Adjudication Order Against Yes Investments in The Matter of Dealings of Mr. Vishal Kishore Bhatia

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Adjudication order in respect of M/s Yes Investments August 27, 2014

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In respect of
M/s Yes Investments
Prop: Vishal Kishore Bhatia
In the matter of
Dealings of Mr. Vishal Kishore Bhatia
1. Based on NSE alerts in the matter of dealings of Yes Investments
(Proprietor: Mr. Vishal Kishore Bhatia) (hereinafter referred to as the
"Noticee") and M/s Blue Peacock Securities Pvt. Ltd., in which Vishal
Kishore Bhatia is one of the directors, Securities and Exchange Board of
India (hereinafter referred to as SEBI) conducted an investigation for the
period of July 01, 2009 to December 31, 2010 into the dealings of Mr.
Vishal Kishore Bhatia.

2. It was observed during the investigation that the noticee trading through
Religare Securities Ltd., was continuously entering and deleting orders and
then taking reverse position in the cash market. Investigation further
revealed that on 20 scrip days
the noticee placed huge buy orders away
from market price and that majority of its sell transactions were executed

"Scrip days" is defined as a count of scrips and days on which client has traded. For example,
if the client trades in scrip X from 1.1.2012 to 2.1.2012 and scrip Y from 1.1.2012 to 3.1.2012,
there will be 5 scrip days.
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during the period when its previously placed huge buy orders were pending
and that it executed majority of the buy transactions after cancelling
previously placed huge buy orders which were away from market price.
Similarly on 5 scrip days the noticee had placed huge sell orders away from
market price and that the majority of its buy transactions were executed
when it had placed above mentioned huge sell orders. Investigation further
revealed during the time slot wherein majority of the selling transactions
were executed by the noticee, its concentration to market pending orders
was significant on buy side. It was further noted during the investigation
that the buy orders placed by the noticee (which were placed significantly
below the market prices and subsequently deleted) were with fully disclosed
quantities whereas the sell orders were placed at partially disclosed


3. Vide order dated April 16, 2012, Shri Parag Basu was appointed as
Adjudicating Officer under section 15I of the SEBI Act to inquire and
adjudge under section 15HB of the SEBI Act, 1992, the alleged violations
of provisions of Regulation 3(a), (b), (c), (d) and 4(1) & 4(2)(a) of SEBI
(Prohibition of Fraudulent and Unfair Trade Practices Relating to Securities
Market) Regulations 2003 (hereinafter referred to as "PFUTP
Regulations") by the Noticee. Consequent upon transfer of Shri Parag
Basu, Shri Piyoosh Gupta was appointed as Adjudicating Officer in the
present matter vide order dated August 16, 2012. Subsequently, upon the
transfer of Shri Piyoosh Gupta, I have been appointed as Adjudicating
Officer, in the present matter, vide order dated November 08, 2013.


4. Show Cause Notice No. EAD-5/ADJ/PG/AA/OW/5445/2013 dated March
4, 2013 (hereinafter referred to as SCN) was issued to the noticee under
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rule 4 of SEBI (Procedure for Holding Inquiry and imposing penalties by
Adjudicating Officer) Rules, 1995 (hereinafter referred to as Rules) to
show cause as to why an inquiry should not be held against it in terms of
rule 4 of the Rules read with section 15I of SEBI Act, 1992 and penalty be
not imposed under section 15HA of SEBI Act, 1992 for the violations
specified in the SCN. The copies of the documents relied upon in the SCN
were provided to the noticee along with the SCN.

5. It was alleged in the SCN that the noticee:-
i. created a false impression of artificial demand in the scrips by
placing buy orders with large quantities below the market price,
ii. by selling the shares in the market at the time when its large buy
orders at below the prevailing market price were pending and
subsequently cancelling these buy orders prior to conducting
majority of the buying activity, acted in fraudulent manner,
iii. was involved in BAIT and SWITCH activity i.e. noticee entered
buy/sell orders lower/higher than the market price, fully disclosed
the orders but actually transacted on the opposite side in the market,
across various scrips and for several days, and
iv. manipulated the order book by giving false impression in the market
about the demand and supply of various scrips during the
investigation period and thereby misled the investors.

6. The noticee vide its letter dated March 12, 2013 replied to the SCN stating,
inter alia, the following and desired a personal hearing in the matter :
"We refer to the Notice under Rule 4 of SEBI (Procedure for Holding
Inquiry and imposing penalties by Adjudicating Officer) Rules, read
with Section 151 of SEBI ACT, 1992 and have to reply as under:

1) In the aforesaid letter it has been alleged that we were continuously
involved in BAIT AND SWITCH manipulations with regards to the
transactions in the scrips as per the details mentioned in the said
Notice dated March 4, 2013.

