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56F8300 and 56F8100 ADC: Application Note

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Freescale Semiconductor

Application Note
Rev. 1, 07/2005
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2004, 2005. All rights reserved.
56F8300 and 56F8100 ADC
Understanding 56F8300 and 56F8100 ADC
Specifications and How to Get the Best
Performance in Applications
Bill Hutchings and Les Lewis
1. Introduction
This document describes the meaning of the Data Sheet
specifications for the Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC), how
they are calculated, and how they relate to real-world signal
impairments. In addition, this note will introduce simple methods
to get the best performance from the ADC in the 56F8300 and
56F8100 devices.
2. ADC Transfer Function and Error
This section describes the ideal transfer function for an ADC. The
Data Sheet specifications provide data on how the real ADC
transfer function strays from the ideal.
The theoretical ideal transfer function for an ADC is a straight
line, but this would require an infinite number of steps and
therefore an infinite number of bits to represent. A practical
theoretical transfer function is a uniform linear staircase function,
shown in Figure 2-1. The ADC specifications in each devices
Data Sheet describe in quantitative terms how far the component
deviates from the ideal transfer function.
1. Introduction ........................................ 1
2. ADC Transfer Function and Error
Sources .......................................... 1
2.1 Quantization Error .......................... 2
2.2 Static Errors .................................... 3
2.3 Dynamic Errors............................... 6
2.4 Measurement Methods.................... 7
3. Using the 56F8300 and 56F8100 ADC 7
3.1 Input Impedance ............................. 7
3.2 Practical ADC Calibration.............. 9
3.3 Optimizing Linearity and ENOB.. 11
3.4 Choosing the Right Device........... 11
3.5 Using the ADCs Operational
Modes............................................ 11
4. Conclusion ........................................ 13
5. References ........................................ 13
Analog Input (LSB)
Output Code
5 4 3 2 1
Ideal Transfer
Practical Ideal
ADC Transfer Function and Error Sources
56F8300 ADC, Rev. 1
2 Freescale Semiconductor
Figure 2-1. Transfer Function
2.1 Quantization Error
The practical ideal transfer function is used to represent a continuous analog signal as a set of discrete staircase
digital codes, which introduces quantization error. As shown in Figure 2-1, the width of each step is one code
increment or one Least Significant Bit (LSB), so a range of continuous analog inputs is represented by a single
code value. The mapping can be represented as shown in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1. Quantization Error
Analog Input Digital Code
4.5 - 5.5 101
3.5 - 4.5 100
2.5 - 3.5 011
1.5 - 2.5 010
0.5 - 1.5 001
0 - 0.5 000
Static Errors
56F8300 ADC, Rev. 1
Freescale Semiconductor 3
If we state that the value 001 represents the mid-point of the analog input range of 0.5 to 1.5, then the analog
value 1.0 is represented by 001 with no error. But since the analog value of 0.5 is also represented by the digital
value 001, the end points of the analog range represent the maximum error. In terms of bits, the maximum error
can be expressed as +1/2 bit for the 0.5 endpoint and -1/2 bit for the 1.5 endpoint. Maximum physical voltage
error, e
, can be calculated with the following equation:
= (1 LSB voltage range)/2
The voltage range of 1 LSB depends on the full-scale voltage range that the ADC is set to sample and the total
number of digital codes present. Analog-to-Digital Converters are specified in the number of bits of resolution.
If n is the number of bits of resolution, then the total number of digital codes present is 2
. The voltage range
represented by each bit, v
, can be expressed as:
= (Full scale voltage range) / 2

The maximum physical voltage error, e
, can be expressed as:
= (Full scale voltage range) / 2
2.2 Static Errors
Static errors are characterized by offset error, gain error, integral non-linearity and differential non-linearity.
Static errors can be fully characterized using non-varying input signals, but they affect the conversion of all
input signals, whether they are static or dynamic.
Gain and offset errors are shown in Figure 2-2. Examining the actual transfer function shows a DC-bias error
that causes the zero crossing to occur at a point other than the origin. In this example, the analog input that
causes a zero code to be output is 1.5 to 2.5 code instead of 0 to 0.5 code. This offset error is a constant across
the entire analog input range. The gain error reflected in Figure 2-2 shows that the actual transfer function
doesnt have a 45 degree slope. The following equation describes the best-fit linear regression of the actual
ADC transfer function:
Y = ( E
X ) + V

= Gain error value from the component Data Sheet
X = Actual analog input
= DC input offset voltage from the component Data Sheet
Y = Apparent analog input converted by ADC
These effects are linear over the input voltages and frequency and demonstrate that the actual analog input
voltage can be solved for and the effects of the gain errors and offset voltages can be removed.
