The Characteristics of A Statesman (Public Officials & Presidents)

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Writing Sample
Characteristics of a Statesman
American Government Public Officials/Presidents
Merceda D Gooding
August !"# !$1%
Writing Sample
Characteristics of a Statesman
&o define the characteristics of a political leader and statesman is not complicated
together it ta'es a strong leader to guide societ( and a statesman to motivate people to an
unpopular direction &hese t)o )ords both have some similarities because the( have the abilit(
to lead citi*ens and public servants +&he great difference bet)een the real statesman and
political leader is that the one sees into the future# )hile the other regards onl( the present, the
one lives b( the da(# and acts on e-pedienc(, the other acts on enduring principles and for
immortalit(. /0ur'e# 1# p!2%3 &hese t)o )ords are different because a political leader is not a
visionar( leader li'e the statesman, a political leader focus on short4term goals# such as the crises
in the present, here and now Whereas a statesman focus on the future and long4term goals )hile
envisioning )hat direction the countr( should go, to define the )ord statesman is to go higher
and above, greater than himself, to capture ideas that is more significant than his o)n A
politician thinks of the next election and a +statesman thinks of the next generation Another
e-ample is a politician loo's for the success of his part( and a statesman see's success for his
A statesman )ishes to steer )hile the politician is satisfied to drift. /Clar'# 56# p!2%3
6or e-ample# Abraham 7incoln once )as the Head of the State discerns the mind of God )hen
he governs the nation As President 7incoln stated, +8 have so man( evidences of 9is direction#
so man( instances )hen 8 have been controlled b( some other po)er than m( o)n )ill# )hich 8
cannot doubt that his po)er comes from above. /7incoln# A# 1":13 A statesman should lead on
the administration of ;ustice )ith the concern of others regardless if citi*ens are the poorest or
)ealthiest members of societ( 1ver( philosopher and statesman# )ho had discussed the sub;ect
Writing Sample
of human governments# has ac'no)ledged that there can be no stabilit( Society without
justice; no justice without morality; no morality without religion; no religion without God
/Gibbons# 5# 1"":3 &hese e-amples describe the difference bet)een a political leader and a
statesman, a political leader is often described as self4 absorbed# narcissistic that serves for
special interest, mean)hile a statesman characteristic is altruistic# magnanimous and
passionatel( focus on others
During the political earl( ages# three statesmen Aristotle# More and &oc=ueville )ere
identified as political leaders &he( all )ere political thin'ers, Aristotle created the Western
philosoph( during the pre4biblical )orld /&essitone# A# !$$:3 Aristotle believed that a
statesman combines moral virtue and practical intelligence# e-perience and 'no)ledge of the
particular characteristics of his cit( or people /7ord# C# p1<$3 During the modern period
&homas More studied classical philosoph(# 5udeo4Christian )isdom and the 0ible 9e had a
career in la)# politics and diplomac( )ith human virtue /&essitone# A# !$$:3 More believed that
human nature can be a danger for peace and ;ustice 9e )as a strong advocate on the behalf of
free speech# civil reform and supported the separation of Church and State /Wegemer# G# !$$13
During the biblical age# &oc=ueville practice philosophic principles# modern liberal
democrac( and political thought &oc=ueville approaches the stud( of politics )ith an overriding
concern to understand both possibilities and dangers attends to the =ualit( of human life in the
ne)l( emerging democratic order /&essitone# A# !$$:3 Aristotle and &oc=ueville both had their
different ideologies but agreed on the importance of a statesman, defining a statesman as a
person )ho has prudence and )isdom in politics
&he first e-ample defining a statesman and political leader is to revie) the different
characteristics bet)een President Madison and President Adams President Madison )as one of
Writing Sample
the American Founding Fathers 9e )as a part of the America constitution formulation and
implementation and passionatel( fought for religious freedom and advocated on the behalf the