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2) At the outset, we deny the allegations and state that all transactions
done by us in the aforesaid Scrips were done with good intentions
and following ethical business practices as normally followed by any
market participant. We strongly deny that we have followed any
fraudulent or unfair trade practices as alleged.

3) We may mention here that we are day traders for the past over 5
years and as day traders, there are some inherent rules and practises
which need to be followed such as (a) the scrips traded should be
highly liquid, (b) trade considering volatility, (c) volume trade, (d)
initiating and continuously changing trades considering the market
moves, (e)small tick profit /losses and (f) initiate open trades within a
range to take advantage of the price fluctuations.

In the scrips mentioned, it is alleged that our concentration during
the time slot ranged from 0.37% to 6.60% to the market gross and we
were involved in BAIT and SWITCH activity across various scrips
and for several days.

The rationale for this can be explained that as day traders we select
scrips for the day and put in the range bound orders either on the buy
or sell side. This helps us to take advantage of the gap-up or gap-
down open trade. And later on, as the market progresses, trades are
initiated based on the market movements. These trades need not
follow the open trades. Then through out the day, the trades are done
one after another and the pattern can be buy-sell or sell-buy
depending upon the market. However, since there is volume, the
trades are squared off with minor price gaps which is generally 1%
or below. The unexecuted orders are subsequently removed from time
to time.

4) Our trades in the alleged scrips are insignificant considering the
volume of trading in these scrips and all the scrips stated are
companies with high market cap, high float and volumes, shares
which are generally traded by Institutions, FIIs and HNIs. Infact,
since these scrips have large market caps, huge volumes and
Institutional trades the day traders like us trade only in such scrips
since only such scrips meet the inherent requirements (as mentioned
above) of day trading business.

5) Sir, the volumes may be high but the profits/losses, considering the
day trading risks involved are very low and insignificant and we
cannot be involved in any act which is unfair or fraudulent when we
square up the trade at gap of 0.25 ps ,0.50 ps and Re 1.

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6) We are day traders and my delivery trade is hardly 2 to 5% of our
total trade. Further the scrips traded are of reputed corporate with
large floats and market players. Hence our trades are insignificant.
We are in no way connected to any of the companies alleged. There
are no huge delivery trades nor any circular trading which can
create doubts of profiting from the abnormal trade orders. There is
no intention to earn big profits since the positions are squared-up
with wafer thin gaps.

7) We have exercised due care, skill and diligence as expected of any
day trader in respect of the alleged scrips and have not done any act
detrimental to the interest of the Investors or Securities Market or
indulged in any act of market manipulation or malpractices in the
Securities Market.

8) We therefore submit that we are in no manner responsible for any
alleged violations of SEBI Act, Rules and Regulations in respect of
the alleged scrips and have acted in good faith according to sound
business ethics, trading rules and ethics.

7. In the interest of natural justice and in order to conduct an inquiry in terms
of rule 4(3) of the Rules, the noticee was granted an opportunity of personal
hearing on March 22, 2013 at SEBI, Head Office, Mumbai, vide notice
dated March 14, 2013. The said notice returned undelivered with the
comments "person shifted". Another opportunity of hearing was granted to
the noticee on April 08, 2013 vide notice dated March 26, 2013. On the date
of hearing, Shri Vishal Bhatia, Sole Proprietor of the noticee, attended the
hearing and reiterated the submissions made in the reply to SCN.

8. The undersigned, after being appointed as Adjudicating Officer in the
present matter, also gave an opportunity of hearing to the Noticee on
February 21, 2014. Noticee did not appear on the scheduled date of hearing.
Noticee vide letter dated February 24, 2014 requested for fresh date of
hearing. Another opportunity of hearing was given to the Noticee on March
12, 2014. Again the noticee did not appear on the said date of hearing. A
final opportunity of hearing was given to the Noticee on March 21, 2014.
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On the date of hearing, Shri Vishal Bhatia, Sole Proprietor of the noticee,
attended the hearing and reiterated the submissions made in the reply to
SCN. In the said hearing, Noticee was asked to to justify, duly supported by
financial statements, Bank statements, IT/WT returns and also necessary
certificates/statements from the broker concerned, as to whether it had the
necessary financial capacity/background to meet the payment obligations
had these alleged orders resulted into trades. Noticee undertook to submit
the necessary justification and documents by April 01, 2014. Noticee
merely forwarded its IT Return for the Assessment Year 2010-11 and 2011-
12, Statement of Accounts for the year ending March 31, 2010 and March
31, 2011, and bank statement for the period April 01, 2009 to March 31,
2012. However, no justification as regards the financial capacity to meet the
payment obligations had these alleged orders resulted into trades, was
submitted by the noticee.


