Boiler Efficiency Calculation

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Combustion Fundamentals

As every stationary engineer knows, conventional fuels are made up of two elements:
carbon and hydrogen, which combine with oxygen, in a process we call combustion, to
produce heat. Fuels may contain additional materials, such as sulphur, which also
produces some heat when burned, mineral matter (ash), water, and traces of metallic
elements. These are viewed as impurities; the fuel value lies in the carbon and hydrogen.
In fossil fuels these two elements are usually combined in hydrocarbon molecules. They
range from the simplest form, methane (CH
), which is the major constituent of natural
gas, through more complex hydrocarbons contained in petroleum fuels such as gasoline
and heavy oil, to complex hydrocarbons mixed with uncombined carbon in coal. The
proportion of carbon to hydrogen increases from the gaseous fuels to the solid fuels.
Non-fossil fuels such as biomass and alcohol also depend on carbon and hydrogen for
their energy content, but in molecular combinations that usually include oxygen.

Ideally, in the process of combustion the molecular structure of the fuel is completely
broken down; the carbon oxidizes to carbon dioxide (CO
) and the hydrogen oxidizes to
water vapour (H
O). Incomplete combustion results in a variety of additional products,
most of them harmful even in small quantities. They are discussed in Chapter 5.
Fortunately for natural gas and light fuel oil, the premium-quality fuels used for most
heating and industrial purposes in Canada, modern, well-equipped combustion equipment
can eliminate products of incomplete combustion.

However, as shown in Poster 3-1, even complete combustion has many effects beyond
the desired one of providing thermal energy.

Oxygen for combustion is normally provided by atmospheric air, which contains about
21% oxygen, by volume. This is fortuitous since higher concentrations would result in
higher flame temperatures, making it harder to avoid damage to the furnace and burners.
A lower oxygen concentration would result in slower mixing, larger flames and lower
temperatures, and while this is a technique used to reduce NO
emissions, as will be
discussed in Chapter 5, more furnace volume is often required.

Stationary combustion systems almost always operate with excess air; that is, more air is
passed through the burner than is chemically required for complete combustion. This is
done to speed up the process of mixing fuel and air, to ensure that substantially all the
fuel is provided with the oxygen necessary for combustion before it is chilled below
combustion temperatures by contact with heat exchange surfaces. Safety and the range of
equipment control are additional considerations in setting excess air levels. Insufficient
air can quickly lead to a furnace full of explosive gas, so the margin of excess air must be
set to provide a surplus as the fuel and air controls modulate to accommodate changing
load conditions.


Poster 3-1 The Combustion Process

However, excess air incurs a penalty in the unused heat it carries away, and it is the heat
loss that can be controlled through regular adjustment of the combustion system.

Major Boiler Losses

The standard for determining boiler efficiency in North America is the ASME Power
Test Code (ASME PTC 4.1 1964, reaffirmed 1973). As discussed in Appendix 1,
taking full account of all the inputs, outputs and losses that affect the efficiency of a
boiler or other combustion system can become quite involved. However, for systems
fired with natural gas and fuel oil many of the losses listed do not apply, and others are
small enough to be rolled into an unaccounted for category, for which a value can be
assumed. Boiler efficiency can then be determined by evaluating four losses, which are
described below. A simplified method for quantifying them is presented in Poster 3-2.


Poster 3-2 Simplified Efficiency

Dry Flue Gas Loss
Air and fuel enter the burner at close to ambient temperature, but the products of
combustion leave the stack at much higher temperatures. The dry flue gas loss accounts
for the heat thus lost in the dry products of combustion, that is, carbon dioxide (CO
oxygen (O
), nitrogen (N
), carbon monoxide (CO) and sulphur dioxide (SO
). They are
called dry products because they carry only sensible heat. There has been no change of
state, so no latent heat is involved. Normally concentrations of CO and SO
are in the
parts per million (ppm) range, so they can be ignored from the viewpoint of heat loss
(although not from the viewpoint of emissions).

The dry flue gas loss can be minimized by reducing flue gas temperature, using
supplementary heat recovery as discussed in Chapter 2, and by reducing excess air, as
discussed in Chapter 4 and Appendix 1.

Loss Due to Moisture From the Combustion of Hydrogen
Unlike the dry gases, the hydrogen component of fuel leaves the boiler as water
vapour, taking with it the enthalpy, or heat content, corresponding to its conditions of
temperature and pressure. It is steam at very low pressure but fairly high temperature, the
stack temperature, and most of its enthalpy is in the heat of vapourization. This makes it
a significant loss, commonly about 11% for natural gas and 7% for fuel oil. The
difference reflects the relative hydrogen content of these two fuels. Some fuels, like coal
and biomass, contain water which also carries latent heat in the flue gas and can be a
significant efficiency loss.

Reducing flue gas temperature has only a small effect on this loss, unless a condensing
heat exchanger is employed, as discussed in Chapter 2.

Loss Due to Radiation and Convection
The external surface of an operating boiler is hotter than its surroundings and therefore
loses heat by both radiation and convection. For any given boiler at operating
temperature the amount of heat lost is more or less constant, which means that, expressed
as a percentage of the boiler's heat output, the loss increases as boiler output is reduced.
Also, on a percentage-of-output basis, larger boilers have a lower loss due to radiation
and convection than smaller boilers.

Actual measurement of radiation and convection loss is tedious, difficult and seldom
undertaken. Instead, the American Boiler Manufacturers Association's (ABMA) standard
radiation loss chart is widely used as a convenient shortcut. It is quite satisfactory for
boilers of conventional configuration such as package or field-erected boilers and water
heaters having the furnace and heat exchange surface enclosed in a single housing. In
any case it provides a standardized method that is useful for comparative purposes.

Figure 3-1 gives radiation and convection losses for some common sizes of boilers,
extracted from the ABMA chart for boilers having all walls watercooled and operating at
low to medium pressures. It shows that for most boilers the loss is less than 1% except at
low loads; only boilers rated at less than 30,000 lb/h have radiation and convection losses
greater than 1% across the load range. However, Figure 3-1 also shows that for boilers in
the middle and lower size ranges, operating at low load incurs a significant efficiency
penalty. In plants with more than one boiler, shutting boilers down as necessary to keep
the operating ones in the upper load range minimizes this efficiency loss.

Figure 3-1 Radiation and Convection Losses

Unaccounted For Losses
For combustion systems fired with natural gas or fuel oil, many of the losses such as
unburned fuel, moisture in fuel, moisture in air, heat loss in ash, etc. are either non-
existent or very small. They can be handled conveniently, and usually with sufficient
accuracy, by assuming a value for the total as unaccounted for losses. Commonly used
figures are 0.1% for natural-gas-fired systems and 0.2% for oil-fired systems.

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