In-The-Lab Full ESX:VMotion Test Lab in A Box

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In-the-Lab: Full

ESX/vMotion Test Lab in a

Box, Part 1
There are many features in vSphere worth exploring but to do
so requires committing time, effort, testing, training and
hardware resources. In this feature, well investigate a way
using your existing VMware facilities to reduce the
time, effort and hardware needed to test and train-up on
vSpheres ESXi, ESX and vCenter components. Well start with
a single hardware server running VMware ESXi free as the
lab mule and install everything we need on top of that
Part 1, Getting Started
To get started, here are the major hardware and software
items you will need to follow along:
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Recommended Lab Hardware Components
One 2P, 6-core AMD Istanbul Opteron system
Two 500-1,500GB Hard Drives
24GB DDR2/800 Memory
Four 1Gbps Ethernet Ports (41, 22 or 14)
One 4GB SanDisk Cruiser USB Flash Drive
Either of the following:
One CD-ROM with VMware-VMvisor-Installer-
4.0.0-164009.x86_64.iso burned to it
An IP/KVM management card to export ISO images
to the lab system from the network
Recommended Lab Software Components
One ISO image of NexentaStor 2.x (for the Virtual
Storage Appliance, VSA, component)
One ISO image of ESX 4.0
One ISO image of ESXi 4.0
One ISO image of VCenter Server 4
One ISO image of Windows Server 2003 STD (for vCenter
installation and testing)
For the hardware items to work, youll need to check your
system components against the VMware HCL and community
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supported hardware lists. For best results, always disable
(in BIOS) or physically remove all unsupported or unused
hardware- this includes communication ports, USB, software
RAID, etc. Doing so will reduce potential hardware conflicts
from unsupported devices.
The Lab Setup
Were first going to install VMware ESXi 4.0 on the test
mule and configure the local storage for maximum use. Next,
well create three (3) machines two create our virtual
testing lab deploying ESX, ESXi and NexentaStor running
directly on top of our ESXi test mule. All subsequent
tests VMs will be running in either of the virtualized ESX
platforms from shared storage provided by the NexentaStor
ESX, ESXi and VSA running atop ESXi
Next up, quick-and-easy install of ESXi to USB Flash
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Installing ESXi to Flash
This is actually a very simple part of the lab installation.
ESXi 4.0 installs to flash directly from the basic installer
provided on the ESXi disk. In our lab, we use the IP/KVMs
virtual CD capability to mount the ESXi ISO from network
storage and install it over the network. If using an
attached CD-ROM drive, just put the disk in, boot and follow
the instructions on-screen. Weve produced a blog showing
how to Install ESXi 4.0 to Flash if you need more details
screen shots are provided.
Once ESXi reboots for the first time, you will need to
configure the network cards in an appropriate manner for
your labs networking needs. This represents your first
decision point: will the virtual lab be isolated from the
rest of your network? If the answer is yes, one NIC will be
plenty for management since all other virtual lab traffic
will be contained within the ESXi host. If the answer is no,
lets say you want to have two or more lab mules working
together, then consider the following common needs:
One dedicated VMotion/Management NIC
One dedicated Storage NIC (iSCSI initiator)
One dedicated NIC for Virtual Machine networks
We recommend following interface configurations:
Using one redundancy group
Add all NICs to the same group in the
configuration console
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Use NIC Teaming Failover Order to dedicate one
NIC to management/VMotion and one NIC to iSCSI
traffic within the default vSwitch
Load balancing will be based on port ID
Using two redundancy groups (2 NIC per group)
Add only two NICs to the management group in the
configuration console
Use NIC Teaming Failover Order to dedicate one
NIC to management/VMotion traffic within the
default vSwitch (vSwitch0)
From the VI Client, create a new vSwitch,
vSwitch1, with the remaining two NICs
Use either port ID (default) or hash load
balancing depending on your SAN needs
Our switch ports and redundancy groups - 2-NICs using port
ID load balancing, 2-NICs using IP hash load balancing.
Test the network configuration by failing each port and make
sure that all interfaces provide equal function. If you are
new to VMware networking concepts, stick to the single
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redundancy group until your understanding matures it will
save time and hair If you are a veteran looking to hone
your ESX4 or vSphere skills, then youll want to tailor the
network fit your intended lab use.
Next, we cover some ESXi topics for first-timers
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In-the-Lab: Full
ESX/vMotion Test Lab in a
Box, Part 1
First-Time Users
First-time users of VMware will now have a basic
installation of ESXi and may be wondering where to go next.
If the management network test has not been verified, now is
a good time to do it from the console. This test will ping
the DNS servers and gateway configured for the management
port, as well as perform a reverse lookup of the IP
address ( requesting name resolution based on
the IP address.) If you have not added the IP address of the
ESXi host into your local DNS server, this item will fail.
Testing the ESXi Management Port Connectivity
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Once the initial management network is setup and testing
good we simply launch a web browser from the workstation
well be managing from and enter the ESXi hosts address as
show on the console screen:
Management URL From Console Screen
The ESXi hosts embedded web server will provide a link to
Download vSphere Client to your local workstation for
installation. We call this the VI Client in the generic
sense. The same URL provides links to VMware vCenter,
vSphere Documentation, the vSphere Remote CLI installer and
virtual appliance and Web Services SDK. For now, we only
need the VI Client installed.
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vSphere VI Client Login
Once installed, login to the VI Client using the root user
and password established when you configured ESXis
management interface. The root password should not be
something easily guessed as a hacker owning your ESX console
could present serious security consequences. Once logged-in,
well turn our attention to the advanced network
Initial Port Groups for Hardware ESXi Server
If you used two redundancy groups like we do, you should
have at lease four port groups defined: one virtual machine
port group for each vSwitch and one VMkernel port group for
each vSwitch. We wanted to enable two NICs for iSCSI/SAN
network testing on an 802.3ad trunk group, and we wanted to
be able to pass 802.1q VLAN tagged traffic to the virtual
ESX servers on the other port group. We created the
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vNetworking - notice the "stand by" adapter in vSwitch0 due
to the active-standby selection. (Note we are not using
vmnic0 and vmnic1.)
VViirrttuuaall SSwwiittcchh vvSSwwiittcchh00
vSwitch of 56 ports, route by port ID, beacon
probing, active adapter vmnic4, standby adapter
Physical switch ports configured as 802.1q
trunks, all VLANs allowed, VLAN1 untagged
Virtual Machine Port Group 1: 802.1q
Only VLAN ID 4095!
