Chandi Path

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Posted by admin on Sep 23, 2013 in Blog |

Opening sloka:
Sarva mangalamangalye sive sarvrth sdhike sharanye tryambake gouri
nryani namostute
I bow to Thee Gouri Narayani,
Who art the cause of the welfare of the world.
Who art good, who grants every wish, in whom one takes refuge, Who art
Dev ucuh:

namo Devyai mah-devyai sivyai sa-tatam namah,

namah Prakrtyai bhadryai niyath pranath sma tm.

Salutations to the Divine Mother who is ever auspicious.

Salutations to Her who is the primordial cause and the sustaining power
With deference, we make obeisance to Her.

raudryai namo nityyai gauryai dhtryai namo namah, jyotsnyai ca indurpinyai sukhyai sa-tatam namah

Salutations to Her who is terrible, to Her who is eternal. Salutation to Gauri,

the supporter (of the universe).
Salutation always to Her who is of the form of the moon and moon-light

And happiness itself.

kalynai pranata vrddhyai siddhyai kurmo namo namah,

nairrtyai bhubhrtam laksmyai sarvanyai te namo namah


We bow to Her who is welfare

Salutations to Her who is prosperity and success.
Salutation to the consort of Shiva who is Herself the good fortune
As well as misfortune of kings.

durgyai durga-pryai sryai sarva-krinyai,

khytyai tath eva krshnyai dhmryai sa-tatam namah


Salutation always to Durga who takes one across in difficulties, Who is

essence, who is the author of everything;
Who is knowledge of discrimination;
And who is blue-black and also smoke like in complexion.

atisaumya-atiraudryai namas thasyai namo namah, namo jagat-pratisthyai

devyai krtyai namo namah


We prostrate before Her

Who is at once most gentle and most terrible; Salutation to Her who is the
supporter of the world. Salutation to the Devi who is of the form of volition.

y devi sarva-bhtesu vishnu-myeti sabdit,

namas thasyai namas thasyai namas thasyai nam namah


Salutation again and again to the Devi

Who abides in all beings and is called Vishnumaya.

y devi sarva-bhtesu chtanty-abhidhiyathe

namas thasyai namas thasyai namas thasyai namo namah


Salutation again and again to the Devi

Who abides in all beings as awareness.

y devi sarva-bhtesu buddhi-rupena samsthith

namas thasyai namas thasyai namas thasyai nam namah


Salutation again and again to the Devi

Who abides in all beings in the form of intellect.

y devi sarva-bhtesu nidr-rupena samsthith

namas thasyai namas thasyai namas thasyai nam namah


Salutation again and again to the Devi

Who abides in all beings in the form of sleep.

y devi sarva-bhtesu kshudh-rupena samsthith

namas thasyai namas thasyai namas thasyai nam namah


Salutation again and again to the Devi

Who abides in all beings in the form of hunger.

y devi sarva-bhtesu chhy-rupena samsthith

namas thasyai namas thasyai namas thasyai nam namah


Salutation again and again to the Devi

Who abides in all beings in the form of shadow.

y devi sarva-bhtesu sakti-rupena samsthith

namas thasyai namas thasyai namas thasyai nam namah


Salutation again and again to the Devi

Who abides in all beings in the form of vigour.

y devi sarva-bhtesu trishna-rupena samsthith

namas thasyai namas thasyai namas thasyai nam namah


Salutation again and again to the Devi

Who abides in all beings in the form of craving.

y devi sarva-bhtesu kshanti-rupena samsthith

namas thasyai namas thasyai namas thasyai nam namah


Salutation again and again to the Devi

Who abides in all beings in the form of forbearance.

y devi sarva-bhtesu jti-rupena samsthith

namas thasyai namas thasyai namas thasyai nam namah


Salutation again and again to the Devi

Who abides in all beings in the form of class.

y devi sarva-bhtesu lajj-rupena samsthith

namas thasyai namas thasyai namas thasyai nam namah


Salutation again and again to the Devi

Who abides in all beings in the form of shyness.

