USMLE Videos Timings

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7x speed)
1. CrowLh AdapLaLlons, Cellular ln[ury, and Cell ueaLh (91 mln)
2. lnflammaLlon, lnflammaLory ulsorders, and Peallng (99 mln)
3. rlnclples of neoplasla (81 mln)
4. PomeosLasls and 8elaLed ulsorders (63 mln)
3. 8ed 8lood Cell ulsorders (96 mln)
6. WhlLe 8lood Cell ulsorders (69 mln)
7. vascular aLhology (41 mln)
8. Cardlac aLhology (33 mln)
9. 8esplraLory 1racL aLhology (80 mln)
10. CasLrolnLesLlnal aLhology (92 mln)
11. Lxocrlne ancreas, Callbladder, and Llver aLhology (38 mln)
12. kldney and urlnary 1racL aLhology (36 mln)
13. lemale CenlLal SysLem and CesLaLlonal aLhology (87 mln)
14. Male CenlLal SysLem aLhology (24 mln)
13. Lndocrlne aLhology (34 mln)
16. 8reasL aLhology (33 mln)
17. CenLral nervous SysLem aLhology (36 mln)
18. MusculoskeleLal aLhology (43 mln)
19. Skln aLhology (28 mln)

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1. nuclelc Acld SLrucLure and CrganlzaLlon (73 mln)
2. unA 8epllcaLlon and 8epalr (37 mln)
3. 1ranscrlpLlon and 8nA rocesslng (73 mln)
4. 1he CeneLlc Code, MuLaLlons, and 1ranslaLlon (34 mln)
3. CeneLlc 8egulaLlon (--)
6. 8ecomblnanL unA (84 mln)
7. 1echnlques of CeneLlc Analysls (78 mln)
8. Amlno Aclds, roLelns, and Lnzymes (83 mln)
9. Pormones (72 mln)
10. vlLamlns (84 mln)
11. Cvervlew of Lnergy MeLabollsm (44 mln)
12. Clycolysls and yruvaLe uehydrogenase (118 mln)
13. ClLrlc Acld Cycle and CxldaLlve hosphorylaLlon (39 mln)
14. Clycogen, Cluconeogenesls, and Lhe Pexose MonophosphaLe
ShunL (112 mln)
13. Llpld SynLhesls and SLorage (143 mln)
16. Llpld MoblllzaLlon and CaLabollsm (88 mln)
17. Amlno Acld MeLabollsm (148 mln)
18. urlne and yrlmldlne MeLabollsm (46 mln)
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1. Slngle-Cene ulsorders (110 mln)
2. opulaLlon CeneLlcs (43 mln)
3. CyLogeneLlcs (67 mln)
4. CeneLlcs of Common ulseases (44 mln)
3. Cene Mapplng (40 mln)
6. CeneLlc ulagnoslng (33 mln)

(")*"+ 3-.1%4-%*%52 (1.0x speed)
1. Ceneral Mlcroblology (32 mln)
2. Medlcally lmporLanL 8acLerla
a. 8aslcs (38 mln)
b. Cram oslLlve Coccl (61 mln)
c. Cram oslLlve 8ods (91 mln)
d. Cram negaLlve Coccl (27 mln)
e. Cram negaLlve 8ods (70 mln)
f. LnLerobacLerlceae (77 mln)
g. AddlLlonal Specles (30 mln)
h. Cram SLaln negaLlve Specles (37 mln)
3. Mlcroblal CeneLlcs/urug 8eslsLance (63 mln)
4. Medlcally lmporLanL vlruses
a. 8aslcs (86 mln)
b. unA vlruses (83 mln)
c. oslLlve 8nA vlruses (39 mln)
d. negaLlve 8nA vlruses (34 mln)
e. AddlLlonal vlruses (13 mln)
3. Medlcally lmporLanL lungl (30 mln)
6. Medlcal araslLology (87 mln)
7. Cllnlcal lnfecLlous ulsease
8. ComparaLlve Mlcroblology

