Vernacular Architecture

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The key takeaways are that vernacular architecture in hilly areas evolved sustainably using local materials and techniques to address harsh conditions, but modern construction often disregards the local context. Building regulations should incorporate lessons from vernacular practices to promote sustainable development.

Building in hilly areas presents challenges like difficult terrain, steep gradients, adverse climate, and natural hazards. Vernacular practices evolved to address these conditions with minimal environmental damage.

Characteristics of vernacular architecture in hilly areas include using local, environmentally friendly materials and construction techniques, developing along contours, having compact sizes, and merging with the natural surroundings.

Original Article/Research

Vernacular practices: as a basis for formulating building regulations

for hilly areas
Ashwani Kumar
, Pushplata
Department of Architecture and Planning, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India
Department of Architecture and Planning, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India
Received 13 June 2013; accepted 16 January 2014
Planning and design of buildings in a hill settlement are tedious and challenging task due to dicult terrain, steep gradient, adverse
climatic conditions, rich ora and proneness to natural hazards. In response to these harsh development conditions, numerous vernac-
ular practices and styles have evolved with local materials and indigenous techniques to full the needs of people, which cause minimal
damage to environment and are sustainable. But, in spite of numerous benets of these vernacular practices, these are often not used for
new development due to increased demand for more built spaces due to rapid growth, availability of new construction materials and
techniques and reluctance of residents to adopt vernacular practices.
Numerous multi-storeyed buildings with contemporary materials and techniques are being constructed in dierent hill settlements
without respecting the context, which aect health and wellbeing of residents and cause severe damage to sensitive fragile environment
in and around hill settlements. Building regulations, which are enforced in hill settlements to regulate development and minimise its ill
impacts on environment, are contextually not appropriate and lead to contextually inappropriate development and environmental deg-
radation in environmentally sensitive hill settlements. As vernacular practices are proven to be sustainable, therefore it is essential to take
lessons from sustainable vernacular practices for new development and formulation of building regulations for achieving contextually
appropriate and sustainable development in hill settlements.
2014 The Gulf Organisation for Research and Development. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Hill settlements; Vernacular practices; Building regulations; Environmental protection
1. Introduction
Numerous vernacular practices and styles have been
developed for planning of settlements and construction of
buildings in the Himalayan region of north India during
past centuries to meet the requirements of local people.
These vernacular practices are developed by the people,
for the people, without any technical/professional training;
with the help of locally available, natural and environmen-
tally friendly construction materials and indigenous
construction techniques which people have learned, devel-
oped, and rened over centuries. These vernacular prac-
tices and styles are developed with the objective to have
sucient protection against harsh climatic conditions and
natural calamities. These traditional practices oer best
2212-6090/$ - see front matter 2014 The Gulf Organisation for Research and Development. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment (2013) 2, 183192
Gulf Organisation for Research and Development
International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment
suitable solutions for functional utility and livability. Rit-
ual beliefs, customs, social structure, profession, economic
status and culture are often reected in vernacular build-
ings through their form, scale, size, colour, materials and
facades. Vernacular practices have minimal impact on envi-
ronment in and around hill settlements and dierent salient
features of vernacular practices evolved in hilly areas like
the use of local materials, thermal comfort, environmen-
tally friendly design, smaller foot print, contextual appro-
priate development are also considered as the essential
requisites of sustainable development (Kumar and
Munoth, 2011).
Along with various benets of vernacular practices and
styles, vernacular buildings have some crucial issues and
concerns like, need for regular maintenance, low strength
of materials and/or building components, unavailability
of skilled craftsmen who can work with traditional materi-
als, shortage of traditional materials and reluctance of res-
idents to develop their buildings with vernacular practices
lead to reduced use of these sustainable vernacular prac-
tices for construction of new buildings in hilly areas. More-
over, increased urbanisation, need and construction of
multi-storeyed buildings; improved transportation to pro-
mote the use of contemporary materials in hill settlements.
Improvement in living and economic conditions, improve-
ment and increase in building services; better, fast and eas-
ily understandable and workable construction techniques
and equipments further aect the use of vernacular prac-
tices for planning and design of new buildings in hill settle-
ments. Massive development with contemporary materials
results in pollution, loss of vegetation, increase in soil
erosion, increase in surface runo, lowering of water
table, ooding, change in micro climate and increase in
occurrences of instability, which cause severe damage to
sensitive and fragile environment in and around hill settle-
ments (Fig. 1).