9. The issues that arise for consideration in the present case are :
a) Whether the Noticee had violated the provisions of Regulations 3
(a), (b), (c), (d) and 4 (1) & (2) (a) of PFUTP Regulations?
b) Does the violation, if any, on the part of the Noticee attract
monetary penalty under Section 15 HA of SEBI Act?
c) If so, what would be the monetary penalty that can be imposed
taking into consideration the factors mentioned in Section 15J of

10. Before moving forward, it is pertinent to refer to the provisions of
Regulations 3 (a), (b), (c), (d) and 4 (1) & (2) (a) of PFUTP Regulations.
The said provisions state as under:
"3. Prohibition of certain dealings in securities
No person shall directly or indirectly
(a) buy, sell or otherwise deal in securities in a fraudulent manner;
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(b) use or employ, in connection with issue, purchase or sale of any
security listed or proposed to be listed in a recognized stock exchange,
any manipulative or deceptive device or contrivance in contravention of
the provisions of the Act or the rules or the regulations made there
(c) employ any device, scheme or artifice to defraud in connection with
dealing in or issue of securities which are listed or proposed to be
listed on a recognized stock exchange;
(d) engage in any act, practice, course of business which operates or
would operate as fraud or deceit upon any person in connection with
any dealing in or issue of securities which are listed or proposed to be
listed on a recognized stock exchange in contravention of the provisions
of the Act or the rules and the regulations made there under.

4. Prohibition of manipulative, fraudulent and unfair trade practices
(1) Without prejudice to the provisions of regulation 3, no person shall
indulge in a fraudulent or an unfair trade practice in securities.
(2) Dealing in securities shall be deemed to be a fraudulent or an
unfair trade practice if it involves fraud and may include all or any of
the following, namely:
(a) indulging in an act which creates false or misleading appearance of
trading in the securities market;"

11. From the material available on record, I note that on 20 scrip days, noticee
was observed to have placed huge buy orders away from market price and
these variations were in the range of (-) 4.23% to (-) 14.00%. Majority of
sell transactions were executed by the noticee while its previously placed
huge buy orders were pending in the system for execution. It executed
majority of the buy transactions after cancelling previously placed huge buy
orders which were away from market price.

12. Similarly on 5 scrip days I note that the noticee, on completion of major sell
activity, was observed to have placed huge sell orders away from the market
price and these variations were in the range of (+) 4.4% to (+) 7.75%.
Majority of buy transactions were executed by the noticee while the above
mentioned huge sell orders were pending.

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13. I also note that the noticee's concentration to market pending orders was
significant on buy side when major selling transactions were executed by
the noticee and this is noticed on many scrip days as shown in the table
given below:
Scrip Time slot %
the slot
Range of noticee's
concentration to
Market pending (Buy
02-Jul-09 NIITLTD 10:01:49 to 12:09:24 68.97% 64-77%
02-Jul-09 NIITLTD 1:51:38 to 2:04:45 21.83% 66.72%
06-Jul-09 EDUCOMP 10:26:25 to 11:10:06 89.23% 22-80%
04-Aug-09 BHARATFORG 10:02:08 to 1:57:48 100% 61-81%
07-Aug-09 HINDOILEXP 9:59:40 to 1:42:56 97.57% 57-87 %
16-Dec-09 ORCHIDCHEM 9:55:51 to 10:13:00 57.45% 53-69%
15-Jul-09 ABAN 9:57:09 to 10:36:13 61.19% 45-65%
15-Jul-09 ABAN 10:54:03 to 1:09:51 37.00% 65-85%
20-Jul-09 ZEEL 9:57:54 to 12:07:15 100.00 77-93%

14. As can be seen from the above table that the noticee had sold 100% of its
day's total sale quantity during the time slot 10:02:08 AM to 1:57:48 PM on
August 04, 2009 in the scrip of Bharat Forge Ltd.. In the said time slot, the
percentage of its pending buy orders to the market pending buy orders
ranged from 61% to 81%. Similarly, in the scrip of Aban Offshore Ltd. on
July 15, 2009, the noticee had sold 61.19% of its day's total sale during the
time slot 9:57:09 AM to 10:36:13 AM while during the said time slot, it had
placed its buy order at below the market price and the percentage of his
pending buy orders to the market pending buy orders ranged from 45% to
65%. Similar observations were also made for the remaining scrip days as
mentioned in the above table.

