Breastfeeding Info

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Prenatal Decision-making Tool

Breastfeeding is the normal way to feed your baby.

Sometimes breastfeeding is hard at first. We can help you!


Although most babies grow on formula, studies show the routine use of formula comes with
some risks to both mothers and babies
For the first 4-6 months babies can`t protect themselves from infections very well; breast milk
helps protects them. The protection lasts as long as they breastfeed - and longer.

Colostrum (the first milk) coats and protects baby`s gut:
Even one feed of formula can damage that coating and make illness more likely.

Babies who do not receive breast milk are more likely to get "#$%#&#'(%) #**%+"" (%, ,#"+("+:
Diarrhea and vomiting (~68 higher rate)*
Colds, flus, ear and chest infections (77 more hospitali:ation for chest infections)*
Diabetes ( ~ 20 - 42 higher rate)*
Certain childhood cancers (Leukemia. ~ 16 20)*
Bowel diseases
Obesity ( ~ 7 26 higher risk)
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome ('SIDS~ 38.5 higher risk*)
Also, non-breastIed children may score a bit lower on IQ tests**

Mothers who mainly feed their babies formula have some higher risks:
Type II diabetes (usuallv ~ 4 13 higher risk)
Bleeding problems after childbirth
Breast cancer before menopause ( ~ 30 higher rate than women who breastfed for 1 vear)
Ovarian cancer (~ 22 higher risk)*
And.mothers can take longer to lose their pregnancy weight ***

Even small amounts of breastmilk can help your baby.
When you can`t feed your baby your own breastmilk or banked breast milk, commercial infant
formulas are next best.

Fraser Health Breastfeeding Practice Advisory Council, December 2012

*Ip, Chung, Raman, Chew, Magula, DeVine, Trikalinos, Lau. BreastIeeding and Maternal and InIant Health Outcomes in Developed Countries. Agency Ior
Health Care Research & Quality , Pub. No. 07-007, April 2007.
**Michael S. Kramer, et. al. BreastIeeding and child cognitive development. New evidence Irom a llarge randomized trial. Archives of General
Psvchiatrv. 2008;65(5):578-584.
***Baker, Gamborg, Heitmann, Lissner, Sorensen, Rasmussen BreastIeeding reduces postpartum weight retention. American Journal oI Clinical Nutrition,
doi:10.3945/ajcn.2008.26379, Vol. 88, No. 6, 1543-1551, December 2008

Mother-Baby Feeding Plan
Canadian Pediatricians (baby doctors) recommend breastfeeding. You may have valid reasons
for choosing formula. Please read this, talk to your nurse/midwife/doctor about feeding your
baby, and check off and initial your plan.
However you feed, in the first few weeks remember to spend daily skin-to-skin time with your
baby. This helps your baby`s development.

-./0123//4567 88888888888 (Initials)
I choose to breastIeed and do not want my baby to get any Iormula or bottles. I know that breastIeeding
early and oIten (at least 8 times/24 hours) helps us both:
my breast milk supply will increase sooner and Iaster
my breasts will not get so hard and sore (engorged)
my baby will have lots oI practice breastIeeding

II my baby is unable to breastIeed initially, someone will talk to me about milk expression and methods
other than bottle to Ieed my baby.
---------------------------- ----------------------------

95:/4 3//4567 88888888888 (Initials)
I want to breastIeed, but there will be times when baby is hungry and I want my baby to get some
Iormula. I know giving bottles in the early days oI breastIeeding can cause problems:
my baby may have trouble going back on the breast aIter using a bottle nipple
my baby may not want to breastIeed iI Iull Irom Iormula
my breast milk supply may take longer to increase because my baby is not sucking as
much at the breast
my breasts may become hard and sore (since my baby is not removing the milk). Then
my baby could have trouble latching on, and my milk supply could eventually go away.
iI I continue giving Iormula it is likely I won`t have enough milk Ior my baby`s needs.
I understand that Iormula Ieeding increases the risk Ior my baby and myselI Ior the
conditions listed on the opposite page.

---------------------------- ----------------------------

563062 3;.9<=0 3//4567 88888888888 (Initials)
I want my baby to be Iormula Ied. I know that:
Iormula is provided Iree while I am in the hospital
once I am at home, I will need to buy Iormula Ior nine to twelve months (extra costs Irom
$60 to $150 /month)
I will need to learn how to prepare Iormula and bottles under sterile conditions and
proper concentration to protect my baby`s health.
powdered Iormula is not sterile, so I will use liquid Iormula iI my baby is premature or ill
(unless my doctor gives diIIerent instructions).
it may be hard to change to breastIeeding aIter a Iew Ieeds/days oI Iormula Ieeding.
I understand that Iormula Ieeding increases the risk Ior my baby and myselI Ior the
diseases listed on the opposite page.
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FH BreastIeeding Practice Advisory Council, December 2012; adapted Irom BC Women`s Mother-Baby Feeding Plan Printshop # 256687

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