Control Valve Technical Specification
Control Valve Technical Specification
Control Valve Technical Specification
Control Valve
Technical Specification
© 2000 by CCI. All Rights Reserved. This document has been produced by Control Components
Incorporated, Rancho Santa Margarita, California based on subjects presented in the ISA Guide "Control
Valves - Practical Guides for Measurement and Control" edited by Guy Borden, Jr. and Paul G. Friedmann,
1998 edition published by ISA and other published sources. The use of the letters ISA in this
specification does not constitute an endorsement of this specification by the Instrument
Society of America.
Control Valve Technical Specification
Throughout this specification, where the word “shall” is used to define a requirement,
Seller must comply with the requirements. Where the word “should” is used to
define a requirement, Seller may select an alternative and advise Buyer accordingly.
1 Scope
1.1.1 Design, fabrication, testing and delivery of all valves, complete with
actuators and accessories to meet the requirements of this specification and
the control valve data sheets.
1.1.2 All interconnecting instrument tubing and fittings between the valve
actuator, positioner, and filter regulator.
1.2.2 Electrical wiring for power and signals for position indicating lights,
solenoids, and/or control stations.
1.2.3 All external piping, tubing, valves, and fittings, except as specified to
be furnished by the Seller.
2.1 Any conflicts between this specification and other applicable industry
standards, codes, and forms shall be resolved in writing by the Buyer.
2.2 Seller shall direct all requests to deviate from this specification in writing to
the Buyer, who shall follow internal company procedure and forward such request
to the Engineering Manager, Instrumentation and Control.
Control ValveTechnical Specification
3 References
The selection of material and equipment, and the design and construction of the
equipment covered by this specification shall comply with the applicable edition of
the references in effect at the time of the Purchase Order and as noted
throughout this specification.
ISA Guide Control Valves, Practical Guides for Measurement and Control
ISA S20.50 Specification Forms for Process Measurement and Control
Instruments, Primary Elements and Control Valves
ISA S75.01 Flow Equations for Sizing Control Valves
ISA S75.05 Control Valve Terminology
ISA S75.11 Inherent Flow Characteristic and Rangeability of Control Valves
ISA SP75.17 Control Valve Aerodynamic Noise Prediction
ISA RP75.23 Considerations for Evaluating Control Valve Cavitation
3.7 Terminology
Control Valve Technical Specification
Seller shall select control valve design based on the requirements of the
application, process operating conditions, and this specification.
4.1 Applications
Applications, common names and uses, and their key attributes covered under
this specification are defined in Chapter 12 of the ISA Guide, “Control Valves,
Practical Guides for Measurement and Control” and are summarized below:
Control ValveTechnical Specification
Key attributes for intermittent letdown applications are tight shut-off and fast
stroke speeds. Seller shall select control valves that meet these attributes.
4.1.4 Recirculation
pp. For each control valve, Buyer shall specify the process data for the following
486-487 three flow conditions as a minimum: Normal Flow Rate, Maximum Flow Rate,
and Minimum Flow Rate.
Buyer shall also specify the minimum and normal flow conditions for control
valve services identified with “normally no flow” as well as the required flow
conditions during non-normal plant operating conditions such as start-up,
venting, depressurizing, etc.
Seller shall provide sizing calculations for all specified flow conditions.
Control Valve Technical Specification
Seat leakage classification shall be in accordance with FCI 70-2 or MSS-SP- pp.
61. The leakage class shall be determined by the service application. Soft- 274-275
seated valves shall not be applied in services with design temperature
conditions over 230°C (450°F) or in flashing liquid services.
The following minimum seat load requirements (after hydraulic loads, spring
loads and friction loads are considered) shall apply:
Seat ring circumference is defined as the line of contact between the plug and
the seat when the valve is in the fully closed position.
Each control valve shall be sized and selected to provide reliable operation and pp.
control at the specified operating and design conditions. Control valve sizing shall 112-161
generally be based on ISA S75.01, “Flow Equations for Sizing Control Valves”.
Seller may deviate from the ISA formulas provided that the reason is detailed in
the technical quotation.
Seller shall select and size the control valve and actuator assembly and
accurately evaluate the minimum trim performance requirements.
The selected control valve trim capacity (Cv selected) should meet the
Control ValveTechnical Specification A linear trim and quick opening trim shall operate below 90%
travel at maximum flow.