15. From the material available on record and on an overall analysis of the
order placement / trading pattern of the Noticee, I note that mostly it was
first placing large fully disclosed buy orders at prices which were
substantially below the prevailing price / last traded price. Further, during
the period when these orders were pending in the system, Noticee was
placing sell orders, disclosing them partially and actually selling the shares.
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Similarly, on certain occasions noticee had placed large sell orders which
were substantially above the prevailing prices and during the period when
these orders were pending in the system, it was placing buy orders and
actually buying shares in the market.

16. Additionally, the range of concentration of noticee's pending buy orders to
market pending buy orders in respective scrips was also significantly higher
at the time when noticee was in fact involved in selling those shares. When
majority of its selling activity was over, it used to cancel previously placed
huge buy orders which were away from market price and thereafter it
executed majority of the buy transactions.

17. To further explain order placement / trading pattern of the Noticee, a few
examples are given below:
Example I - Trading of the noticee in the scrip of Aban Offshore Ltd. on July
15, 2009 :-
Between 09:55:09 AM to 10:29:25 AM, the noticee placed 8 buy orders
in the scrip of Aban Offshore Ltd. (ABAN) for 1,95,000 shares at prices
which were in the range of 4.23% to 11.13% less than the prevailing
market price of the scrip. I note that buy orders for a total quantity of
1,95,000 shares resulted into trades of 1,800 shares between 10:07:50 AM
to 10:28:48 AM which was merely 3.98% of its day's total purchase
quantity in the scrip of ABAN. While these large buy orders were still
pending in the system for execution, the noticee infact sold 27,700 shares,
which was 61.19% of its day's total sale quantity, between 09:57:09 AM
to 10:36:13 AM. During this time period, the concentration of noticee's
pending buy orders to market pending buy orders was in the range of 45%
to 65%. All the pending unexecuted large buy orders were cancelled
between 10:39:36 to 10:39:37 AM.
Again between 10:52:46 AM to 12:52:59 PM, the noticee placed 8 buy
orders for 2,00,000 shares at prices which were in the range of 5.26% to
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5.91% less than the prevailing market price of ABAN. I note that buy
orders for a total quantity of 2,00,000 shares resulted into trades of 13,787
shares between 11:04:00 AM to 01:56:29 PM which was 30.46% of its
day's total purchase in the scrip of ABAN. However, again when these
large buy orders were pending in the system for execution, the noticee
infact sold 16,750 shares which was 37.00% of its day's total sale quantity
between 10:54:03 AM to 01:09:51 PM. Noticee cancelled all pending
unexecuted large buy orders between 12:53:07 PM to 01:56:30 PM.
I note that when the noticee had effected more than 98% of its day's total
sale, it placed 2 sale orders between 02:15:02 PM to 02:27:08 PM of
30,000 shares of ABAN at prices which were in the range of 6.15% to
6.90% above the prevailing market price. And when these sale orders
were pending in the system, noticee infact purchased 17,531 shares,
which was 38.73% of its day's total purchase quantity, between 02:28:12
PM to 03:29:01 PM in the scrip of ABAN. These purchases coupled with
the purchases made earlier squared off its total position of 45,269 shares.

Example II - Trading of the noticee in the scrip of Bharat Forge Ltd. on August
04, 2009:-
Between 09:58:13 AM to 10:39:09 AM, the noticee placed 8 buy orders
in the scrip of Bharat Forge Ltd. (Bharat) for 3,50,000 shares at prices
which were in the range of 5.52% to 6.31% less than the prevailing
market price of the scrip. I note that buy orders for a total quantity of
3,50,000 shares resulted into trades of 31,460 shares between 10:03:53
AM to 02:04:49 PM which was 27.99% of its day's total purchase
quantity in the scrip of Bharat.
While these large buy orders were pending in the system for execution,
the noticee infact sold 1,12,409 shares which was 100% of its day's total
sale quantity between 10:02:08 AM to 01:57:48 PM and during this
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period the concentration of noticee's pending buy orders to market
pending buy orders was in the range of 61% to 81%.
I note that the Noticee made further purchases of 80,949 shares of Bharat
between 02:04:53 PM to 02:47:39 PM after it cancelled all pending
unexecuted large buy orders between 10:39:07 AM to 02:04:49 PM.
These purchases coupled with the purchases made earlier squared off its
total position of 1,12,409 shares.