Analog Input (LSB)
Output Code
5 4 3 2 1
Practical Ideal
Actual Transfer
ADC Transfer Function and Error Sources
56F8300 ADC, Rev. 1
4 Freescale Semiconductor
Figure 2-2. Gain and Offset Errors
In any given system, the conversion point of interest to an algorithm can be fairly far removed from the analog
input of the ADC, as illustrated in Figure 2-3. In these cases, gain and DC voltage offsets can be introduced
external to the ADC, so it is often important to take the entire system into account when analyzing the total
gain and offset errors. A calibration step may be required, depending on the specific requirements of the end
system. In the calibration, known precise and accurate signals are injected into the system and conversions are
performed. The actual results of the conversions are compared to the expected values and the error values for
gain and offset voltage can be determined. These errors can then be removed digitally in the processor or by
trimming the analog circuitry before the analog input into the processor ADC.
56F8300 /
Buffering /
Isolation /
Gain Stage
Buffering /
Isolation /
Gain Stage
Figure 2-3. System Gain and Offset Errors
The 56F8300 and 56F8100 devices have been characterized and most of the gain and offset errors have been
removed by internal compensation in the chip. A designer should analyze the gain and offset errors stated in
the Data Sheet for the device being implemented and the requirements for the algorithm they are to perform,
because it is possible that no adjustment is required for proper operation. If it is determined that the gain and
Static Errors
56F8300 ADC, Rev. 1
Freescale Semiconductor 5
offset errors must be compensated for, this is a relatively straightforward proposition because these errors are
linear, stable over frequency, and easily characterized. To help with this, the 56F8300 and 56F8100 ADC
design was enhanced over previous parts to allow for run-time calibration of the on-chip gain and offset error.
This further reduces these errors, essentially removing them from consideration, as long as the software
correctly utilizes the calibration feature. This is shown as E
and V
in the Data Sheet parameters.
The implementation and use of the calibration feature is described as part of the ADC chapter in the 56F8300
Peripheral User Manual and will not be repeated here.
Integral (INL) and differential non-linearity (DNL) errors are introduced by all ADC units. and are quite
difficult to compensate and characterize. In general, a designer will need to determine the required linearity for
a particular algorithm and choose the system components accordingly. As with gain and offset errors, integral
and differential non-linearity errors can be introduced at any part of the system and are not limited to the ADC.
The integral and differential non-linearity errors are closely related to one another. As shown in Figure 2-4, the
width of each conversion step of the output code sequence is not the same. This non-uniformity in step width is
the source of the differential and integral non-linearity. The differential non-linearity is the difference in width
from the ideal case in each step and is measured in LSBs. In the specific case shown in Figure 2-4, the net
result of the non-linearities is an under-representation of the code sequences 011 and 101 which have a
negative differential non-linearity because the width is less than the ideal 1 LSB bit width. The sequence 100
will be over-represented and has a positive differential non-linearity because the step width is greater than 1
LSB. It is possible in some ADCs that the differential non-linearity will cause output codes to be missing
completely or repeated. An ADCs Monotonicity is guaranteed when the digital output codes increase, or
remain the same, with increasing analog input voltage. Monotonicity is guaranteed in the 56F8300 and
56F8100 components. A maximum differential non-linearity of one 1 LSB or less also ensures a monotonic
transfer function with no missing or repeated codes. All 56F8300 and 56F8100 components have a maximum
differential non-linearity of 1 LSB or less.
Analog Input (LSB)
Output Code
5 4 3 2 1
Ideal Transfer
Non linear transfer function
Figure 2-4. Non-linear Static Errors
ADC Transfer Function and Error Sources
56F8300 ADC, Rev. 1
6 Freescale Semiconductor
Integral non-linearity is the summation of the previous differential non-linearity errors at any given point. In
the 56F8300 and 56F8100 devices, integral non-linearity is specified by using test equipment to determine the
actual transfer function of the ADC, then performing a linear regression to produce a best-fit straight line for
the actual transfer function. When the integral non-linearity is measured, the gain and offset errors are
nullified. The integral non-linearity is specified in LSBs of the conversion code outputs, so a specification of
+/- 3 LSBs means that at any given analog input, the summation of previous differential errors produces an
output code where the error from the ideal is within the range of +/- 3 output codes. The maximum
specification for the integral non-linearity is the point of greatest distance of the best-fit straight line transfer
function from the ideal transfer function and is again expressed in LSBs.
