specific digits or the number of
administered location prefix digits inserted
before routing the call. Select one of the
0 to 9 (1 to 4 digits): The digits that replace
the deleted portion of the dialed number.
Lx (1 to 5): The variable x represents the
number of digits between 1 and 5 and is the
number of leading digits taken from the
administered location prefix. These digits
are followed by the dialed string. The
number of digits in the location prefix must
be more than x.
The field to specify the location prefix
digits. Leave the Insert Digits field blank if
you do not want to specify the location
prefix digits.
Conv The range configurations used to create the
Uniform Dial Plan entries on
Communication Manager when an extension
in the common ranges is added.
Button Description
Commit Performs the action that you start. .
Clear Clears all entries.
Cancel Cancels the current action and reverts to the
previous page.
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Uniform Dial Plan
Uniform Dial Plan field descriptions
Name Description
Matching Pattern The number that the Communication
Manager instance uses to match the dialed
numbers. You can enter up to 18 digits in the
Matching Pattern field. You can also enter
wildcard characters like x and X.
Length The length of the dialed string for each type
of call.
Del The number of digits the system must delete
from the initial digits of the dialed string.
Insert Digits The specific digits or number of administered
location prefix digits inserted before routing
the call. Select one of the following:
0 to 9 (1 to 4 digits): The digits that replace
the deleted portion of the dialed number.
Lx (1 to 5): The variable x represents the
number of digits between 1 and 5 and is the
number of leading digits taken from the
administered location prefix. These digits
are followed by the dialed string. x must be
less than the number of digits in the
location prefix.
blank: Leave the Insert Digits field blank
if you do not want to specify the location
prefix digits.
Net The method that the call-processing server
network uses to analyze the converted
number. Select one of the following:
ext: If you use this option, the call-
processing server network analyzes the
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Name Description
converted digit-string as an extension
aar: If you use this option, the call-
processing server network analyzes the
converted digit-string as an AAR address.
ars: If you use this option, the call-
processing server network analyzes the
converted digit-string as an ARS address.
Conv The field that enables additional digital
Node Number The destination node number in a private
network when the system uses node number
routing or Distributed Communication
System (DCS). The possible values are:
blank: Use this option if you do not want to
enter the destination node number. This is
the default option.
1 to 999: Use this option to enter the
destination node number.
System The name of the Communication Manager
Button Description
New Adds UDP entries.
Edit Edits the UDP entry you select.
View Displays the details of the UDP entry.
Update UDP Entries Updates UDP entries.
Adding UDP entries
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click System > Uniform Dial Plan.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
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5. Click New.
6. Type a qualifier in the Enter Qualifier field.
7. Click Add(+).
8. On the SAT screen, type the details of the UDP entry.
9. Click Enter.
The system adds the UDP entry to the UDP table.
Viewing UDP entries
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click System > Uniform Dial Plan.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Choose the UDP entry you want to view.
6. Click View.
The system displays the SAT screen with the details of the UDP entry.
Editing UDP entries
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click System > Uniform Dial Plan.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Select the UDP entry you want to edit.
6. Click Edit.
7. On the SAT screen, edit the details for the UDP entry.
8. Click Enter.
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The system displays the status that the UDP was successfully edited on the UDP
Update UDP entries
Use Update UDP entries to add or delete an extension as an endpoint extension on any
Communication Manager instance in the UDP group. The extension is then added or deleted
in the UDP of that Communication Manager instance and as an AAR or ARS in the UDP of
other Communication Manager instances in the UDP group.
Updating UDP entries
Before you begin
You must configure at least one UDP group before you update the UDP entries.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click System > Uniform Dial Plan.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click Update UDP Entries.
6. Complete the Update UDP Entries page.
7. Click Commit.
Related topics:
Updating UDP entries field descriptions on page 785
Updating UDP entries field descriptions
Name Description
Update Mode The mode by which you want to select the
extensions for updating the UDP entries. The
choices are:
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Name Description
File Upload: Select this option if you want
to upload a .txt file with extensions. You
can either enter comma separated values
or individual extensions in the text file.
Select Extension: Select this option to
choose an extension range from the text
box. You can also enter the extensions
Operation The add or delete operation you want to
perform on the UDP entries.
Add: Select Add to add an extension as an
endpoint extension on any Communication
Manager of the UDP group. The extension
is then added in the UDP of that
Communication Manager . The extension
is also added as an AAR or ARS in the UDP
of other Communication Managers in the
UDP group.
Delete: Select Delete to delete an
extension from the UDP of all the
Communication Managers in the UDP
group. The extension you want to delete
must be present in one of the
Communication Managers in the UDP
Select a File Click Select a File to browse to the text file
in your local computer.
Schedule Job The possible values are:
Run immediately: Select this option to
update the UDP entries immediately.
Schedule later: Select this option to
update the UDP entries at the scheduled
Button Description
Commit Updates the UDP entries for the UDP groups
you selected.
Cancel Cancels the update action.
Related topics:
Updating UDP entries on page 785
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Assigning permission to gain access UDP groups across Communication
Manager instances
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Roles.
3. On the Roles page, select an existing role, and perform one of the following steps:
Click New
Right-click and select New.
The role that you selected becomes the parent of the role that you create. The
permissions available to the new role limit to the permissions of the parent role.

4. On the Add New Role page, type the name and the description for the role.
5. Click Commit and Continue.
6. Click Add Mapping.
7. In Group Name, select the group of templates to which you want to apply this
You can leave Group Name blank if you do not want to select any group.
8. In the Element or Resource Type field, click UDP Group.
9. Click Next.
10. On the Permission Mapping page, apply the required permissions. For example,
select Edit.
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11. Click Commit.
Usage options
Endpoint options
Use Usage Options to add and remove internal dependencies to an endpoint. Use Add
Options to add references of an endpoint to other endpoint related objects such as Intra Switch
CDR Agent, Intra Switch CDR Endpoint, and Intra Switch CDR VDN. If you select Add
Options and add an endpoint, the system updates the reference objects you selected
For example, if you select Intra Switch CDR for Endpoints and add a new entry in endpoints,
the same entry is added on the Intra Switch CDR form. The system displays station-user in
the Type field.
Use Usage Options to:
Add dependencies between an endpoint and Intra-Switch CDR for Agent, Endpoint, and
Remove this endpoint from the bridged extension of another station, if configured.
Remove an endpoint from a hunt group.
Remove an endpoint from an Intra-switch CDR, if configured.
Remove an Off-PBX-Telephone Endpoint-Mapping for the endpoint, if configured.
Remove an endpoint from another the Team button of another endpoint, if configured.
Remove an endpoint from the Port Extension field on the Agents form, if configured.
Remove an endpoint from the Vector steps, if configured.
Clear the voice messages that are waiting by selecting the Clear AMW checkbox.
If an endpoint is referenced elsewhere and if you try to delete the endpoint, the
Communication Manager gives an error. You must remove the reference before you delete
the endpoint. You can remove the references using Usage Option.
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Adding dependencies to an endpoint, agent, or VDN
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Options > Usage Options.
3. Click the Add Options tab.
4. Select one of the following options for a Communication Manager:
Intra-Switch CDR for Agent to add an Intra-Switch CDR dependency while
adding an agent to that Communication Manager
Intra-Switch CDR for Endpoint to add an Intra-Switch CDR dependency
while adding an endpoint on that Communication Manager.
Intra-Switch CDR for VDN to add an Intra-Switch CDR dependency while
adding a VDN on that Communication Manager.
5. Click Commit.
To clear the settings you have chosen, click Reset.
Removing references to an endpoint
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Options > Usage Options.
3. In the Remove Options tab, select the references you want to remove for the
4. Click Commit.
Related topics:
Remove usage options field descriptions on page 790
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Remove usage options field descriptions
Name Description
System The name of the Communication Manager.
Select the checkbox next to System to select
all the Communication Managers.
Bridged Extension Select this checkbox to remove the reference
between the bridged extension and the
endpoint you choose.
Hunt Group Select this checkbox to remove the reference
between the huntgroup and the endpoint you
Intra-Switch CDR Select this checkbox to remove the reference
between the Intra-Switch CDR and the
endpoint you choose.
Off- PBX Telephone Station-Mapping Select this checkbox to remove the reference
between the Off-PBX Telephone Station-
Mapping and the endpoint you choose.
Team Button Select this checkbox to remove the reference
between the Team Button and the endpoint
you choose.
Clear AMW Select the Automatic Message Waiting
checkbox to clear all the voice messages that
are waiting.
Port Extension The assigned extension for the AAS or a
voice messaging port. This extension cannot
be a Vector Directory Number (VDN) or an
Agent LoginID. Default is blank.
Vector Select this checkbox to remove the reference
between the Vector and the endpoint you
Button Description
Commit Click to apply the remove option for the
options you select.
Reset Click to undo all the changes you made.
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NRP Group
Overview of NRP group
By using the Network Routing Policy (NRP) group, you can add or remove Communication
Manager within the NRP group. Communication Manager of the NRP group can then create
Location entries in Session Manager for the field Controlled by this CM server for that
network region.
After you add Communication Manager to the NRP group, you can set the Controlled by this
CM server field to Yes or No.
If you specify the IP Network Region for the field Controlled by this CM server value to
Yes, the Session Manager location will generate with IP Network Region, Name and IP
Network Map linked for that IP Network Region.
On the IP Network Region page, you can perform the following:
In the Details column, you can either show or hide the IP Network Maps.
You can edit the Name and Controlled by this CM server fields for the IP Network
Region that you have selected.
If Communication Manager 1, Communication Manager 2, and Communication Manager 3
are in an NRP group, and you set the Controlled by this CM Server field to Yes for the IP
Network Region X for Communication Manager 1.
Where IP Network Region X can be any IP Network Region other than IP Network
Region 1, as IP Network Region 1 is an exception.
You cannot set the Controlled by this CM Server field to Yes for Communication
Manager 2, and Communication Manager 3 in IP Network Region X because the these
two Communication Manager instances are a part of the same NRP group.
NRP sync feature
By using the NRP synchronization feature, users with H.323 phones can move between offices
and have appropriate E911 routing for their location.
For the NRP sync feature, ensure that the authoritative Communication Manager IP Network
Region information is configured in the Session Manager routing table. A Communication
Manager server is authoritative for a location if the location contains media gateways and SIP
endpoints that are administered on that Communication Manager server.
Therefore, if you make any change to the IP Network Map for the IP Network Region that
are controlled by Communication Manager, the updates are automatically detected. These
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updates are replicated to the corresponding Location entries in the Session Manager routing
Creating NRP groups
About this task
Perform this procedure to add or remove one or more Communication Manager instances from
an NRP group. The Communication Manager instances that you select will be a part of the
NRP group. These Communication Manager instances will be authoritative over specific IP
Network Regions.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Options > NRP Group.
3. In the NRP Group table, select the Communication Manager instances that you
want to add to an NRP group.
4. Click Commit.
The Communication Manager instances that you selected are now a part of the NRP
group. When you add a Communication Manager instance to the NRP group, the
system changes the correlation flag of IP Network Region 1 to Yes, which means
that Session Manager Location is created using IP Network Region 1.
Managing NRP groups
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Communication
2. In the left navigation pane, click Networks > IP Network Regions.
3. Select the specific Communication Manager instance from the list of
Communication Manager instances.
The IP Network Region page displays the Details, Name, and Controlled by this CM
Server columns of that Communication Manager instance.
For more information, see Overview of NRP group
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Related topics:
Overview of NRP group on page 791
Correlation between Communication Manager and Session Manager
The Controlled by this CM Server has two values: Yes and No.
To edit the Name of the Communication Manager that controls that IP Network
Region for a Communication Manager instance, set Controlled by this CM Server to
To create a correlated Session Manager Location, set Controlled by this CM Server
of IP Network Region of a Communication Manager that is a part of NRP Group to
If Controlled by the CM Server is changed from Yes to No then the Session Manager
location entry is deleted by the system.
Controlled by the CM Server to Yes
Setting Controlled by the CM Server to Yes on IP Network region page creates a location
on Session Manager.
To verify the Session Manager location on System Manager web console, click Elements >
Routing > Locations.
The Controlled by this CM Server is set to Yes only if Session Manager location creation
is successful at the Session Manager. On List IP Network Region page, click Save.
The change in Region Name or IP Network Map of IP Network Region that has
Controlled by this CM server set to Yes is displayed back in Session Manager when
the update occurs in System Manager.
In case of a conflict or mismatch with the Name field on Session Manager, the system logs
an error and the Name field remains unchanged on Session Manager. The system raises
an alarm.
Correlation between Session Manager and System Manager
System Manager disallows IPv6 type of IP Network Map while generating Session
Manager location.
System Manager disallows overlapping ranges while generating Session Manager
location, which means setting Controlled by this CM Server to Yes.
System Manager disallows generating the Session Manager Location, when
Communication Manager IP Network Region Name is blank or if location exists with
same name on Session Manager.
The Communication Manager IP Network Region with Controlled by this CM Server
and corresponding Session Manager Location are mapped using correlation ID.
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Chapter 11: Managing IP Office devices
IP Office Element Manager
IP Office Element Manager
Use the IP Office feature in System Manager to remotely configure and manage the IP Office
devices. You can also perform backup and restore the tasks of the IP Office device
System Manager discovers the IP Office devices in inventory management through SNMPv1.
The discovered IP Office devices appear in the Collected Inventory list in Inventory.
System Manager supports the IP Office application, the interface on which you can view or
edit configuration values. However, Client computers need JRE for System Manager to support
the IP Office application. See JRE requirement for client computers on page 796.
Use the administrative capabilities of IP Office in System Manager to:
Edit and view system configuration data in System Configuration.
Edit and view security configuration data in Security Configuration.
Perform backup and restore tasks of IP Office device configuration that includes system
configuration data and user data.
Synchronize the IP Office devices through the Inventory tab.
When you use an IP Office device through System Manager, System Manager locks the
device from external access. To unlock the device, edit the security settings in System
Manager. You must edit the security settings only in critical scenarios.
To create system configuration and endpoint templates for IP Office devices, use the IP Office
Endpoint and IP Office System Configuration pages in template management. In addition
to system configuration template creation, you can even apply a system configuration template
to an IP Office device. Use the IP Office Endpoint and IP Office System Configuration
menus in template management to:
Create, edit, view, duplicate, and delete IP Office Endpoint templates.
Create, edit, view, duplicate, and delete IP Office System Configuration templates.
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Upload and convert audio files from a .WAV to a .C11 format.
Apply IP Office System Configuration templates to IP Office devices.
Related topics:
JRE requirement for client computers on page 796
JRE requirement for client computers
When launching IP Office Manager, client computers need Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
JRE is required to open IP Office Manager through the Java Applet.
As aSystem Manager administrator, you must install JRE 1.7+ on your client machine to
manage IP Office users, system configuration, and security configuration.
If JRE 1.7+ is not installed, the system displays the following message:
Failed to launch IP Office Manager.
IP Office Manager requires Java Runtime Environment to launch, System
has detected that there is no Java Runtime Environment present or
version present is below recommended Java Runtime Environment version
1.7+. Download and install latest Java Runtime Environment version
for Windows operating system from the Oracle site
You can download the latest version of JRE from
Upgrade JRE to JRE 1.7.0_51+ and upgrade JDK plugin in the browser to JDK 7.0.510+.
Because JRE 1.7 introduced security settings changes, you must clear the browser cache
and temporary internet files of Java from Java Control Panel. To delete the cache of
applications and applets, when you delete the temporary internet files from Java Control
Panel, click Installed Applications and Applets.
Unlocking an IP Office device
1. On the IP Office Manager, click Advanced Options > Security Settings > File.
2. Enter your security login name and password.
3. On the Security settings page, click Services.
4. In the right panel, clear the Under System Management Administration
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5. Save and exit the IP Office manager.
This procedure unlocks the IP Office device for external access.
This method does not permanently unlock the IP Office device. After unlocking the
device, whenever the IP Office device receives a request from System Manager ,
the device is locked again. The device remains unlocked till the device receives a
request through System Manager . After you unlock the device, immediately
perform your operations from the IP Office manager before System Manager locks
the device again. The device will also be locked if you perform any operation on the
device through System Manager . To unlock the device again, follow the same
Starting the IP Office Element Manager
The IP Office application is a prerequisite for successful completion of administrative tasks on
the Security Configuration and System Configuration pages in IP Office, IP Office
Endpoint and IP Office System Configuration pages in Templates, and the IP Office
Endpoint Profile section in User Management.
When you newly install System Manager , set up System Manager to start the IP Office
application, and to upgrade the IP Office application to the latest version available in PLDS.
Setting up System Manager to start IP Office element manager
About this task
This task is not required if you have downloaded the AdminLite-XXX.exe file using Software
Management in System Manager .
1. Download the IP Office element manager AdminLite-XXX.exe file from http://
XXX in AdminLite-XXX.exe specifies the version string. For example,
Using IP Office element manager, (AdminLite-XXX.exe), you can manage IP Office
and B5800 devices.
2. Transfer the downloaded AdminLite-XXX.exe or B5800AdminLite-
XXX.exe file to the System Manager server using SFTP or SCP to the /opt/
Avaya/ABG/<version>/tools directory. For example, /opt/Avaya/ABG/
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/opt/Avaya/ABG/<version> is the same as $ABG_HOME.
3. Change this file into an executable file using the command: chmod +x <file
4. You must create a soft link using the name ManagerSFX.exe for the uploaded file.
Go to $ABG_HOME/tools by doing cd $ABG_HOME/tools, and create a soft
link using the ln -sf target linkname command.
If the filename uploaded to $ABG_HOME/tools is B5800ManagerLite.exe, then run
the ln -sf B5800ManagerLite.exe ManagerSFX.exe command.
5. Update the abg_b5800_mgr_version parameter with the IP Office element
manager version you downloaded from PLDS in the /opt/Avaya/ABG/
<version>/tools/ file.
6. If you have an IP Office administration suite already installed on your computer
using the IP Office Administration Applications DVD, update the
abg_b5800_mgr_version parameter with the manager version of your computer in
the /opt/Avaya/ABG/<version>/tools/ file on System Manager.
You must update the abg_b5800_mgr_version parameter each time you
download a new version of IP Office element manager from PLDS, and transfer
to System Manager. If you do not, an attempt to start the IP Office element
manager through System Manager fails, and the system displays an error
message to update the parameter.
7. On the administration computer that is used to launch IP Office, set the environment
variable to match the version of the AdminLite-XXX.exe file. Depending on the
version of Windows running on your computer, perform one of the following actions:
If the computer is running Windows XP, see Setting up the environment
variable in Windows XP to match the version of AdminLite on page 798.
If the computer is running Windows 7, see Setting up the environment variable
in Windows 7 to match the version of AdminLite on page 800.
Setting up the environment variable in Windows XP to match the
version of AdminLite
About this task
To set the environment variable of your system to match the version of AdminLite you install.
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1. Click Start, and then right-click My Computer.
2. Click Properties.
3. In the System Properties dialog box, click the Advanced tab.
4. Click Environment Variables.
5. In the Environment Variables dialog box, in the User variables for <name> area,
select IPOFFICEADMIN_VER. This variable is applicable if you added IP Office as
a device.
You must select AVAYAB5800_VER as the variable if you have not added any IP
Office devices.
6. Click Edit.
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7. In the Edit User Variable dialog box, in the Variable value field, change the value
to match the version of AdminLite, for example, 9.0.
8. Click OK.
9. Click OK for each of the subsequent dialog boxes, and then click Apply.
Setting up the environment variable in Windows 7 to match the
version of AdminLite
About this task
Follow this procedure to set your system's environment variable to match the version of
AdminLite you install.
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1. Click Start, and then right-click Computer.
2. Click Properties.
3. In the left navigation pane, click Advanced system settings.
4. In the System Properties dialog box, click Environment Variables.
5. In the Environment Variable dialog box, in the User variables for <name> area,
select IPOFFICEADMIN_VER. This variable is applicable if you have added IP
Office 9.0 as a device.
You must select AVAYAB5800_VER as the variable if you have not added any IP
Office devices.
6. Click Edit.
7. In the Edit User Variables dialog box, in the Variable value field, change the value
to match the version of AdminLite, for example, 9.0.
8. Click OK.
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9. Click OK for each of the subsequent dialog box, and then click Apply.
Default login password for day one configuration of an IP Office
For day one configuration for an IP Office device in Application Management in System
Manager, you must use the default service login and password to enable the use of an IP Office
device through System Manager. The following are the default values for the Service Login
and Service Password fields on the Attributes tab on the New IP Office page:
Service Login: SMGRB5800Admin
Service Password: SMGRB5800Admin
To navigate to the New IP Office page in Application Management from the dashboard, click
Inventory > Manage Elements > New.
This service password is for one-time use. After you commit this service login and password,
the system changes this default password internally and generates a random password. The
system does not display the new password. If you want to reset the login password, you must
connect to the IP Office device locally using the IP Office Manager.
After you change the password, the system schedules a default Sync system configuration
and a system configuration backup job everyday.
System Configuration
System Configuration
Use the System Configuration pages to view and edit system configuration of IP Office
devices through System Manager. However, Client computers need JRE for System Manager
to support the IP Office application. See JRE requirement for client computers on page 796.
To view or edit system configuration values, you must launch the IP Office element manager
in the offline mode through System Manager. System Manager uses web services to obtain
the latest system configuration from an IP Office device, and passes the configuration to the
IP Office element manager. After you save the modifications on the IP Office element manager,
System Manager retrieves the modified system configuration file and pushes the file to the IP
Office device.
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Viewing a system configuration
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > IP Office.
2. In the left navigation pane, click System Configuration.
3. On the IP Office System Configuration page, select the IP Officedevice whose
system configuration you want to view.
4. Click View.
This system starts the IP Office Manager application.
5. In the right pane of the IP Office window, you can view the details of the selected
IP Office system configuration. All the fields are view only.
6. Click File > Exit to exit the IP Office Manager application and return to the IP Office
System Configuration landing page.
Related topics:
IP Office System Configuration field descriptions on page 804
Editing a system configuration
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > IP Office.
2. In the left navigation pane, click System Configuration.
3. On the IP Office System Configuration page, select the IP Office device whose
system configuration you want to edit.
4. Click Edit.
This system starts the IP Office Manager application.
5. On the IP Office Manager window, edit the required fields on the right pane.
6. Click File > Save Configuration and Exit to save the modifications and exit the IP
Office Manager application.
7. On the IP Office System Configuration Edit page, the system displays the selected
IP Office device in the device list. Perform one of the following:
Click Commit to apply the changes immediately.
Click Schedule to apply the changes at a specified time.
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Related topics:
IP Office System Configuration field descriptions on page 804
IP Office System Configuration field descriptions
Name Description
Device Name The name of the IP Office device.
IP Address The IP address associated with the IP Office
System Type The type of system associated with the IP
Office device. The valid options are:
IP Office: for IP Office core unit
B5800: for B5800 core unit
Last Operation on Device The operation that has been performed last
on the device.
Status The status of the operation that is currently
running or was last run.
System Configuration Template The current IP Office System Configuration
template that exists on the IP Office device.
Last Modified Time of System
The date and time you last modified the
system configuration.
Last Backup Time The date and time when you last performed
a backup.
Security Configuration
Security Configuration
Use the Security Configuration pages to view and edit the security configuration values of
IP Office devices through System Manager. However, Client computers need JRE for System
Manager to support the IP Office application. See JRE requirement for client computers on
page 796.
To view or edit security configuration values, you must launch the IP Office Manager in the
online mode through System Manager. System Manager uses web services to obtain the latest
security configuration from an IP Office device, and passes the configuration to the IP Office
element manager. After you save the modifications on the IP Office element manager, System
Manager retrieves the modified security configuration file and pushes the file to the IP Office
Managing IP Office devices
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device. After the security configuration files are successfully uploaded to the device, System
Manager deletes the local copy of these security configuration files.
Viewing a security configuration
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > IP Office.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Security Configuration.
3. On the IP Office Security Configuration page, select the IP Office device whose
Security Configuration you want to view.
4. Click View.
This system starts the IP Office Manager application.
5. In the right pane of the IP Office Manager window, you can view the details of the
selected IP Office Security Configuration. All the fields are read-only.
6. Click File > Exit to exit the IP Office Manager application and return to the IP Office
Security Configuration landing page.
Related topics:
IP Office field descriptions on page 806
Editing a security configuration
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > IP Office.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Security Configuration.
3. On the IP Office Security Configuration page, select the device whose security
configuration you want to edit.
4. Click Edit.
This system starts the IP Office Manager application.
5. On the IP Office Manager window, edit the required fields on the right pane.
6. Click File > Save Security Settings and Exit to save the modifications and exit the
IP Office Manager application.
The system directs you to the IP Office Security Configuration landing page.
IP Office Element Manager
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 805

After you save the configuration, System Manager retrieves the edited security
configuration file from the IP Office Manager application and pushes the file to the
IP Office device.
Related topics:
IP Office field descriptions on page 806
IP Office field descriptions
Device list
Name Description
Device Name The name of the IP Office device.
IP Address The IP address associated with the IP Office
System Type The type of system associated with the IP
Office device. The valid options are:
IP Office: for IP Office core unit
B5800: for B5800 core unit
Last Operation on Device The last operation that you performed on the
Status The status of the operation that is currently
running or was last run.
System Configuration Template The current IP Office System Configuration
template that exists on the IP Office device.
Last Modified Time of System
The date and time of the last system
configuration operation.
Last BackupTime The date and time when you last performed
the backup activity on the IP Office device.
Backup and restore of the IP Office devices
Backup and restore of IP Office device configuration
Use the Backup and Restore feature in Elements > IP Office in System Manager to perform
the backup and restore tasks of the IP Office device configuration from the IP Office
Managing IP Office devices
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Backup and IP Office Restore pages. An IP Office device configuration contains system
configuration data and user data.
Use the IP Office Backup pages to create a local backup, where the system stores the backup
output in the local storage attached to the IP Office device. At any given point in time, the IP
Office device stores only one copy of the backup file in the local storage.
You can choose to perform the backup and restore tasks on demand, or schedule the task at
a specified time. You can also modify the time of the scheduled job using the Scheduler service
in System Manager. You can view the logs of the backup and restore tasks on the Log
Harvesting pages in System Manager.
Creating a backup of the IP Office device configuration
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > IP Office.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Backup and Restore.
3. On the IP Office Backup page, select the IP Office device from the Device List for
which you want to create a backup.
4. Click Backup.
The IP Office device you selected is listed in the Device List.
5. Click Now to perform the backup task immediately. You can also:
Click Schedule to perform the backup task at a specified time.
Click Cancel to cancel the backup task.
To view the status of the backup task for the selected device, click Status.
Related topics:
Backup and Restore field descriptions on page 808
Restoring the IP Office device configuration
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > IP Office.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Backup and Restore.
3. On the IP Office Backup page, select the IP Office device from the Device List whose
backed up configuration you want to restore. You can also select multiple
IP Office Element Manager
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 807

4. Click Restore.
5. The IP Office device you selected is listed in the Device List. In Restore
Options, perform one of the following:
Select System Configuration to restore the respective system configurations
available in System Manager on the IP Office device. The configuration you
restore is the latest configuration available in System Manager.
Select User to restore the respective users from System Manager on the IP
Office device.
Select System Configuration And User to restore the respective system
configurations and users from System Manager on the IP Office device.
Select Restore Backup Stored on Devices to restore the locally backed up
configuration on the IP Office device.
6. Click Now to perform the restore activity immediately. You can also:
Click Schedule to perform the restore activity at a specified time.
Click Cancel to cancel the restore activity.
You can view the status of the restore job in the Scheduler service.
Related topics:
Backup and Restore field descriptions on page 808
Backup and Restore field descriptions
IP Office Backup page device list
Name Description
Device Name The name of the IP Office device.
IP Address The IP address associated with the IP Office
System Type The type of system associated with the IP
Office device. The valid options are:
IP Office: for IP Office for core unit
B5800: for B5800 core unit
Version The version number of the IP Office device.
System Configuration Template The current IP Office System Configuration
template that exists on the IP Office device.
Managing IP Office devices
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IP Office Restore page device list
Name Description
Device Name The name of the IP Office device.
IP Address The IP address associated with the IP Office
System Type The type of system associated with the IP
Office device. The valid options are:
IP Office: for IP Office core unit
B5800: for B5800 core unit
Version The version number of the IP Office device.
System Configuration Template The current IP Office System Configuration
template that exists on the IP Office device.
Restore Options Options for restoring backed up
configuration that is stored either on System
Manager or on the IP Office device.
System Configuration: To restore the
latest configuration available onSystem
User: To restore users stored on System
System Configuration And User: To
restore the backed up system
configuration and users stored on System
Restore Backup Stored on Devices: To
restore the locally backed up configuration
Button Description
Backup Click to open the IP Office Backup page.
Use this page to create a local backup in the
IP Office device.
Restore Click to open the IP Office Restore page.
Use this page to restore backed up system
configuration to a IP Office device.
Status Click to specify the status of the operation
that is currently running or was last run.
Now Click to perform the backup or restore job, as
applicable, immediately.
IP Office Element Manager
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 809

Button Description
Schedule Click to open the IP Office Job Scheduler
page. Use this page to schedule a backup.
Cancel Click to cancel the backup or restore job, as
applicable, and directs you to the Backup
and Restore landing page.
IP Office field descriptions
Device list
Name Description
Device Name The name of the IP Office device.
IP Address The IP address associated with the IP Office
System Type The type of system associated with the IP
Office device. The valid options are:
IP Office: for IP Office core unit
B5800: for B5800 core unit
Last Operation on Device The last operation that you performed on the
Status The status of the operation that is currently
running or was last run.
System Configuration Template The current IP Office System Configuration
template that exists on the IP Office device.
Last Modified Time of System
The date and time of the last system
configuration operation.
Last BackupTime The date and time when you last performed
the backup activity on the IP Office device.
Managing IP Office devices
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IP Office file transfer
Transferring greeting files to an IP Office device
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > IP Office.
2. Click File Transfer.
3. In Select File Type, click Greeting.
4. In Select Files to Upload, click the greeting file you want to upload.
List Audio File displays the list of greeting files that you have uploaded using
Manage Audio in IP Office System Configuration Templates.
5. In the IP Office Location field, the system displays the default location where you
want to transfer the file.
6. In Devices List, select the IP Office device where you want to upload the greeting
7. Click Commit.
8. On the IP Office File Transfer page, perform one of the following actions:
Click Now to upload the greeting file to the IP Office device.
Click Schedule to upload the greeting file at the scheduled time.
To check the status of the file transfer, check Services > Scheduler.
After you schedule a file transfer do not delete the file till the transfer is complete.
The file transfer operation fails if you delete the file you want to transfer.
Using the file transfer functionality you cannot upload PLDS license files. See
Deploying IP Office in an Avaya Aura

Branch Environment to view details on

uploading a PLDS license file to the IP Office device, if applicable.
IP Office file transfer
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 811

Transferring files to an IP Office device
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > IP Office.
2. Click File Transfer.
3. In Select File Type, click Other.
4. In Select Files to Upload, select the file you want to upload.
5. In the IP Office Location field, enter the location of the IP Office device where you
want to transfer the file.
6. From Select IP Office(s), select the IP Office device where you want to upload the
7. Click Commit.
8. On the IP Office File Transfer page, perform one of the following actions:
Click Now to upload the greeting file to the IP Office device.
Click Schedule to upload the greeting file at the scheduled time.
To check the status of the file transfer, check Services > Scheduler.
After you schedule a file transfer do not delete the file till the transfer is complete.
The file transfer operation fails if you delete the file you want to transfer.
Using the file transfer functionality you cannot upload PLDS license files. See
Deploying IP Office in an Avaya Aura

Branch Environment to view details on

uploading a PLDS license file to the IP Office device, if applicable.
Uploading files to the System Manager repository
About this task
If you select Other as the file type, you can upload files up to 300MB in the System Manager
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > IP Office.
2. In Select Files to Upload, select Choose File.
Managing IP Office devices
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3. Browse to the file in your local computer, and select the file you want to upload.
4. Click Save.
The system displays the uploaded file in the List Uploaded Files table. You cannot
upload a file greater than 30MB.
The current versions of Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera and Android
support file size validation, but Internet Explorer 9.0 does not support file size
validation. Internet Explorer 10.0 is likely to support file size validation.
Deleting an uploaded file
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > IP Office.
2. In Select File Type, click Other.
3. In List Uploaded Files, select the files you want to delete.
4. Click Delete.
IP Office file transfer field descriptions
Select File Type
Name Description
File Type Select the type of file you want to upload to
the IP Office device. The values are:
Greetings: Uploads the greeting files to the
IP Office device.
Other: Transfers other files such as phone
settings, firmware files, and other IP Office
IP Office file transfer
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 813

Select Files to Upload (Greeting Files)
Name Description
wav Audio File Name The file name of the .WAV type of audio
Last uploaded time of wav The time when you last uploaded the .WAV
audio file in the system.
Recording Label The recording label of the .wav file.
c11 Audio File Name The file name of the .C11 type of audio file.
Last converted time of wav to c11 The time when you last converted a .wav file
to a .C11 audio file.
Select Files to Upload (Other files)
Name Description
File Name The name of the file you want to upload to
the IP Office device.
Enter IP Office Location to Push Files
Name Description
IP Office Location The IP Office location of the auto attendant
file. The default value for greetings is
For other files, provide the location of the IP
Office device. The default location for other
Select IP Office(s)
Name Description
Device Name The name of the IP Office device where you
want to upload the file.
IP Address The IP address of the IP Office device where
you want to upload the file.
System Type The type of the system associated with the
IP Office device.
Last Operation on Device The last operation that you performed on the
IP Office device.
Status The status of the file transfer.
Managing IP Office devices
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Name Description
System Configuration Template The current IP Office System Configuration
template that exists on the IP Office device.
Last Modified Time of System
The last time you modified the System
Configuration template.
Last Backup Time The last time you performed the backup
operation for this system configuration.
Button Description
Commit Uploads the greeting file or other files to the
IP Office device.
Initiating manual failback
Failback policy
The failback policy feature is used to determine how the Centralized SIP phones failback to
normal operation after connectivity to Avaya Aura

Session Manager is restored. You must

use two different parameters to configure this feature. One parameter is the global failback
policy parameter that is configured through Avaya Aura

System Manager for the Session

Manager and impacts all Session Manager SIP phones in the enterprise. The other parameter
is the IP Office failback policy parameter that is configured on each IP Office and impacts the
operation of that IP Office. The settings for these two parameters must match.
The global failback policy parameter configured in System Manager can be set to Auto (the
default) or Manual. The setting is applied to all phones in all branches in the network. It cannot
be set per-branch. When set to Auto, the centralized SIP phones will automatically failback to
normal (sunny-day) operation when connectivity to Session Manager is restored. In addition,
for networks that include two Session Managers for redundancy, when connection to the
primary Session Manager is lost, failback from the secondary Session Manager to the primary
Session Manager will occur automatically when the primary Session Manager comes back into
When the global failback policy is set to Manual, the failback to normal operation must be
initiated manually when connectivity to Session Manager is restored. For networks that include
two Session Managers for redundancy, when connection to the primary Session Manager is
lost, failback from the secondary Session Manager to the primary Session Manager must also
be performed manually when the primary Session Manager comes back into service.
Initiating manual failback
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The option to set the global failback policy to Manual is provided because there may be
occasions when you do not want the SIP phones to automatically failback to normal operation
when connectivity to Session Manager is restored. For example, if the network is experiencing
constant fluctuations causing frequent switching between the Sunny day and Rainy day mode
with service interruptions during the transitions, you might want to first verify the network is
stable before failback to normal operation occurs. When you set the global failback policy to
Manual, you can manually initiate the failback after you determine that the network is stable.
Initiating failback
Before you begin
You must configure the failback settings in the IP Office manager.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > IP Office.
2. Click Initiate Failback.
3. On the IP Office Manual Failback page, select the devices for which you want to
initiate manual failback.
System Manager lists only those devices that have manual failback settings.
4. Perform one of the following actions:
Click Now to initiate manual failback.
Click Schedule to initiate manual failback at the scheduled time.
IP Office failback field descriptions
Name Description
Device Name The name of the IP Office device with manual
failback configuration.
IP Address The IP address of the IP Office device with
manual failback configuration.
System Type The type of system associated with the IP
Office device.
Last Operation on Device The latest operation you performed on the IP
Office device.
Status The status of the operation that you
performed last on the IP Office device.
Managing IP Office devices
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Name Description
System Configuration Template The current IP Office System Configuration
template that exists on the IP Office device.
Last Modified Time of System
The last time you modified the System
Configuration template.
Last Backup Time The last time you performed the backup
operation for this system configuration.
Button Description
Now Click to initiate failback for the devices you
have selected.
Schedule Click to schedule failback for the devices you
have selected.
Initiating manual failback
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 817

Managing IP Office devices
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Chapter 12: Managing backup and restore
Backup and restore
Use the backup and restore functionality of System Manager to back up and restore the data
and configuration files. You do not need to create data backups of individual elements that
System Manager manages. The data and configuration files for the entire system are kept
centrally on System Manager.
You can perform either a backup or a restore operation at a specified time. The restore
operation fails if a backup operation is in progress. When a restore operation is in progress,
the system skips all backup jobs that you scheduled.
You can restore the data on System Manager that has the same software version and IP
address or FQDN as that of System Manager on which you created the backup.
The backup integrity check feature of System Manager verifies the signature of the backup
files and warns if you restore a corrupted or tampered backup file on System Manager.
To perform the backup and restore operations, you must map the user to the role with the
following permissions:
Resource type Permissions
OnDemand add
All elements of type:SMGR Core Services backup and restore
All elements of type:alarmoperation view and modify
All elements of type:elements add, change, delete, and view
For instructions to create a custom role, see Adding a custom role.
Disk space management for System Manager backup
Ensure that sufficient disk space is available before you create a local backup. You can
configure the disk space on the View Profile:SMGR Element Manager page from Settings >
SMGR > SMGR Element Manager on System Manager Web Console.
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 819

The system generates an alarm when the disk space reaches the threshold value. You can
configure the threshold value on the View Profile:SMGR Element Manager page from Settings
> SMGR > SMGR Element Manager.
When the system runs out of disk space, the system deletes the older backup files to
accommodate the new backup files.
For scheduled backups, the system cleans the backup files that local scheduled jobs create
every 24 hours. If the number of backup files for each job exceeds 10, the system deletes the
older backup files from the file system and removes the corresponding entry from the database.
For remote scheduled backups, the system removes the entries of older backup archive files
from the database. However, the system does not delete the backup archive files from the file
Backup and restore on System Manager that is configured
for Geographic Redundancy
When you create a backup of the System Manager data or restore the data on System Manager
that is configured for Geographic Redundancy, you must understand the following facts:
The secondary System Manager that is in the standby mode does not display the Backup
and Restore link on the web console.
You can view the backups that you created on a standalone System Manager only on the
web console of that standalone System Manager and after you convert the standalone
server to primary System Manager server.
You can view the backups that you created on a primary System Manager only on the
web console of that primary System Manager.
You can view the backups that you created on a secondary System Manager only on the
web console of that secondary System Manager.
You can restore the backup data from System Manager that is configured for Geographic
Redundancy on a standalone System Manager. However, you cannot restore the backup
data from a standalone System Manager on System Manager that is configured for
Geographic Redundancy.
You cannot restore the backup data on the primary System Manager server when the
Geographic Redundancy replication is enabled on System Manager.
After the restore is complete on System Manager that is configured for Geographic
Redundancy, the system automatically restarts with the Geographic Redundancy
replication status as disabled.
When you enable the Geographic Redundancy replication, the system replicates the
backup job that is scheduled on the primary System Manager as the scheduled backup
Managing backup and restore
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job on the secondary System Manager. The subsequent scheduled backup job runs on
both the primary and secondary System Manager separately.
System Manager data backup options
To back up System Manager data, use one of the following methods:
1. Back up the System Manager configuration files and the System Manager database
on System Manager Web Console.
2. Back up System Platform and System Manager data on System Platform Web
However, use System Platform to create the System Manager backup in the following
Restoring the System Manager and System Platform data
Upgrading System Manager and System Platform
Changing over to the cold standby System Manager server
System Manager does not support the backup and restore operations from System Platform
Web Console if System Manager is running on VMware.
Accessing the Backup and Restore service
On System Manager Web Console, click Services > Backup and Restore.
The secondary System Manager that is in the standby mode does not display the
Backup and Restore link on the web console.
The system displays the Backup and Restore page.
Related topics:
Backup and restore on page 819
System Manager data backup options
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 821

Viewing list of backup files
On the System Manager web console, click Services > Backup and Restore.
The system displays the Backup and Restore page with the list of backup files.
Related topics:
Backup and Restore field descriptions on page 830
Creating a data backup on a local server
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Backup and Restore.
2. On the Backup and Restore page, click Backup.
3. On the Backup page, click Local.
4. In the File name field, enter the backup file that you want to create.
5. Click Now.
If the backup is successful, the Backup and Restore page displays the message:
Backup job submitted successfully. Please check the status
detail below!!
Related topics:
Backup and restore on System Manager that is configured for Geographic Redundancy on
page 820
Backup field descriptions on page 831
Managing backup and restore
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Creating a data backup on a remote server
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Backup and Restore.
2. On the Backup and Restore page, click Backup.
3. On the Backup page, click Remote.
4. Perform one of the following:
Perform the following:
i. In the File transfer protocol field, click SCP or SFTP.
ii. Enter the remote server IP, remote server port, user name,
password, and name and the path of the backup file that you
Select the Use Default check box.
To use the Use Default option, provide the remote server IP, user name,
password, and name and path of the backup file, and remote server port on
the SMGR Element Manager page. For Use Default, on the SMGR Element
Manager page, you can click Services > Configurationsand navigate to
Settings > SMGR > SMGR Element Manager.
5. Click Now.
If the backup is successful, the Backup and Restore page displays the message:
Backup job submitted successfully. Please check the status
detail below!!
Related topics:
Backup and restore on System Manager that is configured for Geographic Redundancy on
page 820
Backup field descriptions on page 831
Creating a data backup on a remote server
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 823

Scheduling a data backup on a local server
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Backup and Restore.
2. On the Backup and Restore page, click Backup.
3. On the Backup page, click Local.
4. In the File name field, enter the name of the backup file that you want to create.
5. Click Schedule.
6. On the Schedule Backup page, specify the following details in the appropriate fields:
Job name
Date and time when the system must run the job
Frequency at which the system must run the job
7. Click Commit.
Related topics:
Backup field descriptions on page 831
Schedule Backup field descriptions on page 833
Scheduling a data backup on a remote server
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Backup and Restore.
2. On the Backup and Restore page, click Backup.
3. On the Backup page, click Remote.
4. Perform one of the following:
Specify the SCP server IP, SCP server port, user name, password, and file
name in the respective fields.
Select the Use Default check box.
Managing backup and restore
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To use the Use Default option, provide the remote server IP, user name,
password, and name and path of the backup file, and remote server port on
the SMGR Element Manager page. For Use Default, on the SMGR Element
Manager page, you can click Services > Configurationsand navigate to
Settings > SMGR > SMGR Element Manager.
5. Click Schedule.
6. On the Schedule Backup page, specify the following details in the appropriate fields:
Job name
Date and time when the system must run the job
Frequency at which the system must run the job
7. Click Commit.
Related topics:
Backup field descriptions on page 831
Schedule Backup field descriptions on page 833
Editing a scheduled backup job
To change the backup parameters of a scheduled backup, delete the scheduled backup job
and schedule a new backup with the required parameters.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Scheduler.
2. Click Pending Jobs.
3. On the Pending Jobs page, select the backup job.
4. Delete the backup job.
For instructions to delete the scheduled backup job, see Deleting the scheduled
backup job.
5. Schedule a new backup job with the changed parameters using one of the following
Scheduling a data backup on a local server.
Editing a scheduled backup job
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 825

Scheduling a data backup on a remote server.
Related topics:
Scheduling a data backup on a local server on page 824
Scheduling a data backup on a remote server on page 824
Deleting the scheduled backup job on page 826
Deleting the scheduled backup job
Before you begin
Log on to the system as an administrator.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Scheduler.
2. Click Pending Jobs.
3. On the Pending Jobs page, select the backup job that you must delete.
4. Perform one of the following steps:
If the backup job that you must delete is currently running, click More
Actions > Stop to stop the job.
If the backup job that you must delete is in the enabled state, click More
Actions > Disable to disable the job.
For instructions, see Disabling a job on page 1074.
5. Click Delete.
6. On the Delete Confirmation page, click OK.
System Manager deletes the backup job from the database.
Next steps
You can create a new scheduled backup job from Services > Backup and Restore.
Related topics:
Editing a scheduled backup job on page 825
Managing backup and restore
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Restoring data backup from a local server
About this task
Do not restore the backup data from VMware on System Platform.
You cannot restore the backup data on the primary System Manager server when the
Geographic Redundancy replication is enabled on System Manager.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Backup and Restore.
2. On the Backup and Restore page, click Restore.
3. On the Restore page, click Local.
4. In the File name field, type the file name that you must restore.
If the file name does not appear in the list, specify the complete path of the file that
you must restore.
The backup integrity check feature of System Manager verifies the signature of
the backup files and warns if you restore a corrupted or tampered backup file on
System Manager.
5. Click Restore. On the Restore Confirmation page, the system displays the following
The Restore operation will terminate all sessions and no
services will be available until the operation completes. So,
the System Manager console will not be available for
approximately 45 minutes but this time may vary based on
Database size. Click on Continue to go ahead with the Restore
operation or click on Cancel to abort the operation.
6. Click Continue.
The system logs you out of the System Manager web console and then shuts
After the restore is complete on System Manager that is configured for Geographic
Redundancy, the system automatically restarts with the Geographic Redundancy replication
status as disabled.
Restoring data backup from a local server
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 827

Related topics:
Backup and restore on System Manager that is configured for Geographic Redundancy on
page 820
Restore field descriptions on page 834
Restoring a backup from a remote server
About this task
Do not restore the backup data from VMware on System Platform.
You cannot restore the backup data on the primary System Manager server when the
Geographic Redundancy replication is enabled on System Manager.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Backup and Restore.
2. On the Backup and Restore page, click Restore.
3. On the Restore page, click Remote.
4. In the Parameterized Restore tab, perform one of the following:
Provide the name of the file that you must restore, the file transfer protocol,
the remote server IP, remote server port, user name, and the password to
access the remote computer in the respective fields.
The backup integrity check feature of System Manager verifies the signature
of the backup files and warns if you restore a corrupted or tampered backup
file on System Manager.
Select the Use Default check box.
To use the Use Default option, provide the remote server IP, user name,
password, and name and path of the backup file, and remote server port on
the SMGR Element Manager page. For Use Default, on the SMGR Element
Manager page, you can click Services > Configurationsand navigate to
Settings > SMGR > SMGR Element Manager.
5. In the Backup List, view the list of the remote backups that are created by using the
SFTP and SCP protocols.
Managing backup and restore
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If the location of a backup file is modified, in the Parameterized Restore tab, specify
the correct location of the backup file in the File Name field. You can select only
one file at a time.
6. Click Restore. On the Restore Confirmation page, the system displays the following
The Restore operation will terminate all sessions and no
services will be available until the operation completes. So,
the System Manager console will not be available for
approximately 45 minutes but this time may vary based on
Database size. Click on Continue to go ahead with the Restore
operation or click on Cancel to abort the operation.
7. Click Continue.
The system logs you out of the System Manager web console and then shuts
After the restore is complete on System Manager that is configured for Geographic
Redundancy, the system automatically restarts with the Geographic Redundancy replication
status as disabled.
Related topics:
Backup and restore on System Manager that is configured for Geographic Redundancy on
page 820
Restore field descriptions on page 834
Restoring the backup through the command line interface
Before you begin
Start an SSH session and provide the correct IP address and the port number.
About this task
You can restore the data through the command line when the machine is in an unstable state
and the system does not display the Web console.
1. Log in to System Manager using the command line interface as root.
2. At the prompt, type $MGMT_HOME/pem/fileRestoreCLIUtility.
3. In the file, enter the build number of the machine in
the version field.
Restoring the backup through the command line interface
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 829

4. In the properties file, ensure that fq_backup_file_name displays the complete
path of the backup zip file.
5. In the file, ensure that backup_name
points to the backup zip file.
6. Type sh $MGMT_HOME/pem/fileRestoreCLIUtility/<full path of fileRestoreClIUtility><0/1>
Where, 0 denotes only the file restore and 1 denotes a full restore.
The backup integrity check feature of System Manager verifies the signature of
the backup files and warns if you restore a corrupted or tampered backup file on
System Manager.
7. Complete the steps on the screen to perform the restore operation successfully.
Backup and Restore field descriptions
Use this page to view the details of backup files or the files you require to restore.
Name Description
Operation Specifies the type of operation. The values
File Name
For the backup operation, specifies the
name of the backup file.
For the restore operation, specifies the
name of the file you want to restore.
For the backup operation, specifies the
path of the backup file.
For the restore operation, specifies the
path of the file you want to restore.
Status Indicates the status of the backup or restore
operation. The values are:
Managing backup and restore
830 Administering Avaya Aura

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Name Description
Status Description Displays the error details of the backup or
restore operation that has failed.
Operation Time Specifies the time of the backup or restore
Operation Type Defines whether the backup or restore
operation is local or remote.
User Displays the user who performed the
Button Description
Backup Opens the Backup page. Use this page to
back up data on a specified local or remote
Restore Opens the Restore page. Use this page to
restore data to a specified local or remote
Backup field descriptions
Use this page to backup the System Manager data on a local or a remote location. You can
also use this page to schedule a backup job.
Name Description
Type The type of computer on which you can back
up the application data. The options are:
Local: The system backs up the data on a
local computer.
Remote: The system backs up the data on
a remote computer.
The page displays the following fields when you choose to create a backup of System Manager
data on a local computer.
Name Description
File Name The file name that identifies the backup.
Backup field descriptions
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 831

Name Description
System Manager creates a backup file in the
home directory of the specified user.
The page displays the following fields when you choose to create a backup of System Manager
data on a remote server.
Name Description
File transfer protocol The protocol that you can use to create the
backup. The values are SCP and SFTP.
Remote Server IP The IP address of the remote server.
Remote Server Port The SSH port of the remote server.
User Name The user name for logging into the remote
Password The password for logging on to the remote
File Name The path and name of the file that identifies
the backup. If you provide only the file name,
System Manager creates a backup file in the
default directory of the user. You can specify
a different path for the backup file on the
SMGR Element Manager Container page.
To open the SMGR Element Manager
Container page, click Services >
Configurations and navigate to Settings >
SMGR > SMGR Element Manager.
Use Default Select this check box to use the default
configured values.
To use the Use Default option, provide the
remote server IP, user name, password, and
name and path of the backup file, and remote
server port on the SMGR Element Manager
page. For Use Default, on the SMGR
Element Manager page, you can click
Services > Configurationsand navigate to
Settings > SMGR > SMGR Element
Button Description
Now Creates a backs up of the data in the
specified location immediately.
Schedule Displays the Schedule Backup page where
you can enter the details to schedule a back
Managing backup and restore
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Button Description
Cancel Closes the Backup page and takes you back
to the Backup and Restore page.
Schedule Backup field descriptions
Use this page to schedule a job for backing up data by specifying the date and time.
Job Details
Name Description
Job Name The name of the job.
Job Frequency
Name Description
Task Time The date and time of running the job.
Recurrence The settings define whether the execution of
the jobs is a recurring activity or a one-time
activity. In case of a recurring job, the field
also displays the time interval of recurrence.
The options are:
Execute task one time only.
Tasks are repeated.
Range The settings define the number of
recurrences or date after which the job stops
to recur. The options are:
No End Date
End After occurrences
End By Date
Button Description
Commit Schedules the backup job.
Cancel Closes the Schedule Backup page and takes
you back to the Backup Restore page.
Schedule Backup field descriptions
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 833

Restore field descriptions
Use this page to restore the application data from a local or a remote location.
Field Description
Type The type of computer from where you restore
the application data. The options are:
Local. The data is restored from a local
Remote. The data is restored from a
remote machine.
The page displays the following fields, when you select Local as Type.
Field Description
Select File Name The list of files from where you select the
backup file that you must restore.
File Name The name of the backup file that you must
If the system does not display the file that you
must restore, specify the complete path of
the backup file.
The backup integrity check feature of
System Manager verifies the signature of
the backup files and warns if you restore
a corrupted or tampered backup file on
System Manager.
Backup List
The page displays the following fields when you select Remote as Type.
The Backup List tab displays the list of remote backup files that are created using the SFTP
or SCP protocol. Select a backup and click the Parameterized Restore tab to change the
restore details. For example, if the location of a backup file is modified, specify the correct
location of the file in the File Name field.
Parameterized Restore
The page displays the following fields when you select Remote as Type.
Managing backup and restore
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Field Description
File Name The name and complete path of the backup
file that you want to restore.
File transfer protocol The protocol that you can use to restore the
backup. The values are SCP and SFTP.
Remote Server IP The IP address of the SFTP or SCP server.
Remote Server Port The SSH port of the SFTP or SCP server.
User Name The user name for logging in to the SFTP or
SCP server.
Password Password for logging in to the SFTP or SCP
Use Default Select this check box to use the default
configured values.
To use the Use Default option, provide the
remote server IP, user name, password, and
name and path of the backup file, and remote
server port on the SMGR Element Manager
page. For Use Default, on the SMGR
Element Manager page, you can click
Services > Configurationsand navigate to
Settings > SMGR > SMGR Element
Button Description
Restore Restores the data from the specified backup
Cancel Cancels any operation in progress, closes
the Restore page, and opens the Backup and
Restore page.
Restore field descriptions
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 835

Managing backup and restore
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Chapter 13: Bulk import and export
Using System Manager, you can import and export user profiles and elements. The system performs the
bulk import of data using an XML file that is validated against an XML schema definition. The output of a
bulk export operation is an XML file.
You can perform the System Manager bulk import through System Manager web console. When you
initiate the bulk import function from the Web interface, System Manager schedules the import as a job.
The System Manager Web interface provides the file for bulk import. You can run the job immediately or
schedule an import job for a later date or time.
System Manager does not support the bulk import and export of roles.
You can perform bulk export in System Manager through the web console and the command line interface
The System Manager bulk import and export feature supports:
User-related data. Identity data, communication profile set and handles, communication profiles such
as the endpoint data, the Presence profile data, the Messaging data, and the Session Manager data
Global settings. Public Contact Lists, Shared Addresses, and Default ACLs
Element data
The following are the key features of the bulk import:
You can add, modify, and delete user records.
Supports a maximum of 250000 users in bulk export or import in multiple files.
You can configure skip, replace, merge, or delete a matching record that already exists.
You must perform the import task using System Manager web console to bulk import user logs for
failed records.
You can download failed records in an XML file format during bulk import of users. The XML file must
conform to the XML schema definition. You can modify and re-import the failed records.
You can choose the continue on error option if you encounter problem in any record during the
You can perform a complete import or a partial import while importing users. To add a subset of user
data, use partial import. For example, you can replace only the communication profile, the user
contact lists, or the user ACLs. When you import new users in the database, you must perform
complete import.
Administering Avaya Aura

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Bulk import and export
838 Administering Avaya Aura

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Chapter 14: System Manager configuration
Managing data retention rules
Accessing the Data Retention Rules service
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Configurations.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Data Retention.
The system displays the Data Retention page with the Rule list.
The system displays the Data Retention page.
Data retention rules
You can configure data retention rules to specify the number of days you want the system to
retain the following records:
Backup files
Cleared alarms
Aged alarms
Viewing data retention rules
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Configurations.
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 839

2. In the left navigation pane, click Data Retention.
The system displays the Data Retention page with the Rule list.
Related topics:
Data Retention field descriptions on page 840
Modifying data retention rules
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Configurations.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Data Retention.
The system displays the Data Retention page with the Rule list.
3. Select a rule from the Rule list.
4. Click Edit.
5. Modify the value in the Retention Interval (Days) field.
6. Click Update to save the value.
Related topics:
Data Retention field descriptions on page 840
Data Retention field descriptions
Use this page to view and edit data retention rules.
Name Description
Option button Provides the option to select a data retention
Rule Name Specifies the name of the rule.
Rule Description A brief description about the data retention
Retention Interval (Days) Specifies the number of days the data is
Button Description
Edit Modifies the selected rule.
System Manager configuration
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Button Description
Update Updates the rule with changes made to the
Cancel Cancels the editing operation.
Apply Applies the selected rule.
Configuring applications
Configuration management
Configuration management provides a configuration repository for System Manager services.
Configuration management is responsible for storing configuration data, also called as profiles,
for System Manager services and notifying the services of configuration changes.
You can view and edit a profile of a service using Configuration management.
Related topics:
View Profile SMGR field descriptions on page 855
Edit Profile:SMGR field descriptions on page 856
View Profile: Agent Management field descriptions
Name Description
Alarm aging keep time This field is not used for System Manager.
Enterprise auto download The value in this field specifies whether to
enable or disable enterprise auto
downloading. The default value is false.
If the value is set to true, the enterprise
downloads the base rules for all registered
Enterprise customer reference The customer reference for the Enterprise.
For example, Avaya.
A value in this field is required only if polling
to upstream enterprise is enabled.
Enterprise heartbeat interval The time in seconds between heartbeats for
Enterprise to Enterprise communication.
Configuring applications
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 841

Name Description
A value in this field is required only if polling
to upstream enterprise is enabled.
Enterprise heartbeat threshold The heartbeat threshold in seconds for the
A value in this field is required only if polling
to upstream enterprise is enabled.
Enterprise platform name The value in this field specifies a fully-
qualified DataTransport address of the host
For example: The value of this field will be
", Enterprise-dtxjbss01", if the
OrganizationFQDN value is ""
and SpiritPlatformQualifier value is
A value in this field is required only if polling
to upstream enterprise is enabled.
Enterprise tenancy support This field is for tenancy support of SAL. This
field is not used for System Manager.
Enterprise upstream platform name The value specifies a fully-qualified Data
Transport address of the upstream
For example: The value of this field is
", Enterprise-dtxapp06", if the
Connection.AvayaTest.FQDN value is
"" and
value is "Enterprise-dtxapp06".
A value in this field is required only if polling
to upstream enterprise is enabled.
Enterprise upstream polling The value in this field specifies whether
polling upstream enterprise is enabled or not.
The default value is false.
A false value disables upstream Enterprise
polling or Cascading Enterprise.
Inventory aging keep time This field is not used for System Manager.
Inventory change keep time This field is not used for System Manager.
Out Of Service delete time This field is not used for System Manager.
Button Description
Edit Opens the Edit Profile: Agent Management
page. Use this page to edit the parameters in
the Agent Management profile.
System Manager configuration
842 Administering Avaya Aura

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Button Description
Done Closes the View Profile: Agent
Management page.
View Profile: Alarm Management field descriptions
Name Description
Email from address The value is the e-mail address of the alarm
For example: [email protected]
Email hostname The value is the name of the SMTP e-mail
For example,
Email to addresses The values are comma separated list of e-
mail addresses to which alarms are
Email user id The value is the e-mail address of the user.
Federation member platform name A fully qualified data transport address to
which alarms are forwarded.
For example, the value of this field will be
", Enterprise-dtxapp06", if the
Connection.AvayaTest.FQDN value is
"" and
value is "Enterprise-dtxapp06".
NMS forward The value specifies whether alarms are to be
forwarded to Network Management System
(NMS). The default value is false.
If set to true, the SAL forwards the alarms to
the NMS
NMS urls A comma separated list of NMS (Network
Management System) URLS. For example,
There are no default values from SAL
Enterprise and you need to update them
SPIRIT ui url The URL for gaining access to the SAL Web
interface for viewing a specific alarm.
Trouble ticket url The URL for accessing the Trouble Ticket
Web interface.
Configuring applications
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 843

Name Description
Do not change this value.
Button Description
Edit Opens the Edit Profile: Alarm Management
page. Use this page to edit the parameters in
the Alarm Management profile.
Done Closes the View Profile: Alarm
Management page.
Configuring IP Office
1. On the System Manager console, click Services > Configurations.
2. Click Settings > IP Office > Configuration.
3. On the View Profile: Configuration page click Edit.
4. Edit the table properties and general properties in the Edit Profile: Configuration
5. Click Commit.
IP Office profile field descriptions
IP Office table Properties
Name Description
Maximum Records for Select All in table Specifies the maximum number of records
that is used for selection if Select All is used
in list pages.
Maximum Records on single page of table Specifies the maximum number of records
displayed in the table.
System Manager configuration
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General Properties
Name Description
Application Prefix The default value in this field is IPO. This
application prefix appears as the prefix in the
Communication System Management job
Button Description
Edit System displays the Edit
Done Insert a description of what happens when
this button is clicked.
Commit Saves the changes you make on the Edit:
Profile page.
Cancel Cancels your action and takes you to the
View: Profile page.
View Profile: Communication System Management Configuration
field descriptions
Use this page to edit the parameters in the Communication System Management Configuration
General Properties
Name Description
Application Prefix The default value in this field is CSM. This
application prefix appears as the prefix in the
Communication System Management job
Telephony Properties
Name Description
Clean-up Old Backup Announcement
Files interval (Days)
The time between every clean up of the
backed up announcement files. The default
value is 30 days.
Pre-populate extension values in User
Enter true in this field if you want the
system to pre populate the extension value
in User Management, Communication
Managercommunication profile.
Configuring applications
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 845

Name Description
Incremental sync interval (Hours) The time between every incremental
synchronization. By default, the value for the
incremental_sync_interval_in_hours field
is 24.
Maximum Records for select All in table Specifies the maximum number of records
that is used for selection if Select All is used
in list pages.
Maximum Records on single page of table Specifies the maximum number of records
displayed in the table.
Button Description
Edit Click to open the Edit Profile:Communication
System Management Configuration page.
Use this page to edit the parameters in the
Scheduler profile.
Done Click to close the Edit Profile:Communication
System Management Configuration page.
Edit Profile: Communication System Management Configuration
field descriptions
Use this page to edit the parameters in the Communication System Management Configuration
General Properties
Name Description
Application Prefix The default value in this field is CSM. This
application prefix appears as the prefix in the
Communication System Management job
Telephony Properties
Name Description
Clean-up Old Backup Announcement
Files interval (Days)
The time between every clean up of the
backed up announcement files. The default
value is 30 days.
Pre-populate extension values in User
Enter true in this field if you want the
system to pre populate the extension value
System Manager configuration
846 Administering Avaya Aura

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Name Description
in User Management, Communication
Managercommunication profile.
Incremental sync interval (Hours) The time between every incremental
synchronization. By default, the value for the
incremental_sync_interval_in_hours field is
Maximum Records for select All in table Specifies the maximum number of records
that is used for selection if Select All is used
in list pages.
Maximum Records on single page of table Specifies the maximum number of records
displayed in the table.
Button Description
Commit Saves the changes to the database.
Cancel Cancels the edit profile operation and takes
you back to the Edit Profile:Communication
System Management Configuration page.
View Profile: Event processor field descriptions
Name Description
EP mechanism class name 1 This field is not used for System Manager.
EP mechanism XSD type The value in this field specifies event
processor uses a set of XML rule
configuration files to describe the rules to be
used to process events.
The event processor uses a different
processing mechanisms as indicated by the
type of rule listed in a rule configuration file.
A mapping between the XSD types
describes rules and the java classes used to
implement the rule processing mechanisms
is required.
For every concrete XSDType used to
implement a
the event processor must have a mapping to
an available java class.
The XSDType: Java Class mappings are
done by creating sets of matching pair
entries in the <Attributes > element below:
Configuring applications
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 847

Name Description
1. The first is a <string> element with a
name of "EPMechanismXSDType.N"
where N is a positive integer. The value
of the entry indicates the full URI of the
type name, including the namespace.
2. The second is an <string> element
named "EPMechanismClassName.N"
where N matches the appropriate
EPMechanismXSDType entry. The
Event Processor will incrementally
search for XSDType->Class mappings,
beginning with an "N" of 1 and working
incrementally positive until it can't find a
type or class for the current N.</
string></string ></Attributes>
EP transport address This field is not used for System Manager.
Button Description
Edit Opens the Edit Profile: Event processor
page. Use this page to edit the parameters in
the Event processor profile.
Done Closes the View Profile: Event processor
View Profile:Configuration field descriptions
Reports cleanup properties
Field Description
Reports periodic Cleanup Interval (in
The interval in days when the system
performsthe cleanup. By default, the system
deletes reports after 60 days.
Reports Output Directory
Field Description
Reports Output Directory The name of the directory where the system
saves the reports. The default location
is /opt/Avaya/reports_data.
System Manager configuration
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Field Description
Reports Output Directory Size The maximum size of the output directory
that is allocated on System Manager to save
the reports. The maximum size is 1 GB.
Reports Alarm Properties
Field Description
Raise critical alarm in case Reports
Output Directory fills (in percent)
The percentage of space in the output
directory when the system must raise a
critical alarm. The default is 95%.
Raise major alarm in case Reports Output
Directory fills (in percent)
The percentage of space in the output
directory when the system must raise a major
alarm. The default is 85%.
Raise minor alarm in case Reports Output
Directory fills (in percent)
The percentage of space in the output
directory when the system must raise a minor
alarm. The default is 70%.
Button Description
Edit Displays the View Profile:Configuration
page. Use the View Profile:Configuration
page to configure the Configuration
Done Closes the View Profile:Configuration page.
View profile:Inventory field descriptions
To navigate to this page, click Services > Configurations > Settings > Inventory >
General Properties
Name Description
Maximum number of threads for the step
Collecting Inventory Information
Specifies the maximum number of Java
threads created and used for the step
Collecting Inventory Information.
Maximum number of threads for the step
Probing Network Elements
Specifies the maximum number of Java
threads created and used for the step
Probing Network Elements.
Maximum Records on single page of table Specifies the total number of rows displayed
in a table.
Configuring applications
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 849

Button Description
Edit Takes you to the Edit Profile: Configuration
page in Inventory.
Done Closes the View Profile: Configuration
Edit Profile:Inventory field descriptions
General Properties
Name Description
Maximum number of threads for the step
Collecting Inventory Information
Specifies the maximum number of Java
threads created and used for the step
Collecting Inventory Information.
Maximum number of threads for the step
Probing Network Elements
Specifies the maximum number of Java
threads created and used for the step
Probing Network Elements.
Maximum Records on single page of table Specifies the total number of rows displayed
in a table.
Button Description
Commit Saves the changes and closes the Edit
Profile: Configuration page
Cancel Cancels your action and takes you to the
previous page.
View and Edit profile Messaging field descriptions
General Properties
Field Description
Application Prefix The text that the system prefixes to the
Communication System Management job
The default is MM.
System Manager configuration
850 Administering Avaya Aura

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Telephony Properties
Field Description
Maximum Records for select All in table The maximum number of records that the
system selects if Select All is used in list
Maximum Records on single page of table The maximum number of records that the
system displays in the table.
View Profile: Configuration buttons
Button Description
Edit Click to edit the properties in the View Profile:
Messaging Configuration page.
Done Click to go to the previous page.
Edit Profile: Configuration buttons
Button Description
Commit Save the changes in the Edit Profile:
Messaging Configuration page.
Cancel Cancels the changes and displays the earlier
View Profile: Data Transport Config field descriptions
Name Description
Connection Avaya production FQDN The value is a fully qualified domain name of
the target Enterprise for a connection. This
may identify a customer, Business Partner or
Avaya itself. For example,,
Connection Avaya production keyAlias The value specifies the alias of a key in the
keyStore to be used for client authentication
in HTTPS sessions when communicating
with an upstream server. Typically used
when Avaya is the upstream server.
This is an optional field.
Connection Avaya production platform
The value is a logical name for the target
enterprise, that applies irrespective of
primary of backup.
Configuring applications
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 851

Name Description
The primary and backup are a part of the
same organization. Components use this
name to address the Enterprise Server pair.
This name must match the name that the
Enterprise Servers have assigned to
themselves locally or else the connection is
Connection Avaya production primary
The value is a primary URL of the platform
Connection Avaya production useProxy The value specifies whether to use proxies
for this platform or not. The values are true
or false.
Connection set The set of connections that this SAL data
transport will open.
Each connection must have PlatformName,
TargetFQDN, and PrimaryURL elements.
Connections can optionally also have
BackupURL elements.
Https session timeout The value specifies the maximum duration of
HTTPS authentication sessions before they
need to be re-negotiated.
Max message exchange size The value specifies maximum size of the
messages data transport attempts to send or
receive in one bundle.
The following are the units of size:
B for bytes
M for megabytes
k for kilobytes
Do not change the default value unless
there is a need.
Max queue memory The value specifies the maximum amount of
memory on disk that the queue can occupy.
The following are the units of memory:
B for bytes
M for megabytes
k for kilobytes
System Manager configuration
852 Administering Avaya Aura

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Name Description
Do not change the default value unless
there is a need.
Max send transaction time The value specifies the maximum amount of
time spent in a transaction when trying to
send upstream.
Do not change the default value unless
there is a need.
Organization FQDN The value specifies a fully qualified domain
name that uniquely identifies the business
organization that the SAL Platform resides
Polling interval The time between polling for messages from
each enterprise platform. Specify 0 to turn
polling off.
The following are the units:
h for Hours
m for Minutes
The Agent polls because there is no way to
connect directly from Avaya to the customer.
Connections may only be initiated from the
customer side. A component in the
Enterprise can just send a message. The
message is queued until either a message or
a polling request is received from the
destination Agent and the queued message
is sent back to the Agent in the HTTPS
Proxy address The domain name or IP address of the proxy
to use.
Proxy password The password to use with the proxy. They are
stored in a plain text.
Proxy port The port of the proxy server.
Proxy type The type of proxy based on whether the
proxy supports HTTP or SOCKS.
Proxy use authentication The value specifies whether an
authentication is required to access the
proxy server.
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 853