Example III - Trading of the noticee in the scrip of Geodesic Ltd. on September
04, 2009:-
Between 09:57:46 AM to 01:55:22 PM, the noticee placed 11 buy orders
in the scrip of Geodesic Ltd. for 5,50,000 shares at prices which were in
the range of 4.88% to 8.56% less than the prevailing market price. I note
that buy orders for a total quantity of 5,50,000 shares resulted into trades
of 43,482 shares between 10:00:38 AM to 01:27:50 PM which was
17.62% of its day's total purchase quantity in the scrip of Geodesic Ltd.
While these large buy orders were pending in the system for execution,
the noticee infact sold 2,61,400 shares which was 91.11% of its day's total
sale between 09:58:11 AM to 02:16:28 PM.
I note that after the noticee has effected majority of its sale transactions
in Geodesic Ltd., it cancelled all the pending unexecuted large buy orders
between 02:33:07 PM to 02:33:29 PM and then it placed 3 sale orders
between 02:07:11 PM to 02:55:53 PM of 1,50,000 shares of Geodesic
Ltd. at prices which were in the range of 7.06% to 7.57% above the
prevailing market price. And when these sale orders were pending in the
system, noticee infact purchased 2,03,316 shares of Geodesic Ltd. which
was 82.38% of its day's total purchase quantity between 02:33:46 PM to
03:53:461 PM. These purchases coupled with the purchases made earlier
squared off its total position of 2,46,798 shares.

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Example IV - Trading of the noticee in the scrip of Firstsource Solutions Ltd.
on August 13, 2009:-
Between 10:15:04 AM to 12:04:09 PM, the noticee had bought 9,95,000
shares of Firstsource Solutions Ltd. (FSL) which was 98.76% of its day's
total purchase quantity in the scrip. I note that it placed 7 buy orders in
the scrip of FSL for 6,65,000 shares between 12:05:09 to 02:01:38 PM at
prices which were in the range of 5.97% to 6.33% less than the prevailing
market price of the scrip. However, while these large buy orders were
pending in the system, the noticee actually sold 10,07,500 shares of FSL
between 12:29:13 PM to 03:16 03 PM which was 100% of its day's total
sale in the scrip. Against the buy orders of 6,65,000 shares, it purchased
only 12,500 shares (1.24% of its days total purchase) and the balance
order was allowed to lapse.

18. From the foregoing analysis, I am convinced that these large buy/sale orders
placed by the noticee at below/above prevailing prices most of which
remained unexecuted and/or were subsequently deleted, acted as BAIT to
other market participants and such orders were placed with the sole motive
of fraudulently inducing other lay investors to deal in those scrips. While
the afore-mentioned orders were still pending in the market for execution,
noticee sold/bought shares in the market (SWITCH). I find that the majority
of the sell/buy transactions of the noticee were executed during the period
when its previously placed huge orders on the reverse side were pending in
the system. Therefore, I hold that noticee was involved in BAIT and
SWITCH activity fraudulently across various scrips and for several days.
Further, the aforesaid large buy/sale orders at below/above prevailing prices
were placed mainly to give an impression of huge demand/supply to the
market participants so that the noticee, taking advantage of the same, could
indulge in selling/buying the shares and thereby it acted in fraudulent
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19. It is pertinent to mention here that in normal practice the market picture
window on the trading terminal, reveals the best five orders based on price
as well as the total depth of order book in respect of trading in a scrip.
These are the major determining factors required for genuine investors for
making an investment decision for buying or selling securities. The demand
and the supply forces determine the market price and consequent trading in
the scrip. In my view, by placing a large buy/sale orders at prices away from
the prevailing market prices and disclosing the entire quantity in one
instance, the noticee created artificial demand in the respective scrips. The
demand created by the noticee was artificial as the price quoted by it was
much below/above the prevailing market prices and most of these orders
remained unexecuted or were deleted. The said orders can be said to have
made an impact on the lay investors in making an investment decision and
the noticee, taking advantage of the same, pending its unexecuted orders,
indulged in selling/buying the shares. Thus the intention of placing buy/sale
orders away from the prevailing market prices was not for genuine trading
but only for artificially enhancing the levels of demand, which constitutes a
manipulative practice in the market.