Analog Input (LSB)
Output Code
5 4 3 2 1
Ideal Transfer
Real best fit transfer
Figure 2-5. Integral Non-linearity
2.3 Dynamic Errors
In addition to the static error specifications, other specifications are commonly given that take into account
dynamic error sources. This section reviews a few that are specified in the 56F8300 and 56F8100 Data Sheets.
In the Data Sheet, the dynamic errors are characterized by the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), the
Signal-to-Noise plus Distortion (SINAD), the Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR), and the Effective
Number Of Bits (ENOB).
THD is the rms power in the harmonics of the signal of interest.
SINAD is the ratio of the rms signal power to the noise floor power plus the harmonic distortion.
SFDR is the decibel distance of the largest spur or harmonic noise in comparison to the signal of interest. For
example, in the measurement of the specification, a signal is injected into the ADC at a frequency of 8KHz and
a Fourier transformation is performed on the samples to yield the energy level as a function of frequency. The
signal of interest will form the largest decibel (dB) spike. Below this will be a noise floor with several spikes or
spurs occurring at specific frequencies. The SFDR is the distance in dB of the signal of interest to the largest
Input Impedance
56F8300 ADC, Rev. 1
Freescale Semiconductor 7
A good overall figure of merit that takes into account the effects of the overall noise and the distortion of the
signal is the Effective Number Of Bits, or ENOB. The ENOB takes into account the noise floor of the
component and reflects the best achievable dynamic accuracy of the ADC. The ENOB reflects the best-case
achievable noise-free number of bits. The ENOB number specifically does not include the static gain, offset,
and linearity errors.
The dynamic range of an ADC refers to the decibel ratio of the smallest to the largest value that can be
represented. The dynamic range of an ADC is fully dependent on the bits of resolution. The following equation
calculates the dynamic range of an ADC:
Dynamic Range = 20 log
( 2
n is the number of bits of resolution
2.4 Measurement Methods
Each 56F8300 and 56F8100 components ADC is characterized in accordance with IEEE Std 1241-2000 for
gain, offset, DNL, INL, SNR, THD, SFDR, SINAD and ENOB.
The Gain, offset, INL and DNL are performed using the code density method, which uses a noise-free sine
wave. Gain and offset are calculated doing a least-squared fit from the histogram data obtained from the
digitized sine wave.
3. Using the 56F8300 and 56F8100 ADC
This section explores some of the issues that must be considered to get the best performance from the ADC in
your system and how to choose an appropriate 56F8300 or 56F8100 component in terms of ADC performance.
3.1 Input Impedance
An equivalent circuit for an analog input is shown in Figure 3-1.
1 2
ADC analog input
Figure 3-1. Equivalent Analog Input Circuit
1. Parasitic capacitance due to package, pin-to-pin, and pin-to-package base coupling. . . . . . . 1.8pf
2. Parasitic capacitance due to the chip bond pad, ESD protection devices and signal routing. 2.04pf
3. Equivalent resistance for the ESD isolation resistor and the channel select mux.. . . . . . . 500 ohms
4. Sampling capacitor at the sample and hold circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1pf
Using the 56F8300 and 56F8100 ADC
56F8300 ADC, Rev. 1
8 Freescale Semiconductor
When interfacing to the ADC, one must be concerned with the ADC clock rate and the size of the sampling
capacitor, which is 1pf and depicted in Figure 3-1 as 4. This capacitor is charged to the sampling voltage and
discharged to V
/ 2 during each ADC clock cycle. This effectively creates a switched cap implementation of
a resistor that is dependent on clock rate and voltage level at the input. This switched cap equivalent resistance
is effectively the input impedance to the ADC. The equivalent circuit shown in Figure 3-1 is valid for realistic
operating conditions and ADC clock rates. The circuit in Figure 3-1 is present at any specific analog input
during the time that the analog input is being converted and the analog mux is feeding the input into the
appropriate sample and hold circuitry. During periods when another input is being muxed into the sample and
hold circuitry and converted, or if no conversion occurs, the external circuitry will meet a very high input
resistance at the analog input pin.
