Logic and Metalogic

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Logic and Metalogic
Main article
Logic 1
History of logic 14
Topics in logic
Aristotelian logic 35
Propositional calculus 41
Predicate logic 58
Modal logic 59
Informal logic 70
Mathematical logic 75
Algebraic logic 88
Multi-valued logic 91
Fuzzy logic 95
Metatheory 103
Metalogic 104
Philosophical logic 107
Logic in computer science 108
Controversies in logic
Principle of bivalence 111
Paradoxes of material implication 114
Paraconsistent logic 117
Is logic empirical? 124
Article Sources and Contributors 127
Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors 130
Article Licenses
License 131
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Logic (from the AncientGreek: , logike) has two meanings: first, it describes the use of valid reasoning in
some activity; second, it names the normative study of reasoning or a branch thereof. In the latter sense, it features
most prominently in the subjects of philosophy, mathematics, and computer science.
Logic was studied in several ancient civilizations, including India, China, Persia and Greece. In the West, logic was
established as a formal discipline by Aristotle, who gave it a fundamental place in philosophy. The study of logic
was part of the classical trivium, which also included grammar and rhetoric. Logic was further extended by
Al-Farabi who categorized it into two separate groups (idea and proof). Later, Avicenna revived the study of logic
and developed relationship between temporalis and the implication. In the East, logic was developed by Buddhists
and Jains.
Logic is often divided into three parts; inductive reasoning, abductive reasoning, and deductive reasoning.
The study of logic

Upon this first, and in one sense this sole, rule of reason, that in order to learn you must desire to learn, and in so desiring not be satisfied with
what you already incline to think, there follows one corollary which itself deserves to be inscribed upon every wall of the city of philosophy:
Do not block the way of inquiry.

Charles Sanders Peirce, "First Rule of Logic"
The concept of logical form is central to logic, it being held that the validity of an argument is determined by its
logical form, not by its content. Traditional Aristotelian syllogistic logic and modern symbolic logic are examples of
formal logics.
Informal logic is the study of natural language arguments. The study of fallacies is an especially important
branch of informal logic. The dialogues of Plato are good examples of informal logic.
Formal logic is the study of inference with purely formal content. An inference possesses a purely formal content
if it can be expressed as a particular application of a wholly abstract rule, that is, a rule that is not about any
particular thing or property. The works of Aristotle contain the earliest known formal study of logic. Modern
formal logic follows and expands on Aristotle. In many definitions of logic, logical inference and inference with
purely formal content are the same. This does not render the notion of informal logic vacuous, because no formal
logic captures all of the nuance of natural language.
Symbolic logic is the study of symbolic abstractions that capture the formal features of logical inference.
Symbolic logic is often divided into two branches: propositional logic and predicate logic.
Mathematical logic is an extension of symbolic logic into other areas, in particular to the study of model theory,
proof theory, set theory, and recursion theory.
Logical form
Logic is generally considered formal when it analyzes and represents the form of any valid argument type. The form
of an argument is displayed by representing its sentences in the formal grammar and symbolism of a logical
language to make its content usable in formal inference. If one considers the notion of form too philosophically
loaded, one could say that formalizing simply means translating English sentences into the language of logic.
This is called showing the logical form of the argument. It is necessary because indicative sentences of ordinary
language show a considerable variety of form and complexity that makes their use in inference impractical. It
requires, first, ignoring those grammatical features irrelevant to logic (such as gender and declension, if the argument
is in Latin), replacing conjunctions irrelevant to logic (such as 'but') with logical conjunctions like 'and' and replacing
ambiguous, or alternative logical expressions ('any', 'every', etc.) with expressions of a standard type (such as 'all', or
the universal quantifier ).
Second, certain parts of the sentence must be replaced with schematic letters. Thus, for example, the expression all
As are Bs shows the logical form common to the sentences all men are mortals, all cats are carnivores, all Greeks
are philosophers and so on.
That the concept of form is fundamental to logic was already recognized in ancient times. Aristotle uses variable
letters to represent valid inferences in Prior Analytics, leading Jan ukasiewicz to say that the introduction of
variables was 'one of Aristotle's greatest inventions'. According to the followers of Aristotle (such as Ammonius),
only the logical principles stated in schematic terms belong to logic, not those given in concrete terms. The concrete
terms man', 'mortal, etc., are analogous to the substitution values of the schematic placeholders 'A', 'B', 'C', which
were called the 'matter' (Greek 'hyle') of the inference.
The fundamental difference between modern formal logic and traditional, or Aristotelian logic, lies in their differing
analysis of the logical form of the sentences they treat.
In the traditional view, the form of the sentence consists of (1) a subject (e.g., 'man') plus a sign of quantity ('all'
or 'some' or 'no'); (2) the copula, which is of the form 'is' or 'is not'; (3) a predicate (e.g., 'mortal'). Thus: all men
are mortal. The logical constants such as 'all', 'no' and so on, plus sentential connectives such as 'and' and 'or' were
called 'syncategorematic' terms (from the Greek 'kategorei' to predicate, and 'syn' together with). This is a
fixed scheme, where each judgment has an identified quantity and copula, determining the logical form of the
According to the modern view, the fundamental form of a simple sentence is given by a recursive schema,
involving logical connectives, such as a quantifier with its bound variable, which are joined by juxtaposition to
other sentences, which in turn may have logical structure.
The modern view is more complex, since a single judgement of Aristotle's system involves two or more logical
connectives. For example, the sentence "All men are mortal" involves, in term logic, two non-logical terms "is a
man" (here M) and "is mortal" (here D): the sentence is given by the judgement A(M,D). In predicate logic, the
sentence involves the same two non-logical concepts, here analyzed as and , and the sentence is
given by , involving the logical connectives for universal quantification and implication.
But equally, the modern view is more powerful. Medieval logicians recognized the problem of multiple
generality, where Aristotelian logic is unable to satisfactorily render such sentences as "Some guys have all the
luck", because both quantities "all" and "some" may be relevant in an inference, but the fixed scheme that
Aristotle used allows only one to govern the inference. Just as linguists recognize recursive structure in natural
languages, it appears that logic needs recursive structure.
Deductive and inductive reasoning, and retroductive inference
Deductive reasoning concerns what follows necessarily from given premises (if a, then b). However, inductive
reasoningthe process of deriving a reliable generalization from observationshas sometimes been included in the
study of logic. Similarly, it is important to distinguish deductive validity and inductive validity (called "cogency").
An inference is deductively valid if and only if there is no possible situation in which all the premises are true but the
conclusion false. An inductive argument can be neither valid nor invalid; its premises give only some degree of
probability, but not certainty, to its conclusion.
The notion of deductive validity can be rigorously stated for systems of formal logic in terms of the well-understood
notions of semantics. Inductive validity on the other hand requires us to define a reliable generalization of some set
of observations. The task of providing this definition may be approached in various ways, some less formal than
others; some of these definitions may use mathematical models of probability. For the most part this discussion of
logic deals only with deductive logic.
Retroductive inference is a mode of reasoning that Peirce proposed as operating over and above induction and
deduction to "open up new ground" in processes of theorizing (1911, p.2). He defines retroduction as a logical
inference that allows us to "render comprehensible" some observations/events we perceive, by relating these back to
a posited state of affairs that would help to shed light on the observations (Peirce, 1911, p.2). He remarks that the
"characteristic formula" of reasoning that he calls retroduction is that it involves reasoning from a consequent (any
observed/experienced phenomena that confront us) to an antecedent (that is, a posited state of things that helps us to
render comprehensible the observed phenomenon). Or, as he otherwise puts it, it can be considered as "regressing
from a consequent to a hypothetical antecedent" (1911, p.4).
Some authors suggest that this mode of inference can be used within social theorizing to postulate social
structures/mechanisms that explain the way that social outcomes arise in social lifeand that in turn indicates that
these structures or mechanisms are alterable with sufficient social will (and envisioning of alternatives). In other
words, this logic is specifically liberative in that it can be used to point to transformative potential in our way of
organizing our social existence by our re-examining/exploring the deep structures that generate outcomes (and life
chances for people). In her book on New Racism (2010) Norma Romm offers an account of various interpretations
of what can be said to be involved in retroduction as a form of inference and how this can also be seen to be linked to
a style of theorizing (and caring) where processes of knowing (which she sees as dialogically rooted) are linked to
social justice projects.
Consistency, validity, soundness, and completeness
Among the important properties that logical systems can have:
Consistency, which means that no theorem of the system contradicts another.
Validity, which means that the system's rules of proof never allow a false inference from true premises. A logical
system has the property of soundness when the logical system has the property of validity and uses only premises
that prove true (or, in the case of axioms, are true by definition).
Completeness, of a logical system, which means that if a formula is true, it can be proven (if it is true, it is a
theorem of the system).
Soundness, the term soundness has multiple separate meanings, which creates a bit of confusion throughout the
literature. Most commonly, soundness refers to logical systems, which means that if some formula can be proven
in a system, then it is true in the relevant model/structure (if A is a theorem, it is true). This is the converse of
completeness. A distinct, peripheral use of soundness refers to arguments, which means that the premises of a
valid argument are true in the actual world.
Some logical systems do not have all four properties. As an example, Kurt Gdel's incompleteness theorems show
that sufficiently complex formal systems of arithmetic cannot be consistent and complete; however, first-order
predicate logics not extended by specific axioms to be arithmetic formal systems with equality can be complete and
Rival conceptions of logic
Logic arose (see below) from a concern with correctness of argumentation. Modern logicians usually wish to ensure
that logic studies just those arguments that arise from appropriately general forms of inference. For example,
Thomas Hofweber writes in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy that logic "does not, however, cover good
reasoning as a whole. That is the job of the theory of rationality. Rather it deals with inferences whose validity can
be traced back to the formal features of the representations that are involved in that inference, be they linguistic,
mental, or other representations".
By contrast, Immanuel Kant argued that logic should be conceived as the science of judgement, an idea taken up in
Gottlob Frege's logical and philosophical work. But Frege's work is ambiguous in the sense that it is both concerned
with the "laws of thought" as well as with the "laws of truth", i.e. it both treats logic in the context of a theory of the
mind, and treats logic as the study of abstract formal structures.
Aristotle, 384322 BC.
In Europe, logic was first developed by Aristotle. Aristotelian logic became
widely accepted in science and mathematics and remained in wide use in the
West until the early 19th century. Aristotle's system of logic was responsible
for the introduction of hypothetical syllogism, temporal modal logic, and
inductive logic, as well as influential terms such as terms, predicables,
syllogisms and propositions. In Europe during the later medieval period,
major efforts were made to show that Aristotle's ideas were compatible with
Christian faith. During the High Middle Ages, logic became a main focus of
philosophers, who would engage in critical logical analyses of philosophical
arguments, often using variations of the methodology of scholasticism. In
1323, William of Ockham's influential Summa Logicae was released. By the
18th century, the structured approach to arguments had degenerated and
fallen out of favour, as depicted in Holberg's satirical play Erasmus
The Chinese logical philosopher Gongsun Long (ca. 325250 BC) proposed the paradox "One and one cannot
become two, since neither becomes two." In China, the tradition of scholarly investigation into logic, however, was
repressed by the Qin dynasty following the legalist philosophy of Han Feizi.
In India, innovations in the scholastic school, called Nyaya, continued from ancient times into the early 18th century
with the Navya-Nyaya school. By the 16th century, it developed theories resembling modern logic, such as Gottlob
Frege's "distinction between sense and reference of proper names" and his "definition of number," as well as the
theory of "restrictive conditions for universals" anticipating some of the developments in modern set theory. Since
1824, Indian logic attracted the attention of many Western scholars, and has had an influence on important
19th-century logicians such as Charles Babbage, Augustus De Morgan, and George Boole. In the 20th century,
Western philosophers like Stanislaw Schayer and Klaus Glashoff have explored Indian logic more extensively.
The syllogistic logic developed by Aristotle predominated in the West until the mid-19th century, when interest in
the foundations of mathematics stimulated the development of symbolic logic (now called mathematical logic). In
1854, George Boole published An Investigation of the Laws of Thought on Which are Founded the Mathematical
Theories of Logic and Probabilities, introducing symbolic logic and the principles of what is now known as Boolean
logic. In 1879, Gottlob Frege published Begriffsschrift, which inaugurated modern logic with the invention of
quantifier notation. From 1910 to 1913, Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell published Principia
Mathematica on the foundations of mathematics, attempting to derive mathematical truths from axioms and
inference rules in symbolic logic. In 1931, Gdel raised serious problems with the foundationalist program and logic
ceased to focus on such issues.
The development of logic since Frege, Russell, and Wittgenstein had a profound influence on the practice of
philosophy and the perceived nature of philosophical problems (see Analytic philosophy), and Philosophy of
mathematics. Logic, especially sentential logic, is implemented in computer logic circuits and is fundamental to
computer science. Logic is commonly taught by university philosophy departments, often as a compulsory
Topics in logic
Syllogistic logic
The Organon was Aristotle's body of work on logic, with the Prior Analytics constituting the first explicit work in
formal logic, introducing the syllogistic. The parts of syllogistic logic, also known by the name term logic, are the
analysis of the judgements into propositions consisting of two terms that are related by one of a fixed number of
relations, and the expression of inferences by means of syllogisms that consist of two propositions sharing a common
term as premise, and a conclusion that is a proposition involving the two unrelated terms from the premises.
Aristotle's work was regarded in classical times and from medieval times in Europe and the Middle East as the very
picture of a fully worked out system. However, it was not alone: the Stoics proposed a system of propositional logic
that was studied by medieval logicians. Also, the problem of multiple generality was recognised in medieval times.
Nonetheless, problems with syllogistic logic were not seen as being in need of revolutionary solutions.
Today, some academics claim that Aristotle's system is generally seen as having little more than historical value
(though there is some current interest in extending term logics), regarded as made obsolete by the advent of
propositional logic and the predicate calculus. Others use Aristotle in argumentation theory to help develop and
critically question argumentation schemes that are used in artificial intelligence and legal arguments.
Propositional logic (sentential logic)
A propositional calculus or logic (also a sentential calculus) is a formal system in which formulae representing
propositions can be formed by combining atomic propositions using logical connectives, and in which a system of
formal proof rules establishes certain formulae as "theorems".
Predicate logic
Predicate logic is the generic term for symbolic formal systems such as first-order logic, second-order logic,
many-sorted logic, and infinitary logic.
Predicate logic provides an account of quantifiers general enough to express a wide set of arguments occurring in
natural language. Aristotelian syllogistic logic specifies a small number of forms that the relevant part of the
involved judgements may take. Predicate logic allows sentences to be analysed into subject and argument in several
additional waysallowing predicate logic to solve the problem of multiple generality that had perplexed medieval
The development of predicate logic is usually attributed to Gottlob Frege, who is also credited as one of the founders
of analytical philosophy, but the formulation of predicate logic most often used today is the first-order logic
presented in Principles of Mathematical Logic by David Hilbert and Wilhelm Ackermann in 1928. The analytical
generality of predicate logic allowed the formalisation of mathematics, drove the investigation of set theory, and
allowed the development of Alfred Tarski's approach to model theory. It provides the foundation of modern
mathematical logic.
Frege's original system of predicate logic was second-order, rather than first-order. Second-order logic is most
prominently defended (against the criticism of Willard Van Orman Quine and others) by George Boolos and Stewart
Modal logic
In languages, modality deals with the phenomenon that sub-parts of a sentence may have their semantics modified
by special verbs or modal particles. For example, "We go to the games" can be modified to give "We should go to the
games", and "We can go to the games"" and perhaps "We will go to the games". More abstractly, we might say that
modality affects the circumstances in which we take an assertion to be satisfied.
Aristotle's logic is in large parts concerned with the theory of non-modalized logic. Although, there are passages in
his work, such as the famous sea-battle argument in De Interpretatione 9, that are now seen as anticipations of
modal logic and its connection with potentiality and time, the earliest formal system of modal logic was developed
by Avicenna, whom ultimately developed a theory of "temporally modalized" syllogistic.
While the study of necessity and possibility remained important to philosophers, little logical innovation happened
until the landmark investigations of Clarence Irving Lewis in 1918, who formulated a family of rival axiomatizations
of the alethic modalities. His work unleashed a torrent of new work on the topic, expanding the kinds of modality
treated to include deontic logic and epistemic logic. The seminal work of Arthur Prior applied the same formal
language to treat temporal logic and paved the way for the marriage of the two subjects. Saul Kripke discovered
(contemporaneously with rivals) his theory of frame semantics, which revolutionised the formal technology available
to modal logicians and gave a new graph-theoretic way of looking at modality that has driven many applications in
computational linguistics and computer science, such as dynamic logic.
Informal reasoning
The motivation for the study of logic in ancient times was clear: it is so that one may learn to distinguish good from
bad arguments, and so become more effective in argument and oratory, and perhaps also to become a better person.
Half of the works of Aristotle's Organon treat inference as it occurs in an informal setting, side by side with the
development of the syllogistic, and in the Aristotelian school, these informal works on logic were seen as
complementary to Aristotle's treatment of rhetoric.
This ancient motivation is still alive, although it no longer takes centre stage in the picture of logic; typically
dialectical logic forms the heart of a course in critical thinking, a compulsory course at many universities.
Argumentation theory is the study and research of informal logic, fallacies, and critical questions as they relate to
every day and practical situations. Specific types of dialogue can be analyzed and questioned to reveal premises,
conclusions, and fallacies. Argumentation theory is now applied in artificial intelligence and law.
Mathematical logic
Mathematical logic really refers to two distinct areas of research: the first is the application of the techniques of
formal logic to mathematics and mathematical reasoning, and the second, in the other direction, the application of
mathematical techniques to the representation and analysis of formal logic.
The earliest use of mathematics and geometry in relation to logic and philosophy goes back to the ancient Greeks
such as Euclid, Plato, and Aristotle. Many other ancient and medieval philosophers applied mathematical ideas and
methods to their philosophical claims.
Kurt Gdel
One of the boldest attempts to apply logic to mathematics was undoubtedly
the logicism pioneered by philosopher-logicians such as Gottlob Frege and
Bertrand Russell: the idea was that mathematical theories were logical
tautologies, and the programme was to show this by means to a reduction of
mathematics to logic. The various attempts to carry this out met with a series
of failures, from the crippling of Frege's project in his Grundgesetze by
Russell's paradox, to the defeat of Hilbert's program by Gdel's
incompleteness theorems.
Both the statement of Hilbert's program and its refutation by Gdel depended
upon their work establishing the second area of mathematical logic, the
application of mathematics to logic in the form of proof theory. Despite the
negative nature of the incompleteness theorems, Gdel's completeness
theorem, a result in model theory and another application of mathematics to
logic, can be understood as showing how close logicism came to being true:
every rigorously defined mathematical theory can be exactly captured by a first-order logical theory; Frege's proof
calculus is enough to describe the whole of mathematics, though not equivalent to it. Thus we see how
complementary the two areas of mathematical logic have been.
[citation needed]
If proof theory and model theory have been the foundation of mathematical logic, they have been but two of the four
pillars of the subject. Set theory originated in the study of the infinite by Georg Cantor, and it has been the source of
many of the most challenging and important issues in mathematical logic, from Cantor's theorem, through the status
of the Axiom of Choice and the question of the independence of the continuum hypothesis, to the modern debate on
large cardinal axioms.
Recursion theory captures the idea of computation in logical and arithmetic terms; its most classical achievements
are the undecidability of the Entscheidungsproblem by Alan Turing, and his presentation of the Church-Turing
thesis. Today recursion theory is mostly concerned with the more refined problem of complexity classes when is
a problem efficiently solvable? and the classification of degrees of unsolvability.
Philosophical logic
Philosophical logic deals with formal descriptions of natural language. Most philosophers assume that the bulk of
"normal" proper reasoning can be captured by logic, if one can find the right method for translating ordinary
language into that logic. Philosophical logic is essentially a continuation of the traditional discipline that was called
"Logic" before the invention of mathematical logic. Philosophical logic has a much greater concern with the
connection between natural language and logic. As a result, philosophical logicians have contributed a great deal to
the development of non-standard logics (e.g., free logics, tense logics) as well as various extensions of classical logic
(e.g., modal logics), and non-standard semantics for such logics (e.g., Kripke's technique of supervaluations in the
semantics of logic).
Logic and the philosophy of language are closely related. Philosophy of language has to do with the study of how
our language engages and interacts with our thinking. Logic has an immediate impact on other areas of study.
Studying logic and the relationship between logic and ordinary speech can help a person better structure his own
arguments and critique the arguments of others. Many popular arguments are filled with errors because so many
people are untrained in logic and unaware of how to formulate an argument correctly.
Computational logic
Logic cut to the heart of computer science as it emerged as a discipline: Alan Turing's work on the
Entscheidungsproblem followed from Kurt Gdel's work on the incompleteness theorems, and the notion of general
purpose computers that came from this work was of fundamental importance to the designers of the computer
machinery in the 1940s.
In the 1950s and 1960s, researchers predicted that when human knowledge could be expressed using logic with
mathematical notation, it would be possible to create a machine that reasons, or artificial intelligence. This was more
difficult than expected because of the complexity of human reasoning. In logic programming, a program consists of a
set of axioms and rules. Logic programming systems such as Prolog compute the consequences of the axioms and
rules in order to answer a query.
Today, logic is extensively applied in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, and Computer Science, and these fields
provide a rich source of problems in formal and informal logic. Argumentation theory is one good example of how
logic is being applied to artificial intelligence. The ACM Computing Classification System in particular regards:
Section F.3 on Logics and meanings of programs and F.4 on Mathematical logic and formal languages as part of
the theory of computer science: this work covers formal semantics of programming languages, as well as work of
formal methods such as Hoare logic
Boolean logic as fundamental to computer hardware: particularly, the system's section B.2 on Arithmetic and
logic structures, relating to operatives AND, NOT, and OR;
Many fundamental logical formalisms are essential to section I.2 on artificial intelligence, for example modal
logic and default logic in Knowledge representation formalisms and methods, Horn clauses in logic programming,
and description logic.
Furthermore, computers can be used as tools for logicians. For example, in symbolic logic and mathematical logic,
proofs by humans can be computer-assisted. Using automated theorem proving the machines can find and check
proofs, as well as work with proofs too lengthy to write out by hand.
Bivalence and the law of the excluded middle
The logics discussed above are all "bivalent" or "two-valued"; that is, they are most naturally understood as dividing
propositions into true and false propositions. Non-classical logics are those systems that reject bivalence.
Hegel developed his own dialectic logic that extended Kant's transcendental logic but also brought it back to ground
by assuring us that "neither in heaven nor in earth, neither in the world of mind nor of nature, is there anywhere such
an abstract 'eitheror' as the understanding maintains. Whatever exists is concrete, with difference and opposition in
In 1910, Nicolai A. Vasiliev extended the law of excluded middle and the law of contradiction and proposed the law
of excluded fourth and logic tolerant to contradiction. In the early 20th century Jan ukasiewicz investigated the
extension of the traditional true/false values to include a third value, "possible", so inventing ternary logic, the first
multi-valued logic.
[citation needed]
Logics such as fuzzy logic have since been devised with an infinite number of "degrees of truth", represented by a
real number between 0 and 1.
Intuitionistic logic was proposed by L.E.J. Brouwer as the correct logic for reasoning about mathematics, based upon
his rejection of the law of the excluded middle as part of his intuitionism. Brouwer rejected formalisation in
mathematics, but his student Arend Heyting studied intuitionistic logic formally, as did Gerhard Gentzen.
Intuitionistic logic is of great interest to computer scientists, as it is a constructive logic and can be applied for
extracting verified programs from proofs.
Modal logic is not truth conditional, and so it has often been proposed as a non-classical logic. However, modal logic
is normally formalised with the principle of the excluded middle, and its relational semantics is bivalent, so this
inclusion is disputable.
"Is logic empirical?"
What is the epistemological status of the laws of logic? What sort of argument is appropriate for criticizing purported
principles of logic? In an influential paper entitled "Is logic empirical?" Hilary Putnam, building on a suggestion of
W.V. Quine, argued that in general the facts of propositional logic have a similar epistemological status as facts
about the physical universe, for example as the laws of mechanics or of general relativity, and in particular that what
physicists have learned about quantum mechanics provides a compelling case for abandoning certain familiar
principles of classical logic: if we want to be realists about the physical phenomena described by quantum theory,
then we should abandon the principle of distributivity, substituting for classical logic the quantum logic proposed by
Garrett Birkhoff and John von Neumann.
Another paper of the same name by Sir Michael Dummett argues that Putnam's desire for realism mandates the law
of distributivity. Distributivity of logic is essential for the realist's understanding of how propositions are true of the
world in just the same way as he has argued the principle of bivalence is. In this way, the question, "Is logic
empirical?" can be seen to lead naturally into the fundamental controversy in metaphysics on realism versus
Implication: strict or material?
It is obvious that the notion of implication formalised in classical logic does not comfortably translate into natural
language by means of "if then", due to a number of problems called the paradoxes of material implication.
The first class of paradoxes involves counterfactuals, such as If the moon is made of green cheese, then 2+2=5,
which are puzzling because natural language does not support the principle of explosion. Eliminating this class of
paradoxes was the reason for C. I. Lewis's formulation of strict implication, which eventually led to more radically
revisionist logics such as relevance logic.
The second class of paradoxes involves redundant premises, falsely suggesting that we know the succedent because
of the antecedent: thus "if that man gets elected, granny will die" is materially true since granny is mortal, regardless
of the man's election prospects. Such sentences violate the Gricean maxim of relevance, and can be modelled by
logics that reject the principle of monotonicity of entailment, such as relevance logic.
Tolerating the impossible
Hegel was deeply critical of any simplified notion of the Law of Non-Contradiction. It was based on Leibniz's idea
that this law of logic also requires a sufficient ground to specify from what point of view (or time) one says that
something cannot contradict itself. A building, for example, both moves and does not move; the ground for the first
is our solar system and for the second the earth. In Hegelian dialectic, the law of non-contradiction, of identity, itself
relies upon difference and so is not independently assertable.
Closely related to questions arising from the paradoxes of implication comes the suggestion that logic ought to
tolerate inconsistency. Relevance logic and paraconsistent logic are the most important approaches here, though the
concerns are different: a key consequence of classical logic and some of its rivals, such as intuitionistic logic, is that
they respect the principle of explosion, which means that the logic collapses if it is capable of deriving a
contradiction. Graham Priest, the main proponent of dialetheism, has argued for paraconsistency on the grounds that
there are in fact, true contradictions.
Rejection of logical truth
The philosophical vein of various kinds of skepticism contains many kinds of doubt and rejection of the various
bases on which logic rests, such as the idea of logical form, correct inference, or meaning, typically leading to the
conclusion that there are no logical truths. Observe that this is opposite to the usual views in philosophical
skepticism, where logic directs skeptical enquiry to doubt received wisdoms, as in the work of Sextus Empiricus.
Friedrich Nietzsche provides a strong example of the rejection of the usual basis of logic: his radical rejection of
idealisation led him to reject truth as a "...mobile army of metaphors, metonyms, and anthropomorphismsin short
... metaphors which are worn out and without sensuous power; coins which have lost their pictures and now matter
only as metal, no longer as coins." His rejection of truth did not lead him to reject the idea of either inference or logic
completely, but rather suggested that "logic [came] into existence in man's head [out] of illogic, whose realm
originally must have been immense. Innumerable beings who made inferences in a way different from ours
perished". Thus there is the idea that logical inference has a use as a tool for human survival, but that its existence
does not support the existence of truth, nor does it have a reality beyond the instrumental: "Logic, too, also rests on
assumptions that do not correspond to anything in the real world".
This position held by Nietzsche however, has come under extreme scrutiny for several reasons. He fails to
demonstrate the validity of his claims and merely asserts them rhetorically. Although, since he is criticising the
established criteria of validity, this does not undermine his position for one could argue that the demonstration of
validity provided in the name of logic was just as rhetorically based. Some philosophers, such as Jrgen Habermas,
claim his position is self-refutingand accuse Nietszche of not even having a coherent perspective, let alone a
theory of knowledge. Again, it is unclear if this is a decisive critique for the criteria of coherency and consistent
theory are exactly what is under question. Georg Lukacs, in his book The Destruction of Reason, asserts that, "Were
we to study Nietzsche's statements in this area from a logico-philosophical angle, we would be confronted by a dizzy
chaos of the most lurid assertions, arbitrary and violently incompatible." Still, in this respect his 'theory' would be a
much better depicition of a confused and chaotic reality than any consistent and compatible theory. Bertrand Russell
referred to Nietzsche's claims as "empty words" in his book A History of Western Philosophy.
Notes and references
[1] http:/ / en. wikipedia. org/ w/ index. php?title=Template:Philosophy_sidebar& action=edit
[2] See for instance, the discussion at: http:/ / www.helsinki. fi/ science/ commens/ dictionary. html
[3] http:/ / www. springer.com/ 978-90-481-8727-0
Nuel Belnap, (1977). "A useful four-valued logic". In Dunn & Eppstein, Modern uses of multiple-valued logic.
Reidel: Boston.
Jzef Maria Bocheski (1959). A prcis of mathematical logic. Translated from the French and German editions
by Otto Bird. D. Reidel, Dordrecht, South Holland.
Jzef Maria Bocheski, (1970). A history of formal logic. 2nd Edition. Translated and edited from the German
edition by Ivo Thomas. Chelsea Publishing, New York.
Brookshear, J. Glenn (1989). Theory of computation: formal languages, automata, and complexity. Redwood
City, Calif.: Benjamin/Cummings Pub. Co. ISBN0-8053-0143-7.
Cohen, R.S, and Wartofsky, M.W. (1974). Logical and Epistemological Studies in Contemporary Physics. Boston
Studies in the Philosophy of Science. D. Reidel Publishing Company: Dordrecht, Netherlands. ISBN
Finkelstein, D. (1969). "Matter, Space, and Logic". in R.S. Cohen and M.W. Wartofsky (eds. 1974).
Gabbay, D.M., and Guenthner, F. (eds., 20012005). Handbook of Philosophical Logic. 13 vols., 2nd edition.
Kluwer Publishers: Dordrecht.
Hilbert, D., and Ackermann, W, (1928). Grundzge der theoretischen Logik (Principles of Mathematical Logic).
Springer-Verlag. OCLC 2085765 (http:/ / worldcat. org/ oclc/ 2085765)
Susan Haack, (1996). Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic: Beyond the Formalism, University of Chicago Press.
Hodges, W., (2001). Logic. An introduction to Elementary Logic, Penguin Books.
Hofweber, T., (2004), Logic and Ontology (http:/ / plato. stanford. edu/ entries/ logic-ontology/ ). Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Edward N. Zalta (ed.).
Hughes, R.I.G., (1993, ed.). A Philosophical Companion to First-Order Logic. Hackett Publishing.
Kline, Morris (1972). Mathematical Thought From Ancient to Modern Times. Oxford University Press.
Kneale, William, and Kneale, Martha, (1962). The Development of Logic. Oxford University Press, London, UK.
Liddell, Henry George; Scott, Robert. "Logikos" (http:/ / www. perseus. tufts. edu/ cgi-bin/
ptext?doc=Perseus:text:1999. 04. 0057:entry=#63716). A Greek-English Lexicon. Perseus Project. Retrieved 8
May 2009.
Mendelson, Elliott, (1964). Introduction to Mathematical Logic. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole Advanced Books &
Software: Monterey, Calif. OCLC 13580200 (http:/ / worldcat. org/ oclc/ 13580200)
Harper, Robert (2001). "Logic" (http:/ / www. etymonline. com/ index. php?term=logic). Online Etymology
Dictionary. Retrieved 8 May 2009.
Smith, B., (1989). "Logic and the Sachverhalt". The Monist 72(1):5269.
Whitehead, Alfred North and Bertrand Russell, (1910). Principia Mathematica. Cambridge University Press:
Cambridge, England. OCLC 1041146 (http:/ / worldcat. org/ oclc/ 1041146)
External links
Library resources about
Resources in your library (http:/ / tools. wmflabs. org/ ftl/ cgi-bin/ ftl?st=wp& su=Logic)
Resources in other libraries (http:/ / tools. wmflabs. org/ ftl/ cgi-bin/ ftl?st=wp& su=Logic& library=0CHOOSE0)
Logic (http:/ / philpapers. org/ browse/ logic-and-philosophy-of-logic) at PhilPapers
Logic (https:/ / inpho. cogs. indiana. edu/ taxonomy/ 2245) at the Indiana Philosophy Ontology Project
Logic (http:/ / www. iep. utm. edu/ category/ s-l-m/ logic/ ) entry in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Hazewinkel, Michiel, ed. (2001), "Logical calculus" (http:/ / www. encyclopediaofmath. org/ index. php?title=p/
l060690), Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Springer, ISBN978-1-55608-010-4
An Outline for Verbal Logic (http:/ / logic-law. com/ index. php?title=Verbal_Logic)
Introductions and tutorials
An Introduction to Philosophical Logic (http:/ / www. galilean-library. org/ manuscript. php?postid=43782),
by Paul Newall, aimed at beginners.
forall x: an introduction to formal logic (http:/ / www. fecundity. com/ logic/ ), by P.D. Magnus, covers
sentential and quantified logic.
Logic Self-Taught: A Workbook (http:/ / www. filozofia. uw. edu. pl/ kpaprzycka/ Publ/ xLogicSelfTaught.
html) (originally prepared for on-line logic instruction).
Nicholas Rescher. (1964). Introduction to Logic, St. Martin's Press.
"Symbolic Logic" (http:/ / durendal. org:8080/ lcsl/ ) and "The Game of Logic" (http:/ / www. gutenberg. org/
etext/ 4763), Lewis Carroll, 1896.
Math & Logic: The history of formal mathematical, logical, linguistic and methodological ideas. (http:/ / etext.
lib. virginia. edu/ DicHist/ analytic/ anaVII. html) In The Dictionary of the History of Ideas.
Online Tools
Interactive Syllogistic Machine (http:/ / thefirstscience. org/ syllogistic-machine/ ) A web based syllogistic
machine for exploring fallacies, figures, terms, and modes of syllogisms.
Reference material
Translation Tips (http:/ / www. earlham. edu/ ~peters/ courses/ log/ transtip. htm), by Peter Suber, for
translating from English into logical notation.
Ontology and History of Logic. An Introduction (http:/ / www. ontology. co/ history-of-logic. htm) with an
annotated bibliography.
Reading lists
The London Philosophy Study Guide (http:/ / www. ucl. ac. uk/ philosophy/ LPSG/ ) offers many suggestions
on what to read, depending on the student's familiarity with the subject:
Logic & Metaphysics (http:/ / www. ucl. ac. uk/ philosophy/ LPSG/ L& M. htm)
Set Theory and Further Logic (http:/ / www. ucl. ac. uk/ philosophy/ LPSG/ SetTheory. htm)
Mathematical Logic (http:/ / www. ucl. ac. uk/ philosophy/ LPSG/ MathLogic. htm)
History of logic
Social and political philosophers
Political philosophy
Political philosophy
History of logic
Social philosophy
Philosophy portal
The history of logic is the study of the development of the science of valid inference (logic). Formal logic was
developed in ancient times in China, India, and Greece. Greek logic, particularly Aristotelian logic, found wide
application and acceptance in science and mathematics.
Aristotle's logic was further developed by Islamic and Christian philosophers in the Middle Ages, reaching a high
point in the mid-fourteenth century. The period between the fourteenth century and the beginning of the nineteenth
century was largely one of decline and neglect, and is regarded as barren by at least one historian of logic.
Logic was revived in the mid-nineteenth century, at the beginning of a revolutionary period when the subject
developed into a rigorous and formalistic discipline whose exemplar was the exact method of proof used in
mathematics. The development of the modern so-called "symbolic" or "mathematical" logic during this period is the
most significant in the two-thousand-year history of logic, and is arguably one of the most important and remarkable
events in human intellectual history.
Progress in mathematical logic in the first few decades of the twentieth century, particularly arising from the work of
Gdel and Tarski, had a significant impact on analytic philosophy and philosophical logic, particularly from the
1950s onwards, in subjects such as modal logic, temporal logic, deontic logic, and relevance logic.
Prehistory of logic
Valid reasoning has been employed in all periods of human history. However, logic studies the principles of valid
reasoning, inference and demonstration. It is probable that the idea of demonstrating a conclusion first arose in
connection with geometry, which originally meant the same as "land measurement".
In particular, the ancient
Egyptians had empirically discovered some truths of geometry, such as the formula for the volume of a truncated
Another origin can be seen in Babylonia. Esagil-kin-apli's medical Diagnostic Handbook in the 11th century BC was
based on a logical set of axioms and assumptions,
while Babylonian astronomers in the 8th and 7th centuries BC
employed an internal logic within their predictive planetary systems, an important contribution to the philosophy of
History of logic
Logic in Greek philosophy
Before Plato
While the ancient Egyptians empirically discovered some truths of geometry, the great achievement of the ancient
Greeks was to replace empirical methods by demonstrative science.The systematic study of this seems to have begun
with the school of Pythagoras in the late sixth century BC. The three basic principles of geometry are that certain
propositions must be accepted as true without demonstration, that all other propositions of the system are derived
from these, and that the derivation must be formal, that is, independent of the particular subject matter in question.
Fragments of early proofs are preserved in the works of Plato and Aristotle,
and the idea of a deductive system was
probably known in the Pythagorean school and the Platonic Academy.
Separately from geometry, the idea of a standard argument pattern is found in the Reductio ad absurdum used by
Zeno of Elea, a pre-Socratic philosopher of the fifth century BC. This is the technique of drawing an obviously false,
absurd or impossible conclusion from an assumption, thus demonstrating that the assumption is false.
Parmenides portrays Zeno as claiming to have written a book defending the monism of Parmenides by demonstrating
the absurd consequence of assuming that there is plurality. Other philosophers who practised such dialectic
reasoning were the so-called minor Socratics, including Euclid of Megara, who were probably followers of
Parmenides and Zeno. The members of this school were called "dialecticians" (from a Greek word meaning "to
Further evidence that pre-Aristotelian thinkers were concerned with the principles of reasoning is found in the
fragment called dissoi logoi, probably written at the beginning of the fourth century BC. This is part of a protracted
debate about truth and falsity.
In the case of the classical Greek city-states, interest in argumentation was also stimulated by the activities of the
Rhetoricians or Orators and the Sophists, who used arguments to defend or attack a thesis, both in legal and political
Plato's logic
Plato's academy
None of the surviving works of the great fourth-century philosopher
Plato (428347 BC) include any formal logic,
but they include
important contributions to the field of philosophical logic. Plato raises
three questions:
What is it that can properly be called true or false?
What is the nature of the connection between the assumptions of a
valid argument and its conclusion?
What is the nature of definition?
The first question arises in the dialogue Theaetetus, where Plato
identifies thought or opinion with talk or discourse (logos).
second question is a result of Plato's theory of Forms. Forms are not
things in the ordinary sense, nor strictly ideas in the mind, but they
correspond to what philosophers later called universals, namely an
abstract entity common to each set of things that have the same name. In both The Republic and The Sophist, Plato
suggests that the necessary connection between the premisses and the conclusion of an argument corresponds to a
necessary connection between "forms".
The third question is about definition. Many of Plato's dialogues concern
the search for a definition of some important concept (justice, truth, the Good), and it is likely that Plato was
impressed by the importance of definition in mathematics.
What underlies every definition is a Platonic Form, the
common nature present in different particular things. Thus a definition reflects the ultimate object of our
History of logic
understanding, and is the foundation of all valid inference. This had a great influence on Aristotle, in particular
Aristotle's notion of the essence of a thing, the "what it is to be" a particular thing of a certain kind.
Aristotle's logic
Aristotle's logic was still influential in the
The logic of Aristotle, and particularly his theory of the syllogism, has
had an enormous influence in Western thought.
His logical works,
called the Organon, are the earliest formal study of logic that have
come down to modern times. Though it is difficult to determine the
dates, the probable order of writing of Aristotle's logical works is:
The Categories, a study of the ten kinds of primitive term.
The Topics (with an appendix called On Sophistical Refutations), a
discussion of dialectics.
On Interpretation, an analysis of simple categorical propositions,
into simple terms, negation, and signs of quantity; and a
comprehensive treatment of the notions of opposition and
conversion. Chapter 7 is at the origin of the square of opposition (or logical square). Chapter 9 contains the
beginning of modal logic.
The Prior Analytics, a formal analysis of valid argument or "syllogism".
The Posterior Analytics, a study of scientific demonstration, containing Aristotle's mature views on logic.
These works are of outstanding importance in the history of logic. Aristotle was the first logician to attempt a
systematic analysis of logical syntax, into noun (or term), and verb. In the Categories, he attempted to all the
possible things that a term can refer to. This idea underpins his philosophical work, the Metaphysics, which also had
a profound influence on Western thought. He was the first to deal with the principles of contradiction and excluded
middle in a systematic way. He was the first formal logician (i.e. he gave the principles of reasoning using variables
to show the underlying logical form of arguments). He was looking for relations of dependence which characterise
necessary inference, and distinguished the validity of these relations, from the truth of the premises (the soundness of
the argument). The Prior Analytics contains his exposition of the "syllogistic", where three important principles are
applied for the first time in history: the use of variables, a purely formal treatment, and the use of an axiomatic
system. In the Topics and Sophistical Refutations he also developed a theory of non-formal logic (e.g. the theory of
History of logic
Stoic logic
Chrysippus of Soli
The other great school of Greek logic is that of the Stoics.
logic traces its roots back to the late 5th century BC philosopher,
Euclid of Megara, a pupil of Socrates and slightly older contemporary
of Plato. His pupils and successors were called "Megarians", or
"Eristics", and later the "Dialecticians". The two most important
dialecticians of the Megarian school were Diodorus Cronus and Philo
who were active in the late 4th century BC. The Stoics adopted the
Megarian logic and systemized it. The most important member of the
school was Chrysippus (c. 278c. 206 BC), who was its third head, and
who formalized much of Stoic doctrine. He is supposed to have written
over 700 works, including at least 300 on logic, almost none of which
Unlike with Aristotle, we have no complete works by
the Megarians or the early Stoics, and have to rely mostly on accounts
(sometimes hostile) by later sources, including prominently Diogenes
Laertius, Sextus Empiricus, Galen, Aulus Gellius, Alexander of
Aphrodisias and Cicero.
Three significant contributions of the Stoic school were (i) their account of modality, (ii) their theory of the Material
conditional, and (iii) their account of meaning and truth.
Modality. According to Aristotle, the Megarians of his day claimed there was no distinction between potentiality
and actuality.
Diodorus Cronus defined the possible as that which either is or will be, the impossible as what
will not be true, and the contingent as that which either is already, or will be false.
Diodorus is also famous for
his so-called Master argument, that the three propositions "everything that is past is true and necessary", "the
impossible does not follow from the possible", and "What neither is nor will be is possible" are inconsistent.
Diodorus used the plausibility of the first two to prove that nothing is possible if it neither is nor will be true.
Chrysippus, by contrast, denied the second premise and said that the impossible could follow from the
Conditional statements. The first logicians to debate conditional statements were Diodorus and his pupil Philo of
Megara. Sextus Empiricus refers three times to a debate between Diodorus and Philo. Philo argued that a true
conditional is one that does not begin with a truth and end with a falsehood. such as "if it is day, then I am
talking". But Diodorus argued that a true conditional is what could not possibly begin with a truth and end with
falsehood thus the conditional quoted above could be false if it were day and I became silent. Philo's criterion of
truth is what would now be called a truth-functional definition of "if ... then". In a second reference, Sextus says
"According to him there are three ways in which a conditional may be true, and one in which it may be false."
