- MRPL reported revenues of ₹15,743.6 crore for Q1FY15, up 3.1% YoY but net profit was ₹-36.1 crore. Revenues were above estimates but earnings were below estimates due to lower than expected GRMs of $0.7/barrel.
- GRMs were lower due to increased fuel and loss from the ongoing commissioning of the Phase III expansion project. GRMs and earnings are expected to remain depressed until the expansion is fully completed.
- The Phase III expansion is nearly complete and aims to increase yields, allow processing of heavier crudes, and produce more value-added products. This is expected to boost GR
- MRPL reported revenues of ₹15,743.6 crore for Q1FY15, up 3.1% YoY but net profit was ₹-36.1 crore. Revenues were above estimates but earnings were below estimates due to lower than expected GRMs of $0.7/barrel.
- GRMs were lower due to increased fuel and loss from the ongoing commissioning of the Phase III expansion project. GRMs and earnings are expected to remain depressed until the expansion is fully completed.
- The Phase III expansion is nearly complete and aims to increase yields, allow processing of heavier crudes, and produce more value-added products. This is expected to boost GR
- MRPL reported revenues of ₹15,743.6 crore for Q1FY15, up 3.1% YoY but net profit was ₹-36.1 crore. Revenues were above estimates but earnings were below estimates due to lower than expected GRMs of $0.7/barrel.
- GRMs were lower due to increased fuel and loss from the ongoing commissioning of the Phase III expansion project. GRMs and earnings are expected to remain depressed until the expansion is fully completed.
- The Phase III expansion is nearly complete and aims to increase yields, allow processing of heavier crudes, and produce more value-added products. This is expected to boost GR
- MRPL reported revenues of ₹15,743.6 crore for Q1FY15, up 3.1% YoY but net profit was ₹-36.1 crore. Revenues were above estimates but earnings were below estimates due to lower than expected GRMs of $0.7/barrel.
- GRMs were lower due to increased fuel and loss from the ongoing commissioning of the Phase III expansion project. GRMs and earnings are expected to remain depressed until the expansion is fully completed.
- The Phase III expansion is nearly complete and aims to increase yields, allow processing of heavier crudes, and produce more value-added products. This is expected to boost GR
Phase III near completion MRPL declared its Q1FY15 results with revenues at | 15743.6 crore (up 3.1% YoY) against our estimate of | 15058.8 crore and PAT came in at | -36.1 crore.
The revenues were marginally above our estimates on account of marginally higher-than-expected volumes of 3.2 MMT against our estimates of 3.1 MMT. EBITDA loss at | 147.5 crore came below our estimate of | 343.2 crore due to lower GRMs of US$ 0.7/bbl against our estimates of US$ 3.6/bbl due to increase fuel and loss on part commissioning of refinery expansion. This subsequently lead to lower PAT of | -36.1 crore.
Lower GRMs a concern, long term story intact MRPL reported GRMs of $ 0.7/bbl in Q1FY15, which is lower than our estimate of $ 3.6/bbl. This was mainly due to increased fuel and loss in scenario of part commissioning of refinery expansion project. This loss may continue for the coming quarters till the phase III expansion completes and stabilise. Historically, MRPL has reported higher and more stable GRMs than the other PSU refineries. FY14/Q1FY15 was a difficult for the company as the weak macro environment and reduced supply of Iranian crude had an adverse impact on the GRMs of MRPL. However, with most issues easing away and most of the secondary units getting commissioned by FY15E, we believe that the GRMs of MRPL will bounce back in the coming years. We have estimated GRMs of US$ 3.1 per barrel & US$ 5.7 per barrel for FY15E & FY16E, respectively.
Phase III project near completion MRPL Phase III is in the final stage of completion and has achieved an overall progress of 99.74% as on July 15, 2014. This refinery expansion & upgradation project at Mangalore includes: - (1) capacity addition of 3 MMTPA and upgradation project (2) polypropylene unit and (3) single point mooring (SPM) facility. During Q1FY15, the company commissioned the delayed coker unit (DCU), that will crack the residual fuel oil into gasoil and petcoke, coker hydro treater unit (removes sulphur impurities from diesel) & two out of three SRU units. The PFCC (converts vacuum gasoil to propylene) & one train of SRU are expected to be commissioned in August 2014 while the physical progress of Polypropylene unit is 96.3% & is expected to be commissioned by October 2014 from earlier expectation of July 2014. Higher complexity on commissioning of Phase III project will lead to an increase in distillate yield from 76.5% to 80.1%, better capability to handle heavier & sourer crude and production of higher margin value-added products. We have changed depreciation for the coming year on change in accounting policy.