As an example, if the input voltage is 1 volt greater than (V
- V
) / 2 and the ADC clock rate is
5MHz, then the ADC input impedance is:
i = C dv/dt, so i dt = C dv
dt = 1/5e+6
dv = 1 volt
C = 1e-12
i = (5e+6) (1e-12) (1) = 5e-6
R = V/I
R = 1 / 5e-6 = 200K ohms
The input impedance at the ADC clock rate of 5MHz can be as low as 200K ohms. A typical input
configuration for driving the ADC is depicted in Figure 3-2. Using this input configuration, if one wants to
maintain the signal amplitude to within 10 bits or more of its original amplitude, at the anti-aliasing capacitor
, then the source impedance of what's driving the ADC must be less than:
Rs / (Rs + Ri) = 1 / (2
Source resistance of the driver = Rs
Input resistance of the ADC = Ri
Ri = 200K ohms
1 / (2
) = .0009766
Solving for Rs results in:
Rs = 200 ohms
If the ADC clock rate were changed to 1MHz, then the source impedance of what's driving the ADC must be
less than 1K ohms to maintain an effective input signal that's within 10 bits of its original amplitude.
Practical ADC Calibration
56F8300 ADC, Rev. 1
Freescale Semiconductor 9
Increasing the source impedance introduces gain error, not a loss, in accuracy. As the source impedance of the
driver goes up, the overall transfer gain from the buffer to the output of the ADC will go down. As shown in
the previous example, this is also dependent on the ADC clock rate. In other words, with a fixed source
resistance as the ADC clock rate goes up, the overall transfer gain from the buffer to the output of the ADC
will go down.
Figure 3-2 shows a typical circuit for the input of the ADC analog input.
Rs = R
+ R
= Output resistance of input buffer
= Anti-aliasing circuit resistance
= Anti-aliasing circuit capacitance
The value of the anti-aliasing capacitor, C
, does not affect the transfer gain or accuracy of the ADC. However,
it does limit the bandwidth of the input signal for anti-aliasing considerations.



To input of
Figure 3-2. Typical Input Configuration
3.2 Practical ADC Calibration
It's recommended that a user implements an auto-calibration network on his board, so that he can find the gain
and offset for the specific ADC that's used, in addition to the errors introduced by the aliasing and buffering
circuitry. A simple calibration network consists of an array of matched precision resistors, as shown in
Figure 3-3.
Node A
Node B
) 0.3333(V
Figure 3-3. Example Calibration Circuitry
Using the 56F8300 and 56F8100 ADC
56F8300 ADC, Rev. 1
10 Freescale Semiconductor
Calibration is typically used to remove the effects of gain and offset from a specific reading. The transfer
function relating an ideal code to a measured code that has gain and offset is shown in the following equation:
Y = m * X + b
X is the measured code corresponding to a specific input voltage
m is the transfer gain of the ADC
Y is the ideal code corresponding to this input voltage
b is the code offset
The transfer equations for the resulting conversion code for node A and node B are:
Ya = m * Xa +b
Yb = m * Xb + b
Using these two equations, the ADC transfer gain is:
m = (Ya - Yb) / (Xa - Xb)
The offset code is:
b = Ya - m * Xa
b = Yb - m * Xb
Note: Using either equation should result in the same answer.
Finally, the resulting code that's been corrected for gain and offset error, for any input voltage, is:
Y = m * X + b
To obtain an acceptable level of accuracy when converting the calibration node voltages, make multiple
measurements, then average the result. Also, the resistor values in the calibration network should be 200 ohms
or less when operating the ADC at 5MHz. The resistor values can double in size when the ADC clock
frequency is halved, so for an ADC clock frequency of 1MHz during calibration, the resistor value in the
calibration network could be as large as 1K ohms.
The voltages at nodes A and B were converted by the ADC and found to be 2570 and 1273, respectively. The
ideal codes that should have resulted from the conversion of the voltage at nodes A and B are:
Ya = (2/3) * 4095 = 2730
Yb = (1/3) * 4095 = 1365
Therefore, the transfer gain, "m", is:
m = (Ya - Yb)/(Xa - Xb) = (2730 - 1365)/(2570 - 1273) = 1365/1297 = 1.0524
The code offset, "b", is: 2730 - (2570) * 1.05= 25.3
Using the ADCs Operational Modes
56F8300 ADC, Rev. 1
Freescale Semiconductor 11
When this ADC is converting an input signal that's at mid-scale, (V
- V
) / 2, it produces a code of
1922. Correcting this result using the offset and gain derived previously yields:
Y = m * X + b = 1.0524 * 1922 + 25 = 2048
Using this calibration method corrects for the effects of gain and offset.