Meaning and truth. The most important and striking difference between Megarian-Stoic logic and Aristotelian
logic is that it concerns propositions, not terms, and is thus closer to modern propositional logic.
The Stoics
distinguished between utterance (phone), which may be noise, speech (lexis), which is articulate but which may
be meaningless, and discourse (logos), which is meaningful utterance. The most original part of their theory is the
idea that what is expressed by a sentence, called a lekton, is something real. This corresponds to what is now
called a proposition. Sextus says that according to the Stoics, three things are linked together, that which is
signified, that which signifies, and the object. For example, what signifies is the word Dion, what is signified is
what Greeks understand but barbarians do not, and the object is Dion himself.
History of logic
Logic in Asia
Logic in India
Logic began independently in ancient India and continued to develop through to early modern times, without any
known influence from Greek logic.
Medhatithi Gautama (c. 6th century BCE) founded the anviksiki school of
The Mahabharata (12.173.45), around the 5th century BCE, refers to the anviksiki and tarka schools of
logic. Pini (c. 5th century BCE) developed a form of logic (to which Boolean logic has some similarities) for his
formulation of Sanskrit grammar. Logic is described by Chanakya (c. 350-283 BCE) in his Arthashastra as an
independent field of inquiry anviksiki.
Two of the six Indian schools of thought deal with logic: Nyaya and Vaisheshika. The Nyaya Sutras of Aksapada
Gautama (c. 2nd century CE) constitute the core texts of the Nyaya school, one of the six orthodox schools of Hindu
philosophy. This realist school developed a rigid five-member schema of inference involving an initial premise, a
reason, an example, an application and a conclusion.
The idealist Buddhist philosophy became the chief opponent
to the Naiyayikas. Nagarjuna (c. 150-250 CE), the founder of the Madhyamika ("Middle Way") developed an
analysis known as the catuskoti (Sanskrit). This four-cornered argumentation systematically examined and rejected
the affirmation of a proposition, its denial, the joint affirmation and denial, and finally, the rejection of its affirmation
and denial. But it was with Dignaga (c 480-540 CE), who is sometimes said to have developed a formal
and his successor Dharmakirti that Buddhist logic reached its height. (Whether their analysis actually
constitutes a formal syllogistic is contested.) Their analysis centered on the definition of an inference-warranting
relation, "vyapti", also known as invariable concomitance or pervasion. To this end a doctrine known as "apoha" or
differentiation was developed.
This involved what might be called inclusion and exclusion of defining properties.
The difficulties involved in this enterprise, in part, stimulated the neo-scholastic school of Navya-Nyya, which
developed a formal analysis of inference in the sixteenth century. This later school began around eastern India and
Bengal, and developed theories resembling modern logic, such as Gottlob Frege's "distinction between sense and
reference of proper names" and his "definition of number," as well as the Navya-Nyaya theory of "restrictive
conditions for universals" anticipating some of the developments in modern set theory. Since 1824, Indian logic
attracted the attention of many Western scholars, and has had an influence on important 19th-century logicians such
as Charles Babbage, Augustus De Morgan, and particularly George Boole, as confirmed by his wife Mary Everest
Boole who wrote in an "open letter to Dr Bose" titled "Indian Thought and Western Science in the Nineteenth
Century" written in 1901:
"Think what must have been the effect of the intense Hinduizing of three such men as
Babbage, De Morgan and George Boole on the mathematical atmosphere of 1830-1865"
As a general matter, some authorities have maintained that classical Indian logic is not actually a theory of deductive
validity and that the tendency to suppose otherwise is the effect of imposing Western expectations on the ancient
material. Bimal Krishna Matilal remarks, The usual distinction, so well entrenched in the Western tradition,
between deduction and induction was not to be found in the same way in the Indian tradition. The argument patterns
studied were at best an unconscious mix of the two processes. He continues, The inductive element of the argument
patterns studied by the Indian philosophers has thus often been lost sight of by modern scholars who emphasize the
alleged certainty of the inferred conclusions, and then go on to equate the Indian argument patterns invariably with
deductive or syllogistic forms.
On this view, though Indian logic aimed to establish the grounds of reasonable inference, it did not distinguish
between the logically necessary inferences of valid deduction and the highly probable inferences of reasonable
induction. Matilal argues that ancient Indian philosophers were largely uninterested in formal deductive validity for
its own sake, and in this sense Indian logic is not formal logic.
Seen in this way, Digngas famous wheel of reason (Hetucakra) is a method of indicating when one thing (such as
smoke) can be taken as an invariable sign of another thing (like fire), but the inference is often inductive and based
on past observation. Matilal remarks that Digngas analysis is much like John Stuart Mills Joint Method of
History of logic
Agreement and Difference, which is inductive.
In addition, the traditional five-member Indian syllogism, though deductively valid, has repetitions that are
unnecessary to its logical validity. As a result, some commentators see the traditional Indian syllogism as a rhetorical
form that is entirely natural in many cultures of the world, and yet not as a logical formnot in the sense that all
logically unnecessary elements have been omitted, for the sake of analysis.
Logic in China
In China, a contemporary of Confucius, Mozi, "Master Mo", is credited with founding the Mohist school, whose
canons dealt with issues relating to valid inference and the conditions of correct conclusions. In particular, one of the
schools that grew out of Mohism, the Logicians, are credited by some scholars for their early investigation of formal
logic. Due to the harsh rule of Legalism in the subsequent Qin Dynasty, this line of investigation disappeared in
China until the introduction of Indian philosophy by Buddhists.
Medieval logic
Logic in the Middle East
A text by Avicenna, founder of Avicennian logic
The works of Al-Kindi, Al-Farabi, Avicenna, Al-Ghazali, Averroes
and other Muslim logicians were based on Aristotelian logic and were
important in communicating the ideas of the ancient world to the
medieval West.
Al-Farabi (Alfarabi) (873950) was an Aristotelian
logician who discussed the topics of future contingents, the number
and relation of the categories, the relation between logic and grammar,
and non-Aristotelian forms of inference. Al-Farabi also considered the
theories of conditional syllogisms and analogical inference, which
were part of the Stoic tradition of logic rather than the Aristotelian.
Ibn Sina (Avicenna) (9801037) was the founder of Avicennian logic,
which replaced Aristotelian logic as the dominant system of logic in
the Islamic world, and also had an important influence on Western
medieval writers such as Albertus Magnus.
Avicenna wrote on the
hypothetical syllogism and on the propositional calculus, which were both part of the Stoic logical tradition.
developed an original theory of "temporally modalized" syllogistic
and made use of inductive logic, such as the
methods of agreement, difference and concomitant variation which are critical to the scientific method.
One of
Avicenna's ideas had a particularly important influence on Western logicians such as William of Ockham.
Avicenna's word for a meaning or notion (ma'na), was translated by the scholastic logicians as the Latin intentio. In
medieval logic and epistemology, this is a sign in the mind that naturally represents a thing.
This was crucial to
the development of Ockham's conceptualism. A universal term (e.g. "man") does not signify a thing existing in
reality, but rather a sign in the mind (intentio in intellectu) which represents many things in reality. Ockham cites
Avicenna's commentary on Metaphysics V in support of this view.
Fakhr al-Din al-Razi (b. 1149) criticised Aristotle's "first figure" and formulated an early system of inductive logic,
foreshadowing the system of inductive logic developed by John Stuart Mill (18061873).
Al-Razi's work was
seen by later Islamic scholars as marking a new direction for Islamic logic, towards a Post-Avicennian logic. This
was further elaborated by his student Afdaladdn al-Khnaj (d. 1249), who developed a form of logic revolving
around the subject matter of conceptions and assents. In response to this tradition, Nasir al-Din al-Tusi (12011274)
began a tradition of Neo-Avicennian logic which remained faithful to Avicenna's work and existed as an alternative
to the more dominant Post-Avicennian school over the following centuries.
History of logic
The Illuminationist school, founded by Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi (11551191), who developed the idea of "decisive
necessity", which refers to the reduction of all modalities (necessity, possibility, contingency and impossibility) to
the single mode of necessity.
Ibn al-Nafis (12131288) wrote a book on Avicennian logic, which was a
commentary of Avicenna's Al-Isharat (The Signs) and Al-Hidayah (The Guidance).
Ibn Taymiyyah (12631328),
wrote the Ar-Radd 'ala al-Mantiqiyyin, where he argued against the usefulness, though not the validity, of the
and in favour of inductive reasoning. Ibn Taymiyyah also argued against the certainty of syllogistic
arguments and in favour of analogy. His argument is that concepts founded on induction are themselves not certain
but only probable, and thus a syllogism based on such concepts is no more certain than an argument based on
analogy. He further claimed that induction itself is founded on a process of analogy. His model of analogical
reasoning was based on that of juridical arguments.
This model of analogy has been used in the recent work of
John F. Sowa.
The Sharh al-takmil fi'l-mantiq written by Muhammad ibn Fayd Allah ibn Muhammad Amin al-Sharwani in the 15th
century is the last major Arabic work on logic that has been studied.
However, "thousands upon thousands of
pages" on logic were written between the 14th and 19th centuries, though only a fraction of the texts written during
this period have been studied by historians, hence little is known about the original work on Islamic logic produced
during this later period.
Logic in medieval Europe
Brito's questions on the Old Logic
"Medieval logic" (also known as "Scholastic logic") generally means
the form of Aristotelian logic developed in medieval Europe
throughout the period c 12001600.
For centuries after Stoic logic
had been formulated, it was the dominant system of logic in the
classical world. When the study of logic resumed after the Dark Ages,
the main source was the work of the Christian philosopher Boethius,
who was familiar with some of Aristotle's logic, but almost none of the
work of the Stoics.
Until the twelfth century the only works of
Aristotle available in the West were the Categories, On Interpretation
and Boethius' translation of the Isagoge of Porphyry (a commentary on
the Categories). These works were known as the "Old Logic" (Logica
Vetus or Ars Vetus). An important work in this tradition was the Logica Ingredientibus of Peter Abelard
(10791142). His direct influence was small,
but his influence through pupils such as John of Salisbury was
great, and his method of applying rigorous logical analysis to theology shaped the way that theological criticism
developed in the period that followed.
By the early thirteenth century the remaining works of Aristotle's Organon (including the Prior Analytics, Posterior
Analytics and the Sophistical Refutations) had been recovered in the West and was revived by Saint Thomas
Logical work until then was mostly paraphrasis or commentary on the work of Aristotle.
The period
from the middle of the thirteenth to the middle of the fourteenth century was one of significant developments in
logic, particularly in three areas which were original, with little foundation in the Aristotelian tradition that came
before. These were:
The theory of supposition. Supposition theory deals with the way that predicates (e.g. 'man') range over a domain
of individuals (e.g. all men).
In the proposition 'every man is an animal', does the term 'man' range over or
'supposit for' men existing in the present? Or does the range include past and future men? Can a term supposit for
non-existing individuals? Some medievalists have argued that this idea was a precursor of modern first order
"The theory of supposition with the associated theories of copulatio (sign-capacity of adjectival terms),
ampliatio (widening of referential domain), and distributio constitute one of the most original achievements of
Western medieval logic".
History of logic
The theory of syncategoremata. Syncategoremata are terms which are necessary for logic, but which, unlike
categorematic terms, do not signify on their own behalf, but 'co-signify' with other words. Examples of
syncategoremata are 'and', 'not', 'every', 'if', and so on.
The theory of consequences. A consequence is a hypothetical, conditional proposition: two propositions joined by
the terms 'if ... then'. For example 'if a man runs, then God exists' (Si homo currit, Deus est).
A fully developed
theory of consequences is given in Book III of William of Ockham's work Summa Logicae. There, Ockham
distinguishes between 'material' and 'formal' consequences, which are roughly equivalent to the modern material
implication and logical implication respectively. Similar accounts are given by Jean Buridan and Albert of
The last great works in this tradition are the Logic of John Poinsot (15891644, known as John of St Thomas), the
Metaphysical Disputations of Francisco Suarez (15481617), and the Logica Demonstrativa of Giovanni Girolamo
Saccheri (16671733).
Traditional logic
The textbook tradition
Dudley Fenner'sArt of Logic (1584)
Traditional logic generally means the textbook tradition that begins
with Antoine Arnauld and Pierre Nicole's Logic, or the Art of Thinking,
better known as the Port-Royal Logic.
Published in 1662, it was the
most influential work on logic in England until the nineteenth
The book presents a loosely Cartesian doctrine (that the
proposition is a combining of ideas rather than terms, for example)
within a framework that is broadly derived from Aristotelian and
medieval term logic. Between 1664 and 1700 there were eight editions,
and the book had considerable influence after that. The account of
propositions that Locke gives in the Essay is essentially that of
Port-Royal: "Verbal propositions, which are words, [are] the signs of
our ideas, put together or separated in affirmative or negative
sentences. So that proposition consists in the putting together or
separating these signs, according as the things which they stand for
agree or disagree." (Locke, An Essay Concerning Human
Understanding, IV. 5. 6)
Another influential work was the Novum Organum by Francis Bacon,
published in 1620. The title translates as "new instrument". This is a reference to Aristotle's work Organon. In this
work, Bacon rejected the syllogistic method of Aristotle in favour of an alternative procedure "which by slow and
faithful toil gathers information from things and brings it into understanding".
This method is known as inductive
reasoning. The inductive method starts from empirical observation and proceeds to lower axioms or propositions.
From the lower axioms more general ones can be derived (by induction). In finding the cause of a phenomenal
nature such as heat, one must list all of the situations where heat is found. Then another list should be drawn up,
listing situations that are similar to those of the first list except for the lack of heat. A third table lists situations where
heat can vary. The form nature, or cause, of heat must be that which is common to all instances in the first table, is
lacking from all instances of the second table and varies by degree in instances of the third table.
Other works in the textbook tradition include Isaac Watts' Logick: Or, the Right Use of Reason (1725), Richard
Whately's Logic (1826), and John Stuart Mill's A System of Logic (1843). Although the latter was one of the last
great works in the tradition, Mill's view that the foundations of logic lay in introspection
influenced the view that
History of logic
logic is best understood as a branch of psychology, an approach to the subject which dominated the next fifty years
of its development, especially in Germany.
Logic in Hegel's philosophy
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
G.W.F. Hegel indicated the importance of logic to his philosophical
system when he condensed his extensive Science of Logic into a
shorter work published in 1817 as the first volume of his
Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences. The "Shorter" or
"Encyclopaedia" Logic, as it is often known, lays out a series of
transitions which leads from the most empty and abstract of
categoriesHegel begins with "Pure Being" and "Pure Nothing"to
the "Absolute, the category which contains and resolves all the
categories which preceded it. Despite the title, Hegel's Logic is not
really a contribution to the science of valid inference. Rather than
deriving conclusions about concepts through valid inference from
premises, Hegel seeks to show that thinking about one concept
compels thinking about another concept (one cannot, he argues,
possess the concept of "Quality" without the concept of "Quantity");
and the compulsion here is not a matter of individual psychology, but
arises almost organically from the content of the concepts themselves. His purpose is to show the rational structure
of the "Absolute"indeed of rationality itself. The method by which thought is driven from one concept to its
contrary, and then to further concepts, is known as the Hegelian dialectic.
Although Hegel's Logic has had little impact on mainstream logical studies, its influence can be seen in Carl von
Prantl's Geschichte der Logik in Abendland (18551867),
and in the work of the British Idealistsfor example in
F.H. Bradley's Principles of Logic (1883)and in the economic, political and philosophical studies of Karl Marx
and the various schools of Marxism.
Logic and psychology
Between the work of Mill and Frege stretched half a century during which logic was widely treated as a descriptive
science, an empirical study of the structure of reasoning, and thus essentially as a branch of psychology.
German psychologist Wilhelm Wundt, for example, discussed deriving "the logical from the psychological laws of
thought", emphasizing that "psychological thinking is always the more comprehensive form of thinking."
view was widespread among German philosophers of the period: Theodor Lipps described logic as "a specific
discipline of psychology";
Christoph von Sigwart understood logical necessity as grounded in the individual's
compulsion to think in a certain way;
and Benno Erdmann argued that "logical laws only hold within the limits of
our thinking"
Such was the dominant view of logic in the years following Mill's work.
This psychological
approach to logic was rejected by Gottlob Frege. It was also subjected to an extended and destructive critique by
Edmund Husserl in the first volume of his Logical Investigations (1900), an assault which has been described as
Husserl argued forcefully that grounding logic in psychological observations implied that all
logical truths remained unproven, and that skepticism and relativism were unavoidable consequences.
Such criticisms did not immediately extirpate so-called "psychologism". For example, the American philosopher
Josiah Royce, while acknowledging the force of Husserl's critique, remained "unable to doubt" that progress in
psychology would be accompanied by progress in logic, and vice versa.
History of logic
Rise of modern logic
The period between the fourteenth century and the beginning of the nineteenth century had been largely one of
decline and neglect, and is generally regarded as barren by historians of logic. The revival of logic occurred in the
mid-nineteenth century, at the beginning of a revolutionary period where the subject developed into a rigorous and
formalistic discipline whose exemplar was the exact method of proof used in mathematics. The development of the
modern so-called "symbolic" or "mathematical" logic during this period is the most significant in the 2,000-year
history of logic, and is arguably one of the most important and remarkable events in human intellectual history.
A number of features distinguish modern logic from the old Aristotelian or traditional logic, the most important of
which are as follows:
Modern logic is fundamentally a calculus whose rules of operation are determined only by
the shape and not by the meaning of the symbols it employs, as in mathematics. Many logicians were impressed by
the "success" of mathematics, in that there had been no prolonged dispute about any truly mathematical result. C.S.
Peirce noted
that even though a mistake in the evaluation of a definite integral by Laplace led to an error
concerning the moon's orbit that persisted for nearly 50 years, the mistake, once spotted, was corrected without any
serious dispute. Peirce contrasted this with the disputation and uncertainty surrounding traditional logic, and
especially reasoning in metaphysics. He argued that a truly "exact" logic would depend upon mathematical, i.e.,
"diagrammatic" or "iconic" thought. "Those who follow such methods will ... escape all error except such as will be
speedily corrected after it is once suspected". Modern logic is also "constructive" rather than "abstractive"; i.e., rather
than abstracting and formalising theorems derived from ordinary language (or from psychological intuitions about
validity), it constructs theorems by formal methods, then looks for an interpretation in ordinary language. It is
entirely symbolic, meaning that even the logical constants (which the medieval logicians called "syncategoremata")
and the categoric terms are expressed in symbols.
Periods of modern logic
The development of modern logic falls into roughly five periods:
The embryonic period from Leibniz to 1847, when the notion of a logical calculus was discussed and developed,
particularly by Leibniz, but no schools were formed, and isolated periodic attempts were abandoned or went
The algebraic period from Boole's Analysis to Schrder's Vorlesungen. In this period there were more
practitioners, and a greater continuity of development.
The logicist period from the Begriffsschrift of Frege to the Principia Mathematica of Russell and Whitehead.
This was dominated by the "logicist school", whose aim was to incorporate the logic of all mathematical and
scientific discourse in a single unified system, and which, taking as a fundamental principle that all mathematical
truths are logical, did not accept any non-logical terminology. The major logicists were Frege, Russell, and the
early Wittgenstein.
It culminates with the Principia, an important work which includes a thorough examination
and attempted solution of the antinomies which had been an obstacle to earlier progress.
The metamathematical period from 1910 to the 1930s, which saw the development of metalogic, in the finitist
system of Hilbert, and the non-finitist system of Lwenheim and Skolem, the combination of logic and metalogic
in the work of Gdel and Tarski. Gdel's incompleteness theorem of 1931 was one of the greatest achievements in
the history of logic. Later in the 1930s Gdel developed the notion of set-theoretic constructibility.
The period after World War II, when mathematical logic branched into four inter-related but separate areas of
research: model theory, proof theory, computability theory, and set theory, and its ideas and methods began to
influence philosophy.
History of logic
Embryonic period
Life of Raymond Lull. 14th-century manuscript.
The idea that inference could be represented by a purely mechanical
process is found as early as Raymond Llull, who proposed a
(somewhat eccentric) method of drawing conclusions by a system of
concentric rings. The work of logicians such as the Oxford
led to a method of using letters instead of writing out
logical calculations (calculationes) in words, a method used, for
instance, in the Logica magna of Paul of Venice. Three hundred years
after Llull, the English philosopher and logician Thomas Hobbes
suggested that all logic and reasoning could be reduced to the
mathematical operations of addition and subtraction.
The same idea
is found in the work of Leibniz, who had read both Llull and Hobbes,
and who argued that logic can be represented through a combinatorial
process or calculus. But, like Llull and Hobbes, he failed to develop a
detailed or comprehensive system, and his work on this topic was not published until long after his death. Leibniz
says that ordinary languages are subject to "countless ambiguities" and are unsuited for a calculus, whose task is to
expose mistakes in inference arising from the forms and structures of words;
hence, he proposed to identify an
alphabet of human thought comprising fundamental concepts which could be composed to express complex ideas,
and create a calculus ratiocinator which would make reasoning "as tangible as those of the Mathematicians, so that
we can find our error at a glance, and when there are disputes among persons, we can simply say: Let us
Gergonne (1816) said that reasoning does not have to be about objects about which we have perfectly clear ideas,
since algebraic operations can be carried out without our having any idea of the meaning of the symbols involved.
Bolzano anticipated a fundamental idea of modern proof theory when he defined logical consequence or
"deducibility" in terms of variables: a set of propositions n, o, p ... are deducible from propositions a, b, c ... in
respect of the variables i, j, ... if any substitution for i, j that have the effect of making a, b, c ... true, simultaneously
make the propositions n, o, p ... also.
This is now known as semantic validity.
Algebraic period
Boolean multiples
Modern logic begins with the so-called "algebraic
school", originating with Boole and including Peirce,
Jevons, Schrder and Venn.
Their objective was to
develop a calculus to formalise reasoning in the area of
classes, propositions and probabilities. The school
begins with Boole's seminal work Mathematical
Analysis of Logic which appeared in 1847, although De
Morgan (1847) is its immediate precursor.
fundamental idea of Boole's system is that algebraic
formulae can be used to express logical relations. This
idea occurred to Boole in his teenage years, working as
an usher in a private school in Lincoln,
For example, let x and y stand for classes let the symbol = signify that the classes have the same
members, xy stand for the class containing all and only the members of x and y and so on. Boole calls these elective
symbols, i.e. symbols which select certain objects for consideration.
An expression in which elective symbols are
History of logic
used is called an elective function, and an equation of which the members are elective functions, is an elective
The theory of elective functions and their "development" is essentially the modern idea of
truth-functions and their expression in disjunctive normal form.
Boole's system admits of two interpretations, in class logic, and propositional logic. Boole distinguished between
"primary propositions" which are the subject of syllogistic theory, and "secondary propositions", which are the
subject of propositional logic, and showed how under different "interpretations" the same algebraic system could
represent both. An example of a primary proposition is "All inhabitants are either Europeans or Asiatics." An
example of a secondary proposition is "Either all inhabitants are Europeans or they are all Asiatics."
These are
easily distinguished in modern propositional calculus, where it is also possible to show that the first follows from the
second, but it is a significant disadvantage that there is no way of representing this in the Boolean system.
In his Symbolic Logic (1881), John Venn used diagrams of overlapping areas to express Boolean relations between
classes or truth-conditions of propositions. In 1869 Jevons realised that Boole's methods could be mechanised, and
constructed a "logical machine" which he showed to the Royal Society the following year. In 1885 Allan Marquand
proposed an electrical version of the machine that is still extant (picture at the Firestone Library
The defects in Boole's system (such as the use of the letter v for existential propositions) were all remedied by his
followers. Jevons published Pure Logic, or the Logic of Quality apart from Quantity in 1864, where he suggested a
symbol to signify exclusive or, which allowed Boole's system to be greatly simplified.
This was usefully
exploited by Schrder when he set out theorems in parallel columns in his Vorlesungen (18901905). Peirce (1880)
showed how all the Boolean elective functions could be expressed by the use of a single primitive binary operation,
"neither ... nor ..." and equally well "not both ... and ...",
however, like many of Peirce's innovations, this
remained unknown or unnoticed until Sheffer rediscovered it in 1913.
Boole's early work also lacks the idea of
the logical sum which originates in Peirce (1867), Schrder (1877) and Jevons (1890),
and the concept of
inclusion, first suggested by Gergonne (1816) and clearly articulated by Peirce (1870).
The success of Boole's algebraic system suggested that all logic must be capable of algebraic representation, and
there were attempts to express a logic of relations in such form, of which the most ambitious was Schrder's
monumental Vorlesungen ber die Algebra der Logik ("Lectures on the Algebra of Logic", vol iii 1895), although
the original idea was again anticipated by Peirce.
Booles unwavering acceptance of Aristotles logic is emphasized by the historian of logic John Corcoran in an
accessible introduction to Laws of Thought
Corcoran also wrote a point-by-point comparison of Prior Analytics
and Laws of Thought.
According to Corcoran, Boole fully accepted and endorsed Aristotles logic. Booles goals
were to go under, over, and beyond Aristotles logic by 1) providing it with mathematical foundations involving
equations,2) extending the class of problems it could treatfrom assessing validity to solving equations--,and 3)
expanding the range of applications it could handlee.g. from propositions having only two terms to those having
arbitrarily many.
More specifically, Boole agreed with what Aristotle said; Booles disagreements, if they might be called that,
concern what Aristotle did not say. First, in the realm of foundations, Boole reduced the four propositional forms of
Aristotle's logic to formulas in the form of equations-by itself a revolutionary idea. Second, in the realm of logics
problems, Booles addition of equation solving to logic-another revolutionary idea-involved Booles doctrine
that Aristotles rules of inference (the perfect syllogisms) must be supplemented by rules for equation solving.
Third, in the realm of applications, Booles system could handle multi-term propositions and arguments whereas
Aristotle could handle only two-termed subject-predicate propositions and arguments. For example, Aristotles
system could not deduce No quadrangle that is a square is a rectangle that is a rhombus from No square that is a
quadrangle is a rhombus that is a rectangle or from No rhombus that is a rectangle is a square that is a quadrangle.
History of logic
Logicist period
Frege's "Concept Script"
After Boole, the next great advances were made by the German mathematician Gottlob
Frege. Frege's objective was the program of Logicism, i.e. demonstrating that arithmetic
is identical with logic.
Frege went much further than any of his predecessors in his
rigorous and formal approach to logic, and his calculus or Begriffsschrift is important.
Frege also tried to show that the concept of number can be defined by purely logical
means, so that (if he was right) logic includes arithmetic and all branches of mathematics that are reducible to
arithmetic. He was not the first writer to suggest this. In his pioneering work Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik (The
Foundations of Arithmetic), sections 1517, he acknowledges the efforts of Leibniz, J.S. Mill as well as Jevons,
citing the latter's claim that "algebra is a highly developed logic, and number but logical discrimination."
Frege's first work, the Begriffsschrift ("concept script") is a rigorously axiomatised system of propositional logic,
relying on just two connectives (negational and conditional), two rules of inference (modus ponens and substitution),
and six axioms. Frege referred to the "completeness" of this system, but was unable to prove this.
The most
significant innovation, however, was his explanation of the quantifier in terms of mathematical functions. Traditional
logic regards the sentence "Caesar is a man" as of fundamentally the same form as "all men are mortal." Sentences
with a proper name subject were regarded as universal in character, interpretable as "every Caesar is a man".
Frege argued that the quantifier expression "all men" does not have the same logical or semantic form as "all men",
and that the universal proposition "every A is B" is a complex proposition involving two functions, namely ' is A'
and ' is B' such that whatever satisfies the first, also satisfies the second. In modern notation, this would be
expressed as
(x) Ax -> Bx
In English, "for all x, if Ax then Bx". Thus only singular propositions are of subject-predicate form, and they are
irreducibly singular, i.e. not reducible to a general proposition. Universal and particular propositions, by contrast, are
not of simple subject-predicate form at all. If "all mammals" were the logical subject of the sentence "all mammals
are land-dwellers", then to negate the whole sentence we would have to negate the predicate to give "all mammals
are not land-dwellers". But this is not the case.
This functional analysis of ordinary-language sentences later had
a great impact on philosophy and linguistics.
This means that in Frege's calculus, Boole's "primary" propositions can be represented in a different way from
"secondary" propositions. "All inhabitants are either Europeans or Asiatics" is
(x) [ I(x) -> (E(x) v A(x)) ]
whereas "All the inhabitants are Europeans or all the inhabitants are Asiatics" is
(x) (I(x) -> E(x)) v (x) (I(x) -> A(x))
As Frege remarked in a critique of Boole's calculus:
"The real difference is that I avoid [the Boolean] division into two parts ... and give a homogeneous
presentation of the lot. In Boole the two parts run alongside one another, so that one is like the mirror image of
the other, but for that very reason stands in no organic relation to it'
As well as providing a unified and comprehensive system of logic, Frege's calculus also resolved the ancient
problem of multiple generality. The ambiguity of "every girl kissed a boy" is difficult to express in traditional logic,
but Frege's logic captures this through the different scope of the quantifiers. Thus
(x) [ girl(x) -> E(y) (boy(y) & kissed(x,y)) ]
means that to every girl there corresponds some boy (any one will do) who the girl kissed. But
E(x) [ boy(x) & (y) (girl(y) -> kissed(y,x)) ]
means that there is some particular boy whom every girl kissed. Without this device, the project of logicism would
have been doubtful or impossible. Using it, Frege provided a definition of the ancestral relation, of the many-to-one
History of logic
relation, and of mathematical induction.
This period overlaps with the work of the so-called "mathematical school", which included Dedekind, Pasch, Peano,
Hilbert, Zermelo, Huntington, Veblen and Heyting. Their objective was the axiomatisation of branches of
mathematics like geometry, arithmetic, analysis and set theory.
The logicist project received a near-fatal setback with the discovery of a paradox in 1901 by Bertrand Russell. This
proved that the Frege's naive set theory led to a contradiction. Frege's theory is that for any formal criterion, there is
a set of all objects that meet the criterion. Russell showed that a set containing exactly the sets that are not members
of themselves would contradict its own definition (if it is not a member of itself, it is a member of itself, and if it is a
member of itself, it is not).
This contradiction is now known as Russell's paradox. One important method of
resolving this paradox was proposed by Ernst Zermelo.
Zermelo set theory was the first axiomatic set theory. It
was developed into the now-canonical ZermeloFraenkel set theory (ZF).
The monumental Principia Mathematica, a three-volume work on the foundations of mathematics, written by Russell
and Alfred North Whitehead and published 191013 also included an attempt to resolve the paradox, by means of an
elaborate system of types: a set of elements is of a different type than is each of its elements (set is not the element;
one element is not the set) and one cannot speak of the "set of all sets". The Principia was an attempt to derive all
mathematical truths from a well-defined set of axioms and inference rules in symbolic logic.
Metamathematical period
Alfred Tarski
The names of Gdel and Tarski dominate the 1930s,
a crucial
period in the development of metamathematics the study of
mathematics using mathematical methods to produce metatheories, or
mathematical theories about other mathematical theories. Early
investigations into metamathematics had been driven by Hilbert's
program. which sought to resolve the ongoing crisis in the foundations
of mathematics by grounding all of mathematics to a finite set of
axioms, proving its consistency by "finitistic" means and providing a
procedure which would decide the truth or falsity of any mathematical
statement. Work on metamathematics culminated in the work of Gdel,
who in 1929 showed that a given first-order sentence is deducible if
and only if it is logically valid i.e. it is true in every structure for its language. This is known as Gdel's
completeness theorem. A year later, he proved two important theorems, which showed Hibert's program to be
unattainable in its original form. The first is that no consistent system of axioms whose theorems can be listed by an
effective procedure such as an algorithm or computer program is capable of proving all facts about the natural
numbers. For any such system, there will always be statements about the natural numbers that are true, but that are
unprovable within the system. The second is that if such a system is also capable of proving certain basic facts about
the natural numbers, then the system cannot prove the consistency of the system itself. These two results are known
as Gdel's incompleteness theorems, or simply Gdel's Theorem. Later in the decade, Gdel developed the concept
of set-theoretic constructibility, as part of his proof that the axiom of choice and the continuum hypothesis are
consistent with ZermeloFraenkel set theory.
In proof theory, Gerhard Gentzen developed natural deduction and the sequent calculus. The former attempts to
model logical reasoning as it 'naturally' occurs in practice and is most easily applied to intuitionistic logic, while the
latter was devised to clarify the derivation of logical proofs in any formal system. Since Gentzen's work, natural
deduction and sequent calculi have been widely applied in the fields of proof theory, mathematical logic and
computer science. Gentzen also proved normalization and cut-elimination theorems for intuitionistic and classical
logic which could be used to reduce logical proofs to a normal form.
History of logic
Alfred Tarski, a pupil of ukasiewicz, is best known for his definition of truth and logical consequence, and the
semantic concept of logical satisfaction. In 1933, he published (in Polish) The concept of truth in formalized
languages, in which he proposed his semantic theory of truth: a sentence such as "snow is white" is true if and only
if snow is white. Tarski's theory separated the metalanguage, which makes the statement about truth, from the object
language, which contains the sentence whose truth is being asserted, and gave a correspondence (the T-schema)
between phrases in the object language and elements of an interpretation. Tarski's approach to the difficult idea of
explaining truth has been enduringly influential in logic and philosophy, especially in the development of model
Tarski also produced important work on the methodology of deductive systems, and on fundamental
principles such as completeness, decidability, consistency and definability. According to Anita Feferman, Tarski
"changed the face of logic in the twentieth century".
Alonzo Church and Alan Turing proposed formal models of computability, giving independent negative solutions to
Hilbert's Entscheidungsproblem in 1936 and 1937, respectively. The Entscheidungsproblem asked for a procedure
that, given any formal mathematical statement, would algorithmically determine whether the statement is true.
Church and Turing proved there is no such procedure; Turing's paper introduced the halting problem as a key
example of a mathematical problem without an algorithmic solution.
Church's system for computation developed into the modern -calculus, while the Turing machine became a standard
model for a general-purpose computing device. It was soon shown that many other proposed models of computation
were equivalent in power to those proposed by Church and Turing. These results led to the ChurchTuring thesis
that any deterministic algorithm that can be carried out by a human can be carried out by a Turing machine. Church
proved additional undecidability results, showing that both Peano arithmetic and first-order logic are undecidable.
Later work by Emil Post and Stephen Cole Kleene in the 1940s extended the scope of computability theory and
introduced the concept of degrees of unsolvability.
The results of the first few decades of the twentieth century also had an impact upon analytic philosophy and
philosophical logic, particularly from the 1950s onwards, in subjects such as modal logic, temporal logic, deontic
logic, and relevance logic.
Logic after WWII
Saul Kripke
After World War II, mathematical logic branched into four
inter-related but separate areas of research: model theory, proof theory,
computability theory, and set theory.
In set theory, the method of forcing revolutionized the field by
providing a robust method for constructing models and obtaining
independence results. Paul Cohen introduced this method in 1962 to
prove the independence of the continuum hypothesis and the axiom of
choice from ZermeloFraenkel set theory.
His technique, which
was simplified and extended soon after its introduction, has since been
applied to many other problems in all areas of mathematical logic.
Computability theory had its roots in the work of Turing, Church,
Kleene, and Post in the 1930s and 40s. It developed into a study of
abstract computability, which became known as recursion theory.
The priority method, discovered independently
by Albert Muchnik and Richard Friedberg in the 1950s, led to major advances in the understanding of the degrees of
unsolvability and related structures. Research into higher-order computability theory demonstrated its connections to
set theory. The fields of constructive analysis and computable analysis were developed to study the effective content
of classical mathematical theorems; these in turn inspired the program of reverse mathematics. A separate branch of
History of logic
computability theory, computational complexity theory, was also characterized in logical terms as a result of
investigations into descriptive complexity.
Model theory applies the methods of mathematical logic to study models of particular mathematical theories. Alfred
Tarski published much pioneering work in the field, which is named after a series of papers he published under the
title Contributions to the theory of models. In the 1960s, Abraham Robinson used model-theoretic techniques to
develop calculus and analysis based on infinitesimals, a problem that first had been proposed by Leibniz.
In proof theory, the relationship between classical mathematics and intuitionistic mathematics was clarified via tools
such as the realizability method invented by Georg Kreisel and Gdel's Dialectica interpretation. This work inspired
the contemporary area of proof mining. The Curry-Howard correspondence emerged as a deep analogy between
logic and computation, including a correspondence between systems of natural deduction and typed lambda calculi
used in computer science. As a result, research into this class of formal systems began to address both logical and
computational aspects; this area of research came to be known as modern type theory. Advances were also made in
ordinal analysis and the study of independence results in arithmetic such as the ParisHarrington theorem.
This was also a period, particularly in the 1950s and afterwards, when the ideas of mathematical logic begin to
influence philosophical thinking. For example, tense logic is a formalised system for representing, and reasoning
about, propositions qualified in terms of time. The philosopher Arthur Prior played a significant role in its
development in the 1960s. Modal logics extend the scope of formal logic to include the elements of modality (for
example, possibility and necessity). The ideas of Saul Kripke, particularly about possible worlds, and the formal
system now called Kripke semantics have had a profound impact on analytic philosophy.
His best known and
most influential work is Naming and Necessity (1980).
Deontic logics are closely related to modal logics: they
attempt to capture the logical features of obligation, permission and related concepts. Although some basic novelties
syncretizing mathematical and philosophical logic were shown by Bolzano in the early 1800s, it was Ernst Mally, a
pupil of Alexius Meinong, who was to propose the first formal deontic system in his Grundgesetze des Sollens,
based on the syntax of Whitehead's and Russell's propositional calculus.
Another logical system founded after World War II was fuzzy logic by Iranian mathematician Lotfi Asker Zadeh in
[1] Oxford Companion p. 498; Bochenski, Part I Introduction, passim
[2] [2] Oxford Companion p. 500
[3] [3] Kneale, p. 2
[4] [4] Kneale p. 3
[5] H. F. J. Horstmanshoff, Marten Stol, Cornelis Tilburg (2004), Magic and Rationality in Ancient Near Eastern and Graeco-Roman Medicine,
p. 99, Brill Publishers, ISBN 90-04-13666-5.
[6] D. Brown (2000), Mesopotamian Planetary Astronomy-Astrology , Styx Publications, ISBN 90-5693-036-2.
[7] Heath, Mathematics in Aristotle, cited in Kneale, p. 5
[8] [8] Kneale p. 15
[9] [9] Kneale, p. 16
[10] Encyclopedia Britannica (http:/ / www.britannica.com/ EBchecked/ topic/ 346217/ history-of-logic#toc65918)
[11] [11] Kneale p. 17
[12] "forming an opinion is talking, and opinion is speech that is held not with someone else or aloud but in silence with oneself" Theaetetus
[13] Kneale p. 20. For example, the proof given in the Meno that the square on the diagonal is double the area of the original square presumably
involves the forms of the square and the triangle, and the necessary relation between them
[14] [14] Kneale p. 21
[15] Zalta, Edward N. " Aristotle's Logic (http:/ / plato. stanford. edu/ entries/ aristotle-logic/ #Def)". Stanford University, 18 March 2000.
Retrieved 13 March 2010.
[16] See e.g. Aristotle's logic (http:/ / plato.stanford.edu/ entries/ aristotle-logic/ ), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
[17] [17] Bochenski p. 63
[18] "Throughout later antiquity two great schools of logic were distinguished, the Peripatetic which was derived from Aristotle, and the Stoic
which was developed by Chrysippus from the teachings of the Megarians" Kneale p. 113
History of logic
[19] Oxford Companion, article "Chrysippus", p. 134
[20] (http:/ / plato.stanford.edu/ entries/ logic-ancient/ ) Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Susanne Bobzien, Ancient Logic
[21] [21] K. Huelser, Die Fragmente zur Dialektik der Stoiker, 4 vols, Stuttgart 1986-7
[22] Kneale 117158
[23] Metaphysics Eta 3, 1046b 29
[24] Boethius, Commentary on the Perihermenias, Meiser p. 234
[25] Epictetus, Dissertationes ed. Schenkel ii. 19. I.
[26] [26] Alexander p. 177
[27] Sextus, Adv. Math. Bk viii, Section 113
[28] [28] See e.g. Lukasiewicz p. 21
[29] [29] Sextus Bk viii., Sections 11, 12
[30] [30] Bochenski p. 446
[31] S. C. Vidyabhusana (1971). A History of Indian Logic: Ancient, Mediaeval, and Modern Schools.
[32] R. P. Kangle (1986). The Kautiliya Arthashastra (1.2.11). Motilal Banarsidass.
[33] Bochenski p. 417 and passim
[34] Bochenski pp. 4317
[35] [35] Bochenksi p. 441
[36] [36] Boole, Mary Everest "Collected Works" eds E M Cobham and E S Dummer London, Daniel 1931. Letter also published in the Ceylon
National Review in 1909, and published as a separate pamphlet "The Psychologic Aspect of Imperialism" in 1911.
[37] [37] Matilal, 14-15
[38] [38] Matilal, 17
[39] [39] Matilal, 17
[40] See e.g. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online Version 2.0 (http:/ / www. rep. routledge. com/ article/ H057), article 'Islamic
[41] [41] [726].
[42] Richard F. Washell (1973), "Logic, Language, and Albert the Great", Journal of the History of Ideas 34 (3), pp. 445450 [445].
[43] Goodman, Lenn Evan (1992); Avicenna, p. 188, Routledge, ISBN 0-415-01929-X.
[44] [44] Kneale p. 229
[45] Kneale: p. 266; Ockham: Summa Logicae i. 14; Avicenna: Avicennae Opera Venice 1508 f87rb
[46] Muhammad Iqbal, The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, "The Spirit of Muslim Culture" (cf. (http:/ / www. allamaiqbal. com/
works/ prose/ english/ reconstruction) and (http:/ / www. witness-pioneer. org/ vil/ Books/ MI_RRTI/ chapter_05. htm))
[47] Dr. Lotfollah Nabavi, Sohrevardi's Theory of Decisive Necessity and kripke's QSS System (http:/ / public. ut. ac. ir/ html/ fac/ lit/ articles.
html), Journal of Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences.
[48] Dr. Abu Shadi Al-Roubi (1982), "Ibn Al-Nafis as a philosopher", Symposium on Ibn al-Nafis, Second International Conference on Islamic
Medicine: Islamic Medical Organization, Kuwait (cf. Ibn al-Nafis As a Philosopher (http:/ / www. islamset. com/ isc/ nafis/ drroubi. html),
Encyclopedia of Islamic World).
[49] See pp.253254 of
[50] [50] , pp. 16-36
[51] Nicholas Rescher and Arnold vander Nat, "The Arabic Theory of Temporal Modal Syllogistic", in George Fadlo Hourani (1975), Essays on
Islamic Philosophy and Science, pp. 189221, State University of New York Press, ISBN 0-87395-224-3.
