Consumer Chemistry: Vitamin C in Fruit Juices: Experiment 20

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Experiment 20

Consumer Chemistry:
Vitamin C in Fruit Juices


The Task
The goal of this experiment is to determine the concentration of vitamin C in a range of
different fruit juices (fresh and preserved) using titration and to rank these sources of
vitamin C.

At the end of the laboratory session you should be able to:
use a pipette correctly,
use a pipette filler safely,
manipulate a burette and carry out a quantitative titration properly,
weigh a sample accurately,
understand and utilise error analysis.

Other Outcomes
You will extract vitamin C from a number of types of fresh fruit and bought juices.
You will present a conclusion concerning the ranking of different sources of vitamin
C that includes clear reference to their interpretation of the error analysis.
You will explore the stability of vitamin C in solution and relate this to differences
between fresh and preserved juices.

The Assessment
You will be assessed on your ability to use a burette correctly. See Skills 4.6 & 4.8. Make
sure you remove the little plastic funnel before you begin any titration.

Vitamin C is a water-soluble compound that is essential for life. It is involved in many
processes in the human body, including: the production of collagen in the connective tissue;
the synthesis of dopamine, noradrenaline and adrenaline in the nervous system; and the
synthesis of carnitine, which is important in the transfer of energy to the cell mitochondria.

A deficiency in vitamin C causes scurvy, a disease that affected sailors in the 16
- 18

Centuries. It was discovered that fresh fruit, e.g. limes and oranges, or sauerkraut
(preserved cabbage) provided the sailors with protection from scurvy.
In Australia and New Zealand, the recommended daily intake (RDI) of Vitamin C is 60 mg.
The Nobel-prize winning scientist, Linus Pauling (1901 1994), believed in regular mega
doses of vitamin C, but this is still regarded as unorthodox in conventional medicine.
Vitamin C is often used as an antimicrobial and antioxidant in foodstuffs. It was first
isolated in 1928 and in 1932 it was proved to be the agent which prevented scurvy (hence
its scientific name of ascorbic acid, which literally translates as anti-scurvy acid). Its
structure was determined in 1933 and confirmed by total synthesis soon after.
Enantiomers are isomers that are mirror images of each other, a concept dealt with in detail
in E15. Vitamin C is the L-enantiomer of ascorbic acid, as shown in Figure 1. (See Skill
13 if you cant understand the stick structures used.) Ascorbic acid is a stable solid that
does not react with air, however, it is rapidly oxidised on exposure to air and light when in
aqueous solution. The product of this oxidation is dehydroascorbic acid, as shown in
Figure 2.

Figure 1: The two enantiomers of ascorbic acid.
(D and L are specialised labels used in sugar chemistry.)

Figure 2: The oxidation of ascorbic acid to dehydroascorbic acid.


Redox reactions
You will come across the terms oxidation and reduction in the lecture course. These two
processes are the opposite of each other and always accompany each other - as one species
is oxidised, another is reduced - and the combined reaction is called a redox process. In
organic chemistry, it is convenient to think of oxidation as a decrease in the number of
H atoms in a molecule and reduction as an increase in the number of H atoms.
Vitamin C the antioxidant
In biological systems, reactive oxidants are often produced from metabolic processes. They
have the ability to react with other molecules (e.g. DNA), thus damaging the cell. The
body protects its cells by utilising another group of molecules called antioxidants (to which
vitamin C belongs) to reduce (and hence detoxify) the oxidants. This experiment uses this
phenomenon in a reduction/oxidation (redox) titration, where vitamin C reduces the orange
solution of iodine to the colourless iodide ion as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: The reaction that is occurring in your titration today.

Volumetric analysis
Volumetric analysis (see Skill 4) is a technique that employs the measurement of volumes
to determine quantitatively the amount of a substance in solution. In any reaction between
two or more species, the reaction equation shows the stoichiometric ratio of reacting
species. Take, for example, the reaction being investigated today, that between solutions of
ascorbic acid and I
. The reaction equation, as shown in Figure 3, tells us that 1 mol of I

reacts with 1 mol of vitamin C.
forms a blue complex in the presence of starch (Vitex) and hence can act as its own
indicator. Whilst the ascorbic acid is in excess, the orange I
which is being added from the
burette is being reduced and is decolourising. As soon as all the ascorbic acid present has
been oxidised, the added I
will no longer be reduced and, due to the Vitex that has been
added, the solution becomes pale blue.
In this experiment, you will perform a series of redox titrations. In the course of these
titrations you will become familiar with the technique of titration and the calculations
associated with volumetric analysis. Read the Skills section on volumetric analysis (Skill
4) before your practical session. An example titration (not the one you will perform) and
the relevant calculations can be found in Appendix 20.1.


Chemical Hazard Identification
dilute aqueous iodine solution low toxicity, irritant
ascorbic acid (vitamin C) non-hazardous
dilute sodium thiosulfate solution - non-hazardous
0.2 M acetic acid- non-hazardous
Vitex - non-hazardous
Risk Assessment and Control
Moderate risk.
Pipettes are easily broken resulting in dangerous jagged glass edges, especially if the
pipette filler is used incorrectly. Read Skill 4.2 & 4.3 for its correct use and practise
the techniques described before proceeding.
Waste Disposal
All of the solutions used today can be washed down the sink with water. Solid waste
should be thrown in the bin.

