Some Physical Properties of Sands and Gravels

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The document discusses methods for analyzing physical properties of sands and gravels such as effective size and how these properties impact water filtration rates.

The effective size of sand grains is determined by separating sand samples into portions of definite grain sizes and calculating the relative quantities of grains of each size. It forms the basis for computations of other properties.

The frictional resistance of sand varies directly with flow rate, depth of sand, and inversely with the square of the effective size. It also varies with temperature and possibly uniformity coefficient.

Some Physical Properties of Sands and Gravels

With Special Reference to Their Use in Filtration

Allen Hazen
In Charge of the Lawrence Experiment Station.
The Twenty-Fourth Annual Report of the State Board of Health in Massachusetts for
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3

Some Physical Propertyies of Sands and Gravels, with Special Reference to their Use in
By Allen Hazen
Chemist in charge of Lawrence Experiment Station.

The experiments at the Lawrence Experiment Station under the direction of Hiram F.
Mills. C.E., have necessitated many investigations in regard to the physical properties of
filtering materials. The following is a brief account of some of the methods of analysis
devised in the course of these investigations, together with the more important results

Table of Contents
Method of Analysis ............................................................................................................. 4
Collection of Samples ......................................................................................................... 4
Separation Into Portions having Grains of Definite Sizes .................................................. 4
Determination of the sizes of the sand grains ..................................................................... 5
Calculations of Results ....................................................................................................... 6
The Effective Size ............................................................................................................... 6
Examples of Calculation of Results .................................................................................... 7
I -Analysis of a Gravel by Handpicking 11,870 grams Taken for Analysis ............................... 7
II. Analysis of a Sand by Means of Sieves. ................................................................................. 8
III. Analysis of a Fine Material with Elutriation ......................................................................... 8
Determination of Open Spaces and Water by Volume. ...................................................... 9

Method of Analysis
A knowledge of the sizes of the sand grains forms the basis of many of the
computations. This information is obtained by means of mechanical analyses. The sand
sample is separated into portions having grains of definite sizes, and from the weight of
the several portions of relative quantities of grains of any size can be computed.
Collection of Samples
In shipping and handling, samples of sands are best kept in their natural moist
condition, as there is then no tendency to separation into portions of unequal-sized grains.
Under no circumstances should different materials be mixed in the same samples. If the
material under examination is not homogeneous, samples of each grade should be taken
in separate bottles, with proper notes in regard to location, quantity, etc. Sight-ounce
wide-necked bottles are most convenient for sand samples, but with gravels a larger
quantity is often required. Duplicate samples for comparison after obtaining the results of
analyses are often useful.
Separation Into Portions having Grains of Definite Sizes
Three methods are employed for particles of different sizes, -hand picking for the
stones, sieves for the sands and water elutriation for the extremely fine particles. Ignition,
or determination of albuminoid ammonia, might be added for determining the quantity of
organic matter, which, as a matter of convenience, is assumed to consist of particles less
than 0.01 mm in diameter.
The method of hand picking is ordinarily applied only to particles which remain
on a sieve two meshes to an inch. The stones of this size are spread out so that all are in
sight, and a definite number of the largest are selected and raised. The diameter is
measured and reckoned from the total weight. Another set of the largest remaining stones
is then picked out and weighed as before, and so on until the sample is exhausted. With a
little practice the eye enables one to pick out the largest stones quite accurately.
With smaller particles this process becomes too laborious, on account of the large
number of particles, and sieves are therefore used instead. The sand for sifting must be
entirely free from moisture, and is ordinarily dried in an oven at a temperature somewhat
above the boiling point. The quantity taken for analysis should rarely exceed 200 grams.
The sieves are made from carefully selected brass-wire gauze, having, as nearly as
possible, square and ounce-sized meshes. The frames are of metal, fitting into each other
so that several sieves can be used at once without loss of material. It is a great
convenience to have a mechanical shaker, which will take a series of sieves and give
them a uniform and sufficient shaking in a short time; but without this good results can be
obtained by hand shaking. A series which has proved very satisfactory has sieves with
approximately 2, 4, 6, 10, 20, 40, 70, 100, 140, and 200 meshes to an inch; but the exact
numbers are of no consequence, as the actual sizes of the particles are relied upon, and
not the number of meshes to an inch.
It can be easily shown by experiment that when a mixed sand is shaken upon a
sieve the smaller particles pass first, and as the shaking is continued larger and larger
particles pass, until the limit is reached when almost nothing will pass. The last and
largest particles passing are collected and measured, and they represent the separation of
that sieve. The size of separation of a sieve bears a tolerably definite relation to the size
of the mesh, but the relation is not to be depended upon, owing to the irregularities in the
meshes and also to the fact that the finer sieves are woven on a different pattern from the
coarser ones, and the particles passing the finer sieves are somewhat larger in proportion
to the mesh than is the case with the coarser sieves. For these reasons the sizes of the
sand grains are determined by actual measurements, regardless of the size of the mesh of
the sieve.
It has not been found practicable to extend the sieve separation to particles below
0.10 milimeter in diameter (corresponding to a sieve with about 200 meshes to an inch),
and for such particles elutriation is used. The portion passing the finest sieve contains the
g reater part of the organic matter of the sample, with the exception of roots and other
larger undecomposed matters, and it is usually best to remove the organic matter by
ignition at the lowest possible heat before proceeding to the water separations. The imeter,
is rapidly decanted in to a suitable vessel, and the remaining sand is again mixed with an
equal amount of fresh water, which is again poured off after fifteen seconds, carrying
with it most of the remaining fine particles. This process is once more repeated, after
which t he remaining sand is allowed to drain, and is then dried and weighed, and
calculated as above 0.08 milimeter in diameter. The finer decanted sand will have
sufficiently settled in a few minutes, and the coarser parts at the bottom are washed back
into the beaker and treated withwater exactly as before, except that one minute interval is
now allowed for settling. The sand remaining is calculated as above 0.04 milimeter, and
the portion below 0.04 is estimated by difference, as its direct determination is very
tedious, and no more accurate than the estimation by difference when sufficient care is
Determination of the sizes of the sand grains
The sizes of the sand grains can be determined in either of two ways, -from the
weight of the particles or from micrometer measurements. For convenience the size of
teach particle is considered to be the diameter of a sphere of equal volume. When the
weight and specific gravity of a particle are known, the diameter can be readily calculated.
The volume of a sphere is