[52] [52] Boehner p. xiv
[53] [53] Kneale p. 198
[54] [54] Stephen Dumont, article "Peter Abelard" in Gracia and Noone p. 492
[55] Kneale, pp. 2023
[56] [56] See e.g. Kneale p. 225
[57] [57] Boehner p. 1
[58] Boehner pp. 1976
[59] [59] Boehner p. 29
[60] [60] Boehner p. 30
[61] [61] Ebbesen 1981
[62] Boehner pp. 545
[63] Oxford Companion p. 504, article "Traditional logic"
[64] [64] Buroker xxiii
[65] [65] Farrington, 1964, 89
[66] N. Abbagnano, "Psychologism" in P. Edwards (ed) The Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, MacMillan, 1967
[67] Of the German literature in this period, Robert Adamson wrote "Logics swarm as bees in springtime..."; Robert Adamson, A Short History of
Logic, Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1911, page 242
[68] Carl von Prantl (1855-1867), Geschichte von Logik in Abendland, Leipsig: S. Hirzl, anastatically reprinted in 1997, Hildesheim: Georg Olds.
[69] See e.g. Psychologism (http:/ / plato. stanford. edu/ entries/ psychologism), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
History of logic
[70] Wilhelm Wundt, Logik (18801883); quoted in Edmund Husserl, Logical Investigations, translated J.N. Findlay, Routledge, 2008, Volume
1, pp. 115116.
[71] Theodor Lipps, Grundzge der Logik (1893); quoted in Edmund Husserl, Logical Investigations, translated J.N. Findlay, Routledge, 2008,
Volume 1, p. 40
[72] Christoph von Sigwart, Logik (187378); quoted in Edmund Husserl, Logical Investigations, translated J.N. Findlay, Routledge, 2008,
Volume 1, p. 51
[73] Benno Erdmann, Logik (1892); quoted in Edmund Husserl, Logical Investigations, translated J.N. Findlay, Routledge, 2008, Volume 1, p.
[74] Dermot Moran, "Introduction"; Edmund Husserl, Logical Investigations, translated J.N. Findlay, Routledge, 2008, Volume 1, p. xxi
[75] Michael Dummett, "Preface"; Edmund Husserl, Logical Investigations, translated J.N. Findlay, Routledge, 2008, Volume 1, p. xvii
[76] Josiah Royce, "Recent Logical Enquiries and their Psychological Bearings" (1902) in John J. McDermott (ed) The Basic Writings of Josiah
Royce Volume 2, Fordham University Press, 2005, p. 661
[77] [77] Bochenski, p. 266
[78] [78] Peirce 1896
[79] [79] See Bochenski p. 269
[80] Oxford Companion p. 499
[81] Edith Sylla (1999), "Oxford Calculators", in The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire: Cambridge.
[82] [82] El. philos. sect. I de corp 1.1.2.
[83] [83] Bochenski p. 274
[84] Rutherford, Donald, 1995, "Philosophy and language" in Jolley, N., ed., The Cambridge Companion to Leibniz. Cambridge Univ. Press.
[85] Wiener, Philip, 1951. Leibniz: Selections. Scribner.
[86] Essai de dialectique rationelle, 211n, quoted in Bochenski p. 277.
[87] Wissenschaftslehre II 198ff, quoted in Bochenski 280; see Oxford 'Companion p. 498.
[88] See e.g. Bochenski p. 296 and passim
[89] Before publishing, he wrote to De Morgan, who was just finishing his work Formal Logic. De Morgan suggested they should publish first,
and thus the two books appeared at the same time, possibly even reaching the bookshops on the same day. cf. Kneale p. 404
[90] [90] Kneale p. 404
[91] [91] Kneale p. 407
[92] [92] Boole (1847) p. 16
[93] Boole 1847 pp. 589
[94] [94] Beaney p. 11
[95] http:/ / finelib.princeton.edu/ instruction/ wri172_demonstration. php
[96] [96] Kneale p. 422
[97] Peirce, "A Boolean Algebra with One Constant", 1880 MS, Collected Papers v. 4, paragraphs 1220, reprinted Writings v. 4, pp. 218-21.
Google Preview (http:/ / books. google.com/ books?id=E7ZUnx3FqrcC& q=378+ Winter).
[98] Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., xiv (1913), pp. 4818. This is now known as the Sheffer stroke
[99] [99] Bochenski 296
[100] [100] See CP III
[101] George Boole. 1854/2003. The Laws of Thought, facsimile of 1854 edition, with an introduction by J. Corcoran. Buffalo: Prometheus
Books (2003). Reviewed by James van Evra in Philosophy in Review.24 (2004) 167169.
[102] JOHN CORCORAN, Aristotle's Prior Analytics and Boole's Laws of Thought, History and Philosophy of Logic, vol. 24 (2003), pp.
[103] [103] Kneale p. 435
[104] Jevons, The Principles of Science, London 1879, p. 156, quoted in Grundlagen 15
[105] Beaney p. 10 the completeness of Frege's system was eventually proved by Jan ukasiewicz in 1934
[106] See for example the argument by the medieval logician William of Ockham that singular propositions are universal, in Summa Logicae III.
8 (??)
[107] [107] "On concept and object" p. 198; Geach p. 48
[108] [108] BLC p. 14, quoted in Beaney p. 12
[109] See e.g. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (http:/ / www. utm. edu/ research/ iep/ f/ frege. htm), article "Frege"
[110] [110] See e.g. Potter 2004
[111] [111] Zermelo 1908
[112] [112] Feferman 1999 p. 1
[113] [113] Feferman and Feferman 2004, p. 122, discussing "The Impact of Tarski's Theory of Truth".
[114] [114] Feferman 1999, p. 1
[115] See e.g. Barwise, Handbook of Mathematical Logic
[116] The Independence of the Continuum Hypothesis, II (http:/ / links. jstor. org/ sici?sici=0027-8424(19640115)51:1<105:TIOTCH>2. 0.
CO;2-U) Paul J. Cohen Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 51, No. 1. (Jan. 15, 1964), pp.
History of logic
[117] Many of the foundational papers are collected in The Undecidable (1965) edited by Martin Davis
[118] Jerry Fodor, " Water's water everywhere (http:/ / www. lrb. co. uk/ v26/ n20/ jerry-fodor/ waters-water-everywhere)", London Review of
Books, 21 October 2004
[119] See Philosophical Analysis in the Twentieth Century: Volume 2: The Age of Meaning, Scott Soames: "Naming and Necessity is among the
most important works ever, ranking with the classical work of Frege in the late nineteenth century, and of Russell, Tarski and Wittgenstein in
the first half of the twentieth century". Cited in Byrne, Alex and Hall, Ned. 2004. 'Necessary Truths'. Boston Review October/November 2004
Alexander of Aphrodisias, In Aristotelis An. Pr. Lib. I Commentarium, ed. Wallies, C.I.A.G.
Avicenna, Avicennae Opera Venice 1508.
Barwise, Jon, ed. (1982), Handbook of Mathematical Logic, Studies in Logic and the Foundations of
Mathematics, North Holland, ISBN 978-0-444-86388-1 .
Beaney, Michael, The Frege Reader, London: Blackwell 1997.
Bochenski, I.M., A History of Formal Logic, Notre Dame press, 1961.
Philotheus Boehner, Medieval Logic, Manchester 1950.
Boethius Commentary on the Perihermenias, Secunda Editio, ed. Meiser.
Bolzano, Bernard Wissenschaftslehre, 4 Bde Neudr., 2. verb, A. hrsg. W. Schultz, Leipzig I-II 1929, III 1930, IV
1931 (trans. as Theory of science, attempt at a detailed and in the main novel exposition of logic with constant
attention to earlier authors.) (Edited and translated by Rolf George University of California Press, Berkeley and
Los Angeles 1972).
Bolzano, Bernard Theory of science (Edited, with an introduction, by Jan Berg. Translated from the German by
Burnham Terrell D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht and Boston 1973).
Boole, George (1847) The Mathematical Analysis of Logic (Cambridge and London); repr. in Studies in Logic and
Probability, ed. R. Rhees (London 1952).
Boole, George (1854) The Laws of Thought (London and Cambridge); repr. as Collected Logical Works. Vol. 2,
(Chicago and London: Open Court, 1940).
Jill Vance Buroker (transl. and introduction), A. Arnauld, P. Nicole Logic or the Art of Thinking, Cambridge
University Press, 1996, ISBN 0-521-48249-6.
Church, Alonzo, 1936-8. "A bibliography of symbolic logic". Journal of Symbolic Logic 1: 121218; 3:178212.
Ebbesen, S. "Early supposition theory (12th13th Century)" Histoire, pistmologie, Langage 3/1: 3548 (1981).
Epictetus, Dissertationes ed. Schenkl.
Farrington, B., The Philosophy of Francis Bacon, Liverpool 1964.
Feferman, Anita B. (1999). "Alfred Tarski". American National Biography. 21. Oxford University Press.
pp.330332. ISBN 978-0-19-512800-0.
Feferman, Anita B.; Feferman, Solomon (2004). Alfred Tarski: Life and Logic. Cambridge University Press.
ISBN978-0-521-80240-6. OCLC 54691904 (http:/ / www. worldcat. org/ oclc/ 54691904).
Frege, G., Boole's Logical Calculus and the Concept Script, 1882, in Posthumous Writings transl. P.Long and R.
White 1969, pp.946.
Gabbay, Dov and John Woods, eds, Handbook of the History of Logic 2004. 1. Greek, Indian and Arabic logic; 2.
Mediaeval and Renaissance logic; 3. The rise of modern logic: from Leibniz to Frege; 4. British logic in the
Nineteenth century; 5. Logic from Russell to Church; 6. Sets and extensions in the Twentieth century; 7. Logic
and the modalities in the Twentieth century; 8. The many-valued and nonmonotonic turn in logic; 9. Logic and
computation (not yet published); 10. Inductive logic; 11. Logic: A history of its central concepts; Elsevier, ISBN
Geach, P.T. Logic Matters, Blackwell 1972.
Gergonne, Joseph Diaz, (1816) "Essai de dialectique rationelle", in Annales de mathem, pures et appl. 7, 1816/7,
Goodman, Lenn Evan (2003). Islamic Humanism. Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-513580-6.
History of logic
Goodman, Lenn Evan (1992). Avicenna. Routledge, ISBN 0-415-01929-X.
Grattan-Guinness, Ivor, 2000. The Search for Mathematical Roots 18701940. Princeton University Press.
Gracia, J.G. and Noone, T.B., A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages, London 2003.
Haaparanta, Leila (ed.) 2009. The Development of Modern Logic Oxford University Press.
Heath, T.L., 1949. Mathematics in Aristotle Oxford University Press.
Heath, T.L., 1931, A Manual of Greek Mathematics, Oxford (Clarendon Press).
Honderich, Ted (ed.). The Oxford Companion to Philosophy (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995) ISBN
Jevons, The Principles of Science, London 1879.
Kneale, William and Martha, 1962. The development of logic. Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-824773-7.
Lukasiewicz, Aristotle's Syllogistic, Oxford University Press 1951.
Ockham's Theory of Terms: Part I of the Summa Logicae, translated and introduced by Michael J. Loux (Notre
Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press 1974). Reprinted: South Bend, IN: St. Augustine's Press, 1998.
Ockham's Theory of Propositions: Part II of the Summa Logicae, translated by Alfred J. Freddoso and Henry
Schuurman and introduced by Alfred J. Freddoso (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1980).
Reprinted: South Bend, IN: St. Augustine's Press, 1998.
Peirce, C.S., (1896), "The Regenerated Logic", The Monist, vol. VII (http:/ / books. google. com/
books?id=pa0LAAAAIAAJ& printsec=titlepage), No. 1, p pp. 19 (http:/ / books. google. com/
books?id=pa0LAAAAIAAJ& pg=PA19)-40, The Open Court Publishing Co., Chicago, IL, 1896, for the Hegeler
Institute. Reprinted (CP 3.425455). Internet Archive The Monist 7 (http:/ / www. archive. org/ details/
Michael Potter (2004), Set Theory and its Philosophy, Oxford Univ. Press.
Sextus Empiricus, Against the Grammarians (Adversos Mathematicos I). David Blank (trans.) (Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1998). ISBN 0-19-824470-3.
Zermelo, Ernst (1908). "Untersuchungen ber die Grundlagen der Mengenlehre I" (http:/ / gdz. sub.
uni-goettingen. de/ index. php?id=11& PPN=PPN235181684_0065& DMDID=DMDLOG_0018& L=1).
Mathematische Annalen 65 (2): 261281. doi: 10.1007/BF01449999 (http:/ / dx. doi. org/ 10. 1007/
BF01449999). English translation in Heijenoort, Jean van (1967). "Investigations in the foundations of set
theory". From Frege to Gdel: A Source Book in Mathematical Logic, 18791931. Source Books in the History
of the Sciences. Harvard Univ. Press. pp.199215. ISBN978-0-674-32449-7..
External links
History of Logic in Relationship to Ontology (http:/ / www. ontology. co/ history-of-logic. htm) Annotated
bibliography on the history of logic
Ancient Logic (http:/ / plato. stanford. edu/ entries/ logic-ancient) entry by Susanne Bobzien in the Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Peter of Spain (http:/ / plato. stanford. edu/ entries/ peter-spain) entry by Joke Spruyt in the Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Paul Spade's "Thoughts Words and Things" (http:/ / pvspade. com/ Logic/ docs/ thoughts1_1a. pdf)
John of St Thomas (http:/ / www. newadvent. org/ cathen/ 08479b. htm)
Insights, Images, and Bios of 145 logicians, by David Marans (http:/ / humbox. ac. uk/ 3682/ )
Topics in logic
Aristotelian logic
Part of a series on
In philosophy, term logic, also known as traditional logic or Aristotelian logic, is a loose name for the way of
doing logic that began with Aristotle and that was dominant until the advent of modern predicate logic in the late
nineteenth century. This entry is an introduction to the term logic needed to understand philosophy texts written
before predicate logic came to be seen as the only formal logic of interest. Readers lacking a grasp of the basic
terminology and ideas of term logic can have difficulty understanding such texts, because their authors typically
assumed an acquaintance with term logic.
Aristotle's system
Aristotle's logical work is collected in the six texts that are collectively known as the Organon. Two of these texts in
particular, namely the Prior Analytics and De Interpretatione, contain the heart of Aristotle's treatment of
judgements and formal inference, and it is principally this part of Aristotle's works that is about term logic. Modern
work on Aristotle's logic builds on the tradition started in 1951 with the establishment by Jan Lukasiewicz of a
revolutionary paradigm.
The Jan Lukasiewicz approach was reinvigorated in the early 1970s by John Corcoran and
Timothy Smiley--which informs modern translations of Prior Analytics by Robin Smith in 1989 and Gisela Striker
in 2009.
Aristotelian logic
The basics
The fundamental assumption behind the theory is that propositions are composed of two terms hence the name
"two-term theory" or "term logic" and that the reasoning process is in turn built from propositions:
The term is a part of speech representing something, but which is not true or false in its own right, such as "man"
or "mortal".
The proposition consists of two terms, in which one term (the "predicate") is "affirmed" or "denied" of the other
(the "subject"), and which is capable of truth or falsity.
The syllogism is an inference in which one proposition (the "conclusion") follows of necessity from two others
(the "premises").
A proposition may be universal or particular, and it may be affirmative or negative. Traditionally, the four kinds of
propositions are:
A-type: Universal and affirmative ("Every philosopher is mortal")
I-type: Particular and affirmative ("Some philosopher is mortal")
E-type: Universal and negative ("Every philosopher is immortal")
O-type: Particular and negative ("Some philosopher is immortal")
This was called the fourfold scheme of propositions (see types of syllogism for an explanation of the letters A, I, E,
and O in the traditional square). Aristotle's original square of opposition, however, does not lack existential import:
A-type: Universal and affirmative ("Every philosopher is mortal")
I-type: Particular and affirmative ("Some philosopher is mortal")
E-type: Universal and negative ("No philosopher is mortal")
O-type: Particular and negative ("Not every philosopher is mortal")
In the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article, "The Traditional Square of Opposition", Terence Parsons
One central concern of the Aristotelian tradition in logic is the theory of the categorical syllogism. This is the
theory of two-premised arguments in which the premises and conclusion share three terms among them, with
each proposition containing two of them. It is distinctive of this enterprise that everybody agrees on which
syllogisms are valid. The theory of the syllogism partly constrains the interpretation of the forms. For example,
it determines that the A form has existential import, at least if the I form does. For one of the valid patterns
(Darapti) is:
Every C is B
Every C is A
So, some A is B
This is invalid if the A form lacks existential import, and valid if it has existential import. It is held to be valid,
and so we know how the A form is to be interpreted. One then naturally asks about the O form; what do the
syllogisms tell us about it? The answer is that they tell us nothing. This is because Aristotle did not discuss
weakened forms of syllogisms, in which one concludes a particular proposition when one could already
conclude the coresponding universal. For example, he does not mention the form:
No C is B
Every A is C
So, some A is not B
If people had thoughtfully taken sides for or against the validity of this form, that would clearly be relevant to
the understanding of the O form. But the weakened forms were typically ignored...
One other piece of subject-matter bears on the interpretation of the O form. People were interested in
Aristotle's discussion of infinite negation, which is the use of negation to form a term from a term instead of
Aristotelian logic
a proposition from a proposition. In modern English we use non for this; we make non-horse, which is true
of exactly those things that are not horses. In medieval Latin non and not are the same word, and so the
distinction required special discussion. It became common to use infinite negation, and logicians pondered its
logic. Some writers in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries adopted a principle called conversion by
contraposition. It states that
Every S is P is equivalent to Every non-P is non-S
Some S is not P is equivalent to Some non-P is not non-S
Unfortunately, this principle (which is not endorsed by Aristotle) conflicts with the idea that there may be
empty or universal terms. For in the universal case it leads directly from the truth:
Every man is a being
to the falsehood:
Every non-being is a non-man
(which is false because the universal affirmative has existential import, and there are no non-beings). And in
the particular case it leads from the truth (remember that the O form has no existential import):
A chimera is not a man
to the falsehood:
A non-man is not a non-chimera
These are [Jean] Buridan's examples, used in the fourteenth century to show the invalidity of contraposition.
Unfortunately, by Buridan's time the principle of contraposition had been advocated by a number of authors.
The doctrine is already present in several twelfth century tracts, and it is endorsed in the thirteenth century by
Peter of Spain, whose work was republished for centuries, by William Sherwood, and by Roger Bacon. By the
fourteenth century, problems associated with contraposition seem to be well-known, and authors generally cite
the principle and note that it is not valid, but that it becomes valid with an additional assumption of existence
of things falling under the subject term. For example, Paul of Venice in his eclectic and widely published
Logica Parva from the end of the fourteenth century gives the traditional square with simple conversion but
rejects conversion by contraposition, essentially for Buridan's reason.
Terence Parsons,The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
The term
A term (Greek horos) is the basic component of the proposition. The original meaning of the horos (and also of the
Latin terminus) is "extreme" or "boundary". The two terms lie on the outside of the proposition, joined by the act of
affirmation or denial. For early modern logicians like Arnauld (whose Port-Royal Logic was the best-known text of
his day), it is a psychological entity like an "idea" or "concept". Mill considers it a word. To assert "all Greeks are
men" is not to say that the concept of Greeks is the concept of men, or that word "Greeks" is the word "men". A
proposition cannot be built from real things or ideas, but it is not just meaningless words either.
The proposition
In term logic, a "proposition" is simply a form of language: a particular kind of sentence, in which the subject and
predicate are combined, so as to assert something true or false. It is not a thought, or an abstract entity. The word
"propositio" is from the Latin, meaning the first premise of a syllogism. Aristotle uses the word premise (protasis) as
a sentence affirming or denying one thing of another (Posterior Analytics 1. 1 24a 16), so a premise is also a form of
words. However, as in modern philosophical logic, it means that which is asserted by the sentence. Writers before
Frege and Russell, such as Bradley, sometimes spoke of the "judgment" as something distinct from a sentence, but
this is not quite the same. As a further confusion the word "sentence" derives from the Latin, meaning an opinion or
Aristotelian logic
judgment, and so is equivalent to "proposition". The logical quality of a proposition is whether it is affirmative (the
predicate is affirmed of the subject) or negative (the predicate is denied of the subject). Thus every philosopher is
mortal is affirmative, since the mortality of philosophers is affirmed universally, whereas no philosopher is mortal is
negative by denying such mortality in particular. The quantity of a proposition is whether it is universal (the
predicate is affirmed or denied of all subjects or of "the whole") or particular (the predicate is affirmed or denied of
some subject or a "part" thereof). In case where existential import is assumed, quantification implies the existence of
at least one subject, unless disclaimed.
Singular terms
For Aristotle, the distinction between singular and universal is a fundamental metaphysical one, and not merely
grammatical. A singular term for Aristotle is primary substance, which can only be predicated of itself: (this)
"Callias" or (this) "Socrates" are not predicable of any other thing, thus one does not say every Socrates one says
every human (De Int. 7; Meta. 9, 1018a4). It may feature as a grammatical predicate, as in the sentence "the person
coming this way is Callias". But it is still a logical subject.
He contrasts "universal" (katholou, "whole") secondary substance, genera, with primary substance, particular
specimens. The formal nature of universals, in so far as they can be generalized "always, or for the most part", are
the subject matter of both scientific study and formal logic.
The essential feature of the syllogistic is that, of the four terms in the two premises, one must occur twice. Thus
All Greeks are men
All men are mortal.
The subject of one premise, must be the predicate of the other, and so it is necessary to eliminate from the logic any
terms which cannot function both as subject and predicate, namely singular terms.
However, in a popular 17th century version of the syllogistic, Port-Royal Logic, singular terms were treated as
All men are mortals
All Socrates are men
All Socrates are mortals
This is clearly awkward, a weakness exploited by Frege in his devastating attack on the system (from which,
ultimately, it never recovered, see concept and object).
The famous syllogism "Socrates is a man ...", is frequently quoted as though from Aristotle,
but fact, it is nowhere
in the Organon. It is first mentioned by Sextus Empiricus in his Hyp. Pyrrh. ii. 164.
Decline of term logic
Term logic began to decline in Europe during the Renaissance, when logicians like Rodolphus Agricola Phrisius
(14441485) and Ramus (1515-1572) began to promote place logics. The logical tradition called Port-Royal Logic,
or sometimes "traditional logic", saw propositions as combinations of ideas rather than of terms, but otherwise
followed many of the conventions of term logic. It remained influential, especially in England, until the 19th century.
Leibniz created a distinctive logical calculus, but nearly all of his work on logic remained unpublished and
unremarked until Louis Couturat went through the Leibniz Nachlass around 1900, publishing his pioneering studies
in logic.
19th-century attempts to algebraize logic, such as the work of Boole (1815-1864) and Venn (1834-1923), typically
yielded systems highly influenced by the term-logic tradition. The first predicate logic was that of Frege's landmark
Begriffsschrift (1879), little read before 1950, in part because of its eccentric notation. Modern predicate logic as we
know it began in the 1880s with the writings of Charles Sanders Peirce, who influenced Peano (1858-1932) and even
Aristotelian logic
more, Ernst Schrder (1841-1902). It reached fruition in the hands of Bertrand Russell and A. N. Whitehead, whose
Principia Mathematica (191013) made use of a variant of Peano's predicate logic.
Term logic also survived to some extent in traditional Roman Catholic education, especially in seminaries. Medieval
Catholic theology, especially the writings of Thomas Aquinas, had a powerfully Aristotelean cast, and thus term
logic became a part of Catholic theological reasoning. For example, Joyce's Principles of Logic (1908; 3rd edition
1949), written for use in Catholic seminaries, made no mention of Frege or of Bertrand Russell.
A revival
Some philosophers have complained that predicate logic:
Is unnatural in a sense, in that its syntax does not follow the syntax of the sentences that figure in our everyday
reasoning. It is, as Quine acknowledged, "Procrustean," employing an artificial language of function and
argument, quantifier, and bound variable.
Suffers from theoretical problems, probably the most serious being empty names and identity statements.
Even academic philosophers entirely in the mainstream, such as Gareth Evans, have written as follows:
"I come to semantic investigations with a preference for homophonic theories; theories which try to take
serious account of the syntactic and semantic devices which actually exist in the language ...I would prefer
[such] a theory ... over a theory which is only able to deal with [sentences of the form "all A's are B's"] by
"discovering" hidden logical constants ... The objection would not be that such [Fregean] truth conditions are
not correct, but that, in a sense which we would all dearly love to have more exactly explained, the syntactic
shape of the sentence is treated as so much misleading surface structure" (Evans 1977)
[1] http:/ / en. wikipedia. org/ w/ index. php?title=Template:Aristotelianism& action=edit
[2] [2] Degnan, M. 1994. Recent Work in Aristotle's Logic. Philosophical Books 35.2 (April, 1994): 81-89.
[3] *Review of "Aristotle, Prior Analytics: Book I, Gisela Striker (translation and commentary), Oxford UP, 2009, 268pp., $39.95 (pbk), ISBN
978-0-19-925041-7." in the Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2010.02.02 (http:/ / ndpr. nd. edu/ review. cfm?id=18787).
[4] They are mentioned briefly in the De Interpretatione. Afterwards, in the chapters of the Prior Analytics where Aristotle methodically sets out
his theory of the syllogism, they are entirely ignored.
[5] Arnauld, Antoine and Nicole, Pierre; (1662) La logique, ou l'art de penser. Part 2, chapter 3
[6] For example: Kapp, Greek Foundations of Traditional Logic, New York 1942, p.17, Copleston A History of Philosophy Vol. I., p.277,
Russell, A History of Western Philosophy London 1946 p.218.
[7] Copleston's A History of Philosophy
Bocheski, I. M., 1951. Ancient Formal Logic. North-Holland.
Louis Couturat, 1961 (1901). La Logique de Leibniz. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung.
Gareth Evans, 1977, "Pronouns, Quantifiers and Relative Clauses," Canadian Journal of Philosophy.
Peter Geach, 1976. Reason and Argument. University of California Press.
Hammond and Scullard, 1992. The Oxford Classical Dictionary. Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-869117-3.
Joyce, George Hayward, 1949 (1908). Principles of Logic (http:/ / www. webcitation. org/ query?url=http:/ / uk.
geocities. com/ frege@btinternet. com/ joyce/ principlesoflogic. htm& date=2009-10-25+ 04:16:58), 3rd ed.
Longmans. A manual written for use in Catholic seminaries. Authoritative on traditional logic, with many
references to medieval and ancient sources. Contains no hint of modern formal logic. The author lived 1864-1943.
Jan ukasiewicz, 1951. Aristotle's Syllogistic, from the Standpoint of Modern Formal Logic. Oxford Univ. Press.
John Stuart Mill, 1904. A System of Logic, 8th ed. London.
Parry and Hacker, 1991. Aristotelian Logic. State University of New York Press.
Aristotelian logic
Arthur Prior, 1962. Formal Logic, 2nd ed. Oxford Univ. Press. While primarily devoted to modern formal logic,
contains much on term and medieval logic.
--------, 1976. The Doctrine of Propositions and Terms. Peter Geach and A. J. P. Kenny, eds. London: Duckworth.
Willard Quine, 1986. Philosophy of Logic 2nd ed. Harvard Univ. Press.
Rose, Lynn E., 1968. Aristotle's Syllogistic. Springfield: Clarence C. Thomas.
Sommers, Fred, 1970, "The Calculus of Terms," Mind 79: 1-39. Reprinted in Englebretsen, G., ed., 1987. The
new syllogistic New York: Peter Lang. ISBN 0-8204-0448-9
--------, 1982. The logic of natural language. Oxford University Press.
--------, 1990, " Predication in the Logic of Terms, (http:/ / projecteuclid. org/ Dienst/ UI/ 1. 0/ Summarize/ euclid.
ndjfl/ 1093635336)" Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 31: 106-26.
-------- and Englebretsen, George, 2000. An invitation to formal reasoning. The logic of terms. Aldershot UK:
Ashgate. ISBN 0-7546-1366-6.
Szabolcsi Lorne, 2008. Numerical Term Logic. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press.
External links
Term logic (http:/ / philpapers. org/ browse/ aristotelian-logic) at PhilPapers
Aristotle's Logic (http:/ / plato. stanford. edu/ entries/ aristotle-logic) entry by Robin Smith in the Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Term logic (http:/ / www. iep. utm. edu/ aris-log) entry in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Aristotle's term logic online (http:/ / aristotelianlogic. glashoff. net)This online program provides a platform for
experimentation and research on Aristotelian logic.
Annotated bibliographies of writings by:
Fred Sommers. (http:/ / www. ontology. co/ sommersf. htm)
George Englebretsen. (http:/ / www. ontology. co/ biblio/ englebretseng. htm)
PlanetMath: Aristotelian Logic.
Interactive Syllogistic Machine for Term Logic (http:/ / thefirstscience. org/ syllogistic-machine/ ) A web based
syllogistic machine for exploring fallacies, figures, terms, and modes of syllogisms.
Propositional calculus
Propositional calculus
In mathematical logic, a propositional calculus or logic (also called sentential calculus or sentential logic) is a
formal system in which formulas of a formal language may be interpreted to represent propositions. A system of
inference rules and axioms allows certain formulas to be derived. These derived formulas are called theorems and
may be interpreted to be true propositions. Such a constructed sequence of formulas is known as a derivation or
proof and the last formula of the sequence is the theorem. The derivation may be interpreted as proof of the
proposition represented by the theorem.
Usually in Truth-functional propositional logic, formulas are interpreted as having either a truth value of true or a
truth value of false.Wikipedia:Please clarify Truth-functional propositional logic and systems isomorphic to it, are
considered to be zeroth-order logic.
Although propositional logic (which is interchangeable with propositional calculus) had been hinted by earlier
philosophers, it was developed into a formal logic by Chrysippus
and expanded by the Stoics. The logic was
focused on propositions. This advancement was different from the traditional syllogistic logic which was focused on
terms. However, later in antiquity, the propositional logic developed by the Stoics was no longer understood.
Consequently, the system was essentially reinvented by Peter Abelard.
Propositional logic was eventually refined using symbolic logic. Gottfried Leibniz has been credited with being the
founder of symbolic logic for his work with the calculus ratiocinator. Although his work was the first of its kind, it
was unknown to the larger logical community. Consequently, many of the advances achieved by Leibniz were
reachieved by logicians like George Boole and Augustus De Morgan completely independent of Leibniz.
Just as propositional logic can be considered an advancement from the earlier syllogistic logic, Gottlob Frege's
predicate logic was an advancement from the earlier propositional logic. Predicate logic has been described to be
combining "the distinctive features of syllogistic logic and propositional logic." Consequently, it ushered a new era
in the history of logic. However, advances in propositional logic were still made after Frege. These include Natural
Deduction, Truth-Trees and Truth-Tables. Natural deduction was invented by Gerhard Gentzen and Jan ukasiewicz.
Truth-Trees were invented by Evert Willem Beth.
The invention of truth-tables, however, is of controversial
The ideas preceding truth tables have been found in both Frege
and Bertrand Russell
whereas the actual 'tabular
structure' (i.e. being formed in a table format) is generally credited to either Ludwig Wittgenstein, Emil Post or both
(independently of one another). Besides Frege and Russell, others credited for having preceding ideas of truth-tables
include Philo, Boole, Charles Sanders Peirce, and Ernst Schrder. And besides Post and Wittgenstein, others credited
with the tabular structure include ukasiewicz, Schrder, Alfred North Whitehead, William Stanley Jevons, John
Venn, and Clarence Irving Lewis. Ultimately, some, like John Shosky, have concluded "It is far from clear that any
one person should be given the title of 'inventor' of truth-tables.".
Propositional calculus
In general terms, a calculus is a formal system that consists of a set of syntactic expressions (well-formed formul or
wffs), a distinguished subset of these expressions (axioms), plus a set of formal rules that define a specific binary
relation, intended to be interpreted to be logical equivalence, on the space of expressions.
When the formal system is intended to be a logical system, the expressions are meant to be interpreted to be
statements, and the rules, known to be inference rules, are typically intended to be truth-preserving. In this setting,
the rules (which may include axioms) can then be used to derive ("infer") formul representing true statements from
given formul representing true statements.
The set of axioms may be empty, a nonempty finite set, a countably infinite set, or be given by axiom schemata. A
formal grammar recursively defines the expressions and well-formed formul (wffs) of the language. In addition a
semantics may be given which defines truth and valuations (or interpretations).
The language of a propositional calculus consists of
1. a set of primitive symbols, variously referred to be atomic formulae, placeholders, proposition letters, or
variables, and
2. a set of operator symbols, variously interpreted to be logical operators or logical connectives.
A well-formed formula (wff) is any atomic formula, or any formula that can be built up from atomic formul by
means of operator symbols according to the rules of the grammar.
Mathematicians sometimes distinguish between propositional constants, propositional variables, and schemata.
Propositional constants represent some particular proposition, while propositional variables range over the set of all
atomic propositions. Schemata, however, range over all propositions. It is common to represent propositional
constants by , , and , propositional variables by , , and , and schematic letters are often Greek
letters, most often , , and .
Basic concepts
The following outlines a standard propositional calculus. Many different formulations exist which are all more or
less equivalent but differ in the details of
1. 1. their language, that is, the particular collection of primitive symbols and operator symbols,
2. 2. the set of axioms, or distinguished formulae, and
3. 3. the set of inference rules.
We may represent any given proposition with a letter which we call a propositional constant, analogous to
representing a number by a letter in mathematics, for instance, . We require that all propositions have exactly
one of two truth-values: true or false. To take an example, let be the proposition that it is raining outside. This
will be true if it is raining outside and false otherwise.
We then define truth-functional operators, beginning with negation. We write to represent the negation of
, which can be thought of to be the denial of . In the example above, expresses that it is not raining
outside, or by a more standard reading: "It is not the case that it is raining outside." When is true, is false;
and when is false, is true. always has the same truth-value like .
Conjunction is a truth-functional connective which forms a proposition out of two simpler propositions, for
example, and . The conjunction of and is written , and expresses that each are true. We
read for " and ". For any two propositions, there are four possible assignments of truth values:
1. is true and is true
2. is true and is false
3. is false and is true
4. is false and is false
Propositional calculus
The conjunction of and is true in case 1 and is false otherwise. Where is the proposition that it is
raining outside and is the proposition that a cold-front is over Kansas, is true when it is raining
outside and there is a cold-front over Kansas. If it is not raining outside, then is false; and if there is
no cold-front over Kansas, then is false.
Disjunction resembles conjunction in that it forms a proposition out of two simpler propositions. We write it
, and it is read " or ". It expresses that either or is true. Thus, in the cases listed above, the
disjunction of and is true in all cases except 4. Using the example above, the disjunction expresses that it
is either raining outside or there is a cold front over Kansas. (Note, this use of disjunction is supposed to resemble
the use of the English word "or". However, it is most like the English inclusive "or", which can be used to express
the truth of at least one of two propositions. It is not like the English exclusive "or", which expresses the truth of
exactly one of two propositions. That is to say, the exclusive "or" is false when both and are true (case 1).
An example of the exclusive or is: You may have a bagel or a pastry, but not both. Often in natural language,
given the appropriate context, the addendum "but not both" is omitted but implied. In mathematics, however, "or"
is always inclusive or; if exclusive or is meant it will be specified, possibly by "xor".)
Material conditional also joins two simpler propositions, and we write , which is read "if then ".
The proposition to the left of the arrow is called the antecedent and the proposition to the right is called the
consequent. (There is no such designation for conjunction or disjunction, since they are commutative operations.)
It expresses that is true whenever is true. Thus it is true in every case above except case 2, because this is
the only case when is true but is not. Using the example, if then expresses that if it is raining
outside then there is a cold-front over Kansas. The material conditional is often confused with physical causation.
The material conditional, however, only relates two propositions by their truth-valueswhich is not the relation
of cause and effect. It is contentious in the literature whether the material implication represents logical causation.
Biconditional joins two simpler propositions, and we write , which is read " if and only if ". It
expresses that and have the same truth-value, thus if and only if is true in cases 1 and 4, and false
It is extremely helpful to look at the truth tables for these different operators, as well as the method of analytic
Closure under operations
Propositional logic is closed under truth-functional connectives. That is to say, for any proposition , is also a
proposition. Likewise, for any propositions and , is a proposition, and similarly for disjunction,
conditional, and biconditional. This implies that, for instance, is a proposition, and so it can be conjoined
with another proposition. In order to represent this, we need to use parentheses to indicate which proposition is
conjoined with which. For instance, is not a well-formed formula, because we do not know if we are
conjoining with or if we are conjoining with . Thus we must write either
to represent the former, or to represent the latter. By evaluating the truth conditions, we see that
both expressions have the same truth conditions (will be true in the same cases), and moreover that any proposition
formed by arbitrary conjunctions will have the same truth conditions, regardless of the location of the parentheses.
This means that conjunction is associative, however, one should not assume that parentheses never serve a purpose.
For instance, the sentence does not have the same truth conditions of , so they are
different sentences distinguished only by the parentheses. One can verify this by the truth-table method referenced
Note: For any arbitrary number of propositional constants, we can form a finite number of cases which list their
possible truth-values. A simple way to generate this is by truth-tables, in which one writes , , , for any
list of propositional constantsthat is to say, any list of propositional constants with entries. Below this list,
one writes rows, and below one fills in the first half of the rows with true (or T) and the second half with false
Propositional calculus
(or F). Below one fills in one-quarter of the rows with T, then one-quarter with F, then one-quarter with T and the
last quarter with F. The next column alternates between true and false for each eighth of the rows, then sixteenths,
and so on, until the last propositional constant varies between T and F for each row. This will give a complete listing
of cases or truth-value assignments possible for those propositional constants.
The propositional calculus then defines an argument to be a set of propositions. A valid argument is a set of
propositions, the last of which follows fromor is implied bythe rest. All other arguments are invalid. The
simplest valid argument is modus ponens, one instance of which is the following set of propositions:
This is a set of three propositions, each line is a proposition, and the last follows from the rest. The first two lines are
called premises, and the last line the conclusion. We say that any proposition follows from any set of
propositions , if must be true whenever every member of the set is true. In the
argument above, for any and , whenever and are true, necessarily is true. Notice that, when
is true, we cannot consider cases 3 and 4 (from the truth table). When is true, we cannot consider case
2. This leaves only case 1, in which Q is also true. Thus Q is implied by the premises.
This generalizes schematically. Thus, where and may be any propositions at all,
Other argument forms are convenient, but not necessary. Given a complete set of axioms (see below for one such
set), modus ponens is sufficient to prove all other argument forms in propositional logic, thus they may be
considered to be a derivative. Note, this is not true of the extension of propositional logic to other logics like
first-order logic. First-order logic requires at least one additional rule of inference in order to obtain completeness.
The significance of argument in formal logic is that one may obtain new truths from established truths. In the first
example above, given the two premises, the truth of is not yet known or stated. After the argument is made,
is deduced. In this way, we define a deduction system to be a set of all propositions that may be deduced from
another set of propositions. For instance, given the set of propositions
, we can define a deduction system, , which is the set of all
propositions which follow from . Reiteration is always assumed, so .
Also, from the first element of , last element, as well as modus ponens, is a consequence, and so .
Because we have not included sufficiently complete axioms, though, nothing else may be deduced. Thus, even
though most deduction systems studied in propositional logic are able to deduce , this
one is too weak to prove such a proposition.
Propositional calculus
Generic description of a propositional calculus
A propositional calculus is a formal system , where:
The alpha set is a finite set of elements called proposition symbols or propositional variables. Syntactically
speaking, these are the most basic elements of the formal language , otherwise referred to as atomic formul
or terminal elements. In the examples to follow, the elements of are typically the letters , , , and so on.
The omega set is a finite set of elements called operator symbols or logical connectives. The set is
partitioned into disjoint subsets as follows:
In this partition, is the set of operator symbols of arity .
In the more familiar propositional calculi, is typically partitioned as follows:
A frequently adopted convention treats the constant logical values as operators of arity zero, thus:
Some writers use the tilde (~), or N, instead of ; and some use the ampersand (&), the prefixed K, or
instead of . Notation varies even more for the set of logical values, with symbols like {false, true}, {F, T},
or all being seen in various contexts instead of {0, 1}.
The zeta set is a finite set of transformation rules that are called inference rules when they acquire logical
The iota set is a finite set of initial points that are called axioms when they receive logical interpretations.
The language of , also known as its set of formul, well-formed formulas or wffs, is inductively defined by the
following rules:
1. Base: Any element of the alpha set is a formula of .
2. If are formul and is in , then is a formula.
3. Closed: Nothing else is a formula of .
Repeated applications of these rules permits the construction of complex formul. For example:
1. By rule 1, is a formula.
2. By rule 2, is a formula.
3. By rule 1, is a formula.
4. By rule 2, is a formula.
Example 1. Simple axiom system
Let , where , , , are defined as follows:
The alpha set , is a finite set of symbols that is large enough to supply the needs of a given discussion, for
Of the three connectives for conjunction, disjunction, and implication ( , , and ), one can be taken as
primitive and the other two can be defined in terms of it and negation ( ).
Indeed, all of the logical
connectives can be defined in terms of a sole sufficient operator. The biconditional ( ) can of course be
defined in terms of conjunction and implication, with defined as .
Adopting negation and implication as the two primitive operations of a propositional calculus is tantamount to
having the omega set partition as follows:
Propositional calculus
An axiom system discovered by Jan ukasiewicz formulates a propositional calculus in this language as follows.
The axioms are all substitution instances of:

The rule of inference is modus ponens (i.e., from and , infer ). Then is defined as
, and is defined as .
Example 2. Natural deduction system
Let , where , , , are defined as follows:
The alpha set , is a finite set of symbols that is large enough to supply the needs of a given discussion, for
The omega set partitions as follows:
In the following example of a propositional calculus, the transformation rules are intended to be interpreted as the
inference rules of a so-called natural deduction system. The particular system presented here has no initial points,
which means that its interpretation for logical applications derives its theorems from an empty axiom set.
The set of initial points is empty, that is, .
The set of transformation rules, , is described as follows:
Our propositional calculus has ten inference rules. These rules allow us to derive other true formulae given a set of
formulae that are assumed to be true. The first nine simply state that we can infer certain wffs from other wffs. The
last rule however uses hypothetical reasoning in the sense that in the premise of the rule we temporarily assume an
(unproven) hypothesis to be part of the set of inferred formulae to see if we can infer a certain other formula. Since
the first nine rules don't do this they are usually described as non-hypothetical rules, and the last one as a
hypothetical rule.
In describing the transformation rules, we may introduce a metalanguage symbol . It is basically a convenient
shorthand for saying "infer that". The format is , in which is a (possibly empty) set of formulae called
premises, and is a formula called conclusion. The transformation rule means that if every proposition in
is a theorem (or has the same truth value as the axioms), then is also a theorem. Note that considering the
following rule Conjunction introduction, we will know whenever has more than one formula, we can always
safely reduce it into one formula using conjunction. So for short, from that time on we may represent as one
formula instead of a set. Another omission for convenience is when is an empty set, in which case may not
Negation introduction
From and , infer .
That is, .
Negation elimination
From , infer .
That is, .
Propositional calculus
Double negative elimination
From , infer .
That is, .
Conjunction introduction
From and , infer .
That is, .
Conjunction elimination
From , infer .
From , infer .
That is, and .
Disjunction introduction
From , infer .
From , infer .
That is, and .
Disjunction elimination
From and and , infer .
That is, .
Biconditional introduction
From and , infer .
That is, .
Biconditional elimination
From , infer .
From , infer .
That is, and .
Modus ponens (conditional elimination)
From and , infer .
That is, .
Conditional proof (conditional introduction)
From [accepting allows a proof of ], infer .
That is, .
