The Definitive Guide To Brain Cross Training - Mark Ashton Smith

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The Definitive Guide to

Brain Cross Training

A powerful, holistic, non-invasive
brain training program
for health & performance

Mark Ashton Smith Ph.D

Energetic Stressors: Evolution of Vitagenes


IGF-1 and Increasing Lifespan
Ketones Superfuel and protection for the brain
Harnessing the Hormesis Response


Combinations of Fasting, Exercise and Brain


Putting It Into Practice

What Kind of Diet?

25% Caloric Restriction Diet

Most of the studies reviewed above on caloric restriction have involved cutting daily
calorie intake by 25%, ensuring that the diet has high nutritional value and all the
recommended micronutrients are maintained. This is what hundreds of participants in the
CALERIE study are doing - individuals who are showing excellent health biomarkers after a
few years of this regime. And this is what CRON (Calorie Restriction with Optimal
Nutrition) dieters are doing in their thousands.

A good starting point to get you underway with a caloric restriction diet is this - the Painless
Calorie Restriction for People Who Love to Eat. The information on this site follows
CALERIE guidelines, such as:

Sticking to the most nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and
legumes--although the CALERIE study is not vegan or vegetarian.
Eating foods that are filling, appealing, low in calories, and nutrient-rich.
Eating lots of fiber--at least 50 grams a day (for me) without counting grams or even
trying. Fiber is key to keeping satisfied and full--and it likely activates the satiety
receptors in the lower intestine. My husband is a huge fan of eating a big bowl of
high-fiber cereal (Uncle Sam's & Ezekiel's) with oat milk as a dessert, or when he
craves a snack.

In addition, it is important to reduce the amount of animal protein.

Reducing animal proteins (meat, fish, yoghurt, eggs and milk) to 10% of calories
eaten or less reduces risk factors for prostate, breast, and colon cancers, and
neurodegenerative diseases.

A 1500 calorie diet

Macros in numbers

To calculate your required calorie intake, you can use this online calculator. Simply
multiply your recommended Calories (to maintain current weight) by 0.75.

To get your macro breakdown, feed this diet-restricted number into this calculator,
setting your protein intake to no more than 10% if you consume animal proteins. For
instance, 55% carbohydrates, 10% proteins, and 35% fats. The exact carb-fat ratio is
something you can experiment with or do further research on.

If you consume mainly vegetable proteins and want a higher protein diet a 55/15/30 or
50/20/30 ratio may be preferred. Higher protein intake is recommended if you are over
65 or an athlete requiring high levels of strength.

Optimal weight range

It is important that you do not become underweight on a caloric restriction diet! Being
underweight - just like being overweight - can result in negative health and cognitive
outcomes. For instance, being underweight long-term in adulthood and weight loss late in
life is associated with poorer cognitive outcomes.

There seems to be a window of levels of energy intake and expenditure that promote
optimal health and brain function; an energy balance that results in a BMI (body mass index)
between 20 and 24 appears to be optimal for most people eating Western diets. You can
calculate your current BMI here. Many of you may be surprised by how heavy you are
relative to your recommended BMI!

Intermittent Fasting

Research has clearly demonstrated that many of the same health giving and brain
enhancing genetic pathways and biochemical responses activated by caloric restriction are
similarly engaged by fasting, even for relatively short periods of time.

This review and this review (scroll down to paper) strongly indicate that the reported
beneficial health effects from caloric restriction... can be mimicked by alternating
periods of short term fasting with periods of refeeding, without deliberately
altering the total caloric intake.

One of the most comprehensive recent reviews of the benefits of caloric restriction (CR)

Incorporation of intermittent energetic challenges into our daily and weekly schedules
should be a guiding principle for achieving optimal brain health. a prescription of CR and
regular exercise will improve the health and longevity of the brain and body. Individuals
who are overweight and sedentary must reduce their energy intake and engage in
regular vigorous exercise in order to improve their brain health and reduce their risk for
neurodegenerative disorders. Those of normal weight can expect to optimize the
performance of their brain by CR and exercise.