Virtual Machine Port Group2: VLAN1 Mgt
VMkernel Port Group: Management Network
VLAN ID none
VViirrttuuaall SSwwiittcchh vvSSwwiittcchh11
vSwitch of 56 ports, route by IP hash, link
state only, active adapters vmnic0 and vmnic1
Physical switch ports configured as static
802.3ad trunk group, all VLANs allowed, VLAN2000
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Virtual Machine Port Group 1: VLAN2000
VMkernel Port Group 1: VMkernel
iSCSI200! VLAN ID none
VMkernel Port Group: 2 VMKernel
iSCSI201! VLAN ID none
This combination of vSwitches and port groups allow for the
following base scenarios:
Virtual ESX servers can connect to any VLAN through
interfaces connected to 802.1q Only port group;
Virtual ESX servers can be managed via interfaces
connected to VLAN1 Mgt NAT port group;
Virtual ESX servers can access storage resources via
interfaces connected to VLAN2000 vSAN port group;
Hardware ESXi server can access storage resources on
either of our lab SAN networks in or networks to provide resources
beyond the direct attached storage available (mainly
for ISO, canned templates and backup images);
Next, we take advantage of that direct attached storage
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In-the-Lab: Full
ESX/vMotion Test Lab in a
Box, Part 1
Using Direct Attached Storage
We want to use the directly attached disks (DAS) as a
virtual storage backing for our VSA (virtual SAN appliance.)
To do so, well configure the local storage. In some
installations, VMware ESXi will have found one of the two
DAS drives and configured it as datastore in the
Datastores list. The other drive will be hidden awaiting
partitioning and formatting. We can access this from the VI
Client by clicking the Configuration tab and selecting the
Storage link from Hardware.
ESXi may use a portion of the first disk for housekeeping
and temporary storage. Do not delete these partitions, but
the remainder of the disk can be used for virtual machines.
NNoottee:: We use a naming convention for our local storage to
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prevent conflicts when ESX hosts are clustered. This
convention follows our naming pattern for the hosts
themselves (i.e. vm01, vm02, etc.) such that local storage
becomes vLocalStor[NN][A-Z] where the first drive of host
vm02! would be vLocalStor02A, the next drive
vLocalStor02B, and so on.
If you have a datastore drive already configured, rename
it according to your own naming convention and then format
the other drive. Note that VMware ESXi will be using a small
portion of the drive containing the datastore volume for
its own use. Do not delete these partitions if they exist,
but the remainder of the disk can be used for virtual
machine storage.
If you do not see the second disk as an available volume,
click the Add Storage link and select Disk/LUN to tell
the VI Client that you want a local disk (or FC LUN). The
remaining drive should be selectable from the list on the
next page SATA storage should be identified as Local ATA
Disk and the capacity should indicate the approximate
volume of storage avaialbe on disk. Select it and click the
Next > button.
The Current Disk Layout screen should show the hard disk
is blank provided no partitions exist on the drive. If the
disk has been recycled from another installation or machine,
you will want to destroy the existing partions in favor of
a single VMFS partion and click Next. For the datastore
name enter a name consistent with your naming convention.
As this is our second drive, well name ours vLocalStor02B
and click Next.
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Selecting the default block size for ESX's attached storage
The default block size on the next screen will determine the
maximum supported single file size for this volume. The
default setting is 1MB blocks, resulting in a maximum single
file size of 256GB. This will be fine for our purposes as we
will use multiple files for our VSA instead of one large
monolithic file on each volume. If you have a different
strategy, choose the block size that supports your VSA file
The base ESXi server is now complete. Weve additionally
enabled the iSCSI initiator and a remote NFS volume
containing ISO images to our configuration to speed-up our
deployment. While this is easy to do in a Linux environment,
we expect most readers will be more comfortable in a Windows
setting and weve modified the approach for those users.
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Right-click on the storage volume you want to browse and
select "Browse Datastore..." to open a filesystem browser.
The last step before we end Part 1 in our Lab series is
uploading the ISO images to the ESXi servers local storage.
This can easily be accomplished from the VI Client by
browsing the local file system, adding a folder named iso
and uploading the appropriate ISO images to that directory.
Once uploaded, these images will be used to install ESX,
ESXi, NexentaStor, Windows Server 2003 and vCenter Server.
To come, Parts 2 & 3, the benefits of ZFS and installing the
NexentaStor developers edition as a Virtual Storage
Appliance for our Test Lab in a Box system
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In-the-Lab: Full
ESX/vMotion Test Lab in a
Box, Part 2
In Part 1 of this series we introduced the basic
Lab-in-a-Box platform and outlined how it would be used to
provide the three major components of a vMotion lab: (1)
shared storage, (2) high speed network and (3) multiple ESX
hosts. If you have followed along in your lab, you should
now have an operating VMware ESXi 4 system with at least two
drives and a properly configured network stack.
In Part 2 of this series were going to deploy a Virtual
Storage Appliance (VSA) based on an open storage platform
which uses Suns Zetabyte File System (ZFS) as its
underpinnings. Weve been working with Nexentas NexentaStor
SAN operating system for some time now and will use it
with its web-based volume management instead of deploying
OpenSolaris and creating storage manually.
Part 2, Choosing a Virtual
Storage Architecture
To get started on the VSA, we want to identify some key
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features and concepts that caused us to choose NexentaStor
over a myriad of other options. These are:
NexentaStor is based on open storage concepts and
NexentaStor comes in a free developers version with
4TB 2TB of managed storage;
NexentaStor developers version includes snapshots,
replication, CIFS, NFS and performance monitoring
NexentaStor is available in a fully supported,
commercially licensed variant with very affordable
$/TB licensing costs;
NexentaStor has proven extremely reliable and
forgiving in the lab and in the field;
Nexenta is a VMware Technology Alliance Partner with
VMware-specific plug-ins (commercial product) that
facilitate the production use of NexentaStor with
little administrative input;
Suns ZFS (and hence NexentaStor) was designed for
commodity hardware and makes good use of additional
RAM for cache as well as SSDs for read and write
Suns ZFS is designed to maximize end-to-end data
integrity a key point when ALL system components
live in the storage domain (i.e. virtualized);
Suns ZFS employs several simple but advanced
architectural concepts that maximize performance
capabilities on commodity hardware: increasing IOPs
and reducing latency;
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While the performance features of NexentaStor/ZFS are well
outside the capabilities of an inexpensive all-in-one-box
lab, the concepts behind them are important enough to touch
on briefly. Once understood, the concepts behind ZFS make it
a compelling architecture to use with virtualized workloads.