Name Description
The values are true and false. If the value is
true, an authentication is required to access
the server.
Proxy user
Server status reset interval The time between the server marking an
URL as unreachable and reattempting to
connect to that URL.
The following are the units of time:
h for hours
m for minutes
s for seconds
SAL platform qualifier A logical name for the target Enterprise, that
applies irrespective of primary of backup.
Implicitly, the primary and backup are a part
of the same organization. Components use
this name to address the Enterprise Server
pair. This name must match the name that
the Enterprise Servers have assigned to
themselves locally or else the connection will
be rejected.
Button Description
Edit Opens the Edit Profile: Data Transport
Config page. Use this page to edit the
parameters in the Data Transport
Configuration profile.
Done Closes the View Profile: Data Transport
Config page.
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View Profile: Data Transport Static Config field descriptions
Do not change any values in the fields displayed on this page. Any change is likely to break
the SAL Agent application.
View Profile SMGR field descriptions
Auto Transliteration Properties
Name Description
Auto Transliteration Flag Available options:
True: Enables transliteration. The default is
False: Disables transliteration.
Email Configuration Properties
Name Description
From Email Address The email ID that the system uses to send
the email.
From Email Password The email password that the system uses for
authentication before sending the email.
Email Host URL for email server.
Email Host Port The port for email server. The default port is
Multi Tenancy Properties
Name Description
Multi Tenancy Status The status of the Multi Tenancy feature on
the system. The available options are:
True: The system enables the Multi
Tenancy feature on the system.
False: The system disables the Multi
Tenancy feature on the system.
The default is False.
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Edit Profile:SMGR field descriptions
Auto Transliteration Properties
Name Description
Auto Transliteration Flag Available options:
True: Enables transliteration. The default is
False: Disables transliteration.
Email Configuration Properties
Name Description
From Email Address The email ID that the system uses to send
the email.
From Email Password The email password that the system uses for
authentication before sending the email.
Email Host URL for email server.
Email Host Port The port for email server. The default port is
Multi Tenancy Properties
Name Description
Multi Tenancy Status The status of the Multi Tenancy feature on
the system. The available options are:
True: The system enables the Multi
Tenancy feature on the system.
False: The system disables the Multi
Tenancy feature on the system.
The default is False.
View Profile:Alarming UI field descriptions
Use this page to view the parameters in the Alarming profile.
System Manager configuration
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Color Codes
Name Description
Cleared The color code for cleared alarms.
Critical The color code for critical alarms.
Indeterminate The color code for the indeterminate
You can change the values to specify a
different color code.
Major The color code for the major alarms.
Minor The color code for the minor alarms.
You can change the values to specify a
different color code.
Warning The color code for the warning alarms.
You can change the values to specify a
different color code.
Auto Refresh
Name Description
Time Interval (millisec) The time interval in milliseconds after which
the Alarming module refreshes the alarms on
the Alarming page.
Button Description
Edit Opens the Edit Profile:Alarming UI page.
Use this page to edit the parameters in the
Alarming Profile.
Done Closes the View Profile:Alarming UI page.
Edit Profile:Alarming UI field descriptions
Use this page to edit the parameters in the Alarming profile.
Color Codes
Name Description
Cleared The color code for alarms that are cleared.
Critical The color code for critical alarms.
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Name Description
Indeterminate The color code for the indeterminate
You can change the values to specify a
different color code.
Major The color code for the major alarms.
Minor The color code for the minor alarms.
You can change the values to specify a
different color code.
Warning The color code for the warning alarms.
You can change the values to specify a
different color code.
Auto Refresh
Name Description
Time Interval (millisec) The time interval in milliseconds after which
the Alarming module refreshes the alarms on
the Alarming page.
Button Description
Commit Saves the changes to the database.
Cancel Cancels the edit profile operation and takes
you back to the View Profile:Alarming UI
View Profile:Common Console field descriptions
Use this page to view the common console profile.
For the changes to be effective, log out from the system and log on again to the system.
Name Description
Max No of tabs that you can open on
landing page
The maximum number of tabs that you can
open from the Home page. The default is 5.
If you set the number to more than 5, for
example 7 and open more than 7 tabs, the
system displays You have exceeded
the maximum numbers of tabs.
Close any one of the tabs to
open a new tab.
System Manager configuration
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Name Description
Maximum number of user preferences
that can be saved and seen on dashboard
The maximum number of user preferences
that you can save and view on the Home
page. The default is 15.
Number of rows Number of rows that you want the system to
display in a table. The default is 15. The
range of minimum rows is 15 and maximum
rows is 100.
Max No of Records Selectable (Table) The maximum number of records that you
can select at a time from a table.
Button Description
Edit Opens the Edit Profile: Common Console
page. Use this page to edit the parameters in
the Common Console profile.
Done Closes the View Profile: Common Console
Edit Profile:Common Console field descriptions
Use this page to edit the common console profile.
For the changes to be effective, log out from the system and log on again to the system.
Name Description
Max No of tabs that you can open on
landing page
The maximum number of tabs that you can
open from the Home page. The default is 5.
If you set the number to more than 5, for
example 7 and open more than 7 tabs, the
system displays You have exceeded
the maximum numbers of tabs.
Close any one of the tabs to
open a new tab.
Maximum number of user preferences
that can be saved and seen on dashboard
The maximum number of user preferences
that you can save and view on the Home
page. The default is 15.
Number of rows Number of rows that you want the system to
display in a table. The default is 15. The
range of minimum rows is 15 and maximum
rows is 100.
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Name Description
Max No of Records Selectable (Table) The maximum number of records that you
can select at a time from a table.
Button Description
Commit Saves the changes to the database.
Cancel Cancels the edit profile operation.
Managing SNMP Access Profiles
Adding an SNMP access profile
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Configurations.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Settings > SMGR > Global SNMP
3. Click New.
4. On the New SNMP Access Profile page, perform the following:
a. In the Type field, click the type of the SNMP protocol.
For more information, see SNMP Access Profile field descriptions.
b. In the Profile Name and Description fields, type the name of the profile and a
c. Complete the remaining fields on the page.
5. Click Commit.
Related topics:
SNMP Access Profiles field descriptions on page 861
SNMP Access Profile field descriptions on page 863
Editing the SNMP access profile
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Configurations.
System Manager configuration
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2. In the left navigation pane, click Settings > SMGR > Global SNMP
3. In the profile list, select the SNMP access profile that you want to change.
4. Click Edit.
5. On the Edit SNMP Access Profile page, change the details as appropriate.
For more information, see SNMP Access Profile field descriptions.
6. Click Commit.
Related topics:
SNMP Access Profiles field descriptions on page 861
SNMP Access Profile field descriptions on page 863
Deleting an SNMP access profile
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Configurations.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Settings > SMGR > Global SNMP
3. In the profile list, click the SNMP access profile that you want to delete.
4. Click Delete.
5. On the Snmp Access Profile/s Delete Confirmation page, click Delete to confirm
the deletion.
SNMP Access Profiles field descriptions
Field Description
Profile Name The name of the profile.
Type The SNMP protocol type. The options are V1
and V3.
Read Community The read community of the device.
Read Community applies only to the SNMP
V1 protocol.
Write Community The write community of the device.
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Field Description
Write Community applies only to the SNMP
V1 protocol.
User The user name of the SNMP V3 protocol
Auth Type The authentication protocol to authenticate
the source of traffic from SNMP V3 users.
The options are:
The default is MD5.
Auth Type applies only to the SNMP V3
Priv Type The encryption policy for an SNMP V3 user.
The options are:
DES: For SNMP-based communication.
The default is DES.
AES: For SNMP-based communication.
None: Does not encrypt traffic for this
Set Priv Type only for an SNMP V3 user.
Privileges The privileges that determine the operations
that you can perform on MIBs.
Read/Write: To perform the GET and SET
Read: To perform only the GET
The default is None.
Timeout The time in milliseconds for which the
element waits for a response from the device
that the element polls.
Retries The number of times that the element polls a
device and fails to receive a response. After
the retries, the element times out.
Description A brief description of the profile.
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Button Description
New Displays the New SNMP Access Profile page
where you can add a new SNMP access
Edit Displays the Edit SNMP Access Profile page
where you can change an SNMP access
Delete Displays the Snmp Access Profile/s Delete
Confirmation page where you can confirm
the deletion of the access profile.
SNMP Access Profile field descriptions
For SNMP protocol V3
The system displays the following fields when you click V3 in the Type field:
Field Description
Profile Name The name of the profile.
Description A brief description of the profile.
Type The SNMP protocol type. The possible
values are V1 and V3.
User The user name as defined in the element.
Authentication Type The authentication protocol used to
authenticate the source of traffic from SNMP
V3 users. The possible values are:
The default is MD5.
Authorization Type applies only to the
SNMP V3 protocol.
Authentication Password The password to authenticate the user.
Passwords must contain at least eight
Confirm Authentication Password The SNMP V3 protocol authentication
password that you retype for confirmation.
Privacy Type The encryption policy for an SNMP V3 user.
The possible values are:
DES: For SNMP-based communication.
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Field Description
The default is DES.
AES: For SNMP-based communication.
None: Does not encrypt traffic for this
Set Privacy Type only for an SNMP V3
Privacy Password The password used to enable the DES or
AES encryption. DES passwords must
contain at least eight characters.
Confirm Privacy Password The privacy password that you retype for
Privileges The privileges that determine the operations
that you can perform on MIBs.
Read/Write: To perform GET and SET
Read: To perform only the GET
The default is None.
Timeout The time in milliseconds for which the
element waits for a response from the device
being polled during discovery.
Retries The number of times that the element polls a
device without receiving a response before
timing out.
For SNMP protocol V1
The system displays the following fields when you click V1 in the Type field:
Field Description
Profile Name The name of the profile.
Description A brief description of the profile.
Type The SNMP protocol type. The possible
values are V1 and V3.
Read Community The read community of the device.
Read Community applies only to the SNMP
V1 protocol.
Write Community The write community of the device.
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Field Description
Write Community applies only to the SNMP
V1 protocol.
Timeout The time in milliseconds for which the
element waits for a response from the device
that the element polls.
Retries The number of times that the element polls a
device and fails to receive a response. After
the retries, the element times out.
Button Description
Commit Adds or edits the SNMP access profile
depending on the option you select.
Cancel Returns to the previous page.
View Profile:Shutdown field descriptions
Name Description
Grace Period (In Minutes) The time in minutes within which the active
users must finish their operations before the
administrator shuts down System Manager.
Button Description
Edit Displays the Edit. Profile:Shutdown page
where you can change the grace period.
Close Closes the View Profile:Shutdown page.
Edit Profile:Shutdown field descriptions
Field Description
Grace Period (In Minutes) The time in minutes within which the active
users must finish their operations before the
administrator shuts down System Manager.
Button Description
Commit Saves the changes that you made on the Edit
Profile:Shutdown page.
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Button Description
Cancel Cancels the changes that you made on the
Edit Profile:Shutdown page, and returns to
the View Profile :Shutdown page.
View Profile:HealthMonitor field descriptions
HealthMonitor Configuration Parameters
Name Description
HealthMonitor interval The time interval, in seconds, within which
the Health Monitoring service polls for the
information on the system status.
HealthMonitor Retention Days The number of days the system retains the
Heath Monitoring data.
HealthMonitor Retries The number of successive attempts that the
Health Monitoring service makes before the
system raises an alarm.
Button Description
Edit Opens the Edit Profile:HealthMonitor page.
Use the Edit Profile:HealthMonitor page to
configure the HealthMonitor parameters.
Done Closes the View Profile:HealthMonitor
Related topics:
Edit Profile:HealthMonitor field descriptions on page 866
Edit Profile:HealthMonitor field descriptions
Use this page to edit the Health Monitor parameters.
Click Edit to open the Edit Profile:HealthMonitor page.
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HealthMonitor Configuration Parameters
Name Description
HealthMonitor interval The time interval, in seconds, within which
the Health Monitoring service polls for the
information on the system status.
HealthMonitor Retention Days The number of days the system retains the
Heath Monitoring data.
HealthMonitor Retries The number of successive attempts that the
Health Monitoring service makes before the
system raises an alarm.
Button Description
Commits Saves the changes you make on the View
Profile:HealthMonitor page.
Cancels Cancels the edit profile operation and takes
you back to the View Profile:HealthMonitor
Related topics:
View Profile:HealthMonitor field descriptions on page 866
View Profile:Licenses field descriptions
Name Description
WebLM Usages UsageCount This count represents the number of usage
reports the server must maintain and display
for each WebLM server.
WebLM LicenseAllocation Backup
This property specifies the size of the license
allocation backup file in MB. Allocate an
integer to this property like 1 or 10. A decimal
value like 1.5 is not valid.
Button Description
Edit Opens the Edit Profile:Licenses (WebLM)
page. Use this page to edit the parameters in
the WebLM profile.
Done Closes the View Profile:Licenses (WebLM)
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Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 867

Edit Profile:Licenses field descriptions
Name Description
WebLM Usages UsageCount This count represents the number of usage
reports the server must maintain and display
for each WebLM server.
WebLM LicenseAllocation Backup
This property specifies the size of the license
allocation backup file in MB. Allocate an
integer to this property like 1 or 10. A decimal
value like 1.5 is not valid.
Button Description
Commit Saves the changes to the database.
Cancel Cancels the edit profile operation and takes
you back to the View Profile:Licenses
(WebLM) page.
View Profile:Logging UI field descriptions
Log Severity Levels
Name Description
Alert The color code for the log messages that are
logged under the Alert severity level.
Critical The color code for the log messages that are
logged under the Critical severity level.
Debug The color code for the log messages that are
logged under the Debug severity level.
Emergency The color code for the log messages that are
logged under the Emergency severity level.
Error The color code for the log messages that are
logged under the Error severity level.
Informational The color code for the log messages that are
logged under the Informational severity
Notice The color code for the log messages that are
logged under the Notice severity level.
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Name Description
Warning The color code for the log messages that are
logged under the Notice severity level.
Auto Refresh
Name Description
Time Interval(millisec) The time interval in milliseconds after which
the log messages are auto refreshed on the
Logging page .
Button Description
Edit Opens the Edit Profile:Logging page. Use
this page to edit the parameters in the
Logging profile.
Done Closes the View Profile:Logging page.
Edit Profile:Logging UI field descriptions
Log Severity Levels
Name Description
Alert The color code for the log messages that are
logged under the Alert severity level.
Critical The color code for the log messages that are
logged under the Critical severity level.
Debug The color code for the log messages that are
logged under the Debug security level.
Emergency The color code for the log messages that are
logged under the Emergency severity level.
Error The color code for the log messages that are
logged under the Error severity level.
Informational The color code for the log messages that are
logged under the Informational severity
Notice The color code for the log messages that are
logged under the Notice severity level.
Warning The color code for the log messages that are
logged under the Notice severity level.
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Auto Refresh
Name Description
Time Interval(millisec) The time interval in milliseconds after which
the log messages are auto refreshed on the
Logging page.
Button Description
Commit Saves the changes to the database.
Cancel Cancels the edit profile operation and takes
you back to the View Profile:Logging page.
View Profile:Logging Service field descriptions
Use this page to view the parameters and their corresponding values that specify the default
settings for log harvesting service.
Name Description
Max time interval to wait The maximum time interval for which the
system waits between a request and a
response for harvesting a log file from a
remote System Manager computer. You can
specify a time interval between 1800000
milliseconds to maximum value of 7200000
milliseconds. The default value is 10800000
Directory path for harvested files The directory where all the harvested files
are stored. The default path is /var/log/
No. of Lines/Page(All harvested archives
will be re-indexed)
The maximum number of lines that you can
view on the log browser page for a harvested
log file.
Maximum allowed size of harvest
directory (In GB)
The maximum size of the harvested files
directory. The value of minimum size of the
harvested directory is 1 GB and maximum
size can be 10 GB.
No. of files for File rotation The maximum number of harvested files that
the system can store before the oldest file is
overwritten by the new harvested file. You
can set 10 as minimum number of files and
9999999 as maximum number of files.
System Manager configuration
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Button Description
Edit Opens the Edit Logging Service Profile page.
Use this page to edit the values of the log
harvesting parameters.
Done Closes the View Logging Service Profile
Edit Profile:Logging Service field descriptions
Use this page to modify the value of parameters that define settings for log harvesting.
Name Description
Max time interval to wait The maximum time interval for which the
system waits between a request and a
response for harvesting a log file from a
remote System Manager computer. You can
specify a time interval between 1800000
milliseconds to maximum value of 7200000
milliseconds. The default value is 10800000
Directory path for harvested files The directory where all the harvested files
are stored. The default path is /var/log/
No. of Lines/Page(All harvested archives
will be re-indexed)
The maximum number of lines that you can
view on the log browser page for a harvested
log file.
Maximum allowed size of harvest
directory (In GB)
The maximum size of the harvested files
directory. The value of minimum size of the
harvested directory is 1 GB and maximum
size can be 10 GB.
No. of files for File rotation The maximum number of harvested files that
the system can store before the oldest file is
overwritten by the new harvested file. You
can set 10 as minimum number of files and
9999999 as maximum number of files.
Button Description
Commit Saves the changes to the database.
Cancel Cancels the edit profile operation and takes
you back to the View Profile:Logging
Service page.
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View Profile: SMGR Element Manager field descriptions
Use this page to view the parameters in the SMGR Element Manager profile.
Name Description
Backup Directory The name of the directory on the Database
server where Element Manager creates the
backup archives.
The database user must have write
privileges on this directory.
Database Utilities Path The name of the directory on the Database
server that contains the PostgreSQL backup/
restore utilities.
The database user must have execute
permissions on these utilities.
Database Type Type of the database. For example, Oracle,
Database server Host name of the database server.
Database Super-User Password Database super user password.
Database Port Port number for database server.
Database SCP Port Port on the database server on which the
SSH server is running.
Database Super-User Database super user. This user must be able
to open a SSH connection to the database.
Disk Space Allocated (GB) Disk space allocated for backup archives.
Disk Space Threshold (%) Percentage of the diskSpaceAllocated
property. When this percentage is reached,
the system generates an alarm. For
example, if the diskSpaceAllocated is 100
MB and diskSpaceThreshold is 90 percent,
the system generates an alarm when the disk
space occupied by the backup archives
reaches 90 MB.
Job Interface URL Lookup URL for the Element Manager.
System Manager configuration
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Name Description
Maximum Backup Files The maximum number of backup files that
you can create. When the maximum limit is
reached, the backup archives are rotated.
Maximum Data Retention Limit (days) The maximum data retention limit in days
that you can set for any data retention rule.
Maximum size for log data stored The maximum size for log data stored. This
is the upper limit on the number of records on
the log_store table.
Maximum Transaction Timeout Limit
The maximum transaction timeout limit in
Remote Utility Directory Directory on the database server that
contains the Element Manager backup or
restore utilities.
Scheduler URL The URL for gaining access to the
Remote Server Password Password for accessing the scp server.
To use the Use Default option on the
Backup or Restore page, ensure that you
specify the remote server IP, user name,
password, and name and path of the
backup file on this page.
Remote Server Port SSH port for the scp server.
Remote server Host name of the scp server.
Remote Server User User name for accessing the secure access
Button Description
Edit Opens the Edit Profile:IMSM Element
Manager page. Use this page to edit the
parameters in the IMSM Element Manager
Done Closes the View Profile:IMSM Element
Manager page.
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View Profile:SNMP field descriptions
Avaya IM System Manager subagent attributes
Name Description
Master Agent IPAddress IP address of machine on which master
agent is running.
Master Agent TCP Port The connection between master agent and
subagent is established via a TCP port using
AgentX protocol. This port has to be
configured with both the master agent and
the subagent so that the master agent starts
listening on the configured TCP port and then
the subagent establishes connection with the
master agent via this port.
Sub Agent IPAddress IP address of machine on which sub agent is
View Profile:Scheduler field descriptions
Scheduler Feature
Name Description
Number Of Retry A count that defines the number of attempts
to start the scheduler MBEAN.
Retry Delay Delay in time in seconds between each
Scheduler Look Up Details
Name Description
Initial Context Factory User name for secured Java Naming and
Directory Interface (JNDI).
Naming Server User Name
Provider URL The PROVIDER_URL which gives the
server name and port on which a service is
This parameter is currently not in use.
System Manager configuration
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Button Description
Edit Opens the Edit Profile:Scheduler page. Use
this page to edit the parameters in the
Scheduler profile.
Done Closes the View Profile:Scheduler page.
Edit Profile:Scheduler field descriptions
Scheduler Feature
Name Description
Number Of Retry A count that defines the number of attempts
to start the scheduler MBEAN.
Retry Delay Delay in time in seconds between each
Scheduler Look Up Details
Name Description
Initial Context Factory User name for secured Java Naming and
Directory Interface (JNDI).
Naming Server User Name
Provider URL The PROVIDER_URL which gives the
server name and port on which a service is
This parameter is currently not in use.
Button Description
Commit Saves the changes to the database.
Cancel Cancels the edit profile operation and takes
you back to the View Profile:Scheduler
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 875

Configuring the TrapListener service
1. On the System Manager console, click Services > Configurations.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Settings > SMGR.
3. Click TrapListener.
4. On the View Profile: TrapListener Service page, click Edit.
5. Edit the required fields in the Edit Profile: TrapListener Service page.
6. Click Commit.
Related topics:
TrapListener service field descriptions on page 876
TrapListener service on page 999
TrapListener service field descriptions
Name Description
Authentication Password The password used to authenticate the user.
The default is avaya123.
Authentication Protocol The authentication protocol used to
authenticate the source of traffic from SNMP
V3 users. The options are:
The default is md5.
Community The community for TrapListener.
Privacy Password The password that you use to encrypt the
SNMP data. The default is avaya123.
Privacy Protocol The encryption policy for an SNMP V3 user.
The options are:
DES: Use the DES encryption for the
SNMP-based communication.
AES: Use the AES encryption for the
SNMP-based communication.
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Name Description
The default is AES.
TrapListener Port The port on which TrapListener listens. The
default is 10162. The field is read-only.
V3 UserName The SNMP V3 user name. The default is
Although you can change the SNMP V3 user
name, use the default value.
The system configures the Privacy Password, Authentication Password, Users, and
Community fields with default values. You must change the values immediately after you
deploy System Manager.
Button Description
Commit Saves the changes you have made in the
TrapListener Configuration Parameters
Cancel Cancels the edit and returns to the previous
View Profile: TrustManagement field descriptions
Field Description
Threshold (in days) for raising an alarm
for certificate expiration (1-60)
The number of days prior to the certificate
expiry when an alarm is generated.
Auto-renew Certificates (true/false) The status of the auto renewal of certificates
from the Trust Management agent. Set this
field to True if you want auto renewal of
Threshold (in days) for triggering auto-
renewal of certificates (1-60)
The number of days prior to the certificate
expiry when the auto renewal of certificates
is triggered.
Preference setting for the signing
algorithm to be used by the CA. Valid
values - "1" or "2". 1 = Use SHA2 for all
certificate requests. 2 = Use SHA2 for
2048-bit or higher keys based certificate
request. Use SHA1 for 1024-bit keys
based certificate requests.
The preference setting for the signing
algorithm that CA can use.
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Field Description
The valid values are:
1: To use SHA2 for all certificate
2: To use SHA2 for 2048-bit or higher keys-
based certificate request and SHA1 for
1024-bit keys-based certificate request.
Button Description
Edit Returns to the Edit Profile:
TrustManagement page.
Done Returns to the previous page.
Edit Profile: TrustManagement field descriptions
Field Description
Threshold (in days) for raising an alarm
for certificate expiration (1-60)
The number of days prior to the certificate
expiry when an alarm is generated.
Auto-renew Certificates (true/false) The status of the auto renewal of certificates
from the Trust Management agent. Set this
field to True if you want auto renewal of
Threshold (in days) for triggering auto-
renewal of certificates (1-60)
The number of days prior to the certificate
expiry when the auto renewal of certificates
is triggered.
Preference setting for the signing
algorithm to be used by the CA. Valid
values - "1" or "2". 1 = Use SHA2 for all
certificate requests. 2 = Use SHA2 for
2048-bit or higher keys based certificate
request. Use SHA1 for 1024-bit keys
based certificate requests.
The preference setting for the signing
algorithm that CA can use.
The valid values are:
1: To use SHA2 for all certificate
2: To use SHA2 for 2048-bit or higher keys-
based certificate request and SHA1 for
1024-bit keys-based certificate request.
Button Description
Commit Saves your changes in the Edit Profile:
TrustManagement page.
Cancel Cancels your changes and takes you to the
previous page.
System Manager configuration
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View Profile: User Bulk Import Profile field descriptions
User Bulk Import Module
Name Description
Default Error Configuration The value in this field specifies what action
the system performs when an error is
encountered during bulk importing users
record in the system. The options are:
True: The system skips the erroneous
record in the input file and continue to
import other records. The default is True.
If this parameter is set to true, the
Continue processing other records
option is set as the default in the Select
error configuration field on the Import
Users page.
False: The system aborts the import
operation on encountering the first error in
the input file.
If this parameter is set to false, the Abort
on first error option is set as default in the
Select error configuration field on the
Import Users page.
To access the Import Users page, click
Manage Users > More Actions > Import
Enable Error File Generation The option to generate error file during the
importing users job. The options are:
True: The system generates an error file
for a failed import.
False: The system does not generate an
error file for a failed import.
Maximum Number of Error records to be
The maximum number of error records that
the Job Details page can display for a user
import job that has failed to import user
records completely or partially.
To access the Import Users page, click
Manage Users > More Actions > Import
Users > View Job.
Select a failed job from the table before you
click View Job.
Configuring applications
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Name Description
Maximum Number of Job records to be
The maximum number of job records that the
system displays on the Import Users page.
Default Action for a matching record A default action that the system performs
when the system finds a matching record in
the database while bulk importing users. The
options are:
0: The system does not import user records
from the input file that already exists in the
If you enter 0, the Skip option is set as the
default option for the If a matching record
already exists field on the Import Users
1: The system appends the records for an
If you enter 1, the Merge option is set as
the default option for the If a matching
record already exists field on the Import
Users page..
2: The system replaces the record with the
record in the input file if a matching record
is found.
If you enter 2, the Replace option is set as
the default option for the If a matching
record already exists field on the Import
Users page.
3: The system deletes the records from the
database that matches the records in the
input file.
If you enter 3, the Delete option is set as
the default option for the If a matching
record already exists field.
To access the Import Users page, click
Manage Users > More Actions > Import
Button Description
Edit Displays the Edit Profile:User Bulk Import
Profile page where you can change bulk
import parameters of the user.
System Manager configuration
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Edit Profile: User Bulk Import Profile field descriptions
Use this page to modify the value of parameters that define settings for bulk importing users
User Bulk Import Module
Name Description
Default Error Configuration The action that the system performs when an
error is encountered during bulk importing
users record in the system. The options are:
True: The system skips the erroneous
record in the input file and continue to
import other records. This is the default
If this parameter is set to true, the
Continue processing other records
option is set as the default option for the
Select error configuration field on the
Import Users page.
False: The system aborts the importing
process on encountering the first error in
the input file.
If this parameter is set to false, the Abort
on first error option is set as default option
for the Select error configuration field on
the Import Users page.
To access the Import Users page, click
Manage Users > More Actions > Import
Enable Error File Generation The option to generate the error file for an
import users job. The options are:
True: The system generates an error file
for a failed import job.
False: The system does not generate an
error file for a failed import job.
Maximum Number of Error records to be
The maximum number of error records that
the Job Details page can display for a user
import job that has failed to import user
records completely or partially.
To access the Import Users page, click
Manage Users > More Actions > Import
Users > View Job.
Configuring applications
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 881

Name Description
Select a failed job from the table before you
click View Job.
Maximum Number of Job records to be
The maximum number of job records that the
system displays on the Import Users page.
Default Action for a matching record The default action that the system performs
when the system finds a matching record in
the database while bulk importing users. The
options are:
0: The system does not import user records
from the input file that already exists in the
If you enter 0, the Skip option is set as
default in the If a matching record
already exists field on the Import Users
1: The system appends the records for an
If you enter 1, the Merge option is set as
default in the If a matching record
already exists field on the Import Users
2: The system replaces the record with the
record in the input file if a matching record
is found.
If you enter 2, the Replace option is set as
default in the If a matching record
already exists field on the Import Users
3: The system deletes the records from the
database that matches the records in the
input file.
If you enter 3, the Delete option is set as
default in the If a matching record
already exists field.
To access the Import Users page, click
Manage Users > More Actions > Import
Button Description
Edit Displays the Edit Profile:User Bulk Import
Profile page where you can change the user
bulk import parameters.
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Chapter 15: Managing inventory
Managing elements
Element management
Inventory maintains a repository that records elements deployed on System Manager,
including the runtime relationships. An element in the inventory refers to a single instance or
clustered instance of a managed element. Inventory provides a mechanism for creating,
modifying, searching, and deleting elements and the access point information from the
repository. Inventory retrieves information about elements that are added or deleted from the
Inventory integrates the adopting products with the common console of System Manager.
Through Inventory, elements can provide a link that redirects to the webpage of the element
manager. Such links appear for only specific element types.
Using Inventory > Manage Elements you can:
Create or modify elements
Delete elements
Assign and remove entries for elements
Provide a certificate to an element
Replace a certificate
Import elements in bulk
For System Manager Geographic Redundancy:
Manage or unmanage elements
Get current status of elements
Manage Elements access
You require access to the Inventory > Manage Elements page on the System Manager web
console. The role must have the following permissions assigned:
For resource type elements, all permissions in the Role Resource Type Actions section.
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Bulk import
Inventory supports the creation and updation of elements by importing data from an XML file.
You can import elements only through the graphical user interface.
Inventory provides the following configuration options for each import operation:
Abort on first error: The system stops the import operation if any exception occurs.
Continue processing other records: The system does not stop the import operation even
if any exception occurs, and the import operation continues.
Replace: Reimports all data for the element that you import. The replace function replaces
an element and the related data with a new one.
Merge: Merges the data of an element with the import data from an input XML file.
Skip: Skips the import operation. As an administrator, you reimport the elements to
recover from failures. If you reimport the same file to recover from failures, RTS does not
overwrite any record that you have successfully added. Inventory continues to process
other records from the file.
Delete: Deletes an element.
Schedule: Schedules the import of the element.
Creating a new element
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
3. Click New.
4. On the New Elements page, in the Type field, select an element.
5. On the New <element-name> page, on the General and Attributes tabs, complete
the required fields.
6. Click Commit.
The system creates a new element.
Additional information required for creating the Communication
Manager or Messaging element
Communication Manager element
When you add the Communication Manager element from Inventory > Manage Elements,
the element in turn starts a synchronization job in the background to bring all the relevant data
from the elements to the System Manager database. To check the status of this
Managing inventory
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synchronization job on System Manager Web Console, navigate to System Manager Data >
Scheduler or reach the log files on the System Manager server.
Messaging element
If you are creating the Messaging element:
The FQDN or IP address details in the Node field for a Messaging element must
correspond to that of Messaging Storage Server (MSS) and not Messaging Application
Server (MAS).
Before adding the Messaging server in the System Manager applications, add the System
Manager server details in the Trusted Server list on the Messaging server on the
Messaging Administration/ Trusted Servers screen.
The login credentials between the Messaging server trusted servers screen and the
Session Manager application, entity, or attributes for a Messaging type of application must
The Trusted Server Name field on the Trusted Server page maps to the Login field in
the Attributes section. Similarly, the Password field on the Trusted Server page maps to
the Password field in the Attributes section.
To allow LDAP access to this Messaging server from the trusted server that you add, set
the LDAP Access Allowed field on the Trusted Server page to Yes.
Manage elements in System Manager configured with Geographic
The primary or the secondary System Manager server can manage a GR-aware element.
However, only the primary System Manager server manages the GR-unaware element. You
must know the elements that each System Manager manages during the scenario such as
normal operation and split network.
Related topics:
Determining the System Manager that manages a GR-aware element on page 885
Determining the System Manager that manages a GR-aware
Before you begin
Log on to the System Manager web console of the primary server.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
Managing elements
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3. Verify the status of the elements in the Managed by column:
For GR-unaware elements, the system must display Not Supported.
For GR-aware elements, the system must display one of the following status:
- Primary: Indicates that the primary System Manager manages the
- Secondary: Indicates that the secondary System Manager manages the
- Unknown: Indicates that the manageability status of the element is
- Unmanaged: Indicates that the current System Manager does not
manage the element.
To refresh the Managed by status for an element, click Get Current
To make the System Manager manage an element, the
administrator must click More Actions > Manage.
For example, for managing Session Manager in a Geographic Redundancy setup,
see Administering Avaya Aura

Session Manager.
Viewing details of an element
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
3. On the Manage Elements page, select an element.
4. Click View.
The system displays the details of the selected element.
Modifying an element
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
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3. On the Manage Elements page, select an element.
4. Perform one of the following:
Click Edit.
Click View > Edit.
If the Communication Manager system that you require to edit contains a :
(colon) character in the name, the system disables the Edit button. Remove
the : character from the Communication Manager name to enable Edit.
5. On the Edit <element name> page, modify the required fields.
6. Click Commit.
The system saves the changes.
Deleting an element
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
3. On the Manage Elements page, select an element.
4. Click Delete.
5. On the Delete Application Confirmation page, click Delete.
Importing elements
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
3. On the Manage Elements page, click More Actions > Import.
4. On the Import Elements page, click Browse to select the XML file that you want to
5. Click Import.
Managing elements
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Assigning elements to an element
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
3. On the Manage Elements page, perform one of the following steps:
Select an element and click Edit.
To assign elements to an existing element in the view mode, select an element
and click View > Edit.
4. In the Assign elements area, click Assign elements.
5. On the Assign elements page, select elements and click Assign.
Removing assigned elements
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
3. On the Manage Elements page, perform one of the following steps to remove
assigned elements from an existing element:
Select an element and click Edit.
Select an element and click View > Edit.
4. Select the elements that you must remove and click Unassign Elements in the
Assign Elements section.
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Managing access profiles and ports
Creating an access profile
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
3. On the Manage Elements page, perform one of the following steps:
Click New.
To create an access profile for an existing element, click the element and then
click Edit or View > Edit.
4. On the General tab, in the Access Profile section, click New.
The system displays the Application System Supported Protocol section.
5. In the Protocol field, select the protocol.
The system displays the Access Profile Details section.
6. Enter the information about the access profile in the mandatory fields.
7. Click Save.
Modifying an access profile
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
3. On the Manage Elements page, select an element and click Edit or View > Edit.
4. In the Access Profile section, select the access profile that you want to change
and click Edit.
5. Modify the access profile information in the fields.
6. Click Save.
Managing elements
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Deleting an access profile
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
3. On the Manage Elements page, select an element and click Edit or click View >
4. In the Access Profile section, select the access profile that you want to delete and
click Delete.
You cannot delete the Trust Management access profile.
Creating a new port
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
3. On the Manage Elements page, perform one of the following steps:
Click New.
If you want to configure a port for an existing application instance, click an
instance and then click Edit or click View > Edit.
4. Click New in the Port section.
5. Enter the information about the port in the following mandatory fields: Name,
Protocol, and Port.
6. Click Save.
The table in the Port Details section displays the new port.
Managing inventory
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Modifying a port
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
3. To configure a port for an existing element, perform one of the following steps on
the Manage Elements page:
Select an element and click Edit.
Select an element and click View > Edit.
4. Click Edit in the Port section.
5. Modify the port information in the following fields: Name, Port, Protocol, and
6. Click Save to save the changes to the database.
Deleting a port
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
3. On the Manage Elements page, select the application instance and click Edit or
click View > Edit.
4. In the Port section, select the port you want to delete and click Delete.
The system deletes the port you selected from the table in the Port section.
Managing and unmanaging elements from System Manager
Manage elements
In a Geographic Redundancy-enabled system, the administrator can select elements and click
Manage for the current System Manager to manage the elements. The system sends a
notification to the element whose manageability status you must change. On receiving the
Managing elements
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 891

notification, the element switches to the specific System Manager server from where you
performed the Manage operation.
Session Manager from Release 6.3 and Communication Manager support the Manage
During the split network, the administrator must ensure that the primary or the secondary
System Manager server manages an element at a time, and not both systems.
At any given point of time, you can perform Get Current Status, Manage, or Unmanage
Related topics:
Manage Elements field descriptions on page 893
Unmanage elements
In a Geographic Redundancy-enabled system, the administrator can select to unmanage an
element. The system sends a notification to the element whose manageability status you must
change. On receiving the notification, the element unmanages from the current System
Communication Manager supports the Unmanage operation.
In a specific split network scenario, the primary System Manager server fails to communicate
with the secondary System Manager server, but the element can communicate with both
System Manager systems. If the primary System Manager server manages the element and
the administrator wants to manage the element from the secondary System Manager server,
on the primary System Manager server, the administrator must set the manageability status
to Unmanaged.
At any given point of time, you can perform Get Current Status, Manage, or Unmanage
Related topics:
Manage Elements field descriptions on page 893
Managing inventory
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Manage Elements field descriptions
Field Description
Name The name of the element.
Node The node on which the application runs.
Type The type of the element to which the instance
You can view this field only if you gain
access to the Manage Elements page
from Inventory.
The system also provides the following fields on System Manager that is configured with
Geographic Redundancy.
Reachable The state that mentions whether the element
is reachable from the current server. The
values are Yes and No.
Managed by The field that specifies the server that
manages this element. The options are
Primary and Secondary. For a non-GR
element, the field displays Not
Last Updated Time The time when the system updates the status
of the element
Error Displays a red cross icon ( ) if the system
generates errors. For more information, click
the icon.
Displays an yellow triangle icon ( ) if the
system generates warnings. For more
information, click the icon.
At any given point of time, you can perform Get Current Status, Manage, or Unmanage
Button Description
View Displays the View <Element-name> page.
Use this page to view the details of the
selected element.
Managing elements
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 893

Button Description
Edit Displays the Edit <Element-name> page.
Use this page to modify the information of the
New Displays the New Elements page. Use this
page to create a new element.
Delete Displays the Delete <Element-name> page.
Use this page to delete a selected element.
Get Current Status Displays the real-time connectivity status
and the manageability status of elements on
the active server.
When the request is in progress for at least
one element, the system displays the
progress bar and the selected elements.
When the request is complete, the system
updates the time stamp and the status.
On the secondary System Manager
server in the standby mode, the system
displays only the connectivity status of
elements and not the manageability
On a standalone server, the system
disables Get Current Status.
More Actions > Configure Trusted
Displays the Trusted Certificates page. Use
this page to view, add, export, and delete the
trusted certificates for the element.
More Actions > Configure Identity
Displays the Identity Certificates page. Use
this page to view, export, renew, and replace
the identity certificates for the element.
More Actions > Manage System Manager starts managing the
element that you select.
More Actions > Unmanage System Manager stops managing the
element that you select.
More Actions > Import Displays the Import Applications page. Use
this page to import application data in bulk
from a valid XML file.
More Actions > View Notification Status Displays the status of notifications. The valid
status values are Failed and Inprogress.
The system displays the progress bar if a
notification is pending.
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Button Description
The system displays the Resend
Notification button only when there are no
notifications in progress and when you select
the rows of the same event type.
If you click Resend Notification, the system
displays a progress bar until the resend
action fails or completes. If the notification
status is Inprogress, use Get Current
Status to find the connectivity status and the
manageability status of elements. However,
you cannot use Manage or Unmanage to
start or stop managing the elements.
View Notification Status is available only
on the primary or the secondary System
Manager server that is in the active
Filter: Enable Displays fields where you can set the filter
criteria. Filter: Enable is a toggle button.
Filter: Disable Hides the column filter fields. Filter:
Disable is a toggle button.
Filter: Apply Filters elements based on the filter criteria.
Select: All Selects all elements in the table.
Select: None Clears the selection for the users that you
Refresh Refreshes the element information in the
Element details field descriptions
The fields on this page varies with the element that you manage.
Field Description
Name The name of the element.
Type The type of the application to which the
element belongs.
Description A brief description of the element.
Managing elements
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Field Description
Node The node on which you run the element.
The system displays the Node field when
you select Other from the Node field.
Access Profile
Field Description
Name The name of the access profile.
Access Profile Type The type of the access profile. The options
URI: For system web services API.
SSH: For Software Management
SNMP: For discovering elements.
Access Profile Sub Type The sub type of the URI access profile. The
options are:
EMURL: To create a URL type access
WS: To create a web service access
GUI: To create a GUI access profile.
GRCommunication: To create a GR-
aware element.
TenantURL: To create the tenant-related
access profile.
Protocol The protocol that the element supports to
communicate with other communication
Host The name of the host on which the element
is running.
Port The port on which the element is running.
Order The order in which you gain access to access
Managing inventory
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Button Description
View Displays fields in the Access Profile section
that you can use to view access profile
New Displays fields in the Access Profile section
that you can use to add access profile
Edit Displays fields in the Access Profile section
using which you can modify the access
profile details that you select.
Delete Deletes the selected access profile.
Application System Supported Protocol
The system displays the following fields when you click New or Edit in the Access Profile
Field Description
Protocol The protocol used to access profiles. The
options are:
URI: For system web services API.
SSH: For Software Management
SNMP: For discovering elements.
The page displays the button only when
you click Add or Edit in the Access
Profile section.
Access Profile Details
The page displays the following fields when you click URI in the Protocol field:
Field Description
Name The name of the access profile.
Access Profile Type The type of the access profile. The options
TrustManagement: To create a trust
management type of access profile.
EMURL: To create a URL type access
WS: To create a web service access
Managing elements
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Field Description
GUI: To create a GUI access profile.
GRCommunication: To create a GR-
aware element.
TenantURL: To create the tenant-related
access profile.
Protocol The protocol for communicating the
Host The name of the host on which the element
is running.
Port The port on which the element is running.
Path The path to gain access to the access
Order The order in which you gain access to access
Description A brief description of the access profile.
The page displays the following fields when you click SSH in the Protocol field:
Field Description
Name The name of the access profile.
Login Name The login name as configured on the
Port The port on which the element is running.
Use ASG Key The option to use the ASG encryption.
Password The password to log in to the element.
Confirm Password The password that you retype.
The page displays the fields when you click SNMP in the Protocol field and V3 in the Type
Field Description
Profile Name The name of the profile.
Description A brief description of the profile.
Type The SNMP protocol type. The possible
values are V1 and V3.
User The user name as defined in the element.
Managing inventory
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Field Description
Authentication Type The authentication protocol used to
authenticate the source of traffic from SNMP
V3 users. The possible values are:
The default is MD5.
Authorization Type applies only to the
SNMP V3 protocol.
Authentication Password The password to authenticate the user.
Passwords must contain at least eight
Confirm Authentication Password The SNMP V3 protocol authentication
password that you retype for confirmation.
Privacy Type The encryption policy for an SNMP V3 user.
The possible values are:
DES: For SNMP-based communication.
The default is DES.
AES: For SNMP-based communication.
None: Does not encrypt traffic for this
Set Privacy Type only for an SNMP V3
Privacy Password The password used to enable the DES or
AES encryption. DES passwords must
contain at least eight characters.
Confirm Privacy Password The privacy password that you retype for
Privileges The privileges that determine the operations
that you can perform on MIBs.
Read/Write: To perform GET and SET
Read: To perform only the GET
The default is None.
Timeout The time in milliseconds for which the
element waits for a response from the device
being polled during discovery.
Managing elements
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Field Description
Retries The number of times that the element polls a
device without receiving a response before
timing out.
The page displays the fields when you click SNMP in the Protocol field and V1 in the Type
Field Description
Profile Name The name of the profile.
Description A brief description of the profile.
Type The SNMP protocol type. The possible
values are V1 and V3.
Read Community The read community of the device.
Read Community applies only to the SNMP
V1 protocol.
Write Community The write community of the device.
Write Community applies only to the SNMP
V1 protocol.
Timeout The time in milliseconds for which the
element waits for a response from the device
that the element polls.
Retries The number of times that the element polls a
device and fails to receive a response. After
the retries, the element times out.
Button Description
Save Saves the access profile details.
This button is visible only when you click
Add and Edit in the Access Profile
Cancel Cancels the operation of creating or editing
an access profile and hides the fields where
you enter or modify the access profile
This button is available only when you
click Add and Edit in the Access Profile
Managing inventory
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Field Description
Name The name of the port.
Port The port on which the element is running.
Protocol The protocol for the corresponding port.
Description A brief description about the port.
Button Description
New Displays fields in the Port section that you
can use to add a port.
Edit Displays fields in the Port section with port
information. You can change the port details
in the port mode.
Delete Deletes the selected configured port.
Commit Saves the port details.
The section displays the Save button only
when you click Add or Edit in the Port
Cancel Cancels the current operation of creating or
editing an access profile and hides the fields
where you add or modify the port
The section displays the Cancel button
only when you click Add or Edit in the
Port section.
Use this section to configure attributes for the selected element.
The following fields display the information about attributes defined for System Manager.
Field Description
IP The IP address of System Manager.
FQDN FQDN of System Manager.
Virtual IP The virtual IP address of System Manager.
Virtual FQDN The virtual FQDN of System Manager.
Managing elements
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 901

Field Description
isPrimary The option to indicate if the element is
primary or secondary.
Assign elements
Name Description
Name The name of the element.
Type The type of the application to which the
element belongs.
Description A brief description about the element.
Button Description
Assign elements Displays the Assign elements page that you
use to assign an element to another
Unassign elements Removes an assigned element.
Button Description
Commit Creates or modifies an element by saving the
information to the database.
The system displays the button only when
you click Add or Edit on the Manage
Elements page.
Cancel Closes the page without saving the
information and navigates back to the
Manage Elements page.
For example, the following fields provide information about attributes that you can define for
Field Description
Login The name in the Trusted Server Name field
of the Trusted Servers page on the
Messaging server.
Password The password as given in the Password field
of the Trusted Servers page on the
Messaging server.
Confirm Password The password that you retype for
Managing inventory
902 Administering Avaya Aura

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Field Description
Messaging Type The type of the Messaging server. The
following types are supported:
MM: Modular Messaging
CMM: Communication Manager


Version The version of Messaging. Supported
versions are 5.0 and later.
Secured LDAP Connection An option to use the secure LDAP
To use the nonsecure LDAP connection, you
must clear the check box.
Port The port on which the LDAP or secure LDAP
service that the element provides is running.
The default port is 389 for LDAP and 636 for
secure LDAP.
Location The location of the element.
Delete Element Confirmation field descriptions
Use this page to delete an element.
Name Description
Name The name of the element.
Node The node on which the element is running.
Registration The registration status of the element. The
options are:
True: Indicates a registered instance.
False: Indicates an unregistered
Description A brief description about the element.
Button Description
Delete Deletes the selected element.
Cancel Closes the Delete Element Confirmation
Managing elements
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 903

Import Elements field descriptions
Use this page to import element data in bulk from a valid XML file.
File Selection
Name Description
Select File The path and name of the XML file from
which you must import the element data.
Button Description
Browse Displays the File Upload box where you can
browse for the file that you must import the
element data.
Name Description
Select Error Configuration The options are:
Abort on First Error: The system stops
the import of element data when the import
element operation encounters the first
error in the import file that contains the
element data.
Continue Processing other records:
The system imports the data of next
element if the data of current element failed
to import.
If a matching record already exists The options are:
Skip: Skips a matching record that already
exists in the system during an import
Replace: Reimports or replaces all the
data for an element. This is essentially the
ability to replace an element along with the
other data related to the element.
Merge: Imports the element data at an
even greater degree of granularity. Using
this option you can simultaneously perform
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Name Description
both the add and update operation of
elements data.
Delete: Deletes the elements along with
their data from the database that match the
records in the input XML file.
Name Description
Schedule Job The options for configuring the schedule of
the job:
Run immediately: Use this option if you
want to run the import job immediately.
Schedule later: Use this option to run the
job at the specified date and time.
Date The date when you require to run the import
elements job. The date format is mm:
dd:yyyy. You can use the calendar icon to
select a date.
This field is available when you select the
Schedule later option for scheduling a job.
Time Time of running the import elements job. The
time format is hh:mm:ss and 12 (AM or PM)
or 24 hour format.
This field is available when you select the
Schedule later option for scheduling a job.
Time Zone Time zone of your region.
This field is available when you select the
Schedule later option for scheduling a job.
Button Description
Import Imports or schedules the import operation
based on the option you selected.
Import List
Name Description
Select check box Provides the option to select a job.
Start Time The time and date of scheduling the job
Status The current status of the job. The following
are the different status of the job:
Managing elements
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 905

Name Description
1. PENDING EXECUTION: The job is in
2. RUNNING: The job execution is in
3. SUCCESSFUL: The job execution is
4. INTERRUPTED: The job execution is
5. PARTIAL FAILURE: The job execution
has partially failed.
6. FAILED: The job execution has failed.
Scheduled Job Displays a link to the Scheduler user
interface. You can cancel the job from the
Scheduler user interface too.
% Complete The job completion status in percentage.
Element Records The number of user records in the input file.
Failed Records The number of user records in the input file
that failed to import.
Button Description
View Job Shows the details of the selected job.
Cancel Job Cancels the import operation for the selected
job. You can cancel a job that is in progress
or queued for import.
Delete Job Deletes the selected job.
Refresh Refreshes the job information in the table.
Show Provides an option to view all jobs on the
same page. If the table displaying scheduled
jobs span multiple pages, to view all jobs on
a single page, select All.
Select: All Selects all jobs in the table.
Select: None Clears the check box selections.
Cancel Returns to the Manage Elements page.
Import Status field descriptions
The Import Status page displays the detailed status of the selected import job.
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Status Summary
Name Description
Start The start date and time of the job.
End The end date and time of the job.
File The name of the file that is used to import the
element records.
Total Records The total number of element records in the
input file.
Successful Records The total number of element records that are
successfully imported.
Failed Records The total number of element records that
failed to import.
Complete The percentage completion of the import.
Status Details
Name Description
Line Number The line number in the file where the error
loginName The login name through which job was
Error Message A brief description about the error
Button Description
Done Takes you back to the Import Elements
Add Communication Manager field descriptions
General Attributes
Field Description
Name The name of Communication Manager
Hostname or IP Address The host name or the IP address of the
Communication Manager instance.
Managing elements
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Field Description
For the duplicated Communication Manager,
this value references the active server IP
Login The login name that you use to connect to
the Communication Manager instance.
craft, craft2, dadmin, inads, init,
rasaccess, sroot, and tsc are the
restricted logins when you configure a
Communication Manager system.
Do not use the login name to connect to:
The Communication Manager instance
from any other application.
The Communication Manager SAT
terminal using command line interface
Authentication Type The authentication type. The following are
the types of authentication:
Password: The password that
authenticates the SSH or Telnet login
name on the element.
ASG Key: The ASG key used to
authenticate the ASG login.
Password The password that authenticates the SSH or
Telnet login name on the element.
Confirm Password The password that you retype for
confirmation. Confirm Password must
match Password.
ASG Key The ASG key used to authenticate the ASG
Confirm ASG Key The ASG key that you retype for
confirmation. Confirm ASG Key must match
ASG Key.
SSH Connection An option to use SSH for connecting to the
element. By default, the system selects the
check box. If you clear the check box, the
system uses Telnet to connect to the
RSA SSH Fingerprint (Primary IP) The RSA SSH key of the Communication
Manager server. For duplex servers, the
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Field Description
RSA SSH key is the key of the active
RSA SSH Fingerprint (Alternate IP) The DSA SSH key of the standby
Communication Manager server. Use the
DSA SSH key only for duplex servers.
Description A description of the Communication
Manager server.
Alternate IP Address The alternate IP address of the element. For
duplex servers, the alternate IP address is
the IP address of the standby server.
Enable Notifications A real-time notification whenever an
administrative change occurs in
Communication Manager. For example,
when you add or delete an extension from
Communication Manager outside System
Manager. Select the check box to enable the
CM Notify sync feature for this
Communication Manager instance.
Clear the check box to disable the CM Notify
sync feature for this Communication
Manager instance. After you enable this
feature, and register the System Manager IP
address on Communication Manager, the
system sends certain changes administered
on Communication Manager to System
Manager asynchronously.
Communication Manager 6.2 or later
supports this feature.
Port The port on which the service provided by the
element is running. The default SSH port is
5022 if you select the SSH Connection
check box.
The default SSH port is 5023 if you do not
select the SSH Connection check box.
Location The location of the element.
Add to Communication Manager Select the Communication Manager that you
want to view in the communication manager
Managing elements
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SNMPv1 Attributes
Field Description
Version The SNMP protocol type.
Read Community The read community of the device.
Write Community The write community of the device.
Retries The number of times an application polls a
device without receiving a response before
timing out.
Timeout (ms) The number of milliseconds an application
polls a device without receiving a response
before timing out.
Device Type The type of device.
SNMPv3 Attributes
Field Description
Version The SNMP protocol type.
User Name The user name as defined in the
Authentication Protocol The authentication protocol that
authenticates the source of traffic from
SNMP V3 protocol users. The possible
values are:
MD5 (default)
Authentication Password The SNMP authentication password.
Confirm Authentication Password The SNMP authentication password that you
retype for confirmation. Authentication
Password and Confirm Authentication
Password must match.
Privacy Protocol The encryption policy for SNMP V3 users.
The possible values are:
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Field Description
AES: Use the AES encryption for the
SNMP-based communication. AES is the
default protocol.
DES: Use the DES encryption for the
SNMP-based communication.
None: Do not encrypt traffic for this user.
Privacy Password The pass phrase used to encrypt the SNMP
Confirm Privacy Password Retype the privacy password in this field for
Retries The number of times the application polls a
device without receiving a response before
timing out.
Timeout (ms) The number of milliseconds the application
waits for the response from the device being
Device Type The type of device.
Button Description
Commit Click to add a Communication Manager
instance in the inventory.
Clear Click to clear all the entries.
Cancel Click to cancel your action and return to the
previous page.
Add IP Office field descriptions
Name Description
Name The name of the IP Office device. Name
must only contain lowercase and uppercase
alphabets, numbers from 0 to 9, commas,
hyphens, and underscores.
Description The description of the IP Office device.
Node The host name or the IP address of the IP
Office device.
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Name Description
Device Type Specifies whether the type of device is IP
Office or B5800.
Device Version The version of the IP Office device.
Service Login The login name to access the IP Office
device. The default login name is
SMGRB5800 for the IP Office devices.
Service Password The password to access the IP Office
Confirm Service Password Retype the service password in this field for
Name Description
Version The SNMP protocol type. The possible
values are: None and V1.
Read Community The read community of the device.
Write Community The write community of the device.
Retries The number of times that an application polls
a device without receiving a response before
timing out.
Timeout (ms) The number of milliseconds that an
application polls a device without receiving a
response before timing out.
Button Description
Commit Click to add the IP Office device to the
Clear Click to clear your entries and reset the
Cancel Click to cancel the add action, and go to the
previous page.
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Delete IP Office field descriptions
Name Description
Name The name of the IP Office instance you have
chosen to delete.
Node The node on which the IP Office instance you
have chosen to delete is running.
Type The type of the application instance you want
to delete. In this case, Type is IP Office.
Version The software version of the IP Office device
you have chosen to delete.
Description The description of the IP Office device you
have chosen to delete.
Button Description
Delete Click to delete the IP Office device you have
Cancel Click to cancel the delete operation and go
to the previous page.
Discovering elements
Discovery profiles
To manage and upgrade software from System Manager, you must discover elements. On the
Discovery tab of Inventory > Manage Elements, you can create discovery profiles and use
the profiles to discover elements. The Manage Elements page displays the discovered
Managing elements
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 913

Creating discovery profiles and discovering elements
Before you begin
Configure the subnetwork profiles, SNMP profiles, and element type profiles on the Discovery
tab by using the links available at the beginning of the Discovery Profile List page or from the
following links:
Inventory > Subnet Configuration
Inventory > Element Type Configuration
Configurations > Settings > SMGR > Global SNMP Configuration
About this task
You can create discovery profiles and use the profiles to discover elements in System
Manager. The Manage Elements page displays the discovered elements.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
3. Click the Discovery tab.
The system displays the Discovery Profile List page.
4. Click New.
The system displays the Create Discovery Profile page.
5. In the Discovery Profile Name field, type a name for the discovery profile.
6. In the Subnet Configurations section, perform the following:
a. Click a subnetwork that you configured in Inventory > Subnet
b. Click an element type that you configured on Inventory > Element Type
The Discovery Element Type Access Profiles column displays all access
profiles of an element type.
c. To select or clear profiles, in the Choose Element Type Access Profiles
column, click Choose Element Access.
d. In the Profile List section, click the global SNMP profile that you configured on
Configurations > Settings > SMGR > Global SNMP Configuration.
7. Click Commit.
The system displays the new discovery profile on the Discovery Profile List page in
the Discovery Profiles section.
8. Select the discovery profile and perform one of the following:
Click Discover Now.
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To discover the element later, click Schedule Discovery, and provide the date
and time when the discovery must run.
The system displays a dialog box with the message Discovery is Running and
the number of elements that are discovered. The system lists the discovered
elements on the Manage Elements page in the Elements section. The system
closes the dialog box when the discovery is complete.
While the discovery is in progress, the system blocks any action that you perform
on the Discovery tab.
Related topics:
SNMP Access Profiles field descriptions on page 861
Device list on page 915
Discovery Profile List field descriptions on page 916
Create or Edit Discovery Profile field descriptions on page 917
Subnet Configurations field descriptions on page 924
Element Access Profile Management field descriptions on page 926
Device list
The table lists the minimum requirements for an SNMP discovery. For successful discovery,
you must configure the following on the Avaya equipment.
Device for
Protocol used Ports used Access Notes
SNMPv1 and
SSH to 22 or
Direct -
IP Office SNMPv1 - - -
SNMPv1 - Direct Static
publicclan read-
only and read-
write strings
SNMPv1 - Through
G250, G350 SNMPv1 and
SSH to 22 Direct -
G430, G450 SNMPv1 and
SSH to 22 Direct -
G700 SNMPv1 - Direct -
Managing elements
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 915

Discovery Profile List field descriptions
Discovery Profiles
Field Description
Discovery Profile The name of the discovery profile.
Subnet Profiles The name of the subnetwork profile.
For each subnetwork profile name, the
system provides a cut-through that displays
the subnetwork profile details.
Access Profiles The name of the access profile.
For each access profile name, the system
provides a cut-through that displays the
access profile details.
Element Types The element type.
Discovery Job Status
Field Description
Job Name The name of the discovery job.
Start Time The start date and time of the discovery
End Time The end date and time of the discovery job.
Status The current status of the discovery job.
Button Description
New Displays the Create Discovery Profile page
where you create a new discovery profile.
Edit Displays the Edit Discovery Profile page
where you can change the discovery profile
Delete Displays the Discovery Profile Delete
Confirmation page where you can delete the
discovery profile.
Discover Now Starts the process of discovering the
Schedule Discovery Schedules the discovery process to run at
the specified time.
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Create or Edit Discovery Profile field descriptions
Field Description
Discovery Profile Name The name of the discovery profile.
Subnet Configurations
Field Description
Name The name of the subnetwork.
IPaddress The IP address of the subnetwork.
Mask The IP subnetwork mask.
Element Type Access Profiles
Field Description
Element Types The element type.
Discovery Element Type Access Profiles The discovery profiles for the element type
Choose Element Type Access Profiles The link to the Element Type Access
Profiles section where you can select or
clear the discovery profiles for the element
type access.
Profile List
Field Description
Profile Name The name of the profile.
Type The SNMP protocol type. The options are V1
and V3.
Read Community The read community of the device.
Read Community applies only to the SNMP
V1 protocol.
Write Community The write community of the device.
Write Community applies only to the SNMP
V1 protocol.
User The user name of the SNMP V3 protocol
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Field Description
Auth Type The authentication protocol to authenticate
the source of traffic from SNMP V3 users.
The options are:
The default is MD5.
Auth Type applies only to the SNMP V3
Priv Type The encryption policy for an SNMP V3 user.
The options are:
DES: For SNMP-based communication.
The default is DES.
AES: For SNMP-based communication.
None: Does not encrypt traffic for this
Set Priv Type only for an SNMP V3 user.
Privileges The privileges that determine the operations
that you can perform on MIBs.
Read/Write: To perform the GET and SET
Read: To perform only the GET
The default is None.
Timeout The time in milliseconds for which the
element waits for a response from the device
that the element polls.
Retries The number of times that the element polls a
device and fails to receive a response. After
the retries, the element times out.
Description A brief description of the profile.
Button Description
Commit Saves the changes that you make on the
Create Discovery Profile or Edit Discovery
Profile page.
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Create profiles and discover SRS and SCS servers
Discover SRS and SCS servers
Use the Create Profiles and Discover SRS/SCS option to automatically discover survivable
remote servers (SRS) and survivable core servers (SCS) from the main Communication
Manager. System Manager uses the list survivable-processor command to discover
the SRS and SCS servers that are associated with the main Communication Manager. The
servers that are discovered are stored in Manage Elements.
Additionally, the SRS and SCS servers are automatically added in the System Manager
inventory. The Communication Manager servers are automatically identified as survivable
servers in Inventory.
Discovering SRS and SCS servers and creating profiles
Before you begin
You must create the login profiles for Communication Manager devices with the Element Type
Configuration option.
About this task
Use the Create Profiles and Discover SRS/SCS servers option to create login profiles for
devices, and use the login profiles to discover the Communication Manager devices.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Create Profiles and Discover SRS/SCS.
3. On the Collected Inventory page, from the Select Devices to Create Profiles table,
select the devices for which you want to discover and create the login profile.
4. Select the login profile from the Select Profiles to Create on Devices table.
5. Select the Discover SRS/SCS and Create Profile on SRS/SCS option.
6. Perform one of the following actions:
Click Now to create the login profile and discover the device.
Click Schedule to schedule the login profile creation and device discovery at
a later time.
Create profiles and discover SRS and SCS servers
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 919

Related topics:
Discover SRS and SCS server field descriptions on page 921
Overwriting login profiles on devices
Before you begin
You must create login profiles for Communication Manager devices with the Element Type
Configuration option.
About this task
Perform this task to overwrite profiles that exist on the devices.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Create Profiles and Discover SRS/SCS.
3. On the Collected Inventory page, in the Select Devices to Create Profiles table,
perform the following actions.
a. Select the devices for which you want to overwrite the login profile to discover
the SRS and the SCS server.
b. Select Add to Manage Elements for the devices that you have selected.
4. In the Select Profiles to Create on Devices table, perform the following actions:
a. Select the new profile that you want to assign.
b. Select the Add to Manage Elements for the profiles that you have selected.
5. Select the Overwrite Profiles on Devices option.
6. Perform one of the following actions:
Click Now to overwrite the profile that you selected on the devices.
Click Schedule to overwrite the profile at a later time.
Related topics:
Discover SRS and SCS server field descriptions on page 921
Resetting the password
About this task
Perform this task to reset the password for a profile on the device.
Managing inventory
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1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Create Profiles and Discover SRS/SCS.
3. On the Collected Inventory page, in the Select Devices to Create Profiles table,
perform the following actions.
a. Select the devices for which you want to overwrite the login profile to discover
the SRS and the SCS server.
b. Select Add to Manage Elements for the devices that you have selected.
4. Select the Reset Password option.
5. Perform one of the following actions:
Select Use Profile Password to reset the password.
Select Auto Generate Password to automatically generate a password.
6. Perform one of the following actions:
Click Now to reset the password.
Click Schedule to reset the password at a later time.
Related topics:
Discover SRS and SCS server field descriptions on page 921
Discover SRS and SCS server field descriptions
Select Devices to Create Profiles
Name Description
Name The name of the device.
IP The IP address of the device.
Family The device family to which the device
belongs to.
Type The device type.
Login Profile The existing login profile for the device.
Software/Firmware Version The firmware version for the device.
Hardware Version The hardware version of the device.
Module The device module.
Create profiles and discover SRS and SCS servers
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 921

Name Description
Description The description you choose to add for the
Location The location of the device.
Serial Number The serial number of the device.
Select Profiles to Create on Devices
Name Description
Profile Type The type of profile. Possible values include:
Profile Name/IP The name of the profile.
CM Profile Type/SNMP V3 Groups
Add to Manage Elements Select this checkbox to add this profile in the
Name Description
Discover SRS/SCS and Create Profile on
Select to create the login profile and
discovers the SRS or SCS server.
Overwrite Profiles on Devices Select to overwrite the existing profile on the
Reset Password Select to reset the password of the existing
Button Description
Now Performs the discovery, overwrite profile, or
reset password action.
Schedule Performs the discovery, overwrite profile, or
reset password action at a later time.
Managing inventory
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Configuring subnets
Adding a subnetwork
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Subnet Configuration.
3. On the Subnet Configurations page, click New.
The system adds a new row where you can add the details.
4. Type the name, IP address, and subnetwork mask.
5. Click Save.
6. To add more than one subnetworks, repeat Step 3.
Related topics:
Subnet Configurations field descriptions on page 924
Editing the subnetwork
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Subnet Configuration.
3. On the Subnet Configurations page, select the subnetwork that you want to
4. Change the name, IP address, and subnetwork mask as appropriate.
5. Repeat Step 3 to change the information for more than one subnetworks.
6. Click Save.
Related topics:
Subnet Configurations field descriptions on page 924
Configuring subnets
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Deleting a subnetwork
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Subnet Configuration.
3. On the Subnet Configurations page, select the subnetworks that you want to
4. Click Delete.
5. To confirm the deletion, click Delete.
The system deletes the subnetwork.
Subnet Configurations field descriptions
Field Description
Name The name of the subnetwork.
IPaddress The IP address of the subnetwork.
Mask The IP subnetwork mask.
Button Description
New Adds a new row where you can provide the
details of the subnetwork that you want to
Delete Deletes a subnetwork.
Button Description
Save Adds or edits the subnetwork.
Cancel Cancels your current action.
Managing inventory
924 Administering Avaya Aura

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Managing Element Access Profile
Adding an element access profile
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Element Type Configuration.
3. On the Element Access Profile Management page, in the Element Type field, click
an element to which you want to provide access.
For more information, see Element Access Profile Management field descriptions.
4. Click New.
5. On the Access Profile Entry page, in the Protocol field, click a protocol.
6. Click Commit.
Related topics:
Element Access Profile Management field descriptions on page 926
Modify Access Profile Entry field descriptions on page 927
Editing an element access profile
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Element Type Configuration.
3. On the Element Access Profile Management page, in the Element Access
Profiles section, select an element access profile that you want to edit.
For more information, see Element Access Profile Management field descriptions.
4. Perform one of the following:
Click Edit.
Click View, and on the View Access Profile Entry page, click Edit.
5. On the Modify Access Profile Entry page, change the appropriate fields.
Managing Element Access Profile
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 925

6. Click Commit.
Related topics:
Element Access Profile Management field descriptions on page 926
Modify Access Profile Entry field descriptions on page 927
Deleting an element access profile
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Element Type Configuration.
3. On the Element Access Profile Management page, in the Element Access
Profiles section, select an element access profile that you want to delete.
For more information, see Element Access Profile Management field descriptions.
4. Click Delete.
5. On the Confirmation page, click Continue.
The system deletes the element access profile from the Element Access
Profiles section.
Element Access Profile Management field descriptions
Field Description
Element Type The type of the element for which you want
to provide the access.
Name The name of the element.
Protocol The protocol that you use to access the
Login User Name The login name of the user as configured on
the element.
System Profile The system protocol. The available options
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Button Description
New Displays the Add Access Profile Entry page
where you can add a new access profile for
the element.
View Displays the View Access Profile Entry page
where you can view the access profile of an
Edit Displays the Modify Access Profile Entry
page where you can change an access
profile of an element.
Delete Deletes the access profile of an element that
you select.
Modify Access Profile Entry field descriptions
Field Description
Protocol The protocol that you use to access the
element. The field is read-only.
Name The name of the element access profile.
Description A description of the element access profile.
URI The URI to reach the element access
Button Description
Commit Commits the changes that you made to
element access details.
Cancel Cancels the modify action and returns to the
Element Access Profile Management page.
Managing Element Access Profile
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Managing Serviceability Agents
Serviceability Agents
The Serviceability Agent is an enhanced version of the SAL agent for forwarding logs,
harvesting logs, and for alarming. The Serviceability Agent sends SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 traps
and notifies the configured NMS destinations where System Manager and the SAL gateway
are the two mandatory destinations.
With the Serviceability Agent user interface you can:
Manage and configure SNMPv3 users remotely
Manage and configure SNMP trap destinations remotely
Create, edit, view, and delete user and target profiles. You can also attach these profiles
to agents or detach these profiles from agents.
For more information on fault management using SNMP, see Avaya Aura