Intermittent fasting is more similar to the availability-scarcity cycles of our
evolutionary past. As with exercise and mental effort, by periodically triggering the
adaptive cellular stress response we can benefit from a planned hormesis response
(see above).

There are two popular varieties of intermittent fasting:

Alternate day fasting (ADF)

This requires eating what you want one day, then cutting down to a quarter of your normal
calories the next. It does not seem to matter that much what you eat on non-fast days,
provided your animal protein intake is not higher than 10%. Dr Krista Varady of the
University of Illinois at Chicago carried out an eight-week trial comparing two groups of
overweight patients on ADF. She observed: If you were sticking to your fast days, then in
terms of cardiovascular disease risk, it didn't seem to matter if you were eating a high-fat
or low-fat diet on your feed (non-fast) days.

5:2 diet

This is a less intensive and often more practical version of ADF. Five days a week you eat
normally (within recommended protein limits) and then for two days a week what you do is
you cut down to a quarter of your normal calories as in ADF.

The 5:2 diet has been popularized by the Michael Mosley in the BBC Horizon program Eat,
Fast and Live Longer (also given a BBC feature here). The feature is well worth a watch
for an introduction to the science between restricted diet and intermittent fasting.

Michael Mosley having his health assessed before starting his 5:2 intermittent fasting diet.
Click for video.

Recipes for 500-600 calorie intermittent fasting

I recommend Michael Mosleys very affordable book The Fast Diet if you want a practical
plan for adopting alternate day fasting or the 5:2 diet. You can download it in an instant to
your Kindle. Examples of the fasting day diets are:

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, half a grapefruit (125 calories)
Dinner: vegetarian chilli (378 calories)

Breakfast: Porridge with blueberries (197 calories)
Dinner: Chicken stir fry (306 calories)

Breakfast: strawberry smoothie (171 calories)
Dinner: Oven-baked smoked haddock (325 calories)

Same day intermittent fasting

Another variant suggested by Mark Mattson in his Cell Biology review paper on fasting and
exercise is same day intermittent fasting, eating only during a short time window each day
(e.g., not eating breakfast or lunch). One version of same day intermittent fasting has been
adopted in Dave Aspreys Bulletproof Intermittent Fasting. In this diet, you eat freely
between 2pm and 8pm and fast for the remaining 18 hours in a day. Less research has been
conducted looking directly at same-day intermittent fasting, but it triggers the same
adaptive cellular stress response and hormesis principle as CR and ADF.

Calorie Restricted dieting, alternate day fasting and same-day intermittent fasting
schedules over a two day period are shown in the diagram.


It is recommended that you research and experiment with different kinds of
restricted calorie diet to find out what you can successfully make a part of your
lifestyle. These diets should be thought of as a long-term lifestyle change - not a
temporary diet plan. Many find CR too hard, and opt for some type of intermittent
fasting. The 5:2 diet or same day IF may be the least stressful of the options.
The idea of caloric restriction/fasting is to create an energetic stressor to
activate all the benefits of the hormesis response. If you overdo the fasting, or
skimp on nutrients, you will cause the kind of system breakdown that you are trying
to build resilience to - leading, for instance, to insulin resistance and poorer glucose
The diet should, after a couple of weeks, be helping you feel more energy, more
bounce, ...a greater zest for life in the words of Dr Michael Mosley. If you are
feeling drained, faint, weak or unhealthy, or swinging in your moods and energy
levels, then the diet is not working and should be adjusted.
Ensure that you dont become weaker through muscle loss. Maintain at least 0.8
grams of (complete) protein per kilogram of body weight - e.g. 64 g for a 80 kg
man (i.e. 256 calories) ; 45 g for a 56 kg woman (180 calories). Ensure that
most of your protein intake is plant based if you are consuming more than 10%
protein in your overall calorie consumption.

What Kind of Exercise?

Aerobic or Resistance Exercise

Most of the benefits reviewed above are based on aerobic exercise, not strength training.
Some studies show greater benefits of aerobic training compared to resistance (strength)
training. For example
endurance fitness training, but not strength training, has been shown to result in
increased BDNF concentrations, a neurotrophic factor that plays an important role
in neuronal growth and plasticity.

