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Draft Standard For Definitions of Terms Relating To Corona and Field Effects of Overhead Power Lines

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January 2004 IEEE P539/Draft 7 (Revision of ANSI/IEEE Std 539-1990)

Copyright 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.

This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.

Draft Standard for Definitions of Terms Relating
to Corona and Field Effects of Overhead Power Lines
Prepared by the Design and Environmental Considerations Working Group Corona and Field Effects Subcommittee
of the
IEEE Power Engineering Society
Copyright 2002 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
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New York, New York 10016-5997, USA
All rights reserved.
All rights reserved. This document is an unapproved draft of a proposed IEEE Standard. As such, this document is subject to
change. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Because this is an unapproved draft, this document must not be utilized for any
conformance/compliance purposes. Permission is hereby granted for IEEE Standards Committee participants to reproduce this
document for purposes of IEEE standardization activities only. Prior to submitting this document to another standards
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January 2004 IEEE P539/Draft 7 (Revision of ANSI/IEEE Std 539-1990)

Copyright 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.

(This introduction is not part of IEEE P539/Draft 5 (Revision of ANSI/IEEE Std 539-1990)
The purpose of this standard is to achieve uniformity in the use of terms relating to the areas of corona and the electromagnetic
environment of power lines. Its scope is to define the most widely used terms specific to or associated with overhead
power-line corona and field effects.
The original standard 539 and its 1979 and 1990 revisions were limited to terms relating to overhead power-line corona and
radio noise. Since that time, the areas of interest have broadened to include audible noise, electric and magnetic fields, and
space charge. The IEEE Power Engineering Society has recognized this by expanding the scope of the Radio Noise and
Corona Subcommittee and renaming it the Corona and Field Effects Subcommittee. Thus, the present revision has accordingly
been broadened to include all aspects of power-line corona and electromagnetic fields.
Development of this revision of this standard was accomplished by the Design and Environmental Considerations Working
Group of the Corona and Field Effects Subcommittee under the sponsorship of the Transmission and Distribution Committee
of the IEEE Power Engineering Society. The work was carried to completion under the direction of Stephen Sebo and George
Gela. The members of the Design and Environmental Working Group at the time this standard was completed were:
Dave Phillips, Chair and Laurie Oppel, Past Chair

G. K. Bell
H. Bhai
R. Carberry
V.L. Chartier
J. Dabkowski
C. H. Gary
G. Gela
W.S. Gray
K. Griffing
F. Hirakami
J. Hudson
K. Jaffa
W. Janischewskyj
G. Johnson
N. Kolcio
V. J. Longo
M.P. Ly
K. Brown Maracas
P. S. Maruvada
S. Maurer
T. J. McDermott
M. Muralidhar
G. B. Niles
L. J. Oppel
Carlos A. 0. Peixoto
M. G. Poland
A. Porrino
G. Rauch
M. A. Reavis
J. P. Reilly
F. Richens
S. Rodick
W. R. Schlinger
S. A. Sebo
J. M. Silva
R. D. Stearns
J.R. Stewart
F. W. Warburton
L.E. Zaffanella

January 2004 IEEE P539/Draft 7 (Revision of ANSI/IEEE Std 539-1990)

Copyright 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.

Introduction..................................................................................................................................................... 2
1. Overview..................................................................................................................................................... 4
2. References................................................................................................................................................... 4
3. Basic Definitions......................................................................................................................................... 5
4. Statistical Terms.......................................................................................................................................... 8
5. Weather Classifications............................................................................................................................. 10
6. Terms Related to Electric and Magnetic Fields ........................................................................................ 11
7. Terms Related to Electric Field Strength and Magnetic Flux Density Measurement Devices ................. 18
8. Terms Related to Ions ............................................................................................................................... 20
9. Terms Related to Corona and Gap Discharges ......................................................................................... 21
10. Terms Related to Radio Frequency (RF) Wave Propagation.................................................................. 24
11. Terms Related to Electromagnetic Signals and Noise ............................................................................ 26
12. Terms Related to Electromagnetic Signal and Noise Measurements...................................................... 29
13. Terms Related to Acoustics .................................................................................................................... 30
14. Terms Related to Audible Noise (AN) Measurements ........................................................................... 31
15. Terms Related to Coupled Voltages and Currents .................................................................................. 34
16. Terms Related to Shock and Perception Effects ..................................................................................... 35
17. Terms Related to Shielding from Magnetic Fields ................................................................................. 36
Annex A (Informative)
Terms Relating to the Biological Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields in the Extreme Low
Frequency (ELF) Range ........................................................................................................................... 38
Index (Informative) ....................................................................................................................................... 41

January 2004 IEEE P539/Draft 7 (Revision of ANSI/IEEE Std 539-1990)

Copyright 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.

Draft Standard Definitions of Terms
Relating to Corona and Field Effects
of Overhead Power Lines
1. Overview
1.1 Scope
The scope of this standard is to define the most widely used terms specific to or associated with overhead power-line corona
and field effects.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this standard is to achieve uniformity in the use of terms relating to the areas of corona and the electromagnetic
environment of power lines.
2. References
This standard shall be used in conjunction with the following publications. When the standards listed in this section are
superseded by an approved revision, the revision shall apply.
1. ANSI C63.2-1987, American National Standard for Specifications for Electromagnetic Noise and Field Strength
Instrumentation, 10 kHz to 40 GHz.

2. ANSI S1.1-1960 (Reaff. 1976), American National Standard for Acoustical Terminology.
3. ANSI S1.4.-1983, American National Standard Specification for Sound-Level Meters.
4. CFR Publication 47, Code of Federal Regulations. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. (current edition
(annual publication)).

5. CISPR Publication 16-2 (1999), CISPR Specifications for Radio Interference Measuring Apparatus and Measurement

6. CISPR Publication 18-2 (1986), Radio Interference Characteristics of Overhead Power Lines and High-Voltage
Equipment, Part 2: Methods of Measurement and Procedures for Determining Limits.
7. IEC 50 (161): 1990, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Chapter 161: Electromagnetic Compatibility.

8. IEEE Std 430-1986, IEEE Standard Procedures for the Measurement of Radio Noise from Overhead Power Lines and
Substations (ANSI).

January 2004 IEEE P539/Draft 7 (Revision of ANSI/IEEE Std 539-1990)

Copyright 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.

9. IEEE Std 644-1994, IEEE Standard Procedures for Measurement of Power Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields from
AC Power Lines (ANSI).
10. IEEE Std 656-1985, IEEE Standard for the Measurement of Audible Noise from Overhead Transmission Lines (ANSI).
11. NEMA 107-1987, Methods of Measurement of Radio Influence Voltage (RIV) of High Voltage Apparatus.

12. Huschke, R.E., ed. Glossary of Meteorology. Boston: American Meteorological Society, 1959.
13. James, G. and James, R.C., eds. Mathematics Dictionary. 4th ed. New York: Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1976.
14. Kendall, M.G. and Burckland, W.R., eds. A Dictionary of Statistical Terms. 4th ed. New York: Longman Group Ltd.,
15. Reilly, J. Patrick and Delaplace, Louis R., eds. Electric and Magnetic Field Coupling from High Voltage AC Power
Transmission Lines Classification of Short-Term Effects on People. IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and
Systems. vol. PAS-97, no. 6, Nov./Dec. 1978, pp. 2243-2252.
ANSI publications are available from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018,
CFR publications are available from the Superintendent of Documents, US Government Printing Office, P.O. Box 37082, Washington,
D.C. 20013-7082, USA.
CISPR documents are available from the International Electrotechnical Commission, Case Postale 131, 3 rue de Varembe, CH 1211,
Geneve 20, Switzerland/Suisse. CISPR documents are also available in the United States from the Sales Department, American National
Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 100 18, USA.
IEC publications are available from IEC Sales Department, Case Postale 131, 3 rue de Varembe, CH 12 11, Geneve 20, Switzerland/Suisse.
IEC publications are also available in the United States from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway,
New York, NY 10018, USA.
IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331,
Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA.
NEMA publications are available from the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 2101 L Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20037,
3. Basic Definitions
3.1 General: General terms used throughout this document are defined in this section.
3.2 Wave: A disturbance propagated in a medium.
NOTE: Disturbance in this definition is used as a generic term indicating not only mechanical displacement but also voltage, current,
electric field strength, temperature, etc. Any physical quantity that has the same relationship to some independent variable (usually time) as a
propagated disturbance, (at a particular instance) with respect to space, may be called a wave.
3.3 Wavelength: The distance between points of corresponding phase of two consecutive cycles of a sinusoidal wave. The
wavelength, , is related to the phase velocity, v, and the frequency, f, by = v / f.
3.4 Frequency: The number of complete cycles of sinusoidal variation per unit time.
January 2004 IEEE P539/Draft 7 (Revision of ANSI/IEEE Std 539-1990)

Copyright 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.

NOTES: (1) Typically, for ac power lines, the power frequency is 60 Hz in North America and certain other parts of the world and 50 Hz in
Europe and many other areas of the world.
(2) Electric and magnetic field strength components produced by power lines have frequencies equal to that of power-line voltages and
(3) The term power frequency is often used to avoid specifying whether the power line in question operates at 50 Hz or 60 Hz.
3.5 Harmonic Content: Distortion of sinusoidal waveform characterized by the magnitude and the order of the Fourier series
terms that describe the wave.
NOTE: For power lines, the harmonic content is small and of little concern for the purpose of electric field strength and magnetic flux
density measurements except at points near large non-linear loads (saturated power transformers, rectifiers, aluminum and chlorine plants,
etc.), where certain harmonics may reach 10% of the line voltage or current. Laboratory installations may also have voltage or current
sources with significant harmonic content.
3.6 Signal: The intelligence, message, or effect conveyed over a communication system.
3.6.1 Wanted Signal: A signal that constitutes the object of the particular measurement or reception.
3.6.2 Unwanted Signal: A signal that may impair the measurement or reception of a wanted signal.
3.7 Noise: An undesired disturbance within the useful frequency band.
3.7.1 Electromagnetic Noise: A time-varying electromagnetic phenomenon that apparently does not convey information and
that may be superimposed on or combined with a wanted signal.
3.7.2 Radio Noise (RN): Electromagnetic noise having components in the radio frequency range. Radiated Radio Noise: Radio noise that is propagated by radiation from a source into space in the form of
electromagnetic waves, e.g., the undesired electromagnetic waves generated by corona sources on a transmission line.
NOTE: Radiated radio noise includes both the radiation and the induction components of the electromagnetic fields generated by the noise
source. Conducted Radio Noise: Radio noise that is propagated by conduction from a source through electrical connections.
3.7.3 Audible Noise (AN): Any undesired sound.
NOTE: Acoustic noise is synonymous.
3.7.4 Ambient Noise: Ambient noise is the all-encompassing noise associated with a given environment, usually a composite
of contributions from many sources near and far.
3.7.5 Background Noise: Background noise is the total of all sources of interference in a system used for the production,
detection, measurement, or recording of a signal, independent of the presence of the signal.
NOTE: Ambient noise detected, measured, or recorded with the signal becomes part of the background noise.
3.7.6 Random Noise: Noise that comprises transient disturbances occurring at random. Syn: fluctuation noise.
NOTES: (1) Random noise is the part of noise that is unpredictable except in a statistical sense. The term is most frequently applied to
limiting cases where the number of transient disturbances per unit time is large, so that the spectral characteristics are the same as those of
thermal noise. Thermal noise and shot noise are special cases of random noise.
January 2004 IEEE P539/Draft 7 (Revision of ANSI/IEEE Std 539-1990)

Copyright 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.

(2) A random noise whose instantaneous magnitudes occur according to the Gaussian distribution is called Gaussian random noise.
(3) In power-line noise, random noise is a component of the total noise caused by discharges.
3.7.7 Impulse Noise: Noise characterized by transient disturbances separated in time by quiescent intervals.
NOTES: (1) The frequency spectrum of these disturbances is substantially uniform over the useful passband of the transmission system.
(2) The same source may produce impulse noise in one system and random noise in a different system.
3.7.8 White Noise: Noise, either random or impulsive, that has a flat frequency spectrum in the frequency range of interest.
3.8 Signal-to-Noise Ratio: The ratio of the value of the signal to that of the noise.
NOTES: (1) This ratio is usually in terms of measured peak values in the case of impulse noise and in terms of the root-mean-square (rms)
values in the case of random noise.
(2) Where there is a possibility of ambiguity, suitable definitions of the signal and noise should be associated with this term; as, for example,
peak signal to peak noise ratio, rms signal to rms noise ratio, peak-to-peak signal to peak-to-peak noise ratio, etc. In measurements of
transmission line noise in the AM frequency range, the ratio of average station signal level to quasi-peak line noise level is generally used.
(3) This ratio often may be expressed in decibels (dB).
(4) This ratio may be a function of the bandwidth of the transmission or measuring system.
3.9 Frequency Spectrum: The distribution of the amplitude (and sometimes the phase) of the frequency components of a
signal, as a function of frequency.
3.10 Profile: A diagram showing the variation of a quantity or parameter with location.
3.10.1 Lateral Profile: The profile of a parameter, usually near ground level, plotted as a function of the horizontal distance
from and at a right angle to the line conductors. For example, a lateral profile of the vertical component of the electric field
strength, of the radio noise field strength, etc.
3.10.2 Longitudinal Profile: The profile of a parameter, usually near ground level, measured at a constant lateral distance
from the power line and plotted as a function of distance along the line. For example, a longitudinal profile of the vertical
component of the electric field strength, of the radio noise field strength, etc.
3.11 Decibel: One-tenth of a bel, the number of decibels denoting the ratio of two amounts of power being ten times the
common logarithm of this ratio.
NOTE: The abbreviation dB is commonly used for the term decibel. With P
and P
designating two amounts of power, and n the number of
decibels denoting their ratio:
n = 10 log (P
) dB (Eq 1)
When the conditions are such that ratios of currents or ratios of voltages (or analogous quantities in other disciplines) are the square roots of
the corresponding power ratios, the number of decibels by which the corresponding powers differ is expressed by the following equations:
n = 20 log (I
) dB (Eq 2)
n = 20 log (V
) dB (Eq 3)
January 2004 IEEE P539/Draft 7 (Revision of ANSI/IEEE Std 539-1990)

Copyright 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.

