The Nazis Gave Rothschild Bankers The Boot

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The passage discusses how the Nazis dissolved the German, French and Austrian branches of the Rothschild family's banking operations and seized much of their property.

The passage states that the German branch of the Rothschild family was effectively dissolved by Hitler and their property came under direct attack by Nazi policies in 1938.

The passage details that the Nazis forced the sale of several Rothschild-founded charitable institutions and hospitals, and confiscated private property and art collections from remaining family members in Germany.


The Nazis Gave Rothschild Bankers The Boot
Despite the f rivilous claims of f oolhardy patriotards and assorted Jew def enders who of ten masquerade as
anti-Zionists, the Nazis were not in any way covertly f unded by, or in cahoots with, Rothschild
bankers. On the contrary, the German, French and Austrian branches of the House of Rothschild
were effectively dissolved and extirpated by Hitler. Quite a bizarre and counterproductive action of a
Rothschild agent wouldnt you say?
Niall Fergusons biography of the Rothschild f amily, The House of Rothschild: Volume 2: The Worlds Banker:
1849-1999 (Penguin, 2000), although sympathetic to Jewry and the Rothschilds, outlines the reality of the
National Socialists war against this international criminal Jewish banking cabal. Ferguson writes:
An altogether more ruthless coalition had come to power in Germany in 1933, dominated by the
National Socialist German Workers Party. Hostility to the Rothschilds had been a feature of
Nazi propaganda from the movements infancy (see introduction to volume 1) despite the
fact that the Frankfurt house had been wound up when Hitler was barely twelve years old.
It was a hostility that soon translated into action. At first the attacks were largely symbolic: in
December 1933 the Frankfurt Rothschildallee was renamed Karolingerallee, while the
Luisenplatz and Mathildenstrasse lost the plaques identifying them with members of the family. It
was not until April 1938, with the Ordinance on the Registration of Jewish Assets, that
Rothschild property came under direct attack. In the wake of the orchestrated anti-
Semitic demonstrations of the following November (Reichskristallnacht), nearly all the
myriad of charitable and educational foundations of which there were around twenty
were dissolved, with the exception of the Carolinum Dental Clinic, which had become part of
the Frankfurt University. The largest of these, the Baron Wilhelm Carl von Rothschild
Foundation, was Aryanised under pressure from the city authorities, so that all
references to its founder were expunged. At the same time, the Reich Association of Jews in
Germany was forced to sell the Mathilde von Rothschild Paediatric Hospital, the Georgine Sara
von Rothschild Foundation for Infirm Foreign Israelites and the Rothschild residence at Grosser
Wollgraben 26 to the Frankfurt municipality. The Gestapo also confiscated the A.M. von
Rothschild Sanatorium for Lung Diseases in the Black Forest. At least four other Rothschild-
founded institutions suffered the same fate.