, and is also equal to the weight divided by the specific

gravity. With the Lawrence materials the specific gravity is uniformly 2,65 within very
narrow limits, and we have

. Solving for d we obtain the formulae

when d is the diameter of a particle in millimeters and w its weight in milligrams.

As the average weight of particles, when not too small, can be determined with precision,
this method is very accurate, and altogether the most satisfactory for particles above 0.1
millimeter; that is, for all sieve operations. For the finer particles the method is
inapplicable, on account of the vast number of particles to be counted in the smallest
portion which can be accurately weighed, and in these cases the sizes are determined by
the micrometer measurements. As the sand grains are not spherical or even regular in
shape, considerable care is required to ascertain the true mean diameter. The most
accurate method is to measure the long diameter and the middle diameter at right angles
to it, as seen by a microscope. The short diameter is obtained by a m8icrometer screw,
focusing first upon the glass upon which the particle rests and then upon the highest point
to be found. The mean diameter is then the cube root of the product of the three observed
diameters. The middle diameter is usually about equal to the mean diameter, and can
generally be used for it, avoiding the troublesome measurement of the short diameters.
The sizes of the separations of the sieves are always determined from the very
least sand which passess through in the course of an analysis, and the results so obtained
are quite accurate. With the elutriation average samples are inspected, and estimates
made of the range in size of particles in each portion. Some stray particles both above and
below the normal sizes are usually present, and even with the greates care t he result is
only an approximation to the truth; still, a series of results made in strictly the same way
should be thoroughly satisfactory, notwithstanding possible moderate errors in the
absolute sizes.
Calculations of Results
When a material has been separated into portions, each of which is accurately
weighed and the range in the sizes of grains in each portion determined, the weight of the
particles finer than each size of separation can be calculated and with enough properly
selected separations the results can be plotted in the form of a diagram, and
emasurements of the curve taken for intermediate points with a fair degree of accuracy.
This curve of results may be drwwn upon a uniform scale using the actual figures of sizes
and of per cents, by weight, or the logarithms of the figures may be used in one or both
directions. Them method of plotting is not of vital importance, and the method for any set
of materials which haves the most easily and accurately drawn curves is to be preferred.
In the diagram published last year the logarithmic scale was used in one direction, but in
many circumstances the logarithmic scale can be used to advantage in both directions.
with this method it has been found that the curve is often almost a straight line through
the lower and most important section, and very accurate results are obtained even with a
smaller number of separations.
The Effective Size
As a provisional basis which best agrees with the known facts, the size of grains
were the curve cuts the ten per cent is considered to be the effective size of the material.
This size is such that 10 per cent, of the material is of smaller grains, and 90 per cent, is
of greater grains than the size given. The results obtained at Lawrence indicate that the
finer 10 per cent have as much influence upon the action of a material in filtration as the
coarser 90 per cent. This is explained by the fact that in a mixed material, containing
particles of various sizes, the water is forced to go around the larger particles and through
the finer portions which occupy the intervening spaces, and so it is this finerst portion
which mainly determines the frictional resistance, the capillary attraction, and, in fact, the
reaction of the sand in almost every way.
Another important point in regard to a material is its degree of uniformity;
whether the particles are mainly of the same size, or whether there is a great range in their
diameters. This is conveniently shown by the uniformity coefficient, a term used to
designate the ratio of the size of grains that has 60 per cent of the sample finer than itself.
These sizes are taken directly from the curve of results.
It is not probable that the above data regarding a sand include all the important
points to be known, or that further study will not modify or change the method of
calculation; but, in the absence of better methods, their use allows extremely valuable
approximate calculations, which would otherwise be almost impossible.
Examples of Calculation of Results
Following are examples of representative analyses, showing separation employed
with various materials.
I -Analysis of a Gravel by Handpicking 11,870 grams Taken for Analysis