Best placed to play refining cycle among PSU peers Overall, MRPL has lower policy leverage and lowest gearing on the balance sheet amongst PSU refineries. However, with the estimate of fuel loss due to commissioning of new projects, the GRMs of the company may continue to be lower in the coming quarters till the expansion is complete. We value the stock at 5.5x FY16E EV/EBITDA multiple to arrive at a target price of | 73.
Whats changed? Target Changed from | 77 to | 73 EPS FY15E Changed from | 3.9 to | 3.2 EPS FY16E Changed from | 6.3 to | 9.0 Rating Changed from Hold to Buy
ICICI Securities Ltd | Retail Equity Research Page 2
Variance analysis Q1FY15 Q1FY15E Q1FY14 YoY (%) Q4FY14 QoQ (%) Comments Total Revenues 15,743.6 15,058.8 15,268.7 3.1 19,706.8 -20.1 Higher than estimated throughput led to higher revenues Raw materials costs 15,682.9 14,555.6 14,939.9 5.0 18,557.4 -15.5 Employees Cost 58.0 60.0 50.2 15.6 57.3 1.3 Other Expenses 150.1 100.0 624.2 -76.0 149.8 0.2 Total Expenditure 15,891.0 14,715.6 15,614.3 1.8 18,764.5 -15.3 EBITDA -147.5 343.2 -345.6 -57.3 942.3 -115.7 EBITDA margins (%) -0.9 2.3 -2.3 133 bps 4.8 -572 bps Lower margins due to lower GRM of $ 0.7/barrel (our estimate $3.6/barrel) Depreciation 94.6 218.1 168.8 -44.0 177.1 -46.6 Lower depriciation due to change in accounting policy EBIT -242.0 125.2 -514.4 -52.9 765.2 -131.6 Interest 53.1 108.2 77.9 -31.8 58.2 -8.8 Other Income 221.1 28.0 26.5 733.0 157.2 40.6 Extra Ordinary Item 0.0 0.0 111.8 NA 0.0 NA PBT -74.1 45.0 -454.0 -83.7 864.2 -108.6 Total Tax -38.0 13.9 0.0 NA -202.8 NA PAT -36.1 31.0 -454.0 -92.0 1,067.0 -103.4 Key Metrics Exchange Rate (US$/|) 59.8 59.8 56.0 6.8 61.8 -3.2 Oil Throughput (mmt) 3.2 3.1 3.3 -2.1 3.8 -16.7 GRM (US$/barrel) 0.7 3.6 2.9 -77.6 3.2 -79.2 GRMs were lower due to increased fuel and loss in scenario of part commissioning of refinery expansion project
Source: Company, ICICIdirect.com Research
Change in estimates (| Crore) Old New % Change Old New % Change Comments Revenue 71,128.6 71,528.7 0.6 75,345.8 75,345.8 0.0 EBITDA 2,294.5 1,222.1 -46.7 3,088.5 3,088.5 0.0 FY15E EBITDA changed due to lower GRM expected on account of part commissioning of refinery expansion project EBITDA Margin (%) 3.2 3.2 7 bps 4.1 4.1 0 bps PAT 677.2 558.9 -17.5 1,112.8 1,580.8 42.0 EPS (|) 3.9 3.2 -17.5 6.3 9.0 42.0 FY15E FY16E
Source: Company, ICICIdirect.com Research
Assumptions FY13 FY14 FY15E FY16E FY15E FY16E Exchange Rate (US$/|) 54.4 60.6 60.2 60.0 60.0 60.0 Oil Throughput (mmt) 14.4 14.6 14.6 15.2 14.5 15.2 GRM (US$/barrel) 2.5 2.7 3.1 5.7 4.6 5.7 Decrease in FY15E GRM due to fuel and loss in scenario of commissioning of expansion projects Comments Current Earlier
Source: Company, ICICIdirect.com Research,
ICICI Securities Ltd | Retail Equity Research Page 3 Company Analysis
Volumes scenario not expected to improve in the near term MRPL Phase III is in the final stage of completion and has achieved an overall progress of 99.74% as on July 15, 2014. This refinery expansion & upgradation project at Mangalore includes: - (1) capacity addition of 3 MMTPA and upgradation project (2) polypropylene unit and (3) single point mooring (SPM) facility. The SPM facility got commissioned in August 2013, which saves the freight cost for the company. During Q1FY15, the company commissioned the delayed coker unit (DCU), Coker hydro treater unit & two out of three SRU units. The PFCC (converts vacuum gasoil to propylene) and one train of SRU are expected to be commissioned in August 2014. The physical progress of the Polypropylene unit is 96.3% and is expected to be commissioned by October 2014 from the earlier date of July 2014. Higher complexity on commissioning of Phase III project will lead to an increase in distillate yield from 76.5% to 80.1%, better capability to handle heavier & sourer crude and production of higher margin value-added products.