System Manager
Fault Management and monitoring using SNMP.
Managing SNMPv3 user profiles
Creating an SNMPv3 user profile
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Serviceability Agents > SNMPv3 User
3. Click New.
4. On the New User Profile page, complete the User Details section.
5. Click Commit.
Related topics:
SNMPv3 user profiles field descriptions on page 930
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Editing an SNMPv3 user profile
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Serviceability Agents > SNMPv3 User
3. Select the user profile you want to edit from the profile list.
4. Click Edit.
5. Edit the required fields in the Edit User Profile page.
You cannot edit an SNMPv3 user profile that is assigned to the serviceability
agent of an element or that is attached to a target profile.
6. Click Commit.
Related topics:
SNMPv3 user profiles field descriptions on page 930
Viewing an SNMPv3 user profile
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Serviceability Agents > SNMPv3 User
3. Click the user profile you want to view from the profile list.
4. Click View.
You can view the details, except the password, of the SNMPv3 user profile in the
View User Profile page.
Related topics:
SNMPv3 user profiles field descriptions on page 930
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Deleting an SNMPv3 user profile
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Serviceability Agents > SNMPv3 User
3. Select the user profile or profiles you want to delete from the profile list.
4. Click Delete.
5. On the User Profile Delete Confirmation page, click Delete.
You cannot delete a user profile that is attached to an element or a target
Filtering SNMPv3 user profiles
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Serviceability Agents > SNMPv3 User
3. Click Filter: Enable above the Profile List.
4. Apply the filter to one or multiple columns of the User Profile List.
5. Click Apply.
To hide the column filters, click Disable. This action does not clear the filter criteria
that you set in the column filters.
SNMPv3 user profiles field descriptions
Name Description
User Name The SNMPv3 user name.
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Name Description
The user name can contain the following
characters: alphanumeric, period,
underscore, white space, single quote,
and hyphen. The user name cannot be
Authentication Protocol The authentication protocol used to
authenticate the source of traffic from SNMP
V3 users.
The possible values are:
The default is MD5.
Authentication Password The password used to authenticate the
The password can contain any printable
and non-whitespace characters. The
password must be at least 8 characters in
length and can contain up to 255
characters. The password cannot be an
empty string.
Confirm Authentication Password The authentication password that you re-
enter for confirmation.
Privacy Protocol The encryption policy for an SNMP V3
The possible values are:
DES: Use DES encryption for SNMP-
based communication.
AES: Use AES encryption for SNMP-
based communication.
The default value is AES.
Privacy Password The pass phrase used to encrypt the SNMP
Confirm Privacy Password Retype the privacy password in this field for
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Name Description
Privileges The privileges that determines the
operations that you can perform on MIBs.
Read/Write: Use to perform GET and SET
Read: Use to perform only GET
The default is None.
Button Description
Commit Use to create a new SNMPv3 user profile.
Saves the changes after an edit operation.
Back Cancels the action and takes you to the
previous page.
Delete Use to delete the user profiles you select.
Edit Use to edit the user profile you select.
Managing SNMP target profiles
SNMP Target profile list
Name Description
Name The name of the SNMP target profile. This
name should be a unique value.
Domain Type The type of transport for the flow of
messages. The default value is UDP.
IP Address The IP address of the SNMP target profile.
Port The port of the SNMP target profile.
SNMP Version The version of the SNMP protocol.
Button Description
New To go to the New Target Details page where
you can add a new SNMP target profile.
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Button Description
View To go to the View Target Details page where
you can view an existing SNMP target
Edit To go to the Edit Target Details page where
you can edit an existing SNMP target
Delete To delete the existing SNMP target profiles
that you select.
Filter: Enable To filter the SNMP target profiles list by one
or multiple criteria.
Filtering target profiles
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Serviceability Agents > SNMP Target
3. Click Filter: Enable above the Profile List.
4. Apply the filter to one or multiple columns of the Target Profile List.
5. Click Apply.
To hide the column filters, click Disable. This action does not clear the filter criteria
that you set in the column filters.
Creating an SNMP target profile
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Serviceability Agents > SNMP Target
3. On the SNMP Target Profiles page, click New.
4. On the New Target Profiles page, complete the Target Details section.
5. (Optional) Click the Attach/Detach User Profile tab to attach a user profile.
Perform the step only if you select the SNMPv3 protocol.
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6. Click Commit.
Related topics:
SNMP target profiles field descriptions on page 935
Viewing an SNMP target profile
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Serviceability Agents > SNMP Target
3. From the Target Profile list, click the profile you must view.
4. Click View.
The system displays the details of the target profile in the View Target Details
Related topics:
SNMP target profiles field descriptions on page 935
Editing an SNMP target profile
About this task
Modify the target profiles that point to System Manager to reflect the changed IP address in
the event of an IP address change on System Manager.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Serviceability Agents > SNMP Target
3. In the Target Profile list, click the profile that you must edit.
4. Click Edit.
5. On the Edit Target Profiles page, modify the required fields.
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You cannot edit a target profile that is assigned to the serviceability agent of an
element. You must unassign the target profile before you edit the profile.
6. Click Commit.
Related topics:
SNMP target profiles field descriptions on page 935
Deleting an SNMP target profile
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Serviceability Agents > SNMP Target
3. From the Target Profile list, click the profile or profiles you want to delete.
4. Click Delete.
5. On the Delete Confirmation page, click Delete.
You cannot delete a target profile that is attached to an element or an agent.
SNMP target profiles field descriptions
Name Description
Name The name of the SNMP target profile.
Description The description of the SNMP target profile.
IP Address The IP address of the target.
Port The port number of the target.
Domain Type The type of the message flow. The default is
Notification Type The type of notification. The options are:
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Name Description
Protocol The type of the SNMP protocol.
Button Description
Commit Creates the target profile in the New Target
Profile page or saves the changes in the Edit
Target Profile page.
Back Cancels your action and takes you to the
previous page.
Managing user and target profiles
Serviceability Agents list
Name Description
Hostname The host name of the server on which the
serviceability agent runs.
IP Address The IP address of the server on which the
serviceability agent runs.
System Name The system name of the server on which the
serviceability agent runs.
System OID The system OID of the server on which the
serviceability agent runs.
Status The enabled or disabled status of the
serviceability agent. The system disables
SNMPv3 and displays Inactive as the
default status.
Automatic activation of serviceability agents
For newly installed elements that work with Release 6.3.8 serviceability agents, you do not
need to manually activate the agents from the Manage Serviceability Agent page.System
Manager automatically activates the agents. In the Agents List section, the system displays
the agent as Active. You can assign the target or user profiles to the agent that is automatically
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The auto activate functionality only applies to serviceability agents added in Release 6.3.5
or later. If you recover an agent by running the recoverAgent script, then the system adds
the agent after receiving the next heartbeat message. The system automatically activates
the recovered agent.
Repairing serviceability agents
About this task
If the alarming functionality of an element fails, you can repair the serviceability agent. The
repair process triggers the SNMP configuration.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Serviceability Agents > Serviceability
3. In the Agent List section, select one or more active agents that you want to
4. Click Repair Serviceability Agent.
The system starts the SNMP configuration of the serviceability agent. At the
subsequent heartbeat of the agent, the system notifies System Manager about the
start of the SNMP configuration. Therefore, wait for about 15 minutes, the heartbeat
interval, to test alarms from the element.
When System Manager receives the subsequent heartbeat, the system reactivates
the agent. The system also assigns the target profiles and user profiles to the agent
and the alarming functionality starts working.
5. (Optional) To make the changes immediately, log in to the server on which the
serviceability agent runs and type service spiritAgent restart.
You can perform this step if you do not want to wait for the next heartbeat of the
Activating a serviceability agent
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Serviceability Agents > Serviceability
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3. In the Agent List section, select one or more agents that you must activate.
4. Click Activate.
The system activates the SNMPv3 functionality in the remote serviceability agent
that you selected. If the system does not activate the SNMPv3 functionality, refresh
the Web page and repeat Step 3 and Step 4.
Related topics:
Managing target profiles for the selected serviceability agents on page 938
Managing SNMPv3 user profiles for the selected serviceability agents on page 939
Managing target profiles for the selected serviceability agents
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Serviceability Agents > Serviceability
3. In Agent List, select the active agents that you must manage.
4. Click Manage Profiles.
5. Click the SNMP Target Profiles tab.
6. Select the target profiles you must assign from the Assignable Profiles section.
7. Click Assign.
You can unassign or remove target profiles from the Removable Profiles section by
clicking Remove.
8. Click Commit to assign the profiles to the selected agent.
You can also select more than one serviceability agents and assign the same
target profiles to all the agents.
Related topics:
Activating a serviceability agent on page 937
Managing SNMPv3 user profiles for the selected serviceability agents on page 939
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Managing SNMPv3 user profiles for the selected serviceability agents
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Serviceability Agents > Serviceability
3. In the Agent List section, select an active agent that you must manage.
4. Click Manage Profiles.
5. Click the SNMPv3 User Profile tab.
6. In the Assignable Profiles section, select the user profiles that you want to
7. Click Assign.
To remove user profiles, in the Removable Profiles section, select the user profiles
and click Remove.
8. To assign the user profiles to the selected agent, click Commit.
You can also select more than one serviceability agents and assign the same
user profiles to all agents.
Related topics:
Activating a serviceability agent on page 937
Managing target profiles for the selected serviceability agents on page 938
Generating the test alarm from the web console
About this task
You can generate test alarms from the System Manager web console for agents, hosts, or
elements that are installed with Serviceability Agents running version
or later.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Serviceability Agents > Serviceability
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3. In the Agent List section, select one or more agents for which you want to generate
4. Click Generate Test Alarm.
The system generates the alarm.
5. To view the alarm, click Events > Alarms.
To view the details of the alarm, wait until the system displays the alarms on the
Alarming page.
Synchronization of Data
Communication Manager, Messaging data, and IP Office
Managed elements have alternative ways of administering data. To ensure uniformity in the
database when a variety of tools are used, you can use the synchronization menu. You can
synchronize Communication Manager, messaging data, and IP Office through this menu.
Communication System
Using System Manager, you can synchronize the System Manager data with the
Communication Manager system. When you add Communication Manager to the system,
System Manager automatically initiates synchronization to update the System Manager
Initializing synchronization
Initializing synchronization allows you to synchronize data in the System Manager database
with each managed Communication Manager system. When you add a Communication
Manager into the system, System Manager automatically initiates an initialization task to get
all the Communication Manager data that is required, and stores it in the System Manager
If there is a change in any of the following Communication Manager objects in the
Communication Manager, you should perform full initialization synchronization of this
Communication Manager in System Manager. You must manually initiate the full
synchronization process. The Communication Manager objects are:
systemparam features
systemparam cdr
systemparam cust
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systemparam spec
systemparam security
systemparam countryoptions
systemparam maintenance
Incremental synchronization
Incremental synchronization with selected devices allows you to incrementally synchronize
data in the System Manager database with each managed Communication Manager system.
This synchronization updates the changed data in the database in Communication Manager
since synchronization was last run.
In the following scenarios, even if you perform an incremental synchronization, the system
initiates an initializing synchronization:
when you upgrade System Manager. The system displays the synchronization status
as SMGR Upgraded, and you can continue to perform the administrative tasks even
after System Manager is upgraded.
when you upgrade or downgrade Communication Manager.
IP Office system
Using System Manager, you can synchronize the System Manager data with IP Office. When
you add a new IP Office device to System Manager, System Manager automatically initiates
synchronization to update the System Manager database.
Synchronizing messaging data
You can also synchronize messaging data in System Manager with Messaging,
Communication Manager Messaging, and Modular Messaging systems.
You must add a new Communication Manager or a messaging entity through Application
Management before you perform synchronization.
Scheduled synchronization
You can create and schedule synchronization jobs using System Manager. You can schedule
a synchronization job to run at a fixed time and repeat it periodically. System Manager provides
a default incremental synchronization every 24 hours. You can modify this to your
On-demand synchronization
System Manager allows you to synchronize data with the Communication Manager on
demand. Administrators can initiate this at any time. On-demand synchronization can either
be an initialization synchronization or an incremental synchronization.
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Related topics:
Initializing synchronization on page 943
Incremental Synchronization on page 943
Saving the Communication Manager translations on page 945
Synchronizing the Communication Manager data and configuring
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Synchronization > Communication System.
3. Select the Communication Manager device that you want to synchronize.
4. Select any of the following options that you want to synchronize for the selected
Initialize data for selected devices: To synchronize data in the System
Manager database with each managed Communication Manager system.
When you add a Communication Manager instance to the system, System
Manager automatically initiates an initialization task to get all the required
Communication Manager data and stores the data in the System Manager
Incremental Sync data for selected devices: To synchronize incrementally
the selected devices data in the System Manager database with each
managed Communication Manager system.
This synchronization updates the data in the database in Communication
Manager that is changed since last synchronization.
Execute 'save trans all' for selected devices: To save the configuration of
the selected device on the same device, Communication Manager itself.
5. Perform one of the following:
Click Now to perform the synchronization now.
Click Schedule to perform the synchronization at a specified time.
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To view the status of synchronization, on System Manager web console, click
Services > Scheduler.
Initializing synchronization
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Synchronization > Communication System.
3. Select the Communication Manager entities you want to synchronize.
4. Select Initialize data for selected devices.
5. To initialize synchronization, click Now, or perform one of the following tasks:
To perform the synchronization at a specified time, click Schedule.
To cancel the synchronization, click Cancel.
Incremental Synchronization
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Synchronization > Communication System.
3. Select the Communication Manager systems that you want to synchronize.
4. Select Incremental Sync data for selected devices.
5. Click Now to perform the incremental synchronization or do one of the following:
To perform the synchronization at a specified time, click Schedule.
To cancel the synchronization, click Cancel.
While scheduling incremental synchronization, set the logging levels on
Communication Manager using the change logging-levels option. In the Log
Data Values field, select both.
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When you add a Communication Manager system, the default incremental
synchronization jobs will be scheduled 1 hour after the maintenance job starts on
Communication Manager.
If the incremental synchronization of the Communication Manager data fails due to
the overlapping of Communication Manager synchronization and maintenance
jobs, change the default scheduled job time in the Pending Jobs page.
Synchronizing the IP Office system configuration
1. On the System Manager console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Synchronization > IP Office.
3. Select the device you want to synchronize.
4. Below the device list, select any of the following options that you want to synchronize
for the selected device:
System Configuration: This option enables you to get the latest system
configuration of the device and update the same in System Manager.
User: This option enables you to synchronize all the users present in System
Manager from the selected device.
System Configuration and Users: This option enables you to get the latest
system configuration and details of all the users from the selected device and
synchronize with System Manager.
5. Click Now to perform the synchronization now or click Schedule to perform the
synchronization at a specified time.
To view the status of synchronization, click Services > Scheduler on the System
Manager console.
Synchronizing the messaging data
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Synchronization > Messaging System.
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3. Select the messaging systems that you want to synchronize.
4. Perform one of the following:
Click Now to perform the synchronization now.
Click Schedule to perform the synchronization at a specified time.
Saving the Communication Manager translations
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Synchronization > Communication System.
3. From the list select a Communication Manager system.
4. Select Execute 'save trans all' for selected devices.
5. To save the System Manager administration changes in Communication Manager,
click Now.
To save the translations at a specified time, click Schedule.
After running the Save translation job, the system may not update the last saved
translation time in the Communication Manager list. This might be because the
save translation operation is slow when Communication Manager has large data
or translations to save. In such conditions, the system updates the last saved
translation time only on the next incremental synchronization after the save
translations operation is complete on Communication Manager.
About CM audit
You can perform a CM audit for those Communication Managers that are synchronized with
System Manager. You can select one or more Communication Managers and perform the
audit. After the audit is completed, you can view the results by clicking View Audit Report.
This audit report comprises the audit summary or a snapshot of the changes, and the audit
details or the detailed report of the changes.
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Performing a Communication Manager audit
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Synchronization > Communication System.
3. Select the Communication Managers that you want to audit.
4. Click Audit.
5. Click Now.
To schedule the audit at a later time, click Schedule.
6. To view the audit report, click View Audit Report.
7. On the Audit Info page, select the job name, and click View.
Related topics:
CM audit field descriptions on page 946
Audit report field descriptions on page 947
CM audit field descriptions
Name Description
Job Name The name of the audit job.
Job Status The status of the job. Specifies whether the
audit job is pending, failed, or complete.
Start Time The start time of the audit job.
End Time The end time of the audit job.
Button Description
View Click to go to the audit report page.
Done Click to complete the current action and go
to the previous page.
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Audit report field descriptions
Name Description
Object Name The name of the Communication Manager
object that is audited.
Identifier The identifier for the Communication
Manager object.
CM The CM field specifies all the changes in
Communication Manager after the audit is
System Manager The System Manager field specifies all the
changes in System Manager after the audit
is complete.
Button Description
Done Click to go to the previous page.
Communication Profiles synchronization
Communication profiles synchronization
System Manager provides the account synchronization feature to synchronize profiles
between CS 1000 or CallPilot communication profile and their elements. Using this feature you
can synchronize profiles in User Management with the profiles in the elements. During
synchronization, the account synchronization feature uses the account data in the elements
as the master data. Therefore, when a profile data is not in synchronization with the element,
the account data from the element is copied to System Manager.
Synchronizing the CS 1000 and CallPilot profiles
Before you begin
Register all CS 1000 and CallPilot elements on System Manager 6.2 or later.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click CS 1000 and CallPilot Synchronization.
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3. Select the element that you want to synchronize.
4. Click Start to start the synchronization process.
For the average duration of operations of the CS 1000 element, see Average
duration of CS 1000 account operations.
5. (Optional) Do one of the following:
Click Stop to stop the synchronization process.
The system disables all other buttons when you click Stop.
Click Clear to clear the synchronization information that the system displays.
Click Reload to refresh.
Related topics:
Bulk importing of users on page 342
Exporting users in bulk using CLI on page 347
Adding CallPilot to the element registry on page 587
Synchronize communication profiles field descriptions on page 949
Average duration of CS 1000 account operations on page 951
Assigning anonymous profiles
About this task
When the synchronization process is complete, the Summary column displays any
anonymous accounts in the element. You can assign the anonymous account to users or delete
the account from the element.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click CS 1000 and CallPilot Synchronization.
3. On the Synchronize Communication Profiles page, in the Summary column, click
the anonymous profile that you want to assign.
The system displays the Anonymous Communication Profiles page with the details
of each anonymous account.
4. Select one of the anonymous accounts.
5. In the Name (Last, First) field, enter the name of the user to whom you want to
assign this communication profile.
6. Click Assign.
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The system refreshes the Anonymous Communication Profiles page and displays
the status of the assigned account.
Related topics:
Anonymous Communication Profiles field descriptions on page 950
Deleting anonymous profiles
About this task
You can delete the anonymous account from the element.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click CS 1000 and CallPilot Synchronization.
3. On the Synchronize Communication Profiles page, click the anonymous profile you
want to delete from the Summary column.
The system displays the Anonymous Communication Profiles page with the details
of each anonymous account.
4. Select the anonymous account you want to delete.
5. Click Delete.
The system displays a confirmation dialog box.
6. Click OK.
Synchronize communication profiles field descriptions
Name Description
Element Name of the CS 1000 or CallPilot system.
Status Current status of the synchronization
process. The following are the possible
Queued - The synchronization task is
queued and runs automatically once other
synchronization tasks have completed.
Running - The synchronization is running.
This status appears once you click the
Start button.
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Name Description
Stopping- The synchronization is stops if
you click the Stop button.
Aborted - This status appears once the
synchronization stops completely.
PASS - This status indicates that the
synchronization is complete.
FAIL - This status indicates that the
synchronization has failed. You can look
into thje log files for the information on the
Date Displays the date when the synchronization
Summary Displays the number of accounts processed,
the number of anonymous accounts, the
number of accounts added, updated and
deleted. When no accounts are processed,
this field displays O account(s) processed.
Button Description
Start Starts a synchronization process.
Stop Stops a synchronization process that is in the
running state.
Clear Clears all the synchronization results that are
Reload Refreshes the synchronization status once
Anonymous Communication Profiles field descriptions
Field Description
Name (Last, First) The name of the user to whom you must
assign this communication profile.
Service Information The service information of the CS 1000 or
CallPilot system.
Target The customer number of the system for the
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Field Description
Status The status of the anonymous profile. The
options are:
Button Description
Assign Assigns the user to the anonymous profile
that you select.
Delete Deletes the anonymous profile that you
select after confirmation.
Cancel Cancels the assign or delete action and
opens the previous page.
Related topics:
Average duration of CS 1000 account operations on page 951
Average duration of CS 1000 account operations
Operation Duration in seconds
Account add 9
Account update 1
Account delete 1
Account anonymous 0.1
Configure options
The Uniform Dial Plan (UDP) call type works identically with the ext call type, with an exception:
if the dialed digits match the call type of UDP, Communication Manager automatically checks
the UDP table to see if there is a match, regardless of the value in the UDP Extension Search
Order field on the Dial Plan Parameters screen. If there is no match, Communication Manager
then checks the local server.
If the dialed digits match the call type of ext, Communication Manager checks the value in the
UDP Extension Search Order field on the Dial Plan Parameters screen.
Configure options
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If the value in the UDP Extension Search Order field on the Dial Plan Parameters screen is
udp-table-first, Communication Manager checks the UDP Table first to see if there is a match.
If there is no match, Communication Manager then checks the local server.
If the value in the UDP Extension Search Order field on the Dial Plan Parameters screen is
local-extensions-first, Communication Manager checks the local server first to see if there
is a match. If there is no match, Communication Manager then checks the UDP table.
The UDP call type allows Communication Manager to recognize strings of 14 to 18 digits, which
are longer than the maximum extension length of 13 digits. However, the UDP call type can
be used with any length in case this provides a useful new capability to customers.
UDP in System Manager
You can select the Uniform Dial Plan option on the Synchronize CM Data and Configure
Options page from Elements > Communication Manager > System > Uniform Dial Plan
Groups. When you select the Consider UDP option, the system does not use the
corresponding dial plan for the available extension range while adding an endpoint. When you
do not select the Consider UDP option, the system uses the corresponding dial plan for the
available extension range while adding an endpoint.
Managing inventory
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Chapter 16: Managing events
Managing alarms
The Alarming service provides an interface for monitoring alarms generated by System
Manager and other components. You can:
View an alarm.
Change the status of an alarm.
Export alarms to a Comma Separated Values (.csv) file through the Alarming service.
System Manager generates alarms to notify users of system events. Alarms are classified by
their effect on system operation. Alarms can also identify the system component that generated
the alarm.
For Release 6.1 elements with 6.1 SAL agent, and Release 6.2 elements with 6.2
serviceability agent, System Manager cannot forward traps to NMS. You can configure
6.1 elements with 6.1 SAL agent and 6.2 elements with 6.2 serviceability agent to send
SNMP traps directly to a customer Network Management System (NMS).
However, for Release 6.2.x elements, you can configure the serviceability agent from
System Manager instead of configuring in each element.
For Release 5.2 elements and Release 6.0 elements, you can configure System
Manager to forward alarms to Avaya Data Center (ADC).
For information on configuring, see the section Managing Serviceability Agents in Managing
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Viewing alarms
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Events > Alarms.
3. On the Alarming page, select an alarm from the Alarm List. You can select multiple
4. Click View.
The system displays the alarm details on the Alarm - View Alarm Detail page.
Changing the alarm status
The status of an alarm can be:
Acknowledged: Maintenance support must manually set the alarm to this state. Indicates
the alarm is under investigation.
Cleared: Maintenance support must manually set the alarm to this state. Indicates the
error condition has been resolved.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Events > Alarms.
3. On the Alarming page, select an alarm and click Change Status.
You can select multiple alarms.
4. Click the status that you want to apply to the selected alarms.
Exporting alarms
You can export alarms to a Comma Separated Values (.csv) file. You can open the CSV file
using a text editor such as Wordpad or a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
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2. In the left navigation pane, click Events > Alarms.
3. On the Alarming page, perform one of the following actions:
To export an alarm to a CSV file, select an alarm and click More Actions >
Export Selected.
To export the filtered alarms to a CSV file, click More Actions > Export All.
When you use Advanced Search or Filter option to filter alarms based on
some criteria, Export All exports all the filtered data.
4. Click Save to save the exported file to the local disk.
Deleting alarms
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Events > Alarms.
3. On the Alarming page, perform one of the following steps:
To delete a specific alarm from the list, select the alarm that you must delete,
and click More Actions > Delete Selected.
To delete all the alarms from the database, click More Actions > Delete All.
4. Click OK.
Filtering alarms
The criteria for filtering the alarms are Severity, Status, Host Name, Message, Identifier, and
M/E Ref Number. You can use more than one filter criterion on the selected alarms.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Events > Alarms.
3. On the Alarming page, select the alarms you want to filter.
4. Click Filter: Enable at the top right corner of the Alarm List table.
5. Select the filter criteria you want to apply to the selected alarms.
The Status and Severity fields have drop-down menus.
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You can enter the alarm code in the Message field to find all alarms that contain a
particular alarm code.
6. Click Filter: Apply.
The system displays a message if no records are found that match the specified
filter criteria.
The system displays the alarms that match the filter criteria.
Searching for alarms
Use the Advanced Search function to find alarms based on certain specified conditions. The
system displays only those alarms that satisfy the search conditions. You can specify multiple
search conditions.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Events > Alarms.
3. On the Alarming page, click Advanced Search.
4. In the Criteria section, from the first and second drop-down fields, select the search
criterion and the operator.
The default value in the first drop-down field is Time Stamp.
5. Select or enter the search value in the third field.
6. To add another search condition, click + and perform the following:
a. Select the AND or OR operator from the drop-down field.
b. Repeat Step 4 and Step 5.
To delete a search condition, click -. You can delete a search condition only if you
added more than one search condition.
7. To find alarms for the given search conditions, click Search.
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Configuring the throttling period alarm
About this task
You can configure the throttling period in minutes as threshold for all alarms or alarms specific
to events at SAL Agent from Avaya Aura

. The system eliminates any redundant alarms raised

within the configured period at SAL Agent.
1. Log in to System Manager through CLI as root.
2. Open the properties file from the
$SPIRIT_HOME/config/agent location.
3. Type AlarmThrottlePeriod=2 in the file.
The system sets the throttle period in minutes and applies the configured period to
all outgoing alarms.
4. To configure the throttle time for a specific event, open the EP_BAse_Rules.xml
files which contain the events and add the following lines:
You can apply the alarmThrottleInterval as the alarm throttle period for a specific
event. If you do not use the generic and the specific mechanisms, the system
disables alarm throttling. The system sets the default alarm throttling period to 720
minutes or 12 hours. If you reconfigure the period, you must restart SAL Agent.
5. To disable alarm throttling, perform the following steps:
a. In the $SPIRIT_HOME/config/agent/ file, set
b. Restart SAL Agent.
Generating test alarms
Test alarms
You can generate a test alarm and a clear event corresponding to the generated test alarm.
The severity level of the test alarm is minor. The clear event generated has no definite severity
level. The clear event updates the status of the test alarms from Raised to Cleared. If Secure
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Access Link (SAL) Enterprise is configured to forward alarms to Avaya Data Center (ADC),
the system also forwards the test alarm and the clear event for the test alarm to the ADC.
Test Alarm Event
Test Alarm property Value
Alarm.Message Test alarm
Alarm.Severity Minor
Alarm.Status Raised
Alarm.Log.ProcessName TESTALARM
Alarm.Log.EventCode TEST_ALARM_GEN_0001
Test Clear Event
Test Clear Event property Value
Alarm.Message Clear event for test alarm
Alarm. Severity Indeterminate
Alarm.Status Cleared
Alarm.Log.ProcessName TESTALARM
Alarm.Log.EventCode TEST_ALARM_CLR_0000
Related topics:
Generating the test alarm from the web console on page 939
Generating the test alarm from CLI on page 959
Generating the test alarm from the web console
About this task
You can generate test alarms from the System Manager web console for agents, hosts, or
elements that are installed with Serviceability Agents running version
or later.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Serviceability Agents > Serviceability
3. In the Agent List section, select one or more agents for which you want to generate
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4. Click Generate Test Alarm.
The system generates the alarm.
5. To view the alarm, click Events > Alarms.
To view the details of the alarm, wait until the system displays the alarms on the
Alarming page.
Generating the test alarm from CLI
1. Log in to the computer on which you installed System Manager.
2. At the command prompt, perform the following:
a. To check the status of SAL Agent, type service spiritAgent status and
press Enter.
The system displays SPIRIT Agent is running.
If the system displays SPIRIT Agent is not running, then start SAL
b. To start SAL Agent, type service spiritAgent start and press
The utils directory contains SAL Agent command line utilities.
3. To navigate to the utils directory, at the prompt, type cd $SPIRIT_HOME/
scripts/utils/and press Enter.
4. Perform one of the following:
To generate the test alarm for System Manager, type sh, and press Enter.
To generate the clear alarm for System Manager, type sh -c, and press Enter.
5. Perform one of the following:
To generate the test alarm for a different product, type sh -l LOG_LOCATION -p PRODUCT_TYPE, and
press Enter.
To generate the clear alarm for a different product, type sh -c -l LOG_LOCATION -p PRODUCT_TYPE,
and press Enter.
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Here, LOG_LOCATION is one of the log files that the SAL agent tails for this
product, and PRODUCT_TYPE is the log product type that you configured for
this product in the SAL agent.
Managing Geographic Redundancy related alarms
Forwarding the secondary System Manager alarms to the primary System
Manager server
Before you begin
Log on to the System Manager web console of the primary server.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Serviceability Agents > Serviceability
The system displays the entries for the primary and the secondary System
3. Create a target profile of the primary System Manager server, and copy the profile
to the secondary System Manager server.
The system forwards the secondary System Manager alarm to the primary System
Manager server.
Viewing the secondary System Manager alarms
About this task
You can view the alarms for the secondary System Manager that is in the standby mode.
1. Log in to System Manager through CLI as root.
2. Type sh $MGMT_HOME/alarmingui/scripts/
3. At the prompt, type the number that matches the option that you must select from
the following options:
(0) Exit
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(1) Display All Alarm count
(2) Display alarm by notification oid (0)
(3) Display alarm by Status (0)
(4) Clear Alarm with notification oid (0)
(5) Display all alarms
(6) Display Alarms by severity (0)
The system displays the alarms according to the option that you selected.
Alarming field descriptions
The Alarming page displays a list of alarms. Use this page to view the alarms in the Auto-
Refresh mode. In this mode, the page updates the alarm information automatically.
Field Description
Time Stamp The date and time when the alarm is
Severity The severity of the alarm.
Status The current status of the alarms.
Host Name/SysName The name of the host computer that
generated the alarm.
Source IP address The IP address of the system from that
generated the alarm.
Description The detailed description of the problem that
generated the alarm.
Identifier The unique identifier for an alarm.
Event ID The log event ID if the alarm is generated
from logs or the Event OID if the alarm is
generated from the trap listener service.
NotificationOID The SNMP OID of the alarm.
M/E Ref Number/SysOID The unique identification number assigned to
the product, also called the product ID. This
number helps in identifying the component
that generated the alarm.
For alarms that are generated from trap
listener, the system displays the System
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Button Description
Alarm landing Page Changes the mode from Auto-Refresh to
Manual refresh and displays the Alarming
home page. This is a toggle button.
Alarming field descriptions
The Alarming home page contains two sections: upper and lower. The upper section contains
buttons that you can use to view the details of the selected alarms, change the status of alarms,
search for alarms , and set filters to view specific alarms. The lower section displays alarms in
a table. The table provides information about the status of the alarms along with their severity.
You can click a column title to sort the information in the table in ascending or descending
Field Description
Time Stamp The date and time when the alarm is
Severity The severity of the alarm.
Status The current status of the alarms.
Host Name / SysName The name of the host server that generated
the alarm.
In case of the trap listener service, this
column displays the system name.
Source IP Address The IP address of the system that generated
the alarm.
Description The detailed description of the problem that
generated the alarm.
M/E Ref Number / SysOID The unique identification number assigned to
the product, also called the product ID. This
number helps in identifying the component
that generated the alarm.
For alarms that are generated from trap
listener, the system displays the System
Identifier The unique identifier for an alarm.
Event ID The log event ID if the alarm is generated
from logs or the Event OID if the alarm is
generated from the trap listener service.
NotificationOID The SNMP OID of the alarm.
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Button Description
View The details of the selected alarms.
Change Status Changes the status of the selected alarm.
The options are:
Auto-Refresh Mode Changes over to the Auto-Refresh mode.
When the Alarming page is set in this mode,
it automatically updates the alarms in the
table. A toggle button.
More Actions > Export Selected Exports the selected alarms to a CSV file.
You can view the logs using the Wordpad or
Excel application.
More Actions > Export All Exports all the alarms to a CSV file. You can
view the logs using the Wordpad or Excel
When you use Advanced Search or
Filter option to filter alarms based on
some criteria, Export All exports all the
filtered data.
More Actions > Delete Selected Deletes the alarms that you select from the
More Actions > Delete ALL Deletes all alarms that the system displays
on the page.
Advanced Search Displays fields that you can use to specify the
search criteria for searching an alarm.
Refresh Refreshes the log information in the table.
Filter: Enable Displays fields under select columns that you
can use to set filter criteria. A toggle button.
Filter: Disable Hides the column filter fields without
resetting the filter criteria. A toggle button.
Filter: Clear Clears the filter criteria.
Filter: Apply Filters alarms based on the filter criteria.
All Selects all the alarms in the table.
None Clears the check box selections.
Previous The logs in the previous page. This button is
not available if you are on the first page.
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Button Description
Next The logs in the next page. This button is not
available if you are on the last page.
Criteria section
This system displays the section when you click Advanced Search on the upper-right corner
of page.
Name Description
Criteria Use this section to specify search conditions.
Select the search criteria from the first drop-
down list. Select the operator from the
second drop-down list. Enter the search
value in the text field.
Select following search criteria from the first
drop-down list:
Time Stamp: Searches all of the alarms
that match the specified date and time. The
valid format for entering the date is
MM/DD/YYYY. The valid format for
entering the time is HH:MM.
Severity: Searches all the alarms that
match the specified severity level.
Status: Searches all the alarms that match
the specified status.
Host Name: Searches all of the alarms that
are generated from the specified host.
M/E Ref Number: Searches all the alarms
that match the specified M/E Ref Number.
Event ID: Searches all the alarms that
match the specified Event ID.
Source IP address: Searches all of the
alarms that are generated from the
specified source IP address.
NotificationID: Searches all the alarms that
match the specified NotificationID.
Identifier: Searches all the alarms that
match the specified identifier.
Description: Searches all the alarms that
match the specified description.
The operators available are based on the
search criterion that you select in the first
drop-down field. The following table lists the
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Name Description
operators that are available for a search
=, >, <, >=, <=, >=, !=
Equals, Not Equals
Status Equals, Not Equals
Equals, Not Equals, Starts
With, Ends With, and
=, >, <, >=, <=, >=, !=
Equals, Not Equals, Starts
With, Ends With, and
Equals, Not Equals, Starts
With, Ends With, and
Equals, Not Equals, Starts
With, Ends With, and
Equals, Not Equals, Starts
With, Ends With, and
When you select Begin Date and End
Date from the first drop-down list, you are
prompted to enter the date in the third field.
Button Description
Clear Clears the entered search criteria and sets
the default search criteria.
Search Searches the alarms based on the search
Close/Advanced Search Hides the search fields.
+ Adds a search condition.
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Button Description
- Deletes a search condition.
Managing logs
Logging service
The Logging service provides configuration capabilities and overall management of logs. The
Logging service receives and stores log events and harvests file-based logs or local database
logs. You can view and monitor logs and their details through the log viewer using the System
Manager Web Console. The log viewer is integrated with the common console to provide
consistent presentation of log messages for System Manager and the adopters.
The log viewer displays a list of logs where you can view the details of each log, perform a
search for logs, and filter specific logs. The log details include information about the event that
generates the log, the severity level of the log, and other relevant information. You can search
logs based on search conditions and set filters to view logs that match the filter criteria.
The following are some of the log types:
Security: Security loggers gather security logs.
Audit: Audit loggers gather audit logs.
Operation: Operational loggers gather operational logs.
Debug: Debug loggers collect debug information to troubleshoot issues at the customer
The Logs menu in System Manager comprises of:
Log Harvester: Through the Log Harvester menu you can harvest log files for one or more
products of same or different types, running on the same computer or on different
Log Settings: This menu displays the loggers and appenders for the selected log
configuration file. You can modify the logger and appender settings through this menu.
Log Viewer: The log viewer allows you to view the logs generated by System Manager
and other components and their details. You can view details of each log, perform a
search for logs, and filter specific logs.
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Log Types
The following are some of the log types that you might come across when viewing logs on the
System Manager Web Console. You can view the station-specific logs in the/var/log/
Avaya/mgmt/iptcm directory.
Security loggers gather security logs.
Audit loggers gather audit logs.
Operational loggers gather operational logs.
Debug loggers collect debug information to troubleshoot issues at the customer site. These
loggers are categorized based on the Communication System Management components.
Debug Station loggers gather debug information for station management related operations.
Template Debug loggers gather debug information for template management related
CM debug loggers gather debug information for communication between Communication
Manager and the Communication System Management server.
NCM debug logger gathers debug information related to Element Cut Through.
Synch debug logger gathers debug information for synchronization operations.
Model debug logger gathers debug information for database operations.
Debug logger gathers debug information other than those gathered for the debug types
mentioned above.
Managing logs
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Managing log harvester
Log Harvester
The Log harvesting service manages the retrieval, archival, and analysis of harvested log files
stored in Serviceability Agent enabled hosts or elements. The Serviceability Agent harvests
the logs and sends the harvested logs to the Logging Service through HTTPS. The logging
service recognizes a successful harvest request related to a harvest profile, accepts the file
segments, creates a well-defined file structure, and saves the request in the System Manager
You can harvest log files for one or more products of the same or different types running on
the same computer or on different computers. The system displays the list of file archives and
respective profiles on the log harvesting user interface and the status of each archive is
available in the user interface table.
You can perform the following operations using the log harvesting service:
Create a log harvesting profile to specify the products for which you want to harvest the
Submit the log harvesting request defined in a profile to the product.
View the status of the log harvesting request.
Store the harvested log files of a product in an archive file.
View the harvested log files stored in the archive file.
Download the harvested log files to a local computer.
Search for a matching text in the harvested log files.
Accessing the Log Harvester service
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Logs > Log Harvester.
The system displays the Log Harvester page.
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Creating a new log harvesting profile
About this task
To create a new log harvesting profile, you must specify:
The host name of the server on which the product is running
If you do not see the host name of CS 1000 when you create the profile, at the command
prompt of CS 1000, run the following command:
cd /opt/nortel/oam-logging
./ <enrollment password>
The system now enrolls CS 1000 to the log harvester of System Manager.
The product name
The directories or the log files
The filter text if you select one or more directories
To harvest log files for products running on different servers, you must specify multiple filter
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Logs > Log Harvester.
3. On the Log Harvester page, click New.
4. On the Create New Profile page, enter the appropriate information in the Profile
Name and Profile Description fields.
5. Select the host name of the server, product, and directories or files from the
respective fields.
To select multiple directories or files from the respective list boxes, press CTRL
and click the directories or files.
To clear a selection, press CTRL and click the item.
To add another log harvesting request for a different product or for another
instance of the same product running on the same server or on a different
server, click plus (+).
6. If you select one or more directories, in the File Name Filter field, enter a text pattern
as the filter criteria.
During the harvesting operation, the system harvests only those files that match the
filter criteria.
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7. To save the profile and the log harvesting requests in the profile, click Save
Related topics:
Create New Profile field descriptions on page 978
Editing a log harvesting profile
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Logs > Log Harvester.
3. On the Log Harvester page, select a profile and click Edit.
4. On the Harvest Criteria Edit page, modify the information in the Profile Name and
Profile Description fields.
5. Modify the hostname of the server, product, and directories or files from the
respective fields.
To select multiple directories or files from the respective list boxes, press CTRL
and click the directories or files.
To clear a selection, press the CTRL and click the item you select.
To add another log harvesting request for another product or for another
instance of the same product running on the same server or on a different
server, click +.
6. If you select one or more directories, you can enter a new filter criteria in the text
box below the Directories / Filter Text field and click Commit.
During the harvesting operation, the system harvests only those files that match the
filter text.
7. Click Save Profile to save the changes you made to the log harvesting profile.
Related topics:
Harvest Criteria Edit field descriptions on page 979
Viewing the harvested log files in an archive
You can view the harvested log files of a product stored in an archive file.
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1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Logs > Log Harvester.
3. On the Log Harvester page, select a log harvesting profile and click Requests.
4. On the Harvest Archives page, click a request in the table in the Harvest Request
Details section.
5. Click Show files.
On the Search Archives page, navigate through the folders in the archive to view
the harvested log files.
Deleting a profile
About this task
You cannot delete a profile that is in use by the Log Harvester service. If you attempt to delete
a profile that is in use, the system displays an error message.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Logs > Log Harvester.
3. On the Log Harvester page, select a profile and click Delete.
4. On the Profile Delete Confirmation page, click Delete.
When you delete a profile, the system deletes all requests and all archives related
to the profile from the file system.
Submitting a request for harvesting log files
About this task
Use this feature to submit a log harvesting request to one or more products running on the
same or different servers. After the request is successfully processed, the system on which
the products are installed returns the harvested log files that are specified in the request. When
you select a profile and click Request, the system generates a single request for all the
requests contained in the profile.
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1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Logs > Log Harvester.
3. On the Log Harvester page, select a log harvesting profile and click Requests.
4. On the Harvest Archives page, enter the relevant information in the Archive
Name and Archive Description fields.
The system saves the harvested log files in the specified archive file.
5. Click Run Profile to send a request.
The table in the Harvest Criteria View section provides you the status of the log
harvesting request. If the execution status of the request is successful, then the
system creates a zip file containing the harvested log files and saves the file in the
specified location.
Related topics:
Harvest Archives field descriptions on page 981
Viewing details of a log harvesting request
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Logs > Log Harvester.
3. On the Log Harvester page, select a log harvesting profile and click Requests.
4. On the Harvest Archives page, click a request in the table in the Harvest Request
Details section.
5. If the system does not display any requests, submit a new request.
6. Click View.
The Harvest - View Harvest detail page displays the details of the selected
Related topics:
Harvest - View Harvest detail field descriptions on page 983
Searching for text in a log file
Use this feature to search for matching text in the log file of a product.
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About this task
The search is based on Lucene Search. The search results are highlighted as per the Lucene
highlighter. The highlight package contains classes to provide keyword in context features,
typically used for highlighting search terms on the results page.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Logs > Log Harvester.
3. On the Log Harvester page, select a log harvesting profile and click Requests.
4. On the Harvest Archives page, click a request in the table in the Harvest Request
Details section.
5. Click Show Files.
6. On the Search Archives page, in the Enter search text field, enter the text for which
you want to search.
7. In the Tree view, navigate to the log file by expanding the folders and select the log
8. Click Search.
The system displays the search results in the Search Result Panel. The Search
Results Panel field displays the line numbers as hyperlinks on which the searched
text is found.
9. Click the hyperlink in the Search Results Panel field.
The system displays the page that contains the highlighted searched text in the Log
Browser Panel field.
Related topics:
Search Archives field descriptions on page 982
Viewing the contents of harvested log files
About this task
Use this feature to view the log messages stored in the harvested log files for a product. You
can view the contents of one log file at a time.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Logs > Log Harvester.
3. On the Log Harvester page, select a log harvesting profile and click Requests.
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4. On the Harvest Archives page, click a request in the table in the Harvest Request
Details section.
5. If the system does not display any requests, submit a new request.
6. Click Show Files.
The system lists the log files that are harvested.
7. Select the log file and click View.
The system displays the file content in the Log Browser Panel pane.
Related topics:
Search Archives field descriptions on page 982
Downloading the harvested log files
About this task
You can download the harvested log files of one or more products that you stored in a zip file
on your local server.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Logs > Log Harvester.
3. On the Log Harvester page, select a log harvesting profile and click Requests.
4. On the Harvest Archives page, click a request in the table in the Harvest Request
Details section.
5. If the system does not display any requests, submit a new request.
6. Click Show Files.
7. On the Search Archives page, select a product name, host name of the server on
which one or more products are running, or a directory.
If you select a product name, the system creates a zip file that contains the
harvested log files for the selected product instances running on the same
server or on different servers.
If you select a host name of a server under a product, the system creates a
zip file that contains the harvested log files for the products running on the
server that you selected.
If you select a directory, the system creates a zip file containing the harvested
log files under the selected directory.
8. Click Download.
The system prompts you to save the file on your local server.
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9. Click Save.
Related topics:
Search Archives field descriptions on page 982
Filtering log harvesting profiles
Use this feature to set filter criteria to view only those log harvesting profiles that meet the set
filter criteria. The titles of the columns of the table that displays the log harvesting profiles are
the filter criteria.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Logs > Log Harvester.
3. On the Log Harvester page, click Filter: Enable.
You can find this button at the top right of the table containing log harvesting
4. Enter or select the filter criteria.
You can filter the log harvesting profiles by the name, description and creator of the
5. Click Filter: Apply.
If no records matching the filter criteria are found, the Log Harvester page displays
a message that no records matching the search criteria are found.
The log harvesting profile table displays the profiles that matches the specified filter
Filtering log harvesting requests
Use this feature to set filter criteria to view only those log harvesting requests that meet the
set filter criteria. The titles of the columns of the table that displays the log harvesting requests
are the filter criteria.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Logs > Log Harvester.
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3. On the Log Harvester page, select a log harvesting profile and click Requests.
4. On the Harvest Archives page, click Filter: Enable.
5. Enter or select the filter criteria.
You can filter the log harvesting requests by:
The request ID of the log harvesting request. For example, to view the requests
starting with Request ID 5, enter 5.
The zip file name that stores the harvested files.
The description of the log harvesting request.
The location of the archived file that stores the harvested files.
The status of the log harvesting request.
The description of the log harvesting request status.
6. Click Filter: Apply.
If no records matching the filter criteria are found, the Log Harvesting page displays
a message that no records matching the search criteria are found.
The table containing log harvesting requests displays only those log harvesting
requests that match the specified filter criteria.
Viewing details of a log harvesting profile
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Logs > Log Harvester.
3. On the Log Harvester page, select a profile and click View.
The Profile Criteria View page contains the details of the log harvesting profile you
Related topics:
Profile Criteria View field descriptions on page 980
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Log Harvester field descriptions
This page displays the list of log harvest profiles created in System Manager. You can use
buttons on this page to perform the following operations:
View and edit the details of a selected log harvest profile.
Delete a profile.
Add a new log harvest profile.
View the details of log harvest requests for a profile.
Name Description
Profile Name Specifies the name of the log harvesting
Description A brief description of the profile.
Created By Specifies the name of the creator of the
Created Time Stamp Specifies the date and time when the profile
was created.
Button Description
View Opens the Harvest Archives page. You can
use this page to view the details of a selected
log harvest profile.
New Opens the Create New Profile page. You can
use this page to create a new log harvesting
Edit Opens the Edit Profile page. You can use this
page to edit a log harvesting profile.
Delete Deletes the selected profile. You can not
delete a profile if the profile is in use by the
Log Harvester service.
Requests Opens the Harvest Archives page. You can
use this page to run the log harvesting
requests in a selected profile.
Filter: Disable Hides the fields displayed under the columns
on which you can apply the filters without
resetting the filter criteria. This is a toggle
Filter: Enable Displays fields under the columns in the table
where you can enter the filter criteria. Only
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Button Description
columns on which you can apply filter display
the fields in which you can enter the filter
criteria. This is a toggle button.
Filter: Apply Filters the log harvest profiles present in the
system based on the filter criteria.
Create New Profile field descriptions
Use this page to create a new log harvesting profile for harvesting log messages from the log
files for one or more products. The files can reside on one or more servers.
Name Description
Profile Name The name of the log harvesting profile.
Profile Description A brief description of the profile. This is an
optional field.
Host Name The host name of the servers on which
products are installed.
If you do not see the host name of CS 1000
when you create the profile, at the command
prompt of CS 1000, run the following
cd /opt/nortel/oam-logging
<enrollment password>
Product The products for which you can harvest
Directories / Filter Text A list of directories that contains the log files
for the selected product.
Files The log files that you can harvest for the
selected product.
Filter Text The text based on which the log files present
under a selected directory are filtered for
If you select the directory /a/b/c and enter
com in this field, the harvest operation for this
profile harvests the log files that are in the
directory /a/b/c. The log files contain com
in the file name. The field does not support
wild cards.
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Button Description
+ Specifies another log harvesting request for
a product.
- Deletes the log harvesting request for the
Commit Commits the filter criteria for the selected
Save Profile Saves the new profile and settings for log
harvesting requests in the database.
Harvest Criteria Edit field descriptions
Use this page to edit an existing log harvesting profile.
Name Description
Profile Name Displays the name of the log harvesting
Profile Description Displays a brief description of the profile.
Host Name Displays the hostname of the servers on
which you installed the products.
Product Displays the products for which you can
harvest logs.
Directories / Filter Text Lists the directories that contains the log files
for the selected product.
Files Displays the log files that you can harvest for
the selected product
Filter Text Displays the text based on which the log files
present under a selected directory gets
filtered for harvesting.
If you select the directory /a/b/c and enter
com in the Filter Text field, the harvest
operation for this profile harvests the log files
that contain com in the file name. The field
does not support wildcards.
Button Description
+ Allows you to specify another log harvesting
request for a product.
- Deletes the log harvesting request for the
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Button Description
Commit Commits the filter criteria for the selected
Save Profile Saves the new profile and settings for log
harvesting requests in the database.
Cancel Ignores the changes you make to the
Harvest Criteria Edit page and takes you
back to the Log Harvester page.
Profile Criteria View field descriptions
Use this page to view the details of a selected log harvest profile.
Name Description
Profile Name Displays the name of the log harvesting
Profile Description A brief description of the profile.
Product Displays the name of the product for which
logs are harvested.
Hosts Displays the hostname of the server on
which the product resides.
Files Displays the names of the log files for which
you can harvest log messages.
Directory Displays the directory that contains the log
Filter Text The text based on which the log files present
under a selected directory are filtered for
harvesting. For example, if you select the
directory /a/b/c and enter the text com in
this field, the harvest operation for this profile
harvests the log files that contain com in the
file name. This field does not support wild
Button Description
Done Closes this page and takes you back to the
Harvest Profile List page.
Refresh Refreshes the records in the table.
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Harvest Archives field descriptions
Use this page to create an archive for the log harvesting request. The archive created for a
successful harvesting request contains the requested log files in a zip file.
Name Description
Archive Name The name of the archive file that you want to
create for storing the harvested log files.
Archive Description A brief description of the archive. This field is
Name Description
Request Id The unique identification number assigned to
a log harvesting request.
Archive Name The name of the archive file that you create
for storing the harvested log files.
Request Time Stamp The date and time when the log harvesting
request is submitted.
Request Description A brief description of the log harvesting
Status The status of the log harvesting request. The
options are:
SUCCESS: The status is SUCCESS if
System Manager successfully harvests the
log messages.
FAILURE: The status is FAILURE if
System Manager failed to harvest the log
messages for the product.
PARTIAL SUCCESS: The status is
PARTIAL SUCCESS if System Manager
partially harvests the log messages.
Status Time Stamp The date and time when the execution status
of the log harvesting request is generated.
Status Description A brief description of the log harvesting
request status. The description provides you
the information about the success or failure
of the log harvesting request.
Location The location where the harvested log
messages are archived.
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Button Description
Run Profile Runs the log harvesting requests for the
selected profile.
View Opens the View Harvest detail page. You
can use this page to view the details of a
selected log harvesting request.
Show Files Opens the Search Archives page. You can
use this page to search for text contained in
the harvested log files, download log files of
one or more products running on a same or
different servers, view the contents of a log
Filter: Disable Hides the fields displayed under the column
filter fields without resetting the filter criteria.
A toggle button.
Filter: Enable Displays fields under the column headers of
the table displaying the log harvesting
requests. You can enter the filter criteria in
these fields. Only columns that can be
filtered display the fields in which you can
enter the filter criteria. This is a toggle
Filter: Apply Filters the log harvest profiles present in the
system based on the filter criteria.
Search Archives field descriptions
Use this page to perform the following activities on the log files contained in an archive:
View the contents of the harvested log files.
Search a text in the harvested log files.
Download the harvested log files on your local server.
Name Description
Enter search text The text that you want search for in the
harvested log files.
List box Displays the hierarchy of the harvested log
files in an archive. The files are organized in
a tree view.
Log Browser Panel Displays the contents of the selected log
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Name Description
Search Results Panel Displays the search results. This field
displays the line numbers as hyperlinks in
which the searched text is found. When you
click the line number, the system displays the
line containing the searched text at the top in
the Log Browser Panel field.
Button Description
Previous Displays the log file contents on the previous
page. This button is available only if the
contents of a log files span across multiple
Next Displays the log file contents on the next
page. This button is available only if the
contents of a log files span across multiple
Search Searches for the occurrences of the text
specified in the Enter search text field in the
selected log files.
View Displays the contents of the selected log files
in the Log Browser Panel field.
Download Downloads the selected log files present in
the archive to your local server.
Harvest - View Harvest detail field descriptions
Use this page to view the details of a selected log harvest request.
View Parent
Name Description
Request Id Displays the unique identification number
assigned to a log harvesting request.
Archive Name Displays the name of the archive file that
stores the harvested log files containing the
log messages.
Status Displays the status of log harvesting
requests. The options are:
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Name Description
SUCCESS: The status is SUCCESS if
System Manager successfully harvests the
log messages.
FAILURE: The status is FAILURE if
System Manager fails to harvest the log
messages for the product.
Request Description A brief description of the log harvesting
Child Request Details
Name Description
Product Displays the unique identification number
assigned to a log harvesting request.
Status Displays the status of the log harvesting
request. The options are:
SUCCESS: The status is SUCCESS if
System Manager successfully harvests the
log messages.
FAILURE: The status is FAILURE if
System Manager fails to harvest the log
messages for the product.
Host Name Displays the hostname of the server on
which the product resides.
Status Description A brief description about the execution status
of the request.
Status Time Stamp Displays the date and time when the system
generates the status of the log harvesting
Button Description
Done Closes this page and takes you back to the
Harvest Archives page.
Refresh Refreshes the records in the table.
Filter: Enable Displays fields under the column headers of
the table displaying the log harvesting
requests. You can enter the filter criteria in
these fields. Only columns that can be
filtered display the fields in which you can
enter the filter criteria. A toggle button.
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Button Description
Filter: Apply Filters the log harvesting requests based on
the filter criteria.
Filter: Disable Hides the fields displayed under the columns
on which you can apply the filters without
resetting the filter criteria. A toggle button.
Managing log settings
Log Settings
Log Settings displays the loggers and appenders for any log configuration file that you select.
You can also modify the logger and appender settings through this menu. The Logger List
displays the name and level of the log along with the appender details.
Accessing the Log Settings service
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Logs > Log Settings.
The system displays the Log Settings page.
Viewing loggers for a log file
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Logs > Log Settings.
3. On the Log Settings page, click a log file from the Select Log File field.
Related topics:
Logging Settings field descriptions on page 986
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Logging Settings field descriptions
Use this page to view and edit loggers defined in a log file.
Log Settings
Name Description
Select Log File The field lists the log files that you can
Logger List
Name Description
Logger Specifies the loggers in the selected log
Log level Specifies the log level indicating the level of
logging set for the corresponding logger.
Attached Appenders > Name Specifies the name of the appender.
Attached Appenders > File Path Specifies the path of the file to which the
appender logs the information.
Attached Appenders >Facility Specifies the process running on the
machine that created the log message.
Attached Appenders > host Specifies the name of the syslog host where
the log output is stored.
Show All Provides you an option to select the
maximum number of logger records that you
can view at a time.
Button Description
Edit Opens the Edit Logger page that you can use
to edit loggers.
Related topics:
Viewing loggers for a log file on page 985
Editing a logger in a log file
About this task
You can set log levels for loggers which define as to what level of logging the logger logs.
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1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Logs > Log Settings.
3. On the Log Settings page, click a log file from the Select Log File field.
4. In the Logger List section, select a logger and click Edit.
5. On the Edit logger page, in the Log Level field select a log level.
As a user of System Manager Communication Manager capabilities, if you want
to view the logs for successful events, then change the Log Level settings for
any specified log to Info. The Info setting enables the system to log the
successful events. When you set the Log Level to Info in
com.avaya.iptcm.eps.logging.audit and
com.avaya.iptcm.eps.logging.operation, the system captures the
successful events in the audit log and the operational log present at /var/log/
Avaya/mgmt/iptcm/audit.log and /var/log/Avaya/mgmt/iptcm/
operation.log respectively. Note that if you carry out an application upgrade,
the system does not retain the modified log level configuration. After an
application upgrade, you must configure the log level settings again to view the
logs for successful events.
6. Click Commit.
The log level is set for the selected logger.
Related topics:
Edit Logger field descriptions on page 988
Assigning an appender to a logger
About this task
The appender where a logger logs the log messages.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Logs > Log Settings.
3. On the Log Settings page, click a log file from the Select Log File field.
4. In the Logger List section, select a logger and click Edit.
5. On the Edit logger page, click Attach in the Attached Appenders section.
6. On the Attach Appender page, select an appender in the Select Appender field.
7. Click Commit.
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The appender is added to the selected logger and you can view the appender on
the Log Settings page.
Related topics:
Attach Appender field descriptions on page 990
Modifying an appender
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Logs > Log Settings.
3. On the Log Settings page, click a log file from the Select Log File field.
4. In the Logger List section, select a logger and click Edit.
5. On the Edit logger page, select an appender in the Attached Appenders section.
6. Click Edit.
7. On the Edit Appender page, modify the appender information.
You can modify information in the Threshold Log Level, Max File Size, File
Path, and Number Of Backup Files fields
8. Click Commit.
Related topics:
Edit Appender field descriptions on page 990
Removing an appender from a logger
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Logs > Log Settings.
3. On the Log Settings page, click a log file from the Select Log File field.
4. In the Logger List section, select a logger and click Edit.
5. On the Edit logger page, select an appender in the Attached Appenders section.
6. Click Detach.
Edit Logger field descriptions
Use this page to edit logger and appender information. You can also add and remove
appenders from the loggers.
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Name Description
Logger Specifies the name of the logger.
Log level Specifies the level of logging for which the
logger logs the information.
Attached Appender
Name Description
Appender Specifies the name of the appender.
Threshold Log Level Specifies the threshold log level set for the
appender. Appender logs only information of
log type that is set in the threshold log level.
File Path Specifies the path of the file where the
appender logs the information.
Max File Size Specifies the maximum size in KB, MB, and
GB reserved for the appender file.
# Backup Files Specifies the number of log files that an
appender can use to store log information if
one log file becomes full. If all the backup
files are full, the appender overwrites the
previous backup files in the order the files are
Facility Specifies the process running on the
machine for which log messages are
Host Specifies the name of the syslog host that
stores the log output.
Header Specifies the header part of the syslog
packet. The header part contains timestamp
and host name information.
Facility Printing Specifies the printed message includes the
facility name of the application.
Button Description
Edit Opens the Edit Appender page. Use this
page to modify the appender information.
Attach Opens the Attach Appender page. Use this
page to add an appender to the logger.
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Button Description
Detach Removes the selected appender from the
Commit Saves the changes in the logger information
to the database.
Cancel Closes the Edit Logger page and takes you
back to the Logging Configuration page.
Edit Appender field descriptions
Use this page to edit the information of an appender.
Name Description
Logger Specifies the name of the logger.
You can only view this information.
Appender Specifies the name of the appender.
You can only view this information.
Threshold Log Level Specifies the threshold log level set for the
appender. Appender logs only information of
log type that is set in the threshold log
level .
File Path Specifies the path of the file where the
appender logs the information.
Max File Size Specifies the maximum KB, MB, and GB
reserved for the appender file.
# Backup Files Specifies the number of log files that an
appender can use to store log information if
one log file becomes full. If all the backup
files are full, the appender overwrites the
previous backup files in the order the files are
Button Description
Commit Saves the changes to the database.
Cancel Closes Edit Appender page and takes you
back to the Edit Logger page.
Attach Appender field descriptions
Use this page to assign an appender to the logger.
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Name Description
Logger Specifies the name of the logger.
Log Level Specifies the level of logging for which the
logger logs the information.
Select Appender Specifies the list of appenders that you can
assign to the logger.
Button Description
Commit Assigns the appender to the logger.
Cancel Closes the Attach Appender page and
takes you back to the Edit Logger page.
Managing log viewer
Log Viewer
Log Viewer displays all the logs generated by System Manager and the applications. The Log
List displays a list of all the logs. You can view the details of each log, perform a search for
logs, and filter specific logs. Log details include information about the event which generated
the log, the severity level of the log, and other relevant information. You can search logs based
on search conditions and set filters to view logs that match the filter criteria. Log viewer displays
only logs that are of type Audit.
Viewing log details
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Logs > Log Viewer.
3. On the Logging page, select a log.
4. Click View.
Exporting logs
You can export logs to a Comma Separated Values (.csv) file. You can open the CSV file using
a text editor such as Wordpad or a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel.
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1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Logs > Log Viewer.
3. On the Logging page, perform one of the following actions:
To export a log to a CSV file, select a log from the list and click More
Actions > Export Selected.
To export the filtered logs to a CSV file, click More Actions > Export All.
When you use Advanced Search or Filter option to filter logs based on a
specific criteria, Export All exports all the filtered data
4. Click Save to save the exported log file to the local disk.
Filtering logs
You can filter and view logs that meet the specified filter criteria. To apply the filters, you need
to specify the filter criteria in the fields provided under select columns in the table displaying
the logs. The column titles are the filter criteria. You can filter logs on multiple filter criteria.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Logs > Log Viewer.
3. On the Logging page, click Filter: Enable at the top right corner of the log table.
4. Enter or select the filter criteria.
5. Click Filter: Apply.
The page displays the logs that match the specified filter criteria.
If no records matching the filter criteria are found, the Management Console
application displays a message that no records matching the search criteria are
Searching for logs
You can specify conditions for finding logs. The system displays logs that satisfy the search
conditions. You can specify multiple search conditions.
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1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Logs > Log Viewer.
3. On the Logging page, click Advanced Search.
4. In the Criteria section, from the first and second drop-down fields, select the search
criterion and the operator.
5. Select or enter the search value in the third field.
6. If you want to add another search condition, click + and repeat the steps 4 through
Click - to delete a search condition. You can delete a search condition only if you
have more than one search condition.
7. To add another search condition, click + and repeat the steps 4 through 6.
Click - to delete a search condition. You can delete a search condition only if you
have more than one search condition.
8. Select the AND or OR operator from the drop-down field.
This page displays this drop-down field when you specify more than one search
9. Click Search to find the logs for the given search conditions.
Logging field descriptions
The Logging page has two sections: the upper section contains buttons that allow you to view
the details of the selected logs, search for logs, and set filters. The lower section displays logs
in a table. The table provides information about the logs. You can click the title of the column
to sort the data of the column in ascending or descending order.
Name Description
Select check box Provides the option to select a log.
Log ID Displays the unique identification number
that identifies the log.
Time Stamp The date and time of the log generation.
Host Name Displays the name of the system from which
the log is generated.
Product Type Displays the code that uniquely identifies the
component which generated the log. For
example, product, device, application, and
service. An example of the log product type
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Name Description
is GW600, which is a product type code
Severity Displays the severity level of the log. The
following are the type of severities:
Emergency: System is unusable.
Alert: Action must be taken immediately.
Critical: Critical conditions.
Error: Error conditions.
Warning: Warning conditions.
Notice: Normal but significant condition.
Informational: Informational messages.
Debug: Debug-level messages.
The colors of severities do not indicate
logging severities
Event ID Displays the unique identification number
assigned to the event that generated the
Message A brief description about the log. The
message is generated based on the severity
level of the log. For a log with severity level
debug, the message contains information
about debugging an error.
Process Name The process on the device that has
generated the message, usually the process
name and process ID.
Facility The operating system, processes, and
applications quantify messages into one of
the several categories. These categories
generally consist of the facility that generated
them, along with the severity of the message.
The following are the types of supported
User-Level Messages
Log Audit
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Button Description
View Opens the Log - View Log Detail page. Use
this page to view the details of the selected
Auto-Refresh Mode Switches to the Auto-Refresh mode. When
the Logging page is set in this mode, it
automatically updates the logs in the table. A
toggle button.
More Actions > Export Selected Exports the selected logs to a CSV file. You
can view the logs using the Wordpad or Excel
More Actions > Export All Exports all the logs to a CSV file. You can
view the logs using the Wordpad or Excel
When you use Advanced Search or
Filter option to filter logs based on some
criteria, Export All exports all the filtered
Advanced Search Displays fields that you can use to specify the
search criteria for searching a log.
Refresh Refreshes the log information in the table.
Filter: Enable Displays fields under select columns that you
can use to set filter criteria. A toggle button.
Filter: Disable Hides the column filter fields without
resetting the filter criteria. A toggle button.
Filter: Clear Clears the filter criteria.
Filter: Apply Filters logs based on the filter criteria.
Select: All Selects all the logs in the table.
Select: None Clears the selections.
Previous Displays logs in the previous page. This
button is not available if you are on the first
Next Displays logs in the next page. This button is
not available if you are on the last page.
Criteria section
This section appears when you click Advanced Search on the top right corner.
Managing logs
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Name Description
Criteria Use this section to specify search conditions.
Select the search criteria from the first drop-
down field. Select the operator from the
second drop-down list. Enter the search
value in the text field.
Select following search criteria from the first
drop-down list:
Log ID: The unique identification number
assigned to the log.
Host Name: Name of the system for which
log is generated.
Product type: A code which uniquely
identifies the component which generated
the log. For example, product, device,
application, service, and so on.
Severity: Severity level of the log.
Message: Brief description about the log.
Event ID: Unique identification number
assigned to the event.
Process Name: Process on the device that
has generated the message
Time Stamp: Date and time of the log
Facility: The operating systems,
processes, and applications quantify
messages into one of several categories.
These categories generally consist of the
facility that generated them, along with the
severity of the message.
The second drop-down list displays
operators. Based on the search criterion that
you select in the first drop-down field, only
those operators that are applicable for the
selected criterion are displayed in the second
drop-down list. The following are the list of
Not Equals
Starts With
Ends With
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Name Description
The operators for Time Stamp are: =, >, <,
>=, <=, and !=.
When you select Time Stamp from the first
drop-down list, the page provides date and
time fields for entering the date and time in
the respective fields. Enter the date in
MM/DD/YYYY format . You can select the
date from the calender. You need to enter the
time in one of the following formats:
Button Description
Clear Clears the search criterion and sets the
criterion to the default search criteria.
Search Searches the logs based on the search
Close/Advanced Search Hides the search fields.
+ Adds a search condition.
- Deletes a search condition
Logging field descriptions
Use this page to view logs in the Auto-Refresh mode. In this mode, the page updates the log
information automatically.
Name Description
Log ID Specifies the unique identification number
that identifies the log.
Time Stamp Specifies the date and time of the log
Host Name Specifies the name of the system from which
the log is generated.
Product Type Specifies the code which uniquely identifies
the component which generated the log. For
example, product, device, application,
service and so on. GW600, which is a
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Name Description
product type code identifier is an example of
the log product type.
Severity Specifies the severity level of the log. The
following are the type of severities:
Emergency: System is unusable
Alert: Action must be taken immediately
Critical: Critical conditions
Error: Error conditions
Warning: Warning conditions
Notice: Normal but significant condition
Informational: Informational messages
Debug: Debug-level messages
The colors of severities do not indicate
logging severities.
Event ID Specifies the unique identification number
assigned to the event that has generated the
Message Brief description about the log. The message
is generated based on the severity level of
the log. For a log with severity level debug,
the message contains information about
debugging an error.
Process Name Specifies the process on the device that has
generated the message. This is usually the
process name and process ID.
Facility The operating system, processes, and
applications quantify messages into one of
the several categories. These categories
generally consist of the facility that generated
them, along with the severity of the message.
The following are the types of supported
User-Level Messages
Log Audit
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Button Description
Logging Landing Page Switches the mode from Auto-Refresh to
manual refresh and displays the Logging
Home page. This is a toggle button.
TrapListener service
The TrapListener service receives traps and informs coming from different applications and
displays on the System Manager Alarming page.
TrapListener receives V2c and V3 traps and informs that are defined in the common alarm
definition file.
TrapListener processes the Common Alarm Definition file for applications, where all the
trap definitions are present.
You can configure the trap listener service by using Configurations page on System Manager
Web Console. For information on configuring the TrapListener service, see Configuring the
TrapListener service.
If you change the Trap Listener settings as an administrator, you must create a new SNMP
target profile for the System Manager IP address and a new SNMPv3 user profile for the
System Manager. The values in the new profiles must match the values in the Trap Listener
settings. Also, attach the System Manager SNMPv3 user profile to the System Manager target
profile, and then attach this target profile to all the Serviceability Agents. For information on
creating SNMP user profiles and target profiles and attaching the target profiles to
Serviceability Agents, see Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager guide.