Basic and derived argument forms
Propositional calculus
Basic and Derived Argument Forms
Name Sequent Description
Modus Ponens If then ; ; therefore
Modus Tollens If then ; not ; therefore not
Hypothetical Syllogism If then ; if then ; therefore, if then
Disjunctive Syllogism Either or , or both; not ; therefore,
Constructive Dilemma If then ; and if then ; but or ;
therefore or
Destructive Dilemma If then ; and if then ; but not or not ;
therefore not or not
Bidirectional Dilemma If then ; and if then ; but or not ;
therefore or not
Simplification and are true; therefore is true
Conjunction and are true separately; therefore they are true
Addition is true; therefore the disjunction ( or ) is true
Composition If then ; and if then ; therefore if is true
then and are true
De Morgan's Theorem (1) The negation of ( and ) is equiv. to (not or not
De Morgan's Theorem (2) The negation of ( or ) is equiv. to (not and not
Commutation (1) ( or ) is equiv. to ( or )
Commutation (2) ( and ) is equiv. to ( and )
Commutation (3) ( is equiv. to ) is equiv. to ( is equiv. to )
Association (1) or ( or ) is equiv. to ( or ) or
Association (2) and ( and ) is equiv. to ( and ) and
Distribution (1) and ( or ) is equiv. to ( and ) or ( and
Distribution (2) or ( and ) is equiv. to ( or ) and ( or
Double Negation is equivalent to the negation of not
Transposition If then is equiv. to if not then not
Material Implication If then is equiv. to not or
Material Equivalence (1) ( iff ) is equiv. to (if is true then is true) and
(if is true then is true)
Material Equivalence (2) ( iff ) is equiv. to either ( and are true) or
(both and are false)
Material Equivalence (3) ( iff ) is equiv to., both ( or not is true) and
(not or is true)
Exportation from (if and are true then is true) we can
prove (if is true then is true, if is true)
Importation If then (if then ) is equivalent to if and
Propositional calculus
Tautology (1) is true is equiv. to is true or is true
Tautology (2) is true is equiv. to is true and is true
Tertium non datur (Law of
Excluded Middle)
or not is true
Law of Non-Contradiction and not is false, is a true statement
Proofs in propositional calculus
One of the main uses of a propositional calculus, when interpreted for logical applications, is to determine relations
of logical equivalence between propositional formul. These relationships are determined by means of the available
transformation rules, sequences of which are called derivations or proofs.
In the discussion to follow, a proof is presented as a sequence of numbered lines, with each line consisting of a single
formula followed by a reason or justification for introducing that formula. Each premise of the argument, that is, an
assumption introduced as an hypothesis of the argument, is listed at the beginning of the sequence and is marked as a
"premise" in lieu of other justification. The conclusion is listed on the last line. A proof is complete if every line
follows from the previous ones by the correct application of a transformation rule. (For a contrasting approach, see
Example of a proof
To be shown that .
One possible proof of this (which, though valid, happens to contain more steps than are necessary) may be
arranged as follows:
Example of a Proof
Number Formula Reason
1 premise
2 From (1) by disjunction introduction
3 From (1) and (2) by conjunction introduction
4 From (3) by conjunction elimination
5 Summary of (1) through (4)
6 From (5) by conditional proof
Interpret as "Assuming , infer ". Read as "Assuming nothing, infer that implies
", or "It is a tautology that implies ", or "It is always true that implies ".
Soundness and completeness of the rules
The crucial properties of this set of rules are that they are sound and complete. Informally this means that the rules
are correct and that no other rules are required. These claims can be made more formal as follows.
We define a truth assignment as a function that maps propositional variables to true or false. Informally such a truth
assignment can be understood as the description of a possible state of affairs (or possible world) where certain
statements are true and others are not. The semantics of formulae can then be formalized by defining for which "state
of affairs" they are considered to be true, which is what is done by the following definition.
We define when such a truth assignment satisfies a certain wff with the following rules:
satisfies the propositional variable if and only if
Propositional calculus
satisfies if and only if does not satisfy
satisfies if and only if satisfies both and
satisfies if and only if satisfies at least one of either or
satisfies if and only if it is not the case that satisfies but not
satisfies if and only if satisfies both and or satisfies neither one of them
With this definition we can now formalize what it means for a formula to be implied by a certain set of
formulae. Informally this is true if in all worlds that are possible given the set of formulae the formula also
holds. This leads to the following formal definition: We say that a set of wffs semantically entails (or implies) a
certain wff if all truth assignments that satisfy all the formulae in also satisfy
Finally we define syntactical entailment such that is syntactically entailed by if and only if we can derive it
with the inference rules that were presented above in a finite number of steps. This allows us to formulate exactly
what it means for the set of inference rules to be sound and complete:
If the set of wffs syntactically entails wff then semantically entails
If the set of wffs semantically entails wff then syntactically entails
For the above set of rules this is indeed the case.
Sketch of a soundness proof
(For most logical systems, this is the comparatively "simple" direction of proof)
Notational conventions: Let be a variable ranging over sets of sentences. Let , , and range over
sentences. For " syntactically entails " we write " proves ". For " semantically entails " we
write " implies ".
We want to show: ( )( )(if proves , then implies ).
We note that " proves " has an inductive definition, and that gives us the immediate resources for
demonstrating claims of the form "If proves , then ...". So our proof proceeds by induction.
I. Basis. Show: If is a member of , then implies .
II. Basis. Show: If is an axiom, then implies .
III. Inductive step (induction on , the length of the proof):
a. Assume for arbitrary and that if proves in or fewer steps, then implies .
b. For each possible application of a rule of inference at step , leading to a new theorem , show that
implies .
Notice that Basis Step II can be omitted for natural deduction systems because they have no axioms. When used,
Step II involves showing that each of the axioms is a (semantic) logical truth.
The Basis step(s) demonstrate(s) that the simplest provable sentences from are also implied by , for any .
(The is simple, since the semantic fact that a set implies any of its members, is also trivial.) The Inductive step will
systematically cover all the further sentences that might be provableby considering each case where we might
reach a logical conclusion using an inference ruleand shows that if a new sentence is provable, it is also logically
implied. (For example, we might have a rule telling us that from " " we can derive " or ". In III.a We
assume that if is provable it is implied. We also know that if is provable then " or " is provable. We
have to show that then " or " too is implied. We do so by appeal to the semantic definition and the
assumption we just made. is provable from , we assume. So it is also implied by . So any semantic
valuation making all of true makes true. But any valuation making true makes " or " true, by the
defined semantics for "or". So any valuation which makes all of true makes " or " true. So " or " is
Propositional calculus
implied.) Generally, the Inductive step will consist of a lengthy but simple case-by-case analysis of all the rules of
inference, showing that each "preserves" semantic implication.
By the definition of provability, there are no sentences provable other than by being a member of , an axiom, or
following by a rule; so if all of those are semantically implied, the deduction calculus is sound.
Sketch of completeness proof
(This is usually the much harder direction of proof.)
We adopt the same notational conventions as above.
We want to show: If implies , then proves . We proceed by contraposition: We show instead that if
does not prove then does not imply .
I. does not prove . (Assumption)
II. If does not prove , then we can construct an (infinite) "Maximal Set", , which is a superset of and
which also does not prove .
1. Place an "ordering" on all the sentences in the language (e.g., shortest first, and equally long ones in extended
alphabetical ordering), and number them , ,
2. Define a series of sets ( , , ) inductively:
ii. If proves , then
iii. If does not prove , then
3. Define as the union of all the . (That is, is the set of all the sentences that are in any .)
4. 4. It can be easily shown that
i. contains (is a superset of) (by (b.i));
ii. does not prove (because if it proves then some sentence was added to some which caused
it to prove ' ; but this was ruled out by definition); and
iii. is a "Maximal Set" (with respect to ): If any more sentences whatever were added to , it
would prove . (Because if it were possible to add any more sentences, they should have been added
when they were encountered during the construction of the , again by definition)
III. If is a Maximal Set (wrt ), then it is "truth-like". This means that it contains the sentence " " only if
it does not contain the sentence not- ; If it contains " " and contains "If then " then it also contains "
"; and so forth.
IV. If is truth-like there is a " -Canonical" valuation of the language: one that makes every sentence in
true and everything outside false while still obeying the laws of semantic composition in the language.
V. A -canonical valuation will make our original set all true, and make false.
VI. If there is a valuation on which are true and is false, then does not (semantically) imply .
Another outline for a completeness proof
If a formula is a tautology, then there is a truth table for it which shows that each valuation yields the value true for
the formula. Consider such a valuation. By mathematical induction on the length of the subformulae, show that the
truth or falsity of the subformula follows from the truth or falsity (as appropriate for the valuation) of each
propositional variable in the subformula. Then combine the lines of the truth table together two at a time by using "(P
is true implies S) implies ((P is false implies S) implies S)". Keep repeating this until all dependencies on
propositional variables have been eliminated. The result is that we have proved the given tautology. Since every
tautology is provable, the logic is complete.
Propositional calculus
Interpretation of a truth-functional propositional calculus
An interpretation of a truth-functional propositional calculus is an assignment to each propositional symbol
of of one or the other (but not both) of the truth values truth (T) and falsity (F), and an assignment to the
connective symbols of of their usual truth-functional meanings. An interpretation of a truth-functional
propositional calculus may also be expressed in terms of truth tables.
For distinct propositional symbols there are distinct possible interpretations. For any particular symbol ,
for example, there are possible interpretations:
1. is assigned T, or
2. is assigned F.
For the pair , there are possible interpretations:
1. both are assigned T,
2. both are assigned F,
3. is assigned T and is assigned F, or
4. is assigned F and is assigned T.
Since has , that is, denumerably many propositional symbols, there are , and therefore uncountably
many distinct possible interpretations of .
Interpretation of a sentence of truth-functional propositional logic
If and are formulae of and is an interpretation of then:
A sentence of propositional logic is true under an interpretation iff assigns the truth value T to that
sentence. If a sentence is true under an interpretation, then that interpretation is called a model of that sentence.
is false under an interpretation iff is not true under .
A sentence of propositional logic is logically valid iff it is true under every interpretation
means that is logically valid
A sentence of propositional logic is a semantic consequence of a sentence iff there is no interpretation
under which is true and is false.
A sentence of propositional logic is consistent iff it is true under at least one interpretation. It is inconsistent if it is
not consistent.
Some consequences of these definitions:
For any given interpretation a given formula is either true or false.
No formula is both true and false under the same interpretation.
is false for a given interpretation iff is true for that interpretation; and is true under an interpretation
iff is false under that interpretation.
If and are both true under a given interpretation, then is true under that interpretation.
If and , then .
is true under iff is not true under .
is true under iff either is not true under or is true under .
A sentence of propositional logic is a semantic consequence of a sentence iff is logically valid,
that is, iff .
Propositional calculus
Alternative calculus
It is possible to define another version of propositional calculus, which defines most of the syntax of the logical
operators by means of axioms, and which uses only one inference rule.
Let , and stand for well-formed formul. (The wffs themselves would not contain any Greek letters, but
only capital Roman letters, connective operators, and parentheses.) Then the axioms are as follows:
Name Axiom Schema Description
THEN-1 Add hypothesis , implication introduction
Distribute hypothesis over implication
AND-1 Eliminate conjunction
AND-3 Introduce conjunction
OR-1 Introduce disjunction
OR-3 Eliminate disjunction
NOT-1 Introduce negation
NOT-2 Eliminate negation
NOT-3 Excluded middle, classical logic
IFF-1 Eliminate equivalence
IFF-3 Introduce equivalence
Axiom THEN-2 may be considered to be a "distributive property of implication with respect to implication."
Axioms AND-1 and AND-2 correspond to "conjunction elimination". The relation between AND-1 and AND-2
reflects the commutativity of the conjunction operator.
Axiom AND-3 corresponds to "conjunction introduction."
Axioms OR-1 and OR-2 correspond to "disjunction introduction." The relation between OR-1 and OR-2 reflects
the commutativity of the disjunction operator.
Axiom NOT-1 corresponds to "reductio ad absurdum."
Axiom NOT-2 says that "anything can be deduced from a contradiction."
Axiom NOT-3 is called "tertium non datur" (Latin: "a third is not given") and reflects the semantic valuation of
propositional formulae: a formula can have a truth-value of either true or false. There is no third truth-value, at
least not in classical logic. Intuitionistic logicians do not accept the axiom NOT-3.
Propositional calculus
Inference rule
The inference rule is modus ponens:
Meta-inference rule
Let a demonstration be represented by a sequence, with hypotheses to the left of the turnstile and the conclusion to
the right of the turnstile. Then the deduction theorem can be stated as follows:
If the sequence
has been demonstrated, then it is also possible to demonstrate the sequence
This deduction theorem (DT) is not itself formulated with propositional calculus: it is not a theorem of propositional
calculus, but a theorem about propositional calculus. In this sense, it is a meta-theorem, comparable to theorems
about the soundness or completeness of propositional calculus.
On the other hand, DT is so useful for simplifying the syntactical proof process that it can be considered and used as
another inference rule, accompanying modus ponens. In this sense, DT corresponds to the natural conditional proof
inference rule which is part of the first version of propositional calculus introduced in this article.
The converse of DT is also valid:
If the sequence
has been demonstrated, then it is also possible to demonstrate the sequence
in fact, the validity of the converse of DT is almost trivial compared to that of DT:
and from (1) and (2) can be deduced
by means of modus ponens, Q.E.D.
The converse of DT has powerful implications: it can be used to convert an axiom into an inference rule. For
example, the axiom AND-1,
can be transformed by means of the converse of the deduction theorem into the inference rule
which is conjunction elimination, one of the ten inference rules used in the first version (in this article) of the
propositional calculus.
Propositional calculus
Example of a proof
The following is an example of a (syntactical) demonstration, involving only axioms THEN-1 and THEN-2:
Prove: (Reflexivity of implication).
Axiom THEN-2 with , ,
Axiom THEN-1 with ,
From (1) and (2) by modus ponens.
Axiom THEN-1 with ,
From (3) and (4) by modus ponens.
Equivalence to equational logics
The preceding alternative calculus is an example of a Hilbert-style deduction system. In the case of propositional
systems the axioms are terms built with logical connectives and the only inference rule is modus ponens. Equational
logic as standardly used informally in high school algebra is a different kind of calculus from Hilbert systems. Its
theorems are equations and its inference rules express the properties of equality, namely that it is a congruence on
terms that admits substitution.
Classical propositional calculus as described above is equivalent to Boolean algebra, while intuitionistic
propositional calculus is equivalent to Heyting algebra. The equivalence is shown by translation in each direction of
the theorems of the respective systems. Theorems of classical or intuitionistic propositional calculus are
translated as equations of Boolean or Heyting algebra respectively. Conversely theorems of Boolean
or Heyting algebra are translated as theorems of classical or propositional calculus
respectively, for which is a standard abbreviation. In the case of Boolean algebra can also be
translated as , but this translation is incorrect intuitionistically.
In both Boolean and Heyting algebra, inequality can be used in place of equality. The equality is
expressible as a pair of inequalities and . Conversely the inequality is expressible as the
equality , or as . The significance of inequality for Hilbert-style systems is that it
corresponds to the latter's deduction or entailment symbol . An entailment
is translated in the inequality version of the algebraic framework as
Conversely the algebraic inequality is translated as the entailment
The difference between implication and inequality or entailment or is that the former is
internal to the logic while the latter is external. Internal implication between two terms is another term of the same
kind. Entailment as external implication between two terms expresses a metatruth outside the language of the logic,
and is considered part of the metalanguage. Even when the logic under study is intuitionistic, entailment is ordinarily
understood classically as two-valued: either the left side entails, or is less-or-equal to, the right side, or it is not.
Propositional calculus
Similar but more complex translations to and from algebraic logics are possible for natural deduction systems as
described above and for the sequent calculus. The entailments of the latter can be interpreted as two-valued, but a
more insightful interpretation is as a set, the elements of which can be understood as abstract proofs organized as the
morphisms of a category. In this interpretation the cut rule of the sequent calculus corresponds to composition in the
category. Boolean and Heyting algebras enter this picture as special categories having at most one morphism per
homset, i.e., one proof per entailment, corresponding to the idea that existence of proofs is all that matters: any proof
will do and there is no point in distinguishing them.
Graphical calculi
It is possible to generalize the definition of a formal language from a set of finite sequences over a finite basis to
include many other sets of mathematical structures, so long as they are built up by finitary means from finite
materials. What's more, many of these families of formal structures are especially well-suited for use in logic.
For example, there are many families of graphs that are close enough analogues of formal languages that the concept
of a calculus is quite easily and naturally extended to them. Indeed, many species of graphs arise as parse graphs in
the syntactic analysis of the corresponding families of text structures. The exigencies of practical computation on
formal languages frequently demand that text strings be converted into pointer structure renditions of parse graphs,
simply as a matter of checking whether strings are wffs or not. Once this is done, there are many advantages to be
gained from developing the graphical analogue of the calculus on strings. The mapping from strings to parse graphs
is called parsing and the inverse mapping from parse graphs to strings is achieved by an operation that is called
traversing the graph.
Other logical calculi
Propositional calculus is about the simplest kind of logical calculus in current use. It can be extended in several
ways. (Aristotelian "syllogistic" calculus, which is largely supplanted in modern logic, is in some ways simpler but
in other ways more complex than propositional calculus.) The most immediate way to develop a more complex
logical calculus is to introduce rules that are sensitive to more fine-grained details of the sentences being used.
First-order logic (aka first-order predicate logic) results when the "atomic sentences" of propositional logic are
broken up into terms, variables, predicates, and quantifiers, all keeping the rules of propositional logic with some
new ones introduced. (For example, from "All dogs are mammals" we may infer "If Rover is a dog then Rover is a
mammal".) With the tools of first-order logic it is possible to formulate a number of theories, either with explicit
axioms or by rules of inference, that can themselves be treated as logical calculi. Arithmetic is the best known of
these; others include set theory and mereology. Second-order logic and other higher-order logics are formal
extensions of first-order logic. Thus, it makes sense to refer to propositional logic as "zeroth-order logic", when
comparing it with these logics.
Modal logic also offers a variety of inferences that cannot be captured in propositional calculus. For example, from
"Necessarily " we may infer that . From we may infer "It is possible that ". The translation between
modal logics and algebraic logics concerns classical and intuitionistic logics but with the introduction of a unary
operator on Boolean or Heyting algebras, different from the Boolean operations, interpreting the possibility
modality, and in the case of Heyting algebra a second operator interpreting necessity (for Boolean algebra this is
redundant since necessity is the De Morgan dual of possibility). The first operator preserves 0 and disjunction while
the second preserves 1 and conjunction.
Many-valued logics are those allowing sentences to have values other than true and false. (For example, neither and
both are standard "extra values"; "continuum logic" allows each sentence to have any of an infinite number of
"degrees of truth" between true and false.) These logics often require calculational devices quite distinct from
propositional calculus. When the values form a Boolean algebra (which may have more than two or even infinitely
Propositional calculus
many values), many-valued logic reduces to classical logic; many-valued logics are therefore only of independent
interest when the values form an algebra that is not Boolean.
Finding solutions to propositional logic formulae is an NP-complete problem. However, practical methods exist
(e.g., DPLL algorithm, 1962; Chaff algorithm, 2001) that are very fast for many useful cases. Recent work has
extended the SAT solver algorithms to work with propositions containing arithmetic expressions; these are the SMT
[1] Ancient Logic (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) (http:/ / plato. stanford. edu/ entries/ logic-ancient/ )
[2] Leibniz's Influence on 19th Century Logic (http:/ / plato. stanford. edu/ entries/ leibniz-logic-influence/ #Con)
[3] Beth, Evert W.; "Semantic entailment and formal derivability", series: Mededlingen van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van
Wetenschappen, Afdeling Letterkunde, Nieuwe Reeks, vol. 18, no. 13, Noord-Hollandsche Uitg. Mij., Amsterdam, 1955, pp. 30942.
Reprinted in Jaakko Intikka (ed.) The Philosophy of Mathematics, Oxford University Press, 1969
[4] Truth in Frege (http:/ / frege. brown.edu/ heck/ pdf/ unpublished/ TruthInFrege. pdf)
[5] Russell's Use of Truth-Tables (http:/ / digitalcommons. mcmaster. ca/ cgi/ viewcontent. cgi?article=1219& context=russelljournal)
[6] Wernick, William (1942) "Complete Sets of Logical Functions," Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 51, pp. 117132.
Further reading
Brown, Frank Markham (2003), Boolean Reasoning: The Logic of Boolean Equations, 1st edition, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA. 2nd edition, Dover Publications, Mineola, NY.
Chang, C.C. and Keisler, H.J. (1973), Model Theory, North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Kohavi, Zvi (1978), Switching and Finite Automata Theory, 1st edition, McGrawHill, 1970. 2nd edition,
McGrawHill, 1978.
Korfhage, Robert R. (1974), Discrete Computational Structures, Academic Press, New York, NY.
Lambek, J. and Scott, P.J. (1986), Introduction to Higher Order Categorical Logic, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, UK.
Mendelson, Elliot (1964), Introduction to Mathematical Logic, D. Van Nostrand Company.
Related works
Hofstadter, Douglas (1979). Gdel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid. Basic Books.
External links
Klement, Kevin C. (2006), "Propositional Logic", in James Fieser and Bradley Dowden (eds.), Internet
Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Eprint (http:/ / www. iep. utm. edu/ p/ prop-log. htm).
Formal Predicate Calculus (http:/ / www. qedeq. org/ current/ doc/ math/ qedeq_formal_logic_v1_en. pdf),
contains a systematic formal development along the lines of Alternative calculus
forall x: an introduction to formal logic (http:/ / www. fecundity. com/ logic/ ), by P.D. Magnus, covers formal
semantics and proof theory for sentential logic.
Category:Propositional Calculus (http:/ / www. proofwiki. org/ wiki/ Category:Propositional_Calculus) on
ProofWiki (GFDLed)
Predicate logic
Predicate logic
In mathematical logic, predicate logic is the generic term for symbolic formal systems like first-order logic,
second-order logic, many-sorted logic, or infinitary logic. This formal system is distinguished from other systems in
that its formulae contain variables which can be quantified. Two common quantifiers are the existential ("there
exists") and universal ("for all") quantifiers. The variables could be elements in the universe under discussion, or
perhaps relations or functions over that universe. For instance, an existential quantifier over a function symbol would
be interpreted as modifier "there is a function". The foundations of predicate logic were developed independently by
Gottlob Frege and Charles Peirce.
In informal usage, the term "predicate logic" occasionally refers to first-order logic. Some authors consider the
predicate calculus to be an axiomatized form of predicate logic, and the predicate logic to be derived from an
informal, more intuitive development.
Predicate logics also include logics mixing modal operators and quantifiers. See Modal logic, Saul Kripke, Barcan
Marcus formulae, A. N. Prior, and Nicholas Rescher.
[1] Eric M. Hammer: Semantics for Existential Graphs, Journal of Philosophical Logic, Volume 27, Issue 5 (October 1998), page 489:
"Development of first-order logic independently of Frege, anticipating prenex and Skolem normal forms"
[2] [2] Among these authors is Stolyar, p. 166. Hamilton considers both to be calculi but divides them into an informal calculus and a formal
A. G. Hamilton 1978, Logic for Mathematicians, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK ISBN
Abram Aronovic Stolyar 1970, Introduction to Elementary Mathematical Logic, Dover Publications, Inc. NY.
ISBN 0-486-645614
George F Luger, Artificial Intelligence, Pearson Education, ISBN 978-81-317-2327-2
Hazewinkel, Michiel, ed. (2001), "Predicate calculus" (http:/ / www. encyclopediaofmath. org/ index. php?title=p/
p074360), Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Springer, ISBN978-1-55608-010-4
Modal logic
Modal logic
Modal logic is a type of formal logic primarily developed in the 1960s that extends classical propositional and
predicate logic to include operators expressing modality. Modalswords that express modalitiesqualify a
statement. For example, the statement "John is happy" might be qualified by saying that John is usually happy, in
which case the term "usually" is functioning as a modal. The traditional alethic modalities, or modalities of truth,
include possibility ("Possibly, p", "It is possible that p"), necessity ("Necessarily, p", "It is necessary that p"), and
impossibility ("Impossibly, p", "It is impossible that p").
Other modalities that have been formalized in modal
logic include temporal modalities, or modalities of time (notably, "It was the case that p", "It has always been that p",
"It will be that p", "It will always be that p"),
deontic modalities (notably, "It is obligatory that p", and "It is
permissible that p"), epistemic modalities, or modalities of knowledge ("It is known that p")
and doxastic
modalities, or modalities of belief ("It is believed that p").
A formal modal logic represents modalities using modal operators. For example, "It might rain today" and "It is
possible that rain will fall today" both contain the notion of possibility. In a modal logic this is represented as an
operator, Possibly, attached to the sentence "It will rain today".
The basic unary (1-place) modal operators are usually written for Necessarily and for Possibly. In a classical
modal logic, each can be expressed by the other with negation:
Thus it is possible that it will rain today if and only if it is not necessary that it will not rain today; and it is necessary
that it will rain today if and only if it is not possible that it will not rain today. Alternative symbols used for the
modal operators are "L" for Necessarily and "M" for Possibly.
Development of modal logic
In addition to his non-modal syllogistic, Aristotle also developed a modal syllogistic in Book I of his Prior Analytics
(chs 8-22), which Theophrastus attempted to improve. There are also passages in Aristotle's work, such as the
famous sea-battle argument in De Interpretatione 9, that are now seen as anticipations of the connection of modal
logic with potentiality and time. In the Hellenistic period, the logicians Diodorus Cronus, Philo the Dialectician and
the Stoic Chrysippus each developed a modal system that accounted for the interdefinability of possibility and
necessity, accepted axiom T and combined elements of modal logic and temporal logic in attempts to solve the
notorious Master Argument.
The earliest formal system of modal logic was developed by Avicenna, who
ultimately developed a theory of "temporally modal" syllogistic.
Modal logic as a self-aware subject owes much to
the writings of the Scholastics, in particular William of Ockham and John Duns Scotus, who reasoned informally in
a modal manner, mainly to analyze statements about essence and accident.
C. I. Lewis founded modern modal logic in his 1910 Harvard thesis and in a series of scholarly articles beginning in
1912. This work culminated in his 1932 book Symbolic Logic (with C. H. Langford), which introduced the five
systems S1 through S5.
Ruth C. Barcan (later Ruth Barcan Marcus) developed the first axiomatic systems of quantified modal logic first
and second order extensions of Lewis's "S2", "S4", and "S5".
The contemporary era in modal semantics began in 1959, when Saul Kripke (then only a 19-year-old Harvard
University undergraduate) introduced the now-standard Kripke semantics for modal logics. These are commonly
referred to as "possible worlds" semantics. Kripke and A. N. Prior had previously corresponded at some length.
Kripke semantics is basically simple, but proofs are eased using semantic-tableaux or analytic tableaux, as explained
by E. W. Beth.
Modal logic
A. N. Prior created modern temporal logic, closely related to modal logic, in 1957 by adding modal operators [F] and
[P] meaning "eventually" and "previously". Vaughan Pratt introduced dynamic logic in 1976. In 1977, Amir Pnueli
proposed using temporal logic to formalise the behaviour of continually operating concurrent programs. Flavors of
temporal logic include propositional dynamic logic (PDL), propositional linear temporal logic (PLTL), linear
temporal logic (LTL), computational tree logic (CTL), HennessyMilner logic, and T.
The mathematical structure of modal logic, namely Boolean algebras augmented with unary operations (often called
modal algebras), began to emerge with J. C. C. McKinsey's 1941 proof that S2 and S4 are decidable, and reached full
flower in the work of Alfred Tarski and his student Bjarni Jonsson (Jonsson and Tarski 195152). This work
revealed that S4 and S5 are models of interior algebra, a proper extension of Boolean algebra originally designed to
capture the properties of the interior and closure operators of topology. Texts on modal logic typically do little more
than mention its connections with the study of Boolean algebras and topology. For a thorough survey of the history
of formal modal logic and of the associated mathematics, see Robert Goldblatt (2006).
The semantics for modal logic are usually given as follows:
First we define a frame, which consists of a non-empty
set, G, whose members are generally called possible worlds, and a binary relation, R, that holds (or not) between the
possible worlds of G. This binary relation is called the accessibility relation. For example, w R v means that the
world v is accessible from world w. That is to say, the state of affairs known as v is a live possibility for w. This
gives a pair, <G, R>.
Next, the frame is extended to a model by specifying the truth-values of all propositions at each of the worlds in G.
We do so by defining a relation between possible worlds and propositional letters If there is a world w such that w
P, then P is true at w. A model is thus an ordered triple, <G, R, >.
Then we recursively define the truth of a formula in a model:
w P if and only if w P
w (P Q) if and only if w P and w Q
w P if and only if for every element v of G, if w R v then v P
w P if and only if for some element v of G, it holds that w R v and v P
According to these semantics, a truth is necessary with respect to a possible world w if it is true at every world that is
accessible to w, and possible if it is true at some world that is accessible to w. Possibility thereby depends upon the
accessibility relation R, which allows us to express the relative nature of possibility. For example, we might say that
given our laws of physics it is not possible for humans to travel faster than the speed of light, but that given other
circumstances it could have been possible to do so. Using the accessibility relation we can translate this scenario as
follows: At all of the worlds accessible to our own world, it is not the case that humans can travel faster than the
speed of light, but at one of these accessible worlds there is another world accessible from those worlds but not
accessible from our own at which humans can travel faster than the speed of light.
It should also be noted that the definition of makes vacuously true certain sentences, since when it speaks of
"every world that is accessible to w" it takes for granted the usual mathematical interpretation of the word "every"
(see vacuous truth). Hence, if a world w doesn't have any accessible worlds, any sentence beginning with is true.
The different systems of modal logic are distinguished by the properties of their corresponding accessibility
relations. There are several systems that have been espoused (often called frame conditions). An accessibility
relation is:
reflexive iff w R w, for every w in G
symmetric iff w R v implies v R w, for all w and v in G
Modal logic
transitive iff w R v and v R q together imply w R q, for all w, v, q in G.
serial iff, for each w in G there is some v in G such that w R v.
euclidean iff, for every u,v, and w, w R u and w R v implies u R v (note that it also implies: v R u)
The logics that stem from these frame conditions are:
K := no conditions
D := serial
T := reflexive
S4 := reflexive and transitive
S5 := reflexive, symmetric, transitive and euclidean
S5 models are reflexive transitive and euclidean. The accessibility relation R is an equivalence relation. The relation
R is reflexive, symmetric and transitive. It is interesting to note how the euclidean property along with reflexivity
yields symmetry and transitivity. We can prove that these frames produce the same set of valid sentences as do any
frames where all worlds can see all other worlds of W(i.e., where R is a "total" relation). This gives the
corresponding modal graph which is total complete (i.e., no more edges (relations) can be added).
For example, in S4:
w P if and only if for some element v of G, it holds that v P and w R v.
However, in S5, we can just say that
w P if and only if for some element v of G, it holds that v P.
We can drop the accessibility clause from the latter stipulation because it is trivially true of all S5 frames that w R v.
All of these logical systems can also be defined axiomatically, as is shown in the next section. For example, in S5,
the axioms P P, P P, and P P (corresponding to symmetry, transitivity and reflexivity,
respectively) hold, whereas at least one of these axioms does not hold in each of the other, weaker logics.
Axiomatic systems
The first formalizations of modal logic were axiomatic. Numerous variations with very different properties have
been proposed since C. I. Lewis began working in the area in 1910. Hughes and Cresswell (1996), for example,
describe 42 normal and 25 non-normal modal logics. Zeman (1973) describes some systems Hughes and Cresswell
Modern treatments of modal logic begin by augmenting the propositional calculus with two unary operations, one
denoting "necessity" and the other "possibility". The notation of C. I. Lewis, much employed since, denotes
"necessarily p" by a prefixed "box" ( ) whose scope is established by parentheses. Likewise, a prefixed
"diamond" ( ) denotes "possibly p". Regardless of notation, each of these operators is definable in terms of the
(necessarily p) is equivalent to ("not possible that not-p")
(possibly p) is equivalent to ("not necessarily not-p")
Hence and form a dual pair of operators.
In many modal logics, the necessity and possibility operators satisfy the following analogs of de Morgan's laws from
Boolean algebra:
"It is not necessary that X" is logically equivalent to "It is possible that not X".
"It is not possible that X" is logically equivalent to "It is necessary that not X".
Precisely what axioms and rules must be added to the propositional calculus to create a usable system of modal logic
is a matter of philosophical opinion, often driven by the theorems one wishes to prove; or, in computer science, it is a
matter of what sort of computational or deductive system one wishes to model. Many modal logics, known
collectively as normal modal logics, include the following rule and axiom:
Modal logic
N, Necessitation Rule: If p is a theorem (of any system invoking N), then is likewise a theorem.
K, Distribution Axiom: .
The weakest normal modal logic, named K in honor of Saul Kripke, is simply the propositional calculus augmented
by , the rule N, and the axiom K. K is weak in that it fails to determine whether a proposition can be necessary
but only contingently necessary. That is, it is not a theorem of K that if is true then is true, i.e., that
necessary truths are "necessarily necessary". If such perplexities are deemed forced and artificial, this defect of K is
not a great one. In any case, different answers to such questions yield different systems of modal logic.
Adding axioms to K gives rise to other well-known modal systems. One cannot prove in K that if "p is necessary"
then p is true. The axiom T remedies this defect:
T, Reflexivity Axiom: (If p is necessary, then p is the case.) T holds in most but not all modal logics.
Zeman (1973) describes a few exceptions, such as S1
Other well-known elementary axioms are:
These yield the systems (axioms in bold, systems in italics):
K := K + N
T := K + T
S4 := T + 4
S5 := S4 + 5
D := K + D.
K through S5 form a nested hierarchy of systems, making up the core of normal modal logic. But specific rules or
sets of rules may be appropriate for specific systems. For example, in deontic logic, (If it ought to be
that p, then it is permitted that p) seems appropriate, but we should probably not include that . In fact, to
do so is to commit the naturalistic fallacy (i.e. to state that what is natural is also good, by saying that if p is the case,
p ought to be permitted).
The commonly employed system S5 simply makes all modal truths necessary. For example, if p is possible, then it is
"necessary" that p is possible. Also, if p is necessary, then it is necessary that p is necessary. Other systems of modal
logic have been formulated, in part because S5 does not describe every kind of modality of interest.
Alethic logic
Modalities of necessity and possibility are called alethic modalities. They are also sometimes called special
modalities, from the Latin species. Modal logic was first developed to deal with these concepts, and only afterward
was extended to others. For this reason, or perhaps for their familiarity and simplicity, necessity and possibility are
often casually treated as the subject matter of modal logic. Moreover it is easier to make sense of relativizing
necessity, e.g. to legal, physical, nomological, epistemic, and so on, than it is to make sense of relativizing other
In classical modal logic, a proposition is said to be
possible if and only if it is not necessarily false (regardless of whether it is actually true or actually false);
necessary if and only if it is not possibly false; and
contingent if and only if it is not necessarily false and not necessarily true (i.e. possible but not necessarily true).
In classical modal logic, therefore, either the notion of possibility or necessity may be taken to be basic, where these
other notions are defined in terms of it in the manner of De Morgan duality. Intuitionistic modal logic treats
Modal logic
possibility and necessity as not perfectly symmetric.
For those with difficulty with the concept of something being possible but not true, the meaning of these terms may
be made more comprehensible by thinking of multiple "possible worlds" (in the sense of Leibniz) or "alternate
universes"; something "necessary" is true in all possible worlds, something "possible" is true in at least one possible
world. These "possible world semantics" are formalized with Kripke semantics.
Physical possibility
Something is physically, or nomically, possible if it is permitted by the laws of physics. For example, current theory
is thought to allow for there to be an atom with an atomic number of 126, even if there are no such atoms in
existence. In contrast, while it is logically possible to accelerate beyond the speed of light,
modern science
stipulates that it is not physically possible for material particles or information.
Metaphysical possibility
PhilosophersWikipedia:Avoid weasel words ponder the properties that objects have independently of those dictated
by scientific laws. For example, it might be metaphysically necessary, as some have thought, that all thinking beings
have bodies and can experience the passage of time.
[citation needed]
Saul Kripke has argued that every person
necessarily has the parents they do have: anyone with different parents would not be the same person.
Metaphysical possibility is generally thoughtWikipedia:Manual of Style/Words to watch#Unsupported attributions
to be more restricting than bare logical possibility (i.e., fewer things are metaphysically possible than are logically
possible). Its exact relation to physical possibility is a matter of some dispute. PhilosophersWikipedia:Avoid weasel
words also disagree over whether metaphysical truths are necessary merely "by definition", or whether they reflect
some underlying deep facts about the world, or something else entirely.
Confusion with epistemic modalities
Alethic modalities and epistemic modalities (see below) are often expressed in English using the same words. "It is
possible that bigfoot exists" can mean either "Bigfoot could exist, whether or not bigfoot does in fact exist" (alethic),
or more likely, "For all I know, bigfoot exists" (epistemic).
It has been questioned whether these modalities should be considered distinct from each other. The criticism states
that there is no real difference between "the truth in the world" (alethic) and "the truth in an individual's mind"
(epistemic). An investigation has not found a single language in which alethic and epistemic modalities are formally
distinguished, as by the means of a grammatical mood.
Epistemic logic
Epistemic modalities (from the Greek episteme, knowledge), deal with the certainty of sentences. The operator
is translated as "x knows that", and the operator is translated as "For all x knows, it may be true that" In
ordinary speech both metaphysical and epistemic modalities are often expressed in similar words; the following
contrasts may help:
A person, Jones, might reasonably say both: (1) "No, it is not possible that Bigfoot exists; I am quite certain of that";
and, (2) "Sure, Bigfoot possibly could exist". What Jones means by (1) is that given all the available information,
there is no question remaining as to whether Bigfoot exists. This is an epistemic claim. By (2) he makes the
metaphysical claim that it is possible for Bigfoot to exist, even though he does not (which is not equivalent to "it is
possible that Bigfoot exists for all I know", which contradicts (1)).
From the other direction, Jones might say, (3) "It is possible that Goldbach's conjecture is true; but also possible that
it is false", and also (4) "if it is true, then it is necessarily true, and not possibly false". Here Jones means that it is
epistemically possible that it is true or false, for all he knows (Goldbach's conjecture has not been proven either true
Modal logic
or false), but if there is a proof (heretofore undiscovered), then it would show that it is not logically possible for
Goldbach's conjecture to be falsethere could be no set of numbers that violated it. Logical possibility is a form of
alethic possibility; (4) makes a claim about whether it is possible (i.e., logically speaking) that a mathematical truth
to have been false, but (3) only makes a claim about whether it is possible, for all Jones knows, (i.e., speaking of
certitude) that the mathematical claim is specifically either true or false, and so again Jones does not contradict
himself. It is worthwhile to observe that Jones is not necessarily correct: It is possible (epistemically) that Goldbach's
conjecture is both true and unprovable.
Epistemic possibilities also bear on the actual world in a way that metaphysical possibilities do not. Metaphysical
possibilities bear on ways the world might have been, but epistemic possibilities bear on the way the world may be
(for all we know). Suppose, for example, that I want to know whether or not to take an umbrella before I leave. If
you tell me "it is possible that it is raining outside" in the sense of epistemic possibility then that would weigh on
whether or not I take the umbrella. But if you just tell me that "it is possible for it to rain outside" in the sense of
metaphysical possibility then I am no better off for this bit of modal enlightenment.
Some features of epistemic modal logic are in debate. For example, if x knows that p, does x know that it knows that
p? That is to say, should be an axiom in these systems? While the answer to this question is unclear,
there is at least one axiom that is generally included in epistemic modal logic, because it is minimally true of all
normal modal logics (see the section on axiomatic systems):
K, Distribution Axiom: .
Some schools of thought have found this to be disconcerting, noting that with K, we can prove that we know all the
logical consequences of our beliefs: If q is a logical consequence of p, then . And if so, then we can
deduce that using K. When we translate this into epistemic terms, this says that if q is a logical
consequence of p, then we know that it is, and if we know p, we know q. That is to say, we know all the logical
consequences of our beliefs. This must be true for all possible Kripkean modal interpretations of epistemic cases
where is translated as "knows that". But then, for example, if x knows that prime numbers are divisible only by
themselves and the number one, then x knows that 2
1 is prime (since this number is only divisible by itself and
the number one). That is to say, under the modal interpretation of knowledge, anyone who knows the definition of a
prime number knows that this number is prime. This shows that epistemic modal logics that are based on normal
modal systems provide an idealized account of knowledge, and explain objective, rather than subjective knowledge
(if anything).
However, the deduction that K implies that we know all the logical consequences of our beliefs is heavily dependent
on semantics (much to the word "all") and may be faulty. We can read the distribution axiom as, "If it is necessary
that p implies q, then necessarily p implies that q is necessary." which does not imply that p or q are true in either
case, but just shows a relationship (if, then). However, including "x knows" in the statement might make it seem to
lose some of that ambiguity. "If x knows that 'p implies q', then 'x knows that p' implies 'x knows that q'.". This can
be further rewritten as, "x knows that 'p implies q', implies, 'x knows that p' implies 'x knows that q'.". To make this
more readable, we can say, "if x knows that p implies q, then whenever x knows that p, x also knows that q.". The
prime number example above is faulty. A correct application of the Distribution Axiom K would be worded: "If x
knows that prime numbers are divisible only by themselves and the number one, then whenever x knows that a
number is prime, x also knows that the number is divisible only by itself and the number 1". That is, "if x knows that
1 is divisible only by itself and the number 1, then x knows that 2
1 is a prime number.". Those statements
can NOT be used to say that "If x knows that a prime number is divisible by itself and the number 1, then x knows
that 2
1 is a prime number." Because x just simply doesn't have enough information to draw that conclusion.
Therefore, for all x knows, K might still be disconcerting.
Modal logic
Temporal logic
Temporal logic is an approach to the semantics of expressions with tense, that is, expressions with qualifications of
when. Some expressions, such as '2 + 2 = 4', are true at all times, while tensed expressions such as 'John is happy' are
only true sometimes.
In temporal logic, tense constructions are treated in terms of modalities, where a standard method for formalizing
talk of time is to use two pairs of operators, one for the past and one for the future (P will just mean 'it is presently
the case that P'). For example:
FP : It will sometimes be the case that P
GP : It will always be the case that P
PP : It was sometime the case that P
HP : It has always been the case that P
There are then at least three modal logics that we can develop. For example, we can stipulate that,
= P is the case at some time t
= P is the case at every time t
Or we can trade these operators to deal only with the future (or past). For example,
= FP
= GP
= P and/or FP
= P and GP
The operators F and G may seem initially foreign, but they create normal modal systems. Note that FP is the same as
GP. We can combine the above operators to form complex statements. For example, PP PP says
(effectively), Everything that is past and true is necessary.
It seems reasonable to say that possibly it will rain tomorrow, and possibly it won't; on the other hand, since we can't
change the past, if it is true that it rained yesterday, it probably isn't true that it may not have rained yesterday. It
seems the past is "fixed", or necessary, in a way the future is not. This is sometimes referred to as accidental
necessity. But if the past is "fixed", and everything that is in the future will eventually be in the past, then it seems
plausible to say that future events are necessary too.