To minimise dierent ill impacts of new and massive
development on natural environment in and around hill
settlements and to maintain environmental quality, various
building regulations are enforced, but problems related to
environmental deterioration persist and further intensies
in hill settlements (Pushplata and Kumar, 2012). Thus,
highlighting the need to draw lessons from sustainable ver-
nacular practices for formulating building regulations and
design of new buildings in hill settlements of North India
(Fig. 2a). In light of the above, to draw important lessons
from traditional practices for new development in hill set-
tlements, various salient characteristics of traditional settle-
ments which are sustainable are discussed in the section
2. Salient characteristics of traditional settlement in hill
Various salient characteristics of traditional settlements
which are crucial for planning and design of new buildings
in hill regions are:
(i) Traditional hill settlements in India are usually devel-
oped on relatively atter terrain than surrounding
areas (Fig. 2a and b), which are often considered
more stable and less prone to natural hazards like
landslides and cloudburst.
(ii) Traditional settlements in hill regions of India are
mostly located on southern slopes to have sucient
solar exposure throughout the day and protection
Figure 1. Massive multi-storey development in hill regions.
184 A. Kumar, Pushplata / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 2 (2013) 183192
from northern cold winds, so that comfortable living
conditions can be achieved with minimal consump-
tion of energy.
(iii) Proximity to surface water source is one of the main
criteria for selecting site for settlement in hill regions,
as ground water table is usually low, especially near
ridges and mid land areas and it is dicult construct
dierent water structures (like well or step well) to
fetch water from higher depth.
(iv) Settlements in hill regions are classied into three cat-
egories as ridge, mid land and valley settlements.
Each type of settlement has its own peculiar issues
for development which are unique and not present
in other types of settlements. Planning and design
of buildings vary in these settlements. For example,
in ridge settlement important buildings like temples,
shops, public buildings like post oces and schools,
open grounds and other public areas/spaces are often
located on or near to the ridge and general houses are
located on relatively lower areas. Whereas, in valley
settlement main public spaces, temples and other
public and community areas and open grounds are
generally located in valley (lower areas) and houses
are located in upper regions on sloping terrain.
(v) Traditional settlements become integral part of the
natural environment of hill settlements, as dierent
vernacular buildings merge well with surroundings
and have minimal impact on environment of hilly
(vi) Developmental activities in traditional settlements
are generally carried out with due consideration to
the context and buildings are generally constructed
along the contours to reduce site development work
(i.e., cutting and lling of slopes).
(vii) Vernacular buildings are generally clustered along the
open space (Saini, 1991) which is used by residents
for dierent activities, social and religious gathering,
celebrating functions and ceremonies. The placement
of buildings around the open space is such that every
building gets sucient direct solar exposure and no
Figure 2. Settlements in dierent Himalayan regions.
A. Kumar, Pushplata / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 2 (2013) 183192 185
building cast its shadow on other buildings. While
clustering dierent buildings along open space, build-
ings are judicially oriented to achieve maximum solar
exposure and minimum wind exposure.
(viii) Vernacular buildings in hilly areas are mostly rect-
angular in shape and constructed with locally avail-
able materials, which are having good climatic
response. Floor to ceiling height is usually kept
between 8 to 9 feet which is low as per contempo-
rary building standards and as adopted in new
buildings. Symmetrically located small openings
(generally one window for each room) are provided
to have daylight and ventilation which result in low
illumination level inside the buildings. But, these
buildings with symmetrical small windows have bet-
ter seismic response than most of the contemporary
buildings with modern materials in hill settlements
of North India.
(ix) Non-engineered indigenous construction techniques
are adopted for construction of buildings which are
developed with local materials, have good climatic
response, maintain indoor comfort conditions and
have very good response against earthquakes. Tradi-
tional construction techniques adopted in construc-
tion of houses in the north Indian Himalayan
region are shown in Table 1 and Fig. 3.
In spite of various above discussed merits and environ-
mentally friendly nature of vernacular practices prevailing
in hill regions, these practices cannot be directly used for
planning and design of buildings in the present context,
due to change in living habits, lifestyle and requirement
of services for comfortable living. However, important les-
sons can be drawn from the existing vernacular practices
for planning and design of settlements and formulation
of buildings regulations, so that sustainable development
can be achieved in hill regions. Dierent building regula-
tions which can be formulated/modied on the basis ver-
nacular practices are discussed in the section below.
