EAS 207 - ABET - Spring - 20130123

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School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

EAS 207 Statics
Spring 2013 Tentative; last updated 01/23/2013

Lecture classes: A: MWF: 9 9:50 AM, Knox 104

Recitations: A: Mon: 8 8:50 AM, Capen 10
B: Wed: 10 10:50 AM, Capen 262
C: Thu: 10 10:50 AM, NSC 218
D: Fri: 10 10:50 AM, Knox 20

Head Instructor: S. Chen, Ph.D., P.E.
226 Ketter Hall
Email: [email protected] ; put course #(EAS 207) in Subject line
Office Hours: MWF: 1:30 3:30 PM or as posted on UBLearns

Associate Instructor: P. Sideris, Ph.D.
204B Ketter Hall
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: Wed 11 AM 1 PM and Thu 11 AM 3 PM
(Room 204B or 202 Ketter Hall Check both rooms)

Teaching Assistant: Hosein Hamidekerdar
228 Ketter Hall
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: Tue: 10:00 12:00 AM

Prerequisite(s): PHY 107, MTH 142
Co-requisite(s): MTH 241

Course web site: UBLearns (No separate web site for recitations)
MasteringEngineering (Online tutorials and additional resources for learn-
ing Statics)

Text: Engineering Mechanics Statics by R. C. Hibbeler, 13
Edition, Prentice
Hall/ Pearson, 2013 with custom Student Problems Set and
MasteringEngineering (Online tutorials and additional resources)
ISBN: 1256268127 for all 3 or 1269133543 for Problems Set &

Course description: Application of mechanics to the study of static equilibrium of rigid and elastic bod-
ies. Topics include composition and resolution of forces; moments and couples; equivalent force sys-
tems; free-body diagrams; equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies; forces in trusses and beams; fric-
tional forces; first and second moments of area; moments and products of inertia; methods of virtual
work and total potential energy.

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Course Objectives: Mechanics, concerned with the study of static and dynamic equilibrium of particles
and rigid bodies, is regarded as essential to the basic education of an engineer. Since the problems con-
fronted by todays engineers are seldom restricted to ones own specialization, it is imperative that engi-
neering students become thoroughly grounded in the fundamental principles of mechanics so necessary
for the solution of many problems. The major objective of this course is to present, in a coherent and
systematic fashion and by emphasizing useful applications, a fundamental treatment of the principles of
statics (mechanics). Problem - solving in the subject area of statics familiarizes the student with real-life
problems and develops in them an appreciation for their own powers of analysis and the effective use of
mathematical modeling.
Emphasis is on understanding concepts and applying them to solve engineering problems.

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon successful course completion, students will be able to:
1) Calculate the resultant forces and moments in 2D and 3D systems.
2) Draw free-body diagrams for particles and rigid bodies.
3) Solve particle and rigid body problems using the principle of static equilibrium.
4) Analyze 2D and 3D trusses using methods of joints and methods of sections.
5) Calculate internal forces in a beam and plot shear-force and bending-moment diagrams.
6) Solve problems related to sliding objects using Coulombs dry friction theory.
7) Calculate the location of the center of gravity and the centroid of a given shape/volume.
8) Calculate moment of inertia for an area/volume over a given rotational axis.

Contribution of EAS 207 towards fulfillment of ABET Student Outcomes 3(a-k):

(a) Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
EAS 207 is an engineering problem solving course that builds upon the students background in
mathematics and physics to form a linkage between abstract concepts and physical problems com-
mon to engineering practice.
(e) An ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems
The problems demonstrated in class and the in-class and in-recitation assignments and
MasteringEngineering tutorials encourage students to consider ill-defined real-world problems in a
disciplined and structured fashion so that they may apply their engineering knowledge and judgment
to the meaningful solution of the problem. These exercises are designed to develop the students
confidence so they will be competent to make the next transition, from problem solving to design.
(g) Communicate effectively
Because engineers frequently communicate via engineering calculations, a premium is placed on the
quality, order, neatness, and correctness of all solution of problems performed as part of EAS 207.
The students are continually reminded that the quality of their engineering calculations is a state-
ment of their regard for their profession.
(k) Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
Engineering problem-solving requires ability to translate posed problem statements into mathemati-
cal models and involves selecting and applying analytical and computational tools to solve them.