20. I further note that during the investigation it was observed that the noticee's
buy orders (which were placed significantly below the market prices and
subsequently deleted) were with fully disclosed quantities whereas its sell
orders were placed at partially disclosed quantities. I note that the said
finding has not been disputed by the noticee. In this regard, it is pertinent to
mention here that as per trading norms laid down by exchanges, a
mechanism is provided whereby only a fraction of the total quantity (not
less than 10% of total) is revealed for orders of a large quantity. The system
then feeds this revealed quantity as order quantity and when this gets
exhausted another fraction is revealed automatically for display purposes
only, till the total quantity is exhausted. In the market picture window,
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only the revealed quantity is displayed in the best five orders as well as in
the total depth of order book. Therefore, if fully revealed in one stroke,
large orders would significantly sway the demand-supply balance in the
market at that point in time. I also note that while the noticee was placing
large buy/sale orders away from market price, it was actually taking reverse
position in the market. I have also observed that mostly the noticee would
cancel all such large buy orders and only thereafter, it would start buying
the shares of the particular company. The Noticee has thus manipulated the
order book of the shares on the trading days by giving false impression in
the market about the demand and supply of various scrips and thereby
misled the market participants.

21. I have carefully gone through the submissions made by the noticee and I
note that the noticee has accepted the trades and order placement / trading
pattern provided to it alongwith the SCN. However, the noticee has
contended that it is a day trader and was placing range bound orders so as to
take advantage of the gap-up or gap-down open trades. I am unable to agree
with the submission of the noticee. I am of the view that the noticee is free
to adopt any trading strategy but it has to ensure that whatever trading
strategy it adopts, it is in conformity with the regulatory framework. I have
noted that while the noticee was placing large buy/sale orders away from
market price, it was actually indulging in substantial selling/buying activity.
I have also observed that at a certain time, the noticee would cancel all such
large buy orders and only thereafter, it would start buying the shares of the
particular company. I have no hesitation to say that the noticee had
deliberately chosen to disclose full quantities in respect of large buy/sale
orders which were placed at prices away from the prevailing market prices
only to mislead the investors by manipulating the order book and to create
artificiality in the market so as to serve its own collateral purposes.
Therefore, the contentions of the noticee is not acceptable.
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22. Noticee has further contended that trades in the alleged scrips are
insignificant considering the volume of trading in these scrips. This
contention of the noticee is again devoid of merits. It has been clearly
brought out in the forgoing paragraphs that noticee's concentration to
market pending orders was significant on buy side when major selling
transactions were executed by the noticee and this in fact was noticed on
many scrip days.

23. When we look at the large fully disclosed buy orders placed by the noticee
which were away from the market prices in isolation, it might appear that
the noticee wanted to buy a large quantity of shares at lesser prices and that
it could only buy a small quantity. Further, this may prima facie appear to
be range bound orders and may not be objectionable. However, when we
look into the order placing pattern of the noticee in totality, only then its
ulterior motive behind placing such buy orders becomes evident. I note that
while it placed buy/sale orders away from the market price and it was
pending the system, the noticee was mainly selling/buying the shares taking
advantage of artificial demand created as a result of large buy/sale orders
placed by it at prices away from the market prices. When majority of its sell
orders were executed in this fashion, the noticee cancelled those large buy
orders where its intention was only to induce lay investors into believing
that there existed a large demand in the scrips so that it could fraudulently
indulge in selling the shares. I have noted that this pattern was repeatedly
followed across various scrips and for several days. It is noteworthy here
that the buy orders were cancelled by the noticee not because it did not
result into trades but because it served its purpose which would be more
evident when we look at the order placing behavior of the noticee during the
time between the placement and cancellation of such orders. This assumes
serious proportion when we take into account the fact that significant
quantity of noticee's buy/sale, on some days as high as 100%, happened
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during the time slot when the noticee's large buy/sale orders were pending.
The intention of creating false demand by the noticee by its buy orders at
prices away from the market price is again quite clear when we look at the
substantial percentage of pending buy orders of the noticee to the market
pending buy orders during the particular time slot in the respective scrips
when majority of selling was done by the noticee as shown in table above.
As found above, the order placement/trading pattern followed by the noticee
clearly establishes the fraudulent intent on its part and the same deserves to
be viewed seriously.