3. Building regulations to be formulated based on vernacular
Building regulations such as ground coverage, material
regulations, earthquake resistant construction and safety
regulations, site development and slope protection regula-
tions, aesthetic and facade design regulations and space
standards and norms for hilly areas can be formulated or
modied based on existing vernacular practices of hilly
areas of India.
3.1. Ground coverage
Vernacular/traditional buildings have compact planning,
small footprints and low built to open ratio, especially in
lower Himalayan regions and lot of space is kept open
around buildings which can be used for dierent activities
and/or for growing vegetation. This helps in minimising
the impact of development on surrounding environment.
In contrast to these vernacular practices, contemporary
buildings in hilly areas are designed with high foot prints
and ground coverage and have high built to open ratio. This
pattern of development results in less space around buildings
which is often inadequate for growing vegetation and/or its
use for dierent activities. Therefore, provisions related to
small building foot print and lower ground coverage by tak-
ing lessons fromvernacular buildings and utilisation of open
space between buildings for landscaping and vegetation can
be incorporated in existing regulations to reduce the impact
of new development on environment of hilly areas.
3.2. Material regulation
Vernacular practices are developed with locally avail-
able, easily workable, and natural building materials which
are mostly renewable in nature (like timber, thatch, mud
and bamboo), have good climatic response, and have no
adverse eect on the health of residents and little or negli-
gible impact on environment of hill settlements. Though
Table 1
Wall construction techniques used in dierent hill regions.
S no. Construction
Materials used Building
Areas where it is used Characteristics
1 Kath-Kuni and
Koti banal
Stone and timber Wall Shimla, Kullu, Kinnaur, Garhwal
and Kumaun regions
Good seismic and thermal response,
good aesthetic value
2 Dhajji-Dewari Timber stone/mud Wall Kashmir and Chamba
3 Taaq system Timber and brick Wall Kashmir Good seismic and thermal response
4 Stone houses Natural stone dressed
or undressed
Wall Kashmir, Jammu, Himachal,
Good thermal response
5 Wooden houses Timber Wall, roof, oor,
Kashmir, Himachal, Uttarakhand Good seismic and thermal response
6 Mud houses Mud Leh, Ladakh, Lahaul Spiti Good thermal and climatic response
7 Sun dried bricks
Earth Walls Outer Himalayan regions Good thermal and climatic response
8 Dry stone walls Stone Wall Kangra Chamba
9 Brick houses Baked bricks Walls Outer Himalayan regions Good response against weathering
186 A. Kumar, Pushplata / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 2 (2013) 183192
cutting of trees for obtaining timber will result in loss of
precious vegetation, it needs to be suitably augmented by
plantation of new tress in hilly areas. In contrast to this,
contemporary materials are manufactured from raw mate-
rials, which are available on particular locations and are
transported to dierent parts of the country after manufac-
turing. These materials have high embodied energy and
cause lot of pollution during manufacturing and transpor-
tation, and are mostly inappropriate to the context of hill
settlements. Adoption of locally available building materi-
als with new construction technologies will result in better
climatic responsiveness, lower consumption of energy and
reduction in environmental degradation. Therefore, these
provisions should be made compulsory through building
3.3. Earthquake resistant construction and safety regulations
Safety against natural hazards is the most serious
concern for planning and design of buildings in hill
regions. Many vernacular practices like dhajji wall,
kath-kuni, koti-banal, taaq and wooden buildings have
good response during previous earthquakes (Fig 3)
(Rautela and Joshi, 2008). However, presently adopted
construction practices in hilly areas do not have good
earthquake response and may result in serious damage
and loss of precious human life and resources during
occurrences of earthquake. Therefore, vernacular prac-
tices with suitable modications can be adopted for
design and construction of earthquake resistant buildings
in hill regions. Materials like timber and thatch used in
traditional buildings which are vulnerable to re and ter-
mite attack can be replaced with more durable and re
resistant materials like steel or aluminium. Same is wit-
nessed in Pehalgam hotel, Srinagar, which is constructed
in dhajji wall style with modern materials like bricks and
steel as shown in Fig. 4. The adoption of such earth-
quake resistant practices with durable and re resistant
materials can be made mandatory through building
Figure 3. Dierent wall construction techniques adopted in dierent hill regions.