The private property of the few family members still resident in Germany was expropriated
by similar methods, though there was in fact relatively little of it left by 1938. Before the
process of confiscation began, Max von-Goldscmidt-Rothschilds son Albert, Rudolf and
Erich sold the family houses at the Grneburg and Knigstein and opted to emigrate
(Albert to Switzerland, where he committed suicide in 1941 when faced with the threat of
expulsion). But Maximilian now 95 was too old to leave. He stayed on in the house in the
Bockenheimer Landstrasse, with the garden which his wifes great-uncle Amschel had acquired
over a century before the earliest days of Jewish emancipation in Frankfurt. Or rather he was
allowed to occupy a room in the house; for in tragic fulfilment of Amschels nightmare dating
back to the night in 1815 when he first slept in the free air of the garden Maximilian was
forced to sell the property to the city of Frankfurt for just 610,000 reichsmarks (less tax). In the
aftermath of Kristallnacht he was also obliged to sell his art collection to the city for 2.3 million
reichsmarks (again less tax) and to donate a further 25 percent of his remaining assets to the
Reich as an atonement payment
Discovered, was no longer the Vienna house by the Alliance. In addition, the Witkowitz board
had safeguarded against sequestration the companys stake in the Swedish Freya ore mines as
well as 200,000 in foreign currency. Louis [Nathaniel de Rothschild of Austria] therefore had a
real bargaining position. When Himmler sought to ingratiate himself by sending some ornate
French furniture to the prison, he was able to send it away complaining that it made his cell look
like a Cracow Bordello. Although Louis had to hand over most of his Austrian assets to
secure his own release, the family was able to insist that a price be paid for Witkowitz (albeit a
discounted price). But such legal niceties were ultimately bound to be swept aside by Nazi force
majeure. Eugenes hopes of selling the ironworks to the Czechoslovak state for 10 million were
dashed when Hitler bullied the Prague government into accepting partition in March 1939. With
the works effectively under German control, Gorings Commissioner Hans Kehrl, Rasche and
Paul Pleiger (the Reichswerkes general director). At the same time Fritz Kranefuss Himmlers
adjutant and a supervisory board member of the Dresdner bank informed Rasche on the basis
of Sicherheitsdienst intelligence that the transfer abroad of the ownership of Witkowitz had been
illegal under currency laws. Finally, in July 1939, it was agreed to sell the plant for 2.9 million.
However, the outbreak of war gave the Germans the perfect excuse not to pay. As a result,
Witkowitz joined the lengthening list of Rothschild properties confiscated without compensation by
the Nazi regime. In January 1941 Goring was able to take the process a step further when
43,300 Witkowitz shares were seized from the vaults of the Paris house (though even this did not
give him a technical controlling interest). (It was not until 1953 that the communist government
established in Czechoslovakia in 1948 finally paid compensation to the Rothschilds amounting
to 1 millon for the works.) Yet it was not their industrial investments which Hitler and his
lackeys really coveted so much as their investments in art the Old Masters, the Sevres, the
Louis Quinze bureaus which were the most dazzling fruits of the familys financial success. In
fleeing Austria, Alphonse had left behind one of the great European private collections; and
attempts to buy it by Lord Duveen (possibly bidding on behalf of the original owners) were in
vain. For the acquisition of so many old masters had given Hitler the idea of establishing a new
German gallery at Linz, to give the Reich its Louvre. In 1939 he authorized Hans Posse to begin
work on the project, putting the best works seized from Austrian Jews into a Fuhrer reserve for
this purpose.
Up until the outbreak of war in 1939, the corollary of the expropriation of the Jews was their
emigration from German territory. (It was significant in this respect that the Rothschild palace in
the Prinz Eugenstrasse was occupied by Adolf Eichmanns Central Office for Jewish Emigration,
which worked closely with Rafelsbergers Asset Transactions Office.) Naturally many (though not
all) German and Austrian Jews wanted to get out, while the Nazis had no objection to their
leaving, provided they could be mulcted in the process. Leading German Jewish bankers
notably Max Warburg saw little alternative but to facilitate this process. However, for Jews like
the Rothschilds who remained outside the area of German control, this created a number of
acute dilemmas.
The only logical solution was therefore to find some alternative territory for the Jews to go to. The
Nazis themselves thought of Madagascar. Interestingly, Guy Burgesss first assignment (when he
was still a freelance intelligence agent) from MI6s D section was as he faithfully reported to
Moscow in December 1938 to activate Lord Rothschild in an attempt to split the Jewish
movement and create an opposition to Zionism and Dr Weitzmann [sic]. At around the same
time, the Paris house [of the Rothschild family] forwarded to New Court a proposal to purchase
200,000 acres of Brazils Mato Grosso for colonisation purposes; and another to settle Jews in
Sudans Upper Nile Valley between Malakhal and Bor supposedly a huge territory with no
population and where Jews might organize themselves an important colony. Kenya, Northern
Rhodesia and Guiana were also considered. Only at the eleventh hour, it seems, did the
Rothschilds recognize the need to admit refugees into Britain and France. In March 1939
Edouards wife Germaine turned an old house at the edge of the Ferrieres estate into a hostel for
around 150 refugee children. After the German invasion they were evacuated south and
later dispersed, some escaping to the United States.