Related topics:
Configuring the TrapListener service on page 876
TrapListener service field descriptions on page 876
TrapListener service
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Chapter 17: Managing licenses
WebLM overview
WebLM overview
Avaya provides a Web-based License Manager (WebLM) to manage licenses of one or more
Avaya software products for your organization. WebLM is a Web-based license manager that
facilitates easy tracking of licenses. To track and manage licenses in an organization, WebLM
requires a license file from the Avaya Product Licensing and Delivery System (PLDS) Web site
The license file of a software product is in an XML format. The license file contains information
regarding the product, the major release, the licensed features of the product, and the licensed
capacities of each feature that you purchase. After you purchase a licensed Avaya software
product, you must activate the license file for the product in PLDS and install the license file
on the WebLM server.
License activations in PLDS require the host ID of the WebLM server for inclusion in the license
file. The host ID of the WebLM server is displayed on the Server Properties page of the WebLM
Obtaining the license file
About this task
For each licensed Avaya product that you are managing from the WebLM server, you can
obtain a license file from PLDS, and install it on the corresponding WebLM server. For
additional information on using PLDS, see Getting Started with Avaya PLDS - Avaya Partners
and Customers at
In Geographic Redundancy, you must generate the license file by using the host ID of primary
System Manager.
Do not modify the license file that you receive from Avaya. WebLM does not accept a
modified license file.
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You need the host ID of the WebLM server to obtain the license file from PLDS.
1. Log on to the System Manager Web Console.
2. On the System Manager Web Console, click Services > Licenses.
3. In the left navigation pane, click Server properties.
4. Note the Primary Host ID.
5. Using the host ID, generate the license from PLDS.
Accessing WebLM
Before you begin
You must have permissions to access the WebLM application.
1. Log on to the System Manager Web Console.
2. On the System Manager Web Console, click Services > Licenses.
Installing a license file
Use this functionality to install a license file on the WebLM server. If you are reinstalling a
license file on a WebLM server on which the license file that Remote Feature Activation (RFA)
generated is installed, you must remove the license file that RFA generated from the WebLM
server before you install the new license file. Use the Uninstall functionality to remove the
license file from the WebLM server.
Before you begin
Get the license file from the Avaya Product Licensing and Delivery System (PLDS)
website at
Log on to the WebLM server.
About this task
If you experience problems while installing the license file, see the License file installation
errors section in Administering standalone Avaya WebLM.
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1. In the left navigation pane, click Install license.
2. On the Install license page, enter the license file path. You can also click Browse
to select the license file.
3. Click Install to install the license file.
WebLM displays a message on successful installation of the license file. The
installation of the license file can fail for various reasons, such as:
When WebLM finds an invalid digital signature on the license file. If you get
such an error, request PLDS to redeliver the license file.
The current capacity use exceeds the capacity in the installed license.
Related topics:
Obtaining the license file on page 1001
Install license field descriptions on page 1005
Viewing the license capacity and utilization of the product features
Before you begin
Log on to the WebLM server.
Install the license file on the WebLM server for the licensed product.
About this task
Use this procedure to view the license capacity and license utilization of a product for which
you installed a license file.
1. In the left navigation pane, click Licensed products and select the product
2. Click View license capacity.
Related topics:
View license capacity field descriptions on page 1006
WebLM overview
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Viewing peak usage for a licensed product
Before you begin
Log on to the WebLM server.
Install the license file on the WebLM server for the licensed product.
1. In the left navigation pane, click Licensed products and select the product
2. Click View peak usage.
Related topics:
View peak usage field descriptions on page 1006
Uninstalling a license file
1. In the left navigation pane, click Uninstall license.
2. On the Uninstall License page, select the license file that you want to uninstall.
3. Click Uninstall.
4. On the Uninstall License Confirmation page, click Uninstall.
If the license file you selected cannot be uninstalled, the system displays only the
Cancel button.
Related topics:
Uninstall license field descriptions on page 1013
Viewing the server properties
Before you begin
Log on to the WebLM server.
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In the left navigation pane, click Server properties.
The host ID specified in PLDS is embedded in the license file. You can install the
license file only if the host ID of the server that hosts WebLM matches the host ID
in the license file. Therefore, when you request for a license file, specify the correct
host ID of the server that hosts WebLM .
Related topics:
Server Properties field descriptions on page 1014
WebLM Home field descriptions
Use this page to view the information about the product(s) and the associated license file(s)
installed on the WebLM server.
Field Description
Product Name The name of the product for which the license
file is installed.
Product Version The version of the product for which the
license file is installed.
Type of License The type of license file installed for the
Date of Installation Date and time of installation of license file.
Install license field descriptions
Use this page to install the license file of a product on the WebLM server.
Field/Button Description
Enter license path Specify the complete path where you saved
the license file.
Browse Opens the dialog box using which you can
select the license file.
Install Installs the product license file.
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View license capacity field descriptions
Licensed Features
Use the View license capacity page to view the total number of feature licenses in the license
file and the current usage of those licenses.
Field Description
Feature (License Keyword) The display name of the licensed features of
the product and the keywords of each
feature. The keywords represent the
licensed feature in the license file.
Expiration Date The date on which the feature license
Licensed capacity The number of licenses for each licensed
feature. The system fetches the number of
feature licenses information from the license
Currently Used The number of feature licenses that are
currently in use by the licensed application.
For features of type Uncounted, the column
displays Not counted.
Acquired Licenses
The Acquired licenses table displays information about the licenses acquired by the licensed
application. You can view the information in the table only if the licensed product has acquired
feature licenses.
Field Description
Feature The feature keyword for each licensed
feature that is currently acquired by a
licensed application.
Acquired by The name of the licensed application that has
acquired the license.
Count The number of feature licenses that are
currently acquired by the licensed
View peak usage field descriptions
Use this page to view the usage information of feature licenses of a licensed application at
different time intervals.
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Field Description
Feature (License Keyword) The display name of the licensed features of
the product and the keywords of each
feature. The keywords represent the
licensed feature in the license file.
Currently Allocated The number of feature licenses purchased
by the organization.
Usage: qty/% The number of feature licenses for each
licensed feature that a licensed application
currently uses. The column also displays the
percentage of usage.
For example, if 50 feature licenses are
available and five feature licenses are used
by applications, the column displays 5/10%.
Peak Usage (Last 7 days): qty/% The highest number of feature licenses for
each licensed feature that has been used in
the last seven days.
For example, if the peak usage for a feature
license in the past seven days was 25, and
the number of available licenses during
these seven days was 50, then the column
displays 25/50%.
Peak Usage (Last 30 days): qty/% The highest number of feature licenses for
each licensed feature that has been used in
the past 30 days.
For example, if the peak usage for a feature
license in the past 30 days was 50, and the
number of available licenses during these 30
days was 50, then the column displays
Time of Query The date and time when the last usage query
for WebLM was executed.
Status The success or failure of the last usage query
executed for the WebLM server.
Centralized licensing
About centralized licensing
Some Avaya products do not share licenses from a single license file as each element instance
requires a separate license file. You require a dedicated WebLM server to host the relevant
license file of the associated element instance. In this licensing model, you require the same
WebLM overview
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number of WebLM servers as the number of products that you install and configure. In the
virtualized environment, this model requires additional virtual machines for each element
instance, thus increasing the VMware licensing cost. Thus, you cannot centrally manage the
licenses for a product and must log in to each WebLM server and manage licenses for each
element instance.
WebLM now supports centralized management of products that cannot share a license file
across element instances. You can install multiple license files for a product on a single WebLM
server and associate specific license files to specific element instances.
After you enable centralized licensing from the WebLM UI you can install multiple license files
for the same product. You can add multiple element instances, and associate each license file
to an element instance. The WebLM server provides licenses to the element instances based
on the association you define.
Enabling centralized licensing
Before you begin
Install a Communication Manager license file that supports centralized licensing. Centralized
licenses contain the FEAT_WLM_CENTRALIZED feature in the Communication Manager
license file.
About this task
By default, centralized licensing is disabled for Communication Manager. You must enable
centralized licensing to use this feature.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Licenses.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Configure Centralized Licensing for your licensed
3. Click Enable Centralized Licensing.
After enabling the Centralized Licensing feature for Communication Manager,
you must link the license file to the associated Communication Manager server
instance. If you do not link the license file to a Communication Manager server
instance, the Communication Manager server instance cannot acquire the
license file from the WebLM server.
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Configure centralized licensing field descriptions
Elements and License File Assignments
Name Description
Element Display Name The display name that you enter for the
Communication Manager main server.
Element ID The element identifier for the
Communication Manager server is the IP
address of the main server. The element ID
must match the name used by the
Communication Manager server to acquire
licenses from WebLM.
Host ID - Centralized Licensing ID The host ID of the license file. The first 12
characters are the WebLM server host ID,
and the last 5 characters are the centralized
licensing ID. The centralized licensing ID is a
unique number across multiple license files
for the same product.
License Host Name The host name of the license as defined in
the license file.
Date of Installation The date of installation of the license file.
Installed License Files
Name Description
Host ID - Centralized Licensing ID The host ID of the license file. The first 12
characters are the WebLM server host ID,
and the last 5 characters are the centralized
licensing ID. The centralized licensing ID is a
unique number across multiple license files
for the same product.
License Host Name The host name of the license as defined in
the license file.
Assigned To Element The field that indicates whether a license file
is associated with the Communication
Manager server. The possible values are:
Yes: The license file is associated with a
Communication Manager server.
No: The license file is not associated with
a Communication Manager server.
Date of Installation The date of installation of the license files.
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Button Description
New Adds a Communication Manager server
instance and the mapping of an element to a
license file.
Edit Edits the properties of a Communication
Manager server instance.
Delete Deletes a Communication Manager server
Adding an element instance and assigning the element instance to a license
Before you begin
Enable the Centralized Licensing feature.
Install the license files that you want to assign to an element instance.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Licenses.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Configure Centralized Licensing for your licensed
3. In the Elements and License File Assignments section, click New.
The system displays the Add License Mapping page.
4. In the Element Display Name field, enter the display name of the instance.
5. In the Element IP Address field, enter the element IP address of the instance.
The element ID is a unique ID. For Communication Manager, enter the IP address
of the Communication Manager server.
6. In the Select License File table, select the license file that you want to assign to
the element instance.
In a duplex pair, add each of the Communication Manager server as a separate
element and assign the same license file to both the servers.
You must assign a Communication Manager license file to only one
Communication Manager main server (simplex or duplex pair). If you will assign
the same license file to multiple Communication Manager servers (other than the
duplex pairs), Communication Manager will enter in License Error Mode with the
30-day grace period.
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7. Click Save.
Related topics:
Element instance field descriptions on page 1012
Editing an element instance and license file assignment
Before you begin
Enable the centralized licensing feature.
Install the license file that you want to assign to the element instance.
Add an element instance.
About this task
Use this procedure to edit the properties of an element instance.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Licenses.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Configure Centralized Licensing for your licensed
3. On the Configure Centralized Licensing page, select the element instance.
4. Click Edit.
5. On the Edit Element Instance page, modify the display name and element IP
address of the element instance.
6. In the Select License File table, you can select a new license file for the element
7. Click Save.
Related topics:
Element instance field descriptions on page 1012
Deleting an element instance
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Licenses.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Configure Centralized Licensing for your licensed
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3. On the Configure Centralized Licensing page, select the element instance that you
want to delete.
4. Click Delete.
The system displays the Delete Element Confirmation page.
5. Click Delete.
The system deletes the element instance and its assignment with the license file.
Element instance field descriptions
Name Description
Element Display Name The display name that you enter for the
element instance.
Element IP Address The element identifier for the
Communication Manager server is the IP
address of the main server. The element ID
must match the name used by an element
instance to acquire licenses from WebLM.
Select License File
Name Description
Host ID - Centralized Licensing ID The host ID of the license file. The first 12
characters are the WebLM server host ID,
and the last 5 characters are the centralized
licensing ID.
The centralized licensing ID is a unique
number across multiple license files for the
same product. For centralized licensing
scenarios with just one license file, the host
ID has 12 characters.
Click the Host ID hyperlink to view the
license capacity of the license file having the
host ID.
License Host Name The host name of the license as defined in
the license file.
Assigned To Element The field that indicates whether a license file
is associated with an element instance. The
possible values are:
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Name Description
Yes: The license file is associated with an
element instance.
No: The license file is not associated with
an element instance.
Date of Installation The date of installation of the license file.
Button Description
Save Adds or edits the element instance.
Cancel Cancels the add or delete element instance
Disabling centralized licensing
Before you begin
Ensure that:
You have not added an element instance for the product. If you have added the element
instances, delete the element instances.
You have installed only a single license file for the product. If you have installed multiple
license files, uninstall all the files except any one license file.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Licenses.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Configure Centralized Licensing for your licensed
3. Click Disable Centralized Licensing.
Uninstall license field descriptions
Use this page to remove a license file from the WebLM server for a licensed product. The
Allocation Table License Files table displays the ALF files. You cannot uninstall the ALF
Field Description
License Host Name The WebLM server where the license files
are installed.
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Field Description
Host ID The host ID of the license file.
Products The products for which licenses are installed
on the WebLM server.
SID The System ID of the license file.
Select Check box Use to select the license files that you require
to remove from the WebLM server.
You cannot uninstall the ALF license files.
Button Description
Uninstall Removes the selected license files from the
WebLM server.
Related topics:
Uninstalling a license file on page 1004
Server Properties field descriptions
Use this page to view the MAC address of the server.
Server Host ID
Field Description
Primary Host ID The MAC address of the server.
For non-VMware deployments, the primary
host ID is the MAC address of the server.
For VMWare deployments, the primary host
ID is a 12 character combination of the IP
address and the UUID of the system.
Usage history count
Field/Button Description
Count Specifies the number of usage query results
that the server maintains.
Submit Commits the changes you made to the
Server Properties page.
Cancel Discards the changes you made to the
Server Properties page.
Related topics:
Viewing the server properties on page 1004
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Enterprise licensing
Configuring enterprise licensing
Before you begin
Log on to WebLM Home.
Install the enterprise license file on the WebLM server for the product.
To verify the license file for a product, in the left navigation pane, click Licensed
products and select the product. The content pane displays the product name, System
Identification number (SID), and the license file type installed for the product at the top of
the page.
1. In the left navigation pane, click Licensed products and select the product
2. In the left navigation pane, click Enterprise configuration.
3. On the Enterprise Configuration page, enter the appropriate information in the
For more information, see Enterprise Usage field descriptions.
To successfully set up and configure the master WebLM server, enter valid
information in the mandatory fields that are marked with a red asterisk.
4. In the Master WebLM Configuration section, enter the name, description, and IP
address of the master WebLM server.
5. In the Default Periodic Operation Settings section, enter the retry count and the
retry interval in minutes for the periodic operations.
6. In the SMTP Server settings section, enter the name of the SMTP server.
7. In the E-mail notification settings for periodic operation section, perform the
a. Set the E-mail notification to On.
b. In the E-mail address field, enter an email address.
c. To add the email address to the list of recipients for the WebLM server to send
email notifications, click Add To List.
8. In the Default Periodic License Allocation Schedule section, select the day and
time for periodic license allocations.
The values you enter in this section remain as the default setting for periodic
allocation for all local WebLM servers in the enterprise.
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9. In the Default Periodic Usage Query Schedule section, select the day and time
of the query for periodic usage.
The values you enter in this section remain as the default setting for periodic usage
for all local WebLM servers in the enterprise.
For any periodic operations, you must perform the manual allocation at least one
10. Click Submit.
The system validates the information. The system displays the host ID in the Host
ID field. The host ID is the host ID of the computer where you installed the WebLM
Related topics:
Enterprise Configuration field descriptions on page 1025
Enterprise Usage field descriptions on page 1035
Adding a local WebLM server
Before you begin
Log on to the WebLM server.
Install the enterprise license file.
Identify the WebLM servers that you must add as the local WebLM server.
1. In the left navigation pane, click Licensed products and select the product
2. Click Local WebLM Configuration > Add local WebLM.
3. On the Local WebLM Configuration: Add local WebLM page, enter the appropriate
To successfully set up and configure the local WebLM server, fields that are marked
with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory.
For detailed descriptions of the fields, see Add local WebLM field descriptions on
page 1028.
4. In the Local WebLM Configuration section, enter the name, description, IP
address, and port of the local WebLM server.
5. Select a protocol for the master WebLM server to communicate with the local
WebLM server.
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6. In the Periodic license allocation schedule section, select the day and time for
periodic license allocations.
7. In the Periodic usage query schedule section, select the day and time of the query
for periodic usage.
8. Click Configure and validate.
The system validates the information. If the information is valid, the system displays
the host ID of the computer where the server is installed in the Host ID field.
Related topics:
Add local WebLM field descriptions on page 1028
Modifying a local WebLM server configuration
Before you begin
Log on to the WebLM server.
Install the enterprise license file.
Add at least one local WebLM server.
1. In the left navigation pane, click Licensed products and select the product
2. Click Local WebLM Configuration > Modify local WebLM.
3. On the Local WebLM Configuration: Modify local WebLM page, select the local
WebLM server that you require to configure.
4. Click Modify.
The system displays another Local WebLM Configuration: Modify local WebLM
page with a different set of WebLM configuration fields.
5. Modify the information in the following fields:
In the Local WebLM configuration section, Name, Description, Protocol,
and Port
In the Periodic License Allocation schedule section, Day and Time
In the Periodic Usage Query schedule section, Day and Time
6. Click Modify.
The system saves your changes.
WebLM overview
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Related topics:
Modify local WebLM field descriptions on page 1030
Removing a local WebLM server
Before you begin
Log on to the WebLM server.
Install the enterprise license file.
Add at least one local WebLM server.
1. In the left navigation pane, click Licensed products and select the product
2. Click Local WebLM Configuration > Delete local WebLM.
3. On the Local WebLM Configuration: Delete local WebLM page, select the local
WebLM server that you require to delete.
4. Click Delete.
The system displays a warning message before removing the local WebLM
server from the master WebLM server.
5. Click OK.
Related topics:
Delete local WebLM field descriptions on page 1032
Viewing the license capacity of the licensed features of a product
Before you begin
Log on to the WebLM server.
1. In the left navigation pane, click Licensed products and select the product
2. Click View by feature.
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Related topics:
View by feature field descriptions on page 1024
Viewing the connectivity status of the local WebLM servers
Before you begin
Log on to the WebLM server.
1. In the left navigation pane, click Licensed products and select the product
2. Click View by local WebLM.
The page displays the connectivity status of the local WebLM servers.
Related topics:
View by local WebLM field descriptions on page 1024
Validating connectivity to local WebLM servers for a product
1. In the left navigation pane, click Licensed products and select the product
2. Click Local WebLM Configuration.
3. On the Local WebLM Configuration: View local WebLM page, select the local
WebLM servers that you want to validate for connectivity.
4. To query the selected local WebLM servers, click Validate Connectivity.
The status column on the Local WebLM Configuration: View local WebLM page of the selected
WebLM servers displays if the connection request made to the local WebLM server is
Related topics:
View Local WebLMs field descriptions on page 1027
WebLM overview
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Viewing usage by WebLM
Before you begin
Log on to the WebLM server.
1. In the left navigation pane, click Licensed products and select the product
2. Click Usages > Usage by WebLM.
The system displays the Usages: Usage by WebLM page.
3. In the Select WebLM field, select the master or local WebLM server.
4. Click Query System.
Related topics:
Usage by WebLM field descriptions on page 1033
Viewing enterprise usage of a license feature
Before you begin
Log on to the WebLM server.
1. In the left navigation pane, click Licensed products and select the product
2. Click Usages > Enterprise Usage.
The system displays the Usages: Enterprise Usage page.
3. In the Select Feature (License Keyword) field, select the licensed feature.
The page displays the usage of the licensed feature for the master WebLM server
and the local WebLM servers.
Related topics:
Enterprise Usage field descriptions on page 1035
Managing licenses
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Viewing the periodic status of the master and local WebLM servers
Before you begin
Log on to the WebLM server.
1. In the left navigation pane, click Licensed products and select the product
2. Click Periodic status.
The system displays the Periodic Status page.
Related topics:
Periodic Status field descriptions on page 1040
Specifying overuse limit for licensed features
1. On the System Manager Web Console, click Services > Licenses.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Licensed products and select the product
3. Click Overuse.
4. On the Overuse page, in the update percent overuse value field , select the
percent overuse value.
5. To set the overuse limit, click Submit.
Related topics:
Overuse field descriptions on page 1041
Querying usage of feature licenses for master and local WebLM servers
Before you begin
Log on to the WebLM server.
WebLM overview
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1. In the left navigation pane, click Licensed products and select the product
2. Click Usages > Query Usage.
The system displays the Usages: Query Usage page.
3. To view the usage details by feature licenses of a server, select the master or local
WebLM server.
4. Click Query Usage.
If you select all WebLM severs or click Check All and click Query usage, the
system displays the progress of the query request.
If you select one local WebLM server, the Usages: Usage by WebLM page displays the details
of the local WebLM server you selected.
Related topics:
Query Usage field descriptions on page 1036
Changing allocations of licensed features for a local WebLM server
Use this functionality to change the license allocations of a feature that resides on a local
WebLM server for the product.
1. Log in to the master WebLM server.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Licensed products and select the product
3. Click Allocations > Change allocations.
The system displays the Allocations: Change Allocations page.
4. In the New Allocation column, enter the number of licenses you require to allocate
for the feature that resides on a local WebLM server.
5. Click Submit Allocations.
Related topics:
Change Allocations field descriptions on page 1039
Managing licenses
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Viewing allocations by features
Before you begin
Log on to the WebLM server.
1. In the left navigation pane, click Licensed products and select the product
2. Click Allocations > View by feature.
The system displays the Allocations: View by Feature page.
Related topics:
Allocations by Features field descriptions on page 1037
Viewing allocations by the local WebLM server
Before you begin
Log on to the WebLM server.
1. In the left navigation pane, click Licensed products and select the product
2. Click Allocations > View by local WebLM.
The system displays the Allocations: View by Local WebLM page.
3. In the Select Local WebLM field, select the local WebLM server.
The page displays the allocation details for the local WebLM server you select.
Related topics:
Allocations by Local WebLM field descriptions on page 1038
Viewing usage summary
Before you begin
Log on to the WebLM server.
WebLM overview
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1. In the left navigation pane, click Licensed products and select the product
2. Click Usages.
The system displays the Usage Summary page.
Related topics:
Usage Summary field descriptions on page 1033
View by feature field descriptions
Use this page to view the license capacity for each feature license of a product.
Name Description
Feature (License Keyword) The display name and the keyword for the
licensed features of the product.
License Capacity The total number of feature licenses that the
organization purchases for each feature.
Currently available The number of floating licenses of each
feature that is currently available with the
master WebLM server.
The feature licenses that are not allocated to
any local WebLM server are known as
floating licenses.
For uncounted features, this column
displays Not counted.
Related topics:
Viewing the license capacity of the licensed features of a product on page 1018
View by local WebLM field descriptions
Use this page to view the information related to local WebLM servers of a product.
Name Description
Local WebLM name Specifies the name of the local WebLM
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Name Description
IP address Specifies the IP address of the local WebLM
Last contacted Specifies the date and time when the local
WebLM server was last contacted.
Status Lists the success or failure of the last
connection request to each local WebLM
Related topics:
Viewing the connectivity status of the local WebLM servers on page 1019
Enterprise Configuration field descriptions
Use this page to specify the master WebLM server settings and the default settings for the
periodic operations of the server. The settings you specify in the Enterprise Configuration Web
page applies to the entire enterprise unless you override the setting while you add a local
The master WebLM server uses the settings of the periodic operations to query itself and
generate the usage report for licenses.
Master WebLM Configuration
Name Description
Name Specifies the name of the WebLM server.
Description Provides a brief description of the server.
IP address Specifies the IP address of the WebLM
Host ID Specifies the host ID of the computer where
you installed the WebLM server. You cannot
edit the Host ID field.
Default periodic operation settings
Name Description
Retry count Specifies the number of times a master
WebLM server must try to connect to a local
WebLM server for a periodic operation after
a connection failure.
For example, set the count to 2. The master
WebLM server makes an initial unsuccessful
attempt to connect to a local WebLM server.
WebLM overview
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Name Description
The master WebLM server makes two more
attempts to connect to the local WebLM
Retry interval Specifies the duration in minutes, within
which the retry count specified in the Retry
count field must be carried out.
For example, suppose the Retry count is 2
and the Retry interval is 10 minutes. If the
attempt to connect to the server fails, the
master WebLM server makes two attempts
in 10 minutes to connect to the local WebLM
SMTP Server Settings
Name Description
Server name Specifies the name of the SMTP server.
E-mail notification settings for periodic operation
Name Description
E-mail notification Specifies the e-mail notification. The
notification options are:
On: Sends an e-mail notification to the
administrator if the periodic operations
Off: Does not send an e-mail notification to
the administrator if the periodic operations
E-mail address Specifies the e-mail address to which the
WebLM application sends the e-mail
notification if the periodic operations fail to
Click Add To List to add the e-mail
address in the list of recipients who must
receive the e-mail notification of the
periodic operation status.
E-mail addresses Provides the list of e-mail addresses to which
the WebLM application sends the e-mail
Managing licenses
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Name Description
Add To List Adds the e-mail address that you enter in
the E-mail address field to the list of
recipients who must receive the e-mail
notification of the periodic operation status.
Remove Selected Removes the selected e-mail address from
the E-mail addresses field.
Default Periodic License Allocation Schedule
Name Description
Day The day of the week on which the master
WebLM server must send the ALF
(Allocation license file) again to the local
WebLM server.
Time The time of the day specified in the Day field
when master WebLM must send the ALF
again to the local WebLM server.
Default Periodic Usage Query Schedule
Name Description
Day The day of the week on which the master
WebLM server must query local WebLM
servers for usage reports.
Time The time of the day you specify in the Day
field when the master WebLM server must
query local WebLM servers for usage
Button Description
Submit Saves the enterprise configuration.
Reset Resets the values in the fields to the values
you previously saved.
View Local WebLMs field descriptions
Use this page to validate the local WebLM server connection. To validate the connection, the
master WebLM server tries to connect to the specified local WebLM server.
WebLM overview
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To validate the connectivity of a local WebLM server, the local WebLM server must be
already added for the product.
Name Description
Local WebLM Name The name of the local WebLM server.
IP Address IP address of the local WebLM server.
Last Contacted Date and time when the local WebLM server
was last contacted.
Status Lists the success or failure of the last
connection request to each local WebLM
Button Description
Validate Connectivity Validates the connectivity of the selected
WebLM server.
Check All Selects all the local WebLM server.
Clear All Clears the selections of local WebLM
Related topics:
Validating connectivity to local WebLM servers for a product on page 1019
Add local WebLM field descriptions
Use this page to add a local WebLM server.
Local WebLM configuration
Field Description
Name Name of the server.
Description Provides a brief description of the server.
IP Address Specifies a unique IP address of the server.
If you enter an IP address that is already
configured for a local WebLM server, the
system displays the message: IP
Address is being duplicated.
Protocol Specifies the protocol scheme over which
the master WebLM server communicates
with the local WebLM server.
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Field Description
If the local WebLM server that you add is
a standalone WebLM server in Virtualized
Environment, use HTTPS. You cannot
use HTTP for communication with the
standalone WebLM server in Virtualized
Port Specifies the port number on which the
master WebLM server communicates with
the local WebLM server in the specified
protocol scheme.
Host ID Specifies the host ID of the computer on
which you installed the server. You cannot
edit the Host ID field.
Periodic License Allocation schedule
Field Description
Day Specifies the day of the week on which the
master WebLM server must send the ALFs
again to the local WebLM server.
By default, the system displays the settings
specified in the Enterprise Configuration. If
you change the default settings, the new
settings override the settings of the
Enterprise Configuration. However, the
change in the schedule is only applicable to
this local WebLM server.
Time Specifies the time of the day specified in the
Day field when the master WebLM server
must send the ALFs again to the local
WebLM server. By default, the system
displays the settings you specified in the
Enterprise Configuration. If you change the
default settings, the new settings override
the settings of the Enterprise Configuration.
However, the change in the schedule is only
applicable to this local WebLM server.
Periodic Usage Query schedule
Field Description
Day Specifies the day of the week on which the
master WebLM server must query local
WebLM overview
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Field Description
WebLM servers for usage reports. By
default, the system displays the settings you
specified in the Enterprise Configuration. If
you change the default settings, the new
settings override the settings of the
Enterprise Configuration. However, the
change in the schedule is only applicable to
this local WebLM server.
Time Specifies the time of the day specified in the
Day field when the master WebLM server
must query local WebLM servers for usage
By default, the system displays the settings
you specified in the Enterprise Configuration.
If you change the default settings, the new
settings override the settings of the
Enterprise Configuration. However, the
change in the schedule is only applicable to
this local WebLM server.
Button Description
Configure and validate Configures the local WebLM server and
validates the creation of the local WebLM
Back Navigates back to View local WebLMs.
Related topics:
Adding a local WebLM server on page 1016
Modify local WebLM field descriptions
Use this page to modify the information of a local WebLM server.
Local WebLM configuration
Name Description
Name Specifies the name of the server.
Description Displays a brief description of the server.
IP Address Specifies the IP address of the server.
You cannot modify the information in the
IP address field.
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Name Description
Protocol Specifies the protocol scheme over which
the master WebLM server listens to the local
WebLM server.
If the local WebLM server that you add is
a standalone WebLM server in Virtualized
Environment, use HTTPS. You cannot
use HTTP for communication with the
standalone WebLM server in Virtualized
Port Specifies the port number on which the
master WebLM server listens to the local
WebLM server in the specified protocol
Host ID Specifies the host ID of the computer where
you installed the server.
You cannot modify the information in the
Host ID field.
Periodic License Allocation schedule
Name Description
Day Specifies the day of the week on which the
master WebLM server must send the ALFs
again to the local WebLM server.
Time Specifies the time of the day you entered in
the Day field when the master WebLM server
must send the ALFs again to the local
WebLM server.
Periodic Usage Query schedule
Name Description
Day Specifies the day of the week on which the
master WebLM server must query the local
WebLM servers for usage reports.
Time Specifies the time of the day you entered in
the Day field when the master WebLM server
must query the local WebLM servers for
usage reports.
WebLM overview
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Button Description
Modify Navigates to the Modify Local WebLM page
for the local WebLM server you select.
Back Discards the configuration changes and
takes you back to the Modify local WebLM
Related topics:
Modifying a local WebLM server configuration on page 1017
Delete local WebLM field descriptions
Use this page to delete a local WebLM server.
Name Description
Local WebLM name The name of the local WebLM server.
IP address The IP Address of the local WebLM server.
check box Use to select the local WebLM servers that
you require to delete.
Button Description
Delete Removes the local WebLM server you
Reset Clears the selection of the local WebLM
Deletion of the local WebLM server
Use the Delete Local WebLM option to delete the instance of a local WebLM server from the
master WebLM server. When you delete a local WebLM server using the Delete Local WebLM
option, the system does not remove the server physically. The master WebLM server sends
a delete request to the local WebLM server. On receiving a delete request, the local WebLM
server deletes the ALF of the product that is installed on the local WebLM server. The system
deletes the instance of the local WebLM server from the master WebLM server, irrespective
of the success or failure of the ALF deletion process on the local WebLM server.
If the master WebLM server is unable to send the delete request to the local WebLM server,
the system deletes the instance of the local WebLM server from the master WebLM server.
The ALF installed on the local WebLM server automatically expires after 30 days.
Related topics:
Delete local WebLM field descriptions on page 1032
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Usage Summary field descriptions
Use this page to view the usage summary for a master WebLM server, a local WebLM server,
or all the WebLM servers of the product.
Name Description
WebLM Name Displays the names of the master WebLM
server and local WebLM servers of the
IP address Specifies the IP address of the master
WebLM server and local WebLM servers of
the product.
Time of Query Specifies the date and time when the system
executed the last usage query for the
WebLM server. If the status of the last usage
query is Failed, this column also displays
the date and time of the usage query that was
last successful.
Status Specifies the success or failure status of the
last usage query that the system executed
for each WebLM server. The Status column
of a WebLM server remains blank if the
server is not queried even once for feature
license usage. The usage query can be a
periodic usage query or a nonperiodic usage
Related topics:
Viewing usage summary on page 1023
Usage by WebLM field descriptions
Use this page to query the feature license usage by the master and local WebLM servers.
Name Description
Select WebLM The master and local WebLM servers for
which you can view the usage.
Feature (License Keyword) The name and keyword of the counted
features of the product.
Currently Allocated The number of feature licenses for each
feature that the system currently allocates to
WebLM overview
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Name Description
the selected WebLM server. For the master
WebLM server of the product, this column
lists the floating licenses available with the
Usage: qty/% The number of feature licenses for each
feature that the licensed applications
currently use from the allocated feature
licenses. The column also displays the
percentage of usage.
For example, if 50 feature licenses are
allocated and applications use five feature
licenses, this column displays 5/10%.
Peak Usage (last 7 days): qty/% The highest number of feature licenses for
each feature that the applications use in the
past seven days. The column also displays
the percentage of peak usage.
For example, if the peak usage in the past
seven days was 25 and 50 feature licenses
were available during the peak usage
calculation, the column displays 25/50%.
Peak Usage (last 30 days): qty/% The highest number of feature licenses for
each feature that the applications use in the
past 30 days. The column also displays the
percentage of peak usage.
For example, if the peak usage in the past 30
days was 50 and 50 feature licenses were
available during the peak usage calculation,
the column displays 50/100%.
Time of Query The date and time when the system
executed the usage query for the WebLM
server you select.
Status The success or failure of the last usage query
process executed for each WebLM server.
The Status column remains blank if the
server is queried even once for feature
license usage. The usage query can be a
periodic usage query or a nonperiodic usage
Button Description
Query System Queries the selected WebLM server for the
feature license usage.
Related topics:
Viewing usage by WebLM on page 1020
Managing licenses
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Enterprise Usage field descriptions
Use this page to view the feature license usage of all WebLM servers for the selected
Name Description
Select Feature (License Keyword) Specifies the license features for which you
can view the license usage.
License capacity Specifies the total number of feature licenses
the organization purchases for each
Available Lists the number of licenses currently
available with the master WebLM server.
WebLM Name Specifies the names of the WebLM servers
of the product.
Currently Allocated Specifies the number of feature licenses that
the system currently allocates to the WebLM
servers for the selected feature.
Usage qty/% Specifies the number of feature licenses that
the licensed applications currently use, from
the allocated feature licenses for the
selected feature. The column also displays
the percentage of usage. For example, if 50
is the allocated feature licenses and 5 feature
licenses have been used by the applications,
this column displays 5/10%.
Peak Usage (last 7 days): qty/% Specifies the highest number of feature
licenses that applications use in the past
seven days for the selected feature. The
column also displays the percentage of peak
usage. For example, if the peak usage in the
past seven days is 25 and the feature
licenses those were available during the
peak usage calculation is 50, the column
displays 25/50%.
Peak Usage (last 30 days): qty/% Specifies the highest number of feature
licenses that applications use in the past 30
days for the selected feature. The column
also displays the percentage of peak usage.
For example, if the peak usage in the past 30
days is 50 and the feature licenses those
were available during the peak usage
calculation is 50, the column displays
WebLM overview
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Name Description
Time of Query Specifies the date and time when the system
executes the usage query for the selected
Status Specifies the status of the last usage query
process that the system executes for each
WebLM server. The status can be Success
or Failure.
Related topics:
Viewing enterprise usage of a license feature on page 1020
Query Usage field descriptions
Use this page to query the master WebLM server, a local WebLM server, or all the WebLM
servers of the product for the feature license usage report.
Name Description
WebLM Name The names of the master and the local
WebLM servers of the product as links. To
view the feature license usage of a server,
select the name of the required server in the
WebLM Name column.
If the specified WebLM server is not
queried even once for feature license
usage, the table on the Usage by
WebLM page remains blank.
IP address The IP address of the master WebLM server
and the local WebLM servers of the
Time of Query The date and time when the system executes
the last usage query for the WebLM server.
If the status of the last usage query is
Failed, the Time of Query column
displays the date and time of the usage query
that was last successful.
If the server does not receive a query
request even once for feature license
usage, the Time of Query column of a
WebLM server remains blank.
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Name Description
Status The success or failure of the last usage query
that the system executes for each WebLM
server. If the server does not receive a query
request even once for feature license usage,
the Status column of a WebLM server
remains blank. The usage query can be a
periodic usage query or a nonperiodic usage
Select Check box Use to select the WebLM server for which
you require to determine the usage query.
Button Description
Check All Selects all the WebLM servers.
Clear All Clears the selections for all the WebLM
Query Usage Queries the WebLM servers of the product
you select for their feature license usage
Related topics:
Querying usage of feature licenses for master and local WebLM servers on page 1021
Allocations by Features field descriptions
Use this page to view the feature license allocation information for each counted type feature
of the product.
Name Description
Feature (License Keyword) Specifies the name and license keyword of
the counted features of the product.
Local WebLM Name Specifies the name of the local WebLM
servers of the product. By default, this
column is blank. The system displays the
names of the local WebLM servers only
when you select the arrow head in the
Feature (License Keyword) column. If a
local WebLM server does not exist for the
product, the Local WebLM Name column
remains blank for all the licensed features.
IP address Specifies the IP addresses of the local
WebLM servers of the product. By default,
this column is blank. The system displays the
WebLM overview
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Name Description
IP address of the local WebLM servers only
when you select the arrow-head in the
Feature (License Keyword) column. If a
local WebLM server does not exist for the
product, the IP address column remains
blank for all the licensed features.
License Capacity Specifies the total number of feature licenses
purchased by the organization for the
respective feature.
Currently Allocated Specifies the total number of feature licenses
of the respective feature that the system
allocated to the local WebLM servers of the
product. If a licensed feature is not allocated
to any local WebLM server, the system
displays zero in the Currently Allocated
column for the licensed feature.
Available Lists the number of floating licenses of the
respective feature that is currently available
with the master WebLM server.
To view the information about the number of feature licenses of a feature that the system
allocates to each local WebLM server, click the arrow-head beside the name of the required
feature. The system displays new rows below the feature row with the feature license
allocation information for each local WebLM server to which the feature is allocated.
Related topics:
Viewing allocations by features on page 1023
Allocations by Local WebLM field descriptions
Use this page to view the feature license allocation information by local WebLM.
Name Description
Select Local WebLM Specifies the local WebLM servers for which
you can view the feature license allocation
Last Allocation Specifies the date and time when feature
licenses were last allocated to the local
WebLM server you select.
Status Specifies the success or failure status of the
last license allocation process that the
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Name Description
system executes for the local WebLM server
you select. The allocation process can be a
periodic allocation process or a nonperiodic
allocation process. If the status of the last
license allocation process is Failed, and if
the status of a previous license allocation
process for the server is Success, the
system displays the date and time of the last
license allocation process that was
successful in the Last Allocation field.
Feature (License Keyword) Specifies the name and license keyword of
the counted features that the system
allocates to the local WebLM server you
License Capacity Specifies the total number of feature licenses
the organization purchases for each
Currently Allocated Specifies the total number of feature licenses
of each feature that the system allocates to
the local WebLM server you select.
Available Lists the number of licenses currently
available on the master WebLM server for
allocation to local WebLM servers.
Related topics:
Viewing allocations by the local WebLM server on page 1023
Change Allocations field descriptions
Use this page to change current feature license allocation information for each local WebLM
server of a product.
Name Description
Feature (License Keyword) The name and license keyword of the
counted features that the system allocates to
the local WebLM server you select.
Local WebLM Name The name of the local WebLM server.
IP address The IP addresses of the local WebLM
servers of the product.
License Capacity The total number of feature licenses that the
organization purchases for each feature.
WebLM overview
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Name Description
Currently Allocated The total number of feature licenses of each
feature that the system allocates to the local
WebLM server you select.
Currently Used The total number of feature licenses of each
feature that the product uses.
Available The number of floating licenses of each
feature that is currently available with the
local WebLM server.
New Allocation The number of new licenses that the system
allocates to a local WebLM server.
Button Description
Submit Allocations Allocates the number of feature licenses that
you specify in the New Allocation field to the
corresponding local WebLM servers.
Reset Resets the values that you specify in the New
Allocation field to the previously saved
Periodic Status field descriptions
Use the Periodic Status option to view the status of periodic operations such as the periodic
allocation of the feature licenses to the local WebLM server and querying of the local WebLM
server for usage report.
Periodic Allocation
Name Description
Local WebLM Name Specifies the name of the local WebLM
server of a product.
IP Address Specifies the IP addresses of all the local
WebLM servers of the product.
Last Allocation Displays the date and time when the system
executed the last periodic license allocation
process for each local WebLM server. If the
status of the last periodic license allocation
process is Failed, the Last Allocation
column displays the date and time of the
periodic license allocation process that was
last successful.
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Name Description
Status Displays the success or failure status of the
last periodic license allocation process that
the system executed for each local WebLM
Periodic Usage
Name Description
WebLM Name Displays the name of the master WebLM
server and local WebLM servers of a
IP Address Displays the IP addresses of the master and
local WebLM servers of a product.
Last Usage Query Displays the date and time when the system
executed the last periodic usage query for
each WebLM server. If the status of the last
periodic usage query is Failed, the Last
Usage Query column also displays the date
and time of the periodic usage query that was
last successful.
Status Displays the success or failure status of the
last periodic usage query that the system
executed for each WebLM server. If the
server is not queried even once for feature
license usage, the Status column of a
WebLM server remains blank.
Overuse field descriptions
Use this page to specify the overuse value in percent for licensed features of a product.
Name Description
Update percent overuse value The overuse values in percent. For example,
if there are 10 licenses available for a feature
and you have set the overuse value to 50
percent then it indicates that you have 5
buffer licenses for the feature.
Button Description
Submit Sets the overuse value.
Reset Set the values in the Update percent
overuse value to the default value.
WebLM overview
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Managing licenses
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Chapter 18: Data Replication Service
Data Replication Service
Data Replication Service (DRS) replicates data stored on the System Manager server to other
element nodes or the slave nodes. DRS uses and extends SymmetricDS as the underlying
mechanism for data replication.
SymmetricDS is an asynchronous data replication software that supports multiple subscribers
and bi-directional synchronization. SymmetricDS uses Web and database technologies to
replicate tables between relational databases in near real time. The system provides several
filters while recording the data, extracting the data that has to be replicated to a slave node,
and loading the data on the slave node.
Databases provide unique transaction IDs to rows that are committed as a single transaction.
SymmetricDS stores the transaction ID along with the data that changed, so that it can play
back the transaction at the destination node exactly the way it happened. This means that the
target database maintains the same integrity as the source.
DRS provides a mechanism wherein elements can specify their data requirements in an XML
document. On the basis of the XML document, DRS creates database triggers on the specified
application tables and captures the database events for delivery to other element nodes. The
client nodes then fetch these database events.
Data replication happens in two distinct phases:
Full-sync. This is the initial replication phase, wherein whatever data the replica node
requests is replicated to the client node.
Regular-sync. This is the phase after full-sync, wherein subsequent change events are
replicated to the replica node.
DRS supports the following modes of replication:
Replication in Repair mode. In the repair mode, DRS replicates all of the requested data
from the master database to the database of the replica node. Repair should only be
necessary if there is a post-install failure of DRS.
Automatic synchronization mode. After the database of the replica node is loaded with
the requested data, the subsequent synchronizations of the master database and the
replica database occur automatically. DRS replicates only the data that has been updated
since the last replication. Automatic synchronization is a scheduled activity and occurs
after each fixed interval of time as set in the configuration files.
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The data from the master database is sent to the replica node in batches. DRS creates
replication batches whenever the data in the master database is added, modified, and
Using DRS, you can do the following:
View replica nodes in a replica group.
Perform a repair on the replica nodes that are not synchronized. This replicates the
required data from System Manager.
Synchronization in a Geographic Redundancy scenario
DRS clients work with virtual IP or FQDN for a seamless switchover to the active System
Manager when failover, failback, or split network occurs.
DRS clients provide an audit mechanism to determine if the active System Manager
contains the required data to resume synchronization. After a state change, the audit
mechanism validates the last batch of data that is replicated to the element with the last
batch of the data in the active System Manager. The state change includes failover,
failback, and split network.
During the audit, if the element contains more recent data than the data available on the
active System Manager, the system marks the element for repair. Otherwise the system
marks the element as in-sync with System Manager.
DRS client audit
You can configure Data Replication Service (DRS) client elements in the Geographic
Redundancy (GR) mode or GR-unaware mode.
A GR-aware DRS client must conform to the norms for a GR-aware element. A GR-aware
element must work with the virtual FQDN configuration.
When you activate the secondary System Manager or when you enable GR after the system
restores the primary System Manager, DRS marks all client nodes that are GR-aware for audit.
The system displays the nodes marked for audit as Pending Audit. When you activate the
secondary System Manager, DRS configures all GR-unaware DRS client nodes to deny
recording any database change events. The system displays the state of DRS client nodes
that are GR-unaware as Not Managed.
Data Replication Service
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During the restoration of the primary System Manager, if you select the database of:
The primary System Manager, the system marks all configured GR-aware client nodes
for audit.
The secondary System Manager, the system marks all DRS client nodes that are GR-
aware for audit. Also, the system marks all DRS client nodes that are GR-unaware for
When the system marks a node for audit, the system denies any further requests from the
node until the audit is complete for that node. DRS service on System Manager sends a request
to the DRS client element for audit data. DRS performs the audit for the DRS client and
determines whether the client node requires a full synchronization. If the audit reveals that the
client has more recent data than the data on System Manager, DRS schedules a full-
synchronization for the element. This phase marks the completion of audit and the system
configures DRS to accept requests from the element.
Using DRS, the system initiates the client audit under following situations:
Manual: When an administrator activates the secondary System Manager, DRS flags all
configured clients for audit. This action ensures that none of the configured client
elements have more data than the secondary System Manager. DRS flags similar client
audit when the primary System Manager is recovered.
Automated: During situations such as split network, when an administrator activates the
secondary System Manager server, a node changes to the secondary System Manager
server. However, in split network scenario, you cannot predict the network condition and
the node can change back to the primary System Manager server.
Viewing replica groups
On the System Manager web console, click Services > Replication.
The system displays the Replica Groups page with the groups in a table.
Related topics:
Replica Groups field descriptions on page 1048
Viewing replica nodes in a replica group
You can view the replica nodes in a group.
Viewing replica groups
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1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Replication.
2. On the Replica Groups page, select a replica group and click View Replica
Alternatively, you can click a replica group name displayed under the Replica
Group column to view the replica nodes for that replica group.
The Replica Nodes page displays the replica nodes for the select group.
Related topics:
Replica Nodes field descriptions on page 1049
Repairing a replica node
You can replicate data for a replica node whose database is not synchronized with the System
Manager database. Repair is necessary if there is a post-install failure of Data Replication
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Replication.
2. On the Replica Groups page, perform one of the following:
Select a replica group for which you want repair the replica nodes from the
table displaying replica groups and click View Replica Nodes.
Click the name of the replica node under the Replica Group column.
3. On the Replica Nodes page, select a replica node and click Repair.
The Synchronization Status column displays the data replication status for the
repairing replica node.
Related topics:
Replica Nodes field descriptions on page 1049
Data Replication Service
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Repairing all replica nodes in a replica group
You can replicate data for all the replica nodes that are in a group. You can perform this
operation if replica nodes in a group are not synchronized with the System Manager
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Replication.
2. On the Replica Groups page, select a replica group for which you want repair the
replica nodes from the table displaying replica groups.
3. Click Repair.
The Synchronization Status column displays the data replication status for the
replica group.
Viewing replication details for a replica node
You can view the batch-related information such as total number of batches received,
processed, and skipped for a replica node. The master database sends the requested data in
batches to the replica node.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Replication.
2. On the Replica Groups page, select a replica group and click View Replica
The Replica Nodes page displays the replica nodes for the selected replica group
in a table.
3. Select a replica node and click View Details.
The Data Replication page displays the replication details for the selected replica
Related topics:
Replication Node Details field descriptions on page 1052
Repairing all replica nodes in a replica group
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Removing a replica node
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Replication.
2. On the Replica Groups page, select the replica group from which you must remove
a node and click View Replica Nodes.
3. On the Replica Node page, click Remove.
Removing a replica node from the queue
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Replication.
2. On the Replica Groups page, select the replica group for which you must remove
the node and click View Replica Nodes.
3. On the Replica Node page, click Remove from Queue.
Replica Groups field descriptions
The replica groups are logical groupings of the replica nodes. You can use the replica groups
field descriptions page to:
View all the replica groups in the enterprise.
View the replication status of the replica groups.
The page displays the following fields when you select All from the Replica Group field.
Name Description
Select check box An option to select a replica group.
Replica Group The name of the replica group. Each replica
group in the list is a hyperlink. When you click
a group, the system displays the replica
Data Replication Service
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Name Description
nodes for that group on the Replica Nodes
Synchronization Status For each replica group, displays the
combined synchronization status of all
replica nodes under the group
Group Description A brief description of the replica group.
Button Description
View Replica Nodes Displays the Replica Nodes page. Use this
page to view replica nodes for a group that
you select.
Repair Initiates full-sync for the selected groups and
effectively for all the replica nodes that
belong to the selected groups.
Filter: Enable Displays fields under Replica Group and
Synchronization Status columns where
you can set the filter criteria. Filter: Enable
is a toggle button.
Filter: Disable Hides the column filter fields without
resetting the filter criteria. Filter: Disable is
a toggle button.
Filter: Apply Filters replica nodes based on the filter
Replica Nodes field descriptions
You can use this page to:
View the replica nodes in a selected replica group when you request data replication from
the master database of System Manager.
View the replication status of the replica nodes in a group.
Name Description
Select check box Provides the option to select a replica node.
Replica Node Host Name Displays the full hostname of the replica
If you need to administer Session Manager,
the Replica Nodes Web page displays the
Replica Nodes field descriptions
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1049

Name Description
fully qualified domain name. For example,
Product Displays the name of the product.
Synchronization Status Displays the synchronization status of the
replica node.
When you install a node, the node goes from
a Ready for Repair state to the Queued for
Repair to Repairing, and finally to the
Synchronized state. During this phase, the
replica node receives a full-sync, wherein
configured data is replicated to the replica
node. Once the replica node is prepared with
a full-sync, thereafter the node receives the
subsequent changes in the form of regular-
A replica node can be in any one of the
following states during the lifecycle:
Ready for Repair. The database of the
replica node is not synchronized with the
master database.
Queued for Repair. The replication
request of the replica server is in queue
with other data replication requests. The
color code of the status is yellow.
Repairing. The data replication process is
in progress. The color code of the status is
Synchronized. The system has
successfully replicated the data that the
replica node requested from the master
database to the database of the replica
node. The color code of the status is
If you encounter the following, contact the
administrator who can manually intervene
to resolve the problem:
Not Reachable. System Manager is
unable to connect to the replica node.
This indicates that the replica node is
switched off for maintenance, a network
connectivity failure, or any other issue
that affects general connectivity
Data Replication Service
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Name Description
between System Manager and the
replica node.
Synchronization Failure.
Data replication is broken between
System Manager and the replica node.
This status generally indicates a
catastrophic failure.
During the automatic replication of data from
the master to the replica node, the system
displays the following status:
Synchronizing. The data replication is in
progress for the replica node. The color
code of the status is yellow.
Synchronized. The system successfully
replicated the data that the replica node
requested from the master database to the
database of the replica node. The color
code of the status is green.
Pending Audit. The replica node is
marked for audit. In this state, DRS
dishonors any request from the node until
audit is successfully conducted for the
node. On completion of audit activity, the
node displays any of the other states as
applicable. The color code of the status is
Last Synchronization Time Displays the last time when the system
performed the data synchronization or
replication for the replica node.
GR Enabled Displays whether the replica node is GR-
enabled or not.
Last Pull Time Displays the last time when the client polled
DRS for changed data.
Button Description
View Details Opens the Data Replication page. Use this
page to view the synchronization details for
a replica node.
Repair Replicates or resynchronizes data from the
master node to a selected replica node.
Remove Removes the nodes you select from the
replica group.
Replica Nodes field descriptions
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Button Description
Remove From Queue Removes the replica node you select from
the queue.
Show All Replica Groups Takes you back to the Replica Groups
Replication Node Details field descriptions
You can use this page to view the following details:
The batch-related information such as total number of batches received, processed, and
skipped for a replica node.
The last time when the replication server performed the synchronization or replication.
Synchronization or replication error details.
Name Description
Replica Node Group Displays the name of the group that the
replica node belongs to. A node-group is a
logical grouping of similar nodes.
Replica Node Host Name Displays the full hostname of the replica
If you need to administer Session Manager,
the Replica Nodes Web page displays the
fully qualified domain name. For example,
Last Down Time Displays the last time and date when the
replica node could not be reached. System
Manager periodically checks whether a
replica node is reachable.
Last Repair Start Time Displays the last time and date when a full-
sync was started for the node.
Last Repair End Time Displays the last time and date when a full-
sync was completed for the node.
Last Pull Time Displays the last time when the client polled
DRS for changed data.
Build Version Displays the version of the element
Data Replication Service
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Name Description
GR Enabled Displays whether the replica node is GR-
enabled or not.
Synchronization Statistics
Name Description
Pending Batches Lists the batches that are yet to be replicated
to the replica node.
During the data replication process, System
Manager records the changes for a particular
replica node in the form of events. When a
replica node requests System Manager for
change events, the change events are made
into batches. These batches are then
replicated to the replica node.
Pending Unbatched Events Lists the change events that are yet to be
formed into batches.
The recorded change events are formed into
batches and only a predefined number of
batches are replicated to a replica node in a
request. The remaining events wait for the
subsequent request from the replica and are
called unbatched events pending batching
and subsequent replication.
Synchronization Status Displays the synchronization status of the
replica node. For details, see Replica
Nodes field descriptions.
Last Synchronization Time Displays the last time when the system
performed the data synchronization or
replication for the replica node.
Last Batch Acknowledged Displays the last batch that an element
acknowledged as successfully processed on
the element side.
During an audit, Data Replication Service
(DRS) compares the last successfully
committed batch on the node with the data in
the last batch acknowledged batch. If the
node has a more recent batch, then DRS
schedules a full-sync for the node.
Replication Node Details field descriptions
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Name Description
Marked For Audit Marks for audit all replica nodes that are GR-
When you activate the secondary System
Manager or when you enable GR after the
primary System Manager restores
When the primary System Manager
restores and you choose the database of
the primary System Manager
When the primary System Manager
restores and you choose the database of
the secondary System Manager
DRS denies any request from the replica
node that is marked for audit until the audit is
complete for the replica node.
Last Audit Time Displays the last time and date when DRS
performed the audit of data from the node
that is marked for audit.
Last Error Details
Name Description
Cause of Error Describes why the system failed to replicate
or synchronize data.
Time of Error Displays the time when the error occurred.
Data Replication Service
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Chapter 19: Managing reports
Avaya Aura

System Manager supports the Reports feature for communication objects.

System Manager 6.3.8 added about 350 predefined List and Display Communication Manager
configuration reports.
Use Reports to:
Generate Communication Manager object reports in various formats such as CSV, PDF,
and HTML.
Create and manage reports.
Edit report parameters.
Rerun reports.
Customize the contents of a report.
Save reports in the System Manager server.
View and delete reports that are stored in System Manager.
Save reports to a local computer.
Email reports to one or more addresses. You can configure an email server to send
You can assign permissions for reports and generate reports for specific custom user.
Reports Definition List field descriptions
Name Description
Report Name The name of the report.
Host Names The Communication Manager instance from
which the report is generated.
Creation Date The date when the report was generated.
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Name Description
Created By The user who created the report.
Format The format in which the report is generated.
Object The Communication Manager object used
for generating the report.
Used Space A maximum space of 1 GB allocated for
storing the generated reports. If the report
files exceed the maximum file size, the
system generates an alarm. You must
manually delete some files before generating
the new report.
You can configure the Reports Output
Directory Properties, by clicking Services
> Configurations. In the left navigation
page, click Settings > Reports >
Configurations. For more information, see
View Profile:Configuration field
Related topics:
View Profile:Configuration field descriptions on page 848
Generating a detailed report
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Reports.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Generation.
3. On the Reports Definition List page, click New.
4. On the New Report page, in the Application field, click Communication
5. In the Communication Manager table, select one or more Communication Manager
6. Click Next.
7. Select Detailed (Database) to generate the report for Communication Manager
objects in the database.
8. Click Next.
9. On the Reports Generation page, in All Fields, select the fields that you want to
include in your report.
Managing reports
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10. Select the report type from Report Type.
Click the right arrow icon.
The Selected Field table displays the selected fields. By default, some fields are
already available in the Selected Fields table.
12. Click Next.
13. On the Report Parameters page, complete the report parameters, and click
Generate Report.
You can download and view the report from Services > Reports > History.
You can only generate a Detailed (Database) report if the Initializing
synchronization for the specific Communication Manager instances is successful,
else report generation fails.
Related topics:
New report field descriptions on page 1058
Generating a basic report
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Reports.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Generation.
3. On the Reports Definition List page, click New.
4. On the New Report page, in the Application field, select Communication
5. From the Communication Manager table, select one or more Communication
Manager instances.
6. Click Next.
7. Click Basic (List and Display) to generate a report directly from Communication
8. On the Basic Report page, select Report Type. You can generate either a List
report or a Display report.
9. In the Communication Manager Object field, select Communication Manager
object for which you want to generate a report.
10. In the Qualifier field, type the qualifier for the Communication Manager object.
Generating a basic report
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1057

11. Click Next.
12. On the Report Parameters page, complete the report parameters, and click
Generate Report.
You can download and view the report that you generated from Services > Reports
> History.
You can only generate a Basic report if the Initializing synchronization for the
specific Communication Manager instances is successful, else report generation
Related topics:
New report field descriptions on page 1058
New report field descriptions
New Report page
Name Description
Application The application type for which you want to
generate the report.
Name The name of the element instance that you
choose for generating the report.
Host The Communication Manager system that
you select for generating the report.
Basic Report generation page
Name Description
Report Type The report type. You can either generate a
List report or a Display report for the
particular Communication Manager object
that you select.
Communication Manager Object The Communication Manager object for
which you want to generate the report.
Name The name of the element instance that you
choose for generating the report.
Host The Communication Manager system that
you select for generating the report.
Managing reports
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Name Description
Qualifier The qualifier for the Communication
Manager object that you select for
generating the report.
Detailed reports generation page
Name Description
Report Type The Communication Manager object for
which you want to generate the report.
All Fields The fields that you want to generate as part
of the report. The fields vary according to the
Communication Manager object you
Selected Fields The fields that you select from All Fields.
The report that you generate displays only
the fields in Selected Fields.
Reset Resets your selection. The system displays
the default fields when you click Reset.
Move Up button Moves up the field you selected by one
position in the Selected Fields table.
Move Down button Moves down the field you selected by one
position in the Selected Fields table.
Report Parameters page
Name Description
Report Name The name of the report. Type a name of your
choice in the Report Name field.
Select file format The format in which you want to generate the
report. The possible values are:
Select demiliter The delimiter that you want to apply while
generating the report. The possible values
New report field descriptions
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Name Description
Select destination location The location where you want to save the
report generated. The possible values are:
Local: The option to save the generated
report to your local computer.
Remote Server: The option to save the
generated report to a Remote server,
perform one of the following actions:
- Select the Remote Server from the
drop-down field to store your reports.
- Select the one of the following fields that
you want to store the reports:
Remote Server From
Default Server
Email: The option to enter one or more
email addresses that you want to send the
report. You can enter multiple email
addresses that are separated by a
Customize Report The option to customize your report. Select
one of the following:
Customize Report Header: The option to
choose a title of your choice for your
Export Column Titles on First Row:
Select this option to export the column titles
of your report.
If you select this option, the first page
displays only the column headers that you
select. Other pages display the default
report headers.
Schedule Job The scheduler options to schedule the report
generation job.
Managing reports
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Name Description
Select Now to generate the report
Select Later to generate the report at the
scheduled time.
Button Description
Next Displays the next page.
Back Displays the previous page.
Generate Report Generates the report.
Cancel Cancels your action.
Editing report parameters
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Reports.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Generation.
3. Select the report whose parameters you want to edit.
4. Click Edit .
5. On the Edit Report Definition page, edit the required parameters.
6. Click Generate Report to generate a report.
Rerunning reports
About this task
use rerun reports to generate a new report after Communication Manager synchronization is
complete. Rerunning reports displays the latest available data after synchronization.
Using rerun feature, you can run the reports according to the previous configuration of the
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Reports.
Editing report parameters
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2. In the left navigation pane, click Generation.
3. On the Reports Generation page, select the report that you want to rerun.
4. Click Run Now.
The system displays a status message that the report generation is scheduled.
After the system generates the report, the Report Generation page displays the date
of creating the report.
Customizing reports
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Reports.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Generation.
3. On the Report Generation page, perform one of the following actions:
Click New.
Select a report, and click Edit.
The system directs you to the New Report page.
4. On the New Report page, select one or more Communication Manager instances.
5. Click Next.
The system directs you to Basic Report.
6. In the Basic Report section, select one or more Communication Manager instances
and perform one of the following actions:
Select Basic (list and display), and perform the following actions:
i. Select the report type from Report Type.
ii. Select Communication Manager Objects that you want the report
to display.
iii. Select one or more Communication Manager instances.
Select Detailed (Database), and perform the following actions:
i. Select the report type from Report Type .
ii. Select one or more instances from the Available Fields column .
iii. Click the right arrow to add one or more instances from the
Available Fields column to the Selected Fields column.
Managing reports
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The Selected Fields table displays the selected columns. By
default, some columns are available in the Selected Fields table.
7. Click Next.
The system displays the Report Parameters page.
8. Select Customize Report to add a name of your choice to the report.
The system displays the Customize Report Header field.
9. Click Customize Report Header to add a name of your choice to the report.
10. Select Export Column Titles on First Row to export the column titles that the
system displays on the report output.
11. On the Report Parameters page, complete the report parameters, and click
Generate Report.
You can download and view the report from Services > Reports > History.
Downloading reports
Before you begin
You must generate a report by clicking Reports > Generation.
If you select multiple reports and download them, the files are archived and downloaded as a
zip file.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Reports.
2. In the left navigation pane, click History.
3. Perform one of the following actions:
From the Report History table, select the report you want to download and
click Download Report.
In the Report History table, click the hyperlink in the File Name column.
The report is downloaded to your local computer.
Related topics:
Reports history field descriptions on page 1064
Downloading reports
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Reports history field descriptions
Field Description
File Name The name of the report that you type while
generating a report.
Report Format The format in which the report is generated.
Creation Date The report generation date.
Created By The name of the user who generated the
File Size The size of the report file.
Object/CM Command Used The Communication Manager command that
you used to create this report.
For Basic Reports, the column shows
Communication Manager command used.
For Detailed Reports, the column shows
Object command used.
File Size (in KB) The size of the report output file in KB.
Related topics:
Downloading reports on page 1063
Configuring email properties for reports
About this task
You must set up the email configuration before you email reports to recipients.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Configurations.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Settings > SMGR.
3. On the View Profile:SMGR page, click Edit.
4. On the Edit Profile:SMGR page, in the Email Configuration Properties section, type
the values in the From Email Address, From Email Password, Email, and Email
Host Port fields.
Managing reports
1064 Administering Avaya Aura

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5. Click Commit.
Sending reports through email
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Reports.
2. In the left navigation pane, click History.
3. Select the report or reports that you want to send through email.
4. Click Email Report.
5. In the Enter email addresses field, enter the email addresses to which you want
to send the report.
You can enter multiple email addresses separated by a semicolon.
6. Click Email Report.
To go to the previous page, click Back.
To clear the email addresses you have entered, click Clear.
Deleting reports
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Reports.
2. In the left navigation pane, click History.
3. From the Report History table, select the report that you want to delete.
4. Click Delete.
5. On the Report History Delete Confirmation page, click Delete.
Sending reports through email
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Configuring report properties
1. On System Manager web console, click Services > Configurations.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Settings > Reports > Configurations.
3. Click Edit .
4. On the Edit profile: Configuration page, configure the following properties:
output directory.
alarm properties.
cleanup properties.
5. Click Done.
Related topics:
View Profile:Configuration field descriptions on page 848
Remote server configuration
Adding a remote server
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Reports.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Reports > Remote Server Configuration.
3. On the Remote Server Configuration page, click New.
4. On the Add Server page, complete the details of the remote server.
5. Click Commit.
Managing reports
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Viewing the details of a remote server
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Reports.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Reports > Remote Server Configuration.
3. On the Remote Server Configuration page, select the server whose details you want
to view.
4. Click View.
You can view the details of the remote server on the View Server page.
Editing the details of a remote server
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Reports.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Reports > Remote Server Configuration.
3. On the Remote Server Configuration page, select the server whose details you want
to edit.
4. Click Edit.
5. On the Edit Server page, edit the details of the remote server.
6. Click Commit.
Deleting a remote server
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Reports.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Reports > Remote Server Configuration.
3. On the Server Configuration page, select the server or servers that you want to
4. Click Delete.
Remote server configuration
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5. On the Confirmation page, click Delete.
Remote Server configuration field descriptions
Field Description
Name The name of the remote server.
IP Address The IP address of the remote server.
Server Path The remote server path where the reports
are saved.
Type The type of remote server:
Default Library The option to use the default library to store
the reports.
User Name The user name of the remote server.
Password The password of the remote server.
Confirm Password The remote server password that you
Button Description
Commit Adds or edits the changes to the remote
Clear Cancels all changes that you perform.
Cancel Cancels your current action.
Edit Edits the remote server configuration
Done Saves the remote server configuration
Managing reports
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Chapter 20: Managing scheduled jobs
The Scheduler service provides a generic job scheduling service for System Manager and
Avaya Aura

applications. The Scheduler service provides an interface to run a job on demand

or on a periodic basis. You can schedule a job to generate an output immediately or set the
frequency of the task execution to run on a periodic basis. You can modify the frequency for
a periodic job schedule any time. After you define a task or a job, System Manager creates
instances of the task, monitors the execution of the task, and updates the status of the task.
Scheduled jobs can be of three types:
System scheduled: The job that the system executes on a periodic basis for the system
to operate normally. The system adds these jobs at start-up and supports all frequencies
other than one time. Scheduled jobs run asynchronously in the background. As an
administrator, you cannot add or delete system-scheduled jobs. You can only disable or
enable the jobs to stop temporarily.
Admin scheduled: The job that the administrator schedules for administering the
application. The administrator can use various navigation paths to schedule jobs such as
bulk import and directory synchronization. The system lists the jobs in the scheduler as
admin scheduled jobs.
On-demand: The administrator can schedule on-demand jobs from the list of existing
You can perform the following operations using the Scheduler page on System Manager Web
View the pending and completed scheduled jobs.
Modify a job scheduled by an administrator or an on-demand job.
Delete a scheduled job.
Schedule an on-demand job.
Stop a running job.
Enable or disable a job.
Search a scheduled job.
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Accessing scheduler
On the System Manager web console, click Services > Scheduler.
Viewing pending jobs
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Scheduler.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Pending Jobs.
3. To view the details of the job, on the Pending Jobs page, select a pending job and
click View.
The Job Scheduling-View Job page displays the details of the selected job.
Related topics:
Pending Jobs field descriptions on page 1075
Viewing completed jobs
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Scheduler.
2. Click Completed Jobs in the left navigation pane.
The Completed Jobs page displays completed jobs.
3. To view the details of the jobs, on the Completed Jobs page, select a completed
job and click View.
The Job Scheduling-View Job page displays the details of the selected job.
Related topics:
Completed Jobs field descriptions on page 1078
Managing scheduled jobs
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Viewing logs for a job
About this task
Use this functionality to view logs for a pending and completed job.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Scheduler.
2. Perform the following:
To view logs for a pending job, perform the following steps:
i. Click Pending Jobs in the left navigation pane.
ii. On the Pending Jobs page, select a pending job and click More
Actions > View Log.
To view logs for a competed job, perform the following steps:
i. Click Completed Jobs in the left navigation pane.
ii. On the Completed Jobs page, select a completed job and click
More Actions > View Log.
The log viewer displays the details for the selected job.
Filtering jobs
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Scheduler.
2. Perform one of the following:
To filter pending jobs:
i. In the left navigation pane, click Scheduler > Pending Jobs.
ii. On the Pending Jobs page, click Filter: Enable.
To filter completed jobs:
i. In the left navigation pane, click Scheduler > Completed Jobs.
ii. On the Completed Jobs page, click Filter: Enable.
Viewing logs for a job
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The system displays the Filter: Enable option at the upper-right corner of the
3. Complete the fields to filter a job using the following criteria:
Job Type. The type of the job.
Job Name. Name of the job.
Job Status. Status of the job.
State. State of the job.
Frequency. Frequency at which the job must be executed.
Scheduled By. The user who scheduled the job
4. Click Apply.
The system displays jobs that match the filter criteria.
Editing a job
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Scheduler.
2. Perform one of the following steps:
To edit a pending job, perform the following steps:
i. Click Pending Jobs in the left navigation pane.
ii. On the Pending Jobs page, select a pending job and click Edit or
click View > Edit.
To edit a competed job, perform the following steps:
i. Click Completed Jobs in the left navigation pane.
ii. On the Completed Jobs page, select a completed job and click Edit
or click View > Edit.
3. On the Job Scheduling-Edit Job page, modify the appropriate information and click
Commit to save the changes.
You can modify information in the following fields: Job Name, Job State in the Job
Details sections, and Task Time, Recurrence, Range in the Job Frequency
Managing scheduled jobs
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Deleting a job
Before you begin
You have logged in as an administrator to delete an administrator scheduled job.
About this task
Use this functionality to delete an obsolete job. You can delete an on-demand and an
administrator scheduled job.
You can remove only Schedule On Demand type of jobs.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Scheduler.
2. Perform one of the following steps:
To remove a pending job, perform the following steps:
i. Click Pending Jobs in the left navigation pane.
ii. On the Pending Jobs page, select a pending job.
If the job that you want to delete is currently running then you must
stop the job. To stop the job, click More Actions > Stop.
If the job that you want to delete is in the enabled state, disable
the job. See Disabling a job on page 1074 on how to disable a
iii. Click Delete.
To remove a competed job, perform the following steps:
i. Click Completed Jobs in the left navigation pane.
ii. On the Completed Jobs page, select a completed job.
If the job that you want to delete is in the enabled state, disable
the job.
iii. Click Delete.
3. On the Delete Confirmation page, click OK.
Deleting a job
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System Manager deletes the job you select from the database.
Disabling a job
About this task
Use this functionality to make a job inactive.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Scheduler.
2. Perform one of the following steps:
To disable a pending job, perform the following steps:
i. Click Pending Jobs in the left navigation pane.
ii. On the Pending Jobs page, select a pending job and click More
Actions > Disable.
To disable a competed job, perform the following steps:
i. Click Completed Jobs in the left navigation pane.
ii. On the Completed Jobs page, select a completed job and click
More Actions > Disable.
3. On the Disable Confirmation page, click Continue.
The State of the job you selected changes to Disabled.
Enabling a job
About this task
Use this functionality to make a job active.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Scheduler.
2. Perform one of the following steps:
To enable a pending job, perform the following steps:
i. Click Pending Jobs in the left navigation pane.
Managing scheduled jobs
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ii. On the Pending Jobs page, select a pending job and click More
Actions > Enable.
To enable a competed job, perform the following steps:
i. Click Completed Jobs in the left navigation pane.
ii. On the Completed Jobs page, select a completed job and click
More Actions > Enable.
When you enable a job, the system does not restart the job that
completed all executions. To restart a job that completed all
executions, reconfigure the job parameters from Job Scheduling-
Edit Job page.
The system displays Enabled in the State column of the selected job.
Stopping a job
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Scheduler.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Pending Jobs.
3. On the Pending Jobs page, select a pending job in the running state and click More
Actions > Stop.
4. Click Continue on the Stop Confirmation page.
Scheduler stops the selected job.
Pending Jobs field descriptions
Name Description
Job Type The type of job, represented by a job type
icon. The types of job with icons are:
Stopping a job
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Name Description
System scheduled job.
Admin scheduled job.
On-demand job.
Job Name The name of the scheduled job.
Job Status The current status of the pending job. The
types of status are:
1. Pending Execution
2. Running
State The state of a job whether the job is active or
inactive. The types of state are:
Enabled: An active job.
Disabled: An inactive job.
Frequency The time interval between two consecutive
executions of the job.
Scheduled By The person who scheduled the job.
Button Description
View Displays the Job Scheduling-View Job page
that displays the details of the selected
pending job.
Edit Displays the Job Scheduling-Edit Job page
that you can use to modify the information of
a selected pending job.
Delete Displays the Delete Confirmation page that
prompts you to confirm the deletion of the
selected jobs.
More Actions > View Log Displays the Logging page that displays the
logs for the selected pending jobs.
More Actions > Stop Stops the selected job that is currently
More Actions > Enable Changes the state of the selected pending
job from inactive to active.
More Actions > Disable Displays the Disable Confirmation page that
prompts you to confirm the disabling of the
selected pending job.
Managing scheduled jobs
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Button Description
More Actions > Schedule On Demand Job Displays the Job Scheduling-On Demand
Job page that you can use to schedule the
selected pending job of type On Demand.
Advanced Search Displays fields that you can use to specify the
search criteria for searching a pending job.
Filter: Enable Displays fields under select columns that you
can use to set filter criteria.
Filter: Enable is a toggle button.
Filter: Disable Hides the column filter fields without
resetting the filter criteria.
Filter: Disable is a toggle button.
Filter: Apply Filters pending jobs based on the filter
Select: All Selects all the pending jobs in the table
displayed in the Job List section.
Select: None Clears the selection for the pending jobs that
you have selected.
Refresh Refreshes the pending job information.
Criteria section
To view this section, click Advanced Search. You can find the Advanced Search link at the
at the upper-right corner of the page.
Name Description
Criteria The following three fields:
Field 1 The list of criteria that you can use
to search the pending jobs.
Field 2 The operators for evaluating the
expression. The operators displayed
depends on the type of criterion that you
selected in the first field.
Field 3 The value corresponding to the
search criteria.
Button Description
Clear Clears the search value that you entered in
the third field.
Search Searches the pending jobs based on the
specified search conditions and displays the
search results in the Groups section.
Pending Jobs field descriptions
Administering Avaya Aura

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Button Description
Close Cancels the search operation and hides the
Criteria section.
Related topics:
Scheduler on page 1069
Viewing pending jobs on page 1070
Completed Jobs field descriptions
Name Description
Job Type The type of job, represented by a job type
icon. The types of job with icons are:
System scheduled job.
Admin scheduled job.
On-demand job.
Job Name The name of the scheduled job.
Job Status The current status of the pending job. The
types of status are:
1. Status Unknown
2. Interrupted
3. Failed
4. Successful
5. Not Authorized
Last Run The date and time when the job was last
State The state of a job, whether the job is active
or inactive. The types of state are:
Enabled: An active job.
Disabled: An inactive job.
Frequency The time interval between two consecutive
executions of the job.
Scheduled By The person who scheduled the job.
Managing scheduled jobs
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Button Description
View Displays the Job Scheduling-View Job page
that displays the details and of the selected
completed job.
Edit Displays the Job Scheduling-Edit Job page
that you can use to modify the information of
a selected completed job.
Delete Displays the Delete Confirmation page that
prompts you to confirm the deletion of the
selected Jobs.
More Actions > View Log Displays the Logging page that displays the
logs for the selected completed jobs.
More Actions > Enable Changes the state of the selected completed
job from inactive to active.
More Actions > Disable Displays the Disable Confirmation page that
prompts you to confirm the disabling of the
selected completed job.
More Actions > Schedule On Demand Job Displays the Job Scheduling-On Demand
Job page that you can use to schedule an On
Demand job.
Advanced Search Displays fields that you can use to specify the
search criteria for searching a completed
Filter: Enable Displays fields under select columns that you
can use to set filter criteria. This is a toggle
Filter: Disable Hides the column filter fields without
resetting the filter criteria. This is a toggle
Filter: Apply Filters pending jobs based on the filter
Select: All Selects all the completed jobs in the table
displayed in the Job List section.
Select: None Clears the selection for the completed jobs
that you have selected.
Refresh Refreshes the completed job information.
Criteria section
Click Advanced Search to view this section. You can find the Advanced Search link at the
at the upper-right corner of the page.
Completed Jobs field descriptions
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1079

Name Description
Criteria Displays the following three fields:
Field 1 - The list of criteria that you can use
to search the completed jobs.
Field 2 The operators for evaluating the
expression. The operators that system
displays depends on the type of criterion
that you selected in the first field.
Field 3 The value corresponding to the
search criteria.
Button Description
Clear Clears the search value that you entered in
the third field.
Search Searches the completed jobs based on the
specified search conditions and displays the
search results in the Groups section.
Close Cancels the search operation and hides the
Criteria section.
Related topics:
Scheduler on page 1069
Viewing completed jobs on page 1070
Job Scheduling-View Job field descriptions
Use this page to view the details and frequency of a job.
Job Details
Name Description
Job Name The name of the job.
Job Type The type of job, represented by a job type
icon. The types of job with icons are:
System scheduled job.
Admin scheduled job.
On-demand job.
Managing scheduled jobs
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Name Description
Job Status The current status of the job. The types of
status are:
1. Running
2. Pending
3. Status Unknown
4. Interrupted
5. Failed
6. Successful
7. Not Authorized
Job State The state of a job whether the job is active or
inactive. The types of state are:
Enabled: An active job.
Disabled: An inactive job.
Job Frequency
Name Description
Task Time The date and time of running the job.
Recurrence The settings that define whether the
execution of the jobs is a recurring activity or
a one time activity. In case of a recurring job,
the field also displays the frequency of
Range The number of recurrences or a date after
which the job stops to recur.
Button Description
View Log Opens the Logging page that you can use to
view the logs for the selected job.
Edit Opens the Job Scheduling-Edit Job page
that you can use to edit the pending job
Cancel Closes the Job Scheduling-View Job page
and returns to the Pending Jobs or
Completed Jobs page.
Related topics:
Scheduler on page 1069
Job Scheduling-View Job field descriptions
Administering Avaya Aura

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Job Scheduling-Edit Job field descriptions
Job Details
Name Description
Job Name The name of the job.
Job Type The type of job, represented by a job type
icon. The types of job with icons are:
System scheduled job.
Admin scheduled job.
On-demand job.
You can only view the information in this
Job Status The current status of the job. The types of
status are:
1. Running
2. Pending
3. Status Unknown
4. Interrupted
5. Failed
6. Successful
7. Not Authorized
You can only view the information in this
Job State The state of a job whether the job is active or
inactive. The types of state are:
Enabled: An active job.
Disabled: An inactive job.
Scheduled By The scheduler of the job.
Managing scheduled jobs
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Name Description
You can only view the information in this
Job Frequency
Name Description
Task Time The date and time of running the job. Use the
calendar icon to select a date. The time is in
the HH:MM:SS format followed by PM and
Recurrence The settings that define whether the
execution of the jobs is a recurring activity or
a one time activity. In case of a recurring job,
the field displays the frequency of
Range The number of recurrences or the date after
which the job stops to recur.
Button Description
Commit Saves the changes to the database.
Cancel Closes the Job Scheduling-View Job page
and returns to the Pending Jobs or
Completed Jobs page.
Related topics:
Scheduler on page 1069
Job Scheduling-On Demand Job field descriptions
Use this page to schedule an on-demand job.
Job Details
Name Description
Job Name The name of the job.
Job Scheduling-On Demand Job field descriptions
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Job Frequency
Name Description
Task Time The date and time of running the job.
Recurrence The settings that define whether the
execution of the jobs is a recurring activity or
a one time activity. In case of a recurring job,
the field also display the time interval of
recurrence. The options are:
Execute task one time only.
Task are repeated:
- Minutes
- Hourly
- Daily
- Weekly
- Yearly
Range The settings that define the number of
recurrences or date after which the job stops
recurring. The options are:
No End Date
End After occurrences
End By Date
Button Description
Commit Schedules an On-Demand job.
Cancel Cancels the scheduling of an On Demand job
operation and takes you back to the Pending
Jobs or Completed Jobs page.
Disable Confirmation field descriptions
Use this page to disable selected jobs.
Name Description
Job Type The type of job, represented by a job type
icon. The types of job with icons are:
Managing scheduled jobs
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Name Description
System scheduled job.
Admin scheduled job.
On-demand job.
Job Name Specifies the name of the scheduled job.
Job Status Specifies the current status of the pending
job. The types of status are:
1. Running
2. Pending
3. Status Unknown
4. Interrupted
5. Failed
6. Successful
7. Not Authorized
State Specifies the state of a job whether the job is
active or inactive. The types of state are:
Enabled: An active job.
Disabled: An inactive job.
Last Run Specifies the date and time when the job was
last run successfully.
The last run is applicable only for
completed jobs.
Frequency Specifies the time interval between two
consecutive executions of the job.
Scheduled By Specifies the scheduler of the job.
Button Description
Continue Disables the job and cancels the next
executions that are scheduled for the job.
Cancel Cancels the operation of disabling a job and
takes you back to the Pending or completed
Jobs page.
Related topics:
Scheduler on page 1069
Disable Confirmation field descriptions
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1085

Stop Confirmation field descriptions
Use this page to stop a running job.
Name Description
Job Type The type of job, represented by a job type
icon. The types of job with icons are:
System scheduled job.
Admin scheduled job.
On-demand job.
Job Name Specifies the name of the scheduled job.
Job Status Specifies the current status of the pending
job. The jobs on this page have status
State Specifies the state of a job whether the job is
active or inactive. The types of state are:
Enabled: An active job.
Disabled: An inactive job.
All the jobs on this page are in the Enabled
Last Run Specifies the date and time when the job was
last run successfully.
The last run is applicable only for
completed jobs.
Frequency Specifies the time interval between two
consecutive executions of the job.
Scheduled By Specifies the scheduler of the job.
Button Description
Continue Stops the job.
Cancel Cancels the operation of stopping a job and
takes you back to the Pending Jobs page.
Related topics:
Scheduler on page 1069
Managing scheduled jobs
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Delete Confirmation field descriptions
Name Description
Job Type The type of job, represented by a job type
icon. The types of job with icons are:
System scheduled job.
Admin scheduled job.
On-demand job.
Job Name Specifies the name of the scheduled job.
Job Status Specifies the current status of the job.
State Specifies the state of a job whether the job is
active or inactive. The types of state are:
Enabled: An active job.
Disabled: An inactive job.
The jobs on this page are in the Disabled
Last Run Specifies the date and time when the job was
last run.
The last run is applicable only for
completed jobs.
Frequency Specifies the time interval between two
consecutive executions of the job.
Scheduled By Specifies the scheduler of the job.
Button Description
Continue Deletes the selected job.
Cancel Cancels the operation of deleting a job and
takes you back to the Pending or completed
Jobs page.
Related topics:
Scheduler on page 1069
Delete Confirmation field descriptions
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Managing scheduled jobs
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Chapter 21: Templates
Template management
A template is a file that contains stored settings. You can use templates to streamline the
process of performing various routine activities. Templates save the data that you enter so that
you can perform similar activities later without re-entering the same data. With System
Manager, you can create, store, and use templates to simplify tasks like adding, editing, and
viewing endpoints or subscribers. In System Manager, you can use default templates or you
can create your own templates as well.
Templates are available in two categories: default templates and user-defined templates. The
default templates exist on the system and you cannot edit or remove them. You can, however,
modify or remove user-defined or custom templates any time.
You can create a custom alias endpoint template by duplicating a default alias template. The
Alias template is populated in Custom templates after synchronization. You can view, edit,
upgrade and delete these alias custom templates in Templates > CM Endpoint > Custom
Template versioning
Template versioning
You can version endpoint templates with Communication Manager 5.0 and later. You can
associate a template with a specific version of an adopting product through template
versioning. You can use the Template Version field under endpoint templates to
accommodate endpoint template versioning.
You can also use template versioning for subscriber templates using the following versions:
Aura Messaging 6.2, Aura Messaging 6.1, Aura Messaging 6.0, MM 5.0, MM 5.1, MM 5.2,
CMM 5.2, CMM 6.0, CMM 6.2 and CMM 6.3.
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Filtering templates
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. Click either Endpoint or Messaging for endpoint templates and messaging
templates respectively.
3. Select the Communication Manager or supported messaging version, whichever
4. Click Show List.
5. Click Filter: Enable in the Template List.
6. Filter the endpoint or subscriber templates according to one or multiple columns.
7. Click Apply.
To hide the column filters, click Disable. This does not clear any filter criteria that
you have set.
The table displays only those endpoint or subscriber templates that match the
filter criteria.
Upgrading a template
Use this feature to upgrade an existing Communication Manager template to a later
Communication Manager release. You can upgrade only custom templates. This feature
supports upgrading a Communication Manager agent or endpoint template from an earlier
Communication Manager release to a subsequent Communication Manager release. You can
also upgrade templates across multiple releases.
This feature does not support downgrading of template versions.
When you perform the upgrade operation, note that:
System migrates the existing template settings to the new template version.
System sets the new parameters in the new template version to default values.
1090 Administering Avaya Aura

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System deletes the deleted parameters in the new template version as compared to the
older template version.
System makes the new keywords available for editing within the new template, but the
upgraded template retains the previous keyword setting, if available. If the previous
keyword is not available, then the default is used in the upgraded template.
After you commit a template upgrade task, the system upgrades the template and enlists the
newly upgraded template on the Template List.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. Click CM Endpoint in the left navigation pane.
3. Select the Communication Manager system whose custom template you want to
upgrade from the list under Supported Feature Server Versions.
You can upgrade only custom templates.
4. Click Show List.
5. Select the custom template that you want to upgrade from Template List.
6. Click Upgrade.
7. On the Upgrade Endpoint Template page, select the Communication Manager
version for template upgrade from the list in Supported CM Version.
8. In the Template Name text box, enter the new name for the template.
9. Click Upgrade. The system updates Template List with the newly upgrade
Adding CM Agent template
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click CM Agent.
3. Click New.
4. Enter a name in the Template Name field.
5. Complete the mandatory fields under the General Options and Agents Skills
6. Click Commit.
Adding CM Agent template
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1091

Related topics:
Add Agent Template field descriptions on page 1104
Editing CM Agent template
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click CM Agent.
3. Select the template you want to edit from the Templates List.
You cannot edit default templates.
4. Click Edit or click View > Edit.
5. Complete the Edit Agent Template page.
6. Click Commit to save the changes.
Related topics:
Add Agent Template field descriptions on page 1104
Viewing CM Agent template
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click CM Agent.
3. Select the template you want to view from the Templates List.
4. Click View.
You can view the General Options and Agent Skills sections on the View Agent
Template page.
Related topics:
Add Agent Template field descriptions on page 1104
1092 Administering Avaya Aura

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Deleting CM Agent template
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click CM Agent.
3. Select the template you want to delete from the Templates List.
You cannot delete default templates.
4. Click Delete.
Duplicating CM Agent template
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click CM Agent.
3. Select the template you want to copy from the Templates List.
4. Click Duplicate.
5. Complete the Duplicate Agent Template page.
6. Click Commit.
Related topics:
Add Agent Template field descriptions on page 1104
Adding CM Endpoint templates
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
Deleting CM Agent template
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1093

2. In the left navigation pane, click CM Endpoint.
3. Click the Custom Templates List tab.
4. Click New.
5. Select the Set type.
6. Enter a name in the Template Name field.
7. Complete the mandatory fields under the General Options, Feature Options, Site
Data, Abbreviated Dialing, Enhanced Call Fwd and Button Assignment
8. Click Commit.
Related topics:
Endpoint / Template field descriptions on page 696
Editing CM Endpoint templates
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click CM Endpoint.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click the Custom templates tab.
You cannot edit default templates.
6. Select the template you want to edit from the template list.
7. Click Edit or click View > Edit.
8. Complete the Edit Endpoint Template page.
9. Click Commit to save the changes.
Related topics:
Endpoint / Template field descriptions on page 696
1094 Administering Avaya Aura

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Viewing CM Endpoint templates
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click CM Endpoint.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click the Custom template or Default template tab.
6. Select the template you want to view.
7. Click View.
You can view the General Options, Feature Options, Site Data, Abbreviated Call
Dialing, Enhanced Call Fwd, and Button Assignment sections on the View
Endpoint Template page.
Related topics:
Endpoint / Template field descriptions on page 696
Deleting CM Endpoint templates
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click CM Endpoint.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click the Custom templates tab.
You cannot delete default templates.
6. Select the endpoint templates you want to delete from the endpoint template list.
Viewing CM Endpoint templates
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1095

7. Click Delete.
Duplicating CM Endpoint templates
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click CM Endpoint.
3. Select a Communication Manager instance from the Communication Manager
4. Click Show List.
5. Click the Custom templates tab or the Default templates tab.
6. Select the template you want to copy from the endpoint template list.
7. Click Duplicate.
8. Enter the name of the new template in the New Template Name field.
9. Choose the appropriate set type from the Set Type field.
10. Complete the Duplicate Endpoint Template page and click Commit.
Related topics:
Endpoint / Template field descriptions on page 696
Assigning permissions for CM templates
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Roles.
3. On the Roles page, select an existing role, and perform one of the following steps:
Click New
Right-click and select New.
The role that you selected becomes the parent of the role that you create. The
permissions available to the new role limit to the permissions of the parent role.
1096 Administering Avaya Aura

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4. On the Add New Role page, type the name and the description for the role.
5. Click Commit and Continue.
6. Click Add Mapping.
7. In Group Name, select the group of templates to which you want to apply this
You can leave Group Name blank if you do not want to select any group.
8. In the Element or Resource Type field, click Communication Manager
9. In the Element or Resource Instance field, click the Communication Manager
templates to which you want to apply this permission.
The system displays only the templates you select in the Element or Resource
Instance field in the Agent or Endpoints Templates List page.
10. Click Next.
11. On the Permission Mapping page, apply the required permission. For example, click
select view.
12. Click Commit.
Users with the view permission can only view the CM Endpoint templates within the
specified group. You must select All and then select view.
Adding subscriber templates
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
Assigning permissions for CM templates
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2. In the left navigation pane, click Messaging.
3. Select a messaging version from the list of supported messaging versions.
4. Click Show List.
5. Click New.
6. Complete the Basic Information, Subscriber Directory, Mailbox Features,
Secondary Extensions and Miscellaneous sections in the Add Subscriber
Template page.
7. Click Commit.
Subscriber templates have different versions based on the software version. The
subscriber templates you create have to correspond to the Messaging, MM, or CMM
software version. When you select a messaging template, the Software Version
field in the Add Subscriber Template page displays the appropriate version
Related topics:
Subscriber Messaging Templates field descriptions on page 1112
Subscriber CMM Templates field descriptions on page 1115
Subscriber MM Templates field descriptions on page 1118
Editing subscriber templates
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Messaging.
3. From the supported messaging version list, select a messaging version.
4. Click Show List.
5. Select a subscriber template from the Subscriber Template list.
6. Click Edit or View > Edit.
7. Edit the required fields on the Edit Subscriber Template page.
8. Click Commit to save the changes.
You cannot edit any of the default subscriber templates.
1098 Administering Avaya Aura