3.3 Optimizing Linearity and ENOB
To achieve optimal results in ENOB terms, all sources of coupled noise should be minimized. These can be
from sources internal or external to the chip.
The ADC has operational sweet spots where the digital noise from its internal environment has a minimal
coupling effect. These sweet spots occur when the ADC clock prescaler is set to values of 4, 9 or 14. If not
operating at one of these sweet spots, the accuracy of the ADC typically drops by 1/2 of a bit.
In addition to minimizing the internal noise sources, care must be taken in design of the external noise
coupling. To achieve optimal results, the board should have separate analog and digital power and ground
planes and very clean V
signals. Using these methods, the best practically achievable ENOB will be as
stated in the Data Sheet.
Since noise is modeled as a Gaussian distribution, the noise power can be lowered through a scheme of
oversampling the input and averaging the samples. In the averaging process, noise spikes will tend to cancel
each other out, lowering the overall noise power and thus increasing the ENOB. SNR improvement is
proportional to the amount of oversampling and averaging performed.
The INL peaks at the minimum or maximum codes and is minimized between the 10% to 90% code range. If
the user wishes to maximize accuracy, he should limit the input swing to be within the 10% to 90% range from
to V
. The INL measurement in the Data Sheets is measured using the 10% to 90% range.
3.4 Choosing the Right Device
The ADC is a System-on-Chip (SoC) peripheral that is on the IPBus of the chip. The ADC peripheral is
identical in all 56F8300 and 56F8100 components, but the performance of the ADC is different across the
components. The ADCs performance is affected by the physical location of the peripheral in the silicon. These
layout considerations affect the amount of coupled noise and resistive loads that directly impact the noise
figures and the linearity.
All members of this family of devices contain the on-chip calibration feature, which can remove the effects of
gain and offset error. Note that this feature is limited to correcting for on-chip errors and cannot compensate for
off-chip effects.
3.5 Using the ADCs Operational Modes
This section is not intended to replace the data published in the 56F8300 Peripheral User Manual, but to add
clarification. The reader must use the information located in the manual to fully understand this section.
First, consider samples in the ADC and how they relate to the scan modes. ADC inputs can be configured for
either single-ended or differential mode and a user can mix single-ended and differential inputs. Samples may
be taken either one at a time (sequential mode) or two at a time (simultaneous mode). The mapping of input pin
to sample number is arbitrary, with one exception: the same input pin cannot be used for both sides of a
simultaneous sample pair. For example: AN2/AN5 is a valid sample pair, but not AN2/AN2.
Using the 56F8300 and 56F8100 ADC
56F8300 ADC, Rev. 1
12 Freescale Semiconductor
The ADC captures/converts up to eight samples at a time in a "scan". There are several different scan modes:
1) Once (single): The ADC starts to sample just one time using the START bit or by a sync pulse. This mode
must be re-armed by writing to the ADCR1 register again before capturing another scan.
2) Triggered: Sampling begins with every recognized START command or sync pulse
3) Loop: The ADC continuously take samples as long as power is on and the STOP bit has not been set
Each of the preceding sequences can be coupled with sequential or simultaneous modes, enabling a total of six
scan modes:
Once Sequential
Once Simultaneous
Loop Sequential
Loop Simultaneous
Triggered Sequential
Triggered Simultaneous
One of these six configurations is coded in the ADC Mode Control bits (SMODE[2:0]) of the ADC Control
Register 1 (ADCR1).
The scan modes can be triggered in several ways:
Directly under software control
By the output of a quadrature timer
By a PWM reload event
The PWM reload event is first routed through a Quadrature Timer that can be used to provide an arbitrary
delay before causing the ADC convert command. This is discussed in greater detail in application note
AN1933/D (See References), which offers examples pertaining only to the 56F80x devices.
To set up a periodic conversion at a specific rate, the triggered mode can be used in conjunction with one of the
timers to provide the conversion start or sync pulse. An interrupt can be generated at the conclusion of the
conversion. At this point, the samples can be and should be read from the ADC result registers. These registers
are not buffered, so the samples must be read before the next conversion writes out to the result registers.