112-161 The Cv capacity required to meet above criteria is referred to as “Cv
required”. The actual Cv capacity of the valve is referred to as the “Cv
selected”. Specific applications may require an over-sized Cv capacity,
which shall be specified by the buyer.
For valves mounted between pipe reducers or other pipe fittings, the calculated
valve capacity shall be corrected for a decrease in valve capacity conforming
to ISA S75.01. The piping geometry factors FP, control valve correction factor,
calculated FLP and/or XTP factors shall be specified by the Seller.
Control valve bodies with reduced trims shall be considered for applications
with the following conditions:
In all cases, the control valve nominal body size shall not exceed the nominal
line size.
p. 107 5.1.4 Minimum Rangeability
The valve shall be rated to meet the design pressure and design temperature
of the application according to an internationally recognized standard.
For flanged valves, the valve body rating shall never be lower than the flange
rating. The flange rating for valve bodies smaller than 16-inch nominal size
shall be minimum ASME Class 300. Flange rating for valve bodies 16-inch
nominal size and larger shall be minimum ASME Class 150.
5.2.2 Materials
Control Valve Technical Specification
Valve trim shall be of the quick-change type for ease of maintenance. No internal
components shall be screwed or welded into the valve bodies or bonnets. Trim
shall be designed to provide equal pressurization around the plug in order to
p. 26
minimize vibration and prevent any potential for binding. Seller shall select control
valve trim design that meets the requirements of this specification.
Seller shall provide a minimum of five years experience with any proposed
control valve trim design.
Ring joint (RTJ) flanges shall be used for lines rated ASME Class 900
and above, and for design temperature conditions exceeding 480°C
(900°F). Ring grooves shall comply with ASME B16.20.
Control ValveTechnical Specification
Body gaskets for temperatures below 230°C (450°F) shall be PTFE or equal.
Over 230°C (450°F), a spiral-wound gasket, grafoil-type gasket, or equal, shall
pp. be used. In all cases, valve gaskets for body/bonnet joints or bottom flange
401-403 joints shall be metal seal or spiral wound stainless steel with a non-asbestos
or Teflon filler suitable for the operating and design conditions.
PTFE V-ring packing shall be used for services up to 230°C (450°F). Above
230°C (450°F), graphite or Seller’s recommended packing shall be used.
5.3.1 Noise
The maximum noise level emission from a control valve manifold installation,
including contributions from piping elbows and reducers, shall not exceed the
pp. following limits for any specified operating condition.
- 85 dBA for process control/feed regulation, continuous letdown,
intermittent letdown daily service and recirculation daily service applications.
Control valve noise shall be treated at the source except as noted below. The
provision of low-noise multipath multi-stage trim designs is generally most cost-
effective. Diffusers, baffle plates and silencers, either inside the valve body or
downstream of the valve, shall not be permitted for the following applications:
For other applications, special attention shall be given to the limited flow
rangeability of these devices (i.e., noise reduction from these devices is
generally reduced at low flow conditions). Noise generated by diffusers or
orifice plates shall be calculated by ISA SP75.17 or IEC 534-8-3 as a
separate system from the valve trim and included in the overall noise source.
pp. 238
A maximum of 5 dBA credit may be used for the application of insulation
for noise reduction.
Control Valve Technical Specification
Seller shall submit detailed noise calculations with the proposal in accordance
with methodology outlined in ISA SP75.17 and IEC 534-8-3 guidelines. The
calculation basis and results shall be shown for manual or computer calculations. pp.
Seller shall guarantee control valves supplied meet the above requirements. 235-236
Proper control valve selection shall ensure that the required energy can be
dissipated without exceeding the maximum vibration levels in the piping
system and without exceeding the wear properties of the trim material. Seller pp.
shall select control valve trim design that facilitates maximum reduction of
control valve induced vibration and trim wear.
The design shall provide a sufficient number of discrete pressure drop pp.
stages to maintain the trim exit velocity below 30 m/sec (100 ft/sec) for 437-438
single-phase liquids and 23 m/sec (75 ft/sec) for cavitating, flashing, and/
or erosive services. Seller shall specify number of discreet pressure drop
stages required and provide body and trim exit velocity calculations with
proposal. The calculation basis and results shall be shown for manual or
computer calculations.