Similarly, the problem of future contingents considers the semantics of assertions about the future: is either of the
propositions 'There will be a sea battle tomorrow', or 'There will not be a sea battle tomorrow' now true? Considering
this thesis led Aristotle to reject the principle of bivalence for assertions concerning the future.
Additional binary operators are also relevant to temporal logics, q.v. Linear Temporal Logic.
Versions of temporal logic can be used in computer science to model computer operations and prove theorems about
them. In one version, means "at a future time in the computation it is possible that the computer state will be
such that P is true"; means "at all future times in the computation P will be true". In another version,
means "at the immediate next state of the computation, P might be true"; means "at the immediate next state of
the computation, P will be true". These differ in the choice of Accessibility relation. (P always means "P is true at the
current computer state".) These two examples involve nondeterministic or not-fully-understood computations; there
are many other modal logics specialized to different types of program analysis. Each one naturally leads to slightly
different axioms.
Modal logic
Deontic logic
Likewise talk of morality, or of obligation and norms generally, seems to have a modal structure. The difference
between "You must do this" and "You may do this" looks a lot like the difference between "This is necessary" and
"This is possible". Such logics are called deontic, from the Greek for "duty".
Deontic logics commonly lack the axiom T semantically corresponding to the reflexivity of the accessibility relation
in Kripke semantics: in symbols, . Interpreting as "it is obligatory that", T informally says that every
obligation is true. For example, if it is obligatory not to kill others (i.e. killing is morally forbidden), then T implies
that people actually do not kill others. The consequent is obviously false.
Instead, using Kripke semantics, we say that though our own world does not realize all obligations, the worlds
accessible to it do (i.e., T holds at these worlds). These worlds are called idealized worlds. P is obligatory with
respect to our own world if at all idealized worlds accessible to our world, P holds. Though this was one of the first
interpretations of the formal semantics, it has recently come under criticism.
One other principle that is often (at least traditionally) accepted as a deontic principle is D, , which
corresponds to the seriality (or extendability or unboundedness) of the accessibility relation. It is an embodiment of
the Kantian idea that "ought implies can". (Clearly the "can" can be interpreted in various senses, e.g. in a moral or
alethic sense.)
Intuitive problems with deontic logic
When we try and formalize ethics with standard modal logic, we run into some problems. Suppose that we have a
proposition K: you have stolen some money, and another, Q: you have stolen a small amount of money. Now
suppose we want to express the thought that "if you have stolen some money, it ought to be a small amount of
money". There are two likely candidates,
But (1) and K together entail , which says that it ought to be the case that you have stolen a small amount of
money. This surely isn't right, because you ought not to have stolen anything at all. And (2) doesn't work either: If
the right representation of "if you have stolen some money it ought to be a small amount" is (2), then the right
representation of (3) "if you have stolen some money then it ought to be a large amount" is
. Now suppose (as seems reasonable) that you ought not to steal anything, or . But then we can deduce
via and (the
contrapositive of ); so sentence (3) follows from our hypothesis (of course the same logic shows sentence
(2)). But that can't be right, and is not right when we use natural language. Telling someone they should not steal
certainly does not imply that they should steal large amounts of money if they do engage in theft.
Doxastic logic
Doxastic logic concerns the logic of belief (of some set of agents). The term doxastic is derived from the ancient
Greek doxa which means "belief". Typically, a doxastic logic uses , often written "B", to mean "It is believed
that", or when relativized to a particular agent s, "It is believed by s that".
Other modal logics
Significantly, modal logics can be developed to accommodate most of these idioms; it is the fact of their common
logical structure (the use of "intensional" sentential operators) that make them all varieties of the same thing.
Modal logic
The ontology of possibility
In the most common interpretation of modal logic, one considers "logically possible worlds". If a statement is true in
all possible worlds, then it is a necessary truth. If a statement happens to be true in our world, but is not true in all
possible worlds, then it is a contingent truth. A statement that is true in some possible world (not necessarily our
own) is called a possible truth.
Under this "possible worlds idiom," to maintain that Bigfoot's existence is possible but not actual, one says, "There is
some possible world in which Bigfoot exists; but in the actual world, Bigfoot does not exist". However, it is unclear
what this claim commits us to. Are we really alleging the existence of possible worlds, every bit as real as our actual
world, just not actual? Saul Kripke believes that 'possible world' is something of a misnomer that the term 'possible
world' is just a useful way of visualizing the concept of possibility.
For him, the sentences "you could have rolled
a 4 instead of a 6" and "there is a possible world where you rolled a 4, but you rolled a 6 in the actual world" are not
significantly different statements, and neither commit us to the existence of a possible world.
David Lewis, on the
other hand, made himself notorious by biting the bullet, asserting that all merely possible worlds are as real as our
own, and that what distinguishes our world as actual is simply that it is indeed our world this world.
position is a major tenet of "modal realism". Some philosophers decline to endorse any version of modal realism,
considering it ontologically extravagant, and prefer to seek various ways to paraphrase away these ontological
commitments. Robert Adams holds that 'possible worlds' are better thought of as 'world-stories', or consistent sets of
propositions. Thus, it is possible that you rolled a 4 if such a state of affairs can be described coherently.
Computer scientists will generally pick a highly specific interpretation of the modal operators specialized to the
particular sort of computation being analysed. In place of "all worlds", you may have "all possible next states of the
computer", or "all possible future states of the computer".
Further applications
Modal logics have begun to be used in areas of the humanities such as literature, poetry, art and history.
Nicholas Rescher has argued that Bertrand Russell rejected Modal Logic, and that this rejection led to the theory of
modal logic languishing for decades. However, Jan Dejnozka has argued against this view, stating that a modal
system which Dejnozka calls MDL is described in Russell's works, although Russell did believe the concept of
modality to "come from confusing propositions with propositional functions," as he wrote in The Analysis of
Arthur Norman Prior warned his protg Ruth Barcan to prepare well in the debates concerning Quantified Modal
Logic with Willard Van Orman Quine, due to the biases against Modal Logic.
[1] [1] "Formal Logic", by A. N. Prior, Oxford Univ. Press, 1962, p. 185
[2] [2] "Temporal Logic", by Rescher and Urquhart, Springer-Verlag, 1971, p. 52
[3] [3] "Past, Present and Future", by A. N. Prior, Oxford Univ. Press, 1967
[4] [4] "Knowledge and Belief", by Jaakko Hinntikka, Cornell Univ. Press, 1962
[5] [5] "Topics in Philosophical Logic", by N. Rescher, Humanities Press, 1968, p. 41
[6] So in the standard work A New Introduction to Modal Logic, by G. E. Hughes and M. J. Cresswell, Routledge, 1996, passim.
[7] Bobzien, S. (1993). "Chrysippus' Modal Logic and its Relation to Philo and Diodorus", in K. Doering & Th. Ebert (eds), Dialektiker und
Stoiker, Stuttgart 1993, pp. 63-84.
[8] History of logic: Arabic logic (http:/ / www. britannica. com/ ebc/ article-65928), Encyclopdia Britannica.
[9] Fitting and Mendelsohn. First-Order Modal Logic. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998. Section 1.6
[10] [10] See also Feinberg's later paper: Phys. Rev. D 17, 1651 (1978)
[11] Saul Kripke. Naming and Necessity. Harvard University Press, 1980. pg 113
Modal logic
[12] See Goldbach's conjecture - Origins
[13] [13] See, e.g.,
[14] Ted Sider's Logic for Philosophy, unknown page.
[15] Kripke, Saul. Naming and Necessity. (1980; Harvard UP), pp. 435.
[16] Kripke, Saul. Naming and Necessity. (1980; Harvard UP), pp. 156.
[17] David Lewis, On the Plurality of Worlds (1986; Blackwell)
[18] Adams, Robert M. Theories of Actuality (http:/ / www. jstor. org/ stable/ 2214751). Nos, Vol. 8, No. 3 (Sep., 1974), particularly pp.
[19] See http:/ / www.estherlederberg.com/ EImages/ Extracurricular/ Dickens%20Universe/ Counter%20Factuals. html
[20] [20] Andrew H. Miller, "Lives Unled in Realist Fiction", Representations 98, Spring 2007, The Regents of the University of California, ISSN
1553-855X, pp. 118-134
[21] See also http:/ / www. estherlederberg.com/ EImages/ Extracurricular/ Dickens%20Universe/ Page%2017%20CounterFactuals. html
[22] [22] ; quote is cited from
[23] [23] "Modalities: Philosophical Essays", by Ruth Barcan Marcus, Oxford Univ. Press, 1993, Chapter 14
This article includes material from the Free On-line Dictionary of Computing, used with permission under the
Blackburn, Patrick; de Rijke, Maarten; and Venema, Yde (2001) Modal Logic. Cambridge University Press.
ISBN 0-521-80200-8
Barcan-Marcus, Ruth JSL 11 (1946) and JSL 112 (1947) and "Modalities", OUP, 1993, 1995.
Beth, Evert W., 1955. "Semantic entailment and formal derivability", Mededlingen van de Koninklijke
Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeling Letterkunde, N.R. Vol 18, no 13, 1955, pp 30942.
Reprinted in Jaakko Intikka (ed.) The Philosophy of Mathematics, Oxford University Press, 1969 (Semantic
Tableaux proof methods).
Beth, Evert W., "Formal Methods: An Introduction to Symbolic Logic and to the Study of Effective Operations in
Arithmetic and Logic", D. Reidel, 1962 (Semantic Tableaux proof methods).
Blackburn, P.; van Benthem, J.; and Wolter, Frank; Eds. (2006) Handbook of Modal Logic (http:/ / www. csc. liv.
ac. uk/ ~frank/ MLHandbook/ ). North Holland.
Chagrov, Aleksandr; and Zakharyaschev, Michael (1997) Modal Logic. Oxford University Press. ISBN
Chellas, B. F. (1980) Modal Logic: An Introduction. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-22476-4
Cresswell, M. J. (2001) "Modal Logic" in Goble, Lou; Ed., The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic. Basil
Blackwell: 13658. ISBN 0-631-20693-0
Fitting, Melvin; and Mendelsohn, R. L. (1998) First Order Modal Logic. Kluwer. ISBN 0-7923-5335-8
James Garson (2006) Modal Logic for Philosophers. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-68229-0. A
thorough introduction to modal logic, with coverage of various derivation systems and a distinctive approach to
the use of diagrams in aiding comprehension.
Girle, Rod (2000) Modal Logics and Philosophy. Acumen (UK). ISBN 0-7735-2139-9. Proof by refutation trees.
A good introduction to the varied interpretations of modal logic.
Goldblatt, Robert (http:/ / www. mcs. vuw. ac. nz/ ~rob/ ) (1992) "Logics of Time and Computation", 2nd ed.,
CSLI Lecture Notes No. 7. University of Chicago Press.
(1993) Mathematics of Modality, CSLI Lecture Notes No. 43. University of Chicago Press.
(2006) " Mathematical Modal Logic: a View of its Evolution (http:/ / www. mcs. vuw. ac. nz/ ~rob/ papers/
modalhist. pdf)", in Gabbay, D. M.; and Woods, John; Eds., Handbook of the History of Logic, Vol. 6. Elsevier
Gor, Rajeev (1999) "Tableau Methods for Modal and Temporal Logics" in D'Agostino, M.; Gabbay, D.;
Haehnle, R.; and Posegga, J.; Eds., Handbook of Tableau Methods. Kluwer: 297396.
Hughes, G. E., and Cresswell, M. J. (1996) A New Introduction to Modal Logic. Routledge. ISBN 0-415-12599-5
Modal logic
Jnsson, B. and Tarski, A., 195152, "Boolean Algebra with Operators I and II", American Journal of
Mathematics 73: 891-939 and 74: 12962.
Kracht, Marcus (1999) Tools and Techniques in Modal Logic, Studies in Logic and the Foundations of
Mathematics No. 142. North Holland.
Lemmon, E. J. (with Scott, D.) (1977) An Introduction to Modal Logic, American Philosophical Quarterly
Monograph Series, no. 11 (Krister Segerberg, series ed.). Basil Blackwell.
Lewis, C. I. (with Langford, C. H.) (1932). Symbolic Logic. Dover reprint, 1959.
Prior, A. N. (1957) Time and Modality. Oxford University Press.
Snyder, D. Paul "Modal Logic and its applications", Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1971 (proof tree
Zeman, J. J. (1973) Modal Logic. (http:/ / www. clas. ufl. edu/ users/ jzeman/ modallogic/ ) Reidel. Employs
Polish notation.
History of logic, Encyclopdia Britannica.
Further reading
D.M. Gabbay, A. Kurucz, F. Wolter and M. Zakharyaschev, Many-Dimensional Modal Logics: Theory and
Applications, Elsevier, Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, volume 148, 2003, ISBN
0-444-50826-0. Covers many varieties of modal logics, e.g. temporal, epistemic, dynamic, description, spatial
from a unified perspective with emphasis on computer science aspects, e.g. decidability and complexity.
External links
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:
" Modal logic (http:/ / plato. stanford. edu/ entries/ logic-modal)" by James Garson.
" Provability Logic (http:/ / plato. stanford. edu/ entries/ logic-provability/ )" by Rineke Verbrugge.
Edward N. Zalta, 1995, " Basic Concepts in Modal Logic. (http:/ / mally. stanford. edu/ notes. pdf)"
John McCarthy, 1996, " Modal Logic. (http:/ / www-formal. stanford. edu/ jmc/ mcchay69/ node22. html)"
Molle (http:/ / molle. sourceforge. net/ ) a Java prover for experimenting with modal logics
Suber, Peter, 2002, " Bibliography of Modal Logic. (http:/ / www. earlham. edu/ ~peters/ courses/ logsys/
nonstbib. htm#modal)"
Marcus, Ruth Barcan, "Modalities" OUP 1993, 1995
List of Logic Systems (http:/ / www. cc. utah. edu/ ~nahaj/ logic/ structures/ systems/ index. html) List of many
modal logics with sources, by John Halleck.
Advances in Modal Logic. (http:/ / aiml. net/ ) Biannual international conference and book series in modal logic.
S4prover (http:/ / teachinglogic. imag. fr/ TableauxS4) A tableaux prover for S4 logic
" Some Remarks on Logic and Topology (http:/ / www. labri. fr/ perso/ moot/ talks/ TopologyNotes. pdf)" by
Richard Moot; exposits a topological semantics for the modal logic S4.
Informal logic
Informal logic
Informal logic, intuitively, refers to the principles of logic and logical thought outside of a formal setting. However,
perhaps because of the "informal" in the title, the precise definition of "informal logic" is a matter of some dispute.
Ralph H. Johnson and J. Anthony Blair define informal logic as "a branch of logic whose task is to develop
non-formal standards, criteria, procedures for the analysis, interpretation, evaluation, criticism and construction of
This definition reflects what had been implicit in their practice and what others
were doing
in their informal logic texts.
Informal logic is associated with (informal) fallacies, critical thinking, the Thinking Skills Movement
and the
interdisciplinary inquiry known as argumentation theory. Frans H. van Eemeren writes that the label "informal logic"
covers a "collection of normative approaches to the study of reasoning in ordinary language that remain closer to the
practice of argumentation than formal logic."
Informal logic as a distinguished enterprise under this name emerged roughly in the late 1970s as a sub-field of
philosophy. The naming of the field was preceded by the appearance of a number of textbooks that rejected the
symbolic approach to logic on pedagogical grounds as inappropriate and unhelpful for introductory textbooks on
logic for a general audience, for example Howard Kahane's Logic and Contemporary Rhetoric, subtitled "The Use of
Reason in Everyday Life", first published in 1971. Kahane's textbook was described on the notice of his death in the
Proceedings And Addresses of the American Philosophical Association (2002) as "a text in informal logic, [that] was
intended to enable students to cope with the misleading rhetoric one frequently finds in the media and in political
discourse. It was organized around a discussion of fallacies, and was meant to be a practical instrument for dealing
with the problems of everyday life. [It has] ... gone through many editions; [it is] ... still in print; and the thousands
upon thousands of students who have taken courses in which his text [was] ... used can thank Howard for
contributing to their ability to dissect arguments and avoid the deceptions of deceitful rhetoric. He tried to put into
practice the ideal of discourse that aims at truth rather than merely at persuasion. (Hausman et al. 2002)" Other
textbooks from the era taking this approach were Michael Scriven's Reasoning (Edgepress, 1976) and Logical
Self-Defense by Ralph Johnson and J. Anthony Blair, first published in 1977. Earlier precursors in this tradition can
be considered Monroe Beardsley's Practical Logic (1950) and Stephen Toulmin's The Uses of Argument (1958).
The field perhaps became recognized under its current name with the First International Symposium on Informal
Logic held in 1978. Although initially motivated by a new pedagogical approach to undergraduate logic textbooks,
the scope of the field was basically defined by a list of 13 problems and issues which Blair and Johnson included as
an appendix to their keynote address at this symposium:
the theory of logical criticism
the theory of argument
the theory of fallacy
the fallacy approach vs. the critical thinking approach
the viability of the inductive/deductive dichotomy
the ethics of argumentation and logical criticism
the problem of assumptions and missing premises
the problem of context
methods of extracting arguments from context
methods of displaying arguments
the problem of pedagogy
the nature, division and scope of informal logic
the relationship of informal logic to other inquiries
Informal logic
David Hitchcock argues that the naming of the field was unfortunate, and that philosophy of argument would have
been more appropriate. He argues that more undergraduate students in North America study informal logic than any
other branch of philosophy, but that as of 2003 informal logic (or philosophy of argument) was not recognized as
separate sub-field by the World Congress of Philosophy.
Frans H. van Eemeren wrote that "informal logic" is
mainly an approach to argumentation advanced by a group of US and Canadian philosophers and largely based on
the previous works of Stephen Toulmin and to a lesser extent those of Cham Perelman.
Alongside the symposia, since 1983 the journal Informal Logic has been the publication of record of the field, with
Blair and Johnson as initial editors, with the editorial board now including two other colleagues from the University
of WindsorChristopher Tindale and Hans V. Hansen.
Other journals that regularly publish articles on informal
logic include Argumentation (founded in 1986), Philosophy and Rhetoric, Argumentation and Advocacy (the journal
of the American Forensic Association), and Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines (founded in 1988).
Proposed definitions
Johnson and Blair (2000) proposed the following definition: "Informal logic designates that branch of logic whose
task is to develop non-formal
standards, criteria, procedures for the analysis, interpretation, evaluation, critique and
construction of argumentation in everyday discourse." Their meaning of non-formal
is taken from Barth and Krabbe
(1982), which is explained below.
To understand the definition above, one must understand "informal" which takes its meaning in contrast to its
counterpart "formal." (This point was not made for a very long time, hence the nature of informal logic remained
opaque, even to those involved in it, for a period of time.) Here it is helpful to have recourse
to Barth and Krabbe
(1982:14f) where they distinguish three senses of the term "form." By "form
," Barth and Krabbe mean the sense of
the term which derives from the Platonic idea of formthe ultimate metaphysical unit. Barth and Krabbe claim that
most traditional logic is formal in this sense. That is, syllogistic logic is a logic of terms where the terms could
naturally be understood as place-holders for Platonic (or Aristotelian) forms. In this first sense of "form," almost all
logic is informal (not-formal). Understanding informal logic this way would be much too broad to be useful.
By "form
," Barth and Krabbe mean the form of sentences and statements as these are understood in modern systems
of logic. Here validity is the focus: if the premises are true, the conclusion must then also be true. Now validity has
to do with the logical form of the statement that makes up the argument. In this sense of "formal," most modern and
contemporary logic is "formal." That is, such logics canonize the notion of logical form, and the notion of validity
plays the central normative role. In this second sense of form, informal logic is not-formal, because it abandons the
notion of logical form as the key to understanding the structure of arguments, and likewise retires validity as
normative for the purposes of the evaluation of argument. It seems to many that validity is too stringent a
requirement, that there are good arguments in which the conclusion is supported by the premises even though it does
not follow necessarily from them (as validity requires). An argument in which the conclusion is thought to be
"beyond reasonable doubt, given the premises" is sufficient in law to cause a person to be sentenced to death, even
though it does not meet the standard of logical validity. This type of argument, based on accumulation of evidence
rather than pure deduction, is called a conductive argument.
By "form
," Barth and Krabbe mean to refer to "procedures which are somehow regulated or regimented, which take
place according to some set of rules." Barth and Krabbe say that "we do not defend formality
of all kinds and under
all circumstances." Rather "we defend the thesis that verbal dialectics must have a certain form (i.e., must proceed
according to certain rules) in order that one can speak of the discussion as being won or lost" (19). In this third sense
of "form", informal logic can be formal, for there is nothing in the informal logic enterprise that stands opposed to
the idea that argumentative discourse should be subject to norms, i.e., subject to rules, criteria, standards or
procedures. Informal logic does present standards for the evaluation of argument, procedures for detecting missing
premises etc.
Informal logic
Johnson and Blair (2000) noticed a limitation of their own definition, particularly with respect to "everyday
discourse", which could indicate that it does not seek to understand specialized, domain-specific arguments made in
natural languages. Consequently, they have argued that the crucial divide is between arguments made in formal
languages and those made in natural languages.
Fisher and Scriven (1997) proposed a more encompassing definition, seeing informal logic as "the discipline which
studies the practice of critical thinking and provides its intellectual spine". By "critical thinking" they understand
"skilled and active interpretation and evaluation of observations and communications, information and
Some hold the view that informal logic is not a branch or subdiscipline of logic, or even the view that there cannot be
such a thing as informal logic.
Massey criticizes informal logic on the grounds that it has no theory
underpinning it. Informal logic, he says, requires detailed classification schemes to organize it, which in other
disciplines is provided by the underlying theory. He maintains that there is no method of establishing the invalidity
of an argument aside from the formal method, and that the study of fallacies may be of more interest to other
disciplines, like psychology, than to philosophy and logic.
Relation to critical thinking
Since the 1980s, informal logic has been partnered and even equated,
in the minds of many, with critical thinking.
The precise definition of "critical thinking" is a subject of much dispute.
Critical thinking, as defined by Johnson,
is the evaluation of an intellectual product (an argument, an explanation, a theory) in terms of its strengths and
weaknesses. While critical thinking will include evaluation of arguments and hence require skills of argumentation
including informal logic, critical thinking requires additional abilities not supplied by informal logic, such as the
ability to obtain and assess information and to clarify meaning. Also, many believe that critical thinking requires
certain dispositions.
Understood in this way, "critical thinking" is a broad term for the attitudes and skills that are
involved in analyzing and evaluating arguments. The critical thinking movement promotes critical thinking as an
educational ideal. The movement emerged with great force in the '80s in North America as part of an ongoing
critique of education as regards the thinking skills not being taught.
Relation to argumentation theory
The social, communicative practice of argumentation can and should be distinguished from implication (or
entailment)a relationship between propositions; and from inferencea mental activity typically thought of as the
drawing of a conclusion from premises. Informal logic may thus be said to be a logic of argumentation, as
distinguished from implication and inference.
Argumentation theory (or the theory of argumentation) has come to be the term that designates the theoretical study
of argumentation. This study is interdisciplinary in the sense that no one discipline will be able to provide a complete
account. A full appreciation of argumentation requires insights from logic (both formal and informal), rhetoric,
communication theory, linguistics, psychology, and, increasingly, computer science. Since the 1970s, there has been
significant agreement that there are three basic approaches to argumentation theory: the logical, the rhetorical and the
dialectical. According to Wenzel,
the logical approach deals with the product, the dialectical with the process, and
the rhetorical with the procedure. Thus, informal logic is one contributor to this inquiry, being most especially
concerned with the norms of argument.
Informal logic
[1] [1] See Johnson 1999 for a survey of definitions.
[2] Johnson, Ralph H., and Blair, J. Anthony (1987), "The Current State of Informal Logic", Informal Logic, 9(23), 147151. Johnson & Blair
added "... in everyday discourse" but in (2000), modified their definition, and broadened the focus now to include the sorts of argument that
occurs not just in everyday discourse but also disciplined inquirywhat Weinstein (1990) calls "stylized discourse."
[3] [3] Scriven, 1976
[4] [4] Munson, 1976
[5] [5] Fogelin, 1978
[6] [6] Resnick, 1989
[7] [7] Fisher (2004) p. vii
[8] [8] J. Anthony Blair and Ralph H. Johnson (eds.), Informal Logic: The First International Symposium, 3-28. Pt. Reyes, CA: Edgepress
[9] http:/ / ojs. uwindsor. ca/ ojs/ leddy/ index.php/ informal_logic/ about/ editorialTeam
[10] [10] Johnson and Blair (2000), p. 100
[11] [11] As Johnson (1999) does.
[12] [12] Johnson and Blair (2000), p. 95
[13] [13] Massey, 1981
[14] [14] Woods, 1980
[15] [15] Woods, 2000
[16] [16] Johnson (2000) takes the conflation to be part of the Network Problem and holds that settling the issue will require a theory of reasoning.
[17] [17] Johnson, 1992
[18] [18] Ennis, 1987
[19] [19] Johnson, 1999
[20] [20] Wenzel (1990)
Barth, E. M., & Krabbe, E. C. W. (Eds.). (1982). From axiom to dialogue: A philosophical study of logics and
argumentation. Berlin: Walter De Gruyter.
Blair, J. A & Johnson, R.H. (1980). The recent development of informal logic. In J. Anthony Blair and Ralph H.
Johnson (Eds.). Informal logic: The first international symposium, (pp.328). Inverness, CA: Edgepress.
Ennis, R.H. (1987). A taxonomy of critical thinking dispositions and abilities. In J.B. Baron and R.J. Sternberg
(Eds.), Teaching critical thinking skills: Theory and practice, (pp.926). New York: Freeman.
Eemeren, F. H. van, & Grootendorst, R. (1992). Argumentation, communication and fallacies. Hillsdale, NJ:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Fisher, A. and Scriven, M. (1997). Critical thinking: It's definition and assessment. Point Reyes, CA: Edgepress
Fisher, Alec (2004). The logic of real arguments (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press.
Govier, T. (1987). Problems in argument analysis and evaluation. Dordrecht: Foris.
Govier, T. (1999). The Philosophy of Argument. Newport News, VA: Vale Press.
Groarke, L. (2006). Informal Logic. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, from http:/ / plato. stanford. edu/
entries/ logic-informal/
Hitchcock, David (2007). "Informal logic and the concept of argument". In Jacquette, Dale. Philosophy of logic.
Elsevier. ISBN978-0-444-51541-4. preprint (http:/ / www. humanities. mcmaster. ca/ ~hitchckd/ informal. pdf)
Johnson, R. H. (1992). The problem of defining critical thinking. In S. P. Norris (Ed.), The generalizability of
critical thinking (pp.3853). New York: Teachers College Press. (Reprinted in Johnson (1996).)
Johnson, R. H. (1996). The rise of informal logic. Newport News, VA: Vale Press
Johnson, R. H. (1999). The relation between formal and informal logic. Argumentation, 13(3) 265-74.
Johnson, R. H. (2000). Manifest rationality: A pragmatic theory of argument. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
Johnson, R. H. & Blair, J. A. (1987). The current state of informal logic. Informal Logic 9, 147-51.
Johnson, R. H. & Blair, J. A. (1996). Informal logic and critical thinking. In F. van Eemeren, R. Grootendorst, &
F. Snoeck Henkemans (Eds.), Fundamentals of argumentation theory (pp.38386). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence
Informal logic
Erlbaum Associates
Johnson, R. H. & Blair, J. A. (2002). Informal logic and the reconfiguration of logic. In D. Gabbay, R. H.
Johnson, H.-J. Ohlbach and J. Woods (Eds.). Handbook of the logic of argument and inference: The turn towards
the practical (pp.339396). Elsivier: North Holland.
MacFarlane, J. (2005). Logical Constants. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Massey, G. (1981). The fallacy behind fallacies. Midwest Studies of Philosophy, 6, 489-500.
Munson, R. (1976). The way of words: an informal logic. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Resnick, L. (1987). Education and learning to think. Washington, DC: National Academy Press..
Walton, D. N. (1990). What is reasoning? What is an argument? The Journal of Philosophy, 87, 399-419.
Weinstein, M. (1990) Towards a research agenda for informal logic and critical thinking. Informal Logic, 12,
Wenzel, J. 1990 Three perspectives on argumentation. In R Trapp and J Scheutz, (Eds.), Perspectives on
argumentation: Essays in honour of Wayne Brockreide, 9-26 Waveland Press: Prospect Heights, IL
Woods, J. (1980). What is informal logic? In J.A. Blair & R. H. Johnson (Eds.), Informal Logic: The First
International Symposium (pp.5768). Point Reyes, CA: Edgepress.
Special journal issue
The open access issue 20(2) (http:/ / www. phaenex. uwindsor. ca/ ojs/ leddy/ index. php/ informal_logic/ issue/
view/ 277) of Informal Logic from year 2000 groups a number of papers addressing foundational issues, based on the
Panel on Informal Logic that was held at the 1998 World Congress of Philosophy, including:
Hitchcock, D. (2000) The significance of informal logic for philosophy. Informal Logic 20(2), 129-138.
Johnson, R. H. & Blair, J. A. (2000). Informal logic: An overview. Informal Logic 20(2): 93-99.
Woods, J. (2000). How Philosophical is Informal Logic? Informal Logic 20(2): 139-167. 2000
Kahane, H. (1971). Logic and contemporary rhetoric:The use of reasoning in everyday life. Belmont: Wadsworth.
Still in print as Nancy Cavender; Howard Kahane (2009). Logic and Contemporary Rhetoric: The Use of Reason
in Everyday Life (11th ed.). Cengage Learning. ISBN978-0-495-80411-6.
Scriven, M. (1976). Reasoning. New York. McGraw Hill.
Johnson, R. H. & Blair, J. A. (1977). Logical self-defense. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson. US Edition. (2006).
New York: Idebate Press.
Fogelin, R.J. (1978). Understanding arguments: An introduction to informal logic. New York: Harcourt, Brace,
Jovanovich. Still in print as Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter; Fogelin, Robert (2010), Understanding Arguments: An
Introduction to Informal Logic (8th ed.), Belmont, California: Wadsworth Cengage Learning,
Stephen N. Thomas (1997). Practical reasoning in natural language (4th ed.). Prentice Hall.
Irving M. Copi; Keith Burgess-Jackson (1996). Informal logic (3rd ed.). Prentice Hall. ISBN978-0-13-229048-7.
Woods, John, Andrew Irvine and Douglas Walton, 2004. Argument: Critical Thinking, Logic and the Fallacies.
Toronto: Prentice Hall
Groarke, Leo and Christopher Tindale, 2004. Good Reasoning Matters! (3rd edition). Toronto: Oxford University
Douglas N. Walton (2008). Informal logic: a pragmatic approach (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press.
Trudy Govier (2009). A Practical Study of Argument (7th ed.). Cengage Learning. ISBN978-0-495-60340-5.
Informal logic
External links
Informal Logic (http:/ / plato. stanford. edu/ entries/ logic-informal) entry by Leo Groarke in the Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Mathematical logic
Mathematical logic is a subfield of mathematics exploring the applications of formal logic to mathematics.
Topically, mathematical logic bears close connections to metamathematics, the foundations of mathematics, and
theoretical computer science.
The unifying themes in mathematical logic include the study of the expressive power
of formal systems and the deductive power of formal proof systems.
Mathematical logic is often divided into the fields of set theory, model theory, recursion theory, and proof theory.
These areas share basic results on logic, particularly first-order logic, and definability. In computer science
(particularly in the ACM Classification) mathematical logic encompasses additional topics not detailed in this
article; see logic in computer science for those.
Since its inception, mathematical logic has both contributed to, and has been motivated by, the study of foundations
of mathematics. This study began in the late 19th century with the development of axiomatic frameworks for
geometry, arithmetic, and analysis. In the early 20th century it was shaped by David Hilbert's program to prove the
consistency of foundational theories. Results of Kurt Gdel, Gerhard Gentzen, and others provided partial resolution
to the program, and clarified the issues involved in proving consistency. Work in set theory showed that almost all
ordinary mathematics can be formalized in terms of sets, although there are some theorems that cannot be proven in
common axiom systems for set theory. Contemporary work in the foundations of mathematics often focuses on
establishing which parts of mathematics can be formalized in particular formal systems (as in reverse mathematics)
rather than trying to find theories in which all of mathematics can be developed.
Subfields and scope
The Handbook of Mathematical Logic makes a rough division of contemporary mathematical logic into four areas:
1. 1. set theory
2. 2. model theory
3. recursion theory, and
4. proof theory and constructive mathematics (considered as parts of a single area).
Each area has a distinct focus, although many techniques and results are shared among multiple areas. The
borderlines amongst these fields, and the lines separating mathematical logic and other fields of mathematics, are not
always sharp. Gdel's incompleteness theorem marks not only a milestone in recursion theory and proof theory, but
has also led to Lb's theorem in modal logic. The method of forcing is employed in set theory, model theory, and
recursion theory, as well as in the study of intuitionistic mathematics.
The mathematical field of category theory uses many formal axiomatic methods, and includes the study of
categorical logic, but category theory is not ordinarily considered a subfield of mathematical logic. Because of its
applicability in diverse fields of mathematics, mathematicians including Saunders Mac Lane have proposed category
theory as a foundational system for mathematics, independent of set theory. These foundations use toposes, which
resemble generalized models of set theory that may employ classical or nonclassical logic.
Mathematical logic
Mathematical logic emerged in the mid-19th century as a subfield of mathematics independent of the traditional
study of logic (Ferreirs 2001, p.443). Before this emergence, logic was studied with rhetoric, through the
syllogism, and with philosophy. The first half of the 20th century saw an explosion of fundamental results,
accompanied by vigorous debate over the foundations of mathematics.
Early history
Theories of logic were developed in many cultures in history, including China, India, Greece and the Islamic world.
In 18th-century Europe, attempts to treat the operations of formal logic in a symbolic or algebraic way had been
made by philosophical mathematicians including Leibniz and Lambert, but their labors remained isolated and little
19th century
In the middle of the nineteenth century, George Boole and then Augustus De Morgan presented systematic
mathematical treatments of logic. Their work, building on work by algebraists such as George Peacock, extended the
traditional Aristotelian doctrine of logic into a sufficient framework for the study of foundations of
mathematics(Katz 1998, p.686).
Charles Sanders Peirce built upon the work of Boole to develop a logical system for relations and quantifiers, which
he published in several papers from 1870 to 1885. Gottlob Frege presented an independent development of logic
with quantifiers in his Begriffsschrift, published in 1879, a work generally considered as marking a turning point in
the history of logic. Frege's work remained obscure, however, until Bertrand Russell began to promote it near the
turn of the century. The two-dimensional notation Frege developed was never widely adopted and is unused in
contemporary texts.
From 1890 to 1905, Ernst Schrder published Vorlesungen ber die Algebra der Logik in three volumes. This work
summarized and extended the work of Boole, De Morgan, and Peirce, and was a comprehensive reference to
symbolic logic as it was understood at the end of the 19th century.
Foundational theories
Concerns that mathematics had not been built on a proper foundation led to the development of axiomatic systems
for fundamental areas of mathematics such as arithmetic, analysis, and geometry.
In logic, the term arithmetic refers to the theory of the natural numbers. Giuseppe Peano (1889) published a set of
axioms for arithmetic that came to bear his name (Peano axioms), using a variation of the logical system of Boole
and Schrder but adding quantifiers. Peano was unaware of Frege's work at the time. Around the same time Richard
Dedekind showed that the natural numbers are uniquely characterized by their induction properties. Dedekind (1888)
proposed a different characterization, which lacked the formal logical character of Peano's axioms. Dedekind's work,
however, proved theorems inaccessible in Peano's system, including the uniqueness of the set of natural numbers (up
to isomorphism) and the recursive definitions of addition and multiplication from the successor function and
mathematical induction.
In the mid-19th century, flaws in Euclid's axioms for geometry became known (Katz 1998, p.774). In addition to the
independence of the parallel postulate, established by Nikolai Lobachevsky in 1826 (Lobachevsky 1840),
mathematicians discovered that certain theorems taken for granted by Euclid were not in fact provable from his
axioms. Among these is the theorem that a line contains at least two points, or that circles of the same radius whose
centers are separated by that radius must intersect. Hilbert (1899) developed a complete set of axioms for geometry,
building on previous work by Pasch (1882). The success in axiomatizing geometry motivated Hilbert to seek
complete axiomatizations of other areas of mathematics, such as the natural numbers and the real line. This would
Mathematical logic
prove to be a major area of research in the first half of the 20th century.
The 19th century saw great advances in the theory of real analysis, including theories of convergence of functions
and Fourier series. Mathematicians such as Karl Weierstrass began to construct functions that stretched intuition,
such as nowhere-differentiable continuous functions. Previous conceptions of a function as a rule for computation, or
a smooth graph, were no longer adequate. Weierstrass began to advocate the arithmetization of analysis, which
sought to axiomatize analysis using properties of the natural numbers. The modern (, )-definition of limit and
continuous functions was already developed by Bolzano in 1817 (Felscher 2000), but remained relatively unknown.
Cauchy in 1821 defined continuity in terms of infinitesimals (see Cours d'Analyse, page 34). In 1858, Dedekind
proposed a definition of the real numbers in terms of Dedekind cuts of rational numbers (Dedekind 1872), a
definition still employed in contemporary texts.
Georg Cantor developed the fundamental concepts of infinite set theory. His early results developed the theory of
cardinality and proved that the reals and the natural numbers have different cardinalities (Cantor 1874). Over the
next twenty years, Cantor developed a theory of transfinite numbers in a series of publications. In 1891, he published
a new proof of the uncountability of the real numbers that introduced the diagonal argument, and used this method to
prove Cantor's theorem that no set can have the same cardinality as its powerset. Cantor believed that every set could
be well-ordered, but was unable to produce a proof for this result, leaving it as an open problem in 1895 (Katz 1998,
20th century
In the early decades of the 20th century, the main areas of study were set theory and formal logic. The discovery of
paradoxes in informal set theory caused some to wonder whether mathematics itself is inconsistent, and to look for
proofs of consistency.
In 1900, Hilbert posed a famous list of 23 problems for the next century. The first two of these were to resolve the
continuum hypothesis and prove the consistency of elementary arithmetic, respectively; the tenth was to produce a
method that could decide whether a multivariate polynomial equation over the integers has a solution. Subsequent
work to resolve these problems shaped the direction of mathematical logic, as did the effort to resolve Hilbert's
Entscheidungsproblem, posed in 1928. This problem asked for a procedure that would decide, given a formalized
mathematical statement, whether the statement is true or false.
Set theory and paradoxes
Ernst Zermelo (1904) gave a proof that every set could be well-ordered, a result Georg Cantor had been unable to
obtain. To achieve the proof, Zermelo introduced the axiom of choice, which drew heated debate and research
among mathematicians and the pioneers of set theory. The immediate criticism of the method led Zermelo to publish
a second exposition of his result, directly addressing criticisms of his proof (Zermelo 1908a). This paper led to the
general acceptance of the axiom of choice in the mathematics community.
Skepticism about the axiom of choice was reinforced by recently discovered paradoxes in naive set theory. Cesare
Burali-Forti (1897) was the first to state a paradox: the Burali-Forti paradox shows that the collection of all ordinal
numbers cannot form a set. Very soon thereafter, Bertrand Russell discovered Russell's paradox in 1901, and Jules
Richard (1905) discovered Richard's paradox.
Zermelo (1908b) provided the first set of axioms for set theory. These axioms, together with the additional axiom of
replacement proposed by Abraham Fraenkel, are now called ZermeloFraenkel set theory (ZF). Zermelo's axioms
incorporated the principle of limitation of size to avoid Russell's paradox.
In 1910, the first volume of Principia Mathematica by Russell and Alfred North Whitehead was published. This
seminal work developed the theory of functions and cardinality in a completely formal framework of type theory,
which Russell and Whitehead developed in an effort to avoid the paradoxes. Principia Mathematica is considered
one of the most influential works of the 20th century, although the framework of type theory did not prove popular
Mathematical logic
as a foundational theory for mathematics (Ferreirs 2001, p.445).
Fraenkel (1922) proved that the axiom of choice cannot be proved from the remaining axioms of Zermelo's set
theory with urelements. Later work by Paul Cohen (1966) showed that the addition of urelements is not needed, and
the axiom of choice is unprovable in ZF. Cohen's proof developed the method of forcing, which is now an important
tool for establishing independence results in set theory.
Symbolic logic
Leopold Lwenheim (1915) and Thoralf Skolem (1920) obtained the LwenheimSkolem theorem, which says that
first-order logic cannot control the cardinalities of infinite structures. Skolem realized that this theorem would apply
to first-order formalizations of set theory, and that it implies any such formalization has a countable model. This
counterintuitive fact became known as Skolem's paradox.
In his doctoral thesis, Kurt Gdel (1929) proved the completeness theorem, which establishes a correspondence
between syntax and semantics in first-order logic. Gdel used the completeness theorem to prove the compactness
theorem, demonstrating the finitary nature of first-order logical consequence. These results helped establish
first-order logic as the dominant logic used by mathematicians.
In 1931, Gdel published On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematica and Related Systems,
which proved the incompleteness (in a different meaning of the word) of all sufficiently strong, effective first-order
theories. This result, known as Gdel's incompleteness theorem, establishes severe limitations on axiomatic
foundations for mathematics, striking a strong blow to Hilbert's program. It showed the impossibility of providing a
consistency proof of arithmetic within any formal theory of arithmetic. Hilbert, however, did not acknowledge the
importance of the incompleteness theorem for some time.
Gdel's theorem shows that a consistency proof of any sufficiently strong, effective axiom system cannot be obtained
in the system itself, if the system is consistent, nor in any weaker system. This leaves open the possibility of
consistency proofs that cannot be formalized within the system they consider. Gentzen (1936) proved the
consistency of arithmetic using a finitistic system together with a principle of transfinite induction. Gentzen's result
introduced the ideas of cut elimination and proof-theoretic ordinals, which became key tools in proof theory. Gdel
(1958) gave a different consistency proof, which reduces the consistency of classical arithmetic to that of
intutitionistic arithmetic in higher types.
Beginnings of the other branches
Alfred Tarski developed the basics of model theory.
Beginning in 1935, a group of prominent mathematicians collaborated under the pseudonym Nicolas Bourbaki to
publish a series of encyclopedic mathematics texts. These texts, written in an austere and axiomatic style,
emphasized rigorous presentation and set-theoretic foundations. Terminology coined by these texts, such as the
words bijection, injection, and surjection, and the set-theoretic foundations the texts employed, were widely adopted
throughout mathematics.
The study of computability came to be known as recursion theory, because early formalizations by Gdel and Kleene
relied on recursive definitions of functions.
When these definitions were shown equivalent to Turing's
formalization involving Turing machines, it became clear that a new concept the computable function had been
discovered, and that this definition was robust enough to admit numerous independent characterizations. In his work
on the incompleteness theorems in 1931, Gdel lacked a rigorous concept of an effective formal system; he
immediately realized that the new definitions of computability could be used for this purpose, allowing him to state
the incompleteness theorems in generality that could only be implied in the original paper.
Numerous results in recursion theory were obtained in the 1940s by Stephen Cole Kleene and Emil Leon Post.
Kleene (1943) introduced the concepts of relative computability, foreshadowed by Turing (1939), and the
arithmetical hierarchy. Kleene later generalized recursion theory to higher-order functionals. Kleene and Kreisel
Mathematical logic
studied formal versions of intuitionistic mathematics, particularly in the context of proof theory.