A. Kumar, Pushplata / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 2 (2013) 183192 187
3.4. Site development regulations
In traditional hill settlements the cutting and lling
method of site development is often adopted and the
debris produced after cutting of hills is used to ll parts
within site and/or used for construction of dierent
building components like walls and oors. Buildings are
generally constructed on at and hard strata obtained
after cutting of slopes and lled portions of site are
mostly kept open and used for dierent routine activities.
Utilisation of debris produced after cutting of slopes
within site can be made mandatory through building reg-
ulations, which intern help in reducing environmental
degradation caused by illegal dumping of debris pro-
duced after cutting of slopes into valley or low lying
areas near water sources.
3.5. Slope stabilisation and protection
Natural materials like stone, bamboo, tree branches
obtained from pruning of trees, thatch, pine leaves etc.
are used for slope stabilisation and protection in traditional
hill settlements. These materials merge well with surround-
ings and these protected portions do not appear dierent
from surrounding areas. Whereas, in contemporary prac-
tices, improvement of aesthetics/visual quality of rein-
forced concrete retaining walls used for slope protection
is a critical issue, which aects the aesthetic value of hill set-
tlements (Fig. 5). Use of natural materials like stone or
bamboo with other contemporary materials and techniques
of slope protection will result in better aesthetic quality of
retaining surfaces. Use of natural materials as nishing sur-
face for retaining structures which are exposed and visible
can be made mandatory through building regulations to
improve the aesthetic quality of retaining structures.
3.6. Aesthetic and facade design regulations
Every vernacular style has its own peculiar built form,
pattern, materials, colour and decorative elements which
impart aesthetic quality to buildings and create interesting,
unique and easily distinguishable facades. Varieties of
sloping roofs used in vernacular styles help in integration
of vernacular buildings into mountainous surroundings
along with fullling functional needs (Fig. 6). All buildings
in a traditional hill settlement have building facades
with similar elements, features and decorative treatment.
Modern buildings constructed with contemporary materi-
als have dull, uninteresting and unattractive facades which
appear as visual blight in magnicent hill settings (Fig. 7)
Figure 4. Modern building constructed in traditional construction style.
Figure 5. Dierent retaining surfaces used in hill regions.
188 A. Kumar, Pushplata / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 2 (2013) 183192
(Pushplata and Kumar., 2009). The adoption of traditional
built forms, patterns and facade elements for improving
aesthetic quality of new buildings in hilly areas is utmost
necessary in the present scenario of development. Building
regulations need to be formulated or modied to mandate
the use of traditional forms, pattern, and decorative ele-
ments into modern buildings. Also, provisions related to
adoption of similar building forms, features/elements for
facade design, roof type and prole, and colour for all
buildings in an area/zone can be incorporated in building
regulations of hill settlements.
3.7. Space standard and norms for development in hilly areas
Space standard and norms for hill regions in India are
not developed by any professional organisation or agency
(TCPO, 2004). For designing of new buildings and formu-
lation of building regulation in hill settlements, space stan-
dard and norms specied in the National Building Code
2005, are adopted which are not conducive to the context
of hill regions due to peculiar geo-environment characteris-
tics of hill regions. Contemporary buildings developed in
accordance with these non-contextual building regulations
are climatically and environmentally nonresponsive. There
are variations in minimum space standards adopted in
building regulations or present in the National Build-
ing Code and are as adopted in vernacular or traditional
buildings. For example, oor to ceiling height for a con-
temporary building is usually considered as 3.0 m whereas,
in most of the vernacular buildings oor to ceiling height
usually varies from 2.40 m to 2.70 m. Height of the door
(lintel level) is generally considered as 2.10 m above oor
level in contemporary buildings, whereas in traditional
buildings maximum height of the door is 1.80 m. Likewise,
the window to oor area ratio specied in existing space
standards and norms is higher than actually found in many
traditional buildings due to the presence of smaller open-
ings in cold climatic conditions. Space/area provided in
vernacular buildings to full dierent functional require-
ments need to be considered as the basis for deciding space
standard and norms for hill regions.