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Relationship of Course to ABET Student Outcomes (Course Assessment Matrix):

ABET Student Outcomes
a b c d e f g h i j k
1 3 2 3
2 1 3 1 3
3 3 3 1 3
4 2 3 1 3
5 2 3 1 2
6 3 2 1 2
7 3 2 2
8 3 2 2
Contribution Level: Substantial =3, Moderate =2, and Limited =1


Individual and Group tutoring: The Instructors and Teaching assistants (TAs) provide
individual tutoring via scheduled office hours five days a week (for a minimum of 14
hours per week) to assist students to understand the concepts involved and to apply these
concepts for solving engineering problems.
Student work will consist of MasteringEngineering online tutorials and regular in-
class and in-recitation hardcopy problem-solving exercises exploring and applying ideas
and concepts presented in the classroom. In part of each lecture class period, statics
concepts will be presented and discussed. The students are assigned required reading to
study before class. In the other part of the lecture class period, the students will be given
an in-class assignment covering to the concepts and examples discussed in the other part.
This assignment must be solved in-class and submitted at the end of the class (for grade).
The Instructor together with the TAs will be there to provide help and respond to ques-
Recitations will follow a similar format, where students will be assigned problems to
solve in-recitation and submit by the end of the recitation (for grade). Here too, the In-
structor together with the TAs will be there to provide help and respond to questions. The
lowest five in-lecture/recitation assignment grades will be dropped. Approximately one
per week, an unannounced quiz will be assigned based on course content covered subse-
quent to the previous such quiz.
Assignments must be done neatly and may be started on the problem statement pa-
per, if provided, but if going beyond such a page completed on ENGINEERING paper, in
pencil, and written on one side of the paper. Pages for a given assignment MUST be sta-
pled together. Figures should be drawn approximately to scale using a straight edge. Final
answers should include units where applicable and be given the appropriate number of
significant figures. Comply with Calculations Specifications as listed separately.

Submitted hardcopy in-class assignments must follow this format:
Given: (statement of problem)
Find: (what are you after)
Solution: (analysis leading to result)
The final answer must be boxed.
Assignment and quiz solutions will be made available.
There will be one midterm exam throughout the semester, in addition to the final exam.
See tentative lecture schedule for tentative dates.

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Final course grade shall be determined as follows:
MasteringEngineering online Tutorials 10%
Mid semester exam: 20%
In-class lecture hardcopy assignments: 5%
In-class recitation hardcopy assignments: 10%
In-class unannounced quizzes: 20% (During lectures)
Final Exam: 35%
All assignments and quizzes will be graded 4, 3, 2, 1 or 0. The basis for grading will be as
4 =correct format, correct solution strategy & answer
3 =correct format & some errors
2 =correct format & many errors
1 =incorrect format or little effort
0 =no effort

Important: Take pride in your in-class and in-recitation work. Think of your calcula-
tions as a way to communicate your approach and to demonstrate your understanding of
the material, rather than simply as a means to get the correct answer. Assignments are ex-
pected to be neat, thorough and logically organized. Remember that when you perform
engineering calculations you must explain your work such that an uninformed reader can
follow how and why each step was performed. Practicing engineers must maintain very
high standards in the quality of their work because all engineering calculations must be
independently checked during the design review process. Sloppy work, even if technically
correct, is unprofessional and will lose points.

Final Grade:
At the end of the semester, the total points earned (out of a maximum of 100 points) will
be used to determine your grade. Grade average and grade distribution will be determined
by the Head Instructor to reflect the competence and performance of the class rather than
to fit a predetermined pattern. For reference only, sample previous grading scales em-
ployed in this course are posted on UBLearns
Grade I will be strictly limited to the circumstances for which the incomplete is in-
tended; namely, satisfactory work to date and legitimate inability to complete the work
within the semester.

Other policies: All tests should be taken at the announced time and place. Missed exams will be as-
signed a grade of zero unless a compelling personal or medical reason (with acceptable proof) is provid-
ed to the instructor, prior to the exam date. What makes an excuse acceptable typically consists of writ-
ten physicians or morticians documents, as appropriate.
Important dates: Last day to drop: Saturday, J anuary 19, 2013
Last day to add: Tuesday, J anuary 22, 2013
Last day to resign: Friday, March 29, 2013

Student Conduct and Academic Integrity: Please review and ensure your compliance with the UB
policies on academic integrity (http://academicintegrity.buffalo.edu/policies/index.php). They will be
strictly enforced.
Additional links: http://www.student-affairs.buffalo.edu/judicial/rulereg.php and http://undergrad-

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As an engineer, you have special ethical obligations. As per the NSPE Code of Ethics, engineers shall
avoid deceptive acts and shall conduct themselves honorably, responsibly, ethically, and lawfully so
as to enhance the honor, reputation, and usefulness of the profession.

UB Engineering Code of Ethics:
Act with honesty, integrity and fairness
Show respect for others
Accept responsibility
Give credit where credit is due
Serve the larger community
Take pride in being a part of UB Engineering

Classroom etiquette
Attend classes and pay attention.
Come to class on time. If you must enter a class late, do so quietly and do not disrupt the class by
walking between the class and the instructor. Do not leave class unless it is an absolute necessity.
Do not talk with other classmates while the instructor or another student is speaking. If you have
a question or a comment, please raise your hand, rather than starting a conversation about it with
your neighbor.
Turn off the electronics: cell phones, pagers, laptops, iPODs, iPADs, and beeper watches.
Avoid audible and visible signs of restlessness or tiredness. These are both rude and disruptive to
the rest of the class.
Focus on class material during class time. Activities such as sleeping, eating, drinking, talking to
others, doing work for another class, reading the newspaper, checking email/Facebook, and ex-
ploring the internet are unacceptable and can be disruptive.
Do not pack bookbags or backpacks to leave until the instructor has dismissed class.