Post completion of Phase III project, the refinery will produce higher proportion of light & middle distillates, which trade at a higher premium to crude as compared to heavy distillates. We expect the proportion of light distillates to increase from 21% to 23.6% and the proportion of middle distillates to increase from 55.5% to 56.5%, thus improving the distillate yield from 76.5% to 80.1%. Hence, capacity expansion and upgradation projects will contribute incremental US$1.5/barrel to refining margins.
These units, once commissioned, will produce higher margin yielding products that will contribute US$1.5-2/barrel to refining margins. Additionally, MRPL saves on freight cost due to the single point mooring facility, commissioned in August 2013. The benefits that accrue to MRPL on account of the SPM facility increases the GRMs by ~US$0.5 per barrel however the loss of fuel in part commissioning of new project has got the GRMs down drastically. The loss due to this need to be ascertained for the future quarters as well. We have estimated GRMs of US$ 3.1 per barrel & US$ 5.7 per barrel for FY15E & FY16E, respectively.
Exhibit 1: Major units of Phase III refinery project Units Capacity Crude & Vaccum Distillation Unit (CDU/VDU) 3 MMTPA Petrochemical Fluidised Catalytic Cracking (PFCC) 2.2 MMTPA Delayed Coker Unit (DCU) 3 MMTPA Diesel Hydrotreating Unit (DHDT) 3.7 MMTPA Coker Heavy Gas Oil Hydro Treater Unit (CHT) 0.65 MMTPA Polypropylene unit 0.44 MMTPA Hydrogen Generation Unit (HGU) 70 KTPA 3 Sulphur Recovery Unit (SRU) 185 TPD Captive Power Plant (CPP) 116 MW
Source: Company, ICICIdirect.com Research
ICICI Securities Ltd | Retail Equity Research Page 4 Higher complexity to boost GRMs to US$5.7/barrel in FY16E The commissioning of CDU/VDU units had already increased MRPLs capacity from 11.8 MMTPA to 15 MMTPA. However, the throughput is expected to increase from 14.6 MMTPA in FY14 to 15.2 MMTPA in FY16E post the commissioning of all secondary units. Given the improvement in complexity, better distillate yield and access to cheaper crude oil, we expect MRPLs refining margins to increase from US$2.7/barrel in FY14 to US$3.1/barrel and US$5.7/barrel in FY15E and FY16E, respectively.
ICICI Securities Ltd | Retail Equity Research Page 5 Profitability sensitive to refining margins MRPLs earnings are highly correlated to refining margins. PAT for the current quarter also declined due to lower GRMs on increased fuel and loss in scenario of part commissioning of refinery expansion. This loss may continue for the coming quarters till the phase III expansion completes and stabilise. However, with the commencement of operations of the secondary units under Phase III expansion & up gradation project, we expect the operational efficiencies to improve leading to increase in GRMs. We expect the PAT to increase from | 601.2 crore in FY14 to a profit of | 1580.8 crore in FY16E.
ICICI Securities Ltd | Retail Equity Research Page 6
Outlook & Valuation Overall, MRPL has lower policy leverage and lowest gearing on the balance sheet amongst PSU refineries with the commencement of operations at all secondary processing units, operational efficiencies will kick in that will boost refining margins to US$ 3.1/barrel and US$5.7/barrel in FY15E and FY16E, respectively. We expect the company to report net profit of | 558.9 crore and | 1580.8 crore in FY15E and FY16E, respectively, against | 601.2 crore in FY14. The stock is trading at 1.2x FY16E book value against a historical six year average of 1.7x. On an EV/EBITDA basis, it is trading at 4.8x FY16E EBITDA. We value the stock at 5.5x FY16E EV/EBITDA multiple to arrive at a target price of | 73.