The ADC can also be set up in a continuous loop mode, where a trigger to start conversion is not required. But
the end of conversion cannot be set to cause an interrupt in this mode, so the software must poll the ADC status
register to know when the conversion has been completed.
Because the ADC peripheral has an internal pipeline, the first conversion requires 8.5 ADC clock cycles and
each additional conversion requires 6 ADC clock cycles. The 2.5 clock cycle difference is the time required to
fill the pipeline. In the triggered modes or the once mode, the pipeline must be filled whenever a sync pulse or
START command is issued. In the loop mode, the pipeline is filled only once at the very beginning of the
For example, the ADC is set up in sequential triggered mode with only the first four samples enabled. The
number of clock cycles required for the conversion follows:
= (Sample0 conversion) + (Sample1 conversion) + (Sample2 conversion) + (Sample3 conversion)
= (8.5) + (6.0) + (6.0) + (6.0) = 26.5 ADC clock cycles
The samples which are not to be converted must be disabled in the ADC sample disable register. Any samples
that are not disabled will be converted and will add to the total ADC conversion time.
Using the ADCs Operational Modes
56F8300 ADC, Rev. 1
Freescale Semiconductor 13
The ADC conversion time calculated previously is only the amount of time the ADC requires to perform the
conversion. But in a real system, the samples must be removed from the result registers using software,
typically run from an ISR associated with the end of conversion interrupt.
As an example of this constraint, assume a system running on a 56F8300 component, with the ADC in a
simultaneous triggered mode using a timer set to provide start pulses at a 100k sample rate (10s interval); the
ADC clock set for 5MHz; the processor running at 60 MIPS from internal Flash; and an ISR at the end of
conversion interrupt takes the samples and buffers them.
The time to perform the conversion is:
= Time to perform conversion
= (8.5 ADC clock cycles) * (time per cycle) = (8.5) * (0.2e-6)
= 1.7s
get samples
= Time available to get samples
= T
trig rate
- T
+ (Time for 6 ADC clock cycles)
= 10s - 1.7s + (6 * 0.2e-6)
= 10s - 1.7s + 1.2s
= 9.5s
At the beginning of the second conversion, the result registers still contain the previous data, which will not be
overwritten for at least 6 ADC clock cycles.
= Number of instructions cycles left for software to retrieve samples
= (T
get samples
) / (T
= 9.5s / (1 / 60MHz) = 570 instructions
This example indicates that for high sampling rates, the processor may have difficulty keeping up with the
ADC samples, especially if there is a significant processing load in handling this data and/or there are other
peripherals that must also be serviced. A thorough system analysis is recommended to make sure real-time
issues are not encountered.
4. Conclusion
The 56F8300 and 56F8100 families include parts with a very powerful and accurate on-board ADC peripheral.
This document has discussed in detail the Data Sheet parameters, what they measure, and how they are
measured. It has discussed at a high level the performance characteristics across the family of components, but
the reader should consult the Data Sheet for the component being implemented to find the latest performance
characteristics. Additionally, it has explored ways to achieve optimal performance from the ADC, as well as
some of the modes of operation and performance items to consider.
5. References
1. 56F8300 Peripheral User Manual,MC56F8300UM, Freescale Semiconductor
2. Synchronization of On-Chip Analog-to-Digital Converter on DSP56F80x DSPs, AN1933, Freescale
56F8300 ADC, Rev. 1
14 Freescale Semiconductor
Appendix A 56F8300 and 56F8100 ADC Internal Structure
This appendix describes the internal structure of the 56F8300 and 56F8100 ADC peripheral. The cyclic ADC
designed for the 56F8300 and 56F8100 components consists of a dual-cyclic ADC core, dual interface function
and an analog input select mux. The input select mux routes the analog inputs of choice to either ADC#0 or
ADC#1. While in the simultaneous mode, both converters are used in a synchronous fashion for converting
two signals at the same time. The interface function that follows the input select mux samples the single-ended
or differential input signal and converts it to a scaled differential within the operational range of the ADC. The
ADC core consists of two Redundant Signed Digit (RSD) sections that resolve one bit of the Analog-to-Digital
conversion during each half ADC sample clock cycle. Figure A-1 depicts a top-level block diagram of the
56F8300 and 56F8100 components cyclic converter.