No. of Stones in
Portion (Largest
Selected Stones)
Total Wgt.
of portion
Aver. Wgt.
Of Stones
Estimate Weight
of Smallest
Stones [mgr]
Size. [mm]
Total Wgt. of
Stones smaller
than this size [gr]
Per cent. of total
Wgt. Smaller
than this size [%]

11,870 100
10 3,320 332,000 250,000 56 8,550 72
10 1,930 193,000 165,000 49 6,620 56
10 1,380 138,000 124,000 45 5,240 44
20 2,200 110,000 93,000 41 3,040 26
20 1,520 76,000 64,000 36 1,520 13
20 1,000 50,000 36,000 30 520 4.4
20 460 23,000 10,000 20 60 0.5
10 40 4,000 2,000 11 20 0.2
Dust 20 - - - - -
Table 1: Analysis of handpicked gravels
The weight of the smallest stones in a portion given in the fourth column is
estimated in general as a bout half-way between the average weight of all the stones in
that portion and the average weight of the stones in the next finer portion.
The finer results are shown by the figures in full-faced type in the last and third
from the last columns. By plotting these figures (Figure I.) we find that 10 per cent of the
stones are less than 35 millimeters in diameters. The uniformity coefficients, as described
below, are the fractions of these numbers, or 1.46, while the effective size is 35

II. Analysis of a Sand by Means of Sieves.

A portion of the samples was dried in a porcelain dish in a n air bath. Weight dry,
110.9 grams. It was put into a series of sieves in a mechanical shaker, and given one
hundred turns (equal to about seven hundred single shakes). The sieves were then taken
apart, and the portion passing the finest sieve weighted. After noting the weight, the sand
remaining on the finest sieve but passing all the coarser sieves was added to the first. And
again weighed, this process being repeated until all the sample was upon the scale,
weighing 110.7 grams, showing a loss by handing of only 0.2 grams. The figures were as
Size of
separation of
this sieve.
Quantity of
sand passing
Per cent of
total weight
Sieve marked
Size of
separation of
this sieve
Quantity of
sand passing
Percent of
190 0.105 0.5 0.5 40 0.46 56.7 51.2
140 0.135 1.3 1.2 20 0.93 89.1 80.5
100 0.182 4.1 3.7 10 2.04 104.6 94.3
60 0.32 23.2 21 6 3.9 110.7 100
Table 2: Plotting the figures in heavy-faced type we find from the curve (Figure II) that 10 and 60 per cent, respectively are finer than 0.25
and 0.62 millimeter, and we have for effective size, as described above, 0.25, and for uniformity coefficient 2.5