separation of the church and state !o Founding Father contri"uted more than #ames $adison
in de%eloping the nation&s ideas on freedom of conscience' the free exercise of religion' and the
separation of church and state(Messer# PC# !$1$3 5ames Madison had a great influence on
the Supreme Court in protecting the rights on the behalf of the minorit( )hite citi*ens 9e
e-presses that an( la) is unconstitutional, the Supreme Court can stri'e it do)n and advocate for
the 6irst Amendment >ights Madison embodied the ethical political ideal that )as a similar trait
of the Aristotelian virtue of a magnanimous man, the am"ition to ser%e justice' honor and
duty +Magnanimous man?s dedication to deeds of virtue# nobilit(# and ;ustice as ends in them
and also )ith his concern for the people and polis he serves in public life. /@e(s# M# !$1$3
5ohn Adams )as an unpopular statesman because he )as an aristocrat# unfavorable to the
poor and regulated a sumptuar( la) to control people?s consumption 5ohn Adams )as the
second President of the Anited States and the principal drafter of the Massachusetts State
Constitution 8t )as Adams )ho offered the resolution of the actual Declaration of 8ndependence
and pla(ed a crucial role in its passage /6rohenen# 0 P# !$1!3 &he difference bet)een 5ohn
Adams and 5ames Madison characteristics of a statesmanship# Madison believed that onl( one
fifth of the population should never be citi*ens or en;o( libert(# den(ing freedom on a certain
class of people President 5ames Madison )as a Birginian slave o)ner# $adison had an
optimistic %iew of the potential of the citi)enry to aid go%erning officials in preser%ing indi%idual
li"erty /9oupt# D W# !$1$3 5ohn Adams never o)n a slave but condemned the institution of
slaver( /6rohenen# 0 P# !$1$3 7ater# 5ohn Adams lost his re4election due to mismanagement of
the Presidential Administration
Writing Sample
Another e-ample defining a statesman and political leader is to revie) the characteristics
bet)een President >onald >egan and President 0ush# Sr President >egan inspired America b(
his magnanimit( )hile demonstrating one of his e-ample of a statesman?s virtuous greatness
+9e believed humilit( before honor.# +9umilit( open magnanimit(?s doors )ider to ma'e room
for gratitude# delight and )onder# and lightens the )eight of greatness and of one?s concern )ith
superiorit( and honorable recompense for virtuous deeds and public service /@e(s# M# !$1$3
President 0ush# Sr )as the vice president for eight (ears under >onald >egan and this )as
during the successful period in the histor( of American foreign polic( President 0ush Sr#
gracefull( credits all his public learning e-perience from >egan When he became President# he
earned a place in histor( for a rare diplomatic# militar(# and domestic political leadership that the
American citi*ens appreciated in regards to the Gulf War &he difference bet)een >egan and
0ush Sr is that 0ush failed on the principle of conservatism and domestic errors, he couldn?t
e-press to the American people his vision for an improved )orld order A similar rhetorical
inade=uac( hobbles the President attempts to disclose an( large vision in domestic politics
/Dational >evie)# 1::!3 &he lac' of rhetorical s'ills# vision# elo=uent philosoph( and failed bi4
partisan compromise defeated the conservative principle that causes the loss of his Presidenc(
+9e )as divinel( buttressed and freer from attachment to superiorit(. /@e(s# M# !$1$3
7astl(# another e-ample in defining a statesman and political leader is sum up the
characteristic differences bet)een 0en;amin 6ran'lin and President @enned( 0en;amin 6ran'lin
politicall( inspired and advocated on the repeal of the Stamp Act la) regardless of the great
opposition 9e )as a successful negotiator and diplomat and influence 6rance to sign a &reat( of
Alliance )ith the Americans in 1EE" /0illauer# 0# !$1$3 0en;amin 6ran'lin )as one of the
founding founders )ho drafted the Declaration of 8ndependence 9e )as a )ise and humble man
Writing Sample
)ith a mild temper )ho achieved man( accomplishments that contribute to the American societ(
9e had man( gifts and talents# successfull( created the Penns(lvania Ga*ette paper# published
boo's# and created fire prevention pro;ects and discovered electricit( 6ran'lin )as a late4
blooming radical
9is diplomatic histor( and connections )as magical# )hich enabled him to be granted