Eric Sproul has a short slide deck on ZFS thats worth
ZFS and Cache DRAM, Disks and
Legacy SAN architectures are typically split into two
elements: cache and disks. While not always monolithic, the
cache in legacy storage typically are single-purpose pools
set aside to hold frequently accessed blocks of storage
allowing this information to be read/written from/to RAM
instead of disk. Such caches are generally very expensive to
expand (when possible) and may only accomodate one specific
cache function (i.e. read or write, not both). Storage
vendors employ many strategies to predict what information
should stay in cache and how to manage it to effectively
improve overall storage throughput.
New cache model used by ZFS allows main memory and fast SSDs
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to be used as read cache and write cache, reducing the need
for large DRAM cache facilities.
Like any modern system today, available DRAM in a ZFS system
that the SAN Appliances operating system is not directly
using can be apportioned to cache. The ZFS adaptive
replacement cache, or ARC, allows for main memory to be used
to access frequently read blocks of data from DRAM (at
microsecond latency). Normally, an ARC read miss would
result in a read from disk (at millisecond latency), but an
additional cache layer the second level ARC, or L2ARC
can be employed using very fast SSDs to increase effective
cache size (and drastically reduce ARC miss penalties)
without resorting to significantly larger main memory
The L2ARC in ZFS sits in-between the ARC and disks, using
fast storage to extend main memory caching. L2ARC uses an
evict-ahead policy to aggregate ARC entries and predictively
push them out to flash to eliminate latency associated with
ARC cache eviction.
In fact, the L2ARC is only limited by the DRAM (main memory)
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required for bookkeeping at a ratio of about 50:1 for ZFS
with an 8-KB record size. This means only that 10GB of
additional DRAM would be required to add 512GB of L2ARC
(4-128GB read-optimized SSDs in RAID0 configuration).
Together with the ARC, the L2ARC allows for a storage pool
consisting of fewer numbers of disks to perform like a much
larger array of disks where read operations are concerned.
L2ARC's evict-ahead polict aggregates ARC entries and
predictively pushes them to L2ARC devices to eliminate ARC
eviction latency. The L2ARC also acts as a ARC cache for
processes that may force premature ARC eviction (runaway
application) or otherwise adversely affect performance.
Next, the ZFS Intent-Log and write caching
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In-the-Lab: Full
ESX/vMotion Test Lab in a
Box, Part 2
The ZFS Intent-Log: Write Caching
For synchronous write operations, ZFS employs a special
device called the ZFS intent-log, or ZIL. It is the job of
the ZIL to allow synchronous writes to be quickly written
and acknowledged to the client before they are actually
committed to the storage pool. Only small transactions are
written to the ZIL, while larger writes are written directly
to the main storage pool.
The ZFS intent-log (ZIL) allows synchronous writes to be
quickly written and acknowledged to the client before data
is written to the storage pool.
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The ZIL can be dealt with in one of four ways: (1) disabled,
(2) embedded in the main storage pool, (3) directed to a
dedicated storage pool, or (4) directed to dedicated, write-
optimized SSDs. Since the ZIL is only used for smaller
synchronous write operations, the size of the ZIL (per
storage pool) ranges from 64MB in size to 1/2 the size of
physical memory. Additionally, log device size is limited by
the amount of data driven by target throughput- that could
potentially benefit from the ZIL (i.e. written to ZIL within
a two 5 second periods). For instance, a single 2Gbps FC
connections worth of synchronous writes might require a
maximum of 2.5GB ZIL.
ZFS Employs Commodity
Economies of Scale
Besides enabling the economies of scale delivered by
commodity computing components, potential power savings
delivered by the use of SSDs in place of massive disk arrays
and the I/O and latency benefits of ARC, L2ARC and ZIL
caches, ZFS does not require high-end RAID controllers to
perform well. In fact, ZFS provides the maximum benefit when
directly managing all disks in the storage pool, allowing
for direct access to SATA, SAS and FC devices without the
use of RAID abstractions.
That is not to say that ZFS cannot make use of RAID for the
purpose of fault tolerance. On the contrary, ZFS provides
four levels of RAID depending on use case: striped, no
redundancy (RAID0); mirrored disk (RAID1); striped mirror
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sets (RAID1+0); or striped with parity (RAIDz). Disks can be
added to pools at any time at the same RAID level and any
additional storage created is immediately available for use.
A feature of ZFS causes pool data to be redistributed across
new volumes as writes are performed, slowly redistributing
data as it is modified.
Next, why we chose NexentaStor
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In-the-Lab: Full
ESX/vMotion Test Lab in a
Box, Part 2
About Nexenta
Nexentais a VMware Technology Alliance Partner based in
Mountain View, California. Nexenta was founded in 2005, and
is the leading provider of hardware independent OpenStorage
solutions. Nexentas mantra over the last 12-months has been
to end vendor lock-in associated with legacy storage
platforms. NexentaStor and their open source operating
system NexentaCore based on ZFS and Debian represent the
companys sole product focus.
NexentaStor is a software based NAS and SAN appliance.
NexentaStor is a fully featured NAS/SAN solution that
has evolved from its roots as a leading disk to disk and
second tier storage solution increasingly into primary
tier use cases. The addition of NexentaStor 2.0,
including phone support, has accelerated this transition
as has the feedback and input of well over 10,000
NexentaStor users and the ongoing progress of the
underlying OpenSolaris and communities, each
of which have hundreds of thousands of members.
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NexentaStor is able to take virtually any data source
(including legacy storage) and share it completely
flexibly. NexentaStor is built upon the ZFS file system
which means there are no practical limits to the number
of snapshots or to file size when using NexentaStor.
Also, Nexenta has added synchronous replication to ZFS
based asynchronous replication. Thin provisioning and
compression improve capacity utilization. Also, no need
to short stroke your drives to achieve performance as
explained below.
Todays processors can easily handle end to end
checksums on every transaction. The processors that
existed when legacy file systems were designed could
not. Checksuming every transaction end to end means any
source of data corruption can be detected. Plus, if you
are using NexentaStor software RAID it can automatically
correct data corruption.
The underlying ZFS file system was built to exploit
cache to improve read and write performance. By adding
SSDs you can achieve a dramatic improvement in
performance without increasing the number of expensive
spinning disks, thereby saving money, footprint, and
power and cooling. Other solutions require you to decide
which data should be on the flash or SSDs. This can be
quite challenging and will never be as efficient in a
dynamic environment as the real time algorithms built
into the ZFS file system.
Specifically, with NexentaStor you NEVER run out of
snapshots whereas with legacy solutions you run out
fairly quickly, requiring work arounds that take time
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and increase the risk of service disruption. In summary,
over 3x the capacity, equivalent support thanks to
Nexentas partners, superior hardware, and superior
software for over 75% less than legacy solutions.