24. I am also aware that on May 12, 2011, SEBI had passed an adjudication
order no. BM/AO-66/2011 against Shri Vishal Kishore Bhatia (Proprietor of
the Noticee) on similar charges. I note that order dated May 12, 2011
considered the trading of Shri Vishal Kishore Bhatia for only 1 day and
gave him benefit of doubt as there were no corroborative evidences on
record to prove that the trading of the noticee was manipulative in nature. In
the present case, however, the Noticees trading pattern has been analyzed
over many over many days and various scrips and as has been found above
the real intention behind placing all the away from the prevailing market
prices fully disclosed buy/sale orders by the noticee was not for genuine
trading but only to create artificial demand and induce lay investors into
believing that there existed a large demand in the scrips so that the noticee,
taking advantage of the same, pending its unexecuted orders, could
fraudulently indulge in selling/buying the shares. I have also observed that
at a certain time, the noticee would cancel all such large buy orders and
only thereafter, it would start buying the shares of the particular company. I
have further noted that this pattern was repeatedly followed across various
scrips and for several days. I am of the view that the Noticee not only
artificially enhanced the levels of demand by giving false impression in the
market about demand and supply of the various scrips through manipulation
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of order book during the investigation period and thereby misled the
investors but also acted in fraudulent manner by indulging into
selling/buying of the shares in the market at the time when its large fully
disclosed buy/sale orders at below/above the prevailing market prices were

25. Regulation 3(a) of PFUTP prohibits person to buy, sell or otherwise deal in
securities in a fraudulent manner. Regulation 3(b) of PFUTP prohibits
person to use or employ, in connection with issue, purchase or sale of any
security listed or proposed to be listed in a recognized stock exchange, any
manipulative or deceptive device or contrivance in contravention of the
provisions of the Act or the rules or the regulations made there under.
Regulation 3(c) of PFUTP prohibits person to employ any device, scheme
or artifice to defraud in connection with dealing in or issue of securities
which are listed or proposed to be listed on a recognized stock exchange.
Regulation 3(d) of PFUTP prohibits person to engage in any act, practice,
course of business which operates or would operate as fraud or deceit upon
any person in connection with any dealing in or issue of securities which are
listed or proposed to be listed on a recognized stock exchange in
contravention of the provisions of the Act or the rules and the regulations
made there under. Regulation 4(1) of PFUTP lays that no person shall
indulge in a fraudulent or an unfair trade practice in securities. Regulation
4(2)(a) of PFUTP, inter alia, prohibits a person from indulging in an act
which creates false or misleading appearance of trading in the securities

26. In view of the abovementioned observations and findings, I hold that the
charges leveled against the Noticee in the SCN are proved and that the
allegation of violation of provisions of regulations 3 (a), (b), (c), (d) and
4(1) & 4(2)(a) of PFUTP Regulations by the Noticee stand established.

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27. The aforesaid violations of Regulations 3 (a), (b), (c), (d) and 4(1) & (2)(a)
of PFUTP Regulations by the Noticee make it liable for penalty under
section 15HA of SEBI Act, 1992 which reads as under:
"15HA.Penalty for fraudulent and unfair trade practices.- If any person
indulges in fraudulent and unfair trade practices relating to securities, he
shall be liable to a penalty of twenty-five crore rupees or three times the
amount of profits made out of such practices, whichever is higher."

28. The Honble Supreme Court of India in the matter of Chairman, SEBI v..
Shriram Mutual Fund {[2006] 5 SCC 361} held that In our considered
opinion, penalty is attracted as soon as the contravention of the statutory
obligation as contemplated by the Act and the Regulations is established
and hence the intention of the parties committing such violation becomes
wholly irrelevant.

29. While imposing monetary penalty it is important to consider the factors
stipulated in Section 15J of SEBI Act which reads as under:
15J - Factors to be taken into account by the adjudicating officer:
While adjudging quantum of penalty under section 15-I, the adjudicating
officer shall have due regard to the following factors, namely:-
(a) the amount of disproportionate gain or unfair advantage, wherever
quantifiable, made as a result of the default;
(b) the amount of loss caused to an investor or group of investors as a result
of the default;
(c) the repetitive nature of the default.

30. It is difficult in cases of such nature, to quantify exactly the disproportionate
gains or unfair advantage enjoyed by an entity and the consequent losses
suffered by the investors. However, an attempt has been made, taking into
account the close out difference made by the noticee on various scrip days
and also the extent of net sales made by it during the time when the
noticee's large buy orders were pending in the market, to arrive at an
estimate of the profit made by the noticee from the aforesaid fraudulent act
as under:
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Trade Date


Time slot

% selling/
during the
% buying /
(selling) during
the slot

% net
during the
Close out
difference (in

Estimated Profit
(in lakhs)
(G * F)