Formal logical systems
At its core, mathematical logic deals with mathematical concepts expressed using formal logical systems. These
systems, though they differ in many details, share the common property of considering only expressions in a fixed
formal language. The systems of propositional logic and first-order logic are the most widely studied today, because
of their applicability to foundations of mathematics and because of their desirable proof-theoretic properties.
Stronger classical logics such as second-order logic or infinitary logic are also studied, along with nonclassical logics
such as intuitionistic logic.
First-order logic
First-order logic is a particular formal system of logic. Its syntax involves only finite expressions as well-formed
formulas, while its semantics are characterized by the limitation of all quantifiers to a fixed domain of discourse.
Early results from formal logic established limitations of first-order logic. The LwenheimSkolem theorem (1919)
showed that if a set of sentences in a countable first-order language has an infinite model then it has at least one
model of each infinite cardinality. This shows that it is impossible for a set of first-order axioms to characterize the
natural numbers, the real numbers, or any other infinite structure up to isomorphism. As the goal of early
foundational studies was to produce axiomatic theories for all parts of mathematics, this limitation was particularly
Gdel's completeness theorem (Gdel 1929) established the equivalence between semantic and syntactic definitions
of logical consequence in first-order logic. It shows that if a particular sentence is true in every model that satisfies a
particular set of axioms, then there must be a finite deduction of the sentence from the axioms. The compactness
theorem first appeared as a lemma in Gdel's proof of the completeness theorem, and it took many years before
logicians grasped its significance and began to apply it routinely. It says that a set of sentences has a model if and
only if every finite subset has a model, or in other words that an inconsistent set of formulas must have a finite
inconsistent subset. The completeness and compactness theorems allow for sophisticated analysis of logical
consequence in first-order logic and the development of model theory, and they are a key reason for the prominence
of first-order logic in mathematics.
Gdel's incompleteness theorems (Gdel 1931) establish additional limits on first-order axiomatizations. The first
incompleteness theorem states that for any sufficiently strong, effectively given logical system there exists a
statement which is true but not provable within that system. Here a logical system is effectively given if it is possible
to decide, given any formula in the language of the system, whether the formula is an axiom. A logical system is
sufficiently strong if it can express the Peano axioms. When applied to first-order logic, the first incompleteness
theorem implies that any sufficiently strong, consistent, effective first-order theory has models that are not
elementarily equivalent, a stronger limitation than the one established by the LwenheimSkolem theorem. The
second incompleteness theorem states that no sufficiently strong, consistent, effective axiom system for arithmetic
can prove its own consistency, which has been interpreted to show that Hilbert's program cannot be completed.
Mathematical logic
Other classical logics
Many logics besides first-order logic are studied. These include infinitary logics, which allow for formulas to
provide an infinite amount of information, and higher-order logics, which include a portion of set theory directly in
their semantics.
The most well studied infinitary logic is . In this logic, quantifiers may only be nested to finite depths, as in
first-order logic, but formulas may have finite or countably infinite conjunctions and disjunctions within them. Thus,
for example, it is possible to say that an object is a whole number using a formula of such as
Higher-order logics allow for quantification not only of elements of the domain of discourse, but subsets of the
domain of discourse, sets of such subsets, and other objects of higher type. The semantics are defined so that, rather
than having a separate domain for each higher-type quantifier to range over, the quantifiers instead range over all
objects of the appropriate type. The logics studied before the development of first-order logic, for example Frege's
logic, had similar set-theoretic aspects. Although higher-order logics are more expressive, allowing complete
axiomatizations of structures such as the natural numbers, they do not satisfy analogues of the completeness and
compactness theorems from first-order logic, and are thus less amenable to proof-theoretic analysis.
Another type of logics are fixed-point logics that allow inductive definitions, like one writes for primitive recursive
One can formally define an extension of first-order logic a notion which encompasses all logics in this section
because they behave like first-order logic in certain fundamental ways, but does not encompass all logics in general,
e.g. it does not encompass intuitionistic, modal or fuzzy logic. Lindstrm's theorem implies that the only extension of
first-order logic satisfying both the compactness theorem and the Downward LwenheimSkolem theorem is
first-order logic.
Nonclassical and modal logic
Modal logics include additional modal operators, such as an operator which states that a particular formula is not
only true, but necessarily true. Although modal logic is not often used to axiomatize mathematics, it has been used to
study the properties of first-order provability (Solovay 1976) and set-theoretic forcing (Hamkins and Lwe 2007).
Intuitionistic logic was developed by Heyting to study Brouwer's program of intuitionism, in which Brouwer himself
avoided formalization. Intuitionistic logic specifically does not include the law of the excluded middle, which states
that each sentence is either true or its negation is true. Kleene's work with the proof theory of intuitionistic logic
showed that constructive information can be recovered from intuitionistic proofs. For example, any provably total
function in intuitionistic arithmetic is computable; this is not true in classical theories of arithmetic such as Peano
Algebraic logic
Algebraic logic uses the methods of abstract algebra to study the semantics of formal logics. A fundamental example
is the use of Boolean algebras to represent truth values in classical propositional logic, and the use of Heyting
algebras to represent truth values in intuitionistic propositional logic. Stronger logics, such as first-order logic and
higher-order logic, are studied using more complicated algebraic structures such as cylindric algebras.
Set theory
Set theory is the study of sets, which are abstract collections of objects. Many of the basic notions, such as ordinal
and cardinal numbers, were developed informally by Cantor before formal axiomatizations of set theory were
developed. The first such axiomatization, due to Zermelo (1908b), was extended slightly to become
ZermeloFraenkel set theory (ZF), which is now the most widely used foundational theory for mathematics.
Mathematical logic
Other formalizations of set theory have been proposed, including von NeumannBernaysGdel set theory (NBG),
MorseKelley set theory (MK), and New Foundations (NF). Of these, ZF, NBG, and MK are similar in describing a
cumulative hierarchy of sets. New Foundations takes a different approach; it allows objects such as the set of all sets
at the cost of restrictions on its set-existence axioms. The system of KripkePlatek set theory is closely related to
generalized recursion theory.
Two famous statements in set theory are the axiom of choice and the continuum hypothesis. The axiom of choice,
first stated by Zermelo (1904), was proved independent of ZF by Fraenkel (1922), but has come to be widely
accepted by mathematicians. It states that given a collection of nonempty sets there is a single set C that contains
exactly one element from each set in the collection. The set C is said to "choose" one element from each set in the
collection. While the ability to make such a choice is considered obvious by some, since each set in the collection is
nonempty, the lack of a general, concrete rule by which the choice can be made renders the axiom nonconstructive.
Stefan Banach and Alfred Tarski (1924) showed that the axiom of choice can be used to decompose a solid ball into
a finite number of pieces which can then be rearranged, with no scaling, to make two solid balls of the original size.
This theorem, known as the BanachTarski paradox, is one of many counterintuitive results of the axiom of choice.
The continuum hypothesis, first proposed as a conjecture by Cantor, was listed by David Hilbert as one of his 23
problems in 1900. Gdel showed that the continuum hypothesis cannot be disproven from the axioms of
ZermeloFraenkel set theory (with or without the axiom of choice), by developing the constructible universe of set
theory in which the continuum hypothesis must hold. In 1963, Paul Cohen showed that the continuum hypothesis
cannot be proven from the axioms of ZermeloFraenkel set theory (Cohen 1966). This independence result did not
completely settle Hilbert's question, however, as it is possible that new axioms for set theory could resolve the
hypothesis. Recent work along these lines has been conducted by W. Hugh Woodin, although its importance is not
yet clear (Woodin 2001).
Contemporary research in set theory includes the study of large cardinals and determinacy. Large cardinals are
cardinal numbers with particular properties so strong that the existence of such cardinals cannot be proved in ZFC.
The existence of the smallest large cardinal typically studied, an inaccessible cardinal, already implies the
consistency of ZFC. Despite the fact that large cardinals have extremely high cardinality, their existence has many
ramifications for the structure of the real line. Determinacy refers to the possible existence of winning strategies for
certain two-player games (the games are said to be determined). The existence of these strategies implies structural
properties of the real line and other Polish spaces.
Model theory
Model theory studies the models of various formal theories. Here a theory is a set of formulas in a particular formal
logic and signature, while a model is a structure that gives a concrete interpretation of the theory. Model theory is
closely related to universal algebra and algebraic geometry, although the methods of model theory focus more on
logical considerations than those fields.
The set of all models of a particular theory is called an elementary class; classical model theory seeks to determine
the properties of models in a particular elementary class, or determine whether certain classes of structures form
elementary classes.
The method of quantifier elimination can be used to show that definable sets in particular theories cannot be too
complicated. Tarski (1948) established quantifier elimination for real-closed fields, a result which also shows the
theory of the field of real numbers is decidable. (He also noted that his methods were equally applicable to
algebraically closed fields of arbitrary characteristic.) A modern subfield developing from this is concerned with
o-minimal structures.
Morley's categoricity theorem, proved by Michael D. Morley (1965), states that if a first-order theory in a countable
language is categorical in some uncountable cardinality, i.e. all models of this cardinality are isomorphic, then it is
categorical in all uncountable cardinalities.
Mathematical logic
A trivial consequence of the continuum hypothesis is that a complete theory with less than continuum many
nonisomorphic countable models can have only countably many. Vaught's conjecture, named after Robert Lawson
Vaught, says that this is true even independently of the continuum hypothesis. Many special cases of this conjecture
have been established.
Recursion theory
Recursion theory, also called computability theory, studies the properties of computable functions and the Turing
degrees, which divide the uncomputable functions into sets which have the same level of uncomputability. Recursion
theory also includes the study of generalized computability and definability. Recursion theory grew from the work of
Alonzo Church and Alan Turing in the 1930s, which was greatly extended by Kleene and Post in the 1940s.
Classical recursion theory focuses on the computability of functions from the natural numbers to the natural
numbers. The fundamental results establish a robust, canonical class of computable functions with numerous
independent, equivalent characterizations using Turing machines, calculus, and other systems. More advanced
results concern the structure of the Turing degrees and the lattice of recursively enumerable sets.
Generalized recursion theory extends the ideas of recursion theory to computations that are no longer necessarily
finite. It includes the study of computability in higher types as well as areas such as hyperarithmetical theory and
-recursion theory.
Contemporary research in recursion theory includes the study of applications such as algorithmic randomness,
computable model theory, and reverse mathematics, as well as new results in pure recursion theory.
Algorithmically unsolvable problems
An important subfield of recursion theory studies algorithmic unsolvability; a decision problem or function problem
is algorithmically unsolvable if there is no possible computable algorithm which returns the correct answer for all
legal inputs to the problem. The first results about unsolvability, obtained independently by Church and Turing in
1936, showed that the Entscheidungsproblem is algorithmically unsolvable. Turing proved this by establishing the
unsolvability of the halting problem, a result with far-ranging implications in both recursion theory and computer
There are many known examples of undecidable problems from ordinary mathematics. The word problem for groups
was proved algorithmically unsolvable by Pyotr Novikov in 1955 and independently by W. Boone in 1959. The busy
beaver problem, developed by Tibor Rad in 1962, is another well-known example.
Hilbert's tenth problem asked for an algorithm to determine whether a multivariate polynomial equation with integer
coefficients has a solution in the integers. Partial progress was made by Julia Robinson, Martin Davis and Hilary
Putnam. The algorithmic unsolvability of the problem was proved by Yuri Matiyasevich in 1970 (Davis 1973).
Proof theory and constructive mathematics
Proof theory is the study of formal proofs in various logical deduction systems. These proofs are represented as
formal mathematical objects, facilitating their analysis by mathematical techniques. Several deduction systems are
commonly considered, including Hilbert-style deduction systems, systems of natural deduction, and the sequent
calculus developed by Gentzen.
The study of constructive mathematics, in the context of mathematical logic, includes the study of systems in
non-classical logic such as intuitionistic logic, as well as the study of predicative systems. An early proponent of
predicativism was Hermann Weyl, who showed it is possible to develop a large part of real analysis using only
predicative methods (Weyl 1918).
Because proofs are entirely finitary, whereas truth in a structure is not, it is common for work in constructive
mathematics to emphasize provability. The relationship between provability in classical (or nonconstructive) systems
Mathematical logic
and provability in intuitionistic (or constructive, respectively) systems is of particular interest. Results such as the
GdelGentzen negative translation show that it is possible to embed (or translate) classical logic into intuitionistic
logic, allowing some properties about intuitionistic proofs to be transferred back to classical proofs.
Recent developments in proof theory include the study of proof mining by Ulrich Kohlenbach and the study of
proof-theoretic ordinals by Michael Rathjen.
Connections with computer science
The study of computability theory in computer science is closely related to the study of computability in
mathematical logic. There is a difference of emphasis, however. Computer scientists often focus on concrete
programming languages and feasible computability, while researchers in mathematical logic often focus on
computability as a theoretical concept and on noncomputability.
The theory of semantics of programming languages is related to model theory, as is program verification (in
particular, model checking). The CurryHoward isomorphism between proofs and programs relates to proof theory,
especially intuitionistic logic. Formal calculi such as the lambda calculus and combinatory logic are now studied as
idealized programming languages.
Computer science also contributes to mathematics by developing techniques for the automatic checking or even
finding of proofs, such as automated theorem proving and logic programming.
Descriptive complexity theory relates logics to computational complexity. The first significant result in this area,
Fagin's theorem (1974) established that NP is precisely the set of languages expressible by sentences of existential
second-order logic.
Foundations of mathematics
In the 19th century, mathematicians became aware of logical gaps and inconsistencies in their field. It was shown
that Euclid's axioms for geometry, which had been taught for centuries as an example of the axiomatic method, were
incomplete. The use of infinitesimals, and the very definition of function, came into question in analysis, as
pathological examples such as Weierstrass' nowhere-differentiable continuous function were discovered.
Cantor's study of arbitrary infinite sets also drew criticism. Leopold Kronecker famously stated "God made the
integers; all else is the work of man," endorsing a return to the study of finite, concrete objects in mathematics.
Although Kronecker's argument was carried forward by constructivists in the 20th century, the mathematical
community as a whole rejected them. David Hilbert argued in favor of the study of the infinite, saying "No one shall
expel us from the Paradise that Cantor has created."
Mathematicians began to search for axiom systems that could be used to formalize large parts of mathematics. In
addition to removing ambiguity from previously-naive terms such as function, it was hoped that this axiomatization
would allow for consistency proofs. In the 19th century, the main method of proving the consistency of a set of
axioms was to provide a model for it. Thus, for example, non-Euclidean geometry can be proved consistent by
defining point to mean a point on a fixed sphere and line to mean a great circle on the sphere. The resulting structure,
a model of elliptic geometry, satisfies the axioms of plane geometry except the parallel postulate.
With the development of formal logic, Hilbert asked whether it would be possible to prove that an axiom system is
consistent by analyzing the structure of possible proofs in the system, and showing through this analysis that it is
impossible to prove a contradiction. This idea led to the study of proof theory. Moreover, Hilbert proposed that the
analysis should be entirely concrete, using the term finitary to refer to the methods he would allow but not precisely
defining them. This project, known as Hilbert's program, was seriously affected by Gdel's incompleteness theorems,
which show that the consistency of formal theories of arithmetic cannot be established using methods formalizable in
those theories. Gentzen showed that it is possible to produce a proof of the consistency of arithmetic in a finitary
system augmented with axioms of transfinite induction, and the techniques he developed to do so were seminal in
Mathematical logic
proof theory.
A second thread in the history of foundations of mathematics involves nonclassical logics and constructive
mathematics. The study of constructive mathematics includes many different programs with various definitions of
constructive. At the most accommodating end, proofs in ZF set theory that do not use the axiom of choice are called
constructive by many mathematicians. More limited versions of constructivism limit themselves to natural numbers,
number-theoretic functions, and sets of natural numbers (which can be used to represent real numbers, facilitating
the study of mathematical analysis). A common idea is that a concrete means of computing the values of the function
must be known before the function itself can be said to exist.
In the early 20th century, Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer founded intuitionism as a philosophy of mathematics. This
philosophy, poorly understood at first, stated that in order for a mathematical statement to be true to a
mathematician, that person must be able to intuit the statement, to not only believe its truth but understand the reason
for its truth. A consequence of this definition of truth was the rejection of the law of the excluded middle, for there
are statements that, according to Brouwer, could not be claimed to be true while their negations also could not be
claimed true. Brouwer's philosophy was influential, and the cause of bitter disputes among prominent
mathematicians. Later, Kleene and Kreisel would study formalized versions of intuitionistic logic (Brouwer rejected
formalization, and presented his work in unformalized natural language). With the advent of the BHK interpretation
and Kripke models, intuitionism became easier to reconcile with classical mathematics.
[1] Undergraduate texts include Boolos, Burgess, and Jeffrey (2002), Enderton (2001), and Mendelson (1997). A classic graduate text by
Shoenfield (2001) first appeared in 1967.
[2] [2] A detailed study of this terminology is given by Soare (1996).
[3] [3] Ferreirs (2001) surveys the rise of first-order logic over other formal logics in the early 20th century.
Undergraduate texts
Walicki, Micha (2011), Introduction to Mathematical Logic, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing,
ISBN978-981-4343-87-9 (pb.) Check |isbn= value (help).
; Burgess, John; (2002), Computability and Logic (4th ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
ISBN978-0-521-00758-0 (pb.) Check |isbn= value (help).
Enderton, Herbert (2001), A mathematical introduction to logic (2nd ed.), Boston, MA: Academic Press,
Hamilton, A.G. (1988), Logic for Mathematicians (2nd ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
Ebbinghaus, H.-D.; Flum, J.; Thomas, W. (1994), Mathematical Logic (http:/ / www. springer. com/ mathematics/
book/ 978-0-387-94258-2) (2nd ed.), New York: Springer, ISBN0-387-94258-0.
Katz, Robert (1964), Axiomatic Analysis, Boston, MA: D. C. Heath and Company.
Mendelson, Elliott (1997), Introduction to Mathematical Logic (4th ed.), London: Chapman & Hall,
Rautenberg, Wolfgang (2010), A Concise Introduction to Mathematical Logic (http:/ / www. springerlink. com/
content/ 978-1-4419-1220-6/ ) (3rd ed.), New York: Springer Science+Business Media, doi:
10.1007/978-1-4419-1221-3 (http:/ / dx. doi. org/ 10. 1007/ 978-1-4419-1221-3), ISBN978-1-4419-1220-6.
Schwichtenberg, Helmut (20032004), Mathematical Logic (http:/ / www. mathematik. uni-muenchen. de/
~schwicht/ lectures/ logic/ ws03/ ml. pdf), Munich, Germany: Mathematisches Institut der Universitt Mnchen .
Shawn Hedman, A first course in logic: an introduction to model theory, proof theory, computability, and
complexity, Oxford University Press, 2004, ISBN 0-19-852981-3. Covers logics in close relation with
Mathematical logic
computability theory and complexity theory
Graduate texts
Andrews, Peter B. (2002), An Introduction to Mathematical Logic and Type Theory: To Truth Through Proof
(2nd ed.), Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN978-1-4020-0763-7.
Barwise, Jon, ed. (1989), Handbook of Mathematical Logic, Studies in Logic and the Foundations of
Mathematics, North Holland, ISBN978-0-444-86388-1.
Hodges, Wilfrid (1997), A shorter model theory, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
(2003), Set Theory: Millennium Edition, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, Berlin, New York:
Springer-Verlag, ISBN978-3-540-44085-7.
Shoenfield, Joseph R. (2001) [1967], Mathematical Logic (2nd ed.), A K Peters, ISBN978-1-56881-135-2.
; Schwichtenberg, Helmut (2000), Basic Proof Theory, Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science (2nd
ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ISBN978-0-521-77911-1.
Research papers, monographs, texts, and surveys
Cohen, P. J. (1966), Set Theory and the Continuum Hypothesis, Menlo Park, CA: W. A. Benjamin.
Davis, Martin (1973), "Hilbert's tenth problem is unsolvable", The American Mathematical Monthly (The
American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 80, No. 3) 80 (3): 233269, doi: 10.2307/2318447 (http:/ / dx. doi. org/
10. 2307/ 2318447), JSTOR 2318447 (http:/ / www. jstor. org/ stable/ 2318447), reprinted as an appendix in
Martin Davis, Computability and Unsolvability, Dover reprint 1982. JStor (http:/ / links. jstor. org/
sici?sici=0002-9890(197303)80:3<233:HTPIU>2. 0. CO;2-E)
Felscher, Walter (2000), "Bolzano, Cauchy, Epsilon, Delta", The American Mathematical Monthly (The
American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 107, No. 9) 107 (9): 844862, doi: 10.2307/2695743 (http:/ / dx. doi. org/
10. 2307/ 2695743), JSTOR 2695743 (http:/ / www. jstor. org/ stable/ 2695743). JSTOR (http:/ / links. jstor. org/
sici?sici=0002-9890(200011)107:9<844:BCED>2. 0. CO;2-L)
Ferreirs, Jos (2001), "The Road to Modern Logic-An Interpretation", Bulletin of Symbolic Logic (The Bulletin
of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 7, No. 4) 7 (4): 441484, doi: 10.2307/2687794 (http:/ / dx. doi. org/ 10. 2307/
2687794), JSTOR 2687794 (http:/ / www. jstor. org/ stable/ 2687794). JStor (http:/ / links. jstor. org/
sici?sici=1079-8986(200112)7:4<441:TRTMLI>2. 0. CO;2-O)
Hamkins, Joel David; Benedikt Lwe, "The modal logic of forcing", Transactions of the American Mathematical
Society, to appear. Electronic posting by the journal (http:/ / www. ams. org/ tran/ 0000-000-00/
S0002-9947-07-04297-3/ home. html)
Katz, Victor J. (1998), A History of Mathematics, AddisonWesley, ISBN0-321-01618-1.
Morley, Michael (1965), "Categoricity in Power", Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
(Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 114, No. 2) 114 (2): 514538, doi: 10.2307/1994188
(http:/ / dx. doi. org/ 10. 2307/ 1994188), JSTOR 1994188 (http:/ / www. jstor. org/ stable/ 1994188).
Soare, Robert I. (1996), "Computability and recursion", Bulletin of Symbolic Logic (The Bulletin of Symbolic
Logic, Vol. 2, No. 3) 2 (3): 284321, doi: 10.2307/420992 (http:/ / dx. doi. org/ 10. 2307/ 420992), JSTOR
420992 (http:/ / www. jstor. org/ stable/ 420992).
Solovay, Robert M. (1976), "Provability Interpretations of Modal Logic", Israel Journal of Mathematics 25
(34): 287304, doi: 10.1007/BF02757006 (http:/ / dx. doi. org/ 10. 1007/ BF02757006).
Woodin, W. Hugh (2001), "The Continuum Hypothesis, Part I", Notices of the American Mathematical Society 48
(6). PDF (http:/ / www. ams. org/ notices/ 200106/ fea-woodin. pdf)
Mathematical logic
Classical papers, texts, and collections
Burali-Forti, Cesare (1897), A question on transfinite numbers, reprinted in van Heijenoort 1976, pp.104111.
Dedekind, Richard (1872), Stetigkeit und irrationale Zahlen. English translation of title: "Consistency and
irrational numbers".
Dedekind, Richard (1888), Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen? Two English translations:
1963 (1901). Essays on the Theory of Numbers. Beman, W. W., ed. and trans. Dover.
1996. In From Kant to Hilbert: A Source Book in the Foundations of Mathematics, 2 vols, Ewald, William B.,
ed., Oxford University Press: 787832.
Fraenkel, Abraham A. (1922), "Der Begriff 'definit' und die Unabhngigkeit des Auswahlsaxioms",
Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-mathematische Klasse,
pp.253257 (German), reprinted in English translation as "The notion of 'definite' and the independence of the
axiom of choice", van Heijenoort 1976, pp.284289.
Frege Gottlob (1879), Begriffsschrift, eine der arithmetischen nachgebildete Formelsprache des reinen Denkens.
Halle a. S.: Louis Nebert. Translation: Concept Script, a formal language of pure thought modelled upon that of
arithmetic, by S. Bauer-Mengelberg in Jean Van Heijenoort, ed., 1967. From Frege to Gdel: A Source Book in
Mathematical Logic, 18791931. Harvard University Press.
Frege Gottlob (1884), Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik: eine logisch-mathematische Untersuchung ber den
Begriff der Zahl. Breslau: W. Koebner. Translation: J. L. Austin, 1974. The Foundations of Arithmetic: A
logico-mathematical enquiry into the concept of number, 2nd ed. Blackwell.
Gentzen, Gerhard (1936), "Die Widerspruchsfreiheit der reinen Zahlentheorie", Mathematische Annalen 112:
132213, doi: 10.1007/BF01565428 (http:/ / dx. doi. org/ 10. 1007/ BF01565428), reprinted in English translation
in Gentzen's Collected works, M. E. Szabo, ed., North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1969.Wikipedia:Citing sources
Gdel, Kurt (1929), ber die Vollstndigkeit des Logikkalkls, doctoral dissertation, University Of Vienna.
English translation of title: "Completeness of the logical calculus".
Gdel, Kurt (1930), "Die Vollstndigkeit der Axiome des logischen Funktionen-kalkls", Monatshefte fr
Mathematik und Physik 37: 349360, doi: 10.1007/BF01696781 (http:/ / dx. doi. org/ 10. 1007/ BF01696781).
English translation of title: "The completeness of the axioms of the calculus of logical functions".
Gdel, Kurt (1931), "ber formal unentscheidbare Stze der Principia Mathematica und verwandter Systeme I",
Monatshefte fr Mathematik und Physik 38 (1): 173198, doi: 10.1007/BF01700692 (http:/ / dx. doi. org/ 10.
1007/ BF01700692), see On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematica and Related Systems
for details on English translations.
Gdel, Kurt (1958), "ber eine bisher noch nicht bentzte Erweiterung des finiten Standpunktes", Dialectica.
International Journal of Philosophy 12 (34): 280287, doi: 10.1111/j.1746-8361.1958.tb01464.x (http:/ / dx.
doi. org/ 10. 1111/ j. 1746-8361. 1958. tb01464. x), reprinted in English translation in Gdel's Collected Works,
vol II, Soloman Feferman et al., eds. Oxford University Press, 1990.Wikipedia:Citing sources
van Heijenoort, Jean, ed. (1967, 1976 3rd printing with corrections), From Frege to Gdel: A Source Book in
Mathematical Logic, 18791931 (3rd ed.), Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, ISBN0-674-32449-8,
Hilbert, David (1899), Grundlagen der Geometrie, Leipzig: Teubner, English 1902 edition (The Foundations of
Geometry) republished 1980, Open Court, Chicago.
David, Hilbert (1929), "Probleme der Grundlegung der Mathematik" (http:/ / gdz. sub. uni-goettingen. de/ index.
php?id=11& PPN=GDZPPN002273500& L=1), Mathematische Annalen 102: 19, doi: 10.1007/BF01782335
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September 1928. Published in English translation as "The Grounding of Elementary Number Theory", in
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(1943), "Recursive Predicates and Quantifiers", American Mathematical Society Transactions (Transactions of
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10. 2307/ 1990131), JSTOR 1990131 (http:/ / www. jstor. org/ stable/ 1990131).
Lobachevsky, Nikolai (1840), Geometrishe Untersuchungen zur Theorie der Parellellinien (German). Reprinted
in English translation as "Geometric Investigations on the Theory of Parallel Lines" in Non-Euclidean Geometry,
Robert Bonola (ed.), Dover, 1955. ISBN 0-486-60027-0
(1915), "ber Mglichkeiten im Relativkalkl" (http:/ / gdz. sub. uni-goettingen. de/ index. php?id=11&
PPN=GDZPPN002266121& L=1), Mathematische Annalen 76 (4): 447470, doi: 10.1007/BF01458217 (http:/ /
dx. doi. org/ 10. 1007/ BF01458217), ISSN 0025-5831 (http:/ / www. worldcat. org/ issn/ 0025-5831) (German).
Translated as "On possibilities in the calculus of relatives" in Jean van Heijenoort, 1967. A Source Book in
Mathematical Logic, 18791931. Harvard Univ. Press: 228251.
Mancosu, Paolo, ed. (1998), From Brouwer to Hilbert. The Debate on the Foundations of Mathematics in the
1920s, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Pasch, Moritz (1882), Vorlesungen ber neuere Geometrie.
Peano, Giuseppe (1889), Arithmetices principia, nova methodo exposita (Latin), excerpt reprinted in English
stranslation as "The principles of arithmetic, presented by a new method", van Heijenoort 1976, pp.8397.
Richard, Jules (1905), "Les principes des mathmatiques et le problme des ensembles", Revue gnrale des
sciences pures et appliques 16: 541 (French), reprinted in English translation as "The principles of mathematics
and the problems of sets", van Heijenoort 1976, pp.142144.
Skolem, Thoralf (1920), "Logisch-kombinatorische Untersuchungen ber die Erfllbarkeit oder Beweisbarkeit
mathematischer Stze nebst einem Theoreme ber dichte Mengen", Videnskapsselskapet Skrifter, I.
Matematisk-naturvidenskabelig Klasse 6: 136.
Tarski, Alfred (1948), A decision method for elementary algebra and geometry, Santa Monica, California: RAND
Turing, Alan M. (1939), "Systems of Logic Based on Ordinals", Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society
45 (2): 161228, doi: 10.1112/plms/s2-45.1.161 (http:/ / dx. doi. org/ 10. 1112/ plms/ s2-45. 1. 161)
Zermelo, Ernst (1904), "Beweis, da jede Menge wohlgeordnet werden kann" (http:/ / gdz. sub. uni-goettingen.
de/ index. php?id=11& PPN=GDZPPN002260018& L=1), Mathematische Annalen 59 (4): 514516, doi:
10.1007/BF01445300 (http:/ / dx. doi. org/ 10. 1007/ BF01445300) (German), reprinted in English translation as
"Proof that every set can be well-ordered", van Heijenoort 1976, pp.139141.
Zermelo, Ernst (1908a), "Neuer Beweis fr die Mglichkeit einer Wohlordnung" (http:/ / gdz. sub. uni-goettingen.
de/ index. php?id=11& PPN=GDZPPN002261952& L=1), Mathematische Annalen 65: 107128, doi:
10.1007/BF01450054 (http:/ / dx. doi. org/ 10. 1007/ BF01450054), ISSN 0025-5831 (http:/ / www. worldcat.
org/ issn/ 0025-5831) (German), reprinted in English translation as "A new proof of the possibility of a
well-ordering", van Heijenoort 1976, pp.183198.
Zermelo, Ernst (1908b), "Untersuchungen ber die Grundlagen der Mengenlehre" (http:/ / gdz. sub.
uni-goettingen. de/ index. php?id=11& PPN=PPN235181684_0065& DMDID=DMDLOG_0018& L=1),
Mathematische Annalen 65 (2): 261281, doi: 10.1007/BF01449999 (http:/ / dx. doi. org/ 10. 1007/
Mathematical logic
External links
Hazewinkel, Michiel, ed. (2001), "Mathematical logic" (http:/ / www. encyclopediaofmath. org/ index.
php?title=p/ m062660), Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Springer, ISBN978-1-55608-010-4
Polyvalued logic (http:/ / home. swipnet. se/ ~w-33552/ logic/ home/ index. htm) and Quantity Relation Logic
(http:/ / www. quantrelog. se/ pvlmatrix/ index_main. htm)
forall x: an introduction to formal logic (http:/ / www. fecundity. com/ logic/ ), by P.D. Magnus, is a free
A Problem Course in Mathematical Logic (http:/ / euclid. trentu. ca/ math/ sb/ pcml/ ), by Stefan Bilaniuk, is
another free textbook.
Detlovs, Vilnis, and Podnieks, Karlis (University of Latvia) Introduction to Mathematical Logic. (http:/ / www.
ltn. lv/ ~podnieks/ mlog/ ml. htm) A hyper-textbook.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Classical Logic (http:/ / plato. stanford. edu/ entries/ logic-classical/ ) by
Stewart Shapiro.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: First-order Model Theory (http:/ / plato. stanford. edu/ entries/
modeltheory-fo/ ) by Wilfrid Hodges.
The London Philosophy Study Guide (http:/ / www. ucl. ac. uk/ philosophy/ LPSG/ ) offers many suggestions on
what to read, depending on the student's familiarity with the subject:
Mathematical Logic (http:/ / www. ucl. ac. uk/ philosophy/ LPSG/ MathLogic. htm)
Set Theory & Further Logic (http:/ / www. ucl. ac. uk/ philosophy/ LPSG/ SetTheory. htm)
Philosophy of Mathematics (http:/ / www. ucl. ac. uk/ philosophy/ LPSG/ PhilMath. htm)
Algebraic logic
In mathematical logic, algebraic logic is the reasoning obtained by manipulating equations with free variables.
What is now usually called classical algebraic logic focuses on the identification and algebraic description of models
appropriate for the study of various logics (in the form of classes of algebras that constitute the algebraic semantics
for these deductive systems) and connected problems like representation and duality. Well known results like the
representation theorem for Boolean algebras and Stone duality fall under the umbrella of classical algebraic logic.
Works in the more recent abstract algebraic logic (AAL) focus on the process of algebraization itself, like classifying
various forms of algebraizability using the Leibniz operator.
Algebras as models of logics
Algebraic logic treats algebraic structures, often bounded lattices, as models (interpretations) of certain logics,
making logic a branch of the order theory.
In algebraic logic:
Variables are tacitly universally quantified over some universe of discourse. There are no existentially quantified
variables or open formulas;
Terms are built up from variables using primitive and defined operations. There are no connectives;
Formulas, built from terms in the usual way, can be equated if they are logically equivalent. To express a
tautology, equate a formula with a truth value;
The rules of proof are the substitution of equals for equals, and uniform replacement. Modus ponens remains
valid, but is seldom employed.
In the table below, the left column contains one or more logical or mathematical systems, and the algebraic structure
which are its models are shown on the right in the same row. Some of these structures are either Boolean algebras or
Algebraic logic
proper extensions thereof. Modal and other nonclassical logics are typically modeled by what are called "Boolean
algebras with operators."
Algebraic formalisms going beyond first-order logic in at least some respects include:
Combinatory logic, having the expressive power of set theory;
Relation algebra, arguably the paradigmatic algebraic logic, can express Peano arithmetic and most axiomatic set
theories, including the canonical ZFC.
Logical system Its models
Classical sentential logic Lindenbaum-Tarski algebra Two-element Boolean algebra
Intuitionistic propositional logic Heyting algebra
ukasiewicz logic MV-algebra
Modal logic K Modal algebra
Lewis's S4 Interior algebra
Lewis's S5; Monadic predicate logic Monadic Boolean algebra
First-order logic complete Boolean algebra Cylindric algebra
Polyadic algebra
Predicate functor logic
Set theory Combinatory logic Relation algebra
Algebraic logic is, perhaps, the oldest approach to formal logic, arguably beginning with a number of memoranda
Leibniz wrote in the 1680s, some of which were published in the 19th century and translated into English by
Clarence Lewis in 1918. But nearly all of Leibniz's known work on algebraic logic was published only in 1903 after
Louis Couturat discovered it in Leibniz's Nachlass. Parkinson (1966) and Loemker (1969) translated selections from
Couturat's volume into English.
Brady (2000) discusses the rich historical connections between algebraic logic and model theory. The founders of
model theory, Ernst Schrder and Leopold Loewenheim, were logicians in the algebraic tradition. Alfred Tarski, the
founder of set theoretic model theory as a major branch of contemporary mathematical logic, also:
Co-discovered Lindenbaum-Tarski algebra;
Invented cylindric algebra;
Wrote the 1941 paper that revived relation algebra, which can be viewed as the starting point of abstract algebraic
Modern mathematical logic began in 1847, with two pamphlets whose respective authors were Augustus
DeMorganWikipedia:Disputed statement and George Boole. They, and later C.S. Peirce, Hugh MacColl, Frege,
Peano, Bertrand Russell, and A. N. Whitehead all shared Leibniz's dream of combining symbolic logic, mathematics,
and philosophy. Relation algebra is arguably the culmination of Leibniz's approach to logic. With the exception of
some writings by Leopold Loewenheim and Thoralf Skolem, algebraic logic went into eclipse soon after the 1910-13
publication of Principia Mathematica, not to be revived until Tarski's 1940 re-exposition of relation algebra.
Leibniz had no influence on the rise of algebraic logic because his logical writings were little studied before the
Parkinson and Loemker translations. Our present understanding of Leibniz as a logician stems mainly from the work
of Wolfgang Lenzen, summarized in Lenzen (2004).
To see how present-day work in logic and metaphysics can
draw inspiration from, and shed light on, Leibniz's thought, see Zalta (2000).
Algebraic logic
[1] http:/ / www. philosophie. uni-osnabrueck.de/ Publikationen%20Lenzen/ Lenzen%20Leibniz%20Logic. pdf
[2] http:/ / mally. stanford. edu/ Papers/ leibniz. pdf
Further reading
J. Michael Dunn; Gary M. Hardegree (2001). Algebraic methods in philosophical logic. Oxford University Press.
ISBN978-0-19-853192-0. Good introduction for readers with prior exposure to non-classical logics but without
much background in order theory and/or universal algebra; the book covers these prerequisites at length. This
book however has been criticized for poor and sometimes incorrect presentation of AAL results. (http:/ / www.
jstor. org/ stable/ 3094793)
Hajnal Andrka, Istvn Nmeti and Ildik Sain (2001). "Algebraic logic". In Dov M. Gabbay, Franz Guenthner.
Handbook of philosophical logic, vol 2 (2nd ed.). Springer. ISBN978-0-7923-7126-7. draft (http:/ / www.
math-inst. hu/ pub/ algebraic-logic/ handbook. pdf)
Willard Quine, 1976, "Algebraic Logic and Predicate Functors" in The Ways of Paradox. Harvard Univ. Press:
Historical perspective
Burris, Stanley, 2009. The Algebra of Logic Tradition (http:/ / plato. stanford. edu/ entries/
algebra-logic-tradition/ ). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Brady, Geraldine, 2000. From Peirce to Skolem: A neglected chapter in the history of logic.
North-Holland/Elsevier Science BV: catalog page (http:/ / www. elsevier. com/ wps/ find/ bookdescription.
cws_home/ 621535/ description), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 625 pages.
Lenzen, Wolfgang, 2004, " Leibnizs Logic (http:/ / www. philosophie. uni-osnabrueck. de/ Publikationen
Lenzen/ Lenzen Leibniz Logic. pdf)" in Gabbay, D., and Woods, J., eds., Handbook of the History of Logic, Vol.
3: The Rise of Modern Logic from Leibniz to Frege. North-Holland: 1-84.
Roger Maddux, 1991, "The Origin of Relation Algebras in the Development and Axiomatization of the Calculus
of Relations," Studia Logica 50: 421-55.
Parkinson, G.H.R., 1966. Leibniz: Logical Papers. Oxford Uni. Press.
Ivor Grattan-Guinness, 2000. The Search for Mathematical Roots. Princeton Univ. Press.
Loemker, Leroy (1969 (1956)), Leibniz: Philosophical Papers and Letters, Reidel.
Zalta, E. N., 2000, " A (Leibnizian) Theory of Concepts (http:/ / mally. stanford. edu/ leibniz. pdf),"
Philosophiegeschichte und logische Analyse / Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy 3: 137-183.
External links
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: " Propositional Consequence Relations and Algebraic Logic (http:/ / plato.
stanford. edu/ entries/ consequence-algebraic/ )" -- by Ramon Jansana. (mainly about abstract algebraic logic)
Multi-valued logic
Multi-valued logic
In logic, a many-valued logic (also multi- or multiple-valued logic) is a propositional calculus in which there are
more than two truth values. Traditionally, in Aristotle's logical calculus, there were only two possible values (i.e.,
"true" and "false") for any proposition. An obvious extension to classical two-valued logic is an n-valued logic for n
greater than 2. Those most popular in the literature are three-valued (e.g., ukasiewicz's and Kleene's, which accept
the values "true", "false", and "unknown"), the finite-valued with more than three values, and the infinite-valued,
such as fuzzy logic and probability logic.
The first known classical logician who didn't fully accept the law of excluded middle was Aristotle (who, ironically,
is also generally considered to be the first classical logician and the "father of logic"
). Aristotle admitted that his
laws did not all apply to future events (De Interpretatione, ch. IX), but he didn't create a system of multi-valued logic
to explain this isolated remark. Until the coming of the 20th century, later logicians followed Aristotelian logic,
which includes or assumes the law of the excluded middle.
The 20th century brought back the idea of multi-valued logic. The Polish logician and philosopher, Jan ukasiewicz,
began to create systems of many-valued logic in 1920, using a third value, "possible", to deal with Aristotle's
paradox of the sea battle. Meanwhile, the American mathematician, Emil L. Post (1921), also introduced the
formulation of additional truth degrees with n 2, where n are the truth values. Later, Jan ukasiewicz and Alfred
Tarski together formulated a logic on n truth values where n 2. In 1932 Hans Reichenbach formulated a logic of
many truth values where ninfinity. Kurt Gdel in 1932 showed that intuitionistic logic is not a finitely-many
valued logic, and defined a system of Gdel logics intermediate between classical and intuitionistic logic; such logics
are known as intermediate logics.
Kleene (strong) K
and Priest logic P
Kleene's "(strong) logic of indeterminacy" K
(sometimes and Priest's "logic of paradox" add a third
"undefined" or "indeterminate" truth value I. The truth functions for negation (), conjunction (), disjunction (),
implication (
), and biconditional (
) are given by:



The difference between the two logics lies in how tautologies are defined. In K
only T is a designated truth value,
while in P
both T and I are (a logical formula is considered a tautology if it evaluates to a designated truth value). In
Kleene's logic I can be interpreted as being "underdetermined", being neither true not false, while in Priest's logic I
can be interpreted as being "overdetermined", being both true and false. K
does not have any tautologies, while P
has the same tautologies as classical two-valued logic.
[citation needed]
Multi-valued logic
Bochvar's internal three-valued logic (also known as Kleene's weak three-valued logic)
Another logic is Bochvar's "internal" three-valued logic ( ) also called Kleene's weak three-valued logic. Except
for negation, its truth tables are all different from the above.



The intermediate truth value in Bochvar's "internal" logic can be described as "contagious" because it propagates in a
formula regardless of the value of any other variable.
Belnap logic (B
Belnap's logic B
combines K
and P
. The overdetermined truth value is here denoted as B and the underdetermined
truth value as N.



Relation to classical logic
Logics are usually systems intended to codify rules for preserving some semantic property of propositions across
transformations. In classical logic, this property is "truth." In a valid argument, the truth of the derived proposition is
guaranteed if the premises are jointly true, because the application of valid steps preserves the property. However,
that property doesn't have to be that of "truth"; instead, it can be some other concept.
Multi-valued logics are intended to preserve the property of designationhood (or being designated). Since there are
more than two truth values, rules of inference may be intended to preserve more than just whichever corresponds (in
the relevant sense) to truth. For example, in a three-valued logic, sometimes the two greatest truth-values (when they
are represented as e.g. positive integers) are designated and the rules of inference preserve these values. Precisely, a
valid argument will be such that the value of the premises taken jointly will always be less than or equal to the
For example, the preserved property could be justification, the foundational concept of intuitionistic logic. Thus, a
proposition is not true or false; instead, it is justified or flawed. A key difference between justification and truth, in
this case, is that the law of excluded middle doesn't hold: a proposition that is not flawed is not necessarily justified;
instead, it's only not proven that it's flawed. The key difference is the determinacy of the preserved property: One
may prove that P is justified, that P is flawed, or be unable to prove either. A valid argument preserves justification
across transformations, so a proposition derived from justified propositions is still justified. However, there are
proofs in classical logic that depend upon the law of excluded middle; since that law is not usable under this scheme,
Multi-valued logic
there are propositions that cannot be proven that way.