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Related topics:
Subscriber Messaging Templates field descriptions on page 1112
Subscriber CMM Templates field descriptions on page 1115
Subscriber MM Templates field descriptions on page 1118
Viewing subscriber templates
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Messaging.
3. From the supported messaging versions list, select one of the messaging
4. Click Show List.
5. Select a subscriber template from the Subscriber Template list.
6. Click View to view the mailbox settings of this subscriber.
You cannot edit any of the fields in the View Subscriber Template page.
Related topics:
Subscriber Messaging Templates field descriptions on page 1112
Subscriber CMM Templates field descriptions on page 1115
Subscriber MM Templates field descriptions on page 1118
Deleting subscriber templates
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Messaging.
3. From the list of supported messaging versions, select a supported messaging
4. Click Show List.
Viewing subscriber templates
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5. From the Subscriber Template list, select the templates you want to delete.
6. Click Delete.
You cannot delete any default subscriber template.
Duplicating subscriber templates
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Messaging.
3. From the list of supported messaging versions, select a messaging version.
4. Click Show List.
5. From the Subscriber Template list, select the subscriber template you want to
6. Click Duplicate.
7. Complete the Duplicate Subscriber Template page and click Commit.
Related topics:
Subscriber Messaging Templates field descriptions on page 1112
Subscriber CMM Templates field descriptions on page 1115
Subscriber MM Templates field descriptions on page 1118
Viewing associated subscribers
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Messaging.
3. From the list of supported messaging versions, select a messaging version.
4. Click Show List.
1100 Administering Avaya Aura

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5. From the Subscriber Template list, select a subscriber template for which you want
to view the associated subscribers.
6. Click More Actions > View Associated Subscribers.
You can view all the associated subscribers in the System Manager database for
the template you have chosen in the Associated Subscribers page.
Templates List
You can view Templates List when you click Template under Services on the System Manager
You can apply filters and sort each of the columns in the Template List. When you click
Refresh, you can view the updated information available after the last synchronization
IP Office Endpoint Templates
Name Description
Name Name of the template.
System Type Specifies the name of the user who owns a
template. For default templates, System is
considered to be the owner. For user-defined
templates, this field specifies the name of the
user who created the template.
Version Specifies the change version of the
Set Type Specifies the set type of the branch gateway
endpoint template.
Last Modified Time Specifies the time and date when the
template was last modified.
Name Description
Name Name of the template.
Owner Specifies the name of the user who owns a
template. For default templates, System is
considered to be the owner. For user-defined
templates, this field specifies the name of the
user who created the template.
Version Specifies the change version of the
Templates List
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1101

Name Description
Default Specifies whether the template is default or
Last Modified Specifies the time and date when the
endpoint or messaging template was last
Set type (for endpoint templates) Specifies the set type of the endpoint
Type (for messaging templates) Specifies whether the messaging type is
Messaging, MM, or CMM.
Software Version Specifies the software version of the element
for the template.
IP Office System Configuration template
Name Description
Name Name of the template.
System Type Specifies the name of the user who owns a
template. For default templates, System is
considered to be the owner. For user-defined
templates, this field specifies the name of the
user who created the template.
Version Specifies the change version of the
Last Modified Time Specifies the time and date when the
template was last modified.
CM Agent template
Name Description
Name Name of the template.
Owner Specifies the name of the user who owns a
template. For default templates, System is
considered to be the owner. For user-defined
templates, this field specifies the name of the
user who created the template.
Version Specifies the change version of the
Default Specifies whether the template is default or
1102 Administering Avaya Aura

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Name Description
Software Version Specifies the software version of the element
for the template.
Last Modified Specifies the time and date when the
template was last modified.
CM Endpoint template
Name Description
Name Name of the template.
Owner Specifies the name of the user who owns a
template. For default templates, System is
considered to be the owner. For user-defined
templates, this field specifies the name of the
user who created the template.
Version Specifies the change version of the
Default Specifies whether the template is default or
Software Version Specifies the software version of the element
for the template.
Last Modified Specifies the time and date when the
template was last modified.
Messaging template
Name Description
Name Name of the template.
Owner Specifies the name of the user who owns a
template. For default templates, System is
considered to be the owner. For user-defined
templates, this field specifies the name of the
user who created the template.
Version Specifies the change version of the
Default Specifies whether the template is default or
Type Specifies the type of the messaging
Software Version Specifies the software version of the element
for the template.
Templates List
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Name Description
Last Modified Specifies the time and date when the
template was last modified.
Add Agent Template field descriptions
Field Description
System Type Specifies the Communication Manager that
the agent is assigned to.
Template Name Specifies the name of the agent template.
You can enter the name of your choice in this
Software Version Specifies the Communication Manager
version of the agent template.
Field Description
AAS Provides the option to use this extension as
a port for an Auto Available Split/Skill. By
default, this check box is clear. This option is
intended for communication server adjunct
equipment ports only, not human agents.
When you enter y in the AAS field, it clears
the password and requires execution of
the remove agent-loginid
command. To set AAS to n, remove this
logical agent, and add it again.
ACW Agent Considered Idle Provides the option to count After Call Work
(ACW) as idle time. The valid entries are
System, Yes, and No. Select Yes to have
agents who are in ACW included in the Most-
Idle Agent queue. Select No to exclude ACW
agents from the queue.
AUDIX Provides the option to use this extension as
a port for AUDIX. By default, this check box
is clear.
The AAS and AUDIX fields cannot both be
1104 Administering Avaya Aura

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Field Description
AUDIX Name for Messaging You have the following options:
Enter the name of the messaging system
used for LWC Reception
Enter the name of the messaging system
that provides coverage for this Agent
Leave the field blank. This is the default
Auto Answer When using EAS, the auto answer setting of
the agent applies to the station where the
agent logs in. If the auto answer setting for
that station is different, the agent setting
overrides the station setting. The valid
entries are:
all: Immediately sends all ACD and non-
ACD calls to the agent. The station is also
given a single ring while a non-ACD call is
connected. You can use the ringer-off
button to prevent the ring when the feature-
related system parameter, Allow Ringer-
off with Auto-Answer is set to y.
acd: Only ACD split /skill calls and direct
agent calls go to auto answer. If this field is
acd, non-ACD calls terminated to the agent
ring audibly.
none: All calls terminated to this agent
receive an audible ringing. This is the
default setting.
station: Auto answer for the agent is
controlled by the auto answer field on the
Station screen.
Aux Work Reason Code Type Determines how agents enter reason codes
when entering AUX work. The valid entries
system: Settings assigned on the Feature
Related System Parameters screen apply.
This is the default setting.
none: You do not want an agent to enter a
reason code when entering AUX work.
requested: You want an agent to enter a
reason code when entering AUX mode but
do not want to force the agent to do so. To
Add Agent Template field descriptions
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Field Description
enter this value, the reason codes and EAS
on the System-Parameters Customer-
Options screen must be set toy.
forced: You want to force an agent to enter
a reason code when entering AUX mode.
To enter this value, the Reason Codes and
EAS on the System-Parameters
Customer-Options screen must be set to
Call Handling Preference Determines which call an agent receives
next when calls are in queue. When calls are
in queue and an agent becomes available,
the following entries are valid:
skill-level: Delivers the oldest, highest
priority calls waiting for the highest-level
agent skill.
greatest-need: Delivers the oldest,
highest priority calls waiting for any agent
percent-allocation: Delivers a call from
the skill that will otherwise deviate most
from its administered allocation. Percent-
allocation is available only with Avaya
Business Advocate software.
For more information, see Avaya Business
Advocate User Guide.
COR Specifies the Class Of Restriction for the
agent. Valid entries range from 0 to 995. The
default entry is 1.
Coverage Path Specifies the coverage path number used by
calls to the LoginID. Valid entries are a path
number from 1 to 999, time of day table t1 to
t999, or blank (default). This is used when
the agent is logged out, busy, or does not
answer calls.
Direct Agent Calls First (not shown) Provides the option to direct agent calls to
override the percent-allocation call selection
method and be delivered before other ACD
calls. Clear the check box if you want to treat
direct agent calls as other ACD calls. This
field replaces the Service Objective field
when percent-allocation is entered in the Call
Handling Preference field. For more
1106 Administering Avaya Aura

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Field Description
information, see Avaya Business Advocate
User Guide.
Direct Agent Skill Specifies the number of the skill used to
handle Direct Agent calls. Valid entries range
from 1 to 2000, or blank. The default setting
is blank.
Forced Agent Logout Time Enables the Forced Agent Logout by Clock
Time feature by administering a time of day
to automatically log out agents using an hour
and minute field. Valid entries for the hour
field range from 01 to 23. Valid entries for the
minute field are 00, 15, 30, and 45. The
default is blank (not administered).
Examples are: 15:00, 18:15, 20:30, 23:45.
Local Call Preference Provides the option to administer Local
Preference Distribution to handle agent-
surplus conditions, call-surplus conditions,
or both. Use this field to administer call-
surplus conditions. To set up an algorithm for
agent-surplus conditions, set the Local
Agent Preference field on the Hunt Group
screen. You can select this check box only if
the Call Center Release field is set to 3.0 or
later and the Multiple Locations customer
option is active.
LoginID for ISDN/SIP Display Provides the option to include the Agent
LoginID CPN and Name field in ISDN and
SIP messaging over network facilities. By
default, the check box is clear, indicating that
the physical station extension CPN and
Name is sent. Send Name on the ISDN Trunk
Group screen prevents sending the calling
party name and number if set to n and may
prevent sending it if set to r (restricted).
Logout Reason Code Type Determines how agents enter reason codes.
The valid entries are:
System: Settings assigned on the Feature
Related System Parameters screen apply.
This is the default entry.
Requested: You want an agent to enter a
reason code when logging out but do not
want to force the agent to do this. To enter
this value, the reason codes and EAS on
the System-Parameters Customer-
Options screen must be set to y.
Add Agent Template field descriptions
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Field Description
Forced: You want to force an agent to
enter a reason code when logging out. To
enter this value, the Reason Codes and
EAS on the System-Parameters
Customer-Options screen must be set to
None: You do not want an agent to enter a
reason code when logging out.
LWC Reception Indicates whether the terminal can receive
Leave Word Calling (LWC) messages. The
valid entries are:
msa-spe. This is the default entry.
LWC Log External Calls Determines whether or not unanswered
external call logs are available to end users.
When external calls are not answered,
Communication Manager keeps a record of
up to 15 calls provided information on the
caller identification is available. Each record
consists of the latest call attempt date and
Maximum time agent in ACW before
logout (Sec)
Sets the maximum time the agent can be in
ACW on a per agent basis. The valid entries
system: This is the default entry. Settings
assigned on the Feature Related System
Parameters screen apply.
none: ACW timeout does not apply to this
30-9999 sec: Indicates a specific timeout
period. This setting will take precedence
over the system setting for maximum time
in ACW.
MIA Across Skills The valid entries are:
System: The system-wide values apply.
This is the default value.
Yes: Removes an agent from the MIA
queues for all the splits or skills for which
an agent is available when the agent
1108 Administering Avaya Aura

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Field Description
answers a call from any assigned splits or
No: Excludes ACW agents for the queue.
Localized Display Name Specifies the name associated with the
agent login ID
Percent Allocation Specifies the percentage for each of the
agents skills if the call handling preference
is percent-allocation. Valid entry is a number
from 1 to 100 for each skill. Entries for all the
agent skills together must add up to 100%.
Do not use target allocations for reserve
skills. Percent Allocation is available as part
of the Avaya Business Advocate software.
Password Specifies the password the agent must enter
upon login. Displayed only if both the AAS
and AUDIX check boxes are clear. Valid
entries are digits from 0 through 9. Enter the
minimum number of digits in this field
specified by the Minimum Agent-LoginID
Password Length field on the Feature-
Related System Parameters screen. By
default, this field is blank.
Confirm Password Confirms the password the Agent entered in
the Password field during login. Displayed
only if both the AAS and the AUDIX check
boxes are clear. By default, this field is
Values entered in this field are not echoed
to the screen.
Port Extension Specifies the assigned extension for the AAS
or AUDIX port. The values are displayed only
if either the AAS or AUDIX check box is
selected. This extension cannot be a VDN or
an Agent LoginID. By default, this field is
Reserve Level Specifies the reserve level to be assigned to
the agent for the skill with the Business
Advocate Service Level Supervisor feature
or the type of interruption with the
Interruptible AUX Work feature. You can
assign a reserve level of 1 or 2 or an
Add Agent Template field descriptions
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Field Description
interruptible level of a, m, n, or blank for no
reserve or interruptible level, where,
a: auto-in-interrupt
m: manual-in-interrupt
n: notify-interrupt
Changes to this field take effect the next time
the agent logs in. Values of 1 and 2 are
allowed only if Business Advocate is
enabled. A skill level cannot be assigned with
a reserve level setting. Reserve level set to
1 or 2 defines the EWT threshold level for the
agent to be added to the assigned skill as a
reserve agent. When the EWT for this skill
reaches the corresponding threshold set on
the Hunt Group screen, agents automatically
get this skill added to their logged in skills.
Agents are delivered calls from this skill until
the skill's EWT drops below the assigned
overload threshold for that level. The
Interruptible Aux feature is a way to help
meet service level targets by requesting
agents who are on break to become
available when the service level target is not
being met. For more information on Service
Level Supervisor, see Avaya Business
Advocate User Guide.
Service Objective Provides the option to administer Service
Objective. Service Objective is administered
on the Hunt Group screen and the agent
LoginID screen. This field is displayed only
when Call Handling Preference is set to
greatest-need or skill-level. The
communication server selects calls for
agents according to the ratio of Predicted
Wait Time (PWT) or Current Wait Time
(CWT) and the administered service
objective for the skill. Service Objective is
part of the Avaya Business Advocate
Security Code The security code required by users for
specific system features and functions,
including the following: Personal Station
Access, Redirection of Calls Coverage Off-
Net, Leave Word Calling, Extended Call
Forwarding, Station Lock, Message
1110 Administering Avaya Aura

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Field Description
Retrieval, Terminal Self-Administration, and
Demand Printing. The required security code
length is administered system-wide.
Skill Number Specifies the Skill Hunt Groups that an agent
handles. The same skill may not be entered
twice. You have the following options:
If EAS-PHD is not optioned, enter up to
four skills.
If EAS-PHD is optioned, enter up to 20 or
60 skills depending on the platform.
Assigning a large number of skills to
agents can potentially impact system
performance. Review system designs
with the ATAC when a significant number
of agents have greater than 20 skills per
Skill Level Specifies a skill level for each of an agents
assigned skills. If you specify the EAS-PHD
option, 16 priority levels are available. If you
do not specify this option, two priority levels
are available.
Tenant Number Specifies the tenant partition number. Valid
entries range from 1 to 100. The default is
entry is 1.
Values entered in this field are not echoed
to the screen.
Button Description
Commit Completes the action you initiate.
Clear Clears all entries.
Done Completes your current action and takes you
to the subsequent page.
Cancel Cancels your current action and takes you to
the previous page.
Add Agent Template field descriptions
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1111

Subscriber Messaging Templates field descriptions
Field Description
Template name Specifies the template of this subscriber
Type Specifies the messaging type of the
subscriber template.
Software Version Specifies the software version of the element
for the template.
Basic Information
Field Description
Last Name Specifies the last name of the subscriber.
First Name Specifies the first name of the subscriber.
PBX Extension Specifies a number whose length can range
from three digits to 10 digits, that the
subscriber will use to log on to the mailbox.
Other local subscribers can use the
Extension Number to address messages to
this subscriber. The Extension Number
Be within the range of Extension Numbers
assigned to your system.
Not be assigned to another local
Be a valid length on the local computer.
Password The default password that a user has to use
to log on to his or her mailbox.
The password must be from 3 to 15 digits and
adhere to system policies that you set on the
Avaya Aura

Messaging server.
Class Of Service The Class Of Service for this subscriber. The
COS controls subscriber access to many
features and provides general settings, such
as mailbox size. You can select an option
from the drop-down list.
Community ID Specifies the default community ID for the
subscriber. Community IDs are used to
1112 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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Field Description
control message sending and receiving
among groups of subscribers. The default
value is 1.
Subscriber Directory
Field Description
Telephone Number Specifies the name that the system displays
before the computer name and domain in the
subscriber's e-mail address.
Common Name Specifies the display name of the
ASCII version of name If the subscriber name is entered in multi-
byte character format, then this field
specifies the ASCII translation of the
subscriber name.
Mailbox Features
Field Description
Personal Operator Mailbox Specifies the mailbox number or transfer dial
string of the subscriber's personal operator
or assistant. This field also indicates the
transfer target when a caller to this
subscriber presses 0 while listening to the
subscriber's greeting.
Personal Operator Schedule Specifies when to route calls to the backup
operator mailbox. The default value for this
field is Always Active.
TUI Message Order Specifies the order in which the subscriber
hears the voice messages. You can choose
one of the following:
urgent first then newest: to direct the
system to play any messages marked as
urgent prior to playing non-urgent
messages. Both the urgent and non-urgent
messages are played in the reverse order
of how they were received.
oldest messages first: to direct the
system to play messages in the order they
were received.
urgent first then oldest: to direct the
system to play any messages marked as
Subscriber Messaging Templates field descriptions
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1113

Field Description
urgent prior to playing non-urgent
messages. Both the urgent and non-urgent
messages are played in the order of how
they were received.
newest messages first: to direct the
system to play messages in the reverse
order of how they were received.
Intercom Paging Specifies the intercom paging settings for a
subscriber. You can choose one of the
paging is off: to disable intercom paging
for this subscriber.
paging is manual: if the subscriber can
modify, with Subscriber Options or the TUI,
callers can page the subscriber.
paging is automatic: if the TUI
automatically allows callers to page the
VoiceMail Enabled Specifies whether a subscriber can receive
messages, e-mail messages and call-
answer messages from other subscribers.
You can choose one of the following:
yes: use this to create, forward, and
receive messages.
no: to prevent the subscriber from
receiving call-answer messages and to
hide the subscriber from the telephone
user interface (TUI). The subscriber cannot
use the TUI to access the mailbox, and
other TUI users cannot address messages
to the subscriber.
Secondary Extensions
Field Description
Secondary extension Specifies the number assigned to a
subscriber for receiving fax messages. Valid
Entries are blank or 3-10 digits (0-9),
depending on the length of the system's
1114 Administering Avaya Aura

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Field Description
Miscellaneous1 Specifies additional, useful information
about a subscriber. Entries in this field are for
convenience and are not used by the
messaging system.
Miscellaneous2 Specifies additional, useful information
about a subscriber. Entries in this field are for
convenience and are not used by the
messaging system.
Miscellaneous3 Specifies additional, useful information
about a subscriber. Entries in this field are for
convenience and are not used by the
messaging system.
Miscellaneous4 Specifies additional, useful information
about a subscriber. Entries in this field are for
convenience and are not used by the
messaging system.
Button Description
Commit Adds the subscriber template.
Reset or Clear Undoes all the changes.
Edit Allows you to edit the fields.
Done Completes your action and takes you to the
previous page.
Cancel Takes you to the previous page.
Schedule Performs the action at the chosen time.
Subscriber CMM Templates field descriptions
Field Description
Template name The template of this subscriber template.
New Template Name The name of the duplicate template. You can
enter the name of your choice.
Type The messaging type of the subscriber
Subscriber CMM Templates field descriptions
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Field Description
Software Version The software version of the element for the
Basic Information
Field Description
Last Name The last name of the subscriber.
First Name The first name of the subscriber.
Extension A number that is between 3-digits and 10-
digits in length, that the subscriber will use to
log into the mailbox. Other local subscribers
can use the Extension Number to address
messages to this subscriber. The extension
number must:
Be within the range of Extension Numbers
assigned to your system.
Not be assigned to another local
Be a valid length on the local computer.
Password The default password that a user has to use
to login to his or her mailbox. The password
you enter can be 1 to 15 digits in length and
cannot be blank
COS The class of service for this subscriber. The
COS controls subscriber access to many
features and provides general settings, such
as mailbox size. You can select an option
from the list.
Community ID The default community ID for the subscriber.
Community IDs are used to control message
sending and receiving among groups of
subscribers. The default value is 1.
MWI Enabled The option to set the message waiting
indicator (MWI) for the subscriber. The
options are:
No: If the system must not send MWI for
the subscriber or if the subscriber does not
have a phone or switch on the network.
Yes: If the system must send MWI for the
1116 Administering Avaya Aura

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Field Description
Account Code The Subscriber Account Code. The
Subscriber Account Code is used to create
Call Detail Records on the switch for calls
placed by the voice ports. The value you
enter in this field can contain any
combination of digits from 0 to 9. If an
account code is not specified, the system will
use the subscriber's mailbox extension as
the account code.
Subscriber Directory
Field Description
Email Handle The name that the system displays before
the computer name and domain in the
subscriber's email address.
Common Name The display name of the subscriber.
Mailbox Features
Field Description
Covering Extension The number to be used as the default
destination for the Transfer Out of
Messaging feature. You can enter 3 to 10
digits depending on the length of the system
extension, or leave this field blank.
Secondary Extensions
Field Description
Secondary extension The number assigned to a subscriber for
receiving fax messages. Valid Entries are
blank or 3-10 digits (0-9), depending on the
length of the system's extension.
Field Description
Misc 1 Additional, useful information about a
subscriber. Entries in this field are for
convenience and are not used by the
Messaging system.
Subscriber CMM Templates field descriptions
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1117

Field Description
Misc 2 Additional, useful information about a
subscriber. Entries in this field are for
convenience and are not used by the
Messaging system.
Misc 3 Additional, useful information about a
subscriber. Entries in this field are for
convenience and are not used by the
Messaging system.
Misc 4 Additional, useful information about a
subscriber. Entries in this field are for
convenience and are not used by the
Messaging system.
Button Description
Commit Adds the subscriber template.
Reset or Clear Undoes all changes.
Edit Allows you to edit the fields.
Done Completes the action and takes you to the
previous page.
Cancel Returns to the previous page.
Subscriber MM Templates field descriptions
Field Description
Type Specifies the messaging type of the
subscriber template.
New Template Name Specifies the name of the duplicate template.
You can enter the name of your choice.
Template name Specifies the messaging template of a
subscriber template.
Software Version Specifies the software version of the element
for the template.
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Basic Information
Field Description
Last Name Specifies the last name of the subscriber.
First Name Specifies the first name of the subscriber.
Numeric Address Specifies a unique address in the voice mail
network. The numeric address can be from 1
to 50 digits and can contain the Mailbox
PBX Extension The primary telephone extension of the
Class Of Service The class of service for this subscriber. The
COS controls subscriber access to many
features and provides general settings, such
as mailbox size. You can select an option
from the drop-down box.
Community ID Specifies the default community ID for the
subscriber. Community IDs are used to
control message sending and receiving
among groups of subscribers. The default
value is 1.
Password Specifies the default password the
subscriber must use to log in to his or her
mailbox. The password can be from one digit
in length to a maximum of 15 digits.
Subscriber Directory
Field Description
Email Handle Specifies the name that the system displays
before the computer name and domain in the
subscriber's e-mail address. The computer
name and domain are automatically added
to the handle you enter when the subscriber
sends or receives an e-mail.
Telephone Number The telephone number of the subscriber as
displayed in address book listings and client
applications. The entry can be a maximum of
50 characters in length and can contain any
combination of digits (0-9), period (.), hyphen
(-), plus sign (+), and left and right
parentheses ([) and (]).
Common Name Specifies the display name of the subscriber
in address book listings, such as those for e-
Subscriber MM Templates field descriptions
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Field Description
mail client applications. The name you enter
can be 1 to 64 characters in length. This field
is automatically populated when you add a
new subscriber.
ASCII Version of Name If the subscriber name is entered in multi-
byte character format, then this field
specifies the ASCII translation of the
subscriber name.
Mailbox Features
Field Description
Backup Operator Mailbox Specifies the mailbox number or transfer dial
string of the subscriber's personal operator
or assistant. This field also indicates the
transfer target when a caller to this
subscriber presses 0 while listening to the
subscriber's greeting.
Personal Operator Schedule Specifies when to route calls to the backup
operator mailbox. The default value for this
field is Always Active.
TUI Message Order Specifies the order in which the subscriber
hears the voice messages. You can choose
one of the following:
urgent first then newest: to direct the
system to play any messages marked as
urgent prior to playing non-urgent
messages. Both the urgent and non-urgent
messages are played in the reverse order
of how they were received.
oldest messages first: to direct the
system to play messages in the order they
were received.
urgent first then oldest: to direct the
system to play any messages marked as
urgent prior to playing non-urgent
messages. Both the urgent and non-urgent
messages are played in the order of how
they were received.
newest messages first: to direct the
system to play messages in the reverse
order of how they were received.
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Field Description
Intercom Paging Specifies the intercom paging settings for a
subscriber. You can choose one of the
paging is off: to disable intercom paging
for this subscriber.
paging is manual: if the subscriber can
modify, with Subscriber Options or the TUI,
callers can page the subscriber.
paging is automatic: if the TUI
automatically allows callers to page the
Voicemail Enabled Specifies whether a subscriber can receive
messages, e-mail messages and call-
answer messages from other subscribers.
You can choose one of the following:
yes: use this to create, forward, and
receive messages.
no: to prevent the subscriber from
receiving call-answer messages and to
hide the subscriber from the telephone
user interface (TUI). The subscriber cannot
use the TUI to access the mailbox, and
other TUI users cannot address messages
to the subscriber.
Secondary Extensions
Field Description
Secondary extension Specifies one or more alternate number to
reach a subscriber. You can use secondary
extensions to specify a telephone number for
direct reception of faxes, to allow callers to
use an existing Caller Application, or to
identify each line appearance on the
subscriber's telephone set if they have
different telephone numbers.
Field Description
Misc 1 Specifies additional, useful information
about a subscriber template. Entries in this
Subscriber MM Templates field descriptions
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Field Description
field are for convenience and are not used by
the messaging system.
Misc 2 Specifies additional, useful information
about a subscriber template. Entries in this
field are for convenience and are not used by
the messaging system.
Misc 3 Specifies additional, useful information
about a subscriber template. Entries in this
field are for convenience and are not used by
the messaging system.
Misc 4 Specifies additional, useful information
about a subscriber template. Entries in this
field are for convenience and are not used by
the messaging system.
Button Description
Commit Adds the subscriber template.
Reset Undoes all the changes.
Edit Allows you to edit the fields.
Done Completes your action and takes you to the
previous page.
Cancel Takes you to the previous page.
Managing IP Office Endpoint template
Adding an IP Office endpoint template
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click IP Office Endpoint.
3. Click New.
4. Enter the required information in the Name, System Type, Set Type, and Version
5. Click Details.
1122 Administering Avaya Aura

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The system launches the IP Office Manager application.
6. On the IP Office Manager window, in the right pane, specify the required details,
such as voice mail, telephony, and button programming in the respective tabs.
7. Click File > Save Template and Exit to save the template configuration and exit
the IP Office application.
The system directs you to the landing page of IP Office Endpoint.
You can view the newly created template in the list of templates under IP Office
endpoint templates.
When you upgrade System Manager, Default Centralized ATA Template, Default
Centralized SIP Template are now available to create centralized users.
Related topics:
IP Office endpoint template field descriptions on page 1126
Viewing an IP Office endpoint template
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click IP Office Endpoint.
3. Select a type of system from the list of IP Office supported templates.
4. Click Show List.
5. Under IP Office Endpoint Templates, select the template you want to view from
the list of templates.
6. Click View.
This action launches the IP Office Manager application.
7. On the IP Office Manager window, click the tabs on the right pane to view the
template details.
8. Click File > Exit to exit the IP Office Manager application.
The system displays the IP Office Endpoint landing page.
Related topics:
IP Office endpoint template field descriptions on page 1126
Managing IP Office Endpoint template
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Editing an IP Office endpoint template
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click IP Office Endpoint.
3. Select a type of system from the list of IP Office supported templates.
4. Click Show List.
5. From the list of IP Office Endpoint Templates, select the template you want to
6. Click Edit.
This system launches the IP Office application.
7. On the IP Office Manager window, in the right pane, edit the required details.
8. Click File > Save Template and Exit to save the modifications to the template and
exit the IP Office Manager application.
The system displays the IP Office Endpoint landing page.
Related topics:
IP Office endpoint template field descriptions on page 1126
Duplicating an IP Office endpoint template
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click IP Office Endpoint.
3. Select a system type from the list of IP Office supported templates.
4. Click Show List.
5. From the list of IP Office endpoint templates, select the template you want to
6. Click Duplicate.
7. Type a template name in the New Template Name field.
8. Click Commit.
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If you want to make changes to the new endpoint template, click Details.
Related topics:
IP Office endpoint template field descriptions on page 1126
Deleting an IP Office endpoint template
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click IP Office Endpoint.
3. Select a type of system from the list of IP Office supported templates.
4. Click Show List.
5. From the IP Office Endpoint Templates list, select the template you want to
6. Click Delete.
The system displays the template instance you selected for deletion.
7. Perform one of the following:
Click Delete to delete the template.
Click Cancel to cancel the delete operation and return to the IP Office
Endpoint landing page.
Upgrading IP Office endpoint templates
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click IP Office Endpoint.
3. Select the IP Office device type.
4. Click Show List.
5. Select the template you want to upgrade.
6. Click Upgrade.
7. In the Supported IP Office Versions field, enter the target version for upgrade.
8. In Template Name, type the name of the template.
Managing IP Office Endpoint template
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Template name must be a unique name.
9. Click Upgrade.
System Manager upgrades the selected template, and the IP Office Manager starts
with the upgraded template. The original template you selected is retained.
10. After the IP Office Manager starts, the new, upgraded template, save and exit.
The system displays the upgraded template in the IP Office Endpoint List page.
IP Office endpoint template field descriptions
Name Description
Name Displays the name of the IP Office endpoint
System Type Displays the type of system associated with
the IP Office device. The valid options are:
IP Office: for IP Office core unit
B5800: for B5800 core unit
Version Displays the version of the IP Office endpoint
Set Type Displays the set type associated with the IP
Office endpoint template. This is a drop-
down field listing the following set types:
Only IP Office devices support the SIP
DECT set type.
Last Modified Time Displays the date and time when you last
modified the template.
Button Description
Details Click to open the IP Office application to add
or edit the template details.
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Managing IP Office System Configuration template
Adding an IP Office System Configuration template
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click IP Office System Configuration.
3. Click New.
4. Complete the Name, System Type, and Version fields.
5. Click Details.
The system launches the IP Office application.
6. On the Offline Configuration Creation window, click OK.
7. In the right pane, complete the system configuration template by filling the required
fields, and click OK.
8. Click File > Save Template and Exit to save the template specifications and exit
theIP Office application.
The system directs you to the IP Office System Configuration landing page where
you can view the newly created system template in the IP Office System
Configuration list.
Related topics:
IP Office System Configuration template field descriptions on page 1130
Viewing an IP Office System Configuration template
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click IP Office System Configuration.
3. On the IP Office Branch Gateway Template page, from the IP Office supported
templates list, select an IP Office system type.
4. Click Show List.
Managing IP Office System Configuration template
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5. Select the system configuration template you want to view from the IP Office System
Configuration list.
6. Click View.
The system launches the IP Office Manager application.
7. On the IP Office Manager window, in the right pane, you can view the system
configuration template details. All the fields are read-only.
8. Click File > Exit to exit IP Office Manager.
The system directs you to the IP Office System Configuration landing page.
Related topics:
IP Office System Configuration template field descriptions on page 1130
Editing an IP Office system configuration template
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click IP Office System Configuration.
3. On the IP Office System Configuration Templates page, select an IP Office system
4. Click Show List.
5. Select the system configuration template you want to edit from the IP Office System
Configuration list.
6. Click Edit.
The system launches the IP Office Manager application.
7. On the IP Office Manager window, edit the required configuration parameters, and
click OK.
8. Click File > Save Template and Exit to save the modifications to the system
configuration template and exit theIP Office Manager application.
The system displays the IP Office System Configuration landing page.
Related topics:
IP Office System Configuration template field descriptions on page 1130
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Deleting an IP Office system configuration template
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click IP Office System Configuration.
3. On the IP Office Template page, select a IP Office system type.
4. Click Show List.
5. Select the system configuration template you want to delete from the IP Office
System Configuration list.
6. Click Delete.
The system displays the system template instance you selected for deletion.
7. Do one of the following:
Click Delete to delete the template.
Click Cancel to cancel the delete operation, and return to the IP Office System
Configuration landing page.
Related topics:
IP Office System Configuration template field descriptions on page 1130
Applying an IP Office system configuration template on an IP Office
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click IP Office System Configuration.
3. On the IP Office Template page, select an IP Office system type.
4. Click Show List.
5. From the IP Office System Configuration List, select the system template you want
to apply to an IP Office device.
6. Click Apply.
You will be directed to a new page where you can select a device to apply the
Managing IP Office System Configuration template
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7. From the list of IP Office devices, select the IP Office device on which you want to
apply the selected IP Office system configuration template.
When you apply a template on a device, the data of the template that you wish
to apply may override the existing system configuration data on the device.
8. Do one of the following:
Click Now to perform apply the template immediately.
Click Schedule to apply the template at a specified time in Scheduler.
Click Cancel to cancel this task and return to the IP Office System
Configuration landing page.
Related topics:
IP Office System Configuration template field descriptions on page 1130
IP Office System Configuration template field descriptions
Name Description
Name The name of the IP Office System
Configuration template.
System Type The type of system associated with the
template. The valid options are:
IP Office: for IP Office core unit
B5800: for B5800 core unit
Version The version number of the template.
Last Modified Time The date and time you last modified the IP
Office System Configuration template.
Details button Click to open the IP Office application to add
or edit the template details.
Manage audio files
Audio files in .WAV and .C11 formats are used in auto attendant configuration in the Auto
Attendant feature in IP Office. In System Manager, you can manage .WAV and .C11 audio
files from the Manage Audio page in IP Office System Configuration in Template Management.
The .C11 audio file is for use in IP Office IP500V2 or the B5800 Core Unit.
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To push an auto attendant file to a IP Office System Configuration template through System
Manager, you must first upload the .WAV audio files using the Upload button in the Manage
Audio page. When you upload the .WAV audio files, the corresponding .C11 audio files are
automatically created. If you need to convert any .WAV audio file which does not have a
corresponding .C11 audio file, or if the corresponding .C11 audio file is deleted, click the
Convert button in the Manage Audio page.
Use the Manage Audio page in IP Office System Configuration to:
Upload .WAV and .C11 audio files.
Convert .WAV to .C11 audio file format.
Delete .WAV and .C11 audio files.
Uploading an audio file
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click IP Office System Configuration.
3. Click More Options > Manage Audio.
4. On the Manage Audio page, enter the complete path of the audio file in the Select
an Audio File text box. You can also click Browse to locate and select the audio
file you want to upload.
The system displays the audio file you selected for uploading in a table.
5. If you want to remove the audio file from your selection, click the Remove link in
the Action column.
6. Click Upload.
You can view the newly uploaded audio files listed in the List of Audio Files
Related topics:
Manage Audio field descriptions on page 1133
Converting an .WAV audio file to a .C11 audio file
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click IP Office System Configuration.
Managing IP Office System Configuration template
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3. Click More Options > Manage Audio.
4. On the Manage Audio page, select the .WAV audio file from the List of Audio
Files that you want to convert to .C11 format.
5. On the Convert Audio page, the system lists the file you selected for conversion.
6. If you want to change the recording label of the .WAV file, edit the label text in the
corresponding text box under the Recording Label column.
7. Click Commit to confirm the convert action.
The system displays the newly converted audio file under the corresponding audio
name column in the List of Audio Files table.
Related topics:
Manage Audio field descriptions on page 1133
Deleting an audio file
About this task
Use the Delete button to delete audio files from the list of audio files. You can choose to either
delete the .WAV audio format, or the .C11 audio file format, or delete both the audio file formats
in a single step.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates.
2. In the left navigation pane, click IP Office System Configuration.
3. Click More Options > Manage Audio.
4. On the Manage Audio page, select the audio file you want to delete from the list of
audio files.
5. Click Delete.
6. On the Delete Audio File Confirmation page, you can view the audio files you
selected in Step 4 for deletion. From the Select the type of deletion field perform
one of the following:
Select the type of audio file extension you want to delete.
Select Both if you want to delete both the file extension types.
Sample scenario: Suppose you have ABC.wav and ABC.c11 audio files in the List
of Audio Files. If you want to delete only the ABC.wav audio file, then select Wave
from Select the type of deletion. If you want to delete both the audio files in a
single step, then select Both from the Select the type of deletion field.
7. Click Delete.
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8. Click Done to return to the IP Office System Configuration landing page.
Related topics:
Manage Audio field descriptions on page 1133
Manage Audio field descriptions
Name Description
wav Audio File Name The file name of the .WAV type of audio
Last uploaded time of wav The time when you last uploaded the .WAV
audio file in the system.
Recording Label The recording label of the .wav file.
C11 Audio File Name The file name of the .C11 type of audio file.
Last converted time of wav to C11 The time when you last converted a .wav file
to a .C11 audio file.
Select an Audio File Displays the complete path of the audio file.
Select the type of deletion on the Delete
Audio File Confirmation page
Provides the option to select the type of
deletion of audio files. The valid options are:
Wave: Select to delete only the .WAV type
of file for the selected audio file.
C11: Select to delete only the .C11 type of
file for the selected audio file.
Both: Select to delete both, .WAV
and .C11, types of files for the selected
audio file.
Button Description
Delete Click to delete the selected audio file.
Convert Click to convert an audio file of type .WAV
to .C11.
Done Click to exits the Manage Audio page and
return to the IP Office Template List page.
Browse Click to locate and select an audio file.
Upload Click to upload an audio file to System
Managing IP Office System Configuration template
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Button Description
Delete on the Delete Audio File
Confirmation page
Click to confirm the delete action for the
selected audio file.
Cancel on the Delete Audio File
Confirmation page
Click to cancel the delete operation and
return to the Manage Audio page.
1134 Administering Avaya Aura

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Chapter 22: Security
Managing certificates
About Trust Management
System Manager uses Trust Management to provision and manage certificates of various
applications, servers, and devices to enable a secure, interelement communication. Trust
Management provides Identity (Server) and Trusted (Root/CA) certificates that applications
can use to establish mutually authenticated TLS sessions.
System Manager uses a third-party open source application, Enterprise Java Beans Certificate
Authority (EJBCA), as a Certificate Authority for certificate management.
You can manage certificates for the following from the Services > Inventory page on the
System Manager web console:
System Manager
Elements managed by System Manager
Unified Communications Management (UCM)
Related topics:
Certificate Authorities on page 1145
Setting the enrollment password
About this task
You can use this functionality to generate the enrollment password for managed elements.
The managed elements require the enrollment password to request certificates from the
System Manager Trust Management.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Security.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Certificates > Enrollment Password.
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1135

3. On the Enrollment Password page, select the expiration of password in hours in the
Password expires in field.
4. In the Password and Confirm Password fields, enter the password.
5. Click Commit.
The system displays the time in the Time remaining section with the value that you
selected in Password expires in.
Related topics:
Enrollment Password field descriptions on page 1146
Managing trusted certificates
Obtaining the SSL certificate for Microsoft Active Directory
1. Install the certification authority (CA) on your Microsoft Active Directory server. For
detailed instructions to configure an SSL certificate for Microsoft Active Directory,
2. Run the following command on the Microsoft Active Directory server to export the
certutil ca.cert client.crt
3. Copy the client.crt file from the Microsoft Active Directory server to your
Next steps
Import the certificate for Microsoft Active Directory server to System Manager. For instructions,
see Adding trusted certificates.
Related topics:
Adding trusted certificates on page 1136
Adding trusted certificates
About this task
Import the certificates that you require to add as trusted certificate in the trust store of the
element. Use one of the following methods to import a trusted certificate in the trust store for
an element:
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1. Import from a file
2. Import as PEM certificate
3. Import from existing certificates
4. Import from a remote location using TLS
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
3. On the Manage Elements page, select an element and click More Actions >
Configure Trusted Certificates.
4. On the Trusted Certificates page, click Add.
5. On the Add Trusted Certificate page, select a store type from the Store Type field
or select All if you are not sure of the store type, and perform one of the following:
To import certificates from a file:
i. Click Import from file.
ii. Enter the name of the file. You can also click Browse to select a
iii. Click Retrieve Certificate.
iv. Click Commit.
To import certificates in the PEM format:
i. Locate the PEM certificate.
ii. Open the certificate in the Notepad application.
iii. Select and copy the contents in the file.
iv. Click Import as PEM certificate.
v. Paste the contents from the file in the box provided at the bottom of
the page.
You might include the start and end tags: -----BEGIN
vi. Click Commit.
To import certificates from existing certificates:
i. Click Import from existing certificates.
ii. Select the certificate from the Global Trusted Certificate section.
iii. Click Commit.
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To import certificates using TLS:
i. Click Import using TLS.
ii. Type the IP address of the computer in the IP Address field.
iii. Type the port of the computer in the Port field.
iv. Click Retrieve Certificate.
v. Click Commit.
Related topics:
Obtaining the SSL certificate for Microsoft Active Directory on page 1136
Add Trusted Certificate field descriptions on page 1147
Viewing trusted certificates
About this task
You can view the trusted certificates of System Manager and its managed elements.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
3. On the Manage Elements page, select an element and click More Actions >
Configure Trusted Certificates.
4. On the Trusted Certificates page, select the required certificate and click View.
The View Trust Certificate page displays the details of the selected certificate.
Related topics:
View Trust Certificate field descriptions on page 1149
Removing trusted certificates
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
3. On the Manage Elements page , select an application and click More Actions >
Configure Trusted Certificates.
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4. On the Trusted Certificates page, select the certificates you want to remove.
5. Click Remove.
Trust Management removes the certificates from the list of trusted certificates for
the application you selected.
Trusted certificate management
Participants in a Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI) scheme use root certification authorities and
other intermediate certification authorities to ascertain the trustworthiness of an identity
certificate. These certification authorities are collectively known as trust anchors or trusted
System Manager certificate management supports the following tasks on the trusted certificate
of a service:
View: Trust Management provides details on the subject, issuer, and expiry date of the
trusted certificate that a service use.
Add: A service may require to communicate with another service outside the deployment
PKI of Avaya Aura

. For example, for a service to gain access to a remote database or

a directory service which presents an identity certificate signed by a commercial CA,
include the certificate of the CA in the list of trusted certificates of the service.
For example, if a service is exposed to multiple SIP endpoints, you cannot add the
certificate of the private Certificate Authority (CA) to the trusted certificate store of each
client. If each SIP endpoint is configured to trust certificates issued by a commercial CA,
then replace the certificate presented by the endpoint with a certificate of the commercial
CA or the root certificate of the commercial CA. Trust Management supports adding a
certificate to a trusted certificate store of the service in the following encodings:
- PEM (OpenSSL)
You can also get a certificate from an SSL socket or from the built-in certificate store.
Export: Trust Management supports exporting the selected certificate from the list of
trusted certificates to a PEM formatted file.
Delete: When you do not need a service to participate in an external PKI hierarchy, an
administrator can remove the trusted certificate from the trusted certificate store of the
service. For example, when CA changes, you do not require the existing CA.
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Managing identity certificates
Viewing identity certificates
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
3. On the Manage Elements page, select an element and click More Actions >
Configure Identity Certificates.
The Identity Certificate page displays the identity certificates for the element that
you selected.
Related topics:
Identity Certificates field descriptions on page 1143
Replacing an identity certificate
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
3. On the Manage Elements page, select an element and click More Actions >
Configure Identity Certificates.
4. On the Identity Certificates page, select the certificate that you must replace.
5. Click Replace.
6. On the Replace Identity Certificate page, perform one of the following:
Click Replace this Certificate with Internal CA Signed Certificate and do
the following:
i. Select the check box and type the common name (CN) that is
defined in the existing certificate.
ii. Select the key algorithm and key size from the respective fields.
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System Manager uses the SHA2 algorithm for generating
iii. (Optional) In the Subject Alternative Name field, select the check
box and do the following:
- In the DNS Name field, select the check box and enter the
- In the IP Address field, select the check box and enter the
- In the URI field, select the check box and enter the values.
In all three fields, you can enter more than one values
separated by a comma.
iv. To replace the identity certificate with the internal CA signed
certificate, click Commit.
v. Restart the service for which you replaced the certificate.
Click Import third party PCKS # 12 file and do the following:
i. In the Please select a file field, type the file name.
ii. In the Password field, type the password.
iii. Click Retrieve Certificate.
The Certificate Details section displays the details of the
iv. To replace the certificate with the third-party certificate that you
imported, click Commit.
v. Restart the service for which you replaced the certificate.
Related topics:
Replace Identity Certificate field descriptions on page 1143
Renewing identity certificates
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
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3. On the Manage Elements page, select an element and click More Actions >
Configure Identity Certificates.
4. On the Identity Certificates page, select the certificate you must renew.
5. Click Renew.
Wait until the system renews the certificate.
6. Restart the service for which you renewed the certificate.
Identity certificate management
In Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI), an identity certificate is an electronic document, which uses
a digital signature to bind a public key with an identity information such as the name of a person
or an organization and address of a person or an organization. The identity certificate is also
known as digital certificate or public key certificate. You can use the certificate to verify if a
public key belongs to a service.
System Manager supports the following tasks on the identity certificate of a service:
View: Trust Management provides details on the subject, issuer, and expiry date of the
certificate, and the key size, and key algorithm of the associated key pair. Additionally,
Trust Management validates the expiry date of the certificates.
Replace: Services that are exposed to external clients may require to present an identity
certificate issued by a commercial root CA.
For example, if a service is exposed to multiple SIP endpoints, you cannot add the
certificate of the private Certificate Authority (CA) to the trusted certificate store of each
client. If each SIP endpoint is configured to trust certificates issued by a commercial CA,
then replace the certificate presented by the service with a certificate issued by a
commercial CA. Also, in protocols like HTTP, the CN value of the certificate must match
the host name of the server presenting the certificate. If the host name changes, the CN
must change.
Export: Trust Management supports exporting the selected certificate from the list of
trusted certificates to a PEM formatted file.
Renew: Central administrator might need to reissue an identity certificate that was
originally issued by the deployment CA. For example, an identity certificate has a validity
date. Therefore, the administrator must replace the certificate before the certificate
expires to avoid rejection of the certificate by the service peer.
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Identity Certificates field descriptions
Field Description
Service Name The name of the service that uses the identity
Common Name The common name to identify the service.
Valid To The date until which the certificate is valid.
Expired Specifies whether the certificate is expired.
Service Description A brief description about the service.
Button Description
Replace Opens the Replace Identity Certificate page.
Use this page to replace a selected identity
certificate with a new certificate.
Export Exports the certificate that you select. The
exported certificate is in the form of a PEM
Renew Renews the certificate that you select. After
you renew a certificate, the system
automatically updates the Valid To column.
Replace Identity Certificate field descriptions
Certificate Details section
Field Description
Subject Details The details of the certificate holder.
Valid From The date and time from which the certificate
is valid.
Valid To The date and time till the certificate is valid.
Key Size The size of the key in bits for encryption. The
default key size is 2048.
Issuer Name The name of the issuer of the certificate.
Certificate Fingerprint The fingerprint that authenticates the
Subject Alternative Name An alternate name for the certificate holder.
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Field Description
Replace this Certificate with Internal CA
Signed Certificate
The option to replace the current certificate
with the internal CA signed certificate.
Import third party certificate The option to replace the identity certificate
with the PKCS #12 file that you imported from
a third-party source.
The page displays the following fields when you select the Replace this Certificate with
Internal CA Signed Certificate option.
Field Description
Common Name (CN) The common name of the certificate holder.
You must select the check box to enter the
Key Algorithm The algorithm used to generate the key for
the certificate.
The available option is RSA.
System Manager uses the SHA2 algorithm
for generating certificates.
Key Size The size of the key in bits or bytes for
encryption. The available values are:
Use 2048 as the key size.
Subject Alternative Name An alternate name for the certificate holder.
The following fields are available:
DNS Name: DNS IP address.
IP Address: IP address.
URI: URI address.
You must select the check boxes to enter
the values. In all three fields, you can enter
more than one values separated by a
The page displays the following fields when you select the Import third party certificate
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Field Description
Please select a file (PKCS #12 format) The full path of the PKCS #12 file where you
saved the certificate.
Password The password that is used to retrieve the
Button Description
Retrieve Certificate Retrieves the details of the imported
certificate and displays in the Certificate
Details section.
Commit Replaces the current identity certificate with
the selected certificate.
Cancel Cancels the certificate replacement
Related topics:
Replacing an identity certificate on page 1140
Retrieving the System Manager CA certificate
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Security.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Certificates > Authority.
3. On the CA Functions page click Download pem file.
4. Click Save to save the certificate to a file.
Certificate Authorities
This section applies only if you deploy legacy Nortel applications.
In System Manager, element installation sets up the trust between System Manager and its
managed elements. Similarly, UCM has a trust management process to set up the trust
between UCM and its managed elements. To enable managed elements of UCM to be in the
same trust domain as the System Manager managed elements, you must import the UCM
Certificate Authority (CA) certificate to the System Manager managed element's trusted
certificate list. Also, import the System Manager CA certificate to UCM managed element's
trusted certificate list.
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Certificate Authorities in a Geographic Redundancy setup
In System Manager configured with Geographic Redundancy, the system replicates the CA
certificate from the primary System Manager server to the secondary System Manager server.
By default, the primary System Manager server, the secondary System Manager server and
their elements are part of the same trust domain. For the initial trust relationship, during the
configuration, the secondary System Manager server uses the Certificate Enrollment password
that is set on the primary server. The primary System Manager server issues a certificate to
the secondary System Manager server.
When the secondary System Manager server is active, do not configure System Manager as
a sub CA.
Enrollment Password field descriptions
Name Description
Time Remaining The time in hours and minutes remaining for
expiration of the current password.
Password expires in The duration in hours for which the existing
password is valid.
Password The password that the external clients use to
request for a certificate.
Confirm Password The password that you retype.
Button Description
Commit Updates the Existing Password and Time
Remaining fields.
Trusted Certificates field descriptions
Use this page to view, export, and remove the trusted certificates listed on the page. You can
add more certificates in the existing list of trusted certificates.
Field Description
Store Description The purpose of the trusted certificate.
Store Type The type of the store associated with the
Subject Name The name of the certificate holder.
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Button Description
View Opens the View Trust Certificate page. Use
this page to view the certificate details.
Add Opens the Adds Trusted Certificate page.
Use this page to import certificates from the
selected resource.
Remove Removes the selected certificate from the list
of trusted certificates.
Export Exports the selected certificate from the list
of trusted certificates to a PEM formatted
Add Trusted Certificate field descriptions
Use this page to add a trusted certificate.
Name Description
Store Type Specifies the type of store based on inbound
and outbound connection.
Import from existing Use this option to import a certificate from the
list of existing imported certificates.
Import from file Use this option to import a certificate from a
file. The file format is .cer or .crt.
Import as PEM Certificate Use this option to import a certificate in PEM
Import using TLS Use this option to import a certificate if the
element requires to contact the certificate
provider to obtain the certificate.
Global Trusted Certificate:
The page displays the following fields when you select the Import from existing option.
Name Description
Certificate Name Specifies the fully qualified domain name of
the certificate.
Subject Name Specifies the fully qualified domain name of
the certificate holder.
Valid To Specifies the date until which the certificate
is valid.
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Name Description
Filter: Enable Displays fields under select columns that you
can use to set filter criteria. This is a toggle
Filter: Disable Hides the column filter fields without
resetting the filter criteria. This is a toggle
Filter: Clear Clears the filter criteria.
Filter: Apply Filters certificates based on the filter
Select: All Select all the certificates in the table.
Select: None Clears all the check box selections.
Refresh Refreshes the certificates information.
The page displays these fields when you select the Import from file option.
Name/Button Description
Please select a file The file that contains the certificates.
Browse Opens the choose file dialog box. Use this
dialog box to choose the file from which you
want to import the certificates.
Retrieve Certificate Retrieves the certificate from the file and
displays the details of the certificate in the
Certificate Details section.
Certificate Details:
The page displays these fields when you click Retrieve.
Name Description
Subject Details Specifies the details of the certificate
Valid From Specifies the date and time from when the
certificate is valid.
Valid To Specifies the date and time until when the
certificate is valid.
Key Size Specifies the size of the key in bits for
Issuer Name Specifies the name of the issuer of the
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Name Description
Certificate Fingerprint Specifies the fingerprint that authenticates
the entire certificate.
Key Fingerprint Specifies the fingerprint that authenticates
the key. The Key fingerprint applies only for
CA certificate. Therefore, any element,
which calculates fingerprint using the key,
can use this authentication.
CA Certificate Specifies whether the certificate is a CA
The page displays these fields when you select the Import using TLS option.
Field/Button Description
IP Address Specifies the IP address of the certificate
provider that is to be contacted for retrieving
the certificate.
Port Specifies the port of the server to be used for
obtaining the certificate.
Retrieve Certificate Retrieves the certificate and displays the
details of the certificate in the Certificate
Details section.
Related topics:
Adding trusted certificates on page 1136
View Trust Certificate field descriptions
Field Description
Subject Details The details of the certificate holder.
Valid From The date and time from which the certificate
is valid.
Valid To The date and time until which the certificate
is valid.
Key Size The size of the key in bits for encryption.
Issuer Name The name of the issuer of the certificate.
Certificate Fingerprint Specifies the fingerprint that authenticates
the entire certificate.
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Field Description
Key Fingerprint Specifies the fingerprint that authenticates
the key. The Key fingerprint applies only for
CA certificate. Therefore, any element,
which calculates fingerprint using the key,
can use this authentication.
Button Description
Done Closes the page and takes you back to the
Trusted Certificates page.
Delete Trusted Certificate Confirmation field descriptions
Use this page to delete a trusted certificate from the list of trusted certificate maintained by the
Field Description
Certificate Name The common name of the certificate.
Store Type The type of the store associated with the
Subject Name The name of the certificate holder.
Button Description
Delete Deletes the trusted certificate from the
corresponding store.
Cancel Cancels the delete operation and takes you
back to the Add Trusted Certificate page.
Using third-party certificate
System Manager supports the use of trusted third-party certificate. You can install and use a
third-party certificate in System Manager web console.
Installing and using the third-party certificate for System Manager Web interface includes the
following key tasks:
1. Replacing System Manager Web Server Certificate with third-party certificate.
2. Updating the trust stores for internal services, clients, or managed elements with
third-party root and subordinate CA certificate.
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For instructions to install the third-party certificate, see Application notes for supporting third-
party certificate in Avaya Aura

System Manager on the Avaya Support website, http://
Setting the System Manager certificate authority (EJBCA) as SUB-
About this task
You can change the default Certificate Authority (CA) that the system generated during the
System Manager installation to an externally signed Sub CA. In a Geographic Redundancy
enabled system, EJBCA configured as sub-ca on the primary System Manager server is also
provisioned on the secondary System Manager server.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Security.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Certificates > Authority.
3. Click CA Functions > Edit Certificate Authorities.
4. On the Edit Certificate Authorities page, in the Add field, type the name of the new
Sub CA.
For example, ExternalSubCA-1.
5. Click Create.
6. On the Create CA page, perform the following:
a. In the Subject DN field, enter a DN for your Sub CA.
For example, CN=ExernalSubCA-1,O=AVAYA,C=US.
b. In the Signed By field, click External CA.
c. In the Description field, provide a description.
7. Click Make Certificate Request.
You must have the CA certificate that is used to sign the CA. Ensure that the
certificate is in the PEM format on the same computer on which you run the
8. Click Choose File and open the CA certificate file that is in the PEM format is on
you computer.
9. Click Make Certificate Request.
You receive a request for PEM-formatted certificate.
10. Click Download pem file.
11. Select Save File and save the file on your computer.
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You must get the certificate request signed by the CA. If you use openssl, move the
certificate request to the computer where your openssl CA is set up and sign the
By default, Openssl reorders the DN to whatever the openssl policy file is set up
to do. Use the -preserveDN flag while you sign the request by using the openssl
ca command. If you do not use the -preserveDN flag, EJBCA does not recognize
the CA as a result, the request fails.
Use openssl (openssl x509 in cert.pem text) to ensure that the signed request
has the X.509 extension CA:TRUE.
After you get the signed certificate from the CA in the PEM format, delete any data
other than the certificate itself. Ensure that there is no carriage return after the last
12. To set the preserveDN flag, on the Linux server, perform the following steps:
a. From the /etc/pki/tls/misc directory, open the CA file and search for -
b. To add the preserveDn attribute, enter $CA -policy policy_anything -
preserveDN -out newcert.pem -infiles newreq.pem.
13. On the Linux server, from the /etc/pki/tls directory, open the openssl.cnf
file and change all occurrences of basicConstraints=CA:FALSE to
Related topics:
Receiving certificate response on page 1152
Setting the new CA as the default CA on page 1153
Modifying the default end entities to use the new CA on page 1154
Generating new identity certificates for System Manager on page 1155
Confirming identity certificate updates on System Manager on page 1155
Receiving certificate response
About this task
Ensure that the certificate you have received is properly signed by the CA. You can do this
using openssl using openssl verify CAfile ca-cert.pem subca-cert.pem
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Security.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Certificates > Authority.
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3. Click Edit Certificate Authorities in the left navigation pane.
4. Select the Sub CA you just created with the Waiting for Certificate Request
5. Click Edit.
6. Select Receive Certificate Request.
7. Click Browse.. to find the signed certificate.
8. Click Receive Certificate Response.
The system displays a message that the certificate response is received
successfully, and that the CA is activated. If you do not see this message, double
check the contents of the certificate file.
Setting the new CA as the default CA
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Security.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Certificates > Authority.
3. Click CA Functions > Edit Certificate Authorities.
4. Select the new Sub CA.
Ensure that the status of the new Sub CA is Active.
5. Click Edit.
6. Select the Default CA check box.
7. Click Save.
This ensures that any request that comes to EJBCA and not specifically referencing
the CA by name, use this CA.
8. Select Edit Certificate Authorities and highlight tmdefaultca.
9. In the text box at the bottom of the page, type in a new name. For example,
10. Click Rename Selected.
The CRD files refer to tmdefaultca. Therefore, if you do not rename the CA, the
requests made to tmdefaultca continue to try using this CA, and fail.
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Next steps
After you set the new Sub CA as the default CA, create a backup.
Modifying the default end entities to use the new CA
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Security.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Certificates > Authority.
3. Click CA Functions > Edit Certificate Authorities.
4. Select ID_CLIENT.
5. Click Edit Certificate Profile.
6. Go to Available CAs and highlight the new Sub CA.
7. Click Save.
8. Click Edit Certificate Profiles and repeat the Step 3 through Step 6 for
9. In the left navigation pane, click Edit End Entity Profiles.
11. Click Edit End Entity Profile.
In the Default CA field, ensure that you select the new Sub CA.
12. Go to Available CAs and highlight the new Sub-CA.
13. Click Save.
14. Repeat Steps 8 through 12 for INBOUND_TLS and OUTBOUND_TLS.
15. In the left navigation pane, click List/Edit End Entities.
16. On the List End Entities page, select All for the Or with status.
17. Click List.
Verify that the list contains the following three end entities:
18. For each of the end entities, select Edit End Entity.
19. In this pop-up window, ensure that CA is set to your new Sub-CA.
20. Click Save.
21. Click Close.
22. Click Reload located above the end entities
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The system displays the new CA in the CA column for all the three entities.
Generating new identity certificates for System Manager
About this task
After CA is set up to issue certificates using the new Sub-CA, update the identity certificates
that are created for System Manager during the initialization of System Manager. These
certificates are signed by tmdefaultca and not by the new CA. Also, the new CA must be added
to the System Manager trust stores.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Security.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Certificates > Enrollment Password.
3. Fill in the three required fields to set a new Enrollment Password and click
The system resets the enrollment password, which was lost after the you changed
the CA.
4. Start an SSH session on System Manager.
5. Go to cd /opt/Avaya/Mgmt/6.0.1/trs, where the installation scripts are
The version directory differs.
6. To run the trust initializer script, type ./ -
RMIPORT 1399 -HTTPSPORT 443 -TMCONFIGLOC /opt/Avaya/JBoss/4.2.3/
System Manager must have all its identity certificates updated so that they are
signed by the new CA, and the new CA must be in the trust stores. Also, you must
confirm that this is true.
Confirming identity certificate updates on System Manager
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
Managing certificates
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2. On the Manage Elements page, select a System Manager instance and click More
Actions > Configure Identity Certificates.
3. On the Identity Certificates page, select any of the certificates, except
weblm_legacy, which is self-signed, and verify that the Issuer Name in the window
below is the DN of your new CA.
The Issuer Name must not be tmdefaultca.
4. On the Manage Elements page, select a System Manager instance and click More
Actions > Configure Trusted Certificates.
On the Trusted Certificates page, the system must display your new Sub-CA
certificate in each of the StoreTypes. The system must display three instances on
this page.
Restart all System Manager applications (JBoss, Apache, stunnel) so that the new
certificates are read. Alternatively, you can reboot the System Manager server.
5. To restart the System Manager applications, reboot the System Manager server.
The System Manager CA changes from the default, internally generated CA to an
externally signed Sub-CA.
Configuring DTLS for CS 1000
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
3. Select the CS 1000 element.
4. Click More Actions > Configure Identity Certificates.
5. Select the Dtls and click Replace.
6. Select Replace this Certificate with Internal CA Signed Certificate and provide
the common name, keysize, and the algorithm.
7. Click Commit.
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Configuring SIP TLS for CS 1000
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
3. Select the CS 1000 element.
4. Click More Actions > Configure Identity Certificates.
5. Select SipTls and click Replace.
6. Select Replace this Certificate with Internal CA Signed Certificate and provide
the common name, keysize, and the algorithm.
7. Click Commit.
External authentication
External authentication
The External Identity Repositories Web page in System Manager contains a summary page
for Authentication scheme and Authentication servers. You can configure the authentication
scheme and the authentication servers for System Manager.
System Manager supports the following authentication authorities:
Local users
External RADIUS users
External LDAP users
External Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) users
The authentication scheme policy determines the order in which you can use the authentication
authorities. The supported order is as follows:
1. Local users (default)
2. External RADIUS users then local users
3. External LDAP users then local users
External authentication
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4. External LDAP users, then external RADIUS users, then local users
5. External RADIUS users, then external LDAP users, then local users
6. External KERBEROS server
The authentication servers policy controls the settings for the external SAML, LDAP, RADIUS,
and KERBEROS servers.
Authentication scheme policy
System Manager supports the following authentication authorities:
Local servers
External RADIUS servers
External LDAP servers (including Sun ONE or Microsoft active directory server)
Editing the authentication scheme
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Administrators.
2. In the left navigation pane, click User Services > External Authentication.
3. On the External Identity Repositories page, click Edit in the Authentication
Scheme section.
4. On the Authentication Scheme page, select the required authentication scheme.
5. Click Save.
Provision the authentication servers
When the LDAP server is Microsoft Active Directory, the full name of the external user must
be the same as the logon name that makes the cn attribute of the external users the same as
the logon name.
The TCP port used for the external LDAP server and the UDP port used for the external
RADIUS server must be open in the Linux iptables firewall, on both the primary security service,
and the back up primary security service. To check the status of the iptables rules, use service
iptables status.
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Provisioning the LDAP server
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Administrators.
2. In the left navigation pane, click User Services > External Authentication.
3. On the External Identity Repositories page, click Configure in the Authentication
Servers section.
4. On the Authentication Servers page complete the Provision LDAP Server
5. Click Save.
Ensure that the Linux iptable firewall setting, on both the primary and backup
security service, allows the TCP port as the source port.
Related topics:
Provision LDAP/Radius/Kerberos server field descriptions on page 1161
Provisioning the RADIUS server
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Administrators.
2. In the left navigation pane, click User Services > External Authentication.
3. On the External Identity Repositories page, click Configure in the Authentication
Servers section.
4. On the Authentication Servers page, complete the following information in the
Provision RADIUS Server section:
IP (or DNS): Type the IP address or DNS name of the primary RADIUS
UDP Port: Type the UDP port number of the primary RADIUS server.
Shared Secret: Type the shared secret of the RADIUS server.
External authentication
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You must create two records in the external RADIUS server with the same shared
secret for both the primary security server and backup security server IP
5. Click Save.
Ensure the Linux iptable firewall setting on both the primary and backup security
service allows the UDP port as the source port.
Related topics:
Provision LDAP/Radius/Kerberos server field descriptions on page 1161
Provisioning the Kerberos server
To use Kerberos authentication, configure System Manager with the required information for
the Kerberos server.
Before you begin
If you use Firefox to gain access to System Manager, perform the following:
a. In the address bar of the web browser, type about:config.
b. Select the network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris attribute.
c. Right-click, select Modify, and add the URL of System Manager.
Log on to System Manager as admin.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Administrators.
2. In the left navigation pane, click User Services > External Authentication.
3. On the External Identity Repositories page, click Configure in the Authentication
Servers section.
4. On the Authentication Servers page, in the Provision Kerberos Server section,
complete the following information:
DC Host Name (FQDN): Type your FQDN in the format For example,
DC Computer Domain: Type the domain name of the Kerberos server.
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Keytab File: Click Browse and select the Kerberos server key file.
5. Click Save.
When you log on to the Kerberos server using Single Sign-on (SSO), the system
automatically authenticates you in the Domain Controller (DC) domain.
Therefore, you cannot exit from UCM by using the Logout link. Close the web
browser to exit the application.
Related topics:
Provision LDAP/Radius/Kerberos server field descriptions on page 1161
Provision LDAP/Radius/Kerberos server field descriptions
Provision LDAP Server
Name Description
IP (or DNS) Specifies the IP address or the DNS name of
the LDAP server.
TCP Port Specifies the TCP port of the LDAP server.
Base Distinguished Name Specifies the base distinguished name of the
LDAP server.
SSL/TLS Mode Specifies whether the LDAP server supports
SSL/TLS connections.
Is Active Directory Select this check box if active directory does
not support anonymous binding.
Supports Anonymous Binding Select this check box if anonymous binding
is supported.
Distinguished Name for Root Binding Type the distinguished name for the root
binding. For example, type cn for Users.
Password for Root Binding Type the password for the root binding in this
Provision Radius Server
Name Description
IP (or DNS) Specifies the IP address or the DNS name of
the primary RADIUS server.
External authentication
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Name Description
UDP Port Specifies the UDP port number of the
primary RADIUS server.
Shared Secret Shared secret of the RADIUS server.
Provision SAML Remote Identity Provider
Name Description
Metadata Type Specifies the method to query the metadata
for Remote Identity Provider. The values are:
URL. A valid HTTP URL.
File. A valid XML file.
Metadata Url Specifies the valid HTTP URL for the
metadata of Remote Identity Provider.
Metadata File Specifies the valid XML file for the metadata
of Remote Identity Provider.
Choose File Click to select an XML file that contains the
metadata for Remote Identity Provider.
Provision Kerberos Server
Name Description
DC Host Name (FQDN) Enter your FQDN in the following format:
DC Computer Domain Specifies the domain name of the Kerberos
Keytab File Type the encrypted Kerberos server key in
this field.
Button Description
Save Saves your settings in the Authentication
Servers page.
Cancel Cancels your action and takes you to the
previous page.
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SAML authentication
SAML authentication
For enterprise level Single Sign On, System Manager provides Security Assertion Markup
Language (SAML) authentication.
SAML protocol
SAML is an XML-based open standard used for exchanging authentication and authorization
data between an identity provider, a producer of assertions, and a service provider, a consumer
of assertions. SAML product belongs to the OASIS Security Services Technical Committee.
SAML protocol does not provide rules for determining the identity and access levels of a
subject. The SAML protocol shares the authentication and authorization information of an
identity between the issuer of the information, called as the identity provider and the relying
party or the consumer of the information, called as the service provider.
Key components of SAML protocol
Assertions are the packets of security information transferred from the Identity Provider to the
Service Provider. The following are three different types of statements in an Assertion:
Authentication Statements
Attribute Statements
Authorization Decision Statements
Assertions that the Identity Provider issues have a validity period beyond which the service
provider must reject the information. SAML uses Authentication Statement to validate identity
of the user.
SAML protocol provides rules on how SAML elements must be packaged in SAML request
and response messages. The following are some of the key SAML protocols:
Authentication Request Protocol
Artifact Resolution Protocol
Assertion Query and Request Protocol
External authentication
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Assertions that the Identity Provider issues have a validity period beyond which the service
provider must reject the information. SAML/System Manager uses Authentication Statement
to validate users identity.
SAML binding refers to the mapping of a SAML message to a communication protocol or
method. The following are some of the main SAML binding mechanisms:
HTTP Redirect
HTTP Artifact
SAML profile describes how various SAML messages, protocols, and bindings can combine
together to achieve a particular use case.
Web Browser SSO Profile is the widely used SAML Profile. Web Browser SSO Profile provides
the use case to achieve Single Sign On from a Web browser when you gain access to a
protected resource on the service provider.
SAML implementation in System Manager
System Manager uses SAML implementation version 2.0 of OpenAM Release 9.5.4 to provide
SAML based authentication with external/remote Identity Providers. System Manager
functions as a Service Provider, consumer of assertions. You can configure CA Siteminder or
a similar solution as a Remote Identity Provider, the producer of assertions.
System Manager uses Web Browser Single Sign On profile of SAML authentication. In System
Manager, authentication using SAML differs from other external authentication methods such
as remote LDAP and RADIUS in the following ways:
You require a special URL to invoke SAML based authentication. You can bookmark a
URL as
The system subjects:
- Any incoming HTTP request to System Manager with a request parameter
performsso set to saml to SAML based authentication.
- All other URLs to existing authentication handling and redirects an unauthenticated
request to the login screen of System Manager.
System Manager does not provide its own login screen for SAML authentication. The
system redirects an unauthenticated user to the login screen of Remote Identity Provider
(R-IDP). On successful authentication, the system redirects you to System Manager.
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Salient features of SAML implementation in System Manager
R-IDP and System Manager always communicates through HTTPS.
System Manager and identity provider communicates through HTTP-POST binding.
SAML implementation module does not validate CRL However, SSL communication fails
with a certificate that is revoked since, SSL setup in System Manager jboss container
ensures CRL validation.
The system rejects expired Assertions.
Guidelines for SAML authentication in System Manager
You can use the NameID of a subject in an Assertion as the login ID to create a user
account for the subject in System Manager. If the system encrypts the NameID, R-IDP
must include the attributes of authenticated subject such as uid and email. in the
Assertion. The system uses the attributes to create a user account in System Manager.
If the Assertion does not contain attributes, the R-IDP must act as an Attribute Authority.
In System Manager, you require an account for RBAC.
Assertions must be signed and not encrypted.
The system uses assertions from trusted sources only. An administrator must setup SSL
trust between System Manager and R-IDP by adding the CA certificate of R-IDPs Web
server certificate into the CA truststore in System Manager.
Condition statement in an Assertion can have multiple AudienceRestriction statements.
The condition statement must have SAML entity ID of System Manager as one of the
Configuring System Manager for SAML authentication
Configuring Hosted Service Provider on System Manager
About this task
The system automatically configures System Manager as Hosted Service Provider during the
installation of System Manager and upgrade of System Manager from Release 6.2.
However, you can modify the configuration using the following procedure.
As an administrator, you can enable or disable SAML authentication in System Manager from
the SAML Configuration page.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Administrators.
External authentication
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2. In the left navigation pane, click User Services > External Authentication > SAML
3. Click Edit.
4. On the SAML Hosted Service Provider page, perform the following:
a. Perform one of the following:
Select the NameID as UserID check box.
In the Attribute Used as UserID field, enter the name of the attribute that
you want to use as the login ID of the user in System Manager.

b. In the Mapped Attributes field, enter an attribute that you require to map
between R-IDP and H-SP for a user.
c. Click Save.
Configuring Remote Identity Provider
1. Download the XML metadata from the Identity Provider:
a. Download the metadata in XML format that contains the service descriptor
information of Remote Identity Provider (R-IDP) from the R-IDP server or using
a valid HTTP URL that R-IDP provides.
For example, if OpenAM is configured as the R-IDP, download the metadata
b. Save the data in an XML file on the file system or save the URL that points to
the metadata.
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2. Setup SSL trust between R-IDP and System Manager for successful
communication of SAML messages using the following steps:
a. On System Manager Web Console, click Services > Inventory.
b. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements and add the CA certificate
of R-IDP Web server certificate to System Manager truststore using the
instructions outlined in Adding trusted certificates.
3. Add Remote Identity Provider:
4. Click Save.
On successful configuration of R-IDP, the system automatically enables the SAML
authentication. An administrator can disable or enable the SAML authentication
using the Provision SAML Remote Identity Provider check box.
Related topics:
Adding trusted certificates on page 1136
Provisioning Remote Identity Provider on page 1167
Provisioning Remote Identity Provider
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Administrators.
2. In the left navigation pane, click User Services > External Authentication.
3. On the External Identity Repositories page, click Configure in the Authentication
Servers section.
4. On the Authentication Servers page, select the Provision SAML Remote Identity
Provider check box and get the metadata of R-IDP using one of the following:
Through a valid HTTP URL.
Using a valid XML file.