How to pass and do well in this course:

1. Read appropriate sections from text and/or course notes BEFORE class
2. Come regularly to class and recitations and pay attention and do in-class and in-recitation as-
3. Bring instructor provided lecture notes to class. Take good notes, and ask questions if you do
not understand the material.
4. Before you attempt to solve your tutorial problems, if necessary (re)read the appropriate sec-
tion(s) from the text and your notes; try to understand the concepts and solved problems.
5. Do ALL the assigned work (both hardcopy submitted in-class/recitation and
MasteringEngineering online tutorials.
6. Use all resources available for additional assistance if you need it (e.g., office hours,
7. Start preparing for each exam at least one week before, allowing time to work out practice exams

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Tentative Lecture Schedule
Date Content Assigned Reading (13
edition of text)
14-J an (Mon) 1- Introduction 1.1 1.6 Concepts, Units, Calcs, Analysis Procedure
16-J an (Wed)
2- Force Vectors
2.1 2.3 Vector Operations, Force Addition
18-J an (Fri) 2.4 2.6 Cartesian Vectors and Their Addition
21-Jan (Mon) No Class - No Recitation - No Office Hours
23-J an (Wed) 2.7 2.8 Position Vectors & Force Vectors
25-J an (Fri) 2.9 Dot Product
28-J an (Mon)
3 Equilibrium of a Particle
3.1 3.3 Equilibrium; 2D Force Systems
30-J an (Wed) 3.4 Equilibrium in 3D Force Systems
1-Feb (Fri)
4 Systems of Forces and
4.1 4.4 Moment of a Force
4-Feb (Mon) 4.5 4.6 Moment about an Axis; Force Couple Moments
6-Feb (Wed) 4.7 4.8 Force-Couple Systems (Resultants)
8-Feb (Fri) 4.9 Distributed Load Resultant
11-Feb (Mon)
5 Equilibrium of a Rigid
5.1 5.2 Rigid Body Equilibrium; Free Body Diagrams
13-Feb (Wed) 5.3 5.4 Equilibrium Equations; 2&3 Force Members
15-Feb (Fri) 5.5 Free Body Diagrams in 3D
18-Feb (Mon) 5.6 5.7 3D Equilibrium Equations; (In)Determinacy
20-Feb (Wed)
6 Structural Analysis of
Trusses, Frames & Machines
6.1 6.3 Simple Trusses; Method of Joints
22-Feb (Fri) 6.4 Method of Sections
25-Feb (Mon) 6.1 6.4 Methods of Joints & Sections: More Practice!
27-Feb (Wed) 6.5 Space Trusses (3D)
1-Mar (Fri) 6.6 Frames and Machines
4-Mar (Mon)
7 Internal Shear Forces and
7.1 Internal Forces and Moments
6-Mar (Wed) REVIEW for Midterm Exam
8-Mar (Fri) 7.2 Shear (V) & Moment (M) Equations & Diagrams
MIDTERM EXAM covering Chapters 1 through 6 will be held 7-9 PM on Thursday, March 7 (Tentative)
11-Mar (Mon)
SPRING BREAK No Class - No Recitation - No Office Hours 13-Mar (Wed)
15-Mar (Fri)
18-Mar (Mon)
7 Internal Shear Forces and
Moments (Cont')
7.3 w V M Relations
20-Mar (Wed) 7.1 7.4 V & M Diagrams More Practice!
22-Mar (Fri) 7.4 Cables
25-Mar (Mon)
8 Friction
8.1 8.2 Dry Friction
27-Mar (Wed) 8.3 8.4 Wedges, Screws
29-Mar (Fri) 8.5 8.7 Frictional Forces on Belts and Bearings
1-Apr (Mon) 9.1 C.G. (Center of Gravity); Centroid
3-Apr (Wed)
9 Centroids & Centers of
9.2 Centroids of Composite Bodies
5-Apr (Fri) 9.3 Pappus & Guldinus Thms for Solids of Revolution
8-Apr (Mon) 9.4 General Distributed Load Resultant; Fluid Pressure
10-Apr (Wed)
10 Moments of Inertia
10.1 10.3 Moment of Inertia
12-Apr (Fri) 10.4 Moment of Inertia for Composite Areas
15-Apr (Mon) 10.5 10.6 Product of Inertia, I Transformation
17-Apr (Wed) 10.7 Mohrs Circle for Principal Moments of Inertia
19-Apr (Fri) 10.8 Mass Moments of Inertia
22-Apr (Mon)
11 Virtual Work
11.1 11.3 Work; Virtual Work
24-Apr (Wed) 11.4 11.7 Energy & Equilibrium
26-Apr (Fri)
REVIEW for Final Exam
29-Apr (Mon) REVIEW for Final Exam
FINAL EXAM will be held on... (See HUB)

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