However, this excellent article on the benefits of exercise reviews diverse evidence for
the cognitive benefits of strength training among the elderly, and suggests that while
evidence is limited for the benefits of strength training, this may be due in part to lack of
studies - not something intrinsic to the type of exercise.

The 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans and the Harvard School of Public
Health recommends that healthy adults get:

A minimum of 2-1/2 hours per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, or get a
minimum of 1-1/4 hours per week of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity, or a
combination of the two.
A minimum of 2 hours per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (eg brisk
walking, jogging, swimming, cycling) or a minimum of 1 h/w of intense aerobic
activity (e.g. spin classes, circuit training, CrossFit) - or combinations of both.
Adults of all ages should also do muscle-strengthening activities on at least two days
for the week.
Children should get at least 1 hour or more a day of physical activity in
age-appropriate activities..

Intensity is good

Intense exercise changes the body and muscles at a molecular level in ways that milder
physical activity doesnt match as reviewed in this NYT feature.

Walkers whose usual pace is brisk tend to live longer than those who move at a
more leisurely rate, even if their overall energy expenditure is similar.
When the body is stressed by intense exercise, stress hormones (catecholamines)
are released which trigger the production of an energy regulating protein (CRTC2)
that improves glucose metabolism and fat release for burning fuel. This has been
shown to result in greater endurance and stronger muscles. A similar effect results
from fasting.

High intensity circuit training (HICT)

Scientific evidence indicates that high intensity circuit training (HICT) - the combines
aerobic and strength training - is an efficient means of exercise to help decrease body
fat, improve insulin sensitivity, and improve VO2max and muscular fitness. Interval training
requires extremely intense activity intermingled with brief periods of recovery. This
intermittently triggers the adaptive cellular stress response in a very efficient way.

Theres very good evidence that high-intensity interval training provides many of
the fitness benefits of prolonged endurance training but in much less time, says
Chris Jordan, the director of exercise physiology at the Human Performance
Institute in Orlando, Fla.

Work by scientists at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, and other institutions
shows, for instance, that even a few minutes of training at an intensity approaching your
maximum capacity produces molecular changes within muscles comparable to those of
several hours of running or bike riding.

The 7 minute workout has been reviewed in the New York Times, and is a popular HICT
option. There are 12 exercises. Exercises are performed for 30 seconds, with 10 seconds of
transition time between bouts. Total time for the entire circuit workout is approximately 7
minutes. The circuit can also be repeated 2 to 3 times, depending on time and fitness level.
Variations on this workout.

The side plank (no. 12) should be done on both sides. Modifications or extensions to this
routine can easily be improvised - for instance, adding pull-ups or burpees.

What Kind of Mental Challenge?