5. Click Save.
External authentication
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If R-IDP is successfully configured, the system automatically enables SAML
authentication. An administrator can disable or enable SAML authentication using
the Provision SAML Remote Identity Provider check box.
Related topics:
Provision LDAP/Radius/Kerberos server field descriptions on page 1161
Active sessions
Viewing active sessions
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Administrators.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Security > Active Sessions.
3. On the Active Sessions page, the sessions are sorted in the User ID column.
Terminating Single Sign-On sessions
About this task
Use this functionality to terminate selected Single Sign-On (SSO) sessions.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Administrators.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Security > Active Sessions.
3. On the Active Sessions page, select the check box beside the required sessions to
4. Click Terminate.
The system deletes the selected sessions from the current sessions table.
Administrators with terminated sessions are required to log on again.
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Chapter 23: Managing tenants
Multi Tenancy
Tenant is a client organization that uses Avaya Cloud Enablement for Unified Communications
(Avaya CE for UC) or Private Cloud in a shared, hosted environment. The tenant purchases
the services on a pay-per-usage basis from the service provider. The tenant can contain a list
of sites.
Multi Tenancy
By default, the Multi Tenancy feature is disabled. You must enable the Multi Tenancy feature.
After you enable the Multi Tenancy feature, you cannot disable the feature.
The Service Provider Administrator and System Administrator can assign an element that
Multi Tenancy to more than one tenants. For example, Communication Manager.
Single tenancy to only one tenant. For example, Messaging and IP Office.
Tenant Management
To support Multi Tenancy, System Manager provides Tenant Management.
System Manager supports three levels of organization hierarchy for tenant management. The
following lists the default names of the levels:
Level 1: Site
Level 2: Department
Level 3: Team
The administrator can modify the default level names. The organization hierarchy levels, level
2 and level 3, are optional.
Related topics:
Tenant Management web console on page 41
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Enabling Multi Tenancy
Before you begin
Log on to the System Manager web console as Service Provider Administrator or Tenant
About this task
To perform tenant-related administration, you must enable the Multi Tenancy feature on
System Manager web console.
After you enable the Multi Tenancy feature, you cannot disable the feature. To disable the v
feature, you must reinstall System Manager. By default, the system disables the Multi Tenancy
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Configurations.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Settings > SMGR.
3. On the View Profile:SMGR page, click Edit.
The system displays the Edit Profile:SMGR page.
4. In the Multi Tenancy Properties area, set the Multi Tenancy Status field to
5. Click Commit.
6. Log off from System Manager, and log on to System Manager again.
The administrator can now navigate to the Services > Tenant Management page
on the System Manager web console and manage tenants.
Related topics:
Edit Profile:SMGR field descriptions on page 856
Tenant Management field descriptions on page 1182
Create Tenant field descriptions on page 1183
Managing tenants
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Creating a tenant
Before you begin
Log on to the System Manager web console as Service Provider Administrator or Tenant
Enable the Multi Tenancy feature.
Log off and log on to the System Manager web console again after you enable the Multi
Tenancy feature.
About this task
Use the procedure to create a tenant, assign a tenant administrator to the tenant, create tenant
organization, and assign elements and user provisioning rule.
The Service Provider Administrator and Tenant Administrator can create one or more
System Manager supports a maximum of 250 tenant partitions as part of System Manager
Multi Tenant Management.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Tenant Management.
2. On the Tenant Management page, click New Tenant.
The system displays the Create Tenant page.
3. On the Tenant Details tab, provide the details for the tenant.
For more information, see Create Tenant field descriptions.
4. On the Administrators tab, in the Assigned Admin Users section, perform the
following steps:
a. Click New.
b. In the Create Admin User area, provide the details of the administrator that
you want to assign to the tenant.
c. Click Commit.
5. (Optional) On the Organization Hierarchy tab, in the Organization level
names section, change the names for Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3.
Level 2 and Level 3 are optional.
6. Click Update Hierarchy to refresh the tenant organization and to view the new
tenant node.
If you do not click Update Hierarchy, the page does not display the new tenant that
you created. Therefore, you cannot add a site to this tenant.
7. Perform the following to add a site or level 1 organization to the tenant:
Creating a tenant
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a. In the Tenant Hierarchy section, select the tenant that you created and click
b. Provide the following details for the site:
Site Details: Details of the site. For more information, see Create Tenant
field descriptions.
Elements: Perform the following:
1. Click the plus sign (+) in the Available Elements section to
assign an element to the site.
Click to unassign an element if required. You can assign more
than one element to a site. The system displays the elements
that you assign to the site in the Selected Elements section.
Provide the tenant number or tenant ID and the location number
for the element.

The Communication Manager element that you select in the
Elements tab and the User Provisioning Rule tab must be
the same. If you select a different Communication Manager
element, the tenant creation fails.
2. To assign the required permissions to the tenant administrator,
click the element, select the permissions on the Permission
Mappings page, and click Commit.
For more information, see the Managing roles section.

Managing tenants
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For Communication Manager, do not provide permissions for
Audit, Element Cut Through, and Synchronization
User Provisioning Rule: Click the plus sign (+) in the Available User
Provisioning Rules section to assign a rule to the site. Click to unassign
a user provisioning rule.
c. Click Update Hierarchy to view the updated tenant organization with the new
The system displays the site that you added to the tenant.
If you do not click Update Hierarchy, the system does not display the new site
that you created. Therefore, you cannot add a department to this site.
Add at least one site for the tenant.
d. Repeat Step a through Step c to add more than one site for the tenant.
8. (Optional) Perform the following to add a department or level 2 organization to the
a. In the Tenant Hierarchy section, select the site and click Add.
b. Provide the details for the department.
c. Click Update Hierarchy to view the updated tenant organization with the
If you do not click Update Hierarchy, the system does not display the new
department that you created. Therefore, you cannot add a team to this
Creating a tenant
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d. Repeat Step a through Step c to add more than one department for the site.
9. (Optional) Perform the following to add a team or level 3 organization to the
a. In the Tenant Hierarchy section, select the department and click Add.
b. Provide the details for the team.
c. Click Update Hierarchy to view the updated tenant organization with the
If you do not click Update Hierarchy, the system does not display the new team
that you created.
d. Repeat Step a through Step c to add more than one team for the department.
10. Click Commit.
The system displays the tenant organization on the Tenant Management page.
11. Repeat Step 2 through Step 9 to create more than one tenant.
Related topics:
Adding a custom tenant administrator role on page 160
Unassigning the tenant administrator on page 1175
Tenant Management field descriptions on page 1182
Create Tenant field descriptions on page 1183
Assigning the tenant administrator to the tenant
Before you begin
Log on to the System Manager web console as the Cloud Service Provider
Enable the Multi Tenancy feature.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Tenant Management.
2. On the Tenant Management page, select a tenant in the left pane, and click the
Administrators tab.
3. In the Assigned Admin Users section, perform one of the following steps:
Click Edit or Search and select the administrator that you must assign to this
Perform the following:
Managing tenants
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i. Click New.
ii. In the Create Admin User area, provide the details of the
administrator that you must assign to the tenant.
iii. Click Commit.
The system assigns the tenant administrator to the tenant.
Unassigning the tenant administrator
Before you begin
Log on to the System Manager web console as the Service Provider Administrator.
Enable the Multi Tenancy feature.
Create the tenant.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Tenant Management.
2. On the Tenant Management page, select the tenant in the left pane, and click the
Administrators tab.
3. In the Assigned Admin Users section, click Edit or Search, and select the
administrator that you must unassign.
4. Click Unassign.
5. Click Commit.
The system removes the association of the tenant administrator with the tenant.
Related topics:
Tenant Management field descriptions on page 1182
Create Tenant field descriptions on page 1183
Unassigning the tenant administrator
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1175

Viewing the tenant
Before you begin
Log on to System Manager Web Console.
Enable the Multi Tenancy feature.
Create a tenant.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Tenant Management.
2. From the tenant organization, click the tenant, site, department, or team that you
must view.
3. View the details of Tenant, Site, Department, or Team.
Related topics:
Tenant Management field descriptions on page 1182
Create Tenant field descriptions on page 1183
Modifying the tenant
Before you begin
Log on to the System Manager web console as Service Provider Administrator or Tenant
Enable the Multi Tenancy feature.
About this task
Use the procedure to modify the following:
The tenant, organization hierarchy, and tenant administrator details.
The assignment of elements, user provisioning rule, and resource permissions to the
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Tenant Management.
2. On the Tenant Management page, select the tenant, site, department, or team that
you must modify.
Managing tenants
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3. Click Edit.
4. Modify the following information as appropriate:
Tenant details, tenant administrator, and organization hierarchy labels
Site details, assignment of elements, user provisioning rule, and permissions
to the site
Department details
Team details
For information, see Create Tenant field descriptions.
5. Click Commit.
Related topics:
Tenant Management field descriptions on page 1182
Create Tenant field descriptions on page 1183
Deleting a tenant
The Service Provider Administrator can delete the tenant and the tenant organization
Before you begin
Log on to System Manager Web Console as Service Provider Administrator.
Enable the Multi Tenancy feature.
Delete all users associated with the tenant.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Tenant Management.
2. On the Tenant Management page, select the tenant that you must delete.
3. Click Delete.
If any users associated with the tenant exist, the system displays a message to
delete all users.
4. (Optional) Perform the following steps to delete users associated with the tenant:
a. On the User Management page, in the tenant organization, select a tenant.
The system displays the users associated with this tenant on the right pane.
You can search for a tenant if you cannot view the tenant in the left pane.

Deleting a tenant
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b. Select the users, and click Delete.
c. On the User Delete Confirmation page, click Delete.
The system deletes the users that are associated with the tenant.
5. On the Organization Unit Delete Confirmation page, click Delete.
The system deletes the tenant, tenant administrator, and all roles created for the
tenant, sites, departments, and organization for the tenant.
Related topics:
Tenant Management field descriptions on page 1182
Create Tenant field descriptions on page 1183
Multi Tenancy for Avaya SIP AST endpoints
During the search for enterprise users that must be added as contacts, Avaya SIP AST
endpoints retrieve the enterprise users from:
The tenant partition to which the enterprise user who started the search belongs
The enterprise users in the default tenant partition
All public contacts
Multi Tenancy for Communication Manager objects
With the Multi Tenancy feature, Communication Manager provides telecommunication
services to multiple, independent groups of users through a single Communication Manager
server. Each tenant appears to have a dedicated Communication Manager server, though in
reality, the tenants share the same Communication Manager server.
As an administrator, you can gain access to one or more tenant partitions in System Manager,
and you can administer tenant numbers for several Communication Manager objects. You can
segregate tenants through the tenant numbers. The following Communication Manager
objects support the Multi Tenancy feature:
Managing tenants
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Term Extension Group
Trunk Group
Hunt Group
When a user is added to a tenant, the Tenant Number field is autopopulated for these
Communication Manager objects.
The Communication Manager Objects page displays specific Communication Manager objects
based on the tenant permissions and the Communication Manager permissions you specify.
For a particular Communication Manager instance, you must not assign the same tenant
number for more than one tenant.
After the tenant administrator selects the site and the tenant from the Tenant Management
Web console, the Communication Manager objects page displays a drop down with the tenant
site combination. Depending on the tenant and site a user selects, the tenant range and tenant
permissions take effect.
Multi Tenancy and tenant partitioning in Communication Manager
The native tenant partitioning feature of Communication Manager provides multiple services
to independent groups of users through a single Communication Manager server. In addition
to the tenant capabilities offered by Communication Manager, Communication Manager 6.3.2
offers two new features:
Segmenting call processing and feature processing by the Inter-Tenant Communications
Control (ITCC) feature.
Tenant management of users and system administrators through System Manager.
System Manager Inter-tenant Communication Control (ITCC) enables Communication
Manager to segregate features for each customer. System Manager tenants are shared across
multiple adopters. Communication Manager is one of the adopters. Based on the roles and
permissions assigned on the Communication Manager instances in a tenant, the
Communication Manager objects are segregated for the tenant.
Notes on Multi Tenancy for Communication Manager
Scheduling jobs with Multi Tenancy
When the Multi Tenancy feature is enabled you cannot schedule the following operations:
Notes on Multi Tenancy for Communication Manager
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1179

Clear amw
Delete station
Delete agent
Delete announcement
Backing up announcements
Backing up all announcements
Restoring announcements
Restoring all announcements
Moving announcements
Broadcasting announcements
Bulk operations including adding stations in bulk, deleting stations in bulk, adding agents
in bulk, deleting agents in bulk, editing agents in bulk
Global endpoint change
Tenant administrators cannot delete Communication Manager objects in System Manager. To
assign delete permissions to a tenant administrator, the Service Provider Administrator must
provide delete and scheduler permissions to the tenant administrator.
This will not impact the current implementation of Element Cut Through, notify sync, and adding
Off PBX entries for a SIP station.
User Provisioning Rule and Multi Tenancy
When you assign a user provisioning rule to a tenant, the same Communication Manager
element must be present in the User Provisioning Rule and the Elements tabs. If the
Communication Manageryou selected is present in the User Provisioning Rule tab but not
in the Elements tab, the tenant creation fails.
When you create a new tenant, the system validates the tenant number based on the
Communication Manager you selected. Depending on the tenant configuration in the
Communication Manager you selected, you can choose a tenant number either between 1 to
100 or 1 to 250.
User Management and Multi Tenancy
When you enable the Multi Tenancy feature by selecting ON, and you choose the tenant and
site for a user in User Management, the system displays Communication Manager System in
the endpoint agent communication profile sections based on the tenant and site values you
selected in the Identity tab. The User Management values will override the values chosen in
the Multi Tenancy dashboard.
The system displays the available extensions in the endpoint, agent communication profile
sections according to the tenant and Communication Manager permissions.
Field level permissions and Multi Tenancy
Apart from the tenant permissions, object-level and field-level permissions are also valid for
the tenant hierarchies. For example, admin A with access to Tenant Partition 1 can modify
hunt-group 12 in Tenant Partition 1, but admin A cannot assign a station in Tenant Partition 2
to that hunt group.
Managing tenants
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The object and field-level permissions are valid for the following objects:
Communication Manager object Fields
Hunt Group Group Number Range
Group Extension
Member Extensions
Night Attendant Extension
Agents Agent Login ID
Coverage Path
Port Extension
Tenant Number
VDN Extension
Tenant Number
VDN of Origin Annc Extension
Return Destination
Conference Controller for meetme
Endpoint COR
Emergency Location Extension
Message Lamp Extension
Tenant Number
Media Complex Extension
Hunt-to Station
Terminating Extension Group Group Extension
Tenant Number
4 Extension fields
Trunk Group COR
Tenant Number
Incoming Destination
Night Service Extension
List of Trunk Group Data
You must not provide Element Cut-Through access for a tenant administrator, as the
administrator can bypass the tenant restrictions.
In the Tenant Management UI, when the tenant administrator assigns a single number or
a range in the Tenant Number field, the Communication Manager that the administrator
selects is associated with the tenants.
The Tenant Number field is auto populated for the Communication Manager Objects that
you create through Communication Manager. Only the values or range that you specify
in System Manager is allowed in the Tenant Number field. If you specify a range, the
system uses the smallest value in the tenant range. This scenario is also valid when you
create Communication Manager Objects such as endpoints or agents using User
Management or Directory Synchronization.
Notes on Multi Tenancy for Communication Manager
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1181

When you create tenants, if you specify the Location then you can enter only those values
that are allowed. The Location field can be a single number, a range, or blank. When
you enable multi-location field in System-Parameters customer-options, the possible
values for the Location Number field are 1 to 250 for Communication Manager 6.0 and
6.2, and 1 to 2000 for Communication Manager 6.3 and later. You must type blank or
leave the Location field blank to choose blank as a value for tenant objects. For example,
if you want to specify blank and the range 1 to 10, you must type blank,1:10 in the
Location field.
When you change or choose a template, the Tenant Number in the template takes
precedence over the smallest, default tenant value. This scenario is valid only if the tenant
number present in the template is within the tenant range that is allowed. Otherwise, the
system uses the smallest value in the specified tenant range. The value in the Location
field specified in the template also takes precedence over the default value. The system
validates against wrong and out of range values.
Tenant Management field descriptions
Tenant Hierarchy
Button Description
New Tenant Displays the Create Tenant page where you
can create new tenants and the organization
Add Displays the following tabs when you select a
tenant and click Add.
Level 1 Details or Site Details
User Provisioning Rule
Displays the Department Details section
when you select the level 1 or site, and click
Displays the Team Details section when you
select the level 2 or department, and click
Icon Name Description
Search Searches for the tenant that you specified.
Clear Clears the search text.
Managing tenants
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Create Tenant field descriptions
Use this page to create and modify the tenant organization. This page contains three tabs:
Tenant Details
Organization Hierarchy
The system displays the Create Tenant page when you click New Tenant or when you select
a tenant organization from the tree structure.
Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory.
Tenant Details
Field Description
Name The name or unique identifier of the tenant.
Contact ID The contact ID of the tenant.
Max no of users The maximum number of users that the
administrator can associate with this tenant.
This number does not include admin users
who can manage this tenant but are not
associated with this tenant.
You can administer 10250000 end users in
System Manager. The default is 10.
Description A brief description of the tenant.
In the Assigned Admin Users section, the page displays the fields in the Create Admin
User area when you click New.
Field Description
First Name The first name of the administrator.
Last Name The last name of the administrator.
Login The login name of the administrator.
The login name must be a fully qualified
domain name. For example,
[email protected].
Create Tenant field descriptions
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1183

Field Description
Password The password to log on to the System
Manager web console.
Confirm Password The password that you must re-enter for
Button Description
New Creates a new tenant administrator with the
details that you provide.
Search Searches for the administrator using the
search criteria that you provide.
Unassign Removes the administrator that you
Commit Saves the administrator details that you
Cancel Cancels the operation.
Organization Hierarchy
The page displays the fields in the Organization Level Names area.
Field Description
Level 1 The name for level 1.
on level
Default Example
Level 1 Site Hyderaba
Level 2 Departme
Level 3 Team Customer
Level 2 The name for level 2. The field is optional.
Level 3 The name for level 3. The field is optional.
Managing tenants
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Button Description
Update Hierarchy The system performs the following:
Refreshes the page with the details that
you provided during the creation of the
tenant, site, department, and team.
Displays the tenant node that you
Displays the level 1 or site that you
Displays the level 2 or department that you
Displays the level 3 or team.
If you do not click Update Hierarchy after
you create a tenant, site, department, and
team, the system does not display the
newly created organizational unit.
Commit Saves the changes you made to the tenant,
site, department, or team and displays the
Tenant Management page.
Cancel Cancels the current operation.
Level 1 Details or Site Details
The system displays the Level 1 Details or Site Details, Elements, and User Provisioning
Rule tabs when you select a tenant and click Add.
Field Description
Name The name of the level 1 hierarchy or site.
Address The address of the level 1 hierarchy or site.
Description A brief description of the level 1 hierarchy or
Field Description
Selected Elements The list of elements that you can assign to
the level 1 hierarchy or site.
The system adds the elements to the section
from the Available Elements section when
you click the plus sign (+).
Create Tenant field descriptions
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1185

Field Description
The element that you select in the
Elements tab and the User Provisioning
Rule tab must be the same. If you select
a different element, the tenant creation
Unassigns the element from the level 1
hierarchy or site.
The system displays the element in the
Available Elements section.
Name The name of the element.
Type The type of the element.
Tenant No. The identifier of the tenant.
The Tenant No. and Location No. must be
created in the element before you associate
the numbers with the tenant. For information,
see the documentation for the appropriate
Location No. The site that contains elements and other
network element resources. For example,
Communication Manager, Session
Manager, endpoints, and other resources.
Available Elements
+ Click to assign the element to the site.
Name The name of the element.
Type The type of the element.
User Provisioning Rule
Field Description
Available User Provisioning Rules
Name The name of the user provisioning rule.
+ Assigns the user provisioning rule to the level
1 hierarchy or site.
The system moves the user provisioning rule
to the Selected User Provisioning Rules
Selected User Provisioning Rules
Managing tenants
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Field Description
Name The name of the user provisioning rule that
you selected from the Available User
Provisioning Rules table.
Unassigns the user provisioning rule from
the level 1 hierarchy or site.
The system moves the user provisioning rule
to the Available User Provisioning Rules
Level 2 Details or Department Details
The system displays the section when you select a level 1 hierarchy or site, and click Add.
Field Description
Name The name of the level 2 hierarchy or
Description A brief description of the level 2 hierarchy or
Level 3 Details or Team Details
The system displays the section when you select a level 2 hierarchy or department, and click
Field Description
Name The name of the level 3 hierarchy or team.
Description A brief description of the level 3 hierarchy or
Create Tenant field descriptions
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Managing tenants
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Chapter 24: Shutting down System
System Manager executes several scheduled processes in the background. When System
Manager shuts down, the system must stop the processes that System Manager runs in the
background. This is to ensure that the system is stable and does not contain incomplete data
in any data store when System Manager starts the next time. The system must also ensure
that the background process that stops does not leave the system in an unstable state.
The shutdown process stops all running jobs and then shuts down System Manager.
You cannot cancel the process after you select the shutdown process.
To ensure that System Manager shuts down completely, the shutdown feature provides a user
interface that displays all scheduled jobs that are running on System Manager and active user
sessions. Based on the criticality and priority of scheduled jobs, the administrator can shut
down the system immediately or wait for the scheduled jobs to complete.
If the administrator chooses to shut down the system, the shutdown service performs the
following actions:
- Sends the shutdown notification to active users so that users can commit or rollback
the operation. The shutdown framework waits for the specified grace period that the
administrator sets for active users to complete the operations.
- Sends the shutdown signal to the Scheduler of System Manager to interrupt the
running jobs. Scheduler service must not start any new scheduled jobs.
- Blocks access to the System Manager web console during a shutdown. After the
grace period, the system disallows new logins. The system stops all existing
sessions when the shutdown begins and redirects the sessions to the Login page.
The system displays Shutdown in progress message on Login page.
- Logs an audit message indicating that a request for shutdown is made.
- Makes an entry in a file about the shutdown request. The system uses the shutdown
request information to display the shutdown history.
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- Shuts down all applicable services such as JBoss, Postgres, and CND.
- If any of the steps fail, the system logs a message and performs the next step.
Administrator can shut down System Manager from the command line interface or System
Manager web console.
Shutting down System Manager from the Web console
Before you begin
Log on to System Manager web console of the active server.
About this task
You cannot gain access to System Manager Web Console during the shutdown process.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Shutdown.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Shutdown > Shutdown System Manager.
3. On the Initiate Shutdown page, perform one of the following actions:
Wait for the completion of jobs running on System Manager, and then click
Click Shutdown to shut down System Manager immediately.
4. To see the history of the last shutdown actions, click Shutdown > Shutdown
The Shutdown History page displays the date, time, and status of the shutdown
Related topics:
View Profile:Shutdown field descriptions on page 865
Edit Profile:Shutdown field descriptions on page 865
Shutting down System Manager
1190 Administering Avaya Aura

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Chapter 25: Software Management
Software Management overview
Software Management, a centralized upgrade solution, provides an automatic upgrade of
Communication Manager and associated devices, such as Gateways, TN boards, and media
modules from a single view. You can upgrade Communication Manager from release 5.x to
5.2.1, 5.2.1 to Release 6.3.6, and 6.x to Release 6.3.6. The centralized upgrade process
minimizes repetitive tasks and reduces the error rate.
Using Software Management from the System Manager web console, you can perform the
Get inventory: To get the inventory that you need for upgrading Communication Manager.
For example, Communication Manager, gateways, media modules, and TN boards.
Analyze software: To analyze whether the elements and components are on the latest
release and to identify whether a new software is available for the inventory that you
Download files: To download files that are required for upgrading elements and
You can download a new release from Avaya PLDS to the software file library and use
the release to upgrade the device software.
Preupgrade check: To ensure that conditions for successful upgrade are met. For
example, if the hardware is supported by the new release, the RAID battery is sufficient,
the bandwidth is sufficient, and if the files are downloaded.
Schedule an upgrade sequence to upgrade all associated devices in a hierarchy, such
as Communication Manager, Gateways, and TN boards in a flow by using job
Perform System Platform-based upgrades.
Perform VMware or System Platform-based updates.
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Configuring user settings
Before you begin
Obtain a company ID to configure PLDS.
About this task
Use the User Settings page to configure the location from where System Manager displays
information about the latest software and firmware releases. Specify the PLDS, Proxy, and
credentials for the software download on the User Settings page. Entitlements are based on
the credentials you enter in the User Settings page.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click User Settings.
3. On the User Settings page, click Edit.
4. Specify the Avaya Support site or an alternate URL as the location.
5. Specify the PLDS settings and proxy settings for the software download.
6. Click Commit.
Related topics:
User Settings field descriptions on page 1192
Obtaining a company ID on page 1257
User Settings field descriptions
Source configuration
Field Description
Use Avaya support site The option to find the information and
download the software releases from the
Avaya support site.
To download the firmware and analyze
the software on System Manager, you
must gain access to
Software Management
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Field Description
and on the
Avaya support site.
Alternate Source The website locations from where you can
get the latest software. The alternate source
is an HTTP URL and an alternate to the
Avaya support site. You must set the
alternate source.
Ensure that versions.xml,
versions_bsm.xml, and
versions_sp.xml files and the
software files are available at this location.
You can obtain the XML files from ftp://
The XML files compare the available
software version and the latest available
version in PLDS.
If you select Avaya support site, do not select
Alternate Source.
PLDS configuration
Field Description
SSO User Name The user name used as a single sign on for
SSO Password The single sign on password for PLDS.
Confirm SSO Password The SSO password that you retype in this
Company ID The company ID for PLDS. For more
information, see Obtaining a company ID.
Proxy settings
You require proxy settings to use the Avaya PLDS and the Avaya support site. If your network
configuration requires a proxy, enter the details in the Proxy Settings section.
Field Description
Use Proxy The option to use the proxy server for
User Settings field descriptions
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Field Description
Host The host name of the proxy.
Port The port of the proxy.
Password The password of the proxy server for the
Avaya support site.
Confirm Password The password of the proxy server that you
retype for the Avaya support site.
Button Description
Edit To display the edit page where you can
change the user settings.
Commit To save the user settings that you enter.
Reset To reset the page and clear the values that
you enter.
Cancel To cancel your action and return to the
previous page.
Setting up an alternate source
About this task
Perform this procedure to set up an alternate source to store the xml files and the firmware
1. Download the following xml files:
To download the xml files, contact an Avaya support team.
2. Upload the xml files to the http server.
3. Download the required firmware files from PLDS.
To download the firmware files, contact an Avaya support site.
Software Management
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4. Upload the firmware files to the http server.
You can use the http server as an alternate source to PLDS. Ensure that you update
the firmware files and the xml files in the http server from
Software Inventory
Software Inventory overview
The Software Inventory page consists of a collective inventory of different devices arranged in
a hierarchy.
When more than one element is selected within a hierarchy, the system creates one scheduler
job for the upgrade. Each hierarchy can have only one job scheduled. The system determines
the sequence in which the elements must be upgraded. The devices might include:
Communication Manager
Communication Manager Messaging
Utility Server
Branch Session Manager
TN Boards
Media modules
If one of the devices fails to upgrade within the hierarchy, the system might proceed or process
the job as failed based on the compatibility of the failed device with the subsequent device.
You cannot select Communication Manager 5.2.1 and System Platform-based
Communication Manager 6.x together. You can upgrade either Communication Manager
5.2.1 systems together or all System Platform-based Communication Manager 6.x
You can perform the following operations by using Software Inventory:
Get Inventory.
Analyze software.
Perform a preupgrade check.
Reset or backup Communication Manager.
Software Inventory
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Sequence upgrades.
Upgrade the following:
- System Platform-based Communication Manager 6.x
- Communication Manager 5.2.1
- All devices and components that run on Communication Manager
Commit, rollback, or cancel the template upgrade.
Note that you cannot perform updates by using the Software Management > Software
Inventory link.
However, you can perform the following operations by using Manage Software >
Communication Manager:
Update Communication Manager, SAMP firmware, and MPC firmware.
Upgrade Communication Manager 5.x to 5.2.1.
Install System Platform on the supported server before you upgrade Communication
Upgrade Gateways, TN boards, and media modules.
Getting inventory
Before you begin
To discover the devices that you want to upgrade, enable SNMP or add from Manage
Elements. Set the corresponding SNMPv1 communities for the devices in System Manager
through Inventory > Manage Elements > Discovery.
You must configure the SNMP parameters on the device before you configure the same
device in System Manager. You must use the same SNMP credentials for the device
in System Manager.
To upgrade a Communication Manager device, you must configure a profile 18 user
on Communication Manager. You cannot use init and craft user profiles while
configuring a profile 18 user.
Do not perform the following during an upgrade:
The Get Inventory operation when the upgrade is in progress.
The Analyze operation when the upgrade is in progress.
Software Management
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The Analyze operation during the Get Inventory operation.
Log on the Dom0, Cdom, or virtual machine.
Before you perform any operation on a Communication Manager 5.2.1. from Software
Management, run the Get Inventory operation to ensure that the system reflects the exact state
of the device in Software Inventory.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management >
Software Inventory.
2. On the Software Inventory page, select the device or devices for which you want to
obtain the inventory, and perform the following:
To get the inventory now, click Get Inventory > Now.
To get the inventory later, click Get Inventory > Schedule.
If you click Get Inventory, the system automatically analyzes the devices. You
need not analyze the devices again.
Analyze software
The analyze software operation finds and displays the latest release of a device in the
Available Software column. This operation changes the icon in the State column after
comparing the current software version of the device with the latest version. To get the latest
version, use Get Inventory.
Icon State Description
Unknown Indicates that the device is yet to be
Update Required Indicates that a new version of the
software is available and the device must
be upgraded. Also indicates that the
software file is not downloaded to the
System Manager software file library.
Ready to Update Indicates that an upgrade is required for
the device and the new version of the
software is downloaded to the software
Software Inventory
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1197

Icon State Description
file library. Also indicates that the device
is ready for upgrade. .
Updated Indicates that the device is on the latest
Non Upgradable Indicates that you cannot upgrade the
component, and the component is only
listed as part of the inventory.
Unentitled Indicates that the new version of the
software is available, but you are not
entitled to the new version.
Analyzing the software
Before you begin
Get the inventory. If multiple sites work on the same Survivable Remote Server (SRS),
you must get the inventory before performing the analyze operation.
Configure user settings.
Ensure that the inventory is populated.
About this task
Using the analyze feature, you can identify whether a new software is available for the inventory
that you collected, and whether you have permissions to download the software.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management >
Software Inventory.
2. On the Software Inventory page, select one or more devices, and perform one of
the following:
To analyze all devices, click Analyze > Analyze All Now.
To analyze all devices at a later time, click Analyze > Analyze All
To analyze selected devices, click Analyze > Analyze Selected Now.
To analyze selected devices at a later time, click Analyze > Analyze Selected
Software Management
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Downloading the software
Before you begin
Analyze the software.
Create a software library.
Ensure that 9GB disk space is available on System Manager.
About this task
To view the available disk space, before you begin downloading the software. Log on to System
Manager CLI, and type df -h /opt/Avaya/ command.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management >
Software Inventory.
2. On the Software Inventory page, select the devices, and click Download.
3. On the File Download Manager page, perform the following:
a. In the Select Files Download Details section, select Source and the files that
you want to download.
b. Click Download.
On the Download Manager, the File Download Status section displays the
download details. After you download the recommended file, the state of the
device changes to ready to update .
Performing a preupgrade check
Before you begin
For Communication Manager 5.2.1:
Create the authorization file for System Platform, and store the file in the local folder.
For more information contact Avaya support team.
Create the new EPW file for the Communication Manager to be upgraded, and provide
all credentials to the EPW file including System Platform details. Store the EPW file on
the HTTP or HTTPS server.
For more information, contact Avaya support team.
Get the WebLM server IP address mandatory for licensing.
For more information contact Avaya support team.
Software Inventory
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1199

Get the inventory for Communication Manager 5.2.1.
Analyze the software.
Download the related firmware for Communication Manager 5.2.1 upgrade.
For Communication Manager 6.x:
Get the inventory.
Analyze the software.
Download the related firmware for the Communication Manager upgrade.
Run the hardware requirement checks during the preupgrade check.
During the preupgrade check, the system checks the supported servers, compatible
template, and the memory requirement in System Manager.
For more information, see Hardware requirement checks during preupgrade check.
About this task
Install the latest System Platform on the hardware. You can stop pre upgrade check for
elements in queue.
System Platform must be on the same subnetwork as Communication Manager
During preupgrade, if the mandatory check fails, the Upgrade button is unavailable.
If you fail to perform preupgrade, the Upgrade, Commit, Rollback, Cancel Template
Upgrade, Backup CM/CMM, and More Actions buttons become unavailable.
You can select less than five templates for Pre-Upgrade Check.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Software Inventory.
3. On the Software Inventory page, select the templates that you want to upgrade.
You can select only templates.
4. Click Pre-Upgrade Check.
The system displays the status with the icons. For more information, see
Preupgrade status.
5. To run the preupgrade check for templates again, on the Pre-upgrade Check
Running Status page, select one or more templates and click Run.
6. (Optional) To stop the committed preupgrade check for the template, click
7. To view the status of the preupgrade check for an element listed on the Software
Inventory page, run the sh command.
Software Management
1200 Administering Avaya Aura

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For more information, see:
Viewing the preupgrade check status for an element
Preupgrade checks
Related topics:
Preupgrade checks on page 1201
Preupgrade status on page 1202
Viewing the preupgrade check status of an element on page 1203
Preupgrade checks
The system runs the following preupgrade checks for Communication Manager 5.2.1:
Mandatory checks:
- Hardware compatibility check
- Required files download check
Recommended check:
- Sufficient memory check
The system runs the following preupgrade checks for System Platform-based
Communication Manager 6.x:
Mandatory checks:
- RAID battery check
- Hardware compatibility check
- Required files download check
- CDOM credentials check
- Disk space check
Recommended check:
- Sufficient memory check
- Version compatibility check
- Bandwidth is sufficient check
Informational check:
- Sufficient memory check
Do not perform any jboss operations while upgrade is in progress.
Software Inventory
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1201

Hardware requirement checks during a preupgrade check
During the preupgrade check, the system checks the supported servers, template
compatibility, and memory requirement in System Manager.
Template Server type Minimum memory
S8800, Dell


R610, Dell


R620, HP ProLiant DL360

G7, and HP ProLiant DL360p
12 GB
S8800, S8510, Dell


R610, Dell


R620, HP
ProLiant DL360 G7, and HP
ProLiant DL360p G8
8 GB
S8800, S8510, Dell


R610, Dell


R620, HP
ProLiant DL360 G7, and HP
ProLiant DL360p G8
8 GB
CM_SurvRemoteEmbed S8300D 8 GB
CM_onlyEmbed S8300D 8 GB
The following mandatory preupgrade checks apply only to Communication Manager Release
The S8510 (Dell PoweEdge 1950) server requires a 3 HDD /RAID 5 to get the 272GB
disk space for Communication Manager on System Platform and additional 1GB DIMMs
to get to 8GB DRAM.
The S8800 (IBM x3550) server requires a third HDD and conversion to RAID 5 to get to
272 GB, and 4 additional 2GB DIMMs to get to 12GB DRAM.
Preupgrade status
Icon State Description
Unknown or Not-
Indicates that the preupgrade check has
not started, or the preupgrade check was
not run earlier.
Software Management
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Icon State Description
Failed Indicates that one or more mandatory
preupgrade checks failed, and the failed
elements are unavailable for upgrade as
the probability of upgrade failure is high.
Success with
recommended check
Indicates that mandatory preupgrade
checks are successful, but one or more
recommended checks failed. The
elements are available for upgrade as the
probability of upgrade failure is less.
Successful Indicates that all preupgrade checks are
successful, and the probability of
successful upgrade is high.
Viewing the preupgrade check status of an element
Before you begin
Run a preupgrade check.
Start an SSH session.
About this task
You can view the preupgrade check status of an element listed on the Software Inventory
1. At the prompt of System Manager, type the following command:
cd $MGMT\software_management
The system displays the list of elements for which the preupgrade check is run.
Each record provides the number, name, and IP address of the element.
2. Type the element number for which you want to view the preupgrade check
The system displays the preupgrade check status for the element.
1. At the prompt, type the following command:
cd $MGMT\software_management
The system displays the following details:
Software Inventory
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1203

element number element name element address
550 duplex-New-178.75
551 SP_New-178.126
553 cm103
2. Type 550.
The system displays the following details:
run_time check_cat
check check_stat
Upgrading Communication Manager Release 6.0, 6.1, or 6.2
Communication Manager 6.x upgrade checklist
No. Task References
1. Install System Platform and the
required patch on the supported

2. Discover the devices that you want

to upgrade by enabling SNMP or
adding from Discovery on the
Manage Elements page.
Discovering elements on page
3. Configure user settings. Configuring user settings on
page 1192
4. Create a remote software library. Creating a software library on
page 1225
Software Management
1204 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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No. Task References
5. Get the inventory for
Communication Manager 6.x.
Get inventory software
inventory on page 1196
6. Analyze the software. Analyzing the software for
software inventory on page 1198
7. Download the related firmware for
the Communication Manager
Downloading the software for
software inventory on page 1199
8. Run the preupgrade check. Performing the preupgrade
check on page 1199
9. Perform the upgrade. Upgrading communication
manager 6x on page 1205
10. Verify that the upgrade is
Verifying the upgrade on
page 1207.
Related topics:
Device list on page 915
Upgrading Communication Manager 6.0, 6.1, or 6.2 to Release 6.3.6
Before you begin
Get the inventory.
Analyze the software.
Download the software.
Run the preupgrade check.
Run the hardware requirement checks during the preupgrade check.
During the preupgrade check, the system checks the supported servers, template
compatibility, and the memory requirement in System Manager.
For more information, see Hardware requirement checks during a preupgrade check.
About this task
Use the procedure to upgrade Communication Manager 6.0, 6.1, or 6.2 that is running on
System Platform to Release 6.3.6.
For the supported upgrade paths of System Platform, see Upgrading Avaya Aura

Software Inventory
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1205

For duplex templates, first upgrade the standby Communication Manager. When the
standby Communication Manager upgrade is complete, upgrade the active Communication
For more information about postupgrade steps for duplex templates, see Upgrading Avaya

Communication Manager.
When you upgrade a System Platform-based Communication Manager with Branch Session
Manager, the system upgrades the Branch Session Manager.
When you upgrade a System Platform-based Communication Manager with Communication
Manager Messaging, the system upgrades Communication Manager Messaging.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Software Inventory.
3. On the Software Inventory page, select the templates that you want to upgrade.
4. Click Upgrade.
5. On the System Platform Template(s) Upgrade Configuration page, select one or
more templates of the same type.
6. In the Upgrade Configuration section, select the templates that you want to
upgrade and complete the fields.
For more information, see System Platform Template(s) Upgrade Configuration
field descriptions.
7. Perform one of the following actions:
To upgrade the solution template automatically, select Auto Commit
You cannot perform rollback if you select Auto Commit Upgrade.
To commit the upgrade of the Communication Manager template manually,
perform the following:
i. Clear the Auto Commit Upgrade check box.
ii. On the Software Inventory page, click More Actions > Commit
Template Upgrade.
8. (Optional) If you find any errors or issues, click More Actions > Rollback
Template Upgrade.
The system rolls back the software to the original version.
Software Management
1206 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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9. (Optional) To stop the upgrade during template installation, click More Actions >
Cancel Template Upgrade.
10. Click Save the configuration.
To cancel the operation, click Clear configuration.
11. In the Job Schedule section, perform one of the following:
To upgrade the device, click Now.
To upgrade the device at a later time, click Later.
12. Click Upgrade.
Next steps
Verify that the upgrade is successful.
For more information, see Verifying the upgrade on page 1207.
Related topics:
Device list on page 915
Analyze software on page 1197
Analyzing the software on page 1198
Performing a preupgrade check on page 1199
Preupgrade checks on page 1201
System Platform Template(s) Upgrade Configuration field descriptions on page 1210
Software Inventory field descriptions on page 1213
Verifying the upgrade
Before you begin
Complete the upgrade of Communication Manager and devices.
About this task
For more information about postupgrade steps for a duplex template, see Upgrading Avaya

Communication Manager.
1. On the Software Inventory page, click the status of the Communication Manager
device to view the logs and the description of the upgrade operation.
The system displays the status of the upgrade in Status column.
2. To verify that the upgrade is successful, check the following on the Software
Inventory page:
Software Inventory
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1207

The Release column displays the updated icon .

The Update column displays the updated icon .

The Sw Release changed from the previous release to the latest upgraded
The Status changed from Upgrade Scheduled to IDLE.
3. Validate that the Communication Manager 5.2.1 server data that is restored on
Release 6.3.6. If the server data on the Release 6.3.6 system is incomplete,
complete the required fields.
This validation applies only to Communication Manager Release 5.2.1.
For more information about the following, see Upgrading Avaya Aura

Communication Manager:
Recording the configuration screens.
Worksheet for upgrading Communication Manager to simplex and embedded
Sample scenario to upgrade Communication Manager Release 6.x to 6.3.6
To upgrade Communication Manager Release 6.x to 6.3.6, do the following:
1. Perform the Preupgrade tasks on page 1208
2. Perform the Upgrading Communication Manager 6.x to Release 6.3.6 on
page 1209
3. Perform Verifying the upgrade on page 1207
Preupgrade tasks
No. Task References
1. Discover the devices that you want
to upgrade by enabling SNMP or
adding from Discovery on the
Manage Elements page.
Discovering elements on page
2. Configure user settings. Configuring user settings on
page 1192
Software Management
1208 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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No. Task References
3. Create a remote software library. Creating a software library on
page 1225
4. Get the inventory for
Communication Manager 6.x.
Get inventory software
inventory on page 1196
5. Analyze the software. Analyzing the software for
software inventory on page 1198
6. Download the related firmware for
the Communication Manager
Downloading the software for
software inventory on page 1199
7. Run the preupgrade check. Performing the preupgrade
check on page 1199
Upgrading Communication Manager 6.x to Release 6.3.6
Before you begin
Complete the preupgrade tasks.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Software Inventory.
3. On the Software Inventory page, select the Communication Manager 6.x device that
you want to upgrade.
4. Click Upgrade.
5. On the System Platform Template(s) Upgrade Configuration page, select
6. In the Upgrade Configuration section, select one or more templates that you want
to upgrade and complete the fields.
For more information, see System Platform Template(s) Upgrade Configuration
field descriptions.
7. Click Save the configuration.
8. In the Job Schedule section, click Now.
9. Click Upgrade.
On the Software Inventory page, the system displays the status of the upgrade in
Status. Click the status of the Communication Manager device to view the logs and
the description of the upgrade operation.
Software Inventory
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1209

Related topics:
Upgrading Communication Manager 6.0, 6.1, or 6.2 to Release 6.3.6 on page 1205
System Platform Template(s) Upgrade Configuration field descriptions on page 1210
System Platform Template(s) Upgrade Configuration field descriptions
Field Description
Upgrade Source The source where you have the installation
file. The source can be the remote server
software library.
Available System Platform The available System Platform for the
The field applies only for Communication
Manager Release 5.2.1 upgrade.
EPW file The EPW file available for the upgrade.
The field applies only for Communication
Manager Release 5.2.1 upgrade.
Template Name The Communication Manager template
available for the upgrade:
The field applies only for Communication
Manager Release 5.2.1 upgrade.
For Communication Manager Release 6.x,
the field is read-only.
CM/CMM Backup/Restore File Server The file server used for storing backup data
during the upgrade.
The field applies only for Communication
Manager Release 5.2.1 upgrade.
Authentication File The link to authenticate the file.
The field applies only for Communication
Manager Release 5.2.1 upgrade.
WebLM Server IP Address The WebLM server IP address.
The field applies only for Communication
Manager Release 5.2.1 upgrade.
Communication Manager IP Address The Communication Manager IP address.
The Communication Manager IP address
Software Management
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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Field Description
must be the same as the selected
Communication Manager to be upgraded.
The field applies only for Communication
Manager Release 5.2.1 upgrade.
Upgrade To The Communication Manager template
version that you want to upgrade to.
Branch Session Manager The Branch Session Manager available for
the upgrade. The Branch Session
Manager IP address must be of the same
name as mentioned in the EPW file.
Branch Session Manager Login The Branch Session Manager login name.
Branch Session Manager Password The Branch Session Manager password.
The password must not exceed nine letters.
Branch Session Manager Enrollment
The Branch Session Manager enrollment
password. The password must not exceed
nine letters.
Utility Server The Utility Services virtual application.
Communication Manager The version of Communication Manager that
you want to upgrade to.
System Platform Upgrade Version The System Platform release upgrade that
you want to upgrade to.
System Platform Update Version The System Platform patch upgrade version
that you want to update the version to.
Utility Server IP Address The Utility Services IP address. The name of
Utility Server IP Address must be the same
as mentioned in the EPW file.
The field applies only for Communication
Manager Release 5.2.1 upgrade.
Auto Commit Upgrade The option to automatically commit the
template upgrade.
If you select Auto Commit Upgrade, the
system automatically upgrades System
If you select Auto Commit Upgrade,
you cannot roll back the template
If you do not select Automatic Commit
Upgrade, the system displays Waiting or
RollBack for Commit on the Software
Inventory page.
Software Inventory
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1211

Field Description
On the System Inventory page, click More
Actions > Commit Template Upgrade.
CM VM Kernel,Platform Patching The kernel patch or platform patch for the
Communication Manager virtual machine.
If selected, the kernel and platform
patching must be performed implicitly
on the Communication Manager virtual
If not selected, the kernel and platform
patching must be performed manually
on the Communication Manager virtual
For more information, see Deploying
Avaya Aura

Communication Manager
on System Platform.
CM VM Platform Patch The platform patch for the Communication
Manager virtual machine.
CM VM Kernel Patch The kernel patch for the Communication
Manager virtual machine.
Override Recommended Failure The checkbox that specifies whether the
system must override any recommended
preupgrade check failure that occurs during
the element upgrade. When you select this
checkbox, the system tries to upgrade the
You must select Override
Recommended Failure if one or more of
the earlier recommended preupgrade
checks have failed.
If a version is unavailable in the library, the system displays a warning for the following fields:
Upgrade To
Communication Manager
System Platform Upgrade Version
System Platform Update Version
Software Management
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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Button Description
Done To save the information that you enter.
Reset To clear the values that you enter.
Now To begin the upgrade.
Schedule To schedule the upgrade for later.
Cancel To cancels the upgrade.
Software Inventory field descriptions
Name Adjust column width Description
Select The option to select a group.
Name The name of the device.
Release The release state.
Update The update state.
Pre-Upgrade Check Status The status of the preupgrade check.
IP Address The IP address.
Type The device type.
Sw Release The software release.
Status The status of the device for upgrade.
Location The location of the device.
Family The family of the device.
Button Description
Get inventory > Now To get the components of the device
Get inventory > Schedule To get the components of the device
software at a later time.
Analyze > Analyze All Now To analyze whether any new firmware for all
device software is available.
Analyze > Analyze All Scheduled To analyze at a later time whether any new
firmware for all device software is available.
Analyze > Analyze Selected Now To analyze whether any new firmware for the
selected device is available.
Software Inventory
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1213

Button Description
Analyze > Analyze Selected Schedule To analyze at a later time whether any new
firmware for the selected device is
Download To download the required files for one or
more devices.
Pre-upgrade Check To display the system requirement for an
upgrade as follows:
The required bandwidth of the selected
The required entitlements downloaded by
the System Manager and the selected
Upgrade To upgrade the device template.
More Actions > Commit Prompts you to save the changes you made
to the selected Communication Manager,
Gateway, or the loads the previous release
on the selected Communication Manager,
System Platform template, Gateway
template. Do one on the following actions;
Now: To commit the upgrades to the latest
release on the selected Communication
Manager, Gateway, or the System
Platform template.
Later: To commit the upgrades to the latest
release on the selected Communication
Manager, Gateway, or the System
Platform template at a later time.
Cancel: To cancel the upgrades to the
latest release on the selected
Communication Manager, Gateway, or the
System Platform template.
More Actions > Rollback Loads the previous release on the selected
Communication Manager, System Platform
template, gateway. The options are:
Now: To rollback the upgrades to the
previous release on the selected
Communication Manager, Gateway, or the
System Platform template.
Later: To rollback the upgrades to the
previous release on the selected
Software Management
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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Button Description
Communication Manager, gateway, or the
System Platform template at a later time.
Cancel: To cancel the rollback of the
upgrades to the previous release on the
selected Communication Manager,
gateway, or the System Platform
More Actions > Reset Restarts the selected Communication
Manager, or Gateway. The options are:
Now: To restart the selected
Communication Manager or Gateway.
Later: To restart the selected
Communication Manager or Gateway.
Cancel: To cancel the restart on the
selected Communication Manager or
Reset operation is service affecting, with
higher levels being increasingly destructive
that can close the SAT login. Certain
conditions can result in a higher reset level
than the reset requested.
More Actions > Cancel Template Upgrade Cancels the System Manager template
upgrade. The options are:
Now: To cancel the template upgrade on
the selected System Platform solution
Later: To cancel the template upgrade on
the selected System Platform solution
template at a later time.
Cancel: To cancel the cancel template
upgrade on the selected System Platform
solution template.
More Actions > Backup CM/CMM The backup Communication Manager for the
Communication Manager 5.2.1 upgrade.
For more information see, Backing up the
Communication Manager.
The field applies only for Communication
Manager Release 5.2.1 upgrade.
Advanced Search Displays fields where you can specify the
criteria for searching a group.
Software Inventory
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1215

Button Description
Filter: Enable Displays fields where you can set the filter
criteria. This button is a toggle button.
Filter: Disable Hides the column filter fields without
resetting the filter criteria. This button is a
toggle button.
Filter: Clear Clears the filter criteria.
Filter: Apply Filters groups based on the criteria.
Select: None Clears all check boxes.
Icon Description
Refreshes the group information.
Criteria section
Click Advanced Search to view this section. You can find the Advanced Search link in the
upper-right corner of the page.
Field Description
Criteria The criteria for search operation. The page
displays the following fields:
Field 1: The list of criteria to search
Field 2: The list of operators for evaluating
the expression. This list of operators
depends on the criterion that you selected
in Field 1.
Field 3: The value of the search criterion.
The Software Inventory service retrieves
and displays the devices that match this
Icon Description
+ Adds a row after Field 1, Field 2, and Field
3 to add more search conditions.
- Deletes the row with the search conditions.
Button Description
Clear Clears the search value that you entered in
Field 3.
Software Management
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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Search Searches the group based on the specified
search conditions, and displays the results in
the Groups section.
Close Cancels the search operation, and hides the
Criteria section.
Upgrading Communication Manager Release 5.2.1
Communication Manager 5.2.1 upgrade checklist
No. Task References
1. Install System Platform and the
required patch on the supported

2. Discover the devices that you want

to upgrade by enabling SNMP or
adding from Discovery on the
Manage Elements page.
Discovering elements on page
3. Configure user settings. Configuring user settings on
page 1192
4. Create a remote software library. Creating a software library on
page 1225
5. Record the server data for
Communication Manager 5.2.1 in
the worksheet.
For more information about the
following, see Upgrading Avaya

Communication Manager:
Recording the configuration
Worksheet for upgrading
Communication Manager to
simplex and embedded
6. Create the authorization file for
System Platform, and store the file
in My Computer.
For more information, contact the
Avaya support team.
7. Create the new EPW file for the
Communication Manager selected
for upgrade, and provide all
credentials to the EPW file including
For more information, contact the
Avaya support team.
Software Inventory
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1217

No. Task References
System Platform details. Store the
EPW file on the HTTP or HTTPS
8. Get the WebLM server IP address
for licensing.
For more information, contact the
Avaya support team.
9. Get the inventory for
Communication Manager 5.2.1.
Get inventory software
inventory on page 1196
10. Analyze the software. Analyzing the software for
software inventory on page 1198
11. Download the related firmware for
the Communication Manager
Downloading the software for
software inventory on page 1199
12. Perform a preupgrade check. Performing the preupgrade
check on page 1199
13. Perform the upgrade. Upgrading Communication
Manager 5.2.1 on page 1219
14. Verify that the upgrade is
Verifying the upgrade on
page 1207
15. Validate that the Communication
Manager 5.2.1 server data that is
restored on Release 6.3.6 is
Verifying the upgrade on
page 1207
Related topics:
Device list on page 915
Backing up Communication Manager or Communication Manager Messaging
Before you begin
Get the inventory.
Analyze the software.
Download the software.
About this task
Perform the routine backup of Communication Manager 5.2.1 and Communication Manager
Software Management
1218 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management >
Software Inventory.
2. On the Software Inventory page, select the templates that you want to upgrade and
click More Actions > Backup CM/CMM.
3. On the Backup Configuration page, select the templates that you want to
4. In the Upgrade Operation section, click the appropriate Communication Manager
Messaging and Restore File Server file from the drop-down list.
Upgrading Communication Manager 5.2.1 to Release 6.3.6
Before you begin
Install the latest System Platform Release and the service pack on the supported server.
For more information, see Hardware requirement checks during preupgrade check.
The recommended System Platform must be on the same subnetwork as Communication
Manager 5.2.1.
Record the server data for Communication Manager 5.2.1 in the worksheet for upgrading
Communication Manager to simplex and embedded templates.
For more information, see Recording the configuration screens, and Worksheet for
upgrading Communication Manager to simplex and embedded templates, see Upgrading
Avaya Aura

Communication Manager.
The system backs up most of the server data and restores the data after the upgrade.
You must verify and complete the configuration after the upgrade is complete.
Create the authorization file for System Platform, and store the file in My Computer.
For more information, contact the Avaya support team.
Create the EPW file for the Communication Manager selected for upgrade, and provide
all credentials to the EPW file including System Platform details. Store the EPW file on
the HTTP or HTTPS server.
For more information, contact the Avaya support team.
Get the WebLM server IP address that is mandatory for licensing.
For more information, contact the Avaya support team.
Get the inventory for Communication Manager 5.2.1.
The get inventory operation ensures that the system reflects the exact state of the device
in Software Inventory.
Software Inventory
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1219

Analyze the software.
Download the related firmware for the Communication Manager upgrade.
Run the preupgrade check.
About this task
For a duplex, first upgrade the standby Communication Manager and then the active
Communication Manager.
When you select a Communication Manager Messaging device that is enabled for the
associated Communication Manager earlier to the upgrade, the Communication Manager
Messaging device updates to the latest version after the upgrade.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Software Management > Software Inventory.
3. On the Software Inventory page, select the Communication Manager 5.2.1 device
that you want to upgrade.
4. Click Upgrade.
5. On the CM Upgrade Configuration page, perform the following:
a. Select the Communication Manager 5.2.1 device to which you want to
b. Provide the HTTP or HTTPS path for the EPW file.
c. Browse and select the authentication file.
d. In the Upgrade Operations section, complete the fields.
For more information, see Communication Manager Software field
e. Click Save the configuration.
To cancel the operation, click Clear configuration.
6. In the Job Schedule section, perform one of the following:
To upgrade the device, click Now.
To upgrade the device at a later time, click Later.
7. To upgrade the devices click Upgrade.
8. On the Software Inventory page, the system displays the status of the upgrade in
Status. Click the status of the Communication Manager device to view the logs and
the description of the upgrade operation.
Software Management
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Next steps
Perform the following postupgrade tasks:
Verify that the upgrade is successful.
Validate that the Communication Manager 5.2.1 server data that is restored on Release
6.3.6 is complete.
For more information, see Verifying the upgrade on page 1207.
Related topics:
Device list on page 915
Getting inventory on page 1196
Analyze software on page 1197
Analyzing the software on page 1198
Performing a preupgrade check on page 1199
Preupgrade checks on page 1201
Hardware requirement checks during a preupgrade check on page 1202
Communication Manager 5.2.1 upgrade checklist on page 1217
Sample scenario to upgrade Communication Manager Release 5.2.1 to 6.3.6 on page
Creating a software library on page 1225
CM Upgrade Configuration field descriptions on page 1237
Sample scenario to upgrade Communication Manager Release 5.2.1 to 6.3.6
To upgrade Communication Manager Release 5.2.1 to 6.3.6, do the following:
1. Perform the Preupgrade tasks on page 1221
2. Perform the Upgrading Communication Manager 5.2.1 to Release 6.3.6 on
page 1223
3. Perform Verifying the upgrade on page 1207
Preupgrade tasks
No. Task References
1. Discover the devices that you want
to upgrade by enabling SNMP or
adding from Discovery on the
Manage Elements page.
Discovering elements on page
2. Configure user settings. Configuring user settings on
page 1192
Software Inventory
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1221

No. Task References
3. Create a remote software library. Creating a software library on
page 1225
4. Install the latest System Platform
Release and the
service pack6.3.4.08007.0 on the
supported server.
Hardware requirement checks
during preupgrade check on
page 1202
5. Record the server data for
Communication Manager 5.2.1 in
the worksheet for upgrading
Communication Manager to
simplex and embedded templates.
For more information about the
following, see Upgrading Avaya

Communication Manager:
Recording the configuration
Worksheet for upgrading
Communication Manager to
simplex and embedded
6. Create the authorization file for
System Platform, and store the file
in My Computer.
For more information, contact the
Avaya support team.
7. Create a new EPW file for the
Communication Manager instance
selected for upgrade, and provide
all credentials to the EPW file
including System Platform details.
Store the EPW file on the HTTP or
HTTPS server.
For more information, contact the
Avaya support team.
8. Get the WebLM server IP address
for licensing.
For more information, contact the
Avaya support team.
9. Get the inventory for
Communication Manager 5.2.1.
Get inventory software
inventory on page 1196
10. Analyze the software. Analyzing the software for
software inventory on page 1198
11. Download the related firmware for
the Communication Manager
Downloading the software for
software inventory on page 1199
12. Perform preupgrade checks. Performing the preupgrade
check on page 1199
Software Management
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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Upgrading Communication Manager 5.2.1 to Release 6.3.6
Before you begin
Complete the preupgrade tasks.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Software Inventory.
3. On the Software Inventory page, select the Communication Manager 5.2.1 device
that you want to upgrade.
4. Click Upgrade.
5. On the CM Upgrade Configuration page, perform the following:
a. Select the Communication Manager 5.2.1 device that you want to upgrade.
b. Provide the HTTP or HTTPS path for the EPW file.
c. Browse and select the authentication file on My Computer in the field
d. In the Upgrade Operations section, complete the fields.
For more information, see CM Upgrade Configuation field description.
e. Click Save the configuration.
f. In the Job Schedule section, click Now.
6. To upgrade, click Upgrade.
On the Software Inventory page, the system displays the status of the upgrade in
Status. Click the status of the Communication Manager device to view the logs and
the description of the upgrade operation.
Related topics:
Upgrading Communication Manager 5.2.1 to Release 6.3.6 on page 1219
CM Upgrade Configuration field descriptions on page 1237
Upgrading TN boards
Before you begin
For TN boards, perform the following:
Get the inventory.
Analyze the firmware.
Download the firmware.
Software Inventory
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1223

1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management >
Software Inventory.
2. On the Software Inventory page, select the Communication Manager devices that
you want to upgrade.
3. Click Upgrade.
4. On the CM Upgrade Configuration page, click the TN Boards tab.
5. Select the TN board that you want to upgrade.
6. Download the upgrade file to the software library.
The state of the TN board changes to yellow.
7. Click Upgrade.
The system displays the status of the upgrade operation as RUNNING.
8. Click the status to view the description of the upgrade operation.
You cannot upgrade a TN board in the nonupgradable State.
Related topics:
Analyze software on page 1197
Upgrading media gateways and media modules
Before you begin
Obtain the inventory for the media gateways.
Analyze the software.
Download the software.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management >
Software Inventory.
2. On the Software Inventory page, select the Communication Manager devices that
you want to upgrade.
3. Click Upgrade.
4. On the CM Upgrade Configuration page, click the Gateway tab.
Software Management
1224 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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5. Download the upgrade file to the software library. The device state changes to ready
to update .
The Upgrade is enabled only if the State of the media gateway state changes to
ready to update .
6. Select the media gateway that you want to upgrade.
7. Click Upgrade.
8. On the Gateway Upgrade Configuration page, click Now.
The system displays the status of the upgrade job as RUNNING.
9. Click the status to view the description of the upgrade job.
Related topics:
Protocol matrix for upgrades on page 1254
Software library
Creating a software library
Before you begin
Create the new EPW file for the Communication Manager to be upgraded, and provide all
credentials to the EPW file including System Platform details. Store the EPW file on the HTTP
or HTTPS server. For more information, contact the Avaya support team.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Software Library.
3. Click New.
4. Complete the Add Software Library page.
5. Click Commit.
To reset the page, click Clear Configuration.
Software library
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1225

Deleting a software library
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Software Library.
3. Select the software library you want to delete.
4. Click Delete.
5. On the confirmation page, click Delete.
Software library field descriptions
Library Server Details (L)
Name Description
Remote Library An option to select Remote Library for the
Download your file to a remote software
Indicate that the local software library is
hosted on another server, and not on
System Manager.
For this release, the Remote Library option
is selected by default. You cannot clear the
Local Survivable Processor(LSP) An option to select the Survivable Remote
Server (SRS) to add an SRS as a software
library. SRS is applicable only for gateways,
and supports FTP and SCP only.
Name The name of the software library.
IP Address The IP address of the software library.
If you select the Survivable Remote Server
(SRS) option, the IP Address field displays
the list of SRSs that are added to the System
Manager inventory.
Description The description of the software library.
Software Management
1226 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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Name Description
Server Path The software library path where all the
downloaded files are stored.
Default Library An option to select the Default Library to use
any library as the default library when you
download the firmware files.
Default Protocol The default protocol for the software library
that you use for downloading the firmware
files. The available options are:
FTP: Select FTP as the default protocol for
the software library.
SCP: Select SCP as the default protocol for
the software library.
SFTP: Select SFTP as the default protocol
for the software library.
When you select the library on the File
Download Manager page, the system
selects the associated protocol by
SCP Configuration (S)
Use the SCP configuration to configure the SCP protocol details for the software library.
Name Description
Enable SCP An option to select the Enable SCP to enable
the SCP configuration.
For this release, the Enable SCP option is
selected by default. You cannot clear the
User Name The user name for the SCP configuration.
Password The password that you type for the SCP
Confirm Password The password that you retype for the SCP
SFTP Configuration (T)
Use the SFTP configuration to configure the SFTP protocol details for the software library.
Name Description
Enable SFTP An option to select the Enable SFTP to
enable the SFTP configuration.
Software library
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1227

Name Description
User Name The user name for the SFTP configuration.
Password The password that you type for the SFTP
Confirm Password The password that you retype for the SFTP
FTP Configuration (F)
Use the FTP configuration to configure the FTP protocol details for the software library.
Name Description
Enable FTP An option to select the Enable FTP to enable
the FTP configuration.
User Name The user name for the FTP configuration.
Password The password that you type for the FTP
Confirm Password The password that you retype for the FTP
HTTP/HTTPS Configuration (H)
Use the HTTP/HTTPS configuration to configure the HTTP/HTTPS protocol details for the
software library.
Name Description
Enable HTTP/HTTPS An option to select the Enable HTTP/
HTTPS to enable the HTTP/HTTPS
URL The software library URL.
User Name The user name for the HTTP/HTTPS
Password The password that you type for the HTTP/
HTTPS configuration.
Confirm Password The password that you retype for the HTTP/
HTTPS password.
Button Description
Commit Saves the value you enter for the software
Clear Clears all the entries you make, and resets
the page.
Software Management
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Button Description
Cancel Cancels your action and takes you to the
previous page.
Viewing a file in the software library
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Software Library.
3. Click Manage Files.
4. On the Software Library Files page select the file that you want to view.
5. Click View.
You can view the details of the file in the View File page.
Setting up the external server to work as a remote software library
for upgrades
1. Install the operating system.
2. Install any one of the supported servers: FTP, SFTP, or SCP.
3. Configure users for the FTP, SFTP or SCP access. These users should have read,
write, and delete permissions for the directories configured to function as the
storage location for the upgrade files.
For IP Office upgrades, Communication Manager 5.2.1, and System Platform
based Communication Manager upgrades the software library should also
support HTTP. Configure the HTTP server so that the location where the upgrade
files are downloaded is accessible using an HTTP URL. After the file is on the
external server, the IP Office devices use this file for upgrade using HTTP
Software library
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Downloading a file
About this task
Using Download Manager, you can download the software releases you are entitled from
Avaya PLDS, or from an alternate source. You can upload a file from your local system to the
software library using Download Manager.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Download Manager.
3. From Select Software/Hardware Types, select the firmware you want to
You can choose either Tree View or List View to view the software, hardware
4. Click Show Files.
The system displays the upgrade files available for download. The system displays
all the files for the category you selected. You can select only those files which you
are entitled to.
5. Select a Source from where you want to download a software or firmware.
6. Select the files you want to download, and click Download.
The system displays the End User License Agreement page.
7. On the Library and Protocol Selection page, select a Library where you want to
download the software or firmware.
8. On the Library and Protocol Selection page, select a Protocol through which you
want to upload the downloaded software to the software library from System
Manager. This scenario is applicable when the software library is on an external
9. Select the I Agree checkbox to download the software.
10. Perform one of the following actions:
Click Now to download the software immediately.
Click Schedule to schedule the download at a specified time.
To view the status of the download, click Services > Scheduler on the System
Manager console.
To view the progress of the download, refresh the File Download Status section
on the Download Manager page.
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For IP Office upgrades, you must download the file to a remote HTTP software
library. You can schedule an upgrade job only for a software library configured
with an http URL.
The IP Office executable files are downloaded to the local System Manager
repository and are available in the $ABG_HOME/tools folder.
Uploading a custom patch
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Download Manager.
3. In Select Software/Hardware Types, select the firmware you want to download.
You can choose either Tree View or List View to view the software, hardware
4. Click Show Files.
5. In the Select Files Download Details section, enter My Computer.
6. Click Download.
7. On the Upload File page, enter the details of the patch file you want to upload.
8. Click Commit.
9. On the Upload Remote Warning page, perform one of the following actions:
Click Now to upload the file to the remote software library.
Click Schedule to upload the file at the scheduled time.
Click Cancel to cancel the upload file operation and return to the previous
Uploading a custom patch
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Uploading custom patch field descriptions
Name Description
Software Library The remote software library where you want
to upload the custom patch file.
Product Family The product family to which the file belongs.
In a product family, the number of devices
are listed.
Device Type The device type that you can upgrade using
the software library file. For example, B5800
and IP Office are the device types for IP
Software Type The type of software file which includes
firmware and images.
File Version The software file version that you want to
Hardware Compatibility The hardware compatibility for the file you
upload. For IP Office, this field can be null.
File Size (in bytes) The file size of the patch file you want to
File The patch file you want to upload to the
remote software library. Click Choose File to
browse to the file you want to upload.
Button Description
Commit Click to go to the upload file scheduler
Cancel Click to cancel the upload operation and
return to the Download Manager page.
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Managing software
Overview of managing software
Use Manage Software to:
Analyze the current software and get recommendations on the available version for the
Download the compatible software and upgrade the devices.
Collect the inventory and the components of a device in System Manager using Get
Update Communication Manager.
Perform reset and rollback for Communication Manager and gateways.
On the Manage Software > Communication Manager page, select the columns you want
to view using Select Columns, and Save the settings. The selection is valid only for the
current session.
Get inventory
Before you begin
Enable SNMP so that the devices are discovered for upgrades. Set the corresponding SNMPv1
communities for the devices in System Manager through Inventory > Manage Elements.
You have to configure the SNMP parameters on the device before you configure the same
device in System Manager. You must use the same SNMP credentials for the device in
System Manager.
To upgrade or update a Communication Manager device, you must configure a profile 18 user
on the Communication Manager.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Software.
3. On the Manage Software page, perform one of the following actions:
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Click IP Office > Get Inventory to obtain the inventory for the IP Office devices
Click Communication Manager > Get Inventory to get the inventory for the
Communication Manager devices, gateways, media modules, and TN
4. Perform one of the following actions:
Click Now to collect the inventory or the components of the device.
Click Schedule to get the inventory at a later time.
If you click Get Inventory, the devices are auto analyzed. You need not analyze
these devices again.
If multiple sites work on the same Survivable Remote Server (SRS), you must
Get Inventory before performing the analyze operation.
When you manually perform an action on a Communication Manager device, for
example applying a Communication Manager patch.
you must get the inventory in System Manager before performing any action in
Software Management.
Analyzing the software
Before you begin
Get the inventory
Configure user settings
Ensure that the inventory is populated.
About this task
Using the analyze feature, you can identify whether a new software is available for the inventory
you collected, and whether you have permissions to download the software.
If multiple sites work on the same Survivable Remote Server (SRS), you must get the
inventory before performing the analyze operation.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Software.
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3. On the Manage Software page, do one of the following:
Click IP Office > Analyze > Now to analyze if any new IP Office software is
Click Communication Manager > CM Software > Analyze > Now to analyze
if any new Communication Manager software is available.
Click Communication Manager > Gateway > Analyze > Now to analyze if
any new firmware for gateway or media module is available.
Click Communication Manager > TN Board > Analyze > Now to analyze if
any new firmware for TN Boards is available.
Click Analyze > Schedule to perform the operation at a later time.
Downloading the software
Before you begin
Analyze the software.
Create a software library.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Software.
3. On the Manage Software page, do one of the following:
Click System Platform, select a device, and click Download.
Click IP Office, select a device, and click Download.
Click Communication Manager > CM Software, select a Communication
Manager, and click Download.
Click Communication Manager > Gateway, select a gateway or a media
module, and click Download.
Click Communication Manager > TN Boards, select a TN board, and click
The system displays the Download Manager page where the required download
files are listed. When the system displays the Download Manager page, the required
files are selected according to the device you selected.
After you download the recommended file, the state of the device changes to
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Upgrading Communication Manager 5.x
Before you begin
Get the inventory for Communication Manager.
Analyze the software.
Download the software.
About this task
Use the procedure to upgrade Communication Manager 5.x to 5.2.1.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Software > Communication Manager.
3. In the Communication Manager tab, select the Communication Manager that you
want to upgrade.
4. Click Upgrade.
5. Complete the Communication Manager Upgrade Configuration page, and click
You can also perform Communication Manager update through the Upgrade
Configuration page.
6. Click Proceed to Job Summary.
If you have not chosen the configuration for one or more of the selected
Communication Managers, the system displays a pop up window that says
configuration is not found for one or more Communication Managers. To proceed,
click Proceed to Job Summary.
7. On the Update Job Summary page, verify your configuration and click Upgrade.
Status in the Communication Manager Software page displays the status of the
upgrade. Click the status of the Communication Manager device to view the logs
and the description of the upgrade operation.
Related topics:
Analyze software on page 1197
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CM Upgrade Configuration field descriptions
The following table is updated when you choose the upgrade, update, or license authentication
operations for Communication Manager. You can upgrade or update multiple Communication
Managerdevices simultaneously.
Field Description
Display Name The name of Communication Manager.
IP Address The IP address of the Communication
Manager device.
Software Version The software version of Communication
Manager that you selected.
Server Status Specifies whether Communication Manager
is active or standby. The Server Status field
is applicable only to the duplex
Communication Manager.
Operation The upgrade operation that you want to
perform for the Communication Manager
devices that you choose.
Release The current version of Communication
SAMP/MPC The SAMP firmware that is available.
CM Service Pack The Communication Manager service pack
SES Service Pack The SES service pack available.
Kernel Update The kernel update available.
Platform/Security Update The platform or security update available.
License File The license file that you downloaded for the
upgrade operation.
Authentication File The authentication file that you downloaded
for the upgrade operation.
Upgrade operations
The system displays the following fields for upgrading Communication Manager 5.x to
Communication Manager 5.2.1.
Field Description
Operation The operation that you want to perform. The
options are:
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Field Description
Copy Release: To copy the release file
from a CD-ROM or a URL.
Install Release: To install the
Communication Manager release that you
Copy & Install Release: To copy the
installation file and install the
Communication Manager release using
the file.
Source The source where you have the installation
file. The source can be the remote server or
the media server CD-ROM.
Method The remote server protocol. The Method field
is applicable only for a remote server.
For SCP, FTP, and SFTP, enter the user
name, password, host name, and directory
For HTTP and HTTPS, enter the URL and
proxy details.
Auto Commit Upgrade The field to specify whether a backup of the
current release is available. The options are:
Yes: A backup of the current release is
available. Rollback is not possible if you
select yes.
No:A backup of the current release is
unavailable. Rollback is possible if you
select no.
The system displays the following fields for upgrading the Communication Manager 5.2.1. to
Communication Manager 6.x and later.
Field Description
Upgrade Source The source where you have the installation
file. The source can be the remote software
Available System Platform The available System Platform for the
The field applies only for Communication
Manager Release 5.2.1 upgrade.
EPW file The EPW file available for the upgrade.
The complete path of EPW file. For example
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Field Description
An EPW file is required for upgrading a
solution template. This file consists of the
System Platform, VM IPs and the network
Ensure that you gain access to the EPW file
from System Manager as well as System
Platform at the http url specified in the field.
An EPW file can be created using EPW
installer tool available with System
Select Template The Communication Manager template
available for the upgrade:
The field applies only for Communication
Manager Release 5.2.1 upgrade.
For Communication Manager Release 6.x,
the field is read-only.
CM/CMM Backup/Restore File Server The file server that is used for storing backup
data during the upgrade.
The field applies only for Communication
Manager Release 5.2.1 upgrade.
Authentication File The link to authenticate the file.
The field applies only for Communication
Manager Release 5.2.1 upgrade.
WebLM Server IP Address The WebLM server IP address.
The field applies only for Communication
Manager Release 5.2.1 upgrade.
Communication Manager IP Address The Communication Manager IP address.
The Communication Manager IP address
must be the same as the selected
Communication Manager to be upgraded.
The field applies only for Communication
Manager Release 5.2.1 upgrade.
Upgrade To The device to which you want to upgrade.
Branch Session Manager The Branch Session Manager available for
the upgrade. The Branch Session
Manager IP address must be of the same
name as mentioned in the EPW file.
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Field Description
Branch Session Manager Login The Branch Session Manager login.
Branch Session Manager Password The Branch Session Manager password.
The password must not exceed nine letters.
Branch Session Manager Enrollment
The Branch Session Manager enrollment
password. The password must not exceed
nine letters.
Utility Server The Utility Services available for the
Communication Manager The available Communication Manager.
System Platform Upgrade Version The available system platform upgrade
version for the upgrade.
System Platform Update Version The available system platform update
version for the upgrade.
Utility Server IP Address The Utility Services IP address. The name of
Utility Server IP Address must be the same
as mentioned in the EPW file.
The field applies only for Communication
Manager Release 5.2.1 upgrade.
Auto Commit Upgrade The field to specify whether a backup of the
current release is available. The possible
options are:
Yes: Select yes if you do not want a backup
of the current release. Rollback is not
possible if you select Yes.
No: Select no if you want a backup of the
current release. You can perform a rollback
operation if you select No.
CM VM Kernel,Platform Patching The kernel patch or platform patch for the
Communication Manager virtual machine.
If selected, the kernel and platform
patching must be performed implicitly
on the Communication Manager virtual
If not selected, the kernel and platform
patching must be performed manually
on the Communication Manager virtual
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Field Description
For more information, see Deploying
Avaya Aura