This experiment is to be carried out individually.
NOTE: Failure to follow the correct procedures as explained in
Skill 4 will result in wildly inaccurate results. The following notes
do NOT give a full description of the techniques.


Part A Standardisation of I
A solution of iodine can be standardised by titration against a known concentration of
sodium thiosulfate according to the following equation.
(aq) + 2S
(aq) 2I

(aq) + S
A solution of sodium thiosulfate has already been prepared for you. The exact
concentration is written on the label. You are going to use this solution to determine the
exact concentration of the I
solution used for determining the concentration of vitamin C in
your fruit.
(A1) Collect about 200 mL of a solution of I
in a clean dry stoppered 250 mL conical
flask. Prepare the burette for titration (see Skill 4.6) and as shown by your
demonstrator, by washing with water and then three times with a small amount of
the I
solution. Remember to restopper the iodine solution in your 250 mL flask.
(A2) In a clean and dry 250 mL conical flask collect 120 mL of the sodium thiosulfate
solution. Record the exact concentration of the solution in your logbook.
(A3) Pipette (see Skill 4.3) a 25.00 mL aliquot of the sodium thiosulfate solution into a
clean 250 mL conical flask. Add a half a Ni spoonful of Vitex reagent and 10 drops
of 0.2 M acetic acid. Titrate with the I
solution (Skill 4.8) until you get a
permanent colour change for at least 30 seconds. The endpoint is a light blue
colour. Record your initial and final volumes in your logbook. This is your rough
(A4) Pipette another 25.00 mL aliquot of sodium thiosulfate into a clean conical flask,
add the Vitex and acetic acid as in step (A3) and titrate with the I
solution, slowing
down to drop by drop and then split drops about 2 mL before the rough titration
volume. Record your initial and final volumes to 2 decimal places in your logbook.
(A5) Repeat step (A4) until you have 3 concordant titre values that are within 0.1 mL of
each other.
(A6) In your logbook, calculate the concentration of your I
solution. A sample
calculation is given in Appendix 20.1.
Part B Vitamin C Determination
Your demonstrator will allocate you a fresh juice OR a preserved juice.
Fresh fruit juice preparation
Begin with step (B6) if you have been allocated a preserved juice.
(B1) Weigh 2 clean and dry Petri dishes on the top loading balance (Skill 3.1A). Record
their masses in your logbook.
(B2) In duplicate, accurately weigh about 5 g of a fruit available on the side bench using
a top loading balance. Record the exact masses in your logbook.
(B3) For each sample, cut the fruit into small pieces, place it in the microcloth and
squeeze the fruit juice into a clean 250 mL conical flask via a funnel.


(B4) Rinse the cloth twice with an additional 5 - 10 mL of deionised water. Squeeze the
water through the cloth and allow the filtrate to mix with that from step (B3).
(B5) Use a spatula to scrape the remaining pulp onto the pre-weighed Petri dish and
reweigh. Record the mass in your logbook. Add half a Ni spoonful of Vitex and
10 drops of 0.2 M acetic acid. Continue with step (B10).
Preserved fruit juice
(B6) Weigh a 10 mL measuring cylinder on the top loading balance (see Skill 3.1A) and
record its mass in your logbook.
(B7) Measure 5 mL of fruit juice in the pre-weighed measuring cylinder and re-weigh it.
(B8) Place the fruit juice into a clean 250 mL conical flask and dilute with 20 mL of
deionised water. If necessary filter off any pulp using the microcloth and rinse with
deionised water into a clean 250 mL conical flask. Add a spatulaful of Vitex and
10 drops of 0.2 M acetic acid.
(B9) Repeat steps (B6) - (B7) to obtain a duplicate sample.
(B10) Fill the burette with the standardised I
solution and titrate your fruit juice until a
permanent pale blue colour persists for at least 30 seconds. Record your initial and
final volumes of I
in your logbook.
(B11) In your logbook, calculate the mass of vitamin C in mg per g of fruit or mg per mL
of fruit juice for your assigned sample. [A sample calculation has been given in
Appendix 1.]
(B12) Write your answer in the table on the board. You need to record all of the class
results in your logbook for the group discussion at the end of your laboratory
(B13) The RDI (recommended daily intake) of vitamin C in Australia and New Zealand is
60 mg per day. In your logbook, calculate what mass of your fresh fruit (or volume
of your preserved fruit juice) you need to consume 60 mg of vitamin C?