y devi sarva bhtesu snti-rupena samsthith

namas thasyai namas thasyai namas thasyai nam namah


Salutation again and again to the Devi

Who abides in all beings in the form of peace.

y devi sarva-bhtesu sraddh-rupena samsthith

namas thasyai namas thasyai namas thasyai nam namah


Salutation again and again to the Devi

Who abides in all beings in the form of faith.

y devi sarva-bhtesu knti-rupena samsthith

namas thasyai namas thasyai namas thasyai nam namah

Salutation again and again to the Devi

Who abides in all beings in the form of brilliance.


y devi sarva-bhtesu laksmi-rupena samsthith

namas thasyai namas thasyai namas thasyai nam namah


Salutation again and again to the Devi

Who abides in all beings in the form of affluence.

y devi sarva-bhtesu vritti-rupena samsthith

namas thasyai namas thasyai namas thasyai nam namah


Salutation again and again to the Devi

Who abides in all beings in the form of thought-movement.

y devi sarva-bhtesu smriti-rupena samsthith

namas thasyai namas thasyai namas thasyai nam namah


Salutation again and again to the Devi

Who abides in all beings in the form of memory.

y devi sarva-bhtesu day-rupena samsthith

namas thasyai namas thasyai namas thasyai nam namah


Salutation again and again to the Devi

Who abides in all beings in the form of compassion.

y devi sarva-bhtesu tushti-rupena samsthith

namas thasyai namas thasyai namas thasyai nam namah


Salutation again and again to the Devi

Who abides in all beings in the form of contentment.

y devi sarva-bhtesu matri-rupena samsthith

namas thasyai namasthasyai namasthasyai nam namah 71-73

Salutation again and again to the Devi

Who abides in all beings in the form of mother.

namas thasyai namas thasyai namas thasyai nam namah


y devi sarva-bhtesu bhrnti-rupena samsthith

Salutation again and again to the Devi
Who abides in all beings in the form of delusion.
(Truth and error are both obverse and reverse forms of the goddess).
indriyanam adhishtatree bhtnm chkhulesu y
bhtesu satatam tasyai vyptijai devyai nam namah


Salutation again and again to the all-pervading Devi

Who constantly presides over the senses of all beings and (governs) all the
Chiti-rpena y kritsnam etad-vypya sthit jagat
namas thasyai namas thasyai namas thasyai nam namah


Salutations again and again to Her

Who pervading the entire world abides in the form of consciousness.

sthuth suraih prvam abheeshta-samsrayt tath surendrena dinesu sevit,



Invoked of yore by the devas for the sake of their desired object, And adored
by the lord of the devas every day,
May she, the Ishvari, the source of all good,

karthu s nah subha-hetur isvari subhni bhadrny-abhihantu

Accomplish for us all auspicious things and put an end to our calamities!

y sampratam ca ud:dbhatadaitya-tpitair asmbhir is ca surair namasyate

y ca smrt tat-ksanam eva hanti nah sarva-pado bhakti vinamramrtibhih

And who is now again, reverenced by us, devas, Tormented by arrogant

asuras and
Who, called to mind by us obeisant with devotion, Destroys, this very
moment, all our calamities.

(from the Fifth Chapter called Devis conversation with the messenger of
Mahatmya in Markandeya-purana during the period of Savarni, the Manu).
Closing slokam:
yadaksharam pari bhrastam mtr hinancha yadbhavet purnam bhavatu tat
sarvam tat prasdn maheshwari
If there be any missing letter or meter, let this be completed, O Supreme
Goddess (Maheswari), by Thy grace.
sarvasvarupe sarvaishe sarvashaktisamanvite, bhaebhyas trahi no devi durge
devi namostute

Oh Queen of all, You who exist in the form of all and possess every might
Save us from error, Oh Devi Salutation be to You, Devi Durga!
Om bhavatpa pranshinyai nandaghana murtaye jnnabhakti pradinyai
mtastubhyam namonamah.
Mother, I bow to Thee again and again, destroyer of worldly sufferings,
embodiment of bliss, dispenser of wisdom and devotion.

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