/ I
= The given current ratio
/ V
= The given voltage ratio
By extension, these relations between numbers of decibels and ratios of currents or voltages are sometimes applied where these ratios are not
the square roots of the corresponding power ratios; to avoid confusion, such usage should be accompanied by a specific statement of the
application in question.
3.12 Level: Magnitude, especially when considered in relation to an arbitrary reference value. Level may be stated in the units
in which the quantity itself is measured (for example, volts, ohms, etc.) or in the units (for example, decibels) expressing the
ratio to a reference value.
NOTES: (1) Examples of the kinds of levels in common use are electric power level, sound pressure level, and voltage level.
(2) In symbols:
L = k log
) (Eq 4)
L = The level determined by the kind of quantity under consideration
r = The base of the logarithm of the reference ratio
q = The quantity under consideration
= The reference quantity of the same kind
k = A multiplier that depends upon the base of the logarithm and the nature of the reference quantity
(3) The level as here defined is measured in two common units: decibels when the logarithmic base is 10, or nepers when the
logarithmic base is e. The decibel requires that k be 10 for ratios of power or 20 for quantities proportional to the square root of
power. The neper is used to represent ratios of voltage, current, sound pressure, and particle velocity. The neper requires that k be
4. Statistical Terms
4.1 General: The levels defining corona and field effects on transmission lines are variable in time and cannot, without
qualification, be adequately characterized by a single value. Many statistical terms are applied to levels defining corona and
field effects. The following definitions apply to more commonly used terms (see also A Dictionary of Statistical Terms [14],
Mathematics Dictionary [13]).
NOTE: The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the references in Section 2.
4.2 General Statistical Terms: Terms applied to the procedures of data collection, classification, and presentation.
4.2.1 Frequency of Occurrence: If a process is repeated n times, during which an event occurs m times, the frequency of
occurrence of the event, h, is defined as h = m / n. For large values of n, the frequency approaches the asymptotic value, called
probability of occurrence.
4.2.2 Probability of Occurrence: The asymptotic value of the frequency of occurrence of the event.
4.2.3 Probability Density Function [p(x)]: The derivative of the probability distribution function P(x).
January 2004 IEEE P539/Draft 7 (Revision of ANSI/IEEE Std 539-1990)

Copyright 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.

NOTE: An expression giving the probability of a discrete random variable x as a function of x or, for continuous random variables, the
probability in an elemental range dx. The total probability is unity or 100%, so that the probability density function represents the proportion
of probabilities for particular values of x.
4.2.4 Probability Distribution Function [P(x)]: The probability that a parameter is less than or equal to a given value x.
NOTES: (1) The distribution function P(x) for a random variable x is the total frequency of occurrence of members with particular random-
variable values less than or equal to x. The total frequency of occurrence of all values of x is unity or 100%, so that the distribution function
is the proportion of members bearing values less than or equal to x. Similarly, for n particular values of the random variable, x
, x
, ... x
, the
distribution function P (x
, x
, ... x
) is the frequency of values less than or equal to x
, for the first values, x
for the second, and so on.
(2) The terms cumulative probability distribution and, very often, simply distribution are used to denote the probability distribution
4.2.5 Probability Paper: A graph paper with the grid along the ordinate specially ruled so that the distribution function of a
specified distribution can be plotted as a straight line against the variable on the abscissa. These specially ruled grids are
available for the normal, binomial, Poisson, lognormal, and Weibull distributions, respectively.
4.3 Statistical Terms Related to Corona Effects: Terms applied to the procedures of data collection, classification, and
presentation relating to corona effects.
4.3.1 All Weather Distribution: A distribution of corona-effect data collected under all weather conditions. Such data are
usually obtained from long-term recording stations. Weather conditions are defined in the next section.
4.3.2 Fair Weather Distribution: A frequency or probability distribution of corona effect data collected under fair weather
4.3.3 Foul Weather Distribution: A frequency or probability distribution of corona-effect data collected under foul weather
conditions. Other distributions can also be defined for more specific foul weather conditions such as rain, snow, fog, sleet,
frost, etc.
4.3.4 Exceedance Level: A statistical descriptor that is often used in expressing levels of quantities. For example, in acoustics,
the L
is the A-weighted sound level exceeded for 10 % of the time over a specified time period (and for corona noise and a
specified weather condition). For the other 90 % of the time, the sound level is less than the L
. Similarly, the L
is the
sound level exceeded 50 % of the time; the L
is the sound level exceeded 90 % of the time, etc.
The concept of exceedance levels can also be used as a statistical term for other corona effects such as radio noise, corona loss,
and dc fields and ions. Any exceedance level can be easily obtained from distributions that have been plotted on probability
paper. Syn: L-level.
4.3.5 Median (L
): The level exceeded 50 % of the time over a specified time period with a specified weather condition.
4.3.6 Arithmetic Mean: The numerical result obtained by dividing the sum of two or more quantities by the number of
quantities. Syn: average.
NOTES: (1) Strictly speaking, arithmetic means of corona-effect data expressed in decibels cannot be taken unless the sound pressure values
are converted back to field quantity values, expressed in units such as microvolts per meter (V/m) or micropascals (Pa).
(2) An arithmetic mean that is commonly used in audible noise investigations is the energy average of the quantities (see 14.4.1). The units
in decibels above 20 Pa are converted to energy units such as microwatts (W), which are then averaged.
4.3.7 Geometric Mean: The numerical result obtained by taking the nth root of the product of n quantities, n being equal to or
greater than two.
January 2004 IEEE P539/Draft 7 (Revision of ANSI/IEEE Std 539-1990)

Copyright 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.

NOTE: In radio noise measurements, geometric means have been used to determine the long-line frequency spectrum from the short-line
frequency spectrum by taking the geometric mean of the maximum and minimum values in microvolts per meter across the spectrum (or the
arithmetic mean of values in decibels).
5. Weather Classifications
5.1 General: Corona phenomena are drastically affected by the weather. Foul weather conditions have the greatest effect on
corona generation, and it is important to have a common understanding of the weather terms that are used (see the Glossary of
Meteorology [12]).
5.2 Precipitation Intensity: The rate of precipitation, usually expressed in millimeters per hour (mm/h). Since precipitation
intensity in general is not constant, an average over some time period shorter than 1 h is most useful, unless instantaneous
intensity is measured. Syn: intensity of precipitation.
NOTE: Rain gauge measurements can provide an indication of intensity except for light rain, where the quantization error is large.
5.3 Fair Weather: The weather condition when the precipitation intensity is zero and the transmission line conductors are dry.
NOTE: This should not be confused with the general connotation of fair weather as descriptive of pleasant weather conditions. Common
usage is subject to misinterpretation, for it is a purely subjective description. Technically, when this term is used in weather forecasts, it is
meant to imply no precipitation; less than 40 % sky cover of low clouds; and no other extreme conditions of cloudiness, visibility, or wind.
5.4 Foul Weather: The weather condition when there is precipitation or that can cause the transmission line conductors to be
wet. Fog is not a form of precipitation, but it causes conductors to be wet. Dry snow is a form of precipitation, but it may not
cause the conductors to be wet.
5.5 Rain: Precipitation in the form of liquid water drops with diameters greater than 0.5 mm, or, if widely scattered, smaller
For observation purposes, the intensity of rainfall at any given time and place may be classified as
(1) Very light, scattered drops that do not completely wet an exposed surface regardless of duration
(2) Light, the rate of fall being no more than 2.5 mm/h
(3) Moderate, from 2.6 mm/h to 7.6 mm/h, the maximum rate of fall being no more than 0.76 mm in 6 minutes
(4) Heavy, over 7.6 mm/h
When rain gauge measurements are not readily available to determine the rain intensity, estimates may be made according to a
descriptive system set forth in observation manuals. Syn: drizzle.
NOTES: (1) For corona studies, probability distributions for rain are produced from data obtained during measurable rain; i.e., rain
intensities that can be measured with standard rain counters such as tipping buckets or instantaneous rate meters.
(2) For ac lines, heavy rain levels are often considered representative of maximum or L
levels. Heavy rain data are often generated by
artificial tests on conductors strung in high-voltage test setups.
(3) The only other form of liquid precipitation, drizzle, is to be distinguished from rain in that drizzle drops are generally less than 0.5 mm in
diameter, are very much more numerous, and reduce visibility much more than does light rain.
5.6 Snow: Precipitation composed of white or translucent ice crystals, chiefly in complex branched hexagonal form and often
agglomerated into snowflakes.
January 2004 IEEE P539/Draft 7 (Revision of ANSI/IEEE Std 539-1990)

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For weather observation purposes, the intensity of snowfall rate is characterized as
(1) Very light, when scattered flakes do not completely cover or wet an exposed surface, regardless of duration
(2) Light, when the visibility is 1.0 km or more
(3) Moderate, when the visibility is less than 1.0 km but more than 0.5 km
(4) Heavy, when the visibility is less than 0.5 km
The classification of snowfall according to its intensity is identical to that of rain, where the equivalent amount of water
accumulated in millimeters per hour is measured. An easier but less accurate approach uses the depth of the accumulated snow.
5.7 Mixed Rain and Snow: Precipitation consisting of a mixture of rain and wet snow. It usually occurs when the temperature
of the air layer near the ground is slightly above freezing.
5.8 Wet Snow: Deposited snow that contains a great deal of liquid water. If free water entirely fills the air space in the snow, it
is classified as very wet snow.
NOTE: This condition causes water drops similar to rain to form on the conductors.
5.9 Hoarfrost: A deposit of interlocking ice crystals (hoar crystals) formed by direct sublimation on objects, usually those of
small diameter freely exposed to the air such as tree branches, plant stems and leaf edges, wires, poles, etc.
The deposition of hoarfrost on an object is similar to the process by which dew is formed, except that the temperature of the
object must be below freezing. It forms when air with a dew point below freezing is brought to saturation by cooling. Syn:
frost; white frost; crystalline frost; hoar.
5.10 Freezing Rain: Rain that falls in liquid form but freezes on impact to form a coating of glaze upon the ground and on
exposed objects.
5.11 Fog: Visible aggregate of minute water droplets suspended in the atmosphere near the earths surface. According to
international definition, fog reduces visibility below 1 km. Fog differs from clouds only in that the base of fog is at the earths
surface while clouds are above its surface. When composed of ice crystals, it is termed ice fog.
Fog is easily distinguished from haze by its appreciable dampness and gray color. Mist may be considered as intermediate
between fog and haze. Mist particles are microscopic in size. Mist is less damp than fog and does not restrict visibility to the
same extent. There is no distinct division, however, between any of these categories. Near industrial and heavy traffic areas,
fog often is mixed with smoke and vehicle exhaust, and this combination is known as smog.
NOTE: Under fog or other dew formation conditions, conductors can become wet or dry depending upon the level of the load current in the
conductors. Medium to high load currents produce enough heat through I
R (resistance) losses to discourage dew formation. Load current
also speeds up the drying process after rain, fog, wet snow, etc.
5.12 Freezing Fog: A fog whose droplets freeze upon contact with exposed objects and form a coating of hoarfrost and/or
6. Terms Related to Electric and Magnetic Fields
6.1 General: The following definitions apply to terms used to describe electric and magnetic fields in the frequency range
from 0 Hz to 10 kHz produced by power lines (see notes in 3.4).
January 2004 IEEE P539/Draft 7 (Revision of ANSI/IEEE Std 539-1990)

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6.2 Electromagnetic Field: A time-varying field, associated with the electric or magnetic forces and described by Maxwells
NOTE: The term electromagnetic field is sometimes used to refer to power frequency electric and magnetic fields, fields that for most
practical applications can be considered independent and for which the effects of one component may dominate or be of primary interest. For
such situations, the use of the term electric field or magnetic field, as the case may apply, is encouraged.
6.3 Electric Field: A vector field of electric field strength, E, or of electric flux density,D.
(1) The term is also used to denote a region in which such vector fields have a significant magnitude.
(2) Vector Field. The totality of vectors in a given region represented by a vector function V (x, y, z) of the space coordinates x, y, z. A
vector field (in this case, the electric field) associates a vector valued quantity (in this case, the electric field strength, E, or electric flux
density, D) with every point in a given region.
6.4 Electric Field Strength, E: At a given point in space, the ratio of force on a positive test charge placed at the point to the
magnitude of the test charge, in the limit that the magnitude of the test charge goes to zero. The electric field strength at a point
in space in an electric field is a vector defined by its space components along three orthogonal axes.
NOTES: (1) In a zero magnetic field, the force F is given by F = qE . The magnitudes of the electric field strength components are
expressed in volts per meter (V/m) which dimensionally is the same as Newton/Coulomb.
(2) This term has sometimes been called the electric field intensity, but such use of the word intensity is deprecated in favor of strength,
since intensity connotes power in optics and radiation.
(3) Though they are used often, the use of electric field or E-field is deprecated in favor of electric field strength.
6.4.1 AC Electric Field Strength: The electric field strength produced by ac power systems as defined by its space
components along three orthogonal axes. For steady-state sinusoidal fields, each space component can be represented by a
complex number or phasor.
NOTES: (1) A phasor is a complex number expressing the magnitude and phase of a time-varying quantity. Unless otherwise specified, it is
used only within the context of linear systems driven by steady-state sinusoidal sources. In polar coordinates, it can be written as Ae
A is the amplitude or magnitude (usually rms but sometimes indicated as peak value) and is the phase angle. The phase angle should not be
confused with the space angle of a vector.
(2) The space components (phasors) are not vectors. The space components have a time-dependent angle while vectors have space angles.
For example, the sinusoidal electric field strength, E, can be expressed in rectangular coordinates as
E = a
+ a
+ a
(Eq 5)
where, for example, the x component is
( ) ( ) t E E E
x x
x x

+ = = cos e e Re
j j
(Eq 6)
The magnitude, phase, and time-dependent angle are given by E
, and(
+ t), respectively. In this representation the space angle of the
x component is specified by the unit vector a
(3) The magnitudes and the phase angles of the space components need not be the same.
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An alternative general representation of a steady-state sinusoidal electric field strength can be derived algebraically from Eq 5.
In this case, the electric field strength is a vector rotating in a plane where it describes an ellipse for which the rms value of the
semi-major axis represents the magnitude and direction of the maximum value of the electric field strength, and whose semi-
minor axis represents the magnitude and direction of the electric field strength a quarter cycle later. This representation is
perhaps more useful in characterizing power-line electric fields where the electric fields strength values along the direction of
the line are small and can usually be neglected. Thus, the electric field strength vector from a power line with parallel
conductors is assumed to sweep out an ellipse in a vertical plane perpendicular to the direction of the power line.
For non-parallel conductors, the electric field strength vector describes an ellipse, but the plane of the ellipse may not vertical.
This ellipse may degenerate into a straight line. See 6.10.1 and 6.10.2.
The use of the term ac electric field is deprecated. Vertical Component of the Electric Field Strength: The rms value of the component of the electric field strength
along the vertical line passing through the point of measurement. This quantity is often used to characterize electric field
induction effects in objects close to ground level. Horizontal Component of the Electric Field Strength: The rms value of the component of the electric field strength
in a horizontal plane passing through the point of measurement. Longitudinal Electric Field.
See 15.7.
* Use of this term is deprecated.
6.4.2 DC Electric Field Strength: The time invariant electric field strength produced by dc power systems and space charge is
defined by its space components along three orthogonal axes. The magnitudes of the components are expressed in volts per
meter (V/m). The use of the term dc electric field is deprecated.
NOTES: (1) The convention in discussion of the electric field strength near HVDC power lines has been to designate the electric field
strength vector into the ground as positive; i.e., the electric field strength under a positive conductor is denoted positive.
(2) In the vicinity of dc transmission lines, the magnitude of the electric field strength due to the voltages on the conductors and space charge
is typically not constant. Perturbations of the space charge density by wind action also perturb the space charge contribution to the electric
field strength, resulting in fluctuations of the electric field strength magnitude. Space-Charge-Free Electric Field: The electric field due to a system of energized electrodes, excluding the effect of
space charge present in the interelectrode space. Electric Potential Difference: The line integral of the scalar product of the electric field strength vector and the unit
vector along any path from one point to the other, in an electric field resulting from a static distribution of electric charge. Syn:
electrostatic potential difference.
6.5 Electric Flux Density, D: A vector quantity related to the charge displaced within the medium by an electric field. The
electric flux density is that function whose divergence is the charge density.
6.6 Magnetic Field: A vector field of magnetic field strength, H, or of magnetic flux density, B.
(1) The term is also used to denote a region in which such vector fields have a significant magnitude.
(2) Vector Field. The totality of vectors in a given region represented by a vector function (x, y, z) of the space coordinates x, y, z. A vector
field (in this case, the magnetic field) associates a vector valued quantity (in this case, the magnetic field strength, H, or magnetic flux
density, B) with every point in a given region.
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6.7 Magnetic Field Strength: A vector quantity, often denoted as H, related to the magnetic flux density, B, by:
H = (B/
) M (Eq 7)