Exhibit 5: EV/EBITDA 0 5 10 15 20 25 M a r - 0 7 S e p - 0 7 M a r - 0 8 S e p - 0 8 M a r - 0 9 S e p - 0 9 M a r - 1 0 S e p - 1 0 M a r - 1 1 S e p - 1 1 M a r - 1 2 S e p - 1 2 M a r - 1 3 S e p - 1 3 M a r - 1 4 E V / E B I T D A
( x ) EV/EBITDA Average
Source: ICICIdirect.com Research
ICICI Securities Ltd | Retail Equity Research Page 7 Company snapshot Target Price: 73 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 J a n - 0 8 A p r - 0 8 J u l - 0 8 O c t - 0 8 J a n - 0 9 A p r - 0 9 J u l - 0 9 O c t - 0 9 J a n - 1 0 A p r - 1 0 J u l - 1 0 O c t - 1 0 J a n - 1 1 A p r - 1 1 J u l - 1 1 O c t - 1 1 J a n - 1 2 A p r - 1 2 J u l - 1 2 O c t - 1 2 J a n - 1 3 A p r - 1 3 J u l - 1 3 O c t - 1 3 J a n - 1 4 A p r - 1 4 J u l - 1 4 O c t - 1 4 J a n - 1 5 A p r - 1 5 J u l - 1 5
Source: Bloomberg, Company, ICICIdirect.com Research
Key events Date Event May-08 MRPL announces a dividend of 12% after PAT increase from | 525.5 crore to | 1272.23 crore in FY07-08 Dec-09 Plans to raise | 4000 crore forex loan Dec-09 Borrows | 10000 crore from parent company to boost capacity by 51% and build a petrochemical plant Jan-11 Iran supply concerns lead to uncertainty as MRPL gets majority of its supply from Iran Dec-11 Plans to raise US$500 million loan for expansion of Phase 3 refinery Mar-12 Closes US$250 million expansion loan to expand its capacity at its Mangalore refinery Apr-12 Shuts its 300,000 barrels per day plant due to water shortage and defers its shipments May-13 Posts loss of | 757 crore in FY13 mainly on account of high interest payments and exchange losses Dec-13 Halts fuel export after March as insurance companies say refineries processing oil will no longer be covered due to sanctions from Western nations Apr-14 Plans US$1.4 billion expansion at its facility in western India as its margins rise to meet growing fuel demand
Source: Company, ICICIdirect.com Research
Top 10 Shareholders Shareholding Pattern Rank Name Latest Filing Date % O/S Position (m) Change (m) 1 Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd 30-Jun-14 71.63 1,255.4 0.0 2 Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd 30-Jun-14 16.96 297.2 0.0 3 Life Insurance Corporation of India 30-Jun-14 1.47 25.7 0.0 4 IDFC Asset Management Company Private Limited 30-Jun-14 0.44 7.6 2.8 5 The Vanguard Group, Inc. 30-Jun-14 0.29 5.2 0.1 6 Dimensional Fund Advisors, L.P. 30-Jun-14 0.14 2.5 0.0 7 DSP BlackRock Investment Managers Pvt. Ltd. 30-Jun-14 0.02 0.3 -0.2 8 Baroda Pioneer Asset Management Company Limited 30-Jun-14 0.02 0.3 -0.1 9 Franklin Templeton Asset Management (India) Pvt. Ltd. 31-May-13 0.02 0.3 -1.0 10 Legal & General Investment Management Ltd. 31-May-14 0.00 0.0 0.0 (in %) Jun-13 Sep-13 Dec-13 Mar-14 Jun-14 Promoter 88.6 88.6 88.6 88.6 88.6 FII 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 DII 2.6 2.8 2.9 3.1 3.1 Others 8.2 8.2 8.0 7.9 7.8 Source: Reuters, ICICIdirect.com Research
Recent Activity Investor name Value Shares Investor name Value Shares IDFC Asset Management Company Private Limited 3.38m 2.82m Mellon Capital Management Corporation -0.89m -1.31m Franklin Templeton Asset Management (India) Pvt. Ltd. -0.88m -0.96m ICICI Prudential Asset Management Co. Ltd. -0.84m -0.85m Principal PNB Asset Management Company Ltd. -0.73m -0.80m Birla Sun Life Asset Management Company Ltd. -0.33m -0.30m Buys Sells
Source: Reuters, ICICIdirect.com Research
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ICICI Securities Ltd | Retail Equity Research Page 10
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List of Key Financial Ratios: Formulas and Calculation Examples Defined for Different Types of Profitability Ratios and the Other Most Important Financial Ratios
List of Key Financial Ratios: Formulas and Calculation Examples Defined for Different Types of Profitability Ratios and the Other Most Important Financial Ratios