(")*"+ 6&&7+%*%52 (1.0x speed)
1. Cvervlew of Lhe lmmune SysLem (21 mln)
2. Cells of Lhe lmmune SysLem (78 mln)
3. 1he SelecLlon of LymphocyLes (40 mln)
4. LymphocyLe 8eclrculaLlon and Pomlng (10 mln)
3. 1he llrsL 8esponse Lo AnLlgen (43 mln)
6. 1he rocesslng and resenLaLlon of AnLlgen (31 mln)
7. 1he CeneraLlon of Pumoral LffecLor Mechanlsms (34 mln)
8. 1he CeneraLlon of Cell-MedlaLed LffecLor Mechanlsms (23 mln)
9. 1he CeneraLlon of lmmunologlc Memory (11 mln)
10. vacclnaLlon and lmmunoLherapy (26 mln)
11. lmmunodeflclency ulseases (28 mln)
12. Acqulred lmmunodeflclency Syndrome (11 mln)
13. ulseases Caused by lmmune 8esponses: PypersenslLlvlLy and
AuLolmmunlLy (66 mln)
14. 1ransplanLaLlon lmmunology (30 mln)
13. LaboraLory 1echnlques ln lmmunology (40 mln)

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1. Ceneral rlnclples
a. harmacoklneLlcs (108 mln)
b. harmacodynamlcs (32 mln)
2. AuLonomlc harmacology
a. 1he AuLonomlc nervous SysLem (AnS) (36 mln)
b. Chollnerglc harmacology (93 mln)
c. Adrenerglc harmacology (104 mln)
d. AuLonomlc urugs: Claucoma 1reaLmenL (9 mln)
3. Cardlac and 8enal harmacology
a. lundamenLal ConcepLs (27 mln)
b. AnLl-ArrhyLhmlc urugs (49 mln)
c. AnLl-PyperLenslve urugs (37 mln)
d. urugs for PearL lallure (33 mln)
e. AnLl-Anglnal urugs (21 mln)
f. ulureLlcs (63 mln)
g. AnLl-Pyperllpldemlcs (33 mln)
4. CnS harmacology
a. SedaLlve-PypnoLlc-AnxlolyLlc urugs (30 mln)
b. Alcohols (18 mln)
c. AnLl-ConvulsanLs (34 mln)
d. urugs used ln AnesLhesla (36 mln)
e. Cplold Analgeslcs (38 mln)
f. urugs used ln arklnson ulsease and sychosls
(37 mln)
g. urugs used for uepresslon, 8lpolar ulsorders, and
ALLenLlon ueflclL PyperacLlvlLy ulsorder (37 mln)
h. urugs of Abuse (19 mln)
3. AnLlmlcroblal AgenLs
a. AnLl-8acLerlal AgenLs (126 mln)
b. AnLl-lungal AgenLs (22 mln)
c. AnLl-vlral AgenLs (39 mln)
d. AnLl-roLozoal AgenLs (10 mln)
6. urugs for lnflammaLory and 8elaLed ulsorders
a. PlsLamlne and AnLl-PlsLamlnes (9 mln)
b. urugs used ln CasLrolnLesLlnal uysfuncLlon (22 mln)
c. urugs AcLlng on SeroLonerglc SysLems (8 mln)
d. Llcosanold harmacology (33 mln)
e. urugs used for 1reaLmenL of 8heumaLold ArLhrlLls
(9 mln)
f. urugs used for 1reaLmenL of CouL (10 mln)
g. ClucocorLlcolds (11 mln)
h. urugs used for 1reaLmenL of AsLhma (12 mln)
7. urugs used ln 8lood ulsorders
a. AnLl-CoagulanLs (20 mln)
b. 1hrombolyLlcs (8 mln)
c. AnLl-laLeleL urugs (7 mln)
8. Lndocrlne harmacology
a. urugs used ln ulabeLes (28 mln)
b. SLerold Pormones (21 mln)
c. AnLl-1hyrold AgenLs (9 mln)
d. urugs 8elaLed Lo PypoLhalamlc and lLulLary
Pormones (6 mln)
e. urugs used for 8one and Mlneral ulsorders (3 mln)
9. AnLlcancer urugs (19 mln)
10. lmmunopharmacology (8 mln)
11. 1oxlcology (20 mln)

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1. PlsLology and CyLology
a. Cell ComponenLs (63 mln)
b. nervous 1lssue (6 mln)
c. Muscle 1lssue (26 mln)
d. Lymphold Crgans (17 mln)
e. lnLegumenL (3 mln)
f. 8esplraLory SysLem (19 mln)
g. CasLrolnLesLlnal SysLem (44 mln)
h. 8enal/urlnary SysLem (9 mln)
l. Male 8eproducLlve SysLem (18 mln)
[. lemale 8eproducLlve SysLem (10 mln)
2. Larly Lmbryology
a. Conad uevelopmenL (33 mln)
b. Week 1: 8eglnnlng of uevelopmenL (11 mln)
c. Week 2: lormaLlon of Lhe 8llamlnar Lmbryo (8 mln)
d. Lmbryonlc erlod (Weeks 3 - 8) (13 mln)
3. Cross AnaLomy and Crganogenesls
a. 8ack and nervous SysLem (62 mln)
b. 1horax (183 mln)
c. Abdomen, elvls, and erlneum (223 mln)
d. upper Llmb (78 mln)
e. Lower Llmb (46 mln)
f. Pead and neck (47 mln)
4. neurosclence