0 =
The magnetic permeability of free space
M = The magnetization of the magnetic medium
In free space, M vanishes and the relationship between H and B becomes
H = B/
(Eq 8)
The preferred unit for H is amperes per meter (A/m).
NOTES (1) This term has sometimes been called the magnetic field intensity, but such use of the word intensity is deprecated in favor of
(2) Though they are used often, the use of magnetic field or H-field is deprecated in favor of magnetic field strength.
6.8 Magnetic Flux Density: The vector quantity, often denoted as B, of zero divergence at all points, which determines the
component of the Coulomb-Lorentz force that is proportional to the velocity of a moving charge.
NOTES: (1) In a zero electric field, the force, F, is given by
B F =
= The velocity of the electric charge q
The vector properties of the magnetic flux density produced by currents in power line conductors are the same as those given above for the
electric field strength in 6.4.1. The unit for the magnitude of the magnetic flux density components is the tesla (T).
(2) Some documents may refer to the magnitude of the magnetic flux density using gauss for the units. The unit gauss is related to the unit
tesla by the equation 1 T = 10
(3) For time-varying (ac) fields, values are expressed as their rms values unless stated otherwise.
(4) Though they are used often, the use of magnetic field or B-field is deprecated in favor of magnetic flux density.
6.9 Field Uniformity: The extent to which the magnitude and direction of the field strength, or flux density, are the same at all
points within a defined region.
6.9.1 Uniform Field: An electric or magnetic field characterized by its field strength, or flux density, whose magnitude and
direction are uniform at any instant in time and at all points within a defined region.
6.9.2 Perturbed Field: An electric or magnetic field characterized at any point in a region by its field strength, or flux density,
whose magnitude and/or direction are changed due to the introduction of an electric charge, electric current, or material within
the defined region.
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NOTES: (1) The electric field strength close to an object is, in general, strongly changed by the presence of the object. At power frequencies
the magnetic field strength is not, in general, greatly changed by the presence of objects that are free of magnetic materials. Exceptions to
this are regions near the surface of thick electric conductors where eddy currents alter time-varying magnetic field strength values.
(2) The electric field strength at ground level under dc transmission lines is generally increased due to the presence of monopolar space
charge having the same polarity as the nearest conductor. This increase is generally termed field enhancement. Weakly Perturbed Field: An electric or magnetic field characterized at any given point by its field strength or flux
density whose magnitude does not change by more than 5 percent or whose direction does not vary by more than 5 degrees due
to the introduction of an electric charge, electric current, or material within the defined region.
6.10 AC Power-Line Fields: Power frequency electric and magnetic fields produced by ac power lines.
6.10.1 Single-Phase AC Fields: Fields whose field strength or flux density space components are in time phase with each
other. These fields are produced by single-phase power lines. The field strength or flux density at any point can be described in
terms of a single direction in space and its time-varying magnitude.
NOTE: Single phase ac fields are also referred to as being linearly polarized.
6.10.2 Polyphase AC Fields: Fields whose field strength or flux density space components may not be in time phase with
each other. These fields are the fields produced by polyphase power lines. The field strength or flux density at any point can be
described by the field strength or flux density ellipse for which the rms value of the semi-major axis represents the magnitude
and direction of the maximum value of the field strength or flux density, and whose semi-minor axis represents the magnitude
and direction of the field strength or flux density a quarter cycle later. See 6.4.1.
NOTE: For polyphase power lines, the electric field at a distance of 15 m or more away from the outer phases (conductors) can frequently be
considered a single-phase electric field because the minor axis of the electric-field strength ellipse is only a fraction (less than 10%) of the
major axis when measured at a height of 1 m. Similar remarks apply for the magnetic field.
6.10.3 Maximum Value of the Field Strength: At any given point, the root-mean-square (rms) value of the semi-major axis
of the field strength (electric field strength or magnetic field strength) ellipse. It is the largest rms value of the field strength
that can be measured at that point with a single-axis meter. The maximum value of the field strength takes into consideration
the phase angles of the field strength components.
NOTES: (1) The maximum value of the field strength is sometimes referred to as the peak field strength when performing measurements
of the field strength. The use of the term peak field strength or peak field is discouraged when referring to the maximum rms value of the
field strength. See 6.10.4 for the definition of the peak value of the field strength.
(2) The definition in 6.10.3 can be applied to the Maximum Value of the Magnetic Flux Density as well.
6.10.4 Peak Value of the Field Strength: At any given point, the largest instantaneous magnitude (positive or negative
excursion) of the time-varying quantity.
NOTES: (1) The peak value of the field strength (electric field strength or magnetic field strength) is sometimes used when referring to the
maximum value of the field strength when performing field strength measurements. This misuse should be avoided to prevent confusion. See
6.10.3 for the definition of the maximum value of the field strength.
(2) The definition in 6.10.4 can be applied to the Peak Value of the Magnetic Flux Density as well.
6.10.5 Resultant Value of the Field Strength: The field strength (electric field strength or magnetic field strength) given by
the expression:
= (Q
+ Q
+ Q

where Q
, Q
, and Q
are the rms values of the three orthogonal field strength components.
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NOTES: (1) The resultant value of the field strength is also given by the expression:
= (Q
+ Q

where Q
and Q
are the rms values of the semi-major axis and semi-minor axis of the field strength ellipse, respectively. The resultant
field strength Q
is always Q
. If Q
= 0 and Q
= Q
, then the field is linearly polarized. If Q
= Q
then Q
= 2 Q
, and the
field is circularly polarized. A circularly polarized field gives the largest possible value of Q
relative to Q
(2) The definition in 6.10.5 can be applied to the Resultant Value of the Magnetic Flux Density as well.
6.11 Electric Current: The flow of electric charge. The preferred unit is the ampere (A).
6.11.1 Electric Current Density: A vector-point function describing the magnitude and direction of charge flow per unit area.
The preferred unit is A/m
6.11.2 Ion Current: The flow of electric charge resulting from the motion of ions. Ion Conduction Current: The portion of ion current resulting from ion transport due to the electric field. Ion Convection Current: The portion of ion current resulting from ion transport by fluid dynamic forces, such as
6.11.3 Balanced Currents: In a polyphase ac power line, sinusoidally-varying phase currents of the same frequency, which
have the same peak values and are displaced in time by equal amounts from each other.
NOTE: The time displacement is equal to the cycle time of the sinusoidal current, divided by the phase order. (The instantaneous sum of all
these currents is zero.) When the currents are expressed as phasors, their polyphase current phasors are equal in magnitude and displaced by
equal phase angles from each other. The phase angle displacement is equal to 360
divided by the number of phases. The sum of the current
phasors is zero.
6.11.4 Unbalanced Currents: In a polyphase ac power line, sinusoidally-varying phase currents of the same frequency, which
are not balanced. The sum of these currents may or may not be zero.
6.11.5 Zero-Sequence Current: In a polyphase ac power circuit, the phasor sum of all phase currents divided by the number
of phases.
6.11.6 Net Current: The phasor sum of all phase currents and the neutral current of a power line or feeder.
6.11.7 Residual Current: In a polyphase ac power circuit, the phasor sum of all phase currents. The residual current has three
components, the earth return current, the neutral return current, and the shield conductor (wire) current. Syn.: Return
NOTE: The current that flows in the neutral return conductor of three wye-connected current transformers is the residual current.
6.11.8 Earth Return Current: It is the component of the residual (or return) current that returns in the earth.
6.11.9 Neutral Return Current: It is the component of the residual (or return) current that returns in the neutral conductor.
6.11.10 Shield Conductor (Wire) Current: It is the component of the residual (or return) current that returns in the power
line shield conductors (wires).
6.12 Space Potential: The electric potential at any point in space relative to some reference potential, usually ground. It is the
electric potential difference (see between the reference point and the point in question.
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6.13 Voltage Gradient: Synonym for electric field strength. Corona work particularly emphasizes the property that the
voltage gradient is equal to and is in the direction of the maximum space rate of change of the voltage at the specified point.
The voltage gradient is obtained as a vector by applying the operator to the scalar potential function, u. Thus, if u = f(x, y, z),
E = -u = - grad u =

+ +
z y x

a a a (Eq 9)
Syn: potential gradient.
NOTES: (1) Voltage gradient synonymous with potential gradient and is often referred to simply as gradient or field strength.
(2) For alternating voltage, the voltage gradient is expressed as the peak value divided by the square root of two. For sinusoidal voltage, this
is the rms value.
6.13.1 Maximum Single-Conductor (or Sub-conductor) Voltage Gradient: The maximum value attained by the voltage
gradient E() as varies over the range 0 to 2, where E() is the voltage gradient on the surface of the power-line conductor
(or sub-conductor) expressed as a function of angular position (). Unless otherwise stated, the voltage gradient is a nominal
voltage gradient (see 6.13.7).
6.13.2 Minimum Single-Conductor (or Sub-conductor) Voltage Gradient: The minimum value attained by the voltage
gradient E() as given in 6.13.1 as varies over the range 0 to 2.
6.13.3 Average Single-Conductor (or Sub-conductor) Voltage Gradient: The value E
, obtained from

) (
d E E
(Eq 10)
Approximately, the average single-conductor voltage gradient is given by


= (Eq 11)
= Total charge on conductor per unit length

= Permittivity of free space
r = Radius of conductor
NOTE: For practical cases, the average conductor voltage gradient is approximately equal to the arithmetic mean of the maximum and
minimum conductor voltage gradients.
6.13.4 Average Bundle Voltage Gradient: For a bundle of two or more subconductors, the arithmetic mean of the average
voltage gradients of the individual subconductors.
6.13.5 Average Maximum Bundle Voltage Gradient: For a bundle of two or more subconductors, the arithmetic mean of the
maximum voltage gradients of the individual subconductors. For example, for a three-conductor bundle with individual
maximum subconductor voltage gradients of 16.5 kV/cm, 16.9 kV/cm, and 17.0 kV/cm, the average maximum bundle voltage
gradient is (1/3) (16.5 + 16.9 + 17.0) kV/cm = 16.8 kV/cm.
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6.13.6 Maximum Bundle Voltage Gradient: For a bundle of two or more subconductors, the highest value among the
maximum voltage gradients of the individual subconductors. For example, for a three-conductor bundle with individual
maximum subconductor voltage gradients of 16.5 kV/cm, 16.9 kV/cm, and 17.0 kV/cm, the maximum bundle voltage gradient
is 17.0 kV/cm.
6.13.7 Nominal Conductor Voltage Gradient: The voltage gradient determined for a smooth cylindrical conductor whose
diameter is equal to the outside diameter of the actual (stranded) conductor.
6.14 Corona Inception Voltage Gradient: The voltage gradient on that part of an electrode surface at which continuous
corona (see 9.2.2) first occurs as the applied voltage is gradually increased.
6.14.1 Corona Inception Voltage: The voltage applied to the electrode to produce the corona inception voltage gradient.
6.15 Corona Extinction Voltage Gradient: The voltage gradient on that part of an electrode surface at which continuous
corona last persists as the applied voltage is gradually decreased.
6.15.1 Corona Extinction Voltage: The voltage applied to the electrode to produce the corona extinction voltage gradient.
6.16 Surface State Coefficient (m): A coefficient (0 < m < 1) by which the nominal corona inception voltage gradient must be
multiplied to obtain the actual corona inception voltage gradient on overhead power lines.
NOTE: Examples of conditions that affect the surface state are given in 9.2.1.
7. Terms Related to Electric Field Strength and Magnetic Flux Density Measurement
7.1 General: The following definitions apply to terms that describe the devices commonly used to measure power-frequency
electric field strength and magnetic flux density in the 0 kHz to 10 kHz range produced by power lines.
7.2 Electric Field Strength Meter: An instrument used to measure electric field strength.
7.2.1 AC Electric Field Strength Meter: A meter designed to measure the power-frequency electric field strength (see IEEE
Std 644-1994 [9]). Two types of electric field strength meters are in common use. Free-Body Meter: A meter that measures the electric field strength at a point above the ground and that is supported in
space without conductive contact to earth.
NOTE: Free-body meters are commonly constructed to measure the induced current between two isolated parts of a conductive body. Since
the induced current is proportional to the time derivative of the electric field strength, the meters detector circuit often contains an
integrating stage in order to recover the waveform of the electric field strength. The integrated current waveform also coincides with that of
the induced charge. The integrating stage is also desirable, particularly for measurements of electric field strength with harmonic content,
because this stage (i.e., its integrating property) eliminates the excessive weighting of the harmonic components in the induced current
signal. Ground Reference Meter: A meter that measures the electric field strength at or close to the surface of the ground.
Frequently implemented by measuring induced current or charge oscillating between an isolated electrode and ground. The
isolated electrode is usually a plate located level with or slightly above the ground surface.
NOTE: Ground reference meters measuring the induced current often contain an integrator circuit to compensate for the derivative
relationship between the induced current and the electric field strength.
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7.2.2 Optical Field Strength Meter: A meter that measures changes in the transmission of light through a fiber or crystal due
to the influence of the electric field strength (for example, meters based on Pockels effect). Optical electric field strength
meters can be used to implement free-body or ground reference measurements. When optical fibers are used, the probe is
inherently electrically isolated from ground.
7.2.3 DC Electric Field Strength Meter: A meter designed to measure dc electric field strength. Two types of dc field
strength meters are in common use. Field Mill: A device in which a conductor is alternately exposed and shielded in order to measure the magnitude of the
electric field strength. Syn: generating voltmeter; generating electric field strength meter.
NOTE: The resulting current induced in the conductor is a measure of the electric field strength at the conductor surface. Vibrating Probe: A device in which a plate is vibrated below an aperture of a face plate in the electric field in order to
measure the magnitude of the electric field strength. Syn: vibrating plate electric field strength meter.
NOTE: The meter responds to the oscillating displacement current from the induced charge on the vibrating plate by generating a negative
feedback voltage on the face plate to null the signal from the vibrating plate. The electric field strength is proportional to the feedback
voltage. Form Factor: Characterization of the perturbation of the field caused by the device making the measurement.
NOTE: The form factor is an empirical parameter representing the increased electric field strength at the surface of a dc electric field
strength meter that is mounted above the ground plane. The increased electric field strength is due to electric field perturbation caused by the
instrument. In a uniform electric field, the unperturbed electric field strength is given by the measured electric field strength divided by the
form factor for the instrument.
7.3 Wilson Plate: A conducting plate that is grounded through an ammeter; used to collect the ion current that is measured as
it flows through the ammeter. The plate is sensitive to both ion current density and changes in the electric field (displacement
current). Syn: current plate; ion current plate.
NOTE: Long integration times are used to minimize the effects of the changes in the electric field strength (displacement current). If the line
voltage and geometry are constant with time, the average displacement current is zero.
7.4 Ion Counter: An instrument that determines monopolar space-charge density by measuring the charge collected from a
known volume of air.
7.5 Conductivity Chamber: An instrument that determines the conductivity of the air.
7.6 Faraday Cage: A conducting enclosure that is used to measure the net space charge. Syn: space-charge cage; space-
charge density meter.
7.7 Space-Charge Filter: A device used to measure net space-charge density in which a filter medium is used to remove the
charge from an airstream.
7.8 Magnetic Flux Density Meter: A meter designed to measure the magnetic flux density. These meters may use any of
several types of flux density sensors or probes.
NOTE: For measurement of the magnetic flux density from ac power systems, the meter shall conform to IEEE Std 644-1994 [9].
7.8.1 Coil Probe: A magnetic flux density sensor comprised of a coil of wire that produces an induced voltage proportional to
the time derivative of the magnetic flux density.
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(1) To eliminate effects due to electric field induction, it is essential that the coil of wire be shielded.
(2) Since the induced voltage is proportional to the time derivative of the magnetic flux density, the detector circuit of the sensor often
contains an integrating stage to recover the waveform of the magnetic flux density. The integrating stage is also desirable, particularly for
measurements of the magnetic flux density with harmonic content, since this stage (i.e., its integrating property) eliminates the excessive
weighting of the harmonic components in the voltage signal produced by the probe.
(3) This probe can also be used to measure static (dc) magnetic flux density if the probe is rotated at a known rate.
7.8.2 Hall Effect Probe: A magnetic flux density sensor containing an element exhibiting the Hall effect to produce a voltage
proportional to the magnetic flux density.
NOTE: Hall effect probes respond to static as well as time varying magnetic flux density. Due to saturation problems sometimes encountered
when attempting to measure small power-frequency flux densities in the presence of the substantial static geomagnetic flux of the earth, Hall
effect probes have seldom been used under ac power lines.
7.8.3 Optical Probe: A magnetic flux density meter in which the transduction mechanism is optical. A number of physical
effects (i.e., magnetostriction, change in birefringence) may be used to affect the light in a witness crystal or sense fiber.
7.9 Exposure Meter: A device for measuring the amount of a quantity, to which the device has been exposed, over a period of
8. Terms Related to Ions
8.1 General: The following definitions apply to terms that deal with the physical description, measurement, generation, and
loss of ions.
8.2 Ion: The isolated atom, molecule, molecular cluster, or aerosol that by loss or gain of one or more electrons has acquired a
net electric charge.
NOTE: The inclusion of aerosols (particles) under this definition is consistent with historical usage. The use of the terms small ion and
charged aerosol is encouraged.
8.2.1 Monopolar Ion Density: The number of ions of a given polarity per unit volume. The preferred unit is m
; another
commonly used unit is cm
8.2.2 Ionization: The process by which an atom or molecule receives enough energy (by collision with electrons, photons,
etc.) to split it into one or more free electrons and a positive ion. Ionization is a special case of charging.
8.2.3 Charging: The process, or the result of any process, by which an atom, molecule, molecular cluster, or aerosol acquires
either a positive or a negative charge.
8.3 Ion Charge: The resultant positive or negative charge of an ion, expressed as a multiple of the electron charge.
8.3.1 Field Charging: Charging of aerosols by small ions moving under the influence of an electric field.
8.3.2 Diffusion Charging: Charging of aerosols by small ions in collisions resulting from thermal motion of the small ions.
8.4 Recombination: The process by which positive and negative ions recombine to neutralize each other.
8.4.1 Recombination Rate: The rate at which positive and negative ions recombine in a given gas or liquid. Syn:
recombination coefficient.
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8.5 Ion Mobility: The theoretical drift speed of a single, isolated ion in a liquid or gas, per unit electric field strength. The
preferred unit is m
/(V s); another commonly used unit is cm
/(V s). Ion mobility depends on the ionic species. In air,
several ionic species can exist simultaneously.
8.5.1 Mobility Spectrum: The distribution of ions as a function of mobility. Historically, ions have been classified by
mobility as small (10
/(V s) to 2 x 10
/(V s), medium (10
/(V s) to 10
/(V s) and large (10
/(V s) to
/(V s).
8.6 Ion Size: Physical dimensions and mass of an ion. Ions are usually classified as small, medium, and large.
NOTE: The radius and mass of an ion depend on the number and type of molecules in the cluster forming the ion. The diameter of an ion
comprised of a single molecule is about 3 X 10
8.6.1 Small Ion: Ion comprised of molecules or molecular clusters bound together by charge. Typical radius is less than 10