Mux RSD#0


Cyclic ADC Core
Mux RSD#0


Cyclic ADC Core
Figure A-1. Cyclic ADC Top-Level Block Diagram
In most general-purpose applications, the analog signal thats to be converted by the ADC can have values
ranging from V
to V
. This signal is selected via the input select mux, depicted in Figure A-2,
sampled by the interface function, and presented to the ADC core.
To Interface
ADC #0
/ 2
To Interface
ADC #1
/ 2
Using the ADCs Operational Modes
56F8300 ADC, Rev. 1
Freescale Semiconductor 15
Figure A-2. Input Select Mux
For noise isolation reasons, the ADC core in turn uses differential signaling thats within the operational range
of its sub-functions, which is less than the supply voltage and more than ground potential. The purpose of the
interface functions is to convert the full range, single-ended or differential signal into a scaled differential
signal during the sampling process of Analog-to-Digital conversion. A functional diagram of the interface
function is depicted in Figure A-3.
input select mux
equivalent ckt
interface function
pad &
pkg cap
- V
) / 2
(for single-ended conversions)


/ 2
/ 2

amp neg
amp pos
amp neg
amp pos
56F8300 ADC, Rev. 1
16 Freescale Semiconductor
Figure A-3. Interface Function Functional Block Diagram
The interface function depicted in Figure A-3 works on the principle of charge conservation and distribution.
The switches labeled
are closed during the first half of a clock cycle and those labeled
are closed during
the second half of a clock cycle. Also, all capacitors are of the same size, typically in the picofarad range. For a
single-ended signal, during
, the input signal and V
/ 2 are sampled onto capacitors C1 and C2. During
capacitors C1 and C2 are shorted together and charge is redistributed between C1 and C2 so that the voltage on
C1 and C2 becomes equal. If the input signal were larger than V
/ 2, the voltage on C1 is reduced and the
voltage on C2 is increased during
. In response to this charge movement, the voltage at Out_Pos moves up to
replace the charge being taken from C1. Likewise, the voltage at Out_Neg moves down to negate the charge
increase that occurs on C2. Because all capacitors are of the same size, the voltage change that occurred at C1
and C2 is the same at Out_Pos and Out_Neg, resulting in a differential signal. A functional block diagram of an
RSD function contained in the ADC core is depicted in Figure A-4.
Vh -
Vl -
+ V
, 0, or - V

Using the ADCs Operational Modes
56F8300 ADC, Rev. 1
Freescale Semiconductor 17
Figure A-4. Redundant Signed Digit, RSD Functional Block Diagram
56F8300 ADC, Rev. 1
18 Freescale Semiconductor
A detailed description of how the RSD stage works can be found in reference manuals addressing the
functionality of the cyclic Analog-to-Digital converter. A Robertson diagram, depicting the voltage in to
residue out and data bits out, is found in Figure A-5.
- V
= 2V
+ V
dout = 1, 0
dout = 1, 0
dout = 0, 0
= 2V
= 2V
+ V
Figure A-5. Robertson Diagram
Using the ADCs Operational Modes
56F8300 ADC, Rev. 1
Freescale Semiconductor 19
Once the chosen analog signals have been selected, the ADC conversion starts with the sync signal going high,
as depicted in Figure A-6. The input signals to be converted are sampled onto capacitors C1 and C2, shown in
Figure A-3, during
in preparation for conversion during
. During
, the sampled signals are converted to
scaled differential signals and passed into the first RSD block, shown in Figure A-1, where a data bit is
extracted and its capacitors are charged in preparation for calculating the residue. The residue from the first
RSD stage is then calculated on
and passed into the second RSD stage, where another data bit is extracted
and its capacitors are charged in preparation for calculating the residue. The residue, in the second stage, is
then calculated and passed back into the first RSD stage, during
, where another bit is extracted and
preparations are made for calculating the residue. The resulting residue continues to be passed back and forth
between the two RSD stages until the required number of bits have been extracted. The signaling diagram,
shown in Figure A-6, is for a 12-bit extraction.


















Both ADCs sample their
input signals on the first full
phase 2 prior to the start of
ADC conversion
ADC conversion starts on
the first full phase 1
following the rise of the
sync signal.
RSD Phase
Data rdy
ADC Clock
Figure A-6. ADC Signaling
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Rev. 0
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