Most of the rodent studies demonstrating beneficial biochemical and cognitive outcomes
from cognitive challenges involve inducing psychological stress in novel (enriched)
environments. Remembering that the brain is a huge energy consumer, this kind of
energetic stressor taps exactly the same adaptive cellular stress response that is
found in caloric restriction / fasting and intense exercise.
Any kind of intense mental effort that is incorporated into our lives, dealing with novel
situations, requiring learning and involving some kind of adaptive stress response (e.g.
writing articles or being in a drama club), should be beneficial to brain health and
performance. The question here is, how can we maximize broad brain health and cognitive
performance gains returns from this hormetic response to mental effort in a planned way.
How can we be efficient in our brain training in the way the high intensity circuit
training is efficient?
The answer involves identifying and training a type of mental process that is stressful
(but not too stressful), effortful and high in energy demand, involves novelty that
requires adaptive learning and is core to the broad range of cognitive processes
underlying our fluid intelligence (the kind of intelligence that takes on cognitive
challenges - that plans, problem solves and learns in novel situations). The brain areas
known to be important for fluid intelligence are part of an interconnected system
associated with emotional arousal and the stress response.
The best candidate we have for this is working memory training
Working memory is the executive brain system for short term storage and control of the
information needed for higher level cognitive tasks such as language comprehension,
learning, and reasoning. Its our mental workspace, and the more we load it with cognitive
challenges, the more energy it consumes and the more we stimulate the adaptive cellular
stress response.
Studies on working memory training have shown:
Gamma (3060 Hz) oscillations increase linearly with working memory load and
gamma brainwaves are known to be associated with high energy demand, requiring
both rapid adaptation of oxidative energy metabolism and sufficient supply with
oxygen and nutrients.
The high metabolic demands of working memory activity explain the vulnerability
of working-memory related functions to circulatory disturbances, genetic
mitochondrial diseases, and neurodegeneration and why training working memory
can help stimulate the adaptive cellular stress response to counter these
vulnerabilities for better brain health, neuroplasticity and cognitive performance.
Prolonged (1 month) working memory training fulfils all the 5 criteria identified as
critical for effective brain training by Dr Alvaro Fernandez and the consumer
research group SharpBrains.
This review of the benefits of working memory training concludes The results of
individual studies encourage optimism regarding the value of working memory training
as a tool for general cognitive enhancement. Studies of core training show
improvements in a variety of areas of cognition (e.g. cognitive control, reading
comprehension), persist even with the use of tightly matched controls, and are
consistent with neuroimaging studies demonstrating activation changes in regions
associated with domain-general cognitive performance. Core working memory training
thus represents a favourable approach to achieve broad cognitive enhancement.
The most popular brain training providers on the market - much like the most
popular workouts and diets - do not work as energetic stressors that induce strong
adaptive cellular stress responses. They are too easy and not stressful enough over
a long-enough training period. Consequently the evidence for their benefits is
Recommended working memory training providers include the following:
IQ Mindware - my own brain training company, focusing on core brain ciruit
training apps for IQ, emotion regulation, problem solving and skills learning. These
products are designed around the principles reviewed in this article.
CogMed - Working memory training involving systematic, focused, and rigorous
training effort.
BrainWorkshop - An academic-voluntary provider, focusing specifically on
variations of the n-back working memory task.

The Science In Depth

Adaptive Cellular Stress Response Pathways

Here we review the scientific evidence for the widespread and remarkable benefits of
triggering the vitagenes behind this adaptive cellular stress response.


Exercise has a comparatively little effect on the aging process Data from numerous animal
studies show that restricted calories (by 25-55%) with adequate micronutrients compared
to free-for-all eating, can dramatically extend maximal life span and retard aging - by up
to 65%. In human terms that would be an extension of life expectancy around 80 years to
130 years! . Mice and rats put on a low-calorie, nutrient-rich diet live far longer - and the
same is true in monkeys. Caloric restriction of 30% (with maintenance of nutrition) in
monkeys protects against multiple age-related disorders. In the Wisconsin study of lifelong
caloric restriction in monkeys, over 20 years monkeys whose diets were not restricted
were nearly three times more likely to have died than those whose calories were
counted. In the photos, the monkey on the two monkeys are the same age; the one on the
left has not been calorie restricted, the one on the right is aging very well on a 30%
restricted calorie diet.

"They don't just live longer, they are healthier. They actually aged biologically slower.
Their hair has gone gray less quickly. Their hormones have stayed at their youthful profile
and their immune function has stayed good." (Dr. Susan Roberts)

A similar study is currently being conducted with humans - the Comprehensive Assessment
of Long-term Effects of Reducing Intake of Energy (CALERIE) involving 132+ people who
have been cutting their calories by 25% for a number of years now. Roughly speaking
females consume around 1500 Cal/day rather than 2000, and males consume 1875
Cal/day rather than 2500. So far down the line, the biomarkers in this study have been
consistent with the animal studies:

"I didn't think calorie restriction worked in humans until I started working with
people who'd been doing it for years. They are among the healthiest people I've
ever known. Their heart function is similar to people 15 years younger, they have
very low levels of inflammation and very few get cancer." Dr. John Holloszy, M.D.,
lead CALERIE investigator

"... subjects have cholesterol around 160, blood pressure around 100 over 60, high
HDL, low triglycerides and very low levels of inflammation. ... here we have such a
powerful intervention that is basically cleaning out the arteries." (Dr. Luigi Fontana
& Dr. Susan Roberts, Washington University and Tufts University investigators for
the NIH- funded CALERIE Study).