Part C Statistical analysis of results
Your Question: Which fruit provides the most vitamin C per gram of juice?
(C1) Collect on a white board everyones measurements of mg of ascorbic acid per gram
of juice for each different fruit. Each student should contribute two separate values,
one for each of their two samples.
(C2) Calculate the mean value of mg of ascorbic acid per gram of juice (well call this the
mean vitamin C content) for each fruit. Record these values in your logbook.
(C3) Which fruit juice has the biggest mean vitamin C content?
In the real world, what we want to know is which fruit is most likely to provide us with the
highest vitamin C content. Is that the same as your answer in (C3)? Not quite! What if the
mean value has been skewed by just one or two very high readings for one particular
sample? (It may have been an extraordinary piece of fruit or the experimenter may have
made an error.) In general, measurements dont give an exact number, but rather a
distribution of numbers. When we try and use the information contained in this distribution
of numbers in some real world problem, we need to consider what bit of the distribution is
the most relevant.
Consider the two fruits that had the highest mean vitamin C content. For the sake of this
discussion well call them fruits A and B, but you, of course, will know what they are from
your data. If fruit A had the higher mean vitamin C content, what is the probability, if we
were to analyse new samples, that fruit A would again have a higher vitamin C content than
fruit B? Heres how we can estimate that probability from the group data on the white
board. (The statistical method used is called the sign test for two medians.)
(C4) Draw a Table in you logbook in which you list all the group measurements for fruit
A down the left hand side. Across the top you list all the group measurements for
fruit B. The result should be a grid with m
x m
boxes (where m
is the number of
measurements for fruit A and m
for fruit B). Now draw a cross, X, in every box in
your Table for which the A reading is bigger than the B reading. (See the example
Table below.) The probability that fruit A wins the next comparison with fruit B is
equal to the fraction of boxes in your Table with a cross in them. Calculate that
fraction and record it in your logbook.
Fruit B values
6.0 5.4 5.8 5.2 5.9 6.3


6.2 X X X X X
6.9 X X X X X X
5.6 X X
7.1 X X X X X X
6.3 X X X X X
Table 1: Example of the data table described in the text. The probability that fruit A would
have the higher reading in the next sample from this example is 24/36 =0.67.

Has this analysis changed your recommendation regarding the fruit that provides the most
vitamin C? (Note that if your probability is less than 0.5 then it means you are more likely
to find juice B with the higher vitamin C content.)

Appendix 20.1: Example of Calculations

Consumer Chemistry: Vitamin C 03/11//11
Part A: Standardisation of I

Results [thiosulfate ion] =2.040 10
M (from bottle)
Table 1: Titration results for the standardisation of I

1 (rough) 2 3 4
Initial volume (mL) 0.20 1.50 2.00 2.50
Final volume (mL) 34.00 35.20 35.60 36.20
Titre (mL) 33.80 33.70 33.60 33.70
Average titre =33.67 (3 concordant values 0.10 mL)
The clear aliquot solution changed to a light blue colour.

Reaction: I
(aq) + 2S
(aq) 2I

(aq) + S
Therefore 1 mol of I
reacts with 2 mol of S

25.00 mL of 2.040 10
soln contains 2.040 10
0.025 mol of S
Therefore 33.67 mL of unknown I
solution contains
2.040 10 0.025

mol of I
Therefore 1000 mL of unknown I
solution contains
2.040 10 0.025 1000
2 33.67

mol of I
That is, the I
solution is 7.574 10


Consumer Chemistry: Vitamin C 03/11//11

Part B: Vitamin C Determination
Results Fruit selected: orange
Mass of sample 1 orange juice =4.85 g Mass of sample 2 orange juice =4.90 g
Table 1: Titration results for determination of vitamin C in orange juice
Sample 1 Sample 2
Mass of juice 4.85 g 4.90 g
Initial volume (mL) 1.50 0.05
Final volume (mL) 22.73 21.54
Titre (mL) 21.23 21.49

The endpoint colour was a purplish pink.
] =7.574 10
M (from Part A)

Reaction: I
(aq) + ascorbic acid 2I

(aq) + dehydroascorbic acid

Therefore 1 mol of I
reacts with 1 mol of ascorbic acid
Molar mass of ascorbic acid (C
) =176.12 g mol

Sample 1
21.23 mL of 7.574 10
solution contains 7.574 10
0.02123 mol of I

Therefore 4.85 g of orange juice contains 7.574 10
0.02123 mol of Vit C.
Therefore 4.85 g of orange juice contains 7.574 10
0.02123 176.12 g of Vit C.
Therefore 4.85 g of orange juice contains 2.831 10
g =2.832 mg of Vit C.
Therefore content of Vit C in fresh orange juice =
2.832 mg
4.85 g
=0.58 mg/g
Sample 2
21.49 mL of 7.574 10
solution contains 7.574 10
0.02149 mol of I

Therefore 4.90 g of orange juice contains 7.574 10
0.02149 mol of Vit C.
Therefore 4.90 g of orange juice contains 7.574 10
0.02149 176.12 g of Vit C.
Therefore 4.90 g of orange juice contains 2.866 10
g =2.866 mg of Vit C.
Therefore content of Vit C in fresh orange juice =
2.866 mg
4.90 g
=0.58 mg/g
Therefore the average content of vitamin C in fresh orange juice is:

0.58 +0.59
=0.59 mg/g

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