Control ValveTechnical Specification
ISA S75.01, the ISA Guide “Control Valves, Practical Guides for
Measurement and Control”, and the Seller’s valve cavitation index
data shall be used for determining the severity of cavitation, choked
flow, or flashing conditions in the control valves. Seller shall provide
a control valve that eliminates cavitation damage.
Seller shall select the control valve flow characteristic to meet the
rangeability requirements as defined in Section 5.1.4, Minimum
Rangeability, and to provide stable control over the required range of
operating conditions. Seller should select the control valve flow
characteristic specified in the control valve data sheets.
6 Actuator Selection
Seller shall be responsible for correctly sizing the actuators based on the process
operating conditions and this technical specification. Actuator systems should be
p. 101 pneumatic type, either diaphragm or double-acting piston. For applications with
valve bodies greater than 2-inch nominal size and pressure drop in excess of
4000 kPa (580 psi), diaphragm actuators shall not be applied. Air supply system
design pressure conditions are generally 930 kPag (135 psig) or less.
Control Valve Technical Specification
6.2 Materials
Materials of the pneumatic actuators shall be suitable for the application and
the operating environment.
6.3 Performance
The total maximum inaccuracy of the valve travel position due to any limitation
(i.e., repeatability, deadband, resolution, hysteresis, etc.) shall be less than 2.0%.
6.3.2 Stability
Air failure position shall be accomplished without the aid of process pressure
conditions. Air failure position shall be testable during inspection and during
plant commissioning when piping systems are de-pressurized.
When an internal spring return feature can not achieve the failure mode of a
piston actuator, piston actuators shall be equipped with a fail-safe trip system.
Boosters may be applied, as required, to meet actuator stroke response
requirements on large or fast control signal changes.
Seller shall select control valve and actuator assembly to achieve the stroke
speed requirements specified on the process data sheets.
All applications need to be verified for the actual stroke speed p. 470
requirements. Stroke times shall be tested on a 100% control signal step
change without the aid of process pressure conditions. Stroke times shall
be tested during Seller’s inspection. Seller shall document the test criteria
and results of the functional tests performed during Seller’s inspection to
verify operability and stroke speed. Boosters may be applied to meet
stroke time requirements, but stroke movements shall remain stable at
20%, 50%, and 80% control signal step changes.
Control ValveTechnical Specification
Yoke assemblies shall be cast or welded. Bolted yoke assemblies shall not be
applied. Yoke assemblies shall be designed such that it will accept installation of
all accessories needed to meet the requirements of the specified application.
7 Accessories
7.2 Handwheels
7.4.2 Sizing
Volume tanks shall have a minimum capacity for two complete stroke
operations of the control valve at the minimum available instrument air
pressure of 415 kPag (60 psig). The I/P transducer shall also be supplied
from this volume tank.
Control Valve Technical Specification
Each control valve shall be provided with a valve position indicator. The
indication pointer shall be directly connected to the stem or shaft. The valve
position shall be indicated on a reversible scale with clearly graduated
markings at 25% valve opening position intervals and the words OPEN and
CLOSED at the valve travel limits.
7.6.1 Marking
7.6.2 Identification
8 Documentation Requirements
8.1.1 Capacity (Cv) as a function of travel; confirmation by the Seller that the
required rangeability can be met with the proposed control valve.
8.1.2 Noise calculations, including calculation basis and results, for each
specified flow condition; the Seller shall specify the maximum total
inaccuracy (i.e., tolerance expressed in ±dBA for each noise calculation) and
shall add this to his calculated noise level.
8.1.3 Body and trim exit fluid velocity head calculations, including number of
discreet pressure drop stages required, for each specified flow condition;
Seller to also specify body and trim exit fluid velocities expressed in sonic
velocity (Mach number).
Control ValveTechnical Specification
8.2.1 Capacity (Cv) as a function of travel; confirmation by the Seller that the
required rangeability can be met with the proposed control valve.
8.2.3 Cavitation index data and choked flow parameter data both as a
function of travel specific for the selected control valve and application.
The Seller shall confirm in writing that the selected control valve
eliminates cavitation damage.
8.2.4 Size Scale Effect (SSE) and Pressure Scale Effect (PSE) correction
data for the cavitation index data.
8.2.5 Body and trim exit fluid velocity calculations, including number of
discreet pressure drop stages required, for each specified flow condition.
8.3.4 Seller’s seat leakage test report for each control valve.
8.3.5 Seller’s stroke performance test report for each control valve.
Control Valve Technical Specification