Communication Manager
on System Platform.
CM VM Platform Patch The platform patch for the Communication
Manager virtual machine.
CM VM Kernel Patch The kernel patch for the Communication
Manager virtual machine.
Override Recommended Failure The checkbox that specifies whether the
system must override any recommended
preupgrade check failure that occurs during
the element upgrade. When you select this
checkbox, the system tries to upgrade the
You must select Override
Recommended Failure if one or more of
the earlier recommended preupgrade
checks have failed.
Update Operations
Fields Description
CM Service Pack The Communication Manager service pack
version that you are entitled to.
SES Service Pack The SES service pack update that you are
entitled to.
Kernel Update The kernel update that you are entitled to.
Platform/Security Update The platform or security update that you are
entitled to.
License Authentication Operations
Fields Description
Import License File The license file that you must select for the
Import Authentication File The authentication file that you must select
for the upgrade.
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Button Description
Save Configuration To save the configuration. You can save the
configuration details for multiple
Communication Manager devices before
Clear Configuration To clear the configuration that you have
Proceed to Job Summary To view the summary of the configuration
that you have chosen.
Commit To perform the upgrade operation.
Cancel To cancel your current operation, and go to
the previous page.
Communication Manager Software field descriptions
Name Description
State Specifies the state of the Communication
Manager device. The possible values are:
Ready for update
Update required
Non upgradable
Element Name The name of the Communication Manager.
IP Address The IP address of the Communication
Software Version The version of the Communication Manager
device. Click Software Version to view the
details of the Communication Manager.
Kernel Version The kernel version of the Communication
Manager .
Server Info Specifies whether the Communication
Manager server is active or standby.
Status The status of the Communication Manager
upgrade operation.
Click Status to view the description of the
upgrade operation. For a Communication
Manager with status IDLE, click the status to
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Name Description
view the details of the last upgrade
Available Service Pack The latest Communication Manager service
pack that is available.
Entitled Service Pack The Communication Manager service pack
you are entitled to.
Available SES Service Pack The latest Communication Manager SES
service pack that is available.
Entitled SES Service Pack The Communication Manager SES service
pack you are entitled to.
Available Platform/Security Update The latest Communication Manager platform
or security update available.
Entitled Platform/Security Update The Communication Manager platform or
security update you are entitled to.
Available Kernel Update The latest Communication Manager kernel
update available.
Entitled Kernel Update The Communication Manager kernel update
you are entitled to.
Available SAMP Firmware Update The latest Communication Manager SAMP
firmware update available.
Entitled SAMP Firmware Update The Communication Manager SAMP
firmware update you are entitled to.
Main IP Address The IP address of the active Communication
Manager server. Main IP Address displays
the virtual IP address for duplex servers.
Patch Manager field descriptions
Name Description
State The state of the device. State indicates
whether the device requires an update, and
whether update is possible.
Name The name of the Communication Manager
Main IP Address The virtual IP address of the Communication
Manager. Main IP Address is applicable
only for duplex Communication Managers.
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Name Description
IP Address The IP address of the Communication
Software Version The current version of the Communication
Manager software.
Kernel Version The current version of the kernel.
Server Info The description of the server.
Select Operation
Name Description
Install and Activate Select install and activate to install and
activate the patch.
Install (Copy and Unpack) Select install to copy and unpack the
Activate Select activate to apply a patch that is
already installed.
Deactivate Select deactivate to uninstall the patch.
Deactivate and Remove Select deactivate and remove to uninstall
and remove the firmware from the device.
Remove Select remove to remove the firmware from
the device.
Name Description
File Name The file required for the upgrade operation.
Version The Communication Manager version you
want to install or uninstall.
ShortDesc Details of the Communication Manager
service pack you want to install or uninstall.
Patch Type Specifies whether the patch is a
Communication Manager service pack, or an
SES service pack, or a kernel update.
Applicable CM Devices The Communication Manager versions that
are affected when you apply the patch.
CM Restart Required Specifies whether you must restart the
Communication Manager after the update
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Button Description
Proceed to Job Summary Click to view the details of the configuration
in the Update Job Summary page. If you do
not perform the necessary configurations,
the system displays a confirmation before
Cancel Click to cancel the update operation.
Updating Communication Manager
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Software > Communication Manager.
3. In the Communication Manager tab, select the Communication Manager you want
to update.
4. Click Update.
5. On the Patch Manager page, do one of the following:
Select Install and Activate to install and activate the patch.
Select Install (Copy and Unpack)/Update SAMP, MPC to copy and unpack
the firmware.
Select Activate to apply the patch which is already installed.
Select Deactivate to uninstall the patch.
Select Deactivate and Remove to uninstall and remove the patch.
Select Remove to remove the firmware from the device.
6. From the table, select the file you want to activate, deactivate, or remove.
7. Click Proceed to Job Summary.
If you have not chosen the configuration for one or more of the selected
Communication Managers, the system displays a pop up window that says
configuration is not found for one or more Communication Managers. To proceed,
click Proceed to Job Summary.
8. On the Update Job Summary page, do one of the following:
Click Now to perform the operation you selected.
Click Schedule to perform the operation at the scheduled time.
9. Based on your operation, click Install, Activate, Deactivate, or Remove.
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Related topics:
Analyze software on page 1197
Updating the SAMP/MPC firmware
Before you begin
Add a Communication Manager system with the SAMP/MPC firmware to the System
Manager inventory.
Obtain the inventory and perform the analyze operation for Communication Manager.
Download the appropriate SAMP/MPC firmware to the software library.
About this task
You can only update SAMP/MPC firmware through the Install (Copy and Unpack)/Update
SAMP, MPC option.
The procedure applies only to upgrading Communication Manager Release 5.x to 5.2.1.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Software > Communication Manager.
3. In the Communication Manager tab, select the Communication Manager that you
want to update.
4. Click Update.
5. On the Patch Manager page, select Install and Activate.
6. Select the appropriate SAMP/MPC firmware from the table.
7. Click Proceed to Job Summary.
8. On the Update Job Summary page, do one of the following:
Click Now to update the SAMP/MPC firmware.
Click Schedule to perform the update at the scheduled time.
Resetting a Communication Manager
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management.
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2. In the Communication Manager tab, select the Communication Manager you want
to reset.
3. Do one of the following:
Click More Actions > Reset Now.
Click More Actions > Schedule Reset to reset the Communication Manager
at a later time.
Click reset to reload the Communication Manager software. All system resets are
disruptive and terminate the SAT login.
All system resets are service affecting, with higher levels being increasingly
destructive. Certain conditions may result in a higher reset level than the one
Upgrading an IP Office device
Before you begin
Obtain the inventory.
Analyze the software.
Download the software.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Software.
3. On the Manage Software page, click IP Office.
4. Select the device you want to upgrade, and click Upgrade.
The Upgrade button is enabled only if the analyze operation is completed.
5. On the Download Manager page, select a version from the Release column. You
can configure a specific version other than the recommended version by selecting
an option of your choice from the field.
6. Select the software library from the Library field.
The system lists only software libraries with HTTP protocol.
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7. Perform one of the following actions:
Click Now to upgrade the device.
Click Schedule to upgrade the device at a specified time.
Status in the IP Office page displays the status of the upgrade. Click the status of
the IP Office device to view the logs and the description of the upgrade operation.
When you upgrade B5800 Branch Gateway to IP Office, the Status in the
Operation Status table displays Processing. After the upgrade is successful, the
system continues to display Processing in the Status column.
On the IP Office page, in the second table, the system displays the Status as
IDLE for the device that you upgraded. The Current Version displays the new
version of theIP Office device. This information indicates that the upgrade was
You cannot downgrade an IP Office device using Software Management. Use
the IP Office Manager to downgrade an IP Office. For more information on
downgrading an IP Office device, see the IP Office documentation.
Configuring auto commit for Communication Manager upgrades
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Software > Communication Manager.
3. In the Communication Manager tab, select the Communication Manager to which
you want to apply auto commit.
4. Click More Actions > Commit to configure auto commit settings.
5. Perform one of the following actions:
Click Now to configure auto commit.
Click Later to configure auto commit at the scheduled time.
If you apply auto commit settings to a Communication Manager, commit operation
happens in the Communication Manager system.
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Removing a Communication Manager release
About this task
The remove release operation is applicable only for the releases that you copied using the
Copy Release option.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Software > Communication Manager.
3. In the Communication Manager tab, select the Communication Manager from
which you want to remove the release on the server hard disk.
4. Click More Actions > Remove Release.
5. On the Remove the Media Server Release Configuration page, select the
Communication Managerversions you want to remove.
6. Perform one of the following actions:
Click Now to remove the release.
Click Schedule to schedule the remove release at the scheduled time.
Updating the status of a Communication Manager
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management.
2. In the Communication Manager tab, click More Actions > Update Status
The system displays the CM Update Status page with the patch details and the
summary of the operations that should be performed.
You can view the latest state of the Communication Manager.
Upgrading media gateways and media modules
Before you begin
Obtain the inventory for the media gateways.
Analyze the software.
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Download the software.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Software > Communication Manager.
3. Click the Gateway tab.
Download the upgrade file to the software library. After you download the file, the
device state changes to yellow. Upgrade is enabled only if the State of the media
gateway is yellow.
4. Select the media gateway you want to upgrade.
5. Click Upgrade.
6. On the Gateway Upgrade Configuration page, click Now.
The system displays the status of the upgrade job as RUNNING. Click the status
to view the description for the upgrade job.
Related topics:
Analyze software on page 1197
Gateway upgrade configuration field descriptions
Name Description
Name The name of the gateway or media module
you want to upgrade.
IP Address The IP address of the gateway.
Module The module number for the gateway.
Device Info Description of the gateway or media
Protocol Specifies whether you want to use the
software library or a USB drive to copy the
gateway upgrade file.
One software library can support multiple
protocols. In this case, choose the required
protocol from the list.
Release The gateway release versions you are
entitled to upgrade.
Library Select the software library where you have
downloaded the upgrade file. The library field
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Name Description
is disabled if you choose the USB option in
Reset after download Select to reset the gateway after upgrading
the gateway. If you do not select the
checkbox, the new firmware will not be
Button Description
Now Click to perform the media gateway or media
module upgrade.
Schedule Click to schedule the media gateway or
media module upgrade at a later time.
Cancel Click to cancel the upgrade, and go to the
Communication Manager Software page.
Resetting media gateways
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Software > Communication Manager.
3. Click the Gateway tab.
4. Do one of the following:
Click More Actions > Reset to restart the media gateway.
Click More Actions > Schedule Reset to restart the media gateway at a later
Performing rollback for gateways
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Software > Communication Manager.
3. Click the Gateway tab.
4. Select the gateway for which you want to perform the rollback operation.
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5. Do one of the following:
Click More Actions > Rollback Now to rollback the gateway to the previous
Click More Actions > Schedule Rollback to perform the rollback operation
at a later time.
Upgrading TN Boards
Before you begin
Obtain the inventory for the TN Boards.
Analyze the firmware for TN Boards.
Download the firmware for TN Boards.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Software > Communication Manager.
3. Click the TN Boards tab.
4. Select the TN Board you want to upgrade.
5. Download the upgrade file to the software library.
After you download the upgrade file, the state of the TN Board changes to yellow.
6. Click Upgrade.
The system displays the status of the upgrade operation as RUNNING. Click the
status to view the description of the upgrade operation.
You cannot upgrade a TN Board in blue State.
Related topics:
Analyze software on page 1197
Software Management
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Upgrading TN Boards field descriptions
TN Boards Upgrade Configuration
Name Description
CM Name The name of the Communication Manager.
Device Type The type of the TN Board. For example,
CLAN, Medpro, and so on.
Description The description of the TN board.
Location The location of the TN board.
Software Type The type of software.
Hardware Version The hardware version of the TN board.
Current Firmware Version The current firmware version of the TN
To Firmware Version The firmware version you are entitled to
upgrade. To Firmware Version may have
multiple options. Choose the version you
want to upgrade to.
Library Choose the software library where you have
downloaded the firmware.
Download Proxy If the TN Board is TDM based, you require a
proxy. Choose the CLAN option from the
Download Proxy field.
If the TN board is IP based, it has an
associated IP address. Choose the Auto
option from the Download Proxy field.
Button Description
Now Click to upgrade the TN Board.
Schedule Click to upgrade the TN Board at a later
Cancel Click to cancel the upgrade operation, and go
to the previous page.
Managing software
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1253

Protocol matrix for upgrades
Table 8: Protocols supported by devices in Software Management
Product Supported protocols Notes
G350 FTP, USB Media modules associated with the
gateway support the same protocols
as the gateway.
G700 FTP Media modules associated with the
gateway support the same protocols
as the gateway.
G430 FTP, SCP (gateway versions
later than 31.17.XX), USB
G430 supports the SCP protocol only
if the current versions of the gateway
are 31.17.X and later.
G450 FTP, SCP (gateway versions
later than 31.17.XX), USB
G450 supports the SCP protocol only
if the current versions of the gateway
are 31.17.X and later.
G250 FTP, USB Media modules associated with the
gateway support the same protocols
as the gateway.
TN Boards SCP TN Boards support only the SCP
When you perform upgrades, use the
protocols to copy the Communication
Manager release files from the
remote server.
System Manager HTTP, HTTPS, SCP, FTP,
When you perform upgrades, use the
protocols to copy the System
Manager release files from the
remote server.
When you perform gateway upgrades by using the Library Server Details for Local Survivable
Processor(LSP), the system supports only SCP and FTP protocols.
Related topics:
Analyze software on page 1197
Software Management
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Assigning permissions to access Software Management
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Groups & Roles.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Roles.
3. On the Roles page, select an existing role, and perform one of the following steps:
Click New
Right-click and select New.
The role that you selected becomes the parent of the role that you create. The
permissions available to the new role limit to the permissions of the parent role.

4. On the Add New Role page, type the name and the description for the role.
5. Click Commit and Continue.
6. Click Add Mapping.
7. In Group Name, select the group of templates to which you want to apply this
You can leave Group Name blank if you do not want to select any group.
8. Click Next.
9. Select Manage Software in Communication Manager.
10. Click Add Mapping.
11. In the Element or Resource Type field, select Software Management.
Assigning permissions to access Software Management
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1255

12. Click Next.
13. Select Software Management Infrastructure and click Commit.
14. Click Add Mapping.
15. In the Element or Resource Type field, select scheduleroperation.
16. Click Next.
17. Select all operations, and click Commit.
The user can now access the Software Management links.
You can similarly select the Software Management Infrastructure permission
and assign the permission to a user. The user can perform operations like analyze
software, downloading files with this permission.
To assign IP Office upgrade permissions, select IP Office in Element or Resource
Type, select upgrade in the Permission Mapping page. In this case, the user can
only upgrade IP Office devices. The Communication Manager link will not be
visible to this user.
Upgrading Communication Manager 5.x to Release 5.2.1
Before you begin
You must add the Communication Manager 5.1 you want to upgrade, to the inventory.
About this task
This is only a sample scenario that describes upgrading Communication Manager 5.1 to 5.2.
Follow this work flow to perform a Communication Manager upgrade.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Software Management.
2. In the left navigation pane, click User Settings.
3. Enter the details in the User Settings page.
For more information, see User Settings field descriptions.
4. Create a remote software library.
For more information, see Creating a software library.
Select FTP as the default protocol.
5. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Software > Communication Manager.
Software Management
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6. To obtain the Communication Manager from the inventory, click Get Inventory >
7. To analyze the state of the Communication Manager devices, click Analyze >
8. Select the Communication Manager instance that you want to upgrade.
You cannot upgrade Communication Manager 6.0 and later by using Software
9. Click Upgrade.
10. Click Copy & Install Release.
11. In the Source field, clickRemote Server.
12. In the Method field, click http.
13. Type the URL in the http://<Hostname>/[Folder]/<CM-Release-Number>/
Releases/<Release-Number>/ format. For example,
14. From the list select the Communication Manager service pack that you want to
If the service pack file is not available in the software library, download the file from
Download Manager.
15. Click Save Configuration.
16. Click Proceed to Job Summary.
17. On the Job Summary page, click Now.
On the Manage Communication Manager page, the Communication Manager
upgrade status changes to RUNNING. Click RUNNING to view the logs.
After the upgrade is complete, the system displays the upgraded Software
Version of the Communication Manager.
Related topics:
User Settings field descriptions on page 1192
Obtaining a company ID
Before you begin
Ensure that you have a access and user credentials to log in to the PLDS website at https://
Obtaining a company ID
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1257

1. On the web browser, type the PLDS URL,
2. In the Email address field, enter the user name, and in the Password field, enter
the password.
3. Click Submit.
4. After successful log in, on the Home page, select Administration > My

The system displays the company ID followed by a company name.

Related topics:
User Settings field descriptions on page 1192
Software Management
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Chapter 26: Communication Manager
Notify Sync
Overview of the CM notify sync feature
When you perform an administrative task from System Manager, the local database is
immediately updated. If you execute the action through a Communication Manager SAT
screen, or through a phone, or from any of the several management applications such as Site
Administration, MultiSite Administration, Native Configuration Manager, or MyPhone, it is not
immediately reflected in System Manager. This scenario creates an out-of-sync condition
between the Communication Manager and System Manager.
The CM notify sync feature provides near-real time notifications from Communication Manager
to System Manager whenever you execute certain tasks against a Communication Manager
object from a system other than System Manager. The CM notify sync feature also provides
notifications whenever the tti-m, tti-s, psa-u, psa-a, or psa-d logins perform their predefined
actions against a Communication Manager station object.
After a Communication Manager sends notifications to System Manager, System Manager
discovers the complete details of the task you preformed. The transmission of notifications in
the form of event messages from Communication Manager to System Manager is based on
the Communication Managers existing rsyslog capability. The Communication Managers
rsyslog uses UDP or TCP to send event messages from the originating Communication
Manager to the System Manager.
The existing daily default synchronization and any other scheduled synchronization
operations are unaffected by the CM notify sync feature.
You need Communication Manager with version 6.2 or above for to enable the CM notify
sync feature. System Manager 6.3 supports both one-way and two-way TLS.
Enabling the CM notify sync feature
You can enable and disable the CM notify sync feature on a per Communication Manager
basis. You can activate the CM notify sync feature from a new System Manager using Manage
Elements. Select Communication Manager 6.2 or a higher version, and select Enable
Notifications in the Attributes section.
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As a system administrator, you must specify the IPs of one or two System Managers to which
the Communication Managers send the event data using rsyslog. If your configuration includes
two System Managers, the standby System Manager ignores the syslog messages until it
becomes active.
Configuring one-way and two-way TLS
You must configure either one-way or two-way TLS for the CM notify sync feature.
To configure one-way TLS, perform the following actions:
Downloading the certificate on page 1260
Downloading the pem file to on page 1261
Adding a trusted certificate to on page 1262
Configuring notify sync on on page 1264
You must add the Communication Manager in Inventory > Manage Elements before
enabling the notify sync feature on the Communication Manager. If you add the
Communication Manager in the System Manager Inventory, and enable notify sync
before adding the certificate, add the trusted certificate to the Communication Manager.
Then edit the Communication Manager through Manage Elements, and re-enable the
Communication Manager notify sync feature.
To configure two-way TLS, perform the following actions:
Adding the certificate to the trust on page 1265
Enabling two-way TLS in on page 1265
Downloading the System Manager certificate
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Security.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Certificates > Authority.
3. On the CA Functions page, click Download pem file.

Communication Manager Notify Sync
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4. After you download the .pem file, save the file to your system.
Downloading the pem file to Communication Manager
1. Log in to a Communication Manager web console.
2. Click Administrator > Server (Maintenance).
3. In the left navigation pane, click Miscellaneous > Download Files.
4. Select the Files to download from the machine Im using to connect to the
server option.
5. Click Choose File to browse to the downloaded certificate.
6. Click Download.
The system displays the Download Files Results page with a message that the
download is successful.
Downloading the pem file to Communication Manager
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1261

Adding a trusted certificate to Communication Manager
1. Log in to a Communication Manager Web console.
2. Click Administration > Server (Maintenance)
3. Click Security > Trusted Certificates.
4. Click Add.
5. On the Trusted Certificate Add page enter the file name for the certificate you want
to add. The certificate must be a .pem file. The name of the certificate must be the
same as the one used in the Downloading the pem file to Communication
Manager section.
6. To validate the certificate, click Open.
Communication Manager Notify Sync
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After a successful validation, the Trusted Certificates Add page displays the
issued-to, issued by, and expiration date information for the certificate you are
The system displays an error message if the certificate is not a valid certificate.
7. Select the Communication Manager, Remote Logging repositories from the list
of trusted repositories.
8. Click Add.
The system verifies the following:
The certificate name has a .crt extension. If the certificate name has a different
extension, the system deletes it and replaces it with a .crt extension.
The certificate name is unique and does not already exist.
The certificate is not a duplicate certificate with a new name.
Adding a trusted certificate to Communication Manager
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Configuring notify sync on Communication Manager
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
3. Select a Communication Manager with version 6.2 or higher.
4. In the Attributes section select Enable Notifications.
If you enable the notify sync feature, a register command is sent to the
Communication Manager for registering the IP Address of the System Manager as
a syslog server. After you enable notify sync, all the administrative changes done
on Communication Manager is sent to System Manager asynchronously.
5. To verify if you have enabled the notify sync feature successfully, open ssh and
login as sroot.
6. Type thecmSyslogConfig --iptcmquery command.
The system displays the details of the System Manager registration.
Configure two-way TLS
You must configure either one-way or two-way TLS to enable the CM notification service. To
configure two-way TLS, perform the following procedures:
Downloading the certificate on page 1260
Downloading the pem file to on page 1261
Adding a trusted certificate to on page 1262
Configuring notify sync on on page 1264
Adding the certificate to the trust on page 1265
Enabling two-way TLS in on page 1265
Communication Manager Notify Sync
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Adding the Communication Manager certificate to the
System Manager trust
Before you begin
1. Download the System Manager certificate.
2. Download the pem file to Communication Manager.
3. Add a trusted certificate to the Communication Manager.
4. Configure notify sync on the Communication Manager.
1. Download the Communication Manager certificate to your computer
from /etc/opt/ecs/certs/rsyslog/CA/sip_product_root.crt.
2. Login to the System Manager Web Console.
3. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
4. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
5. Select System Manager from the elements list.
6. Click More Options > Configure Trusted Certificates.
7. Click Add.
8. In the Select Store Type to add trusted certificate field, select
TM_INBOUND_TLS as the store type.
9. Click Import from file.
10. Click Choose File.
11. Browse to the certificate that you have downloaded, and click Open.
12. Click Retrieve certificate to check the contents of the certificate.
13. Review the certificate details, and click Commit.
Enabling two-way TLS in System Manager
Before you begin
Add the Communication Manager certificate to the System Manager trust.
Adding the Communication Manager certificate to the System Manager trust
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About this task
Perform the following procedure during off peak hours or during a planned outage since you
have to restart the JBoss service after enabling two-way TLS.
1. Login to the System Manager CLI using the admin credentials.
2. Browse to the $IPTCM_HOME/config/workflow folder and open the notify- file for editing.
3. In the iptcm.authtype.twowaytls property, change the value to
The default value is iptcm.authtype.twowaytls=false.
4. Restart the System Manager JBoss service using the service jboss
restart command.
Communication Manager Notify Sync
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Chapter 27: Changing the IP address and
FQDN in System Manager
Verifying the deployment of extension packs
Before you begin
Install System Manager.
Log on to System Manager web console as admin.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Configurations.
2. Click Extension Packs.
3. In the Extension pack data section, verify that the status of all extension pack data
is success(confirmed).
4. Create a remote backup using the Services > Backup and Restore service in
System Manager.
Related topics:
Changing the IP address or FQDN in System Manager on page 1269
Impact of change in FQDN and IP address on the
Geographic Redundancy feature
In a Geographic Redundancy configuration, the system automatically communicates any
change in the IP address or FQDN of the primary or the secondary System Manager to the
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1267

Impact of the change in IP address or FQDN on the primary System Manager
The system changes the identity certificates of the primary System Manager. Therefore,
reinitialize trust on the primary System Manager.
The secondary System Manager does not require any trust changes.
System Manager notifies the change to the elements. If the event notification fails due to
temporary disconnect, the system sends the event when the elements resume the
network connectivity.
Impact of the change in IP address or FQDN on the secondary System Manager
in the active and stand-by mode
The system changes the identity certificates of the secondary System Manager.
Therefore, reinitialize trust on the secondary System Manager.
The primary System Manager does not require any trust changes.
System Manager notifies the change to the elements. If the event notification fails due to
temporary disconnect, the system sends the event when the elements resume the
network connectivity.
Impact of the change in IP address or FQDN during a network split
When the split network heals, run the IPFQDN pair.
SSO login to remote machine fails
For System Manager deployments that involve remote machines such as CS 1000 Servers
and solutions based on the System Manager Single Sign On (SSO) client, the Web-based
Single Sign On between System Manager and the remote machine fails.
During the data migration or IP-FQDN change, the system does not import the LDAP attribute
that contains the SSO cookie domain value back to the directory. Therefore, the System
Manager SSO login to the remote machine fails. Enable SSO after the data migration or the
IP-FQDN change.
Related topics:
Reimporting the SSO cookie domain value on page 1268
Reimporting the SSO cookie domain value
1. On the System Manager web console, click Users > Administrators.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Security > Policies.
Changing the IP address and FQDN in System Manager
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3. In the section Single Sign-on Cookie Domain section, click Edit.
4. In the Single Sign-on Cookie Domain field, select an appropriate domain based
on the FQDN of the servers that you deployed.
5. Click Save.
Changing IP address or FQDN in System Manager running
on System Platform
Changing the IP address or FQDN in System Manager
Before you begin
Verify that the deployment of the extension packs are successful.
About this task
After you install System Manager, you can change the IP address, host name, or the general
network settings of the system running System Manager from the System Platform web
1. To log on to the System Platform web console, open your web browser and type
https://<C-dom IP Address>/webconsole.
2. Log in as administrator.
3. Click Server Management > Network Configuration.
4. In the General Network Settings section, change the values in the Default
Gateway, Primary DNS, and the Secondary DNS fields.
5. In the Domain Network Interface section, for Bridge avpublic, change the
6. In the Template Network Configuration section, do one of the following:
To change the IP address, in the IP: System Manager IP Address field, type
the new IP address for System Manager.
To change the host name, in the Hostname: System Manager FQDN field,
type the Fully Qualified host name for System Manager in the
Hostname.SecondLevelDomain.TopLevelDomain format.
Changing IP address or FQDN in System Manager running on System Platform
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1269

- If you do not enter the toplevel domain and host name in the fully
qualified domain name, though the system displays that the change is
successful, System Manager might not reflect the changes. Enter the
correct FQDN and login again. Due to the failure in configuration,
System Manager might display the local login page instead of the
normal login page.
- Ensure that the new IP address or the host name is not already in
7. Click Save.
The changes take effect on System Manager in about 3040 minutes.
Do not perform any activity that requires the restart or shut down of the system.
For example, the restart of the virtual machine or application server.
The system displays Changing network setting may require you to
log in again into webconsole. The system also displays Processing
your request, please wait. When the network changes are complete, the
system displays Settings updated successfully.
When the IP-FQDN script runs on the System Manager virtual machine, the system
creates a log directory in the /var/log/Avaya location.
8. Log on to the System Manager web console and ensure that System Manager is
9. If the SAL Gateway is configured to receive SNMP traps from System Manager, on
the System Platform web console, click Server Management > SAL Gateway
10. On the SAL Gateway Management page, click Enable SAL Gateway.
11. Log on to System Platform as admin.
12. Click Managed Element.
13. From the list, click the System Manager FQDN or host name.
The system displays the Managed Element Configuration page.
14. Click Edit and change the IP address, or FQDN, or both to the new values.
Related topics:
Verifying the deployment of extension packs on page 1267
Changing the IP address and FQDN in System Manager
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Changing IP address or FQDN of managed elements on System
About this task
Use the procedure to change the IP address or FQDN of Communication Manager.
For instructions to change the IP address or FQDN of managed elements, see the appropriate
guide. For example, for Session Manager, see Maintaining and Troubleshooting Avaya Aura

Session Manager.
1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Inventory.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Manage Elements.
3. Select the registered element from the table.
4. Click Edit.
5. In the General section, in the Node field, update the value.
6. In the Access Profile section, in the Host field update the value.
Changing the System Manager IP address in managed elements
About this task
When the IP address or FQDN of System Manager changes:
If the managed elements use JNDI lookup to communicate with System Manager, the
elements must point to the new System Manager IP address.
The adopting element must recreate the License Manager object with the new IP
Data replication on managed elements, such as Session Manager and Presence can
have an impact because both elements use the System Manager host name to
communicate with System Manager.
Therefore, you must change the references of System Manager IP address and FQDN on the
managed elements, such as Session Manager, Presence, and AES so the elements can
continue to connect and communicate with System Manager.
To change the IP address or FQDN of System Manager on the managed elements,
see the documentation of the element.
Changing IP address or FQDN in System Manager running on System Platform
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For example, to change the IP address or FQDN of System Manager on Session
Manager, see Maintaining and Troubleshooting Avaya Aura

Session Manager on the

Avaya support site.
Changing the IP address and FQDN on the System Manager
servers in Geographic Redundancy
Change in IP address and FQDN on the primary and secondary
System Manager servers
The sections provide various scenarios for changing the IP address and FQDN on System
Manager configured with Geographic Redundancy. The section also provides the procedure
to run the pair IP-FQDN script.
Ensure that the IP address and FQDN meets the following requirements:
For the IP address change: Map the new IP address of the FQDN of System Manager in
Ensure that the new IP address is unique.
For the FQDN change: Map the new FQDN to the IP address of System Manager in
Ensure that the new FQDN is unique and different from the virtual FQDN.
For the IP address and FQDN change: Ensure that the new IP address and FQDN is valid
and mapped in DNS.
Entering an invalid IP address and FQDN might affect the behavior of the system.
Changing the IP address and FQDN on the primary System Manager
when the secondary is in the standby or active mode
1. Disable the Geographic Redundancy replication if not already disabled.
Changing the IP address and FQDN in System Manager
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2. On the primary System Manager server, change the IP address or FQDN or both.
For instructions, see Changing the IP address and FQDN in System Manager.
Wait for about 3040 minutes before you perform the next step.
3. Log on to the web console of the primary System Manager server, and verify that
System Manager is up and running.
4. If System Manager is running on System Platform, log in to the CLI of the secondary
System Manager server as root and perform one of the following:
If you changed both the IP address and FQDN, type the following:
#sh $MGMT_HOME/utils/ipfqdnchange/ -
OLDIP <Old IP of the primary server> -NEWIP <New IP of the
primary server> -OLDFQDN <Old FQDN of the primary server>
-NEWFQDN <New FQDN of the primary server>
If you changed the IP address, type the following:
#sh $MGMT_HOME/utils/ipfqdnchange/ -
OLDIP <Old IP of the primary server> -NEWIP <New IP of the
primary server>
If you changed FQDN, type the following:
#sh $MGMT_HOME/utils/ipfqdnchange/ -
OLDFQDN <Old FQDN of the primary server> -NEWFQDN <New
FQDN of the primary server>
5. On the secondary System Manager server, verify that the Geographic Redundancy
page displays the new IP address or FQDN of the primary System Manager
6. Enable the Geographic Redundancy replication.
Related topics:
Enabling the Geographic Redundancy replication on page 79
Disabling the Geographic Redundancy replication on page 80
Changing the IP address or FQDN in System Manager on page 1269
Changing the IP address and FQDN on the primary System Manager
server when the secondary is nonoperational
1. Disable the Geographic Redundancy replication if not already disabled.
Changing the IP address and FQDN on the System Manager servers in Geographic Redundancy
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2. On the primary System Manager server, change the IP address or FQDN or both.
For instructions, see Changing the IP address and FQDN in System Manager.
Wait for about 3040 minutes before you perform the next step.
3. Log on to the web console of the primary System Manager server, and verify that
System Manager is up and running.
4. Bring the secondary System Manager server to operation.
5. If System Manager is running on System Platform, log in to the CLI of the secondary
System Manager server as root and perform one of the following:
If you changed both the IP address and FQDN, type the following:
#sh $MGMT_HOME/utils/ipfqdnchange/ -
OLDIP <Old IP of the primary server> -NEWIP <New IP of the
primary server> -OLDFQDN <Old FQDN of the primary server>
-NEWFQDN <New FQDN of the primary server>
If you changed the IP address, type the following:
#sh $MGMT_HOME/utils/ipfqdnchange/ -
OLDIP <Old IP of the primary server> -NEWIP <New IP of the
primary server>
If you changed FQDN, type the following:
#sh $MGMT_HOME/utils/ipfqdnchange/ -
OLDFQDN <Old FQDN of the primary server> -NEWFQDN <New
FQDN of the primary server>
6. On the secondary System Manager server, verify that the Geographic Redundancy
page displays the new IP address or FQDN of the primary System Manager
7. Enable the Geographic Redundancy replication.
Related topics:
Enabling the Geographic Redundancy replication on page 79
Disabling the Geographic Redundancy replication on page 80
Changing the IP address or FQDN in System Manager on page 1269
Changing the IP address and FQDN in System Manager
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Changing the IP address and FQDN on the secondary System
Manager server when the secondary is in the standby or active
1. Disable the Geographic Redundancy replication if not already disabled.
2. On the secondary System Manager server, change the IP address or FQDN or both.
For instructions, see Changing the IP address and FQDN in System Manager.
Wait for about 3040 minutes before you perform the next step.
3. Log on to the web console of the secondary System Manager server, and verify that
System Manager is running.
4. If System Manager is running on System Platform, log in to the CLI of the primary
System Manager server as root and perform one of the following:
If you changed both the IP address and FQDN, type the following:
#sh $MGMT_HOME/utils/ipfqdnchange/ -
OLDIP <Old IP of the secondary server> -NEWIP <New IP of
the secondary server> -OLDFQDN <Old FQDN of the secondary
server> -NEWFQDN <New FQDN of the secondary server>
If you changed the IP address, type the following:
#sh $MGMT_HOME/utils/ipfqdnchange/ -
OLDIP <Old IP of the secondary server> -NEWIP <New IP of
the secondary server>
If you changed FQDN, type the following:
#sh $MGMT_HOME/utils/ipfqdnchange/ -
OLDFQDN <Old FQDN of the secondary server> -NEWFQDN <New
FQDN of the secondary server>
5. On the primary System Manager server, verify that the Geographic Redundancy
page displays the new IP address or FQDN of the secondary System Manager
6. Enable the Geographic Redundancy replication.
Related topics:
Enabling the Geographic Redundancy replication on page 79
Disabling the Geographic Redundancy replication on page 80
Changing the IP address or FQDN in System Manager on page 1269
Changing the IP address and FQDN on the System Manager servers in Geographic Redundancy
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1275

Changing the IP address and FQDN on the secondary System
Manager server when the primary is nonoperational
1. On the secondary System Manager server, change the IP address or FQDN or both.
For instructions, see Changing the IP address and FQDN in System Manager.
Wait for about 3040 minutes before you perform the next step.
2. Log on to the web console of the secondary System Manager server, and verify that
System Manager is running.
3. Bring the primary System Manager server to operation.
4. Log on to the primary System Manager server and disable the Geographic
Redundancy replication if not already disabled.
5. On the primary System Manager server, verify that the Geographic Redundancy
page displays the new IP address or FQDN of the secondary System Manager
6. If System Manager is running on System Platform, log in to the CLI of the primary
System Manager server as root and perform one of the following:
If you changed both the IP address and FQDN, type the following:
#sh $MGMT_HOME/utils/ipfqdnchange/ -
OLDIP <Old IP of the secondary server> -NEWIP <New IP of
the secondary server> -OLDFQDN <Old FQDN of the secondary
server> -NEWFQDN <New FQDN of the secondary server>
If you changed the IP address, type the following:
#sh $MGMT_HOME/utils/ipfqdnchange/ -
OLDIP <Old IP of the secondary server> -NEWIP <New IP of
the secondary server>
If you changed FQDN, type the following:
#sh $MGMT_HOME/utils/ipfqdnchange/ -
OLDFQDN <Old FQDN of the secondary server> -NEWFQDN <New
FQDN of the secondary server>
Related topics:
Changing the IP address or FQDN in System Manager on page 1269
Changing the IP address and FQDN in System Manager
1276 Administering Avaya Aura

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Comments? [email protected]
Changing network parameters on System Manager running
on VMware
Changing the IP address, FQDN, DNS, Gateway, or Netmask
address from CLI
Before you begin
To reach the System Manager CLI, use one of the following methods:
Open vSphere Client and click on the Console tab or the icon.
- Start an SSH on System Manager.
Log in to the System Manager virtual machine as admin.
Create the System Manager virtual machine snapshot.
Delete the snapshot after the System Manager operation is complete.
About this task
After the System Manager installation, you cannot change the VFQDN unless you
reinstall System Manager.
Do not change the network settings from vSphere Client when the virtual machine is
in the power off mode.
The FQDN value must be unique and different from the virtual FQDN value of System
Type changeIPFQDN -IP <IP address> FQDN <FQDN> -GATEWAY
<Gateway address> -NETMASK <Netmask address> -DNS <DNS address>
-SEARCH <search list of domain names>.
For information, see changeIPFQDN command.
Next steps
Get new licenses from PLDS containing the new host ID and install the new licenses.
Changing network parameters on System Manager running on VMware
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1277

After you change the IP address of System Manager, the system generates a new host ID for
WebLM server that System Manager hosts. Therefore, all previously installed licenses become
For instructions to install a license file, see Managing Licenses in Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager.
Related topics:
changeIPFQDN command on page 1278
System Manager command line interface operations on page 1279
changeIPFQDN command
Use the changeIPFQDN command to change the IP address, FQDN, DNS address, Gateway,
Netmask address for System Manager, and the search list for the DNS address.
changeIPFQDN -IP < > FQDN < > -GATEWAY < >-NETMASK < > -DNS < > -SEARCH < >
# Option Description Usage
1 IP The new IP address of System
changeIPFQDN -IP
2 FQDN The new FQDN of System Manager. changeIPFQDN -FQDN
3 GATEWAY The new Gateway address of System
4 NETMASK The new netmask address of System
5 DNS The new DNS address of System
You an provide multiple DNS
addresses. Separate each address by
a comma.
changeIPFQDN -DNS,
6 SEARCH The new search list of domain names. changeIPFQDN -SEARCH
You can provide options in any combination that the system supports:
changeIPFQDN -IP 10.11.y.z
Changing the IP address and FQDN in System Manager
1278 Administering Avaya Aura

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System Manager command line interface operations
# Comm
Parameters Description Usage
1 chang
-IP <new IP
address for
System Manager>
-FQDN <new fully
qualified domain
name for System
Gateway address
for System
netmask address
for System
-DNS <new DNS
address for
System Manager>
-SEARCH <new
search list for
DNS address>
Updates the existing IP
address, FQDN,
Gateway, Netmask, DNS,
and the search list with the
new value.
-IP <new IP
-FQDN <new
domain name>
-IP <new IP
address> -
address for
Manager> -
search list
for DNS
2 upgra
<absolute path to
dmutility.bin> -m
v -V -H
Upgrades System
Manager using the data
migration utility.
dmutility *.bin
-m v -V -H
<absolute path to
the System
Manager service
pack or the
software patch>
Installs the software patch
or the service pack for
System Manager.
y <absolute
path to /home/
Copy the System
Manager service
pack or patches
Changing network parameters on System Manager running on VMware
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1279

# Comm
Parameters Description Usage
that you must install
to /home/
4 updat
<absolute path to
the ASG XML file>
Updates the ASG XML
<absolute path
to the ASG XML
5 confi
Time zone that
you select
Configures the time zone
with the value that you
Select a time
zone. For
5 confi
<IP address of
NTP server>
Configures the NTP
server details.
<IP address of
NTP server>
Separate IP
addresses or
hostnames of NTP
servers with commas
Changing the IP address and FQDN in System Manager
1280 Administering Avaya Aura

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Chapter 28: Configuring the date and time
Changing the time zone for System Manager
1. To log on to System Platform web console, open your Web browser and type
https://<C-dom IP Address>/webconsole.
2. Log in as an administrator using the login admin.
3. Click Server Management > Date/Time Configuration.
4. Select the time zone from the time zones section.
5. Click Set Time Zone.
6. Click OK.
The system displays the following status message Processing your request,
please wait.. After the operation is complete, the system displays the status
message Time zone has been changed to <new time zone>.
7. Restart the JBoss service by performing the following steps:
a. Log in to System Manager from the CLI.
b. Type service JBoss restart to restart JBoss.
Wait till the system displays the System Manager login page again.
Changing the date or time for System Manager
1. To log on to System Platform web console, open your Web browser and type
https://<C-dom IP Address>/webconsole.
2. Log in as an administrator using admin.
3. Click Server Management > Date/Time Configuration.
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1281

Ensure that Network Time protocol daemon (ntpd) is not running.
4. Click the text box that contains the date and time information.
The system displays the calendar.
5. Enter the new time value in the Time input field.
6. Select a date value in the calendar.
7. Click Apply to proceed with the changes.
8. Click Save Date and Time.
9. Click OK.
The system restarts. Wait for System Platform to redirect you to the Login page.
Verifying changes to the date and time configuration
1. Log in to System Manager from the command line.
2. Type the date, and press Enter.
The system displays the updated date, time, and time zone values. Verify the
3. Type exit and press Enter.
Configuring System Manager logs for Syslog server
You can direct System Manager security logs to remote Syslog server. Also, you can configure
general and security logs for the Syslog server.
About this task
Perform the following procedure to configure security audit logs for the Syslog server.
1. Log on to System Manager web console.
2. Click Services > Events.
Configuring the date and time
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3. Click Logs > Log Settings.
4. On the Log Settings page, in the Logger column, select
5. Click Edit.
6. On the Edit Logger page, click Attach.
7. On the Attach Appender page, in the Select Appender field, select SYSLOG.
8. Click Commit.
Add SYSLOG as an appender for the audit log.
To modify the Syslog configuration, select the SYSLOG appender and click
Changing date and time on System Manager running on
Configuring the NTP server
Before you begin
To reach the System Manager CLI, use one of the following methods:
Open vSphere Client and click on the Console tab or the icon.
- Start an SSH on System Manager.
Log in to the System Manager virtual machine as admin.
Type configureNTP <IP address of NTP server>.
Related topics:
System Manager command line interface operations on page 1279
Changing date and time on System Manager running on VMware
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1283

Configuring the time zone
1. Type configureTimeZone.
2. Select the time zone from the list.
For example, America/Denver.
Related topics:
System Manager command line interface operations on page 1279
Configuring the date and time
1284 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

Comments? [email protected]
Appendix A: Firewall implementation in
System Manager
Firewall basics
A firewall is a set of related programs, located at a network gateway server, that protects the
resources of a private network from users from other networks. An enterprise with an intranet
that allows its workers access to the wider Internet installs a firewall to prevent outsiders from
accessing its own private data resources. The firewall controls what outside resources its own
users can have access to. Simply put, a firewall is a program or a hardware device that filters
the information coming through the Internet connection into your private network or computer
system. If an incoming packet of information is flagged by the filters it is not allowed through.
Firewalls use one or more of three methods to control traffic flowing in and out of the network:
Packet filtering - Packets or small chunks of data are analyzed against a set of filters.
Packets that make it through the filters are sent to the requesting system and all others
are discarded.
Proxy service - Information from the Internet is retrieved by the firewall and then sent to
the requesting system and vice versa.
Stateful inspection - A newer method that does not examine the contents of each packet
but instead compares certain key parts of the packet to a database of trusted information.
Information traveling from inside the firewall to outside is monitored for specific defining
characteristics, then incoming information is compared to these characteristics. If the
comparison yields a reasonable match the information is allowed through. Else, it is
Firewall implementation in System Manager
The System Manager firewall implementation uses packet filtering and stateful inspection
techniques. The System Manager firewall provides the following:
Supports unlimited access to loop back address through packet filtering.
Drops all inbound packets by default, allows all outbound packets, and allows all packets
that are to be forwarded through packet filtering.
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1285

For TCP packets, the firewall checks for various combinations of the TCP flags to
ascertain whether a packet is valid or not. The System Manager firewall implementation
includes a set of standard rules for identifying valid TCP packets.
Supports stateful inspection of packets. The firewall checks the state of all inbound and
outbound packets for secure communication. For inbound packets the state must be
either Established or Related. For outbound packets the state must be either New,
Established or Related.
Disables ICMP timestamp responses as this allows an attacker to know the date which
is set on your machine. This defeats all the time based authentication protocols.
Allows inbound communication on ports that are exposed for interactions with various
Avaya Aura

Configuring the firewall in System Manager
Before you begin
Start an SSH session.
About this task
The firewall rules are captured in the $MGMT_HOME/utils/bin/firewall/ file.
1. Using the command line interface, log in to System Manager as root.
2. To configure and enable the firewall, type the sh $MGMT_HOME/utils/bin/
firewall/ command.
Using the firewall
Before you begin
Start an SSH session.
1. Using the command line interface, log in to System Manager as root.
2. To query the status of the firewall, type the service iptables status
Firewall implementation in System Manager
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3. To enable the firewall, type the service iptables start command.
4. To disable the firewall, type the service iptables stop command.
Modifying the System Manager firewall rules
Before you begin
Start an SSH session.
1. Using the command line interface, log in to System Manager as root.
2. To modify the System Manager firewall rules, edit the $MGMT_HOME/utils/bin/
firewall/ file.
3. Append the rule at the appropriate position in the firewall chain.
The firewall rules are applied on a packet in top-down fashion. Ensure that the
additional rules appear at the appropriate position in the firewall rule chain.
Modifying the System Manager firewall rules
Administering Avaya Aura

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Firewall implementation in System Manager
1288 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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AAR/ARS Digit Conversion field descriptions ... 743, 746
AAR/ARS Digit Conversion; field description 743, 746
Abbreviated Dialing .................................................. 713
Enhanced List .................................................... 713
Abbreviated Dialing List 1, List 2, List 3 ....................713
abbreviated dialing lists ............................................ 713
abort ......................................................................... 367
global user settings import job on first error ....... 367
abort a user import job ..............................................357
abort global user settings import job on first error .... 367
about audio files ......................................................1130
about backup and restore of IP Office device
configuration ................................................ 806
about CM aduit ......................................................... 945
about IP Office element manager ............................. 795
about reports ...........................................................1055
about security configuration ......................................804
about system configuration .......................................802
about Trust Management ........................................1135
access ................................680, 821, 839, 968, 985, 1070
Access Control ......................................................... 153
access log harvesting ............................................... 968
access profile .............................................889, 890, 895
create ................................................................. 889
delete ................................................................. 890
modify .................................................................889
new .....................................................................889
remove ............................................................... 890
Access to Administrative Users .......................... 28, 184
Accessing Element Cut-Through .............................. 680
accessing log harvest ............................................... 968
accessing resources .................................................146
accessing scheduler ............................................... 1070
accessing the Backup and Restore service ..............821
accessing the Data Retention Rules service ............ 839
accessing the Log Settings service .......................... 985
accessing WebLM .................................................. 1002
account operations ................................................... 951
CS1000 .............................................................. 951
account synchronization ........................................... 947
Act Time ................................................................... 679
activate ....................................................................... 81
secondary server ................................................. 81
activating agent ........................................................ 937
activating serviceability agent ................................... 937
Active ........................................................................672
Coverage Path ................................................... 672
Active Station Ringing .............................................. 700
actual license usage ............................................... 1003
add 159, 160, 207, 645, 657, 665, 682, 777, 928, 1225, 1262
communication profile for user ........................... 207
custom role .........................................................159
custom tenant administrator role ........................160
endpoints ............................................................682
new role ..............................................................159
new tenant administrator role .............................160
role ..................................................................... 159
add a contact address of a private contact ............... 239
add a contact address of a public contact ................ 550
add a postal address to public contact ..................... 548
add a public contact ..................................................546
add address ..............................................................202
Add Address page ...................... 205, 247, 551, 561, 565
Add Communication Manager .................................. 907
field descriptions ................................................ 907
Add Communication Manager field descriptions ...... 907
add element access profile ....................................... 925
add element instances ............................................1012
add endpoints ........................................................... 696
Add IP Office ............................................................ 911
field description .................................................. 911
Add local WebLM page ...........................................1028
Add Mapping ..................................................... 167, 169
Add New Role ...........................................................166
Add Remote Server field descriptions .................... 1068
add resources ...........................................................148
add SNMP Access profile ......................................... 860
Add Station Template ............................................... 697
add subscriber Messaging field description ..............605
Add Trusted Certificate page .................................. 1147
Adding ...................................................................... 587
CallPilot .............................................................. 587
adding a CM Endpoint profile ................................... 212
adding a contact in contact list ................................. 226
adding a CS 1000 or CallPilot profile ........................220
adding a CS 1000 profile .......................................... 221
Adding a data module ...............................................752
data modules; adding .........................................752
adding a local WebLM server ................................. 1016
adding a messaging profile .......................................216
adding a postal address of a private contact ............ 236
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1289

adding a private contact ........................................... 234
adding a shared address .......................................... 564
adding a trusted certificate ......................................1262
adding a trusted certificate to Communication Manager
.................................................................... 1262
adding a vector routing table .................................... 665
adding agent .............................................................631
agents; add ........................................................ 631
adding agents in bulk ................................................633
agents; bulk add .................................................633
adding an announcement ......................................... 645
adding an audio group ..............................................657
adding an element access profile ............................. 925
adding an IP Office endpoint profile ......................... 223
adding an SNMP Access profile ............................... 860
adding an SNMP target profile ................................. 933
adding announcements ............................................ 645
adding audio groups ................................................. 657
adding CM Agent template ..................................... 1091
adding CM Endpoint template ................................ 1093
Adding Communication Manager certificate to the
System Manager ........................................1265
adding communication profile for user ......................207
adding communication profiles ................................. 223
IP Office endpoint ...............................................223
Adding corporate logo ................................................ 47
adding coverage path ............................................... 669
coverage path; add ............................................ 669
adding coverage time-of-day .................................... 676
coverage time-of-day; add ................................. 676
adding custom role ................................................... 159
adding custom tenant administrator role .................. 160
adding dependencies to endpoints ...........................789
adding endpoints ...................................................... 682
adding IP Office endpoint template .........................1122
adding IP Office system configuration templates ....1127
Adding off PBX endpoint mapping ............................733
adding Remote Servers .......................................... 1066
adding resources ...................................................... 148
adding resources to a selected group ...................... 148
adding subnetworks ..................................................923
adding subscriber templates ..........................1112, 1115
adding subscriber templates MM ............................ 1118
adding subscribers CMM field description ................ 610
adding subscribers MM field description .................. 614
adding synchronization datasources .......................... 54
adding templates; subscriber ..................................1097
adding subscriber templates ............................ 1097
new subscriber templates .......................... 1097
adding trusted certificates .......................................1136
adding UDP entries .................................................. 783
adding udp group ......................................................777
adding uniform dial plan group ................................. 777
adding vector directory number ................................ 662
vector directory number; add ............................. 662
admin ..........................................................................41
logon information ................................................. 41
Administrative Users ........................................... 28, 184
AdminLite installation ................................................800
Advance Options Presence Integration .................... 715
advanced search ...............................................653, 689
searching announcements ................................. 653
searching endpoints ........................................... 689
AES .......................................................................... 120
user management .............................................. 120
agent .........................................................................789
adding dependencies ......................................... 789
Agent editor .............................................................. 176
permissions ........................................................ 176
Agent Management page ......................................... 841
agent template ........................................................ 1104
field description ................................................ 1104
agent template field description .............................. 1104
agents ............................................................... 630, 634
agents field descriptions ........................................... 635
agents ................................................................ 635
field description ............................................635
agents list ................................................................. 631
Alarm List page .........................................................962
Alarm Management .................................................. 843
alarm throttling ..........................................................957
Alarming ................................................................... 953
alarming UI ............................................................... 876
Alarming UI ...............................................................857
alarms ........................................................ 954956, 960
delete ................................................................. 955
forward to secondary System Manager ............. 960
standby mode .....................................................960
Alarms for Conferencing ........................................... 116
Alarms for IP Office .................................................. 119
all .............................................................................. 650
all announcements ................................................... 648
Allocations by Feature Page ...................................1037
Allocations by Local WebLM page ..........................1038
Allow access to Administrative Users Web UI .... 28, 184
alternate source ...................................................... 1194
upgrades .......................................................... 1194
Always Use ............................................................... 707
Station ................................................................ 707
analyze ................................................................... 1197
analyzing ....................................................... 1198, 1234
software ...................................................1198, 1234
1290 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

analyzing software .................................................. 1197
analyzing software inventory .................................. 1202
announcement ..........................................................645
announcements .................................................646653
announcements field description .............................. 653
announcements list ...................................................643
anonymous communication profiles ......................... 950
anonymous profiles ........................................... 948, 949
assign .................................................................948
delete ................................................................. 949
answer ...................................................................... 725
appender .................................................................. 988
application instance .................................................. 884
create ................................................................. 884
new .....................................................................884
application instances ................................................ 883
application management page ................................. 893
Applying a Communication Manager patch ............ 1245
Applying an IP Office system configuration template on
an IP Office device .....................................1129
Architecture and deployment diagrams for Geographic
Redundancy .................................................. 70
archive ...................................................................... 971
Assertions ............................................................... 1163
assign .......................................................204, 563, 1174
shared address to user ............................... 204, 563
tenant administrator ..........................................1174
assign groups ............................................ 198, 199, 326
multiple users ..............................................198, 199
single user ..........................................................198
Assign Groups .......................................................... 327
Assign Role page ..................................................... 325
Assign Roles page ....................................................324
assign roles to .......................................................... 196
single user ..........................................................196
assign users ...................................................... 162, 201
Assign Users ..................................................... 168, 330
assign users to role .................................................. 162
assign users to roles .................................................201
assigned elements ....................................................888
remove ............................................................... 888
assigned resources .................................................. 135
remove ............................................................... 135
assigning an appender to a logger ........................... 987
assigning anonymous profiles .................................. 948
assigning applications .............................................. 888
assigning permission to access UDP groups ........... 787
Assigning permissions ............................................ 1096
CM templates ................................................... 1096
Assigning permissions in Software Management ... 1255
assigning permissions in user management ............ 176
assigning permissions through User Management .. 176
assigning range for endpoints .................................. 175
assigning resources ..................................................147
assigning resources to group ................................... 131
assigning roles to ......................................................197
multiple users ..................................................... 197
assigning users to role ..............................................162
Attach Appender page ..............................................991
attach contacts page ................................................ 228
attribute details defined in Delete user XSD ............. 484
attribute details defined in Import User XSD ............ 475
attribute details defined in the CM Endpoint profile XSD
attribute details defined in the Conferencing
communication profile XSD ......................... 527
attribute details defined in the Messaging communication
profile XSD .................................................. 514
attribute details defined in the Session Manager
communication profile XSD ......................... 523
Audible Message Waiting ......................................... 707
audio groups ..................................................... 656658
audio groups field description ...................................659
audit reports ..............................................................945
Audix Name .............................................................. 706
authentication ......................................................... 1160
Kerberos server ................................................1160
authentication scheme ............................................1158
authentication servers .............................................1158
authorization code .................................................... 769
authorization code field description .......................... 771
authorization code; field description ...................771
authorization code list ...............................................770
auto ...........................................................................725
auto activate ............................................................... 28
serviceability agent .............................................. 28
Auto activation of serviceability agents .....................936
Auto answer ...................................................... 725, 726
Auto Answer ............................................................. 700
Station ................................................................ 700
Auto answer field descriptions .................................. 726
auto commit for Communication Manager upgrades 1248
Auto Select Any Idle Appearance .............................707
auto-refresh log list page .......................................... 997
automatic alternate routing digit conversion , ....741, 745
automatic route selection digit conversion ..741, 745
aar digit conversion .....................................741, 745
ars digit conversion .....................................741, 745
automatic route selection toll field description, ......... 750
ars toll; field description ......................................750
automatic route selection toll; field description ...750
automatic route selection toll list ...............................749
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1291

automatic route selection toll, ................................... 749
ars toll .................................................................749
AutoRefresh Alarm List page ....................................961
Avaya Aura Conferencing configuration ................... 113
Avaya SIP AST endpoints ...................................... 1178
B5800 endpoint templates ...................................... 1124
duplicate ........................................................... 1124
backing up all anouncements ................................... 648
backing up audio groups ................................... 658, 659
Backing up Communication Manager ..................... 1218
Backing up Communication Manager Messaging
............................................................. 1218
Backing up Communication Manager or Communication
Manager Messaging .................................. 1218
backup ................................................648, 819, 820, 823
remote server ..................................................... 823
backup and restore .................................... 808, 819821
field descriptions ................................................ 808
backup and restore field descriptions ....................... 808
Backup and Restore page ........................................ 830
backup and restore service ...................................... 821
backup files ...............................................................822
backup of announcements ....................................... 648
backup of IP Office device configuration .................. 807
backup on System Manager and System Platform .. 821
Backup page .............................................................831
basic reports ........................................................... 1057
generate ........................................................... 1057
new ...................................................................1057
bidirectional synchronization ...................................... 51
Bindings .................................................................. 1164
Bridged Appearance Origination Restriction ............ 711
Bridged Call Alerting .................................................699
Bridged Idle Line Preference .................................... 708
broadcast ..................................................................650
broadcasting an announcement ............................... 650
broadcasting anouncements .................................... 650
Building .....................................................................712
Station ................................................................ 712
built-in roles .............................................................. 154
Built-in roles ..............................................................153
bulk add endpoint; field description .......................... 723
bulk add endpoints ............................................. 723
add endpoints .............................................. 723
bulk delete .........................................................634, 688
bulk delete endpoints ................................................688
bulk deleting agents ..................................................634
bulk deleting endpoints .............................................688
bulk export .................................... 28, 331, 332, 339, 837
Excel .................................................................... 28
key features ........................................................339
bulk export global settings ........................................ 363
bulk export of global user settings ............................ 363
bulk export of users .................................................. 346
bulk export of users partially ..................................... 351
bulk export users ...................................................... 345
bulk export users through CLI .................................. 347
bulk import ..................... 28, 331, 332, 339, 361, 362, 837
Excel .................................................................... 28
global settings options ........................................361
global user settings ............................................ 362
key features ........................................................339
bulk import and export ............................... 331, 339, 837
bulk import and export of user by using Excel file .... 334
bulk import and export using Excel ...........................332
bulk import encryption utility ..................................... 352
bulk import of global user settings .....................361, 362
bulk import of partial user attributes ......................... 350
bulk import of users .................................................. 342
bulk import users ...................................................... 340
bulk import XML for users with SIP phone ............... 542
BulkImportEncryptionUtil ................................... 352, 354
Busy ..........................................................................673
Coverage Path ................................................... 673
Button Assignment ................................................... 714
Button Label ............................................................. 714
Cable ........................................................................ 712
Call Appearance Display Format .............................. 706
Call Forwarding ........................................................ 713
Call Pilot ................................................................... 108
configuration .......................................................108
CallPilot .................................................................... 105
functionality limitations ....................................... 105
CallPilot certificate .................................................... 588
cancel ....................................................................... 368
global user settings import job ........................... 368
cancel a global user settings import job ................... 368
cancel a user import job ........................................... 358
CDR Privacy ............................................................. 708
centralized licensing ....................1007, 1008, 1010, 1013
adding elements ............................................... 1010
disable .............................................................. 1013
enable ...............................................................1008
overview ........................................................... 1007
certificate ................................................................ 1136
Microsoft Active Directory .................................1136
Certificate authorities .............................................. 1145
Certificate Authority ................................................ 1151
1292 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

certificate response .................................................1152
change ..................................................1269, 1277, 1279
DNS .........................................................1277, 1279
FQDN ...................................................... 1269, 1277
FQDN from CLI ................................................ 1279
Gateway .................................................. 1277, 1279
IP address ............................................... 1269, 1277
IP address from CLI ......................................... 1279
Netmask .................................................. 1277, 1279
search list ................................................ 1277, 1279
change abbreviated-dialing enhanced ......................713
Change Allocations page ........................................1039
change FQDN .........................................................1272
primary System Manager ................................. 1272
change FQDN from CLI .......................................... 1279
change FQDN in the primary System Manager ...... 1272
change FQDN on primary System Manager ...........1273
change FQDN on secondary System Manager .... 1275,
change IP address ..................................................1272
primary System Manager ................................. 1272
change IP address and FQDN on primary and secondary
System Manager ........................................1272
change IP address from CLI ................................... 1279
change IP address on primary System Manager ....1272
Change IP address on primary System Manager ... 1273
change IP address on secondary System Manager ....
1275, 1276
Change Password page ............................................. 44
changeIPFQDN command, .....................................1278
changing a managed element's FQDN in System
Manager .....................................................1271
changing a managed element's IP address in System
Manager .....................................................1271
changing alarm status .............................................. 954
changing allocations of a licensed feature ..............1022
Changing compatibility view setting ........................... 38
Changing date or time in System Manager ............ 1281
changing FQDN in System Manager ...................... 1269
changing IP address in System Manager ............... 1269
changing System Manager IP address in managed
elements .................................................... 1271
changing time zone .................................................1281
changing to classic view ........................................... 630
Check ......................................................................1201
checklist .................................................................. 1204
Communication Manager 6.x upgrade ............. 1204
choose ...............................................................204, 563
shared address ........................................... 204, 563
choose a shared address for a private contact .........549
Choose Address page .......................................206, 553
Choose Group page ................................................. 151
choose parent group .................................................152
choosing a shared address for a private contact ...... 238
class of service ..................................................600, 764
messaging; class of service ............................... 600
COS ............................................................. 600
Class of Service ........................................................601
COS List .............................................................601
class of service data ................................................. 764
class of service field description ............................... 765
class of service group field descriptions ................... 773
class of service group; field description ............. 773
class of service group list ......................................... 772
class of service group, .............................................. 772
cos group ........................................................... 772
system; class of service group ........................... 772
class of service list ....................................................765
client audit ...............................................................1044
CM Agent template ................................................. 1091
upgrade ............................................................ 1091
CM Agent template; .......................................10911093
add ................................................................... 1091
copy ..................................................................1093
delete ................................................................1093
edit ....................................................................1092
CM audit ................................................................... 945
CM audit field description ......................................... 946
CM audit report .........................................................947
CM audit report field descriptions ............................. 947
CM Endpoint profile .................................................. 215
delete ................................................................. 215
CM Endpoint template ............................................ 1091
upgrade ............................................................ 1091
CM Endpoint templates ................................. 10931096
add ................................................................... 1093
copy ..................................................................1096
delete ................................................................1095
edit ....................................................................1094
view .................................................................. 1095
CM notify sync feature ............................................ 1259
CM objetcs ................................................................625
CM station data ........................................................ 332
export ................................................................. 332
import ................................................................. 332
CM templates ..........................................................1096
permissions ...................................................... 1096
collecting inventory ........................................ 1196, 1233
command ........................................ 348, 364, 1278, 1284
changeIPFQDN ................................................ 1278
configureTimeZone .......................................... 1284
exportUpmGlobalsettings ...................................364
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1293

exportUpmUser .................................................. 348
command line restore ............................................... 829
Communication Manager .. 28, 33, 907, 1179, 1245, 1249,
add ..................................................................... 907
job summary .....................................................1249
Multi Tenancy ................................................... 1179
station communication profile .............................. 28
update status ....................................................1249
Communication Manager 5.1 ..................................1256
upgrade ............................................................ 1256
Communication Manager 5.2.1 ...1207, 1217, 1219, 1221,
upgrade ....................... 1207, 1217, 1219, 1221, 1223
Communication Manager 5.x upgrade ....................1236
Communication Manager 6.x ............... 1205, 1208, 1209
upgrade ................................................... 1208, 1209
Communication Manager audit .................................946
Communication Manager certificate ....................... 1265
Communication Manager configuration when primary
System Manager is nonoperational ............. 101
Communication Manager objects ......................625, 630
Communication Manager objects; add ..................... 627
adding Communication Manager objects ...........627
Communication Manager objects; delete ................. 629
deleting Communication Manager objects ......... 629
Communication Manager objects; edit ..................... 628
Communication Manager objects; edit ...............628
Communication Manager reset ...............................1246
Communication Manager Session Manager correlation
Communication Manager software ......................... 1242
field description ................................................ 1242
Communication Manager templates ................. 33, 1096
permissions ...................................................... 1096
Communication Manager update ............................1243
field description ................................................ 1243
Communication Manager upgrade from Software
Management .............................................. 1191
Communication Manager upgrade from System
Manager .....................................................1191
communication manager upgrades ............................ 32
communication profile ....................................... 207, 211
add ..................................................................... 207
Presence ............................................................ 211
Communication profile .............................................. 267
communication profile for user ................................. 207
delete ................................................................. 207
communication profile password history policy ........ 570
communication profile password policy .................... 571
edit ..................................................................... 571
Communication Profile Password Policy field
descriptions ................................................. 571
communication profile password strength policy ...... 570
communication profile worksheets ........................... 336
communication profile hierarchy ........................ 336
hierarchy ............................................................ 336
parent-child communication profile .................... 336
relationship .........................................................336
worksheets ......................................................... 336
communication profiles ............................................. 947
Communication profiles ............................................ 206
communication profiles for a user .............................212
communication profiles synchronization ................... 947
Company ID ............................................................1257
Company logo ............................................................ 28
compatibility mode ......................................................38
completed jobs ........................................................1071
view .................................................................. 1071
Completed Jobs Page ............................................ 1078
Conf/Trans On Primary Appearance ........................ 708
Conferencing configuration .......................................113
Conferencing GR configuration ................................ 112
configuration ............................... 107, 109, 112, 342, 349
Conferencing ......................................................112
Meeting Exchange element ................................107
Messaging ..........................................................109
configuration management ....................................... 841
configuration options for bulk import of users ........... 349
configuration options for bulk import through Excel ..342
configure ......... 77, 86, 89, 101, 844, 876, 957, 1165, 1166
Communication Manager when primary System
Manager is nonoperational ....................101
Geographical Redundancy .............................77, 86
health monitoring timeout interval ........................ 89
Hosted Service Provider on System Manager . 1165
Remote Identity Provider ..................................1166
configure alarm throttling .......................................... 957
Configure Call Pilot ................................................... 108
configure centralized licensing ................................1009
field description ................................................ 1009
configure centralized licensing field description ......1009
configure Conferencing ............................................ 115
configure customized interface ...................................50
field descriptions .................................................. 50
configure firewall .....................................................1286
configure notify sync ............................................... 1264
Configure options ..................................................... 951
Configure Presence Server ...................................... 107
configure two-way TLS ........................................... 1264
configureNTP .................................................1279, 1283
configureTimeZone ........................................1279, 1284
1294 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

configuring .............................................................. 1066
periodic .............................................................1066
cleanup ...................................................... 1066
properties ................................................... 1066
report ......................................................... 1066
Configuring ................................................................. 94
GR-unaware elements ......................................... 94
Configuring auto commit for Communication Manager
upgrades .................................................... 1248
Configuring Communication Manager during GR
failback ........................................................ 100
Configuring Communication Manager during GR
failover ........................................................... 99
Configuring Communication Manager during GR failover
when only the primary is reachable ............. 101
configuring communication manager user profile
settings ........................................................ 622
Configuring Conferencing to be managed by System
Manager ...................................................... 113
Configuring CS 1000 ................................................ 103
Configuring DTLS for CS 1000 ............................... 1156
configuring endpoints ............................................... 788
configuring enterprise licensing .............................. 1015
configuring firewall .................................................. 1286
configuring IP Office ................................................. 844
field description .................................................. 844
configuring IP Office in Active-Active scenario ......... 118
Configuring IP Office in normal operation with SCEP
disabled ....................................................... 118
Configuring IP Office in normal operation with SCEP
enabled ........................................................ 117
Configuring IP Office when primary is active .... 117, 118
configuring IP Office when primary nonfunctional .... 118
Configuring Linux-based CS1000 servers ................ 104
Configuring Messaging during GR failback .............. 111
Configuring Messaging during split network ............. 111
Configuring Messaging in normal operational mode 109
Configuring Messaging when primary server is
nonoperational ............................................. 110
configuring notify sync ............................................ 1264
configuring NTP server ........................................... 1283
configuring periodic .................................................1066
configuring periodic cleanup ................................... 1066
configuring periodic cleanup for reports ..................1066
Configuring Presence Server ................................... 107
configuring Remote Servers ................................... 1066
Configuring Remote Servers .................................. 1067
configuring report ....................................................1066
configuring report properties ................................... 1066
Configuring Session Manager Release 6.2 and earlier
during failback ............................................... 98
configuring Session Manager Release 6.2 and earlier
during GR failover ......................................... 97
Configuring SIP TLS for CS1000 ............................ 1157
configuring Syslog server ....................................... 1282
configuring System Manager security logs ............. 1282
configuring the firewall in System Manager ............ 1286
configuring time zone ..............................................1284
configuring trap listener ............................................ 876
configuring two-way TLS ........................................ 1264
Configuring user settings ........................................ 1192
Configuring VxWorks-based CS1000 servers .......... 103
configuringfor GR ..................................................... 116
IP Office ............................................................. 116
confirming identity certificate updates .....................1155
connectivity status of the local WebLM servers ...... 1019
console ....................................................................... 41
Tenant Management ............................................41
contact ...................................................................... 226
add in default contact list ....................................226
modify .................................................................226
Contact Center ......................................................... 120
reconfiguring ...................................................... 120
contact list member .................................................. 230
edit ..................................................................... 230
contacts .................................................................... 228
attach ................................................................. 228
convert ........................................................................88
to stand-alone ...................................................... 88
converting .wav audio files ......................................1131
converting .wav to .c11 audio file format ................ 1131
converting to .c11 audio files .................................. 1131
cookie domain value ............................................... 1268
SSO ..................................................................1268
copy .......................................................................... 169
permission ..........................................................169
Copy All From ........................................................... 169
Copy from Role .........................................................169
copy group ................................................................129
copying CM Agent template ....................................1093
copying CM Endpoint templates ............................. 1096
copying permission mapping for a role ..................... 163
COR ..........................................................................697
Cord Length ..............................................................712
corporate logo ............................................................ 47
add ....................................................................... 47
Corporate logo ............................................................39
Corporate Logo .......................................................... 47
correlation .................................................................793
COS ..........................................................................697
Station ................................................................ 697
courses .......................................................................24
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1295

Coverage After Forwarding ...................................... 701
Coverage Criteria ..................................................... 672
Coverage Msg Retrieval ........................................... 708
Coverage Path ..........................................................671
Coverage Path 1 or Coverage Path 2 ...................... 698
coverage path list ..................................................... 669
coverage; coverage path list .............................. 669
Coverage Path Number ............................................671
coverage path, ..........................................................668
coverage; coverage path ....................................668
COVERAGE POINTS ............................................... 674
coverage time-of-day list .......................................... 676
coverage time-of-day, ............................................... 676
coverage; coverage time-of-day .........................676
create ................ 129, 185, 574, 914, 928, 969, 1171, 1225
log harvesting profile .......................................... 969
new user profile ..................................................185
profiles ................................................................914
site ....................................................................1171
team ................................................................. 1171
tenant ............................................................... 1171
tenant organization ...........................................1171
user account .......................................................185
user provisioning rule ......................................... 574
create a new instance ...............................................884
Create Discovery Profile ........................................... 917
field descriptions ................................................ 917
create discovery profiles ........................................... 913
create duplicate groups ............................................ 129
create log harvesting profile ..................................... 969
Create New Profile page .......................................... 978
Create Tenant page ................................................1183
create user ........................................................ 187, 188
user provisioning rule ..................................187, 188
create using user provisioning rule ........................... 187
user profile ......................................................... 187
creating .....................................................................821
System Manager backup ................................... 821
creating a new communication address for a profile 208
creating a new port ................................................... 890
creating access profile ..............................................889
creating an SNMP target profile ............................... 933
creating an SNMPv3 user profile .............................. 928
creating data backup on remote server .................... 823
creating detailed reports ......................................... 1056
creating discovery profiles ........................................ 914
creating duplicate groups ......................................... 129
creating duplicate user provisioning rule .................. 575
creating duplicate users ............................................193
creating groups .........................................................128
creating IP Office backup ......................................... 807
creating new user account ........................................185
Creating NRP .................................................... 791, 792
Creating NRP groups ........................................ 791, 792
creating SCS profiles ................................................ 919
creating software library ..........................................1225
creating SRS profiles ................................................ 919
creating system data backup on a local server ........ 822
creating use profile ............................................598, 600
creating user profile using user provisioning rule ..... 187
creating user provisioning rule ..................................574
creating user synchronization job ............................... 64
CS 1000 ....................................................................105
functionality limitations ....................................... 105
CS 1000 account operations .................................... 951
CS 1000 and CallPilot profile administration ............ 219
CS 1000 configuration .............................................. 103
CS1000 Presence users ...........................................222
CS1000 server .................................................. 103, 104
configuration ............................................... 103, 104
custom patch .......................................................... 1231
patch .................................................................1231
custom reports ........................................................ 1055
custom role ................................................ 159, 164, 165
add ..................................................................... 159
delete ................................................................. 165
edit ..................................................................... 164
custom roles ............................................................. 158
Custom roles ............................................................ 153
custom templates ....................................................1089
custom tenant administrator role .............................. 160
add ..................................................................... 160
Customized ................................................................ 47
interface ............................................................... 47
logo ...................................................................... 47
Customized interface ..................................................47
Customized Interface field descriptions ......................50
customizing .............................................................1062
customizing reports .................................................1062
Cvg Enabled for VDN Route-To Party ...................... 671
CVG Path ................................................................. 679
Dashboard ..................................................................39
System Manager ..................................................39
data backup .......................................................822824
create ................................................................. 822
remote server ..................................................... 823
data backup from local server .................................. 827
Data entry warning in Excel ...................................... 338
Data entry warning in Microsoft Excel ...................... 338
Data link error in Excel ............................................. 338
1296 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