- Nexentas Product Overview
SOLORI on NexentaStor
We started following NexentaStors development in late 2008
and have been using it in the lab since version 1.0.6 and in
limited production since 1.1.4. Since then, weve seen great
improvements to the NexentaStor roster over the basic ZFS
features, including:
Simple Failover (HA), 10GE, ATA over Ethernet, Delorean, VM
Datacenter, improvements to CIFS and iSCSI support, GUI
improvements, COMSTAR support, VLAN and 802.3ad support in
GUI, Zvol auto-sync, improved analytics from GUI, HA Cluster
(master/master), developer/free edition capacity increase
from 1TB to 2TB, and the addition of a network professional
support and services for NexentaStor customers.
Now, with the advent of the 2.1 release, NexentaStor is
showing real signs of maturity. Its growth as a product has
been driven by improvements to ZFS and Nexentas commercial
vision of open storage on commodity hardware sold and
serviced by a knowledgable and vibrant partner network.
Beyond availability, perhaps the best improvements for
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NexentaStor have been in the support and licensing arena.
The updated license in 2.1 allows for capacity to be
measured as total useable capacity (after formatting and
redundancy groups) not including the ZIL, L2ARC and spare
drives. Another good sign of the products uptake and
improved value is its increasing base price and available
add-on modules. Still, at $1,400 retail for 8TB of managed
storage, its a relative bargain.
One of our most popular blogs outside of virtualization has
been the setup and use of FreeNAS and OpenFiler as low-cost
storage platform. Given our experience with both of these
alternatives, we find NexentaStor Developers Edition to be
superior in terms of configurability and stability as an
iSCSI or NFS host, and with its simple-to-configure
replication and snapshot services it provides a better
platform for low-cost continuity, replication and data
integrity initiatives. The fact that Nexenta is a VMware
Technology Partner makes the choice of Nexenta over the
other open storage platforms a no-brainer.
Coming in our next installment, Part 3, we will create a
NexentaStor VSA, learn how to provision iSCSI and NFS
storage and get ready for our virtual ESX/ESXi
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In-the-Lab: Full
ESX/vMotion Test Lab in a
Box, Part 3
In Part 2 of this series we introduced the storage
architecture that we would use for the foundation of our
shared storage necessary to allow vMotion to do its magic.
As we have chosen NexentaStor for our VSA storage platform,
we have the choice of either NFS or iSCSI as the storage
In Part 3 of this series we will install NexentaStor, make
some file systems and discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of NFS and iSCSI as the storage backing. By
the end of this segment, we will have everything in place
for the ESX and ESXi virtual machines well build in the
next segment.
Part 3, Building the VSA
For DRAM memory, our lab system has 24GB of RAM which we
will apportion as follows: 2GB overhead to host, 4GB to
NexentaStor, 8GB to ESXi, and 8GB to ESX. This leaves 2GB
that can be used to support a vCenter installation at the
host level.
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Our lab mule was configured with 2x250GB SATA II drives
which have roughly 230GB each of VMFS partitioned storage.
Subtracting 10% for overhead, the sum of our virtual disks
will be limited to 415GB. Because of our relative size
restrictions, we will try to maximize available storage
while limiting our liability in case of disk failure.
Therefore, well plan to put the ESXi server on drive A
and the ESX server on drive B with the virtual disks of
the VSA split across both A and B disks.
Our VSA Virtual Hardware
For lab use, a VSA with 4GB RAM and 1 vCPU will suffice.
Additional vCPUs will only serve to limit CPU scheduling
for our virtual ESX/ESXi servers, so well leave it at the
minimum. Since were splitting storage roughly equally
across the disks, we note that an additional 4GB was
taken-up on disk A during the installation of ESXi,
therefore well place the VSAs definition and boot disk
on disk B otherwise, well interleave disk slices
equally across both disks.
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Datastore vLocalStor02B, 8GB vdisk size, thin
provisioned, SCSI 0:0
Guest Operating System Solaris, Sun Solaris 10
Resource Allocation
CPU Shares Normal, no reservation
Memory Shares Normal, 4096MB reservation
No floppy disk
CD-ROM disk mapped to ISO image of NexentaStor 2.1
EVAL, connect at power on enabled
Network Adapters Three total
One to VLAN1 Mgt NAT and
Two to VLAN2000 vSAN
Additional Hard Disks 6 total
vLocalStor02A, 80GB vdisk, thick, SCSI 1:0,
independent, persistent
vLocalStor02B, 80GB vdisk, thick, SCSI 2:0,
independent, persistent
vLocalStor02A, 65GB vdisk, thick, SCSI 1:1,
independent, persistent
vLocalStor02B, 65GB vdisk, thick, SCSI 2:1,
independent, persistent
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vLocalStor02A, 65GB vdisk, thick, SCSI 1:2,
independent, persistent
vLocalStor02B, 65GB vdisk, thick, SCSI 2:2,
independent, persistent
NNOOTTEE:: It is important to realize here that the virtual
disks above could have been provided by vmdks on the same
disk, vmdks spread out across multiple disks or provided by
RDMs mapped to raw SCSI drives. If your lab chassis has
multiple hot-swap bays or even just generous internal
storage, you might want to try providing NexentaStor with
RDMs or 1-vmdk-per-disk vmdks for performance testing or
near production use. CPU, memory and storage are the basic
elements of virtualization and there is no reason that
storage must be the bottleneck. For instance, this
environment is GREAT for testing SSD applications on a
resource limited budget.
Installing NexentaStor to the Virtual Hardware
With the ISO image mapped to the CD-ROM drive and the CD
connected on power on we need to modify the Boot Options
of the VM to Force BIOS Setup prior to the first time we
boot it. This will enable us to disable all unnecessary
hardware including:
Legacy Diskette A
I/O Devices
Serial Port A
Serial Port B
Parallel Port
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Floppy Disk Controller
Primary Local Bus IDE adapter
We need to demote the Removable Devices in the Boot
screen below the CD-ROM Drive, and Exit Saving Changes.
This will leave the unformatted disk as the primary boot
source, followed by the CD-ROM. The VM will quickly reboot
and fail to the CD-ROM, presenting a GNU Grub boot
selection screen. Choosing the top option, Install, the
installation will begin. After a few seconds, the Software
License will appear: you must read the license and select
I Agree to continue.
The installer checks the system for available disks and
presents the Fresh Installation screen. All disks will be
identified as VMware Virtual Disk select the one labeled
c3t0d0 8192 MB and continue.