Along with above mentioned building regulations which
need to be modied on the basis of vernacular practices,
other important lessons can also be drawn from vernacular
practices and styles for planning and design of buildings in
hill settlements.
4. Lessons learnt from vernacular practices for new buildings
Dierent lessons learnt from vernacular practices of hill
settlements for planning and design of new buildings in hill
settlements can be grouped into three main categories as,
lessons learnt at settlement level, area level and building
Figure 6. Dierent roong styles adopted in hill regions.
A. Kumar, Pushplata / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 2 (2013) 183192 189
5. Settlement level
5.1. Site selection for development
Dierent considerations related to site selection as
observed in traditional settlements can become basis for site
selection for new development in hilly areas. Similar to tra-
ditional settlements in hilly areas, site selected for newdevel-
opment should be on southern slopes to have adequate solar
exposure; should be located on leeward side of hill to have
sucient protection from cold winds; should have adequate
access to basic services; and should be developed on stable
and rm ground/terrain so that new development should
be less prone to hazards like landslides and cloudburst.
5.2. Land use distribution
Lessons drawn from vernacular practices can become
basis for deciding land use for new development in dierent
areas/zones of a hill settlement. Similar to traditional set-
tlements at areas on ridge, valley and midland can be used
for public use like public buildings, schools, temples, shops,
parks, playground etc., and residential and private build-
ings can be developed on sloping terrain either above valley
or below ridge in a hill settlement.
5.3. Settlements developed as integral part of natural
Traditional settlements in hill regions are developed
with nature as these settlements merge nicely with natural
contextual settings and cause minimum disturbance to nat-
ural environment. Similarly, new buildings in hill regions
should cause minimum disturbance to natural environment
and should be contextually appropriate and should merge
well with surroundings to become an integral part of natu-
ral environment (Fig. 8).
6. Area level
6.1. Clustering of buildings
Similar to vernacular practices in hill regions, new build-
ings should be grouped along the open space which can be
used by all residents for dierent activities and social inter-
action. The orientation of buildings and open space should
be such that these buildings should have maximum solar
exposure and minimum wind exposure. The size of open
space and height of buildings are so decided that one build-
ing should not cast shadow over others.
6.2. Identity/character of area
Every community/mohallah within a traditional settle-
ment has its own identity and their buildings show their
social and economic status and occupation. Though, all
buildings generally represent similar vernacular style,
building of dierent communities varies from each other
in terms of size, organisation of rooms, elevation/facade
treatment, extent of detailing, decoration and ornamenta-
tion and colours. Similar principle can be adopted for plan-
ning and design of new buildings in dierent areas/zones in
Figure 7. Modern buildings having uninteresting facades in hill regions.
190 A. Kumar, Pushplata / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 2 (2013) 183192
hill settlements which can impart distinct identity to dier-
ent areas/zones and at the same time dierent buildings of
various communities should be woven together to form
holistic image of a scenic hill settlement.
7. Building level
7.1. Development along contour
Similar to vernacular buildings, new buildings as far as
possible should be designed along the contour to have min-
imum site development work.
7.2. Compact size and opening along longer direction
Similar to vernacular buildings, new buildings should be
compact, having small foot print and most of the openings/
windows should be provided along the length of building
(longer side) and shorter side of building (width) should be
kept intact without openings to have better seismic response.
7.3. Minimal disturbance to natural environment and
contextual development
Like vernacular buildings, new buildings should be envi-
ronmentally friendly, so that they should merge with the
surroundings and cause minimum disturbance to natural
environment. The use of locally available materials and
development according to site and surrounding condi-
tions will lead to contextual appropriateness, which are
essential for environmental protection in and around hill
8. Conclusion
Vernacular practices and styles adopted in traditional
hill settlements have a great potential to become the basis
for new development and formulation of appropriate
building regulations for hill settlements. There is a need
to understand the peculiar context of hill settlements for
suitable modication of existing building regulations to
make them appropriate for new development in hill settle-
ments. Dierent observations and ndings (lesson drawn)
made after the understandings of vernacular practices pres-
ent in hill settlements are most crucial for formulation of
appropriate building regulations in hill settlements to have
contextually appropriate and sustainable development.
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Figure 8. Traditional settlements merge well with surroundings.
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192 A. Kumar, Pushplata / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 2 (2013) 183192

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