m. Mobility is in the range of 10
/(V s) to 2 x 10
/(V s).
NOTE: To avoid confusion with the more general term ion, the use of the term small ion is encouraged.
8.6.2 Medium Ion: Ion, comprised of several molecules or molecular clusters bound together by charge, that is larger and less
mobile than a small ion due to more massive or a greater number of molecular clusters. Typical radius is in the range of 10
to 2 x 10
m. Mobility is in the range of 10
/(V s) to 10
/(V s).
8.6.3 Large Ion: Ion comprised of charged particles, liquid or solid, suspended in air. Typical radius is in the range of 2 x 10

m to 2 x 10
m. Mobility is in the range of 10
/(V s) to 10
/(V s). Syn: charged aerosol.
NOTE: Historically, these have been referred to as large or Langevin ions. The use of the term charged aerosols in encouraged.
8.7 Net Space Charge: The free, unbalanced charge in a given region, taking no account of the charges of both signs that
balance each other. The preferred unit is the coulomb (C).
NOTE: The term space charge is often used to refer to net space charge.
8.7.1 Net Space-Charge Density: Net space charge (space charge) per unit volume. The preferred unit is C/m
. This quantity
provides no information about the monopolar space-charge density.
8.7.2 Monopolar Space-Charge Density: The space-charge density of one polarity. The preferred unit is C/m
8.8 Electric Conductivity: The property of a material or medium permitting flow of electricity through its volume, expressed
as the ratio of electric current density to electric field strength in a material or medium. For isotropic homogeneous media, the
conductivity is a scalar quantity, with the preferred unit siemens per meter (S/m); 1 S/m = 1 mho/m.
9. Terms Related to Corona and Gap Discharges
9.1 General: Characteristics and effects of corona and gap discharges are defined in this section.
9.2 Corona: A luminous discharge due to ionization of the air surrounding an electrode caused by a voltage gradient
exceeding a certain critical value.
NOTE: For the purpose of this standard, electrodes may be conductors, hardware, accessories, or insulators.
9.2.1 Corona, Overhead Power Lines: Corona occurring at the surfaces of power-line conductors and their fittings under the
positive or negative polarity of the power-line voltage.
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NOTES: (1) Surface irregularities such as stranding, nicks, scratches, and semiconducting or insulating protrusions are usual corona sites.
(2) Dry or wet airborne particles in the proximity of power-line conductors and their fittings may cause corona discharges.
(3) Weather has a pronounced influence on the occurrence and characteristics of overhead power-line corona.
9.2.2 Continuous Corona: Corona discharge that is either steady or recurring at regular intervals (approximately every cycle
of an applied alternating voltage or at least several times per minute for an applied direct voltage).
9.3 Corona Pulse: A voltage or current pulse that occurs at some designated location in a circuit as a result of corona
9.4 Corona Modes: Modes that can be distinguished. Two principal modes are the glow mode and the streamer mode. Their
characteristics and occurrence depend on the polarity of the electrode, the basic ionization characteristics of the ambient air,
and the magnitude, as well as the distribution of the electric field. Thus, the geometry of the electrodes, the ambient weather
conditions, and the magnitude, as well as the polarity of the applied voltage, are the main factors determining corona modes.
Corona modes that are possible during alternating half-cycles of the alternating-voltage waveform are essentially similar to
those of corresponding direct-voltage corona modes when effects of space charges left behind from each preceding half-cycle
are taken into account. Table 1 lists corona modes according to polarity. The listing is in the order of increasing voltage
applied to the electrode. Increasing the applied voltage results in increasing the electric field strength (voltage gradient).
9.4.1 Glow Mode: A stable, essentially steady discharge of constant luminosity occurring at either positive or negative
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Table 1
Corona Modes
Positive (Anode) Corona Negative (Cathode) Corona
Mode Characteristic Mode Characteristic
Burst corona, onset
Moderate amplitude,
moderate repetition rate
Trichel streamer (pulse) Small amplitude, high
repetition rate

Essentially pulseless Glow

Essentially pulseless
Prebreakdown streamer High amplitude, low
repetition rate
Prebreakdown streamer

Moderate amplitude,
moderate repetition rate
With alternating voltage, positive onset streamers often become suppressed by space charge created during the negative half-cycles.

With alternating voltage, when onset streamers are suppressed the positive glow will be the first corona mode as the applied voltage is

With alternating voltage, negative glow may be difficult to observe because of the predominance of Trichel streamers.

With alternating voltage, breakdown usually occurs during the positive half-cycle before the development of any negative prebreakdown
streamers. Burst Corona: Corona mode that may be considered as the initial stage of positive glow. It occurs at a positive
electrode with electric field strengths at and slightly above the corona inception voltage gradient. Burst corona appears as a
bluish film of velvet-like glow adhering closely to the electrode surface. The current pulses of burst corona are of low
amplitude and may last for periods of milliseconds. (See NOTE in Positive Glow: A bright blue discharge appearing as a luminous sheet adhering closely and uniformly to the electrode.
Positive glow appears at electric field strengths above those required for burst corona ( and onset streamers (
The corona current of positive glow is essentially pulseless. Negative Glow: Corona mode that occurs at electric field strengths above those required for Trichel streamers
( Negative glow is confined to a small portion of the electrode and appears as a small, stationary, luminous bluish fan.
The corona current of negative glow is essentially pulseless.
9.4.2 Streamer Mode: A repetitive corona discharge characterized by luminous filaments extending into the low electric field
strength region near either a positive or a negative electrode, but not completely bridging the gap. Positive Onset Streamers: Streamers occurring at electric field strengths at and slightly above the corona inception
voltage gradient. These appear as bright blue brushes increasing in length to several inches as the voltage gradient is
increased. The associated current pulses are of appreciable magnitude, short duration (in the range of hundreds of
nanoseconds), and low repetition rate (less than 1 kHz).
NOTE: Occurrence of burst corona and positive onset streamers requires the same range of electric field strength. Trichel Streamers: Streamers occurring at a negative electrode with electric field strengths at and above the corona
inception voltage gradient. A Trichel streamer appears as a small, constantly moving purple fan. The current pulse is of small
amplitude, short duration (in the range of a hundred nanoseconds), and high repetition rate (in the range of tens of kilohertz or
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24 Positive Prebreakdown Streamers: Streamers occurring at electric field strengths above those required for onset
streamers and positive glow. The discharge appears as a light blue filament with branching extending far into the gap. The
associated current pulses have high magnitude, short duration (in the range of hundreds of nanoseconds), and low repetition
rate (in the range of a few kilohertz).
NOTE: When appearing as multiple discharges, these streamers are usually referred to as a plume. When the plume occurs between an
electrode and airborne particle (snow, rain, aerosols, etc.) coming into near proximity or impacting on the electrode, it is referred to as an
impingement plume. When the plume occurs due to the disintegration of water drops resting on the electrode surface, it is referred to as a
spray plume. Negative Prebreakdown Streamers: Streamers occurring at electric field strengths close to breakdown. The discharge
appears as a bright filament with very little branching and extends far into the gap. The associated current pulse has high
magnitude, long duration, and low repetition rate.
9.5 Corona Loss: Power lost due to corona process. On overhead power lines, this loss is expressed in watts per meter (W/m)
or kilowatts per kilometer (kW/km).
9.6 Ozone: A colorless gas, O
, with a penetrating odor; an allotropic form of oxygen.
NOTE: Corona and other electrical discharges dissociate the oxygen molecule, which can cause the following reactions:
O + O
O + O

9.7 Arc:
(1) A discharge of electricity through a gas, normally characterized by a voltage drop in the immediate vicinity of the
cathode approximately equal to the ionization potential of the gas.
(2) A continuous luminous discharge of electricity across an insulating medium, usually accompanied by the partial
volatilization of the electrodes.
9.8 Spark: A sudden and irreversible transition from a stable corona discharge to a stable arc discharge. It is a luminous
electrical discharge of short duration between two electrodes in an insulating medium. It is generally brighter and carries more
current than corona, and its color is mainly determined by the type of insulating medium. It generates radio noise of wider
frequency spectrum (extending into hundreds of megahertz) and wider magnitude range than corona. A spark is not classified
as corona.
9.8.1 Microspark: A spark breakdown occurring in the miniature air gap formed by two conducting or insulating surfaces.
(This is sometimes called a gap discharge.)
10. Terms Related to Radio Frequency (RF) Wave Propagation
10.1 General: Terms relating to the propagation of RF waves along power-line conductors are defined in this section. It is
assumed that the propagation can be described as one or more transmission line modes. This is valid for frequencies such that
all conductor spacings are only a small fraction of a wavelength.
10.2 Reflected Wave: When a wave in one medium is incident upon a discontinuity or a different medium, the reflected wave
includes the wave component traveling in a different direction to the incident wave in the first medium, as well as the incident
wave. If the wave is in a unidimensional medium, i.e., a transmission line, then the reflected wave travels in the opposite
direction to the incident wave.
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10.2.1 Reflection Coefficient: At a given frequency, at a given point, and for a given mode of propagation, the ratio of some
quantity associated with the reflected wave to the corresponding quantity in the incident wave.
10.3 Standing Wave: A wave in which, for any component of the field, the ratio of its instantaneous value at one point to that
at any other point does not vary with time.
NOTES: (1) A standing wave is most frequently produced by reflection. The sum of the incident and reflected waves, if they are periodic,
will produce a standing wave.
(2) Commonly, a standing wave is a periodic wave in which the amplitude of the displacement in the medium is a periodic function of the
distance in the direction of any line of propagation of the waves.
10.3.1 Standing-Wave Ratio: The ratio of the amplitude of a standing wave at an antinode to the amplitude at a node. The
standing-wave ratio in a uniform transmission line is