The installer will ask you to confirm that your want to
repartition the selected disks. Conform by selecting Yes
to continue. After about four to five minutes, the
NexentaStor installer shoud be asking you to reboot, select
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Yes to continue the installation process.
After about 60-90 seconds, the installer will continue,
presenting the Product registration page and a Machine
Signature with instructions on how to register for an
product registration key. In short, copy the signature to
the Machine Signature field on the web page at and complete the
remaining required fields. Within seconds, the automated key
generator will e-mail you your key and the process can
continue. This is the only on-line requirement.
NNoottee aabboouutt mmaacchhiinnee ssiiggnnaattuurreess:: If you start over and
create a new virtual machine, the machine signature will
change to fit the new virtual hardware. However, if you use
the same base virtual machine even after distroying and
replacing the virtual disks, the signature will stay the
same allowing you to re-use the registration key.
Next, we will configure the appliances network settings
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ESX/vMotion Test Lab in a
Box, Part 3
Configuring Initial Network Settings
If the first network adapter in your VM is connected to your
management network, this interface will be identified as
e1000g0! in the NexentaStor interface configuration. The
default address will be 192.168.1.X/24, and the installer
will offer you the opportunity to change it: select y in
response to Reconfigure (y/n) and enter the appropriate
management network information.
Select e1000g0! as the Primary Interface and static as
the configuration option; then enter your VSAs IP address
as it will appear on your management network, followed by
the subnet mask, primary DNS server, secondary DNS server,
tertiary DNS server and network gateway. The gateway will be
used to download patches, connect to NTP servers and connect
to remote replication devices. If you want to explore the
CIFS features of NexentaStor, make sure all DNS servers
configured are AD DNS servers. When asked to Reconfigure
select n unless you have made a mistake.
The final initial configuration question allows you to
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select a management protocol: either HTTP or HTTPS. Since we
are using this in a lab context, select HTTP as it will be
snappier than HTTPS. The installer will present you with a
management URL which you will use for the remainder of the
configuration steps.
Web-based Configuration Wizard
Note that the URLs port is configured as TCP port 2000 if
you leave this off of your URL the VSA will not respond. The
first page of the configuration wizard sets the following
Host Name
Domain Name
Time Zone
NTP Server
Keyboard Layout
For host name, enter the short name of the host (i.e. as in
host.domain.tld, enter host). For the domain name, enter
your DNS domain or AD domain. On the AD domain, make sure
the host name plus domain name is defined in AD to avoid
problems later on. The time zone should be local to the time
zone of your lab system. If your VSA will have Internet
access, accept the default NTP server from NTP.ORG
otherwise, enter your local NTP source. Also select the
appropriate keyboard layout for your country; then click on
Next Step >> to continue.
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The next wizard page configures the root and admin
passwords. The root user will perform low-level tasks and
should be used from either the secure shell or via the
console. The admin user will perform web-GUI related
functions. These passwords should be secure and unique. You
will have the opportunity to create additional local users
of various security levels after the appliance is
configured. Enter each password twice and click on Next
Step >> to continue.
Notification System
The NexentaStor appliance will notify the SAN administrator
when routine checks are performed and problems are detected.
Periodic performance reports will also be sent to this user
if the notification system is properly configured. This
requires the following information:
SMTP Server
SMTP User (optional)
SMTP Password (required if user given)
SMTP Send Timeout (default 30 seconds, extend if using
Internet mail over a slow connection)
SMTP Authentication Plain text (default), SSL or TLS
(check with your e-mail administrator)
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E-Mail Addresses comma-separated list of recipients
From E-Mail Address how the e-mail sender will be
identified to the recipient
Once the information is entered correctly, select Next >>
to continue. A confirmation page is presented allowing you
to check the information for accuracy. You can return to
previous pages by selecting << Previous Step or click
Save Configuration to save and continue. A notification in
green should pop-up between the Nexenta banner and the rest
of the page indicating that all changes were made
successfully. If your pop-up is red, some information did
not take try to save again or go back and correct the
Additional Network Interfaces
Here is the next real decision point: how to get storage in
and out of the VSA. While it may not matter in a lab
environment (and Id argue it does) you should have some
concern for how mixing traffic of differing types may impact
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specific performance goals in your environment. To make it
simple, our lab will use the following interface
ee11000000gg00 Primary interface, management and CIFS
ee11000000gg11 data-only interface, primary iSCSI traffic
ee11000000gg22 data-only interface, NFS traffic &
secondary iSCSI
Shared Storage has been separated across multiple interfaces
and subnets to make traffic management simple. It is
available to the physical and virtual ESX hosts, virtual
machines and physical machines (if the vSwitches have
physical NICs associated with them.)
In our lab, although we are using only two port groups
(layer-2 domains), each interface will be placed on a
different network (layer-3 domains) this removes any
ambiguity about which interface traffic is sourced. For
hardware environments, NexentaStor supports 802.3ad
aggregates which together with proper switch
configurations can increase capacity and redundancy using
multiple 1Gbps interfaces.
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With the primary interface configured in the console, well
click the Add Interface link to prompt a dynamic HTML
expansion of the option page and configure e1000g1 as a
single static interface with a pre-defined IP address for
the SAN-only network. Were using for this
interfaces subnet (iSCSI) and for the
secondary interface (NFS).
Network Interface Configuration Wizard
For each interface, add the appropriate IP information and
click Add Interface if you make a mistake, click on the
Delete Interface icon (red X in action column) and
re-enter the information. When the interfaces are configured
correctly, click on Next Step >> to continue.
Next, we will complete the initial disk and iSCSI initiator
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ESX/vMotion Test Lab in a
Box, Part 3
Disk and iSCSI Configuration
The next wizard screen provides setup for the iSCSI
initiator that NexentaStor would use to access remote media
using the iSCSI protocol. The following parameters can be
IInniittiiaattoorr NNaammee RFC 3271 initiator name of the VSA
IInniittiiaattoorr AAlliiaass RFC 3271 initiator
informational name for VSA purely to aid
identification by humans
AAuutthhoorriizzaattiioonn MMeetthhoodd None (default) or Challenge
Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) enables an
secret or password to aid in the authentication of the
host beyond matching its Initiator Name
NNuummbbeerr ooff SSeessssiioonnss 1 (default) to 4. Defines the
number of sessions the initiator can utilize per
connected target for I/O multi-pathing. See your
other storage vendor documentation before changing
this value.
HHeeaaddeerr DDiiggeesstt MMeetthhoodd None (default) or CRC32.
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This determines if CRC checks will be run against each
iSCSI header or not. Because it requires the
calculation of CRC at both ends, this option can
increase latency and reduce performance.