15-Jul-09 ABAN 09:57:09 to 10:36:13 61.19 3.98 57.21 8.51541 4.871666061
15-Jul-09 ABAN 10:54:03 to 1:09:51 37 30.46 6.54 8.51541 0.556907814
15-Jul-09 ABAN 2:28:12 TO 3:29:01 (38.73) (1.7) 37.03 8.51541 3.153256323
29-Oct-09 BALRAMCHIN 10:07:19 to 2:05 45 99.5 37.55 61.95 6.53752 4.04999364
30-Oct-09 BALRAMCHIN 9:55:34 TO 11:20:44 99.74 46.81 52.93 19.44475 10.29210618
4-Aug-09 BHARATFORG 10:02:08 TO 1:57:48 100 27.99 72.01 5.62587 4.051188987
4-Dec-09 BHARTISHIP 10:10:50 TO 1:20:33 99.35 24.71 74.64 8.22256 6.137318784
6-Jul-09 EDUCOMP 10:26:25 TO 11:10:06 89.23 0 89.23 12.78016 11.40373677
29-Jul-09 FSL 10:08:35 TO 11:32:51 88.69 20.11 68.58 7.62375 5.22836775
4-Sep-09 GEODESIC 9:58:11 TO 2:16:28 91.11 17.62 73.49 7.18569 5.280763581
4-Sep-09 GEODESIC 2:33:46 TO 3:53:46 (82.38) (3.66) 78.72 7.18569 5.656575168
1-Oct-09 GLENMARK 10:04:56 TO 12:11:19 100 49.07 50.93 7.00501 3.567651593
7-Aug-09 HINDOILEXP 9:59:40 TO 1:42:56 97.57 54.7 42.87 10.13307 4.344047109
6-Oct-09 JSL 9:59:55 TO 11:01:58 95.05 0 95.05 5.65312 5.37329056
11-Sep-09 MCLEODRUSS 10:12:02 TO 2:22:45 99.99 8.83 91.16 5.28997 4.822336652
11-Sep-09 MCLEODRUSS 2:36:55 TO 3:29:06 (72.34) (0) 72.34 5.28997 3.826764298
2-Jul-09 NIITLTD 10:01:49 TO 12:09:24 68.97 13.01 55.96 5.95676 3.333402896
2-Jul-09 NIITLTD 1:51:38 TO 2:04:45 21.84 5.75 16.09 5.95676 0.958442684
11-Nov-09 NMDC 9:55:31 TO 12:54:40 100 34.17 65.83 5.53335 3.642604305
16-Dec-09 ORCHIDCHEM 9:55:51 TO 10:13:00 57.45 21.65 35.8 13.98444 5.00642952
27-Oct-09 PFC 1:40:16 TO1:55:02 99.82 0.67 99.15 5.43776 5.39153904
27-Oct-09 PFC 2:18:14 TO 3:59:58 (98.67) (0.18) 98.49 5.43776 5.355649824
10-Aug-09 PRISMCEM 9:55:56 TO 10:29:21 74.27 2.47 71.8 5.87098 4.21536364
25-Sep-09 UCOBANK 10:41:20 TO 2:23:54 99.84 58.16 41.68 5.60228 2.335030304
20-Jul-09 ZEEL 9:57:54 TO 12:07:15 100 37.84 62.16 6.50366 4.042675056
Total 116.8971085

31. I have further noted that the Noticee has indulged in the fraudulent practice
as stated above on many days and hence the nature of default was also
repetitive. I cannot ignore the fact that such trades do affect the fair
functioning of the securities market and allow unscrupulous elements to
take undue advantage at the cost of other innocent investors. Therefore, it is
necessary that a justifiable penalty is imposed on the Noticee to meet the
ends of justice.
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32. In light of all the above stated facts and circumstances of the case, more
particularly considering the extent of involvement of the Noticee in such
fraudulent trades, in exercise of the powers conferred upon me under
Section 15I (2) of the SEBI Act read with rule 5 of the Adjudication Rules, I
hereby impose a penalty of ` 2,00,00,000 /- (Rupees Two Crore only) under
section 15HA of the SEBI Act, 1992 on the Noticee viz. M/s Yes
Investments (Sole Proprietor: Shri Vishal Kishore Bhatia) for violation of
Regulations 3 (a), (b), (c), (d) and 4 (1) & (2) (a) of PFUTP Regulations. I
am of the view that the said penalty is commensurate with the violations
committed by the Noticee.

33. The Noticee shall pay the said amount of penalty by way of demand draft in
favour of SEBI - Penalties Remittable to Government of India, payable at
Mumbai, within 45 days of receipt of this order. The said demand draft
should be forwarded to The Division Chief (IVD-5), Securities and
Exchange Board of India, SEBI Bhavan, Plot No. C 4 A, G Block,
Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E),Mumbai 400 051.

34. In terms of rule 6 of the Rules, copies of this order are sent to the Noticee
and also to SEBI.

Date: August 27, 2014 A. Sunil Kumar
Place: Mumbai Adjudicating Officer

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