instant reception# acceptance# trust and credibilit( from 6rance 7i'e an( other advocates of
republicanism# 6ran'lin emphasi*ed that the ne) republic could survive onl( if the people )ere
virtuous in the sense of attention to civic dut( and re;ected corruption /0illauer# 0# !$1$3
6ran'lin )as the +1nlighten. intellectual, all his life he e-plored the role of civic and personal
virtue 6ran'lin envisioned the precise images he thought )ould be most impressionable long
before arriving to carr( out his diplomatic mission# bringing the martin cap he )ould )ear as
part of his fashion4persona along )ith him /0illauer# 0# !$1$3
0en;amin 6ran'lin and President @enned( characteristics of statesmanship are different
even though the( both had a successful diplomatic histor( during their political lives President
@enned( learns that his diplomatic insights developed from 0ritish histor(, about human nature
)hich he incorporated these theories into his decision F ma'ing process +9is readings provided
him )ith an inner life from )hich he dre) vitalit(. /6air# 5D# !$$23 President @enned( had a
vision of peace during his term, the Cuban Missile Crisis# &est 0an &reat(# Moon Pro;ect and
/civil rights3 segregation# etc# ho)ever focus on the short4term perspective 9e dealt )ith a
crises )hen it happen immediatel(# for e-ample# he )as up against the ma;orit( to ban the test
ban treat(# @enned( stated that he )ould gladly forfeit his reelection for the sake of the treaty
/0escholss# M# 1::13 &hat )as the creation of the Democratic Part( recognition b( the
American citi*ens as the +peace part(. that refrains from )ar 0en;amin 6ran'lin had a long4
Writing Sample
term vision )hereas President @enned( molded his perspectives based on )orldvie) /short4
term3 crises and polic( choices according on 0ritish histor( and depend on 0ritish leaders for
moral support 7ater# he set a polic( vision for civil rights for the ne-t four (ears ho)ever died
/(oung3 that interfered )ith his completion of his long4term goals 9o)ever# 0en;amin 6ran'lin#
during his <$s# bro'ered the sale of some slaves as a sideline for his general store# 0en;amin and
his )ife o)ned t)o slaves 8n 1EC"# at the age of C!# 0en;amin became a radical and suggested
in establishing Philadelphia?s first school for blac's /Po)ell# 5# 1::E3 &hese are several
e-amples that describe the difference bet)een a political leader and a statesman &hese e-amples
of a political leader demonstrate that @enned( and 0en;amin both )ere focused on their o)n
political future /)orldvie)3 0en;amin# )ho did not have the courage to see' the abolishment of
slaver( ho)ever assisted in creating the Declaration of 8ndependence and @enned( based his
polic( choices 0efore his assignation# @enned( discovered the abilit( to discern a plan# )ith a
vision )ith long term goals to start legislation on civil rights
Gou can assume that these great men had persona deficiencies and humanl( imperfect
According to 6rohnen# George Washington (elled a fair amount D)ight 1isenho)er (elled a lot
and 5ohn Adams )as cran'( Abraham 7incoln suffered classic s(stems of depression George
Washington and &homas 5efferson both )ere a slave o)ners and )ealth( /but cheap3 George
Washington later freed his slaves ho)ever 5efferson profited off the slaver( institution Most of
the 6ounding 6athers 'ne) that slaver( )as )rong but didn?t have the courage to abolish slaver(
leaving that tas' to the ne-t generation 5efferson contradicted the )ords and the principle of the
Declaration of 8ndependence that All $en was *reated +,ual &oda(# the 6ounding 6athers
)ho )ere slave o)ners didn?t den( the truth of ho) )rong slaver( )as nor didn?t have the
courage to abolish it, leaves a ,uestion of integrity in the minds of most American people &hese
Writing Sample
statesmen failed ideologies that )ere based on the principle of libert( including )ith character
defects# didn?t prevent +America from learning the real truth of e=ualit( through Civil >ights
8n conclusion# their =uestionable characteristics didn?t prevent the establishment and the creation
of government, the creation of American political structures and foundations as public servants
Writing Sample
7incoln# A /1":13 =uoted from 7 1 Chittenden# >ecollections of President 7incoln and 9is
Administration /De) Gor'H 9arper I 0rothers# 1":13# p %%"# =uoted in 1lton &rue
blood# Abraham 7incolnH &heologian of American Anguish /De) Gor'H 9arper I >o)#
1:E<3# p 1!"