By 1939, of course, numerous members of the Rothschild family were themselves
refugees. The German invasion of France in May 1940 increased their number
substantially. Even before the fall of Paris, Robert had already reached the safety of Montreal,
taking with him his wife Nelly and daughters Diane and Cecile. It was not until July, however, that
his cousin and senior partner Edouard now in his seventies opted to leave France, finally
reaching the United States after a circuitous journey through Spain and Portugal. (He too was
accompanied by his wife Germaine and daughter Bethsabee, his eldest daughter Jacqueline
having already settled in America with her second husband.) Their former partner Maurice also
ended up in Canada, while his ex-wife Noemie and son Edmond took refuge at the estate at
Pregny. The other French Rothschild of that generation, Henri, was already resident in Portugal.
Finally, Alains pregnant wife reached the US via Spain and Brazil, while Guys wife Alix took the
route through Argentina, though she later rejoined her husband.
Occupied France to confiscate possessions of the Palais Rothschild, including any
which had been handed over to the French state. The following month, the Germans
ordered that administrators be put in charge of the Jewish firms. The Luftwaffe and later
a German general occupied the Rothschild house at 23 avenue de Marigny.
Yet the Germans soon found themselves in competition with the puppet Vichy regime they
themselves had called into being. Even before Keitels order, the Petain regime issued a decree
which declared that all Frenchman who had left mainland France after May 10 had removed
themselves from the responsibilities and duties of members of the national community.
Accordingly, their assets were to be confiscated and sold, the proceeds going to the Vichy state.
This was explicitly applied to Edouard, Robert and Henri. Soon after this, Petain laid claim to
the Rothschild offices in the rue Laffitte for a government welfare agency and showed
every sign of intending to treat other buildings belonging to the family in a similar
fashion, putting them all in the hands of a new Public Property Office.
In some ways, it made little difference to the Rothschilds whether it was the Germans or
the Vichy regime which stole their property. The latter was motivated by anti-Semitism
too, as evidenced by the decrees Petain issued on October 3, 1940 and June 2, 1941,
which drastically restricted the rights of French Jews, and the constant vitriolic attacks
on the Rothschilds in pro-German papers like Partis-Soir and Au Pilori. Nor can it be
seriously argued that Vichy officials were somehow more lenient in their treatment of Rothschild
property than the Germans would have been. Maurice Janicot, who ran Petains Public Property
Office, is said to have prevented the Germans from clearing the cellars of Lafite, for example; but
a lack of buyers seems the most likely explanation for his failure to sell Elies Neuilly stable of
horses, Alains house on the rue du Cirque and Miriams houses in Boulogne and Paris. As can
be seen from his statement to German authorities in May 1941 to the effect that de Rothschild
Freres now belonged to the Vichy state the aim was to pre-empt the Germans, not to protect
the Rothschilds. The attempt by Petains Commissariat for the Jewish Questions to convert the
Institut de biologie physico-chimique founded by Edmond in 1927 into a laboratory for the
eugenicist Alex Carrel says much about the fundamental compatibility of Vichy and the Third
If Hitler had successfully launched Operation Sealion in the summer of 1940, when
Britain was at her most vulerable, a similar fate might have befallen the English
Rothschilds and their remaining private collections a worse fate probably, as the
invasion of Britain would have made the ultimate defeat of Germany infinitately harder to
The f act that the Nazis seized and dismantled Rothschild assets and interests in Germany, France and
Austria (which became part of the Third Reich af ter 1938s Anschluss), as well as arrested Austrian-Jewish
banking kingpin Louis von Rothschild, is not in question, despite what suspicious internet characters try to
propagate. The of t-repeated claim that Hitler didnt go af ter the Rothschilds or lef t the Rothschilds alone
is, as you have just witnessed, a baref aced f alsehood perpetrated by, what can only amount to, Jewish
disinf ormation agents.