III. Analysis of a Fine Material with Elutriation
The entire Sample, 74 grams, was taken for analysis. The sieves used wore not the
same as those in the previous analysis, and instead of mixing the various portions on the
scale they were separately weighed. The siftings were as follows:
Remaining on
Above [mm] Weight [gr]
10 2.2 1.5
20 0.98 7
40 0.46 22
70 0.24 20.2
140 0.13 9.2
< 140 Below 0.13 14.1
Table 3: Sieve analysis
The 14.1 grams passing the 140 sieve were thoroughly ixed, and one-third, 4.7 grams,
taken for analysis. After ignition just below a red heat in a radiators, the weight oas
diminished by 0.47 gram. The portion above 0.08 milimeters and between 0.04 and 0.08
milimeter, separated as described above, weighed respectively 1.27 and 1.71 grams, and
the portion below 0.04 amilimeter was estimated by difference (4.7 (0.47 + 1.27+1.71)0
to be 1.25 grams. Multiplying these quantitites by 3, we obtain the corresponding
quantities for the entire sample, and the calculation of quantities finer than the various
sizes can be made, as follows.
Determination of Open Spaces and Water by Volume.
As it is often necessary to make determinations of open space and water in sands,
a few notes in regard to the most suitable methods will be given.
The specific gravity of the solid particles is obtained by putting a weighed
quantity of the thoroughly dry material into a narrow-necked graduated fleak of distilled
water, taking great care that no air bubbles are inclosed, and weighing this displaced
water. very accurate results may be obtained in this way.
The specific gravity of the material as a whole is obtained by weighting a known
volume pecked as a it is actually used, or as nearly so as possible. As the material is
usually moist, it should either be dried before weighing or else a moisture determination
made and a correction applied. The open space is invariably obtained by dividing the
specific gravity of the material as a whole when dry by the specific gravity of the solid
particles, and deducting the quotient from 1.
The results obtained by measuring this quantity of water which can be put into a
given volume when introduced from below are invariably too low, because the water is
drawn ahead by capillarity, and air bubbles are enclosed and remain, often causing
serious errors. A rough estimate of the open space can be made from the uniformity
coefficient. Sharp-grained materials having uniformity coefficients below 2, have nearly
45 per cent open space as ordinarily packed; and sands having coefficients below 3, as
they occur in the banks artificially settled in water, will usually have 40 per cent open
space. With more mixed vmaterials the closeness of packing increases, unitl, with a
uniformity coefficient of 6 to 8, only 30 per cent. Open space is obtained, and with
extremely high coefficient almost no open space is left. With round-grained water-wornk
results the open space has been observed to be from 2 to 5 per cent. Less than for
corresponding sharp-grained sands.
The quantity of water contained in sand is obtained by drying a weighed portion is
the usual way. The volume of the water is reckoned by the formula
When is the specific gravity of the material as a whole when dry and M is the per
cent. Of moisture by weight. The difference between this figure and the open space is, in
general, the air space.
To determine the capillarity of a sand it is so placed that it is drained at a defined
level, great care being taken to secure a compact packing free from stratification. Water is
put freely upon it, and after a definite time, usually twenty four or forty-eight hours, sand
samples are taken at various levels, and water determinations made as described above.
The results plotted give a curve of water capacity.
Determination of Frictional Resistance.
To determine this frictional resistance of a material, a cylinder of galvanized iron
of convenient size is filtered with the material packed under conditions as far as possible
like those under which it is to be used. For water filtration the material is put loosely in
position and settled to a compact condition by introducing water from below.
Stratification must be carefully avoided. Water is then passed through at definite rates,
keeping the material covered with an excess of water, and regulating the rate of flow by
the faucet at the bottom. The accompanying diagram (Figure IV) represents a section of
the apparatus (not drawn to scale). The loss of head between the two points at a definite
distance apart and both well within the material under examination is observed in glass
tubes attached to pet cocks covered with fine wire gauze to keep back the material. By
proceeding in this way we eliminate the loss of head in the surface layer of sand, which is
always much greater than for corresponding material below the surface, and is better
studied by itself. The friction when the experiment is first started is always high, because
many air bubbles are retained in the sand, but if water not entirely saturated with air is
applied continuously for some days the air bubbles are absorved and constant normal
results are obtained.
Friction of Water in Sands and Gravels
The frictional resistance of sand to water within certain limits of size of grain and
rate of flow varies directly as the rate and as the depth of the sand. This is given by Piefke
as Darcys law. I have found that the friction also varies with the temperature, being
twice summer heat both for coarse and fine sands, and also that with different sands the
resistance varies inversely as the square of the effective size of the sand grain. It probably
varies also somewhat with the uniformity coefficient, but no satisfactory data are at hand
upon that point.
Putting the available data in the shape of a formula, we have
V = cd^2 * h/l (0.70 + 0.03 T)
Where V is the velocity of the water in meters daily in a solid comun of the same area as
that of the sand, C is a constant factor which present experiments indicate to be
approximately 1,000. d= the effective size of sand grain, h is the loss of head, l is the
thickness of sand through which water passess, t is the temperature on the centigrade
scale (t Fahr. + 10/60 may be substituted for the last term, if desired).
The data at hand only justify the application of this formula to sands having a
uniformity coefficient below 5, and effective size of grain 0.1 to 3.0 milimeters.
The quantity of water which will filter through a sand when its pores are
completetly filled with water and in the entire absence of clogging, with na active head to
the depth of sand, and at a temperature of 10 degrees centigrade, forms an extremely
convenient basis for calculation, and for convenience is called the maximum rate, as it
is approximately equal to the greatest quantity of water which can be made to pass the
sand under ordinary working conditions. Thus sand with effective size, .2 millimeter, has
a maximum rate of 40 meters per day; with effective size .3 millimeter, the maximum
rate is 90 meters per day, etc.