0ur'e# 1 /1:%:3 =uoted in 9erbert B Prochno)# &he &oastmasterJs 9andboo' /De) Gor'H
Prentice49all p !2%
Clar'e# 56# /1:%:3 =uoted in 9erbert B Prochno)# &he &oastmasterJs 9andboo' /De) Gor'H
Prentice49all# p !2%
Gibbons# 5# /1"":3 Our Christian 9eritage# =uoted in >alph 7 Woods# ed# &he World
&reasur( of >eligious Kuotations /De) Gor'H Garland# 1:223# p %$C
Morro)# O7# /1:""3 Kuoted from Good De)s 0roadcaster# 5ul4Aug 1:E"# p %# =uoted in
Albert M Wells# 5r# ed# 8nspiring Kuotations Contemporar( I Classical /DashvilleH
&homas Delson# pp 1CC41C2
Po)ell# 5# /1::E3 &he 6reeman -deas on .i"erty Published b( the 6oundation for economic
1ducation September !"# !$1!# >etrieved :/!$/1! from
Wegemer# G# /!$$13 0iograph(H &homas More As Statesman A 0rief S'etch >etrieved
:/!$/1!from httpH//)))thomasmorestudiesorg/docs/MoreLasLStatesmanpdf
0illauer# 0 /!$1$3 0en;amin 6ran'linH Statesman4Scientist I the 6ather of Scientific Statecraft
>etrieved September# !$# !$1! from
6air# 5D /!$$23 &he 8ntellectual 56@H 7essons in Statesmanship from 0ritish 9istor( Bol <$
Writing Sample
8ssue 1# p11:41%! >etrieved September !$# !$1! from
Messer# PC /!$1$35ames MadisonH Philosopher# 6ounder# and StatesmanBol%$ 8ssue <# pC"!4
C"< >etrieved September !$# !$1! from
Allen# G /1::23 Developing 7eadership for Democratic DationsH Creating Statesmen >ather
&han Politicians >etrieved September !1# !$1! from
9oupt# 5 /!$1$3 5ames MadisonH Philosopher# 6ounder# and StatesmanH &he Madison at
MontpelierH >eflections on the 6ounding 6athers Couple Bol11" 8ssue 1# pE%4E2 from
Dational >evie) /1::!3 6oul4Weather 6riendship Bol%% 8ssue !!# p1$412 >etrieved
September !1# !$1! from httpH//))))ebebscohostcome*pro-(libert(eduH!$%"
@e(s# MM /!$1$3 Statesmanship# 9umilit(# and 9appinessH >eflections on >obert 6aul'ner?s
&he Case of Greatness Bol <: 8ssue %# p 1:<41:E >etrieved September !!# !$1!
6rohnen# 0P /!$1!3 On StatesmanshipH &he Case of 5ohn Adamsp11>etreived September
!!# !$1! fromhttpH//))))ebebscohostcome*pro-(libert(eduH!$%"
&essitore# A /!$$:3 Aristotle and &oc=ueville on Statesmanshipp1>etreived September !!#
!$1! fromhttpH//))))ebebscohostcome*pro-(libert(eduH!$%"
Writing Sample

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