(Eq 12)
= The reflection coefficient.
10.4 Propagation Constant: The complex quantity of a traveling plane wave at a given frequency whose real part is the
attenuation constant in nepers per unit length and whose imaginary part is the phase constant in radians per unit length.
10.5 Characteristic Impedance: The ratio of the complex voltage of a propagation mode (see 10.6) to the complex current of
the same propagation mode in the same transverse plane with the sign so chosen that the real part is positive.
NOTE: The characteristic impedance of a line with losses neglected is known as the surge impedance.
10.5.1 Wave Impedance: The complex factor relating the transverse component of the magnetic field to the transverse
component of the electric field at every point in any specified plane, for a given mode.
10.6 Propagation Mode: A concept for treating propagation of electromagnetic noise (see Section 9) along a set of overhead
power-line conductors. Modal waves form a complete set of noninteracting components into which the propagated wave may
be separated.
NOTE: For a three-phase horizontal single-circuit transmission line with one conductor per phase and without ground wires, the following
modes are defined:
Mode 1-The transmission path is between the center phase and the outside phases. It has the lowest attenuation and the lowest surge
Mode 2-The transmission path is between outside phases. It has an intermediate attenuation and an intermediate surge impedance.
Mode 3-The transmission path is along all three phases and returning through ground. It has the highest attenuation and the highest surge
10.7 Longitudinal Attenuation: The decrease in electromagnetic noise field strength (see Section 11) caused by dissipation of
energy as a result of propagation along an overhead power line and through the earth.
NOTES: (1) Units are decibels per km (dB/km).
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(2) For multiconductor systems, such as those normally found in electric power systems, it is convenient to describe wave propagation as
made up of a set of noninteracting modes, each with its own attenuation constant (see 10.6).
(3) In the context of this standard, the electromagnetic noise energy is the result of corona and gap discharges.
11. Terms Related to Electromagnetic Signals and Noise
11.1 General: Terms related to electromagnetic signals and noise are defined in this section. See also IEC 60050 (161): 1990
11.2 Electromagnetic Signal: The intelligence, message, or effect to be conveyed over a communication system or
broadcasting system via electromagnetic waves.
11.2.1 Radio Signal: A carrier in the RF range that is modulated by an electromagnetic signal.
11.3 Carrier: A continuous electromagnetic wave having a repeating variation in time and at least one characteristic that may
be varied from a known reference value by modulation.
NOTE: Examples of carriers are a sine wave and a recurring series of pulses.
11.4 Modulation: The process by which some characteristic of a carrier is varied in accordance with a modulating signal.
11.4.1 Amplitude Modulation (AM): Modulation in which the amplitude of a carrier is caused to depart from its reference
value by an amount proportional to the instantaneous value of the modulating signal.
11.4.2 Phase Modulation: Modulation in which the angle of a carrier is caused to depart from its reference value by an
amount proportional to the instantaneous value of the modulating signal.
11.4.3 Frequency Modulation (FM): Modulation in which the instantaneous frequency of a sine wave carrier is caused to
depart from the carrier frequency by an amount proportional to the instantaneous value of the modulating signal.
NOTE: Combinations of phase and frequency modulation are commonly referred to as frequency modulation.
11.5 Demodulation: The process by which the signal is recovered from a modulated carrier.
11.6 Intermediate Frequency (IF): The frequency resulting from a frequency conversion that is amplified locally in the
receiver before demodulation.
11.7 Frequency Band: A continuous range of frequencies extending between two limiting frequencies.
NOTES: (1) Some bands of frequencies that are defined by agreement are called channels. A band used in a particular communication link is
also called a channel.
(2) Some commonly known frequency bands are defined in table 2. For a complete list of assigned and available frequencies and frequency
bands, refer to the current edition of CFR Publication 47 [4].
11.7.1 Amateur Band: Frequency bands assigned for the transmission of signals by amateur radio operators.
NOTE: The amateur bands may differ from country to country. The bands presently in use in the United States under 1 GHz are 1.8 MHz to
2.0 MHz, 3.5 MHz to 4.0 MHz, 7.0 MHz to 7.3 MHz, 10.1 MHz to 10.15 MHz, 14.00 MHz to14.35 MHz, 18.068 MHz to 18.168 MHz,
21.00 MHz to 21.45 MHz, 24.89 MHz to 24.99 MHz, 28.0 MHz to 29.7 MHz, 50 MHz to 54 MHz; 144 MHz to 148 MHz, 222 MHz to 225
MHz, 420 MHz to 450 MHz and 902 MHz to 928 MHz.
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11.7.2 Citizens Bands: Frequency bands allocated for short-distance personal or business radio communication, radio
signaling, and control of remote devices by radio. Syn: personal radio services bands.
NOTE: The frequency bands may differ from country to country. The bands presently in use in the United States are 26.965 MHz to 27.405
MHz, 411.82 MHz to 411.90 MHz, 72 MHz to 76 MHz, and 463.550 MHz to 467.425 MHz.
11.7.3 AM Radio Broadcast Band: A band of frequencies assigned for amplitude-modulated broadcasting to the general
NOTE: In the United States and Canada, the frequency band is 535 kHz to 1715 kHz. This is one of the International Telecommunications
Union (ITU) frequency allocations, on a worldwide basis, for broadcasting.
11.7.4 FM Radio Broadcast Band: A band of frequencies assigned for frequency-modulated broadcasting to the general
NOTE: In the United States and Canada, the frequency band is 88 MHz to 108 MHz.

Table 2
Nomenclature of Frequency Bands
Frequency Range Adjective Designation
Below 3 Hz Ultra low frequency
3 Hz to 3 kHz Extreme low frequency
3 kHz to 30 kHz Very low frequency
30 kHz to 300 kHz Low frequency
300 kHz to 3 MHz Medium frequency
3 MHz to 30 MHz High frequency
30 MHz to 300 MHz Very high frequency
300 MHz to 3 GHz Ultra high frequency
3 GHz to 30 GHz Super high frequency
30 GHz to 300 GHz Extremely high frequency

11.7.5 TV Broadcast Band: Any one of the frequency bands assigned for the transmission of audio and video signals for
television (TV) broadcasting to the general public.
NOTE: In the United States and Canada, the frequency bands are 54 MHz to 72 MHz, 76 MHz to 88 MHz, 174 MHz to 216 MHz, and 400
MHz to 890 MHz.
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11.7.6 Power-Line Carrier: The use of RF energy, generally below 500 kHz, to transmit voice communication and
information, using power lines to guide the information transmission.
11.8 Electromagnetic Disturbance: Any electromagnetic phenomenon that may degrade the performance of a device, a piece
of equipment, or a system.
(1) An electromagnetic disturbance may be electromagnetic noise, an unwanted signal, or a change in the propagation medium itself.
(2) The term system is used here in its generic sense, which may include inert and living matter.
11.9 Electromagnetic Interference: Degradation of the performance of a device, a piece of equipment, or a system caused by
an electromagnetic disturbance.
NOTE: The English words interference and disturbance are often used indiscriminately.
11.9.1 Radio Interference (RI): Degradation of the reception of a wanted signal caused by RF disturbance. Syn: radio
frequency interference (RFI).
(1) RF disturbance is an electromagnetic disturbance having components in the RF range.
(2) The English words interference and disturbance are often used indiscriminately. The expression radio frequency interference is
also commonly applied to an RF disturbance or an unwanted signal.
11.9.2 Television Interference (TVI): A radio interference occurring in the frequency range of television signals.
11.9.3 Conducted Interference: Interference resulting from conducted radio noise or unwanted radio signals entering a
transducer (receiver) via the electrical connections.
11.10 Radio Influence Voltage (RIV): The radio frequency voltage appearing on conductors of electrical equipment or
circuits, as measured using a radio noise meter as a two-terminal voltmeter in accordance with specified methods (generally
termed conducted measurements); see NEMA 107-1987 [11]; CISPR Publication 16-2 (1999) [5]; CISPR Publication 18-2
(1986) [6].
NOTE: The term influence was coined to avoid the general admission that power systems would generate and conduct interference. The
term influence, is used only in North America; the term interference is preferred elsewhere.
11.11 Radio Noise Field Strength: A measure of the field strength of the radiated radio noise at a given location.
(1) In practice, the quantity measured is not the electromagnetic field strength of the interfering waves but some quantity that is proportional
to, or bears a known relation to, the electromagnetic field strength.
(2) The radio noise field strength is measured in average, rms, quasi-peak, or peak values, according to which detector function of the radio
noise meter is used.
(3) The radio noise field strength is expressed either in V/m in a specified bandwidth, or in dB above 1 V/(m Hz) .
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12. Terms Related to Electromagnetic Signal and Noise Measurements
12.1 General: Terms related to the measurements of electromagnetic signals and noise are defined in this section.
12.2 Antenna: A device used to radiate or receive electromagnetic waves.
12.2.1 Vertical Antenna: An antenna consisting of a vertically arranged conductor. Syn: monopole antenna; rod antenna;
whip antenna. Shunt-Fed Vertical Antenna: A vertical antenna connected to ground at the base and excited (or connected to a
receiver) at a point suitably positioned above the grounding point. Series-Fed Vertical Antenna: A vertical antenna insulated from ground and energized (or connected to a receiver) at
the antenna base.
(1) A rod antenna responds to the electric field component of the electromagnetic wave.
(2) A rod antenna is omnidirectional in the horizontal plane.
(3) The connection of a rod antenna to a receiver may be via a coupler to which the rod is permanently attached.
12.2.2 Loop Antenna: An antenna consisting of one or more turns of a conductor. If the circulatory current is essentially
uniform, the antenna will have a radiation pattern approximating that of an elementary magnetic dipole.
NOTE: The loop antenna responds to the magnetic field component of the electromagnetic wave, in the direction of the loop axis.
12.2.3 Dipole Antenna: Any one of a class of antennas having a radiation pattern approximating that of an elementary electric
NOTE: Common usage considers the dipole antenna to be a metal radiating or receiving structure that supports a line current distribution
similar to that of a thin straight wire, a half-wavelength long, so that the current has a node at each end of the antenna.
12.2.4 Biconical Antenna: An antenna consisting of two conical conductors that have a common axis and vertex and are
excited or connected to the receiver at the vertex. When the vertex angle of one of the cones is 180
, the antenna is called a
12.2.5 Log-Periodic Antenna: Any one of a class of antennas having a structural geometry such that its electrical
characteristics repeat periodically as the logarithm of frequency.
12.3 Detector: A device that performs detection (extraction of signal or noise from a modulated input) and weighting
(extraction of a particular characteristic of the signal or noise).
NOTE: In a radio noise receiver, the voltage applied to the detector depends upon the nature of the noise and the bandwidth of the filters
used in the intermediate frequency stages. To furnish calibrations that are independent of the bandwidth and can be made with readily
available equipment, an unmodulated carrier is used. With such input, all detectors (peak, quasi-peak, average, or rms) will indicate the same
value of radio noise.
12.3.1 Average Detector: A detector, the output voltage of which is the average value of the magnitude of the envelope of an
applied signal or noise.
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(1) This detector function is often identified on radio noise meters as field intensity (FI). (Field intensity is deprecated; field strength should
be used.)
(2) FI (field strength) setting on some radio noise meters produces a reading proportional to the average value of the logarithmic detector
output on the meter scale.
(3) Radio noise meters of modern design do not have the detector function identified as FI or Field Intensity. Also, modern radio noise
meters have true average detector functions, but a few still have average logarithm (sometimes called carrier) detector functions.
12.3.2 Peak Detector: A detector, the output voltage of which is the true peak value of an applied signal or noise.
12.3.3 Quasi-Peak (QP) Detector: A detector having specified electrical time constants that, when regularly repeated pulses
of constant amplitude are applied to it, delivers an output voltage that is a fraction of the peak value of the pulses, the fraction
increasing toward unity as the pulse repetition rate is increased.
NOTE: According to ANSI C63.2-1987, American National Standard Specifications for Electromagnetic Noise and Field Strength
Instrumentation, 10 kHz to 1 GHz, the quasi-peak detector has charging and discharging time constants of 45 ms and 500 ms, 1 ms and 160
ms, and 1ms and 550 ms for the frequency ranges of 0.010 MHz to 0.15 MHz, 0.15 MHz to 30 MHz, and 30 MHz to 1000 MHz,
respectively. For corona noise in the frequency range of 0.15 MHz to 30 MHz, meters which were built according to ANSI C63.2-1963,
Specifications for Radio Noise and Field Strength Meters, 0.015 MHz to 30 MHz, will give radio noise levels approximately 2 dB higher
than meters built to ANSI C63.2-1987.
12.3.4 Root-Mean-Square (RMS) Detector: A detector, the output voltage of which is the rms value of an applied signal or
NOTE: The instrument manufacturer must specify a crest factor" to go along with the rms detector function. Typical crest factors on rms
detectors are 20 dB to 26 dB, some are as high as 36 dB, and in rare cases an instrument may have a crest factor as high as 40 dB, where the
dB value is the ratio of the peak of the waveform to its rms value.
12.4 Bandwidth: The range of frequencies within which performance, with respect to some characteristic, falls within
specified limits.
12.4.1 Impulse Bandwidth: The peak value of the response envelope divided by the spectrum amplitude of an applied
12.4.2 Random Noise Bandwidth: The width in hertz of a rectangle having the same area and maximum amplitude as the
square of the amplifier frequency response to a sinusoidal input. Syn: fluctuation noise bandwidth.
13. Terms Related to Acoustics
13.1 General: Terms from acoustics relevant to the study of audible noise from power lines are defined in this section (see
ANSI S1.1-1960, (Reaff. 1976) [2]).
13.2 Audio frequency: An audio frequency is any frequency corresponding to a normally audible sound wave. This usually
covers the range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz.
13.3 Octave: The interval between two sounds having a fundamental frequency ratio of two.
13.4 Pure Tone: A sound wave, the instantaneous sound pressure of which is a simple sinusoidal function of time.
13.5 Hum: A component of transmission-line audible noise consisting of pure tones of the power frequency and its harmonics.
NOTE: For ac transmission lines, this is caused by ion motion in the air surrounding the conductors.
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14. Terms Related to Audible Noise (AN) Measurements
14.1 General: Terms related to the generation, measurement, and evaluation of audible noise from power lines are defined in
this section (see also ANSI S1.4-1983 [3] and IEEE Std 656-1985 [10]).
14.2 Insertion Loss: The difference, in decibels, between the sound pressure level measured before the insertion of a
component (e.g., windscreen) and the sound pressure level measured after the insertion of a component (provided that the
source of the noise remains unchanged).
14.3 Sound Pressure Level: Twenty times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the pressure of a sound to the reference
pressure, expressed in decibels. The reference pressure shall be explicitly stated.
(1) The following reference pressures are in common use:
(a) 20 micropascals (Pa)
(b) 0.1 pascal (Pa)
Reference pressure (a) is in general use for measurements concerned with hearing and with sound in air and liquids, while reference pressure
(b) has gained widespread acceptance for calibration of transducers and various kinds of sound measurements in liquids.
(2) Unless otherwise explicitly stated, it is to be understood that the sound pressure is the effective (rms) sound pressure.
(3) It is to be noted that in many sound fields the sound pressure ratios are not the square roots of the corresponding power ratios.
14.4 Sound Level: A weighted sound pressure level, obtained by the use of metering characteristics and the weightings A, B,
C, or D specified in ANSI S1.4-1983 [3]. The weightings employed must always be stated. The reference pressure is always 20
(1) The meter reading (in decibels) corresponds to a value of the sound pressure integrated over the audible frequency range with a specified
frequency weighting and integration time.
(2) A suitable method of stating the weighting is, for example, The A-weighted sound level was 43 dB, or The sound level was 43 dB(A)
(3) Weightings are based on psychoacoustically determined time or frequency responses in objective measuring equipment. This is done to
obtain data that better predict the subjective listener reaction than would wide band measurements with a meter having either an
instantaneous time response or a slow average or rms response. Standard weighting characteristics indicating relative response as a function
of frequency are designated A, B, C, and D and are shown in Figure 1.
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Figure 1
Weighting Characteristics for Sound Level Meters (Reprinted with permission from the EPRI Red Book,
Transmission Line Reference Book-345 kV and Above (2d ed., revised, EL 2500), Figure 6.2.3.)
14.4.1 Energy-Equivalent Sound Level, (L
): The average of the sound energy level (usually A-weighted) of a varying
sound over a specified period of time.
(1) The simplest and most popular method for rating intermittent or fluctuating noise intrusions is to rely upon some measure of the average
sound-level magnitude over time. The most common such average is the equivalent sound level, L
, expressed in decibels.
(2) The term equivalent signifies that a steady sound having the same level as the L
would have the same sound energy as the fluctuating
sound. The term energy is used because the sound amplitude is averaged on an rms-pressure-squared basis, and the square of the pressure
is proportional to energy. For example, two sounds, one of which contains 24 times as much energy as the other but lasts for 1 h instead of
24 h, would have the same energy-equivalent sound level.
(3) Mathematically, the equivalent sound level is defined as
= 10 log
( )
( )