A brief biography of Louis von Rothschild (1882-1955), states:
The collapse of the Creditanstalt in 1931 had an impact across Europe and caused death of a
bank. Only action of the Paris and London Rothschild banks could collapse the Vienna Rothschild
bank is prevented. A foreign creditor Cttee led by Lionel Rothschild / London and Lord Kindersley,
the bank finally restored. But only a few years later came the final blow: 1938 Louis was
arrested by the Nazis and held for a year in jail until the complicated negotiations over
his release were completed. Rothschild was allowed to leave the country only if he
renounced all Austrian possessions. A truly princely ransom. The war effort Vtkovice plant,
which provided 30% of crude steel, 30% coal and 40% of the pig iron was in Austria, but was
previously transferred to an English company, so that the Nazis could not confiscate the works
simply. It was not until after the outbreak of the war Goering took over the works. (After the war,
the Czech Communists confiscated the work and paid the Rothschilds in 1953, a compensation)
The vast art collections (several 1000 objects) of the Rothschilds were also seized. This ended
the presence of the Rothschilds on Austrian soil. The childless Louis went into exile in
the United States.
The modern-day Rothschilds themselves are still kvetching about it on their website:
The crash of 1929 brought problems, not least in Austria where Louis von Rothschild struggled
hard to shore up the Creditanstalt, Austrias largest bank, to prevent collapse. Less than a
decade later a darker tide arrived; the Austrian Rothschilds interests were seized in 1938
by the Nazis, bringing to an end more than a century at the heart of middle European
banking. In France and Austria, the family was scattered for the duration of the war.
Several New York Times articles also ref er to this event:
The [Austrian Rothschild] familys holdings were seized by the Nazis during the
German Anschluss in 1938. [. . .] Their holdings had been vastly reduced, in part because
of wartime destruction by the Nazis. (At $90 Million, Rothschild Sale Exceeds Goals. New
York Times. July 09, 1999.)
A year after the Austrian Government agreed to return about $40 million worth of art and
objects that the Nazis confiscated from the Austrian branch of the Rothschild family,
members of the 256-year-old banking dynasty have decided to sell the collection. (Austrian
Rothschilds Decide to Sell; Sothebys in London Will Auction $40 Million in Art Seized by Nazis.
New York Times. April 10, 1999.)
The only people in the world who f oolishly allege that this didnt happen are the lying anti-Hitler f etishists of
the David Icke persuasion who dismiss and try to cast doubt upon anything and everything that doesnt
coincide with their kosher-approved theories. These buf f oons are harboring a subversive pro-Jewish
agenda. They aim at casting aspersions upon anyone who resists Jewry in word and deed, as Hitler and the
National Socialists did so ef f iciently and courageously.
In 1940, Reich Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels
commissioned the production of a f ilm exposing the criminal
historical machinations of the Rothschild f amily entitled, The
Rothschilds: Shares in Waterloo. It was the f irst of three
counter-semitic movies made in 1940 by the Nazi regime. The
f ilm provided a historical account of the Rothschild f amilys
rise to f ortune, set mostly in Britain during the Napoleonic
wars. An indictment of Jewish intrigue and avarice, the f ilm
aimed at illustrating the Judaf ication of British society at the
hands of the Rothschilds, demonstrating that the Britons had
become the Jews among Aryans.
All of this, of course, f lies in the f ace of the slanderous
disinf o-peddlers who chant the mindless slogan: Hitler was a
Rothschild agent! These deranged cretins will continue to
inf ect the internet with their poisonous propaganda against
Hitler and National Socialism. The crypto-Jews masquerading
as anti-Zionists who voraciously propagate these pernicious
lies about Hitler seek to demoralize us by denigrating the solutions that solved the Jewish problem in the
past, and by doing so aim at derailing any f uture resistance to Jewry. These rotten snakes hope to smash
the resolve and will power that heroic f igures like Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels inspire in modern-day
resistors of Jewish tyranny.
As the f earless truth martyr Joseph Goebbels said in 1945: There will come a day, when all the lies will
collapse under their own weight, and truth will again triumph.
Sieg Heil!

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