Relation to fuzzy logic
Multi-valued logic is closely related to fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic. The notion of fuzzy subset was introduced
by Lotfi Zadeh as a formalization of vagueness; i.e., the phenomenon that a predicate may apply to an object not
absolutely, but to a certain degree, and that there may be borderline cases. Indeed, as in multi-valued logic, fuzzy
logic admits truth values different from "true" and "false". As an example, usually the set of possible truth values is
the whole interval [0,1]. Nevertheless, the main difference between fuzzy logic and multi-valued logic is in the aims.
In fact, in spite of its philosophical interest (it can be used to deal with the Sorites paradox), fuzzy logic is devoted
mainly to the applications. More precisely, there are two approaches to fuzzy logic. The first one is very closely
linked with multi-valued logic tradition (Hajek school). So a set of designed values is fixed and this enables us to
define an entailment relation. The deduction apparatus is defined by a suitable set of logical axioms and suitable
inference rules. Another approach (Goguen, Pavelka and others) is devoted to defining a deduction apparatus in
which approximate reasonings are admitted. Such an apparatus is defined by a suitable fuzzy subset of logical
axioms and by a suitable set of fuzzy inference rules. In the first case the logical consequence operator gives the set
of logical consequence of a given set of axioms. In the latter the logical consequence operator gives the fuzzy subset
of logical consequence of a given fuzzy subset of hypotheses.
Applications of many-valued logic can be roughly classified into two groups.
The first group uses many-valued
logic domain to solve binary problems more efficiently. For example, a well-known approach to represent a
multiple-output Boolean function is to treat its output part as a single many-valued variable and convert it to a
single-output characteristic function. Other applications of many-valued logic include design of Programmable Logic
Arrays (PLAs) with input decoders, optimization of finite state machines, testing, and verification.
The second group targets the design of electronic circuits which employ more than two discrete levels of signals,
such as many-valued memories, arithmetic circuits, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) etc. Many-valued
circuits have a number of theoretical advantages over standard binary circuits. For example, the interconnect on and
off chip can be reduced if signals in the circuit assume four or more levels rather than only two. In memory design,
storing two instead of one bit of information per memory cell doubles the density of the memory in the same die
size. Applications using arithmetic circuits often benefit from using alternatives to binary number systems. For
example, residue and redundant number systems can reduce or eliminate the ripple-through carries which are
involved in normal binary addition or subtraction, resulting in high-speed arithmetic operations. These number
systems have a natural implementation using many-valued circuits. However, the practicality of these potential
advantages heavily depends on the availability of circuit realizations, which must be compatible or competitive with
present-day standard technologies.
Multi-valued logic
Research venues
An IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic (ISMVL) has been held annually since 1970. It mostly
caters to applications in digital design and verification.
There is also a Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft
[1] Hurley, Patrick. A Concise Introduction to Logic, 9th edition. (2006).
[2] Dubrova, Elena (2002). Multiple-Valued Logic Synthesis and Optimization (http:/ / dl. acm. org/ citation. cfm?id=566849), in Hassoun S. and
Sasao T., editors, Logic Synthesis and Verification, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 89-114
[3] http:/ / www. informatik.uni-trier. de/ ~ley/ db/ conf/ ismvl/ index. html
[4] http:/ / www. oldcitypublishing. com/ MVLSC/ MVLSC. html
Further reading
Bziau J.-Y. (1997), What is many-valued logic ? Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on
Multiple-Valued Logic, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, pp.117121.
Malinowski, Gregorz, (2001), Many-Valued Logics, in Goble, Lou, ed., The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical
Logic. Blackwell.
Bergmann, Merrie (2008), An introduction to many-valued and fuzzy logic: semantics, algebras, and derivation
systems, Cambridge University Press, ISBN978-0-521-88128-9 Unknown parameter |harv= ignored (help)
Cignoli, R. L. O., D'Ottaviano, I, M. L., Mundici, D., (2000). Algebraic Foundations of Many-valued Reasoning.
Malinowski, Grzegorz (1993). Many-valued logics. Clarendon Press. ISBN978-0-19-853787-8.
S. Gottwald, A Treatise on Many-Valued Logics. Studies in Logic and Computation, vol. 9, Research Studies
Press: Baldock, Hertfordshire, England, 2001.
Gottwald, Siegfried (2005). Many-Valued Logics (http:/ / www. uni-leipzig. de/ ~logik/ gottwald/ SGforDJ. pdf).
Miller, D. Michael; Thornton, Mitchell A. (2008). Multiple valued logic: concepts and representations. Synthesis
lectures on digital circuits and systems 12. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ISBN978-1-59829-190-2.
Hjek P., (1998), Metamathematics of fuzzy logic. Kluwer. (Fuzzy logic understood as many-valued logic sui
Alexandre Zinoviev, Philosophical Problems of Many-Valued Logic, D. Reidel Publishing Company, 169p.,
Prior A. 1957, Time and Modality. Oxford University Press, based on his 1956 John Locke lectures
Goguen J.A. 1968/69, The logic of inexact concepts, Synthese, 19, 325373.
Chang C.C. and Keisler H. J. 1966. Continuous Model Theory, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
Gerla G. 2001, Fuzzy logic: Mathematical Tools for Approximate Reasoning, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Pavelka J. 1979, On fuzzy logic I: Many-valued rules of inference, Zeitschr. f. math. Logik und Grundlagen d.
Math., 25, 4552.
Metcalfe, George; Olivetti, Nicola; Dov M. Gabbay (2008). Proof Theory for Fuzzy Logics. Springer.
ISBN978-1-4020-9408-8. Covers proof theory of many-valued logics as well, in the tradition of Hjek.
Hhnle, Reiner (1993). Automated deduction in multiple-valued logics. Clarendon Press.
Multi-valued logic
Azevedo, Francisco (2003). Constraint solving over multi-valued logics: application to digital circuits. IOS Press.
Bolc, Leonard; Borowik, Piotr (2003). Many-valued Logics 2: Automated reasoning and practical applications.
Springer. ISBN978-3-540-64507-8.
External links
Gottwald, Siegfried (2009). "Many-Valued Logic" (http:/ / plato. stanford. edu/ entries/ logic-manyvalued/ ).
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: " Truth Values (http:/ / plato. stanford. edu/ entries/ truth-values/ )"by
Yaroslav Shramko and Heinrich Wansing.
IEEE Computer Society's Technical Committee on Multiple-Valued Logic (http:/ / www. lcs. info. hiroshima-cu.
ac. jp/ ~s_naga/ MVL/ )
Resources for Many-Valued Logic (http:/ / www. cse. chalmers. se/ ~reiner/ mvl-web/ ) by Reiner Hhnle,
Chalmers University
Many-valued Logics W3 Server (http:/ / web. archive. org/ web/ 20050211094618/ http:/ / www. upmf-grenoble.
fr/ mvl/ ) (archived)
Fuzzy logic
Fuzzy logic is a form of many-valued logic; it deals with reasoning that is approximate rather than fixed and exact.
Compared to traditional binary sets (where variables may take on true or false values) fuzzy logic variables may
have a truth value that ranges in degree between 0 and 1. Fuzzy logic has been extended to handle the concept of
partial truth, where the truth value may range between completely true and completely false.
Furthermore, when
linguistic variables are used, these degrees may be managed by specific functions. Irrationality can be described in
terms of what is known as the fuzzjective.
[citation needed]
The term "fuzzy logic" was introduced with the 1965 proposal of fuzzy set theory by Lotfi A. Zadeh.
Fuzzy logic
has been applied to many fields, from control theory to artificial intelligence. Fuzzy logics however had been studied
since the 1920s as infinite-valued logics notably by ukasiewicz and Tarski.
Classical logic only permits propositions having a value of truth or falsity. The notion of whether 1+1=2 is absolute,
immutable, mathematical truth. However, there exist certain propositions with variable answers, such as asking
various people to identify a color. The notion of truth doesn't fall by the wayside, but rather a means of representing
and reasoning over partial knowledge is afforded, by aggregating all possible outcomes into a dimensional spectrum.
Both degrees of truth and probabilities range between 0 and 1 and hence may seem similar at first. For example, let a
100ml glass contain 30ml of water. Then we may consider two concepts: Empty and Full. The meaning of each of
them can be represented by a certain fuzzy set. Then one might define the glass as being 0.7empty and 0.3full. Note
that the concept of emptiness would be subjective and thus would depend on the observer or designer. Another
designer might equally well design a set membership function where the glass would be considered full for all values
down to 50ml. It is essential to realize that fuzzy logic uses truth degrees as a mathematical model of the vagueness
phenomenon while probability is a mathematical model of ignorance.
Fuzzy logic
Applying truth values
A basic application might characterize subranges of a continuous variable. For instance, a temperature measurement
for anti-lock brakes might have several separate membership functions defining particular temperature ranges needed
to control the brakes properly. Each function maps the same temperature value to a truth value in the 0 to 1 range.
These truth values can then be used to determine how the brakes should be controlled.
Fuzzy logic temperature
In this image, the meanings of the expressions cold, warm, and hot are represented by functions mapping a
temperature scale. A point on that scale has three "truth values"one for each of the three functions. The vertical
line in the image represents a particular temperature that the three arrows (truth values) gauge. Since the red arrow
points to zero, this temperature may be interpreted as "not hot". The orange arrow (pointing at 0.2) may describe it as
"slightly warm" and the blue arrow (pointing at 0.8) "fairly cold".
Linguistic variables
While variables in mathematics usually take numerical values, in fuzzy logic applications, the non-numeric linguistic
variables are often used to facilitate the expression of rules and facts.
A linguistic variable such as age may have a value such as young or its antonym old. However, the great utility of
linguistic variables is that they can be modified via linguistic hedges applied to primary terms. The linguistic hedges
can be associated with certain functions.
Early applications
The Japanese were the first to utilize fuzzy logic for practical applications. The first notable application was on the
high-speed train in Sendai, in which fuzzy logic was able to improve the economy, comfort, and precision of the
ride. It has also been used in recognition of hand written symbols in Sony pocket computers
[citation needed]
, Canon
auto-focus technology
[citation needed]
, Omron auto-aiming cameras
[citation needed]
, earthquake prediction and
modeling at the Institute of Seismology Bureau of Metrology in Japan
[citation needed]
, etc.
Hard science with IF-THEN rules
Fuzzy set theory defines fuzzy operators on fuzzy sets. The problem in applying this is that the appropriate fuzzy
operator may not be known. For this reason, fuzzy logic usually uses IF-THEN rules, or constructs that are
equivalent, such as fuzzy associative matrices.
Rules are usually expressed in the form:
IF variable IS property THEN action
For example, a simple temperature regulator that uses a fan might look like this:
Fuzzy logic
IF temperature IS very cold THEN stop fan
IF temperature IS cold THEN turn down fan
IF temperature IS normal THEN maintain level
IF temperature IS hot THEN speed up fan
There is no "ELSE" all of the rules are evaluated, because the temperature might be "cold" and "normal" at the
same time to different degrees.
The AND, OR, and NOT operators of boolean logic exist in fuzzy logic, usually defined as the minimum, maximum,
and complement; when they are defined this way, they are called the Zadeh operators. So for the fuzzy variables x
and y:
NOT x = (1 - truth(x))
x AND y = minimum(truth(x), truth(y))
x OR y = maximum(truth(x), truth(y))
There are also other operators, more linguistic in nature, called hedges that can be applied. These are generally
adverbs such as "very", or "somewhat", which modify the meaning of a set using a mathematical formula.
Logical analysis
In mathematical logic, there are several formal systems of "fuzzy logic"; most of them belong among so-called
t-norm fuzzy logics.
Propositional fuzzy logics
The most important propositional fuzzy logics are:
Monoidal t-norm-based propositional fuzzy logic MTL is an axiomatization of logic where conjunction is defined
by a left continuous t-norm, and implication is defined as the residuum of the t-norm. Its models correspond to
MTL-algebras that are prelinear commutative bounded integral residuated lattices.
Basic propositional fuzzy logic BL is an extension of MTL logic where conjunction is defined by a continuous
t-norm, and implication is also defined as the residuum of the t-norm. Its models correspond to BL-algebras.
ukasiewicz fuzzy logic is the extension of basic fuzzy logic BL where standard conjunction is the ukasiewicz
t-norm. It has the axioms of basic fuzzy logic plus an axiom of double negation, and its models correspond to
Gdel fuzzy logic is the extension of basic fuzzy logic BL where conjunction is Gdel t-norm. It has the axioms
of BL plus an axiom of idempotence of conjunction, and its models are called G-algebras.
Product fuzzy logic is the extension of basic fuzzy logic BL where conjunction is product t-norm. It has the
axioms of BL plus another axiom for cancellativity of conjunction, and its models are called product algebras.
Fuzzy logic with evaluated syntax (sometimes also called Pavelka's logic), denoted by EV, is a further
generalization of mathematical fuzzy logic. While the above kinds of fuzzy logic have traditional syntax and
many-valued semantics, in EV is evaluated also syntax. This means that each formula has an evaluation.
Axiomatization of EV stems from ukasziewicz fuzzy logic. A generalization of classical Gdel completeness
theorem is provable in EV.
Fuzzy logic
Predicate fuzzy logics
These extend the above-mentioned fuzzy logics by adding universal and existential quantifiers in a manner similar to
the way that predicate logic is created from propositional logic. The semantics of the universal (resp. existential)
quantifier in t-norm fuzzy logics is the infimum (resp. supremum) of the truth degrees of the instances of the
quantified subformula.
Decidability issues for fuzzy logic
The notions of a "decidable subset" and "recursively enumerable subset" are basic ones for classical mathematics and
classical logic. Thus the question of a suitable extension of these concepts to fuzzy set theory arises. A first proposal
in such a direction was made by E.S. Santos by the notions of fuzzy Turing machine, Markov normal fuzzy algorithm
and fuzzy program (see Santos 1970). Successively, L. Biacino and G. Gerla argued that the proposed definitions are
rather questionable and therefore they proposed the following ones. Denote by the set of rational numbers in [0,1].
Then a fuzzy subset s : S [0,1] of a set S is recursively enumerable if a recursive map h : SN exists such
that, for every x in S, the function h(x,n) is increasing with respect to n and s(x) = lim h(x,n). We say that s is
decidable if both s and its complement s are recursively enumerable. An extension of such a theory to the general
case of the L-subsets is possible (see Gerla 2006). The proposed definitions are well related with fuzzy logic. Indeed,
the following theorem holds true (provided that the deduction apparatus of the considered fuzzy logic satisfies some
obvious effectiveness property).
Theorem. Any axiomatizable fuzzy theory is recursively enumerable. In particular, the fuzzy set of logically true
formulas is recursively enumerable in spite of the fact that the crisp set of valid formulas is not recursively
enumerable, in general. Moreover, any axiomatizable and complete theory is decidable.
It is an open question to give supports for a Church thesis for fuzzy mathematics the proposed notion of recursive
enumerability for fuzzy subsets is the adequate one. To this aim, an extension of the notions of fuzzy grammar and
fuzzy Turing machine should be necessary (see for example Wiedermann's paper). Another open question is to start
from this notion to find an extension of Gdel's theorems to fuzzy logic.
Synthesis of fuzzy logic functions given in tabular form
It is known that any boolean logic function could be represented using a truth table mapping each set of variable
values into set of values {0,1}. The task of synthesis of boolean logic function given in tabular form is one of basic
tasks in traditional logic that is solved via disjunctive (conjunctive) perfect normal form.
Each fuzzy (continuous) logic function could be represented by a choice table containing all possible variants of
comparing arguments and their negations. A choice table maps each variant into value of an argument or a negation
of an argument. For instance, for two arguments a row of choice table contains a variant of comparing values x
, x
, x
and the corresponding function value
f( x
) = x
The task of synthesis of fuzzy logic function given in tabular form was solved in.
New concepts of constituents of
minimum and maximum were introduced. The sufficient and necessary conditions that a choice table defines a fuzzy
logic function were derived.
Fuzzy databases
Once fuzzy relations are defined, it is possible to develop fuzzy relational databases. The first fuzzy relational
database, FRDB, appeared in Maria Zemankova's dissertation. Later, some other models arose like the Buckles-Petry
model, the Prade-Testemale Model, the Umano-Fukami model or the GEFRED model by J.M. Medina, M.A. Vila et
al. In the context of fuzzy databases, some fuzzy querying languages have been defined, highlighting the SQLf by P.
Bosc et al. and the FSQL by J. Galindo et al. These languages define some structures in order to include fuzzy
Fuzzy logic
aspects in the SQL statements, like fuzzy conditions, fuzzy comparators, fuzzy constants, fuzzy constraints, fuzzy
thresholds, linguistic labels and so on.
Much progress has been made to take fuzzy logic database applications to the web and let the world easily use them,
for example: http:/ / sullivansoftwaresystems. com/ cgi-bin/ fuzzy-logic-match-algorithm. cgi?SearchString=garia
This enables fuzzy logic matching to be incorporated into and database system or application.
Comparison to probability
Fuzzy logic and probability are different ways of expressing uncertainty. While both fuzzy logic and probability
theory can be used to represent subjective belief, fuzzy set theory uses the concept of fuzzy set membership (i.e.,
how much a variable is in a set), and probability theory uses the concept of subjective probability (i.e., how probable
do I think that a variable is in a set). While this distinction is mostly philosophical, the fuzzy-logic-derived
possibility measure is inherently different from the probability measure, hence they are not directly equivalent.
However, many statisticians are persuaded by the work of Bruno de Finetti that only one kind of mathematical
uncertainty is needed and thus fuzzy logic is unnecessary. On the other hand, Bart Kosko argues
[citation needed]
probability is a subtheory of fuzzy logic, as probability only handles one kind of uncertainty. He also claims
to have proven a derivation of Bayes' theorem from the concept of fuzzy subsethood. Lotfi A. Zadeh argues
that fuzzy logic is different in character from probability, and is not a replacement for it. He fuzzified probability to
fuzzy probability and also generalized it to what is called possibility theory. (cf.
) More generally, fuzzy logic is
one of many different proposed extensions to classical logic, known as probabilistic logics, intended to deal with
issues of uncertainty in classical logic, the inapplicability of probability theory in many domains, and the paradoxes
of Dempster-Shafer theory.
Relation to ecorithms
Harvard's Dr. Leslie Valiant, co-author of the Valiant-Vazirani theorem, uses the term "ecorithms" to describe how
many less exact systems and techniques like fuzzy logic (and "less robust" logic) can be applied to learning
algorithms. Valiant essentially redefines machine learning as evolutionary. Ecorithms and fuzzy logic also have the
common property of dealing with possibilities more than probabilities, although feedback and feedforward, basically
stochastic "weights," are a feature of both when dealing with, for example, dynamical systems.
In general use, ecorithms are algorithms that learn from their more complex environments (hence eco) to generalize,
approximate and simplify solution logic. Like fuzzy logic, they are methods used to overcome continuous variables
or systems too complex to completely enumerate or understand discretely or exactly. See in particular p.58 of the
reference comparing induction/invariance, robust, mathematical and other logical limits in computing, where
techniques including fuzzy logic and natural data selection (ala "computational Darwinism") can be used to shortcut
computational complexity and limits in a "practical" way (such as the brake temperature example in this article).
[1] Novk, V., Perfilieva, I. and Moko, J. (1999) Mathematical principles of fuzzy logic Dodrecht: Kluwer Academic. ISBN 0-7923-8595-0
[2] Zadeh, L.A. (1965). "Fuzzy sets", Information and Control 8 (3): 338353.
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External links
Formal fuzzy logic (http:/ / en. citizendium. org/ wiki/ Formal_fuzzy_logic) - article at Citizendium
Fuzzy Logic (http:/ / www. scholarpedia. org/ article/ Fuzzy_Logic) - article at Scholarpedia
Modeling With Words (http:/ / www. scholarpedia. org/ article/ Modeling_with_words) - article at Scholarpedia
Fuzzy logic (http:/ / plato. stanford. edu/ entries/ logic-fuzzy/ ) - article at Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Fuzzy Math (http:/ / blog. peltarion. com/ 2006/ 10/ 25/ fuzzy-math-part-1-the-theory) - Beginner level
introduction to Fuzzy Logic
Fuzzylite (http:/ / www. fuzzylite. com/ ) - A cross-platform, free open-source Fuzzy Logic Control Library
written in C++. Also has a very useful graphic user interface in QT4.
A metatheory or meta-theory is a theory whose subject matter is some theory. All fields of research share some
meta-theory, regardless whether this is explicit or correct. In a more restricted and specific sense, in mathematics and
mathematical logic, metatheory means a mathematical theory about another mathematical theory.
The following is an example of a meta-theoretical statement:

Any physical theory is always provisional, in the sense that it is only a hypothesis; you can never prove it. No matter how many times the
results of experiments agree with some theory, you can never be sure that the next time the result will not contradict the theory. On the other
hand, you can disprove a theory by finding even a single observation that disagrees with the predictions of the theory.
Meta-theoretical investigations are generally part of philosophy of science. Also a metatheory is an object of concern
to the area in which the individual theory is conceived.
Examining groups of related theories, a first finding may be to identify classes of theories, thus specifying a
taxonomy of theories.
In mathematics
The concept burst upon the scene of 20th-century philosophy as a result of the work of the German mathematician
David Hilbert, who in 1905 published a proposal for proof of the consistency and completeness of mathematics,
creating the field of metamathematics. His hopes for the success of this proof were dashed by the work of Kurt
Gdel, who in 1931, used his incompleteness theorems to prove this goal of consistency and completeness to be
unattainable. Nevertheless, his program of unsolved mathematical problems, out of which grew this
metamathematical proposal, continued to influence the direction of mathematics for the rest of the 20th century.
The study of metatheory became widespread during the rest of that century by its application in other fields, notably
scientific linguistics and its concept of metalanguage.
[1] Stephen Hawking in A Brief History of Time
External links
Meta-theoretical Issues (2003), Lyle Flint (http:/ / www. bsu. edu/ classes/ flint/ comm360/ metatheo. html)
Metalogic is the study of the metatheory of logic. Wheras logic studies how logical systems can be used to construct
valid and sound arguments, metalogic studies the properties of logical systems.
Logic concerns the truths that may
be derived using a logical system; metalogic concerns the truths that may be derived about the languages and
systems that are used to express truths.
The basic objects of metalogical study are formal languages, formal systems, and their interpretations. The study of
interpretation of formal systems is the branch of mathematical logic that is known as model theory, and the study of
deductive systems is the branch that is known as proof theory.
Formal language
A formal language is an organized set of symbols, the symbols of which precisely define it by shape and place. Such
a language therefore can be defined without reference to the meanings of its expressions; it can exist before any
interpretation is assigned to itthat is, before it has any meaning. First order logic is expressed in some formal
language. A formal grammar determines which symbols and sets of symbols are formulas in a formal language.
A formal language can be formally defined as a set A of strings (finite sequences) on a fixed alphabet . Some
authors, including Carnap, define the language as the ordered pair <, A>.
Carnap also requires that each element
of must occur in at least one string in A.
Formation rules
Formation rules (also called formal grammar) are a precise description of the well-formed formulas of a formal
language. They are synonymous with the set of strings over the alphabet of the formal language that constitute well
formed formulas. However, it does not describe their semantics (i.e. what they mean).
Formal systems
A formal system (also called a logical calculus, or a logical system) consists of a formal language together with a
deductive apparatus (also called a deductive system). The deductive apparatus may consist of a set of transformation
rules (also called inference rules) or a set of axioms, or have both. A formal system is used to derive one expression
from one or more other expressions.
A formal system can be formally defined as an ordered triple <, , d>, where d is the relation of direct
derivability. This relation is understood in a comprehensive sense such that the primitive sentences of the formal
system are taken as directly derivable from the empty set of sentences. Direct derivability is a relation between a
sentence and a finite, possibly empty set of sentences. Axioms are so chosen that every first place member of d is
a member of and every second place member is a finite subset of .
A formal system can also be defined with only the relation d. Thereby can be omitted and in the definitions
of interpreted formal language, and interpreted formal system. However, this method can be more difficult to
understand and use.
Formal proofs
A formal proof is a sequence of well-formed formulas of a formal language, the last of which is a theorem of a
formal system. The theorem is a syntactic consequence of all the well formed formulae that in the proof precede it.
For a well formed formula to qualify as part of a proof, it must result from applying a rule of the deductive apparatus
of some formal system to the previous well formed formulae in the proof sequence.
An interpretation of a formal system is the assignment of meanings to the symbols and truth-values to the sentences
of the formal system. The study of interpretations is called Formal semantics. Giving an interpretation is
synonymous with constructing a model.
Important distinctions in metalogic
MetalanguageObject language
In metalogic, formal languages are sometimes called object languages. The language used to make statements about
an object language is called a metalanguage. This distinction is a key difference between logic and metalogic. While
logic deals with proofs in a formal system, expressed in some formal language, metalogic deals with proofs about a
formal system which are expressed in a metalanguage about some object language.
In metalogic, 'syntax' has to do with formal languages or formal systems without regard to any interpretation of
them, whereas, 'semantics' has to do with interpretations of formal languages. The term 'syntactic' has a slightly
wider scope than 'proof-theoretic', since it may be applied to properties of formal languages without any deductive
systems, as well as to formal systems. 'Semantic' is synonymous with 'model-theoretic'.
In metalogic, the words 'use' and 'mention', in both their noun and verb forms, take on a technical sense in order to
identify an important distinction. The usemention distinction (sometimes referred to as the words-as-words
distinction) is the distinction between using a word (or phrase) and mentioning it. Usually it is indicated that an
expression is being mentioned rather than used by enclosing it in quotation marks, printing it in italics, or setting the
expression by itself on a line. The enclosing in quotes of an expression gives us the name of an expression, for
'Metalogic' is the name of this article.
This article is about metalogic.
The type-token distinction is a distinction in metalogic, that separates an abstract concept from the objects which are
particular instances of the concept. For example, the particular bicycle in your garage is a token of the type of thing
known as "The bicycle." Whereas, the bicycle in your garage is in a particular place at a particular time, that is not
true of "the bicycle" as used in the sentence: "The bicycle has become more popular recently." This distinction is
used to clarify the meaning of symbols of formal languages.
Metalogical questions have been asked since the time of Aristotle. However, it was only with the rise of formal
languages in the late 19th and early 20th century that investigations into the foundations of logic began to flourish. In
1904, David Hilbert observed that in investigating the foundations of mathematics that logical notions are
presupposed, and therefore a simultaneous account of metalogical and metamathematical principles was required.
Today, metalogic and metamathematics are largely synonymous with each other, and both have been substantially
subsumed by mathematical logic in academia.
Results in metalogic
Results in metalogic consist of such things as formal proofs demonstrating the consistency, completeness, and
decidability of particular formal systems.
Major results in metalogic include:
Proof of the uncountability of the set of all subsets of the set of natural numbers (Cantor's theorem 1891)
LwenheimSkolem theorem (Leopold Lwenheim 1915 and Thoralf Skolem 1919)
Proof of the consistency of truth-functional propositional logic (Emil Post 1920)
Proof of the semantic completeness of truth-functional propositional logic (Paul Bernays 1918),
(Emil Post
Proof of the syntactic completeness of truth-functional propositional logic (Emil Post 1920)
Proof of the decidability of truth-functional propositional logic (Emil Post 1920)
Proof of the consistency of first order monadic predicate logic (Leopold Lwenheim 1915)
Proof of the semantic completeness of first order monadic predicate logic (Leopold Lwenheim 1915)
Proof of the decidability of first order monadic predicate logic (Leopold Lwenheim 1915)
Proof of the consistency of first order predicate logic (David Hilbert and Wilhelm Ackermann 1928)
Proof of the semantic completeness of first order predicate logic (Gdel's completeness theorem 1930)
Proof of the undecidability of first order predicate logic (Church's theorem 1936)
Gdel's first incompleteness theorem 1931
Gdel's second incompleteness theorem 1931
Tarski's undefinability theorem (Gdel and Tarski in the 1930s)
[1] [1] Harry Gensler, Introduction to Logic, Routledge, 2001, p. 253.
[2] Hunter, Geoffrey, Metalogic: An Introduction to the Metatheory of Standard First-Order Logic, University of California Press, 1971
[3] Rudolf Carnap (1958) Introduction to Symbolic Logic and its Applications, p.102.
[4] [4] Hao Wang, Reflections on Kurt Gdel
Philosophical logic
Philosophical logic
Philosophical logic refers to those areas of philosophy in which recognized methods of logic have traditionally been
used to solve or advance the discussion of philosophical problems.
Sybil Wolfram lists the study of argument,
meaning, and truth in particular, while Colin McGinn includes identity, existence, predication, necessity, and truth as
the main topics of his book on the subject.
In the same vein, philosophical logic is often understood to address
extensions and alternatives to classical logicthe so-called non-classical logics. Texts such as John P. Burgess'
Philosophical Logic,
the Blackwell Companion to Philosophical Logic,
or the multi-volume Handbook of
Philosophical Logic
(edited by Dov M. Gabbay and Franz Guenthner) emphasize this latter usage, addressing both
the formal aspects of these topics and their applications to associated philosophical problems.
[1] Jacquette, Dale. 2002. A Companion to Philosophical Logic. Wiley-Blackwell.
[2] McGinn, Colin. 2000. Logical Properties: Identity, Existence, Predication, Necessity, Truth. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN
0-19-926263-2, preface
[3] [3] Burgess, John P. (2009). Philosophical Logic. Princeton University Press.
[4] Goble, Lou, ed., 2001. The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic. (http:/ / books. google. ca/ books?id=aaO2f60YAwIC& dq=(The+
Blackwell+ Guide+ to)+ Philosophical+ Logic& pg=PP1& ots=y5wP1HQkbh& source=bn& sig=gwaoap-A-Xxzx8daLihFbp2kdCk& hl=en&
sa=X& oi=book_result& resnum=5& ct=result) Oxford: Blackwell. ISBN 0-631-20693-0.
[5] http:/ / www. springer.com/ series/ 6024
External links
Journal of Philosophical Logic, Springer Science+Business Media
Study Guide to Philosophical Logic and the Philosophy of Logic (http:/ / www. ontology. co/ pathways-logic.
htm) Annotated selection of books on the subject
Logic in computer science
Logic in computer science
Diagrammatic Representation of Computer Logic
Logic in computer science covers the overlap between the field of
Logic and that of Computer Science. The topic can essentially be
divided into three main areas:
Theoretical foundations and analysis
Use of computer technology to aid logicians
Use of concepts from logic for computer applications
Theoretical foundations and analysis
The most essential foundations for computer science are grounded in
logic and set theory. The logician Gottlob Frege who defined the first
propositional calculus essentially created the first programming
language. The language he defined has all the formal requirements for
a powerful computer programming and specification language. The
theory of computation is based on concepts defined by logicians and
mathematicians such as Alonzo Church and Alan Turing. In addition some other major areas of theoretical overlap
between logic and computer science are:
Godel's incompleteness theorem proves that any logical system will contain statements that are neither true nor
false. This has direct application to theoretical issues relating to the feasibility of proving the completeness and
correctness of software.
The Frame problem is a basic problem which must be overcome when using logic to represent the goals and state
of an artificial intelligence agent.
Category theory is the formal analysis and transformation of directed graphs, an area with myriad applications in
computer science. For example, object-oriented models can be represented as categories and theorem proving
technology can transform the object model specifications into code.
The Curry-Howard correspondence is a proof about the relation between logical systems and software. This
theory established the theoretical foundation for viewing a computer program as a formal logical statement that
could be proven to be correct and consistent.
Computers to Assist Logicians
One of the first applications to use the term Artificial Intelligence was the Logic Theorist system developed by Allan
Newll, J.C. Shaw, and Herb Simon in 1956. One of the things that a Logician does is to take a set of statements in
Logic and deduce the conclusions (additional statements) that must be true by the laws of logic. For example If given
a logical system that states "All humans are mortal" and "Socrates is human" a valid conclusion is "Socrates is
mortal". Of course this is a trivial example. In actual logical systems the statements can be numerous and complex. It
was realized early on that this kind of analysis could be significantly aided by the use of computers. The Logic
Theorist validated the theoretical work of Bertrand Russel and Alfred North Whitehead in their infuential work on
mathematical logic called Principia Mathematica. In addition subsequent systems have been utilized by logicians to
validate and discover new logical theorems and proofs.
Logic in computer science
Logic applications for computers
There has always been a strong influence from mathematical logic on the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). From
the beginning of the field it was realized that technology to automate logical inferences could have great potential to
solve problems and draw conclusions from facts. Ron Brachman has described First Order Logic (FOL) as metric by
which all AI knowledge representation formalism should be evaluated. There is no more general or powerful known
method for describing and analyzing information than FOL. The reason FOL itself is simply not used as a computer
language is that it is actually too expressive, in the sense that FOL can easily express statements that no computer, no
matter how powerful, could ever solve. For this reason every form of knowledge representation is in some sense a
trade off between expressivity and computability. The more expressive the language is, the closer it is to FOL, the
more likely it is to be slower and prone to an infinite loop.
For example, IF THEN rules used in Expert Systems are a very limited subset of FOL. Rather than arbitrary
formulas with the full range of logical operators the starting point is simply what logicians refer to as Modus Ponens.
As a result the computability of rule based systems can be quite good, especially if they take advantage of
optimization algorithms and compilation.
Another major area of research for logical theory was software engineering. Research projects such as the
Knowledge-Based Software Assistant and Programmer's Apprentice programs applied logical theory to validate the
correctness of software specifications. They also used them to transform the specifications into efficient code on
diverse platforms and to prove the equivalence between the implementation and the specification. This formal
transformation driven approach is often far more effort than traditional software development. However, in specific
domains with appropriate formalisms and reusable templates the approach has proven viable for commercial
products. The appropriate domains are usually those such as weapons systems, security systems, and real time
financial systems where failure of the system has excessively high human or financial cost. An example of such a
domain is Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) Design -- the process for designing the chips used for the CPU's and
other critical components of digital devices. An error in a chip is catastrophic. Unlike software chips can't be patched
or updated. As a result there is commercial justification for using formal methods to prove that the implementation
corresponds to the specification.
Another important application of logic to computer technology has been in the area of Frame languages and
automatic classifiers. Frame languages such as KL-ONE have a rigid semantics. Definitions in KL-ONE can be
directly mapped to set theory and the predicate calculus. This allows specialized theorem provers called classifiers to
analyze the various declarations between sets, subsets, and relations in a given model. In this way the model can be
validated and any inconsistent definitions flagged. The classifier can also infer new information, for example define
new sets based on existing information and change the definition of existing sets based on new data. The level of
flexibility is ideal for handling the ever changing world of the Internet. Classifier technology is built on top of
languages such as the Web Ontology Language to allow a logical semantic level on to the existing Internet. This
layer of is called the Semantic web.
Logic in computer science
Ben-Ari, Mordechai (2003). Mathematical Logic for Computer Science (2nd ed.). Springer-Verlag.
Huth, Michael; Ryan, Mark (2004). Logic in Computer Science: Modelling and Reasoning about Systems (http:/ /
www. cs. bham. ac. uk/ research/ lics/ ) (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press. ISBN0-521-54310-X.
Burris, Stanley N. (1997). Logic for Mathematics and Computer Science. Prentice Hall. ISBN0-13-285974-2.
External links
Article on Logic and Artificial Intelligence (http:/ / plato. stanford. edu/ entries/ logic-ai/ ) at the Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (http:/ / www. informatik. hu-berlin. de/ lics/ ) (LICS)
Alwen Tiu, Introduction to logic (http:/ / videolectures. net/ ssll09_tiu_intlo/ ) video recording of a lecture at
ANU Logic Summer School '09 (aimed mostly at computer scientists)
Controversies in logic
Principle of bivalence
In logic, the semantic principle (or law) of bivalence states that every declarative sentence expressing a proposition
(of a theory under inspection) has exactly one truth value, either true or false. A logic satisfying this principle is
called a two-valued logic or bivalent logic.
In formal logic, the principle of bivalence becomes a property that a semantics may or may not possess. It is not the
same as the law of excluded middle, however, and a semantics may satisfy that law without being bivalent.
The principle of bivalence is studied in philosophical logic to address the question of which natural-language
statements have a well-defined truth value. Sentences which predict events in the future, and sentences which seem
open to interpretation, are particularly difficult for philosophers who hold that the principle of bivalence applies to
all declarative natural-language statements. Many-valued logics formalize ideas that a realistic characterization of the
notion of consequence requires the admissibility of premises which, owing to vagueness, temporal or quantum
indeterminacy, or reference-failure, cannot be considered classically bivalent. Reference failures can also be
addressed by free logics.
Relationship with the law of the excluded middle
The principle of bivalence is related to the law of excluded middle though the latter is a syntactic expression of the
language of a logic of the form "P P". The difference between the principle and the law is important because
there are logics which validate the law but which do not validate the principle. For example, the three-valued Logic
of Paradox (LP) validates the law of excluded middle, but not the law of non-contradiction, (P P), and its
intended semantics is not bivalent. In classical two-valued logic both the law of excluded middle and the law of
non-contradiction hold.
Many modern logic programming systems replace the law of the excluded middle with the concept of negation as
failure. The programmer may wish to add the law of the excluded middle by explicitly asserting it as true; however,
it is not assumed a priori.
Classical logic
The intended semantics of classical logic is bivalent, but this is not true of every semantics for classical logic. In
Boolean-valued semantics (for classical propositional logic), the truth values are the elements of an arbitrary
Boolean algebra, "true" corresponds to the maximal element of the algebra, and "false" corresponds to the minimal
element. Intermediate elements of the algebra correspond to truth values other than "true" and "false". The principle
of bivalence holds only when the Boolean algebra is taken to be the two-element algebra, which has no intermediate
Assigning Boolean semantics to classical predicate calculus requires that the model be a complete Boolean algebra
because the universal quantifier maps to the infimum operation, and the existential quantifier maps to the supremum;
this is called a Boolean-valued model. All finite Boolean algebras are complete.
Principle of bivalence
Suszko's thesis
In order to justify his claim that true and false are the only logical values, Suszko (1977) observes that every
structural Tarskian many-valued propositional logic can be provided with a bivalent semantics.
Future contingents
A famous example is the contingent sea battle case found in Aristotle's work, De Interpretatione, chapter 9:
Imagine P refers to the statement "There will be a sea battle tomorrow."
The principle of bivalence here asserts:
Either it is true that there will be a sea battle tomorrow, or it is false that there will be a sea battle tomorrow.
Aristotle hesitated to embrace bivalence for such future contingents; Chrysippus, the Stoic logician, did embrace
bivalence for this and all other propositions. The controversy continues to be of central importance in both the
philosophy of time and the philosophy of logic.
One of the early motivations for the study of many-valued logics has been precisely this issue. In the early 20th
century, the Polish formal logician Jan ukasiewicz proposed three truth-values: the true, the false and the
as-yet-undetermined. This approach was later developed by Arend Heyting and L. E. J. Brouwer; see ukasiewicz
Issues such as this have also been addressed in various temporal logics, where one can assert that "Eventually, either
there will be a sea battle tomorrow, or there won't be." (Which is true if "tomorrow" eventually occurs.)
Such puzzles as the Sorites paradox and the related continuum fallacy have raised doubt as to the applicability of
classical logic and the principle of bivalence to concepts that may be vague in their application. Fuzzy logic and
some other multi-valued logics have been proposed as alternatives that handle vague concepts better. Truth (and
falsity) in fuzzy logic, for example, comes in varying degrees. Consider the following statement in the circumstance
of sorting apples on a moving belt:
This apple is red.
Upon observation, the apple is an undetermined color between yellow and red, or it is motled both colors. Thus the
color falls into neither category " red " nor " yellow ", but these are the only categories available to us as we sort the
apples. We might say it is "50% red". This could be rephrased: it is 50% true that the apple is red. Therefore, P is
50% true, and 50% false. Now consider:
This apple is red and it is not-red.
In other words, P and not-P. This violates the law of noncontradiction and, by extension, bivalence. However, this is
only a partial rejection of these laws because P is only partially true. If P were 100% true, not-P would be 100%
false, and there is no contradiction because P and not-P no longer holds.
However, the law of the excluded middle is retained, because P and not-P implies P or not-P, since "or" is inclusive.
The only two cases where P and not-P is false (when P is 100% true or false) are the same cases considered by
two-valued logic, and the same rules apply.
Example of a 3-valued logic applied to vague (undetermined) cases: Kleene 1952
(64, pp.332340) offers a
3-valued logic for the cases when algorithms involving partial recursive functions may not return values, but rather
end up with circumstances "u" = undecided. He lets "t" = "true", "f" = "false", "u" = "undecided" and redesigns all
the propositional connectives. He observes that:
Principle of bivalence
"We were justified intuitionistically in using the classical 2-valued logic, when we were using the connectives
in building primitive and general recursive predicates, since there is a decision procedure for each general
recursive predicate; i.e. the law of the excluded middle is proved intuitionistically to apply to general recursive
"Now if Q(x) is a partial recursive predicate, there is a decision procedure for Q(x) on its range of definition,
so the law of the excluded middle or excluded "third" (saying that, Q(x) is either t or f) applies
intuitionistically on the range of definition. But there may be no algorithm for deciding, given x, whether Q(x)
is defined or not . . .. Hence it is only classically and not intuitionistically that we have a law of the excluded
fourth (saying that, for each x, Q(x) is either t, f, or u).
"The third "truth value" u is thus not on par with the other two t and f in our theory. Consideration of its status
will show that we are limited to a special kind of truth table".
The following are his "strong tables":
~Q QVR R t f u Q&R R t f u QR R t f u Q=R R t f u
Q t f Q t t t t Q t t f u Q t t f u Q t t f u
f t f t f u f f f f f t t t f f t u
u u u t u u u u f u u t u u u u u u
For example, if a determination cannot be made as to whether an apple is red or not-red, then the truth value of the
assertion Q: " This apple is red " is " u ". Likewise, the truth value of the assertion R " This apple is not-red " is " u ".
Thus the AND of these into the assertion Q AND R, i.e. " This apple is red AND this apple is not-red " will, per the
tables, yield " u ". And, the assertion Q OR R, i.e. " This apple is red OR this apple is not-red " will likewise yield " u
[1] Note the use of the (extremely) definite article: " This " as opposed to a more-vague " The ". " The " would have to be accompanied with a
pointing-gesture to make it definitive. Ff Principia Mathematica (2nd edition), p. 91. Russell & Whitehead observe that this " this " indicates
"something given in sensation" and as such it shall be considered "elementary".
[2] Stephen C. Kleene 1952 Introduction to Metamathematics, 6th Reprint 1971, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam NY, ISBN
[3] "Strong tables" is Kleene's choice of words. Note that even though " u " may appear for the value of Q or R, " t " or " f " may, in those
occasions, appear as a value in " Q V R ", " Q & R " and " Q R ". "Weak tables" on the other hand, are "regular", meaning they have " u "
appear in all cases when the value " u " is applied to either Q or R or both. Kleene notes that these tables are not the same as the original
values of the tables of ukasiewicz 1920. (Kleene gives these differences on page 335). He also concludes that " u " can mean any or all of the
following: "undefined", "unknown (or value immaterial)", "value disregarded for the moment", i.e. it is a third category that does not
(ultimately) exclude " t " and " f " (page 335).