t t
1 2
(Eq 13)
p(t) = The time-varying A-weighted sound level, in Pa
= The reference pressure, 20 Pa
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- t
) = The time period of interest
If the cumulative probability distribution of a noise is known, then L
can be estimated by
= 10 log ( )

x x
(Eq 14)
, P
= Selected adjacent steps along the probability scale, expressed in percent (%)
= The highest noise level in each step
x = The step number
n = The total number of steps
14.4.2 Day-Night Sound Level, (L
): The L
rating is the average A-weighted sound level in decibels integrated over a 24
h period. A 10 dB penalty is applied to all sound occurring between 10 P.M. and 7 A.M.
(1) L
is intended to improve upon the L
rating by adding a correction for nighttime noise intrusions, because people are more sensitive
to such intrusions.
(2) The L
can be derived from daytime and nighttime L
values as follows:
=10 log


antilog 9
antilog 15
L L n d
(Eq 15)
= The L
for the 15 daytime hours
= The L
for the 9 nighttime hours
(3) The purpose of L
is to provide a single-number measure of time-varying noise for a specific time period (24 h).
14.5 Band Pressure Level: For a specified frequency band, the sound pressure level for the sound contained within
the restricted band. The reference pressure must be specified.
NOTE: The band may be specified by its lower and upper cutoff frequencies or by its geometric center frequency and bandwidth. The width
of the band may be indicated by a modifying prefix, e.g., octave band (sound pressure) level, half-octave band level, third-octave band level,
50 Hz band level.
14.5.1 Octave Band Pressure Level: The integrated sound pressure level of all components in a frequency band
corresponding to a specified octave.
NOTE: The location of an octave band pressure level on a frequency scale, f
is usually specified as the geometric mean of the upper and
lower frequencies of the octave. The lower frequency of the octave band is f
/2 and the upper frequency (2)f
A third-octave band extends
from a lower frequency f
2 / to an upper frequency of
( )
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14.6 Microphone: An electroacoustic transducer that responds to sound waves and delivers essentially equivalent electric
14.6.1 Free-Field Microphone: A microphone that has been designed to have a flat frequency response to sound waves
arriving with perpendicular incidence (i.e., straight at the microphone).
14.6.2 Random-Incidence Microphone: A microphone that has been designed to have a flat frequency response in a diffuse
sound field where sound waves are arriving equally from all directions.
14.6.3 Pressure-Gradient Microphone: A microphone in which the electric output substantially corresponds to a component
of the gradient (space derivative) of the sound pressure.
NOTE: Pressure-gradient microphones may be of any order, for example, zero, first, second, etc. Thus, a pressure microphone is a gradient
microphone of zero order. The rms response to plane waves is proportional to cos
where is the angle of incidence and
is the order of the
gradient. Because of the finite dimensions of all gradient microphones, however, the response characteristic and the directional
characteristic, respectively, are only approximations of the derivative of the sound pressure and of the directional formula noted.
14.6.4 Pressure Microphone: A microphone in which the electric output substantially corresponds to the instantaneous sound
pressure of the impressed sound waves.
NOTE: A pressure microphone is a gradient microphone of zero order and is nondirectional when its dimensions are small compared to a
15. Terms Related to Coupled Voltages and Currents
15.1 General: The following definitions apply to terms used to describe the coupling of voltage or current to objects in the
vicinity of electric power lines due to the effects of electric, magnetic, or electromagnetic fields.
15.2 Induction: The process of generating time-varying voltages and/or currents in conductive objects or electric circuits by
the influence of the time-varying electric, magnetic, or electromagnetic fields. Syn: ac coupling.
15.2.1 Electric Field Induction: The induction process that results from time-varying quasi-static electric fields. Syn:
capacitive coupling.
(1) The term electric field induction is preferred over electric induction because the latter may be taken to mean electric flux density.
(2) Electric field induction was formerly called electrostatic induction. This usage is deprecated because electrostatic fields are time
15.2.2 Magnetic Field Induction: The induction process that results from time-varying quasi-static magnetic fields. Syn:
inductive coupling.
NOTES: (1) Magnetic field induction was formerly called electromagnetic induction. This usage is now deprecated because electromagnetic
induction refers to combined electric and magnetic field effects (see 15.2.3).
(2) The term magnetic field induction is preferred over magnetic induction because the latter may be taken to mean magnetic flux
15.2.3 Electromagnetic Field Induction: The induction process that results from time-varying electromagnetic fields. Syn:
electromagnetic coupling.
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15.3 Conductive Coupling: The process of generating voltages and/or currents in conductive objects and electric circuits,
otherwise unenergized, due to deposition of charge.
15.4 Open-Circuit Voltage: A voltage on a conductive object or electric circuit and ground as a result of induction or
deposition of charge. Syn: object-to-ground voltage.
15.4.1 Open-Circuit Induced Voltage: The rms power-frequency voltage between a point on a conductive object or electric
circuit and ground as a result of induction. Syn: object-to-ground induced voltage.
15.4.2 Open-Circuit DC Voltage: The dc voltage on an ungrounded conductive object relative to ground, as a result of
deposition of charge. Syn: object-to-ground dc voltage.
15.5 Short-Circuit Current: The current between a point on a conductive object and ground through a zero impedance
connection, as a result of induction or deposition of charge. Syn: object-to-ground current.
15.5.1 Short-Circuit Induced Current: The rms power frequency current between a point on a conductive object or an
electric circuit and ground through a zero impedance connection, as a result of induction. Syn: object-to-ground induced
15.5.2 Short-Circuit DC Current: The dc current between a conductive object and ground through a zero impedance, as a
result of deposition of charge. Syn: object-to-ground dc current.
15.6 Steady-State Induced Current: The rms power-frequency current in any circuit, as a result of induction.
15.7 Longitudinal Electromotive Force (LEF): Voltage per unit length of a circuit, induced by the magnetic field, when the
circuit is in the vicinity of a power line. Syn: longitudinal electric field.

Use of this term is deprecated.
15.8 Transient Discharge: An electric discharge of momentary nature, resulting from a sudden change in the electriccircuit,
voltage or current. The discharge may be energized via electric, magnetic, or electromagnetic field induction or conductive
coupling. Syn: spark discharge.
NOTE: In many cases, the sudden change in the electric circuit is the result of an insulation breakdown of a small gap, such as between an
energized object and a person attempting to grasp it. When the open-circuit voltage is high, the transient discharge may be initiated by a
spark. For low open-circuit voltage, physical contact may produce the transient discharge without any associated spark.
15.8.1 Peak Discharge Current: The peak current occurring during a transient discharge.
NOTE: Due to the very short discharge time, substantial peak currents (up to a few amperes) can be encountered in typical induction
15.8.2 Discharge Energy: The energy transferred during a transient discharge.
15.8.3 Charge Transfer: The process of charge movement, especially that occurring during a transient discharge.
16. Terms Related to Shock and Perception Effects
16.1 General: The following definitions apply to terms used to describe electric shock and perception effects in people that
could occur due to contact with circuits energized by electric and/or magnetic field induction from power lines. Primary
electric shock effects due to large currents are outside the scope of this document and are not discussed. See reference [15] for
additional information.
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16.2 Electric Shock: Stimulation of the nerves and possible convulsive contraction of the muscle caused by the passage of an
electric current through the human or the animal body.
16.2.1 Primary Electric Shock: An electric shock sufficiently severe to cause direct physiological harm.
16.2.2 Secondary Electric Shock: An electric shock not sufficiently severe to cause direct physiological harm. Nevertheless,
such a shock could result in injury from involuntary muscular response.
16.3 Safe Let-Go Level: The current level passing through a hand grip contact for which 99.5% of the subject population
would retain sufficient muscular control to voluntarily release the subject grip and break contact.
NOTE: The safe let-go level is a function of the frequency and voltage and varies considerably for various contact areas and pressures.
Individual responses vary greatly from the mean level, and different levels are obtained for men, women, and children.
16.4 Threshold of Perception: The level of stimulation at which 50% of the population is just able to consciously detect the
presence of the stimulus.
16.4.1 Steady-State Current Perception Threshold: The current at which stimulation is perceptible for 50% of the subject
NOTE: The threshold is a function of the frequency and voltage and varies considerably for various contact areas and pressures. Individual
responses vary greatly from the mean threshold, and different levels are obtained for men, women, and children.
16.4.2 Transient Discharge Perception Threshold: The level of transient discharge that is perceptible for 50% of the subject
NOTE: The threshold varies considerably for various contact areas and transient discharge characteristics. Individual responses vary greatly
from the mean thresholds, and different levels are obtained for men, women, and children.
16.5 Annoyance Shock: An electric shock from a steady-state or a discharge current for which a person would consider the
sensation to be a mild irritant if it were to occur repeatedly.
16.6 Startle Shock: An electric shock from a steady-state or a discharge current that, if it occurred unexpectedly, would
produce an unintentional muscular reflex.
16.7 Aversive Shock: An electric shock from a steady-state or a discharge current that after one exposure would motivate
people to avoid situations that they felt would lead to similar experiences.
17. Terms Related to Shielding from Magnetic Fields
17.1 General: The following definitions apply to Shielding from Magnetic Fields.
17.2 Initial Permeability: Permeability of ferromagnetic materials in the limit as the magnetic field strength goes to zero.
For shielding power frequency fields, this refers to the AC permeability as the applied alternating field goes to zero.
17.3 Permeability: Defined by the constitutive relation B = H, permeability () is the ratio of magnetic flux density
(magnetic induction), B, to magnetic field strength (magnetizing force), H, in any medium. The permeability of free space,
is 4 10
H/m in MKS units. Permeability in ferromagnetic materials is a nonlinear function of applied field strength and
represents a measure of the magnetization in the material for an applied magnetic field. Not only does permeability depend on
field strength but also previous history (hysteresis). Furthermore, some materials have anisotropic ferromagnetic properties,
which means that permeability is a function of direction in the material. Though most materials have minute magnetic
characteristics, only ferromagnetic materials with permeabilities much greater than that of free space are useful for shielding
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magnetic fields. For shielding AC magnetic fields, an AC permeability can be defined as the ratio of rms AC flux density to
rms AC magnetic field strength.
17.4 Relative Permeability: A dimensionless measure of permeability,
, defined as the ratio of permeability in a material
relative to the permeability of free space, /
. Typical relative permeabilities for steel might range from 100 to 2000 while
the relative permeability for a hydrogen-annealed nickel-iron alloy can approach 1 000 000.
17.5 Shield: Enclosure or barrier used to reduce magnetic or electric field strengths in some region of space. Shields made
from electrically conducting materials, ferromagnetic materials, or combinations of these materials are used to shield AC
magnetic fields. Shields made from electrically conducting materials are typically used to shield AC electric fields.
17.6 Shielding Factor: A measure of field strength reduction defined as the ratio of the shielded to unshielded rms field
strength at one location. In general, the shielding factor varies with the position around a shield. As a measure of shielding, it
can be confusing since smaller shielding factors represent better shielding. A shielding factor of 1 represents no change in
field strength, and shielding factors greater than 1 represent an increase in field strength due to the introduction of the shield.
17.7 Shield Effectiveness: The ability of a shield to reduce field strengths in some region of space.
17.8 Shielding Enclosure: A shield structure fully surrounding field sources, in order to reduce field strengths external to the
shield, or some region of space, to shield this space from external field sources.
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Annex A (Informative)
Terms Relating to the Biological Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields in the Extreme
Low Frequency (ELF) Range
Al. General: The following definitions apply to some terms used to describe biological effects of electric and magnetic fields
produced by power-supply systems.
A2. Extreme Low Frequency (ELF) Range: Frequency range from 3 Hz to 3 kHz.
A3. Environment: The combined external factors that affect the health, growth, reproduction, and survival of an organism.
A4. Ecology: The interrelation between organisms and their environment or the division of biology concerned with the study
of such relationships.
A5. Exposure: An expression of the quantity of some material, agent, etc., that is incident on an organism.
A5.1 Dose: The amount of a chemical or other agent delivered to an organism; usually normalized to the mass of an organism.
A5.2 Dose-Response Relationship: The relationship between dose and magnitude (or frequency) of response.
A5.3 Dosimetry
(1) The determination of dose or dose rate arising from an experimental or environmental exposure.
(2) The comparison of dose or dose rate in one experiment (or situation) with that in another.
A5.4 Chronic Exposure: Exposure over a relatively long time.
A5.5 Acute Exposure: Exposure to a large dose during a relatively short time.
A5.6 Treatment: The systematic application of some agent (e.g., chemical, electric field) to a sample of organisms in an
experimental setting for the purpose of determining the biological effect(s) of the agent.
A5.7 Peripheral Stimulation: Action by a chemical or physical agent at or near the surface of an organism.
A5.8 Phosphene: Visual sensations due to nonoptical stimulation of the visual system.
A6. Effect: A change in an organism or in a specific biological parameter as a result of application of some treatment (e.g.,
chemical). Also, a difference in some parameter between a control and treatment group that is biologically and/or statistically
A6.1 Congenital Effect: Existing at or from birth.
A6.2 Environmental Impact: A change in existing conditions due to a natural or artificial cause, whether beneficial or
adverse, that affects an organism and its surroundings.
A6.3 Stress: The nonspecific response of an organism to any demand upon it, whether pleasant or unpleasant, that results in
certain biochemical changes. In popular usage, the harmful connotation is often assumed, i.e., excessive stress or distress.
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A6.4 Biological Variability: A range in the degree of response to internal and external stimuli that organisms normally exhibit
because of genetic makeup and environmental conditioning. This biological or normal variability must be considered when
determining the effect of any one specific factor, e.g., an electric field.
A6.5 Cardiovascular Effect: Effect pertaining to the system comprised of the heart and the blood vessels.
A6.6 Excitability: The sensitivity of an excitable membrane to a stimulus.
A6.6.1 Excitable Membrane: The membrane of nerve or muscle cells having an electrochemical property that results in
sudden, major changes in ionic permeability when excited by an appropriate stimulus.
A6.7 Genetic Effect: An alteration in DNA material within the cell. If germ cells (sperm, egg) are involved, mutations in
offspring can result. If somatic (all other) cells are involved, effects such as premature aging or cancer can result.
A6.8 Immunological Effect: Effect pertaining to the immune system.
A6.9 Neuromuscular Effect: Effect pertaining to the nervous system associated with muscle function.
A6.10 Neurosensory Effect: Effect pertaining to the nervous system associated with sensory function.
A6.11 Syndrome: A particular group of symptoms that occur together and that define a particular disease or abnormality.
A6.12 Zeitgebers: Biological triggers that respond to external stimuli and that influence the circadian rhythm (see A7.6).
A6.13 Action Potential: The electrical response of an excitable membrane that leads to the propagation of a nerve impulse; a
nerve impulse.
A6.14 Evoked Potential: The electrical response of a neuron or neurons elicited by electrical or natural (i.e., auditory, visual,
etc.) stimulus. To be contrasted with spontaneous activity, such as that recorded by the EEG.
A6.15 Resting Potential: The normal potential difference between the inside and the outside of a cell, usually about 80 mV,
with the inside negative relative to the outside.
A6.16 Hazard: A threat to the health, survival, or reproduction of an organism from some natural or artificial agent or event.
A6.16.1 Risk: A measure of the probability of experiencing harm from one or more hazards (e.g., accidents, toxic chemicals).
A6.17 Cancer Promoter: An agent that advances carcinogenesis after its initiation.
A6.18 Carcinogen: An agent that tends to produce cancer.
A7. Epidemiology: The study of the frequency and distribution of a disease, or a physiological condition in human
populations, and of the factors that influence its frequency and distribution.
A7.1 Hypothesis: Statement of a concept that attempts to explain or predict some phenomenon in such a way that the
hypothesis is testable.
A7.2 Mechanism: In the context of biological effects, the process(es) by which an agent (physical or chemical) causes the
effect, e.g., causing a change in hormone production or in the function of cell membranes.
A7.3 Endpoint: A measurable response of interest in a biological experiment.
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A7.4 Proportionate Mortality Ratio (PMR): An index used in occupational epidemiological studies that expresses the
proportion of deaths from a single cause. It is not a mortality rate and, therefore, does not necessarily indicate a risk value.
Rather, it indicates within a group the relative importance of specific causes of death.
A7.5 Replication:
(1) Theoretically, repetition of an experiment in exact detail.
(2) Obtaining similar results from similar experiments.
A7.6 Circadian Rhythm: Oscillation of biological processes with an approximate 24-hour period regulated by external
A7.6.1 Diurnal: Pertaining to daytime, as in the daily biological rhythm.
A7.7 Prospective Study: An epidemiological study of a group exposed to some factor over time to determine if this factor is
associated with the development of a particular disease, as compared to a nonexposed control group.
A7.7.1 Biophysical Study: One approach used to assess the potential for biological effects of artificial electric or magnetic
fields. The magnitude of induced body currents and fields is compared with levels known to cause biological effects by certain
physical mechanisms, e.g., heating of tissues.
A7.7.2 In situ Study: Referring to studies involving organisms in their natural condition or environment.
A7.7.3 In utero Study: Referring to studies involving the unborn animal.
A7.7.4 In vitro Study: Referring to studies and/or effects that occur outside the living organism, e.g., within a test tube or Petri
A7.7.5 In vivo Study: Referring to studies and/or effects that occur within the body of living organisms.
A7.7.6 Psychophysics: Study of correlations between stimulus parameters and detection or perception of stimuli.
A7.7.7 Teratology: The study of developmental abnormalities in the fetus.
A7.7.8 Blind Study: See A7.7.8.1 and A7.7.8.2.
A7.7.8.1 Single-Blind Study: A study in which the subject is unaware of his or her role as experimental or control subject in
an experiment.
A7.7.8.2 Double-Blind Study: To reduce possible effects of bias, a study in which neither the experimenter nor the subject
knows what treatment an individual subject receives until after the experiment has been completed.
A7.8 Control: In experiments, establishment of an untreated group of animals, plants, cells, etc., that serve as the basis for
comparing responses of a similar, but treated, group that has been subjected (exposed) to some agent (i.e., an electric field).
A7.8.1 Sham Control: In an experiment, a group of organisms that is not exposed to the treatment, but is maintained, handled,
observed, etc., in an identical manner as the treatment group, and whose overall characteristics are as similar as possible to the
treatment organisms.
A7.9 Uncontrolled Variable: A factor affecting the outcome of an experiment that is designed to assess other factors and
which is unknown to, or unaccounted for, by the experimenter. Also called a confounding variable.
January 2004 IEEE P539/Draft 7 (Revision of ANSI/IEEE Std 539-1990)