*The results of a number of such experiments were given in the annual report for 1891,
page 432.
The height to which water will be held to such an extent as to prevent the circulation of
air can be roughly estimated by the formula h = 1.5/d^2 when h is the height in
millimeters and d the effective size of sand grain. The data which the constant given
above as 1.5 was calculated are very inadequate, and consequently the formula may
require modification with more extended observations. The height to which water is held
by capillarity is independent of temperature.
Determination of Frictional Resistance
To determine the frictional resistance of a material, a cylinder of galvanized iron
of convenient size is filtered with the material packed under conditions as far as possible
like those under which it is to be used. For water filtration the material is put loosely in
position and settled to a compact condition by introducing water from below.
Stratification must be carefully avoided. Water is then passed through at definite rates,
keeping the material covered with an excess of water, and regulating the rate of flow by
the faucet at the bottom. The accompanying diagram (Figure IV) represents a section of
the apparatus (not drawn to scale). The loss of head between the two points at a definite
distance apart and both well within the material under examination is observed in glass
tubes attached to pet cocks covered with fine wire gauze to keep back the material. By
proceeding in this way we eliminate the loss of head in the surface layer of sand, which is
always much greater than for corresponding material below the surface, and is better
studied by itself. The friction when the experiment is first started is always high, because
many air bubbles are retained in the sand; but if water not entirely saturated with air is
applied continuously for some days the air bubbles are absorbed and constant normal
results are obtained.
Friction of Water in Sands and Gravels.
The frictional resistance of sand to water within certain limits of size of grain and
rate of flow varies directly as the rate and as the depth of the sand. This is given by Piefke
as Darcys law. I have found that the friction also varies with the temperature, being
twice as great at the freezing point as at summer heat both for coarse and fine sands, and
also that with different sands the resistance varies inversely as the square of the effective
size of the sand grain. It probably varies also somewhat with the uniformity coefficient,
but no satisfactory data are at hand upon their point.
Putting the available data in the shape of a formula we have:

( )
where V is the velocity of the water in meters daily in a solid column of the same area as
that of sand, c is a constant factor which present experiments indicate to be
approximately 1,000. D equals the effective size of sand grains, h is the loss of head, l is
the thickness of sand through which water passes. T is the temperature on the centigrade
scale (

may be substituded for the last term, if desired).

The data at hand only justify the application of this formula to sands having a
uniformity coefficient below 5, and effective size of grain 0.1 to 3.0 millimeters.
The quantity of water which will filter through a sand when its pores are
completely filled with water and in the entire absence of clogging, with an active head to
the depth of sand, and at a temperature of 10 degrees centigrade, forms an extremely
convenient basis for calculation, and for convenience is called the maximum rate as it
is approximately equal to the greatest quantity of water which can be made to pass the
sand under ordinary working conditions. Thus a sand with effective size, 0.2 millimeter,
has a maximum rate of 40 meters per day; with effective size 0.3 millimeter the
maximum rate is 90 meters per day, etc.

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