DDaattaa DDiiggeesstt MMeetthhoodd None (default) or CRC32. This
determines if CRC checks will be run against the data
portion of each packet or not. Because it requires the
calculation of CRC at both ends, this option can
increase latency and reduce performance.
RRAADDIIUUSS SSeerrvveerr AAcccceessss Disabled (default) or
Enabled. Determines whether or not a third-party
RADIUS server will be used to handle CHAP
With the exception of the Initiator Alias which we set
to NexentaStor-VSA01! we will accept all defaults and
click Save for the iSCSI parameters. We noted that the
NexentaStor does not accept spaces although RFC 3270 does
not forbid their use. Any attempt to use spaces in the alias
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resulted in the red letter pop-up failure discussed
earlier. Once accepted, we click Next Step >> to continue.
Initial Data Volume Creation
This is the next decision point, and we highly recommend
reviewing the ZFS concepts discussed in the last post to
understand the benefits and pitfalls of the choices
presented here. What is most important to understand about
these options when building volumes with ZFS is how
redundancy groups affect performance (IOPS, latency and
As a general rule, consider each redundancy group
regardless of the number of disks as capable of handling
only the number of IOPS as its LEAST capable member. This
concept is especially important when contrasting mirror,
RAID-Z (single parity, N+1 disks) and RAID-Z2 (double
parity, N+2 disks). For instance, with a disk budget of 30
disks, the maximum performance would be made using a pool of
15 mirror sets having the IOPS potential of 15-time an
individual drive but one half the storage potential.
However, using 6 groups of 5-drives in RAID-Z configuration,
the IOPS potential is only 6-times an individual drive (less
than 1/2 the mirrors potential) but capacity is increased
by 60% over the mirror.
Once grouped together as a single pool, these redundancy
groups be used in a fashion similar to striping to ensure
that they are working in parallel to boost IOPS and
bandwidth. Latency will be a factor of caching efficiency
defined by the ZIL, ARC and L2ARC and for large reads and
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writes drive performance. Additionally, disks or groups
can be added as one of four possible members: pool (main
storage), logs (ZIL), cache (L2ARC) or spare.
Should I Configure a RAID-Z, RAID-Z2, or a Mirrored
Storage Pool?
A general consideration is whether your goal is to
maximum disk space or maximum performance.
A RAID-Z configuration maximizes disk space and
generally performs well when data is written and
read in large chunks (128K or more).
A RAID-Z2 configuration offers excellent data
availability, and performs similarly to RAID-Z.
RAID-Z2 has significantly better mean time to data
loss (MTTDL) than either RAID-Z or 2-way mirrors.
A mirrored configuration consumes more disk space
but generally performs better with small random
If your I/Os are large, sequential, or write-
mostly, then ZFSs I/O scheduler aggregates them
in such a way that youll get very efficient use
of the disks regardless of the data replication
For better performance, a mirrored configuration is
strongly favored over a RAID-Z configuration
particularly for large, uncacheable, random read loads.
- Solaris Internals ZFS Best Practices Guide
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For our use we will combine the two large virtual disks
together as a mirror for one volume and, using the remaining
disks, create another volume as a group of two smaller
mirrors. For the first volume, we set the Group redundancy
type to Mirror of disks and holding the Control-key
down click-select our two 80GB disks (this is the reason
each of the two disks is on a separate virtual SCSI
controller.) Next, we click on the Add to pool >> button,
set the Volume Name as volume0! and the Volume
Description to Initial Storage Pool then click Create
With volume0! created, we create two additional mirror
sets each member attached to a separate SCSI controller
and create the second pool we call volume1. Once created,
the GUI shows No disks available and were on to the next
step, but first we want to note the Import Volume link
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which is helpful in data recovery and an important open
storage aspect of NexentaStor.
Using Import Volume any previously formated ZFS
volume/structure could be easily imported into this system
without data loss or conversion. In the lab, we have
recovered RDM-based ZFS storage volume from a VSA to a
hardware SAN just by adding the drives and importing the
volume. The power of this should be explored in your lab by
exporting a volume of disks from one VSA to another but
wait do this with a volume containing several Zvols if you
really want to be impressed.
Creating Folders
ZFS and NexentaStor use the folder paradigm to separate
storage entities. Folders are defined in a specific volume
(storage pool) have the following configurable parameters:
FFoollddeerr NNaammee the file system path name of the
folder without the leading / or volume name. If the
name contains multiple / characters, a multi-folder
hierarchy will be created to accommodate the name.
DDeessccrriippttiioonn the human-readable description
identifying the folders use or other meaningful
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RReeccoorrdd SSiizze Default is 128K. This sets the
recommended block size for all files in this folder.
Each folder can have a different default block size
regardless of the parent or child folders setting.
This allows storage to easily match the application
without creating additional pools (i.e. SQL, MySQL,
CCoommpprreessssiioonn Default is off. Determines whether
or not the contents of the folder are to be compressed
or not. Available compression options are off, lzjb,
gzip, gzip-1, gzip-2, gzip-3, gzip-4, gzip-5, gzip-6,
gzip-7, gzip-8, and gzip-9. Higher gzip numbers
increase compression ratio at the expense of higher
CPU utilization.
NNuummbbeerr ooff CCooppiieess Default is 1. Availabe range is
1-3. A data integrity option that determines the
number of copies of data stored to the pool for items
within the folder. Can be used in addition to
CCaassee SSeennssiittiivviittyy Default sensitive. Available
options are sensitive, insensitive and mixed. Guidance
suggests that for folders that will be exported using
CIFS, the mixed option should be used.
At this point in the installation we just want to create a
single default folder in each volume. We will name the
folder default, provide a brief description and accept the
other defaults do this for volume0 and volume1. For
reasons that will become obvious later, we will not create a
Zvol at this time. Instead, click Next Step >> to
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Next, we are ready to finalize and snapshot the initial
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ESX/vMotion Test Lab in a
Box, Part 3
Finalizing the Setup
Initial setup is complete, and we are presented with a
review of the interfaces, disks, volumes and folders
configured; then we are asked to approve three additional
system options:
CCrreeaattee aa SSyysstteemm CChheecckkppooiinntt default checked.
This performs a system snapshot or restore point
allowing the system to be reverted back to the initial
configuration if necessary. Along the way, additional
checkpoints can be made to protect later milestones.
OOppttiimmiizzee II//OO PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee default unchecked.
Allows a performance increase by disabling ZFS cache
flushing and ZIL which could improve CIFS, NFS or
iSCSI performance at the possible expense of data
CCrreeaattee aa PPeerriiooddiicc SSccrruubbbbiinngg SSeerrvviiccee default
checked. The scrubbing service checks for corrupt
data and corrects it using the same resilvering code
used in ZFS mirroring.