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Index (Informative)

ac coupling 15.2
ac electric field strength 6.4.1
ac electric field strength meter 7.2.1
ac power-line fields 6.10
polyphase ac field 6.10.2
single-phase ac fields 6.10.1
action potential A6.13
acute exposure A5.5
aerosol, charged 8.6.3
all weather distribution 4.3.1
AM, amplitude modulation (AM) 11.4.1
AM radio broadcast band 11.7.3
amateur band 11.7.1
ambient noise 3.7.4
amplitude modulation (AM) 11.4.1
AN 3.7.3
annoyance shock 16.5
antenna 12.2
biconical antenna 12.2.4
dipole antenna 12.2.3
log-periodic antenna 12.2.5
loop antenna 12.2.2
monopole antenna 12.2.1
rod antenna 12.2.1
series-fed vertical antenna
shunt-fed vertical antenna
vertical antenna 12.2.1
whip antenna 12.2.1
arc 9.7
arithmetic mean 4.3.6
attenuation, longitudinal 10.7
audible noise (AN) 3.7.3
audio frequency 13.2
average 4.3.6
bundle voltage gradient 6.13.4
detector 12.3.1
maximum bundle voltage gradient 6.13.5
single conductor (or subconductor)
voltage gradient 6.13.3
aversive shock 16.7

background noise 3.7.5
balanced currents 6.11.3
AM radio broadcast band 11.7.3
amateur band 11.7.1
citizens bands 11.7.2
FM radio broadcast band 11.7.4
frequency band 11.7
octave band pressure level 14.5.1
personal radio services bands 11.7.2
TV broadcast band 11.7.5
pressure level 14.5
bandwidth 12.4
fluctuation noise bandwidth 12.4.2
impulse bandwidth 12.4.1
random noise bandwidth 12.4.2
biconical antenna 12.2.4
biological variability A6.4
biophysical study A7.7.1
blind study A7.7.8
double-blind study A7.7.8.2
single-blind study A7.7.8.1
AM radio broadcast band 11.7.3
FM radio broadcast band 11.7.4
TV broadcast band 11.7.5
average bundle voltage gradient 6.13.4
average maximum bundle voltage
gradient 6.13.5
maximum bundle voltage gradient 6.13.6
burst corona

Faraday cage 7.6
space-charge cage 7.6
cancer promoter A6.17
capacitive coupling 15.2.1
carcinogen A6.18
cardiovascular effect A6.5
carrier 11.3
power-line carrier 11.7.6
chamber, conductivity 7.5
characteristic impedance 10.5
ion charge 8.3
net space charge 8.7
net space-charge density 8.7.1
monopolar space-charge density 8.7.2
space-charge cage 7.6
space-charge density meter 7.6
space-charge filter 7.7
space-charge-free electric field
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transfer 15.8.3
charged aerosol 8.6.3
charging 8.2.3
diffusion charging 8.3.2
field charging 8.3.1
chronic exposure A5.4
circadian rhythm A7.6
citizens bands 11.7.2
recombination coefficient 8.4.1
reflection coefficient 10.2.1
surface state coefficient 6.16
coil probe 7.8.1
horizontal component of the
electric field strength
vertical component of the
electric field strength
conducted interference 11.9.3
conducted radio noise
conduction, ion conduction current
conductive coupling 15.3
conductivity chamber 7.5
electric conductivity 8.8
average single-conductor (or
voltage gradient 6.13.3
maximum single-conductor (or
subconductor) voltage
gradient 6.13.1
minimum single-conductor (or
subconductor) voltage
gradient 6.13.2
nominal conductor voltage gradient 6.13.7
shield conductor (wire) current 6.11.10
confounding variable A7.9
congenital effect A6.1
constant, propagation 10.4
content, harmonic 3.5
continuous corona 9.2.2
control A7.8
sham control A7.8.1
convection, ion convection current
corona 9.2
burst corona
continuous corona 9.2.2
corona extinction voltage gradient 6.15
corona extinction voltage 6.15.1
corona inception voltage gradient 6.14
corona inception voltage 6.14.1
corona loss 9.5
corona modes 9.4
corona, overhead power lines 9.2.1
corona pulse 9.3
corona effects, statistical terms related to 4.3
counter, ion 7.4
ac coupling 15.2
capacitive coupling 15.2.1
conductive coupling 15.3
electromagnetic coupling 15.2.3
inductive coupling 15.2.2
crystalline frost 5.9
balanced currents 6.11.3
current plate 7.3
earth return current 6.11.8
electric current 6.11
electric current density 6.11.1
ion conduction current
ion convection current
ion current 6.11.2
ion current plate 7.3
net current 6.11.6
neutral return current 6.11.9
object-to-ground current 15.5
object-to-ground dc current 15.5.2
object-to-ground induced current 15.5.1
peak discharge current 15.8.1
residual current 6.11.7
return current 6.11.7
shield conductor (wire) current 6.11.10
short-circuit current 15.5
short-circuit dc current 15.5.2
short-circuit induced current 15.5.1
steady-state induced current 15.6
steady-state current perception
threshold 16.4.1
unbalanced currents 6.11.4
zero-sequence current 6.11.5
current plate 7.3

day-night sound level (L
) 14.4.2
electric field 6.4.2
electric field strength 6.4.2
electric field strength meter 7.2.3
object-to-ground dc current 15.5.2
object-to-ground dc voltage 15.4.2
open-circuit dc voltage 15.4.2
short-circuit dc current 15.5.2
decibel (dB) 3.11
demodulation 11.5
electric current density 6.11.1

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electric flux density 6.5
magnetic flux density 6.8
magnetic flux density meter 7.8
monopolar ion density 8.2.1
monopolar space-charge density 8.7.2
net space-charge density 8.7.1
probability density function 4.2.3
space-charge density meter 7.6
detector 12.3
average detector 12.3.1
peak detector 12.3.2
quasi-peak (QP) detector 12.3.3
root-mean-square (RMS) detector 12.3.4
electric potential difference
electrostatic potential difference
diffusion charging 8.3.2
dipole antenna 12.2.3
discharge energy 15.8.2
gap discharge 9.8.1
peak discharge current 15.8.1
spark discharge 15.8
transient discharge 15.8
transient discharge perception
threshold 16.4.2
discone 12.2.4
probability distribution function 4.2.4
all weather distribution 4.3.1
fair weather distribution 4.3.2
foul weather distribution 4.3.3
disturbance, electromagnetic 11.8
diurnal A7.6.1
dose A5.1
dose-response relationship A5.2
dosimetry A5.3
double-blind study A7.7.8.2
drizzle 5.5
earth return current 6.11.8
ecology A4
effect A6
cardiovascular effect A6.5
congenital effect A6.1
genetic effect A6.7
Hall effect probe 7.8.2
immunological effect A6.8
neuromuscular effect A6.9
neurosensory effect A6.10
statistical terms related to corona
effects 4.3
effectiveness, shield 17.7
conductivity 8.8
current 6.11
current density 6.11.1
flux density 6.5
potential difference
shock 16.2
primary electric shock 16.2.1
secondary electric shock 16.2.2
electric field 6.3
ac electric field strength 6.4.1
ac electric field strength meter 7.2.1
dc electric field strength 6.4.2
dc electric field strength meter 7.2.3
generating electric field strength
induction 15.2.1
horizontal component of the electric
field strength
longitudinal electric field, 15.7
space-charge-free electric field
strength 6.4
strength meter 7.2
vertical component of the
electric field strength
vibrating plate electric field strength
electric field strength 6.4
ac electric field strength 6.4.1
ac electric field strength meter 7.2.1
dc electric field strength 6.4.2
dc electric field strength meter 7.2.3
horizontal component of the
electric field strength
vertical component of the electric
field strength
coupling 15.2.3
disturbance 11.8
field 6.2
field induction 15.2.3
interference 11.9
noise 3.7.1
signal 11.2
longitudinal electromotive force (LEF) 15.7
electrostatic potential difference
ELF, extreme low frequency (ELF) A2
enclosure, shielding 17.8
endpoint A7.3
energy, discharge 15.8.2
energy-equivalent sound level (L
) 14.4.1
environment A3
environmental impact A6.2
epidemiology A7

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evoked potential A6.14
exceedance level 4.3.4
excitability A6.6
excitable membrane A6.6.1
exposure A5
acute exposure A5.5
chronic exposure A5.4
meter 7.9
corona extinction voltage gradient 6.15
corona extinction voltage 6.15.1
extreme low frequency (ELF) range A2

shielding 17.6
fair weather 5.3
fair weather distribution 4.3.2
Faraday cage 7.6
ac electric field strength 6.4.1
ac electric field strength meter 7.2.1
ac power-line fields 6.10
dc electric field strength 6.4.2
dc electric field strength meter 7.3.2
electric field 6.3
electric field induction 15.2.1
electric field strength 6.4
electric field strength meter 7.2
electromagnetic field 6.2
electromagnetic field induction 15.2.3
field charging 8.3.1
field mill
free-field microphone 14.6.1
generating electric field strength
horizontal component of the
electric field strength
longitudinal electric field, 15.7
magnetic field 6.6
magnetic field induction 15.2.2
magnetic field strength 6.7
maximum value of the field strength 6.10.3
optical field strength meter 7.2.2
peak value of the field strength 6.10.4
perturbed field 6.9.2
polyphase ac fields 6.10.2
radio noise field strength 11.11
resultant value of the field strength 6.10.5
single-phase ac fields 6.10.1
space-charge-free electric field
uniform field 6.9.1
uniformity 6.9
vertical component of the electric field
vibrating plate electric field strength
weakly perturbed field
field charging 8.3.1
field mill
field uniformity 6.9
filter, space charge 7.7
fluctuation noise 3.7.6
fluctuation noise bandwidth 12.4.2
electric flux density 6.5
magnetic flux density 6.8
magnetic flux density meter 7.8
FM, frequency modulation (FM) 11.4.3
FM radio broadcast band 11.7.4
fog 5.11
freezing fog 5.12
force, longitudinal electromotive (LEF) 15.7
form factor
foul weather 5.4
foul weather distribution 4.3.3
free-body meter
free-field microphone 14.6.1
space-charge-free electric field
freezing fog 5.12
freezing rain 5.10
frequency 3.4
audio frequency 13.2
band 11.7
extreme low frequency range
(ELF) 11.7, A.2
intermediate frequency (IF) 11.6
modulation (FM) 11.4.3
spectrum 3.9
of occurrence 4.2.1
radio frequency interference (RFI) 11.9.1
frost 5.9
frost, crystalline 5.9
frost, white 5.9
probability density function 4.2.3
probability distribution function 4.2.4

gap discharge 9.8.1
genetic effect A6.7
general statistical terms 4.2
electric field strength meter

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geometric mean 4.3.7
negative glow
positive glow
glow mode 9.4.1
average bundle voltage gradient 6.13.4
average single-conductor (or
subconductor) voltage
gradient 6.13.3
average maximum bundle voltage
gradient 6.13.5
corona extinction voltage gradient 6.15
corona inception voltage gradient 6.14
maximum bundle voltage gradient 6.13.6
maximum single-conductor (or
subconductor) voltage
gradient 6.13.1
minimum single-conductor (or
subconductor) voltage
gradient 6.13.2
nominal conductor voltage gradient 6.13.7
potential gradient 6.13
pressure-gradient microphone 14.6.3
voltage gradient 6.13
ground reference meter
ground reference meter
object-to-ground current 15.5
object-to-ground dc current 15.5.2
object-to-ground induced current 15.5.1
object-to-ground dc voltage 15.4.2
object-to-ground induced voltage 15.4.1
object-to-ground voltage 15.4

harmonic content 3.5
Hall effect probe 7.8.2
hazard A6.16
hoar 5.9
hoarfrost 5.9
horizontal component of the electric field
hum 13.5
hypothesis A7.1