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1. Lpldemlology (248 mln)
2. 8losLaLlsLlcs (130 mln)
3. Llfe ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes (83 mln)
4. SubsLance Abuse (81 mln)
3. Puman SexuallLy (31 mln)
6. Learnlng and 8ehavlor ModlflcaLlon (83 mln)
7. uefense Mechanlsms (124 mln)
8. sychologlc PealLh and 1esLlng (23 mln)
9. Puman uevelopmenL (122 mln)
10. Sleep and Sleep ulsorders (62 mln)
11. hyslclan-aLlenL 8elaLlonshlps (63 mln)
12. ulagnosLlc and SLaLlsLlcal Manual lv (uSM lv) (207 mln)
13. Crganlc ulsorders (46 mln)
14. sychopharmacology (39 mln)
13. LLhlcal and Legal lssues (66 mln)

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1. uay 1
a. Cell ln[ury 1 (49 mln)
b. Cell ln[ury 2 (30 mln)
c. lnflammaLlon 1 (30 mln)
d. lnflammaLlon 2 (39 mln)
e. lluld and Pemodynamlcs 1 (49 mln)
f. lluld and Pemodynamlcs 2 (30 mln)
g. lluld and Pemodynamlcs 3 (46 mln)
2. uay 2
a. nuLrlLlon 1 (31 mln)
b. nuLrlLlon 2 + neoplasla 1 (30 mln)
c. neoplasla 2 (49 mln)
d. neoplasla 3 + PemaLology 1 (36 mln)
e. PemaLology 2 (31 mln)
f. PemaLology 3 (49 mln)
g. PemaLology 4 (30 mln)
h. PemaLology 3 (38 mln)
3. uay 3
a. PemaLology 6 (31 mln)
b. PemaLology 7 (30 mln)
c. PemaLology 8 (49 mln)
d. Cardlovascular 1 (38 mln)
e. Cardlovascular 2 (33 mln)
f. Cardlovascular 3 (46 mln)
g. Cardlovascular 4 (48 mln)
h. 8esplraLory 1 (60 mln)
4. uay 4
a. 8esplraLory 2 (49 mln)
b. 8esplraLory 3 (30 mln)
c. CasLrolnLesLlnal 1 30 mln)
d. CasLrolnLesLlnal 2 (37 mln)
e. PepaLoblllary-ancreas 1 30 mln)
f. PepaLoblllary-ancreas 2 (46 mln)
g. 8enal 1 (46 mln)
h. 8enal 2 (60 mln)
3. uay 3
a. Cynecology 1 (32 mln)
b. Cynecology 2 (44 mln)
c. Lndocrlne (39 mln)
d. MusculoskeleLal (48 mln)
e. Skln (30 mln)
f. CnS + Speclal Senses (41 mln)

(")*"+ !$20-%*%52 (1.0x speed)
1. lluld ulsLrlbuLlon and Ldema (103 mln)
2. LxclLable 1lssue (166 mln)
3. SkeleLal Muscle (48 mln)
4. Cardlac Muscle Mechanlcs (72 mln)
3. erlpheral ClrculaLlon (216 mln)
6. Cardlac Cycle and valvular PearL ulsease (80 mln)
7. 8esplraLlon (263 mln)
8. 8enal hyslology (273 mln)
9. Acld-8ase ulsLurbances (78 mln)
10. Lndocrlnology
a. Ceneral AspecLs (73 mln)
b. PypoLhalamlc-AnLerlor lLulLary (29 mln)
c. osLerlor lLulLary (48 mln)
d. Adrenal CorLex (139 mln)
e. Adrenal Medulla (9 mln)
f. Lndocrlne ancreas (33 mln)
g. Pormonal ConLrol of Calclum and hosphaLe (37 mln)
h. 1hyrold Pormones (69 mln)
l. CrowLh Pormone and uberLy (23 mln)
[. Male 8eproducLlve SysLem (43 mln)
k. lemale 8eproducLlve SysLem (63 mln)
11. CasLrolnLesLlnal hyslology (143 mln)

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