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We recommend that the default choices be accepted as-is we
will look at optimizing the system a bit later by dealing
with the ZFS cache flushing issue separate from the ZIL.
Finally, click Start NMV to complete the installation.
After a brief update, the Nexenta Status Launchpad is
From the Settings->Preferences page, we can disable the
ZFS cache flush. This will improve performance without
turning-off the ZIL. Set Sys_zfs_nocacheflush to the Yes
option and click Save to continue.
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Next, lets create and iSCSI target for shared VMFS storage
and NFS exports for ISO storage
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ESX/vMotion Test Lab in a
Box, Part 3
Creating Zvols for iSCSI Targets
NexentaStor has two facilities for iSCSI targets: the
default, userspace based target and the Common Multiprotocol
SCSI Target (COMSTAR) option. Besides technical differences,
the biggest difference in the COMSTAR method versus the
default is that COMSTAR delivers:
LUN masking and mapping functions
Multipathing across different transport protocols
Multiple parallel transfers per SCSI command
Compatibility with generic HBAs (i.e. Fiber Channel)
Single Target, Multiple-LUN versus One Target per LUN
To enable COMSTAR, we need to activate the NexentaStor
Console from the web GUI. In the upper right-hand corner of
the web GUI page you will find two icons: Console and View
Log. Clicking on Console will open-up an NVM Login
window that will first ask for your Admin user name and
password. These are the admin credentials configured
during installation. Enter admin for the user and whatever
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password your chose then click Login to continue.
Login to the NexentaStor Console using the administrative
user name and password established during installation.
Now we will delve briefly to command-line territory. Issue
the following command at the prompt:
setup iscsi target comstar show
The NexentaStor appliance should respond by saying COMSTAR
is currently disabled meaning the system is ready to have
COMSTAR enabled. Issue the following command at the prompt
to enable COMSTAR:
setup iscsi target comstar enable
After a few seconds, the system should report done and
COMSTAR will be enabled and ready for use. Enter exit at
the command line, press enter and then close the NMV window.
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Enabling the COMSTAR target system in NexentaStor.
With COMSTAR successfully enabled, we can move on to
creating our iSCSI storage resources for use by VMware. In
our lab configuration we have two storage pools from which
any number of iSCSI LUNs and NFS folders can be exported. To
create our first iSCSI target, lets first create a
container for the target and its snapshots to reside in.
From the NexentaStor Data Management menu, select Shares
and, from the Folders area, click on the Create link.
The Create New Folder panel allows us to select volume0 as
the source volume, and we are going to create a folder named
target0! within a folder named targets directly off of
the volume root by entering targets/target0! in the
Folder Name box. Because our iSCSI target will be used
with VMware, we want to set the default record size of the
folder to 64K blocks, leave compression off and accept the
default case sensitivity. While Zvols can be created
directly off of the volume root, SOLORIs best practice is
to confine each LUN to a separate folder unless using the
COMSTAR plug-in (which is NOT available for the Developers
Edition of NexentaStor.)
Since 80GB does not allow us a lot of breathing room in
VMware, and since vCenter 4 allows us to thin provision
virtual disks anyway, we want to over-subscribe our
volume0 by telling the system to create a 300GB iSCSI
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target. If we begin to run out of space, NexentaStor will
allow us to add new disks or redundancy groups without
missing taking the target or storage pool off-line (online
capacity expansion).
To accomplish this task, we jump back to the Settings
panel, click on the Create link within the iSCSI Target
sub-panel, select volume0 as the source volume, enter
targets/target0/lun0! as the Zvol Name with a Size of
300GB and this is important set Initial Reservation to
No (thin provisioning), match the record size to 64KB,
leave compression off and enable the target by setting
iSCSI Shared to Yes. Now, click Create zvol and the
iSCSI LUN is created and documented on the page that
follows. Clicking on the zvols link reports the details of
the volume properties:
Zvol Properties immediately after creation.
Now lets create some NFS exports one for ISO images and
one for virtual machines
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ESX/vMotion Test Lab in a
Box, Part 3
Creating NFS File Systems
Why create NFS storage for VMware when NexentaStor can
provide as many Zvols as necessary to support our needs? In
a word: flexibility. NFS makes an excellent choice for
storage backing for ISO images and some virtual machine
application especially where inexpensive backup tools are
used. For instance, any Linux, Solaris, BSD, FreeBSD or OSX
box can access NFS without breaking a sweat. This means
management of ISO storage, copying backup virtual machines,
or any NFS-to-NFS moving of data can happen outside of
VMwares pervue.
That said, moving or changing live virtual machine data
from a NFS file system could be a recipe for disaster, but
limiting NFS export exposure to a fixed IP group or group can limit that danger (like LUN masking
in Fiber Channel or iSCSI.) For now, lets use NFS for the
relatively harmless application of getting ISO images to our
ESX servers and worry about the fancy stuff in another blog
Like anything else in ZFS, we want to first create a purpose
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provisioned folder specifically for our NFS storage. At
first, we will let it be read/write to any host and we will
lock it down later after we have loaded our ISO images to
it. To create the NFS folder, we go back to Data
Management and click the Create link from the Folders
sub-panel. Since we have well over-subscribed volume0, we
want to put the NFS folders on volume1. Selecting volume1,
setting the name to default/nfs/iso and changing the
record size to 16K, well change the case sensitivity to
mixed to allow for CIFS access for Windows clients.
Clicking Create commits the changes to disk and returns to
the summary page.
Now that the NFS folder is created, lets enable the NFS
service for the first time. Simply check the box in the NFS
column of the volume1/default/nfs/iso folder. A pop-up
will ask you to confirm that NFS will be enabled for that
folder: click OK. On the Data Management: Shares panel,
click on the NFS Server Configure link within the Network
Storage Services sub-panel. For VMware, change the client
version to 3! and if it is unchecked check the
Service State box to enable the service; then click Save
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NFS settings to client version 3 for VMware.
Using SMB/CIFS to Access the NFS Folder
With NFS running, lets help out the Windows administrators
by adding CIFS access to the NFS folder. This way, we can
update the ISO image directory from a Windows workstation if
Linux, Unix, BSD, OSX or any other native NFS system is not
available. The quickest way to accomplish this is through
the anonymous CIFS service: just check the selection box
in the CIFS column that corresponds to the ISO folder and
this service will become active.
CIFS can be enabled to allow access to NFS folders from
Windows clients.