Caloric restriction WITH low animal protein diet

The life-extending effects of restricted diets found in other animals based on the adaptive
cellular stress response is in large part due to the resulting lower levels of IGF-1 - a
growth factor. It is known that higher levels of plasma IGF-1 lead to more accelerated
ageing and age-related diseases such as cancer, while low levels are protective. Luigi
Fontana and colleagues found that caloric restriction (while maintaining nutrition) in
human volunteers did not result in lowered IGF-1 levels.

But Humans tend to have high protein diets - well in excess of the recommended amount
of protein of 0.8 grams per kg of body weight per day (e.g. 46 grams for the average US
female and 56 grams for the average US male). Fontella and found that reducing protein
intake from an average of 1.67 g / kg / day to 0.95 g / kg / day for just 3 weeks in people
practicing caloric restriction resulted in a reduction in IGF-1 by over 20%.

Higher fat animal proteins may be the culprit. Reducing the amount of animal protein we
eat to 10% of calories eaten reduces risk factors for prostate, breast, and colon cancers,
and neurodegenerative diseases. A 2014 University of Southern California study looking at
the diets of more than 6000 people found that for 50-65 year olds a diet high in animal
protein (more than 20% of daily calories) was associated with a 75% increase in overall
mortality and a four-fold increase in the risk of dying from cancer.

That is as big a risk factor as smoking. This link was largely eliminated when the protein
source was plant based. This study also found that for over 65s, a higher protein diet was
linked to reduced cancer and overall mortality. A sensible recommendation for health and
longevity is 10-15% primarily plant based protein intake up to ones mid 60s, increasing to a
20-25% in later years. Good non-animal sources of protein can be found here.

Anti-Cancer effects of exercise, restricted calories and a low protein

Exercise training, decreased fat, and long-term consumption of a low-protein, low-calorie
diet are associated with low plasma growth factors and hormones that are linked to an
increased risk of cancer. A low protein diet has additional protective effects because it is
associated with a greater decrease in circulating IGF-I than high levels of exercise alone.

This diagram summarizes the adaptive response to caloric restriction or fasting that help
fight cancer, adapted from this review article.

Brain Health Benefits of Fasting, Exercise &
Brain Training

Via the same adaptive cellular stress response that improves immune function, health and
longevity reviewed above, caloric restriction, exercise and mental effort during brain
training can all promote optimal brain function and resistance to age-related brain
diseases, and does so via overlapping and complementary mechanisms.

The diagram from this comprehensive review article illustrates at a neuron (brain cell)
circuit level the three types of intervention (in red) that induce brain health and
performance benefits from the adaptive cellular stress response:

Three types of training regimes that help brain function in red. Triangles indicate synapses (communication points)
between different brain cells (neurons).

In all three regimes - caloric restriction, aerobic exercise and mental effort - an adaptive
hormesis response results in both neuroplasticity and cell protection - that is, both the
strengthening of synapses via protein enzymes and neuron stress resistance via
DNA repair enzymes, and antioxidant enzymes.

Mental effort is defined as energy mobilisation in the brain in the service of
cognitive goals. Mental effort facilitates performance in the presence of
increased task demands (time pressure, multi-tasking, working memory load
(e.g. n-back level) or inhibition habitual responses) as well as psychological
stressors such as fatigue, sleep deprivation, drugs, noise. The brain has
substantial energy requirements (approximately 2030% of all energy
expenditure at rest) and is dependent on a constant supply of glucose and
oxygen from the bloodstream. With more mental effort, there is more
glucose and oxygen consumption. This can lead to an adaptive cellular stress
response in the brain, which can be tapped via the principle of hormesis.

We will now look at specific brain benefits one by one. Much of this research can be found
in this excellent Cell Metabolism review paper.

Improved Neuroplasticity

Neuroplasticity is defined as the changes that occur in neural pathways and
synapses (the connecting points between neurons) as adaptive responses to
environmental challenges, including those that are voluntary (e.g., problem solving,
learning skills, competing in sport) and those that are unwelcomed (e.g., a traumatic
injury or disease). Neuroplasticity is essential for learning and memory, and as
the brain ages it tends to become less neuroplastic.