IF, intermediate frequency (IF) 11.6
immunological effect A6.8
impact, environmental A6.2
impedance, characteristic 10.5
impedance, wave 10.5.1
impulse bandwidth 12.4.1
impulse noise 3.7.7
corona inception voltage gradient 6.14
corona inception voltage 6.14.1
random-incidence microphone 14.6.2
object-to-ground induced current 15.5.1
object-to-ground induced voltage 15.4.1
open-circuit induced voltage 15.4.1
short-circuit induced current 15.5.1
steady-state induced current 15.6
induction 15.2
electric field induction 15.2.1
electromagnetic field induction 15.2.3
magnetic field induction 15.2.2
inductive coupling 15.2.2
radio influence voltage (RIV) 11.10
initial permeability 17.2
insertion loss 14.2
in situ study A7.7.2
in utero study A7.7.3
in vitro study A7.7.4
in vivo study A7.7.5
intensity, precipitation 5.2
intensity of precipitation 5.2

conducted interference 11.9.3
electromagnetic interference 11.9
radio interference (RI) 11.9.1
radio frequency interference (RFI) 11.9.1
television interference (TVI) 11.9.2
intermediate frequency (IF) 11.6
ion 8.2
large ion 8.6.3
medium ion 8.6.2
monopolar ion density 8.2.1
small ion 8.6.1
ion charge 8.3
ion conduction current
ion convection current
ion counter 7.4
ion current 6.11.2
ion current plate 7.3
ion mobility 8.5
ion size 8.6
ionization 8.2.2

L-level 4.3.4
, median (L
) 4.3.5
, day-night sound level (L
) 14.4.2

January 2004 IEEE P539/Draft 7 (Revision of ANSI/IEEE Std 539-1990)

Copyright 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
, energy-equivalent sound level (L
) 14.4.1
LEF, longitudinal electromotive force (LEF) 15.7
large ion 8.6.3
lateral profile 3.10.1
safe let-go level 16.3
level 3.12
band pressure level 14.5
day-night sound level 14.4.2
energy equivalent sound level (L
) 14.4.1
exceedance level 4.3.4
L-level 4.3.4
octave band pressure level 14.5.1
safe let-go level 16.3
sound level 14.4
sound pressure level 14.3
ac power-line fields 6.10
corona, overhead power lines 9.2.1
power-line carrier 11.7.6
log-periodic antenna 12.2.5

attenuation 10.7
electric field (LEF), 15.7
electromotive force (LEF) 15.7
profile 3.10.2
loop antenna 12.2.2
corona loss 9.5
insertion loss 14.2
low, extreme low frequency (ELF) 11.7, A2

magnetic field 6.6
induction 15.2.2
strength 6.7
flux density 6.8
flux density meter 7.8
average maximum bundle voltage
gradient 6.13.5
maximum bundle voltage gradient 6.13.6
maximum single-conductor (or
subconductor) voltage
gradient 6.13.1
maximum value of the field strength 6.10.3
arithmetic mean 4.3.6
geometric mean 4.3.7
mechanism A7.2
median (L
) 4.3.5
medium ion 8.6.2
membrane, excitable A6.6.1
ac electric field strength meter 7.2.1
dc electric field strength meter 7.2.3
electric field strength meter 7.2
exposure meter 7.9
free-body meter
generating electric field strength
generating voltmeter
ground reference meter
magnetic flux density meter 7.8
optical field strength meter 7.2.2
space-charge density meter 7.6
vibrating plate electric field strength
microphone 14.6
free-field microphone 14.6.1
pressure microphone 14.6.4
pressure-gradient microphone 14.6.3
random-incidence microphone 14.6.2
microspark 9.8.1
mill, field mill
minimum single-conductor (or subconductor)
voltage gradient 6.13.2
mixed rain and snow 5.7
ion mobility 8.5
mobility spectrum 8.5.1
corona modes 9.4
glow mode 9.4.1
propagation mode 10.6
streamer mode 9.4.2
modulation 11.4
amplitude modulation (AM) 11.4.1
frequency modulation (FM) 11.4.3
phase modulation 11.4.2
monopolar ion density 8.2.1
monopolar space-charge density 8.7.2
monopole antenna 12.2.1
proportionate mortality ratio (PMR) A7.4

negative glow
negative prebreakdown streamers
net current 6.11.6
net space charge 8.7
net space-charge density 8.7.1
neuromuscular effect A6.9
neurosensory effect A6.10
neutral return current 6.11.9

January 2004 IEEE P539/Draft 7 (Revision of ANSI/IEEE Std 539-1990)

Copyright 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
day-night sound level (L
) 14.4.2
noise 3.7
ambient noise 3.7.4
audible noise (AN) 3.7.3
background noise 3.7.5
conducted radio noise
electromagnetic noise 3.7.1
fluctuation noise 3.7.6
fluctuation noise bandwidth 12.4.2
impulse noise 3.7.7
radiated radio noise
radio noise (RN) 3.7.2
radio noise field strength 11.11
random noise 3.7.6
random noise bandwidth 12.4.2
signal-to-noise ratio 3.8
white noise 3.7.8
nominal conductor voltage gradient 6.13.7

current 15.5
dc current 15.5.2
induced current 15.5.1
dc voltage 15.4.2
induced voltage 15.4.1
voltage 15.4
frequency of occurrence 4.2.1
probability of occurrence 4.2.2
octave 13.3
band pressure level 14.5.1
onset, positive onset streamers
voltage 15.4
dc voltage 15.4.2
induced voltage 15.4.1
optical field strength meter 7.2.2
optical probe 7.8.3
overhead power lines, corona 9.2.1
ozone 9.6

paper, probability 4.2.5
detector 12.3.2
discharge current 15.8.1
value of the field strength 6.10.4
steady-state current perception
threshold 16.4.1
transient discharge perception
threshold 16.4.2
threshold of perception 16.4
permeability 17.3
initial permeability 17.2
relative permeability 17.4
log-periodic antenna 12.2.5
peripheral stimulation A5.7
personal radio services bands 11.7.2

perturbed field 6.9.2
weakly perturbed field
phase modulation 11.4.2
polyphase ac fields 6.10.2
single-phase ac fields 6.10.1
phosphene A5.8
current plate 7.3
ion current plate 7.3
vibrating plate electric field strength
Wilson plate 7.3
polyphase ac fields 6.10.2
PMR, proportionate mortality ratio (PMR) A7.4
onset streamers
prebreakdown streamers
action potential A6.13
difference, electric
difference, electrostatic
electric potential difference
electrostatic potential difference
evoked potential A6.14
gradient 6.13
resting potential A6.15
space potential 6.12
ac power-line fields 6.10
corona, overhead power lines 9.2.1
power-line carrier 11.7.6
negative prebreakdown streamers
positive prebreakdown streamers
precipitation intensity 5.2
precipitation, intensity of precipitation 5.2
band pressure level 14.5
octave band pressure level 14.5.1
sound pressure level 14.3
microphone 14.6.4

January 2004 IEEE P539/Draft 7 (Revision of ANSI/IEEE Std 539-1990)

Copyright 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
pressure-gradient microphone 14.6.3
primary electric shock 16.2.1
probability of occurrence 4.2.2
probability density function [p(x)] 4.2.3
probability distribution function [P(x)] 4.2.4
probability paper 4.2.5
coil probe 7.8.1
Hall effect probe 7.8.2
optical probe 7.8.3
vibrating probe

profile 3.10
lateral profile 3.10.1
longitudinal profile 3.10.2
promoter, cancer A6.17
constant 10.4
mode 10.6
proportionate mortality ratio (PMR) A7.4
prospective study A7.7
psychophysics A7.7.6
pulse, corona. 9.3
pure tone 13.4

QP, quasi-peak (QP) detector 12.3.3
quasi-peak (QP) detector 12.3.3

radiated radio noise
AM radio broadcast band 11.7.3
FM radio broadcast band 11.7.4
personal radio services bands 11.7.2
radio influence voltage (RIV) 11.10
interference (RI) 11.9.1
frequency interference (RFI) 11.9.1
noise (RN) 3.7.2
noise, conducted
noise field strength 11.11
noise, radiated
signal 11.2.1
rain 5.5
freezing rain 5.10
rain and snow, mixed 5.7
noise 3.7.6
noise bandwidth 12.4.2
random-incidence microphone 14.6.2
rate, recombination 8.4.1

proportionate mortality ratio (PMR) A7.4
signal-to-noise ratio 3.8
standing-wave ratio 10.3.1
recombination 8.4
recombination coefficient 8.4.1
recombination rate 8.4.1
ground reference meter
reflected wave 10.2
reflection coefficient 10.2.1
relative permeability 17.4
relationship, dose-response A5.2
replication A7.5
residual current 6.11.7
response, dose-response relationship A5.2
resting potential A6.15
resultant value of the field strength 6.10.5
return current 6.11.7
earth return current 6.11.8
neutral return current 6.11.9
RFI, radio frequency interference (RFI) 11.9.1
rhythm, circadian A7.6
RI, radio interference (RI) 11.9.1
RIV, radio influence voltage (RIV) 11.10
risk A6.16.1
RMS, root-mean-square (RMS) detector 12.3.4
RN, radio noise (RN) 3.7.2
rod antenna 12.2.1
root-mean-square (RMS) detector 12.3.4

safe let-go level 16.3
secondary electric shock 16.2.2
sequence, zero-sequence current 6.11.5
series-fed vertical antenna
sham control A7.8.1
shield 17.5
conductor (wire) current 6.11.10
effectiveness 17.7
enclosure 17.8
factor 17.6
annoyance shock 16.5
aversive shock 16.7
electric shock 16.2
primary electric shock 16.2.1
secondary electric shock 16.2.2
startle shock 16.6
current 15.5
dc current 15.5.2
induced current 15.5.1
shunt-fed vertical antenna
single-blind study A7.7.8.1

January 2004 IEEE P539/Draft 7 (Revision of ANSI/IEEE Std 539-1990)

Copyright 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
average single-conductor (or
subconductor) voltage
gradient 6.13.3
maximum single-conductor (or
subconductor) voltage
gradient 6.13.1
minimum single-conductor (or
subconductor) voltage
gradient 6.13.2
single-phase ac fields 6.10.1
signal 3.6
electromagnetic signal 11.2
radio signal 11.2.1
unwanted signal 3.6.2
wanted signal 3.6.1
signal-to-noise ratio 3.8
size, ion 8.6
small ion 8.6.1
snow 5.6
mixed rain and 5.7
wet snow 5.8
day-night sound level (L
) 14.4.2
energy equivalent sound level (L
) 14.4.1
level 14.4
pressure level 14.3
sound-level meters, weighting characteristics for 14.4
space, net space charge 8.7
monopolar space-charge density 8.7.2
net space-charge density 8.7.1
space-charge cage 7.6
space-charge density meter 7.6
space-charge filter 7.7
space-charge-free electric field
space potential 6.12
spark 9.8
discharge 15.8
frequency spectrum 3.9
mobility spectrum 8.5.1
standing wave 10.3
standing-wave ratio 10.3.1
startle shock 16.6
statistical terms, general 4.2
statistical terms related to corona effects 4.3
induced current 15.6
current perception threshold 16.4.1
streamer mode 9.4.2
negative prebreakdown streamers
positive onset streamers
positive prebreakdown streamers
Trichel streamers
ac electric field strength 6.4.1
ac electric field strength meter 7.2.1
dc electric field strength 6.4.2
dc electric field strength meter 7.2.3
electric field strength 6.4
electric field strength meter 7.2
generating electric field strength
horizontal component of the electric
field strength
magnetic field strength 6.7
maximum value of the field strength 6.10.3
optical field strength meter 7.2.2
peak value of the field strength 6.10.4
radio noise field strength 11.11
resultant value of the field strength 6.10.5
vertical component of the electric field
vibrating plate electric field strength
stress A6.3
stimulation, peripheral A5.7
biophysical study A7.7.1
blind study A7.7.8
double-blind study A7.7.8.2
in situ study A7.7.2
in utero study A7.7.3
in vitro study A7.7.4
in vivo study A7.7.5
prospective study A.7.7
single-blind study A7.7.8.1
average single-conductor (or
subconductor) voltage
gradient 6.13.3
maximum single-conductor (or
subconductor) voltage
gradient 6.13.1
minimum single-conductor (or
subconductor) voltage
gradient 6.13.2
surface state coefficient (m) 6.16
syndrome A6.11
television interference (TVI) 11.9.2
teratology A7.7.7
of perception 16.4
steady-state current perception
threshold 16.4.1

January 2004 IEEE P539/Draft 7 (Revision of ANSI/IEEE Std 539-1990)

Copyright 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
transient discharge perception
threshold 16.4.2
tone, pure 13.4
transfer, charge 15.8.3

discharge 15.8
discharge perception threshold 16.4.2
treatment A5.6
Trichel streamers
TV broadcast band 11.7.5
TVI, television interference (TVI) 11.9.2

unbalanced currents 6.11.4
uncontrolled variable A7.9
uniform field 6.9.1
uniformity, field 6.9
unwanted signal 3.6.2

maximum value of the field strength 6.10.3
peak value of the field strength 6.10.4
resultant value of the field strength 6.10.5
variability, biological A6.4
confounding A7.9
uncontrolled A7.9
vertical antenna 12.2.1
series-fed vertical antenna
shunt-fed vertical antenna
vertical component of the electric field
vibrating plate electric field strength meter
vibrating probe
corona extinction voltage 6.15.1
corona. inception voltage 6.14.1
object-to-ground dc voltage 15.4.2
object-to-ground induced voltage 15.4.1
object-to-ground voltage 15.4
open-circuit dc voltage 15.4.2
open-circuit induced voltage 15.4.1
open-circuit voltage 15.4
radio influence voltage (RIV) 11.10
voltage gradient 6.13
average bundle voltage gradient 6.13.4
average maximum bundle voltage
gradient 6.13.5
average single-conductor (or
subconductor) voltage
gradient 6.13.3
corona extinction voltage 6.15.1
corona extinction voltage gradient 6.15
corona inception voltage 6.14.1
corona inception voltage gradient 6.14
maximum bundle voltage gradient 6.13.6
maximum single-conductor (or
subconductor) voltage
gradient 6.13.1
minimum single-conductor (or
subconductor) voltage
gradient 6.13.2
nominal conductor voltage gradient 6.13.7
voltmeter, generating
wanted signal 3.6.1
wave 3.2
reflected wave 10.2
standing wave 10.3
standing-wave ratio 10.3.1
impedance 10.5.1
wavelength 3.3
weakly perturbed field
all weather distribution 4.3.1
fair weather 5.3
fair weather distribution 4.3.2
foul weather 5.4
foul weather distribution 4.3.3
weighting characteristics for sound-level meters 14.4
wet snow 5.8
whip antenna 12.2.1
white frost 5.9
white noise 3.7.8
Wilson plate 7.3
wire, shield conductor (wire) current 6.11.10

zeitgebers A6.12
zero-sequence current 6.11.5


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