Further reading
Devidi, D.; Solomon, G. (1999). "On Confusions About Bivalence and Excluded Middle". Dialogue (in French)
38 (4): 785799. doi: 10.1017/S0012217300006715 (http:/ / dx. doi. org/ 10. 1017/ S0012217300006715)..
Betti Arianna (2002) The Incomplete Story of ukasiewicz and Bivalence (http:/ / segr-did2. fmag. unict. it/
~polphil/ Polphil/ Lukas/ LukasBival. pdf) in T. Childers (ed.) The Logica 2002 Yearbook, Prague: The Czech
Academy of SciencesFilosofia, pp.2126
Jean-Yves Bziau (2003) " Bivalence, excluded middle and non contradiction (http:/ / www. unine. ch/ unilog/
jyb/ new principle of bivalence. pdf)", in The Logica Yearbook 2003, L.Behounek (ed), Academy of Sciences,
Prague, pp.7384.
Font, J. M. (2009). "Taking Degrees of Truth Seriously". Studia Logica 91 (3): 383406. doi:
10.1007/s11225-009-9180-7 (http:/ / dx. doi. org/ 10. 1007/ s11225-009-9180-7).
Principle of bivalence
External links
Truth Values (http:/ / plato. stanford. edu/ entries/ truth-values) entry by Yaroslav Shramko, Heinrich Wansing in
the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Paradoxes of material implication
The paradoxes of material implication are a group of formulas which are truths of classical logic, but which are
intuitively problematic. One of these paradoxes is the paradox of entailment.
The root of the paradoxes lies in a mismatch between the interpretation of the validity of logical implication in
natural language, and its formal interpretation in classical logic, dating back to George Boole's algebraic logic. In
classical logic, implication describes conditional if-then statements using a truth-functional interpretation, i.e. "p
implies q" is defined to be "it is not the case that p is true and q false". Also, "p implies q" is equivalent to "p is false
or q is true". For example, "if it is raining, then I will bring an umbrella", is equivalent to "it is not raining, or I will
bring an umbrella, or both". This truth-functional interpretation of implication is called material implication or
material conditional.
The paradoxes are logical statements which are true but whose truth is intuitively surprising to people who are not
familiar with them. If the terms 'p', 'q' and 'r' stand for arbitrary propositions then the main paradoxes are given
formally as follows:
1. , p and its negation imply q. This is the paradox of entailment.
2. , if p is true then it is implied by every q.
3. , if p is false then it implies every q. This is referred to as 'explosion'.
4. , either q or its negation is true, so their disjunction is implied by every p.
5. , if p, q and r are three arbitrary propositions, then either p implies q or q implies r. This is
because if q is true then p implies it, and if it is false then q implies any other statement. Since r can be p, it
follows that given two arbitrary propositions, one must imply the other, even if they are mutually contradictory.
For instance, "Nadia is in Barcelona implies Nadia is in Madrid, or Nadia is in Madrid implies Nadia is in
Barcelona." This truism sounds like nonsense in ordinary discourse.
6. , if p does not imply q then p is true and q is false. NB if p were false then it would
imply q, so p is true. If q were also true then p would imply q, hence q is false. This paradox is particularly
surprising because it tells us that if one proposition does not imply another then the first is true and the second
The paradoxes of material implication arise because of the truth-functional definition of material implication, which
is said to be true merely because the antecedent is false or the consequent is true. By this criterion, "If the moon is
made of green cheese, then the world is coming to an end," is true merely because the moon isn't made of green
cheese. By extension, any contradiction implies anything whatsoever, since a contradiction is never true. (All
paraconsistent logics must, by definition, reject (1) as false.) Also, any tautology is implied by anything whatsoever,
since a tautology is always true.
To sum up, although it is deceptively similar to what we mean by "logically follows" in ordinary usage, material
implication does not capture the meaning of "if... then".
Paradoxes of material implication
Paradox of entailment
As the best known of the paradoxes, and most formally simple, the paradox of entailment makes the best
In natural language, an instance of the paradox of entailment arises:
It is raining
It is not raining
George Washington was made of rakes.
This arises from the principle of explosion, a law of classical logic stating that inconsistent premises always make an
argument valid; that is, inconsistent premises imply any conclusion at all. This seems paradoxical, as it suggests that
the above is a valid argument.
Understanding the paradox of entailment
Validity is defined in classical logic as follows:
An argument (consisting of premises and a conclusion) is valid if and only if there is no possible situation in
which all the premises are true and the conclusion is false.
For example a valid argument might run:
If it is raining, water exists (1st premise)
It is raining (2nd premise)
Water exists (Conclusion)
In this example there is no possible situation in which the premises are true while the conclusion is false. Since there
is no counterexample, the argument is valid.
But one could construct an argument in which the premises are inconsistent. This would satisfy the test for a valid
argument since there would be no possible situation in which all the premises are true and therefore no possible
situation in which all the premises are true and the conclusion is false.
For example an argument with inconsistent premises might run:
Matter has mass (1st premise; true)
Matter does not have mass (2nd premise; false)
All numbers are equal to 12 (Conclusion)
As there is no possible situation where both premises could be true, then there is certainly no possible situation in
which the premises could be true while the conclusion was false. So the argument is valid whatever the conclusion
is; inconsistent premises imply all conclusions.
Explaining the paradox
The strangeness of the paradox of entailment comes from the fact that the definition of validity in classical logic does
not always agree with the use of the term in ordinary language. In everyday use validity suggests that the premises
are consistent. In classical logic, the additional notion of soundness is introduced. A sound argument is a valid
argument with all true premises. Hence a valid argument with an inconsistent set of premises can never be sound. A
suggested improvement to the notion of logical validity to eliminate this paradox is relevant logic.
Paradoxes of material implication
The classical paradox formulas are closely tied to the formula,

the principle of Simplification, which can be derived from the paradox formulas rather easily (e.g. from (1) by
Importation). In addition, there are serious problems with trying to use material implication as representing the
English "if ... then ...". For example, the following are valid inferences:
but mapping these back to English sentences using "if" gives paradoxes. The first might be read "If John is in
London then he is in England, and if he is in Paris then he is in France. Therefore, it is either true that (a) if John is in
London then he is in France, or (b) that if he is in Paris then he is in England." Using material implication, if John
really is in London, then (since he is not in Paris) (b) is true; whereas if he is in Paris, then (a) is true. Since he
cannot be in both places, the conclusion that at least one of (a) or (b) is true is valid.
But this does not match how "if ... then ..." is used in natural language: the most likely scenario in which one would
say "If John is in London then he is in England" is if one does not know where John is, but nonetheless knows that if
he is in London, he is in England. Under this interpretation, both premises are true, but both clauses of the
conclusion are false.
The second example can be read "If both switch A and switch B are closed, then the light is on. Therefore, it is either
true that if switch A is closed, the light is on, or that if switch B is closed, the light is on." Here, the most likely
natural-language interpretation of the "if ... then ..." statements would be "whenever switch A is closed, the light is
on", and "whenever switch B is closed, the light is on". Again, under this interpretation both clauses of the
conclusion may be false (for instance in a series circuit, with a light that only comes on when both switches are
Bennett, J. A Philosophical Guide to Conditionals. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 2003.
Conditionals, ed. Frank Jackson. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1991.
Etchemendy, J. The Concept of Logical Consequence. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1990.
Hazewinkel, Michiel, ed. (2001), "Strict implication calculus"
, Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Springer,
Sanford, D. If P, Then Q: Conditionals and the Foundations of Reasoning. New York: Routledge. 1989.
Priest, G. An Introduction to Non-Classical Logic, Cambridge University Press. 2001.
[1] http:/ / www. encyclopediaofmath. org/ index.php?title=p/ s090470
Paraconsistent logic
Paraconsistent logic
A paraconsistent logic is a logical system that attempts to deal with contradictions in a discriminating way.
Alternatively, paraconsistent logic is the subfield of logic that is concerned with studying and developing
paraconsistent (or "inconsistency-tolerant") systems of logic.
Inconsistency-tolerant logics have been discussed since at least 1910 (and arguably much earlier, for example in the
writings of Aristotle); however, the term paraconsistent ("beside the consistent") was not coined until 1976, by the
Peruvian philosopher Francisco Mir Quesada.
In classical logic (as well as intuitionistic logic and most other logics), contradictions entail everything. This curious
feature, known as the principle of explosion or ex contradictione sequitur quodlibet (Latin, "from a contradiction,
anything follows")
can be expressed formally as
1 Premise
2 Conjunctive Elimination from 1
3 Weakening from 2
4 Conjunctive Elimination from 1
5 Disjunctive Syllogism from 3 and 4
Which means: if P and its negation P are both assumed to be true, then P is assumed to be true, from which it
follows that at least one of the claims P and some other (arbitrary) claim A is true. However, if we know that either P
or A is true, and also that P is not true (that P is true) we can conclude that A, which could be anything, is true. Thus
if a theory contains a single inconsistency, it is trivialthat is, it has every sentence as a theorem. The characteristic
or defining feature of a paraconsistent logic is that it rejects the principle of explosion. As a result, paraconsistent
logics, unlike classical and other logics, can be used to formalize inconsistent but non-trivial theories.
Paraconsistent logics and classical logic
Paraconsistent logics are propositionally weaker than classical logic; that is, they deem fewer propositional
inferences valid. The point is that a paraconsistent logic can never be a propositional extension of classical logic, that
is, propositionally validate everything that classical logic does. In some sense, then, paraconsistent logic is more
conservative or cautious than classical logic. It is due to such conservativeness that paraconsistent languages can be
more expressive than their classical counterparts including the hierarchy of metalanguages due to Alfred Tarski et al.
According to Solomon Feferman [1984]: "natural language abounds with directly or indirectly self-referential yet
apparently harmless expressionsall of which are excluded from the Tarskian framework." This expressive
limitation can be overcome in paraconsistent logic.
The primary motivation for paraconsistent logic is the conviction that it ought to be possible to reason with
inconsistent information in a controlled and discriminating way. The principle of explosion precludes this, and so
must be abandoned. In non-paraconsistent logics, there is only one inconsistent theory: the trivial theory that has
every sentence as a theorem. Paraconsistent logic makes it possible to distinguish between inconsistent theories and
to reason with them.
Research into paraconsistent logic has also led to the establishment of the philosophical school of dialetheism (most
notably advocated by Graham Priest), which asserts that true contradictions exist in reality, for example groups of
Paraconsistent logic
people holding opposing views on various moral issues. Being a dialetheist rationally commits one to some form of
paraconsistent logic, on pain of otherwise embracing trivialism, i.e. accepting that all contradictions (and
equivalently all statements) are true. However, the study of paraconsistent logics, does not necessarily entail a
dialetheist viewpoint. For example, one need not commit to either the existence of true theories or true
contradictions, but would rather prefer a weaker standard like empirical adequacy, as proposed by Bas van Fraassen.
In classical logic Aristotle's three laws, namely, the excluded middle (p or p), non-contradiction (p p) and
identity (p iff p), are regarded as the same, due to the inter-definition of the connectives. Moreover, traditionally
contradictoriness (the presence of contradictions in a theory or in a body of knowledge) and triviality (the fact that
such a theory entails all possible consequences) are assumed inseparable, granted that negation is available. These
views may be philosophically challenged, precisely on the grounds that they fail to distinguish between
contradictoriness and other forms of inconsistency.
On the other hand, it is possible to derive triviality from the 'conflict' between consistency and contradictions, once
these notions have been properly distinguished. The very notions of consistency and inconsistency may be
furthermore internalized at the object language level.
Paraconsistency involves a tradeoff. In particular, abandoning the principle of explosion requires one to abandon at
least one of the following three very intuitive principles:
Disjunction introduction
Disjunctive syllogism
Transitivity or "cut"
Though each of these principles has been challenged, the most popular approach among logicians is to reject
disjunctive syllogism. If one is a dialetheist, it makes perfect sense that disjunctive syllogism should fail. The idea
behind this syllogism is that, if A, then A is excluded, so the only way A B could be true would be if B were true.
However, if A and A can both be true at the same time, then this reasoning fails.
Another approach is to reject disjunction introduction but keep disjunctive syllogism and transitivity. The disjunction
(A B) is defined as (A B). In this approach all of the rules of natural deduction hold, except for proof by
contradiction and disjunction introduction; moreover, does not mean necessarily that , which
is also a difference from natural deduction.
Also, the following usual Boolean properties hold: excluded middle
and (for conjunction and disjunction) associativity, commutativity, distributivity, De Morgan's laws, and
idempotence. Furthermore, by defining the implication (A B) as (A B), there is a Two-Way Deduction
Theorem allowing implications to be easily proved. Carl Hewitt favours this approach, claiming that having the
usual Boolean properties, Natural Deduction, and Deduction Theorem are huge advantages in software
Yet another approach is to do both simultaneously. In many systems of relevant logic, as well as linear logic, there
are two separate disjunctive connectives. One allows disjunction introduction, and one allows disjunctive syllogism.
Of course, this has the disadvantages entailed by separate disjunctive connectives including confusion between them
and complexity in relating them.
The three principles below, when taken together, also entail explosion, so at least one must be abandoned:
Paraconsistent logic
Reductio ad absurdum
Rule of weakening
Double negation elimination
Both reductio ad absurdum and the rule of weakening have been challenged in this respect, but without much
success. Double negation elimination is challenged, but for unrelated reasons. By removing it alone, while upholding
the other two one may still be able to prove all negative propositions from a contradiction.
One well-known system of paraconsistent logic is the simple system known as LP ("Logic of Paradox"), first
proposed by the Argentinian logician F. G. Asenjo in 1966 and later popularized by Priest and others.
One way of presenting the semantics for LP is to replace the usual functional valuation with a relational one.
binary relation relates a formula to a truth value: means that is true, and means that
is false. A formula must be assigned at least one truth value, but there is no requirement that it be assigned at most
one truth value. The semantic clauses for negation and disjunction are given as follows:

(The other logical connectives are defined in terms of negation and disjunction as usual.) Or to put the same point
less symbolically:
not A is true if and only if A is false
not A is false if and only if A is true
A or B is true if and only if A is true or B is true
A or B is false if and only if A is false and B is false
(Semantic) logical consequence is then defined as truth-preservation:
if and only if is true whenever every element of is true.
Now consider a valuation such that and but it is not the case that . It is easy to
check that this valuation constitutes a counterexample to both explosion and disjunctive syllogism. However, it is
also a counterexample to modus ponens for the material conditional of LP. For this reason, proponents of LP usually
advocate expanding the system to include a stronger conditional connective that is not definable in terms of negation
and disjunction.
As one can verify, LP preserves most other inference patterns that one would expect to be valid, such as De
Morgan's laws and the usual introduction and elimination rules for negation, conjunction, and disjunction.
Surprisingly, the logical truths (or tautologies) of LP are precisely those of classical propositional logic.
(LP and
classical logic differ only in the inferences they deem valid.) Relaxing the requirement that every formula be either
true or false yields the weaker paraconsistent logic commonly known as FDE ("First-Degree Entailment"). Unlike
LP, FDE contains no logical truths.
It must be emphasized that LP is but one of many paraconsistent logics that have been proposed.
It is presented
here merely as an illustration of how a paraconsistent logic can work.
Paraconsistent logic
Relation to other logics
One important type of paraconsistent logic is relevance logic. A logic is relevant iff it satisfies the following
if A B is a theorem, then A and B share a non-logical constant.
It follows that a relevance logic cannot have (p p) q as a theorem, and thus (on reasonable assumptions)
cannot validate the inference from {p, p} to q.
Paraconsistent logic has significant overlap with many-valued logic; however, not all paraconsistent logics are
many-valued (and, of course, not all many-valued logics are paraconsistent). Dialetheic logics, which are also
many-valued, are paraconsistent, but the converse does not hold.
Intuitionistic logic allows A A not to be equivalent to true, while paraconsistent logic allows A A not to be
equivalent to false. Thus it seems natural to regard paraconsistent logic as the "dual" of intuitionistic logic. However,
intuitionistic logic is a specific logical system whereas paraconsistent logic encompasses a large class of systems.
Accordingly, the dual notion to paraconsistency is called paracompleteness, and the "dual" of intuitionistic logic (a
specific paracomplete logic) is a specific paraconsistent system called anti-intuitionistic or dual-intuitionistic logic
(sometimes referred to as Brazilian logic, for historical reasons).
The duality between the two systems is best seen
within a sequent calculus framework. While in intuitionistic logic the sequent
is not derivable, in dual-intuitionistic logic
is not derivable. Similarly, in intuitionistic logic the sequent
is not derivable, while in dual-intuitionistic logic
is not derivable. Dual-intuitionistic logic contains a connective # known as pseudo-difference which is the dual of
intuitionistic implication. Very loosely, A # B can be read as "A but not B". However, # is not truth-functional as one
might expect a 'but not' operator to be; similarly, the intuitionistic implication operator cannot be treated like " (A
B)". Dual-intuitionistic logic also features a basic connective which is the dual of intuitionistic : negation may
be defined as A = ( # A)
A full account of the duality between paraconsistent and intuitionistic logic, including an explanation on why
dual-intuitionistic and paraconsistent logics do not coincide, can be found in Brunner and Carnielli (2005).
Paraconsistent logic has been applied as a means of managing inconsistency in numerous domains, including:
Semantics. Paraconsistent logic has been proposed as means of providing a simple and intuitive formal account of
truth that does not fall prey to paradoxes such as the Liar. However, such systems must also avoid Curry's
paradox, which is much more difficult as it does not essentially involve negation.
Set theory and the foundations of mathematics (see paraconsistent mathematics). Some believeWikipedia:Avoid
weasel words that paraconsistent logic has significant ramifications with respect to the significance of Russell's
paradox and Gdel's incompleteness theoremsWikipedia:Disputed statement.
Epistemology and belief revision. Paraconsistent logic has been proposed as a means of reasoning with and
revising inconsistent theories and belief systems.
Knowledge management and artificial intelligence. Some computer scientists have utilized paraconsistent logic as
a means of coping gracefully with inconsistent information.
Paraconsistent logic
Deontic logic and metaethics. Paraconsistent logic has been proposed as a means of dealing with ethical and other
normative conflicts.
Software engineering. Paraconsistent logic has been proposed as a means for dealing with the pervasive
inconsistencies among the documentation, use cases, and code of large software systems.
Electronics design routinely uses a four valued logic, with "hi-impedance (z)" and "don't care (x)" playing similar
roles to "don't know" and "both true and false" respectively, in addition to True and False. This logic was
developed independently of Philosophical logics.
Some philosophers have argued against dialetheism on the grounds that the counterintuitiveness of giving up any of
the three principles above outweighs any counterintuitiveness that the principle of explosion might have.
Others, such as David Lewis, have objected to paraconsistent logic on the ground that it is simply impossible for a
statement and its negation to be jointly true.
A related objection is that "negation" in paraconsistent logic is not
really negation; it is merely a subcontrary-forming operator.
Approaches exist that allow for resolution of inconsistent beliefs without violating any of the intuitive logical
principles. Most such systems use multi-valued logic with Bayesian inference and the Dempster-Shafer theory,
allowing that no non-tautological belief is completely (100%) irrefutable because it must be based upon incomplete,
abstracted, interpreted, likely unconfirmed, potentially uninformed, and possibly incorrect knowledge (of course, this
very assumption, if non-tautological, entails its own refutability, if by "refutable" we mean "not completely [100%]
irrefutable"). These systems effectively give up several logical principles in practice without rejecting them in
Notable figures
Notable figures in the history and/or modern development of paraconsistent logic include:
Alan Ross Anderson (USA, 19251973). One of the founders of relevance logic, a kind of paraconsistent logic.
F. G. Asenjo (Argentina)
Diderik Batens (Belgium)
Nuel Belnap (USA, b. 1930). Worked with Anderson on relevance logic.
Jean-Yves Bziau (France/Switzerland, b. 1965). Has written extensively on the general structural features and
philosophical foundations of paraconsistent logics.
Ross Brady (Australia)
Bryson Brown (Canada)
Walter Carnielli (Brazil). The developer of the possible-translations semantics, a new semantics which makes
paraconsistent logics applicable and philosophically understood.
Newton da Costa (Brazil, b. 1929). One of the first to develop formal systems of paraconsistent logic.
Itala M. L. D'Ottaviano (Brazil)
J. Michael Dunn (USA). An important figure in relevance logic.
Stanisaw Jakowski (Poland). One of the first to develop formal systems of paraconsistent logic.
R. E. Jennings (Canada)
David Kellogg Lewis (USA, 19412001). Articulate critic of paraconsistent logic.
Jan ukasiewicz (Poland, 18781956)
Robert K. Meyer (USA/Australia)
Chris Mortensen (Australia). Has written extensively on paraconsistent mathematics.
Paraconsistent logic
Lorenzo Pea (Spain, b. 1944). Has developed an original line of paraconsistent logic, gradualistic logic (also
known as transitive logic, TL), akin to Fuzzy Logic.
Val Plumwood [formerly Routley] (Australia, b. 1939). Frequent collaborator with Sylvan.
Graham Priest (Australia). Perhaps the most prominent advocate of paraconsistent logic in the world today.
Francisco Mir Quesada (Peru). Coined the term paraconsistent logic.
B. H. Slater (Australia). Another articulate critic of paraconsistent logic.
Richard Sylvan [formerly Routley] (New Zealand/Australia, 19351996). Important figure in relevance logic and
a frequent collaborator with Plumwood and Priest.
Nicolai A. Vasiliev (Russia, 18801940). First to construct logic tolerant to contradiction (1910).
[1] [1] Priest (2002), p. 288 and 3.3.
[2] Carnielli, W. and Marcos, J. (2001) "Ex contradictione non sequitur quodlibet" (http:/ / citeseerx. ist. psu. edu/ viewdoc/ summary?doi=10. 1.
1. 107. 70) Proc. 2nd Conf. on Reasoning and Logic (Bucharest, July 2000)
[3] See the article on the principle of explosion for more on this.
[4] [4] Hewitt (2008b)
[5] [5] Hewitt (2008a)
[6] [6] Priest (2002), p. 306.
[7] LP is also commonly presented as a many-valued logic with three truth values (true, false, and both).
[8] [8] See, for example, Priest (2002), 5.
[9] [9] See Priest (2002), p. 310.
[10] [10] Surveys of various approaches to paraconsistent logic can be found in Bremer (2005) and Priest (2002), and a large family of paraconsistent
logics is developed in detail in Carnielli, Congilio and Marcos (2007).
[11] [11] See Aoyama (2004).
[12] [12] Most of these are discussed in Bremer (2005) and Priest (2002).
[13] See, for example, Truth maintenance systems or the articles in Bertossi et al. (2004).
[14] [14] See Lewis (1982).
[15] [15] See Slater (1995), Bziau (2000).
Jean-Yves Bziau, Walter Carnielli and Dov Gabbay, eds. (2007). Handbook of Paraconsistency. London: King's
College. ASIN 1904987737 (http:/ / www. amazon. com/ dp/ 1904987737). ISBN978-1-904987-73-4.
Aoyama, Hiroshi (2004). "LK, LJ, Dual Intuitionistic Logic, and Quantum Logic". Notre Dame Journal of
Formal Logic 45 (4): 193213. doi: 10.1305/ndjfl/1099238445 (http:/ / dx. doi. org/ 10. 1305/ ndjfl/
Bertossi, Leopoldo, eds. (2004). Inconsistency Tolerance. Berlin: Springer. ISBN3-540-24260-0.
Brunner, Andreas and Carnielli, Walter (2005). "Anti-intuitionism and paraconsistency". Journal of Applied
Logic 3 (1): 161184. doi: 10.1016/j.jal.2004.07.016 (http:/ / dx. doi. org/ 10. 1016/ j. jal. 2004. 07. 016).
Bziau, Jean-Yves (2000). "What is Paraconsistent Logic?". In In D. Batens et al. (eds.). Frontiers of
Paraconsistent Logic. Baldock: Research Studies Press. pp.95111. ISBN0-86380-253-2.
Bremer, Manuel (2005). An Introduction to Paraconsistent Logics. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. ISBN3-631-53413-2.
Brown, Bryson (2002). "On Paraconsistency". In In Dale Jacquette (ed.). A Companion to Philosophical Logic.
Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers. pp.628650. ISBN0-631-21671-5.
Carnielli, Walter; Coniglio, Marcelo E. and Marcos, J, (2007). "Logics of Formal Inconsistency". In In D. Gabbay
and F. Guenthner (eds.). Handbook of Philosophical Logic, Volume 14 (2nd ed.). The Netherlands: Kluwer
Academic Publishers. pp.193. ISBN1-4020-6323-7.
Feferman, Solomon (1984). Toward Useful Type-Free Theories, I. "Journal of Symbolic Logic". The Journal of
Symbolic Logic 49 (1): 75111. JSTOR 2274093 (http:/ / www. jstor. org/ stable/ 2274093).
Hewitt, Carl (2008a). "Large-scale Organizational Computing requires Unstratified Reflection and Strong
Paraconsistency". In Jaime Sichman, Pablo Noriega, Julian Padget and Sascha Ossowski (ed.). Coordination,
Paraconsistent logic
Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in Agent Systems III. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4780.
Springer-Verlag. doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-79003-7 (http:/ / dx. doi. org/ 10. 1007/ 978-3-540-79003-7).
Hewitt, Carl (2008b). "Common sense for concurrency and inconsistency tolerance using Direct Logic
and the
Actor model". arXiv: 0812.4852 (http:/ / arxiv. org/ abs/ 0812. 4852)[ cs.LO (http:/ / arxiv. org/ archive/ cs. LO)].
Lewis, David (1998) [1982]. "Logic for Equivocators". Papers in Philosophical Logic. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. pp.97110. ISBN0-521-58788-3.
Pea, Lorenzo (1996) [1996]. "Graham Priest's 'Dialetheism': Is it altogether true?" (http:/ / lp. jurid. net/ articles/
logica/ dialethe. htm). Sorites 7: 2856. hdl: 10261/9714 (http:/ / hdl. handle. net/ 10261/ 9714). Retrieved
Priest, Graham (2002). "Paraconsistent Logic.". In In D. Gabbay and F. Guenthner (eds.). Handbook of
Philosophical Logic, Volume 6 (2nd ed.). The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp.287393.
Priest, Graham and Tanaka, Koji (1996, 2009). "Paraconsistent Logic" (http:/ / plato. stanford. edu/ entries/
logic-paraconsistent/ ). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved June 17, 2010. (First published Tue Sep
24, 1996; substantive revision Fri Mar 20, 2009)
Slater, B. H. (1995). "Paraconsistent Logics?". Journal of Philosophical Logic 24 (4): 451454. doi:
10.1007/BF01048355 (http:/ / dx. doi. org/ 10. 1007/ BF01048355).
Woods, John (2003). Paradox and Paraconsistency: Conflict Resolution in the Abstract Sciences. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. ISBN0-521-00934-0.
External links
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy "Paraconsistent Logic" (http:/ / plato. stanford. edu/ entries/
logic-paraconsistent/ )
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy "Inconsistent Mathematics" (http:/ / plato. stanford. edu/ entries/
mathematics-inconsistent/ )
"World Congress on Paraconsistency, Ghent 1997, Juquehy 2000, Toulouse, 2003, Melbourne 2008, Kolkata,
2014" (http:/ / www. paraconsistency. org)
Is logic empirical?
Is logic empirical?
"Is logic empirical?" is the title of two articles (by Hilary Putnam and Michael Dummett)
that discuss the idea
that the algebraic properties of logic may, or should, be empirically determined; in particular, they deal with the
question of whether empirical facts about quantum phenomena may provide grounds for revising classical logic as a
consistent logical rendering of reality. The replacement derives from the work of Garrett Birkhoff and John von
Neumann on quantum logic. In their work, they showed that the outcomes of quantum measurements can be
represented as binary propositions and that these quantum mechanical propositions can be combined in much the
same way as propositions in classical logic. However, the algebraic properties of this structure are somewhat
different from those of classical propositional logic in that the principle of distributivity fails.
The idea that the principles of logic might be susceptible to revision on empirical grounds has many roots, including
the work of W.V. Quine and the foundational studies of Hans Reichenbach.
W.V. Quine
What is the epistemological status of the laws of logic? What sort of arguments are appropriate for criticising
purported principles of logic? In his seminal paper "Two Dogmas of Empiricism," the logician and philosopher W.V.
Quine argued that all beliefs are in principle subject to revision in the face of empirical data, including the so-called
analytic propositions. Thus the laws of logic, being paradigmatic cases of analytic propositions, are not immune to
To justify this claim he cited the so-called paradoxes of quantum mechanics. Birkhoff and von Neumann proposed to
resolve those paradoxes by abandoning the principle of distributivity, thus substituting their quantum logic for
classical logic.
Quine did not at first seriously pursue this argument, providing no sustained argument for the claim in that paper. In
Philosophy of Logic (the chapter titled "Deviant Logics"), Quine rejects the idea that classical logic should be revised
in response to the paradoxes, being concerned with "a serious loss of simplicity", and "the handicap of having to
think within a deviant logic". Quine, though, stood by his claim that logic is in principle not immune to revision.
Hans Reichenbach
Reichenbach considered one of the anomalies associated with quantum mechanics, the problem of complementary
properties. A pair of properties of a system is said to be complementary if each one of them can be assigned a truth
value in some experimental setup, but there is no setup which assigns a truth value to both properties. The classic
example of complementarity is illustrated by the double-slit experiment in which a photon can be made to exhibit
particle-like properties or wave-like properties, depending on the experimental setup used to detect its presence.
Another example of complementary properties is that of having a precisely observed position or momentum.
Reichenbach approached the problem within the philosophical program of the logical positivists, wherein the choice
of an appropriate language was not a matter of the truth or falsity of a given language in this case, the language
used to describe quantum mechanics but a matter of "technical advantages of language systems". His solution to
the problem was a logic of properties with a three-valued semantics; each property could have one of three possible
truth-values: true, false, or indeterminate. The formal properties of such a logical system can be given by a set of
fairly simple rules, certainly far simpler than the "projection algebra" that Birkhoff and von Neumann had introduced
a few years earlier. However, because of this simplicity, the intended semantics of Reichenbach's three-valued logic
is unsuited to provide a foundation for quantum mechanics that can account for observables.
Is logic empirical?
First article: Hilary Putnam
Hilary Putnam
In his paper "Is logic empirical?" Hilary Putnam, whose PhD studies were
supervised by Reichenbach, pursued Quine's idea systematically. In the first
place, he made an analogy between laws of logic and laws of geometry: at one
time Euclid's postulates were believed to be truths about the physical space in
which we live, but modern physical theories are based around non-Euclidean
geometries, with a different and fundamentally incompatible notion of straight
In particular, he claimed that what physicists have learned about quantum
mechanics provides a compelling case for abandoning certain familiar principles
of classical logic for this reason: realism about the physical world, which Putnam
generally maintains, demands that we square up to the anomalies associated with
quantum phenomena. Putnam understands realism about physical objects to
entail the existence of the properties of momentum and position for quanta. Since
the uncertainty principle says that either of them can be determined, but both
cannot be determined at the same time, he faces a paradox. He sees the only possible resolution of the paradox as
lying in the embrace of quantum logic, which he believes is not inconsistent.
Quantum logic
The formal laws of a physical theory are justified by a process of repeated controlled observations. This from a
physicist's point of view is the meaning of the empirical nature of these laws.
The idea of a propositional logic with rules radically different from Boolean logic in itself was not new. Indeed a sort
of analogy had been established in the mid-nineteen thirties by Garrett Birkhoff and John von Neumann between a
non-classical propositional logic and some aspects of the measurement process in quantum mechanics. Putnam and
the physicist David Finkelstein proposed that there was more to this correspondence than a loose analogy: that in fact
there was a logical system whose semantics was given by a lattice of projection operators on a Hilbert space. This,
actually, was the correct logic for reasoning about the microscopic world.
In this view, classical logic was merely a limiting case of this new logic. If this were the case, then our
"preconceived" Boolean logic would have to be rejected by empirical evidence in the same way Euclidean geometry
(taken as the correct geometry of physical space) was rejected
[citation needed]
on the basis of (the facts supporting the
theory of) general relativity. This argument is in favour of the view that the rules of logic are empirical.
That logic came to be known as quantum logic. There are, however, few philosophers today who regard this logic as
a replacement for classical logic; Putnam himself may no longer hold that view. Quantum logic is still used as a
foundational formalism for quantum mechanics: but in a way in which primitive events are not interpreted as atomic
sentences but rather in operational terms as possible outcomes of observations. As such, quantum logic provides a
unified and consistent mathematical theory of physical observables and quantum measurement.
Is logic empirical?
Second article: Michael Dummett
Michael Dummett
In an article also titled "Is logic empirical?," Michael Dummett argues
that Putnam's desire for realism mandates distributivity: the principle
of distributivity is essential for the realist's understanding of how
propositions are true of the world, in just the same way as he argues the
principle of bivalence is. To grasp why: consider why truth tables work
for classical logic: firstly, it must be the case that the variable parts of
the proposition are either true or false: if they could be other values, or
fail to have truth values at all, then the truth table analysis of logical
connectives would not exhaust the possible ways these could be
applied; for example intuitionistic logic respects the classical truth
tables, but not the laws of classical logic, because intuitionistic logic
allows propositions to be other than true or false
[citation needed]
. Second,
to be able to apply truth tables to describe a connective depends upon
distributivity: a truth table is a disjunction of conjunctive possibilities,
and the validity of the exercise depends upon the truth of the whole being a consequence of the bivalence of the
propositions, which is true only if the principle of distributivity applies.
Hence Putnam cannot embrace realism without embracing classical logic, and hence his argument to endorse
quantum logic because of realism about quanta is a hopeless case.
Dummett's argument is all the more interesting because he is not a proponent of classical logic. His argument for the
connection between realism and classical logic is part of a wider argument to suggest that, just as the existence of
particular class of entities may be a matter of dispute, so a disputation about the objective existence of such entities is
also a matter of dispute. Consequently intuitionistic logic is privileged over classical logic, when it comes to
disputation concerning phenomena whose objective existence is a matter of controversy.
Thus the question, "Is logic empirical?," for Dummett, leads naturally into the dispute over realism and anti-realism,
one of the deepest issues in modern metaphysics.
[1] Putnam, H. "Is Logic Empirical?" Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 5, eds. Robert S. Cohen and Marx W. Wartofsky
(Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1968), pp. 216-241. Repr. as "The Logic of Quantum Mechanics" in Mathematics, Matter and Method (1975), pp.
[2] Dummett, M. (1976), "Is logic empirical?", in H. D. Lewis (ed.), Contemporary British Philosophy, 4th series (London: Allen and Unwin),
pp. 4568. Reprinted in M. Dummett, Truth and other Enigmas (London: Duckworth,1978), pp. 269289
[3] [3] Reichenbach, H., Philosophic Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, University of California Press, 1944. Reprinted by Dover 1998,
Article Sources and Contributors
Article Sources and Contributors
Logic Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=591692101 Contributors: 200.255.83.xxx, 3rdAlcove, 78.26, A.coolmcfly, A157247, A8UDI, ABCD, AENAON, AJHalliwell, APH,
Aarsalankhalid, Abdullais4u, Adambiswanger1, Adhawk, AdjustShift, Aesopos, AgadaUrbanit, AgentPeppermint, Ahoerstemeier, Alai, Alansohn, Alex.Ramek, Alienus, Allens, Altenmann,
Amerindianarts, Anav2221, Ancheta Wis, Andrew Nutter, Andrew Parodi, Andris, AndriuZ, Apokrif, Appraiser, Arcvirgos 08, Arjayay, Arno Matthias, Atethnekos, Athenean, Atif.t2, Aunt
Entropy, Avaya1, AxelBoldt, Azcolvin429, BD2412, Bagpuss, BananaFiend, Banno, Baryonic Being, Bastianperrot, Batmanand, Bender235, BigFatBuddha, Bjrslogii, Blanchardb,
Blueeyedbombshell, Bobo192, Boing! said Zebedee, Bongwarrior, Borislav, Bovlb, Brad7777, Brimstone, Bubba hotep, Budelberger, Burritoburritoburrito, ByDash, Byelf2007, C.R.Selvakumar,
CBM, CBM2, CJMacalister, COMPATT, CRGreathouse, CSTAR, Caesarjbsquitti, Caffelice, Calvinator8, CambridgeBayWeather, Camw, Can't sleep, clown will eat me, Catherineyronwode,
Celendin, Ceoil, ChadMiller, Chalst, Charles Matthews, CharlesC, Chas zzz brown, Chenopodiaceous, Chewings72, Chira, ChrisGriswold, Chrisct1993, Chunky Rice, Chuunen Baka, Chzz,
Cireshoe, Classicalecon, Classicalsubjects, Clconway, Cleared as filed, Collingsworth, CommonsDelinker, Compulogger, Conversion script, Cpiral, CranialNerves, Crazynas, Cretog8, Crowstar,
CsDix, Cullowheean, Cybercobra, D'Artagnol, DMacks, DRHansen, DVdm, Da nuke, DancingPhilosopher, Dancter, Danmuz, Darkfred, Dbtfz, Dcoetzee, Deaconse, Deeptrivia, Demmy,
DerHexer, DesertSteve, Deus Ex, Discospinster, Djhmoore, Donner60, Dougher, Dougweller, Dr mindbender, Drksl, Duncan, Duoduoduo, Dwheeler, Dysprosia, ESL75, EagerToddler39,
EamonnPKeane, EdBever, EdH, Editorius, Eduardoporcher, Edward, Ehrenkater, El C, Eleuther, Eliazar, Endgame, Epsilon0, Eranderson, Evercat, Everyking, Exbuzz, Exploding Boy, Extreme
Unction, F15 sanitizing eagle, Fictionpuss, Filemon, Flosfa, Flyingbird, Francos22, Francvs, FrankFlanagan, Frankie816, Freakofnurture, Fredrik, Frigotoni, FrozenMan, Frze, Fuhghettaboutit,
Fundamental metric tensor, GKaczinsky, GOD, Galex, Gamewizard71, Gamkiller, Garik, GeePriest, Geegeeg, Gemtpm, GeorgeFThomson, Gerbrant, Gerhardvalentin, Giftlite, Ginsuloft, Gioto,
Glenn, Go for it!, Googl, Gregbard, Gregkaye, GreyWinterOwl, Grover cleveland, Grunt, Guppyfinsoup, Gus the mouse, Guy Peters, Heimstern, Heliostellar, Henniepenny, Henning Makholm,
Hidayat ullah, Hifcelik, Hippojazz, Hirzel, Hotfeba, Hu12, Hvn0413, I am One of Many, IRP, Igoldste, Influence, Inter, InverseHypercube, Itisnotme, Iwpg, J.delanoy, JDPhD, JEN9841,
JMCF125, JMD, JNW, Jack Greenmaven, Jagged 85, Jammie101, Jarpup, Jason Quinn, Jasperdoomen, Jaymay, Jbessie, Jbob13, Jedstamas, JegaPRIME, Jennavecia, Jessieslame, Jiddisch,
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William M. Connolley, Zagalejo, 188 anonymous edits
Aristotelian logic Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=584365755 Contributors: Amerindianarts, Anapraxic, Andrewmlang, AugPi, BD2412, BOOLE1847, Barticus88, Beland,
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That Should Not Be, The great kawa, Timwi, Tyro13, Vasi, Wavelength, Wik, Wikielwikingo, Winterst, Wood Thrush, Wordwright, 60 anonymous edits
Propositional calculus Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=592039575 Contributors: 478jjjz, ABCD, Adriatikus, Almit39, Ancheta Wis, Andeggs, Applemeister, Arthur Rubin,
AugPi, Ayda D, BAxelrod, Benwing, BobDrzyzgula, Bomazi, Bookandcoffee, Brad7777, BrokenSegue, CBM, Chalst, Charles Matthews, Chewings72, Christian Nassif-Haynes, Cmdrjameson,
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Predicate logic Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=583046094 Contributors: Andres, Anonymous Dissident, Bjankuloski06en, BoltonSM3, Brad7777, Byelf2007, CBM,
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Bartels, Tomajohnson, Tomisti, Vanished user g454XxNpUVWvxzlr, Virago250, Wvbailey, Xiaq, Xnn, 37 anonymous edits
Modal logic Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=592056832 Contributors: 0x62ash, 16@r, A3 nm, Ace Frahm, Alexey Muranov, Algebran, Ancheta Wis, Andeggs,
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JMCF125, JRSpriggs, Jagged 85, JamesMLane, Jason Quinn, JimWae, JoeSmack, John of Reading, Julian Mendez, Katsushi, Khazar, Kntg, Knutgunnar, Koornti, Lagoon blue, Laocon11,
Article Sources and Contributors
Letranova, Linas, Liviusbarbatus, Logic2go, Lucidish, Luqui, Male1979, Marc Venot, Marcos, MarkSweep, Mate2code, Meloman, Mhss, Michael Hardy, Moonriddengirl, Nahaj, Nakamura2828,
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Zakharyaschev, Zeno Gantner, 263 anonymous edits
Informal logic Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=583446795 Contributors: A.t.bruland, Abductive, Adedayoojo, Al Lemos, Byelf2007, CSTAR, Cathalwoods, Chalst, Chris
Q, Clan-destine, Colonies Chris, Csrfly D, Deeplogic, DennisDaniels, Docu, Doremtzwr, Dysprosia, Femto, Furrykef, GabeIglesia, Gerald Roark, GlassFET, Gomm, GraemeL, Gregbard,
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Simetrical, Steel, Stev0, Tijfo098, Tomchiukc, Velho, Wotnow, 48 anonymous edits
Mathematical logic Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=590164462 Contributors: Aeosynth, Alan U. Kennington, Aleksa Lukic, Aleph4, Allan McInnes, Am Fiosaigear, Art
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Algebraic logic Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=574619267 Contributors: 220 of Borg, Aadityasardwal1583, Aditya3162, Areo1695, Arthur Rubin, AshutoshTripathi05,
Benwalker45, Bobbybarker98765432123456789, Bomazi, Brad7777, Bubba1120, Bunnygirl666, CBM, CBM2, Cerberusrex, Chalst, Charles Matthews, DogSawARainbow, Doughalpin, Duchess
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Multi-valued logic Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=582334235 Contributors: Argumzio, B4hand, BD2412, Bjankuloski06en, Bryan Derksen, CRGreathouse,
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Tarquin, Taw, TheAMmollusc, Tijfo098, Timberframe, Urocyon, Wile E. Heresiarch, Woohookitty, 69 anonymous edits
Fuzzy logic Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=591875531 Contributors: 90 Auto, Abtin, Academic Challenger, Ace Frahm, Acer, Adrian, Ahoerstemeier, Aiyasamy, Ajensen,
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Paradoxes of material implication Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=583814051 Contributors: 7&6=thirteen, Alansohn, Andy Fugard, Arthur Rubin, Ben Standeven, Chalst,
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Paraconsistent logic Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=588698039 Contributors: 2ndMouse, 9258fahsflkh917fas, A:-)Brunu, Aleph42, Andrewaskew, AnonMoos,
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Is logic empirical? Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=554112211 Contributors: Agondie, Ancheta Wis, Bmusician, Brad7777, Byelf2007, CSTAR, Chalst, Charles Matthews,
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