Data link error in Microsoft Excel .............................. 337
data module list ........................................................ 752
Data Modules ........................................................... 751
data modules field descriptions ................................ 754
data modules; field descriptions .........................754
data replication .............................................. 1043, 1044
data replication service ........................................... 1043
Data Restriction ........................................................ 708
Data Retention page .................................................840
data retention rules ........................................... 839, 840
data retention rules service ...................................... 839
Data Transport Config field descriptions .................. 851
Data Transport Static Config page ........................... 855
database replication ................................................... 73
date and time .......................................................... 1281
System Manager .............................................. 1281
date and time configuration .................................... 1282
deactivate ................................................................... 82
secondary server ................................................. 82
Default ACL .............................................................. 569
default contact .......................................................... 226
add contact list ................................................... 226
default end entities ..................................................1154
default login password for day one configuration of an IP
Office device ................................................ 802
Default Policy rule .....................................................568
default templates .................................................... 1089
delete 165, 207, 368, 576, 647, 658, 685, 903, 930, 935, 1177
communication profile ........................................ 207
element .............................................................. 903
global user settings import job on first error ....... 368
role ..................................................................... 165
tenant ............................................................... 1177
user provisioning rule ......................................... 576
delete a global user settings import Job ................... 368
delete a user import job ............................................ 359
delete alarms ............................................................ 955
Delete ALL ................................................................955
delete an address ..................................................... 203
Delete Confirmation Page .......................................1087
delete contact addresses of a public contact ............551
delete custom role .................................................... 165
delete element .......................................................... 887
delete element access profile ................................... 926
Delete Element Confirmation page ...........................903
delete element instance mapping ........................... 1011
delete element instances ........................................ 1012
Delete Group Confirmation page ..............................144
Delete IP Office field description .............................. 913
Delete local WebLM page .......................................1032
delete Local WebLM server .................................... 1032
delete mapping ....................................................... 1011
delete postal addresses of a public contact ..............549
delete public contact of a user ..................................547
Delete Selected ........................................................ 955
delete SNMP Access profile ..................................... 861
delete SNMPv3 user profiles .................................... 930
Deleted Trusted Certificate Confirmation page .......1150
deleted user ..............................................................200
restore ................................................................ 200
Deleted Users page ..................................................328
deleting a communication address ........................... 209
deleting a communication profile .............................. 207
deleting a port ...........................................................891
deleting a profile ....................................................... 971
Deleting a Remote Server ...................................... 1067
deleting a shared address ........................................ 565
deleting a station profile ............................................218
deleting a user .......................................................... 194
deleting access profile .............................................. 890
deleting agent ........................................................... 633
agents; delete .....................................................633
deleting agents in bulk ..............................................634
deleting an announcement ....................................... 647
deleting an audio file in IP Office system configuration
template ..................................................... 1132
deleting an audio group ............................................ 658
deleting an CM Endpoint profile ............................... 215
deleting an element access profile ........................... 926
deleting an element instance .................................. 1011
deleting an SNMP target profile ................................935
deleting an SNMPv3 user profile .............................. 930
deleting an uploaded file ...........................................813
deleting an uploaded greeting file .............................813
deleting announcements .......................................... 647
deleting anonymous profiles .....................................949
deleting audio groups ............................................... 658
deleting CM Agent template ................................... 1093
deleting CM Endpoint templates ............................. 1095
deleting completed jobs .......................................... 1073
deleting contact addresses of a private contact ....... 240
deleting contacts from the contact list ...................... 228
deleting coverage path ............................................. 670
coverage path; delete .........................................670
deleting coverage time-of-day .................................. 678
coverage time-of-day; delete ..............................678
deleting data modules .............................................. 754
data modules; delete ..........................................754
deleting element instances ..................................... 1011
deleting endpoints .................................................... 685
removing endpoints ............................................685
deleting groups ......................................................... 130
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1297

deleting instances ................................................... 1011
deleting IP Office endpoint profile of a user ..............225
deleting IP Office endpoint templates ..................... 1125
deleting IP Office system configuration templates .. 1129
deleting jobs ............................................................1073
deleting pending jobs ..............................................1073
deleting postal addresses of a private contact ......... 238
deleting private contact of a user ..............................236
deleting reports ....................................................... 1065
deleting scheduled backup job ................................. 826
deleting SNMP Access profile .................................. 861
deleting SNMP target profiles ................................... 935
deleting software library .......................................... 1226
deleting subnetworks ................................................924
deleting synchronization datasource, ......................... 56
deleting udp group ....................................................779
deleting uniform dial plan group ............................... 779
deleting user provisioning rule ..................................576
deleting user synchronization jobs ............................. 65
deleting vector directory number .............................. 663
vector directory number; delete ..........................663
deleting vector routing tables ....................................666
vector routing table; delete .................................666
department .................................................... 1171, 1176
create ............................................................... 1171
editing ...............................................................1176
team ................................................................. 1176
viewing ....................................................... 1176
viewing ............................................................. 1176
team ........................................................... 1176
determine System Manager that manages GR-aware
element ........................................................ 885
device list ..................................................................915
Direct IP-IP Audio Connections ................................ 708
directory synchronization ............................................51
disable .................................................................... 1286
Disable Confirmation page ..................................... 1084
disable the firewall .................................................. 1286
disabling ..................................................................... 80
Geo Redundancy replication ................................80
Disabling ................................................................. 1074
pending jobs ..................................................... 1074
completed jobs ...........................................1074
disabling centralized licensing ................................ 1013
disaster recovery ...................................................... 124
discover .................................................................... 915
device .................................................................915
discover elements .....................................................913
Discover Now ........................................................... 916
discover SCS servers ............................................... 919
Discover SRS server ................................................ 921
field descriptions ................................................ 921
discover SRS servers ............................................... 919
discovering elements ................................................914
discovering SCS servers .......................................... 919
discovering SRS servers .......................................... 919
discovery .................................................................. 913
profiles ................................................................913
Discovery Job Status ................................................ 916
discovery profiles .............................................. 913, 914
create ..........................................................913, 914
Discovery Profiles ..................................................... 916
field descriptions ................................................ 916
disk space for ........................................................... 819
System Manager backup ................................... 819
Display Client Redirection ........................................ 708
Display Language .....................................................702
DND/SAC/Go to Cover ............................................. 673
All ....................................................................... 673
Coverage Path ................................................... 673
Dont Answer ......................................................673
download ..................................................648, 974, 1260
harvested log files .............................................. 974
download manager ........................................ 1230, 1232
downloading software releases ........................ 1230
uploading custom patch ................................... 1232
downloading .................................................. 1199, 1235
software ...................................................1199, 1235
downloading an announcement ................................648
downloading announcements ...................................648
downloading audio groups ........................................658
Downloading Excel template .................................... 344
downloading harvested log files ............................... 974
downloading reports ............................................... 1063
downloading the .pem file ....................................... 1261
downloading the .pem file to Communication Manager
.................................................................... 1261
downloading the system manager certificate ..........1260
downloading upgrade files ...................................... 1230
DRS ............................................................... 1043, 1044
DRS client audit ...................................................... 1044
DRS clients ............................................................. 1044
Dscover SCS server ................................................. 921
field descriptions ................................................ 921
duplicate ................................................................... 575
UPR ....................................................................575
user provisioning rule ......................................... 575
Duplicate Group page ...............................................144
duplicate groups ....................................................... 129
Duplicate User Provisioning Rule ............................. 577
field descriptions ................................................ 577
duplicating an endpoint .............................................684
1298 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

duplicating CM Agent template ............................... 1093
duplicating CM Endpoint templates ........................ 1096
duplicating IP Office endpoint templates ................ 1124
duration .....................................................................951
CS 1000 account operations ..............................951
edit ... 46, 164, 571, 623, 646, 657, 666, 764, 778, 840, 865,
929, 986, 1082, 1158, 1176
communication profile password policy ..............571
custom role .........................................................164
grace period ....................................................... 865
scheduled job ................................................... 1082
site ....................................................................1176
Edit Address page ..................................... 248, 562, 566
Edit Appender page ..................................................990
edit assignment of a license file ..............................1011
Edit Common Console Profile page ......................... 859
edit Communication Profile Password Policy ........... 571
field descriptions ................................................ 571
edit contact in a contact list ...................................... 226
edit contact list member page ...................................230
Edit Discovery Profile ............................................... 917
field descriptions ................................................ 917
edit element access profile ....................................... 925
edit element instances ............................................ 1012
Edit Element page .................................................... 895
edit endpoint ............................................................. 696
Edit Group page ....................................................... 141
Edit Logger page ...................................................... 989
edit password policies ................................................ 47
field description .................................................... 47
Edit Private Contact List page .................................. 243
Edit Profile ............ 846, 850, 857, 865, 867869, 871, 878
Alarming UI page ............................................... 857
Communication System Management Configuration
page ...................................................... 846
HealthMonitor UI page ....................................... 867
Inventory page ................................................... 850
Licenses page .................................................... 868
Logging page ..................................................... 869
Logging Service page ........................................ 871
Shutdown page .................................................. 865
Trust Management field description ................... 878
Edit profile Messaging field descriptions .................. 850
Edit Profile System Manager page ........................... 856
Edit Profile:Configuration page .................................850
Inventory ............................................................ 850
Edit Public Contact List page ....................................555
Edit Remote Server field descriptions .....................1068
Edit Scheduler Profile page ...................................... 875
edit SNMP access profile ......................................... 860
edit user ....................................................................188
user provisioning rule ......................................... 188
Edit User Profile ........................................................287
Edit User Provisioning RuleView User Provisioning
Rule ............................................................. 577
field descriptions ................................................ 577
editing ..................................................................... 1176
department ....................................................... 1176
team ................................................................. 1176
tenant ............................................................... 1176
Editing ............................................................. 825, 1072
pending jobs ..............................................825, 1072
completed jobs ................................... 825, 1072
editing a coverage path ............................................ 670
coverage path; edit .............................................670
editing a logger in a log file .......................................986
Editing a Remote Server details ............................. 1067
editing a security configuration ................................. 805
editing a system configuration .................................. 803
editing agent data ..................................................... 632
agents; edit data .................................................632
editing an announcement ......................................... 646
editing an audio group .............................................. 657
editing an element access profile ............................. 925
editing an IP Office endpoint profile ..........................224
editing an SNMP target profile ..................................934
editing an SNMPve user profile ................................ 929
editing announcements ............................................ 646
editing audio groups ................................................. 657
editing authorization code .........................................770
authorization code; edit ...................................... 770
Editing Automatic Alternate Routing Digit Conversion
data ..............................................................742
Automatic Alternate Routing Digit Conversion;
editing data ............................................742
editing automatic route selection digit conversion data
automatic route selection digit conversion; edit data
............................................................... 746
editing automatic route selection toll data ................ 750
automatic route selection toll; edit data ..............750
editing class of service data ..................................... 764
editing class of service group ................................... 773
class of service group; edit .................................773
editing CM Agent template ..................................... 1092
editing CM Endpoint templates ............................... 1094
editing communication profile password policy ........ 571
editing data modules ................................................ 753
data modules; edit ..............................................753
editing element instances ....................................... 1011
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1299

editing endpoint extension; field description .............722
endpoint extension ............................................. 722
editing IP Office endpoint templates ....................... 1124
editing IP Office system configuration templates .... 1128
editing logger ............................................................ 986
Editing Off PBX Configuration Set ............................ 729
Editing Off PBX Endpoint Mapping ...........................734
editing password policies ........................................... 45
editing Remote Servers .......................................... 1067
Editing report .......................................................... 1061
Editing report parameters ....................................... 1061
editing session properties ..................................... 46, 49
field description .................................................... 49
editing SNMP Access profile .................................... 860
editing SNMPv3 user profiles ................................... 929
editing subsciber templates CMM ...........................1115
editing subsciber templates Messaging .................. 1112
editing subscriber templates MM ............................ 1118
editing subscribers CMM field description ................ 610
editing subscribers MM field description ...................614
editing synchronization datasources .......................... 55
editing tenant .......................................................... 1176
editing the authentication scheme .......................... 1158
editing the logon warning banner ............................... 46
editing the properties of an element instance ......... 1011
editing the select all attribute .................................... 623
editing UDP entries ...................................................784
editing UDP Group ................................................... 778
editing Uniform Dial Plan Group ............................... 778
editing vector directory number; ............................... 663
vector directory number; edit ..............................663
editing vector routing table ....................................... 666
editing xmobile configuration .................................... 736
xmobile configuration; edit ................................. 736
EJBCA .................................................................... 1151
element ...............................................884, 886, 887, 903
create ................................................................. 884
delete .......................................................... 887, 903
edit ..................................................................... 886
import ................................................................. 887
new .....................................................................884
view .................................................................... 886
Element .................................................................... 728
Cut Through ....................................................... 728
element access profile ...................................... 925, 926
add ..................................................................... 925
delete ................................................................. 926
edit ..................................................................... 925
Element Access Profile Management .......................926
Element Cut-Through ........................................ 625, 680
Element Cut-Through field description ..................... 680
element instance .....................................................1011
delete ................................................................1011
edit ....................................................................1011
edit properties ...................................................1011
remove ............................................................. 1011
element instance field description ...........................1012
element management ...............................................883
Element Manager ..................................................... 219
redirect CallPilot user ......................................... 219
redirect CS 1000 user ........................................ 219
elements .................................................... 904, 913, 914
discover ...................................................... 913, 914
import ................................................................. 904
Elements Geographic Redundancy manageability status
matrix .............................................................94
email configuration for reports ................................ 1064
Emergency Location Ext ...........................................698
EMU Login Allowed .................................................. 711
enabe the firewall ....................................................1286
enable ........................................................ 43, 855, 1286
Multi Tenancy .....................................................855
password strength policy ..................................... 43
enabling ................................................... 79, 1008, 1170
Geographic Redundancy replication ....................79
Multi Tenancy ................................................... 1170
Enabling ..................................................................1074
pending jobs ..................................................... 1074
completed jobs ...........................................1074
enabling two-way TLS ............................................ 1265
encrypt passwords ............................................ 352, 354
endpoint ..............................................684, 686, 690, 789
adding dependencies ......................................... 789
change parameters globally ............................... 690
duplicate .............................................................684
save as template ................................................ 686
endpoint administration ............................................ 681
endpoint management ....................................... 681
endpoints ..................................................... 681
Endpoint editor ......................................................... 176
permissions ........................................................ 176
endpoint extension ................................................... 687
edit ..................................................................... 687
editing endpoint extension ................................. 687
endpoint list .............................................................. 695
Endpoint options .......................................................788
endpoint template list ..............................................1101
endpoint template versions .....................................1089
endpoint templates; field description ........................ 696
edit endpoint templates; field description ........... 696
view endpoint template field description ............ 696
endpoints .......174, 175, 181, 682, 685, 692, 727, 728, 789
1300 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

add ..................................................................... 682
assign range .......................................................175
change set type of endpoints ............................. 727
field-level RBAC ................................................. 181
Global Endpoint Change .................................... 728
range ...........................................................174, 175
releasing .............................................................692
remove dependencies ........................................789
Endpoints .......................................................... 688, 728
Element Cut Through ......................................... 728
endpoints; bulk add .................................................. 687
bulk add endpoints ............................................. 687
endpoints; busy out .................................................. 692
busy out endpoint ...............................................692
endpoints; edit .......................................................... 684
editing endpoints ................................................ 684
endpoints; status ...................................................... 691
endpoint status ...................................................691
endpoints; testing ..................................................... 693
testing endpoints ................................................ 693
endpoints; view .........................................................685
viewing endpoints ...............................................685
Enhanced Call Fwd .................................................. 713
enrollment password ...............................................1135
set .....................................................................1135
Enrollment Password page .....................................1146
ensuring certificate response .................................. 1152
Enterprise Configuration page ................................ 1025
enterprise licensing .................................................1015
configure ...........................................................1015
Enterprise Usage page ........................................... 1035
environment variable .........................................798, 800
Windows XP .......................................................798
error codes ............................................................... 724
error codes for failout results .................................... 724
Event processor page ...............................................847
Example ....................................................................334
bulk import and export of user by using Excel file 334
Excel ............................................. 28, 332, 337, 338, 342
bulk import ..........................................................342
Data entry warning ............................................. 338
Data link error ............................................. 337, 338
import ................................................................. 332
import and export ................................................. 28
import user ......................................................... 342
Excel file ...................................................... 28, 334, 529
bulk import and export of user ............................334
import users ....................................................... 529
station communication profile .............................. 28
Excel template .......................................................... 344
download ............................................................344
export ...................................331, 339, 346, 363, 954, 992
communication profile ........................................ 346
contacts ..............................................................346
global user settings ............................................ 363
user data ............................................. 331, 332, 339
export alarms ............................................................954
export CM station data ............................................. 332
export global settings ................................................363
export logs ................................................................ 992
export to Excel ..........................................................332
user data ............................................. 331, 332, 339
export users ...................................................... 345347
System Manager UI ........................................... 346
Export Users .............................................................538
export users in bulk through CLI ...............................347
exporting CS 1000 user data ............................ 598, 600
exporting the user data .............................................594
exportUpmGlobalsettings command, ....................... 364
exportUpmUser command, .......................................348
Extension ..................................................................697
Station ................................................................ 697
extension pack ........................................................1267
deployment verification .....................................1267
external authentication ............................................1157
failback policy ........................................................... 815
Favorite .....................................................................714
feature options ..........................................................711
voice mail number .............................................. 711
Feature Options ........................................................699
field description .... 47, 659, 667, 696, 765, 863, 947, 950,
1112, 1115, 1118, 1143
anonymous communication profiles ...................950
password policies .................................................47
SNMP Access Profile ......................................... 863
field descriptions ....49, 50, 57, 6567, 136, 138, 140, 141,
144146, 151, 165, 167, 168, 267, 328, 329, 535,
538, 555, 557, 577, 726, 848, 851, 855, 856, 876,
893, 907, 916, 917, 924, 1182, 1183
Add Communication Manager ............................907
Add Mapping ...................................................... 167
Assigned Users .................................................. 168
Choose Group ....................................................151
corporate logo ...................................................... 50
Create Discovery Profile .................................... 917
Create Tenant .................................................. 1183
customized interface ............................................ 50
Data Transport Config ........................................851
Delete Group Confirmation ................................ 144
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System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1301

Deleted Users page ........................................... 328
Discovery Profiles .............................................. 916
Duplicate User Provisioning Rule .......................577
Edit Discovery Profile ......................................... 917
Edit Group .......................................................... 141
Edit Profile:SMGR .............................................. 856
Edit Public Contacts ........................................... 555
Edit User Provisioning Rule ............................... 577
Export Users ...................................................... 538
Group Management ........................................... 136
Import Global Settings page ...............................535
Manage Elements .............................................. 893
Move Group ....................................................... 145
New Group ......................................................... 138
New Public Contact List page ............................ 557
New User Profile ................................................ 267
New User Provisioning Rule .............................. 577
Periodic cleanup of reports ................................ 848
Resource Synchronization ................................. 146
Roles .................................................................. 165
session properties ................................................49
Subnet Configurations ........................................924
synchronization job history ...................................66
Tenant Management ........................................ 1182
TrapListener ....................................................... 876
User Provisioning Rules .....................................577
User Restore Confirmation Page ....................... 329
user synchronization datasource ......................... 57
user synchronization jobs .................................... 65
View Group ........................................................ 140
View Profile:SMGR ............................................ 855
View User Provisioning Rule ..............................577
Viewing job summary ...........................................67
field level RBAC ........................................................178
field-level RBAC in endpoints ................................... 181
file replication ............................................................. 73
File transfer field description .....................................813
file transfer settings .................................................. 651
filter .............................. 149, 194, 652, 765, 930, 933, 975
filter users ................................................................. 194
filtering alarms .......................................................... 955
filtering announcements ........................................... 652
filtering class of service list ....................................... 765
filtering Communication Manager objects ................ 629
using filters; Communication Manager objects .. 629
filtering groups .......................................................... 134
filtering jobs .............................................................1071
filtering log harvesting profiles .................................. 975
Filtering log harvesting requests ...............................975
filtering logs .............................................................. 992
filtering resources ..............................................134, 149
filtering SNMPv3 user profiles .................................. 930
filtering subscribers ...................................................604
using filters; subscribers .....................................604
filtering target profiles ............................................... 933
filtering templates ....................................................1090
filtering endpoint templates .............................. 1090
filtering subscriber templates ............................1090
using filters; templates ......................................1090
firewall .....................................................................1285
firewall basics ......................................................... 1285
firewall implementation ........................................... 1285
firewall implementation in System Manager ........... 1285
firewall rules ............................................................1287
Floor ......................................................................... 712
Station ................................................................ 712
forward the secondary alarms to primary System
Manger ........................................................ 960
Forwarded Destination ............................................. 713
FQDN ................................................... 1269, 1277, 1278
change ..............................................................1269
changeIPFQDN ................................................ 1278
FQDN and IP address change on Geographic
Redundancy ...............................................1267
gateway protocol matrix .......................................... 1254
gateway upgrades .................................................. 1250
field description ................................................ 1250
gateways .................................................................1251
rollback ............................................................. 1251
General Options ....................................................... 697
generate report ....................................................... 1058
field description ................................................ 1058
generate report field description ............................. 1058
generate test alarm ...................................................959
generate test alarms .................................................957
generating basic reports ......................................... 1057
generating detailed reports ..................................... 1056
generating new identity certificates .........................1155
generating test alarms .......................................939, 958
Geo Health ................................................................. 88
Geo Redundancy ....................................................... 81
Geographic Redundancy ....69, 73, 74, 79, 80, 82, 83, 88,
90, 91, 820, 885, 891, 892, 1044, 1267
backup and restore ............................................ 820
disable ..................................................................80
enable .................................................................. 79
prerequisites ........................................................ 73
Geographic Redundancy field descriptions ................ 90
Geographic Redundancy key tasks ............................75
Geographic Redundancy licenses ..............................70
1302 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

Geographic Redundancy replication .......................... 73
Geographic Redundancy terminology ........................ 71
geographical redundancy ......................................... 120
Geographical redundancy .......................................... 73
Geographical Redundancy .................... 77, 86, 120124
Get .......................................................................... 1257
Company ID ..................................................... 1257
Get inventory ................................................. 1196, 1233
Global ....................................................................... 728
Endpoints ........................................................... 728
global change endpoint ............................................ 690
Global Endpoints ...................................................... 728
global user settings import job .................................. 367
abort ................................................................... 367
GLS .......................................................................... 127
GR failover ................................................................. 97
GR Health field descriptions ....................................... 91
GR-aware element ................................................... 885
manage .............................................................. 885
GR-unaware elements ............................................... 94
Grace Period ............................................................ 865
edit ..................................................................... 865
view .................................................................... 865
graceful shutdown .................................................... 865
granular RBAC ......................................................... 171
greeting files ............................................................. 811
transfer ............................................................... 811
group ..........................................................144, 791, 792
copy ....................................................................144
duplicate .............................................................144
Group and Lookup Service .......................................127
Group List ................................................................. 713
Group management ..................................................127
Group Management page .........................................136
group membership ....................................................133
Group Membership ................................................... 721
Group Name ............................................................. 167
groups ................................................ 128130, 134, 721
copy ....................................................................129
create ................................................................. 128
defined ............................................................... 721
delete ................................................................. 130
duplicate .............................................................129
filter .................................................................... 134
modify .................................................................129
move .................................................................. 130
view .................................................................... 128
H.320 Conversion .....................................................709
hardware and software prerequisites on the primary and
secondary servers ................................... 73, 74
Harvest Archives page ...................................... 981, 983
Harvest Criteria Edit page ........................................ 979
harvested log files .....................................................974
Headset .................................................................... 712
health monitor ...........................................................867
Health Monitor service ................................................88
health monitoring ........................................................89
timeout interval .....................................................89
Hierarchy in communication profile worksheets ....... 336
history .........................................................................66
synchronization job .............................................. 66
Holiday After Coverage ............................................ 672
Holiday Coverage ..................................................... 671
Holiday Table ............................................................672
Hunt-to Station ..........................................................702
identity certificate .................................................... 1142
identity certificate updates ...................................... 1155
confirm ..............................................................1155
identity certificates ......................................... 1140, 1141
renew ................................................................1141
Identity Certificates page ........................................ 1143
Idle Appearance Preference .....................................709
impact of change in FQDN and IP address on
Geographic Redundancy ........................... 1267
implicit permissions for Communication Manager
objects ......................................................... 172
implicit permissions for range ................................... 172
import .........................................................331, 339, 904
elements .............................................................904
user data ............................................. 331, 332, 339
import CM station data ............................................. 332
import CS1000 user data to User Management ....... 597
import element ..........................................................887
Import Elements ....................................................... 904
import from Excel ......................................................332
user data ............................................. 331, 332, 339
Import Global Settings page ..................................... 535
import job on the Scheduler page .............................359
view .................................................................... 359
import of users .................................................. 342, 349
Import Status page ................................................... 906
import the Subscriber Manager data ................. 589, 591
import user ................................................................342
import user considerations ....................................... 355
import user data to User Management ..................... 589
import users ..............................................................340
Import Users ............................................................. 529
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1303

importing CS 1000 Subscriber Manager data ... 598, 599
importing CS 1000 user data ............................ 598, 600
importing CS1000 Subscriber Manager data ........... 597
importing the Subscriber Manager data ................... 597
importing the user data .............................................594
Inactive session termination policy ............................. 44
incremental synchronization ..................................... 943
synchronizing Communication Manager data .... 943
information ................................................................884
to create Communication Manager .................... 884
to create Messaging ...........................................884
infrastructure enhancements ...................................... 34
initializing synchronization ........................................ 943
synchonizing Communication Manager data ..... 943
initiate failback .......................................................... 816
IP Office ............................................................. 816
Initiate failback ..........................................................816
Initiating failback ....................................................... 816
install .......................................................................1279
patch from CLI ..................................................1279
service pack from CLI .......................................1279
install a license file ..................................................1002
Install License page ................................................ 1005
install patch from CLI .............................................. 1279
install service pack from CLI ................................... 1279
Integrated Management transition .................... 36, 1055
Internet Explorer .........................................................38
compatibility view setting ..................................... 38
Introduction .................................................................96
Inventory ................................................................. 1195
IP address ..................................................... 1269, 1277
change ..............................................................1269
IP address and FQDN change on Geographic
Redundancy servers .................................. 1272
IP Audio Hairpinning .................................................709
Signaling Group ................................................. 709
IP Office .. 119, 120, 795, 797, 802, 804, 807, 811, 813, 816,
844, 911, 913, 944
about system configuration ................................ 802
add device ..........................................................911
backup ................................................................807
delete ................................................................. 913
deleting files ....................................................... 813
initiate failback ....................................................816
overview ............................................................. 795
reconfigure ..................................................119, 120
security configuration ......................................... 804
start .................................................................... 797
synchronizing system configuration ................... 944
transferring files ..................................................811
user management .............................................. 119
IP Office configuration .......................................117, 118
IP Office configuring for GR ......................................118
IP Office device ................................................. 796, 812
unlock .................................................................796
transfer files ........................................................812
IP Office device configuration ................................... 807
restore ................................................................ 807
IP Office endpoint profile ...................................223225
delete ................................................................. 225
edit ..................................................................... 224
view .................................................................... 224
IP Office endpoint template .................................... 1123
view .................................................................. 1123
IP Office endpoint template field description .......... 1126
IP Office endpoint templates ................ 1122, 11241126
add ................................................................... 1122
delete ................................................................1125
edit ....................................................................1124
field description ................................................ 1126
remove ............................................................. 1125
upgrade ............................................................ 1125
IP Office failback field descriptions ........................... 816
IP Office field descriptions ......................... 806, 810, 813
IP Office GR configuration ........................................ 116
IP Office GR configuration in Active-Active scenario 118
IP Office GR configuration when primary nonfunctional
IP Office profile field description ............................... 844
IP Office security configuration field description 806, 810
IP Office System Configuration ....................... 804, 1130
field description .................................................. 804
manage audio files ........................................... 1130
IP Office system configuration field descriptions 806, 810
IP Office System Configuration field descriptions .....804
IP Office system configuration template ................. 1131
upload audio files ............................................. 1131
IP Office System Configuration template ................ 1130
field descriptions ...............................................1130
IP Office System Configuration template field
descriptions ................................................1130
IP Office system configuration templates .... 11271129,
1131, 1132
add ................................................................... 1127
convert .wav to .c11 ......................................... 1131
convert to .c11 ..................................................1131
delete ................................................................1129
delete audio files .............................................. 1132
edit ....................................................................1128
view .................................................................. 1127
IP Phone Group ID ................................................... 707
IP Softphone .............................................................710
1304 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

IP Video .................................................................... 708
Jack .......................................................................... 712
Job Details page ............................................... 533, 540
Job Scheduling -Edit Job page ............................... 1082
Job Scheduling -On Demand Job page ..................1083
Job Scheduling -View Job page ............................. 1080
job summary ............................................................... 67
synchronization job history ...................................67
Job summary .............................................................. 67
JRE requirement .......................................................796
KERBEROS ............................................................1157
Kerberos server ...................................................... 1160
key features .............................................................. 339
bulk export ..........................................................339
bulk import ..........................................................339
key tasks .................................................................... 75
Geographic Redundancy ..................................... 75
LDAP ...................................................................... 1157
LDAP directory server ................................... 5153, 188
LDAP replication .........................................................73
LDAP server ........................................................... 1159
legal notice ................................................................... 2
license capacity ...................................................... 1003
license file .............................................1002, 1004, 1011
add mapping .....................................................1011
install ................................................................ 1002
license files and elements .......................................1010
License management ............................................... 107
License management for Conferencing ....................115
License management for Contact Center ................. 120
Licensing .................................................................... 70
Geographic Redundancy ..................................... 70
limitations ................................................................... 53
directory synchronization ..................................... 53
Limitations of CallPilot .............................................. 105
Limitations of CS 1000 ............................................. 105
Linkage ..................................................................... 672
Linux-based CS1000 servers ................................... 104
configuration .......................................................104
list of XML Schema Definitions and Sample XMLs for
bulk import ................................................... 369
list usage extension .................................................. 652
list usage extension in vector directory number ....... 663
vector directory number; list usage extension ....663
Localized Display Name ........................................... 683
Location .................................................................... 700
Lock Messages .........................................................698
lockout policy ..............................................................44
password ..............................................................44
Log ............................................................................985
log details ................................................................. 991
log file ....................................................................... 973
log harvest ................................................................ 968
log harvest requests ................................................. 975
log harvested files .....................................................973
log harvester overview ..............................................968
Log Harvester page .................................................. 977
log harvesting ........................................................... 968
log harvesting profile ..................................969, 970, 976
create ................................................................. 969
log harvesting profiles ...............................................975
log harvesting request .............................................. 972
log settings ............................................................... 985
Log Settings ..............................................................985
log types ................................................................... 967
log viewer .......................................................... 966, 991
Log Viewer ................................................................991
Logged off/PSA/TTI .................................................. 674
Coverage Path ................................................... 674
logger ........................................................................986
logging ...................................................................... 966
Logging Configuration page ..................................... 986
logging on to System Manager ...................................41
admin ................................................................... 41
Logging page ............................................................993
logging service ..........................................................966
logging to System Manager ........................................40
login password ..........................................................920
reset ................................................................... 920
login profiles ............................................................. 920
overwrite .............................................................920
overwriting profiles on devices ........................... 920
logo ....................................................................... 28, 47
add ....................................................................... 47
Logo ........................................................................... 47
logon banner .............................................................. 46
logon information ........................................................41
admin ................................................................... 41
logon warning banner ........................................... 45, 46
edit ....................................................................... 46
logs ....................................................................991993
logs for Conferencing ............................................... 116
Logs Settings service ............................................... 985
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1305

Loss Group ............................................................... 704
LWC Activation ......................................................... 710
LWC Log External Calls ........................................... 710
LWC Reception ........................................................ 705
Agent Login ID ................................................... 705
mailbox administration .............................................. 602
subscriber management .....................................602
Mailing reports ........................................................ 1065
maintenance ............................................................. 694
clear amw all ...................................................... 694
manage ................. 883, 885, 938, 1139, 1142, 1174, 1175
application instances ..........................................883
elements .............................................................883
GR-aware element ............................................. 885
identity certificate ..............................................1142
tenant ...................................................... 1174, 1175
trusted certificate .............................................. 1139
manage application instances .................................. 883
manage audio field description ............................... 1133
manage elements ...................................... 883, 885, 891
Geographic Redundancy ................................... 885
Manage Elements field descriptions ......................... 893
manage Presence access control lists ..................... 568
manage public contact list ........................................ 546
manage resources ....................................................146
manage shared address ...........................................563
Manage Software ....................................................1191
manage users ...........................................................183
managed elements ................................................. 1271
changing System Manager IP address ............ 1271
Managing NRP ......................................................... 792
Managing NRP groups ............................................. 792
managing resources ................................................. 146
managing SNMPv3 user profiles .......................937, 939
managing software ................................................. 1233
managing target profiles ........................................... 938
managing user profiles ............................................. 939
map ...........................................................................169
permission ..........................................................169
permission from template ...................................169
map permission ........................................................ 163
map permissions ...................................................... 162
using templates .................................................. 162
mapping ....................................................................167
add ..................................................................... 167
mapping elements and license files ........................ 1010
Media Complex Ext .................................................. 706
media gateways ......................................................1251
reset ................................................................. 1251
Meeting Exchange configuration .............................. 106
Meeting Exchange element configuration ................ 107
memory requirement ...............................................1202
Message Lamp Ext ...................................................698
messaging class of service .......................................600
Messaging configuration ...........................................109
Messaging configuration in GR failback ................... 111
Messaging configuration in operational mode .......... 109
Messaging configuration in split network .................. 111
Messaging configuration when primary is
nonoperational ............................................. 110
messaging COS ....................................................... 600
messaging data ........................................................ 944
synchronize ........................................................ 944
Messaging profile ..................................................... 850
edit ..................................................................... 850
view .................................................................... 850
Microsoft Active Directory certificate .......................1136
modify ...........................202, 209, 574, 840, 891, 927, 988
communication address ..................................... 209
address .............................................................. 202
element access profile ....................................... 927
port ..................................................................... 891
user provisioning rule ......................................... 574
modify a user address .............................................. 202
Modify Access Profile Entry ...................................... 927
modify appender .......................................................988
modify details of a private contact ............................ 235
modify details of a public contact ..............................547
modify element ......................................................... 886
modify FQDN ................................................. 1273, 1275
primary System Manager ................................. 1273
secondary System Manager .............................1275
Modify FQDN .......................................................... 1276
secondary System Manager .............................1276
modify IP address .................................1273, 1275, 1276
primary System Manager ................................. 1273
secondary System Manager ................... 1275, 1276
Modify local WebLM page ...................................... 1030
modifying a CM Endpoint profile ...............................214
modifying a contact address of a private contact ..... 240
modifying a CS 1000 or CallPilot profile ................... 222
modifying a local WebLM server configuration ....... 1017
modifying a managed element's IP address and FQDN
.................................................................... 1271
modifying a messaging profile .................................. 216
modifying a port ........................................................ 891
modifying a postal address of a public contact ......... 549
modifying a shared address ..................................... 564
modifying an access profile ...................................... 889
modifying an appender ............................................. 988
1306 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

modifying an IP Office endpoint profile ..................... 224
modifying contact in a contact list ............................. 226
modifying data retention rules .................................. 840
modifying FQDN ..................................................... 1269
System Manager .............................................. 1269
modifying groups ...................................................... 129
modifying IP address .............................................. 1269
System Manager .............................................. 1269
modifying postal address of a private contact .......... 237
modifying SNMPv3 user profiles .............................. 929
modifying System Manager firewall rules ............... 1287
modifying the communication address ..................... 209
modifying the default end entities ........................... 1154
modifying the details of a public contact ................... 550
modifying user account .............................................191
modifying user provisioning rule ............................... 574
more actions ............................................................. 658
more actions field description ................................... 653
Mounting ...................................................................712
move .........................................................................650
Move Group page .....................................................145
move primary System Manager server ............. 120, 121
moving an announcement ........................................ 650
moving announcements ........................................... 650
moving groups .......................................................... 130
MPC firmware ......................................................... 1246
update .............................................................. 1246
Multi Device Access ................................................. 211
Multi Tenancy ...................... 855, 11691171, 11741179
Avaya SIP AST endpoints ................................ 1178
Communication Manager ........................ 1178, 1179
enable ................................................................ 855
enabling ............................................................1170
RBAC ............................................................... 1179
scheduler ..........................................................1179
user management ............................................ 1179
user provisioning rule ....................................... 1179
Multi Tenancy for Communication Manager ........... 1179
Multi Tenancy for Communication Manager objects 1178
Multimedia Early Answer .......................................... 710
multiple users ........................................................... 199
assign groups .....................................................199
MultiSite Administration and System Manager ...........36
MultiSite Administration transition .............................. 36
Music SourceMusic Source ...................................... 711
Mute Button Enabled ................................................ 710
MWI Served User Type ............................................ 701
new ........................................................................... 166
role ..................................................................... 166
New Element page ................................................... 895
New Group page ...................................................... 138
new identity certificates ...........................................1155
new in this release ......................................................31
Communication Manager .....................................31
New in this release ..................................................... 28
New log harvesting profile ........................................ 978
New Private Contact List page ................................. 241
New Public Contact List page ...................................557
new report field description .....................................1058
new reports ............................................................. 1056
New User Profile page ..............................................267
New User Provisioning Rule ..................................... 577
field descriptions ................................................ 577
Next Path Number .................................................... 672
nodes ...................................................................... 1048
non-station objects; view .......................................... 628
Communication Manager objects; view ............. 628
notify sync feature ...................................................1259
notify sync on Communication Manager .................1264
NRP groups .............................................................. 792
NRP sync ..................................................................791
NRP sync feature ..................................................... 791
NTP server ..............................................................1283
configure ...........................................................1283
Number of Rings .......................................................674
Obtaining Microsoft Active Directory certificate ...... 1136
obtaining the license file ......................................... 1001
Off PBX Configuration Set ................................ 729, 730
Edit ..................................................................... 729
field description .................................................. 730
View ................................................................... 729
Off PBX Configuration Set field descriptions ............ 730
Off PBX endpoint mapping ....................................... 733
add ..................................................................... 733
Off PBX Endpoint Mapping ............................... 733, 734
edit ..................................................................... 734
field description .................................................. 734
view .................................................................... 733
Off PBX Endpoint Mapping field description .............734
on-demand job ........................................................1069
Overuse page ......................................................... 1041
overview ..................................................................1259
Overview ............................................................. 94, 621
Communication Manager capabilities overview . 621
System Manager; overview ................................621
overwriting login profiles ........................................... 920
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1307

parameters ..............................................................1061
parent group ............................................................. 152
Password aging policy enforcement ...........................43
password history enforcement policy ......................... 44
password lockout policy enforcement ........................ 44
password policies ....................................................... 45
edit ....................................................................... 45
password policies field description ............................. 47
password policy ........................................... 45, 570, 571
communication profile ........................................ 570
password strength policy enforcement ....................... 43
peak usage ............................................................. 1004
peak usage for a licensed product ..........................1004
pending jobs ......................................... 1070, 1071, 1075
view .................................................................. 1071
Pending Jobs page ................................................. 1075
Per Button Ring Control ............................................710
Per Station CPN - Send Calling Number .................. 701
Performing a CM Audit ............................................. 946
performing rollback for gateways ............................ 1251
Periodic cleanup of reports .......................................848
Periodic Status ........................................................1040
periodic status of master and local WebLM servers 1021
permission ................................................................ 169
copy ....................................................................169
map .................................................................... 169
permission mapping .......................................... 162, 169
Personal List .............................................................713
Personalized Ringing Pattern ................................... 702
Point1, Point2, ......................................................674
port ........................................................................... 891
modify .................................................................891
Port ....................................................................697, 895
Station ................................................................ 697
pre upgrade status ..................................................1202
pre-upgrade ............................................................ 1202
Pre-Upgrade ........................................................... 1201
Pre-Upgrade Check .......................................1199, 1201
Pre-Upgrade .....................................................1199
pre-upgrade check status ....................................... 1203
view .................................................................. 1203
Precedence Call Waiting .......................................... 710
preparing CS 1000 Subscriber Manager data for import
to System Manager ..................................... 598
prerequisite for changing FQDN ............................. 1267
prerequisite for changing IP address ...................... 1267
prerequisites ......................................................... 7375
Presence access control lists (ACLs) ....................... 568
Presence ACL .......................................................... 569
Presence communication profile administration ....... 211
Presence Server .......................................................107
configuration .......................................................107 ..................................1203
primary System Manager ........................................1272
change FQDN .................................................. 1272
change IP address ........................................... 1272
private contact ...................................................235, 239
add a contact address ........................................239
modify details ..................................................... 235
Private Contact ......................................................... 241
Problems in managing Session Manager 6.1 or 6.2 using
System Manager 6.2 ..................................... 99
profile ........................................................................971
delete ................................................................. 971
Profile ....................................................................... 715
Profile Criteria View page ......................................... 980
Profile Settings ......................................................... 715
profiles ...................................................................... 913
discovery ............................................................ 913
Profiles ....................................................................1164
Protocol consideration ............................................ 1165
protocol matrix for upgrades ................................... 1254
provision .................................................573, 1159, 1167
users .................................................................. 573
provision LDAP server field descriptions ................ 1161
provision Remote Identity Provider ......................... 1167
provision the authentication servers ....................... 1158
provisioning the Kerberos server ............................ 1160
provisioning the LDAP server ................................. 1159
provisioning the radius server ................................. 1159
public contact .................................................... 546551
add ..................................................................... 546
add contact address ...........................................550
add postal address .............................................548
choose a shared address ...................................549
delete ................................................................. 547
delete contact address ....................................... 551
delete the postal address ................................... 549
modify details ..................................................... 547
view details .........................................................548
public contacts .................................................. 183, 559
Public Contacts .........................................................553
field descriptions ................................................ 553
query .......................................................................1286
System Manager firewall .................................. 1286
Query Usage page ..................................................1036
querying usage of feature licenses for master and local
WebLM servers ..........................................1021
1308 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

Quick Navigator ..........................................................39
quick start to importing users ....................................541
RADIUS .................................................................. 1157
range ................................................................. 171, 175
endpoints ............................................................175
Range in endpoints ...................................................174
RBAC .........................................................153, 154, 158
built-in roles ........................................................154
custom roles .......................................................158
RBAC for Conferencing ............................................ 115
Re run ..................................................................... 1061
reports .............................................................. 1061
Re running reports .................................................. 1061
receiving certificate response ................................. 1152
recommendations for data backup ........................... 821
reconfiging Conferencing ..........................................116
reconfiguing Conferencing ................................ 115, 116
reconfiguing IP address and FQDN for Conferencing 115
reconfigure Conferencing ......................................... 115
reconfiguring AES .....................................................120
reconfiguring Conferencing ...................................... 115
reconfiguring Contact Center ....................................120
reconfiguring IP Office .............................................. 119
reconfiguring Visualization, Performance, and Fault
Manager ...................................................... 119
recovering primary server from disaster ................... 124
redirect ......................................................................219
CallPilot user to Element Manager .....................219
CS 1000 user to Element Manager ....................219
Redirect Notification ................................................. 711
redirecting CallPilot user to Element Manager ......... 219
redirecting CS 1000 to Element Manager ................ 219
register ......................................................................211
multiple SIP endpoints ....................................... 211
Reimporting SSO cookie domain value .................. 1268
related documentation ................................................23
releasing endpoint .................................................... 692
Remote Identity Provider ............................... 1166, 1167
Remote Off-hook Attempt ......................................... 727
remote server .................................................... 824, 828
Remote Server .............................................. 1066, 1067
add ................................................................... 1066
delete ................................................................1067
edit ....................................................................1067
view details .......................................................1067
Remote Server configuration .................................. 1068
field descriptions ...............................................1068
Remote Softphone Emergency Calls ....................... 702
remote software library ........................................... 1229
remove ................................................. 1048, 1138, 1249
remove a user from groups ...................................... 199
remove an address ...................................................203
remove assigned elements .......................................888
remove endpoint dependencies ............................... 790
field description .................................................. 790
remove endpoint reference field description .............790
remove nodes ......................................................... 1048
remove replica node from queue ............................ 1048
remove roles .............................................................197
remove user account ................................................ 193
removing a Communication Manager patch ........... 1249
removing a Communication Manager release ........ 1249
removing a local WebLM server ............................. 1018
removing a node ..................................................... 1048
removing an appender from a logger ....................... 988
removing an association between a subscriber and a
user ..............................................................217
removing assigned resources from group ................ 135
removing association between an endpoint and a user
removing dependencies of endpoints .......................789
removing license file ............................................... 1004
removing references to endpoints ............................ 789
removing trusted certificates ................................... 1138
removing users from role .................................. 163, 201
renewing identity certificates ...................................1141
repairing ..................................................................... 28
serviceability agent .............................................. 28
repairing a replica node .......................................... 1046
replace ..................................................... 120, 123, 1140
primary System Manager server ........................ 120
secondary System Manager server ................... 123
Replace Identity Certificate page ............................ 1143
replace identity certificates field description ........... 1143
replace primary System Manager server using
secondary System Manager ........................ 122
replace System Manager servers ............................. 120
replacing identity certificates ......................... 1140, 1143
replica group ........................................................... 1048
replica groups ......................................................... 1045
Replica Groups page .............................................. 1048
Replica Nodes page ............................................... 1049
replication ................................................................... 73
database .............................................................. 73
file ........................................................................ 73
LDAP ....................................................................73
Replication Node Details page ............................... 1052
report ...................................................................... 1061
Report alarm properties ............................................ 848
report list ................................................................. 1055
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1309

field description ................................................ 1055
report list field description ....................................... 1055
reports ......................................... 10551057, 10611065
basic ................................................................. 1057
delete ................................................................1065
detailed .............................................................1056
generate .....................................................1056
download .......................................................... 1063
email .................................................................1065
email configuration ........................................... 1064
new ...................................................................1062
generate .....................................................1062
rerun ................................................................. 1061
reports field description ...........................................1064
reports history field description ............................... 1064
Reports output directory ........................................... 848
reset ........................................................................1246
Communication Manager ................................. 1246
resetting Communication Manager ......................... 1246
Resetting media gateways ......................................1251
resetting the password ............................................. 920
resolving anonymous profiles ................................... 948
Resource Synchronization page ...............................146
resources .................................... 131135, 146, 148, 149
filter .................................................................... 134
group .................................................................. 131
manage .............................................................. 146
remove ............................................................... 135
search ................................................................ 132
search group ...................................................... 133
Resources page ....................................................... 149
restore ...........................................83, 121, 122, 649, 819
primary System Manager .....................................83
primary System Manager server .................121, 122
Restore Confirmation Page ...................................... 329
restore deleted user ..................................................200
restore on System Manager Geographic Redundancy
Restore page ............................................................ 834
restoring ....................................................................124
primary System Manager server ........................ 124
restoring a backup from a remote server ..................828
restoring a system backup from a local server ......... 827
restoring all announcements .................................... 650
restoring announcements ..................................649, 650
restoring audio groups ...................................... 658, 659
restoring backup ....................................................... 828
restoring data backup ............................................... 827
restoring IP Office device configuration .................... 807
restoring the backup data through CLI ..................... 829
restoring through command line ............................... 829
Restrict Last Appearance ......................................... 711
retrieve ....................................................................1145
retrieving the System Manager CA certificate ........ 1145
Rng ........................................................................... 675
role .............................................................162166, 201
add ..................................................................... 166
assign users ....................................................... 162
copy permission mapping .................................. 163
delete ................................................................. 165
details .................................................................166
edit ..................................................................... 164
new .....................................................................166
unassign users ............................................163, 201
role based access control .........................................153
Role Details .............................................................. 166
Role page ................................................................. 165
roles ........................................................... 154, 158, 197
built-in .................................................................154
RBAC ................................................................. 158
remove ............................................................... 197
Service Provider Administrator ...........................154
System Administrator ......................................... 154
Tenant Administrator ..........................................154
Roles ........................................................................ 153
rollback for media gateways ................................... 1251
Room ........................................................................ 712
Station ................................................................ 712
rules ..........................................................................573
SAC/CF Override ......................................................713
Salient features of SAML implementation in System
Manager .....................................................1165
SAML .............................................................1163, 1164
SAML authentication ...............................................1163
SAML implementation ................................... 1164, 1165
SAML protocol ........................................................ 1163
SAMP firmware ....................................................... 1246
update .............................................................. 1246
SAMP/MPC firmware .............................................. 1246
update .............................................................. 1246
sample scenario ....................................................... 174
range feature ......................................................174
sample upgrade scenario ...12071209, 1221, 1223, 1256
sample upgrade workflow .. 12071209, 1221, 1223, 1256
sample XML file for a user with SIP Communication
Profile .......................................................... 545
sample XML with a single user profile ...................... 541
save .......................................................................... 647
Save as template ......................................................686
saving an announcement ......................................... 647
1310 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

saving an endpoint template .....................................686
saving announcements .............................................647
saving CM translations ............................................. 945
saving Communication Manager trnaslations ...........945
schedule .......................................................... 824, 1069
on-demand job ................................................. 1069
schedule a user import job ....................................... 356
Schedule Backup page .............................................833
schedule data backup ...............................................824
Schedule Discovery ..................................................916
scheduled backup job ...............................................826
deleting ...............................................................826
scheduled job ..........................................................1082
edit ....................................................................1082
scheduled jobs ........................................................1078
completed .........................................................1078
scheduler ....................................................... 1069, 1070
scheduler service ....................................................1069
scheduling a data backup on a local server ............. 824
scheduling a data backup on a remote server ..........824
scheduling a global user settings import job .............365
scheduling a user synchronization job ....................... 64
search .................................................148, 623, 956, 993
Communication Manager objects .......................623
Search Archives page .............................................. 982
search for text ...........................................................973
search resource ........................................................149
searching Communication Manager objects ............ 623
searching contacts on Avaya SIP AST endpoints .. 1178
searching for a text in a log file ................................. 973
searching for alarms ................................................. 956
searching for logs ..................................................... 993
searching for resources ............................. 132, 133, 148
searching logs .......................................................... 993
searching users ........................................................ 195
secondary server .................................................. 81, 82
secondary server alarms .......................................... 960
view .................................................................... 960
secondary System Manager ................................... 1275
modify FQDN ....................................................1275
modify IP address .............................................1275
secondary System Manager failure .......................... 123
Security Code ........................................................... 699
security configuration ................................................805
edit ..................................................................... 805
view .................................................................... 805
security settings ..........................................................46
select all attribute ......................................................623
Select Last Used Appearance .................................. 709
selected groups ........................................................ 148
Sending reports through email ................................1065
server properties .....................................................1004
Server Properties page ...........................................1014
servers ........................................................................34
service ........................................................................ 88
Health Monitor ......................................................88
Service Link Mode .................................................... 704
Service Profile Management .................................... 841
serviceability agent ............................................. 28, 937
activate ...............................................................937
auto activate .........................................................28
repair ....................................................................28
serviceability agents ..........................................928, 936
activate ...............................................................936
Serviceability agents .................................................937
repair .................................................................. 937
serviceability agents list ............................................ 936
Session Manager ....................................................... 97
configure during GR failover ................................ 97
Session Manager 6.3 configuration ............................96
Session Manager Communication profile administration
.............................................................. 210, 211
Session Manager correlation .................................... 793
session properties ...................................................... 46
session properties field descriptions .......................... 49
Session termination policy ..........................................44
Set Color ...................................................................712
set type ..................................................................... 727
set type of endpoints ................................................ 727
setting ....................................................................... 714
setting enrollment password ................................... 1135
setting the default CA ............................................. 1153
setting the new CA as default CA ........................... 1153
setting up environment variable in Windows 7 ......... 800
setting up environment variable in Windows XP ...... 798
setting up environment varible ..................................800
setting up external server ....................................... 1229
Setting up System Manager to start IP Office .......... 797
setting up System Manager to start IP Office element
manager ...................................................... 797
setting up the alternate source ............................... 1194
setting up the external server as remote software
library ......................................................... 1229
Settings icon ...............................................................39
shared address .......................................... 204, 563, 568
assign ......................................................... 204, 563
shared addresses ..................................................... 183
shut down from Web console ................................. 1190
shut down System Manager ................................... 1190
shutdown ................................................................ 1189
simplified communication manager upgrades ............ 32
Single Sign-On .............................................. 11631165
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1311

site ................................................................. 1171, 1176
create ............................................................... 1171
editing ...............................................................1176
viewing ............................................................. 1176
Site Data ...................................................................712
building ...............................................................712
cable ...................................................................712
floor .................................................................... 712
jack .....................................................................712
room ................................................................... 712
SNMP access profile ................................................ 860
edit ..................................................................... 860
SNMP Access profile ........................................ 860, 861
add ..................................................................... 860
delete ................................................................. 861
SNMP Access Profile ............................................... 863
SNMP Access Profiles ..............................................861
SNMP attributes ....................................................... 895
SNMP discovery ....................................................... 915
device list ........................................................... 915
SNMP target profile ........................................... 933, 934
add ..................................................................... 933
edit ..................................................................... 934
SNMP target profile list ............................................. 932
SNMP target profiles ................................................ 935
SNMP target profiles field descriptions .....................935
SNMP traps .............................................................. 999
SNMP V1 ..................................................................863
SNMP V1 protocol .................................................... 861
SNMP V3 ..................................................................863
SNMP V3 protocol .................................................... 861
SNMPv3 user profile ......................................... 928930
SNMPv3 user profiles ............................................... 939
assign .................................................................939
manage .............................................................. 939
SNMPv3 user profiles field description ..................... 930
software .................................................................. 1197
Software ..................................................................1195
Software inventory .................................................. 1213
field descriptions ...............................................1213
Software Inventory .........................................1191, 1195
Software inventory field descriptions ...................... 1213
software library ..................................... 1225, 1226, 1229
delete ................................................................1226
software management ............................. 34, 1198, 1234
analyze software ..................................... 1198, 1234
Software Management .................................. 1191, 1255
permissions ...................................................... 1255
software management infrastructure enhancements . 34
Speaker .................................................................... 712
Speakerphone .......................................................... 704
specifying overuse limit for licensed features ......... 1021
specifying range for endpoints ..................................175
SSO cookie domain value ...................................... 1268
reimport ............................................................ 1268
SSO for Conferencing .............................................. 115
SSO login ................................................................1268
stand-alone .................................................................88
starting IP Office element manager .......................... 797
starting the IP Office element manager .................... 797
station communication profile ..................................... 28
status ........................................................................ 906
element records import ...................................... 906
stop ......................................................................... 1075
Stop Confirmation page .......................................... 1086
stopping pending jobs .............................................1075
submitting a request for harvesting log files ............. 971
Subnet Configurations field descriptions .................. 924
subnets ..................................................................... 924
subnets list ................................................................924
subnetwork ........................................................923, 924
add ..................................................................... 923
delete ................................................................. 924
edit ..................................................................... 923
subscriber class of service ....................................... 600
subscriber COS ........................................................ 600
subscriber list ............................................................604
Subscriber Manager ................................................. 593
datasource parameters ...................................... 593
datasource attributes ..........................................593
Subscriber Manager user data ................................. 597
importing ............................................................ 597
subscriber template list ........................................... 1101
subscriber template versions .................................. 1089
subscriber templates; delete ................................... 1099
deleting subscriber templates ...........................1099
deleting templates; subscriber ................... 1099
subscriber templates; duplicate .............................. 1100
duplicating subscriber templates ...................... 1100
duplicating templates; subscribers .............1100
subscriber templates; edit ....................................... 1098
editing subscriber templates .............................1098
editing templates; subscriber ..................... 1098
subscriber templates; view ..................................... 1099
viewing subscriber templates ........................... 1099
viewing templates; subscriber ....................1099
subscriber; view ........................................................ 603
viewing subscribers ............................................603
Subscribers (CMM) ...................................................610
subscribers; add ....................................................... 602
adding subscribers ............................................. 602
subscribers; new ................................................ 602
1312 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

subscribers; delete ................................................... 603
deleting subscribers ........................................... 603
removing subscribers .................................. 603
subscribers; edit ....................................................... 602
editing a subscriber ............................................ 602
editing subscribers ............................................. 602
support ....................................................................... 26
contact ................................................................. 26
supported ................................................................... 34
supported servers .......................................................34
Supported servers .................................................. 1202
Survivable COR ........................................................ 705
Survivable GK Node Name ...................................... 706
Survivable Trunk Dest .............................................. 709
swap endpoints field descriptions .............................723
sync .......................................................................... 791
synchronization ............................................51, 53, 1044
DRS clients .......................................................1044
limitations ............................................................. 53
synchronization datasource .................................. 5456
add ....................................................................... 54
deleting ................................................................ 56
edit ....................................................................... 55
synchronization from LDAP directory server ........ 52, 53
synchronization job history ......................................... 66
synchronization job history field description ............... 66
synchronization job summary ..................................... 67
view ......................................................................67
synchronization to LDAP directory server .................. 52
synchronize ....................................................... 131, 947
synchronize communication profiles field description 949
synchronizing ............................................................942
CM data ..............................................................942
configuring options ............................................. 942
synchronizing CallPilot profiles ................................. 947
synchronizing CM data ............................................. 942
Synchronizing Communication Manager data .......... 940
Synchronizing messaging data .......................... 940
Inceremental Synchronization ..................... 940
Initializing Synchronization ....................940
synchronizing communication profiles ...................... 947
synchronizing CS 1000 profiles ................................ 947
synchronizing messaging data ................................. 944
synchronizing resources ........................................... 131
synchronizing System Manager master database and
replica computer database ............... 1046, 1047
Syslog server .......................................................... 1282
system .................................................................... 1069
scheduled job ................................................... 1069
System Manage UI ................................................... 346
export users ....................................................... 346
System Manager ..................812, 1155, 1281, 12851287
date and time ....................................................1281
upload files ......................................................... 812
System Manager backup .......................................... 821
System Manager CA certificate .............................. 1145
system manager certificate ..................................... 1260
System Manager certificate authority ..................... 1151
System Manager dashboard ...................................... 39
System Manager documents ......................................23
System Manager firewall ........................................ 1286
System Manager login ................................................40
System Manager restore ............................................ 83
System Manager shutdown .................................... 1189
System Manager time zone .................................... 1281
System Manager trust store ....................................1265
System Manager web console ................................... 39
system reset ........................................................... 1246
system template ......................................................1133
manage audio field description .........................1133
target profile ..............................................................938
target profiles ............................................. 928, 933935
edit ..................................................................... 934
target profiles field descriptions ................................ 935
team ...............................................................1171, 1176
create ............................................................... 1171
editing ...............................................................1176
template ...........................................................162, 1202
map permissions ................................................ 162
Template for permission set .............................. 162, 169
template list .............................................................1101
template versioning .................................................1089
template versions ....................................................1089
templates ................................................. 33, 1089, 1091
upgrade ............................................................ 1091
templates for mapping permission ............................162
tenant ................................................... 1171, 1176, 1177
create ............................................................... 1171
delete ................................................................1177
editing ...............................................................1176
viewing ............................................................. 1176
tenant administrator .......................................1174, 1175
assign ............................................................... 1174
unassign ........................................................... 1175
tenant administrator role ........................................... 160
add ..................................................................... 160
tenant management .......................................1174, 1175
Tenant Management ................................41, 1169, 1183
console .................................................................41
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1313

field descriptions ...............................................1183
Tenant Management page ......................................1182
tenant organization ................................................. 1171
create ............................................................... 1171
tenant partitioning ................................................... 1178
Avaya SIP AST endpoints ................................ 1178
Communication Manager ................................. 1178
Terminate to Coverage Pts. with Bridged Appearances
terminating single sign-on sessions ........................ 1168
test alarm from CLI ................................................... 959
generate ............................................................. 959
test alarms from web console ........................... 939, 958
generate ......................................................939, 958
third-party certificate ............................................... 1150
throttling period .........................................................957
Through .................................................................... 728
Time of Day Coverage Table ............................ 678, 679
Time of Day Lock Table ............................................706
time zone ....................................................... 1281, 1284
configure ...........................................................1284
System Manager .............................................. 1281
timeout interval ........................................................... 89
configure .............................................................. 89
TN .............................................................................698
TN boards ............................................................... 1223
upgrade ............................................................ 1223
TN Boards ...............................................................1254
protocols ...........................................................1254
training ........................................................................24
transferring files to IP Office device .......................... 812
transferring greeting files .......................................... 811
transferring greeting files to IP Office ....................... 811
Transferring greetings field description .................... 813
Trap listener field description ....................................876
TrapListener ...................................................... 876, 999
field descriptions ................................................ 876
Traplistener service .................................................. 876
TrapListener service ..........................................876, 999
Trust Management ..................................................1135
Trust management for Conferencing ........................ 115
trusted certificate ........................................... 1139, 1262
trusted certificates ...................................................1138
Trusted Certificates page ........................................1146
turn off compatibility mode ......................................... 38
Turn On Mute ........................................................... 727
Turn On Mute for Remote Off-hook Attempt ............ 727
two-way TLS ..................................................1264, 1265
Two-way TLS .......................................................... 1264
two-way TLS in System Manager ........................... 1265
UDP ...................................................................782, 783
field description .................................................. 782
UDP entries .......................................................783785
add ..................................................................... 783
edit ..................................................................... 784
update ................................................................ 785
view .................................................................... 784
UDP field descriptions .............................................. 782
UDP Group ............................................................... 779
deleting ...............................................................779
udp groups ................................................................777
UDP groups .............................................................. 787
access ................................................................ 787
assign permission .............................................. 787
udp groups field description ......................................779
unassign ................................................................. 1175
tenant administrator ..........................................1175
UnAssign Roles page ............................................... 331
unassign users .................................................. 163, 201
roles ............................................................ 163, 201
unconfigure .................................................................88
Geographic Redundancy ..................................... 88
understanding ...........................................................721
groups ................................................................ 721
uniform dial plan ....................................................... 783
Uniform dial plan .......................................................951
UDP ....................................................................951
Uniform Dial Plan field descriptions .......................... 782
uniform dial plan group ............................................. 777
Uniform Dial Plan Group ................................... 778, 779
deleting ...............................................................779
uniform dial plan groups ........................................... 777
uninstall ...................................................................1004
Uninstall License page ............................................1013
uninstalling a Communication Manager patch ........ 1245
uninstalling a license file ......................................... 1004
Unlocking an IP Office device ...................................796
unmanage elements ................................................. 892
update .....................................................................1245
Update .................................................................... 1243
Communication Manager ................................. 1243
Update UDP entries ..................................................785
field description .................................................. 785
updateASG ............................................................. 1279
Updating a Communication Manager ..................... 1245
updating the SAMP/MPC firmware ......................... 1246
Updating UDP entries ...............................................785
Updating UDP entries field description ..................... 785
upgrade ....................................... 1205, 1247, 1249, 1279
1314 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

Communication Manager 6.x ........................... 1205
IP Office devices .............................................. 1247
media gateways ............................................... 1249
media modules ................................................. 1249
System Manager .............................................. 1279
System Platform ............................................... 1205
Upgrade ...................................... 1223, 1236, 1252, 1253
Communication Manager ................................. 1236
TN boards .........................................................1223
TN Boards ............................................... 1252, 1253
upgrade 6.x .............................................................1204
checklist ............................................................1204
upgrade management .............................................1192
user settings ..................................................... 1192
upgrades .................................................................1254
supported protocols ..........................................1254
upgrading CM Agent template ................................ 1091
upgrading CM Endpoint template ........................... 1091
Upgrading Communication Manager ...................... 1237
field description ................................................ 1237
Upgrading Communication Manager 5.2 ................ 1256
Upgrading Communication Manager 5.2.1 .... 1217, 1219
Upgrading Communication Manager 5.2.1 to release
6.3.6 ........................................ 1207, 1221, 1223
Upgrading Communication Manager 5.x ................ 1236
Upgrading Communication Manager 6.x to release
6.3.6 ..................................................1208, 1209
upgrading devices ...................................................1254
protocol matrix ..................................................1254
upgrading gateways ................................................1250
field description ................................................ 1250
upgrading IP Office devices ....................................1247
upgrading IP Office endpoint templates ..................1125
upgrading media gateways ............................1224, 1249
upgrading media modules ............................. 1224, 1249
upgrading System Platform .................................... 1205
Upgrading TN boards ............................................. 1223
Upgrading TN Boards ....................................1252, 1253
field description ................................................ 1253
uploading a custom patch .......................................1231
uploading an audio file in IP Office system configuration
template ..................................................... 1131
uploading custom patch ..........................................1232
uploading custom patch field description ................1232
Uploading files to the System Manager repository ... 812
UPM ..........................................................................206
UPR ...................................................................573, 575
duplicate .............................................................575
Usage by local WebLM page ..................................1033
usage options ........................................................... 788
Usage Summary page ............................................ 1033
use new CA ............................................................ 1154
user ...........................................................................200
restore ................................................................ 200
user account ......................................................185, 193
create ................................................................. 185
remove ............................................................... 193
User Bulk Import Profile ............................................879
User Delete Confirmation page ................................ 324
user details ............................................................... 185
user import job ........................................... 356, 358, 359
cancel .................................................................358
delete ................................................................. 359
schedule .............................................................356
User Management .................................................... 176
assigning permissions ........................................176
roles ................................................................... 176
User management for Application Enablement Services
User management for Conferencing ........................ 115
User management for IP Office ................................ 119
User Management page ........................................... 249
User Preference ......................................................... 39
user profile ........................................................ 185, 187
create ..........................................................185, 187
User Profile Duplicate page ...................................... 306
User Profile Edit page ...............................................287
user profile management .......................................... 183
User Profile View page ............................................. 252
user profiles .............................................................. 928
user provisioning rule ......................... 187, 188, 573576
create ................................................................. 574
create user ......................................................... 187
delete ................................................................. 576
duplicate .............................................................575
modify .................................................................574
view .................................................................... 575
User Provisioning Rule ............................................. 267
User Provisioning Rules ......................................28, 577
automated Avaya XMPP handle creation ............ 28
field descriptions ................................................ 577
manual Avaya XMPP handle creation ................. 28
Presence domain type ......................................... 28
User Restore Confirmation Page ..............................329
user roles ..................................................................158
view .................................................................... 158
user settings ........................................................... 1192
field description ................................................ 1192
User settings ...........................................................1192
configure ...........................................................1192
User Settings .......................................................... 1192
user synchronization datasource ................................57
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1315

field descriptions .................................................. 57
user synchronization job .............................................64
create ................................................................... 64
schedule ...............................................................64
user synchronization jobs ...........................................65
delete ................................................................... 65
user synchronization jobs field description ................. 65
user-defined templates ........................................... 1089
users ....................................168, 183, 194, 198, 199, 346
manage .............................................................. 183
assign .................................................................168
assign groups ............................................. 198, 199
bulk export ..........................................................346
using clear amw all ................................................... 694
using filters ............................................................... 689
filtering endpoints ............................................... 689
Using Native Name ...................................................683
using swap endpoints ............................................... 694
endpoints; swap endpoints .................................694
utility ......................................................................... 352
bulk import encryption ........................................ 352
validating connectivity to local WebLM servers for a
product ....................................................... 1019
VDN .......................................................................... 789
adding dependencies ......................................... 789
vector directory number list ...................................... 661
vector directory number, ........................................... 661
vdn ..................................................................... 661
vector routing table ............................................664667
call center; vector routing table .......................... 664
vector routing table field description ......................... 667
vector routing table list ..............................................664
verify ....................................................................... 1282
verifying changes to date and time configuration ... 1282
verifying successful deployment of extension pack 1267
videos ......................................................................... 25
view .... 185, 360, 366, 367, 575, 646, 658, 665, 764, 779,
822, 839, 865, 929, 934, 960, 991, 1003, 1004, 1045,
1070, 1138, 1140, 1203
global user settings import job details ................ 366
grace period ....................................................... 865
import global user settings job ........................... 367
pre-upgrade check status .................................1203
secondary server alarms ....................................960
user import job details ........................................ 360
user provisioning rule ......................................... 575
view an import global user settings job .....................367
view an import global user settings job on the Scheduler
page .............................................................367
view backup files ...................................................... 822
View by feature page .............................................. 1024
View by local WebLM page .................................... 1024
view completed jobs ............................................... 1070
view contact list member page ................................. 232
view contents ............................................................973
view details ................................................ 970, 972, 976
view details of a global user settings importing job .. 366
view details of element ............................................. 886
view details of import job .......................................... 366
View Element page ...................................................895
view endpoint ............................................................696
View Group page ......................................................140
view last contacted status of the local WebLM servers
.................................................................... 1019
view license capacity ..................................... 1003, 1006
View Local WebLMs page ...................................... 1028
view log details ......................................................... 991
view log harvested files ............................................ 971
view loggers ..............................................................985
view logs ................................................................. 1071
completed jobs ................................................. 1071
pending jobs ..................................................... 1071
View peak usage .................................................... 1006
view periodic status of master and local WebLM
servers ....................................................... 1021
View Private Contact List page .................................245
View Profile ... 845, 849, 857, 865, 866, 868, 870, 872, 877,
879, 881
Alarming UI page ............................................... 857
Communication System Management Configuration
page ...................................................... 845
Configuration page .............................................849
HealthMonitor UI page ....................................... 866
Logging page ..................................................... 868
Logging Service page ........................................ 870
Shutdown page .................................................. 865
SMGR Element Manager page .......................... 872
Trust Management field description ................... 877
User Bulk Import Profile page .....................879, 881
View Profile Inventory page ......................................849
View profile Messaging field descriptions ................. 850
View Profile System Manager page ......................... 855
View Public Contact List page .................................. 553
View Remote Server field descriptions ................... 1068
view replica groups ................................................. 1045
View Scheduler Profile page .................................... 874
view secondary server alarms .................................. 960
View SNMP Profile page .......................................... 874
view the details of a public contact ........................... 548
view the details of a user import job ......................... 360
1316 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

View Trust Certificate page .....................................1149
view UDP Groups ..................................................... 779
view user import job on the Scheduler page ............ 359
View WebLM page ................................................... 867
viewing ..................................................... 128, 158, 1176
department ....................................................... 1176
groups ................................................................ 128
resources for a group ......................................... 128
roles ................................................................... 158
site ....................................................................1176
tenant ............................................................... 1176
user roles ........................................................... 158
viewing a messaging profile of a user ...................... 217
viewing a station profile of a user ............................. 213
viewing active sessions .......................................... 1168
viewing agent data ....................................................632
agents; view data ............................................... 632
viewing alarms .......................................................... 954
viewing allocations by features ............................... 1023
viewing allocations by local WebLM ....................... 1023
viewing an announcement ........................................646
viewing an audio group .............................................658
viewing an IP Office endpoint template .................. 1123
Viewing an Off PBX Endpoint Mapping .................... 733
viewing an SNMP target profile ................................ 934
viewing an SNMPv3 user profile ...............................929
viewing announcements ........................................... 646
viewing associated subscribers .............................. 1100
viewing subscribers .......................................... 1100
viewing audio groups ................................................658
viewing authorization code ....................................... 770
authorization code; view .....................................770
Viewing Automatic Alternate Routing Digit Conversion
data ..............................................................742
Automatic Alternate Routing Digit Conversion;
viewing data .......................................... 742
Viewing Automatic Route Selection Digit Conversion 745
Automatic Route Selection Digit Conversion; viewing
data ....................................................... 745
viewing automatic route selection toll data ............... 749
viewing class of service data .................................... 764
viewing class of service group .................................. 772
class of service group; view ............................... 772
viewing CM Agent template .................................... 1092
CM Agent template; ..........................................1092
view ............................................................1092
viewing CM Endpoint templates ............................. 1095
viewing coverage path ..............................................669
coverage path; view ........................................... 669
viewing coverage time-of-day ................................... 677
coverage time-of-day; view data ........................ 677
viewing data modules ............................................... 753
data modules; view ............................................ 753
viewing data retention rules ......................................839
viewing deleted users ............................................... 200
view deleted users ............................................. 200
viewing details of a log harvesting profile ..........970, 976
viewing details of a log harvesting request ............... 972
viewing details of a user ........................................... 185
viewing enterprise usage of a license feature .........1020
viewing files ............................................................ 1229
viewing files in the software library ......................... 1229
viewing groups ..........................................................128
viewing harvested log files in an archive .................. 971
viewing identity certificates ..................................... 1140
viewing IP Office endpoint profiles ........................... 224
viewing IP Office system configuration templates .. 1127
viewing job summary .................................................. 67
Viewing job summary field descriptions ..................... 67
viewing license capacity ......................................... 1003
viewing license capacity of a feature ...................... 1018
viewing list of backup files ........................................ 822
viewing log details .................................................... 991
viewing loggers for a log file ..................................... 985
Viewing Off PBX Configuration Set .......................... 729
viewing peak usage ................................................ 1004
viewing pending jobs .............................................. 1070
viewing pre-upgrade check status .......................... 1203
Viewing Remote Servers ........................................ 1067
viewing replica groups ............................................ 1045
viewing replica node details ....................................1047
viewing replica nodes in a replica group ................. 1046
viewing replication details for a replica node .......... 1047
viewing reports ........................................................1063
viewing resources for a group .................................. 128
viewing security configuration ...................................805
viewing server properties ........................................ 1004
viewing subscriber templates CMM; field description ....
CMM field description .......................................1115
viewing subscriber templates Messaging; field
description ................................................. 1112
Messaging field description .............................. 1112
viewing subscriber templates MM; field description 1118
MM field description ......................................... 1118
viewing subscribers CMM field description ...............610
Viewing Subscribers MM field description ................ 614
viewing system configuration file .............................. 803
viewing the contents of harvested log files ............... 973
viewing the details of a contact in the contact list ..... 227
viewing the details of a private contact ..................... 235
viewing trusted certificates ......................................1138
Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014 1317

Viewing UDP entries .................................................784
viewing Uniform Dial Plan Group ..............................779
viewing usage by WebLM .......................................1020
viewing usage summary ......................................... 1023
viewing user provisioning rule .................................. 575
viewing user roles .....................................................158
viewing vector directory number ............................... 662
vector directory number; view ............................ 662
viewing vector routing table data .............................. 665
Viewing Xmobile Configuration data .........................736
Xmobile Configuration; view data .......................736
Visualization, Performance, and Fault Manager .......119
VMware server in Geographic Redundancy setup ..... 74
voice mail number .................................................... 711
Voice Terminal ..........................................................699
VPFM ........................................................................119
VxWorks-based CS 1000 server .............................. 103
configuration .......................................................103
warning ..................................................................... 338
data entry in Excel ..............................................338
warranty ......................................................................26
WebLM Home page ................................................1005
WebLM overview .................................................... 1001
WebLM servers .......................................................1021
periodic status .................................................. 1021
What is an announcement ........................................643
What is an audio group .............................................656
What's new in this release ..........................................28
Windows XP ............................................................. 798
setting up environment variable ......................... 798
XML .......................................................................... 342
import user ......................................................... 342
XML file .....................................................................529
import users ....................................................... 529
XML for user with core attributes .............................. 541
Xmobile Configuration field description .................... 737
Xmobile Configuration; field description .............737
xmobile configuration list .......................................... 735
xmobile configuration, ...............................................735
endpoints; xmobile configuration ........................735
1318 Administering Avaya Aura

System Manager for Release 6.3.8 June 2014

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