Caloric restriction and exercise promote the functional capabilities of the
brain via actions on synapses and neural stem cells, increasing
In rat models, exercising neurons by engaging them in mental challenges also
enhances synaptic plasticity.
McNab and colleagues have demonstrated synaptic plasticity in humans in the
prefrontal and parietal lobes (closely involved in higher cognitive functions)
from working memory brain training. Fourteen hours of training over 5
weeks was associated with changes in both prefrontal and parietal
receptors in neuronal synapses.

Neurogenesis: new cell growth

Neurogenesis is the creation of new brain cells (neurons) from neural stem cells. The
new neurons can form synapses with existing neurons, thereby becoming part of a
functional neural circuit.

Voluntary exercise stimulates neurogenesis in the hippocampus of adult
rodents. The hippocampus is critical for learning and memory.
Caloric restriction and mental challenges can also increase neurogenesis in
rodents by increasing the survival rate of newly created hippocampal cells,
thereby improving learning and memory.

Improved gene action

Going without food for even short periods of time switches on a number of repair genes.

Both exercise and fasting can induce the expression of neurotrophic factors
including the BDNF gene. This protein promotes the survival of nerve cells
(neurons) by playing a role in the growth, and maintenance of these cells. It also
plays an important role in synapse plasticity which is important for learning and
memory as described above.
Studies like this one have also shown that brain training can regulate BDNF gene

Ketones - Superfuel for the brain during fasting that also protect
against cell damage

Our biology is adapted for times of food scarcity. During these periods, the main goal of our
system is to provide enough glucose to the brain and other tissues. If youre not eating
where does this glucose come from? Lack of food causes the brain to shift away from using
glucose as a fuel to using ketones. Ketones are produced when the body burns fat for fuel.
Ketones act as a stand in for sugar in the brain. By reducing the bodys need for sugar, less
protein is required, protecting muscle mass (the protein reservoir that might otherwise be
used to power the brain).

The principal ketone (beta-HBA) is not just a fuel, but a superfuel more efficiently
producing ATP energy for brain cells than glucose. Ketones are also the preferred
fuel for the heart, making that organ operate at around 30% greater efficiency.
Thus fasting can increase your brain and bodys energy production.
Ketones also protected neuronal cells in tissue culture against exposure to toxins
associated with Alzheimers or Parkinsons. Both caloric restriction and exercise
have been shown to increase the production of ketone bodies, which can
enter the brain and protect neurons against injury and disease.

Resilience and emotional control

In the ER results in reduced stress reactivity and preservation of volumes of
brain structures involved in emotional control including the prefrontal cortex
and amygdala - as targeted by the brain training application EQPro.

Keeping the aging brain young: Stress reactivity

Heightened susceptibility to stress (stress reactivity) increases with aging. It
is associated with atrophy of the hippocampus, age-related cognitive deficits
such as memory loss, and increased risk for Alzheimer's disease.

Long-term caloric restriction results in lower-stress reactivity and increased
sizes of the brain regions (e.g. hippocampus) associated with lower stress

Keeping the aging brain young: Brain volume, neuroplasticity and
brain function

Numerous studies show that both exercise and caloric restriction help maintain brain
volume and buffer against loss of memory and other cognitive functions that is associated
with loss of neuroplasticity with aging. For example:

When the caloric intake of fifty normal elderly subjects was reduced by 30% for 3
months, the performance on memory tests improved significantly.
Aerobic exercise has also been shown to aid in maintaining cognitive health by
reducing age-related loss and adding to volume of grey and white matter in frontal
and temporal cortices.
Elderly subjects who exercised for 4 months showed better blood flow and
functional connectivity in brain areas need for memory and higher cognitive
Aerobic training for a year improved the aging brain's resting functional efficiency
in higher-level brain networks and associated cognitive control.

And for the benefits of cognitive challenges and brain training:

Occupational complexity or mental activities demanding thought processing and
independent judgment, is associated with higher performance on measures of
intellectual flexibility, memory, verbal abilities, fluency, and visual spatial measures
in aging.
Elderly subjects can benefit from training on cognitive control (executive
functioning) such as multi-tasking and working memory updating.

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