To access the ISO folder from a Windows machine, enter the
UNC name of the VSA (or \\IP_ADDRESS if DNS is not up to
date) into the run-box of your Windows workstation and click
OK. A login requester will ask for a user name and
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password; the user name is smb and the (default) password
is nexenta the default password should be changed
immediately by clicking on the Configure link in the
Network Storage Services sub-panel of the Shares control
At this point we introduce a small problem for NexentaStor:
user access rights for CIFS (user smb) are different than
those for NFS (user nfs). Therefore, we need to tell the
NFS share that the ESXi host(s) has root access to the
file system so that files written as smb will be
accessible by the ESXi host. This is accomplished by
entering the FQDN host name of the ESXi server(s) into the
Root option field of the NFS Share configuration for the
ISO folder:
Enable the VMware host to see the SMB/CIFS uploaded files by
registering the host as a "root" enabled host.
It is critical to have the ESXis host name correctly
entered into DNS for this root override to work. This
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means the host name and the name must exist for
the host. If not, simply entering the IP address into the
root override will not work. While this may be the first
time in this series that DNS becomes a show-stopper, it will
not be the last: VMwares DRS requires proper name
resolution to function properly. It is worth the investment
in time to get DNS straight before moving forward in this
Why NFS and CIFS?
While SMB and CIFS are convenient file sharing mechanisms in
Windows environments, VMware cannot speak them. Instead,
VMware needs either block protocols like iSCSI or Fiber
Channel or a network file system designed for a multi-access
environment like NFS. Since NexentaStor speaks both CIFS and
NFS, this happy union makes an excellent file system bridge
between the Windows world and the world of VMware.
We must reiterate the earlier caution against exposing the
NFS folders containing virtual machines: while this bridge
between the two worlds can be used to backup and restore
virtual machines, it could also easily introduce corruption
into an otherwise cathedral environment. For now, lets
stick to using this capability for shipping ISO images to
VMware and leave the heavy lifting for another blog.
Copying ISO Images to the
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With the CIFS service active, we can begin copying over the
ISO images needed for ESX to, in turn, export to its virtual
machines for their use. This makes installing operating
systems and applications painless and quick. Since, at this
point, copying the files is a trivial exercise, we will not
spend much time on the process. However, at this point it
will be good to have the following ISO images loaded onto
the CIFS/NFS share:
VMware ESX Server 4.0 ISO (820MB DVD)
VMware ESXi Server 4.o ISO (350MB CD-ROM)
Mounting the NFS Share to the Lab Host
Going back to the VI Client, find the Storage link in the
Hardware section of the Configuration tab. Click on the
Add Storage link on the upper right-hand side of the page
and select Network File System from the pop-up; click
Next > to continue. In the Server entry box, enter
either the host name (if DNS is configured) or the IP
address of the NexentaStor VSA network interface you wish to
use for NFS traffic.
In the Folder box, enter the full NFS folder name of the
export from NexentaStor it will always start with
/volumes followed by the full folder name in our
example, /volumes/volume1/default/nfs/iso and, since
these are ISO images, we will check the Mount NFS read
only to prevent accidental modification from the VMware
side. Finally, enter an file system mount name for the
storage we use ISO-VSA01! in our example.
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Adding NFS storage to VMware for ISO images (read-only).
Click the Next > button to see the Add Storage summary,
then click Finish to mount the NFS storage. Once mounted,
the ISO will appear as storage in the Datastores table in
VMwares VI Client view. Its a good idea to confirm that
the host can see your CIFS uploaded images by right-clicking
on the VMware volume and selecting Browse Datastore from
the pop-up menu. If the ISO images do not appear, go back
and confirm that the root override host name exists in the
DNS server(s) used by the host ESXi server.
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VMware Datastore Browser - viewing the ISO images uploaded
by CIFS to the NFS mount.
With a convenient way to manage ISO images in our lab, our
VSA in place with NFS and iSCSI assets, were finally ready
to install our virtual ESX and ESXi hosts. To date, we have
installed ESXi on our lab host, used the hosts DAS as
backing for the NexentaStor VSA, created an iSCSI target for
shared storage between our (future) ESX and ESXi hosts, and
used CIFS to manage shared NFS storage.
NFS or iSCSI: Which is Right for
Now might be a good time to touch the question of which
shared file system to use for your vMotion lab: VMFS over
iSCSI or NFS. Since we are providing our own storage backing
for our VMware lab, the academic questions of which cost
more are moot: they both are available at the same cost.
While NFS is a file system designed for a general purpose
computing environment, VMFS was purpose-built for VMware.
For the purposes of this lab environment, the differences
between NFS and VMFS/iSCSI are negligible. However, in a
real world environment, each has advantages and
disadvantages. The main advantage in for iSCSI is the
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ability to easily manage multiple paths to storage. While it
is possible to utilize NFS over multiple physical links
using 802.3ad, for example it is not possible to address
the same storage volume by multiple IP addresses. Although
this is very easy to configure for iSCSI, the practical use
of this capability does have its obstacles: iSCSI time-outs
drive the fail-over window sometimes taking as much as two
minutes to converge to the backup and this can create
challenges in a production environment.
That said, NFS is more widely available and can be found
natively in most Linux, BSD and Unix hosts even Apples
OSX. Windows users are not totally out in the cold, as a
Microsoft supported form of NFS is available assuming you
jump through hoops well. In a SMB infrastructure, the
ability to export virtual machine files outside of VMFS
presents some unique and cost effective disaster recovery
While we prefer to stick to VMFS using iSCSI (or Fiber
Channel) for the majority of SOLORIs clients, there are use
cases where the NFS option is smart and it is becoming a
popular alternative to iSCSI. Client infrastructures already
invested in NFS often have no compelling reason to create
entirely new infrastructure management processes just to
accommodate VMFS with iSCSI. Using NexentaStor as an
example, snapshots of NFS folders are really no different
than snapshots of Zvols with one noteworthy exception: NFS
snapshots are immediately available to the host as a
sub-folder within the snapshotted folder; Zvol snapshots
require separate iSCSI mounts of their own.
The great thing about lab exercises like this one is that it
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allows us to explore the relative merits of competing
technologies and develop use-case driven practices to
maximize the potential benefits. Therefore, we are leaving
the choice of file systems to the reader and will present a
use case for each in the remaining portions of this series
according to their strengths.
CCoommiinngg uupp iinn PPaarrtt 44 ooff tthhiiss sseerriieess, we will install ESX
and ESXi, mount our iSCSI target and ISO images, and get
ready to install our vCenter virtual machine.
PPaaggeess:: 1 2 3 4 5 6
10 of 10 9/10/11 12:11 PM

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